Sunday, April 07, 2024

El Amor no Tiene Receta, Capítulo 27, Viernes, 5 de abril, 2024 - "The not-so-successful party, the not-so-successful disguise and the successful information fishing"

Sorry for the LONG wait guys... I didn't proof read so beware of possible typos.

Esteban and Paz talk on the phone, mostly sweet in-love talk.

Gala is feeling sick but it won't let that stop her. She starts painting her face for the barrio party.

Paz and Luna spend quality time preparing the food for the party. Paz brings a chocolate cake out of the oven and I'm salivating. The Robles except from Lupe bring a little something for the party. Vermin (Fefe according to Luna) has brought a piñata. Luna mentions Lupe not being there but Paz says something about her being tired.

Bosco is being his nasty annoying self (hope he gets lost in some bosco). Esteban, Gala and Eder (all with painted faces) try to make him come but he just plays videogames, mumbling about not being allowed outside anyway. Esteban gets upset, but at last they leave Bosco and his grumpy self alone and go to the barrio party.

Paz has dressed up Luna like a boy and tells her it's for her safety. She also has a cute mouse mask on. They start dancing and Esteban and his 2 kids who haven't inherited Elvira's unbearable trait (you guess who these kids are) come. Eder and the disguised Luna go to play somewhere. Esteban starts saying he can't wait to kiss her and other enamorado talks as Vermin/Fefe is trying to put the piñata in its place. He's too far to hear the convo, but he gets the point from their facial expressions. He does a Bosco with the anger and drops the piñata, almost smashing it. Mir grabs it and screams at him, but Vermin/Fefe is too busy looking angry to answer. The makeup is both making it creepier and funnier, for some reason. 

Eder doesn't get why his "new amigo" won't talk. Luna doesn't say a word. Unfortunately, Cobija starts running around and Luna goes to grab her. Cobija, though, ran into a woman with killer high heels and a killer personality... Literally. Our Ginebra has arrived, looking repulsed that this dog dared to come near her. She at first confuses Luna for a boy too, but then the way she runs and the whole figure reminds her of something... Luna thinks "you're my mom!", but doesn't say anything, with Gin looking like she's starting to put the puzzle pieces together...

Paz is dancing with Esteban when she turns around and can't see Luna. Eder shows her the way "he" went and she runs there.

Salo is worried about Gala's health. Gema and some boy are watching them. Gema has a Bosco level annoying personality. Maybe THEY should get together some time.

Just as Gin is about to pull Luna's mask up, Paz arrives and screams "NO NO NO NO" to Gin. Gin is pretty shocked and asks her what's gotten into her. Paz is just as a quick thinker as her sister and says the boy (Luna) is some neighbour's kid who has had some sort of burn on his face and that's why she can't take the mask off. Gin pretends she buys it but says she's a chemist, she could take a look. Paz insists and then Esteban and Pepa arrive. Gin is surprised to see him here, so is he to see her. She says Paz said she'll help her put up pictures of her daughter, that's why she's here. Gin is still interested in the kid though, he hasn't said a word, what's his name? Paz says "José" at the same time Pepa says "María". Paz saved this by saying he's called José María or Chema for friends. Gin wasn't born yesterday, but pretends she buys it again. Paz tells her she has to take Chema to his mother, but Gin says she'll accompany her. Paz anxiously replies there's no need to, but Gin insists... (At some point, Gin was suspicious of the date of the fiesta, today is her daughter's birthday... Paz says they always have that fiesta for the start of spring.)

Gema now has a cell phone in her hand. She pops up out of nowhere just as Gala was telling Salo about Rubio NOT being their mother's killer probably and starts filming a video, holding a platter of food on her other hand. She apparently wants Gala to eat it. Gala, who is probably anorexic by now, looks like she'd rather stop TikTok than eat. 

