Saturday, June 04, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #70, 6/3/22: Deadly Tricks and Business Risks

[Our best to you, JudyB!   A speedy recovery and return to the patio!]

Claudio's big lie continues...he arrives back to tell Teresa that he was appointed after all.  She's thrilled.  But Constanza isn't fooled one bit and lets the old drunk know what she thinks of him, cuz truth be told, she's hated him ever since he married her mother!

Regina still won't give Jose Jose "el si'" to be her boyfriend again...FF>>

Vicente comes over t Gustavo's garage to borrow his car.  Mario's there and Chente stops to thank him for having invited the food critic to their opening.  Mario offers Chente parts on a pay as you can proposition without Adrian's knowing anything about it to help out but Chente refuses.

Adrian calls Nata to plan a party for Regina's upcoming birthday and to get his lawyer to help reopen her restaurant for her--all while La Vulga de Olga is trying to seduce him.  (And it's back to the china bowl at the next commercial!)

At the same time, the food critic Chef arrives at Nata's door.  He's brought somebody with him.  It's one of the largest entrepreneurs in all of Mexico.  After she thanks him for the wonderful review on the radio, he introduces her to the businessman who wishes to make her an offer to market her tortillas?

Clod admits he was denied anything and asks Connie to help him with her financial influence to get him some sort of governmental post.  She agrees but he's got to first agree to help her take Andrea's baby since it's really her baby, after all!

Back at Adi's, La Vulga complains to Adrian that none of their plans has m anaged to separate Chente and Nata.  He proposes a surefire scheme to make Chente jealous so he'll fall into another woman's clutches.  Olga doesn't like that and wants to be the lucky lady of the rebound.

Chente and Omar go to the city clerk's office and pay their fines but the crooked official informs them they must still wait 4 months till the restaurant can open again.  They head back home and the official reports back to Adi.  Adi says he wants Nata so distraught that she's on her knees begging him to help her get the restaurant reopened.

Regi and Jose Jose make up.  They're going steady again.  FF>>

Gustavo and Chole offer to plan a quinceanera for Regi's 15th birthday and she agrees.  JJ will be her chamberlin.

Adi hands Vulga a bottle of the same drug Elias had given to Omi at the bachelor party.  A few drops and Chente will be at her feet doing whatever she wants.

With the other chef's guidance, Nata makes a deal to create 150 menu's in two days' time.  (I am not sure that's what it means, but that's literally what I heard.)  Chente returns home with the bad news about the restaurant and she gives him the good news about the agreement to make food for the entrepreneur.  The whole group of family and friends will help her prepare it all.  The neighborhood is asked to loan the ingredients against the money she'll bring in eventually for this deal and they agree.  They'll divide up into two groups. They begin the preparations.

That night, Simba reports back to Adi all the assaults and robberies he and his posse have been carrying out in the neighborhood.  Adi hands him a gun and tells him what he wants to be done with it.  

The next day, Andrea, Omi, Magos, J2, and Tere are chatting about the upcoming quinceanera that Chole and Tavo are planning.  Andi, who is actually grating onions/cheese? (Quick--somebody! Take a picture for posterity!) is opposed to something so old-fashioned and low class.  Magos corrects her and says they'll have it because it is a grand tradition.  

In Chole's kitchen, Vulga drags in and she and Chole get sick at the smell of the sausage Juanga's using.  Kimberly smells it and says it's just fine, and that Chole's pregnancy is making her feel ill.  Just then Tavo enters the room and gets angry at the news.  He storms out of the kitchen.  Nobody understands why since they've been talking about adoption just about forever.  

Meanwhile, on their way back from the market, Chente and Nata are assaulted at gunpoint.  Suddenly and out of nowhere we must note, there is Adi making like he's mighty mouse come to save the day just as Chente is knocked cold by one of the gangbangers with a bat.  The guy with the gun shoots Adi in the shoulder and Adi passes out on the ground.  Nata is beside herself.  She races over to Adrian's side and then to Chente's and back to Adi's.  "--Don't die, Adrian!!" (From a shoulder wound???)

Back at Chole's, Kimberly suggests Vulga must be preggers also if she's nauseous and tired in the mornings.  She did get nauseated at the smell of that sausage earlier.  Vulga says it would mean it was the rapist's parting gift.  Kimberly says, "Yeah, he would have left you a souvenir."  

