Saturday, June 02, 2007

Acorralada #99 6-1-07 – Friday – Bruno Continues to Row with One Oar!!

We start with the same rehash of yesterday. Everyone is trying to get Bruno to remember what she did with Dimwit and Maxi-Moron's baby. Bruno is manic and can only say "I don't know" ad nauseum. It still looks like Gaby has a smile on her face in a few of the shots. I must admit, I'm still laughing at Bruno's hand actions and facial expressions. Everyone agrees she's loca. Bruno looks like the make-up people put too much fake bronzer on her face.

Isabel is still going nuts over the crying baby. Our former nurse has no idea what to do; the baby has been fed and changed. Wait a moment! The baby has a fever! "I need to get a thermometer."

Emili-Oh has come to Peyote and Puncho's room. Puncho starts smarting off and Emili-Oh punches him in the stomach. Puncho doubles over on the floor. After Emili-Oh leaves, he runs into Caramel in the hotel hallway. "What are you doing in that room?"

Max is still trying to get Bruno to remember what she did with the baby. Ain't happening. He keeps asking the same question over and over, in case she didn't understand it the 100 times prior. All she can say is she was running with the baby in her arms. She doesn't remember anything else. Everyone is standing around trying to figure out what to do.

Isabel thanks Eugenia (a neighbor) for the thermometer. The baby is screaming in the background. Isabel tells Eugenia an old friend is getting divorced and needs Isabel to watch the baby. The neighbor wants to know if Isabel is getting paid to babysit. "Not a cent!" Eugenia then says if they can't fix the baby, they'll have to take him to the hospital. A fever is very dangerous!

Caramel repeats the question, "Do you know someone in that room?" Emili-Oh denies he does and suggests they hustle downstairs for dinner. Caramel says she'll meet him; she forgot a card in her room. After Emili-Oh is gone, the closed hotel room door is remarkably not locked; she can walk right in. Puncho who is still writhing in agony, pretends to be studying yoga. Caramel wants to know what he's doing at the hotel. "Surprise!" says Puncho.

Larry is comforting Gaby in the library. He takes her in his arms and gives her a hug. Apparently Gaby has gotten over her giggles after watching spastic Bruno. Larry says everything is going to be alright; her nephew will come back safe and sound. Gaby thanks him again for bailing her out of jail. This cozy little scene is interrupted by Kike who announces that Little Doormat is now HIS WOMAN!!! They are engaged!

Caramel is continuing her inquisition of Puncho. Is he there with someone? Puncho is denying everything of course. Peyote, who has been begging him to join her in the bath is remarkably quiet. Puncho then suggests they go back to Caramel's room. No sooner do Puncho and Caramel leave than Peyote appears fresh from the shower.

Back in Caramel's room, Puncho is getting frisky. Caramel keeps pushing for Puncho's reason for being in Orlando. He claims he's got a job in the park as an actor. He's the prince of ashes. This whole thing makes no sense to me, but apparently it does to Caramel. All her resolve goes away and they stand there kissing. Puncho wants to take a bath with her. Commercial.

Kike buries the knife a little deeper when he emphasizes he and Little Doormat are getting married. Lunkhead asks if it is true. Alas, Pobre de Lunkhead, it is. Gaby runs out of the room to join the others in the living room. Sylvie has appeared and is fascinated by the concept that Gaby's two men are face to face. After Kike leaves, Sylvie throws her arms around Luscious to comfort him. It doesn't work and Larry walks out. Sylvie starts spouting off her woes, then suddenly has an inspiration to write everything down. She starts rummaging for paper and pen.

Caramel and Puncho are basking in the afterglow of "dinner and dessert." Emphasis on dessert. Emili-Who? They have to be careful because Caramel's father's at the hotel and he'll be mad if he seems them together. Puncho says he's going back to his room to be "alone." Caramel wants to visit him. He suggests it would be better if he returned to HER room later. Caramel is all snuggly at the thought of a visit later on.

Bruno is in the hospital writhing on the bed. DoQ is trying to get her to calm down. Maxi-Moron is still trying to reason with her. He looks very intent and serious. He means business!! Bruno just wants to go home to her babies. They finally give her a sedative to calm her down.

Diablo is walking to the table to poor himself a drink. "No one can find out I arranged the Maxito-napping! Thank heavens Bruno is crazier than a goat; no one will ever know Bruno and I are accomplices."

Max wants Dimwit to go home and rest. It won't do any good to stay at the hospital. Dimwit has no plans of leaving. Fidiota says "Bruno had better tell us tomorrow morning where she put the baby." I'm not sure what Fidiota plans to do if Bruno still isn't coherent.

Everyone has gone back to Psycho Mansion. The dithering continues. Max and Diablo start to get into a fist fight until they're separated by Kike. Finally everyone heads off for bed and Max leaves. Fidiota promises to call him if she hears any news.

Fidiota is in the library, when AHA! She spies the brandy. She pours herself a triple and downs it. The stress is just too much for her to handle! Commercial.

Rene is at the beach telling Sandy how much he loves his Big Doormat! She points out Yolanda is old enough to be his mother. Rene starts going on and on about how wonderful Yolanda is. Sandy looks crushed. Rene hears his name, it's Yolanda. He just about knocks Sandy over getting to his bomboncito. Sandy can't believe it; Rene just thinks of her as a friend. Sandy looks like she's ready to cry. Rene is back to being over the top. He jumps on the fence to yell to the world how much he loves Yolanda. She tries to get him to mellow out and quit making a scene. Finally she says they need to talk. Maxito has been stolen!

DoQ finally has a fine new assistant. Apparently there are now two docs in Miami again after Doc Evil was stripped of his license. They are visiting Bruno. Alas, she is still eating with one chopstick.

Dimwit, Fidiota, and Maxi-Moron all arrive at the hospital. They ask DoQ if Bruno is any better. DoQ says she's still delusional and has no memory of the day before. They've ordered a psychiatric evaluation, but they're just going to have to be patient. Clearly that's not one of the words in Dimwit's vocabulary. She runs into Max's waiting arms and they embrace. Tears abound.

Larry is swimming laps in the pool. Apparently this scene is inserted to liven up the show. Marfil comes out all spit and polished with her white dress and wide red belt. She calls Larry out of the pool for a look-see. Marfil wants to know where Max is. Larry responds Max left early to talk to Bruno. Marfil feigns concern. Lunkhead says there's something Marfil should know. Bruno is her true mother! Marfil is impactada!

Kike is mad that Larry was at Psycho Mansion. He starts bad mouthing Larry. Gaby doesn't want to hear a word. Larry bailed her out of jail and they are still married. Kike points out Larry and Gaby are separated and getting divorced. Little Doormat doesn't want to discuss Larry, she has enough on her plate right now!

The Psychiatrist is trying to get Bruno to tell him where the baby is. It's not working. She does admit a man helped her find one of her twins. But she doesn't know what happened after that.

Marfil comes running into the hospital waiting room. "Is it true that Bruno is my mother?" Max assures her it's true. Max then asks "Aren't you going to ask about anything else?" "Oh yeah, any word on that love child of yours?" She then pretends to be concerned and tells Dimwit she hopes the baby is found safe and sound. "Keep the faith!" Dimwit has on a maroon sweater that is five sizes too small to begin with, layered over a white oxford blouse. I'd say it's one of Max's cast-off sweaters, but it's not a pastel blue or brown. It looks ridiculous, at any rate.

The Psychiatrist is still trying to worm some details out of Bruno. Bruno is able to tell him a baker told her where her babies were. He presses for more details but Bruno keeps pulling the covers over her head. She doesn't remember anything else. She then becomes even more unhinged.

Isabel's neighbor Eugenia brings over some clothes for the baby. "Any word on your friend?" Isabel says no, and she's worried. Eugenia suggests they go to the police. Suspenseful music plays. Commercial.

Pasta is still trying to get Caramel to return to Miami, but she refuses to leave until her job is done. She keeps pressing Pasta for more info. She then mentions that she knows Puncho is in the room across the hall. She's so proud of her Varon. He got a job as an actor in the park!

The Psychiatrist is releasing all sorts of confidential information by describing Bruno's psychotic state. There's nothing more he can do for the moment. Bruno did mention a baker from the 'hood who told her where her daughters were, but it may or may not be true. Marfil suggests perhaps she can ask Bruno. More suspenseful music plays, but I'm not on the edge of my seat. Frankly, I'm ready to move on.

Caramel tells Pasta to buzz off. She is going to do everything to fight for her marriage. Pasta slaps a column in frustration.

Marfil has a little daughter-mother talk with Bruno. She recognizes Marfil, but still talks about her babies. Marfil tells Bruno not to say a word about where the baby is being held. "Not a word!!!!" Bruno is confused. Marfil tells the camera she hopes Max and Dimwit's baby is lost forever!

Credits roll.


Zorro Wednesday May 30,2007: Where a B&E is interupted and a treaty is signed.

Zorro searches the basement of the house out in the woods. He does not seemed at all concerned that there are torches lit and burning in the basement. To me, that would indicate that someone is home, but then again this is a couple hundred years ago so maybe leaving a burning torch is like accidentally leaving the iron on today. So, back to the story, Zorro finds a cache of gold coins stored here in the torch lit basement. He determines that there is much more money here than was in Esmeralda’s fortune. He deduces that Montero must be keeping some of the Crown’s dinero. Bad Monty. Just after figuring this out, Zorro hears a bump and someone call out from upstairs. Could our masked hero be totally busted?

Auggie visits Esme and gives her food. He tells her that she needs to take care of herself and the baby (same speech, different day). Esme says you know Auggie that Monty is just going to keep trying to get me to talk about Zorro and I won’t say anything, so he’ll end up killing me. Auggie tells her not to focus on that. She then comes up with an idea that I don’t quite get, but then I’m not a script writer for the show. She thinks that Auggie should get Olmos to help get her out of prison. Auggie points out that Olmos has known that Esme’s been secretly held in Callao and he hasn’t done anything yet. This doesn’t detour Esme from her (not so) brilliant plan. She says that Auggie should tell Olmos that she’s prepared to make a deal. Will our creepy bald hunchback agree to the plan, and will he just end up betraying Esme again?

Meanwhile, Olmos searches Mariangel’s room and finds the secret box. He opens it up and the reflection of the mirror is pretty blinding. He says now he knows what is in the box that makes Mangle cry. Will we, the audience, be let in on what’s in the box?

