Saturday, June 11, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #75 - 06/10/22: Regina Is Queen For A Day

 [Parte 1~~ ***NOTICE: 2 hrs. of episodios this Monday night!!*** --Ed.]

Natalia tells Adrian it's time for her and Regina to move out and move on.  (Her boots were also made for walkin'....)  She's been there the past two weeks as a debt to him for risking his life to save her from the thieves.  He accuses her of reacting negatively to Veronica's unexpected visit.  Nopers!  She could care less--but isn't it curious that she's running around free as a lark when she's supposedly the mastermind behind all  the company fraud??? (Viewerville was so entirely awestruck it hadn't had a moment to question such.)  This is very astute on Nata's part and Adrian has to do a bit of a moonwalkin' two-step to come up with a (not-so-suitable) answer.  There is no proof so it's her word against his.  Period. (Who's bribed what judge would be my next question, but we are dealing with a pair of supposedly college-educated celluloid numbnuts so why bother?)   Nata insists numerous mysteries are abounding that he's preventing from coming to light.  

Adi swears there aren't and that he feels nothing but contempt for the treacherous viper.  Nata could care less if he's still got a thing for Vero and far be it from her to intervene! The only man she's completely in love with is Vicente so just please leave her and hers alone already!!  Nata doesn't know when it happened. but she fell out of love with Adi; and now she will love Chente for the rest of her days, despite their having separated.  Adrian is mad that Chente cheated on her after only 2 months and yet she could throw away 20 years together with him.  (Must have not been very good ones.  Otherwise, why aren't there a passle o' kids instead of two?   Hmmmmm?))  Nata insists she's leaving and he cannot stop her; she could have left a nippy snippy note in that bouquet of roses as he did, but she prefers confronting people face to face.

In the meanwhile, Vero returns home and has a spat with the old housekeeper, Juana, who advises Vero to stop smarting off at her just because it's been a bad day.  Vero, she advises, needs to learn that you don't always get what you want.  Vero hasn't learned this life lesson and doesn't appreciate Juana's attempt at being a life coach.   Childish temper tantrums being her stock in trade,  Vero warns her off bringing up (er, digging up?) her past.  Juana warns Vero to treat her with more respect cuz she knows --and keeps--her deepest darkest secrets, aka, she knows where all the...ahem...bodies are buried, so to speak.....  Vero stomps off.

Back at Prep School Central, it's quite obvious now that Hair Boy has a thing for the supposedly naive Regina and Jose Jose can only see green.   Jojo tries to speak with her once Lorenzo of the Golden Locks takes his precious leave of her, and she wants no part of Jojo.  She tells him in no uncertain terms he blew it at her sister's party.  She refuses his apology and goes off to class in a miss Muffet huff.

On the other side of town, Chole has gone with Olga to the ob-gyn.  He congratulates her on being the latest expectant mother.  She is two weeks preggers.  (Ok.  Now we know who the baby daddy is and it ain't El Smirking and Smelly de Simba.)  FF>>FF>>

Back at Kitchen Central de Chente, Juanga and Nata discuss business and new menus as well as now earning enough to pay for the last of the improvements the Health Inspector demanded.  Andrea comes in with the news that her bun warrants the color blue.  All are thrilled.  FF>>FF>>

We learn now that Chente got a loan from someone in the barrio rather than be dependent on Adrian Cantu.  He is buying his parts from Mario, however, and paying as soon as the bill comes due.  He is foregoing any other type of credit and plans to once again pull himself up by his barrio bootstraps.  Chente still is sad at losing Nata--his only true regret.  Omar advises that it's always worth the effort to fight for love--as he did for Andi.