Paz also insists on "Chema" being left alone with his mother. Esteban comments that the boy must remind her (Gin) of her daughter. Gin confirms. A firework goes off and Luna has some sort of panic attack. Paz tries to calm "him" down. Thankfully, Luna doesn't talk. She remembers the shots that were fired to make her and Elías leave and go somewhere else at the very start of the telenovela. Gin STILL insists on accompanying them because she "wants to help" but Paz screams no and then apologies, the boy is tense, he doesn't want this right now. She takes Chema/Luna(/Samara/María, how many names will this kid have?!) and leaves.

Gema has now some other kids around her. She says something about a donation if she eats it and they all start screaming "eat it, eat it". Salo snaps, grabs the phone and stops the live and then screams at them. Gema tells Gala Salo will ruin her life (melodramatic, much?) before she leaves.

Gin asks Esteban if he found all this reaction weird, he says yes but Paz is so tense with the party and everything... Plus, she has always been such a transparent person. Gin disagrees, she thinks Paz has some sort of secret, she's fooling everyone... Including you, Esteban.

Jerónimo is watching the video Gema took. His brother asks him how to get thousands of followers and Jer corrects him, HE has MILLIONS. Okay... Then Sandro (Jer's bro) mumbles something about a plan he has (about Kenzo?) that I didn't catch.

Paz manages to get Luna, Cobija ans herself in the house through an open window, which turns out to be Lupe's room. Luna cries about remembering some other shots and wanting to ask her mom if she was lost or abandoned.

Kenzo has prepared another activity for Jer and Sandro. We see Sandro having two pins in his pocket. Uh oh.

Luna screams about not being sure she wants to be living here any more. She runs to another room. Paz wants to go after her but Lupe stops her and tells her to drop it, her life goal isn't to save that kid.

Gin insists that there's something shady going on, what about that ex husband she's having around the house, even though he was violent? Okay, fair point. Esteban says that's Paz's business, not theirs. He tells her to stop beating around the bush; if she wants to say something, say it. Gin agrees and asks him if there's something romantic going on between him and Paz. He doesn't deny it; on the contrary, he admits it! Gin says some "for the business" crap and he asks her not to tell anyone. She says he can count on her (said every traitor ever).

Vermin/Fefe finds Monito. He gets scared and runs for it, but Vermin catches up to him and says that he will take him to his friend, Luna.

Meanwhile, Luna is looking at her fiesta outside. Paz gets in, she wants to talk to her. Luna tells her she wants to be left alone. Paz says ok, but please don't look out the window like this, please. After Paz leaves, Luna prays to God about helping Paz, the whole Robles fam and Monito. Paz, whois outside the door, looks miserable.

Ginebra orders some tech dude to bug the Robles' phones, she needs to know their secret. He says it'll take some time but Gin replies she pays him to be quick. After he leaves, she starts thinking. An imaginary Chema pops up and she takes his mask off, revealing Luna/Samara. The image Gin had in her brain fades, she says it can't be true, she's dead (doesn't she watch telenovelas?) 

Paz tells Nandy and Mir she can't even give Luna the birthday party she deserves, she would be a lousy mother. They try to cheer her up but Paz says her mom was right, now she'll get in trouble for hiding/stealing Luna. Lupe comes and tells them Don Esteban wants to talk to Paz. She goes to the living room and hugs him, she asks him not to let go and to hug her tightly back. He does, while looking puzzled. He says she can tell him everything.

Mauro comes back and says he's been talking to Elías' socios, it's going great. Uh, okay, gym clothes to work? Gin ignores that and asks him if he has something to tell her. "No, nope, nothing special", he replies. Gin says "How it annoys me when you lie to me", brings out a PISTOL the size of s small dolphin, points it at Mauro and asks him "Is Samara alive?" It was at this moment that he knew. He f'ed up. He tells her to put the gun down and she says she's almost sure Paz is hiding Samara in her house.

Nandy and Mir are calming Luna down. They tell her Fefe is bringing a special guest for her party. Luna correctly guesses it's Monito.

Fefe is walking with Monito, when he gets suspicious, goes all "a otro perro con este hueso" ("to another dog with that bone" literally, meaning that he doesn't buy it) and starts running. Fefe tells him about Cobija and Monito seems convinced he's telling him the truth.

