Sunday, October 21, 2007

Amar Oct 19 - Eva is losing her grip

Yesterday Morticia found one of the buttons from her son’s shirt in Katy’s toys. Today she is groaning to Diego at the billar about it.

Some other things from yesterday (Karen has unfortunately been unable to post the last couple weeks, hope all is well Karen) – Ivan was summoned to Prague and Boris demands that Ivan show his loyalty to Boris by killing Eva. Boris was convinced by Mo that Eva is acting outside the interests of their gang, and Ivan manages to slip up enough to confirm to Boris that Eva wants out. All due to her completely improbable love for Diego. Whatever. Azul tricked Arnaldo and GSD into Ines’s room at the same time so they can talk, they do start talking but accomplish nothing really. Leo cuts up one of Andres’s shirts, then goes to the boutique and tells Ceci that Katy did it trying to make doll clothes, she cozies up to Ceci and manages to make friends with her, just to stick around and be a pain later. Big dumb move by Ceci here, accepting Leo’s manipulations here. I’ll fill in anything else as it comes up, that’s all I remember at the moment.

Diego shows up at Azul’s place and they argue again, he tells her to get away from Mo. She gets all pissed off and tells Diego that in a couple days she is getting married to Mo. He begs for time to prove that Mo is a louse. She acts really bitchy and tells him to leave.

Boris tells Ivan that he can take over Eva’s place after he kills her. Ivan says that especially since Eva is Boris’s blood, she doesn’t deserve pardon.

Lidia is rolling around on her bed holding a little girl’s pillow covered with hearts, talking to Piero on the phone. He is back in the big empty white house. They are discussing their setup, Piero is talking in the biggest room of the house to make sure his voice carries throughout the house. He is telling her to be patient, she wants him to get some money in a hurry. Lucia walks close enough to hear him as he talks about taking her money, she gets all bug-eyed and impactada. Why should she be surprised?

Mo interrogates Katy about what Silvana was asking her about. He hints that she doesn’t have to keep seeing Silvana, but Katy wants to. Azul arrives and interrupts them, Katy runs off. She tells Mo that she told Diego that she and Mo were going to get married. Mo takes it as an invitation and gets all emotional. Azul says no, she just told Diego that, she didn’t mean for it to happen. Mo tries to talk her into it anyway. She balks, he backs off but at the same time wants her to say yes or no right now. She asks for time and he looks all grumpy about it.

Diego talks to Lidia and Manuel. They are talking in circles, they all repeat different lies and truths that they have heard or told or been told. Manuel thinks he’s about to go back to work. If Lidia and Piero are working it out, he’s getting his job back, right?

Lucia makes nice with Piero. They rehash his history and immigration options again. She finishes by saying that the only reason he isn’t still in jail is because she is helping him. She asks him to bring her a new coffee because this one is cold, like him. Oh, burn.

Diego tells Manuel to talk to his mom and straighten it out. Manuel says fine, when I see her. Diego reproaches him (since he’s such an expert on love) and says he has to go look for her to show proper interest. He left out that they should fight and break up and lie to each other, like he does.

Andres and Ceci show up at Mo’s to find Andres’s new room. Mo is very nice to Ceci and offers his hospitality. After the girls leave, Mo tells Andres that Diego says he has proof from Eva about Mo’s bad medicine (cue Bon Jovi). Mo tells Andres that they are going to use Ceci to get rid of Eva. How? That will wait until later, says the background music.

Silvana tells Emilia the same deal about finding her son’s button in Katy’s toys and getting no information from Katy about it. Emilia, from her office and not having talked to the little girl, nevertheless manages to diagnose Katy with post traumatic shock. She tells Silvana that even if Katy can’t remember when she’s awake, she probably remembers in dreams. So… -

We immediately see Katy sleeping and having a bad dream. How convenient. She remembers her mother getting run off the road, lots of screaming. Then Mo shows up, the mama is still alive begging for Mo, he just gets Katy out of the car. Katy takes Nico’s button on the way out of the car. Leo and Andres are there to help Mo, they see that Nico is still alive but Mo just drives off with Katy anyway. Finally she makes enough noise in her dream, screaming for her mommy, that Azul comes in and wants to know what she dreamed about. She starts to tell Azul about it, then Mo walks in and Katy clam up. Mo asks what she dreamed about, Katy says nothing. I think Katy’s eyes have been opened a bit about her ‘loving’ father. She wants Azul to stay with her, Mo jumps in and says ‘we’ll both stay.” Neither girl looks thrilled at that.

Diego has told his mom the truth about Manuel’s excellent adventure at the billar, she doesn’t understand why he would act like such an ass. And if any of you out there say ‘because he’s a man’ then I will violently disagree. Because he’s an idiot, sure. Sorry, I hear my fair share of man bashing at work and it makes me crazy. I don’t pull any of that crap. Anyway. Clemencia agrees to talk to Manuel since they have been married for so long, etc etc. Diego tells her that Lidia and Piero are going to live together like they should. Yeah right. Being a Moran must make you a MorOn. They act like fools and believe anything anybody tells them. Not Clemencia, but she doesn’t have any of Manuel’s mentally challenged blood in her veins, just the kids.

Now that they are alone, Andres gets all over Ceci and wants some action. I’m guessing somebody is about to walk in without knocking. Ah yes, Leo drifts in through the open door. And I mean open, it wasn’t just unlocked, it was hanging wide open. The happy couple jumps off the bed like teenagers getting caught making out. Cripes this whole thing is going to get old fast, the ‘Let’s pretend to not be together around Leo so we don’t hurt her feelings’ or whatever it is.

Azul and Mo have already abandoned Katy, who they promised to stay with, as they are talking in another room. Azul says Katy needs some therapy, Mo says she doesn’t. Azul wants her to remember the accident to work through it, Mo angrily says he doesn’t want her to remember. Now we know why of course. He immediately starts badgering Azul to marry him so that he can die in peace and Katy can have a mom. How romantic, how can she say no to that? “Please commit to being someone’s mother for no reason other than giving me peace of mind while I die.” Wow how can you say no to that. Then he fakes falling down so that she will go help him and he can try and kiss her. She doesn’t let him. I’m sure that he’ll kiss her eventually, and it will happen where Diego can see it, and make the show another month longer. Dammit, wasn’t I the one defending this show a few weeks ago? I was saying how even if some of the people were dumb at least stuff HAPPENED? How wrong I was. They hired all the Heridas and Duelo writers that couldn’t get any other work after those shows went on the air and now we’re being treated to more of the same. If someone accidentally says ‘Bertha’ instead of ‘Eva’ or Azul yells at “Emilioooo” by accident, my theory will be proven correct. Now this show is a slowly dying dog and I couldn’t be more disappointed. I can see the ‘twists’ and ‘surprises’ before they happen because we’re falling into the same old routines as other shows. Bah. At least I have something to complain about.

Diego whines to his mom about Azul.

GSD is still NOT finding a cure, he comes to see Emilia. He wants to know about Diego and Azul and Silvana or whatever and Emilia says she can’t tell him. They agree that Diego is a loser and they were both wrong about him. She says she met Arny and she liked him. GSD harrumphs and says they talked today and didn’t kiss and make up but made some progress. He admits that Azul set it up, he didn’t go looking for him.

Andres and Ceci are alone again, eating the food that Leo brought them. They didn’t worry that it was poisoned? I wouldn’t eat anything that woman has touched. After begging her to not tell anyone and Ceci saying she is a tomb and nothing will be told to anyone ever, Andres tells Ceci that Mo hired Diego because he saved Mo’s life, Ceci knew that. Andres says Mo only has one enemy, Eva. So they think it was Eva that tried to shoot him and it was all a setup and Diego was in on it. All an elaborate scheme to trick Mo into hiring Diego. Suuuure. Well it makes sense in novelaland.

Ivan arrives in Mexico, calls Eva, and tells her he needs to see her alone, as per orders from Boris.

The next morning Ceci tells Azul the whole thing she talked about with Andres the night before. So much for being a tomb. They are eating breakfast, perhaps the key to her vault is cereal, the same way that Elaine from Seinfeld spills her guts after a few drinks. So Ceci spills the whole theory and Azul believes it, of course. She gets all weepy and dramatic. Now she thinks Diego was working for Eva the entire time he was after her. Azul has some orange flashbacks about dreamy Diego and gets even more weepy. The two girls can’t believe that Diego would play with her love that way. More crying. Azul swear she won’t be so stupid any more. Sure.

Andres walks into his room in a towel, you ladies are all pleased, Leo is sitting on a chair in the room admiring him. He yells at her for not giving him any privacy. I agree with him. She isn’t even dressed, she’s in a robe. He wants her to respect his relationship with Ceci, Leo says she deserves respect too, he shouldn’t bring Ceci here. He tells her to butt out. She says he’s taking his job, given to him by Mo, of being with Ceci just to get info very seriously. She pulls his towel off, he still tells her to get out. Finally someone does something I can agree with. If that scary woman tried putting the moves on me, I’d be screaming for help. She leaves, finally.

Diego is at his morning training, Efrain (that’s Gaspar’s dad, right?) sees the guy that was arrested for killing Abuelo and starts to freak out, Diego talks him down with the news that Eva sprung him, he wasn’t the killer. Diego explains that Mo is trying to exert control over him.

Eva yells at the sleazy lawyer. Something about proving to Diego that she isn’t as bad as Mo.

Andres comes back to Leo’s room to get his belt. He finds the cut up shirt. He blames her, jut like the bleached jacket. Leo says neither was her. She blames Katy. Andres yells at her that he’s young and doesn’t want to be with an old hag like her. Well that was the message, if not the actual words. After he leaves she gets an envelope out of the side table and takes a picture out of it, must be some old picture of Andres or something.

Azul is whining to Emilia about Diego and about the whole thing Ceci told her. Azul then says she wants to help Katy like a shrink. I’m sure that will work out well.

Isela and Silvana have dinner. Silvana was out walking and being morbid, Isela tries to comfort her. Isela tells her she’ll get married again, Silvana says maybe Isela will get married first? Isela says with who? Maybe Anibal, or maybe (she gets a goofy voice) one of Gloria’s hotline clients? Ha that was actually pretty funny. Silvana says she’s going to cancel the hotline. So, if that happens, the entire hotline story was pretty much all about nothing. Or did Gloria run off with a hotline customer? I can’t remember.

Clemencia tells Diego that she talked with Manuel. I guess we didn’t get to see that part. Oh, she just talked to him briefly and they agreed to talk later. Diego says he’s going to make her some special clothes.

Azul and Emilia now discuss GSD and Arny. These two are the biggest metiches I have ever seen. Cripes. They sit there and decide who is right and wrong, then decide what they are going to do about it. Azul starts crying about Ines still being in a coma.

GSD talks to a comatose Ines at the hospital, filling her in on current events. How’s that cure coming, doc? We go back and forth between Azul/Emilia and GSD/Ines. He is talking about Azul, she is talking about him and Ines. Then she goes on about Mo. Nothing new. Just weepy tortured BS.

Diego reports to Eva. Hasn’t Ivan arrived yet? Eva shows Diego the listening station where they can listen to Mo’s house. Just then, coincidentally, sleazy lawyer is talking to Mo about some bad medicine (cue Bon Jovi). This is what she set up with the lawyer in that previous scene. Mo knows he is being listened to I guess, he claims to not know what the guy is talking about. He goes on about how Eva wants to control the Moran family, he completely flips it all around on Eva, who is quite impactada. He pulled that off quite well. Eva says Mo must suspect something, something is wrong. Diego says to quit lying to him. Eva makes excuses. Diego says when she has proof on paper to give him, call him, otherwise, leave him alone.

Eva is walking outside somewhere, maybe this is where she is supposed to meet Ivan. Ah yes, there he is. He says that they had to meet here and alone because Boris sent a bullet for her! He raises his gun and of course doesn’t just shoot her, he stands there and gives her a chance to act all impactada. Ivan’s hand gets shaky.

