Friday, September 19, 2008

Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Sept. 18- A fever of passion and a fever of witchcraft

Ah bliss- Toño and his Mariposa have their night of passion. Santos still does know about their relationship, however. Now the widower doctor is expressing an interest in Cecilia. He probably thinks she would accept being unpaid help to raise his children over being an old maid. Antonio is jealous and Federica is still out there so we can be sure there is more trouble ahead for these two.

When DB sees the doctor heading to Altamira with Antonio she is pleased that her curse has worked. She tells Pernalete that the Doña always wins and now more than ever.

Poor Mauricio is very upset about Luisana and feels guilty for not making her leave Altamira. He says that he and Luisana don't belong in the Llanos. He believes that DB is responsible for Luisana's illness but Santos is skeptical. Here Mauricio seeks comfort from a disconcerted Pajarito.

Marisela tells Santos that Luisana is doing better, which turns out to be over optimistic. After getting information from Juan Primito, Marisela decides to go to El Miedo and confront the brujeria at its source. She doesn't tell anyone where she is going though.

The doctor is clueless about what is wrong with Luisana.

Marisela gets into El Miedo unobserved and finds DB's altar. Then she gets locked into the room.

One of DB's rapists, Juan Barreto, comes to El Miedo and gets a nasty shock when he finds out who the Doña of the hacienda is. By having JB go by mistake to Altamira and talk to Santos and show him a distinctive ring that he wears, the groundwork is being set for Santos to find out that DB had this guy killed.


Guapos Thursday, September 18, 2008: You keep her, Damien. Heaven knows you urned her.

And now, gentle readers, we arrive at the penultimate chapter in the story of our plucky orphan, a story where evil is punished and good rewarded.

We open with our no-longer orphan returning to the little orange house after having confronted Connie. Everyone is standing around looking tongue-tied. What’s up? asks Mili, worried. They tell her that Flor is back. Mili is scared – for my baby? They say they don’t know, they’re waiting to hear.

Meantime, Rigoberto is menacing Flor. He says he’s not stupid, he knows she was with Alex. He tells her that he almost scored the baby, and when he does, she and he and the baby can be happy together. He says he can’t trust her and he slugs her a few times.

Alex to the rescue! He comes flying in the open apartment door, shoves Rigo on the couch and gives him a righteous pounding (actually, if you look closely, he’s pounding the couch). He grabs Rigo by the hair and tells him to stay away from Flor. Rigo’s face is bleeding heavily and he pleads Don’t hit me! Don’t yell at me! Coward, says Alex, who tells Flor to get her things and they’ll get out of there. Flor runs off and within seconds is rolling a suitcase out the door. Rigo shouts Flor! Don’t forget what I told you! He laughs maniacally.

Now Alex is at the orange house, telling Mili and her ma what happened. The two ladies heap scorn on wife abusers. Luci comes in and says that she’s given Flor a sedative, but shouldn’t she be taken to a hospital? Nobody thinks of reporting this to the police, apparently. Alex says he’ll call the good doctor to come see her.

Mili is worried about the baby. Alex reassures her that everyone will protect her. Mili says she worried Flor will want to take the baby, she’s her mother and all. Alex says he doesn’t know what’s going to happen, but Mili will always be part of little Rosario’s life. Big Rosario simps.

Alex says so did you go see Connie? Mili says yes, she talked to him plainly and said she knew she was his daughter. Luci says and..??? Mili angrily says I couldn’t wait all my life for him to confess it. I told him I won’t disturb his precious political career, but he has to leave us alone. Whoa, Mili! says Alex admiringly. Mili says I told him not to work against you, or he’d find out who he’s dealing with. You go, girl! says Alex.

Rosario says I dunno. She says when Connie gets sworn in as the new president of his party, she’ll be there. She’s reserved a seat. Mili is impactada. Rosario says you confronted him and now I will too, in order to defend all of you, my new family.

