Saturday, June 23, 2007

Acorralada #112 – 6-21-07 Thursday - One Adam 12, One Adam 12, Shots Fired!

Cousin Eddie comes running into Max's office yelling "Where's Max?" Dimwit looks at him glassy-eyed and asks "Who are you?"

Marfil confronts Princess Fi, who is lounging by the pool in her black bikini with a black mesh cover-up. Marfil asks "What do you think this is? A five-star hotel? Why are you lounging by the pool?" Princess Fi asks, "Are you more upset that I'm using your pool, or are you more upset I've come to seduce Maxi-Mundane? I obviously have a better body than you." This happy little scene ends when Marfil pushes Princess Fi into the pool.

Cousin Eddie yells he needs to talk to Maxi-Mundane. "Who are you?" asks Dimwit. Iggy comes running in to back up his cousin and sees Dimwit. "Who do we have here? It's the woman who caused me to lose my medical license!" Dimwit retorts that he's the one who got her fired from the hospital in the first place. "Do you know this yahoo?" "Sure do," replies Iggy. "It's Cousin Eddie! And Max wants to steal his wife!" "Ah," says Dimwit, "You're the hubby of Princess Fi. She was here yesterday looking for Max." Iggy says he saw Max and Fiona kissing here yesterday. Dimwit says that's impossible, "Max wasn't even here. Princess Fi left alone." Beatriz enters and offers to call Security. Iggy refuses to be thrown out. Dimwit then gives him the option to leave on his own. Iggy threatens Dimwit; she's going to pay for what she's done. Iggy storms out and Cousin Eddie apologizes for bursting in.

Marfil tries to get Yolanda to throw out Princess Fi, but Yolanda doesn't want to get involved. Marfil starts calling Yolanda "gray" among other insults, but Yolanda is in love. She refuses to rise to the bait. She tells Marfil she refuses to get upset by the insults. She's in love with a wonderful man, and they're getting married! He's on his way to pick her up to buy things for the wedding. Yolanda is on cloud nine. I'd be on cloud nine too if I was marrying someone with dimples like that.

Cousin Eddie is now pouring out his tale of woe to Dimwit. Princess Fi is Cousin Eddie's world. He got so wrapped up in business that their love was confined to Saturday. Now he's sorry. Blah, blah, blah. Dimwit again assures him Max wasn't in the office yesterday because he's been out of town. Cousin Eddie makes some comment about the problems between Dimwit and Iggy. Dimwit doesn't want to discuss the former Doc Evil. Cousin Eddie then apologizes for anything Iggy may have done to her. Finally, Cousin Eddie apologizes again for everything and softly asks, "So what's your name?" Dimwit tells him "Diana Soriano." Cousin Eddie gazes at her with puppy-dog eyes. Heart-string tugging music plays in the background. Could another man be falling at Dimwit's feet? I've lost track of all the guys who've fallen for her since January.

Diablo and Puncho are in the warehouse guarding Max. Diablo announces he's going to the house to pack a suitcase. "Be sure to not let Maxi-Moron escape."

Cousin Eddie asks if she knows Max well. "I'd rather not discuss him either." Cousin Eddie sappily apologizes again for being so rude and introduces himself. He then leaves and we see a pensive, glassy-eyed Dimwit with her signature head-tilt.

Lunkhead jumps in the pool and swims over to Princess Fi. Princess Fi refers to Marfil as a viper with two heads. She then tells Lunkhead he's an excellent swimmer. Lunkhead says he just had a discussion with Marfil, and as much as it pains him, he needs to ask Princess Fi to pack her things and leave.

Fidiota has now assumed the presidency of Perfumes 'R Us. Emili-Oh is in her office. Fidiota wants to know where Max is, since she's not seen him around for awhile. He replies that Dimwit said Max left town on business. Fidiota wants Max's letter of resignation when he returns. As Emili-Oh is leaving, who should walk in but Pasta. Pasta wants to invite Fidiota to lunch. Some love song starts playing in the background. Fidiota says something about giving her hand to Roddy, and wants to know what Pasta thinks of that. Why is he REALLY there? Pasta repeats he wants to take her to lunch. Fidiota asks, "What if I refuse?" Pasta replies he doesn't think she will. The love song drones on.

Dimwit is moaning about how much she wants to see Maxi-Moron when Caramel bursts in. They are going to go to Lala's house and follow Diablo. Perhaps he'll lead them to Max. How many days has Max been held captive now? Still no police involvement? Geez!

Princess Fi begs Lunkhead to let her stay. She has no place to go, she has no money, she doesn't love her hubby, etc. Lunkhead tries to tell her Max loves Dimwit, but Princess Fi cannot be persuaded. Finally Lame Larry caves and tells her she can stay.

Caramel and Dimwit have followed Diablo to the warehouse. While Caramel stands guard, Dimwit sneaks in to save her hanging hero. She has to slap him around a few times to revive him. Does he want to escape ASAP? Of course not. He wants to discuss the fact that she allegedly slept with Diablo. He doesn't know whether he should believe her or not! For that alone, he deserves to be left hanging. Finally Dimwit finds a knife and cuts the ropes that bind his arms and feet. Maxi-Moron falls to the ground and she frantically begs him to escape before Diablo finds them. Too late. In silhouette, in comes Diablo carrying a pistol. He yells at them and we see him firing a bunch of shots in the direction of Dimwit and Maxi-Moron. Commercial.

Caramel confronts Puncho. Puncho exclaims he's heard four shots. Caramel is impactada. Diablo has killed Dimwit and Maxi-Moron! Suddenly we hear sirens and there is a police car filled with three cops.

Kike has come to visit Little Doormat at Perfumes 'R Us. He wants to know why the most beautiful fiancé in the world has responded so coldly. He doesn't even get a little kiss? "As you wish," says Gaby. He goes to kiss her, but she turns her head to give him her cheek. Kike announces he wants to ask if she'll marry him in three days. Gaby looks at him with those big doe-eyes of hers and the Orchestra of Doom crashes.

Diablo announces, "Those were just warning shots. Next time I won't miss!" Maxi-Martyr weakly lunges at Diablo and falls to the ground, at which time Diablo kicks Max. Dimwit is screaming at Diablo to have mercy on Pobre de Max. "You mean like the mercy you showed on me?" screams Diablo.

Puncho is going to investigate the shots when the cops (who look like Junior Explorers) all tumble out of the car. They've come to arrest Puncho for bigamy. Puncho is clutching his pistola, as if he has no plans to be taken alive. Caramel watches in horror as this scene unfolds, "Pobre Puncho!" cries Caramel. Apparently what Puncho has done to Max is not as awful as her Puncho being arrested for bigamy.

Gaby is trying to make excuses for not marrying Kike so quickly. Kike can't be convinced. He wants a small, intimate wedding at Psycho Mansion. Even his parents won't be there since they live in Mexico. Gaby is still stuttering and trying to come up with excuses when Fidiota barges in. "Three days is plenty of time to plan a splendid wedding!" Kike points out even Fidiota thinks a quickie wedding is a great idea. Pobre de Gaby is getting pressured from all sides.

Princess Fi is still throwing a pity party about how awful her marriage is. She and Lunkhead are sunning themselves side-by-side next to the pool. Suddenly, who should show up but Pillow! Lunkhead stands up and suspenseful music plays.

Diablo is still threatening to shoot Max while Dimwit is trying to talk him out of it. Max makes some comment about Diablo being too much of a coward to fight like a real man. Diablo lowers the gun and decides to take Max up on his challenge. Dimwit is still begging them to stop this nonsense. Max makes some crack about Dimwit failing him by sleeping with Diablo. This nonsensical scene ends with both Maxi-Moron and Diablo facing each other with fists raised. What a bunch of buffoons!

Puncho is telling the cops he won't be taken alive. He'd rather be dead than lying on the floor of a jail. Caramel tries to talk him into giving up, and the one Junior Explorer tries to hold her back while still holding a gun on Puncho.

Lunkhead introduces Pillow to Princess Fi. When Princess Fi finds out that Pillow and Lunkhead used to be engaged, she leaves them alone "to talk." Pillow announces that she's decided to move to Spain and live with a friend. She needs to forget Lunkhead. Lunkhead says he supports her decision. I am really excited since if she leaves, that must mean this telenovela is winding down. They've already eliminated Bruno and Andres. Now Pillow is on her way out.

Fidiota asks Gaby if "she's got a minute." After they leave, Pasta asks Kick Me why on earth does he want to marry a woman that doesn't love him. Kick Me responds his love alone is sufficient. Meanwhile, Fidiota asks Little Doormat if Little Doormat plans on challenging her like her evil big sister, Dimwit. "I would never cross you," says a subservient Little Doormat. Fidiota is now all smiles. "Then it's done. You'll be marrying Kick Me in three days. He'll make a swell mate!" Gaby tries to protest but Fidiota starts getting nasty. Finally Little Doormat gives up and agrees to marry Kick Me. Fidiota is happy again.

Pillow and Lunkhead are still discussing her plans. Pillow tells Lunkhead he should try and get Gaby back since he apparently loves her so much. Emotional violin music plays in the background. Just when I thought there was light at the end of the tunnel, it turns out to be the train. Lunkhead asks Pillow to stay. Pillow is all too happy to change her departure plans.

A gun fight erupts between Puncho and the Junior Explorers, with Caramel crying and trying to grab the cop's arm.

Diablo, Maxi-Moron, and Dimwit hear the shots. Dimwit tries to get Diablo to leave while he can still escape. Max tells Diablo that the two of them are not finished yet. After too long a period, Diablo runs out of the warehouse. Maxi-Moron tells Dimwit she failed him. He then collapses on the ground and Dimwit kneels next to him crying. The Orchestra of Doom continues.

The gun fight continues until Puncho's gun finally jams. He then surrenders. The cops haul him off as Caramel is wailing about how much she loves him. Puncho says he loves her too, but that he also loves Peyote. As the cops ride off into the sunset, Caramel, wearing a very tight vest showing lots of cleavage, collapses on the ground with her chest heaving. "Puncho, Puncho, I love you! I love you! Puncho!" Commercial.

Gaby is crying in her office about her upcoming nuptials when Emili-Oh walks in. "You can't hide it from me. You've been crying!" Gaby then pours out her tale of woe and how she's obligated to marry Kick Me, since that's what her mother wants. Emili-Oh tries to talk her out of marrying someone she doesn't love. If only she could forget Lunkhead!

Iggy and Camila are at a restaurant bagging on Dimwit to Cousin Eddie. Cousin Eddie doesn't get it; he thinks Dimwit's a good woman and very sweet. More bagging on Dimwit by Iggy and Camila until Fidiota and Pasta show up. Apparently Fidiota couldn't turn Pasta down. When Iggy sees Fidiota and Pasta, he can't help himself; he has to run and call Octopus. He leaves Camila to explain the situation to Cousin Eddie, who still looks dazed and confused.

Octopus picks up the phone. She's dressed in her best leopard wanna-be outfit; a tunic that hangs down to her knees. Octopus is none too happy to get the news that Pasta is at a restaurant with her worst enemy.

Dimwit is trying to get Maxi-Moron to stand up. He's doesn't want to see her since she was with Diablo. Dimwit tells him she had to lie or Diablo wouldn't let her see Max. Maxi-Moron, true to his name, says he doesn't believe her. Meanwhile he's all splayed out on the floor with his best attempt to look pathetic, along with his finest white shoes. These white shoes will outlive us all.