Gin tells Mauro that they'll play Russian Roulette. She'll ask him a question and for every question he won't answer, she'll shoot. There's one bullet in the gun. He screams that she can't love anyone; Gin says what if she tell him she's in love? He is shocked and asks her if she's in love with Esteban. I don't think so, bud... 

She first asks him if he's sure Samara is dead. No answer, bang, no bullet. Then she asks him if he ever got some sort of information about Samara after her supposed death. No answer, another bang, no bullet yet. Mauro cracks and tells her about getting info about a girl escaping a hospital and having people search it. She slowly shoots all the remaining times, no bullet! She says she lied, there was no bullet in the gun anyway and slaps him. Gin leaves Mauro crying.

Elvira runs around trying to persuade Bosco to get a girlfriend. He tells her Esteban grounded him, she asks him why, don't lie, I'll see it from the cameras anyway. Bosco admits that his dad caught him smoking and El screams at him Esteban rightfully grounded him. He says something about liking it and what's her problem and gets a slap for that.

Luna tells Esteban she's hiding something, but she needs time. In a few days she'll tell him the truth, she did it to help someone and it's not about them. They also talk about his kids, she admits she saw Gala throw up and Jer insulting her another day. She mentions being "entre la espada y la pared" (literally "between the sword and the wall", the English expression would be "between a rock and a hard place"). He gets mad at Jer.

Mauro is now drinking. Gin places the same gun on the table, hugs him and says she loves him. (I mean, he can't keep a grudge at her, come on now, what did she do? Almost killed him, yeah, well, ehhhh, not that big of a thing, right?) He says he'll always be loyal to her (again, said any traitor ever). She mentions being more united than just blood; they're united by pain. Their adoptive parents harmed them so much. She then whispers "si quieres que vive el fuego, te voy a dar el inferno", if you want fire to live, I'll give you hell, before the camera turns to some (imaginary) legs on the floor, like a dead body's legs. Does that imply she killed their adoptive parent(s)?

And on that creepy note, we have the Fin del Capítulo...


Thanks, weirdo. What an episode.
I was on the edge on my seat throughout Gin's talk with Paz. I still cannot understand why Esteban isn't creeped out by Gin. When he said he liked Paz, Gin responded with 'I thought we agreed you shouldn't be seen with a woman.'I mean, did she honestly think he'd listen to her? She is no one to him. I get a strange feeling that she honestly believes people have to obey her desires and it doesn't matter who they are. She really pushed the idea Paz can't be trusted and was waiting for her to ooutright forbid him from ever seeing Paz again. Ginevra really can't interact normally without saying something that would put people off. I do wonder how she got Elias and her first husband to marry her when she can't be subtle when she has a goal in mind. One of her'ideas' was to hurt herself and mental instability isn't very attractive, even to Esteban, who is a nice man, but who didn't even want to employ her after that. I suppose she oould play on his protective instincts, butI do think she goes for vey extreme measures.
So how long before Luna and Ginevra meet?
I hope Esteban punches Gero so hard he will forget his own name because he doesn't strike me as someone who would regret what he did just because Esteban told him it's bad.
Bosco made me laugh when he sai, when referring to being caught vaping, that Elvira had to 'respect his tastes.' Is that what we call bad habits and adictions now? Emiliano from vida also has respectable tastes then.
What health problems might blood in the urine indicate? Gala should be properly scared, especially considering everyone can search for their symptoms and diagnose themselves with every illness in the world. But I tend to be frightened easily when it comes to any kind of health problems so maybe I'm projecting.

Thank you, Weirdo. Excellent recap! I loved your comment about Bosco "(hope he gets lost in some bosco)" If only . . . BTW, I have some Bosco in the fridge.

waterlily, "Ginevra really can't interact normally without saying something that would put people off." You can say that again. Every time she talks to a one it turns into an interrogation.

I could not understand why Paz allowed herself to be grilled by Ginebra for so long. Was it to make her seem like a polite or good person? It was easy enough to say that another child's welfare was none of her business early on in the conversation. Also, why would Esteban tell Ginebra ANYTHING about his relationship with Paz? It is simply none of her business and he should have told her so. Why do the "good guys" act as if they are stupid? As for Mauro he is one sick puppy. That whole scene with him, Ginebra and the gun was thoroughly disgusting.

