Friday, October 12, 2007

Destilando Amor - Oct. 11, 2007 the scent of a woman - dirt, sweat and agave plants

EPISODE - Oct. 11, 2007:
* Minnie wonders about Rod and his doctor. Isa doesn't care, she only wants the results. Isa makes googly-eyes with men at next table.

* Rod goes to reception desk and asks about Dr. Erika - she's late for their very important date. Just then, Dr. Erika calls the desk and tells the receptionist about her car trouble. Receptionist takes down the direction information and hangs up. Receptionist then relays the news to Rod, who gets in a panic. As receptionist is about to call for a private chauffeur, Rod insist on going to pick Dr. Erika up. Receptionist gives Rod the directions and Rod leaves.

* Gavi returns home to find Clara's note. Gavi is depressed after learning from Dani that Rod is staying away from her.

* Rod pulls up the driveway to the restaurant. He sits for a short time to spy on Dr. Erika with the handy mechanic. Rod smiles. Mechanic pulls out the oil dipstick and shows Erika that there's no oil - that is a problem. Erika is in a hurry and panic and encourages the mechanic to fix it quickly. Mechanic returns to the car. Rod pulls up and parks beside Erika's car. As Erika swings her purse at the doorpost, Rod sneaks up and surprises Erika. He explains, in a humorous way, how he waited at the spa for her and came out to find her. She asks how long he'd been there - he says not long, long enough to use her trick of watching people - it's very fun and then explains his observations and his two theories about her backstory. She laughes. He asks what really happened to her car? She explains what she knows, which isn't much. He says they can go inside and wait. She doesn't want to leave the car. Rod calls the mechanic over. Mechanic tells them of the broken part; he can fix it but the shop is closed and won't open until tomorrow morning. Rod agrees with the mechanic for tomorrow's repairs. Erika is upset but agrees to it. Mechanic goes back to car. Rod noticing the chill in the air, takes off his jacket and puts it around Erika's shoulders.

* Clara serves some taquitos with everything on them to herself and Gavi. Clara is enthusiastically telling about her day at the hospital and in the cafeteria. Clara notices Gavi's somber, depressed mood. Clara asks Gavi about it - Gavi mumbles - Clara asks if it is about Rod. Gavi explains how he won't talk to her, see her and doesn't want the P.R. office's help with his latest trip. Clara notices the obvious - that he's living up to her wish to be left alone. They continue talking. Gavi mentions her discussion with Dani, about Rod seeing a 'piscologa' (psychologist). Clara is impactado and wonders why? did the montalvos make him go crazy? Gavi explains it's for his anxiety problems. Clara gives her opinions on the subject, which eventually leads into Clara's very brief summary of another telenovela, Locos por Amor. Gavi listens and thinks that doesn't fit this situation. Gavi explains her experience with a psychologist - and remembers when Ben V. took her to see Dr. Erika. Gavi explains her positive reaction to the session. Gavi hopes Rod has the same type of experience. They both hope for one month of tranquility.

* Minnie finishes talking with Fedra on her cell phone and then tells Isa about Fedra's meeting tomorrow with the other tequila grower's wives. Minnie is ready to leave - Isa reluctantly agrees. Minnie calls for the check. Isa takes out her credit card - Minnie tells her to put it away, this is her treat. Instead of bringing the check, the waiter brings over two glasses of champagne. Minnie asks who sent them. Waiter explains the two men at the other table sent it over, along with paying for their bill. Minnie seems insulted, and insists on not accepting the glasses and hands the waiter her credit card to take care of her and Isa's bill and tips. Waiter leaves. Minnie explains to Isa why she can't accept the flirting from the strangers. Isa smiles, laughs and wants to have fun with them. Isa says they should celebrate that Rod has successful therapy sessions this weekend. The men (Eugenio and Alfredo) come over to introduce themselves and join Isa and Minnie at their table. Isa welcomes them; Minnie is extremely uncomfortable.

* Rod and Erika arrive at the spa. Rod compares the spa to his family hacienda. Erika reminds him they need to keep their voices low. Rod whispers to ask where his room is. She points in the direction of the building. He laughs and points at another building for other patients. They laugh and she points to where her room is. She asks if he's hungry. He says starving. She asks him to raid the kitchen with her. He agrees. They walk down the path to the kitchen, talking.

* Clara is ready for bed. Gavi is dressed and pacing the floors - she can't sleep. Clara can't believe Gavi wants to leave at 10 at night. Gavi offers to take a taxi and go to the local bar alone. Clara grumbles and says good-night. Gavi calls for a taxi.

* Outside the kitchen door, Erika tells Rod what Mina the cook would do if they are caught, before they sneak inside.

* On the street, Hilario drives up on his motorcycle as Gavi leaves the building. They hug. She invites him to join her at the bar. He offers to drive her on his motorcycle. She says it's better to take the taxi - in case they drink too much. (how very responsible of her. - ed. note). Hilario moves his motorcycle to a safe lot before they leave.

* Isa and Minnie still with Eugenio and Alfredo. Isa is busy flirting with Eugenio. Minnie pokes Isa in the arm, wanting desperately to leave. Alfredo, Eugenio and Isa continue flirting. Eugenio and Alfredo don't want them to leave. Minnie is insistent and pulls Isa away from the table. Isa is disappointed that Minnie doesn't want to stay. Minnie tells her to stay if she wants, but it will be by herself. Isa apologizes and agrees to leave with Minnie. Minnie says she'll go to the restroom and Isa is to make their excuses and get the men to leave the table. Isa returns to the table - makes the excuses to the men - Eugenio gives Isa his business card - Eugenio and Alfredo return to the other table. Minnie returns and totally ignores the men. Minnie leaves with Isa following (and still flirting with Eugenio). (ed. note: Isa, you're such a slut.)

* Erika and Rod start raiding the bread basket and refrigerator to make some late night ham and cheese sandwiches with juice and milk to drink. As they talk about Rod's idea of friendship with Erika and why he's not comfortable with sessions at her office, Erika makes two sandwiches. She presents them to Rod - Rod blurts out, "you are the culmination of all the qualities I look for and want in a 'true friend'."

* Outside in the garden, Erika and Rod walk and Erika has Rod explain his definition of a true friend. She then asks him about his search for his true love, for Gavi. Rod pauses to think. They part for the night - tomorrow is a busy day (with his sessions and her car repairs).

* At the bar, Hilario explains to Gavi his problems with San Juana (SW) Gavi wonders if she'll return to the hacienda. Hilario doesn't care; she's not his problem any more.

* SW cries on sofa of Casandra's apartment - Casandra apparently picked her up and brought her home. SW is pushing for Casandra's sympathy, pity and support.

* Hilario and Gavi continue talking at bar. Hilario explains his long-lost love for his friend's wife. Gavi cries with his story. Hilario says the friend is still married to her, and they have a child. He can't fathom breaking up a happy family. Hilario explains to Gavi that the lady only considers him an "adventure". They shake off the sadness, clink their glasses and take a drink. Later, Hilario and Gavi sing a karaoke mariachi duet.

* Rod, alone, lays on the grass and looks up at the stars in the night sky.

* Next morning, Rod finds Erika sitting at the fountain reading a psychology textbook. Rod congratulates Erika on the spa. He starts to describe the wonderful aromas he smells. Erika takes the hint and starts his morning therapy session. She asks him why he mentions all the smells? and about Gavi's smell? Erika tries to get Rod to close his eyes and tell her what he sees with the smells. He starts, stops, and says he can't concentrate. She asks him to describe the aroma of Gaviota. He starts, gets nervous and stops again. She tries again. He asks to go someplace else. As Erika reaches for her book, it falls on ground. They bend down to pick it up, and Rod gets a huge whiff of Erika's aroma - he declares, "It's you!" Erika smiles. She says it's her perfume. She turns the subject back to him and what he feels and remembers with the scents. They walk along the garden path.

* Clara enters the bedroom and talks with Gavi, who is putting on her make-up. Gavi tells Clara all the problems SW is causing for Hilario. Clara grumbles her disgust for SW.

* SW is vacuuming the rug of Casandra's apartment. Casandra wakes up and pulls the plug. She asks what SW is doing? SW, enthusiastically, tries to get Casandra to hire her to be maid, cook, messenger - even willing to work for free room and board. Casandra isn't interested - SW keeps talking fast and Casandra discovers that SW has no intention of ever returning to the hacienda. Casandra looks up at the ceiling, and thought bubbles, "Daddy, I have cider in my ear." (Sky Masterson's line in Guys and Dolls.)

* Gavi's all dressed and ready to leave. Clara enters with mops in hand and is curious where Gavi's going. Gavi explains about making tequila recipes for the upcoming food conference with Alonso. Clara is skeptical. Gavi assures her it's for work. Clara starts to mop. The doorbell rings. Gavi mentions about her and Rod, then leaves the phone number in case of emergencies, and kisses her mom before leaving.

* Rod and Erika walk through the garden. Rod talks about the scents and his long-time problem with women. He decided to dedicate himself to work and his studies to avoid the problem. Erika asks about his feelings for Gavi. Rod tells her about all the qualities that make him enchanted by her, and how he feels when he is close to her (knot in the pit of his stomach). He says it's a combination of sensuality and true love. He's never felt anything like it with any other woman.

* Alonso on sidewalk with Gavi. He asks her about her worries over Rod. Gavi tells him what she discovered from Dani (in brief). Gavi notices that Nancy isn't in the minivan. Alonso says that she had to go to the university for some classes so she won't be joining them. Gavi is surprised but agrees to go ahead with their cooking plans. They walk to the car - Alonso sniffs Gavi and remarks about her perfume (he likes it).


I Love Juan - Thursday 10/11 - In which Juan loses his towel and Nidia loses her self control. Huy!!

Ana cleans her paintbrushes while wearing a white suit jacket, how silly. CL shows up at the front door and we get a triple impactado out of the deal. Ana tells him he's a lying creep, her daughter has suffered the consequences and this is the last time he'll be received in her house.

CL is on a fact-finding mission. He wants to know what his wife and mistress discussed. Paula sarcastically tells him she denied everything and since he is the master of pretending he has nada to worry about. CL wants to go somewhere and talk about it.

Meanwhile Juan is stuck in a line, possibly the line for the public phone. He tells himself it's time to get a cellular.

Paula's phone rings. It's Juan and for once she's sweet and nice to him. Poor Juan thinks she's genuine but she's only doing it to irritate CL and it works. She gives Juan kisses over the phone and agrees to come to dinner.

Paula tells CL they'll have to talk another day because she has to get ready for her hot date.

Kike pouts a little because Juan's got big plans for dinner so Juan invites Kike his hermano to join them at Casa Cachón for dinner.

Ana scolds Paula for being an unrepentent and habitual manipulator. Paula begs Ana to go to dinner with her but Ana refuses.

CL goes home so he can torture then ignore Monica. He tells her that he feels like an imbecile because of her. She said she could no longer close her eyes, she had to do something, and if she has to go back again (to see Paula I guess) she won't hesitate to do so, whether he likes it or not.

The grocer happily pays Juan and Kike. He says Juan proved he's not all lip; he's satisfied and wants them to work again tomorrow.

Yadi tells Alirio that he's hogging the phone. Ali says it's her fault because he's calling around trying to locate a pissed-off Gutierrez. Yadi insults him and Ali responds that his career is untouchable and beyond reproach. They get into a yelling and name-calling match. Nidia flounces in and breaks them up.

