Monday, May 11, 2009

Doña Barbara, Mon. May 11 - Santos is off the hook for León's death legally and morally; Sapo goes after Eustaquia

Pajarote explains to Santos how when he found out that León had killed Carmelito, he was consumed with rage. He went to El Miedo to find León but only found Tigre. He knew León would show up for the money so he followed Santos and Tigre. When León ambushed Santos, Pajarote shot him thus saving Santos' life and taking vengeance on León. Pajarote says that he feels bad. This is the first time he has killed someone and killing is wrong. Marisela tells Pajarote that all he did was execute a thief and a murderer. Santos thanks him for saving his life.

Nobody knows what to do with DB pounding on the the door of Pernalete's house. Finally, at Mujica's suggestion, Pernalete stammers out that he is getting dressed and asks DB to wait for him at the jefetura. DB tells Melquíades that is very strange.

Antonio and Capt. Delgado discuss the news that Sapo's body wasn't in the plane. Genoveva says that she is afraid that Sapo will be angry that his friend Gonzalo was put in prison. Capt. Delgado says that narcotrafficers like Sapo don't have friends. They are only interested in money. Another telegram arrives with the news about León's death and María Nieves' recovery. Antonio decides to go to Progresso.

Pajarote asks Santos and Marisela to put themselves in his shoes - he killed another human being. Now that he isn't in Pajarote's shoes anymore, Santos blithely tells Pajarote not to feel bad - León wasn't a human being; he was a beast. He tells Pajarote to stop torturing himself and try to forget what happened.

When Pernalete and Mujica arrive, Marisela keeps Pajarote from speaking. Santos finishes his statement saying that he killed León in self defense.

Gervasia comes to see León's corpse. In a long scene complete with flashbacks, she asks what he had against her and why he destroyed her life twice. She says that she feels that she won because Leon is dead and no one is crying for him while she was happy with Carmelito. Because of the child León fathered in her, she forgives him.

Sapo tells Facundo that tonight they will go to La Chusmita and get revenge on DB by killing Eustaquia.

Melesio comes into where Gervasia is and basically tells her that life goes on. She has to live for her children. When Gervasia asks how she will be happy again, he tells her that moments of happiness are all that exist in life and that when she is old like him, she will look back at them.

In the sweet scenes that we have come to expect right before someone dies, Juan Primito tells Eustaquia that he is fond of her and wishes she would get out of bed and chase him around like she used to. He asks her to make him some jam (jalea).

DB gives her statement to Pernalete. Antonio arrives and tells everyone the news about Sapo still being alive. DB says that she knew it all along and she also knows that he is very close.

La Chusmita is apparently a one-room set so Eustaquia is making jam on a brazier or something on the main table in the room. She says that the jam won't set ('no cuaja') and it tastes terrible. She isn't good for anything any more. JP tells her that she makes the best arepas in the world and Eustaquia remembers when she first met JP.

When the Altamira folks repair to the bar after giving their statements in the jefetura, they find Cecilia and Genoveva there. Santos thanks Pajarote for confessing to killing León. He says that Pajarote has given him his life back, twice. [I guess since Pajarote didn't make a promise to his mother to abjur violence, he wouldn't have the same guilt as Santos when he killed someone. Still, Santos' obvious relief at not being the killer and his expectation that Pajarote's guilt will be satisfied with the excuses that he wouldn't accept when he thought that he had killed León does not reflect well on Santos, in my opinion.]

When DB is alone with Pernalete and Mujica, she asks why they are so nervous. She warns them not to mention to anyone that Eustaquia is at La Chusmita.

Eustaquia asks JP to take care of DB when she is gone. JP says that he will because he loves DB and she loves him and took care of him when Sapo tortured him.

DB gets Marisela alone and appears to revert to her nasty old self. She tells Marisela to get away from Altamira and leave Santos to her. Marisela asks DB why just when it seems like DB loves her, she mistreats her.

DB tells Melquíades that she had to frighten her daughter to make her go away. If she doesn't take the advice, too bad for her. Melquíades that they are armed to the teeth. DB says that they will wait for nightfall to pay a visit. [Of course, they don't know where Sapo is so where are they going to go? And meanwhile they've left the person they know to be in danger alone.]

Sapo ties up and gags everyone in Pernalete's house except the baby. He tells Facundo that he isn't killing them because he needs to come back to the house and doesn't want bodies stinking up the place.

Sapo comes to La Chusmita and knocks Eustaquia down.

DB finally figures out that Pernalete's strange behavior means that Sapo is hiding in his house. She rescues them and heads for La Chusmita.

Genoveva tells Pajarote that even though he is a shameless dummy, she is proud of him. He did what he had to do. He tells her not to leave him alone, he is afraid that the ghost of León will appear to him. He tells Geno that now that he has her, he never wants to sleep alone again.

Santos tells Marisela that she can go through one of two doors. One door is to her life away from him. He knows that she could have a happy and peaceful life. The other door is to life with him. He says that he knows that living with him won't be easy. She needs courage and maturity to enter his life. He can only promise her his love and the desire he has to share his life with her. He says that he won't ask her again.

DB and her armed gang is rushing off to La Chusmita. Facundo tells Sapo that she is on the way. Sapo takes Facundo's switchblade and uses it on Eustaquia.

DB arrives at La Chusmita and finds Eustaquia with her wrists slashed [I think].


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Fri., May 8- Santos disappoints his mother and DB tells him that now they are the same

We open with the standoff in the dark. Guns fire and León falls down, dead. Tigre calls Santos a murderer.

The mysterious person at La Chusmita was DB. She tells Eustaquia that she is sure that Sapo is close by.

Santos tells Tigre that he was just defending himself. Tigre points out that Santos was using him as a shield and calls Santos a murderer again. Santos replies that León killed Carmelito - he is the murderer. Tigre calls him a coward and a murderer and Santos tells him to shut up.

Federica takes care of Mujica and says that he is her hero.

