Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Abismo de pasión #113 8/21/12: Guido’s A Goner and Everybody Left Better Have An Alibi

Abismo 113 – Guido’s A Goner and Everybody Left Better Have An Alibi

A short bulleted offering from your recapper Elna June

Hacienda Arango

·      We start out where Novela Maven left us yesterday, in the tense atmosphere of a Damian-Alfonsina encounter in the sala of Hacienda Harrangue-0. After his little tete a tete with Gabino, Damian asks his Mother is he has half-brothers out there, just waiting to be found. Rosendo could have had more sons, NO?  Alfonsina dismisses this inquiry with a filthy look and tells Damian not to speak nonsense.

La Quinta Castañon
·      Elisa comes into her room to find a white dress on the bed. It is lovely. Delores comes in and asks if Elisa likes the dress. Elisa says Yes, it is darling. Delores explains that the dress is hers—she had it made years ago by Blanca for her intended wedding with Braulio. She never used it and now Elisa can wear the dress in six months for her wedding with Gael. Hrumph. Elisa/ Gael. A perfect waste of a lovely dress, I say.

Hacienda Arango
·      Flo and Damian are getting ready for bed. Flo tells Damian she is worried about their relationship. Damian seems cold and distant to her. Damian tells her that he already TOLD her that she needs to be patient with him. She tries another tack.
·      Looking lovely and moving in for seduction, Flo rubs her body against his like a cat looking for it’s missing Fancy Feast, lowers her voice and says she misses his hot Lips, and his hot other stuff, too.
·      Damian seems repulsed by her and after a kiss he pushes her away and says that they should not have relations until the baby is born. He is not ABLE…She should return to her room. A shocked Flo gets the beddie-bye boot for the foreseeable future, since we know she is never going to have the fake baby.

Hacienda Beltran
·      Gabino has settled in to his new office at the beauteous Hacienda Beltran. I must say that he looks quite comfortable in the palatial looking room, leaning back in the chair, chewing his cud or some other unmentionable object, and making a phone call to Alfonsina. The camera angle is priceless, shooting Gabino at a low angle from between two large objects on his manorial desk, a giant brass dollar sign and a large hourglass. The sand has run down in the hourglass. This heavy-handed art direction may suggest that Gabino’s time is up, but I don’t believe it, not yet. Not with 40 capitulos to go until the end of AdP.
·      Gabino calls Alfonsina and, in a familiar tone, reminds her of his talk with Damian. He summons her to see him, early tomorrow morning at his new house—Hacienda Beltran.
·      Alfonsina looks like she has a whole habanero stuck in her throat. Did she hear correctly? Yes, she heard him correctly, says Gabino, he’ll see her early tomorrow AM at the Hacienda Beltran. Now who is summoning whom, Alfonsina?

Ingrid + Needs Alibi=Trouble for Doc Tovar
·      Ingrid wakes up in Doc Tovar’s hotel room as ominous music plays. He is still sleeping. She gets dressed and grabs her bag and Guido’s briefcase full of cash. On the way out she runs into the maid, who is delivering fresh towels to Guido’s room.
·      The maid knocks, enters Guido’s room and finds him dead in the shower. Drat! I liked Guido and the Cap’n had first dibs on him.
·      The maid calls for help and Dr. Edmundo Tovar comes into the Guido’s Hotel room. He declares Guido dead but hangs around the room before the police arrive. He suggests that Guido probably fell and hit his head, only an autopsy will show for sure.

Paolo’s Room at Hacienda Arango
·      A bitter Florencia visits her Uncle Paolo to complain that Damian gave her the Beddie-bye Boot.  Plo asks her if she still wants to continue with this (STOOPID) fake baby plot. She replies that she doesn’t have any choice; the writers cannot think of anything else for a beautiful, talented young actress to do—other than serve as a fake brood mare. Also, Damian would dump her for Elisa if her knew she wasn’t pregnant.
·      Plo now turns sagacious and reminds Flo that in a fake baby plot it might be a GOOD thing if no one was touching her, or peeking behind the curtain, so to speak. What was she planning at 5-6 months fake preggers to do to keep Damian at bay?  Aha! Light dawns on Flo’s lovely brown eyes. Now Alfie will be less suspicious, as well. (Huh?) Plo asks her again if she wants to continue with the program without Sabrina’s baby. Flo will talk to Dr. Manrique and figure out how to proceed…she tells her uncle that she is determined to continue with the half-assed idea.

Sabrina Visits Elisa to Blame Her for Alienating Paolo’s Affection
·      Really, Sabrina?  Elisa tells her that she had nothing to do with that patan Paolo. Her tia is more likely to be the problem.. She tells Sabina not to be a fool—open her eyes! Sabrina cries and looks miserable Elisa sort of comforts her.

Don Lucio Feels Guilty For Having A Nice Time At Maru’s
·      Lucio comes home from his date with Maru and remembers Blanca. He feels guilty.