Juan splits the take with Kike, but not really. First he pays Kike back some of what he owes him (uh, basically paying Kike back with Kike's own money) then Juan keeps the rest saying they have to reinvest it in the business. They should open a new account for their weekend money; it will be for looking and not touching.

Yadi and Ali play he-said-she-said for Nidia. Nidia sides with Yadi of course and tells Ali that the front door is open. There is nothing to stop him from leaving.

Juan does the money happy dance and approaches Casa Cachón with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of champagne. He sees Ali leaving and howls with laughter at Ali's white legs and silly outfit. Ali has a tantrum and yells that the three fieras in that house treat him worse than a fly on the wall.

Nidia and Yadi are delighted to see Juan and hear of his successful day. He asks if it's OK that he invited Kike for dinner. Well duh, Yadi is thrilled. Juan runs upstairs to get cleaned up for the licenciada.

Juan, in a short blue towel, lays out his outfits in order to select the best look, best being relative considering Juan's taste in clothing. Chinches Bravas but it's hard to decide what will impress the licenciada!

Juan trots down the hall in his towel and runs into Marely. Apparently his plumbing is broken so he has to use Nidia's bathroom. Juan hold his scrubby ball in front of himself and explains to Mari that Paula is coming for dinner. Yadi joins them and blatantly ogles the chomi chomi.

Nidia can barely keep her hands off our luscious Juan as he makes his way through the obstacle course of her hands. He manages to shut the bathroom door and lock it. Whew! He sees the doorknob wiggle and does his happy dance again, Doña Nidia can't get in!

Back in her room, Nidia snaps her fingers, locks her bedroom door, and takes a chug of booze.

Mari tells Yadi if she likes Juan so much then why doesn't she make a play for him? "No thanks," says Yadi, "I don't want to pedal your bicycle."

Ali arrives home. He states to the girls that he's not coming but rather going, he only returned for his things. He calls them princesses and they respond that they are queens. The louder he yells the harder they laugh.

Juan, looking quite fetching in nothing but his little blue towel, shaves. Nidia, now dressed to kill in her black negligee, coos to her chomi chomi through the door. Juan is afraid to leave the bathroom, as well he should be. He covers up with two more big towels and prepares to face the predator. She hefts and slinks and asks him to scratch her back. Juan dashes past her and...Oops!! His towel falls to the floor! He holds his hands out wide, Nidia stares, he drops his toiletries and covers his work of art, Nidia pants and fans herself as she stares stares stares at Juan. He finally bends down and retrieves his towel. He tries to leave but she pushes him on the bed and sings victorious.

Uh oh, Alirio arrives and bangs on the door. Nidia curses her bad luck that he had to arrive at that moment. Juan is trapped.

Juan tries to hide behind the curtain, under the pillows and in the closet but he's too big. Nidia pushes him back in the bathroom where he hides in the tub under a towel.

CL tells Moni he wants to start at zero. He invites her to dinner and maybe dancing. He holds her hand tenderly and she agrees...she loves him so! He kisses her. Barf!!

Nidia finally lets Ali in. He yells and starts packing his clothes. He keeps walking by the bathroom door as Juan cowers behind it.

Nidia helps Ali pack. He loudly vows that when Gutierrez opens his mouth about The Truth then on that day she'll remember him. Juan, eavesdropping, finds this statement interesting. Ali is about to leave but changes his mind. Not so fast, he's got to get his toiletries first. Nidia throws herself between Ali and the bathroom door.

Ali busts through her and sees Juan, still in his towel, bent over the tub. "The pipes don't work, they're too old," Juan informs him, pretending to fix the plumbing. "Betrayal!!" yells Ali over and over. The girls listen outside the door as Ali calls Juan a gigolo and begins throwing things around the room.

Ali wants to fight but Juan refuses. Ali says he's not afraid of Juan's muscles. After much yelling, including Nidia urging Juan to smack Alirio, Ali winds up and punches Juan in the face. Juan stumbles out the door and tells the girls he could kill Ali with his bare hands but he's a crazy old dude. Yadi tells Juan that's what happens when he gets caught with his hands in the masa.

Nidia tells Ali that only a pervert would think what he's thinking. Juan is like a son to her! "Que pena!" she exclaims, fanning herself. Ali doesn't fall for this, however, and he yells that he was not happy to find Juan in the bedroom of His Wife. "Your ex-wife," she corrects, "as I recall you are on your way out."

But Ali has a change of heart. He decides he will not leave, instead he will stay to protect what is his and to keep an eye on Nidia's licentious behavior. He says he will share Nidia's techo (roof) and her lecho (bed). He starts pulling clothes out of his suitcase and she keeps trying to stuff them back in.

Juan thought bubbles that this is the consequence of matrimony without love. He has selected the most atrociously colorful outfit in his wardrobe. Is he wearing a floral and paisley jacket with a striped tie? Lord help us!

Mari asks Nidia does she have to be at the dinner? Isn't it bad enough that she has to see Paula all day? Yadi tells Mari to pluck up her courage and prepare to see Juan as candy stuck to a fly. Nidia says she doubts very much that Paula will come to their house.

Paula's doorbell rings and Paula begs Ana one more time to go with her. Ana says she'll not invent any more lies.

Juan's horrific jacket bursts through the doorway. Paula evades Juan's kiss. He thought bubbles, but really it sounds more like a retrospective narrative, "We began badly; from the first moment when she withdrew from the obligatory welcome kiss I realized that there was trouble." Paula tells him she's sorry but she can't go to dinner with him.

Kike arrives at Casa Cachón and Yadi tells him that according to Nidia Paula will spoil Juan's plans and won't show for dinner.

Juan is not happy with Paula's decision. How could she do this after all the planning and prep he put into tonight's dinner? He won't be able to show his face for the shame of it all. Paula starts to weave her tapestry of lies. It has something to do with her mama, she explains. Her mama leaves tomorrow and Paula has to help her and wants to be with her (even though they are barely speaking, what a liar!!). Juan pleads. Paula lies, lies, lies. Frankly it's sickening. Juan's heart is breaking.

Ana is on the phone with Nidia. She's worried about Paula being alone after she leaves. Nidia and the girls are the only "family" that Paula has after her. Nidia assures Ana that Paula can always talk to them and they will set a moral standard second only to the Carmelite nuns.

Juan continues his shameless pleading and Paula continues her lies and excuses. But wait, Juan has an idea! If Ana is leaving then he needs to see her right now. "Now?" asks Paula, "Why?" Juan smiles sweetly and rather stupidly, "because I want to ask her for your hand in marriage, my love."

hacer de tripas corazón = to pluck up one's courage


Thursday, October 11, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #61, Wednesday 10-10: Did anything actually happen in this episode?

Previously on Amar sin Limites: Andres and Mauricio fight over who loves their not-exactly-girlfriend more; Ceci tells Azul that Andres really is a killer…and also, he slept with his not-exactly-aunt. I have to agree with Ceci--if Mauricio and Leo died it sure would simplify things.

Hospital: Mauricio insists that Andres tell Ceci that he (Mauricio) didn't know anything about Andres killing his uncle and sleeping with Leo. Mauricio makes a snide remark about Ceci being ok with "strange" relationships and Andres tries to say that, being roommates, Azul may have that in common with Ceci. Mauricio's really happy that Andres is in luuuuurve and he gives the relationship his blessing. He's even willing to help out with separating Andres from Leo.

Eva's "office" (which is probably another part of her hotel suite): Eva gets off the phone wit Perez-Castelar after being informed that Lidia is still trying to get Piero out of jail. She tells P-C not to let Lidia do it. As she's hanging up the phone, Diego gets escorted in by a guy who looks like one of the Beatles from back in the mop top days. Diego apologizes for being late to work, but Eva already knows what's going on with Lidia trying to get Piero out of jail. Diego thinks it's because he's being followed again, but Eva tells him she found out because Lidia and Manuel gave Ivan that message for Leonarda. Eva offers to loan Diego the money, but he refuses, which only makes her luuuuuuurve him more. See, Azul was all wrong about Diego only being into Eva for the money. She tries to kiss him, but he reminds her he's only in this to see that justice is done in the matters of Abuelo and Paco (que descansen en paz). Eva dismisses him and says she'll call him if she needs him. Diego leaves and Eva tries really, really hard to squeeze out some tears.

Boutique: Gaspar fills in Efrain about the (fake) robbery and the subsequent trouble in Julio and Arnaldo's relationship. Well, to be honest, that relationship wasn't exactly solid to begin with. Efrain tells Gaspar he only wants him to be happy and takes off to go back to the garage.

Casa A&C: Arnaldo finds a purple sticky note on the door from Julio, asking him to call. He tells us it's over.

Boutique: Azul came to drop off Ceci after what appears to be an extremely long lunch. She didn't get to go on the teacup ride, though, just to hear about Andres' murderous past. Wow, she got cheated on that deal. Julio asks Azul if she's heard from Arnaldo and Arnaldo obliges by calling Azul's cell and telling her he doesn't want to talk to Julio. He asks to spend the night at her place, but she's got Chonita and Caty staying. He decides he'd rather not stay anywhere Julio might find him. Azul tells Julio that Arnaldo doesn't want to talk to him. Julio asks her, if Arnaldo calls again, to tell him that Julio's sorry and he didn't know what happened. Neither did Azul, if the confused look on her face is any indication…oh, wait, maybe that's her normal look?

Casa Moran: Mama waits for Lidia and Manuel to come home. They complain about not being able to get hold of Mauricio or any of his crew. Mama rubs it in their faces that Diego got the money they needed…except it's not enough, according to Lidia. She and Papa come up with the idea of using Piero's car as collateral for a loan to get the rest of the money. And off they go again.

Jail: Perez-Castelar says he can't help Piero with the 50,000 pesos, so Piero needs to think of someone who can. And he'd better do it before he gets moved into a cell with "el más temido" (the most feared) of the other prisoners. This gets Piero's brain moving. Piero sucks at growing facial hair, by the way. He's finally achieved 5 o'clock shadow after, what? Three or four days?

Casa Moran: Clemencia updates Diego on Lidia and Manuel's latest idea.

IHoP: Lidia and Manuel make a grievous tactical error. They assumed, since Isela lent Diego money, that she knew it was to get Piero out of jail. They ask her to take Piero's car and loan them the rest of the money. Isela tells them not only is she not interested in helping get Piero out of jail, she's even less interested since he's accused of killing Paco. Well, DUH, Lidia and Manuel!

Casa A&C: GSD comes over to talk to Azul and she sends Chonita to give Caty a bath and get her ready to go to sleep. Caty's all cutesy complaining…I bet Azul thinks being Caty's mommy is going to be nothing but cutesy stuff, but wait till Caty gets older and starts trying to run an evil corporate empire just like daddy did. GSD says he'll be pulling another all-nighter and needs to get some of Leo's blood. Azul tries to talk to him about Arnaldo, but GSD's not in the mood. He needs to take Efrain's course, "How to be an Emotionally Supportive Dad to an Adult Gay Son Instead of Being a Homophobic Jackass." Azul convinces GSD to tell her what's going on with him and Arnaldo. GSD gives his version--that Arnaldo didn't come home and Julio came looking for him. Azul's like, "You idiot! He was attacked while cleaning Tia Inés' house!"

Casa Efrain & Gaspar: Arnaldo comes over asking if he can stay there since he had a fight with Julio. Gaspar and Efrain exchange "uh-oh" looks.

