Tuesday, June 12, 2012

El Talismán #95 Tue 6/12/12 The Just Desserts Cart Is Beginning to Roll In and Why is Everyone Wearing Blue*?

Recap by Rosemary la Otra

Antonio is pondering how in the diablo Pig figured out he was poisoning him.
Rennie*, in a deep sea blue shirt, and Rita and Dr. Doh-mo are arguing amongst themselves.  When Doh tries to exit, Antonio is there at the door and asks “Where do you think you're going?”, and pushes Doh back onto the couch. Antonio tells them they could all go to jail.  Renato begs to differ that he and Rita aren't involved.  Antonio tells them “of course you are, so listen up, here's the plan, but first where's the bottle of poison?”

Pedro tells Margarito about the phone call he overheard and that Lu and Antonio are poisoning Pig, and he wants to go to the police.  Margarito points out the irony that Pedro wants to save the man who has always hated him.

Maria and Manuel*, in his turquoise tie, are still basking in the afterglow of their wedding with candlelight and toasts.  Her hair is pinned up into a cute curly bob that is attractive on her.

As Camila*, in a teal sleeping tank top, dreams of Pedro, a new day dawns and Pedro*, wearing a navy blue tee,  is sleeping on the couch.  He is dreaming of Camila*, wearing a light blue skirt, and even mumbles “Camila” aloud.  He is awakened by a presence and Pop! Goes the Sleazel (oops, wrong tn), there stands Lu in her thigh high F-me boots.  She had overheard his mumblings, but will play sweet for the moment. She asks why he didn't come sleep with her, and he tries to change the subject about her needing to go visit her dad.  He also talks to her about changing her attitude, and living in the real world, and being honest with him, if she wants this to work.

For our daily dose of comfort food, Army and Angel are noshing on fries.  Elvira comes out wheeling the match to Doris' suitcase.  She's saying she can't stay there since Angel kicked her out, which he denies.  Then she goes off about how Maria is worried Manuel will leave her for Elvira.  The boys say as simply as they can “Manuel no te ama” as if they were talking to a kindergartener.  She isn't hysterical, but she is walking around with that proverbial stick up her butt.  Forget the Sleepytime Tea, give her some Laxatea.

Of all the loose ends that need to get wrapped up, we waste time on the Sarita / Gabe relationship.  Santiago*, in a blue rasperry shirt, is giving love advise to Gabe.  I kid you not! 

Meanwhile, Sarita*, in a blue denim jacket, and blue belt is talking with Geno*, in her blue plaid shirt that is over a robin egg blue cami, about poor Sarita's single status.  Sarita says she is going to try to get pregnant so Gabe will have to marry her.  Geno hurries and puts the kibosh on that idea. Great PSA.

While Pedro* is changing into his blue-button-up dress shirt, Lu stands out on the veranda berating Sarita for not being able to get Gabe to marry her.  Sarita screams a CALLATE and just then Gabe and Santiago walk up and Gabe informs todo el mundo, including Rude Lu, that he is going to marry Sarita. First Sarita says “en serio?”, then she turns on Lu saying “now who are you going to marry since Pedro is already married to Camila?”.  Really, isn't rubbing someone's face in it the best part of getting engaged? 

Pedro and Padre walk up and both think it is maravilloso, but when Padre has Gabe alone he asks him if he's sure about this as it's a very serious matter.  WAIT!  Isn't Padre the one who has been hounding Gabe just as much as Sarita has?  Gabe admits his doubts, so Padre says he won't marry them, but then when faced with the prospect of not marrying Sarita, Gabe panics and realized her really does love her.   


But wait... Geno is doing her work and those peacocks* are blaring again.  No, that's Sarita running up to tell Geno the good news.  Geno is a bubble bustin' voice of reason saying given the circumstances of the proposal, she thinks it was just a Pity Proposal. 

Commercial:  Has anyone actually ordered the Fir Slim?

Antonio comes in and takes Camila's cell phone out of her hand and locks her in the bedroom.  Then he tells Doris and Poncho they need to run some things to the post office for F1, and finally he sends Domitila and Tracy*, in a blue hemmed skirt, to the end of the ranch to clean the farthest cabin. 

Here come the hoi polloi of Fresno, Rita, Rennie and Dr. Doh, to El Alcatraz.  Why have they been called there?  They hope to get paid.  When Maria (not Tia, but the nun from Sound of Music) made those clothes using the drapes, she must have left the valance.  Rita* is wearing it as a blue-gray ruffled dress.

Pig, sitting on the edge of his bed, takes a gulp of water and runs with his mouth covered to el bano. We know from past shows this means he has morning sickness and is pregnant.  Antonio sneaks in right then and takes Pig's gun from the nightstand and shoves it in his back waistband.

Pig comes out of el bano sweating like a... well, sweating like a pig. Pig tells Antonio he is not going to get away with poisoning him.  Antonio aims the gun at Pig and says “Oh ya?”.  They get into a fight with lots of wrestling and screaming.  Camila is listening from her locked door.

The pig is on the floor, Antonio is hollering that no one will come help him because nobody loves him.  He's pointing the gun.  Pig is calling him a coward for bullying him when he's so weak.  Antonio replies “just like you did to me when I was a little boy, you hit me and spat on me....”  Pig blurts out that Antonio isn't even his son, he is the bastard child of his mother and Antonio surprises us with the answer that he always knew that.  Sad.

Pig make a laughable grab for the gun just as Dr. Doh-Mo walks in with a huge syringe.  Pig tries to tackle Doh and Antonio calls for Rennie.  The three guys hold him down while Doh sticks the syringe in Pig's neck.  Yes, the pig got poked.

Camila is hollering to get out.  Rita hears this and thinks “Is Camila here?”

 Antonio pays Renato and tells him to go far, far away.  When Doh asks for money, Antonio throws lots of bills at him.  lol

Pig, the bloviating ignoramus, has been silenced and is immobile except for his eyes.  His mind is alert, though, and as Dr. Doh fluffs pillows, Pig thought bubbles:
    -As soon as I can move I swear I'm going to kill you!

    -Bastard, you betrayed me!

    -I hope both you and Antonio burn in hell!

    -I will rise as the 12th Imam!   (well, maybe not that one)

Antonio gives his best diabolical laugh yet and puts the gun back in the nightstand.  What can Pig do with it, after all?  He then goes to Camila's room and tells her that despite the screams she heard, she is to act tranquila in front of people.  Oh, and Pig had a stroke.

Ho-ris is at the Fres-Ho House, engaging in pillow talk with Lucas.  He tells her that Antonio and Dr. Jaime have bad intentions for Pig.   I hear The Incredible Mr. Limpit dolphin sounds as background music. 

Lu and Pedro arrive at El Alcatraz.  They walk into Antonio and his Chula.  Antonio announces that he and Camila are expecting.  Camila concurs.  I am trying to read the expression on Pedro's face.  Does he know it must be his?  Is he doubting the pregnancy?  Whatever, it's a shame he covers that gorgeous smile of his with a thin lipped closed mouth grin.

Camila is very incomoda with Antonio's hand around her.  They talk about if they want a boy or girl and what about a name.  Camila says she wants a girl and to name her “Mariana”.  (Okay, who here suggested ust that this past weekend?)   Antonio says “too bad she died”.  Pedro says “no, she was murdered”.

Incidental:  F2* and her friend* are at the ice cream shoppe.  F2 is venting about everything and everybody, except for Camila, who she kinda feels sorry for now.

*Who Wore Blue:
  •         Rennie
  •         Rita
  •         Pedro, twice
  •         Manuel
  •         Camila, twice
  •         Santiago
  •         Sarita
  •         Geno, layered
  •         Tracy
  •         Primer Impacto commercial gal
  •         Noticiero Univision commercial gal
  •         F2
  •         F2's friend
  •         The peacocks
  •         Doris (is excluded, as she had on no clothes)

Recap by Rosemary la Otra                 posted by Madelaine


Monday, June 11, 2012

El Talismán #94 Mon 6/11/12 The Truth Goes Round and Round


People like to talk, and in doing so they tell the truth. It puts less strain on the memory. M. Hercule Poirot

Pedro and El Viral are still going round and round about the Cami married the Beltbuckle problemo. Of course Cameela married Tonio for love says the El Viral and Pedro continues to give the gaseous one the stink eye. Pedro tells El Viral that is so not true. Cameela is in love with me, he says and not with The Beltbuckle, Prince of Darkness.

Manuel and Cameela are still talking at the wedding. He tells her it is very important to tell him, anything she knows about Mariana being at Altrash. She doesn't know anything she swears. She keeps looking over her shoulder to see what the Prince of Darkness is doing. Manuel is begging her to please help him. The Prince of Darkness must have some mind antenna or ESP cause he senses something is up, so he comes over to see what Manuel and Cameela are talking about! Cameela says she is just offering her congrats to Manuel and The Prince of Darkness says he came over cause he wants to get to know his bride's family better, (Yeah right sure, sure).

El Viral is giving her best lying, wheedling and ingratiating voice and tells Pedro, Cami, certainly does NOT love you. Oh, the horror of the lie, really, jus' sayin'. She says there is no chantaje. He wants to know if it is because of something the Virus did. Who, me, oh noes it wasn't because of me, it isn't my fault, notice something funny??? Her nose is growing by the second and the headband is getting tighter by the second too. Somebody call the hazmat team, there will be a gas leak soon, jus' sayin'.

Camella and The Prince of Darkness are standing alone now and she wants to talk to her brother. The Prince of Darkness is keeping her on a tight leash.

Not even 3 feet from them, is Army, Angel and Flor. They are talking about, are you ready??? Cameela is preggers!!!! They want to know where she got this info. She says she knows, cause it is well know all over Altrash, but she was told not to say anything, whoopsie!!!!!

Doris and Brigette having a little meeting at the Only Ho House in Fresno. Doris tells Brigette that the Piggy One is very sick, but she could care less about it. She just wants Altrash.

Rita, Rennie and Jaime are having a little down time together. Jaime says we should go to Florida, guffaw!!! (Aren't we really in Miami, jus' sayin'). They have lots of women there, with money, that are so willing and able to be scammed. They even have pics and everything, (Wonder if Rita did the research???). Jaime's cell phone goes off and it is Panchito on the other end. It is urgent for Jaime to come to Altrash the Pig is ailing.

