Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Amar Sin Limites October 8—Sound and fury signifying...?

We are promised that this is a DECISIVE chapter in the introductory promo. So we’ll have to see about that.

We leave off with GSD talking to Emilia cursing Eva and Mo. relating the conversation with Azul about Mo, and about how Azul thinks that Mo is just another of Eva’s victim. Emilia says that it’s one thing that Azul think that he’s a victim, it’s another that she should want to get back with him. She knows that Azul really loves Diego. GSD tries to say that Diego isn’t who they thought he was, Emilia is aghast that Diego could be a bad guy since Azul is smitten with him. GSD is not so sure he does love her. And he’s with Eva for what he can get out of her. And his daughter doesn’t deserve a jerk like that.

Azul whines to Ceci about Diego and what a loser he is and a hypocrite and a liar, etc etc. Ceci doesn’t believe any of it, she thinks Diego has his reasons. Azul says no, he’s not just working for her. He told her that he’s going out with her. Azul believes that she is the one he really loves. Ceci says if Azul thinks that’s true, she should slap him upside the head, he’s saying stuff like that out of anger. Ceci says she should explain about Katy and why she did what she did but Azul gets pouty and says no. She goes on to start crying about how she loves him and won’t love anybody else. But he DECEIVED her and now they can’t be together. She makes a crack about how she and Ceci can really pick men (referring to Andres). Ceci pouts and then Azul apologizes and blames her nasty crack on not feeling well. Ceci again says Azul should straighten things out with Diego, Azul says it’s too late, impossible, etc. Diego’s not worth it. Even if it breaks her heart not to go back with him.

Diego tells Chucho that when Azul was in danger, it was as if his own life was in danger. He is in hell without her, he says. Same as with Azul and Ceci, Chucho says to clear things up and Diego makes excuses why to not do it. Diego explains that Azul chewed him out for sticking with Eva and accused him of having a job for which he was totally unqualified. Chucho remarks that Azul is an strong willed girl (una brava muchacha) Diego agrees. They move on to talking about his new reduced position with Eva’s gang and that Mo and Andres are responsible for killing Abuelo and Andres. Chucho very sensibly tells Diego to tell Azul that he’s only working for Eva because he has no choice, and that he has a different job now with her, and he’s trying to avenge his friends or whatever, but of course Diego says “what good will it do?” Chucho remarks that “those people have done you a lot of damage.” Diego vows not to dwell on this and to be his own man from now on. They swear some kind of mock oath and laugh about it.

Now pillow talk with Azul and Ceci as they get ready to go to bed. I thought they had separate bedrooms but I guess that’s only when they bring men home. They agree to disagree about what Azul should do. The subject of Ceci’s new “friendship” with Andres comes up and Ceci rolls her eyes and says that she’s not used to being “just friends” with a guy. (No kidding Ceci! You were ready to jump a gay man!) Ceci says that they are sisters of the broken heart. Azul laughs as prepare to go to sleep.

And speaking of the gay man, Arnoldo is dusting Inez’s filthy apartment with Gaspar who is wearing a cute little apron. Yes, it is Inez’ apartment not Julio’s if you were following from the previous chapter. You’d think Inez had been in a coma for years the way they are carrying on with how dirty it is. Arnoldo says he still hasn’t found the jacket (or the engagement jacket as Chris called it). Gaspar is still pushing the idea of a candlelight make-up dinner. I like Gaspar. With those big teeth he looks kind of like a large kindly rodent.

More chitchat from Azul and Ceci. Azul feels sorry for Arnoldo. He was closer to their Aunt than she was and with her Dad dumping Inez and he and Azul preoccupied with Mo, he must feel alone. Just then Chulita walks in and says that Andres has arrived with some clothes for Katy. Ceci gets an enormous grin on her face and says she’ll greet him.

And speaking of Dad, he’s with his new honey, Emilia still bitching about Evil Eva Santoro. GSD is telling her about how Eva is demanding the research notes. Emilia says that he can’t turn them over. They are his security against them killing him. GSD agrees. But he’s worried about those close to him being threatened if he doesn’t turn them over.

At Inez,’ Arnoldo finally find the jacket and damn it’s ugly! It’s leather, with a yoked top in a contrasting color with the number 78 on it. Maybe his favorite football player’s number? It’s bad news, especially for a gay fashionista. But no matter, as soon as Arnoldo brings it out, the lights go off shielding our eyes from it and scaring the bejeezus out of Gaspar who squeals like a scared rodent (more evidence). Arnoldo tries to calm him but before he can really say anything, two guys with ski masks and flashlights appear. We can’t see their faces.

Over at Efrain’s house, Chucho and Diego come for a visit. It turns out that Diego wants the two older guys’ advice. He needs to make a lot of money to break free of Eva, Mo and their filthy lucre. He needs to support his family and buy a car now that he’s turned over the keys of the other one. He runs his big idea past them—he’s going to train as a boxer!

We cut to Eva at her office desk. Ivan comes in. He tells her that his guys have entered house number 1 (Inez’s place) in search of GSD’s research materials and found two subjects. Eva is appalled with this development. She was sure that the house would be empty seeing that Inez is in the hospital. She tells Ivan “You know what you have to do.”

Chucho and Efrain laugh at Diego’s idea of taking up boxing. They think he’ll get his ass kicked. Besides, says Don Chucho, you’ve got the body to be a fashion model. Diego says he’s not going to train as a professional boxer, just train to fight to be a better bodyguard for his boss. He wants to be a real bodyguard. Apparently this is why he’s at Efrain’s. Efrain used to be a boxer. I sort of remember and Diego refers to how Ivan was impressed when they fought off the crazy dude who ended up getting blamed for Abuelo’s murder. Efrain is doubtful and tells Diego that bodyguards for people like Eva need special training, something he really doesn’t know. And Diego will need a lot of discipline. He calls for training to start at 5am the next day. Diego groans but Efrain says they’ll have to do it before the garage opens. At least 2 hours a day. It’s agreed. They get up to leave.

Ceci and Andres are making out at Ceci and Azul’s. Andres tells her that he loves her for the millionth time and that she’s an angel. Ceci laughs which makes him angry. He says he’s not used to talking about his feelings. Ceci tells him that she knows she’s far from being an angel. And that she’s rather got the devil inside at the moment. She tells Andres that he’s like an angel to her, although a beaten up one! He says he’s a bad angel but he loves her. They hear a door creak and Ceci says that there’s a full house with Azul, Chamita and Katy there so no more hanky-panky will be possible tonight. Andres tells her that Mo has ordered him to teach her how to drive so they will be able to spend lots more time together. Ceci likes this. But she warns him she’s a poor student and it will take her months longer than most people. At first Andres doesn’t catch on but finally he does and laughs.

We get the next morning and a montage of Diego training, Rocky style, with Efrain while Azul makes breakfast for Katy. Diego rips off his shirt and pours water on himself for the ladies. They circle back to Efrain’s house. Efrain says he’ll go wake Gaspar. He comes back in a minute with a worried look on his face telling Diego that Gaspar isn’t there. He must not have come home last night since his bed hasn’t been slept in. Efrain is really worried since Gaspar always tells him when he’s going to be out late. They decide to go to the boutique to see if he’s turned up there. Diego goes to wash up.

Next we get Julio turning up at GSD’s apartment. GSD isn’t happy to see him. Before Julio can say more than a few words, GSD is telling him that his presence is inappropriate and shameless. Julio says that he has a right to inquire about his partner. GSD calls him a pervert and that he his relations with his son give him no rights at all. Julio tries to defend himself saying that their relationship is one of love and has dignity. GSD cuts him off and says he doesn’t agree. They go on like this with GSD exclaiming that Julio is a pervert who dragged his son into homosexuality. Julio says that that’s not fair. Arnaldo was an adult and made his own choice. GSD refuses to believe him. He says that Julio is old enough to be his father. Julio says “But I’m not. I’m his partner.” GSD : “Please---Mister---“ Julio: “If Arnaldo never told you about his homosexuality it’s because he didn’t trust you as a father…GSD: “Get out of here! I don’t want to see you ever again in my life.” Julio leaves.

Piero’s still in jail. He’s growing a beard and he’s unhappy because the other prisoners are giving this pretty boy a bad time. He complains about all this when he is brought to visit the lawyer Perez Castellar. Perez Castellar says the problem isn’t the accusation about Paco, it’s his other charges, which are federal offenses. In fact, he’s scheduled to be taken to another prison. And the person who is paying for his services, didn’t pay for this.

Ceci and Azul are chatting at breakfast, laughing about Katy imitating Ceci brushing her teeth. Ceci goes on to talk about how Andres is going to teach her how to drive. Azul doesn’t like this. She doesn’t like Andres and she doesn’t think she needs a chauffer. She does agree that she needs to be checked out because she isn’t shaking this bug.

Eva is once again a fashion victim in a frayed denim jacket and she’s nervously talking to Boris on the phone. She tells him that Mo is still gravely ill but Boris ain’t interested in excuses. “Which are you, stupid or in love?” he asks. Boris says time is money. Until they get Toscano’s antidote, they can’t propagate the toxin around the world. Eva promises him that she’ll get him the info. Boris says you’d better or else. When he hangs up, Ivan asks her if he’s still pressuring her. Eva says yes, and he’s said we’ve failed again. Ivan says that they found nothing in Inez’ house. And the witnesses? She asks. Ivan says, there wasn’t a problem. They saw nothing and the men made it look like a robbery.

We go to Arnoldo and Gaspar who are tied up back to back on the floor of Inez’s living room with gags in their mouth.

Diego and Efrain go to the boutique but it’s locked. Julio shows up and is also surprised to see that Gaspar hasn’t arrived. Julio rushes past them because he’s got a client coming to pick up some dresses. Efrain gently tries to interrupt him to say he’s worried about his son, that Gaspar should have been there but he didn’t come home last night. Julio starts—is he thinking that Gaspar and Arnoldo have run off together or that they could both be in trouble? He’s nervous and he accidently tears one of the dresses. Diego’s there and offers to repair the dress. At first, Julio doesn’t believe him but in the end he allows him to do it and fetches a needle and thread. Julio says it’s early yet but he can tell it’s going to be a terrible day.

Eva is sitting in the Hospital Doctor’s office. We now know his name thanks to the big cardboard laser printed sign on his desk that reads Dr. Jeronimo Linares. Eva asks in her mousey way when Mo can be released. Linares says that he wants to observe Mo a little more in the hospital and to approve the setup in the place they are taking him. Eva says it’s nearly ready. “He says, OK, then tomorrow, first thing in the morning.” She wants to know if she can visit him now. He says sure and apologizes for the delay, saying that his precautions are absolutely necessary. Eva thanks him and leaves.

