Saturday, August 02, 2008

Fuego en la Sangre, 08/01/08: On Deathwatch, Hoping for a Miracle

[Warning! We are all still on suicide watch in Viewerville and in addition to last week’s precautions it will be necessary to bring a couple of extra boxes of Kleenex, but a large bottle or two of reposado Tequila is not out of the question either, in order to get through this episodio. –ed.]

It’s continuing to be a long and difficult night in the poorer parts of Ciudad Serdán with the Reyes’ and their friends on deathwatch for Rosario and Franco.

Juan is enraged with this latest family tragedy and, despite Padre Tadeo’s objections, he tells Oscar that they have got to take justice into their own hands. They must avenge what was done to Franco. (Okay. Just one question: wouldn’t it be nice to know who did it first?) Oscar swears that that's exactly what they'll do. Again Padre T objects, and Juan screams back that his patience has come to an end. (Does he always have to bellow like that? My head hurts already.) Oscar asks Tadeo how long they must remain patient, until all of the three of the Reyes’ are dead? Augie, trying to make them see reason, reminds them that violence only provokes more violence. Juan, though, says he won’t just stand around while his brother is lying there so badly burned and dying. He swears vengeance again and Oscar agrees, “Just like we did for our sister, for Libia!”

Sofia tries to reason with Juan next, for everyone's sake, including their baby. Juan replies in frustration that that is exactly what he IS doing, and why they have got to put an end to all of this. “If Franco dies, the one who is to blame will pay for it with his own life!” he swears to them.

Eva, meanwhile, is sitting at Rosario’s bedside down the hall. She prays for God not to take Rosario while back at the hacienda, Sarita, still in her wedding dress, weeps as she tears up her latest love letter to Franco. “Don’t die, Franco!” she cries.

In the front room Augie tells Tadeo that he’s sure it was just the emotion of the moment that caused the two Reyes brothers to swear vengeance like they did. He’s curious, though. What did they mean “like we did for our sister” he asks the priest. “What does she have to do with any of this?” Tadeo, looking again like a deer in the headlights, holds back with a mysterious and pregnant pause. “Someday you and all the rest of them will find out. You all will have to find out.”

In the little eating area, Sofia, Eva and Quintina wonder who could be so cruel to do something like this. Sofia’s answer is to pray for the victims and not to worry about the “who dunnit.” The three women cross themselves and begin to pray.

Gabi enters into Sarita’s bedroom for another subtle attempt at guilt-trip persuasion with her daughter. She tells Sarita that she’s terribly disappointed in her. Although she never told her before, she primes her, she has always loved Sarita the best, because she is the most like her. Sarita says she’s already asked her for forgiveness. What else can she do to take away the sorrowful shame she’s feeling? Mama quickly answers, “Marry Benito.” Sarita looks a bit confounded, as if she’s thinking “Again with Benito?” With crocodile tears Gabi pushes ahead but ends up pushing her luck. “You have to marry Benito. I’m so ill, and I don’t want to die before seeing you married. You have to do it for me, for yourself, and for the family who’s gone through so many misfortunes.”

Something begins to click in Sarita’s brain, like maybe it isn’t so great after all to be “just like Mama.” Sarita replies that she can’t believe that she would want her to sacrifice like that for the family even though she’d be wretchedly unhappy. Gabi answers in her best fragile whimper impression, “Oh no! Just the opposite: I want you happy. You’ll see in time that I was right. –Please don’t rebel. Don’t make me think you carry the same evil seed as your father.”

Sarita knits her brow in silent thought. (You don’t insult her daddy) Mama may have just crossed the line with the ever-patient and eager to please Sarita. Something like anger and mistrust flashes across Sarita’s face but Gabi whimpers on about not stabbing her in the heart again. “--…because then you’ll leave me to die and you will be the one responsible,” she finishes. Gabi then turns her face expectantly up towards Sarita and bats her bloodshot, bleary, teary eyes at her. Sarita knits her brow again and frowns down at Gabi. (Could it be those rusty cogs in her bratty brain have finally started turning?)

Back at the Reyes’ Ofelia enters Rosario’s room and cries at her bedside. She begs the unconscious Rosario to fight for life as Juan and Oscar meet in the bakery for a private confab. Oscar finally admits to Juan there that he married Jimena in a civil ceremony the day before. Juan, unsurprisingly, is furious because Oscar kept him out of the loop. Oscar explains that because he might tell Sofia, they felt it better not to say anything for fear that Crabiela would find out. Juan tells Oscar it’s just that he feels like he’s failed his promise to their mother a second time. Oscar tells him there’s no need. He’s fulfilled his promise to raise them and now the two of them are grown men, and good men, thanks to Juan’s care and attention. The two of them share a bear hug and Juan forgives him for going behind his back with Jimena and hiding their marriage from him.

Sarita, who still hasn’t gotten out of her wedding dress (and who is giving me visions of jilted old Miss Havisham in “Great Expectations” about now), kisses the little angel her daddy gave her as a little girl and thinks back to all her romantic moments with Franco. She makes a decision then to leave the hacienda and her girlish naivety in the past and begins to pack as Jimena enters. Sarita tells her she’s leaving home. Life has denied her love, she explains, since Franco chose Rosario over her. In spite of it all, she cries to Jimena, she still loves him. Also, though, Mama still is insisting she marry Benito and she insists she is not going to do it. She is leaving to search for the peace she simply cannot find there at home. (I’m hoping Jimena will at least help her out of that wedding dress first. That thing looks like a bear to get in and out of.) The two sisters hug and say their good-byes.

Along the street outside the bakery the sombrero’d shadow of Death passes by. Inside the living quarters Juan is sitting next to Franco’s bed. Franco begins gasping for breath. Juan runs out and yells for the doctor. He tells Tadeo that Franco is dying. Tadeo goes into Franco’s room to dutifully deliver the last rites while Oscar weeps in the shadows. (Ok. Two used hankies later and two more shots of reposado down the hatch. ¡Salud!)

Around the corner Eva is in the church praying for mercy. Everyone is in tears and throughout the night they wait for what seems an eternity for the inevitable. Sofia tells Juan to remain strong for them all. He says she doesn’t understand at all. His brother is dying and it’s killing him. He asks her if she can’t see that Death is mocking them and tells her that they are all fated to lose those they love most. (I’m on my third shot of tequila and my third hankie now.) Sofia insists he’s got to stay strong for the family. She compares him to a huge (get your hardhats on for the symbolism here) oak tree [“roble”] and says he’s the pillar of the household. This of course grabs Juan and brings him back from the brink to reality.

Somewhere and sometime a bit later on in the evening Juan rides off on Capricho, out into a huge thunderstorm (which, come to think of it, never fails to arrive when anything tragic hits this crowd). As the thunder and lightning boom and crackle dangerously around him (and the horse) he screams to the heavens and selflessly begs God to take him to the hereafter instead. (That wet saddle, though, is going to be one mell of a slippery hess to stay on for the ride back home!) He gets on his knees and bellows through his tears.

At the Uribe estate, Gabriela and Raqui are not exactly seeing eye-to-eye over the fiasco of this double-marriage they cooked up. Raquel warns Gabi that her husband will not forgive Sarita’s snub. Gabi asks what he’s got to complain about, it’s not as if Octavio didn’t leave Jimena jilted at the altar also. Both families got hit with the same whammy stick she says. Raqui replies, well say what you will, her husband, Ricardo, will not take this sitting down and Gabi knows what the guy is like.

Gabi warns Raqui not to even think about threatening her because they both know who she can get to put the screws to her. Then Raqui warns Gabi not to dare challenge her since she can be a wild animal when it comes to defending her own. Gabi says Raquel is afraid she might reveal that huge 25 year old secret they both share. Raqui tells Gabi that it would be inconvenient for her to reveal said secret since she also is involved and has a lot to lose. Raqui reminds her that Gabi paid her very well for the favor she did her back then and to make sure that no one found out. (The one bright spot tonight: finding out there is a white witch who can handle whatever Brujariela throws at her.) Raquel queries her. “So now do you want it yelled to the four winds? What would your daughters and everyone who knows you think of you? What would they consider you? Have you thought it through, Gabriela? Have you really thought it through?” Game, set, match, Uribe.

At the bakery Oscar holds onto Franco’s guitar and watches over Franco. Juan comes in and they wait it out together a while longer. Across the plaza, Eva is still praying and telling God she was a coward to let her newborn be taken from her. She asks for forgiveness. Ofelia comes into the church and joins Eva at the altar then to pray for Rosario. Eva thanks Ofelia for giving Rosario love and for caring for her all these years. The two share a tender moment crying together.

Sofia sits up reading her bible next to Rosario’s bed as Oscar and Juan, sitting at Franco’s bedside, talk over their suspicions. Oscar says this is all because of Rosario. He can’t get it out of his mind that if Rosario left the bar, men won’t go and drink there. The owner, he says, Armando, would stand to lose if Rosario ran off. It had to be Armando.

Speaking of the Rugged One, Armando is sitting in his office at the Bad Love, reading (of all things) a newspaper and laughing at the article. “Ha! Luck is on our side it seems! Let’s see what Fernando says about this!” He starts out the door but is stopped by Juan and Oscar who push him back inside. Armando races under the desk then goes for his pistol in the drawer, but Oscar is ready for him and raises his rifle. “Drop it!” Armando drops his gun and sits in his chair to whine that it wasn’t him that did the deed to Rosario; but he knows who it was! He points over to the article in the newspaper and tells the lie he and Feo agreed to use to throw the blame for the attempted murder off the two of them. “It was him! The dangerous criminal! Her boyfriend, the father of her child, who just escaped from jail to settle accounts with her! She got involved with him and it was her fault he went to jail. Meanwhile Rosario was in jail too. Surely he got out to settle the score and to kill her!” Juan and Oscar read the headline: “Anselmo Cruz, a Dangerous Criminal, Escaped from Jail.”

Eva returns to the Reyes’ house and finds Sofia in Rosario’s room. She tells Sofia that the moment to clarify all has arrived. She confesses that she didn't give her daughter in adoption, but rather, Gabi stole her from her arms and gave her away. Gabriela convinced her that the baby girl would have a better life living with somebody else. Sofia is impactada at the shocking story and still, naively wonders how her Mama could do such a thing. (Yes. How?) Eva tells her that she feels God is punishing her for abandoning her child by taking Rosario from her again. She says sorrowfully that Gabriela Elizondo is to blame for all the pain and grief in her tragic life.

Sofia asks Eva why she never asked for help from anybody, her father even. Eva reminds her that he didn’t know a thing about her loving him let alone that she’d seduced him and gotten pregnant because of it. “No when you make serious mistakes and cause harm to another person, you live with your punishment and don’t complain,” Eva tells her. Sofia tries to comfort her and tells her that this is not a punishment from God (no, just from the writer and director).