El Viral is really getting desperate now, (Note to the Virus: The hazmat team is on the way, just in case you blow, jus' sayin'). She tells him to vete mi casa (since when is this YOUR casa), anyhoo, Pedro is so NOT leaving until he gets the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the TRUTH from the Virus. Pedro says Tell Me! El Viral tells him she can't tell him. Pedro says this is your daughter we are talking about, rememba her, do you? (Note to Pedro: she could care less, show her that money again.). He tells her again, Tell Me! She says, finally, without blowing, thank Dios for that, it is her fault.

Doris wants to know where this new Doctorocito came from, all of a sudden. Is he a client of Brigettes? She says no, but Lucas knows him.

El Viral is spilling all the frijoles to Pedro now. She tells him Tonio convinced her to buy the poison and she will be accused of trying to kill the Pig, but it is really the Prince of Darkness that is doing the deed. So Pedro says oh, so that was the chantaje, sending your lappy ass to jail???

We are back at the wedding and Cameela is thinking about the wedding interruptus with Pedro and she is crying. The Prince of Darkness wants to know why she is crying. She says she is thinking of her lovely aunt.

Manuel and Maria are seated and there is a judge and they are acceptoing each other and now they are married. Big Hug. Cameela is so happy for them.

Jaime has made it to Altrash and the Pig is in his sty. Jaime tells him once again that what he is feeling is the side effects of these new pills. Pig is done with that already, and tells him he doesn't beleive him anymore. Pig tells him he has been taking this med in one form or another for years, and it has never done this to him, evva. Now he tells Jaime to , wait for it, LARGATE Mi Rancho. The whole time Jaime talked to the Pig, whatever strength the Pig had, he used for a headlock on Jaime. He physically throws Jaime out of his sty. Panchito is right outside the sty and wants to know what the heck is going on? Jaime tells him to get another doc, he is so done with the Pig. Panchito goes into the Pig's sty and Panchito wants to know what is up, Papa Pig? The Pig can barely wallow. He tells Panchito he wants another Doctorocito and to tell NOONE, especially The Prince of Darkness.

Back at the wedding, The Prince of Darkness is talking to his lovely daughter Flor, the one with the avacadoes, jus' sayin'. He wants her to get along with Cameela. Flor tells her Papa Darkness she will try, oh so hard, to be a good little girl, she doesn't want to cause any problems and she will be nice to Cameela.

We are back to Pedro and El Viral. Now she is in her pleading mode, begging and pleading for Pedro not to runtelldat, to the cops. She so doesn't want to end up in the carcel. She says the Prince of Darkness may still put her there, if he finds out she confessed to Pedro. She says Cami will never forgive her for telling Pedro, and she'll be mad at her. (Say What??? Cameela would really love to wash you right out of her hair, jus' sayin'). By the Way, Pedro did NOT give her the dinero.

Manuel tells Maria she doesn't have to go back to her place. Maria says she needs to go, cause she doesn't really have anything at his place. He thinks that's alright, wink, wink.

Sarita and Lucrazy are coming down the stairs at El Tal. (Note to Sarita: You blew it girl, shoulda stuck your foot out and said , whoopsie, ah well). Sarita is telling her to get lost, she can't stand the thought of Lucrazy living at El Tal. Lucrazy is starting to answer when Pedro comes in and wants to know what is going on?? And of course she greets him with Hola, Mi Amor, Pedro es Mio, not the Pedro es mio part, but you get the idea. He wants to get her a spot of tea, she says she's good, but he goes to the kitchen anyways. He also said something about something being important, her Papa Pig and fiasco. Someone please fill in.

Maria and Cami have some alone time, and Maria wants to know how Camella is doing? Is the Prince of Darkness bothering her much? (Note to Maria: You can tell by her face, she hates him, jus' sayin'), Cameela says nah, I'm so with him. That's Cameela's story and she is stickin' with it. Maria tells Cameela she knows very well this is all the Virus' fault, and Cameela tells her never to tell a soul.

Lulu and Pedro have come to Altrash. Lucrazy has come to see her Papa Pig in his Pig Sty and Pedro is forbidden to come with. So he stays out in the living room and here comes, Tracy. He asks Tracy about why Cameela married the Prince of Darkness, Tracy tells him, her lips are sealed she can't tell. Swore to Cameela she would never tell. Pedro says it involves chantaje, doesn't it? She will not say. She says it is very peligroso and if she tells Cameela will pay a terrible price. Pedro wants to know what terrible price will Cameela have to pay. Tracy tells him very well. He follows her out of the room. Pedro is following Tracy when he is intercepted by Panchito of all people. He asks Pedro, Que Haces Aqui? He asks Panchito how he is? Panchito is very watchful of our Pedro. Panchito wants to know what he is doing in the hallway? Pedro is fast on his feet, and tells Panchito he was looking for Lucrazy. Panchito tells him you don't belong in this hallway, cause A). You could overhear something, B). There might be a killing you wouldn't want to be a witness to, or C). Doris might be doing the hootchie kootchie dance and you really wanna, oopsy, I meant you really DON'T wanna be seeing that. Panchito tells him he really shouldn't be wandering the hallways and leads him back to the living room. He asks Pedro to sit. Pedro starts asking little Panchito about Mariana. Panchito wants to know why Pedro wants to know? Pedro is really good at this I have to say here, Panchito is sweating. (Note to Pedro: Go to El Capitan and tell him you'll go to the Police Academy, but your speciality will be as a closer, jus' sayin. There's a woman named Brenda Lee Johnson that can teach you some technique, doncha know). Pedro asks Panchito if he is nervous. Panchito has the deer in the headlights " luke". Panchito wants to know why Pedro wants to know about Marina. Cause she was murdered, that's why, and if you know anything, anything at all you need to call the cops, right away, capiche. It would releive your conscience, in other words confession is good for the soul. Pedro also lets Panchito know that he knows that the Pig is Panchito's papa. Pedro says he has known for awhile,and reminds him to call the cops if he knows anything. He tells Panchito he won't tell anyone that the Pig is his Papa. He thanks Panchito and goes.

Meanwhile, speak of the devil's associate, Val is in El Capitan's office, being grilled about Mariana. El Capitan wants to know, what did you know and when did you know it, not really but he is making Val sweat bullet, er blood, er you get the pic. Anyhoo, Val's excuse is, are you really ready for this, ya sure, he was watching TV of all things a telenovela on the night in question. Not a telenovela but TV for sure, dude. El Capitan is being rather kid glovy with ole Val. He wants to know if he knew Mariana was in town. Val knows nothink,nothink I tell you, but is sweating those armpits up.

Manuel and The Prince of Darkness are having a little convo, and Manuel starts right in on the Beltbuckle. Didn't you know Mariana when you were kids? Oh, sure I knew her. Our ranches were right next to each other. So then Papa Pig knew her too, right, right???? Manuel explains to the Prince of Darkness that he is just trying to find out what happened to his Mariana and why she was murdered. The Prince of Darkness, I think, tells Manuel El Capitan was already out to see them, and that his Papa Pig is very sick (yeah in more ways than one.).

Papa Pig is in his pig sty ,in his pen and Lucrazy comes in. Papa Pig tells her to LARGATE. Pig tells her the only thing important to you is that Pedro. She tells him she is here for him. He wants to know why she played dead for so long? He tells Lucrazy she doesn't care nada for him. The Pig tells Lucrazy you put your half of Altrash in The Beltbuckle's hands and he is trying to kill me. He tells Lucrazy she doesn't care if he dies. Lucrazy says she does so care, and he says why did you give your half of Altrash to the Beltbuckle? He isn't even my son, or your brother. She is like say what??? The Pig tells Lucrazy it's the truth or his name isn't Greggorio Negrete (he really said that lol). She tells her Papa Pig to get some rest, and he tells her he is glad she is alive, cause she is truly his daughter, Lucrazy leaves, very verklempt. She meets Pedro in the living room and he asks how she is. She gives him a big ole hug.

Brigette and Doris are still talking and Doris thanks Brigette very much for telling her that Lucas knows "Doc" Jaime. Now Doris is on a mission to find out if the Prince of Darkness hired "Doc" Jaime to fiddle with the Pig's pills.

Jaime, Rita, and Rennie are together again, and Rennie is reminding Jaime that unless he finished the job for the Prince of Darkness he won't be getting any dinero out of him. Jaime wants to leave, like yesterday, he's done, he's had it, he's gone. He says he gottsta go, the Pig is dying in his sty and he is loco to boot. Jaime really wants to go. There are a whole lot of reasons why, and the sooner he gets to Florida, the better. He says someone is gonna call the police. He says those pills he gave the Pig are truly bad. Rennie is like wait a minute, the Beltbuckle is really trying to kill his Papa Pig? Jaime is like oh, yeah, didn't I mention that, gotta go. I smell some chantaje here from Rennie.

El Viral is still desperate. She is now calling Cameela's cell phone and can't reach her. She is wayyyy out of sorts. What if Pedro ratfinks me out, I'll go to la carcel (Just where you belong, better yet, how about the mental ward of la carcel).

Manuel, Maria, Cameela and El Beltbuckle are now together and he asks Cameela if she is ok. El Beltbuckle wants to make an announcement. Cameela says whatever you want dear, while she rolls her eyes. El Beltbuckle is about to make an announcement, gets everyone's attention, when he is thawrted by the door bell. Manuel goes to answer, and it is, really wait for this one, are you ready, ya sure, ok, it is El Viral of all people. She wants Cameela cause it is a big tragedy about to happen and she needs to see her alone, por favor. Manuela and Maria are pretty pithed off and want to know what El Viral is doing here. How dare she interrupt. Cameela leads her out of the room and they go to another room, and Cameela wants to know why she was interrupting. She tells Cameela Pedro knows it all, about her marrying the Beltbuckle because of chantaje. Maria has stepped into the room too. She begs Cameela to tell Pedro not to tell, or she is afraid Pedro will spill the frijoles. They want to know why the Virus thinks Pedro will spill the fijoles, because he knows about the chantaje that's why. Maria advices El Viral to go to the cops herself and lay it all out for them. oh perish the thought. El Viral calls Maria crazy, as if. Maria reminds the Virus she is a married woman now and is in love with Manuel so take that, ya bloody bird. They don't think Pedro will spill the frijoles.