Back at the boarding house, La Vulga insists that due to the timeline, Chente has to be the baby daddy.  (Viewerville hopes that somebody reminds Claudio to scream at the top of his lungs that Vulga and Adrian must be more than just common acquaintances.)  Chole accuses her of having everything planned out to tie down Chente with this kid.  Vulga denies all with a straight face.  (It occurs to me that if only Olga had met Vero instead of Tania what an incredibly dangerous duo those two would have become!)   "--I didn't do this on purpose.  And, I am not going to be a single mother like you!  Chente is going to have to take responsibility!"  (Viewerville screams DNA to deaf and dumb ears.)

Chente later comes into the kitchen to impress upon Nata that he doesn't want to make excuses; he just wants her to believe him when he says he has never had anything with Vulga and that he couldn't have or wouldn't have knowingly done anything because Nata is the love of his life.  

Chole still naively insists that Vulga will never manage to tie Chente down with this baby.  Vulga insists that Chente blew it and too bad, that's the way it is!  He's going to have to face up to it.  Chole warns her that a baby cannot grow up in a home where there's animosity between the two parents.  A father cannot be bribed or wheedled and cajoled with false flattery.  Why not have their two kids grow up together?  They can stay single mothers. "--Not gonna happen that way!  Chente's going to learn he's a father for the second time. No way am I going to be ashamed or hide the kid away like a dirty secret."   

Across the way, Chente's old clients are lined up to buy from him.  He and Omar are excited.  It's like manna from heaven!  Chente mentions he just spoke to Nata.  This time at least she listened to him.  He begins explaining to Omi how the event seems to have been erased from his memory as if it never happened.

Juanga returns from the market.  Nata breaks down and tells Juanga she cannot trust what Chente tells her so she's got to ask him instead.  "--Was Chente Olga's lover while he was married to Lucia?"  Juanga swears his big brother was never unfaithful to Lucia and may lightening strike him down if he's lying!  Olga has her charms, but if Chente was in his right mind he'd have never fallen prey to her 'spell.'  (I could say charms, but Vulga has nothing charming about her, and since we all know she had to drug him to get him into bed with her.  Well, you get the picture.)

Constanza seems awfully anxious to adopt a baby, according to Gustavo.  She says she needs someone to share all this empty house and fortuna with.  Once she's got the baby he is freed from his agreement with her.  He says he hasn't anywhere else to go.  Well, maybe he and she can make him forget the hairdresser?  Nope.  Tavo stops before he even gets started.  He walks away knowing there's no there there.  Connie has a fit and says to herself that she always lied to him about being sterile because he was just so ugly!  (Certainly cannot fault her there!  He definitely is not my cup of chai.)  

FINALLY!  Omi and Chente begin to share notes about their mutual nights of erased memories.  

Mario makes an unexpected visit to Vero's manse.   He complains that she ruined his life.  Oh?  Or is it that he let himself be fooled like a perfect idiot?  

Meanwhile, Samia meets with Adi at the club.  He tells her of his suspicions that Elias has had something to do with Vero's return.  He complains that he nearly had Nata where he wanted her and then, with Vero's return, everything went to Hell in a handbasket full of yellow roses: it all went to shit!

Mario and Vero continue throwing insults back and forth at each other about who was worse to whom and how Tania was persuaded to steal from him what little he had left after his being thrown in jail.....Vero's uninterested and unmoved.  Conscience is not a word Vero has any experience with.  His sister took her life, he (naively claims) because she couldn't accept the grief and sorrow of betraying her own blood.

  "--Tania was a very weak woman, not any more worthy of consideration than you!"  He warns her he will look into the real cause of her death and if Vero has anything to do with it he'll track her down until she gets what she deserves!  She sneers and tells him to prove it!  He calls her sick. She has no feelings. She agrees and her sickness has a name: Adrian Cantu.  Too bad Mario's not half the man that Adi is.  He tells her she belongs in an insane asylum and walks out the door.  She sniggers haughtily and returns to her bedroom where (dun dun dun dunnnnnnn!) Elias is waiting and warming up the sheets.  This is definitely not a scene for the faint of heart.  FF>>FF>>

That same day, Fern and Chole have lunch together with Nata.  Nat tells them what happened and that she realized after watching the two of them interact together that Adi's still hiding something.  She adds that she's moving back into the boarding house despite Vulga still living there.

