Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte 05/31/22 #67: Andrea's Home Invasion Of The Bootie Snatchers

We again watch as Adrian so artfully rips to shreds the divorce papers Natalia came with for him to sign.  He says, "--Not now or ever will I divorce you as I only love you."  And, Vicente, at the same time is telling off Mario.  He says he'd prefer to lose his clients rather than lose his dignity.  (Ok.  We know where this is leading and it forebodes bad times ahead....)

Nata warns Adi through gritted teeth that with or without his agreement, this divorce will happen.  (Ex-queezy me, but...) she has plenty of evidence of infidelity with him running away with Veronica, including Mario's seeing the two of them embracing as well as that smoking hot smooch while waiting in line to board the plane the night of his anniversary.   When Nata reminds him of this he attacks her and practically tries forcing her to kiss and embrace him right then and there at the restaurant, but Nata fights back.  It's only her pride keeping her at a distance; he can feel her trembling in his arms; therefore it's obvious she still loves him.  She slaps him hard and breaks away.  The only thing he provokes in her now is disgust, she replies and races off.

Andrea, meanwhile, gets a boatload of crazy speech and tears from her Tia Constanza.  The woman is depressed and babbling at her in her room at the boarding house that they had an agreement.  Couldn't she still be at least a godparent?  She'll give her back all the goodies from before, even.  Andi says no.  She's acting creepy and frightening her.  If Andi was ready to give up the baby before or get an abortion it was because of what she and los Hadad made her believe.  Conz says she'll accept her part in that but not whatever Hadad did.  She screams for forgiveness....Andi gives in somewhat to Conz to allow her to spoil the kid, just to get her out of there.

Back at the beauty shop, Chole and Kimberly discuss Chole's upcoming OB-Gyn appointment.  

Nata arrives back at Chente's only to find that Samia is waiting in the living room there to plan the wedding of the year with Nata, something worthy of los Hadad.  And, first, they must find a dress that hides Andi's big belly.  It would be in very bad taste otherwise. 

Conz runs into Chole downstairs and fails at being polite.  "--I'm seeing my niece.  I should thank you for taking a load off my shoulders (aka Gustavo).  But when Chole drops the adoption fliers, Connie's attitude turns nasty.  "--You're thinking of adoption?" Why yes, they plan to start a family.  Connie wipes a tear from her eye and says perhaps they eventually can stop treating each other as the enemy and then leaves. 

Chente returns to his parts shop and informs Omar that Mario and Adrian have started a new parts distributorship with giveaway pricing.  Omi reminds him he mentioned not raising prices.  Chente has his back up and says he will weather the storm, no matter what.    He refuses to allow Adrian and Mario to snatch away what it took a lifetime to build.  (Good luck with that, guy.)

Meanwhile, across the street, Olga stops in front of Tavo's garage and plans more mischief.  Seems La Vulga has her own method of keeping Simba in line.  She makes certain that Chente is there and present as she taunts Simba.  He of course immediately wants his next payoff.  She grabs his arm and forces it down in back of her, then screams for Chente to stop Simba.  Chente comes running to her aid.  Simba was coming on to her and scaring the heck out of her; she whines.  All she wants is to have her life back, without fear of that night again.  Chente warns Simba off.  He has a chance to tell them all the truth about her lying, but he doesn't.  He acts innocent of all her complaints but agrees not to come near L Vulga again....Chente, falls for it all and Viewerville makes another communal trip to the china bowl.

Samia runs the show, as usual, and tramples all over the surprised Nata.  But of course, Nata should make up the menu, chef that she is.  And, BTW, Adrian is covering all the expenses, so not to worry.  Of course, whatever Chuchu and Andi want is fine.  They will just improve on it with wads of cash.

At Conz's casota, Claudio has arrived with suitcase in hand.  His place is with Teresa and since she's staying there with Connie, he will join her.  Tere is speechless.  

Back in the barrio,  Chente brings Vulga home.  He suggests it's time for her to see a specialist and, yes, to look for another place to live.  She's got to learn to be on her own again.  Where would she go?  She has no job since Chole chucked her out.  (Good point.)  Suddenly Vulga says she knows that the fonda still needs a waitress.  She can work for him!!  (Don't think that's what he had in mind.  However, she whines and wheedles till he says ok, but only as a tryout. 