Marsiela tells Altagracia that she isn't sure she should go to Altamira. She needs to think. María Nieves tells her the obvious, "You love him and he loves you. What else do you need to think about?"

Here we see that León has been shot in the side of the head. This becomes significant later.

Cecilia tells Antonio how she got Don Encarnación to forgive her. Antonio tells her how much he loves her and how their suffering has made him appreciate her more.

DB tells Melquíades that she should have gone to Progresso with Santos but when she heard what Juan Primito had told Pernalete, she knew that she had to guard Eustaquia. Melquíades tells her that he heard some shots by the crossroads.

Melquíades finds the scene of the shooting and can tell by his nose that many horses went to Progresso. He deduces that Santos must have won since Los Mondragón would have headed for the forest.

Pernalete is comforting Josefa after Sapo forced her to have sex with him when they all hear Santos yelling outside. Reluctantly, Sapo lets Pernalete and Mujica go deal with the situation but he says that they only have an hour. After that, Sapo says that he will start killing the women and children.

Marisela finally admits to herself that she should be with Santos since they love each other. Then she sees Santos drive through town [what did Melquíades smell then, horsepower?] with Tigre and León's body.

DB tells Eustaquia that she can't sleep. She has a strange feeling that she getting to the end of something [the novela!] and there is fear and joy. She says that she will be free to live and smile again. Eustaquia says that she will be free, too (meaning presumably that she will be free of her body, i.e., dead). DB doesn't want to hear that and asks Eustaquia what she means and Eustaquia lies and says that she didn't mean anything.

Melquíades goes to Progresso to find out what is going on. When Costa tells him that Santos shot León, Melquíades is surprised. He didn't think Santos was a good shot.

Meanwhile Santos is giving his statement to Pernalete and Mujica. Santos says that he killed León. "In self defense ('en defensa própria,')" says Mujica briskly. Santos repeats that he killed a man. Marisela comes into the room. She takes up the self defense mantra but Santos keeps repeating that he is a killer, a murderer. Santos' statement is taken in record time and Pernalete and Mujica hustle everybody out and get home just in time to keep Sapo from killing the women.

Santos and Marisela return to Altamira. Santos tells Marisela that by killing León to save his life, he is just like his father who killed his own son in a rage. He tells Marisela that he wants to be alone.

Santos paces the halls of Altamira and has flashbacks to when his brother was killed and his father killed himself.

It's the next morning and MN doesn't like oatmeal Altagracia is feeding him. [He can't feed himself?] Dr. Arias say that it is a sign that he is getting better. The doctor tells MN and Altagracia about León. MN doesn't believe that his boss killed someone.

Santos is still brooding about being a killer and telling himself that he has failed the promise he gave his mother when DB comes to see him. She says that it is kill or be killed. She asks what is bothering him - killing a thief and murderer or finding out that he isn't as good and holy as he promised his mother he would be.

Pajarote is in church praying. He tells Father Pernia that he wants to confess.

DB tells Santos that he has done what he always criticized in her. "We are the same," she says, "beast that cannot be caged up or threatened because they kill to defend themselves." Santos says that he doesn't want to be like her.

Marisela tells Santos that he couldn't have killed León because he was shot in the temple and Santos was facing León.

DB tells Leóncia and Celeste that León is dead. Leóncia curses DB.

The news about León gets around. Here's a pic of the hunky Captain Delgado. Antonio gets the report that the bodies in the burnt up plane weren't Sapo and Facundo.

Pernalete and Mujica have just convinced Sapo to let them go the jefetura when DB comes knocking at the door. Santos and Marisela come to the jefeturaa to see Pernalete and Acosta is sent to his house to fetch him. Santos and Marisela discuss how strange it is that León could have gotten shot in the temple when he was facing Santos. Pajarote comes in and confesses that it was he who shot León.


Friday, May 08, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Thurs., May. 7 - María Nieves wakes up; Tigre digs up the money

Sapo tells Pernalete and Mujica that they have to go find out where DB is.

DB tells Melquíades that the newspaper article will flush Sapo from his hiding place because he will come after her. Melquíades tells DB that he prevented León, Tigre, Celeste and Leóncia from leaving town and made them return to La Chusmita. DB says that soon they will find the stolen money.

León runs away from La Chusmita and tells Tigre to dig up the money and meet him at midnight.

While watching Gonzalo being put handcuffed into a police car, Santos tells Marisela that crime doesn't pay and that they have to see that justice triumphs.

Antonio tells Don Encarnación that Lucía wanted all of them to remember her through her daughter but if DE continues to insult him and Cecilia, he'll have no choice but to prevent DE from seeing his grandchild. Antonio tells DE that it is his decision. DE gets up and leaves without a word.

María Nieves shows more signs of life.

Santos once again urges Marisela to come back to Altamira with him. She continues to say that she has to be alone to clear her thoughts. She will only let Santos give her a peck on the cheek.

Everybody reads the newspaper article. Andrés tells Santos that it was DB who gave the newspaper all the details of the story. Santos says that DB wouldn't do something like that without a reason.

Pernalete and Mujica find El Miedo empty except for Juan Primito who tells them that DB is at La Chusmita with Eustaquia.

At La Chusmita, Melquíades tells DB that Leon has taken off. DB cracks her whip and tells Melquíades to bring all the remaining Mondragóns to her. Melquíades drags Tigre back with his wrists bound and with a noose around his neck. DB forces him to tell her where he and León hid the money. After he has dug it up, DB orders him to be tied up to a tree.

Mujica and Pernalete report on what they found at El Miedo to Sapo.

When Melquíades asks if he should go after León, DB says that he will come for the money.

As the new Governor, Antonio has slicked his hair back. He tells Genoveva that he won't let any papers leave his office until he has read them three times. [Third time's the charm.] Geno tells him that Marisela is in the garden crying about Santos. He asks to see her.