Armando swears he’s not lying and the proof is in the newspaper. He figures that Anselmo Cruz came after Rosario looking for revenge and that he must have run into Franco with her; and they both paid the consequences. Juan tells Oscar that something still doesn’t square with the rat’s story and warns Armando that if he finds out he’s been lying, he will kill Armando himself.

Back at Bruja Central, Gabi sits alone in her bed reading her bible. She thinks about Eva and how she’ll let her suffer and cry tears of blood for her betrayal with Bernardo. Only when Eva is bordering on lunacy will she tell her the truth.

Juan and Oscar return home and tell Eva that they have some bad news for her: Rosario was in jail at one time. Eva says it cannot be true. Ofelia walks in after overhearing the discussion and says that in fact it is true. Eva says she feels guilty but Ofelia tells her there’s no reason to; it was an evil character that put her there. He got her involved in some pretty bad stuff and she made mistakes she’s been paying very dearly for ever since. “That man died in jail, though, from a bad illness,” she adds. Juan jumps in and says no he did not die. In fact he just escaped from jail. Ofelia tells them that Rosario had always thought he was dead. Juan says that Armando himself showed them the news article in the paper. Ofelia thinks to herself then that Feo (shock!) lied to them about Anselmo’s death and he made Rosario think he had died. Juan tells them that he does not want Sofia to know any of this as he’s afraid she’ll worry.

Juan tells Eva, then, that they’ve had their differences, but they share her sorrow in learning this. Eva tells Juan that she now understands his need for vengeance and that she doesn’t know what she might do if she came face to face with the man responsible. “God forgive me I don’t know what I’d do."

Although it’s late, Augie has come to talk to Gabriela and yells at her to listen to him. Gabi turns around on the staircase and says she has no reason to listen to him since he encouraged the rebellion in Sofia, then in Jimena and now in Sarita, the purest of all of them. Augie asks her what is really bugging her: the fact that the girls are loved or that she bought Bernardo and bought love, or at least what she believed was love. Gabi objects. “That filthy bricklayer does not love Sarita.” Augie assures her he does, though Franco is a bit confused about it. Gabi gets upset that he’s contradicting her again. She tells him that the last thing she needs from him now is to hear that Jimena might also be in love with the other filthy bricklayer, “that …Oscar!”

Oscar meanwhile has ridden to the hacienda and has sneaked through the balcony window into Jimena’s bedroom again for a little consolation over Franco’s condition. Jimena hugs him and says she’s certain the virgencita will protect and care for Rosario and Franco. Oscar tells her after that he was unaware that Gabi had forcibly dragged her and Sarita back home again till Sofia told him about it. She says that Mama is just like that and that she is more interested in Franco. Oscar then says he feels guilty about not letting Franco and Juan know they were getting married. Perhaps then Franco would have joined them there and none of this would have happened. Jimena wonders how Juan took the news about their marrying. He says well Juan is angry at life in general right now, but yes, he feels offended at not being told, especially on top of this business with Franco.

Alone in their living room now, Sofia and Juan cuddle. (Darn! What’s with those sheets still hanging on the line like trophies? How long does it take to air dry those things, anyway?) She says it’s amazing the capacity her mama has for causing such suffering (not really) and it scares her. Juan wants to know why Gabi is so bitter. Why couldn’t she ever accept that Sofia’s father never loved her? “Didn’t you say the only one he ever loved was the young girl who was expecting his child?” Sofia says Mama never cared to understand him and persisted in making his life a living Hell as well as her daughters’ lives. Juan thinks to himself then that Libia must have suffered terribly because of Gabriela.

Upstairs in said bruja’s bedroom, Somefer Nando and she are both in their silk jammies holding hands. Gabi smirks and tells Feo that she’s overjoyed that those two wretches got burned. “God always punishes the unfaithful and sinners with fire,” she self-righteously adds. (Word up, Gabriela!) Fernando agrees and says that Rosario is being punished for her bad behavior. Gabi asks what he’s talking about and Feo starts giving her the same story Armando gave Juan and Oscar: that she was a jailbird and he suspects her boyfriend, who just escaped from jail and, as the gossip goes, who is her little boy’s father. He must’ve wanted to settle accounts with her. So when she and Franco tried to flee, they caught up to them and tried to kill them. He adds for emphasis that Franco is as bad, or worse, than Rosario. “Sarita was lucky to have been saved from the likes of him.”

Gabi agrees and swears that Sarita will never ever see that wretched bricklayer again. “Not ever!” Somefer says perhaps it would be good to send her daughters off for a good while, even a very long while, so that he and she could have a bit of free time for more than a little lovin’. (Anybody else wondering how loud those bedsprings are?) He rolls on top of her and it’s fade to black as there is definitely some fer Nando tonight.

Morning comes to the hacienda FINALLY. Eva is leaving with her suitcase in hand and pauses a moment to look around the big open entrance to the house when a more youthful looking, pony-tailed, Gabi flits down the stairs and smiles maliciously. “Good morning, Eva!” (Why do I keep thinking “spider woman"?) In a cloying voice Gabi mocks her ex-employee. “Well it would seem your daughter has quite a rap sheet. She was even in jail. What could one expect though, you being a whore and your daughter couldn’t be any different.” Eva turns and faces her. “You are very wicked and relentless.” “—Yes yes, but I’m no liar. Everything I’ve just finished saying to you is the truth.” Eva looks at Gabi and warns her off Rosario. “Say what you will about me but don’t mess with my daughter, because I’m ready and willing to defend her to the death if need be.” Gabi replies with honeyed venom in her words that whores like the two of them have no salvation and no way of defending themselves.

The sadistic witch starts in with another insult when out of the blue Eva hauls off and slaps her. Gabi slaps Eva then but Eva gets off another good one and stops Gabi from jumping her right then and there. She pushes Gabi back and warns her off her, then advises her to be very careful “...because at times the dead don’t rest and they cry out for vengeance. You’ve wronged a lot of people and perhaps the time has come for you to pay for all you have done,” she says. Gabi asks her what dead person she’s talking about. “Libia, the young girl you had killed,” says Eva.

At the Reyes’ the burn specialist arrives to tell Juan and Oscar that the special equipment has arrived and Rosario and Franco will have to be moved to the clinic. Juan asks the question on everyone’s mind: are they really going to die? The doctor says Rosario is still in a delicate state, but Franco is in very serious condition considering he’s in a coma because of the amount of smoke he inhaled and the wallop to his head. “We must hope for a miracle,” he tells Juan.


Friday, August 01, 2008

Guapos Thursday, July 31, 2008: Waltz of the Cuñados

The little men in white coats are carrying Luci away. Everyone stands outside, watching. Alex is in tears and Flor tells him it’s for the best. Andrea is smirking and Damien says no tears? She says they’ll come and they’ll be tears of happiness. Hugo embraces Damien who says he feels terrible. Hugo says it’s not your fault and she’ll be getting the help she needs. Everyone drifts somberly back into the house.

Andrea in her low-cut babe outfit is in Luci’s room and tells Connie that she’s checking out her new digs and she wants to decorate them her way. Connie says whatever. Andrea says now that Luci’s locked up, Connie can get a divorce and not leave her a cent, and then they can start planning their wedding. Connie isn’t in the mood and says tomorrow is going to be rough, trying to figure out how to get out of the mess he’s in. Andrea says tonight she’ll make it so he forgets everything. She bends him back on the bed and they disappear behind the bedpost.

Morgan is waiting in Vale’s room when she comes in. He says he knows she needs a hug and tearful Vale is grateful. Morgan says let’s go to the bus station tomorrow and go far away – all on me. He says it won’t be luxury class, but Vale says just being with you is a luxury. Aw. They have to figure out how to sneak out in the morning. He leaves and Vale thoughtbubbles that she’s going to surprise him with a reservation at a super hotel.

Flor is packing and telling Alex, who is brooding by the window, that when they get back, he’ll feel better and Luci will be better and he can talk to her. Flor points out that he can’t make himself miserable over something he has no control over. He says I guess you’re right.

In Mili and Hugo’s room, she is in a giant T-shirt nightie and fuzzy slippers, promoting Padre Manuel’s concept of contraception via abstinence, and Hugo is telling her she doesn’t need to pack because when they get there, he’s going to take her shopping to get whatever she wants. He notes that she is sad and she says it was rough, particularly for Alex and Vale. Hugo says there’s nothing Mili can do to change things. Mili says she just feels bad going off to the beach when Luci is so miserable and Hugo says no reason for everyone to be miserable. Mili says just one thing – she’d like to talk to Alex. They will be gone a number of days, and he is so devastated. Hugo is not enthusiastic and points out that Alex has a wife to comfort him, a wife who is very jealous and Mili shouldn’t stir her up. Mili concedes.

Looks like Damien has beat the ambulance guys… oh wait, it’s an arranged meeting. He hands them a big wad of cash and grateful Luci falls into his arms. Damien says he couldn’t tip his hand on his plans or others at Casa Belmonte would have suspected. Luci begs for a drink and he has a small bottle ready.

Vale finds Connie in the hallway. He embraces her and she says how awful it was. She wants to know if he will support Luci when she gets out because she’s going to need everyone’s support, and Connie says you know me, family comes first and I’ll take care of her. Vale says she has to go to Guadalajara tomorrow on a modeling call and Connie says not with the car, right? Vale says no the agency is buying her ticket. Connie says sure, go ahead. He hugs her big and, laughing, says I’m really going to miss you!

Braulio is saying to the other servants how awful about Luci and that he feels partly to blame. They tell him he’s not, and besides it’ll be easier around the house with her gone for a while. Morgan comes in and asks for a favor: He’s going to the beach with Vale for a few days and he wants everyone to make it seem like he’s still there. Braulio says who said you could take days off? Socorro says come on, they’re in love, help out. Braulio softens, and, absent-mindedly running his hands through Horacio’s snowy locks, says okay. Horacio slaps him away. They all worry about Karla finding out, but Braulio says he’ll take care of that.

In some room, maybe a hotel, Luci is signing off her shares to Damien. The short ambulance ride seems to have sobered her up remarkably. Damien says here’s your checkbook and your credit cards and the suitcase your family packed for you. Luci looks lost and says she just wants to sleep. She says they’ll find out I’m not in the asylum. Damien says no, I have everything taken care of. He gives her a cell phone and tells her he’ll call her tomorrow.

Finally it’s the next day. Damien is having breakfast in the bright sunlight out on the lawn. You’d think the Belmontes could afford a nice patio umbrella. Karla has brought him coffee. He notes that Mili and Hugo are off on their honeymoon at the beach and by the way, where was she planning her honeymoon with him? She glares at him and he says pour my coffee. Sure, she says, and flings a potful at him.

He leaps up and starts blotting himself and says it’s super hot. She says that’s what you deserve and more. He says shut up and act like the servant you are, just obey when you are told to. Karla rolls her eyes and says ya ya ya. Damien says watch it or I can see that you and your mother lose your jobs. Though Karla looks defiant, we can tell that this is something serious. Damien says nobody would defend you.

