Saturday, July 21, 2012

Abismo de pasion #92 7/20/12: Poor Little Rich Boy Happy to Know that He's Not a Pervert At Last AKA He Won't Need to Be Neutered Afterall

Alternative Titles

  • The Mean Muggers Strike Back
  • "Florencia" Takes A Pregnancy Test, But Florencia Won't Know if She's Fake Pregnant For Certain Until "Florencia's" Results Are In
  • Padre Lupe Goes A Gossiping
Butcher Shop With barely a whisper, Padre Lupe encourages Horacio to tell him the details of the Don Agosto’s death.  Horacio tells him that he only knows what everyone else knows.  Don Agosto committed suicide.  Liar!  Padre tells Horacio that he knows that he was with Carmina when Don Agosto died.  Horacio agrees, but denies that they were anywhere near the house.  Padre tells Horacio that he knows that he has reasons to cover for her.  I want to change and be a good man for my wife, says Horacio.  Padre is not buying it and switches tactics.  He tries using his RIGHTEOUS VOICE OF DOOM!  Padre tells Horacio that he had the opportunity to confess his sins, but didn’t.  Horacio says that just one of his sins would have collapsed the Padre’s eardrums and if he had confessed them, Padre would have never allowed Dolores marry him. 

Hospital Vincente’s Room Vincente sleeps.  His mother, sitting at his bedside, watches over him.  Braulio enters the room.  Tonia is concerned that Dr. Tovar hasn’t arrived yet.  Braulio informs Tonia that Agosto killed himself and Dr. Tovar is at the funeral with his family.  Tonia is shocked.  She’s upset that the Braulio was at the funeral rather than being there with her and their son.  Vincente no es me hijo, says Braulio.  He asks if Gabby arrived.  She doesn’t want anything from Gabby.  It hurts her that Vincente has been asking for Gabby.   Braulio says that Vincente needs a kidney and Gabby would be the best one to give it since he’s his real father.   Tonia wants to explain how she became pregnant by Gabby and married to Braulio.  Braulio doesn’t want to hear it right now.  I do!  Shut up and let her talk!  They will sit down together and talk later.  Vincente continues to sleep like an angel as his parent argues with his his…Braulio.  Braulio leaves the room. 

Butcher Shop After it becomes obvious that the RIGHTEOUS VOICE OF DOOM is annoying and ineffective, Padre Lupe returns to his tried and true guilt-inducing whispery voice.   Horacio simply gazes off into the darkness and considers turning on the lights in the butcher shop.  I’d appreciate the illumination so that I could see their faces better, but then the scene wouldn’t be as intense.  Padre tells Horacio the church doors are always open to him.  If Horacio is serious about being a good man, he will have to answer to the laws of both God and man.  The weight of his sin will destroy his life.  Padre brings out the big artillery and says that it hurts him that Horacio has/will destroy Dolores’ life as well.   Finally, Horacio cracks.  The love that I feel for her is sincere, he says.  He swears that he loves her more than his whole life.  Padre seizes the opportunity to take advantage of Horacio’s vulnerability.  He mentally reviews other voices that might assist him in extracting a solid confession from this degenerate.  Eureka!  He’s got it!  Lupe grabs a nearby USMC Drill Instructor cover (hat), runs over to Horacio and screams in his face!  PROVE YOUR LOVE FOR LO LI TA!  YOU WILL CONFESS YOUR TRANSGRESSIONS AND YOU WILL CONFESS ALL OF YOUR TRANSGRESSIONS AND YOU WILL CONFESS THEM NOW, RECRUIT!  Surprisingly, this doesn’t work either.  Horacio remains stone-faced (I think.  I wish someone would flip on the light switch).  Padre considers testing his soul-searching Kermit the Frog voice, but immediately decides against it.   

Casa de Castanon Living Room Darn it!  It’s immediately after the funeral.  This means that Elisa is going to be doing a whole lot or crying and require a whole lot of comforting.  Dolores slowly leads Elisa over to the couch as Lucio and Carmina trail closely behind them.  Carmina thanks Lucio for everything.  It was the least he could do, he says.  If they need anything else, they know where to find him.  Lucio asks Dolores where her husband is.  He went to open the shop and Padre went with him.   Carmina looks nervous.  Elisa is listlessly leaning against Delores.  Lucio comes over and gives Elisa a parting kiss.  He asks Dolores to make sure Elisa gets some rest.  Elisa tearfully asks Lucio why her father wasn’t buried next to her mother.  Carmina answers for Don Lucio:  Agosto thought that yo momma was a low down dirty hooooahhhh (Oh! Snap!  I think dems fighting words).  He would have never permitted it.   I buried him next to his son, says Carmina.  As Carmina continues speaking, Elisa becomes angrier and angrier.  Did this hooka just say something about my momma?   Don Lucio sprints from the room.  Dolores, diffuses the near-conflict by grabbing Elisa’s shoulders and escorting her from the room.  Elisa mean-mugs Carmina on the way out.  Elisa can barely walk from the grief and has to hold on to the door knob.  Dolores says that she call Dr. Tovar and ask him to check on Elisa.  Carmina rolls her eyes.   

Hospital Lobby Bruised, Gabby taps Braulio on the shoulder.  I’m here.  Braulio didn’t think he’d show.  Gabby continues to deny paternity, but says only there cuz he’s got two kidneys.   If Vincente needs one to save his life, then that’s what he came for.  Dr. Tovar, dressed in scrubs, enters the hallway.  Braulio tells him to perform a test on Gabby to see if he’s compatible.  Dr. Tovar tells Braulio that they don’t have time for that.  Vincente has already been prepped for surgery.    For a split second, Braulio gets excited and thinks that Vincente is his son after all.  No, sorry, says the doc, you are still not Vincente’s daddy, but great news!  Tonia is compatible; she will give up her kidney.   Dr. Tovar wants Braulio to sign some documents.  Braulio says that he isn’t going to sign anything.  He insists that the doctor test Gabby.  He wasn’t aware that Tonia was going to give up her kidney.  He looks at Gabby.  I’ll rip that sucker out of him right now!  The doctor repeats that they don’t have time for this and repeats that Braulio will need to sign the papers.  The doctor walks off.  A nurse brings Braulio some documents to sign.  Braulio multi-tasks by both signing the form and mean-muggging Gabby at the same time.  Gabby uncomfortably backs closer to the wall. 

Casa de Arango Alfonsina’s Bedroom  Florencia sits on the couch while Alfonsina nervously paces behind her.  Florencia is upset that Damien didn’t even turn back to look at her once he was aware of Agosto’s death.  She complains to his mother that he just headed for the door to comfort Elisa, Alfonsina sits down on the couch and Florencia immediately stands up and begins pacing.  Alfonsina tells her not to worry, Elisa is no longer her rival since she’s Dam’s sister.  Florencia wants to know if they are certain that Elisa is Rosendo’s child.  Alfonsina says it’s possible since her husband was a Rolling Stone and where ever he laid his hat was his home. (Temptations Sing!  And when he died, all he left us was alone with several million dollars, a profitable business and a sprawling hacienda with servants).   Florencia is not satisfied knowing that it is “possible”.  She wants to know for sure.  She sits down beside Alfonsina.  Alfonsina tells Florencia to calm down; Damien believing that Elisa is his sibling will work in their favor.  Florencia wants to make sure that Dam Fine never thinks of returning to Elisa (Good luck with that, sweetie!).   Florencia tells Alfonsina that she wants to travel to Merida for wedding decorations and a pregnancy test.   Alfonsina is simply giddy that her choice of scented candles and Barry White music contributed towards her inebriated son’s possible conception of her grandchild.  They two women embrace. 

Merida Clinic SSSSSssssssPaolo and Sabrina are at the clinic arguing. His big surprise in Merida was to get her a pregnancy test.  You don’t believe that I’m knocked up, Paolo?  He says that he doesn’t trust home tests.  He wants her to take a blood test under Florencia’s name.  Once he’s certain that she’s carrying his son, he’ll speak to her parents about marrying her.  She insists that she is pregnant.  Sabrina doesn’t want to take the test because she can’t stand the sight of blood and hates needles.  Paolo asks her to do it for him.  She agrees and tells him that her father has connections in Merida; he might find out.   Paolo reminds her that if she takes the rabbit test under Florencia’s name; her father won’t find out.  He tells her that if she doesn’t take the test and prove that she’s pregnant, he won’t talk to her parents.  They walk over to the counter.  He introduces Sabrina as Florencia Landucci, his niece.  Sabrina stands by quietly.  She’s deserves a category all by herself on the Dumb Chick List.  Make room for the Incredibly Stupid section.  

Casa de Arango Alfonsina’s Bedroom Florencia tells Alfonsina not to get so excited.  Her Aunt Flo is only a couple days late, so she may not be preggers.  Right now, she merely suspects that she’s fake knocked up (she can’t be sure until Incredibly Stupid pops positive and she has the results in her pretty little hands).  Alfonsina suggest that she do a home test.  Florencia says that blood tests are better.  This way both Alfonsina and Damien can be absolutely positive that she’s with child.  Alfonsina agrees.  Florencia asks if she would like to go with her, Alfonsina says she can’t cuz she’s got stuff to do.  They can go tomorrow.   Florencia wants to go today.  She wants to visit the linen shop, pick out some center pieces, pick up the falsified pregnancy test results so that she can trap Damien, and then do lunch.  We can do it all at the same time and it will be fun.   Alfonsina says in that case then, they can make a day of it.  They’ll pick the results up together.  They embrace and Alfonsina calls Florencia “daughter”.  Florencia leaves the room and Alfonsina sighs with pleasure.   Commercial.

