Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Fuego Tuesday June 10 - Not much has changed in two weeks

I haven't posted in two weeks, CherylNewMex was kind enough to cover for me last week. I kept meaning to catch up by reading the recaps, but real life has even gotten in the way of that. So I decided to just go in cold - I don't have any idea what happened since the last recap I wrote. Then I said to hell with it - I won't even take notes. What follows is what stuck in my head after watching the show.

Apparently Sofia had left the house to get away from Fernando. According to a flashback later in the show, this included screwing Juan in a barn somewhere. Good for her. Then she apparently went BACK to the house, which then included being around for Fernando to be a peeping Tom while she was in the shower. Bad for her.

Sofia and Eva talk, Sofia says she totally loves Juan, Eva says go for it and also tells about her missing baby and that Bernardo was the father. Sofia isn't mad, she wants to meet her sister. Small problem, your bitch mom.. no she didn't actually say it, she stopped and said "I gave her up for adoption." Why protect Gabriela? Makes no sense. Throw her under the bus, say it was her who took the baby. Anyway, Eva says she thinks Rosario is her daughter so the two of them decide to go see her, and also grandpa.

Grandpa escaped from the house and it seems that his family didn't know where he was, now they know he is at the Reyes bakery. Eva and Sofia come to visit, gramps tells her to love Juan and then later tells Juan to love her, he wants to be cupid. When Gabriela shows up to visit grandpa, Juan tells her off good, saying that they are on his turf now so she can't boss him around, and besides she never even said please. Gabriela goes home without seeing him.

Sofia goes to help poor sick people, everyone tells her how great she is but she should do something for herself, meaning more sex in the barn with Juan.

Rosario tells Eva to piss off, quit bothering her. Then Rosario runs into Franco, who tells her she's not a good woman because she is ashamed of her kid. Of course she doesn't explain herself, which would make this show a month shorter, so now they are mad at each other.

Oscar and Franco go to the hacienda and run into Sarita and Jimena talking to the lame brothers they have no intention of marrying. They are jealous, and in case we didn't realize that, "Estos Celos" by Vicente Fernandez keeps playing in the background to remind us. The Reyes boys take the girls to see Grandpa, then later Jimena and Oscar make out while Franco moons over Sarita, who hates him now.

Juan and Sofia run into each other at the church, they kiss a little and then split up, no talking. Padre tells Juan to love Sofia. Everybody sure is in their business, which is bad, but even worse it isn't even helping. Usually when a man and a woman have that many people telling them "yes he/she really loves you" it HELPS. Oh I forgot - earlier the padre tells Sofia he's going to work on annulling her marriage.

Sofia wants to be more in charge of the hacienda, so she's looking at papers, she even manages to convince her mother that it's a good idea, she buys it because she thinks it will have her spending more time with Fernando.

Rosario cries about Franco, then because she's stupid she says she can't tell him the truth about her son.

We see a little boy in a shack somewhere hidden that must be her son, some crazy old lady is taking care of him. Another little boy wanders by and comes into play with him, the crazy lady yells at him.

Another scene started with Franco riding a horse but my recording ended.

In short - I missed absolutely nothing in being gone for two weeks. This show is super lame. Let me know if any of my assumptions about what happened during my hiatus are incorrect. See you next time! *sob*


Guapos 06-10-2008 "Send me an Angel"

Do you believe in heaven above
do you believe in love.
Don't tell a lie
don't be false or untrue
it all comes back to you

Because this was a slow one, but there was a part in the middle that had me snarking Mr. Angel more than your average middle of road snarking...This song is devoted to you.

This was kind of a slow one, just to catch us up on sex, lies and audiotape…
I’ll skip the rehash, except for the Bobby & Al scene. Al is lamenting that he can’t be with Mili and Bobby is like oh well. Al finally says our love is forbidden, we are brother and sister. Bobby stifles a yawn. Al is appalled “You knew?” Bobby says yes and he couldn’t tell. Al can’t believe it, Al’s soul was destroyed. How could Bobby watch him twist in misery and say nothing. Bobby just shrugs.
I may be wrong, but Bobby is no doubt thinking, well Dude, I was pretty miserable while, your Mother played Tonsil Hockey with my Dad, then your Dad played hide the salami with my Mother, then let’s see, your sister screwed me over for the chauffeur. Well AssHat Misery loves company.

Consti has realized that Damien has stolen all Consti ‘s surely illegal gotten gains and transfer them over to himself. Damn is there no honor among thieves? Uhhh I guess not. Now Consti is about to open up his ACME catalog and order some tried and true Hanna Barbara props to stick it to Wiley Damien Coyote. I swear these two are like the Odd Couple, Consti would have dumped Luci years ago if it wasn’t for the fun of Damien. (Damien I feel for you I really do)

Meanwhile, Val and Rocky are frolicking about the house, he as the fumigator and she as the hawt to trot rich girl.

Nestor is over at the Church, pulling out a check for Padre Manuel, oh you are too generous. Yes it is just a little token of appreciation. Yeah Dude, fess up you are buying an indulgence. I have no problem with thinking that a generous donation softens any sin. Readers for more examples, see Consti, Luci and so on.
Why this is enough money to build new dorms for all the muchachos and muchachas. Padre asks what’s up with the whole paternity thing? Nestor says he doesn’t want to say anything until the test is back, what with Luci being a drunken French Whore and all, but beings that if it does turn out to be Nestor’s kid, he is gonna stick by the kid. He is pretty sure Al is his. (Yeah well so was the dead French Guy). How much does it cost to buy forgiveness for letting someone think he is the father, being driven to insanity and then killed? I don’t know maybe a new gym.
I guess this is cause Al will really need a friend/hip father, once he finds out, he is nothing but a lied to Bastard who gave up the real love of his life to marry the crazy Mafia Princess.

Mili is wearing her Carlitos outfit and with Matt the Ratt she is over at the convent. She is in the kitchen with the chunky nun. They are making anise flavored Pan. Trying to raise money for the new dorms. Mili volunteers Matt who has vowed to Conquistador her heart. They will stand on the street and sell pans. Mili roughs up his hair, pulls his shirt tales half out and pops a few buttons off his shirt. She wants him to look the part of a scruffy street vendor. Egads, Matt feels like he needs a shower just thinking about it.

Consti is meeting with one of his gets the job done underworld type guys. The guy gives him a passport.
Next a bank guy comes up to the table and Consti starts a cat and mouse game with him to get to person who allowed Damien to falsify the papers.

Mili and Matt are hanging out in front of Chapultepec Park in Mexico City. It is like Central Park, huge and my favorite La Reforma runs right along it. Mili is working her Naca Shtick and Matt is mostly standing around looking mortified. Finally after some pushing by Mili, he goes up to a car and a well dressed woman recognizes him and he is mortified. As if he could be embarrassed, he is a lawyer after all.

Damien pops a bottle of champagne wishing to celebrate his good fortune of stealing all Consti’s dinero. With of course his main accomplice the lovely Andrea. She feigns fear that Consti will come in and catch them, but no. She gives in and drinks with Damien. Well Damien they say you never hear the Anvil that gets you.

Consti checks into a rather seedy looking hotel room, says he is Damien, shows the fake passport, pays cash and goes up to his room. He puts a tape recorder, his passport and a brief case full of money on the bed. He then leaves the door ajar and hides. Some guy comes in and plays the recording, it tells him to take the passport and cash to the bank, deposit the money and then beat it. The guy who How much does it cost to buy forgiveness for letting someone think he is the father, being driven to insanity and then killed? I don’t know maybe a new gym.
kind of looks like Damien. Guy leaves, Consti comes out laughing and mocking the voice on the tape.

Val & Rocky are hanging out upstairs kind of making out, talking of being free and running off together.
Crap they didn’t hear the anvil either, cause here comes Luci and Karla. Rocky pulls on the mask and now Luci thinks not only has Val been diddling the chauffeur but now the fumigator too. Maybe it is just the uniform? Geez keep her away from fleet week. Anyway Rocky rather than let Luci think lil Val will do anyone of the working class that happens to get a uniform as a job perk, pulls off his mask. Luci is screaming for Karla to call Consti. Rocky takes off. Val does her teen stiff walk. Luci doesn’t slap her, how the hell did that happen? Karla smirks and has a good ole time laughing. Can’t fault you there, Karla.

Mili and Matt show up at Matt’s Crib (Matt is such a wanna be hipster, I just thought I’d throw that crib thing in), anyway Mili goes off to the lil Naca’s Room. Gramps comes in, oooopppps there goes the Bachelors Pad thing. Gramps says the lady from the car saw Matt selling Pans. Matt says he is trying to win over Mili. Gramps lays down the law about trying to get Mili’s money. Mili overhears and goes all medieval on Matt, she marches out. Matt is mad at Gramps cause he truly, madly, deeply loves Mili. As does every other young male that she meets.

Speaking of hawt young males, the Padre brings in a fairly hawt in a wholesome type way joven guy named Angel, Chunky Nun is looking at him like his t-shirt says Russell Stovers. The Padre is taken a bit aback. Angel is there to do some carpenter work. He goes off with another Nun. Padre chastises Sr. Chunky for being so flirty. No it is for Gloria, she thinks Angel would be a better boy friend than that Mexico City slang talking Chamuco.

---Hey readers what if Angel really is Angel, sent by Grams. Cause Juan Soler is busy. Huh what if he is the Angel to get Mili and Al together? Like really he writes cookbooks but he is really a know it all annoying Angel that bumps and grinds against Lety, wait I mean Mili. Hey it could happen, Sr Chunky is already totally enamoured---Nah surely Televista won’t recycle that lame story line…Readers if you didn't suffer through La Fea, excuse my tirade, if you did well then you get it.--

Anyway, speak of the devil why there are young Gloria and Chamuco walking and talking, when the talk turns to sex. Looks like Chamuco has been talking to some friends and more or less in a group vote it seems it is time for do the deed. Gloria is mad and walks off in a huff. Geez, Gloria it was just a suggestion.

