Monday, May 28, 2007

Acorralada #91 – 5/22/07 – Tuesday – More of the Same; Fights and Tears. . .

Lest we forget, today's episode begins with a repeat of Little Doormat telling Dimwit that Fidiota is their mother! Dimwit is impactada. She looks confused as well, but that's par for the course.

Pancho and Caramel are squabbling over her working at Perfumes 'R Us. Pancho is macho and he doesn't like the idea of his little woman working in close proximity with Emili-Oh, AKA Munequito de Pastel. This literally means either "Doll of Cake" or "Ventriloquist Dummy of Cake." Either way, we can tell Pancho is not happy Caramel is working with Emili-Oh. He then orders Caramel to stop working at the factory. Our fiery red head tells him he's not the boss of her. We then get the "I am macho!" speech. Caramel points out he's a bigamist and in no position to tell her what to do. She also doesn't like the fact he refers to her and Peyote as hembras (female animals). Pancho is clearly losing his argument.

Octopus and Paco are fighting about Paco's spending time with Fidiota in jail. Octopus doesn't like it! She's spewing the usual venom. She's also still wearing her 1970's Frederick's of Hollywood red jump suit.

Caramel and Pancho are still fighting, but no one is winning. Finally Pancho tells her he's so macho, he would like a third woman! Caramel announces that he'll get 10 years in jail for each woman when she tells the police. He then tries to make it up to her and starts kissing her. Caramel is clearly back under his spell again. Caramel needs a life!

More fighting between Paco and Octopus. Octopus is pushing all Paco's buttons. Finally he says she deceived him in Key West. She is truly a viper. He stomps off for emphasis.

Pancho suggests he and Caramel get a hotel room. She abruptly breaks off the kiss and wipes her mouth. She then lays into him, comparing him to a little dog on the streets. She then walks off. Pancho can't believe how feisty Caramel has become. He then fantasizes of going to an Arab country and having six or seven women. We then have a scene of Pancho in a turban and a bunch of women belly dancing while Peyote and Carmel are feeding him grapes. Back to reality; "Muchas hembritas. Muchas!!"

Little Doormat repeats, "Fidiota is our true mother!" Glassy-eyed Dimwit asks, "What are you saying?" Head tilt. Gaby then repeats how Fidiota confessed after the shooting. Dimwit then tells Gaby she just doesn't understand. She has definitely earned her nickname Dimwit. Geez!

Fidiota is languishing in her cell. She's dressed in black from neck to ankles. She looks like a cat burglar. Fidiota flashes back to the night of the shooting. Taking the fall for Gaby is a small price to pay after not taking care of her girls for so many years. Pobre de Fidiota.

Maxi-Moron is blathering on and on to Yolanda about Marfil. She's like she was before the accident when they were so much in love. Yolanda is telling him to not let down his guard, she's not convinced Marfil is so sweet. Max is trying to press her for more details, but DoQ walks in to check on his patient. "How are you feeling?" Max wants to be sincere; he didn't realize he could feel so bad all the time.

The Violin Union is pulling out all the stops for this maudlin scene between Little Doormat and Dimwit. Lots of sniffling and sniveling. "Our pobre mama!! She has suffered so much!! Dimwit wants to run to the jail right there and then and let Fidiota know Dimwit now knows the truth! The violins hit a crescendo, but some how, Dimwit and Little Doormat end up sitting on the floor repeating what is now "old news" to us.

Pancho has bellied up to the bar at Paco's Pesadillo. Pancho orders a double rum. He then regales Jorge with how macho he is and how the women are fighting over him. Suddenly we hear hooting and hollering and in blows Sylvie in what can only be described as "big hair." At least it's a normal shade. She's got on a black tank with white skirt with red biker shorts and is skipping into the club. She slurs her drink order and starts hanging on Pancho. "Do you remember me?" asks Sylvie. "Sure I do," responds Pancho. "You witnessed my wedding with Peyote." Unmemorable small talk ensues, with Pancho finally admitting things between him and Peyote aren't so good.

Dimwit and Gaby arrive at the police station to see Fidiota, but the big meanie detective tells them visiting hours are over. Dimwit is still wearing that ridiculous vest that looks like it was made from Max's old blue pastel sweater that was mistakenly washed in hot water by mistake. It is definitely too tight. Gaby tries to plead and grovel for just five minutes with Fidiota, but no dice. He's just not in the mood to negotiate. "It's 9:00 at night! Come back tomorrow." Our Little Doormat and Dimwit look disappointed.

Sylvie is coming on to Pancho in the bar. She doesn't want to die a virgin. She starts making fish lips at him. Pancho seems amused. This comic routine goes on for a short while. Pancho can't believe she's never been with a man. Sylvie says she wants her first time to be with someone as smooth and rich as him! More fish lips.

Luscious has come to pay Max and Yolanda a visit. Yolanda has great news!! Tomorrow they are going to take the bandages off Max! Larry is happy. Max wants to get a jump on the next day. They have to stop him from unwrapping the gauze. Yolanda turns over her post to Larry, who plans on staying by Max's side all night. Max wants to know where Marfil is. Larry says she at the house, and by the way, he's not convinced she can be trusted. Suspenseful music plays.

Sylvie is offering to pay "Panchi-Panchi" for a night of lovin'. Pancho thinks to himself, it's a tough job, but someone has to do it. It might as well be him!

Marfil is hanging out with Icky Isabel. Isabel wants Fidiota to pay dearly for killing her saintly nephew Andres. Marfil assures her they are all going to pay. Isabel wants to know if Marfil has a plan yet. "No," says our foxy femme fatale. "I'm still working on being angelic and recapturing Max. Once he's mine, Diana is going to be very sorry she ever crossed my path!" The Orchestra of Doom strikes a chord.

Sylvie is still trying to work her mojo on Pancho. She offers him $500. He says he's worth $3,000. Sylvie is impactada!

Diablo is barking at Granny M to do something about her wayward granddaughter. Granny M retorts that Dimwit is a decent woman who has done nothing wrong. Diablo is being an idiot and making things worse. Diablo asks, "So now it's my fault?!" About that time Dimwit and Gaby walk in. Diablo wants to know where she's been. Why hasn't she called? Dimwit says she's not in the mood, and "No, I wasn't at the hospital!? "Lies, lies, and more lies!!" shouts Diego. Dimwit says it's the truth, she was at the jail. She then announces she needed to see Fidiota because she just found out. . .Fidiota is her true mother! The Orchestra of Doom starts crashing cymbals, throwing tin cans, dumpsters, and in general, making a huge racket. Diablo is impactado. Commercial.

The comic scene between Sylvie and Pancho continues. Sylvie doesn't know where she can get $3,000. Pancho tells her he's worth every penny of it and she'll never find a better specimen of a man in all of Miami. He's so macho! Pancho then leaves and Sylvie asks Jorge if he can loan her the money. "If I had that kind of money, I wouldn't be here. I'd be in Hawaii!" I think if he had that kind of money, he wouldn't be in Acorralada.

More tears shed by Gaby, Dimwit, and Granny M, with Diablo looking on. More re-hashing of the situation with Pobre Fidiota! Diablo says everything makes sense now. "I always wondered why she was so protective and generous with you all." Blah, blah, blah. Gaby runs up the stairs hysterical. Diablo wants to know why Gaby is reacting so strangely. "She's just sensitive," says Dimwit.

Lala and Peyote are fighting. Peyote wants to go out and find drugs; she's going through withdrawal. Lala doesn't want her leaving. Peyote starts getting hysterical. She needs to get out of the house; she knows Pancho is with Caramel. Lala says it dangerous and besides, Lala doesn't want her looking for drugs. Peyote tells Lala, Lala is nothing but a servant and can't tell her what to do. Lala retorts things have changed. You are living in my house. The fight reaches a peak and Peyote gets ready to hit Lala. Pancho walks in just in the nick of time and puts a stop to it. Commercial.

Pancho breaks up the fight. Lala tells Peyote she needs help. Everyone seems to blame Peyote's problems on Pancho for being such a varon. Peyote starts crying and begs for Lala's forgiveness. Peyote then collapses in a heap on the floor sobbing.

Gaby is still sobbing about killing Andres and now their own MOTHER is in jail because of her. She can't get it out of her mind. Dimwit tries to comfort her saying Gaby had every right in the eyes of the law to defend herself against Andres.

Pancho tries to comfort Peyote, without success. Lala then blames Pancho on Peyote's drug use. He points out Peyote was doing drugs before they ever met. Pancho then points out that he, personally, has never done drugs.

At Merciless Medical, Larry and Emili-Oh are tucking in a sleeping Maxi-Moron. By the way, what ever happened to Camila? In her little mind, she and Max are getting married. She swore she would never leave his side. What gives? OK, back to the show. While Larry is tucking in the covers, Emili-Oh keeps patting Max's leg. They sneak out of the room, and as they leave the hospital, Doc Evil sneaks in. "I want Diana to suffer mucho!" The Orchestra of Doom is front and center and going ballistic! Commercial.

Right as Doc Evil reaches over to asphyxiate Max, Max is "saved by the nurse." While she's presumably checking his vitals, which includes a stethoscope being strategically placed all over his chest, Doc Evil sneaks out of the room.

Pasta (aka Paco) is visiting Fidiota. He wants to know who she's protecting, since he knows she could never have killed anyone. She denies she is covering for anyone. Pasta knows she's hiding something.

Yolanda and Emili-Oh are getting ready to go to the hospital for Max's unveiling. Just as they are getting ready to leave, Rene appears. Yolanda says she doesn't have time since she's getting ready to leave, but Rene is persistent. "It will only take 5 minutes. By the way, Emili-Oh, can you vacate your apartment so I can have a moment alone with Yolanda?" Big Doormat wants to know what is so urgent that it can't wait. Rene says he has three words to tell her. "I love you!" Yolanda is impactada! I'm impactada because I haven't seen Rene's dimple in what seems like ages.

We have a new jailer guiding Dimwit by her elbow to Fidiota's cell. The only cell in the whole Miami jail system. Apparently the jailer is afraid Dimwit will get lost. Dimwit is wearing some sort of boring brown dress. She and Fidiota spend five minutes just staring at each other. Dimwit looking glassy-eyed as always. Dimwit blurts out, "There's something I want to tell you. I came to say. . . Mama!" Another five minutes of staring at each other with not a dry eye in the jail! The sappy music plays throughout.

Credits roll.


Acorralada #90 Monday 5/21/07 Maxito's field trip to TeleMiami hospital

Opening scene: Diana has come to visit Gaviota at the squeaky clean, ultra quiet TeleMiami jail, when Gaby comes in and says that she's come to confess the truth - that she's the one who killed Andres! Diana is impactada. Gaby tells her about how Andres snuck into her room and tried to rape him, and she only killed him to defend herself. Gaviota tells her to shut up and not repeat what she's said.

Meanwhile, at TeleMiami hospital, Larry and Yolanda are discussing Marfil's outrageous story with Max, who's still laying in bed with gauze wrapped around his head. (Isn't it about time that those bandages came off so they could run some tests, or maybe get started on his rehabilitation? I think it may be time for a second opinion!) Yolanda mentions how odd it is that Marfil never mentioned her twin sister, even Bruna didn't mention it when she admitted to being Marfil's mama. Doesn't matter anyway, Max isn't in love with her anymore, and he's going to ask her for a divorce.