Hacienda Beltran
·      Alfonsina comes into Gabino’s new abode. Gabino asks how she likes it—she ignores him.  He offers her a seat. She says she would rather stand on her own two feet. She tells him to shut up/ He reminds her that he is in no way an employee of hers any longer. Alfie repeats her recent accusations of Gabino—he is an embezzler! He replies that they should not fall into ugly words. For years he was her ‘perro mas fiel’. She disagrees; Gabino was not faithful at all.
·      Gabino reminds her not to interrupt him . He has a business proposition for her, a 15-year contract for La Anita to buy his habaneros. Alfie says Damian is the one who takes such decisions.
·      Gabino isn’t buying it. He starts in with some clear threats to disclose issues Alfie doesn’t want discussed: hijos de Rosendo, and all the things he, Gabino, has done for Alfonsina all these years. He reminds her that if she says anything she will completely damn herself! Alfie takes Gabino’s business proposal and leaves.
Casa Tovar
·      Sabrina repeats her conversation with Elisa to her Mother. Begoña doesn’t believe it! She knows Carmina quite well! This is Elisa lying again. Sabrina doesn’t think so. Paolo is done with her and she knows it.  Begoña now gets a little scary—if this is how it is going to be with Paolo he will pay very dearly. This, she swears, to Sabrina and we believe her. Paolo now has a new enemy—Begoña—and she has a very big mouth.
Blue House
·      Gabino comes into the Blue House nattering on at Ingrid. She is unresponsive to his chatter. She stares ahead, apparently dazed.
o  Ingrid says, “Gabino, I killed a man.”
o  Gabino, “Who did you kill?”
o  Ingrid, “Guido Landucci.”
o  Gabino, “You killed Guido Landucci.”
o  Ingrid, “Yes, with your pistol.”
o  Gabino goes a little crazy looking for his pistol. Ingrid is mumbling about the papers. She seems to be saying that she had to get the papers BACK from Guido. (I can’t understand her and I have no closed captions. Help!) He finds the pistol in her bag.
Hacienda Arango
·      Alfonsina walks into a full house, everyone is gathered in the living room. “What is going on”? Damian answers that Guido was found dead this morning. Alfie says it cannot be. Damian tells her that the police have some questions for her.
·      A policeman tells them that they have discovered that Alfie had an appointment to meet with Guido Landucchi at 8:00 PM in the Hotel L’Ermita at the exact same time as Guido died. Alfonsisna says, “¿Pardon?’ and asks if he is accusing her of something.  “Of course not, Sra.” replies the officer. The police just want to know if she talked to Sr Landucci. No, Alfie replies, she was not able to see him because he did not answer his door. She wasn’t there for five minutes and she asks Edmundo as a witness to back her up. Edmundo agrees with her, and says that he still thinks this whole thing was an accident.
·      Paolo pipes in helpfully that it is a stupid time to for Guido to die, at this exact moment. Damian snaps at Paolo that if he can’t say something intelligent, then shut up.
·      Now the questions are for everybody. Does anyone know if Sr. Landucci has any enemies in this hacienda? No, says Alfonsina. But Flo jumps up and calls Alfonsina a liar. Her father had an enemy here—Gabino Mendoza!
Blue House
·      Gabino mumbles to Ingrid that he just had this conversation with Alfonsina this morning…It seems his best laid plans may not be going exactly the way Gabino hopes.
·      Ingrid says it is obvious, Gabino. It was Paolo who gave Guido the incriminating papers. After all, Guido was his brother…
·      How are you involved in this, Guido demands. She retells a story about going for a walk, meeting Guido, hitting him on the head with the gun…Guido suspiciously regards Ingrid.
Casa Arango
·      Alfonsina tells the police that Gabino is no longer in her employ. Her son fired him from the procesadora. Flo pops up again, yelling at Alfie. Her father always suspected Gabino!
·      Alfonsina claims the embezzlement as an administrative error, Paolo says that Guido WAS the embezzler. Of course it was he.
·      But Flo rounds on her uncle. Guido swore on the grave of her Mother that he was not a thief and she believed him!
·      The police leave to talk with Gabino Mendoza. Damian says that Gabino was here at the Hacienda, last night, talking with him. Gabino has an alibi!
·      But today everybody is showing up at Casa Arango. Begoña now comes in to the house. She walks past the two white shirted policemen and leads Sabrina by the hand toward the rest of the group.
·      The police now turn to Edmundo Tovar. They say that this morning a woman was seen leaving his room. Who was that?
·      Edmundo hems and haws, but Begoña steps up and lies for him. "Tell them Edmundo", she says, "Tell them that your wife was with you last night".
Casa Castañon
·      Elisa is being sad for her godfather, Lucio, when Gael come in bringing her a check from the Santa Maria procesadora, in her name. Yeah! She can pay Alfonsina! Gael also gives her his life savings. Elisa says Gracias.
·      Elisa still worries about Don Lucio and Maru. Lucio needs a companion but he is still in love with his dead wife.
La Procesadora
·      Maru waits for Don Lucio outside the procesadora. She is worried about him because he is late. He is usually so punctual.
·      Gabino goes into the procesadora after insulting the guy at the gate.
Casa Arango
·      Edmundo Tovar gives Begoña the news about Guido’s death. He explains that the police are at Casa Arango investigating. He reiterates that he thinks Guido’s death was an accident. ( I think he has expressed this opinion just a little too loudly, just a little too often). Begoña offers her sympathies to Alfie, knowing, as she says, that Guido was important to her. Edmundo wants to know why Begoña and his daughter Sabrina are there.
·      Begoña says she is sorry to have come at such a tragic moment, but she there because what happened to Sabrina is terrible and sad. She is glad that she encountered the police here. She asks them to take into custody, in this very hour, ‘ese hombre’, pointing at Paolo, for violating her daughter!
La Quinta Castañon
·      Carmina, otherwise known as Gabino’s Tangerine Dream, enters the house like a hurricane. She screams at Elisa about the check from the procesadora Santa Maria, it was in Elisa’s name! Elisa says she doesn’t have it…But Carmina screams at her not to lie. Carmina wants her piece of the Pepper Pie!


