Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #74 Tue 1/10/12 In which Candy GLOWS in her zumba class

We have a new blogger, Jim, who took the second hour last night. Let's welcome him heartily! Here's his recap...

Hi everyone. I’m pleased to join the ranks of recappers. Hopefully, I’ll do a good job with the recaps. I am fluent in Spanish and understand the slang and dialect well. Here we go!

I’m going to start off a bit before the second hour actually began.

Let’s begin with a visit Pancho and Rebeca receive. The visitor is a very rich, arrogant, and snobby woman named Inez De La Borboya Y Ruiz (Maria Rubio). Some of us might remember Maria Rubio for her legendary villain roles. This time, she comes as a rich business woman who seems to be Fernanda’s rival. I’m sure we’ll find out more about this rivalry in future episodes.

The reason for Inez’s visit was to inform Pancho that he has been nominated for a very prestigious award...Businessman of the year! Pancho, humble as always, can’t believe it. Rebeca continues to be his biggest fan and cheerleader!

At the Lopez home, Elena finally confessed that there was no pregnancy, and that it was all a lie to get revenge on Freddy. Elena is in tears, and Chela, Tomas, and Lupita are there to comfort her. Tomas is fuming and ready to commit murder. Leave it to wise Chela to put order to the chaos and put everyone in their place…with love, of course!

Pancho and Rebe celebrate at a restaurant. Rebeca tells Pancho they are celebrating his future win. They continue talking and celebrating with champagne. Of course, the topic of their love comes up and becomes the main focus of conversation. Romantic couple, huh??
The second hour truly begins at the Irabien household. Pina is having a mother to daughter chat with her doggie, Little Abeja. She’s basically justifying Freddy’s actions. There’s a knock at the door, and who should it be but the one…the only…Candelaria Candi Lopez! Pina is not too happy to see her, but Candi is there and she’s on a mission. She’s there to talk about Elena and how she’s not pregnant. The conversation turns into a heated argument, and truths begin being told. Pina talks bad about Elena, and Candi comes to Elena’s defense. They then begin talking about Candi and her work on Pina’s show. Pina actually does a fine job of putting Candi in her place, chiding her about her irresponsibility regarding the radio show. Candi really didn’t have much to say because she knew that Pina was right. In fact, Candi felt a sense of compunction after leaving the Irabien home.

Next, we have a scene with the newest sweet couple on the show…Alex and Lupita. Alex brings Lupita flowers, and Lupita is thrilled. They make an ice cream date for the following evening.
As they’re saying goodnight, Tomas sees them and is impacted. First he asks how long they’ve been a couple. He then has a heartfelt moment where he lets them know how foolish and bad he felt when he realized he lost Lupita’s love. He tells Lupita he is happy for her and asks Alex to make her happy and not hurt her. Alex tells Tomas not to worry. Nice scene.

We then go back to the Irabien household where Pina and Vicente are arguing. What a surprise! Pina is telling Vicente about her argument with Candi, and Vicente could care less. Once again, we see how Vicente’s indifference affects Pina. You can’t help but feel bad for her. One can feel the pain in her voice when she speaks.

At Avon, Pancho and Fernanda have a phone conversation, and of course, she’s thrilled that Pancho has been nominated for businessman of the year! She lets Pancho know that someone else will compete for that award. She doesn’t know who it is. Of course, we can already imagine who it will be, right?

There’s a very sweet scene with Pepe and Monica. They gaze at the stars, and Pepe tells Monica how he learned about star gazing from his mom. Throughout this scene, it is quite noticeable that Monica was affected by a comment her dad made in the previous episode dealing with Monica’s mom. Hmmm. Is anyone else beginning to do some foreshadowing here?

Back at Lopez manor, Ana is beyond thrilled that Elena is not pregnant with Freddy’s baby. Chela wonders why, and Ana is about to give herself away. All of a sudden, Candi comes in fuming after the argument she had with Pina. She lets the family know that the war is on…The war between the Lopez and Irabien families!

The family gets Candi to calm down and talk about what happened. Candi feels bad regarding what she told Pina. She also feels bad because her opportunity to be famous was shot. After all, Candi did work for the most popular radio show in Mexico, right? Of course, idealistic and positive Ana gives Candi a suggestion. “Why not do your own show? Design it, record it, send it to a producer, and become famous!” Hmmm, all of a sudden, Candi doesn’t seem so bummed or feel so guilty any more, does she?

We see another sweet scene with Pepe and Monica. Monica is sad because she knows her dad is having a hard time with Monica’s and Pepe’s relationship. Pepe tries to make Monica see that she’s not at fault. He ends up comforting her.

Back at Avon, Rebeca encourages Pancho to take a public speaking class. Pancho wonders why. After all, he’s good at giving speeches. Rebe lets him know that although he’s a gifted and natural speaker, his method could use some polishing. Pancho is convinced.
Rebeca and Pancho talk more about the importance of the award. Rebe tells Pancho that if he wins the award, his life will change! Even more??! No way! No manches!

We then have a breakfast scene with the entire Lopez clan. Everyone fills Pancho in on the goings on between Elena and Freddy and Candi and Pina. There’s a knock at the door, and it’s the lovely Rebeca coming to pay Pancho a visit. Things become a bit tense. Some of the family is still pretty cold to Rebe. She’s just there to pick Pancho up so that they can go work out at the company gym. Candi joins them and takes the opportunity to let Pancho know about her upcoming radio show.

Things get even more tense when Freddy shows up and asks to speak with Elena. Elena is encouraged to talk to him. Big Brother Tomas is worried but lets his sister handle things.

At the gym, Rebeca introduces Pancho to his new personal trainer…a big tough guy named Roque. Pancho is a wee bit intimidated by this big guy. Rebe is amused. She lets Roque know that Pancho is in his hands so as to get in shape as soon as possible.

We also see glimpses of Candi at her Zumba class. Vicente is fully engaged in watching her. Candi discovers him and stops everything so as to call attention to him. Hmmm, will she make Vince join the class?

The final scene is at Pina’s house. Tomas el plomero tells Pina that he has to leave for another house call. Pina gets a bit jealous when she finds out that he is going to see her friend Katalina. Tomas wonders why both of them are acting a bit weird. Will feelings or thoughts of feelings be revealed tomorrow? Let’s tune in and see!


La Que No Podía Amar #7 Tuesday 1/10/11 In which a case of footinmouth disease stops Ro-hell's campaign for change

The short and sweet
  • Bruno continues to mack on Ana Pau
  • Ana Pau confronts Vainessa and tells her to stay away from Ro-hell.
  • Ro-hell’s approval of the building project means Gus has reason to be in San Gabriel often. Gus continues to pine for the Ana Pau…despite his sister’s objections.
  • Ana Pau—la que no podia andar: Thank heaven Ro-hell was there to catch her!
  • Ana Pau—la que no podia hablar sin meter la pata: Hello mouth, meet dislocated foot!
  • Crazy Elsa is a shrew…with shares of the company. Don’t mess with her!
  • Cin and Bruno double team Vainessa…each for their own selfish reasons.
  • Tia mentiRosa is set on keeping Gus away from Ana Pau.
  • Ro-hell puts Ana Pau in her place…and in front of Vainessa, too. Jackwad.
The long and lugubrious
Dimples (Ana Pau) and Skeletor (Bruno) discuss alternate ways to have fun, considering they will no longer be horseback riding. Ana Pau sighs that there is so much to do and her thoughts once again turn to the river. She tells Bruno that she and M-grito were going to go swimming. She invites Bruno to come along. He was thinking of maybe just the two of them doing something. He wonders aloud if they will ever be more than “just friends.”

Meanwhile Macaria (I can never remember this woman’s name. I keep thinking Macarena) says there is much more to do in the city, but Miguel likes San Gabriel just fine. Gus interrupts and tells Miguel the proposal has been accepted. Maripaz bats her eyelashes and asks Miguel if he’ll be staying. Methinks she has a crush.

Bruno pushes Ana Pau to answer him. She stalls and is saved by the arrival of Ro-hell. Bruno and Ana Pau promise to talk later. Ro-hell wonders about what they were doing together. Ana Pau says just chatting. She has all the ingredients needed to make the cake.

Maripaz is giving Miguel the tour of San Gabriel…what there is of it. It’s a small place and they don’t get a lot of visitors. She hopes he’ll be in town often. Miguel wants to go to that little street where they were selling bracelets. Maripaz is unhappy to find out he wants to buy one for his novia.

Back at Hacienda Hell-Fuerte Ro-hell confesses it’s been years since he’s actually done the rounds in San Gabriel. Sure he’s talked to people from his truck, but he never went around in the wheelchair. Ana Pau asks why and he tells her that the people just looked at him with so much pity. The first time he showed up in the wheelchair, he just felt like everyone was whispering (cuchichear.) He decided then that instead of their pity, he wanted them to fear him. She on the other hand neither pities him nor fears him…what’s up with that? Well, at first she was furious he treated M-grito the way he did, then she saw him as a man in denial, and now... Ro-hell wants to know how she sees him now (heartbreaking look from JS.) Now she feels a lot of hope and she likes to see him smile. Dimples all around and a little chuckle from Ro-hell.