Julio leaves to see Arny, Ceci and Gaspar are happy. Andres shows up, Ceci is happy even more. Gaspar is jealous as Julio leaves happy and Ceci and Andres kiss, he says “don’t eat in front of someone on a diet!” Nice way to put it. Of course, leo shows up. She is all done up in younger looking clothes and her hair done like a younger woman. She tells Ceci to get what they were looking at yesterday. Going back to my rant earlier about borrowing Heridas and Duelo writers, doesn’t this smack of when Bertha went and got plastic surgery to look younger? Leo obviously has ALREADY had plenty of plastic surgery, but now she is trying the look younger part. Ceci starts to walk away and Leo trips her and acts like it was an accident. Leo tries to act all seductive to Andres. She is even scarier than before.

Eva gets all weepy and tells Ivan to get on with it. Ivan says no, he would never kill her. He couldn’t. He tells her he loves her. He only lives for her. She hugs him. I expect that she will just continue to completely use him and not return his feelings. She gives him a kiss but doesn’t look like she is enjoying it. Ivan sure is, though. Eva starts to get into it a little bit more but I still don’t believe anything has changed with her. People do strange things when they narrowly escape death.

Mo tells Azul he is going to send Katy to an orphanage to keep her away from Eva and her people. Azul says no, but Mo says that he knows that Azul doesn’t love him, he wants her away from him too, for her safety. Of course, she says no way, she is going to stay close to him, and she accepts his marriage proposal. Jeez Azul can’t you even make it difficult to manipulate you? I’m surprised Mo can contain his smug smile at how easily his plan worked.

Monday – Still in the woods, Eva is telling Ivan again to shoot her. She is half or more undressed, did they just get busy in the woods? She tells Ivan that after he kills her, he needs to take documents to Diego so he knows Eva never lied to him. That’s what I would want to hear after finally nailing the woman I have lusted after forever, how much she cares about some other dude. Also, Isela tells Silvana that she’s going to get all dolled up and go try and get Anibal back. GSD gets jumped by a bunch of guys in ski masks and taken away. That all looks like a lot of action, but I expect the other 99% of the show to be talking/crying/whining/lying. Enjoy.


Saturday, October 20, 2007

Destilando Amor, 10/19/07: No Gavi, None of the Time!

Rod has surprised Erika in her office and is pacing back and forth excitedly jabbering a hundred miles an hour to her about the fabulous success and acceptance that he had promoting his new tequila. He says it is just the moment to make a change in his life since Ricardo will pay off his debt shortly and then he will be able to get his freedom from Isadora.

His priority will now be himself. (Sorry, but what is new about that, Rod?) He'll become an independent businessman and own his own tequila manufacturing and distributing company. It's all due to her coaching and advice. Erika, secretly crossing all her fingers and toes, asks him where Gaviota fits into his plans. Rod says later on they will have to think about what will happen with Gaviota since now, no she is clearly not a part of his future.

Back at the hacienda, an angry Frankie asks Ofelia who opened his mail and when she says it was Sofia he orders her to go fetch her for him. James walks in to remind Francisco that the copper sulfate has to be sprayed again, and it's particularly important now since there have been outbreaks in the surrounding area reported recently. Frankie rudely tells him he knows by now what his responsibilities are. James backs off and grumbles under his breath.

Back to Erika's office. For spite, in a gesture that definitely rates a 12+ on the mean and nasty scale of 1-10, Rod gives Erika his recognition award from the promotional tour. (Rod, I am so going to enjoy it when the anvils of retribution right the wrongs you have so ruthlessly committed these past four years, and especially these past few weeks. You're gonna be eatin' so much humble tarta. I have grand visions of plagued agave plants, bankruptcy, and much grovelling at the feet of the new head of P.R. at the CRT while you're desperately trying to save the reputation of the Montalvo brand....) Erika, somewhat brighter than the average Burly Bear, doesn't accept it at first and demurely says it should go to Gaviota.

Rod tells Erika that he will take her rejection as a slight. "Why don't you want it, because it has my name on it?" He says it should be hers for having "cured" him through her (miraculous, condensed and transient) therapy sessions. She must agree 'cuz she accepts the gift immediately, throwing any semblance of caution out the proverbial window, and places it on the credenza behind her desk.

Rod insists on seeing her again the next day. She gives him a feeble "I'll be too busy". He asks if she doesn't want them to see each other anymore. She stutters over some non-answer which he cavalierly ignores. He kisses her on the cheek and walks out the door saying he'll call her tomorrow. (What?? Dr. Erika, therapeutic top doc of the D.F., doesn't see the pattern in his manic behavior?? To wit: Rod feeling insecure; Rod hearing bad gossip about his girlfriend; Rod believing gossip and not girlfriend; Rod running to nearest gorgeous available female; Rod spitefully entering relationship with said "other woman"; Rod devastating girlfriend but later wanting her back; and Rod saying to hell with the other woman in totally jackass-style chauvinistic, spoiled, rich-boy triumph.) Erika hugs the plaque looking like she's just hit the sexy charm jackpot with Mr. Mania. (And now he's her man-ia.)

Frankie confronts Sofia for opening his mail and calls it a crime (who should know better than the Fraudster?) and a nasty invasion of his privacy. "Oh, so now I'll have to deal with your lawyer?" "--Don't kid around, Sofie." Sof says it shouldn't matter unless he's got something to hide and by the way, just why does he owe so much money and why is he behind on his payments? Frankie is so damn fast on his feet, he never fails to entertain with chutzpah up to his eye-balls and then some. "--Well, to keep up my image, of course!" Then the weasle throws the blame onto greedy BIL, Rod.

In yet another oscar-winning performance the great de la Vega complains that HE could have taken a great paying job in Japan, but NO-O-O!! HE chose to stay there sweating like a horse on the hacienda to please Sofia. However, don't worry about him. He plans to take out a loan from the bank to pay it all off, even has a lunch meeting with the bank manager planned to discuss it. Why??? Because HE IS NOT A KEPT MAN! And with that he exits, stage right.

Rod arrives home and spies the brand new BMW sedan sitting in Isadora's parking space. Belisario reports to him that the car was purchased the past week by his wife and that nobody visited her except Minnie and Fedra. In fact she has to be pretty lonely because she hardly even left the apartment. Rod considers this as strangely suspicious.

Across town Hilario is playing Truth or Dare with his two little girlfriends. He answers their question about wanting to ever get married. "Not in your wildest dreams."

We cut to the couch at Casandra's where San Juana is caught napping as the boss lady walks in. San Juana says she's been extremely tired lately, figures it's worms and is ready to take a home remedy. Casandra says she has a much better idea and will take her to the doctor's office instead. (That works for me.....)

Rod gets home and begins playing with little Ricky. He shows him the presents that he brought home for him and pointedly gives the maid a gift of perfumed lotion, but he purposely ignores Isa. She has to ask twice if there is a little something for her. Rod says no, since he has no idea what she likes and besides she has a credit card for things she wants, like the pretty car she just bought. (And he had the gall to tell Gavi that he wasn't a millionaire?) Isa gets her nose all out of joint and says she got tired of waiting for him to trade in the other and anyway, she deserves something for being the mother of his child. She walks out and leaves Rod to smirk.

Next morning Aaron has another fit about the fall in prices on the market and is ranting at the traders who are apparently speculating on the futures market. Bruno walks in about this time with Medina to assist in getting his books in order for review and repayment of Aaron's loan during tomorrow's business meeting. Aaron screams he wants to wait till Friday when Oñate returns, but Bruno refuses. As he leaves he says hopefully what Aaron's just lost won't interfere with the repayment of the loan to the corporation.

Aaron breaks another cell phone on Medina's desk and screams at the traders to start buying even though they're telling him to sell everything. Rod walks in and complains that whatever Aaron's doing it is risking the solvency of the corporation. They snipe at each other and Rod asks if it's true he'll be repaying the loan the next day. Aaron screams frantically to let him just do his job. Rod leaves.

Rod asks Margarita again if there were any calls from the CRT. She reports that there was one call. He is extremely interested in knowing who it was from and gets depressed after hearing that it was only Nancy calling on behalf of Dr. Santoveña, and that no, she didn't leave a message. He of the brutal, major league brush-off last month says to himself that it's clear, as far as he's concerned, that Gavi has completely forgotten him. (Dunno, but it seems this guy's elevator is still stuck somewhere a floor or two shy of the penthouse.)

At the same time over at the CRT's P.R. department, Gavi is asking Nancy who called so far for her. Nancy answers everybody except Ing. Montalvo. She tells Nancy it doesn't matter now that the so-and-so means nothing to her anymore.

Dani is waiting for Rod in his office. She's impactada to hear that Rod gave his award to Erika. Dani asks Rod what he's going to do about the hacienda if he stays in the city to start his own tequila business. He says he'll leave it in James' hands. She asks if his plans include Gavi. He says he's decided to kick her to the curb. He refuses to fall into that same deep, dark pit and jealous Hell. He doesn't need or want the upset. Anyway, it was Dani who set him up with the great Dr. Erika Robledo to help him solve his problems and he's supposed to be getting over Gaviota. Rod refuses to continue to talk about her anymore, ever.

Nestor Videgarray, the ever charming, dependable and loyal old legal eagle, arrives for his appointment. Rod has Dani sit in. Nestor tells Rod that Isa's daddy hasn't paid a dime towards the principal and the best they can do is wait the remaining few days till the deadline has passed. He is certain Ricardo's banker buddy will make him the loan like he said.

That's not enough for Rod. He explodes over the thought of what it will mean if Ricardo Duarte defaults on his debts beforehand: a full year's earnings of the hacienda's and no capital to supply his organic tequila to his new American or European customers. Rod, conveniently forgetting that he, an arrogant jack-ass, chose to sign the papers in a fit of ego-maniacal machismo, orders Nestor to make sure that Ricardo's banker buddy authorizes that loan and that he gets it signed and in writing on his desk ASAP. (Talk about your cuckoos fouling their own nests.....)

Nancy informs Gavi that she sent the invitations to the bevy of brujas de Montalvo by special messenger. Neither of them are looking forward to hosting them. Gavi tells Nancy that if Rod should call to tell him she's not in. Nancy says well, seems like she still hasn't given up hope.

Finally, the prodigiously pedantic Professor Santoveña, having shown himself to be a totally disappointing dud as a romantic rival, arrives back at the office with another predictable "pffft." (Rod, if you only knew.....) Gavi greets Alonso politely and ignores the embarrassing declaration he made to her a month earlier. They discuss the matter of the invitations and she assures him it went by messenger, signature only, so that the women couldn't cause trouble saying that they never received them.

Avellaneda sends Nancy in to tell Alonso he needs to drop everything and come to his office immediately. Gavi stays to file something. Out in the hallway Nancy tells Alonso that Rod hasn't called Gavi once and that Gavi seems resigned to the fact it's over, since she ordered her not to put Ing. Montalvo through to her if and when he does call. Alonso starts smiling from ear to ear.

Frankie is at his office in town and orders Basilio, his crooked foreman, to advise him when the copper sulfate shipment arrives. The foreman warns him that they have had outbreaks of Brotes de Erwina and Picudo in the area, but Frankie brushes him off and says that the agave is healthy enough. It won't matter a bit if they continue spraying at half concentration. He bribes Basilio with a percentage of his cut to "quiet his conscience."

Isa calls right then and tells Frankie that she's deposited the money into his account and in exchange she is demanding he gets divorced from Sofia immediately. Frankie 's jaw drops down to his drawers.

Avellaneda tells Alonso he's got to go to some global warming summit and present against the U.S. since, darned if it isn't the good ol' U.S. of A. who is the biggest baddest CO2 producer/polluter worldwide. (This is presumably the reason their agave, according to this farcical fantasy, would need 2-4 years less growing time. Damn! Count your blessings, man!) Alonso mentions that global warming is complex and numerous other interests are involved in it.