Angel, Army and Flor are still in their little gang of three, and Army says his Virus of a Mama has GOT TO GO. His Virus mama just wants ATTENTION doncha know. Flor rolls her eyes.

Lucrazy and Pedro are back at El Tal. She doesn't want to be alone and is squeezing poor Pedro. He says he is going to the kitchen and will be right back. Pedro goes in the kitchen and tells Margo and Domitilla that Lucrazy is stayin' but not to worry he is fooling her until he can get some answers. They don't get it and so are not down with that.

Meanwhile Manuel and the Beltbuckle are talking and the Beltbuckle is telling Manuel that the Virus is very theatrical (ya think) and Manuel tells him she's just jealous cause I married her sister.

The Beltbuckle comes to join the ladies and they tell him it is all about the Rennie apartment excuse and she just needed some advice. (Oh, that will really go over, and this is a tragedy???). The Beltbuckle congrats Maria for her marriage to Manuel and says he and Cameela gotta be goin'. They go, and Maria and Manuel tell ole Virus she gotta go, cause she ain't welcome anymore.

Cameela, The Beltbuckle and Flor have come back to Altrash. Flor tells Cameela nighty night and is very nice to her. Cameela is nice back. Cami is on her way to bed, but the Beltbuckle wants a little kissy poo for his dreams. Cami says oh sure whaevva ya wants, she comes close to his lush lips and goes sideways and pecks his cheek. She goes to bed, he doesn't look happy, not enough for his dreams, lol. Anyhoo, his cell phone rings and it is Lucrazy. Lucrazy wants to know if he is still trying to kill Papa Pig? The Beltbuckle tells her not to interfere. About this time, Pedro has come back into the living room of El Tal and overhears what Lucrazy just said to the Beltbuckle. Pedro says oh, so now The Beltbuckle, Prince of Darkness is trying to kill your Papa? Lucrazy is like what, what, oh noes he isn't. Pedro, the closer, wants to know if that is the truth? No, No honey, honestly you misheard. He argues with her and she is Mi Amoring him to death. Pedro wants the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth of The Beltbuckle trying to kill their Papa. Pedro says he won't go to the cops, but wants the truth.

Get this, you will not beleive this in a million years, but Val is in his office, praying, yes that's right, praying to Dios that noone, especially the cops find out he was an accomplice to Mariana's murder. The Beltbuckle comes in and asks Val if he ever told the Pig about those pills. Val says of course not and not to worry. The Beltbuckle is scared that if the Pig has his blood analyzed or those pills that will tell the pills were poisoned. The Beltbuckle says the problem is you know all about them. That's another reason.

Cami is in bed sleeping when she is woken up by, no,no, not the Beltbuckle, but by Tracy. Basically the convo was about Pedro knowing some of the truth, but not all. Tracy tells her that Pedro wants her help. Cameela tells her not to tell or it will be a fiasco. Cameela tells Tracy she will find a way out of Altrash sooner rather than later, (ya only got four more days, jus' sayin').

Pedro and Margo are talking and he says he has to confirm thru Lucrazy that the Beltbuckle blackmailed the Virus into getting Cameela to marry him. Pedro also tells Margo that the Beltbuckle is try to kill is not Papa Pig.

Angel,Army and Virus are now together in the soon to be Angel's apartment, and Virus tells the boys that Pedro now knows the truth. The boys tell her that Pedro is so in love with Cameela and she has never, evva loved the Beltbuckle. Virus, it's all about her, doncha know, is just so sure Pedro is running to tell the cops as they speak. Angel tells the Virus basically, You did the crime now do the time (Really he did. Love the avacadoes on this young man). Army heartly agrees with him. The Virus is not amused.


Saturday, June 09, 2012


Recap by Anita

Your Intrepid Reporter feels some of lo de antes bears repeating.  Antonio and Camila are having an intimate breakfast in the kitchen with Tracy and Alberta in attendance (and all ears, of which Antonio is keenly aware).  The conversation is one sided.  The Ant says Camila must eat for the sake of *HIS* hijo.  He wants him to be born healthy and can’t wait to see him riding horses.  What about names, my darling, he tries engaging her in conversation.  Camila isn’t into playing his game, so he asks Tracy if she would like an hija or an hijo.  She sputters whatever God sends.  Antonio goes on and on about his future heir.  He’d like a boy since he already has two girls.  In the background Bertie is bug-eyed impactada.  And, he declares to all ears present, he wants her to get pregnant again just as soon as this baby is born.  Camila is seething.  The Ant continues, oh, and what about taking childbirth classes. 

He will not stop, so Camila excuses herself abruptly to go get some air.  Antonio follows her out to the porch.  She turns on him—why is he keeping up this farce. Well, my dear, he says, twirling his non-existent mustache, that’s what she agreed to—to act like a happy couple waiting for their first child—and someday she *will* come to love him.  Never.  She’ll always love Pedro.  Antonio wants to shut her up quick.  He doesn’t want to hear that name.  So, no more pretense; she has to behave as if it is real. 

Fortunately for a gagging Viewerville, the scene switches to Maria’s apartment where the cousins are having an early morning conversation.  Army congratulates Angel for getting half-way to first base with Flo before mama bear “catched” them.  Angel is cool with mama bear and apparently she is with him.

We next see Flo & Fab having a phone conversation (YIR seems to remember it was a very strict internado—no skyping or e-mails, but I guess phone calls before breakfast are ok).  Flo tells her sister all about her date with Angel and that Army sends bunches of kisses (poor thing still must not have her number).  They hang up and Flo admits to herself that she can’t stop thinking about Angel—he’s such an angel.  Bertie rushes in to interrupt her daydream with the *BIG* news.  Her Papa and Camila are expecting a baby.

Once over her initial shock, Flo just doesn’t believe it.  At 15 (or is it 16, 17, or 18 now), she knows the baby tale and can’t believe Camila could have gotten pregnant that fast.  Bertie looks at her in surprise.  Well, well, it’s like this…Flo stops her.  She’s talking about how it could be possible when Camila hasn’t been happy with The Prince of Swirling Darkness of the Giant Shiny Beltbuckle since day one and the two spend all their time fighting (and don’t even sleep in the same room, don’t forget).  Bertie comes back with, if it’s not his hijo, then how could the Ant be so happy about it.  Flo, exasperated, is running out of arguments, but she’s sure that baby is not her daddy’s. She reminds Bertie that Camila was with Pedro before she married the Ant.  It’s probably Pedro’s kid.  She’ll never accept that kid.  Flo is going to find a way to get out of there.  She wants to leave *right now* and go to Canada to join her sister.  Bertie says that if Camila wasn’t happy with Antonio, she’d be the first to get out of here—why hasn’t she left.  Could it be that Antonio did something to force Camila into marriage (oh, Bertie, you are so close).

Elviral has emerged from her lair at Maria’s to find Angel and Army in a happy mood.  She tries to crush it by announcing that Angel’s mother is getting married.  Angel is happy for her and so what.  Elvirus notes cattily that Maria told her she wasn’t including him in her plans.  She’s not telling him this to hurt him, btw, just telling the truth.  Elvira can’t go along with what Maria is doing—not thinking of her son first.  In fact, just wait, after they are married Maria will forget all about him.  Angel reflects on that for one NY minute.  He knows his mother very well, she wouldn’t do that, but he *is* sure that once they are married, his mom and Manuel are going to live at Manuel’s, leaving this apartment to him.  And the first thing he’s going to do is throw her out.  Elvira is stunned.  He says he’s tired of her interfering in everybody’s lives—look what she did to Army and Fab, then she successfully separated Pedro and Camila from achieving their happiness.  He’s not going to let Elvira ruin his mother’s and Manuel’s happiness.  She continues as if she hadn’t heard him, saying that Manuel isn’t worth a thing, especially for having gone out with two sisters at once.  (She doesn’t realize the big door she just opened; Angel doesn’t even need to ring the doorbell to go right in).  Does she mean the way she forced Armando to go out with both the Negrete sisters at the same time?  Keep it up and she’ll have to deal with him.  Angel storms out.  Armando is left with the lethal e-Virus.  He leaves, too, before she can infect him.

Maria arrives at her office to find a beautiful bouquet of red roses and a note to follow the arrow.  Talking to herself in true telenovela fashion, she finds a ring box on a side table, opens it and says, if he thinks she’s going to put this ring on her finger herself….Manuel, waiting at the door, finishes the sentence that no, he’s going to put the ring on her finger and he’s not going to take no for an answer.  Some sweet, mature, smoochies and hugs follow.  They are both deliriously happy and don’t want to wait another four hours to get married.  How about this afternoon, Manuel suggests.  Well, ok, says Maria, but first she wants to have Angel at her side.  Manuel gets a date with a judge.

Now, what any Talismaniacs remaining in Viewerville have been waiting for….the tender reunion between the prodigal daughter and her loving father.  Well, not quite, it’s more like the resuscitated daughter and the pithed off father.  Pedro and Lucrazylessnow are in the living room at El Alcatrash talking to Don Piggorio.  Doris is present and hovering over the Don.  Lulu is explaining that Antonio was behind the faked death and planned the whole thing in order to send Pedro to jail.  She was too frightened of him not to follow his orders, so she couldn’t let El Pigsty know she was alive.  Doris says they ought to leave because Gregorio isn’t feeling well.  Ignoring his rising blood pressure, the Don yells that no, he’s fine.  Just because he’s having a little trouble with his legs doesn’t mean he can’t defend what belongs to him.  He’s not going let anyone take away what is, Wait for It, MIO. 

Don G tells the re-living daughter that from now one she will stay at El Alcatrash, and cannot leave.  Pedro reminds them that Lucrecia still has to go to the police.  Lulumenoscrazy wants to talk to her daddy alone, so Pedro leaves.  Lucrazynotsomuch explains in a perfectly rational tone, that her happiness lies with Pedro.  Don G tells her she needs a psychiatrist if she thinks Pedro loves her, she’s obsessed.  Lulu retorts that maybe she’s crazy and maybe she’s not, but the one who really needs help is Don G because of his relationship with Doris.  Lucrecia tells her dad to stay out of her life.  El Piggorio pleads, can’t she see he’s up to something?  He married Camila por la Iglesia (#1).  What does she think he’s doing with her?