End parte 1~~

Parte 2~~

Juanga is choreographing and coaching the dance rehearsals for the chambelanes de la quinceanera.  Jojo watches from above as persona non Grata.  Lorilocks almost but not quite manages a telling liplock with Regi.  She breaks it off beforehand.  J2P2 hasn't missed a bit of that little encounter.  

On the day of the party both Andi and Regi pray along with Nata and the chamberlains for the virgencita's blessings.  FF>>FF>>

That evening it's dance presentations with Regi, Queen of the Quinceanera, entertaining all with a bit of shimmering shimmy getting on a bit of her Miami Vibe or Caribbean charm.  All the while, there are secretive glances between Chole and Tavo and Chente at Nata and Adi, and then Vulga gives the evil eye to Chente.  Connie has nothing good to say to Tavo about the evening so far considering the crowd consists mainly of the barrio-istas.

Juanga gives a knowing nod over to his kid brother and they head off together.

The kids go to change for the waltz number.  Hair Boy stays back a moment with Regi to profess his love for her.  He is crazy about her.  She seems surprised.  Juanga arrives just then and drags Lorilocks upstairs with him to change.  Juanga has him wait five minutes while he checks on something but while the kid is checking himself out in the mirror, Juanga locks the door from the outside.  Whoopsi!

JJPP is waiting on the balcony in his tux for his bro.  Jojo is scared Regi will reject him in front of everyone. Juanga reminds him nothing ventured, nothing gained.   She must see that he was willing to fight for her to be the chamberlain of the evening.   Juanga tells him to remember the steps he taught him and rely on the fact that the Ramirez Perez love to dance.  

Nata comes to Omi's looking for Andi, but she's out.  He takes a moment to open up to her about the night he seemingly ran away and what happened to cause him to do it.  He tells her that he learned the girl had drugged him.  When he woke up it was like whatever supposedly had happened was completely erased from his mind.  He cannot be sure, but he does believe that like him, Chente must have been drugged or Chente wouldn't have ever fallen into that trap with Olga.  That has to be why Chente doesn't remember anything about what happened that night.   He admires Chente and feels that if she really loves him then don't let Olga destroy what the two of them had together.  

As strains of The Blue Danube Waltz sound in the background, Adrian dances the first dance with Regi.  Tavo comes next.  Then Regi goes from one dancing chamberlain to the next until she swirls into Jojo's arms.  All the while Hair Boy is banging away but all to no avail.  The waltz ends, they do the dip, and then begin to kiss.  Adrian is discombobulated; Andi and Mama are surprised along with the rest of the guests.  Everybody's mouth is ready to catch flies if it weren't so cold that they all are wearing coats and the flies, along with any bears, are hibernating tonight...Well all but one:  suddenly Veronica takes the stage and applauds the happy couple.  (How dare they be the center of attention and not herself?)  

Nata rushes over to advise her on what she already knows.  She's not welcome there and she better leave immediately.  Vero sniggers at Chente.   "--They say love is blind, but although he's rather unremarkable, he's not bad-looking, you know? And who would have thought it, but a rather dull-as-dishwater woman now has three men at her feet willing to defend her."   "--I don't need anybody to defend me.  I can do it myself."  Nata then rushes her out of the room.  "--Wasn't it enough to have destroyed our friendship and left me in financial ruin? Oh!  You came back to get Adrian back!  Well, you can have him.  Should I wrap him up as a present for you?  You have always wanted what I had.  Well, I don't want him!"  

Chente comes in behind Nata just then and overhears her next words.  "--The only man I love is Vicente."  He breaks in.  "--Natalia, your daughter is waiting for you.  Don't let this lady poison the moment."  Adi walks in at this point.  "--Ok, but not before doing something I've been waiting quite a while to do."  She turns around and slaps the craps right outta the blond bitchwitch.  Vero threatens to make her pay for that.  Nata straightens her hair and tells Adi to clean up the mess of his in here or otherwise, she will!  