Mili is at the wall of little post office box tombs. She is crying to Granny about how the will is set up and how she just wishes she had Granny back. How screwed up life is now. Al overhears. He too is there to see Granny. They lament losing Granny, Al has no one now. Really I do think he is harder hit than Mili, not that she doesn’t feel it too, but Mili actually has friends, a entire church full of secret hiding adults, dos suitors, really three if you want to count her brother. Poor Al he just has Bobby the deceiver, an uber evil pretend father, a real father who chose to get his wick dipped rather than pass on the good news, an evil cloying mother and a psycho wife to be. Yeah Al certainly wins the pity prize. Al makes Mili promise to stand up for him when he gets married. EEEEEkkkkkk
Mili agrees and the poor sad, I am having very improper feelings for you couple leave to go home.

Now Consti is driving Andrea somewhere, I don’t know where but she is whining she is hungry. They are either in traffic or Consti is scoping out the scene for Damien or I really don’t know what is going on. Some hawt guy is giving Andrea the eye and she is giving it right back. “What a total Tool, Consti” asks if she likes the car. Yeah AssHat that is what she is drooling over, the car. Andrea says yeah, she likes the car, Consti’s car is old or it is for old guys, I’m not sure which. Anyway the metaphor is totally lost on Consti, but not the audience.

Okay now Consti walks in Val’s room, geez was this bad editing or quatum physics time and space displacement? Luci is going on and on about Rocky, Consti of course thinks Luci is, was or soon will be drunk. Finally he figures it out that yes, indeed his daughter, his real daughter, not that half ass bastard daughter, has been hookin up with the help. Val says she did it cause she wanted to kiss him and prove to her self that Rocky was so yesterday’s news. That’s it, it is over she feels nothing. Her parents gaze upon with those, we know you are lying, we didn’t spend a lifetime in front of a mirror for nothing, we know the look.

The shadows pass over the Angel Statue and finally it is another day.

Al goes to see Flor, she is all me Amor planning the Wedding. Bobby & her sister will be in the Wedding. Al says so will Mili and Flor gives in.

Luci goes to see Consti in the office and she rubs it in Andrea’s face that Andrea is just the Amante, always the secretary never the bride.

Consti is off checking out a lime green convertible sports car. He sits behind the wheel with that big swingin something middle-age look on his face. Say Consti as an additional option does that sweet piece of machinery come with a dashboard mounted PEZ dispenser of Viagra?

Karla is following Val around the house. Val is wicked pissed and calls her Sombra, Shadow, Pa comes in and tell Val she has three choices, 1) go to France and modeling school, 2) I don’t know I missed it or 3) let Karla be her shadow. Const smirks with a uber smug look. Padre Manuel arrives, off to the Study.

Well that is about it. I told you it was lame.
Looks like tomorrow, Consti give Mili a car (I bet it is his old one, JackAss),
Mili does the gee, you act like a father, I feel like your daughter.
Mili jerks his chain. Oh yeah I think Flor says she may be pregnant. For the love of Gawd what does Al not get about conception, does he think that whole bedroom act is something he thought up and children come from storks. Geeezzz. Also Matt the Ratt Gramp’s gives him a chance to prove his love for Mili by signing a paper that renounce her money. Owww the cost of love.


Juan Tuesday June 10 '08 So Many Women, So Little Time

Alternate title: IF YOU CAN'T BE WITH THE ONE YOU LOVE, LOVE THE ONE YOU'RE WITH (but Cathy already used that for "Guapos" last night)

Yes, our Juan has gotten himself into another pickle. Two "engagements"(Hillary and Marely) one rejected and furious female (Laura), and one true love (Paula...to whom he's NOT engaged).

And I'm in a pickle too...somehow the show didn't "record" so I'm going on one distracted (phone calls and doorbells) viewing. Please feel free to add or correct any bloopers.

Okay, rehash first. Juan( looking rather dazed) and Marely are having their "I came back- now do you still want me" conversation and he's saying, with a bit of hesitation, Yes, I still want you to be my girl..."till death do us part" and they ease into some delicate one-lip nibbles...nuthin' like the hot passionate kisses he and Paula exchanged. Not even like the smooches he was laying on Hillary just a few moments earlier.

Nidia and Yadira leap away from the door when Marely and Juan emerge from the office but Nidia wastes no time in saying "When's the wedding? I assume your intentions are serious. This isn't just "el manoseo de gratis" (free groping) now is it!? Juan, still looking dazed, thought bubbles "What have I got myself into?"

A very happy Hillary (thinking she's engaged to Juan) and her papa are talking in the garden. She assures him she's happy but he warns that such intense happiness doesn't last (and don't we know it!) At this very moment Juan is kissing another woman and the Cachons are getting ready to celebrate his engagement....but not to Hillary.

Willy is commiserating with Ana, who laments that her daughter's heart is broken and she doesn't know what to do, since Ana loves Juan and Marely as well as her darling Paula.

No parent likes to see his child suffer, sympathizes Willy. But if you believe in God (she does, with all her heart) then leave it in His hands.

Now Juan is back at the office and Paula is probing. Where were you? A banker's luncheon? Why? Oh, charity work? And I suppose this charity might have something to do with Hillary, no?

That's the long slow pitch...now the fast ball. Don't you miss Marely? Aren't you thinking of her? Well, she's here, replies Juan...she never went to Spain. More probing. And she accepted my proposal, he adds reluctantly.

Fast switch to the larcenous Alirio who has purchased a new computer to continue bleeding the money laundering account. He assures a contempuous Nidia that the computer is to take care of his new clients.

Well, Nidia's going out. To Spain? Nope. She's going out to celebrate Marely's engagement to Juan. Here Alirio speaks for us outraged feminists, saying Great!!! Marely has turned down a brilliant future to fall prey to the lower passions.

I wouldn't put it quite that harshly...I'm still a romantic after all...but I DO think Marely should have gotten on that plane to Spain. Oh well....

If you feel that way, we won't need you for the celebration, snaps Nidia. You can babysit while we women go out with Juan.

Back to probing Paula. She knows Marely has accepted Juan's proposal...but did Juan accept Marely? Yes he did. He's now an engaged man. (and how...to two women at least) Paula looks all tremulous and shaken but manages to say how great it is and how he couldn't find anyone better than Marely etc. etc.

Clueless Juan is disappointed, thinking there's no love left for him in Paula's heart. She's not doing that great a job of hiding it, but as I said, he's clueless at this point.

He blunders on and invites her to the party but she pleads a previous engagement and lets him infer that it's with "Sandro". Then there's just this LOOK...full of pain, holding back the tears yada yada but again Juan misses it.

Paula staggers out of the office, new-best-friend Ivonne rushes after her saying "what's wrong" and Paula cries on her shoulder. Paula just wants to die, she rebuffs Ivonne's suggestion to come clean with Juan about her feelings, and once more says she just has to "resign herself to losing him" Self sacrifice seems to be a big theme in these telenovelas.

Now in bops the relentless Laura to remind him of their date that night. Juan launches into some fast talk about not being able to come and not being able to continue the relationship period. There's some palaver about Romeo and Juliet and he throws in some other Shakespeare "to be or not to be" ( a different play but whatever). Laura cuts him short so he finally gets to the point...he's in love with another woman.

Who...Paula?! No. Hillary?! No. WHO?....er, Marely. QUE!!!!!!!

We now have alternating scenes of two devasted women heading for home. Paula brushes off Ivonee's offer of tea and says she must leave, must go to sleep and she hopes she never wakes up.

Laura is storming out in a fury after having told Juan she feels used, humiliated and cheated. And furthermore he destroyed her heart.

"Sandro" intercepts her at the elevator. Sympathizes while dissing Juan, offers her a ride home since she forgot her purse, and invites himself in for a drink (white wine) once he gets there.

Laura picks up on the fact that he has an edge where Juan is concerned but he denies it. And just to show she's not really that swift, she gushes, "Too bad not all men are like you."

Kike arrives at Casa Cachon to see Nidia Michaela and is greeted with the news that they are celebrating Marely's engagement to Juan. He blurts out "Wow, this is really going to complicate things!" and when Nidia demands to know why, he hedges and says, "Oh you know with my marital history, I just take a dim view". Whew, nice save there Kike.

We thought Paula was home; that's where Ivonne left her. But somehow she has gotten to church and she's praying to Santo Niño de Atocha for strength to handle Juan's loss. I recognize my mistakes, she adds (ah, redemption...very important) and I accept what's happening. But give me strength!

Now here's where we know Paula and Juan are going to end up together. They both pray to the Santo Niño. It's a no-brainer! They're meant for each other.

Kike has now entered the Bedroom of Endless Acrimony. Yadira is tearing into him about his new hookup with Julia, within a day of signing the divorce papers no less! He reminds her she was living with Topete while they were still married...not to mention her relationship with Angarita!

The sparring continues and she literally pushes him out the door, cutting short his visit with their baby. Bad Bad Yadira!!!! She's got some heavy duty anvils coming, methinks.

Juan and Juanito arrive and Juan is scared to death by Kike lurking in the bushes. He explains that Yadira kicked him out after ragging him about Julia.

Well at least she was jealous...meaning she still cares, complains Juan. Paula didn't bat an eyelash when I told her about Marely. He quickly sends Juanito off to do homework while he continues his complaints with Kike. He admits he hasn't said anything about Hillary (or to Hillary about Marely) and Kike opines that Papa Paris will probably put two or three bullets in Juan when he finds out.

Mother/daughter scene back at Ana's. Paula is cryinhg and holding Juan's teddy bear in a death grip. Mom...You said nothing!?..Do you think your sacrifice will make them happy? He even invited me to the celebration, wails Paula. Help me Mom!!!

And speaking of moms, Juanito is jumping for joy saying that finally he has the mom he wants. And surely Dad can't be thinking about Paula anymore because didn't he tell Juanito that a real man only has room in his heart for one woman!? Juan looks thoughtful (a stretch) and says nothing. But he thought bubbles, "How can I get Palomita out of my heart and get my little Rose Garden in?"

How indeed, Juan?