In a cute scene, Marisela and Antonio pretend to be very formal with one another. Antonio tells Marisela that he is sending her to Progresso to make an official inquiry on how MN is doing. Marisela says that she knows he is just putting her near to Santos. He tells her not to be a coward.

MN wakes up with Altagracia, Pajarote, Santos and Dr. Arias present. He asks about Carmelito and they have to tell him that Carmelito died. He tells them that the killer was León Mondragón. Pajarote leaves without a word. Santos starts to leave and Melesio asks if he is going to file charges against León. Santos says that if DB had anything to do with this, she knows where León is.

Federica makes an unsuccessful attempt to escape from the house with Chocolatito. [I think she's carrying a Chocalotito doll in this scene.]

Pajarote spies on what is going on at La Chusmita.

Sapo beats up Federica. Mujica tries to stop him and Sapo knocks him out.

Gervasia comes to see MN. He tells her about Carmelito's last words.

Tigre's cousins are now working for DB.

Santos comes to Las Chusmita and Melquíades gives him the saddle bags with the money. Santos goes to see DB. [There's a continuity problem here. DB hands Santos the saddlebags that Melquiades already given to him.] DB tells Santos how she found out that León was the killer and got Tigre to tell her where the money was. She says that of course Santos thought that she was behind the crime. Santos apologizes. DB asks why he would think that she would rob him and kill his men. She suggest that he thought she getting revenge for his abandonment of her. She tells him that whether he believes it or not, she has always been on his side. She says that she only cares about Santos' opinion of her and he hates her. Santos says that he doesn't hate her. He hates the highhanded way she does things; he hates her crimes and her ambition and for the rest, he is bewildered by her.

Melesio, Cósme and Andrés come in to see MN with Gervasia and Altagracia. From out of nowhere, Marisela appears in his room and this scene was obviously filmed without her being present. Marisela tells the terneras that Antonio is now the Governor and that she has lots of other gossip. She asks if they have seen Santos.

DB says that she only wanted happiness and joy by Santos' side. Santos says that joy can't be found robbing and killing people. She replies that she killed to avenge herself on her rapists. Santos mentions various non-vengeance killings such as Apolinar Prieto, his son Orestes, Danger, and BP. DB says that he always blames every murder on her. Santos replies he may have blamed her for some murders she didn't commit but she can't deny that she has killed people and consisently robbed cattle and land from her neighbors. DB tells Santos that she had the article published because she is sure that Sapo is still alive. When she finds him, she will kill him, too.

DE comes to the hospital where Cecilia has just finished nursing the baby. She lets him hold the baby and says that she will teach him what to do to take care of the baby so that she can visit her grandfather on the weekends. DE says that he owes Cecilia an apology.

Marisela tells the terneras that she is concerned that Santos has gone alone after León. She wonders where Pajarote is.

Pajarote is watching Tigre's cousins torment him.

DB tells Santos that when Sapo is dead, she will have peace and magically turn into a good mother and a good person and Santos will come back to her. Santos tells her that she is dreaming.

Juan Primito tells DB that he told Mujica and Pernalete that DB was at La Chusmita with Eustaquia.

Eustaquia is alone in bed at La Chusmita when she is waken up by a noise and a shadow falls on her.

So now we have Santos alone leading Tigre on foot somewhere at night - presumably from La Chusmita to Altamira. Santos must know that Tigre's murderous brother is still at large. At least Santos is armed, unlike MN and Carmelito when they were carrying a large sum of money. Sure enough, someone is stalking Santos and Tigre from the bushes. It's Leon. Does he shoot Santos from concealment in the bushes? Of course not. He jumps out and confronts Santos thus allowing Santos to grab Tigre and use him as a shield. Guns fire as the episode ends. I'm guessing that Pajarote, who is despondent at the fact that he wasn't with Carmelito and MN when they were attacked, is going to save Santos here. He was watching Tigre at La Chusmita and has conveniently disappeared. If he was hanging around La Chusmita, one would think he would have offerred to accompany Santos and Tigre back to Altamira.


Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Wed., May 6 - Antonio and Gonzalo exchange places; the story of Sapo hits the press

So of course, Santos doesn't shoot Gonzalo and he's taken off to jail.

Don Encarnación gives in to Cecilia's pleading and lets her nurse Lucita.

DB and Marisela unobtrusively conceal the photos of the rapists under their feet while the soldiers scoop up all the money that fell out of Gonzalo's briefcase.

Los Mondragón agree to give Celeste and Leoncia shares in the money they stole from Carmelito. They all leave La Chusmita without seeing that Juan Primito was on the other side of Eustaquia's bed listening.

To Antonio's great pleasure, Gonzalo is put in a nearby cell.

Mujica tells Sapo that Pernalete's house isn't a good place for them to stay because when the girls in the whorehouse start working, there will be men in and out. Sapo tells Pernalete to solve the problem by shutting down the whorehouse for immorality.

DB asks the inspector whether Sapo is dead or captured. At first, the Inspector says that the whole Sapo investigation is classified. He finally agrees to tell them what happened.

Sapo lets Pernalete and Mujica go back to work but Federica, Josefa and el Chocolatito are hostages for their good behavior.

The Inspector tells DB and the rest that two bodies, burned beyond recognition, were found on the plane that exploded while trying to leave the airstrip. The Inspector believes that they were Sapo and his lieutenant. DB isn't convinced that Sapo is really dead.

JP tells Eustaquia what he overheard. Melquíades comes in and is upset that DB isn't around to find out that Sapo is dead. Eustaquia hopes that now DB can have some peace. She tells Melquíades about what JP overheard.

Santos and Captain Delgado go to see the judge to get the charges against Antonio dropped. Marisela notices that DB isn't happy. DB says that she doubts Sapo is really dead.

Gonzalo refuses to talk to the Inspector but the Inspector says that it doesn't matter. With the evidence they have of Gonzalo's various crimes, Gonzalo is in deep doo doo ('está hasta el cuello,' literally, 'he is up to his neck'). When Gonzalo is taken back to his cell, he has nothing to say to Antonio's gloating. Then Antonio is told that the charges against him have been dropped and he is released. He tells Gonzalo that he hopes he rots in jail.