Cin and Efrain rollin’ in the sheet F-U-…er…nevermind. They discuss the linens (not a euphemism…they really are talking about the satin sheets.) Effer mentions he could never offer her such finery and Cin agrees that’s why he’s not a keeper. A noise interrupts their tryst and Effer is forced to make a hasty exit. Cin hopes it's not Ro-hell coming to make nice. He's changed so much lately. Effer says the word on the street is it's the nurse's doing. Cin says Effer acts like Ana Pau’s arrival is such a great thing. Effer says Ana Pau is pretty hawt (bien chula), but he only has eyes for his “patroncita.” Neither of them notice he’s left his bandana behind.

Ana Pau talks to the palomas about their monogamous nature. She wants a love like that. She can’t stop thinking about Gus. Neither can he. Flashback and FF>>

Maripaz has a mopey about Miguel. Mama Metiche thinks Maripaz should see the world. Papá tells Mamá to stay out of it; he doesn’t want his only daughter leaving San Gabri-hell. Maripaz disagrees. Papa thinks the city is a big, bad place. Maripaz wonders if she’ll ever get married. Mamá has her sights on Bruno in the role of son-in-law. Maripaz thinks he's too old.

Ro-hell is finishing up his therapy with AP. He can’t believe how time flies when you’re having fun. She says they can add more time. He likes the idea. AP plans to go pick up more medicines. Ro-hell says sure thing. Right after we eat…on the terrace. Dimples all around.

Cin is wearing another abdomen bearing ensemble. She decides not to make the bed. Consuelo arrives to clean the quarters. She finds Effer’s bandana. Dramatic music, agonized face, and bandana sniffing ensue.

Face off in the plaza! Ana Pau runs into Vainessa (wearing María Desamparada’s and Judith’s shoes.) Vainessa is not surprised Ana Pau knows how she is since Vainessa is “kind of a big deal around here.” Ana Pau asks Vainessa not to bother Ro-hell any more. Ana Pau, you go, girl! Vainessa sneers and says oh, you’re one of his servants. Ana Pau corrects her and says she’s he’s nurse. Vainessa calls her arrogant (altanera.) Ana Pau tells Vainessa Ro-hell doesn’t want to see her. Vainessa thinks that remains to be seen. Ana Pau reminds Vainessa how Ro-hell treated her during her last visit. Vainessa says that was just because he was surprised to see her (with a gesture the seemed to imply “in all my marvelous glory”. This recapper cannot do justice to the conceit conveyed in that move.) Vainessa seems to think that when Ro-hell finds out she’s still in love with him, he’s gonna come running back. Ana Pau tells her that the last visit really hurt him and for his health, Vainessa really shouldn’t show her face. Vainessa wants to know who’s gonna stop her and flounces off.

Gus and David talk about Ro-hell’s investing/approving the project. Since Ro-hell seems to NOT be difficult when dealing with Gus, Gus gets the honors of dealing with him on a regular basis…thus putting him in San Gabriel more often. Quite frankly it’s a FF>>

Ro-hell is annoyed Cinthia went off riding. She always seems to be gone when he needs her. María tries to get him to see reason when it comes to his sister. Let her study! She’s young, she wants to marry and have a family. She’s young and beautiful. Somebody will be interested in her. Ro-hell reminds her that Cin and Bruno had a thing, but nothing happened. Anyway, Bruno is no nothing more than one of Ro-hell’s cats and can’t offer Cinthia anything. Ro-hell has no intention of maintaining Bruno. There's no one for Cin to marry...just the riff-raff.

Consuelo confronts Effer and slaps him around with his own bandana. He gives her a “Consuelito” and a weak excuse (moving furniture and looking for earrings) and kisses her. I’m already tired of him and his “chula” crap. Consuelo doesn’t fall for it.

Vainessa asks Bruno about “esa tipa” that’s working for Ro-hell. Ah, you two have met says Skeletor. Vainessa is still amazed that Ana Pau dared to forbid her royal self from visiting Ro-hell. Bruno tells Vainessa that Ana Pau takes her work pretty seriously and he giggles a little which really pisses off Vainessa. I think it’s awesome. She doesn’t find it funny at all that an employee treated her like that and wants to know where Ro-hell found her. Bruno wonders why she’s asking. Vainessa says Ana Pau looks like her. She’s pretty pleased to find out that Ro-hell thinks so too. Vainessa thinks it must mean Ro-hell still wants her (despite the vein popping out of her forehead.)

Macaria tells Ana Pau she was shocked Ro-hell had come to town...but then she realized it was just for bidnez. Marcaria badmouths Ro-hell. Ana Pau defends him. Ana Pau thinks he’s changing. Marcaria thinks Ana Pau should be careful... a leopard can't change his spots (genio y figura hasta la sepultura)

Bruno tells Vainessa that he thinks all of Ro-hell’s bitterness is because she broke up with him and that only she can help change Ro-hell. She wants Ro-hell to listen to her and she thinks Cinthia can help. Bruno says she’s coming later, but meanwhile he wants to talk a little more about the offer she made him. I didn’t catch everything…something about money exchanging hands for his help with Ro-hell’s contract. Vainessa thinks she could convince her father to give him a little “commission”. As long as it’s cash and there’s no signature of receipt, Bruno says. If Ro-hell finds out he’s helping Vainy, Ro-hell will kill him.

Cin finally shows up from riding and Ro-hell wants to know where she was. He thinks she needs to be at his beck and call, too. Cin says that’s the nurse’s job. Ana Pau arrives and Cin leaves (Susana and Jorge have the best facial expressions in the biz.) Ana Pau tries to tell Ro-hell what happened in the park, I can’t tell if she’s talking about the face-off with Vainy or Marcaria’s gossip, but Ro-hell doesn’t want to hear it, he can just imagine what they said. He invites her to go outside with him.

Vainy thinks Bruno is exaggerating about Ro-hell being capable of killing him. Ro-hell isn’t like he was when he and Vainy were together. Bruno isn’t the same either. If he and Ro-hell are so buddy buddy, isn’t this little deal a betrayal? Bruno says Ro-hell was the one that betrayed the friendship long ago. If she thinks he’s the bad guy maybe he should leave. Veiny tells him she was just making sure Ro-hell wasn’t just using Bruno to cause more problems for her dad. Bruno says this is between him and Veiny. He needs to be sure there will be no problems. Veiny concedes, but she needs some assurances that Ro-hell will not sign with the competition. Bruno is the middle-man in the negotiations, he finagle all sorts of things…make crazy demands that make the competition backs out....meetings can get postponed.

Ana Pau wants to visit the horse she fell off. She and Ro-hell have a little race. Cute, but FF>>

Tia and Miguel talk about his trip. He’s pretty sure it’s near where Ana Pau works. He tried to call but the phone didn’t work. He just wanted to say Hi and give her a hug; tell her he loved her. Tia tells him not to worry. Ana Pau called her and said everything was fine. Miguel tries to remember the name of the Hacienda. Tia mentiRosa acts like she can’t remember. Tia asks about Gus. Miguel talks about the business and the girl Gus met near the river. Tia connects dots. I am hypnotized by the unibrow. (Bonus word: pinzas-tweezers)

Gus is with his sister, Mercedes. He’s still trying to figure out how to find Cinderella…er Ana Pau. I guess he plans on camping out at the river until he runs into her again. Sis says not to waste so much time on a girl he hardly knows. Blabbity blah love at first sight. Sis thinks it’s odd that this girl hasn’t told him where she works. Maybe she’s fighting with her aunt. Sis doesn’t trust this girl.

Ro-hell and Ana Pau talk about horses. Ana Pau pets Tamarindo. She's glad nothing happened to the horse when he heard the shot.  Ro-hell tells her about his fine horse Achilles. A horse only Ro-hell could control. Achilles had to be killed after the accident. Ro-hell leaves abruptly. Ana Pau follows and trips…right into Ro-hell’s lap. “Corre” and meaningful stares ensue. *ahem* TEAM RO-HELL!!!!

Ana Pau apologizes profusely for being so clumsy (torpe.) She could have hurt Ro-hell. He’s more than ok with her clumsiness…until she says something stupid like “with my foot like this I feel useless.” He reminds her it’s only been a few days…imagine a lifetime of not being able to walk. Well, I suspect we’re back to square one with Ro-hell. Yup, despite Ana Pau’s repeated apologies and pleadings Ro-hell is back to being a jerk.

He throws Hugo out of his office. Ana Pau follows Ro-hell into the office. She still wants to tell him about what happened in town. He shouts her down and throws her out of his office. Ro-hell calls for Hugo (dude, make up your mind) and tells him he wants to go skeet shooting.

Dany, Miguel smoochies, talk about work. Dany has an insecure. Bracelet and te amos FF>>

M-grito reads laboriously. Shots are heard. No worries, though. It’s just Ro-hell. Maria and M-grito explain how much Ro-hell likes to shoot things when he’s angry. Anger management skillz….ur doin it rong.

Elsa freaks out about Vainy’s trip to San Gabriel (again, she is inappropriately dressed, though not as badly as yesterday.) According to Federico, there was bidnez to be done. Elsa knows Vainy wants to get back with Ro-hell. Federico reminds Elsa she used to like him. Well, now she hates him. She knows Ro-hell isn’t going to sell them cattle. She has shares of the company, too. Federico can’t do anything without her finding out.