In the meantime, Don Roberto informs Alonso that the London delegate feels overburdened and is considering resigning. He could do so at any minute. They've decided that the best possible replacement for this post would be Alonso himself, leaving Gaviota to take his place as director of P.R. for the CRT in Mexico City. Alonso, impactado at the horrid thought of his leaving Gavi forever, insists that for him to accept this highly prestigious position, Gavi will be leaving with him!

Avellaneda replies that it looks as if Mariana has proven absolutely indispensable to him and they'll discuss it further later. It's best he be prepared. Alonso is left alone and he starts imagining himself in London together with Gaviota. On the other side of the building, though, Gavi is in her office complaining to herself that she can't concentrate because of Rod invading her thoughts.

Frankie tells Isa she's asking the impossible right now. Isa says do it or else. He says he refuses to become hers exclusively. She should just forget him for good. Isa gets incensed and screams back that he's hers and she is not about to share him with that dimwit, Sofia! He calms her down by telling her that they haven't had intimate relations for a long while now. It gets thick in there as he tells Isadora he's only been keeping himself for her. Right then the maid comes back with Ricky and her invitation to the CRT Grand Assembly. Isa covers quickly and hangs up.

Back at Montalvo Corp. Rod gets his current bank statements from Margarita and looks through them. He notices the huge amount of money Isa took out recently and wonders what's up.

At the Mexico City manse, Pilar gets alarmed when she sees an invitation arrive addressed to Elvis Perez III and wife since he and Daniel aren't married, and we get a nod to free love from Dani. Elvis says he will definitely be attending the Grand Assembly with them all. It would be a major snub to the family not to go. A bit later Dani reminds Grammy P. that Mariana complied with her request to invite the Montalvo wives. Pilar admits Mariana had no choice.

At their penthouse, Minnie gets a call from Fedra to tell her she's received her invitation to the CRT's Grand Assembly honoring Don Amador after all. She tells Minnie that she has an idea for a major snub of Mariana Franco during the event. They plan to invite Sofia and Isa over to discuss it. Minnie is eager to finally confront the famous husband stealing hussy and, speaking of husband-stealing, we can only hope Pammy doesn't pull a sick-out for this event.

Alonso and Gavi discuss if Avellaneda asked about the invitations to the Montalvo wives to the Grand Assembly. She reiterates they were sent by special messenger, signature only. He tells Gavi that it's possible he'll be transferred to London. He asks her what she thinks. She's muy impactada at the news and says that when they put another executive in charge, the person will be very capable, but the department will not be the same without him. Alonso says nobody's indispensable. She tells him that for her, he is indispensable. This chokes him up. Embarrassed, he takes her advice to go home to rest up after 14 hours in the air nonstop. She's left thinking to herself that now this one's leaving her too.

Dr. Manzano tells SJ that she's a bit anemic and sleepy because she is about 7 weeks pregnant. Happy happy joy joy. San Juana now has a hook in Hilario. Across town, meanwhile, Hilario is getting a massage and enjoying the idle lifestyle of the rich and single.

Frankie meets with the black market copper sulfate buyer in town and gets his cash literally under the table. This time they plan to pick it up in front of the chemical plant.

Aaron has another fit over the losses he's incurred that day. The trader warns him to sell so at least he can recover some of the losses. Aaron tells his trader he is an idiot and ignores his professional advice. Rod comes in at this point to check on Medina's progress and Aaron chases him out of the trading room again.

Casandra drops San Juana off at Hilario's apartment. SJ is dreamy eyed thinking he'll be jumping for joy when he finds out he's going to be a daddy. Casandra says he'll be jumping up and down all right, but probably not because he likes the idea. He is not ready for this kind of responsibility. SJ doesn't listen and tells her she'll be fine and he'll be fine. Casandra leaves and San Juana takes her regular place back on the couch and waits for him to come home. The housekeeper comes in and she tells her she's waiting for her boss, then orders the woman to bring her popcorn cuz she's got a heck of a craving. She rubs her belly and smiles to herself.

That night at the hacienda Frankie gets home to find Sofia and James in the living room chatting. Sofia reminds him that they're supposed to leave for Mexico City in the morning. Frankie says he can't because he has to meet the copper sulfate delivery. He makes a big deal for James' benefit about needing to stay to supervise the mixing as well as the spraying especially because of all the reports of infestations around the region lately. Sofia says James can handle the delivery, but Frankie obviously can't allow that and refuses his help. They finally agree on changing the flight to midday and he goes up to take a bath.

Sofia tells James that she's feeling confused after getting on Frankie, especially about suspecting Isadora, and wonders if it wasn't just a ridiculous fit of jealousy. James tells her he thinks Frankie is truly committed to his job at the hacienda and asks why the sudden change of heart. Sofia smiles conspiratorially and says she thinks she's pregnant. Now James' jaw drops to his drawers.

Gavi goes home that night and tells Clarita the depressing news about Alonso being sent to head the London office. Clarita wonders if she told him she'd be upset to see him go so far away. Gavi says no, because although she'll miss him, it would have probably caused him to start telling her things that she wasn't in the mood to hear.

Erika's in her apartment on the phone with a friend telling said friend how Rod surprised her earlier and that she knows she's playing a dangerous game with him so any therapy she gets for herself will have to be with her pillow. All of a sudden there is a knock at the door. She opens and a fully catered Japanese meal is brought in and set up by Geishas.

The Geishas leave and Rod appears. They sit down and flirt about her actually letting him in or even being sure she was home that night (we know how he finds that out, don't we?) and him not wanting to run the risk of her leaving him out in the hallway. She asks where his shyness around women went and he tells her that since the therapy she applied was totally a success it is gone. They toast each other all smiles.


La Fea Más Bella #43-46 Missing Recaps 25-28, by Kim P.

Missing Recap 25: Goin' to Panew York
Lety's writing in her diary again, Fern is talking to Isabella and company again, Ariel and everyone leaves again, and Marcia once again wants to know why Fernando called Lety instead of her.

Fernando explains she was with Ariel and everyone else so he couldn't call her dressed the way he was. She says fine, but next time call her if he has a problem. He agrees and apologizes. They kiss and she leaves, and Fern complains to himself about everything that's going on. The next day Paco and Marta are arguing in Reception because he has to leave their daughter with her for a while. She says she can't have children at work but he leaves her there anyway. In come PM and Lola with their kids and I think it's funny how everyone always has baby sitting issues at exactly the same time.

Fernando comes into the office and gives Lety back her dad's clothes and thanks her again for her help. They talk about Panama and his ticket to get there. Marcia comes in so Lety hightails it back to her own office. Fern and Marcia talk about the commercial's storyboards and she wants him to do something but he says he can't because he's going to Pan... he almost says Panama, but then changes it to New York. He tells her he's going there to buy the cameras for Luigi.

Lola, Marta and PM are yelling at their little poster children for why birth control is a good thing, telling them to behave (yeah right!). The kids whine about always being stuck there.

Fernando and Marcia are still talking when Saimon rushes in with his ticket. They go through the whole "almost saying Panama but interrupting and saying New York" bit, then Saimon leaves.

Out in the lobby Lola and Marta are telling Sara about their kid problems. Luigi walks by and makes a stupid fea crack on his way to Fern's office. Lopez comes in and while he's talking Marta makes faces behind his back. He does his lick/squeak thing and leaves, and Sara makes fun of it.

Back in Fern's office, he's still trying to talk to Marcia but Luigi keeps making little lovey-dovey faces at him, and finally Fern asks him what he wants. Luigi says sorry, but he was just remembering how cute Fernando looked last night. Marcia starts to say something but Fernando cuts her off and starts complaining about how bad the night was. Luigi says ok, ok, and starts to tell Marcia all about it and Fern isn't happy. Marcia breaks them up and they then discuss the cameras, while Lety listens. Marcia says she would have preferred it if Fernando had dealt with national suppliers for the cameras, and Luigi agrees. Fern argues, I think using cost as his excuse. Marcia and Luigi leave. In the lobby, Luigi makes another comment about the cuartel. Alicia comes up and comments too.

In Fern's office, Lety comes out and discusses the bank. He tells her he's going to drive himself to the airport and wants her to have Saimon go there to pick up his car once he's gone.

Marcia, Luigi and Alicia are talking in Marcia's office about Fern's trip to New York. Alicia asks Marcia if Fern's suppliers are reliable and Luigi wants to know why she's so interested. Marcia teases her about her six semesters of finance. Fernando comes in to tell Marcia he's off and she tells him she wants to go with him. Fernando doesn't know how to talk her out of going, but Alicia begs Marcia not to go because the company will be in the hands of Lety again. Just at that moment Isabella calls to arrange a meeting with Marcia, so Marcia agrees to stay. Fern pretends to be disappointed and tosses her an air kiss and leaves.

Fern and Lety get off the elevator down in Reception and Fern gives Saimon instructions about his car, and warns him of dire consequences if anything happens to it. Does anyone else hear the sound of an anvil creaking over Saimon's head? He and Lety go through the game of stressing to everyone that he's going to New York (no, it wasn't at ALL obvious they were lying, I say with my eyes rolling with sarcasm). Lety tells him to be careful and hands him his briefcase and he leaves.

Marcia, Luigi and Alicia are still talking and Marcia tells Alicia not to let the cuartel get to her. They all go out into the lobby and Marta comes up to them dressed in another Alicia knockoff. Luigi and Marcia tell her she looks "de-vine" while Alicia hyperventilates. Alicia whines to Marcia as Marta poses and Sara snickers in the background. Marcia tells Alicia it's not important and she and Luigi pretty much just laugh at Alicia's humiliation. Alicia complains that now she'll have to throw this dress away too and Marcia gets mad and tells her she's stupid because she doesn't have any money to buy new ones. Alicia continues to whine as they walk away.

The kids are talking to Lola and PM in the lobby, sorry, I don't care what they say. PM tells Saimon to take the kids with him when he goes to pick up Fernando's car. Saimon doesn't want to because he knows Fern would kill him if he found out, but as always he wusses out and gives in.

Alicia calls Ariel and tells him that Fern has gone to New York to buy the video equipment for Luigi. Ariel tells her to find out more about the suppliers.

The cuartel come into the lobby and comment on how great Marta's dress is while Alicia looks on. She calls them witches (gee, never heard that one before).

Luigi is talking to the models, including Jazmin, about the commercial he's doing. They all kiss him goodbye and leave as Alicia walks in. She pumps him for more info on the cameras and Fernando's trip but he tells her it's not his area and he doesn't know anything.

Fernando calls Lety and she asks how he's doing in Panama. He yells at her that he's in NEW YORK! They talk about Omar and the business they're there on. He asks if she's heard from Saimon about his car. She says no and he reminds her the car is in Saimon's hands... SAIMON! She says she'll check on it and they hang up.

Saimon takes the kids out for ice cream and he tells them to finish eating before getting into the car so they won't make a mess in there. In the lobby, Lety asks Lola if she's heard from Saimon. Lola tells her Saimon took the kids with him in the car to run an errand, and Lety's eye twitches. Finishing the ice cream, Saimon and the kids all pile into Fern's car and there are scenes of them driving all over the place, laughing and having fun, and I still hear the sound of a creaking anvil ready to fall.

Fernando calls Marcia and she asks how his trip was, how his hotel is, and how Omar is. He tells her the negotiations are going well and that he'll be home tomorrow. She offers to pick him up at the airport but he tells her she doesn't have to and they hang up.

Saimon is talking to the kids about what a great car this is, and the rope holding that anvil finally breaks... As he's pulling into Conceptos he sees Jazmin and, as always, his brain totally switches off as other male parts take over. Distracted, he scrapes the side of Fern's car against the gate. He freaks while the kids give him hell and Jazmin continues to talk to Efren on the phone.