Caramel runs in crying that Puncho has been taken to jail for bigamy. Finally they agree that Max needs medical treatment. They want to carry him to the car, but Maxi-Morose doesn't want Dimwit touching him. Caramel, alone, can carry him to the car. He continues with his pathetic attempt to stumble out of the warehouse, where Dimwit remains alone, crying. Commercial

Cousin Eddie is whining about Princess Fiona leaving him. She's his world, etc. Camila tells him to suck it up; the world's not going to end because Princess Fi dumped him. At that moment, Iggy returns to the table. "Did you tell the witch about Pasta and Fidiota?" "You betcha!" replies Iggy. Camila and Iggy toast to the occasion.

Pasta is groveling to Fidiota. He made a huge mistake when he married Octopus. He hadn't seen her in 20 years and didn't know what he was getting into. Now he's living a nightmare and wants Fidiota back. He realizes how much he loves Fidiota. Fidiota tells Pasta he's too late. She's found someone that she intends to love. Meanwhile, Roddy is in his office grinning ear to ear and repeating Fidiota's name. Ugh!

Dimwit is tucking Maxi-Moron into his hospital bed and tenderly kissing his forehead while he sleeps. How sweet! The man she loves stills believes the worst about her. Their love song plays feverishly in the background. Am I supposed to be all warm and fuzzy?

Caramel is on the phone telling Lala Puncho is in jail and that they found Max. "No, Max is not going to denounce Diablo." Dimwit walks up. The two women cry together about their luck with men. Dimwit has apparently called Larry and Yolanda who are on their way to the hospital. Caramel says they'd better leave before Marfil arrives. They stroll out arm in arm, snuffling all the way to the car, I'm sure.

Lala is lamenting about what horrible sons she has. Now Puncho is in jail. Etc. Diablo is scowling on the sofa telling Lala to give it a rest; he's tired of hearing the same thing over and over. After Lala leaves, he swears that he isn't finished with Max yet. Commercial.

The gang arrives at the hospital, including Princess Fi and Marfil. Marfil refuses to let Princess Fi in Max's room. As the gang is trouping towards Maxi-Moron's room, Yolanda asks Princess Fi to please wait outside. Princess Fi is not happy.

Pasta comes in to his apartment all excited. He has good news to tell Octopus; Puncho's finally in jail! Octopus comes stomping out of the bedroom and wants to know how his lunch with Fidiota went. "Did you tell her how unhappy you are with me? Did you tell her you want to reunite with her?"

Little Doormat and Dimwit are commiserating about the unhappy state of their love lives. Gaby tells Dimwit that Fidiota is making her marry Kick Me in three days. That's not enough time for her to forget about Lunkhead. Dimwit is telling Little Doormat that she couldn't tell anyone about Maxi-Moron's capture because Max's life was in danger. Now Maxi-Moron believes she slept with Diablo. Pobre de Ellas!

There's discussion in Max's hospital room about what happened to Max. Why did Caramel and Dimwit bring him to the hospital looking like this after Dimwit said he was in Chicago on business?

Dimwit is telling Mini-Max that his father wants nothing to do with her. She is feeding Mini-Max a bottle, and I must say Mini-Max is looking Mighty-Cute. He looks like he's about to fall asleep and keeps making these grunting noises.

Iggy is waxing poetic about how much he hates Maxi-Moron and Dimwit. They are the two people he hates most in the world. Suddenly the phone rings. It's Diablo. Doc Evil wants to know who in the heck is Diablo. Diablo reminds him that Doc Evil was the one who left Diablo an invalid. Doc Evil wants to know why Diablo is calling him. "To form an alliance."

Credits roll.


June 22, 2007 - In which Emilioooo has a brand new gig and Alina can’t decide for the thousandth time.

Here’s schoolmarm Jeanne for Ferro, who is still enjoying a well-deserved rest.

We join Don Loco in his cell, glaring into Dra. Loca’s face. He turns away scowling [Ed. Note: my mommy always told me that if I scowled like that too much my face would freeze like that] and she follows him, saying that if he keeps thinking like this, the only thing that will happen is he’ll keep suffering. Better to face reality, his reality. Maybe Soledad has rejected him, but there’s another who might just want to love him. She lays her hands on this shoulders, smiling seductively. [It’s lost on him, sweetie, he’s not even looking]. We note that DL has a band-aid not quite covering his latest bobo, the result of him banging his head on the bars until he bled.

DL turns and gets in her face. “And that other person, by chance, might be you?” Perceptive, DL. “How do you dare to compare yourself with my wife?” Her seductive half-smile slips. “It’s your fault I’m locked up in here.” “I’m sure you and the judge worked it out so I couldn’t leave here, true? You had the force with you.” (A nod to Star Wars here, which is based way more in reality than Duelo). He grabs her around the neck and begins to choke her.

Dra. Loca, impactada that her seduction plan is going awry, begs him to calm down and not talk like that. She tries to pull his hands away. He calls her “damned,” chokes and shakes her by the neck while she gasps and whimpers. [What part of his treatment of Soledad did you not understand, Dra.? You haven’t done your homework. Tsk.] “You poisoned Soledad in order that she wouldn’t forgive me, didn’t you, damned traitor!?” [Sheesh. As if more than two years of cruel and unusual treatment wasn’t going to set the stage for Soledad to never forgive you!] She calls for the guards [Ed. Note: if you play this part back, you’ll see that his fingers aren’t actually pressuring her around the neck. Very convincing, DL.] He yells a question at her, asking if what she wants is that they throw him into the punishment cell (solitary?). The guard comes and he drops her and backhands the guard, who drops to the floor. [Well, we already knew the guards here weren’t too sharp]. Another guard runs in behind him, and DL elbows him back against the cell; two more guards finally come and drag him off, presumably to the punishment cell. Dra. Loca just stands there with her teeth in her mouth, crying and rubbing her throat.

In the nursing school, the students are lined up in rows of desks. Alina speaks to the nursing instructor while others pack up their materials. She apologizes for being distracted during class. She’s thrilled with the school, but has a lot on her mind and couldn’t concentrate. The instructor understands, but thought for a moment she found the lab work tedious. Alina assures her that the opposite it true, really. The instructor tells her if she needs anything, Alina can ask her.

Alina thought bubbles that she cannot let herself get distracted; this is too important for her. [Ed. Note: if one looks around the room, one cannot help but wonder why the other trainees in their perfectly clean, starched white uniforms have their tops zipped up to their eyeballs, but Alina looks like she got her uniform where Nurse Susy shops. Maybe the room’s hot? Her zipper’s stuck half way up? OTOH, this uniform meets all of Ferro’s requirements.]

Gaby is coloring on the coffee table in the living room. Tina comes in and asks her to “tell me about your drawings.” [Ed. Note: every schoolmarm on earth and most mothers know that you never remark on what a kid is drawing, because inevitably you’ll get it wrong and there’ll be a disgusted kid stare in return. Instead, you ask the youngster to “tell me about it.” Bravo, Tina!] Gaby tells her that this is a picture of the bad lady who “wants to kill me.” Gaby looks really afraid, and Tina is impactada. Gaby has another, of herself locked in a cage by the bad lady and she’ll never get out. Tina holds out her arms and asks if Gaby wants to tell her about it. Gaby runs off to her room, “no, I don’t want to talk about this!” Tina follows.

As the nursing class wraps up, [stereotypically, they’re all muchachas] the instructor compliments them on organizing their instruments perfectly. They’ll be moving into a sterile field (environment) as they continue their work. From the middle of the room there’s a cry of pain. One of the student nurses has cut herself. Alina, who read ahead in the book while she lived in the cave, applies a rubber band tourniquet perfectly and stops the bleeding. How fortunate for her fellow student! Equally fortunate is the rubber band tourniquet that just happened to be in pile of instruments they were learning how to organize today! Alina explains exactly what she is doing. Soon, she’ll be team teaching with the instructor. The instructor compliments her on technique and speed. Alina mops up the excessive bleeding. One wonders qué the heck the pile of instruments contained on the first day to cause such bleeding.

Gaby is lying on her bed, back to Tina, who is trying to talk to her and comfort her. Tina’s worried about Gaby’s preoccupation that someone’s coming back to hurt her, which isn’t going to happen. Gaby assures her it WILL happen and they’ll all die. Rodrigo comes in and says he’ll talk to her. [This dude looks good in uniform!] He holds her and asks about her fear. She doesn’t want to talk about it. He wants to know if someone threatened her. She lies and says no. She begs him to marry Alina fast and get them out of Dodge. He promises he will, but she needs to calm down.

Aha! Here we are at La Rinconada, where a uniformed Orlando is talking to Vera and Iffy. They exchange chitchat about breakfast and he gets to the point: he’s going to Luba’s cave. Vera is impactada. Luba’s not there. It’s her fault that Flor died, the police are looking for her, and she’s blown the joint with Gaspar. Orlando is PO’d.

Raquel is taking a lovely afternoon stroll with Hernán at her Rancho Viejo in Sierra Escondido. [Everyone already has noted that Raquel is really out-of-context given that we’re in Últimos Capítulos, so I won’t elaborate, but I’m just saying]. He remarks that the funeral was calm, and she notes that it was calm and quiet because none of the employees showed up. When the workers bailed from Montellaño’s ranch to work for her husband, he paid them a good wage. She doesn’t get this, why no one came, why this is how they treat him. She wipes a tear. “Why are they so ungrateful?” Some of the workers come running up to them, led by Fidencio, who has had secretive interactions with Hernán in the last couple of episodes. (They are apparently trying to get her to sell Rancho Viejo at a loss]. The workers want to talk with her. Hernán tries to send them away, but Raquel will hear them out. The workers are not confident that she’s going to follow through with the work they’ve counted on. They want a raise. She tells them the wages are fair and they won’t get a raise. They’re going on strike. The workers, led by Fidencio, yell “Strike! Strike!” (Huelga=strike or work slowdown) Fidencio stands there, quiet, and sneaks a glance over at Hernán. One wonders if this is a set up. I’m just saying.

Alina is talking in the small office with the instructor. She explains why she is so skilled at these things already. The nursing instructor notes Alina’s previous distraction again and offers to help. Alina tells her about Rodrigo’s kind offer of marriage and her doubts.

Back at Rancho Viejo, Hernán has Fidencio by his shirt, shaking him and asking how he dares to speak this way to Sra Raquel. Fidencio tells him that women don’t have the head for business. Raquel intervenes. She makes Hernán let Fidencio go, and the boys glare at each other. She asks Fidencio to have a little faith in her. She reminds them the ranch is important to her, too, and the one thing she has for the son she is expecting. He tells her that without a raise, they’re not going to have faith in her and she says, “okay, there’s no solution for this because there’s not going to be a raise.” Fidencio tells her “okay, we’re going on strike.” The crowd yells again about striking. One young man comes forward and tells her he’s going to have faith in her and work with her. She asks his name: Lauro Ramirez. She says fine, they’ll work together on the ranch. Hernán and Fidencio are mildly impactados and uneasy.

Alina has just finished telling her tale of woe to the instructor. She doesn’t think it’s a good thing for her to change her own future so Gaby can be calm. She just wants to start a new life and find happiness. The instructor encourages her to forget the past and points out all the obstacles to pursuing a relationship with Emilio, and that Rodrigo seems to really love her and will do everything in his power to ensure her happiness.

At the Boutique de Coral, she, Soledad and Elías are hashing over the jail visit. Soledad remarks that he was just so sure she would forgive him as if nothing had happened, but it’s not easy to forget all this. Elías asks if he really seemed sorry. Yes, and he seemed to think they would be reconciled, maybe if he behaved well, after he leaves jail. But, she has stopped loving him. Coral comforts her.