Catarina and Hanibal (Pizarro) are frolicking on a table. She stops and worries (ulcer 1) that they might get caught by her husband, Tobias. Piza (just seems weird to call him by his first name) says he doesn’t care if Tobi were to catch them. They could show him (Tobi) how it is done (loaded language). Tobi is actually watching and gets physically ill from seeing his wife get it on with another man. Will Piza and Cat hear Tobi retching?

Nutty Nun (Ana Camilla, hence forth called NAC for Nutty Ana Camilla) is still skinny dipping with Renzo watching. NAC says a prayer to God for giving her a second chance and for saving her life (just what I think every time I go skinny dipping). Ed. Note: Renzo is looking mighty fine today. So watching NAC causes Renzo to have a flashback to the time he declared his love to Esme. Renzo wonders why Esme had to die!! Will Renzo actually realize that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush?

Some sombrero wearing men are outside the house in the woods. They discuss how one of them saw a shadow and how Monty has paid them well to guard this place. BUT they are never to go into the house. The men are afraid of Monty (shouldn’t be, because he’s really a coward). Two of the men pull out their weapons and lean into the door to listen. Zorro uses this time to bust the door down, which proceeds to knock down the two. Zorro then plays a slight of cape and disappears. ONLY to reappear and start kicking some butt.

Tobi returns home and cries “no puede ser” about Cat and Piza. He just can’t believe that his sweet little puddy tat is that animal’s lover. He actually finds it offensive and pulls out his sword. Deciding that this just won’t do, he pulls his pistol out from under the pillow, swearing he’ll kill Piza. Tobi has a light bulb moment and realizes that Piza had him dress as Zorro so he’d (Tobi) get killed and Piza would have free access to Cat. Will Tobi realize that Piza already had free access to Cat at this point? (Ed. Note: she’s been giving the milk away for free and Tobi was the one who bought the cow---get a clue you clueless wimp.)

Tobi goes back to the romping grounds of Cat and Piza. He overhears Cat defend him when Piza makes a derogatory comment about her husband. Piza reminds Cat that Tobi doesn’t have any idea on how to please a woman. Piza tells Cat that she’ll leave Tobi when the time is right. Cat attempts to protest, but she gets caught up in the moment, if you know what I mean. Will Tobi take this as a hint he needs to read the Kama Sutra?

Monty visits Esme’s “grave” and talks to it (why---I can only suppose to remind the audience that he had her “buried”). Monty goes on pontificating to himself that everyone thinks Esme’s dead, but apparently Zorro thinks differently. Somehow Zorro’s been one step ahead of Monty, but that’s going to change because Monty tells himself that he’s more astute than the masked bandito. Will Monty’s delusions of grandeur ever diminish?

Almudena is eating and this pleases her husband, Alejandro. He tells Dena that Yumali is leaving the hacienda for awhile. Dena worries that Yumi’s vacation is her fault (ulcer 2). Al says Yumi’s going to visit White Buffalo, but he wants to know why Dena blames herself. She says because she told Yumi about dream about Regina and in the dream Dena died. Al starts to worry about Dena (ulcer 3).

Dolores goes to see Yumi and finds her packing. She tells Yumi that she should leave and never come back. Dolo adds that Yumi knows the reason why she’s saying this. Yumi says she’s coming back because she needs to save Dena. Yumi leaves and says good-bye to Dena. She tells Dena that she’s got to go see WB because there are things her abuela needs to teach her before she crosses the great river. Will Yumi actually come back to save Dena, or is she just going to try to steal her husband?

Maria Pia tells Carola that she’s leaving. Padre Tomás tells MP that she’ll need to leave the Mission with some protection as an escort. Will Maria Pia actually make it out of town without Fernando knowing?

Fernando tells Prudencio that he wants the Mission watched, but doesn’t specifically tell Prudi what his men should watch for. FS tells Prudi to get some men to pose as Indians and get inside the Mission to have a better spying position. Fernando tells himself he’s not going to allow MP to escape. Will Prudi succeed in his mission?

Camba swims up on NAC. He’s playful, and NAC tells him not to come near, it isn’t proper when people are skinny dipping to come near each other. Camba doesn’t understand and NAC says she really needs to teach him Spanish. Camba plays with a lily pad. Will Camba learn Spanish? (During this scene I asked myself, where did Renzo go? Did I miss him leaving his hiding spot behind the bushes?)

The Marquesa (MC) meets with Al, Monty and Fernando. She questions Monty about Esme’s death and Al uses this time to badger Monty about keeping Sara Kali a prisoner. MC sidesteps that issue and brings up the reason for their gathering. She’s got a peace treaty she wants the boys to sign. She lets Monty know that she could proceed with going after him for conspiring against the Crown. So she wants Monty to drop all charges against the de la Vegas and destroy any records connected to the charges. Fernando tells Monty that SK’s escape didn’t involve the DLVs, only Esme and the gypsies were involved. Al tells FS to not stick up for his family and as a matter of fact, FS should just leave all DLVs alone. MC interrupts the spat and says they’ve got a delicate situation. She reminds FS and Monty that they could get in heaps of trouble for keeping SK locked up, in terrible conditions, for years---oh yeah, and don’t get her started on the whole ViceRoy and the VCR’s dead inspector. She encourages the boys to sign and tells them that if they don’t like the conditions of the treaty she’ll be forced to take more drastic action. Will these three men learn to play nice together?

Diego returns to the Bat Cave and reports to Bernardo. Bernie is concerned that now Monty will know that they know where he’s been hiding the money. Diego knows, and they speculate where Monty will move the money. Will Diego and Bernie figure out Monty’s next step?

Some men come to the Mission for food and offer to do some work. Str. Carola tells them she's got some work out back for them. Will these men discover that Maria Pia has flown the coop, and will they tell Fernando in time?

Cat tries to make some moves on Tobi (yuck, she just slept with Piza!!). Tobi says he has a headache and that she should just not touch him, look at him, or talk to him. Cat leaves and Tobi’s sad that Cat doesn’t think he’s a real man and she doesn’t know how much he really loves her. He says this loudly and she just walked out the door, isn’t he afraid she might eavesdrop? Tobi has a flash to his conversation with Agapito and realizes that Piza must be up to no good. He plans to use this info against Piza. Will Tobi ride as Zorro again?

Fernando agrees to sign the treaty and so does Monty. Monty goes so far as to say it would be best if they all just forgot what’s transpired. The two bad boys leave and Al tells MC that he doesn’t trust either of them. Will Al ever take off that ridiculous uniform? (My God, he’s worse than Lety from La Fea in that Paul Revere outfit she wore for days on end).

Fernando finds Prudi and tells him that they need to find Sara Kali. She’s got to be hiding somewhere and he wants Prudi to get some men out looking for her. Will Prudi think to send men to the leper colony?

Tobi goes to see Aga, who almost chops off a client’s ear (terrible thing to happen in any of his professions). Tobi gets Aga aside and questions about SK. He wants to know if SK is the woman who escaped from Callao. Aga lets Tobi know that SK is in the leper colony and that Piza thinks she’s dead. Aga rehashes a bit about how he got Piza to thinks she’s dead. Aga questions why Tobi, if he’s Zorro, doesn’t know all this stuff already. Will Aga figure out that Tobi is a fraud?

Olmos is drying off after a bath when Mangle bursts into his room. She shocked to see his cue ball head and makes fun of him for it. Mangle demands that Olmos take a look at Al’s books. She wants to know how much money they are sitting on here. Olmos questions her reason and she mentions that she wants to know what will be available to her if she’s kicked to the curb. Olmos is pleased to think that Mangle and Diego might separate. Mangle makes some more mean comments to Olmos. After she leaves, Olmos swears to the air that she’ll be his. Will Olmos learn that ugly is as ugly does?

Monty gets the news that Zorro raided his house in the woods. He decides he’s got to move the money to the prison. He tells one of the worthless guards to move the money. Will this guy realize he can take the money and run?

Mangle finds Diego and tells him she’s going out to visit a friend. He pays no attention to her and continues to read a book. Not one to be ignored, she demands to know when he’ll forget Esme. He basically tells her never and there’s nothing she can do to change that. She’s mad. When will Mangle realize she’s got a snowballs chance of getting Diego to go for her? (That’s why she needed her little vial of potion, which didn’t even get her to have her way like she’d wanted).

Monty tells Piza that Zorro is working amongst them. He’s getting paranoid. Monty tells Piza that Zorro knows that Esme is alive, so they need to have a change of plans and get rid of her tonight. What will Monty do to our heroine?

Esme wakes up and hears a noise outside her cell. She thinks it is Diego, come to rescue her. Will Esme be freed by her lover? Tune in next time. END OF EPISODE/ ULCERS 3


Friday, June 01, 2007

Destilando Amor 6/1/07 - No Recaps Due to 2 Hrs. of Repeats

I never understand why Univision schedules its telenovela episodios the way it does. There was no rhyme or reason for a 2 hr. block of repeated episodios tonight to my way of thinking. Next week is the soccer game, after all. If I am being selfish here, then so be it.

So, Friday night recaps of new ones will resume on 6/15/07, God willing and the creeks don't rise.....


Zorro - May 31, 2007 "GOTCHA!"

* Esmy hears noises outside her cell - she gets excited - "Diego? Is that you? Diego?" She approaches the open doorway, is then grabbed from behind and knocked out by two thugs who put a black bag over her head and carry her away.

* Piza follows Monty outside - Monty has something planned - MA spies on the two walking, is curious and leaves.

* Bernie finds Diego in Z-cave. Bernie gives Diego a message; they discuss what Monty is hiding in the prison; Diego plans to return to find out who it is - suspects Esmy is still alive and Monty is hiding her there. He is adamant about finding out.

* Auggie stops the thugs at the door to discover they are under Monty's orders to move the prisoner to another location. Auggie tells them to be careful with her; they leave; Auggie closes the gate and prays to G-d to protect her and that she won't be tortured anymore.

* At tribal camp, Yumi talks with her grandmother White Buffalo about Alej and Dena and the ghosts haunting them. Yumi begs WB to let her contact her sister Regina/Toypurnia - she needs to know and understand.

* Out by lake with horses, Monty explains to Piza the move of Esmy away from the prison to a secret hideout in order to set a trap for Zorro at the prison. The horses make noises in distance; Monty says they are his new hires to complete the orders (not soldiers; Monty doesn't trust them to do the job). Monty goes on to tell Piza that the less people know that Esmy is still alive the better. Unfortunately, MA sneaks up in a large brush and overhears this part of the conversation - she's ticked off that Monty tricked and deceived her - she vows vengeance on him for it.