Alicia goes into Marcia's office and Marcia tells her about the Bella Life commercial. Alicia's not looking well and Marcia asks if she's ok. Alicia replies no, she has diarrhea, and blames the cuartel and Marta's little clothes joke. We're then treated to a Pepto Bismal commercial as Marcia whips a bottle out of her desk and pours Alicia a shot while extolling its virtues. Commercial over, Alicia again pumps Marcia for info about Fern's trip and the suppliers in New York. Marcia can't answer because she doesn't know much herself, and Alicia manages to make Marcia curious and she decides she wants to talk to Fernando. She calls Lety to find out where he's staying, but Lety doesn't tell her, claiming that Fernando said he wasn't to be disturbed. Naturally, this doesn't sit too well with Marcia, to put it mildly. Alicia fans the flames against Lety, of course. Marcia tries to call him on his cell but it's turned off. She then calls Lola and tells her to get the information on Fern and Omar.

PM is on the phone talking to Lola about the kids when Saimon comes in pantomiming swallowing a sword. PM is trying to find out what happened and Saimon is telling her and he's finding a way to blame the kids. Now he's pantomiming stabbing himself repeatedly as PM tells him how Fernando's going to kill him. The phone rings and, of course, it's Lety asking about Fernando's car. PM lets Lety know what happened and Lety decides to head out to see for herself.

As Lety's leaving, she hears Lola (speaking truly horrible but very funny English) trying to get hold of Fern or Omar in New York on Marcia's orders. Lety tells her Fernando doesn't want Marcia to know what he's doing and asks her to please tell Marcia that she couldn't find him at the hotel. Marta wants to know if he's got a girlfriend in New York and Lety says a little. (She says poco... what? A little girlfriend? Is he seeing a midget? What a bizarre answer). They tease her about her boss and she nervously goes along with it, then begs them not to say anything. Marcia intercoms Lola wanting to know the status, and Lola leaves to talk to her. Lety tells Marta and Sara about Saimon's accident. Marta freaks about the kids and Lety reassures her they're fine, then leaves to find out the damage.

Lola gives Marcia some excuse for why she couldn't get hold of Fernando. Alicia makes some kind of crack and Marcia asks Lola if Saimon ever got Fernando's car. Lola says she doesn't know and leaves.

PM and Lety see the car and are impactada to the point where Lety passes out and PM catches her. Saimon begs, Lety worries about how to tell Fernando, and the kids worry about Saimon. There's a lot of conversation with Lety, Saimon, the kids and Celso all talking at once. Lety tells Saimon Fern will be back tomorrow.

Back in the lobby, Alicia says her usual junk about Marta's little dress game and how unattractive Marta is, and Irma fires back and the insults start to fly. The cuartel head off to see the car for themselves as Alicia goes into Lety's office, looking for her. When she sees the office is empty, she starts riffling through her desk and other areas, looking for information.

The cuartel are all down looking at the car. Lola wants to know how it happened and one of the kids starts to answer, but Saimon hushes him and everyone talks at once. Lety shushes them all and asks Lola what she told Marcia, then asks her if Marcia asks again to please tell her that Fernando will call her later. Lety says she has to tell her boss what happened to the car. Saimon begs her not to and the cuartel join in with the begging. Whatever it is they're planning, Lety agrees to it and tells Celso to do something, then tells everyone they can't let Alicia or Dona Marcia find out. Lety then goes back to her office and finds Alicia going through her stuff.

Missing Recap 26: Feinting Fit
Once again crap is flying between Alicia and the caurtel like salmon at Seattle's Public Market (for anyone who doesn't know, the fishmongers toss the fish back and forth across the aisles). Alicia goes into Lety's office again, the cuartel talk down at the car again, and Lety catches Alicia in her office again.

Lety asks Alicia what she's looking for in her office. Alicia bluffs and says she's only looking for information that Marcia asked for. Alicia says it's not important and starts to leave, but Lety says she's going to call Marcia to find out exactly what it is she needs. Alicia stops her and insults fly (Alicia does a very funny imitation of Lety), but Lety doesn't back down and wants to know what information Marcia wanted. Alicia finally admits she's trying to find information on the suppliers in New York, looking for their phone number. Alicia makes a lame threat against Lety and leaves.

The cuartel are in the lobby continuing to sympathize with Saimon, and he's still blaming the kids for the accident. They offer to help him pay for the repairs on Fernando's car and he gives them all kisses.

Lety's on the phone trying to get hold of Fernando, but she isn't able to. Saimon is on the phone regarding the repairs. He swoons when he hears how expensive it's going to be. Lety's again trying to get Fernando, still no luck. She leaves a message asking him to call her asap.

Saimon wants to take the car to a friend of his that's cheaper, but the cuartel want him to take the car to a more professional mechanic and they'll help him pay for it, but Saimon tells them he doesn't have the money. Celso brings the kids in and Jazmin walks in apologizing, saying she feels like it's her fault. She then tells everyone what happened and the cuartel are pissed that Saimon tried to blame the kids for his mistake, and they withdraw their offer to help pay for the repairs and kick him out of Reception.

Lola, Marta and Sarah go back upstairs talking about what just happened, and Marcia comes up and asks Lola of she got hold of Fernando. Lola tells her Fernando will call her later tonight and this placates Marcia and she leaves. Lety comes up and Lola then asks her if SHE was able to get hold of Fern, to which Lety replies no. Lola gets her usual Lola freak on since she already told Marcia Fern would call her and Lety calms her down, and I'm thinking I'd never want that woman (Lola) with me during a crisis, all she does is freak without ever resolving anything.

Anyway, Fernando calls Lety all upset that she's disturbing him and she tells him what's been going on. He gets mad when he hears Marcia sent Alicia into her office to get intel on the suppliers and tells Lety he'll be home that night instead of tomorrow.

The cuartel are looking at shoe catalogs and Sara shows them a credit card or membership card or something. Since Alicia earlier made a crack about their cheap shoes, I'm assuming this is another one of their "let's annoy the holy crap out of Alicia" plots and skip the rest of the conversation. Saimon comes up and they yell at him and he whines about his problem.

Fern calls Marcia to complain about her checking up on him and she doesn't understand why he's so upset by her wanting to talk to him. He complains about her sending Alicia to Lety's office to spy. Marcia tells him Lety's inventing that story to make her look bad. They fight more and hang up, and Marcia's seriously p.o.'d. She calls Lety into her office and accuses her of lying to Fernando just to cause problems between her and him. Lety tells her it's not a lie, Alicia was in her office and told her she was there under Marcia's orders. Marcia angrily calls Alicia into her office and yells at her, wanting to know if it was true. Alicia doesn't want to talk in front of Lety but Marcia forces her to answer. Alicia claims she was just trying to help and Marcia tells her all she did was piss Fernando off. She tells Lety to leave. Lety tries to apologize for causing problems but Alicia cuts in and calls her a bruja and a few other choice words. Marcia cuts Alicia off and Lety goes. As soon as the door's shut, Marcia begins to rip Alicia a new one. Alicia tries to give some fake explanation but Marcia doesn't want to hear it. She tells Alicia she doesn't want her help any more because all she does is cause trouble between her and Fernando, then kicks her out of her office.

Lety's out telling the cuartel what happened. Alicia comes out and accuses them all of gossiping and insults again fly (which doesn't seem right, they WERE gossiping!). Saimon comes up wanting to talk to Lety but before he can the cuartel tell her what he did, trying to blame the kids and all. He hands her a flower and begs her not to tell Fernando but she only replies that Fern will be coming back tonight. Saimon freaks, and so does Alicia, who was listening to the conversation.

That night Saimon is down whining to PM in Reception. Jazmin comes in and sympathizes with him while PM just yells at him. Jaz starts to flirt with Saimon, just to piss PM off. Saimon starts talking about how he's going to be firm with Fernando when in walks the devil himself, along with Omar. Fern wants to know what's up and where's his car and Saimon starts to stutter. Both Fern and Omar tease him about the stuttering and head upstairs. Celso comes in and asks Saimon how it went, and just shakes his head with disgust when Saimon tells him he couldn't bring himself to say anything.

Alicia is on the phone to Ariel and leaves a message for him. Just then Fernando and Omar walk up and she pretends to be sick to try to get out of talking to him, but of course it doesn't work. He yells at her and she asks him to stop, he's hurting her head. Marcia comes up and asks to talk to him, so they leave and Omar starts to tease Alicia for not saying hi to him, then asks her what's wrong. She tells him she doesn't know and has to go see a doctor. He growls and snorts at her as only an oversexed Omar can and leaves, and she makes a face.

Marcia's hugging Fern and tells him she's glad he's back. He asks about the problem with Lety and Marcia admits Alicia was in her office, but not on Marcia's instructions. He wants to know why Alicia's so interested and Marcia basically says look sweetie, Alicia's my friend and she just thought she was helping me. Fern insists on knowing why they need the contractor's information so badly.
Lola calls Lety and tells her that Fern's back and talking to Marcia. Marcia tries to make an excuse for Alicia, again saying how she's ambitious and trying to take initiative and be helpful and saw something on the internet that made her want to research further. Fern ain't buying and says he doesn't trust Alicia and Marcia tells him not to worry. He gives her a "yeah right" look, grabs his briefcase, and leaves.

Alicia manages to get hold of Ariel just as Fernando and Marcia walk up. Fernando yells at her again and she gives a fake swoon and calls Ariel "doctor". Naturally Ariel is confused as she continues with the ruse. She tells Fernando she can't talk to him because she's sick and tries to leave, but he won't let her go until she explains herself. She tells him that Marcia can explain everything, and Fernando says yeah, she did, but I want to see the internet article myself. Naturally, since she can't provide one, she swoons again. Marcia tells him Alicia can give it to him tomorrow and Alicia continues to pretend to be sick, but Fernando still doesn't buy it and full-on accuses her of spying for Ariel. She acts indignant and denies it and Marcia sticks up for her, but he accuses her of messing with Lety's computer. As she once again pretends to faint, Fernando gets disgusted and walks away, telling Marcia he's going home. Marcia yells at Alicia again for causing problems and asks if Fernando's correct that she's in league with Ariel which she denies, saying Fernando's loco, and complains that all the stress is making her sick. Marcia tells her to go to the doctor and Lety comes running up looking for Fernando. Marcia tells her Fern went home and isn't to be disturbed. I guess she's getting back at Lety for saying that to her earlier.

Saimon and Celso are standing by Fernando's car, still trying to figure out what to do. Fernando comes out and gets his keys from Saimon. Celso says something to him to distract him as he's climbing into his car, so he drives off without noticing the damage. As Fern's driving, he calls Omar and tells him about Alicia hunting for intel in Lety's office. He then arrives at a restaurant and has the valet park his car.

Alicia goes into the restroom and calls Ariel on her cell and tells him she needs an internet article to cover her butt. Ariel gets mad and tells her this is the last time he'll help her. He wants to know if Fernando suspects him and she tells him no (why didn't she tell him the truth? Maybe it would have gotten him to back off). Like the good gentleman he is, he hangs up on her, and she tells herself all this stress really is making her sick.

Fernando is at the restaurant, still talking to Omar on the phone. He tells him to get back together with her, and Omar reluctantly agrees. Omar goes to Alicia's desk to talk to her and she is still acting sick. He gives her a bracelet he supposedly brought back for her from New York, but she acts more and more ill. Marcia comes up as he's offering to take her home, but Marcia wants him to take her to a doctor. He helps Alicia to the elevator.

In reception, they get off the elevator, talking about doctors. Alicia wants him to take her someplace cheap, but he wants to talk her someplace with better care. She tells him she can't afford it and never mind, she just wants to go home, and he agrees to take her. When they leave, PM wonders out loud wha'sup. The cuartel are discussing the same thing up in the lobby, and then discuss it in the elevator as they also leave for the day.