Now the scene is at the restaurant where our not-so-recovered-alcoholic Nidia is lobbying for a toast with tequila rather than water. Toasting an engagement with water is clearly bad luck!

And speaking of bad luck, in comes our sexy embassy man with a couple of flamenco dancers and to Marely and Yadira's horror, invites Nidia/Brigette, one of our "greatest flamenco dancers" to come up and dance with him.

Well, you know how that went. Nidia hops up, stomps all over the floor and all over her partner's feet, leaving him in pain and the audience in hysterics.

"Sandro" is finally winding up his sympathy visit with Laura, assuring her she would have become bored with Juan rather quickly; and makes his way home where he devastates the real Sandro with the news that Juan is now engaged to Marely. He admits to Sandro that Paula is the only one who interests him.

Will you forget your plan of vengeance if Paula accepts you? asks Sandro. Possibly. Cesar Luis also says he thinks he can use Laura in his plans and that's why he's consoling her.

Kike and Julia are discussing plans also. He worries that he won't have much time for his daughter with starting up the new business. She offers some helpful ideas, she's found a good place to rent, etc. and then adds that she's thinking of quiting her job at Farrell so she can run the office for Kike, answering phones, dispatching orders, etc. He's thrilled and happy with her help. What a contrast to our little pit bull Yadira!

Head nurse Pastor is admonishing Angarita to stay in bed one more day...no big efforts, please! But he is glad to see that his bro' is eating something and seems to be improving. Aren't you late for work? grumps Angarita. Indeed he is...but call me on my cell if you need anything, Pastor adds.

Angarita struggles up after Pastor leaves and heads out the door where he clutches his chest and collapses in the street. A taxi driver comes to his aid (is it our ONE taxi driver in Mexico city? don't know for sure, couldn't see his face). Angarita manages to gasp out, "I must speak to Nidia Cachon."

And there we end for this evening.


manosear to grope, fondle

cortar las alas a alguien (in this case, Laura) clip someone's wings

dar aliento give encouragement (Willy to Ana)

perro viejo no aprenda nuevos trucos can't teach an old dog new tricks
Nidia to Alirio

ni con pistola! not on your life! Juan

eso es lo de menos that's the least of it (Juan to

la cordura good sense, sanity (what Paula would
like to get back to)

babeando por (Paula Davila) drooling over, crazy about Paula
Davila (said by Laura)

noticieron a ocho columnas big headline news (Nidia, speaking
about engagement)

es un decir it's just a saying (Kike, trying to
correct his blunder)

cerrar con brocho de oro wrapped it up neatly, tied it up
perfectly (sarcastic remark during
Kike and Yadira's umpteenth fight)

todo a su tiempo all in good time (Juan,
backpedaling like mad concerning his
engagement to Marely)

dimelo a mi! Tell me about it! (Marely talking to


Guapos: Monday 6/9/08- "If you can't be with the one you love, love the one you're with....."

Part One:

Karla and Constancio are in the garden and he’s trying to get more info from her on Damian. He tells her that Damian’s been behaving too well lately and that most definitely is a sign that he’s up to something. He asks Karla to keep an eye on him, easy to do when she’s messing around in his bed. Karla asks her boss if he thinks she’s some kind of slut and he says he doesn’t think, he knows.

Hugo goes in to see Mili and he can tell she’s extremely upset. He tells her that he loves her more than anything and he wants to marry her. However, nothing would make him happier than see her happy. He says that Al loves her too, and since he can see that the both of them (Al and Mili) are suffering equally they obviously should be together. Mili says that Hugo doesn’t understand and Hugo goes on to say that he doesn’t want to make the same mistakes he did before, so he’s releasing Mili, he’s breaking up with her so she can be with Al. Mili tries to explain to Hugo that she and Al can NEVER be together. Hugo won’t hear it, Mili adores Al and he, well Hugo’s never seen him so bad. Mili assures Hugo that their sadness will pass with time, and again they can never be together. She begs Hugo to help her, to help her forget and to not leave her alone. Hugo urges Mili to work things out with Al and she says there is nothing to work out. H-“You ask me to be at your side, all they while you are thinking of another man. Every time I would hug you or kiss you, you would be thinking of him. He would be in your heart. How is that fair to me, Mili? How is that fair?” Mili says she knows that it isn’t fair, but Hugo knows that Mili loved Al, but she needs to forget him. Hugo again asks for her to explain things, he needs to understand what is happening. At this moment Braulio comes into the room. He’s wanting to know if Mili’s up to going out dancing. At first she doesn’t quite catch on that Brau wants to go to the club too. Once she figures this out, she thinks it would be a great diversion. She tells Brau to get dressed and they can go. She asks Hugo to join them and he agrees, but he tells Mili that they aren’t done talking.

Braulio gets all cowboyed up and Hugo is surprised to see the majordomo’s outfit. He never imagined that Brau could kick back and have fun. Hugo thought that Brau lived for work. Just then Mateo arrives and Braulio informs him that Mili’s on her way out with her boyfriend. Mateo says, “Al?” and Braulio takes delight in saying, “Nope, Hugo.” Hugo’s in the background with a Cheshire grin on his face.

Al is moping in his room and Mili comes in, all duded up in her evening attire. She asks Al how he’s doing and says she suspects he’s about as good as her, eyes all squinty from crying. He says he knows that she and Hugo are now a couple and she fills him in on Hugo breaking up with her. Al says if Hugo broke up with her it is because he really loves her and that he’s going to have a talk with his cousin. Mili asks how things are with Florencia. Al says they will go ahead and get married. Mili asks if he’ll move far away. “Yes.” Al replies as he reaches for her hand. “It is the only way because I’m afraid to be near you, I have to forget you or I’ll do something crazy.” He leans in for a kiss and she leans in a little, but ends up jumping away. She invites him to join them for dancing at Rodeo. Al isn’t in the mood. Mili tells him he needs to come alive and he should invite Flo to come too. She says that Hugo’s coming and Flo and Hugo both need to see that there is nothing more between the two of them. She says they’ll see we love each other, but now it is different than before, now it is more like love between siblings. Al says he doesn’t want to be siblings and that he doesn’t feel anything for Flo. He tells Mili it will hurt to see her with Hugo. She tells him “ We have to learn to live together” and he ends up agreeing to come along. She leaves and he places a phone call.

At Flo’s and Marisela’s, Bobby is making out with the latter on the couch while the phone rings. He asks if she’s going to answer and she says Flo can get it. Flo comes out and tells Marisela that it was Al and they are going to the Rodeo. Bobby questions if that means he has to go too and Marisela jokes that the four of them are together enough they should have a double wedding.

In the foyer of the Belmonte mansion, Hugo and Mateo have a face off. Mili comes down and Mateo lets her know that he’s just heard she and Hugo are dating. She says au contraire, he just broke up with me. Hugo frantically tries to straighten out the situation, but no one listens. Mili invites Mateo to join them at the Rodeo and he readily agrees.

At the Rodeo the usuals are all there. Gloria is dancing with Chamuco and Lina is scoping out the man action. Mili and crew arrive and Braulio immediately searches out Pedro. Pedro’s busy, but he gets Brau a drink on the house. Al doesn’t like being there and wants to go. He tells Mili it isn’t easy and before she can reply, Flo comes up and insists on dancing with HER boyfriend. Mili pulls her aside and says put away your nails, I don’t want to fight with you. She asks Flo to do her a favor, to make sure that Al is happy. M-“Promise me you’ll make him happy, he deserves it.” Hugo overhears and asks why Mili did that. She avoids answering by getting Hugo to dance.
Socorrito remembers seeing Karla with Connie and how she ended up slapping her daughter. She marches up to Luciana’s room and tells her boss that she needs to keep her husband away from her daughter.

Luci and Soco go searching out Karla and find her and Damian in a compromising position in the dormitory. Damian does a pathetic job of trying to cover saying something about Karla ironing his shirts. The two women don't buy it and Luci goes ballistic on Karla, slapping her and ordering her out of the mansion.

Rocky is at Rodeo, wondering if Val had the chance to sneak out of the house. Gloria and Chamuco have a conversation about when they’ll get married and she’s none to happy about his ten year plan. Lina spots Bobby kissing Marisela and she accepts a dance from a groper. Bobby sees her getting her butt grabbed and tries to help. She tells him to mind his own business, but then tells the groper to get lost. She bumps into Mateo’s friend, who asks if she’s alone and she says yes, but not as alone as I was this morning. The two go off to dance together.

Hugo tells Al he’s never seen Mili so sad. Al says he’s going to marry Flo. Hugo wonders what is going on between the two of them. Al doesn’t answer, but tells Hugo to keep Mili away from Mateo. Hugo tells Al what happened earlier in the foyer and Al says he’s got a plan for Hugo to win Mili over.

Mateo’s friend tells Mateo that he’s hooking up with Lina. Mateo reminds him that she’s just a servant. MF says that he’s not looking to find the mother of his children, he’s just looking for a good time.

Al tells Mateo to keep away from Mili. Meanwhile, Braulio gets drunk. Hugo takes the stage and sings to Mili. During the song, Mateo looks extremely ticked off and Mili and Al keep sending glances in each other’s direction.

Part Two

Karla tells Luci that her mother is crazy, there is absolutely nothing going on between her and Connie, at least not in a sexual way. Connie’s been giving her money in order to keep her quiet about some pictures of him and Andrea in compromising positions. Luci, knowing that Karla sings faster than drunk on Karaoke night, starts to believe her, but wanting to save on the household budget tells the two women that their raises have now been rescinded. Luci leaves with that and Soco tries to apologize to Karla. Karla wants nothing to do with her mother---she tells her that she wishes she were an orphan like Mili.

Connie and Andrea have some conversation about Luci not being able to blackmail them, but I didn’t catch it all. Anyway, Connie says he’s more concerned about Damian because he’s been quiet lately and that means something’s up. He tells Andrea to keep her eye on him around the office and see what she can find out--leaving the fox in charge of the hen house.

Al continues to warn Mateo to keep his distance from Mili, but Mateo says he knows that Hugo broke it off, so he’s got a clear path- Mili's open and available.