Connie comes out and slaps the morning papers on Damien’s table and says he’s the laughingstock of Mexico. He stalks off and Damien looks at the photos of Braulio dressed as Luci and Connie with a look of astonishment and he has a good laugh. Besides, with no umbrella at hand, he doesn’t have to worry about his eggs getting cold.

In the kitchen Horacio comes in and announces that he has dropped the kids off at the bus station. Everyone tells him not to holler the news. He has the day’s paper and shows it to the ladies. They love the photo and tell Braulio what a nice figure he has, and how lovely he looks and that they are envious. Really? flutters Braulio. He says he likes to watch his figure and he tells Horacio not to gobble him up with his eyes like that. What?? says Horacio. Braulio says to Socorro please control your husband. He tells Horacio that his gaze is intense and he feels invaded. Braulio turns his face away and Horacio keeps staring, amazed.

The girls ask where Vale and Morgan are going and Horacio says the beach. Lina remarks that that’s where Mili and Hugo are going too. Karla comes in and says Alex and Flor just left for the beach. Whoo-hoo say the girls and Karla wonders what’s the big deal. Everyone including Braulio whistles innocently.

Vale and Morgan are on the bus which is full of people and chickens. Vale looks doubtful, but they cuddle a bit and she smiles. Then the bus jolts and she starts complaining about couldn’t the driver go faster – it’s going to take 3 days to get to the beach at this rate. She asks Morgan didn’t he say he had a bank account. Morgan says I do, but that’s no-touch money I’m saving to buy you your house with a garden. Vale looks out of her element.

Morgan tells Vale they will be traveling overnight on the bus as it doesn’t go on the highways. Vale is horrified. A farmer type reaches up into the overhead which may have a baby pig in it. Vale squirts her perfume around. A chicken flies into her lap and she starts to cry. Morgan tells her to try to sleep. In the back of the bus, the spy guy is watching them with binoculars.

Flor and Alex are having lunch in a casual restaurant and we find out they’re partway to Guadalajara. Alex says he wants to go in easy stages so she doesn’t get tired. Flor is grateful, puts her arms around his neck and says it will be wonderful to be away from everything and everybody and that she believes their marriage can be saved. Alex smiles as best he can.

Now we’re in Puerto Vallerta – some exterior shots while the Guapos theme bounces along in the background. Next we see Mili and Hugo walking hand-in-hand in the lobby of a luxury hotel. Mili wishes Lina and Gloria were along to see it. Hugo says on a honeymoon? They make some jokes about three girls on a honeymoon and they head to the beach.

Hugo asks if she’s ever been to the beach and is surprised when she says yes. He says the sea is like his love for her, that vast, that deep. She says how lovely, but dips her head away when he wants to kiss her. Mili has some flashbacks of her time romping in the surf with Alex.

Back at the company business, Connie is sputtering over the headlines with Peralta while Damien looks on. Peralta says they had an emergency meeting party meeting last night and they don’t want Connie as president, not even as representative. Damien says to Peralta surely there is something that can be done. Peralta says sorry Connie, your political career is over. (Cue the anvil.)

Luci’s hotel room is a mess and she’s trying to get a decent tumbler of booze from various small hotel bottles. At least she’s washed her hair. She flashes back on her telling Mili that Connie is her father, on threatening the padre if he told Mili the truth about Al’s true father, on not telling Al that Connie wasn’t his father when he was begging her for the truth, on telling Mili the truth about Al when it was too late. She remembers Nestor telling her to look at Mili and Alex, their misery which is her fault. Holding her tiny hotel bottle, she says to herself that she did it for her son, but nobody loves her now.

In the office, Damien and Connie are saying the party is corrupt and they probably picked some corrupt loser. Perlata says not really, they picked a guy who is a widower with no known skeletons in his closet, and guess what, it’s you Damien. (Damien’s aura is all prickly with rattling closet skeletons, but Peralta’s not a mystic kinda guy so he doesn’t notice them.)

Mili and Hugo montage: They are shopping for beach outfits, they are romping in the ocean, seagulls are flying, the sun is setting, they are eating at a beach-side restaurant, they are walking on the beach at night. The sun comes back up and we get an aerial shot of the fabulous seaside hotel with pools and palm trees galore.

Alex and Flor have arrived and are checking in. Hugo and Mili pass through the lobby, but don’t notice Mr and Mrs Belmonte at the check-in. For further suspense, Mili and Hugo are cuddling at one end of the lobby while a waiter gives Al and Flor a welcome drink which they pause to enjoy. Still, they don’t see each other. Alex runs into Ramses the model in the lobby.

Morgan and Vale arrive in the lobby. She still has a piece of straw stuck in her hair and says she never wants to ride a bus like that again. Morgan wants to know what’s up with the fancy hotel since he can’t afford it. Vale says don’t worry, she put it on her card and her daddy is paying, though he doesn’t know it. Morgan says he doesn’t like doing that. Vale says do it for me after that horrible bus trip. Morgan says okay, but he’ll pay. Vale says you’re saving up, remember. Morgan doesn’t look exactly convinced.

Alex is having their luggage rolled into their suite at the end of a sunny arched passageway that looks out over the sea. The suite we see over his shoulder looks huge with ocean views everywhere. He goes in and oops here comes Hugo out of their room just a few doors down the same passageway. He leaves and wouldn’t you know it, here come Vale and Morgan about to go into their room in the same hallway. Morgan is blown away by the hotel and says it’s like being in a movie to be there. I’m pretty blown away too.

Inside the room, Morgan is bouncing on the bed and Vale has to remind him to tip the porter. Morgan gives him some coins and Vale watches, a bit amused. Morgan worships the ocean view and Vale says let’s go out and get some sun.

Connie is furious about Damien’s candidacy as party president. He accuses Damien of having had a hand in his downfall. Damien protests his innocence and says what a great choice he is. As Peralta noted, he has a clean record. He assures Connie that he will be the power behind the throne, his right-hand man. Stabbing his finger into the air, he says that he is a man of his word, he is… Connie says a wretch and stomps out.

Hugo is sitting out in the pool area and a chick in a bikini spots him and comes over, hovers her bazzoomies in front of him and asks why he’s there alone. He says he’s happily married and she takes off. Ramses walks behind him and asks the waiter for a juice – 100% pure, as he won’t let anything impure enter his body. Hugo recognizes him and greets him. Ramses says he’s on vacation and Hugo says he’s on his honeymoon. Mili runs up and throws her arms around Hugo. They all chat and we see the spy guy using his binoculars. Hugo and Mili go off and we see that the spy guy isn’t looking at them, he’s checking the beach.

Avances: Karla tells Horacio that Lina is pregnant. Mili goes into a stall in the ladies’ room exclaiming aloud about the relief, and Flor comes out of the other stall and listens to see if that’s her. The spy guy reports to Connie via phone about all the family there, including Vale and Morgan. Connie is astonished about Vale. Mili and Al maybe see each other from their hotel balconies.


Thursday, July 31, 2008

Fuego 7/31: OK, no wedding, but I hope somebody got to eat the shrimp canapes, and -- did they pay the musicians?

Due to boneheaded operator error I missed the first 20 minutes of the show, here's what Esmas wrote but I'm sure you can flesh it out in the comments:

Rosario and Franco are hidden by Fernando's guys; arriving at church, Raquel tells Gabriela that Octavio has run away and won't be marrying Jimena; Fernando's boys beat up Franco, Rosario doesn't know what to do; Raquel asks Gabriela, "in the name of the big secret that unites them," ?!, not to stop the marriage of Benito and Sarita.

Fern's boys carry the unconscious Franco and Rosario to an abandoned house and sprinkle them with gasoline and set them on fire! Franco wakes up and carries Rosario but a girder hits him on the head and he falls. Rosendo saves Rosario and Franco.

Gabriela won't leave Jimena at home because "she can't confront this shame alone." The next sentence from the Esmas site perplexes me: "Sarita and Franco suffer thinking they will unite their lives forever."

Rosenda tells Quintina and Gramps that Franco and Rosario have been burned. A doctor examines Franco (who is in a coma again) and thinks he can't be saved.

Just when the padre asks Sarita if she wants to marry Benito, Quintina arrives and says Franco is dying. Sarita gives Benito back his ring and runs to find Franco, Jimena follows. Raquel is feeling not so good at church.

Arriving at the Reyes house, Sarita hears that Franco had been thinking of leaving with Rosario; Gabriela arrives at the house and tells her daughters they must leave with her; Sarita confesses to her mom that she is in love with Franco.

This is where I managed to get the show turned on (don't ask).

  • At the Reyes, there's a whole lot of shouting and carrying on. The girls in their wedding dresses cry and say they want to stay at the Reyes' - "in this pigsty?" yells Gabriela contemptuously.

    The doctors (another set of Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee but hopefully they'll be gone soon) come in and say Franco is very delicate, and in a coma, and can have one visitor at a time. Gramps says he'll pay all the bills for saving Rosario and Franco. Father Bouffy agrees this is best.

    Gabriela continues to yell: "This is a circus! Come with me NOW!" She ignores Father Bouffy's "don't make things more difficult." Sofia pleads too, but: "You, Sofia, are a rotten apple and you live in garbage!"

    Incredibly, the two daughters leave with their #$%^@ mother!

  • Juan goes in and cries and yells and asks Franco, rhetorically, "who left you like this?" and continues: "You can't die because we have to keep our promise to Libia, be strong, I can't go through this [having a sibling die] again, Oscar and I are nothing without you [by the combined-brain three-for-one theory, without Franco - well, Juan and Oscar share about 66 IQ points], you're not just a brother to me, you're also like my son because I raised you, I took you to school, I told you stories like Mom used to. We have so much to do: finish the bakery, fix the orphanage, find our hacienda, you need to marry the woman you love and keep singing to us."

    Juan gets angry and says he's waited long enough for justice: "Now 'they' will see who I am!"

    Out in the waiting room, a lot of silent waiting. Sofia says Franco will be ok and everybody should be tranquilo. It's Oscar's turn to go look at the comatose Franco. "We were worried. We thought you'd gone to fetch Sarita, but evidently you went to get Rosario instead! I married Jimena." He tells Franco to get up, and says "I like your style," and prays.

  • I thought last night that Sofia looked like Alice in Wonderland - she reminded me suddenly of that Japanese clothing fad called "Sweet Lolita."

    Why, oh why?

  • Armando is justifying the whole bloody mess to Furd: "My boys had no alternative." "You didn't stay to be sure they were dead." "We were sure they couldn't survive."

    Furd is mollified by Armando's crafty plan: they'll say Rosario has been in prison and this was some random gangsta's vengeance for some evil act she committed. "OK, Armando, maybe you're not a complete idiot - but if this plan doesn't work I'll kill you." Fern leaves and Armando says, as he has said before: "I'll pay you back for all you've done."

  • Sofia goes to see the sedated Rosario (who looks very nicely made-up for somebody who's been burned nigh unto death, and did somebody give her a bath?).

    Just then, Eva and Ofelia barge in and yell and scream for their dear Rosario. Sofia prays for Rosario.