Por Ella #25b 8/21/12. Introducing guest recapper Tablet Jefa

Tablet Jefa volunteered to recap tonight. Thank you!!!

Licenciada, Licenciada- can you hear me now??? Does anyone speak with their inside voices? A second honeymoon?

We start at the Grupo Imperio (GI) offices- with Pluto and Helena talking about Eva and that she helped him with his wife, Antonia but the next time that she messes up, he will fire her. Helena asks about her friend Lucia, and Pluto assures her that she will work for GI.

Helena gives Pluto a little gift, a box of candy. Something to thank him for yesterday at the ranch. He is very appreciative and the vixen-oops Rebecca bursts in. What? There is no protocol here, no knocking of doors, just boots. It's great that you are here! Licenciada Lopez, bring us 2 coffees an espresso and a cappuccino. Rebeca is delighted.- meow!! If looks could kill. Pluto remembers that today is the day that the contract agreement is to be signed by Diego Fonticoda. It's vital to the company that we get that agreement because I want to surprise you. The gift card read--In appreciation of the beautiful day that we had!!

In Helena's office -Eva annoyingly keeps calling Helena, Licenciada like he/she is a 5 year old. She yells that her appointment with Diego is confirmed, do you need me to jot it down on a notepad. I don't want to be a noisy body but Juan Carlos always reviewed everything at the last minute. Be careful with the stipulations that he may put in the contract. Hmm- FEA moment - Letty calling Don Fernando from her back closet- oops office. I digress-sorry. Helena lets Eva have it; she is never to bring up Juan Carlos' name in her presence. Can you hear me now?? Eva keeps pressing Helena's buttons because she can hardly hear her since she is so far away.

Read more »


Por ella soy Eva #25a 8/21/12: As Mentioned, Your Recapper Is in the Boonies...

... and there is no TV here. And nobody volunteered to sub for me. So talk amongst yourselves. Back next week.


Refugio Para el Amor #96 Tue 8/21/12 Certain Women Should Be Struck Regularly Like Gongs* (*Noel Coward)

No doubt Noel Coward was kidding-- but let's admit it, we're all beginning to feel like boffing Gala. She's the one we love to loathe, along with Roselena Julie and Brigida (who's the down market version of the materialistic mother-daughter duo). So sit back and imagine whom you'd like to hammer tonight because we have several wicked candidates.

No 1. ROSELENA. Not content with making Luciana's life a living hell, she now moves to get Lorenzo arrested, and out of Jana's romantic range, by complaining at the police station about the illegal food vendors operating in her high-class neighborhood. Those nacos are selling contaminated food and if the maids get sick, they might pass it on to us elite! She goes, she snitches, she triumphs, she stomps out. (I would dearly love to give a major swat to that self-righteous backside exiting the station.) And Lorenzo and Fabian are arrested, hauled off to the pokey and both the basket and the bike are confiscated until our poor broke taco boys can pay the fine (multa).

And when Roselena isn't dumping on Lorenzo, refusing to take her medicine, patrolling the house checking for dust on the furniture, or ragging on poor Padre Honesto, well she's conspiring with Julie and Gala for more mayhem. Her “work” for the afternoon will be to go out with Julie who wants to spend a wad of Roselena's money (or Rodrigo's) buying baby furniture, strollers and décor décor décor for the infant-to-be. A brief gong-worthy swat for Julie in passing. And another big one for demented Roselena.

No. 2 Meanwhile GALA'S burning up her credit card buying racks of exclusive, imported and expensive baby clothes, all in blue. IT. WILL. BE. A .BOY.-- according to her Rule-the-Universe-expectations. Gala's certainly not going to go through a pregnancy and labor for just a sniveling girl child. Even worse, she gleefully informs Rodrigo that from now on, he'll be footing all the bills for her purchases, right mi amor? His response-- a raging Sergio Sendel phone slam. Evidently our handsome sinner's Calvary is just getting started. While meditating on how she's going to squeeze (exprimir) every last dime out of him, she also decides to barge into his office, throw the multiple shopping bags down, complain when he doesn't gush over the mass of over-priced clothing and is hustled out with the plea that he has to work. Fine, I'll amuse myself until the ob/gyn appointment, but you'd better be there for that, mi vida, sez she. Gong, Gong and Gong!