* Olmos checks out MA's box - thinks it strange that there's only one letter inside, which is unopened and old. He wonders if it is from Spain (who, what, when, where, how, why) He holds it up to the candle flame to check it out.

* Diego is getting into his Zorro costume. He checks out his weaponry and talks to Bernie about the plan. Bernie opens a box and hands Diego the Zorro scarf mask. Diego thanks his brother, then takes his whip and snaps out the candle flame.

* Men drive cart up to Monty and Piza at the lake. Monty checks the still unconscious Esmy in the back of the cart. Monty tells Leo the head thug to take her to the secret prearranged hide-out and watch her like hawks. They and Piza are the only ones that are to know where she is. Monty then whispers to Leo if everything is all set for the trap for Zorro at the prison - Leo assures him everything is according to orders. Monty then finishes his orders by again saying to vigilant about watching the prisoner and not let her escape. Leo asks why are they taking her to a house - he says that Zorro can't be in two places at the same time. The thugs leave. Piza mounts up and escorts the thugs and Esmy. Monty on horseback thinks - ha-ha, now he has the upper hand with Zorro and can't wait for him to fall into the trap.

* Piza and the thugs arrive at a farm house - Piza supervises as the thugs carry Esmy inside and down the stair to the storage basement.

* Toby visits Agapito in his mortuary/apothecary/medical clinic. Agapito is fixing up some medication. They gossip about Monty, Piza, Esmy, Zorro and SK. They comment about Piza's ambition. Agapito asks Toby about his interest in Zorro. Toby explains and then asks Agapito for a huge special favor. Toby will help Agapito with SK and make Piza pay for all his crimes.

* Leo and associate thug lay Esmy on a grain bag bed in the basement. They leave the bag over Esmy's head. Piza tells them to leave him alone with her. They don't take orders from anyone but Monty. Piza then restates the request as an order from Monty and they leave. Piza looks around the room and wonders why Monty moved her here to this refuge. He checks on Esmy on the bed and realizes Monty is becoming more dangerous by the day, with hiring thugs and this. He blows out his torch...

(cue theme song and opening credits)

* Alej and Dena in bed sleeping. She starts muttering in her sleep and wakes Alej up. He has to wake her and tell her it is only a dream, a nightmare. She's scared.

* WB hands Yumi the pipe with instructions of how to use it. Yumi takes a puff (can't believe I actually wrote that) and then starts to hallucinate seeing Regina her dead sister sitting in front of her. Regina starts to speak and asks what do you want to know?

* MA is fuming and scowling as she lay on Monty's bed. He enters in a bad mood. He puts coat in closet and tells her what if someone else had entered (a woman perhaps) - she says that person would be in big trouble. He laughs and sits on the bed. She tries to hug, kiss and seduce him - he isn't interested (not tonight I have a headache) - she swipes his gun from his waist band and holds it to his neck as she accuses him of deceiving her and hiding Esmy.

* As the seal breaks open on the letter, Olmos is excited by
being the first to open it. He looks at the writing and mutters to himself about the author. He's upset as he reads the message. He thinks that MA wrote it about being in love with a married man.

* Monty thinks MA is hysterical and bluffing - she tells him, still with gun pointed at him, she knows that he is secretly hiding Esmy. He says its political. She says to her it's very personal. She thrusts gun into his earlobe and demands an explanation why he lied to her and didn't kill Esmy. She cocks the gun.

* Esmy wakes up and looks around the storage room. Where is she? she wonders. She looks around in the dark room. How did I get here? When will this end? What do they want from me?

* Diego/Zorro tells Bernie the mission is too dangerous that's why he will go alone. If he doesn't return, Bernie is to find Tornado and wait for news. Diego/Zorro leaves. Bernie is worried (ulcer count 1)

* Monty swipes his hand up and yanks the gun away from MA and slaps her so she falls onto the bed. He yells at her to stop with the nonsense and threats. He hates threats against him. she isn't scared. He says stay out of this; she can't. As long as Esmy is alive, she reasons, the potential for Diego to find her is too great - he finds her and MA will be history. Monty says the de la Vega family has their hands full at the moment to do anything. He then whispers to MA about the fisher-person they found that they used to trick the family into thinking Esmy is dead. MA wants in on the plan. Monty asks what she wants in return. MA wants to see and talk with Esmy.

* PT and Sor Carola escort MP downstairs. PT gives her a letter to take with her. MP gives PT some messages and instructions to take care of her family. They wish her well on her journey. As the three leave for the front gate of the convent, two of Fer's vigilantes come out of hiding on the stairs; they need to tell Don Fer ASAP.

* Zorro sneaks onto the rooftop and over the wall. He uses his whip to climb the side of the building. (music interlude)

* Auggie comes down with a torch. Esmy is so happy to see him and hugs him. She tells him what she does remember as he lights the wall torch. He knows and apologizes for not doing anything, the orders came from Monty himself so he couldn't risk it. She asks why is he doing this? Auggie says "I don't know." He tells her that Olmos is now at the de la Vega hacienda. Esmy curiously asks, "Why is he there?" Auggie again says "I don't know." She asks where is she? why? He can't tell her where, and gives his opinion about why (it may have something to do with Monty not wanting the Marquesa to find her). She wonders if Monty wants to use her as a trap for her mom - but she thinks her mom's dead so what will he do now. Auggie pledges to help and protect her - she asks him to get Olmos to also help - she is putting hers and her baby's lives in his care.

* Olmos is upset thinking that the letter refers to MA's heart being broken by a married man. He thinks he can use it to get the tears of MA and then he can win her heart (his mission in life).

* Prudencio visits Fer at his office. Prudencio tells Fer that a lady left with several men on a cart from the convent this evening. Fer is surprised and thinks it may be MP.

* MP urges the cart driver to make the horse run faster.

* Fer tells Prudencio to be vigilant at the front door, get a posse and horses ready, he will go personally to see if the lady leaving town is MP. After Prudencio leaves, Fer mutters to himself, if it is you MP, you aren't going to go anywhere.

* Dolly finds Alej in the living room. Alej reveals Dena's nightmares and pain in losing Esmy are taking a toll on her. She's finally asleep but he's so worried (ulcer count 2) that he couldn't sleep. Dolly can't sleep either, she has a strange feeling inside her and is worried also (ulcer count 3). Alej is scared to death that Dena will die, he can't lose her - he thinks he's cursed. Dolly consoles him. He says G-d can punish him but not Dena, not her. Alej cries.

* Yumi hands pipe back to WB. WB knows the spirit had visited and left a message with Yumi as Yumi lays her head on WB's lap. The spirit doesn't lie, says Yumi. But still I don't understand. WB and Yumi discuss how to interpret and help Dena. WB advises strongly against Yumi interfering in anyway with Dena.

* At the gypsy camp, Camila/Sor Loca sits and watches Camba sleep. Renzo pulls up a chair and tells her that she and Camba are now part of the camp and can stay for as long as they want. Renzo gets up, Cami stops him - she wants to know about him. He knows a lot about her, she wants to know something about him. He tells her of his enchantment with Esmy, even though she was in love with someone else. Cami knows who she is, thinks she may like him too. He says too late, he can't believe in it, she's dead - killed by Monty's men. She apologizes and consoles Renzo. He thanks her for her kindness and understanding. He leaves. Laisha watches them from a distance.

* Auggie finds Olmos outside in the dark. He tells Olmos that Monty had Esmy moved out of town to a farmhouse. Olmos is impactado. Auggie goes on to vent his frustration and aggravation and worry that Monty may indeed kill Esmy - without any regards for her unborn child. He asks Olmos to help negotiate something with Piza. Olmos agrees to do just that.

* Zorro gets into the prison corridor. He hides behind a pillar as two soldiers walk through. Zorro looks around and wonders where the secret passageway is where Monty has Esmy hidden.

* Toby/Zorro stops Piza on the street at gun point. Toby forces Piza to kneel and put his hands up. Toby knows that Esmy is alive and moved from prison. Piza tries to protest but Toby continues to rant and accuse Piza - vows Piza will die.

* Fer and Prudencio and posse stop MP and her escorts on road outside of Los Angeles. (She's like, oh crap, i'm screwed.)

* Zorro feels along the wall, finds the hidden trigger switch which opens the door, he passes through and the door closes.

* Toby continues with gun pointed at Piza's head to rant about Catalina and SK. Piza is tired of the threats and dares him to go ahead and shoot. Piza attacks back by vowing to find and kill Zorro first. Toby declares that Zorro can never be caught, he does a weak copy of the "Z" with his sword on the back of Piza's uniform jacket and disappears. Piza stands up and looks around and grumbles "Dang it, Zorro. You are going to regret this. For sure, you are going to regret this."

* MA comes down to pay Esmy a visit in the basement storage room. Esmy is half-happy to see MA.

* Zorro walks into Esmy's old cell. Monty sneaks up from behind, closes the gate and locks it. Monty laughs "GOTCHA!" he's been waiting for him to show up.


Destilando Amor 5/31/07 Feliz Navidad familia… Elvis is in the house!

Francisco, Isa’s friend seeking benefits gifts her with perfume, her favorite, so part of him can be close to her skin…

Rod continues as the master of ceremonies at work handing out Christmas gifts and toasting to the workers and the year ahead. Gavi thought bubbles back to their passionate kiss outside her apartment and slips out of the gathering to go cry in her office. Her love for him is stronger than she is! She grabs her purse and takes off for home.

Rod grabs another present and calls out “Mariana Franco!” but he sees Gavi is gone from the party. He thinks, she ran away from me…. Later he knocks on her office door with her gift and sees she is not there. He takes the opportunity to stroke her chair and her keyboard (did anyone notice she has large stuffed animal in her office?). Rod picks up the phone and inhales deeply. He says this is the last Christmas that they are going to have to spend apart.

Clarita is making the rounds with gifts in the garden outside the charity hospital where she volunteers. She gives gifts to two boys who are playing, then spies grumpy Don Arnufo on a nearby bench. Clara hurries over to give him his gift, a scarf. He doesn’t want it and doesn’t want any part of the holiday. He says God abandoned him a long time ago. Clarita tells him that there must be a good reason why he feels that way. He tells her the story of the cold night when he lit a fire to keep his family warm and returned to find them dead of asphyxiation. Clara is shocked at his loss and tries to comfort him.

Just then, one of the nearby boys starts to choke. Clara runs over, but can’t do much. The frail Don A sprints over and gives the boy the Heimlich maneuver, saving his life. Clara exclaims, that was the reason why you are here! The kid thanks Mr. Grumpy.

