Thursday, June 16, 2022

Mi fortuna es amarte #78 Wednesday 6/15/22

Hey, JudyB, it is a hot one on  the patio tonight.  We have Italian ice in the traditional: lemon, strawberry or chocolate to help us keep our cool! 

1. At Connie's,  Claudio begs Tere to take him back. He threatens suicide as he does repeatedly in this episode. Tere throws him out. He sits on the steps of the mansion as Tere cries inside. 

2. Connie goes to see Vero feeling she had not other choice after the threats Vero made to her. What dos Vero want? Ver smiles.

3. Chente is still begging for Natalia to continue their relationship. She is begging him, in spite of their love for each other, to end it all. 

4. Vero asks why Connie didn't greet her at the quinceañera. Connie answers that she doesn't like to be associated with social climbers.  Vero wonders if the real reason is that she is afraid that Natalia might  discover that Connie always knew about what was going on with Vero and Adrián. Connie says she knew "something" about it. Vero pins her down saying she knew all about it but wouldn't get involved to warn her sister. Connie has to admit the day that Natalia found out about Vero and Adrián  was one of the happiest days of her life. What Connie didn't expect was that Adrián would get bored with Vero so quickly. Vero insists that Adrián is still hers. Connie wonders about that knowing that Adrián begged Natalia on his knees for another chance. Vero is sure he isn't after Natalia for love. He is hiding some dark secret from her and she is going to find out what it is.

5. At the boarding house, Tere tells Natalia and Chole that she and Claudio are done and the she threw him out of her life. 

6. Claudio is banging on the door for Delia to let him back into Connie's house. She explains that she can't do that but gives him a bottle of whiskey to keep him company as he waits for Connie to return. 

7. Fernanda gives Chente an appointment card for a doctor who will see him and Olga and answer any questions he might have.

8. Tere tells Natalia and Chole that in spite of being very sad, she feels liberated as if the weight of the world has been removed from her shoulders. Natalia admits that for years she has  thought that she would be better off without him. She has left Connie's and come to live  with Natalia and her friends like Chole. Natalia tells her mother that Olga is expecting Chente's baby. 

9. Chente goes to see Olga to tell her they have a doctor's appointment. He wants to make sure that she and baby are find and he has some questions he needs answered.  Olga isn't happy about it. 

10. Vero explains that she cannot allow Adrián to go back to Natalia. She didn't take her life apart to end up without Adrián and without her money. She lost her money by trusting people she shouldn't have. She admits that she defrauded Adrián first and then he pulled a fast one on her leaving her with nothing. Connie cannot believe how stupid Vero is. The maid comes telling Vero that somebody is there to see her and will not live until he talks to her.  Vero excuses herself.

11. Elías has come by and wants to know who Vero is with. Vero isn't saying. A nosy Connie comes to see who Vero is with and catches them kissing. She wonders what Samia will say when she finds out about him cheating on her. 

12. Natalia is talking to Fernanda, Tere and Chole about her relationship with Chente. She doesn't feel angry but is disappointed by the situation. She had pictured herself settled in her home with Chente, Ben and her girls. Fernanda explains that Chente is destroyed and has told her that he has tried a thousand different ways to have Natalia forgive him. Tere says it is has nothing to do with forgiveness but with the life a a baby who will be coming into this world very soon. Natalia nods in agreement. Natalie thinks it is best she stays away from  them and doesn't interfere. Fernanda asks if she would do that knowing that Chente absolutely doesn't want a family with Olga??? Natalia seems resigned saying that Olga managed to get her way in spite of all of the love she and Chente have for each other.  She might even end up getting the family she wants. 

13. Connie says she can be very discrete when it suits  her. She wants to know why Adrián came back playing the repentant husband. Elías says it was because Adrián loved Natalia and wanted his family back. Connie doesn't believe it.  He thinks back to the  discussion he had with Adrián about  an investment fund that Natalia was left as part of her inheritance by her father and  knows nothing about.  Elías tells the women that he doesn't know anything about Adrián's real motives but he could find out. Thinking she has  made a real deal, Connie agrees to keep quiet if he lets them know what he finds out about Adrián.. 

