Monday, May 28, 2007

Duelo Friday May 25 - Don Loco is the new boss of jail

I feel like I’ve been away for a loooong time. Nice to see that Alina still believes in tight low cut shirts.

We get the scene again where Dario grabs Alina and somehow the phone dialed and then fell to the floor.

Next, some tough guys tell Don Loco that they are here to ‘welcome’ him. He pulls out a wad of cash to pay them off. Not smart. “Hey you big group of tough guys, check out how much cash I have!” One guy goes for it, the leader of the pack says no way dude, the boss will not tolerate that. The guy who wants the cash says yeah, but this guy pays more than the boss. Don Loco tells them they should get a new boss (him) and be done with it.

Angel and Emiliooo discuss returning to Puebla for Angel to get more treatment. Angel hopes that he can see Alina, but doesn’t tell Emilioooo that of course.

Luba cries over a sleeping Gaspar and talks about his little baby looking so much like him. She really starts sobbing.

Emiliooo finds Santos working late, he tells him to go rest. He tells him that they are going to Puebla in the morning. Emiliooo tells Santos that he is jealous of his happiness with Rosita. Santos can’t believe that Emiliooo is jealous of him, but whiny Emiliooo explains how he wishes he could marry Alina and be happy forever. He loves her with all his soul. Awwww. Whatever.

Some guy who I guess is Rodrigo listens on his cell phone and is confused. Back at Coral’s mansion, the ladies are all tied up, straining against their bonds. Alina is also straining against her shirt. Coral dramatically proclaims that Dario will be sorry for what he has done. Let me start a cliché count – that’s 1 so far. Dario prances around the room being manly and villain-y. I’m not blaming it on his pink shirt, but his walk looks a little feminine, for lack of a better word. He looks a little light in his loafers. Perhaps Granillo should be involved here somehow? Dario tells Coral she has to sign some papers, I would guess to give the fortune to him, or he will start killing them one by one. Just then, Rodrigo busts in and rescues them, holding Dario at gunpoint while his buddies free the ladies. From their bonds, Alina is still straining against the shirt. That battle will continue for some time. Alina gets all weepy so that Rodrigo has to provide some one on one comforting.

Emilioooo stops at Alina’s grave on the way out of town to drop off some flowers and cry some more. He actually tries out a couple different facial expressions here, his crying face is that same constipated look that some of these actors get when they try to be sad or angry. He picks up the white cross, I see it says ‘Florecita’ on it. I hear a ton of voices in the background, but nobody shows up. Perhaps that was some behind the scenes error. Emilioooo weepily says “goodbye forever” and rides off.

Rodrigo shares some happy moments with his daughter before she goes to school. Cliché count #2 – the “studly guy is just a regular guy like you and me” routine. The servant comments how happy he looks, he denies being happy, “it’s just work.” I can’t hate the guy for having a spring in his step, even the best of us can get distracted and carried away with too much exposure to a tight low cut shirt.

Orlando talks to himself about how he’s going to get back at Thelma. The doorbell rings, it is his army buddies, who grab him up and tell him he’s under arrest on orders from the general, who will explain the charges.

Gaspar wakes up and wants to know what happened. He wants to see his baby. Luba tells him that Emiliooo took the baby away already. Gaspar runs off to catch them.

Angel, Thelma, SA, and the baby all get into the carriage. Finally Emiliooo says goodbye to Santos, Vera, and Mexican Larry, then he gets into the carriage and off they go, right into a commercial.

Another great Asi es la Vida commercial. I have no interest in watching the show, but I love the commercials.

Puebla jail – the guard tells Don Loco he has a visitor. Strange, the guy just lets DL out of the cell without handcuffing him or anything. The visitor turns out to be Hugo, all dressed up like Forrest Gump, with a straw hat and everything. Either that, or he got lost on the way to filming the Mexican version of Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? DL stares at him while Hugo grins like an idiot.

Mexican Larry confronts Gaspar on the lawn outside of the house. ML tells Gaspar that everyone left already. Gaspar runs off to try and catch up with them. I was expecting to hear some six million dollar man music or something, or the effect when Clark runs real fast on Smallville. But no, nothing like that. Just Gaspar running out of some trees and yelling, then falling down. Nobody in the carriage hears him. HA – inside the carriage Thelma is sitting next to Angel, she’s talking to the baby and Angel coughs. She shoots him a dirty look and tries to scoot away. Emiliooo tries to look dramatic as he thinks. Gaspar continues to chase, then falls to his knees and screams out loud, just like Andy in The Shawshank Redemption when he finally breaks out of jail and tears his clothes off in the river and lets the rain fall on him. If some rain fell on Gaspar right now, that would have been awesome.

Turns out Hugo isn’t wearing a straw hat, it’s just a cowboy hat with the sides almost perfectly flat, I got fooled in my quick look before. DL wants to wring his neck, but the guard stops him. Hugo proposes that for a sizable chunk of DL’s wealth and estate, Hugo will in return testify on DL’s behalf. DL says no way. Hugo says fine, he’ll testify against him then. He mentions some specific crimes he’ll be sure to bring up later.

Luba finds Gaspar and tries to comfort him. She tells him about the baby, but I’m not sure how that’s supposed to make him feel better, that would only make him miss him more. Luba says forget the baby, we’ll never see him again. Gaspar won’t give up. Gaspar does a good job of blubbering all snotty and drooly, very convincing.

Vera is happy for Santos and his new job. Mexican Larry tells him that there is a lawyer here from Puebla looking for Don Max, Santos says he’ll see him. The lawyer is surprised that Max doesn’t work there any more, he thought Max was the owner. Santos tells him that Max was stealing. The lawyer is happy to hear it, somehow this helps him in whatever he’s trying to do, I didn’t quite understand that part. He smiles a slimy smile.

Hugo and DL have some conversation that I didn’t understand at ALL, and my dictionary Mrs. Ferro isn’t close by to consult. DL said something negative to Hugo, who laughed and said that’s the donkey talking about ears, like the pot calling the kettle black, then I didn’t get the rest. I think DL is going to have to give in to Hugo’s demands, he’s just going to piss and moan first.

Rodrigo tells Alina that he was just doing his job. Alina wants him to talk to her como tu, not formally. He starts flirting with her. She says something about a story and he asks to hear it. Also, Alina is doing battle with a different color of the same shirt today.

Soledad and Coral walk into another room and Soledad says please God let Alina forget about that loser Emiliooo and fall in love with this guy. Coral agrees. Maybe they will decide Alina’s life for her like the brothers Montellano did previously.

Apparently DL has given in, Hugo tells him that Alfonsina will testify for him as well. “Oh wait,” he says, “one more thing – remember that cofre? Yeah that. I saw what was in it. But never mind, that can wait until later. Have a GREAT night!” Ha that was awesome, he really twisted the knife in DL’s side with that. DL looks like he got punched in the gut, he mumbles about the cofre. Also, Cliché count 3 – in his mumbling, he says “If he thinks etc etc, he is wrong, dead wrong!”

The general tells Orlando how disappointed he is, Orlando tries to make excuses, blaming it on Emilioooo hating him, he’s out to get him. Orlando wants to confront Emiliooo, the general says that isn’t necessary, he knows another person who can confirm the accusation. Orlando wants to know who. I imagine this will all lead to Orlando having to confess that he couldn’t get it up and never raped Alina after all, thus leaving her a pure virgin and worthy of marriage to Emiliooo, who by the way has screwed every chick in sight over the last few years. Somehow that is supposed to make sense I guess. Whatever, it will be cool to see Orlando have to admit he couldn’t perform.

Alina doesn’t want to tell Rodrigo her story, too much pain. He understands, he says. She wants to know if he is married. He has a flashback to driving with a woman in a car, then there are some screeching tires, horns honking, he’s tired and rubbing his eyes, then he falls asleep at the wheel and runs into the other lane on the highway, he ends up getting stuck between the guardrail and a semi truck. Obviously, this his how the wife died. Back in the present, he tells Alina that he doesn’t want to tell his story either.

The general won’t tell Orlando who the other person is. Orlando is now under arrest.

Coral and Soledad talk business. Soledad says someday she will repay Coral, someday when she gets her own money back.

Gaspar packs a bag to run off after his kid. Luba tries to stop him. He claims that he sees a rat, that distracts her, then he runs out. I can’t believe she fell for it. Oh – related story – yesterday my wife, son, and I went to Rockford, IL to visit my grandpa, as well as my parents who were also visiting. When we got to town we first went to the Burpee Natural History Museum, where they have a skeleton of Jane, a juvenile T-Rex who was found in Montana a few years back. After looking at that, we went into the snack bar to get something to eat. When my seven year old son went to throw something in the garbage, he glanced into the recycling bin and started freaking out, he said “A mouse!” I was out of the room in about .005 seconds. I am a complete and total wuss when it comes to rodents. The girl who worked at the museum apparently has a pet mouse so she wasn’t afraid, she went and rescued the mouse and set it free outside. Bleah my toes are curling now just thinking about it. Anyway, I thought it was funny that Gaspar saying ‘rat’ made Luba go look for it, when if it was me I would have been sprinting the other direction. True story.