Clearly our long-suffering hero is with the wrong lady (did I say lady?) but we viewers sagely nod our heads and say yessss, he still has a lot of groveling and growing up to do. Not ready to be rescued from his dreary consequences yet. Let's strike Rodrigo like a gong while we're at it. Whoops. No need. Gala's already beaten us to it. His head is going to be ringing for the next nine months.

Our writers love contrasts so the next scene is Luciana and Linares shopping is a simple and rather jumbled San Francisco el Alto store for baby clothes as well. But she doesn't want very many. After all, Paz and Magda will be knitting up a storm, and hand-made clothing, especially clothing made with love, is all her baby really needs. Point taken.

Later, as Luciana and Claudio continue their walk around the pueblo, he considers buying a big house whose absentee owners never visit any more. It's quite large and he would love for all of them....Paz, Madga, Luciana, the baby, and he to live together. 

 Not only that, but he gently encourages Luciana to call him Papa, or at least Claudio. But please, no more “licenciado”. Luciana blushes and reminds him that she doesn't even use the familiar form of address with her mother, but sticks with “usted”. How could she possibly call him Claudio.? A sweet scene that reminds us that part of Luciana's charm, apart from her natural loveliness, is her old-fashioned shyness and respect.(this scene was not in the Univision broadcast).


No. 3 BRIGIDA Our Lady of Frankenstein is worried about her income now that Rodrigo seems to be safely in Gala's clutches. Who in the heck is she going to sell information to, now that he's been sold, sealed and delivered? Nothing dramatic going on in the Torreslanda household now. Feeling sorry for her? Or ready to administer a well-placed thump on the noggin. You choose.

Anybody else you'd like to strike like a gong tonight? I know, you'd still dearly like to bash Rod. But, as I noted, Life With Gala is going to do that for you. She's snipping and sniping at him all throughout the ob/gyn visit, in a huff because he forgot to bring along all the shopping bags of baby clothing she splurged on earlier. And her only interest at the doc's office is to know how quickly she can get her figure back and when it can be confirmed THAT SHE IS HAVING A BOY . Rod listens to all this drivel with a just-kill-me-now face....the same one he's been wearing ever since she told him she was pregnant. All that awaits him later is heading home to a miserable evening with her in a dark, dismal, over-decorated apartment.

How about a good swat at MAXIMINO ? He continues his take-no-prisoners management style at the corporation and plots with Oscar on how they're going to handle Linares' lawsuit against them in the next few days when they're face to face. He'd like to somehow stack the odds in his favor but upstanding Oscar doesn't think it's necessary. Surely the evidence is on their side.

On the other hand, Max is showing some concern for Roselena, asking Connie to go along to every doctor's appointment, since the doctors, while needing further tests to confirm, think it's clear that Roselena is suffering a “ grave trastorno de sus facultades mentales”(a disorder of her mental faculties). Connie agrees to accompany her sister to each and every appointment. She and Oscar kiss (who'd like to kiss Oscar as well?...Me!) and she heads off, leaving the men to continue discussing their legal strategy.

So what else went on last night? Back in the barrio, the girls are discussing Ofelia's predicament. True to form, Lastre was coming on to the new recruit, so clearly another sort of employment must be found for sweet Estellita's daughter.

So hey, let's strike the lecherous LASTRE like a gong while we're at it. Several times.

In the midst of this discussion, Violeta gets the phone call that the boys are in deep trouble down at the delegación (police station). Girl power is in evidence as the gals swarm the place, scream to high heaven about the injustice of it all, and Violeta, bodacious cleavage at the ready, leans into the counter and gives the officer a couple of good reasons to change his mind. He's dazed and confused by all the brouhaha but the boys are still without their means of support. No money for the fine, no bikee.


Paz and Magda leave church, excited about the new Padre. And he's young! So he'll be around for a while. Don Aquiles accosts them and they blow him off; but Paz does confirm that el licenciado Linares is indeed Luciana's father. So watch your step Buckaroo!

Roselena invades Padre Honesto's peaceful office to gush about how happy she is that Rod and Gala got married. In such a hurry there was no time to invite the good Padre, but how wonderful that they're expecting! He gently points out that given her concern with church values, a rushed ,hurry-up civil wedding with a baby on the way( and with the ink barely dry on divorce papers!) hardly seems appropriate. She sparkles though with the knowledge that Luciana can't get her mitts on Rod now. But wait! Pato is now in danger of falling under Luci's spell. Oh Woe! (please Lord, another gong-worthy swat for Roselena.)