Genoveva makes herself scarce when Cecilia and Antonio are reunited.

Antonio is surprised when Cecilia tells him that it was DB who paid his bail. He is even more surprised when he gets a call from the President of the Republic asking him to be acting Governor until the elections.

Antonio comes to tell Santos, DB and Marisela about his call from the President. Marisela offers to stay and work with him. Santos is bummed. He wanted her to go to Altamira with him.

Tigre, León, Celeste and Leóncia are on their way out of town. Celeste wants her share of the money. León tells her that it is too dangerous to dig it up now. They will go to their aunt's house and he will come back for the money. The group first encounters Pajarote and Cósme and then Melquíades.

DB tells herself that she has to know if Sapo is still alive.

The next day DB meets with Néstor and Andrés and gives them her story of the rapists to publish.

Santos can't understand why Marisela won't go to Altamira with him. Marisela says that she can't leave DB alone. DB is her mother.

Father Pernia says that there is no reason for Antonio and Cecilia not to get married. Then Antonio and the priest meet with DE. The priest reminds DE about when Lucía told her father in his presence not to blame anyone for what happens to her. He tells DE that Lucía asked Cecilia to raise her child as if it were Cecilia's own and says that Lucía accepted that Antonio and Cecilia would be together after she was gone. DE angrily says that Antonio won't get any of Lucía's inheritance. Antonio says that he has always been poor and will continue to be poor. He doesn't want DE's money.

Federica is almost able to grab Facundo's gun when Chocolatito starts crying and wakes Sapo and Facundo up and the opportunity is lost. Facundo asks Sapo how long they have to stay with this rabble. Sapo says they will stay until everyone has forgotten about them, then they will get rid of all the idiots, especially DB, and head for the frontier.

Pernalete and Mujica can't find any way out of their predicament. Then they are shown the newspaper story about Sapo. "Now we're in for it! ('¡Ahora sí se armó!')," says Pernalete.

Now that the identity of the murderers is known, María Nieves shows some signs of life. He says Carmelito's name.

Santos asks Marisela how much longer he has to wait for her and Marisela tells him that she has to take care of some things. They both witness Gonzalo being taken away in handcuffs.

DB reads the newspaper story with satisfaction. She tells herself that if Sapo is still alive he will have to come out of his lair (madriguera) and she'll be waiting.

Meanwhile Sapo is reading the newspaper story. He curses DB.


Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Tues., May 5 - Things start coming unstuck for Gonzalo and Sapo

Marisela tells Santos that she stayed with Gonzalo because she couldn't let him hurt him or DB. But she tells him that she always loved him and that she was grossed out when Gonzalo touched her. Santos says that he will kill Gonzalo for what he did to Marisela but Marisela just wants to get away from there.

DB notices that León's 'enthusiasm' has fallen and asks why. He says that it's because of the gun she is pointing at him. DB replies that lies make her enthusiasm go away. She presses León to tell her where he hid the money so she can take her share but León won't talk.

DB has Genaro Mondragón brought to her and tells him that she wants to talk about his cousin, the traitor.

Cecilia is trying to get the prison guard to bring Antonio some food that she brought and a note. He refuses and up pops our old friend the boat captain, otherwise known as Captain Delgado. He asks the guard what the Secretary of the Governor is doing in jail.

Captain Delgado overrules Gonzalo's order and Antonio and Cecilia fill him in on what has been going on with Gonzalo and express their concern about Marisela and Santos' safety.

Marisela and Santos are at Cecilia's house when she comes back with Captain Delgado who promises to take care of everything.

Now that DB knows their secret, León and Tigre are going to dig up the money and get out of town. They are confronted by their cousins who say that a little birdie told them that León and Tigre have stolen money they haven't offered to share. León says that is just a rumor. If he had money, he'd share it. He leaves and the cousins ask Tigre what he has to say.

Gonzalo returns to Government House and finds the guards tied up. He sends them to find Marisela.

The nurse tells Don Encarnación that Lucita won't take milk from anyone else and hasn't eaten. She says that time is running out. The baby needs to eat. She wants to call Cecilia.

Marisela is getting treated for what Gonzalo did to her. She is concerned about the threats Gonzalo made against her, Genoveva and Cecilia. Santos comes in and says that Gonzalo won't harm anyone. He will take care of them.

Gonzalo is ripping up papers in his office [I guess they don't have a shredder.] He calls Sapo and tell him that the jig is up. Santos has escaped with Marisela and the police must know everything. DB comes in and asks him to say hi to Sapo. Gonzalo tells Sapo that DB is there and Sapo tells him to kill the bitch. "Woof, woof," says DB says, "you can't kill this bitch that easily." She has Gonzalo at gunpoint. DB demands that Gonzalo tell her where Marisela is.

Sapo tells Facundo that they have been found out and have to flee.

Santos chides Marisela for letting DB persuade her to take such risks to protect him. Marisela says that she did it on her own. She had to get the ... She stops and doesn't tell Santos about the photos. He knows she is lying. I'm not sure why she didn't tell him unless it is because it concerns DB's plan for Sapo. Santos says that Marisela went too far in paying Antonio's bail. Marisela tells him that she didn't pay it and they both realize that it must have been DB.

Meanwhile Gonzalo has pressed the intercom button while DB is threatening to fill him full of lead. The guards hear.

Marisela takes some sedatives and goes to sleep. Santos keeps saying that he wants to kill Gonzalo and Cecilia keeps telling him not to do anything crazy. Captain Delgado comes in and and says that he has arranged to protect the women while he and Santos go to make a formal accusation against Gonzalo before the judge.

DB tells Gonzalo that she knows Marisela was looking for the photos of the rapists. The guards burst in and hold DB at gunpoint. Gonzalo orders the guards to take DB to the airport. He will take her to the capital. When they have taken her out, Gonzalo sets his wastebasket on fire, collects his money and the photos and leaves his office.