Hospital Lobby Worried and alone in the lobby, Braulio asks a nurse for an update on his family.  How’s my wife and my, my…uh Vincente?  The nurse tells him that they are still in surgery.  She’ll let him know something as soon as she knows more.  Breaking News!  Elisa has dropped dead!  Why else would Dolores not be at her side?  Dolores has momentarily managed to tear herself away from the Queen of Drama and walks towards Braulio!  She whispers his name.  How are things?  She asks about Vincente.  He explains that Vincente needed a kidney and Tonia was the donor.  They hold hands.  She’d better get home before Elisa regains consciousness.  She tells him that she will pray for his family and that he needs to have faith that everything will turn out well.  He thanks her for her concern.  She tells him to ask the doctor to stop by and see Elisa who is doing very badly.  Dolores turns to leave.  Braulio calls her back and asks her to stay with him; he needs her support.  Dolores checks her watch.  Elisa’s blow to the head was just enough to knock her out for an hour or two.  She touches his face and stares at his full lips (Horacio is my husband.  I must not lick Braulio.  Horacio is my husband.  I must not lick Braulio).  She will wait with him until they get out of surgery. 

Merida Clinic Waiting Room Instead of gossiping, Mrs. Kravitz should really teach her daughter to cross her legs when wearing short dresses.   Florencia Landucci!  Here we are!  Paolo drags Incredibly Stupid towards the counter.  He tells her that he will wait outside.  She protests.  She wants him to come in and hold the stick while she urinates on it.  It will be so romantic when the rabbit dies.  Just kidding!  She’s scared of needles.  Paolo says that he is too.  He prefers to wait in the lobby.  Sabrina follows the nurse.  Paolo tells the other nurse that he wants the results sent to Dr. Tovar’s office in La Ermita since he will be the OBGYN.  What doesn’t Dr. Tovar do?  The nurse says that he can pick the results up at n the La Ermita Health Center.  Paolo is so desssssssspicable that I am becoming deeply attracted to him.  I think I need therapy.

Hospital Doctor Tovar has completed the transplant and comes out into the lobby.  Both Tonia and Vincente are doing fine.  Braulio and Dolores hug; he asks to see Vincente.  The doctor tells them that the two are recuperating. He’ll have to wait.  Dolores, realizing that she’s been too touchy-feely with Braulio forces herself to back out of his embrace (I must not lick Braulio.  I am a married woman).  Braulio thanks her for staying with him at such a difficult time.  She has to get home before Elisa wakes up.  She tells the doctor that Elisa is still doing badly and asks him to stop by. 

Casa de Arango Alfonsina’s Bedroom Dam Fine is cussing out Alfonsina.  He wants to know why she didn’t tell him that Agosto is dead.  Why didn’t she give him Maru’s message?   It slipped her mind completely, she says.  Dam Fine tells her not to treat him like he’s Dam senile.  He accuses her of doing it on purpose and tells her not to deny it.   Fine, she says, I won’t deny it.   He didn’t have anything to do with Agosto’s wake.  He tells her that she can’t continue to treat him like a child.  She can’t decide what he can and cannot do.  He wanted to be there for Elisa because Elisa would have done the same for him.  Alfonsina doubts it.  She wants to change the subject.  Damien tells her that as each day passes, he knows that they will never have a normal relationship.  She says that she is the only one making the effort.  He says that the only time they got along was when he lived in Italy because they never had to see each other.  After he gets married, he’s moving with his wife so she can’t try to control them.   The procesadora will be fine in the Gabby’s hands since she’s never going to fire him.   She tells him that it is not necessary for them to move.  She has a surprise for him.  Dam Fine says that he has never liked surprises and leaves the room. 

Casa de Castanon Elisa’s Bedroom Dr. Tovar is completing his examination of Elisa.  Something is seriously wrong with her this time.  She is not crying; there’s no hint of a tear anywhere.  I’ve never seen her this way before.  I’m very worried about her.  He asks why she won’t eat.  He tells her that although she’s going through a bad time, she has to snap out of it.  Otherwise she will make herself very sick.  She says that she doesn’t have the strength for anything.  He knows that she’s tired of fighting, but she must continue fighting all the same.  She is very young.  She’s a strong girl, he says.  Get your strength from your loved ones.  He says that she should rest and then exits the room.  No tears.  No wailing.  She’s just a sad lump. 

Casa de Castanon Living Room Dolores is talking to Camina. She says that they should have told Don Lucio. Carmina says that they have to handle their problems themselves.  Dolores tells Carmina that she has no heart (ya think?). Dr. Tovar interrupts the conversation.  Dolores wants to know how Elisa is doing.  She’s well, says the doctor.   She’s depressed and needs to rest. Give her something to eat and drink.  Dolores mean-mugs Carmina and then goes to check on Elisa.  Carmina calls the doctor back into the living room.  She thanks him for everything and complains that no one is concerned about her.  She lost (OK killed…semantics) her husband and no one seems to care.  She knew Elisa didn’t have anything seriously wrong with her.  Dr. Tovar says that Elisa needs support and a lot of understanding.  Carmina tells the doctor that he was the only friend that Agosto had (and you, his only friend, boinked me). Oh she’s good!   Dr. Kravitz tells Carmina that Agosto stopped by and asked about her pregnancy.  She asks what he told Agosto.  He tells her that he told Agosto the truth, but he had the strange feeling that Agosto already knew the answer.  He simply confirmed what he already knew.  You were knocked up before you got married.  He feels bad because he may have contributed to his death.  Carmina tells the doctor to leave because he is not making her feel any better about killing her husband. 

Procesadora Damien’s Office Padre tells Damien that he’s been trying to call him, but the phone at that hacienda has been busy for days.  Dam Fine says his mother probably took the phone off of the hook.  Damien wants to know if there will be a mass for Don Agosto.  Padre says Carmina doesn’t want one.  He doesn’t know if Elisa wants to do a mass.  He’s come to tell him that Elisa needs him more than ever.  Dam Fine says that he knows, but he’s not sure that she will accept his visit.  Padre rises from his seat and strangles his hat.  He knows that Dam Fine is not in love with Florencia.  He tells him to go get Elisa and take her from that house.  Something’s not right with her aunt; she’s EVIL.  Damien asks why his uncle is so desperate.  Padre tells Damien to marry Elisa and give her the love that she’s never had in her life.  Damien says that he wants to love her hard and he wants to love her good, but she’s my sister!  Dam Fine goes on to explain that he’s tried drinking, drugs, hypnosis, acupuncture, yoga, boinking Florencia, electric shock therapy, a psychiatrist, voodoo, a witch doctor and watching Tony Robbins DVDs.  Nothing works!  He wants to violate Elisa!  Padre Kravitz interrupts his nephew.  Damien, he says, in my rush to tell Gael and CNN, I forgot to tell you that Elisa is not your sister.  Dam, I thought you would have seen in on my Facebook page by now.  Damien looks shocked.  Commercial. 

Procesadora Damien’s Office Damien runs around his desk and grabs his uncle.  Uncle, what are you saying?  Elisa and I aren’t siblings? Are you sure because I want to violate my sister over and over again!  The next step was castration!  Padre assures his nephew that Carmina lied; she falsified the Deny Natal Accusations test and a frontal lobotomy will not be necessary at this time.  Elisa is not your sister, says the Padre.  So, I’m not a pervert?  Damien bends over with relief.  His uncle encourages him to go to Elisa immediately. 

Casa de Castanon Elisa’s Bedroom Dolores brings Elisa a tray of food and asks her to eat.  Tearless, Elisa says she’s not hungry.  Her mother’s picture and her father’s black glasses rest on her nightstand.  She plays with her amulet as she lies in bed in her funeral clothes; a little pink blanket covers her legs.  She is so bummed.  Dolores tells her that Dr. Tovar says that it’s very important that she eat.  Elisa says that she will eat later.  Dolores tells her that what happened was terrible.  Dolores wants to know where she went last night.  She went to see Damien, but no one opened the door.  She needed to see him.  She couldn’t tell him that they weren’t siblings because he didn’t open the door.  Dolores says that she has to make Damien listen to her.  He has the right to know that he does not have the hot tamales for his sister.   Elisa points out that it’s useless.  He didn’t even show up for Agosto’s funeral nor did he send his condolences.  Dolores thinks that Damient may not know about Agosto.  Elisa says that in La Ermita everybody knows everybody’s business.  Padre Lupe has a Twitter account.  She has to accept that he is with Florencia and she’s lost him.  Darn it.  She’s way too depressed to cry and I feel sorry for her.  I can’t stand to see her this way; she’s just lying there.  Why isn’t she hysterical?   Sniff. Sniff.  (It’s just my allergies acting up again).   

Procesadora Gabby is searching the file cabinet for something.  Maru asks him what’s up.  He says that he needs the agriculturist’s contracts from ten years ago.  She wants to know why.  Basically, he tells her to mind her own business and just tell him where he can find them.  She says they’re in the archives. 

Casa de Don Lucio (Hopefully, this conversation is right). Padre is earning every bit of his paycheck today.  He is visiting EVERY ONE.  Lucio tells the Padre that he is very sad.  They discuss the inconsistencies of Agosto’s death.  Lucio says that he heard there was an autopsy (when does Tovar have the time?)  There was a report, but it only shows the approximate time of death.  Padre says that Gael told him that Agosto was in a good mood until he heard about Kenia’s death.   Lucio says that the last time he saw him, Agosto was depressed about having to sell his property to Gabby.  He felt like a failure.  Padre says he won’t accept that Agosto killed himself. 

Procesadora Gabino’s Office Gabby has found a folder in an archive box.  He locks the door to his office, opens the folder and practices forging a signature. 

Hospital Tonia’s Room Alfonsina has come to the hospital to find out why Tonia is still lounging around after that elective kidney transplant surgery.  The house is dirty and she’s hungry.  The other girls aren’t as efficient as Tonia.  How long is this recovery going take and where is Braulio?  Somebody has to do some foreman work!  Alfonsina tells Tonia that she’s happy that she’s doing well.  She heard that the surgery was a complete success.  Alfonsina has asked about her little snitch (I mean Vincente) and he is also doing well too.  Tonia tells her that Braulio knows that Vincente is the spawn of Gabino.  Alfonsina is stunned and calls Tonia a fool.  Dr. Tovar walks in and wants to know how the patient is doing. The doctor tells Alfonsina that Tonia needs to rest and explains that kidney transplants are necessary.  Tonia will have to remain in the hospital for a while.  Tonia asks about Vincente.  Doctor wants to watch him for three to seven days.  He’ll also have to be under strict medical control and will need regular blood tests.  Tonia wants to know if she and Vincente can share a room.  Doctor looks at Alfonsina and tells her that he needs to talk to her. 

