Sunday, August 12, 2007

Amar August 10 - Azul and Diego have the same conversation that they have every day

During the opening credits, I see Andres giving a kiss to Leonarda, but it wasn’t particularly romantic, that still doesn’t answer the question of what is up with those two.

Azul fights with Arnaldo a little bit after he said she doesn’t know anything about love, that he won’t explain his problem. She does the same thing to him, how does he like that? They calm down and Arnaldo confesses that the person who broke his heart in Brazil was a MAN. The secret is out. To his own sister at least. Azul is impactado.

Andres and Leonarda hope that things won’t change in the house when Azul moves in. She hopes that Azul won’t find a way to fire them. Andres says they have a lot of knowledge of Mauricio, so they are irreplaceable.

Arnaldo says he didn’t tell Azul before because he was afraid. She says she loves him just as much now, however he is. He begs forgiveness for not telling her before. She says she only cares if he is happy, nothing else. Arnaldo cries. A LOT.

Papa can’t find his cell phone charger. Paco offers to go get his, Papa says nah never mind. Lidia enters the room and Paco tells the parents that he and Lidia are going to get married. Needless to say, the parents are impactados. Manuel looks like he wants to throw up, Paco says “See how happy your father looks?” Ha.

Azul tells Emilia that she doesn’t know what to do about Diego, ever since he appeared her life has been worse, she is anxious and can’t sleep. She then admits to having fear over the possibilities with Diego.

Paco and Diego talk at the pool hall, Diego says he has to see Azul again, then runs off to work.

Lidia is at work with Piero, she starts getting flirty with him and he tries to pretend like he doesn’t want anything to do with her, he says he has a lot of work and steps away.

Morris finds Diego at the Mens Wearhouse. Diego pawns him off on his grandpa, Morris says he wants to buy a suit. Morris keeps wanting Diego’s help, Diego keeps trying to push him off on Abuelo. Finally Morris asks Diego if something is wrong, ah it’s your girlfriend, right? He really tries to buddy up with him. Morris says that if some girl left him, he has to go look for her and reclaim her!

Azul says her parents were like her and Diego, they were so loving together but also kept fighting and splitting up. Her phone rings, it’s Diego. She just hangs up without saying anything. Emilia says it was him right? Azul says she’s afraid.

Some guy is yelling at Morris, demanding results. He has been here 10 days and has seen nothing yet. Morris says Toscano is on it, just wait. The guy flips out and starts screaming that he wants to hear something now, he leaves to go wait at the hotel for answers. Mauricio says back at him (after he leaves) “who do you think you are? You can’t talk to me that way!” This reminds me of people who act tough after whoever is bothering them leaves – “where is he? Is he gone? Good cause I was going to kick his ass!”

Diego talks to Gisela at the pool hall. He wants a job for Morticia. Gisela doesn’t need anyone, even though she’d like to help. Diego says she can clean, wait tables, whatever. Gisela tells him how can she say no when he smiles like that? She says if the girl is stupid though, she’s out.

Manuel and Clemencia talk while walking through their laundry lines out back of the house. Mama says if Lidia made that decision, they should honor it. Manuel says Paco is a nobody and they shouldn’t allow it. He thinks maybe Lidia is pregnant, Clemencia says take that back!

Morticia is already at the pool hall meeting Gisela. She’s going to start out bussing tables. She asks if Morticia is on medication, her father used to have trouble taking medicine and concentrating. Morticia swears that she’ll do a good job.

Morris tells Andres that he went to see Diego, he thinks that he would be a good partner. Andres doesn’t look like he agrees, not sure why. Ah, he’s jealous. Morris tries to placate him. What a baby. Waa you think this other guy is nice waaaa. Azul comes in and Andres excuses himself. Azul is sad and wants a hug from Morris.

Gloria says sorry, Morticia says quit saying that all the time! They then talk about her new job being a busgirl at the pool hall. Morticia gets all morbid and tells her mother that she wishes she (Gloria) understood how much she wants to be doing things like normal people. She’s so melodramatic. Turns out Gloria wasn’t paying attention, “oh uh sorry, what were you saying?”

GSD tries to figure out what is bothering Azul. He thinks she isn’t sure about marrying Morris. Azul doesn’t answer. He asks if she loves him, she says of course, that’s not the problem. She thinks he is just worried about losing his new lab with his new toys. They argue and he tells her that when she can’t handle something she just cries. She says she just wants to help him and help Mauricio.

Morris has coffee with Andres and Leonarda. Morris says Azul is the perfect woman for him and they will all (these three) be together. She and Andres share some weird look across the table. I wish I could figure out what is the deal here, it’s bugging me.

Abuelo comes home to his buddy’s house. He brought tamales. They have quite a conversation about it. Just then some guy shows up, it’s the buddy’s son! Son wants a hug, buddy says he has to wash his hands, son says shut up and give me a hug! Buddy hugs him, then points to Abuelo and says “you remember your godfather?” Ok so we’re still keeping with the theme that every character on the show is related to or knows three other characters on the show, whether they currently interact or not. I’m sure at some point everyone will all go to the same hospital and the same church, etc. Abuelo hasn’t seen him since he was 10 years old, now he’s so big! He’s like 30, I guess they didn’t stay in touch very well. Turns out that son works for a famous designer named Julio Corso in Los Angeles. We don’t find out what Son’s name is.

Piero’s wife is at the office, she’s waiting for him to take her somewhere. Wife asks Lidai how things are with her boyfriend, she says they are getting married! Piero is impactado, but covers well. Wife leaves to wait in the car. Piero says now she an he will be in the same situation. Now suddenly he isn’t too busy for fooling around, they talk about her wedding while kissing. WTF.

Morris calls the Men’s Wearhouse, he talks to Perla and asks for Diego to get a status of his suits. Perla gets Diego on the phone. Morris wants to come to the store and have some of Diego’s time, Diego says sure. Morris says he feels like Diego doesn’t want to help him, Diego says no no not at all, he’ll make sure he’s free when Morris arrives.

Morris can travel through space in an instant, suddenly he is at the store. They look at fabric. Morris says it looks like Diego didn’t resolve things with his woman. Diego says no, and he doesn’t want to talk about it.

Azul comes home to her wife Ceci, who complains that she looked everywhere and can’t find a job, and the girl who replaced her at her old job hasn’t quit. Azul obviously couldn’t care less, she flops down on the couch. She’s playing with Diego’s cross necklace, which he left with her when she told him to leave. She tells Ceci to return it to Diego, Ceci tells her no way, she’s tired of running Azul’s errands, Azul needs to return it herself. Ceci wants Azul to confront the situation herself. Azul sniffs the necklace, can you really smell someone’s cologne on a necklace?

Diego again pawns Morris off on his abuelo, then leaves to take a phone call. It’s Azul. She says she has his cross and she’s sure it’s important to him, he says yes it’s important, that’s why he gave it to her. She says she should probably return it, he says they’ll have to talk later, he’s busy. Her cell phone rings, it’s Morris, calling from two feet away from where Diego was on the phone. She asks who he is with, he says he’s with a friend that she’ll meet soon! Morris gives Abuelo his suit order.

Piero is on the phone and Lidia enters. She says she accepts his offer of money for her honeymoon (what?) and he asks where they want to go. She wants to go to Cancun. He pulls her onto his lap, she leaves to go look at hotels.

Azul’s cell rings, it’s Diego. He says he gave her the cross because it’s special, like her, she doesn’t need to return it. He gets off the phone to find out that Abuelo was listening in. Diego says he’s sad, his heart is broken, etc. We know this story well by now.

GSD dines with Ines, who goes on about how great Mauricio is. GSD says he’s not so perfect. Ines thinks he’s jealous. GSD says Morris is treating his relationship with Azul like it’s part of his business. I guess it takes a jealous papa to see the truth, eh? He does a horrible job with his own relationship though, I must say.

For some reason Piero is with Lidia when she comes home and starts putting the moves on her, AGAIN Abuelo catches them in the act. This time he doesn’t hide, she runs over to him acting innocent. Uh sorry chickie you have been busted. Abuelo wants to know who this guy is, she says her boss. Ah, Abuelo says, now he sees how she got that promotion so easily. Piero tries to say that she is very capable and she has worked there for a long time an earned it… Abuelo says he knows how she ‘earned’ it. They are about to fight when Lidia breaks it up. Piero leaves. Lidia actually has the nerve to tell Abuelo that he’s out of line, Abuelo tells her off. Lidia just goes to her room.

Azul tells Diego again that she wants to return the cross. He gives her directions to the pool hall. She says ok, she’ll cal him before he comes. She gets off the phone and looks at Ceci and Arnaldo, they both say “no way.” She’s on her own this time. She tries to act indignant, they don’t let her off the hook. She’s on her own. She acts all pissy, finally Cecilia agrees to go with her.

Lidia mopes on her bed, Clemencia comes in to see if she wants dinner. Lidia says she isn’t hungry. Clemencia says Abuelo told her that they talked, Lidia says everyone thinks she’s just in the way. She was caught making out with her boss, where does she come up with this other stuff? Clemencia says no, she isn’t just a bother, but wants to know what’s up with her and her boss. Lidia says Piero is so great, but he’s married. Then she wants to know if it’s a good idea to marry Paco. Mama asks if she is in love, Lidia says she doesn’t think so, so Clemencia says not to do it. Lidia whines then where will she find a man for herself? Mama wisely says that isn’t a good reason to marry the first fool who comes along. Finally Clemencia says she shouldn’t marry Paco. Now Lidai doesn’t know how to tell Paco, who just happens to knock on the door right at that moment. Paco is very happy, but Lidia says she needs to tell him something.

