Wednesday, December 14, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #92 Tue 12/13/11 There Will Be Blood…In Lucrezia’s Urine and When They Find Saul

Hey all,

Gloria had a death in the family and has been laid low by a migraine. I don’t have a lot of time for one of my detailed mini-recaps, so here are the key 10 things that happened in no particular order:

1) Ivan plans a romantic dinner at Casa McGuire for Lucia with Benito acting as waiter and serving them the finest water in the house. They dangle their legs in the pool, listen to a 2-man serenade, and kiss.
2) Lucrezia pees blood and faints. The doctor has her do tests.
3) Antolin unsuccessfully searches all over town, in every hotel and under every rock for Saul. He threatens Gordo that he'll do more than leave a scar next time if he's protecting Saul.
4) Lucia allows herself to remember the face of her attacker. It’s Saul of course. She tells Ivan.
5) Ivan goes searching for Saul at his house and tells Esther it will be on her conscience if she helps a rapist go free. Ivan and Antolin conclude Saul has skipped town.
6) Saul calls Esther and spins her some story that Lucia was drunk, she came looking for him, things just went too far, and he didn’t drug her. If Esther believes this bull she’s an idiot. He begs her for money.
7) Post hypnotherapy session, Lucia has Ivan hug her, then they discuss what it is she wants to do about Saul. She doesn’t want any contact with him, nor does she want Perla to have any contact with him. She must decide if she wants to pursue pressing charges against him.
8) The Ag Assoc calls a meeting about the findings of the audit and require JJ to be there.
9) Gordo takes Saul to the rundown house of some relative 30 kilometers outside of Hermosillo. Saul complains bitterly about the conditions, not having a car, and not having money. They decide to put their kidnap Alex plan in play in order to get quick cash.
10) Camilo refuses to give in to MP’s blackmail threats in a satisfying “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn!” moment.


Monday, December 12, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #91 Mon 12/12/11 JJ Wants to Throw Esther Under the Bus; the Ranchers Want to Throw JJ in Jail; and Everyone Wants to Throw Saul to the Wolves

It’s already 13 after the hour, the show hasn’t started yet, but the ads for La Que No Podia Amar are heating up. I hope Sharkbyte is watching, because it looks like his telenovia Ana Brenda has a juicy role, AND is flaunting her girls through the whole tn. But on to our tn.

Lucia has just had a major freak out in the park after being approached by S-s-s-aul and having to hear her rapist breath “precio-s-s-s-a” down her neck. Alex and Ivan come to the rescue and take the shell-shocked Lucia to the car.

Lucrezia has just dropped her idea of encouraging Lucia to marry Saul on Carlota. Carlota reacts like the rest of us, and she doesn’t even know Saul raped Lucia yet. She doesn’t think the Mondragon name is worth that much. Plus, Lucia’s opinion counts. Lucrezia thinks it’s just a matter of convincing her and wants Carly on her side. Just then, dazed Lucia returns flanked protectively by Ivan and Alex. Ivan tries to assure her that she’s home now and safe. He has Carly take Lucia inside and calls Benito to come pick Alex up, while trying to avoid Alex’s questions about why Lucia freaked out.

In the bedroom, Carly asks Lucia what happened. Lucia tells her what happened and that she’s sure it was Saul who raped her. She is filled with rage (rabia). In the living room, Ivan refuses to leave. He knows something is up with Saul and that’s why Lucia reacted that way. Stupid Lucrezia thinks Lucia is just down on all men in general right now.

Saul meanwhile is trying to cover his tracks and has tracked down waiter Paulito to convince him to keep his mouth shut about that money he gave him over a year ago to do him that little favor. Paulito claims to have a bad memory (I don’t remember anything), and that he doesn’t want to lose his job. Saul threatens that if he doesn’t spilt town, he’ll end up in jail.

Carly tries to convince Lucia not to be rude to Ivan and to see him. He’s worried about her. Lucrezia relates his message that he won’t leave until he sees her. Lucia agrees and then tells Carly that she’s going to do the hypnotherapy in order to fully remember. Lucia wonders how much Ivan knows about what happened to her. Considering the e-mail he sent her, Carly supposes he knows plenty. In the living room Lucrezia still spins this tale of bad feelings towards all men.

Lucia enters the living room to speak to Ivan. She doesn’t admit that she suspects it was Saul who raped her, but does admit that she is starting to have flashbacks and that it feels like the rape happened yesterday. She starts to get upset recounting the feeling of having the person on top of her. Ivan asks if she thinks it was Saul and she says she doesn’t know but admits that she’s starting to think so. Ivan thinks she should follow Bernie’s advice and go to hypnotherapy. He is sure that once she clearly sees the face of the person who did this to her, her fears will be replaced by rage. He knows she will come out of this strong because she is so brave (valiente). What that sick degenerate did to her does not erase her essence- the essence of a good woman, intelligent, pure.

Lucia brings up his forgiveness faux pas. He begs her to please forget that. He would have never thought she had been raped. He begs her forgiveness. It doesn’t matter to him who Perlita’s bio-dad is. “But it does to me.”

In Carly’s bedroom, Lucrezia has taken her rightful place as the Queen of De-nial. Carly can’t believe she would still consider that Lucia marry Saul. Lucrezia claims it's pure speculation that he raped Lucia. (Wow! Never have I felt this much of an urge to slap a character! Please Carly, do it for me.) Carly prohibits Lucrezia from bringing up the subject again. Lucrezia at least hopes that Lucia makes up with Ivan and fixes this “shameful” situation. (See my comment above.)

Ivan updates Tony at home. Ivan recounts how she recoiled from his attempted hug. He is certain it was Saul who raped her. He wants her to go to hypnotherapy. Tony wonders that if Saul turns out to be the daddy, will Lucia reject Perla. Ivan is sure she will not. She adores her daughter. But once Lucia remembers it was Saul, he will see to it that Saul rots in jail. Tony thinks they have to wait to see what Lucia decides.

Lucia is telling Carly that she believes she still loves Ivan, but can’t stand for any man to touch her right now, not even him. It’s not rejection or disgust (asco). She thinks it’s fear. Carly tries to tell her that not all men are like her attacker, and Ivan has always been a gentleman with her. She thinks Lucia should concentrate on the good memories of when they were together. Lucia points out that memories fade with time, which prompts Carly to ask if she really is still in love with Ivan. Lucia doesn’t know what’s happening to her.

Ivan and Camilo meet at the Ag Assoc and make final arrangements for the loan repayments. Then they get to talking about Lucia. Ivan tells Camilo about Lucia’s reaction to Saul, and he also concludes Saul was the rapist. Just then Antolin walks into the office and is happily surprised to find Ivan there. Ivan spills the Saul beans and Antolin is ready to rumble! Ivan and Camilo talk him down. Ivan thinks they have to approach the situation intelligently. He agrees to let Anto do some inquiries, but NO violence!

JJ tells Saul the marry Lucia plan. Saul says he doesn’t think Lucia would agree, and anyway she freaked out when she saw him. JJ is sure she now remembers and wonders if Saul was stupid enough to think she would never remember. “Well, yeah.” Saul admits that he slipped a mickey in her drink and she was unconscious when he did the deed. I guess JJ thought Lucia was just drunk when it happened because he calls Saul an infelíz and slaps him hard across the face. When Saul responds by begging JJ to help him flee the country, JJ slaps him hard again. Esther comes in wanting to know what’s happening. Saul says that he’s sure Ivan now knows and is going to put him in jail. JJ doesn’t think he deserves jail. He deserves to die! Saul is not deterred. Through teary eyes he begs JJ for money. He’s his son! JJ would rather be dead than be his father. He tells Sault to beat it. “Largate!”

Esther runs for JJ’s pills. He tells her he doesn’t ever want to see that animal again in his life. He tells Esther that Saul drugged Lucia to rape her.

The Three Musketeers (Ivan, Cam, Anto) discuss the situation over beers in a bar, while that damn “Sexy Smile” song plays in the background. Anto wants to beat the confession out of Saul. He thinks they should go to his house and drag him out. The other two urge calm. Anyway, Cam says, it’s not like that worked when they confronted him about being Lechita’s dad. Oh, well Anto showed him a lesson for that. Uhm, what? Ivan and Cam look worried now. What did Anto do? Anto just sips on his beer quietly. He only wants to help, especially since Ivan did so much to get him out of jail. Ivan doesn’t want any more talk of that. They are his only family and that’s what you do for family. Ivan thinks that the love they have for each other can conquer all the other problems they’ve had with each other. They’re brothers!

In Gordo’s new hideaway, Saul is trying to butter Gordo up into helping him. Gordo isn’t happy about being roped into Saul’s problems. He doesn’t have any money to loan Saul. His grandma does have a meager house out in the countryside where Saul could hide out. Saul is happy with that option.

MP calls Judith wanting them to go out clubbing like old times. Judith tries to beg off because she has work early in the morning. Anyway, her mom doesn’t want her hanging out with MP anymore. On cue, Esther comes into the living room wanting to know why Judith hasn’t told her about her boyfriend. Well, mainly because she doesn’t want JJ to be all in her biz, and secondly because she’s an adult and can make her own decisions. (Well, she wasn’t singing that tune just a second ago when she spoke to MP.) Esther doesn’t understand why she can’t present her boyfriend to them if he’s a good man. Judith refuses to continue the conversation and kisses her mother goodnight.

In Casa Galvan, Camilo has just told Celia about Lucia’s rape. She calls whoever did it a coward and Camilo reveals that they suspect it was Saul. Camilo just wants to hug and console her, but he knows that’s not what she wants. Celia thinks he needs to remake his life. He knows, but it’s a small town and it’s not easy to avoid her and vice versa. The biggest difference is that she continues to be important for him, but he means nothing to her.

Ivan calls Lucia to check in on her and Perlita. He would have liked to see Perlita. They make small talk about her taking Perlita to the pediatrician tomorrow, and about the car. She doesn’t have one to get around since hers is totaled. He thinks she should at least borrow that cute electric blue Beetle he got her, until she gets her new car. She continues to be stubborn about it. “As you wish. Goodnight.” Lucia’s mad that he just hung up saying goodnight, without even sending her kisses. (She's awfully confused about what she wants from this man, isn’t she?)

The next morning, Lucia is leaving the hospital and struggling with the baby to get a cab back to the ranch. Up drives Ivan’s taxi service. He pays no attention to her saying it was unnecessary for him to come, takes Perlita and puts her in the car, and asks how the appointment went. He had nothing better to do than come pick up a girl he’s known for over 20 years, who’s no longer a girl. Once they arrive at the ranch, he insists on walking her and Perlita all the way in. He coos at Perlita, calling her beautiful, and speaks about how he never knew Alex as a baby. He considers Perlita to be his baby. “But she’s not.” Ivan points out that Tony isn’t his biological father either. But they love each other and would give their lives for each other. In the same way he would give his life for Alex, Perla, or Lucia. He reminds her of their passionate love. He can’t believe she’s forgotten. He leaves her with her thoughts. After he leaves she begs him not to leave in a whisper.

Shot of the fields of healthy cartámo (safflower). Ivan and Camilo meet with the guy from the company that makes cooking oil (aceite) from cartámo. Lots of PSAs about how healthy it is, especially in the fight against diabetes. Blah, blah. Refer to my recap about the benefits of cartámo. Everyone is happy.

The next day, Cutberto’s in Camilo’s office complaining about how JJ has to pay for his recently discovered fraudulent dealings at the Ag Assoc.