Cin finally arrives for her visit with Vainy. It wasn’t easy to get away from the hacienda. She had to make up a bunch of stuff to tell Maria so she could get away. She took advantage of Effer’s trip to the pueblo. Bruno wonders if Effer will spill the beans. Cin assures him he won’t. Vainy can’t get over the drama. Yeah, sure Ro-hell doesn’t want anyone to have anything to do with her, but srsly. Cin explains that Ro-hell won’t let her do anything. He wants her around all.the.time. She can't even get her part of the inheritance. He’s not happy and he doesn’t want anyone else to be happy either. He’s been that way since the accident.

Ana Pau confronts Ro-hell on the firing range. She now knows it was his shot that scared the horse. Ro-hell says ultimately it was Bruno’s fault. He should have known how skittish horses could be. Is this scene even important? FF>>

Cin and her sob stories. Ro-hell took control of everything and he wants her to live “locked up” just like him. Vainy just can’t belive he’s changed so much. Cin and Bruno are sure Vainy can change Ro-hell. Vainy is not so sure. But he still loves her! He hired a nurse that looks like her! Long story short: Vainy can kill two birds with one stone: She can help out daddy, get Ro-hell back and help Cin all at the same time (oh. That’s three birds.)

PT with AP (I think the nurse's uniform covered her up better.) Exercises hurt in his right leg. They stop for the night. What are these drops he has to take? Sleeping aid? There is a distinct chill between them.

The architect made the changes to the project per Ro-hell's "suggestions". Gus will apply for the permits tomorrow. David asks Gus to do him a favor. He needs him to take another trip and he knows he can trust in Gus.

Dany shows off her bracelet to Tia MentiRosa. Miguel is off again with Gus. Tia asks if they’re going to San Gabriel again. Miguel doesn’t know. Dany whines a bit about him going so far away, but Migui reminds her his fam needs the lana. Tia seconds that. Ana Pau can’t do all the supporting, now can she? Migui offers to walk Squeaky to work. They are barely out the door and Tia mentiRosa is calling Bruno. She is very worried about her sobrina…no, no, not about the fall….she’s worried about this stubborn, blockhead doofus (necio?) that Ana Pau met. Bruno thought the guy was in Tuxtla. Yeah, he lives there, but he’s working in San Gabriel and he’s been nagging tia for Ana Pau’s contact info. Of course, she didn’t give him the info. She wants someone better for her sobrina; someone mature, established…like Bruno.

Ana Pau (in teal and an ace bandage) is tidying a bit in the living room and comes face to face with DUHN DUHN DUHN….Vainessa (in royal blue and a bad attitude.) Vainessa orders Ana Pau to announce her arrival. Ana Pau says no way. Ro-hell arrives and tells Ana Pau she’s just his nurse and tells her to leave. Smug face from Vainy. Angry face from Ro-hell and Pouty face from Ana Pau.

Me querías ad nauseum


  • Vainy begs
  • Ro-hell throws a glass
  • Ana Pau and Ro-hell butt usual.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #73 Tue 1/10/12 Shit begins to get real

So Speaking of families, I noticed that the actress who plays Gloria in Modern Family is doing State Farm ads now.

We're treated to a brief re-hash of Pepe's well-prepared room full of flowers, candles, and a greasy sleaze-ophonist (seriously, how did he pull all of this together? When he got to the bus station he didn't even know what time the bus left. Maybe he had the entire love-party on standby). Yes, those two kids got it on, and the episode opens on them naked in bed. Monica wakes up the snoring Pepe, and calls her Dad. He's been worried sick: he wakes up in sweaty pajamas on the couch, all wrapped up in strange fabrics. He blows another gasket, and demands to know where she his. She lets on that she's been with Pepe, and Enzo doesn't even have enough gaskets left to below. He slips up and tells her that she's just as crazy as her mother. We get some ominous music, suggesting that some revelations regarding her mother may appear in the coming weeks.

Vins, Pina, and Freddy (still bearing Tomas' knuckle marks) discuss the pregnancy situation, and Vins decides to drag Freddy over to la casa popular to find out if the girl really is, you know, pregnant. While there, they demand proof, and Fred ges to Lena's room and calls her a liar.

I continue to marvel at Ana's ability to crush on Fred (with absolutely no basis for crushing), as she just *happens* to run into him in the hall with her accordion on.

Pepe and Moni are trying to snuggle, but Enzo's repeated calls are ruining the mood.

Fuming, Enzo refuses to believe that Moni actually loves Pepe. It's his turn to have a breakdown, turning red and sweating because his daughter has been seduced by a "pelele."

Candi is summoned to a Benz dealership, where, due to her success on PinOpina, she has been chosen as a model. They will scare up some business by giving her a free car and letting men drool over her. Not a sound business model, but I've heard of worse. It turns out Vins is behind the whole thing, and he basically bullied the owner/salesman (Vins has a similar relationship with this poor guy to what he had with the balding reporter from the other episode. Problem: she can't drive, so Vins gets to teach her. She has her first accident before she even manages to get out of the dealership.

Alex and Lupita are now novios. These dull mushy scenes are boring, but they give me a great opportunity to catch up with my note-taking.

Enzo, redder than ever, has a shouting confrontation with Pancho as the secretary bites her nails.

Lena is sobbing again, but *nobody* believes her. They all want her to get tested for real. Tomas shows up with a test kit and says he won't leave the spot til she uses it. Sobbing more, she confesses. Everybody has an opinion.

Some very unusual people show up outside Avon. A tiny old lady in a yellow suit and hat and her two minders are here to give some grave news. The old lady yells at everyone, and Pancho is starting to look worried. It turns out that they're from the cosmetics society and they're going to give him the "businessman of the year" award. Man, they must not have listened to Beto. Or Vins. Someone remarks that this award is better than an Oscar. Basically this lady, Ines de la Burbulla, thinks they're a pack of yokels, but has no choice. I honestly can't tell if we'll see her again.

To be continued...


La Que No Podia Amar #6 Lunes 1/9/12 La Que No Podia Cambiar

Bruno tells Ana Paula he wants to take care of her, Maria watches Rogelio burn the photo of himself and Vainessa, Ana Paula helps Rogelio in his office. Rogelio gives permission for Ana Paula to instruct Margarito.

Hacienda Montero, terrace: As Margarito runs off with his book anticipating future lessons with Ana Paula, she speaks with Rogelio.
Ana Paula: Sir, thank you for giving me permission.
Rogelio: I was pondering if you thought I was going to change.
Ana Paula: And why not? Anyone can change. It is a question of whether they want to. I know you can be amiable. (At this statement his expression darkened) Well, if it suits you.
Rogelio: Well, as they say, believe in me. I intend to be a better person.
Ana Paula: In reality, this challenge [reto] isn't for me; it's for you.
Rogelio: For me.
Ana Paula: Yes. Because it is you who can change.
Rogelio (amiably): I don't believe it. We are only human.
Ana Paula: Of course. And because you must, believe that you can. And you will take this step because it is important.
Rogelio: A step like this can't be hidden. The whole world will see, is that what it wants?
Ana Paula: No, no, of course not. You should start by enjoying what you have. For example, why eat inside in a dark dining room when you have a terrace with a view like this?

Hacienda Galván, en el jardin: As though they had been eavesdropping on the conversation between Ana Paula and Rogelio, Vainessa and her father sit at the table in their garden. Vainessa speaks with her father about her feelings for Rogelio. She says she's confused about her feelings because she hasn't seen him in all this time, but can anyone be sure of that? Her papa is a wise man, reminding her that she jilted Rogelio when he became an invalid. She says he's the same as before. Her father reminds her that his condition won't change, that he [except for his fortune] cannot give her the life that women want. She knows, but her feelings haven't changed. She just contradicted herself, but her father appears not to have noticed this. He advises her to determine whether she feels love or guilt over the accident. “Don't lose what you have for something that most likely can't be.” He reminds her that Rogelio can never have children, which doesn't seem to bother her vanity for why should she wish to sacrifice her figure for a passel of brats? She promises she won't see Rogelio anymore but that she will still ask Esteban for a divorce in the morning. She is unconcerned about any risk of scandal.

Hacienda Montero, terrace: Ana Paula and Rogelio are a curious sight, she with her crutches and he with his wheelchair, as he speaks of his accident while they move along the terrace.

Rogelio: You know, when I was recovering from the fall from the horse, it was [???] He spoke in my sleep.
Ana Paula: And what did he say?
Rogelio: That I am an evil man.
Ana Paula: Excuse me, Señor Montero, but...
Rogelio: Yes, yes, I know I have a difficult manner. I have always preferred to inspire fear rather than be thought an imbecile.
Ana Paula: Nobody could think that. You've been deceiving them.
Rogelio: Many appear to be good but aren't. Because of that I trust no one.
Ana Paula: Perhaps, if you start this you may be surprised.
Rogelio: You believe so?
Ana Paula: Yes.
Rogelio: Perhaps then, the first person I will trust is you.
That inspired the hint of a smile on Ana Paula's face. It was no accident that her dress was all the colors of spring and short enough to display her legs while the master wore his perpetual black, flattering though that would normally have been.