That night, Simba gets an unexpected visitor.  Adi rushes into Simba's room and points a gun at his face.  Simba's piece of pizza sags towards the floor.  (Viewerville takes bets on whether it will drop and slop all over the floor before the scene ends.)  Adi warns Simba never to try blackmailing Olga again.  Simba agrees, wholeheartedly!  

Chente informs Nata that he's hired Vulga to be their new waitress.  Nata doesn't like the idea The girl won't accept directions, especially from Nata.  She is certain that something bad is bound to happen because of it.  And this news is just the cherry on top of a horrid day.  They both have had a hell of a day today.  Chente discusses his news about Mario and Adi's competition, and Nata tells hers about Adrian's tearing up the divorce papers.  The two of them pledge their love for each other.  Nobody can force them apart or bankrupt them:  their wealth is the love they have for each other.   

Once Simba agrees to leave Vulga alone, Adi says he wants Simba to work for him and he'll give him a great salary.  Doing what?  Well, he wants this barrio to become the most dangerous in the city.  To begin with, he will rob Chente's auto parts store!  All right by Simba!

Fernanda gets the truth out of Mario while they set the dinner table for Juanga and Valentina's arrival. He's joined up with Elias and Adrian for the sake of revenge.  Adrian should never have gotten out of jail, and Elias' kicking Nata and her family out of their home was dastardly.  They both need to suffer the consequences of their actions!  Yes, he knows that right now people will think the worst of him.  He won't tell Nata or anyone else about this plan of his.  Fer kisses him for being such a decent kind o' guy.

And, before bed, Nata discusses with Chente her disappointment with Mario.  It's as if he never learned his lesson not to do business with Adrian.  She feels like talking to Adi about this move.  Chente warns her not to do that since that's exactly what Adrian's hoping she will do.  Then he'll have power over her once again.  

Juang and Tina arrive for dinner at Fernanda's.  They are 180-degrees opposites of sophisticated dinner guests.  But Mario sees nothing but green all evening...Mario has to grin and bear all. And, Fer is very aware of this and later accuses him of being jealous of Tina.  FF>>FF>>.

Andrea tells Omi about Tia Connie's strange visit and actions.  She doesn't like the idea of her getting anywhere near the kid.  

Chole hides her pregnancy again from Tavo. (Wait!  Are those real oxfords he's got on with his p.j.'s or just slippers?  Inquiring minds really want to know!)  Adoption is still the keyword in their family discussions; she mentions running into Connie and how sorrowful it is to see that she never had children.  Bad mojo here.

Andi suggests to Omi that she can earn some extra cash by helping run the cash register (I guess) for her mom in the fonda.  (But can she count money?  Who knows.)

Regi and Jose Jose exchange their first kiss to symbolize their falling in luhhhhhv with each other.  FF>>FF>>

La Vulga arrives late at Adrian's for a little something between the sheets.  But first, Adi must explain that he has a plan to rob Chente and convince Nata and his daughters that the barrio is to scary a place to continue living.  Well, as long as nothing actually happens physically to Chente, she's down with that...and down with Adrian...kafloom!

Mario accuses Fer of being jealous of him.  She refuses to kiss Mario good night.FF>>FF>>

The next morning Regi and J2p2 begin their first day at the new prep school.  At the same time, work begins in Chente's kitchen for the opening of business that day.  But, where is Olga?  She needs to understand that when the workday begins she must be there, and no excuses!  Chente goes upstairs and confirms what Magos reports:  Vulga never returned home, and her still untouched bed is proof of that.  

Yup, Vulga, and Adi are sleeping in.  FF>>FF>>

Regina introduces her new friend, Lorenzo, to J2P2. (Ok.  The actor is cute, but the Little Lord Fauntleroy look is really overdoing it here.) He is upset not only at Lorenzo's insulting attitude but the fact that Regi didn't introduce him to Hair Boy as her boyfriend.  Regi gets snitty about it.

