Thursday, August 12, 2010

Dinero #172- 8-12-10: Sleeping Beauty and the 70 Wedding Guests

From yesterday: Our gloomy groom Rafa is being greeted by Claudia’s cleavage and the rest of the Siglo Sales Team. He thanks them for being there for him at such an important moment. Rafa sees Marian and asks her what she’s doing there. She tells him, he will see. Next he greets Doña Arcadia who compliments Leonor on her youth, and both Leonor and Julieta on their beauty. Finally, a white stretch Hummer limo pulls up and Don Gaston announces that the bride has arrived. Everyone gathers around anxiously, but likely nowhere near as anxious as Rafa.

“Con ustedes, Vicky!” (I present to you, Vicky!) No one comes out of the limo and Don Gaston tries again. “Con ustedes, Vicky, Vicky, Vicky!” No blushing bride makes an appearance, so Don G. decides to take a look inside the limo. He finds a curiously tranquil Vicky smiling angelically back at him. Even her makeup seems toned down. She also seems to be in no hurry to leave the limo. A bemused Don G. looks around the limo and is startled to come face to lovely face with Dora the Peinadora (aka Jaime), who is sitting opposite the Stepford wife version of Vicky. Dora explains to Don G. that s/he is there to put the finishing touches on Vicky’s makeup. An enchanted Don G. kisses Dora’s hand, tickling her delicate fingers with his moustache. He then helps his niña out of the car and is quickly joined by his sons to flank their precious baby girl.

Don G. slowly walks a radiant Vicky to the altar to meet her groom. Vicky is so overcome with emotion that she has tears in her eyes. This would be a lovely moment if the groom didn’t look like he was at his own funeral. Don G. gives Rafa Vicky’s hand and asks him to please treat her well. She’s his most precious possession. Rafa promises and he and Vicky turn to face the priest. Vicky then leans toward the Padre and asks him to just skip right to the part that officially marries them. (There’s some of the old Vicky we all know!) Marian assures her friend that she will put an end to this, and Dora gets felt up by an old geezer sitting next to “her” in the pew.

The priest goes through the vows. Does Rafa swear to be faithful until death do he and Vicky part? (You could hear a pin drop in the church as everyone waits with baited breath for Rafa’s answer.) “Sí padre. Acepto.” A gasp erupts from all present. Marian looks like she just received a stab to the heart.

We need a break from this nail-biting drama, so we head to the local bar. We find Ale sashaying in to meet Susana, and receiving wolf whistles from all males present. Susana asks how her last day at Siglo went. Ale tells her about the kind words from the sales team, and about how Dandy tried to talk to her and she shut him down. “He’s the incarnation of Rafa!” Susana can’t understand how Dandy could have done something so low down, when she thought he had changed.

Ale looks at her watch, noting silently that the hour of Rafa’s boda has arrived. She announces that she needs a drink to dull the pain and takes a swig of Susana’s drink. She is disappointed to find out that it’s just juice, and calls across the bar to the waiter to bring them the hard stuff. “This is the end of my story (historia) with Rafa.” Bottoms up! She begins to drown her sorrows in martinis, remembering the good times with Rafa as the sad music plays in the background. The music pauses long enough for Ale to drain a drink, have a good burp, and collapse over the table. It then resumes to match Ale’s despondent mood.

Back at the church, another woman who is in love with Rafa, Marian, looks like she’s going to take action. She attempts to rise up before Vicky can say her I dos, but is prevented by her friend. Turns out there’s no need because before Vicky can say “Yo acepto”, she passes out! Another gasp erupts from the wedding guests. Everyone rushes to the altar to surround her. Rafa, Leonor and Don Gaston think she needs to be taken to a hospital, but the Brothers Grimm, who have another understanding of the urgency of this wedding, think she can still get married in this state. All they have to do his nod her head for her. That works right? They get overruled by the others, and off they go, ALL of them, to the hospital. Everyone except Doña Arcadia and her assistant. She thinks Jamaica will be just the thing to help her forget this stressful wedding. Her assistant laments that he didn’t bring his passport. Arcadia then has to set him straight. She is planning to head home and have a glass of jamaica (a refreshing drink made from a type of hibiscus- in Jamaica we spice it with ginger and rum), put her feet up, and hang out with her puppies.

The whole wedding party arrives at the hospital and then ALL head to the exam room carrying an apparently comatose Vicky. The doctor has to yell over the crowd and push his way through to see his patient.

Back at the bar, Ale is telling Susana that had she been able to stop Rafa’s wedding, she would have (there’s no need now Ale). Susana says she should have asked him not to get married. “I did!” (True.) “Anyway, how could I be with a man like that? How?!” Susana knows how. She urges Ale to admit the truth, that she’s in love with Rafa. Ale has no problem admitting it. “Claro que sí! Claro que sí! Claro que sí!” (Of course x 3) She collapses over the table once more.

Vicky is the only person who is not in a high state of anxiety so far in this capitulo. Don G., the brothers and Rafa plead with the doctor to tell them what’s wrong with Vicky. He gives his learned medical opinion to the gathered crowd. He believes that…she’s ASLEEP.

“QUÉ?!!!!!!!” (collective disbelief)

Felipe (little bro) wants to know why she fainted then. He is sure it’s because she is PREGNANT!

“QUÉ?!!!!!!!” Rafa tells them that it cannot be (no puede ser). Then how did it happen, her brothers want to know. “Are you calling my sister a qualquiera (slut)?”

Finally Dora jumps in to help clear up a few things, the first being her/his real identity. S/he takes off the wig. Gasp!! “Jaime, que es esto?” Julieta doesn’t give him a chance to explain. She slaps the contacts right out of his eyes. Jaime is not deterred. He explains that the reason Vicky fell asleep at the altar is because he put some sleeping potion drops into her glass of water. The crowd gets even more hostile and wants to know why he would do such a crazy thing. (I bet Marian wasn’t planning anything nearly as crazy to put a stop to the wedding.) Timid Jaime has suddenly become brave Jaime. He soldiers on telling the truth (at least what he knows to be the truth). “Vicky esta esperando un hijo mio.” (Vicky’s expecting my child.) “QUÉ?!!!!!!!” Everyone is impactado.

It’s now Jaime against the lynch mob. His worst nightmare has come true, and Rafa and the Brothers Grimm are clutching whatever part of him they can get their hands on and shoving him around. They want to know how that would be possible. Leonor looks like she’s about to faint, and Julieta is fuming in the background. Little bro starts punching Jaime repeatedly in the gut and big bro bites his earring off (luckily it’s a clip on). Vicky wakes up in the middle of this madness. Vicky, you have some ‘splainin’ to do.

At the bar, Susana is telling Ale she needs to cry it out. “Mas?!” Yes, she needs to let it out. “Mas?!” Yes, you need to unburden your heart. Ale gulps down her martini and Susana’s instead. Susana tries to cut her off and reminds her she’s getting married tomorrow. (That will only make her want to drink more Susana.) The drinking continues and soon Susana is almost as drunk as Ale. Ale claims that she’s happy she’s moving to Brazil. That way she won’t have to see or hear anything about Rafa again. “Let’s toast to the happiness (felicidad) of that canalla (swine, jerk).” Ale and Susana have gotten to the silly/giggly phase of drunkenness. When Ale’s phone rings they both struggle to tell the difference between a phone and a pocketbook, until Susana finally answers it in Autos Siglo secretary mode. Tia Rosario is on the other end and is not amused. She wants to talk to Ale. They’ve had no news of Jorge yet and she’s worried. Ale then imagines an animated Jorge, Ruby and Manrique skiing and snowboarding through the Alps. Rosario wants Ale to come home immediately. Ale lies (in a pretty poor attempt to not sound drunk) that she’s closing the most important business deal of her life. Click! Ale then turns to the bar to order another drink and envisions Rafa drinking a tequila at the bar. One thing, if nothing else, should have made her realize this was a hallucination- Rafa is wearing a marino vest (aka, a wife-beater). When her vision turns to face her, the awful truth is revealed. It’s our resident skinny drunk, who has probably never had a woman look at him this long or intently. Suddenly, Ale regains a bit of her senses. She remembers that her papa is lost somewhere between Mexico and Switzerland. Susana is fall-off-her-seat-impactada to hear this news. But she soon recovers and assures Ale that Jorge is fine. Ale then goes back to thinking about Rafa. She is sure that HER pajarito is now a married man, and off limits (prohibido) to her.

Sleeping Beauty has awakened and is in big trouble. Rafa is using her full Christian name and wants Victoria to explain this pregnancy business. Vicky puts on the innocent act. She doesn’t know what Jaime is talking about. She’s not pregnant. Jaime tells her she can stop pretending now, and even the brothers point out that they saw the test results. Don Gaston is not happy to hear his boys kept something like this from him. Vicky tells Jaime that nothing happened between them. But she did too good of a job with her deception. He announces to all that he and Vicky had an “intimate encounter.” Julieta gives him another slap, not giving him much of a chance to explain that it was before they officially became novios. But Rafa is his best friend. How could he do such a thing?

This all starts to get very painful, both physically and emotionally, for Jaime. Julieta slaps him a few more times before leaving. Leonor gives him a piece of her mind. As does Rafa, who punctuates it with some vigorous shakes. None of them wants to see or speak to him again. Poor Jaime!

Jaime explains about the fateful night- the lingerie, the champagne, the blackout, and waking up with no memory of the cositas Vicky spoke about. He also admits to helping Vicky with her plan to make Rafa marry her, and then pass Rafa off as the baby’s father. More gasps from the wedding guests at each new detail and revelation. (Hey, this is way better than a wedding. It’s a telenovela in real time!) It seems some of the guests are starting to catch on to just what really happened, but Jaime’s still in hot water. Don G. orders the doctor to do a pregnancy test. If Vicky’s not pregnant, then they will figure out what the next steps are. If she is pregnant, then Jaime and Vicky have to answer to him.

Marian approaches Rafa as they all wait for the pregnancy results. She leans on Rafa’s shoulder and he asks if she intended to stop the wedding. She admits to it. The doctor returns to announce the results. (Drum roll please………..) “La Señorita Victoria de la Parra is NOT pregnant (no esta embarazada).” (Ha! Knew it all along.)

Our Vicky does not give up easily and tries to use this news as evidence that Jaime just made the whole thing up. She’s ready for them all to head back to the church and get the show back on the road. Rafa will not be convinced. He announces to her, and to all the assembled, that there will not be a wedding. There is no gasp of disbelief this time (except from Vicky). Instead there is a relieved exclamation of “que bueno” (good) from all the guests. Vicky is now crying and babbling about just wanting her and Rafa to have the wedding they always dreamed about. She appeals to Don Gatson. But Don Gaston has caught on to the scam his daughter just tried to pull. “No señorita. Se acabó!” (It’s over!) “Do you think that after what you did, Señor Medina (notice the respectful address) would want to marry you? The wedding is over.”