Mo and GSD are having a terse discussion at the moment, in Mo’s hospital room. Mo tells GSD that Azul knows that Eva infected him. (Do we know this or is this just another yarn of Mo’s to keep Azul on his side? I’ve lost track). GSD says yeah, whatever the important thing is that he find out where the toxin Mo was infected with came from. He needs it to find the cure. Mo squirms in his hospital bed but says nothing. GSD says without it he can’t continue with his research. Mo says he knows but he can’t say, it’s his safeguard against Eva and the others killing him. Yeah, well, says GSD “It’s going to turn out be your safeguard for a sure death” if I don’t find out where it came from. “I have the responsibility of saving your life. I need it to find the cure for you and for my daughter.” Mo says he knows but…. GSD is getting exasperated and says that he’s believed him all this time…Mo interrupts to say he’s telling him the truth that Eva Santoro will kill him. GSD says fine, he believes that much but he also wants Mo to trust him with the secret, otherwise, he’s going to think that Mo is trying to deceive him. Mo relents and says, “OK, I’ll tell you everything.” At that precise moment, Eva walks in. She says “Oh, Doctor Toscano, I’m glad you’re here! I’m sure Mo told you I need a copy of your research notes.” Mo says yeah, well even though he didn’t give them to you I hear you got the access codes to the lab. Eva ignores this and holds out her hand. GSD hands her a little keychain USB drive. “There you go—all my research notes.” says GSD.

Back at Julio’s boutique, Diego is repairing the dress. He cuts the thread with his teeth and he’s done. Julio gives his work the eye. He pronounces it fine work—you can’t see the stitches. Diego laughs and says it’s been awhile since he’s done the needle and thread act. Efrain explains that Diego learned at his abuelo’s knee, who was a excellent tailor…and his best friend. Julio is grateful and wants to pay him but Diego says no way. It was fun. Julio says “well, whatever, if you ever want a job, you’ve got one here.” Diego and Efrain look at eachother. A new opportunity? Julio scurries off to get the dresses ready for the client.

At Inez’s, the metiche (nosy) landlady comes in and discovers Gaspar and Arnaldo tied up on the floor and with a lot of huffing and “Ave Maria! (s) she rushes over to untie them.

Back at the hospital, Eva is still talking to Mo and GSD. Eva says she’s got to go and check on the preparations for Mo’s new quarters. She waves the usb drive at GSD and thanks him for finally coughing it up. She leaves. GSD immediately turns to Mo and asks him for the origin of the toxin. Mo winces and says “It’s from an African insect. We captured one that had already infected some people.” GSD says “Did you have a specimen?” Mo says “Yes. An old colleague of mine was working with it to extract the toxin to give it to Eva Santoro for commercial purposes.” GSD: And then what? Mo: “I discovered that Eva wanted it so that she could propagate the disease. The rest you already know. She infected me with the disease. “ GSD wants to have the live insect specimen for research. Mo says that unfortunately, it died. GSD says well, then, we got nothing. Mo says yes you do, you’ve got the toxin from the insect that you and Diego stole from the lab, my infected blood and the team of me, Leo, Andres and Azul to help you with the rest. Eva’s only got your notes and we will never tell her where the toxin came from. GSD doesn’t look too thrilled.

Outside Julio’s boutique Efrain and Diego are talking. Efrain is telling him that Julio said that Gaspar went out on the town with Arnaldo. He’s pissed that Gaspar didn’t tell him where he was going. Diego agrees and says to let it go-- here you are worrying while that delinquent, Gaspar is out having a great time. Efrain wonders if Gaspar will get fired since his boss wasn’t too happy that he didn’t show up for work.

Just then who should drive up by Ceci and Andres with Azul, Katy and probably Chamita in back. Ceci is hanging all over Andres, thanking him for the ride to work. Diego walks up huffily and tells her, “Ceci, I know you are a nice person. I urge you to get away from this evil, stupid guy, who is also, a MURDERER.” Andres looks daggers at Diego. Ceci looks startled and Azul looks darkly at Diego and Andres from the car window. Not sure what Azul’s supposed to be thinking since we know she has a similarly negative view of the Ceci-Andres thing.

[Commerical break—On Cristina, Sergio Goytri (Don Loco) is supposed to spill the beans on the dirt behind the scenes on Duelo de Pasiones-the flaming affair between Pablo Montero and Ludwicka Paleta that lasted less time than it took to film the show. In the clip, Goytri says he’s not talking so I’m not sure what the revealing part is unless Cristina is going to reveal it herself. You have to feel a little sorry for these actors. Duelo must have wrapped over a year ago now here is Crisitina revisiting it just because she snagged Goytri for her show. Undoubtedly he’s on to promote something new in his career, not rehash his colleagues’ personal damage.]

Back to the confrontation between Andres, Ceci and now Azul who gets out of the car to defend Ceci and by extension, Andres. Azul says that Diego has no right to defame Andres when he’s still working for Eva Santoro. Diego says that Eva hasn’t killed anybody…while Andres…Azul interjects that Diego must be sleepwalking through his world of criminals and their nefarious deeds who are trading innocent lives for money Diego tells her she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. Azul says she knows very well—I know that that woman AND YOU are capable of anything. Diego angrily tells her that “one day, when you learn the truth, you’ll ask my forgiveness. And I’ll never be able to forgive you for associating yourself with these killers.” Diego stalks off. Azul looks about ready to burst into tears and Andres tells Ceci they need to talk. Ceci doesn’t want to talk, she wants to go in to work, she’s already late. Andres begs but Ceci leaves. Azul asks Andres point blank why Diego accused him of being a murder. Before Andres can respond, chatty Katy pokes her head out the car window and brightly says “Are we going to visit my Daddy now?” Azul says “Yes dear.” She tells Andres they’ll talk about it later since they can’t talk in front of Katy. “But don’t think that I’m going to forget.” says Azul. Andres looks uneasy.

Mo and Leo are talking by phone. Leo’s got a bunch of stuff packed up in banker’s boxes. Apparently she needs the address for where he’s going to be so she can send the stuff. Mo says that Eva told him that she’d give him the address in a few hours. Leo’s freaking out because the movers need an address. Mo says just tell them to drive to the hospital and circle the area since the address can’t be far from there. Leo freaks out some more. Mo tells her to calm down, he says that maybe they won’t even be moving him today. “What!! exclaims Leo. Are you worse today? Why didn’t you tell me before?” Apparently he tells her he’s OK because we see her relent but she’s obviously not feeling too well herself. The poisoned yogurt must be having an effect. Mo finally says, to tell the movers to go and return tomorrow. A day won’t matter. Leo bitches that it took a lot of work to get them to come today. Mo says whatever and they leave it at that. Mo tells GSD who is still there in the room with him, that he should draw blood from Leo and interview her about her symptoms too. GSD agrees and says they might as well take advantage of the fact that so many people are infected to get samples for study. Mo reminds him that the disease manifests itself differently in people with different blood types. GSD says yeah, yeah, he already knows. And that Mo’s blood type is the most resistant to the disease. Mo says that he should study Azul too. GSD looks pained. “How am I supposed to do that if Azul isn’t supposed to know she’s infected?” Mo says, so she’s not exhibiting the stronger symptoms? GSD says she knows that something is wrong with the constant dizzy spells and weakness. Mo looks genuinely worried. Yeah, says GSD, she fainted again. Yesterday she fainted in the street and was almost hit by a car. Mo says “WHAT!” cue the fast music! He wants to know if she’s OK. GSD says yes, she’s fine but these fainting spells are dangerous and put her life at risk every time. Mo looks worried some more.

We finally go over to Emilia’s where Silvana is visiting. I wonder if that’s the dancing dress she’s wearing. It’s low cut and has slit sleeves so it’s definitely more hoochie than grandma style. Silvana is filling Emilia in about her mom’s taking off again. Emilia is pleased that Silvana is telling her all this. But she wants to know what Silvana is going to do. She can’t spend her life crying for her mom’s abandonment and her son’s death. No man, be it Diego or someone else, is going to stick with her if she can’t learn to be happy with herself. She’s got to learn to live without depending on someone else. Silvana agrees but she wants to know how Diego is. Emilia says she knows something but she doesn’t think it’s ethical to tell her about someone else. Silvana begs her but Emilia tells her to look up Diego herself and ask him directly. Silvana just wants to know if Azul and Diego are back together or if they’ve broken up again. (Ha, given that Emilia hasn’t seen either of them in HOURS, how would she know??) Emilia shakes her head. Silvana smiles and said, well, at least I tried.

Back to the jail. Piero has a visitor. It’s Lidia. She’s come to beg him to listen to her. Piero tells her that he already told her he doesn’t want to see her again. Lidia says that she’s his wife (glances over at his hand which is missing it’s ring) and that he can’t leave her. Piero says that if she doesn’t want him to accept Lucia’s help, she needs to come up with 50,000 pesos for bail money. Lidia’s eyes get big and she cries “How am I going to be able to get that much money?” It’s the only way he can get out says Piero. Once he’s out, he can work his own case and ask Mo for help. Lidia says she’ll ask Diego for a loan. She’s clearly not in the loop that Diego has been self-demoted to chauffer bodyguard from overpaid gigolo.

Eva and Diego are outside talking in the street. I think she’s admiring Diego’s suit. He suddenly pulls out a check. He’s returning some money she paid him since he didn’t earn it. Eva says nothing doing. It’s his. Diego says it’s not everything. He used it to pay some debts, for his family…but he’ll pay it all back eventually. She tries to push the check back at him but he won’t take it. They turn to the business at hand. They’ve come to view a property. Diego says it’s nice, has a back yard, light, a servants quarters at the back etc. Just then the real estate agent shows up to let them view the place.

Back at the hospital, Mo is with Dr. Linares. Azul comes in and the Doctor leaves. Azul asks Mo if he’s ready to leave the hospital. Mo says no, they’ve decided to wait a day. And by the way, says Azul, “Diego called Andres a murder.” Mo acts impactado. Azul wants an explanation. Mo says it must be because he and Diego were once rivals for Azul’s affections. Azul says "what does Andres have to do with me?" And besides, “I don’t have any confidence in Andres either. Both he and Leonarda always seem to be hiding something.” Mo says simply that he can’t change her perception but that he knows that Andres and Leo are good people. He won’t leave Leo defenseless. Azul thinks Leo can take care of herself. Mo says not against Ivan, Eva’s right hand man.

