Monday, June 23, 2008

Querida Enemiga Debut - Monday June 23

Good to be here folks, I like watching something in Spanish every day and when Fuego didn't work out for me, I was sad. I knew a new show would come along soon enough and here it is. My wife and I watched the first episode of La Dama de Troya a few weeks ago on Telefutura, that show didn't look like much either. I feel a little better about this one after one episode, but time will tell. Here we go -

San Martin, Mexico

Blond girl Lorena is having a birthday, she is also leaving in the morning to go to Mexico City to study. I'm guessing the birthday is her 18th, though I don't remember them saying so. It just seems to fit. She lives at a Catholic orphanage apparently because the place is full of nuns. All the younger kids wear black and white nunnish looking uniforms too, but not Lorena. I guess that's how we know she's the star. Anyway, the nuns and kids are setting up a room for a party, with a cake that says "Lorena" on it so we know the girl's name.

Outside somewhere, another pretty girl with dark hair runs into a guy she obviously knows. He calls her Sara, he wants some kissy face, she says no because the nuns will freak out. She is off to buy Lorena a birthday present. The guy says he has a present for her and whispers it in her ear, I'm guessing it involves taking off clothes, she seems to like the idea but leaves anyway.

The actress who played Francisca (The three girls' mom on Heridas de Amor) is the Mother Superior, she sits at her desk and fusses about some accounts not adding up.

Sara arrives at the orphanage with her gift and gives it to Lorena, who doesn't open it. As far as I can tell, she never does open it the whole episode, did I miss it? One nun tells Lorena that Mother Superior wants to speak with her. She is curious, but goes to the other room and surprise! The birthday party. When getting ready to blow out the candles, Sara tells her to wish for money money money (I guess to show us that Sara is greedy). Lorena blows out the candles with about two ounces of spittle flying, the sound she made was not dry at all. No way am I eating any of that cake now. Nobody else notices.

Mother Superior is getting something from the file cabinet, we see a file labeled Lorena de la Cruz. Lorena comes into the office and has a tearful goodbye with MS. (no not multiple sclerosis, Mother Superior is too long to type, so it's MS from now on for me, at least most of the time).

The guy that was kissing up on Sara delivers some food to the kitchen of the orphanage, the nuns call him Chalo. They proceed to tell him all the gossip about Lorena leaving and then have the nerve to say that HE is the metiche after he leaves. Yes, young guy who gets around vs. old ladies who never get out. Who do you think the real metiches are? He was a bit nosy though now that I think about it.

MS pulls out Lorena's file, then thinks "She'll never know the truth, I promised!" I think that's kind of how it works when someone gives up their baby for adoption, MS.

Lorena and Sara talk:
Sara - Don't you want to know how you got here, about your family? I want to know about me.
Lorena - no, why would I?
Sara - well I want to know. (Sara is very bitter about being orphaned/left, we are being told)
Lorena goes on about how much the nuns loved and cared for her. Maybe so, but I think every adopted/orphaned kid ever wants to know the true story. Lorena and Sara cry and say goodbye.

In the middle of the night, MS is on her computer mumbling "where is it?"

In the morning, Lorena gets ready to get on the bus (how lucky that there is a bus stop RIGHT in front of the orphanage). She tells Sara to follow her to Mexico City as soon as possible. She gets on the bus. One of the nuns comes out and tells Sara to go see MS about some accounts.

On the bus, Lorena psychs herself up for Mexico City.

Sara acts innocent but MS says she has falsified documents that prove that Sara has been stealing money. She tells Sara to get her stuff and get out. Sara goes to her room to pack and thinks "now what?" Should have thought of that sooner! Some of the nuns start yelling, MS is having what appears to me (former asthmatic) to be a huge asthma attack. An ambulance is called and MS is carted away. In the hubbub, Sara goes into MS's office and erases all the excel files and steals all the paper documents about her theft, then takes her and Lorena's files for good measure.

Later, she reads her file and finds out she was abandoned in a dumpster. She reads that Hortensia Armendariz, one of the richest women in Mexico, is Lorena's grandmother. I'm not sure why a rich family would put a child in an orphanage, but whatever. I guess it's why we have a story. Chalo shows up, looking for some lovin', he uses the ruse of comforting Sara to try and get some nookie. We change scenes before we see if it really worked, but it looked like things were headed that way.

Mexico City -

Lorena arrives at a building with a 'rooms for rent' sign outside, so we know this is where she is going to stay.

A transition scene with lots of Mexico City landmarks and scenery.

Lorena goes to the bank and tells the teller to take out "everything on this card" so we know it is every cent she has. It's a good pile of cash. Girl why are you taking out ALL of your cash. You can pay with that debit card. Or a check. Just get $50 for pocket money, what are you doing? Outside, she calls the orphanage on a payphone, looking for Sara. She has her purse, which is open with her wallet sticking half out of it, slung behind her where she can't see it. So of course some big beefy shady looking dude lifts her wallet and takes off. It practically had a sign that said 'TAKE ME' on it. I know she's supposed to be from the sticks, but come on.

On the other end of the phone, the nun who was talking said Sara isn't there. After hanging up, she tells another nun that she didn't have the heart to tell Lorena that MS was DEAD. Wow, that was quick.

Back at the Orphanage the nuns and kids are praying for MS. Sara brings some papers to a nun (these are newly falsified accounts I think) and says that she is going to follow Lorena to Mexico City. The nun thanks her for everything and wishes her well. Sara says that Lorena is like a sister to her. Suuuure.

Lorena goes into a very nice looking culinary school, the lady there tells her she'll have to pass a test to get in. Lorena asks for and receives a tour of the school. It looks very very nice. The tour guide tells her it is one of the best culinary schools in Mexico.

We see a cityscape outside with some extremely fake looking rain. On the street, Lorena is trying to catch a cab, getting soaked by the rain. At first I was excited, white shirt in the rain and all, but no, nothing to see. Wardrobe gave her an extra layer or something. Anyway a cab pulls up and she tries to get in, a guy says it's his, she says she was first, he said he was the one who phoned for it in the first place. He offers her a ride, she says no. Oh NOW you are going to be all about being safe, now that you already left your purse hanging open where you couldn't see it. You are a couple hours too late. Not that she has discovered that yet anyway. The guy, who is apparently super crazy, tells the cab to leave, if she won't come with him in the cab, he'll go with her in the rain. He even puts away his umbrella to get all wet with her. Ok psycho alert. I guess Lorena from the nunnery doesn't know what people are supposed to be like, but she is a little nervous about the whole thing. He then wants to go sit and talk over coffee or something, he is totally stalker in love with her after 20 seconds.

Sara rides the bus to Mexico (I guess the bus runs twice a day) and looks at Hortensia on the cover of a magazine.

Lorena finally agrees to get out of the rain and chat with the guy, who says his name is Alonso, but no coffee. Way to draw the line there Lorena, coffee is the first step to hell.

Sara thinks about how Lorena doesn't want to know about her family, then says she won't let Lorena lose out on all that money.

Lorena stupidly tells Alonso everything about her, except her name, but he's a stranger and she told him everything. He says he's a doctor. She then stupidly allows him to walk her home, even though everything about him is screaming 'sexual predator' since he won't back off. At her front door she says "now you know where I live." He gives her his number in case she needs something and she says "I hope not." Oh, BURN! Then she adds "that I don't need anything from you as a DOCTOR, I mean." Ah I liked the burn better. Let me state again how incredibly pushy Alonso acts throughout all this. From the first minute "hey you're pretty, let's talk, come on, let's get together, I'll go wherever you go, let me walk you home, let me see you again, call me, come on." Dude back OFF jeez. A - you are being super creepy and B - have some pride!

Lorena goes in to pay the rent to the landlord, discovers the wallet missing. The landlord says "hey shit happens no cash get out." She asks for time to get a job to pay, he says no way, in the morning hit the bricks. She goes to her room and cries. There has been some crying in this show so far, but it has been at a very reasonable level. This is the first self-pitying cry of the show and it also is very understated. I say HALLELUJAH. The last thing we need is endless ugly crying about every little thing. She lost all her money and we just get a few sniffles. I can get behind this.

Somewhere else in the city, a man brings his young daughter to an angry woman waiting out on the street tapping her foot. She starts yelling at him about his visits being on the weekend, not whenever he wants, I guess he picked the girl up to meet his new girlfriend. So they are the bitterly divorced parents of this young girl. The lady starts screaming that she wants her check. This reminds me of the one lady with the glasses on La Fea and Flaquito. Same thing, she would go crazy and the guy would stammer excuses. Mmmm too bad Jasmine isn't around, now that was one great looking woman. But I digress. The lady says give me a check or I'll throw this big rock in my hand in your face. She ends up throwing it and breaking the passenger window of the guy's nice SUV. Dr. Alonso shows up and calls the lady sister, so I guess we know who she is now. He tells her to calm down, this is bad for the little girl to see. The guy drives off and the little girl is inside, she looks out the window at Alonso, who looks back at her sadly.

Lorena wakes up in the middle of the night, says no more crying. Hear hear! She is here and has to make it work, she'll find a job.

The next day she walks with her suitcase to a park bench and sits down next to an old guy who just happens to be very chatty and philosophical. He tells her there is always a light. Thanks old dude. He walks away, leaving his newspaper behind. She calls after him but he doesn't answer. She opens the paper and sees a HUGE ad needing a cook with experience among many other tiny tiny ads. How fortuitous!

Dr. Alonso talks to his sister, who he calls Paula, on the phone, saying that she has to chill out, it's important for the little girl to have a relationship with her father. He gets off the phone with her to greet some patients very nicely, so we see what a great guy he is.

Lorena takes a cooking test along with some other candidate to try and get the job.

At the end of his work day, Alonso thinks of Lorena and decides to try and find her.

Lorena wins the contest and gets the job, she meets a girl names Rosy who will show her around. Just then, Hortensia walks in with a harried assistant Jacqueline following her. I guess she owns this place, I don't know if it's a hotel or restaurant or what. She tastes some dishes, she hates it all. She'll be back later and if it isn't better they'll suffer the consequences. During her tasting we see her face close up, she has what appears to be a horrible nose job. Her nostrils are enormous and misshapen. Gross. She steps up to Lorena and says "who is this?" The lady who hired Lorena says that she (Lorena) is the new cook. Hortensia says who said we needed a new cook? Boss lady says she made the decision. Phew. Lorena tells Hortensia that she'll do a good job because she knows that Hortensia is very strict. Everyone is impactado at that comment, Hortensi aturns and leaves. Lorena asks if she just got fired. Everyone laughs and says no, Hortensia was in a good mood! So I guess that was to show us that she is a huge bitch.