Tomorrow: Claudia tells Marco about Rafa’s cancelled wedding. He’s more determined than ever to marry Ale before she finds out. Marian makes her move on a devastated Rafa.


Llena de Amor #3 Wed 8/11/10

Do we have a recapper for last night's show, or was this an alternate week with a ? for recapper? If anyone is planning to post a recap, please let us know!

Otherwise, here is a place to discuss.


El Clon Wednesday August 11: Summary for Discussion

Thank you, Novelera, for today's fabulous summary!

Casa Ferrer

We open with Leonardo’s gobsmacked face. Cris is yammering in his ear that he no longer can deny being unfaithful to her. And Rosa is on her knees thanking God for Diego’s return and saying she told Enrique he’d appear en carne y hueso (in the flesh). Leo moves toward Daniel saying “Dios mio” Daniel looks completely baffled. Cris continues to yammer, but Leo faints dead away. Rosa approaches Daniel and touches him to see if he’s a ghost.

Albieri is in the cab with Zoraida. While she and her luggage are being helped from the taxi, Albieri has some interesting thought bubbles. “Tengo que enfrontar Leonardo, Dora, y mis colegas, pero esto es muy poco comparado con lo que hice. Hice un clon. Saqué el genio de la botella. Abrí la caja negra del misterio de la vida. La evolución de la especie deja de ser gobernado por Dios y pasa a ser gobernado por el hombre.” (I have to confront Leonardo, Dora, and my colleagues, but this is no big thing compared with what I have done. I made a clone. I pulled the genie from the bottle. I opened the mysterious black box of life. The evolution of our species no longer is ruled by God and has passed into the hands of man.”) No bolt of lightning from the sky strikes him. It seems Frankenalbi has moved past guilt and gone on to the hubris stage.

Casa Mohamed

Jadiya begs Latifa and Samira to tell her the truth, that her mama doesn’t love her. The Naz accuses her of listening behind the curtains, but she says she heard this from Rania. Latifa tries to tell her she can’t believe Rania, but The Naz is in full bull in a china shop mode and tells her that Jade was the one who left Said. Zoraida (otherwise known as “The Marines”) arrives to try to smooth the troubled waters. She holds Jadiya close.

The Only Hospital in Miami

Jade replays for Zein her broken record of how it’s all Lucas’ fault. Zein, who’s looking better and wiser in every episode, tells her she needs to look to the future instead of the past. She puts her hand in his.

Casa Alejandro y Natalia

Lucas, Marisa, Alejandro and Natalia are sitting together uncomfortably while Lucas drinks Alejandro’s café cubano. Alej tries to make small talk about Lucas having wanted to be a musician. When they get down to the plan for the younguns to move in, Natalia says “nunca”. Marisa for once seems almost human, trying to say it’s a family custom for the kids to move back occasionally. There was also a look on Marisa’s face that maybe, just maybe, she might be getting a sense of who Alejandro really is, especially when he said they didn’t need any money. After Marisa and Lucas leave, Alejandro says he has a training bout that evening and will she come? With a sweet smile, Nati says she will.

Casa Ferrer

Leo comes to, then moves across the room and embraces Daniel. Daniel looks very dubious. Rosa makes peace with Cris because she’s brought her Diego back. She takes Daniel up to show him Diego’s shrine … er … bedroom. He’s surprised to see photos of himself, although looking differently.

The Only Mall in Miami

Marisa and Lucas are walking through the mall, appearing to have the first sensible parental conversation of their marriage. Lucas says that Nati seems better than she was before. Just then Nazira, Samira, and Jadiya appear, Sam saying she wants a mini-skirt. Of course The Naz sees our born-again parents just at the moment Lucas puts his arm around Marisa in a companiable way.

The Hospital

Zein brings Zoraida to visit Jade. She tells Jade that Rania told Jadiya about her relationship with Lucas. Then, looking uncomfortable, she also tells her that Nazira saw Lucas and Marina in the mall very affectionate with each other. Jade has never seen a conclusion she won’t jump to, and thus tells Zoraida that Lucas has gone back to his wife.

Casa Cristina

Daniel tells Cris that at first thought the pictures were photoshopped, except that the clothing was “retro”. He also wants to know why his real dad let Albieri say HE was the father.

Casa Said

Said and Jadiya return, and it looks like our wish may be coming true as Said is yelling for Rania as soon as he’s in the door. He tells Rania never to speak to Jadiya about Jade again. And, by the way, don’t make me sorry I married you.
Said tells Jadiya to follow him, and she manages to stick out her tongue at Rania behind his back.

Hotel Room of Los Ratoncitos

The Chump arrives while the “little rat” is grooming herself. He asks her about the title to the apartment and the power of attorney. Always quick on her feet, Ratoncita says: “Ya hice el borrador pero se me quedó.” (I already did the rough draft, but I left it at the office. Notice that in Spanish it got left on me, removing the responsibility from the person who did it!) She says she’ll go get it. And then she tells him that the furniture will be delivered on Thursday. This means they can move in.

Empresa Ferrer

Roberto and Clara talk about why the apartment is still not in Fer’s name. Roberto promises to talk to The Chump about this. Clara and Roberto then gossip a bit about the appearance of Daniel. Roberto raises the anvil high over his own head by declaring that this could never happen to him. With all the contraception now available, there’s no excuse for getting someone pregnant.

A Park in Miami

The two losers, Paula and Fernando, are griping about people who tell them the truth about their drug use. Andrea and Nati are walking through this same park. Fer immediately invites Nati to a party. She tries to tell these two she’s off drugs. But they say, practically smirking, that she can come for a little while and not consume. Oh boy! We get more PSA from Enrique’s psychiatrist’s office.

Casa Albieri

Luisa and Silvia arrive. Silvia shows Luisa the photo of Daniel, which they both think is of Lucas.

The Only Club in Miami

Hurricane Cris arrives and has to be pulled off Dora by Vicki. Dora insists to a friend at the bar that she has to straighten this out, and she goes after Cris and Vicki. Cris attacks her again on the stairs, but before anything can be resolved, the cops drag the two of them off. They have amazing police in Miami. People have only to raise their voices for 10 seconds for the cops to show up and restore peace.

Casa Albieri

Luisa goes to wake up Albieri, but she cheats us out of our big scene of Silvia confronting Albieri. As usual she coddles him and tells him to go back to sleep.

Somewhere in Miami

Daniel is wandering and thinking, remembering Leo’s embrace when he is waylaid by the sKanK.

La Cárcel

Dora and Cris talk past each other in separate jail cells. Dora, of course, never manages to get to the important stuff - like artificial insemination.

The Gym

Alej’s fans mill around, some of them carrying big signs with his picture on them. Gloria looks wonderful. But, of course, Nati is not there. He frantically calls Andrea and hears about the re-appearance of Paula.

Casa Clara

Clara’s with Enrique and points to some work Fer was supposed to do for Carolina. Nothing’s been done. Clara tries to blame Fer’s behavior on Paula, but Enrique points out that it’s not the friend leading him to drugs, but the drugs leading him to friends like Paula.

Some Bed in Miami

Danny Boy is trying to use Karla as a confidante, but he should have picked someone with more than a double-digit IQ.

Casa Ferrer

Leo is badmouthing Enrique for not appearing in front of him 5 minutes after he wanted him. Lucas and Marisa arrive, and Rosa tells them Diego was here. He is reincarnated. Leo confirms this: Your brother was here.

The credits roll.


Dinero #171 8/11/2010: The bride is wearing white, the groom is wearing regret

The rooster has crowed once more as our inevitable day has finally dawned. Tearful goodbyes were said in tonight’s episode. Hearts were being broken and schemers seem to have the upper hand. No news is given about our traveling Swiss trio and the Brother’s Grimm have developed mutual crushes on not only our lovely Marian but a new salon stylist as well. Could they possibly draw this out any longer? In the words of our lovely Marian “ya lo verás” (we will soon find out).

We begin with Juliette explaining to Vicky that Marian is a friend of the family. Vicky pulls Juliette aside and begins drilling her asking “Where does he know her from? What is she doing here?” Juliette escapes Vicky’s clutches, telling her Marian just came for a visit. Marian has finally realized she has just stepped into a hornet’s nest and humbly apologizes stating “I didn’t mean to interrupt anything.” Jaimie sarcasticly tells her she hasn’t interrupted a thing, just a little wedding rehearsal (ensayo) for Rafa and Vicky. Marian trying very hard to digest what she just heard turns to Lenora repeating this in a form of a question, “Rafa’s wedding rehearsal?” Vicky confirms this and informs Marian that she will be marrying Rafa in a few hours. Swallowing hard, Marian graciously congratulates her and wishes her happiness with Rafa.

Vicky asks Marian if she knew that Rafa was going to marry her. Marian assures her that Rafa told her. Then she apologizes again for interrupting their family event, but she only came by to talk to Juliette about the job she offered her. Juliette is smiling, while we see Vicky in the background snarling and silently mocking Juliette’s exuberance (Very funny scene as Vicky is doing one of those gag-me pantomimes) as Juliette explains to Marian that she has been too busy with schoolwork to get back to her.

The Brother’s Grimm manage a moment to display their eagerness to get to know Marian but are stopped by a protesting Jaimie. Marian wisely decides it is time to leave. Before she leaves she tells Juliette to think about her job offer. She turns to Vicky and sweetly offers her hand, which is accepted with mistrust and aggression. Marian congratulates Vicky, as Vicky stands arms crossed and snarling. As Marian says goodbye one final time, Felipe and Pancho have fallen to their knees begging her to stay for at least another 30 years. Vicky takes the upper hand, literally, to slap her brothers back to reality and tells them the lovely lady is leaving. Marian taking this all in turns to Lenora, apologizing yet again for the interruption and makes a safe retreat as Vicky holds the salivating brothers at bay.

Juliette has accompanied Marian to the door and tells her she will let Rafa know she was there. We see Vicky in the shadows lurking and listening in. Once Marian has left Juliette quickly scurries past Vicky to stand safely beside Lenora.

We get a glimpse of what Rafa’s life could be in the near future once he marries Vicky as we travel to Ramiro’s apartment. Elvira is asking him what he is doing sitting in the dark as she flings on the kitchen light. She wants to know how he did today. Before Ramiro is able to get a word in, she grabs him and says “don’t tell me you got fired you useless (inúitil) thing.” Ramiro is crushed that she could think such a thing. She tells him that’s the thing that occurred to her. She continues telling him that she lives in anguish (angustia) thinking that one day this is what he will tell her.