Lucia and Bernie wait for Lucia to enter her hypnotherapy session. Lucia doesn’t know what’s happening to her. She loves Ivan, but when he gets close to her she feels fear and the need to reject him. Bernie is concerned. Lucia gets called into her session with the doctor. They speak about how she was drugged and can’t remember her rape.

Camilo and Anto discuss the audit the ranchers want done. Camilo speaks to Anto about all the JJ scams (tranzas) he’s already discovered. Anto tells him to forget about the promise he made to JJ to forgo the audit. Anto would be happy to see JJ behind bars. Speak of the devil! It’s JJ himself who’s come to see Camilo.

Lucia’s session begins and she’s put under. She begins to remember the rape and the doctor asks who else was there. She begins to weep. “It’s him! It’s him. It’s him.” (Whew! I needed a commercial break! Didn’t you?)

When we come back from break, JJ is hobbling into his old office and is greeted by the Brothers Galvan. JJ is surprised to find Anto there. Anto says he’s done with the crooked life and leaves. “Have a good day, if you can.” JJ assumes Anto is working at the Ag Assoc, but Cami sets him straight that Anto manages his ranch for him. They chat about the fact that JJ can’t drive himself but had to come by chauffeured driven car. (Poor baby!) “How are things, my friend Camilo?”

Lucia is trying to end the session before she can fully identify her rapist’s face. The doctor reassures her and makes an appointment for tomorrow. If she wants closure, she’s going to have to be brave enough to let herself see the face (rostro) of this man.

JJ is trying to guilt Camilo into not doing the audit. Camilo points out that it wasn’t JJ’s influence that got him the job, plus all the ranchers are calling for the audit. JJ thinks Camilo just wants to screw him over (me quieres fregar), and surely as the president he can just lie to the associates! Camilo says his duty (deber) is to show the associates the audit, and he’s just giving JJ fair warning. JJ tries to blame his accountant and Saul for the mistakes and fraud. Then he tries to use illness as an excuse. If he WERE healthy, he’d use his cane to chase Camilo out of his office. He then leaves, deftly using his cane to swing the door shut.

Bernie tries to talk Lucia into confronting her fears and allowing herself to see the face in her session tomorrow. Lucia isn’t a coward (cobarde). She needs to do it for herself and for her daughter.

Ivan asks David for Bernie’s phone number so he can find out how Lucia’s session went. Before he leaves, he actually pleasantly asks Judith how her (their) father is. He finds Camilo in Tony’s office seeking advice about the JJ audit situation. Tony thinks they can make an agreement (acuerdo) with JJ that won’t land him in jail. He’s already sick, his wife is ready to leave him, his kids are distanced from him, and he’s kicked Saul out of the house. Ivan’s ears prick up. Why did he do that, Ivan wonders?

Tony thinks it’s better to deal with the JJ situation the easiest way possible (por las buenas), and anyway, blood calls blood. Ivan is tired of hearing that nonsense. Tony is ticked at him again for being so filled with rancor and not having compassion, especially for someone who carries his own blood. Ivan still doesn’t look like he’s buying it. “Do what you want.” He walks out.

Lucrezia immediately starts pressuring Lucia to spill what she learned during her session. Lucia admits that her fear stopped her from going deeper in her memory, and ever supportive Lucrezia (NOT!) says SHE doesn’t believe Saul could have done something like this. She refuses to shut up about it, which ticks Carly off. Lucia tells them both to knock it off. She doesn’t even want to hear his name! Lucrezia STILL refuses to SHUT UP! Carly tells Lucrezia to go to JJ and tell him to forget this idea of Lucia marrying his disgrace of a son. And if Saul even comes within a meter of Lucia, he’s going to have to deal with Carly!

JJ complains to Esther about Camilo. She tries to calm him down. JJ prefers to be dead than in jail! Why did he take the money, she asks? Look around, he tells her. He did it for them. So that they could have a good life! Now look at his kids. David and Judith working for that gringo who stole his son, and Saul turned into scum (escoria), a despicable being. And he knows Esther just came back to him out of pity. He tells her to leave him alone, and she leaves looking dejected. (Honey, you already went above and beyond duty. Leave his a** again!)

Ivan visits Bernie at her place and they sit in the cage chair where she usually makes out with David. Bernie updates him on how the first session went. He relates his fears and worries about Lucia, especially how she rejects his touch. Bernie explains how she subconsciously identifies his touch with that of her rapist, and he doesn’t understand how she can feel in danger at his side. Bernie says it doesn’t matter what happened between them before. Lucia feels very vulnerable right now. She isn’t even really aware of how she’s acting right now. He needs to be patient. Ivan wonders if she’ll ever get past this. Bernie says you can’t be sure, but she believes so. Ivan wants to know what he should do; how should he behave? Observe her. Feel her out. He himself will then find the best way to help her. Ivan asks how did the memories get triggered in the first place? “It was a phone call from Saul.”

JJ meets with his lawyer. The lawyer’s worried about the audit too, JJ wants to know how they are going to get out of this. JJ reminds him that he’s up to his neck in this too, and can’t blame it all on JJ giving him orders. The lawyer agrees, but the ideas were JJ’s. Esther listens in as the lawyer suggests throwing all the blame on Saul. It won’t be easy since all the money was put in JJ’s account. Then JJ comes up with a brilliant idea. “My wife also has signatory power over that account!”

The maid nearly gives away Esther and almost interrupts, but Ester shoos her back inside the kitchen so that she can continue to listen in on the plan to frame her. The lawyer doesn’t think people will believe she was capable of such a thing. Esther goes running into Saul’s room looking for him, but realizes he’s already gone.

In her hotel, MP fixes herself a glass of mother’s little helper after a tough day of…I don’t know, filing her nails. She decides to call up Camilo and complain about him abandoning her. She is dying of boredom! He is too busy. It will have to be another time. She tells him that she’s starting to be under the impression that their “relationship” is only based on sex. (Hah!) He is surprised as the audience is that she thought it was something more than that. “You’re treating me like a whore.” (golfa) He tells her to take it as she wishes. He’ll see her tomorrow.

Lucia looks at sleeping Perla and tells her it doesn’t matter to her in what conditions she came to her. She loves her. She takes a call from Ivan. He tells her he’s not put off by her rejection. All he wants to do is care for her. She thanks him, but she doesn’t know if she can overcome this. She doesn’t want to hurt him and thinks he should forget her. He says he can’t forget her. He wants to know how he can help her. She tells him what the doctor said about confronting her fears. Only then can she once again have a relationship. “Do you want to try?” Lucia looks unsure of her answer.

Avances: Lucia tells Ivan the rapist was for sure Saul. Ivan swears to turn over every rock to find that asshole. MP threatens Camilo that if he doesn’t service her regularly, uh…take their “relationship” seriously, she’ll sing to the four winds that they started sleeping together while he was still married to Lucia and that HE seduced her. Ivan plans a romantic dinner for Lucia and they kiss.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #90 Fri 12/09/11 Violation Station--But S-s-s-saul Doesn't Mind Facing Up To His Obligation THIS Time!

[If some of this is a bit repetitive, I’m sorry.  I had to watch two episodio’s at one time and don’t have a video to review from right now.—ed]

Juan Jaime confirms with Saul that he was the low down skunk who had to drug Lucia in order to have sex with her—a definite no-no in JJ’s book of tricks.  Of course Saul agrees to marry her to make things right. 

JJ tells Esther that she should find out from Lucrazy if Lucia would consider marrying Saul in order to keep her from being the theme du jour of the gossip hounds in Alamos—and of course combine the two ranches at the same time.  She gives him grief immediately for thinking only in himself and what kind of material advantage he can get out of somebody else’s tragedy. 

Lucia has called Bernice to ask for a little professional tete a tete.  She tells Bernie that she remembered her being raped when she heard Saul’s creepy (Viewerville’s descriptor, tho’ it should have been hers—but she’s a good girl, remember and those of us in Viewerville have no such inclinations).  Bottom line, Lucia thinks it could have been that slimy snake in the grass S-s-s-s-s-saul (again, Viewervilles description, not the lovely Lucia’s).  Bernie suggests hypnotherapy.  It’s come a long way since the days of charlatans and carnival acts.  She might be able to get her full memory of the events back.  Lucia isn’t sure she can handle the shock of fully remembering (Ugh--I know I sure wouldn’t want to.  Going through it the first time with that uncouth clod would have been plenty!  Having to remember it again –yes, definitely a second violation!)  They also talk about reporting him to the police and how that would cause another scandal, ruining her reputation, making her damaged goods for any and all respectable socially acceptable marriageable males.  Bernie tells her not necessarily. 

Meanwhile, the newlyweds take their noche de bodas in town at Gerardo’s (QEPD) townhouse, which he left to Carolina.  Antolin has duly taken care of all the boudoir details, completely covering the bedspread with huge Gerbera-style daisies (two-thumbs up to the production crew for this change of pace from the regular footpath of rose petals.)   For Carolina, it’s a marvelous sight—for really real, and is even more appreciated because of her renewed eye-sight.  (Viewerville’s eyesight, however, is momentarily obliterated: nobody can see the screen due to a major-league teary-eye effect.  Kleenex anyone?)   

Bernie heads downstairs afterwards and gives an encouraging status update to Carlota and Lucrecia, then leaves.  Lucrazia tells Carly she still thinks Lucia made it all up.  Carly tells her to shut it or risk having her teeth flying airmail to the rancho across the way.

Carly goes in to give a little comfort to Lucia.  She reads the love letter that Ivan’s just sent her and cries.  Her biggest fear is that Ivan will turn out to be just as jealous of the baby-daddy as Camilo was with her over Ivan and she couldn’t deal with that.

At the same time Lucrazia makes a social call to Juan Jaime and Esther.  She tells them that Lucia was drugged and then raped a year or so ago and that Perlita is the result of that rape.   That’s the reason that neither Ivan or Camilo are the baby-daddies. Juan Jaime asks Lucre-zia to convince Lucia to marry Saul to avoid another family scandal.  Lucre-zia explains she thinks that highly unlikely.  She never really cared for Saul that much.  Anyway, the girl’s happy to be a single mother now, tho’ gawd knows why, she says.  

Outside later that morning, Lucia and Carly are having a heart to heart about her being perfectly happy to stay a single mom.  (Ok.  Let me get this straight.  Lucia is ready to forgo her happiness to keep Mama and family from being the scandal of the century, but she sees--and saw--no problem being a single mom.  Ok.  Maybe I am just an old fogy but in this case I wear the moniker proudly.)  Carly tells her she’s blowing smoke cuz at her age there’s no way she would be happy living like a nun.  Just then Benito drives up in a cute, neon blue VW Bug convertible, courtesy of Ivan.  Lucia refuses to accept it.  She has auto insurance and they will replace her car, thank you very much—not!

Across the way at the McGuire compound, Anthony is giving Ivan more grief over using the word “forgive” with Lucia when discussing the rape situation.  (Good!)  Like what were you thinking, you dork!  It wasn’t something she could have avoided if the girl was attacked!  Ok.  Ivan heads over to see Cam at the Ag Association offices.  Tony makes a quick call to Carly to force a fortuitous meeting between Ivan and Lucia to help them patch things up. “—Otherwise we’ll all be as clinically depressed as Lucia if we don’t do something fast!”  I believe Carly also tells him about the rufi rape being the reason the DNA test didn’t pan out properly.