Vero tells Adrian that Nata will never have him again.  He tells Vero that she disgusts him and he detests her.  Vero proves he doesn't so much by landing a major liplock on the dirtwad.  He tells her to leave and they'll finish what she started with him then.

Nata tells Chente she's angry that Vero managed to ruin her daughter's 15th birthday party.  He tells her he heard her put the woman in her place and that she did love him even if they were apart.   La Vulga has witnessed the two of them chatting and frowns. They go in for the major make-up kiss but the two daughters come and break them apart with something they want her for.  The girls ask what happened and Nata says, "-- We're not paying attention to something that isn't important.  Let's enjoy dancing and cake and have a great time!"  They all hug.  

Regi goes over to Jojo and asks how he managed to convince Lorenzo to let him dance his part.  "--They say all is fair in love and war."  She wants to know where he is.  He says he's not sure but will look for him.  He races over to Juanga to tell him to let Lorilocks go.  Juanga races upstairs and lets Lorenzo out of the bedroom.  Juanga says he never came for the waltz and he wondered why not.  Lorenzo says he is certain that Juanga locked him in there on purpose.  "--How do you mean? I jammed the door?  No, but I will have it fixed though.  But don't worry about the waltz.  Pepe Pepe filled in for you and afterward enjoyed a very tasty kiss with Regi.  Ai! Yai! Yai!"  Hair Boy races off in a huff.  Juanga yells after him.  "--Now, don't get your hackles up!"  (Yeah, don't go away mad.  Just go away!)  

Nata takes the stage and thanks all for attending the party and sharing the event of Regi's fifteenth birthday.  She wishes her daughter the best.  Andi races up too and hugs her sis. ~ Fin.


Yes, which pre-empts Rey, which I think is suffering some cuts.

After last night's episode I think we might find out something really scary about Veronica. Her housekeeper seems to have been there almost forever so if she survives this tale she should write a book.

Love how Juanga locked Little Lord Fauntleroy upstairs! He may be smarter than we think.

What the hell was Vulga doing at the Quince and why was anyone wearing a coat? I thought Regina was very pretty in that scene.

Omar is the Man of the Hour for figuring out how Vulga got into Chente's bed.

More after the recap is posted, as I am also posting from my phone.

Jardinera, Part 1 was outstanding.

You covered everything in your inimitable, savvy style.

“miss Muffet huff”, “nippy snippy note” and “her bun warrants the color blue” were excellent.

“He walks away knowing there's no there there.” Do you Tavo? Do you really?

Do we know why Tavo and Connie married? If I knew, I’ve long forgotten. It makes no sense whatsoever so learning the reason will likely make little difference.

I’m not sure how I feel about Olga’s baby being Adrian’s except my heart aches for having such two despicable parents.

I wasn’t surprised to see Vero and Elias together. Why do I think Sami will not take this well??

I’ll wait until the next part is up to comment further. Thank you!!


Hi Diana and Urban! The second half is up now. This was a long wait for Xfinity to get the epi up but finally, it did and then it took so long to write up this time. Man! And next Monday is a 2-fer.

A bit more got done, but I feel little was accomplished. I loved the dancing and fireworks. Regi looked adorable in her off-shoulder shimmy sparkler. Loved the color schemes of purple and gray and mauve tones. Adrian's not worth spit. He deserves a sociopath like Vero.