Emilio has arrived at his new post. Several workers are waiting for him, wearing ponchos in the rain. The lead muchacha has a grin from ear to ear. She likes what she sees (the Jeep? Frank?) They introduce themselves, shake hands, [what’s with the fat cigar in his other hand? Looks very professional], and he tells her they are going to make sure the locals aren’t in danger by stabilizing things. She’s Karla Sanchez, the head of Civil Defense in the area. They have everything ready, including stuff like insect repellant so no one gets Dengue Fever [Ed. note: this is very bad stuff. It’s prevalent in tropical zones, carried by mosquitoes. Once you get it, you can’t get exposed again for at least seven years because the second time can be truly life threatening. I had a friend in Hawaii who went somewhere in Polynesia and got it. She had lots of restrictions for a long time. Then, a hula troupe from Hana, Maui went to Polynesia and brought it back. There was a bit of a local scare. I have heard it called “bone break fever” because it makes one feel like all the bones in the body are broken. Here’s info from Wikipedia: “This infectious disease is manifested by a sudden onset of fever, with severe headache, muscle and joint pains (myalgias and arthralgias — severe pain gives it the name break-bone fever or bonecrusher disease) and rashes; the dengue rash is characteristically bright red petechia and usually appears first on the lower limbs and the chest - in some patients, it spreads to cover most of the body. There may also be gastritis with some combination of associated abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea.

Some cases develop much milder symptoms, which can, when no rash is present, be misdiagnosed as a flu or other viral infection. Thus, travelers from tropical areas may inadvertently pass on dengue in their home countries, having not been properly diagnosed at the height of their illness. Patients with dengue can only pass on the infection through mosquitoes or blood products while they are still febrile.”]

She tells the muchachos to walk this way. Frank grins at Emiliooooo and tells him she’s not just beautiful, she’s well-prepared. Not bad on the eyes. Emilio gives him the hooded-eyed-lizard look. They follow.

Alina thanks the instructor for listening, and the instructor tells her that there’s no need for thanks, they are friends. [Every schoolmarm knows it’s not good to be too close to your students, especially in a college situation. Tsk.] She’ll help Alina with things. She leaves and Rodrigo comes in. He’s taking Alina to dinner and will get her response. He gives her a single pink rose. She’s ready with a response.

At Mansión Valtierra, Rebeca is cuddling the baby and Thelma demands him. The doorbell rings and Rebeca runs to get it. There’s a document for Thelma, who rudely retorts that she’s busy with her son. She tells Singing Auntie to open it. It’s the divorce papers. Thelma apparently thought he wouldn’t file them. She is impactada. After the commercial break, she takes the papers to read them and hands the baby to SA. She’ll never accept this. She rips it up. She’ll get Alina married off to Rodrigo. SA asks what if this plan doesn’t succeed? Thelma will find another way to blackmail Emilio. [Well, it beats murder.]

Rodrigo and Alina haven’t left the nursing school. He’s going to take her to a lovely restaurant. He’s anxious for the reply. She needs to go by Coral’s store and change her clothes.

Dra. Loca busts into Vargas’ office. ;-) She has to tell him something very important. [She looks good in red. That cleavage, though. Sniff.] What’s up? She wants Alvaro transferred to a mental hospital. Vargas is impactado.

Karla Sanchez is making sure Emilioooo and Frank will be cozy in their tent. They talk about the difficult situation: dozens of families have been rescued from rising waters/floods using amphibious vehicles. But, there a still a lot of folks who haven’t been evacuated. Frank wants to know the plan (give Emiliooo a minute, muchacho, because he just sat down with the map. He doesn’t think that fast on his feet OR sitting down.) Emilioooo tells them they’ll organize a team and begin getting folks out of their homes. Karla leans toward E and grasps his forearm lightly but thoroughly; she’ll find the folks he needs. Emilioooo looks down pointedly at her hand, moves a little, and she draws back as he tells her he appreciates the help. She leans back to her chair, looking only slightly embarrassed. She stands to leave and hopes they’ll be comfortable. If they need anything, they shouldn’t hesitate to call her. She lets them know that her tent is just next to theirs, but she’s not talking to Frank. She’s got her back to him. She wonders if Emiliooo wants a little hot coffee, her hand caressing his back at the shoulder. [Ed. Note: What about Frank? Is he chopped liver?] Emilio looks evasive and thanks her. Frank grins at him slyly and says, “Well, a little hot coffee for your pleasure, Captain…..” Emiliooo looks down at his rolled-up map. Frank makes another crack about Captain Valtierra on attack. Emilio purses his lips at Frank.

Speaking of campers, Vargas is not a happy one. “Transfer him? What does this mean?” DL is not in his right mind and dangerous to have in the general jail population. [Ya think?] Vargas thinks this man is perfectly capable of faking loco so he’ll have a get-out-of-jail free card. He thinks this is ridiculous; she knows how clever this guy is. She points out that people with celotipia have a different reality than the rest of the world; it’s their fantasies. She knows he’s intelligent, but she wants this transfer because he tried to choke her. She wants off his case.

Back at Coral’s store, Elías is ready to leave. Soledad thanks him for talking with her; she’s calm now. He wants to remind her that not all relationships are so conflicted and destructive as hers with DL. She knows. He apologizes again because he’s never hid how he feels about her, and she tells him he doesn’t need to. She thinks that maybe….sometime…..she and he could….Alina and Rodrigo interrupt this moment. Elías compliments her uniform. She goes to change so they can go to dinner and Elías leaves. Alina wants to talk to her Mamá, so they go off to the changing room.

Vargas tells Dra. Loca that what she is saying is very serious. [Duh]. Yes, and DL will get worse if he doesn’t get the treatment he needs. [Ed. Note: One supposes that a good, hard slap to the chops probably aren’t part of the treatment, right?] Vargas still thinks DL attacked her to get sent up the river to the other kind of institution and lessen his sentence. Dra. Loca isn’t so sure of that. And almost getting killed by a patient is just one of the necessary risks of her profession. She’s just devastated because their relationship was so cordial. Vargas reluctantly agrees to the transfer.

Luba and Gaspar are with the doc, who tells them he has never seen a case like this, and he’s impressed with the inexplicable spontaneous healing. Luba waxes eloquent about miracles and how the Virgen works. She knows it in her heart. Gaspar tells him now he can see his cub. Luba puts her hand over Gaspar’s mouth to shut him up. She covers up a bit. The doc tells them he’s getting the papers ready for dismissal. Luba goes to hug him. She tells him how handsome he is and follows as he leaves. Gaspar gets a puzzled look on his face. He didn’t like Luba telling the doc that his “cub” was a puppy. She tells him not to be so foolish. He shouldn’t be announcing to the four winds about this child. He says the doc told him he could go look for the boy. Luba tells him to go already. She lays a guilt trip on him that she has to go to look for the cofre and they’ll kill her, but he doesn’t care. He’s bending.

In a police office, Orlando (in street clothes) is looking for info about Luba and Gaspar. The police aren’t giving it, but he flashes his military credentials. That’s a different story. They tell him about Gaspar fighting as “Intocable” and he had an accident; he’s been in a public hospital in Puebla. What good luck for Orlando!

At the Rancho Viejo, Hernán is angry that Raquel thinks she and this one employee can run the ranch. [So, where’s YOUR volunteer spirit, Hernán? Aren’t you like the jefe or something?] She argues back. She’s not just going to stand there with her arms crossed; something is better than nothing. He points out she’s about to pop. She tells him that she can do whatever is necessary for the sake of her son. He tells her that’s nuts. He wants to know why she just doesn’t sell this ranch. He can find someone interested (of COURSE you can, you scumbag!) She finds it strange that he’s proposing this. He knows how important this ranch was to her husband and is to her. She has no doubt that if she has to spend the rest of her life working her tail off, she’ll do it, but sell, NEVER. She tells Lauro they’re going off to work. Hernán protests and she tells him, “I have spoken!” Hernán mutters “damn you” to her as she walks off with Lauro. [Ed. Note: I like Raquel, even if her appearance is darn untimely. She’s got spunk.]

Soledad looks Alina over in her lovely outfit. She wonders if Alina seems nervous, or is it just her imagination? Alina admits she is nervous about the response Rodrigo wants. They hash over Emilio and Rodrigo, compare and contrast. Same old, same old.

Karla is seeing a patient, presumably who has Dengue. She’s giving the vieja something to lower her fever (important in Dengue). She gives her instructions. She notes that the woman has an elevated temp, body aches, and shivers. Emilio comes into the nursing station tent and has an orange flashback to when he was injured and unconscious in Luba’s cave (dunno how he can flashback to being unconscious, but that’s Emilio for ya), with Alina caring for him. Karla notes to the patient that she also has a bit of rash (captions spelled it “salpullido” but it’s “sarpullido m. noun- rash”). She gives her some papers to take to another place.

Karla sees Emilio, who tells her he was remembering someone who had cared for him. Karla notes “ella? “ She asks if it was a girlfriend and looks relieved when he says it’s not. She talks a little about Dengue, and the medical services bring much comfort to those who have it. She offers Emiliooo that cup of hot coffee, which he agrees to take while they talk about work. He sits on the cot and they eye each other while they drink. She looks hopeful.

Back at Coral’s, Alina and Soledad are stilllllll discussing Alina’s decision-making dilemma. She hasn’t forgotten Emilio but she cannot have him and will forget him eventually. Soledad reminds her that he’s divorcing, but she says it’s too late. She’s worried about Gaby and Rodrigo. Her mother tells her to think about it well. She doesn’t want to break Rodrigo’s heart; her mother points out that hers might be broken. Alina says the past has to be past. She’s going to accept Rodrigo. [Ed. Note: Alina’s enthusiasm here is underwhelming.]

At the Puebla hospital, the Lucha Meister is meeting Luba and Gaspar. He’s thrilled at Gaspar’s recovery and has such a deal for them. It’s for training the newbies, not to fight again. Gaspar doesn’t want it. The Lucha jefe wants to know why not? They’ll be in San Mateo and there’s less possibility they’ll be found. Gaspar wants to go with Luba to SE and make sure nothing happens to her.

Back in his lonely cell, DL is talking to himself and begging Soledad’s forgiveness. A guard brings a sedative med with a cup of water. DL doesn’t really want it, and flashes back to forcing meds down Soledad’s throat with her crying that she doesn’t want it. He just takes it. “Why didn’t the doc come?” “She’s dropped your case.” “Why?” “You don’t remember? You choked her.” The guard walks away, disgusted.

After commercial break, DL’s standing at the bars, yelling to see Dra. Loca. He mutters to himself, shaking his head, that he tried to kill her. He says they’re a bunch of damned liars and he never did anything of the kind. She’s the only one who understands and can get him out of there. He yells to see her again.

Claudia is offering a drink or snack to Rodrigo, who is still waiting for Alina to solve her life problems while she changes. Coral comes in to introduce Alina’s grand entrance. She and Soledad glide into the room. Alina and Rodrigo excuse themselves and Coral wants to know if Alina is going to give him a response. Soledad affirms it, and Coral is sorry for Emilio.

At Mansión Valtierra, Angel is talking to SA, who has the baby. Does Thelma know that Emilio is gone? Yes. She’s depressed, and the divorce papers arrived. Yes, Angel knew something about that, but she was just asking for it. SA wishes there was a way to save this marriage. She goes to put the baby in bed. (“My baby”) Angel is left to mutter to himself that he understands Emilio’s anguish at being so far from the one he loves; Claudia’s stepfather is keeping them apart.