At Perfumes Gaviota, Pancho has come to see if it's true that Caramelo is working for Diana. More of the same old "I'm the macho, bien macho, you must obey" garbage from Pancho. She turns to walks away and he grabs her in the classic "me Tarzan, you Jane" pose and pulls her towards the elevator, but is interrupted by Emilio.

Back to Gaviota's jail cell, where Gaviota is pleading with Gaby to stay quiet. Gaviota's already been to jail, and she'll go back to jail for Gaby. Synthesizers of doom play as Diana says that only a mother trying to save her child would do something like that. Gaby starts to tell Diana the truth, but Gaviota gets in her face and tells her to shut up, and then asks them both to leave. Cue the melodramatic synthesizer track as Gaby reaches through the bars to take Gaviota's hands so that she can kiss them.

In Max's hospital room, Larry's letting Marfil know that she doesn't believe her story - it's too complicated, it's like a whodunit novel. He walks out of the room and Marfil says to herself that he's a fool, and he's going to make Max doubt her.

More spousal abuse is happening at Perfumes Gaviota as Emilio orders Pancho to let go of Caramelo, but Pancho's not budging. Caramelo manages to shake him off and then gets in between them so they don't start throwing punches. It's impressive that she manages to keep these strapping men from fighting while managing to keep her assets from falling out of her jacket - today's outfit includes a pink bra covered by a khaki jacket, with a barely there pink mini skirt. Pancho calls Emilio a "munequito de pastel" -- a small doll made of cake, and says he needs to stay out of Pancho's life. Pancho goes to leave and says that Caramelo is going with him, which quickly evolves into the same "I'm the macho, super macho" speech while Caramelo responds with the same "I'm your wife, you have to respect me speech." Boring.

After Pancho leaves, Emilio and Caramelo have a heart to heart about Pancho. Emilio wants to know why he stays with her when he treats her so badly, both she and Paola are his victims. Tears of pure dolor stream down Caramelo's face and Emilio reaches out to brush them off.
Diana and Gaby are back at psycho mansion and Diana wants to know why Gaby didn't tell the truth from the beginning. Gaby tells her that Gaviota took control of the situation and wouldn't let her talk, but now the only way she will be able to find peace is to confess so that Gaviota will be freed.

At Casa Naco, Paola is still trying to get her fix, and doesn't understand why Andres isn't returning her calls. Rene shows up and shows her the newspaper, which says that Andres has been murdered, and the main suspect is Gaviota. Paola is impactada - now where will she get her happy pills?

Meanwhile, Octavia is reading the same newspaper article and is thrilled to hear that Gav is suspected in another murder. This is perfect! Now she can convince Paco that she's not worth the trouble!

Little does she know that at this very moment, Paco is at the jail visiting Gaviota and is offering to pay her bail. But Gaviota refuses - she doesn't want him to pay it. She doesn't want to try to prove her innocence a the expense of her daughter. Commercial break.
We return from the commercial to see Diana preparing to leave with Maxito, and getting the third degree from her loving husband Diego. She tries to tell him she's taking the baby for a walk, but he's not buying that for a dollar. He lets her know she's not leaving the house until she tells him where she's going.

Back to Max's room where he's having a nightmare, but Marfil is there to calm him and promise him that he'll be better than ever very soon, she'll be his eyes, his guide. They'll be together forever.

Paco tells Gav that the judge hasn't set a bail amount yet, and she says it's better than way. He wants her to be free, even though she says that she doesn't want to be. Cue the Paco/Gaviota theme song!

Diego's still harrassing Diana. Their conversation is totally predictable, and almost too boring to report, but here's a quick overview: Diego says he doesn't believe she's going to the mall, she says she is, he offers to come with her, she won't let him and she walks out. He says to himself that he knows she's lying again - she's going to see Max!

Pobre de Gaby is lying in bed reliving the attempted rape and murder. She says to herself that now she's a murderer and her mother is in jail and it's all her fault!

Miguelina has come to visit Gaviota. It's quiet as usual - no other prisoners to overhear their conversations about who's really the murderer. Gaviota says she will stay in jail, and asks Miguelina to take care of her daughters for her. She'll plead guilty so that there's no investigation and they don't learn that Gaby's the one who murdered Andres. Nobody else must know the truth about what happened.

At TeleMiami hospital, Marfil is trying to get Max to have something to eat when Diana arrives with Maxito. Marfil's really working the compassionate wife angle, and greets little Max as if she's thrilled to see him. Then she tells Max how beautiful he is and what a shame it is that he can't see. She asks Diana if she can hand the baby to Max, while Max waits anxiously with outstretched hands. Max holds Maxito and is whispering all of his plans for little Max as Diana stands by with her glassy eyed stare and Marfil sneers. Marfil suggests that Diana and she leave the boys alone for a few minutes. Diana's afraid that the baby will fall, but Max promises that he won't let that happen. Close up of Maxito making faces, and we go to commercial.

After the commercial, Diana is explaining to Marfil that she brought the baby because Max asked her to. Marfil says that she's glad she did, Max seems happy to see the baby, and she never wants to separate Max from his baby. She doesn't see Diana as an enemy because Diana is married and Marfil plans to stay with Max. Diana notes how different Marfil is from her twin. Marfil asks that Diana and Max have as little contact as possible, and Diana agrees that this is a logical request.

At City Hall, the detective is questioning Gaviota about what happened. He says there are things that don't match up... she says that everything happened quickly and she doesn't really remember. She's not even sure if the gun he's holding is the one that she used. She recently bought several guns, so she supposes that the one that he's holding is the one that she fired.

Max is still cooing at Maxito when Marfil returns and tells him that the baby is precious, and she will treat him the same as if he were her own. She was just talking with Diana, who seems like a nice person. She leans in and takes the baby from his arm and cradles him while thought bubbling about how much she hates him, just like she hates his mother.

Back to City Hall, where they're really grilling Gaviota on the details. The tests show that she didn't fire the gun. She doesn't care what the tests say, she did fire the gun. The detective leans in and tells her that he knows that she's a lawyer, but he's sure that she's lying. If looks could kill, the cop would be begging for mercy. Commercial break.

We return to the hallway at the hospital, where Diana is telling Larry and Yo how different Marfil is. Larry and Yo have their doubts, and warn Diana about getting too chummy with Marfil.

At City Hall, the detective wants to do another test, but Gaviota refuses. He gets in her face and tells her that he's sure that she's lying to protect someone and he wants to know who. But he won't break Gaviota - she stands up and tells him that she's the guilty one!

Max is still holding little Max while Marfil sits by his side, when Diana returns and says that she needs to go home before her psycho husband gets married. Max doesn't care about Diego, and doesn't want Maxito to leave so soon, but Marfil is quick to point out that Max needs to respect Diana's situation - she's married and they shouldn't cause trouble for her. She tells Diana to bring the baby any time she wants.

Paco has come back to see Gaviota, and he knows that she's covering for someone, so who is it?
Diego is holding court at psycho mansion. Nancy, Lala, Dona Santa and Miguelina are all listening to him say that it's odd that she's now in jail for the same crime that she went to jail for before. Miguelina tells him that she didn't kill her husband, and Nancy talks about what a shame it is that this is happening, and Dona Santa doesn't know who killed who. Lala doesn't understand why she's not out on bail.

The doorbell rings and Nancy goes to answer it. Diana walks in with Maxito in her arms and Nancy trailing behind her. Does anyone else find it odd that Diana range the doorbell at her own home? Diego greets them with his usual warmth and charm as he asks where's the clothing she went to buy, but she didn't see anything she liked. Miguelina goes off to change his diaper and Diana announces that she's off to work. Diego tells Lala that he's not an idiot - he knows that she took the baby to the hospital.

Paco is still arguing with Gaviota - he knows that she didn't kill Andres. She tries to convince him otherwise, but he just knows that she didn't do it, maybe she's covering for her daughter. She tells him not to say that again, Gaby isn't capable of such a thing. Cut to commercial.
Back from commercial, Gaviota is asking Paco to leave before he makes her more nervous. Paco tells her that if she didn't kill Andres, and she's covering for someone, the truth will come out sooner or later.

Max is beside himself with joy as he tells Yolanda about his visit with Maxito, and how understanding Marfil is! He's just going to have to forget Diana and learn to love Marfil as he did before, because she's suffered so much and deserves his love. Then he scrunches up his nose like he smells something rotten.

Diana enters Gaby's bedroom and tells her that she just talked to Paco and he's going to get a good lawyer to defend Gaviota. Gaby says she won't be able to live if Gaviota is not free, and Diana tells her not to torture herself, Andres was a gangster who tried to violate her. This doesn't console Gaby - she's suffering because she killed a man, even if the man was a gangster, and she suffers because and innocent woman is paying for her crime. Then Gaby tells Diana that the reason that Gaviota is making such a huge sacrifice for Gaby is because Gaviota is their real mother! Credits roll.


Sunday, May 27, 2007

Zorro-Friday, May 25, 2007: Diego sneaks into el Callao, FS gets his palm read and Maria Pia resigns.

Show opens with Diego dressed in military uniform sneaking into the prison and getting caught by another solider. Diego makes the excuse that he wanted to visit his buddies in the mazmorra (dungeon). Sure nothing like sharing a cold one and shooting the breeze late at night in the dungeons with your buddies. The guard tells him no time for visits as Monty is there. Guard orders Diego to go back to the bed. Diego turns to leave but when the guard’s back is turned, he goes back to his search. He finds it odd that Monty is there at this hour. Isn’t the jail run by Monty so I imagine he could go anywhere he wants.

We cut to a blindfolded Esme being lead by Auggie to a room where Monty is preparing the torture chains? Auggie tries to make one more last ditch effort to help Esme but Monty orders him to shut up and leave. Monty starts chatting it up with Esme telling her the room is his favorite in the prison. Everybody talks there even those who lost their memory. Monty tells Esme to tell him what he wants to hear that way they both can rest being they are very tired. Monty tells Esme that the whipping he gave her earlier is nothing compared to what he can do now, so she better say where she knew Zorro.

Meanwhile Piza is pointing a gun to Pito’s head wanting to know where SK’s body is. Piza accuses Pito of lying to him. Pito tells him that they both saw when SK was buried. Pito tells Piza that he’s not an idiot to have dug her up later when he left. Pito shows him a bracelet which Piza identifies as belonging to the gitanos (how he figures this out, I don’t know, maybe the bracelet is labeled) so he comes to the conclusion that gitanos took the body. Pito says it’s a plausible theory, but Piza could have said aliens took the body and Pito would said the same thing. Piza now wants to confirm this theory (about the gitanos taking body of course).

Back at the gypsy camp, Renzo is waking up in a cough and Suzi asks for water. Nutty (or shall we call her Ana Camila?) who was giving water to Camba leaves him to go to Renzo. Poor Camba is probably thinking, hey that’s my water. Suzi thanks God and Ana Camila that he’s alive. Laisha looks on angrily as Ana Camila tells Renzo he was right in saying she shouldn’t loose hope.

Meanwhile at the nunnery/mission? MP is telling PT that he plans on leaving LA. PT says its not possible but MP insists it’s the only way FS will stop bothering the mission. PT says that she’s Mother Superior, what’s going to happen to the other nuns if she leaves. MP considers it worse for them to see how she is accosted every day. PT is not in agreement and FS would have won. MP says she’ll leave without telling anybody when or where. PT backs down and says maybe its for the best, he will write to his contacts in Mexico and will let her know. MP thanks PT for believing in her and says that deep in her heart is the best thing even for FS. Apparently she doesn’t know FS very well, it will more likely cause him to go nuts, although I am not sure how you can top giving up your underwear at the altar and going through town naked.