The judge doesn't know what to do about Santos' accusations against the Governor. Santos tells him he only needs the judge to accept them and he will do the rest.

Marisela wakes up. When Cecilia tells her that Santos has gone out, Marisela is sure that he will go and confront Gonzalo.

The Inspector has brought in a large police operation that attacks and destroys the plane that was trying to take off on the secret runway.

However, Sapo wasn't on the plane. He tells Facundo that all that has happened is DB's fault and he has to destroy her. They are going to hide out where they will be close to DB - in Progresso.

Gonzalo is about to leave his room when he gets a call from the judge about Santos' charges against him. The judge asks him what to do. Gonzalo tells him to do whatever he wants and hangs up.

The guards are dragging DB to the van. Although they have doubts about what is going on, they follow orders anyway.

Cecilia leaves Marisela and Geno to go to the hospital to try and feed the baby or at least give her a bottle of her breast milk. As soon as she has gone, Marisela jumps up and tells Genoveva that she can't let Santos be in danger without doing something. She and Geno leave.

Santos tells Captain Delgado that he has to confront Gonzalo. They arrive at Government House and are told that Gonzalo is about to leave. Santos forces his way past the guard. Meanwhile the guards are trying to get DB into the van. Gonzalo handcuffs her as Santos and Captain Delgado show up. Gonzalo takes DB hostage.

Gonzalo tries to shoot Santos and DB deflects his aim. Santos attacks Gonzalo and in the melee that follows, Captain Delgado is wounded slightly and Gonzalo escapes on foot with his briefcases full of money.

Mujica is hot to trot to get it on with Federica but she says that it is Good Friday ('viernes de cuaresma,' literally, 'the Friday of Lent') and even in her profession they abstain on holy days. "No meat, only fish," Federica tells Mujica pointedly.

There's a knock at the door and Sapo and Facundo burst in and hold Mujica at gunpoint. They tell Mujica and the women that they are going to stay for a few days.

While Eustaquia is asleep, Tigre and León tell Leoncia and Celeste to pack up so they can leave. Leoncia doesn't understand why they should sneak out like thieves but Celeste says that she knows why - it was Leon who murdered Carmelito and stole the money.

Cecilia brings the bottle of her milk to the nurse. She sees DE and chews him out for putting Lucita's life in danger because of his grief at losing his daughter.

Santos chases Gonzalo and knocks him down with everyone else in pursuit. Santos hold Gonzalo at gunpoint. Marisela tells him not to shoot. DB tells him to kill Gonzalo.


Doña Barbara, Mon. May 4 - Gonzalo beats up Marisela; DB hits on León

[Sorry that this is late and there are no photos. I was at a concert last night and didn't get back until late.]

Marisela tells Gonzalo that that he is the thief and the photos don't belong to him. He overpowers hers and says that everything she said about marrying him was a lie. Marisela says that it is true. She could never love a jerk like him. She says that Gonzalo disgusts her. Gonzalo takes the pictures back and slaps Marisela. Marisela tells Gonzalo to go ahead and hit her. She isn't afraid of him. Hitting women is all he knows how to do but when a man like Santos shows up, he runs away like a little girl. Gonzalo hits her again and tells her not to mention Santos. Marisela tells Gonzalo that Santos is a man, not a coward like him and that is why she has never stopped loving Santos. Gonzalo hits her again.

DB tells Santos that all she wants from him is the love they had before. "Or it wasn't love?" she asks him. Santos says that he doesn't know. What he felt for her was a violent passion that he couldn't resist but there was nothing else. DB accuses him of never having stopped thinking about Marisela and Santos admits that might have been part of it. He tells her that there are other men in the world; she could start over somewhere else. DB says that besides El Miedo and him, she has nothing. Santos reminds her that she has a daughter that needs her. A daughter she is sacrificing for a man who doesn't love her.

Cecilia tells Don Encarnación to stop slandering her and Antonio. She says that Lucía died because she was brave. She knew she would die young and wanted to leave a daughter for DE to remember her by. She tells him that the baby needs her milk and that Lucía herself asked Cecilia to take care of her. Cecilia tells DE that the only person he is hurting is the baby and that he will regret what he is doing. DE doesn't care. He orders Cecilia to be thrown out of the hospital.

Marisela tells Gonzalo that she knows everything about his dealings with Sapo. He says that she just signed her death warrant. She says that Santos and DB know, too. Gonzalo hits her again.

DB tells Santos that he must love her since he has stood up for her so many times. Santos replies that she is an unforgettable woman and he'll always be there if she needs him. DB denies that she needs Santos to rescue her. She says that Marisela knows that DB and Santos are in danger and she is doing this for both of them. She says that she is proud of her daughter and in spite of what Santos thinks, she loves Marisela. But when she thinks about Santos and Marisela together, she can't help but wanting to kill Marisela because she is a woman before she is a mother. Once again Santos asks DB to forgive him and says that he has no right to reproach her. He tells her that he is going to Marisela. She needs him. DB says that she needs him, too but Santos says that is a lie. She has always done things on her own. She is unique. She says that he is giving her a compliment as a consolation prize. He says that he is just saying what he thinks. When he is gone, DB says to herself that she has always done things alone but it never weighed as heavily on her then as it does now.

Gonzalo tells Marisela that she can't leave the room alive. Marisela says that if she dies, everyone will know it was him. He hits her again and leaves telling the guards who appeared to be listening outside that they must not let Marisela out no matter what she says.

Cecilia is worried about Marisela and Genoveva says that she will go and talk to her.

While Santos is preparing to go to San Fernando, he tells Pajarote to check up on Los Mondragón. They are #1 on his list of suspects for Carmelito's killing.

DB tells Melquíades that Carmelito's death made Santos crazy with rage in a way she had never seen before. She wants to find out if León was the killer and turn him in before that anger is directed at her. She says that she has tricks for making León confess.

