Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The deceived are enlightened! Swindlers revealed! Urdiales buys trucks!

  • 3/4 of the Guilty Group (Quintana, Shrimp, Chavez) - summoned by the remaining 1/4, Marco, who is suspiciously wondering why that "TODO YO" Daniel imbecile is telling people he owns the hacienda, when this crew should know it's Marco who owns it - shuffle, wipe their eyes, scratch invisible itches. Their rejoinders are too lame to translate.

  • Doña Arcadia summons Beltran to tell him the ultra VIP Urdiales is coming to buy a boatload of cars. Beltran is joyous about $$$ and I am joyous hoping I will get the huge reveal! Beltran says the classy Licenciada Alvarez del Castillo will attend said VIP! HAHAHAHAHA!

  • Ale grins at Rafa through morning meeting. There is no hymn again, Ramirez reproves his bosses: how will he stay motivated? Dandy, comatose again, is carried out by his pals.

  • Jaime arrives to tell Ale her divorce is all taken care of, save that small detail, Marco's signature. "You'll be a Free Woman!" Rafa knows it won't be that easy, because Marco has pledged never to sign...

    ... so he (Rafa) hauls his Happy Compadres off to the conference room, asking them to redouble their efforts to unmask Marco so he'll sign the divorce. They say it'll be harder now that Carmela is wise to them. They think only that mamacita Marian can help now.

    Rafa prefers to hope that Zerina Zeblina Zontoona can find Frank, the swindler who got Leonor to sign those damning papers. The others think Zetina couldn't find soap in the bathroom.

  • Ale is delighted to meet Urdiales and, locking the door to protect the secret relationship Marco has told her he has with this august personage, whispers cheerily, I'm the wife of your secret employee Marco Valenzuela.

    It would have been delicious to watch Urdiales patiently repeat, in many ways, that he has never heard of this fellow, if it hadn't been so sad to watch Ale's disillusionment. She finally has to hand Urdiales off to Don Ismael to look at cars while she recovers...

    ... and meets with Marco at some bar, where he reiterates that he will never sign the divorce papers (and even tears them up and throws them in her lap)...

    ... and then she yells at him, "You've lied to me thousands of times you cynic, you lied to all of us, and where were you all those times anyway? And where did all that money come from, that you were 'supporting' us with, if you don't have a job with Urdiales? Don't touch me, you pig." She slaps him twice! And throws his ring in his face and leaves! He is speechless. HAHAHAHAH.

  • Quintana visits Rosario, who happily shows him the invitations to their wedding. He is increasingly uncomfortable and finally tells her: "I first approached you 'por interes' (which means for financial gain), I lusted after that wonderfully productive hacienda, but now that you don't own the hacienda OR your home, I realize I can't live without your voice, your love. Please forgive me."

    She cries, says he's the worst man she ever knew, throws him out, and cries on brother Jorge's shoulder. Jorge feels a bit vindicated for always suspecting Quintana of the worst, then asks her "So, are you going to be an old maid all your life?" Way to go, bro.

  • Vicky strikes out. First she yells at Susana. Then Rafa won't answer his phone. Finally, el colmo! she sees her friend macking on her brother.

    Vicky shrieks - and kicks Pancho to the floor. "Why didn't you tell me?" They plead, 'It's only been a little more than a day (and you were gonna kick the @##$( out of us).'

    She relents and says she wants to call them "little bull" and "little cow."

  • Rafa enters Ale's office as she and Urdiales are having trouble getting past the "No I don't know him, he was lying to you" thing. Rafa consoles her, hears her sad whisper: "You and Susana were right, Marco isn't honest and good as I thought!"

    He sweeps Urdiales away and does a fine selling job and Urdiales leaves happy (but bemused).

  • Julieta is walking along the sidewalk outside her classroom, minding her own business, when Jaime shows up (what a stalker). He hassles her, then young Cesar shows up. And - proposes! On his knees, with a ring!

    Julieta is dumbfounded, but not as dumb as Jaime, who pulls Cesar to his feet and shouts: "You whippersnapper, you squirt, it's so unclassy to propose on a sidewalk outside school!" Then he (Jaime) also proposes. You'll have to wait till tomorrow for the outcome ...

  • Rafa calls Zetina and gives him yet another chance: "Follow that lawyer jerk and tell me when he's with Chavez."

  • Marco pours down quarts of whiskey in his usual creepy bar, assuring the waiter he isn't driving so it's ok. Chavez shows up and Marco tells all. "We're done for!"

  • Ale cries on Rafa's shoulder in the meeting room, saying of herself, "There's nobody so blind as one who doesn't want to see." "It wasn't fair for you to be so deceived," Rafa soothes her, "go home and calm down." She hugs him.

The 29th is the gran final. Tomorrow: Ale tells Rosario the truth about Marco, and Marian "plays her last card."


Monday, October 18, 2010

Dinero Monday 10/18/2010 Vixens, Vomit And Vainglory: A Rough Night At The Hacienda

After the fun fiesta of Friday, the party start getting rough. Vicky and Marian have come to blows over Rafa. The bozos working the hacienda are betting on Vicky as the winner. Rafa, trying to separate them, ends up flailing all by himself. And Daniel, sidling in sideways, as usual, opines that a dinky little car salesman is hardly worth fighting over. Marian begs to differ, still muttering that she'd like to give Vicky what she deserves.

And Ale? She's staring into the night, bemoaning the fact that everyday she seems further and further away from Rafa. But she loves him! Woe is she.

Well, enough of that drama. The cameraman distracts us by honing in on Ovidia's luscious bosom. Pepeto's doing the same, addressing most of his commentary directly to those 32 D's. Seems he'd like a kiss. Seems Ovidia is shy. But a quick study. After the first beso, she's all over our sexy sidekick. Rafa and Ale need to take notes. We've got a real first-class kissarama going on here.

So let's move on to another D cup...make that Double D. Claudia's hood ornaments nudge up against Marco, getting his immediate attention. She teases him about Daniel monopolizing Ale and swanning around like HE'S the hacienda owner. Marquito replies that if she keeps on making nice with him, he'll tell her a secret about the REAL owner that will make her like him even more. She's entranced and makes a sensuous booty exit that just about has him falling over. Man, these guys must have loved rehearsals, don't you think?

Well, Jaime, not so much. The only eyeful he's getting is of the dishes which he's preparing to clear from the table. Then it's off into the night, with only a "solo amigos" and no" besos" to take with him. What's worse, at the door he bumps into oily little Cesar who's come to take his Julietita to an" antro" (nightclub). And greets her with a kiss. Worse and worse.

Ditto for Vicky who's furious with Rafa for breaking their pact and cozying up to Marian. He persuades her to cool off in the pool and she flounces in, literally sizzling in the water.

More fussing and fighting at the bar with Ale and Marco. He's still trying to persuade her to stay with the marriage, for his sake and for Rosario and papa's sake. She's still insisting on a divorce. Stalemate.

While the young folks are feuding or lusting, or both, the older contingent is settled in on the couch while Jorge reminisces about the old hacienda days and people trying to con him into buying billy goats that were actually dogs.

