Saturday, July 02, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #90, 7/2/22: Vero Has Her Suspicions And Change Is In The Wind

 ⦁ Natalia and Andrea have a sweet mother-daughter chat about motherhood.  Andi also acknowledges that Nata is only back with Adrian to assist the police.  Andi has accepted this and holds out a sliver of hope that he's clean as the wind-driven snow, but also admits she knows Vicente is her mother's true love and wishes the best for them once all is over.

At breakfast with Veronica, Elias has a hearty meal.  Vero says it's a shame that Samia is stuck with a man who doesn't love her and all for money.  Eli gobbles through his food and says something like she knows what's good for her and how much she's got to lose.  (Sounds like a confirmation to me....)He chucks her under the chin and tells her not to become traditional.  It bores him. She tells herself in a fit of pique as he walks out the door that he's a fool and doesn't know what awaits him. 

Teresa goes to the jailhouse for Claudio's release.  He's totally sober for the first time ever in their relationship.  He admits it.  She looks at him with different eyes.  The jailer, who is the local AA leader reminds him of their meeting that evening.  Tere and Clod go for coffee.

JoseJosePepePepe is back at the private school and will be accepted as long as he makes up the classwork and exams missed.  (Child's play for a genius like him, right?)  He and Regina are besties again.  Lorenzo and his golden locks have returned to his parents' home.  Regi mentions he didn't even bother to say goodbye.  (Viewerville waves farewell and good riddance.) JJ admits to Regi that he's still got the hots for her and wants another chance.  She smiles and doesn't say no.

In Adi's kitchen, he's striking up a conversation with Juanga who explains he's Nata's sous chef/assistant in the kitchen. Juanga has explained that while her kitchen is being repaired, this kitchen will be their workplace. Adi asks if his brother got married and Juanga's answer is that he was saved from making the worst mistake of his life.  Adi prods a bit for specifics.  "--But wasn't she carrying his kid?"  "--It seems that no, she was carrying somebody else's kid.  And???"

Over coffee, Clod explains to Tere how difficult it is to remain sober.  He tells her he cannot overcome the vice without her being there for him.  She tells him they're no longer a couple.  She looks like she wants anything but to be chained to him for life because of his emotional weaknesses, but she gives in for a while.

Back at Adrian's manse, he gives Nata a hard time over her really wanting to return to Chente's side now that he's not marrying Olga.  She reminds him she never lied about her feelings for Chente, but wants to give Adi another chance to make their marriage work and to keep the family together. Mainly, she wants proof that he won't go fooling around again behind her back.  He promises to do his part.  (Of course, we know he's got all his fingers and toes crossed when he tells her this....)  He wants her to remain in the manse and never go back to the barrio.  She tells him the plan is to remain only till their grandchild is born and Andi's back on her feet.  That should be time enough to see if they can make it work....He says he wants her never to see Chente again.  She says seems that he is also running into Vero quite often himself.  Could he do the same?  Or will he deny the two of them are still seeing each other?  

Adrian takes offense at the suggestion that he and Vero are still getting together and gettin' it on.  He yells at her that of course that's been over forever!  I am not the naive female from before.  Time will tell.  She dismisses him to return to her work in the kitchen.  

Later in the day, Omar and Chente are chatting in the auto parts store.  Omi is excited because the university he attended in London will allow him to finish his degree online.  Chente mentions he plans to finish high school online also and then to try for some professional training as well online.

Adi pays a visit to Vero's.  His news is that now Chente suspects Vulga's demon spawn is somebody else's.  They agree that La Vulga needs to be shut down and shut up.  He has too much to lose to allow that trailer trash to wreck his long-term plans.  Neither think Nata suspects it could be his bastard. Vero says she'll check into things.  He suggests Vero be very discreet; Nata should never learn that they are still lovers.  Vero says not a chance.  Adi and she are too good a team together.  Once he gets his mitts on Nata's inheritance and Vero manages to steal Elia's away from him nothing will stop the two of them.  They'll be on top of the world again and no betrayals or he'll kill her--if she doesn't kill him first, she assures him.  They seal the dream deal with another kiss and some afternoon delight.

While Adi's gone, Nata takes a look around Adrian's office and finds his computer and giant floor safe.  However, she doesn't have his password.  She has to leave it alone for now.

