Thursday, December 13, 2007

Pasion - Dec. 13, 2007 Santo finds pirate beach camp; Cami begs for mercy; and Rico speaks english!

* Vasco is driving the cart with Santo in back down the dusty trail.

* Fran and Lisabetha are prohibited from leaving the mansion. Fran and Lisabetha are shocked. Fran runs to the salon and finds Tim, stabbing his brother's portrait over and over again. She asks him indignantly why she and Lisabetha can't leave to go to church or anything. Tim is still bitter and angry over her involvement in Cami's escape. He coughs, weezes, waves his sword around like a madman, and Fran leaves the salon quickly. Tim doesn't need anything from anyone ... except possibly Cami.

* Rico stops writing his latest entry in his ship's log, closes it and places it on the desk. He's frustrated because he can't stop thinking about Cami.

* Ascanio brings food and water to shed. Cami is asleep in the corner. She is dreaming about being with Santo in the garden when they were dating.

* Bermie, Vasco and Santo are out to eat at a saloon. They discuss their plan for searching for Cami. Vasco and Bermie start to have doubts and are thinking about turning back. Santo is frustrated with them and tells them to go back, he will continue on. Vasco and Bermie have a change of heart and agree to continue on also.

* Ascanio tells Tim in his office that Cami hasn't eaten anything for several days. Tim suggests giving her other fruits and foods to eat.

* Santo, Vasco and Bermie at the beach camp, watching Matthias with the crowd. They talk with Pablo about any ships or pirates that have been at the camp and if Cami went on one of the ships. Pablo says no, she wasn't, and then leaves quickly. Vasco, Santo and Bermie are curious to know why no one wants to talk. Santo stares at Matthias.

* Shortly after the performance, Matthias and gypsy caravan meet with Vasco, Bermie and Santo on trail. Matt and Vasco talk.

* Ascanio comes into shed to check on Cami. Cami says she's in hell. Ascanio says something back to her and then leaves. Cami is lost in her memories and imagination (and looks like a scraggly homeless bum).

* Matthias tells Vasco, Bermie and Santo all he knows about the pirate ship that left the beach camp for some island far away. The three men are intrigued - Santo needs more details; Matthias isn't sure about any women on board or the cargo.

* At Uncle Tim's mansion, Ascanio was telling Epifanio that Lisabeta had a fever to explain why she isn't visiting her tía.{thanks carina for the correction}. Ascanio goes into the study to report to Tim about his sister-in-law; Tim is indifferent to the news. Ascanio also reported to Uncle Tim that Cami was refusing the bread while she was in the bodega, she did drink the water. Uncle Tim's creepy clever eyes smiled because he knew she would survive without food, but with water.{thanks pasofino for the correction} Tim leaves immediately.

* Tim has the servant maids take Cami out of the shed and clean her up.

* Epifanio and Mercedes talk at her family mansion. Mercedes is fed up with the guilty charges against Rico and will be writing to Rico about it.

* Tim goes shopping at the local african marketplace. He asks the manager if he could help him out - he will pay the manager very well for his services.

* Cami is all cleaned up and dressed like a lady again. She enters the salon. Tim tells her that she has two options, either marry him or be sent to travel to Africa and the world. Ascanio (?) enters to tell Tim that the manager has arrived. Manager enters. He checks out Cami and tells Tim that he will offer to buy Cami. Cami is impactado. She falls to her knees and begs Tim not to sell her. Tim tells the manager to leave, no sale because Cami is a free woman. Cami and Tim have a discussion and Tim tells her that the other option is for him to sell her to the local brothel (whorehouse). Cami is muy impactado. He says this place is very far away from La Mariana. Cami begs and pleads that Tim doesn't send her there either - she promises to be a good little slave girl and do what she's told.

* John, Rico and Mario are on the beach in Jamaica (?) negotiating a business deal. An associate approaches and tells John that there is someone who wants to meet with him. John excuses himself and leaves with the associate. Rico and Mario wonder about John's new business deal, involving stolen mexican silver. Mario is intrigued with the idea. Rico says no thanks, he has enough legal problems right now.

* John and Alberto are at John's camp on the beach. Alberto tells John where he came from (a town not far from Veracruz). Alberto starts negotiations with John for the loot to be transported away by ship. John talks with Alberto and draws a map in the sand with his sword.

* Tim visits Fran and Lisabetha in their room. Tim inquires about Lisabetha's health. Then he hopes Lisabeth will be fine with his marriage to Cami. Lisabetha, holding her porcelain doll, puts on a brave face and says she is fine with the marriage. Tim leaves. Lisabetha cries on Aunt Fran's shoulder.

* Cami, ready for bed, prays to the cross for help in finding a way to stop the wedding. She also prays for Santo's recovery and her family. Tim enters and says they will be married in three weeks. Cami wonders about Lisabeth and Fran's feelings - they won't like it. Tim is indifferent to them. Cami says he must not like them very much, why is that? Tim says it's none of her business. She asks another question, about her future if he should die. He answers. She thanks him. He leaves.

* Vasco, Bermie and Santo return home. Pancho and Crispin help Santo out of the back of the cart and walk with him, Vasco and Bermie to the house. Ines and Ofelia are there to greet them. Ofelia escorts Santo inside. Ines gets Vasco something to drink - they sit in the dining room and discuss what the men discovered on their search for Cami (about the pirate ship). Ines is enchanted by Vasco. He asks about his son, Paco. She tells him he is wonderful and always asks about Vasco. Vasco thanks Ines for all her help before leaving. Ines is really smiling now.

* Ofelia and Santo in his bedroom. He's depressed. She can tell. She says he was the same way when his dad died. Ofelia works this angle and convinces to Santo to start to let go of Cami. Santo starts to cry. Ofelia is there to console and hug him.

* Justo is supervising the shipments and deliveries at the store. Sofia, Tita and Fortunata approach. Sofia and Justo walk off for some privacy. Sofia asks Justo for his opinions about if there's a secret between her husband (the dirty bag Jorge) and Ofelia, that somehow Santo maybe Jorge's son. Justo tells her his thoughts (which isn't much). Fortunata, Tita and Sofia leave. Rita asks Justo about the conversation, but it is interrupted by news that Vasco, Bermie and Santo have just returned.

* John, Rico and other seamen are looking out at the horizon discussing sailing plans. John and Rico talk in both spanish and english. (FIRST TIME FERNANDO SPEAKS ENGLISH IN A TELENOVELA!!! WOW!!!)

* Tim and Cami are meeting with the La Mariana magistrate in the salon office. Fran and Lisabetha are in another room - Lisabetha is in a panic about what is happening in the meeting.

* Lisabetha and Fran walk into the courtyard and Lisabetha says how scared and nervous she is that they will be cut out of the inheritance. The meeting ends and Tim, the magistrate and Cami leave the office. Tim walks to Lisabetha and Fran. He hands Fran his last will and testament and walks away. Fran and Lisabetha sit down - Fran reads it to Lisabetha. She's so happy because Lisabetha will inherit the majority of Rico's father's estate when Tim dies. Lisabetha is upset because Rico wasn't mentioned in the will at all. Fran says just be happy with what she will get. Lisabetha dares to marry cousin Rico to get her concerns met.

* Fran returns the will to Tim in the salon. She tells him she's satisfied with the terms as stated and leaves. Tim rips up the document without blinking his eyes.

* On board ship, there's a storm at sea again. Rico commands Lazaro and Mario about what to do on ship, when the storm passes, and when they come into port at Santa Barbara.

* Santo is at church praying. Once he finishes his prayers, he leaves. Out on the street plaza, Rita smirks as she passes the belly dancer and the stilt walking clown. Santiago sees her and walks in a similar path across the plaza. Rita approaches the smithy shop. She asks the twins where Santo is - they say he step away to go to church. As she is about to leave to find Santo, Santo walks up. Rita is excited to tell him about the meeting they are to attend tomorrow. She leaves. Santo looks bewildered.

* Rico in the ship's crow's nest with his telescope. He yells orders to the crew below to get ready to rumble - approaching merchant ship. Captain and crew of merchant ship spot Rico's ship in the distance and fast approaching. They race to get everyone below deck and get the ship ready for battle.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007

12-12 Wed. Dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe: Juan Q - Think, Think Caramba! a Return to Achichipico and a sordid past?

Moni tells CL the Japanese want to know right now if he is coming. She wonders why he is stalling, she thinks it's because of Pau but he says no she doesn't say what I do. Fine I'm coming and Mon gloats but reminds him the Japanese want him to come, not her.

Akito says how beautiful everything is and thanks him. Juan and Akito are driving. Juan says finally the bad luck and tragedies have run out and that he can return and face his village with a business deal in his pocket. He thinks this is a sign that maybe it's his time now.

Pau is complaining to her Mom that CL has no business complaining to her about things, especially behind her back. She wants to come home to clear her head. Ana tells her that won't help anything and she can't run away from her problems, so no, she's not welcome at home stay there and figure it out. Chelo was secretly listening in and was impactada at what she heard

Fer and Marely are reviewing his credentials, mar says she'll put in a good word for him with MOn and he says he'll try his luck with Cl the big boss too.

Moni likes what she sees but says Pastor makes the final decision in these cases. Mar reminds her that Fer is not the saint of Pastor's devotion and Moni says well she'll take note of that. Oh, and make reservations for Guadalajara for 2, me and CL. Mar is impactado.

Cl is chatting with Pastor and that his marriage is falling apart. Cl says he agreed to go to GDL with Moni. Pastor tells him, duh, Moni is baiting him to poke at his pride. CL realizes this and says darn, he's right and he has to help him cancel the trip because he's such a factory of ideas all the time.