Procesadora Gabino’s Office Gabino has perfected the signature.  He throws the scratch paper in the trash bin, not the shredder.  I said Gabino was good-loooking.  I didn’t say he was smart.  Braulio meets him in the lobby and gives him an update on Vincente.  Gabby doesn’t care.  Dude, he’s your kid, says Braulio.  Gabby denies it and says that Vincente is Braulio’s problem. 

Case de Castanon Foyer Dam Fine has arrived!  Hurray!  He asks Dolores for Elisa.  She says that she is in the bedroom.  He says that he needs to see her.  Dolores says she’s resting and tells him to come back later.  He insists; he begs.  She wants to know why Damien didn’t open the door when Elisa was outside shouting his name.  He says that they don’t have time to discuss this now.  She relents because like me, Dolores loves a begging man.  Darn it!  Carmina heard the doorbell and comes into the foyer.  She hears the conversation and tries to stop Damien by telling him that the house belongs to her.  Damien points out that the house also belongs to Elisa and shoves her out of the way.  OK, he didn’t shove her.  I made it up, but he mean-mugs her and walks towards Elisa’s room.  You heard him, says Dolores to a flabbergasted Carmina.

Casa de Castanon Elisa’s Bedroom Elisa is just staring out the window.  You already heard?  She tells him that she saw him arrive.  Damien marches in the bedroom and immediately starts groveling.  He apologizes for not being with her.  He just heard what happened.  I would have been here sooner.  She won’t even look at him as she responds.  She says there’s nothing to forgive.  She is still wearing that stupid little halo braid.  He tells her that he couldn’t sleep last night, so he came looking for her.  She turns to him and asks what time did he come.  He said that he came early, but Carmina wouldn’t let him in.  He just wanted to know that she was ok.  Even though Carmina didn’t tell him about Agosto, he knew something was wrong.  She tells him that she wasn’t there when he came because she was at his house yelling and screaming for him.  He tells her that no one told him that she’d been there.  He tells her that he saw her with Gael on the way home.  She tells him that she’d left to go visit him in the middle of the night.  She had to see him.  Now she understands why he didn’t respond to her.   There’s moisture; her eyes are glistening.   She wanted to tell him that her father had died and they are not siblings.  He tells her that he just found out this morning; his uncle told him.  Oh, and that I’m not a deranged pervert.  He grabs her hands and tells her how sorry he is that her father died.  He kisses her hands loudly.  A tear rolls down her cheek.  See?  All she needed was a little dose of Dam Fine.  He wipes her tears away and tells her that he loves her with all of his heart.  Nothing will ever separate them, he says.  He pulls her into his arms.  Mi Elisa.  Mi Elisa.  With tears in her eyes, she holds tightly to his big shoulders. 

Sniff.  Sniff.  (Darn these allergies). 


Refugio Para el Amor #75 Fri 7/20/12 Luci determined to go back home and forget but not forgive; Coo-Coo Rosa practices selective listening; Dumb-Hunk acts even dumber‏

Recap by Marta Ivett

Too little, too late, dumb boy...
Ariche/Rod (from here on named ‘DUMB-USELESS-Head’ [DUH])…
Is it true there won’t be a wedding?
Yes, but don’t be angry.
You lied to me! You are not a friend! You did not fulfill your promise!
But I want us to stay friends… look at me. Don’t you want us to stay being friends?

A long overdue intro meeting
Paz/Pato (who I will refer to as Wheelchair Prince Charming [WPC] from here on out) greet cordially.
WPC says Luci is very important to him.
Paz tells him he is very well returned… you are as nice/good as my daughter had told me.

Rosa sends Frigida to walk Paz out. WPC asks Rosa what Paz came for.
Rosa is visibly put off by Paz’s visit, grinds her teeth wondering angrily why Paz came.
WPC: Surely because you treated her daughter so harshly/bad. (You tell her my prince!)

On her way out Paz thanks Mati for making it so she could see Rosa.
And above all for caring for my daughter. Mati says Luciana makes it so everyone likes/cares for her.
Frigida comes and yells at Paz to leave already.
Bruja!! (Magda yells right in her face. LOL!)

Coo-Coo selective listening but son paralized, not blind or deaf
Back inside, Rosa confirms WPC’s guess.
WPC: I love you, mom, but I am not stoopid. I know you were at least partly responsible for DUH’s divorce, and knowing it deeply disappoints me.

More Coo-Coo selective listening
WPC leaves and Connie comes in.
Rosa begins to babble that she is at peace after Paz’s visit. I know well my position and hers.
Connie questions the truth in that statement.
C: You change moods like you change outfits. (I would say more like she is bipolar/psychotic)
(they both express plans to leave, these two treat each other as nosy sisters)
R: I am not a teen anymore and you are not my mom. (I am getting here a vibe that Connie is older)

At San Fran el Alto
Don Aqui is mad, talking to himself about Procopio’s bad job. His new guy arrives and Don Aqui brags that he is the most powerful man in town and in the nearby galaxies (LOL!)… the gossip ladies arrive and
Aquiles says ‘eramos muchos y pario my abuela’ (we were too many already and grandma had another)

Luci suggest they talk to Lic Linares so he can help locate Marianita's mom.

Back to DUH/Ariche
Please say something to me.
I gave you the ball my grandpa made for me.
Do you want it back?
No, what you give is not asked for in return, and I gave it to you because I love you.
Thank you, I will save it then as something very valuable to me.
No, don’t save it away, play with it (yeah, DUH, Knock your own head with it until you snap out of your DUMB trance!). It needs to be played with.
So we are still friends?
I say yes, but if you will not marry Luci anymore, I don’t know.

…  (small scene with Jana, Lula and Boris)

I will tell u something. Pay attention. I am speaking from my heart. I will always watch over Luci, her mom and you.
I will too watch Luci and her mom, also Dona Magda.
You are brave, you even ate a worm.
You ate one too.
Yes I am brave. I don’t even mind that I won’t get on the plane now that there won’t be a wedding.
How about I take you for ride on the plane?
Yeah? Que padre!! Then I will use my new outfit (the one for the wedding) on the plane ride!

Vio, you must be either blind or really really SLOW
In Vio’s room.. Vio upset, they leave her alone with Polo.
P: How about we take your mom sightseeing somewhere?
V: I haven’t even had time to think about it. I have been out of it, maybe its anguish over the chance my mom will discover my lie that I have kept for so many years.
P: How about telling her the truth? A job is an honest way to earn a living. She will understand.
V: Maybe you are right.
P: Can I ask you something personal?.. What happened with your dad?
V: Once when I was little, mom said my dad died. And well, after we came to the capital, then the subject came up again and she said he had left, abandoned us before he even found out I was on the way.
P: Wouldn’t you like to know about him?
V: Don’t know. But I don’t want to talk about it.
P: Sorry.

Gala in her office… her secretary is still reporting to her on the fraud at TL. Gala not interested anymore.
Rosa calls Gala. Rosa asks her not to come over. Will see you at your apt, nothing serious, just don’t want anyone to find out we are meeting frequently. … Gala hangs up with Rosa, calls Julie. Gala tells her Rosa is coming to loft, Julie not willing to cancel a date with an Italian hunk for a visit from Rosa.

Ariche tells DUH Luci is studying for her test at Estelita’s house. DUH seems happily surprised about it.
A: Don’t make her angry/upset. eh?
DUH: Of course not.
DUH turns around and there is Luci with Marianita. DUH asks to speak to her.
Marianita says her magic wand does work. There you have DUH, Luciana!
Luci says will go leave the kids and come back right away. DUH will wait for her.

Vicky is tackled/dragged into the toilet paper supply room by Aldo (is that his executive office? Lol!)..
‘I am an important exec (Dream on, boy!). Now I am Max’s personal assistant, so we still can see each other in hiding’. Vicki not so convinced. Aldo insists, ‘What do you want me to do if I like you?!’ Vicky admits she likes him too but is totally freaked out about ‘mi osito’. She sneaks out but Max sees her right at door.
M: What are you doing in that room? (He repeats the question and she comes up with excuse was looking for restroom.) ‘Down the hall on the right.’
Max looks back to the room door, very suspicious of what was going on in that room.

How many times do we need to watch a scene like this before pride gives in to love between these two?
Luci gives DUH back his pretty present box minus the bow (the one he sent with a cell phone, wallet with money and credit card). He is miffed instantly. Says he came to talk, to try to settle/fix things between them. And she welcomes him that way??. She says she will also return the money he sent Paz. He says the money was not for her, it was for Paz. Luci says WE (you go girl!) never accept money we didn’t earn.
R: I am opening a communication so we can talk about what we feel and expect from each other.
L: I expected much of you. I put my life in your hands. Gave you my heart. And for What? For what, DUH?
R: Then there is nothing to say between us. Of these memories… there is nothing left?
L: Not anymore. That is why I want you to take them. I don’t want to see you again.
R: I should not have come to find you. It is clear it is all over between us.
L: Yes, it’s over. (he starts to leave but turns around)
R: I am leaving… loving you more than my life. But if you don’t want me at your side anymore, I can’t do anything else. Goodbye, Luciana.
L: (after he is away) Goodbye, mushashon.
(These two have prides bigger than the grand canyon.)
(In come Paz, Estelita and Magda, DUH briefly greets them on his way out. Paz tells Luci right away that she comes from visiting RETL. Luci impactada.)
‘Yes Luci, I went to see the woman that has hurt you so much.’
Paz leaves. Magda and Estelita can’t tell Luci what Paz talked to Rosa about, but something DID happen because Paz was very quiet the whole way back.

Give it up, Padre. Send this woman to the nut house or a monastery so she can pray away her sins for a year.
Rosa visits Padre, tells him calm came back to the TL family.
‘You know that won’t happen until you do what you need to.’
‘Paz came to visit me. She understood that the best is she return to town with Luci.’
‘Luci returning to her hometown will not solve the problem and you know it.’
Coo-cooRosa acts as if she did not hear him at all. Kisses his hand and leaves.