Alfonso arrives at Lorena's former building with flowers, the landlord says she isn't there, doesn't know where she went. He is most unhelpful. He doesn't say anything about her losing all her money so he put her out on the street.

Rosy tells Lorena that she used to be a dishwasher, she hated cleaning silver. She finally asked if she could sit down to do it, Hortensia says if she wants to be a sitter, she can sit at home, and she fired her. Her mother Maruja (the boss lady) managed to get her job back for her. Rosy offers to look around for a place for Lorena to stay, then gives her a key to the storage room and tells her it needs to be cleaned up.

Sara arrives at Lorena's former building, gets the same non-story as Alonso did. Sara ends up renting the room that Lorena vacated, paying from her wallet that she had safely tucked away. She looks at Hortensia in the magazine and wonders if Lorena's parents are rich too.

As if in answer, we see a man and woman in a kitchen talking, he says he loves her and never regrets giving up everything for her. So that must at least be the father, who turned away riches for the wife. Not sure if she is the mother, or someone he left the mother for. Two teenagers walk in, a boy and a girl, he wants to borrow money and the girl tells him to get a job. She says she has to meet her boyfriend and leaves. The boy, who was called Julian, says she is ashamed of the family because they are poor.

Sara stands outside the gate of Hortensia's mansion. Inside, the maid tells Hortensia that some girl is outside wanting to see her, Hortensia tells her to make the girl go away. The maid tells Sara to take a hike. Sara stomps off. A few minutes later Hortensia and her assistant get into the back seat of a car, which is then driven out the gate. Sara sees this, she hails a cab and has it follow Hortensia. Now how did she get a cab here in the middle of a residential area? She just turned around and there it was. Yeah right.

Lorena is in the kitchen storage, she has apparently cleaned it. Rosy comes in in regular clothes, she is on her way out to a disco, Lorena declines the invitation to join her. Rosy leaves. Lorena thinks that she hopes nobody finds her here sleeping in the storage room.

Hortensia is at some banquet, she tells a lady that her dress is ugly so she should try and stay out of pictures, to spare the family embarrassment. The lady gets mad at her husband for not defending her, he says something about how 'mother' is like this. The guy is Julio, Armando's gay lover from Amar Sin Limites. He is Hortensia's son, we know now.

Harried Assistant Jacqueline is having a drink with some guy, must be her secret lover.

Sara enters and Hortensia is conveniently standing right by the door. Sara says she knows everything about the granddaughter given to the orphanage, Hortensia denies knowing what she is talking about, and what does she want anyway, money? Sara says she wants her name back for SHE is the granddaughter!

Ok the stage is set. Sara is the backstabbing best friend, the Querida Enemiga. Tomorrow, Sara moves further into her role as the long lost granddaughter. The preview didn't really show anything. I feel better than I did after the premiere of Fuego, I hope that's a good sign. Nothing totally exciting, but at the same time nothing completely turning me off, like psycho Juan from Fuego, or seeing Bertha v2.0 in Gabriela. I hope this turns out ok. Again, glad to be part of the team, I'm looking forward to the fun!


Vocabulary from Juan Querendón - the Godmother of all lists

Ahoy all!

We all know by now that this recapping business is truly a team effort. When I say team I mean not only recappers but commenters as well. It is the group dynamics and the feedback from commenters that keep the recappers refreshed and excited. This group dynamics thing reached a fevered pitch with those of us who were recapping Juan Querendón. JQ was not the most popular telenovela, but it had something that was strangely and delightfully unique among telenovelas...the slang and interesting vocabulary was non-stop and it never, ever lagged or diminished.

We recappers started adding fun words, phrases and dichos at the end of our recaps, a few of us dutifully kept lists and posted them from time to time, and I recorded them all on word documents (very silly I know). I found myself with several lists full of vocabulary in no particular order and no way to sort them.

Then, back in January, I was contacted by one of our long-time commenters Mano Derecha and she volunteered to take all the vocabulary entries and transcribe them to a spreadsheet so they could be alphabetized and sorted in any way we liked. Mano Derecha transcribed over 400 entries onto a spreadsheet for us!! She will pooh-pooh her contribution but I can only imagine the hours she spent on it and we are eternally grateful to her.

Currently I have the list sorted alphabetically by Spanish entry. It can also be sorted by Subject (like animal, food, etc. because sometimes I can only remember that the dicho is about a monkey or a donkey), and by Style (such as verb, saying, interjection and insult). These are perhaps not the best ways to sort but it works for me. The list isn't perfect but it's pretty darn good!

Obviously the list, at just over 800 entries, is too long to post so I offer you two options:
1) Here is a link to a google document that you can review at your leisure:

2) I don't think I can include an excel spreadsheet in a post so if anyone wants the spreadsheet itself I'm happy to email it to you. I set up a gmail account just for this purpose so shoot me an email and I'll send the spreadsheet to you:

A million thanks to Juan Querendón recappers Cheryl, JudyB, Susana, Kris, Schoolmarm Jeanne, Maricruz, Amanda, Lucy and Melinama. Gosh I hope I'm not forgetting an early recapper or guest recapper; if I am my deepest apologies. Finally a huge heap of gratitude to commenter Mano Derecho whose hard work was the catalyst for creating and managing our list. She is a true Corazón de melón!

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Fuego, Mon., Jun. 23: And the Premio for most dilusional villain goes to...

Buenas noches a todos. I missed you all, and I am happy to be back. I want to thank you for your comments that you leave for me each recap; all of you have such funny personalities and points of view that certainly enhance the whole FELS-viewing experience.

We pick up today from the family meeting where we learn that Sofia is expecting a child, that isn’t Fernie’s. Everyone is in shock and disbelief.

Frankie is checking out the woodwork inside the church. He is talking to Oscar about how they want Juan to be happy. We flash to the cave where Juan is talking to the flower. Always the same conversation: “What should I do Libia? I love her, and I want her baby.” Juan looks for the flower to glow, but it doesn’t.

Gaby is verging on a diabetic shock. She wins the award for most delusional villain of the year for being completely taken aback when Fernie confesses that there was never any intimacy between Sofia and he. Fernie’s confession empowers Sofia to affirm that Fernie and she had never consummated their marriage, and that her child’s father is another man. Gaby slaps Sofia two good ones and calls her a whore, demanding to know who the father is. At this point Jimena and Sarita have to hold back their mother. Sofia refuses to disclose the father’s name. “Don’t you ever consider my health?” asks Gaby. “You’ve always been a rebel, like your father. Get out in the street where you belong. Go rot out in the street.” Fernie begs that Gaby forgive Sofia. Sofia tells Gaby that she never loved Fernie. Gaby tells Sofia to get out. Eva comes forth and says that if Sofia goes, she goes too. Gaby tells Eva to get out too because they’re both loose women. Gramps chimes in that he too is leaving. He’s going to get a good attorney to investigate exactly what has been going on around here. “We’ll just see who ends up in the street!” he says. Gaby collapses to the ground and causes everyone to cry.

Rosie tells Frankie that she can’t be with him because she chose to be a mother before a lover.

Oscar meets Bernardo’s real lover while getting a donut. The maid catches him and calls him a traitor for eating those donuts and not eating the ones that she can make better. She takes a bite and admits that they are good, and then tells him that someone tried to kill her.

Rosie is with her son who is drawing. She is trying to interpret his thoughts through his sketches; it’s a new type of psychoanalysis that has swept Mexico. She is happy to be back with her son.

We are in beautiful Puebla. Sarita is talking to Fernie. She tells him that Sofia has gone too far and now her mother is paying the consequences. She loves her sister, but she’s not sure how she would react if mom died. Well, to answer your question Sarita; there would be a large, town-wide celebration, much like the one they had for Sofia, but bigger.

Gaby is talking to her “doctor,” who says that this whole scam has gone too far and has become too risky. She doesn’t care and will stop at nothing to have complete control over her daughters, no matter the consequences.

Juan is riding around the Elizondo ranch where Rosendo is threatening him to get off the land. Rosendo aims his gun, but Gramps tells him it’s okay, and that he needs to talk to Juan.

The fake doctor is telling the family that Gaby’s problem is “very serious,” and that he doesn’t believe she’ll make it. Sarita blames Sofia, who runs to Padre Tadeo for support.

Gramps is talking seriously to Juan. He tells him that Juan needs to be calm and patient because Sofia is in no way able to make any decisions at this point in time. Juan says that he loves her very much and that he will always be available to help out. Gramps says that he will be moving into the cabaña soon, and that all the Reyes bros. can access him more easily this way.

Sofia tells Padre Tadeo that she never wanted things to end up this way. Her sisters hate her and her mother is about to die. Padre assures her that she must have faith in God. She tells him that she has two great loves; the one for Juan, and the one for her mother. Padre tells Sofia that God made the world in seven days and he hasn’t destroyed it yet-that must mean something. She is worried about Juan, and Padre tells her that Juan has Sofia in his best interest.

Back at the bakery Oscar has a nice apron on. They mention that Gaby is in the hospital and that Sofia must feel pretty guilty. The maid comes in and tells the boys that somebody stole the brakes in the car. Juan points out that all the bad things always happen to them. Juan gets ready for a fight, but the maid holds him back and tells him that dealing with the police would be better.

Gramps is contemplating Gaby’s evilness and her “illness” scam. Fatima offers him dinner but he isn’t hungry. Gramps reminds Fatima of the time that she fell down, and tries to grab her knee. I’m guessing that this was a desperate ploy for him to reach up her skirt. Interesting…

Everyone is in the hospital where the “doctor” comes out and needs to talk to Sofia alone. They go into Gaby’s room to see Gaby moaning. Gaby tells Sofia that she is dead to her. Sofia cries.

Fernie is observing the inside of his hat when Juan comes along. Juan has a stupid “wanna fight?” look on his face. Fernie responds with bull-like reflexes. Nothing is really discussed here except stupid, fourth-grade remarks from Juan. For example: “I don’t have to tell you what I’m doing.” or “If you’re going to call me fat, say it to my face.” The two go bonkers and make pit-bull sounds in each other’s face. Then boom, commercial.

Juan really wants to fight Fernie, but he remembers what Gramps told him, and he keeps his cool. Very unusual and a very weird confrontation.

Sofia is crying at Gaby’s bedside. She says that she never wanted to hurt her mother. Gaby says that she did hurt her and that she is evil without God’s forgiveness. She says that Sofia is to blame for her condition. Sofia begs forgiveness, but Gaby keeps saying ‘NO.’ “You are going to cry until you don’t have one tear left in your eyes” thought-bubbles Gaby.