Ceci and Azul arrive at the pool hall, Ceci likes the place. Azul and Diego see each other across the room, she walks over to him. They both look sad. He waves to Ceci across the room. Diego offers Azul a drink, she says she didn’t come to talk, just to return his necklace. She puts it in his hand, they let the touch linger. Azul says she hopes it’s the last time they see each other. Diego says fine, but it injures his soul. He wants her to keep the necklace, to know that she has a little part of him. She says that’s why she won’t keep it. He wants her to admit that she feels something for him, she says she has to leave, he says yes but she doesn’t seem to want to go. He says she is dying to be with him, like he feels for her. He knows that in her heart he is the one she loves. I’m not sure how he knows that, I guess he’s psychic. I’ll say one thing – Diego does not lack confidence.

Monday – We are lead to believe that Azul will make a big decision about who she wants to be with, but there’s no way. When that happens the show will be over.


Acorralada #145 Thursday 8/9/07 Bride of Chucky strikes again

Re open with Diana fainting.

Diego continues to release his volcanic wrath on Camila for putting him and Iggy in danger by not revealing that Max is Alejandro, blah blah blah.

Iggy arrives at Octy's, and Larry punches him! Yay!

Pedro has a boring scene with Maricela about how wonderful "Alejandro" is.

Octy is angry with Larry for hitting her Iggy.

Diana cries. Silvia wears her purple Pomeranian wig.
Diana says bad things about Max, and Granny M says she shouldn't speak ill of the dead. She doesn't know yet.

Back at Pedro's, Alejandro offers to make Maricela his private secretary. Doesn't matter that she has no experience (she has only been a hairdresser and manicurist). What a wonderful man he is. No, if she only knew. Blah, blah, blah. Whatever he did, the woman will forgive him if she really loves him.

Back at Emilio's the doctor is diagnosing another "emotional fever" for Diana.

Fiona is waiting for the results of her pregnancy test. Commercial!

Max feels so guilty, but he can't tell anyone what it's all about.

Granny M tries to get Diana to eat soup for the vitamins. Diana tells her not to tell anyone what happened, particularly Gaviota.

Godmother is crying about being blind. We've got to figure this won't be long now that Mighty Max is on the job.

Emilio and Diana review the Max situation while Silvia takes the baby to the park. They seem to be hiding the truth from Silvia. Diana has come to terms with her situation by deciding that she will continue to think of Max as dead, where she will only have good memories of him, and she will think of Alejandro as a separate bad person.

Pregnancy test: another commercial, I think
Finally, about 20 minutes later, the results are negative. Fiona is pissed--she needs a baby. Dr. Valladares (I think it's the one who's trying to marry Maricela) tells her that babies are special. She shouldn't be trying to get pregnant to trap a man. She's not interested in his sermons, she says.
No, she immediately calls Marfil and asks for congratulations on her pregnancy nonetheless. Marfil is pissed, because if it really turns out to be Max, it will be another bastard by her faithless hubby.

Kike and Sharon are in the office going over whatever evidence they have that is going to do something we don't know yet. He doesn't like that she likes Larry, but ultimately, he doesn't care. They kiss. Fedora walks in! Thank God! But does this result in both of them immediately being dispatched forever? No!

Kike immediately goes into "not me" mode--she stole a kiss from him. Sharon--she's crazy. He loves his wife and wouldn't do anything to harm her. Fedora seems dubious and says she'll talk to him later at "the mansion." (wouldn't real people say "at home"?)
Exit Kiki.

Max goes to Emilio's to talk to Diana. Granny M says "Buenos dias, Maximiliano." She won't let him in! She has her one great monologue of the whole series. He is no good, and she will never let him see her granddaughter.

Back to the fabrica, where Sharon is smirking up a storm. She says she hopes Gaviota is not scared of a little kiss, little mommy false (postiza). Fedora remonstrates Sharon with a surefire notion: Gaby is Sharon's sister now, and how could she do that to her?

Now Fedora also chastises Sharon for drinking. Sharon's quick to point out that Gaviota has become quite the puritan since she quit drinking.
Sharon leaves, and Gaby comes in, asking "what's up with Chucky?" Gaviota asks who's Chucky, and Gaby explains. Fedora says that she couldn't have come up with a better name--Sharon is diabolical. Well, now, what are they going to do about it.

Godmother and Maricela have some boring conversations about not abusing Max's good will.

Max is still trying to talk to Diana. Granny M says he is a brute and if he takes one more step, she will call the police. You think you're powerful, but you never believed in her (referring back to that long-ago trial for attempted murder of Iggy). Now you come in here with a clean face and beg forgiveness. You will stop treating my granddaughter like a garbage pail. She will not see you. Max says she shouldn't deny him the chance to beg forgiveness.

I think there are a few more minutes left, but I didn't get to watch them. If someone else can fill in, it would be appreciated.


Acorralada #144 - 8-8-07 – Wednesday – How Low Can the Writers Sink?!

We start with Maxi-Moron forcing himself into Dimwit's room, against her wishes, and telling her he's going to rape her as a payback for cheating on him with Diablo. Dimwit repeatedly swears she never betrayed him, but the sinverguenza doesn't believe her. He then forces himself on top of her, pinning her down on the bed, and tries to kiss her. Dimwit is sobbing.

Iggy asks Camila if Camila is absolutely, positively, unequivocally sure that Alejandro is really Max. Camila is impactada and the Orchestra of Doom plays.

Marfil and Octopus are discussing if Max and Alejandro are one and the same. Marfil can't prove it, but her sixth sense tells her he is. So help her God, if Princess Fi turns up pregnant by her Max. . .it's bad enough he has a kid with Dimwit! Octopus vows to get to the bottom of this. She'll confront Alejandro. She's his mother. He'll tell her the truth!

Camila doesn't really give Iggy an answer to his question. I think she said she tried to tell Iggy and Diego before but no one believed her.

More of the same conversation between Marfil and Octopus. Tomorrow Marfil will know if Alejandro and Max are the same.

Camila lamely tries to convince Iggy that Maxi-Moron died in the fire. Alejandro is a different guy. Iggy isn't sure and the suspenseful music plays. If Iggy and Diablo go down for the fire which allegedly killed Max, Camila's going down with them as well.

Princess Fi is thinking to herself that Max/Alejandro has to be hers; it makes no difference which of the two it is. Especially if she's pregnant.

Iggy wanders off to bed and Camila swears she will never admit Max and Alejandro are the same. She needs to convince Max she wasn't involved (although Max is well aware after overhearing her conversation with Iggy on the beach awhile back). Camila is convinced if she doesn't say a word, it will be Diablo's and Iggy's word against hers.

Dimwit is lying in bed looking sad. Apparently Max completed his rape.

Lunkhead walks in to see Octopus drinking tea in the living room. He's surprised to see her awake. She tells him Marfil told her some things that made her nervous, but tomorrow she'll find out the truth. After she leaves for bed, Lunkhead calls Gaby. Gaby wants to know if he's in love with Mocosa. Lunkhead says Mocosa is just a friend. Gaby tries to warn Lunkhead that Mocosa is bad, like "Chuky" (pronounced Choo'Key) the devil doll. Lunkhead thinks Gaby is just jealous. Gaby denies it; pointing out that Mocosa has caused a lot of pain at Psycho Mansion. Lunkhead still doesn't believe her so Gaby tells him to believe what he wants and hangs up on him. Lunkhead and Gaby's theme song plays.

Maxi-Moron tries to justify his actions saying he's basically paying her back for sleeping with Diablo, a man she didn't love. It tore him up inside; blah, blah, blah. It's all her fault. Etc. He's faux crying as he's saying this and Dimwit is just laying there, presumably naked in bed, as Max is putting on one of his too-tight gray sweater-vests. He then tells her they are finished and walks out. Dimwit sobs some more. I can't even begin to relate how stupid this show's writers are if Dimwit and Maxi-Mediocre end up together after this. From my standpoint, there can be no justification for what he just did to her. It certainly isn't true love. I HATE his character, and if I didn't feel some sort of dedication to recapping this show, I'd walk away from it. Time to get off my soap box.

Granny M and Gaby are worried that Dimwit hasn't called them. Although they say it's possible Dimwit is working at the hospital, they can't help but feel something is wrong.

Sylvie arrives at the apartment chattering about trying to make-up with Jorge. When Dimwit doesn't respond, she goes into Dimwit's room. Apparently Dimwit has passed out; she doesn't respond to Sylvie.

Max pours himself a stiff drink and flashes back to the rape, in which Dimwit pleads if he loved her, he would believe she never slept with Diablo. The music let us know that Maxi-Moron is tormented by this. Good. He ought to be!

Lunkhead is splayed out on the sofa thinking about Gaby and how they're never going to be able to be together. The phone rings and it's Max, identifying himself as Alejandro. He needs to talk to Lunkhead immediately. Meanwhile Yolanda appears in Octopus' room. Yolanda tells Octopus that Lunkhead left suddenly. Octopus opines it's probably to see Gaby.

Dimwit is now awake. She refuses to tell Sylvie what happened. When Sylvie asks if Dimwit is trying to figure out what to do about her feelings for Max vs. Alejandro, Dimwit says she wants nothing to do with "him."