Isa has invited Francisco in for tea. He talks about his parents at the casino in Monte Carlo, and how that’s not his scene. He had planned to be on a yacht for the holidays with his music and party. He describes the scene and gently blows on Isa’s hair. But hurricane Cassandra came through and ruined it all his plans. Isa remarks that it’s not hurricane season. Francisco clarifies that Cassandra was his girlfriend, now ex-girlfriend. They talk about holiday plans and Francisco invites Isa, and of course Rod, over for a drink. She’s not sure what they’ll do for the holiday. Francisco says at least it’s comforting to know someone else is in the building. He gives her a slow kiss goodbye on each cheek.

At Casa Pilar, the family is starting to gather for Christmas Eve dinner.

Clarita returns home and tells Gavi about her day and Don A’s story. It turns out the Benvenutto got called away for the evening to fill in for the cook at his restaurant, and Dona Altagracia does not feel like going out. Clarita does not want to stay home, because she knows Gavi will mope about Rod. Gavi had received a number of invitations for the evening, along with all the gifts. But they’re mainly for older divorced men in the industry who are asking her out to try their luck with her. Gavi brightens. They will go out to a fancy place, and she has ideas for what they can do with some of the gifts they have received.

Rod returns back to his apartment sad. He and Isa fight over whose family’s Christmas Eve dinner they should go to. She doesn’t want to go to Pilar’s. They finally agree that he will go to the Montalvo’s, and then meet her and her parents afterward. He leaves to get ready and she tells him she has very special plans for the night. Rod looks uncomfortable as he goes to change his clothes.

Outside his apartment, Rod is loading gifts into the trunk of his car and grabs a small one from the bag with his teeth. He drives off.

Gavi has fixed her mom’s hair with a big purple bow and goes to get ready. There is a knock at the door to their apartment.

Clarita opens the door to Rod, who has a bouquet of flowers for her and a present for Gavi. He says he’d like to leave the gift with her, but Clarita tells him to stay. Gavi opens her bedroom door momentarily and is shocked to see Rod. Clara offers Rod some coffee, but he prefers tequila. She rips into one of the gift packages Gavi got for a bottle. Gavi calls out to her mom for her purse. Clara tells Rod to make himself at home, the glasses are in the kitchen.

As soon as she steps into the other room, Rod rushes over to the Christmas tree and starts grabbing at the cards on all the gifts to see who they are from. He does the same with the gift baskets and flowers in the kitchen. Next he stands outside Gavi’s bedroom door and eavesdrops as someone calls to invite her out for the evening. He rushes away from door and tries to compose himself in the kitchen as Clarita comes back into the room.

Rod tells Clarita he could not find the shot glasses…Clara asks him if he knows the people who gave Gavi all of the gifts. He says yes, they are from the tequila industry. They pour a drink and he tries to make conversation about what their plans are for Christmas. Clarita does not know where she and Gavi are going. Rod tells her he’ll be with his family. Rod’s is about to leave again, when he hears Gavi’s voice.

Gavi steps into the room in a blue evening gown, ready for the night out. She is smiling. Rod takes a moment to collect himself and look her over in appreciation and admiration. With his eyes, he lets her know she looks great, then gives her a slightly pleading expression. Clarita steps out of the room.

Rod has Gavi’s present, he couldn’t give it to her earlier. She opens up a small box with an expensive looking pair of drop earrings. He asks if he can put them on and carefully does. She is staring at him with bright eyes. The earrings suit you, he says. She turns to get his present. She was going to give it to them earlier, the night they did the balances, but the timing wasn’t so good. She says her present is sort of a joke. He starts to open it and the phone rings. It’s a fancy pen (so he can sign more documents!). Clara calls to Gavi, the phone is for her.

Gavi asks Rod to wait a minute. It’s someone else asking her out for the evening. Rod edges toward the door, and Gavi turns and asks him to stay. She declines the invitation and tells the caller how popular they are. She and her mom already have plans, with Eduardo Saldivar at the tequila industry dinner dance. Rod looks angry and disappointed. He opens the door to the apartment and slams it as he leaves.

Clara comes in to scold Gavi for blabbing so much on the phone. She says, Rod is suffering! He would give his life to be able to spend Christmas with you. Gavi says she is dying, too. And it’s better if Rod is disillusioned with her, because their love has no future.

At Casa Pilar, Daniela arrives and greets the family. Her boyfriend will be along later. Patricio arrives with his fiancée, Rain. The family greets her, all except Minerva, who is furious. Patricio turns away from Minerva and makes a weak explanation that Pilar had asked him to bring his fiancée.

Minerva springs out of her seat and starts screaming that she is not going to share Christmas Eve dinner with her husband’s former lover. The family is shocked at airing this news out in the open. Minerva pleads with Pilar, this is humiliating, a lack of respect! Pilar’s expression is, as always, somewhat blank.

Rain says that she shouldn’t have come, and Patricio tells Pilar they will leave. Pilar nods. As they walk out, Sophia remarks at Patricio’s total lack of respect. Bruno tries to change the subject with a toast to good times. Minerva looks ill.

Gavi and her mom step out into the street below her apartment, which is decorated with lights for Christmas. Children are playing outside. Eduardo greets them and Gavi introduces her mom. Clarita shakes his hand vigorously and tries to lean over to look at something across the street. She gets into the car.

Eduardo takes Gavi’s hand and tells her that she looks divine. Gavi looks off into the distance… There across the street is the white car, and Rod scowling inside. Gavi’s eyes fill with tears. Eduardo asks what’s wrong and tells her they’ll be late for the party. She gets in the car and is looking at Rod, devastated. Rod’s face is set with anger.

Back at Casa Pilar, Aaron has arrived. He gives Minerva a bracelet for Christmas, and she tells him her best present is to be with him. Daniela jokes that it would have been a great present if Aaron had stayed in Miami! Bruno asks Aaron how he got his jet. Fedra tells then not to talk business. Aaron agrees, he’s here to celebrate with his family. He asks after Patricio. Sophie gives his a scolding look. Minerva gets up and explains that Patricio arrived with Aaron’s former secretary Rain. Former secretary -- and lover! Aaron is all, yes, I remember her…

Isa is having drinks with her parents. Her dad whispers to her mom that he doesn’t understand how the artificial insemination thing works – Isa’s mom will tell him later.

At Pilar’s, they ask after Isa. Sophie says that Isa does not feel close to the family, she feels that they have not been on her side regarding the Mariana Franco matter. Minerva states that Isa has a right to be jealous and feel the way she does. Sophie gets up to call Isa.

The phone rings at Isa’s, she thinks it must be Rod. Sophie asks why Isa’s not joining them. Isa is furious when she realizes that Rod did not tell the family she was not coming, because Rod has not arrived yet!

Sophie reports back to the family that Isa is not coming. They talk about what to do with the jealousy Isa has for Mariana. Just then Rod arrives and greets the family warmly. Sophie wants Rod to call Isa, but he puts her off. Pilar continues the discussion: Isa’s distancing herself from the family. Rod jokes that Isa’s not far enough away!

Pilar wants to talk seriously about his marriage. It’s not the best time, but they’re all affected by it. Pilar states that Isa is acting the way she is because of Mariana. Pilar wonders if they should get rid of Mariana at the corporativo. She respects and admires Mariana, but family comes first. Rod says, if Mariana goes, I go. He complains that the gathering is becoming an inquisition. Sophie tells him that he has to choose between the business and his marriage. He tells Sophie how much he likes it when she interferes with his life! Daniela tells him to choose the corporativo over his marriage. He jokes that he will step out while they make their judgment about him.

Daniela follows him, she knows it bothers him when they say bad things about Gavi. His Christmas Eve has become horrible! She tells Rod to find Gavi. He says it’s not worth it. Pilar calls him back.

Rod jokes, have you made your decision? Pilar says they can’t make a decision on the spot, but Rod needs to know that he can’t put himself in another compromising situation with Mariana. If he does, Pilar wants him to know that the family will stand with Isa. Sophie tells Rod to call Isa. Rod calls Isa, and tells her he’ll join her soon.

At the Tequila dinner dance, Eduardo arrives with Gavi and her mom. They make their way to their table and Eduardo proudly introduced Mariana as the general manager at Montalvo. Clarita says a cheery hi and tells them she’s Mariana’s mom.

At Casa Pilar, Videgaray has stopped by to pay them a visit. Rod is glad to see him. Videgaray starts to tell Rod that he’s not at all happy with what he’s seen happening at the corporativo. Just then Aaron approaches, and they change the subject. Aaron tells Rod he better get on his way, or Isa’s going to rake him over the coals. Rod starts to leave.

Just then the maid rushes in and whispers to Daniela that Elvis has arrived. Daniela tells Rod to wait, she wants him to meet her boyfriend. Daniela beams, and proudly introduces her man.

Elvis steps into the doorway with a big grin. He is black with long dreads and is very casually dressed. The family members register various states of shock! Dani proudly takes his arm, and Elvis gives them a beautiful smile and warm greeting: Merry Christmas family!!

**Advance (for Monday, alas):

We see Gavi and Rod together….it looks she may be breaking several of her promises to his wife and family!


Acorralada #98 – 5/31/07- Thursday – She's BAAAAAACK!!!!!

*****Note: Episode #97 has a draft started but the recap isn't available for viewing yet. If you don't want to miss a single exciting moment, you might want to wait to read this recap!!*****

Octopus is fighting with Pasta. She is wearing what looks like golden chandelier earrings. She's mad that Pasta kind of neglected to mention Fidiota's release from jail. He's been hiding things from her.

Diablo is giving a clearly deranged Bruno directions to "find one of her babies" at Psycho Mansion. Bruno is so excited at the prospect of seeing either Marfilita or Deborita. Diablo is gloating that Dimwit is going to pay for all the suffering she has brought upon him.

The two grannies are fawning over Maxito. The baby is clearly having a wonderful time being on the set and is all smiles. It almost looks like he's totally amused by Granny DS, although it's hard to tell if his real mother is actually standing behind Granny. At any rate, Granny DS seems to be having a lucid moment and knows Mini-Max is her great grandson. Granny M leaves Mini-Max on the bed in Granny DS's care, while Granny M goes downstairs for some food. Mini-Max is happily lying on the bed. We know where this is going. . .The camera is about an inch of the floor, following Granny M into the kitchen. Bruno then comes around the corner in what looks like stockings rolled down around her ankles. She bounds up the stairs calling for Deborita. Meanwhile, we catch a glimpse of what must be the ugliest lamp known to humankind. It's got a picture of someone that looks like Robin Hood on the base.