  • Furd finally bullies Gramps into signing the papers ceding complete control of the hacienda. He drools and grins as Aug signs. Later, drooling some more over the papers, he monologues: "Nobody is more intelligent than I am! But it doesn't stop here - next, I'll get Gabriela to give me everything that's hers, too!"

  • Meanwhile, back at the ruined wedding, Raquel is indignant that her boy Tweedle got ditched at the altar. He takes the opportunity to tell her he never loved Sarita, he was in love with another. "Of our class?" the mother instantly asks. "No ... Eugenia, she worked here. I want to marry her." "An EMPLOYEE??" his mother barks incredulously. "That's the living end." She pours herself a huge drink.

  • Sarita is back to her peevish condemnation of Sofia because "she knew Rosario was our sister and deceived me." She gets hotter though Jimena mildly counters: "Don't say what you'll regret, especially because Rosario is dying..." "I don't care. Mama, I repent everything I did, I beg you, forgive me!" "Finally, somebody reasonable," Gab harrumphs. Sara endears herself to her mother: "I'm sorry I loved somebody who is inferior to us! Someone who does not deserve me!"

    Jimena tries to sneak out of the room to take off the ridiculous gown [too bad the bridal shop didn't have one that showed off her belly button]. Gab yells. Jimena goes in her room and clutches her marriage license to her bosom. "Nothing will separate me from Oscar."

  • Furd fans the flames while pretending to console Gabriela. "The name of Elisondo was already a joke around town." Gab can't believe her stalwart supporter Sarita had actually fallen for a filthy brickmason. "It's all Sofia's fault. But I can still make [Sarita] marry Benito. Octavio ran like a coward, now maybe I'm stuck with Jimena forever!" "Nah, we can find somebody else to marry her off to."

  • The final scene is multiple iterations of people wussily protesting Juan's shouted vow: "Now Oscar and I will take vengeance, we won't wait for justice any more, we'll take it into our own hands."


Querida Enemiga Thursday July 30, '08 The Perils of Pauline (aka Lorena)

If you're too young to remember Perils of Pauline, it was a series of silent movies with a heroine in grave danger at the end of every episode. Although it was created in 1914, I remembered seeing the film as a little girl when we went to the Saturday movies. And poor Lorena is dreadfully similar to our hapless heroine of the silents, thanks to her "loyal and noble" friend Sara.

And so we begin another night of "Sociopaths 'R Us" starring Sara and Chalo.

First a brief rehash. Lorena quickly cools Alonso's ardor when he tries to make out while watching a movie. That sofa they're on has seen much hotter lovemaking, thanks to Rossy and Julian.

Sara is ecstatic at the pictures Chalo got of Barbara and Arturo, whom she realizes has been hired as Jaime's assistent. Perfect blackmail potential...or better yet, first kill Jaime in an arranged accident and then send the photos to Hortensia so she'll disinherit Barbara. Our Sara is a first-rate strategic planner, that's for sure.

Bleachedblondeharlotmom has fixed Arturo a yummy breakfast of chilaquiles con carne asado. Sounds a little heavy to me but I remember back in the day enjoying bacon and eggs cooked in a cast iron skillet (mom hailed from a small burg in Kentucky) so I guess that's just a normal stick-to-your-ribs breakfast like we used to enjoy before we heard of Pritikin.

Whew!...Just had a nightmare moment when I hit something by mistake and the whole computer shut down. But got back to the site okay, thank God for "automatic save". Otherwise I would have thought nasty Sara was behind all this.

Back to the story. Valeria and harlotMom are basically fighting over loser Arturo. Mom accuses Valeria of jinxing Arturo's last business venture with her bad attitude. And so on. Finally Valeria snaps that she'll take care of her kids herself and heads out the door. Arturo hurries after her, pleading that it will kill his mom if Valeria takes the kids. Val gets tough...."Although I love you, I'll leave you unless things change around here."

Vasco is having another little bedroom chat with Jaime who's still under the covers. Son says he's happy working at what he likes and being with Diana. Convinces Dad to see a psychiatrist. Evidently confessing guilt to a priest is not an option here. Other than a few nun sightings, and some crucifixes on the wall, we're not getting a big religious vibe so far.

Now onto Paula and Bettina. Daughter wants to know why Paula is trying to drive Jaqui crazy. Because I don't like her. Bettina reasons that there are people she doesn't like either, but she doesn't invade their apartments and break half their stuff. (okay, we've located one mature person in this telenovela and she's a kid!) Paula switches gears and says it's Dario's fault. And worse yet, she can't get him out of her heart. She's still in love with him! That's why it hurts so bad.

Miss Jaqui is getting a lukewarm welcome back at work. I forgot you were coming in today sniffs Hortensia. And there are plenty of people looking for work, so I hope there will be no more problems. Jaqui gulps and teeters off to work.

Lorena and Zulema are whipping up something in the kitchen of casa pobre and watching Chef Oropeza on TV. Don't know if this guy is famous or not...I'll google him after I wrap this up. Zulema, with considerable guilt, is confessing that she doesn't feel close to Sara. There' s a barrier. She's so materialistic. Why couldn't she be simple, enthusiastic and happy like Lorena? Sometimes she finds herself wondering....Is Sara really my daughter? Creepy, menacing music plays (Sara's theme) and we break for some ads.

Zully goes on to almost seems like Sara doesn't like being with us (y'a think?)...I feel much closer to you, Lorena. Our little lamb jumps in to defend Sara, citing the deprivations she suffered in the orphanage, and finally admitting that Sara's always had a difficult character but she's very noble and loyal. Okay, right there we know Lorena's a lousy judge of character.

Noble and loyal Sara is advising Chalo how to sneak into the mansion (with duplicate keys ) to sabotage Jaime's car. Oh dear, too late...Jaime is leaving (for the psychiatrist). Our duo will have to carry out murder another day. Darn!

Zulema is thanking Lorena for listening and our happy, simple, enthusiastic Lorena is saying, Oh well, when I come to you with my laments about Alonso, you'll be saying oh no, here she comes again. Girlish giggles all round. On to the plans for attending Julian's debut in Noche de Genios and fussing about the dress Zulema will wear in case the camera pans the parents.

Sara is terrorizing some hapless cook telling him she wants the eggplants in the kitchen in 30 minutes, no if's and's or but's! Jaqui wryly notes that Sara has gotten the hang of being a boss. Arturo arrives, Sara makes the introductions and he and Jaqui eyeball each other like potential conquests.

Omar and Julian chat briefly...both studying, Julian soccer, Omar, his mysterious career path.

Arturo turns in a report on food providers and there's a funny thing going on with the closed captions...they put down something totally weird for "gourmet" and "foie gras". Guess French doesn't translate too well into Spanish cc's.

At the clinic, Chalo is experiencing orgasmic pleasure at getting his cast off. Alonso looks constipated and prickly. Chalo leaves after sarcastically adding...Give my regards to your dear father. Valeria enters, glad that Alonso is finally free of that creep and reminds Alonso about his
appointment with the lady head honcho of the clinic. Alonso calls Val his guardian angel. Hmmmm.

Lady boss expresses concern about Alonso and Bruno's crappy relationship but adds that she values Alonso's work and the study made recently showed Alonso was the most highly regarded doc at the place. He'll be getting an award tonight at the clinic anniversary get-together.

Back at casa pobre, fussing about heading out to the game show studio.

Rossy is at the studio early with Julian and they're yelling at each other. Finally she convinces him to meditate "like a Tibetan monk" and say "I'm going to win, I'm going to win". This is a whole new take on Buddhism. But it works for Julian.

Lorena , Maruja and Alonso arrive and join Zulema and Omar in the front row. Diana and Vasco are watching at home. Vasco is clutching a pillow to his chest. (I love that! I often watch TV that way, don't know why. Pillow clutching is very calming.)

After the first contestant, Julian is introduced as Julian Rrrrrrruiz. They do that kind of thing on Mexican radio here, I've noticed. He's doing well, whipping through the questions and there comes the final one. How much does a soccer ball weigh? He appears stumped. Oh no! (and then the ads)

Sara has arrived home and is smirking as Julian appears to fumble. Hah, he's a loser like
everyone else in this shabby family. But wait....lo....Julian blurts out an answer just as the buzzer sounds. Oh no! But wait again...the announcer asks for silence as someone in the booth relays the message....yeeeesssssss...the answer was given in time and is correct. Screaming and cheering all around.

Now the next big question. Will you take the money or do you wish to go on to the following round? But remember, if you lose that round, you lose all you won tonight. Julian decides to go on. (sigo adelante).

Fast switch to Jaime, once more in bed, shaking out some pills from the psychiatrist (frankly it looks like a plain old aspirin bottle). Barbara perks up momentarily, asking if he's going to work. Nope. She rolls her eyes and looks martyred. (Honestly, this woman has nothing better to do than try to manipulate people all day. Get. a. job. lady)

Back to Ickyturo's house where harlotmom is still complaining about Valeria, huffy that Arturo is not making Val show more respect to mama. If it were up to mom, she would have run off Valeria long ago. Arturo pleads that she's his wife, he has to be on her side.

Another family scene around the breakfast table at casa pobre. First Sara looks at Julian's whopping breakfast and asks, What do I have to do to have you fix me a breakfast like that? Then she skips out without any breakfast saying she has to get to work early. She's snotty to Chalo, waiting outside, 'cause she's fed up with family (and because she's just plain nasty anyway) Anyway, she's got the keys duplicated and still has plans to do Jaime in.

Back at the house, Vasco gets a phone call from papa Jaime. Omar and Zulema exchange looks.

At last, a scene with Ernesto. But he's being a pain (or think of another word beginning with a p). Lordy, I'm losing the feelings I had for this guy rapidito!

His sister is there to visit. He makes her take off her shoes. She wants him to babysit his two nephews while she goes on an agency trip to Miami...'cause then she could have a weekend alone with her hubby. He refuses categorically and repeatedly, saying he loves the kids but they're monsters...don't even know how to clear their plates. And besides he's got plans for the weekend. Babe plans. And he doesn't want to set a bad example for the kidlets. Sister is not happy.

Back to Alonso...who's boring but basically a nice guy. I'm sure he'd babysit Bettina if Paula asked him. Boss lady let's him know he's going to get an award that night, so suddenly he'll go and invite family and Lorena too.

Maruja and Zulema, new best friends are jogging together. Maruja brings up that she knows Jaime from work and believes he has really repented. No way, snaps Zulema. Only a pervert could have done what he did, and anyone that twisted will be twisted till they die (oooh, maybe Jaime's going to bite the dust pronto). No, no, no she'll never forgive him. Maruja apologizes for sticking her nose in and they cheerfully resume jogging.

Back to our two sociopaths. No plans to murder Jaime yet. Sara's learned about the award Alonso's getting at the clinic anniversary party. She's invited. So's Lorena, but hey, Chalo, let's fix it so Lorena doesn't get there. Evil laughter on Sara's part.