Ariche/Marianita (such a sweet 30 second conversation)…
Mariana tells Ariche he is right, if you wish things hard enough, they come true. All we need now is for my mom to come back. Ari tells Mar DUH has a plane and offered to give him a ride, and maybe he could use the plane to go find her mom.

Frig surprised Rosa received Paz with red carpet trmt, in the library ‘como si fuera la gran senora’ (as if she were the Grand Damme).
Mati rants at her ‘don’t talk about what you don’t know.’
Frig brags ‘as maitre’d of this house I know every move in the house, even a few secrets of the family.'

Back to San Fran el Alto
Aquiles receives the gossip girls… calls them ‘los heraldos de San Fran el alto’ (‘El Heraldo’ is the main newspaper in Mexico)… the ladies tell him the priest was very ill but is getting better… Aquiles is not at all interested in a priest health report, ‘Don’t you have something better to do?’... 'You are in nasty mood lately.' They also tell him Procopio is now working (or did they say ‘fooling’? LOL!) with Dona Lucha..(is this the heavy woman?)

Luci and Paz at Vio’s
Luci pokes Paz for info. Luci is miffed Paz went to confront Rosa. Paz is not afraid of Rosa. Dignity is above anything else. Can’t let that Senora behave like that with you. Luci says it was pointless to go see her. What did you expect? I don’t get it. Why did you go see that lady if I won’t see her ever again?

Rosa arrives at Gala’s loft, and Julie IS there (I guess the gossip won over the date with the Italian hunk after all). Rosa came to tell them the latest news. About Paz’s visit. Julie surprised Rosa let that ‘gentuza’ come in her house.
-       She came to reprieve me and defend her daughter.
-       Those people don’t have limits.
-       Paz dared go find DUH to reprieve him.
-       Did DUH listen to her?
-       Don’t know. But now more than ever we have to accelerate the plans so you will marry DUH. While Luci and her mom are still here we run a high risk.

Thick headed DUH won't let himself wiggle. Mama's boy also practices selective listening.
DUH arrives at office mad at himself for trying to talk to Luci. Tells his friends Luci welcomed him by returning his presents. That Luci said she wanted nothing of his.
‘You just divorced and expect her to treat you as her best friend? As if nothing happened?’
DUH still mad/jealous. Blames Claudio Linares for him (DUH) not being able to get anywhere with Luci.They ask him not to talk silly. (But we see him remembering what he saw in the car.)
‘I saw them hugging, and no-one will take that (image) from my head. I saw them!!’

DUH: I will forget Luci, ‘a como de lugar’.
His friends say ‘Tough luck dude, she is the woman you love most in your life.’
‘DID love! Starting today I will forget her. You choose the antro we will go to. Today, I pick up my life of before. Luci Jacinto is over for good.’
His friends give up, they will go out to an antro.

Luci and Vio
Luci still questioning why Paz went to see Rosa. Vio agrees, there was no good reason.
Luci will speak to Lic Linares to get everything settled for her test so we can go back to town asap. Ariche tells her DUH promised to give him a ride in the plane.

Rosa tells Gala and Julie she worries that every time things are getting back in order, something happens to stir things up again. Julie comments ‘these two’ are trepadora/tramps. Gala is tired of this fight, Rosa says ‘You find strength wherever, but DUH and you must marry asap. Think of a plan, you can count on me. Gala, I want you to be DUH’s wife. Only you. But only IF you help me. I can’t make it happen alone. DUH is yours.’
‘Yes, Rosa E. DUH is mine. Only mine.’

Intimidating Max gives Vicky another terror stint
Vicky in her room at home, Max calls, she is nervous… he wants to see her. She is reluctant, how will I tell my dad I have to leave now? … ‘That is your problem, not mine. Meet me in an hour.’

Aldo comes in and is fantasizing about his new job and their relationship. He thinks Max will send him to manage the INFERNO, Aldo talks about the changes he has already thought about for the place… Max is in no mood for Aldo’s antics and snaps him out of it.. ‘The one that will decide on your fantasy job is me. You wanted to work for me? Then you’ll follow my every order. Tonight you’ll drive me to a commitment I have.’

Aldo leaves Max’s office, Aldo calls Vicky on phone… Vicky gets even more scared.. wants them to hang up. She tells him it’s her dad (does not tell him she will meet Max). Vicki’s dad asks her who she was talking to. She has to go out right away. HE thinks it’s with Aldo. She comes up with the story that a friend just broke up with her boyfriend and is very sad, have to go talk to her. She has to plead several times.

Poor WPC keeps giving coo-coo mom a bit of a break
Jana, Boris and WPC… apparently they told him about Jana forgetting/losing her work and them having to do it over but finished it on time. Boris admits she is distracted.
P: Ay little sis. You don’t lose your head because you have it attached.
Jana tells him Lula helped them since she knows how to work powerpoint.
WPC is glad Jana and Lula recovered their friendship. A true friendship is worth it.
J: Luci is a very true friend for you, right?
P: I hope she won’t forget me now that she is leaving town.
J: Did she tell you she is leaving?
P: No. She didn’t have to. She has nothing to do here anymore.. (enumerates all the bad things that happened to her in the city: the antro, the bad treatment at TL, his brother’s ordeal…). If I was her I would leave too.
Rosa walks in right then: Where would you go, dear?  (WPC stays quiet)…
Rosa is planning another meal together… (this woman is definitely on cloud nine hundred seventy four).
WPC tells her not everyone since DUH does not want to come back to this house.
Coo-coo Rosa is again in disbelief saying DUH will need her so he will be back.
Jana calls Max, waiting for him for dinner. Max, in car with Aldo, says won’t be home in time for dinner.

Aldo drives Max to meeting place. Max treats him like crap, not as a nephew. Aldo is miffed… has to stay and wait in the car. Then taxi pulls up right behind. Aldo sees Vicky get out of taxi and gets very angry.

It's Always hard to say goodbye
Luci asks Estelita what happened with Rosa.. Magda comes in… will go buy bread. But bread here will never be as delicious as in SFelAlto. Estelita says it is very good. She sends the kids with Magda. Luci tells Estelita everything that happened here (at Mex City) was bad. Estelita tells Luci ‘not everything that happened was bad.'  Paz met WPC. Paz said WPC is very nice, she could see it in his eyes. Luci says WPC is very nice. Estelita will miss them all. Luci agrees that she is glad she did meet them (Estelita, Claudio, Marianita) and she also found love, her only and true love.

You can't sweat out the dumbness, dude
DUH is working out in treadmill. Cell rings. Marcos and Gabe will stop to pick him up in half an hour.

Speaking of dumb dudes
Aldo has been waiting for 32 mins, getting impatient. Inside, Vicky and Max in bed.. Max harshly says want to see you tomorrow again, but won’t say the time until tomorrow. Vicky reluctant, how will I get off work? Can we make it after work hours? Boss yelled at her... Max just wants to toast. Vicky nervous.

Coo-Coo tries again her fantasy family dinner
At dinner table, Rosa says starting tonight, want to eat all together. The meals no longer will be served in bedrooms. We will all dine together in dining room. Family discipline is back and everyone should behave. Brigida congratulates her on the new rule. Prince is not so happy and snaps back at Brigida. Brigida tells Rosa, Luci sat at Rosa’s spot in table the other day she came and Rosa felt bad. Rosa is miffed they all allowed it. WPC tells mom Luci had no intention to sit at her spot. Max asked her to. Prince adds that at that time Luci WAS Mrs. TL.

Hard truths
Magda and the kids are back with bread.
Door knock… It is Flor, Marcial’s wife, and she is not coming for a tea party. Flor asks for Vio. Magda says Vio went to work. Flor tells Magda she is the wife of the man courting her daughter Violeta. Magda tells her again that Vio left for her work as a nurse. Flor laughs, tells her Vio is no nurse, she is a ‘cabaretera de quinta!’ (lowlife bar waitress)

Luci tells Estelita she will ask Claudio Linares to send her the results of the test by mail. Estelita is sure she will pass.

Marianita answers the phone, they think it is Lic Linares, but when Luci answers, it's DUH, not Claudio. And DUH is not a happy camper.

Luci says leaving to SanFran in two days.Gala more than willing to follow Rosa’s plan. Gala is trapping DUH in his apartment.

--Marta Ivett


El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of July 23, 2012: Discuss amongst yourselves.

Here's a fresh page for your thoughts. Have a great week, everyone!

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El Rostro de la Venganza-Index

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Weekend Discussion: The Great and the God-Awful Telenovela Clichés – Part I

We mention them extensively on this blog and most of us know the most popular ones by heart. I thought it would be a good idea to discuss them on their own so as not to distract from the more specific discussion of each series, as we only have a day to discuss each episode.

Based on my nearly two decades of viewing novelas, I have to say that some clichés will probably be with us forever, such as the concept of the One True Love, which is reinforced by romance novels and love songs. Most people can love again after loss, but One True Love always makes for a good story.

As the daughter of a narcissist, I also endorse the Toxic Parent Villain clichés, which not only make for good drama but actually run true to form. Every good dramatist from the ancients to the modern age has at least a few of them and great dramatists win awards for theirs.

So which clichés irritate the most?  I'd like to start with the medical ones, which I would completely dispense with. It can't inspire confidence in the medical profession to see situations where the first operation doesn't work, when an obstetrician says “You must choose between your wife and your baby,” or a medical situation handled out of specialty. Not to mention the idea that any man knows a virgin when he gets one.

Sound off, amigos.

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Por ella soy Eva #4 Friday 7/20/12: The Sea. The Sun. A Droning Argentine. Nostalgia?

At the restaurant, Helena sees Pluto (she thinks he's JC) and wants to give him a piece of her mind. Panicked, JC tells Helena HE'LL take care of it. He goes to Pluto's table and spins a wild tale about Helena being a clingy crazy ex-employee he regrets having gotten involved with. She's pregnant, the baby is certainly not his, but she forced him at gunpoint to make a scene at their table. They should pay no attention to anything she says. Antonia expresses some sympathy for Helena's desperation. Only then does Pluto jump to his feet and scold JC for his careless behavior with women.

