Thursday, November 01, 2007

Juan Q 10/31- 3 Men with a Plan, CL to get a girl, Juan to forget a girl, and Angarita to teach a brother

Cl has just finished his come on now, do you really think you are better than me speech and Juan asks himself if this guy is serious and that he has a super strong desire to break his neck and show him how to respect other people’s feelings, but as it goes, the guy is right about almost everything he has said. Who am I but a poor dog living in the street and he’s the cream of the crop.
Kike and Fer wonder what’s happening with Juan and they say that he’s so stubborn there’s no talking him out of things and this time he’s playing with the bull. Fer says well, that’s what happens when he shoots too high.

Juan tells himself well that’s how it is I guess, the giraffes with the giraffes and the mandrills with the mandrills. He thinks maybe Fer is right and it’s time to forget all this and be the same Juan as before, the lovable lover. Time to clean the slate and start over!

He comes out of the office and finds Don Angarita who begs Ivonne to speak with CL, and she very snottily tells Ang that he’s still occupied. Juan intervenes and asks if CL is no longer with Juan she should let him see Angarita. She says he’s busy with other things but finally agrees to announce Angarita after he reminds her that the worst fight is the one never fought.

Marely asks what Juan was doing in the boss’s office, Juan answers he did the most ridiculous thing that he never should have done.

CL remarks to Ivy what a morning with Juan and now this guy - he agrees to see him, and Ivonne tells Ang to go in and not take too long.

Angarita gets straight to the point and asks CL what to do about the joke that idiot Pastor pulled. CL isn’t sure what he’s talking about at first but Ang clarifies that it’s about the "commissions he took under the table" (bajo la agua - under the water).

Kike and Fer see Juan and ask him how it went with the big boss. Juan cuts them down to size accusing them of being gossips. They tell him to calm down. He says calm his leggings (Mis polainas)? He tells them that he never sticks his nose in anyone else’s business so he doesn’t expect anyone should mind himself or herself with his and he tells them to get to work and he’s not going to tell them anything. Kike and Fer tell each other that they guess basically it was worse than they thought.

Mar & Pau chat about Juan and Mar tells Pau she doesn’t really know what happened though Pau fears that the guys lost their heads, because guys do that sort of thing. Mar says no that didn't happen at least, but she still doesn’t know what did.

Juan is walking down a street and as he steps off a curve, suddenly a car swerves and stops in front of him. The driver gets out and yells at Juan calling him big and stupid and says maybe the next guy won't be so considerate.

Juan continues on his way in a fog just ignoring his surroundings. He is next walking across a huge street when the light is still green and not paying any attention. We see a car coming at him honking but he’s not reacting. It looks as though the car will hit him when…. commercial. And trick or treaters. This time it’s little puppy, a baby cow, and another small fuzzy animal I didn’t catch. Not a mandrill though.

When we come back from the commercial, Screeeechhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Luckily Juan did not become menudo. This next car stops and the guy gets out and tells him if he wants to kill himself don’t involve innocent people. Maybe the next guy won't stop for you! Juan apologizes and continues on his way across the street. Cars are still speeding around him. I'm telling you, the DF is not a place you want to wander aimlessly oblivious of traffic. He's damn lucky...course this is telenovelaland.

Brother Ang is talking to CL about his brother and doesn’t understand why CL didn’t already send him to jail (al tanque – the tank). CL says there were attenuating circumstances and that Pastor has always been a good worker. Bro Ang goes off on a philosophical complaint and says that that’s what is wrong with this country; that people commit bad deeds and essentially get just a wrist slap so they come back to do bad things again. He tells Cl he is the one who is going to pay CL back all the money Pastor owes him, as long as the possibility of sending Pastor to jail remains open. Ang said that he’s going to resolve this problem for Pastor but it’s not for free, it will cost him: Blood sweat and tears (Sangre, sudor y lagrimas) CL is interested and they make an agreement. Ang says hopefully one day they can meet again to discuss possible business deals. Cl tells him he’s in his own house, whenever he wants.

The phone rings in parking. Mar looks for Juan and Fer tells her that he wandered out and was acting like a crazy man. She relays this to Pau. They collectively worry about him.

Juan, still walking in a daze, tells himself he feels empty, not knowing where he is or where he’s going. It doesn’t matter anyway because no matter where he goes she’s not there. He tells God that he’s never felt love like this before, and it’s never hit him so hard. He wonders why he was dealt this blow and why life causes us so much strife at times.

Ang gives Pastor the good news and Pastor thanks him profusely. But then Ang gives him the conditions, that this is going to be a loan, and so Pastor promises, of course. Bro does not trust Pastor so he asks how and when he’s going to do it, but this was a rhetorical question because Bro comes up with the solution. He doesn’t want a note from Pastor. Bro says to Pastor, “You’ll work in the market.” Pastor is impactada.

Cl recounts to Pau about Juan’s offerings and he cracks up that Juan was only missing a trio with maracas. She tells him not to make fun and to respect him. He keeps on laughing and she gets up to leave. He can’t help himself and keeps on cackling. She tells him each has a way of expressing their love. Juan is simple, but that’s part of his charm. Cl says now he’s worried, and wonders if she has fallen for him. She says she has a special sort of affection for him. Cl laughs here and there and says he’s just jealous. She says they better change the subject. He is still fighting back laughter.

Juan is back in church asking Santo Nino de Atocha for help to either get her as his or forget her. Either one of those will be a miracle.

Marely flashes back to Fer telling her Juan left and begs the Virgin to protect him.

Juan comes back to the office and Kike and Fer hide behind magazines and try to ignore Juan. He apologizes for snapping at them. They make amends.

Pau comes out and asks if Mar heard from Juan. They both hope nothing bad happened to him.

Juan tells Kike he has to get Pau out of his head. He decides he has to go and can’t keep on seeing that woman.

Pastor tells Ivonne about his bro’s arrangement. They also talk about how wonderful Juan was with Pastor’s death. Ivy thinks maybe Pastor’s fallen back into illusions with Juan. Pastor denies this but describes how Juan can be such a great friend, and he won't give that up, least of all now that he’ll be working around Juan at the market.

Juan tells Kike he was praying to Santo and he was told that he is on the right track and that he needs to close the love store. Kike agrees with Juan and tells him maybe he should start anew. Juan says he’s going to ask Ang for work. Kike says he might end up back at Farell, and Juan says the only way he’ll be back is in a nice ship like that one and he points to CL’s Mercedes.

Pastor is in with CL and CL is sending him on some work tasks in a sort of holier than thou tone.

Juan finally goes up and sees Mar who is glad that he is ok and tells Juan to go see Pau. Juan goes in to see Paula. She asks if he is still mad. He addresses her in the formal, and she is surprised. She asks him what happened with CL and he remarks how fast the gossip travels. She is mad that this was between them, and it should have stayed between them, and the next time... He says there will be no next time. He is going to resign.

Fer tells Kike he wishes he could have been as valiant as Juan when he was in this situation and Kike says you too had something with Pau? Fer says no not with Pau but with someone else and it was similar to the trick that was played on him and Juan needs to go away in order to be saved. If he stays he’s doomed and Fer knows of what he speaks.

Pau screams that Juan is making a rash decision. He says no, she has a car now, so she doesn’t need him. She thinks the business should decide and he said no. My days as your chauffeur are over. She says we’ll talk to Pastor to find something else. He appreciates her concern but he’s not in need of her help and he says if he goes, yes it’s because he doesn’t want to see her anymore, as this is torture for him. She runs at him and tells him no, but you and I have always been friends and so we always will be. He tells her maybe she can see him as only a friend but he just can’t, and that being here watching her seeing CL everyday is going to be incredibly painful for him. He asks her how he can possibly forget the only true love he ever had, and he’s the only one that lost in this whole story. He emerges from her office and puts on his strong man face.

Juan comes out of the office and tells Marely that everything has a beginning and an end, and this is the end. She asks of what, and he says everything. Pau comes out and tells Mar he’s going to resign. He doesn’t want to see me any more.

Juan is now riding in the truck with Kike, he wonders to himself why that woman begged him not to leave. He says maybe she’s not sure herself how she feels, then he tells himself to stop it and snap out of these thoughts that have given him false hope all along. He says out loud it’s over. Kike says what and he says with Pau. They chat about that for a little and then Kike asks him if he studied for the test. He says yes. He tells himself that he appreciates Kike is there as a true friend and knows how to make him feel better.

Pau gets a call from Ana who thinks Pau sounds sad. Pau says it’s because Juan is going. Ana tells Pau on the phone it’s best Juan leaves, because of course he doesn’t want to be around you if he has no hope. She asks if she's sad because he started to win over her heart and she cares more for him than she thinks.

Juan gets his test and seems shocked (Hija de maiz) at the questions and that he is only given a half an hour. The teacher tells him even if she gave him 2 hours his answers would be the same. Oh ye of little faith. He gets mad and decides that he will prove her wrong. He asks for God to lend his blessed hand on this.

Kike is surprised to see Fer show up. Fer and Kike are wondering how he will do and waiting for him in a café. Fer tells Kike he came to see if he has a future as a teacher.

Juan crosses his paper and hands it to the teacher - she wonders sarcastically if he doesn’t want to use his remaining 30 seconds of time. he thinks he's good. She says fine, she’ll review the test right now. He is impactado and says he’s surprised that she can do it so fast. He tells himself it’s the moment of truth.

Juan comes out and finds Fer waiting with Kike nervously. He’s surprised to see him. Fer cuts to the chase and asks how he did. Juan looks down at his paper and hesitates. Fer reads this that he failed. He yells how could he after we spent so much time. He says Juan must have stones in his head. Fer and Kike keep lamenting the fact that Juan didn’t apply himself and Juan says but I passed. Kike and Fer are so caught up in their ranting that they don’t hear Juan, twice until he grabs them by the shoulders and says no I passed. The whole restaurant applauds him.

He was surprised that in the middle of all of this sadness he was able to find something to cheer himself up. Maybe small to some, but really big to him.

Marely prays to San Antonio that Juan gets Pau out of his head and makes room for her.

The boys drink some cervezas to celebrate. Juan thanks them for their help but declines to drink much with them because he knows what he ends up doing if he drinks beer all night and he doesn’t want to end up that way and meet the devil in person.

Nidia chats with Mar because she can’t sleep either. Nid thinks Juan is with Pau, but Mar tells her Pau is going back to CL and he’s divorcing. Nid is concerned.

Yadi tells Kike how bad her nausea is. Kike is sure it will be a feisty girl for causing such problems to her mom. Yadi says she’s the Mom and she knows best that it’s a boy. They fight over what it will be, boy or girl, Yadi hangs up.

Pau is in her room taking off the ring Juan gave her and flashing back to Juan’s statements when he announced he was leaving.

We end the show with Juan standing outside of Pau’s house and staring up at her window. Wonder what will happen!

HAPPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Amar Sin Limites #76, Wednesday 10-31: Get me to the banquet hall on time

Before we begin the evening's drama-fest, we have to get through the last bits of last night's drama: Julio's pleased with how well the fashion show went and he wants to take Arnaldo to dinner; Team Mauricio comes home and hears that the caterer has brought in a sample dinner; Mauricio clues us in that he wanted Diego out of the way during the wedding, but he didn't want him dead, and he didn't want bullets involved; Andres is pissy that Mauricio didn't entrust him with this job; Diego tells a sad, sad, Silvana that he's still in love with Azul (duh!) and he still intends to stop the wedding; Silvana asks whether she can have him if he doesn't manage to stop the wedding; Ceci advises Azul to talk to Mauricio if she has doubts about getting married.

Tía Inés' hospital room: GSD leaves Emilia a message to tell her he's staying with Inés tonight…and that he loves Emilia. Sure, right, but not as much as his cigarettes, I'll bet.

Mansión Malicia v 2.0: Ceci says if Azul is going to call it off, she'd better do it now and not at the altar. Ceci says that just because Azul's not going to be with Diego, that doesn't mean she has to marry Mauricio. Azul tells her to forget it and the go to eat dinner.