Gervasia is inconsolable and Melesio conforts her by saying time is her friend. The pain will get less.

León makes another try at killing María Nieves but Altagracia drives him away with her gun.

Geno comes to the Government House looking for Marisela and Gonzalo has the guards throw her out forcibly. She reports on what happened to Cecilia. Cecilia is crazy with worry and says that she will send a telegram to Santos in the morning. At dawn, Cecilia is about to leave to send the telegram when Santos appears.

Gervasia and Pajarote are in Progresso to see MN when they run into León in the street. Gervasia attacks him screaming that he killed her husband.

Gonzalo is pacing and telling himself that he has to kill Marisela but he can't. He gets a call from Sapo and tells him that they have to talk.

Gervasia calls León a murderer in front of everyone in the street. He slinks off.

A maid brings Marisela breakfast and finds her unconscious on the floor. Marisela asks for help.

Santos tries to get into the Government House but he is turned away. He sees the maid signal to him. The maid finds Santos and tells him that Marisela is locked up and that the Governor beat her up.

Altagracia tells Gervasia and Pajarote about Tigre's appearance at the doctor's office and the mysterious man she shot at the night before. Pajarote says that he will stay with Altagracia that night.

Santos gets Antonio's gun from Cecilia.

Marisela demands to be let out of the room. She tells that guards that what they are doing is a crime. They agree but they are afraid of the Governor.

DB flirts with León and asks her to come to her room. He falls for it and tells Tigre to get ready to call him boss.

The Land title inspector gets photos of Gonzalo coming to see Sapo. He says that Santos was right and this job will be easier than he thought. [The Land Title Inspector who doesn't know the area has found a place where he can see and take pictures of Sapo's runway from a car!]

Marisela begs to be let out of the room. The guards are uncomfortable but they say that they can't help her.

Gonzalo tells Sapo about what Marisela told him and says that he has to kill DB, Santos and Marisela. Sapo says that he will take care of DB and Santos but Gonzalo has to kill Marisela himself. Gonzalo says that he can't kill her, he will be blamed. Sapo says that it is time he got his hands dirty like the rest of them. He asks if Gonzalo is too squeamish to kill Marisela.

DB makes Leon take off his clothes. He says that DB should do the same but she wants to talk first. She gets her gun out and asks what he did with the money he stole from Carmelito.

Santos sneaks into the Government House, knocks out and ties up the guards. He burst into the room where Marisela is. She embraces him saying, "Santos, you came for me!"


Sunday, May 03, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Fri., May 1- More bad stuff happens- Antonio is back in jail; Cecilia can't see Lucita anymore; and Gonzalo tries to rape Marisela

In his eulogy for Carmelito, Santos says again that Carmelito's death will be avenged and if the law cannot or will not do the job, he will take justice into his own hands. After the funeral, Pajarote tells Santos that he is with him in this.

Dr. Arias asks Tigre what he is doing in his office. Tigre manages to stammer out that his shoulder is hurt.

Santos says that he is glad that Antonio now believes him about Gonzalo. Antonio apologizes to Santos for doubting what Santos told him before about Gonzalo. Andrés says that doesn't matter now. What is important is finding out who killed Carmelito and wounded María Nieves. They speculate whether it could have been Gonzalo, Sapo or DB's man León Mondragón.

DB tells Marisela that she needs the photos of the rapists asap. Marisela replies that Gonzalo keeps them locked up. DB tells her what Sapo did to Juan Primito. Marisela says that she will get the photos as soon as she gets back to San Fernando.

Gonzalo looks at the photos and tells himself that he can control Sapo with them and if he controls Sapo, he controls the Arauca.

DB tells Melquíades that she saw León lurking around at the burial and she says that she didn't have a good feeling about it at all.

Santos tells Andrés and Antonio that he won't be responsible for his actions if MN dies. Antonio tells him not to be blinded by rage. Santos has always said that violence was not the solution. Santos says that he has changed his mind. Antonio says that when Santos is calmer, he will return to being 'the different Luzardo' who is his brother. Antonio and Andrés leave.

Genoveva tells Marisela that she wants to stay in Progresso to be with Gervasia and to help Pajarote who is suffering so much. Pajarote comes in and says that he wants her to leave. He wants her far away during the war that is going to happen. He tells Geno that when the war is over he will come for her and be the all the man that she wants. No one can look into his heart like she does and no other woman could turn him into a 'tame ox' ('buey manso') except her. They kiss and he tells her to go to San Fernando and take care of Marisela.

DB pretends to put the moves on León. [Why can't she have Melquíades just torture a confession out of him like everyone else?]

Antonio is arrested in Progresso.

Santos tells Marisela that he doesn't want to be bothered. She comes in anyway and asks what all this talk about blood at the funeral was about. She says that he is a man of peace and civilization.
Santos replies that he can use violence too. He can be like his father. He tells her that his father killed himself in the room they are in after he had killed his son, Santos' brother. Before that, he had killed Marisela's grandfather and several of his brothers. Santos tells Marisela that his father told him all the time about 'the maneater' ('la devoradora de hombres') but he didn't understand. Marisela says that DB is the maneater. "No," replies Santos, "he was speaking of the land. DB is no more than the product of the violence that swept this place. She is a killer because she learned from the bastards who raped her. But it's not just your mother. It's a way of life." He tells her that he is tired of believing in law and education. He says that they have to fight these animals with their own weapons.

Tigre tells León that he didn't have an opportunity to kill MN.

DB puts on a performance in front of Celeste and Leoncia saying that León and Tigre would never murder a man for money.

Marisela tells Santos that the man she loves wouldn't say such things. Santos replies that Marisela never loved him. Marisela says that she loves Santos more than her life. Santos says that if she loved him, she wouldn't betray him by giving kisses to his worst enemy. Marisela says cryptically that if he knew her, he know what she was doing. She says that he is blind. She has never given her lips to any other man. They kiss.