Yolanda tells Octopus she's been consoling Pasta and how broken up Pasta is after Fidiota married Roddy. Octopus says Pasta deserves what he gets. She then tells Yolanda that although Pasta is a free man, Octopus will never allow a nun such as Yolanda, who's been abandoned by Rene, to be with her ex-husband!

Lunkhead arrives at Alejandro's. Lunkhead is surprised that Alejandro wants to talk to him at 2 a.m. Alejandro whips off his glasses and admits "It's me, your brother Max!" Lunkhead, true to form, is impactado! It's a good thing Alejandro removed his glasses to prove his point.

Octopus continues berating Yolanda. Octopus doesn't want Yolanda falling in love with Pasta. Yolanda says, "Of course I won't; I only love Rene." Octopus goes on to say that Rene has already forgotten Yolanda. Yoli is not a teenager. Rene is in Germany where he's bound to meet a girl his own age, fall in love, and get married. That's our Octopus, ever the supportive one. She certainly can't have Yolanda happy. . .

Pasta is on the sofa moaning Fidiota's name.

Octopus continues berating Yolanda, who is now in tears. Octopus chides, "You are always going to be single!" Octopus, on the other hand, has found love with a new man. Iggy. He makes her feel great! She reminds Yolanda, yet again, to stay away from Pasta.

Lunkhead still doesn't believe Alejandro is Max. Finally Max convinces Lunkhead by telling him the fire at the asylum was deliberately set by Diablo and Iggy, with Camila's help. Max had to assume a new identity so he can take revenge on his enemies. No one else can know the truth; however. Ah, that does the trick! They lament the loss of Peyote. Lunkhead said Pasta has taken it incredibly hard. Max can't understand why, so Lunkhead tells him Pasta was Peyote's real dad!

Dimwit is flashing back to her confrontations with Maxi-Moron, in which he believed the words of Diablo over her. She then says Alejandro is as big a pig as Diablo! Max tries to throttle her and says don't you dare compare us! Back in real time, Dimwit collapses to the floor in a sodden mass.

Max thanks Lunkhead for explaining Peyote's lineage. Lunkhead then goes on to say that Octopus is engaged to Iggy. Max makes Lunkhead swear not to say a word that he's alive. Lunkhead swears. Lunkhead then wants to know why it's so urgent that Max came out of the closet. Max says something happened that's going to hound him forever.

Dimwit is still flashing back on the events leading to her rape.

Max confesses to Lunkhead that he raped Dimwit. Lunkhead asks if Dimwit denied being with Diablo. "A thousand times," says the cretin, "but I didn't believe her!" Max tries to make himself into the victim after all of this. He doesn't know what got into him. Now Dimwit is really going to hate him. Lunkhead counsels him to find Dimwit and beg for forgiveness. Lunkhead believes Dimwit would never have slept with Diablo. Dimwit is good, pure, etc. Max regrets, rightfully so, that he was such a schmuck. Cry me a river, Maxi-Sinverguenza!

Lala tells Granny M about catching Diablo and Marfil in bed. Before Granny M can fully react, the phone rings. Dimwit begs Granny M to come to Emil-Oh's apartment. She needs her granny!

Probably the best scene of the show. Diablo is told the music school has been sold to Pedro and the name of the school has been changed to Peyote Irrascible. Out walks Max as Diablo is told, "You're Fired!" Diablo is muy impactado!

Octopus is at Pedro's house, but alas, Alejandro has already left. Octopus asks if Alejandro is really her son, Max. Pedro is impactado.

Mocosa has moved into Gaby's office at Perfumes 'R Us. She is kissing her photo of Lunkhead. Gaby walks in and the fight is on, including Gaby hurling the photo of Lunkhead across the room. Fidiota asks what all the shouting is about, so Gaby says Mocosa has moved into her office and has a photo of Lunkhead. Mocosa asks Fidiota, "Are you going to take HER side? Gaby broke a photo of my boyfiend, Lunkhead! Do I need to tell my dad?

Dimwit tells Granny M that Max came over drunk and raped her. Dimwit is never going to forgive him. Yeah, right. Emili-Oh overhears the conversation.

Fidiota makes Little Doormat give Mocosa the office. After Fidiota leaves, Mocosa tells Gaby she's not going to rest until Roddy divorces Fidiota. Gaby calls her "Chuky, the demon doll" and walks out. Mocosa scowls.

More of the confrontation between Alejandro and Diablo. Finally the Music Director tells Diablo to leave or he'll call the police. Diablo stalks out.

Kick Me is in the Mocosa's new office with an envelope. He's brought what Mocosa requested. Mocosa is gloating about "her diabolical plan," although we don't know what that plan is yet.

More of Dimwit telling Granny M what happened. Emili-Oh is horrified. Suddenly Granny M and Dimwit realize he's in the room. Dimwit jumps to her feet.

Pedro denies Alejandro is really Max. Octopus tells Pedro she'll return later.

Emili-Oh wants Dimwit to confirm that Max is really alive. Dimwit tries to deny it, but Emili-Oh wants confirmation he wasn't hallucinating in the hospital when Alejandro admitted the truth. Emili-Oh starts to run off to confront Max about what happened with Dimwit. Dimwit begs him not to get involved; he's still weak after the stabbing. Emili-Oh has already run out and Dimwit collapses. Granny M screams for help and Emili-Oh runs back in. He keeps grimacing as he's trying to revive Dimwit. I guess this is to show us he's not at 100% after being released from the hospital.

Credits roll!


Amar sin Limites #17 Thursday Aug 9, 2007 Part I

This is about the first third only, as I had to turn in my DVR for a new one, so I lost my recording of this and Friday.

We open with Diego and Azul fighting cute over the flat tire (llana or neumatico). Azul insists she will change it herself, and Diego watches and offers her a drink because it's so hot, etc. Finally she gives in and accepts his help. There is some double entendre here that I cannot understand. He says he is helping or something, and she says she is referring to the car. He says she makes him nervous because he wants things to go well.
He says if he can't concentrate it's her fault because he loves to see her smile. She says he also has a nice smile. Then he will smile all the time, he says. You will get wrinkles (arrugar), she says. If it made her happy, he would get as wrinkled as a pasita. (pasa is raisin, so it would be a little raisin)

You'll be ugly, she says. Oh, so you think I'm not ugly, he says. Well, she says, what is this ugly, ugly, ugly. You are not ugly, and you know it. Now they are back to changing the punctured tire.

He says he will help her get to the tire store after changing to the spare, and he hopes she will give him a lift (aventon) back to work, as he is late.

Back at home, Clemencia is on the phone. She is opening some boxes of medicine and telling the caller that they just came. She has to bring them to the Casa Hogar (household house?). Must be the charitable place they work. She says it's easy, he won't have to leave his post, her husband Manuel will give her a lift.

Manuel comes down. It was Demetrio the paramedic she had told him about. He asks her why she is so nervous and red. She says it's just that she ran down the stairs to answer the phone. Manuel wants to know how old Demetrio is. He's about fifty, but he acts very juvenile. All the nurses are crazy about him. She asks Manuel to take her to the Casa Hogar to return the medicines. Manuel wants to check out this "encantador," or enchanter of the ladies.

Meanwhile, Diego wants to know how Azul can resist the urge (aguantarse las ganas) to be with him. He is dying of love. She reminds him that she has a boyfriend and they are doing well. He asks if she and the boyfriend were seeing each other still when Diego first met her. He says it's incredible the security they have--he has no idea where it comes from--from you, he says. When can they see each other? (sad piano tinkling) We can never meet. We are going on separate "carriles," rails.


Yo Amo a Juan – August 10, 2007 In which Juan eats crow, Ivonne eats her words, and Alirio tastes sweet success

We open as Nidia is impactada about Juan being a chauffeur. Yadi is standing over her in the living room arms crossed and scowling, while Alirio and Nidia, seated, are pondering this news. “It can’t be!” Yadira assures her it CAN be, and appearances can fool one. Yadi continues, almost yelling, that “you’re going to realize that we’ve been dummies, treating him well, with caring, with what we gave him….” Nidia can’t believe it, and she can’t believe none of them realized anything. She insists that it’s impossible that Juanito has been putting on such a show for them for all this time. Yadi says it’s possible and who know how many lies he’s told. He was able to tell us that he was a high level executive, and the company gave him a car…..Alirio tries to interrupt and Yadi yells on “who knows how many more things he was capable of inventing.” She stomps her foot and puts her hands on her hips. She insists there was no right for him to do that. Alirio finally interrupts that he suspected Juan from the beginning and no one believed him. He suspected this lazybones (zángano). “I warned you, told you to take care with him.” This guy they gave their trust to, and were so familiar with, was not good. “I told you so. It went in one ear and out the other. I told you this boy couldn’t be trusted.” Yadi drags her mother out of the chair; she wants to throw all his belongings out into the street, because she is sure her mother won’t let him come into the house again. Alirio says before they stick their noses in Juan’s door upstairs, they are going to sing him four truths (?? Help with translation of this dicho? “cantarle cuatro verdades y echarlo de aquí, a patadas”) and throw him out of here. Yadi calls Juan names out of frustration. He’s a cynical, vile person.