Moni gets the gossip from Chelo who told her everything she heard.

We are taken to the village Achichipico where townspeople and children are screaming Juan is here! Juan is here!!! How sweet. People run from all directions to greet him as he drives Akito's cute little red convertible. Some nuns are there and some ladies with Anthuriums, and Akito sees them and is very excited. Many money, he says in English!

Juan says to himself that before the wind even moves a leaf on the tree the ground is waiting and that his village isn't just the capital of Anthuriums, but also the world capital of gossip and even though he just arrived the word has already traveled to those who are happy about it just the same as those who don't suit me!

We see a shady looking guy noting his arrival and then running to a pool hall to tell another guy who proclaims that this very day Juan Dominguez dies!!! Uh oh!!! The guy thinks he should advise Casimero too, because he was offended, and the old man says as long as he gets the first shot!!

Juan runs into a house screaming for Delfina. She comes out and says he's finally let her see him. He introduces Akito and that he's very kind but he doesn't understand much Spanish. She wants to know all the scoop. Juan tells of their business endeavor. She offers him an horchata or maybe a Caldito de Oso (Bear Soup literally, but really is pulque, an ancient and indigenous liquor made from maguey). Juan encourages him to accept that.

Kike and Ang are talking about Nid's health and Kike saying it's stress. Ang says we didn't have that in my day, and she's from my day, so she doesn't have that. Kike says Nid knows what she has. We then see Nid trying to decide what she should do and whether she should tell Delirio or not. She's not sure, and she asks God about this.

We then go to Guti giving marital advice. Nothing like a thug to tell you how to be in harmony with your wife. He says she's on her way out. Alirio says he can't imagine life without her. Guti says he'll find out, but Alir says no don't mess this is my personal issue.

Moni goes in to discuss Fer's ascension with Pastor who just belittles his qualifications. He tells Monica that everyone can go to school in this country and it means nothing and that education is only 10% of a person's worth, and the rest is a positive attitude and why has he waited until now to try and move up if he is so driven? He'll help her find the perfect candidate. Moni doesn't agree with him nor needs his help and ultimately tells him, well she's found the perfect assistant. He wants to know who, and she says Fer and make it so!

As ominous music plays, we see guys in the woods advising Casimero of Juan's arrival with the air of Fufuru and that since he's offended his almost wife, Linda, he should know. They fight about who deserves more to do in Juan and get the first shot.

Delphi asks about Juans amorous ways. He says he's calmed and she wonders if he's sure because she got a call from the DF the other day. She later tells him the story of Nidia asking for him and he begs her not to call and say where he is. He makes up a story about owing someone money that he couldn't pay and that they want his bones for. He didn't want the family involved so he fought without saying anything. She reminds him that here the Chavez haven't forgot about him either and they are probably getting ready to kill him right now. He asks about Linda and she says after he left she went off to a convent and we know nothing of her except that she really cared about him.

We then see presumably Linda in habit praying to Jesus to guide her and to protect Juan, that her only sin was to love him, and she regrets nothing because she was happy. She wants Juan far away so her family can't harm him.

Juan proclaims that he won't hide from the Chavez, but he won't confront them either unless he has to. Dephi starts to tell him there is something important that he doesn't know and that she needs to tell him. She starts but is interrupted by a singing guitar player who serenades Juan. This guy's voice sounds like the guy that sings the Ay Amor, Ay Amor song that we hear all the time. I think it's him. Juan is happy to see him and calls him his dark one.

Moni goes down to give Fer the news that he's got the job, and she doesn't stop short of asking him what he knows of Juan. Aha, there's her angle. He very straightly says he knows nothing and she confirms that if he does, he'll be loyal and tell her and he agrees. She's playin' him too. I guess we are supposed to end up disliking her. Maybe somehow Paula's tricks are going to look like kid's play to hers and maybe that's how Pau will redeem herself.

The dark guy is showing Juan some crafts that he's involved in and wonders what he's been up to, with the Chino. Juan corrects him that he's Japanese, and briefly talks about the business idea. The buddy confirms that "those guys" have been searching for him all over and want to kill him. Juan complains to himself that he sees what side God is on now, and guesses that his troubles aren't over yet, that he is going to have to think of something fast, but he doesn't have many outs, he could run again or stay here and be buried.

Kike sees Nid show up at Anga's and begs her to tell him what's wrong because she's like a Mom to him and he won't tell anyone if she doesn't want, he just wants to help. She will only admit that things are worse than they could imagine, and don't ask her anymore. Kike is impactado.
Nid continues in to Anga and he wonders if she came to accept his work offer. She says she has something to tell him that will affect their relationship. He wonders if it's good or bad. She says that depends on him. He says well, tell me then. She says she's pregnant.

Fer is talking with Pastor about the contract and that finally he's getting his comeuppance. Pastor says well you have to work for it and you better keep on your toes, etc. He says you may rise like a palm tree, but fall like a coconut (palm trees grow high and vigorously, but coconuts fall fast, hard and unexpectedly). He's very matter of fact and less than confident that Fer will be successful, and that he will have to be a chauffeur until Monday, no starting early. fer thanks him anyway and says he's waited this long so what's a few more days.

Ang tells Nid he suspected that already. He didn't think things were that great between her and her husband. She says they aren't and this wasn't planned. He says everything is changed, but she says except my feelings. She came to tell him because she really cares about him. She asks if he feels deceived. He says well this is something that could happen and it did, and well, he's your husband. She says if she could go back this never would have happened. He tells her she shouldn't say that especially if a child is involved. She asks if he would still accept her big, pregnant with another's child.

Just then we cut to a huge crowd lead by the three men with rifles walking up the hill in Achichipico, again the music of doom is playing....

Juan tells himself that his legs are trembling and his heart is beating out of his chest that he's going to have to beg Santo Nino de Atocha not to abandon him now. Dark Buddy suggests an idea to him. I think he suggests that they hide along the way. My DVD cut off so the rest is from memory...

Ang tells Nidia that everything he said before he still means, both the work and the matters of the heart. Nid is amazed that he loves her that much.

Delfi and Negro say to Juan, yes, but listen there is still something you need to know, and it’s something we wouldn’t play games about. Again before we can learn what it is ( I know but can't tell)... screams and shouts come from outside. Juan we know you are in there!!! It’a lynchin’ mob and they are coming for Juan…he is muy impactado!!!


Amar Sin Limites #102, Wednesday 12-12: Another one bites the dust.

Barely warm leftovers: Azul's hurt and starts to crawl back up towards the road. Diego goes to look for Azul and asks Chucho to close up the shop for the day. Mauricio gets shot in the back by the cops…well, since they did such a stellar job shooting him the first time, we know what to expect this time.

The cops call for an ambulance. Up at the road, Comandante Lopez calls Diego to tell him that Mauricio was in Azul's car, but he doesn't know what's going on. Azul isn't with Mauricio. Diego freaks out. Lopez says Mauricio's condition is serious, but he's not dead.

A dazed and battered Azul gets back to the road and sneaks into a fruit truck. No, seriously. I wouldn't make up something like that.

Glamorous Silvana shows up at the hospital to see what's up with Mauricio. Diego's still freaking out. Lopez pleads for patience. He says they're searching the area where they think Mauricio might have killed Azul. Ouch, bad choice of words given the way Diego's acting. Silvana insists she be allowed to stay and seduce…no, sorry, stay and keep Diego company. Lopez says they've got new info and they should go to the office.

Azul sits in the back of the truck and eats an apple.

Night falls on the DF and squishes it.

Caty is beading as she whines about how her parents haven't come home yet. Clemencia assures her they didn't go on vacation without her. Clemencia and Caty go off to give Caty a bath. Anibal and Ceci keep each other company in hoping everything comes out ok and the moppet won't be traumatized yet again in her short little life.

At the police station, they've found things like the pieces of Azul's purse and her wedding ring, but the car was burned to ashes.

The poor fruit guy gets home and his wife takes Azul being in the back of the truck very badly.

Diego is sure it's Azul's stuff. Lopez thinks that Mauricio must have caught up to Azul and she ran, finding a stolen car, which she then drove off the cliff because she was so upset. Well, if he'd assumed that Mauricio poured gasoline all over the car, lit it on fire, and pushed it over the cliff it would've sounded like crazy talk, so I guess I'll give him a pass on that one. Diego's insisting that Azul's body wasn't in the car, but Lopez thinks the fire must have burned her completely up. I'm not a forensics expert, but I don't think a car fire would do that unless it exploded. Silvana is all too ready to say that Diego's got to accept Azul's death. Lopez says even if she got out, she must have been hurt and couldn't have gotten far. Lopez gets a call that Mauricio is dying (moribundo) and has asked to talk to Diego.

As Azul tries to get away from the fruit guy and his pissed off wife, she almost gets run over by a truck being driven by, who else, Luis Felipe (Ceci's current crush). Luis Felipe, being a neonatalogist, quickly determines that Azul is neither pregnant nor a newborn. OK, maybe I made that part up. The fruit guy comes up and accuses Azul of being a thief. LF is confused by her being so bloody even though he didn't hit her. He defends her from FG and offers to pay for the apple. FG and Mrs. FG go off arguing. And yep, Azul has amnesia. Let's all roll our eyes together. She still remembers how to whine, though. Too bad she couldn't have forgotten that. The other guy in the truck with LF says she's probably a druggie and they should leave. LF, being the nice guy he is, offers to take her to the ranch where his Mami lives and take care of her.