As for their wearing coats - this is my best guess: it does sometimes get really chilly and even cold there if only for a day or so from Nov-Jan. in the higher elevations. It can get cold an average of 50 days there. The boarding house's patio is apparently an open-air patio area. Even though cold temperatures can be a nuisance, there isn't always a lot of central heating like we're used to here. Same in southern Spain, which is only 5-7 nautical miles from Africa. It gets chilly and rainy there during the winter months. But the houses don't necessarily use central heating or air, for that matter, especially the ones I stayed in which were built in the early to the middle part of the last century. The parking ramps we parked in while visiting Marbella didn't have central air and I thought I would suffocate from the fumes in those things. Just sayin'.....


Thanks, Jardinera, the recap was definitely worth waiting for! It seems like the good guys are pulling ahead right now. But with a few more weeks I’m afraid that can change.

So glad Omar talked to both Chente and Natalia. But Olga will use that pregnancy to make problems. But since she drugged Chente I’m hoping he won’t feel obligated to “make an honest woman” of her. Not sure why Chole suggests raising the kids together. She’s one of a few that seem to know exactly what Olga is like. She should send her back to her mother!

Veronica and Elias-I can’t wait for Sami to find out. That should take her down a peg or two.

So Tavo and Connie aren’t back together, she just needs him for the adoption. She is one miserable, unhappy woman. Her mom and sister are the opposite of her.

I would say don’t get attached to the maid, I think her days are numbered. I’m also worried about what Veronica will do because of Natalia slapping her. But I did enjoy this episode and the party. Especially the door looking Lorenzo in!

Jardinera, Part 2 was also fab. “Lorilocks” – HA! Loved it. barrio-istas was another.

“Juanga is choreographing and coaching the dance rehearsals for the chambelanes de la quinceanera”. Who knew?? A chef AND choreographer. What hidden talent will be revealed next??

Jardinera, I also loved the dancing! Everyone did very well and it was so nice to just concentrate on something lighthearted and sweet. Regina looked lovely.

What WAS the point of Vero taking center stage? She is clearly a threat to Adrian trying to recapture Natalia’s affections (not that there is any chance of that), and I think he has likely had about enough of her. I think he will be her downfall but I’m certain of nothing.

So now (thanks to galan Omar) Natalia realizes Chente was drugged. And while this is sadly only somewhat indicative of just how low Olga will go, her worst lie is yet to come. More than a seed of doubt has been planted – an entire tree has taken root. I hope they strengthen their resolve to be together and realize right away Olga is lying about her baby’s paternity.

I liked Andrea sharing in her sister’s day and seeming to be genuinely happy for her.

"I would say don’t get attached to the maid, I think her days are numbered" - good one Liz! ITA. :)

Thank you Jardinera!! Wonderful…

Judy, hope it is a starry clear night for you tonight. Sending you hugs and well wishes.


Jardinera, many thanks for your great and fun to read recap! You really made me laugh with, re Natalia and Adrian's 20 years together, "Must have not been very good ones. Otherwise, why aren't there a passle o' kids instead of two? Hmmmmm?"

Well, they are Catholic, but modern day Catholics. Even Pope Francis once said that people didn't have to "breed like rabbits."   :-)

Wow! That housekeeper was quite explicit. But she of all people should recognize that the grown-up Vero does not have real feelings for anybody. Don't lose any weight, Juana, or Verónica might decide she could bury you.

Jardinera, you are being way too hard on poor Tavo. He is not ugly, he just has an older face that is lined and weathered and a little asymmetrical after he fell down some stairs, a few times.

But I like Tavo when he is not being astoundingly stupid:
Not exactly galán material, not young, not rich, not Señor Excitement, yet he snubs Chole, who is definitely hot stuff and the real love of his life. And he does so without ever talking it out with her.

Sometimes, when the old saying, "Truth is stranger than fiction" pops into my head, I am afraid, very afraid, to venture outdoors.

It has been a disappointment for me that I have not seen Luz Elena González in more telenovelas, as one of the good characters. Not only is she gorgeous but she is a good actress, too. I almost hated her sometimes in Sin tu mirada, where she was not exactly one of the nicest characters in the novela. Good-looking nonetheless   :-)

That practice for the quinceañera looked like lots and lots of fun and Juanga was great!!
But he almost made me spit coffee when he called Omar "Chuchú."
Juanga is turning out be to a very good guy.