At the garage, Tavo screams and yells at Tina for allowing the clutter on the floor.  If it is Simba's, then he's fired.  Mario walks in and sees his friend all up in arms.  They head up to his office for a chat.  Tavo says he learned that Chole's pregnant but since he took a sterility test years ago and was told he was sterile, it must mean Chole's been with another man and that man is without a doubt Juanga!!!  He breaks down and cries.  Mario insists that doctors do make mistakes.  (Viewerville screams back at the screen that bribes seem to go a long way in Mexico...)

Chente tells Nata that he will go with Adi to the hospital so she can finish her menus.  She agrees.  They also agree not to inform the girls about this until after that's been finished and they know how Adrian's getting along.

At school, Hair Boy tells Regi that a quinceanera is really OUT.  Not cool.  She doesn't care because her uncle wants to do it for her and she likes the idea.  She tells him she and JJ are back together again and he'll be her chamberlin.  She asks him to be one also.  He says okay and she then asks him to try to be J2P2's friend since he is all alone there.  For Regi's sake he says he will do it.

Mario complains a bit later to Tina about Juanga's playboy attitude.  He doesn't want Tina hurt.  She says she doesn't care about Juanga.  She's really in love with Mario and Mario is acting jealous.  She insists Mario's in love with her also.  He gives in and the two begin to kiss.   


Jardinera, the title was stellar. Fabulous recap.

My corneas are burning from the sight of Claudio actually kissing Connie's feet. OK well, to be fair, it was more like her ankles but nevertheless, his getting on the ground to do so was cringeworthy.

"it must mean Chole's been with another man and that man is without a doubt Juanga!!!" So, Chloe blurts out the news to others before sitting down and talking with Tavo? I'm shaking my head as she sadly needs to bear the brunt of this as Tavo told her his (wrong) reality of not being able to have a child. Yet another mess.

Are we sure the food critic/chef is on the up and up?? Sadly, with all the double crossing, I'm finding it difficult to trust anyone.

I wonder what Simba is going to do with that gun? Adrian is really getting desperate allowing himself to be shot. But nothing is moving Natalia's love meter needle. I fear it's going to be Olga who will manage somehow to break Nat and Chente up. I hope not, I really thought their bond was unbreakable.

Regi wants Hair Boy to be friends with JP2's friend? Sure, that's great.

Perhaps Vale's world moved when she kissed Mario. I felt very uncomfortable.

Judy, sun is out today with a slight breeze and the perfect room temperature. Hope your day is a good one dear friend!

Jardinera, this was great. Thank you, thank you!


Thank you, Jardinera, for the excellent recap.

I so enjoyed: "Andi, who is actually grating onions/cheese? (Quick--somebody! Take a picture for posterity!)" as well as your other commentary. We should be so lucky that Adrián would die from a shoulder wound!

You got the 150 menus right because it seems that they wanted Natalia to make 150 servings of each of the courses on her opening night menu. What an an awkward way to put it but maybe not if you are in the restaurant/catering business.

It was hard to suspend belief in this episode when:

1. Tere suddenly believed Claudio (to some degree) that he was finally getting his diplomatic post to Germany of all places.

2. Simba (?) shot Adrián conveniently in the shoulder when we all know that even a trained marksman would have a hard time doing that given the situation.

3. Chole STILL hadn't told Tavo she was pregnant and he had to find out with everyone else in the hood.

4. Olga might have been stupid enough to have gotten herself pregnant with somebody along the line. Time for a test.

Claudio kissed Connie's feet??? Yuk!!! He needs some residential alcohol rehab.

I was surprised about how much quinceañeras are evidently out of style with the upper classes in Mexico. I was disappointed that Regina invited Lorenzo to be part of her honor court. Quinceañeras are still popular in my neck of the woods here in Chicagoland.

Olga with knockout drops and possibly pregnant. I do not like where this could be going. I will shut up now!


"In Chole's kitchen, Vulga drags in and she and Chole get sick at the smell of the sausage Juanga's using".

I admit this flew right by me. I had always assumed Olga had taken steps to ensure she would not/never get pregnant. Reading your comment Jarifa, I now see I didn't interpret this correctly. Thank you.

So Simba or Adrian are likely the father? OMG. Talk about a tangled web.


Diana, the kiss between Mario and Vale was basically meh. I have always wondered what it is about an older man and a young woman that so many find appealing. “My corneas are burning” was perfection! ; )

Many thanks, Jardinera, for your excellent recap. You sure got a tough, but interesting, one to do.

Interesting and crazy and kinky. Anybody know how to say "jumped the shark" in Spanish?