Ramiro is finally able to get a word in and tells her he had a meeting with Doña Arcadia. Elvira wants to know who that is and Ramiro informs her she is the bosses boss, the owner of Auto Siglo. This slightly impresses Elvira. He tells her that Doña Arcadia is interested in using his services as an architect. She throws out more insults until an exasperated Ramiro mistakenly shakes his fingers at her telling her one day she will see. To his dismay and pain, Elvira, like a rabid dog bites down hard on his fingers. The noise has awoken our slumbering father-in-law who goes on a rant of words that were beyond my comprehension. (Sorry, my brain shuts down when ever he talks). Elvira turns to him and tells him to butt out as Ramiro is left rubbing his injured finger. He tells Elvira that Doña Arcadia could really help them out. Our rabid Elvira now frothy at the mouth, grabs Ramiro by the face pinching tightly as the verbal and physical abuse continues. Ramiro is finally left alone to contemplate the cross he has to bear.

Lenora is telling Vicky not to think the worse, that Marian is a client of Rafa’s. Vicky is not buying this. Juliette is also coming to the defense of Marian. Even the Brothers Grimm come to her defense as they call her re chula (chula/ charming amusing or attractive. Re chula/ very charming or attractive.) Vicky ignoring them, grabs Jaimie to continue the wedding rehearsal. This is short lived as Rafa has arrived home and Jaimie is tossed to the sofa as we get an ear splitting “Pajarito” as Vicky begins smothering him with little bird like kisses. Rafa confused and looking around, wants to know why there are so many people in the house.

Jaimie informs Rafa that they are here for the wedding rehearsal. Vicky is bouncing up and down with glee telling Rafa now that he is home they can go over the entire ceremony. This is strongly protested by everyone. Lenora reminds her that they have an early morning ahead of them with the beauty parlor and getting ready for the wedding. Jaimie attempts to put in his two cents and is pulled back by Juliette who tells him he is acting very mysteriously. Jaimie innocently stutters “Me? What have I been doing?” and makes a quick retreat towards the door.

Rafa is left with Vicky clinging like saran wrap to his arm. She sweetly leans closer to him caressing his jacket lapels and tells him they have lots to talk about. Rafa tenuously says “We do?’ as Vicky, sweetness left behind, screeches “Who is this Marian?”

Rafa stutters “MMMMarian” and questions Vicky on how she knows about Marian and Felipe and Pancho are up standing, singing her praises only to be slapped sillier than what they all ready are by Vicky. She turns back to Rafa and tells him she was just at the house. She demands to know what she wanted with him. Don Gaston also a little curious as to her visit tells Rafa “ you are about to get married and it just isn’t right that this class of woman would come to see you.” Rafa tells him that she is a client and has bought a lot of trucks from them. Vicky still not convinced wants to know why she came looking for him (buscarte). Rafa fumbling for a reason looks to Lenora and Juliette for some help. Lenora tells Vicky that Marian already told her why she was there. She came by to talk to Juliette about the job she offered her.

Rafa tells Vicky she has nothing to worry about. Vicky tells Rafa she isn’t worried especially since she is on the verge of marring him. She passively encircles her long nailed hand around Rafa’s neck, sinisterly stating and “no other women will get close to you . Do you understand?” Rafa stammers that he understands her. Vicky continues to say if that woman returns to see him she will breaks his jaw (mandibula) in two. This behavior alarms not only Lenora and Juliette but Don Gaston also seems a little frighten for Rafa‘s well being as they yell at her to stop. Vicky is not through talking, stating they still have to talk about the honeymoon. Rafa tells her they can’t take a honeymoon because he has to work. Vicky quite upset doesn’t understand why he can’t get permission for just a couple of days. Rafa reminds her that he has an important business deal and they will discuss this later. Lenora is able to convince Vicky it is time to leave as they have an early morning ahead of them getting ready for the wedding. She turns to Rafa to say goodnight and reminds him that soon enough they will be able to spend all their nights together.
And the entire Grimm family finally says goodnight.

Rafa is now standing alone sighing mournfully. Our scene changes to another mournful soul as we see Ale, knees tucked up under chest, crying alone on her bed. We get a split screen view as if it wasn’t already painful enough to watch, of Rafa sadly sprawled across his bed asking “why?“ and Ale crying inconsolably.

Our crowing rooster lets us know it is a new day. (Is it just me or is this becoming a Wednesday thing?) It is now the fateful day. But wait, Ale’s phone rings. She answers it hopefully and hears Rafa’s voice saying “ Pretty licenciada.” Ale smiling brightly responds “Medina?” He tells her he is not going to marry Vicky and that she is not going to go off to Brazil with that lawyer. He continues “ I love you. Lets escape and go far away from here.” Ale eagerly asks him where. He tells her anywhere they can go to be alone to clear up everything between them and this time she will believe him. Ale listens contently on as we see her door open. Rosario enters quietly and hears Ale’s happy chatter and laughter as she calls out “Rafita Rafita” and cutely mimics his ira ira ira. Rosario has now approached the bed and we realize sadly that this has all been but a dream as Rosario gently leans over to tell Ale to wake up. Ale still in her peaceful dream softly repeats Rafa’s name out loud. Rosario now concerned takes another tactic and shakes Ale until she wakes.

Now awake, but confused, Ale sits up looking for the phone. Rosario tells her it is over where it should be . Ale now sadly like the rest of us, realizes that she had been dreaming as she spies the phone lying on the bedside table. Rosario asks her what she was dreaming about (Con que estabas soñando). Ale tells her it was nothing and to forget about it. Rosario shaking her head piously tells her she was saying Medina’s name. Ale with eyes wide open says “Well in that case I had a nightmare (pesadilla). She changes the subject and tells Rosario she has to get to work.

Rosario has now discovered the torn photo and the ripped shirt on the floor. She picks up the torn picture and asks Ale “What’s all this disaster? Is this Medina?” Ale meekly answers yes. Now Rosario has picked up the torn jersey and asks if these shirt pieces (pedazos) are also Medina’s. Ale looks away as Rosario self righteously continues “You don’t have anything to say?” demanding to know what is going on now with Medina. A resigned Ale tells her nothing is going on. She tells her not to worry then sadly says “Medina is getting married today.” Rosario is left speechless as Ale now quite upset gets up and repeats “Medina is getting married and nothing is happening” and a broken hearted Ale walks away crying “I am so stupid, and nothing is going on. So why should it matter” as she storms off to the bathroom. Rosario is left alone with mouth opened, staring at the Rafa half of the photo.

Rafa is in bed when Lenora enters his room. Concern envelopes her as she asks him if he got any sleep at all last night. She asks him if he is certain about what he is doing. Rafa tells her the decision has already been made. There are certain things in life you have to do and this is one of them. He tells her not to worry he knows what he is doing. Lenora shaking her head tells him she sure hopes he is right and leaves. Rafa attempting to get himself up says “What a bitter day ( amargo). I am going to marry a woman I don’t even love.”

Ale is now dressed and ready to leave. She asks Rosario if she has heard anything from Jorge. Rosario tells her no. As Ale heads out to work, she gets a scolding from Rosario telling her Marco deserves better from her, especially with such an important event (acontecimiento). Ale tells her not to worry they will talk later tonight, kisses her and leaves. We see another shadow lurker as Marco is listening in.

We are now at Siglo where Marino spies Ramirez and asks him why he never showed up last night. Our Siglo crew all gasp excitedly at the thought of fresh gossip. Claudia seductively asks him if he has a girlfriend. Ramirez snaps a magazine at her and says “ it’s nothing you filthy (cochambrosas) blunt (obtuse/blunt or dull) uncultured (inculto/ uncivilized or uncultured) minded people are thinking.” He informs them that his mother showed up last night and all is forgiven and he has moved back home. Dandy alone in one of the show cars says “I though she was a nun (monja) but it turns out she is just a mother“. Ramirez tells him to be more respectful.

Marino is overjoyed with the news that Ramirez has made up with his mother and he finally will have the house to himself again. Pepito is more than willing to take his magazines for gentlemen off his hands. Marino suggests that he give the magazines to Dandy, so he can realize that there exist other types of women besides the skinny ( escualida) and horrible Susana. Bebe tells Marino to shut up then tells Ramirez to just throw the magazines in the garbage. This doesn’t sit well with Pepito who pleads with him not to throw them away and turns to Rosaura as he says these magazines don’t have anything that they don’t have here. (or something like that). An embarrassed Rosaura makes a quick retreat.

Susana has arrived at Siglo and Dandy is encouraged by Claudia and Pepito to go beg for forgiveness. Dandy not needing any more encouragement abandons the car and heads after Susana. He asks her if they can talk. Susana tells him they have nothing to talk about and tells him to leave. Dandy tells her things can’t end like this (acabar) without her listening to him.

They are interrupted by Beltran. Susana approaches him and tells him she needs to talk to him and hands him her resignation. Dandy is shocked as he hears Susana telling Beltran she is quitting today. With both Ale and Rafa leaving there is no reason for her to stay. Beltran’s attempts to talk her out of this are futile. Susana tells him her cycle (ciclo) has ended and she just wants to leave. She is very grateful for everything he has done for her but it is time to leave. Beltran gives her a sweet sincere hug as a devastated Dandy stands helplessly by. Dandy pleads with Beltran to convince Susana not to leave.

Ale enters and rudely greets Dandy. She has a little bipolar moment when she suddenly sees Beltran and her snarls have turned to smiles as she rushes to Beltran, sweetly greeting him and kissing him on the cheek. Ale is suddenly aware of the sadness in the air and asks Susana what’s going on. Beltran informs Ale that Susana has just resigned. Then he states lets put sentiment behind us, look what time it is. It is time for the meeting and times is gold. Trapito has just come out of Ale’s office carrying a waste basket. And Ale retrieves a piece of paper from it and tells Trapito that it is not garbage. (I am not certain what she pulled out of the garbage but I think it was her wedding announcement).

Beltran once again reminds Ale about the meeting and to be sure and hand over her papers for her successor. She tells him not to worry. Once the meeting his over she will hand over everything. She turns to Dandy and scolds him telling him to get to the meeting. Dandy not wanting to leave Susana, tries to explain to Ale but she firmly tells him to leave. Beltran echoes this as he screams at Dandy as well to get to the meeting.

Beltran approaches Susana and says “Although you might not believe this, your leaving is very painful for me” (doloroso) . He gives her a fatherly hug as he continues “Your massages were marvelous and my wife will really miss them.” He sweetly taps her on the chin as he leaves.

Both Ale and Susan are crying as Ale asks her if she is certain she wants to quit. Susana tells her she is certain and just can’t be there any longer. She tells Ale she will meet her somewhere after the meeting is over. Ale agrees and tells Susana she can’t stand to be there any longer either, especially since Rafa is getting married soon.

We have a very sad meeting. Ale tells them this meeting will be different from the others. She attempts to pour out her heart and soul and is interrupted by Rosaura reminding her they are in a bit of a hurry. After all they need to get to Rafa’s wedding. Even though it won’t be a really elegant event it will still be decent and they still need to get ready. Ale struggling to put on her brave perky face tells them not to worry. She will make sure they won’t miss the big party.