Casa Carmona: Dany comes over to see Miguel before he leaves for work, looking happy herself because she has work to go to as well. As soon as Miguel mentions Gustavo's name, Tia MentiRosie hides the letter meant for him. He sweetly tells Dany he will miss her during his absence from their area. MentiRosie looks impatient for their departure and gives him a perfunctory blessing. She reminds him to be discreet around his boss, not speaking about his family. Of course liars and cheats will always say this to throw suspicion away from their own doors. To his credit Miguel finds this attitude curious.

Hacienda Montero, terrace:Ana Paula is still talking about how she will do her best for him when Sin-thia arrives to bitchingly joke about hiring someone to take care of the both of them. She even says something about when Ana Paula goes out riding with Bruno again and that she had better learn to care for the house. She also seemed to imply that city people have scant respect for country people. Rogelio lets Sin-thia know she is being out of line, She then suggests they go inside for breakfast. He tells her no; please tell Maria to set the table for breakfast on the terrace. When Sin-thia hears this she is at first incredulous; they had not dined on the terrace in years and she thought they never would again. Excited and pleased, she runs inside with the excitement of a young girl about to attend her first ball; however, when Maria comments on how Rogelio is changing since the arrival of the new nurse she maliciously wonders whether Ana Paula requested this change for the breakfast hour. As though this should matter because her brother is changing in a positive way. Maria's news about the burning of the photo provokes an expression of dread. She decides she suddenly had something to talk to Rogelio about just at that moment and runs back outside. As Maria asks herself just what's gotten into her we all know, dear readers, that she feels she is about to be dethroned in her own home by one she regards as a servant.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for El Talisman.

Hacienda Montero, terrace: Consuelo lays the breakfast table; Rogelio pulls out a chair for Ana Paula and speaks with pride when talking about the ranch, which has been in his family for years. Sin-thia arrives and with a display of completely false innocence dismisses Ana Paula to speak privately with her brother. She could, of course, have waited until later when Ana Paula wouldn't have had to get up to depart on her crutches, but she is clearly demonstrating that she is the mistress of the house. This is not lost on Rogelio, who asks what it is that could not be said before the lovely nurse. Sin-thia tells him that Vainessa spoke of her impending divorce and that she thinks Vainessa is doing this for him. She is curiously happy about this.

Hacienda Galván: Federico informs Lety, his secretary, that Dany will work there with her as her assistant. After the brief misunderstanding over whether Dany is a replacement, the two young women bond over a smile and a laugh.

Hacienda Montero, terrace: Sin-thia runs on in the same false ingenuity about how Vainessa is divorcing Esteban because she still loves Rogelio. Rogelio, with all the powers of observation normal for people in his situation, sees through his scheming sister. “If she didn't love me then she doesn't now” he tells her, with the further command “Her name is never to mentioned in this house.” As Consuelo returns with bread and coffee, he then calls for Ana Paula to return to the table, but she tells him she expected to eat in the kitchen if they were going to speak alone. He insists she join him and instructs Sin-thia to help her to the table, after which he hands Sin-thia his Stetson and asks her to bring it inside. Sin-thia did need an etiquette lesson here and while Rogelio is generally ill-equipped to teach it, this time he did so eloquently. Perhaps he will finally remember also to always remove his hat in the presence of ladies.

Hacienda Galván: Dany explains to Lety about how she met Federico. At her reaction she apologises, explaining that Federico didn't want to worry his family about the hospital visit. Lety, like any good secretary, is accustomed to being discreet on her employer's behalf. She explains this to Dany with a warning to be careful around his wife, who is extremely jealous.

Hacienda Montero, recamara de Ana Paula: Margarito shows a drawing to AP and requests permission to feed the palomas. As he does so he speaks of how Ana Paula isn't like her predecessors; she has begun to effect change. She tells him that the relationship between a nurse and a patient has to work.

Hacienda Montero, cocina: Sin-thia complains to Maria that Rogelio is angry at hearing about Vainessa. Why she would want that ramera in her home is now revealed, that perhaps Rogelio would then allow her to live her own life. She complains that he wants her to learn to run the household. Maria then hands her the symbol of the chatelaine, the enormous ring of keys. Sin-thia looks at it as though it were the keys to her own prison. An enthusiastic Margarito runs in talking about a cake that was promised. As Maria suggests she learn to bake, Sin-thia flounces off to go riding. One would think that Mammy had just asked Miss Scarlett to make the beds.

Hacienda Montero, recamara de Rogelio: Rogelio looks at a document on blue paper as he and Ana Paula speak:
Rogelio: Before I engaged your services I had Bruno investigate you and present a report.
Ana Paula: Why? Did you think I would not stay?
Rogelio: Yes. Your aunt told me that in your family there are only herself, your brother, and you.
Ana Paula: Yes. My father died when I was a baby and my mother years later, of cancer.
Rogelio: It's difficult to lose one's parents so early in life.
Ana Paula: I almost don't remember my father, but my mother said that his presence could always be felt. Then when she became ill she prepared Miguel and me to accept her death. I took care of her the whole time.
Rogelio (attentive expression): That must not have been easy.
Ana Paula: Our relationship was strong. We talked about a lot of things. It wasn't easy but I'm grateful for the chance to take care of her. I decided then to become a nurse.
Rogelio's expression remained thoughtful upon this disclosure. As is usual with people of limited mobility, he is accustomed to thinking about what he hears and observes.

Jardin Galván / Bruno's office: Vainessa and Bruno discuss their plot over their cell phones. Despite his initial reluctance – or perhaps it is a psychological negotiation – he is willing to arrange a meeting between her and Sin-thia. She is willing to pay him well for services rendered, but does not state in what currency.

Hacienda Montero, cocina: As Ana Paula assists in baking the cake that will be that evening's dessert, Maria tells her about the burning of the photo. She is pleased that Rogelio is starting to put the past behind him and tells Ana Paula that she is the catalyst for this. That no other nurse had ever been able to accomplish anything positive with regard to his attitude. Margarito comes running in with eggs fresh from the chickens. He is told that this was most opportune and instructed to read the recipe aloud to them. Dear readers, we do hope he washed the eggs before bringing them inside. Rogelio enters the kitchen, interrupting this domestic moment, and Ana Paula rises from her chair. The master needs Hugo to help him up to his room, which is where we thought he still might be. Margarito runs out of the room to look for Hugo and Rogelio departs as well, but not as far as the women thought.
Ana Paula: It's so sad that the second he enters a room everyone becomes nervous and fearful.
Maria: I don't like this either, but what can we do?
Ana Paula: Maria, do you know if anyone is going into town?
Maria: No, why?
Ana Paula: I need to go shopping, just a few things. But I can do that another day.
Maria: Let me know what you need and I can arrange it.
Ana Paula: No. The truth is I like San Gabriel. I can manage a couple of bags with these crutches. [muletas]
Rogelio turned his head, the better to hear. While he has not expressed this to others, in his own guarded way he seems interested in Ana Paula in more than her professional capacity.

Commercial Break
Hacienda Montero, recamara de Rogelio: Ana Paula enters on her crutches in her tight white uniform.
Ana Paula: Sir, may I come in?
Rogelio: Come in. Why are you wearing your uniform?
Ana Paula: To administer your therapy.
Rogelio: Pardon me, I don't know how to say this but I'd rather you not dress as a nurse. 9ominous music begins0
Ana Paula: Why?
Rogelio: Because I can't stand hospitals, doctors, nurses and their uniforms. I'd rather you dress another way, without the uniform. Are you sure you can thus give me the therapy?
Ana Paula: I hope so. At least I will try to understand because it isn't good to feel sick.

The ominous music continues as Ana Paula looks discomfited.

Hacienda Montero, cocina: Maria is baking with a little help from Margarito.
San Gabriel: Miguel and Gustavo arrive in the town square and seek out a place to stay.
Hacienda Montero, comedor: Bruno joins the family for dessert just as Maria enters to present the cake. Rogelio praises the cake specifically because he knows that Ana Paula had a hand in it.

San Gabriel: Miguel arrives and encounters Maripaz for the first time. She is quite taken with him at first sight, but who knows why such immature young men appeal to young women in her circumstances?

Hacienda Montero, comedor: Bruno is clearly uncomfortable at the table and departs immediately after dessert is cleared. Rogelio is alone with Ana Paula and invites her to accompany him to San Gabriel the next morning. He speaks of a restaurant with excellent food, which she knows is a positive sign.

Proximo dia:
San Gabriel, restaurant: Maripaz and another woman serve a hatless Rogelio and Ana Paula. Privately they comment on seeing Rogelio for the first time in ages; he never comes to town. Just as Rogelio tells Ana Paula this change is all her doing, Hugo brings his cell phone. This unwelcome interruption is Gustavo talking about the project and that they need to meet. Rogelio agrees and ends the call.

Rogelio (taking her hand in his on the table): I came in to town to talk to the engineer about work matters, but thank you for this morning. I want to tell you that I will change my ways.
Ana Paula (withdrawing her hand to play with her hair): It pleases me to hear you say that, Sir. While you are talking to him I will take advantage of the time to pick up a few necessities.
Rogelio: Good. Wait, wait. (takes out his wallet and withdraws some banknotes) I'll give you some money so you can get anything you need. (hands her the money)
Ana Paula: Thank you.