At Casa Alicia, Omar helps her to bed and wants to know what's wrong. She says she's stressed because of her economic condition. He starts to tune her out when she mentions money, but then tunes her back in again when she also blames Fernando, Marcia and (the magic word) Ariel. Omar tells her he has a cure for stress, nudge nudge wink wink, and they wind up all huggy and lovey on the bed.

Lety's home now and talking to Tomas in her room she tells him how the cuartel thinks Alicia might be preggers. He offers to give the baby his name if Omar won't step up. Lety laughs at him, nicely not nasty, and they converse more about the mess Conceptos is in and the Panama trip. Tomas again asks her about the F.I. funds and she tells him she'll find out more from Fernando tomorrow.

Next day in front of Conceptos, Saimon and Celso are talking again about Saimon's little problem. Fernando comes up all pissed off and tells Saimon that someone's going to be fired and Saimon freaks as only a little dancing machine cricket can.

Missing Recap 27: Oops
Once again Fernando is threatening to fire someone, but to Saimon's relief, Fern's talking about one of the valets at the restaurant, thinking the damage happened to his car there. Saimon cries with relief that he doesn't have to pay for the repairs or get fired, and Fern thinks he's just upset for him. He lets him go on for a minute, then tells him to man up for god's sake.

Fern walks into his office and calls for Lety. She comes out talking a mile a minute and he tells her to take a chill pill, and mentions getting the internet article from Alicia. She goes to her office and Omar comes in, and Fern asks him how his mission with Alicia went. Omar uncheerfully tells him that she's now his novia and Fern offers him sarcastic congrats. He calls Omar a tiger, making Omar brag and snort (tigers growl Omar, they don't snort).

We're suddenly transported to the airport, where the police are busting some guys unloading contraband from Panama. They confiscate the lot and haul off the workers. The press are there interviewing the honchos and covering the whole thing.

Alicia gets into work all cheerful (amazing what a good boinkfest can do for one's disposition) and says hi to Marcia. Marcia asks how she's doing and if she went to the doctor and Alicia tells her she cancelled the doctor because she feels fine thanks to Doctor Omar and his miracle cure. Ok, she didn't word it like that, but it sounds pretty good, no? Anyway, Marcia can't believe it after everything that's gone on between those two already, but Alicia says he's her novio and made her feel better nudge nudge wink wink. Marcia walks away like "I'm just NOT dealing with this crap again!" Omar enters the lobby and Alicia blows him a kiss, and Omar looks around to see if anyone saw.

Sara comes up and tells Omar he has a call from Panama. He shushes her and tells her to be discreet, so since she can't actually say "Panama" she uses a weird code by popping her lips for the P, N and M. It's very odd. He goes into his office to answer the phone, and the person on the other end tells him there's a problem at the airport.

Marcia goes into Fern's office and he tells her about his car. She commiserates. They then talk about Alicia and she tells him that Alicia is just ambitious and his fears about her and Ariel are paranoia. She tells Fern about the one date Alicia and Ariel had and how rude he was to her and that's why she doesn't think Alicia's the spy. They talk more and get mushy. Meanwhile, Omar's watching the news in his office as sees a snippet about a raid at the airport and learns that the merchandise Fernando bought in Panama got confiscated by Customs.

Back in Fern's office, Marcia and Fern are still talking while Omar waits in the background with a concerned look on his face. Marcia's wondering when the cameras and stuff will get there so they can start work on the Bella Life commercials, and Fernando is placating her. She leaves and Lety listens in her office as Omar tells Fern what happened to their shipment, and Fern is so VERY not a happy camper, realizing they've just blown two million dollars they couldn't afford to blow. Lety runs out and calms Fernando down and tells them she'll try to find out where the merchandise is and if it's recoverable, then goes back to her office.

Down in reception, Saimon is bragging to PM about his narrow escape. They get close, pull apart, then get close again, only to spring apart again when someone from Bella Life walks in looking for Luigi. He's cute so PM starts to pull her usual unprofessional drooling bit, which pisses Saimon off. They fight as she calls Irma about the guy, then primps and tells Saimon to watch reception for her as she heads upstairs; Saimon throws a hissy fit.

Omar is trying to placate Fernando and Fern ain't placatin'. Omar tells him to calm down and Fernando pretends to be calm while still ripping Omar a new orifice.

Back at Alicia's desk, Marta comes out of the bathroom dressed in another Alicia knockoff. The usual crap flies, and Alicia tells Marta she looks ridiculous and teases her about her weight. Marta snaps back. The Bella Life guy interrupts them and I guess he's supposed to be really cute because both Alicia and Married Marta drool over him (hey, she's married, not dead! She can look!). He says something about the beautiful women that work there and they thank him. Sara and Lola come out and Sara's sniffing like a hound dog saying she smells a handsome man. They both drool while PM and Juana come up and drool as well (I guess at Conceptos the women's brains can also be shut down by certain female portions of their anatomy, just as the men's can be by their manly parts). Alicia makes a rude comment, of course, right in front of their client and I'm once again wondering how Conceptos is able to stay in business with such unprofessional people running around. Luigi is talking about the commercials with Irma when Marta brings BL Guy in (his name's actually Ernesto, but I like BL Guy). They begin to talk while Marta stares at him, totally appreciatin' his manly form. Luigi boots her out, so she goes out into the lobby where they all discuss him.

Lety comes out of her office and tells Fern that there's no way to get hold of the equipment that was confiscated because it's contraband. Omar comes in and Fernando and Lety both glare at him. Fern yells at him for dealing with smugglers, and Lety joins in. Fernando complains about losing 2 million dollars while Lety tries to calm him down. She continues to yell at Omar as well (is it really her place to do so? I know she "told him so" and all, but she is still just an assistant and he's a shareholder and Vice President... oh well I guess if the cuartel and drool unprofessionally over a hot client, she can yell unprofessionally at her VP). Alicia comes in and Fernando pretends to be all buddy buddy with Omar. She gives him the internet article he wanted, but to her chagrin he just rips it up without reading it (she did a lot of begging to Ariel to get that, darn it!) and kicks her out of his office. Omar leaves, Lety whines, and Fernando continues to freak. Omar passes by Alicia looking for Sara. She tries to pump him for info, but he's not giving any.

Lety goes and gets Luigi's valerian and comes back as Omar again goes into the office. Fern continues to ream Omar while Lety keeps trying to calm him down. She and Fernando both start chugging the valerian out of the bottle.

Isabella shows up in Reception and Saimon drools. She wants Luigi and Saimon falls all over himself trying to let Luigi know.

Again to Fernando's Hideaway, I mean office, where Fern and Lety are really REALLY mellow (ok, I mean stoned off their gourds). Lety squishes her face up hideously as she explains that it's impossible to get back the contraband equipment and the man who sold it to them has skipped town. Omar says he didn't know the guy was a phony, and Lety whines to him that she warned him. She freaks out because she can't see Fernando any more, but it's only that the computer screen is in the way. He laughs really mellow-like and moves it till they can see each other. Omar looks on nervously, knowing this nice little buzz-on isn't going to last, and continues to make excuses.

Isabella is in Luigi's office with Marcia, and Luigi is introducing her to BL Guy. He likee. He's eager to know when Conceptos can begin working on their commercials. Luigi mentions the camera and Marcia tells him it's on the way.

Omar decides to fight back and tells Fern he may have ordered contraband, but it was Fernando who was dumb enough to pay the whole amount in advance. Fernando tries to attack him, but Lety holds him back. Omar then goes after Fernando and Lety has to hold HIM off. Once again Lety gets stuck in one of my favorite sandwiches, only this time it's not a happy sandwich. She yells and pushes them apart and tells them to stop, they're both to blame, and she gets them to sit. She says maybe they can get a loan in the name of Filmo Imagen and Fernando wants her to get the promissory notes he gave her.

Lety calls home. Tomas isn't there, so she asks her mom to come down in a taxi and to give the papers to no one but her. Omar makes a dumb comment that makes Fern and Lety glare at him again. Lety wants to know what they're going to tell the Board, and Fernando tells her there's no way he's admitting to the board that his company was involved with contraband. They again discuss funding, and Lety reminds them that though Conceptos can't get any more loans, F.I. can.

Fernando wants to call a meeting, but Marcia and Luigi say they can't, they're busy. He goes storming off to Luigi's office, yelling, only to suddenly notice Isabella and BL Guy. He schmoozes, then Isabella and BLG leave.

Back at Casa Padilla, Pop won't let mom take a taxi with such important papers, and tells her he'll take them himself. She argues but there's no stopping Robopop when he's on a mission.

In the conference room where Fernando's finally been able to call that meeting, Fern is telling everyone that the camera equipment won't be coming because there was a problem in New York. They watch a news report about the raid on the big TV there and Omar looks nervous. They decide to get the equipment from a Mexican supplier. Downstairs, pop shows up and Celso wants to take the papers but Pop says no, I have to give them to her directly. Lety tells the meeting they'll have the equipment in no time and Luigi is happy, meanwhile Celso calls and lets Lety know about daddums waiting. Fernando's still abusing Omar, but for the sake of Luigi and Marcia he's making it look like he's patting him or hugging him. Fernando fantasizes about being interviewed by the news lady, who gives him hell for buying contraband and embroiling his family's business in illegal activities. He tells her he did it to save money and she hits him a couple of times with the file she's holding while reminding him that instead he lost 2 million dollars. Lety snaps him out of it while Marcia says something about luck and everyone knocks on wood (they do that there too? How funny!!). Fernando, Lety and Omar leave the meeting while continuing to give Omar total hell on toast. They remind him that they can't be tied to a scandal like this. Fernando tells Lety to attack and she acts like a vicious guard dog while he holds her back. She and Fernando then go downstairs as pop comes into reception. She's upset to see that it's daddums instead of mums and he explains why he came instead. She doesn't want to, but has no choice but to formally introduce him to Fernando. Pop overhears Fern asking PM to get them a cab, and he offers to drive Fern and Lety wherever they need to go. They, especially Lety, don't want to, but pop almost psychotically insists on it so they take him up on his offer they couldn't refuse (yes, he was that insistent, I'd have been worried about a horse head in my bed too).

Luigi and Marcia are still talking about the commercial and Alicia butts in, still pretending to be sick. She blames Marta and her little joke. Luigi and Marta don't really pay her much attention and discuss the equipment problem. Alicia looks interested and Marcia tells her not to tell anyone.

Fernando, Lety and Erasmo go to pop's car, pop bragging about his daughter the whole way. Fernando agrees with him and says Lety's his right hand. So, says pop, then why are you yelling at her all the time? Fernando makes excuses. Pop then tosses out the little plum that he does the accounting for a company called Filmo Imagen.

Missing Recap 28: My two dads
Erasmo is again yelling at Fernando for always yelling at Lety. Fernando's still 'splainin'. Pop then tells him how he spent 20 years working as an accountant, and now he works for Filmo Imagen. Fernando glares at Lety while her eye twitches. Fernando pretends nothing's wrong but Lety knows he's pissed and makes a face. They all pile into the car but it won't start. They jabber about it, then suddenly it starts and they're off.

Alicia's eating something she doesn't really like and trying to figure out how Ariel can help her financially, but she knows he's just going to tell her it's her problem.

Robo is yakking on and on while they pull up to the bank. Sounds like they're talking about Lety, and she's looking like she wishes she was anywhere else but there. Lety and Fernando get out of the car and she starts trying to explain about her dad, but he just yells at her while she remembers her conversation with Tomas about the topic. Finally he says whatever, though he's still not happy.