Marco asks Rosario if Ale has left. Rosario tells her yes, and that she left quite depressed (deprimido) because it will be her last day. Marco feigns empathy as he tells Rosario he understands, but tells her not to worry because after today things are about to change. They are going to get better. Rosario than asks Marco what time Jorge will arrive in Switzerland. Marco looking at his watch tells her any moment now. He tells her not to worry he will call Manriquez to find out how their trip went.

Our fiendish Marco with fingers to his chin, thinks to himself “Perfect, that wretched stupid Medina is getting married today. And now all my problems with Ale will finally end.” (Some one said it before and it might even have been me but he sure looks like Snidely Whip Lash when he does that rub to his chin.)

The make-up crew, Ovi and the boys plus one, have arrived at Vicky’s house to get her ready for the big day. Felipe wants to know who the plus one is. “She” introduces herself as Ovi’s assistant. Pancho wants to know why they need an assistant. Our green jacket clad assistant in a bad Doris Day wig, tells Pancho she is there because Vicky wants to be absolutely beautiful and they are not going to let her down.

Ovi has lost her patience and interrupts them and says “Can we finally go and get her hair and make-up done.” Pancho agrees saying it would be terrible if Vicky arrived with no make-up on. Pancho then asks our plus one her name. She introduces herself as Dora the peinadora (hairstylist). (I seriously hurt myself when I fell off my chair laughing hysterically). With that Dora scurries off towards Vicky’s bedroom. She is cut off at the pass by a suspicious Felipe who wants to know how she knows where Vicky’s bedroom is. Dora batting long eyelashes, says “I don’t know, but I would imagine that it obviously would be upstairs.”

Our dopey brothers believe her and allow her to go on up. The brothers are left alone and Felipe gets the award for best puzzled face of the night as he asks “ listen brother (carnal) doesn’t that little monkey (mona/ all you Gancho alumni should know that one) look familiar? Pancho thinks about this and says no but she sure is pretty. They both agree smiling and rubbing their hands together like little children.

We finally get our first glimpse of our bride to be as she is anxiously pacing in her room. Ovi and the boys enter with Dora the peindora close behind. Vicky is all excited until she sees Dora and wants to know who she is. Our dynamic trio introduce her as “their new assistant for special cases just like hers“. We have a cute little song and dance by our now hysterically funny quartet. Vicky is delighted and all set to get ready for her big day.

Ale has just informed the Siglo crew that this will be her last day. Bebe is moved to tears. Even Ramirez has touching if not windy words to say. He refers to her as their own Joan of Arc. Ramirez asks for a moment of silence and all stand to sing the Siglo anthem. Tears are shed by all including Susana who hears the song as she disassembles her office. Ale thanks them all and wishes them well. Dandy attempts to talk with her but is shot down as Ale rushes out.

Ramirez encourages everyone to hum the wedding march in honor of Medina. As they start “dum dumming” the wedding march, we see Ale sadly listening at the stairwell praying to God saying “today I lost my Rafita, help me,” drawing hand to face trying to control her sobbing.

Marian is walking with her friend (I can’t remember her name I just remember her as Daniels’s sister) somewhere outside. She swears she doesn’t understand men. She is certain that Rafa doesn’t love Vicky. Her friend asks her if she has talked to Rafa about this. She tells her she has tried the impossible even going to Rafa’s house. She ran into Vicky there, and Vicky got very jealous. Marian tells her “this woman is crazy, She is paranoid and she is going to make Rafa totally unhappy.” They have suddenly stopped and her friend asks Marian what they are doing standing in front of the church. She tells her it because “Rafa is getting married here.” Her friend wants to know what she is going to do. Marian turns to her and says “You will see. You will see.”

Lenora and Juliette are preening one another as they wait in the living room for Rafa. Lenora flipping her lovely locks off her shoulder is “not certain about the curls” (chinos) but she looks absolutely stunning. Lenora is becoming a tad inpatient waiting for Rafa as Juliette reminds her that he has very little interest (menos ganas) in going to this wedding. Rafa, looking very dapper in his dark suit and silver tie finally enters the living room. He looks as if he is going to his own funeral instead of a wedding, as he approaches Juliette and Lenora, announcing somberly that he is ready. As they leave another prayer is said to god. This time it is by Lenora praying to God that that they are doing the right thing. (I think tha’s what she said.)

Our next scene is Don Gaston. He is nervously waddling down his hallway with a striking similarity to a very large penguin dressed in his black tuxedo. He screams “Vicky! Are you going to get married today or not?” We hear Vicky screaming back “I am coming!!” An exasperated father of the bride heads out the door telling her he has to get to the church but the Limo will be waiting for her.

Outside of the church we see a nervous Rafa asking Juliette where Jaimie could be. Juliette doesn’t have a clue. He told her he would meet her at the church at two. She suggests that Rafa call him. As he walks off to call Jaimie the brothers Grimm approach him and warn him that he better take care of their sister. Pancho leans over mischievously and tells him they know all about his little “goings on” (I think he is talking about the pregnancy) with Vicky and slaps him on the back with congratulations. Juliette walks over to him questioning what that was all about. He tells her he has no idea but that they are one crazy family.

His attempt to locate Jaimie is thwarted once more as the Siglo crew have breathlessly arrived and we get a gratuitous close up of Claudia’s cleavage as she is dressed in a very tight low cut pink number. Bebe asks if the bride has showed up yet. Dandy remarks that it’s not like he really wants (deseando) her to come. Rafa shushes him and asks him how he could even think such a thing. He thanks everyone for coming and the group all start talking at once as Rafa spies our lovely Marian walking towards him. He excuses himself and goes up to her asking her what she is doing there. She gives a forlorn little smile and says “you’ll see.” (I am intrigued. I wonder what she is up to.)

More little chit chat scenes as Doña Arcadia arrives and does a cute little flirt with Rafa. He introduces her to Lenora. Doña Arcadia is impressed with how pretty Lenora is and how she looks to young to be Rafa’s mother.

And the moment we have all been dreading is upon us as a white stretch limousine decorated in huge white bows arrives. Don Gaston opens the door to the limo as all eyes are on him announcing the arrival of Vicky.



Corazón Salvaje WED 2010-08-11: Le Morte d'Aimee, or Sir Launcelot and Queene Gwenyvere's adultery uncouver'd

Episode 122

At the sheriff's, Leonarda is startled and worried to learn that the old sheriff and his guard are eager to testify against Rodrigo and her; but Rodrigo isn't concerned. When he pulls out his customary convincing bag of coins, though, the new sheriff threatens to lock him up for bribery unless he puts it back in his pocket.

At Raúl's, Mariela's grandparents walk in on the aftermath of Salma's unsubtle unburdening, where Mariela is once again reduced to a puddle of anxious tears. When she explains Griselda's awful plan, Alberto runs to Salma's bedroom to find her and her things gone; and they all know then Salma is not Mariela's daughter.

Renato flings open Aimee's bedchamber door to find her primping and wonders if she's forgotten she can't go out the rest of her life. Aimee breezily maintains he's just angry at her and that once back at the townhouse, he'll love her again; but Renato thinks she's a stupid child. What's done is done! Done!

Leonarda berates Rodrigo on the walk home for trying to bribe a famously honest official, and Rodrigo is just asking her if perhaps she'd rather they had to come openly before a judge, when they encounter Noel and Gabriel from the opposite direction. Alberto has urgently summoned them, and Noel is anxious at his tone.

When Rodrigo stops them to ask Noel's help, Noel tries to walk on; but Leonarda snips that apparently his wife doesn't concern him. Noel turns to Gabriel and marvels that this lady expects something of him and strides up to Rodrigo's face and insists that he continue worrying about Leonarda's affairs and acting as her lover.

Rodrigo objects and wants an end to the insults; but Noel wants it even more, shouting into his face, whereupon, Rodrigo demands satisfaction and smacks Noel with his gloves, but only hits Noel's upraised hand. To Leonarda's horror, they agree on pistols at dawn at point-blank range, with Gabriel as Noel's second.

As Noel and Gabriel depart, Rodrigo is not gratified to hear Leonarda fret that Noel is sure to kill him: Noel is a good shot, experienced with weapons and taught Renato everything he knows about them from a young age, she says. He's going to kill Rodrigo! Leonarda repeats plaintively, waiving her hand.

That evening, a storm brews; and in her room, Aimee sends Celia with a message for Juan at his cottage -- a message only for him. Celia is worried Renato will catch her, but Aimee is not concerned. She intends to keep him occupied with more of Kuma's potion in his cognac and checks to see if the coast is clear.

It is, and she makes her way to the office. Aimee is pouring more potion into the decanter when she's startled by Renato barging in through the door behind her. It's not his imagination; he saw Aimee fooling with the decanter and grabs her hand that was hiding the vial. Now he understands everything, Renato says.

She's trying to poison him! he says, laughing sardonically. That's all that's left between her and what she wants, he says. Unabashed, Aimee waves her fan and marvels that Renato's criticizing her now after he tried to shoot her! Don't bother getting indignant, because they are both exactly the same, she points out.

Renato doesn't like her comparing them; forgetting his magnificent Regina obsession, he waves an arm and shouts that he never betrayed Aimee! while she smiles sweetly. Everybody on the street will be talking behind his back, so for once, why doesn't she tell him the truth -- out of her own mouth! Renato shouts.

Tell him how she betrayed him, Renato insists. Aimee sarcastically repeats, oh, now he wants the truth! Well, he should prepare himself then! Aimee answers. Because it's the truth: she married him for his money, and she never loved him. The only man she ever loved -- or will ever love -- is Juan del Diablo!

Renato sobers and looks a little sick, swallowing his pride. Slack jawed, he lets her continue. Juan was always the only man for her, Aimee insists. And she would do anything to be in his arms again! she exclaims, tortured. To feel his lips again, running over her skin! she adds, caressing her own neck.

For those consuming caresses that were the fires of passion! My love, she says tauntingly, that is the truth. And now you know. You, she spits out pointedly, mean nothing to me! Laughing cruelly, she continues that this is the reason she wants to leave. She's never been more unhappy than while living with him!

Renato, having heard enough, approaches her menacingly, calling her a traitor; and backing her against the wall, he says she's going to pay right now. At that moment in her hut, Kuma the witch doctor, clears the fog on her cauldron and notes with dismay the events in the office where Aimee taunts Renato with Juan del Diablo.

Aimee tells him that nobody and nothing can erase those moments from her mind, because she loves him! She loves him and desires him! Renato squeezes Aimee's head, shakes her and yells Shut up! Shut up! Aimee manages to get in a shot to his groin and escape the office while Renato's momentarily debilitated.