We're back at work. Jaqui has brought in some proposals for next year's tax deductible charity donations for Hortensia. Old folks homes, day care centers....what, no orphanages? asks Sara. Hortensia likes the idea...yeah, let's plan for an orphanage benefit. Look for one, she directs Jaqui.

Now we're back outside. Gramps is complaining good-naturedly about having to walk Bettina to school now that he's carless. She brings up the idea of finding a new boyfriend for Mom on the internet. She and Grandad will pretend to be Paula, screen the candidates and pick a good one for her. He likes the idea but likes the idea of motivating Paula to find a job even better. And he's sure Bettina, with her sweet face, can convince Mom. (this is the best idea I've heard so far. Get BOTH Barbara and Paula jobs...exhausting ones)

Now we see smarmy Chalo buying off a cabbie outside Maruja's house. Inside Rossy and Julian are in another hot makeout session; Lorena interrupts them. She's leaving to go to the awards ceremony for Alonso. Guess what cab she'll get into!? Then Chalo calls Sara to tell her their evil plan is working. The cabbie will drive Lorena round and round and they'll never make it to the party.

All the family is there as Alonso looks around nervously. Lorena is never late! Where can she be? The ceremony begins. Boss lady says the clinic is no. 2 nationally and now they're going for the no. 1 spot. And it's all because of our wonderful staff...and in particular, it gives me great pleasure to call up our wise, talented and humanitarian doctor Alonso Whatever (sorry, forgot his last name).

Sara walks him, babelicious style, just as he gets the award and gives a BIG BIG smile.

Hapless Lorena is still struggling with the cabbie, in the middle of nowhere, as he pretends to have car trouble. Also he misunderstood the address she gave him. Why didn't she talk plainer!? She storms off, and refuses to pay him. Into the dark night, I must add. (Perils of Pauline, here we come!)

Alonso is fretting about her whereabouts (as well he should). Sara goes to get him something to drink to "calm him down". Two of the night staff come up and think Sara is his fiancée. She makes a big deal of it. Then she asks if she can give him a hug in Lorena's place. And she does, holding on for waaaaay too long.

In the meantime, Lorena, walking nervously in the dark deserted streets (why do our heroines have to be so goshdarned dumb!?) is followed by a menacing, very large man. Where oh where can I find a taxi, she wonders. Good Question. the End.
* * *

A Little Vocabulary (very little)

atinado = sensible, Alonso as a doctor . Also means "correct" (thanks Margarita)

cascarito = informal pickup game of soccer (came up during game show questioning, but used a lot in Guapos)

de santo no tiene un pelo = she's no saint (what Sara and Chalo are trying to make Alonso think about Lorena)

dar mi lugar = respect me, give me my props....What Valeria wants from harlotmom and what harlotmom wants from Valeria

Kaká = nickname of Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite, Brazilian soccer player (one of the questions Julian answered on the game show...but with a moniker like that, you can see why they call him Kaká!)


Guapos Wednesday 7/30/08 Holy margarita, Batman--I think the Joker has passed out in your living room

Mea culpa, mea culpa! I really goofed today--I watched the show late last night and took notes, but then I had to run out early for a court appearance this morning, and I forgot my notes. I just got back to my office, and I will now put down what I have from memory. I will rely on the rest of you stalwart viewers to fill in where I have missed.

Here are some things that happened. Socorro had a couple of heart-to-heart talks with Lina. Poor Karla, now trying to repent, overhears and feels jealous. She even hears her mother say that she wishes Karla could be more like Lina. Karla flashes her patented exasperated look.

Nestor meets with Sr. Lobredo, the only lawyer in the DF. He wants to leave his money to Alejandro.

Bobby asks Lina for a definitive response on their relationship, and she rejects him and runs to her room crying. Bobby later talks to Al, who reassures him that Lina really likes him, but he can't tell him why she's acting the way she is. He tells him to hang in there. Then Al proposes that Bobby join him in a brand-new business. They will get away from the machinations of Connie and Flor. Where will they get the money? They will sell their cars! This reminded me of when Don Fernando, Omar and Marcia pooled their resources to save Conceptos. Will Al and Bobby sleep in a little bed together and fight over the covers? (I must ask, though, who would want to buy Al's Hummer now, what with gas prices the way they are? Although I understand prices are still lower in Mexico, since it's an oil producing country. . .)

Stalker I has lunch with Stalker II (that's Flo and Hugo, if you hadn't guessed) to tell him that they must form a united front if they want to preserve their miserable marriages. They should go away to have romantic getaways. Everybody buys tickets for a trip to the beach, as it looks like a great time to get out of Dodge. Hugo buys tickets for him and Mili, Flor buys tickets for her and Alex.

When Mili is presented with the idea, she is not too thrilled, but she feigns interest. Hugo hugs her and she looks queasy.

Val begs Rocky to take her away forever. He says that no, he wants to do things the right way and build up some business and they will get married in the future. However, he agrees to take her away for a few days to--the beach! I'm betting that all these couples will end up together in Acapulco. Let the fireworks begin!

To make the episode easier to recap, thankfully, most of it is dedicated to the grand guignol tour de force of Luciana's intervention.
When we start the episode, Luciana has collapsed on the floor and she's still tossing back the scotches. Her lipstick is completely smeared, and she looks like she's channeling Heath Ledger. It's pretty creepy. In her drunken state, Luci tries one last time to insult Mili as being a low-life like her mother, but this time Mili won't have it, and she points out that her sainted mother died in childbirth etc. Mili now reveals to Al that it was Luciana who told her the secret about their not being siblings--and it was just after his wedding, when it was too late to do anything. Al is beside himself.

Meanwhile, Connie, Brau, and Andrea return home from the political fiasco. Connie is bellowing for Luci, and a huge blowout ensues, as he explains that he will have to resign, I think. She is thrilled that his career is destroyed. He says he once loved her but she has destroyed it all. She says he is a liar--he has always hated her. He demands that she go to rehab, and she says no, no, no. Everyone in the family assembles and chimes in about how she should go. What's funny is that every time they cut to Andrea, she is laughing or smirking. Luciana does not want to go to the manicomio, and she wails louder and louder. I hope she gets nominated for Best Scream Play.

Mili suggests that perhaps Luci could be treated at home, but this idea is shot down. Rocky chimes in that Mili is the lady of the house, so they should listen to her, but he is shot down. Luci rants that the only people who support her are those she hates the most--that mugrosa soccer player and the naco chauffeur. Irony's a bitch, ain't it?

Finally, Connie calls an ambulance. He plots with Damian to get Luci to go. Damian takes Luci into another room, and she thinks he is going to save her from the asylum if she gives him her shares back again. Luci believes him, but in her state, who can blame her. Anyway, finally, the men in the white coats show up and put her in a straitjacket. It's pretty gruesome, and they have to inject her with something to get her to calm down. She realizes Damian betrayed her. As they drag her out, Connie hugs Val and even puts an arm on Al's shoulder, but Al throws it off in disgust. That's all I can remember!


Pasión de Gavilanes, Thurs. 7-31:

I forgot to post this from Wed.'s episode. I hope this isn't an example of the classy outfits that Leandro is supposed to be designing for Rosario. It's hard to imagine something less appropriate to wear to the 'club.'

Juan to Norma: "I dream of the day when you say, 'Juan, my love, I'm here to stay. I will never be away from your side.'"

'Ellos (Malcom y Carmela) son los pajarracos malos.' Abuelo identifies Malcom and Carmeal to Juan David as 'evil vultures.'

Norma catches Feonando cheating on Grabiela in her own house.

Armando protects himself with a chair against a pistol-packing Conchita.

July 30

Malcom spies on Norma in the bathtub

Juan reads the riot act to Quintina and Dominga

Ruth finds out the truth about her mother

Feonando puts the moves on Ruth

Eva and Ruth reach an understanding


Enemiga- Wed. 7/30 Jaime reaches out, Chalo is out on the prowl, and Lore is out of luck and line then in front

Sis wants to get back with Ernesto though she acknowledges that Bro never liked him. Well she never liked any of his girlfriends for marriage either, but he has to think about marriage. He’s not interested in getting married and she says he hasn’t met the right girl yet, but he ain’t getting any younger.

Wah wah, Lore tells her school friend that her paper was erased and she’s double screwed because she couldn’t buy knives and doesn’t have any.

Young kid buys Old man’s car, complaining that it is too old and no stereo. Ingrate.

Lore tells Ernesto of her computer woes. He says he’s sorry he can’t make any excuses for her, he asks the class and of course they all forget that they might need a favor someday and say no, so she is SOL. He notes this isn’t her first error, either.

She voted for Alonzo as best doc and finds his file so he would vote for her.

Ogre denies A second chance for Lore to get extra time to finish her paper.

Old man gives proceeds to Chalo, Sara shows up and he invents something to get rid of her.

Arturo tells Valeria his business has failed and is bankrupt. Of course she reems him a new one.

Sara shows up much later and she and Chalo discuss that the old bag has disinherited Vasco for taking up with the commoner and that is good for them because it leaves only Sara and Jaime as heirs. Chalo says if they play it right, they’ll end up with her as the only heir. They discuss that they could make it look like a sucide and to do so they need proof Barb has a lover. I see where this is going....

Lore whines that she might lose her Beca from all these screw ups. Alonzo consoles her.

There is a knock and Val is there saying she has no where else to go.

Al lets her in and Lore is nice and lets her talk to him. She confesses her marriage is hell.

MA, completely disillusioned about her son tells Art that wife said ugly things because she was mad and she’ll back down soon. Mami says he has talent he just hasn’t had good luck.

Val doesn’t want this example for her kids. Al wonders if she thought About separating but she like a dingbat says but I still love him, and my kids too, and even if not a good hubby, he’s a good Pa.

Barb bitches to Jaime about Snorty changing her will. Jaime basically ignores her.

Zully is running with Sara who is being a brat. Maru meets up with them because Rossy mentioned she runs here. Sara doesn’t want to be running she wants to be sleeping and leaves now that Zully has company.

Vasco puts Mozart on her baby belly, so cute, he talks to it but isn’t sure what to call himself.

Sara comes in and makes a smart remark about him being a good papa.

Zully is running ahead and turns around to see Maru pretty wiped but Maru says she’s ok except for tachycardia. They rest.

Pa is studying and Julian promises his money to Pa.

Rosy is still trying to push the borrowing of knives on Lore from the witch but Lore won’t hear of it. They discuss what she is going to do.

Patti shows up with cuchillos for Lore, her friend graduated and doesn’t need so is lending them.

Paula yells at Dario that he is hiding money from her and his daughter and that he is really earning 4x the salary he told her about. She has friends at the bank and saw his accoutns we he of course counters is illegal.

Rossy seems jealous of new friend and smirks.

Cat fight in front of apartment but ends up with Pau screaming for half of the spoils.

After they leave, Pau enters the apartment and states that she will now make Jacqui end up in a manacomio. She begins rearranging everything.