While they wait on Vulga to show up, Juanga apologizes to Nata for his rotten attitude towards her in the beginning, and he thanks her for allowing him to cook in the restaurant.  She tells him he was made to cook.  Chente leaves to check on the shop.  FF>>FF>> 

Meantime, Andi stops in at Papi Adi's manse for something.  She calls for him numerous times.  However, the door to his bedroom is closed and he and La Vulga have begun to warm up those sheets again.  Andi goes up the stairs to look for him and hears the female voice of the "guest" he is entertaining... Could it possibly be Mama?  No...then who?  She opens the (once again unlocked) door to his bedroom (without invitation/permission) and is horrified by what she sees.  (We are horrified by what she apparently doesn't see.)  "--Papa!!)


Jardinera, as always, wonderful fun. Just great!

“Chente, falls for it all and Viewerville makes another communal trip to the china bowl” had me laughing out loud.

Connie was truly frightening last night. To be fair, the rooming house is all too accessible and Andrea should insist they move. It’s obvious there isn’t even a lock on the door. Also, why did Conz seem to back down a bit at the adoption brochure? Did thoughts of abduction dance in her head? She is starting to be the scariest of them all.

“Nobody can force them apart or bankrupt them: their wealth is the love they have for each other”. It’s official. Chente is now, deaf, dumb and blind.

The power wielded by the Mordor alliance (primarily but not limited to Adrian, Olga, Elias) is growing to frightening proportions. Smart idea to recruit functioning brain cell challenged orc Simba to do all the dirty work.

Fer is a smart woman and since Mario seems to be dumbstruck by his (too old to) schoolboy crush on Vale, she needs to break it up now. I like Vale very much but she is too good for and too young for Mario.

Loved “ Lord Fauntleroy” but “Hair Boy” was even better.

“(We are horrified by what she apparently doesn't see.) “ I was shocked Andrea didn’t march across the room and rip the covers off! Alas, we are not too close to the end for that to happen. Rats.

Jardinera, thank you, thank you!


I forgot to say the title was perfect!!!!


Jardinera, great recap and a great title. Thanks. I also agree with Diana that "Hair Boy" was even better than your original spot-on "Lord Flaunteroy"

Diana, loved Simba eh "orc."

My "areas of concern"

1. Natalia allowed herself to be manhandled by Adrián one more time. She should have kneed him or slugged him the moment he touched her. She could not have been surprised by his reaction. Duh!

2. Fernanda needs to kick Mario to the curb and let him slobber all over Vale on somebody else's dime and time.

3. Andrea needs to get a lock for her door and warn everyone including Chole, Tavo, her mother and grandmother about her crazy aunt.

4. Yes, Diana, Chente is "deaf, dumb and blind." Olga has him wrapped around her little finger. Seeing him running to her aid was vomitable.

5. 2XJosé needs to cool it with his jealousy. He needs the advice of an older male like Tavo cetainly not JuanGa or Chente.

Call me shallow, but I am hoping that I get to cover Andrea getting an eyeful of her daddy between the sheets with Olga tonight. Doesn't take much to make me happy these days. ; )


Jarifa, "Call me shallow, but I am hoping that I get to cover Andrea getting an eyeful of her daddy between the sheets with Olga tonight".

Shallow?? Far from it amiga. Seeing Olga "in the flesh" in Adrian's bed might be the one thing to get Andrea to stop idolizing her father. That, and her burning corneas.

I agree with all your points. 2XJose really showed his jealousy and I fear it's going to push Regi right into "Hair Boy's" arms, at least temporarily.

So much happened last night. Adrian is getting more dangerous every time Natalia rebuffs him. She needs security.

At least Olga was too tied up to threaten Benja last night. Wonder what lie she'll concoct to explain her absence...


Thanks Jardinera, this was an excellent and fun to read recap!

I see I misjudged Chente. I thought he was as dumb as a box of rocks. He's nowhere near that smart, and Olga knows it. Natalia must also know it by now.

OK, Natalia took off her watch and placed it on a counter. I think we were meant to see that. Uf! Now what? Or am I just becoming paranoid?

Diana, you made me laugh with the "Mordor alliance" and the Orcs, and I'm not even a fan of fantasy.