Noel and Gabriel have made it to Raúl's, where they have learned about Salma's revelation. They repeat their previous suspicions to Raúl and the Villareals and posit their current ones about the real daughter, admitting they are still only suspicions. Noel doesn't want to reveal who it might be until they can confirm it.

At the finca, Aimee has run out into the storm, and Renato follows with his farmhands on horseback, astounding one of them by ordering the dogs let out on her. Back at Raúl's, Noel asks to see Mariela alone; and when he exits, Gabriel confides to Raúl and Alberto about the coming duel and his fear over Noel's safety.

Lightning flashing and thunder crashing all around, Aimee runs helter skelter through the jungle, tripping over roots, ripping her clothing, with the dogs and horses on her trail. Crying and terrified, Aimee desperately makes for Kuma's hut, where the witch doctor is feeling an end to things coming on, she says.

Mariela sits alone in her bedroom when Noel enters; he remains quietly behind her, standing like an oak for her to lean on, listening to her story. Salma lied to them for the money; for the filthy money, she says. Mariela protected her; she opened her heart. And it was all a lie; a great lie.

How could someone play with her feelings that way? Noel wants to point out that Mariela's own mother's heart told her that Salma wasn't her daughter and that she shouldn't lose hope that very soon she'll find the real one. But Mariela lost hope and faith when Salma admitted she lied, she says, weeping fresh tears.

She'll never find her daughter, Mariela insists; how evil people can be -- he'll never know the pain Salma's words caused her. Once again there's the anxiety and feeling of loss; they're destroying her. Sometimes she thinks life makes no sense and might not be worth living.

Out in the wilds, Aimee races into Kuma's hut, screaming for the witch doctor to save her. Renato wants to kill her! Please help her! But Kuma can tell the hunters are very close -- and with dogs! Where could she possibly hide her, she asks. They'll kill them both! Aimee has to leave right away, Kuma tells her.

Aimee frantically insists that Kuma has powers! But Kuma has discovered she can't do anything against Renato; that he has a strong talisman working for him, she says. He was good, noble; and look what you have turned him into now! Kuma can't save Aimee, she claims. But Aimee is desperate, running hysterically in circles.

The only thing Kuma can offer her is a horse; it's outside -- take it and get out, she tells Aimee. If she rides through the river she can disorient the dogs' scent; but make sure she takes the lower trail and not the upper trail. There's no exit to the upper trail. Aimee rushes out; the dogs are near.

In Mariela's bedroom, Noel is sorry to hear Mariela so down on life. Kneeling beside her with his hand on the back of her chair, he earnestly tells her he'd do anything to see her happy. She, too, is a tormented soul, he whispers huskily. They have their broken hearts in common.

And they're eternal optimists; please, he asks, never lose hope or faith. Taking her hand, Noel says if she lets him, he'll do anything to help her find happiness, which makes Mariela smile. She tells Noel that a man like him could make any woman happy.

And a woman like her, Noel says, would be the dream of any man. When we dream, we're just ready to awaken, he says. At this Mariela looks up at him suddenly, marveling. As a woman, you've a certain excitement, a curious stillness, he tells her.

Out on the trail, the storm rages as Aimee rides on into the dark. Renato and the dogs have arrived at Kuma's hut, and at first when he questions the witch doctor about Aimee, she pretends ignorance. But when he threatens to set the mastiffs on her place, she remains stone faced, revealing nothing.

Aimee recalls the words of the witch doctor and soon becomes despondent, realizing she's lost. But the dogs and Renato are catching up, and he spies her and yells to watch out for the water. She's come to the edge of a beach cliff, and Renato cries out in horror as he sees her heading for it.

Halted at the precipice, time nearly stops for Renato, as he can do nothing but watch his wife tumble over and over, down and down. Soon the farmhands arrive, and he blankly tells them she's fallen to the bottom. One man excitedly begins a rescue effort, but Renato insists on going down himself and calls for a rope.

In Mariela's room, Noel tells her he realizes it's not the best time, but he confesses she's awakened a great excitement in the depths of his soul, a profound feeling; he feels very good with her. Mariela begins to speak, but he just wants her to listen.

Noel says the only thing he asks is to not lose her; her company makes him very happy. As Mariela tells him she feels the same way, he kisses her hand and gazes into her eyes. She wouldn't want to lose him either, especially at the saddest time in her life, Mariela says.

Out in the parlor, Raúl and the Villareals wonder at such ambitious evil and decide heaven will deal with Salma. Raúl asks Gabriel to help him find Jimena to beg her to come and help his daughter. Gabriel finds Jimena standing on the quay, feeling an uneasy premonition. She's afraid something awful has happened.

At the bottom of the beach cliff, a dry-eyed Renato finds and cradles Aimee's broken body and tells the men he will take his wife home. With her body tucked into the curve of his left arm, Renato slowly walks his white horse -- a blue shadow in the moonlight -- through the scrub toward the finca, one deliberate hoof beat at a time.

When Renato carries the body up to the staircase landing, his mother meets him and faints when Renato almost inaudibly says "she's dead" and continues up the stairs. The farmhands tend to Leonarda as Renato reaches the twins' old room and lays Aimee's body out on a bed, gently touching her face, her blood staining most of his left sleeve.

He leans on the foot board, staring at her, remembering the horrible words she spoke to him in the argument just before the chase; how she never loved him and always loved Juan. Loosing the scarf around his neck, he wipes his face and throws the scarf to the floor, spitting out "Juan del Diablo" in disgust.

Later in the office, Renato slides open the desk drawer, pulls out a revolver, and gives the chamber a clattering spin, while staring down the barrel.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Llena de Amor #2 Tue 8/10/10 At first encounter, our protagonists get along swimmingly.

Upstairs at the big mansion, Nereida the maid tries to serve dinner on a tray to cheerless Gretel, but Fedra insists that Gretel has to go downstairs and eat with the family. Gretel actually goes, but not happily, and I’m surprised to see when she puts down the cat she is constantly petting that it is actually alive.

At the boarding school, Eva’s remains have gotten the express service through the crematorium. Marianela and her classmates are in the dim candlelit chapel crying and praying when Netty brings in the wooden box of ashes and says they will return to the city that night. A nun tells them that she has called the family with the news.

Back at the manse, Emiliano tells the family (minus Kristel, who is no doubt out somewhere consoling Mauricio for his loss) that Eva is dead. Everyone is too busy being quietly stunned and sad to notice the gloating smirks on the evile faces of Fedra and Bernardo.

Marianela and Netty say goodbye to the nuns as their luggage is loaded into a car. Mari sobs about the injustice of losing her mother just as they were going to be together finally. The nun offers well-meaning platitudes. After Marianela goes to the car, Netty privately worries to the nun that Mari is probably going to be made to live in that house of vultures (buitres).

Meanwhile, in the house of vultures, Fedra and Bernardo search through a sheet-draped bedroom. Bernardo finds a wooden chest under the bed. They open it on the dusty bed and find a folder of papers and heaps of cash and jewelry. Apparently it is the estate of Eva’s deceased husband. Fedra thinks Eva was stupid to renounce that fortune, but Bernie says she probably was just saving it to give to Marianela. Well, obviously these greedy jerks can’t let that happen. Bernie assures Fedra that he can forge Eva’s signature. Thunder crashes, lightning flashes, and Fedra hurriedly shoves everything back into the box and says she wants all of it. She thinks it will be easy to make people believe that eternally inebriated Eva drank away her entire fortune. Bernardo worries about Marianela asking about her inheritance. Fedra thinks 10 years locked away in a boarding school should have made Marianela clueless.

As they sneak down the hall with their loot, Bernardo and Fedra run into Gretel, who is glaring and suspicious. She asks what they were doing in Eva’s bedroom. They unconvincingly claim they are getting it ready for Marianela to stay there. Gretel gives them sideways looks as Bernardo leaves with the chest.

Marianela and Netty make their way through the airport, arguing about a man Mari says Netty shouldn’t have fought with. Netty was offended that the man called Marianela “Gorda.” Mari says she did step on his foot. Netty says she apologized, and the guy was very rude, and Marianela needs to learn not to let people treat her badly. Emiliano greets them and Netty turns to him, all fluttering eyelashes and fan and het-up hormones. He offers condolences to Mari and gives her a big hug, and Netty snuggles up against his back to get in on the action.

It’s breakfast time at Vulture Villa. Head Vulture Fedra complains to her children about Marianela coming to stay. Emanuel doesn’t see what the problem is; after all, it is Mari’s house, too. WAS her house, says Fedra. Kristel wonders whether Marianela is as pretty and stylish as her mother. “Eva pretty? Ha!” says Fedra. “Her looks are all makeup and plastic surgery.” {That is a bit meta, no?} Emanuel insists that Eva was very beautiful, and there is no need to be rude to a poor girl who just lost her mother. Fedra whines that she doesn’t want some scandal if Marianela tries to demand her rights. Gretel stomps out, accusing Fedra of paranoia. “Paranoia” seems to be new vocabulary to Fedra, and Emanuel has to explain it to her and agree that she is indeed paranoid if she is threatened by Marianela. Axel glares at his mother.

Emanuel leaves the house and is super friendly to the gardener (Benino?) and then tells him of Eva’s death. Benino is super upset about it. He remembers Marianela riding her bike in the garden. He has apparently missed Mari and Eva greatly. Emanuel tells him that Mari is coming to live with them. As soon as Emanuel leaves, Benino gets on his radio, muttering that the General has to know this right away. “Aquí, gorrión. Aquí, gorrión. Llamando Halcón Imperial, cambio,” he says into the radio (Sparrow here, Sparrow here. Calling Imperial Falcon, over”).

In a far more humble house which has flaking red paint on the shabby outside, but is fresh and nice on the inside, Consuelita sweeps the floor and muses that Netty must be having such a good time with her sister and niece. Doris is applying makeup to her mother, Gladiola, and complaining that mom won’t hold still. The phone rings and Consuela answers with “Netty’s Pension.” It’s a job offer for Doris. The mortuary needs her to apply makeup to some deceased person. Doris is excited to have the work and runs off, teasing her mother about being good practice for funeral makeup. Gladiola teasingly threatens to report her abuse to Brandon, the policeman. After Doris leaves, Gladiola tells Consuela that she’s really worried about Brandon. He should have been home already, and they’ve heard nothing from him.

At the detention place, a guard comes to fetch Brandon from his cell. He complains that he’s been there two days and hasn’t even been allowed a phone call. He wants to go home and says he doesn’t deserve this treatment. The guard says this is the treatment he will get until he can prove he’s not a terrorist. {Is this real, or telenovelaland liberties? Do people accused of terrorism really not get to make a phone call in the U.S.?} They go off to see the immigration people.