Karla asks Emilioooo if he wants more coffee. She plays with her hair coquettishly. No, he needs to sleep well in order to work tomorrow. Karla tells him that she, on the other hand, has insomnia and if he can’t sleep, she’ll be waiting there to chat……she fidgets with her belt and sways a little. Frank comes in abruptly. “Captain, pardon me, but the General’s on the radio for you.” Emiliooo makes a quick an exit as he can, thanking her for the coffee. Frank smiles at Karla and tells her what a great guy his Captain is, and that she should get to know him better. She tells him that for sure she is interested in knowing him better……. She leaves. [What the heck is Frank? A yenta? Is that under “other duties as assigned?”]

At the boutique, Coral is talking to Claudia and Soledad. They invite Claudia to go to dinner with them. She has to work on the clothing displays, etc. Angel comes in. He came to see her and help. Suddenly, several guys wearing ski masks and carrying guns, burst into the shop. Angel pushes Claudia behind him. The gunmen yell “nobody move and be quiet!” Angel and Claudia are super impactados. Some of the gunmen move behind them, maybe looking for the day’s earnings. [Didn’t look like anyone was taking deposits to the bank, either, when Coral and Soledad left. Tsk.]

In Emilooo’s tent, he’s working on a map and notes. Frank comes in and asks about the call with the General. Emilio gives him details; they need reinforcements. The locals are in no condition to help, so Emilio asked the General. Frank makes a comment about Karla; she likes to see Emilio. Emilioooo tells him this isn’t a joke. The mission is serious, don’t forget it. He leaves. Frank smiles to himself and mutters that Karla doesn’t see it that way; she has another mission for Emilioooo. [Okay, maybe he’s not a yenta, he’s a panderer].

Angel hotly tells the gunman who is guarding him and Claudia while the others grab the money that the folks who work here work hard and honorably; they should do the same. The gunman tells him to shut it. [Good advice, Angel, he’s the one holding the gun.] One of the others tells him that instead of a sermon, he needs to look after his girlfriend and hope for the best. Angel settles and assures him everything’s cool. The guy holding the gun on them wants the cashbox open. Claudia can’t open it, she has no key. Angel lunges at him and they struggle. Claudia yells at them to leave him in peace, and the others rush to help their comrade. Angel takes a lot of punches. The gunmen grab what they can and run; Angel is bleeding and bruised on the floor. She kneels and tries to get him to respond.

Raquel finds Lauro working and asks how it’s going. Lauro tells her not well and lists the problems. There’s not enough food for the sheep and two of the machines don’t’ work. They need at least three men to help move things. Two aren’t enough? They make a decision and Raquel tries to pick up one of the bags that is propped near a wall. All by her pregnant self. She groans. [The bag must weigh at least 40 lbs.] She’s hurt herself. ¡Ay, Caray! [I guess there’s no need to point out we could have told her so.] He helps her sit. He’s going to try to get some buddies of his; she warns him to be careful and don’t let them turn on him [she’s smarter than we think, maybe]. He goes off.

Angel is sitting up and holding a cloth to the bump on his forehead. He just needs some air and he’ll be all right. Coral and Soledad come back in. Gee, that was a short trip. They are impactadas as they hear about the assault and robbery.

Thelma bursts into Mauricio’s office without knocking. She asks if he is the lawyer for Emilio Valtierra. He says he is. “Well, let me tell you I’m not accepting any divorce, and here’s what you sent me.” She throws the pieces of the paperwork down onto his desk as he stand up. “Listen, Sra.” “Listen, nothing! What is your name?” “Mauricio Rivera.” Thelma tosses this info around. “I know you from someplace else.” Mauricio just looks at her doubtfully.

Oh, my, here we are in Veracruz at the sugar plantation. Hugo and Alfi are “finally home!” Alfi asks if she can have HER cofre now. Hugo clings to it and smiles greasily. He asks her how much she thinks DL might give for this. She thinks a lot, much more than in the briefcase. They exchange veiled insults implying that neither trusts the other. Hugo looks uncomfortable and asks if they’re going to make the exchange—cofre for briefcase. She agrees and moves. He thought bubbles that she has no idea the surprise that awaits her.

Karla is in her tent, and Emilio asks to see her. She says “sure, come in.” We see her back, unclothed and dripping wet clear up to her hair. A small tub of bubble bath is in front of her on the ground. She gets up slowly and opens the drape, turning to face him. She asks him if he wants a bath. He stops writing notes, impactado. [Ferro, what a week for you to be on vacation! Timing is everything, lad. De ninguna manera can I do this justice the way you would.]

At the restaurant, Rodrigo is confessing to Alina that it’s been a while since he felt so nervous. She tells him that makes two of them. He tells her she shouldn’t be nervous. This could be the best day of her life. [Easy for you to say, Dude.] He asks if she is inclined to marry him? She touches her neck and looks impactada. [How come? Did she just realize she gave her heart necklace away?] She flashes back to giving it to Emiliooooo. What timing. She flashes back to when he gave it to her. Rodrigo gets up; he’s going out to the street to look for it. No, she remembers where it is. She tells him she’s always been honest with him, and she cannot accept the offer of marriage. He is muy impactado and sets his jaw.

Next time: (Tuesday) More about Thelma’s betrayals, and will Alina end up with Emilio or Rodrigo?



Destilando Amor, 6/22/07: Heartaches, Bad Takes, and Silver-tongued Snakes

Clarita and Gavi head back to their empty apartment to spend the night and sober up.

Back at the Corporation, the Montalvo family cockfight comes to a close. A shocked and scandalized Grammy P tells Aaron that she hopes he's done the right thing by handling things this way. Aaron confidently assures her that she should relax since little or nothing remains of the romance between her grandson and his hussy, the jornalera.

Proud Papa Bruno hugs his son and wishes him luck over the next year since it is make it or break it time with his Turquesa project. Fedra catches up with Aaron next and asks him how sure he is that this woman won't continue looking for Rod as it will be ruinous for their plans should they connect again and the girl be pregnant. Fedra also suggests he's now given Minnie plenty of time to give him a son and wonders how his divorce is coming along. Aaron again exudes great confidence and says in a short time he'll be free of her and will marry Pammy who is really the one able to give him that golden-child. Fedra giggles greedily.

Back in Miami Pammy is talking to Mother who reminds her that having kids could cost Pammy her life. Pammy, misguided as the rest of her starry-eyed gender looking to get hitched, figures she can change her man, being of course, our one and only blue-eyed, venomous viper, Aaron Montalvo. So even though Aaron says he wants a child from her she plans to change his mind, killing him with kindness and marital bliss (if only). Eventually Aaron will see that two people do not need children to make a happy life together. If worse comes to worst she'll suggest they adopt.(We all know that if you're planning on taking that bet, you'd better bet with the House.)

After the meeting ends Patricio, Aaron and Oñate have their own little private pow-wow. Pat is up to his neck with Aaron and his illicit tequila schemes. Now that Bruno will be back running the Corporate Office, he refuses to risk either his or his intended's necks any longer. His father would surely die from the shame should he ever find out about their dirty dealings. Aaron says fine by him, but pretty much is thinking, don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya. Oily, then, somewhat clueless, gets up to shake Pat's hand all "adios and buen viaje" (Good-bye and good travels). Pat though, in a most manly move, snubs the obnoxious sleeze and stares him down, deliberately keeping his hands at his side as he suavely exits through the doorway.

Aaron tells Oñate then that he'll need to scope out his daddy's NY clients for him to see which ones might be amenable to their way of doin' bidnez. Aaron is feeling like king cock now, so as a reward for Oñate's dilligent scullduggery in the matter of Mariana and the marginal tequila, he tells him about his lie to the family about the payoff money for Mariana. Aaron explains that since the family already thinks the money's been paid to her, he is giving Oñate Mariana's 5 million peso payoff instead.

Rod follows Minnie home and walks her up to her apartment. Instead of thanking him for doing the gentlemanly thing, she lites into him for having taken up with this slut and causing the family and her all this trouble. He should have known better, blah, blah. "It's all YOUR fault, Rodrigo. Just how far are you planning to go for that woman, huh?" Rod is in anguish and in no mood to listen to her "absurd accusations". He tells her so and storms out, slamming the door behind him, in a most admirable fashion.

When Gavi and Clarita arrive back at the apartment building, the kid who'd been washing windows earlier that the afternoon tells the two of them that Rod was there looking for them then. Gavi, incredibly, refuses to recognize clue #1 of Aaron's tall tale: that Rod's actually being there means he's back in Mexico City as planned, instead of at the Hacienda avoiding her like Aaron had told her. She pointedly tells the kid that if he shows up again to tell him they've split for parts unknown. Clarita is visibly concerned about that, but figures it's her daughter's choice and says nothing.

Clarita tries to talk some sense into her stubborn daughter's head that night. She tells her to at least listen to what Rod has to say. Perhaps he was told a pack of lies, or perhaps both of them had been told a pack of lies and Rod wants to know her side of things. Wouldn't she want to know his version? Unable to think clearly that others looking for dirt on her for whatever reason could have had the initiative to dig into her past or her recent comings and goings in Manzanillo on their own, she readily believes that the only one who knew and thus could have told Aaron was Rodrigo himself.

Gavi imagines that he's come by to talk her out of causing a scandal that might wreck his marriage and hurt the woman he really loves, Isadora.She fears he'll sweet talk her into believing his lies and she doesn't want to hear his pretty words or to be drawn into his net ever again. (Having to listen to all this convoluted reasoning of hers, I'm ready to down tequila shots myself.) Clarita defends Rod and says his cousin could be the one slinging slop. "Who's the drunk one here, Ma? You or me? And whose side are you on, anyway? No, the only person with the big fat mouth was Rodrigo! "

Dani greets Grammy and asks her about the meeting and what happened. Grammy Pilar tells her all the horrible things she can remember that Aaron told them all about Gaviota/Mariana Franco. Dani has a hard time believing them but doesn't argue. She figures she'll talk to Rod about it directly, but of course, he never ever called her back. She secretly hopes it's because he's found Gaviota and run off with her after all. Grammy then expounds on all the virtues of Sofia's new love-interest. Dani tells her they have very different ideas of what makes a good match when who should appear on cue from the kitchen with a snack tray for Grammy, but Elvis.

Meanwhile Sofia and Frankie are cuttin' a mean rug at a classy club somewhere. He's gyrating, bumping and grinding in true John Travolta wanna-be style on the dance floor. Frankie's quickly becoming quite the center of attention, while Sofia looks on admiringly, making Monster Mash moves of her own. When, mercifully, this embarrassingly lame excursion of Sofia's into dancing-with-the-stars-for-the groom-of-my-dreams ends, she asks Footloose Frankie to ask for the check. She tells him she's got some unutterable family problems that really need attention so they'll have to go now.

At the same time across town, it's painfully obvious that The Heavenly Powers That Be had a whole list of priorities tonight and Gavi didn't make the cut. So, in another disparaging act of self-pity, Gavi remembers her first arrival on their little island when Rod promised to devote his whole life to making her happy. She sadly accuses him of betraying both her love and his wife's.

Rod, after dropping off Minnie, continues to cry while driving aimlessly in circles. Eventually he needs gas and makes a final attempt to call Gaviota from his cell while filling the car up. However, he sees the "no cell phones allowed" symbol painted on the pump and takes it as a sign. He declares he will not call anyone, not even Gaviota anymore, and in a fit of anger or frustration throws the cell down into the console.