In a park, Aldo is plotting with Vicky to get his own back with Tio Max. She's terrified of Max and doesn't like any of Aldo's ideas, but he's determined to work Max for all they can get from him. Hmmmm. Don't think Mama Connie would approve but Aldo still has a little larceny in his soul. How about working over Max for a new car, and maybe a set-up for her own beauty parlor.  After all, he's crazy about you.  Pressure him! (Maybe a  swat for larcenous Aldo, upside the head. And a wee swat for Vicky for being so goldurned wet and victimy all the time.)

Jana asks Melissa why she never comes to the house any more. Was Mom rude to her? Melissa continues to maintain she's just too busy studying but Jana doesn't buy it. (not really swat-worthy but not great either.)


Finally, we see Pato and Marcos preparing to leave Mexico City, taking needed supplies up to the mission in San Francisco de Alto. Rod is hanging around, mewling and wishing he were going with them. Pato fixes him with a stern eye and says “Cada uno decide su destino.” (Each one chooses his destiny) And clearly, Rod has chosen the short straw. Ay yi yi, Consequences. Again, no swat needed here. Life with Gala (and without Luciana) will take care of that.

Yes, Pato has arrived on a mission of mercy, bringing furniture and school supplies as part of his charitable project in the area. But his real mission, no doubt, is to see Luciana and when she hugs him, the look of painful bliss on his face is hard to miss. Magda and Paz both see it and exchange worried looks. They tell him about Luciana winning the concurso (competition) and he tells her that Gala and Rodrigo are married. She reels as if punched. “So he loved her all along, “she whispers. “ No,” replies Pato. “ He didn't marry her for love, he married her because she's pregnant.” Now Luciana looks really devastated. One woeful tear rolls down her lovely cheek. And on that sad note we end.


  1. todo sale a pedir de boca = everything is going just fine (not hardly, but we can hope)
  2. la cenefa = the border, frieze (what Luciana painted on the wall of her mother's house)
  3. vasijas (de barro) = earthenware pots (the pots with butterflies that won Luciana first place in the competition
  4. el fin justifica los medios = the end justifies the means (not really folks)
  5. la resortera = slingshot (Ariche is planning to teach Luciana's baby how to shoot one)
  6. tus baños de pureza = your purifying ablutions (Maiti ragging Brigida about her supposed innocence.)
  7. exprimir = squeeze (can be squeezing an orange...or in this case, Rod's billfold)
  8. cantar sus verdaderes = tell you off, give you what for (Paz to Don Aquiles)
  9. cada uno decide su destino = each one decides his destiny (Pato to Rodrigo)
  10. un auditorio = a legal hearing
  11. investigar los datos de los dueños = get some  contact information about the owners, like eemail address, telephone number or residential address (what Linares wants Luciana to do)
  12. un sonaja = a rattle (Ariche plans to make the baby one that sounds like rainfall)
  13. enrarecerse = to become strained (Paz notes that the atmosphere is becoming strained when Don Aquiles is badgering her about Luciana's parentage)
  14. mantitas = little blankets (another project of Madga and Paz, the “two grandmothers” as Papa Linares calls them)
  15. están resabrosos = very tasty (Lorenzo, touting the tastiness of his wares “re” added to a word means “very”-- slang only)
  16. un pedido = order
  17. el tramite = procedure (police official explaining that it's procedure to pay a fine before Lorenzo and Fabian can get their confiscated goods back.)
  18. volante = can mean flywheel or referral note or slip (the latter is what Lorenzo and Fabian don't have....and need to get the bike back as well)
  19. llevar a cabo = to take place

Dichos y proverbios

El amor con amor se paga = Love is repaid with love. (Pato explaining why he wants to do charitable missions...he has been so blessed in life lately, especially with his physical rehabilitation)

No hay más de temer que una mujer despechada” = Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. (Watch out Rodrigo, I'm sure Gala has more humiliation and discomfort planned for you.)


Luciana tells Pato she is also expecting Rodrigo's baby.


Abismo de pasión #112 8/20/12: As he lay dying ...

[NM subbing for Sara tonight.]

Don Lucio reproaches himself for lying to Elisa.  Dam takes responsibility -- he will make things right with her.

He follows her to Casa Castigo where she and Gael have retreated. Gael snaps and growls at Dam like an irritable rat terrier.  Dam warns him he won't get in a free punch like before.  Elisa puts on her wide-eyed ooh-ooh mouth Shirley Temple face. 

Flor begs Padre Lupe to talk to Dam on her behalf.  She is disappointed that he won't advocate for a loveless marriage just because she is fake pregnant.  What kind of priest is he anyway?  And what kind of mother is she, he counters, who would sacrifice her child's happiness to meet her own needs?

Dolores manages to keep Dam and Gael from coming to blows.  Before Dam leaves, Elisa writes out a check returning all his money to him.

Sabrina tells her mother that Paolo broke up with her -- he never loved her in the first place!  And it's all Begoña's fault.  On the contrary, says Begoña, she has it on the best authority -- it's Elisa's fault.

