Saturday, July 09, 2022

Mi Fortuna Es Amarte #95, 7/8/22: A True Father And Just Desserts For A Chef's Tormentors

 [Here it is, in parts, mis patio peeps!  Enjoy a light brunch and the coffees of your choice.  Don't overlook the danish!  There are cheese and some apple, just for you, JudyB!  --Ed.]


Vicente has entered Olga's hideout (looking very similar to Simba's dirty digs, we might add.   He sees Benji wearing a suicide bomber's jacket and La Vulga holding the button.  "--Don't force things or I will squeeze this and we all fly away in pieces!"  She whines that she was forced to this extreme just to get him to pay some attention to her.  Why couldn't it have been different for the two of them?  If he'd just loved her....."--We can still talk."  "--Tell the police not to enter!"  She continues to whine and whimper.  "--Everything I've done has been because I love you, Chente."  Since they're all going to die anyway, she is ready to confess all she's done for Luhhhhhvvv, she continues.

Across town, at his manse, Adrian has called Veronica to complain about what an ignoramus he's been all along, trying to hoodwink Natalia into believing he loved her so he could get his hands on her inheritance, and yet, she ends up moving in just to play him for the fool!  Vero says she just found out that Nata and Mario have been working for the authorities.  "--There is a warrant out for your arrest.  Get out of there immediately!  Don't waste any time!"  He takes the remaining cash from the safe and stops a moment to stomp on the painting of his family, specifically on Nata's face, as he leaves.

Chente returns from his chat with the police.  The police will stay outside and they can chat calmly.  "--Just please hand me the detonator, Olga?  None of us has to die."  She refuses. She teases him with it.  "--You told me I was worse than a monster!  You don't think I'd do it?"  Chente begs for her to think of his son who is just an innocent child. (Like that ever mattered to this sicko?  Chente still doesn't get it.)  "'--My love for you got me to cross all boundaries. (You can say that again, Chacha!) And I am not sorry about any of it!"  He approaches her and again wants the detonator.  "--You aren't capable of killing."  Oh, not so, Favorite Number One Son!  Vulga proceeds to tell him how this unending nightmare began:  "--The night you left me on the side of the highway, Veronica and I had planned to kill Natalia.  Vero paid me a huge wad of cash to give to Simba for him to kill her.  But it all went sideways because she never arrived; she'd gone to a hotel with her husband.  You went crazy.  I begged you to forget her in my arms, that you'd give me just one chance, Chente, but you rejected me and you left me out there alone!"  Chente apologizes in vain.  "--What does it matter now?   Simba didn't lie to you.  I asked him to help me pretend I got raped all on account of you leaving me there."

Back at the barrio house, Tere is bemoaning Claudio's death.  Andrea tells her that she'd done all a wife could do.  Tere wonders at so many tragic things happening to them all at once. (Clod feeding the worms is the best we could wish for him.  At least he died totally unawares after turning his life around.)  Andy adds to the emotional load by informing Tere that the person who'd been caring for Baby Omi was in fact Tia Constanza.  "--She isn't really dead, Grams."   

Vulga continues with the horror story.  "--There's more to tell and Nata will love this part!  About that time I met Adrian.  He wanted to get her back and, well, I wanted to get you.  It was convenient since I would get you away from her. He was desperate to get his daughters out of the barrio.  Simba began working for Adrian.  He and his gang began assaulting people on the streets.  It was all to turn this barrio into the worst of the city.  Adrian gave the order to have your auto parts shop robbed.  Also, he paid to have them wreck your house (along with Nata's Home-cookin' Kitchen).   He had the chance to kill her again, but the fool didn't do it.  You stopped him from doing it.  It was Adrian who shot him to shut him up.  Then the day I didn't come to the church for the wedding, I am  almost certain he had me attacked and assaulted so that Natalia would never learn that the baby I was carrying was his."  Chente and Nata nearly collapse from the shock and the relief, combined.  

Now at Adi's manse, the federales  (dressed like shock troops, I might add) come rushing in looking to arrest him.   However, he's long gone with the wind.