Alicia's on her cell in the bathroom telling Ariel how they cancelled the contract with the New York suppliers and will be buying the stuff locally, and Ariel gets mad and tells her that information is useless and not to bother him again. His attitude and yelling makes her sick to her stomach and she hurls into the sink. Marta, Lola and Irmita enter the ladies room and see her, in their minds confirming their suspicions that she's got a bun baking. They speculate on who the father might be.

Back at the bank Fernando's getting ready to sign the papers. Lety wants him to be sure this is what he wants to do, he is. They go back to the car and once again it won't start, but just as Fern's about to lose it, it starts again.

Omar sees Alicia and starts to walk away, but then rolls his eyes and goes back and asks if she's still sick. She says yes, a little. He tells her if she doesn't feel better soon she needs to see a doctor. As he's going back to his office, he walks by the cuartel, who are gossiping about her being pregnant. Suddenly it occurs to Sara that they should talk quieter because her boss might hear and we get a shot of his face showing us that he did.

Fernando and Lety are now at the Registro Publico de La Propiedad to register the loan. Fernando tells pop thanks for the lift sailor but we'll take a taxi back to Conceptos, but pops won't hear of it. Lety registers the loan and is told the paperwork will take 15 days. She tells Fern that, they discuss it, then leave. Outside, pop has the hood up and is working on the car. He asks Fernando to help him fix it and Lety asks him not to put Fern on the spot like that. Fern shouts at her that it's not a problem. He isn't yelling angrily, the engine's just loud, but Robo tells him not to shout at his daughter. A few minutes later Erasmo himself shouts at her and Fern comes to her defense. They agree that for the rest of the day neither one will shout at her. Lety drives while Fern and Pop pretend to push the car, and even though they don't actually move an inch, the car starts and all are happy. Pop drops them off at Conceptos, shakes Fernando's hand (getting oil all over it wa-wa-wa-wa) and leaves. Lety again tries to explain about giving dad a job and he says ok and walks away. She follows.

Sara goes to give some documents to Omar and he asks her to sit and asks about Alicia. She tells him it's only a guess the cuartel made because she seems to have all the symptoms. She leaves and he calls Alicia into his office and asks her if she's pregnant. She's surprised but answers immediately, "and what if I am?" He replies that he'd think it wasn't his. Omar insists that she confirm or deny the rumor but she remains silent. Fern calls Omar to tell him about the loan being done and she walks out. She goes out and yells at the cuartel for gossiping (sorry, I'm full-on with Alicia on this one. I'm worried that I find myself starting to side with the bad guys more and more often and I'm getting concerned for my immortal soul). She goes into Marcia's office and tells her all about it. Ariel calls just then while she continues to talk, and he hears something about pregnancy. He wants to know who's pregnant and Marcia tells him it's Alicia. He's impactado and wonders if it's his. Alicia says "please Marcia" like que the hell are you telling THIS guy for??? Alicia wants to keep talking but Marcia asks her to let her talk to her brother alone so she leaves, but she's worried he's going to tell Marcia that she's his spy. Instead he asks Marcia if she knows who the father is. Marcia wants to know why Ariel is suddenly so interested in Alicia. Rather than answer, he changes the subject and asks how the commercial is going. She tells him about the problems in New York and he says Humberto should now about it. He wants to call a meeting to find out the financial position of Conceptos. As always, he continues to whine about her novio.

Fernando tells Omar they have to find a lawyer to represent F.I. in the embargo of Conceptos. Omar makes a crack about the oil on Fernando's hands being from Lety's face, and Fern sets him straight. He tells him Lety's people are very straight and upright and now more than ever he feels good that the company is in Lety's hands. Omar tells Fern that Alicia might be pregnant. Fern makes fun of him and tells him he's going to give him a panalera (can't find a definition for that, but I'm guessing it's like a baby shower) [Julie says: I found pañalera = diaper bag]. Omar says the baby may not be his and I think Fernando tells him to man up and do the right thing.

Sara and Lola are pretending to be a mother with a baby when Marcia comes up so they run off. Alicia wants to know what she and Ariel talked about and Marcia doesn't really give her much of an answer. She asks if everything's ok and Marcia says yes. Marcia leaves just as Ariel calls Alicia and asks her for the name of the father of the baby. She says "Ariel", not like that's the answer but like she's just starting her sentence with his name, but he takes it the other way and goes off on her. She tries to interrupt but he won't let her and tells her to look someplace else for the father because he can't have a scandal. Omar comes over so she hangs up on Ariel mid-rant. Omar asks her to come to his office to talk, but she tells him she doesn't have anything to say to him. He looks constipated and says fine and leaves, leaving her looking smug. She's discovering that something that started out bad via the cuartel could turn out good for her after all. Omar's in his office looking upset and fidgety. Ariel's in his office looking upset and ugly little mermaid-y.

Marcia tells Fern that Ariel wants to call a board meeting, and she thinks it's a good idea to let Humberto know that they trouble they just went through (the infamous Benny video) is passing. Fernando argues with her and she wants to know if there are any problems she should know about. He denies it and they make up. She leaves and he calls Omar into his office, and yells for Lety to come in too. They talk about the equipment and when Omar gets there, he tells them about Ariel wanting a meeting.

Marcia asks Alicia in for a little girl talk. She asks if Alicia's pregnant or is it just gossip? Alicia says she's not sure and complains about the cuartel telling the whole world. Marcia tells her to get tested right away, she needs to be sure, and Alicia complains about the cuartel again. Marcia asks her if she got pregnant on purpose to trap Omar.

In reception Lola, Marta and PM are talking about something. Sounds like another product placement commercial so I ignore it. Once it's done, they start talking about Alicia and Omar and PM the Schizo gets pissed.

Alicia tells Marcia she didn't do it on purpose. Marcia wants to know if it's Omar's and Alicia answers that even if it is she doubts Omar will step up because he's denying the child is his. This makes Marcia mad, but Alicia admits that he might be right, she's had relations with another man besides Omar, during the time he and she were having problems, and this guy won't step up either. Marcia wants to know who the other guy is but Alicia won't tell. They talk more and Alicia tells Marcia she loves Omar, then she leaves. Out in the lobby, more crap flies between Alicia and the cuartel about the gossiping.

Fernando tells Omar and Lety that they should make sure the Bella Life commercial is a success by having a big promotion when it's released. He wants Carolina to handle the promotion, but Omar reminds him that she won't work with them any more after the Ibarra disaster. He says they can convince her.

Alicia goes into reception and Saimon starts to flirt with her, but PM makes a rude comment about finding a father for her child. Alicia snipes back, PM says something rude about Omar, more back and forth. Alicia leaves and Saimon and PM fight.

Fernando, Marcia and Omar enter the conference room while Fernando talks to his dad on the phone, telling him about Bella Life and the commercial they're doing. Once he hangs up, Fern wants to talk to Omar alone so he asks Marcia to go get Luigi and she agrees (I would have told him to use the bloody phone that's sitting right there on the table, but then again I'm lazy and I guess she wants the exercise). Fern and Omar discuss dad and the meeting, then Fern calls Lety in and asks about Carolina. She tells him Carolina refuses, as Omar predicted. Omar leaves and Lety starts going off on Fern about the loans and stuff, slowly creeping closer till she's right in his face. He tells her to respect his personal space and she backs off. They discuss the bank, the contraband, his presidency, and Ariel.

The cuartel are leaving and wish Marcia good night. Alicia gets off the elevator acting just fine till she sees Marcia, then she goes all swooney again. Marcia asks about the test and Alicia tells her it's positive.

Fernando and Lety are still talking, but they wind down and he leaves while she gives his back a worried yet dreamy look. He meets Marcia in the lobby but steps away so she can have a few more words with Alicia. Omar passes by Alicia and catches up to Fernando and tells him he talked to Alicia and she claims the baby is his. He, Marcia and Fernando all leave together, and Alicia gives his back a smug look.

The cuartel are all gossiping down in reception when Fernando, Marcia and Omar get off the elevator, say good night to everyone, and leave. Lety runs up and they all hear Paco and offspring saying something about Marta closing her eyes for a surprise. She doesn't want to, but the cuartel make her (Sara covers her eyes). Paco and child bring in a huge box, plant it in front of her, and let her open her eyes. She's impactada.


Friday, October 19, 2007

Destilando Amor - Oct. 18, 2007 where everyone seems to be developing OCD

EPISODE - Oct. 18, 2007:

* Don Roberto and Alonso in a heated discussion about the fight between Gavi and the "Witches of Montalveno". Don Roberto wants an end to the ban of the witches to the events; Alonso agrees and suggests Gavi take his place with the public relations projects. Don Robert agrees. Don Roberto tells Alonso to be ready to attend the meeting tonight for work. Alonso stutters and tries to get out of it - Don Roberto won't let him.

* "The Witches" meet with Granny P at the house. Granny reminds them to stay away from Gavi, and don't cause any problems with Don Roberto or the ag. commission. Fedra is insulted by the lack of support from Granny - Minnie and Isa support Fedra - they leave. Dani enters and talks with Granny P. Granny is tired of fending off the witches from Gavi - she can't take anymore, especially with Don Amador's memorial ceremonies and the general assembly coming up.

* Gavi tells Clara over the phone about the invitations that Alonso has stacked on his desk. They will attend all of them, and she will be so busy, she won't have time to even think about Rod or his family. Just then, Alonso enters her office - Gavi hangs up with Clara and asks "why such a long face?" Alonso tells her about his meeting with Don Roberto, that he's been summoned to attend meetings around Japan and Asia for the commission. Gavi is a little sad but understanding. Alonso explains the plan for the office in his absence. Alonso is disappointed that he has to cancel their plans for tonight.

* At the hacienda, James works on computer in the living room. Pancho and Sofia enter - Pancho is trying to convince Sofia to go to the Fair with him tonight. He really plays up how much fun it will be and what will be there. Sofia reluctantly agrees to go. Pancho goes upstairs to use the jacuzzi. Sofia stays downstairs to talk with James. James wonders if they've patched up their marriage. Sofia says ignore what you've just heard - nothing has changed, they are as far apart as ever. Sofia and James discuss Sofia's continuing suspicions of Isa and Pancho. Sofia wishes Rod would return soon so she won't have to confront this deception alone.

* Aaron comes home to the condo and kisses his wife, Minnie. They talk about his tequila project and he over-embellishes how wonderful his tequila venture is doing. She mentions Bruno. He grumbles and then changes the subject. Minnie tells him the latest about Gavi's ban on her, Fedra and Isa, and about Rod's trip. Aaron puts down Rod's business acumen. Aaron then mentions Isa being lonely without Rod around. Minnie tells him about their curious evening together, when the two men (Eugenio and Alfredo) flirted with Isa. Aaron becomes jealous over the thought that Minnie was flirting with another man. Minnie calms him down and says she left the table and Isa got rid of them. Aaron and Minnie realize they really don't know Isa very well.

* Isa calls the hacienda - Sofia answers and tells her that she and Pancho have been together all day long, and now they are preparing to attend the Fair all night. Isa mentions Granny P. Sofia hangs up. Pancho asks what Isa wanted - Sofia says she doesn't know and doesn't really care.

* Gavi returns home and commiserates her disappointment with Clara about Rod and Alonso both on business trips away from Mexico. They go through what Gavi likes about Alonso, in comparison to Rod. Gavi wonders if she's in love (with Alonso).

* Rod sits nervously in a waiting room, thinks about the advice Erika gave him, and wonders how he can get past the absence of Gavi (his personal challenge).

* Gavi cries her question. Clara tries to advise and console her - take this month to figure out what she wants. Gavi cries and wonders if the psychiatrist will cure Rod so he forgets all about her. Clara tells her not to think like that, then (like every jewish mother I've ever known) she goes to make something to eat.