In the Blue House of Shame, Curls and Gab enjoy a post-canoodle snuggle that ends, as usual, in an argument.  He's sure he has Alfie eating out of his bandanahand; Curls isn't so sure.  He leaves and she hurriedly stuffs some folders in her bag.

Elisa holds out the check and Gael intercepts it and stuffs it in Dam's plaid shirt pocket.  Dam vows he was only acting out of the immense love he feels -- and will always feel -- for her.  Gael prates that he will see to his woman's needs.  Dam can just shut up and get out.

Elisa turns her back to them both.  When Dam finally leaves, she falls into Dolores's arms.

Carmina meets Paolo in the fonda.  It was fun while it lasted, she tells him, but it's over. 

Gabino savors the memory of coupling with the Blood Orange.  "Siempre supe que por algo tenía loco a Rosendo pero me quedé muy corto."  (I always knew there was a reason she drove Rosendo crazy but I didn't know the half of it.)  He chews on a twig and reflects -- he'd go to hell itself to possess her.

[Be careful what you wish for, Gabino Mendoza!]

Gael promises to collect the money that the Santa María ProCe owes Augusto so it can go towards paying off the debt to Alfie.  Their own plans will have to take a back seat.

Don Lucio shows up on the porch of Casa Castigo wearing a beautiful dress suit.  (She thanks Lucio for dressing up to come to see her.  He admits the glad rags are for his date with Maru.  Not everything is about you, Elisa.)  She apologizes to him for being a jerk and then acts like one again by saying she'd rather lose her mother's lands than accept Dam's money.  He reproaches her for being so proud.  But they end up with a love-in, throwing kisses at each other.

Ingrid enters Gweedo's hotel room with her bag full of damning documents.  Gweedo learns not only that Paolo and Gab were accomplices but that, in the past,  Paolo had driven Gweedo's Mexico City businesses into ruin by embezzling funds.

Before Alfie leaves Hacienda Harango for her rendezvous with Gweedo, she tells Toña that Gabs doesn't work for her anymore.  There IS a God, murmurs Toña through tears of joy.

Gweedo demands evidence of the stolen money and the bank documents.  Ingrid pulls out yet another folder and hands it over.  She is getting frantic now.  She wants her money so she can leave.  Now.  But Gweedo is suspicious.  She must have been an accomplice in the fraud, right?  All Curly wants is out.  But Gweedo says not so fast, there is someone who has to hear the story from her mouth -- Alfonsina Arango!

Gabino is lolling near the stables waiting for him when Dam rides his standoffish white horse back home.  Gabs chews his twig and confides what he feels is the secret of La Anita:  since Dam's great grandfather's day, there has only been one descendent each generation so there has never been conflict over management of the ProCe.  Or at least one official heir.  It's just that ... Well ask your mother. Rosendo's infidelity was no secret ... there have always been rumors ... that Rosendo had another son.

Damián is skeptical:  "Si ese hijo existiera, hace mucho que hubiera aparecido, no crees?" (If that son existed, he would have shown up a long time ago, don't you think?)

Maybe, agrees Gabino -- unless the boy doesn't even know who his father is.  And it's funny your ma never told you about his other affairs.  Only Estefanía.

Ingrid has lost whatever cool she possessed.  Alfie is coming and she'll call the police!  Where's the money????  Gweedo picks up the phone.  "I'm calling the police right now!"  Ingrid holds a gun to his head.  "Put down the phone!"

Gweedo's eyes are bright with terror.  Ingrid squeezes the trigger.  And again.  He flinches.  The gun doesn't fire.  She pistol-whips him, incapacitating him with the first blow.  Then she strikes him repeatedly.  He falls to the floor, bloodied and unconscious.  Is he dead?

Alfie walks into the hotel and crosses paths with Begoña who is there to see Edmundo about the Paolo Problem.  Now Edmundo enters and Alfie walks on to Gweedo's room.

Inside that room, Ingrid is leaning over her victim and muttering about an accident.  (Maybe in Ingrish, "accident" and "murder" are synonyms.)  Alfie knocks on the door.  When there is no answer, she asks a maid to let her in.  The maid refuses.

Edmundo is not only unsurprised at Paolo's jilting Sabrina, he is relieved.  Yes she's unhappy now, but a marriage to that infeliz would buy her a lifetime of unhappiness.  He doesn't want a marriage like theirs for their children.

Alfie comes back to the hallway area and tells the Tovars that Gweedo wasn't in.  The doc heads to his room and Begoña heads home vowing not to let Paolo off the hook.

Enrique arrives at the consultorio.  Doc is gone but Paloma is still finishing up.  She refuses his offer to walk her home.  He doesn't understand why she pulls away every time he comes close.  Paloma says:  "Enrique, te me estás declarando?" (Are you declaring yourself? [saying you love me?])

Quique isn't sure what he feels.  He just knows he enjoys being with her, facing up to things with her, being close to her ...

Paloma feels wounded by her experience with Gael and is reluctant to enter into a relationship in which she can't reciprocate the affection being offered.  Then she realizes she is saying roughly what Gael said to her.