Oscar and Frankie are talking and bring up the point that Juan is going to be a daddy, and that they are going to have another Reyes around. Oscar moves on to talk about Jimena and how much he loves her. “Well what about her dough? Her cash? Her cents?” asks Frankie.

The “doctor” tells the others that they can go back and see their mommy. They are shocked. The “doctor” tells them that the recent confrontation provoked her state. Jimena has her own diabetic shock as Gaby watches with a smile.

Fernie circles Eva in the waiting room. He tells her that she has known the girls really well and that she is an accomplice of them. Therefore, he wants to know the name of Sofia’s father. She denies telling him because she won’t betray the girls. Fernie doesn’t let up and instead wants to know who took advantage of Sofia. Eva corrects Fernie and tells him that they loved each other mutually. Fernie says that they will never be together.

Gaby thinks to herself: “Poor Jimena; those crazy nerves of her returned from her childhood. Good. This way Sofia will feel even guiltier.” The “doctor” examines Jimena. His diagnosis is the same one he had for Gaby. The confrontation has provoked her condition. Sofia tries to calm her, but it doesn’t work. Sarita is beside herself with fear.

Juan has gone to see Padre Tadeo. Padre tells Juan that he needs to be calm for Sofia’s sake. Juan tells the Padre that he went to the hospital and met up with Fernie. Padre tells him that he needs to avoid any possible confrontations if he wants to be with Sofia. Juan gets excited and says that he wants the Padre to baptize his son, and then marry Sofia and him. Padre then adds that he will confirm their son. They laugh.

Eva is telling Gramps about Gaby’s “illness.” Gramps thinks twice about his doubts. He admits that Gaby and he had had many problems, but she is still his daughter, and he should love her. Gramps considers Gaby’s illness, Jimena’s nerves, and Sofia’s baby, not to mention Fernie’s jealousy. “What are we gonna do?” he asks.

Gaby and the “doctor” are together. She tells him that there can’t be any errors in their pretending. He leaves and she says that Sofia has gone too far this time, too far.

Everyone has returned home. Gramps reaches out to Jimena, but Sarita intervenes. Sofia offers to help Jimena to her room, but Sarita intervenes again. Eva and Gramps are
convinced that Sarita is good, but she is misled. Gramps says that he doubts Gaby is sick because she lied about him killing her mother.

Sofia asks Gramps to sign the papers that will save the ranch because she is completely convinced of her mother’s sickness. If Gramps doesn’t sign these papers, Fernie will have to mortgage the ranch. Gramps thinks about it and says that he will sign them. Now, I missed a week, but I’m guessing that these papers have nothing to do with “losing the ranch,” and everything to do with making Fernie the unquestioned owner and operator of the Elizondo ranch.

Fernie is with the two easily manipulated sisters. They are convinced that Fernie is so good. He doesn’t understand why Sofia hates him. “Loving her is my only sin” he says. He says that he has always loved their father and that he misses him much. He wishes that Bernie were still alive because he knows that Bernie wouldn’t allow such silliness. He says that he loves them like sisters, and asks them to have pity on him by revealing who is the father of Sofia’s baby. Sarita is speechless.

Tomorrow: Sofia is expecting Juan’s baby, but Fernie isn’t about to let Sofia go. Fernie and Gaby have something up their sleeves.

Not much action tonight folks, but I’ll be recapping Wednesday, a day that is synonymous with disaster and snark! Hasta luego.


Fuego en la Sangre - There Really Is a Ciudad Serdán!

I had a need to see where the story was actually taking place and the names of the towns were just names till I Google-mapped Mexico. Follow the yellow brick road from Puebla to the right and where the A pin is you'll find a tiny place called Ciudad Serdán, Puebla in Mexico. If I'm not mistaken the town where Fernando kept Luis and Rosario in that hotel was Cuautla, south of Mexico city.


Juan Q cast on Cristina tonight at 10 pm, 9pm central/mountain

We can probably discuss this show here, and publish some of the highlights, and if you have a question about a particular conversation, just ask, and we'll provide some insight, but I'm not sure anyone is up to a full recap. If I'm wrong and you are out there, well let us know and have at it!!!


Yo Amo a Juan Querendon - June 22, 2008 Gran Final - Two weddings and a funeral, well, sort of

First of all kids, just want you to know what a blast this has been and how dedicated your recappers are staying up until 2:45 am or later for some in other zones, to post this for you, sure hope you enjoy!!!!!

Intro Courtesy of Schoolmarm:

Yo Amo a Juan Querendón Introduction to the Gran Final

June 22, 2008

“Yo Amo a Juan Querendón” came right on the heels of our beloved “La Fea Más Bella.” Literally. For the first two weeks that it aired in June 2007, it was a half hour program every night, with LFMB shown for the half hour before Juan—so that LFMB’s crowd could hang around for Juan, we guessed. Lots of LFMB fans complained, although it may not have occurred to them that this strategy extended LFMB just a little—that should have been a plus, no?To add to the Juan hype, Lety and Juan appeared together in ads, and maybe in other places. The Univision execs in all their wisdom surely realized that taking LFMB away from us and replacing it with Anything Else would make the natives restless—all of us LFMB fans might not accept the new protagonistas, let alone the rest of the package. So they did the only thing they could think of, and piggybacked the programs.

They changed the time, too, after the Gran Final of LFMB. So, instead of airing at 8:00/7:00 p.m., it aired at 7:00/6:00 p.m. and between Juan NOT being LFMB, and the new time, we lost lots of recappers and commenters. Those of us who were left adopted a “wait and see” stance. As time went on, Juan and all the others grew on us and we loved them, then we hated them all, then they grew on us again. We’ve been talking amongst ourselves for a year now, possibly becoming one of the tightest recapping and commenting groups that ever sailed these cyberwaves.

Much has happened to Juan and Paula, and to us, individually and as a group. Finally, though some of us have looked forward to ending the long drawn out plot and filler episodes and scenes, we all know we’ll miss Juan and even Paula. We could talk about this all night and still the fact remains—this is it, folks, what we’ve been talking about for a year. It’s the end of the story and we’ll see what happens to Juan, to Paula, to Marely, and to all the others we have learned to love or despise or some of both. The writers have made sure that it’s a little of everything and they’ve toyed with our emotions many times nightly—even if only to give us frustrating filler.So, tonight all the “right” couples will end up together (whether we thought they should or not) and Irresistible Juan will finally settle down. The journey has been fun with you all, and now we hope that at the end of this rainbow you all find your pots of gold. Or, at least your Prince or Princess Charming.

Your “Yo Amo a Juan Querendónrecappers

Judy B starts us off:

Juan Grand Finale Sunday June 22, ‘08

The first few minutes of the show are a rehash of Friday’s episode. Pastor and Herbierto have an uncomfortable ride up in the elevator. Herbierto drops all his books about homosexuality and Gaytan’s offended, thinking he’s getting new material to make fun of him.

Then we have the moving scene between Yadira and Julia where Yadi lets her know Kike is in love with her and basically gives her blessing to a Kike/Julia match and sharing Nidia Michaela with them. Yes, old softie that I am, I found this scene quite touching and well-played by both actresses.

Gaytan is still fuming about Herbi to Ivonne, reminding her that he can bounce that troglodyte out on the street if he wants too.

And poor Alirio really is out on the street, stumbling over debris on a job site, out of breath, fleeing from the bad guys.

Ivonne asks an astonished Fernando help her explain to Gaytan that Herbierto is in love with him and Fernando is ¿QUEEEEEE?

Meanwhile Juan has come into Paula’s office. They’re both not wanting to hurt Marely, both yearning for each other, both regretting not having declared their love when they needed to. At that point they’re interrupted by Cesar Luis/Sandro. Paula says Juan is "just leaving". Juan, furious, confronts "Sandro" and snaps, no more pretending you two are an item because me both know Paula loves….ME!

And now the new material begins. Hooray!

"Sandro" wants to know what’s going on. Paula tells him that she and Juan still love each other but they don’t want to hurt Marely so she’s taking herself out of the equation. "Sandro" with a great deal of emotion, says yes, that’s only fair…to everyone. Then he moves in to asking for another chance. Maybe he could look for another buyer. He and Paula could go into business together. No rush. Get to know each other better….

"Are you deaf!?" Paula snaps. There’s no way. I love Juan and I’ll probably love him till the end of my days. You can’t stay alone all your life, blusters "Sandro". What does it take to get you to back off!? Do I have to fire you? She replies. Fire me and you’ll face the consequences.

Paula picks up on the menace but "Sandro" covers by saying it’s just legalities and what’s in his contract. He switches to telling her the notary is waiting for him at noon. Perfect, she replies, I’ll have Rosy put it on my schedule.

We now switch to Kike’s office where he’s scrambling madly, trying to take down information from an interested client and not able to even find a pencil. Julie arrives and he starts reaming her out for arriving late. So you’ve got a boyfriend and all…"la chamba es la chamba" (work is work!) and "I love you!" cries Julia and moves into a liplock.

The first kiss is terrible (Julia’s doing all the work) but then Kike gets into it, managing to grin and kiss all at the same time. I’ll compress some scenes to give you the rest…Kike finally pulls away and asks what’s up. What about the ex-boyfriend? Kike doesn’t want to be just an "aventura" (affair) or "plato de segunda mesa" (a little something on the side). I don’t understand….I’m a slow learner, he adds.

There is no ex-boyfriend. The only man I adore is you. And you love me! Yadira told me so. More kissing. I’m thinking not much office work got done that day.

This cozy scene was interrupted by another office scene with "Sandro" and Laura, plotting to get the numbers to Juan’s bank account. He tells her a fishy story about Juan wanting to sell his shares secretly because Marely wants him out of the Farrell business. And he’s misplaced the information Juan gave him about the account and doesn’t want Juan to think he’s incompetent…so could she just look in Ivonne’s first drawer where she keeps that data and find out for him?

Laura’s only too glad to do it, and to rag on Marely for being such a gold digger and social climber…obviously she doesn’t really love Juan if she’s pushing him around that way. "Sandro" dismisses that speculation. I’m a businessman, that’s all, he says brusquely, ending the conversation.

Lots of jumping around…now we’re at the school. A confused and worried Juan has gone to consult Don Lorenzo about his love life. Juanito, being alerted by Flor that his dad’s talking to the teacher, goes up to eavesdrop. They work in a little dicho there. When Juanito at first is worried, Flor says "Nada debe, nada teme". (He who owes nothing, fears nothing).

Lorenzo tries to straighten Juan out about the difference between tenderness (Marely) and love (Paula) but they still come up against the old barrier…Paula won’t accept Juan even if he does break up with Marely. And Juan knows Marely is the best mother for Juanito and the only one his little guy wants. Children adapt, replies Lorenzo, and if you’re happy then he’s happy.