They exchange a meaningful glance, which is somewhat disquieting to Ana Paula. She may understand here that she has yielded to temptation, albeit a small one.

Hacienda Galván: Just as she has just finished telling Lety that she has a suitor who pleases her Dany encounters her boss's wife for the first time, as she enters the office unannounced. If anyone ever questioned Vainessa's vanity, a glance at her mother would have provided all the answers required. Elsa was clad in a peach-colored blouse inappropriate for the morning, as it was not only without sleeves, but left one shoulder bare. It was also unseemly for a woman of her years. As Lety made the introduction, Elsa stared at Dany's cleavage with the jealous eye of a woman past her prime looking at one entering hers. Dany, no silly young girl, quickly covered the offending sight with her steno pad and did not release her gaze.

San Gabriel, restaurant:Miguel and Gustavo part company before the latter enters the restaurant to talk business with Rogelio. How curious is it that Rogelio is now wearing his Stetson?

Hacienda Galván, oficina de Federico: Elsa la Vaca attacks Federico about Dany's hire. Her jealousy blazes brighter than the peach-colored blouse and her dyed red hair as she accuses him of lusting after Dany and Lety before her. He rolls his eyes as he sinks back into his chair. He is a long-suffering man who has heard all this too many times to give a different response.

La calle: Miguel and Maripaz encounter each other in the market and he carries her package as she directs him to a telephone where he might make a long-distance call.

La tienda de Ulises: Ana Paula is using that very telephone phone to talk to MentiRosie who tells her that Gustavo's information didn't come and she shouldn't get her hopes up. She explains to MentiRosie that her boss's attitude was about a woman who spurned him and that now he appears to be putting this behind him. MentiRosie seems pleased with this, saying that her boss has some temperament. Bruno slithers up behind her just as she hangs up. She explains that Rogelio is having a business discussion. Bruno doesn't want to intrude on that, but to accompany Ana Paula.

Hacienda Galván, oficina de Federico:Elsa la Vaca goes on and on about Mariana, a woman Federico once had an affair with. She will not let go of this past hurt despite that it was many years ago. She claims to have endured their marriage only for the sake of their daughter. She is a woman without dignity in her interaction with Federico. When he explains that Vainessa is seeking a divorce from Esteban, she can only think of the potential shame. She clearly can't see her own shameless attire or behavior as he does. He vaingloriously reminded her that she is living in the past and that Vainessa should not have to stay in an unsatisfying marriage. Unrealistically, Elsa la Vaca announces that she should have known that before she married Esteban.

San Gabriel, café: As Esteban stirs his coffee, Vainessa tells him that they need to face that their relationship is not all it could be. He looks as though he wants to talk about what they can do to improve it, but she announces that she wants a divorce. The effect is that of a force of nature and he refuses. He immediately knows that Rogelio is the reason, referring to his paralysis. Undoubtedly he is thinking, as most men would, that his own able body would serve the lady better. Indeed, the tight shirt over no undershirt displays that his assets are more than adequate; he merely needs to remove the premature grey from his hair and get a slightly new style. Nor would a new wardrobe be amiss. However, Vainessa will not listen to his entreaties and announces that their marriage is a failure. She merely informs him that her lawyer will be contacting him before she exits. Any reasonable observer would conclude that he could indeed do better in choosing a helpmate.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for Don Francisco Presenta where Fina of CME is confronted by “Telesa”. Lo siento, but I don't think there is anything cute about this.

San Gabriel, restaurant: Macaria tries to serve something else as Gustavo displays a map and explains something that is obviously important. [As I am a woman of letters with no knowledge of engineering you will indulge me permitting someone more knowledgeable of these matters to provide the details of this conversation be s/he so inclined.]

Hacienda Montero: The cattle cross the lawn as Sin-thia (or Lady Chatterley) goes to her room and Efrain (Oliver Mellors) enters through the window.. He has apparently finished his chores and is looking for the private rewards of marriage without the public legal entanglement she will continue to deny him. She is not liking the smell of the stables and orders him to disrobe and bathe. He suggests they bathe together, but in the knowledge that Rogelio is not on the premises, he tackles her onto the bed and they enter into their dalliance.

San Gabriel: Bruno and Ana Paula talk about her mother and when he attempts to embrace her he withdraws in pain, remembering the whipping he took from Rogelio.

San Gabriel, restaurant: Macaria entertains Miguel in the kitchen as Gustavo and Rogelio continue their businesspeak over drinks. As Rogelio slips the rolled map back into its case, he speaks of changing because of a woman who has come across his path. These two gentlemen will soon need to remember that business and personal matters should never interfere with each other.
San Gabriel: Ana Paula and Bruno talk about the next time they go riding. He starts coming on to her.


Three men clearly desire Ana Paula, Rogelio can no longer hide his attraction, and Ana Paula sees the ghost of novio past. But in the flesh.

muleta crutch
reto challenge


Una Familia Con Suerte #71-72 Mon 1/9/12 The Media Is The Massage and The Mess Age

Good evening with thanks to Marshall McLuhan for inspiration on my first night with Una Familia Con Suerte. We present another week of two hour slots, oh goodie goodie. Some observations: the dialog is full of nonsense and slurred slang so I hope to give you better translations as I get used to it. But it is possible that it won’t make any more sense if I listen more times. Ahhhh. And secondly, when I googled Arath de la Torre, I found that he is a mere 36 years old, so for a change we have a character that is older than the actor playing him. Arath is actually quite handsome in his own hair. Last, as his image changes, Poncho dresses in better suits becoming a rival to Juan Soler for looking great and like Rocio Banquells, he can sing well in the ending crawl, but can’t find any recordings. So enough of missing CME, what’s up with Familia:

To review: Mara and Pina catch up on their lives. They are both so busy but Pina’s reveals her life is a mess. They drink wine to toast their very long friendship. Pina wants a very long feature article on her program but featuring Candi, as an exposé no doubt.

Pancho preps the family for the magazine shoot the next day. He wants to include the two maids and the dog as well as Chela and the kiddos. Candi leaves the table to prep for the next day so she can be adequately glamorous. Pancho warns the kids not to get into discussing politics or other controversies. This is going to show what a nice normal family they are…

Pina plies Mara with more wine to draw her into her proposal of an exposé of Candi but Mara assures her that they cannot do this kind of journalism but can only comment on her show Pina Opina. In short, Pina can be featured in two weeks but cannot have tomorrow’s issue because the director has put in a last minute important article that will take all the space. Mara leaves Pina wondering who could possibly be more important than SHE is?

Temo crows, so glad that Chela is back and home forever. One of the kids or is it Chaco who asks, what happened to the boyfriend. Well , he had to go home to Mommy? The lollipop popper(aka Chako) is invited to stay to dinner by the two flirty maids. Pancho speculates on the interview/shoot tomorrow. Next morning, Pancho is seen red shoed feet first primping and practicing his hair toss while calling on a cell phone. Then he really calls Rebe. He is so nervous about the interview that he might cancel but just then the maid says “they’re here!” Rebe says, too late to cancel and he should indeed enjoy the experience. They make googoo on the phone but I forget what inane words they used. Only the dog is wearing a proper collar and tie.

Rebe’s friend wonders why she won’t do the show with him especially after he asked her to be there. Rebe answers, because she has nothing to do with his family. Chela appears with the brats and they comment on how glamorous Chela looks. Lupe is sweetly virginal in white. Ana is clad notably in her accordian. The first photographers come in to put them on the stairs. Pepe arrives in patched pants which Pancho isn‘t too proud of. Chacos and one maid go for the other maid.

Enzo as a handsome young man without greased down hair washing cars is called on to comfort a longhaired faceless beauty wringing her hands while whining about her impossible problems that her parents are going to kill her for. He gallantly offers to help her. Oh Violeta, he sighs, she doesn’t want to be poor. Back to the present in his stylish livingroom, Enzo wipes a tear and denies to his daughter that he is crying and not talking to anyone either. But he does tell her he is thinking a lot lately about her sainted mother. Monica pulls loose as she kisses him and edges out the door. Again he sighs, she doesn’t know the truth. (I am wondering, is she his real daughter? And/ or is Enzo just not wanting to tell her of his former penury.)

Candi makes her entrance down the steps and immediately occupies the horn-rimmed eyes (aka the photographer/ogler.) Pancho says, but you came to photograph the whole family. He says okay but then I want to take individual pictures. They take lots of group poses. Pepe alone, the girls alone, Ana with band props, Lupe with flowers looking virginal but sexy. Pancho with Chela, ohoh. And Candi, Candi, and did I mention Candi. Temo with and without dog, both very cute. They want one with hands raised to the heavens with their familiar chant “una familia con suerte.” I would have loved to be the photographer on this shoot, great antics.