Octopus is pressing Pasta for an answer. "Are you seeing Fidiota behind my back?" The doorbell rings just in the nick of time for Pasta. It's Yolanda. Octopus says now's not the time for a visit, but Pasta tells Octopus to quit being rude. The Big Doormat has come to discuss Peyote's Predicament. She's in Orlando with Puncho-the-Varon. Octopus says she doesn't care what Peyote does, or who she does it with. Peyote made her bed, she can lie on it!

Emili-Oh calls Dimwit. He tells her how wonderful the convention is going and how many marvelous contacts they've made. I'm not sure when all these hot contacts were made, since I've only seen them hanging in the hotel room or by the pool. I guess I must have missed all the business transactions when I was nodding off from boredom. Emili-Oh explains that Puncho is at the same hotel with Peyote. Perhaps Dimwit can call Caramel back to Miami to avoid a possible fight. Dimwit is afraid Caramel will think she's not doing a good job. It would be better to call Pasta and explain the situation. He can help.

Granny DS is telling Maxito a story; it's a cross between Cinderella, Snow White, and Little Red Ridinghood. In struts Bruno to reclaim one of her twins. Bruno pushes Granny DS away and gathers up the baby. Granny DS blocks the door and says there is no way Bruno's leaving with that baby. Meanwhile, Diablo is downstairs wondering what's taking Bruno so long.

Pasta is on the phone. He agrees to go to Orlando and retrieve Caramel before she runs into Puncho and Peyote. Yolanda suggests Octopus go with him, but Octopus can't fathom for what purpose. The two sisters bicker about Peyote and what will happen if Caramel and Peyote see each other. Octopus throws Yolanda out.

Diana is in her office staring at the door between her and Max's office. She's thinking about how much she loves him but can't have him. Of course Maxi-Moron is on the other side of the door staring at it and mooning over Dimwit. What a pair of saps. He walks over to the door and puts his palm against it. He looks like he's going to start drooling at any moment; either that or start kissing the door. Meanwhile Dimwit walks over to the other side of the door and places her palm against it. At least she doesn't have the same slack-jawed look as Max. She just has her stereotypical vacant look. They both share a thought bubble about how much they want to kiss one another and take each other in their arms. While the syrupy love theme plays, we are treated to a split screen view of their fingertips touching each other's faces through the door. Let me wipe away my own glycerin tear of true dolor! Not. Commercial.

Bruno knocks over poor Granny DS and steals the baby. Granny DS is laying on the floor sobbing. Fidiota runs in and wants to know what's going on. Granny DS tells her Bruno stole the baby. "Are you sure?" asks Fidiota. This exchange goes on for awhile until Granny M walks in and asks where's Maxito. Granny DS has to explain the story all over again. Fidiota and Granny M are skeptical. Finally Fidiota runs out of the room to find the baby. Meanwhile, Bruno is running with a stiff blanket-wrapped lump down the street. "No one will ever separate me from my baby!" She looks like a soldier running for cover in a really bad war movie.

Octopus tells Pasta to wait. She's going with him to Orlando. She wants to prove she's a good mother.

Lala comes running up to Diablo saying the baby's been stolen and Fidiota is running down the street looking for Bruno. Diablo fakes concern and says "Let's go!!"

Apparently "The Moment" is gone. Max is bringing in documents for Dimwit to sign. The phone rings and Dimwit asks him to answer. It's Fidiota saying Dimwit needs to return home immediately! Bruno has stolen the baby! Max puts on his best lemon-sucking expression. Dimwit does her signature head tilt and glassy-eyed stare.

We get a gratuitous vision of a bare-chested Emili-Oh shaking his head and hoisting himself out of the pool, dripping wet. Puncho comes running up and the two start threatening and insulting each other. Peyote runs up all smiles and happy to see the two of them getting along. Her dreams are quickly dashed as the threats continue. She finally has to pull Puncho away from Emili-Oh. They keep threatening to knock each other's teeth out. My money is on Puncho, the "Macho Varon."

Max tells Dimwit that Bruno allegedly stole their son. They both run out.

The family has gathered in the Psycho Mansion living room. Diablo wants to know why Max has to be involved. "Because he's the father, you baboon!" says Fidiota. Diablo starts to object, but Fidiota cuts him off mid word telling him it is not the time to start with his stupid games. Gaby walks in with Sylvie. Sylvie is wearing electric blue lace pantyhose, an electric blue t-shirt, and a black mini-skirt. This is topped off with a lavender wig. Everyone is addlepated.

At Miami Merciless Medical, we see a doc and nurse talking to a mummy whose back is to the camera. They are talking about her burns. . .Gee, who could this possibly be? Suspenseful music plays in the background.

Isabel is pining over her nephew and only family member, the recently departed Andres. He actually looks good in the picture. Isabel says Fidiota and Gaby are going to pay for their crimes. There's a knock on the door. Bruno appears with the baby. Bruno doesn't know which daughter it is, but she wants her only friend Isabel to take care of the baby while she returns to the street to find the other twin. Isabel wants to know where the baby was stolen from, but Bruno is not to be distracted. Bruno is a "Loca" on a mission! Bruno runs out and leaves Isabel holding the baby. Isabel exclaims that Bruno is crazier than a goat and begs her to come back. Alas, it is too late. La Psico is long gone.

The cluster quagmire continues at Psycho Mansion. Max agrees to call Marfil, since maybe she'll know where her mother went.

Bruno is digging through a pile of palm trimmings looking for her other baby. She's scaring a couple walking by on the sidewalk. I wonder if they got paid to be in this scene.

Max is talking to Marfil on the phone. No, she's not involved and has no idea where Bruno would go. "Would you like me to join you at Psycho Mansion and give you my loving support?" Max tells her that's not necessary. Marfil promises to call if she hears anything. After she hangs up, she tells us she hopes the baby is never found!

Octopus and Pasta arrive at the pool in Orlando. Octopus blends in nicely with the pool crowd in her black lounging pants, CFM's, and her long red sleazy split-down-the-middle halter top. Pancho is chatting up a gaggle of women poolside. They are all feeling his biceps and chest. Pasta sees him and punches him in the mouth, knocking him into the pool. All the women are now laughing at him versus with him.

More of the cluster quagmire at Psycho Mansion. To my knowledge, the police still haven't been called.

Isabel is trying to figure out what to do with the hungry, wet baby. She runs out the door.

La Familia is still running around in circles. Max is leaving a message for his mother to call him back immediately. He needs to talk to her about Bruno. Diablo and Max exchange words about whose son it is. Finally Fidiota and Max leave to look for Mini-Max. They tell Diana to stay put. Max wants to know what Sylvie is doing at the mansion. Sylvie responds she's gone "good" now that the telenovela is apparently winding down.

Caramel is coming out of the shower in a big white fluffy robe. Pasta bursts in and tells his daughter she needs to return to Miami immediately. Meanwhile, Octopus is reading Puncho the riot act for being such trash. They exchange insults and Octopus ends up slapping him. More threats until Puncho grabs her by the hair and kisses her! They are still swabbing each other's tonsils when the scene ends.

Hours after the fact, Fidiota and Maxi-Moron arrive at the police station to report Max's son stolen.

Isabel has apparently fed and is now changing the baby. The baby seems happier. Isabel realizes the baby is a boy, not a girl. She wonders where the baby came from.

Pasta is still trying to convince Caramel to return to Miami, but our fiery redhead refuses. Note that Pasta isn't telling her WHY she needs to return. He wants them to catch the last flight out. "No, no, no, and no!" says an adamant Caramel.

Octopus breaks away and tries for another slap, but Puncho grabs her hand. More words are about to be exchanged when Peyote walks in. "What are you doing here?" Octopus replies she's come to take Peyote back to Miami. Peyote wants no part of that suggestion. She's there with her beloved hubby. Somewhere during this exchange Peyote asks Puncho if someone hit him in the face. Puncho claims he walked into a door. "If you only knew…" states Octopus as she's storming out. "Knew what?" asks Peyote. "Who knows. She's loony (chiflada)!" says our Varon.

Octopus and Pasta meet in the hall outside Caramel's and Peyote's rooms. They fear the two fieras will eventually come face to face.

Back at Psycho Mansion, Larry and Yolanda have come to join the party. The doorbell rings and in bounces Bruno looking for her other little twin. Her hands are all aflutter. She is clearly deranged. Dimwit tries to shake her, but alas, that only works with cell phones and MP3 players. Commercial.

Still no luck shaking sense into Bruno. She's looking for her other twin. Everyone is muy impactados.

Pasta and Octopus are trying to figure out what to do about their daughters. Puncho is lounging around reading the paper and Peyote is begging him to join her in a bath. He's marveling at the bad luck of having his two women in the same town, in the same hotel, at the same time. To make matters worse, his in-laws have now arrived! There's a knock on the door and in walks Emili-Oh all dressed up with nowhere to go. He's in a crabby mood.

Back at the Manicomio, Max is still trying to get Bruno to return to reality long enough to tell them where the baby is. She doesn't know. She just knows she wants her twins back. Bruno has some pretty impressive facial expressions here; she looks like she's channeling Carol Burnett in one of Carol's skits. Then Sylvie starts in trying to question her. Bruno keeps yelling, "I don't know, I don’t know, I don't know. . ." in a shrill voice. In one frame, it looks like Gaby is actually laughing. I must admit this scene was pretty funny, although it's not supposed to be. Thankfully another episode comes to an end and

Credits roll.


Thursday, May 31, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #287 5/31/07 Fern Loses His Mind, Finds It, Loses It Again... See A Pattern Here?

Part 2 has been added.

Lety visits Luigi to hear his plans for the Nuevo Leon event and the RetroMode campaign. Luigi says he has sooo many magnificent ideas. Lety asks if he might be able to carry out his magnificent ideas on about half of his proposed budget. Luigi is insulted by the very idea. Lety giggles and backs down -- way to manage your employees, Ms. President! Luigi is mildly amused by Lety’s wishy-washiness. He asks what Conceptos would do without him. She replies that they would do nothing, absolutley nothing, without him. After she leaves, Luigi thinks for a second that maybe Aldo is right [about not judging people by their exterior] and that he (Luigi) might actually be starting to like Lety…then the second is over and he decides ‘NOT!’