We go back to the bar where we saw an unruly patron feeling up a barmaid. Enter Prudencio in his big really sombrero, checking out the place it seems for his patron, FS. FS orders his usual and enter Selenia. The owner/barmaid counsels her against being there being that only male patrons and all. Selenia doesn’t care she accepts the risk and orders the strongest drink. The barmaid offers a drink filtrado de caña (filtered from sugar cane? that’s how it translated to me anyway) but warns her it’s so strong the patrons don’t order it. I never heard of this so I am thinking drain cleaner, but that’s what Selenia wants. The barmaid says fine, it’s your esophagus (just kidding but she was probably thinking it). Meanwhile this exchange has peaked FS’s curiosity.

Back to Diego scoping out the Callao. He hears some guards talking so he runs to an empty cell and closes the door loudly. Isn’t that always the case when you are sneaking around, everything makes an echo, the clock ticking, the floorboards, the front door closing behind you. One of the guards hears the noise and wonders where it came from while the other guard tells him he’s hearing things, nobody allowed, blah, blah, blah and they leave. We cut to Diego going down some stairs while he thought bubbles Esme I’m going to find you.

Cue Amor Gitano

We come back from commercial and Diego is questioning some prisoners about a woman. They laugh and tell him they haven’t seen a woman in years but if he finds one let them know.

We cut to SAM watching the men do push ups and counting. SAM is telling them they are getting big in the middle. SAM tells them its due to frequent visits to the kitchen and some more stuff I didn’t catch. He notices somebody in the shadows and orders for him to present himself…. and it’s a gagged Cifuentes in this pj bottoms, ha. SAM finds it strange because he thought he saw him inside and then the light bulb goes off.

We cut to Monty heating up a branding iron. He wants to know who Zorro is but Esme tells him, kill me if you must I am not saying anything. Monty is getting angry and threatens Esme some more and tells her she will loose the baby. Esme tells Monty that God will punish him but that just gets Monty more angry.

We go to Spain where the Queen is reading a book and enter a surprised Jacobo to find her majesty reading. Apparently the Queen is reading books given to prepare herself for trip to America. I didn’t realize the history books where already out, I imagine it’s the same as all history is written, in favor of those writing it. The Queen asks when are they leaving but Jacobo does his best to cover up that he hasn’t even prepared the ships. I didn’t understand what he said but since we know he’s stalling he could have said engine trouble. The Queen notices it’s always something and tells Jacobo that it seems he’s not taking her plan seriously (I wonder what gave you that idea?) and if he is purposefully stalling the trip. Jacobo tells her he’s just worried about her leaving and nobody in charge. The Queen tells him that will be taken care of and leaves Jacobo in charge of convincing the royal counsel the importance of her trip.

We cut to the meeting of the brotherhood. PT says that lives are in danger and the brotherhood seems more optimistic about the Marquesa’s arrival bringing changes. PT is doubtful as Marquesa doesn’t have much power in Spain and that there is a conspiracy in Spain. They rehash the king’s assassination. They agree that while SK doesn’t appear they will be against the conspiracy. PT stresses the need for the Queen to know about SK and for SK to take the throne.

Jacobo is telling one of the royal counselors to not allow the Queen’s voyage. The RC says what the Queen says goes and since they don’t rule they have to go with it. Jacobo even bribes the RC but it didn’t look like he was going for it.

We cut to the bar where FS has bought Selenia another drink and an invite to his table. Selenia buys FS a bottle of the best wine and if FS is interested in talking he’s to come to her table. FS tells the air, it has to be Selenia the sorceress. Does everybody know this lady, what she followed them from Mexico?

We cut to Olmos in his bedroom reading. He hears a door open? and peers through the hole he made in the wall to look at Mangle undressing in the next room. He tells the air/Mangle that she will be his and his only.

We go back to the prison, where Monty complains he is tired and patience is running out. Esme is on the rack and Monty turns the wheel and demands to know who is Zorro. Esme says she doesn’t know as Monty turns the wheel. The torture is interrupted by Auggie thank goodness to tell Monty about Cifuentes being found in pjs and that that the assailant could be anywhere in the prison. Monty orders that Auggie take Esme to her cell. I wonder if Monty is getting migraines, he touches the forehead above his eye a lot. Auggie tells Esme it was only a scare and that he will have to blindfold her so she doesn’t know the way to her cell. We cut to Diego noticing a prisoner chained to wall and being the good hero he tries to open the cell with his sword but its not working. He hears some noise? and runs off.

We go to the outside of the prison where Monty demands to know where Cifuentes went. SAM tells him he went to get something hot to eat but we then see Cifuentes reporting in a giant poncho. Monty asks Cifuentes if he saw who did it. Cifuentes tells him all he saw was hand in the shadows. Monty orders Mejias to whip Cifuentes 10 times for being inept. Hey Monty, haven’t you heard a happy worker works harder. Monty orders SAM to close all exits and guard the main entrance. SAM asks Monty who he thinks did this and figures it its Zorro. Monty tells the air/Zorro that he’s going to trap him like a rat and he will die in the prison.

We cut to the bar where FS has taken a seat by Selenia. FS asks her if she really is Selenia and Selenia is surprised that her fame has followed her to the new world. FS tells her whoever is born in Europe and moved in certain circles knows who Selenia is. Selenia tells him that if FS really knew who she is, he wouldn’t have dared to sit next to her. FS needed to confirm it even if she made him disappear from the earth and landed in hell. “Hell is place where you have lived for many years, Fernando Sanchez de Moncada.” FS is surprised that she knows of him. Selenia tells him that the destiny of men is written in the stars and she can read them like an open book. FS tells her he doesn’t believe in coincidence so then she must be in his destiny.

MP tells Sister Carola about her decision to leave and that Sister Carola will be Mother Superior. MP tells SC that Padre Tomas is preparing everything and to take care of the sisters. SC says that God has put before them great tests (Nutty’s disappearance and the destruction of the mission). MP tells her God will put everything in order.

We go back to the prison where Auggie is leading a blindfolded Esme down the hallway and into a secret door/passageway. Enter Diego walking with his back turned and therefore didn’t see them go into the secret passageway. He seems sure that was the last hallway to search. He runs in the same direction he came in.

Auggie directs Esme to her cell and removes the blindfold. Auggie pleads with Esme to tell Monty all she knows about Zorro. Esme tells him she knows nothing but Auggie tells her she’s risking her and her baby’s life for Zorro. Esme tells Auggie all Monty wants to do is kill Esme and the baby and nothing she does or says will change things. Auggie is more trusting (aww poor naïve Auggie) says Monty would not permit that. He pleads with Esme to tell Monty what he wants to hear.

We go the prison yard where Monty is yelling at the guards for allowing Zorro dressed as a guard to enter. A guard says he’s sorry but he confused Zorro with Cifuentes, it was dark and all he saw was his back. SAM enters and informs Monty that the prison is sealed and entrance guarded as ordered. Monty tells guards Zorro will not escape and if somebody confronts him, kill him.

Auggie offers Esme some water and asks that Auggie tell her what happened to make Monty stop. Auggie plays it down but Esme tells AUggie that she heard him say somebody entered the prison. Auggie tells Esme she misheard, all Auggie did was tell Monty that a sentinel was missing. Esme doesn’t believe him. Auggie tells Esme for Zorro to find her he would have be a warlock as the dungeons in that of the prison are separated by secret doors which explains the blindfold. Esme begs Auggie not to lie to her. Auggie tells Esme what he wouldn’t give for somebody to rescue her. When Auggie leaves Esme, tells the air that everybody thinks her dead; Zorro won’t find her. He won’t find a dead woman.

Cut to SAM telling Monty that he’s searched and Zorro isn’t in that part of the hallway but Monty says that he wasn’t where he searched either so SAM must have missed him. Monty calls SAM worthless and starts searching where SAM came from. Zorro jumps from his hiding place and runs off.

Meanwhile at the bar, Selenia is reads FS’s palm. She tells him he is separated by two paths. He doesn’t know which one to choose and thinks it’s possibly too late. FS pulls his hand away but Selenia tells him he feels that the things he most loves are escape his hands. FS tells her that those they weren’t lying when they told him she is the best sorceress in the world. Selenia tells him she is the best and only one left. FS asks Selenia for a visit, he needs her services. Selenia surprised by this and FS tells her it’s only to ask a few questions about his destiny. Selenia tells him it will cost him and it’s for a reason she works for royalty or dignitaries. FS tells her that must have figured out from reading his palm that money is not a problem. Selenia tells him his problems are of the heart. His chest burns over a wound that has not healed (it could have just been heartburn you know) and danger follows him. All that power that he manages threatens to turn against him. He wants a private visit. Selenia agrees to tomorrow, first thing. He told where but I guess its pointless translating besides I didn’t catch it. When FS leaves, she tells the air that FS will find himself face to face with his destiny.

We go to the de la Vega’s hacienda where Yumi is sitting on the front stairs. Enter Alej to say that Dena is sleeping, she’s had a hard day. Yumi asks Alej why isn’t he sleeping, Alej isn’t sleepy so he came to get some air. Since Yumi can’t sleep either I guess insomnia is contagious in the de la Vega house. Yumi says the nighttime air is like a salve over our soul’s pain. Alej and Yumi’s song plays as he sits close to her. Alej is about to speak but Yumi shushes him and says sometimes silence is better when there are no reasons only the heart’s. They are about to kiss but Alej actually restrains himself and leaves.

Back to the prison where the guards are running around like chickens without a head and Monty screaming maldita sea (Damn it). SAM runs in to tell Monty that Cifuentes uniform was found. More maldición (damnation) from Monty and that damn Zorro must be hidden somewhere. He orders all guards to search every corner and nobody leaves until Zorro is found. Monty notices Piza come in and demands to know where he’s been. Piza says it was his day off and he wants to know what’s going on. Monty orders Piza to accompany him. Zorro reappears from his hiding place on the ceiling and runs off.

Back to Olmos the voyeur and it kinda looked like Mangle saw that Olmos was looking at her. Olmos pulls away freaked out and then goes back to looking. Mangle takes out a cofre from her bureau and starts to open it but closes it. We see Mangle crying through the peephole and Olmos gets giddy.

At the prison, Monty brings Piza up to speed. That working synapse in Monty’s brain sparks and realizes that Zorro was there looking for Esme. Piza tells Monty that everyone thinks she’s dead. Monty agrees even Diego thinks she’s dead (that actually works to ease suspicion off Diego then). Piza wants to know how Zorro knew that Esme is alive and Monty says it’s because he has a pact with the devil (and the synapse short circuits) and even if it’s a demon itself Monty will trap him. Monty tells Piza that Esme knows Zorro’s really identity but won’t say so. Monty tells Piza that since Esme won’t confess, Piza has to kill her. Piza does his impactado/frown face and Monty says Esme dies tonight.

P.S. I wanted to let you guys know that I am going on vacation to Puerto Rico for two weeks (July 7 - 21). Zorro hasn't premiered there yet and I don't think I will have internet access. If somebody could do two fridays I would appreciate it.