But wait! New developments back at Leonor's house! Jaime makes an impassioned plea for dates with a higher purpose than a dingy nightclub. What about movies, museums, libraries, cultural events? Dios mio! anything but nightclubs. How prosaic. Well, it's moot since Julieta can't go out anyway. She has schoolwork to do. And Jaime's always been a big help. Would Cesar be interested in giving her the same kind of help? No way. Cesar is gone in a flash. Jaime's there to stay. And as they sit down at the table to study, Julieta gives him a big wink. Our Jaime's back in high cotton. Have no fear.

We're back at the barbecue and Dandy's forging ahead with his stupid plan to make Susana eat meat. The guys are egging him on. The gals seem to sense that this is a bad idea but don't intervene. Susana looks literally sick. Her nose is red, her cheeks pale, and when she finally forces a bite of meat into her mouth, she bursts into tears, retches and then faints. Don't know if it was my semi-vegetarian's imagination, but the meat looked literally putrid and the people eating it looked barbaric. There's a group swoon as Susana goes down, Ale knocks Dandy over and the rest fall like dominoes. Then they all dive into the food. All except for Dandy who looks paralytic and stricken. He knows he's queered things once again with his Nonicita.

When we come back from the ads, Susana has received some Carrot Therapy and is somewhat recovered. Rafa takes Ale aside to tell her he has sold off all the trucks and can now pay his debt to her. She says she loves him. He says he loves her. And off we go to another scene.

Beltran calls them all to attention and Doña Arcadia tells them there's good news and bad. The good news is that they're all going to go off to a convention. Much excitement. And then. Disaster! The lights dim. The Headless Spectre appears. Shrieks and moans. Ale jumps into Rafa's arms. Vicky shoves Ale aside and gloms onto Rafa. Ale bounces back and makes a Rafa/Vicky/Ale sandwich. Rosaura strangles Bebe. And Marco and Quintana merely look puzzled. Until they suddenly see the Ghost directly behind them. Dios mio!

And just like that, it's a brand-new day.

And we have Ale, in another horror of a bathrobe (Honestly, where do they get these things? Goodwill?) doing a product placement for some sort of hair goo. Great way to start the morning.

Moving on. Marco's on the phone to Chavez. At 7 AM mind you. He wants him to show up pronto at the apartment, with Señor Shrimp and Quintana, and explain to him what the hell is going on with the hacienda. This should be good.

Back to Ale's. She's having fruit with fiber for breakfast. And chatting about the ghostly appearance which Jorge appears to have forgotten. And furthermore, nothing like that ever happened during the 50 happy years he lived there. Didn't Mololongo take care of all this nonsense? Evidently not. But speaking of the party, why was Daniel paying so much attention to you Ale? And making Marco jealous.

Leaving that question unanswered, we switch to Rafa's house. He's filling Leonor and Julieta in on the ghostly excitement. But that's not the big news. The great noticio is that he's sold all the trucks and will no longer be in debt to either Vicky and her family or to Ale. It's back to a normal life. Lots of jumping and hugging and "Si se pudó!" (Yes he could, yes he could...!) And throw in some "Si, ira, ira, ira" and you've got one happy family.

Back to Marco and Chavez, who's brought some take-out breakfast food. He's horrified to learn from Marco that the Headless Ghost reappeared last night. It certainly wasn't his doing!

When we come back from the ads, the sales force is straggling into Auto Siglo, wondering if their pay will be docked for arriving late. Doña Arcadia's hovering over her spycam listening and wondering if they'll ever quit chatting and start selling. Uh-oh. Dandy the Zombie has arrived. "Meat is bad. It has cholesterol and it separates lovers," he intones. Nobody's very sympathetic. You and Susanita are like oil and water anyway. How about going after Milagros? Ramirez takes umbrage at that. "No se vale pedalear la bicicleta de un amigo." (No fair bird-dogging a friend's girl.) he mutters. Marino thinks that's just what folks should do, particularly since Ramirez is too old and tired to meet all her sexual needs. Okay, enough of that.

Doña Arcadia's amused by the discussion but Beltran arrives and she tears herself away to ask him how he felt about the Ghost last night. He blusters that the only thing that scares him is financial ruin. She reminds him she saw him running at top-speed from the Apparition. He changes the subject by suggesting that they add Milagros to the sales force heading to the convention. Wouldn't she look good representing us? A good dressing down for being a "viejo rabo verde" (dirty old man). We leave him looking glum and well chastised.

Susana, on the other hand, is looking marginally better, having dosed herself with all kinds of herbs and fiber that morning. (Is this a product placement for fiber? Both she and Ale have had a lot this AM.) Meanwhile, Rafa and Ale, under the guise of talking about the morning junta, are slipping in little "I missed you. I missed you too's". How sweet.

The junta begins. Dandy's still in zombie land. Ramirez starts up. He's shushed. Ale begins with goal-setting but everyone else wants to talk about the party and the Headless Spectre. Oh forget that, let's talk about Milagros. And the scene breaks with a little cartoon shot of Susana, head spinning 'round 365 degrees after the carne assault. Dios mio indeed.

And we return to Marco's apartment. Quintana and Shrimp have arrived, looking very shifty-eyed. Marcos' wants to know what's up. While does Daniel Cepeda think he owns the hacienda? More shifty looks.

Final scene. Doña Arcadia and Beltran are about to get back to work when he gets a phone call. And it's from Urdiales! Dios mio in triplicate! This must mean something. And there we end.

A fast mishmash of scenes, most of which I couldn't get. Rafa and Ale vow they'll face it together. And then...did I see right? someone seems to be holding a sword over Rafa's throat. The perfidious Daniel perhaps?

un galeno = physician (they called for one when Susana retched and then fainted)
compórtate = behave yourself! (Ovidai to Pepeto who was more interested in nibbling her flesh than barbecue)
no manches = no kidding
cotorrear = chatting (Doña Arcadia noting what chataholics her sales people are)
fuera de eso = aside from that (Jorge, musing that aside from that, {the ghost} the evening at the hacienda was quite pleasant)
no se vale pedalear la bicicleta de un amigo (not right to steal another guy's girl)
viejo rabo verde = dirty old man (Beltran)
"si se pudó" = yes, he could! yes, he was able to! (Rafa)
antro = nightclub, place for young people to hang out and dance

Dicho of the Day

Darle una sopa de su propio cholate a.......
To give someone what he's got coming to him.
Insert any name you want above. Daniel, Marino, Ramirez, Cesar....even Dandy. There are some "asuntos pendientes" to wrap up, and we've only got two weeks. Stay tuned.


Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hasta Que el Dinero Nos Separe Fri. 10/15/10 There's Something Different About Milagros

Last night the gracious and lovely Pata took us to a fiesta at the hacienda and along with Jorge, was taking us on a tour of the premises. As time expired, we were left standing along with Jorge, Rosario, Alejandra, Daniel, and Quintana as Jorge tried the door to the bedroom he shared for so many years with his beloved Chelita. Tonight I'll take over as your host, guide, and interpreter as we rejoin the fiesta precisely where Pata left us. Thanks Pata.