Dario says Jacqui can’t go with him to work, and she has to go home. Of course she comes in when Pau is still there. She tells herself to be calm, opens her eyes and freaks out then discovers the purse and soon discovers Pau and wrangles with her a bit. Ghosts don’t use purses, only witches. I’m just curious how she knows this, maybe ghosts do! This fight continues with throing and punching.

At home Al is making waffles. Pa wants to know if he’s still mad. He tells Al about paying off the boy.

The fight continues and there are many things broken on the floor. They heave insults and finally la Loca leaves.

At Snorty’s our resident slimeball Art is interviewing for a job.

Outside Sara is talking to Chalo who is following Barbara trying to find out who her lover is. Sara then goes in and meets the wolf, Art is going to be the new assistant in planning for Jaime.
Jaime goes to see Di at the Green firm.

Snorty and Sara chat about her hiring someone to help out Jaime, she is worried whether this person can be trusted and suggests instead Vasco whom Snorty never wants to hear of and confesses she disinherited.

Jaime tells Di that he just wants his son to be happy and if he is with her then he approves. He says he is trying to be a better person.

Bruno yells at Val for not getting him results despite having problems at home. She apologizes. Head Doctora over hears this and tell Bruno yelling isn’t the way to do things. Follow procedures instead. Bruno says OK, then let me do so first by reporting Al for raising his voice to me. Doctora looks interested.

At the kitchen Ogre is showing class how to debone chickens. He walks around like Hell’s kitchen making remarks at every student til he gets to Lore and tells her she did it really fast to which she replies that she actually did it a different way. He asks why she’s here if she’s just going to do what she wants.

She says she could do it his way but thinks hers is just as fast if he’d let her prove it. He does, and says the whole class will do it this way and asks her to move to the front.

At home Al and Lore are discussing that the Ogre softened a bit and she thinks he’s pretty great. Al is a little jealous until Lore tells him that Ogre can be the best chef, but he is still full of defects and she doesn’t want to talk about him. Al agrees.

At the lesser house Sara is on the phone yelling at Chalo to not give up watching Barb. Ma hears this conversation and wonders who is getting talked to. Sara fakes that it was a vendor and that is part of her job.

Vasco and Di discuss Jaime’s visit and that Vasco should think about not being bitter. Vasco says that’s why he visited him and saw him so sad he recommended him to see a doctor, that a pscyhiatrist is what he needs.

Ma still wishes Sara didn’t work there. Sara fakes that she read the book Zully gave her and says she has a recipe. Just then the phone rings and Ma leaves her to work.

On the phone Chalo says that Sara was right and Barb is about to meet her lover. OK, this is great a gimp tailing someone. Now that’s not notable is it. He sees them hugging before going in to the room just enough so he can get a good pic of them.

In the hotel room of lust the pair discuss jaimne’s depression and Art winning over the old bag.
Pau is licking her wounds at her apartment when mad Dario pounds on the door. He yells at her for what she did and goes to hit her when Betti screams for him to stop. Pa yells at Betti to go to her room and when she’s gone threatens Pau this will be the last time.

Rossy and Julian are doing his homework. Just then Al and Lore comes in and start quizzing him on the Futbol stats. He gets them all until he’s stumped on the weight of the ball, but it’s a joke, he doesn’t know.

Dario and Pau keep screaming at each other. Betti looks on at the fighting and finally can’t take it anymore and doesn’t understand why they divorced if they will keep fighting with each other.
At Al’s he’s trying to make some moves instead of watching the film. Lore turns shy and shrugs him off. Finally he’s acting like a guy.

At the seedy hotel Sara views the photo and discovers that Art who started working at the company is the lover.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fuego, Wed., July 30: I'm in bed sick, you're in bed married, let's strip and have sex.

Alternate title: If you're trying to skip town, don't do it on a donkey, and don't wear boot heels.

Buenas noches a todos. I want to thank all my friends for leaving me their great comments; it sure makes recapping this silly show a whole lot easier. On with the show!...

We start tonight with Juan asking that Armando why he enslaves Rosario. Armando responds that Rosie works here for her own self-fulfillment, and that darn meddlesome half-sister Sofia don’t know what’s good for her.

Rosie enters her dressing room to find Fernie, who wants her to give him her inheritance in exchange for her freedom. In walk Ofelia and Juan, the latter wants to know why Fernie is there.

Oscar has blindfolded Jimena and is guiding her through the garden. Talk about the blind leading the blind… How romantic. Oscar has prepared a bed of rose petals in the shape of a heart with candles situated on the edge of the bed. He has also presented her with a beautiful ring that he could only afford in Novela Land. They whisper sweat nothings, and I mean nothings, as they disrobe each other’s sweating bodies. It seems that Jimena is in more pain than ecstasy, but you know how the first time is…

Juan asks Rosario if Fernie is responsible for her enslavement, but Rosie, as ever, has no clue what Juan is talking about. Juan asks a second time, and again, Rosie doesn’t know, doesn’t need his help, and please, leave me alone. Fernie starts to leave, but then reminds Rosie to sign that paper they talked about. Rosie looks at the picture of her son and immediately signs the documents.

Juan goes home to find Franco. They discuss Rosie working/slaving/whoring for Fernie. Nobody really knows what’s going on (shocking, I know), but Franco really wants to know who Luisito’s father is.

Rosie, meanwhile, is upset that the Reyes bros. are meddling in her affairs. If only they knew that Armando was enslaving her, and Fernie, well, we all know what he is doing. Anyway, she tells Ofelia that Fernie trapped Luisito’s father and betrayed him. Rosie admits that many people have suffered because of her actions, and she doesn’t know how long she’s going to have to work for Fernie in order to pay of her…debts.

Oh goody. Oscar and Jimena are having steamy-hot sex in the middle of the backyard. Might I say that Oscar seems to be performing up to par, but Jimena looks constipated.

As Juan is tucking-in his wonderful girlfriend, he tells her that he will do ANYTHING for her to touch him again. That’s what they all say… Sofia has the decency to allow Juan to sleep in the single bed, instead of the wooden chair. She reaches out to him, with no problem, and then embraces him. Seems like her little problem is fixed.

So Oscar has succeeded in wedding and bedding Sarita, but can he keep her? Twenty bucks says he can’t… As they are fireside Oscar tells Sarita that he can’t stay, but it was nice while it lasted. What a schmuck.

Breakfast conversation starts with Juan’s interrogation. He wants to know why Oscar was out late last night. Well let’s see… Oscar is a 40+ actor playing a 20+ idiot, I think he’s allowed to be out late without answering to the 50+ actor playing the 30+ imbecile. Oh looky! Pablito is back. Juan is like a father to him too, so he acts all excited and hugs him. The teacher and the social worker tell the family of four fathers that Pablito can stay, for now, but things are still being settled.

Fernie makes a visit to Hugh Hefner (Gramps for those who are not watching). Hugh tells him that he’s not welcome in his mansion, and to hit the road. Oh it’s nothing; Fernie just wants Gramps to sign the bank papers that transfer all monies and inheritances to Fernie’s name. Gramps needs to look the papers over, but he’ll sign them later.

Gabi has hit rock-bottom with her fake health. Sarita is begging forgiveness of her mother. She doesn’t have to worry anymore because Eva has left the mansion to live with Gramps. That’s not good enough. Eva has to pay for all the damage she caused the family. Sarita agrees, and that’s why she is the preferred daughter; she is so much like Gabi. Gabi sure is going to miss her after she gets hitched. Tomorrow she will marry Benito, and Gabi will be free to… “engage” with Fernie in every room in the mansion.

So Benny is making one last attempt to avoid the marriage with Sarita, but Raquel will not bend for anything because Gabi is practically on her (fake) deathbed. “Well, just think about Jimena when Octavio leaves her at the altar” says Benny.

Juan is mixed-up (well, I guess we already knew that). But seriously, on one hand he likes to hold Sofia in his arms, but on the other hand he feels much rage and resentment toward her because of Libia’s death. Okay Juan, you are a bloody idiot. Sofia had absolutely nothing to do with Libia’s death. Oscar, who holds a larger portion of the shared brain, relates that without Libia’s murder he never would have met Jimena. Franco, possibly the largest share-holder, reminds Juan that all this hatred he has for Sofia has gotta go, on account of the fact that she is carrying HIS baby. Juan considers this, and concludes that it is best to admit the truth. Which, by the way, is really stupid. But, the writers look at this as an opportunity for Franco to remind the group that they must stick together, and tell Sofia that they sabotaged her family in order to avenge their sister’s death. Might I add that this little proposition failed miserably, and during most of this novela that plot, as well as the rest of the plots, has been highly unclear and non-sensical. Chew on that Televisa!...

Sofia doesn’t know what else to do with herself, so she leads prayers at the local something-or-other.

Rosie is begging Armando to see her son, and tells him that she signed her fortune away to Fernie for her freedom. “Fernie always comes through with his word-right?” Yeah right—Rosie, you deserve being left high-and-dry (no reference to her physique intended).

Jimena is playing the good-sister role with Sarita, and wants to show her some nice lingerie that she bought. Unusually, Sarita doesn’t freak-out, and asks why she bought it if the only thing Oscar is going to do is take it off. Seeing that there never is time for foreplay in the backyard, I see her point.

Fernie and Gabi are talking about their plans to be together forever. She is the woman he has always wanted, and furthermore, he is willing to kill for her. Now that’s love. Kill? Well, one day I’ll tell you what I’ve done to protect you. I guess they figure that they are already in bed, so they might as well strip and have sex. I find this oddly romantic. Uh oh! There is that snake tattoo!

Speaking of tattoo, Juan is awoken by a nightmare about the time that a man with the same tattoo killed his parents. Frankly, I don’t see the connection at all.

Ok, this is a little freaky. Franco is sporting his whity-tighties as he stares across the dark bedroom at the innocent Pablito. There are so many things wrong with this scene. Here comes Oscar, the other underwear model. Nobody can pull-off the whity-tighties and boots combination quite like Oscar.

Sarita is writing a letter to Franco by means of parchment and a quail’s feather. All I’m going to say is ‘WOW.’ Then again, considering the letter will be delivered by pony, I guess this situation isn’t as unreal as I once thought. Anyway, she’s asking Franco to come and interrupt her wedding tomorrow. She knows it’s just a dream. But what she doesn’t know is that we are in Novela Land where all your dreams can and will come true (if our Televisa writers have anything to say about it).

Wedding day! Sarita has a huge rock on her ring finger, but can’t stop sobbing. On the other hand, Jimena is ebullient as she remembers the fake wedding she had with Oscar. At least we can say that that marriage was consummated, unlike the one she’s about to have.

Gabi is looking awful(ly good) for someone who just had a major stress-induced something-or-other. Fernie says that the brides are the prettiest things he has seen, well, that is after Sofia of course. Gabi reminds Fernie that there is no need to mention Sofia. Gramps comes wheeling into the foyer, only to be met with Pete and Re-Pete, who tell him he’s not invited to the wedding. He reminds Re-Pete that he is a five-star general, and doesn’t need her approval.