Tivo cuts off here. Sorry!


Destilando 10/08/07 "Every bond I break, every step I take, You should be watching me.

First let me say that as we proceed through tonight’s recap we will see that the 80’s really did rock and every situation is pretty much covered by a lyric.

Gavi is sitting at her desk. She looks dismayed. Rod hasn’t called. “Why? Why?”

Isa with way to much time on her hands, is driving the ever fragile Sofie to near hysteria as she continues to call the hacienda & not say anything. Sofie is screaming into the phone, “who are you”? She figures it is Frankie’s lover. Isa just seems pissed she can’t talk to Frankie, she doesn’t even seem to really be enjoying it, geez I thought it was kinda funny.

Rod is over in the restaurant chatting up Dr. Erika, he is telling her the famous star-crossed lover’s tale. He married Isa, blah-blah-blah, as Jardina explained in her fine recap from Fri, Rod goes into the details of the loveless/sexless marriage.
Somehow, I feel like if Dr. Phil was conducting this interview he’s be saying “Joven that perro don’t hunt”.
Erika just looks on as Rod continues with “My Tragedy, Chapter 3”, Gavi disappeared for a year, then he found her at the Montalvo Corporate office working under a false name. He kept her little secret, it was their salads days, until the treachery of the family cause yet more misunderstanding & pain. Rod then fills Dr. Erika in on the fine details of Artificial Insemination.

Now cut over to Aaron & Minnie’s “Apartment of Dysfunction”, Aaron is attacking a perfectly innocent “Highball Glass” with cubes of ice. Aaron purposely slams each cube into the glass. Minnie starts in with her War against Gavi the husband Robber. Her new plan is to call each of the wives of men who work at the CRT & fill them in on the little corporate climbing Ho. Aaron wants her to STFU & seriously give it a rest. He tells her it will just create a scandal and draw attention to the Montalvo family. This would not be prudent, as it would possibly draw attention to Aaron’s shady business dealings. He tells her to shut up that Rod is just a “Cornudo”, which I believe is fighting words, down south of the Border. It means horned or cuckolded, a guy who lets his wife or girlfriend sleep with other men without putting up a protest, the gesture to go with it is little finger and pointer finger coming off a fist from your forehead, good fun, good fun. I’m not sure, but I think in LFMB, Fernando made the gesture to Aldo, when he thought Lety was cheating on Aldo. Anyway I believe this is grossly unfair, cause Rod did put up a protest.

***I am so over Aaron, cause what real villain puts up with that Minnie crap? My hero Damien from Mundo would have beaten her to death with his wooden leg, while laughing and then placed a ballbat in her hand and paid off coroner to rule it suicide. Gawd I long for the days of real men. ***

Meanwhile over in the Restaurant of Broken Hearted Tales, Rod continues his tale of love, after that he was tormented, he tried to make a life with his wife, well except for the sex part. Once again Gavi crossed his path and with his help she was able to get a fine job at the CRT, where once again Rod’s hopes are dashed to the dirt as she has met that fine piece of beefcake manhood, Dr. Blondie Santovenia, & now Rod is all BSC again.

Gavi is now sitting and staring off in space. I’m not sure if she is thinking of Rod or just so bored by Dr Blondie that she has had a brain freeze. Dr. Blondie notices her lack of attention & tries to drug her with a cup of potent coffee, but Gavi begs off. Then, Dr. Blondie pulls the tell me frankly, “do I abuse you by working you all these hours when you could be home with your mother?” Gavi answers, “Hell yeah, but not cause of Ma, but you have seriously put the brakes on the time I had dedicated to Rod worshipping me.” Okay that was really my answer not Gavi’s. Gavi answers, “Don’t worry it is no problem”. He then asks, “you enjoy your job right?” Gavi says, “Yes, if she didn’t enjoy it she wouldn’t be here.” Dr. Blondie says he will give her a ride, Gavi says no that she will take a Taxi. Dr. Blondie then pulls the ole’ reverse psychology by telling her, forgive me for interfering in your personal life, that he feels like all her problems with Rod are his fault. He then asks if Rod & she have reconciled. Gavi answers, “Dr. Blondie, you act as if Rod & I had a formal arrangement and that just isn’t so.” Dr Blondie now back off and turns to one who never lets him down, he picks up his “mistress Coffee Can” and nervously toys with it, he is jonesing, the Coffee Whore. He believes it is all his fault there is this distance between Gavi & Rod and by Gawd he feels so damn guilty for causing it.

***I swear if I was directing this scene, the music from the Stones, “Sympathy For The Devil”, would be playing in the background****
“Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste “

Gavi continues….
Now get this straight, Dr Blondie, none repeat none of this is your fault, there were already many plagues on the leaves of our Agave Love.
He asks again, if they have reconciled, he needs to know so he can sleep peacefully at night. Damn for a sneaky nerd, this guy is good. She tells him No, Rod hasn’t called and she wants to go home alone in case Rod is stalking her in his usual stalking manner. That way there won’t be any trouble. How long will poor little Gavi suffer the persecutions of Rod?
Oh Por Favor!!!!!!!

Now the Dr/loco patient conversation between Rod & Erika continues, he is stuck with Isa for two months and he must stay away from Gavi for two months, he must be rid of the torment. He just wants peace. What kind of peace? He just wants to stop being driven mad with his crazy jealousy. Hmmmmm Erika asks if he wants to stop the craziness for two months or forever?

Isa realizing there is nothing good on TV calls Sofie again, this time Sofie really starts screaming. Here comes Frankie all decked out in his Miami Vice suit, he brings her a present, to make up for her doubts and I guess not paying any attention to her for like ever. The present is some Chinese little balls or stones, he rattled on about ying/yang and perfect relationship. I didn’t follow cause it made me remember “Ben Wa Balls”, something that we used to say in high-school and just the words led to uncontrollable laughter.
His phone starts ringing and Sofie gets crazy eyes again, she runs to pick up the extension, Frankie picks up and says pick up the extension Sofie, thus clueing Isa into the fact that Sofie is listening. Isa does the, “hi Frankie is Sofie home?” Sofie tells Isa, she is convinced that Frankie is two timing her and Sofie plans to catch him. Isa has a muy impacted look.

Erika suggests to Rod that he take a trip for two months, get outta town, shake the dust off.
Rod starts to get snotty at this. She says look you had dinner with a friend, you talked to a friend, if you want psycho help, come to my office tomorrow at 3:00 for an appointment. She says she can’t just fix him like that over dinner, therapy takes a lot of work. Rod is non-too pleased. Erika walks away. Rod calls the waitress to pay the bill, but finds out Erika has already paid it. Now they get into it again. Rod accuses her of playing a game.

Gavi arrives home and she scans the street for Rod’s car. Alas it is nowhere to be seen, she sighs, a car honks and she whirls around. Is it? Could it be? No it is just a car driving down the street.

Time for Sting & the Police

Every breath I take
And every move I make
Every bond I break, every step I take
You should be watching me.
(okay I paraphrased)

Hey Gavi must seriously be bummed. Damn it Rod is her stalker. Gavi must be thinking, “Que the Hell? Is my butt too big? Is it my hair? Does this outfit make me look fat?” If you can't count on your stalker, who can you count on? Men are so fickle. What a world What a world.

Now Erika and Rod get into it in the restaurant something like am I like some lab rat or crazy insect experiment to you? With a sexual problem, so peculiar & machismo & obsessive & jealous & stupid and traumatized over money. Erika just keeps smirking. That would have been awesome to be the cashier that was listening to that diatribe. Erika tells him the solution isn’t going to be easy, it will involve work. His problem isn’t the jealousy, nor gavi..the problem is that he believes there is only Gavi in the whole world for him.
Now see Rod that’s what I been thought bubbling to you, Dude, you & me, several bottles of The organic stuff & Gavi would be a fleeting memory, seriously sign on for the therapy. Call me when it’s done.

Erika exits..Rod looks pensive, thought bubbling “Damn half the world is female, Hmmmm?”

and we go to commercial.

Where we get to see Dr. Blondie slip his true love Azul, the plague through a needle jab. Thank Gawd for modern technology I just could not see him picking fleas off rats to pass on his plague.

Now back to our tale.
In yet another “Fernando Gaitán”, oft repeated now cliché scene, the woman leaves the restaurant angry only to be followed by the male trying to make amends. Rod follows Erika out and they make nice with Rod agreeing to a session in her office at 3:00pm the following day.

Gavi comes into the apartment and Clara serves her some “Homemade Soup”, it is good for the soul. Gavi queries, “Were there any calls for me?”, Clara shakes her head no. “Did anyone stop by to see me?”, Gavi continues, once again Clarita gives a negative response. Clarita ask Gavi if she thought Rod was just gonna hang around forever? No Ma. Gavi is vows to live in peace and to sleep peacefully. Clarita has the look of a person that has just seen her plasma 54inch being taken away and a $13.00 Mr. Coffee being put on the top of her entertainment center. So close So close…

Rod arrives home and quizzes the maid about the famous missing bottle of , “1937 Boone’s Farm Agave Flavored Wine”, the maid blurts out in typical geez we get blamed for everything fashion, “I didn’t drink it”. She then says no wine was drunk the night of the Witches Coven. She tells Rod she doesn’t know if anyone came over cause Isa gave her a few days off.

Rod goes in and sees his NotSon, you can tell he likes the kid, Isa snatches the kid up and says he has to go to bed. I guess she doesn’t want too much bonding with the kid’s NotDaddy.

The next morning Rod stops by to quiz the building guy at the sign in desk. He tells Rod the night guy has been replaced, Rod’s wife had some problem with him and they removed him. No details are forthcoming and Rod does not bother to turn around as the desk guy is crushed to death by an enormous anvil.

Now it is morning at the Hacienda, Here is Sofie with his special made with her own hands breakfast on a platter and Frankie doesn’t have time to eat it.

***Hate me if you must here, but if that isn’t an all grown up Jan Brady with Lasix, then I am just gonna retire my snarking. The outfit…Sofie what the hell are you thinking? That sad denim skirt, with the sad little t-shirt, and the boots. I’m sorry I know these are trying times for you, but seriously, the only benefit I can see to your choices is that you can be guaranteed SanWanna would never nick your clothes.***

Oh look here comes James, his face lights up at the sight of bedraggled Sofie. She always looks good to him. Maybe it is because as bad as her fashion choices are; at least she isn’t wearing a straitjacket. Sofie tells James she is convinced Frankie is screwing around. Does James know who it is? James looks totally guilty. Sofie says she is gonna find out, don’t tell Rod she doesn’t want the family interfering. James says she can always confide in him. Seriously are these two and their chaste love not just so cute that "Precious Moments" figurines should be made and sold as Christmas Ornaments?