Next morning Pina screams at seeing the cover picture of the handsome Pancho Lopez gracing the magazine, (revista) Gente. (Gente is a real but Italian gossip magazine.) Vin freaks out at the attention paid to Pancho that ought to be divine-rightly his. Over at Pancho’s there are many copies of Gente so each can enjoy his own images. Everyone mostly likes the photos that were chosen. Candi squeals that they managed to get her best side, full frontal view. Back at Casa Irabién, Pina is pulling pictures out to throw on the floor especially of the beauty of Candela Lopez. Which Vince grabs and suddenly channels his Ticktock Doc who tried to cure his obsession. He secretly takes off up the stairs with the Candi pictures held in front of him. In his room alone, he’s cries that he is has reached his limits, the end of his sanity (cordura). His resolve to get over his Candi obsession is melting like cheap chocolate as he gazes at the “Gente” photos. She speaks from the magazine like a Harry Potter press release, I love you, she says, but she stops when he speaks back. .

At the office an irate Rebe shows Pancho the caption on the photo of him and Chela, “Here is Pancho Lopez the empresario at the side of his WIFE Graciela Torres, Chela walks in ever so joyful at this same misprint. (Where are the lawyers? Can you sue a magazine to retract such infamy?)

Rebe says well there is a lie in the magazine. or did you get married and not invite me to the wedding? Rebe and Chela grit teeth then Rebe stomps out. Chela grins and tries to baby talk to Pancho but he sets her back saying, stop, don’t make things worse than they are.

Spinning from office to house to house, Pina chastises Vin for enjoying the magazine. Candi is so happy with the beautiful pictures and coverage so she is looking forward to her new career that will surely lead her to Hollywood. Chela comes in and they are so happy together with their magazine debuts. Chela thinks she has won an important battle in the war to conquer Pancho and oust Rebeca. Candi gives questionable advise that Chela now has all in her arsenal of weapons including the total support of all the kids, her, Chela is almost convinced and we barely think of Rebe who happens to have Pancho’s heart.

Alex comes to see Pancho about his feelings for Lupe. Pancho plays stern DAD, saying Lupe is going to be really busy. He questions Alex’s motives but rather kindly.

The young receptionist in the lobby of Avon is drooling over the picture of Pepe when said Pepe comes in to help her enjoy his new fame. Monica comes out of the elevator to see him flirting receptively with reception. Pancho is still backing Alex into a twist, insisting that if he dares to hurt his precious treasure he will have to answer to him. Alex is trying to assure him of his good intentions. They shake hands but Alex is still shaking in his boots.

Pepe has to prove his love for Monica when the receptionist asks him how about that coffee you invited me to. He moves his arm deftly around Monica and says here is the owner (duena) of my heart, so sorry. Monica goes from pout to pretty smile hearing the sweet-tongued Lothario.

Ana isn’t happy which confuses Chela, while Candi says two boys love Ana. Here is something that Chela didn’t catch because Ana had confided in Candi but Ana is in a snit about something most of the time it seems.

At the recording studios, the cute band boy, Manuel, says he is the son who wants to see his dad. His plan to woo Ana is evidetnly going to lead to insider influence with his disbelieving dad. The secretary is amazed.

Rebe and Pancho continue to fight over why he didn’t straighten out the magazine people that Chela was his sister-in-law not his wife. He claims his hands aren’t the pilots. Rebe corrects his vocabulary and they continue on with the uncomfortable fact that Chela totally won this particular skirmish/squirmish. Rebe can’t understand why he always defends Chela. Because she is part of his family he defends. Some arguments only go in circles or slow spirals, like this one.

Vin, Enzo and Arnold whine over the great story with the photo showing Pancho floating in air, kicking up his heels with his great success. Vin and the boys take turns stomping the magazine on the floor.

Pina and Adoration who is combing Abeja talk. Pina asks what is the most important thing in my life? Your two kids, guesses Adoration? Yes but after that? Let me see, your program? Vin isn’t even a close third? Pina is convinced that her program is so intelligent and so important and helpful to women and how could this low life Candi compete with her. To bring down the level, blah blah.

Enzo can’t understand why Vin’s resolve to get over his Candi obsession is waning when they sent him to the best doctor. Vin says all he can remember are the cuckoos. Enzo is going to try to recreate the adversion therapy. He calls the picture of Pancho like a pig would pose while we get more Harry Potter style surrealism.

Pina says Candi’s face is pretty but vulgar. We know she would go on forever but when the bell rings she tells Ignoración to get the door and who should it be but Candi!!! Did you seem me in the magazine, she coos. What magazine, says an icy Pina, but Adoración gives it away with enthusiasm. Candi says she mentioned the Pina Opina but Pina shrugs and goes to change her clothes, continuing the cold shoulder routine.

A flower/balloon lady salutes Pancho on his article. He is so proud to show off his children who were raised well. She is so impressed but when he leaves she says but weren’t you going to buy flowers? Yes, he wants to take flowers to his love as hearts bubble out of his ears.

Elena tells Lupe she wonders how she gave her virginity to a fraud like Fraudie. How did you picture your fist time, asks the embittered Elena? Lupe tries to say something romantic but is cut off in her description when Elena says she is going to seek revenge from Freddie and bring him shame.

An old friend comes into Vin’s office. As they greet, the friend says why haven’t you invited me for a drink lately? Vin shows the article his friend Julio who agrees it is a shame this Pancho is getting all the attention. He will help. Vin’s dream is to get his feature article in a bigger magazine with more pictures with more pages, in a much more important magazine. He will stage an event that will be unforgettable. Julio swears he will help Vin get his just desserts.

Pepe and Monica his chaparita kiss and flirt openly now. She says now that she knows how kind and genuine he is, she can’t believe she wasted so much time on Fraudie.

Rebe talks to Fernanda on the phone about the Gente article and mostly her anguish that Chela was listed as the wife. She can’t help but feel fear in this love. I love him and I don’t want to lose him she tells Fernanda. Pancho hears her as he enters with the biggest, gaudiest red flower bouquet ever. Hearts and stars fly around.

Arnold has a good crazy idea to invite Bandolero (I might have imagined this is the name he said) to film Vin in his home and have all the press at there so that he can totally humiliate Pancho with how important he is. They are swooning at their own brilliant plans. These guys are such idiots but such enthused idiots.

Vin comes to Pancho’s house to invite him to his house at eight and invites Chaco too. How Chaco knows when to show up to get invited to dinners and parties, I can’t guess.

Alex comes into Lupe at the house presenting her a pot of white orchids. While the Lopez children are playing games on the coffee table including Elena and her brother Tomas. Pancho comes in followed shortly by Chela rushing in to suggest a delicious supper to keep them all attached to her, then recoils expecting him to say no he has something with Rebe but instead he says that they are all invited next door to Vin’s for an important meeting. They are all to go to the neighbors with him. Most of the children have no intention of going but Elena looks very interested at this invitation to an audience giving flame to the previews.

At the Villa de Abeja, with classical music and Adoration serving proudly, the photographer comes in to get shots with Enzo and Arnold, Vince and Pina and Vince and Abeja in the pictures. (And some woman?) Pina asks Adoración why she is dressed like an easter egg. Pancho comes in with Chela dressed like a normal person in 4 inch spike heels and a tight sheath. Vin wants to present his friend Julio to Pancho who is so important they call each other hermanos from school. Julio is pushed and patted until he loses his toupee but he gladly poses with Pancho while Vin grabs something at the bar. The photographer keeps getting Pancho shots while Vin then steps in front but Pancho steps up and they begin a Marx Bros. dance of upstaging. l

Simone says so you are the famous Chela, she then adds, of the Opina show. Pina is put out at the almost stolen attention going to Chela and by reference Candi.

Enzo and Monica have their usual argument over why she won’t pretend to be the girlfriend of Fraudie at least for the press pictures. She tells Alex she is up to here with this farce (harta) .

Back at the card game, Tomas and Pepe play with Temo. Lupe goes to look for Elena who has disappeared. And she has to tell Temo in code that Elena is sick from the trip to Brazil and she says that is really why Elena wants vengeance on Freddie . .

Pancho continues to get the lion’s share of attention from the media and photographers to Vin’s Arnold’s and Enzo’s group chagrin.

Pepe gets an idea of where Elena has gone and rushes out leaving the kids and Candi open mouthed.

Vin cuts off the media lovefest event for Panxho. He assures Pancho that this is HIS night. Vin and Pancho square off, what else is new. (I can’t catch half of the uzzi speed slang but it probably doesn’t matter) He repeats what Vin has interrupted the photographers, cutting off the filming and photographing like he was a director. The shoot out is who is more important and is the Para Vida (whatever is it called) it is so important. Televisa captures the entire crazed scene. Of Vin threatening to pound and break Pancho’s gold teeth. (we can’t wait to see the edited version on tonight’s Televisa evening news. Fernanda will be so proud of them.)

Pina tries to fix the situation by wanting to know which nacos invited the brutes from next door. Chela steps up and insists that Pina cannot speak of her family like this. They close in when the kids show up including Candi who gets Vin’s attention in her drop dead beautiful dress.