It is the next day and Braulio delivers and envelope to Connie, it is from the bank in the Caymans. Connie opens it up and the statement shows funds, a lot of funds, have been withdrawn from the account. Connie calls the bank, and it seems got a real live person right away---only to find out that his PIN number was used to authorize the transfer into another account. And who’s account would that be? he asks. It’s Hugo’s. Connie orders Braulio to send Hugo down to the study, immediately.

Al goes to visit Mateo’s grandpa. He wants to let the old man know that Mateo is sniffing after Mili and he doesn’t like it one bit. Neither does the old man. Grandpa promises that Mateo won’t bother Mili anymore, and he starts to say a bit too much about the will's stipulation but cuts himself off before he reveals too much. Al senses there’s more and tries to find out, but Grandpa’s not saying any more other than he’ll make sure that Mateo leaves Mili alone.

Mili finds Connie waiting in the foyer for Hugo. She asks him is there’s been any news from the detective about her father. Connie, uncomfortable, tells her no, there is no news. She wonders if the detective is any good and Connie says it’s just that her father is difficult to find. Hugo arrives downstairs and this brings Mili and Connie’s conversation to an end. Uncle and nephew head to the office and the doorbell rings----it’s Mateo. He’s offering Mili a ride to school.

In the office, Hugo tells his uncle that he has no idea what he’s talking about. Connie tries to make it clearer---where’s the money? Again, Hugo says he has no idea what Connie’s talking about. Connie congratulates Hugo on having the same face as his father, and compares his lying ability. Connie makes it a little clearer, he asks Hugo about the money in his Swiss bank account. Oh that, Hugo replies, my dad gave that money to me. Where did the money come from? Connie asks. Hugo answers that it is part of his inheritance from his mother. Tell me more, Connie adds, I'm all ears.

Rocky comes to the mansion and is disguised as an exterminator. He’s determined to see Val. The kitchen staff is willing to help him, but they are worried he’ll get caught. Braulio walks into the kitchen and questions the man in the mask. Brau discovers it is Rocky and he’s insistent the Rocky leave. Then Lina and Gloria bring Val to the kitchen and she’s ecstatic to see Rocky. Brau says he won’t permit this and Val begs him to keep the secret. Luci comes into the kitchen and the women hide Rocky behind them, but Luci spots the man in the mask and wants to know what’s going on. Brau tells her they have a slight roach problem and he’s the exterminator. Luci freaks and Soco eggs her on by questioning if a roach just ran passed them.

Al’s at Bobby’s. He’s telling his best friend that he and Mili are broken up for good. Bobby says are you sure and Al insists it’s for real. Bobby says it is best for both of them. Al confesses to Bobby that he and Mili are siblings and by Bobby’s reaction he knows his friend already knew. Al demands to know why Bobby didn’t say anything, finding this out is destroying me and you said nothing. Bobby asks for forgiveness.

Hugo tells Connie that he’ll give the money back, of course. Connie says not to say anything to Damian because he’s going to use this as a chance to teach Damian a lesson….a couple years in the pen will really teach him. Hugo is impactado and END OF EPISODE.


La Traición, Mon., June 9 - Soledad cries and asks where her baby could be 1000 times

I want my mommy!!
Antonia tries out men's clothes but decides it's not her look

Soledad faints in Hugo's arms

Arturo looks at the sleeping baby and says that he hopes someone comes for her before it’s too late. He says that it is obvious that no one has been in the house for a while but this is the perfect place, the place that only Alcides would bring the baby to separate her from her mother. He looks at the sleeping Aurora and says that she is small but she will bring great headaches to his worst enemy. He says goodbye to the baby and leaves.

Dr. Dan says to Alcides that his arm is bleeding and that is why he asked. Alcides replies that he had an accident recently while practicing with a lance. Ester says she doesn’t believe him. Who knows what he was doing when he was injured. She is convinced that it was Alcides who took the baby. Alcides asks what proof she has. Ester puts forward the circumstantial evidence already mentioned: Alcides has been inside her house without permission and he bought clothes for the baby. Alcides protests again that he bought the clothes to be nice to Soledad. Soledad says that she just wants the baby back. Dr. Dan reports that the whole house has been searched, including the basement, and the baby is not here. They should look somewhere else.

Alcides says that he will look too and he promises to find the baby if he has to go the ends of the earth and the bottom of the sea. Soledad says that if he took the baby only to pretend to be a hero and bring her back, he is wrong. Alcides denies that he would do something like that. Can’t Soledad tell that he is speaking from the heart? Ester says that Alcides doesn’t have a heart and gets the nasty look. Soledad says this is exactly what he did to Hugo: pretend to save him and then betray him. “Alcides, what kind of a person are you?” asks Soledad. “I’m just the man who loves you. That’s who I am. And you, as always, don’t trust me.” Alcides then says Soledad should ask Hugo where the baby is. Where is Hugo? Soledad says, “Hugo!” and runs out. Ester follows. Dr. Dan says that Alcides is very smart. He is implicating his brother to gain some time but it won’t work. He leaves. Alcides is alone with Marina. He picks up the baby clothes and gives them to Marina to take care of. Alcides wonders aloud if Hugo is capable of kidnapping his own niece. Marina suggests that the kidnapper might be Arturo de Linares.

Alone in the cabaña, Aurora starts to cry.

Antonia is praying that Aurorita is safe and sound. She finds some men’s clothes in the laundry. She flashes back to Paquito telling her how he would pass her off as a man. She says that she could never dress as a man. But then she says that the household needs the money. No one would recognize her anyway. Then she wonders how she could be thinking of such trifles when Aurora has disappeared.

Alcides is cleaning the blood off his jacket. He says Arturo’s name and Marina replies that she thought of him because he is Alcides’ worst enemy. Marina doesn’t think Hugo would kidnap his own daughter. Alcides doesn’t think so either. Alcides says that Arturo is the only one who would do anything to get revenge on him. This would be the perfect opportunity for Arturo. Alcides says that Marina is very observant and thanks her. He will find his niece himself. A glass of water and few nuts and he’s off.

Soledad and Ester find Ursula in the plaza. Ursula asks if the baby has been found. Soledad says no. She wasn’t at Alcides’ house. They searched the place. Soledad is panicking. Ester tells her to calm down and find Hugo. Ursula tells them that Hugo left town to find Michelle. Soledad comes to the same conclusion as Ursula did originally – that Hugo has the baby.

Hercu-less is standing in the street presumably outside Arturo’s house. Alcides comes up and they each ask the other what he is doing there. Herc says that he is watching for any suspicious movements by Arturo in case he tries to do anything against Alcides. Alcides tells him not to be an idiot. He came here after his woman. Alcides asks if Herc has seen Arturo. Herc says that Arturo went out very early, came back a short time later and has gone out again and not returned. Alcides concludes that it must have been Arturo who took the baby. He asks Herc if Arturo had a baby or anything that would hold a baby. Before Herc can answer, Alcides draws his gun and shoots at Arturo who is walking up the street. Passers by flee in terror. Alcides runs up, tosses his cane to Herc and grabs Arturo. He says that he missed on purpose, not because he is a bad shot. He demands to know where Soledad’s daughter is. Where did Arturo take his niece?

Arturo asks what the hell he is talking about. Alcides says that his niece was kidnapped and he knows that Arturo did it to get revenge on him. Alcides asks Arturo where he has been. Arturo says he has been taking care of business. Alcides says that Herc has reported seeing him go in and out of the house several times. What was he doing? Arturo says so Hercu-less was spying on him. “On my orders,” says Alcides. Arturo says that Alcides should ask Herc, then. Has Herc seen Arturo go in or out of his house with a baby? He invites Alcides to come in and search his house. He has nothing to do with this and his vengeance would never involve a child or an old person. Alcides says that he doesn’t believe in Arturo’s moral protestations. Arturo wants Alcides to be blamed for the baby’s disappearance to prejudice Soledad against him. “Listen to me,” says Alcides, “where did you take her?” Gladis comes out of the house. She heard a shot and wants to know what’s is going on. Arturo tells his mother that it is nothing. Alcides’ gun went off by accident. Alcides puts away his gun and tells Arturo that he hopes he is telling the truth. If he finds the baby and finds out that Arturo was involved, someone (he indicates Gladis) will pay the consequences. Alcides and Herc leave.

Eloisa comes into Michelle’s room at the hotel. She says to herself that she has completed the first part of Alcides’ plan: everyone believes that Michelle left without saying goodbye. Now she needs something to tie Alcides’ alibi with Michelle’s disappearance. She finds Michelle’s diary and reads what Michelle wrote about loving Hugo. She says that love is so tacky. How could a smart woman like Michelle write such stupid things? She says that Alcides will be able to make use of the diary. At this moment Boris comes in and asks what Eloisa is doing in Michelle’s room.

Aurora is still crying.

Ester says that she distrusts Hugo as much as Alcides. Either of them is capable of anything. Soledad asks why Hugo would take Aurora. It doesn’t make sense; he’s her father. Ursula says that Hugo didn’t take Aurora. Boris told her that he took Hugo to the train and he didn’t have a baby. Dr. Dan agrees that it doesn’t seem possible that Hugo would have kidnapped the baby. He suggests that they go to the police and ask if there is any information. Soledad is panicking again. She says that if Aurora isn’t with them and isn’t with her father, what if she has a catalepsy attack? Soledad has to sit down and cry.

Hugo’s on the train. He flashes back to one of his many encounters with Soledad as Alcides where he tried to find out about her feelings for Hugo. This is just filler. Hugo gets a telegram telling him about Aurora’s disappearance. He just sits there. (Get off the train, Hugo!)