That being said, can't wait until Monday!


Weirdo, thank you for providing us with another great review as our story moves along.

It seems that Altair must have a clause in her contract that requires her to wear leather in EVERY show . In this last episode, Gin wore black leather pants , but we have seen her in leather skirts, jumpers, vests, coats . In contrast, Paz wears cute, short, fullshirted little dresses and white sneakers ..adorable . I noticed she couldn't stand still in her scenes outside at the festival . She was dancing to the music while she talked to Esteban .Of course, she stopped dancing when Gin, the black cloud that loves to rain on everyone's parade\ fiesta\ happiness, started interrogating her.

Are the writers redeeming Vermin ? He sent looking for Monito and brought him home to Luna.

I thought the face decorations were fascinating . Paz's was sweet. Esteban's was sexy. Gala's was scary. Vermin's looked demonish. Daniel posted a cute video of him with Claudia and Altair in face decorations . He posts a lot of BTS stuff.

I don't understand much , so I rely on the visual. That was quite a juxtaposition with that scene of Gin terrorizing quivering Mauro followed by Esteban giving Paz a loving , fullbody embrace . When they were up on the roof , I understood a few words. I thought Esteban told Paz that he loved her very much . I also thought he said that he had a bad childhood.

Gin evidently thinks she can tell Esteban that he cannot be with a woman.

Thanks, Weirdo, that was great. I’ve been on the edge of my sofa the last couple of episodes. Ginebra seems pretty positive she’s found Luna. I’m thinking Luna would be in less danger if Paz had turned her over publicly to the police. Then Ginebra would have to keep her alive. But she would be so cruel to her.

I don’t understand why Mauro sticks around. Ginebra would be ok with killing him and he must know it. After the Russian Roulette I’d be gone. Although I guess he wouldn’t live long doing that.

I hope Paz does tell Esteban but I don’t know how he’ll react. I can’t see him agreeing to keep it a secret. Although it would be perfect if Luna, Monito and the dog are all taken to the ranch. But if they bug Paz’s phone I don’t see how she won’t get caught.


Weirdo, wry and wonderful once again.

"si quieres que vive el fuego, te voy a dar el inferno", if you want fire to live, I'll give you hell" - thank you for the vocabulary, as scary as it was as uttered by Ginebra. I also enjoyed "entre la espada y la pared" and "a otro perro con este hueso"; exceptional.

"He says he'll always be loyal to her (again, said any traitor ever)" was so true.

Like you Jarifa, I felt the scene with Ginebra threatening and terrorizing Mauro was just horrible.

The continual back and forth between Ginebra and Paz is exhausting. Ginebra, continually toying with Paz, her prey. It's shocking to me she doesn't realize definitively that Luna is Sam but bugging the phone will confirm that quickly.

As soon as they declared their feelings for each other, Paz should have confided in Esteban, telling him her side of the story. I am sure he would have believed her. While Paz is in a damned if you do, damned if you don't no win scenario, once everything comes spilling out, Esteban will likely be stung by her lack of trust and transparency. Gin will likely do everything possible to portray herself as the innocent mother whose child was deliberately and cruelly kept from her. Things are ugly now, but they are going to get much worse.

Liz, I like the idea of Luna and Monito finding safety at the ranch. I wish that had occurred to the writers.


I dont know how in the world Paz is going to keep Luna out of Gin's grasp. Gin seems pretty sure that Paz has Sam \Luna, and she has proven to be crazed and relentless in her evil intent. She also knows that Esteban has fallen in love with Paz . That fact makes her even more determined to get him for herself. I cannot wait to see her next leather ensemble .

Meanwhile, Vermin seems to have turned over a new leaf . He searched for Monito ,and it doesnt seem that there is any advantage for him in bringing Monito to Luna. He is becoming increasingly jealous of Esteban. Will he tell Paz that Luna is their daughter and make up a story of how she was stolen so that Paz doesn't learn that he sold her to Mauro? Tangled web.