Diego asks Mauricio where Azul is. Diego first gets angry, then begs to know where she is, is she alive or dead, etc. Mauricio says he'll never se her again and then passes out. For which Diego shakes him and screams that he can't die now. But too bad, he's dead.

LF's Mama is shocked that Azul is the girl her son has brought home. Azul's not looking too good.

Diego goes home to report to the others that Mauricio said he'd never see Azul again. Silvana says Mauricio killed Azul and she's dead. And now she gets to have Diego. But she didn't actually say that part. She was thinking it, though, I could tell.

Azul not only has amnesia, but has also undergone a slight personality change. In the middle of being cleaned up, she asks if they can eat now because she's hungry. Yeah, screw the injuries. Food comes first. Azul gives a benign but crazy smile. LF is going to sleep on the sofa and Azul can have his room. He'll figure out who she is and where she lives tomorrow.

Silvana tells the others about the car found at the bottom of the ditch. They're all impactadas. Diego comes back to there not being a body, but Anibal doesn't think there's much hope that she's alive. Ceci breaks down weeping and Clemencia comforts her. Diego has now contracted one of Mauricio's rages as he screams that he knows she's still alive.

LF's mom is happy to have him home. And the town has been waiting for him to start up his free clinic. Azul, in her charming amnesiac way, decided to come out of the shower wearing only a towel. She quite logically points out that if she'd put her clothes back on, she would have gotten dirty again. LF's mom is NOT amused and chivvies her back to the bedroom as LF muses that she's sooooo pretty.

LF's mom has found Azul a nightgown to wear. She asks Azul not to parade around in a towel again, especially not around LF. Azul can't understand why she shouldn't do this. OK, so, she lost her memories of her own identity and she can still do things like walk and talk, but social mores are long forgotten…this is telenamnesia for sure. LF's mom tries to explain it to her, but gets nowhere. (He's a man…you don't know each other…he's a nice guy.) LF's mom calls her son "mas bueno que el pan" (better than bread, literally; "good as gold"). She wishes Azul good night and it's lights out.

Diego tells the assemblage that they're not going to tell anyone else that Azul is missing, which Ceci thinks is a stupid idea. Diego still thinks they'll find her.

LF has finished his dinner and is starting to clear the table. He's so Diego 2.0. Loves his mama, cleans up around the house, thinks Azul is hot. LF explains to his mom about the amnesia. Mama thinks they should take Azul to the police. He says he'll go to the city offices since her family's probably looking for her.

Caty prays for everyone she loves (including Nico), and also help daddy Mauricio. He did bad things, but she prays that he repents and becomes good. Poor idealistic little moppet. But it's better than the catatonic version, I suppose.

Clemencia and Anibal arrive at the old Casa Moran. Clemencia's worried about Diego's insistence that Azul is still alive, but Anibal doesn't see a problem with having some hope. Clemencia objects to Diego not wanting to tell GSD and Arnaldo. Anibal supposes that finding the rings could mean that Azul took them off or that they came off during the struggle with Mauricio. Lidia arrives, complaining that they took quite a long time at lunch and it almost ran into tomorrow's breakfast. It occurs to me that we never did see what happened after her leaving Tavo's place. Anyway, she wants to know what's going on and we see Clemencia start to tell her something.

LF finally wakes up in the morning and his mom gives him grief about it. He says he's not being lazy he's just tired and jet-lagged from the trip. Mama's grouchy because she can't find Azul and tells LF to go look for her. He's wearing really baggy old man pajamas. Poor Ceci. He runs outside in his pajamas and slippers to go look for Azul.

Silvana tells Gloria about Azul's disappearance. Gloria tells Silvana that while she's been away, Gloria and Chucho have gotten very close to Azul and Diego. This doesn't go over well, but Silvana's sarcastic about it, instead of weepy like she would have been before. Silvana woke up this morning with short hair for no apparent reason. Mr 5ft thinks it makes her hair look lumpy. Silvana snarks some more about how she already heard the litany of St. Azul's great deeds from Diego. Gloria says she really is that way and doesn't deserve what happened. Silvana says she tried to be good with Diego, but it never got her anywhere, so that's OVER. Dun dun dun. There are no more obstacles, Azul is dead and Silvana is going to fight for Diego's love. Gloria is shocked. Silvana makes a modeling analogy about never leaving your spot or some other girl will take it. More modeling analogies follow. Gloria looks disappointed.

LF finds Azul outside sitting on a bale of hay. She kisses him hello. She still doesn't remember her mom, but she remembers that moms are usually overprotective. She's realized this truth from watching the cows. Azul feeds a calf from a bottle. LF accidentally brushes her hand while petting the cow. They talk about what soft hands they both have. Yuck.

Diego comes to report to Silvana, Ceci, Clemencia, and Anibal that the cops think Azul is dead. He still refuses to believe it though.

Azul wants to keep feeding the calf and milking the cows and etc. LF will show her how since he used to do it when he was younger. LF's dad is dead and now it's him and mom. Azul babbles that she thinks it would be more fun to be on the farm than be a doctor. She's waaaay too happy about learning how to milk the cow. I really didn't need a closeup of the milking process.

Diego says if he has to he'll go everywhere asking if anyone's seen Azul. Clemencia tries to comfort him. Silvana comforts him by laying her head on his shoulder. Blech.

LF tells Azul he's taking her to see if her family is looking for her. The way this is shot through the trees makes me think there's someone watching them, but the camerapeople have been making weird choices like that throughout the show, so maybe it means nothing.

They ask the local Comisario if anyone's been looking for Azul, but he looks through the recent photographs and doesn't see one who looks like her. Azul is pouty that no one's looking for her and no one wants her.

Ceci says they need to tell GSD and Arnaldo, but Diego still wants to keep it a secret. He says it's only a matter of time before they find her. Lidia's now part of the peanut gallery. Diego won't believe Azul is dead without proof.

LF consoles Azul that in the end, she'll find her family and they're probably missing her. She's still pouty. The Comisario suggests telling her she's his girlfriend. Comisario agrees to take a good long look at Azul so he'll remember her if anyone comes looking for her. Outside, Azul whines and complains some more about not being able to remember anything, not even her name. LF is sure they'll figure it all out. He asks if she can remember what happened, but she can't. He says he's going to run some tests, or rather, he's going to take her to the hospital so his buddy can run some tests.

Silvana goes to talk to Caty and starts talking about how Caty's like a daughter to her and Azul is only her Mami because she married Mauricio and Mami Liliana always asked Silvana to take care of Caty for her if anything ever happened. She adds that when Azul was sick, she asked Silvana to do the same. She asks if Caty would like Silvana to take care of her. Caty replies "only for one day, then you have to give me back." Silvana asks what if her Mami never comes back. That's cold! She's going to drive the kid crazier than Mauricio did. Silvana says she wants to always be honest and not hide things from her; they have to help Diego. If Diego says that Azul will come back, it's only because that's what he believes, but it's not true, Mami Azul is DEAD! Caty calls her a liar and screams that her mommy will come back.

LF's buddy says she's got traumatic amnesia. Duh. LF says it won't be permanent, then. Buddy says the duration will depend on how bad the injury is. He recommends further tests, but he can't do them there, LF will have to take her to DF. Buddy says that's a good idea as they don't want to miss a lesion that could cause problems later. Buddy says it seems to him like there's a psychological component, what with her behaving like a child and having forgotten certain social graces. LF says there's an innocent girl hiding in that body. A flash of the old Azul comes back as she walks in and asks if they're talking about her. She asks what's up, but no one answers her.

Caty is crying to the peanut gallery and Diego is mad at Silvana for telling Caty that Azul is dead. Silvana says she did it because Caty was anxious…Diego says now she's even more anxious. Silvana insists that Caty needs to know the truth because her life is about to change. Clemencia asks them both to quit upsetting Caty. She takes Caty out of the room.

Azul is apparently in Pueblo de [San] Martin. LF takes her to a stall in the plaza to buy clothes. Azul thinks his mama's clothes are fine, but LF says these clothes are better for a woman Azul's age. She likes all the clothes and he encourages her to buy more to have more options. Azul gives him a hug. Might as well do what the comisario suggested if he's going to go that route.

Diego doesn't want to talk to Silvana and orders her out of the house. She cries. Diego says he'll take care of Caty. After Silvana walks out, Ceci says it's for the best that Diego takes care of Caty. She's pissed that Silvana is trying to take Azul's place, but Diego will never love her.

Azul asks LF if by doing more tests, she'll remember her family. A flower seller comes up with lilies. Azul says they bring her memories, but she doesn't understand of what. She just remembers the flowers. LF buys the whole bunch for her. He tells her to close her eyes and see if the smell makes her remember anything, but it doesn't work and Azul just gets more upset. She says she has the flower in her head. LF tells her she'll start remembering little by little. He offers to name her Azucena until she remembers her name and she gets rather too happy at this. (Flashback to Acorralada, where Max named Diana "Azucena" when he had amnesia.)

Diego and Caty pray to the Virgencita out on the back lawn (once again, how did Diego afford this house?) to take care of Azul and get her back home.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch (ha!) LF tells his mom that no one's looking for Azul. She thinks that's weird. She's worried that LF is going to get himself into problems. She again suggests taking Azul to the cops and letting them sort things out.