Claudio on his knees before Constanza and then kissing her feet, and Constanza looking so severe... are we sure this telenovela is rated PG?
Although, you know: Not that there is anything wrong with that...   :-)

Jarifa, "Chole STILL hadn't told Tavo she was pregnant and he had to find out with everyone else in the hood." Chole's good-looking but not too bright; Tavo doesn't have much going for him at all.

Quinceañeras are still popular here in New York, although I couldn't say if they are less popular than they used to be.

That Good guy/Bad guy/So-so guy Mario is considered hot stuff by Fernanda and, especially, by Valentina, just makes me pause and say "Wait, what?"

Anyway, go with Valentina, Mario. Fernanda is a wonderful person, a regular Dorothy Day who just happens to like fine dining, a true Mistress of the Universe (Hospital Division), etc., etc., but Vale wants you, no doubts whatsoever. And she can look after you when you're old and decrepit in a year or two.

I'm sure that Simba could shoot a cigarette out of someone's mouth with that handgun. Also, I thought the bullets looked a bit odd.

And if there isn't something "special" about those bullets then we can add Adrián to the long list of people who are totally bonkers in this novela.

Oh, silly me, I have not been wearing my beanie and chanting the mantra, "It's just a story, just a story..."

Oh, JudyB, we need you here to remind us that "It's just a story".


Jardinera, thank you for chambelán (chamberlain). This just went by me without registering. I went to the Closed Captions to see it and then looked up chambelán. Then did a search on it, and got more information than I really wanted.

Quinceañeras are really complicated! (And can be expensive!)



Jarifa, thank you for her another top-notch recap of our story as it tosses and turns to the end. I read it on my actual patio while enjoying a perfect weather day...sunny, clear, warm, breezy , no humidity.

Andy, I alwAys appreciate your view of these shows. The crazier they are, the more fun we have . ( Remember " Delsamada" with the little galan who wife pleather short sleevesleeve shirts who knocked the leading lady off her horse and punched her at first sight ( meet cute ???) and his bully dad who wore a huge York pendant and huffed and puffed and the hunky ranchhand making hay while the sun shined????) Anywho, I am here for the party.

Now , back to my coffee ice cream and reading Dondi 's recap of "La Hi ja" to review who got headbutted by the handsome , swaggering galan.

OT...Judy Judy Judy. ....Hola, my amiga . I hope you will be back with us here on the patio soon. I will save some ice cream for you .

Susanlynn, Jardinera gets the credit for this recap. : )

I had to look up chambelán as well. From what I read, I could either be an escort for the girl or someone in the "court of honor". As Regi asked Hair Boy to also be one, I guess it can be either/or.

"That Good guy/Bad guy/So-so guy Mario is considered hot stuff by Fernanda and, especially, by Valentina, just makes me pause and say "Wait, what?" I laughed when I read this Andy. If Mario was a good guy, I might see it but the way you described wishy-washy Mario at this point in time was perfect.

Susanlynn, I was just thinking of Jose Ron the other day. For some time, it seemed as though he was starring in every new novela, but has been quiet as of late.


Whoopsee...apologies to mi amiga Jardinera.Thank for another fabulous recap of all the crazy.

Question ...Is " Mujere de Nadie" going to be on Univision ?

Susanlynn, in answer to your question - yes. The promo said muy pronto so not sure if it will air after Rey or when Fortuna ends.


Hi all patio peeps and JudyB. Susanlynn, you are forgiven! Je-je! Andy, Jarifa and Diana - I forgot to mention that Simba told Adrian he'd been taught to shoot guns from an early age. Guess that's the reason he didn't miss and allow for Adrian's head to explode like a watermelon. As for Vulga's being preggers, I do hope it is Simba's and she suffers the worst kind of morning sickness every day of her 9 months... I see her giving it up in any event if not actually asking Ad to pay for an abortion by claiming it's his instead. On the other hand, there's Connie's next baby-buying option!!


Great work, Jardinera.

Does anyone remember how long ago Vulga claimed to have been raped? One of the most frustrating things about novelas in general is that they usually give no real sense of the passage of time.

If she is pregnant I hope it's Simba's because he is more physically repulsive than Adrian could ever be. Since he is a Sleazebag villain, I see Adrian eliminating him when he has outlived his usefulness.

I am also unsure of the food critic. He was present for the closure so why was he promoting the place? And on what stated grounds did that bribed official close it?

I don't see Constanza buying Vulga's baby no matter who sired it.

As for Regina's quince....

I read somewhere that this originally was like a debutante thing, declaring the girl ready for marriage and breeding. A lot of girls today don't want to marry and get knocked up that soon but see it as having sex because 15 is the age of consent in Mexico.

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