***I make a note to self, never use James as an alibi. A bullet would be much less painful and so much quicker***

Aaron and Minnie come down the Staircase of Tragedy, she is still lamenting the Gavi issue. No wonder Aaron messes around with stoner chicks. Hey come on like that last little blonde wasn’t stoned.
Minnie starts accusing Aaron of messing around. He pinches her lips and tells her to keep her mouth shut. He makes her repeat twice that she will stop the idea of calling the CRT wives. She warns him that her war with the husband stealer is not over. Once again I wish someone would just beat her to death.

Gavi, Blondie & two men are in a meeting. It is about a expo they are going to have with the finest chefs displaying fine food products that can be made from tequila. Hmmm and it is good for you too. I feel the force caused by the shudder of millions of livers cringing. I envision huge platters of fruity jello shooters.

The meeting is over and everyone leaves, Blondie goes to his desk. Nancy brings him a list of people to be invited to the Food Fest, he can’t be bothered to even look up. Now Gavi comes in and it is a different story.

He asks if it is cool that the Coven of Witches is coming to the Food Fest. Gavi says sure as long as you are by my side. Maybe this sounds different in Spanish, I dunno cause it sounds pretty “Gay” and I don’t mean that in a homosexual way, I mean in a kinda flirty squeeky way, she then qualifies it by adding, not for me but it would be best for them. He says don’t worry, he will stay right by her. She leaves and he says to himself, he doesn’t mean just in this instant, he just wants to be by her side.
***A perfect time for yet another lyric****

Her friends are so jealous
You know how bad girls get
Sometimes it's not so easy
To be the teacher's pet

Don't stand, don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
Don't stand, don't stand so
Don't stand so close to me
(The first stanza is for the Coven the second for Dr. Blondies dilemma of unprofessional interfering with a subordinate’s personal life)

Isa is on the phone with Frankie and she is pissed. He says cool it with the calling, Sofie is getting jealous. Isa is getting that sound in her voice she uses on Rod. Isa starts telling him about the “1937 Boone’s Farm Agave Flavored Wine” missing, Frankie fondly recalls the memory. Isa wants it replaced. It belonged to dead Gramps, well Isa, Dead Gramps wanted a real greatgrandson, but he didn’t get that either did he?
Now hawt guy, comes in and tells Frankie that two chicks are there to see him. Isa overhears and gets even more nagging wife on him. Frankie finally gets her off the phone and the two chicks come in and start rubbing all over him and kissing on him. I guess we are to understand this is a tressome.

Two of the Tequila buyers are in the office with Rod, one is the infamous I can’t go to the serande cause I’m gonna puke guys. Anyway they just rave over MariAnna, Blondie & Clarita. They want Rod to attend a liquor convention in Frankfurt for 15 days then on to America for 15 more days.

Let’s see Soccer World Cup with Fernando circa LFMB or Liquor Convention with Rod? Well call me crazy, but I’m signing up for the Liquor Convention. Hopefully the Doc will have cured him of what ails him.

Stay tuned..
Gavi while crying is on the phone with Margarita..
Sofie confronts Frankie in the streets of town, all while wearing that awful outfit.
Some hottie comes up to Frankie and is overheard saying "I didn't realize they were Amish" as she walks away.


Monday, October 08, 2007

Dichos, dichos y mas dichos

This is for all of you that love dichos. I have been looking for this little jewel for a long time. I read it for the first time when I was in primary (I think 5th grade) and loved it. I'll try to translate it later. I'm posting it to see if somebody wants to give it a try. ENJOY!!

El señor de los refranes (The Lord of the "refranes, dichos etc")

Nomás los estoy oyendo retobe y retobe, años y años, como burros con bozal o caballo que coge el freno, aquí los oigo como quien oye llover y no se moja, porque no hay peor sordo que el que no quiere oír, y porque perro que ladra no muerde, ni buey viejo pisa mata, y si la pisa no la maltrata, y porque son como la chiva de tía Cleta, que se come los petates y se asusta con los aventadores, o será porque el valiente de palabra es muy ligero de pies, y entre la mujer y el gato ni al cual ir de más ingrato; Además: que para el arriero, el aguacero, y soy de los que aúllan, hasta que se cansa y corre; de modo que para qué tantos gritos y sombrerazos, ni tantos brincos estando parejo el llano, pues al fin y al cabo son como los cabrestos que solitos entran, o como gallinas que duermen alto: con echarles maíz se apean, o como el pobre venadito que baja al agua de día, y si no cabrestean se ahorcan, lueguito vendrán a pedir frías, porque quieren jugar al toro sentados; pero recuerden que al son que me tocan bailo, y no soy de los que pierden las cuentas como las mujeres, si les gusta el ruido, ruido; calma y nos amanecemos; en resumidas cuentas: me gustan la cuentas claras y el chocolate espeso.

Agustín Yáñez


Friday 10/5 Juan Q, Where Juan’s happiness is Puala’s sorrow

We open with Alirio telling Gutierrez not to fail him. Gutierrez says that he won’t waste this opportunity, but he is doubtful that Nidia would let him talk to Yadira. Alirio says that he is a good friend and although Guti has blackmailed him, he (Alirio) has reacted benevolent by doing a good thing to repay for his (Guti) bad actions.

CL talks to Yvonne. He tells her to stop playing games. Yvonne feigns ignorance, so CL tells her point blank to stop telling tales to Paula. Yvonne denies this, but CL says that nobody else could have done it. –The only thing that this shows me is that you are still crazy for me. –On the contraire Licenciado, all I wanted to do was to show you what I’m capable of doing. The next time I will not tell Paula; the next time I’ll tell your wife!
CL makes a very convincing impactado face. She reminds him that she is still waiting for her promotion –Maybe I can’t be vice-president, but I could be General Manager, see you later licenciado. She walks out.

In the garage, once more, Juan is trying to make a withdrawal from his personal bank, Kike. Juan tells him, that he needs the money to take his girlfriend to eat. Kike resists and tells him, that he (Juan) is more expensive that a beautiful girlfriend. Juan brings to mind Kike’s girlfriend, Julia. –BTW speaking about girlfriends Julia is very upset. –“Eso ya chafeo” That relationship has been broken beyond repair. Juan expresses his condolences, but reminds him that every cloud has its silver lining. Kike wants to know what that could be. –Now you don’t have that many expenses. –I don’t need more expenses you are enough! –Please, please, lend me the money. Kike tells him that they he doesn’t have any money because is not payday yet. –“Estoy bien seco, bruja, calaca, no tengo en donde caerme muerto” (all of those are colloquialisms for “I have no money”)

Paula comes out and asks Juan if they are going out to eat. Juan thought bubbles that he doesn’t know what to do. –I’m poorer than “Pepe el toro” (Ed note. Pepe el toro is a character in the Movie “Nosotros los pobres” and sequels. He represents the very bottom of society. I did not enjoy these movies. They are too heart wrenching, too real for my taste) Juan debates on what to do, and decides to tell the truth. He tells Paula he can’t take her out because he has no money. Paula says that she will pay. Juan is not sure, but at the end accepts.

Gutierrez and Alirio meet with Gomez. Gomez wants to know if they are the lawyers that represent Farrell Industries, they say, no, they only want to shed light on certain things that are not clear in the books of the company. They tell him that they found proof of his wrong doing, but since he is out of the company, they are not interested in hurting him. They want to know who the other executive that approved the fraudulent purchases is. If Gomez gives them the name, they will forget about him (Gomez). If he doesn’t, they will compile all the evidence and will sue him for abusing the trust of the company (sorry I don’t know the legal term). Guti and Alirio are trying to convince Gomez to cooperate with them. Gomez asks for time.

Nidia calls kike and tells him that he wants to talk to him. Kike agrees to come by later. Nidia and Yadira are happy because their plan is working.

Monica comes to visit CL. She talks to Yvonne and asks how are things going, does she still has problems with CL? Yvonne thanks her again for her help and assures her that everything is much better. Monica enters CL office and tells him that somebody wants to buy their house. CL doesn’t like the idea. Monica says that she prefers to stay in the department. CL says that the house is a good investment and even if they are not going to live there, it is still a good idea to keep it. Monica agrees, but only if CL goes out to eat with her. CL says ok.

At a restaurant Paula and Juan are talking. Juan tells Paula that as soon as he gets his paycheck he will invite her to the most expensive restaurant in Mexico (according to Tomas Mora that would be the Le Noir J ) Juan is very happy and decides that “sobre el muerto las coronas” he should act right away (Lit. On the dead body the flowers) another dicho that would denote the same could be “En caliente ni se siente” Lit On the heat of the action you don’t even feel the pain, or “al mal paso darle prisa” Lit. To the bad step: speed) He decides this is the time to talk to Paula about his love. He pulls out the ring that he gave Marely and gives it to Paula.

Alirio and Guti come in to the same restaurant. They see Paula and Juan, since they don’t know if this is good or bad, they decide to save this info for later.

Juan asks Paula if she likes the ring. She says yes it is beautiful. Juan asks Paula formally to be his girlfriend. Paula makes una cara de impactada.

Pastor is telling Yvonne what happened with Juan. How Juan asked him to please remove the painting from his office. Yvonne agrees that maybe is not such a good idea to have that kind of painting in a work environment. Pastor says that he will remove it, but first he is going to make Paula and Juan suffer, so he needs Paula to see the painting too.

We are back in the restaurant Juan is confessing to Paula that he has loved her since the first time he laid eyes on her. Paula says that that is not true; Juan gave Marely a ring like the one he is giving her. Juan says he did that because he was jealous, but he always loved Paula. Finally Paula queen of the obvious, understand that she was the one that Juan always loved. –Then your impossible love was… --It was you! You! We are treated to another impactada face from Paula.