14. Fernanda asks Natalia why she insists on giving up on her relationship with Chente. It seems that Natalia's  own relationship with an absent father has colored her thinking and she doesn't want that to happen to another child. Fernanda cannot change her mind. 

15. In Chente's mind, the doctor casts doubt on the paternity of Olga's baby by saying she is two to THREE weeks pregnant. The doctor tells them they will not be able to determine the paternity of the baby until after it is born. 

16. Julián comes to see Natalia. She is still out. Tere asks him if he would like to wait. Yes, he would! He notices that she reads cards. He is interested. She offers to give him reading. He is ready with his question: Is she single?? 

17. Connie comes home to a drunk Claudio on her steps begging him for help. Connie is done with him, too. He says they had a deal and he can go and tell them all about Connie wanting Andrea's baby. Connie could not care less. Who would believe him??? 

18. Chente tells Olga he will try to get excited about having another child. He will be the best father ever but not her husband. Olga puts on her pathetic act and starts to beg him to marry her. 

19. Olga goes inside the house and into the kitchen where  JuanGa and Natalia are cooking. She gloats about the baby and Chente and then tastes some soup with a spoon that she puts back in the pot. EWWWW!   (Someone call the Mexico City Health Department and shut the "commercial" in home kitchen down because a varmint was slurping soup from a pot!  Sorry, but that was truly disgusting) The soup is so good she wants another taste. Natalia tells JuanGa to give  her a bowl full. 

20. Chente tells JuanGa that he is upset about Olga and the baby. Every day it is harder to put up with Olga than the day before.  He still doesn't understand how it happened. It is going to be a living hell.  JuanGa says at  least Ben will have someone to play soccer with. Chente knows that the baby should not pay for his mistake. JuanGa tells him not to let Natalia go because a father's love is different from a man's love for his mate. They agree that Chente feels nothing for Olga. Natalia leaves to go see Julián at the boarding house and Chente follows her out. 

21. Chente explains to Natalie he is willing to support and love the baby that is on its way but it is a whole other matter to love Olga even though that is what she wants. He will never give her that. Natalie says that  is between him and Olga. Chente doesn't understand why they have to end their relationship. They both accept  each other's children. She says he knows she adores Ben. He insists that in spite of Olga's baby they have a right to be happy. He reassures her that he will take responsibility for the baby. He is a man that comes from a town with deep rooted traditions.  When a man gets a woman pregnant, it is his duty to take care of  and protect her. He doesn't want to betray the principles he was brought up on by his parents and granny Magos. He has to lead by example. He is dying inside because his duty is forcing him  to renounce her love. 

22. It turns out that Julián has been a widower for five years. He did all he could to keep his wife alive but her disease had advanced very far. After his wife died, it was hard but he decided he needed to live the rest of his life. What else can you do? Teresa agrees. She never thought she would end up feeling dead in her own life either. She explains she  is not a widow but decided to separate from her husband  a full five hours ago. She explains it was time and she is at peace. He smiles.

23. Chente says if he is condemned to not being  happy at her side, his love will always belong to her. Natalia makes it clear that he knows that her love belongs to him. He was that one who brought her back to life but from today on, she will be loving him in silence. They kiss but it doesn't last long. 

24. Olga comes out calling Natalia an old slut. The least she could do is show some respect  since she is expecting Chente's baby.  Chente and Natalia turn and stare at her. 

25. Claudio arrives at Tavo's shop telling his tale of woe.  Tavo doesn't have much sympathy for him but allows him to sleep on the couch in his office. 

26. Chente tries to  shut Olga up but she accuses Natalia of trying to take her Chente away from her and her baby and wants the whole neighborhood to know about it.  Natalia visibly bites her tongue and tells Chente to get his life under control and not to complicate hers any more. She hopes he lives up to his word. She walks away. 

27. Tere finds it odd that Natalia has not arrived yet and offers to go find her. Julián assures her there is no problem saying that he is in no hurry and her company is more than pleasing. They were talking about his children. He says after his wife died, his kids came around for a couple of months but then everyone went back to living their own lives which is natural. He only could go back to work. Tere finds that sad. He disagrees saying that is how life is. Natalia arrives. Julián makes it clear he would like to continue chatting with her. Tere agrees to some other time. After she leaves, Julián tells Natalia that now he knows where she got her extraordinary beauty from: her mother. 