Diego leans out his bedroom window and shakes his head at Silvana's voice saying that Azul died. Then he sees the dying lilies by the bed and hears Mauricio saying he'll never see Azul again. He hears Caty's voice asking if her Mami will come back. Azul's voice answers "I'm here Diego." He sees a vision of her in the window. "I'm lost, like I always am when you're not with me, but if your love calls me, I can return. I'm here, I'm here." Diego asks if she's alive and Azul answers "Look for me, look for me, Diego, look for me…."

Azul wanders the streets of Pueblo San Martin, alone, crying.

Tomorrow: more of the same. And Azul in an off-the-shoulder milkmaid outfit holding a bottle of milk and making eyes at Luis Felipe. How much did the small family dairy farmers pay for that product placement?


Wait till tomorrow for Pasión recap or start it yourself tonight.

Hi all,

I am severely under the weather, you shouldn't know from it, and rowsed myself from sleep to apologize for not being able to stay away till 10. Anybody want to take a whack at it, feel free, or I'll post tomorrow (and will be able to save all your comments.). Sorry!


Amar sin Limites Tues. Dec 11 - He's baacckk...

After scenes of dancing at the wedding, Ceci's flashback (and flashforward), bedroom scenes with Diego and Azul, we get to Tuesday' episode....

Diego, Azul and Katy are getting a house of their own with a lawn, marble steps and fully furnished with a big screen TV and everything. (Do Azul and Katy get Mo's money while he's in jail or are they living off Eva's money? Maybe Diego became an instant millionaire with that one fashion show).

We see Azul looking studious while Emilia and Katy are in some sort of therapy. Then there is a fashion show featuring Diego's creations with many of are regulars in the audience. I think that was Ceci in one of those furry coats. Azul is seen in her graduation gown, many congratulations flying. Up until now there has been no dialogue, just a collage of scenes.

Then we get a banner that says Much Later....

Azul is laying around reading when Diego brings her a big bouquet of flowers. They chat about how happy they are, without the threat of death and incurable disease hanging over them. They want to start working on a family.

A nun comes by the boutique where Diego is working on his fashion line to pick up a check from Diego for their orphanage. The nun is very grateful for all the money and support Diego has given to them. He explains that he and Azul would like to have a baby and the nun says they will pray for that to happen.

As Diego sits alone working, a woman enters the room carrying a bag and walks up behind him, running her hand over his shoulder. We can't see who it is but when Diego looks up, he is stunned. Commercial.

It is Silvana. They are both happy to see each other, pleased with each other's success. She has come for a weekend of photo sessions in exotic Mexico. Isela has not come with her, she is dating a Japanese gentleman, spending the evenings contemplating the silence. Silvana invites Diego to go out to eat and chat but Diego says he always eats with his two princesses. Silvana doesn't look too happy but tries to graciously say she would love to see Katy...of and Azul too.

Azul takes a call from Diego with the news that Silvana is in town. She reminds Diego that she has to go to visit kids in the town of Tres Marias, just like every Thursday. Azul tells Ceci that Silvana will be coming over to eat a bit later. Ceci rolls her eyes.

Diego tells Silvana that it will be a little later before they can all get together. Diego is impressed by how much Silvana has changed, how sure of herself she is now. Silvana asks where is everyone, she'd like to say hi. Everyone is away at a fashion and makeup show. People there are looking at possibly showing some of Julio and Diego's designs and featuring their models (I think that's the story). It turns out that that is where Silvana is going.

Ceci is ranting at Azul about why couldn't Silvana just stay in Japan. Azul is taking it fine and trying to calm Ceci down, reassuring her that she's a fine model herself. Ceci can't believe Azul is taking it so well, seeing as Silvana was her rival for Diego. Azul says she's fine with it because Silvana has made heself a new life and Azul and Diego are happily married now. Katy comes running in from school. She has made Azul a bracelet. Azul fawns all over Katy and Ceci wants a bracelet too. Azul wishes her luck.

Gaspar and Chucho are chatting when Ceci runs in to find out the fashion news. Chucho and Gaspar believe that things are going their way and Ceci is in. Ceci is thrilled that this will be her chance at being an international model.

Silvana is meeting with two men. They want a contract with her but she puts a clause in there that she wants to work directly with Diego Moran...and gives a scheming little smile. The men agree and she says, where do I sign?

Clemi and Anibal are visiting Diego and Katy. Katy likes when the grandparents visit since they always get great desserts. Anibal says he's gained a lot of weight since he got married. (WHAT? They didn't even show that?)

Silvana visits with Gloria. She too is impressed how much Silvana has changed. Gloria and Chucho are getting along great and Silvana asks why he hasn't asked Gloria to marry him yet. She says something about the hotline but I couldn't understand what it was. Silvana wants to stay in the hotel rather than with Gloria, nothing personal.

The family, sin Azul, at Casa Diego Moran is happily chatting, much too happy which means something bad must happen soon. A TV shows a newscast about the escape of three prisoners. Clemi looks worried and asks "Isn't that where Mauricio is?"

Azul is chatting with a woman in the town of Tres Marias, next to the horses and the stone huts. Azul has to run since she has a dinner date with her husband and daughter and they are leaving on vacation the next day. The bad, bad music plays and we see Mo climbing over the rocks, his insane look on his face.

Chucho, Gaspar and Ceci are talking fashion, dreaming about her famous career. She laments the fact that Luis has stopped writing her as often. Chucho, being one of the more grounded people in this novela, says that he is not a boyfriend, he is only a memory. But she is still hoping he will come back. She says this is the first time she's ever been in love. Gaspar asks "Never before?" as we all know of that illfated situation with Ahhhndresss. But she says that was just a crush. Luis is the only one.

The next setting is in Madrid. We see the lovely Luis packing to go to Mexico. He chats with a friend, Mario. From this exchange, I think Luis is going to set up a neonatal clinic for those who can't afford much with the support of Mario's father. I'm not sure. He asks Mario, a gynecologist, if he wants to come with him.

The newscast continues. Clemi is afraid that it's Mo who has escaped but there are no names for the fugitives. Diego says Don't even say that - especially not in front of Katy. Diego wants to call Azul but Anibal talks him out of it, since they don't have any names. Silvana arrives.

Mo is driving, following Azul in her car. She keeps looking into her rear view mirror, annoyed at the jerk behind her. Mo calls her cellphone (same number she had before?). She goes to answer it but he hangs up. He rings again. She doesn't know it's him. Since she can't get rid of the jerk behind her, she pulls over. When the car behind her pulls off too and parks in front of her, she grabs her purse and goes to confront the idiotic driver. (Bad bad idea on any day, even if you don't have a psycho ex husband). She starts yelling as she walks up to the driver's door, looks in the window and is, to put it mildly, impactada. Mo smirks evily and jumps out of the car. He grabs her as she tries to run, and slams her up against the car.

Mo demands: Why did you let this happen? We could have been so happy but you preferred that imbecil Diego. You sent me to prison.You married him and took my daughter. All that time I loved you but now I hate you. You're going to pay for every second I was in prison. You're going to wish you had never been born.

He sees her wedding ring and makes her take it off. Her cellphone is ringing in her purse. She tries to get it but he rips it from her grasp and throws both the cellphone and the wedding ring in the car. He gets out some handcuffs and drags her back to her car, kicking and screaming. He handcuffs her to the door, goes to the trunk of his car and gets out a gas can. He splashes gas all over his car while she is behind him, handcuffed to her own car. Music plays ominously. He lights a match, sets his car on fire and sends it crashing down a steep hill into the water below in an impressive fiery ball. Azul watches from behind him. He proudly surveys his handiwork then returns to Azul. He says Diego will never come looking for her because he will think she's dead.

(A side note - he just sent his own car burning over the hill. If he wanted everyone to think that Azul was dead, shouldn't he have sent HER car down?)

He undoes her handcuff and she runs but doesn't get far before he catches her. She begs him to let her go, for Katy's sake. They struggle dangerously close to the edge of the embankment. She falls over and tumbles over the edge, lying lifelessly at the bottom, bloody and still. Mo starts down but isn't able to get to her. He says he didn't want it to come out like this, he wanted the three of them to be together, him, her and Katy. He figures that she's dead, sheds a couple tears, and leaves to go get Katy. He drives off just as a police car pulls up behind him. The police see the wreck below and call for help. They drive off after Mo, thinking he is one of the fugitives and responsible for the wreck.

Clemi and Anibal chat with Silvana as Diego paces in the background with his cellphone to his ear. He can't get Azul on her cellphone and is worried. The newscast announces a familiar name as one of the fugitives. Everyone is impactados.

Ceci is modelling for Chucho and Gaspar, in anticipation of her new international career. Julio comes in. He chastises the men for telling Ceci things they shouldn't have. He breaks the news to Ceci that she wasn't chosen. They picked another model. Of course, they chose Silvana.

Ceci comes in at Diego's house. She thinks all the long faces are for her not getting the fashion contract but they tell her that Mo has escaped. Meanwhile, Azul is not dead. She starts moving on the side of the hill, bloody and dazed. Diego demands of Chonita if she's sure Azul went to the town. Chonita is scared because he's yelling and his Mom reprimands him and sends her for tea. Katy comes in and runs to Silvana. Katy says she sees Silvana on TV and chats about her mami and their upcoming vacation and getting a new baby. Silvana leaves the room with Katy. Diego leaves to go look for Azul. Silvana comes back out with Katy and Diego is gone.Ceci takes Katy to the kitchen, Silvana leaves also. Clemi and Anibal are left to wait for news.

Meanwhile the police car is chasing Mo. Azul is slowly crawling up the slope. Mo comes up to a large truck blocking the road. He can't get by it so he abandons the car and runs off into the woods. The police get out of their car but can't find Mo. They call for backup. Mo is running when the backup arrives. They shoot him and he falls, looking like a goner....