Jorge may be losing his memory, but he has clear memories of this particular room. How odd... the door will not open. It appears to be locked from within... Hmmm. Leaving the other guests for a moment, we are transported behind the locked door and discover three holdovers from last night's festivities. In the nuptial nest once shared by Jorge and his bride so many years ago we are shocked (OK, maybe not so much) to discover an old buzzard flanked by two lovely canaries. Yep, it's none other than the wily Chávez and a couple of tasty bonbons sleeping off a night of debauchery. They are startled, while outside Daniel has a sense of the situation and suddenly remembers that he offered a relative visiting from far away (who by the way is also a blue blood much like Daniel himself) accommodations here at the hacienda. Yeah, that's the ticket, a relative. He politely ushers them away.

Inside, our favorite buzzard feels a sense of urgency... the canaries not so much. They need their beauty sleep and I must say, it seems to be working. Now, just how are they going to gracefully exit?

Trusting Chávez to come up with an escape plan, we rejoin the invited guests poolside just as Rafa arrives with a stunning Vicki clinging like a pretty barnacle to his arm. Red is definitely her color. Ale is clearly worried as she and Daniel pause their engrossing conversation long enough for Ale to fret as Daniel admires. Daniel and Rafa exchange pleasantries before sparing a bit as both Rafa and Ale caution our blue blood of Rafa's violent tendencies.

Moving on to greet some of the other prominent guests including Rosario and Jorge, Vicki manages to capture Doña Arcadia's attention by screeching in her best avian voice, "Mi Pajarito es lo máximo (My little bird is the most.)," prompting the regal one to respond in her pained imitation of Vicki's bird call, "¡Ay, esa vocita!" There is no word from the dogs about the effect this exchange has on their tender ears.

Señor Beltrán motions Rafa over and noting that he now has seen Rafa in the company of several beautiful women, first Ale, then Marian, and now Vicki, asks him if he shares Marino's trait of wanting many women and many children. "No, no, how could you even think that?"

Meanwhile, spotting the beautiful pool, Vicki asks Rafa if he wouldn't like to go for a swim. "No, but you go ahead." Sensing that her children are at risk, Doña Arcadia instructs Chalo to escort the dogs home lest they contract corrucos (not sure what this is but can't be good for doggies) or some other exotic disease, "and brush their teeth, eh?" Jorge wants to know if Vicki is Señor Medina's novia, prompting a peevish Marco to ask how it is that Jorge can remember Rafa's name but not his. "I don't know, Marcario...ah no, Maclovio, perdón, it's Maclovio."

Fortunately, Daniel interrupts this happy exchange by announcing the chef for the evening, none other than the famous TV chef, Chef Oropeza. Trapito is especially impressed and rushes to shake his hand even as Rafa tries to restrain his enthusiasm. Daniel escorts him to the preparation table and there is applause as he announces the mouth watering menu, carnitas, American steak cuts, grilled fruits and vegetables, guacamole... the general banters with him and then pitches in to chop some onions. Everyone seems thrilled and pitches in. Now I'm hungry again.

Meitras tanto, as Chef and the others head for the grill, Marco takes the opportunity to grill Señor Shrimp about why Daniel thinks that he owns the hacienda. He nervously says that it's not important. What matters is that Ale and her family are not aware that Marco is now the owner and that Jorge is kept happy. Marco buys it.

Chef Oropeza gives last minute grilling instructions to the rest of the guests. Claudia especially pays close attention.

Aw heck! Chef has to leave. He's got a show at 11:30. "Gotta go. Been fun. Adiós."

Arriving fashionably tardy are Marian and Muskrat. They look great. Daniel greets them. He may be a jerk and a cad but he certainly makes a good host and throws one heck of a party. He points out the various guests. Marian is interested in seeing who Rafa is with. As others head out to swim and soak, Trapito snacks and Vicki emerges from the changing room and confidently saunters by in her scanty bikini and dangerously high heels. Marco drools and mutters to himself as Marian seems disappointed to see that he has brought Vicki. Her eyes widen as Monserat points out the obvious, "Vicki is very pretty." Marian weakly agrees.

Vicki is anxious to know what Rafa thinks, after all, she has dressed (er... uh... undressed?) for his benefit. We catch a glimpse of a gawking, gaping Marco whose lascivious, lusty leer suggests that he approves. Rafa tells her that he's touched, she looks fine but removes his jacket in a feeble attempt to shield this fineness from the gathered guests' gazes. While Marian wrestles with the urge to approach Rafa, Daniel, the ever attentive host offers her a tour of the hacienda.

Back in the master bedroom, Chávez has come up a plan. He has decked himself out in his Iraqi disguise as an Arab sheik and his consorts are skimpily clad as harem dancing girls. The three are very convincing. He hopes no one recognizes them, otherwise, "All Hell will break out(se va a armar la que Dios es Padre)" as Loret de Mola would say. He tells them to practice their dance and when they do, "Don't move your butts so much or you'll wake up my little boy." Cute.

Well look whose arrived even more fashionably tardy than the M&Ms... it's Germán and Milagros who looks as though she's disguised herself as Audrey Hepburn. That's my guess. Rafa asks Ramírez whom he's brought

as Daniel joins them. Daniel correctly guesses that Ramírez is also an auto salesman and Rafa points to the pool where the rest of the sales force is frolicking. They've also spotted Milagros and all insist that she join them in the pool.

On her way to change, she brushes past Ali Babba and the harem girls and they in turn encounter a suspicious Marcos who asks Chávez, Is that you?" "No no no! It's not me, I'm someone else." These guys crack me up.

They are joined by a curious George and Rosario, who thinks he looks familiar. She thinks he looks like that rat bastard Chávez. Marco hastens to point out that the man has a very common face. Daniel to the rescue, introducing the stranger as his Arab relative, Alibabuchas (hey, I was close) who is a guest at the hacienda.
Rosario just happens to know a little Arabic but before having a chance to try it out, he is spirited away by Daniel who has pressing business to discuss.

In the pool Pepeto is trying to reignite a relationship with Rosauro and not only is rebuffed by her but is upbraided by the General for trying to interfere with Rosaura's rejuvenated marriage. undaunted, his attention turns to Ovi who has arrived with her associates and is looking delectable. This in turn seems to annoy Rosaura. Does anyone really care? Thought not... next!

At home, Leonor and Julieta are sharing a meal with the improved Jaime. Julieta, for whom this transformation was wrought, doesn't care for the new look,

but she does forgive him. He's ecstatic until she announces that she has no intention of getting back together with him. He wilts as the old neurotic Jaime puts in an appearance.

Old Jaime blubbers and babbles to no avail as Julieta delivers the coup de grace... "We'll be friends." Shattered hopes and dreams clatter to the floor as a Pedro Infante movie drones on in the background. Leonor feels his pain.

At Party Central, Daniel wants to know what the heck Chávez is up to, "Why the disguise with the beard of camel axillary hair?" (He said it... I report it ) With growing suspicion, Marco joins them. How does Chavéz and Daniel know each other?