Out of doors, Camila is getting her 30 min. a day in the exercise yard.  Pedro sees her and approaches.  He desperately wants to know what it is that Antonio has on her to have pressured her into this ridiculous marriage.  She tells him to vete, he can’t be seen talking to her.  He needs to forget about her, go find his happiness elsewhere, like with Lucrazy.  How can he do that, Pedro indicates, when he’s married to her por la Iglesia (#2).  Camila says that can be taken care of by starting annulment proceedings (YIR wonders if Bishop Juan Cristobal will make an appearance). Camila tells him it’s over, acabado, finished and to leave her in paz. Pedro says he can’t.  If it’s over, why did she help him find Lucrecia.  He reminds her that while he was being held in the jail, she promised that she would always love him.  She admits to loving him, but they just cannot be together.  He pleads with her to tell him what made her marry Antonio; if he is to help her he needs to know.  Camila says she *can’t* tell him and to please leave her in paz.

Pedro goes back to El Tal, has a talk with Margarito about the same ole, same ole, but this time he’s convinced it’s Elvira that holds the key and surely she knows what forced Camila into that marriage.  He’s basically eliminated everyone else.  Money is the bait to get her to talk.  All he has to do is put the money IN and the words will come tumbling OUT, just like a vending machine.

At El Trashcan, Doris calls a press conference in the kitchen to let the assembled audience know that it turns out Lulu is alive and well (really?).  Ok. That’s it.  No questions.  No further comments.  She’s outta there—must get back to El Porkie.  He has retired to another room, obviously in distress, leaving Lulu stewing in her own juice.  Doris wants to call the doctor right away.  He says, no way.  It was merely the shock of seeing Lucrecia alive after all the tears he shed.  Although he’s happy to have her back, she obviously needs a specialist.

Don Gregorio begins to unload on Doris.  He begins to talk about his past obsession with Matilde, Don Bernardo’s wife.  He suffered terribly from this obsession, even going to the length of killing for it (woohoo says YIR, are we going to get a reveal next Friday at 2:45 pm—like he *did* kill his never-before-seen wifey to be free for Matilde).  Doris tries to calm him down, it’s not good for his health.  He can’t, he’s on a roll.  He tells Doris she need not worry; he likes her, but isn’t obsessed with her.  She’s only good for sex.  She’ll never wake the passion in him that he had for Matilde (is Viewerville supposed to feel sorry for him that he was unlucky in love).  Doris is hurt; he has no right to insult her the way he just did.  Don G says he didn’t mean to offend her, but that’s the way it is.  He moans that it’s terrible to love someone and not have them love you in return.  He’s empty inside.

The Don’s convinced that Lucrecia has inherited this obsessive trait and it’s manifesting itself in her ridiculous attachment to Pedro.  Antonio managed to avoid the trait.  He notes that the Antonio-Camila coupling is not the same (you could a fooled me, YIR thought it *was* obsession), although he has no idea how the Ant got her to marry him.  Maybe, says Doris, it’s because, Wait for It, HE’S NOT YOUR SON.  El Piggorio nearly has a fatal infarto then and there.  Doris tells him she has always known that little nugget of information.  She reminds him of the friendship between her mother and Don G’s wife and she overheard the words spoken right by his wife.  Don G tries to deny it, but Doris claims he knew all along, too, but didn’t tell because of the shame knowing he had a wife who was not just unfaithful, but produced a child as well (YIR says woohoo, is this going to be another reveal—who is Antonio’s bio-dad and do we care?).

Doris leaves him.  Don Gregorio is sitting there mulling over what has just happened.  He’s furious and throws a glass at the door and it shatters.  He comes to the conclusion that he only has one child, his daughter.  Panchito comes running and wants to know what is troubling him.  Don Gregorio takes a second look at Panchito—well, valgame Dios, he does have a son, even if he is the son of a servant.  He tells Joven Pancho (out of respect for his new status, YIR will now start calling him Joven Pancho) to keep an eye on Antonio and if he leaves, quick send for the notary, because he wants to change the terms of his last will and testament.

Meanwhile, in another part of the house, Antonio walks in to see his lov.. er, sister talking to herself.  He freaks out and lights into her.  She tells him, in quite a normal tone of voice, that it’s all out in the open and Daddy knows all about his complicity.  She’s sure Daddy cares about her and she is important to him.  He tries to get her to wake up, Don G never cared for her, either one of them for that matter.  How is it that she can believe him now when she never believed him before.  Lu is so mad she threatens to take back the management of her part of El Trashcan that she signed over to him.  Antonio says she’d better not.  She looks squarely into the face of that shaggy overgrown facial hair of a glowering smirker that she’s not afraid of him anymore.  She’s not alone any more, Pedro will defend her.  So there, take that, bro (and I’ll see you behind the caterer’s trailer after the scene is done).

Sometime earlier, Elvira, having struck out borrowing money from Maria to pay off Rennie’s apartment, decides that Antonio will lend her the money and she’s going to go see him right now.  (Oh, YIR remembers that Elvira is on the phone with Camila, just as the local metropolitan area emergency weather announcement interrupts and cuts off any further conversation.  Just as well.  We know what Antonio will say and we’re much more interested in the outcome of Pedro’s tantalizing offer.)

In the spacious, country kitchen at El Trasholacan, Bertie and Tracy have their noses glued to the window watching the Pedro-Camila encounter out in the side yard.  Bertie wants Tracy to go out and separate them before Antonio sees them.  When Tracy won’t because she wants them to have a chance to talk, Bertie begins pestering her again to tell her what’s going on.  Tracy is just about to spill the beans when they are interrupted - again, this time by Flo.  She’s convinced everybody in this house is crazy; everybody is fighting all the time.

Antonio, roaming around the house, runs into Florencia still in the kitchen and announces his pride of fathership, yep, after all these years, it’s happening again.  She’s going to get a baby brother.  Flo announces she’s leaving to join Fabiola and may the three of them be happy together.  Nah-ah, ain’t happening that way, clues in the Ant.  When this baby is born, Fabiola is coming back and all five of them will be here, togetha.  Flo comes right out and asks how does daddy dearest know this one is his.  Flo obviously has his number.  (YIR didn’t see that one coming.  Score points for Flo.)

Camila returns to the house and is surprised to see Lulubell.  She reminds Camila that she is her cuñadita now and she’s not taking any guff from her.  She’s pithed because she’s convinced Camila told Pedro that she was alive and where to find her.  Camila denies it.  Well, that had better be the truth she says; Camila is married to the Ant now (dang YIR knows she wants Aaron more than she wants Rafael), so leave Pedro the h*ll alone.

Doris has made a quick trip to Brigitte’s House of Masked Pleasures.  They are confabing in the office.  Brigitte is incredulous that Doris went and told the Pigsty that she knew about Antonio’s doubtful parentage (man, YIR can’t wait to see Antonio’s face when he finds out—he might even be happy, but not about losing his inheritance).  Doris is aware that it was a no-no and will interfere with her future plans, but she could not bear Don Gregorio’s stinging words that he only wants her for sex, but never as a wife.

Back with Maria, she’s rounding up the wedding party.  Maria calls Angel and gives him the happy news.  He’s surprised by the haste, but wishes them well and of course he’ll meet them in the judges chambers later this afternoon.   Once Angel says yes, she wants to make sure Armando and Camila will come.  He’ll take care of Armando and Maria will call Camila.  First Angel calls Flo and asks her to go to his mother’s wedding with him.  Yep, a little hasty, but really, it’s not a shotgun wedding.  Flo swoons, of course she wants to be with him.  She’ll meet him there because she’ll go with Camila and Antonio.  Then she accidentally reveals the news of Camila’s pregnancy.  Que? says Angel.  When Maria calls El Alca for Camila, Antonio answers.  He’s emotionally cold, but promises to be there with Camila.  After hanging up, his true intentions are clear—he wants to go so he can tell everyone he and Camila are expecting *MI* hijo.

Pedro has called the office of El Capitan and wants to come in.  He’ll be right there.  He shows up at the precinct with Lulubelle.  She is sounding so perfectly rational and reasonable, viewerville is astonished.  She fills in El Capo with all the information she’s willing to share.  El Capo thinks it’s hard to believe that Lu merely walked out of the cabaña just before the conflagration.  Why didn’t she come forward right away.  Her answer is that with everything she had gone through, wouldn’t it be understandable that she was committed for a time.  She assumed there would be an investigation and she was mad at Pedro; they had argued, just like any other couple.  El Capo stops her.  Wait, wasn’t the “couple” really Pedro and Camila?  The Capitan reminds her that Pedro was actually married to Camila por la Iglesia (#3) at the time.  El Capo thanks them and tells Lulu that she can’t leave the area without permission, while they continue their investigation.  When they are ready to go, Pedro excuses himself and tells Lulu that he has something to do before going home.  He tells her Margarito will come for her and no, she cannot go with him.

The wedding party has arrived at the judges chambers.  The invited guests are dressed up and waiting for the ceremony to begin.  Manuel approaches Camila and in a lowered voice takes her aside.  He wants to know if she knows anything to inculpate the Negretes in Mariana’s death.  Camila’s eyes open wide, but denies knowing anything.  Manuel wants to know if she is prepared to let the killer or killers get away with  murder.

Lastly, Pedro shows up at Maria’s apartment, where Elvira has been sitting kvetching about how could her sister do this to her.  He opens up his briefcase and….it’s manna from heaven.  Elvira has never seen so much dinero—not in her wildest dreams.  This probably isn’t as much as MI CHEQUE, but it’ll do in a pinch.  Pedro makes it simple:  tell him what made Camila marry Antonio and the money is hers, all of it, no strings attached.  Elviral hunts the recesses of her mind for the answer to her dreams.  Elvira makes it simple: Camila is with Antonio because she loves him, now, give her the money, it’s, Wait for It, MIO.  Not so fast, sister, Pedro says she has to tell her the truth.  Elvira insists that’s the reason, so now the money is MIO.  Pedro reminds her that she and he both know Camila on her own would never have married Antonio.

AVANCES—Unbelievably and happily, there are no avances, only finales.  Next Friday, June 15, is the big 2-hour unraveling (there is no wrapping up in this tn).