Speaking of which, Saul and Maripaz are chatting over drinks somewhere.  She mentions the drugged rape and Saul acts totally surprised to hear that--and the real shocker is that Perlita’s probably his then.  Merry Piece says she can understand if it were her because she’s all for playing around, but her sis is straight as an arrow.  If Lucia says she was sober and got drugged and raped then it’s the honest truth!  She cringes at the thought of having been raped like that herself (Anybody in Viewerville who’d give a rat’s patooty if MP got attacked, raise your hand.  Naw, I didn’t think so.)  S-s-s-s-saul slinks down a little further (as if he could get any lower) in his chair.

Back at the Meandragon lair, JJ asks Lucrazia to help him get Cam thrown out [desbancar] of the Ag Association presidency so he can have his old post back.  A discussion ensues about lower class nobodies having voted Cam in because he's from their same social group.  “—Nobody seems to respect authority from the upper class in society any longer or they wouldn’t have done that to you.”

Ivan and Cam discuss a need for the farmers to have an extension on their deadlines (plazo) to pay off their loans due to the weather.  Ivan says no problem.  The two agree to be friendly adversaries now that the baby isn’t either of theirs [una buena lid = fight fair and square].  Cam realizes the error of his ways with his insanely jealous actions.  (Besides, he’s got Maripaz to brutalize now—and she likes it!  Ugh.)

At dinner that night, Bernie, David, Judith and Carlos O? (New Guy at the Office)  are discussing Lucia’s horrible situation and how the rape has ruined her life.  Bernie won’t give out all the juicy details about whether she knows who the rapist was—and for good reasons, even if they aren’t all professional!

When Bernie and Dave get back home that night, she tells him that the rapist was his brother, Saul.  Dave is ready to go hunt him and beat him to a pulp.  At least the slug needs to be put in jail, he says. 
Merry Piece calls Cam and tells him what really happened to Lucia and why the DNA didn’t jive.  He tells Anto who figures he’ll find the waiter involved that night.  One way or another he’ll get to the bottom of this mess.  Nobody messes with Antolin’s family!  No-o-o-o-body!

When Ivan gets wind of the truth Tony asks Ivan not to dole out justice on his own.  That’s what they have laws for (well, maybe.)  Ivan doesn’t want to wait for “The Law” to make another SNAFU out of justice again.

Alex calls Lucia late at night and asks her to fix the emotional mess his daddy and everyone else is faced with now that she and his daddy are splitsville again.

Lucia calls Benito and asks to let her pick him up after school so they can spend quality time and deal with his depression over her and Ivan’s break-up.  Carly sneaks in a quick call to Tony who immediately suggests that Ivan pick up Alex because Benito’s got to take him to visit Carly this afternoon.  

Lucia waits for Alex after school and they head off for an ice cream together.  Ivan arrives a second too late and decides to follow them to the park.  Saul is there El Gordo at the same park as they are and they head over to say hey.  Ivan sees Saul and Gordy approach.  He also sees Lucia freak out and begin beating at Saul.  Lucia’s screaming at the top of her lungs, telling Saul she knows it was him who did it.  Alex starts beating on Saul who is ready to knock the kid on his a$$.  Ivan races over and knocks Saul on his instead. 

Saul brags that he was the one who raped Miss Goody-Two-Shoes-Lucia.  He wants to make that snide SOB, Ivan, crawl in agony and beg him on his knees!  Gordy says there’s a way to do that and get millions of greenbacks at the same time.  All they have to do is kidnap Alex.  Viewerville just hopes it’s not déjà-vu all over again!



Friday, December 09, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #89 Thu 12/08/11 La Fuerza de JJ's delusions, Ivan's stupidity, and Saul's malice

Antolín points out to Camilo that JJ didn’t actually help him win the election, what with being in a coma and all. (Except that maybe his being indisposed was actually helpful!) He also asks Camilo to be his "testigo" (witness) at the "boda" (wedding).

Maripaz and Lucrezia wonder who's the baby daddy. Maripaz sees this whole incident as proof that Lucia isn't such a saint and figures she got knocked up by some random guy right after Ivan left. Lucrezia bemoans her fate at having two slutty daughters.

JJ wants to call work, so Esther lends him her cell phone and dials for him. He asks the secretary why no one came to see him and ends up talking to Camilo. He realizes Camilo replaced him and hangs up, cursing the ranchers for being traitors. He asks Esther if she thinks he's useless and starts whining about wanting to see Ivan again. He has a borderline tender moment with Esther and tells her he knows she's been the only one here for him, he knows he's been an ass, and he's going to change.

Lucrezia persists in thinking Lucia is lying about the baby's father. She thinks he's going to show up and blackmail them.

Ivan spends some daddy daughter time with the baby. Lucia comes up and he tells her he's convinced the results were a lab error. He can't wait for them to be a family and jokes about how the kids will have parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and even a dog!

Camilo tells his mom Lucia won't take him back. He can't imagine she had a one night stand with someone else.

Lucia and Carlota assume she was drugged and raped. She asks if she was completely dressed when Carlota got her into the shower. Carlota won't answer, so Lucia begs. Carlota tells her Cleto found her in the front seat and her panties were on the floor.

Berenice is blaming herself for insisting Lucia go with her to the club. David counsels patience and insists it wasn't her fault. Berenice asks David about Saul and he has nothing good to say about him. She assumes he didn't like Lucia leaving him for someone else. She remembers him being at the club that night and wonders…David thinks Saul is capable of anything. Berenice calls Saul repugnant.

JJ is home, in a wheelchair, and they've remodeled to accommodate him. He's an ass about it as usual, but at least apologizes for being an ass. He asks where Ivan is and Esther says he's not back from his "trip" yet, then distracts him by taking him to see his room.

Ivan reports to Toni that business is going well. Toni reports that JJ is back at home, but still thinks Ivan is his son who takes care of the ranch. Ivan wimps out on breaking the truth to JJ, so Toni will have to do it.

Saul calls from Hermosillo. He's doing well, almost back to normal, and will leave in a few days, but he's got to settle up his bill. Esther balks at the total, mostly because she can't get to the bank for the cash, but she offers to send him a check.

JJ complains to Toni about those damn ranchers taking advantage of his illness. Toni tries to bring logic to the situation and tells JJ to calm down, for all that's worth. He complains about not being able to find out what's going on with his ranch since Ivan is gone. He complains about the other kids and Toni sets him straight. He starts all the way back with bringing up Alicia Villagomez, but JJ doesn't really remember her. Toni tells her the story about Alicia having a son and JJ treating that son badly…well, that son is Ivan. JJ tries to remember and we get a recap of young Ivan's confrontations with JJ. He fixates on the fact that Ivan is his son, even if he has been a complete dick about him. He accuses Toni of "stealing" Ivan from him. "Who's going to take care of my ranch now?" Toni tries to talk JJ into apologizing to Ivan, but he can't get through JJ's thick skull and walks out. JJ fusses that Ivan is a bastard.

The judge gave Lucia custody of Perlita. There are a few days more to wait for the new DNA results.

And they pass.

Carolina tries on wedding dresses. She, Antolín and Arcelia choose a menu.

Ivan and Alex spend time together.

Ivan and Lucia meet with the judge to get the new DNA test results…and they came out the same as the previous test. Lucia goes running out of the office, Ivan hot on her heels. She screams at him that she doesn't know who the "real" father of her daughter is, like she told him before. She drives home crying and runs off the road.

She's conscious and able to get herself out of the car.

Saul walks back into the house, to a happy Esther. He says it only hurts a little and has trouble holding back tears. Esther tells him JJ is home and he wonders how much JJ knows. She tells him not to worry.

Antolin finds Lucia by the road, still sobbing. She just wants to go home. He gets her purse from her car and tries to convince her to go to the hospital. He asks her what happened and her response is "I don't know who the father of my daughter is." Antolín tells her the baby has a mother and that's what counts.

Esther begs Saul to see his dad, dress better, and speak more formally. Saul doesn't take it well. She tells him if he wants to keep living there, he'd better not question her and do what she says.

Lucia gets walked back to her room by her mother and grandmother. Antolín walks back out front just as Ivan is getting there. Antolín fills him in and tells him to call a wrecker to get Lucia's car. Lucrezia tells Ivan that Lucia won't go to the hospital.

Lucia insists nothing's broken. And that she doesn't want to see Ivan or anyone else.

Ivan tells Lucrezia what the DNA results said. He tells her it doesn't matter to him and he accepts Perla as his daughter and won't treat her any differently from Alex. He says he'll forgive her.

Toni gripes him out for not considering that maybe there's nothing to forgive, maybe she was raped. Ivan feels like an idiot.

Lucrezia is completely confused about what the hell is going on and how Lucia doesn't know who the father of her child is. Lucia says she was raped. Carlota fills her in on the details, as far as they know them. Lucrezia dares say the family is now completely dishonored and begs Lucia that no one can find out. Lucia assures her she can't say anything since she can't remember anything. Carlota chews Lucrezia out for her attitude and not taking Lucia's feelings into account.

Antolín visits Camilo and tells him he was helping a crying woman by the side of the road. "And guess who it was…."

The doctor says Lucia didn't break anything.

Camilo proposes building an office out there, but he'd rather just have a room at the Association. Antolín tells him to forget Lucia and reminds him that the wedding is on Saturday.

Lucia insists on being up and about and taking care of Perlita. She'll let Gloria take care of Perla, but she's decided she doesn't want to see Ivan or Camilo ever again. She goes to take a shower and mutters about feeling dirty.

Ivan gets the update from Carlota. Toni asks for the phone and talks to Carlota. She's not sure if Lucia would want to see Toni.

Toni tells Ivan that Lucia doesn't want to see anyone right now. He tells him to give her time. Ivan is all anxious to make her feel better, but he'd already been stupid enough to talk about "forgiving" her.

Which is exactly what she's complaining to Berenice about. Berenice reminds her that they both know that it's not her fault she was raped. Lucia can't remember anything, so Berenice suggests hypnotherapy, but Lucia doesn't want to remember.

JJ is learning that physical therapy involves massages from pretty PT's. Too bad he doesn't also realize that for her it's completely professional.

Antolin gives Carolina her engagement ring. In a pretty flower arrangement. She says she didn't need one, but he says things have to be done right. I love those two together.

Berenice advises Lucrezia and Carlota to just leave Lucia alone for a while. Until she decides she's ready.

Ivan ponders the rapists identity and what he'd do if he had the guy in front of him.

JJ's done with PT and Esther begs him to see Saul. Saul has had his makeover, though Esther nixes the 10-gallon hat. He still stumbles over "padre" instead of "pa." He shows off his ability to walk and claims a friend paid for the operation he needed. He offers to help JJ get his position at the Association back and asks JJ to give him a chance.

Yay! Carolina and Antolín get married. Squee! They manage to keep the kiss pretty clean.

Lucia didn't go to the wedding. She mopes around the house and is unfortunately found there by Maripaz. She's still all banged up from the accident and has to explain to Maripaz. Maripaz gloats over the baby not being Ivan's . She asks who Lucia cheated with, then jokes that she was knocked up by the Holy Spirit, so Lucia shuts her up with, "No, I was drugged and raped." We'll see how long her shocked silence lasts.

Ivan, that dumbass, is thinking about buying Lucia a car. Toni tells him money isn't the way to do this. He needs to be patient. He seems to have realized that Ivan sucks at that.