Boutique: Ceci's getting ready to leave and she tries to talk Julio out of his sad mood. A large bouquet of flowers walks in. I don't even know if bouquet is the right word--it's the kind of arrangement you'd have on a side table or something, because it would block everyone's view if it were in the middle of the room. Ceci tells Julio it's for him, but actually the guy walking in with it is Andres. *sigh* Poor Julio, it's just not his day. Andres and Ceci walk outside. Ceci tries to thank Andres for the flowers, but he says he should be thanking her--he feels so much better after telling her what happened. Ceci says she doesn't think what happened was his fault. Andres tells her he was once capable of killing and now he's capable of doing anything for her love. Okay, that sounded much sweeter less homicidal when he said it--it really doesn't come across well typed. He starts to move in for a kiss, but realizes the flowers are getting in the way, so he puts them down. That was cute. Too. Darn. Cute. Why does the cutest guy on this show have to be an Abuelo killer? Ceci says she wants a relationship, but they have to talk about their expectations for each other. Andres is up for anything, as long as he can have Ceci. Ceci suggests they talk over ice cream. Okay, now I'm torn…they're both too cute. Poll: Who's cuter, Ceci or Andres?

IHoP: Isela rips Manuel and Lidia a new one for asking for money to get the man accused for Paco's murder out of jail. Oh, and by the way, Lidia's a tramp for marrying him without knowing whether Paco was alive or dead. She didn't actually use the word tramp, but it was implied. She says she's going to cancel the check, but Lidia takes it out of her purse and rips it up. Manuel tells Isela he can never forgive her for not having compassion for his daughter. Um, no, sorry Manuel, I'm on Isela's side on this one.

Casa Moran: Diego and Mama talk about Mauricio and Azul moving in together. Mama tries to push for Diego to get together with Silvana, but Diego tells her Silvana's with Flavio now. Diego says he's got to go pay the lawyer, so he's not staying to "merendar" (have an afternoon snack, have tea).

Casa E&G: Efrain is happy to have Arnaldo staying because he feels guilty. He thinks he had something to do with the whole misunderstanding because he went to the Boutique looking for Gaspar. Arnaldo says it's not his fault--there were already problems in the relationship. He Toscano's about how neither Julio or his father "really" knows him. Gaspar tries to tell Arnaldo how Julio changed his tune once he heard about the (fake) robbery. Arnaldo says since Julio cheats, he thinks everyone else does too. Efrain says that happens in all relationships…that is to say, the misunderstandings, not the cheating. Gaspar asks what's the deal with GSD. Arnaldo says that's something that's never going to be resolved.

Casa C&A: GSD feels bad for being nasty to Arnaldo and Julio now that he knows what happened. He now realizes he should have listened to them. Azul tells him that Arnaldo's fine physically, but he has emotional wounds. She asks why GSD is doing this to Arnaldo. GSD says it's Arnaldo who's doing it to him. Azul asks where it's written that everything has to be the way GSD wants. GSD gripes that Arnaldo is his only male child and was supposed to give him grandchildren. And also, he doesn't consider Arnaldo manly. He thinks there's something he might have been able to do. Azul tells him to accept Arnaldo as he is. GSD says he loves him more than either of them imagines…in fact, once he's done finding the cure for Melodramitis, he's going to find the cause of men and women "like that". Oh no he didn't! Azul tells him it's absurd and she can't believe a man of science would think like that. She tells him he's going to lose his son.

Casa Diego and Don Chucho: According to the lawyer (and I don't know which lawyer this is because I can't tell Diego's lawyer from Eva's), there's still a problem with Piero's citizenship. If he stays married to Lidia for 2 years and doesn't have any further problems with the law, it will be easier for him to be nationalized. Diego hands over a check for the lawyer's fees. Don Chucho tells Diego it's good that he kept back some money from Eva. Unfortunately, now Diego's really broke. DC tries to give Diego some money, but Diego won't take it. He does, however suggest that the two of them take Julio up on his work offer. Diego says he needs a second job, in addition to bodyguarding, and they can set up a little tailor shop right there in their apartment (which is way bigger than these guys should be able to afford, but anyway). The doorbell rings. It's Silvana, inviting Diego out to dinner. He tries to offer to cook for her, but she wants a pizza from the shop on the corner. DC encourages Diego to go and uses it as an opportunity to stuff some money in Diego's front pocket, claiming Diego had left it lying around. That's either a very large bill or Silvana's a cheap date.

Random street: Speaking of cheap, but cute, dates…Ceci and Andres are eating ice cream. Ceci thinks everyone deserves a second chance, but she never wants them to talk about him killing his uncle or sleeping with Leo ever again. Ceci doesn't want Andres and Leo living together, either. Andres says he's going to get away from her. Jacinto calls Andres on his cell to tell him Leo's sick. He tells Ceci he has to go. She offers to go with him and he agrees, but not before making a face.

IHoP: Anibal comes over to visit Isela. She tells him she's moving out and Anibal approves. Anibal brought over some pictures of Diego and Paco when they were younger. Isela tells him to take them to Diego himself. Anibal invites her to the movies or to show him her new apartment. Yeah, yeah, not in a smarmy way, he's just worried about her because she's so sad. Hm, there's sure going to be some fun times at Casa Silvana and Isela.

Pizzeria: Diego toasts to Silvana and Isela moving in together. He tells Silvana he can only take her for cheap food from now on because he won't accept a cent more than what he should be getting paid as bodyguard. *roll eyes* His self-righteous nobility irks me. He tells Silvana he's now interested in the same thing she is…justice for their murdered loved ones. Silvana looks positively turned on by this.

Casa A&C: Emilia and Azul talk about how GSD's been a jerk to Arnaldo. Emilia tells Azul it's a bad idea to have Caty there because Mauricio can use her to influence Azul. Azul reminisces about what she used to love about Mauricio…and then about how she luuuuuurved Diego. Azul says she's hanging out with Mauricio again because she feels guilty about (a) thinking he was a criminal and (b) falling in luuuuuurve with someone else when they were about to get married. She thinks the least she can do is be there for him. Azul wishes she'd never met Diego because then she could love Mauricio without any conflicts. She tells Emilia that Diego's a "desgraciado" (bastard, jerk, jackass, etc.) who doesn't deserve her love.

Mansión Malicia, v. 1.0: As they enter Leo's room, Jacinto tells GSD that Leo's symptoms started with a headache in the morning, then moved on to vomiting, and now, for an encore, she's hallucinating. She won't let GSD touch her. He freaks out, thinking that this will happen to Azul too. She keeps begging "Joaquin" not to hit her. I wonder if that was Andres' uncle?

Casa A&C: Emilia and Azul have another cup of coffee as Emilia says she hopes GSD finds a cure. She almost slips up when Azul says "see, you're worried about Mauricio too," but says she just doesn't want "anyone else" to die from this disease. Azul gripes some more about Diego going back to Eva, even though she admits she doesn't know if it's for romantic reasons or what. Azul calls Eva a "vieja resbalosa" (slippery old woman) and says she's sure if there's nothing romantic between them now, there will be. She asks Emilia to tell her how to forget Diego.

Pizzeria: Diego tells Silvana he's not back with Azul. He hates that she went back to Mauricio. He changes the subject to Flavio. Silvana likes that he makes her laugh. She's going to try to put her life back together again. Diego's so happy about that, he feeds her another slice of pizza.

Casa S&I: Anibal's glad that Isela moved in there because it's near Anibal's house. Isela says he can count on her as a friend. He asks if she doesn't miss him as a man, but the doorbell rings, so Isela goes to answer it. It's Flavio bringing over a rose for "The most beautiful of women!" Isela jokes about being Flavio's new mother-in-law. She goes to make them all some quesadillas and Anibal offers to help--after he tells Flavio to stay in the living room. Flavio admires a picture of Silvana in a red dress that's sitting by the phone…which starts ringing…and it's the sex line…and he hears the message…and he likes it!

Out in the hallway, Diego's walking Silvana home. He's glad that because of Flavio, Silvana's so different. Silvana says that Emilia deserves some of the credit. She rings the doorbell and invites Diego in, but he says he's got to get up early to work off that pizza. Hm, worrying about the waistline out loud is so unattractive. Silvana says she's going to visit Caty tomorrow, now that Diego's given her Caty's new address. Isela answers the door and tells Silvana that Flavio's waiting for her. After she goes in, Isela tells Diego she wants to talk to him. Uh-oh!

Flavio kisses Silvana in greeting and asks why she didn't tell him she has a "hot line". Silvana looks uncomfortable. I can't wait for the answer to this one.

Isela wants to know why Diego didn't tell her what the money was for. She tells Diego she doesn't want to see him again. Diego looks hurt and confused.

Tomorrow: Andres gets slapped, Diego finds out what happened to the check, Manuel's affair with Isela is thrown in his face again, Gaspar gives Arnaldo advice, and Diego and Azul do that up-in-each-other's-face-breathing-heavy thing again…or at least that's as much as I got before my DVR cut off. Good times.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Destilando 10/10 - in which the new Montalvo Witch Project goes over like a lead balloon

I don't think I've mentioned how much I like the credits that run at the beginning of this show. Interesting light, beautiful scenery, exciting editing of very telling scenes, good music, and of course Miss Celery Stalk 2006-2007, she's never limp.

Baby Rod loses points with all of us, sending a rude letter to CRT. Gav is distressed but Dr. Blondie says, "Too bad for him," and gives her a hankie.

Blondie's in process of creating his tequila based menu, which reminded me of Roz Chast's cartoon, 'Recipes from the American Cheese Council.' (You'll have to click on the image to see it big enough to read.) He invites Gav and Nancy to spend their precious Saturday with him, cooking delicious tequila muffins etc. I think it's se zafó un tornillo which Nancy mutters happily, I believe we say "he's got a screw loose," but I'm happy to be corrected.

Gav continues to look behind her wherever she goes. Can't believe Rod isn't calling and stalking. People point out she demanded this of him so she should be grateful he's complying. Careful what you wish for.

Rod is happily packing up to get the hell out of town. He tells all his honchos Patricio and James can help them - "don't bother asking Aaron, he's got his own thing going on."

Next he calls Dr. Erika and asks if she has the straitjacket ready for their intimate weekend at "Villa Serena" (Serene House, aka the Screw Loose Spa). He wants to pick her up but she says she has to get there early to see other patients so they need to take two cars.

Rod has a very happy chat with Dani and Elvis. Dani susses out he's mighty excited about his weekend with Dr. Erika - or else she gave him some mighty good pills. "I'd like some of those pills," muses Elvis. Rod burbles on about the good times he's had with the sexy Doc. Dani: "Are you really leaving without saying goodbye to Gaviota?" "That's the whole idea of this weekend, without the distraction I wouldn't be able to resist calling her."

He goes home, where Minerva is hanging around with Isa (she lies, "I couldn't go with Aaron to Miami because I am so afflicted with MORNING SICKNESS from my PREGNANCY"). He gives Isa the number at Screw Loose Spa, and leaves with a mumbled goodbye.

Minerva keeps trying to get Isa riled up again - if not about Gaviota, then about the sexy Doctorcita - but Isa is counting on Rod's getting cured by the shrinkette, and even if he doesn't get cured, she'll still end up with the apartment and her jewels etc. so what's the problem.

Phone rings, Isa claims it's her dad and leaves the room to talk to him. Minerva picks up the little tyke and croons menacingly: "Poor luckless little Ricky, you'll end up with nothing."