Enrique isn't asking her to feel what he feels.  He just wants a chance to be close to her, to go out with her, to be open to the possiblity of something more serious.  Paloma recognizes that Enrique's words sound like what she said to Gael.  The problem is she can't seem to get Gael out of her head.

Ingrid finds the attaché case, and loads up the folders back in her bag.  She tidies up hastily and slips out the door of the hotel room.  And there is Edmundo coming down the hall.  He invites her into his room.

Despite spending the evening talking about Elisa's problems, Lucio has been good company for Maru.  They exchange a sweet goodnight peck on the lips.

Edmundo senses that Ingrid is upset and is sure it has to do with Gabino Mendoza.  She falls weepily into his arms.  At first he pulls away from her.  But she makes a move toward him, they kiss, and she reaches back to loosen her hair in order to conceal her repulsive side curls.

Paolo, shirtless in his darkened bedroom at Hacienda Harango, is loosening his pants when Flor's voice startles him (and the viewer):  "Did you go to see Sabrina?"  He switches on the light.  "Yes" he says, adding meanly:  "And guess what?  The fool (la estúpida) miscarried!"

Dam tells his mother that Elisa returned the money he gave her and that she intends to pay off Alfie's loan as soon as possible.  Alfie says she'll never forgive him for putting Elisa's needs first.  He counters that he will never forgive her for many things -- for sending him away from her when he was a boy; for trying to manage his life; for insisting that Estefanía Bouvier ruined her marriage when it is obvious she and Rosendo never got along.  According to Gabino Mendoza, Rosenda had a complicated love life.  How is it she mentioned only Estefanía as a rival?

"Because she's the one who took him away from me and because of her, he is dead!"

Dam isn't finished.  What about other children fathered by Rosendo?  Does Alfie know if he has a half brother?

Avances:  Dam sends Flor to her room for the next seven and a half months.  


Amorcito Corazón Discussion #89-93 Aug. 20-24

Hola Amigas/os,
Let me if I've missed something and enjoy your Tuesday!


Willie and Lucia break up seemingly for good.  The other mother superior, we’ll call her MSB because she’s bad, encourages Lucia w/her decision to the convent (I think).  Later in the episode, creepy music plays when MSB continues to push Lucia toward the nunnery.  Willie is crushed by her decision and follows the galan ritual of getting drunk as a skunk in order to forget her.

Sabrina meets EWM while the latter is upset b/c she’s stupid and surprisingly can’t run a company.  Unfortunately it appears Sabrina journey to the dark side is almost complete.  How don’t you know you are becoming the cheerleader for Satan’s handmaiden?  By the end of the episode she leaves the apt and gets Fer to help with her bags.

Fer wants to get his co-padres to get Isa to come back based on her contract but Cecilio can’t initially find a loophole.  Fer tells Isa she can’t go because she owes him the money from her father’s surgery.  Thankfully Suzie and Zoe realize he’s doing it to get her back but because TN writers often delight in making protagonists as dumb as possible Isa continues to act so stupid I want to FF.  The rest of the episode involves Fer and Isa playing childish games. 

Doris feeling guilty about the break-up and gets Fer to give her extra money which she will use to house Mayela


Monday, August 20, 2012

Amor Bravío #11 (Uni 6) Mon 8/20/12 A Pact With the Devil

Note: I will maintain the episode numbering of the original broadcast in the event that anyone misses any episodes and needs to catch up with it online. This will make it easier to locate what was missed.

Lo Refrito

Camila is not comfortable living somewhere that doesn't belong to her and is determined to go to Chile to find out what really happened. Unlike her metiche of a mother and her reptilian husband-in-name-only she is unwilling to believe that Daniel is guilty without better proof.
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Por ella soy Eva #24 8/20/12: In which Juan gets nicer and Plutarco looks more evil.

Wow, okay, back to the blogging couch with me!

This will be a very Antonia-centric episode, so brace for fat jokes! As things start up in the episode, everyone at G.I. is trying to figure out what to do now that Fernando and Plutarco and Helena aren't at work. Eva is listening sympathetically (but a little grossed out) as Antonia complains about missing her "Plu." Eva takes her out to show her she can have fun without him! Some awful teenagers at the restaurant make fun of the "whale," so Juan-I mean Eva leaps to the rescue, beating them up with his "bolsazo" and making them apologize! What fun! Then Juan seems to truly finally understand the pain he and his ilk put the poor woman through and she reveals to him that there was one man crueler than any other: Juan himself! But we get a closeup on him and he looks as remorseful as a man in drag can look!

They go shopping together and appear to be having a WONDERFUL time, at least until Antonia falls into a diabetic stupor and gets whisked away to the hospital.

Wherever it is Plutarco took Helena and her kid, Plutarco tries (ha) to convince her that his interest in her is strictly business. Helena yells at Lalo for fighting a mean kid who was teasing him. Once mom leaves, though, Plu tells Lalo that hitting the kid was a good choice, and that's the only way to be respected. Then he sets the two boys up in a second fight and watches eagerly! The new alternative to dogfighting! When Helena catches him fighting a second time and takes him to task, the kid lets her know about the awful things grandpa has been saying about her. They have a heart-to-heart, and she says Lalo's dad didn't run away, but just lost himself in his work. Then the two wistfully think about Juan.