Gordo and Saul hang out. Saul wants to figure out how to get Camilo out of office. Gordo says he must have some flaw they can exploit. Gordo proposes they get Lucrezia to help them, maybe say he stole money or something. He calls the house and gets Lucia instead. His voice triggers memories of the rape and she drops the phone and runs off, crying. Gloria picks up the phone and Saul snaps at her, asking what happened to Lucia. He asks for Lucrezia and Gloria tells him everyone is at the wedding. Saul can't figure out why Lucia dropped the phone.

Lucia keeps remembering. She stumbles around her room. She ends up picking up the phone and tells someone she needs to see them.

Tomorrow: JJ wonders if Saul had something to do with Lucia's rape; Berenice and Lucia process; Camilo finds out Lucia was raped.


Thursday, December 08, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #88 Wed 12/07/11 Maury Povich, please report to the studio and will somebody call Dr. Phil!


Please provide any missing details. Gracias.


Lucia talks to the lawyer, Camilo's not cooperating, Antolin tries to talk sense, and Ivan and Camilo face off. Ivan talks to Lucia's lawyer.


Hospital, JJ's Room, morning: JJ is dressed and using a walker, frustrated as the doctor tries to reassure him that he will recover over the next few weeks if he works at it. Esther and the doctor come out to find Tony in reception. Tony explains the delicate situation regarding Ivan's paternity and asks about JJ's memory. The doctor talks in medical jargon about a lesion in the brain that is healing rapidly, but in general gives a positive prognosis. He advises against spilling the whole truth for a few days while JJ's brain recovers. Sounds like he knows his stuff.

Hacienda Curiel: Lucrazia is paranoid at a possible new kidnapping attempt and won't go out alone. At the news that Lucia is out with the baby and Ivan Lucrazia gets annoying again with her Harper Valley rant. Carlota tells her off as usual.

Maripaz' new den of iniquity / Camilo's office: Maripaz calls Camilo to lure him into her web. He tries to beg off but she persists until he agrees, telling her that they will have a lot to talk about.

Hacienda Curiel: Lucia and Ivan return to explain about the DNA test with regard to the divorce and custody.

Carlota: Where have you been?
Lucia: Camilo wants to take Perlita away because of the divorce so we need a DNA test to prove that Ivan is the biological father. (Hands the baby to Lucrazia)
Carlota: Ay, hija.
Ivan: In this way I can get custody of my daughter.
Lucrazia: Isn't this a little precipitous?
Carlota: We need to be prepared, Señora. Lucia and I are preparing ourselves precisely to avoid problems.
Ivan: In a few days we will have the results of the DNA test and it won't be that easy for Camilo to demand custody. Besides, he's fooling around with my sister. There is no better moment to file for divorce.
Lucrazia: Well, that doesn't mean they went to bed...
Lucia: Mama, you surprised them when they were practically naked.
Lucrazia: Well, that doesn't mean anything...
Ivan: Pardon me, Señora, but I don't think the judge will think the same as you
Lucrazia: And you two? What? You never did anything that –
Lucia: Ay, mama; por favor!
Carlota: Lucrazia, shut your mouth!

Ivan somehow manages to maintain a stiff upper lip through this craziness.

Lawyer Lavacida's (?) office: Camilo arrives for his appointment.

Casa Galvan: Carmen has the idea she no longer needs to work as a servant now that Camilo is the Ag Ass President. Arcelia reminds her that they may be poor, but they're honest people and she will have to do something. She refuses to be a servant, claiming she will do secretarial work in Camilo's office. Arcelia calls her on her B.S., and she flounces off. Another stalemate in this battle.

Camilo came clean about his dalliance with MP, but says that he will request that she deny it. The lawyer doesn't quite buy this, as he is aware that Lucrazia and Carlota saw the (circumstantial) evidence. Camilo says that there was no actual proof of any wrongdoing, but the lawyer advises him that the judge won't be that naïve. Camilo is determined to get custody of the baby. He starts talking about Ivan abandoning the pregnant Lucia (without admitting that Ivan didn't know she had been pregnant) and that he had previously abandoned the pregnant Maripaz. The lawyer says this could work in Camilo's favor, but asks him what his priority is;. Camilo replies that he wants custody of the baby because he loves her but that above all he doesn't want to lose Lucia.

Cada McGuire: Ivan is not prepared to lose either Lucia or the baby. He is sure that the DNA test will prove he is the father of Perlita and the judge will have no choice in the matter.

The anvil awaits.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for La Que No Podia Amar.

Restaurant, outdoor table: Carlos and Judith are on a date. He tells her that her goodness shows through her beautiful eyes. He also says he loves her and that when JJ is better they will break the news to him. [This may just give him a heart attack, which would be best for both Judith and David.]

Casa McGuire: Ivan and Lucia talk over the phone about the upcoming divorce. Lucia is still worried.

MP's Web: They've obviously gotten it on, but Camilo asks her to lie about this if asked about it by the judge. She asks why and he says that he can't afford a scandal hurting his image due to his new position [Obviously he's been around Lucrazia too long.] and in the second place he doesn't want to give Ivan the satisfaction.

Hospital, Morning Saul has had his operation. He calls Esther to tell her that the prognosis is good and he'll be on his feet shortly.

Lawyer Zavaleta's office: The two lawyers talk about the case without their clients present. Zavaleta knows the entire backstory of the situation, including the fact that Ivan was unaware that Lucia was pregnant when he left Mexico the second time. Lavacida intends to paint the picture of Ivan as an irresponsible person who should not have custody of a child. Lucia has two choices: She can get the divorce but lose the baby or she can stay with Camilo. He believes she has everything to lose.

JJ's Hospital Room: Esther tells him that Ivan had to take a trip. JJ complains about Esther abandoning him to the tortures of hospitalization. She tells him off, saying she stuck around to help because he's ill, but if he wants her to go she'll go. He apologises, saying he's annoyed because he feels useless. She says she understands, but if he talks to her like that again, she will walk. He rolls his eyes with that merde-eating grin of his. The old JJ is almost back.

Judge's Chambers: Now it's on with Maury Povich off-camera.

Judge: Well, you all know that the purpose of this first meeting is to see if we can come to some agreement to avert the divorce.
Zavaleta: My client is not disposed to an agreement.
Judge: Very well. May I ask why, Señora?
Lucia: Our marriage had been good, Your Honor, but suddenly Camilo had insane fits of jealousy and my life at his side became impossible. I gave him an opportunity to change and he said he would but he couldn't control his jealousy and I don't think he ever can.
Camilo: She gave me the motive. When Ivan came back from the US my wife changed with me. She denied me physical intimacy
Judge: And you [both] don't think you can reconcile? That you can forget the errors of the past and change?
Lucia: No, I don't think so. (to Camilo) You'll never change. I can't go on with you.
Camilo: She's saying this because she's been hurt. Ivan won't stop pursuing her. But I'm sure we can still be happy again. Think about it Lucia. Give me a chance; what will it cost you?
Zavaleta: There is no agreement here and this will not end in a reconciliation. We can only pursue a divorce [forasoso?]
Judge: Under what article, licenciado?
Zavaleta: Under article number 425 of the civil code. For adultery. Señor Galvan deceived Señora Lomieli with her own sister.
Lavacida: There is no proof of this.
Lucia: Of course, there is. My mother and grandmother saw them together half naked and my grandmother will testify.
Camilo: Testify to what? What you want to see is --
Lucia: Por favor, have the guts to accept this.
Judge: I will have order! I understand that Señor Galvan is seeking custody of your daughter;.
Zavaleta: But, Your Honor, the biological father is Señor Ivan McGuire.
Judge: We'll see. We will continue when we have the results of the DNA test. In the next few days I will hear testimony about the presumed adultery, including that which implicates Señora Maripaz Lomieli. I will take these into consideration for the resolution.

All parties take leave of the judge and exit. Montage of scenes with Carlota, Lucrazia, and Maripaz and her crocodile tears. talking to the judge. We don't hear any dialogue because of the music bed. Finally, it's a few days later and we're back.

Judge: Well, gentlemen – and ma'am – I will render my judgment based on the evidence presented. In the matter of the divorce between Señora Lomieli and Señor Galvan on charges of adultery, the divorce is granted in favor of Señora Lomieli. (Lucia smiles as the suspense violins begin playing) With regard to the custody of Perla Galvan Lomieli demanded by Señor Camilo Galvan and Señor Ivan McGuire, (he looks at Ivan) the results of the DNA test requested by you to prove paternity is negative. Señor McGuire, you are not the father of this baby. (suspense music volume increases)
Ivan: This is impossible, Your Honor. I am the father of this baby girl.
Lucia: This can't be, Your Honor.
Judge: Perhaps the baby is the child of Señor Galvan?
Lucia: Camilo, you know the answer is No. That I was pregnant when we were married. Tell him. Tell him!
Judge: We can do another test to find the truth.
Camilo: Your Honor, the lady is right. I knew she was pregnant before we were married.
Ivan: I don't believe this. I don't believe this. Something's happened. I don't know. A lab error or somebody who could benefit from this result --
Judge: I recommend caution. This is very serious.
Ivan: I insist upon another test.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for the terrorist documentary. As if the previous scene wasn't depressing enough.

Rancho Socorro: Lucia is crying, afraid of what the DNA results are going to mean. Ivan tries to calm her down, but she won't stop crying. She goes back inside and cries as she holds the baby.

Ivan: Ya, everything will be alright.
Lucia: I don't understand. I've never been with anyone else, I swear.
Ivan: Surely it's an error.
Lucia: But the judge will use this to decide custody of Perlita. That's what I'm worried about.
Ivan: We'll have to wait for new test results.
Lucia: But if it's wrong I could lose my baby!
Ivan (embracing her): Calm down, calm down.
Lucia: How can I? (She goes inside and takes the baby away from the maid, holding her) Nobody, nobody is going to separate us. Nobody. Nobody.

Lucrazia slithers in.

Lucrazia: Are you saying that Lucia has been with someone else?
Ivan: No. It was a lab mistake and that will be clarified.
Lucrazia: Because labs don't make mistakes like this, especially when the test is mandated. [something about legal procedures]

Carlota flashes back to the night Cleto found Lucia unconscious in her car and the evidence that something had happened to her.

Lucrazia: So, what happened then? The judge gave Lucia the divorce, didn't he?
Ivan: Yes, but nothing about the custody.
Carlota: Then what?
Ivan: Surely they're waiting for results of the test I demanded.
Lucrazia: Look, Ivan, I think you need to be a gentleman and put an end to this situation. Renounce your intentions toward my daughter and withdraw so Lucia can return to Camilo. Since he accepted her pregnant with another man's child what does it matter if the child is yours or someone else's?
Ivan: It's evident you are a woman without feelings. And very selfish. You have no love for you daughter Lucia. Con permiso. (exits)
Lucrazia: What did I say? At least he could have a little sympathy. [sentido] It would be better to avoid the murmurings that Maripaz isn't the only hija [cusca?] I have. They might even think I'm like this, fooling around with the workers or … I don't know only God knows.
Carlota (with a gesture of frustration): Shut up! You only say stupid things!
Lucrazia: What stupid things? It's obvious Lucia fooled around with someone else. What other proof do we need? You say things without sympathy; I don't understand anybody in this house! (Carlota exits to find Lucia).