Aldo finds Lety in the Conceptos garage. He seems to be frustrated, but says he found her there instead of her office, since he knows that Fern can hear everything in her office. He is obviously ticked. He asks her to go with him to a meeting about the wedding yacht in Puerto Vallarta. She says she can’t go because she’s really busy. This does nothing to improve Aldo’s frame of mind; he comments (some non-Aldo-fans might even say whines) that he’s more excited about the wedding than she is. She insists that she is excited, but she can’t go. He tacks on that maybe he’s not the ideal yerno (son-in-law). Lety asks what he’s talking about, and he plays the “oh nothing, never mind” card.

Omar asks Saimon for advice on Caro. Saimon gives him a good dose of breath spray but says he’s not the best guy to go for advice. He credits his ability to win over PM to luck, not talent. He suggests that he go to a real expert on winning over women: Tomas Mora!

Tomas is trying to talk business to Lety, but she is distracted. She’s concerned about Aldo’s grumpiness. Tomas thinks that it must be because of what Julieta told Aldo. Lety, having no prior knowledge of Julieta’s little reverse-pep talk, is confused. Tom clarifies that this morning Julieta told Aldo to step aside for Fern. He calls her a suegra metiche (meddling mom-in-law). Lety is livid. Tomas agrees that Lety should regañar (scold) her mom, because Aldo was very perturbed over the whole thing (non-Aldo-fans might even say he threw a hissy fit!).

Fern goes to see Julieta. He presents a nice fruit basket and says he just cut them from right outside your house. He asks if she said something to Aldo that would cause him to be perturbed (more than the usual) with Fern. Julieta exclaims “Te llevo el chisme?” (He came to you with the gossip?). Julieta tries to explain herself but doesn’t do a good job. She says that it’s because she knows Lety was “doing that thing with Aurora.” Fern is confused. He wants know what Aurora has to do with any of this. She simply tells him to open his eyes. She adds that some things can not remain secret forever. Erasmo returns home, and Fern leaves abruptly. Erasmo asks what Fern wanted. She says that he came looking for hope, and she hopes he found it.

Still confused from his talk with Julieta, Fern goes to Omar’s office for help. Omar walks in shortly after Fern. Omar is also confused.
O - How’s it going?
F - Very badly. I don’t understand a thing.
O - Me either. Turns out the expert on love is Tomas Mora.
F - Of course, but don’t tell me any more because I’m already confused.
O - Oh yeah, well I have my own problems; I don’t know what to do about Caro.
F - Julieta just insinuated that Lety has something to do with Aurora
O - I don’t think Tomas is the expert on women, but on the other hand, he did marry Alicia.
F - Of course! Now what could their relationship be-- relatives, cousins or something…
O - Maybe there is something to Tomas, if he won over Alicia. Maybe I should ask him, huh?
F - That’s an excellent idea, I’ll ask her. Thanks!
O - Thanks brother [they shake hands], you gave me best advice ever!
F - [Still shaking hands]You are not an idiot as I thought, you were not born an idiot, you became one along the way, but not such a big one. Thanks, I never would have solved this without you.
O - Me either.

They happily punch each other in the arm

In her office, Lety decides to write a note for Aldo. She writes “Aldo, You are the man I love, I will never betray you. Lety” Just then Lola calls her and says they are having an important meeting in their conference room(a.k.a the ladies rest room). Lety says she’ll be there soon but Lola insists they need her to come immediately. Lety puts her note down and walks out.

Fern walks into Lety’s office and, like the good executive assistant that he is, sees the note face down on her desk and decides to read it. He reads it aloud in a taunting voice. He comments that Aldo’s cheesiness is rubbing off on Lety. Suddenly, he is impactado. He recognizes the writing on her note. He takes it to his office and compares to his note from Aurora ( the one where she tells him she can’t kiss him again). He says the writing is the same, so they have to be the same. He thinks he must be going crazy. He blames it on emotional distress due to Lety’s upcoming wedding.

In the ladies’ room, Lety tells the cuartel about Julieta’s reckless advice to Aldo. Lety adds that she made things even worse declining Aldo invitation to go to see about the yacht. Irma asks if she’s sure she wants to marry Aldo. Lety insists she is.

Alicia is on the phone crying and asking her dad for advice. How will she explain the new car to Tomas? Assuming that is really her dad on the other end, she apparently suckers him into suggesting that she can say he (dad) got her the car. This makes Alicia very happy.

In his office, Tomas looks at the calendar and counts. If Alicia starts treatment today, the baby will arrive in 9 months. The he realizes that this plan might not work, since, even with the treatment, he would actually need to have "relations" with her in order to get pregnant.

Omar comes in to Tomas’s office. Omar tries to be friendly but Tomas blows him off, saying "no eres santo de mi devocion" (you are not the saint of my devotion) because of how Omar has treated Lety. Omar insists that he has changed, and now wants Tomas’s advice on how he can conquer the woman he loves. He calls Tomas his idol, and asks how he hooked Alicia. Tomas is flattered. He tells Omar to be persistent, to not pay attention her insults and menosprecios (disparagements), and most importantly, he must be willing to make a great sacrifice.

Back in the cuartel conference, the cuartel tell Lety that Martha has joined a compulsive eaters group. Martha shares that she has realized the root of her disorder. Ya see, her parents died when she was a skinny little kid (the girls giggle at the thought of a skinny little Martha). When they died, she was sent to live with her Tia Pancha, who treated her badly. Martha learned to compensate for lack of love with food. The women become weepy at hearing Martha’s moving tale of childhood loneliness. Lety advises that at least now Martha knows the root cause (as GI Joe says, knowing is half the battle), plus she is not alone anymore, she has her Gordo Lobo, her kids, and the cuartel. The women cheer and chant "Feas pero unidas!" (Ugly but united).

The women hear Alicia yell from the Vortex and run out. Alicia announces that she is officially back to her grand old self because she has a new car! She waves her car keys in front of them. As usual, a squabble ensues as the cuartel try to cut Alicia back down to size. Somehow Lola drops her glasses and Alicia steps on, then crushing them with her stacked heels. The fight is escalating into a full blown brawl just as Tomas walks in. Alicia claims that Sara broke the glasses. Martha explains to Tomas that this is all Alicia’s fault because she was bragging about her new car. This is the first that Tomas hears about the car. He is impactado and exclaims "QUE…?!" [In my mind I finish the question for him "QUE the hell?" hee hee!] Alicia gulps and tenderly places the key in cleavage for safe-keeping.

Outside, Celso is buffing Alicia’s car with his breath and a hanky. Marcia walks up and asks about the car. Celso explains that it’s Alicia’s. Marcia remembers that Alicia said her husband was going to buy her a car. She’s impressed with Alicia’s ability to always get her way.

Alicia is in Tomas’s office crying and asking what’s so wrong about her dad buying her a car. Tomas responds that what bothers him is that he’s never even met the guy. He didn’t even show up to the wedding. Alicia says that he had a meeting. Tomas reminds her that she said he was stuck somewhere in storm, not in a meeting! Alicia clarifies that he had a meeting after he was rescued from the storm. By the way, it just occurred to me that she has been wearing a hideous fur jacket all day long. She must really be sweating bullets by now, what with being in the hot seat and all. Tomas says that this can’t continue. He takes her car key and says that when she makes a meeting to meet dad, then he’ll return her key. He pulls his collar out and drops keys in his shirt.

Lety returns to her office and sees that her to Aldo is note is gone from her desk. She sits and tries to figure out what happened. She decides to write another note.

Carmaniac and Aldo talk about the yacht. Nothing interesting here except that when she says goodbye, she gives him a slightly slow-motion kiss on the cheek.

Lety writes her note and Fern peeks out at her for a moment from his batcave. He scolds himself for thinking that Lety is Aurora. He peeks out again, and this time he imagines that he sees Aurora in Lety’s chair writing the note. He closes his door and scolds himself some more and thinks he is losing his mind. He tells himself to get it out of his head that Lety is Aurora. He peeks out one more time. This time he sees Lety, which makes him feel better. He sits back in his chair and says that if he keeps this up they’ll send him to the manicomio (insane alyssum).

Alicia is on the phone saying "So everything is set for your meeting with my husband." Omar walks up and says he needs a favor. She replies "How dare you, I’m a married woman!" Omar clarifies that it’s not about that. He wants to know what sacrifice Tomas made to win her over. She responds that it was her who made the sacrifice by marrying Tomas. She adds that to attract a woman of her caliber, a man must have charisma, sympathy, and oh yeah a big bank account.

In his cubby, Fern is still going back and forth on the Lety-Aurora conundrum. He gets an idea and congratulates himself on his genius. He gets up, opens the door, and holds it open with his foot. He reaches over to dial a number from his desk phone, and then dials a number from his cell phone. He stretches his neck toward the door to listen and hears two phones ring in Lety’s office. Then he hears Lety answer both, one in her Lety voice and the other in her Aurora voice. Fern hangs up and jumps around his office in glee! Lety is Aurora! Aurora is Lety! He suddenly stops and asks "But why?"

Fern goes to see Julieta again. He says he doesn’t understand her daughter. I can’t believe it… Lety is Aurora; Aurora is Lety. Julieta covers mouth in surprise that he figured it out. He asks why Lety doing is this. In the middle of his rant, he stops to greet Moty and put him on a chair. Julieta asks him if he’s going to tell the world about Lety. Instead of answering he asks Julieta if she knew. Julieta doesn’t answer. Fern says that Lety is very badly educated. Fearing he has just insulted Julieta, he adds that, no, Lety is well educated, but she acted badly in this situation. He thinks that Lety has now realized how exquisite she truly is. As he speaks about her beauty, he imagines Aurora in front of him. Julieta blushes and says that yes, she made her that way. Fern teases that Erasmo helped too. Then Fern asks again why Lety has done it. Julieta explains that initially Lety did it to teach Omar a lesson. Fern wonders what Aldo would think of all of this.

Lety drives up to her house and jumps out of her car. She is ticked off about Julieta’s meddling mischief. She can’t wait to give mom a piece of her mind. Then she decides to calm down before going inside.


Duelo de Pasiones, Thursday May 31 - Everyone rehashes everything the audience already knows

Although surprised to hear that Rodrigo knew someone named Alina Montellano, Thelma said the Alina she knew was dead so they couldn't be the same person.

Thelma went home and told Singing Aunt Rebeca she suspected Alina was still alive. Singing Aunt said maybe Alina only pretended to die in order to escape from Alvaro.