Diana, "I wasn’t surprised to see Vero and Elias together. Why do I think Sami will not take this well??"
I think because of all her weirdness and faults, and they are many, Sami is basically a decent person. As for Elías, I hope Verónica does not plant him as I would hate to see those beautiful roses just wither and die.

Ah! Uni giveth and Uni taketh away. Their site says two hours of MFEA on Monday, NO evening telenovelas Tuesday, preempted for fútbol.


I have too many screens open here. At the actual quinceañera Mario was sitting between Fernanda and Valentina? Ay, caray!

And Kimberly looked so much better without that sparkly stuff on her face. I am a fan of feminine "girly" stuff, but some of it is just silly.

It seems like just about everybody was there, including doña Magos, but not her novio.

It was good of Chuchú to tell Natalia about the drugging.

Are we getting close to some anvils dropping?

Meh, probably not until the final episode, and then four minutes of HEA, and then fin



Jardinera ,thank you for another snappy recap of a snappy episode . I recorded the show , and as usual, I was doing other things ( multitasking?) While watching. Then, I heard the music and Juanja caling out directions. Wow, what fun in the midst of all the evil bleakness . Juanja is growing on me . He has turned out to be quite charming . ..and a good dancer . His finest moment was coming to his hermano pppepppepp 's aid by locking Goldilocks in the bedroom. I had a funny feeling that might happen when he pulled Goldi away from Reg after the first dance . I didnt recognize Reg during that first dance. She looked so different with make up and the different hairdo. It was fun watching Chuchu, Juanja, and even Hairboy going through those steps and lifting Reg.

Then , my attention waned and I continued multitasking. I thought Vero was in bed with Pedro . I didn't realize it was Elias until I read it here.

The younger generation seem to exhibit more galanlike behavior than the older . ....Chuchu , Juanja, ppepp ppepp .

Did you notice Adrian's face when Nat smacked Vero?...His mouth was wide one.

Well, I love music ,and I love to dance , so this episode lifted my spirits.

Hi All,

I started watching this novela very late in the game and I can't seem to get into it. Is it supposed to be fantasy? I mean the makeup the women wear, the hair cuts of some of the men, and the different colored hair. This doesn't seem to be your typical novela or am I wrong. Sometimes it feels like something out of the "Wizard of Oz" and sometimes it feels like something out of "the Twilight Zone". Yikes!



Jardinera, thank you, for your fun retelling of the tale.I so enjoyed reading your recap this morning.

Hard to believe that a doctor would know that Olga is exactly 2 weeks pregnant. Even accepting that, sperm can survive a lot longer than one might imagine, so it still could be Adrián’s baby since we are not clear about the time frame.

Heartsings, there is no fantasy in this novela. If only . . .

Andy, yes “Uni giveth and Uni taketh away.” Thanks for the laugh. As for Tavo, he is just too gullible and too quick to drown his sorrows in his beer. I do not find him ugly but rather interesting looking.

Suanlynn, yep, Adrián looked shocked by the smack(down.) too funny.

Diana, yes, with Omar letting it be known that he was drugged, I can finally see a favorable end in sight. . . . Out there is a few weeks.

Urban, perfect description of Lorenzo as “Little Lord Faunterloy”.

Liz, I hadn’t thought about the maid being in danger but you could be right considering Vero.

Natalia always makes me laugh when she smacks somebody. She seems to give a little hop first.

JuanGa has proven that there is a brain inside of his head somewhere that is functional!

I loved the quince scenes and of course the obligatory waltz.

At least Chente took a loan from the friendly neighborhood loan shark (?) Lulu and not Mario/Adrián.

I just have to add to what I said before that the rehearsal and the actual quinceañera performance were a real treat. Maybe a little over the top, but a real treat, something nice and fun for a change. Best part of this novela so far.