Well actually it was Frankie on the phone - after trying to suck up to his wife a bit by taking her on a tour of the agaves (she, unsurprisingly, having seen them all her life, was unimpressed - he called her boredom "sacrilege" - she just wanted a bath - he said he'd get the wine and goodies ready) he called Isa to say (as Sofia, in her terrycloth bathrobe, sneaks up behind and hears every word): "I won't be able to call you much, she's on me like a shadow." Isa shrewishly demands he must find the time, several days a week. Sofie screws up her face but says nothing.

In the mall, Fedra whispers loudly to Demetrios' wife that Mariana Franco made free with all the CRT husbands and must be stopped. Fedra is hard to discourage. "I can hardly believe this! My husband thought so highly of Mariana."

Told by his indignant wife about Fedra's gossip, Demetrios (this is one of Gav's former bosses, the one who was into agave diseases) goes to Dr. Blondie. Exact rerun - Blondie tells Gav the harpies are at it again, she goes ballistic despite a promise to remain calm, he looks on in admiration and then says, "Now I understand why Engineer Montalvo is so crazy in love with you ... I will support you no matter what, your work is impeccable and you're a great dame too. Have some coffee." She rejects the coffee several times but he keeps offering.

Dani, Elvis in tow, arrives at CRT: Gaviota had summoned her to find out what was going on with Rod, but now there's the new Montalvo Witch Project to rant over. In a righteous rage Gav has removed the harpies from another guest list, and wants to give them computer viruses... She tells Nancy not to erase Dani or Pilar from the invites list and Elvis adds his own name to the do-not-erase file. Gav compliments his picture, he says she has good taste.

Somebody complained we don't give enough space to Elvis in these recaps. The problem is, he is rarely given any lines which advance the story, or indeed, which are not embarrassing. For instance, in this episode he is given to saying happily, "I like that!" every time something "black" is mentioned. I think the guy's a good actor and wish they'd given him a better role.

Dani reassures Gav that Rod is feeling better, is calmer and even happy, and that is as it should be. She points out that, as a consolation prize, the Doctorcito would do pretty nicely - why, Dani herself would be tempted to fall into his arms.

The more she says Rod is doing well, the less happy Gaviota looks. [Remember, folks, these people are supposed to be in their mid-twenties. That's all I can say in their defense. -- Ed.]

While Dani and Gav are having their heart-to-heart, Elvis sneaks around the corner to spy on the Doctorcito. Soon Blondie spots him, and finding out he is Dani's sweetheart enthusiastically invites him in for -- coffee! And an amazingly boring lecture on where the good coffee of the world comes from, and how Africans have some of the best coffee! He goes on and on, Dani and Gav arrive to find Elvis's face frozen into a rictus of boredom. Leaving, he tells Dani he is much relieved to discover what a gasbag the Doctorcito is (that's a paraphrase). He's not so jealous now.

Blondie asks Gav, yet again, to have a cup of coffee; this time she wearily accepts. He tenderly pretends to be concerned for her emotional state - "Maybe you're feeling too poorly to cook tomorrow?" She says no, so he instantly says he'll pick her up right after breakfast for a nice working weekend making tequila crepes and cabbage.

In the little apartment of horrors, SanWanna is all bouncy and happy that Hilario has come home on time. She presses tasty little treats on him and makes him some special drink which appears to be 65% Worcestershire sauce. He doesn't want any of it. She asks, "Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under?"

He says he's going to Acapulco for the weekend, she wants to help pack his clothes, he says the wardrobe people do that. He has a look on his face like Acacia used to have before she disappeared. Robotically and with menace, he suddenly asks: "Would you like to come to Acapulco with me? Pack your bags, we're leaving in five minutes." She bounces out, gets ready, they get on his motorcycle, but instead of going to the airport he takes her downtown and dumps her at the bus station with money for a one-way ticket home.

"You can't treat me like garbage," she wails, her stuff scattered all over the ground." "You're worse than that," he mutters and roars off on his motorcycle as she shakes her little fist and curses him. [Oh Hilario, they were right, fame has warped you. Or maybe it was, as Susanlynn put it, Love Potion Numero Nuevo that did the trick. --Ed.]

Rod arrives all happy at the Screw Loose Spa and is mildly impactado to find Doctor Erika has not yet arrived. He sits at the restaurant and orders a tequila. He is more impactado when the waitress says they don't serve liquor at the Spa! He starts getting agitated the way I do when they keep delaying my plane.

Well, as you know if you were watching, Doctor Erika's car broke down, there was no cellphone signal, and the public phone at the restaurant where she was stranded did not work. It takes a while for her to get the message to Spa that she needs a ride. Rod of course offers to go fetch her.

Finally, Gav comes home to an empty apartment (Ma is at the hospital, maybe volunteering) and thought-bubbles: "Rod, are you really going to leave without seeing me?"

Tomorrow: Isa and Minerva pick up a couple of mansos corderitos (tame little lambs) at a restaurant; Hil tells Gaviota about his love for Isa; Rod gets all excited because Dr. Erika wears the same perfume as Gaviota.


Juan Q - 10-10 A budding business, a budding romance, a budding discovery?

Paula answers Moni with….another question, do you realize what you are asking me. She says yes, Pau wants to know why she’s asking her. She brushes it off as saying maybe the problems you are having have something to do with the loss of the baby. Pau is surprised she's asking her so calmly about this. She says she’s not calm. She’s mustering up the courage to continue the conversation. Moni says, please answer me. Are you and CL lovers?

Nid corners Juan in the hallway. She asks him if he’s really sure that Pau is reciprocating his love the same way he loves her. He doesn’t give what she says much weight. She continues that she thinks Juan is a good boy and Pau doesn’t deserve him. Enrique beeps below. Nid tells him she just wants him to think things over long and hard.

Kike is greeted outside by a running Yadi. She asks him what he’s up to and tells him to come in. He says he doesn’t want to make her boyfriend mad, so that’s ok, he won’t dream of going in. She says he’s not her bf. He comments that it didn’t look like that the other night when he was all over her. He asks if he’s not telling her the truth. She is a little huffy and Juan comes out so Kike leaves telling her to say hello to the boyfriend for him.

Pau, with a great opportunity to come clean and do right by the few remaining folks she hasn’t quite screwed over yet tells Moni no, they simply have a working relationship, and I think she says they don’t always see eye to eye, but they have to work closely together so they know eah other well and stuff and oh anyway, I’m not capable of messing with a married man. HA! Why did she even have to say that. Well, I guess if you are mounting a hill of dung, better to pile it on thick. Ok, you all were cursing her lately for her various faults, well, add lying to a woman while she’s down, despite her having been nothing but an angel to you. That really sucked. Pau is just a brat in my opinion right now. She has to redeem herself somehow in this show, no???? Moni continues on that she really just needed to hear this come out of Paula, and says she considers her a friend. Her great friend. She needs no enemies in this case I guess.

Speaking of this I read a joke today, which while the subject matter maybe isn’t that much of a laughing matter, the punchline is oddly poignant here. I will synthesize it for you in that basically a woman found out she had cancer and was going to pass on, so wanted to live it up while she could, and went out with her daughter. A group of Mom’s best women friends came upon her in the nightclub and wondered what she seemed to be celebrating. The lady broke the news that she was dying of AIDS and wanted to party while she was still able and not to be sad and invited the friends to join. After they left the daughter asked her Mom why she lied to them and said AIDS instead of the true cancer affliction, to which the Mom replied, “Honey, I don’t want those women sleeping with your father after I’m gone.”

Hmm. It’s bad enough when men do crappy things to women, let us women not do them to each other too!!!


CL asks Chela where Moni is. Chela unwittingly busts Moni telling CL she couldn’t have gone to the Super because they went yesterday and bought tons of stuff and anyways she never goes alone. I always go with her. CL gets a light bulb that something is up and yes, he must have misunderstood what she said.

Nid and Mare have a little bedroom discussion. I missed this but I think it was about Juan.

Juan and Kike are arguing about the planned route, Juan wants him to go one way but Kike is not convinced and sort of doesn’t really want to listen to Juan’s idea, and he’s driving, so doesn’t have to. Kike doesn't really have faith in Juan's method for getting business.

Mar and Yadi now have a bedroom discussion. Mar wonders why Yadi’s with a guy she doesn’t love. She says she did it for Kike. Mar says love is what it is and you can’t force someone to love you. Mar tells her not to keep doing something she might regret later. Nid smiles approvingly while listening in outside the door.

Kike tells Juan about Pau, he thinks they are moving really fast. Juan tells Kike how it went when he told the Cachons of his relationship with Pau. Kike asks how it went over. Juan expresses their slight dismay and especially Nid’s question to him. Kike thinks that Nid maybe hasn’t pardoned Ana and the Davilas, after all remember Pau is Sam’s daughter so maybe that’s why. Juan says no it’s because they expected he’d marry Marely so they are a little bummed out. Kike says seriously well or you just have to wait til she’s over it. Juan gets nervous, then laughs. Juan tells Kike his boots have made many tracks, and he leads Kike into the market saying this one is the one, he’s got a good eye.

Yadi wishes she could be more like Marely, to just let things roll off her back even though she’s carrying around spikes (hurting) inside. Yadi notes that Mar was about to cry when Juan announced his relationship. Mar says what hurts is seeing him play the fool thinking Pau loves him. Yadi asks why she doesn’t tell him about Pau using him. M says he has to discover it himself. Yadi says meanwhile you are suffering for yourself and him. She declares she’s not suffering for him, now she wants to know nothing of Juan Dominquez. Nothing.

In the market Juan fast talks a merchant into hauling his produce for him. The merchant wants to know what he charges and he says whatever you usually pay, he’ll charge 10, no 15 % less. The merchant at first says he doesn’t know them, but Juan fixes that with an introduction. He says to himself that he didn’t really know what would happen with this guy, but he felt it was lucky. The guy agrees after Enrique puts in a little hardball, and they have a deal. The guy says he hopes Juan’s work is as good as his tounge!

Alirio is on the phone tell Guti he’ll see him soon. Nid comes in and freaks out at his outfit. He reminds her they are going to Gut’s ranch. She says no they are not, Yadi doesn’t want to see him again. Ali asks what happened, Yadi was all over Guti last night. Nid says that was only to make Kike jealous. Ali is impactado.

Kike seems to be doing all the hard labor, Juan razzes him for not keeping up. Kike says he can’t do any more, and Juan tells him to step up so they can return for a second load. He is a fast talker for sure even convinvcing Kike he did the math to figure out how long this will take.

Nid says he’s not the first guy to be duped by a woman. Ali pleads with her that nobody goes against Guti, not even his Mom. Ali begs her to convince Yadi to go or they will fall into the “Maldicion de la Blonda” (Curse of the Blond Lady) Stated to be the first telenovela, and starred Eric Del Castillo among others, the curse is of course, death.

Sacando la chuleta. Macho guy starts picking on Juan and Kike for interfering with their business at the market. Juan tries to blow them off that they are just working and leave them in peace.They are the regulars and they cut the cheese there and J & K are taking away business from them and they don’t like it. Insults fly, Macho guy tells Juan your widow has bad luck. Kike gets in the middle of it to try and stop a fight. Juan says the sun shines for everyone so go on with your day. I’m not moving from here. That was all that was needed for the fight to begin. Juan pops him and bloodies the guys lip.