After learning from the doctor that she hadn't been raped, after all, Duhlina concluded that Orlando had tricked her because he hated Emilio.

The doctor told the general that Alina hadn't been raped. He said, "I'm happy for her."

The general sent Frank to tell Orlando he might soon be released. Orlando muttered that he wanted to talk to that maldito Emilio and get his revenge on Thelma.

The psycho psychologist Aida, aka Dr. Loca, visited Rodrigo and said, crying, "I have a problem. I think I'm in love with my patient." Rodrigo assured Aida that she was too much of a professional to let her feelings for Alvaro get the best of her.

Aida said she wasn't sure she loved her fiance, Mauricio, anymore. She gushed that Alvaro was mature, attractive, and intelligent.

Rodrigo again assured Aida that she was a professional. (Apparently the writers keep repeating this in hopes the audience will start to believe it.) He told her everything would be OK. They hugged.

Alina and Soledad went home to Coral's house and found Elias there. He told them, "Last night Alvaro tried to kill me." He explained that Rodrigo had saved him. Just then Angel arrived with an enormous bunch of flowers for Alina.

Outside the house, Emilio, who had secretly followed Angel, thought, "How strange. What is Angel doing at Coral's house? I am going to ask Angel and he has to tell me."

Inside, Elias told Alina that Rodrigo was in love with her. Overhearing this, Angel commented, "It's impossible not to love a woman like you."

Alina announced her good news -- Orlando didn't abuse her. Soledad and Elias then left together (without waiting for the coffee Soledad had asked Adela to bring them). Angel finally gave Alina the flowers.

Meanwhile, General Ochoa told Rodrigo that Alina wasn't raped, after all. Rodrigo was pleased. The general said, "Don't tell me Senorita Montellano has conquered my nephew's heart."

Rodrigo smiled and nodded, saying, "Yes, I am in love with Alina." The general commented, "That girl has suffered a lot." Rodrigo asked what had happened to her, but his uncle wouldn't tell him.

Dr. Loca visited Alvaro (aka Don Loco) in jail and told him, "I want to help you get out of here. You are a victim of your psychological state." She touched his hand and a nearby guard pounded on a table to warn her. She removed her hand.

Don Loco commented that Dr. Loca was too beautiful to be a prison psychologist. Dr. Loca asked him not to "confuse things." (Who's confused?!) She said she wanted him to submit to some sort of examination. Don Loco took her hand again, but she pulled away and excused herself.

Back in Sierra Escondida: Alfonsina snooped as Hugo talked to Don Loco's lawyer. When Hugo refused to testify on Don Loco's behalf, the lawyer put a big gun in his face and said, "You are going to come with me whether you want to or not."

Hugo agreed and the lawyer chuckled and said, "I knew you would understand."

Later a teenaged boy came to Hugo's office looking for Hugo. He snickered at Alfonsina for some reason I didn't understand. After chasing him away with a broom, Alfonsina told herself she would go to Puebla, too.

Elsewhere: Santos and Rosita went to a hotel for their honeymoon.

Back in Puebla: Emilio arrived home and Thelma asked him, "Are you sure Alina died?" Emilio immediately got angry and said, "Your wickedness doesn't have limits!" He prohibited her to mention Alina's name. Thelma said, "You can't prohibit me anything!" Emilio left.

Dr. Loca went home and started daydreaming about Don Loco, telling herself he was so vulnerable and attractive. Her boyfriend, Mauricio, showed up and asked if they could talk a moment. Dr. Loca said no because she was hungry and they had a reservation.

Meanwhile in San Mateo, Gaspar participated in a practice wrestling match while the horrified Luba watched. Two costumed opponents ganged up on him and he appeared to be losing (probably on purpose).

Hysterical Luba prayed, then yelled, "Gaspar, defend yourself!" He proceeded to win the match and raised his arms triumphantly, then told Luba she didn't trust him. She cried and made him promise to be careful.

Meanwhile, at Coral's house, Angel encouraged Alina to fall in love with Rodrigo, saying Emilio was part of her past. Alina said, "No, Emilio is not my past. I am not ready to fall in love again."

Angel kept nagging her to forget about Emilio. (What a loyal brother!) After he left, Alina mused, "Maybe Angel is right."

At the jail: The prisoner Sylvia aptly calls Batneck (because of the bat tattoos of his neck) yelled at someone on the phone for not killing Elias. Of course, Don Loco overheard this conversation. He waylayed Batneck and beat him up, then kicked him a few times for good measure.

At a restaurant: Aida arrived with Mauricio and immediately spotted Soledad and Elias sitting together at a nearby table. Aida went over and introduced herself to Soledad, saying, "I am the psychologist in your husband's case."

Meanwhile, Rodrigo looked at a picture of his dead wife and said, "Forgive me for giving myself another chance to love."

Thelma showed up at Rodrigo's house, saying she wanted to renew her old friendships. She asked him to go for a drink with her so they could discuss his new friend Alina. Rodrigo apparently arranged to meet her later.

Back at the restaurant: Aida once again proved what a "professional" she is by asking Soledad and Elias, "Are you two lovers?" Disgusted, Soledad and Elias stormed out of the restaurant.

Outside they angrily discussed the incident and agreed that it was all Alvaro's fault. Elias said he couldn't wait to testify against Alvaro.

Mauricio was also unamused. He said something about Dr. Loca's interest in Alvaro and said Dr. Loca was "worse every day."

As usual, Dr. Loca insisted she was "a professional." Mauricio stormed away. Dr. Loca seems to have that effect on people who aren't imprisoned.

In jail: Don Loco fretted about Elias not being dead and snarled to himself that he wouldn't permit that imbecile to stay with Soledad.

Later Batneck approached Don Loco, apologized, and begged for another chance. Don Loco responded by hitting him several times with a hammer, then warned Batneck not to fail him again.

At Coral's house: Alina dreamed about Emilio wearing a pink shirt, smiling at her and kissing her. La la la, the usual romantic filler. Adela interrupted this scene by waking Alina up to tell her Rodrigo was waiting for her in the living room.

Alina went to greet Rodrigo, who invited her to come to his house and meet his daughter. She agreed.

Thelma and Singing Aunt again discussed the possibility that Alina was really alive. I think(?) Thelma said if Alina wasn't dead, she would be.

Angel came home and told Emilio he'd been at the doctor's office. Emilio said he knew Angel was lying, he'd been at Coral's house, why was he being so mysterious?

Angel claimed he and Coral were friends. Emilio said he wouldn't have thought Coral was Angel's type, but she was a good person. He offered to come along the next time Angel visited her.

Angel squirmed out of that by saying it would be better if Coral forgot about Emilio. Duhmilio agreed.

At the end of the episode, Rodrigo and Alina arrived at his house. Rodrigo told Alina he loved her, then kissed her.

And in a scene from tomorrow's episode, a wild-eyed and wild-haired Maximo menaces Soledad, who yells at him not to come near her! This show would be much better if Maximo were in every scene.

Words from this episode:
maduro = mature
maldad = wickedness


Duelo de Pasiones - Wed May 30 - The Rise of Intocable!

I apologize for the late recap. I was out a little too late enjoying Mexican Maritinis to accomplish the recap. Shame on me!

Emilio remembers Alina as he looks at a heart necklace like “The Necklace” he gave to Alina. He tells Thelma that the necklace doesn't suit her. She suggests a bracelet which he buys. As he is buying the bracelet Thelma turns to see Alina. She goes out to the opening of the store to see if she can see more but the crowd blocks her view. Alina and Rodrigo walk out of sight.

Mauricio or jealous fiancé of Dra. Loca (shout out to Margaret for the great name!) bugs the doctor about her lack of attention to him. He wants to know why she introduced him as a friend to her patient and not as his fiancé. She tells him that she doesn't want her patients to know about her personal life. Mauricio kisses the doctor and she thinks of Don Loco. He leaves and she thinks to herself “why can’t I forget his (Locos) kiss?”

Loco tells scary prison hit man guy all about Elias like where to find him etcetera. He gives the guy lana ($) to finish Elias off.

Soledad and Coral are almost ready to open their new boutique. They only are short a week. Coral is excited to give a big opening party. Elias talks with Soledad and she tells him of how she wants to see Marianna. She knows that Marianna knows who wrote “The Letter”.

Meanwhile Marianna is grabbing a glass of water. Malena and the good bow tie wearing doctor cheer her on. She tells them (she talks like a robot) that she wants to go to Veracruz.

Soledad tells how she wants Marianna to clear things up.

Rodrigo drops Alina off at Corals just as Angel is driving up. Angel runs up and kisses Alina and Rodrigo’s eyes explode in jealousy. He puts his arm around Alina to show ownership. Angel explains that he has been friends with Alina for a long time. Rodrigo admits he hasn’t known Alina all that long. He leaves, jealous, with suspicions mounting in his small little brain.

Marianna tells how she wants to see Alfonsia to confront her about “the letter”, and the cofre and her blackmailing of Alvaro. The weird but goofy bow tie wearing doctor tells her that he can’t leave the hospital to do that. Malena tells her she will go with her.

Max comes to visit Emilio being his usual creepy self. Emilio gets his feathers ruffled at the sight of the snickering Fat Max. He immediately wants to know what Max is doing there.

Angel tells Alina that he was told he would die.

Elias leaves Corals house after making plans to take both Coral and Soledad to lunch the following day.

Rodrigo is outside of Corals hanging around talking to himself about who is Angel? What is he to Alina?

Max informs Emilio that he is ready to help Don Loco. He will testify all sorts of things about Emilio, like how Emilio took advantage of Locos daughter, etc. But he will be help Emilio out if Emilio will forget about their little problem. HE will happily switch to Emilio’s side. Emilio snaps hearing Max’s blackmail attempt. He tries to push him around as he tells him to get out. Max leaves but tells Emilio that he will be Alvaro’s first victim of revenge when he gets out of jail.

Angel tells Alina how he still wants to marry her. She tells him she can’t, she still loves Emilio. She can’t forget him.

The scary hit man guy tells another bad guy all about Elias by phone. He sets up the hit.

Thelma tells her aunt that she can’t get the idea that Emilio talked with Luba out of her head. She then goes on about how Emilio is starting to fall into her hands. She gloats about how well things are going for her. She decides she misses her friends and is going to go to the "Club" tomorrow to see her friends.

Scary guy informs Loco that the hit is going to go down. Loco hands some more over to scary guy. He tells him he will get the rest when he has proof that Elias is gone.