Eventually Helena gets tired of waiting for JC and comes over to the table to tell them off herself. This works out to be the perfect misunderstanding, mercifully cut short by a phone call from Helena's mom. (Antonia tells her brother she's lost her appetite. He insists that they have dessert. Yeesh, is he trying to kill her too? No, I think he's just an idiot.)

Helena is upset about Adriano's rudeness. JC says no woman should be treated that way; he wanted to bust those guys' faces. He also wants to talk about Playa Majagua, but she has to go home; Dad is waiting. She insists on taking a taxi. She is barely out the door when JC picks up another woman. He takes her back to his place and kicks her out when he's had enough of her.

Helena's father gives her a hard time about getting home late. They are mutually offended. He stomps off to bed. Helena's mom wants to know how it went. No, not the business dinner, but the man! Helena admits he was great.

At home, Antonia doesn't feel well. She calls 911 and flops over on the bed. Pluto looks delighted when she says she feels like she's dying.

At JC's apartment, his bimbo du jour is now wearing a big t-shirt and tells JC he was sensational. She wants to stay all night, but he says he's too busy and calls her a cab. It doesn't take long - apparently he's a regular. The taxi dispatcher knows what he wants as soon as they hear his voice. He dismisses her brusquely.

At the hospital, Pluto is clearly disappointed when the doctor reveals that Antonia is still alive. (Really. He asks twice.) Turns out she's come down with diabetes. Her glucose was way high. Of course, there are ways to make it more manageable, the doctor says, and he'd like to keep her there for some tests... but Pluto says no, we're going home. He hammers her little shoes onto her swollen feet and tells her he doesn't trust doctors. She's just got a touch of the diabetes, that's all. Very easy to control. Antonia thinks that could be serious, but Pluto has a gift for her - chocolates! Sugarless and calorie-free, he says. She says they taste just like the regular ones. They agree not to tell her brother - he'll worry. Anyway, Pluto says, it's no big deal. He'll take care of her. "Put your life in my hands."

Next day, Pluto tells Rebeca all about it. They laugh about Antonia's diabetes. If only she would die! On top of obesity, Rebeca says, Antonia's also got high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and snores like a bear! A hahahahaha!

Helena tells Lucia how hot JC is and how he defended her in front of the Grupo Imperio people. JC has come up with some plan that requires Helena to accompany him to an Acapulco resort and show him around. Helena volunteers Lucia in her place. Lucia pops out (from the door she's been hiding behind) to shut down that idea. Helena finally agrees. They'll leave at 7 the next morning. JC gives the door a good whack on the way out, smacking noisily eavesdropping Lucia in the forehead. (There's a window in the door, for heaven's sake. He could see her hiding there.)

Back at GI, JC and his pals go to the restroom to rehash and pee. I must say, this is an interesting twist on the rehash sessions that female characters often have in restrooms. They talk about beating Pluto with their plan. JC is sure this "business trip" will work out. She won't be able to resist him. He'll dress up in a skirt and heels before he suffers over a woman. Santi jokes about JC falling in love with a fea. "Like the one Pluto married," JC laughs. They all walk out. Pluto steps out of a stall. He's overheard everything, and he doesn't look happy.

It's already evening. Santi ad Ferni are working late. But the files they've been working on have been deleted. (You'd think that after similar fiascos in other TNs, they'd know enough to back up their files regularly.) Pluto gloats.

Helena tells Dad she's going out of town. He says no, she can't travel alone. Um, did she ask his permission? She assures him she won't be traveling alone. Is she referring to JC?

No, it turns out she means Lalito, her son. JC is quite surprised when he arrives to pick her up. He wasn't expecting a kid. He's not happy. Neither is Lalito. They make faces at one another. The kid scowls at JC. JC ruffles his hair. The child actor fights to stifle his smirk and angrily tells JC not to touch his head.

The IT guy brings Pluto the Playa Majagua project files he stole from Santi and Ferni's computers. There's not much too see. So much for stealing their work! (It turns out that Santi, at least, was working last night not on the PM project, but on setting up reservations for JC's trip.)

Lalito and JC fail to bond over lunch at a roadside café. The boy puts hot salsa in JC's taco and generally acts like a brat. He jumps up and down in the back of JC's car. He drops a sticky snack on the upholstery and wipes his saucy hands on JC's shirt.

Back at the travel agency, Helena's mom brings lunch to Lucia. Lucia tells her how great "Juan Perón" seems. "He's a true caballero," she jokes obliviously.

Finally JC & co. get to the hotel. Some of the employees recognize JC. JC asks one of them to rustle up a babysitter to watch the brat. The brat refuses to be handed off to a babysitter and is rude to JC, but somehow he ends up going off with the babysitter anyway.

Meanwhile, at the office, Pluto (wearing a very shiny suit), knowing that JC is out of town, puts Santi and Ferni in the hot seat with Adriano. They try to bluff their way out of it, but they obviously don't have their facts and figures on Playa Majagua. Adriano gives them a deadline and kicks them out.

Furthermore, Santi's and Ferni's paychecks are being held back "until further notice." Ferni is upset that he'll have to rely on his wife's pay.

JC hatches a plot with a yacht captain. When JC puts his hands over his face, that's the signal for the captain to cut the engines. He calls it "Operation Honeymoon."

On a shopping trip with Antonio, Pluto has a run-in with the owner of the car Rebeca crashed Pluto's car into. The other guy says it happened outside a cheap motel. He wants money. Pay up or he'll call the cops. Antonia is getting restless in the car. Upon seeing that the woman in the car is not the same woman he saw yesterday, the other guy manages to extract a few more pesos in blackmail money.

Lalito gives his babysitter the slip at the pool. A couple of hotel employees gossip about JC seducing the single mother and breaking her heart. Lalito overhears and runs off.

On the yacht, Juan is laying it on thick with Helena. He says he feels nostalgic. He drones on and on about natural beauty and el sol y el mar. (Hmmm... this feels familiar. I keep expecting him to mention the sabor de la vida.) Helena says she's heard that story before and let's just stick with business. She mocks his Argentinean accent.

The babysitter searches for Lalito and finally reports him missing.

Juan continues trying to flirt with Helena. He asks if she likes him. His pal from the hotel calls with the news: Lalito's lost. "¿¡QUE!?"

Next time:
You call these avances? They're useless! Here are my own predictions for Monday: One of the men acts like a jerk. Someone gets angry. Nobody dies just yet.


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #74 Wed 7/18/12 The Showdowns Begin


Mexico City:

We begin with the Marcial and Vio meeting and things aren't going well. Marcial lurrrvvves his Vio, if she waits a bit, he will be free. Vio isn't down with that he lied to her, he's still married, doesn't want anything to do with him. He is not taking no for an answer, when who should walk in, wait for it, Flor, Marcial's wifey. And boy is she pithed. Accuses Marcial of betraying her with this esta. Vio says I'm no esta, my name is Violetta. You will respect me in my own home. Marcial doesn't want to air his dirty laundry with Flor in front of Vio, but Flor says she ain't going anywhere!

Julie and Gagme are in Gagme's office. Julie gets a call from the hunkalicious guy she met the other night, for a meet. He's Italian or the wine is. Anyhoo, Gagme gets a call from her informant, at the Torreslanda's , we all know who that is, on the count of three, Frigid. Frigid informs Gagme that Luci's Moms, Paz has come to pay a call on ole Rosa. Gagme is shocked.

Norma and Claudio are in his office and he is telling her how much he loved meeting Luci's family last night. It was like a party, their hospitality was wonderful and he drank some tea, and enjoyed meeting the people from the North. He loves her family! (Note to Claudio: I hope you always feel this way).

Aldo is at the salon where Vicky works talking to Nichole. Aldo is telling Nichole how much he likes Vicky. Nichole tells him to stay away from Vicky, cause it is causing her problems, effecting her work, and his Tio will not be pleased.

Max is talking to Pato, via the computer. Pato tells him his therapy went well, but he's tired. Max reminds Pato that Dr. Drexel said that was part of his therapy was to rest. Max sends hugs to Pato. Afterwards, Max calls Vicky. He says great your dad is back at work. How are you? Miss you. Click!

Luci has picked up Marianita from school and is going to help her with her homework. Mari wants to know why Luci is not marrying *dead to me* Rod. He's busy lots of work, can't be together. Mari wants to know if she used Mari's magic wand to wish with all her might to marry Rod? Luci changes the subject and helps Mari with her homework.

Vicky is at home, arranging some flowers in a vase, when guess who has come to call? That's right, its the boogeyman, oh sorry, no it's Aldo. She has opened the door wide and is now trying to slam it in his face. Aldo, however, has got his foot in the door. Vicky tells him she doesn't want to speak to him, and how terrible his Tio can be. He tells her to calm down. Vicky tells him your Tio could kill us. Well Aldo is flabbergasted, but he goes. Vicky is releived.

Het Het:

The Chisme Ladies are walking down the street talking about Copio. They run into Dona Luchita who says she used the phone over at Don Serapio's and saw Copio there. She tells the ladies she is diversifing her clothing line and something about her reputation. She goes and the ladies have a little giggle.

Don A is in his office, seems he has a replacement for Copio already and is mad the guy is tardy. He is starting to witch at that ring tailed cat on his desk when the guy comes in, I think his name is Babosa, but I have a feeling this means monkey, lol. Anyhow, Don A wants him to be on time, don't interrupt when Don A is speaking and now go and do what I told you.

Mexico City:

Rosa exists her white SUV all nose in the air.

Meanwhile, Magda and Estella are in the kitchen talking a mile a minute and Frigid comes in and tells them that Senora Torreslanda has come home and to pipe down. They just look at her like she's dumb.

Paz is still with Mati in her room. Paz tells Mati now is the time for the truth and to finally confront that minion of satan, oh, excuse me, Rosa. Frigid has taken herself upstairs to announce that Rosa is home, and Mati and Frigid escort Paz down to the library.