Mexican Larry and Vera talk about how great Santos is. Then he leaves to go talk to the people to get them to start a lynching party to go after Luba for causing Alina’s death.

Rodrigo takes a phone call. Ugh he and Alina are being sickeningly sweet with each other. Barf. It’s the general on the phone, to talk to Alina. He wants Alina to come to the office and file a complaint against Orlando. Rodrigo wants to know what she accuses him of, surprisingly Alina admits it right away, that Orlando raped her. Despite the complete lack of physical evidence and despite her having no memory of it happening. I’ve never heard of a rape accusation stemming solely from the alleged rapist claiming to have done it and nothing else. Even confessed killers get turned away if there isn’t any evidence of whatever murder they claimed to have committed. Remember the creepy guy who claimed to have killed JonBenet Ramsey? He got sprung, the evidence didn’t fit. Yes, I have been watching a lot of the CSI shows lately. If you aren’t watching them, why not? They are AWESOME. Anyway Rodrigo gets all impactado at the news from Alina, like now he doesn’t see her the same way. Grow up loser.

Luba chases Gaspar down a dirt trail, trying to get him to come back. Donkey is there too, just hanging out, not choosing sides. Suddenly they are confronted by Mexican Larry, who has a big gun slung across the saddle of his horse. He wants to know where they are going.

Rodrigo says he can’t believe there are men like that in the world. Well, maybe he isn’t blaming Alina for it after all, we’ll see if his interest in her wanes. She says she can’t forget the shame of it all, he says he’ll help her forget. I guess he’ll be ok with her after all. He wants to take the sadness out of her eyes.

Orlando claims that what is happening is an injustice. His guard gives orders to clean up the horses and some other stuff. Cliché count 4 – villain tells his evil plan out loud to no one. Orlando says to the air that he can’t wait to be face to face with Emiliooo and spill all of Thelma’s secrets.

Luba ably defends Gaspar and tells off ML. ML finally accuses her of killing Alina with green venom, does she deny it? For now, she just juts her chin out at him.

Rodrigo tells Alina that she looks better, she says she feels better. Still battling with that shirt, but feeling better. She says that talking with him helps her, he says at least he’s good for something, huh? Uh yeah dude, that and SAVING HER LIFE. Don’t get all self-deprecating and putting yourself down to appear humble just to try and get that shirt off. You are a badass soldier, you are a sickeningly sweet father and nice guy. You are going to get together with Alejandro from Heridas de Amor later and read poetry. You are Cliché count 5 – guy who is way too perfect to be believable. Don’t talk down about yourself. Rodrigo is going to leave, but Coral appears and stops him, saying that he surely isn’t going to leave Alina here alone, is he? He takes this opportunity to invite her to dinner. She is an idiot, so she keeps saying no, even with Coral and Rodrigo saying over and over “come on, you really should, live your life like before, c’maaaaan.” Finally Rodrigo says well, she must not want to go with HIM, that’s the problem. She says of course not, como crees, ok fine I’ll go. Well played, Rodrigo. I was all over you for taking that angle but you have immediately proven me wrong. The self-deprecation may be your ticket into tight shirt land after all. Nice work. Everyone grins like idiots.

Luba tries to play dumb, but Gaspar spills about what green venom he’s talking about. She finally runs ML off by threatening to put a hex on him. He swears to be back with some others to back him up. Maybe he’ll find some more gold chains while he’s at it. Luba says she isn’t afraid. Gaspar asks her after that, you aren’t really a bad witch are you? She says no. She wants to go home, but he says no and runs off after the baby. She decides she has to help him.

The lawyer that was looking for Max checks into a hotel. As he turns to walk away, who should walk up but Max himself. The lawyer introduces himself as Don Loco’s lawyer, Max is very pleased to meet him.

Alina tells her mother that she’s going to go to dinner with Rodrigo, Soledad starts in on her immediately about forgetting Emiliooo. Soledad is a dummy, she’s pushing too much too fast.

Max tells the lawyer that he is innocent of what Emilioo accuses him of. He says tragically the hacienda account books were burned up so there is no evidence of right or wrong. The lawyer nods knowingly. They decide to head off to Puebla and see how they can help Don Loco.

I see from the commercials that La Fea is in ultimos capitulos – somehow I thought that show would be on forever. It was actually a bit alarming to see that it is ending. It may allow my wife to have her life back though, for that show to end. Unless she gets sucked into the next one.

DL gives some guy cash in the wood shop, to pay the other thugs and make them his own crew. Just to show he’s the boss, he sends the guy off to buy him some smokes. Some other guy comes up saying small world DL, I knew I’d run into you here. The guy apparently worked for DL previously and got busted during that work and sent to prison. He accuses DL of being at fault for it, DL says no way, then tells him to sleep with one eye open. The guy sasses back, DL punches him out and leaves him on the floor. The guard by the door just looks the other way.

SA is VERY glad to be home. This is the biggest smile on her I’ve ever seen, and she’s a smiley one. Emiliooo says he’s tired and then turns down Thelma’s offer of a massage. She puts on a great happy mother act in the presence of others. After everyone leaves and Angel is alone, he thinks out loud to the air about how he needs to figure out how to find Alina. The captions call her Elena. Doesn’t the same person/people make these captions each day? How could, after all this time, that person suddenly just write ‘Elena’? This must be bargain basement caption writers. I need to see if I can get my wife a job writing captions from home, that would be a great work from home job.

In the prison yard DL tells one of his thugs about the guy he’s having trouble with and wants him handled.

Elias reads a book and beats himself up for falling for Soledad again, feeling very sorry for himself. The doorbell rings, it’s Angel, looking for Alina. At the mention of her name, Elias is super slo-mo end of show impactado.

Monday – Alina does battle with a tight low cut dress as she heads out to dinner with Rodrigo. As they leave, wet dog looking Angel shows up. Alina reacts like he is some ex-boyfriend, which leaves Rodrigo looking extra confused. That dude has no idea what he’s getting himself into.


Acorralada #94 Friday 5/25/07 Silvia meets her men . . . oh, well, tune in tomorrow

Rehash of Diana and Fedora in the prison cell. Too late--Gaby has confessed.

Rehash of Max and Marfil's "deal."

Now the police detective is quizzing Gaby--he wonders why she didn't report the attack earlier and so on. More rehash.

Fedora and Diana come to visit. Why did Gaby confess? She couldn't bear the thought of sending her mom to jail for years, etc. Diana says we have to get a good lawyer, and Fedora says that she will do it.

Larry is preparing at the TV studio with his shirt off and he begins to undo his pants when, darn, the phone rings. Pilar is calling to tell him the news about the killer sirvienta. Gaby has him in her claws and she's a cold-blooded killer. His angelic Gaby has blood on her hands! This time Larry doesn't believe her.

Gaby is shown to her cell and sinks down, crying for Larry.

Silvia steals $2,000 from Iggy's room and jewelry from Camila, thereby making up her $3,000.
She can't wait for Panchi Panchi to hold her in her arms. Timbre de telefono! It's said Panchi, and he's craizy for her. She can't wait till tomorrow. He says why wait till tomorrow to see me--come today and bring the money. But where will they meet. He tells her he has a warehouse. She is horrified--it's in a bad neighborhood. But he says don't worry in his arms she'll forget all. She begins sounding crazy, and he says "que horror," and she says "what" and he makes a neat save by saying , oh no, I said what an "honor," to be the one to be your first. Finally, he says bring the money tonight and tomorrow You'll be the happiest girl in the world. So it now is apparent that Panchi has no intention of doing the deed. He's just going to take the money. But why would she be so stupid as to actually bring the money the day before? Even Silvia should have more smarts than that.

Caramelo and Emilio discuss Max and the factory. boring

Max comes in to work. He's going to stay on the job. He's looking for Diana and is concerned that she is not there.

Back at the Mansion, Diana and Fedora come home and tell the worried assemblage what happened. Granny M is impactada.

Caramelo tells Max about the arrest. He wants to call Diana. He says that now his work at the factory is more important than ever.

Diana and Fedora rehash. Nancy announces Larry. Diana says that now that they know she's their mother they are so happy, but their happiness is short lived, etc. Diana will speak to him. Fedora thinks of poor Gaby frightened in her cell.

Rene calls Yolanda.