Juan still doesn’t know what to do. And both he and Lorenzo agree….no matter what he does, he’s going to deeply hurt someone. Now his head is really spinning. He’s worse off than before he talked to Lorenzo. Papa Diosito!…but no reply there.

Quickie scene with Yvonne and Paula where Yvonne tries to warn her that "Sandro" is not what he appears to be. But she doesn’t want to say anymore until she has proof. You make this sound like a detective story, muses a skeptical Paula. (Oh my just wait! Pauli-Pauli)
Another quick switch: We see a pathetic Alirio, out of breath, running down an alley while the thugs follow comfortably in a car. He stumbles into the police station and the officer at the desk asks if he should call an ambulance!

Now our gullible Paula is at the shady notary’s office, signing the papers and falling right into "Sandro’s" nefarious schemes. She thanks the lawyer for facilitating things and then "Sandro" stays behind for a moment, pretending to clear up a question but actually handing over some money to his cohort for framing Paula. "Do you want to count it?" he says, handing over two packets of cash. "No, I trust you," replies his co-conspirator. "Now Paula will know the bitter taste of my vengeance" concludes oh-let-me-just-say-it! Cesar Luis.

Ivonne is worried, talking to Fernando but not knowing where Paula and Cesar Luis went. I can’t imagine why they would leave together, she adds. He threatened her if she fired him, according to eavesdropping Rosy. They end this discussion with some discreet smooching and a promise to have no more secrets between the two of them. "Trato hecho" (it’s a deal) smiles Fernando.

Meanwhile, Alirio has finally caught his breath and is explaining AT LENGTH about the confusing and nefarious dealings with Gutierrez, the money laundering, the two thugs threatening him "de muy mala pinta" (awful looking) and protesting his utter innocence in all this. He WAS JUST FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS to help out an old friend.

He’s more than ready to spill the beans about the whole lot of them provided he gets police protection. Sure, we’ll provide you with a nice quiet cell as protection ‘cause you’re in this up to your neck, buddy, answers the officer. One of the bad guys is hovering at the counter and overhears all of this. He runs out and tells his partner that Alirio "sang more than the three Garcias". (Maricruz told me there was a movie featuring the three Garcias, great singers all) so thanks for the cultural information partner!

Anyway, the two bad guys, cursing Alirio as a "maldito gusano" (damned snitch) tried to escape in their car but are rounded up by the police. Alirio meanwhile has decided that rather than call Nidia to tell her of his arrest (good thing, he probably couldn’t get a word in edgewise) he wants pen and paper to write her a letter.

Juan meanwhile is driving around on automatic pilot, more lost than a " cave in a desert" calling on Mother Mary and all the saints to help him figure out what to do. And now onto Schoolmarm’s part of the recap. Have fun, Jeanne!

And now Schoolmarm’s part:

Marely arrives home wants to know what’s been happening at Casa Cachón. Nidia tells her that Juan came by with Juanito, and asked for her. Of course, Nidia gave him the message. Marely wants to know if he said anything more. No, only that he’ll look for you later. Nidia watches Marely’s expression as she tells Marely that Juan looked all depressed. And he didn’t call? No. Nidia shakes her head sadly. Marely sighs and sits, and Nidia hops up to cheer her and tell her to be patient. Marely is frustrated—his words say one thing and his actions say another. If the problem was with Paula the phone wouldn’t have stopped ringing all the d*** day. Nidia says that’s all behind. Paula herself told Nidia. And you believed her? This relationship’s rolling down the track and the worst is there’s nothing to do about it. Nidia hops up again to comfort Marely.
Paula tells Ivonne that she’s doing the only thing she can and getting free of this difficult situation that’s so uncomfortable for her and everyone else. Ivonne wants details; they’re friends and she won’t tell a soul. Paula’s not talking and she’s got work to do. Ivonne sighs, frustrated and wanting to help. She warns Paula that there’s a lot of gossip coming down.

At the same time, Fern is in "Sandro’s" office to warn him about the gossip coming down. The rumor on the street is there will be changes in the company. Like what? Fern can’t say, exactly, but he hedges about Paula and S2 leaving for an appointment. None of the secretaries knew about it, either. S2 gives him a subtle sneer—oh, so now the employees are criticizing/overseeing (fiscalizando) the bosses? This is interesting, because in this company the birds shoot the rifles. His sarcasm intensifies with each sentence. Fern tries to explain that no one’s criticizing. It’s just that the folks are disquieted and he wanted to let "Sandro" know. What folks? Who? Gaitán, Juan Dominguez? You? Fern hedges—folks in general. S2 tells him it’s none of their business. Any other doubts? Fern tells "Sandro" that frankly he doesn’t understand this attitude. "Sandro" yells that Fern’s just a simple chauffeur, and he’s found a way to move up, that’s all, so he thinks more highly of himself. Fern stands up and with great dignity points out he’s qualified for his position. "Sandro" says if he really was he wouldn’t be wasting his time finding out what the bosses are up to. He’d be busier finding out what is his place in the company. And that would be? For the moment, out of my office. Fern gives him a dark look and leaves, very subdued. S2 puts the glasses on the desk and scowls.

Juan has come by Kike’s to talk to him. Kike is otherwise occupied. Julia and he are having a love-in right there in front of the plate glass window, Julia squarely on Kike’s lap and lips squarely locked. Juan is impactidíssimo. The lovebirds jump up when he finally gets their attention; they all make their excuses. Julia runs off to do "lots of things" and Juan gestures to the lipstick on his upper lip, which Kike quickly rubs off with a chuckle. Juan needs a favor—he really needs Kike’s help. He drags Kike out the glass door of the office.

Marely earnestly asks Yadira what she’ll accomplish if she tries to separate them—Kike and Julia. Nothing! Yadi’s done a noble thing. It’s the most intelligent thing she could have done. Marely gives Yadi all the encouragement she can so Yadi can feel better about her decision to let Kike go. Everyone will end up benefiting, not only them, but also Yadira herself. She congratulates her sister on doing such a wonderful thing. Yadira gives her a half smile of regret.
Fern tells Ivonne how it went with S2. Badly! He not only gave Fern the brush-off, but S2 afforded himself the luxury of using Fern like a rag to mop his whole filthy office. Ivonne is convinced that the things "Sandro" said, and the way he said them, had the signature of César Luis Farell. [Amen, Sistah!] Fern has to agree, since he saw CL act like that with plenty of people for a lot of years. "Shameless!" Ivonne is incensed at S2’s behavior. Fern totally agrees, especially since "Sandro" has gone to such lengths to fake this. Ivonne warns Fern that they need to be careful. She doesn’t want "Sandro" to suspect anything because he could do most anything. Just thinking about it gives her the shivers. She thinks "Sandro" is deranged (desquiciado - deranged, unhinged). She and Fern better keep their eyes open because she knows "Sandro" has something up his sleeve. And it won’t be anything good.

Back at the twin’s apartment, a cozy evening at home deteriorates with the first words out of CL’s mouth. CL warns Sandro to be careful because the imbecile suspects. [Which one? Several of them have your number.] CL doesn’t want to make a wrong move; right now would be the least convenient time. He twitches nervously. Sandro, calm but concerned, says he’s clear on that. CL continues that Paula signed the paperwork. She doesn’t suspect? Nope. And CL only lacks one piece of information—about Juan, and Juan’s signatures. With stupid Laura’s help getting those will be a piece of cake. Those two don’t know the price they’re going to pay. Sandro hates to contradict his twin, but if those two leave the company together they could resolve their differences and end up together. CL looks at him suspiciously. Does he know something he’s not telling? Why does he say they might resolve their differences? Sandro says it’s simply something common that happens. CL explodes at Sandro. Has he been seeing Marely????? Sandro looks away.

A party is starting at Casa Cachón as Nidia and Anga welcome the first two—Ana and Paula—and get them drinks. The doorbell rings and Nidia answers, thinking it must be more guests. Nope, it’s our one and only cabbie in the D. F. He’s got a letter from Alirio Francisco Perafán Rocha. Nidia corrects him, minus the snaps and pointing index fingers. How much does she owe? He tells her 100 with everything and a tip (propina) and she gives him a look.

Back at the creepy apartment of the twins, CL still sits while Sandro fools around in the kitchen. The place is dark and spooky. [In my not so humble opinion]. Sandro brings coffee and tells CL to calm down. He thinks it’s better that CL himself doesn’t go back to Farell—using his own name. CL asks who he thinks he is to give opinions, especially those directly opposed to CL’s. They fuss about what Sandro might have told Marely. Sandro doesn’t want to see her hurt by CL’s marvelous plan. Nothing more. CL wonders what good it does for Sandro to love her so much if Sandro won’t ever have her. Ssandro tells CL it doesn’t matter to him if he has her; he just doesn’t want to see her suffer. He loves her. Period. And Sandro thinks CL has no idea what that word means. CL hisses that the thing he knows that’s closest to love is---hate.

Nidia brings the letter from Alirio into the living room, where the party is in full swing. We hear Alirio’s voice telling her what has happened. He asks her pardon for not showing up at the lawyer’s. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Justice has called him into account. He can’t be saved from paying for his crimes in jail. Nidia looks at Anga, who knows something significant is happening. Nidia moves to the sofa with Ana, Paula and Anga looking on with worry. Anga helps her sit, and Ana comes to help. Alirio continues that despite the troubled moments of the marriage, the time he spent at her side was the best time of his life. Nidia gets a look of shock and sadness. He’ll remember every moment while he’s locked up. He’s forever hers. Alirio Perafán Francisco de Rocha. We hear the fingers snapping and see the index fingers raised in triumph. Nidia is impactidíssima and Anga holds her as he sits on the sofa arm beside her. Ana takes the letter to read it with Paula. Before they can think about Alirio more, there is a sound of mariachi music outside. Everyone is impactados, looking around for the source. Soon it’s clear—Juan has brought a group to sing! He and Kike "dance" to the music in the yard outside the front door. Paula looks distinctly pitiful, sitting on the sofa with her Mami. The family Cachón gals and Juanito come pouring down the stairs at the sound of the music and Marely opens the door, delighted at the detalle Juan has brought. Kike beams as she grabs Juan and kisses him on the lips. Juan makes his grand entrance, herding the mariachi guys in, and hugging Anga. Pitiful Paula stays put on the sofa, paralyzed. Everyone else gets up to celebrate. The mariachi guys crowd into the room and Anga and Juan move the table so they can all get in. The song ends and everyone claps. Juan takes Marely’s hand and draws her up off the sofa. Only Nidia and Paula stay on the sofa. Juan tells her he’s committed a lot of stupid acts in his life. But he’s not going to commit another one. Marely looks delighted and hopeful. Juan continues that he’s a man in every sense of the word and as such, he’s making a commitment to her, and is asking her to be his wife. Juan draws the little box out of his pocket. Nidia jumps up and Marely is impactada. Cheers are heard all around. How lovely! Juan smiles gently and puts the ring onto Marely’s finger. She smiles and cries while her Mami hugs her. Nidia hugs Juan. Paula is up now, part of the crowd, but not happy about it. Hand slapping for Juan and Juanito, and lots of cheering and felicitations are happening. Juan looks up over Juanito’s head and sees Paula’s pain. His pain registers, too, and maybe recognition of what he has just done. Ana looks disapprovingly at him, and Paula faces off with pursed lips.