Speak of the devil! We are treated to a long pan up Juan’s naked leg toward his lovely torso….okay, so it’s Ana’s charcoal portrait….with some nice honky tonk music. We get a good long look at his upper body and intense look in the pose he did. Ana is surveying her handiwork and flexing her hands when the phone rings. It’s Ivonne. They exchange greetings, and Ivonne lets Ana know that CL wants to have her come to his office to meet with him on the following day. Ana is perplexed. She’ll be there, she says. They say goodbye and Ivonne hangs up as Juan approaches her desk. We see Ana looking suspiciously at her phone.

Meanwhile, in his office CL is talking animatedly with a colleague. He reminds the fellow that he owes CL several favors. CL wants to meet with the guy tomorrow, as early as possible. He’ll tell the guy all about what he wants. At his door, we see someone’s head through the translucent glass….could it be Juan? Well, of course it is! CL completes his call as Juan signals that he wants a little time (very good American Sign Language, I might add. This is not the first time I’ve seen Juan use bona fide ASL. I wonder how he knows any of it….but I digress). CL waves him in and completes the call. He tells Juan he’s come up with a solution to Juan’s problem. Juan is relieved. His soul has returned to his body (me devuelve el alma al cuerpo). He thanks CL profusely. But, wait, don’t thank me. There is one more little thing that you need to do. Juan says, just tell me, it’ll happen. CL informs him he has to speak with Pastor. Juan is impactado. He thought bubbles that the boss began to explain what had been decided about how he had to deal with that Pastor (more Juanisms, sorry I didn’t catch it all). Juan thought bubbles that he swears to us at this moment he thought twice. But he didn’t have many choices. He could deal with dogface Pastor or end up in the street. Cost or benefit. [Ed. Note: Dammed if I do, damned if I don’t, my take on translation.]

Ana is sitting in her living room, on the phone again. Meanwhile, we get a side shot of Juan’s portrait. [Ed. Note: there’s plenty of detail in a side shot, trust me on this.] She’s talking to Paula and telling her something rather strange has happened. She tells Paula that CL’s secretary called, saying that he wanted to see Ana in his office, urgently. She wonders if he’s going to ask Ana for Paula’s hand. Paula chuckles; she doubts very much he’d do it in this manner. But Ana is puzzled. Paula tells her just to go to the appointment and find out. She tells her mother not to stop calling to let her know the gossip, and they say goodbye.

Alirio is in the study with Nidia and is still lecturing Nidia about Juan, who Alirio asserts he thinks is an opportunist. He wants to know “in concrete” what she knows about Juan, who he is, for certain. He tells her to think about it well. They opened their door to Juan, without any letter of recommendation or identification. He shakes his finger at her and warns her more about Juan’s motives. Juan’s just waiting for the right moment to pounce and leave them in the vile street. Nidia sits back in the chair, impactada. “You think?” Alirio continues to try to convince her. She tells him [Ed. Note: darn hesitantly, if you ask me] that for the first time in this life, she thinks he might be right. She’s going to find out everything about Juanito. He wonders how she can do that, since he’s an imposter and one of the best. He pounds on the desk. Nidia smirks. She knows who can help her in this, her cousin Delfina. She explains how when Juan came from Chichipico, he told them Delfina sent him. Delfina will tell them details about this mystery man. Alirio is pleased.

Juan is leaving CL’s office, still thought bubbling rapid-fire about what he’s going to do with this situation with Pastor. [Ed. Note: his facial expressions are absolutely marvelous as he goes through contortions regarding how he has been told he has to handle this. He’s got a rubber face.] He’s thinking of the cost of having to do this. But he muses that he can do the theatrical thing, though it will leave Pastor convinced of his power. Huy. That’s his luck, to have this misfortune. He looks disgusted.

Paula comes out of her office into the lobby and sees Juan. She asks what’s up. Is he staying? He whispers “yes.” She is excited and tells him that’s great. Marely, in the background, doesn’t seem to be paying attention to them. He thought bubbles as he stares at Paula with his heart on his sleeve that it’s for her, his goddess of gold, his little dove. He’s staying so he doesn’t have to stop seeing her. He’s confronting this humiliation for her. He tells her that Don Cesár Luis helped him solve the quarrel. She is jubilant. She tells him how pleased it makes her. He thought bubbles again that he’s not so thrilled. He tells her that he has one little detail to take care of with Pastor. She tells him that he is not to allow himself to be maltreated. He assures her that he won’t. They leave each other with her wishing him luck. [Ed. Note: Well, his luck is definitely improving as he gets a good view of her derriere, which he turns and admires as she goes off to CL’s office.]

CL comes from behind his desk to grab Paula and kiss her, calling her his love. As we see people in the lobby strolling by the office, through the rather open blinds over her shoulder, she tells CL not to forget this behavior is strictly forbidden in company policy. He shakes his head and sighs, while she asks if he wants Pastor Gaitán to run her off from the company? He tells her it’s not such a bad idea, since then they could end up in his bed and she’d be at his side. She kisses him again and smiles seductively; he asks if there’s some special motive that brought her here. Yes, she affirms. Well, could it be that I’m an irresistibly attractive guy? No, she flirts. Maybe I’m a guy whose always in your dreams? Could be. But she wants to give him thanks for what he’s done for Juan. He tells her that she’s probably realized he’s capable of anything that makes her happy. [Ed. Note: not to put too fine a point on it, but clearly he’s even capable of adultery and pathological type lying to make her happy—at least momentarily happy]. Her desires are his orders. She has realized, and it enchants her. He confesses that she probably doesn’t realize, but Juan is the only man he’ll allow to breathe the same air as she does. [Ed. Note: little do YOU know, CL. You’ll regret letting Juan breathe the same air. He’s going to do more than that, we’re guessing.] He knows that Juan doesn’t represent any threat, he continues….. She tells him she likes jealous men. [Ed. Note: Better pay attention, Paula, Juan is even more jealous than CL. Don’t underestimate it.] He tells her she brings him to craziness for love, she brings him to put up with Pastor, and he wants her to know that from this moment on she’s not only the owner of his heart, she owns his willpower, she’s his weakness, she’s the owner of his infinite love for her. She owns the company and the whole world. She remarks on that and he adds that she’s the owner of the universe. He’ll give it all to her. [Ed. Note: Sheesh.] She smiles, kisses him and tells him he’s going to have to hand over all his actions to her. He gives his word of honor. Good. So why do you have an appointment in this office with my mother? He looks impactado and possibly at a loss for words, but we all know with CL that won’t last long. He smiles, chuckles nervously, and regroups as we go to commercial.

Juan is standing at military attention in front of Pastor’s desk. Arms at his sides, back straight, head up high, he tells Pastor “It’s for this, Don Pastor, that I am asking for another opportunity, and ask your pardon for all the inconveniences that I have brought upon this company.” Pastor asks if he’s prepared to comply with the policies, do what his superiors ask him to, including ME? “¡Si, Señor!” Juan thought bubbles to himself, encouraging himself to be calm, “compa” which I am guessing is probably short for compatriota=compatriot. Don’t give him anything more to use on his side. Pastor puts his left hand into the air as witnesses do when they swear to tell the truth. Is Juan prepared to get serious, be responsible, be on time, with integrity, honest, without falsehoods or lies of any kind, from now on? Juan raises his right hand and swears he is. He mutters a thought bubble to himself about protesting about so much pulling it out of him. He asks the Blessed Child of Atocha for patience. [Ed. Note: “protesto” apparently means both I protest/complain and I affirm or swear to something, as in court]/

And, Pastor continues, are you prepared to leave off trying to pose like Adonis [Ed. Note: probably a good thing Pastor doesn’t know how much like Adonis Juan really looks posing in the altogether], of Don Juan never resting, (traznochar/traznochado = stay up all night, never sleeping), and cease playing the lead in all these embarrassing scenes, and finally just to get in the habit to act like the chauffeur you are? Juan swears again, thought bubbling about the snake’s venom already taking hold (entered in).

Pastor drops his hand, looking fairly satisfied, “very good.” One more thing, Pastor warns him. You need to know that he won’t tolerate that each thing Juan has his attention called to causes him to run crying to his boss about Pastor, is that understood? Understood! Juan raises his hand again to swear, looking off at the wall above Pastor. Pastor is now fully satisfied. He tells Juan they are canceling his previous contract and Juan will have to start all over, with a new probationary period. Juan first responds “perfect” but Pastor clarifies what this means. Juan whines, “But, Don Pastor…” Pastor is stern and says, if it pleases you, but if not, you are free to take your services to another company.” Juan knows he’s stuck and looks disgusted. Pastor shakes his finger and warns Juan that one little failure, one complaint from anyone, etc., and he’s history. This time we’re going to see if you have the willpower to change, because frankly, Juan, I don’t believe. Juan thought bubbles that all he needs to do now is kiss Pastor’s feet, but he’ll cope. On the one hand, the ladies Cachón depend on his employment, and on the other hand he doesn’t want to leave Marely there alone in the hands of this mousy buzzard (zopilote ratonero). What’s more, Juan tells himself, he’s crazy in love with Paula. Now he understands those who are prepared to fight to the death for love. He’s one.

CL is trying to explain to Paula about his appointment with Ana. He wanted to surprise her. She tells him it’s making her nervous; is he planning to ask her mother for her hand? That would make him so happy, he says, but no, his buddy needs a really great executive secretary. He just wanted to give her Mami the good news. She is thrilled and jumps up to kiss him. What has she done to deserve all this? She’s just the woman he loves, he assures her.