Mario and Eli are finishing lunch.  Mario insists he wants in on Eli's big-money deals.  Eli says he does want shed of Adrian but needs someone he can trust to work with.  It must be somebody who makes money like it's magic the same way Adi does.  Mario advises him not to dismiss his talents out of hand.  I do a good job and nothing frightens him.  Elias says appearances are everything in this line of work and rather than getting serious with his alley cat from the barrio he's got to marry somebody of his same class and background.  The camera widens and we see that the undercover cop is listening at the table across the room to this entire conversation.  Once Eli is gone, the cop reminds Mario he's got to give the guy time to swallow the hook.  Then they can reel him in and throw the book at him.

Valentina is mad at herself and the world for breaking off with Mario.  Seeing how happy Chole and Gustavo now only makes it worse.  She tells Chole all the times she caught him with his exes.  Of course, he was only talking to them.  Chole says he has a right to speak with them.  

At the same time, Chente takes a look around the old house.  Vero walks in and seductively says it's time she got to know the man who has stolen her BFF's heartNata, meanwhile, is meeting with the lady detective.  Nata couldn't get into the computer because she didn't have the password; the same with the safe of his, since she didn't know the combination.  No problem!  The detective hands her a USB thumb drive and says to put it into the computer.  It's going to download a virus that will allow them to remotely access his computer and all his files.  He will never know the difference.  

Chente resists Vero's seductive charms and asks her to get to the point already.  She tells him not to get so defensive.  They want the same thing: to get Nata away from Adrian, permanently.

Back at Adi's manse, Nata manages to put the USB into his computer and deliver the virus just in the nick of time.  Adi comes looking for her and she then pretends to be trying to look up recipes on his computer.  She didn't know the password.  He tells her it is her birthday.

Chente doesn't fall for Vero's suspicions about whether Adrian and Nata are sleeping once again under the same roof and as lovers.  He trusts Nata to be there for the reasons she gave him. Vero asks if there are other motives, her true motives for being there.  He realizes Vero's trying to get dirt on Nata and questions her about it.  Vero answers, "--Wouldn't you? Adrian and I are lovers and will love each other till the day we die.  Don't stop fighting to get her back.  Don't let him win her back, because he's mine alone.  And I will defend that love with all I have (using tooth and nail).

Clod attends his first AA meeting and gives his little speech.  His mama drank.  His mama had great expectations.  He drank to hide his disappointment in not becoming the great politician she'd wanted him to be.  FF>> FF>>

Tere has coffee with Magos and tells her about Clod's supposed change.  "--One week, eh?  Well, the proof is in the pudding.  Don't get your hopes up. " Julian comes to see her.  She tells him about Clod's attempt to get his disease under control.  She cannot abandon him when he needs her so much.  Julian understands and will wait for her on the sidelines, we suppose.  

Mario has a car for Tina to work on and fix.  They have a spat about overlooking their personal problems to through with their professional needs.  He'll bring the car tomorrow.

JJ gets on Tina's case for treating Mario so meanly.  Doesn't she see that Mario only suggested bringing the car to have a chance to see her again?  She screwed the pooch and big time!  She's upset with herself.  FF>>FF>>

Nata has come back to look at the progress on the house.  Chente is still there and he tells her Vero had stopped in.  Obviously, she suspects Nata's motives for getting back with Adrian.  Chente thinks Adi sent her there to learn what her reasons are.  He's scared because he cannot be there to protect her if she's in danger.  She reassures him that she's only there to take care of Andi and once her grandchild is born, she's coming back to be with him. He's excited and says then during her time away over the next couple of months he'll have the house renovated.  They'll grow old there together.  They kiss.

Two months later they are still kissing. JJ is there with Regi who is taking pictures of the renovated rooms and Benji jumping for joy.

Back at Adi's manse, Andi feels like a big balloon and is tired of staying in bed.  Omi is studying at his computer.  

Constanza has just signed away her entire fortune to Elias as part of their agreement to get full control of Andi and Omi's baby.  The next step is for her to agree to pretend to have died.  Eli will arrange it to happen that night.  Why so soon?  (Cuz Elias is a greedy sumbitch.  That's why!)  He tells her it's necessary and once she and his grandson are safely out of the country, he'll sign it all back over to her again.  Although, she'll have a totally new identity.  Her sister and BIL will never be able to find her.