We are back from commercials and Juan is telling her how he met her the first time when he had just arrived to the city (we see the flash back of when Juan met Paula) –Later I saw you a second time in your father’s wake and a third time in a shopping center, but when I found out I was going to be your chauffer, I knew we were destined to be. I couldn’t sleep of the happiness; I was going to see you every day! And later when you told me that we were friends I almost jumped on one foot, hay licenciada!, and when you told me that I was the best that had happened to you since you arrived to Mexico; that was my best Christmas present. That is why I want to ask you formally to be my girlfriend. Be my girlfriend and make me the happiest man of all. Juan is kissing Paula when the music tells us that something is going to happen. Sure enough this is the only restaurant near Industrias Farrell and everybody is coming here. We see CL and wife entering the restaurant.

In the Cachion residence, Yadira is helping Nidia to exercise. Yadira tells Nidia she should put some effort into it. Nidia says that it is too hard. She is saved by the bell when the phone rings. It is Ana. She wants to asks Nidia for advise (I liked the way Nidia greeted Ana “Pero que milagro Ana hasta que te acuerdas de tus enemigas” What a miracle Ana, it is good of you to remember your enemies :) ) –Is it ok if I see you after work? --I was going to put on a cucumber mask, but I can postpone it and I’ll go to see you. They agree to see each other at 5:00 PM. Yadira wants to know what was the problem. Nidia agrees with all of us that Ana is a wet blanket and needs some help. She will advise her.

In the restaurant Monica came to Juan and Puala’s table and is talking to them. She wants them (Paula and Juan) to come to dinner again. Paula invites them to seat with them. Monica declines saying that they look “busy” They go and seat in another table. Paula is upset that CL and Monica are there. Juan wants to know if CL still means something to Paula “le mueve el tapete” Paula denies this and says that CL was her worst mistake. Juan says that in that case, she should answer his question. Paula turns to see CL and accepts (what a bunch of @#$%#@&*%, how can she do this to Juan. He just opened his heart to her and she is stomping all over it) Juan is beside himself. He fires imaginary firecrackers, stands on a chair and addresses the people in the restaurant saying that he is the happiest man on earth. Monica is laughing and says that Juan is crazy, CL is mad (so, what is new) he says that he doesn’t understand how Paula could have a relationship with that chauffer. Monica says that Juan is not that bad, she likes him, and he could be polished. CL doesn’t like this, he thinks Juan is second class and can never be better. Monica says, that maybe he is right, but that is not their problem it is Paula’s problem. Monica points out that maybe Juan and Paula’s relationship is more serious of what they think. –Didn’t you notice the box on the table? And Paula has a ring in her finger, maybe Juan asked her to marry him and she accepted. CL says that that is impossible because they just met each other and … we don’t care is none of our business (If looks could kill Juan and Paula would have died right there). We go to commercials.

In the office Gomez called Pastor and asked to see him. Pastor wants to know why. Gomez just says they should meet if he wants to be saved from a strong headache. Gomez says he is the only one that can help him (So, Pastor also “tiene cola que le pisen” has a little dirty secret eh?) Pastor agrees to meet him, but is not happy about it. He yells at Julia.

Paula and Juan are all over each other. It is time to go and Paula pays the check. Juan keeps on calling Paula Licenciada. Paula tells him not to be that formal and to call her just Paula. He does, and calls her Paula, Paula, Paula. They leave the restaurant hand in hand. When they come out they find Fernando. Juan gloats and shows off. Fernando can’t believe it.

Inside the restaurant CL and Monica argue. Monica can’t understand why CL is so upset. He lies, pouts yells and behaves like the jerk he is. Monica can’t take it anymore and walks out. CL follows her and orders her back. They argue some more at the end they both take the car and CL orders Fer to take Monica to the apartment.

Juan shows Paula his stupid tattoo. Paula is impactada. Juan wants to know if she likes it. Paula says yes. Juan says he did it because he wants her to know how much he loves her. Juan wants to know why Paula asked CL not to help him. Paula says because surely CL just wants to toy with Juan (and how do you call what you are doing to him, honey?) Juan says he understands. Juan also tells Paula that he is going to school for her. They go back to the office. When they arrive, Juan wants to make sure Kike sees him giving Paula a kiss. Kike can’t believe it, but he is very happy for Juan. Juan reminds him that he (Kike) said that if Juan went out with the Licenciada he would be Juan’s loyal slave. Kike just smiles nervously and hopes that Juan never makes him be his slave.

Paula comes out of the elevator, but she looks like she is about to cry. She asks Marely to please come to her office. Marely walks into the office and closes the door. Paula starts crying and confesses to Marely that she is doing mistake after mistake. She is now Juan’s girlfriend. Big impactada face from Marely.

On Monday:

The cat is out of the bag. It seems that Monica finally realizes that CL is in love with Paula!


Sunday, October 07, 2007

Amar Oct 5 - We are officially in the "Let's stretch this out a bit" period of this novela

We see the end of Thursday’s show, with Leo, Mo, and Andres (now with two eyes and looking more normal) hatching their scheme to blame Diego for stealing the toxin and turning Boris against Eva.

Eva tells Ivan that they will tell Boris that they have GSD working on the cure, Ivan says Boris wants results in a matter of days. Eva says to tell GSD to get on it. Ivan says if it was that easy it would be over by now. This conversation sounds to me like when you’re at work and your boss asks you to do something impossible, like refile everything in the building before 5:00, and justifies it by saying “just do it.” Like you (or Ivan) can just perform magic. They discuss the apparent reconciliation between Mo and Azul, I’m not sure what they decided about that, and then think that GSD went back to work for Mo for money. They think GSD doesn’t know that Azul is infected, they are going to use that info to prod him into action. Of course GSD does know and it hasn’t gotten him to work harder at all, he spends all his time hanging around the hospital, at restaurants, and wherever he can smoke. If I mangled any of this, please let me know.

Leo leaves the hotel room. Mo yells at Andres for not being available before, Leo was looking for him everywhere. Andres uses his “I can get information from her” excuse for being with Ceci. Mo doubts that. Andres tries to convince him that being with Ceci will get him inside info on what Azul is thinking and doing at all times. Mo is convinced and smiles his evil smile.

GSD tells Azul that he’s worried that she spends so much time with Katy. I guess for the pain that it will cause later. GSD is upset that he hasn’t been able to find the cure yet. Perhaps it’s because the cure doesn’t come at the bottom of a coffee cup or at the end of a cigarette. He keeps telling her that the more time she spends with Katy the more the girl will be hurt when, uh, when Mo dies and they can’t spend time together any more. Of course he means when AZUL dies and breaks the girl’s heart, losing her father and Azul together. Then her little high pitched squeal of a voice will insufferable for all her whining. I guess it’s not Katy’s fault her voice is like nails on a chalkboard, I shouldn’t blame her for it. Azul says that if Mo dies, she wants to adopt Katy. GSD is impactado.

Mo is up out of bed, Leo tells him he can’t do that. Mo goes on about not wanting to be weak, etc. Muy macho. Whatever. He tells Leo that he sent Andres on a job, to stay with Ceci to get info. Leo of course doesn’t like this at all. Mo doesn’t care. Mo asks how she can be so jealous of some dumb young girl like Ceci?

Ceci is helping a customer when Julio comes in with arms full of fabric and yells for help, chaos ensues. Finally Ceci comes to help him. He asks where Gaspar is, Ceci says he took Arnaldo out and said they’d be gone the whole afternoon. Julio gets snippy and says this is what happens when he lets his employees do whatever they want. Ceci asks if Julio and Arnaldo are fighting, or what? Julio just looks at her. She takes that as a yes. He tells her to get back to work, but she isn’t cowed and says they’ll talk later, ok? She has a big smile, like they are going to be gossip buddies.

Arnaldo thanks Gaspar for spending time with him. Gaspar tells Arnaldo that a candlelight dinner will solve everything, Arnaldo says it’s all more complicated than that. Gaspar says he’s crazy, dinner is everything. They can talk everything out, everything is about communication. Arnaldo is jealous that Julio has a benefactor. He doesn’t know what kind of agreements Julio has to make to receive the money from this other guy, so he’s going to return the jacket Julio made him. This stupid jacket, just like last week. They act like this jacket was an engagement ring or something. Gaspar says ok whatever you say. Gaspar runs his hand over a table and the dust is about a centimeter thick, he says it’s like nobody lives in this house! I guess they are in Julio’s place, where Arnaldo does/doesn’t live, at least when he’s not living with his sister.

Ah, Asi es la Vida, I’ve missed you. Some witch lady is on the commercial, but holy cow the body on her in her tight red dress. Sorry I know most of you don’t care, but after all you have Andres and we men don’t have all that much these days. Pretty ladies, sure, but nobody oozing sex appeal. I guess I’ll just have to be satisfied with a commercial, better than nothing.

GSD and Azul are back in a restaurant, or are they STILL there? How’s that search for the cure coming, GSD? Maybe you and OJ can team up, he can look for the real killer while you look for the cure. You can check every golf course and café in all of North America. GSD tells Azul that she can’t adopt Katy, there are laws, she isn’t a parent, etc. Azul says Katy would be better with her than anyone else. GSD says sure, but you aren’t her parent, you can’t just put a claim in on her. Finally he says never mind, we’ll try and save Mo and it won’t matter. Then he tells her that she’ll have her own kids someday. She has an orange flashback of Diego saying they would be together forever. Back in the present she tells GSD she had that dream, but now it doesn’t seem possible. He continues to smoke. He tells her something about even when all seems lost in love, you can find it again. She turns this into not loving her mother and falling for Ines. GSD rubs his temples for the headache she is bringing on in him, but she apologizes and starts whining about how she thought Diego was the one, cry cry cry. She says he was, is, and will always be the man for her. Why does she feel so strongly, is she mesmerized by his pouting, or what? GSD tells her to take a deep breath, they recover their emotions, Azul goes for Katy and GSD decides he might get back to work sometime soon.

Morticia asks Isela to get off work early, she’s going dancing with Flava Flav. Isela says you, going out dancing? Don’t wait, go now! She rushes her out. She is as amazed as all of us watching the show that Morticia is showing signs of life. Isela tells Morticia to dress slutty (basically) to have some fun, don’t dress so serious or anything. She sends her on her way.

Azul is all in a panic, Katy is missing. She says how can you leave a kid all alone, the city is dangerous for a child alone! Yeah, duh, that’s why the rest of us keep an eye on our kids. Two minutes ago she wanted to be Katy’s mother, now she went and lost her. I thought that before someone was watching Katy, did Azul really just send her away from their table at the restaurant all alone? Cripes. I was already preparing myself to write a rant on how hospitals drag these shows through the mud (ever since the hospital scenes started, this show has ground to a halt) and now we’ll have a kidnapping thrown in too. I hope it isn’t as ridiculous as other show’s kidnappings. What are we missing from the novela template? We have the breakup 500 times main couple, we have the lead male and female characters acting like complete fools, we have endless hospital scenes, we might have a kidnapping, we have stories magically change to suit the situation (Piero is suddenly not really married, think he would have brought that up before? Me too), I think we’re just missing some amnesia.