Juan wants more, the guy asks Juan if he wants to be killed or deformed. Juan asks him on the sly what gym he goes to. He says, “your Mom’s.” Doh!! Juan head butts him, but then the guy knocks him over. Just then the police show up and pull the macho and his buds out of the market. The crowd cheers. Juan acts tough.

Moni returns home. CL grills her and drills her on her purchases from the super. She explains she bought pasta and so forth and he said just like they already have tons of, so where was she really and with whom?

Pau is pacing, Ana asks why and she rehashes. Ana asks if she told the truth to Moni. Pau is like, duh, Mom, no way, of course not. Ana wants to know why not.

CL wants to know why Moni lies. He doesn’t let up and uses more of his manipulating arguments to guilt her into fessing up and feeling bad. She says she was erasing a doubt and that’s all she wants say. She finally gives though and tells him she was with Pau.

Pau asks her Mom what she gains by telling Moni everything. Ana says peace in your conscience, and so on, that he was deceiving both of you and neither of you deserved it, you were going to tell her this just a short time ago and now she asks you directly and you don’t tell her? Ana says this lie now makes you an accomplice in the betrayal and you are protecting him. Pau, however, turns the tables and asks why Ana never told Nid she was Sam’s chick. She says because Sam told her not to, she says she would have wanted to. Pau says that’s how I was going with CL. Ana says but the difference is you are done with him, right? Right? Pau says yes, I have to be over him, I’m not indifferent yet, but I will get him out of my heart. She says doesn’t see the sense in telling that poor woman she doesn’t deserve this pain.

Cl says he feels very deceived. Moni backs down and says she recognizes her error and she apologizes as she is only human. He abuses this apology too and guilts her even more into how she could have done this to him. He smart alecs that he’s going to the Super. Ooooh I wanted to punch him!!!

Alirio breaks the news to Guti. Yadi woke up sick so they can’t go to his ranch. He doesn’t take it well and wants to go up and see how she is. Ali says you can’t go up to the second floor, Nid has a rule and wehave to respect that. Guti doesn’t believe Yadi is sick, just then Mare comes up and busts Ali’s lies. She tells Guti the truth that she just saw Yadi and she’s perfectly fine. G asks if she’ll tell her he’s here. She says yes, but you know, Yadi doesn’t like him and she’s not going to play these games along with Ali. Ali tries to fix everything but Guti is steamed!!!

Kike notes to Juan that if the police hadn’t arrived jus then that refrigerator would have made you a Pinto. (Blotchy like the horse) kike says he should go around picking fights. Juan downplays all that and tells him he was just being brave. Kike tells him the cemetery is full of brave souls. Juan says if he didn’t do that, that would have been the end of our business, that is called marking our territory. Juan makes that he took on much bigger types in Achichipico, and he tells a story about fight seven at one time.

The phone rings. Pau doesn’t want to answer it because it’s probably Juan bugging her to eat at Nid’s tonight or it’s CL, or even Moni, someone who will complain. Mom wants to answer and Pau says then do, but say I’m not here. Ana won’t lie.

Juan is frustrated because no one answers. Kike tells him they have to hurry and go. Juan asks himself if maybe Nid is right and Pau doesn’t love him like he wants.

Ali tells Nid she should have seen the way Gut left. She says I’m sure he was upset. He tells her he had Guti convinced until Mare ruined it. She tries to tell him not to talk to her about her daughters. Mare calmed her, because she is the only one that has spoken with any sense and maintained a level head around here. She says anyway, with yadi, if she doesn’t like the guy, you aren’t going to be able to convince her otherwise. Ali tells him Guti is a snake and has mob ties. She says well how great that you introduced him to us then.

Juan tells Kike that they got two more jobs from the guy and that they are going to get their bills paid in full. Kike takes off his sombrero to Juan and tells him he’s the greatest. Juan says this is just our first day, imagine when we have a whole fleet of trucks.

We flash to a pretentious well dressed Juan and Kike taking pity on a hungry CL saying maybe they could let him drive. Grateful for the charity, Cl accepts the meager position. Just then Pau shows up equally decked out and she’s with little Juanito. They say they will go out to an expensive restaurant to eat. He throws a few bills CL’s way on the way out, and CL praises his generosity. Kike says well, it costs nothing to dream. Juan wants to know why it has to only be a dream. Kike says well for starters you need a lot of money for that kind of an office, second CL will never act that way, and third, for you to marry Pau, well Juan cuts him off.

The doorbell rings at the Davilas. Ana asks Pau if now she’s not allowed to answer the door either. She worries it’s probably Juan because she never answered the phone. Whoops, it’s CL and there are three way impactado looks.


Amar Sin Limites, October 9, Andres Has Some 'Splaining to To Do and Tells All (Well, Not Quite All)

Previously, in Mo's hospital room, Mo tried to convince Azul that Diego called Andres a murderer just to cast Mo's trusted employee in a negative light. Azul told Mo that she gets a bad feeling from both Andres and Leo becasue they always seem to be up to something sneaky. As Mo defended them, Azul said that Leo can certainly take care of herself and does not need Mo to protect her. Mo then dropped the bombshell that Leo had also been infected with the toxin by "Eva's right-hand man", Ivan. Azul looked impactada and worried, with furrowed brow.

First new scene is in front of Mo's new crib, where Eva and Diego agree that the house is perfect for their needs and tell the real estate agent to seal the deal with Eva's lawyer. Diego has a sudden daydream, complete with corny music, in which he has just purchased this very house for Azul with his own righteously earned money, and both of them are giddy with love and joy and kiss with rough-tender passion. He snaps back to reality to find Eva grinning at him while she digs her knife in, saying that the house is just what Mauricio requested so that he and Azul can be near the hospital. Together. Get it, Diego? Diego looks pained.

Mo's hospital room: Mo continues softening up Azul with respect to Leo and Andres, saying they are his only family and helped him when he was practically a pauper earning whatever he could.
Azul is surprised to know he was not always wealthy and assures him it's a point in his favor that he's a self-made man. Caty comes running in with Andres hoping Mo can leave the boring hospital. Since he cannot, Azul offers to take her to a carnival. As soon as they all leave, Mo's fake smile fades and he looks perturbed.

In the lobby Azul meets up with GSD. Andres takes Caty by the hand to look for the chauffeur. This is not an important point but it was an "awwww" moment for us Andres fans. Meantime Azul confirms with GSD that Leo really is infected, and then questions him about why she herself continues to feel weak, achy and listless. She aks about results of her lab tests, but GSD lies to her, saying that she has fibromyalgia, which he attributes to overwork and stress. He recommends painkillers, rest, exercise, and a healthy diet, and assures her she'll be fine.

Isela's cantina: Isela tells Silvana that she can no longer bear seeing the late Paco's empty room there and wants to find a new apartment with lots of neighbors around for company. Silvana, who is looking very cheerful and pretty in her sexy frock, asks Isela to move in with her, as her own mother is not coming back. She says Isela can be her adoptive mama. Isela beams. (I personally think going to live with the perpetually morose Silvana might be like going from the frying pan to the fire, but that's just me.)

Ines' hospital room: GSD continues his harassment of this poor unconscious woman, whining to her that he lied to Azul because he's a coward as Ines always told him. He can't face his daughter's illness or his son's sexual preference. It turns his stomach to see his son at the side of Julio, the pervert, and where did he fail as a father? Boo hoo. It's no wonder Ines prefers to remain in her coma. You can't blame her.

Boutique: Arnaldo and Gaspar arrive at the boutique after their night of terror tied up in the home invasion orchestrated by Ivan's men. They try to explain to Julio why they were missing in action, but he apparently thinks they were off having a rendezvous somewhere. Julio says that since Arnaldo is obviously "trying new things", he should understand why Julio likes open relationships with no commitments, like in the Brazil days. Arnaldo, hurt, gives back the hideous engagement jacket (thanks, Ferro), and says it's not worth it. I think he means the relationship, not the jacket.

Carnival: Azul and Caty are enjoying the rides and games of chance and for once Caty is not getting on my nerves. Caty wins a giant stuffed dog and Azul wins a flower. The latter gives Azul an orange flashback to the rose Diego gave her and their first swallow-your-face-whole kiss. Sweet. She comes back to reality with sticky tears glistening on her cheeks.

Casa Moran: Diego comes to dinner and immediately is jumped by Lidia who says she needs his help in her never-ending quest to spring Piero from the carcel. In fact, she needs like 50,000 pesos ASAP. Diego tries to explain that he doesn't have that kind of money, but Lidia says he's lying since he's earning a ginormous salalry. When Diego explains that he is working at a low salary now per his own request and has even returned money to Eva, Papa declares him legally insane and says Diego has abdicated his responsibility to his family in their time of need, not to mention his failure to buy Papa a car. Diego says, hey, if you want stuff, get a damn job. Mama and I smile to ourselves.

Park: Ceci and Andres are strolling together while Andres says he'll start her driving lessons after he takes her to a really cool restaurant on the other end of the park. Ceci stops abruptly and says she won't go one step further with him until he tells her why Diego called hm a murderer. Andres then announces dramatically that Diego is right -- he is a murderer. Ceci starts hyperventilating. Commercial....

After the commercial....Ceci cannot believe Andres actually killed someone. She tries to walk away from him saying she's afraid of standing around with a murderer. Andres swears he'd never harm her and begs her to at least listen to his story so she'll know who he really is. He seems so sincere and vulnerable. What a guy.

Casa Moran: Papa continues his tirade against Diego re the Piero and jail stuff. He orders him to tell Eva he's changed his mind and wants the money back and taunts him about his "sacred dignity". Lidia chimes in that Diego should take advantage of Eva, who is clearly in love with him. She then hits him below the belt saying he's wasting his time with Azul who wouldn't marry him dead or alive. Or something like that. Diego says that like Lidia, Azul is with a man just for mercenary reasons and will never be happy. Only Mama is proud of Diego for his stand against gigolo-ism.

At the carnival: Caty convinces Azul to take a picture in a cardboard cutout of a bride and groom. Azul puts her face in the place of the novia but Caty tells her the photo is horrible since there's no novio face. She then says, no worrries, my papi will marry you when he gets out of the hospital. Azul is again with the furrowed brow.

Casa Moran: Diego has left, I believe, and Mama reproaches Papa and Lidia for coming down so hard on Diego after he had been nice enough to hire a lawyer for Piero who promptly rejected said lawyer. Papa tries to get Mama to convince Diego to return to Eva, but she refuses. Lidia storms out with Papa on her heels. Outside Papa says he knows where to contact Mo. He and Lidia jump into a taxi.

Park: Ceci is kind of rocking back and forth and still breathing hard as Andres tells her the story of how he murdered someone. It sounds true, but of course this is not a murder Diego knows or cares about. In short, Andres says he killed his uncle because Leo could no longer tolerate his uncle's beatings and insults. He states that his uncle had already killed his first wife, Andres' real aunt, beating her to death because he thought she'd been unfaithful. After a brief stint in jail, uncle returned home and began a relationship with Leo, who was a neighbor. He tells Ceci that after Leo came to live with them, his uncle reverted to his old brutal ways, beating and raping Leo at will. In a flashback we see an adolescent version of Andres trying to protect Leo from his uncle and getting punched and kneed by his uncle for his efforts. When the uncle turns his attention back to Leo, young Andres picks up a vase and conks uncle in the head, killing him instantly, as often happens in television. Andres claims that "a man" helped them dispose of the body by burning it in a cabana. He says that years afterwards he met Mo and became his chauffeur, assistant and then confidential aide. Andres declares that Leo is the only one in his life who showed him love. He candidly admits that he and Leo became lovers, "an older woman and a teenaged boy who thought they were in love". Ceci is weirded out about this as are we all. Ceci now understands that Leo hates her for stealing her man and wonders why Andres doesn't leave her if their sicko affair is indeed over. At that point, Andres reveals that Leo is ill with the same incurable disease that Mo has and he cannot abandon her.