Backstage: Diego tells Silvana she's special and he doesn't want to hurt her and he can't make a promise he doesn't know if he can keep. Silvana says she's not looking for love, just hope. Diego points out that she tried with Flavio, but it didn't work out. Silvana says she knows she and Diego can work out since they, erm, worked out once before. Diego says he's going to try to get Azul back and "jugar el todo por el todo" ("bet everything", "be all in", etc.--Ooh, perhaps this will be idiom night!). If he loses, Silvana wants the chance to bet on Diego. All of a sudden, these people sound like they've been watching Celebrity Poker Showdown nonstop. He says if Azul marries Mauricio, he'll give Silvana a shot and he'll quit chasing after Azul. Wow. Wasn't that romantic. I guess sometimes desperation does work, huh?

Mansión Malicia v 2.0: The Caterer proposes a menu of pre-Hispanic cuisine, with a touch of Asian flavor. *pretension alert, pretension alert* Andres has already heard the warning bells and is flipping off The Caterer. The starter: Squash Blossom Mousse. Main dish: Red Snapper (she calls it "guachinango" which the dictionary translates as "slimy") with Sweet and Sour Sauce and Toasted Sesame Seeds. Dessert: hearts of sweet cheese on strawberry glaze ("espejo de fresas", literally meaning "mirror of strawberries") decorated with mint and chocolate shavings. Oh, and of course, the wedding cake, which is what Caty is interested in, seeing as how she's had dinner already and has been making faces throughout The Caterer's recitation (ok, to be fair, so have I). Azul likes that they're including seafood, since some people don't eat red meat, which she apparently only says so that Caty can chime in that her Dead!Mami didn't eat meat, remember Papa? Mauricio sends her to bed for that remark, and Caty begs for Azul to put her to bed, so she can show Azul her dress. Mauricio says he can't deny his little ladies anything. *gag*

Casa Moron: Mama and Papa come home to find Lidia lying on the couch. Papa brags about his new car and Lidia wonders where he got the money for it, which sets Papa off. Lidia says that Piero was going to give her a car, but she ran him off since she was supposed to act dignified. Papa says that doesn't include not accepting cars from Piero. Mama thinks Lidia done right. She also wants the divorce proceedings started, but Lidia won't hear it.

Mansión Malicia v 2.0: Caty asks if Azul's really going to marry her daddy. Wow, even the kid's picked up on Azul's wishy-washyness. Caty asks forgiveness for mentioning her Dead Mami and doesn't want Azul to be mad at her. Caty says she doesn't want to think about Dead Mami anymore because now Azul's going to be her Mami. *gag*

Casa Moron: Manuel's giving more Love Lessons, this time to Lidia. He tells her it's obvious Piero's getting the money from Lucia. Lidia agrees and says it's humiliating that Piero's sleeping with his ex. Papi's advice is that no one will know, and besides, she's got to squeeze everything out of Piero she can (ew, not like that) so that if he does go back to Lucia, Lidia won't be left empty-handed. Papi says she should put her pride aside and start asking Piero for presents. Okay, I know Manuel started out as an all-around jerk, but when did he become this creepy manipulative guy who pimps out his daughter?

Hospital: GSD reminisces about the first time he heard Inés play a concert. He says she looked so fragile and beautiful holding the instrument, but when she started playing she looked…Inés starts crying and he doesn't finish his sentence. Emilia knocks on the door and enters. GSD, who just a minute ago was waxing rhapsodic about Inés, tries to kiss Emilia hello, but she asks him for a word outside. They leave a weeping Inés. Emilia showed up to gripe GSD out for being the one to spend the night with Inés. She reminds him about why Inés tried to kill herself and says all this attention might be misinterpreted. GSD thinks that, as a therapist, she'd understand why he's spending all this time with Inés, but Emilia tells him that, as a therapist, it's a bad idea to give her all this attention and that she'll use it to keep him near her. GSD says Inés needs his support and he needs Emilia's understanding, especially now that he's going to bring Inés to his apartment to live with him for a few days. Emilia's "QUÉ" can probably be heard all the way out in the hospital parking lot. Emilia's convinced this is all a bid on Inés' part to get GSD all to herself. GSD points out that neither of his kids can do it since Azul's going to get married and Arnaldo's gay. GSD grabs Emilia and tells her she's the woman he loves (right in front of Inés window). Emilia needs time to think and runs off. GSD just now realizes he did that right in front of the window. Dude, GSD has a terminal case of stupidity.

Casa S&I&G: Silvana comes home to a lecture from Gloria the Drama Queen, who was sleeping on the couch, probably so that she would have more to complain about. Additional complaints include: smelling alcohol on Silvana's breath, Isela not being home yet like a "decent" woman would be, and sleeping on the couch like a visitor even though Isela's not even home yet. Silvana blows her off and says she's going to bed. Gloria chases after her, saying since Silvana gave Isela her bed, Gloria's willing to share hers with Silvana--but only because Silvana's her daughter.

Mansión Malicia v 2.0: Emilia comes over to tell Azul she's not coming to the wedding because she can't support Azul getting married out of pity…oh, and also because she's pissed off at GSD for moving Inés into his apartment. Hm, who's going to win the Drama Queen award for tonight after all?

Hospital: Inés clues GSD in to the fact that if she were still his girlfriend, she wouldn't want him shacking up with an ex either. Not that she knows where she'd go, but what she does know is that GSD and Emilia are together for good. Sounds like she did a lot of thinking during that coma.

Mansión Malicia v 2.0: Azul tells Emilia she no longer sees Inés as the woman who came between her parents, now she sees her as fragile and needing affection. Emilia's pissed that Inés is getting what she wanted with her emotional blackmail. Emilia's worried that Inés will take GSD's attention the wrong way. Azul tells her that her parents always fought and Emilia asks whether, if she doesn't make an effort to be understanding, she could lose GSD. Azul nods. I roll my eyes.

Casa S&I&G: Silvana and Gloria are sleeping (or trying to) in one of the beds in the bedroom. Gloria hogs the covers. I think we all could have guessed that. Silvana complains that Gloria didn't even ask why she was happy. Isela comes in just then and Silvana bounds onto the other bed to tell Isela her news: Diego said that if he can't stop the wedding, then he'll give Silvana a chance. Nope, doesn't sound any more romantic than it did last time. Isela looks all excited about it. Silvana takes it as a done deal that in less than 24 hours, Diego will be all hers.

Casa E&G: Diego has called a meeting of the Workingman's Mafia: Don Chucho, Efrain, and Gaspar. He's brought them together to help him bust up the wedding. The thought of the four of them as a crack team of wedding-busting commando's fills my cynical heart with glee. I wonder who's going to give whom a boost over the wall, or whether they'll try to sneak in as caterers. We cut to commercials. When we return, the older guys tell him he's nuts. Gaspar tells him that stealing the bride is romantic. Gaspar wants them to get Diego a horse, but Efrain tells him they need to be realistic. Efrain decides he'll help, but Diego needs to get his feet on the ground. Chucho says he should talk to Azul instead of busting up the wedding. Diego says he's tried. Chucho says if he's tried talking to her and she won't change her mind, then Diego needs to give up. Diego YELLS at Chucho that he won't let Azul marry a murderer. I've never actively disliked Diego, but yelling at Chucho-unforgivable! Efrain tells him to follow his own path and let Azul follow hers. Diego says this is necessary because he loves Azul and she loves him. Yes, but together the two of you are incredibly stupid, not to mention boring, and you would only make marginally beautiful babies, so really I'm not seeing the point.

Casa S&I&G: Isela's happy if Silvana's happy, but she wants to hear the whole story. Silvana wants to hear about Isela's date with Anibal. Isela suggests that since they have "mucha tela de donde cortar para hacer un bonito vestido de chisme" ("plenty of cloth to cut from to make a pretty dress of gossip"…I would say that's more like a metaphor than an idiom) they should do it over coffee. The go out into the other room, while Gloria pretends to be asleep…at least until they leave.

Workingman's Mafia headquarters: They have now moved on to looking at a diagram of the house. Diego is telling everyone where their positions will be. He tells Gaspar that his position was chosen based on not actually being invited to the wedding. Gaspar says he's only doing this so as not to miss seeing this romantic event. Chucho, ever the voice of reason, reminds Gaspar that Romeo and Juliet were romantic too, and look how they ended up--dead! Efrain crosses himself and hopes this won't end the same way. No way the viewing public could ever be so lucky.

Mansión Malicia v 2.0: Emilia finally takes her leave, so Azul can get some rest before the big heist…digo, the wedding. Azul begs Emilia to say she'll come to the wedding and take her mother's place. She wants GSD and Emilia to be her witnesses. Perhaps someone can fill me in as to how important the choosing of witnesses is? It sounds like it's maybe even more important than the role of best man/maid of honor, the way people fuss over it.

Hospital: Arnaldo came to see Inés, but Inés has left with Azul and GSD.

Graveyard: GSD, Azul, and Inés have come to pay Mami a visit. Azul asks for Mami to show her the path she should take. I'd give anything for Mami to return for the grave and give Azul a good hearty smack. Inés tells Mami that she's going to give Azul away in Mami's place. The way Azul turns her head to look at GSD and GSD won't look at her, I'm guessing she wasn't expecting this. Well, that and that she'd asked Emilia to do it the night before.

Wedding: I see Andres and Ceci are really enjoying being able to publicly display affection. Various guests enter, including Burgay, Piero and Lucia, some extras we've never met. We don't get a very good look at Caty's dress before Mauricio asks Chonita to take care of her (which always seems to be code for "get the kid out of the room"). Andres comes over to tell Mauricio to chill. Mauricio asks about the extra security that was supposed to be hired and Andres says he took care of everything. He does, however, want to know why he wasn't supposed to bring Jacinto. Mauricio says Jacinto has another job today. Andres is alarmed that Mauricio trusted something to one of Eva's men, but Mauricio reminds him, with a nasty laugh, that Boris trumps Eva.

Super Secret Virus Room: Jacinto tells Young Paul McCartney that he'll give him the signal for when to set off the bomb. He leaves the room to answer a call from Mauricio, who asks to be kept informed.

Wedding: Mauricio calls Boris, who asks if everything's ready. Mauricio says it is. Sounds like the plan is for Mauricio to do the blowing up before Ivan can get to it. Whichever one of them does it first (which may mean, whichever one of them actually kills Eva) wins. If it's Mauricio, he takes Eva's place; if it's Ivan, he takes Eva's place and Mauricio's "out". Boris doesn't like doing this on the wedding day, but Mauricio says it's the perfect alibi. They hang up and Mauricio gloats that he's going to be Boris' right hand and also married to the woman he (Mauricio) wants.

In the car: Inés tells Azul she's so happy to be here. GSD asks the chauffer what's up and the chauffer says someone's following them. And that someone would be Diego, who's driving fairly recklessly. GSD says they shouldn't tell the ladies.

Wedding: Gaspar is nervous and begs Chucho to go over the plan again. The plan is, if Diego fails, they grab Azul as she gets out of the car, to buy Diego more time. Gaspar says "Que Dios nos agarre confesados" ("May God take us after we've confessed" I don't know if this qualifies as an idiom either, but what he's referring to is being sin-free after one confesses, which would be a good time to meet one's Maker, should one ascribe to that set of beliefs--basically Gaspar's being a little melodramatic).

On the Road: Diego tries to overtake Azul's car and ends up blocking it so that the driver has to stop. He pulls on a ski mask, but gets taken down by the extra security guys. They're going to move the car so that Azul's car can go on. They shove Diego in the back of a black SUV. Score one for Mauricio.

Eva and Ivan are in another black SUV. Eva asks Ivan to stop the car and they pull over by the side of the road. Eva gets out and stands there crying and hoping that everything goes well. Ivan says it will, but Eva says this may be the last time they see each other. Ivan says after they fake her death, she'll never be able to contact him again or Boris will find out. Eva thanks him for her new life and Ivan tells her to be happy for them both. Eva cuts him off and says they should go. They get back in the car.