Carlota (embracing her from behind as she sits in a chair crying): Hija.
Lucia: Abuela, I swear I never ---
Carlota: You don't have to tell me anything.
Lucia: The only men I've known are Ivan and Camilo. But with Camilo I only had relations after the wedding when I was already pregnant by Ivan.
Carlota (with a thoughtful expression Lucia can't see): What you have to do first is be calm.
Lucia: But I'm afraid that Ivan will think I've been with someone else.
Carlota: Ivan doesn't think that.
Lucia: But the results of the test –
Carlota: But the test could be wrong.
Lucia: It has to be. It has to be wrong.

Casa McGuire: Ivan and Tony talk about this. Zavaleta assures Ivan since judges are prejudiced in the mother's favor, but he suggests that Ivan marry Lucia right away to automatically share custody of the baby. Alternatively, he could wait for the test results. Ivan's not crazy about waiting another 10 days for another set of test results. Nor are we because there are only another 13 episodes left.

Ivan's temper is back and Tony denies that he thinks Lucia fooled around with anyone.

Restaurant: Camilo and his lawyer talk about this. No conclusions here.

Rancho Socorro: Lucia cries as she tells Ivan once more that she had never been with anyone other than him and Camilo. He believes her. He suggests that she simply file for sole custody for the moment and they will share custody when they're married. He hands her his cell phone so she can call Zavaleta.

Restaurant: Camilo and Antolin talk. Antolin warns him not to get mixed up with Maripaz. Camilo reminds him that he (himself) is neither a monk nor a saint. Anto advises him that if the urge hits he should find a hooker and pay her instead. Camilo asks whether Anto has done the Merry Piece and he replies “No. I'm not that foolish.”

Commercial Break that leads out with the crow's profile shot.

Casa McGuire, night: Ivan checks up on Alex, stroking his hair and kissing him.

Casa Lomieli: Carolina tells Antolin that no way would Lucia have been with a third man. They start discussing their wedding and even their future baby.

Park Bench, morning: Carlota talks to Berenice about the night she and Lucia went out clubbing. She tells her she thinks she saw Saul in the club, but she isn't quite sure. Carlota doesn't exactly tell her why she is enquiring about this.

Rancho Socorro: Antolin drives Carolina over so she can hang with Lucia. She brings a baby gift and tells her she will be getting married.

Casa McGuire: Carlota arrives and it almost feels like their earlier scenes. When she tells him how good and wise he is, Tony realizes that she's going to tell him something serious.

Rancho Socorro: Lucia and Carolina talk about their mixed feelings about their new situations. The happiness and the fear Carolina felt about her surgery and now Lucia's divorce; Carolina is now more optimistic than Lucia.

Commercial Break

Casa McGuire: Carlota and Tony talk

Tony: What do you think happened?
Carlota: I think she was drugged and raped. Lucia doesn't normally go out at night, especially to those kind of places, but her friend insisted.
Tony: Whoever brought her back to her home knows her and where she lives.
Carlota: Everyone in Alamos knows us.
Tony: I suppose you never spoke to her about this.
Carlota: No. In the beginning I couldn't believe it. I couldn't confront her with something this horrible. Now I'm hoping that the new DNA test will prove that Ivan is the father of Perlita. I don't know if I should warn her. She doesn't know anything. She is sure Ivan is the father.
Tony: We should hope for those results and then we'll see. I won't say anything to Ivan either.
Carlota: Thanks, Tony. When I talk about this I'm afraid. Never did I imagine this could happen to her. Never. I know in places like that girls can end up with stuff... drinks, pills, precisely so someone can take advantage of them.
Tony: Do you know whom she might have danced or talked with that night who could have done this?
Carlota: No. Her friend Berenice said she didn't see her with anyone. They were out only two hours.
Tony: Did they know anyone who was there?
Carlota: Berenice said that she thought she saw Saul Mondragon.

As the suspense theme begins Tony has the look of Impactada de Conocimiento.

Saul's Hospital Room: Saul is lying in his bed, happy at his progress. El Gordo comes to visit, entering without knocking. After what for them are a few pleasantries, Saul updates him.

Saul: You ran like a rat.
El Gordo: Better they said that I ran than stayed here.
Saul: Carmen would have had your head. I paid you. We had an agreement, but now I don't have to pay. Everything's fixed except my neck. Can't hide that.
El Gordo: Not so bad. You're looking well, dude.
Saul: Ayyy. With the therapy and rehab I'll walk again. Look. (flexes his left leg and ankle)
El Gordo: You're lucky. How did you manage to pay for the operation?
Saul: I didn't have to pay. My father is ill. He was in a coma. Can you believe that?
El Gordo: You don't say.
Saul: That desgraciado Camilo Galvan took advantage and became president of the ag ass. However I have the final satisfaction that I took a little while ago.
El Gordo: How did you do that?

Saul whistles through his teeth. He looks more repulsive than ever with his merde-eating grin. He is his father's son.

Casa McGuire: Tony lies about why Carlota came to see him, saying she came to see him about business matters.

Ivan: But I suppose you didn't just talk to her about business.
Tony: No. About many things.
Ivan: About Lucia?
Tony: About many things.
Ivan: But in all those things surely she said something about Lucia. What are you trying to say?
Tony: It was a conversation between Carlota and myself.
Ivan: But we should not have secrets between us.
Tony (shifts in his chair, clearly uncomfortable): Let's suppose that Lucia had a fling with someone and the baby isn't yours? Would you abandon them?
Ivan: Did Senora Carlota tell you Lucia had an affair?
Tony: We're only speculating.
Ivan: Never would Lucia have an affair with another man. She isn't that sort of woman.
Tony: You have the right of suspicion. It could have been revenge or desperation... or a misfortune. [desgracia]
Ivan: What desgracia?
Tony: An assault in the street?
Ivan: Do you think someone took advantage of her?
Tony: Ivan, I am speculating.

Cue suspense music.

Rancho Socorro: Camilo comes to see Lucia to tell her he's sorry for what's happened and that he loves Perla. When he insists that Perla will need a father she dismisses him. As he leaves Berenice arrives.

Berenice: This morning I saw your grandmother.
Lucia: You were here?
Berenice: No, she came to see me. Questions about the night we went out.
Lucia: Berenice, I told her I don't remember anything. I felt ill when I got home but I don't know how.
Berenice: You were ill from only one mug?
Lucia: I never drink much and I got sick, I don't know. Why is my grandmother asking about this?
Berenice: I don't know.
Lucia: I remember almost nothing about that night. What do you remember?
Berenice: First you were in a bad mood. I got up to dance with somebody and you disappeared. Girlfriend, did something happen?
Lucia: The DNA test results said that Perlita is not Ivan's child.
Berenice: No; that's impossible. Therefore whose? Camilo's?
Lucia: I'm sure she isn't Camilo's.
Berenice: This is very weird. Try to remember. When you left what happened?
Lucia: I don't know how I left. I was confused, upset. I went out to my car. I only remember Cleto escorting me through the door of my house...
Berenice: Drugged?
Lucia: I don't remember anything. I woke up in my bed. (pauses, in shock) Are you thinking what I'm thinking? I was raped! If I was raped, who is the father of my baby?


Lucia confronts the truth. Maripaz trash-talks Lucia to their mother. There is an argument with Ivan followed by a possible accident.


Wednesday, December 07, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #87 Tue 12/06/11 After Years of Bringing Her Flowers, Antolín De-Flowers Carolina

As Gloria hasn’t had the chance to check in with us yet, I thought we should put up a discussion page before the end of the day. You can tell from my title what MY favorite part of last night’s episode was. :)

Here is the quick bullet points version of what went down:
-JJ has decided that Ivan is his prodigal son and demands that he come visit him. He couldn’t care less about Saul. He tolerates Judith and David. No one wants to break it to him that Ivan is his bastard son who hates him.
-Tony and David try to convince Ivan to have some pity and kindness in his heart for JJ and play along. Tony wants him to forgive, and tells the story of how he long ago forgave his wife who had cheated on him. Ivan can’t forget how JJ abused his mother and treated him as a child.
-Camilo starts getting too big for his britches already and gets a swelled head about getting to rub elbows with important government people. He drinks too much, to Antolin’s dismay, and babbles about beating Ivan now that he’ll have more power than him.
-Camilo gives Antolin management of his ranch so that he can dedicate himself full-time to the presidency.
-MP finds a man she CAN refuse and says no to Saul’s advances. She thinks about REAL man Camilo and is more turned on to learn he’s the new Ag Assoc prez.
-Ivan, Lucia and Carly go to see Lic. Zavaleta about Lucia’s divorce. They tell him Ivan is Perlita’s dad, and about Cam’s jealousy and unreasonableness, but don’t tell him about Camilo’s infidelity. Later, Carly says she is willing to testify about the infidelity if needed. Lucrezia opposes this, because of the scandal…naturally. Lucia finally asks her mother why her happiness is less important than MP? We’ve all wondered that too Lucia.
-Camilo yells at Zavaleta, who is the best lawyer in Alamos, that he will get the best lawyer in the next largest town. He refuses to give Lucia her divorce. He threatens Ivan that he will fight for custody of Perla. The DNA test doesn’t scare him because he doesn’t think the judge would look kindly on a guy who abandoned two pregnant women to run off to the States.
-Ivan and Lucia get frisky, despite Carly and the lawyer telling them to keep their distance—meaning NO SEX. For now, they stay strong.
-Antolin and Carolina, on the other hand…Anto doesn’t want Caro sleeping alone in the house at night. Either Rosa starts staying with her at nights, or he’s moving in. Guess what she chooses. He takes her to dinner at a nice restaurant and takes her shopping. Once they get home, the flirting and kissing begin, and they go to the kitchen to make dinner #2 together, since he’s a man with “ferocious appetites.” His words, not mine. He asks which bedroom should he take—Gerry’s, Alex’s, or hers? Any but hers, she says. But later that night, she can’t sleep. Anto can’t sleep either, and he comes knocking on her door asking to just share her bed with her. They try the back to back thing, but sleep is still not what either of them was wanting. Anto makes the first move, turns towards Caro and starts caressing her waist gently. He also starts nuzzling her neck, which leads to passionate kisses. Caro goes with it. (Yeah, I re-watched the scene a few times.)
-The next morning, Caro’s already up and bringing coffee and juice to the bedroom for them. Anto starts to apologize for pushing things the night before, but Caro does not want apologies. She’s very happy, and they express their love for each other. But Caro thinks they need to get married, like now.
-Caro and Celia meet for the first time since Caro regained sight. It’s a tearful, happy meeting. Celia is beside herself with happiness that the two will get married soon and offers to help Caro with all the preparations.
-Since she has power of attorney over JJ’s accounts, Esther decides to pay for Saul’s surgery. He’s over the moon. Wish I liked him so that I could actually be happy for him.

Avances: It’s Gerry Springer, Alamos style! The DNA test results are in, and…Camilo’s not the daddy (we already knew that), BUT neither is Ivan! (Some of us already suspected that.)


Monday, December 05, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #86 Mon 12/05/11 Caro Was Blind, But Now She Sees; Cam is Still Lost; and MP is Still a Wretch

Carolina, Lucia and Tony leave the hospital in D.F. via the parking garage. Caro is so happy that now she can see that she can’t stop hugging Tony and Lucia and crying. She can’t wait to see the faces of all the people she loves. Tony gives her the good news about Antolín being sprung from jail. It’s the happiest day of her life!