Not far away, Pepeta moves in on Ovi who is guarded by Bugi and Amador. He flirts, suggesting that she put on her swimsuit and join him in the pool. Bugi suggests the swimsuit is more like a few threads. As she goes to change, Pepeto's ego is boosted. He gloats to himself of his continued charming effect on the ladies, after all, "Pepeto es Pepeto."

Marco wants an explanation. Chávez relates how he came back for his Iraqi togs, couldn't resist a few drinks with his amigas, fell asleep and when they awoke the place was filled with people. Now they're just trying to leave gracefully. Daniel says he doesn't know Chavéz and tries to hurry him on his way. Marco tell him to take his odalisques with him though Danny thinks the ladies should stay. They follow their shady sheik after planting kisses on Marco and Daniel.

The boys from the dealership are teasing Ramírez about Milagros. He tells them that she's spent the week preparing for the fiesta, even going to the dentist, and implores them not to poke fun at her. Here comes Milagros now. She's still wearing that big hat, the dark shades, and is wrapped in a floor length black cape. Very mysterious. As she makes a move to disrobe, Ramírez tries valiantly to dissuade her... but nopis, she unties and drops the cape.


I'm in awe. Stunned. Overwhelmed. And so are all the men at the party. Who are you and what have you done with Milagros? Time stands still. The men gasp and cheer. Shaken, the other women wonder and realize at the same instant what she has that they don't that can cause such a stir. The men chant, "Turn around! Turn around!"

She does.


She removes the hat and shakes free her tresses. Is this a Pantene commercial?

Germán approves. Murmuring amongst the guests ensues. Ovidia, Amador, and Bugambilia stand back and admire their work. It's amazing what a simple change of hairstyle and a little dental work can accomplish.

Germán suggests they get in the pool to avoid the gawkers. What? And get that lovely hair wet? She agrees but notifies him that she wants him to stay with her, "Toda la noche." "Of course!" Jiménez, caught up in the moment, "¿Toda la noche?", wants some of that action (just to watch) but is rebuffed by our thoroughly modern Millie.

Marian is strolling with Rafa away from the crowd. She pleads with him to stop these games he's playing. It's not fair to Vicki, Ale, nor her. He doesn't love Vicki and he's not going to get Ale who is married and besides there's Daniel. She gestures toward Ale and Danny, deep in conversation across the lawn, who appear totally engrossed in each other. He thinks then responds, "You know... you're right... she's not for me."

Across the yard, Daniel appears to be making progress. Ale is laughing at his tale of the camel he bought. He observes how lovely she is when she laughs.

He certainly doesn't have to lie about that.

By the pool, reclining on a chaise lounge, Millie is basking in her new found attraction for men. She is surrounded by adoring fellows (Trapito is literally worshiping her feet) who are like bees tending to a fragrant flower, like vultures surrounding a rotting armadillo, like dogs vying over a bitch in season, well, you get the picture, and so does she. They are intrigued by her tales of her cookie sales. They have decided that Ramírez, who is returning with their drinks, is unworthy. Marino reminds him that his mom chose her for him, she did not chose him herself. Millie has doubts. Shrimp man and Quintana is teaching her to snap her fingers,

something that will no doubt come in handy for her in her bright new future. Are we witnessing the creation of a monster?

At the de la Parra home Janet and Pancho are clearly in mating mode. She is feeding him with her fingers as Daddy Gastón and Felipe look on.

Felipe seems to be envious, but no, he announces that he also has a novia. "Who is it?" Don Gastón wants to know. Well, it's Silvia. Remember the slightly rough looking sturdy blond in the meat market? Her. Dad looks worried. His little boy have discovered girls and things will never be the same.

Back at the pool, Her Highness has had enough. She moves in to shoo the vultures from the tasty roadkill. She has especially harsh words for Beltrán, "She's young enough to be your granddaughter."

Rosario chastises Jorge, then visits her ire on Quintana. Doña Arcadia warns Germán to behave himself and take her straight home and then advises Milagros to be careful how she displays her wares. When she leaves, Beltrán circles back, "Ah chiquita, so you were going to be a nun?" "Sí, Señor." Then he reminds her of the important thing in life... "Money, money, money," snapping his fingers. She joins in the finger snapping. I think she gets the message.

Marco has a word with Vicki, "Vicki! Vicki, you're very lovely." "Thanks." She observes that he seems angry. He asks if she's keeping her part of the bargain by keeping Rafael close. She assures him that she is. "Then where is he right now?" "Pajarito. Pajarito? ¡PAJARITO!"

As the salesmen file by, "Move along, move along!"to admire Milagros, she and Germán talk. He gazes. "Don't look at me like that." "You're so beautiful." She asks Germán if it no longer bothers him to be seen with her." "What do you think?" "The sad thing is, I don't know if I still want to be seen with you." She walks. He cries.

Saying that she is not the best one to give him advice, Marian offers Rafael some advice, "Take time away from all three of us." Well he can't. He made a promise to Vicki. "But you don't love Vicki." She encourages him to think, meditate. She says that even though it's not in her interest, she is telling him this because she loves him. "Te amo!" They each move in for a kiss that never happens because... "¡PAJARO!" Busted!

Vicki is not happy at all. Rafael tries to mollify her. No good. Words are said. "You were going to kiss her!" Denial is futile. More words. Marian offers up her thoughts. There's angry shouting. "!BRUJA!" The ranch hands, sensing a cat fight, move in to get a look. Rafael is useless as a mediator.

I think the party may be winding down.

Dr. Judy... Next!



For those who missed the show:



And the renovators:

The dentist:



Friday, October 15, 2010

Dinero #215 10/14/2010 Fiesta on the Horizon/ or Pancho gets a girlfriend

Monday night left us at the restaurant with Marian giving Rafa some very insightful advise and all the help he could ever need. She reminds him he is about to be free from all the debt life has thrown at him. Who should enter doing his best side winder walk but Daniel accompanied by Ale. There are a few uncomfortable moments and even a cute little imitation by Rafa doing Daniel’s signature “Todo Yo” bit. We get a cute Ale smile in response to this.

Marian tells them not to fight. Daniel is ready to take Ale to another table when Rafa suggests they all sit together. Ale is game, but Daniel and Marian both seem disappointed at this suggestion. Now it is Ale’s turn to do her best Daniel imitation as she turns to Daniel and calls him “chiquilla” encouraging him to join the party. Rafa and Ale are the only two that seem happy about this new table sitting arrangement.

Ramirez is chiding Marino for blowing his own horn at the morning conference. Marino assures him that he is the best and when he is boss things will be different. If people don’t sell they will be out in the street. Ramirez asks if his warning includes him as well. Marino tells him of course, but if he gets better he has a chance of being his right hand man. Bebe is bad mouthing Marino and Ramiro has the line of the night when he says “Marino is the female version of my wife.”

We have some chatter amongst the women of Siglo; Claudia Rosaura and the General. Claudia is certain that Ale had been crying. Rosaura is in total agreement. The talk turns to the upcoming party at the hacienda and Rosaura goes on and on. It gets so bad that Claudia and the General leave her to her own musings.