Wedding: Mauricio thinks Diego got to Azul, but Andres tells him the security guys got Diego and are wanting to know what to do with him. Mauricio tells Andres to have them take Diego to Cocoyoco (Mansión Malicia v 1.0) to share Eva's little surprise. Outside, Don Chucho and Gaspar notice that Azul's car is there, but there's no sign of Diego. GSD helps Azul out of the car and she goes inside. So much for grabbing her. Azul walks in with GSD and Inés. She tells Mauricio about the other car. GSD complains about how the roads are so unsafe. GSD walks Inés to a table and Caty starts sprinkling a flower path. Outside, Gaspar tells Don Chucho that Efrain said that some guys intercepted Diego. I guess Efrain was in the car behind Diego's so he could update Chucho and Gaspar? Chucho is alarmed. Efrain is trying to follow the guys, but has a crappier car than the one Diego was in, so he's having trouble keeping up. Gaspar's pretty freaked, but Chucho says to chill, he'll go tell Azul everything right now.

Anibal's office: Silvana has come to brag to Clemencia that if Diego can't bust up the wedding, Silvana is his consolation prize. What? That's what it amounts to. Clemencia's happy for her and they hug. But then Clemencia is alarmed about this talk of Diego busting up the wedding, and also alarmed that Diego didn't even tell her the wedding was today. She asks Silvana if Diego was planning something. Silvana says she was so happy about their deal that she didn't even think to ask Diego what he was planning. Doh!

Wedding: Emilia tells Azul she looks beautiful. She hasn't gotten around to telling Emilia she's been relieved from witness duty, but Mauricio rushes her off to start the ceremony. The judge asks for the rings as Azul looks like she's about to faint. Then he asks for the Groom's witnesses to stand on one side and the Bride's on the other. Emilia comes over to take GSD's other arm and Azul tells both women that she wants them to be her witnesses. So, does that mean GSD's been un-witnessed or what? Looks like Ceci and Andres are on Mauricio's side, unless Caty's allowed to be a witness. The photographers take a bunch of pictures.

Tomorrow: Will Azul actually sign the register? Will Eva get blown to bits? Tune in to (yet another) "decisive" episode and find out.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Destilando 10/31 - in which we discover that Texto-60 is your best bet when the agaves putrify.

Sofia, on her way back to Montalveña, portentously tells Dani: "I may be back here sooner than you think."

Blondie asks Gav straight out: "How's your love life going? Because you whacked on Minerva you have to get the hell out of Dodge, these catfights are bad for CRT's prestige. We want you to come to the London office - with ME!! I need an immediate answer." "But my mom -- " "She can come TOO!" "Still, I have to ask her. And London is not exactly a place of good memories for me -- " "That can CHANGE! You can live in a GREAT NEIGHBORHOOD and enjoy EXCELLENT CULTURE [and coffee? -Ed.] and meet VERY IMPORTANT PEOPLE!!"

"If I don't accept, can I keep working here?" Blondie says that would be tough - she couldn't go to any Important Parties and couldn't keep working at her current elevated level. "Then the spiders have won..." She refuses to give an answer.

Pilar looks happy talking to Roberto on the phone. I forget who Roberto is. She urges discretion.

The Sperminator's secretary calls Daniela to cancel her appointment for the umpteenth time. She decides to go sit in his office until he'll see her. There are a lot of people in his waiting room. She tells the secretary she'll wait until dawn if necessary.

Gav calls, to find out if Rod's psychologist is (hopefully) old or married. This information is a critical component of her go-to-London decision tree. Dani is non-committal.

Rod tells Isa he's glad her parents are back from their super luxurious luxury cruise or wherever they've been: it's time for deadbeat daddy to pay up. And she, menacingly, says tonight's the night to talk about divorce, particularly DINERO.

Rod calls Erika and, all brisk and cheerful and confident, asks her to go look at new offices with him and then have dinner.

Francisco and Sofia are back at the hacienda. Ofelia and Roman fuss happily over Sofia and ignore Frankie completely. He complains (nobody is listening) about the agonies of flying tourist class and asks Ofelia to make him a glass of pineapple juice with celery and perijil which is an ingredient too fancy to be in my dictionary. He brags to James that they had champagne on their flight.

An extra arrives and says there's trouble out in the fields. James jumps up and wants to go but Frankie says no, it's my work. He dashes out. Sofia: "Ofelia, you can forget about that glass of juice."

Sofie and James look at page after page of calls from Frankie to Isa. Sofia is rabid; she can't believe she ignored so much evidence that Frankie was playing her. "Isa betrayed me! I helped her! I sided with her even when I didn't agree! She's a ruin! A low rat, there are no words for her vileness!" [Excuse me, what about Frankie?] James is sympathetic. She continues, "Why was I so stupid? It was right in front of me, I didn't want to see it, I can't accept that Frankie married me por interes (to get his hands on the loot)." She reviews, to rub salt in her wounds, the many times her suspicions should have been aroused.

Out in the fields, Frankie looks with neophyte horror at some twisted, putrified agave plant. The guys say they need CRT's help, this is an emergency, but Frankie doesn't want any scandal. "Maybe it's just this one crummy plant that didn't get enough copper sulfite and the others are all fine."

They ignore that and ask what they should do. "For the moment, nothing - and don't say a word to James." [This guy would make a fine president of the United States. --Ed.] He dabs himself nervously with a fine silk handkerchief.

At Isa's apartment (La Basurero, heh), big Ricky is dandling little Ricky and saying the kid looks to be an authentic Duarte - "I don't see anything of the Montalvos in him." At this Isa demands that the nanny remove Ricky Junior (a.k.a. the incriminating evidence).

She tells Ricky Sr. it's time to get with Rod and pay up. "Babydoll, I've had a severe financial setback and won't be able to pay him."

Isa loses it and starts screaming, "You can't do this, you'll go back to jail, you'll deprive me and little Ricky of the fat, fat divorce settlement which would set us up for life, Rod will get the apartment, the car, you got me into this now get me out!"

Nuria sides with her husband, but Isa says the tables are turning: "Sofia's no longer on my side, Dani is on the way to discovering the truth about Ricky Jr., she'll convince Rod one way or another." "Then run away with us to the Bahamas, we'll get you a good divorce lawyer there." "The baby has no passport and I'd need Rod's signature!"

Daddy goes to call his bank buddy, but the bank buddy has looked into the situation, doesn't trust daddy's 'clients,' and refuses the loan. "Don't worry, Princess, Rod is rich, he can take the hit."

Isa shouts some more: "I hate you! Get out of here!" She sobs and sobs as visions of the expensive cars that were to have been her future fade into the distance. After the commercial she stops crying and gets a little Scarlett O'Hara backbone. "I'm not conquered! Rod and his family will give me what's mine!"

Frankie, still dabbing his anxious sweat with his fancy handkerchief, walks into the bar. Crispin to bartender: "Here comes that clown." Frankie commits what even I, a lifelong teetotaller, know to be a big fat bar faux pas - he says "nothing" when asked what he'll have.

He asks Crispin as casually as a sweating, terrified jackass can ask: "Hmm, I have a - a friend - he didn't have enough money to use enough copper sulfate on his agaves - there's been a l'il outbreak, nothing significant - but - if copper sulfate were to be applied now, would it solve the problem?" "No, copper sulfate is a preventative measure, it's too late for that. He would need, instead, TEXTO-60 FUNGICIDE (don't tell me this was a product placement!!!!!!), and it's very expensive." "Aren't there any other alternatives?" "Yes..." (Frankie brightens hopefully) "... tell him to pray."

Isa barges into Rod's office and gets the usual que haces aqui? (everybody was supposed to learn this one: "What are you doing here?"). "I came to give you good news: Daddy can't meet you today but he can settle up with you on Monday. Meanwhile, I need to de-stress, I'm taking little Ricky to the beach." Rod says no she isn't, she says she is, he says she isn't, and she grumpily stalks out.

Then Sofia calls and wants Rod to run right over to the hacienda. He says he's too busy, she says it's a delicate matter and she'll come to the city and be at Pilar's the next day.

As Isa is grumpily stalking, Francisco calls. Fleeing putrid agaves, he suddenly can't live without her. She reminds him what a jerk he was the previous day and says it's too late. He begs and begs: "I had an infernal night, my marriage is over, I'm so anxious, I'll get on a plane right now, there will be a future for us, I can't stay here at the hacienda, it went to the devil in my absence, and James wants to run it anyway." He tries his crappy French on her.

[My daughter asked me the other day to try to be a more optimistic person. What can I say?]

Well, the Sperminator has avoided Dani for weeks and weeks, but he's stuck now. The last, last patient leaves and Dani's still there. He lets her in. He starts by mumbling the stupid lies scripted by Isa long ago. "Doc, enough of the cat and mouse game, tell the truth."

Dani explains that this kid is the trump card in a gigantic big-bucks winner-takes-all Montalvo war - "The kid would be the last inheritor of the Montalvo fortune. I want documents I can take to a geneticist to review, and then I won't bother you again."

Tejeiros starts mumbling about getting somebody right on it (like in the next century) but Dani cuts him off: "Or, I know, let's give little Ricky a DNA test right away. If he passes, we'll give you a case of tequila and our apologies. If not, it's lawyers and jail for you."

Tejeira folds. "She was already pregnant when I did the tests for her. She said it would ruin her marriage - she would have to abort - my life is the struggle for life in the womb - I had to help her - " "And how much did that help cost?" He folds further. "At first I didn't accept her checks - my ethics and my career ended when I helped your sister-in-law - at least I never had the nerve to cash her checks." He hauls out a big envelope with wads of checks in it. I gather by Dani's eyebrow-raising that the sums were large. She asks who the father was but he doesn't know.

Frankie is breathlessly rushing around preparing his evacuation. "SanJuana, get my suitcase and two changes of clothes..."

"Where are you going?" asks Sofia. "To the city, to uh, buy cattle medicine." "I'm coming with you." He tries to dissuade her, and he already has a ticket, and he says he's coming back next day. But she says she has business in the city herself. She gets her own ticket. Frankie makes a pointless crack about not sitting around Pilar's watching the family fight.

Sofia tells James that Rod should know, this very day, about Isa's affair with Frankie.

Rod reads the riveting CRT magazine. Well, his gramps is on the cover. He reads about the famous party, there's a big picture of Blondie and Gav. He sags reading: "Doctor Santovenia said he cannot imagine his life without her."

Gav is reading it too, Nancy looking over her shoulder and crowing, "Now all the world knows! All that's missing is an engagement ring!" Was there something about Rodrigo and "ant eye"? Gav thoughtbubbles: "My heart belongs to Rodrigo, there's no room for anybody else."

Blondie and Av* discuss Gav's personal life and the chances of her accepting the London job. Then - it seems some guy who was about to be sent to Madrid can't go. For a moment Blondie is terrified Av* is going to send him, Blondie, to Madrid instead - he insists he has to be with Gav in London (he's a little unhinged in his own wussie way, wouldn't you say?), Av* merely asks him to review the list of possible Madrid candidates. Blondie suggests Nancy deserves a promotion. [I say, not until she gets over those hysterical crying jags. --Ed.]

Aaron tries to get his dad to retire and let Aaron run the corporation unimpeded, it needs his energy. "Give it all to me while you're still alive," he suggests. [That sounded sort of like a threat, I thought. --Ed.] "You need to rest, you're tormented by the decisions I make, you'll have another heart attack!" "You propose to buy me out with your stock market gains?" Aaron says if that money isn't sufficient, he'll get a bank loan.

Bruno asks what he's supposed to do with his time if he sells out. "Travel! Be happy!" Bruno says, "Wait till I'm dead." Then he muses, "But you're in an awful big hurry for me to go..." He says they can talk about it later. Aaron gives him till the following day.

We end with Frankie, who still hasn't managed to get out the door. He pretends to be jealous of James and Sofie spending time together. Sofia says he doesn't have to come back. James asks: "What medicine is it exactly that you're planning to buy for the cows?" "Why, let's us go down to the stables and ask them what hurts!" is Frankie's weak retort.