Isa is back in the apartment tearing up the old wedding album photos while cursing her hubby and his harlot to the max. Suddenly the phone rings and it's Daddy calling to see if she got Rod to co-sign for the bank loan. Isa tells him no and he'll have to wait till the morning. Daddy is pacing the floor, sweatin' bullets, and tells "Princesa" that he cannot wait till the morning. He offers to come over to help her persuade Rodrigo somehow.

Aaron arrives home late to find Mad Minnie waiting up and ready to rip him a new one. He manages to get Minnie to calm down long enough to listen to what the real scoop is about him and Gaviota. He explains it was all a ruse and that he never ever had had a relationship with her; that it was necessary to say all those things for "their" plans to succeed. He tells her that he realized that Gaviota was in earnest when he saw how vehemently she defended their love for each other. No, she has had only one man in her life and that man is Rodrigo. She's really an intelligent, honest, and hard-working woman. He remarks that she never took any money and even gave back both the car that was nearly completely paid for as well as her cell. That being the case, Gaviota would be a far more dangerous person to them than they ever would have suspected: it was very evident to him that the woman is as hopelessly in love with his cousin as his cousin is with her.

Aaron repeats that If he hadn't told such a malicious pack of lies to the family, they'd have added up all Mariana's virtues and gone over to Mariana's side, even, eventually blessing a union with Rod and accepting his child, should she get pregnant. Their problem he tells Minerva, while he begins to seduce her, is that Rod and Mariana simply love each other too much for anyone's good.

Frankie convinces Sofi to eat first. During dinner he tells her that he lost his job as a Public Relations whizzkid. Daddy wonders if he'll finally settle into some line of meaningful work, like science or becoming a diplomat. Then he snows her with some romantic drivel that he simply doesn't care about money if there is no one to love and to share it with. Sofia, fish that she is, she wants to pay when the check finally comes, telling him she can wait till he settles his future to pay her back. He refuses, grabs the check and takes the waiter aside. Footloose tells him quietly to put the check on "his brother, Esteffano's," account and returns to the table. Sweeping Sofia off her two left feet, he declares her to be the woman he's been waiting for all his life and asks her if she will agree to go steady and to wear his I.D. bracelet.

Daddy and Mommie Dearest come by Isa's apartment to beg her to have Rodrigo co-sign the papers that night since he has a meeting with the creditors the very next morning. Isa refuses and tells her parents that her sham marriage is D.O.A.; there'll be no reconciliation this time because her husband has another woman with whom he's probably spending the night, the same woman in fact that he warned her about before the wedding. She tells them she was a fool to have ever agreed to such a ridiculous marriage and to a set of rules even more ridiculous. Daddy will have to deal with his creditors some other way. Daddy will just have to take it up with her divorce lawyer to settle up and give him some of the cash to help him out of his business problems. She will stay put at the apartment a little longer to figure out her future and then she wants to go on a trip for a while.

Frankie and Sofia pull up and park outside Grammy Pilar's and joke a bit about Fairy Godmothers and his turning into a frog if Sofia doesn't give him 3 kisses before midnight or something. The regular writers must have given it over to the summer interns for a few scenes while they went outside for a couple three tokes 'cuz, now, in that sweet little red Alfa-male Romeo borrowed ride of his we are forced to watch Sofia and her Frog Prince, lamely croaking "ribbet, ribbet" and making out and giggling like two 6th graders just back from the junior prom. At first Sofia reprimands Frankie for daring to kiss her, but then she finally gives in as we, and Frankie the Faux Frog, all knew she must, the third time being the charm and all.....

Later that night, as he gets out of the apartment elevator, Frankie is still practicing his moves and gives himself an imaginary Oscar for best actor in a romantic lead. Just then Isa comes out and walks her parents to the elevator; they all greet one another and Frankie goes into his apartment. (Shades of Pilar here, but doesn't it seem strange that Isa would walk out into the hallway in her dressing gown, greet a man who is not her husband, and neither parent even winces?)

Once Daddy and Mommie Dearest are gone, Isa toys with the idea of knocking on Frankie's apartment door looking for sex and sympathy. She stops in mid-knock, thinks better about it, and goes back into her own apartment to spend her night alone.

The next morning Clarita convinces Gavi to call the hacienda and check on the sugarless agave crop crisis to see if it was truly a problem. Of course, she calls the factory claiming to be a farmer thinking they were still needing the extra tonnage and James takes the call. James, of course, doesn't recognize her voice and tells her that it was just a rumor, rather than giving any of the sordid details. Gavi has a morning after the night before hangover, and is depressed so she is obviously not her usual quick-witted self; and she doesn't really ask for any details. (Me, I'd have pretended to be someone from the home office so they'd feel comfortable in giving me all the corporate insider, in-the-know, juicy details instead of glossing over them and blowing me off as part of the no-need-to-know general public.)

Heartsick from what she assumes from hearingJames' half-baked answer, Gavi tells Clarita that the agave problem was a lie; and what Aaron told her about Rod leaving town to avoid facing her was true. She stands there, in total denial. Having convinced herself of the worst, she tells herself that Rod really loves his wife and had only used her after all. She swears never to see him again and to start her life over where the Montalvos cannot threaten them.

About that time, Rod arrives back at the hacienda. Roman greets him but says he's surprised to see him there. "What, this is still my home, isn't it?" Roman answers of course then tells him to call back to the city because the whole family is worried sick about him . Dani and Pilar have been calling all night long. Rod is distraught and says he is not going to call or talk to anyone. "If anybody calls, tell them that I am no longer alive." "--What?" Roman doesn't follow.

Gavi and Clarita find themselves a cheap little hotel for the next few days. Clarita asks why they didn't just stay with Jose a bit till they got their bearings; it would have been cheaper for them. Gavi says they need to steer clear of their old haunts for a while to keep the Montalvo's from finding them and carrying through with their threats to throw her in jail. They'll trust God to direct them. She swears to her mother then and there that they will live decent lives. "We will not give the Montalvos the pleasure of seeing us bite the dust!"

Again Rod tells Roman to put an announcement in the newspaper that next morning that he's dead and to say Gaviota killed him. Roman can't believe the gibberish coming out of the patron's mouth. "Say what?" "Tell them Rodrigo Montalvo has passed away and was killed by Gaviota." He sits down on the stairs with tears streaming down his cheeks. "Gaviota killed me. Gaviota killed me, Ramon. She took my life from me and broke my heart."


La Fea Más Bella #298B 6/22/07 Thank God it's Friday... no, wait...

That's #301 by Univision's count; 298 hours that are somehow going to get wrapped up on Monday night. Yep, it'll be 300 hours on the nose.

Double Impact

Tomas and Lety watch our two galans go flying over the cliff, which turns out to be a lot less treacherous than we were originally led to believe. Tomas jumps out of the car to investigate and runs halfway down to see. He begins calling for Lety in a panicked voice. She hesitates a moment, frozen with fear. (I remember Guru Aldo's Deep Thought: when you feel love, there is no fear. Or is it when you feel fear, you can't feel love? I can't remember!) She snaps out of it and hurries to join him.

Aldo and Fernando have landed safely on the ground and resumed their argument, seemingly unaware that they have cheated death or at least a really bad fall. They blame each other for the mishap as they brush the dirt off their clothes. Fern says it's Aldo's fault for driving in the wrong direction. Aldo says it's Fern's fault for distracting him. Finally the tension between them becomes too much, and they begin kissing. Um, not kissing... what's it called... um... fighting! Yes, they're fighting, just like old times.

Tomas calls for Lety; Lety is afraid to look. He convinces her to come down and see for herself. She scolds them for fighting like little kids. They commence blaming each other and tattling to Lety like little kids instead! Aldo says Fern managed/drove the bikes the same way he managed/drove Conceptos. "I'm sick of both of you!" Lety yells at them from halfway up the hill. She goes back to the car, telling Tomas to leave them there. Tomas protests. Fern smacks Aldo in the helmet and complains about the low blow, mentioning Conceptos. Aldo points out that Lety has left. They pick up the fight where they left off. Tomas watches helplessly.

Later, Lety comes home to her parents, who have returned from their second honeymoon. She asks them to tell her all about it. (C'mon, Lety! Boundaries!!) RoboPop says it was super and they had fun like teenagers. (Lety's teenage years were not so enjoyable!) Julieta worries aloud that Lety will think they were like crazy people. Lety laughs and says she's glad they enjoyed their trip. (That reminds me - did RoboPop ever get his severance from his old job? I wondered if maybe Humberto didn't pull some strings in RoboPop's favor after that time they bonded, but I don't recall any follow-up.)

Lety says she missed them. "And my son-in-law?" Erasmo asks. "Fatal," Lety sighs. "Aldo and Don Fernando went crazy, Mom, all they've done is fight."

Julieta says that "poor Don Fernando" hasn't resigned himself to losing Lety. Erasmo tells Julieta not to start. He reminds her that they weren't going to meddle in Lety's life; that she was going to make her own decisions. Julieta agrees that yes, Lety is responsible for her actions. Lety thanks them and they all join hands for another round of mush.

Meanwhile, Tomas is leaving Aldo's place and thanking Aldo for letting him borrow some clothes. He says he had some trouble getting around in those heels. They joke around about how nice Tomas looked and how silly Aldo looked fighting with Fernando. Tomas asks Aldo if he'll talk to Lety. Aldo says he has to, but it's going to let it be for the night, and talk to Lety tomorrow when she's calm.

Tomas thanks Aldo for getting him a taxi and says goodnight. Aldo asks what Tomas is going to do. "Take the taxi, no?" Tomas answers, but Aldo won't let him evade the question. Tomas says that considering how much love he feels for Alicia, it's better if he stays away from her forever. Aldo says that anyone can make a mistake, and it looks like she regretted it, and she returned the money. Tomas says that doesn't justify anything, and there's more... Aldo cuts him off and says he knows, and advises Tomas to listen to his heart. Tomas says his heart is telling him to be strong, because he should get a separation from his wife.

Tomas wants to leave. Aldo just tells him to think it over carefully.

Marcia & Octavio

Octavio the Guapo is telling Marcia that it moved him to see her during the last movement (of whatever concert or opera they're at) because she was so intrigued by the music, she's so sensitive. She thanks him and says he probably thought that because she's pretty, she'd also be shallow. He admits this to be so.

She says that's not the case, but that she is confused. She has an admirer - no, a suitor - from the Internet. He asks if she's saying this to make him jealous. She says no, she's telling him because he writes her beautiful things that she likes, that move her.

"So I have a very strong competitor?" Octavio the Guapo asks. Marcia says no. She's telling him this because she is honest. He asks what this guy has written for her. Can she recite something from memory? She says she has memorized all of it, but she is a lady, and she's not going to tell him any of it. (A lady never tells?) He begs her to at least share one phrase, but she refuses.

Octavio the Guapo asks, "Did he write you something like, 'Your name is the beginning of the sea'?"

"How did you know?" asks Marcia the Clueless. Then her jaw drops, and a clue flies into it. "It's you! You tricked me?!"

Yes, Marcia, he tricked you. Unfortunately, that's not hard to do.

"I never that that this would happen to me," Marcia says, walking away quickly. He follows her and insists that his intentions were honest. Right. He knows what she looks like, he knows her name, he knows where she works, etc.... while he doesn't give his full name, follows her around and lies to her about his appearance. Yeah, that sounds like a great way to begin a relationship. "I only wanted to know if you are the kind who prefers a pretty exterior or a person's essence."