Jardinera, excellent as always. Fantastic title and I love your wry wit.

“The next step is for her to agree to pretend to have died. Eli will arrange it to happen that night”. Has every cell in Conz’s fevered, demented brain disintegrated?? Why isn’t her internal “Danger Will Robinson” alarm screaming bloody murder (hers!)?

“She looks like she wants anything but to be chained to him for life because of his emotional weaknesses, but she gives in for a while”. I’m all for rehabilitation, for sobriety, for rebuilding one’s life, making amends. But really, did it HAVE to be Claudio?? Further, is he aware of all the harm he’s caused? You can’t repent if you don’t fully understand what you’ve done.

Vero and Adrian epitomize sick and twisted. Truly frightening and equally disgusting.

Natalia radiated such fear and anxiety while copying Adrian’s files, my heart was in my throat wondering if he would catch her. While that didn’t happen, his radar is on high alert.

I am assuming Olga is alive. But where???

Judy, sending you wishes for cool breezes and warming sunshine.

Jardinera, another wonderful recap. Thank you!


Excellent, Jardinera.

Every vote of confidence for 2xJose. He will be top of his class, much to the chagrin of the Lorenzos of this world.

Constanza signing her fortune away to Elias is the only proof we need that she is BSC. At the outset of this tale she was actually somewhat intelligent about money.

Maybe more later; I'm making Black Forest Fruit Tarts for a party.

Thanks, Jardinera, for a great read. Better than many books I’ve read. I found this episode frustrating because of so much stupidity! Connie is totally clueless. She signs her fortune away and now they’re going to fake her death. I will be surprised if she comes out of this alive.

Teresa taking Claudio back was a real surprise. Did he remind her of the days when they were happy? Were they ever happy. Is he going to suddenly get a job and support them? I think he does know Connie’s plans for the baby, but does he remember?

Finally Chente has a brain. He knew not to have anything to do with Veronica and get her out fast.

It was a nail biting time while Natalia waited for the info to download. And I agree Adrian might be suspicious now. Not only the computer but Chente is free and he knows that’s who she loves.

Two months have passed and no Olga. She needs to turn up to tell all. Before Veronica and Adrian get to her!

Lots of excitement still to come!


Jardinera,thanks for another snappy recap as the villains start snapping at each other .

The actress playing Vero should get extra pay for the way creepy Elias and Adrian keep grabbing her and kissing her and throwing her around ...Vero seems to like it .

Sergio is teasing us . When he grabbed Vero on the sofa , he threw something yellow ! What was that ? Where did it come from ? Has he thrown his cellphone yet ?

Mario is wearing a hoodie when he meets Elias for lunch , so Val is getting him to relax his stuffy dresscode. Ha....It's Mario from the hood now .

The resident femme fatale voracious Vero decides to slither and slide around Chente. Hey, Chente is so tense ...she just wants to help him . Vero is a giver.

Olga....where are you ? Evil doesn't die that easily.

And Clod has suddenly turned over a new leaf . No . Not that easy for a tiger to change its stripes .

2x seems to be back on track to a future so bright he will have to wear shades , and Reg is back to being a good girl . okay.

Goodbye Con . You have been conned . Now who will con Elias , Adrian, and Vero? The terrible trio of greed .

Thank you, Jardinera for another outstanding recap. I especially liked: (Cuz Elias is a greedy sumbitch. That's why!) It couldn't have been said better.

Urban, "BSC" is the perfect descriptor for Connie who has clearly gone around the bend and isn't coming back. Elías doesn't need her now that the has her money. The Black Forest fruit tarts sound delicious.

Liz, "Finally Chente has a brain." That was a good one and oh so true. We have been waiting a good one time for him to wizen up and not take everything on face value. I also had a better opinion of him now that he is planning on getting a degree in business administration like Omar.

Sysanlynn, Yes they are "The terrible trio of greed." I want to see all of them dead and gone with no possibility of return. As for Olga, you are right with "Evil doesn't die that easily." If Olga has survived she can go back and die with the previous three. Unless she went to jail for life, she would be a real PITA for Chente as son as she got out.