Connie is a rumpled bleary-eyed mess, slouching on the couch of the foyer. Here comes Hugo down the stairs, hauling a big suitcase, probably full of disguises. Connie says You leaving too? Hugo says tomorrow I’m going to rent an apartment, and I’ll just need to take this suitcase. Connie says how about we talk? Hugo says he doesn’t have anything on his mind, except please leave Alex and Mili in peace. Connie says Mili was just here and she asked the same.

Connie says she told me she knew she was my daughter - she didn’t find out from Damien, did she? She found out from you. Yes, says Hugo. Hugo says I’m very glad you told her, you have no idea how much she suffered that you wouldn’t acknowledge her. Connie tries to say something, but Hugo says don’t lie! She was working in your house as a servant and you never did anything for her. She was just an impediment to you. Hugo says I’m sorry… I’ve gotta go.

Connie says you know what? In a couple of days I get nominated as the party president, the greatest day of my life. Hugo politely says congratulations, says goodbye and rolls his suitcase out. Connie talks to himself, saying the greatest day of my life and nobody will be with me. Nobody.

Rigo meets a thug in a dark alley. He gives him a thick wad of bills and the thug hands over a big handgun. Rigo tucks it into his belt and walks off, looking around him.

It’s a few days later. We’re at Connie’s big day and Peralta is saying A big round of applause for Constancio Belmonte! Connie steps up to the stage. The somewhat small crowd applauds. Connie starts up his speech and we see Mili and Rosario coming into the rear of the room, but he doesn’t see them. Connie’s speech is subdued. He thanks everyone for the nomination and then – ta dum! – says he cannot accept it. Everyone is impacto, especially Mili and Rosario. The crowd murmurs.

Connie asks for their understanding and respect, then he launches into his explanation: Many years ago I renounced love. In order to save my business, I left the side of the woman I loved even though she was carrying our baby. She was… my servant.

Peralta wrinkles his nose and looks like Oh, man! Don’t do this! The crowd rumbles a bit.

Connie says you may have heard rumors, which were denied, but they were all true. I fell completely in love with her, Rosario, but I abandoned her and my child out of ambition, for power, and because of a sense of obligation to my mother. I couldn’t sleep and I spent the nights thinking that if I could turn back the clock, might I have made a different choice? Maybe, I don’t know. I was a very different person back then. But now I don’t want to keep being the wretch that I have been since then.

Now I find myself in the same situation, needing to make a decision between my career and my family. I feel that with my experience and capability I would be a great party leader, and bigger and better posts would follow, but I’m not interested. I’ve lost so much to get to where I am now, and I don’t want to lose anything more. This time I’m going to listen to my heart, not my ambition. I’m choosing my daughters, Valeria and Milagros - Mili begins to sob quietly - and my son, Alexandro. And my granddaughter, Rosario, and all the grandchildren to come. I will put all my energy into them.Connie is getting tearful. The crowd seems sympathetic. Connie says I’m sorry I deceived you all, but the person I deceived most was myself.

His speech is over, the crowd applauds politely and photographers get a few shots. The room falls silent and Mili walks through the crowd who part like the Red Sea. Connie is stunned and deeply impactado. Milagros! He tells the reporters and the crowd This is my daughter, Milagros. Mili says Papa! and they embrace. Both are crying and heck, so am I. Flashbulbs pop and the crowd applauds. Forgive me, says Connie, forgive me. Forgive me for being so blind and so stupid. Forgive me, my daughter! He is blubbering.

Rosario walks up but he doesn’t notice her. She says I never thought I’d hear you talk like that, Constancio. He looks up and is stunned. Rosario? he stammers. She says yes, but stands there good and straight so her mighty bosom thrusts out just right. Who needs acting classes when you’ve got those two babies?

Mili says to the crowd This is my father and this is my mother! This is my family. Tearful Connie looks at Rosario and I want him to say bodacious ta-tas, but he says you are as lovely as I remember. It’s late, I know, and I should have made that speech to my father 20 years ago, but I didn’t have the courage.