Holding the diary behind her back, Eloisa says that Michelle asked her to pack up her things and send them to her. Boris says that he will help but Eloisa says that she would rather do it herself. Boris asks if Eloisa has heard that Soledad’s daughter has disappeared. Eloisa says that she was in the Obragon house when the baby was discovered to be missing. Eloisa asks where Hugo is. Boris says that Hugo left town to find Michelle. “That can’t be,” says Eloisa. Boris says that he doesn’t understand. Eloisa recovers by saying that Michelle didn’t want to see Hugo. Boris replies that he sent Hugo a telegram about his daughter’s disappearance and he expects that Hugo will return to San Marino when he gets it. Eloisa says that it is right for Hugo to return in this difficult time. To herself, Eloisa says, “If only this idiot knew that Michelle is dead.”

Margot is making her bed when Arturo barges in and accuses her of being in this room with Hercu-less. Margot says that she doesn’t know what he is talking about. Arturo demands that she confess that Herc was here with her.

Antonia has put on men’s clothing that is much too big for her and is trying to walk like a man. She looks at herself in the mirror and says that she can’t pretend to be a man – she can’t. What idiocy is she thinking about? She can’t accept that journalist’s offer to play piano in a cabaret. She can’t.

Ester, Dr. Dan and Ursula try to get Soledad to calm down. The judge comes out. He says that he is investigating the matter and he has a suspect. He says that Michelle Phillips disappeared at the same time as her daughter. They are investigating the possibility that Michelle took the child. Dr. Dan says that it is impossible. The judge asks if there was any rivalry or conflict between Michelle and Soledad? Soledad asks if they have all gone crazy. Michelle is incapable of doing something like that. Dr. Dan agrees. Ester asks what motive Michelle would have and the judge says motive doesn’t matter. They won’t rule anything out. He advises Soledad to go home and when he has some information, he will bring it to her personally. (I wouldn’t hold my breath. They are the ones who convicted Hugo of attempted murder on no evidence.)

Paquito is in search of pianist. He runs into Eloisa. He wants to know if Alcides took care of Michelle. Eloisa tells him that Michelle is dead and that Alcides took her to the treasure vault, they fought and he killed her. Paquito wants to know where her body is. Eloisa says that Alcides wouldn’t tell her that. Paquito is concerned that if her body isn’t found in the next couple of days, they could all be in trouble. Eloisa tells Paquito about Alcides’ plan to make everyone believe that Michelle left town. Paquito can’t believe that people believed that but Eloisa tells him that she convinced everyone. Paquito says that she is a little devil (una diabilla). She deserves a prize. They kiss.

Margot is folding up laundry. Hercu-less comes in through the window. He sees that Margot is crying and says that he hopes that animal Arturo didn’t hurt her. Arturo appears and says that he didn’t hurt Margot, he set a trap so that Herc would betray himself without any evidence.

Aurora is crying.

Alcides comes to the Obragon house in the rain. He is accosted by several uniformed men who say that they are guards hired by Dr. Dan to keep anyone but family from entering the Obragon house. One guard notes that Alcides looks just like the guy they just let in. And so it is. Hugo is inside. Ester asks if Hugo has her granddaughter. Hugo says that he is incapable of doing something like that. As soon as he heard, he came back on the train. He asks where Soledad is? Soledad comes in and asks Hugo to tell her that he didn’t take their daughter. Hugo says that he never could be capable of doing that, never. Soledad goes to Hugo and says, crying, “They took our daughter.” Hugo embraces her, “How could this happen to our baby?” Dr. Dan looks on unhappily. Hugo asks Soledad to stay calm. They will find the baby. Soledad says that no one has seen the baby and she is scared. Hugo says that is why he came back, to find Aurora.

Ester tells Soledad to be calm. She isn’t alone. She has her family and Dr. Dan who has been taking care of everything. Soledad tells Ester that she thanks Dr. Dan but they have to understand her anguish. In her desperation, she even thought Hugo had taken the baby. Hugo swears again that he would never do something like that. “If you don’t have her and Alcides didn’t, then who has her?” asks Soledad. Hugo asks if Alcides told her that he hadn’t taken the baby. Dr. Dan says that they searched the whole Hacienda and Alcides denied having the baby. Soledad asks who could have the baby, then? Hugo says that Alcides is capable of doing something like this but he doesn’t know. He doesn’t understand ‘Alcides the millionaire.’ He doesn’t know what to think about Alcides. Hugo says that he doesn’t know who has the baby. Soledad says that Boris told them he had gone after Michelle. Hugo admits this and says that Boris sent him a telegram about the baby. He came back right away. Soledad asks again who could have the baby. Who could be so perverse? Hugo says once again that he doesn’t have the baby. “I’d be incapable of doing something like that, not because of our daughter, not because of her but because I’d never forgive myself if I caused you any more pain.” Dr. Dan is not happy to hear all this.

Arturo asks Hercu-less why Alcides thinks that Arturo took Soledad’s baby.

Outside the house, Alcides learns that Hugo is inside. The guards ask if they should let Hugo know his brother is here.

Dr. Dan says that at least they know Alcides won’t come back. The guards he hired won’t let anyone in. Ester says some rude things about the Medinas. Antonia and Lucas come in and agree that they can’t just sit and do nothing. Hugo asks if the police have any suspects. Dr. Dan says that they have an incredible one – Michelle. The baby and Michelle disappeared at the same time. Hugo says that is absurd.

Margot babbles about how terrible it is that someone would kidnap a baby who is less than a year old. Arturo tells her to shut up. There is no need to get sentimental. Arturo asks Heru-less why Alcides thinks that he took the baby. Herc says that he doesn’t know. He was with Margot and then ran into Alcides as he was leaving the house. Arturo says that Herc is admitting he was with Margot. Arturo tells Margot to leave. She wants him to promise that he won’t hurt Herc. Arturo says he just wants to talk. Herc warns Arturo that Alcides knows where he is.

He guards say that their orders are not to let anyone in the house unless the Obragon family authorizes it. Alcides says that if his brother is there, he doesn’t need to be. As he leaves, he says to himself, that having all these people around is going to make it harder to get to the treasure vault. He says that he has to bury Michelle and convince everyone that she left San Marino. He has to find Aurora.

In the cabaña, Aurora is sleeping (or having a catalepsy attack).

Boris is packing up Hugo’s stuff. He flashes back to Hugo saying (on Friday) that since Michelle has gone, there is no point in staying at the hotel and they will go to the cabaña in the woods. Boris says that before Hugo returns, he will take his stuff to the cabaña.

Hugo tells Soledad that Michelle didn’t do it. She is incapable of taking their daughter. Soledad says that is the problem – everyone is innocent. Even Alcides convinced her with his words that he was innocent. She doesn’t want to be convinced of anything, she just wants her daughter.

The guards report that Alcides was outside and didn’t come in when he heard his brother was there. Soledad asks how Alcides could come back to this house. Dr. Dan finds his behavior suspicious and goes to confront Alcides. Soledad asks him not to leave but he is gone. Soledad starts to cry again, seeks Hugo’s embrace and faints. He holds her.

Arturo tells Herc that he doesn’t want him hanging around or spying on him anymore. He claims he had nothing to do with the baby’s disappearance. He doesn’t want to hear from Herc or Alcides and if he sees Herc around again, Margot will suffer. Herc says that none of this is Margot’s fault. Arturo tells him not to push his luck. Margot saved his life once but it won’t happen again. Arturo tells Herc to leave by the same hole he came in through.

Boris sends the luggage down. He says that there will be a new beginning in the cabaña in the forest.

Eloisa gives Alcides Michelle’s diary. Alcides asks about what Paquito knows. Eloisa tells him not to be concerned about Paquito. He is only concerned with the opening of his cabaret. Eloisa says that she is worried about Hugo. Boris told her that Hugo had gone to find Michelle. Alcides says not to worry about Hugo. They have to make everyone believe that Michelle left. He finds Michelle’s last entry in her diary. It says that the baby will always come between Hugo and her but she loves the baby like her own. Eloisa thinks that is good material but Alcides says that it implies that Michelle took the baby. He doesn’t want everyone looking for Michelle. He wants them to forget about her. He searches for something more useful.

Soledad is dreaming that she is running in the woods. She falls and has a dream in her dream. Hugo accuses her of betraying him. A child says, “Mother and Father, don’t let your love die.” She has her dream of trying to save Hugo from the grave in her wedding dress. She calls for help. The little girl says that she must not let Hugo die.

Arturo is near the cabaña. He sees that no one has been there. He says too bad for Hugo and Soledad’s baby. Then a wagon pulls up. It’s Boris. Arturo says that Boris will discover the baby in one of Alcides’ properties. The credits roll.

Tomorrow – Let’s hope something happens.


Yo Amo a Juan, Monday June 9 - The Bad Birds of Friday Come Home to Roost for the Penultimate Week

We will try to swallow our disappointments of last week and start fresh with the continuation.

The heart to heart discussion between the sisters, best friends, Marely finally asks Paula the right question: Do you still love Juan? Paula gives the wrong answer: There has been a lot of water under the bridge in the story between Juan and me. Marely correctly says, but that doesn't answer my question... Paula waffles with, Juan isn't interested in me now, he's not exactly a candidate of choice. Marely holds hard, well it may be an option or not, but you are avoiding my question: do you love him or not? Paula hedges If she loved Juan why would she be looking for something with another person? To whom are you referring? Sandro (S2 actually turns her on?? Oops, nobody asked me) This is a possibility? Marely points out that not very long ago they were both interested in Juan, you were wanting me to investigate who he was going out with. Paula says, Errrr, I was just looking into another lie by Juan. Marely makes one little right decision, I don't believe a thing you are saying. Well, as you can find out (averiguar) I was still a little interested in Juan, but Sandro arrived and little by little he has conquered me, well, Juan stayed in the past and now Sandro is the future. Marely still uncertain, says are you being completely honest with me? Paula makes another dodge, Marely you are my sister, my best friend and what is most important to me is your happiness. Marely then gains confidence, then if I am interested in Juan, I won't be betraying you? Juan is already out of my heart and if at one time I felt something for him now there is nothing. Paula avers that Marely's news is a great happiness to her. Amidst hugs and kisses, Marely asks if she can ask a favor and spend the night at her house. Since Paula has set up this front, she can't actually back down now, so of course, she and Ivonne were about to have supper so Marely can get settled and eat with them. With brave smiles everyone leaves the room.