I finally figured out the name of Vicky’s friend. It is Janet. Vicky is plotting her moves on Rafa at the hacienda as she holds up an itsy bitsy teeny weenie non polka dotted purple bikini in front of the mirror.

Janet inquires if she is really going to wear something that small in front of so many people. Vicky wants to know what so bad about that. Women wear bikinis like that all the time at the beach. Janet inquires how things are going between her and Rafa. Vicky confesses they are not going as she had hoped but, if only she could have “cositas” with Rafa she is positive she could get him back. Janet warns her not to be so possessive this time. She continues “You have to give men a little freedom so they feel like they can do what they want. Even though it isn’t true.”

Back at our table for four, we hear Rafa’s inner musings, “I am dying to tell Ale that I sold all the trucks, but that Daniel will just make jokes about it because he has so much money and what any one else makes just seems small. It is better if I tell her later.” They all play nice for about 10 seconds, and we have some very awkward silence and attempts for pleasantries. Rafa suggests another round of tequila, but Ale wisely declines and requests water. Our pretentious Daniel requests wine from Napa. Rafa says what? And Daniel calls him ignorant and goes on to explain where the wine comes from. More awkward silence and building tension. Ale in an attempt to break up the awkwardness suggests they tell a funny story. Rafa takes this as his clue to ask what the heck she is doing hanging out with Daniel especially after what happened at the cabin. Danny Boy takes offense at this and the gloves come off. Now Ale wants to know what he is doing their with Marian.

Things have gotten pretty uncomfortable and Daniel suggests to Ale they Leave. They stand to leave and Rafa is wondering whose bad idea was it anyway that they sit together. They all answer in unison “Yours!” Rafa takes a moment than agrees it was a bad idea and if they want to leave, go ahead and leave. Daniel takes Ales hand calling her chiquillia and says let’s go. Ale looking a little nervous looks at her watch and decides it best she get back to work. Rafa taking another cue also looking at his watch agrees with her. Marian doth protest too much and balks at Rafa telling him not to abandon her. Rafa tells her she can stay behind with “Chiquilla.” Ale looking at Marian says her and Rafa really have to get back to work, and as quick as you can say “Change partners” Ale and Rafa leave and Marian and Daniel are left alone at the table wondering what the other is up too.

On the way out of the restaurant Rafa asks Ale what the heck she is doing. Ale crying with her back to Rafa reminds him that the two of them are nothing to each other and walks away.

Back to Vicky and Janet. Vicky is telling her she seems to be giving out lots of advise about men but she doesn’t see lots of men flocking around her. Janet tells her there is only one man on this earth for her. Vicky asks if her brother has even noticed her yet. She tells her “the saint who isn’t seen can’t be adored.” (santo que no es visto, santo que no es adorado.) Janet tells her she is working on looking better and asks Vicky if she hasn’t noticed that she is thinner.

Vicky tells her she does look thinner but to catch the eye of someone she has to look a bit more scandalous. She continues giving Janet lessons on seduction and approaches her placing the itsy bitsy bikini top around her neck.

She tells Janet there is nothing more attractive than a women who is sure of herself. Janet wants to know if that is the case why is she having so much trouble with Rafa. Vicky tells her “It is easy to give advice but hard to put it in practice or am I wrong sister!.” Janet demurely agrees with her.

Ramiro is back to talking to the scary photo of his wife and his mother-in-law from hell. I am thinking about this time Ramiro is seeing the wrong therapist and perhaps he should start seeing Vicky’s therapist. The “photo session talk’ turns to the fiesta and bikinis with Elvira suggesting he buy her one. She suggests she could even look as good as Claudia. Lets move on.

We haven’t seen our police for a while. I was hoping we could manage to sail through the ultimate weeks without them but no such luck. My how they have changed.

They stop Trapito who happens to be driving the van he will be using to transport all the Siglo crew to the fiesta. They ask to see the registration papers and driver’s license. Our Barney Fife want-to-be takes the drivers license and is challenged by the fact he is trying to read it upside down.

(Ihope this link works because I found it more entertaining than their blather even though I adore Trapito) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ze4MqlLO7LM

Trapito is able to free himself from the bungling police duo and arrives at Siglo. All are ready to board the short bus. Claudia is worried there won’t be enough room and Marino offers his lap. Susana is concerned that Ramirez is missing. Marino informs her that he will be coming later with Milagros and gives a disgusting groan. Doña Arcadia and Beltran accompanied by Chato and the most pampered dogs in the world show up. Pepito wants to know if they will be riding with them. Bebe reminds him there are standards and Doña Arcadia agreeing with Bebe tells them they will be taking her car, as we see Trapito assisting Marino into the van.

As the van pulls off we see Doña Arcadia’s ride pull up.

This happened to be my favorite scene tonight. It was very sweet and a total surprise. Janet is leaving Vicky‘s house and happens to run into Pancho in the doorway. Some pretty funny flirting ensues with Pancho trying to charm her. He tells her she has pretty eyes and compares her to looking like a contented cow. At first Janet is offended by this and Pancho goes on to say that contented cows have very pretty eyes like hers. Janet seem quite taken with Pancho’s prose.

The awkward flirting continues and Pancho gives Janet a little twirl noting that she looks good. Janet blushing, attempts a friendly tap that hits below the belt and sends Pancho into a soprano song.

My next favorite scene which was so over the top was with Lenora at the market with a friend. One of her snotty neighbors starts teasing her about being a jail bird. Lenora tries to defend herself claiming her innocence. Lenora does her best to ignore the wise cracking remarks but her friend is not going to let the cattiness go and starts to confront the snotty women. The women continues her taunting and starts bad mouthing Rafa. Lenora is okay with the insults about her self but once it turns to insults about Rafa her back is up and a full fledge food fight ensues with everyone at the market getting hit.

In our next scene we see Rafa knocking on a door. He has arrived to pick up Vicky. She is looking quite smart in bright red little number and Rafa has taken note of this and is quite impressed. Vicky thinks to her self “Just wait till you see me in a bikini.”

Lots of Vicky’s family tonight and I am totally fine with that because they were pretty funny. We have traveled to the family butcher shop. Felipe is wiping down the counter when a love sick Pancho shows up. Felipe notes the goofy grin and wants to know what’s up. Pancho informs him he has met the love of his life.

A female customer in a short tight skirt shows up and looks as if she is flirting with Pancho who is checking out his arm pits and it turns out her intentions are geared towards Filepe who is just as surprised as I was when she gives him a great big hug.