Elena grabs the microphone and declares that she is expecting a baby and the father is none other than Freddie! Pina takes sonny by the collar and demands that he deny this cheap woman (mujerzuela’s) claim. He can’t. She faints in Freddies’ arms. Tomas tries to help Pina then Tomas tries to get to Freddie and Pepe (Jose tries to stop him. Poor old Julio rescues his precious rug over by the drinks. Arnold and Enxo reconvene. Then the doctor comes, actually Abeja’s vet. He tries to revive Pina while Vince tries to tell Candi how beautiful she looks. She is driving him crazy. Don’t get close to me, she says back. Pancho orders all his tribe to go home. Enzo and Arnold throw more insults on the barbarians and Chela finds her tongue again Something about nacos words falling on deaf ears. Elena repeats her demand that Freddie own up to his paternity. Pina faints at the idea of a bastardo in the familia, comes to and pretends to faint again. Candi and Chela try to get Elena to shut up and get over to their house. While Tomas circles around and gets a great punch squarely on Freddie’s smirky face. Pepe follows threatening to hit Vin and Pancho gets his group rounded up to leave including Elena. It’s a huge dance number done in slo-mo.

Alex asks Lupe why she didn’t tell him about this Freddie/Elena thing but she swears she just now found out herself. Pepe and Monica talk, he wants to get out and she says she has nothing here she wants to come with hm. They go over to his house.

In front of the fire, they talk of naco Freddie and how she can’t imagine she ever considered marrying him. How could Elena want his child. She is sad for her father something is happening to him lately but she wants to go faraway from everyone. Pepe asks, everyone even me. No I want to go with you. Where? To infinity. Lets go!

The family jury is in session in Pancho’s other room where they press Elena. Are you really, really pregnant? Tomas wants to know why she wasn’t careful. Elena is upset that no one seems to believe her. Pancho says the way to prove this is to take a test. She starts to put up a fuss and they assure her they are on her side and they will take her to be tested. Ana is upset (what else is new) so Lupe consoles her realizing that Ana is just finding out what a bastardo Freddie is. Candi says is something happening Ana? She is crying but says nothing.

Pepe and Moni are in a cab going to infinity evidently. Tomas, Ana, Chela, Candi and Pancho continue to discuss the revelation. Tomas wants to take Elena home but Chela says leave her alone to rest. Pancho wants to go out for air. Chela wants him to stay but he insists he needs to clear his head.

Infinity turns out to first be a bus station. Monica is determined to get away for several days. Pepe gets a cell call from papa in his truck wondering where Pepe is he is concerned but is okay with his son being with Monica. They go up to a ticket agent get a ticket to ? There is a bus leaving in half an hour and they flirt and kiss waiting for the bus to infinity.

Vin and Freddie finally discuss what really happened in Brazil. Freddie for once sincere thought she was and easy girl so invited her to Brazil and it turned out that she was actually a virgin.

Ana cries to Lupe that if Elena was telling the truth she has lost Freddie forever. Lupe reminds her softly that the truth is Freddie was never hers to lose..

Vin is mostly screaming that he can’t believe that Freddie impregnated a woman whose brother is a mere plumber. Freddie says well he did.

Pepe walks Monica with eyes closed into a hotel room with flowers and candles and sparkling star lights. A saxophone player a la Kenny G plays soft jazz riffs until Pepe motions him away. The sign in the room says “Little siren welcome to the sea,” We are left with the romance but not a clue of where they really are. Must be a seaside resort. The Televisa site notes say he has prepared this haven of love in the Valle de Bravo. We leave them in sparkly candle light with champagne, flowers and showers of kisses. Oh Enzo…. Oh Pina….

Next day we see visions of many, many, many confrontations. But what did you expect?


Monday, January 09, 2012


Post by Anita (aka NOK)



*Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, 2d definition—Devolution = Retrograde evolution—Degeneration.

Key—If the phrase is followed by or includes parens, it comes from the author of the phrase; if in brackets, it’s an editorial comment.  If there are …[dots] at the beginning or in the middle, the missing words were part of a longer sentence which has nothing to do with the appellation.  There will be duplicates—sorry, it’s a long list, but when they are noted, the earliest occurrence is used and subsequent uses deleted.

Our esteemed Dr. Alvaro Nesmé is introduced in Episode #3 of Cuando Me Enamoro by his given name.  However, CarayCarayers soon had his number.  He quickly is recognized as the:

Drunk Doc

In which Alvaro is called on to save Rafael’s life

the butchering Doc
the really bad doctor
Dr. Borracho
El Borracho de Medico
DD [means Drunk Dr or Dr Drunk, take your pick]
Dr D
the boozy Dr
Dr. Nesme…yo, creepier than ever
Dr. Nesme…constructed from spare parts
…pathetic version of Spiderus [used in Llena de Amor]
Dr Death [First used by Carlos]
…a complete putz
Dr. Doofus
…that hideous excuse for a doc
…said creppt doc [daisynjay probably meant creepy, but creppt is so apt]
…Dr Death is not only an a**, he talks with his mouth full
…creepy hick
…he leaves with his teeny tail between his legs
Dr. Bobblehead who has everything (except manners, class and the ability to turn down a drink)
Doc Scumbag
Dr. Creepy [and all the possible permutations]
drunk doc [dup, but here he won his first Mr. Inappropriate prize]
Dr. Slime
Dr. Dumb
El Doctorcito
Dr. DoLessThanLittle
Dr.No no no no no…
Dr. Dud
Mr. Slimeball [he lost his medical title temporarily]
Doc Distorted
Dr. Yuck
Dr. Dunce
Dr. Doom
the Quack
Dr. Mephesto
Doc ‘only a mother could love’
Dr. Ick [or Doc Ick or Icky, became a favorite]
Doc Dipwad
Dr. DoNothing Nesme
Doc Dip
Doctor Dud
Dr. Lecherous T. Pervert
Dr. Yuck
…that scumbucket of a doctor
Dr. Freaky
Dr. Drunkard

In which Alvaro forces himself on Kari to cumplir el acto—to submit as any loving wife should

Dr. Do-Less-Than-Little rapist
Dr. Duh
Dr. Drunk
Doc Dropdeadplease
Dr. Do-Nothing-But Drink (and rape his wife)
Dr. Jekyll
…he is slime
…surely there's another snake out in the vineyard... one with the Dr's name on it.
…the Dr. is one of Satan's minions
Dr. DNBD [Short for Dr. Do-Nothing-But-Drink]
…her husband is an animal (AniMAHL sounds so much worse in Spanish.)
…that dweeby snake with the beady eyes
…that slime-covered, lying, wife-raping, tequilla-guzzling mata sanos
He's wooden and  must smell of booze all the time
Doc Dastard
Dr. Dork
Dr. Disgusting
Dr Rapey-snake [aka Dr. Rapeysnake & Dr. Rapey Snake, Dr.Rapey, Dr. Snakey, Doc Rsnake,
 and other variations that got a lot of mileage; Julia first used it in Llena referring to Mauricio]
…this is DOCTOR Rapey-snake. He takes rapey-snake to a whole new level.

In which Alvaro has a roll in the dust with Alfonsina

Dr. Doom and Miss Muddypants [Alfonsina just had to stay in the picture]
…'ole beady eyes
…that ba$t@rd
Egad he’s a creep
Doctor Drinksalot
…I'm counting the days until Doc's liver flops over like a dead fish
…awaiting an equally spinless, besotted excuse for a medico to "attend" to [Renata]
Alvaro, who got his medical degree at Jim Beam University
Dr. Death--looks and acts strange
Doctor Alvaro [spare parts man]…. no doubt he's made of seamless modern external cladding material,
            which includes the cheap toupee, no doubt a cover for a USB port.  They plug him in while he
            floats in his nutrient tank at night. [gracias, Mike]
…sure his nutrient tank will take any sort of alcohol, the stronger the better
…drunken, slimy buffoon
Dr. SlimeyRapey
Dr. Sleeze
Dr. Lessthannothing
Drunk Doctor Death
…that dreck of a human being
SlimeBucket Alvaro
Doctor Buzz Kill
Doctor Scumbucket [and other near synonymous terms]
…her rapey snake husband who dreams of boinking another
Dr. I [nappropriate]
Dr. Pus Bucket
Doc Al
Doc Pusaro Bucket [cleverly combined by Cap’n SS)
Dr. Dim
…agree..that the Dr's assertion of pants wearing is disgusting but it almost pales next to surgery
            while drunk, spousal rape, sexual extortion, threatening to murder a child, and of course
mincing about in those ridiculous pastel leisure suits and white shoes. [Carlos can really
get to the heart of a matter with just a few words.]
Dr. RS [Dr. Rapey Snake, in case any one has forgotten]
Dr. Dingleberry

In which Alvaro learns Alfonsina, NHW*, is pregnant
*Not His Wife

Doctor Dingbat
Doc Ding Dong
Nasty Doctor Death
Slimedog Rapey Snake
Dopery Doc…simply looks like a mishmash of congenital abnormalities and syndromes that
            somehow managed to survive [more of Carlos’ marvelously picturesque language]
…this man just looks like a cipher
He just oozes slime out of all of his pores
His Snakiness
…what... could Alfie have ever seen in this miserable tangle of defective genetic strands
Dirtbag Doc’s revenge

In which Alvaro is missing in action during the Storm

…go out in the storm, look up and open your mouth. Drown, please, now!
Dr. Worthless T. Drunkard
Dr. Useless T. Pervert
Dr. Lump of wasted tissue
Doc is …as useful as a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest
Stupid ass hat doc
Dr Creepo
Doctor Dim
Dr. Scuzzbucket
Dr. Drinkmuch
Dr. Drinky
Dr. Drinksalot
Dial a Doc