Upstairs, Paula bursts into the room where Ivonne is relaxing on the bed. She next bursts into tears saying the worst thing she could imagine has happened, Marely has returned to accept Juan's offer. Ivonne sanely suggests that if Paula still loves Juan, she needs to talk with him immediately. But Paula with pouts pouring out of her just CAN'T. Marely adores him and she can't spoil her happiness. I will have to bury my feelings in a trunk (baul) forever. Ivonne hugs her in silent understanding.

Nidia has donned a new snit faster than she changed hats, that inconsiderate child didn't even advise her that she has landed. She could have been kidnapped (raptó) by a Spanish bandit, a Zorro! [Ed note: reminds me of the Mad Magazine parody of the King Lear line: "How like a child's tooth, an ungrateful serpent..."] Imagine the quantity of dangers that lie in wait for (acechar) my daughter. Accompanied by violins, the supercilious Alirio pooh-poohs her worries, then adds, believe me my heart, given the strong character of this girl, the danger is run by those who would try anything with her.

Behind Nidia's back, Alirio takes out a large stack of bills and fans them like playing cards. Nidia sniffs loudly then announces, the smell (huele) of money! He hands a fistful to Nidia for her expenses, his little doll. this fortune (dineral)? questions Nidia. Alirio doles out more bills for NIdia to buy dresses, perfume or jewelry. But where did this much money come from? Alirio says coyly, a client gave him and advance (anticipo). The bad streak (racha) has left this family! This is just the first of more to come. Prepare yourself to administer abundance, declares the swelling Alirio.

Paula continues blubbering while Ivonne sympathizes, but this isn't just. Paula disagrees this is the most just thing for Marely's sake. In a long stream of words as pathetic as the black mascara trickling down her cheek, Paula recounts how she didn't realize how Marely had suffered while she and others carried on with Juan. Yes, she really loved Juan but she humiliated him a thousand and one times and used him to get back at Cesar Luis. So..... Marely deserves to have a chance at happiness and to realize her great love for Juan.

The next morning a sleepy Alirio rises up to see the flamenco ruffle clad Nidia with a flower bow on the top of her head, apparently having had time to shop with the new money. But, never mind she announces that she couldn't sleep all night so has decided she needs to travel to Spain immediately to check on her daughter. Huh?? Yes, right now she is on her way to the embassy to see about getting to Spain.

Marely in dressing gown astounds Ana downstairs at the Davila house. The expected: what are you doing here is met with Marely forthrightly announcing that she stayed in Mexico so she could accept Juan as her fiance (novio). Probably everyone thinks she's a fool, but she inquires of Paula if this wasnt' the best thing to do. Marely discusses all the people who will be astounded at her staying and no her mother doesn't know yet. She plans to go talk with Juan first. Someone rings the bell, Ivonne descends the stairs and answers the door while Marely looks scared.

Nidia informs Alirio that no one can stop her from going off to Spain, she can disappear and get to Spain before he can cross the room. He boasts that nothing will keep him from following right behind her. Oh no, oh no, she holds her fingers in a cross to ward off the vampire. He promises that he would follow her to the north pole. Down at the breakfast she tells Yadira and the baby that she is on her way to the Spanish consulate to get her visa and in this attire (atuendo) and her shapely charms, she is sure to be approved. Yadira quips that she is just as likely to get a free trip to the insane asylum. Nidia says her dress is to show respect for this beautiful country. Yadi tries to convince her that no one dresses that way which is shameful. Nidia dances off while Yadi answers the ringing phone. She tells Marely on the other end that her mother is determined to come to Spain, but Marely says she isn't there. What happened, they deported you? No, she didn't ever leave Mexico. Yadi says her mother is already dressed to the nines in the zarazuela type costume (manolo).

Kike tells Angarita that he has plans to leave his job by the end of the month to start his own transportation business. Anga thinks this is crazy, Kike has little head or time for all the business details. Kike snaps back that if Anga can join forces with his EX, he can look for another guy (guey) too. You have no idea the injustice you are committing with me. Kike flies out of the room not listening to Anga saying he has to clarify things with Nidia and Yadira.

Juan, Sandro2, and Laura agree that Laura will happily work with Sandro now like a fish in water. Sandro2 makes flirty comments to Laura about all her fine qualities not being wasted on him. Juan finds thought energy to be a bit jealous but mostly glad this is taken care of. Juan rises and kisses Laura [I never had this kind of boss either, Jeanne]

Marely arrives home going into her room with Yadira who has suspicions already that Enrique has another old woman already. Marely reminds her that she made this situation and a divorce means he is free too. Yadira is just a little angry and can't figure out how someone who has only been separated one day [how quickly she forgets her little interlude with the professor] can have arranged his new life and have taken flight without a ramp (ranfla). Marely says she needs to forget about what he is doing and concentrate on her own future and Nidia Micaela's. Snarling from Yadira.

We see the Spanish Embassy then Nidia flaunting her stuff for the handsome interviewer for visas. He flirting says she must be a flamenco dancer with this costume. She sits on his desk and assures him that her specialty is the dance of the seven veils. In this case says he, she doesn't need a visa at all. Nidia reveals that her stage name is Bridgette. They flirt unmercifully, she actually ends up sitting on his desk with her head on his shoulder telling him they would dance until night fall and darkness. He dances too [I haven't had embassy experiences nearly this fun either].

Yadira makes a crank call to Juan's office to Marely's regret. She tells the Ivonne type as Yadi describes her that Juan's girlfriend called.

Juan walks into the plush hotel dining room and greets the standing and then seated crowd. As he kisses Hillary's hand, her father apologizes for his former treatment of Juan. Oh Plutarco, Juan croons not a problem. Plutarco beams that Juan really isn't common as he originally thought. Plutarco used to running things runs the conversation straight toward formalizing this relationship with Juan and Hillary as Juan looks like his collar has shrunk suddenly. Hillary assures her papa that Juan will be the best boyfriend in the world.

Papa and Hillary enthuse about Juan as the novio who will not disappoint. Juan thinks he doesn't want to appear a yokel (patán) in front of all this fine distinguished company. He gulps some yeses and sweats.

Ivonne is asking someone on the phone if they have inflatable boats for rent. Fernando leans over her desk and she fills him in that she is trying to prove that there could have been an inflatable boat that one person could carry and inflate alone. She wants to prove another theory besides Cesar Luis being eaten by sharks. Yadira calls her and the usual snippy conversation conveys that Juan is not there, he is at his important lunch with important bankers and who knows when he will be back. Well, tell him to call Yadira at the Cachon house, it is important.

The important bankers congratulate Plutarco's son-in-law (yerno), ask about playing golf, ask about the date of the wedding, congratulate Juan on his engagement and leave. Juan thanks Plutarco for his vote of confidence. Hillary just wants to seal the engagement with a long kiss.

Yadira and Marely call the office, Marely's radar at least works, she is worried about Juan lunching with bankers when Farell doesn't do business with bankers. Then they call the office again this time asking for Paula. She has gone out too and Marely is sure that she has been betrayed again, but Yadira finally lets her know that Paula is having lunch with Ivonne.

Nidia dances the flamenco with her fans singing with the recorded music in her living room until Yadira comes down the stairs to stop her from waking the baby. She announces that Mexicans can go to Spain without a visa for up to three months. She sings, she dances, she twirls in her flamenco skirt, Yadira can't get her to stop and listen but suddenly the appearance of Marely coming down the stairs stops her cold. Marely couldn't leave she says.

Flash over to Juan and Hillary doing the tongue flamenco still in the fancy dining room sadly interrupted by the waiter who needs to close the room. He thinks they should keep this heat going and slide off to a place with music and romance. She has things to do but wants to meet him later in the evening and they can go look at ice sculptures. He thinks ice, marble, clay, sculpture sounds good. She must be thinking of wedding details?? Speaking of clay, he suddenly remembers the pottery wheel flamenco that Laura is waiting to give him. He debates going to tell Laura that he is now an engaged man. Instead, he tells Hillary he remembered that he has an important meeting with investors that very evening. He kisses Hillary for being so understanding.

Marely regales her Mom and Yadira with her brave risk taking move that she has made rather than always being so rational. She flatters Nidia that she will be more like her. Both N and Y are waiting to hear what this big risk taking event could possibly be if going to have an exciting life in Spain wasn't it. [Sorry I've lost my professional distance and calm here].

Juan regales Kike with his earth shaking lunch with bankers where he became the fiance engaged to Hillary in the luxurious set up (tingladito). Kike teases that when he becomes famous, Juan mustn't forget his old friends. Then Kike tells Juan of his happy news of going to live with the lovely Julia and to start their business: Super Transportes Bueno Lindo. Again the phone rings, it's Yadira who demands that Juan must come to the house immediately.

Alirio, once again, has the bank officer helping him understand these mysterious computers and in the meantime gets the codes he needs for his bank account withdrawals.

Paula and Ivonne come back from lunch and wonder where is Juan. Commiserate how much Paula is sacrificing to let Marely have Juan.

Juan finally shows up at casa Cachon does a bit of flamenco with NIdia who tells him he has much to celebrate: Once again the lovely Marely appears on the stairs above the surprised then beaming Juan and the flamenco queen Nidia.

Alirio tells Gutierrez that he successfully went to the bank and turned his balance (saldo) into zeros. Gutis asks him if he still has the password codes. Alirio side steps and talks about more transfers. Gutis warns him that too many and too fast movements will raise suspicions.

Marely and Nidia argue in front of Juan who thought dreams about the best opportunity of his life. Marely insists that they won't do their talk in front of Nidia but in the office. Once there she explains that she realized that Juan is the love of her life and she gave up Spain to come back. She also tells him that she knows he loves Paula best but she will love him enough for both of them and eventually maybe he will love her that much too.He is thinking that now he has both Hillary and Marely to choose from but the lovely rose garden Marely wins handily. NIdia is listening on the other side of the door. Yadira joins her they listen, Yadi starts to kvetch about Kike but stops to listen with Nidia. Inside Marely and Juan go through the "is the offer still open" talk which leads to more tongue flamenco which we are told once again if it resembles reality, it is just a coincidence..