Only the next episode will tell......


Pasión - 12/11 Tues. - Where a Letter Is Sent But Buried & People Worry About Sex and Virility

I hope you all send good wishes, thoughts, prayers to Beckster who is stranded in the wintery mess in Tulsa with no power, therefore no "Pasión", the telenovela I mean... We are fine here in Albuquerque so I'm jumping in to lend a hand.

We open with the tia amarga, Francisca and the lovely blind Lisabeta and Ricardo's mom, Mercedes discussing the crafty old Timoteo wondering what tricks he is up to. Francisca wonders if there is any news of Ricardo, but Mercedes says no she suffers daily for news. Lisabeta, also fairly amarga, predicts that Ric's pirate life style will lead him to hell or worse.

Francisca and Lisabeta are arriving home still musing about old Tim and his old age dementia regarding this very young woman he has brought home. Francisca tells Lisabeta to go to her room to rest, asks the servant where Cami is and approaches her in the garden where Cami is making like she is drawing. She has homework the drawing teacher gave her. She assures Francisca she was raised well and only wants to go home. Fran wonders what Cami's intentions are. Cami only wants to go home and begs to have a letter sent out to her family who need to know her whereabouts. She has asked Ascanio but Tim caught them at it. Francisca tells her that her brother is a cadaver but still a man. He tried to have sons, two died but he keeps trying. He's funded 100 masses and 1000 rosaries but no varón. Cami insists that if her family knows where she is they will pay the huge sum Don Timi paid for her. Frani says, Tim doesn't need your family's money. Cami persists that she must be a nuisance perhaps even a danger to Fran and Lisa so they should help her get out of this. Fran has a bad feeling about this. Later when Fran and Lisabeta are discussing the letter, Fran points out that if Tim makes a son with Camila the two of them could end up begging on the streets. Francisca finally relents to Camila and says she will go to the main post office and send this letter. God will repay you for this kindness. [Did I mention, she wants to go home?]

On the ship, the pirates have been stalking this merchant ship since dawn, it's probably headed to New Orleans. Ricardo wants to overtake them so orders extra canon and barrels to be thrown overboard so they can increase speed. As they near the other boat Ric gives orders not to kill unnecessarily. On the pursued boat, the capitain is saying he doesn't recognize their flag but they are approaching faster. Pirates!, oh no! mayhem ensues as the fancy people on deck scramble in circles, the women get shoved below and we catch sight of a lace edged sleeve that is way too white to be on a pirate. Instead the real pirates clean their guns. Ric meanwhile is offering 10 gold pieces to the canoneer who can hit the main mast. It doesn't take long for someone to split the mast in two and as the pirates pull along side and begin to swing on ropes to board the victim boat, Ric yells, we can fight fearlessly but still with honor. Sword fights happen all over, the merchants lose hats and get white shirts dirty. Ric moves in to subdue the capitan with "surrender or die." The captain wisely chooses surrender and tells his men to lower their arms. Ric likes quick work, see. BREAK

Camila comes into a room in yet another sumptuous gown where Timoteo is stabbing a painting (I didn't catch an explanation of this, not even who is in the picture) He tells Cami to sit down, she whines that she has been there one month and hasn't been to church even once. He asks if she is pregnant. When she says no, he answers, too bad. She doesn't want an hijo from a rape. He knows many men are beasts and outcasts but doesn't really seem to care. She persists with going to mass tomorrow until the old man gives in. She is also so bored with the music and painting and asks for something more practical to do like the accounts (a little office work). He is sure just wants to see how much money he has. She denies, but he says do you read well or I'll teach you to play chess. He ends up worn out looking from her whining (actually he started the scene looking permanently worn out), tells her she has the soul of a maid, you don't know how to have fun. You're treated like a queen... He begins to choke and gag in a most disgusting manner and the kind Cami runs for water. He likes her temperament and says too bad my daughter is not like you.

Back to the business of pirates, Ric gets an assessment of the cargo which includes cotton, spices, silk and oil. Ric confirms that the passengers are to be spared. Someone shows up with all their documents and a particularly scruffy lad points out that they can be ransomed, many of them have buckets of money.. in fact he wants to challenge Ric's authority and takes Ric up on his offer to see who is the better swordsman. Well, you know who is... the scruffy one is headed to Davey Jones' locker in a New York minute (did they have New York minutes back then??) Anyone else? Ric asks with a smile.

Out of the church comes Ric's mom Mercedes as she is asking Aunty Francisca and Lisabet, who is the pretty woman? You mean the prostitute Tim brought home? Does she sleep with him? Well, the maids say no. Over to the side as Camila walks with Ascanio she spots Jimena and he lets her go over to greet her friend. Jimena is all cleaned up but in servant's clothes. She is a cook and isn't beat often in the house of Don Zaragoza. She is awed by Cami's deluxe garb. They chat about the young boys who disappeared. Cami insists that Antillano lied to them and didn't help the boys as he had promised. Jimena says she knows Antillano/Ric is from a good famly, they gossip about his family's past. Cami says she too is treated well, isn't old Tim's lover and has to take weird art classes but it could be weirder... BREAK

Back at Camila's home town nasty old Alberto is plotting with Uriel (I think) about their business plans to send caravans of goods to Veracruz. They are afraid but well armed and ready for the English or whatever. We spot our handsome leather apron clad Santi at his smithy bench looking fierce. Uriel asks who is that guy, oh some business guy says Alberto. At this point Santi looks apoplectic and in fact hurls himself in fury and lands on the ground. The twins Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, err, Crispin and Pancho pick up their furious boss and put him back on his chair. Later the family decides Santi needs regular physical therapy to strengthen his legs. Rita wants him to move on and accept Camila's disappearance. She is lurking by the portico later to hear Ofelia say she (Rita) would be a good mother for Santi to have sons with she would like her as a daughter-in-law. Justo isn't so sure. [think he knows his daughters?] Rita looks ecstatic if still a bit sourpuss.

The pirates land on the island and are unloading the booty, Ric seems to be sharing with the locals who carry off baskets and thank him. He an Mario agree that this is a much better boat with good wood, fat canons. Mario suggests he should rename it La Camlia. He saunters off with some wenches saying sirens here is your pirate...

Finally the ill-fated letter is brought to Justo's house by Don Manuel, but Rita gets her hands on it and then sneaks off to read: "Dear Papa, I'm well but worried that you would think me dead. I was abducted by the mill by these scuzzy pirates and now I am on Isla La Mariana owned by the queen of France and oh this old dude Don Salamanca paid a frightful sum, 4000 reales. but please come ransom me even though this is a lot of money. I pray to the Virgin that Santi has recovered and that you are all well." Rita looks stormy faced and oh surprise! she shreds the letter and buries the pieces under a tree.

Mario and Ric enter a pub, find John Foreman and Ric tells him about the swell new boat they just "found". Since they are going to be in the Sea of Florida he wants a greater percentage of the take, like 8%. Foreman reluctantly agrees. Later Mario says he may have made a very powerful enemy. Ric smiles, it's worth it, no? Serving wenches approach with offers of food and ..... Ric asks for food and we'll see later about the ..... Mario is all for debauchery time, not everyone is a saint.

Camila is sitting on a window seat fingering her lovely jewels and thought bubbling memories of times with Santiago when he gave her simple presents like a flower tiara and a leather bracelet with two little metal flowers. She hides the leather bracelet which she obviously still has. Later she asks Francisca once again if the letter was sent to her family. Fran tells her she put herself at great risk to send it. If Tim gets wind of it, it will be bad for me, but it will be worse for you.

Tim asks Ascanio if Camila has made friends with his sister and niece. Ascanio says he doesn't know but Tim threatens him that if he is tricking him, he will go back to jail and rot the rest of his days. BREAK

Santi is in his chair working his feet on the cloth ball, good boy doing his physical therapy. My but his teeth are pretty as he grits them in determination.

In parallel, Camila is painting in the garden. Old Tim comes by and acerbically points out that she has no gift for painting. They get into another argument about being tired of being locked up, she wants some fresh air. He is so bored he leaves with Ascanio. She throws her chair and screams until Francisca shows up wondering what the ruckus is about. She points out that she risked a lot to help Camila. She also stabs at her with maybe your family doesn't want to know anything about you. Camila really howls now. No never, never! They love me, they adore me.

Back to Santiago getting out of his wheel chair to stand on crutches with Vasco and another handsome lad helping him make his first stumbling steps.

Once more in the garden we see Camila praying to the Virgin in heaven and promising 100 no 200 rosaries and more if she can just find out that her family is coming for her.

An innocent bed scene with Rita rubbing Santi's calf picks up ominous music [not really sexy Carla, why this music?]. Good old Rita massages away with her own brand of physical therapy in mind and begins to work her way up to his knee and when he keeps his eyes closed she continues up and up until he stops her with a "you don't have to do this work". She only wants to help him. But Santi asserts that he will take care of himself. Rita keeps rubbing but back on the calf and the music doesn't get sweeter or sexier...