Marianela is still in her ugly school uniform when she arrives at the house with Emiliano and Netty. She looks around at the house and yard wistfully and says she had wanted to come home, but without her mother it just isn’t the same. Netty tells her she’d like to have her come stay with her, but for now she has to stay with these relatives. Just watch out for your uncle’s nasty scheming wife, she warns. Netty tells Mari she’s written down her phone number for her, and she should call for any reason. Emiliano impatiently calls Netty to the car so he can drive her home, and Netty tears herself away, fretting about overweight Mari being left in this house where the residents are so fixated on appearances. They drive away and Marianela is left standing there outside by herself.

In Nueva York, Ilitia is needlessly rude to the hotel desk clerk because she wants to call her novio, and the clerk says all the lines are tied up. The lady says they can try again later, but Ilitia brattily snerks that she will be back home before this incompetent peon can manage to get the job done. The clerk rolls her eyes heartily as soon as Ilitia’s back is turned. Ilitia redirects her whining to her mother. Mom thinks Ilitia should back off of Emanuel a bit, and they’ll be home soon anyway, but Ilitia claims it’s felt like centuries since she’s talked to him, and what if when she finally sees him it turns out he’s replaced her?

Emanuel is jogging around the large garden. The gardener sends two dogs to chase him, for a little extra motivation. The pack rounds the corner, scaring the daylights out of Marianela. She runs, too, but then trips and falls on the lawn. The dogs are looking a tad bloodthirsty, so Emanuel grabs Mari and they both fly into the pool to escape the beasts. And thus we have our first quasi-romantic water scene, and it’s only day two. Her skirt floats up to reveal large granny pants, he’s all legs and arms, a tad gropy as he makes sure she’s okay. When they’re up for air, he stays right in her face as he asks who she is. “Marianela,” she replies.

In the car, Emiliano doesn’t know why Netty is so worried about Marianela living in his house. After all, that is her position as an heiress. Netty says all his family thinks about is money, but some things are more important. For example, love, which is what Mari really needs more than anything.

Marianela and Emanuel still haven’t made it to the side of the pool, and now Mari has lost her glasses and can’t see anything. Emanuel says he’ll find them. Benino comes back and tells him to hitch up his pants and get her out of the pool. Em tells him to take the dogs away. They flail underwater some more.

In the car outside Netty’s house, Netty tells Emiliano that Marianela should live with her. After all, Eva was her sister. Emiliano holds Netty’s hand (which seems to give her a hot flash) and says Mari is his niece, too, and it will be better for her to live with a family. Netty gets offended and says she may not have a family, but the people who depend on her have never lacked for anything. She flounces out of the car and Emiliano chases after her.

Gladiola is now kvetching to Consuela that her daughter can’t have a decent job. No, she has to put makeup on dead people. The little boy runs in with the newspaper and shows them the story on Eva’s death. They are all impactados.

Marianela and Emanuel are still groping in the pool. How hard is it to get out of a pool, anyway? Apparently pretty hard. For some reason Marianela apparently can’t climb the ladder, so Emanuel and Benigno have to join efforts and heave her out as the cameraman gets a lot of leg shots. She lies on the pool deck, and the silver lily drifts to the bottom.

Netty and Emiliano fight over her luggage. She’s ranting so vociferously that people on the sidewalk stop and stare. Some busybody neighbor lady comes along and tells her if she fights with and runs off handsome men like that, she’ll never find a husband. Netty is embarrassed for Emiliano to hear that she’s looking for a husband, and she denies it at great length and speed. She takes her suitcase and goes into the house, but he follows her in.

Dolores has joined the crowd inside. They speculate that Marianela will come here to live with her aunt. Netty comes in, crying, and accepts condolences.

In her office, Fedra throws a tantrum about the possibility of Marianela getting her inheritance. She’ll be 18 in only a month, so they need to do something fast. Bernardo tells her not to worry, he’ll take care of everything. Fedra wants Eva’s entire estate, so she says Bernie should create paperwork showing that Eva was heavily in debt to her. She hears the dogs barking outside and gets crazy unhinged about that, too.

Marianela is now lying on the grass unconscious, even though she was floating just fine a minute ago. Maybe our inept rescuers bashed her head when they hauled her out. Nereida and Delicia have rushed outside to see what is going on. Benino thinks she’s dying and they should call an ambulance, but Emanuel says she’s not going to die. He rubs his hands together, licks his lips, and starts on the mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Nearly drowning has never been so appealing. The maids swoon. Fedra, Bernardo, and the siblings run out of the house in time to see this passionate public display of medical attention. Fedra is horrified. “Emanuel?! What are you doing kissing that fatso?!”

Fedra demands an explanation. Emanuel says he’s busy and goes back to the breathing. Fedra won’t give up. “Who is this beached whale (ballena varada) and what is this spectacle?!” Kristel looks nauseated. Emanuel says she is the daughter of uncle Luis Felipe, and she fell into the pool (he says alberca, not piscina) and nearly drowned. “That fatty is my cousin?” asks Kristel, overwhelmed with disgust.

Netty sobs to her supporters that the Ruiz y Teresa folks wouldn’t let her bring Marianela here, where she should be. Instead, she is living with that woman who is probably glad that Eva is dead. Gladiola encourages her to dwell on the positive: Marianela is still alive, and is nearly all grown up and probably as beautiful as her mother. At that, Netty launches into a fresh round of sobs.

Emanuel tries chest compressions, which finally makes Marianela spit up a lot of water and wake up. Fedra asks why they went swimming with all their clothes on, and Emanuel impatiently says they jumped in to get away from the dogs, who were trying to bite Mari. Fedra snarks that it’s a good thing they didn’t succeed; they would have gotten indigestion from so much fat. Then she looks Mari up and down and tells her it’s obvious she is going to be much cheaper to clothe than to feed. Lovely woman. Fedra asks how Marianela got here, and Mari tells her Emiliano dropped her off and then took Netty home. Fedra does not seem happy to hear that and brusquely says the party’s over and sends everyone back to their regularly scheduled vapid timekilling. She tells the maids to get Mari cleaned up (throwing in a nasty comment about Mari probably needing help to reach her feet) because she certainly can’t be in the house like THAT. She mutters to Bernardo about Emiliano going to the house of that actress (she says actress like it’s a vile slur). Emanuel obliviously holds Marianela and looks blissful that she is there and undrowned.

In the immigration office (where the artwork is an image of George Washington, straight off the middle of the money), Brandon argues a bit with the agents and finally is given his belongings and his freedom. He takes his leave with a “see you later; thank yous” and his English pronunciation is every bit as good as his old buddy Fidel’s.

The Ruiz y Teresa kids have no activities to return to, so they are still standing in the yard staring at their cousin. Kristel teases that it was good thinking, siccing the dogs on Marianela. Mari is hurt, and Emanuel tells her to pay no attention to Kristel’s nasty little jokes. Gretel says this is no way to greet a person, and tells Mari that she’s very sorry that she had to come live in this house. Gretel leaves too, and Axel, unsure what to say or do, just shrugs and walks inside also. Mari tells Emanuel it’s true; she NEVER should have come here. Emanuel’s beamish optimism is challenged a bit.

Back in Los Angeles. {Did Macy’s pay to get that banner in the establishing shot?} Surprisingly, we do not join Brandon, but Ilitia and Camila, in the airport. No direct flights from New York, I guess. Camila is on the phone with Lorenzo, who catches her up on the situation (race won, Eva dead, Marianela en casa). Camila asks Lorenzo to pick them up at the airport, but Lorenzo, who is in bed with some dame, claims to be too busy with work.

Back at Casa Catty, older housekeeper Paula (formerly known as Asunción in Mi Pecado) has taken charge of Marianela. She sends one of the young maids for Mari’s luggage, and another to get the glasses Emanuel is searching for.

Emanuel is sitting on the edge of the pool, remembering the whole dramatic encounter and wondering why he’s so smiley. Delicia comes out and tells him Mari needs her glasses. He tells himself finding her glasses is a good opportunity to mend the rift with his cousin. He dives in and fetches the glasses from the bottom, and sees the silver lily brooch as well.

Netty is still crying to her captive audience. “Mari looks nothing like her mother, and even less like me!” The phone rings again. It’s the funeral home, wondering if Doris is waiting for the deceased to be revived before she shows up to do the makeup. Doris runs along to work. A bunch of kids who are apparently Netty’s acting students arrive for her class. Gladiola protests that she’s in no state to teach right now, but Netty insists that an actress never fails to do her job.

Emanuel is inside, arguing with Delicia that he wants to deliver the glasses to Marianela himself. Delicia won’t let him. She says it’s Paula’s orders; Mari wants to see no one. He argues that he is not just anyone, he is her cousin! Nothing doing; Delicia is one servant who is not easily cowed by the patrones. She takes the glasses and slams the door in his face.

Marianela is now dressed in dry clothes and in a tiny bedroom which is definitely not her mother’s old room. She hugs the box with Eva’s ashes and cries and remembers her mother singing with the mariachis. Somehow this does not make her laugh. Delicia arrives with the glasses.

In the fancier part of the house, Kristel snottily rants about that fat cow coming to live here with their pretty selves. {You’d be a lot prettier if you’d keep your mouth shut, witch.} Axel gets upset and asks her to please not talk that way to their cousin. Kristel says in a saccharine voice that of course she’ll be nicer—she’ll say things like hippopotamus, elephant, Himalayan mammoth, or how about her mother’s last name, Pavón (peacock), or rather, more like a stuffed turkey that feeds all the children at Christmas? Fedra thinks that is super funny. Emanuel hears this and gets mad at Kristel and says Mari’s mother just died and she should be nice to her (actually, he makes a crack about Kristel’s neuron deficiency). Axel vaguely agrees with Emanuel. Kristel thinks the death of a mother is an excellent opportunity to lose some weight. They continue sniping at each other. Fedra gives up on trying to reach Emiliano via phone. Marianela comes in and Fedra gets a start on putting her in her lowly place by insisting on being addressed as “Señora Fedra.”

Crazy Traumatized Gretel barricades her door and yells at the invisible demons to leave! She didn’t do it! She is guilty of nothing!

Downstairs, Fedra tells Marianela that she can’t stand to have fat people in her house, so Mari must lose weight starting immediately. Mari objects, but Fedra interrupts to tell her not to go in the pool in her clothes again. But on the other hand, the thought of her in a swimsuit… Kristel laughs viciously. Axel objects weakly to this mistreatment. {I say Mari should buy the sexiest swimsuit she can find, and lounge by the pool all day every day just to annoy Fedra.} Fedra’s last order is that Mari is to stay away from Emanuel and NEVER kiss him again. Mari tries to explain, but Fedra is not interested in facts.

Benino calls on his radio to some mysterious figure who is in a bedroom with a lot of radio equipment. Using the usual radio excessive wordiness, he reports to the “General” that Marianela is in the house and he is awaiting instructions.