Recap by Anita; posted by Blue Lass


Thursday, June 07, 2012

El Talismán #92 Thu 6/7/12 Avocados & Abogados

Recap by Blue Lass

The Only Restaurant in Fresno:

We open on Pedro and Camila making Kissy-Kissy with a capital K in the middle of the restaurant. Between smooches, Pedro tries to get some info out of Camila, but she’s still making poor life decisions and won’t tell him anything. Meanwhile, Tony and Lu are over by the restrooms arguing about what happens next. If Pedro denounces me, Tony points out, I’ll go to jail and Camila will run right back to him – is that what you want? Lucrazy wants to know how she’s supposed to stop him, and Tony says – wait for it  – “I dunno, pretend you’re crazy or something.” Well, at least he didn’t ask her to pretend she was sane – that would have been hard.

Lu promises to think of something to distract him, but when they return to the table the Kissy-Kissy is still going on. Tony demands to know what’s going on, and Pedro just looks at Camila and utters a weighted, “I have made a mistake.” He grabs Lu and scarpers, leaving Tony in the rather awkward position of having to tell his wife that this is the last time, I mean it, the last time I want to see you kissing other men in public. Pathetic.

Apartamento María:

Elvira is still musing over Renato’s “offer.” I WANT and I NEED my own apartment, she says to herself. And that settles it, at least in her mind. When María walks in, her sister greets her marmot-style: “How much money you got?” María wisely declines this little investment opportunity. Elvira starts to build up steam.

María says that if Elvira doesn’t like living there with her, she needn’t worry; she’s going to be moving in with Manuel. Oh, and they’re getting married. OUT COME THE INCISORS. “You’re too old to get married! Do you want a man who slept with your sister? I will never allow you to be happy!” (Jeez, what happened to that nice promise to God? Do we need to give Armando a tumor now?) María stays admirably calm through the whole thing. That woman deserves a medal.

El Tal:

Pedro hauls Lucrazy into the house and tells everyone she’s alive and she’s his novia and whatever. Margarito is beyond confused and it sounds someone’s squeezing a peacock in the sala. Pedro gives Margo some over-the-top rolling-eye action and thought-bubbles to himself that Lu’s his ticket into El ‘Traz. Margo tells him he hopes he knows what he’s doing.

Lu certainly knows what she’s doing: getting naked in Pedro’s bed. Pedro tries to avoid the inevitable, but he can’t stop thinking that the only way to get to Camila is through Lucrezia. He pastes on a somewhat crazed wolf-leer and starts taking off his clothes…

Mercifully, we cut to commercial, and when we come back he’s lacing back up and looking grim. Lu tells him not to worry, it happens to all men sometimes. She still lurrrrrrves him and the important thing is that they’re together. He waits til she falls asleep and then sneaks out of the torture chamber. When she wakes up and finds him gone, she just starts babbling to herself about how she’s the Reina del Talismán and she has to get knocked up as soon as possible. (She does know there’s a crucial middle step, right? I’m never quite sure with her.)

The Only Under-18 Hot Spot in Fresno:

Angel is plying Flor with fro-yo, and it’s going well. He even gets her to make kissy-kissy with a small k. Doris walks in and demands to be introduced to her daughter’s “friend.” There’s some shuffling and blushing and Angel finally admits he’s Camila’s cousin. Surprisingly, Doris acknowledges that we are none of us responsible for the deeds of our relatives. Angel eagerly agrees but adds that Camila is a good egg – it’s Elvira they have to watch out for. Truer words were never spoken.

El ‘Traz:

The Pig wakes up from a terrible dream of Antonio spinning him around in a wheelchair and howling, “Are we having fun yet?” (Really? All that violence and depravity and that was the scariest thing he could think of?) Doris is there to calm him down. I have to get Antonio to largarse de mi rancho, he tells her – first thing tomorrow. She sweetly suggests he remind Antonio to take Camila with him when he leaves. Oh, and call me a lawyer, he says – I need to write a will. Doris looks pretty happy, for Doris.

There’s a knock on the door, and Doris goes to answer it – and comes back screaming. Lucrezia is back from the dead, with Pedro right behind her! The Pig is really, really, really, really, really pithed. I cried for you, he tells her – I cried for you! Clearly being caught crying is much worse than having a dead daughter. So, Pedro says, you’re dropping the charges, right? Well, DUH.

Around Town:

-        Manual mopes around the apartment looking at photo albums and getting all weepy-britches over Mariana.
-        Pancho refuses to rat out papa, while Tracy points out in an interesting bit of possible foreshadowing that she wouldn’t be surprised if the Pig found a way to pin Mariana’s murder on him.
-        Antonio tells Tracy and Alberta (who seems to have gotten into Doris’s makeup kit) that he and Camila are expecting. He refers to the baby as “Antonio Joon-Yair” and everybody looks nauseous.


Wednesday, June 06, 2012

El Talismán #91 Wed 6/6/12 Pedro Has Avacadoes and a Logical Brain!



You see, mon ami, the voices of the little grey cells have begun to sing to Poirot. M. Hercule Poirot

We start off today, where we left off yesterday, with Pedro visiting the cabanas at Altrash, and guess who he finds?? Anyone, that's right Ms Crazy pacing and thinking, with the little brain she has left, and Pedro says so the dead are not so dead! She starts in with the "it isn't my fault", I love you so much, and finally it was all The Prince of Darkness' fault! Pedro is so pithed, there is smoke coming out of his ears. Pedro tells her you're sick and she keeps blaming The Prince of Darkness. Pedro is so pithed at her he is yelling in a threatening manner and she is cringing. Pedro accuses Ms Carzy and The Prince of Darkness of planning this all along so he would go to jail. She swears she never wanted Pedro in jail, but you know the Prince of Darkness he would do anything. Pedro threatens to go to the police. She is begging and pleading with him not to go to the cops and she stops him. Ms Crazy finally says go ahead tell the popos, but if The Prince of Darkness finds out you know I'm alive he will kill me. Pedro is insisting that Ms Crazy and the Prince of Darkness planned this setup a long time ago. Ms Crazy tells Pedro he doesn't know how evil The Prince of Darkness really is. He says he is still goin to the cops, tomorrow, she is beggin and pleading with him, no, no. She wants to know why is he gonna tell on her, why, why,? He is still yelling at her. The Prince of Darkness will kill me. He is going to El Tal and I think he wants her to come with him. She is crying her eyes out. He suddenly changes tactics (See M. Hercule Poirot's quote above but instead of the gray cells singing to Poirot they are singing to Pedro), and apologizes to Ms Crazy and she comes and puts her head on his shoulder.

The Prince of Darkness and Cami are alone in the living room area of Altrash and he is telling her how much he loves her and that he loves that they are alone. (Note to Cameela: Grab the nearest vase, conk him on the head, and just run far away jus' sayin'). She tells him she can't stand him and doesn't love him. The Prince of Darkness wants her to understand how important it is for her to to know he loves her truly, and it isn't a fantasy to him. (Oh, Beltbuckle please, she hates your guts, look at her face, already). Cameela tells the Prince of Darkness he doesn't love her, and by the way, she can't stand him and would never stoop to love him. Well, the Prince of Darkness tells her I WILL be your husband for the rest of my days. (Hey Prince of Darkness ya testing fate here, or what???). Doris interrupts this little tete a tete and says oh, is this a lover's quarrel? She has a pleased, come hither look on her face as she gazes at him. Cameela looks aside and smiles too. Cameela says she is going to HER room, Doris is like, oh ya mean MY ROOM donch ya? Tonio tells Doris to LARGATE, MI RANCHO. Doris just looks at him and says oh, contraire, Piggorio wants me here. Doris is giving The Prince of Darkness her sexiest come hither look and he looks at her and tells her the only Duena of Altrash is Cameela, although Cameela says she doesn't want to be that. Doris tells Cameela remember that bed is mine. Doris goes, and The Prince of Darkness tells Cameela not to worry about Doris. Cameela says she is glad Doris is here. The Prince of Darkness says he doesn't like Doris bothering her. You are the Only Duena here. Cameela doesn't care.

Hawt Investigator and El Capitan are at the precinct talking about how El Capitan's jaunt went at Altrash. El Capitan tells him the Pig refused to answer any questions and the day after tomorrow he should have that supoena ready.

Piggorio and Valentin are having a little chat in the Pig's office. Valentin is worried the police will come back. Pig assures him he said nothing to El Capitan. Valentin is very nervous, he doesn't want to end up in the carcel. Pig tells him to be a man! Man up and stop worrying. (Note to Val: Just go see El Capitan and spill the frijoles, get a deal, jus' sayin'). Pig continues with the cops ain't got nothin', nothin' on me, well you get the gist. Now Valentin brings up Cameela, What if she talks? Pig says if she ever does, it would be very BAD for her. (Note to Pig: That anvil is comin' jus' sayin'). The Pig tells Valentin to be prepared for questioning by the popos. (Note to Pig: What are ya going to do; hypnotize Val: I will not talk, I will not be a rat, jus' sayin'). He tells him to relax. Valentin says the popops make him nervous, he says if he doesn't get ahold of himself, he will end up in jail. Then all of a sudden the Pig's muscles seize up. He tells Valentin to call the doctor.

Manuel and Maria are over at his place, just having come back from the funeral of Mariana, and he wants JUSTICE for his Mariana. He is sick of waiting for the police, to maybe, coulda, woulda, shoulda do something! Maria is telling him to give the police time to investigate and don't go jumping to doing something estupido (My words not hers). Maria wants him to go talk to El Capitan. She has loved Manuel all these years, and doesn't want anything to happen to him. Manuel wants to marry Maria sooner rather than later. She agrees, she can't wait. Maria leaves. Manuel is talking to himself and says sorry Maria going to the Pig Sty to see the Head Pig.

Padre, Sarita, Gabe, and Santiago are eating in the dining room of El Tal when Padre notices Pedro isn't there. He asks all around the table and noone has a clue where he went. Padre, being Padre, is looking for the guilty face that cannot tell a lie, of course it is , wait for it, Sarita, nah, its Santiago. Padre has been trying to get Pedro on the phone and he isn't answering. Santiago finally explains to Padre that he went to Altrash earlier in the day and told Cameela that Pedro needed her help to see if Lulu was alive over there. Padre is so not happy. Santiago tells him about the note Cameela sent thru Tracey about Lulu being in the cabana over there at Altrash and then Pedro must have gone over there. Padre is still not happy, he is so agitated he can't dial Pedro's cell number, so Santiago does it for him. Padre finally talks to Pedro.