Emilio gets a phone call from Angel’s doctor. The doctor goes on and on about how well Angel is doing. Emilio tries to congratulate the doctor for his help but the guy tells him its not his work but Angels. In fact Angel is doing so well he doesn't need to see him until next week. Emilio hangs up the phone just as Angel walks into the room explaining that he has been with his doctor all day. Emilio gets suspicious. We break for an ad. When we return Emilio has not confronted Angel about his lie but is instead chatting about his visit with Max. Angel gets up to leave and lies to Emilio again saying that he has to spend the whole following day with his doctors. Emilio thinks to himself where is Angel going?

Two guys jump Gaspar in a dark street. At first Gaspar fights them off, once picking up one of the men and twirling the guy over his head. But Gaspar stops kicking the guys butts to pick up his money and to whine. They take that opportunity to jump on him, kicking him down, beating him into the street. They grab his money and leave him crying in the street. A man who has been watching this lovely little scene walks over to Gaspar to help him up.

Rodrigo’s daughter wants a good night story. Her dad does on about a prince falling for a princess who is exactly like the princess he had before but died. The little girl doesn't like this story and tells her dad to not tell it.

Alina tells Soledad and Coral about Angel’s marriage proposal and how she feels bad to not accept. Coral brings up Emilio and how Emilio must be suffering. Alina snaps that it is for the best that Emilio doesn't know she is alive. He is married and he has a kid. She is not going to be blamed for the kid growing up not having a father. Coral argues that Thelma doesn't deserve Emilio.

Rodrigo whines to his nanny about Angel. The suspicions are getting the best of him. The nanny tells him to go ask if he is so worried. Rodrigo lights up and decides to do just that.

Elias gets out of a taxi and is about killed when a car revs up and tries to run him over. He is saved at the last minute by codependent lonely Rodrigo.

The guy who helped Gaspar tells Gaspar that he could make a lot of money in the Lucha Libre. Luba comes up out of no where and starts to yell at the guy.

Elias is grateful to Rodrigo for saving him. Rod explains how the car wasn’t driving fast by accident but was trying to kill Elias. Elias gives a scared look that looks like a smile because his mustache is so damn long on the sides. Gross!

Luba argues with the guy but stops to think that maybe if Gaspar was in the Lucha Libre he wouldn’t think about Thelma and his cachoritto. She agrees that Gaspar can join the Lucha Libre but warns the guy that if any harm comes to Gaspar the guy will have to deal with her.

Rodrigo and Elias figure out that Don Loco was probably behind the murder attempt.

Emilio remembers kissing Alina on the beach. He feels bad for doubting her. Thelma comes into his room while he is in his memory fest. He tells her to get out. He will never forgive her.

Thelma thinks that if he won’t love her for the good then he will love her for the bad.

Elias fills Rodrigo in on Alina and how she was hurt by a guy but that Angel is just a friend.

Gaspar meets his new Lucha coach. The coach gives him the name "Ïntocable” for his fighting name. Luba cries for joy or for fear that he will be a fighter again.

Max ends up at the Devils Cave flirting with Corals friend. He gives the girl a drink and then asks her about Coral. She freely gives him Corals address.

Rosita and Santos get married in La Iglesia.

Emilio is trying to leave the house for the day when their chauffer tells him that he cant take him because he is waiting for Angel. Angel shows up and says he is on his way to see his doctors. Emilio gets in another car to follow them.

Thelma sees Rodrigo at the Club. He stops to chat with her. He tells her he is starting to see a new girl. He drops Alina’s name and Thelma spits out her drink. She asks Rodrigo to say the girls name again and he tells her he is seeing Alina Montellano.


Acorralada #97 Wednesday 5/30/07 Tushy on parade

I will skip the opening rehash two scenes.

Yolanda is talking to Paco--if he only knew about Paola . . .

Diana and Silvia continue their bonding. Silvia reveals her whole sordid tale, which I will not repeat. Diana praises her for keeping her virginity, which in these times is a wonderful thing, the best thing a woman can give a man--just like Diana herself did when she saved herself for Maximiliano--a married man, I'll remind everyone.

More promo for Disney and Universal Studios.
We skip Pancho and Paola's visit with Mickey and Minnie, because now they're ready for a disco. Pancho comes out into the hall and calls for Paola to come out. He sees Emilio coming out of his room, and wouldn't you know, it's right across the hall. Pancho conveniently ducks behind a pillar and is not seen. Emilio knocks on the next room to get Caramelo. She comes out in a cute brown halter mini, twirls for his approval, and they go back in the room. Pancho is fuming and starts listening at the door. Paola now comes out in what looks like a fishnet or chain mail draped over a bikini. This is her disco costume. Pancho says he heard screams in the door and maybe a crime is being committed. Paola wants him to report it, but he escapes that. He mutters that he'll commit a crime when he gets back to Miami, and get two for the price of one.

Diana is cuddling the baby, who has now turned from a wad of toweling to a real human. He's actually cute. Diego doesn't think so, and he comes in and complains about how she pays more attention to the baby than to him.

Caramelo tells Emilio that she wishes Pancholon were there. She may get her wish.

Diana comes upon Fedora who is studying law again for Gaby's case. After a brief rehash of the merits of the self-defense theme, they discuss all the things they missed for many years, the first words, the first day of school. The violins of sadness swell. Then Diana begs her not to drink anymore. Fedora denies she's an alcoholic. She just drinks to destress. Diana leaves, and Fed looks pensive.

Granny M and Diana talk. Gran is worried about Gaby. Then they talk about Max and Diana. Diana says there are three reasons they won't get together: Her mother's pressure, Diego, and Marfil.

Back at Paco's, the lovely family gettogether is winding down. While Larry and Paco fetch coffee, Yolanda and Octy rehash the Diana/Marfil rivalry again.

Iggy and Camila are enjoying an evening at home, marveling at how quiet it is without Silvia. They hear a knock at the door, but when Iggy opens it, there is no one there. They go out into the hall and step on a bag of dog poop . . . no but it's a similar practical joke--the transvestites are back for revenge. They have a large box of eggs, and they're lobbing them up the stairwell and covering Max and Camila--ha, ha! Later, they go outside for an exultant cheer: We are not machos but we are muchas!

Fed goes to bail out Gaby, and not a moment too soon, because Gaby is wearing the same dress after three days. She is told that someone else bailed her out--Larry. They go out in the hall where Larry is waiting. Gaby is thrilled to see him and they hug, while Fedora looks on disapprovingly. She tells him he didn't have to do that. Gaby asks how he got the money, and he tells her it was from his new job. Fed pulls her away.

Max is having breakfast with Marfil out by the pool at his new house. It looks like they have managed to re-create some of their old luxury with these new digs. Anyway, Max and Larry can have those gratuitous chest barings again. I hadn't realized they had risen so high economically again.

Octavia comes in unannounced. Marfil tells her how "exquisite" last night's dinner was. You'd think she was Mrs. Astor, for Pete's sake. Marfil says, Max, aren't you going to say hello to your mother? Hola, madre, he mutters. (this came out funny, actually, like "call me a cab," "Hello, cab.") Octy says it sounds like her oldest son got out on the wrong side of bed this morning. He leaves for work, and Marfil and Octy continue to plot. Marfil says don't worry, Max is stuck with her because of her long-ago accident.

Back in Orlando, we see Pancho in the pool. Now Caramelo comes out in a thong bikini. Her entire behind is visible. (Come on--do they really wear things in public like this in Florida? I just can't believe it. They do not wear them in New York. I think you would get arrested for indecent exposure.) Pancho is fuming about how no woman is going to make a laughingstock of him.

Filler talk between Max and Diana.

Caramelo tells Emilio that she forgot her tanning lotion, and she's going back to the room. Another chance for the audience to watch her rear end. Paola comes out and sees Emilio and says hi--what are you doing here. He says it's a business trip.

At the mansion, Gaby's homecoming. Kiki is there! That Fedora is such an idiot to embrace this naco. The group discuss the possibility of making the self-defense case when Granny DS pipes up with one of her typical discreet commentaries: "Gaby, you killed a man." Everyone looks uncomfortably impactado. Then Gaby turns and says, "Silvia, what are you doing here?" We haven't seen Silvia enter, so the camera now shows Silvia in a day-glo green wig. Since she was thrown out of the other apartment, Diana must have treated her to a new wig collection. Diego mutters that the house is turning into an orphanage for indigents. (casa de hospicio)

Larry and Max rehash the bail situation. Larry has the worst luck, because Gaviota is vigilant over Gaby. Max rehashes the Marfil situation. He pities Marfil. He says he has no right to throw her out because of her past.

Paola and Emilio talk by the pool. She asks him why he doesn't like Pancho--Pancho is super cool! Pancho comes over and confronts Emilio.

Diana, Gaby and Fedora discuss the trial and how Larry paid the bail. Diana thinks it's a nice gesture, but Fedora puts the damper on that. Gaby says she is still having nightmares about Andres.

Diego spots Bruno out in the street looking for the twins. He tells her one of the twins is in the house in a little room. (I didn't realize it at first, but then I figured out he's trying to get her to kidnap little Maxito.) He tells her to come back tomorrow. She runs away crazily.

Pancho tells Emilio that he doesn't like what Emilio is doing with his wife. Which one? asks Emilio. You know I mean Caramelo, he is told. Emilio reiterates that they're just there for work. Pancho says that if Emilio does anything with his wife, he'll kill him. But then they all realize it's better if Caramelo and Paola don't meet. Emilio calls him a worthless machista. Pancho returns fire by calling him a doll cake who got in the middle of his honeymoon. (Munequita de pastel.--by coincidence, this insult was just used for the first time in La Fea Mas Bella.)

Kiki is trying to get Gaby to be his girlfriend. I love you, he says. Okay, I'll try being your girlfriend she says like the true doormat. But she thought-bubbles, Larry I love you.

Larry tells Yolanda that she should go out with Rene. I won't bore you with the details. Rene comes over with the missing shoe for his Cinderella. Larry leaves them alone. Yolanda says she's scared because she's never been in love before. So that means you do love me, Rene says. Bla bla blah.

Larry calls to speak to Gaby. Diana answers. Gaby is not there. You'd think Larry would wonder about that. Now Larry verifies that Max and Marfil are sleeping separately. Diana gives a gleeful smile--so it's true. Total gratuitious exposition scene.

Octy is reading the paper and learns days after anyone else that Fedora is free and Gaby has been arrested for the same crime. Octy mad. She starts a fight with Paco.

Bruno and Diego meet. He sends her in to steal the baby. Credits roll.


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