Sunday, June 09, 2024


 ALOHA, Caraymates!!

I wish I could tell you I'm in Hawaii, but nopis! Still here at my ranchito tending to my leeway for vacations, weekends, days off, etc., etc., etc...

I've been asked about the "Coming Soon..." pages, so I want to address that here. I don't have much time to do more than an occasional recap, comments, or monitoring of the blog; so I will not be creating/posting summaries of the upcoming telenovelas. BUT I do want to encourage and welcome anyone who would like to take over that duty :-)

I'm sure most, if not all, who participate on this blog have noticed the "In The Works" heading on the sidebar. This is how I have been trying to keep you informed of any new TNs I hear/read about...along with the main protags. If you will notice, I have added a "(T)" or "(U)" after each new TN; this is to indicate the broadcasting company that will be airing the novelas. I'm sure you all know that T=Telemundo and U=Univision, ri-i-ight? It's sad to see that Telemundo doesn't air as many TNs as they used to, but there is hope! 

I also want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for keeping this blog going. We may not like the direction some of these TNs are going, but we forge on always, ready to snark, comment and keep each other entertained.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please feel free to email me at rgvchick(at)

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Rgv Chick,

I am in awe of your ability to do all that you do, and do it so well.

Your daily work continues unabated as does your hard work and dedication to the ranchito and all of your animalitos, and all that that entails.

Yet, you somehow continue your blogmom role and all of its many responsibilities with wit and wisdom. You generously give the most precious gift, that of time of which you have precious little.

I don't know what the next evening TN for Uni will be but after it is announced, I would be happy to write some sort of preview/summary. As I'm recapping Vivir I can't take on more right now but I'd be happy to do at least that.

Thank you for everything you do for us. Without you and Kirby, there would be no Caray, Caray! and what a terrible loss that would be.


Dear Chickie, thank you everything you do for caraycaray all while caring for your animalitos, I am grateful. Susan

Rgv Chick, thanks for all you do to keep our fabulous blog, well, fabulous. I continue to be amazed and grateful that you make time to steer Caray even though your animalitos and everything else keep you super-busy.

Let my add my voice to those VERY grateful for all your hard work keeping this special blog going. Friends of mine and classmates in my amazing long running Advanced Spanish class can't believe this place has been here and thriving for SO many years.

Thanks for mentioning the sad turn of events at Telemundo, purchased by NBC a couple of years ago. There was also an exposé somewhere...The New Yorker, The Atlantic. Can't remember as I read both digitally. It concerned the bordering on abuse suffered by participants in "reality" programming. They are paid almost nothing, required to be filmed 18 hours a day, and emotionally manipulated. I raise my hand to say I've never watched any reality programming in either Spanish or English. I think NBC has found a way to stop paying actors by jamming their schedule with reality TV. OK...rant over.

RGVChick, thanks for all you have done and do to keep this blog going and making it the success it is. I cannot imagine being responsible for other living beings aka animalitos. There are only so many hours in the day. None of my friends can believe that a blog like Caray even exists either where the participants are civil to each other and even like each other! We are a rarity! ; )

novelera, those reality shows rule so much of English language tv. As usual, it is all about the $. You are right . Reality shows are cheaper to produce.I have watched my share of reality shows and It is amazing what some of the participants will do or put up with for a moment of fame or the chance to win some money. Depressing.

Well, time to take a walk and get ready to be bombarded by“insectitos” aka cicadas. Poor clumsy things!


Jarifa, no cicadas here yet. ...thank goodness ...but my cousin has lots in Tennessee . He says they land on him while he is mowing because they think he is a tree. My friend has something called cicadakilling wasps buried in her yard and worries about her pup getting stung. #nature

My friends and family are also amazed at caraycaray and all the people I have "met" here.

I am enjoying "Pasion " reruns on Unimas and reading the recaps . #pirates

Has anyone heard from judyb? Susan

Rgv Chick, thank you very much for all you do for us here at Caray!

I hope that you find some time in the future to fill us in on things at el ranchito.

I used to very much enjoy your comments re the chickens, etc., and then dealing with the night prowler who took a couple; which animalito was sick, etc.

Best regards,


Guess I need to read the web version of this blog. Since I am only 1 year into my TN journey the old reruns are new to me. Novelera, I raise my hand with you, never watched reality TV, though I have seen some episodes of wipe out or ninja warriors thanks to my husband. Now we go to our separate rooms and watch our preferred programs.
Rvchick, we tried chicken "farming" for 4 years or so. First time we left for a night a rat snake tried to eat a young pullet but since it was too big it merely suffocated it. That was traumatic. The hawks and foxes took care of the rest. Gardens, dogs and horses are easier for me. Jarifa, the cicadas are over here now. There were so and so loud many people were calling the police to find out why the "sirens" were sounding. Meanwhile my daughter and son that live 20 miles from us (we form a big triangle) had none!