Averiguar = to find out, to verify
Baul = trunk
Raptar = to kidnap
Acechar = to lie in wait
Huele from Oler = to smell
Dineral = fortune
Anticipo = advance, retaining fee
Racha = gust of wind, series, streak
Novio = fiance, intended, boyfriend
Atuendo = attire
Manolo = a man usually from Madrid dressed in flamboyant zarazuela style
Guey = guy, type
Ranfla = ramp
Patán = yokel, rustic
Tinglado, tingladito = set-up, platform
Saldo = balance


Fuego, Monday 6/9 (#30): In which various people are warned

Juan continues downing shot after shot of delicious, nutritious, muscle-building, brain-fortifying tequila. The good news is that as he gets drunker, he spends more time thinking about Sofía, and less time trying to "help" the singer.

Jimena is telling Oscar she's worried about what will happen when it's discovered that Sofi and Juan have run off. She wants to get married and out of the hacienda ASAP. He says he'll talk to the padre about it tomorrow.

The nightclub becomes awkwardly quiet in the pause between acts. Furd notices Juan at the bar and loudly calls attention to him. Some of the regulars giggle. Juan gives a withering reply that I don't understand, which earns him a slightly higher score on the applause-o-meter. "You talkin' to me?" Furd asks. Juan says, you're the one who's listening, and if you've got something to get off your chest, lay it on me. Furd politely puts his cigar in his mouth so that he can blow smoke in Juan's face and be verbally rude at the same time. He reminds Juan that he's too classy to fight with lowly bricklayers.

He leaves haughtily. Juan wants to follow, but one of the regulars stops him. Juan mutters that Furd will pay for that. He orders another tequila, but takes the whole bottle and guzzles.

Rosario comes out to do her act, sees Juan drinking out of the bottle, and asks Ofelia to let his brothers know what a mess he is. She's singing a new song and giving him nervous looks.

Sarita is moping in her room, being miffed, and decides to intercept Jimena outside and give her a piece of her mind before Jimena gets back to her balcony. She continues to mutter "She's going to listen to me!" as she clatters down the steps in her bathrobe and slippers. She runs into Crabi, who demands that Sarita come with her to see Jimena. Sarita tries to lure her away to the kitchen, to no avail. Jimena is coming through the balcony door with her coat on as Gabi comes through the bedroom door. Busted!

Gabi has a fit, calls her shameless, and slaps her silly. Jimena begs her not to hit her and says she told her that she couldn't be locked up, that it's worse than a prison, it's like a hell. Gabi is offended that Jimena describes her home as a hell and says now she's REALLY going to be locked up - she can't even go out with Octavio. "You'll remain locked up here para siempre!!"

Sarita murmurs a horrified, tiny protest. Jimena accuses her of tattling. Gabi gets even angrier when she realizes that Sarita knew about Jimena's sneaking. Gabi says that Jimena is even worse than Sofía. Jimena gets up off the floor and says that luckily, Sofía's never coming back to the house again, and will be very happy and very far away from this torture.

Feonando points out Juan to Armando. "What do you want us to do?" Armando asks. Feo whispers something we can't hear.

At home, Oscar and Franco are confused by Ofelia's report of Juan's drinking at the cantina and Rosario worrying that he'll have a problem with Feonando; they thought he'd be far away with Sofía by now.

Back at the cantina... the bonbon song is back again! Whew, thank goodness - I was getting a little antsy, being so far outside my comfort zone with that new song. It looks like Juan finishes his bottle. Some creep reaches for Rosario's foot; Juan pulls him back and tells him to leave the lady alone. "Are you drunk?" the creep challenges Juan, and takes a swing at him; nice POV shot as Juan punches him, and the entire bar explodes into a not-entirely-spontaneous brawl, with Feonando encouraging all of his flunkies to go after Juan.

Before much can happen (just a half-dozen bodies hurling through the air), Oscar and Franco show up. Franco catches Armando's eye; they are starting to remind me of the cartoon in which a wolf (evidently not Wile E. Coyote as I had thought) and a sheepdog engage in obligatory battle each day, only to quit when the evening whistle blows.

The brawl continues, with punches, kicks, and even chairs being thrown; I see a lot of potential head injuries, which would explain a lot about some of the people in this town. Juan and another man struggle against the bar; Oscar "helps" by pouring tequila into Juan's mouth. (Evidently, this stuff is like Gatorade to him.)

Poor Rosario is still on the stage, watching like a deer in the headlights, which is ironic in many ways when you think about it.

The brawl is mostly winding down, and Feonando is still puffing calmly on his cigar, but the brothers are tossing Armando around like a basketball. Franco passes him to Juan, Juan passes him to Oscar at the bar, and Oscar snatches him bald!! I don't know who looks more surprised - Oscar with the wig in his hand, or Armando feeling a breeze across his bleeding scalp! Oscar bonks him on the head and throws the wig at him.

That's the end of the brawl. The Reyes brothers have won! Oscar helps himself to some tequila. And... Rosario's still standing on the stage, kinda doin' nothin'.

Gabi is demanding that Jimena explain what she meant about Sofía being far away. Jimena refuses. Gabi clocks her and says she's got the same bad blood as Bernardo, like Sofía. She won't be able to leave here until she begs on her knees. (What? J already tried begging on her knees last time.) She grabs Jimena by the hair and pulls her onto the floor. Sarita tries to comfort her, but Jimena won't let her touch her. Gabi scolds Sarita again for keeping Jimena's secret when she had always trusted Sarita.

Oh no! Gabi's having another attack of the vapors, or is it a mimisqui. Yes, Elizabeth and Fred Sanford are calling her to join them! Sarita rushes to comfort her. Gabi says that Jimena and Sofía are killing her. But not Sarita! "Promise me you'll never be like them!" She has Sarita take her to her room. Jimena crawls after her on her knees. Gabi says not to come near her, that Jimena just wants to see her dead, and soon her wish will come true, after which she'll cry tears of blood. Sarita gives Jimena a pitying look. After the door closes, Jimena says she loves her mother a lot.

Now at home, the brothers admit to Quintina and Grandpa that they're a bunch of hotheads with fire in their blood. Oscar says they don't go looking for a fight, but if someone wants a fight, there they are. He mentions that they thought Juan had left with Sofía. Grandpa chimes in and tells Juan it's okay - he already knows about the plan and he's supportive. Juan says he and Sofía didn't go, true, and tomorrow he wants to work twice as hard on that damn cabaña and get away from that hacienda as soon as possible and never go back again.

He stomps out of the room, leaving the others to wonder what happened. They conclude that a drink of tequila would be nice.

Juan goes to his room and asks not-there Sofía why.

Sofía is telling the padre it's all over, para siempre. She puts her head down. He blesses her discreetly while she weeps.

Next day - the brothers are hammering away at the cottage, which suddenly looks almost like a real building now. Juan watches Sofía drive up. Gabi holds her arms out in welcome - a move I'm sure she practiced for hours based on some instructions she found in Evil Mom Magazine. Furd gives Sofía a bouquet of roses, which she welcomes like a package of chopped liver. She stands tolerantly while Furd plants a wet one on her cheek.

Juan definitely notices and marches over for a better look, or possibly worse. His brothers follow hastily. Oscar tells them they're going to work twice as hard to get the place done sooner. Gabi says that's fine with her, but she's not paying them an extra cent. Oscar says that's okay. Juan says they just want to finish their job so they can get out of there. (Oscar is pushing Juan back, and Franco is gripping Juan's arm.) Feonando tells them they already knew that, and why don't they go back to work.

Still struggling with Juan, Franco asks who is going to choose the finishes (flooring, paint, etc.). Furd says that'll be him and he tells them to go away and leave them alone so they can celebrate Sofía's return. Franco and Oscar drag Juan away.

At the bakery, Grandpa and Quintina knead the bread and converse. He comments that the work is harder than he imagined and that's why there's so much lousy bread in the world, but it's a noble pursuit because bread satisfies hunger. I think she tells him that Juan taught her how to make bread and that she blew up the oven. He tells her he loves being at this place, it's so happy and peaceful, full of love, harmony, and flour, unlike the House of Sister Torture, where everyone was so unhappy.

Sofía is now giving a little speech to her mother and Feonando, "so there are no misunderstandings." She says she came back for her mother's health, and not for Furd or for herself. She would have preferred staying at the convent or even further, but she put aside her own wishes for her mother's illness. And she'll stay as long as they accept certain conditions... Gabi protests. Furd hushes Gabi and tells her to listen.

Sofi wants:

1. Another kind of life for my sisters and me - you can't go on treating us like children. We're women, and we should have more freedom.

2. Gramps gets to come home.

Gabi says no, he's lost. He escaped and nobody knows where he is. Sofía says no, Fr. Tadeo says he's staying with the Reyes brothers. Gabi is stymied and wants to know what he's doing there. Sofi says she'll have to ask him, but he's surely more content there than at the asilo.

Gabi gets up and says okay, is that it? No, there's one more. Gabi slumps impatiently into her chair.

3. I'm not sleeping in the same room as Furd. [Furd grumbles.] I'm not asking for something I don't have a right to. If you don't like it, I'll go back to the convent. [Gives Gabi a smug smile.] This time the decision won't be with me, but with you, Mama. What is your decision?

From the cottage, the brothers look at the house, now that their work is almost finished, and muse over who killed Libia. They're sure it's Gabi. Franco wants to know what they'll do. Juan says nothing... for now. Oscar angrily wants to know when. Juan says Gabi will get what's coming to her. They'll see who has the last, best laugh.

Back inside the house, Gabi accepts Sofi's conditions. Sofi says great, she'll take her sisters out, and they'll go see Gramps. Furd says naw, he'll bring him home. Gabi excuses herself to tell the sisters.