Ivonne busts in the door. ;-) Ah, sorry to interrupt you! She stalks out as Paula jumps away from the steamy kiss. CL follows Paula, telling her to be calm, they haven’t done anything wrong. [Ed. Note: clearly, CL has a different definition of “wrong” than the one in my dictionary]. She is sure that now Ivonne has seen them, who knows what will happen? CL continues to try and calm her. He says they are adults, and free. She says she knows, but she prefers that something so lovely to them doesn’t become the gossip du jour. He smiles a little and sighs.

Ivonne has a habit of busting in doors without knocking. Pastor looks up, startled at the whirlwind blowing through his door. She calls Paula names, she hates the d*** witch! Pastor wonders what’s up; she gave him a scare and almost left him stuck on the ceiling. She tells Pastor, with considerable more histrionics and wishing the pair of them to fall dead on the floor, that she caught that stupid Paula Dávila in CL’s office kissing him. Pastor murmurs sympathetically. She tells him he should have seen that kiss. “You mean the same kind that you had with Don CL in that same office?” “Ay, yes.” He reminds her there is nothing to be done, life’s like a mirror, there are things that don’t please us when we look, and that hurt. Ivonne complains that she doesn’t understand what’s happening, it should be her in that office. They look sadly at each other.

Juan begins to complain to Fernando, who is trying to read, in the garage. He’s not happy about the apology he had to give Pastor to stay employed in the company. Fernando points out he had the solution in his arms, he just had to go for the gusto (take hold of the pleasure, implying that he could have taken Pastor in his arms). Juan slaps Fern on the chest with his comic book and fusses at him. They fuss at each other a little more, then Juan has a new plan. Remember what we talked about the other day? He reminds Fern that Fern suggested Pastor needs a new boyfriend. Fern sees where this is going, says “nuh-uh,” and tries to walk away with Juan trailing. Juan looks around to make sure no one’s eavesdropping [Ed. Note: good try, Juan, but these walls have ears], and tries to convince him that “we have to” find Pastor someone macho enough, like himself, and it’ll be done. No more Pastor. Fern crosses his hands and scowls. “WE have to? WE have to?” Fern wants no part of it. Juan keeps working on him. Here it is! We go to one of those bars, where everyone plays in the same orchestra. You know, catch the eye of one, give him some cash, and convince him. The chicken’s ready! Fern is totally disbelieving that Juan has concocted this. [Ed. Note: Good, Fern, especially after his last scheme for you]. He shakes his head in disbelief.

Pastor is standing behind Ivonne, comforting her, as she sits in his office. Over his shoulder, we see through the very open blinds that other employees are moving around the lobby. Doesn’t ANYONE in this company do their non-company business in PRIVATE? Pastor tells her this is one of the mysteries of love, that they break our hearts and we never see it coming (sin saber a qué hora). He pats her shoulders. She whimpers that they don’t deserve it. He agrees. He’s decided because of this he’s going to take up his arms. Tonight he’s going out cruising. No looking back (ni nostalgia ni nada), anything goes (it’s all worth it—todo se vale). She says he’s scaring her. He asserts tonight it’s all or nothing. She says he’s right, there’s no reason to get bitter over this pair. She says it’ll be both of them, because she’s going to do exactly the same, if she’s invited. He says of course, they’ll say goodbye to tears and enjoy themselves. He reaches around behind her and hugs her, calling her his friend.

In the garage, Fern tells Juan to count him out. Juan runs after him, still trying to convince him not to let Juan die alone. Help me today, I’ll help you tomorrow. It’s life or death. Fern asks if he’s for real. Juan wants him to lend a hand. He continues to work on Fern, who continues to express serious doubts, but “I don’t know” seems to leave the door open. He’ll think about it.

Nidia is behind the desk in her study, on the phone. Alirio hovers over the desk in front of it, wondering what the conversation is about. Nidia gasps and exclaims to the person at the other end. “What? Don’t tell me! He did what?” Alirio wants to know and tries to interrupt for her to fill him in. Nidia continues to chuckle, exclaim, and ask questions. Alirio is frustrated that he can’t follow it. “In how much time? Who could believe it?” Alirio is practically jumping over the desk. She waves him off. She tells the person at the other end goodbye, take care, we’ll be in touch, and hangs up. It’s her cousin. Alirio confronts her, “AND??” “What?” “What do you mean, what? What did your cousin Delfina tell you!??” Nothing special. Alirio isn’t buying it, she was on the phone an hour. Well, she is my cousin; she loves gossip. But, what about Juan? Nidia won’t be able to tell him. He is really frustrated now. Nidia wants to hear Juan’s version and compare them before she makes up her mind. He fusses at her. She regrets it, but no, she’s not telling him more (such an innocent face). He fusses that she could be talking about a socially maladaptive criminal here. She interrupts that it seems Alirio is the great lawyer who would condemn a person without all the info. He dogs her about what cousin Delfina said. Nidia wants him to let her take care of it, then she’ll tell him. He sighs loudly and scowls.

Ana comes to Marely’s desk, carrying a long white tube. [Ed. Note: we’re taking bets on what it is, folks. I bet it’s a portrait of Adonis. Ooops, Juan]. They greet each other and Ana asks if Paula is quite busy. Marely tells her no, and tells her to go on in. Ana does. Paula is pleased to see her Mami. Ana admires the office and congratulates her. She wonders if Paula has found out why CL wants to see her.

Speaking of the Devil, we find CL behind his desk talking to Ana, telling her that he wants to offer her an excellent opportunity. He asks about it. His wealthy businessman friend, Alberto Cardanas, is looking for an executive secretary, and he needs one urgently, so CL recommended Ana to him. She thanks him profusely; she doesn’t know what to say. He tells her he’s doing Alberto a favor. [Ed. Note: Sheesh]. It’s hard to find a person like her these days. He tells her she has the experience, is responsible, with initiative, hard working, and of course, pretty. Above all, she’s honest. [How would YOU know, Cesár Luis?] She thanks him. He tells her he couldn’t say these things if he didn’t believe them.

Ana is back in Paula’s office, getting a hug from her daughter. They talk about what a nice thing he’s done, but Ana is a bit afraid. Paula reassures her. She’s the best secretary in the country. The best painter, too. No fears, and we’re going to celebrate at my new apartment, Ma. Ana thought she’d never ask. Paula goes to tell CL they are leaving and Ana looks around Paula’s office.

In CL’s office, he’s giving her a mock hard time about leaving him all alone while she goes off to enjoy time with her Mami. The guilt trip doesn’t work. He kisses her. But, he would have like to spend the time with her. She laughs at him. She’s left her mother feeling abandoned and now is going to pay some attention to her. He tells her it’s totally her right, no excuses needed. Just forget about me. (There’s a guilt trip if she wants it). She tells him if he keeps being so understanding with her, she might end up in love with him. “Do you think?” he asks. That’s the idea. They kiss again in front of the pretty much open blinds, and she goes. CL looks up to the ceiling, “how convenient!” He runs to the phone and calls home. He pretends to be formal, asking if he can speak with Mrs. Farell. Monica plays along. She’s not here, who’s looking for her? The father of the child she’s expecting. He’s dying to see her. Okay, Monica tells him, I’ll let her know, and anything else? CL tells her yes, let her know we’ll eat together tonight. Monica says the Mrs. is going to fall backwards (va a irse a espaldas), she won’t be able to believe it! He tells her, believe it, and fix something special. She falls back onto the bed and tells him she’ll be waiting (my love), and kisses the air toward the phone several times. She looks happily at her phone and CL looks calculatingly pleased at his, then smiles very, very smugly.

In the garage, Juan is pleased to see Ana and Paula and greets them with light chitchat. She says she didn’t want to give him a heart attack. She presents him with the tube. For me? Yes. You shouldn’t have bothered. He realizes what it is, and seductively pulls the portrait out of the tube, unrolling it swiftly and holding it up to face them so Paula gets another great look. Juan is all smiles. He thought bubbles about the lady having her talent. He wears a proud smile (not in the portrait). Paula compliments her mother on the lovely portrait. [Ed. Note: that’s a mild understatement, Paula, it’s way more than lovely.] He turns it around to face himself and the ladies come around so Paula can have a better look. Paula says, wow, and compliments his “big frame” and how handsome he is—but he keeps it all hidden. He thought bubbles about how this sent him right to the moon on a one-way ticket (boleto de ida) and put him where he could see the stars. He tells her she is his light of the moon, and he desires her for his sad nights, to help with the illusion. Paula compliments him again and he thanks her.

Nidia sighs loudly as she sits in her living room. She gets up as she sees Marely coming home and tells her it’s good she’s arrived. She pulls Marely to the living room. She’s so distressed (mortificada). Why? Don’t tell me you don’t know already! What? About Juan! Oh, yes, Mama, I know it all. Her mother mutters about Juan, but Marely says she has reserved judgment. What brought this crazy boy to them? Nidia tells Marely she’s the only one in the house with her feet on the ground, so what does she think about this? [Ed. Note: maybe Nidia has some sense after all, if she realizes this]. What should Nidia do? Send Juan right out to the street, or give him a second chance? What do you think? Marely frowns thoughtfully. I don’t know.

Juan runs around the car to let Paula and Ana out. They say their farewells, and Juan thanks Ana for the lovely gift, so personalized, eh? They chuckle. Ana tells him he’s welcome, and that she might need another favor sometime. Juan is a little embarrassed. He says, sure, that’s all right, I’ll be a model again—just between us. Juan thought bubbles to himself that he’s deduced that since Paula’s bringing her mother to her apartment, she won’t be with CL tonight. He is exultant about it.