We continue with the “getting to the fiesta theme.” Marco has arrived at Ale’s new apartment and is graciously greeted by Rosario. The next to show up is Quintana. Again Rosario offers gracious greetings with a disapproving Marco looking on. Quintana asks Marco why he’s there. Marco informs him he is still Ale’s husband and he is going to take them to the hacienda. Quintana looks a bit confused and says he thought he was going to take them. Ale has the perfect solution. Marco will take her and Jorge and Quintana can take Rosario. Jorge is a little upset at first with the idea of Rosario going with Quintana but decides that it doesn’t matter. After all he is so happy just to be going to his beloved hacienda once more. There’s a little wrinkle in this plan when the Shrimp Man shows up. It is agreed Shrimp Man will accompany Rosario and Quintana. There are disapproving looks all around by Quintana, Marco and Shrimp man but none of this has dampened the party spirit of Jorge and Ale as they leave singing and dancing.

Ale and family have finally made it to the hacienda and are greeted by Daniel. Marco is now left in another confused state wondering to himself why this guy is acting like he owns the place.

Jorge is so overcome with emotions at being back at the hacienda that he kneels down to reconnect with the pool and almost falls in.

He is rescued by Ale and Daniel and escorted to a chair where he almost trips again. Jorge mistakes Daniel for someone else. (I think the actor playing Daniel is having a very hard time not cracking up at this point and I couldn‘t figure out what was said.)

The Siglo crew has arrived and all are quite impressed. We get Rosaura’s “back in Miami” speech to groans by all around her. Marino goes on as well about his greatness and Ramiro tells him he is just jealous. Somehow poor Tripping Trapito manages to get pushed into the pool.

He is helped out of the pool but manages to full flat on his butt.

Jorge has fond memories at how great the hacienda was until he messed it up. Everyone decides it is time to get ready to properly enter the pool and Ale directs them to the appropriate dressing rooms. Claudia attempts a little “come on” to Marco on her way to change and is met with a cool disinterest. Plenty of other fish in the sea and she is now coming on to Daniel who is a lot more receptive to her flirting.

Like I said before our funniest scenes tonight were with Vicky’s family. Don. G and Filepe are doing some father son bonding while doing the crossword puzzle.

Pancho is in the background pacing nervously waiting to introduce “the girl who caught his eye” to the family. We hear a knock on the door and Janet comes in but is standing behind Pancho. A very excited Pancho introduces Janet as his girlfriend. Don G and Felipe are quite surprised. This announcement delights a very pretty Janet as she pulls Pancho aside to confirm that he really wants her to be his girlfriend. He stammers and stutters a bit asking her if she wants to be his girlfriend and Janet says an enthusiastic “yes.” She grabs Pancho around the neck and gives a big kiss. (I was thinking at this point they may need to give Ale and Rafa some lessons on Kissing.)

Filepe can barely believe what he is seeing.

Doña Arcadia and Beltran have arrived at the hacienda and are greeted by Ale and Daniel who bows (actually he sits on the arm of a chair) and kisses the queens white gloved hand.

Beltran and Jorge also exchange greetings with Jorge of course not remembering the correct name.

Daniel introduces the Queen to Quintana and the Shrimp Man. Rosario tells her that Quintana is the boyfriend she was telling her about. We get a very contentious look from Shrimp Man as Doña Arcadia remarks that they make a lovely couple. She takes them aside and talks some more and Rosario assures her there will defiantly be a wedding. Shrimp man is still scowling in the corner.

We now go to the only other people besides Don G. and Sons who are not at the fiesta. It happens to be Lenora, Juliette and Jaimie. Jaimie shows up at the house and Juliette acts all snotty. He just wanted to make sure that Lenora was okay. Lenora thanks him for all his help. He smiles adoringly and tells her that their family is very important to him.

Our last little scene is at the Hacienda. Ale is standing by Jorge’s old bedroom and he is reminiscing about the good old days with his wife. He attempts to open the door only to find it is locked. We see what is on the other side of the locked door. It is a confused Chavez lying amidst his two young companions.

Bring on the Fiesta!!!!


Monday, October 11, 2010

Dinero 10/11/10 It's Another Night Of All Talk And No Action, Dios Mio!

Alternate title:MARINO TRIUMPHS

Lots of teasers tonight. So many things could have happened but didn't. I thought I was sitting down to a banquet , but didn't get so much as an appetizer. Very frustrating! But here's what DID happen, or DIDN'T while we were treading water tonight.

First, Rafa and Ale have a poignant little conversation where she reiterates that they have to sacrifice their love for the sake of their families...especially his mom and her dad. Clinging to their love is selfish. It hurts too many people. She won't even let him say " I love you" although they do exchange one of those tight lipped sexless kisses that are so depressing.

From thence to the usual bickering and insulting amongst the Auto Siglo sales force. Ay Dios mio Jimenez is exultant because he's gotten permission to attend the hacienda party without his wife. Lots of unkind speculation on what he had to do and how much he had to grovel in order to get that permission. As usual, the poor guy gets no respect. Neither at work nor at home.

Nor does Marco evidently. When he phones Carmela and finds out she's spent all the money he gave her on a new car, he's furious. So's she. And that's why she's never married, mister, so no man can tell her how to spend her dinero. And he's still got more to fork over, so shaddup.

Someone who's not likely to pipe down is Marino. He's locked down salesman of the month again with his impressive sale to the medieval trucking maniac and informs his hostile companions, a comatose Ale and a pissy-faced Rafa that he's about to take over the whole managerial position and show 'em how it's done. Breaking for ads is almost a relief.

When we come back, it's to a resplendent Chavez, in full hacienda mode, decked out in a red, black and floral shirt, blue white and floral swim trunks, and flanked by two nubile bikinied babes who splash in the pool, towel off seductively and then wrap themselves around our skank like two slithering bookends. Okay, that sentences was about three miles long. Suffice it to say that he's in hog heaven, ordering around the hacienda caretakers (who are still worried about the headless horseman) and demanding affectionate massages from the bikini babes.

Our Trapito isn't having quite the same luck. Carmela sweeps in, ignores him as usual, but ever solicitous, he does a full belly slide underneath Marino's legs to land at Claudia's desk and inform her of Carmela's arrival. Yes, the Queen Bee/Maneater is here to pick up her car. Carmela notes that he's in good condition for a fattie, but that's all the sugar he gets. Meanwhile, Dandy and Pepeto hightail it out, partly in terror, and partly to alert Rafa that Carmela is here and now's his chance to find out what's up with the hacienda. He marches forth to the sound of cavalry music but falls flat. Carmela's interested in his body but not in discussing business. If he wants to do that, come to the office.

Chavez' massage is interrupted by a call from Marco. He's in a lather because Chavez' phone has been turned off. We must talk now! And what's up with Shrimp Man and this Daniel Cepeda? Chavez is surprised that Marco has sussed out Daniel's involvement so fast. He's mulling this over while he swats the shapely behinds of his two compañeras. Tough life for our old rogue, isn't it?

Okay. One thing DOES happen. Marian drags in some limp-wristed little puppy dog named Señor Puentes who does buy all Rafa's remaining trucks. He appears happy with their condition and also anxious to get back to work. Something is definitely off with this guy. He looks like an errand boy at best. But whatever. Marian's now insisting on a celebration drink for the deal even though Rafa is hardly in an exultant mood.

Mientras tanto, Ale is back sniveling at her desk, explaining to Susana why she's giving up the love of her life. Susana complains that she's selling herself for "tres migajas de pan" (three little breadcrumbs) but Ale replies that "no tengo salida" (there's no way out). Oh my.