Rennie, Rita, and "Doc" Jaime are having a little meeting in Rennie's apartmento. They will have some good business dealings with the Prince of Darkness, cause the Pig will die soon. (So this is chantaje time, I take it). Just about this time Valentin is calling "Doc" Jaime. Rennie tells the "doc" why don't you answer, it could be important. Nah, I can't be on call 24/7.

About this time, Pig who is leaning on Valentin comes into the living room and the Prince of Darkness asks oh, so sweetly, oh Daddio are you sick, you don't look so well, as he is giving him a smarmy grin. The Pig says so how does it feel to force Cameela to marry your sorry ass, not really, but you get the gist. Oh, Cameela is with me, cause she lurrrvves me foreva. Pig laughs and says, Hey I may be sick, but stuck on stupid I'm not. She hates your friggin' guts. So all of a sudden the Prince of Darkness gets a phone call from, wait for it, that's right the devil, nah, its from the newly minted brain, Pedro! He wants a meet with him. The Prince of Darkness is like no, way, yes way from Pedro. As a matter of fact Pedro, of the newly minted brain, wants to have dinner with the Prince of Darkness and the little Misses so he can introduce them to his new amiga, in fact his new novia. Ms Crazy is standing right by Pedro's elbow and is in 7th heaven. They agree to meet in the Only Restaurant in Fresno. After Pedro hangs up the phone, he tells Ms Crazy of course I am your novio, I just know you are a victim of your Papa Pig and your brother Prince of Darkness, and besides Cameela married your brother the Prince of Darkness.

"Doc" Jaime has left and Rita and Rennie are talking about his divorce from the Virus. Since California is a community property state, (in real life it is), she wants him to go after the Virus' part, LOL. She wants to make sure he divorces her. He tells her of course Mi Amor.

Pig is finally in his bedroom and "Doc" Jaime has come to see about the situation. He keeps telling the Pig this is a normal side effect of these new pills. The Pig tells him he hates being in his bed, he wants out of it, to be normal (yeah, wishful thinking), well "Doc" Jaime finally says if you want a second opinion you can get one. Pig says he should have felt way better by now. "Doc" Jaime is about to leave, when the Pig tells him to wait. He will give these pills a couple more days. And I beleive he asks "Doc" Jaime if he knows about Mariana? The "doc" looks like he wants to hurl. "Doc" leaves and Valentin and the Pig are together. Valentin tells the Pig that he has worked for him for many years and never seen him like this. The Pig tells Valentin he wants Doris, and Valentin tells him she isn't there, she went somewhere with Flor.

Panchito is looking all kinds of bummed out and Tracy comes in the room and wants to know what's wrong. What is he thinking? He says he has a lot to think about. He tells her he is glad she is with him. She is trying to wrangle it out of him, but he ain't talkin'. She keeps trying, and finally he says he knows a secret of his Papa Pig. So, Tracy says oh, you mean that he killed Mariana? Well little Panchito is aghast, befuddled, unhinged, he can't beleive she knows! You know he killed Mariana? Yah, Yah, don't ever breathe a word to anyone, capiche??? Tracy tells him he ought to go to the cops. Little Panchito is so scared of Papa Pig, he won't go cause he just couldn't stick it to the Pig.

Army and the Virus are at Maria's place. The Virus tells him about the deal with Rennie to get his apartmento. Army is flabbergasted, wowwed, blown away by how stupid his mother is, jus' sayin. He doesn't want her to take the deal. And now the most illogical thing of all she tells him, oh Cameela will help me! (Listen Virus, what planet are you from???? I don't think you are from planet Earth at all. I thought Capitan Kirk and Mr Spock destroyed your planet of Estupidos a long time ago). The Virus says she wants her MIA APARTMENTO and she wants Army to live with her. He looks at her like she just grew red horns and tells her no, and I mean no with a capital N. He wants to live with his Tia Maria and Angel. Well now the Virus says oh, that Maria is such a liar, say what???? Army calls her on it and says it is so NOT true, and besides why are you against your own sister. You are illogical Mama (he actually said that) to go with what Rennie is sayin' (Note to Army: You still haven't lost your avacadoes, good for you. Go and tell Pedro how to keep them).

We are now in the Only Restaurant in Fresno. Cameela and the Prince of Beltbuckles are about to enter said Restaurant. The Beltbuckle reminds her he is protecting her baby and she better behave. Then he tells her to take his hand, like she means it. She rolls her eyes and away they go into the dining area. Pedro is sitting in a chair at the table, very non-chalant and with a smirk on his face. He tells The Beltbuckle and Cameela he invited them to dine cause he has a new novia he wanted them to meet, and in walks, wait for it, Ms. Universe, nah, it's Ms Crazy! Cameela stares and there is hate radiating from the eyes of the Beltbuckle. So the Beltbuckle, he of the illogical brain, says Your ALIVE, its a miracle, I tell you a miracle, not really but he did says she was alive. Well, Pedro, he of the now LOGICAL brain, says oh, Lulu told me everything, and I mean everything. You could go to the carcel. Of course, the Beltbuckle says watch you talkin' bout, Pedro??? I know nothink, nothink I tell you. Pedro looks right at Cameela and asks her how she is? She has a sudden thought of the Beltbuckle beating her. She says she is fine. Pedro looks at Lulu and tells her they can be together now. So now starts the game of one upmanship between Beltbuckle and Pedro. Cameela says she is sooo happy with the Beltbuckle, and Lulu says she is so in lurrvvee with Pedro. Cami is looking at the ceiling, looking like she is in a galaxy far, far away. Now she looks down and the Beltbuckle gives her a kiss, right in front of Pedro and calls her Chula. Lulu says in her wildest dreams she never imagined Pedro could love her so! (Oh, please, what planet is she from??? Probably the same as the Virus, Estupida, I guess Kirk and Spock missed her too). The Beltbuckle has draped himself all over Cameela and says he can't wait to have hijos with Cameela. She is looking very uncomfortable. He kisses Cami again and she looks like she wants to hurl. Pedro is smiling.

Doris has gone to Brigette's. (Look on bottom of recap for where Flor went). She needs Brigette's help. She tells Brigette about how weak and sick the Pig has become and frankly she is worried that the Beltbuckle will get everything and she will be left with nothing. She really thinks she ought to marry the Pig. She tells Brigette it is horrible at Altrash right now with the Beltbuckle in charge. She also tells Brigette that the Pig killed Mariana. Brigette wants to know who Mariana is? Doris reminds her that Mariana was Pedro's 1st wife. Brigette is like no way. Her? Then Doris tells her that Cameela hates the Beltbuckle. She tells Brigette she has to find a way to stop the Pig from going to jail, cause then the Beltbuckle will have Altrash. She is determined to marry the Pig, before he gets any worse.

Pedro, Cameela, the Beltbuckle and Ms Crazy are still attending this farce of a dinner. Lulu is going on about how handsome Pedro, with the newly minted brain and avacadoes, is and how good he has been to her. (Say what, all of a couple of hours I say). Pedro and Lulu are drinking champagne, and he's got his arm around her now, Cami is giving them the death ray and of course the Beltbuckle is drinking Mi Whiskey. Pedro is smiling and says oh, look at the four of us, sooo happy, well I got news for you. I am telling the cops that Lulu is alive and you Beltbuckle will be in jail. He looks at Cameela and says how is it going to feel with hubby in jail. Cameela is looking sick and Pedro tells her so sorry you and hubby will be seperated. The Belbuckle is getting huffy and says to Pedro that you have always been against me. Lulu says but we have to tell the cops that I am alive and not dead! The Beltbuckle calls Lulu crazy. (I really thought at this point he was going to say the same old, same old, what you talking about Pedro??? Like she is really dead, and that is a ghost sitting with you, jus' sayin'). At this point the Belbuckle takes Lulu off and that leaves Pedro and Cameela alone at the table.

The Beltbuckle takes Lulu by the restrooms and starts giving her hell. He tells her it will be HER fault if he goes to jail. He also tells her you are my accomplice and if I go to jail, so do you honey. She explains that she told noone she was alive, that Pedro actually just showed up out of the blue, doncha know. Lulu tells her Beltbuckle bro that she warned Pedro that Beltbuckle would kill her if he knew Lulu was alive and she also tells him that Pedro told her he never tried to kill her in that barn, he tried to save her. She tells the Beltbuckle that now Pedro is her novio and she is very , so very happy.

Meanwhile back at the table, Pedro is looking at Cameela with such longing in his eyes, and asks her if she is ok. She says she is. He wants to know if she was forced to marry the Beltbuckle. She tells him she really can't talk about it. She wants Pedro to leave her in peace. He is begging her with longing eyes to tell him, just tell him already. Pedro also tells her, he can't stand Ms Crazy but is only doing this to help himself out. Cameela still won't talk. She says she is sooo happy with the Beltbuckle. Pedro says he knows she is not. Pedro's cell phone rings and it is the Padre. Padre wants to make sure he isn't at Altrash. Pedro says he isn't over there. He tells Padre to calm down he isn't at Altrash but with Cameela somewhere else. He tells him not to worry. Pedro hangs up and looks at Cameela. In the best scene of today's epi, Pedro tells Cameela he can't help her if she refuses to tell him anything, so he reaches for Cameela and kisses her right there in that restaurant in front of Dios and everybody!!!!!! See M. Hercule Poirot's quote above.


Flor and Angel are talking somewhere and Angel says you are my friend and I want to go somewhere with you. I think he wants her to be his novia, but she isn't ready for that. She also can't go anywhere cause she is waiting for her Mama Doris. He says fine, we'll be friends and we'll go somewhere another day. They smile at each other.


The Pig is rolling on the floor and is unable to walk, and he accuses the Beltbuckle of trying to kill him.

Valentin brings the Pig a wheelchair and as soon as the Pig sees it, he proceeds to scream like a girl!


Tuesday, June 05, 2012

El Talismán #90 Tue 6/5/12 The Return of Rita and Rennie and Who Shivs a Git about the Rest?