28. Later, Natalia tells her mother about what an impression she made on Julián. Tere says she isn't about to start thinking about romance. Natalia makes it clear that she was only saying that she has  the right to happiness. Tere thinks Natalia has that right, too. Tere tells her that she shouldn't let the situation with Olga separate her from the man she loves. Again, Natalia is unable to separate her own past from the situation.  She refuses to sow her happiness in the unhappiness of a little angel who is yet be born. 

29. Inside the house, Chente explains that he was kissing Natalia because he loves her more than his own self.  He tells Olga he will love the baby but he will never love her. His baby will not want for anything. Olga says nothing but a family, a home, two parents that love each other.. .  Chente tells her not to say that They simply are not a couple. That is not the answer Olga was looking for and decides that she will get  an abortion tomorrow to solve it all so he will have nothing tying him to her. 

30. Elías tells Adrián that Connie and Vero think that something is up. Elías is not about to say a word since he is in for a good percentage if Adrián  can get his  hands on Natalia's inheritance. Elías thinks Vero being in Mexico could complicate things and offers to take her off of Adrián's hands. A woman like her needs lots of attention. Adrián tells him not to mess with his woman. Elías thought that Natalia was his woman.  Adrián answers she is. Elías tells him to make up his mind because he cannot have them all. 

31. Samia is meeting with Omar and Andrea. She has planned a wedding at the cathedral with 600 guests. Andrea tells her that they want something simple at the neighborhood church. Samia tells them they are killing her!!

32. Lorenzo has come by pick up Regina. Magically his eye looks fine and there is no patch on it. 2XJosé sees him first and and tells him that the next time he sees him in his neighborhood he will be paying him all he owes him. Lorenzo says he has ZERO fear. 2X  adds that if he comes looking for him, he will be seeing a crowbar, too.  

33. Regina arrives on the scene and she wants to know if 2X was bothering him. Lorenzo says he isn't worth talking about. They are going to the movies. 

34. Chente brings some tea to Olga in her room to talk some more. She refuses it. Chente says he never thought about her losing the baby ever.  A whiney Olga thinks it would be the best for him he doesn't want anything to do with her. She asks how he feels with his rejection her. He tells her  that she can't make him feel something for her. She asks him who is going to be responsible for everything she has been through because of him. He says that forcing him to feel something he doesn't won't do it. She thinks it is sad that he won't even give it a try but that is okay . . . She still thinks it is the best that the baby die. Chente disagrees saying the baby is not at fault for what has happened between them.  He doesn't want to lose him. Olga is tired of his snubbing her. She is sure that all of the anger that he has for her is felt by the baby. Chente apologizes and says he will be more understanding and less tough with her. Olga says she is not asking him to fall in love with her. She only wants him to care for her a bit as  the mother of his child. Chente nods and he hugs her.(Yuk!)

35. Lorenzo kisses Regina on the way to the movies. She pulls aways and he says he just couldn't help himself!  He admits he really likes her and she likes him too but wants to be friends first. He SAYS he agrees. 

36. GrannyMagos and Ben arrive at the boarding  house. 2XJosé is there to greet them. Ben  goes to see his Mamá Natalia. Granny Magos explains what a long day she had. She picked up Ben from school, they went to eat, next the park, then out for some ice cream and now here. She explains that she did all of that so Ben wouldn't go home and find Olga living there one more time. She is tired out and  ready to sit down for a while. 2XJosé goes to get her some  water. 

37. Ben and  Natalia have a joyful encounter.  He wants to know when she is coming back to live  with them. He wants her and his father to get married so he can have a little brother. 

38. Olga meets with Adrián.  She tells him she is pregnant. She has fulfilled her part of the agreement by tying up Chente through her schemes but he hasn't fulfilled his. He was supposed to get Natalia out of the  picture but she is still there. She needs him to get Chente to hate Natalia. If he doesn't, she will tell everyone that the baby is his. He asks if her baby is his.  Olga answers that YES, the baby is his. 