Speaking of the devil, we get a quick glimpse of Leo at Mo's mansion trying to surpervise the movers but suffering from from an excruciating headache. I suppose we have no choice but to feel sorry for her.

Boutique: Gaspar begins to tell Julio about the harrowing night he and Arnaldo had at Ines' house.

Mo's mansion: Ivan and Jacinto seem to be discussing security precautions for the lab amidst the moving arrangments. Jacinto also asks if he should continue to poison Leo with the yogurts. Ivan says yes, but lower the dose so if she dies, nobody will be suspicious. He's really cold. He also finds a little time to mock Leo.

At the park, Andres is winding up his confession to Ceci who says she's feels sorry for him. He doesn't want pity and swears he never wanted to become a killer. Well, that was then and this is now, Andres, mi amor, as you certainly seemed comfortable offing our little abuelo. Anyway, Ceci sends Andres off so she can digest all this horror. She dissolves into tears as he walks away.

Cantina: Isela and Silvana are chirping away about their apartment plans when Diego enters rather gloomily. He is happy to hear the apartment news but soon gets down to the business of borrowing money from Isela for Lidia. I don't get why he's so determined to help that ungrateful little wench. Anyway, Isela gives him a check for some amount and off he goes. The ladies look after him worriedly.

Boutique: For some reason Julio finds the story of the home invasion rather amusing until Gaspar tells him sternly that he and Arnaldo could have been killed. How right you are, Gaspar. Julio looks ashamed and tries get Arnaldo on his cell but he can't get through. He rushes off to the police station to offer Arnaldo an apology, leaving Gaspar in charge of the shop, delirious with joy that he wasn't fired for being AWOL.

Ines' hospital room: Dr. Linares is just leaving after he and GSD briefly discussed Mo's imminent discharge from the hospital. Arnaldo then enters breathlessly saying to GSD, "You don't know what happened to me!", meaning the terrifying robbery. Father-of-the-Year snaps, 'Of course I know, your perverted boyfriend told me you never went home; you were probably out practicing the dirty tricks that old dog taught you in the first place". Arnaldo gets in GSD's face, saying he's sick of this insulting crap and is not going to take it anymore. Meanwhile, Ines slumbers on, blisfully unaware of the drama.

Mo's mansion: Ivan intercepts Lidia and Papa at the entrance. Lidia tells him they are looking for Senora Leo so that through her they can get Mo's help to get Lidia's husband out of jail. Ivan gives them a "yeah, right" look.

Mo's hospital room: Andres is reporting to Mo that Diego called him a murderer in front of Ceci and Azul. Mo says not to worry as he already has told Azul Diego was just stirring up trouble because of their rivalry over Azul. Andres then reveals the shocking news that he has told Ceci "the truth". Mo just about jumps out of his skin, calling Andres an idiot. Lucky for Andres (and Marcelo) Mo is still weak, otherwise there might have been another beatdown just when he's healing up so nicely.

Park: Azul sends Caty off with the nanny and hurries over to see why Ceci has urgently summoned her. Ceci is still shaken, and tearfully blurts out that Andres, the murderer, has just confessed to her.

Ines' hospital room: GSD and Arnaldo are yelling at each other when hordes of medical personnel rush in to see que the hell is going on. Dr. Linares sternly reminds them they are in a hospital and should take this brawl outside. Arnaldo elects to leave. GSD offers an apology but Dr. L. continues to glare at him.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Lidia and Papa re not making headway in getting information from Ivan regarding the current whereabouts of Leo and Mo. They finally settle for giving Ivan the message to pass along. Ivan is pretending to act professionally polite, but just can't wipe that smirk off his face.

Mo's hospital room: Andres is clarifying that he only confessed to his tio's murder and did not implicate Mo as the person who helped with the body disposal work. Mo is not pacified and says that as soon as Ceci blabs everything to Azul, all Mo's plans to win her back are out the window. Andres counters that he too risks losing Ceci, and that unlike Mo, he actually loves his woman and is not just using her. (Good one, Andres) Mo tries to say he does love Azul and for that reason lied to her. Andres doesn't buy this twised logic and says he prefers that Ceci knows and accepts him as he really is. Mo gets his trademark evil grin and aks if Andres thinks Ceci would accept him if she knew he killed abuelo and Paco in cold blood since those are the murders Diego was referencing. Well, that is the question. Andres stares at him without expression on his getting back to handsome face.

At the park (final scene): Azul continues to console and counsel Ceci about the Andres situation. They both believe that Mo didn't know anything about it and they agree that it's a very sad story. Still, Ceci doesn't know if she can continue with a man carrying so much baggage, and she asks Azul's therapist-in-training advice. Azul wisely counsels her that it's not enough to forgive Andres, she must also be willing to accept him (as the murderer that he is). Then there's the little matter of the Andres and Leo love affair. Azul here counsels that this type of affair can only be ended when a third party enters the picture. I'm not sure of Azul's research into this matter, but Ceci seems to agree. They discuss how Andres cannot bring himself to leave Leo since she's got that deadly disease. Azul says that if GSD doesn't find a cure, both Leo and Mo will surely die. Ever practical, our Ceci says maybe that would be the best solution for all of them. Scene fades out followed by a slew of coming attractions.


Tues 10/9 Destilando Amor: Hey good lookin', whatcha got cookin'

So the two guys are in Rod's office, singing the praises of Gavi and her mom, but Rod would rather talk about business. They practically beg him to go to their expo-fairs. There's one in Europe (Germany, France, and England, whose native languages just happen to be the extra ones that Gaviota speaks, but shhhh don't remind Rodrigo) for organic foods and beverages, and then a tour of cities in the US for boozes & beverages. The one in Europe starts next week, and even though Rodrigo does tequila for a living and was planning to export it abroad anyway, I guess he hasn't given any thought to doing trade shows at all. He loves the idea, though - thinks it could help with his "treatment." He catches himself before he reveals too much, but the two guys are too happy to notice anyway.

Sofia and James are on their way to the Emerald City to ask the Wizard for brains and courage, respectively. Sofia figures that all she needs to do is ask around, and she should have no trouble finding out who Frankie's special lady is. She wants to begin her quest is with Crispin. James nervously begins telling her that he, James, isn't Frankie's favorite person, and that what he's doing could be like declaring an open war on him. This doesn't make Sofia feel any better about her long-held suspicion that James has been holding out on her, out of some sense of male solidarity. He pleads ignorance, but she's on a mission.

She gets out of the truck and approaches Crispin, who is obviously drunk, with his eyeglasses askew. He recognizes her and tells her that Frankie went to the Plaza. Crispy says Frankie's got lots of young lady friends, not just one. He offers her a special drink that's meant to soothe an angry spouse. She takes off, crying a bit, and Crispy mumbles something about how the drink will tighten the biliary ducts (a reference to the humors of yore). She tells James to take her to the Plaza. She says she's gonna kill Frankie. James insists that she's misinterpreting things. She doubts this, and I'm wondering why he's so desperate to keep Sofia from the truth when she already knows more than enough to be hurt. She gets in his truck and covers her face with her hand.

At the CRT, someone named Miller (one of the guys that were in Rod's office, but I'm not sure which one) calls to let Dr. Blondie know that Rod's going to the expos. Dr. Blondie forwards the call to Gaviota and chuckles to himself in a borderline-nefarious manner.

Gavi tells Miller she'll be at the airport to say goodbye to all the CRT tour people. After the call, Gavi tells Dr. Blondie what a great time Miller says he had. Dr. B tells her that Rod is going to the expos in Europe and the USA to promote his tequila, and surely he'll want the help of his right foot (meaning Gavi - I assume that's similar to "right hand" but perhaps without the autoerotic connotation).

He tells her to call Rodrigo and offer him any support from the CRT he might want. This request surprises Gavi, so he tells her to have Nancy do it if necessary, but it has to be done quickly, because the fun starts next week and will last for a month.

Gavi has Nancy call Rod's office to offer that support, but Margarita says that Rodrigo is gone for the day. Gaviota speaks to Marg and asks if Rod said anything about a trip. Marg hasn't heard anything yet. Gav gives Marg the message about the CRT's support, wanting to iron out the details, and tells her that if Rod doesn't want to speak to her, then to please call Nancy instead. And also, Gavi wants to know how Rod is doing. She hopes he's doing well. Marg confides that Rod was agitated at first when he came back from the hacienda, but Daniela came to see him, and he's calmed down since.

Back at Granny's house, Pilar asks Dani what's up with Rodrigo - she's been worried about him. Dani tells Pilar about the counseling. She assures Pilar that Gavi is the victim, not the cause, of Rodrigo's trouble - and if not for all the crap their family pulled, the two of them would be happy together right now. Regardless, Pilar says she'd feel better if Gavi would take up with Dr. Blondie. She's relieved to hear that Rodrigo has decided to stop pursuing her, and hopes Dani will cut off her friendship with Gavi and give all of her support to Rodrigo. Dani says, "I know," but doesn't actually say "I will." She says it's sad that two people who were born to love one another can't experience that love.

Dr. Erika has worn another pretty let's-have-a-picnic dress to the office today. Rodrigo is joking around with her, asking if she's got the instruments and anesthesia ready for his operation. She says they'll work superficially for now, and eventually they'll get to the root of the problem and find out if it's possible to make the pain bearable.

He tells her about his trip and says he'll probably have to suspend his treatments for a month, huh? She says if he takes her advice, then when he comes back he won't need her. He asks whether she's speaking as a doctor, or as Erika. She says as Erika. If she were speaking as the doctor, she'd be trying to set up appointments for as soon as he comes back. He explains about the trip, and she tells him he could have done that over the phone.

Rodrigo is frustrated that he hasn't even paid for a session yet - she's spending time with him and paying for their restaurant meetings. She says that's because she enjoyed their dinners, and when he meets with her in the office he should take it as a small token of friendship from Erika. "Have a nice trip," she says, getting up and extending her hand.

"I can't leave like this," Rodrigo announces dramatically, but it's just one of those idle things people say before a commercial. When we come back it turns out that he wants to know what she was going to say to him last night. It must have been pretty good if she was willing to postpone other appointments to see him. She says something like they couldn't have concluded much in just one session.

He wants to know what they should do. Erika shrugs and says he's the one with the time constraints, not her. He tries to explain in a metaphor: if there were something horribly wrong with his teeth, a dentist could fix them up over a weekend with some intensive work. Can a psychologist do something similar? Laughing, Erika asks if he would spend the weekend at her office. He laughs this off a little too brightly, like when a little kid tries to bluff you and then backpedals like mad when you call his bluff. He jokes that they'd then get a bad case of claustrophobia. Then she says three days in a restaurant wouldn't be an option either, but he likes that idea better, especially if she's going to pay her client's bills.

She says she does have an idea (still laughing nervously, he says "it's not electrical shocks, right?"). She says she sometimes meets with clients at a resort in Tepostlán. A weekend really won't be enough, but they should be able to make some progress, and when he comes back, they can make more appointments. At the very least, it will relieve some of his stress.