Tomorrow: Dani tells Rod about Ricky Jr.'s lack of Montalvo blood and Rod knocks her down. Aaron and Gav have words about Clarita's inheritance.


Amar Sin Limites, Tuesday, October 30. Featuring a Couture Show in Which Haute Shares the Stage with Hate

This will be my last recap, Folks, and wouldn't you know that I had some technical problems with my t.v. So please feel free to add or correct anything I may have left out or misinterpreted.

Previously Azul interrupted Silvana comforting Diego with a warm embrace. Azul tries on her wedding gown, leaving Diego almost groaning in pain at seeing her as the bride he thought would be his, in the gown that secretly IS his. Mo arrives on the scene, and it's a miracle! Suddenly he has 20/20 vision again. He caresses Azul while smirking triumphantly at Diego.

New scene, at the workshop: Mo continues to rub it in by chatting to Azul about their honeymoon in front of Diego. After Azul goes to change out of the gown, Mo needles Diego and Silvana that he didn't know they were so buddy-buddy. Silvana says archly that she and Diego have a lot in common: not just their likes but especialy those things they detest. Point taken. Mo says he now realizes that the reason Azul does not want Silvana to be near Caty is because of the suspect company Silvana keeps. Point taken, return serve. Mo and Azul leave, but not before Diego and Azul exchange one last poignant and lingering look.

Outside of the boutique Azul asks Mo to postpone the honeymoon trip. Mo takes this as a sign Azul doesn't really want to marry him and says they should cancel the wedding. Of course this is more of his reverse psychology strategy and it works. Azul, looking chastened, apologizes and says she'll go forward with the wedding, but she wants Mo to honor the post-wedding platonic relationship deal they previously agreed upon. Mo smiles reassuringly at Azul, as any man would in anticipation of an action-less honeymoon.

Back at the workshop Silvana reminds Diego that no matter what the provocation, they cannot lose control and let Mo suspect they are gathering proof that he is a murderer. Diego says he almost lost it when he saw Mo embracing Azul. Silvana basically tells him to get over it as Azul and Mo are getting married. Punto. And in fact they're already living together. When Diego says that's only because Mo's sick and just moments before got his sight back, Silvana calls B.S., saying she saw Mo looking fit as a fiddle and seeing perfectly well at her last Caty visit. Diego looks steamed and says he's the one who has been a blind fool, but somehow will stop this unholy marriage.

Meanwhile Mo and Azul are looking over preparations at the wedding reception hall. Azul tells Mo he was right about Diego all along; he has obviously been having an affair with Silvana all this time. Mo says that's precisely why he wants to end Silvana's visits with Caty. Naturally he skips the part about Silvana trying to jog Caty's memory of the accident.

Casa Emilia: Silvana tells Emilia that Mo has cut off her visits with Caty and for this she blames Azul. She worries that now she'll never find out the truth about the accident and besides, poor Caty needs love and affection in her life. I guess she means the kind she offers in her Inquisition-like visits with the little moppet. Emilia says not to worry, Caty will have Azul and she, Emilia, has a plan to help Caty while finding out what really happened to Nico, her nephew. She can't reveal the exact details of this plan but Silvana is grateful that she may yet find out about the accident, and happy that she and Emilia are back to being cuñadas and best buds rather than just therapist and client.

Hospital Rehab: GSD is feeding cereal to Ines while they discuss her post-rehab living arrangements. Ines declines the suggestion that she live with Azul and Mo who have offered to take her in, and GSD doesn't want her to be subjected to the "torture" of living with Arnaldo and his man. Ines gently rebukes GSD by saying she'd be perfectly comfortable with Julio around and has always had a mutually loving relationship with Arnaldo. But she doesn't want to be a burden to anyone and insists that she's capable of living alone. She assures GSD she'll never attempt suicide again as she's living with the consequences of her first attempt and wouldn't want to upset all of them again. Finally GSD tells Ines that he'll move in with her, but only until she is recuperated. Ines seems surprised but not displeased by this offer. Now I can't make up my mind whether I think Ines or Emilia will win the dubious honor of becoming the next Mrs. GSD.

Casa Emilia: Silvana laments that she has broken up with Flavio for nothing as Diego still loves Azul. Emilia shares that they are fellow sufferers in love. Silvana is all, tell me, tell me, I didn't know you were in love. Now that the professional restrictions have been dispensed with, Emilia fills Silvana in on her crazy in love feelings for GSD. I could hardly recognize grouchy old GSD in Emilia's gushing description of him as handsome, brilliant, and as gentlemanly and chivalrous as knights of old. When Silvana asks if this prince charming (principe azul) has any human failings, Emilia admits he does have two teensy little faults: his hardball stance against his son's homosexuality and his weakness for his former lover of 15 years. She manages to leave out that he's also a chain-smoking, high strung, cowardly jerk. Too harsh, you say? I think not.

Fashion Show: Julio rallies the model-troops to take to the runway and conquer the fashion world in the name of Julio Curso. All the models and Arnaldo clap and cheer. Arnaldo is looking hotter than any of the models I've seen here so far.

Wedding hall: In the foreground we see Azul chatting with someone about the wedding details while in the background we hear Mo on the phone with Andres saying he's convinced Azul to go through with the wedding but still hasn't gotten her to accept going on the honeymoon. Andres aks what the big deal about a honeymoon is anyway. I presume he means because Mo and Azul are already living together, or maybe he's not that much of a romantic after all. Mo states that the the trip is important because he's going to make Azul his again during the trip. So much for his platonic intentions. Ceci meets up with Andres and brags that she's going to be a model in the show. They do their lovey-dovey thing.

At the fashion show, a harried Julio is attending to last minute details when Diego appraches to say he has something important to discuss with him...

Casa S., I. , and S.: Isela tells Silvana that Flavio has gone back to Cuba after Silvana rejected his proposal. Silvana sighs that she broke Flavio's heart and in turn Diego has broken hers. However, she says she's still going to the fashion show because Diego asked her for a favor she couldn't refuse....

After a commercial, Isela is giving Silvana a hug when Gloria jealously sniffs that all Isela and Silvana seem to do is hug all the time. She goes on to complain about her hot line being cut off in her absence. When Silvana points out that it was indecent anyway, Gloria snaps that it was a business. Silvana says something like that's what she gets for coming and going without letting people know. Silvana then sails out to the fashion show.

At the show, Ceci is busy meeting, greeting and mingling with the guests. Silvana arrives and heads straight for Azul. Silvana looks really pretty and sexy in a low cut black dress accented with a wide gold belt and matching clutch. Unfortunately, she's unleashed her inner witch and taunts Azul, asking if Azul influenced Mo to stop her visits with Caty because she's Mo's former wife's best friend or because she (Silvana) is going to be the next Mrs. Diego Moran. When Azul says, "Don't be so sure of that, Missy", Silvana says something to the effect that Azul won't be able to stop her as she'll be married to Mo by then. Silvana then flounces off while Azul seethes. Just then Eva arrives on the arm of Ivan, which causes Azul to mutter, "Just what I need".

Anibal's Office: Isela and Manuel meet unexpectedly in front of the office. Manuel grabs Isela by the arm saying he's heard she's going out with Anibal again. She responds that's it none of his business and he should scram. He brags that he's come to pick up his wife in his new car. Isela stares with disbelief at this luxury car.

Fashion Show: The show begins and, in my humble opinion, Julio is not quite ready for prime time. I seem to recall rather well-nourished models, skimpy white outfits a la Victoria's Secret with some highly questionable camera angles, model guys in rumpled tee shirts and jeans, slips, camisoles, and dowdy dresses and blah suits. But the audience is seen eating it up, and even Ivan and Andres are taking it all in. The most fun to me was spotting some familiar novela faces sprinkled here and there in the audience.

Meanwhile back at Anibal's office, Clemencia has jumped to the wrong conclusion seeing Manuel and Isela arrive at the same time, even though Isela tries to tell her there will never be anything between her and Manuel again. Anibal comes out of his office to see what the commotion is all about. Isela greets him with a kiss, prompting Manuel to put his arm around Clemencia and tell her he's come to squire her home in his new chariot. Clemencia looks delighted. After they leave, Isela tells Anibal that Manuel was badmouthing him for giving Clemencia a job. Anibal doesn't care about Manuel's opinion and says it's totally up to Clemencia if she wants to work. Isela also updates Anibal that Gloria has returned and is an insufferable person whom she cannot stand.

Fashion Show: More ho hum clothes come down the runway. Short skirts, nautical themes, and so forth. Maybe this is all very edgy and I'm just not getting it. Anyway, this show seems to be taking place in real time and I'm getting mighty bored.

Outside of Anibal's office, Clemencia is suitably impressed by the new car, but she is suspicious that Manuel can afford such an expensive car with the "little job" he says he has. Sleazy Manuel acts offended that she could doubt him when he's finally accomplishing what she has always wanted of him.

Fashion Show: The grand finale arrives which the emcee promises will feature the most extraordinary creation out of Julio's entire collection. Down the runway struts Silvana on Diego's arm and she is wearing Azul's wedding dress! So this is Diego's big surprise. I wouldn't have expected that low blow from him. Not satisfied, Silvana plants a juicy one on Diego's lips in front of all and sundry. He woodenly accepts the kiss. In the audience, Mo is looking dismayed and Azul's bosom is heaving wildly. As the models all parade down the runway, Azul jumps up and dashes backstage saying that Diego will hear from her. Mo tries to stop her. Eva appears to be telling Ivan she's disgusted by Silvan's display with Diego. At least I think that's what she said. Ivan promises that after Eva's fake death, he'll take care of both Silvana and Azul, leaving the path clear for Eva to scoop up Diego after her resurrection. On the runway, Julio accepts thunderous applause and thanks his design team and models, and then he introduces "Arnie" to the audience as the most important person in his life. A beaming Arnaldo takes the runway joining Julio, Diego, Silvana, Ceci, Gaspar and all the models in their tripumphant march around the runway.

Backstage, Diego angrily asks why Silvana kissed him like that during the show. She then admits she has broken up with Flavio because she loves Diego. Just then Azul bursts in and just about comes to blows with Silvana for taking something that is hers. Silvana is defiant and nastily asks if Azul is referring to the gown or Diego. Julio rushes in to quiet the fracas which can be heard outside. Azul furiously demands to know why he allowed Silvana to wear her dress in a fashion show. He says he needed a model and Diego had asked if his friend could be allowed to model the dress. But what designer in his right mind would do that with an original meant for a special client for a special occasion? Azul accuses Diego of purposely trying to hurt her but says he won't interfere with her wedding. Diego says, "We'll see about that!" Azul orders Julio to make Silvana take off the dress immediately or she won't pay for it. Which, ew, who'd want to wear it after it's all sweated up, and by your archenemy, no less. Julio glares at Julio.

After the commerical, Julio is still glaring at Diego and tells him to straighten out the mess he's gotten Julio into as he doesn't want any problems with Azul, his sister-in-law. Diego and Silvana postpone their talk re: her declaration of love for him and Silvana finally goes to take off Azul's gown.

Casa Lucia & Piero: Piero comes into Lucia's bedroom with a gift of jewelery as a makeup gesture. Lucia is charmed and starts to hug and caress him, but suddenly has an image of Manuel dispensing his no nonsense love tips and pushes Piero away saying this little jewelry offering won't make her fall into his arms. They are to continue the platonic living arrangements that Piero himself asked for. Well, as soon as Lidia thaws out, I don't think Piero will be hurting in the love department so this is not much of a punishment.