In which Alvaro “housenaps” Kari, his long-suffering wife

Doc Demented [this label cannot be claimed by the Director of the Demented Facility]
Dr. Dial-a-Drunk
Dr. Drinks well past last call for alcohol
Doc Donor-with-a-b*n*r
Doc Disgusting
…it was pusbucket
…pie cart time for him. Can we slip a little arsenic in the pies, please.
Dr. gin and tonic
Dr. Lickyface
Dr. Scumbag
…that walking oozing wound of "human" flesh
…drunken Dr Nastynesme who murmurs Alfonsina’s name in his dirty dreams
Dr. Nesmenasty
Dr. Dreadful
Dr. Dips**t
Dr. Jack Daniels
…Alvaro takes offense, to this man [in the bar] and anyone in town he is DR ALVARO NESME!!
Dr. Never-saw-a-drink-he-didn't-want-to-guzzle-down
Dr. Killsthem
Dr. Vodka
Dr. Nesnasty

In which Alvaro is arrested and jailed for surgical malpractice

Dr. Nesmethenasty
…he could just as well been arrested by the fashion police for continuing to wear those 70’s
            leisure suits that he has in way too many colors.
…and the white shoes
Doc Creepazoid
crummy Dr.
Dr. Drunk and Drool
Dr. DrinkmeNesme
Dr. Nesme...convicted, sentenced, defrocked... and he hasn't even had time to sober up...he’s
going to be very disappointed when he gets the news.
…Dr Nesme will be pissed when he wakes up from pissing the night away
…Oh, I can see it now – [Augie] and Dr. Demented in their little white jackets playing
            checkers in the play room (complete with bars) and sipping their juice; nice...
Doc Inconvenient
…he's a drunken, wife-beating, kidnapping rapist. Surely in this case annulment is in order.  That padre
needs to step up and push this, or Karina needs to get a new God.  [Man, that’s tough and we
haven’t gotten to cold-blooded killer, yet.]
Dr. Freak
…sleazy doc
…it's odd to see a woman consult her priest about having to have sex with her @%$^ of a husband
Dr. DastardlyBastard
Dr. Jailbird

In which Alvaro is revealed to be sterile

…e-vile Doc Do-Nothing is sterile! Bwahahaha
Doc Desert
Dr. Dried Up
Dr. Do Little But Drink
Doc Dirtbag
Dr. Dry-roasted
Dr Shooting Blanks
Dr. Deadsperm
Doc Esteril
Dr. LuckRunOut
Dr. Neslime
Dr. NesDeath

In which Alvaro is attacked in prison, declared dead, buried and resurrected in the third week

Dr Nasty [and all its permutations]
Dr PastyandMaybeNotDead
Dr. Dead or Alive
…really most sincerely dead…
Dr. Dopey
Dr. WhyIsHeNotDeadYet
Dr. @*!&#% is only mostly dead and not completely dead
Doc Badderthanbad
Dr. Butthead
…and was it really necessary to show this guy shirtless? Show full of hunks and we get this slime
            shirtless...gee thanks Mr. Director.
...useless, plague-take-it “doctor” had to darken our screens
Dr. Buzzkill
Doc WhiteAsADeadHalibut
...whiterthangreysole Doc NotSoDeadAsWeWish
...greysoleex isn’t ex enough
Doc Zombie [or Doczombie]
Dr. Dreadful
The grey sole…is still beeping and pulsating
I will sign the petition…to stop the bare-chested doc scenes
Dr. Death Reincarnate
…where the hell is Dr. Van Helsing and his wooden stake to put a real end to Alvaro
Doc ShouldBeDead
…Why is this cockroach still alive?
Dr. Disgusting
Dr. WhyDon'tYouJustDieAlready
Doc OfTheLivingDead
Dr. JustDieAlready

In which Alvaro, alive, is outed to the Padre by Jeronimo

Doc Invincible
… that oily skunk
Doc LousyBum
Operation: Doc Ain't Dead
Dr. Don'tTheyOwna NightShirt
Dr. upchuck
Dr. Abracadaver
Dr. Nesme the Nasty
…caldron of dead white… oh wait a minute,  those fish are thrashing around
Dr. ThankHeavensHe'sFinallyCovered
…dreaded doc
Doc DirtNap
The last thing we want to see is a reformed Doc
Dr. Overdueforcrossingover
Dr. PastyBalls
Doc NastyNames
Doc Makes MeHurl
Doc WastedTissue
Dr. KillHimOffAlready
Dr Grossinstein
Dr. PastDueToDie
Doc JustDie
Dr. DieAlready
Dr. Deathly
Doc IwannaBeFreeToDoEvil
Doc I’mSoSickOFHisFaceAlready
Dr. TooAlive
Dr. DidYouHaveToShowYourFace
Dr. Fuzzy Balls-n-Chain
Reanimated Man
Dr. Creepy is not Dead
…return of the living dead
Dr. HaHaYouAreNotAWidow is not Dr. DustToDustAshesToAshes
…marido from hell
Dr. dirt
…the livingdead down at the jail, aka Dr. Nesme just isn’t dead enough for anyone’s liking
Dr. I wishheweredead
Dr. pleasejustdiealready
Dr. iwillneverdie
Dr. Iwillliveforever
Dr. Iamimmortal
Doc iwilldieeventually
The Undead Doc
Dr. Alvaro Nesmé - I just wrote that to see if I could spit out his proper name - I still want a shower.
Dr. AboutToCauseSomeMajorGrief NOT dead

In which Alvaro escapes from prison hospital, goes on a rampage and is rearrested

Dr WeHopeDiesSoonAPainfullySlowDeath
Dr PreviouslyInAComaThatDidn'tKillHim
Dr. Toonastytodie
Dr. Cockroach
Doc Shouldbesharkchum
Manofa1000Names (aka Dr. 1000Names)
Dr. 1000 drinks
Dr. Dipsomaniac
Dr. Awful
Dr. Snatch&Grab
Dr. No
Dr. Shouldbeconsumedbyworms
doc Notdeadandgone
AlvarNo Nasty
Doc Unflushable
…runaway doc [and also Doc runaway]
…demon doctor who won't die
Dr. Drunk-o-the clown
Detestable Doc
Dr. DrunkySkunk
Dr. AllVile Nasty
Dr. Awful
Dr. GivingUstheStinkShoes
Disaster in Disguise
Doc Please-Stop-Breathing-Our-Air
Doc DaddyYankee
Doc TryingToBeJustinTimberlake
Dr. WeddedBlissInterruptus
Creepazoid husband
Dr. LoserBoozer
Dr. OhShitHe'sNotDead
…nasty Dr. N
Dr. StealYourClothes
Return of the DeadLiving
Dr. Psycho
…bad Doctor-not-dead-yet
Dr. Dontlistentoherpullthetrigger
Dr. Creepamonte
Dr. Gunsucker
Dr. MyLiver'llBeLeatherSoon
Dr. WhatAWasteofAir
Doc PointShake'nShoot
Dr. Flask....don't leave home without it
…throw a match at the looney lush and he'd probably combust immediately
Nightmare on Nesme Street
Dr. HumanSlime
Dr. RollinRatPoop
Doctor PleaseDropDead
Doc AlwaysShootsBlanks
Dr. LockHimUpAndThrowAwayTheKey
Alvaro (refer to [Caray’s] incredible list for your own favorite alias)
Alvaro Nesmé (drop in alias here)
…booze hound doctor Nesme swigs from the flask or swills and slurps from a bottle
…resurrected Alvaro Nastay
…nightmare on Alvaro street
…may he soon rest in some kind of pieces
Dear Doctor Dastardly

In which Alvaro has a face-to-face with Renata and then sings his heart out

Dr. Alvaro McNasty
Nastynez crawls out from under his rock at The Rock
Dr. DreadfulShouldBeDeadful
Dr. StillWearingTheBadToupee
Dr. IhaveSeenTheLight

In which Alvaro is seen and heard less and less

Dr. FutureWormBanquet
Dr-I-only-die-my-hair-on-top (thank you R la O)
Anvil Score (Nesme)=0. Nesme has to go. There is no redemption for this dirtbag.
Dr. Shoescrapings
Dr. UnendingObstacle
Dr. WhyWasIBornTodayOrAnyDay
Dr. BirthdayBoyOhBoy
Nesme is just such a train wreck on all levels
Dr. OneUglyRatAmidstThoseCuteActingRats
Dr. JailBaitOhWoeIsMeI'mFriendless
…that Slime Bag

In which Alvaro is redeemed and Padre-in-training Antonio is the only one who cares

Dr. N seems to be getting off easy.  His barbaric cruelty went far beyond his alcoholism.
Doc He'llAlwaysBeAFreak is suddenly turning "good."
I was also hoping for bitter unholy defiance from Dr. Doom, not participation in a 12 step program.

        ***     ***     ***     ***     ***     ***     ***     ***     ***     ***     ***     ***     ***

Tastefully collected and repackaged by NOK (henceforth to be known as Anita)

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