La Vulga continues her nightmarish tale.  "--When I told Adrian the baby was his, he helped me scheme to make you believe it was yours, Chente.  He gave me something to mix into your drink.  It was the same stuff Elias used to fool Andrea's boyfriend with."  The dumbstruck look on Chente's face, now that the truth of the matter has been 'splained, suits him.  Dumb as a box o' rocks and struck with every one of them....."--It was the happiest night of my life because finally, I had you in my arms.  I put on one of her camisoles and perfume so you'd think it was her in bed with you.  (This tale of woe woefully omits mentioning the evil way she took pleasure in purposely making Natalia feel betrayed and ashamed when she walked in on the two of them.)  He again beseeches: if she feels all this love for him as she says then please show it and give him the detonator. She finally agrees, but first, he's got to kiss her, and it better not be just a brotherly one, either.  Chente looks to Nata for permission.  She of course gives it with a nod.  The deed is done, after a dangerous misstep, to all of Viewerville's disgust, and then the beastie-bitch hands over the detonator.  He leads her out the door. 

The neighborhood curses Olga as she's pushed into the back seat of the cop car.  The bomb squad comes to the rescue and with a single, well-placed snip, Benji is free of the bomb.  (Somebody should have put that jacket on her instead, but I get ahead of myself.) Viewerville notes that there are no rotten tomatoes or banana and orange peels being pelted her way.  More's the pity.)

Two days later, Baby Andi-Omi is baptized.  Andrea says the name they chose is Vicente, because he's been like the father she never really had.  Smiles all around; Vicente it is!

The next surprise is for Valentina.  Mario has decided they'll stay in the barrio.  He's bought the two of them a pretty two-story house close to her job and all the people she and he feel close to.  (Pretty little place.  Maybe I just like the color combination.)

The third nasty surprise is for Tere when she goes to visit Conz in the loony bin.  There is Connie holding a baby doll.  She hisses at Tere when she comes and holds it too long. "-- Nobody will take my baby away from me!"  FF>>FF>>  (So whose fortuna is paying for this glorious home away from home for her?  Did it ever get adjudicated and returned from what Hadad had her sign away?)

Gustavo and Chole get the news from the OB that because of their ages, they should take tests to determine if the baby is healthy or will come with birth defects.  Chole and Tavo will take the baby as is and pray the child is born healthy.  

End Parte 1~~

~~PARTE 2~~

Chente arranges for a barrio breakfast brunch with Nata and proposes marriage.  They've got a love that manages to knock down walls, and overcome betrayals and abuses of all sorts.  Will she marry him?  She gives him the immediate YES!  And while all other friends look on and cheer, the spying Adrian also claps and claps loudest of all.  She tells him she'll never leave Chente to go with him ever and he'd better scram before the police learn where he is and arrest him.  Chente can have her for all he cares; he just wants his money back that she stole from him!  

At the women's prison, a huge hulking lady guard comes for Olga.  Olga asks dreamily if Chente has come to visit her.  The guard grabs her by the collar and tells her that in the barrio, all social norms are supposed to be respected. "-- No one ever messes with a child and you made a mess of it.  And since nobody there ever blew the whistle on you, we're going to dull your tongue for you so you'll stay silent.  (They proceed to cut off her tongue--an adequate response inside an institution that reviles those who prey on children.....)

Adi pulls out a gun to show he means bidnez!  Nata says she's got nothing left.  It was her inheritance and she signed it all over to Vero.  He and Chente scuffle for his gun and it drops.  When Chente grabs it he finds it empty and drops it before running after the escaping Adi.  Nata calls the police and gives them the warning he's there.  Chente catches up to Adrian in the park and they spar but Adi gets away by besting Chente and stealing a car from a well-meaning driver who stops to help him.  

Adi arrives at Vero's manse and takes advantage of Juanita the maid's good intentions.  He grabs her at the neck and warns Vero he'll kill her if she doesn't cooperate.  Vero says she could care less so kill her if he wants.  He breaks her neck and throws her off to the side.  He then comes after Vero.  Vero warns him he's in it up to his neck and all the ways out of the country are blocked.  He wants Nata's inheritance funds.  Holding a nasty pair of gardening shears, she sneers at him and snidely says that what he waited twenty years to capture she got hold of with a single phone call.  "--You are nothing and nobody without me, Adrian, just a measly con man, and swindler.  "--Whatever you do, I do it much better!  It was me and I took advantage of them all: Mario, Hadad, .that foolish Olga and even Natalia herself in order to see you just like this, brought down, defeated at your own game."  He tries circling towards her and threatens to kill her.  "--You'll come to the same end, either way, in jail or with the police after you forever."  All she asks him for is some recognition that she is superior to him.  Beg her a bit, even and they can have it all, everything they ever dreamed of.  "-- Me begging you?"  "--A woman always like playing hard to get."  