Outside of the fashion show arena, Azul is ranting to Ceci, Mo and Andres that Julio had been disrespectful to allow someone to wear her gown in a fashioin show without consulting her. Mo offers to buy her another dress but she declines for a reason I wasn't able to make out. Even then saunters out with Ivan sarcastically noting that Mo has recuperated just in time for his wedding. There is some talk I didn't get that Eva is not going to attend the wedding. She insincerely wishes the bridal couple good luck. Diego then hustles out carrying the now second hand dress in a big snowy white box. At this momemt we get a night vision view through the cross hairs of a rifle slowly panning over the group outside the building. Azul takes the dress but refuses to speak to Diego, saying it's not as if he was the designer. She drives away with her group. Eva tries to speak to Diego but he rejects her, saying she's the reason he lost the woman he loves. She sadly drives away with Ivan while Diego goes back inside. The gunman doesn't get to shoot anyone just yet.

Inside the fashion show lounge, Julio and Arnaldo are toasting the runaway success of the show. Arnaldo also wants to toast his new knowledge that GSD really does love him and is just worried that society will reject Arnaldo for being gay. Diego briefly interrupts all the toasting to say he straightened out their problem. Arnaldo asks what problem Diego was referring to and Julio promises to explain it all to him over dinner.

Casa Mo 2: Anul and Ceci go off with the wedding dress while Mo and Andres appear to be talking about how to go about getting rid of Diego. I'm sorry I couldn't make out exactly what they were saying here but I think that was the gist of it.

Backstage at the fashion show arena, Gaspar appears to be trying on earrings when Diego asks him where Silvana is. Gaspar says she's crying and crying over in the corner. Sure enough there she is with tears streaming down her face. Diego says he doesn't want her to suffer for him, but she knows better than anyone that he still loves Azul. Silvana begs Diego to give her a chance to help him forget Azul. I've never known desperation to be an aphrodisiac but Silvana apparently hasn't gotten that memo yet.

In the last scene, Azul admits to Ceci that even though her wedding dress is beautiful, she had always dreamed of another kind of wedding and honeymoon filled with intense love. She says Diego is the love of her life, the man she's always dreamed of marrying. Ceci, in her most serious and sensible moment on the show, urges Azul to speak to Mo immediately if she is so filled with doubts only hours before her wedding.

The coming attractions seem to show guests gathered for the wedding, so I don't know if Azul and Mo actually had that little chat.


Destilando - Tuesday Oct 30 .... Where stubborn people do stubborn things

After Pillie asks Clarita (" just what really happened between you and Amador?"), Aron demands Clarita tell them if Gavi is a Montalvo or not. Clarita asks that she and Pillie talk in private about this.

When they are alone, Clarita tells Pillie that it's really hard to touch on all these subjects from the past, but that she can assure Pille that Don Amador always treated Clarita like a daughter and never betrayed Pillie. She starts her story: long, long ago.... Clarita came back to the Hacienda when Gaviota was just a month old, and that don Amador, in thankfulness that she saved his life, offered to help her out by building her a small house and giving her money every month. But Clarita refused this (like mother like daughter! :)) telling him that instead, she would like him to give her a job every spring when she comes back for the Agave season. The year after, people started saying that Gavi was Amador's daughter. For that reason, Clarita preferred to separate herself form the group of jimadores, and Amador gave her the little hut to stay more comfortably; he loved hearing Gaviota sing her first songs when she was a child.

Gavi then asks her mom why she never told her about her dad, and Clarita responds that she was embarrassed to tell her because she would be giving her a bad example. Gaviota, crying, assures her mom that she has been the best mom ever and that she's very proud of her. Pilar is moved by all this and thanks Clarita for her kind words.

At his office, Alonso is nervous because Gavi is not answering the phone and thinks that maybe she is with Rod.

We then get to see Gavi and Clarita on their way out of the hacienda, where Gaviota is telling Rod that she doesn't want the hacienda provided to them by Don Amador. Gavi: We don't want to know anything about you guys. Rod: you are probably saying that because of me. Videgaray will take care of the paperwork. But Gavi says she prefers not, as she doesn't want to see his face again. She asks Dani to call a taxi.... Rod says "no Dani, our driver will take her". Gavi: no, I want a taxi! Rod, with a sigh: whatever, OK Dani, get her a taxi. I am sure these are the moments when Rod gives thanks for Erica in his life. Anyhoo...

Dona Pilar talks to Clarita, and begs her to take the hacienda in memory of Don Amador, as it was his wish. Clarita says she'll talk about it to Gaviota. Gavi gives Dona Pilar many thanks for everything and says sorry for the pains caused. Rod gives a special thanks to Clarita, and congratulates her on her Bday. Gavi says good bye to Rod. He congrats her too, on the big palisa (beating) that she gave Minnie. G: well, it's been a while that I owed her one! Outside, Gavi asks Dani if she knows Rod's psicologa. G: Not that I'm jealous!! hehe.. JUST curious, ya know?? Dani: Tomorrow I'm going to see her and I'll tell u.

Erica is talking on the phone to a friend, telling her that falling in love with Rod is a risk, but life is constant risks and needs to be lived fully.

Pillie is now sure that Amador never cheated on her and she's super happy. Rod too, probably cuz he knows he didn't boink his own aunt. Pillie says that Gavi is an amazing daughter and woman, after seeing how she behaves with her mom. Rod: I know granny! Elvis walks in, jokingly suggesting he get his piece of the fortune by Amador. She says her usual: suficiente Elvis! Suficiente!

Pillie tells the rest of the family that Gavi is not a montalvo. Fedra: ah! finally good news on this day! Aron reminds them that she is a simple jimadora. Pillie says some good things about Gavi, and Minnie gets jealous. Frankie wants to know what Clarita told her. Elvis jokes about Frankie getting some money from the herencia. Frankie gets excited, but Sofie bursts his bubble as she sarcastically tells him not to get too excited since it's a joke. They talk about how they will divide Gavi's ranch if she gives it to them. Aron says she better give them the land. Minnie says that Aron should not expect miracles from someone like Gavi.

At home, Clarita and gavi are talking about the hacienda. Gavi says if they keep it, they'll never get rid of the Montalvo plagues. Gavi then takes out a gift for Clarita's since it's her Bday; Clarita utters a 'Como asi!' and cries as she puts the earrings on. Gavi says Clarita is the best ma. Gavi: ma, now I gotta talk to you... I need your honest response from the bottom of your heart.

Right then, doctor Coffee calls, he's been looking for Gavi all day. He wants to talk to Gavi at work tomorrow. They hang up. Gav: ma, what do you think he wants to tell me? Clarita: he's going to ask you to marry him. Do you know what you'll tell him? I don't know ma, but I need to know something more important. I need you to swear to me that I am not Amador's daughter. Clarita: m'ija, I swear to you! Amador has always been very nice to me. He loved you very much. Gavi: Ma, what about my dad? Clarita: Ah, it's not worth it... if it weren't because you were born of my story with your pa, I would have forgotten about it a long time ago. Gav: Ma, please tell me the truth. Clarita, dreamy eyed: Ok...

I met Jacinto, and all girls wanted to be with him. He made us laugh with his stories, jokes, and his laugh was like listening to a music box. He was so similar to you, blonde, honey eyes and curly hair like yours. He was tall, flirty, and I would get all shy when he talked to me. And... he made me fall in love with him. One day, I went to a party; all the girls wanted to dance with him...but he danced only with me, and that night, we spent it together. When the morning came I was sure that my life was going to be with him. We were gonna get married, but one morning, he packed his things and left.

Gaviota: I hope to see him someday...I know my dad will find us one day! C: No Gavi, don't have those expectations. Plus, he lost most, because he missed seeing you smile and grow up and hear you calling him Papa! G: Maybe one day I will see him again. C: shortly after, I found out he crossed the border to work in the USA and as he was crossing the river he drowned. I don't even know if they gave him a Christian burial. That's why I wanted to keep this away from you all this time. G: Ma, I am grateful! Now I know where I came from, and I have such a good mom! And what about Don Amador?? He loved you like a daughter.... and you? Were you in love with him? C: I don't know m'ija. Some days I waited and waited to see him. We'd talk and talk. He was so smart, so nice, he treated me like I was equal to him...he talked to me about his problems and work, and when he laughed, it was's getting late huh?? G: I'm noone to judge you ma! Don't feel bad that you fell in love with a man that belongs to someone else! You are not hurting anyone!! Ma, we both fell in love with a Montalvo....

Next morning, Gavi is getting ready for work. She asks Clarita what Rod told her when he picked her up. Gav: Did he ask you for me?? C: no, he behaved as if nothing ever happened between you. Gavi looks sad about this.

At his home, Rod is in Ricky's room, playing with him. He kisses Ricky, asks him what he dreamt the day before. "I know, you were playing football...goaaal!! no no... you were galloping on a horse! I promise you that when you get older, you will ride horses with me in the fields and lakes. I promise you that I will do it."

At Pillie's home, Frankie kisses a very serious Sofie and tells her he loves her. They're getting ready to leave...he kisses dona Pilar's hand and tells her to stop bye the hacienda. Sofie says goodbye to her abuelita. Abuelita gives her the blessing, Sofie then hugs Dani. D: when do you come back?? S: sooner than yout think! And she leaves.

Gavi, at the office, is asking Dr Coffee what he wants to tell her? Alonso: Gavi, how's your sentimental situation? Gavi: hmmm... this means that Minnie has accused me with Avellaneda huh? Alonso: no no...she hasn't mentioned anything to him at all. I'm just worried that the conflicts with that family are affecting the institution. Gavi: so I have to quit?? Alonso: no.... I propose you go work at the offices in London.

Tomorrow promises to be a good one!
- Isa gets a hysteria attack after her dad tells her he cannot pay Rod back. Isa: I hate you!!! I'm not your daughter anymore!!!
- Doctor Tejeiros dishes the truth to Dani as he tells her that Isa was already pregnant when she came to see him.
- Sofie finds proof of Frankie's betrayal; she calls Rod to let him know.


Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Juan Q 10/29 "Money can't buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery." *

I hate to do this again but I’m going to need a sub for Tuesday, November 6th. I can either switch with another re-capper for another day or if someone new wants to give it a try, I think that would be okay as well. I have training all evening for Legal Aid that night and unfortunately have too many classes on Wednesday to be able to do the re-cap that day. Please let me know if anyone can help! Otherwise, I’ll be forced to put up a heading and the translated summary. Thanks!

Kike tells Juan that his quarrel is not with CL; it’s with Paula. Ay, the wisdom of Kike! Kike thinks this is the ideal opportunity for Juan to confirm Paula’s feelings for him. If she really likes Juan, she’ll bat CL to the side. If not… “If not, I’ll die.” Juan finishes Kike’s sentence. Kike tells Juan not to lose his cool. Juan sees the reason in Kike’s argument and agrees to go home. He gives the apartment one last stare before leaving for the Cachon house.

Juan and Kike make it back to the house only to find Fernando fraternizing with Dona Nidia. Fernando claims he’s just there for a cup of coffee. Juan tries to say good-night but Fernando interrupts and says that he was waiting for Juan to help study for the exam tomorrow. Juan’s a little flabbergasted considering Fernando’s earlier refusal, but he accepts the help.

Nidia helps the men by cooking some snacks. The men obviously like the food. Alirio watches while Nidia sits in Fernando’s chair and talks about mathematics. Even Kike and Juan perceive the heat between Nidia and Fernando.

Alirio goes back to bed and watches TV. Nidia enters and wants to know why he’s awake. He wants to ask the same question. She replies that she was making the “boys” dinner. Alirio doesn’t like her explanation; he doesn’t think they’re “boys.” Alirio warns Nidia to be careful because he does have a limit. Nidia ignores him and heads to the bathroom to put on her pajamas. Alirio observes that this is strange but Nidia explains she doesn’t want to cause any lust in Alirio’s heart.

Kike must not be into math because he falls asleep. Juan shows his work to Fernando, who tells Juan that he did a good job. Juan ponders about his relationship with Paula. Fernando pipes in that Juan lost that war before it even began. Fernando tells that he was in the same situation and CL also stole the woman that Fernando loved. Juan thinks this means that Fernando was in love with Monica. Fernando corrects Juan and tells him that it was Ivonne. They planned to marry. Fernando. Fernando continues with the tale of how CL seduced her. Fernando had to sit in the car while CL did whatever with the woman for whom Fernando suffered. It appears as though the message has finally got through. This is not the first time CL has done this. Juan realizes that he has to confront his problems, but Juan’s worried that if Fernando’s right then Juan really is dead.