I kinda feel bad for Constanza. She is definitely BSC, and she certainly could use a little love. But she's unlikely to get it from Andrea and she keeps rejecting her mother's effort. This is a big problem with being BSC, not wanting any help.

Adrián is despicable, and if Judy were here with us I know she would flail him for his "smash mouth kissing". Definitely despicable, but it is my "duty" to point out that he and Olga are not minors, and Natalia and Box_of_Rocks have been canoodling on a regular basis. Goose, meet gander.

In any event, and with whatever excuse, I can't condemn Adrián for wanting to "know" Olguita. AND I note that she seems quite happy and smiley when she talks with him, in person or on the phone. That I find interesting.

"Hair Boy" has me checking my prejudices. Nothing wrong with long hair for men, just ask Susanlynn, but this kid looks like he wants hormone therapy prior to transitioning. If you want long hair and still like girls, find another look.

Before I forget, "Jarifa, you are shallow!"   :-)


Gracias, Andy! In my best Seinfeldesque: Some people view “shallow” as if there is something wrong with it!

Jardinera, thanks for another outstanding account of our story as it fumbles and tumbles along . this another galanless telenovela? Chente is, indeed, lacking to put it mildly . Darling Nat should be able to do so much better . I like young , promising 2x Jose , but he has to take off that cap. Isn't he hot ? ( Also , Reg needs to take those barrettes out of her hair . They are starting to bother me as much as the lies, threats,greed, murders....sorry ....#shallow2 )

I am slowly trying to get back on track after spending 6 weeks with our older daughter's family and no Spanish tv channels .( I had been watching one novela on Uni, one on Unimas, and one on telemund0 before I left home .) I was grateful for all the excellent recaps .I am now trying to keep up with " embajador" on Unimas and just started " Amor Valiente" on Telemundo . I hope I will ab!e to watch another tn with you guys .

Andy, thanks for the giggles . I am a big fan of long hair on guys even though Hub was an athlete and in the Navy and never ever had long hair...Buzz cuts and slightly longer was it for him .You don't want to give your opponent a ponytail to pull when you are wrestling . However, our older daughter had a beau in college with black hair down to his shoulders. When her friends asked her what I would say, she said, " My mom will love it " I did.. plus he was a nice guy. My motber, not so much . Hub was tolerant and easygoing about all our girls' beaus. I was a big fan of longhaired tv guys ....Sully on Dr. Quinn , Adrian Paul on Highlander tv series , Fernando Colunga on Amor Real. Now, I am amazed at the luxurious hair on the guys in the Turkish dizis.Wow , those guys have amazing , thick locks but are muy macho . ..lots of headbutting\pushing\punchung\swordplay in those dizis.
However , Hair Boy is a whole different thing because he looks like Doris Day or Donna Reed to me ...or a Breck girl if you remember those...kind of fragile looking with a perfect page boy. To each his own, but I would not think he would attract girls with his look it that is his goal. Did he seem to have his eye on Reg's many, many barrettes? And he needs to lose the scarf . Longhaired lads big and strapping on a horse wielding a sword or maybe an axe. that's the ticket .Maybe it's the juxtaposition of might and vulnerability.

OT...Jardinera, I have been bouncing around the different Kurulus Osman about hair ...short , long , ponytails , braids . ..a smorgasbord of hairstyles.


Thanks, Jardinera, I enjoyed the recap. I wonder if Andrea will see Olga. I bet she doesn’t. Too soon in the series. Daddy will probably talk about a man’s needs and Andrea will forgive him. But she heard Olga laugh, I think that laugh will be what catches her in a few weeks!

Connie was scary! I worry about all future babies in the neighborhood!


Susanlynn, glad to her you are back home with all the channels you need. : )

Great work, Jardinera.

Somebody had to catch Adrian. but all he has to do is run his mouth and she will back off.

Love the Little Lord Fauntleroy reference. This kid is going to be trouble.

We're at the point where the evil ones will make their last stand. Usually this is horrible and I have to start wondering who will die as a result.

Jardinera: Enjoyed the recap of last night's episode. I busted out laughing at the title of your recap "Invasion of the Bootie Snatchers".

Steve Boudreaux

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