I have no idea where the writers will take this tale. I hope that Humberto shows up soon so that we find out more about Esteban's backstory. I wonder how he and Berenece met.


Thank you, Weirdo, for this fun recap of the masked party! I haven't watched the episode yet but I will tomorrow and now I will know what to expect!

Gin is a nightmare, but I doubt that's news to Mauro. If they have killed their adoptive parents(?), multiple husbands, her sister, almost her daughter (twice), and assorted others I'm sure, as a team. I'm sure he's seen her dark side before. This is the second time we've seen her threaten him, but I wonder how many times she's actually down it throughout their lives? 10? 20? I'm betting it's been more than a few.

I do think that Vermin is truly formed a bond with his daughter and that he went to find Monito because he knew how much it would mean to her; but I don't see how you redeem him after selling his child. I think the best they could do is have him die in a heroic act of self-sacrifice.

That said, I am so happy Monito is finally rescued!!!

ITA that Fermin has no salvation outside of self-sacrifice. The best he can hope for is to be remembered fondly.

I'm holding out for Mauro to be rehabilitated, though. Here's my scenario: multiple personality disorder induced by childhood trauma. He is redeemed by Mireya's love, comes back from the dark side, throws Gin under the bus -- literal or figurative; I'm fine either way -- and goes into a manicomio for treatment. When he gets out, he can move into Casa Roble and be Sam/Luna's doting uncle again.

I know I'm probably the only one on the patio on Team Maureya. So the three of us will just sit in the corner with our pitcher of espresso martinis -- I think it's important that we remain both alert and slightly deluded -- and wait for the plot to catch up.

Blue Lass, I'll join you in that corner. I was a bit confused how they pulled off the party in half a day with everyone attending, streets blocked, etc. The spring equinox? celebration made more sense to me than a birthday party for a child the Robles are trying to keep hidden. Was Luna/Sam asking to be returned to her mother when they were laying low in Lupito's room?

Yes, it sounded like she was fed up with being imprisoned in the house — and also thought if she went back to her mother, the Robles wouldn’t have to worry so much.

I’ll get you a glass. 🍸

Thanks so much, Weirdo, for putting up such a fine recap considering all your technical problems. We appreciate it.

That party was bad enough without Bosco sneering at everything. OK, Elvira was right getting on him about smoking, but she's just borderline psycho every time she interacts with everyone except Ginebra. And what she said about "seeing it on the cameras". Does this mean every conversation between everyone in that house is being recorded? Ewwww.

How did Gin know about the party? She told Esteban IIRC that she came to put up flyers. Still think she know that Esteban would be there.

Amen, Weirdo. Gema and Bosco, the perfect couple! I guess Gala isn't "street" enough to just slap that plate of food away.

A while back Gin got Esteban to refrain from having any girlfriends IIRC because of the bad press about the deep fake videos that Gin is releasing. This was to make him look like he's still grieving "for the good of the company" and, in reality, so Gin has a clear path.

It's so sad that little street kids like Monito know all about child abductions, that are presumably for sex trafficking.

Mauro is VERY damaged. I have a small hope he'll turn on Gin, but I don't think it will be for a while yet. How could he possibly forgive him after that "Russian Roulette" incident?

I am glad that Paz at least admitted to Esteban that she had a secret. That took some of the sting out of Gin's campaign to undermine her.

Gracias, Weirdo. I finally caught up.

I agree with everything Waterlily wrote and most of the rest. I am not sure, however, how Esteban will take the disclosure about Ginebra's cruelty and abuse of poor Samara. If he believes it this will cause more conflict between him and Elvira.

I have always believed that Ginebra and Mauro killed their adoptive "parents." They were possibly justified in doing so and I hope tonight's episode will tell us something about this. Mauro is clearly very traumatized and needs years of professional help. He has a conscience that is being continually abused by Ginebra, so he should grab a suitcase of cash and get the hell out of Mexico under another name. Faking his death might be needed but I don't know what he would have to do to make that convincing.