Monica enters the bathroom. She sarcastically compliments him on his greeting to her. CL wants to know why she’s there. Monica just wants to pick-up some things. CL asks if she was calling him last night. Monica denies that she did. CL goes to change but he turns to Monica and says that if she really wants to know, he slept alone last night.

Pastor stands at the cemetery and cries. Pastor’s brother says that they can continue this at another time. Pastor thinks it would be better if they went to the office to talk. The man agrees.

Juan sits at the table and thinks about the day ahead of him. Kike enters the room and they small talk about the night before. Juan says that he needs to leave, but Kike has a favor to ask first. In order to be confirmed, he needs a godfather. Kike asks Juan to fill that role. Juan’s flattered and agrees with gleefully agrees. Juan thought bubbles that it’s good people like Kike, Fernando and Nidia that remind him that all is not lost and that there is still hope in the world.

CL wants to leave, but Monica wants to talk first. She didn’t like his accusation from earlier. Did he really think that she was there to spy? He thinks so. He doesn’t believe her civilized attitude toward the divorce. Monica replies that this is just how she is. Would he prefer if she clawed out Paula’s eyes. Monica doesn’t think that CL should try to guess how a deceived woman would act. Monica’s just trying to be consistent with how she’s acted in the rest of her life. She doesn’t an even worse tragedy then what it already is.

Juan stops at Paula’s house in order to confront the inevitable. She coldly greets him. He asks if she’s going with him. She says that she’s going in her car. She’s decided not just to use it for the weekends. Juan asks if it’s because of last night. She replies that last night is part of it as are many other things. She doesn’t want another confrontation, but Juan’s fire is lit and burning. He demands that she listen to him. She agrees, but only if they go inside.

Paula demands that Juan hurry. Juan says that he has a lot to get off his chest. Paula doesn’t care if it’s a lot or a little as long as he hurries. (What a bitch!) Juan tells Paula that he’s always tried to take the higher ground, treat her with respect and be a good person. Now he wants to know about things that are confusing him. He wants to know about last night with CL. Paula interrupts and says that Juan’s mixing himself up in things that don’t involve him. Juan cuts her off and replies that he is involved, because she’s involved. She’s his interest. He demands to know the truth, if there’s still something between Paula and CL.

Fernando tells CL about an incident with Monica. I think he says that Monica accused Fernando of being like a go-between pimp for CL. CL asks Fernando not to say anything about it to anybody; Fernando, of course, agrees but does not that it was awfully strange. CL doesn’t agree with that assessment. He thinks Monica was acting like a typical woman.

Juan waits for his answer; he wants the truth. Paula says that if she’s honest with herself, she never stopped loving CL. Now they have an second opportunity. Juan can’t believe what he’s hearing. He wants to know what he was. She so sweetly tells him that he was nothing more than an accident in her life. Ouch! (I repeat: Paula’s a bitch, and not the good kind!)

Pastor escorts his brother into his office. The first thing brother sees? Juan’s lovely cut and paste painting. Pastor tries to explain it away saying that it was given to him by an artist friend. Brother immediately catches on that it’s a painting of Juan. Pastor denies the likeness. Brother wants to send Pastor a calendar with beautiful women.

Juan can’t believe his ears. Paula tries to recover but then stops when she realize she can’t. Juan insists that she finish her thought. Paula says that it wasn’t anything serious. She accepted it without thinking of the consequences. Juan accuses her of playing with him and using him. Now that she doesn’t need him anymore, he’s dismissed. Paula claims that she knows what this is like for Juan. Juan reminds her that she has no idea. Juan says that the worst thing is that she waited so long to tell him instead of being honest in the first place. Juan wishes her luck because she’s going to need it. She doesn’t know what she’s about to get into. Juan storms out of the house while Paula cries.

Juan rushes outside and thinks to himself about what he should do next. It would no good to back into the house. Where can he go and hide from himself? He and his oddly correct length tie get into the car.

Brother asks about the business. (I’m not very subtle about the fact that I cannot, for the life of me, remember his name!) Pastor says that it has its ups and downs. Brother says that he needs to get to work. Pastor asks if he would like a coffee or some tequila. Brother asks what Pastor wants, money? Pastor says that’s not his motivation. Pastor says that wasn’t his motivation, but yes he needs some. He needs a couple thousand. Brother wants to know why.

Juan thinks to himself as he wanders around in nature. He thinks that he needs to find a solution before committing more mistakes. He cannot believe that Paula considered him a mistake. He ends by “saying” that there occurred one of the worst ideas of his life.

Pastor gives a fake explanation about why he needs the money. Unfortunately, he implicates his mother. Brother jumps all over this. Brother knew Pastora and knew that she was an honorable woman. Brother can’t believe that Pastor would dirty their mother’s name for his own gain. Brother tells Pastor to ask again when he wants to be honest. Brother gets up to leave, but Pastor stops him. Pastor explains the truth. He has a debt at work that he needs to pay to stay out of jail. He illegally took money.

Juan rushes into the garage and asks Fernando if CL is in the office. Fernando admits that CL is, but won’t allow Juan to pass. Juan insists on having a word with CL. Fernando ignores Juan’s insults and insists that Juan calm himself. Juan throws Fernando away from him and continues on his mission.

Pastor begs. He cannot go to jail. Brother wants to know why Pastor did not think of this before he robbed the business. Pastor agrees, but still pleads for help. He asks Brother to do this for his mother’s memory.

Juan slowly stalks through the lobby. He greats both the secretaries. Ivonne says that CL is on a call, but Juan bursts into the office anyway.

CL looks as though he was expecting this. He hangs up with his associate and wants to know why Juan entered as he did. Juan says that they need to seriously talk. CL wants to know what will be the subject. Juan says that CL knows perfectly well what it will be – Paula.

Like the good little busy bee that she is, Marely’s already in Paula’s office giving the report about Juan going to CL’s office. Marely wants to know what’s happening. Paula admitted that she told Juan the truth that morning. Marely can’t believe what she’s hearing. Paula who can’t take any form of criticism (including a impactado look from Marely) tries to defend her position. Goodness, I wish Marely would give it to her.

CL pours Juan a drink; Juan thanks him. CL tells Juan to speak calmly and truthfully, because they’re friends. Juan starts with that subject, friends. Juan admits that he knows that they’re not really friends. CL loses his cool for a moment, but gathers himself and tells Juan that Juan forgot some history. Juan was the first to betray the friendship.

Marely half yells at Paula. Paula gives the CL has changed speech. Blah, blah, blah. Marely can’t believe what she’s hearing. Marely asks about Juan. Paula says that Juan will have to accept it. Marely accuses Paula of playing with Juan. Paula agrees, she was been an ego-maniac. Marely leans across the desk and tells Paula that she’s still being a selfish bitch. (okay, so I wish it was that strong coming from Marely. A girl can dream, right?)

Juan has no idea what CL’s talking about. Yes, CL, replies. Juan knew that CL was in love with Paula and yet he still pursued a relationship with Paula. Juan claims that he loves Paula in his soul. CL asks if Juan thinks that CL does not as well. Juan wants to know about the lies and deceit. CL claims that things are not as easy for him as for Juan. That’s the truth according to CL. CL asks if Juan can control his feelings, who and when he loves. Juan says that he couldn’t help but love Paula. Juan also points out that this is not the first time that CL’s stepped-out with someone from the office. CL has been pushed over the line. He warns Juan not to push his limits. CL reminds Juan of his lies about what he did at Farrell. Juan says that this is different because he loves Paula. CL claims that he does as well.

Marely wants to know how long Paula thinks it will take for Juan to heal. Paula claims that she tried to tell Juan, but Marely won’t hear it. Paula claims that she feels terrible. Marely says that Juan’s pain is the same as Paula’s when she found out about CL. Marely won’t accept Paula’s apologies or excuses.

CL insists that they put an end to the “I love her more” argument. I hate to admit it, I’m on CL’s side on that one. CL says that Paula will make the final decision; she’s not property, she’s a person. CL accepts Juan’s challenge for Paula’s affections. CL asks Juan what he could possibly offer Paula.

Paula begs Marely to calm down and understand. Paula, seeming to forget her humble roots, claims that she and Juan come from different worlds. Paula thinks that with CL she can have a future. Marely asks Paula to honestly answer a question. Does Paula love CL? Paula says that she really does. Marely wishes Paula luck but says that Paula should have thought of this before being with Juan. Marely excuses herself to continue working. She asks Paula to do one favor. If Paula and Juan don’t work out, Paula cannot return to Juan. Paula promises. (I can’t wait to watch this woman suffer!)

CL repeats his question. Juan says that he can offer his heart and his hands. CL says that equals nothing. CL replies that that type of love fades and dies. Juan disagrees. That type of love only grows. CL agrees that it might for Juan, but not for Paula. Paula’s the type of woman who wants a man who can show her the world. So, basically, she’s a gold-digger. How very flattering (and accurate)! CL says that he can offer a better life and future. Juan thinks this depends on one’s perspective on what constitutes a better life. CL claims again that he loves Paula and if Juan really loved Paula Juan should leave an open path for Paula to live the life that CL can offer. Juan insists that he can offer a life of love, but CL belittles it by saying that it would be a life of working 365 days a year with hardly a vacation. CL tells Juan to think about Paula and what would be best for her. CL promises to make Paula the happiest woman in the world.

Cuate – friend
Lujurioso – lustful
Machín - in Mexico, used in the same context as “macho” but with sarcastic connotations.
Venir en balde – to come in vain


Methinks Juan could do a lot more damage to that Ford Focus then the car could do to him. Especially considering it looked as though it was driving at a top speed of 5mph!

* Spike Milligan


Amar Sin Limites October 29--Silvana has two Mommies

Diego and Chucho are chatting in the back room about the Julio’s big fashion show launching his collection. Diego’s got a few more dresses to do. Next talk turns to THE dress design. Diego asks Chucho if It’s true that Julio asked Chucho for the design that Diego threw away. Chucho is all smiles and asks Julio wants to buy it. “Pretty soon, the show will be Julio Corso and Diego Moran!” he chirps happily. Diego wrinkles his nose some more unhappily.

Meanwhile, Julio and Arnaldo are chatting behind a screen, or at least that’s what it looks like. Julio says that he was glad to be at the hospital when Tia Inez woke up, in spite of what Arnaldo’s “family” thinks. Arnaldo is happy that he’s been able to make the time, what with all the work he has. Julio offers him a check to help pay Inez’ expenses. Arnie doesn’t want to take it but in the end he does. He mentions that Inez will be leaving the hospital soon. Arnaldo asks how things are coming along with the fashion show. Julio says great, what with Don Chucho and Diego helping out. Arnie says “So---Diego is turning out to be good!” Julio backs off from a more enthusiastic endorsement, saying that “Diego is a good tailor but lacks creativity. I have him working off and on (not regularly). Arnie says “it’s good then that you have him working here, so you can keep an eye on him.” “ Julio launches into an explanation about how Diego could be better if he hadn’t had things handed to him, if he actually had to work for a living, rather than having a rich woman hand everything to him on a silver platter. Arnaldo agrees.

At Casa Silvana where the fight between Mama Gloria and Silvana over whether Isela should stay or go or sleep on the couch continues. Gloria is flopped on the bed in her old room (Isela’s room) insisting that nobody will pry her off HER BED. Silvana makes the threat to have Isela stay with her in her room, if Gloria insists on taking her room back from Isela. Now Gloria wants Silvana to share her room. Silvana and Isela leave with Gloria shouting after her.