Recap by Rosemary la Otra

Camila has her ear to Lu's door.  She hears Antonio say that in order to bring Lu back from the dead, they'll say she lost her memory.  “Like Mariana?” Lu asks.  Antonio gets up to leave so Camila faces the plants and faceplants.

The door is ajar so Camila sneaks a peek startling Lu.  Oops, Camila faceplants again just before Lu gets to the door to look out.  She is met by Valentin with the food.  She blames him for spying on her.  He denies it, but she is convinced someone was out there.

Camila runs away through the peacock field, showing another advantage tall women have:   they don't have to wear spiked heels as their daily casual walk-around-an-hacienda footwear.   Mumbling her disbelief that Lu is alive, she is dizzy, praying for help and trying desperately to get back before Belt realizes she's gone.  She runs into Valentin who asks if she's been out to the empty cabanas.  She pleads ignorance (so basically Camila being Camila) saying no, she was only out for a short walk.  He tells her to be careful, lots of dangerous animals (Has there been a death by peacock attack yet in any of the telenovelas?)

Pedro is filling Manuel in on Santiago's activities with Mariana.  Manuel says he is not ordinarily a vengeful person, but now...  Pedro explains how the Negrete's have gotten away with so many crimes because nobody dares cross them.  Manuel combs his fingers through his hair channeling his not-so-handsome-brother-of-Juan-Soler-look and says “Well, that's over!”.  Super Pedro sides with Mighty Manuel while Reasonable Maria encourages them to not take risks. They talk about having a funeral.

Doris is recommending Pig stay calm, don't worry about Antonio.  “How can I not worry about him when I know he is trying to trip me up?”  “Don't worry.  Antonio is busy trying to get back Camila.”  She presses TB+50 for an explanation as to what he was doing last night.  He says “I told you, I was at the Fres-Ho House”.  She says she doesn't believe him.

In walks Pancho with a genuine Kool-Aid pitcher and Pig's Bigger/Faster/Stronger meds.  Pig says he needs them so he can give Antonio a fight.

Antonio gets a call from Dr. Doh-mo that Pig should be completely paralyzed in less than 2 weeks.  Good!  Since WE won't be here in 2 weeks, and want to see this!

Antonio goes storming into Camila's empty room with Doris on his heels taunting him with “Ah, she abandoned you?”

You know that tingling you get when you sit with your legs crossed too long?  Well, Pig has it big time. Pancho reminds him the doc said to expect this side effect. “Give it a few days and you'll feel like a champion.” Pig oinks “I hope so because I'd rather die than be left paralyzed.”  LOL

Flor's baaaaack and pulls up in her car just as the primos pull up in theirs.  They say they came to visit Camila.  Flor is sweet with them and says “Make yourselves at home”.  As if, in that place. They follow her in.

Domitila dressed like a lemon is sour to Tracy dressed like a lime.  “Don't be mean.  Tell me what's going on.  Is Camila okay?”  Just then Belt barges in with a “Where's my wife?”.  They say last they saw, she was in her room.  Here comes Camila in the nick of time. He gets mad and she retorts that she is his wife, not his prisoner.  Oh ya?  He says she needs to ask permission before leaving her room.  He grabs her and is pulling her along when Armando, Angel and Flor hear the daily obligatory “Suelteme”. Army is concerned and tries to defend his sister. A heated exchange between the youngens and Belt occurs. Camila talks everyone down saying she's fine.  Belt tells them to all mind their business and, when alone with Camila, commends her for “behaving”.  She says she only did it so he wouldn't hurt her brother.  He said “I'm glad you know I can hurt all the ones you love, especially your baby.”

Have you ever wondered whatever happened to those One-Hour Fotomats?  Well, they do One-Hour Funerals now.  There is Padre conducting a service.  Santiago's got the trembling mouth thing down. This is sad.

Elvira sighting!  She walks in unannounced to Maria's office.  Maria is at the funeral so just her assistant is there.
        Elv – Is she with Dr. Manuel?
        Asst. - I'm sorry, I can't give you that information.  You may leave a message.
        Elv – Let me ask you something.  Mi hermana y Manuel....are they happy?
        Asst. - perplexed
        Elv – (in a huff) Ah, you don't have to answer me. 

The funeral is over and the aforementioned happy couple are standing about talking about getting married sooner than later.  Reasonable Maria says “okay, but let's wait for this to go away”.  (Grief?  The coffin?)  Also, she needs to tell Elvira.

Santiago is telling Pedro that he saw Camila.  He says they are trying to find out if Lu is alive.  Pedro doesn't want them to get involved. He asks Santiago to promise he won't go to Alcatraz anymore.  Santiago honestly says he cannot make that promise as Camila is expecting his help.  Ahhhhhh.

The pig is feeling a bit better and saying he doesn't have time to lie around.  But let's hope he has time to talk to Captain Bomber Jacket (does this count as one of UA's men in uniform?) who just showed up to question him.  He tells him of Mariana's death and that he has proof  Pig was the last to see her alive (does Luminol work on grease splatters too?). Pig says the one you need to question is Pedro.  He gets rid of the women who love him.  Look what he did to my daughter.  First solve my daughter's murder, then we'll talk about Mariana.

Out comes Belt after berating Camila and asks what's going on.  The captain said he came about Mariana.  Belt's loose lips say “we don't know anything about how she died”.  Captain says “I just now told your father she'd died.  How did you know?”   Antonio quickly covers his arse with a reply of overhearing workers gossiping and we're done here.  The captain leaves with the threat of a subpoena.

Valentin goes running back to Lu saying he didn't see anybody but Camila on the grounds, and she was up closer to the house. Why is he so loyal to this kook even after she popped him over the head with that Festivus Pole, or rainstick, or  whatever it was?

Elvira is sitting in a chair contemplating why Manuel couldn't be happy with her, like he is with Maria. The doorbell rings.  It's RENNIE!!!  Elvira gets overly dramatic and he tells her to calm down.  He just wants the divorce.  (Please please please get back together!  Look into each others eyes and see the promise (if not the dollar signs) of what you saw before.)(Think how enjoyable these last 2 weeks would be if we had a Renvira coupling.)

And now, as an added bonus, here's RITA!!!  She's wearing a cute swimming suit cover as a dress and opening the door to Dr. Doh-mo. They have an interesting proposal to discuss.  It involves getting money from Elvira!!!  LOL  LOL

Rennie is offering Elvira his apartment in exchange for a divorce.  He says he's tired of Fresno (ain't we all?).  All she'd have to do is pay the rest of his mortgage for one year, and she'd own that apartment. Elvira balks at this.
      Ren – Okay, well even if we don't get divorced you cease to exist to me.
      Elv – Oh , so you can run around with other women?
      Ren – No, so I can marry Rita.    (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
      Elv – Con tu sobrina? 
      Ren – No, she is not my niece.  She is the woman I love.

Elvira struggles for breath, then goes ballistic.  “YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!” 

Back with Rita, she's asking Dr. Doh “Oh btw, did that handsome Antonio ever hire you for your medical services?  And does that include killing people?”  “Yes and yes”, says Dr. Doh, “but in Pig's case, he is a bad guy so I am doing the world a favor by speeding up his death.”  LOL!  

Back at El Tal, Pedro is talking to Margarito when a 20 watt energy saver light bulb turns on.  “I bet Antonio blackmailed Camila into marrying him.”  Duh!!!!!!!!  He thinks he'll go talk to Elvira.  Sigh.

Los Dos Hogs (not to be confused with Dos Hogares) are in Hog I's study.  Hog II is telling Papa Hog to calm down and don't worry about the police.  It's not like Papa had anything to do with Mariana's death.  Hog I says “Callate, Pancho, you don't know anything.” Pancho's all “huh?”.  Hog I says “Listen, Pancho, would you want to know if I had something to do with her death?”  Pancho scurries away with church music blasting in his head.

Lime Tracy comes to visit Camila, who gives her una carta for Santiago, but don't ask any questions. Tracy delivers it as promised.  It reads:  “It's true, Lucrecia is in the cabins at the end of Alcatraz.  Please tell Pedro.”

On the way back, Tracy sees Shattered Pancho who only wants a hug.

Santiago runs to tell Pedro that Lu is alive.  Pedro shows up at the cabana just as Lu is freaking out about being caged up.  Pedro says “The dead one is not dead.  She's more alive than ever.”

Recap by Rosemary la Otra          Posted by Blue Lass

Lu is happy to see Pedro.  Pedro sets up a meeting with Belt and Camila and introduces his new novia, Lu.


Monday, June 04, 2012

El Talismán #89 Mon 6/4/12 The Hunt Begins


Cameela is in bed when the Prince of Darkness comes in the room. He calls her Chula of course. He wants her to rest up cause she will be the mother of his hijos. She tells him this baby is hers and Pedro's, understand? He is leaning over her, and she pushes him off.

The Virus is with Angel in the dining room of Maria's apartmento, and she is witching about how the Prince of Darkness wouldn't let her stay and talk to Cameela. Angel reminds her that SHE forced Cameela to marry that dirtbag. She just sooo wanted to talk to her daughter. She needs to know if she is ok, cause something just ain't right there, ya think? Angel says there has been a tragedy, and that Mariana is dead! The Virus says dead???? The one with MI CHEQUE???? (Note to Virus: Please enough already, with MI CHEQUE, we in Viewerville have had enough of MI CHEQUE already. Go to Brigette's and get a job.). The Virus can not beleive Mariana is dead and now with her death so is MI CHEQUE! Now with that info, she can't take it with her, (Of all the nutjob things to say) we are poor too! Army has joined the convo and is really disgusted. Angel also told the Virus that he is a friend of Flo's but doesn't see her that often, and besides she can't stand Cameela.

Manuel and Maria are together and he is greiving. He keeps wondering why, his wonderful Mariana is dead. His beautiful daughter. Maria says he is very strong and will make it through this. He blames himself for allowing her to stay at El Tal. Maria says he is not reponsible for this tragedy. Manuel says her life was hell.

Pedro and Santiago go to the police station so Sanitago can give a statment about Mariana. Sanitago is afraid El Capitan will send him back to social services. Pedro assures him that is not the case. He just wants Santiago to tell the truth. Santiago and Pedro go into El Capitan's office. El Capitan says you were the last one to see Mariana alive. Sanitago says she went to Altrash to see Cameela.