Rosa is in the library, and Paz with her head held high, goes into that library. Rosa wants to know who are you, and what do you want? Paz with her stiff spine intact says I am Paz Jacinto Flores, mother of Luciana. Well that shuts ole Rosa up, she has the deer in the headlights look. Paz continues and says, yes I am Paz, wife of Galindo, mother of Luci. Mati and Frigid are still by the doors and Frigid is openly gawking. Paz tells Rosa, you know very well it's me. Well, Rosa turns to Mati and Frigid and tells them to leave her alone with Paz and no interruptions. You can tell Frigid wants to hear it all, but Mati is the one that closes the doors and makes sure they are closed.

Luci and Marianita are still talking and Luci explains to Mari that sometimes reasons keep people apart. Ariche walks in as Luci is speaking and he wants to know why she isn't marrying Mushashon. The poor boy looks heartbroken. Now Ariche wants to know where Rod is. Luci says busy working. Ariche wants to call Rod. He wants Luci to call Mushashon.

Now back to Paz and Rosa. Rosa starts right in. I know why you came back, you want more money as she reaches for her purse. Paz still with the stiff spine is very, very pithed now. Paz says she doesn't want money. Rosa is not listening, and says por favor, as she is stroking a check and asking Paz how much we talkin' here. Paz says this is all your fault about Luci. Rosa says she never wanted Luci to return there, eva. Paz tells her it's the Torreslanda's family fault. Now Rosa starts the name calling, calling Luci a wretch, as she sticks her index finger toward heaven. Paz, with that ramrod stiff spine, looks at Rosa and says how is Luci a wretch, what cause she fell in love with *Dead To Me* Rod, and because of your manipulations and lies she got her heart broken. Rosa reminds Paz she isn't to tell Luci anything about her true past. Paz tells Rosa she knows she is a liar, cause Paz went to Rod is Dead To Me and got the whole story out of him, with the other two brujas you ganged up on her and told a bunch of lies and the funny thing is there was noone here to defend my Luci. Paz then tells Rosa she is a miserable person with no heart. Paz rolls up her sleeve, like she is going to give blood, and tells Rosa she loves Luci like her own blood and that Rosa treated Luci shamelessly.

Meanwhile, Max and Rod have gone out to lunch. Max wants to know how Rod is doing, really. Max is concerned, what with the divorce, all the work Rod is doing, not speaking to Rosa and Frigid listening at doors. Ha! Rod asks if Frigid is a necessary evil, they laugh. Max just wants Rosa to be tranquil at home, as if. He tells Rod to go ahead tell him, it's better to talk about it. He's his dad and will listen. Rod regurgitates all the crap about Luci being a liar blah, blah, but Max tells Rod, you ever think the girl is innocent of all this crap? Max thinks she is. Well Rod is just shocked. How can he think that. Besides she has a little somethin', somethn' going on with Linares, you know our #1 enemy, she was even hugging him in public! Now we know Max knows what the real relationship is, so Max tells Rod he was happy married to Luci not happy now, go talk to her, make it right. We're divorced says Rod, yeah, but try to talk to her anyway, so what if you're divorced. Rod says you don't know Luci and why is his Papa defending her all of a sudden. Max says he isn't defending her, just that Rod's heart wants what Rod's heart wants. Max tells Rod he cares about both Rod and Luci and wants them to be happy. Max thanks Rod for talking to him and Rod is grateful to have a listening ear. Lunch is over and Rod hugs his papa and cries like a big ole baby on his shoulder.

Magda, Estella and Mati are all in the kitchen waiting on Paz. Frigid is there too, making her disapproval known by that face. (Note to Frigid, hey hope your face freezes like that, jus' sayin'). Anyhoo, the ladies are chatting and Frigid is starting the insulting comments she is so good at, and she is harping on Mati. Mati leaves the room, with Frigid right behind and Magda and Estella make a joke about Frigid. Someone please comment about that, cause they sure had a good yuk.

Now back to the showdown. Rosa is yelling at Paz. Rosa is trying to tell Paz they are both alike trying to protect their children. Paz says no way, she tells Rosa she is selfish, she has no charity, no kindness. Rosa reminds Paz she is responsible for what happened to Luci too, in the past. Paz tells Rosa that may be but it's Rosa's fault this happened. Rosa of course says this is so NOT her fault, (were we expecting anything less?). Paz is still holding her own in mama bear mode and lets Rosa have it. She tells Rosa due to the bruja's and their lying they broke Luci and Rod up. Of course, Rosa is shaking that head, (Note to Rosa, oh, are your screws loose again, jus' sayin'). Of course Rosa is saying that is all a lie. Paz says no its the truth, and not only that, Luci only worked at that job, ONE NIGHT, and how Rod defended Luci against Lastra. And that says Paz is the TRUTH. She says those brujas, along with you cooked up all these lies. Now Rosa is name calling again and calls Paz ignorant. Really. Now Rosa is trying to tell Paz that Luci is a liar. Well Paz is so not having that. Of course now Rosa is in screaming mode, and screams that her whole family was so happy, until Luci showed up, and that Rod was gonna marry a great woman (Gagme is great, just wait) and because Rosa saw with her own eyes, how Luci essentially stole Rod. Paz aint having that. No siree bob, she says Luci is way better than that. Roselena, oh, Senora Roselena, it's your fault and you are culpable. Rosa is now swearing Luci will never, eva come near her family again. So essentially Paz says, who died and left you in charge. Rosa tries the guilt trip now. She tells Paz oh, you sent Luci here, cause your husband died, you have a mountain of debt, you have many problems and you really came here for more money for your silence. Oh, Paz is sooooo pithed, way beyond pithed now. Paz lays it on Rosa. She says for being intelligent, you are pretty dumb. Rod came and chased Luci, he came to Het Het looking for her, Paz tells Rosa that she saw Rod face to face and he asked for Luci's hand in marriage, and Paz wants to tell the WHOLE WORLD the truth. ( You go Paz!).

Break time and back to the other showdown. I beleive Flor is saying that Marcial is a cop, investigating the Inferno! Vio is beyond mad now. She rounds on Marcial and thinks he used her to get info about Inferno. She pushes him around and is joined by Flor, who does the same. Well, Vio ain't having that, and wait for it, grabs a skillet (Note to whoever talked about the skillet waving on another tn's comments) and waves it around, chasing Flor right outta there! Next she waves that skillet at Marcial and tells him to LARGATE! She closes the door and has to take a little rest on the sofa where she cries her eyes out. One of the best scenes with skillet waving ,second best scene of the night.

Now back to the other showdown. Rosa says the only truth for her is that Paz took Luci away, and now Rosa wants her to LARGATE MI CASA! Paz says she isn't leaving until the whole world knows what she truly is, that Rosa is not a good woman, she doesn't tell the truth, and she ain't no good mama either. Rosa says you don't know me. Paz says oh, I know you, you are a liar and ruin people's lives. Now Rosa wants Paz to listen to HER!!!!!

Another comedic break, and this one is good. Magda, Mati and Estella are all in the kitchen having a little coffee, when Magda remarks that kitchen is nice, but Het Het is better, cause of the fresh air, when Magda notices something, goes over to the door and gives it a good wack with her leg, on the other side that door goes into Frigid's butt and side of her face. Well Frigid comes right on in, calls them animals and that all Luci's friends are animals, and Magda, Mati and Estella are all trying very hard not to laugh.Frigid wants to tell on them, especially Mati, whose fault it is of course. Magda says I'll go with and tell your boss all about your listening at doors! Frigid backpedals and says on orders of the patrona you must stay here! Frigid goes nursing that face and Magda, Mati and Estella finally let loose with the guffaws. Mati says she wishes she had thought of that and thanks Magda. Third best scene of the night.

Back to the showdown again of Paz and Rosa. Rosa warns Paz of the consequences of telling about the baby napping. And by the way during this whole part of the convo, Rosa has, what I'd like to call, the manicomio look on her face. Rosa is laying it on thick that Paz wasn't a mama to Luci only for the money. Now Paz, poor thing, is starting to lose it, she is starting to cry (Note to Paz: Por favor straighten that spine, she is only messing with your head, jus' sayin'). Paz says that may be true, but I have loved Luci, ever since you put her in my arms, like my own, with all my soul. Now Rosa is trying to scare Paz, by telling her that Claudio has a relationship with Luci and what would Claudio think if the truth came out, about Paz taking Luci all those years ago? Do you think he would forgive you? Rosa warns Paz if she opens her mouth, there will be all kinds of grief for Luci. Besides, Claudio thinks his hija is dead, let it go. Now Rosa is trying to convince Paz it's too late to tell the truth. Besides if you tell the truth Luci will be lost to you foreva. Paz says you don't know my Luci. Rosa is trying to convince Paz, who she has by the arm now, to go back to Het Het with Luci and Luci will always beleive that Galindo and Paz are her parents. What good will it be to tell the truth now, anyhow? Besides she is laying the guilt trip on Paz, how this is really Paz' fault. Poor little Luci.

Melissa has come to see Claudio with her thesis. I think she put some finishing touches on it and is going to submit it. She thanks him for all his help, cause he was a big part of it, and he says you did the majority of the work. Claudio tells Norma he is going to Luci's and Melissa is going with.

Hanna and Boris are at school and I guess Boris is looking at the cd Hanna made for the project and Hanna is wanting to know how she did , when Boris snaps on her. She wants to know what's up. He says he's precoccupied. And what about she asks? He jumps right in and asks if she likes Lorenzo. She has a secret little grin and doesn't answer.

Vio gets company again, but it is Lorenzo and Fabian this time. She is telling them how much she was in love with Marcial and now its a mess. Lorenzo and Fabian assure her, she'll find someone better, when there is a knock on the door and it is Polo, with a bouquet of flowers for Magda. How sweet and bless his heart.

Magda and Estella are still in the kitchen and talking about Rosa being Mati's boss, and something about the devil, someone please clarify. They were still laughing.