It certainly was something different and I almost didn't recognize Regina, especially without her barrettes. And maybe the kiss she and PepePepe shared at the end of the dance number went on just a little too long, especially for a quinceañera, but all told, Happy, Happy!

Heartsings (nice nym :-) you are not entirely wrong. The guys with the different colored hair mostly work at Tavo's repair shop and they are a strange crew. And there is a lot of strangeness in this novela. Verónica and her roses, Sami and her crystals and finger snapping, Adrián going from riches to rags and back to riches... somehow. And quite a lot more.

Both strangeness and craziness. Maybe not your traditional telenovela, but the last few novelas have been a bit "different". But they still are tales of love found and love lost and love found again; good guys and bad guys; rewards and punishments at the end.

I keep telling myself that I'm here for the Spanish. I mostly, kinda, sorta, enjoy these telenovelas, but at least half of them, half of the time, are real stinkers. Sheesh! I think I'm in a love/hate relationship with telenovelas.

Anyway, this novela is in "últimas semanas", so relief is on the way.


Andy, these telenovelas are like most TV shows for me. Every so often one will be outstanding (Killing Eve/Mi marido tiene familia) while the majority of them are good enough to enjoy—like Mi fortuna and most others. What I do like is that with novelas, we get to see the whole run in a matter of months rather than having to wait for years and years to complete the story when it is a traditional series.

There was a time jump of several weeks and I believe the doctor said "doce", which means 12 weeks. The time jump happened after Vulga got a positive on the home pregnancy test. That means that unless she is facing a fetal genetic problem or a threat to her health or life she probably can't get an abortion. The change in Mexico's abortion laws didn't happen until after this novela ended production.

Juanga is an excellent dancer and he should get a makeover. Hair Boy is still too feminine.

Regina should keep the hair style she had for her party.

Urban, now 12 weeks makes more sense.

A long time ago, someone here at caray ( maybe Judyb ) commented that these shows are actually morality plays in which the bad are punished for their sins and the good are rewarded for their suffering at the end . At least that it is what happened in traditional telenovelas . Lately , I have seen some telenovelas that don't hand out HEAs for the good folks who suffered at the hands of the villains of villains who escape their anvils which happens too often in real life . I don't like it. I prefer that justce is served even though that isn't always the case in reality . Anyhoo, I am here for a break from reality . More dancing and happiness please .

Definitely. I watched this episode a second time to resolve this.

She took the pregnancy test probably a few days after the incident. Some of those can show a positive result 6 days after conception but she had been with Adrian shortly before: he gave her the knockout drops probably about 24-48 hours before she spiked at least one of the five shots Chente downed on the fatal night. And that would not have been the first time she was with Adrian.

I repeat that Omar is the man of the hour for bringing up his own experience with this crap. The next step is figuring out how this stuff went from Elias to Vulga.

Veronica is what her jewelry says: a viper.

I was shocked that Adrian did not actually dance the waltz; you'd think that a professional grifter like him would have developed those kinds of upper-crust social skills.

I also think this episode's dialogue included lines that are harbingers of Karmageddon.

BTW, I googled photos of Denia Agalianou and Michelle Gonzales and they both actually have those tattoos. So monumentally stupid.

OK Patio Peeps in doubt about the pregnancy test....I went back to Xfinity's On Demand with Spanish Captioning to episodio 75 and at the 5 min. marker, actually 5 min. and 01 seconds the OB congratulates her on 2, "DOS Semanas de embarazo." I thought I was crazy not having heard doce. Without CC's I might have heard it that way - 12 or doce --also. So for purposes of accuracy only, La Vulga de Olga is only 2 weeks along. Those tests are accurate at even 3 days in which is what I thought Olga was. And so she schemed early on. Beanies can be worn in cases of timeline and scheming credibility. TN gods have determined she moved fast to make her move on Chente.