Back at the hacienda, Daniel and Enrique have arrived. The girls are flirting madly with our galan and he loves it....but not enough to invite them to the party. It's a family thing, you understand. But I'll throw another one just for you, how about that? Trato hecho.

Now back to the Marian/Rafa front. She's got an uphill battle here but she's determined. And looking quite fine in a Chanel type pants suit, tousled curls and bee-stung lips. Rafa appears deaf dumb and blind though as she weaves her argument for paying off debts to both Ale and Vicky and being free free free to enjoy life and be a success. And here's where I come in, adds Marian seductively.

And what ties him to Ale after all? Was it the debt or was it love? Rafa's so confused and downhearted, he doesn't even seem to know.

Daniel is one of the types who can bi-locate evidently. A few moments after being way out in the country at the hacienda, he's now blowing into Auto Siglo to see his "second mother" and invite her and Beltran to the party. Beltran tries to weasel out of it but Doña Arcadia won't let him. Daniel promises to draw them up a map on how to get to the hacienda. After he blows out, Arcadia asks Beltran what he thinks of her little girls. Er...I haven't seen them, he stammers. MY DOGS! la profesora clarifies. Ah you crazy kids. Stop already.

Okay, Daniel takes his fine self down to Ale's office and does his best to charm her. He's having a lot less success than with Doña Arcadia. But he's willing to spend 24 hours a day, 365 days a year....or more...trying to get her to smile. She's still got the glumlies and doubts that they can be anything but friends, but he'd determined to convince her. As for Marian. Yes, he once asked her to marry him. But it was a mistake. Now let's give ourselves a chance. Major sticking point. He won't tell her why he bought the hacienda. Major selling point. He's got no problem with money....just loneliness. (Insert big doe-eyed look at Ale here) Will she fall? Oh, of course not! But we've got a couple of more weeks to fill up till the gran finale so work with us, alright?

Down in our other rabbit hole, Marian's trying to find out what Rafa's deal with Vicky was. And how did Vicky convince Marco to let Lorena out of jail? Ahah. Yes, Vicky promised that she'd keep Rafa away from Ale, if Leonor was sprung. Fine. Marian understands. But she's a practical woman and is looking for real solutions. 1) Hire an investigator to find out who Marco paid to set up Leonor. 2) Pay off all the debts and get free of both Ale and Vicky and her family. 3) Though not explicitly stated, give the charming and oh-so-available Marian a chance.

While Rafa is glumly mulling this possibility, who enters the bar but Ale and Daniel. Ale looks stricken. Marian looks alarmed. Rafa and Daniel face off in full antler-bashing mode. And there we end.

A collage of rapid-fire scenes. A flash of Vicky looking upset. And Marian vowing to never give up. Sure hope we find some galans for both these ladies. Trapito, anyone?


No seas lama botas = Don't be a boot licker. Sales force to Ramirez when he's well...licking Marino's boots at the junta.
de frente a frente = face to face (Marino, talking about confronting Ale and Rafa)
bola de apretados = bunch of people short on cash, in other words, losers.
tomar, chupar, que el mundo se va a acabar = eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we may die (Chavez to his babes)
yo prendo el boiler para que otro se bañe! I stoke the boiler so someone else can bathe! (Chavez complaining about the babes leaving him to swarm over Daniel)
que aguado eres = what a wet blanket you are! (Doña Aracadia remonstrating with Beltran)

Dicho of the Day
Just an expression really, in honor of Leonor's great dancing in Friday's episode
menear el bote =lit. wiggle your bucket
mover el bote = lit. move your can
But both mean "to dance". And she sure did. Hope we'll see more at the hacienda party. If there ever is a hacienda party.


Saturday, October 09, 2010

Dinero, Friday, October 8th – No barbecue, but things are really cookin’

After yesterday’s previews, I was all excited that I’d get to recap the soon to be legendary barbecue at the hacienda, replete with food, drinks, all the rivals for all the loves, and of course, bikinis. But such was not to be. However, there were all sorts of fun developments tonight, together with musical entertainment and some wicked humor, so I wasn’t disappointed in the least. I guess it was like the appetizer for the big meal, full of zest, and very savory, getting us ready for the feast. My mouth is watering, just thinking about it. Let’s enjoy.

Vicky is hot to trot, suggests a hotel where she and Rafa can do “cositas”. She plants a Carmela-style kiss on Rafa, which he bravely endures before pulling back, they “need time” before their passion can come back. She’s not buying this, but he’s saved by the bell, that is, his cellphone, Doña Arcadia has summoned him. Well, can’t keep the boss lady waiting, as he tells Her Royal Highness to count to ten, and before the rooster sings, he’ll be there!

Said exalted one has summoned Pepeto and Dandy to solve the mystery of why they were hiding from Carmela. She tells them “I’m waiting” (estoy esperando). However, esperando also means expecting, so Dandy stupidly asks if she’s expecting a baby. Guess not, she’s expecting an explanation. They’re shocked she knows all about the hiding, wondering if she’s a clairvoyant (vidente) or fortune-teller (pitonisa). She intimidates them into talking. “Once upon a time” (habia una vez), begins Dandy, but Arcadia’s already heard Cinderella 1000 times, and finally gets the boys to talk. They start with the fact that Jimenez saw Carmela and Marco kissing. Oooh, this is good, thinks Arcadia, ordering Chato to bring her “medicine” (which looks like brandy).

It’s evening in a windy, leafy, rootop café, and Marco greets a recalcitrant Alejandra. She gets right to the point, telling him she’s quite troubled by the fact that Rafa’s Mom was put in jail just now, she thinks Marco did it to separate Rafa and Ale. Marco starts out with it’s just a coincidence, there’s no proof, but Ale (finally) isn’t buying it, and Marco takes off the gloves. He thinks Ale should come back to him, and if not, there just might be “more coincidences” that put the mother of “that lowlife” in jeopardy. “You disgust me” replies Ale (Yes!), finally seeing Marco’s true colors.

Felipe’s doing the crossword puzzle. What’s a burro with four letters? He thinks it’s Pancho, Pancho thinks it’s Felipe, Dad corrects them, it’s un asno (a donkey). In waltzes Vicky, chirping away happily. She’s getting her pajarito back, Doña Leonor’s out of jail, and they’re having a “surprise party” at Leonor’s house. In a half hour. The boys wonder how she can cook up something to bring to the party that fast, but in less than two minutes, she brings out 4 HUGE platters of meaty dishes,

pointing out that a woman in love can do anything. As she goes back into the kitchen, Gaston wonders if he wasted his money on that psychologist. The boys point out that after dealing with Vicky, the psychologist probably needed treatment for himself (I agree).

Marco insults Ale a bit, calling her ungrateful, immature, etc., when who should show up but Daniel, bringing an instant smile of relief to Ale’s face, and prompting Marco to go postal. What’s up, now you’re changing suitors like handkerchiefs (cambiando pretendientes como pañuelas)? Daniel defends Ale, saying he knows martial arts (yeah, right). Mad Marco’s getting red,

but Dapper Dan is cool, just lapping it up.