Conny has come home, sees Mati in the hall by the library and Mati brings Conny up to date on the Paz/Rosa meet. Conny tells Mati not to worry. It will take care of itself. Conny goes off to see Pato, and he is happy to see her. Pato tells her about Luci going to therapy with him,he was very happy and Conny wants to know if Pato likes Luci. He says yes, and wants her back at the house. Conny says well maybe in time, and does some hand therapy with him. Conny also tells him, you will never guess who is meeting with Rosa as we speak, Paz the mama of Luci. Pato can't beleive it.

Paz and Rosa, meanwhile are winding up their convo. Rosa tells Paz that now it is in her hands, what to do. Paz has gotten her spine back, and says damn right, not really but Paz is determined. Pato, on hearing Paz has come to beard Rosa in her hellfire pit, comes in and greets Paz, as Rosa gives them the stinkeye. He says Dona Paz and she says jouven you must be Pato, and he says pleased to meet you and she says no the pleasure is mine as she grabs his hand and holds it.

In the best scene of the night, Ariche is in the court yard in the hood with a slingshot, when Rod has come to call. Rod calls Ariche's name, and Ariche turns around and wants to know why Rod isn't marrying Luci, while Ariche aims that sling shot straight at *dead to me Rod's* head. (Note to Ariche: Little dude you are one brave mushashon, but really aim a little lower, it will hurt *dead to me Rod* more and he will be begging for mercy, jus' sayin).


Will Paz tell Luci the truth?

Gala says Rodrigo es Mio, SOLO MIO

Rod meets with Luci


Abismo de pasión #91 7/18/12: the loud water works are threatening Hoover Dam, but we have team Elisa at full force, Gab gets a broken face and team LoopGael bid for putting on a PI agency