Jarifa, thank you once again. A splendid recap of another yucky episode.

Claudio is a real sad sack. If he can't sober up perhaps he should just put an end to his misery, but that would upset Teresa. Incidentally, I'm not sure I buy the new suitor for Teresa, or maybe it's just his acting. When he did that 'you got your beauty from your mother' bit he didn't look at all sincere to me. Maybe it was just me, or maybe he hasn't been able to get into character yet.

Chente and Olga hugging. When I saw that I thought 'Chente and Olga cuddling', and just had to laugh.

Verónica and Adrián, meh. Verónica and Elías, meh. Olga and Adrián, meh. Olga and Simba, meh. Constanza and Tavo, meh.

I guess this isn't a "Women are Wonderful!" novela. The men are bad and the women are worse. I don't know if this is progress.


Andy: I agree with your comments.

Steve Boudreaux

Thanks, Jarifa, great recap of another frustrating episode. Andy, you have it right about all these relationships-meh. Chente’s is the worse because he lets Olga manipulate him. He deserves to have to put up with her for the rest of his life. I can’t see Olga wanting a baby and wonder if she’ll trap him into marriage, get rid of the baby and guilt him into staying with her. Although we all know he’ll end up with Natalia.

Right now Andrea and Omar have the best relationship. I loved how they refused Sami’s plans for 600 wedding guests. I hope they do get married in the church in the barrio.

Connie really has been a miserable person all along and we just find out more horrible things about her. She delights in other people’s pain. What a miserable woman. All these evil people can’t get what they deserve in the last episode, too many of them. Maybe the last week will see things getting resolved, one or two per episode. Last night’s highlight was Teresa finally getting rid of Claudio.


Jarifa, thank you for interspersing your wry humor and smart commentary to take a bit of the sting out of yet (another) frustrating episode. Your recaps are a joy to read.

“a varmint was slurping soup from a pot!” had me laughing out loud! But, yes, Olga’s rancid lips on that spoon was gross indeed.

Olga’s constant lying, wheedling, pleading must be exhausting. Indeed, it has now become her full time job. Like the tide on a rock, Chente is eroding with each successive wave.

“Adrián tells him not to mess with his woman. Elías thought that Natalia was his woman. Adrián answers she is. Elías tells him to make up his mind because he cannot have them all”. OMG. I mean, I understand that Vero is supposed to be sex on a stick but really she isn’t all that.

Connie is sickening.

I realize I have rarely been commenting on Natalia (my favorite actress). While she is trying to do the right thing in every instance, she is ceding away her right to happiness. Why is she giving up rather than fighting tooth and nail for Chente?

Andy, I agree Claudio has got to go. I see some sort of accident in his future (speculation only) as if were by his own hand, Tere would never forgive herself.

Disappointed that Regi has so quickly forgotten 2XJosé and succumbed to “Breck boy’s” nonexistent charms. Can’t wait for him to implode.

“a wedding at the cathedral with 600 guests”. A circus.

Liz, "right now Andrea and Omar have the best relationship". I did a double take at that and yes, you are absolutely right! Who'd have thunk it???

I like Tere with Julián. He is low volume, low key and seems sincere and a bit besotted.

Why do I have a pit in my stomach that Olga is going to tell Benja about the baby?? I hope I’m wrong.

Judy, glad you are enjoying this tangled weave of deception with us! Thank heavens there is sure to be a bright light at the end of this tunnel.

Jarifa, thank you for this engrossing, well written summary!


Jarifa, thank you ahead of time for this recap: I haven't seen all nor read all, but I got to say that these ultimas semanas y capitulos are going to drive me up a wall. The main characters are such idiots and so blindly principled that they arrogantly forego any desire to determine if they're being duped. The facts are simply what they take for granted and imagine they must be based upon their ingrained principles. Those form their view and reality about their current situations. It makes them ignore the common sense notions of loved ones around them. --I know, Judyb: they are created in ink and then placed into celluloid--2 dimensional each time. Chente may be honest and noble and decent, but he sure ain't street smart sly. Or, let's just say Chente is dumb as a box o' rocks but has his principles. Olga is none of these but she is truly sly as a fox - animality... In the real world, she wins unless Fate steps in or Chaos theory throws a hitch into things. Anyway, I hate the Olga character more than I like the Chente or the Nata characters. That's the only thing keeping me glued through this part of the tn.