At the steelhouse, Monica is walking into the living room with CL. She wonders why he decided to come home at the last minute. He throws out a convenient story about wanting to be with her, she’s due some time with him. She says she’s going to take advantage of the time, then. She strokes his face and kisses his forehead, asking what she can get for him. A whiskey. She jumps up to get it. He pulls her back down and hugs her close, saying I want you with me. She smiles happily. He tells her he hopes she is not so bored cooped up here. No, she’s not. She’s been busy with calls. But, she needs to ask him something. Did he have something to do with the problem she had finding Ana Dávila? [Ed. Note: you haven’t learned which buttons not to push, have you, Monica?] CL is impactado and PUT OUT.

After the break, CL uses the time-tested strategy of two-timing men all over the world: the best defense is a good offense. “What are you saying to me?” Monica tells him not to get all bent out of shape, just give her a simple answer if he had something to do with her difficulty in finding Ana. Of course not! How did she come up with such an absurd idea? He fusses at her, he didn’t even know she was having problems finding Ana. Monica points out that Ivonne didn’t want to give her the phone number, and when I told you that I was going to work with Ana Dávila…..CL interrupts her, “okay, then I did it, threatened Ivonne not to give out information, or what?” [Ed. Note: nice ploy, CL, that’s exactly what you did but it’s making Monica back down when you put it that way]. Monica sighs. “Think about what you’re saying!” CL’s almost yelling. Monica wants to know why Ana doesn’t please him. [Ed. Note: if you only knew, Monica]. He changes the direction of the argument. She needs someone with experience in the food business, and Ana is from the transportation industry. Monica points out that a really good executive secretary has skills that will be useful regardless. He wonders if she really liked someone, why would he interfere in the hiring? She says she doesn’t know. “You tell me.” He looks away and sighs.

Paula’s mother tells her the apartment is divine, though perhaps a little small. Paula says it’s just fine, and very well furnished. Ana comments that the rents in this neighborhood must be through the roof (in the clouds). Paula supposes so. What?? You don’t know? Ana crosses her arms. Don’t tell me that CL is covering it? Paula says they don’t have time to talk about that. Ana tries again. She reminds Paula of the first life lesson. Paula says she knows, keep the money issues separated from the love. She’s got the song memorized. Well, it wasn’t enough, from what Ana has seen. You have to not only memorize the first lesson, you have to put it in practice. Paula protests fondly; she doesn’t see a problem. CL puts her into the clouds, she’s so in love. She forgets the rest of the world. They keep looking at the apartment while Paula assures her mother he’s the best thing that has happened to her. Ana wants to know one thing: is he still living in the same house as his wife? They look at each other, Ana disapprovingly. Paula can’t answer.

At the steelhouse, CL gets up from their cozy place on the huge black leather sofa and goes to the bar, still talking at Monica. “Let’s not beat around the bush.” He wants to know what she’s getting at. She denies she’s getting at something, she just wants clarification. He pours a drink, “sure. It’s not what you ask, it’s how you ask it.” She still doesn’t want him to get bent out of shape, just answer her simply. He throws back the drink. He’s told her a thousand times [Ed. Note: your math isn’t any better than your truthiness, CL], he didn’t have anything to do with impeding her search for Ana. If she doesn’t believe him, what should he do? He whips out his Palm Pilot and brings up Ana’s info, thrusting it in her face. Here’s Ana. [Ed. Note: right about now, I’d be calculating how much I’m getting in the divorce]. He says the mystery of Ana is solved. [Ed. Note: I don’t think so. Why’s she in your Palm Pilot?] Monica looks away, disgusted with how this little chat has gone. They fuss some more, with him trying to lay a guilt trip on her about coming home eagerly to have a little lovin’ from the little woman, and getting an interrogation instead. He asks her what he’s done to have her distrust him so much. He gives her “that look” and clinks his glass on the bar, turns on his heel, and leaves. Monica is sooo frustrated.

Nidia and Marely are contemplating Juan over Nidia’s desk (the desk formerly known as Samuel’s) in the study. Nidia says all men are the same and Juan’s no exception, but it is so strange to her that Marely, always so correct and upright, has covered up his lies. She protests (a little weakly, if you ask me) that she only discovered this recently. He swore to Marely he was trying to find an opportunity to tell them the truth. Nidia scoffs. Now look how they found out! Her sister walked right into it all. Why’d he invent this story about being such a great executive? Marely says he was either too macho or naïve, thinking he should impress them. In his reality, it probably seemed like a small thing. Nidia points out that with those lies of Juan’s and Fernando’s, her sister has suffered. Marely says she’s not defending their behavior. She tried to tell her sister, who wouldn’t listen. Nidia admits that the Cachón gals like their creature comforts with a guy who has money. Marely tells her to speak for herself (don’t include me). Okay, okay, Nidia says. She still doesn’t know what to do with him. Marely looks anxious.

Paula is serving Ana, who is at the table in the kitchenette. She explains she can’t ask CL to kick his estranged wife out to the street. He’s a gentleman. {Ed. Note: uh-huh (nodding dubiously)]. Ana points out if the separation is firmed up, they don’t have to keep living together. They fuss about it more and Paula tells her mother she doesn’t want to CL to think she is pressuring him. Ana notes that if they’re doing things as God wills, she won’t have to feel so bothered. It’s not that easy, Paula tells her. They’re trying to be civilized about it, and Paula doesn’t want to be hysterical. Ana tells her there’s no reason for them to be shouting, but it should be above board, not under the table. She reminds Paula about her father. She’s putting herself in second place. Paula sighs in frustration. Ana says if one lets oneself be too pampered, it works against one. She knows what she’s talking about. Paula says CL isn’t like that. Like what? Your father? Yes, for example, Paula asserts. Ana tells her God is listening to her.

Marely tells Nidia that Juan got mixed up in this to be accepted, nothing more. Nidia asks her “are you sure?” What else, Marely asks. He’s spending his whole chauffeur’s salary to cover the costs of this household. Nidia thinks about this. And he’s telling us who knows how many more lies, Marely asks. She continues arguing his case. He’s not bad people. He’s done it all for us. Nidia shrugs and agrees, he’s collaborated and she realizes that. But why would he have this interest in us? Because we welcomed him, opened our door when he had no place to go. Nidia agrees, they received him like family. Marely thinks he has behaved well, but his lying is like a sickness. Nidia tries to repeat the word, “mitomania.” Marely says it again. (Mito is the Spanish word for mythology, so she’s describing a sickness that involves creating a mythological/fantasy world for oneself, it seems). It’s a psychological disorder. Nidia is afraid. Marely assures her it’s not dangerous.

Juan checks out a drawer in the garage, and we can assume the tube with his portrait is there. One wonders if Pastor is going to search and find it before long, gentle readers. He hears Fern coming in and rushes to greet him. Why’s Fern so late? Bad traffic, and CL’s house is way out in the sticks. Juan pushes him about the proposal earlier to go to one of those bars to find a boyfriend for Pastor. He tells Fern he won’t be sorry. Fern is already sorry. He is wary of this little plan that Juan has concocted as he goes to the desk and signs out for the night while Juan tries to convince him it will work. Juan tells him he’s just inviting Fern for a couple of brewskis, and he needs to be calm. Nothing’s gonna happen, and if it goes well, they’ll go someplace else, too.

Ivonne is still wondering if they really have to go to one of those bars. Pastor, who has lost his tie and vest, and has his bright yellow shirt open halfway down his slightly hairy chest, plays dumb, and asks “what kind of bar?” Well, you know, where you go. Pastor tells her they are all the same. But this one has good-looking guys, possibilities. He wiggles suggestively. Does she understand? Something unexpected might happen. [Ed. Note: no question in our minds that something unexpected will happen since Juan and Fern are heading the same direction.] She tells him maybe for you….but she doesn’t want to know any more about men, at least for the rest of the day. She wonders how men in that bar are going to look at her. He tells her that there the law of the jungle rules, and there’s a high level of testosterone, , and the European concept of “muy open mind.” [Gee, his English is good.] They’ll look at her like the diva she is. She tells him he would be the perfect man, except for one small detail. They chuckle; he tells her he’s a mirror looking at his reflection because he could say the same about her. Let’s go. He heads for the door, leaving Ivonne in the dust. The phone rings. She answers it at his request in case it’s the boss, and at the other end Nidia asks for Juan very coyly. Ivonne says he’s left. Nidia asks how long? Ivonne couldn’t say. She hangs up and muses to Pastor about this one asking for Juanito. A very rude old woman. He tells her it doesn’t matter to him. He’s looking after his own back; Juan is yesterday’s news. She strokes his toupee lovingly. They purr at each other. He tells her “nosotros, a la party” (we’re off to party). They head out, happy.

In the garage, Juan has a paper he’s checking and is surprised at the number of places where people go that are uninhibited and “modern.” Fern does a little skip. Looks like he’s glad to be off work and not so disturbed about Juan’s plan any more. Fern wants to know one thing; does he think they will really find someone for Pastor? He has his preferences. He and Juan laugh. Juan tells him it has to be someone tall, and nice. Fern wants to know if they’re taking Juan’s car. [Ed. Note: Nooooo, Juan, don’t do it!] Juan says with everything that has happened to him, he shouldn’t risk having a dog confuse him with a tree (shouldn’t put himself in the position of getting in trouble?) They decide he’s really got nothing to lose, and do a little song and dance in unison. He tells Fern that Pastor’s boyfriend is waiting for them and they dance off to the car.