Adi tells Vero there's no way in the world would he get on his knees to her.  He'd rather serve twenty terms in jail than be tied a lifetime to a tarantula like her.  (Well, tell me how you really feel!)  "--You return all my money to me or you have no idea of the Hell that will await you!"  She throws down the shears swearing that he doesn't frighten her.  He jumps her and pushes her face down into the thorny rosebed.  He mashes her face in the thorns. (Ouch and a half!)  He then takes a hearty gulp of the wine she poured earlier for him. She's still screaming in pain and looks up.  Her face is cut to shreds. He smirks. "--Don't worry.  You're more beautiful than ever."  He begins getting stomach cramps.  "--You still don' understand that our souls were fused together the first time we made love together."  "--I want my money, you damned bitch!  I want my money!"  "--And I want YOU!  If I cannot have you in this life, then I will in death!  Oh, don't resist.  It's a fast-acting poison. It isn't the first time that I use it.  "  He falls down and begins crawling towards her, begging for help.  She tells him that's how she wants him.  She laughs insanely.  "--There you are in the same place I buried my parents after killing them."  He finally flatlines.  "--They didn't know how to appreciate me, either.  It was really easy to go on without them."  She pours herself a glass of the same tainted wine.  "--My only mistake, my love, my condemnation, was that I couldn't exist without you!  This world doesn't interest me if you're not living in it."  

Vero gulps down her wine, lays her head down on his chest, and waits for the rest in the next world just as sirens sound in the background.  After the hit squad arrives and takes a look around, Chente and Nata enter the garden.  The cops signal to the two of them that they're all dead.  

Benji has a final dream with his mother who tells him her favorite bird is the hummingbird and she will leave him in mama Natalia's loving care.  

A year later we are at the church where we hear Samia singing the Ave Maria.  Why it's Chente and Nata's wedding at the barrio church, and it's huge!  (Why did it ever take this long?)  It's everything Samia ever would have wanted.   All the kids and all the good guys are in attendance.  Viewerville notes: Kimberly is with Juanga and Tere is with Julio.  Tavo and Chole are there with their daughter in Chole's arms.  She looks healthy.  Little Chente is in Omi and Andi's arms.  Regina and JJ are still a couple too.  Mario and Tina are still together also.  Chente and Nata both agree that their greatest fortune is the love they hold for each other.  They all get onto the dance floor and then do the conga.  A grand time is had by all. Viewerville pays its respects and takes its leave.



I'll post my personal thoughts on last night's Gran Final once the full recap with pictures is finished.

Steve Boudreaux

Those of us who recap will tell you that Uni doesn't make it easy. My respects to Princess Juju and Jarifa, as well as Juanita who managed to pinch-hit for us when Juju was out unexpectedly with family worries. Thanks to them for their weekly input. It always goes better when we do it as a team. I must add that it doesn't mean a thing without The Patio in attendance, so thanks for all the opining and laughs. Here's to JudyB's recovery and a heartfelt wish that she will be joining us back in her regular spot on that patio.w It's not quite the same without her.

I will be taking a break with recapping but will eventually return when the spirit moves me. I won't be far away as I do watch these crazy things regularly no matter what.

As for this fruit salad, well the baddies all got what was coming to them and that's what counts, right? That was most satisfying this time. The punishments relegated by the telenovela gods were meted out wisely and fully in this one. The best was definitely Olga's I would say. It was most gruesome and we'll never have to hear anything more coming out of her lying lips. Demon spawn was sent back to Hell when she aborted. Chente and Nata were definitely the perfect pair. I just wonder what was done with all Vero's fortuna? Donated to charity? Did the Mexican treasury take it over to do "good works" or what? The girls and Nata maybe got a three-way split of the house and the cash in his briefcase. Tere has hers safe from Clod's now dead grasp. Conz was essentially to be given to Baby Chente. She doesn't need it anyway.

I loved the fabulous blue tones at the wedding party. Nata's off the shoulder wedding dress was divine and tasteful. The church was also elegantly outfitted. As I said, it was everything Samia could have wanted for her Chu Chu, except for the location.....Well we cannot have it all, right?


Thanks so much, Jardinera, for all your hard work recapping this wild ride. Yes, everyone’s ending was fitting. But as usual, we are left with questions. Mario will never really know what happened to his sister, and yes, where’s all the money.