She assures him that it's cool, she meets lots of clients there. Rod flops down on the sofa and he hints around that maybe it would be a problem for her family if she gave up a weekend for him. She says it's business, the same as him leaving his family for a month - they understand when it's for business, right? As for her, she assures Rodrigo that she doesn't have a husband... or kids... and her last boyfriend, she left him at a psychiatric clinic in Mazatlan. ("He went crazy?" Rod asks. "No, he's a psychiatrist.")

(I think I missed something somewhere in this scene - either whatever advice she was supposedly offering as Erika rather than as a doctor, or whatever it was that she was going to say to him at the restaurant the previous night.)

Back in James's truck, James says the last thing he wants is for her to damage her relationship with Francisco. (HA!!) She coaxes a little more info out of him: he admits that Frankie is not a saint. He likes to party with lots of women, but there's nothing serious going on - they all know she's his wife and they respect her. (By "respect" I assume he means "have a hearty laugh at.") He promises that if he knew of anything serious, he'd tell her. (I guess screwing around, possibly knocking somebody up, and bringing diseases home doesn't count as something serious as long as they don't get divorced over it.) Unconvinced, Sofia says the girlfriend must be from another village, or maybe in Guadalajara. James knows nothing of such thinks.

"There goes Francisco," Sofia exclaims, jumping out of the truck. "Don't worry about me, go back to the hacienda." (James goes on to visit the Wizard and gets his balls back, as we shall see. Uh, I don't mean we'll see his... oh, never mind.)

Frankie is in the process of flirting with two bimbos on a bench, who want to go to a spa. On seeing Sofia, he immediately sends them away, telling them to say hi to their husbands for him. Sofia knows he was making plans with them, but he tries to turn it around on her, scolding her for scolding him in the street, why you know how these villagers are, it could make trouble with their husbands... Sofia yells at him and says everyone knows about his flirting. He wants to know who is making up such rumors!

A passing bimbo greets him by name, and he offers her a distracted benediction. They argue about whether or not their marriage has gone to hell yet. Embarrassed by her loudness, he begins leading her out of the plaza, away from curious ears.

She dares him to deny that he's popular with the ladies of Tequila. Two more bimbos pass and sweetly tell him he's well accompanied. He tells them to say hi to their parents for him. He tells Sofia of course he's popular among the agave growers and tequila distillers.

He practically drags her along, begging her to drop that attitude - people are looking. She sarcastically remarks that all these women must just be his friends, then? They get to his car, where yet another bimbo says hello - I am laughing so hard I can hardly type. Sofia gets in and ANOTHER bimbo comes by as Frankie tells Sofia to roll up her window.

Sofia complains that it's too hot, he puts on the AC, she screams that she doesn't want the AC and refuses to close her window, so Frankie overrides her and rolls up the mirrored windows himself for privacy. She sarcastically suggests that he turn on the radio really loud too. He likes this idea, but she wants to ask him something first: if all these women here are his "friends," what does he have elsewhere? Where's his favorite girlfriend hidden? "James is poisoning you against me, isn't he?!" He asks Sofia if she ever had to live in the same house as her husband's ex-fiancee. He's got no girlfriends or lover here or anywhere in all of Mexico. And he hopes she doesn't keep talking, or they'll have an accident on the way back to the hacienda. Sofia thinks an accident would be the best thing that could befall them at this point!

They're still arguing when they get home. He's claiming that he's famous due to his excellent work and because Sofia is his wife. (This does not explain why no men greeted him, and nobody greeted Sofia, in the plaza!) Sofia is not impressed with his excuses, but he wants to make things right. "You're going to break up with one of your girlfriends?" No, he thinks they should spend 24 hours a day together. But if she doesn't go for that, then it looks like their marriage is over and she doesn't think it's worth fighting for. She tells him she'll think about it, because she doesn't want to be fighting with him day and night. He says if she has another idea, he'll gladly do whatever she wants. He tries the skunky French on her, and she rejects his nauseating attempted kiss, and takes off to think.

James shows up while Frankie is sipping a dainty glass of sherry. "Thanks for taking Sofia to town to spy on me, I appreciate that a lot." James says it was bound to happen sooner or later. She wasn't going to stay cooped up cooking and ironing for him forever; she already knows just about everything; Frankie should have been more discreet. Frankie tells him to mind his own crops; he knocks over the white king chess piece, ooooooh I'm so scared. He calls James a snitch; undaunted, James denies tattling and says he's seen Sofia suffer a lot because of Frankie, and he told her some things that were on his conscience. He warns that he'd better not see Sofia crying over him again.

(I hope those balls are here to stay, and aren't some sort of novelty dissolving balls the Wizard gave him as a joke.)

It's night time at the Basurio. Rodrigo tells Isa that he's going on a month-long trip and will be leaving her alone, the way she likes. She pretends not to understand what he means about her liking to be alone. He says she can have the whole place to herself and do what she wants. She agrees that that pretty much sums up the pact of their marriage.

He's not crazy about leaving the kid for such a long time, but Isa tells him it'll be okay. It's not the first time he's abandoned his wife and child. He says what really worries him is that Enriqueta might not be around. And he's uneasy about personnel changes in the building - like there's a new night watchman, for example. Isa says yeah, she knows about that - she asked for a new night watchman because the previous one was inattentive. She asked him to do two things and he didn't do them. There wasn't any hot water, and he didn't do anything about it. And then on Sunday she went to the supermarket with the baby, and he wouldn't help her with her bags.

Rod thinks this sounds very odd and unlike the night man - plus, what was she doing out so late with the baby? (Needed diapers and milk.)

(Night watchman mystery solved!)

Then Rod tells her he's only going to be around till the end of the week - he's spending the weekend at a resort in la Sierra de Tepostlán to unwind before his trip.

Isa asks him to cut the crap. Does he distrust her? (Rodrigo seems confused.) What does he think he has on her? Because, she says emphatically, she hasn't been up to anything. Bemused, Rod gets up for dinner.

At home, Gavi pours herself a nice tall glass (okay, it's just a regular caballito) of Rodrigo's tequila and flashes back to when he showed her the label with her kiss on it.

(Funny - I just noticed the tequila is sort of reposado-colored. Does this mean there's already a blanco? Or did they not bother with a blanco?)

Meanwhile, at the Basurio, Rodrigo flashes back to Gavi telling him (in front of Dr. Blondie) to stop being so jealous, and that she wants to be with a normal person. Then he flashes back to Erika telling him that if he doesn't confront his fear, he can't solve his impotence, his jealousy, his relationship with Gaviota. He has to be willing to find out for himself if there isn't another woman out there for him.

Frankie is watching maybe a telenovela when Sofia comes in and offers him a second and final chance. He kisses her hand for so long that I begin to suspect that he's stalling for time. Then he strokes her face, and gives her chaste little kisses, and strokes her hair while she stands there like a block of wood. Fortunately, we don't see any more of this.

It's the next day. Nancy reports that Rodrigo hasn't called back yet. At Montalvo Corp., Rod tells Marg to set up a meeting with his executives for first thing tomorrow, and asks about his travel plans. (He's leaving for Frankfort at 6 on Monday afternoon.) As for returning Gavi's call, he's not sure what to do. Marg says that Gavi also wanted to know how he was doing, and to call Nancy if he didn't want to speak to Gavi. Rodrigo says he'll email Nancy instead.

At the CRT, Gaviota, Dr. Blondie, and some other people are talking about getting chefs for the expos. Unfortunately, they can't get the people they want on such short notice. Who can they get that will be able to come up with tequila-based dishes? Dr. Blondie has a solution: he'll do it. See, he's an expert chef.

I apologize to certain people for mentioning La Fea Mas Bella yet again, but just in case you were wondering why you felt the ground reverberate at this moment: It was the thud of every Aldo-disliker hitting the floor, convulsing with derisive laughter.

Shortly thereafter, Nancy gets a call from Margarita, and an email shows up on her screen. Gaviota leans over her shoulder to read:
To whom it may concern: I appreciate the interest you expressed regarding my impending trip to the US and Europe; be advised that I won't require any assistance or support from the CRT for this launch. I've already contracted with the necessary outlets to promote Ardiente Pasion independently. At the same time, be advised that I will no longer be using the services of your institution's Public Relations department. Respectfully, Rodrigo Montalvo.
As she reads, Gavi imagines Rodrigo dictating this message to Margarita. She takes the phone from Nancy and scolds Marg and asks what's up with this outrageous email saying that Montalvo doesn't want anything to do with the CRT. Marg seems surprised by Gavi's anger and says she was just following orders. Gav wants to speak to Rod, but he refuses the call. Gavi says, "Fine - just tell him we got the message." Smiling, Rod wants to know what Gavi said, and is glad to hear that she was annoyed. He instructs Marg not to pass him any more calls or messages from the CRT, especially from Mariana. "Especially from her," he repeats.

Super-plus impactada, Gaviota delivers the shocking news to Dr. Blondie that Rodrigo has fired them. Dr. B keeps a poker face and says "sorry." She says she knows it's not the end of the world, but he says it must seem that way. He hands her a hanky and tries to cheer her up by reminding her of how humorous she found his claim of being an expert chef. This seems to work. Nancy comes in, and Gavi laughingly repeats it to Nancy. Gavi tells her how desperate they were to find a chef, and now their boss is going to make up recipes that are based on tequila. Nancy finds this even more humorous.

"If you think that's so funny, you can both try out my dishes tomorrow night at my house." Nancy snickers that he's got a screw loose, and Gaviota worries about indigestion, but they stifle themselves as best they can because it's unwise to offend the cook.


Hili breaks up with SanWanna... again.
Dani gives Gavi a detailed status report of Rod's treatment and whereabouts.
Gavi throws a tantrum at Dr. Blondie, as any mature, capable businesswoman would do.


Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Juan Q 10/09 "Falsehood is easy, Truth so Difficult"

Paula finds herself once again under the spell of CL. The couch in her office gets some use and now I’m going to cringe whenever anyone sits on it. CL tells Paula that the only thing that’s going to end is her circus of a relationship with Juan. He knows she’s doing it just to bother him. I guess calling Paula on her crap doesn’t put her in the mood. She shoves away CL and tells him to think what he wants. She will not give him an explanation. It’s Paula’s life and she’ll do what she wants. (Doesn’t she sound like one of those kids on Montel? You know, the ones they send to “bootcamp”? “It’s my life and I don’t care that I’m only thirteen. I’m going to do what I want to do and you can’t stop me!”) Paula claims that what happened with CL this evening has not changed her feelings for Juan. CL thinks that Paula’s just saying this to bother CL. Juan’s not the guy for her. Paula spits back that she likes Juan. He fascinates her and surprises her and not with the type of surprises that CL gives. CL replies that they both know she’s just doing this to get back at him. Paula tells him to think what he wants. She escorts CL out of her office. One can hope that this is the sign of some clarity, but with this heroine it’s highly doubtful. CL leaves the office, and Paula won’t look at him.