I loved Vale telling Mario that when she was done with somebody, she buried them and then ran her steam roller over the site.

I didn't like Claudio asking Tere to stay with him in his fight against alcoholism. It seemed selfish to me and against what he is going to learn in AA. Maybe Tere needs to go to AL ANON if she is going to be involved so she can break any co-depenency she ahs with Claudio. Down the line, I would like to see Claudio offer her a divorce and for her to take it to be with Julián. It is hard to see women always being forced into the role of caretaker.

It was convenient and very welcome that Lorenzo's parents had him move back home to Guadalajara. I don't think I could stand seeing him again.

They are gong to "fake" Connie's death? Hmmm . . .

Can't wait until Monday.

Diana, I missed your comment some how. ITA about Natalia installing the virus on Adrián’s computer. That was the longest download ever. At least she hasn't told Chente what she is up to. After she blabbed to her daughters, I had my doubts.

Thanks, Jardinera. Super, must-read recap.

It seems we all have concern for black-hearted Connie. I certainly don't want her to triumph, but I don't want Elias to make a fool of her either. I'm still hoping she's got an ace up her sleeve that would stop Elias from disappearing her permanently.

I'm thinking Adrian suspects Nata is up to something but his ego is telling him she's too stupid to best him at anything.

Yay, 2XJose is back on track.

Urban, Black Forest Tarts? Yum!

Judy, hope you are getting better and keeping up with this. Sending you a virtual Black Forest Fruit Tart from my fridge!

We should have a recipe discussion some weekend. Anyone who wants the recipe for that one will be welcome to it.


Faking one's death is risky. Anyone who saw Fuego en la Sangre will remember what happened to Gabriela at the end. Elias is almost as diabolical as Fernando Escandon. At the end of the previous discussion I posted that Elias would have all of Constanza's assets; getting them back would present difficulties for Teresa and Natalia.

Chente knows what Veronica did. Any woman who betrays her best friend in this manner cannot be trusted no matter what.

Totally agree that Denia Agalianou deserves combat pay for this one. BTW, does anyone else remember her from El Dragon? This one must feel like a lark to her in most of her scenes.

The kid actor playing Benjamin also deserves combat pay. Vulga's abuse of this innocent child is the nastiest I can remember.

Thanks, Jardinera. This was an interesting episode and a great read. And I suppose that a time leap was absolutely necessary with so much ground to cover in the few remaining episodes.

Where is Olga? I know she is a villana villana, but I'm worried about her, though even Juanga wouldn't have her now. Hopefully she is not dead, nor being kept prisoner by Simba's former henchcreatures, so where is she?

Over the course of this show Constanza has grown on me despite being one very nasty woman. I agree she's BSC now, but I worry that Elías is not going to just "fake" her death. Is he that bad? So far he has been arrogant and cruel, but he hasn't killed anybody. And I thought it was nice of him to tip the woman whom Omar "killed"   :-)

We will see.

Regina is looking pretty good these days.

Chente has a brain now? So somewhere in the world there is now a new zombie, shuffling along with no brain and looking for one.

And Chente is planning to get a university degree online. Oh, look! There's a flying pig!

I know I'm getting some bad karma for this but I can't help making fun of some of these TN characters   :-)


Andy....making fun of these people is mandatory here on the patio. Some of your comments should be enshrined in the sidebar . Mocking the madness is part of the fun of watching these shows. It probably prevents us from saying inappropriate things to people in our real life orbits ..or is that just my excuse? #flyingpigs

Hi all patio peeps. Comments are really on point today. ITA with them all!!!!!! I don't even want to think about how nutty Connie is at this point. She deserves to be swindled, as we all know and if she's left alive, she'll be cleaning toilets at the Country Club till kingdom come. Vero and Adrian, Elias are the those I am most interested in seeing the Anvil Of Justicia smash flat in a major splat. I wonder what the TN gods have in store for them. Any suggestions?

Susanlynn, thanks. Yeah, sometimes making fun of a character, or two, or 20, provides an escape valve for when the TN gets annoying.

All in all, Chente is a pretty good guy. But he better stop clamping his jaw like that or he will eventually have dental problems.


Andy, and 99.9% always get annoying at some time.

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