I always think the last episode should be all HEA so we can see how everyone’s carrying on with their life. I guess that’s what our imagination is for! Chole and Tavo’s baby looked cute, but do we really know! Connie made it impossible for her to have a baby because it would have been ugly!

I thought they had killed Olga, what they did was much more fitting.

Thanks to all our great recappers!


Jardinera, You went and saved the best for last. This and all of your work was outstanding. Thank you for making it so much fun amidst all the angst.

“beastie-bitch” – love it – perfect!

I thought Natalia looked gorgeous, a beatific bride. She and Chente looked so happy. The singing and music were wonderful and the dancing was great fun. Loved Benja dancing with Fernanda.

Tere with Julio made me smile. It’s never too late for happiness.

One of the mercies of not understanding the majority of dialogue is that I did not understand what was being done to Olga. Deserved? Perhaps but I am grateful we were spared any graphics.

Adrian and Vero receiving a Romeo and Juliet ending? Yes, of course, so in love and so true to each other. Sigh. Fitting they are dead but the fact they didn’t suffer seemed unjust. No surprise that Vero is and always was Satan’s daughter.

Hub walked by just as Samia started singing. He asked why she was wearing such an ugly dress – I had to laugh Shame wardrobe couldn’t have given her something prettier but I liked her singing.

Jardinera, thanks to you, Jarifa, Princess and Juanita for all your hard work. An amazing team. I understand you need a break but look forward to reading your sublime recaps when you choose to recap again.

Judy, this was made more special knowing you were here with us smiling and shaking your head.

More later.


Jardinera, thank you for your wonderful sendoff of this novela. Nope, Uni didn’t make it easy. Yes, Olga did deserve to be pelted with any rotten fruit or veggie available along with the jeers. Good one! As Diana, I loved “Beastie Bitch.”

Some thoughts:

I love the huge oversized doors in the modern mansions. It sort of gives them that palace/castle feel.

Funny how Chente always grabbed his head like a little kid anytime he was overwhelmed.

So, Regina and JuanGa were the godparents. Looks like JuanGa and Kim were a couple now one year later.

Mario finally got smart.

Connie is gone for good. Yay!

The fist fight between Chente and Adrián was well done as well as Adrián breaking Juanita’s neck. It looked like he had dine it before.

Who knew Samia would sing “Ave María”?

Great ending for Vero and Adrián.

Olga’s maiming was a fitting sentence for her abuse of Ben. I have a feeling it was only a fist step and she didn’t last very long in the big house.

This was not the best novela I have ever seen; far from it but it was so very enjoyable no matter how the characters aggravated me on a daily basis. It was very well acted and produced. Now if Uni could have only kept up to date with its episodes
OnDemand. . . But that is a continuing tale all its own.



Starts in this time slot on Monday. There are recappers for three days: Adriana, Darcy and me. We are looking for anyone interested in recapping a Tuesday or a Thursday.

“La herencia” looks like it could be a fun one centered on the inheritance of an avocado empire among six siblings with an interesting twist.

One more thing for now: it might have been schmaltzy, but I loved the hummingbird segment.

My personal thoughts on last night's Gran Final (Part I):
1.) Ugly Olga nagging & nagging: I pressed the mute button whenever she was on.

2.) Adrian still looting whatever $$$$$.

3.) Natalia & Benji: Awww. Lovely moment keeping the kid calm.

4.) Chente could've been a law enforcement hostage negotiator.

5.) Ugly Olga confessing all of her crimes, etc.,

Good thing Natalia closed her eyes when Ugly Olga kissed Chente.

6.) After FINALLY giving him the detonator, Chente takes Olga outside where law enforcement finally arrests her.

7.) Bomb Squad shows up in defusing the bomb jacket. HORRAY!

8.) Meanwhile Tere annoyed me with her bemoaning over Claudio's death.

9.) Law enforcement barged into Creepy Adrian's mansion.....finding out he wasn't there. Was that EC whom I recognized ?

10.) Baby Andi-Omi is baptized at church & Andrea chooses the name Vicente. Awww!

11.) Mario & Valentina staying in the neighborhood: with a two-story house close to her job.

12.) Crazy Constanza in the crazy house: GOOD!

Steve Boudreaux

Personal thoughts on last night's Gran Final (Part II):
13.) Gustavo & Chole meeting with the OB on the health regarding the baby.