* Gavi comes to the office as Hurricane Alonso gives Nancy whiplash as he prepares to leave on his trip. He calls and calls for Nancy to check on papers and reservations and things. In the midst of the Hurricane, Dani calls and Gavi takes it in her office. Dani and Gavi discuss Rod, Alonso, the two business trips, the "witches" and Granny P's wish. As Gavi tells Dani to assure Granny that all the family will be included in all the events for Don Amador. Gavi has to hang up as Hurricane Alonso starts shouting for Gavi. Dani mutters she hopes that Rod isn't wrong.

* Gaspar is about to leave on a business trip and goes to see his wife in the office - Pammie is still in bed. They discuss Pammie's need for vengeance against Aaron and the astuteness of Aaron to commit fraud and hide it so well. Gaspar says he will be diligent in investigating for proof of the fraud and crimes, especially surrounding Artemio's death. Just then Pammie enters, Gaspar has to explain to her about the questions that surrounded Artemio's death. She prompts her dad to do whatever he has to do to get the proof needed to hurt Aaron badly. She won't have any peace until then.

* Aaron in office working with his three employees on earning money through the futures markets.

* Dani is on phone with secretary of Dr. T. Elvis enters and listens as Dani ends the phone call. She explains that she needs to find out for her brother who is little Ricky's real father - she needs to see the medical records in Dr. T's files. She also tells Elvis that Rod suspects Isa has a lover. They change the subject and Elvis gives her the good news about his new project for a video business.

* Hurricane Alonso is still going full force in his office. He shouts for Gavi - she enters and has to show him where the documents are in his briefcase. He shouts for Nancy - where is his luggage? Nancy enters in tears to explain about the chauffeur taking them down to the car. Nancy leaves. Alonso is frantic looking for his laptop and stuff - Gavi has to show him the laptop case and calm him down before he leaves. He gives her last minute instructions. Before he rushes out the door, he tells Gavi he loves her. She is impactado.

* Bruno spies on Aaron and his employees working on his futures transactions. Bruno enters and asks what in the world he's doing? Aaron explains his game plan. Bruno says this isn't a game, it's speculation! Employee tells Aaron they are losing money on the Tokyo market. Aaron looks at the screen and tells them to sell. Employee says they can't, too late. Aaron is frustrated and sits at his desk. Bruno comes around and asks how much did he lose. Aaron tells him. Bruno hopes he isn't using corporation money for his little "game". Aaron is confident he can cover all his debts and repay the loan to the corporation. Bruno reminds Aaron about the important conference coming up, and then asks about Rod's return. Bruno leaves to go ask Margarita. Aaron mutters to himself what new surprises are in store for him, and if Rod will return to seek out Gavi again.

* Maintenance engineer finishes installing the new blinds in Alonso's office, under Gavi's supervision. Gavi is on the phone talking with Dani about when Rod will return, also when Alonso will return. Gavi asks Dani not to say anything to Rod about her phone call. Gavi hangs up. Maintenance engineer leaves. Nancy enters and compliments Gavi on the blinds, says Alonso will faint in delight when he finds out Gavi did it. Alonso calls and tells Nancy he will return tomorrow morning, but he doesn't speak with Gavi. Nancy asks Gavi what happened between the two, she and Alonso haven't spoken to each other for the entire month. Gavi is vague and goes back to work.

* At hacienda living room, Sofia holds the mail and asks Ofelia if she's seen the latest phone and cell phone bills. Ofelia says not lately. Sofia asks her to keep watch for them. Ofelia agrees and leaves. Sofia opens one of the bills and starts to read it. James enters and scares her. Sofia explains to James that she's checking one of Pancho's bills. James is shocked she's opening the bill. Sofia says it's an old one. James tries to come up with humorous story. Sofia is curious about what Pancho is spending his money on. James mentions something about Pancho's secret activities in the office, then leaves. Sofia sighs, and mutters that when she gets her hands on the fracture of the cell phone, she'll know for sure if Isa and Pancho are seeing each other.

* Don Roberto and Gavi are discussing the marketing campaign for the Tequila Casadores de Arana. A knock at the door. The secretary shows a man inside. Don Roberto introduces Gavi to Inaqui Andabulo(?). Inaqui talks with them about his new tequila "Tequila Corza" and the campaign to launch it to market. He shows them the artist drawings for the bottles.

* Isa and Pancho have their secret phone conversation. She tells him to call her immediately when he arrives in Mexico City. He agrees with pleasure. He then asks her for a huge favor - for some money. She asks what for? He tells her his sob story of his credit cards and the list of creditors. She asks how much does he need? We don't hear the amount but from the bugged out eyeballs on Isa, we can only imagine the number of zeros on the amount. She tells him she will have to talk with her banker to see what she can do. He apologizes for making such a large request and promises that as soon as his business is successful, he will pay her back in full. "I'm sure you will," says Isa.

* Larry the snake meets with Aaron the skunk to show off the latest figures about their investments. Aaron is very pleased with the results and tells Larry to keep up the great work. Larry leaves just as Rod walks down the hallway towards them. Rod stop to talk with Aaron. Rod goes off to his office - Aaron enters his office to return to work on his 'futures trading'.

* Rod enters his office with Margarita following him inside. He tells her about his successful business trip and shows her the award he received in Brussels. She asks where he will display it. He wants to give it to someone very special. She smiles, thinks it is for Gavi. He plays along with the assumption. As Margarita is about to leave to wrap up the award, Rod asks why there are no phone calls from the ag. commission. Margarita says because there are none. Margarita leaves. Rod is impactado.

* In a meeting with department advisers, Gavi isn't paying attention to what they are saying. They ask for her signature on a document so they can get started with construction. She snaps back to reality and asks about invitations. The men ask her about the points they just went over. She apologizes for not paying attention - she has a lot on her mind today and asks to reschedule for tomorrow. They leave. Gavi calls to Nancy to make a phone call. Nancy calls Margarita, who informs her that Rod was at the office and then left for the day - Nancy relays the information to Gavi. Gavi looks disappointed.

* Rod makes a surprise visit to Dr Erika's office. He puts the gift box on the desk and enters to start his impromptu psychiatrist session with Dr. Erika. She's impactado and smiling. Rod tells her that he was so tempted to call Gavi -- BUT HE DIDN'T! He didn't call because he wanted to see her (Erika)!

* Gavi tells Clara her disappointment because Rod returned but didn't call her. Clara tries to cheer Gavi up, but Gavi is too disgusted and hurt. Clara asks about Alonso. Gavi says he told Nancy he returns tomorrow morning. Clara tells Gavi to be prepared with an answer for Alonso.

* Rod gets all excited talking to Erika about his successful business trip through Europe and the U.S. He is so excited that his father's dream has really come true. He is equally excited because before his life seemed to revolved around Ricardo, Isa and Gavi and now with his venture becoming so successful, he finally has something all for himself. Erika asks him about Gavi and he tells Erika he came to this conclusion after thinking about something she told him before he left - he is doing this for himself only. Then he pauses and starts to think and wonder how Gavi is doing.



Thursday, October 18, 2007

Yo amo a Juan Querendón, Thursday October 18 - I hope it's OK if I say mean things about Paula

Hi, this is Carmel, filling in for Sylvia -- I am short on time so this is a very quick recap; apologies for mistakes and please use the comments to add anything important that I missed!

Nidia told Enrique to assume his responsibility for Yadira's child. Enrique kept trying to answer and was repeatedly interrupted by Nidia, but he finally managed to say he would marry Yadira. Yadira kissed him.

In the other room, Alirio asked Marely and Juan what was going on. Marely said coldly that it was a family matter. Alirio pointed out that Juan wasn't family. Juan said, "Yadira is pregnant, that's all."

Alirio the Morally Upright yelled, "Pregnant! Caramba, caray! This house has become Sodom and Gomorrah!"

He was still ranting and raving when Nidia, Yadira, and Enrique came out and revealed the wedding plans. Juan cheered and hugged Enrique. Marely smiled wryly.

Later Enrique told Juan, "There are few men like me. Decent." He said he was looking forward to being a family man, and asked Juan something that I didn't catch because I was making notes on earlier dialogue. (Anyone know what he said?) Juan said, "As man of the family, I see no problem," but that Enrique should ask Nidia.

Meanwhile, Marely told Yadira that marrying Enrique without love would be a much bigger mistake than getting pregnant. Yadira retorted, "This is what I want." Nidia said a mother shouldn't be single and love could come later.

Marely said it was incredible that such attitudes existed in the 21st century. Yadira told Marely not to interfere in her life. Marely told Yadira to do whatever she wanted and stormed out of the room. Yadira said, "Envious!"

When Juan picked up Paula to take her to work, Paula (who was wearing some clothes for a change) thanked him for the serenade and asked if it was really Pablo Montero. Juan said yes, and Paula said, "I have to confess, it impressed me."

But she said she was still confused and wanted a tregua (respite or rest) from their relationship with "zero pressure." When Juan agreed, she said he could keep being her chauffeur. (How generous of her!)

Pastor fretted to Ivonne about being blackmailed by Alirio. "You can't imagine how much this coyote is asking for. What am I going to do?" Ivonne said, "Maybe we have a solution nearer than we thought," and told him to go to Monica for help.

Monica asked Paula to help her with something -- planning a surprise birthday party for Cesar Luis, I think. Paula tried to get out of it, but her tiny brain wasn't up to the challenge, so she ended up saying yes (doesn't she always?)

Nidia and Yadira discussed Yadira's wedding plans. Nidia said Cesar Luis could be the padrino (best man).

Juan told Fernando and Enrique that he and Paula were taking a break in their relationship. He tried to make it sound like a good thing, saying it would help them clarify things. Fernando and Enrique were skeptical.

Ivonne mocked Cesar Luis about Monica being alone with Paula, saying all the secrets might come out. Cesar Luis pretended not to be worried. Ivonne said in her nasty-nice way, "If you play with fire, sooner or later you'll get burned. Having your wife and lover in the same office is a ticking time bomb."

Pastor told Alirio to stop threatening him, saying (basically), "I'll accept the consequences for what I've done, but not this absurd psychological war."

Alirio said he wanted his first payment from Pastor today. "Impossible," said Pastor. Finally Alirio gave him two days to come up with the money. Pastor repeated that he didn't want to hear any more "threats and insinuations" from Alirio.

Meanwhile, Juan was still insisting to his amigos that the time-out would strengthen his relationship with Paula. Fernando said time-outs were just pretexts so women didn't have to feel guilty about breaking up. Juan shouted him down.

Old Bowling-Ball Boobs -- sorry, I mean Paula -- fretted to Marely that Monica was up to something, setting a trap for Paula by asking her to help plan the surprise party. Marely said Paula should suggest holding the party at the office. (Not sure what difference that makes but I didn't catch all their dialogue.)

Pastor told Monica he was having trouble concentrating on his investigation of Cesar Luis's love life because he had big personal problem. "I need a lot of money." Without asking for details, Monica said she would give him a loan and they could talk about it tomorrow.

Alirio phoned Nidia and said Gutierrez was in jail and wanted Alirio to pay the bail. Nidia said, "I'm not a bank."

Later Nidia and Yadira showed up at the office and asked Cesar Luis to be the best man at Yadira's wedding. Cesar Luis discussed it with Monica and I think she talked him into it. (Apparently Monica is also going to be the matron of honor? Nidia told Marely that CL and Monica would be the "padrinos.")

Pastor told Ivonne that he didn't want to tell Monica about Cesar Luis's affair with Paula because that would be killing the goose that laid the golden egg. He warned Ivonne, "I know you. Don't open your pretty mouth because if you do, that will be the end of our friendship."

Monica told Cesar Luis that she wanted to go to lunch with him. Mr Passive Aggressive agreed, as usual. Monica then announced that she wanted Paula to go to lunch with them, too. Again CL agreed.

They went to give Paula the good news. She also agreed after making some token protests. (Pushover Paula and Spineless Luis had better watch out because Monica is going to eat them for lunch.)