Mario gets a letter from a messenger and walks toward Ric who is writing a history of pirates from the sounds of it... "There have been pirates as long as there have been mariners, back in ancient Greek times. They got silk, gold, etc..." Mario has a message from John Foreman which says meet him in two weeks in the Bay of Pigs. Ric worries there are no messages from Ma or Lisabeta. Her life has been miserable. But Mario points out that she is going to be rich and Ric ought to pay attention. He could marry her and inherit Tim's fortune. Ric avows he will get his own properties back. They discuss the inheritance and how the risk now is if this mystery wench that old Tim is besotted with gets pregnant, and it's a boy. Wow they are all obsessed with this male heir. Mario seems to know that Tim has something to do with Ric's father losing his fortune that he worked so hard to gain. Ric snickers at the thought that the ancient Tim could impregnate anyone at his age. BREAK

The ancient Tim meanwhile is playing chess with Camila and suddenly announces he has been observing her and has decided to marry her. She freezes and he repeats did she hear him. She doesn't want to marry she is already engaged. She should be honored she can be the great Señora Salamanca. She is a fool, her opinions don't matter. She has no options. [oh you sweet talkin' sob]. She whines a lot but that's not surprising. She spouts she will only marry Santiago and that is her last word. She sweeps off in another stunning gown apparently not realizing this won't look as spectacular when she does it in maid's rags. Old Tim is unflappable and says to Ascanio my little dove went off to find the blind one and the bitter one. You better go listen to see if they are planning something.

She enters the room to plead more with Francisca and Lisabeta about needing to escape. He is a crazy old man how else can she explain what he wants to do. Help me, help me.

Later Lisabeta clutches her doll, wears a lacy night cap and childlike says can papa still breed? Why does he want to marry her? Why, she could inherit everything with a boy heir. I'm just a girl and then blind too. Aunty says, Tim has a sick mind, you need Ric to help you.

Next day Camila tries once more to reason with Tim but he isn't having any of it. Save your saliva he says. She hollers, I can't marry you I am already engaged. He leaves the garden telling her she is not going to refuse him. Then Camila turns on poor Ascansio and asks him if he is a stick. Help me. Don't you feel sorry for me. He comes back with the news that he is a slave too. Were you bought at an auction too? No, he got me out of jail. What had you done? I killed a man. [Now why is this gorgeous man constantly the toady of powerful ricos or going off on killing sprees, is this type casting?]

Mercedes is visiting Francisca and Lisabeta they are discussing Tim as a spiteful nasty piece of work, worried about the inheritance and that this wench may throw a monkey wrench [I know they didn't have them but it sounds rhythmic to me at this late hour]. Once again these stately ladies shock us with the detailed discussion of whether old Tim can get it up enough to get Camila pregnant. Sistah Fran thinks he can't get it up and he certainly can't raise the trumpets of Jericho. {Okay, so I looked it up and the seven trumpets were blown seven days in a row all around Jericho as part of Joshua's plan to raze the city and on the seventh day the people then screamed loud enough to bring the city walls down. I agree, I don't think old Tim can do any of that.] The ladies then calmly decide they may have to kill Camila to save the family fortune. Fran comes into Camila and says okay I will help you escape. They discuss the little side door she will have to use since the big gates are guarded. She adds that this is your only chance, take it or leave it. FIN.

Preview: Looks like Camila escapes dressed as a boy and back home Doña Sofia is asking Ofelia probing questions about her pregnancy that turned into Santiago. Could he be Don can't-much-anymore's only varón??


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Juan Q 12/11 "In married life three is company and two none."

Sorry, guys. It’s exam week so this re-cap is going to be a little “bare bones.”

Paula thanks Nidia for the information, but Nidia asks that Paula does not tell Ana that Nidia said anything.

Kike visits Fernando at the garage in order to exchange stories. Kike tells Fernando about the fight between Nidia and Anga and how it was just short of coming to blows. Fernando thinks out loud that once he found out Anga was the love of Nidia’s life that the two of them would end up together. Fernando quickly changes the subject and tells Kike about the fight that he overheard between Paula and CL.

Monica and CL talk business. There’s some importers of exotic flowers who wants to meet with them, but there’s two problems. They want to meet with the owners of Farrell industries in Guadalajara. Monica points out that this would mean that she and CL would have to go, together, to Guadalajara for the meeting. Cue the sleazy music.

Paula looks through the newspaper for a job while Ana makes herself a drink. Paula asks her mom if there is any news, but Ana says that there’s nothing. Paula, who can’t keep a secret, says that she wants to know why CL came to the house. Ana lies and says that it was just to say hello. Paula won’t accept this answer and tries to convince her mother to tell the truth. They bicker for a few minutes and then Paula leaves in a huff. If Ana won’t tell her then she’s going to ask CL himself.

CL asks if there’s any possibility of the meeting being held in the D.F. Monica explains that the importers have a very busy schedule and this would be impossible. Monica gets up to leave and flippantly tells CL to talk to Paula and to sleep on it and come in tomorrow with an answer. CL looks dumfounded.

Monica catches Pastor walking through the lobby. She wants to know why she wasn’t told about Juan’s call. Pastor says that he also didn’t know about the call. Monica tells Pastor that even Paula knew; the only one who didn’t was Monica. Monica reminds Pastor that he’s in charge of finding Juan. She accuses Pastor of being disloyal. She knows who Pastor will talk to (CL) and who he will not (Monica).

Pastor waltzes directly to Marely’s desk and accuses her of telling Monica, but Marely adamantly denies saying anything.

Juan still has his job as a bartender. A couple at the bar order. She wants a Manhattan and he wants a Bloody Mary. Juan pulls the man aside and says that a man accompanied by such a beautiful woman should not order such a feminine drink. Juan suggests a whiskey or tequila. The man agrees and orders what turns about to be a martini. Juan looks at the man stupefied while the man explains the art of mixing vermouth and gin. (A lost art on many an experienced bartender!) Juan’s obviously nervous about making the drink.

Pastor’s in his master’s office complaining about the way Monica treated him. CL says that maybe Pastor deserved it. Pastor explains that it was about the call from Juan. Pastor explains that neither he nor Marely told Monica about the call. Pastor points out that Monica only intimately speaks with CL. CL says that he thinks he knows who told Juan. Pastor looks mystified.

Juan may as well have made the martini, because the guy at the bar does it wrong. (Gin bruises, so it should never be shaken in a metal container. The metal will contaminate it and make it taste metallic. Thus the reason why James bond always orders a vodka martini, shaken not stirred.) Juan praises the man for making the drink and thinks to himself that this is even harder than math class.

Legs! Yvonne stops CL and asks for a ride. CL tells Yvonne that he’s a new man who’s faithful to his wife. CL walks away just as Pastor approaches. Pastor asks if Yvonne really wants to get back together with CL or if she just wants to keep her job. Yvonne says that she wants to be with CL. Pastor assures that CL’s marriage is in terminal condition.

Juan’s caught on to bartending and the crowd loves him. He mixes drink while the “Cachi-bom-bom” plays. He hands the martini man his Johnny Sundae special. The man loves it and walks away a happy customer. The rest of the crowd surrounds Juan, wanting to sample his “special.” Martini man’s wife asks for a cocktail. Juan pours her one of his specials.

Nidia picks at her food while the family watches. They’re all concerned about her and her sickness. They want her to go to the doctor. Nidia refuses, saying it’s just a bug. The family won’t let up so Nidia runs away to her room. As she leaves, Alirio comments that this isn’t normal for Nidia. Marely says that for the first time she agrees with Alirio. Tomorrow they should take Nidia to the doctor.

Monica and Laura share a moment. Monica thinks that Paula’s still interested in Juan. Laura thinks that Chelo’s just telling Monica what Monica wants to hear. Monica isn’t so sure. She can tell that CL already knows about Paula. Laura comments that Monica has really changed. Monica tells Laura about her plan to take a trip with CL.

CL comes home to his not-so-loving wife. She coldly greets him and says that she’s bad. She wants to know why CL went to speak with Ana.

Alirio continues the conversation with Nidia about her acting different. Nidia tells Alirio that he’s thinking it up in his own head. Alirio points out that it’s not in his head – she’s not eating or drinking tequila. Nidia again refuses to go to the doctor; she feels fine.

Chelo enjoys a CL/Paula Davila throwdown. Paula wants to know why CL went to see Ana. CL, as usual, won’t answer the question and wants to know why Ana told Paula about it. Paula tells CL that Ana didn’t say a word. Paula says this whole thing is her and CL’s fault. Everyone told them that this marriage was a mistake, but they were stubborn and didn’t listen. CL seems shocked by this and hurt by Paula calling their marriage a mistake. Paula repeats that it was a mistake and tells CL to leave her mother in peace. Paula stalks out of the room and CL drags on a cigarette with a semi blank stare on his face.

Juan calls Ana, but she can’t believe that he called. The share pleasantries. Ana tries to get Juan to say where he is. Juan explains that he’s been traveling and now is living a new life. Juan promises to come visit Ana sometime soon. He casually asks about Paula. Ana gives a non-committal good. Juan asks Ana to say hi to everyone. Ana says that she will and asks Juan to take care of himself.

Chelo scurries out of the apartment. CL comments that Chelo’s working really late. He asks if it’s because Chelo’s really busy or if she’s doing it for Monica. He says that if Monica’s offered Chelo money, he can offer more. She rushes out of the house.

Juan wonders why he said that to Ana. He wonders what’s happening with Paula and CL, but then scolds himself for thinking about her. He wonders if she’s happy. (We see Paula pretending to sleep so she doesn’t have to speak with CL.)

Monica asks Chelo if CL was just saying this to size up Chelo. Chelo doesn’t think so and now she’s afraid to go there. Monica says that Chelo may quit, but has to pretend to be very mad when she quits. That way, CL won’t allow Chelo to quit. The women change topics to the fight between CL and Paula from the night before.