Melesio comes to see Altagracia and brings her some food. He tells her that they are all trying to help Gervasia. She says that she is sure that God will let MN recover. She asks to borrow Melesio's gun. She tells him that Tigre was there and gave her a bad feeling. Melesio agrees.

Marisela tells Santos that once he knew her so well he could tell what she was thinking. She can still read his thoughts and knows what he is feeling. She still believes in his love and wishes that he would do the same for her. When Marisela is gone, Santos concludes that she isn't betraying him. He decides that DB is manipulating Marisela and says that he won't permit it this time.

Antonio wonders why he always ends up in jail. Gonzalo comes to gloat. He says that Antonio will rot in jail as a traitor.

Marisela tells Genoveva that she is going back to the Government office. She has to continue with her plan even though she finds Gonzalo disgusting.

A guy shows up at Altamira and says that he is the Land Registry Inspector and he has been sent by the Minister of the Interior to investigate a delicate matter. Santos is delighted to see him.

Cecilia bursts in on Gonzalo and chews him out for having Antonio arrested. She tells him that Marisela loves and will always love Santos. "So you can do what you want to do ('hagas lo que hagas')," Cecila tells him, "lock up whom you want to lock up ('encierres a quien encierres'), bribe whom you want to bribe ('sobornes a quien sobornes') and marry her or not marry her ('te cases con ella o te dejes de casar con ella'), you will be sleeping every night with a woman who doesn't love you. She loves Santos Luzardo!" Gonzalo tells her to get out and says that she will pay. He will destroy everything she loves and she will never be happy. Cecilia replies that the world can't be so rotten that he can get away with this.

Leoncia and Celeste tell León and Tigre that DB defended him when Eustaquia suggested that they had something to do with Carmelito's death. He angrily denies Leoncia's suggestion that he was carrying a grudge because Carmelito stole his woman and child.

The Land Registry Inspector tells Santos that he finds the situation very confusing. He wonders who could have stolen the photos of DB's rapists. Santos says that he doesn't know but one thing is for sure, there is drug running in the region and the Governor is involved. The inspector declines to be introduced to Pernalete and asks Santos to keep him informed.

Melquíades is sure that León murdered Carmelito because his eyes reflect recent blood. DB says that she has a way to make Leon confess. Melquíades tells her to be careful. DB tells him not to worry. Men are fools when they think they've conquered a woman.

Gonzalo expresses his jealousy to Marisela and she tells him that she has gotten Santos out out of her heart and that she is here with him and his going to marry him in a few days. She won't let him kiss her, though. Gonzalo tricks her into going into his room by saying that he has a surprise for her. Then he tries to rape her. She manages to knee him in the crotch and escape. Now Gonzalo adds Marisela to the list of people who will pay for humililating him. Outside the room, Marisela says that she has to get out of there right now.

Santos comes to see DB about Marisela.

Cecilia is turned away from taking care of Lucita in the hospital by Don Encarnación.

Santos asks DB if she is blackmailing or forcing Marisela to marry Gonzalo. DB admits that Marisela is doing what DB has asked her to but DB says that she is doing this for him to help him catch Gonzalo. She says that she is showing him that she can do something unselfish and good. Santos says that putting Marisela at risk just to please him shows just how selfish DB is.

Marisela gets the photos out of Gonzalo's drawer but he comes in and catches her.


Friday, May 01, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Apr. 30- Descansa en paz, Carmelito; Vengeance is mine says Santos

With all the horrible things happening in the real world, I don't need to be sitting in front of the TV sobbing because a character on a telenovela died! I don't think it was any easier because we got a lot of warning. In addition to the event itself, we had all the anxiety beforehand.

Anyway, on with the recap. Santos is unsuccessful in reviving Carmelito.

DB is upset at what Juan Primito suffered because of her enemy. She wants to make a frontal attack on Sapo's hideout but Melquíades persuades her that would be suicidal and unsuccessful.

Sapo calls his henchmen who let JP escape bigger idiots than JP.

Cecilia asks Marisela to forgive her saying that Marisela was going to marry Gonzalo to get revenge on Santos. Because Marisela paid Lucita's hospital bill, Cecilia knows that whatever the reason Marisela is marrying Gonzalo, it's not out of spite. Marisela says that she can't tell Cecilia what she is doing but she asks Cecilia to believe in her.

Antonio gets out of prison and is told not to leave the city.

Gonzalo tells Don Encarnación that Antonio has been arrested for embezzlement and suggests that he isn't fit to raise DE's granddaughter.

Antonio returns to Cecilia's house and is mean to Marisela. He tells Cecilia that Marisela betrayed them. Cecilia tells him that Marisela paid Lucita's hospital bill with her own money. Antonio wonders if she paid his bail money, too.

Mujica tells Pernalete about the attack on Carmelito and María Nieves. Pernalete says that they have to tell DB.

DB brings JP to La Chusmita and tells Eustaquia and the other women to take care of him.

Pernalete tells DB about what happened to Carmelito and MN. Melquíades watches Leon suspiciously. DB says that she expects Santos to blame her for what happened.

Santos comes to tell Melesio and Gervasia about Carmelito.

DB tells Pernalete that the shootings have to be solved as soon as possible. Mujica says that the best thing would be if MN woke up and identified the culprit. DB says that she hopes that MN is well guarded since if the culprit knows that he survived, he will try and finish him off. Pernalete assures her this is being done.

Cecilia tells Antonio that he will have to apologize to Marisela. A telegram comes with the news about Carmelito. Genoveva says that she will tell Marisela and they will all go to Progresso.

Melquíades tells DB that he thinks Los Mondragon and particularly Leon might have been responsible for Carmelito's murder. DB points out that it could have been Sapo trying to ruin Santos.

Melesio tells Santos that it isn't fair that Carmelito never got to know his own child. Josefa and Melesia come to say that Gervasia has locked herself in her room with Carmelito and won't come out.