As for whether Mauro is redeemable or not, the jury is out. It can be said that he was defending his own life from Gorilla but we don't know the rest of his rap sheet. He was not involved in all of Ginebra's homicides, but we don't yet know how many of these there were.

Vermin can't be redeemed except through self-sacrifice. He sold Samara in the first place, so if he gets sent to prison for that he'd be dead meat in a short while. There is no way out for him so a redemptive death saving her life is the obvious path. The events of this episode are bringing him close to the breaking point.

Thanks so much, everyone!

About the redemptions... I am sitting at the "Vermin can't be redeemed except if he sacrifices himself" table. What he did is so horrible, selling your own child?! Come on, only Gin would have done this! And we shouldn't forget being abusive with Paz. I have to agree with Gin on not getting why he's still around the house. These people actually forced me to agree with Gin on something, how much lower will I go?

As for Mauro... What he did is just as bad as Vermin. Sure, Sam/Luna didn't die, but still... Helping Gin in this is just... If I were Mir I'd nope the hell out. I am interested in Mireya/Mauro, but they have to do a damn good writing job to make that work.

I like our lead couple. Hope they don't get the Distrustful Telenovela Spouse For No Reason phase soon.

I'm with you, Weirdo! One of the refreshing things about this show is that we haven't gotten all bogged down in malentendidos.

Well, hello . I dont think Vermin or Mauro deserve redemption . Vermin was an oxygen waster who punched his pregnant wife and then sold their baby . Mauro watched Gin abuse Sam for six years and then watched that box with Sam in it get thrown off a bridge . Nope . No possible redemption for Mauro or Fefe ( oh ..poor Samlunamaria). These guys are damaged beyond repair .

By the way , speaking of " hanging around" , Gin is always hanging around Esteban's place. I am surprised Gin hasn't wandered into his bedroom.

Esteban, on the other hand , deserves all the love having survived whatever happened in his childhood and putting up with the mother in law from hell all these years ...16???? The man is a saint . How many guys would put up with Hellvira for even a week in their home??? I doubt know any.

Thank you, Weirdo, that was a great read, which helped a lot since I was only able to half watch the last couple of episodes.
Urban, thank you for Thursday's show, too, I'm trying to play catch-up with watching, but life is getting in the way these days.

I loved the masked, I was looking forward to seeing the scenes after all the photos posted by Daniel and Claudia on Instagram.

I am kind of confused, though; if this was supposed to be a party for Luna's birthday, how did they know when that was, if she doesn't remember stuff? Did I miss the scene where she said she did? Also, Ginebra and Paz gave birth the same day, or not more than a day apart, and Gin couldn't have changed Samara's birth date because of her husband. So wouldn't Paz be surprised that Luna and her daughter had the same birthday? Did anyone mention to her that this was Samara's birthday, too?
Again, I missed some stuff, so maybe this was all explained??

Adriana, great questions that I wandered about , too. Did Luna tell Paz the date of her birthday ? If so, Pad would have realized it was her daughter's birth date .

Good point that Paz and Ginebra gave birth within minutes or hours of each other. It makes me wonder whether Vermin somehow influenced this date for the party. He and Mauro are they only ones who would know that.

One thing I have heard or read about abused children is that they often blame themselves for their parents' abuse and still try to win their love. This explains why this poor child is trying to go back to that hellhome.

Well, Ginebra knows when Samlunamaria (love that, Susan) was born. Could she have said something to Paz while she was nattering on about her precious missing daughter? I admit I try not to listen very closely.

Btw, I got a kick out of the pinata being a big LUNA.

Blue Lass, good eye, as they say in baseball when you don't swing at a ball . It didn't dawn on me that the pinata was a Luna . I dont know what they are saying except for an obvious word here and there .

This game of hide and seek can't go on forever . I am afraid Gin is going to tell Esteban that Paz is keeping her daughter from her . I hope Esteban doesn't do that speedyquick galan swivel and immediately believe the wicked witch and drop the good as gold good girl. It's a telenovela , so we have to have a lot more drama and danger .

I miss the dynamic between Gael and David in " Invencible ." Fefe isn't much of a match for Esteban .#knifetoagunfight

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