Tracy has come to Cameela's room for some chisme. Tracy wants to know if Pedro knows about the little Pedro bun in the oven. Cameela tells her no, that the Prince of Darkness is claiming her bebe as his own. Tracy wants to know if Cameela is telling Pedro. She warns Tracy not to breathe a word of this to Pedro.

Manuel and Maria are still talking about Mariana. He entrusted Mariana to Pedro and now look what happened! Maria tells Manuel not to go blaming Pedro for this cause he is a good chap and he did nothing wrong. (You go Maria). She reminds Manuel, that Mariana, went to El Tal of her own free will to regain her memory. Maria tells him he is not the only greiving for Mariana, she is too. He is still saying why?

Santiago tells El Capitan that Mariana was going to Altrash that night, cause she wanted to talk to Cameela to see how she was. Everyone at El Tal was worried about her. El Capitan asks Sanitago if he knew specifically what Mariana was going to talk to Cameela about, but Santiago says he didn't know. Santiago tells El Capitan he was supposed to go with Mariana but he didn't. El Capitan thinks it might have something to do with Antonio Negrete (also known as the Prince of Darkness). El Capitan thanks brave little Santiago for coming to the station to give a statement about what happened. Pedro insists to El Capitan it was Piggorio, not The Prince of Darkness. El Capitan thinks it really is the Prince of Darkness, but Pedro tells him can't be Piggorio had the most to lose if Mariana recovered her memory. El Capitan and Rosemary la Otra's hawt next boyfriend (had to put that there) are discussing the case. The hawt investigator says they still have no proof the Negrete's did this and what if that kid lied. El Capitan assures the Hawt investigator that he doesn't think Santiago lied. He tells Mr Hawt Investigator that Piggorio Negrete has always been evil. El Captian says he has gotten in touch with Altrash but found out that the Pig is very ill, but El Capitan isn't buying what they are selling, he wants a statement from him.

Speaking of Piggrio, he is in his bedchamber and isn't feeling all that. "Doc" Jaime is with him and has taken his blood pressure. (Excuse me, for a heart patient shouldn't the "doc" be listening to his heart too, just sayin'). Of course "Doc" Jaime tells him he is swell, no problems blah blah. Well of course, Piggorio is so not down with that. Explain the weakness then, and why don't I feel better. You're not so young anymore, says the "doc", your BP is fine. Piggorio is convinced the Prince of Darkness is doing something to him again. "Doc" Jaime assures him this is not the case, as he looks like he swallowed his tongue. "Doc" Jaime tells the Pig to get some rest. Pig says he can't rest many reasons why he can't. He tells the Pig to be calm, what he is feeling are the after effects of the new pills. He leaves the Pig, and the Pig looks very worried. Panchito is outside the door and asks "Doc" Jaime how the Pig is. He needs rest and to be calm or else he won't be well. Panchito thanks the "doc" and he leaves.

Tracy and Cameela are in the hallway, still doing a little talking when the Mistress of En Flagrante comes upon them and wants to know whaz up? Doris snaps her fingers at Tracy to get her to go. Doris wants her bed back. (Listen ya don't want that bed, you want to go back to Brigettes), Doris would like a word with Cameela, but Cameela doesn't want to talk to her, cause she doesn't trust her. Doris tells her she could help her, if she'd let her. Cameela says she still doesn't trust Doris, but in for a penny, in for a pound, and she tells Doris she has a secret. Doris is just dying to hear this secret. Cameela comes right out with it and tells her Piggorio killed Mariana. Of course, Doris doesn't beleive a word of it, so not true! Cameela so true. Cameela informs Doris that Mariana was here last night and that the Pig is a killer. She even tells Doris that the Prince of Darkness is an accomplice to the crime, (even though he is an accomplice after the fact). Doris is still not buying it, she thinks Cameela is the accomplice, but Cameela corrects her again, and says no the Prince of Darkness is.

Valentin and Ms Crazy are in the cabana and she asks him to forgive her for her little escapade last night, and I think for coming on to him. He forgives her. He says they cannot go against the Prince of Darkness. She wants to know about Cameela. Valentin tells her that the Prince of Darkness is taking care of her, and is close to her. Valentin tells her about Mariana's death. Valentin spills the frijoles and tells her, her Papa Pig killed Mariana. Ms Crazy is stunned. She tells Valentin oh, no my Papa Pig couldn't do this, not him, not evaaa. Valentin won't say anything else. The Prince of Darkness comes to the cabana. Valentin leaves. As soon as she does, she asks the Prince of Darkness to tell her about Mariana. He tells Ms Crazy it isn't important who killed Mariana, Pedro will be blamed for it. He reminds Ms Crazy that she is dead. He also reminds Ms Crazy that Cameela is now his wife. She tells him you need to keep your promises, whether you like it or not. She also says you already have my half of Altrash, you are trying to kill Papa, so you will have it all. He gets pithed, tells her to CALLATE, and puts a hand over her mouth. He tells her the Pig will get a lawyer.

Pedro and Santiago have returned to El Tal. Pedro thanks Santiago for coming forward and telling El Capitan what he knew, and when he knew it, not really, but you get the gist. He tells Sanitago that now it is up to the police to find out who killed Mariana. Padre comes into the living room and tells them the police will have to get some kind of proof first. Padre and Santiago go to the kitchen. Margarito and Pedro are now talking in the living room and Margo wants to know what the cops had to say? Pedro tells them they are going on a little jaunt to Altrash tonight cause they will looking for that undead Ms Crazy. Of course, they have that debate of Ms Crazy is dead, let it go already, but Pedro reminds him he is suspected of killing Ms Crazy, and that they need to get proof she is alive. Pedro also wants to go over there to see if he can see Cameela, cause he is positive that the Prince of Darkness is holding her hostage over something. Pedro wants to see if Tracy will help them, but Margo nixes the idea. He is afraid she will runtelldat to Panchito. Pedro tells Margo that they have to get into that house at Altrash, but should check those cabanas too. Margo says they are spread all over Altrash and they'll end up getting caught. Besides Ms Crazy is dead, (look dude just go already, quit stalling, if Mariana had the avacadoes to go, both you boys should have more, and this time bring your weapons, jus' sayin'). He really wants Margo to help him. Santiago listens at the door. Santiago has gone and Padre has come in, he wants to have a funeral service for Mariana. Pedro tells him to arrange that with Manuel, cause she was his daughter.

Manuel has gone to Maria's apartmento, thank goodness the Virus isn't there, and Army and Angel are there too. They are all having cafecitoes. The boys give him their condolences and if he needs anything to let them know. He thanks them. He still has so many questions about why she went to Pedro's. He is wondering why she didn't tell him what was on her mind and Maria reminds him Mariana went to El Tal to recover her memory. She tells him to let the police investigate who did this to Mariana. He says he was so upset he couldn't identify her body. He just can't accept his Mariana is dead.

Panchito has gone in to see his Papa Pig who is reclining on the sofa and not doing well. Panchito lets him know that El Capitan called and has some questions for him. He tells Panchito he is NOT answering any questions. He is attempting to stand when his muscles seize up. Panchito help him to the bed. He says his new pills are not working. Doris is out in the hallway, right outside the Pig's bedroom and is contemplating about what Cameela said to her. Panchito runs out, almost smack into Doris, who he tells about the Pig's condition. Doris comes in and of course the Pig tells her to LARGATE. She tells him your very strong Mi Amor, oh please, and she thinks to herself, I am so marrying you before you get worse. Panchito goes for the "doc".

Cameela has grown some avacadoes and decides to do some snooping at Altrash. She goes to Valentin's office and snoops around. She is looking in the credenza, the drawer of the desk, which seems to be locked, and then a door behind the desk that won't open. She leaves the office and goes to Altrash's kitchen for a drink of water, and Tracy and Alberta are there. Alberta has been trying to get info out of Tracy about what is bothering her. Tracy won't spill. So Cameela gets her drink of water and leaves and Tracy goes after her. Cameela asks her about a key for the door behind the desk in Valentin's office. Tracy doesn't have it and she tells Cameela not to go snooping. Cameela says she can't be sitting in that bedroom all day she will go crazy. Tracy tells her to be careful, pats Cameela's tummy with the little Pedro bun in the oven and leaves. Santiago, that brave little boy, has snuck over to Altrash and runs into Cameela who he came looking for. Santiago tells Cameela that Mariana is dead and that everyone at El Tal is worried sick about her especially Pedro, cause everyone knows the Prince of Darkness is a bad man. Santiago says that Pedro needs her help. Cameela wants to know what kind of help? Pedro needs proof that Ms Crazy is alive and not dead. He explains about the back and forthing at El Tal and the ghost they saw of Ms Crazy. Cameela tells Santiago she doesn't beleive in ghosts and is with them at El Tal and thinks she may be alive too. He explains to Cameela the peeps at El Tal beleive she is somewhere here at Altrash in one of the cabanas. Santiago doesn't want to see Pedro in the carcel. Cameela agrees to help. Santiago tells her the jaunt goes down tonight. She agrees to help, gets a big hug from Santiago, and tells him to be careful leaving Altrash. Cameela thinks to herself, of course she's here.

Pedro is thinking of Mariana from the first time he met her, until the last time he saw her. He thinks about all the hell she went through, and vows never to forget her. Domitilla interrupts this reveirie and tells him Manuel and Maria have come to see him. Manuel and Maria come in and discuss the funeral for Mariana. Pedro tells Manuel to arrange it because she was his adopted daughter. Pedro suggests that she be buried with her natural parents. She would have wanted that. Manuel agrees.

Cameela is on the hunt now. She goes to the cabanas and starts looking around. She comes to a closed door and listens to the Prince of Darkness arguing with Ms Crazy. She puts her ear to the door. They are still arguing about Ms Crazy wanting to be alive and not dead. The Prince of Darkness reminds her all in good time, and in the meantime, noone, but noone can find out she is here. The Prince of Darkness tells her that Valentin will be bringing her something to eat, and he leaves. Cameela has to duck into some succulents by the door, so the Prince of Darkness doesn't see her. He goes by without seeing her, but he left the door ajar. Cameela peeks in and sees Ms Crazy sitting in a chair looking very bummed out. Ms Crazy lifts her head and thinks she sees something and Cameela ducks behind the door so Ms Crazy won't see her.


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