Thank you, RGV, your work is so appreciated! Caray has been a comfort for many of us for so many years now, I am at this point incapable of watching a novela that is not being discussed here.
I totally understand you not having as much time as you'd like for Caray, I tend to take time off after every novela I recap. I don't do it on purpose, it's just that life gets busy and sometimes it's hard to be everything for everyone all at once.

Hugs and kisses, as they say ;)

Thank you for everything you do for this blog, RGV Chick. This has some of the best writers and discussions on the internet. That you have any time at all for this is miraculous with your busy life.

If I were still working I'd have access to info about the upcoming series but -- sadly -- would not have time to do more than comment about the current ones. Do what you can and someone will come along with this.

RGVChick, thank you so much for all the work you contribute to Caray. I love this place. When I don't recap once a week I am going through withdrawal. Seriously!

I can take over the Coming soon pages. Since Diana has volunteered to write a preview/summary of the next Uni telenovela I can start with the Telemundo ones. Diana, if you want, I can send you an email later today to discuss it.

Thanks for all your work! Keep calm and love your animalitos ;)

Weirdo, that is great you are taking over the "Coming Soon" pages.

I sent you an email...


YAAAAAAAY WEIRDO! Can’t wait to find out about coming attractions…

Diana, I've replied to your email :)

Blue, thanks, I got a huge smile out of your reaction! I'll do my best :) :) :)

Diana, you are amazing! You've taken on a monstrous task in recapping Vivir which has 125 episodes..and you do it with grace and determination. You and all the others who hold steadfast in sharing your time, effort and talent are what makes Caray the long-running success that it is.

Susan, you are one of the persons who has remained loyal to Caray from its inception. We are so blessed to have your wisdom and kindness. THANK YOU for always being "present" despite all you have been through.

Niecie, you also have been here for much longer that I have. It is a pleasure to take some time and spend it here with you and everyone else whenever I can.

Novelera, I did not know about the take over! That explains A LOT!! I don't care for reality shows at all and and am right there with you cheering you on for your rant! :-)

Jarifa, "None of my friends can believe that a blog like Caray even exists either where the participants are civil to each other and even like each other! We are a rarity!" I haven't had any interest in looking into other blogs, but I do agree that Caray is a rarity. Everyone here is so welcoming, kind and respectful. Once in while, there are those who try to invade us with some not-so-welcome remarks and comments, but this community is very good about coming together and stopping those in their tracks. We stand behind each other and that is what makes Caray so special and unique--we do not tolerate disrespect or inappropriate comments. And most importantly, we have so many dedicated individuals, such as yourself, who are committed to providing such well-written recaps and feedback to others.

Andy, You are so welcome! I love to read your comments--so full of your humor! BTW, my animalitos are faring well despite the hot temperatures and VERY dry spell. There is no grass for the goats to graze on. so I have to go look for and cut grass/greens elsewhere to keep them well fed. They are so spoiled that they frown upon regular hay...but do eat some LOL

Kat , I'm so glad that we have newcomers! I've read your comments and am impressed. I also saw that you started to recap and am sorry that not many were watching the TN. That's too bad about your chickens. I had problems with coyotes, bobcats, hawks and other predators too. so I built well-lined coops for my chickens. I don't have as many as I used to, but I still have some.

Adriana, MERCI!! You are so right about life getting busy. I wish I had more time to share with all of you, but RL goes on.

Thank you, Urban. We all do what we can when we can...and that is just fine. And yes, you and so many others are very talented writers...the best I have "read".

Weirdo, I completely understand about the "withdrawals." I feel like there is something missing and that still needs to get done LOL Thank you so much for taking on the "Coming Soon" page! I am SO looking forward to reading your summaries!


Dear Chickie, caray has helped me get me through a lot of things over the years and continues to do so just like my real life friends and family who don't exactly understand my long connection with people whom I have never had the pleasure of actually meeting. Caray is a haven from "the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. " I have felt a bond with those who are no longer here and one with those who still are. Susan

RGV Chick - thanks so much for all you do here! I rarely comment, but am very appreciative of everyone involved.
Ditto about Hawaii- sounds heavenly!
- Beth S


RGV Chick - thank you for everything you do in guiding this wonderful community! You set the tone and you do it with love, compassion, and humor! And thank you Weirdo for taking on the 'Coming Soon' duties! As everyone has said, Caray is an oasis!!!

Rgv Chick - thank you so much for all the time and work you put into keeping Caray! going for us. (((abrazos))) I come and go with watching telenovelas, but I check in here from time to time when I'm not watching one. We have a lovely community here and THANK YOU for being our blog "mom".

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