Back in Alamos, Camilo and Anto arrive home to Casa Galvan. Camilo has loaned Anto one of his 2 sizes too small shirts and Anto makes fun of the snug fit. Hugs all around from Carmen and Celia, who says she never gave up hope. Lechita, who has obviously been left out of the “Tio Anto is in the hoosegow” discussions, wants to know where he’s been. “En el infierno!” He’ll tell her what it was like later. Anto asks about Caro and asks Cam to call Ivan to get an update. Camilo McBitterson angrily hands over his phone and tells Anto to call Ivan himself.

Anto thanks Ivan for all he and Tony have done to free him and done for Caro. Ivan tells him about the success of the operation. Anto is happily impactado. He kisses and hugs Celia, happy that Caro can see and that she’s coming back to Alamos that very day. Lechita still wants her explanation about what hell was like. LOL!

Ivan visits Carlota at the ranch. They chit chat about the good news about Anto and Caro. But what Ivan’s come to talk about is Lucia. He’s worried because the last few times he’s seen/spoken to her, she’s seemed distant and preoccupied. Carly guesses correctly that Lucia must have overheard the discussion between her and Lucrezia the other day. Ivan doesn’t get what the problem is with Lucia divorcing, or with him marrying his ex-sister-in-law. He also thinks that Camilo and Maripaz getting it on is their business. There are far worse crimes committed within families, like murder (he obviously doesn’t know that MP has that on her spiritual rap sheet too). Anyway, it’s not like HE came from a “normal” family situation. Does this mean he and Lucia will NEVER be able to marry? Carly suggests patience and giving Lucia time, but Ivan just wants his family to all be together already. He now wants a normal family. Carly blames herself for starting this whole mess. (Amen Carly.)

The Galvan clan goes to Don Silvestre’s grave to lay flowers, give thanks, and pay homage. Anto promises to live his life right from now on, in honor of his father. He notices something is up with mopey Camilo and asks Celia about it.

David and Ivan have a chat about the Ag Association. The members are getting antsy for a new president since JJ is out of commission. They want Camilo. Ivan has no problem with this, despite the Lucia situation.

Celia gives Anto an update on the Camilo-Lucia-Ivan situation. Anto is sympathetic, but doesn’t think Cam should or can fight against the fact that Lucia and Ivan love each other and have a child together.

Ivan calls Anto to tell him that Caro will arrive in an hour! Anto rushes off to his apartment to change, but first takes a moment to freak out to Celia that perhaps Caro won’t like what she sees. (Has he looked in a mirror?) Celia tells him he’s got NOTHING to worry about. In any case, Caro loves him and has always seen him with the eyes of her heart. She says a prayer of thanks to the Virgin.

Cutberto and the other ranchers try to convince Camilo to take the presidency over tequilas, beers and snacks. Cam plays coy. “Shouldn’t they advise JJ?” But it doesn’t take much to convince him. They toast to it.

In the hospital, Judith is worried about whether JJ will be able to recuperate his motor skills. Carlos hugs her in support. Lucrezia walks in on this scene and gives Judith a huge sh!t eating grin. Judith introduces Carlos Orozco to her as her novio. Lucrezia heads in the see JJ.

At Casa McGuire, Caro, Lucia and Tony are home. Caro says Ivan is just as handsome as she imagined. He blushes and Lucia jokingly tells Caro to watch it. Caro then hears the excited shouts of Alex who comes bounding into the room like a puppy. He rushes into Caro’s arms for a big hug. She takes his face in her hands and calls him precioso. Alex is just excited to show her all the stuff in his room.

Caro looks around and asks about Anto. For a second she thinks they’ve lied to her and he hasn’t been released. But, he’s just the final surprise. A voice just out of sight says, “How could you think I would let you down, Princess?” Anto comes into view from just behind Ivan. Carolina walks to him slowly, not taking her eyes off his face. When she reaches him, she closes her eyes and begins to feel his face, “seeing” his face as she used to. “You’re exactly as I imagined!” They hug, cry and kiss. “We did it!” (Lo logramos!) “Si, lo logramos y te adoro.” Everyone happily looks on.

JJ is acting like a big baby in the hospital, as Esther tries to feed him Jello. He tells visiting Lucrezia that he doesn’t want to live this way. (Where is that plug all the Mondragon kids were looking for the other day?). Lucrezia tries to cheer him up. “You’re young. (Hah!!) Strong. You have a lot to look forward to, like your ranch, and your wife who came back to care for you.” JJ scoffs. (I’m sure Lucrezia secretly says a prayer of thanks for dodging that bullet.)

Anto tells the McGuire crew that he’s eager to get back to work so that he’ll be able to marry and provide for Caro. He hopes JJ hasn’t fired him when he was in the pen. They all give him the JJ update. In any case, with the house and money Gerry left Caro, they can start their life together right away. Anto doesn’t want to live off his wife, he says, but Caro doesn’t care. If he wants, they can sell the house and start anew with the money from the sale. Anto just doesn’t want to be thought of as a kept man (mantenido). Ivan points out that he lives in his dad’s house and that doesn’t make him a mantenido. Lucia thinks it’s an outdated concept, and doesn’t make any common sense since his mujer already has a house.

Lucia excuses herself to go home and see Perlita. She tries to get out of Ivan taking her, but he insists. Caro picks up on the fact that all is not well in Paradise. “They’ve got problems.” Tony says. Caro thinks it’s time for Ivan and Lucia to forget about everything else and just enjoy their love. Just like Anto needs to forget this issue with the house. This whole time Caro and Anto can’t stop touching each other and she can’t seem to stop stroking his handsome face.

Lucrezia gossips to Carly about JJ. What a humiliation for someone like him. Carly feels bad for Esther having to come back and care for JJ. She hopes JJ has changed and has learned to appreciate Esther. Carly chuckles that Lucrezia was saved just in the nick of time. Lucrezia tries to play it off like she never intended to accept his proposal.

Lucia and Ivan enter her room and find Gloria asleep next to Perlita’s crib. After she leaves, Ivan coos over Perlita . He thinks she looks like Alex. Lucia says she doesn’t (well only in cuteness factor), but concedes there might be some resemblance since they are half siblings (yet another time she’s admitted Ivan is the father without coming out and saying it). Ivan asks Lucia what’s the first thing she’s going to do now that she’s a Licenciada. Lucia’s thinks he means professionally; he’s thinking divorce.

Carly tells Lucrezia about the Ag Association meeting and the proposal to elect Camilo president. Lucrezia starts singing her “Don Nadie” tune. Plus, he slept with MP! (OK. Now this is an issue for her?) Carly doesn’t see what that has to do with being the Ag Assoc president. Lucrezia calls him immoral! Carly’s like, say what!? And you think JJ has morals?! Lucrezia can’t answer that one. She tries to convince Carly not to vote for Cam.

Ivan tells Lucia that Carly is sure she overheard the conversation between her and Lucrezia and that’s why she’s being so hesitant now. Ivan doesn’t think there’s any reason for her to feel ashamed. Sh!t happens in every family. Lucia doesn’t think there are many more situations more shameful (vergonzosa) than hers. She does intend to get a divorce, but she doesn’t intend to immediately marry him. Ivan is on board with the “time” thing. He just wants Lucia’s assurance that they’ll work together to confront issues. He’s also fine with keeping a respectable distance in public, but when they’re alone together, he doesn’t see why they can’t act like what they are—two people in love. He gives her cheek a bunch of kisses, then a few quick kisses on the lips. He wants them to work shoulder to shoulder (hombro a hombro). They’ve already confronted so many obstacles, and they can’t let themselves be defeated now! Lucia gets with the program after this pep talk and starts kissing Ivan for realz.

At Casa Galvan, Anto starts waxing poetic about Caro’s eyes being like stars. Celia and Carmen tease him and call him corny (cursi). It’s joy all around the Galvan dinner table, until Camilo walks in. He wants to know why everyone is so happy, but does join in the teasing by saying Anto must have scared Caro off with his ugly mug. Anto teases back that Camilo isn’t the only galan in their family. He intends to marry Caro right away. They’ll live in Gerry’s house. Carmen thinks that’s a great stroke of luck. Mr. McBitterson doesn’t think it’s lucky to live like a moocher (arrimado). Anto throws it right back at him that he lived arrimado in Casa Curiel. Celia makes them knock it off before things get really heated and Camilo stalks off. Anto asks why Cam is so bitter these days. If he’s having woman troubles, why take it out on him? Cam needs to suck it up (aguantar) if he can’t make Lucia fall in love with him.

Camilo shows up at MP’s hotel door, AGAIN. He starts to complain about how happy everyone is. She’s shocked to find out Caro can now see, and more shocked and angry to find out Caro inherited her father’s house, while she is FORCED to live in a hotel!

The next morning, MP is still bitching and moaning about it, and has taken her complaint to Carly and Lucrezia. As his daughter, she has a right! She’s going to contest the will! She can’t believe her dad left the house to that worm (lombriz)! That woman is a nobody. Lucrezia brings up…THE SCANDAL. Then she somehow turns the blame on Carly for cutting MP out of HER will. Well, this is news to MP and it just gets her more riled up. She’s more determined now to fight Caro for Gerry’s inheritance. Carly tries to strike a deal with MP (doesn’t she ever learn?). She’ll change her will back, IF MP drops this idea of contesting Gerry’s will. This does not appease MP. By the time Carly finally gets around to kicking the bucket, MP will be an old woman! She has expenses right now!

Lucrezia advises her to find a small apartment to rent. Ah, hell no! Not when there’s a whole house that she could have to remodel and redecorate. Lucrezia points out that the house would also belong to Lucia anyways. MP is not deterred. She goes off to make a deal with Lucia.

Totally oblivious that MP is trying to kick her out of her house, Caro is looking at all of the objects in the house with new eyes, and relishing all the memories they bring. She thanks Rosa for all she has done for her over the years. Rosa wants to know if Caro and Anto will get married now. Of course, Anto will marry his Princess! First he needs to make sure he has a job, because no woman is going to maintain him. Caro calls him prideful (orgulloso), but she’s smiling and they can’t keep their hands off each other.

Lucia refuses to go along with MP’s plan. It’s not fair (justo). She tells MP to get a J-O-B if she needs more money for a place to live. MP thinks those are big words coming from someone who has a millionaire boyfriend. (You would think Lucia would point out that said millionaire is MP’s ex husband who’s paying a nice lump sum to her every month for alimony.) “Speaking of the King of Rome.” Ivan walks up on this scene. MP starts whining that her alimony isn’t enough. Ivan reminds her it’s what the judged ordered, plus he’s the one taking care of Alex. Even more reason to take the house from Caro. She flounces off. Ivan doesn’t think MP will be able to win. It takes years and resources to contest a will, and he knows MP doesn’t have the money.

Caro is packing up her Braille books (including Romeo and Juliet) to donate to a center for the blind. She’s pretty sure she’ll be able to quickly relearn how to read, as she was an avid reader as a child. Anto says he’s always known she was super smart, while he is a dummy (burro). Caro doesn’t believe this for one second. He finished high school. He could take an accounting course or something. As for the house, he does like it better than his apartment. Plus, there are two extra bedrooms for their kids. Caro teases that he’s in a hurry (apurrar), but Anto loves kids and wants to get a move on.