Rod -- Ripped & Ready!! (thanks to Jeri @TN-W)

...OR, as some might say: "Buff and Beddy!!"

For a few more choice views ....


Synopsis (summary) of "Yo Amo a Juan Querendón" translated into English

After I looked up those adorable You-Tube clips of the new show (for instance here is the opening sequence), I found the sinopsis and here's my rough translation. It sounds fun, and without murder... It will follow "La Fea."

This is the story of Juan Domínquez, an incorrigible womanizer who comes to Mexico City escaping his home town precisely because of his skirt-chasing woes. It's a funny story which presents a telenovela galán (leading man) with peculiar, eye-catching characteristics. He isn't rich, he isn't sexy (??), he doesn't look good and is a hardened Don Juan (even if just a little?) but he has a good heart.

Upon his arrival, Juan stumbles upon the love of his life, and further, he becomes a great help to the Cachón family, composed completely of women. They are: Nidia and her daughters Marely and Yadira, who just suffered the loss of the head of the household, who abandoned them to go to heaven. Juan feels bound to help them and transforms into the new provider of this house - above all, the provider of happiness.

Juan gets work as chauffeur to the Farell business and that's where he bumps into the love of his life, Paula Dávila, a sexy muchacha who's way above him (in socioeconomic status I suppose). Further, she's profoundly in love with César Luis Farell, her boss and owner of the business. Being around the woman he loves, Juan becomes her confidante and friend, and can't avoid falling in love with her more all the time, even though he knows her heart belongs to another man.

In this new scenario, Jaun begins to create his own universe, full of big lies, but good intentions. He will become a key person in the lives of all he comes near, filling them with happiness with his smile from ear to ear, with his particular way of dressing and speaking.

Juan has a very high estimation of "Woman;" for him, she is the most beautiful being on the face of the earth, the masterwork of creation, and therefore, women deserve to be respected and venerated as deities. Juan falls hopelessly in love with them because, in reality, he is in love with love.

He believes himself to be the sexiest, the most attractive, the best dancer, the one who knows everything. He plays by his own rules and, of course, always ends up winning. In few words, Juan Domínquez is a deep guy, he's a third-world Hercules who thinks he can do everything; he thinks himself hard, relentless, unfeeling. But at heart he is all generosity; he brings help, he is reliable, he is pure love, pure friendship, pure naivety.

Here's the original so you can correct me...

Esta es la historia de Juan Domínguez, un mujeriego implacable que llega a la Ciudad de México escapando de su pueblo natal, precisamente por un problema de faldas. Es una historia divertida que presenta a un galán de telenovela con características muy peculiares y llamativas. No es rico, no es guapo, no viste bien y, por si fuera poco, es un Don Juan empedernido, pero de buen corazón. A su llegada, Juan tropieza con el amor de su vida y, además, se transforma en el gran apoyo de la familia Cachón, integrada exclusivamente por mujeres. Ellas son Nidia y sus hijas Marely y Yadira, quienes acaban de sufrir la pérdida del jefe de la casa que las abandonó para irse al cielo. Juan se siente comprometido a ayudarlas y se transforma en el nuevo proveedor de esa casa, sobre todo, de felicidad.

Cuando Juan consigue trabajo como chofer de la empresa Farell, es ahí donde vuelve a toparse con el amor de su vida, Paula Dávila, una guapa muchacha que está muy por encima de él. Además, ella está profundamente enamorada de César Luis Farell, su jefe y dueño de la empresa. Con tal de estar cerca de la mujer que ama, Juan se convierte en su confidente y amigo, y no puede evitar enamorarse aún más de ella, aunque sabe que su corazón le pertenece a otro hombre.

Con este nuevo escenario, Juan empieza a crear su propio universo, plagado de grandes mentiras, pero lleno de buenas intenciones. Llegará a ser la persona clave en la vida de todos los que le rodean, contagiándolos de alegría con su sonrisa de oreja a oreja, con su particular forma de vestir y hablar. Juan tiene un concepto muy elevado de la mujer, para él, es el ser más hermoso sobre la faz de la tierra, la obra de arte de la creación, y por esa razón, las mujeres merecen ser respetadas y veneradas como deidades. Juan se enamora perdidamente de ellas porque, en realidad, es un enamorado del amor.

El cree ser el más guapo, el más atractivo, el mejor bailarín, el que todo lo sabe. Sólo juega con reglas propias y, por supuesto, siempre termina ganando. En pocas palabras, Juan Domínguez es un tipo entrañable, es el Hércules tercermundista que cree que puede con todo; se cree duro, implacable, insensible. Pero en el fondo es todo generosidad; es apoyo, es confianza, es puro amor, pura amistad, pura ingenuidad.

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Yo Amo a Juan Querendón-Index

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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Destilando Amor 5/25/07: "A Crack in the Wall"

Ma leaves for the bedroom, broadly hinting with her expressions of surprise that she doesn't need to hear any more wrong answers. Gavi has the good sense to tell Boring Beni the Benificent that she cannot accept his proposal, since he knows she is still in luuhhv with Rodrigo. Ouch! She tells him she doesn't want to be rude. She loves him greatly, but only as (and here comes the dreaded word) a "friend".

Boring Benificent Beni somehow got the wrong idea from Gavi's letter and fell in love with her after witnessing her strength, her personal growth, and her triumph over so much adversity. It inspired such a love in him for her that he's willing to settle and to hope she grows to love him. However, Gavi has sense enough to save Boring Beni from himself and to spare us from witnessing the snore of a lifetime. (Good girl, Gavil! We knew you had more horse sense than that!)

Later that night back at their apartment, Minnie Mouse, who is tapdancing for sure but still cool as a cuke, insists to Aaron that she really can get pregnant, just not for a few months. Aaron stomps his feet in a classic macho-man tantrum and demands she get pregnant immediately! "You are ruining MY PLANS!" (Aaron, you entertaining rogue, you. Trust me when I say...DON'T PUSH IT with the Minnie Mouse!) "No need to worry about Isadora," she assures him, "since artificial insemination (AI) treatments usually take time and several attempts for fertilzation." Aaron is pacified for the moment in the only way a woman knows will work.

Clarita finally returns and finds Gavi alone at the dinner table. Clarita breathes a sigh of relief when Gavi tells her she turned Boring Beni down. "He left, Ma. I told him that I still have the misfortune to be in love with Rod and so I couldn't accept." Gavi tries to explain to her mother what she has been dealing with since early that morning. "When Rod screamed in my face that he was going to have a child with Isadora, I had the greatest urge to run away and never come back. Then when he came by and started arguing with Benvenuto down below I came down to ask him to leave."

Clarita admits seeing the two of them embracing downstairs through the window. "The poor guy probably got it twisted. I was shocked at what I saw with my own eyes below, and even I got to thinking you and Bambineto....."

"--No! I asked him to do it...." Gavi tells her mother that she felt so badly for Rod after what he'd told her down there. "Those last words had me shuddering, Ma. I was sensing that he was desperate, jealous, sad... thinking that Ben and I were involved somehow......"

Clara imparts a bit of advice that only mothers know how to give and Gavi finally begins to think it over. "Why do you insist on covering the sun with a finger if the two of you still love each other?" Clarita asks.

"--But Ma, how can you say this to me after what he just told me about a child?" Clarita asks, "--and if he really just did it to spite you? He's seeing you going out with another man! He had to be in agony, thinking things are when they really aren't." "--Don't scold me anymore, Ma. Better to ask God to rub the ungrateful man out of my heart." Clarita reminds her, "--God doesn't fulfill impulsive wishes. Neither does he stand the hunchbacked upright."

Early the next morning Rod and Icedora go meet with Dr. Tejeiros, who explains how you arrive at conception through AI and all about the tests that they will both have to submit to. (Oh, puh-leeze!! This is soooo painful to listen to, much less to have to imagine. But, I guess some enquiring minds want to know.......)

Ice, of course, is just beaming. (Gawd!) The monkey-faced slut just grins from ear to ear and asks if Rod can get those tests done that same day. Rod is feeling uncomfortably humbled by this scenario but is valiently trying to hide it as best he can behind a mask of cool composure. "I am fertile. I...had a child...that didn't actually... get born... a couple of years ago. (This whole scene really has the Hubby squirming, poor baby.)

Tajeiros assures them both that if testing proves positive, Rod will not have to do it again. (Promise?) Rod, so obviously thinking along with the rest of us how degrading this all is for him, goes to submit his sample of little mini-me's for the doctor. (Slap me, somebody, please! Wake us all up from this nightmare!)

Back at the office Mariana/Gavi arrives and begins asking for Rod. Elvira says he's at the doctor's office. Mariana is impactada and asks if he's ill. Elvira, who never fails to please, looks up and bluntly tells her to go ask him herself.

Meanwhile at their apartment, Minerva listens from behind her bedroom door as Oily Oñate and Aaron discuss the Trejo situation. "So, tell me. Did either Rodrigo or Mariana ask any questions about the shipment?" "--No, they trust me completely." Then Oily explains to Aaron how Mariana and Rod have signed all the documents without ever realizing what they were doing, mainly because they were continually arguing with each other.

Aaron smiles to himself and tells Oily that putting Rod together with Mariana has worked out even better than he thought for his plans. "You know, Patricio is skittish about this." "--Sir, you do your job and let me do mine. I know what I'm doing." Oily leaves.

Once Oily is gone Minnie asks to know what's going on with Trejo. She has the right, she says, unless Aaron is planning on dumping her. (Wouldn't that be a treat?) So I guess for the meantime he isn't 'cause he tells Minnie Mouse that he made certain business agreements in his cousin's and Mariana's name so he would not be liable. Aaron's name purposely would not be listed on the documents. Unfortunately it will be Rod and Mariana who will be liable, though.

"This should prove to you that Mariana means absolutely nothing to me." Minnie smiles triumphantly. Mariana is one thing, but she wonders why he would put his cousin, Rod, at risk. Aaron rudely reminds her pointing to her forehead, "Gra-Ba-Te-La!" (engrave it) that now the family is split and it is every man for himself, literally. Pleased at this, she tells Aaron that she plans to be his full ally in this little intrigue. They hug and kiss. (Gag me.)

A bit later Gavi is in her office calling again to see if Rod has arrived yet, but he still has not. She begins to worry that he really might be sick.

Rod reappears from the lab, looking shaken, and Ice asks him if he is regretting all of this. (Gawd, I know I am.) He frowns a bit but answers "No." (You're such a bad liar, Rod.)

Trejo arrives for a meeting with Bruno, Aaron and Rod. Mariana greets him and tells him she sympathizes with his regrettable situation and hopes it can be resolved soon. He seems to be in better spirits and is hoping that Aaron will find a way to resolve things. However, once Aaron arrives he coldly tells Trejo not to expect miracles and the men go into the board room for their meeting.

Just then Rod arrives and Gavi asks him five different ways from Sunday if he is sick since Elvira told her he went to see the doctor. Rod is feeling so low that he hardly recognizes or believes in her newfound concern. He tells her that there is nothing wrong and walks off to the business meeting in a daze, contemplating the depths to which he's been forced to sink and to wallow in his despair. Gavi is confused by his change in attitude. (Enough already with playing Lady Ahab, Gaviota. Our Mexican Moby Dick is drowning in a freshwater sea of hopeless resignation. He needs rescuing!)