Well, Marcia could ask the same of him, since he got interested in her based on knowing her face but not her personality. (Sorry, I want to be happy for Marcia, but I really don't like the way this guy is written.)

She tells him that she learned from Fernando, who is "like a brother" (I think she skipped a few pages of history, there), that beauty is not always discovered with the eyes, but also with the heart. "Great! This makes me admire you even more," Octavio answers.

Marcia points out that they don't really know each other, except for a few emails. He asks what she means. She tells him she had a very long relationship and she needs some time. She says they can get to know each other a little at a time, with no hurry. He agrees to this and invites her to dinner. She wants tacos!

A Moment with Fernando Mendiola

Fern is just getting home. He's on the phone with with the motorcycle owner, saying "tell your friends not to worry, we had a little mishap with the motorcycles, but I'm going to have them fixed... oh it's no big deal, they'll be like new. Tomorrow you'll get them back. And just the same I'll pay you for lending them to us [he puts the phone down and stifles a sarcastic laugh] because I have lots of liquid funds from Conceptos."

After the call, he flops backward on the bed. Oh... but it gets better. He sits up again and mumbles that if Omar were there, Omar could give him a massage.

I would like a poster of that.

Fern takes his diary out of the nightstand and begins to write. "Today I was almost killed, but after my Lety gets married I am going to stop living anyway, because I am already without hope."

But but but I'm almost out of Kleenex...

Alicia finishes packing her bags and rubs her belly. (Alicia, you'd better loosen your corset, or you'll end up with a bonsai baby!) She tells the baby they have to leave.

She sits on the bed and caresses the bedspread. "Tomas," she sighs. "Papa doesn't love me, and I don't blame him. Why didn't I realize sooner how much I love you, Tomas? But now I can't say it. I shouldn't tell you because I don't want you to suffer over me.

She rubs her belly and speaks to it. "Forgive me, mi vida! I feel so badly for you, I want you to know your father. That's what I would like the most. But now it's not going to be possible. Forgive me! I swear that my heart is split (?). (Or I know I'm breaking your heart?) I love you, baby, I love you. Tomas, I love you so much. So much."

Tomas fumbles in the hallway with his keys. He's sniffling sadly and still wearing Lety's old shoes. "Why couldn't I get to you, with all I did for you? I did the best I could, but it wasn't enough. It's better this way; we must each choose our own path. I thought the most important thing in life was love, but that's not true. Love is a fantasy that I made up myself."


Oops, I meant "dawn." It's morning. Fernando lets himself into Marcia's office just as she and Octavio are about to kiss. "Sorry, didn't know you were busy," he says, but he doesn't leave, either. He says Lola told him that Marcia wanted to see him. She invites him in, but he says it looked as though she was about to do something, and he offers to leave and wait until she's finished. Noting his nervousness, Marcia asks if he's jealous. "ME? Of whom?," he asks with a touch of venom. He catches himself and offers his hand to Octavio. Octavio introduces himself, and immediately Fern's attitude comes back. "What do you think you're doing, kissi-"

Marcia reminds Fern of her secret admirer. "Oh, so you were the one who was writing those pretentious, uh, those declarations of love. OK, man, really, Octavio?" (Fernando slowly walks around Octavio.) "Is that what you told me? Octavio Serrano, and what pretensions do you have with Marcia - excuse me." (Fernando lets go of Octavio's elbow.)

Octavio asks if Fernando is Marcia's father. (Marcia gapes delightedly.) Fern says he's her older brother. "And I'm going to warn you just once that I am going to watch you. Poor you if you make her suffer."

Octavio says he's not going to make her suffer. On the contrary, he'd like to make her the happiest woman in the world. (But that isn't possible. Aldo already said that he was going to make Lety the happiest woman in the world. They can't both be the happiest woman in the world.) Fern says it'd be worth Octavio's effort: Marcia is a great woman. Sensitive, beautiful, tender, lovable, hot... Marcia is touched. She thanks him for recognizing what a marvelous woman she is. Octavio says this only proves that he wasn't wrong to seek her out.

Fern babbles nervously that he has a rule about mixing business with personal matters. Marcia clears her throat politely. Several times. Finally Fern takes the hint and leaves them alone.

They are just about to kiss again when the door pops open and Fern warns them not to take advantage of being alone. He reminds them that all the people at Conceptos know everything about their friends. He wishes them luck and warns Octavio about Ariel. He leaves them alone and Octavio tells Marcia that he likes Fern, but he seems a little jealous. Marcia tells him that Fern is an extraordinary person, but he's lost the love of his life. Octavio thanks Marcia for letting him meet him. She thanks him for getting to know Fern.

It's going to be very interesting when Octavio finds out who Marcia's last boyfriend was.


Tomas finally goes into the apartment and finds his wife sitting upright on the sofa, asleep, with a box and some other things on her lap. He forgets himself for a moment and starts to greet her enthusiastically, but then stops himself.

She wakes up. He tells her he thought she had already left. She says she was going to go, but she waited for him to see her out. He tells her it wasn't necessary. She tells him she wanted to give him some things. First, the car keys, and the jewelry she bought with his money. And the papers for the car. "So they weren't gifts from your father?" She shakes her head sadly. She takes his hand and promises never to bother her again.

Tomas looks like his heart is breaking all over again. "May I give you a hug?" she asks. He turns away from her to avoid temptation. "I understand. You deserve someone better than me," she says. Tomas struggles to keep his emotions in check as she touches his shoulder lightly. "I'm so thankful that you loved me, even though I didn't deserve it."

Tomas turns around to face her again. She touches his face but he pulls away, avoiding eye contact. She grabs his chin more firmly, and this would actually be funny if it everyone wasn't crying so hard. "I will never forget you, Tomas." He still refuses to look at her. She takes her hand away, wipes her own face, grabs her things (only one bag this time), and leaves, sobbing.

Tomas loses control and crumples to the floor in tears. "Chiquita, chiquita." He throws the box of jewelry to the floor. "If only you had loved me just a little bit, just a little bit. I would have forgiven you!"

I really don't want it to end like this, but there's the golden circle of goodbye.

Penultimate words
Somehow, this is all going to get wrapped up in two hours on Monday night.

Before that... I still wouldn't bet on anything either way. Some TV listings say that there's a hour of La Fea instead of Duelo, but I haven't actually seen anything on Univision advertising it, and at the end of tonight's Duelo they just said "Monday through Friday" for Duelo as usual. But, after the "gran final" is the Cristina show.

Just to be on the safe side, I recommend taping the whole four hours and then if you end up with an hour of Duelo, no harm done. They're in Ultimos Capitulos, so maybe you'll get to see someone get whacked. Or married. Sounds like fun either way.

Since this is my last regular La Fea recap, I want to thank everybody - readers, fellow recappers, Melinama - for making this weblog the awesome place it is. A special thanks to Chris Ferro, who isn't even following La Fea any more that I know of, for starting the La Fea recaps. If he hadn't done that, I never would have found this blog, I wouldn't have had the slightest clue as to what was going on or what I had missed, and I wouldn't have offered to write some extremely sparse and sketchy weekly recaps "until someone else volunteers to take over," and I probably wouldn't have had any reason to continue watching the show or visiting this blog. I wouldn't know what "impactado" is, for example. The implications are horrifying.

Folks, you have more than 48 hours to replenish your supply of Kleenex, ice cream, and tequila for the last time... but don't wait till the last minute, because the stores just might run out.


June 22, 2007 - In which we learn just how fit Juan really is, and how well he can dance…….

I gotta take a second here to say how much I like the last scene of the intro to each episode. You know, the one where Juan gets away from all the muchachas and walks away from us in his bright orange shirt that fits to a “t?” Yeah. That scene. Whew, does that boy have a nice walk…..…..oops, who said that? (looking around over my shoulder)

We open to see Juan, who has been getting driving lessons in Enrique’s bus, facing off with another bus driver for a big dust up. (In the previous episode, as Sylvia noted, that bus driver cut him off and Juan rear-ended him). They exchange insults, and Juan dances at him, yelling, “come on, come on!” He taunts the driver while Enrique tries his best to keep Juan under control. Obviously, he doesn’t know Juan well enough yet.

Juan continues to insult the man, his family, and tells him to go back from whence he came. Juan dogs the guy like a pit bull, and Enrique tries again to calm him. Juan’s fancy footwork makes me wonder if he’s already been on Bailando por la Boda de mis Sueños. If not, sign the boy up fast.

The other driver just glares at him. One wonders what he’s thinking? “Is this boy as loco as he looks/sounds?” His moustache twitches, surely a Bad Thing. Or, he could be trying not to bust out laughing.

We move to a nice cozy restaurant, where CL and Paula have nice big glasses of red wine in front of them. The Breakfast of Champions. CL is waxing philosophical. He sees that they’re going to get along famously. Paula wants to know when they’ll get down to business in the office. He asks why is that important? She wonders if he’s always so irresponsible (clearly a rhetorical question to us, gentle readers, but apparently Paula has an enquiring mind and wants to know). He replies that our one responsibility in life is to be happy. (One wonders how he defines “happy.” No, on second thought, no real need to ask). She retorts and he says he has one thought, to enjoy life to the max. Paula is still smiling…..Money is for buy it (enjoyment to the max), and the body is to give pleasure. This is a philosophy that is very simple but practical and has given him lots of good results. Paula is still smiling……..

Paula asks him what of the consequences? He retorts, “to whom are consequences important?” “Me, for example.” She’s still smiling….sort of…… CL laughs cynically to the ceiling and tells her that he cannot understand how a woman so intelligent, and beautiful, can live so on the defensive. The smile is fading…….He leans in and a frown takes over her lovely face. “What are you doing?” He replies, with a look of total sincerity on his face, “I’m breaking the ice.” [Ed. Note: The CC said “I’m breaking the heavens” – cielo vs hielo -- and is a perfect example of a closed caption blooper I should send in to Barry at “DeafDigest” for his column on the subject, except that very few DeafDigest readers would understand since they mostly speak English]. “Now you’re going to see how we’ll feel if you drop this unsociable attitude.” Paula is no longer smiling.

She jumps to her feet and turns away. “What’s up with you?” “Paula,” he says as he grabs her by the wrist, “take this calmly! Why is everything with you such a tragedy? I am doing nothing more than making sure things between us are agreeable.” He looks over his shoulder and fiddles with his coat. [Ed. Note: I suppose the novela would be over if she just kneed him in the cajones and never looked back. So brace yourselves, gentle readers, for the long haul].

Paula turns back and asks him if he thinks she is stupid. He denies it. She tells him she doesn’t know what he is thinking (oh, c’mon, honey….it can’t be that hard to figure it out) but she “repeats” (from the incident yesterday) that she is not inclined to drop her principles and no way would she have sex with a man she doesn’t even like. CL looks a little nervous. The folks at neighboring tables are eavesdropping, since she’s now escalated to about 95 decibels and the ambient noise is only 85 dB. They have a good audible gain of 10 dB of info, just enough to make lunch interesting. He sees that he may be not only losing this battle but losing this war. He retreats and recalculates his route. “Who’s talking about sex?” [Ed. Note: who’s defensive NOW?]

Paula tells him that it is more convenient for her if she doesn’t work with him. [Paula, not to split hairs here, but he’s not inclined to work anyway from what we’ve seen so far.] She moves away from him and the table. They glare at each other. Trouble in paradise, CL.