Marisela tells Gonzalo in no uncertain terms and without a trace of any affection that he is not welcome in the Sandoval house and isn't coming with her.

Dr. Arias tells Santos that there is no change in MN's condition. It is in God's hands.

Gonzalo is furious that Antonio was released on bail. He sends his guards after him. Casilda tells them that Antonio has gone to Progresso.

DB comes to Dr. Arias' office. She says that whoever attacked his men will pay. Santos replies that he is beginning to doubt that there is justice in this world. DB is the living proof that one can get away with crimes. He asks what Carmelito did to her. DB swears by her life, Eustaquia's life, Santos' life that is her life that she didn't do it.

Santos is nasty to Marisela when she comes to Melesio's house. Antonio tells him that Marisela hasn't changed. She paid the hospital bill and bailed Antonio out of jail. Santos is impactado.

To distract him from his grief, Geno asks Pajarote to tell her about his life. He tells her that he as abandoned as a baby and had a hard childhood: hungry and cold.

Leon tells Tigre that he has to earn his share of the stolen money by finishing off MN.

Gonzalo sends his guards after Antonio in Progresso.

At Carmelito's funeral, Santos gives a 'vengeance is mine' eulogy apparently directed at DB.

So much for guarding MN, Tigre apparently just walks right into Dr. Arias' place. He is sneaking up on MN when Dr. Arias surprises him and demands to know what he is doing there.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Wed., Apr. 29: As María Nieves would say - Malo, malo, malissimo

The loathsome Leon shoots María Nieves and Carmelito again and takes the money.

Santos accuses DB of forcing Marisela to marry Gonzalo.

Sapo's henchmen use a branding iron on Juan Primito to try and force him to tell them where DB and Eustaquia are.

Antonio is taken to jail. When he is gone Cecilia says that she can't take any more.

DB tells Santos that this time she isn't doing anything wrong. He asks how he can believe her after all the things she has done. "A if this time you are wrong, Santos Luzardo?" DB asks just as Pajarote comes in to tell Santos about Antonio's arrest.

Marisela goes into Gonzalo's office but now he has locked his desk drawers. Marisela is about to force the drawers open when she says that she can't risk being caught. She says that she has to think of another way of getting the photos.

Antonio demands to be let out of jail and he says that this is all Gonzalo's doing.

Santos comes to Gonzalo's office and demands to see him. When Marisela says that he isn't there, Santos tells her that Gonzalo has set a trap and gotten Antonio arrested. Santos tells Marisela that if she is marrying Gonzalo to get back at him, he hopes she is very happy.

Antonio is not permitted to have visitors in jail.

At the new La Chusmita, formerly known as Danger's house, Eustaquia wonders where JP is. He has been gone for hours and missed a meal, which is unlike him.

Leon shows Tigre the money he stole and tells him that he killed Carmela and MN.

Carmelito tells MN that he is dying. He asks MN to give his love to Gervasia and his children, etc. MN tells him to hold on and drags himself away to get help.

Leon and Tigre decide to hide the money and wait until the troubles with Sapo are over so that they can escape with Leoncia and Celeste.

Santos tells Cecilia that he will bail Antonio out of jail. She reminds him that he doesn't have any money. He and Pajarote say that they will go to Progresso and get the money from Carmelito.

Gonzalo tells the corrupt judge from the hacienda trial that he wants Antonio to stay in jail for a long time. The judge says that Antonio's signature on the order aren't enough to convict him. Gonzalo pressures the judge to set a very high bail for Antonio so that he will have to stay in jail.

Marisela realizes that the call she was listening to when Melquíades interrupted her was Gonzalo arranging for Antonio to be arrested.

Gervasia is worried that Carmelito hasn't returned. Altagracia tries to comfort her but Gervasia says that she has had a knot in her throat and felt something in her heart that tells her something bad has happened. Now she's got Altagracia worried, too.

MN manages to drag himself to the road and collapses. Mujica finds him there. Carmelito's horse comes back alone to Altamira.

Genoveva meets Marisela on a patio. [They've been using some new exteriors lately.] Genoveva tells Marisela that Antonio's arrest comes at a bad time for Cecilia because Antonio doesn't have the money to baby Lucía's hospital bill and if she could die if she can't stay in the incubator. Marisela tells Genoveva not to worry. She can help them.

Gervasia and Altagracia tell Santos that Carmelito's horse has come back without him.

A person we can't see pays Antonio's bail with a big wad of money. Presumably, it is DB.

Santos et al are deciding what to do when Mujica comes to tell them about MN.

DB comes to see Eustaquia and hears that JP has disappeared.

Sapo's henchmen are playing dominoes on the unconscious JP. He wakes up but doesn't let on.

Back at El Miedo, Leon and Tigre are coming back from burying the stolen money when they find Melquíades organizing a search for JP. Melquíades looks at Leon and Tigre suspiciously as they had shovels behind their backs but he says nothing.

Cecilia asks the hospital administrator to give her more time to get the money to pay baby Lucía's bill. The doctor tells her that a young lady came and paid the whole bill. Cecilia realizes that it was Marisela and we remember the money that DB paid her for El Miedo.

Dr. Arias tells Santos that MN is dying. Altagracia begs MN to speak to her. She prays for him.

JP waits until his guards have fallen into a drunken stupor and runs away. He braves the one-eyed alligator and swims across the river. Facundo and Sapo's goon are in pursuit while Melquíades is on the other side of the river.

Marisela is looking at a picture of Santos and flashing back to their love on the beach when Cecilia comes in. Marisela denies that she is mooning over Santos. Cecilia says that Marisela can't fool her. She asks Marisela to trust her and tell her the truth. At this moment, Gonzalo comes in and Marisela puts on her sickly smile.

JP tells DB what happened to him. DB cries and holds him. She says that Sapo will pay in full ('pagar con creces'). She says that Sapo just told her how she will kill him.

The Altamira folks find Carmelito and I'm sorry to say that it looks pretty much like he is dead.


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