Larry gets the story from Diana. He's angry--if only he had been there he would have taken care of that imbecil Andres.

Larry wants to visit, but he learns that there are no visitors allowed till the next day. It will be an eternity.

Rene talks to Yolanda some more. More rehash about how she's too old, no, yes, no. Boring. She agrees to meet him at the beach.

Silvia goes to Pancho's with the money. She wants a kiss, and he is trying to get rid of her. Too late--Paola comes in. Silvia makes some excuse about why she's puckering, and behind her head, Pancho waves his fingers in the international sign of a crazy person. Still, Paola wants her to stay and hang out! Pancho gets rid of her saying she's in a hurry. He and Paola exult over tomorrow's trip.

At the factory, Max is wearing a hideous maroon shirt with a tie in light pink, dark pink and purple stripes. This outfit is worse than the brown sweater, but it at least matches Diana's light pink Diane von Furstenberg wrap dress. They talk about whether he's going to work there or not.

At the cells, Larry visits Gaby. These are now the only characters I care about--them and Caramelo and Emilio. Well, also Lala and Granny DS. (I know that Karen likes Rene, and I agree he's cute, but the Yolanda/Rene story stinks.) She doesn't want him there--she's going away for 20 years. He says he would have killed that imbecil, but anyway, she will get off with self-defense. Even if she doesn't he will wait 20 years. She is still bothered by being a killer.
She tells him not to come back. (Larry makes no mention of his own recent stay in the cell. Doesn't he still have a trial for his accident with Kiki?) He's going to call the divorce lawyers and stop the proceedings (frene los tramites).

Back to Max and Diana. She actually smiles and says that of course he can work there. At least she's no longer faking her hate. Max says that while he was blind he had a lot of time to think and sees the world in a new way. In comes Fedora, and the orchestra of doom crescendos. She's shocked to see Max. (I thought she knew about this? Apparently she thought it was temporary, and she is now really enojada. No Irascible will work here--she demands that he leave, etc. The Irascibles are poison and will plot to damage the factory, etc.)

Silvia is now going to the warehouse--it is a real dump with a filthy mattress. Silvia has dressed for the occasion in her Marilyn Monroe dress from a few episodes back, white shoes, white ruffled anklets and a white wig. Also she has silver mascara on. This is just pathetic. It takes time for it to sink in that Pancho is a no-show.

Paola is telling Lala that they're going to Orlando. Lala wonders where her son got the dough. Paola wonders why Lala looks worried, but Lala says no--I'm just happy you're happy. Pancho comes in with the suitcase. Lala asks him where he got the money. He says he's been working here and there. Lala loooks dubious, but they leave anyway. Lala says she hopes Caramelo doesn't find out.

Diana is trying to explain to Fedora what a great job Max is doing, etc., but Fed isn't buying it. She says that president Dimwit has made a grave error and must correct it or she'll be dethroned. Fed leaves, and Max says that he doesn't want to cause problems between Diana and her mother. You know she's my mother? Diana is shocked. Now they have nothing to talk about. She proposes some visiting schedule for Maxito. Maximummo asks, but what about us. He flexes his biceps, and the maroon shirt is really too tight. She says they can't fight destiny, and she's leaving the way for Marfil.

Silvia is crying in the warehouse.

At the mansion, Nancy brings Caramelo's luggage for the trip. Emilio is there is a spiffy blue polo shirt and some cool sunglasses. He looks good. Caramelo is wearing a white tube top minidress. Diego rolls in and wonders where Emilio is going with his brother's wife. It's just a business trip, he is told, and butt out. He wants to know why Caramelo has to go. (Nancy is standing there through all this. Why doesn't she see what a jerk Diego is?)
Diego wants to know if Caramelo asked Pancho's permission to go. This is really the living end. Caramelo agrees, and asks him if Pancho asked her permission when he married another woman without getting a divorce. Stay out of your brother's affairs she says, and if he calls me, tell him to get out of my life.
Nancy says that to be fair, Pancho does ignore Caramelo. Well, they decide, it's better if Pancho doesn't find out. Readers, we know how long that will last.

Max is telling Diana not to ask him to love Marfil. Diego and Marfil have suffered, but that doesn't mean that they deserve to have Max and Diana suffer. She tells him to go to his office and work. Clearly, she's not following mom's instructions on employment. He says he will wait.

Yolanda and Rene meet on the beach. They kiss.

Max is talking to himself about how he can't forget. Marfil comes in. She kisses him, and he puts a little too much of his chomping action to work. Diana opens the sliding door and sees, but they don't see her. She sneaks out. Granny M comes in and asks why she is crying. They were going to see Gaby. Diana wants to know why it hurts to love.

More of Silvia crying.

More of Rene and Yolanda.,

Max pulls away from Marfil and tells her she shouldn't have come. But we have a deal, she says. Did Diana accept or reject you? Our relationship is dead, he says. She talks to the camera: With patience, you will come to my arms.


Acorralada #93 – 5-24-07 – Thursday – Gaby Spills the Beans!

Marfil is still soliciting Diana's help in re-establishing a relationship with Max. He used to be mine, body and soul. Etc. Diana says she doesn't want to meddle; she's not going to get involved. Marfil makes it very clear she wants Max back, with or without Dimwit's help. The Orchestra of Doom plays half heartedly. I think they are as bored as I am with this exchange.

Camila has returned! She is approaching Max's room when Larry stops her. Larry tells her the bandages came off and Max can see again. Remarkably the acid in his eyes never burned his skin. It must be magic acid, kind of like disappearing ink. "Great news!" states the blissfully unaware bride-to-be. That comes to a screeching halt when Larry advises her to stay out of Max's room. His wife Marfil is with him.

Marfil is still quasi-threatening Dimwit. Dimwit says she has no plans to interfere. It's only fair that Marfil returns to Max's side. Marfil has suffered so much at the hands of Debora; Marfil deserves to be happy. Dimwit just doesn't want to assist. Dimwit leaves and Camila enters.

Camila knows all about Marfil's sister, the freak. She doesn’t care; she's come to see Max. Marfil thanks Camila for servicing Max for the two years Marfil was in a coma, but now that she's awake, Max no longer requires Camila's services. Apparently Marfil has marked her man; no other woman can get near him.

Diablo is still trying to convince Gaby to confess to the police. Gaby wants to, but Fidiota won't let her. Gaby is also afraid she's going to spend the rest of her life in jail. Diablo, for once talking sense, explains it was self defense and Fidiota doesn't deserve to be imprisoned for a crime she didn't commit. "You have to tell the police!" Suddenly Granny M appears from around the corner and orders Gaby not to say a word. Fidiota is going to take the fall for the crime!

Camila and Marfil are still squabbling over Max. Marfil says now that she's back in his life, Camila and Dimwit don't stand a chance. "Au contraire," says Camila. "Dimwit and I will never allow it to happen. It's too late for you. As for Dimwit, she's bound to Max forever, now that she has his son." Clearly this is not what Marfil wanted to hear.

Big Doormat is paying Octopus a visit. She reports that as good fortune would have it, Max can see again! Octopus, finally out of her Fredrick's outfit, now has a skin-tight white shirt over red pants. She is clutching her morning brandy. Octopus replies to this bit of good news saying she'll have to visit Max tomorrow. Yolanda then goes on to tell her about the trouble Peyote is in. Peyote really needs her mother right about now. She's hit rock bottom. "Not my problem," says Octopus coldly.

Pancho is trying to talk Peyote into getting out of bed. He hates seeing her so miserable. When they first met, she was so crazy and fun. She used to be so carefree! "Well, those days are over. I'm depressed now." "What can I do to make you happy again?" asks thick-skulled Varon. "You can divorce Caramel!" replies Peyote.

Big Doormat and Octopus are still discussing Peyote. Octopus claims all this drama is because Peyote wants attention. Big Doormat can't believe Octopus can be so cold. In fact, she only visited her son in the hospital one time! "You are a disgrace as a mother!" "So what's your point?" is Octopus' cold response. Y—"You need to help your daughter." O—"Who are you to tell me what to do?!" Insults are exchanged and Octopus raises her hand to hit Yolanda, but Pasta appears just in the knick of time. P—"What's going on here?" The Orchestra of Doom plays, but without much conviction.

Pancho continues to try and cheer up Peyote. He's going to take her on a vacation to Orlando. Peyote wants to know where he's going to get the money. She doesn't want him returning to his life as a smuggler. "Not to worry, I'm not returning to that line of work. I've got my ways."

Presidente Dimwit has Emili-Oh and Caramel in her office. There is going to be a huge perfume convention in Orlando. She can't go due to the situation with Fidiota, but she wants to send them in her place. I bet Emili-Oh is all for a little trip alone with Caramel!