Juan and the manager talk about a problem with the guests. Apparently, they all got sick and they all were in the bar last night. Juan explains that he made them the Johnny Sundae Special. The manager’s worried about lawsuits. Juan decides to be honest and says that he’s not a bartender; he’s always been on the other side of the bar. Juan quits and thanks the man for the opportunity.

CL asks if Paula’s found a job; he can call some friends to get her a job. She refuses his offer. CL reminds Paula that she got the job at Farell on her mother’s recommendation. CL says he would like to see Paula occupied. Paula takes this to mean that he wants her busy so she’s not bothering him. CL accuses Paula of turning everything he says against him. He was just offering a favor. Paula says that when she needs a favor she’ll ask. He wants to know why they can’t be civil. Paula says it’s because they’re not a normal couple.

Alirio outsmarts Nidia and brings the doctor to the house. The doctor says that he’s reviewed her symptoms and doesn’t think it’s anything serious. Nidia chimes in that she would like to speak with the doctor alone. Alirio protests, but he listens. Nidia tells the doctor that she’s pregnant. The doctor says that he’s going to tell the family, but Nidia begs him not to do so.

The doctor says that he understands that pregnancy at Nidia’s age can cause a lot of confusion. Her family deserves to know. Nidia begs him not to say anything. Nidia says she needs time to accept it. The doctor says he’s not sure it’s ethical not to say anything. Nidia says it’s not ethical to release her medical information without her consent. She starts to beg again.

The doctor leaves Nidia’s room and runs into the rest of the Cachon family. They asks him for his diagnosis but he replies that Nidia already knew what was wrong. He tells the family that they will have to ask Nidia about her condition. He advises Alirio to give unconditional love and support to Nidia at this time. The doctor excuses himself and doesn’t give up any information despite the pleas from the family. After he leaves the family wonders if it’s something really serious. The girls rush into Nidia’s room and shut Alirio out in the hall.

Anga asks Kike about Nidia. Kike explains that she’s the same and that Alirio brought a doctor to the house. The men think about what could possibly be wrong with Nidia.

Nidia comforts her children. Nidia says that if nothing’s wrong then why are they worried. The daughters reply that’s not what the doctor said. He said there was something wrong, but wouldn’t say what. Alirio comes barging into the room. Nidia says that her problem is that she has tension and stress. Alirio says that he will unconditionally support her. She says if he’s going to do so, then he should leave her alone. She milks the situation for all it’s worth, but Alirio doesn’t understand what “situation” she’s talking about. Nidia claims that she’s a constant victim of Alirio’s jokes and emotional abuse; that’s why she’s sick. She rushes into the bathroom to excape the heat.

Hector and Juan say their good-byes. Hector recommends that Juan return to his family. Juan doesn’t want to do that. Hector suggests going back to Archichipico. Juan doesn’t think that’s such a good idea either. He has some thugs after him because of his skirt chasing ways. Juan begins his story.

A woman named Erlinda was the most beautiful woman in the region. They would sneak away to hidden places and give some “kisses.” They were discovered one day and her family was told. In the middle of a basketball game, some thugs came after Juan. Juan, thanks to Santo Nino de Antocha, was able to escape to a bus. Hector’s sure that this Erlinda is now married and all is well. The men say good-bye and Hector gives Juan his watch. Juan thanks him and heads off to his next adventure.

Chelo gives CL her best performance. Just as Monica predicted, CL falls for it and keeps Chelo as his maid. CL goes so far to say that he was wrong and that he’s sorry. They agree not to talk about it again.

Juan thinks about where he should go next. He thinks that his Santo Nino should give him a sign. He kicks a rock and it flies into somebody. Juan rushes to the wailing man. It’s a Japanese business, Akito and he’s in pain. Juan tries to help, but the man isn’t exactly friendly.

Chelo calls Monica to tell her about their success. Monica’s obviously happy. Chelo asks what she should do now. Monica tells Chelo to continue doing the same thing. Monica hangs up and tells Laura about her accomplishment. Laura looks impressed.

Juan tries to explain that the car is broken. The man thinks this means that Juan is a mechanic. Juan tries to explain that if he messes with the car it really will be broken. The man looks for a phrase and asks if Juan speaks Japanese. Juan replies that he only speaks Spanish. The man tells Juan that they are friend. Juan thinks that he should leave the man, but he found a new friend. He asks the man if he put gas in the car. Juan pretends to fix the car.

Fernando puts in a word for himself to be Monica’s new assistant. He asks CL to put in a good word for him. CL agrees to do so. Fernando genuinely thanks CL. CL promises to go speak with Monica.

The mechanic tells Juan it’s a good thing that he happened to come by the car. Juan comments that Asians always seem to know about electric things until they actually need it. The Japanese man comes over to Juan. Juan tries to explain what the mechanic said – Juan did a good job. Akito appears impressed. Juan wants to know why Akito’s in Mexico. Akito says he’s looking for a business. Akito explains that he’s in the flower business; I think he says lillies. Juan tells Akito that in his hometown there are many of these flowers. Juan promises to take Akito there. I think the men make a business arrangement to buy/sell lilies together. Juan looks to a cross and thanks the Santo Nino.

*Oscar Wilde


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need help need a sub for pasions

I am in Tulsa & we have no cable, no internet, no power...
I am at work now & have access to the internet..
I need a sub as I have no idea when power will be back on..up to 7 to 10 days.

Thanks in advance


Caray Caray cantan las mananitas a la Virgen de Guadalupe

Un pequeno cancion para la madre de los Mexicanos en su dia:

1. Himno Guadalupano

(2/4 ranchera rhythm)

Desde el cielo una hermosa mañana (2x)

La Guadalupana (2x)

La Guadalupana bajó al Tepeyac.

La Guadalupana (2x)

La Guadalupana bajó al Tepeyac.

Su llegada llenó de alegría (2x)

De paz y armonía (2x)

De paz y armonía y de libertad.

De paz y armonía (2x)

De paz y armonía y de libertad.

Desde el cielo una hermosa mañana...

Por el monte pasaba Juan Diego (2x)

Y acercose luego (2x)

Y acercose luego al oir cantar.

Y acercose luego (2x)

Y acercose luego al oir cantar.

Desde el cielo una hermosa mañana...

Juan Dieguito la Virgen la dijo (2x)

Este cerro elijo (2x)

Este cerro elijo para hacer mi altar.

Este cerro elijo (2x)

Este cerro elijo para hacer mi altar.

Desde el cielo una hermosa mañana...

Suplicante juntaba las manos (2x)

Era mexicana (2x)

Era mexicana su porte y su faz.

Era mexicana (2x)

Era mexicana su porte y su faz.

Desde el cielo una hermosa mañana...

En la tilma entre rosas pintadas (2x)

Su imagen amada (2x)

Su imagen se digno dejar.

Su imagen amada (2x)

Su imagen se digno dejar.

Desde el cielo una hermosa mañana...

Desde entonces para el mexicano (2x)

Ser Guadalupano (2x)

Ser Guadalupano es algo esencial.

Ser Guadalupano (2x)

Ser Guadalupano es algo esencial.

Desde el cielo una hermosa mañana...

Madrecita de los mexicanos (2x)

Que estás en el cielo (2x)

Que estás en el cielo ruega a Dios por nos.

Que estás en el cielo (2x)

Que estás en el cielo ruega a Dios por nos.

Desde el cielo una hermosa mañana...

En sus penas se postra de hinojos (2x)

Y eleva sus ojos (2x)

Y eleva sus ojos hacia el Tepeyac.

Y eleva sus ojos (2x)

Y eleva sus ojos hacia el Tepeyac.

Desde el cielo una hermosa mañana...

Himno Guadalupano

Mexicanos volad presurosos

del pendón de la Virgen en Pos,

y en la lucha saldréis victoriosos

defendiendo a la Patria y a Dios.
De la Santa montaña en la cumbre

apareció como un astro María

ahuyentando con plácida lumbrelas

tinieblas de la idolatría.
Es patrona del indio;

su manto al Anáhuac protege y da gloria

elevad, mexicanos el canto de alabanza y eterna victoria.
En dolores brilló refulgente cual bandera su imagen sagrada

dando a Rojo al patriota insurgente

y tornando invencible su espada.
Siempre así lucirá

sin invasores hoyar quieren de Anáhuac la tierra,

el invicto pendón de Dolores

flameará nuevamente en la guerra.
En redor de esa enseña brillante

todo el pueblo a luchar volará,

y por siempre en las lides triunfante

por su arrojo sacarla sabrá.


Pasión 12/10/07: Just Go With the Flow, Bro!

Cami is the only prisoner that remains for sale. She is screaming she was born free (like the rest of them) but Bermejo knocks her down to shut her up mid-scream. At first nobody says a thing but then the power trip kicks in and so does the bidding.


Dressed as a monk, Ric, still posing as a pious padre, goes with Mario trying to arrive in time for the auction to buy Jime and Cami before they end up in the hands of others with less well-intentioned designs. It's tough luck for Jime who was bought and driven off by Lord knows who--but at least in a decent carriage and it's a relief that she's at least seated inside it instead of being tied to a rope while being dragged behind.

Back to the auction block: Bermejo begins to offer Cami up when Timoteo, who is apparently Ric's wealthy old widower uncle, arrives. Liking what he sees (obviously runs in the family) he buys her for 4,000 reales and the auction is over. Tío Timoteo (try saying that ten times fast after chugging!) takes her away as, on the other side of the plaza, Ric arrives a minute or so too late. Cami gets into the open carriage but bends down to hide her face in shame as they drive away.