Bruno and Rod go to get some documents regarding surplus agave crops. Meanwhile Aaron accuses Trejo of carelessness and dragging Montalvo Corporation down with him by asking them to delay their shipments to their clients just to save his sorry rear. Trejo tries to explain he's facing bankruptcy since the CRT took away his distiller's license. He cannot wait out the investigation. Bruno and Rod enter the meeting room just then. They want to see what they can do for Trejo because they have some extra agave they can utilize to help him out till the sanction is lifted.

Trejo is desperate because the banks won't loan him any more money while the sanctions are in place, so he earnestly hands them over the only thing of value left, his client list with all their standing orders. In exchange for a percentage of the net profits he begs them to take it. Both Rod and Bruno are shocked and embarrassed because this would be like robbing him of his clients. Aaron screams at Trejo that it would be illegal. Bruno says this would be practically an impossibility for them.

Aaron is merciless. "The time for doing favors is over! This in not a House of Charity." He calls Trejo a naive old jackass who is paying for his foolishness. "You're jinxed...... Go and take your fall to ruin honorably at least." He stomps out of the room and the meeting is over.

Bruno and Rod are mortified by this painful scene. Bruno apologizes to Trejo and says there is nothing more they can do. Trejo says he has learned his lesson. He won't beg and will at least leave with his dignity in tact, unlike Bruno. He pities Bruno, now a puppet of Aaron's, who has lost his ability to act on his own, hiding instead behind that of his son's. Trejo leaves then in a huff.

Bruno turns to Rod and wonders if his nephew thinks that is true. "Perhaps Aaron could have had something to do with Trejo's problem?" (What could ever make him think that, now? Hmmm?) Rod tries to smooth things over and tells his uncle no, Aaron is simply an aggressively ruthless businessman.

De la Vega, the smarmy new neighbor across the hall, takes another business call in Rod and Ice's apartment. He asks her if he can impose and receive another call there because he still hasn't gotten his phone put in nor replaced his cellular. She says fine. The maid is there so feel free. He watches her with his tongue hanging out as she goes out the door.

Dani visits Rod at the office before leaving to go back to New York. She gets to play therapist. Lying on his couch, Rod tells her how at first finding out that Mariana was really Gavi was a blessing, but now he's consumed with jealousy. "Well, what did she tell you? Where is the great love you swore to each other?" "--She says she was deceived because I married Isadora. Well, that's a hopeless situation now. Look, Isadora wants a child and as soon as she is ready she's going to go through with the insemination--" "--No! No! No! That is stupidity!" Dani warns him.

"--Well, I have stop chasing Gaviota. It is the only basis for the child--" "--No! Are you sure she really is dating another man?" "--Of course! Clearly! An Italian. I hate thinking she's got a lover, but.....--"

"--But are you sure of this? Did she tell you this?" "--I've seen them! You tell me. What would you think? He comes by work to pick you up. He sends you flowers. He writes you little messages with romantic words. He takes you back to your apartment. Even gets on with the doorkeeper. And trails after you."

Dani counters,"That doesn't mean she's having a romantic relationship with him!" Rod is emphatic."--What are you saying? Every time she goes out with him she dresses up, looking beautiful; she hugs him and kisses him. Each time he comes to her house its as if it's his own!" Rod becomes enraged at this thought. "She's going to bed with him! Who knows how many others! You should see her at the cocktail parties. All the men gather around her and flirt with her. She answers back to them, smiles for them! Her diary is filled with men's names! She is not Gaviota anymore. She has changed into...'Mariana Franco, a woman of the world.'" He gets so worked up he tries to convince himself and Dani that Gavi never really loved him and probably never did get pregnant at all, just lied about it to get back at him. Dani rolls her eyes at this.

Meantime, after two long years, Gavi curiously begins singing at her computer as she types. "Ay! Gaviota!..." A picture appears on her screen as she remembers the two of them kissing so passionately the night they made love. She smiles at the thought. "Oh, if you only knew. If you only knew how much I love you, Rodrigo."

Rod despondently continues his story. "She even gave me back the watch I gave her and told me she didn't love me anymore. I have to latch onto something to keep from falling further into the abyss." "--But a child is not the way to free yourself from an inconvenient love. You made a big mistake getting married," Dani replies. "Put yourself in her shoes." The woman felt deceived and betrayed. After all he did marry someone else and that had to be difficult to swallow. "It is a way for her to defend against the love she is feeling for you."

There are tears in his eyes. "If I told her I am going to get a divorce and marry her...." (Making progress here.....) Dani counters, "Love is an event. It isn't good reasoning." She explains that he needs to talk to her face to face and ask her again if she's really involved with the other guy or not. "If she asks me not to ask about her personal life?"

"--You got off to a bad start and both of you are suffering because of it. Don't make another mistake. It would put an end to her love forever. Think about it." She leaves him. He is shattered and in tears. Rod has finally, most definitely hit bottom. The only way is up from here. The only question is: will it be in a dead man's float or by swimming up alive......

Over latés Minnie tells Isa that she believes Rod is in love with Mariana Franco, though Ice doesn't want to believe it. "Mariana isn't my rival. The real danger for me is Gaviota!" However, Icedora must have figured Minnie was on to something because a bit later Minnie gets to listen in while she calls Rod to see "...what time you're going to get home, my love... Oh. Is there a CRT function this evening? ... Are you going with Mariana?" He says yes there is and yes she will be there, and reluctantly he tells her where it will be. Ice hangs up and Minnie says she knows exactly where the place is.

Gavi takes a call from Beni as Rod comes by her door to ask her to come to his office about something. He is certain who it is. He hears her reluctantly say something about having a prior committment. She notices how disheveled he looks as he tucks back in his shirt. He purposely interrupts her call two or three times and then leaves.

James comes by Grammy P's to speak to Sofia that morning. He apologizes for his bad behavior and leading her on when she was visiting at the ranch earlier. He says he tried to explain in his letter, but she spits back that she tore it up without reading it. He tells her he truly loves Acacia and so he has decided to stay in Jalisco, with her. Sofia kicks him out and tells him never to come back again. He leaves. She screams in frustration and a large plate of cosmic justice is now served.

Rod tells Mariana that he's already decided who will be heading up the new school of tasting experts: his best friend, James. This scares her because he might know who she is. "You know this puts me at risk!! Who else in your family knows about me? Does your cousin know who I am?" Rod assures her no one else knows and James wouldn't recognize her anyway. He says that James will stay in Jalisco and they will deal directly there and bypass her completely.

Right then, without knocking, Elvira interrupts to tell Rod his wife is on the phone. He reprimands her and tells her to knock first from now on. (About time, too!) She apologizes and reminds him of the function that night and leaves. Rod asks Mariana if she will be going to the business function that night. She says yes and that she will meet him there.

Back at Dry Gulch Acres Meliton is stumbling around the place drunk as a skunk at high noon and screaming for Acacia. Eventually he finds her sleeping on top of James' bed in the tool shed. The pervert starts to run his hands all up and down her legs. (Gawd this is giving me the willies.....) She whispers "Mister James" in her sleep and he goes ballistic. He pulls her by the hair. She wakes up in a fright. He kicks and pushes at her. He is screaming all sorts of accusations about James and her sleeping together. Terrified, she denies it all. Eventually she trips and hits her head on the stone steps on the front porch. Meliton, thinking the ungrateful wench has up and died on him, curses her out and races off in his truck in a cowardly rush.

At the same time, in Mexico City, James meets with Rodrigo to discuss the tasting school proposition. James agrees and then confesses all the perverted things that have been taking place at Dry Gulch Acres between Acacia and her uncle, then how she refused to marry him or to leave, and how he planned to take her away with him and marry her after the harvest. Rod is totally impactado with all the down-and-dirty. James then admits he can't live without her. Rod says he understands his friend completely. (No duh.)

Meanwhile, Hilario and Isidro are checking the peanut crop over at the Dry Gulch and commenting how good James' crop will be. They are getting into their truck to leave when they see Acacia lying unconcious on the steps. The guys carefully put her in the truck and take her to the hospital.

That evening at the CRT function, Aaron sees Pamela there. He makes his way over to speak with her. Aparrently Daddy is her date tonight. He tells her to ditch her daddy but she is still upset at the humiliating treatment she got in Miami.
Pamela must have expected Minnie Mouse to hug and kiss her and invite her to stay for dinner because since then she has refused to answer his e-mails and his phone calls.

Aaron persuades Pamela to warm up to him by convincing her that he has something really important to tell her about how things will be changing and that this will make it all worthwhile. This peaks Pamela's curiosity. She goes off to whine to her daddy that Aaron has something important to tell her, despite his rotten habits. She demands that since it is her life to live, he should let her. Daddy walks off in disgust.

Rod arrives late and joins Mariana who is chatting up a few of the other attendees. She compliments him over the success the company has had under his direction. He modestly kids around with the group but makes her the butt of his jokes. She gets disgusted and walks off. He finds her and she tells him off. "I am trying to recognize your talents and you mock me in public!" He explains it was only to throw people off the scent so nobody would suspect that he's interested in her. She doesn't buy it and walks away, but on her way out she runs into the head of the CRT, Avellaneda, with Aaron and Pamela. Rod joins them all. There are introductions all 'round, then Mariana leaves. Avellaneda tells Aaron and Rod that Trejo is being sued by his clients for not complying with their contracts.

Rod looks around and suddenly realizes Mariana is already heading out. He excuses himself and takes out after her. She gets into her car and leaves. Rod, a bit behind her, gets his car and follows her. A minute or two later Minnie and Isa drive up and get out of their chauffered SUV. Minnie hurries Isadora. Ice goes in ahead of her friend. Minnie smiles, thinking to herself that before she and Aaron return to Miami she will make certain Rodrigo and Isadora's marriage is a total failure, the idea being jealous fighting = no baby-making. (For once I am hoping the nasty broad pulls it off.) They go in to look for their husbands.

Just as Aaron finally gets Pamela off somewhere by herself where they can talk alone, he looks up to see Minnie and Isa entering the hall looking for him and Rod.


La Fea Más Bella #283 5/25/07 That is what I call a kiss!

That's #281 by Univision's count; 2! 8!! 3!!! hours of pain and delight.

"I promise that Leticia is going to end up with the man she deserves. I promise you that," Aldo assures the cuartel enigmatically. He excuses himself. They ask one another who that is - Aldo, or Fernando? Juana says she'll try to divine this; she closes her eyes and begins chanting.

Meanwhile, Aurora (in orange) and "Inocencio" flirt for the cameras with a tense, subtext-laden conversation about kissing (she even calls him "Mendiola" by mistake!). Luigi decides that talk is cheap and it's time for some action between these two - he wants them to kiss ON THE LIPS! This request catches the two "actors" off guard! They ask, ¡¿QUE?! and freeze! Marcia gestures impatiently, and Luigi snaps them out of it. He says that without a kiss, the show will be missing something. (You said it, Luigi!)

Fern pulls him aside and says absolutely not. Aurora takes Luigi by the elbow and says she agrees - she's not kissing Señor Mongolia. Luigi sympathizes with her for not wanting to kiss Fern, but suggests that she chew some gum or close her eyes and think about... but Fern is tapping him on the shoulder. "Forget it, Luigi," he advises.

Luigi gets emotional and says the project is very important for him. He's put up with all of their mood swings, and he just wants them to kiss. If they don't, he'll quit the show. So there, he can be moody too!