Recap by Marta
Gael and Paloma at cenote
G: No-one was there, not Abraham Lincoln, not Leurk, not the Undertaker, no not Elisa either, only Dam because Loopy asked him to come.
P: I thought by now you would be with Elisa.
G: well, I am not that clingy, as you see.
P: And what is holding you back, Gael? Dam will marry Flo and Elisa is free, as you are.
G: Can we talk about anything BUT Elisa?
P: why did you come, then? (really, Paloma? You say you love this guy and can only nag him about your competition?)
G: I feel bad for the way we split.
P: You don’t have to, you were honest. And I have you to thank for that. It’s not your fault I am so pathetic. If you don’t love me, I am the loser. I get it, I am not woman enough for you…
G: Don’t say that!, any man would feel proud to have you…
P: Yes, any man!, any man but you!...
G: You think I am wooden? You think I don’t feel when I kiss you, when I caress you? If I have not gone farther with you is not because I don’t desire you but because I respect you and care for you a lot and I think it would be unfair if I ended up hurting you!!…
P: Don’t tell me that!! Don’t say it!! Just admit that You don’t feel for me what you feel for Elisa…
G: Ah will you stop the silly chatter?!! (that’s what I say!... they go right into smooch… and powwow… ALL snipped off by Univision… including the lovely song)
Ramona arrives at church, tells Padre she is to blame for Augusto’s fate!! .. Padre is clueless  
-       what are you saying, woman?? …  
-       I killed him!! I killed him!!...
-       I am not getting it yet… do I get two more tries?
-       You were so right when you told me I should be careful with what I knew! I did not listen to you, I went to Augusto and told him all about Carmina and Rosie, and he could not handle the truth, and killed himself with the shotgun in the study (another round of clue game, anyone? Not possible to kill yourself in that game, only someone as ‘tortured soul’ as Augie can manage that)!...
-       Augusto?...
-       yes! Now how will I face Elisa again with? What explanation will I give her?? …
-       For the love of God!!
Back to house of M &M.. More Braulio whooping-ass, he is all bloody by now..(YAY!!)…
B: Vicente is your son!! He is your son!!...
II: Is that true Gab?
G: course not!
B:  He is asking for his father!! He is asking for you!!...
G: I have nothing to do with that chamaco!...
B: Get this you shmuck!! Tona and you wont take me for a ride again!. Admit in my face that you were with my wife!...
G: I might have bad moment, but not bad taste…I wont admit to anything.. (Braulio shakes him more).yes I was with her, but it was when she was still single, and I am a gentleman, did her the favor… (POW!)..  cough cough.. sorry, forgive me, it is not my fault you married a woman I tasted first (is this from CS93?)
II: You are a filth of a husband! You miserable slump!
BR: Chente is awake and is asking for you! he needs you! you have to go see him!
Gab: I don’t know if he… I don’t care! … with that woman, you have to second-guess even the priest… (yikes! I wonder what Loopy would say about that)
Br: you filth!! Early tomorrow you will go to the centro de salud!!..  Chente is very seriously ill, he needs a kidney! You are his father! And you have to donate it for him!
Gab: I cant give him something I don’t have! I don’t have anything to do with that chamaco.
BR: You will do it, and you better not refuse, because I swear even if I have to drag you there personally you will go and I will rip it(the kidney) off of you with my own hands!! (throws him down)
At Castigo Manor… Lolita keeps calling Hacienda. Still gets busy signal.
Carmina comes… Lolita says she was going to call Padre and Gael.
Carmina orders her not to, she does not want to see anyone come.
Lolita insists not doing it for you, Elisa needs the ones that really love her to be with her.
Carmina insists it will be done as she wills and walks Lolita out of studio.
Lolita tells her this is not her house, because Don Aug had kicked her out.
Carmina assures Lolita that since he is now dead, by law she is now owner of the quinta.
Lolita says you might own half, but there is also my nina Elisa!…
Carmina remembers the moment Augusto walked toward her and she shot him… gets crazy upset…
Elisa walks in her mom’s room totally deflated… still bloody white tee.. finds the pic of her mom and Nina on the bed.. wonders how the pic got there. Lolita brings her a tea. Elisa asks her about how the pic got there. who would have brought it? my dad? Surely it was him, surely he was here. If he was here in the house alone, surely it was him, But why? What was he thinking about? Lolita insists she stop the whaling and take the tea.
All this is because of what happened years ago when my mom died. My dad began deteriorating and his unhappiness and mine originated then. Can’t believe we suffered for so long and the suffering continues on. Lolita insists she stop whaling. Elisa continues whining she is all alone now, don’t even have Dam’s love. Lolita continues reminding her of the folks she has in her support circle. You are not alone. Elisa says her dad told her he would have liked to see her marry Dam the last time she talked with him. Lolita agrees, your dad made many mistakes, but in that he was right. Dam must know you are not siblings.
At hacienda, Dam is dreaming, remembering when he was little right after his dad died, and Alfie yelled that Stefie was to blame for Rosie being dead, and how she separated Dam and Elisa, telling Dam Stefie was a murderer, and he should not go near her daughter. He wakes up yelling ‘NOOO!! Elisa is my friend, mother!!’. (oh thank God he yelled that and not ‘I AM A PATHETIC LOSER!!!’ which would fit him better) Alfie and Flo are there faster than a witchy nose wink. Alfie wants Flo to stay with him, Dam insists he is ok and they should go back to bed. Alfie stays behind… she insists, he nags at her that she continues to treat him as a child. Alfie acts offended, I was just worried about you. good nite.
Back to cenote. They are sitting still on same spot, hugging, arms tight around each other…
P: Do you regret it?
G: No.. but I don’t want to see that the one that will regret it later is you.
P: No.. I am sure everything will not change between us. I love you so much…so much.. I want you to swear that you will never look at another woman. (he gets sad, stays quiet) why don’t you answer me? You don’t dare say it, right?...
G: come here… (he holds her in his arms again… ) I swear it.. I swear from here on out I won’t think of another woman but you. I swear it. (they are about to start all over but we see the famous wide skirt… yep its Ramona watching them kiss, she is sad, and concerned…)
R: You are a slut! I would have forgiven anything BUT THIS!.. how can you be here, when Elisa’s father is layin’ cold who knows where?
G: What are you talking about?
P: speak clearly Grandma, do you mean to say Elisa’s dad is dead?
(Ramona nods to confirm)
G: ‘No puede ser! No puede ser!’ (one of our fav phrases! he takes off running, Paloma runs after him calling his name, but Ramona pulls her back by her mane/hair ‘where the hay-ride are YOU going??’)
(Dam, now fully awake, remembers as kids him and Elisa talking after burying Rosie and Stefie, Elisa assuring him her mom was not to blame for what happened, do you believe me? (he nods yes), and them hugging, Gael approaching them and hugging Elisa, Gael saying he was sorry for their losses, he does not like to see Elisa cry… Dam telling Gael now I know how you feel, I just lost my dad for good, Gael saying he never met his... Elisa asking are they in heaven?... don’t know, maybe… I want to be with my mom, I miss her… Paloma joining them, telling Elisa that she misses her mom even though she was very little when she died, still miss her everyday…)
Dam: Elisa… my Elisa… (he basically whispered this cry, at least he is not breaking anyone’s eardrums)
Elisa by a tree outside her house… crying a river… remembering Augusto’s last few words with her about Dam loving her and wanting to see them marry.
Elisa gets on her horse and rides away…
At Tovar house… Begone-Ya nags at Inmundo for arriving so late… he tells her was at centro de salud, dealing with Chente’s status. Not in mood to argue, early tomorrow have a tough surgery. Will go back to the hotel while your friend Carmina is here… don’t worry, Carmina went back to her quinta. She had to, they told her her husband was dead. Inmundo impactado. What happened to Augusto? He killed himself with his shotgun… [Inmundo impactado even more, probably remembering he had just confirmed to Augie that Carmina had faked the DNA tests and also confirming that Carmina’s baby already in the oven before their wedding]
Gab knocking to II, apparently she kicked him out, he swears the chamaco (Chente) is not his child… II just gets more confy in bed… lol
Loopy arrives at quinta, asks Lolita why they didn’t tell him right away… Lolita says Carmina banned them from telling anyone. Lolita says Carm did not want anyone to come. Carmina does not want anyone to stand watch either. They took his body to the station to do the autopsy and Carmina wants to burry him early tomorrow.  Loopy whines about them burying Augie without even a mass.. In comes Carmina, firmly tells Loopy Augie was her husband, she decides how things will be, go away, there is no corpse to watch over here. Loopy says he won’t go without seeing Elisa. Carmina lies saying Elisa does not want to see anyone. That Elisa wants to be alone. Loopy insists that at least will give her his condolences. Carmina firmly says respect others’ pain… leave already. No-one needs you here. Loopy asks Lolita to let him know when the burial will be and loudly declares he will give Augusto his last rites ‘le guste a quien le guste’. Carmina nags at Lolita about telling Loopy. Lolita says ‘sorry but I will never keep Padre Loopy away.. never!’. (you go Lolita! Let me buy you a new dress complete with the crocheted colorful flowers)
Paloma and Ramona at home, Paloma upset asks Ramona what happened. Ramona not willing to talk to her about anything. Yells at her  on top of the guilt load she is carrying, she does not want to hear anything about what Paloma and Gael just did either. Paloma asks what guilt load. Ramona just yells ‘get out of my sight’. Paloma now upset about that too… but somehow she knew it would be so.
Elisa on horse arrives outside Hacienda, yells Damian’s name several times… runs around upset, keeps yelling her lungs out for him, to no avail. Is sweating… yelling… crying a river… yelling… (would someone hire her as a back-up ambulance siren and take her out of her misery? She comes complete with her own windshield washer and plenty of ww fluid!)
CB 2
At hacienda… Elisa still crying a river… still yelling… she must have elephant size lungs…
Knocks on windows, runs over and back, yells ‘Damian its me Elisa!! Damian, I need you!! Damiaaaan!!’
Inside the hacienda, Paolo is awake by door, he wants to open the door, Alfie won’t let him open, Flo is miffed… wants Alfie to tell Elisa to go away. Alfie says let’s let her scream till she gets tired…
Gael has run all the way to quinta (background music is odd, sounds like psycho style thriller theme?), rings the bell anxiously, Lolita confirms to him it is true.. how did it happen? .. don’t know, the house was alone, when we got here we found Don Augie dead in his study. (Gael crying) With the shotgun on floor next to him… Elisa, how his she?... mi nina is really bad… don’t worry, I will go see her… no don’t go, Dona Carmina does not want anyone in, she even kicked out the Padrecito… What do I care what that senora says, I wont leave Elisa alone in this… Lolita and Gael look for Elisa in her room, they are both surprised Elisa is not there… Gael will go find her. Lolita comes of Elisa’s room out after him but has to give explanations to Carmina… ‘Don’t even ask, it was Gael at door and I let him in. Elisa is not here, Gael went to find her..’  (the Lolita table is mighty crowded tonight… and so is Padre’s … Gael’s is too)
Elisa is still yelling for Damian at hacienda… FF>>… I would put duct tape on her mouth but can’t help but feel sorry for her when I see her short of breath for crying so long….
Inside hacienda, they can’t believe she has not left yet.. Flo says Elisa is capable of yelling all night… (I would not bet against that in Vegas) Paolo says don’t look at me for messenger, I am tired and I won’t interfere… Flo asks Alfie what time Dam left… don’t know, I did not notice when he left…
Dam has made it on horseback to the quinta… (he and Elisa never crossed paths so there must be at least two different ways from quinta to and from the hacienda) Dam is also wearing a white tee, but this one is not blood-stained… he rings the bell, a bit anxious but not as much as Gael was.  Carmina comes out, he tells her he feels anxious about Elisa. I know it is late, I felt the drive to come see your niece. Just tell me if she is ok… she is sleeping and you are wasting your time if you think I will wake her up (you ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssnake witch)… are you sure she is ok?... yes, now go away… good nite, sorry to bother you…
CB 3
Loopy gets home, paces around very upset, yells for Gael, but Gael is not there… From how he looks, Loopy may need Gael more than Elisa needs Dam… he tries calling the hacienda, but gets a busy signal.
Outside Hacienda, Elisa still yelling for Dam that she needs him…FF>>…
Inside, Alfie yawning (LOL!) …
Outside, Finally Elisa slowly rides away, still looking back. (man, that is a beautiful horse)
Inside, Flo and Alfie are relieved Elisa FINALLY left (and honestly, we all are too… Hoover Dam is still standing… but recapper is getting dizzy with the inside/outside/inside/outside/inside scene snipping) … Flo wants to wait up for Damian, to find out where he went. Alfie can imagine where he went, but its too late, let’s wait till morning to talk to him… go to sleep and don’t make me lose my patience…
Flo leaves in a huff..
 (Gael finally finds Elisa on the way, both still on horseback… I guess he took the same way Elisa took back home, even though Elisa had taken a different way to the hacienda, so there is a 50 50 chance Dam is also somewhere along this path…)
G: (gets off his horse and helps her off hers) I am so sorry… really I am so sorry (sweet hug)....
(of course we hear more horse steps… wait for it! wait for it! … Dam-the-Scram comes riding and sees the hug scene… Elisa is still really upset..(YAWN…) Don’t have to be smarter than a 2nd grader to predict Dam puts an angry face, makes a U-turn and leaves)
Morning at La Ermita, they are carrying the gasket (Gael, Inmundo, Horacio and Lucio), with the Castanon ladies and Lolita following, Paloma, Maru and The Tovars, and only about a dozen other townspeople behind… Gabino is on horse, asks a woman who died, she tells him Don Augusto C, Gabino impactado…
At cemetery, with plenty of flower arrangements (more than the people there, who paid for them?)… All the good guys are there, including the employees of the Cielo Abierto/ Green house. Elisa finds comfort in Lucio’s shoulder… Begone-Ya runs to grab Carmina before she collapses (no, Begone-Ya! Let her fall! But of course, with our luck she will miss the hole!), Inmundo looks at them and feels sick to his stomach… Loopy looks up to the heavens… Elisa can’t watch as they put the dirt on the gasket after lowering it.
A few yards away, Ramona is watching, she is upset too.
CB 4
At quinta, Gabino has arrived knowing no-one is home… he forces the door with a tool, gets in the studio, looks for some papers (‘where is the contrato, caray?’ surely looking for the papers Augusto was to sign to sell him Cielo Abierto). Found them, from the face he puts in when he sees some papers…
At hacienda, Dam arrives at breakfast table and Flo questions him where he was so late last night… could not sleep and went riding. Is this going to turn into the 20 questions game?... it’s not such a big deal (nah, his sister’s dad just killed himself and he happens to be in incestuous love with his own sister, but nothing to write home about, right?), don’t put a frown face, I don’t like it when we are fighting… I don’t like it either but you should admit that lately you make a big deal of spilled milk… you are right, but understand me, after all we’ve been through, I am not so sure of anything… don’t know why, we will get married in a few weeks, no?... just what I need to feel finally at peace, to feel we are man and wife… me too, it is what I need.
(Paolo comes and joins in) Hey Dam! Did you know Elisa came looking late for you?... Elisa was here?... Yes, Elisa came yelling your name for the longest time, she was desperate and woke everyone up… Dam mad at Flo for not telling him… P: Surely it is for the tragedy she is living… what are you talking about? What tragedy?... Haven’t you heard? Everyone is at Don Augusto’s burial… what are you saying? … That Elisa’s dad died… (Dam runs out just like Gael did). Flo mad at Paolo, then asks him about the Sabrina trip plan. Paolo says it got delayed by Don Augie’s burial, but he will pick Sabrina up in an hour.
CB 5
At church, Loopy and Gael (a.k.a. private investigators) are having late merienda coffee/bread… ‘ay mijito, these things wear you out, even more when it is someone so close to you like Augie was to us’… Don’t know why did this had to happen now? Don Augie was a tormented soul (not sure I could have put it better, Gael, but you are a bit too nice to Augie, I think) but lately he was in better spirits, he was even happy because after so long he was beginning to get along with his daughter… you are right, Gael, only God knows what was in his mind to push him to do what he did… no, no. It is still not lining up for me, according to what Lolita said to me, she saw Don Augie before dark, then he even sent Lolita to get Elisa. But when they arrived, they found him dead… then it is clear that it happened between the time Dolores left and came back with Elisa … IIIIIIIII don’t know, padre… why do you doubt it? you yourself just told me what happened before and after his death… yeah but let me explain, before dark I went to Elisa’s house, when I got there it was dark, and rang the bell but no-one answered… maybe by then it had already happened… honestly I doubt it, because when I got there his truck was leaving. .. you know who was in it?... yes, it was Horacio driving and Carmina was with him, and that means Carmina must have seen Don Augie still alive. (he does not get it to line up so he gets flustered and stands up) But why do we keep talking about it? the only thing clear is that Don Augie is no longer with us. (and is that good or bad in your view, Gael?) have to go take a shower, have to go to Cielo Abierto and the green house, now more than ever I need to keep those fields up and going.
At cemetery, Dam runs to Augie’s grave and is late.. excuse me, did they just burry Don AC? .. yes… ‘no puede ser!’ (there it is again, did anyone yell BINGO!??)… at least you got here, because there were very few folks in the burial, only a few people… (Dam remembers the last conversation he had with Augie, about how Augie told him ‘ I remember you as a kid, now you are a man, I respect and admire and take my hat off for you. and I have to recognize that as an old man I still have much to learn from you. I am not your dad, but from here on, I want to see you as a son.’ (they shook hands) Dam crying…)
Horacio arrives at the butcher shop to open for business, Loopy arrives there. Horacio surprised. Horacio makes small talk with him about the burial.. don’t worry padre, I will take care of Lolita and Elisa. … Loopy cuts his talk off, I know what you did, not precisely last night, I know the sin you are carrying, the only thing I regret is not knowing it in time to stop your marrying her. Such a great sacrificial woman does not deserve a husband like you. But don’t worry boy, what I know I know under confession vow so that is the only thing that saves you, even if you don’t deserve it. But I’m not here tot talk about your sins, but about Augusto’s death…
Previews for friday:
Friday: Flo and Alfie talk about Elisa still a threat… they count on Dam keep believing they are sibs, but Loopy tells Dam the truth… Dam impactado… then Dam goes to find Elisa…


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