Maxi-Moron, Marfil, and Larry have returned home. Larry says he's going to put Max's little child-sized backpack in Max's room. Marfil is thrilled that she and Max are back together. Max says he needs time. "Because of Diana and her baby?" "No," says Max, "Because I'm not rich any more and have lost my social standing." This doesn't bother Marfil one bit, who is all over him like one of his pastel sweaters. Max tries to explain they need to take it slow, he doesn't feel the same way as before. Marfil then drops the bombshell. It's all Max's fault that things have changed. "How could that be?" asks Maxi-Moron. "Because the shot that put me in a coma was meant for you!" We then get a flashback to the beginning of the show. "But forget about the past," continues Marfil. "We're together now and nothing is going to separate us!" More from the Orchestra of Doom before the commercial break.

Caramel and Diana are alone together in Diana's office. Caramel isn't too keen on the idea of going to Orlando with Emili-Oh. "What about Pancho?" Dimwit points out that Pancho is a cad and doesn't deserve a woman as good as Caramel. "I know he's your first boyfriend and all, but he's a jerk! Emili-Oh is a good man, decent, blah, blah, blah." Caramel feels set up, rightly so. Dimwit claims that's not the case at all, it just happens to work out that way. Caramel says their lives are so much alike; they are both unlucky in love. Dimwit says their situations are totally different. She's married to Diablo and has a kid with Maxi-Moron. Also, the true Marfil has returned to Max's side. This seems to appease Caramel.

Pasta again asks what's going on between Octopus and Big Doormat. "Oh, nothing!" declares Octopus. "Yolanda came to see me. Everything is great; I love my sister!" Big Doormat looks glum. Pasta thinks it's swell that Octopus has a visitor and is close to her family. Yolanda wants to leave, but Pasta encourages her to stay. Pasta says he has a ton of things to do and will leave the two sibs alone to visit. As soon he he's gone, Yolanda tells Octopus she'd better do something about Peyote or Yolanda will tell Pasta Peyote is his true daughter. Octopus seethes! If Yolanda utters one word about Peyote's lineage, there's no telling what Octopus is capable of doing! "Get out! Get out!" yells Octopus.

Granny M comes to the garden to read Diablo the riot act for stirring up Little Doormat. If Fidiota wants to pay for the crime, it's her choice! "You are not the husband of Gaby and you have no right getting her all riled up. This situation is none of your business!" Diablo tries to point out it's not fair for Fidiota to sit in jail for a crime she didn't commit. Granny shouts back "It's Fidiota's decision to make. Not yours!" Apparently she had to put Gaby to bed and ply her with drugs to calm her down following the conversation with Diablo. Diablo looks properly chastised. Suspenseful music plays.

The conversation between Dimwit and Caramel has turned to the situation with Max. Caramel wants to know if he will continue working at Perfumes 'R Us. "Probably not," replies Dimwit. "Now that I've fired Avarice and am no longer denying visitation with Mini Max, there's no reason for him to return." Caramel observes this must be awful for Dimwit. "It is," says Dimwit. "I still love him!"

Max is sitting on the bed in a pastel blue shirt, white tie, and a too-tight ugly tan sweater over the ensemble. Marfil is slinking up behind him in a pink satin robe covering some black sparkly and sheer lingerie from Victoria's Secret. Marfil is frisky. She starts snuggling up behind Max and murmuring sweet nothings in his ear about how great things used to be between them. Right as Marfil is swooping in for a kiss, Max stands up and yells "Enough!!!" He's not in the mood. He needs more time. Marfil is confused, but she'll respect his feelings. She just doesn't want him to leave her alone. Marfil promises to take things slow. Finally they hug in a brotherly-sisterly way.

Dimwit says she plans to forget Max. Caramel isn't buying it. Every time she sees Mini-Max smile, looks in his eyes, she's always going to think of Maxi-Moron. "OK, OK, OK! You're right! I'm never going to be able to forget Max!" Commercial.

Sylvie, wearing a fluorescent orange wig, brown t-shirt that reads "Super Sexy," and an orange skirt is filing her nails when the phone rings. It's Pancho. They continue comic conversation about him being her first lover, but she has to come up with the $3,000 first. S—"I thought you were fantasizing about me! Can't you lower the price?" P—"Fantasy is fantasy, but business is business. No money, no lovin'" Sylvie is beside herself. How is she going to get the money? Perhaps she can steal it! Meanwhile, Pancho is thinking he needs the money really badly so he can take Peyote away to Orlando.

Emili-Oh is picking up the travel arrangements for Orlando when he runs into Caramel. She is not happy about the trip. Emili-Oh wants to see her smile. She needs to leave her misery in Miami. Caramel gives him a weak smile and boards the elevator. She has now changed to a black Blouse of Virtue to go with her gray knit micro mini-skirt that looks like a tube top worn over her hips. She also has her strappy high-heeled sandals to complete the outfit. After she leaves, Emili-Oh sighs and tells us how much he likes her.

Pillow is lounging at the beach when Kike arrives. "Where have you been? I've been waiting an hour!" Kike says he went to see Gaby. He hadn't heard from her for awhile so he went to see her. Pillow points out now that Larry is free, Gaby will inevitably dump Kike. Kike responds that Larry is the least of Gaby's worries right now. Gaby is tormented. This, of course, piques Pillow's interest. "What could possibly torment Gaby?" Pillow tries to press for more details but Kike won't budge. He promised Gaby he'd keep a secret. Now inquiring minds REALLY want to know. Pillow swears on the baby "they" lost to keep the secret. After all, she and Kike are the best of friends. She tells him everything! This seems to work. Kike tells Pillow that Gaby killed a man. You can see the wheels turning in Pillow's little brain. The Orchestra of Doom strikes an ominous chord.

Dimwit is trying to visit Fidiota again, but the mean police chief still won't let her visit. She'll have to come back tomorrow. At that moment, Gaby walks in wearing her prison gray outfit. She needs to talk to the police chief. Dimwit tries to stop her. The police chief asks if it's about Andres' murder. "Yes. Fidiota is innocent. I killed Andres!" Glycerin Tears of True Dolor flow down Pobre de Gaby's cheeks. Dimwit can't believe she's confessing. Commercial.

The police chief tells Gaby he needs to take her statement. The two sisters embrace.

Marfil keeps touching Max's face and whining about how manipulative her sister was. All Marfil wants is to be back at Max's side. Max says he needs more time.

Dimwit is finally allowed in to see Fidiota. Fidiota says how good it is to hear Dimwit call her "Mama." Dimwit cuts to the chase. "I have bad news about Gaby. As we speak, she is in with the police chief confessing she shot Andres." Fidiota is impactada. The Orchestra of Doom crashes some cymbals for emphasis.

Max and Marfil are continuing the boring conversation. He needs more time, and she's pretending to understand. Max explains a lot has happened while she was sleeping. In good faith, Max announces since he and Lunkhead have jobs, Max wants to focus on getting a new apartment and moving out of Emili-Oh's Homeless Shelter for Wayward Individuals. Marfil is thrilled! "Does this mean we'll have a bedroom for two?" "Negative Ghostrider! That pattern is full."

Little Doormat is recounting to the police chief the events leading up to that fateful night. She tells him about the time Andres following her into the hospital parking lot and tried to rape her. She was able to escape. She didn't know who it was at the time because his face was covered. She later saw him again and recognized his eyes. When she confronted him about it, he said she'd never be able to prove it was him. It would be his word versus hers. Gaby then goes on to relate how Andres climbed through her bedroom window to finish what he started. She tried to hold him at bay with scissors, but he knocked them out of her hand. She was desperate! He threw her on the floor near her night stand and was undoing his pants saying, "Come to daddy!" She then found the gun and shot him twice. We got to see flashbacks of all these prior episodes. Gaby pathetically looks up at the police chief with big, weepy eyes. The police chief seems to be taking this all in. Commercial.

Pillow promises Kike she won't go to the police. Right. Kike seems to believe this and leaves. After he's gone, Pillow starts plotting. Not only is she going to tell the police, she's going to tell Lunkhead his beloved little dove is a cold-blooded killer!

Peyote is sitting on Pancho's lap on the patio. She is SO excited they get to go on vacation together. The honeymoon they never had. As long as she has something this fun to look forward to, she has no desire to do drugs. Pancho is thrilled to see his little fierita happy. He just needs to get that $3,000 from Sylvie first.

Sylvie is trying to devise a plan to raise $3,000 for her night of passion with a man as spectacular as Panchi-Panchi. She rejects the idea of robbing a bank and stealing an old lady's handbag. I think she's looking to get the money from her cousins.

Fidiota is upset that Gaby's not going along with the game plan. Gaby is young and has her whole life in front of her. Fidiota wants to see her married, with children, etc. Gaby can't waste her youth in jail! Dimwit tells her it's too late. Gaby has already spilled the beans to the police chief.