Fern and Aurora call for a time-out and march into their respective corners. Fern goes into his dressing room and tells the mirror that he can't kiss another woman because then he'd be betraying Lety. He takes out his wallet photo and pleads with Lety to understand that although his love for her (still "usted") is infinite, he's just acting. He has to do it for the show, to pay off "Domensolin," and keep things from going bad for his parents.

He reaches into his pocket and holds up his defaced Aurora picture next to his ugly Lety photo. "I can do it, I can do it," he encourages himself, warming up for his scene.

Meanwhile, Aurora is pacing in the hallway, rhetorically asking Aldo (who isn't there) what she should do. She doesn't want to betray him, but if she doesn't do the kiss, this whole Aurora scam will have been for naught. She prays to God for forgiveness.

Luigi is still sulking on the stage with his hands clasped in a prayer of his own when Aurora and Fern come back. Luigi asks Aurora what she's decided. Aurora wants to know who's watching in the booth - the executives? Luigi says yes, everyone - Marcia, Caro, Omar, Aldo... everyone. Nervously (borderline-Lety), Aurora says "If I have to do it, then I have to do it."

"Then I quit!" Luigi squeaks. Then he does a double-take. "You'll do it?" "Yes." Luigi flies off the stage and into the booth, hugging everyone happily. He calls Action.

Fernando asks Aurora to close her eyes and pucker up. He says it's an acting technique he read on the Internet. (And what else have you been reading on the Internet, Fern?) She complies, and when her eyes are closed, he holds up the modified Aurora picture next to her face. (At this point, you should be having flashbacks of Fern and Lety's first kisses, when Fern was using a photo of Paty Manterola for inspiration.)

He puts the picture away while Aurora is still puckered up, and the two sit on the sofa. The spectators in the booth quake with tension. Luigi tells the lighting guy to do his thing. The rest of the stage darkens, spotlighting Inocencio and Aurora. Started, Fern looks up. Aurora STILL has her eyes shut. Luigi cues another lighting effect - floating colored spotlights. Everyone reacts to the beauty of this effect. Even Aldo is hypnotized. Fern notices that some candles have suddenly ignited, and he seems a bit spooked. Aurora asks what's going on. He tells her it's nothing, but he had thought there was a fire.

Choking with emotion, Luigi calls for the moon. Lovely Luna obediently hovers into place over the fake-looking cityscape outside the window. Fern mutters to Aurora about how nasty Luigi's being.

Caro grins in anticipation.

"Forgive me, Lety..." Fern whispers as he haltingly reaches for Aurora. Aurora's eyes snap open in surprise as Fernando's face moves in.

"Kiss her! Kiss her!" Luigi weeps, enthralled yet again with his own brilliance.

It takes about a quarter of a second for the kiss to become seriously hot. Caro beams. Fern and Aurora come to their senses and spring apart with a sound effect. Luigi yells "CUT!" and the two stars run back to their corners.

"It can't be!" Fern tells himself in the mirror. He flashes back to several memorable Fern/Lety kisses. He can't decide whether Aurora kisses like Lety, or if she is Lety. He tentatively decides that she's Lety.

He runs into Omar in the Vortex of Stupidity and gives him a bear-hug. He says he always has Omar to tell his good things and his bad things; his stupid things and his nice things too. He thanks Omar and says "it was her!" Perplexed, Omar asks for an explanation; these guys should know better than to try to communicate difficult concepts in the Vortex. Fern explains that those lips (he pulls Omar's lip playfully) - that kiss - it was her.

Fern doesn't even give Omar a chance to ask. He says it'll be enough if just he and his mother understand. Then he tells Omar in a gleeful voice that it was Lety. "I kissed Lety, Carvajal!" At Omar's astonished reaction, Fern says he was sitting in front of Aurora, but then he clearly sensed that she was Lety. No, he's not hallucinating. He's not losing his marbles. He repeats that yes, it was Aurora, but he felt that it was Lety. It was the flesh of Lety, her aroma, her breath. It was her. (He demonstrates the eye-twitch, just in case Omar's forgotten who Lety is.)

Fern backpedals a bit, saying that it was Lety incarnate. It was a more sophisticated version of Lety. But... but... Fern is clearly confused. He stalks off without letting Omar get a word in edgewise.

Then he comes running back, nearly knocking Omar over with another hug. "Thanks for listening to me, buddy. I love talking with you, and what you say really helps." He slugs Omar on the arm and takes off again.

Back on the set, Marcia is telling Luigi and Aldo how amazing it is that Fern became an actor practically overnight. Aldo laughs and agrees that Fern is a stupendous actor. Omar arrives just in time to hear Luigi saying that the kiss was so real, so sublime... it seemed like Fern and Aurora were in love. Marcia says it was all thanks to Luigi's great directing, as always.

I have just one question. Have these people been slurping peyote martinis out of lead goblets? Garnished with mercury-stuffed olives? I can't tell whether they're hallucinating, brain-damaged, or just plain crazy.

Aldo says he thinks that Fernando wrote the kiss scene with an ulterior motive in mind. Marcia is intrigued by this idea, but Luigi nixes it - nope - he wrote that part all by himself, because he's so creative, to give it that romantic touch.

Meanwhile, Aurora looks in the mirror and touches her lips. "Don Fernando kissed me," she tells herself in her Lety voice. Caro finds her and teases her about the kiss. L'Aurorety tries to pass the whole thing off as acting, but quickly reverts to babbling. "Don Fernando kissed me, Carolina! Don Fernando kissed me!" She worries that Aldo saw her. "I feel awful!"

Carolina reminds her that Aldo doesn't know that his megasqueeze Lety is disguised as Aurora. "But I know it, Carolina! I know I felt bad because Aldo was there." Plus, he saw HOW Fernando kissed her.

Fern parks himself outside her dressing room and asks to come in. For some reason, the women agree that it would be better if Fern didn't see them together, so she haughtily answers, "I'll see you in your dressing room in a minute." Fern leaves, and Caro says she'll go get a coffee. Caro gives Lety a blessing and reminds Lety to call Aldo.

Those crazy kids

Carolina sneaks down the hallway and runs into Omar. He says he heard she was in Aurora's dressing room, which is why I don't understand why she was sneaking. Oh well! She says she was about to go for a coffee. He says okay, and she starts fiddling with her hair. (They are slightly awkward and bashful. And cute.) He mentions that they haven't talked about last night. Caro says right, last night, at her house, when they were together. :-)

Omar asks Caro how she's doing. "Uh, why do you ask?" she asks suspiciously. "Oh, just a question," he replies coolly. "Okay, I'm doing well, many thanks, very nice, I'll go now, excuse me!" And she marches past him coldly. Omar tries to detain her, but only manages to stammer helplessly. Caro answers even more coldly, "See you later, thanks. I've got a lot of things to do." And she starts down the hallway, but before she turns the corner, she hears Omar scolding himself for being an oaf. She pauses, but then keeps walking.

Alone at last, Omar says, "Why didn't you tell her that you like her, that she fascinates you, and her eyes, and her mouth, and you want to be with her again? That you want to be with her forever?"

Why indeed.

Caro has a similar conversation with herself in the next hallway... actually she's just scolding herself for thinking that Omar was going to declare his love.

In the Whirlpool of Insipidness

Alicia is loafing in Marcia's office and bemoaning the end of her little check-forging scam. She finds a magazine article: "Analyze His Handwriting and DOMINATE Him." This gives her an idea, and I'm sure it's ingenious, but we don't get to hear her explain it because Marcia comes in at that moment. Marcia is not pleased to find Alicia there. Alicia invites Marcia to sit... in the guest chair. Marcia protests, and they switch. Alicia says she just needed to be alone so she could think. I think Marcia suggests that Alicia go to the moon to think, but I'm not sure.

Alicia shows Marcia the magazine article and asks if she believes in such things. "Your man's signature can help you discover his potential sensuality and creativity," Marcia reads. She makes a surprised face... but I think it's the "what an idiot you are" kind of surprise.

This is not how the Scientific Method works

Aurora is doing her best to be snooty with Fern, but he reassures himself that it was Lety's flesh, aroma, breath. He grins goofily at the memory. Then he catches Aurora giving him the evil eye, and his smile disappears. He says he has a question for her; he has to ask, because it's driving him crazy. He says, "I kissed you, but I felt that you weren't you, it wasn't you, it was someone else. But it was you." He doesn't sound very sure.

"Who were you kissing?" Aurora asks, struggling to keep her composure. Fern stammers and says he needs to conduct an experiment. He'll have to touch her a little bit. It won't hurt. It's just a little experiment.

She doesn't protest, so he reaches out with his finger and tweaks the corner of her eye! (It's too bad he can't hear the sound effect, because that would give it away for sure.) She continues to stare at him coolly through her other eye!

Four minutes or eight commercials later, he's still doing it. She pushes his hand away and he stammers some more. Her phone rings - I can tell by the dismayed look on her face that it's Aldo, the man who has totally won her heart and makes her happier than any other man on earth. She excuses herself to take the call. While she's gone, he amuses himself by looking at the altered Aurora photo some more.

She takes the call in the hallway and tells Aldo in her sexiest baby-voice that she's been very busy doing things. He's curious as to what sorts of things can be so important that she's never at the office. He was starting to think she might be too busy to answer the phone, too. He says she has no idea how much he misses her.

She flashes back to the Aurora/Inocente kiss on the sofa. "Aldo, I love you. Never doubt it, okay?" He assures her that he loves her too. "Thanks, and forgive me," she says. This makes him curious, but for once he doesn't push it.

She goes back into the dressing room with a pensive look on her face. Fern hurriedly puts the picture away. "Are you okay?" he asks her. "No," she answers quietly. She explains that it's because of love. Fern says he's cried over love too. A love that he himself sullied and betrayed. "What a shame," Aurora says coldly, not meeting his eyes. She suggests that they not talk about it.

He asks if she's very much in love. She turns her back to him, but now she sees him in the mirror. "Does he love you like you deserve?" She has no answer for this either. Fern explains that he deceived the woman he loved, and lost her. He advises her never to deceive or lie to the one she loves, nor let him deceive her or lie to her.

Aurora keeps her own eyes on Lety's and doesn't say a word. Fern excuses himself and leaves. "I'm deceiving Aldo," she finally says out loud. "Every time I become Aurora, I deceive him." She can no longer look herself in the eye. She begins to write on a loose piece of paper.

The Newlyweds Game

Tomas is balancing the books in his orange office. He's wearing an orange and off-white striped shirt. Did I ever mention that orange was my favorite color? He asks himself, "When am I going to pay all these taxes?" He laughs and says maybe it'll be the same day his chica lets him into her bed.

Said chica comes in and tells him he's more handsome today than ever. She puts a folder in front of him and asks him to sign his name. She says that from his signature, she can discover how sensual and creative he is. He is skeptical. She assures him that all the psychoanalysts and architects (yes, she said "architects") in the world are into this stuff.

Tomas relents and agrees to sign. Then he hesitates. He reminds her that he can be sensual, when he's around her. He'd love to demonstrate for her, if she'd just let him. She pushes him away and says that first, he must sign. She hints that it will inspire her. Plus, it's not just about sensuality - it's also about creativity. "But they're the same thing," Tomas argues.

She calls him "little dog's ear," and that almost seals the deal. Almost. He asks her to leave the room so he can sign in private. She complains that he wants to keep secrets from her.