At the Cachón dinner table, a very angry Yadi yells at Marely to quit trying to defend Juan. Alirio sits there gesturing. Yadi gets up and yells at Marely not to be such a naïve fool. Marely get up and yells back for her to not get hysterical. She accuses her sister of not standing up with her, of not opening her mouth to tell the truth. Marely tells her to stop saying stupid stuff. Yadi yells an insult and Marely is impactada….and we are reminded that any resemblance to real life is pure coincidence.

Next Monday: Juan parties with his shirt open and the shark’s tooth necklace prominent, while Fern tries to keep a low profile and Pastor and Ivonne see a side of Juan they never realized existed.

Vocabulary for tonight: please be advised these are my loose interpretations and subject to change if a native speaker tells me I’ve got it wrong. ;-)

me devuelve el alma al cuerpo = my soul has returned to my body (Juan means “I’m relieved”)

traznochar/traznochado = stay up all night, never sleeping = never resting

protesto = I protest/complain, used here as I attest, affirm or swear I will

zopilote ratonero = mousy buzzard, an oxymoron to describe Pastor

sin saber a qué hora = never see it coming

ni nostalgia ni nada = no looking back, no regrets

todo se vale = anything goes, it’s all worth it (my loose interpretation)

one-way ticket (boleto de ida)

These are from Judy B. and Maricruz: Judy B. found them and Maricruz defined them. I didn’t catch all of them so cannot take credit!

Hacer la barba = to suck up or be very nice to your boss, as in “El nuevo empleado es un barbero, le hizo la barba al jefe" The new employee is a suck up, he was very nice to the boss”

Dar el ancho = being up to the challenge. “No se si des el ancho para dirigir la compañía”. I’m not sure if you are up to the challenge to be the new company director.

irse de espalda = It is an exaggeration and is used to denote surprise “Cuando le dijeron el precio del carro casi se va de espaldas” When he was told the price of the card he almost fell backwards.

el bocadero de cesar luis = we’re not sure about this one, Maricruz says she needs to see the whole sentence where it was used to understand the meaning. “It could be Cesar Luis’ big mouth.” I agree with Maricruz, since Ivonne was talking about CL sticking his nose in when she was setting Ana up to work with Monica.



Saturday, August 11, 2007

Destilando Amor 08/10/07: "Let the Games Begin!"

It's been one hell of a long wedding day and an even longer dinner reception. Finally Rod joins Isa up in their bedroom for a nifty little heart-to-heart. She's in bed, hugging that valuable belly of hers. She starts in on him. "So ought I to suppose that you are staying with me because you're in love? Or, should I believe that you are the same man as ever, who came back to me disappointed, but moved by my pregnancy? Certainly you've seen Gaviota and explained all that's happened. So which man am I living with now?"

Rod keeps his cool. "You're with the same man you've been living with these last few months. I told you I saw her, I cleared up everything with her, but I intend to stand by my word. That's all." Isa plays the pity card one more time, maybe once too often. "--So I'm supposed to leave calmly, despite knowing that that woman is prowling around the place!" "--If I were planning to run off with her I'd have done it by now, don't you think?" "--No, Rodrigo. I have the weird feeling that something is going on between you two and it is not something that is over in one fell swoop. So, tell me the truth!"

Rodrigo is clenching his jaw and showing much more restraint than he might, owing to Isa's condition. "No.--" She interrupts again. "--You aren't going to forgive me for the pregancy, are you?" Again, with much more restraint than she deserves, "--Get it through your head that everything between her and me is already over and done with." "--Ah, so that's what she was trying to prove, coming here to the ranch and singing so shamelessly!"

Rod is really trying to reason with her here. "--Once things calm down you'll believe me." "--No! You're still with me because of the baby. Things would be much different if I weren't pregnant. You'd be running after her, begging her to take you back! what's stopping you that she was Aaron's mistress?" (Oof. Nice try, Isadora, but wretched Rod is so beyond caring by now that Gavi could have diddled the whole D.F. and it wouldn't matter.)

Later that night, in town, Gavi has a nightmare that while she's singing and cutting jima, a very pregnant Isadora runs after her, Skanky Bratz belly and all, into the mescal, screaming to leave her husband in peace.

Early the next morning Rod takes another stroll down Mescal Memories Lane. He walks through the vast expanse of agave and stops at the ancient parota tree, "their" tree. Lying against it he looks up at the sky and with little effort just blanks it all out while, back at the hacienda, the harpies hover over breakfast.

Gavi wakes up and throws her pillow in a fit onto the floor. Clarita wonders what gives and Gavi tells her about her dream and that she barely got to sleep the rest of the night. She is angry at herself for getting drunk and brazenly singing to Rod the next morning. She should have just done her job and gone back to the hotel right after. Period. Now her job is in jeapardy. Clarita wonders if Rod would really go gossiping to Avellaneda about it, but tries to cheer Gavi up the best she can.

Minnie comes in to the dining room to say good-bye to Pilar, Isa and Fedra who're all eating breakfast. Isa wants her to wait so that she can travel back to the city with her. Minnie joins them and then Fedra mentions to Isa in between mouthfuls that she should not leave now that Gavi has returned to Tequila and the hacienda. Isa, resigned to her situation, replies in full frustration mode, "Why not? If they want to get together and go on seeing each other, the two of them will find a way whether it's now or twenty years from now!" Grammy stares absently at her cornflakes.

Bruno and Sofia join the group and start to chit chat. Pilar wants Bruno to get Aaron to personally apologize to Rod. Bruno was thinking likewise and went looking for him but couldn't find him. Ofelia offers that Aaron spent the night in the study. Minnie thinks snidely to herself "to spend it talking with his fiancé, no doubt."

Apparently Frankie the Faux got up early to make the rounds of the property with Roman. So, we are treated to much mooing and some engagingly contrasting strains of Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" as Roman and an exhultant Frankie, undoubtedly now mentally patting himself on the back and thinking, "Yes, and one day this could all be yours, de la Vega", take a tour of the cattle stalls to discuss Montalveña's vast (yawn) herds of dairy cattle.....

The two men pay their respects to Bossie and Flossie during which, as those strains of Beethoven get ever louder, the two cows enjoy an early morning repast of hay and water; and all rather appropriately, I'd say, being that cad and cows have much in common, since both Frankie and our bovine beauties are quite adept at dumping multitudenous quantities of quality cow-pie when the need arises..... Roman assures Frankie that with time one can learn to carry on the administrative duties of the entire hacienda.

With breakfast over, Bruno finds Aaron in the study and asks him if he couldn't sleep because of Minerva or his upcoming marriage. Aaron confesses that he doesn't know what's come over him. He's never felt this way before. He admits it was such a relief to be as far away as possible from his ex. Just the sound of her voice put his nerves (not to mention those of the rest of us) on edge. Now he feels worse than when he loses money in a bad business deal.

Bruno suggests it's really love for the Minnie mouse. "You've never known love. You got married to have that baby. Oh, you've had your affairs, but you never have truly loved a woman." "--That's crazy, Dad. Whatever I'm feeling isn't love! Love is a weakness of women and the likes of Rodrigo. For me it's secondary. It's nothing more than a damned nuisance!"

Aaron admits then that it's as if he needs to live in that same hell that he used to live in, with her, in order to be able to work and to be at peace. He cannot concentrate; he just goes crazy at the thought of her being in the arms of another man. Bruno, who sometimes disappointingly waxes wise --like now-- says that this is jealousy and warns Aaron that jealousy kills. "It kills love. It kills everything."

James goes to pick up his things at Dry Gulch Acres. He finds Acacia unconscious on the bedroom floor and kneels down to pick her up and into his arms. "Pequeña!" He anxiously tries to wake her up. (Sorry, he may be married to her now, and she is admittedly 2 or 3 years older; but every time he calls her "Little One" I still feel queasy.)

Aaron tells Minerva that he doesn't want her to leave. The jerk promises her then that he is not going to marry Pammy since he loves her, and he tells her he wants her to come back to him. He asks her to forgive him and she forces him in front of everyone to get down on his knees and ask again; and he obliges, leaving everyone there jaw-dropping impactado.

Aaron and Minnie kiss passionately and make up and Aaron then suggests they go back home together to Mexico City on his jet. Pilar comes in with what passes for a look of exultation and rejoices at their reconciliation. From the other side of the room Bruno is talking about it being a "miracle" while Fedra is doing OhMyGawd! double-takes.

Aaron is so relieved and happy with himself that he even shows a bit of initiative and apologizes to Rod right afterward. Of course, rather than just leaving it at that, Aaron adds that he only did what was necessary to save his marriage to Isadora for him and to keep his little child from being left fatherless. Then, Aaron bear-hugs Rod and slaps him on the back. Rod, though, feigning forgiveness, grabs Aaron by his ear and whispers in it that he can keep his apology. He doesn't need or want it from a worthless, two-faced repentant Judas like him; and if he ever interferes in his personal life again he'll regret it. R-E-G-R-E-T-I-T!

Off to the side, Minnie thanks Patricio for all his good advice. Pat congratulates Minnie as Lluvia stares in silent and prudent awe. Minnie tells Pat that she has Aaron back, but she is not going to be satisfied until she deals the final blow to him.