Marfil is trailing Max out of the bedroom. She wants to propose a deal. Perhaps one of our other five viewers can help me out since I've watched the scene over and over and can't get a good handle on it. I believe Marfil is proposing a deal that if Dimwit dumps Max, then Max will need to return to Marfil's side. Marfil will do everything in her power to recapture the love they once shared.

Credits roll.


Acorralada #91 – 5/22/07 – Tuesday – More of the Same; Fights and Tears. . .

Lest we forget, today's episode begins with a repeat of Little Doormat telling Dimwit that Fidiota is their mother! Dimwit is impactada. She looks confused as well, but that's par for the course.

Pancho and Caramel are squabbling over her working at Perfumes 'R Us. Pancho is macho and he doesn't like the idea of his little woman working in close proximity with Emili-Oh, AKA Munequito de Pastel. This literally means either "Doll of Cake" or "Ventriloquist Dummy of Cake." Either way, we can tell Pancho is not happy Caramel is working with Emili-Oh. He then orders Caramel to stop working at the factory. Our fiery red head tells him he's not the boss of her. We then get the "I am macho!" speech. Caramel points out he's a bigamist and in no position to tell her what to do. She also doesn't like the fact he refers to her and Peyote as hembras (female animals). Pancho is clearly losing his argument.

Octopus and Paco are fighting about Paco's spending time with Fidiota in jail. Octopus doesn't like it! She's spewing the usual venom. She's also still wearing her 1970's Frederick's of Hollywood red jump suit.

Caramel and Pancho are still fighting, but no one is winning. Finally Pancho tells her he's so macho, he would like a third woman! Caramel announces that he'll get 10 years in jail for each woman when she tells the police. He then tries to make it up to her and starts kissing her. Caramel is clearly back under his spell again. Caramel needs a life!

More fighting between Paco and Octopus. Octopus is pushing all Paco's buttons. Finally he says she deceived him in Key West. She is truly a viper. He stomps off for emphasis.

Pancho suggests he and Caramel get a hotel room. She abruptly breaks off the kiss and wipes her mouth. She then lays into him, comparing him to a little dog on the streets. She then walks off. Pancho can't believe how feisty Caramel has become. He then fantasizes of going to an Arab country and having six or seven women. We then have a scene of Pancho in a turban and a bunch of women belly dancing while Peyote and Carmel are feeding him grapes. Back to reality; "Muchas hembritas. Muchas!!"

Little Doormat repeats, "Fidiota is our true mother!" Glassy-eyed Dimwit asks, "What are you saying?" Head tilt. Gaby then repeats how Fidiota confessed after the shooting. Dimwit then tells Gaby she just doesn't understand. She has definitely earned her nickname Dimwit. Geez!

Fidiota is languishing in her cell. She's dressed in black from neck to ankles. She looks like a cat burglar. Fidiota flashes back to the night of the shooting. Taking the fall for Gaby is a small price to pay after not taking care of her girls for so many years. Pobre de Fidiota.

Maxi-Moron is blathering on and on to Yolanda about Marfil. She's like she was before the accident when they were so much in love. Yolanda is telling him to not let down his guard, she's not convinced Marfil is so sweet. Max is trying to press her for more details, but DoQ walks in to check on his patient. "How are you feeling?" Max wants to be sincere; he didn't realize he could feel so bad all the time.

The Violin Union is pulling out all the stops for this maudlin scene between Little Doormat and Dimwit. Lots of sniffling and sniveling. "Our pobre mama!! She has suffered so much!! Dimwit wants to run to the jail right there and then and let Fidiota know Dimwit now knows the truth! The violins hit a crescendo, but some how, Dimwit and Little Doormat end up sitting on the floor repeating what is now "old news" to us.

Pancho has bellied up to the bar at Paco's Pesadillo. Pancho orders a double rum. He then regales Jorge with how macho he is and how the women are fighting over him. Suddenly we hear hooting and hollering and in blows Sylvie in what can only be described as "big hair." At least it's a normal shade. She's got on a black tank with white skirt with red biker shorts and is skipping into the club. She slurs her drink order and starts hanging on Pancho. "Do you remember me?" asks Sylvie. "Sure I do," responds Pancho. "You witnessed my wedding with Peyote." Unmemorable small talk ensues, with Pancho finally admitting things between him and Peyote aren't so good.

Dimwit and Gaby arrive at the police station to see Fidiota, but the big meanie detective tells them visiting hours are over. Dimwit is still wearing that ridiculous vest that looks like it was made from Max's old blue pastel sweater that was mistakenly washed in hot water by mistake. It is definitely too tight. Gaby tries to plead and grovel for just five minutes with Fidiota, but no dice. He's just not in the mood to negotiate. "It's 9:00 at night! Come back tomorrow." Our Little Doormat and Dimwit look disappointed.

Sylvie is coming on to Pancho in the bar. She doesn't want to die a virgin. She starts making fish lips at him. Pancho seems amused. This comic routine goes on for a short while. Pancho can't believe she's never been with a man. Sylvie says she wants her first time to be with someone as smooth and rich as him! More fish lips.

Luscious has come to pay Max and Yolanda a visit. Yolanda has great news!! Tomorrow they are going to take the bandages off Max! Larry is happy. Max wants to get a jump on the next day. They have to stop him from unwrapping the gauze. Yolanda turns over her post to Larry, who plans on staying by Max's side all night. Max wants to know where Marfil is. Larry says she at the house, and by the way, he's not convinced she can be trusted. Suspenseful music plays.

Sylvie is offering to pay "Panchi-Panchi" for a night of lovin'. Pancho thinks to himself, it's a tough job, but someone has to do it. It might as well be him!

Marfil is hanging out with Icky Isabel. Isabel wants Fidiota to pay dearly for killing her saintly nephew Andres. Marfil assures her they are all going to pay. Isabel wants to know if Marfil has a plan yet. "No," says our foxy femme fatale. "I'm still working on being angelic and recapturing Max. Once he's mine, Diana is going to be very sorry she ever crossed my path!" The Orchestra of Doom strikes a chord.

Sylvie is still trying to work her mojo on Pancho. She offers him $500. He says he's worth $3,000. Sylvie is impactada!

Diablo is barking at Granny M to do something about her wayward granddaughter. Granny M retorts that Dimwit is a decent woman who has done nothing wrong. Diablo is being an idiot and making things worse. Diablo asks, "So now it's my fault?!" About that time Dimwit and Gaby walk in. Diablo wants to know where she's been. Why hasn't she called? Dimwit says she's not in the mood, and "No, I wasn't at the hospital!? "Lies, lies, and more lies!!" shouts Diego. Dimwit says it's the truth, she was at the jail. She then announces she needed to see Fidiota because she just found out. . .Fidiota is her true mother! The Orchestra of Doom starts crashing cymbals, throwing tin cans, dumpsters, and in general, making a huge racket. Diablo is impactado. Commercial.

The comic scene between Sylvie and Pancho continues. Sylvie doesn't know where she can get $3,000. Pancho tells her he's worth every penny of it and she'll never find a better specimen of a man in all of Miami. He's so macho! Pancho then leaves and Sylvie asks Jorge if he can loan her the money. "If I had that kind of money, I wouldn't be here. I'd be in Hawaii!" I think if he had that kind of money, he wouldn't be in Acorralada.

More tears shed by Gaby, Dimwit, and Granny M, with Diablo looking on. More re-hashing of the situation with Pobre Fidiota! Diablo says everything makes sense now. "I always wondered why she was so protective and generous with you all." Blah, blah, blah. Gaby runs up the stairs hysterical. Diablo wants to know why Gaby is reacting so strangely. "She's just sensitive," says Dimwit.

Lala and Peyote are fighting. Peyote wants to go out and find drugs; she's going through withdrawal. Lala doesn't want her leaving. Peyote starts getting hysterical. She needs to get out of the house; she knows Pancho is with Caramel. Lala says it dangerous and besides, Lala doesn't want her looking for drugs. Peyote tells Lala, Lala is nothing but a servant and can't tell her what to do. Lala retorts things have changed. You are living in my house. The fight reaches a peak and Peyote gets ready to hit Lala. Pancho walks in just in the nick of time and puts a stop to it. Commercial.

Pancho breaks up the fight. Lala tells Peyote she needs help. Everyone seems to blame Peyote's problems on Pancho for being such a varon. Peyote starts crying and begs for Lala's forgiveness. Peyote then collapses in a heap on the floor sobbing.

Gaby is still sobbing about killing Andres and now their own MOTHER is in jail because of her. She can't get it out of her mind. Dimwit tries to comfort her saying Gaby had every right in the eyes of the law to defend herself against Andres.