Paula thinks it would be best if she and Ana left. Ana points out that right at the moment, it would be impossible, and encourages her to calm down. Nidia takes charge and tells Marely that she just received a marriage proposal, so SAY something, already. Marely blurts out that of COURSE she’ll accept! Paula is more than uncomfortable. Everyone else is thrilled. Juan makes eye contact with Paula again, and he looks very somber for a man who has just made a proposal of marriage. The music plays, the hugs abound, and only Juan, Paula and Ana aren’t smiling. Juanito is happy, though. Nidia declares that this will have to be a grand festival! They all call for a kiss. While the kiss chant resounds, Marely realizes that Juan and Paula are staring at each other. She looks from one to the other and back, a scowl forming on her recently delighted face. Paula gives Marely an odd look, and Marely gives her a look that can’t be described. Marely’s tears of joy could be tears of sorrow…..but she grabs Juan and kisses him with all her strength instead. Juan kisses Marely back while he watches Paula’s stricken look over Marely’s head, his own look almost as stricken.

Fern and Ivonne sit in the big metal loveseat and ponder their options. They have to get those two together! They debate the situation. Ivonne thinks he might need a little time adjusting to the idea before he lives such an experience. No, Fern says, Heri’s coming out of the closet….waking up….and Pastor’s out….there’s always the hope they can get those two together. Ivonne smacks him fondly. They plot the perfect scenario. Fern will take charge of Pastor—he won’t suspect a thing. Ivonne gets Heri. She nods—it could work!

Nidia is jubilant, orange juice in hand. She pushes to know when the wedding will happen. Juan sidesteps—it’s up to Marely. She says it’s up to Juan. Juan protests that she’s the bride….and Nidia decides. At the end of the month. Paula and Ana wish they were in China. Marely is doubtful—that’s too fast. Nidia chides that it’ll be just fine. When there’s love, why wait? What does Juan think? He agrees with Doña Nidia. Nidia proposes another drink, and your recappers think that’s a GREAT IDEA! ¡Salud! A wedding at the end of the month! Juan and Marely cross arms and everyone drinks up, even the musicians. Ana mutters to Paula to be calm. Paula mutters that she can’t stand any more. Nidia talks about the honeymoon, and what will happen when they return. They’ll have to get busy and make sure there’s another grandchild in the house. She chucks Juanito on the ear—but she doesn’t mean him. Marely is embarrassed redirects Nidia’s behavior—sing!! Juan seconds the motion. Sing! So, Nidia gets the band to play while she sings. Nidia sings WAY better than she dances with a partner—at least while she sings no one gets hurt. Unless you count Juan, Paula and Ana, who are hurting big time while Nidia sings about having loved only one time in her life. Anga likes it, but Ana, Paula and Juan aren’t thrilled.

Ivonne’s call gets Heri out of bed. He’s got some interesting digs and jammies. He’s getting right into the scene here. She’s coming by for him in half an hour. Heri protests, but she wants him ready and all gussied up, perfumed, etc.! He wonders if this will help (in his customary ranchero lingo). She tells him it’s the fastest way to discover the real Heriberto. Suddenly, we see Fern arranging to pick up Pastor and go out for a drink. Pastor’s in his jammies. He and Heri will make such a pretty pair, especially in their jammies. Pastor is suspicious. Why? Talk about stuff he wants to tell Pastor, you know, about Ivonne. Can’t we do it over the phone? Nope, it has to be personally. Finally, it’s all arranged. Fern and Ivonne are jubilant.

Marely would love it if Ana and Paula stayed a while. Paula gives her a line, but they must go eat. Ana begs Paula to stay. Paula relents-it’s an important moment for Marely and it would be rude to leave her alone. Notwithstanding her entire family and then some are around her. Paula tells Marely that she wishes her happy at Juan’s side, from the bottom of her heart. Juan’s somber look hasn’t lightened up a single second. Marely, though, is delighted at her sister’s wish. She hugs Paula while Paula’s heart breaks. Yadi looks at Paula, very surprised. She gets up and walks to the bar, bumping into Kike. He tells her he’d like to stay but has to go to eat with Julia. Yadi tells him it’s fine, and touches his cheek. She’s glad to see him so content. Kike smiles shyly and says he and Julia resolved their issues, thanks to her. Yadi smiles, gracious and sad. He praises her; she’s an angel, it was such a gift. Yadi smiles and tells him what she wanted was to see this—he’s smiling, cheerful. Kike beams from ear to ear. They hold hands. Friends? Friends, she says. He tells her to give his princess a kiss. He’ll see her tomorrow. He’s not saying goodbye to everyone, because if he knows her mother, Nidia will compel him to stay. She laughs and agrees, encouraging him to go while Nidia is distracted. Yadi gives Kike a little kiss on the cheek. Then they hug.

Ivonne has Heriberto at a bar filled with guys who are dancing with guys, and he’s like a kid in a candy store. He’s dressed to the nines with a heavy gold chain, a second choker with a big pendant, and animal print shirt over a black tee. Very slick. Ivonne wonders if he didn’t overdo it a bit? Heri assures her he thought they all dressed like this. [Ed. Note: question is, since she only gave him a half hour, did he have this in his wardrobe already??? Apparently!!!] He didn’t want to look like a coyote in a henhouse. She tells him he’s way more fluffy (flowery – florido) than any of the other guys. He looks around sheepishly. Pastor is still suspicious about why he’s here with Fern. Why did Fern choose such a scandalous place? Well, so he would feel good and find some eye candy. Pastor is disenchanted with the idea. He mutters while Fern catches Ivonne’s eye. The signal is given.

Kike has arrived home for his first night as a novio. Julia bounds into his arms, ecstatic to see him. [Ed. Note: how sad that Yadi never thought of this.] The table is set; there is candlelight. They are kids again, in alt over this wonderful new adventure. She didn’t know when he’d get back, but she has dinner ready. Kike tells her she’s beautiful. She tells him about what she’s made for dinner, and Kike has a better idea. How about they skip the dinner for the moment. Julia is thoroughly delighted.

Nidia has the extended family, including Ana and Paula, at the dinner table and tells them all that today she feels like a fulfilled woman, happy. Why? Because all of them are here at her table for this special day. She and Marely exchange loving looks. She names them off—her two daughters, her best friend Ana, her almost goddaughter, Paula, who just looks sullen, Juanito, who is the joy of the household—Juanito gives them a biiig smile. She wishes Marely all the happiness in the world, because she’ll be a great wife and a great mother. She tells Juan he arrived at this house and became like one more child for her. And now that he’s marrying Marely, he’ll be part of the family—well, he’s always been that. Juan thanks her, and Nidia declares that to seal this commitment, there needs to be a kiss. Ana’s lips are tight and Paula looks down, unable to celebrate for her sister. Yadi comments to Paula—certainly as Marely’s sisters, they need to be matrons of honor, right? Paula begs off—she’s going to Italy with Ana and Willy. Nidia is thrilled to hear that Ana’s art will be shown in Italy. What did she tell her? This is one more reason to toast! And they do. All except Paula. Juan’s face is still somber, too.

Heri loves the rhythm of the music in this place! It’s his kind of music! Ivonne talks Heri into finding a partner, which he does, but not with great enthusiasm at first. After all, this is all new to him and he’s just beginning to come out. He’s never danced with a guy. Who leads? Ivonne’s not sure, but it’ll work from one time to the next—as folks pair up (acoplan). Ivonne tells him to decide on someone—surprise himself. Heri looks around, excited. But, he doesn’t know who to dance with….and a guy approaches him from behind while he’s talking to Ivonne. He grabs Heri’s hand and shakes it, introducing himself (sort of). Heri laughs over his shoulder at Ivonne and goes off with Charley. He throws himself into it and Ivonne tries to get him to stop! This wasn’t the plan! Pastor looks in the direction of the noise. He is impactado to see….Heri??? Pastor goes off in Heri’s direction and Fern hustles off after Pastor. Pastor screams "Heriberto!" And the music grinds to a halt--Heri facing off with an Irritated Pastor.

Cheryl and Willa present our next segment:

Repeat scene: Ana tells a sobbing Paula that she thought there was hope. Paula continues to cry no, no, no she has no hope. She fairly screams that she did it for peace, can't she (Ana) understand. Marely is going to be happy. It is the only, the only thing that is important. She has definitely lost Juan. She is dying of this sadness. Ana rises up from the edge of the bed to caress and comfort her distraught and unconsolable daughter.

We are shown a pretty hand wearing a bling, I mean engagement ring as the camera pans to the sisters Cachon on Marely's bed admiring the diamond. Yadira, looks again and says, Wow (wow) You can see that Juan spend a lot of money on it. It's really pretty, isn't it beams Marely. Oh yes, it's precious, enthuses Yadira. It shines on you and you have to show it off when you greet people like this, she flaunts with her own hand. You have to lower your hand like this so you can dazzle them with the diamond (brillante). The sisters giggle amiably and act loco as Marely points out, happy for the first time in weeks. Yadira in the best mood we've seen in some time says, the truth is Juan carried the night arriving with those mariachi's, it was marvelous (genial) and so romantic, sister. Marely comes back with, I don't know, sister, I think I should not have accepted so quickly. Yeah, well in this we agree, says Yadira, you should have made him suffer a little longer, but good already, forget that, the important thing is that at the end of the month you are going to be the wife of Juan Dominguez. Marely, gives a side glance of doubts.