The yelling starts, and Ale threatens to leave if Marco doesn’t sit down. He sits, and Daniel tells “Marquito” that he can see from a mile away (a leguas) that Ale doesn’t love Markie anymore. So why not get divorced like a civilized couple? Ale agrees. Daniel then asks if Marco’s coming to the party at the hacienda. This really gets Marco upset, he was the last to hear of this (and he thinks to himself, what gives? It must be Shrimp Man). Daniel thinks to himself, if this guy only knew that I bought the hacienda…. Ale thinks to herself, gotta get out of here, I miss Rafa. Marco’s phone rings, and as usual he says it’s Urdiales (it’s really Claudia, inviting him for a night of steamy passion). He moves a few feet away to answer. And guess what! Daniel knows Urdiales, and doesn’t think Marco works for him. Ale says he works in secret. We’ll see, muses Daniel (another Yes!) Marco leaves.

Daniel convinces “Ale chiquilla” (Ale my little kid) to stay for dinner, and he proceeds to pour on the bull about how he’ll do anything for Ale, he’s patient, caring, wonderful, and doesn’t she find a few things about him appealing? Ale admits he has no problems whatsoever with self-esteem (!) Daniel asks if Arcadia and Beltran can come to the party. No problem (it looks as if the immediate world will be there). She also has her doubts about his ownership of the hacienda, but he says he’ll prove this soon. He goes on and on about how wonderful he is, her wishes are his desires. She goes okay, I desire to go home, But she does have one question. Is he going to keep talking and talking all night? No, just until we get to your house, he says slyly.

After remarking that she wishes Pepeto would change his name, because it sounds too much like “mamotreto”, (which is a big, useless book), Doña Arcadia gets Rafa to confirm Dandy and Pepeto’s account about Carmela. Rafa says they had to prove that sneaky Marco is a con-man, who cheats Ale left and right (la engaña a diestra y siniestra). They knew Marco kissed Carmela, and Rafa is sure that since Carmela is in charge of the legal procedures with the hacienda, there must be some kind of deal between her and Marco. Arcadia then says what we’ve been saying for months. If you really care about Alejandra, why don’t YOU go confront Carmela personally, instead of sending your buddies? (Amen!) Rafa realizes she’s right, and thanks her. Chato brings some beef tacos, cooked onions and pápalos, (a green herb which helps digestion), all of which turn out to be for the dogs. But Arcadia decides she and Rafa can have some, too. She lovingly watches her doggies eat. When they seem to gorge on the meat and leave the tortillas, she reminds them to eat the tortillas, too, they need their calcium.

And boom, we’re at the party! No, not the hacienda party, it’s welcome home to Leonor, with balloons and signs at the family home.

Pepeto, Jimenez, Susana, Dandy and Trapito are there, too. Jimenez is happy Leonor got out of the can (bote, slang for the slammer), and Susana points out that the planets are now in harmony. There’s a banging on the door, and Vicky and crew (including her amiga, don’t know her name) happily bring in their bountiful trays of beef. Jaime, Julieta and Cesar are there, too. Don Gaston has some kind words for Leonor, and I wonder if these two might get together. Vicky wonders why Rafa is late, but then they hear him coming, and she shooshes the whole crowd. When Rafa opens the door, everyone yells “surprise!” He’s happy that they’re all together. Vicky offers Rafa some of the food, and Susana inquires whether there might be any vegetables. Pancho and Felipe are a bit surprised that anyone would turn down the best meat in town, having never heard of a vegetarian. Rafa gets some of the whiskey left over from the accident, so very long ago. Vicky gives him a happy, but awkward kiss. The plastic cups are filled, and Rafa toasts his Mom, they’ll always care for her, just as she always cared for him and Julieta.

So what can top this? Rafa’s gonna sing! Julieta puts on a karaoke disc, the dancing starts (Leonor showing some excellent moves),

and Rafa sings Que Esto Que Lo Otro. Here’s a link. And here are the lyrics:









It’s basically about gossip, although I’m not really sure how to translate the title (something like this one or that one). A good time is had by all.

After the commercial, Ale’s home, and Jorge’s still trying to remember the Swiss bank account number. He does remember it has two 8’s. Rosario arrives, looking very happy about the way things are going with her Enrique (Quintana). Ale explains how she met with Daniel, and is wondering how he claims to own the hacienda, when they sold it to “Rubiales” (shrimp man). Jorge is still not hungry, unless as they have some more Swiss enchiladas.

The wah-wah guitars signal that it’s time for some sensuality. Claudia and Marco are undressing each other, he saying there’s nothing better than forbidden love, while she says she has no regrets about what they’re doing. Neither does he, as he buries his face in her twin peaks,

and we’re left to our imaginations as to whether they reach Mount Everest.

Jorge and Rosario are sitting at the dinner table, but he’s depressed again, no appetite. The bell rings, Rosario gets it, her eyes go wide, and I can’t believe it, but Rubi’s back! The long legs

are topped by her tight white nurses uniform, sumptuous boobs, and sparkling smile.

She rushes to her Georgie, who is so happy to see her he almost can’t contain his emotions. Rubi checks out his food (too salty, too cold), summons Azucena to get some new eggs, without salt, and hot, and by the way, freshen up the juice. Rubi goes to his bedroom to get his medicine, and Jorge’s eyes follow her butt like a puppy dog.

In fact he’s down on all fours, crawling after her! Even Azucena says this woman is like a miracle!

Uh, well, I’m not sure Azucena would really say that, and it turns out this whole thing was a dream! Jorge’s in bed, thinking how much he misses Rubi, and resolving to call her soon. He even remembers he has her number in his address book. And he’s going to go back to sleep, and keep dreaming of his dear Rubi.

It’s morning, and Ale arrives at work looking somber in shades. She seems to have made some sort of decision. She looks at Rafa, he looks at her, and a thousand emotions seem to cross her face, from love, to hope, to (possibly) resignation. He asks what they’re going to do. She replies that they can’t be selfish, they’re hurting a lot of people. They can’t keep trying to avoid their destiny. They have to break up. Forever. And just try to be happy anyway. Are you sure? he asks with a soft voice. Rafael, you know I adore you…..(he pulls his hand away,

stares at her, eyes brimming with emotion, and the episode ends).

But not to worry, it looks as if Monday, we’ll have fighting, loving, kissing, and bikinis!!!! Hope it’s not another dream!


Esperando – can mean waiting, expecting, or hoping, depending on context
Vidente – clairvoyant, or seer
– fortune teller

Un asno
– a donkey

Cambiando pretendientes como pañuelas
– changing suitors like handkerchiefs

A leguas
– it’s obvious, or (can be seen) from a mile away, leguas literally means leagues

– a huge book, or a useless thing

La engaña a diestra y siniestra
– He cheats her left and right

– green herbs eaten with tacos

– can mean a boat, or a tin can, but is also slang for jail, so saliendo del bote is getting out of the slammer


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