Rosario says but you did it today. I thank you for my daughter. Our daughter, Connie says. Mili says Mama, Papa, let’s go now. They start to leave, but Peralta says wait! Where are you going? Connie says I’m going home to get my family back. Peralta says but you can’t resign now, didn’t you hear the applause? The people are going nuts! You’re on a roll! Connie says I don’t care. Peralta says you can’t leave the party without a leader! Connie says you’re the idea person - Peralta is very flattered. Connie says I can’t think of a more disreputable person than you – you’re perfect. He and his new family walk out. The crowd applauds and then reporters swarm around Peralta who preens and smiles.

At Bobby and Lina’s apartment, Gloria, Lina and Socorro are anxiously awaiting someone. The door rings and it’s Hugo who greets all with little cheek kisses. Kimberly the super-efficient maid positions herself so she can hear.

Socorro thanks Hugo for coming. He tells her to use “tu” with him. She says she’s not sure she could get used to that. Socorro asks if the two girls can leave her alone with Hugo and they willingly go to another room.

Over at the new construction business, Horacio and Chamuco need job assignments and the guys figure that Horacio can do landscape design and Rocky says Chamuco can be his assistant. He hands him some cash to go run get them lunch and Chamuco looks none too happy. Rocky tells him to call him Licenciado. Chamuco looks even more displeased and says as you wish, using Usted. He leaves and the others glare at Rocky who says what? He gets the hint and runs off to make it up to Chamuco, saying let’s go together!

Back to Hugo and Socorro. She says she has some stuff she wants to tell him, but first she wants to thank him for watching out for her daughter, in spite of everything. She says when she first heard Karla was pregnant she was mad at Hugo, and at Damien who was always ridiculing her. Socorro says I knew she was going to your room, like she had gone to your fathers. Hugo tells her to not be afraid to tell things like they are. He says that he could have turned her away as he should have, but he felt very alone and very lost. Socorro says and Karla took advantage of your painful marriage.

Hugo says Karla was feeling very alone too, we had that in common. Socorro says I know why she got pregnant by you, to entrap you. She never wanted to be a servant, she wanted to get a rich man. She never liked to work.

Hugo says if you could see her now, you’d be so proud. She has learned that money isn’t everything. She’s fallen in love with a poor man who lives in the streets, who sings in the parks. Socorro says she’s fallen for a man who starving? Yes says Hugo, he doesn’t have a cent, all he has to offer is his heart, and she has accepted it. Socorro says and does he really love her? Hugo says like I never would have imagined possible. Socorro is weeping and takes his hand and says thank you so much.

Hugo says this fellow loves her because he found strength, tenderness, nobility in her. Socorro says I’ve never lost faith that she would find the right way. We see Gloria, Lina and Kimberly, arms around one another, listening secretly out of sight.

Hugo says bring Horacio and let’s go see her. Socorro says I’m dying to see her but no, I can’t, she’s angry with me. Hugo says I need you to come tonight when I tell her that that street guy is me! And that I love her with all my heart. Socorro is surprised and happy. Hugo says you have to be there when I ask Karla to marry me. Socorro is pretty much a puddle of tears by now. The watching girls rush in, Gloria and Lina hug Socorro and Kimberly hugs Hugo. We hear happy guitar strumming.

Karla is happily putting her makeup on in front of a light-ringed starlet mirror while Macarena’s assistant ribs her a bit. She says her guy says he has a surprise for her tonight. He says probably he’s going to ask you to be his novia. You think so? says Karla. Sure as I’m called Sylvester, he says (oh, so that’s his name!). They imagine some great kisses. Syl says your eyes are so happy, but when you first came here those eyes were full of sorrow and pain. Karla says I’ve never felt anything this wonderful, but I’m scared too. I’m afraid it’ll all end, that I don’t have the right to be happy.

Syl is a bar-guy philosopher. He says everybody has the right to be happy. (He’s never met Andrea.) We get second and third chances so we can right those wrongs we’ve committed. You don’t know what a long list of wrongs I have, says Karla. I’ve hurt so many people, worst of all my mama. Do you think she’ll forgive me one day. Syl says I’m sure of it.