Pancho tries to comfort Peyote, without success. Lala then blames Pancho on Peyote's drug use. He points out Peyote was doing drugs before they ever met. Pancho then points out that he, personally, has never done drugs.

At Merciless Medical, Larry and Emili-Oh are tucking in a sleeping Maxi-Moron. By the way, what ever happened to Camila? In her little mind, she and Max are getting married. She swore she would never leave his side. What gives? OK, back to the show. While Larry is tucking in the covers, Emili-Oh keeps patting Max's leg. They sneak out of the room, and as they leave the hospital, Doc Evil sneaks in. "I want Diana to suffer mucho!" The Orchestra of Doom is front and center and going ballistic! Commercial.

Right as Doc Evil reaches over to asphyxiate Max, Max is "saved by the nurse." While she's presumably checking his vitals, which includes a stethoscope being strategically placed all over his chest, Doc Evil sneaks out of the room.

Pasta (aka Paco) is visiting Fidiota. He wants to know who she's protecting, since he knows she could never have killed anyone. She denies she is covering for anyone. Pasta knows she's hiding something.

Yolanda and Emili-Oh are getting ready to go to the hospital for Max's unveiling. Just as they are getting ready to leave, Rene appears. Yolanda says she doesn't have time since she's getting ready to leave, but Rene is persistent. "It will only take 5 minutes. By the way, Emili-Oh, can you vacate your apartment so I can have a moment alone with Yolanda?" Big Doormat wants to know what is so urgent that it can't wait. Rene says he has three words to tell her. "I love you!" Yolanda is impactada! I'm impactada because I haven't seen Rene's dimple in what seems like ages.

We have a new jailer guiding Dimwit by her elbow to Fidiota's cell. The only cell in the whole Miami jail system. Apparently the jailer is afraid Dimwit will get lost. Dimwit is wearing some sort of boring brown dress. She and Fidiota spend five minutes just staring at each other. Dimwit looking glassy-eyed as always. Dimwit blurts out, "There's something I want to tell you. I came to say. . . Mama!" Another five minutes of staring at each other with not a dry eye in the jail! The sappy music plays throughout.

Credits roll.


Acorralada #90 Monday 5/21/07 Maxito's field trip to TeleMiami hospital

Opening scene: Diana has come to visit Gaviota at the squeaky clean, ultra quiet TeleMiami jail, when Gaby comes in and says that she's come to confess the truth - that she's the one who killed Andres! Diana is impactada. Gaby tells her about how Andres snuck into her room and tried to rape him, and she only killed him to defend herself. Gaviota tells her to shut up and not repeat what she's said.

Meanwhile, at TeleMiami hospital, Larry and Yolanda are discussing Marfil's outrageous story with Max, who's still laying in bed with gauze wrapped around his head. (Isn't it about time that those bandages came off so they could run some tests, or maybe get started on his rehabilitation? I think it may be time for a second opinion!) Yolanda mentions how odd it is that Marfil never mentioned her twin sister, even Bruna didn't mention it when she admitted to being Marfil's mama. Doesn't matter anyway, Max isn't in love with her anymore, and he's going to ask her for a divorce.

At Perfumes Gaviota, Pancho has come to see if it's true that Caramelo is working for Diana. More of the same old "I'm the macho, bien macho, you must obey" garbage from Pancho. She turns to walks away and he grabs her in the classic "me Tarzan, you Jane" pose and pulls her towards the elevator, but is interrupted by Emilio.

Back to Gaviota's jail cell, where Gaviota is pleading with Gaby to stay quiet. Gaviota's already been to jail, and she'll go back to jail for Gaby. Synthesizers of doom play as Diana says that only a mother trying to save her child would do something like that. Gaby starts to tell Diana the truth, but Gaviota gets in her face and tells her to shut up, and then asks them both to leave. Cue the melodramatic synthesizer track as Gaby reaches through the bars to take Gaviota's hands so that she can kiss them.

In Max's hospital room, Larry's letting Marfil know that she doesn't believe her story - it's too complicated, it's like a whodunit novel. He walks out of the room and Marfil says to herself that he's a fool, and he's going to make Max doubt her.

More spousal abuse is happening at Perfumes Gaviota as Emilio orders Pancho to let go of Caramelo, but Pancho's not budging. Caramelo manages to shake him off and then gets in between them so they don't start throwing punches. It's impressive that she manages to keep these strapping men from fighting while managing to keep her assets from falling out of her jacket - today's outfit includes a pink bra covered by a khaki jacket, with a barely there pink mini skirt. Pancho calls Emilio a "munequito de pastel" -- a small doll made of cake, and says he needs to stay out of Pancho's life. Pancho goes to leave and says that Caramelo is going with him, which quickly evolves into the same "I'm the macho, super macho" speech while Caramelo responds with the same "I'm your wife, you have to respect me speech." Boring.

After Pancho leaves, Emilio and Caramelo have a heart to heart about Pancho. Emilio wants to know why he stays with her when he treats her so badly, both she and Paola are his victims. Tears of pure dolor stream down Caramelo's face and Emilio reaches out to brush them off.
Diana and Gaby are back at psycho mansion and Diana wants to know why Gaby didn't tell the truth from the beginning. Gaby tells her that Gaviota took control of the situation and wouldn't let her talk, but now the only way she will be able to find peace is to confess so that Gaviota will be freed.

At Casa Naco, Paola is still trying to get her fix, and doesn't understand why Andres isn't returning her calls. Rene shows up and shows her the newspaper, which says that Andres has been murdered, and the main suspect is Gaviota. Paola is impactada - now where will she get her happy pills?

Meanwhile, Octavia is reading the same newspaper article and is thrilled to hear that Gav is suspected in another murder. This is perfect! Now she can convince Paco that she's not worth the trouble!

Little does she know that at this very moment, Paco is at the jail visiting Gaviota and is offering to pay her bail. But Gaviota refuses - she doesn't want him to pay it. She doesn't want to try to prove her innocence a the expense of her daughter. Commercial break.
We return from the commercial to see Diana preparing to leave with Maxito, and getting the third degree from her loving husband Diego. She tries to tell him she's taking the baby for a walk, but he's not buying that for a dollar. He lets her know she's not leaving the house until she tells him where she's going.

Back to Max's room where he's having a nightmare, but Marfil is there to calm him and promise him that he'll be better than ever very soon, she'll be his eyes, his guide. They'll be together forever.

Paco tells Gav that the judge hasn't set a bail amount yet, and she says it's better than way. He wants her to be free, even though she says that she doesn't want to be. Cue the Paco/Gaviota theme song!

Diego's still harrassing Diana. Their conversation is totally predictable, and almost too boring to report, but here's a quick overview: Diego says he doesn't believe she's going to the mall, she says she is, he offers to come with her, she won't let him and she walks out. He says to himself that he knows she's lying again - she's going to see Max!

Pobre de Gaby is lying in bed reliving the attempted rape and murder. She says to herself that now she's a murderer and her mother is in jail and it's all her fault!

Miguelina has come to visit Gaviota. It's quiet as usual - no other prisoners to overhear their conversations about who's really the murderer. Gaviota says she will stay in jail, and asks Miguelina to take care of her daughters for her. She'll plead guilty so that there's no investigation and they don't learn that Gaby's the one who murdered Andres. Nobody else must know the truth about what happened.

At TeleMiami hospital, Marfil is trying to get Max to have something to eat when Diana arrives with Maxito. Marfil's really working the compassionate wife angle, and greets little Max as if she's thrilled to see him. Then she tells Max how beautiful he is and what a shame it is that he can't see. She asks Diana if she can hand the baby to Max, while Max waits anxiously with outstretched hands. Max holds Maxito and is whispering all of his plans for little Max as Diana stands by with her glassy eyed stare and Marfil sneers. Marfil suggests that Diana and she leave the boys alone for a few minutes. Diana's afraid that the baby will fall, but Max promises that he won't let that happen. Close up of Maxito making faces, and we go to commercial.

After the commercial, Diana is explaining to Marfil that she brought the baby because Max asked her to. Marfil says that she's glad she did, Max seems happy to see the baby, and she never wants to separate Max from his baby. She doesn't see Diana as an enemy because Diana is married and Marfil plans to stay with Max. Diana notes how different Marfil is from her twin. Marfil asks that Diana and Max have as little contact as possible, and Diana agrees that this is a logical request.

At City Hall, the detective is questioning Gaviota about what happened. He says there are things that don't match up... she says that everything happened quickly and she doesn't really remember. She's not even sure if the gun he's holding is the one that she used. She recently bought several guns, so she supposes that the one that he's holding is the one that she fired.