Diego updates Eva on the house hunting, he says he has found a few that are suitable. He agrees to meet Eva at the hospital. He hears some crying, and he finds Katy hiding in the alleyway. How lucky for her it was Diego. She cries that she wants to see Azul. Diego picks her up and they see Azul across the street. Azul is going to come to them, but she gets all dizzy and starts to fall down, just as some crazy driver is speeding down the street towards her. Diego rushes out and saves her, pulling her out of the way at the last second. She calls him ‘mi amor’ and asks what is happening to her. I have an answer to that – you are dying while your father sits and smokes instead of trying to save you. Diego and Azul hold each other and breath heavily, like Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock when they finally get off the bus. They act like they are about to make out but they resist. Katy runs over and joins the hug, they ignore her and just breath heavily on each other. Finally Azul comforts Katy. Diego says Azul should go to the hospital, she starts remembering that she has to be mad at him and says that he said she was out of his life, so don’t try and be nice now. He says she isn’t well and he wants to help, she keeps telling him to take a hike. Finally Diego says “at least thank me, I risked my life to save you.” Bad move Diego, you had some cred but you just lost it with that comment. Azul thinks so too, she tells him “you love being the hero, don’t you.” She continues to be bitchy and he continues to look confused, she walks away with Katy, who can’t stop crying. GSD shows up and Diego fills him in on what happened. Azul says she was fainting from worry for Katy, nothing else, when Katy asks her what’s wrong. Azul asks why she left the play area at the restaurant (ok so I guess she didn’t just sit her at another table or something), Katy says she went out after a friend who chased a ball into the street. Azul tells her to never do that again, never be apart from her (Azul). I was expecting that to lead into something about marrying Mo, but no. GSD says at least all is well now, let’s go. Azul, and Katy get into the car. Azul and Diego give longing looks at each other, GSD looks hard at Diego like he feels bad for him, then tells him thank you.

Gaspar is looking at photos of Ines, he tells Arnaldo that she’s pretty, they discuss Arnaldo’s family a bit. He says Ines was always happy but his mother was always cranky at his father. He tells how Ines always bought him and Azul toys, she wasn’t rich but spent everything on them just to see them happy. Well, it turns out Ines was a saint, I guess. That must have been before she started screwing her sister’s husband.

Morticia comes home, looking mopey. I thought she was going out dancing dressed like a slut? The phone rings, she doesn’t answer, then her cell phone rings. Turns out to be her mother. “How are you? You’re going to live there? But you never liked the north. Ok. (something about always having pretended to be rich) Are you sure that’s what you want? Ok” then something about how mom always wanted to perform in the theater and ‘he’ can produce that. I guess she ran off with whoever it was she was going to meet from her hotline. Think the actress got a job on another show and bailed? Morticia says she hopes Gloria is happy and finds what she wants. Ok, bye. She shouldn’t be upset, she just got an apartment out of it.

Eva asks if Ivan’s guys are ready for the operation. He says yes. They talk about this for a while, I can’t really determine the details and I’m not sure it’s necessary. Finally she says to give the order to his men, but keep the whole thing under wraps. I guess this involves putting pressure on GSD to find the cure already. Or something.

Morticia stares at the picture of her son and cries. WTF? Again, I thought she was going to hoochie up and go out dancing. She tells the picture that she always loved him, not like her mom, who keeps disappearing. She doesn’t understand why people keep abandoning her. A knock at the door, it’s Flava. She says she can’t go out, she wants to be alone. Well, gloomy, there’s your answer. People keep abandoning you because you are a mopey pain in the ass who either pushes people away or gets psycho possessive on them. Anyway, Flava says if she doesn’t want to go dancing, fine, but he won’t leave her alone. She says she just wants to cry. He asks what’s up, she says many things. Flava understands right away that it’s about her son. She cries some more. Flava also understands that her mother leaving hurts her a lot. Flava is pretty smart, except for the part where he doesn’t see that this woman is bad news and he should run. He stays and comforts her. I was hoping to see what she looked like to go out dancing, I’m disappointed. She dresses like somebody’s grandma, I wanted to see what she looked like dressed like someone her own age. Ah well.

Leo is in a robe and with a towel on her head, the first thing I thought was “like Darth Vader when he takes his helmet off.” Andres walks in the room and apologizes but she tells him it’s ok. He asks for clothes for Katy, can she make a suitcase for her that he can take to Azul’s place? She says fine, but why does HE have to take it over there? He just wants to be with Ceci, right? They fight about this for a while. He finally says “hey, sorry, Mo’s orders, too bad for you.” Leo gets a conniving look. Also, even though she just got out of the shower, she has full makeup on.

Flava and Morticia talk about death and things that you can’t change, and her mother, etc etc etc. Flava finally convinces her, I think, to just say ‘screw you’ to her mom and get on with her life. She doesn’t really agree to go along with that plan, though she agrees that Flav has a point. In the end he says come on, let’s go dance already.

GSD whines to Emilia about Azul wanting to adopt Katy. Cripes dude PRIORITIES. He goes on about anything and everything, finally saying that he can’t find the answer. Again, does he think he’ll find it by smoking and drinking coffee a lot? He curses Eva and her whole gang. They rehash Azul, Mo, and Diego business. GSD tries to say that Diego isn’t who they thought he was, Emilia says whatever, Azul loves him. GSD seems to have come to the opinion that Diego is a bum.

Mmmm – Paty Manterola is on a Destilando Amor commercial. She’s great.

Azul whines to Ceci about Diego and what a loser he is and a hypocrite and a liar, etc etc. Ceci doesn’t believe any of it, she thinks Azul is just bitching. She thinks Azul should explain things, but Azul gets pouty and says she loves him but she won’t explain anything, she’s being stubborn. She says something insulting to Ceci that I didn’t catch, then apologizes and blames her mood on not feeling good. Ceci again says Azul should straighten things out with Diego, Azul makes excuses not to. She swears she’ll never get back with him, which means of course she will.

Diego tells Chucho that when Azul was in danger, it was as if his own life was in danger. He is in hell without her, he says. Same as with Azul and Ceci, the friend says to clear things up and the principal makes excuses why to not do it. They move on to talking about his new reduced position with Eva’s gang and that Mo and Andres are responsible for killing Abuelo and Andres. Chucho very sensibly tells Diego to tell Azul that he’s only working for Eva because he has no choice, and that he has a different job now with her, and he’s trying to avenge his friends or whatever, but of course Diego says “what good will it do?” Idiot. He still believes that Azul and Mo are back together for real. Diego vows to be his own man from now on.

Monday – Diego goes into training to fight Mike Tyson. Or something else, I’m not sure what, but he goes into training. Also, Ivan puts his plan into action and then he um sorry another commercial for Destilando Amor with Paty Manterola came on and distracted me. Something happens on Monday.


Saturday, October 06, 2007

Destilando Amor, 10/05/07 - Sick at Heart: Being Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

Hilario explains that San Juana, who is stuck to him like burrs to a washed sock and who used to think of him as just a dirt-scratching rancher without a peso in his pocket, now sees that he's got money and fame and so now she's all over him like white on rice. Casandra smiles and says she hopes he resolves the problem soon, then tells him about the new campaign she's got him signed up for. Not that the money ain't grand, but it seems he's sure glad for a chance not to have to stick around, and says he'd go with his eyes shut anywhere she sends him.

Minnie and Fedra show up at Isa's that morning and give her Aaron's version of the events at the hotel in Tequila from the other night when he and Rod fought, and Rod nearly killed poor, innocent, well-meaning Aaron all because of Gaviota. Isa begs off. "Can't we discuss something more edifying?" Minnie's already spouting steam and she just rolls on along with her tale. "According to Aaron, Rod got jealous of Santovenia's serenading Mariana Franco; so not to be outdone he went and hired his own group.
The little husband-stealing hussy went back inside her room to draw attention to herself by making him beg for her, but she just stayed inside. This made Rod so upset and so jealous that he took it out on Aaron who was just innocently passing by and he almost drowned Aaron in the hotel's pool." Now, this little action tidbit gets Isa's attention.

At Montalvo Corporation Aaron complains to Oily that due to his cousin's interference he was unable to place his Turquesa product with any of the prospective importers on the tour and he will be bleeding corporate cash. So Oñate and Aaron figure the best way to secretly invest the earnings he'll be making from his doctored new product is to invest in worthwhile foreign stock on the London and Tokyo exchanges. They decide to set up some sort of respectable "stocks and bonds business venture" inside the corporation to launder the ill-gotten gains.

Rod calls the hacienda and speaks to James about making sure his BIL is spraying the right amounts of copper sulfate on the money-crop. James tells Rod how BIL was really insulted and told him off about always looking over his shoulder.

Sofia comes in the room. After James' and her earlier heart-to-heart blaming her phone call as the beginning of Rodrigo's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, she takes the receiver from him and apologizes to Rod for arguing the day of the tour through Montalveña. She says she doesn't hold any resentment on her end and he can count on her for whatever comes up. He accepts and agrees that brothers and sisters always argue and says it's obvious Dani must have mentioned his breakdown. As a joke he scolds her and the other women for opening up that special bottle of '66 Bordeaux of Amador's that he was saving for a special occasion.

Sofia insists that nobody there drank any wine because Isa only served them Strawberry Margaritas that day. In fact they were drinking so many she started mixing up whole pitchers of them. Rod asks why Isa would be lying about something like that and she says she (surprise) doesn't have the slightest idea.

Meanwhile, James saunters on over to the agave fields to speak to Frankie just as ol' "Panama Jack" finishes telling his crooked foreman that he wants the spraying finished by the end of the workday. The foreman says he needs at least till the end of the next day, but P.J. says it will be that day, period.

James, who is so not ready for prime-time, walks up to P.J. and asks how the spraying is progressing. After greeting James in his affected French, Ol' Panama elegantly declares that the workers are apparently so lazy that he's been having to practically whip them like animals to get the job done. James, like the wimp he is, stutters as he tries to explain Rod's position in putting James over him to supervise his management of the copper sulfate applications. James hems and haws a bit dishonestly about it's not being a matter of distrust in BIL, but that since James is the more experienced, Rod feels he needs him to make sure nothing goes wrong this time around.