Alex and Nestor are having lunch at a café. Nestor is reproaching him that he didn’t call him to help out, since Rigo is a dangerous guy. Alex figures Rigo won’t try anything now, but Nestor says the main thing they have to do is to get Flor to break off from him. Nestor says he’s proud of Alex, he helped out the mother of his daughter. Let’s go talk to her, he says. Like a good daddy, he signals for the bill. The waiter walks by some other customer, and guess what it’s Rigo with his back turned. He’s in a suit, but he stands and opens his jacket so we (and all the patrons in the café?) can see the gun tucked into his waistband.

With Connie and Rosario standing by, Mili and Vale call each other sister and say they love each other and embrace. Luci comes in and says thank you Connie, and thank you Rosario for coming into all our lives and putting a stop to all the secrets. Rosario looks sainted.

Connie says to Rosario We have to talk. Rosario looks sainted some more. The others clear out politely. Mili goes to her room and guess what there’s Flor sitting on the bed holding little Rosario.

Mili says she’s your daughter. Flor says you and Alex picked a good name for her. Mili says actually it was Luci. Flor says she’s met Rosario and she’s a beautiful woman, like Mili. Mili says she came to her room because Connie and Rosario are having a private talk. Flor says did he finally acknowledge you as his daughter? Mili says yes. Flor says you grew up an orphan and now you have two parents. I lost both mine - my father was murdered. And you find out that your mother is alive. What irony life hands us! And you have a man who loves and respects you, and I have nobody.

When Rigo came back, I thought he was rescuing me, but he ended up hurting me even more. When I first met you, and found out you were a servant, I thought I was superior to you in every way. And now, I’d give anything to be in your shoes, to be surrounded by love like you. She gets up and holds the baby out to Mili. Take her into your arms, she’s your daughter. Mili takes her.

Rosario is taking a hard line. She says that speech you just made doesn’t change things, it doesn’t change the past. Connie says I understand, I deserve your anger. I know I hurt you terribly. Rosario says you separated me from my child.

Connie says I kicked you to the curb, yes, I knew you were pregnant, I was a coward, a wretch, but I wasn’t the one who separated you from Mili. Rosario is starting to get mad. She tells the story about the final words of the Mother Superior, and says that the MS said he was the one who made her say the baby had died. Connie said what did she say exactly? Rosario says it’s burned into my brain, she said Senor Belmonte made her do it.

Connie says my papa. That Senor Belmonte. It’s Rosario’s turn to look impactada and bewildered. Connie says after you left, I had no idea where you were or what had happened, until Padre M told me one of my servants was your child. He told me you had died in childbirth and that you had been buried in an unmarked grave at the convent. I’ve never had reason to doubt his word. I went to your grave to cry over you and to beg forgiveness.

Mili is holding the baby and Flor is standing by the door telling her that the baby is better off with her, she hadn’t changed her mind about child rearing. She says I’m not here to cause trouble for you and Alex. Mili gets weepy with relief. Flor says can I see Rosario time to time? I don’t want to be a stranger to her. Mili says of course. Help me change her diaper!

Connie is saying to Rosario that that’s what the MS told him, and that’s the actual truth. His father said she and the child had disappeared forever from his life. He says he’s not trying to justify himself because he never stood up to his father, or confronted him with the love the two of them had.

I loved you says Connie. Rosario finally has a reaction and stops him to hold a manicured hand to her face. He says let me finish. My father set a price on my soul, and I sold it. I wish I could have torn out my heart to get rid of the pain, every beat shook my very bones. Over the years, I got used to the pain, and I forgot I had a heart. And that’s the miserable fellow you see before you now.