Welcome Heartsings to our patio! Join us any time and tell us what is on your mind.

--This tn is a tragicomedy so it's not the usual melodramatic storyline we've all been used to.

As for the odd hair coloring, well, my life experience the past five to seven years where I work, many of the younger folks put these odd colors on their hair. It's like the tattooing. TV is just reflecting what the current norms are in the youngster's culture. I cannot imagine wearing that in a formal sales environment or any professional office environment, but the folks where I work in my post-retirement bucket list job are not professionals like Fernanda or country club types like Samia, but they are very similar in background to the barrio-istas in lifestyle trends and outlooks. Not judging, just stating a fact. Those workers imitate what they see as cool in entertainment with celebrities and costuming of tv characters. We wore bell-bottoms and love beads 50 years ago and brought in the original Hair Boy stuff with the Beatles and the Rolling Stones and all who came after. Oh well. For more traditional stuff you might try VIX for all the earlier faves of ours we've recapped and watched these past 20-25 years. Those are the true morality plays complete with priests and principles.

Olga took her first pregnancy test in Episode 71; it was positive. This was a day or two before Adrian gave her the drops. The time jump was in episode 74 and it said "Several Weeks Later" which implies that there was more than two weeks.

If the Ob/Gyn said "2 weeks pregnant" there could be something wrong. Either way we know that Chente is not the sperm donor.

I just googled the pre-birth paternity test option and that can now be done at seven weeks. Did the writers check that out? I have yet to see such a test in a novela although pre-birth paternity tests have been around for about 20 years.

Tattoos are not comparable to odd hair dyes; they should be considered permanent. This is why actors are usually advised not to get them.

Thanks to all for the help in my trying to understand what is going on in this novela. And thank you for the warm welcome as well. :-)

I will try and stick with it for a while longer and see what happens.


Welcome, Heartsings. This novela is in its last weeks. It has a total of 92 episodes. There are a couple on the horizon that should be just as good or better. Stick with us and you will have a good time!

What a great recap! Thank you so much. :-)

Something of note- the character actress playing Veronica's maid, Juana, is Maria Prado, whom most of you would probably recognize as baby-swapping Nieves in VEP, but who was also the maid that Diana Bracho's evil Bertha got her dog Lucas to fatally attack in "Heridas del amor" (in Lucas' defense, she actually died from tumbling down the stairs whilst recoiling in terror from him, so there, technically, no blood on his paws, so to speak).
But she is a revered actress not just in Mexico, but across Latin America (affectionately dubbed "Royis") because of two roles she played in the long-running Silvia Pinal hosted show "Mujer, Casos de la vida real", which have now become iconic. In the first she gave life to a fictional version of the infamous Mexican serial killer Juana Barrazza, or "La Mataviejas" ("kills old women") because she brutally preyed on elderly women whilst posing as a nurse. In the other, which is even MORE disturbing (if you can believe that), the focus is on the young mother who has moved with her husband and little daughter to live with his grandmother (Maria Prado) who has an, um, "unhealthy" attachment to her grandson. She eventually discovers that the grandmother, who is respected by all the townspeople for her folk remedies and use of ancient rituals, is practicing black magic on her grandson in order to have incestuous sex with HER OWN GRANDSON, and eventually, kill the wife.
The scene when the wife discovers her zombified husband "en flagrante delecto" with his own grandmother still scars me today, even after so many years of moving to America and living my life!
I think both episodes are on Youtube, for anyone interested. But it is nice to see her again- she is so NOT your typical telenovela looking actress, right??
Thank you again for the recap, and best wishes from here in the OTHER SF. :-)


Looks like the writers weren’t thinking we viewers were going to be counting weeks and paying attention. Messy editing.

Jardinera: Howdy from the Alamo City!

Good Job on the recap of Friday's episode.

Steve Boudreaux

Karmageddon discussion will post at 11:30 tonight.

Get out your pitchforks and other favored weapons.

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