Bed scene three, we have Juan tucking in Juanito, the wise who says, Papa, I don't know why you are getting married so fast. Juan wonders what flee bit Juanito, hasn't he been the one yelling for Juan to marry? But the brave Juanito presses on, but didn't you do this for me, Papa? No, no son, this has nothing to do with you. Juanito says, well if you don't want Marely and you still have the licenciada in your heart, and she also loves you, well.... My son, why are you saying these things? Juanito reveals that he listened in to Juan's conversation with Professor Lorenzo in the teachers' lounge. Juan jumps on a change of subject and says, well that's nice, it's not good to be listening in on the conversations of others! Juanito undaunted, says YOU said that you loved both of them but you loved Paula much more and that she also loves you. Did I say that? demures Juan. Juanito nods his head, yes. Well, Juan responds, I don't remember (acordarse) that I said that, but the fact is I am going to marry Marely and you are going to have the mother that you want, no? Did you do it for me. Well for you, for Marely and for myself. Aren't you happy? Not much says the little wise one. Enough, says the exasperated Juan. No more questions. Too many questions will give you nightmares (Juanito isn't the one who will have nightmares). Go to sleep he demands as he tucks in the smartest character in this entire telenovela. BREAK

Back at the BadLove Bar (oops I am channeling Fuego) what is the name of this disco bar? Pastor starts to leave when Heriberto grabs his arm to say, don't leave! Pastor snaps, I don't want to spoil (amargar) your evening! How pathetic it is to see you in this kind of strange disguise (desfiguros). Heri looking pretty strange in his sparkly shirt and chain, protests that Ivonne brought him here. Pastor says brought you here for what? To mock (mofar) my life style? No says, Heri, to be part of your life, and for you to be part of mine. Ivonne and Fer watch but decide it is time to back off. What are you wanting to say? sneers Pastor. Heri says, I am not the same since I met you. You make me feel things inside. When I went back to the pueblo all I could remember were those moments that passed between us. Letting out a big sigh, Heri says, I think I am in love with you, Pastor. Pastor takes this as you would expect, he passes out cold. Heri calls for help as Pastor slides into his arms toward the floor.

Nidia is calling Anga stingy? (codo) He returns with you're too extravagant (despilfarradora), what a good team we will be, he adds amiably. Nidia assures him that they are going to go all out (tirar la casa por la ventana) for Marely's wedding and I am going to tell you once, no one is going to control me. Anga in such a calm voice tells her she is meddling with the second marriage of a daughter. I think that she and Juan should take their time and think about this wedding calmly. Oh no, no counters Nidia, he is not getting time to escape or change his mind. It's best if they do this immediately. Anga says the truth is, he isn't sure if this wedding is the best thing at all. Oh, don't throw salt, I'm sure they are going to be so happy. You'll see. Anga shakes his head resignedly but no.

Back to the bar, Heri wants to know if Pastor fainted for pleasure or pain. It was a bit for the pressure that brought me down from the news. What makes you think you are in love with me? Heri, stumbles through repeating that no one has made him feel what Pastor has, not even and old woman, I think this must be love. Pastor says, I don't think you know what you are saying. Heri has been reading a stream (chorro) of books on coming out of the closet and such things, and well if you tell me there is a chance that we can begin again being friends. A worried Pastor says, no, no, no don't continue. Don't say things you are going to regret later. I can't face the ridicule (escarnio) of people if you aren't convinced. Heri assures him that he is convinced. He doesn't want to stop seeing Pastor. As Heri pats Pastor's wig affectionately, Pastor says that is the most beautiful declaration he has ever heard in all his life. Heri adds, do you want to dance with me? Pastor says, but the song is slow and romantic. Heri says, take me there,the truth is, I don't know these things. Pastor smiles more surely now.

The Farell sign and an opening elevator reveals a pair. Heri and Pastor emerge and flirt and sort themselves out to go to their respective offices after doing the Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee polite offers to go first. Pastor tells him they will work hard. They agree they will meet to dine together, which will be the best part of the day. Pastor shyly thanks him for the most marvelous night together. The new secretary notices this and drops her papers. Ivonne comes along and tells her to close her mouth or she will collect flies.

Pastor with big grin and head tilted back on his chair, he tells Ivonne what a marvelous night he had. He is in love with me. It's like you and Fer. We danced a little then we went to eat. we lay talking a long time. Ivonne is so enthused for him. Pastor says they are going to take things slowly but surely. Ivonne congratulates him with a hug and is so happy for him. She assures him they will make a great pair.

In Paula's office, Sandro2 is presenting the results of his work. Proudly touching his glasses about the earnings less expenses have rendered a 2% gain for the company. She has to admit that his work has been beneficial to the company in spite of everything. In spite of what? he asks. You know what I am referring to, Sandro. He says she is mixing personal feelings with professional. She counters with spending a sleepless night and woke up wrong. He wants to know if she went out late, she thinks it is none of his business. He wants them to at least be friends but Paula assures him things have gone too far to recover any friendship. He snaps into Sandro the nasty/thinly veiled CL and says it was she who injured his feelings. He saw that she came into the office looking sad and he tried to find out why she was that way. He was worried, his error. She says, oh, you want to know why I am like this, well last night Juan proposed to Marely and they will be married by the end of the month. The grin on Sandro/thinly veiled CL is too wide for the screen as we go to BREAK.

Paula describes the proposal while she sat listening and Sandro thinks he did it to hurt her, but no, Paula says Juan didn't see her there until it was over. Sandro says lets leave together. Not as a pair but two solitary people together. We can have a better destiny together and perhaps they will find love. You know perfectly that the answer is NO! But he presses on that he has to play his last card. I was prepared for you refusal and believe me that being far from you is a pain in my soul that is signing a sentence for me. Paula says, that sounds like a threat. Believe me (he says that a lot, but we don't do we) you are condemning us to loneliness and more. I hope you enjoy it Paula Davila. Sandro leaves, Ivonne enters. Did something happen. Paula denies it so the bouncy Ivonne came to share good news. Pastor and Heri are going to be parking their gum (on the same bedpost?) together. No, says Paula.

Laura brings the secret information on Juan's account number to Sandro2. Sandro thanks her, she asks if he wants something more. No she has already done it. She leaves. Sandro speaking to himself says, I gave her all kinds of opportunities but no, the lady prefers to suffer. I know she is going to get her wish.

Paula and Juan both leave their offices in unison and traverse the lizard lounge which is darkish and empty of lizards. As they reach the elevator they seem to see each other. Paula pivots and goes back, turning just in time to see a sad looking Juan enter the elevator alone.
Wedding dresses! Marely, Yadira and Nidia are swamped with wedding dresses chirping cheerfully.

On a green wall behind bars our Alirio is marking off a five of what must be days. He only whines.
Fer and Ivonne admire wedding and engagement rings outside a jewelry store window. They only grin at each other.

Out in the back yard, NIdia leads Anga, Heri and Pastor in exercises all in their workout suits. Pastor sags onto a bench first.

Alirio now groaning in pain marks off number 20. Thus we see the passage of time
The symmetrical arrival of Juan and Paula in synchronized elevators. Juan in his usual brightness of orange and yellow. Paula is in very sexy red, low cut and in case we didn't have our attention riveted to the right spot she sports a dazzling string of diamonds that end very near her very low neckline. They neither one smile or do more than nod a brief acknowledgement of each other's presence.

The cell with all the day marks is opened to admit Guttierez. And what are you doing here, he sneers. Alirio sneers back, what do you think? Ruffian, crook. Gutie gives him a shove and when Alirio calls him a thief, Gutie repeats the thief who robs a thief? (We all know a great Colunga movie on this subject). Once the insults subside of what a bad friend he is, Gutie settles beside Alirio to start describing his escape plans which Alirio can share. They will have so much money they can each have a yacht and live like kings on a deserted island.

Juan looking somber enters the bedroom and begins his thought dialog that we are near the end of this story and have arrived at the day of his wedding to Marely. He polishes his cowboy boots and somberly contemplates how bitter he feels but he will face the day to marry his rose garden.
In the next bedroom, Yadira is wrestling Marely to the bed asking if Marely prefers that she put her make up on her. Nidia enters and the fight continues as they carry the protesting Marely out of her room.

Paula tells her mom she has to go to work early. Ana thinks she is looking for an excuse not to go to the wedding but Paula says no she is a godmother of the wedding. She says Ana should meet her at the church and remember to bring the wedding ties (lazos).

We fade to break as Marely is brought to the hairdresser and forced into his chair as though she is being taken to the electric chair. BREAK

Maricruz now joins you:

CL/Sandro is in a bar talking to the guy that bought the fake shares. CL/Sandro tells him that he just found out that the sale is a fraud because the documents used in the transaction are forged. He insinuates that it is Juan’s fault and suggests that the share holder should take action before Juan leaves the country. The share holder is very upset and tells him that he will take care of it.
Juan is at Farrell talking to Yvonne; he is signing some documents and tells her that he doesn’t want to be late to his wedding. Yvonne makes a comment in how "somebody" is worried on being late, but not in marrying somebody that he doesn’t love. Juan tells her to cut it out. He asks for Paula, and Yvonne tells him that Paula is at her office. He goes to see her, and Yvonne wishes him good luck. He enters Paula’s office and tells Paula that he came to say goodbye. Paula starts crying and tells him that she wishes him all the happiness in the world and to please excuse her with Marely because she won’t be able to go. Juan asks why and she tells him that she is not strong enough to see him getting married. Paula and Juan hug while Juan thought bubbles that this is his last goodbye to his Licenciada. We hear the Palomita song in the background.


Marely is in her room. She is ready and she looks beautiful. Juanito agrees with me. Nidia and Yadira, notice that Marely doesn’t look too happy. They tell her to smile. Marely looks unsure. In the other room Juan is putting on his boots, Kike tells him that since it is his wedding night he should wear different shoes. Juan tells him that his mullet and his boots are his signature; he wouldn’t be Juan Dominguez without them. Kike tells him ok but hurry up it’s getting late. Cut to CL/Sandro’s apartment, CL is leaving and he is giving Sandro his last instructions. CL tells Sandro to leave by land because the police will be looking for him. Sandro agrees and tells him he will do it. CL leaves

At Farrell, Paula is getting ready to leave, she is talking to Pastor, when security informs her that a Mr. Faustino Timado (Funny, timado means defrauded) is asking to see her, and he is coming with some federal agents. Pastor thinks that it must be a mistake; Paula agrees and tells him that she’ll take care of it and that he should go to the wedding. Pastor tells her that he’ll stay to help her if she needs it.

Fernando and Yvonne are getting ready for the wedding when per "chance" they see a commercial about an emergency kit that fits in a back pack and that comes with a raft and enough supplies to last a few days.

Back at Farrell, Mr Timado is on a roll, he calls Paula a shameless thief, Paula asks him not to insult her. He yells at her that she defrauded him because the shares that she sold him are false. She tells him that she sold her shares to Sandro and that she dosen’t know who Mr. Timado is. She then tells him to leave her office. Mr Timado tells her that he’ll leave, but she’ll have to come with him, because she has an order to present herself before a judge. Pastor tries to calm Mr. Timado down, but he doesn’t listen and tells one of the agents to arrest her.