MP comes in to ruin this sweet scene. Anto wants to know what the hell she wants. MP makes her contesting the will threat. Seems she’s forgotten that Anto has plenty of dirt on her, but he hasn’t. He comes right out and tells her that if she tries to contest the will, he will have her thrown in prison for killing that woman. He still has a photo. Stupid MP thinks he destroyed the phone with the photo. He kicks her out on her skinny butt. Caro is impactada. “Antolin, you never told me about this.” Anto tells her there are MANY things about his life he has never told her, but he doesn’t want her to worry about it. “Let’s leave it in the past.” Caro only wants to know one thing—has he ever killed anyone? He begs her not to ask him. He made a promise on his father’s tomb. He’s going to stop being a lost soul, for his father and for her. They embrace.

Ivan and Lucia discuss the lawyer that will help Lucia in her divorce. The lawyer will try to keep everything on the down-low as much as possible. Lucia is worried that Cam will try to get custody of Perlita. Ivan says they will just say Perlita is his, and if the judge wants proof, they’ll just get a DNA test. Lucia worries about her mother and the scandal. Ivan wants her to be strong. He reminds her of how strong she was to achieve her dream of getting her degree. She wonders if he thinks they can really live in peace. It’s up to her, he says. She tells him she loves him.

Ivan picks Alex up from school. Alex wants to go see Lucia and Perlita, but Ivan says he was just with them. Alex brags about being the best in his class and Ivan tells him not to be so conceited. Later at home, Ivan speaks with Tony and wonders if Alex isn’t becoming a bit too spoiled. Speaking of spoiled brats, Ivan gets all pissy when Tony asks if he’s gone to visit his bio-daddy in the hospital yet. Tony tells him not to be so rancorous. If he forgave Gerry, why can’t he forgive JJ? Are you going to wait till he’s dead to forgive him?!

At the Ag Assoc, Camilo is acting coy again about accepting the presidency with JJ being sick and all. Anto is all for Cam becoming the new president, and also wants to know if he still has a job. Camilo doesn’t see why not since he was declared innocent, but he’ll check. Lucrezia and Carly arrive. Somehow Lucrezia thinks that threatening to never speak to Carly again if she votes for Camilo is a bad thing. The meeting is called to order.

Ivan calls Lucia, who is holding cute as a pink button Perlita, to remind her of her 12pm appointment with the divorce lawyer Zavaleta. She wants to postpone since mom, grandma and Gloria are gone and no one can help with Perlita. Ivan is cool with postponing, but wants to go with her when she reschedules. Lucia refuses. It’s a personal matter. Ivan points out that he’s involved in this personally too, or is she ashamed to be seen with him? No, but she doesn’t want to be seen with him publicly until she’s good and divorced from Camilo. Ivan agrees.

The Ag Assoc meeting heats up. Lucrezia and a few of the other ranchers want to wait for JJ to get better. Cutberto points out that JJ’s in bad shape and they can’t have a president that’s out of commission. In any case, the last time they met with him they were ready to throw him out.

Ivan finds Judith at the hospital and gets the update on JJ. He urges her to be optimistic. JJ’s mood swings from angry tantrums to tears, she says. She’ll check with the doctor to see if Ivan can see him.

Cutberto lays it out for the ranchers. Either they vote for a new president now, or they wait months for JJ to get better. Lucrezia and a few other ranchers are the only ones who vote to wait for JJ. Most vote to elect a new president. Cutberto throws out Camilo’s name and plays up all of his good points. Almost everyone is in agreement. Camilo makes his acceptance speech. He’s young, but he’s got education and experience. But above all, he’s a man of honor. He didn’t come from a rich family, but he’s a man of the land, like many of them. He brags about his hard work. He promises not to fail them! “Camilo, Camilo, Camilo!!”

Esther lets Ivan into JJ’s room. She thanks him for all he’s done for David and Judith. He says they’re good peeps and deserve it. He’s sure she’s responsible for them being good, responsible people. JJ wakes up and asks who Ivan is. When he says his name, JJ immediately recognizes that he’s his son. “Why didn’t you come to see me before like the others?” He then can’t remember the names of the other kids or how many of them there are. He wants to know why Saul hasn’t come to see him. Ivan tries to be kind and says that Saul is traveling. JJ’s personality hasn’t changed that much and he calls Saul irresponsible for traveling while his father is ill. He tells Ivan to sit near him and asks him what’s up. When Ivan answers him in the formal Usted form, JJ wants to know why. “I’ve always done so.” JJ thinks that’s good. That’s how to respect elders! He asks about how the ranch is going. Ivan plays along and says things are going well, even when JJ starts going on about how the ranch is the “patrimonio” of the Mondragon family. He can tell Ivan is a Mondragon through and through (de pies a cabeza) and is very smart/clever. “And THAT you inherited from me. I’m very proud of you son. Very proud of you.” Ivan tries really hard not to puke.

Avances: Lucia’s lawyer informs Camilo that Lucia’s divorcing him. He’s not happy about it, to say the least. He says he’ll get the best lawyer in Alamos! They won’t get rid of him so easily! Oh, but Lucia and Ivan have a card up their sleeve. Carly’s going to testify to catching MP and Camilo in the act.


Saturday, December 03, 2011

La Fuerza del Destino #85 Fri 12/02/11 Honey Buns Gets Busted In The Buff Again And Lucia Gets Licenciada'd

As Viewerville settles in for its weekending emotional fender-bender south of the border, Camilo has found the mechanic that helped Antolin replace his fan belt on the car.  He remembers him because you don’t see a car like Anto’s cherry red ’66 Mustang convertible everyday of the week.  He remembered also that Judith drove up and offered to take him back into Alamos and that Anto couldn’t because he was headed to Mexico instead.  So, Cam has the key witness they’ve needed to help with his big bro’s defense.  Duhn-duhn-duhnnnn!

Anto is not making many friends in prison.  However, he finds out El Piojo (The Louse--as in many lice but only one louse) who helped with the burn job for Juan Jaime Mondragon, is in there doing time for grand theft-auto.   Antolin tells Piojo he’s certain El Gordo framed him by purposely leaving his pistol at the scene of the murder/attempted kidnapping they’ve charged him with.  No way it was him!  He’d never get involved with things like that, and besides, the dude who got iced was a guy he really liked!  He’s got a good couple of lawyers, yeah, but he is still stuck in jail till his trial.  Well, waddaya know?  Piojo can help him out of this jam!

Luckily Ivan manages to recover the files on Lucia’s laptop that the obnoxiously noxious Maripaz had mischievously erased the day before.  Lucia is elated since she can’t use Bernice’s notes because hers were specific to her thesis project (or something like that) and the final exam can’t be postponed.  She invites Ivan and Don Anthony to her graduation ceremony, along with Alex to enjoy the festivities.

Meanwhile, Antolin still hasn’t gotten his one phone call for his attorney.  The guard goes off to check on it and again Anto has to fend off the gang of prison goons who tease him about having his own lawyer.  Anto still has the home-made knife he took off the last guy and threatens #2 Goon with it.  “--Go fight with yourselves and leave me friggin’ alone!”  They do.

At the cemetery we get a heart-rendering scene of Alex weeping over his grampa Gerardo’s grave, telling him how much he misses him.  FF>>

Lucia graciously agrees to let Ivan visit his daughter as the rightful baby-daddy.  He kisses her and Perlita and wishes Lucia a resplendently grand [airosa] time of it at her oral exams.  He credits her intelligence and determination for getting her this far.

Meanwhile, Carlota invites Bernice, David and her parents over to El Socorro for the  graduation celebration.  Lucia comes back in and tells Lucrecia and Carly that she’s invited everyone she cares about to her graduation party—and no, that does not include either Camilo or Maripaz!  Lucia races off with Bernie before Mama has a chance to pick another fight, so Lucrazy gripes to Carly about Cam’s not being invited. Carly rolls her eyes.  “—They’re se-pa-ra-ted!  What don’t you understand about ‘separated’?” Lulu's desperately hoping to keep town gossip to a low roar, sadly. “--Oh!  They could easily enough make up again!”  “--Get real!”  

Carly then makes a quick call to the lawyer she spoke with earlier and says she is changing her will: she's taking her granddaughter, Maripaz Lomeli, out of it and giving what went to her to her other granddaughter, Lucia Lomeli.  Lucre-zia chokes on her breakfast coffee.  She grabs the phone out of Carly’s hand and clicks off.  “—You’re absolutely crazy!!”  “--Not a bit and if you don’t get out of my face I’m going to do the same to you!”  Lulu threatens going to court to get her committed and declared incompetent to determine her will.

Lucre-zia races off to her room and has a sh!t fit.  What’s she going to do now that JJ Meandragon is an invalid?  She can’t marry a lump like that!  She’s got to get herself a lawyer!  But who? 

In another part of the house, Lucia admits to Bernice that she’s decided to get back with Ivan, but she really feels sorry for Cam.  Cam who?  Bernie tells her to forget Cam.  She was never really in love with the guy and then after the way he’s treated her since—just ugh!  "--Hey, you feel badly when you step on an ant and smash him, too, right?"  Lucia snickers at her BFF’s practicality.  --Time to partayyyyyy!!

At Don Anthony’s, Benito’s mentioned the raw deal Anto got being transferred to prison. Carolina accidentally overhears the news and demands to see him.  (How can you say no to a defenseless invalid?)  Tony tries explaining visiting days are Sunday’s only and that in the meantime they really need to get back to Mexico to see her doctor for a follow-up exam.

Later that morning, Tony finds out that his private detective has come up with the right mechanic and that he’s agreed to testify.  Licenciado Lara gets word from Cam at the same time.  How did Don Anthony know?  Well, Don Anthony hired a private investigator on his own who already found the dude. --Ok.  So this get’s his brother off scott-free, right?  Oh, well, with the business with the gun, they still need testimony from Gordy, and he’s disappeared off the face of the earth [se lo tragó la tierra = literally, the earth’s swallowed him]. [¿Verdad?]  Ya know/understand/right?

Anto gets word that his lawyer’s there to speak to him.  All the goons are ticked cuz the guy really does have his own mouthpiece!  FF>>

In between those endlessly aggravating wipes of his glasses, Lic. Lara tells Anto that the mechanic’s been found and he’s given his testimony to the authorities.  That leaves the problem with the gun and proving Gordo framed him with it.  Anto tells Lara that a prisoner he knows--El Piojo--told him that the one responsible for the kidnapping was Gordy and that he purposely left the gun there to incriminate him.  Lara says the judge isn’t the type to willingly take a prisoner’s word for things, but Anto says Piojo has known Gordy for a long time now and Gordy blabbed and bragged to everyone about it! Lara wonders what the guy’s in for and what he wants for his testimony.  Anto tells him about the car theft and that he wants a reduced sentence.  Hmmmm. 

Carmen finally gets back to El Socorro and sees the place is set up for a party.  Gloria tells her the decorations there are for Lucia’s graduation and she’s got to get back to fixing the hors d’oeuvres. 

Carmen calls Cam who’s still out in the back forty and she tells him about today being the day Lucia graduates. He thought Lucia was going to let him know so he could go with her for it.  (Fat chance, Beefcake Boy!  After getting caught in bed with lascivious Big Sis?  Are you delirious or what? Somebody needs to explain "separado" to him, too, I’d say.) 

At the same time Cam is getting word from Carmen, Ivan, Alex and Tony are watching Bernice and Lucia pass their exams successfully.  They listen to the professor give Lucia and Bernie an honorable mention specifically for their research.  Both thank  their family and teachers for their support and encouragement.  Lucia includes Ivan--who’s wearing a mile-wide sh!t-eating grin.  Alex brings in a couple of bouquets for Lucia and Bernice. 