14.) Meanwhile Chente kneels & asks Natalia to marry him. She says YES! Most folks in the crowd celebrate when suddenly Creepy Adrian ruins the moment AGAIN!

15.) Creepy Adrian demands Natalia to return the $$$$$$ that she took from him. She responds she gave her inheritance to Psycho Veronica, etc.,

16.) Over in prison: Ugly Olga gets a gruesome lesson of punishment by getting her tognue cut out altogether. Good because we don't need to hear or see that evil wicked devil again.

17.) Chente & Creepy Adrian get into a brawl while Natalia calls law enforcement.

18.) RIP Juanita: I saw it coming the second she let Creepy Adrian into the garden of Veronica's house.

19.) Both Creepy Adrian & Psycho Veronica die of poisoned wine that she personally made. I had no idea she whacked her own parents too & buried both of them in the garden YIKES.

20.) Law enforcement along with Chente & Natalia arrive at Veronica's garden: the 2 cops confirm Creepy Adrian, Psycho Veronica & Juanita all dead.

The Long National Nightmare is over.

21.) Benji saying goodbye to his mother in his final dream: Awww.

I admit that Adriana Fonseca was amazing in the role of Benji's late mother.

22.) Natalia will be an awesome stepmother to Benji.

23.) Wedding of Chente & Natalia takes place at the bario church which is large.

Had no idea Samia was a singer.

24.) I think I recognized Castillo from Telemundo's "ESDLC" among those attending the wedding.

Gustavo & Chloe including their healthy baby daughter in attendance as well as Mario & Valentina; Kimberly with Juanita & Tere & Julian.

25.) Awesome wedding reception as Andrea & Omi are with Little Chente; JJ & Regina plus lots of folks.

Chente & Natalia living happily ever after.

Jardinera: Enjoyed your recaps & watching this Telenovela!!!!!!!

Steve Boudreaux

Interesting lists, Steve! Glad you saw this through to the end with us.😃 Jardinera654

Jarifa, thanks for being there and heading up this group.—Jardinera654

Diana— I thought Samir’s dress was rather subdued for her character. But she’s a widow now, so she gets a break, I guess.—Jardinera654


Jardinera, thank you this excellent recap. I want to thank you and all the recappers, you guys have done a great job with what was occasionally fairly mediocre novela material to work with. You recappers spun straw into gold.

I was not happy with this final episode, except for the happy, happy ending. For one thing, Verónica was so in love with Adrián that she had no desire to go on without him? Really? Meh.

I was happy for Mario and Valentina, it looks like they made it, though I thought that they should have been married and deciding things together at that point. But happy for them nonetheless.

I hope for the best for good guys like Juanga. I would have been happier if we had seen some real interest in Kimberly from Juanga earlier, but I'll believe they managed to close the deal somehow, and she was not Juanga's second or third choice.

About Olga, I don't know. Is someone so very, very BSC really evil? Everything she did was evil, but was she competent to realize that?

Jarifa, Jardinera, Princess Juju, Juanita, thank you all for making this fairly good, but sometimes unpleasant novela much more palatable. The episodes were sometimes less than fun to watch, the recaps were always great.


Liz, I think once Vero and Adrian became rose fertilizer he must have figured Tania was avenged… IMO. —Jardinera654

Andy, thanks and yeah, the worst sometimes gives us something to laugh at. I wonder if the writers don’t laugh at themselves when writing some of this muck. Hope to see you and Steve on the patio again soon.—Jardinera654

Jardinera, you are welcome. It was my pleasure and I had the time.

Diana, Liz, Jarifa— yes, Olga’s punishment was gruesome, and I wonder if she was sane enough to understand any longer why there was such outrage in the prison women. Maybe she bled to death or died from shock after the deed. She was like the spawn of Freddy Krueger, long nails and all, and never being able to get shed of her….—Jardinera654

A big thank you to our wonderful recappers Who devotedly brought us detailed accounts of each episode complete with catchy titles . many anvils were death ...Elias shot himself. Clod died of disease. Adrian killed Juanita and battered Vero after Chente battered him. I guess the wine was poisoned and he and drank it....and then Vero with her beautiful face all cut up thanks to Adrian drank the wine. Two awful people and two awful deaths full of violence and despair right there among Vero's yellow roses of doom. The prison attack on Olga was brutal and hard to watch. .....maybe worse than death by coyotes. It's a tossup. I hate those scenes.