Later, Tomas agonizes alone in his office about the signature. He's afraid that if he signs his name, he'll reveal too much of himself. (Get real, Tomas. She's already seen you naked.) "She could manipulate me!" he realizes. He weighs this against the possibility that it could get him some action with his wife. Still, it seems strange to him.

He looks at the magazine she left. On the one page is an underwear ad with a pretty girl. He reminds himself that he already has a chica, and continues flipping pages. He finds the handwriting analysis article. He decides to beat Alicia at her own game. (See metagaming). For example, the article warns that if a man's letters are too small, just imagine what else might be small! Tomas nods knowingly - they're referring to the size of his intelligence, of course! So he's going to give her a big, big signature.

Alicia comes in just as he's about to finally commit some ink. He jumps up guiltily and says he'll let her know when he's done. She says okay, but she hopes that's before she has grey hair and is walking with a cane. She reminds him to hurry, and gives him his privacy.

Tomas turns back to the magazine article and vows to himself that when she sees his signature, she's going to go crazy with desire.

In the Monster Ladyparts Seashell of Doom Grotto

Fern has changed into a white or possibly pale lavender shirt with a purple tie. Luigi says he's ready to edit the show, and he thinks it's going to be deee-vine. He hints (okay, says) that Fern should give him a lot of money for this. Fern says he doesn't have any and asks why he should give it to Luigi anyway. Luigi reminds him that it was his idea for Fern to kiss Aurora.

"That wasn't Aurora," Fern mutters. He retreats to the batcave, leaving a confused Luigi to ask himself, "My God, who understands those machos?"

Fern finds a note taped to his lamp. It reads, "Forgive me, but I cannot agree to kiss you because I would be betraying the man that I love."

As if Aurora would ever write such a courteous, heartfelt note and then personally leave it in his office!

"Ah, I remember when Lety loved me that way," Fern sighs. "If she loved me like that right now, as much as Aurora loves her boyfriend, I'd be very happy."

(Oh Fern, you dumbass. I love you, but you're a dumbass.)

Clothes make the man

Lety is back. She's wearing sort of an orchid-colored gigantic blazer. She's ready to leave with Aldo, but he has to go to the publisher first and do some Flavor of Life stuff. Lety makes her most childish face (think Peewee Herman) and complains that he's going to see Carmina, aka Stalker Chick. "Of course - my favorite writer," Aldo teases. He kisses her forehead (strangely enough, I don't need a cold shower after seeing this) and he tweaks her chinny-chin and they exchange baby-talks and say goodbye.

Oh - I just realized they're in the Vortex. Well, that never helps.

She goes into the Grotto and finds Fern in her chair, praying to the seashell painting. (Today the pencils are all yellow.) He gets up nervously, but she invites him to keep his seat. She takes the guest chair. He confesses that today, while shooting the program, he kissed Aurora. He didn't want to, but Luigi made him do it. And when he kissed her, he felt like he was kissing Lety instead. Lety hems and haws and says that she doesn't look anything like Aurora, right? He agrees, but he still felt as though she and Aurora were the same person.

Lety decides that this would be a good time to switch seats. I guess it's a magical seat, because it gives her confidence. She goes into Boss mode and tells him to forget about it; it's absurd. He suggests that perhaps he wants Lety and Aurora to be the same person because he misses Lety so much. That's why the kiss clicked. And maybe that's why he's falling in love with Aurora.

Lety warns him that it would go very badly if he were to fall in love with Aurora. He gets up to go back to his batcave. He pauses at Lety's side and whispers in her ear, "Know what? Aurora's not too bad of an actress." (Lety smirks triumphantly.) He adds that it was hard to flirt with her when they were acting, she's not crazy about him. Lety says that's why he should forget about this absurd idea of being with Aurora. (I may have screwed this part up a little - someone correct me if I got it wrong.) Fern says, "They say that from hate, love is born." (That seems kinda backwards too.) He goes to the batcave.

"No, no, no, no!!" Lety says, banging her desk. Fern pops out of the batcave to check on her. She sends him back in and curses that damn kiss with Don Fernando. She repeats that Don Fernando doesn't mean anything to her. Nothing, nothing, nothing. (Who is she trying to convince?)

"Don Fernando. So divine!"

In the Delta of Ennui

In the boys' clubhouse (now sporting all yellow pens, no green ones), Omar plays with a toy on his desk, moping. Fern plays with some other trinket and finally flings it at Omar to get his attention. Fern invites Omar to open up and cry on his shoulder, if necessary.

(I would like a poster of this.)

Omar says he doesn't understand Carolina. They were together the other night, it was marvelous, and now not so much. Fern says maybe she doesn't feel the same way as Omar. Omar says he knows when he's with a woman, if he has satisfied her... Fern says "Me yes... you, I don't know." Omar says he knows, too. And he needs to know why Carolina is being so indifferent to him now.

Fern says Omar's wasting his time asking him... he should ask Caro instead. Omar is horrified by the prospect of having to make himself vulnerable to her. Fern says there isn't another way to find out what's in a woman's heart. Unless he wants to read seashells or something. (Well, Juana will be happy to do it for him, if he wants!) Omar says he's an expert at seducing models and dancers, but in this case he doesn't know what to do. He's never felt this way inside before. It hurts.

Fern laughs and says maybe Omar has gas! "I've never had gas! - uh, that is, I've never had to confess this to anyone." In fact, when he explained himself to Aurora, she took off. "I'm an amateur," he says.

Fern firmly says that if Omar doesn't say it, he's not going to find out.

The Return of the Cuartel

Lety tells PM that she's going to see Aldo - he wants to show her something. Away she goes. Martha tells the cuartel she feels like having a sandwich. Sara scolds her and says they only ate two hours ago. "That long?" Martha answers in horror. Her innards have been churning with hunger. PM and Lola worry that it's abnormal, and urge her to go to a doctor. She says she's not sick. Sara says if she keeps eating all the time, she'll become sick. Martha says there's nothing more healthy than eating. "Not to excess," PM says. "Fine - if you see me overdoing it, warn me," Martha says.

"You're overdoing it!" they chorus. Martha makes a face. Sara says it's a waste of their time to worry about her. She's a lost cause. PM agrees. They begin to disperse. Then Martha doubles over. They all rush back to her. She admits that she just had a stomach cramp (retortijón) - but it was just a little one. They offer to take her to a doctor, but she wants to finish her sandwich! They take it away from her, but she demands and takes it back.

Let's not forget the client

Marcia meets with Jacques at RetroMod. She updates him on the TV show and says Luigi's editing it now. She asks how he wants to promote it. (Jacques grabs a piece of paper and yellow pencil. Seriously, no pens in any office in Mexico city?) He wants to create a lot of buzz for the show's premiere. He wants to raise people's expectations as high as possible. She tells him to watch what they come up with.

At Carolina's

Carolina mopes and wonders why she feels so strongly for Omar. She thinks about how much she likes him, and picks up the phone. Then she changes her mind and throws it on the couch. She does a little impression of Omar saying "Carolina, you know that you and I are good friends."

"I'm an idiot. I can't fool myself about Omar," she tells herself.

More words of wisdom

Omar visits Fernando in the batcave. Well, no, actually he just walks into the batcave, looks at Fern, then walks out. Hey - someone should let Carolina know that this is how Omar is behaving around everyone these days.

Omar comes back in, takes a deep breath, and says "Okay, suppose that you're right and I tell Caro what I'm feeling; to show her my love I would have to bring her a gift. But what can I give Carolina to tell her how happy she's made me, how she's made me feel?"

Hmm. Interesting question, Omar. Let me remind you of some of the gifts you gave Fern to give Lety: Stuffed animals, some of them creepy-looking. Candy. Mushy cards. A pot of tulips.

Omar can't hear me. Or can he? Here are the ideas he shares with Fern: Flowers. Teddy bear. Chocolates. Maybe take her to the movies...

Fern sits there mutely. Omar thanks him profusely. He grabs Fern's hand and hauls him up for a big hug. He thanks Fern for his helpful words and leaves.

Fern asks himself if he could be falling in love with Aurora.

Filler scene

The cuartel (including a rejuvenated Martha) gather around Luigi and ooh and ahh as he edits the show. They get too noisy and he tells them to return to their caves, but Juana wants to see this particular scene one more time. He refuses and sends them away.

Oh, just sign it already

Saimon and Celso are now assisting Tomas with the complicated project of creating a signature that will knock Alicia off her feet. Saimon says that Tomas will have to make the letter P very round. (There's no "P" in Tomas Mora.) The X (also not in Tomas's name) should be large and square. Tomas points out that he needs to know how to make his T and his M. Celso takes the magazine away from Saimon and says he can't find those letters.

"Oh no, that can't be! I need them to write my name!" Tomas takes the magazine from Celso. Celso and Saimon laugh. (I'm guessing this is the same joke as "the word 'gullible' isn't in the dictionary. Ha-ha, made you look!") They tease him and make fun of his task. Tomas explains why it's important to him. Celso and Saimon are surprised to hear that Tomas and Alicia have not had any hanky-panky yet. Tomas backpedals and claims that they have done stuff, but... he gets flustered and kicks them out. "It's a true scandal," Saimon and Celso repeat to one another. They are in a highly confused state and you just know this is going to end up in a distorted mess by the time it gets to the cuartel.

Tomas sits down with the pen and, after a few more false starts, lets it sink slowly down towards the paper...

Goody goody gumdrop!

Aldo is preparing to give Lety a big surprise. Don't worry, it's nothing gross. It's just a photo... of a honkin' big yacht. He wants to have their wedding on this yacht.

Lety loves it. They then share their first serious kiss since Acapulco. (I just noticed Lety's little curlicues in front of her ears. They used to be slicked-down sideburns. When did she get rid of the sideburns? I never noticed until tonight.)

Unfortunately for Aldo, Lety is not any more focused on Aldo than I am on the kiss. While I'm thinking about her sideburns, she's thinking about Aurora and Inocente swappin' spit on the sofa in front of cameras and the executive staff of Conceptos. She realizes what's happening and pulls away from Aldo in shock.

"My love, what's wrong?" Aldo asks cluelessly.

Is it just me, or is this getting really weird?

Lety goes spastic and begins plotting Aurora's death.


Friday, May 25, 2007

Destilando Amor 5/24 Elvira shares her suspicions, Rod screams in a park and Fedra wants a new daughter in law

At Rancho Arroyo Seco, James has returned from town but he tells Acacia that he forgot the rat poison. He offers to set a trap instead. Acacia stares at him and tells him that he doesn’t understand….

Meliton approaches and tells James that he’s heard James is going to DF. Acacia is fearful. Meliton asks when he will be back, in light of the upcoming harvest. James says he doesn’t know, it’s a matter to discuss with Rod. But Hilario will be by to check on the crops. Meliton grumbles to himself that James didn’t ask him for his help. James grumbles bitterly to himself that Acacia will not turn Meliton in to the authorities for all the harm he has caused.

At Corporativo Montalvo, Gavi/Mariana comes into Rod’s office smiling with some documents for him. He plays it cool, just put them on the table, he says. She asks if she should confirm his attendance at an upcoming event. He says yes, but it doesn’t matter to me if you go or not. She tells him she’s planning to go. His phone rings and it’s Isa. She tells him they can’t get an appointment with the doctor until tomorrow morning. He says, it doesn’t matter, the decision is made.