We return to the lovely street scene, with two buses almost bumper to bumper, and the old guy who is calling to his buddy to bring his machete so he can send Juan to the Garden of the Balacas??? (Help with translation! The slang is killing me here!) The guy brings a flat piece of metal that looks more like a rectangle than a machete shape, but could still do some serious damage to Juan’s person. Juan taunts some more about this being a fight with weapons and asks Enrique to bring him something. Enrique, ever the levelheaded one, tells him they can resolve this by talking it out. There is no need to go to such extremes! Juan whips out of his jacket, and wraps it around his left arm, twirling it. I guess he figures to deflect the “machete?” He keeps egging the guy on, twirling his right arm. The other driver just eyes him, moustache twitching. In fact, that’s his best move so far. Juan dances, he twitches. Nice contrast, but his partner’s not going to have the wedding of her dreams. Juan’s partner, on the other hand…..probably won’t need or want one after dancing with Juan……

Juan, keeping his eye on the target, asks Enrique what’s up? Enrique says they’d really better go. Juan ignores him and eggs the other driver, who makes a lunge. Juan begins to circle him, asks him if he’s afraid, and kicks his bus. Oh-oh. Wrong move. He really p’d the guy off now. The guy tells him not to mess with it!

Juan unbuttons down almost to his waist, a totally gratuitous but effective ploy on the writers’ parts because it now has us viejas totally entranced, and continues to taunt the guy, who brandishes his weapon. Juan thought bubbles that here he is, with his heart ready to jump out of his chest, ready to “take to my heels,” “confess my sins,” and they continue to face off. Finally, the other driver reaches over his back with his “machete,” and scratches. “You know what? I’m not going to dirty my hands…..and I really appreciate that you have such little courage.” Juan snaps back at him while they trade places again, both posturing for the crowd…..while still not drawing blood or even getting bruised. Enrique steps in, seeing the chance to de-escalate this little scenario and get out with his life, while Juan saves face by yelling that this is the guy’s pretext for leaving. [Ed. Note: when Juan postures and struts with his chest thrust out, it gives us all a real appreciation for his daily workouts. Pastor is really going to be sorry he missed this one when he sees the re-runs]. They back apart, but keep on yelling insults—“whenever you want, Papa!” Enrique, sensing the real danger has passed, pushes Juan back a little. The crowd that has gathered is grinning at all this and egging them both on for the sake of a good afternoon’s diversion. The old driver disappears to his bus, and the muchachas clap for Juan, who struts forward with chest at full sail. He postures for them, too, and thought bubbles that all he has to do is look at Enrique’s face to know that he will now look at him with other eyes: eyes of respect. The applause continues while Juan makes the rounds, kissing muchachas, giving them the high five, and generally displaying a bodacious chest with MUCHO pelo oscuro. [Ed. Note: there’s also this lovely shark-tooth on a leather strip……be still, mi corazón…..]

He assures the crowd that everything’s fine and nothing happened. Enrique claps, in awe, with the crowd. He gives them the thumbs up as Juan disappears back to his bus. Enrique is apparently thrilled to be associated with this new hero.

Omigosh, Paula is STILL with CL at the restaurant. She tells him that it’s just not going to work for her to continue working with him and she’s not inclined to pay the price and there is no need to waste any more time on this. He really sees this deal going south, and gets her to sit down again, looking very conciliatory and telling her he wants to talk this out calmly. [Easy for YOU to say, CL.] “Okay, I was wrong, but that’s no reason for you to resign!” She retorts that each time the situation becomes more uncomfortable for her. [Ed. Note: if she really wanted to make that thought stick, she could wear something that didn’t look like she’s going to pop right out of it every time she breathes. I’m just saying.] CL really has to backpedal fast to pull this one out and he knows it. He’s seeing the same cleavage as all of us, and doesn’t want to miss the view. [Another Ed. Note, discúlpame: I guess it’s just a tad hypocritical to enjoy Juan’s open shirt and condemn Paula’s cleavage, but there you have it.]

He begs her forgiveness. She points out this is the second time he’s begged for forgiveness in a short time, hasn’t he noticed? And, she’s going to find it very difficult to work with a person she doesn’t have any confidence in. He says they could talk a little more calmly. [Sheesh.] He tells her again it was not for real, it had to be done. (What? Another “test?” That’s so lame.). She tells him he has very strange ways of testing folks. He’s not accepting her resignation. She tells him that in any case, she is not interested in working in a business where this is how business is done. [Attagirl!] She gets up and turns to go, and he grabs her. Again. He tells her not to be this way, and she says, “Thanks for the meal.” She takes off. He sits back down, takes a sip, and works on Plan B.

Enrique and Juan are off in a shopping center. Enrique and he are still re-living the “fight,” and Juan tells Enrique how once he fought off ten guys. He demonstrates, complete with karate chops, kicks, and a head butt to Enrique, who is jubilant. Suddenly, Juan sees our heroine, who is coming down the escalator from her unsatisfactory first day of work for CL. His goddess of the sea with eyes of honey, so slender, so divine, he thought bubbles. He is fascinated with her lovely visage. This time he WON’T lose her!

It’s now or never, he yells, while he cuts through the people, barely excusing himself. Enrique, conspicuous in a VERY orange shirt, grins and tells himself that this loco is that very same devil Juan he knows. Juan runs for dear life chasing Paula until he skids to a halt near a curb on the street. Juan thought bubbles: What? Where is this divine apparition who is in every palpitation of the rhythm of the song? (Song? Must be the song in your head, or else you have head noise. Better see an audiologist about that, my boy). She is my reason for living! [Not to put too fine a point on this, Juan, but you have one at home, too. You can’t have it both ways, unlike CL.]

Enrique is doing the twist in front of a display where he sees his reflection. Two muchachas giggle and point. He’s embarrassed. Juan approaches and he asks what bug made him itch (when he ran down the escalator)? It was the bug of love. He tells Enrique to touch him and grabs his hand to make Enrique do it. Right there. In the middle of Macy’s. Or its Mexican equivalent. He makes Enrique’s hand slap him. “Well, it’s just that I saw the woman of my dreams, of my fantasies.” He’s looked everywhere and never known her. He flashes to seeing Paula in the taxi, Paula going into the funeral home. Enrique’s face tells the tale: he knows his bud is crazy. “You didn’t do anything bad?” Juan reassures him and waxes sentimental about Paula, seeing her on the escalator illuminated by beautiful stars. The singer chants about his heart…..

……and we hear the grating voice of Pastor, who is sitting across a desk from Ivonne, gossiping….er, chatting……. “where could he be now, what is he doing, is he thinking of me?” Ivonne tries to bring Pastor back down out of the clouds. “Excuse me, Pastor, but from what you have told me, Juan is a….” [did this idiom mean country bumpkin or something like this?? Please help with translation, anyone!!! ¡Es qué no tengo ninguna idea!] He replies that this could be one way of interpreting it, but there is another that I like better. Okay, she asks, what? Well, Juan is a discreet, subtle young man. [Ed. Note: of course you prefer that, Pastor.] Ivonne remarks that to her, he seems quite the man. They disagree on what kind of man Juan really is, and Pastor warns her that Juan is already spoken for. (Tiene un dueño, my interpretation). I love Pastor’s music, it’s so cute. She warns him that he is very disillusioned about this. They exchange differing views and he tells her that Juan is different, he knows it in his heart and it’s that innocent expression, so sincere. This boy is incapable of hurting anyone. [Ed. Note. He’s right about that, but Pastor still read the boy totally wrong, which will make for a chuckle every now and then, my friends]. She reminds Pastor he doesn’t know this boy. He wonders why she has to say this---well, it’s because she doesn’t want to see him suffer. He tells her not to worry, because this time he hears the bells of happiness. [Ed. Note: Pastor apparently has head noise, too, and we’ll have to get him to the audiologist, too. Maybe they’ll give us a discount two-fer.] He giggles until he coughs, “Ay!” Ivonne just shakes her head fondly at him.

Enrique sits on the sofa in a store while Juan tries on suits. He twirls out of a fitting with a light gold jacket, brown slacks, and shades, his shirt still unbuttoned down to…..there….and stops with a pose. Enrique gets to his feet….”well, good, good, but did you look at the price?” “Yes, but Juan Dominguez never obsesses about the prices—that’s bad taste, bad manners.” (How he would know this is anyone’s guess). It’s all about an impressive look, Papa. But Enrique says it’s better to pay attention to how much it’ll cost. He twitches nervously. He wonders why Juan is talking like that (so do we, Enrique, because it makes it darn difficult to recap). He tries to talk Juan out of some of this shopping. Juan says he’ll leave the shades behind and drops them on the sofa. But, there are lots of suits on the sofa to choose from anyway. He picks one, and hands it to the clerk….”Señorita, this blue, and this gray, and this one (he’s wearing)” Enrique sits down, stunned. “The three?” He puts his head in his hands while Juan models with the now infamous belt buckle thrust out.

We return to Casa Cachón, where Juan and the muchachas (in Nidia’s case, I use the term “muchacha” loosely) are eating dinner. They’re discussing football, Latin style. Nidia asks if he like it. Oh, it enchants him. What team does he like, Yadira wants to know? His homeboys, of course! But, they must be at least fifth division. Nidia actually tells her not to be offensive. (She notices?) He thought bubbles that this is the surprise of the day, these women understand AND like football. (Think about it Juan. They liked you in your running shorts, too.) They’ve organized their trip to the stadium. Hm. This might bode well for interaction with Marely. He asks her if she like football, too. She gives him a sarcastically sweet smile and tells him yes, can’t you tell by my emotion for the topic? Her sister snipes and her, and Marely wants to know why they can’t just leave her in peace. One wonders if this is a source of family discord? They fuss with each other a bit more and Juan apologizes for even asking. She tells him not to bother defending her. Juan thought bubbles about the interaction (and to be honest, I am lost with the slang, so feel free to jump in here, anyone, or anyplace you feel like clarifying to help us all out). Nidia snipes at Marely about being rude to Juan, and Juan thought bubbles that it’d be better if she didn’t try to help him out. Marely tells him that no, she doesn’t like football, and she gives him an earful about how stupid she thinks it is.

Yadira says, oh, boy, the Sermon on the Mount, Amen! Marely isn’t done, though. She wants to know if he has any other questions. He holds out his hands and grunts, “uh-uh.” Marely says, fine, I don’t want to be rude with this gentleman so I’ll just leave. I lost my appetite anyway. Nidia tells her, do whatever, we’ll talk later (young lady! I can just hear my Dad saying that). Marely gets up and huffs out. Nidia makes light of it, and Juan excuses Marely because she is still upset by her father’s death.

Yadira wants to know if Juan will come with them to the stadium. Enrique is taking them. Nidia tells her that no, she, Nidia needs Juan to go with her tomorrow…..if it’s not too much bother. He assures her it’s no bother. (You’re going to be sorry you told her that one of these days, Juan). Juan thought bubbles to himself about what this widow is up to, but he’s really more worried at this moment about little Marely. He’s losing ground here. He’s not getting much love, though he feels pretty happy. He smiles nervously.

Paula, at home eating with Ana, wonders if men have such a big problem controlling their hormones. [Ed. Note: As they say in the South, she ain’t went much. This muchacha’s got a lot to learn.] She tells Ana that even though she really needs the work, finding other work like this would be extremely difficult. They discuss (well, it’s a very impassioned discussion) what she should do regarding this job and CL’s pressure. She tells her mother that Ana should trust that after today, CL will understand how she sees things. (Fat chance). Ana tells her that people like this have nothing if not persistence. Paula insists she has more and they’ll see who wears down first. Ana shakes her head and mutters, “well, whatever you say.” They eat. (Probably a Good Thing, since all she did at the restaurant was drink).