Back to Chucho and Diego. Diego explains to Chucho that no Julio & Diego show is possible since Julio is protective of his brand. People who buy from him want Julio clothes. Chucho doesn’t think it’s fair but Diego thinks that Julio is partly right. He (Diego) still has a lot to learn and needs to “pay his dues” so to speak, before he can have his own name in fashion design. Chucho asserts that the price that Diego is paying is turning out to be high. Diego says, not necessarily. If Julio hadn’t given him the job, perhaps he wouldn’t have ever tried. Plus Julio has offered him access to a computer, design programs and the capability of looking at designs from all over the world. All that plus, he’s given him a job. Chucho still isn’t sure if Julio is helping Diego or making him pay. “Eventually things fall of their own weight” says Chucho. Diego agrees and says “we can start our own business.” He doesn’t know when but someday. In the meantime, Diego wants credit for his designs in Julio’s next collection.

Over at Casa Moran, Lidia is making a fuss over her Mami being back. She insists that she’s left Piero for good since he’s back with Lucia. Clemi is happy to hear this and congratulates her for having a little dignity. Manuel tries to horn in on the compliments by saying that it was he who convinced Lidia to leave Piero—it was you that convinced me, he says to Clemi, turning on the smarm. Clemi is oblivious and happy, saying to Manuel “You’re really changing!” She kisses him. “And you too” she says to Lidia. “I think that you got involved with Piero because he was flashing his wife’s money. But money can’t buy you happiness” Lidia looks a little uncomfortable. Manuel looks off into the distance. Turns out he’s remembering giving seduction lessons to Lucia about how to get Piero back. He gives her a demonstration on how to walk, swiveling her hips, etc.

We switch over to Lucia, who is lying in bed wearing a lace teddy and peignoir set. Piero walks in with a bunch of flowers saying that he’s forgiven her. Lucia plays hardball saying she hasn’t forgiven him and sends him out of the room. As soon as he’s gone, Lucia clasps her hands together gleefully and says “It worked! “That guy’s tips worked!”

It’s the next morning and Arnaldo and Azul are having coffee in the hospital café. Arnaldo is complaining that he didn’t get any sleep the night before. Azul remarks that he’d better get some tonight or he won’t be awake for Julio’s fashion show. Just then, GSD arrives and says that it’s good that they are both there. He wants to talk about the post-hospital care of Tia Inez, especially her emotional state. He remarks that if she doesn’t regain the use of her arm, it will end her musical career. Azul thinks that she’s got to be able to accept whatever happens and learn to live again. GSD says they need to be united in their helping her. Azul wants to know what Emilia thinks. GSD, nervous that Emilia’s name has been brought up pops a ciggy in his mouth. Azul reproaches him—they are in a hospital for crying out loud—and takes it out of his mouth. GSD looks glum and says he told her that he is obligated to be at Inez’ side. Arnaldo chimes in, “Are you sure she understands? In my opinion, that woman hates my Aunt. She wanted us to let her die, didn’t she? “ Azul looks serious and GSD looks depressed.

It’s morning at Casa Silvana. Gloria, wearing a kimono, has gotten up to find Isela and Silvana dressed and Isela serving them both breakfast. Gloria is ticked to find once again that Isela has usurped her role as mom by serving her daughter breakfast. She starts carrying on all over again like the night before when Silvana and Isela get up and decide to head on in to work. Gloria is left alone and she pulls a plate of the abandoned scrambled eggs, tries it and decides it’s good.

At the hospital again, Azul is pushing Tia Inez around in a wheelchair. Azul is trying to jolly her up by saying that she’s got a second chance at life. Inez says that it’s been a long time since she has felt this close to Azul. Inez decides to bring up THAT fateful day when little Azul caught her Aunt and her daddy making out in a dark room. Turns out Azul had repressed that memory and now that she’s been reminded of it, she’s not to happy to recall that it was when her mother was still alive. Azul now understands why their relationship turned chilly. Inez asks for her forgiveness once again. Azul says that she know that her parents had a bad relationship but that she wishes that Inez and GSD had done things differently. Inez agrees.

It’s the site of the fashion show. There’s a lady who is organizing all the models and directing them who looks like Cristina. They thunder down the catwalk like a bunch of elephants. The worst of all is Ceci, who gets to be a model for a day, in spite of the fact that she has had no modeling classes yet. She’s there snapping her gum, looking petulant when the lady and Julio begin chewing her out. I hope that was a run without the collection clothes because what they are all wearing looks pretty sloppy and not too distinguished.

At the hospital, Arnaldo is looking over the bills. GSD asks him what he’s doing and Arnaldo says he’s going to pay part of Inez’ expenses. GSD immediately asks where he got the money and Arnie immediately owns up—Julio gave him a check. GSD goes ballistic.

At the Cantina, Silvana is accosted by Flavio. Flavio tells her that he has something for her that he couldn’t give her last night due to the sudden appearance of Mommy dearest. Before she barely gets out the words “We have to talk” he’s snapped open a ring box. He thinks the problem is that she isn’t taking him seriously. He wants to show that he is very serious. Yes, he’s a bohemian, crazy artist type but he is serious and he wants to marry her! Silvana looks vexed.

Back at the hospital with Inez and Azul—Inez asks about why Azul is marrying Mo if she doesn’t love him. Azul doesn’t want to talk about it. Inez says she does want to talk about it. She knows what marriage without love is like—like GSD and her sister. Azul tries to shut her up. Inez says a marriage without love is destined to fail.

Mo and Andres arrive at the boutique to pick up Azul’s dress. (Wow, that was quick!) They run into Diego who grandly proclaims that he isn’t going to marry Azul. He’ll see to that! Mo smiles and says that as much as he’s tried to separate them, Mo and Azul are together. Diego swears by the memory of his dead Granddad, that Azul will never marry “a murderer like you.” Mo pretends that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about and asks him for proof. Diego says he’ll have them soon. Mo dares him to show them to him when he gets them. Diego says no matter. The one who Azul really loves is me! A fistfight ensues. Gaspar comes in and breaks up the fight. He yells at Diego to get back to work on the collection, they are in a rush! Diego yells that Mo is there to pay for the dress, which is great, since he (Diego) is going to take the bride! He huffs off.

At the Cantina, Silvana is giving the Dear John talk to Flavio. Silvana tells him that she hasn’t been able to forget Diego. Flavio is sad and says that she will always be like a beautiful dream. He tells her to go fight for her man.
At the hospital GSD and Arnaldo are fighting over whether Julio’s check should be used to pay for Inez. Arnie says that it’s a family matter and Julio is family. GSD says no, he’s not. Arnaldo points out that the other day, GSD was just pointing out how Emilia was HIS PARTNER even though he knew it would hurt Inez’s feelings. GSD proclaims that his relationship with Emilia is NORMAL. Arnaldo asks who he and Julio are hurting. GSD insists that they are hurting HIM and shoves Arnaldo aside. Arnie insists on asking how it has hurt GSD.

At the boutique, Gaspar comes back after pushing Diego out of the room and tells Mo that the dress isn’t ready. That they’ll deliver it tomorrow morning, first thing. Tomorrow is Julio’s big fashion show. Mo agrees to this and hands over the cash. When Gaspar leaves Mo and Andres have a conference. Mo wants to be sure that Azul doesn’t come to the shop to try on the dress alone, when Diego is there. Andres agrees that Diego is going to try to make a play for Azul. [This line I couldn’t hear well—I think he said that he is going to rip Diego’s heart out the day of the wedding.]

At the hospital, the bride to be is helping Inez to walk. She’s doing pretty well for somebody who’s been in a coma for several months. Arnie shows up.
Isela and Silvana are chatting at the Cantina. Silvana fills her in about letting Flavio down. Silvana is all smiles when she says she’s going to tell Diego that she wants another chance with him. Just then, Gloria walks in, dressed to the 9s, wearing dark glasses. She makes a crack about the birthing pains she had with Silvana and how Isela has never felt them. Silvana gets up to go and when Gloria protests, she leaves anyway. Isela says that she’ll stay and “settle accounts” with Gloria.

Gloria sits down and the first thing she wants to know is who cancelled her phone sex line. Isela says that Silvana cancelled it because she was tired of answering the phone and getting men talking obscenities. Gloria complains that they should have kept the line because Silvana should have known that she’d be back. She always comes back, because she’s her mother…yaddah yahddah. Isela says she thought that Mother’s are always supposed to be there for you. Gloria huffs that they destroyed her business. They could have consulted her. Isela counters that nobody knew where she was. Gloria starts a list of complaints—Isela has invaded her territory, she’s mixed the kitchen towels with the good linens. Isela says that she and Silvana are friends, that’s all. Isela tries to tell her that what she needs to do is simply be there for her daughter when she needs her. Gloria gets all huffy that Isela is giving her advice about HER daughter. Isela finally rolls her eyes.

Azul is walking and talking with GSD (Arnie is lurking secretly in the background listening in). GSD is saying that he wants to avoid that his son suffer. Azul says that nobody can keep anyone else from suffering. GSD explains that one of the reasons that he can’t accept his son being gay is that he doesn’t want him to end up alone. He will leave Julio some day and, not having any children, he’ll be without a family of his own. Azul disagrees. Nobody knows what will happen, if they will end up alone or not. GSD says that all his life, he will have to bear people rejecting him for what he is. Azul says that the hardest rejection that he has to bear is his dad’s. GSD hugs Azul and looks sad.

Flavio and Isela are talking at the Cantina. Flavio announces that he’s leaving for Cuba. Isela points out that he doesn’t want to go back there. Flavio says that Silvana has broken his heart. And he’s all heart, no head. He needs to go. He thanks Isela who is in tears.

Diego is working on Azul’s dress on a manequin. It looks like a slip with a matching corset. He’s feeling up the dress and squeezing out a few tears. Silvana comes in and says that the dress looks like every bride’s dream. Diego explains that it is for Azul. Silvana says that he is going to have to forget Azul. Diego responds that he will never forget Azul, she’s his one true love.

Arnaldo has caught up with Azul after GSD left. Arnaldo is happy because from what he heard, he knows that his father loves him. He’s just afraid for his son. Azul says “of course” he loves him. It’s just that he doesn’t want him to suffer and he’s a man and he can’t admit that he’s afraid in front of another man. Arnaldo wants to tell Julio what he’s learned but Azul says he should confront his father first. Tell him he understands where he is coming from. “That’s how you resolve things” says Azul.

GSD is with Inez. Inez asks about Arnaldo and whether they are still having problems. GSD explains that he is still having trouble accepting Arnaldo’s homosexuality and that he still blames himself—if he had been a better father. Inez says that he’s too hard on himself. GSD responds that Arnaldo didn’t need a famous scientist father, he needed affection. And now as an adult , he’s seeking affection from another man. GSD tears up a bit. He wishes he had been a better father. Inez is sympathetic.

Mo and Andres are at the restaurant checking out the arrangements for the reception. Mo is complaining that Azul hasn’t show too much enthusiasm for this wedding. He showed her the invitations and she wasn’t too interested. The caterer wants to show him the menu and he waves her away for the moment. Andres reminds him that he has to call Azul to remind her that she has to go to the boutique to try on the dress.

Azul catches the call when she is still with Arnaldo at the hospital. Arnaldo says that she is the most unenthusiastic bride he’s ever seen.

Back at Lucia’s Manuel is there giving more “seduction tips.” Manuel tries to negotiate a car out of her. She complains that she wants to see “definitive” results. Manuel assures her she will.

At the workshop, Diego is still with Silvana and the dress. Diego admits that he made the dress with Azul in mind. Silvana tells him not to torture himself. Diego chokes back the tears and says he’s full of rage and pain that the love of his life is going to be marrying another. He dreamed for years about such a dress giving a dress like this to her. Silvana puts her head on his shoulder. Who should walk in behind them but Azul.

Next we see Mo, on the phone, ordering a hit on Diego.

Azul shuts the door and announces that she has come with her fiancée to try on the dress. Diego says sure, there it is, try it on. More nose wrinkling.

Next we finally see Ivan on the phone with Boris, confirming the hit on Eva. Boris says why wouldn’t it be confirmed? Do it already. Eva is standing there next to Ivan listening. Boris wants him to tell him all the details, the time, the type of explosive, etc.