Axel backs Mari up, and explains that Mari and Emanuel were not kissing; he was resuscitating her. Fedra says he is not to come near her like that again, not even to save her life. The very idea gives her chills and nausea. Kristel empathizes. Axel says Fedra doesn’t need to be so strict. Fedra says as soon as she loosens her grip, the house will fall down around her brick by brick. Axel leans in and murmurs, “Welcome to the mansion of terror” in Mari’s ear.

The General is some shaggy white-haired man. “If they dare to lay a hand on Marianela, I will kill!” he exclaims. He picks up a gun from the desk and pulls the trigger. Nothing happens. “First I will put in some bullets, and then I will kill!” he asserts. He gets the bullets, loads the gun, and fires into the wall.

Bernardo puts a lock on Eva’s bedroom door, saying to himself that he’ll keep one key, and Fedra will have the other. He heads down the hall with his toolbox. Emanuel cheerily greets him and says he looks guilty. Bernardo says he was just fixing up the room for Marianela. Emanuel doesn’t think she should be in that room; it has a bad vibe. Fedra’s orders, Bernie says. Emanuel shows him the silver lily he found. Bernardo is way interested. Emanuel says they must be thinking the same thing, about the old stories Bernardo has told him.

Fedra leads Marianela up the stairs and tells her she’ll have Eva’s old room. Mari says she’d rather have her childhood bedroom back. Too bad, it’s Kristel’s room now, says Fedra.

Emanuel and Bernardo discuss the brooch. It’s the symbol of the man in the legend, right? Bernardo says the story is true. He tells Emanuel not to mention this to his mother, because she had forbidden him to tell Em the story. He doesn’t know why; probably she didn’t want her kids hearing bandit stories. Just forget the whole thing. Emanuel says he can’t forget it. He pulls out a sketch Bernardo drew once which matches the brooch exactly, and which Bernardo had said the man in the story had as a tattoo. Bernardo tells him to leave it alone; there are enough problems in this house already. Emanuel continues to study the brooch and the sketch and look curious and mischievous.

Fedra escorts Marianela into the bedroom and tells her this is it; there is nothing from her mother’s estate to give to her. Eva left behind nothing but debts and bills to pay. You know how she was, a spendthrift drunk. But not to worry, Fedra paid them all off herself. Mari is not happy at the picture Fedra paints of her mother: always drinking, lost a ton of money in the casino, stole money from Fedra’s purse, drank her perfumes when she couldn’t get tequila. Mari looks sadder and sadder and thanks Fedra for everything she did for Eva. Fedra nastily says that all the thanks in the world wouldn’t be enough, but don’t worry, someday I’ll think of a way for you to pay me back. Mari doesn’t exactly look comforted by that. On her way out, Fedra tells Mari to put on better clothes and burn her school uniform. Mari says she doesn’t have much clothing. Fedra agrees that it must be hard to find her size. As a parting shot, she says that Eva must be happier now, because she always wanted to die.

Avances: Marianela wants to go live with Netty. Mari and Emanuel get cozier. Emanuel goes shirtless. Kristel and her evil minions plot against Marianela. Axel disapproves. Emanuel might kiss Marianela.


El Clon Tuesday, August 10: Summary for Discussion

In which Jadiya is about to confront a painful truth; Albieri's secret is about to blow wide open; and Daniel and Leonardo finally come face to face.

In the clinic, Dra Silvia and Julio try to make sense of Dora’s story. Silvia knows that the egg was Dora’s because she harvested it herself. Julio is equally certain that the child Dora bore could not have come from her own egg.

In Empresa Ferrer, Fernando tells Clara he wants to live on his own. He dismisses her concerns about how he’ll pay the rent; his father has put the new apartment in his name and is even going to furnish it for him. Well in that case… says Clara. She’s not going to be the one to burst his bubble.

Enrique congratulates Fer on the apartment and then asks him about his drug use. Fer readily admits to smoking pot now and then and more reluctantly says: A veces me tomo un poco de polvo. (At times I take a little powder, i.e coke). He insists he isn’t an addict: uno se sepa controlar (one knows how to control oneself). Enrique points to his own experience and warns Fer that all users think they can control their use, but it isn’t so. (No es así.)

And speaking of users who think they are in control, a freshly groomed and hopeful Natalia is outside her school. Alej beams at her: That’s the Nati I fell in love with! he tells her. (Esa es la Nati de la que me enamoré). Andrea comes along and gives her friend an encouraging hug. Nati tells her she’s going to make up the credits she needs and will graduate, even if a little late.

Fer has gone to see Escobarde in the hotel to talk about moving into the apartment. The Chump is puzzled. Where am I supposed to live? he wants to know. Fer is confused and then angry. Why put the apartment in my name, he asks, if I can’t live there? It’s for the future, says Escobarde. Oh I get it, says Fer bitterly: Es ella que va a vivir en ello – ¡estupendo! (She’s the one who’s going to live in it – stupendous!)

Silvia and Julio continue to pore over the clinic records. She realizes that none of the genetic material she prepared has been used. Knowing this, silence isn’t an option:
Hay varias vidas en juego… yo no me puedo quedar callada.
There are several lives in play... I can’t stay silent.

Cristina and Daniel land in Miami.

Zein brings flowers to Jade in the hospital. He says: Tu atropellador estuvo aquí (The man who ran over you was here.) You mean the person driving the car? asks Jade. No, clarifies Zein, the person who ran over your life was here. (El que atropelló la vida era aquí). And then he surprises Jade (and us) when he says: I’m going to find a legal way to get your daughter back – and you won’t owe me anything. He stops her before she makes ‘promises she’s not going to keep.’

In Fez, Alí regrets sending Zoraida to Miami alone. He’s going to travel there himself to find out what is going on. (Besides, how can he stay in that house with Abdul without sweet Zoraida as his sounding board?)

In the office, Leo phones Rosa. He tells her Nati and Alej never showed up although he waited all day. He’s sure it’s because Alej didn’t want to come. He wants their address. Marisa, at the house with Rosa, says disdainfully:
Sabía que el tipo eso iba a hacer el digno.
I knew that guy was going act as if we had offended his dignity.
Although Rosa firmly asserts that Alej is a good person, Marisa still contends that he’s the one who gave Natalia drugs.

Albieri, Luisa and Latifa are on a later Aeronovela flight. Albieri stews over what awaits him in Miami. Luisa reassures him (even though she still doesn’t know the whole story.) And Zoraida is miserable and frightened and only hopes that this genio malo she is seated beside doesn’t turn her into some kind of beast.

Cris and Daniel reach her apartment. She will shower, he will rest briefly and then they will set out to: desenmascarar el desgraciado de tu papá. (to unmask your miserable/swinish father). Daniel dozes off on the couch and dreams about Jade.

Jade is lying in her hospital bed, Zein’s red flowers on the nightstand the only splash of color. Lucas’s voice is heard…
Hay momentos en que pienso que el destino está escrito.
There are moments when I think that destiny has been written.

He is, in fact, in the office talking to Enrique:
Enrique doesn’t believe in fixed destiny. We have some control over what happens, he says. Or else, why bother struggling?

Leo tells Lucas that Alejandro and Natalia never showed up. He wants to go to their place and bring them both to the house. He is sure Marisa will be ok with the plan. He is also convinced that Alej isn’t the problem. Drugs are. (Score one point for Leo) Lucas will call Marisa to come to the office and then the three will go find Nati.

Marisa, when she hears the plan, tells Rosa: Me encantaría que viniera a esta casa (I’d love him to come to this house) because she’s sure it will then be clear that he is responsible for Natalia’s behavior.

This conversation is interrupted by a phone call from Said inviting Marisa to go out. They make tentative plans for that night. Rosa asks if she’s going to see that Arab and Marisa denies it. ¡Descarada! (Shameless!) mumbles Rosa when Marisa is safely out of earshot. (And who can disagree?) On Said’s end of the line, Rania is watching and listening as he says: Te mando un beso. (I send you a kiss.) (This actually seems an uncharacteristically cursi thing for our revenge sex guy to say.)

Leo, still in the office, confides to Roberto that on some days he feels Diego’s loss more than on others. If he hadn’t died, he muses, Cristina and I might be married now, we’d have more grandchildren… Thinking of the grandchild he does have, Roberto wonders: Should I tell him what I know about Natalia?

Clara and Fernando discuss the apartment issue. Clara says she’ll believe that it’s in Fer’s name when she’s seen the papers and examined them with a magnifying glass. As much as I hate Malicia, says Fernando, I have totally had it with my father. (Estoy hasta la coronilla). He is dead to me.

In their hotel room, Malicia tells Escobarde she has tried so hard to befriend Fer. She is sure Clara put him up to the idea of living in the apartment. Escobarde wants to settle the issue right away. Apparently the agreement is on Malicia’s laptop which she has conveniently left at work. She will bring it home tomorrow and Escobarde can amend the papers. (redactar: to draw up; to edit)

Cristina is ready to face Leonardo, but Daniel is sound asleep. She decides it might be better to go without him.

She storms into Leo’s office where Lucas, Roberto and Enrique are also present.
¡Eres un desgraciado Leonardo y me las vas a pagar!
You are a scoundrel, Leonardo, and you’re going to pay!
Leo is startled and tells Clara to call security. Cris continues to accuse him of being a traitor, a hypocrite, a swine. Why? Because he had a son with her best friend, Dora Padilla. And that son is identical to Lucas. Who is Dora Padilla? asks the genuinely stunned Leo.

Lucas asks his father if he knew he had another son. Leo continues to deny the existence of any such son. Cristina is crazy, he says. She holds her ground and says he has a son who looks just like Lucas. Well then, bring him to me says Leo.

Cris goes out of Leo’s office with Enrique.

Marisa arrives and wants to know what’s going on.

Leo swears once again to Roberto and Lucas that Cristina’s story is untrue. But where would she get a story like that, asks Roberto. You know something like that could happen to anyone. (True. There’s more than one way to steal your genes, Roberto!) Not possible, says Leo. I don’t even know this woman Dora Padilla.

Roberto joins Cristina and Enrique and asks how old this boy is. Twenty or twenty-two, says Cris. He was conceived while Leo and I were together. He faked it with me. And what woman wouldn’t fall for him con esa carita de George Clooney caribeño? Clara is sympathetic; she knows a thing or two about traitors and hypocrites.

Marisa and Lucas decide to go to Nati’s without Leo since he is no longer in the mood for a family outing.

At Said’s house, Rania tells Amina she heard Said on the phone with la occidental. Amina tells her everything’s going to be better when her son is born. But Rania can’t stop thinking about Jadiya’s dream that she’s having a girl. An ugly girl. Amina advises her to go all Cosmo Girl for Said, but it looks like Rania’s not feeling very sexy.

Jadiya once again reproaches her father because he hasn’t returned Rania as she asked. Rania is the cause of all the unhappiness in their house. Her mother loves him and he should bring her back.