At Fernando’s house Yvonne called Agent Blanco (remember Agents Blanco and Moreno?) and she is trying to convince him that CL wasn’t dead. She tells him that now she knows how he did it. Agent Blanco is not too happy about opening a closed case. Yvonne tells him to check CL’s bank account to see if he bought one of those survival kits.

Back at Farrell, Paula asks for a few minutes to talk to Pastor and give him instructions. Mr Timado tells her to make it fast. As soon as they step out of the room, she tells Pastor to contact Farrell’s lawyers and tell them about the problem, she asks him also to go to the wedding and make sure that Juan takes his plane and is out of the country as soon as the ceremony is over. She tells him not to inform him that she is in trouble. Pastor hesitates, but Paula is adamant, she doesn’t want Juan to find out that she is in jail. Mr. Timado opens the door and tells Paula that her time is up.

Yvonne and Fernando are outside Sandro and CL’s apartment. Agents Blanco and Moreno arrive with a bunch of police cars. Agent Blanco asks the concierge for Sandro, but he is told that Sandro left some time ago and was carrying a suitcase. Yvonne and Fernando are disappointed.

Wedding Time!!. Marely and Juan are kneeling before the priest. The priest asks Juan if he accepts Marely as his wife. Juan turns around looking lost. Marely looks at him; we hear in the background how the song mimics Juan’s dilemma. The song speaks of loving two women at the same time.


Juan is pensive and after a few seconds of hesitation he answers that he accepts. Now Marely looks pensive. Fast cut to CL/Sandro’s apartment the agents Blanco and Moreno are there to detain Sandro/CL but alas they are late. Agent Blanco says that he is extending a warrant for CL’s arrest. He says that they’ll watch the airports and the roads to make sure he doesn’t escape.
Back to Marely at the wedding. The priest asks Marely if she accepts Juan as her husband. Mareky has a flash back of their relationship and realizes that Juan is in love with Paula, she steels herself and says NO, I don’t accept! Juan asks her why, and Marely tells him that she knows that he loves Paula and tells him to go and look for her. Juan thanks her. She stands up and tells everybody to forgive her but the wedding has been canceled, she leaves the church. Nidia follows yelling at her to stop and come back.

Paula is behind bars and happy that Juan is far away.

At the church of unfinished weddings, Nidia is trying to detain Marely, but Yadira tells her to leave Marely alone, she needs to calm down. Nidia always the caring mother tells her that she can’t believe Marely did this to HER (Nidia), she really wanted to dance and have a good time. Yadi tells her that since there is no wedding they have to cancel the party too. Yadi points out the obvious, she tells her to stop bothering Marely because right now Marely must be suffering, Nidia doesn’t look too convinced. At the same church but in a different area Juan talks to Juanito and asks for his forgiveness because he did not gave Juanito the mother he wanted. Juanito (once more the lone voice of wisdom) tells him not to worry, he understand and knows that Marely did the right think because Juan did not love Marely but Paula. Juan is surprised that Juanito knew this (I would have been more surprised if Juanito didn’t know this) Juanito confesses that he was eavesdropping in his conversation with Don Lorenzo, and tells him to go and look for his licenciada. Juan is very thankful and happy.

Don Valdemar (Heriberto’s dad) is coming out of the church and telling Delfina that she better not do the same to him. Delfina tells him that she dying to say yes to him, they both smile. Nidia runs to Juan to apologize. Anga approaches and tells Nidia that they have to let everybody know that the wedding is canceled. Juan takes advantage of the situation and asks them to please take Juanito because he has something to do. Pastor arrives and since everybody is outside, he assumes that the wedding has ended. He tells Juan to take his wife and go to the airport right away. Juan tells him to calm down and to tell him what the problem is. Pastor tells him that he will explain later once they are on their way. He asks again for Marely and he is informed that the wedding has been canceled, Pastor is happy for a second and the he remembers about the warrant and tells him that he has to leave the country. Juan wants to know why and pastor tells him that there is a warrant for his arrest for fraud. He tells him that if he doesn’t go right away he’ll go to jail.

At Ana’s house, Ana is trying to contact Paula and an Agent informs her that she has been detained. Cara de impactada from Ana.

Pastor is still trying to convince Juan to leave, but Juan won’t budge he wants to know what is happening. Finally Pastor tells him that Sandro defrauded the company and Juan and Paula have been framed. Pastor tells him that Paula has already been detained.
Fernando and Yvonne arrive at the Party place and they are informed that there is no Party because Marely rejected Juan. More caras impactadas.

Juan enters the police station tells them that they have committed an injustice, he tells them that Paula is innocent and that he is the only guilty party.

Back at the Cachon household Yvonne explained about CL/Sandro and how when the police went to detain them, they had already left. Back at the police station Juan is put in a temporal cell right next to Paula, he asks Paula if she is ok, Paula can’t believe Juan did not leave the country, he explains that he did not get marry because Marely rejected him. Paula is very happy.

Speaking of Marely, she is in her room crying. Yadira is trying to console her. She tells her that she did the right thing and that she is very prod of her. Right then the phone rings and Yadira answers. She gives the phone to Marely and tells her to answer because it is somebody that she should talk to. Marely doesn’t feel like talking, but finally answer. It is Sandro! He was outside the church and found out that Marely didn’t marry Juan. Marely yells at him to leave her alone. He asks to see her because he wants to tell her the truth. –What truth? Sandro confesses his love for her and that all this time he couldn’t show her this love because… he was a puppet in the hands of CL!!! Cara superimpactada de Marely.

End of second hour.

And now, Capn' Sharkbait to the rescue:

Marely's surprise caller is Sandro, he's at the church and found out Marely didn't get married. She tells him to bug off and not to bother her. He insists he had to see her to tell her the truth. He loves her and he has always loved her. He has been a puppet in the hands of CL Farell.

Paula is in her cell and Juan is right next to her. She cries it's all her fault, he should be with Marely right now all happy and married. He lays a big fat kiss on her and says he and Marely didn't get married. Impactada face on Paula.

Pastor calls Heri to fill him in and Kike scold him for making lovey-dovey talk in the middle of a crisis. Pastor scolds Kike for eavesdropping. Aw shucks, they're just stressed out and they make up. The Farell lawyers show up and Pastor introduces them, Figura y Figuroa. "Go figure" jokes Kike. Pastor informs them that Juan showed up, made a statement and now he's in jail too.

The Achichipico contingent is over at Casa Cachón and Heri informs them that he just found out Paula and Juan are in jail and it's Sandro's fault. Nidia leaps up, not Sandro but CL!! She says first Juan's wedding was cancelled and now he's in the slammer, what a bad day for her Juanito. Juanito strolls up, what does she mean? Oops, all the grownups cover for her.

Juan tells Paula he kept his word, when the father asked he said "I do" but Marely is the one who said "No". They kiss through the bars and Juan says the important thing is that now they'll never be separated. (Except, of course, by the pesky bars that are between them.)

Sandro has met Marely. He tells her that CL was alive and he (Sandro) was CL's accomplice all this time. CL is the one who was working at Farell. Ah, it all makes sense to her now. He says he doesn't think he can live with the guilt of destroying others' lives. Marely sweetly takes his hand and says it's never too late to fix one's mistakes...she knows. He says he's been a coward but he's ready to face the consequences he deserves. She encourages him and tells him she knew he was a good man from the first day they met. He wanted to tell her the truth but CL wouldn't let him, then she was with Juan and he lost all hope. He wants to do the right thing to win back her respect and admiration...and love? He wants to fight for her and not be a coward anymore. "The show me," she tells him.

Ana visits Paula in jail or delegacion or whatever it is, I'll call it jail. Why are they detained? Why is Juan there too? Juan tells Ana not to worry, Paula will be out soon.

The lawyers show up and tell Paula she is free to go. Juan made his statement and admitted everything, he is totally to blame. Paula starts yowling, she refuses to leave! Juan kisses her tells her she must go. She howls and refuses, "Ma help me!!"

Everybody is now at the jail. Ivonne tells Pastor it wasn't Sandro who did this but CL! Ana leads Paula into this waiting room where she cries some more.
Marely and Sandro arrive at the jail and Paula leaps at him like an enraged panther. "Maldito, maldito!!" (She did a great job here, very realistic, good leaper that one.) Heri and Ana pull her off Sandro and tell her to calm down.

Paula yowls and Marely sticks up for Sandro. She says CL is the one who is responsible. Paula is muy, pero muy impactado and all the rest are "Que the hell?" Sandro tells them that CL is alive and he did it all to get revenge against Paula and Juan.

CL is driving his hot little escape convertible. He pulls up at a toll both and rudely tells the toll official to hurry up! We see there is a wanted poster of him inside the booth. After he drives off the toll booth guy call out an APB and a police chase immediately ensues. Fast work by the Mexican police force.
Sandro is in an office with the lawyers and a very official guy whose secretary is transcribing everything Sandro says. Sandro says he has the money that was used to illegally by the stocks. He hands over a case full of cash. He admits that the orchestrator of the fraudulent documents was his twin CL. He starts in on the details as we break back to the chase.
High speed police chase! Now it's slo- mo. Back to high speed. Tires screech. Sirens wail. CL curses the police to the devil and frantically looks around.

Paula tells Marely she doesn't have the words to thank her for what she did. Marely admits she did it because all she could think of was Paula. Paula says she just wanted Marely to be happy. Marely tells her sister she wasn't totally happy, it was all an illusion and she had to face reality. Juan really wasn't the love of her life. Actually, there's someone else she was thinking she might have a future with. Sandro deserves a chance. Juan will always be a good memory, a friend, a brother. That's why she wants Paula to love him and take care of him.

Back to the chase! The convertible swerves, CL drives crazier and faster, now up a hill. His tires screech as he veers around some curves. Not to be a wet blanket but it looks like he's driving around the same block over and over.

Some cops lead Sandro out of the office and he asks for a moment with Marely, it might be the last time he sees her. She whimpers. He tells her if she writes to him he'll be the happiest man in the world. She weeps and kisses him and says she'll think of him all the time. Poor Marely, when it comes to men if she didn't have bad luck she'd have no luck at all.

Drum roll...Juan is free and strides into the waiting area. "What do you think, eh?" he yells. His friends smile and clap. He swings people around and even hugs Marely. He thought bubbles that as of this day the misfortunes are lifted off his chest and he is with his Palomita, the best and last love of his life.
Back at the chase CL is driving toward a cliff. Screeching tires and police sirens punctuate his dilemma. He is trapped and the cops pull out their guns. We hear a crash and see a huge fireball shoot up into the sky. This inferno is an omen of CL's final destination.