Max is still cooing at Maxito when Marfil returns and tells him that the baby is precious, and she will treat him the same as if he were her own. She was just talking with Diana, who seems like a nice person. She leans in and takes the baby from his arm and cradles him while thought bubbling about how much she hates him, just like she hates his mother.

Back to City Hall, where they're really grilling Gaviota on the details. The tests show that she didn't fire the gun. She doesn't care what the tests say, she did fire the gun. The detective leans in and tells her that he knows that she's a lawyer, but he's sure that she's lying. If looks could kill, the cop would be begging for mercy. Commercial break.

We return to the hallway at the hospital, where Diana is telling Larry and Yo how different Marfil is. Larry and Yo have their doubts, and warn Diana about getting too chummy with Marfil.

At City Hall, the detective wants to do another test, but Gaviota refuses. He gets in her face and tells her that he's sure that she's lying to protect someone and he wants to know who. But he won't break Gaviota - she stands up and tells him that she's the guilty one!

Max is still holding little Max while Marfil sits by his side, when Diana returns and says that she needs to go home before her psycho husband gets married. Max doesn't care about Diego, and doesn't want Maxito to leave so soon, but Marfil is quick to point out that Max needs to respect Diana's situation - she's married and they shouldn't cause trouble for her. She tells Diana to bring the baby any time she wants.

Paco has come back to see Gaviota, and he knows that she's covering for someone, so who is it?
Diego is holding court at psycho mansion. Nancy, Lala, Dona Santa and Miguelina are all listening to him say that it's odd that she's now in jail for the same crime that she went to jail for before. Miguelina tells him that she didn't kill her husband, and Nancy talks about what a shame it is that this is happening, and Dona Santa doesn't know who killed who. Lala doesn't understand why she's not out on bail.

The doorbell rings and Nancy goes to answer it. Diana walks in with Maxito in her arms and Nancy trailing behind her. Does anyone else find it odd that Diana range the doorbell at her own home? Diego greets them with his usual warmth and charm as he asks where's the clothing she went to buy, but she didn't see anything she liked. Miguelina goes off to change his diaper and Diana announces that she's off to work. Diego tells Lala that he's not an idiot - he knows that she took the baby to the hospital.

Paco is still arguing with Gaviota - he knows that she didn't kill Andres. She tries to convince him otherwise, but he just knows that she didn't do it, maybe she's covering for her daughter. She tells him not to say that again, Gaby isn't capable of such a thing. Cut to commercial.
Back from commercial, Gaviota is asking Paco to leave before he makes her more nervous. Paco tells her that if she didn't kill Andres, and she's covering for someone, the truth will come out sooner or later.

Max is beside himself with joy as he tells Yolanda about his visit with Maxito, and how understanding Marfil is! He's just going to have to forget Diana and learn to love Marfil as he did before, because she's suffered so much and deserves his love. Then he scrunches up his nose like he smells something rotten.

Diana enters Gaby's bedroom and tells her that she just talked to Paco and he's going to get a good lawyer to defend Gaviota. Gaby says she won't be able to live if Gaviota is not free, and Diana tells her not to torture herself, Andres was a gangster who tried to violate her. This doesn't console Gaby - she's suffering because she killed a man, even if the man was a gangster, and she suffers because and innocent woman is paying for her crime. Then Gaby tells Diana that the reason that Gaviota is making such a huge sacrifice for Gaby is because Gaviota is their real mother! Credits roll.


Sunday, May 27, 2007

Zorro-Friday, May 25, 2007: Diego sneaks into el Callao, FS gets his palm read and Maria Pia resigns.

Show opens with Diego dressed in military uniform sneaking into the prison and getting caught by another solider. Diego makes the excuse that he wanted to visit his buddies in the mazmorra (dungeon). Sure nothing like sharing a cold one and shooting the breeze late at night in the dungeons with your buddies. The guard tells him no time for visits as Monty is there. Guard orders Diego to go back to the bed. Diego turns to leave but when the guard’s back is turned, he goes back to his search. He finds it odd that Monty is there at this hour. Isn’t the jail run by Monty so I imagine he could go anywhere he wants.

We cut to a blindfolded Esme being lead by Auggie to a room where Monty is preparing the torture chains? Auggie tries to make one more last ditch effort to help Esme but Monty orders him to shut up and leave. Monty starts chatting it up with Esme telling her the room is his favorite in the prison. Everybody talks there even those who lost their memory. Monty tells Esme to tell him what he wants to hear that way they both can rest being they are very tired. Monty tells Esme that the whipping he gave her earlier is nothing compared to what he can do now, so she better say where she knew Zorro.

Meanwhile Piza is pointing a gun to Pito’s head wanting to know where SK’s body is. Piza accuses Pito of lying to him. Pito tells him that they both saw when SK was buried. Pito tells Piza that he’s not an idiot to have dug her up later when he left. Pito shows him a bracelet which Piza identifies as belonging to the gitanos (how he figures this out, I don’t know, maybe the bracelet is labeled) so he comes to the conclusion that gitanos took the body. Pito says it’s a plausible theory, but Piza could have said aliens took the body and Pito would said the same thing. Piza now wants to confirm this theory (about the gitanos taking body of course).

Back at the gypsy camp, Renzo is waking up in a cough and Suzi asks for water. Nutty (or shall we call her Ana Camila?) who was giving water to Camba leaves him to go to Renzo. Poor Camba is probably thinking, hey that’s my water. Suzi thanks God and Ana Camila that he’s alive. Laisha looks on angrily as Ana Camila tells Renzo he was right in saying she shouldn’t loose hope.

Meanwhile at the nunnery/mission? MP is telling PT that he plans on leaving LA. PT says its not possible but MP insists it’s the only way FS will stop bothering the mission. PT says that she’s Mother Superior, what’s going to happen to the other nuns if she leaves. MP considers it worse for them to see how she is accosted every day. PT is not in agreement and FS would have won. MP says she’ll leave without telling anybody when or where. PT backs down and says maybe its for the best, he will write to his contacts in Mexico and will let her know. MP thanks PT for believing in her and says that deep in her heart is the best thing even for FS. Apparently she doesn’t know FS very well, it will more likely cause him to go nuts, although I am not sure how you can top giving up your underwear at the altar and going through town naked.

We go back to the bar where we saw an unruly patron feeling up a barmaid. Enter Prudencio in his big really sombrero, checking out the place it seems for his patron, FS. FS orders his usual and enter Selenia. The owner/barmaid counsels her against being there being that only male patrons and all. Selenia doesn’t care she accepts the risk and orders the strongest drink. The barmaid offers a drink filtrado de caña (filtered from sugar cane? that’s how it translated to me anyway) but warns her it’s so strong the patrons don’t order it. I never heard of this so I am thinking drain cleaner, but that’s what Selenia wants. The barmaid says fine, it’s your esophagus (just kidding but she was probably thinking it). Meanwhile this exchange has peaked FS’s curiosity.

Back to Diego scoping out the Callao. He hears some guards talking so he runs to an empty cell and closes the door loudly. Isn’t that always the case when you are sneaking around, everything makes an echo, the clock ticking, the floorboards, the front door closing behind you. One of the guards hears the noise and wonders where it came from while the other guard tells him he’s hearing things, nobody allowed, blah, blah, blah and they leave. We cut to Diego going down some stairs while he thought bubbles Esme I’m going to find you.

Cue Amor Gitano

We come back from commercial and Diego is questioning some prisoners about a woman. They laugh and tell him they haven’t seen a woman in years but if he finds one let them know.

We cut to SAM watching the men do push ups and counting. SAM is telling them they are getting big in the middle. SAM tells them its due to frequent visits to the kitchen and some more stuff I didn’t catch. He notices somebody in the shadows and orders for him to present himself…. and it’s a gagged Cifuentes in this pj bottoms, ha. SAM finds it strange because he thought he saw him inside and then the light bulb goes off.

We cut to Monty heating up a branding iron. He wants to know who Zorro is but Esme tells him, kill me if you must I am not saying anything. Monty is getting angry and threatens Esme some more and tells her she will loose the baby. Esme tells Monty that God will punish him but that just gets Monty more angry.

We go to Spain where the Queen is reading a book and enter a surprised Jacobo to find her majesty reading. Apparently the Queen is reading books given to prepare herself for trip to America. I didn’t realize the history books where already out, I imagine it’s the same as all history is written, in favor of those writing it. The Queen asks when are they leaving but Jacobo does his best to cover up that he hasn’t even prepared the ships. I didn’t understand what he said but since we know he’s stalling he could have said engine trouble. The Queen notices it’s always something and tells Jacobo that it seems he’s not taking her plan seriously (I wonder what gave you that idea?) and if he is purposefully stalling the trip. Jacobo tells her he’s just worried about her leaving and nobody in charge. The Queen tells him that will be taken care of and leaves Jacobo in charge of convincing the royal counsel the importance of her trip.