Jadiya is ambushed by Rania, who at this point seems to have gone off the deep end. She screams at Jadiya, accusing her of plotting against her. Your mother has a lover and she’s never coming back. It’s not my fault your father threw her out. Jadiya denies this. The wedding was just a joke, says Jadiya, and her mother is so coming back. And when she does, she’ll be the first wife. Rania rages:
Ya no te aguanto más! Cosa malcriada, víbora venenosa!
I can’t stand you any more! Spoiled thing, venomous viper! (Or translated more loosely: Little girl who has been told she will never see her mother again and must live her life under the thumb of a jealous witch who hates her!)

Latifa visits Jade in the hospital. Tío Alí is on his way here, she tells her. And Jadiya? asks Jade. I call Jadiya every day, says Latifa. And what do you say about me? asks Jade. Said told her that she’ll never see you again, replies Latifa. You see all the harm Lucas has done me! cries Jade. When I was young and he left me waiting, suitcase in hand, I had much less to lose… but now! He’s off taking care of his problems but I can’t solve mine.

Nati is puttering in the kitchen of her apartment when there is a knock at the door. It’s Marisa and Lucas. Alej comes home a moment later carrying a box, a sound system he bought for Nati. Lucas asks what happened to the money he gave her to buy things for the house. She still has the money, says Nati, she just told Rosa she had spent it so she’d stop asking about it.

Lucas tries to be conciliatory. Marisa not so much. Okay, says Lucas, let’s forget about misunderstandings and offenses on both sides -- Wait a minute, interrupts Nati. We didn’t do anything wrong. Then, says Lucas, forgive us for our offenses. Alej is happy to do so. I’m not one to hold a grudge, he says. Then how about the two of you moving into our house? asks Lucas. No thanks -- I’m happy here, says Nati.

Cris is walking along, muttering angrily to herself. Pablo, Pedro and Vicki see her and think she is mad because Malicia stole her job.

Back at her apartment, Cristina tells Daniel they should confront Leonardo at home.

Poor Zoraida is still trapped on that seemingly endless flight with the genio malo. If he looks directly in my eyes, he could paralyze me or turn me into a goose…

Dora and Estela can’t understand why Cris is so angry at Dora. Estela has left a photo of Daniel at Dr. Silvia’s hotel.

And at the hotel Silvia puzzles over the photo: Why did they leave her a picture of Lucas?

At Lucia’s home, she is talking with Andrea about ways they might help Natalia. Consuelo, aka Skank 3, leaves for the day. Have you noticed, Andrea asks her mother, that that woman always leaves with an envelope?

Karla and Hilda are walking down the street while Karla expresses her disgust for their plan. You’re talking about your future, her mother reminds her. They greet Mohamed.

When the skanks have gone, Mohamed looks meaningfully at Amin and reminds his son that Allah is always watching.

A car pulls up and Jadiya steps out. She is there to see her aunts. She joins Samira, the Naz and Latifa. Samira has been showing the Naz all the things that you can do online -- you can even read the Koran. Hmm, mutters the Naz: hasta se puede conseguir un marido (on line) (You can even find a husband).

Jadiya comes right to the point: Is it true, she asks, that my mother doesn’t love my father because she is in love with un occidental?

Leo has made his way home after a difficult day that is about to become exponentially more difficult. The doorbell rings. Cristina and Daniel walk in. Dios misericordia, says Rosa. Señor, ¡es él, es él! ¡Diego volvió¡ (It’s him, it’s him! Diego has come back!)

credits roll.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Corazon Salvaje Ep. 121, 8/9/2010 Anvils Teetering Everywhere

Review: Juan and Regina are happy, kissing, telling each other how much they love each other. Juan is afraid of losing her, and she says don't say that, I am yours always.

Eloisa has prepared a large meal for Fully of his favorite food. Federico is there and Fully doesn't want to eat alone, he wants Eloisa to have some, too. She says she is on a diet, she wants to fit into a new dress. He tries to get her to just take a bite, but she says she can't break her diet. He then tries to get Feddy to eat some, but he says, no I just ate, sorry, not hungry. Eloisa says she made it with her love and Fully should eat. He says he is sorry but he won't eat alone, he is too uncomfortable. Throughout this conversation Fully has a bite on his fork and is teasing them, like he's just going to take a bite.

Mariela is telling Salma she doesn't understand her attitude about going to church. Salma says she is a gypsy, it's not her religion. Mari says I want you to adopt my religion, you are my daughter, so we will go to church tomorrow. Both say strained good nights. We see Salma getting out her gypsy clothes.

Fulgencio and Feddy are alone and Fully wants to toast his bestest, most loyal friend. He tells Fed he is going to put him in charge of all of his business dealings. He is tired of the business and he knows Federico is incapable of betraying him.

We see Salma dressed like a gypsy, she takes some gold or jewelry and sneaks out.

Fully is telling Fed he is like the son he never had. He apologizes for treating him the way he did at the poker game, he says he did it to test his loyalty. Fed says it's okay Dude. Fully then gives him a big hug. I am expecting a knife to come out at any minute.

Rodrigo stumbles into his house looking very distraught. The maids were both worried about him. They ask him where he was, what happened. He says don't ask. They try to tell him about Aimee, but he won't listen. He says he is going to take a bath and relax and nobody but nobody is to disturb him. They look at each other like what's wrong with him?

We go to the gypsies outside of town, Branco is dancing and suddenly Salma appears. He looks at her intensely and asks her what she is doing there. She says she missed him, she couldn't forget about him and she loves him. Branco says he was very clear with her. She betrayed her gypsy heritage and she has been abusing that poor family. We go to Mariela and Abuelo talking, didn't get most of this. Back to Branco and Salma reveals that Jimena is the real daughter of Mariela. Branco is like, of course! No wonder she was so obsessed with Gabriel! Salma tells Branco that she is a pure gypsy and he tells her again that she betrayed her gypsy blood. She says she will prove that she loves him. Mariela has discovered that Salma/Angela is gone.

Jimena is in the square and sees someone selling candy apples. She has flashbacks and vague memories. A nearby mother is happy to find her daughter, she thought she had gotten lost. More jogging of Jimena's memory. Gabriel walks up and wants to know what is wrong. Jimena tells him about the confusing memories and the feeling of anguish connected with the caramel apples. She wonders if she could have been stolen from someone by Griselda. Gabe agrees.

The fishermen and workers are outside the huts bringing Juan gifts. They want to thank him for giving them the land, for being so generous.

Noel has come to the finca without asking because he needs to have Renato sign the papers for the finca to go to Clemencia. He is talking to Ren and Leo. Leo won't budge, she won't leave the finca and she is shocked and incensed that Juan is giving it to Clem. Noel says they can take their time but Ren is the one who needs to sign the papers. He agrees that he gave his word and he has to. Noel tries to tell them they can find another place, they have time. But Leo is not leaving, and she wants Renato to act like the son she raised and not sign the papers. She will be too humiliated if she leaves. Ren says it is a humiliation to stay as well.

Back to the workers giving Juan gifts. He tells them the land was theirs as soon as they started to work it. All are very happy. Remigio pulls Santos aside and wants to ask him for advice on a personal matter. He tells him he saw Lulu and Santos asks him how he felt. He says his heart was pounding, he loves her. Santos says he has another opportunity, he should take it. Pedro chimes in that Santos is right and happiness is hard to find.

Felipe and Lulu are having a similar conversation about the Remigio/Lulu encounter. Lulu is excited that Remi may forgive her. Felipe says she deserves more than that, but Lulu thinks love is too much to ask. Felipe says no, you deserve his love.

A conversation at the beach I didn't understand, something about the work Juan wants to do, or something he wants to export. These other fishermen/workers show up and want a chance to work at the cooperative, too. Our guys are hesitant, I think the other ones didn't stick around when Juan was in trouble and they don't want to accept them. Juan says they should have the chance to work, too, and makes them shake hands. Santos says they are welcome. Now all are friends again.

Regina is talking to Noel, says she has to tell him about something. She is scared, Aimee told her Renato has a plan to separate her and Juan. Noel thinks Aimee is just lying to upset her but Regina insists she knows her sister. She says if Renato interferes with her happiness he will know a different Regina. Noel says he has always admired her strength. He then says he needs to ask her something as well, about his grandchild, like he knows something is wrong. Regi starts to tell him when who should run up but Renato. He's all sweating and grabs Regina in a hug which she doesn't return. Colibri just happens to see them at that moment, of course. He runs off before she tells Renato not to hug her. (Ack, I don't like them using Colibri this way!)

Felipe and Lulu are with the new Aguacil/former captain. They are telling him they suspect Rodrigo for the death of Brigitte, they want him to investigate, they want justice. He listens to them and says that he will. Juan then comes in and interrupts wanting to see the old aguacil. He is let into the area where the old aguacil is and the other prisoners bring him to the door. Juan says believe it or not I'm not happy to see you here. He says if you're waiting for Rodrigo to help you he isn't going to, he is a coward. He talks about his father and how his father was treated and how justice works in strange ways. The OA asks for his help. Juan basically says see ya later and leaves as the OA is yelling for his help.

Jimena and Gabriel are in the square and someone is selling flowers. Gabe gets some for her and I think says they replace the ones he was going to give her the day he saw her kissing Branco. He tells her what happened that day. Jimena tells him she will love him for the rest of her life, they kiss and Servando is watching in the background holding a flower.

Mariela is pacing and praying. Salma comes back and Mari asks her where she has been. She tries to hug her but Salma won't let her, she says don't touch me! Mari is shocked and very upset and says what is going on, why are you dressed in your gypsy clothes? Salma says I'm not your daughter! I'm not Angela! It was all a lie cooked up between Griselda and me to get money!. Mariela is even more distraught, but Salma walks out and doesn't tell her who her real daughter is.

Rod and Leo are with the new Aguacil thinking they can bribe him like old one. But he tells them there have been several denunciations against them, that Doc Miranda accuses them of killing his uncle, Juan de Dios has his accusations and two employees of the casino accuse them of killing Brigitte. Rod says we are an old, respected family, you can't believe them instead of us. Doc Miranda had designs on Regina and he's trying to get revenge. Aguacil says I don't doubt your word but I also don't doubt those who are accusing you. I am going to investigate and I suggest you get a good lawyer.

Colibri runs up and tells Juan that he saw Regina and Renato hugging. Just after that Regi walks up and is surprised when Juan is cold to her. He wants to know where she was and she says she went to see her padrino on a private matter. Juan says Noel or Renato? He says I am your husband, I should know where you are. He is suspicious and jealous, and Regi doesn't help anything by not revealing what she went to talk to Noel about, infuriatingly she says again it is private.

We go to Aimee remembering what the bruja said about the Montes de Oca child who will be born, that she realizes it is Juan and Regina's child. She vows again that it will never be born and that if she can't be happy at Juan's side neither can Regina. Dun dun dun, end.



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