Back at the jail Paula comments that Sandro's obsession with her finally makes sense. Ivonne gets kudos for making the discovery. Fer says CL was astute and Machiavellian. Marely states that working with him was hell.

Speaking of which, the cops look over the cliff at the inferno below. The invisible choir sings a dirge while the cops take off to report the accident.
Juan comes home to his adoring Juanito and all the guests are assembled back at Casa Cachon. He announces to everyone that thanks to Sandro he and Paula are free of guilt. Ivonne receives a phone call and demands attention. Agent Blanco just called, CL was being chased by the cops, he took a curve and was in an accident. Juan thought bubbles that CL just got his last red card.

The scene is a lonely graveyard, there is a fresh grave but nobody is around except the grave diggers. We hear Juan's voice say that nobody showed up, nobody cried and there were no parties. How sad to end a life like that. Still and all, he holds no rancor in his little chest for CL.

More thought bubbling, "Life goes on" and we are at a church. Paula, dressed in a wedding gown, gets out of a car and is escorted by Willy, Juanito and Flor. Meanwhile a proud Juan escorts Ana to her seat. The tune of Ave Maria Juan and Paula finally kneel before the altar. The father (the same one who tried to marry Juan and Marely) tells them no surprises this time! Juan promises and the ceremony begins which gives us a chance to see all our favorite characters one more time. (Herlinda's looking hot now that she's not dressed like a hick anymore.) Oops, there is a slight delay as Yadi and Pastor have to untangle some string-like thing that gets wrapped around the couple. Marely does her part by bringing the rings on a pillow.

The father speaks, "Juan do you take Paula...?" "I do," he says without hesitation. Now it's Paula's turn. The father asks if she takes Juan...until death parts them. We hear a loud heart beat. Paula doesn't answer. She kind of glowers at Juan. Ana looks worried. Nidia and Marely look worried. Juan and Paula stare at each other.

And now Fuegorosca Kris takes it home to the fin line:

Pau blows a kiss and says 1000 times I accept, father. The priest wipes his brow thankfully and the crowd cheers with relief and Fer yells "one finally did it to you brother!!" The wedding march blares and we finally have a Mrs. Juan Querendon y un BESOTA!!!!!!

At the pachanga suave jazz plays and the same folks are here for this one as at Marely’s they get out of the pueblo a bit then it appears!

Aldemar and Delfi approach Anga and a mylar clad Nidia, and Aldemar tells Anga if he sees him laying one of his dirty tricks on Delfi, their truss and friendship is over and they will resolve the situation but by gunshots!!! Delfi tells him to put down his pistol (fig.). Anga assures him that one De La Cueva woman is enough for him!!! I’d say so...with his weak heart if he was around those two all day, he’d be dead by fin de semana. Aldemar sees Heri wlaking with Ivonne on his arm and makes the comment that he sees with much pleasure that his son is giving the color (blushing or looking in love I think) as he walks past with Ivy. Nid and Anga make a funny face, like ...uh....yeah....:)

Kike tries to get Nid Mich to say Papa. I love how people wait to these big occasions to tell each other these monumental and usually quite personal things. He tells Julita that Yadi gave him permission to take the baby with them to Acapulco! He thinks they have to stick to the diet because he doesn’t want to get to the beach with his life saving ring already attached!!! He says the biggest surprise is that Anga gives him authorization for the loan to buy the other truck. But wait there’s more.....And with that they can put more away in their piggy bank for their own wedding and he pops out a big fat Diamond. Julia is stronger than she looks as she loves him and jumps on him pushing him onto the table and knocking it over!!! I thought it was funny the way she kept grabbing at her dress to pull it down. :)

Anga says that now that he’s left the business to Yadi he is going to do what he’s always wanted to do, take mama on a trip Yadi thinks it’s great that her Ma will get to know Europe but Nid says au contraire, that Europe will get to know Madam Nidia. SAVE YOURSELVES EUROPEANS!!!!!! Anga tells Yadi if she wants she’ll get there someday and she says of course, because she needs a prince of royalty (are there any other kind?) maybe one of the sons of Prince Charles, will be good enough she says. RUN HOUSE OF WINDSOR, RUN!!!!!!

Gutis and Perf are in a tunnel, clearly trying to escape......he sees a light in a grate and thinks they’ve reached the yacht (the end of the tunnel).

Nope, probably just the laundry room, and they are back to their cells. The warden is yelling this is the fifth time they’ve tried and when are they going to learn. Perf yells from the teeny tiny window that he’s innocente. he swears. Oh give it up already the novela is over buddy!!

Anga asks to speak with Nid. He gives her back the deed to her house and tells her he’s paid off her debt to Pau. Nid is moved, her house! Anga says and may you never have to leave it.

Flor is dreaming of the day this kind of party will be for her. She tells Juan to imagine one day when they get married, she asks if he doesn’t like that. Juanito looks puzzled. He is saved by Pau. She wants to chat, so Flor goes to play with the baby. She asks him if he liked the wedding and the bride, maybe not so much? He says yes to the wedding but wonders why she asked about herself? She says she knows that he hasn’t favored her. He says no, she’s not out of his favor. She says look no lies, and he says well maybe a little, but not now, you are good people. She says she wants to be more than good people, she won’t take place of Ma, but she wants to be a friend, a confidante, any time he needs a hug or to talk or whatever, she’s there, he’s not alone. Does that sound good? He waits, shakes his head and says no. Pau wonders why not. He says it was a joke.

They hug and Juan tells himself that was all he needed to seal this day with the Gold broach, the happiest day in his life and there are kisses all around.

Fer asks Ivy if she is ok, he thinks she looks pallid. She went to the doctor for a special check up. He wonders what’s wrong...she hesitates and says we are going to have to hurry the wedding. Fer looks freaked, surely her cancer is back. Nope she’s expecting!! A grito to rival Dolores!! VOY A SER PAPA!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s a miracle!!!!!!! And another very personal revelation announced at this reception, go figure.

You aren’t going to say anything? Papa asks son Heri. He is like que the heck? And I didn’t quite catch this and the captions were messed up but essentially Papa wonders if Heri’s he’s going to let that other guy make the moves on his girl {something Espiriflautico eat the one you are going with)? Heri tells his Dad he’s already given her up to him. Pa doesn’t get it.. Uh oh. All the table guests leave. Pa thought Heri said he had found a middle of the orange (media naranja) (a sweetie) for himself. Heri starts laughing and Pa interrupts that he saw Heri talking to that premia (prize) over there?

Pastor stands up and says no it’s prenada (pregnant) not premia, that's how it’s said. He begs pardon, but one of his quirks is to be conscious of correcting language uses. That doesn’t go over well. Sit down and shut up Pastor. Pa asks who is this chaparro? Heri struggles with this but says he’s no one more or less than Pastor Gaytan, and finally, nothing less than his media naranja. We hear shots and see the happy duo fleeing....Delfi runs after Pa screaming for him to put the gun away and Heri tells him to calm down and not make him a widower before the marriage. Smoke flies...

Marely is sadly stroking flowers. Pau walks up and Mar tells that her long face isn’t for their wedding, she’s ok with it, and Pau says she knows exactly why she’s sad. Mar says, well this week HE didn’t write. Pau says well he’s probably really busy with the Farell lawyers. Mar asks if she knows anything and she says no. Then we hear and see Sandro walking up saying why would he write a letter about something he could say in person. Pau and Juan claim they know nothing, but Sandro says they helped him to get here. Big hugs, and she wonders if he’s really free. He says I’m free but I still have to sign in once a week with the lawyers to soon get my final freedom. They kiss and love each other.

Juan says he couldn’t have asked for such a happy ending for his rosebed or maybe he should say Sandro’s rosebed because he won the contest, ooh but he just has to run that last mile... which is, that just then Nid sees them vacuuming each others lips from across the party and runs up to tell Sandro to get his grubby hands off her daughter. Juan stands up for them that they are in love, and Sandro’s paid his dues with the ministry of justice. Ana chimes in too. Nid says that doesn’t matter, he can’t be making moves on her daughter in front of her eyes unless he’s officially promised to Mar. Sandro says he loves Marely and will promise to make her happy in front of all these people. Everyone cheers to let them be, and Nid says fine, but this is a pure and virtuous woman, so treat her right etc...

Molondron interrupts and calls applause to the novios and has them come up to do the Cachibombon.

Juan bubbles that happiness isn’t always on time, but if you open the doors to your house, when you least expect it you’ll find yourself dancing the cachibombon and all of those things. He says that’s the least of all he learned from this whole story, that one should never lose hope, and should keep on trying to overcome because with a little patience and some bait, even the highest things fall down to reach.

La Palomita plays while they dance some more. Juan narrates AGAIN, and I think I’m just too tired because I can’t get this exactly, but I think he essentially says the butterflies or nervous thoughts about his Palomita that kept turning upside down and around inside all this time finally calmed and that his affections became realized. Or something like that. And he even thinks that Aldemar will end up accepting Don Pastor as his son in law! Chinches Bravas!!

He says that day God and his Santo Nino gave him a piece of heaven.

Fireworks and kisses close it for us.

And a QUE HUBO!!!!!


And thanks to all you readers out there who make this what it is...without you well, we'd be talking to ourselves, virtually. :)

Oh and a little ruse for our other teams...we pulled off three hours of joint full on drama dichoed recapping, without a friggin' concert at the end, so you know what? We rule!!! Sorry, have to get that in. :)


From Cheryl and Willa:

Final Thoughts: This has been a privilege and an honor to recap and comment with a small but driven group of Juan Q. fans. I can't believe what an enormous vocabulary I have picked up and now understand in conversation and in writing. I am so glad I was involved for some months of this very long year. On to the next. Everything from here on out will seem like duck soup. Besos de CherylNewMex

From Judy B:

Well, what a wild ride this has been. I started out as just a befuddled watcher, became part of the recapping team in January and have laughed and cried and sometimes torn my hair out in frustration, wanting these folks to come clean with themselves and with each other. But hey, that would be too simple right? The show would be over in one night, rather than one year plus.

According to telenovela rules, one never forgets one’s first love, and I’ll certainly never forget my first recapping stint. These crazy characters (and their crazy slang) will be part of my life forever, and while I hope to go on recapping for many telenovelas to come, none will have quite the impact for me that this one did. The challenge of the language, the wonderful dancing, the beautiful scenery of Achichipico and the memory of Juan doing triceps dips in a wife-beater undershirt, boxer shorts and boots will stay with me forever. (Just hope I’m not still talking about him in the nursing home!)


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