When he hangs up, Gavi asks, anything else? Yes, he says. Very deliberately, he tells her that in order to strengthen his marriage and get over loving Gavi so much, he has decided to have a child with Isa. Gavi looks away from him, disgusted. Rod looks at her for her reaction. She thinks to herself, go ahead and do that, that’s the best way to get you out of my heart. She tells him, she has only one thing to say to him. Congratuations! She walks out and slams the door. He tells himself that this will be the way for him to get away from all of his jealousy. Now your love belongs to someone else, it’s not mine.

Just then Aaron and Minerva knock on the door. How are things? Rod says alls well except that little problem with Artemio Treijo’s shipment. Minnie asks, what’s new with Isa? Aaron asks, where is Mariana Franco? That gets a jealous rise out of Minnie. Then Elvira calls to tell Rod the family has arrived for the meeting. They all get up to leave. Aaron asks Rod if he’s smoothed over the rough patch with Mariana, Rod looks pained and is fumbling for words. Aaron laughs at him for being so overly enthusiastic about talking about Mariana. They go into the meeting.

In the copy room, a worker is making copies. Gavi is looking off into the distance, very sad. She wipes away a few tears.

Fedra turns to Minnie in the boardroom, how was Houston? Minnie says she’ll tell her later. They are waiting for Mariana and some documents. Rod wonders to himself if Gavi was bothered by what he said to her, but he figures that she doesn’t care about his life. Aaron and Patricio are starting to whisper about Aaron’s dealings. Bruno tries to find out about their conversation. Dona Pilar tells them that while they’re waiting for the docs, she’d like to thank them for coming, Daniela will arrive this evening, etc.

Mariana enters the boardroom with the docs for everyone describing the financials during Rod’s tenure there. Minnie is staring at her. Rod tells her she can leave when she’s done. Aaron motions for her to stay. Mariana is reluctant to stay, since it’s a family meeting. Bruno tells her they value any thoughts she has. Minnie is disgusted.

Pilar tells them that she got a call from the tequila regulator, who expressed concern about the bad shipment to Artemio Treijo’s clinet. Aaron asserts that it was a clean deal on their end. If there was a problem, it was Artemio’s bad luck and Artemio’s responsibility. Rod thinks they should help Artemio, if they can. Mariana agrees. Aaron wants them for forget it! If we were in this situation, no one would help us. Let’s cut our losses and cut ties with Treijo. Patricio looks uncomfortable. Pilar says that what happened was a tragedy. Aaron speculates that Treijo got involved with the black market.

Placido enters the room and whispers to Mariana that someone has arrived for her. Mari excuses herself and Rod looks after her as she leaves, confused. As Mari opens the door to exit, who should be there but Isa! TWB gives her a friendly greeting and comes in. Rod is less that thrilled that his wife is there. He excuses himself to go get some documents. Isa whispers to Sophie that Rod has agreed to try for a child and the two of them squeal.

Mariana exits the building and Benvenutto is waiting with the car outside. She gives him a hug and Rod sees them from a window inside the building. Rod tries to pull himself away from watching them, but he can’t.

Back in the boardroom, Pilar wants them to settle the Treijo matter without discord in the family. Bruno states that they have to deal with the problem. Pilar is concerned about the damage it could do to the corporation’s image and she tells Aaron to shape up his attitude.

Isa and Sophie take the opportunity to leave when the conversation turns to financial matters. Minnie watches them go. In Rod’s office, Sophie asks if Rod really agreed to have a child, or if Isa just said that to get at Minerva. Isa tells her that it was strange, Rod came home last night and asked her point blank about getting a doctor’s appointment. She has learned not to ask why. She prefers his silence to any answer he might give her. They speculate about the shock that Rod’s child would cause Minnie and Aaron.

Minnie, listening from the door berates them for not inviting her to come with them. At a time like this, she needs them to be on her side. She carefully tells Isa she’s genuinely happy for her with the baby news. Isa says she not pregnant, no need to congratulate her just yet. Sophie asks, how was Houston? Very, very good. With a little luck, we’ll both give birth at the same time!

Minnie turns the conversation to Rod, he must leave the office early, no? Isa tells her that in fact Rod comes home late a lot. Minnie points out that Rod has a lot of work-related social events to go to, but he doesn’t invite Isa, he takes Mariana instead. TWB looks nervous. Minnie warns Isa about trying to be friends with Mariana, and storms out.

Isa looks perturbed… when Sophie leaves, Isa inquires with Elvira. Was there a party last night? No, only the tasting event a couple of days ago. Isa wants to know who Rod talks to, who he sees, who calls him, etc. Elvira comments that Mariana is the only person. Isa asks if Rod and Mariana leave the office together. Elvira saw them going to the tasting a couple of days ago, but that was it.

Elvira mentions that Rod and Mariana do spend a lot of time together, talking. Isa thinks that’s to be expected, since they work so closely together, right? But Elvira adds that they fight, a lot. There’s something going on that she doesn’t understand. Isa is worried.

Benvenutto and Gavi drive out of the city. He tells Gavi he wishes he could take away her sadness. She says he’s like a gift from heaven, he came to her when she needed him. Ben asks, if you love this Rod character so much, why don’t you fight for him. Gavi tells him about the kid Rod plans to have.

Back at the boardroom, Aaron introduces slimy Onate as their export person and lawyer, roughly slapping his back. Onate the Smarmy says he is their service. Bruno is impressed with the success of Turquise Tequila, they talk about a second edition. Minnie is proud.

Bruno wants to know how they did so well, when they were opening up all those markets at the same time. Onate says it was a team effort with Rod and Mariana Franco. Bruno congratulates Rod, who is lost in thought. Rod mentions Mariana’s idea to open a quality assurance school. They are pleased with the idea. The family leaves, Aaron pulls Onate aside to talk dirt, and Minnie asks Aaron if he had something to do with Artemio’s bad luck…

At Casa Mariana, the building superintendent chatting with another woman outside. Rod pulls up and asks where he can find Mariana, she’s a friend. The superintendent tells him she remembers Rod, he was the guy who was lurking around the building before! Just then, our suave Benvenutto walks up with ascot and groceries. The women greet him warmly and tell him Mariana is waiting for him upstairs.

Rod accosts Benvenutto, what do you think you’re doing? I saw you outside the office! Rod is circling him like an animal ready to fight. Benvenutto looks at him puzzled, then looks away (maybe to stall for time and think about his options for getting away safely…). Rod is staring at him with wide eyes and flaring nostrils. Rod shouts,
-- I don’t know who you are and I’m not interested!

Ben is not used to being threatened by strangers like this. Rod wants to know how long Ben has been going out with Gavi. Rod is leaning toward Ben, shaking his fists.

Gavi sees them from upstairs and runs down to the street. She pulls Rod aside and tells him he should be ashamed for making such a ridiculous scene! He tells her he’s been asking her for a while if she was going out with someone else, but she didn’t give him an answer. She says she didn’t and she won’t he needs to butt out of her personal life. Rod says his feelings tell him she loves him. She shakes her head slightly, in frustration. Rod goes on, but my heart is mistaken again. Her face is angry, but her eyes are full. Rod syas, if you had been honest with me, I could have avoided these stupid jealous scenes. She tells him she’s done talking with him.

Rod stares at each of them and turns to stagger to his car. Ben is holding Gavi’s shoulders as they watch. Rod peels away from the curb. Gavi tells Ben to stop her from doing what she feels like doing. She cries and Ben comforts her with a hug. He says that life goes on, you’ve got to face it with a smile. She is pining after Rodrigo. Mama Clarita looks down at them embracing and is impactada! Gavi and Ben come upstairs and make introductions.

Rod pulls up at a park in the city and is breathing hard, trying not to cry. He gets out and limps into the park, up a hill, with his cassette. He loosens his tie and starts to lumber down the path into the dark. At a tree he screams, falls to the ground crying,
-- I believed that our love was eternal!
-- I believed that you loved me!

He gropes for his audiocassette in the dirt and clutches it to his chest.
– I can’t stop loving you!

At Gavi’s apartment, they sit down to Ben’s dinner. Clarita chops up his pasta aggressively. Ben toasts to them.

At Casa Pilar, the family is gathering in the drawing room and talking amongst themselves. Isa is fretting about why Rod hasn’t shown up. Minerva tells Fedra that the news from the doctors about her chances of getting pregnant is not good. Minnie doesn’t know how to tell Aaron, their marriage is in play. Patricio tells Aaron that his assistant is nervous about the shipments. Rain has to sign docs for them and would be legally involved. Daniela bursts into the room and greets everyone.

Aaron remarks that she must have a new love in her life. Well, maybe, probably. They inquire and she tells them he’s a sculptor, painter, and poet. Not a millionaire, but he has a good life.

Isa decides that she’s waited long enough for Rod and rises to make an announcement to the family about their decision to try for a baby. Minnie looks sick, and Daniela is confused. Fedra squints, maybe wondering how that would be achieved. Grandma Pilar is thrilled.

Rod enters, fresh from his expedition in the park. He tells them he just some things to take care of at the office. More talk about Daniela’s man: tall, well-built, good conversation, and doesn’t let a woman go unsatisfied!

Dani teases him about the big chore this evening with his wife! Rod says that the chore will be through the miracle of science at the doctor’s office. Dani wants to know why he is having a kid, instead of running a marathon, climbing Everest, getting a dog, etc. He says bitterly it’s the only way to get out of this curse. Just then, Isa rushes in, worried.

Dani tells Isa that fortunately nothing happened to Rod, he’s OK. But if he keeps up with this foolishness, he’ll have something to regret. Isa is puzzled. Rod suggests that they go into dinner.

Fedra pulls Aaron aside and tell him the news the Minnie can’t give him the child he desires, now it’s time to chose. Why don’t you divorce your wife and find a healthy woman who can give you a child!

At Rancho Arroyo Seco, James is getting ready to leave and Acacia threatens to burn the crops if he does not return. But that won’t be necessary! He can’t live without her. They hug.

At the dinner table, Pilar is toasting. Rod flashes back to the angry scene outside Gavi’s apartment. He imagines Ben kissing Gavi. Pilar is going on about how Isa and Rod’s baby shows the strength of their marriage. Rod is sad, but he forces a grimace of a smile. Fredra rolls her eyes.

Rod holds up his glass for the toast and stairs off into the distance. Looking mildly drugged, he imagines he is riding on a horse with Gavi in the agave fields at the hacienda, kissing her.

Pilar wishes Minnie success with her fertility treatment and tells Patricio he’s just like a member of the family. Aaron wants to know why Patricio didn’t invite his girlfriend…. Pilar starts the toasts, and Isa smiles at Rod. Rod imagines it’s Gavi and they are toasting to their happiness together. Gavi tells him she loves him. He comes to and sees Isa still grinning at him and chokes on his champagne. Isa giggles.

At Gavi’s, Clarita’s trying to say that she didn’t like her dinner. Gavi tells Ben in Italian that the dinner was great! Ben is planning to open a new restaurant in Mexico and wants to show Gavi some afternoon. Clara points out that Gavi has a jealous boss… They tell her that Ben already met him, in an ugly scene downstairs. Clara starts to talk about Rod… Gavi interrupts her. Rod is foolish, he’s just doing this to annoy me. After all, he’s having a child with Isa!

Gavi goes on, I don’t know how to put distance between us. Ben says he might have a solution…why doesn’t Gavi marry him?


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