Clemi is at the office looking at a picture of Diego and Paco together. They reminisce about Paco. She compliments Anibal on being a good step-father to Paco. Anibal says he and Clemi were fated to be together. When Clemi gives him a quizzical look, Anibal reminds her that Lida and Paco were engaged. They would have been suegros (in-laws). Clemi says that she wishes that Lida had married Paco. She doesn’t like Piero.

Eva and Ivan are talking after the call to Boris. Eva asks him why he asked Boris to confirm the command. Ivan says, “you’re his daughter.” Eva tells him that Boris killed her mother without hesitation. She goes on to tell him that all the love in her died with her mother, until Diego opened her heart. She had no feelings.
Piero shows up all smiles with a new car for Lidia. Lidia smacks him tells him he’s shameless and goes back into the house accusing him of sleeping with Lucia to get the car. Piero shouts after her that he got the car with money from a job for Mo, that he’s given her father a job.

Meanwhile, Manuel and Lucia are looking at cars supposedly for Lidia. Manuel chooses the most expensive car (a new Honda Civic?) and when Lucia complains he says that his daughter’s dignity demands it. He also flatters Lucia by saying that a person of her class can afford it.

Back at the boutique, Diego is hanging his head and Silvana is trying to comfort him. Suddenly Azul comes out of the dressing room, in slo mo. Diego is impactado. She humbly thanks him and says that it’s the dress she always dreamed about. Just then Mo comes in and puts his hands on her shoulders announcing that his vision has completely returned. Azul says that he couldn’t have given her a better piece of news. They have a big smooch.

In the Next epi—

  • Mo tells someone on the phone that Azul will be his again on their honeymoon. (No waiting until she's ready, I guess.)
  • Azul confesses her doubts to Ceci a few hours before the wedding
  • GSD breaks the bad news to Emilia that he and Inez will be living together for awhile.
  • Silvana confesses happily to Isela that as soon as Azul marries Mo, she’ll get Diego back.
  • Diego announces that he’s going to be busting up the Duarte-Toscano wedding.


Destilando 10/29/07 Rod wonders, "Was it Love or Just Aunts in his Pants?"

Wow what an emotion packed episode..So the translation may be light, but the emotion crosses all language barriers.

We begin with a flashback of Clarita’s fateful phone call to Gavi….Yadda Yadda Yadda…
The Montalvo short bus is coming to pick me up cause looks like Don Amador mentioned me, can you believe it, me moi? In his much anticipated 4 year later will. “Que the Hell, Ma”, whats up with that.
Don’t let anyone, no one & especially those sucking Montalvos in the apartment till I get there.
I will take the first plane home to Mexico City, DF.

Gavi hangs up and Dr. Climate (I don’t remember his name, but he was actually able to work with Gavi and not fall in love) comes running up. Hey it food time, he tells her. Sorry, gotta go involved in yet another personal drama back in DF. Gavi has desk clerk chick try to find an earlier plane. No such luck. Okay time to call Ma. Hey Ma, I am having trouble hookin up with an earlier flight, so wait & by the by am I “Amador’s kid?”, cause hey Ma, “That means I am in love with my nephew”. Ma….Ma….Ma answer me. Gavi gets no answer. I am perplexed would not a si or no have sufficed? Maybe Clarita is like damn it’s my birthday, my party..she is relishing the attention.

Meanwhile, Rod is over at the Pilar mansion, he feels so dirty, have the flashback to the story of Amador’s great Jimadora love & she was a singer too. No Rod, no shower is going to wash that away.

Meanwhile Isa gets a phonecall, No surprise it isn’t is her buddy Sperminator, the fertility doctor. Actually they can’t afford to pay Dr. Sperm to be on so we only get a one sided conversation where Isa tells him, he can’t possibly see Dani Drew young teen detective. Cancel those appointments.

Now in a public service announcement SanMama is reading a magazine with a big ol’ glossy of Hil, cheesing it up in a toothpaste ad..SanMama reads outloud and it is rather painful. Hard to believe just a few months ago she was in that other soap, where she was yet another female psychologist in love with her psycho patient. Ahhhh that is why they call it acting. Anyway Meeester James comes in with some advice. Say now SanWanna you should be happy, you are having a kid. Say why don’t you go to school. Well looks like lil SanMama wasn’t too much into book learning. Mr. James however, with just some Christian compassion is able to get SanMama to talk about what she’ like to do. I believe she would like to design or make clothes, or maybe just bedazzle them. Anyway, it is never too late to start.
Some advice SanMama, Hil is earning big bucks...get the DNA & slap his ass with child support..jes sayin. You can take a lot of classes at Tequila Tech with the money.

Rod comes to get Clara. He arrives at the door with roses for her birthday. Always the gentleman. Clarita tells him she wants to wait for Gavi, but she also has a hair appointment. Egads, Rod will accompany her to the salon and wait in the car. Please I swear he is season two away from Will & Grace. He could have done some awesome dreadlocks for her.

Gavi arrives back at the apartment. Window washer general laborer kid is out in front. Say is my Ma here?
Nah she took off with the guy in the white car. You know that guy that used to stalk you night and day, you know the guy that dumped you, my amigo says that dude is stalking some hawt shrink who wears fluffy sleeveless garden dresses and smells really, really, really nice if you know what I mean. Okay so I added the second part, but you know the kid wanted to say it, his lines ended up on the editing room floor.
Thus said Gavi heeds a Taxi.

Rod is sitting in his car stalking no one in particular, old habits die hard. Clarita comes running out, looks like beauty takes time. Rod has to wait.

Meanwhile, over at the departmento or house or tomb or whatever that place Pilar calls home is, the family is sitting around discussing, every once in a while one takes flight and circles the others looking for signs of weakness. Zopilotes. They start in about what if? Seriously I am expecting them to start pulling up the couch cushions looking for pesos. OMG, does the second will override the first? What are they going to get.. It can’t be It can’t be Oh what a wicked world…what a wicked world. The phone rings it is Rod calling home. Dani answers and he tells her he is waiting outside a hair salon for Clarita. Meanwhile Gavi arrives. Dani greets her with a “What’s up Tia?”. This does not sit well with Gavi, but Dani keeps it up.
I gotta say Gavi is all shades braver than I am, there is no way I would want to walk into that by myself. She did think Clarita would be there, but alas Clarita is trying to clean off decades of Agave dust.

Gavi wants to talk to Videray, but Aaron does one of his finger snapping dismissive gesture, no talk in front of all of us.

More of this we are not going to accept the crap of this new will. Sofie tries to temper the speculation. Aaron always the gentleman inquires, “Do you know who your Daddie is?” Gavi answers, “No, my mother always closely guarded the secret”. However and I do paraphrase here, “I can not stand the idea that I could be part of this family, we work for a living, we don’t live off others, play the lottery, expect to marry rich men or wait for an inheritance from heaven”, pointed look given to Isa, the Trophy Whore Barbie. Frankie looks a bit uncomfortable. Gavi says she is proud of her blood and no offense Dona Pillar, she don’t want the name. Gavi goes on and says no matter what is left to them, they don’t want it. All in all I think Gavi did a fine job of making rich people look uncomfortable. I do have to insert here that Pilar greeted her and was nice as well as Bruno. Aaron, Minnie, Fedra & Isa were all ready to steal the nickels off a dead man’s eyes. Dani looked remiss, Frankie uncomfortable & Sofie, like Jeez could I have been wrong?

Now for another trip down the road of futility, Cassandra (and I don’t mean to be mean here, just snarky, but that chick always scares me. WTH is up with her make-up, she has the permanently startled look constantly.) is meeting with Dr. Blondie Stoic, trying to find out how his hot and heavy romance is going. Well it is proceeding in a timely manner and extremely slow timely manner. He says Rod has changed and is not longer the maniacal crazed jealous man he once was. Rod & Gavi have not hooked up again. So Dr is sitting on his laurels just waiting to declare himself to her. Cassandra does some pumping up, you are good looking, intelligent, awesome go for it. Oh Cassandra, the Virgin Mary is crying tears of blood over your lies, hey if they use this on little kids, well they can’t tell anything compared to this whopper.

Rod & Clarita arrive. Hey let’s get the show on the road. People offer Clarita a seat, but Gavi won’t let her sit down. Gavi has a tude going, or maybe I am being overly judgmental, if the Zopilotes think you are weak they will swarm on you.

At this point we dismiss Frankie & Isa, the non-Montalvos from the room, they are not blood so get out. The same could be said of Minnie & Fedra, but it would take an enormous shoe horn wedged under each respective ass & a lot of leverage, thus not willing to fight physics, they are allowed to stay.

Now we get this totally awesome Cheese Commercial for Manchego Noche Light. A bit of bantering from our young chef Frankie & the help. She brings him the cheese and he opens the package, slices off a wedge…ummm Muy Rico…(I have had that type of cheese and Frankie ain’t wrong it is muy Rico), here come Isa with NotRod’sBaby’s bottle. Here servant lady, go heat that up while I heat up Frankie. Seriously like that kid needs a bottle, he is like giant baby.

Since the family is distracted circling the Hernandez Clan, this would be a fine time for Isa to start her shrewish, harpy nagging. Hello, I have seen enough TeleNovelas to know, the Amante is always loving, extremely sexually & willing to please, well at least to the dumb guys face. Isa, Frankie ditched his mother he doesn’t want another one. She starts in with we have to ditch the Montalvos before Rod figures out the kid isn’t his & does a DNA & lil Ricky gets cut out of a lifetime of family backstabbing & screwing everyone over. She pressures Frankie, but he just isn’t ready to jump off the gravy train.

We get another “Hey this is what the will would sound like if I was alive”, flashback from Don Amador. Greeting & Salutations, Okay here it is “I leave the hacienda “Los Miercoles” , located in Tequila and said land to Clara Hernandez and in the event of her death to Theresa Whatever Hernandez. It is to be their land and property”. Something about Clara has reached the age of reason 50 anos, Happy Birthday. Clara is the soul of the land, she is a Jimadora, she represents the whole Jimador working people (unfortunately the other jimadors only got a mention and no land). Amador gives this in payment to her. He owed his life to Clara.

Everyone is stunned. I’m stunned he owed his life to her and she got a hacienda, when she was fifty? Dude she hacked a boat load of Agave in that time. Not that I am greedy, but he did say he owed her his life.

Gavi does the Thanks but No Thanks. Rod says that is excellent land. Gavi is, NO we don’t want it. Clara does not look so certain. I could do a serious smack down on Gavi right now. Nobel is nobel, but you are stupid. I’d be doing “Uh Uh Uh, We got your land, We got your land” . This however is not to be confused with the big Hacienda, the Montalvo’s still have that. At least for now.

Now upon questioning Clara begins to explain her good fortune.
Poor Clarita her parents died careening down a mountain on a bus, alas they were poor…to poor to afford color, all these scenes are in black and white. Clara was all alone, but she was a migrant worker and one year she came to the Montalvos…to earn the abundance of pay that those folks at Tara were willing to give their slaves…oooops scratch that, I have my kind-hearted wealthy planter people stories confused. Anyway this was Norma Rae days, Clara was tough enough to become one of the first female jimadors. She was counting her cash and belting out a tune…some guy named Timothy came in said
Don Amador wanted to see her. She stashed her ducats and left. Of course Tim & an accomplice stole her cash. Clara comes back and questions Tim, Don Amador didn’t ask to see her. You can see the black and white wheels turning in her head…Hey she runs into the lil cabana, come out and knocks Tim to the ground she is wailing on him. Don Amador pulls up in a vintage jeep. He pulls her off.
Rod has a flashback to pulling Gavi off a jimador she was wailing on. Oh these women.

Now we are left to wonder, did turn Don Amador’s thoughts to love like it did his grandson?

Stay tuned …
Gavi wants to leave, but not so fast, Pilar wants to know “Just what condition Amador’s condition was in”
Or “Were you doing my husband”
Looks like Rod is on the phone with Erika, does this mean she will call him sobrino? Hey I mean that in a totally playful manner.


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