For all the criticisms I make, I admit that I look forward to each episode. This is the equivalent of reading a trashy novel on the beach or on a plane; goofy but so entertaining!

Andy, I agree about Claudio. Suicide could be a good exit for him. Tere has a new guy now, so he is superfulous to the pairing- up formula. If they wanted to provide a PSA for alcoholism, they sure picked the wrong type of character. Claudio’s sense of entitlement is a major turn-off but then again with all of the beers/mezcal consumed by Tavo, Chente and company at the drop of a hat, maybe they want to show the effects of a drinking culture across all classes and on personal responsibilty. JuanGa didn’t seem surprised that Chente could have had sex with Chente if he were drunk. Okay . . .

Liz, ITA that at this point, Chente does deserve to put up with Olga for the rest of his life. He has no backbone. Going back to the start of his mega-guilt, he told Olga not to come when he was headed out to that remote area. She insisted and even if she had been really attacked, it would not be technically his fault. He told her not to come. With the pregnancy, even if it were true that he was the father, that is no road to a marriage license but only to child support and a relationship with said child. He seems to not to be able to make himself suffer enough.

Diana, I am so glad you enjoyed my “varmint” comment. I could not resist! ;) “Vero is supposed to be sex on a stick but she isn’t all that.” So well said! I also think Julián is exactly the kind of guy Tere needs. He seems nice and bland and hardworking and maybe predictable and dependable! As for Natalia, between her remembering what it is like to not have a dad around and seeing Chente’s inability to choose her above and beyond his guilt and Olga, IMHO think she is right cutting him off. Currently, Chente is a gutless wonder
using his absolutist morality as an excuse.

Too much thinking this a.m. Time for more coffee.

Can’t wait for tonight!

Excellent, Jarifa.

I completely agree that it's ironic that Omar and Andrea's relationship is the healthiest one at this point. I feel seriously bad for him for having Samia as his mother with her overbearing ways and guilt-tripping. I get tempted to throw out my computer every time I hear her call him "Chuchu."

Cathedral wedding with 600 guests? That is insane. Couldn't it wait until after the baby is born? Will she go into labor while trying to say "Accepto?" I would have written that in if I had been on the writing team.

Now we also hear one more thing that makes Constanza a less worthy human being. When Teresa finds that out I hope she delivers a really great cachete. Natalia should also have a shot at her.

Adrian appears not to know that Elias once tried to rape Natalia. In Televisa tradition it is almost mandatory for villains to turn on each other, so I wonder whether he will find that out. Let him go to prison for killing Elias if Veronica doesn't kill him first.

More later; I'm going to get some iced tea.

Actually since that would weird out Andrea and Omar, I don't really hope for that.

I don't know why they are editing the recent episodes; it makes no sense. There are 14 left. If there are no pre-emptions within the next two weeks that would mean a 2-hour finale on the 4th of July, which makes no sense.

Jardinera, Olga is at the top of my list of characters I hate, too.

Urban, I have given up on trying to guess what is up with Uni especially with this novela . A July 4 gran final would seem like Uni shooting itself in the foot, but it isn’t my foot and my trusty VCR is still chugging along. ; )


Thanks, Jarifa. I enjoyed the humor you slipped into this silly saga. Yes, a varmint contaminated that soup and health authorities must be called. I got a kick out of this one too: She explains she is not a widow but decided to separate from her husband a full five hours ago. You go, Tere! Let Julian know you are back on the market.

I've missed a bit, but I gather Chente doesn't realize that he was raped and certainly has no obligation to his rapist.

I can't wait for Samia to find out about Elias. I want her to turn her mean twitchy mama attitude on him and get a really good lawyer.

Liz, yep amazing that Andrea and Omar are the best couple.

Niecie, you got it. Chente has no idea that Olga slipped him the same date rape drug that Elías used on his son Omar.