We find ourselves voyeurs, peering at the almost-naked, very fit legs of a joven who apparently always wears his lovely brown hand-tooled cowboy boots, even when he is working out. We the legs, propped against the dresser at an angle, move. Oh! It’s Juan in his room, with his booted feet propped on that dresser, hands behind him on a bench at the end of the bed, and okole OFF the floor. He’s doing reverse push-ups without ever touching any part of his okole to the floor, going down to about six inches off of it. He’s clothed in bright blue boxers with a pattern that has red hearts on a white square periodically printed on the boxers, and his trademark shark-tooth necklace (sounds sort of wimpy to say this when we’re talking about Juan. Necklace? I can’t think of a better term). We hear the grunts with the movement, and the camera pans down the visage of Juan pushing up and down with his arms behind him, counting to himself. Pardon me a moment while I clean the drool up under my chair. We get a side view of the chest, etc……..the camera pans out so we get a full view. (¡Ay, mimisqui! Can anyone actually do this is real life? Is this just spectacular special effects?)

Suddenly, there is mariachi music pervading Casa Cachón. Juan drops on his okole to the floor, looking startled. He jumps up and runs down the curved staircase, carrying his t-shirt, and dressed (okay, undressed) as previously described. Yadira, Nidia, and Marely follow in various states of dress/undress. (Can you guess who has been to Victoria’s Secret most recently?) They stop midway down the stairs and assess each other. Actually, the muchachas Cachón are doing the real assessing, and some targeted commenting on Juan’s apparel. Yadira, who finally gets her mouth closed, is certain that it’s Enrique out there, serenading her. Marely asks her why she’s so sure it’s for her. Nidia poses in her black lingerie for Juan. (Somebody, quick, tell her she’ll never be on the Victoria’s Secret special). Nidia postures for Juan, who looks distinctly uncomfortable……as we move into the yard.

No! It’s not Enrique! It’s our favorite sleazy lawyer, Delirio/Alirio. He’s drunk and trying to drown out the wonderful singers, who are singing that they can’t forget you……Delirio takes a swig and sways to the music. Life is good. Yadira, still inside, tells her mother, “it’s for you.” Nidia is impactada!

Monday: Juan stumbles on Nidia in a bubble bath, and Marely comes on Juan in a compromising position with Mamacita. ¡Ay, Caray!



Friday, June 22, 2007

The badder you are, the worse you die: terrible deaths of telenovela villains

A couple people asked me to publish the link to the two posts I did on terrible deaths of telenovela villains.

Sadly, I can't find the first one, but here is the second one: Satisfying Reprisals.

And here is the third one, with suggestions from readers: There is a rule in telenovelas: the more dastardly the villain, the more extraordinary the demise. Why isn't life like this?

Why don't you come back here after you read those and, if you have a favorite death from the novelas, leave it in the comments here.

I think there may be a move away from these ghastly but ever-so-enjoyable rightings of the cosmic scale, do you agree?

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Zorro - June 21, 2007 MA and Olmos kiss; Esmy finds buried treasure

* Z makes a second surprise visit to ML. This time, Jacomo is there with sword flourished and ready to fight. Z shakes them up by revealing how much information he knows of Mercedes and her daughter who are both presumed dead. Jacomo and ML call for back-up to defend against Z. Monty leaps inside with his sword brandished and ready to fight. Z smirks and gives a warning to ML.

* Esmy in forest with Baldy - she cares for his fever as he tells her about his pain and his memories of her mom and the map that is in the burn on her hand. The map reveals the secret location to her family's buried treasure; her mom knows all about it. He can help her find it.

* MP visits the sisters at church to tell them about her engagement to Don Alfonso.

* Fer is mounted on his horse; he rigged up a rope around a tree branch and a noose around his neck. He thinks he's trash and think the world would be better if he wasn't in it. He kicks the side of his horse; the horse takes off; he is left dangling in mid-air.

* ML stands behind Jacomo and Monty as they defend her against Z who has a lighted torch in his hand and has maneuvered his way to the door. Monty calls for soldiers to help - Z swipes around and pushes the soldiers backwards. Z swooshes out of the room and closes the door behind him. Monty screams at the soldiers. Z holds the doors closed and successfully pushes a closet in front of the doors. He holds the closet up by himself as a troop of soldiers approach him. Monty continues screaming and ordering the soldiers to open the door. When they are able to push the doors open and the closet over, they find the troop on the ground and Z has disappeared. A soldier rolls down the stairs; Monty orders the soldiers to charge in that direction; Monty curses Zorro.

* Z outside swings his whip at several soldiers and the soldiers fall to the ground. He shoots out two of Fer's guards and signals for Tornado. PT comes from hiding to light a hay rack on fire (a distraction); PT goes back to his hiding place; soldiers shoot and miss Z and Z mounts Tornado and rides away. Monty continues to curse Z for escaping.

(cue theme song and credits)

* Dena sits on side of bed; Alej enters and is surprised. She asks him to ask Yumi to leave the hacienda immediately. Alej is impactado and baffled by the request.

* Bro Aaron breaks Fer down from the noose and lays him on the ground. Bro Aaron gives encouragement to Fer to continue living.

* MA confides in Olmos how she put poison in the herbal remedy that Dena had been drinking. Olmos pledges his undying love and loyalty to MA. She's still hypnotized to thinking he's a handsome prince. Cata bursts in without knocking and is impactado to see Olmos and MA together.

* Alej tries to make sense out of why Dena want Yumi to leave. He needs an explanation. She explains briefly her reasons; she has no confidence in the herbal remedy Yumi brought from WB. Alej is still baffled and bewildered. Dena wants him to send of Agapito to treat her from now on; she asks again that Yumi leave the hacienda. Alej agrees to send for Agapito, but still isn't sure to tell Yumi to leave. He leaves. Dena mutters about knowing about him making love with Yumi on her wedding night.

* Selenia and assistant discuss how well she was taught by her mom and about the hypnotic trance she used on MA and what disastrous thing will happen when the trance wears off.

* MA, in trance, watches Olmos as he backs off the bed and promises to take her to see her son at the hacienda. He blows MA a kiss and leaves. Cata is so impactado by the sight of MA and Olmos she has to ask what happened. MA goes to the doorway and watches Olmos leave before approaching Cata. MA explains her enchantment with Olmos. Cata can't believe it; how could she be enchanted by Olmos when she is married to the most handsome man in town, Diego. Cata thinks MA is crazy; MA agrees - she's crazy for Olmos.

* SK sits at the gypsy camp with Jonas. She's frustrated because she can't remember what the pendant and the map look like. She explains the significance of the map to Jonas. Jonas says that there's only one thing she can do - confront ML personally.

* As Camba fixes fish to cook for dinner, Esmy talks with Garcia about what Baldy said of her burn mark being a map to her inheritance. Garcia isn't sure to believe the story. Esmy wonders the same thing. She asks Garcia if he knows where her mom is; he doesn't know anything. She thinks if the story is true, then she can use it to get her vengeance against Monty, Piza, MA and Fer. Garcia vows to help her find the treasure and get justice.

* Carriage rolls down the road. Z whips guards off the carriage and they run away. Z checks the storage compartments for weapons and finds dirt and sand. He realizes it was a dummy trap set up by Monty!

* Fieldworker guard gives news to Monty about Z and leaves. Monty chuckles in delight over Z falling for the trap and his weapons safe and sound hidden in another location. He can continue to plan his war in California - a war greater than anything anyone has ever seen. He will also assassinate Z himself in the town square.

* PT is delighted by the visit of MP and Alfonso to his office. Alfonso asks for his blessing for their wedding. PT asks MP if she's sure - she says she is. He then asks Alfonso if he is serious - he is. PT happily gets wine and glasses to toast the engagement. When PT mentions marriage should be entered into for love and only love, MP gets a sad, strange look over her face.

* Bro Aaron works and talks with Fer to get him to breath and drink some water. Fer chokes back to life and mutters he wants to die, he is trash and has sinned to greatly for anyone to forgive. Bro Aaron has to convince him that he isn't trash, that he is worthy of forgiveness and life.

* In the gypsy camp, around the campfire, Renzo asks Ma Azucena and Pa Jonas and SK for their blessings for his marriage to Camila. Azucena asks if he is truly in love with Camila and not rebounding from Esmy; he assures her that this is true love. Laisha voices her objections over Camila being an outsider to the gypsies. SK defends Camila because she too is an outsider. Jonas agrees with SK and then asks Camila about her feelings towards Renzo. Camila is in love with Renzo and vows to be loyal to the gypsies. Jonas blesses the happy couple.

* Garcia and Camba carry Baldy on his make-shift stretcher through the forest. Esmy leads them; they stop so Esmy can show Baldy her burn mark. Baldy points in the direction they are to go.

* ML scolds Jacomo for his actions against Z last night. She is unnerved by the things Z knows of her cousin and family. Jacomo tries to defend himself. She needs proof that says Z can't hurt her or her family. She trust Jacomo, does he trust her? Jacomo is stunned silent. ML wants an update on the masquerade ball - Jacomo gives her the report on the plans so far. She dismisses him.

* Javier and Maro in town and see the poster for the ball - they decide it is perfect for their plans.

* ML writers a letter to her sister back in Spain about everything that is happening in Los Angeles since her arrival (her suspicions over Jacomo; Zorro's visits; she asks her sister to pray that G-d protects her).

* B shows D the ball poster. D suspects it may be to draw Z out in the open. He will wait for the formal invitation. B asks D about the carriage outside. D says that his father sent for Agapito to examine Dena. D mentions to B that he suspects Monty and the Duke to be setting another trap for Z.

* Agapito meets with Alej and Dena in the bedroom. Aga looks at the liquid and the container from Yumi's tribe as Dena tells him her suspicions and symptoms. Alej listens to the conversation. Agapito agrees to take the liquid and examine it for anything unusual. Agapito leaves.

* Agapito stops by Yumi and Dolly waiting in the hallway and gives them a very brief note before leaving. Dolly is baffled why Alej won't let Yumi inside the room. Yumi suspects something bad is happening and Alej and Dena aren't the same.

* In the room, Alej is still bewildered by everything that is happening. Dena asks if Alej has sent Yumi away from the hacienda yet. Alej says no, he hasn't found a valid explanation. Dena says fine, they will wait for Agapito's report, then he will have more than enough reason to send Yumi away.

* MP comes to the sitting room and joins D. She brings up Esmy - D is comforted by his memories of her. As they are talking, Prudencio bursts in and asks them where Fer could be - he hasn't been home all night.

* MA is enchanted to see Olmos again. They kiss. She makes him promise that no one will separate them. He says they will be together forever and the sole owners of the de la Vega fortune. They kiss.

* Esmy leads the group through the forest. Baldy has them stop - he breaths in the air and looks one more time at Esmy's hand. They have arrived at the spot where the treasure is buried! Baldy points to the spot where to dig.

* Jacomo steps outside and stops Misael as he mounts his horse. He has a letter from ML. Jacomo asks to review the letter. Misael has to dismount and go inside with Jacomo.

* Dolly watches D with little Alej as Olmos brings MA inside. D asks if MA is better; she says much better. MA is enchanted by her son. D hands little Alej to MA to hold. MA is overjoyed as she continually looks over at Olmos.

* Esmy, Garcia and Camba dig a pit looking for the treasure chest. Camba feels something - Garcia and Camba pull it up. Baldy says he's never wrong. Esmy opens it up and reveals all the coins and jewels inside. Esmy realizes it's all the fortune her mom told her about, and now she can get her vengeance for herself, her mom and her son.


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