The place has emptied out pretty much and Ric and Mario cannot see either of the women there now. Mario offers to find out who bought the two women, but Ric refuses, saying it's probably better it turned out this way. (No problem. The novela gods have determined that the only other wealthy household in the town, Ric's relations, is where she'd end up.)

So Ric goes back home to say good-bye to his mom and Cuzzin Lissie. Ma gives him grief over having to leave again for gawd knows how long and leaving her there abandoned. It's rough, she says, being an outcast in that town with all the church ladies shunning her because of his running off to be a pirate. He again says that unlike the other little boys, piracy wasn't his first choice and life isn't fair.

Ric says good-bye to Cuzzin Lissie, and asks her to take care of his annoying mother. She hugs him and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Lissie, though, is like a clinging vine and Ric seems to get a bit uncomfortable, but eventually he gets free and heads off to the ship and Jamaica for his meet with Foreman.

Meanwhile, Old Uncle Tim and Cami arrive at the old geezer's mansion. Tío Tim asks what crime she committed to end up being sold as a slave. Cami insists she did nothing wrong and was kidnapped from her home and fiancé and ended up at La Mariana Island.

Francisca, Timoteo's sister, shows up and asks what's he got a new servant for since the last thing they need is another housemaid. She looks over at Cami and tells her he sure as heck has got no need for a hooker anymore these days.

The old guy wakes up from his momentary senile stupor and orders Frannie to see that Cami gets cleaned up to get rid of the bedbugs and lice and then get her dressed in something from his dead wife. (Shucks, can't we at least dress her in live Lissie's cast-offs? Well, cheer up Cami, perhaps there'll be a pair of ruby slippers in the old broad's trunk. If there are, just remember to click 3 times the next time you tell them you want to go home. It worked for Dorothy.) Lissie gets home a few minutes later and Aunt Frannie runs out to tell her the news. She tells Lis that her daddy brought home trouble by buying some hooker from the auction block and wants her cleaned up and deloused and then dressed in one of her dead mother's outfits. The two of them wonder what crazy thing the crotchety old eccentric has got in mind this time.

Lazaro finds Ric and Mario and then lies to Ric. Lazaro assures him and Mario that he bought back the two brothers and says he paid 5200 reales for them and then paid a merchant headed to Mexico to take the boys with him. Ric asks about what happened to Camila. He tells him that he didn't find out who bought her since he left before she was put up for sale, and he tells them he's off to the whorehouse for a liberty frolic before Ric sets sail.

A while later after Cami has cleaned up she and Old Tim have another chat. He learns that she can read and write and cipher. He shocks her by asking if she is still a virgin and, impactada at the embarrassing memory, Cami modestly tells him how she was raped. He asks her if she's pregnant and she hasn't a clue. He then tells her, rather matter of factly, that his 3 sons died at birth and that his remaining child is a girl who is now blind.

Tia Frannie and Lissie come into the study and find the old man chatting with Cami. He introduces them and rudely explains in front of his sister that Frannie is his old maid sister who lives off his charity. He gripes to Lis then for keeping company with Mercedes, and snarks about the two of them as "the blind woman and the bitter one." Lissie says Mercedes is embittered by all her misfortunes. He explains to Cami then that he also has a sister-in-law, Mercedes, who if she hadn't been foolish enough to have married his wretch of a brother, and who, had she raised her son better, wouldn't have had to feel bitter about life.

Old Tim suddenly changes the subject and says he wants them to instruct Cami in various classes like dancing, painting and playing an instrument, in order to make her into a fine lady. Frannie asks her brother why in the world he wants to do that and he answers, "What's it to you?" and leaves.

The two women ask Cami who she really is and where she comes from. She explains and asks them what he's doing this for? Lissie suggests generosity, but Tía Frannie says she knows him too well and he hasn't got a generous bone in his body. For her money he's got some perverted plan in mind.

At this point in time, Saintly Santi has no other option but to resign himself to Cami's loss and to strengthen himself emotionally in order to overcome the disappearance of the woman he loved and lost. Santiago has now pulled himself up this morning, and is sitting with his legs slung over the side of the bed when Rita comes in all smiles for a visit, but he's in no mood for chitchat; when Rita enters the room he shuts her down with a rude bark to fetch Vasco for him.

Vasco comes in for a heart-to-heart with Santiago. Santi has a plan to get one of the craftsmen in town to make him a wheelchair. He asks Vasco what he really thinks happened to his sister and could she be a captive of Don Jorge's instead of being drowned? Vasco almost lets the cat out of the bag that they really don't know anything, but catches himself just in time. He says Doña Sofia would know so that's out of the question. More than likely she did drown.


First chance she gets, the ungrateful Cami writes a letter for her family and asks Ascanio to mail it for her. Ascanio refuses to take it for her when Timoteo walks in and grabs the letter out of his hands. He warns Cami against anything stupid like this. She insists that if they contact her family they'd repay the amount he spent on her, but he says he wouldn't return her for three times the amount. She is his legally and none of the letters she writes will ever get to its intended destination. If he eventually lets her go out into the town, she will be well chaperoned.

So Cami threatens to kill him but he tells her she's not foolish enough to try something like that since she knows the only thing she'd get is hung for her effort. So she asks him what in the world an old guy like him wants with her; why is he trying to turn her into a such a sophisticated lady when she thought all he wanted was a housemaid. Does he want to make a mistress out of her? He answers that as a consolation to her, if she is a good girl, provided that she puts out for him, she'll be free once he is dead.

Cami can't believe Old Tim would need her for that at his age. He turns around and casually says of course he can still get it up, from time to time of course, but the plumbing still works. So he's planning to keep her around to warm the covers whenever the urge arises, so to speak.

Meanwhile, Lissie and Tía Fran have a chat on the patio. Lis tells her how Ric came home for a short visit and how just hearing his voice makes her swoon. Fran tells her to get over it and that she's just blowing things all out of proportion with this Ric infatuation. After all, the guy is a buccaneer! He may not have killed that hooker, but he's a cold-blooded killer: a pirate who robs, kills, plunders and rapes. Lissie cannot bear to hear her aunt scream these things at her and she covers her ears. "Not him! The others may, but not him!" (Would it be a bit too crude to ask at this point if this is what they mean when they say "Love is blind?")

In her new diggs, Camila supposedly finds the courage necessary to deal with life as it is now; and she begins to improve herself for the massa, yes, learning painting, dancing and to play a musical instrument. Time passes and we see that while she is taking dancing lessons --and learning painting and to play a musical instrument--she is also learning how to curtsy with her nose tilting skyward. Not a bad gig back then, you gotta admit.


A few more days have passed and Saintly Santi is a bit better. He still hopes that Cami will suddenly reappear. Vasco, Rita and Santiago head for the riverbank where Cami supposedly fell in. Vasco almost spills the beans about his sister again. This time Rita covers for him. Santiago says he hopes Cami is truly in heaven with God because otherwise he's determined to keep looking for her.

Back at Don Jorge's: LaFont, like that little devil that always sits on somebody's shoulder talking them into lots of evil mischief, has another bright idea for his boss. (Like the first one worked out so well, huh.) This time he tries to convince Don Jorge that they should begin robbing the caravans that transport silver in order to sell it later to the English. Jorge's not quite sold on the idea, though. He says it's risky but LaFont replies that all business has some risk to it.

Later that night in his bed, Santiago tearfully remembers Cami and his first meeting and their flirting later on. (This of course includes a view of him in all his blacksmithy bare-chested glory, bending over his beloved Cami as the two kiss.) Santi begs the Lord to return her to him while
Rita tells the family what happened at the riverbank earlier and they agree to keep the lie going. Justo says they might also hope for a miracle and find that Cami has returned.


More time passes. Ric has his meeting with Foreman, the English corsair/privateer (a person with his government's permission to pursue and to plunder the merchant ships of an enemy country, this being England, and the merchant ships in question being Spanish). Foreman explains to Ric the strategy of the next attack. They plan to wait for the flotilla of ships which they know are full of mined silver and gold, and to take them during a storm. The idea is that during a storm some get separated from the rest of the group and are easy prey then. Foreman wonders about Ric's hesitation and asks if he's turned into a coward now. Ric is not convinced to participate and is acting moody and distant. Ric says its just that this kind of life does not agree with him and he's a bit past caring.

Foreman tries to encourage Ric by telling him that the war is ending soon and they need to grab as much as they can to return home and become proper businessmen. Ric gripes that he wants a bigger percentage like the Dutch captains get, but Foreman says the English can't afford any more. Eventually they come to some agreement and Ric tells Mario to drink up and be merry cuz they've got another ship they're planning to attack.

Fran, Lissie and Mercedes discuss this new mistress-in-training of Timoteo's. The women think that Cami has bewitched Ol' Tim and that she's going after his money.

In spite of the fact that Cami is becoming more refined and that Old Tim treats her well, she just isn't getting used to living the "good life" of a would-if-the-old-guy-could-be courtesan. One afternoon in the garden Fran walks by and they begin to chat. She explains to Frannie, who accuses her of being a sly hooker, that she only wants to get back home to her family. She isn't there by choice. (I say quit the kvetching already. It could have been much worse. You could have been sold to a real rat-infested whorehouse. As it is, this hooker job at least has a classier name and a bit of prestige, and there are some real perqs like great hours, clean sheets, 3 meaty squares a day, prettier dresses, maid service, lots nicer furniture, continuing ed classes, and you only got to do tricks with one old man, so ya know it's only gonna be once in a blue moon.....) Cami gets on her knees and begs Frannie to help her escape by mailing one of her letters.


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