Sofi and Furd are alone. He insists he missed her and acknowledges that he acted badly, but only because he was desperate with her out of the house. She tells him she just wants them to treat each other with respect and keep their distance. He says he'll demonstrate how great his love is, but don't reject him, at least let him be near her. He's sure she'll love him if she just gives him a chance.

She rejects him, saying it will never happen. There will never be anything between them

Gabi gives Sarita the good news of Sofi's return, but says don't get too happy, because she's very different. She's not the same Sofía as before. Gabi's heart is broken because she feels she's losing her daughters, undermining her and backtalking. Sarita says she would never do that. She loves and respects Gabi. Gabi gets all weepy and says that's why she loves her, because only Sarita understands her. "You're so much like me. Thanks for being the way you are." They hug. Gabi grins smugly against Sarita's shoulder.

Eva opens Jimena's door and says she can go, and it's Sofía's doing. Jimena climbs over furniture in her gleeful haste to greet her sister. Sarita comes in too and they all hug, ignoring Furd and Gabi. Gabi and Furd give each other disgusted looks.

The brothers are loafing in the cottage, which is bigger on the inside than on the outside. Fr. Tadeo comes by to talk to Juan. Juan says he's working double now and won't have time. Tadeo says that's fine, just come by whenever. Juan just grumbles that he can't. However, Oscar is eager to speak with the priest - right here, right now! He wants to get married ASAP. His brothers are impactados. He even wiggles his eyebrows for emphasis.

Jimena carefully closes the doors before asking Sofía why she didn't run away with Juan. Sarita is surprised to hear about this plan; Jimena angrily tells her to lower her voice. Confused, Sofi asks what's going on. Jimena explains that Sarita is a traitor. Sarita denies it. Sofi says don't forget we've allways been united, and we've never fought. She tries to get them to shake hands and promise to work things out because they're sisters, but Jimena balks and pulls her hand away.

Gabi drinks brandy and says she doesn't like Sofi's conditions either, because they'll just become more undisciplined. She only agreed because she promised Furd that Sofía would come back, so he's got no reason to reproach her. Furd, also drinking brandy, says he would never reproach her; he trusts her and he refuses to lose Sofía. He won't rest until he's convinced her to live with him as his wife. They clink glasses, and she asks if he really loves Sofi, or if he's just obsessed with overcoming her rejection. He begs her never to doubt his love for Sofía.

Sofi explains to her sisters that she and Juan were going to run away far and have a happy new life, but Mom came by all sick and Gabi couldn't base her happiness on her mother's tragedy. If Gabi died because of her, she'd never forgive himself. And no, Juan did not understand and thinks she's a coward for not having the courage to defend their love. So, what they had is now gone... para siempre.

Juan is mad at Oscar for planning to marry. Now my sound and captions are garbled, but I think Juan says it's not because Oscar wants to marry, but because of WHO he wants to marry. Tadeo doesn't understand, but neither does he know who Oscar's planning to marry. Oscar says he's planning to marry Sofía! Juan throws a fit. Heh, no sense of humor! Franco is not amused either.

Jimena is excited to hear that Sofía has gotten them more freedom. Sarita says she doesn't need any; Jimena says that's because she's a mousy little nun. Jimena says she needs her freedom more than ever.

Furd and Gabi come in. Furd announces he's going to get Grandpa. Tadeo comes in. Furd remarks that he always shows up when least expected. "Or would you rather not see me," asks Tadeo. Furd says it's always a pleasure to run into his confessor, "the only person to whom one can tell everything." (Gabi is watching with interest.) Furd kisses Tadeo's hand, and an invisible snake rattles. Furd leaves.

Tadeo tells Gabi he knows he's not welcome in their house, but they need to talk right now.

Furd meets with the brothers and asks why they haven't finished the cottage. Juan says they were waiting for him to choose the finishes (flooring, etc.). Furd says it's odd that they're suddenly in a hurry to leave. Juan says that isn't Furd's concern. Furd says that's right, he's not interested in his workers' lives.

Juan says they're not his workers - they were working for Grandpa, since it's going to be his cottage. Furd says in that case, why not ask the old man what finishes he wants, huh? Juan says why not, let's ask him (the brothers laugh) since he's living with them now. "Not for much longer," Furd gloats, because he's bringing him home. He leaves.

Oscar wonders if they should go home. Juan says no, for once let things happen as they will.

Tadeo flips when Gabi tells him that she got Sofía to come home just to please Furd. Gabi doesn't get the problem of Sofi being with Furd, since they're married and belong together; anyway, Furd threatened to leave, otherwise. She's never understood why he hates Feonando so much. Tadeo says he's a servant of God and a soldier of Christ; he can't hate anyone, but he warns her to be careful about Furd. "That's all I can say," he adds ominously. Gabi is offended by the unstated accusation and demands an explanation. He is unable to elaborate, but is adamant that she should be careful for herself and her daughters, or one day not too far off, she'll be sorry. He sees himself out as she scowls thoughtfully.

Some neighborhood girls go to the bakery. Grandpa flirts with them, saying this is the best bread in the world - fit for queens like themselves. They giggle. He tells them about the bread: Corbatas (neckties) to tie, trenzas (braids) to comb, cuernos (horns) to put on (i.e. cuckold), huesitos (bones) to suck on (of course he is referring to marrow and nothing else because he's not a dirty old man and I don't know why those girls are snickering so), and the best birotes (or maybe he means "bigotes" - whiskers, mustaches).

Furd shows up. "Aw, and we were doing so well," Grandpa says to the girls. "The slave-work of the Holy Inquisition is never done, is it?" he asks Feonando. (Quintina watches carefully, not sure what's up, but knowing it's not good.) Furd tries to make nice with Grandpa and says it was all Gabi's idea, and now Sofi is at home and wants him to come home too.

Grandpa says he'd like to see them, but doesn't want to betray the ideals of his own revolution. Besides, he already fell for one Furd's tricks, and he'd be a fool to do that again. He's staying here, and his granddaughters can come visit.

Furd tries to wheel him out anyway. Quintina scolds him, calls him a coward, and challenges him to a boxing match (a bell rings). Grandpa tells him to leave and calls him an unwise, unintelligent, shameless, shrewd bum. Grandpa's not going back because for the first time in years, he's very happy - here. The brothers are kind to him.

Furd says sure, because they want to get his money. (Grrr!) Quintina says "Yes, the lion thinks that everyone is like him." Grandpa says she's right, not everyone is as "interesado" as Furd. ("Interesado" doesn't mean "interested" in general; it specifically means "interested in taking advantage.") The Reyes are true kings (rey=king); he will be their trusty squire and stay here with them, in their castle of bread and sweets.

"And now you can leave, so as not to scare away our customers."

Furd adjusts his hat and leaves. Grandpa resumes flirting with the customers.

Oscar tries again to get Juan to talk about why he and Sofía didn't go away together. I guess Juan explains during the commercial break. The brothers say it's not cowardly for Sofía to worry about her mother's health. Juan points out that they thought Gabi was faking, too. Even though she didn't even know they were together, she's managed to drive Sofi and him apart. "Para siempre." It'd take a miracle for Sofía to change her mind. That won't happen.

Franco reminds Juan that he's always said that with love, anything can happen. "But not now," Juan says. Oscar says Juan's always talked about the miracle of love, and now he (Oscar) has experienced it. He's already forgotten all the hate they had for the Elizondos.

"And we're going to forget the mission that brought us here?" Juan asks angrily. Tadeo walks in at this unfortunate moment and scolds them. He reminds Juan that he'll be waiting to talk to him at the church. Meanwhile, he'll pray for him... a lot. He scolds the brothers too, then leaves.

"He's upset," Oscar observes.

Eva and Sofi talk. Eva says she knows Sofi didn't want to come back. Sofi admits she's very unhappy. Eva comforts her. She says Juan told her they were going to run away. She was worried at first, then realized Sofi would be happy, and admired Sofi for fighting for her love.

Sofía is suprised that Eva and Juan are such good buddies. Eva points out she told Sofía her secret about being in love with Bernardo. Sofi asks if her mother knew. Eva says no, but Grandpa did.

Sofi asks if her father returned Eva's love. No, he never even knew - she loved him in secret, until one night... but no...

Sofi asks her to tell, and says she'd never betray her trust. So Eva continues, one night Bernardo drank too much, and she got into bed with him and they made love. Next day, he didn't remember. That moment filled her life, because she got pregnant...

"...and I had your father's child" echoes in Sofi's head, again and again.

Next time:
  • The brothers confront Hortensia, who told Libia where the Elizondos lived.

  • Feonando Bates watches Sofi shower. Will he fetch a knife and put on his dead mother's dress?

  • Gabi goes to the bakery.


Monday, June 09, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Mon., June 9 - Juan David gets baptized; Grabi enlists a new ally; Martín goes for a ride and Rosaio waylays Franco

Juan escorts Norma out of the hacienda and in a very nice scene Norma tells Juan that the baby will be baptised Juan David. Then Juan finds his brothers sitting on the stairs of the house when he goes back in. Very cute and funny.

In spite of Gabriela's protestations, the baby is baptised with Juan and his brothers present and there is a party at the Reyes hacienda afterwards.

It looks like not much stands between happiness for Norma and Juan so trouble has to come along in this case in the shape of Dínora who allies with Gabriela to separate Norma from Juan. Can you say evil witch woman? To start her campaign, Dínora comes over to see Juan and makes nice although it was funny the way he backed up to avoid contact when she came to congratulate him on the baptism of his child.

Fernando is making great strides in alienating all the workers at the Hacienda.

Martín (in his military uniform) gets a fun outing with Pepita until Gabriela has to spoil everything.

Óscar is neglecting business to work on getting Jimena back and Rosario lies in wait for Franco and Memo witnesses their meeting but fails to see where they went afterwards, which, of course, convinces Armando that Rosario is two-timing him.

Why is it that virtually all the activity on the Reyes ranch outside of the stables takes place right at that fence that borders on the Elizondo property?

The invitation to the re-opening of Leandro dress shop causes interest and consternation in many places. The incompetent assassins are are on the job again.

Tomorrow - love blooms for Franco and Sarita?


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