Meanwhile James races Acacia into the little clinic for help.

In town, Clarita and Gavi run into Nazario, Nabor and Seferina. Everyone is glad to see them again. Sefarina invites them to the cantina for a round or two with the rest of the jima cutters. It's a fiesta and they've got a mariachi band and everything. Outside, Gavi takes a minute to ask Seferina what happened after she left Montalveña.

Seferina tells Gavi that they are not going back to work until they up their pay at Montalveña. Gavi tells them that they cannot do that to the Montalvos, and of course Seferina looks at her like she's crazy, so Gavi follows her inside where Carmello tells them drinks are on the house for his two guests of honor. The mariachis show up on cue and they have Gavi sing one of her drinking ballads.

At Montalveña, Sofia, Minnie and Isa are walking out together. Minnie, so sure of herself after her success with Aaron, is now back to her old tricks. She tells Isa that if she leaves the hacienda now she's serving Rod up on a silver platter to his little hooker. Sofia complains about upsetting Isa with her remarks. "She knows Isa is pregnant and that probably cooled her jets." Minnie argues with her. "That woman is a leech!"

Isa says the two of them can probably find each other any time they want since she's reappeared at the hacienda anyway. Sofia suggests that if Isa wants to save her marriage, then she needs to fight openly for Rod. "There's nothing else left for you to do." Minnie says she has a better plan to deal with the likes of Mariana Franco and when they're back in Mexico City she'll explain what she means.

While Gavi is singing in the cantina, Roman and Rod are driving through town to find the jima cutters to settle the strike that same day. He needs them back at work first thing on Monday morning. Rod walks into the cantina and is impactado to see her singing there.

Rod walks to a corner and watches her. He stands there thinking to himself, "Gaviota! Why when I am fighting to put distance between myself and our love, fate persists in carrying you back to me again? My heart screams 'Go looking for her", but reason forces me to leave you out of my life."

When Gavi finishes her song, she notices Rod is there in the corner, and she leaves for the table to tell her mother that Rod showed up after all. She thinks he's come to complain to her about stirring up the cutters and starting the strike. They look around the corner of the room for him, but he's gone again. Then everybody leaves to go outside and watch the street dancers performing on stage. As Gavi leaves, Carmello thinks to himself that Gaviota came back prettier but much sadder.

James approaches the doctor to ask about Acacia's condition, probably not admitting to the doc that he coldly abandon her in that ranch house in the middle of nowhere for two days. James enters her hospital room and wakes her up --in another questionably selfish move. Acacia regains consciousness, sees him and begins to cry.

James tells her she's going to be fine, that she was just dehydrated (from all those tears she wasted on cowardly Jimmy Boy). He says she just needs to get better and in the morning she will get to go home. Acacia says she has to tell him something, that she knows he doesn't love her anymore. (Maybe she's on to something here.) He hugs her and tells her not to say that. Tomorrow back home they'll talk.

Rod arrives at the town square where the street dancers are performing. He sees Gavi and in front of the group of jima cutters, he tells her to stay. Since she was the one who riled up the cutters against him and got them to strike, she should be the one to tell him just how much their pay should be increased. To her he says, "You aren't going to just turn around like that and just walk off, are you? Or aren't you so sure of what you said?" He turns around to the group, "If the young lady would retract what she said, I have no problem with her leaving." (Sly dog.)

Clarita asks her if they should stay or not. Gavi answers defiantly. "We're staying." "--Thank you very, very much!" Rod smiles at her and the crowd. "...because we exploiters like to talk to our victims! --You all agree that I am exploiting you, right?" The cutters chime in "Yes!" He continues, "Well, this comes from the expert in agave cultivation. So she should be the one to tell me just what is the exact amount I should raise your salaries." Gavi smarts back,"--I'm not the owner of the place! I only came at the request of the CRT!" Rod comes back at her, "--Did the CRT tell you you should come to fight for cutters' salaries?" (Oops. Score for the home team.)

"--Ah, now the young lady doesn't want to meddle in our problem. As the expert, I am going to ask her if the offer appeals to her. Let's see what you all think. As you know, Montalveña offers the highest salaries in the region. We increased them last year and this year we adjusted it all up again. This made you the highest paid cutters compared to any other farms' cutters in the area." Rod gets in her face, "Does this seem unjust to you? Does it?" ( A foul. A pass and he scores again!)

Gavi tries to walk away, but turns around instead and faces Rod, "You got sentimental, huh?" she smarts off at him. You talk like a cutter's salary would leave you out in the street! Ha! What a cutter earns in a month you spend in one night on a bash with your wife!" (Slam! Bam! Wham! Two points for the visitors.) She walks off but Rod follows.

Rod wheedles her. "Don't leave yet, Gaviota! You are talking about a single cutter. I am talking about thousands." (Ouch! Another two for the home team.) He continues with a list of all the seemingly endless additional costs and considerations for the eight years it takes to grow and get his finished product to market. "So, tell me, Miss Expert, what should I sell it for to come out at a profit?" (He scores another two. Game over! The home team wins!)

Gavi is finally shamed and says, "What do I know? Calm down and stay alone as director of the corporation!" "--Hey, wait!" Rod grabs her and pulls her to him. "You know the only reason I accepted that position was to be near you. I never collected any salary from that position as director and you know it!" He sighs. "If you hadn't crossed my path I swear I would be earning 100% of my living at La Montalveña. Now, please. I'm tiring of you putting me on display as an exploiter of jima cutters. It's not right."

Gavi gets loose and stares him down. Rod yells at everyone, "The agave and the land are mine. I was born here." "--Oh, now don't go saying you're one of us, because you're not. You're not!" she screams at him and the group. "--I say I am, just like my father and grandfather, the land is in my blood. Like you, Gaviota. Listen all of you! I eat whatever you eat, Gaviota. I am entrusted by the same God as you. I listen to the same music as you all." He looks back at Gavi again, " I love the same way you know how to love."

Gavi sneers back at Rod, "Don't compare yourself with those of us here, because none of us has a 'family name'. Neither did we study in London, nor are we owners of a hacienda. If you live here, its because of your family's little gold mine." Rod yells out in frustration, "Carry me! --I'm telling you I am a part of you people! What must I do to prove it to you?"

Seferina mischievously suggests that Rod and Gavi dance the native machete dance. Clarita then proposes that if Gavi wins, he'll have to increase their daily pay; but if Rod wins they go back to work without the increase in salary. They all agree, "All right!! Gavi is great at this dance!"

Minnie and Aaron finally arrive back at their penthouse in Mexico City. He is eager to get some nooky and since the servants have the weekend off, even better!! Minnie warns him it won't be so easy to get her back into his bed and making love after so many infidelities. He makes her a drink in the meantime to relax and while he's busy at the bar she smiles to herself.

Back in the Tequila town square before Rod goes up to the stage, Clarita warns him that he should be careful because the dance is very dangerous and Gavi is excellent at it. It could be deadly. Rod glances warily over at the machetes but takes the challenge rather than look like a wuss. He smiles and tells Clarita not to worry. "Ma'am, your daughter killed me a while ago."

Rod goes up to the stage with Gavi. Gavi gives him a shiver when she clangs the two knife blades together as a warning. "There's still time to get out of this, but be careful because if you should get a scratch and that blue blood of yours spills out everywhere don't expect a transfusion, because nobody here has that kind of blood." Rod looks at her and says, "It's better they bring me out dead, Gaviota, because I don't want to come out of this wounded or bankrupt because of high salaries." She smirks. He looks her in the eyes and says, "You are going to do me a favor by killing me, Gaviota, because this business of living so far away from you is a wretched tragedy." Gavi is moved and the two almost kiss........


Friday, August 10, 2007

Yo Amo a Juan Querendón EXTRA VOCABULARY

Provided by Maricruz in her recaps, and I thought some of you might like them so I asked her permission to compile a list and post.

From August 9, 2007

Sinvergüenza = shameless

una chucha cuerera y ardida = a seething and vengeful female dog

de volada = as fast as I could, as fast as possible

capricho = caprice, whim

me saca de onda = that disconcerts me

muy neta = very honest

les hayas hecho el paro = you have helped them

me cala = gets to me

luego se ve que pan tiene la mantequilla = easy to see what bread has the butter, i.e., easy to see who’s the boss

Tititipequense = person from Titipico

la soga al cuello = putting one’s head in a noose

agachados de quinta = people shameful to the fifth degree, not just a little shameful—way shameful (from the verb “agarchar”)

no seas zoquete = don’t be a fool

From August 2, 2007

bendecido (a)/bendito (a) = blessed, used as an adjective in a sarcastic sense, to say, for example “the blessed door-la bendita puerta” when one means he or she is tired of hearing another talk about about this door

tepache = a drink made from fermented pineapple, which Maricruz drinks with sal de chile (chile powder)

regaste el tepache = spilled the tepache, i.e., made a mistake

el pez por su boca muere = the fish dies by his own mouth

si calladito te vez mas bonito = you look better when you’re quiet

si para tonto no se estudia = you don’t need to study to be a dunce

ni maiz paloma = no way

plato de segunda mesa = second best

hechar mas agua a los frijoles = add more water to the beans (set another place at the table for an extra guest)

Un clavo saca otro clavo = a nail pulls another nail, i. e., a lover helps forget another lover

Maricruz (posted by Jeanne)

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