Pluto is flattering Lalo, to try to get points with Helena, when he gets Juan's call from the hospital about the diabetic incident and makes a big show thanking God for giving him a chance to get rid of the whale! ew... He rushes to her side to pretend to cry over her. He gets Eva out of the room so he can whisper into his wife's ear. He pretends to be God, and call her to come towards the light. Then the doctor returns and reiterates that she needs to be taking care of herself. Plu happily ignores his recommendation.

Wow, Fernando's wife actually gets a moment in the sun, doing his presentation for him! She seals the deal! Diego is so happy he pulls off the doorknob - Huh? Diego offers her a codirector position, but she has to clear it with her husband... Diego comments to Santiago that she is proving to be quite impressive (un estuche de monerias). What are monerias? Obvi, Fernando is not happy about this development. He's a jerk.

Juan, out of costume, calls up Antonia as Eva just to see if she's ok, and it's hilarious to see him do that voice out of his makeup. Plutarco is a jerk and tells her the doctor said she needs less stress [ie, don't exercise], but she shouldn't worry about changing her diet or anything. Oooh, I can't wait to see him punished!

Helena has promised her girlfriend (Lucia) Eva's job at Grupo Imperio, because she didn't realize that Diego had given Eva a second chance... Needless to say, Helena is not happy to see Eva when she shows up for work.

We're in for some more dumb fat jokes as Antonia approaches the bathroom scale, terrified and crossing herself. As she does this, she simultaneously gives instructions to the maid on what to do with Plu's jacket. The maid finds the ticket to whatever resort Plu took Helena to!

Oh good! Marcela cuts Fernando off as he's telling Diego that "they" decided she wouldn't the job. She'll take it!


Refugio Para el Amor #95 Mon 8/20/12 Gala Marks Her Territory With Fire; Julie Marks Hers With Booze; and Rosa Marks Hers With a Police Intervention and Plenty of Hand Sanitizer

Rod has just begun his wedding night with Gala by putting her clothes back ON—this is a marked contrast to his wedding night with Luci, which he spent trying to take her clothes off. Gala puts her robe on, but then drapes herself across Rod, begging him to make love to her. He gets up, grabs a blanket and pillow from the bed, says goodnight, and heads to the living room couch. Frustrated Gala knocks a few items around and says to herself how much she hates Rod. In the living room, Rod thinks of Luci and says her name.

The next morning, Gala heads over to her old place to bitch at Mama Julie about Rod, how he rejected her and how she’s sure he was thinking of Luci. “He’s never going to forget that damn maid!” Julie’s advice—it’s Gala’s job to seduce him and make him forget. Make him fall in love with her again. Anyway, he’s already hers since he married her. Gala says that sure as hell is right. When she signed that marriage contract, it was like signing a contract on PROPERTY—Rod is her property. Not even death will make her set him free. She’s going to make his life hell and will NEVER give him a divorce! (This sounds like hell for both of them, but Gala doesn’t seem to realize this.)

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Abismo de pasión #111 8/17/12: Eliar is a Low-Down, Man-Stealing, Skank and other Keen Observations

Alternative Title
Alfonsina is in a Bad Mood, So Everybody is Going to Have a Bad Day
Guido is not a Punk
Casa de Mickey and Mallory Alfonsina bursts through the front door just in time to catch Gabby and Ingrid swappin’ lots of spit.  Shocked, Alfonsina tells the twisted lovers that she will have them both arrested for attempted murder!  Gabby follows Alfonsina outside.  He readily confesses that he and Ingrid broke into Alfonsina’s house and decked her, but he also knows she won’t tell anyone because she’d have to admit to Damien that she deliberately lied about Elisa.  Alfonsina doesn’t care; she just wants them both to get got. Within earshot of her driver, Gabby threatens to reveal that Damien and Gael are brothers.  He’ll tell Damien that she has always known and then he’ll tell the things that he’s done under her orders.  Gabby assures her that Damien will hate her forever.   Alfonsina stumbles over to the SUV and gets in.
Clinic Reception Desk Ramona has come to the big city to visit Dr. Tovar; Paloma informs her that he’s with a patient.  Ramona tells Paloma that she’s tired of looking at her face and starts in on her granddaughter about Gael.  Leave me alone!  Ramona tells Paloma to lower her voice because you’re never too old to get punched in your face by your grandmother.  She goes on to say that Paloma can’t handle the fact that she gave up her goodie in order to keep Gael, but her goodie wasn’t great because Gael still prefers Elisa.  Paloma says that she didn’t give up the goodie to keep him, she gave it up because she loves him (Thank you Jesus for blessing me with sons!).  Paloma tells her grandmother not to worry, times have changed; it doesn’t matter whether or not you’re a virgin anymore or something like that. 

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