Nidia went to the garage and greeted Fernando, "Hello, treasure. I wanted to see you, darling." Juan was listening, so Fernando pulled Nidia aside and said Juan had his "antenna connected."

Nidia gave Fernando a gift and Juan said, "Wooo!" Fernando opened it, saying, "Oh, a tie. It's divine." Juan kept gawking as Nidia flirted with Fernando.

Monica, Cesar Luis, and Paula arrived. Monica spotted Juan and invited him to lunch, too. Cesar Luis gave Juan the evil eye and said, "We won't bother Juan. Surely he has plans to eat," but Juan said, "No, no plans."

Paula (well, I hardly recognized her in this episode, with her chest covered up, but I think it was Paula) whispered to Juan, "Better you don't accept. It's a business meal." Juan promised that he'd eat quietly, but said if Paula didn't want him to go...

Paula gave him her big phony smile and said of course she wanted him to go! She led him toward the others. Cesar Luis glared and Juan smiled.

Words/phrases from this episode:
padrino = best man (according to my dictionary, but see Anonymous's comment below for a better explanation!!)
primogénito/primogénita = firstborn
un cero a la izquierda = worthless, no good (literally it means "a zero to the left")


Wanna do Amar recaps on Tuesday starting in November?

Hello friends,

Jestena, who has been giving recapping a whirl, will be doing her last recap on October 30. Anybody want to take over for her? Talk about it in the comments! Thanks.

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Juan Q 10-17-06 "The flesh is weak, and the devil is the devil" and he wears boots and rolled up sleeves...

The security guards begin to take away Juan and Kike as they protest loudly and Juan continues to beg Pablo to take mercy and pity on him that he has no other hope. Finally Pablo throws him a bone. He asks the guys to let go of them, that he wants to hear them out. Juan says he touched heaven and he lost it by being stupid and Pablo is the only one who can help him get it back. Pablo understands him to be talking about a woman. Juan says she’s an angel, no a goddess and he has to help.

We flash to Guti in jail ordering some thug to bring Perafan to see him, that he needs to talk to him, and to tell him if he doesn’t come he’ll start singing like a canary.

Then we go to Alirio’s dungeon where he tells Pastor, for now he’s not going to reveal anything. Pastor questions, for now? Ali says yes, it all depends on you and how willing you are to solve all of this. He says Gaitan acquired a lot of money through illegal means and Ali asked himself why he couldn’t share in that. Pastor asks him if he’s blackmailing him. He says, no, more like a redistribution of wealth, and his word not to say anything has a value, so he thinks they should form an association of sorts. Pastor tells him the money has all been spent. Alirion hits him with the legal implications of what he’s done and Pastor cuts to the chase and asks how much he wants. Alirio likes where this is going and tells Pastor that sounds more like it. Money signs chaching in his eyes.

Mar comes in to find Nid with a cold compress on her head and asks what is wrong, if she’s sick. She says she needs her blood pressure to go down, her sugar, her temperature, and her mood. She says she’s sick in the soul. Your stupid sister has stuck her foot into it with Kike (meter la pata) and she’s turned me into an abuela! Mar is impactada.

Moni comes home and Cl asks where she was. She doesn’t like that greeting but tells him she was with her cousin Laura. He continues, “What were you talking to Pastor so long for.” She tells him it doesn’t suit you to know. Cl presses, so she tells him Pastor asked her to be on his side instead of Cl’s so that he doesn’t get fired. Cl asks if there was anything more. She says yes but not important. They talked about the fact that you are abusing your power and somedays he doesn’t even know you. Cl tells her so that she doesn’t think he’s a monster he’s already given up the idea of firing Gaitan.

Alirio gets a call and a message passed through from the thug about Gutierrez.

Juan says to Kike told you so. Kike tells him he is the most optimistic guy in the world and he couldn’t believe that he’d get…he’s about to say the name when Juan shushes him with a Calle 12 alert as he doesn’t want everyone to know. He tells Kike after class they’ll go and pick up the guy on the disc who will do the serenade and all the rest. Kike again doesn’t understand and Juan tells Kike that he promised him the whole gang would sing including todo el marrano puesto.

Ana calls Pau. She misses her Pau appreciates her call and misses her much.

Ali goes to jail to see Guti. Gomez hasn’t talked but Guti will if Ali doesn’t get him out. He asks Ali for money.

Fer gets a call from Nid. Nid wants him to stop calling her Senora. She suffers for him, but she’s looking for Enrique. She asks if she can see him in an hour. Next thing we know she’s spiffing up. Mar comes upon her getting ready and wondering why she’s going out so late. Nid says her sister screwed up her life but she doesn’t have to surrender herself. Mar says fine I was just asking. She wonders what she should tell Alirio if he comes looking for her.

At the technical school, the teacher is telling her class how pathetic they are and that none of them will amount to much, except one test rose above. She calls out Juan. He starts apologizing for his poor performance when she congratulates him for rising above the mediocrity of everyone else and actually learning some. Juan tells himself this woman hasn’t given up trying to bed him, that or kike is right and he is the most optimistic.

Ali comes home and asks Mar where Nid is. She essentially says she’s not her mother’s keeper.

At a bar Nid tells Fer Yadi’s secret. He denies he’s still interested in Yadi. She takes advantage of that answer to throw herself at him and propositions his “services” as hombre because he’s made her feel so much better, just chatting with him. He wonders about her husband. He seems reluctant, then decides que the hell and orders some more “dead ones”.

Kike challenges Juan about his test and asks if he copied. Juan says he’s many things, but he’s not a trickster. Kike looks at him like que the hell. He says ok, he’s a little tricky but he’s on the road to recovery. Kike tells him he can’t trust everything to Santo Nino de Atocha, we have to put ourselves to work too. Juan says tomorrow because now they have to go get Pablo.

Next we see Nid and Fer in bed with a few less clothes. They are gossiping about Juan and Pau. This conversation was actually quite cute because they seem to have a genuine comfort level chatting and relating to each other. She compliments him that they had a great time, but bummer she’s married and a Mom, so time to go now. Wham bam thank you Man. She asks about the next time, and he says we’ll see. She appreciates that he’s not too easy.

We see Alirio trying to get into the desk that is locked with a key.

Mar and Yadi have a conversation about her estado and Yadi guesses mar is mad too for becoming a premature aunt. Mar says it shouldn’t matter what we are turning into, rather what she is turning into. She continues to tell her she’s irresponsible and that she and Kike don’t even have a relationship and she doesn’t even know what she wants for her life. Yadi launches into an unexpected speech about how it seems Mar thinks being a mother is degrading and that sorry, she needs to accept that she has a sister that aspires to nothing more than being a Mom and waiting for her husband to come home with dinner on the table and taking to the traditional role.

Alirio is next in Juan’s room and he is searching for something. Mar catches him and accuses him of looking for her Mom. He tells her he was looking for something he needed, but yes, it’s strange she’s gone out at this hour and Juan isn’t home either. She yells at him for suggesting that her Mom might be with Juan. Alirio explains he wasn’t thinking bad things about her Mom, but he wants her to realize that the flesh is weak and the devil is the devil ( or to him I guess wears boots) so

Juan shows up outside Pau’s with Pablo and 200 Mariachis in tow. Juan says he’s in Pablo’s hands. Pab says he’ll do what he can. Juan tells Kike, “If I don’t get back with my little dove, my heart will stop beating, it will die!”

Y Musica Maestro!!! Pau awakens from sleep to a full on hifidelity mariachi ensemble with Emilioooo crooning the famous song: Deja que salga la luna

Deja que salga la luna
Deja que se meta el sol
Deja que caiga la noche
Pa' que empieze nuestro amor
Deja que las estrellitas
Me llenen de inspiracion
Para decirte cositas muy bonitas, corazon
Yo se que no hay en el mundo
Amor como el que me das
Y se que noche tras noche
Va creciendo mas y mas
Se que noche tras noche,
Va creciendo, mas y mas
Cuando estoy entre tus brazos
Siempre me pregunto yo
Cuanto me debe el destino
Que contigo me pago
Por eso es que ya mi vida
Toda te la entrego a ti
Tu que me diste un beso
Lo que nunca te pedi
Yo se que no hay en el mundo
Amor como el que me das
Y se que noche tras noche
Va creciendo mas y mas
Se que noche tras noche,
Va creciendo, mas y mas
Deja, que salga la luna

Let the moon rise
Let it put down the sun
Let the night fall
So that our love will begin

Let the little stars
Fill me with inspiration
To tell you lovely things, my dear
I know in the world
There's no love like that you give me
And I know that night after night
It's going to grow more and more

When I'm in your arms
I always ask myself
How much do I owe destiny
That it has paid me with you
It's because of this now my life
All of it I give over to you
You who gave me a kiss
That I never even asked you for

I tell ya, that boy, whatever is screwed up in his acting or personal life, he can definitely sing!!!!!OOOoooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!

Juan tells Kike if she turns on the light he has some hope. Pau stands inside wondering what she ought do. She turns on the light and goes out with a smile. Juan beams like a kid that just figured out how to balance on his first bike. He tells himself:
Divine apparition, love of my loves, here is your love, so you shouldn’t ever forget in your life the one who is given life by caring for you, the one who is standing afar, don’t forget. Pau goes back in fairly quickly after that.

Marely wonders where Juan has ended up.

The song finishes and now they wonder what next. Kike thinks maybe she is coming down. Juan thanks Pablo, who isn’t convinced that his song did the trick. He says she heard it and that’s what matters. Pablo says he has to go and Juan asks Kike to pay him. Pablo refuses to take the money and tells him he admires him for doing whatever crazy thing for love. They get into a blazer type thing and drive off. All 200 hundred of them. I really wondered how they fit especially with all of their instruments.

Juan decides that they are going to go too and Kike is surprised at this but Juan assures him he knows how to handle this. We see Pau crawling back into bed and asking her Mother’s picture, why it’s so hard to know what one feels. Juan tells himself on the way home in the car, that he thought it was the smallest things that gave him hope, her smile, it couldn’t be the smile of someone who didn’t care for the man. He said he’s learning little by little, and he agrees he needs to do what his Goddess of Silver suggested, give her space and take things little by little.

Nid comes home and enters her room with a full on post love session sigh. Ali wonders where she was. She says, “I was in the street.” Doing what exactly? He wonders. She reminds him they had a deal when she agreed to this marriage and her private life is none of his concern so get rid of that sawed off shotgun face (Escopete recortata). Alirio disagrees and accuses her of being up to no good with Dominguez. Nid is impactada.

Pastor is in his bed recalling the earlier convers. with Alirio and that he said the consequences of divulging this information have legal implications….

Nid laughs that he would suggest Juan is involved. She tells him not to be silly and that the poor guy is already plagued by a lot of gossip, he doesn’t need more, he’s probably counting sheep right now. She finally kicks him out of her room because she doesn’t want to deal with this.

Juan comes home and asks Perafan what he’s doing down there. He tirades that the world doesn’t revolve around him and partly it’s his fault. Juan is perplexed as he just came home, Alirio points out the “just” and says he’s got lots of work in the morning so he doesn’t want to discuss stupid things further tonight. They go to bed.

The next morning Juan says in Achichipico they always said that you think better in the morning because at those hours you see inside yourself better. He said he was dying to fight for his licenciada and not lose the only thing that makes sense in his life, Love.

At the breakfast table an odd caucus of sorts is taking place regarding Yadi. Ali doesn’t know what is the topic, but he is denied the floor to speak. Juan is given the floor and he says he thinks this is something that should be solved together by the couple. Mar agrees. Nid agrees and asks yadi what Kike said. She says nothing concrete yet. The doorbell rings. Ali keeps on bantering and Nid says he still wasn’t given the floor, caramba! Kike shows up. Yadi screams out with a big smile, you are going to marry me, Enrique? And the game show suspense music plays as a roundabout of impactada faces rotates on the screen, Kike’s the most affected!


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