I got a big kick out of Mario yelling " THIS YOUR HOUSE!!!!!" At Val. This scene convinced me that they should be together. When you truly love someone, you are happiest when you make that person happy ...the best feeling in the world. Mario seemed so happy to make Val happy. I'm sold .

The wedding was lovely . Happily married people think of their own wedding and happiness at every wedding . I was glad it see that 2x wasn't wearing his ever present beanie . Abuela looked lovely . Two sets of parents were holding their babies. Who knew that Samia could sing ...and without snapping her fingers .

The wedding reception seemed as though it was the actual party for this show at the end if shooting with the big sign with the title hanging over the dance floor, the singer from the intro singing the theme song , and Chente's last line to Nat was the title. I love music and love to dance so I enjoyed everyone on the dance floor . Juanga and Omer have the moves. quote our beloved Dr. Carlos...Next !!!!. Meet you at the ranch . Susanlynn, heading off to find a cowgirl hat and boots

Thank you so much recappers and commenters! This was fun, I started this novela a couple of weeks ago and zoomed thru just in time to watch the finale live. My Spanish has improved since I started at ground zero 5 years ago; your entertaining and detailed recaps are vital to understanding the dialogue. I'm sorry I couldn't comment because I wasn't up to date. I mainly want to say that all your work is SO appreciated!!
Thoughts: Susana González was fantastic as was the actor playing Benji.
Thanks again

Jarifa, Ave Maria was my mother’s favorite song. We had it played at her funeral mass –it always makes me cry. And the hummingbird was lovely I completely agree.

I’ve been thinking about your comments regarding Olga Andy and Jardinera. You asked an excellent question Andy “Is someone so very, very BSC really evil? Everything she did was evil, but was she competent to realize that?” I usually believe most who commit horrific acts are mentally ill. But to me, Olga seemed perfectly cognizant of her horrific acts and actions. She clearly knew the difference between good and evil. There were a few pointed moments where her facial expression showed she might year for something different, yet chose her own path of cruelty and child abuse. However, I do believe she became mentally ill after she was raped. Thinking Chente would actually visit her was proof positive. So hateful and hurtful, but most of the damage she caused was done by her own free will.

I guess it never occurred to Mario to ask Vale what type of house she might prefer. Similarly, it never occurred to Vale that she might have wanted to be asked. These two were indeed made for each other.

Susanlynn, I’m still trying to decide if this or the being eaten by coyotes was worse. Regardless, two terrible fates!


Diana, our mother’s had the same taste. Ave Maria was my mother’s favorite, too. : )

Susanlynn, I always love when a character says the title of the show. I cannot believe they made us wait until the end.

Great finish, Jardinera!

I normally do a full roundup of the series but everything has already been said. The evil ones all got their just desserts. The only safety for any of the good guys meant that the evil ones had to die. Adrian and Veronica would only have gone on tormenting others and stealing whatever they could; I don't know that any prison could have held her for long. She had more than enough money to bribe her way out.

The revelation that Veronica had killed her parents was what I expected. She had to have done that for the dinero, but I also wonder whether they were also sociopaths.

Someone commented yesterday that Veronica claimed to love Adrian but hated this. She hated the idea of being weak and she believed that loving anyone else was a feature of weakness. That is why she offed him and herself.

Adrian never loved Natalia or their daughters. Had he done so he would not have stabbed and trampled upon their images in that painting.

Andrea achieved redemption and acquired a great father figure as her ultimate reward. She has learned a lot of valuable lessons.

The only loose end was what happened to all the money? Does anyone own the mansion that Adrian bought? What happened to all of Elias' assets? Did Natalia get her money back? I'd like to think that the year between the ends of our evil ones was needed for a forensic accountant to look at the money trails and see to it that Natalia got back her money and that Teresa got Constanza's. Elias' assets were all probably profits of a criminal enterprise, which should have been seized if this were happening in the US, but since Samia doesn't look like she's flat broke I guess she did have money in her own name.

Finally, Vulga will have serious problems with her tongue cut out. I just looked it up and not only will she not be able to talk intelligibly but if she didn't bleed to death from this assault she will have trouble eating and swallowing.

Michelle Gonzalez did a great job as Olga!

Also great for Susana Gonzalez to have a hit show with her as lead, she deserves it!