Whattaya know, Fernie didn’t live up to his word, and left Rosie without her dough, and without her son. She goes to Franco for help, but they are met by Armando’s goons as they are fleeing town. With guns pointed at their heads, Frankie and Rosie get in the back of some truck.

Juan is all excited that he actually cleaned himself up today. Everyone has taken a shower, used soap, and is off to the wedding. Wait a second, it’s nighttime, and the wedding is in the afternoon… Oh, and where is that darn Franco? Uh oh, Juan is having a stress-induced-fraternal instinct-related heart murmur. What is it Lassie? It’s Franco, he’s in trouble!

Indeed he is, the boys with the guns beat him and Rosie a few times, Rosie sort of gets away, but can’t quite move in her boot heels. Poor Franco, the one guy holds him back and the other guy throws the punches. That’s not very fair…

Tomorrow, tomorrow, there’s always Tomorrow: The big wedding day is here, but none of the people in the wedding want to wed! Oh, no, Juan has not followed his fraternal instincts and will pay the price; Franco is dying!


Fuego #65, 07/29 Tues. - Family Fun for All

Dear readers/recappers, I am looking for a substitute recapper for two weeks from tonight (August 12). Willa and I are going to Wyoming for a week. Please e-mail me at if you want to give this a whirl. I promise it is fun. We will be deeply grateful for any help.

Again tonight we see the only serene, understated moment of the evening, the civil marriage ceremony of Oscar and Jimena. They give us the pleasure of watching a great, sexy kiss. The Judge congratulates them and leaves . Oscar declares that they are married in the law and no one can undo this but we telenovela aficionados know these are deadly words to tempt the fury of fate. They have to decide where to live. She says his place, he thinks life on the hacienda would be so nice She doesn't want to affect he health of the Badmom. She begs him to keep their secret a bit longer. He will make her the happiest woman in the world. But, what about that wedding night?? What about those flooding hormones? She flirts, he kisses and we end the only happy and relatively normal scene we are likely to see tonight.

Sarita is screaming about finding out that Rosario is her sister and Eva betrayed her mother by jumping her father so she screams that she has every right to scream like a banshee. She is a slapping, screaming harpy-machine and Franco should be taking notes at the way this chica loca acts with her snobbish imperialistic attitudes. She stomps off. Rosario may be her father's daughter but she will never be her sister. Abuelo and Franco comfort the tearful Rosario. Sarita really shouldn't be in the presence of small children, she has too much Gabi in her veins.

At the Orfanato the superintendent and social worker tell Juan and Sofia that they have decided that Pablito can stay with them until the proceedings are finished with the adoption. Juan gets a good hug for this.

Gabi dressing in her sexy red robe (harpies in red satin, anyone) feels that arm pain and dizziness again even though these isn't always the symptoms of women having a heart attack and we have no evidence that she truly has a heart to be attacked. She sags on the bed disappointed that she doesn't have the energy to leave her bedroom to slap someone silly.

Juan and Sofia thank the MadreSuperior and the Superintendent for letting Pablito come to live them as provisional guardians.

Sarita breaks into to Mom's heart event moment to demand why she didn't tell her of Eva's betrayal. Gabi gets to ham up the “Eva is to blame for everything”, ohhhh poor me. She avers that she knew nothing of Eva's treachery until the other evening and that provoked her fainting spell. Sarita is reduced to the babbling sorry ass daughter. She doesn't want Badmom to be sick but demands one thing, that she run off Eva immediately. Either Badmom runs Eva off the ranch or she will! Gabi gives a rare smile of satisfaction that usually only a romp with Feo can produce or the nasty delight of revenge....

Oscar and Jimena part at the stone wall in their wedding finery. He is off to prepare a surprise for her on his beautiful horse. Jimena is proud to be the wife of Oscar: soy Jimena Elizondo de Reyes. All three of them are way too pretty.

Abuelo is telling Rosario that the battle has just begun. He predicts that Sarita will finally accept her as a sister in time. Rosario repeats that all she wants is a family. As Franco looks on Rosario leaves and then he notices Pablito peaking around a curtain. What are you doing here hiding demands Franco. Pabllito doesn’t want to be in orphan jail. Abuelo tells Pablito not to cry, generals don't cry.

Quintina comes to the veggie market with a bread basket on her head and a speaker system at the ready. She mocks her relatives wanting to know how her nephew Rigo lost his girlfriend? He says she likes someone else, but Hortensia derails Quintina’s probing by telling him his auntie will publish all she learns.

Juan promises MadreSuperior that he and the Reyes Bros. will repair the Orfanatorio for free. Sofia will hold classes to prepare the children for first communion. There will be some expenses preparing for first communions warns MS.

In the market, Juan and Sofia present the opportunity for the market community to support a orphan for the suits and dresses and love they will need to take first communion. Hortensia and the boys are the first to sign up as god parents to the munchkins. With this smile Juan could go far in the fund raising public relations field. At last J and S have a project that doesn't 't involve touching they can happily do together.

JImena shows up screeching how happy happy she is. Sarita turns on her badmomclone sneer and spits out the betrayal of Eva and the sisterhood of Rosario. Just then the feckless Eva appears and has to answer Sarita's screams about this rude awakening.

Roasario turns downs a horse ride with Franco since she doesn't want to upset Sarita further with Franco trouble. She wisely decides that he needs to decide but since he seems incapable of this, she will decide for him to good bye forever.

Sarita grunts out answer me x2 Eva says yes. Even Jimena gets into how could you mess with our papa how could you betray my mother. She begs forgiveness and understanding. Sarita is a harpy graduate in this scene with how Eva will have to leave she has no rights all the rights are with he mother . If anything happens with mama you will have all and the only responsibility . how convenient for the Mom harpy . Eva does manage to get in that Sofia knows already.

At the Reyes house Sofia brings warm cups of something in for Rosario so they can chat . Rosario blurts out that Sarita found out from Don Augustine of the parentage and sisterhood news. Sofia wants to know how Sarita received this news. Rosario reports that Sarita said she would never accept her has a sister . Sofia is full of sisterly concern

Oscar is happy in the bakery singing an off key version of the Fuego love song. Juan wants to know Franco and Oscar have they been and why is one happy and the other troubled. Oscar keeps his happy secret, while Franco reveals that Sarita found out that Bernardo is Rosario's father. Juan’s shocked face tells us he didn’t know either. It seems this Bernardo had LOTS of secrets.

Rosario takes the high road and tells Sofia she has given up Franco to avoid further upsetting this so called sister who even if she rejects her Rosario doesn’t want more trouble. Sofia presses when Rosario talks about her checkered past. Why are you not free to love what is your secret, a man? Oh a man if you tell me who he is I can go talk to him.. Oh yes, Sofia you would be perfect for this role.

Armando and Feo discuss that Rosario is definitely the queen of this palace and the bum in jail is content with this pay off to take the blame now of I forget which crime, the Mapache poison sandwich or was it retracting the hearing of Mapache’s deathbed indictment of Feo??

Back at the house of screams the fight breaks out with the two sisters, Eva and Abuelo at the head of the stairs. Eva sputters so long that when she finally wants to explain that Gabi gave away the baby, Gabi finally shows up. She hesitates with pain but has enough energy to spew venom of all the bad that Eva is responsible for, all the sins of the world and all the problems of this family, she is the blemish even though this loving family treated her like a regular member. Yes, she was beaten with words and slapped about and belittled on a daily basis like all the girls.

Eva stands up to Gabi admitting that she has lots of sins but Gabi has not told all the truth to all the girls she admits that she loved Bernardo and too she took advantage of him one drunk night, got herself pregnant but even then Gabi would not let anyone know she was pregnant and then Gabi grabbed the baby from her arms and just then as Eva is sputtering and stammering her truth out Gabi grabs the scene back and clutches the stair case saying she feels really bad and is scared. She should be seeing vultures over her shoulder or outside on the trees .

Abuelo tells the sobbing Eva that the girls will understand some day. She and we are not so sure.

Rosario wandered committed errors got to jail was disgraced all the time menaced by blackguards that were against her she cant love any one she isn't free Sofia wants to know show his is tell me who this coward is, tell me.

Rosario, responds to Sofia’s naive queries, no can do, no can do , Sofia is sure she can reason with this craven scum, she is so good at it . Rosario runs out. Pobrecita says Sofia.

Feo wants to know how Gabi feels, the queen harpy propped up on her bed with the girls around her. They talk mean about how Eva is the root of all evil and Sarita tells her mom she is right, totally right. She kicks out the girls as she wants to talk to Feo alone. They stare confused and look back a lot but go out of the room under Mom’s stern glance. Feo’s first words are just what we want to know: was the fainting real or fake? He really can't tell either. REAL she insists. She looks forward to the JImena hating Eva as much as Sarita does then she will finally be fully avenged.

Feo thinks about Rosario's inheritance as he crawls into Gabi’s bed. She strokes Feo and talks about destroying Eva, then they will see about the bastard inheritor.

Juan and Oscar come out to Augustin’s seeking Pablito. Eva is with Augustin who makes Pablito come out. Pablito looks contrite while Juan rages but end up saying that he is glad to have found him. Pablito asks for forgiveness and gets hugs.

Sofia jumps into Armando's office to menace him telling him she is on to his bullying and menacing and calls him poco hombre.

Feo comes in to Rosario’s dressing room with papers Rosario only wants her liberty. Feo wants her to sign a blank page that she will cede the inheritance rightfully hers as an Elizondo heir . She will only be free if she has signed. Feo blows stinky cigar smoke on the baby picture to punctuate his threat.

Juan waxes good-bad with Pablito at the orphanage with MadreSuperior. he will stay with them only until the papers are all filed for his adoption but he must promise to never escape again. he asks pardon of Juan who motions toward MS and then Pablito gets it and stands to ask MadreSuperior to forgive him. She hugs him and says yes. Juan promises he will visit him every day until he can come home with him.

Oscar is decorating a secluded spot with a garden of flowers and plastic eggs and a bright blanket sprinkled with flower petals and one crystal vase in flower shape to make a little love nest for the.

JImena says to Sarita that Eva can be forgiven for doing womanly things . Sarita spits and flames her venom toward Eva. How can Jimena forgive her. Jimena explains that she forgave Oscar. Sarita dismisses this as a totally different thing.

Jimena ask the hard question does it hurt you more that our father had another child or that child is your rival in love? They both cry at the obvious truth. Even Sarita softens.

Juan and Sofia discuss the sister father thing, and did Bernardo love Eva, no he didn't and probably didn’t know anything about Eva’s acts. Apparently he was a really heavy drinker or sleeper or both. Sofia is feeling more that she has a new understanding of a preggers woman. Sofia spouts momilies about the young woman her father loved (oops still doesn’t know this was his sister) and the love Bernardo must have had, Juan walks out and Sofia is perplexed that her Pollyanna speech wasn’t received so well.

Oscar and Jimena meet to plan the escape into a night of eternal bliss .