Jarifa, thank you for giving us every disgusting detail as the evil doers ramp up The evil on the good characters. Uff

I especially felt like hurling as I watched icky Olga weeping and whining to clueless , gullible beyond belief Chente about their baby . Then , she helps herself to the food Nat is making and uses the plot to share the happy baby news with Nat . This actress sure knows how to make people hate her. I am convinced that she will die somehow . She has just been too rawly amoral , manipulating, and unscrupulous to go on living . I don't see jail as her anvil , so...coyote dinner.

Niecie...Samia's "mean twitchy mama attitude " ha...loved that . Do not mess with the fingersnapping mama's Chuchu. Elias , you have crossed the line .

Jarifa, thanks again!

This yet another novela where the comments are much more fun than the show itself.

Liz, "Right now Andrea and Omar have the best relationship." Good grief, it's true! How did that happen? And Andrea is even showing some signs of incipient maturity.

Diana, "I understand that Vero is supposed to be sex on a stick but really she isn’t all that." YES! I loved this!
Verónica is quite pretty, but her "sexiness" mostly consists of her willingness to make herself available to any guy, any time it might benefit her.
That "sexy" swivel hip walk she did that they showed in the credits always made me cringe a bit.

I dislike Verónica more than I dislike Olga. I actually don't find Olga all that bad, why I don't know. She has been doing terrible things, but she hasn't killed anybody, um, yet. For me, Olga is more sad than bad. She is obsessed with Chente and passes up opportunities to have a happy life with Juanga or somebody else.
Of course, her threatening Benja is just awful, but while I understand that, I don't feel it viscerally at all. I would gladly give her a hug if she asked.

But then, I'm probably the only one who actually likes Samia.

Niecie and Jarifa, Chente doesn't realize that he was raped... But didn't he and Omar have a talk about this? A box of rocks doesn't come close to describing our Chente, but still...


Susanlynn, "coyote dinner"?

Wow, tough as nails Susanlynn, no mercy whatsoever!   :-)

Andy are finally seeing me more goody two shoes....Mad as hell at the fictional and nonfictional baddies , and I'm not going to take it anymore . Ha. No more nice girl. #baddayforallbaddiesinmypath

Speaking of baddies , Breck Boy has gotten pretty aggresive with Reg now that he thinks he has eliminated his competition . Mirror, mirror on the wall. ..Does he gaze in the mirror trying decide who is prettier ..him or Reg ? I thought I heard him say " cama" to Pepepepe right before Pep punched him out . How's that eye? Was he taunting him about getting Reg into bed. Disgusting little entitled punk , Detention hall for you , Chico.

Andy, sure Chente he talked to Omar who told him about his experience but that idea seems to have disappeared as quickly as it was told to him as others discounted that possibility. Box of rocks, yup.

Susanlynn, loved “coyote dinner.”

Andy, you seem to be channeling our Dr. Carlos who was always the champion of the bad girls . He loved to stir The pot with the caray ladies . Judy was very tolerant , but some of us debated clever Carlos ...a lot. What fun . Once , he and I had a long debate about whether or not one buxom bad girl's charms were real or purchased . Even though he was a doctor, I stood by my position that she had paid cash money for those charms . We also shared recipes which made some people cranky , and we discussed our luck in finding out soulmates .His was the Love!y Linda. Hello, Carlos, if you are still here with us .

I agree that Vero and Olga are different forms of evil . Vero is rich girl, murderous, entitled , psychopath evil . Olga is pathetic evil looking for a HEA and totally obsessed with Chente who she feels is her path to that happy life probably because she observed the good life he and Lucia had. She missed the part about Lucia being a loving, devoted wife to Chente and a loving mother to the son he gave her .

"But then, I'm probably the only one who actually likes Samia".

Paging Andy...Your table is of one. 😊


Susanlynn and Diana:

Wow, you ladies are getting tough and playing hardball beanball.

I'm taking off my beanie and putting on a batting helmet   :-)


Heh...You're not wrong . Mi amigo Diana and I are often on the same page regarding these stories . A batting helmet isn't a bad idea...Maybe a cup , too. ( I have been to many, many baseball games surrounded by baseball equipment . Hub was an MVP pitcher and catcher in high school. )

...what Susanlynn said...

Glad we are having fun...


Diana,,just like old times. So much better than debates about reality.

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