A very fitting end for Olga. If she lived through it, she will now experience the frustration and desperation of not being able to talk, just like poor little Benji did when he couldn't talk and she kept terrorizing him even further into silence.

Poetic justice, pure and simple.

Thanks to our recapping team and all the commenters. I picked this back up for the last few weeks and liked being able to follow the wrap-up drama.
Olga always annoyed me and I hated her tormenting Benji. Happy he was rescued safely.
Adrian and Veronica--a fitting end for them. Of course, Chente and Natalia deserved their happy ending.

Can't decide if I need to watch La Herencia. I want to go back and watch the original Mi Pecado Es Amarte. I'm finding Mujer de Nadie just a bit tiresome.

Good wishes for all you patio friends! It's a great place to hang out.

Thanks for our excellent recapping team. I had missed a big chunk of this, but picked back up for the last few weeks.
I was always annoyed with Olga, so it was good to see her finally get her punishment. It was a relief for Benji to survive his bomb scare.
So Adrian and Ver were wiped out in the end, courtesy of Ver's sick mind.
Chente and Natalia deserved their happy ending, as did Mario and Vale.
So Connie was able to settle for a doll as her baby?

Good wishes for all of you patio participants! I enjoy the comments and send good wishes to Judy B.


Great comment. I had missed the delicious irony in that!

La Paloma, AEMP is my favorite telenovela of all time. Yadhira is radiant- NO ONE cries more heart-achingly than she does here (and God knows NO ONE suffers more than her Nora here), but it is the trio of Alejandra, Isaura, and Casilda that make it as delicious as it is.

Sylvia Pasqual is magnificent in her evil as the greedy, vulgar, murderous Isaura... but at the same time (with her whistles and her lipstick permanently on her teeth) absolutely hilarious and a delight to watch.

Tiara Scanda is terrific as poor, insecure, ugly, crazy Casilda, but Margarita Isabel's Alejandra is SO DAMN FUNNY, yet still so despotic, that the character has reached iconic status now- a recent re-transmission in Mexico was incredibly successful and has resulted in all kinds of Memes featuring both Alejandra and Isaura and some of their classic moments.

Even though there are a LOT of filler characters, it is a joy to re-visit, and please keep us posted if you do.

(To "Mujer de nadie" viewers: I have not revealed ANY spoilers as this version has already steered itself so far away from the original that it may as well be another novela entirely, and should consider itself "Based on", and definitely NOT a "Remake".

Super job, Jardinera. This gran finale was jam-packed and I love the way you spun it out. My fave:

The dumbstruck look on Chente's face, now that the truth of the matter has been 'splained, suits him. Dumb as a box o' rocks and struck with every one of them....." - lol. Chente and Nata had reasonable IQs at the start, but then the writers played havoc with the characters' brain cells.

Jardinera, Jarifa, Princess, and Juanita, I lagged behind a lot, but getting your recaps was always a treat -- must-reads for me. I'm glad you recapped Mi Fortuna, but most of all I'm glad you recap - period!

I enjoyed Fortuna though it had more villains than I'm accustomed to. I'm satisfied with all their downfalls, except for Olga. Perfect ending of Vero getting thorny yellow roses smashed in her face before her death. But the extra of Olga getting tongue removal after incarceration leaves me cold. I'd have her in the psycho ward blabbing endlessly to herself about her great love who'll visit her any minute now.. But I know TN rules demand mutilation for her.

JudyB, I'm hoping La Herencia interests you. I don't know about the plot, but there is ample eye candy.

Princess Juju, I have to tell you that I am still laughing at your last title " Don't bring a mob to a bomb fight ." I laugh every single time I surf into Caray and see it . Love your sense of humor . It's been a fun ride.

I loved Amarte Es Mi Pecado!
Sergio Sendel surprised me as the good guy, as I'd only seen him in bad guy roles, pretty much.
And Yadhira Carrillo, my favorite novela actress and I miss her. Nobody bests her in the crying department! She was about the only leading actress in novelas who looked like most Mexicans, i.e. non European. She's beautiful.
So far, AEMP is much better than Mujer. Anonymous, yes Sylvia P. with the lipstick on her teeth- what a hoot! And Tiare as Casilda, unforgettable!
Mujer de Nadie is AEMP light, with fewer memorable actors. Eh.
Beth S.

Didn't mean to duplicate my comment--the first one disappeared, or so I thought.
Anyway, waiting to see how La Herencia looks.

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