Sofia tells Juan she went to confront Armando about Rosario. Soon Juan shows up at Armando’s office to ask the same. Why is she your slave? Why not free her? Armando maintains that she is there by her own free will, just ask her if you don’t believe it. His office is getting a bit too crowded.

Said slave sweeps in to see Feo smoking up her house/ err dressing room. she still hasn't signed the paper, he repeats his threat to free her only when she has signed . They are interrupted by Ofelia saying someone is here, then JUAN walks in and spotting Feo in the corner, asks that famous line: “¿que haces aqui?”

Rosario and Franco go to a bonfire, errrr oops are a bonfire.
The boda divina isn't so divina, lots of people look worried.
Juan and Feo discuss the slave/dancer they share an interest in.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Guapos 07-29-08 "Someone get that Lady a Drink"

Welcome to the party….Fasten your seatbelts cause it is gonna be a bumpy ride.
Quick refresher..Now that Nestor has taken a hike, Consti is no longer interested in boinking Luci.
See it was all about screwing Nestor not Luci, figuratively of course.

Mili and Al lock lips, tongue wrestle and put three years of pent up frustration into one grinding kiss. Then separate to opposite sides of the little homey setting of carefully arranged living room furniture.

The Padre reappears with Hugo and Flor. Now everyone must follow the rules, it is hands off. There is some eyerolling there as well as in my own living room. Padre tells Mili to round up Gloria & Chamaco manana for some belated relationship advice. Hugo mentions he thought it was Lina that was pregnant, okay bring Lina and Bobby in also.

The Padre looks all flustered like how did this happen? Well Duh, Dude…A little life preparation would have been nice; but back to that later.

----Say I have been wondering how Padre Manuel told Nestor all Luci’s little dark secrets..I mean if you watch Fuego, you know (it has been much debated), that a Padre can not tell anything…like Luci would have whacked Mili if she would have married Al. I am so confused, does this mean it is okay if you only tell your family like your brother Nestor? Well over on Fuego, then maybe Father Tad is a spawn of Bernando’s (isn’t everybody?) then he could tell.----

Flor tired by the pregnancy and carrying around all that deep dark hatred, retires for the evening. Hugo goes off to paint more scary goth pictures of crazy Al. Mili goes to tell the Chiclet Posse, they have to go see Padre Manuel tomorrow. Mili finds out that Lina and Karla are now Buddies, bonded over the evil, despoiler Fernando the Dead. Lina is willing to give Karla the benefit of the doubt. The other chicas don’t seem so sure.

Matt the Ratt is lying in bed with whatever the hell, Flor sister’s name is. He is having disturbing memories of his best, if somewhat AssHat friend being whacked. Where Lobo, VillaLobo, says Fernando no longer exists. I believe Matt should sleep in pull-ups cause he looks like he is about to pee his pants.

Next day….
Looks like Luci has been nursing a big heaping helping of Buchanan Scotch, this is day two of her drinking binge. In Mexico this is a great favorite, I was at a Wedding…yes a rural Wedding with liberal bottles of Buchanan Scotch, which was drunk with a orange soda and a healthy squirt of soda water…Hmmmmmmm, I stuck to beer.

Consti comes in and starts screaming at Luci to take a shower and get dressed and show up for his big political luncheon. Luci is all not gonna do it. Yes you will. He calls in Brau for back up. Now Brau has to get Luci ready for her close-up. Brau seems rather horrified by the whole thing. Luci tells him she will, but first…how’s bout a heaping helping of Buchanan Scotch. “No No No, it is too early,” Brau says and he doesn’t drink while he is working. She grabs a couple of glasses and pours him a drink. Luci, class act that she is forgoes drinking out of the bottle in front of the servant. Luci also realizing the value of Scotch, does not dampen that “heated in an oak barrel, by strapping men in kilts over a peat fire” taste with naco orange soda. We just see the bottle being pour again and again and again.

Meanwhile, over at St. Deceptions, the Padre greets the Chiclets and Chico. Padre wonders where Bobby is. Lina says he isn’t the father. Poor Padre, so much sin, it is hard for him to shoulder the world of sin.

Mili slips off to talk with Chunky Nun.
She gives the Chunkster a little background on the whole Lina debacle. Chunky gets all Medieval about rotten men. Methinks the Chunkster has not always been a Nun.

Padre grills, poor Chamaco about how he robbed Gloria of innocence. Chamaco says he used precautions. The Padre is appalled birth control is also against the Catholic belief system. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t. “Well, Chamaco asks, “What’s a boy to do?” Padre answers with eons old oft quoted refrain, “Remain chaste tell married.” Chamaco smirks and it looks like the Chiclets are smirking.
What is a Padre to do?

Now back to Luci’s always open bar, she starts singing. (Sorry I tried to look up the lyrics, but I don’t remember enough of them. But big emphasis on lies) Luci is crooning a Brau is up on the bed drunkenly singing along. Luci starts in on Brau about what a total ratbastard the Consti is. She tells how he has thrown away everything for his political career. How Brau’s Niece has suffered. Oh damn drunk or not, she is good. Luci continues, “Now today is the day to end this…to make Consti suffer”.
Luci brings out her little lavender outfit and asks if Brau likes it. Why yes indeed, Brau caresses the fine feminine fabric.

Al and Val are out for a stroll, basically Al is happy that Val is so happy, but alas Val is sad cause Al is so sad and trapped in a loveless marriage from hell. They lament their crappy parents.

Over at St. Deceptions, Chamaco says he will marry Gloria in six months. Padre says no way, you will marry in one month. Gloria is all excited. Padre laments that Lina doesn’t have it so good, but being one big happy unprotected family, they will rally around and help her out. Chamaco says that is cool, he could marry her too. Padre is so not impressed with Chamaco’s prior religious instruction.
---Oh if only these people knew what we know, Fernando may be gone, but his gifts just keep on giving---
A moment of silence for Fernando….Okay carry on.

Luci wanders downstairs, nice outfit. She is kinda rich bag lady. Big oversized sweater, shirt and, say it isn’t so, sweatpants? Her lipstick is all smeared. Eureka, like a bloodhound, she has located another bottle of Buchanans. Al & Val wander in and they are appalled at her state. Luci starts in with “Hey I got some really great news, today along with destroying my three remaining healthy liver cells I am going destroy your father.” Then looks from Al to Val and directs to Val, “Well your father”. This leads to the game that sober people always get caught up in when dealing with a drunk, I like to call it the “Logic and Reasoning Game”. Al starts yelling at Luci, “You are so disgraceful, you ruined my life, you are terrible”. Val follows with, “I will not let you ruin my life, the same way”. This little game leads to smug drunken ramblings about, “I have sacrificed my life for my Hijos, no one loves you like Mama”. Al says, “she lied and he lost his love Mili.” Luci smirks with a look that says, oh my beloved if I wasn’t your “I only live for you, noble Mother”, I’d be forced to laugh. She counters with a, “I wasn’t going to let you ruin your life by marrying that dirty, low class, fly”.

Now over to the big politico. It is the PUN party. I guess a play on the PAN party in Mexico. Hey, I am not trying to draw any comparisons here, but this seems like maybe in this country, these folks would be in the ahhh wealthy, most light skinned, ahhh family first, most likely to be caught in an airport bathroom party. Hey I’m just sayin. Perleta, introduces Consti as the man with great family values, honorable and so on. Consti tells Damien to go look for Luci and get her ass in there.

Consti goes to the podium and begins his speech about fine noble causes, how he loves his family. He is so proud of his children, why his son, Al is right there by his side at the company. His daughter is a treasure. Now about that fine woman that shares his life. She is just the best thing since Cortez conquered Mexico City and gave the natives a reason to live. He calls for Luci to come forward.
--We see that fine little Lavender outfit move thru the crowd. Luci looks really tall.
OMG, it is Brau in full drag. Const doesn’t know what to say, and all those fine upstanding persons look like they just smelled something on the bottom of their shoe. Andrea jumps up and pulls the wig off Brau.
Andrea always the helpful Andrea. Perleta jumps up and tries to play it off as a joke. Reporters start asking if Consti supports that kind of life style. Brau runs out as do all the reporters and other fine citizens.

Back home, Al & Val continue the futile Reasoning Game with Luci. Al is just spitting hate and venom. Luci says she is a good mother. Al fires back with, “A hyena is a better mother thant you are.” Val says you won’t ruin my life with Rocky like you ruined Al’s. “A chofer, a dirty chofer?” Luci can’t believe it. Val says, “you tried to have Rocky killed.” Luci denies this, and truthfully it was Andrea, but honestly Luci probably can’t really remember if she did or not, by this point. Val follows up with a “He is the only man in my life and I am a mujer.” Al & Luci’s mouths drop. “Yeah, Ma, that’s the deal, we did it like two monkeys with only seconds to live”.
--Well I threw that in, but you get the idea—
Luci now starts in with what a thankless child Val is, “Where do you get your ideas?”. Val follows-up with, “Don’t point your finger at me, you were living in our home with your Amante”.
Luci draws back and gives Val an awesome smack across the face. Al grabs her arm and says enough. Val screams, “I hate you, I hate you.” And runs off.

Over at the business, Consti is furious, Brau comes out in a suit of Consti’s which is way too big. He tells Consti that Luci got him drunk. Consti wants to hit Brau, but Andrea stops him. She says putting up with drunk Luci and hiding everything has caused this. Brau nods in agreement. You go Brau, I’d direct the blame elsewhere too.

Al is not done with his mother. She begs him to help her keep that rotten chofer off Val. Al has had enough, he says he will help Val, he won’t let crazy Luci ruin her Luci ruined his.

Just so you know, Luci has been drinking full throttle through this, which just makes her get a more intense drunk face, of why can’t you idiots follow my reasoning.

Mili walks in on this, and even she is a bit shocked by Luci’s bold fashion statement and drunken state. Luci, seeing a new victim starts in on Mili. She says how Mili’s mother was a rotten, slutty servant. Al tells her to shut-up and Mili has that hurt little girl look on her face, she starts to walk away….but feeling the draw of the “Logic and Reasoning Game”, comes back. She says, “Your are a drunk and My mother was good and true and gave her own life for me”. Luci with the drunk reasoning counters, “Well I am a good Mother”.

Now then kids if you think this was fun…looks like this episode of “Dr. Phil’s Family…A family in crisis” will continue tomorrow. Looks like Luci dares Consti to admit that Mili is his spawn…Everyone has an AWKWARD MOMENT look on their face. Luci is still dressed in the same becoming outfit and has not mussed her misapplied lipstick.

Now all I can say about Luci is this…damn that woman can drink, I would have seriously passed out several Buchanans prior, and probably been puke sick too. Now I must say, while I hate to be caught in the “Logic and Reasoning Game”, watching it on TV is pretty funny, cause like real life; you can’t move Luci onto a new theme, she just keeps repeating what a stellar parent she is. The others have gotten caught in the game and keep trying to reason with her. That so isn’t gonna happen.


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