We cut to the meeting of the brotherhood. PT says that lives are in danger and the brotherhood seems more optimistic about the Marquesa’s arrival bringing changes. PT is doubtful as Marquesa doesn’t have much power in Spain and that there is a conspiracy in Spain. They rehash the king’s assassination. They agree that while SK doesn’t appear they will be against the conspiracy. PT stresses the need for the Queen to know about SK and for SK to take the throne.

Jacobo is telling one of the royal counselors to not allow the Queen’s voyage. The RC says what the Queen says goes and since they don’t rule they have to go with it. Jacobo even bribes the RC but it didn’t look like he was going for it.

We cut to the bar where FS has bought Selenia another drink and an invite to his table. Selenia buys FS a bottle of the best wine and if FS is interested in talking he’s to come to her table. FS tells the air, it has to be Selenia the sorceress. Does everybody know this lady, what she followed them from Mexico?

We cut to Olmos in his bedroom reading. He hears a door open? and peers through the hole he made in the wall to look at Mangle undressing in the next room. He tells the air/Mangle that she will be his and his only.

We go back to the prison, where Monty complains he is tired and patience is running out. Esme is on the rack and Monty turns the wheel and demands to know who is Zorro. Esme says she doesn’t know as Monty turns the wheel. The torture is interrupted by Auggie thank goodness to tell Monty about Cifuentes being found in pjs and that that the assailant could be anywhere in the prison. Monty orders that Auggie take Esme to her cell. I wonder if Monty is getting migraines, he touches the forehead above his eye a lot. Auggie tells Esme it was only a scare and that he will have to blindfold her so she doesn’t know the way to her cell. We cut to Diego noticing a prisoner chained to wall and being the good hero he tries to open the cell with his sword but its not working. He hears some noise? and runs off.

We go to the outside of the prison where Monty demands to know where Cifuentes went. SAM tells him he went to get something hot to eat but we then see Cifuentes reporting in a giant poncho. Monty asks Cifuentes if he saw who did it. Cifuentes tells him all he saw was hand in the shadows. Monty orders Mejias to whip Cifuentes 10 times for being inept. Hey Monty, haven’t you heard a happy worker works harder. Monty orders SAM to close all exits and guard the main entrance. SAM asks Monty who he thinks did this and figures it its Zorro. Monty tells the air/Zorro that he’s going to trap him like a rat and he will die in the prison.

We cut to the bar where FS has taken a seat by Selenia. FS asks her if she really is Selenia and Selenia is surprised that her fame has followed her to the new world. FS tells her whoever is born in Europe and moved in certain circles knows who Selenia is. Selenia tells him that if FS really knew who she is, he wouldn’t have dared to sit next to her. FS needed to confirm it even if she made him disappear from the earth and landed in hell. “Hell is place where you have lived for many years, Fernando Sanchez de Moncada.” FS is surprised that she knows of him. Selenia tells him that the destiny of men is written in the stars and she can read them like an open book. FS tells her he doesn’t believe in coincidence so then she must be in his destiny.

MP tells Sister Carola about her decision to leave and that Sister Carola will be Mother Superior. MP tells SC that Padre Tomas is preparing everything and to take care of the sisters. SC says that God has put before them great tests (Nutty’s disappearance and the destruction of the mission). MP tells her God will put everything in order.

We go back to the prison where Auggie is leading a blindfolded Esme down the hallway and into a secret door/passageway. Enter Diego walking with his back turned and therefore didn’t see them go into the secret passageway. He seems sure that was the last hallway to search. He runs in the same direction he came in.

Auggie directs Esme to her cell and removes the blindfold. Auggie pleads with Esme to tell Monty all she knows about Zorro. Esme tells him she knows nothing but Auggie tells her she’s risking her and her baby’s life for Zorro. Esme tells Auggie all Monty wants to do is kill Esme and the baby and nothing she does or says will change things. Auggie is more trusting (aww poor naïve Auggie) says Monty would not permit that. He pleads with Esme to tell Monty what he wants to hear.

We go the prison yard where Monty is yelling at the guards for allowing Zorro dressed as a guard to enter. A guard says he’s sorry but he confused Zorro with Cifuentes, it was dark and all he saw was his back. SAM enters and informs Monty that the prison is sealed and entrance guarded as ordered. Monty tells guards Zorro will not escape and if somebody confronts him, kill him.

Auggie offers Esme some water and asks that Auggie tell her what happened to make Monty stop. Auggie plays it down but Esme tells AUggie that she heard him say somebody entered the prison. Auggie tells Esme she misheard, all Auggie did was tell Monty that a sentinel was missing. Esme doesn’t believe him. Auggie tells Esme for Zorro to find her he would have be a warlock as the dungeons in that of the prison are separated by secret doors which explains the blindfold. Esme begs Auggie not to lie to her. Auggie tells Esme what he wouldn’t give for somebody to rescue her. When Auggie leaves Esme, tells the air that everybody thinks her dead; Zorro won’t find her. He won’t find a dead woman.

Cut to SAM telling Monty that he’s searched and Zorro isn’t in that part of the hallway but Monty says that he wasn’t where he searched either so SAM must have missed him. Monty calls SAM worthless and starts searching where SAM came from. Zorro jumps from his hiding place and runs off.

Meanwhile at the bar, Selenia is reads FS’s palm. She tells him he is separated by two paths. He doesn’t know which one to choose and thinks it’s possibly too late. FS pulls his hand away but Selenia tells him he feels that the things he most loves are escape his hands. FS tells her that those they weren’t lying when they told him she is the best sorceress in the world. Selenia tells him she is the best and only one left. FS asks Selenia for a visit, he needs her services. Selenia surprised by this and FS tells her it’s only to ask a few questions about his destiny. Selenia tells him it will cost him and it’s for a reason she works for royalty or dignitaries. FS tells her that must have figured out from reading his palm that money is not a problem. Selenia tells him his problems are of the heart. His chest burns over a wound that has not healed (it could have just been heartburn you know) and danger follows him. All that power that he manages threatens to turn against him. He wants a private visit. Selenia agrees to tomorrow, first thing. He told where but I guess its pointless translating besides I didn’t catch it. When FS leaves, she tells the air that FS will find himself face to face with his destiny.

We go to the de la Vega’s hacienda where Yumi is sitting on the front stairs. Enter Alej to say that Dena is sleeping, she’s had a hard day. Yumi asks Alej why isn’t he sleeping, Alej isn’t sleepy so he came to get some air. Since Yumi can’t sleep either I guess insomnia is contagious in the de la Vega house. Yumi says the nighttime air is like a salve over our soul’s pain. Alej and Yumi’s song plays as he sits close to her. Alej is about to speak but Yumi shushes him and says sometimes silence is better when there are no reasons only the heart’s. They are about to kiss but Alej actually restrains himself and leaves.

Back to the prison where the guards are running around like chickens without a head and Monty screaming maldita sea (Damn it). SAM runs in to tell Monty that Cifuentes uniform was found. More maldición (damnation) from Monty and that damn Zorro must be hidden somewhere. He orders all guards to search every corner and nobody leaves until Zorro is found. Monty notices Piza come in and demands to know where he’s been. Piza says it was his day off and he wants to know what’s going on. Monty orders Piza to accompany him. Zorro reappears from his hiding place on the ceiling and runs off.

Back to Olmos the voyeur and it kinda looked like Mangle saw that Olmos was looking at her. Olmos pulls away freaked out and then goes back to looking. Mangle takes out a cofre from her bureau and starts to open it but closes it. We see Mangle crying through the peephole and Olmos gets giddy.

At the prison, Monty brings Piza up to speed. That working synapse in Monty’s brain sparks and realizes that Zorro was there looking for Esme. Piza tells Monty that everyone thinks she’s dead. Monty agrees even Diego thinks she’s dead (that actually works to ease suspicion off Diego then). Piza wants to know how Zorro knew that Esme is alive and Monty says it’s because he has a pact with the devil (and the synapse short circuits) and even if it’s a demon itself Monty will trap him. Monty tells Piza that Esme knows Zorro’s really identity but won’t say so. Monty tells Piza that since Esme won’t confess, Piza has to kill her. Piza does his impactado/frown face and Monty says Esme dies tonight.

P.S. I wanted to let you guys know that I am going on vacation to Puerto Rico for two weeks (July 7 - 21). Zorro hasn't premiered there yet and I don't think I will have internet access. If somebody could do two fridays I would appreciate it.


Rod -- Ripped & Ready!! (thanks to Jeri @TN-W)

...OR, as some might say: "Buff and Beddy!!"

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