At the Cachon house, Nidia makes small talk with Gutierrez. She asks him why he’s never come over before. He replies that he hasn’t been invited. Alirio pipes in that Gutierrez is very shy. Nidia proudly says that makes him just like Marely. I join Marely, who’s sitting at the table not buying a bit of this conversation. Gutierrez asks for Yadira; he brought her a gift. Nidia says that she’ll call Yadira who’s going to be so happy that Gutierrez is here. Here’s a fun phrase for somebody to translate “Traes agacha maca volando a nivel de piso.” Any suggestions? I get that loosely Alirio is telling Gutierrez “I told you so” about Nidia. Gutierrez can’t believe it went so well. Alirio congratulates himself for keeping his word. He notices Marely at the table and walks over to greet her. Alirio introduces Gutierrez but Marely won’t even shake his hand.

Yadira prepares herself for dinner. Nidia thinks that Yadira is going to knock Gutierrez off his feet. Yadira’s more worried about whether Kike will show up to the dinner. Nidia assures Yadira that he will. Nidia tells Yadira to trust her mother. Nidia makes some “adjustments” to Yadira’s dress and off they go to dinner.

Sometimes I just adore Marely. She makes small talk with Gutierrez, asking if he’s the one who sent the flowers. He confirms and asks Marely like them. Marely confirms that she did, but Yadira did not. Alirio jumps in and says he personally spoke with Yadira and she was very impressed with the flowers. Marely jumps in and says that Yadira told her something completely different. At that moment, two-thirds of the Cachon clan enter the room. It’s pretty obvious that Gutierrez likes the dress, and Nidia’s adjustments.

CL comes home to a sleeping Monica. He notices that there are pills on the nightstand. He sits next to his wife and covers her bare shoulders, but the he’s thinking of Paula. I think it’s possible that Paula’s thinking of him too.

The instructor hands out the exams. She gives the usual lecture, no cheating or you fail, etc. Juan takes one look at the exam and realizes that he’s going to have some problems. He thinks it’s the teacher because not even the Nobel Prize winner in mathematics would be able to pass this. The teacher stands at the front of the room and tells the students that they have half an hour to complete the problems. Nobody can believe it. Juan stands up for the class and tells the professor that a half hour is not enough time. The professor asks if anyone agrees with Juan. Nobody is willing to suffer the professor’s wrath. The professor tells him to sit down and take the exam. She advises everyone that because of the interruption there’s now only twenty minutes. Juan cannot believe that no one took his side when he tried to help them.

Kike asks Juan how it went. They both agree that it went poorly. Juan yells at Kike for not standing up with him about the time limit. Kike thinks it’s better to survive a coward, then face the professor. The men think about all this course is costing them. Kike points out that they are bettering themselves, for love. Juan wanted to go see Paula, but it’s too late. Kike says that he’s going to the house because Nidia invited him to come over to talk. The men get in the truck to leave.

At the Cachon residence there’s talk of getting some fresh air at a ranch. Gutierrez asks Yadira if she would like to go. She stutters and Alirio jumps in to say that Yadira would love to go. Gutierrez thinks they should organize something for tomorrow. Kike and Juan enter the room. Yadira immediately asks Ramon (Gutierrez) if he wants some more dessert. Kike pretends not to be bothered, but it’s not working.

In the office, Nidia apologizes to Kike for delaying their chat. An unexpected visit occurred. Nidia goes on about how Gutierrez is a good friend of Alirio’s who came to visit Yadira. Kike asks if Gutierrez is a relative. Nidia says that Gutierrez is not and that he’s friends with Yadira. Kike wants to know what type of friends. Nidia says that she’ll tell the truth. Gutierrez is interested in Yadira. Nidia said that she asked Yadira for permission to bring over Gutierrez. Kike flips out when Nidia confirms that Yadira did give her permission. He claims that there’s nothing between him and Yadira. The fire between him and Yadira destroyed everything. Nidia points out that Kike’s acting jealous. Kike tries to turn the subject back to what Nidia originally wanted. Nidia begs off, saying she needs to attend to her son-in-law… Gutierrez.

Juan prays before going to bed. He’s having a good day. After so many battles, he’s finally one over his princess. He happily thinks of his Paula and drifts off to sleep.

CL and Monica dine in the apartment. He tells her that he didn’t know that she took pills to sleep. She replies that she only takes them when something serious keeps prevents her from sleeping. For example, when she realizes that her marriage is crumbling. CL grabs her hand and tells her not to exaggerate. She needs to get back to work to get her mind straight. Monica says that she’s imagining terrible things. For one thing, she’s imagining that CL is in love with Paula. Queue the “oh **** I’m caught” impactada face.

Paula and Ana share an equally cold dinner. Paula wants her mother to talk to Paula about something, anything. My goodness, is that an ugly sweater. Ana asks about the ring. Paula says that it was a gift. Ana asks if it was from Juan and Paula reluctantly confirms. Ana stays silent.

CL tells Monica that she’s making grave accusations. Monica replies that she can’t help it. She took his reactions to Paula and his poor attitude and put two and two together. Paula’s always present. He’s temperamental and unpleasant whenever Paula’s around, and especially if Paula’s with Juan. CL lamely replies that Paula rubs him the wrong way. CL once again puts the blame on Monica; she’s always the one who wants to talk about Paula. CL points out that Monica was the one who retained Paula when Paula quit. His use of the Socratic method is quite impressive. He asks Monica if she doesn’t think that if he was in love with Paula, he would have done everything possible to keep her at his side. Monica buys his argument hook, line and sinker. CL says that he’s going to work. He tells Monica that she’s imagining things that don’t exist. Neither Farrell looks to sure about the outcome of the conversation.

Paula tries to explain the ring. Juan gave her the ring because she and Juan are a couple. Ana doesn’t like it. Paula points out that Juan is someone very special to her. Ana retorts that Paula’s not in love. Paula says that there’s care, friendship and attraction. Ana thinks it will never be real as long as CL has Paula in his clutches. She warns Paula to stop using Juan. Paula says that she’ll speak with Juan. Ana doesn’t believe it; she’s heard it before. Paula asks for time. Ana says that Paula won’t have to listen to Ana anymore after tomorrow. She’s going to Monterrey for a week, and possibly longer.

Alirio begs Nidia to stop making the eggs so bland. Nidia doesn’t want to hear it. She did get up early on a Saturday to make him breakfast. He should be more grateful. Nidia asks the girls if they like that Alirio wants slaves. Alirio protests, but Nidia won’t let him have a word. Juan and his tacky tattoo enter the dining room. Marely stares at it while Juan goes on about working over the weekend. Nidia points out this to Alirio; a man working on the weekend. Marely continues to sit there and bristle over the tattoo. Nidia goes to get some Juan and salsa. Yadira asks about Juan’s tattoo. He proudly reads it to her. Poor Marely; she begins to cry in her seat.

Paula wants to know why Ana didn’t say anything. Ana says that she didn’t know about it. She asks Paula to come with her to Monterrey and take the director’s position. Paula says that she already has work. Ana puts on a guilt trip. She says that Paula doesn’t care about what Ana says. Paula denies this.

Methinks that Yadira doesn’t like the tattoo. Alirio doesn’t like that Juan would mark up his body with ink. Nidia demands that they give more respect to Juan. She asks what the tattoo means. Marely responds that it’s obvious what it means. Juan thought bubbles that it’s the moment of truth. He has to tell the family about Paula. He stand to make the announcement. Yadira goes back to her food. Marely looks sick. Nidia, worried.

Ana thinks that this separation will be healthy. They’ve been fighting a lot and this will prevent them from hating each other. Paula denies that this could ever happen. Ana’s sure that it could. They can put some distance between each other and think. Ana says that she has to follow this path. She tells Paula that Paula’s now a woman. Paula loving hugs and kisses her mother.

Juan goes on about his relationship. He doesn’t know how it happened, but now they’re very much in love. Alirio asks if Juan’s for sure talking about Paula Davila. Juan claims that the tattoo proves that the relationship will be forever. Nidia warns Juan to be careful with the word forever. Marley comes to Juan’s defense and says that Paula’s not only in Juan’s heart, but his skin as well. Juan asks Nidia for a favor. He wants to know if he may bring Paula here, as his future wife. The ladies are i-m-p-a-c-t-d-o.

Juan doesn’t understand everyone’s reaction. He thinks that he’ll never forget these disillusioned faces. Nidia tells Juan that it’s his house, and he may bring home whomever he wants, including his girlfriend. Yadira observes a mournful Marely.

Monica calls the Davila house. Ana answers and hands the phone to a reluctant Paula. Monica apologizes for calling. She says that she needs to urgently speak with Paula in person. Monica says that she only needs about twenty minutes. They agree to meet in an hour.

Marely cries in her room. Juan enters to talk with her. She asks if it’s about his future wife. He wants to talk about the ring. Marely points out that she knew the ring wasn’t for her. Juan says that he observed that Marely was suffering. Marely claims that it’s something else that’s bothering her, but she refuses to tell Juan. Juan tells Marely that if she knows something he doesn’t then she must tell him. He begs her. She continues to refuse. She asks if this was all because she has to study. The Juan of the future tells us that if Marely had told him, it would have caused him great pain but Marely’s not the type of woman to hurt another.

Juan exits Marely’s bedroom. This time he’s caught by Nidia. Juan denies that it was anything, he can’t disrespect his love. Nidia doesn’t care about that; she warns him to leave her daughter alone.

Nidia enters the bedroom and comforts a crying Marely. Nidia gives her best tomorrow is another day speech to Marely. Marely continues to cry. Nidia pulls Marely to her and says they will cry together.

Paula comes down the stairs to find her mother dressed and ready to go to the cemetery. Paula asks Ana to wait so they may go together. Ana says that she prefers to go alone, but she can give Paula a lift. The phone rings. Paula tells Ana not to answer it. Ana answer anyways. It’s a very cheerful Juan. Juan thinks that Paula’s answered. Ana tells him that she’ll give the phone to Paula. Paula unhappily takes the phone. She tells Juan that tonight she’s going out with her mother. Juan invites them over to the house for dinner. He explains that Nidia’s okay with this plan. He says that he told the whole family about him and Paula. Paula says she has to ask her mother and they’ll talk later. Juan tells her to think about him.

CL asks Monica if she wants company. Monica tells him not to, because she knows he hates the supermarket. He asks her to take her phone so he can call if she leaves. She kisses his head and frigidly walks out of the apartment.

CL immediately picks up the phone and dials Paula.

Kike sits in what must be his apartment, doing homework. He thinks about Yadira and Gutierrez. He thinks to himself that he can’t believe it would bother him. He slams down Yadira’s picture and runs away.

Nidia’s moved on to the other sister. Yadira doesn’t think that her flirtation with Gutierrez affected Kike. Nidia tells Yadira that Kike’s lost. She asked Yadira if she liked Gutierrez even a little bit. Yadira did not. She can’t believe Gutierrez invited her to his ranch. Nidia changes the subject to a worse problem, Juan. Yadira points out what Juan’s announcement did to Marely. Nidia proudly points out that Juan’s relationship does not have a future. Yadira catches on that Nidia knows something that she’s not telling. Nidia tells Yadira that she’s not giving up the secret.

Nidia and Juan run into each other. They both want to talk to each other. He tells Nidia that he wanted to invite the Davila’s to dinner tonight. Nidia doesn’t answer, but she asks Juan if he’s sure about his relationship. He’s very sure. Nidia asks if Paula feels the same.

Monica gives a speech about confronting circumstances. She tells Paula that she’s having problems with CL. Paula doesn’t understand what this has to do with her. Monica comes right out and asks if Paula and CL are lovers.

Desmoronando – crumbling, falling to pieces
Encajoso – Creep

*George Eliot


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