A couple minutes later Cam barges in on the group--still dressed in his tee-shirt and jeans from the back forty (and, as Viewerville suspects, no doubt smelling pretty rank from a nasty combination of sweat and manure).  He drags Lucia over to the side, hands her more flowers—pretty skimpy compared to the fantabulous bouquet from Ivan--and congratulates her.  She’s shocked to see him there, and she's definitely not the friendliest face in this crowd.  Let’s just say Cam has real problems taking very broad hints cuz next minute he wants to know why she doesn’t give a damn he brought her pink roses and most of all, why she didn’t bother to tell him about the graduation.  She frowns big time but keeps her anger at a simmer.  “—You’re here, aren’t you?”  He whines something else about still loving her and that he doesn’t want to lose her.  (For my money, she can't get past the pungent stench of sweat and fresh cow pie!  Sheesh!) Ivan interrupts this little scene Cam’s making to let him know in no uncertain terms that he has already lost her.  Lucia’s no longer Cam’s exclusive property—as in Lucia’s got a different pair of size 12 boots shoved under her bed now.

During the reception we are treated to Ortiz (?) kissing Judith--so we now know that she’s gotten over Camilo.  Ivan walks back into the party a bit after and tells Lucia that Cam down deep is really a good guy.  He just has never known how to lose. Lucia says you’d never guess it these days.  Jealousy has turned him to The Dark Side.  Ivan asks if she’s sure she wants to live with him now.  He’s not a normally selfish person.  Lucia answers that although she feels badly for Cam, she’d love nothing more than to be with him permanently.  Is she ready to divorce Cam though?  Yes!  She walks into the next room and right smack dab into 
The Puppy-faced One!

In town at the judge’s, El Piojo tells the judge how things really went down. The judge asks what kind of person Antolin was and did he hang around much with El Gordo? Not really, especially once Gordo left town for a long while.  Who knows why kind of things Gordy got messed up in then!  Anyway, Anto wasn’t a bad guy; he hung around rich guys and tried getting money out of them; he’d get women for them, and he’d look for their weak side (lado flaco = Achilles heel) so he could take advantage of them somehow, but nothing much more than that. Gordy started talking big [palabras mayores= strong words/excessive braggadocio] and said that he would screw over Antolin, smear him, to get even.  He would be spending all his time [dedicarse] planning the kidnapping.

The police detective tells the judge he doesn’t think Antolin had anything to do with the crime.  Lara leaves go with the glasses long enough to tell the judge (sorry, but I just can’t stop thinking about the ungodly number of snags in those silk ties of Lara's!) that it’s obvious then that Anto’s gun was stolen [sustraer] and used to incriminate him for the kidnapping and the murder–and any other things he might be involved in are not being discussed or adjudicated in this trial, though, “¿Verdad?” [Correct?]  The judge looks over and frowns.

Lucia, meanwhile, gives Camilo the final brush-off.  Their problems started long before Ivan.  Yeah, he says, but that was only because she knew he was coming back.  No, she says, cuz he knows they tried again and that it didn’t work out!  But they made love after!  Only to please him but not now! The fighting just started all over again. It was a waste cuz his jealousy always got the better of him.  He insists that he still loves her and refuses to give up.  “--Get it through your head that I was happy to stay a single mother; I only married you because you and my grandma convinced me to!”  But he believed (naïve soul) that she’d fall in love with him, he tells her!  Well, she didn’t, she says.  You just can’t force that kind of feeling!  What does he want from her, anyway?  He says he wants them to get back together again.  No way!  N.O.!

Lucia goes back into the house and runs into Ivan waiting for her.  She tells him she’s going to ask for a divorce.  Too bad it won’t be an amiable one.

Back in the judge’s chambers, the judge learns that Piojo never managed to steal the car, but was only caught in the attempt.  The judge says he doesn’t like taking the word of a convicted criminal.  He is reminded by Lara that Anto wasn’t there and the fact that the lock on his door was tinkered with shows he’s innocent; that the law is on the guilty’s side in this case.  The judge says he’ll think a bit longer on it and let them know.

Lara goes back to inform Antolin what went on after Piojo gave his testimony. The judge doesn’t like relying on a convicted criminal’s testimony, Lara explains, especially when they want something in return for it, you know?  Anto’s fit to be tied.  “—What else does the judge want?  It’s a fact that my door lock was messed with and the mechanic proved I was nowhere near at the time cuz of the breakdown! You have no idea what all I have to put up with in this place!  If I don’t get out of here soon, I’m going to end up killing one of these guys trying to defend myself from one of their attacks!  Then I’ll be spending my life in here for that!”  Lara takes his eyes off his glasses and tie long enough to squint and tell Antolin to be confident and careful.  (Viewerville smirks.)  “--We don’t want to lose what we’ve already gained, right?”  Anto rolls his eyes and lets out a major sigh.

Alex comes back from the graduation ceremony and asks Caro why Anto wasn’t there.  She fibs and says he’s not in Alamos right now.  FF>>

Lara later calls to let Tony and Ivan know that the other prisoner testified for Antolin, but now they’ve got to wait however long it takes for the judge to make up his mind.  Ivan tells Tony that was a lucky break for Anto.  Tony agrees and then asks what Cam was doing there at the graduation and what he wanted with Lucia.  Ivan says it’s going to be a long and messy divorce is all.

Back at El Socorro, Lucia tells Carly that she’s decided to get the divorce after all.  It wont’ be easy since Cam has threatened to fight for custody of Perlita.  The town will talk and her mama will get upset all over again.  Carly tells her to forget what her mother says or wants.  What matters is what Lucia wants!  Lucia thanks her Gram for always being there for her and supporting her.  

Cam stops in to see Merry Piece at the hotel she’s living in now.  She greets him with a major mouth-meld but says she’s miffed he didn’t call her back right away when she called earlier.  He says he was too busy and couldn’t.  She whines that next time he needs to call her back immediately.  He complains he smells like a sewer and she tells him to take a long, hot shower while she orders in a bite.  He walks into the bedroom and begins to undress.  Merry Piece’s tongue falls to the floor as she looks at those amazing muscles of his and calls room-service.  (Mmm-mmm-mmmmm!) 

Across town, Ivan stops in at Arcelia’s to tell her the good news about Antolin’s case.

Back in Merry Piece’s suite, Cam walks out wrapped only in a towel.  He wants to get dressed, but she wheedles and convinces him not to just yet.  There’s a knock at the door.  MP tells him that must be the food.  He stands and waits with that dumb empty stare of his and lo and behold—it’s not the food at all, but Mama Lucrazia!  R-r-r-ouble Ruh-roh!  Lucrazia gets an eyeful of beefcake and gives Maripaz a slap across the choppers that has Viewerville standing on chair tops and cheering.

Maripaz screams at her mother that this is the last time she’s ever going to hit her or else!  “—My God, he’s your sister’s husband!!”  Not anymore!!  They’re separated!!  Mama better get it straight now that she’s independent and single and she has been for years! Despite the fact Mama thinks she can treat her like she’s still fifteen, she can’t and better not!  Lucia messed around with Ivan when he was engaged to her, don’t forget!

Esther is at Juan Jaime’s bedside ready to care for him despite the after-effects of his stroke.  She notices that he can’t hold his own drinking cup now.  Mr. Meandragon’s fire breathing tantrums have ebbed to a trickle of smoke from a single nostril. The doctor walks in on them and assures Esther that with help from family and friends that with practice JJ can recover his lost coordination.  He’ll probably still have a bit of memory loss, especially with things that happened right before the stroke.  David and Judi join their mom. He feebly tells them that he doesn’t want to go on living if he has to live dependent on others’ pity.  He doesn’t remember David or Judith. 

Cam is dressed now and giving MP grief for getting him into this mess!  Because of her he’s going to lose his divorce case and custody!   Who the heck gives a rat’s rump end, screams Merry Piece!  He does, he yells back!  He still loves her sister!  Why???  How could he want her sister more than her?  “--I’m beautiful, sexy….She’s just an unsophisticated sad-sack!  She doesn’t even take off her nightgown to make love!!!”  She tries to keep Cam from going, but he doesn’t want to listen to it and slams the door in her face.  MP is furious and kicks the tray of food on the floor as she storms back to her empty bedroom.   Fornication-ally foiled again!

That night Carmen gossips to Mama about the way Cam went to Lucia’s party and couldn’t face up to the fact she doesn’t want him anymore.  He walks in just then.  Celia tries to discuss Lucia’s party but he ignores that and tells her instead what happened at Antolin’s hearing and that he’ll probably be freed soon.  Lara calls the house then with word for Cam that the judge will be giving them the verdict the next day.

Over at Suckers’ Ranch, Lucre-zia is complaining to Carly about the circus that is her daughter’s love-life and the humiliation of it all.  Carly tells her to buck up and be proud –of what, asks Lucrazia?  That they’re all still close and love one another (–well, not exactly where Merry Piece is concerned, ¿verdad?  But why be splittin’ hairs here?)  They’re the Curiel Family—still honorable after all these years.  Lucia overhears the conversation and heads back to her room with her head hung low.  She agrees with Mama, not grand-mama.

David shows up at the house and finds Saul all smiles, sitting in JJ’s big chair and drinking tequila, celebrating the unhappy circumstances.  Rotten luck he’s recuperating.  “—He should have died!”  David wonders why he says that when he was always the man’s favorite.  Favorite what?  Why?  David was a fruit and he was a brainless twit to the old fart!  Well, he should have gone to see their mother at least.  What for?  He doesn’t owe that holier-than-thou female [beata= churchy, prudish, pious] anything!  Davy tells him he’s pitiable.  Saul says he should talk, hiding his homosexuality behind the pretense of a childhood trauma!  Davy sneers back an answer about Saul's being worthless and shiftless.  Saul tries egging him on by calling him a fag.  David says he doesn’t fight brothers or cripples then pops him in the chops and knocks Saul flat on his crippled backside.  (Yeah, the jackass deserved it, but that cold-cock didn’t satisfy.  Davy would have been more credible keeping his fists to himself.  Ya really don’t sock a real lame lame-ass, no matter how much he deserves it--cuz yeah, the ass really IS lame.)
Tony informs Ivan that he’ll be taking Caro to Mexico City for her follow up exam and wants to invite Lucia along since Caro really trusts her.  Ivan says great and since they can’t fly back, he’ll come up with a car and drive them all back.  Tony tells him that he also needs to head to the hospital to see his real dad.  Ivan doesn’t want to at all but Tony reminds him it’s the humane thing to do, no matter how he really feels.

Ivan calls late that night to ask Lucia if she wants to join Tony and Caro cuz she’ll have to be ready at 7AM the next morning.  Sure, she says.  She’ll be ready.  He says he wants to talk to her about the divorce thing when she gets back into town.  She sounds upset about something he feels, but Lucia says it’s just she’s tired of the subject right now and doesn’t want to wake the baby. 

Back at the prison, the next day, Anto nearly gets his face cut up this time by the same pack of goons.  The guard calls over to him just then and says he’s got to appear at the cage [rejilla de prácticas = the bars in Mexican courtrooms behind which dangerous prisoners stand during their court session].   

Carolina finally gets her bandages off and yes she’s able to see this time!  The first person she notices is Lucia.  Tears of relief all ‘round. 

Back in Alamos, Antolin is finally declared innocent and free to go.  More tears of relief.  ¡Bendito sea Dios!


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