Frankie apologizes for his rude behavior the night before. He says he has just been so stressed over the task of getting the project finished (Play those violins, maestro!), but since they are both working toward the same end, there's no reason for personal grudges. In fact, the project will be finished by the end of that very day. When wimpy James asks again if he's certain of that, Frankie stares at him like, "Dude what'd I just say?" Frankie, in a tone that can only be described as coolly and patronizingly haughty (dare I say supercilious, and I do) says he is "very. sure." James, true to whipped form, tucks his tail in between his legs and walks back to the hacienda.

In his office that morning Rod's only been thinking of Gavi and that she must be back in her office at the CRT by now. He is desperately fighting the notion of calling her, but he's losing the battle. Finally he can't fight the temptation to call her any longer and asks Marguerita to get the CRT on the line. Just then Dani appears in the doorway and he rushes to tell Marguerita to forget the call.

"You should be on your way to the psychologist's office by now!" she says. He tells her to shut the door and to be more careful when she speaks or the employees will begin to think the company is being run by a madman (as if.....). Dani says it would appear that she's wasted her time trying to get him help since he's missing the session with Dr. Roblado.

Rod admits he is having second thoughts about going back for his second appointment. He fidgets and tries to joke about the fact that although she is a terrific choice, he just can't stand the thought of having to see her in her office, let alone enduring any more useless therapy sessions. Dani, though, asks Rod to make a real effort to give Dr. Roblado a fair chance at treating him. Otherwise, don't complain. Rod finally agrees, figuring that it beats sitting around the office thinking about Gaviota every minute of every hour.

At the CRT, Gavi has just returned. Nancy wants the juicy gossip about her and Dr. S. on account of all those birthday surprises he gave her, but Gavi insists to Nancy that nothing did nor would have happened with Dr. Santovenia during their trip. Gavi asks Nancy then for her messages and she's upset when she finds out that Rod did not call her. She tells Nancy, it's not like him but she knows him so well that she is certain eventually he will call her. Alonso overhears their conversation just as he starts to enter her office; he stops outside the office door and frowns that beautiful blond, blue-eyed "Him, again!" frown of his.

Rod arrives late for his noontime session with Erika and she scolds him. She asks him if he's is still undecided about coming to her. He assures her that indecision is just another one of his many traumas. Nervously he begins to pace and says he's got so many of them, she'll probably need to list them all and tell him what she'll charge for each so, in the end, he'll know exactly what he owes her. She jokes with him about "discounts by the dozen" while she skillfully tries to get him to relax long enough to start talking to her.

Rod stalls for time, and jokes about where to sit to best tell his story and about it always being such a boring one for therapists that they always end up sleeping through their sessions. Finally Rod begins to unwind. She asks him why he is so skeptical and so reluctant towards therapy. He reminds her how he'd told her that he'd been to therapists in various countries abroad because of his inability to fall in love with a woman, and that none had been able to understand him. He actually thought he was cured because in an instant, he'd fallen in love. Rather, he says he should say, he became heartsick with love.

At the CRT, Gavi and Alonso decide to participate in a gourmet foods fair and to have a display where people can sample dishes made with tequila or from agave. The phone rings and Gavi looks anxiously over at it. Alonso tells her it is not Rodrigo. He sends Nancy off to the cafeteria to get them all lunch so they can continue working. He takes the opportunity to ask her if she's worried that Rod will stick to his promise not to call her again. Gavi tells him, though she doesn't look very convinced or convincing, that Rod always gets furious like that but always reappears.

Back in Erika's office, Rod tells Erika that he never thought he'd find a woman with whom he could fall in love or with whom he could make love. Then when he finally did find her, he fell and fell hard. He loved her so intensely that it became an obsession with him. She asks him what happened and if she got married. He says not at all. She never married, but now he doesn't know if she loves him anymore. He suspects she's falling in love with another man. So, in order to be able to live free from the mental turmoil it's causing him, he's decided to give her up. He needs to do it.

Erika asks him to start at the beginning. He agrees and begins to tell her in earnest how he met and fell in love with Gavi. Quickly he outlines their love story for her: how one day before leaving to return to London to finish his doctorate, Gavi and he made love together for the very first time. She was his first and he was her first and that they were to marry at the end of his year abroad once he returned. Then he explains how he had to return ahead of time due to the tragic death of his parents and had decided to finish his doctorate by correspondence, from Mexico; and how about this time he met Isa, his wife. He emphasizes he wasn't interested in her or anybody else. He was only planning on marrying Gaviota.

When Rod went looking for Gavi, he explains, he soon heard from the town folk that she'd gone to Europe as a prostitute. "You can imagine the hurt I felt to hear the only woman I'd loved had gone off with the highest bidder."
"--And was it true?" "--No, of course not." In reality, he says, she'd realized she was pregnant and she'd gone there looking for him to tell him she was expecting their child. Erika then asks him to tell her more about Gaviota.

Rod tells her how he met her when she was working as a jima cutter on his hacienda and how she spent the time harvesting throughout the region to earn her living. Once she realized that she was pregnant she thought it was necessary to come find him in Europe. He explains how she was taken in by the shady photographer that made her believe she was going to be a model and as she had no other means of affording the trip as she saw it, she accepted.

Rod continues that later on in their relationship he and Gaviota cleared this up and in fact the guy had been the connection for a network of white slavers that she managed to escape from. In the meantime though, whether because of his rage, because of his stupidity, or his jealousy, he doesn't know which (how about trying all three), he rashly married Isadora.

Erika asks what had happened to Gaviota and her baby. Rod thinks back to the day he got the news about his parents' death and the sound of the car accident when Gaviota was nearly killed and lost their baby. The memory of it is too much for him and he cannot continue the story. He asks for another session to finish it. Intrigued, Erika offers him a few more minutes to finish it right then and there. (Who can blame her, 'cause you gotta admit it's a pretty good yarn.)

Rod excuses himself and says just be kind enough to set up another appointment because he's got way to many worries and appointments to take care of this afternoon. She gives him one for the day after next and when he starts to consider the time he will have to wait to continue his therapy he works himself into a rage. He begins unconsciously to pace back and forth like a caged animal. "Why do I have to wait 48 hours?" "--Because that's the only time I have available." "--Why do you have to space sessions out so much?"

Rod starts to criticize and says that if that's the only time the doctor has free then she must be quite comfortable viewing the world form her desk as she does: psychoanalyzing, fixing and sending her patients happily home one after another; then leaving there for a nice cup of tea, a relaxing bath and peaceful sleep while he, on the other hand, carries his heavy burdens on his back, faces a disastrous afternoon, a terrible night and an early anxiety-ridden rise from bed the next morning, all because he has to wait 48 hours till he can get treatment again!!

Rod's sentences come flying out now. All that's missing is the spittle. "Perhaps you didn't fully explain the situation to my sister, because I told her I was desperate, that this was an emergency!!" (More pacing and yelling.) "In all hospitals in all parts of the world they treat emergencies as emergencies!! They don't tell their patients, 'You know what? COME BACK TWO DAYS FROM NOW!' "

Erika remains cool as a cuke through this whole episode and simply asks if she should cancel the appointment then. Rod says yes and starts to leave. She says, "Okay, I guess you won't be able to finish telling me what happened to Gaviota and your child." He takes the bait and walks back into the office. "Ok. I'm inviting you to dinner tonight at 8 at the Obelisk, since the session must not be in this office again." She sits down at her desk and pencils it in. "--Fine. Don't back out, Sr. Montalvo." "--I'll see you at 8 tonight," he answers and walks out the door.

Across town in Gavi's apartment, Clarita and Jose discuss their children's happy and prosperous futures. Clarita questions Jose about whether Pancho ever explained why he refused to introduce her to his wife's family, then asks just when he is thinking to do the right thing by her. Jose tells her how he came by Sunday night and told her that he couldn't because they all think his parents are rich upper crust instead of an illiterate no-account like her. Clarita says she'd love to get him face to face and tell him exactly what she thinks of him. Jose says children are always annoying. Anyway, Pancho is asking that Mariana stays quiet about it all, so the family doesn't look down their noses at him. Clarita is offended and assures her that Gavi isn't a gossip. Jose says her son has his reasons for doing what he does.

During lunch Minnie, Fedra and Isa are eating out with Pilar and complaining that Aaron and Rod, just like they warned her, are practically killing each other over that migrant jima cutter. Isa tells Pilar only she has the power to do something to stop it. Rod has overstepped the bounds and lost his grip, and Sofia even called to tell her about Rod's decision to get professional help from a psychologist to cure him of his "whore" since Mariana Franco is now dating her boss, Alonso Santoveña. Minnie and Fedra are definitely impactada since they weren't expecting that bit of news and they exchange a meaningful glance. It's hard to tell if Pilar, she of the stone face, is also impactada or just suffering through a momentary octogenarian episode. She asks for somebody to please explain what is happening.

Minnie scolds Pilar about not believing her before. Fedra smirks and adds that Mariana Franco only excluded them, the female family members of Don Amador, from the CRT's big gala the other evening in order to invite her mother, an illiterate migrant! Well, Pilar has been around this block more than a few times and she decides not to play that game again. "Great," she says. "Then just ignore her. If you don't provoke her, then nothing will happen. All I care about is that the family stays together and if she's going out with her boss instead, then it can only benefit the family." After Pilar leaves Minerva gripes to Fedra that Fedra's plan failed again 'cause the old woman didn't budge an inch.

Alonso reminds Gavi that she will have to realize the Montalvo women will have to be invited to their events again and they cannot count on Rod's help in controlling them. Gavi admits she's a bit timid over the fact, but cannot avoid it. Anyway, they've been quiet lately and she's says it makes her wonder about still waters running deep where they're concerned. However, she doesn't want to mix it up with Doña Pilar again and hopes they'll behave themselves from now on.

Rod comes back to the office after his session and asks Marguerita for any calls, in particular from the CRT. He's extremely disappointed that nothing has come from the CRT, i.e., Gavi. (This should be reassuring for us to know that he still loves her just as much as before, despite the nasty things Aaron's told him. There is hope for Burly Bear.) Just then Aaron sees Rod returning and jumps at the chance to annoy him just a little bit more over the problems he's caused between him and Mariana.

Aaron cheerfully tells Rod that he wants to use Mariana Franco's old office as a stocks and bonds outlet office. He wanted to check with him first since he knows it has "remained a sanctuary" for him all this time and so is still empty. Rod unconsciously crumples the paper in his hand and tells Aaron to do whatever he pleases. The office is no longer anything special and slams his office door shut. Aaron thinks to himself, "Oh little cousin, little cousin, how your heart is aching. I'm going to make you explode!" Just then Pam calls, supposedly trying to entice Aaron back.

That night at the restaurant Rod is again noticeably agitated by Erika's absence. He looks at his watch repeatedly and remarks to himself that Erika is fifteen minutes late for their appointment. He asks for the bill. Erika has been there all along, though, secretly observing him from over at the bar. She tells the waiter not to take the check to him and has it put on her credit card instead. Then she sits down at his table, apologizes for being late and tells him she has an appointment right after dinner at 9:30. He asks if this is to be a therapy session in the restaurant after all and she pretends that it isn't. She says she just wanted to know the end to the story and has just enough time to hear it.

So, Rod finishes the story. He tells Erika how Gavi lost the baby in a car accident after escaping the bordello and that this began Gavi's own intense mental suffering as it took her eight months to recover, only to arrive back at the hacienda the very day after he'd married Isa. Painfully he admits that just hearing Gavi's tale as she told him tore him apart. (Hearing it again this time and from this point of view, I gotta admit, it was at least a 4 hanky scene. If I was still imbibing I'd be halfway through the bottle, 'cause this tale gets better and better every time it's told. --And darned, if Eduardo didn't make his momma proud!)

Afterward, he admits his marriage with Isa has been a failure from day one, still is a failure, and that he never loved her. Erika asks for more details about Isa. Rod nervously laughs and tells her Isa is part of the long list of traumas Erika will be listing and charging him for. He admits he thinks Isa is strange. (No, not so much, Hot-Rod.) and proceeds to explain how his marriage was supposed to work with the rules he imposed, and that despite their arrangement that there would be no intimacy she accepted his proposal, as crazy as it might seem.

Erika, who has got to be thinking to herself that this story is so weird it can only be one of a kind and who by now should be saying to herself, "Qué coinkydink, this tale might be actually part of a matching pair," stares at Rod and silently shakes her head.

As for Isadora, she's back at the apartment and totally frustrated. Apparently she still wants to get busy with Frankie and has been repeatedly calling his cell hoping he wants some of that strange. Since Sofia keeps answering, Isa is forced to keep hanging up and we are left to wonder if she actually rememberd to key in the "anonymous caller"code before she dialed.


Acorralada #185 Friday 10-5-07 – AND THEY ALL LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER!!!

Un milagro! No, not that Fidiota and can stand on her own two feet (which she can now), but that the end has finally arrived! On behalf of my fellow recappers, thanks to all of you dedicated fans who have spurned us on during some of the more ridiculous plot lines carried out by our boneheaded characters. Many of whom were characters we loved to hate. As much as I hate to admit it, I'm truly going to miss watching the show and waiting at the edge of my seat for Larry and Gaby to FINALLY get together (I've already given up on Yolanda and Rene). We'd love to read your opinions on the ending. . .Without further adieu, on with the show!

Jorge proposes to Sylvie on stage and she accepts! The crowd goes wild and chants for them to kiss. Finally Sylvie sees some action. How long has she waited? 184 episodes?

Roddy and Fidiota discuss her miracle. Fidiota asks Roddy, "Aren't you happy I can walk?" Duh. Roddy replies of course he's ecstatic! He was just afraid she might have fallen and hurt their baby. They then have a sappy moment about how much they love one another and all the things she wants to do, now that she can walk.

Max wakes up and sees Dimwit at his side. They confess their love to one another. He wants her to kiss him since he's always the one kissing her. She obliges and then he issues a grade of "C." He wants less affection and more passion. He then wants to apologize for a bazillion times. Dimwit thinks 199 should do the trick. More sappy music as he says, "Perdon" a bunch of times. Dimwit giggles delightedly. Has Dimwit ever laughed during this show, besides when Iggy got tied up by Sylvie? All is right now in their happy little world.

***WOO HOO*** Gaby is snuggled up in bed with a bare-chested Larry (who has finally graduated from his nickname "Lunkhead"). Gaby and Larry are trying to figure out who loves whom more. They can't believe they have actually made love and have Fidiota's blessing. Gaby points out Fidiota only approves of them being a couple, probably not being TOGETHER! At any rate, one of them talks about it being a dream. Larry then gets frisky, saying he doubts he could feel so many sensations in a dream and wants to test out his theory.

Roddy carries Fidiota downstairs and they are snuggling on the sofa. Granny M comes in and they tell Granny M they are celebrating. Fidiota stood on her own! "Tonight calls for a special celebration!" Granny M goes to find Nancy so they can cook an extra special meal. More canoodling on the sofa between Roddy and Fidiota, who are also professing their undying love to one another.

Larry and Gaby are still snuggling. He wants to stay the night, but Gaby's not so sure that's a good idea. "What would mama say?" Finally Larry brings up the "M" word. They decide to get married in six months, due to Octopus' death. "Six months it is," says Gaby. They lament they lost so much time fighting, but that will never happen again. Larry, who I may have to start calling Lunkhead again, wants to have twelve kids so he can have enough kids for a sports team. Gaby says he's crazy, with a laugh!

Roddy comes to the hospital and breaks the good news to Max. Max and Marshmallow are officially divorced. There is nothing keeping him from Dimwit now, aside from Dimwit's stubbornness. Roddy cheers Max on. "Keep fighting for her!"

Camila is shown to her cell, where she is going to have a roommate. Yolanda! Pobre de Camila, it's tough adapting to a life behind bars. Where will she wear all her scant skirts and midriff bearing tops? They talk about the irony. Yolanda tells Camila she (Yolanda) has a trial coming up and if she's lucky, she'll only have to serve a year. Camila, whose back is to Yolanda, has glycerin tears of true dolor coursing down her cheeks. Camila thinks she's going to get 10-15 years. For some unearthly reason, I actually feel bad for her.

Dimwit, now in her nursing uniform, pays Max a visit. He asks if she knows what he's holding in the red folder. Dimwit bursts his bubble by saying she does; Roddy told her. Max then goes on and on about his eternal love for Dimwit; there has never been another woman in his life that he loves as much as her. Even with all the pain, misunderstandings, fights, etc., he never stopped loving her. He then proposes, provided she's not promised to Doc V. Dimwit convinces him she and Doc V are simply good friends. Dimwit finally agrees to marry Max.

Puncho is doing pushups on the beach when a beautiful woman walks by. Puncho, doing what he does best, starts chatting her up and telling her how beautiful she is. She tells him she's there on vacation; her father is the governor of a Central American country (or something to that effect. Do Central American countries have governors?). He thinks to himself he may have found a new victim. Puncho tells her his family is in the oil business and, what a coincidence, he is also on vacation. Before you know it, they are making a dinner date and they stroll off arm in arm. With this being the last episode, I can only hope she's a scam artist like him. Wouldn't that be a hoot?!

Pobre de Lala. The police keep finding bits and pieces of Diablo. They are all sitting around in the Psycho Mansion living room; Fidiota, Granny M, Lala, and Granny DS. Fidiota suggests that it might not be a bad idea for Lala to sell her house and move in with them. There is plenty of room and they are all like family. Finally Lala agrees.

***MESES DESPUES*** per the scene of a boat in front of a sunset.

Marshmallow shows up to tell Max hello. Max tells her of the upcoming double wedding with him and Dimwit and Larry and Gaby. Marshmallow is happy for all of them. Marshmallow says she and Doc V have been in contact but they're taking it slowly. Max tells Marshmallow that Yolanda was sentenced to a year in jail, but will probably get out early on good behavior. Commercial.

Fidiota now has a bump. After doing the math, she's about six months along. I think Fidiota is talking about clothing. Whatever the conversation, it seems to be pretty boring. Fidiota and Roddy are still in love. "What a pity ChewKey can't share our happiness."

ChewKey is having her hair brushed at the manicomio and is sitting their glowering. The nurse gives her a magazine and as ChewKey is flipping the pages, she runs across a photo of "the marriage of international actor Larry Irascible." ChewKey admits to herself that Larry and Gaby deserve to be happy. A single glycerin tear of TRUE dolor runs down her cheek.

Marshmallow pays Doc V a visit. He is thrilled to see her. She tells him of their invite to Max and Dimwit's wedding, but she doesn't feel that would be prudent. He again asks when they'll get married. She replies "When the doctor tells me." They agree they'll get married in a month and seal the deal with a kiss. Doc V's mom and Godmum walk in and are thrilled to see Marshmallow and Doc V kissing. Que Dulce!

***DAYS LATER*** per the scene of the Miami skyline at night.

Max and Larry meet Yolanda who has been released from jail, just in time to attend THE WEDDING.

The wedding. Roddy escorts Gaby down the stairs and Fidiota escorts Dimwit. Yolanda finally got a dress and hairstyle that looks marvelous on her. She was running around with a disposable camera taking pictures. This is one celebration I wish I could be at. I wonder if the cast kind of celebrates this as the end of their filming as well. Emili-Oh and Camila are there to act as witnesses. Rings are exchanged, life is good. ***BIG HAPPY SIGH*** Commercial.

More toasting by Fidiota. Max and Dimwit on their honeymoon, toasting their love with champagne on the beach. Larry and Gaby celebrating their honeymoon in bed, making up for lost time. Larry says Gaby is the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. Gaby brings up how blind she was when they first met. Larry retorts he was the blind one for not realizing how beautiful she was. Good answer Larry! Commercial.

***THREE MONTHS LATER*** per the scene of a traffic jam.

Roddy is unglued. They are stuck in traffic and Fidiota is in labor. He is beside himself and babbling incoherently. Fidiota keeps telling him to calm down. This scene goes on for awhile. Fidiota calmly calls Dimwit and Gaby to tell them the moment has arrived. Gaby and Dimwit are not only excited about the arrival of their new sib, they are also thrilled Perfumes 'R Us is now the number one perfume company in the country. They gather up their purses and head to the hospital, calling their men along the way. We then have a happy family scene with everyone gathered around the hospital bed and Fidiota holding the baby. Roddy is trying to film them all with the camcorder, but from what I can tell, he's filming the tops of everyone's head or their ears.

The show ends with everyone crowded into the living room. Dimwit and Max have Maxito crawling around on their laps. Fidiota is feeding their baby with Roddy at her side, and Gaby is snuggled on Larry's lap. Life is finally good at Psycho Mansion!!!!

***THE END***


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