He holds her hand to his chest and says tell me what you feel. Tell me you can feel my heartbeats, tell me that I have a heart in there, because I can’t feel it. Rosario puts his hand on his chest and says today you can feel it, today after what you did. Feel it? she says. It’s beating strongly. Connie says And yours? He falls to his knees. Forgive me Rosario, please forgive me. She weeps and her lip gloss glistens.

A car pulls up to the orange house, Alex and Nestor get out. Another car pulls up behind them and we see Rigo’s face in the rear view mirror. Alex and Nestor walk in on Connie down on his knees. Oops they say. Connie gets up and he and Rosario step back and wipe tears away. Rosario says it’s okay, we don’t have anything further to say to one another. Connie looks surprised.

Alex indicates Rosario and says what do you think of my lover? Connie says I was stupid. Connie says can we talk? Alex says no. Rosario says talk to your father. Alex says Nestor Miranda is my father, this man is nothing to me. Harsh, Alex.

Mili and Flor walk into the room. Flor is pulling her suitcase behind her. She says to Alex that it’s better that she leave, there’s no room in the house and she doesn’t want to be a bother. Alex says he and Nestor want to take her to the police. Flor says tomorrow, and Alex and Nestor try to get her to go now. She says tomorrow, she promises, and she wants to go to a hotel. They try to get her to stay, but she says no. Connie says you can stay at my house. Flor says okay, let’s go and she heads for the door.

Connie says to Rosario I hope I see you tomorrow. Rosario shrugs and says maybe.

Connie goes to Milagros and says thank you and kisses her hair. She says bye, Papa, and he says I really like it when you call me that. Connie tells Alex when he comes for Flor tomorrow to please bring Vale along, he needs to talk to both of them. He heads for the door and for what fate?

Rosario presses a hand to her bosom and breathes deeply. Alex and Mili lean against one another. Nestor knits his brow.

Karla is working the pole and a drunk patron waves some money around and talks a bit lewd to her and approaches the stage. She makes frantic eyes at Macarena who signals Syl to go take care of the guy. Syl tells the guy if he wants that kind of entertainment, he’s in the wrong place, this is a decent bar. The guy subsides, but murmurs some remarks and Karla looks a bit disturbed.

Well, looks like Rigo didn’t shoot anybody yet. Connie and Flor pull up in the dark to the deserted house. Connie gets Flor’s luggage out of the trunk while she waits in the car. They go in. Somehow Rigo has read their minds and has arrived there before them, because he’s lurking in the bushes.

They are in the foyer when somebody rolls Damien in in a wheelchair. He’s dressed and doesn’t look bruised. In his lap, he’s holding a gold-colored urn. Hello, Cunado, he says apologetically and holds up the urn a little.

In the dressing room, Karla is telling Macarena, who is draped on the couch in an impressive blue number, that that man scared her the way he looked at her. Macarena says she knows what it’s like to have a man gobble you up with his eyes. Syl comes in and says it’s time for Macarena’s number. She and Karla tease a little and she takes off. Karla starts removing her makeup when the door opens and the drunk patron runs in and grabs her from behind. She manages to shove him off, and yells at him to leave. He throws some money at her and grabs her again. They struggle.

Connie and Damien, in his wheelchair, are in the study. Connie is smiling wryly and says so you were in an accident, huh? Damien says attention! A terrible accident. Connie smiles some more. Then he lunges at Damien, grabs him by the lapels and shakes him, saying how dare you come around after everything you’ve done to me? Cut! Cut! says Damien. I’m an invalid!

Connie backs off and says you ridiculed me, you sold 60% of my company, you were lovers with Andrea, and then you ran off with her. Damien says yes, but I’m returning her, and he holds up the urn. Connie looks like eeeeww.

Karla is still struggling with the would-be rapist. Slo-mo he hauls off and slugs her big in the side. The two bouncers burst in and subdue the guy, but she is in terrible pain. Are you okay? Sly asks. Apparently not.

In the foyer, Flor decides to dial Rigo. She hears a cell ring and looks up. Rigo walks into the foyer, gun in hand. She is terrified and freeze frame.


Querida Enemiga Thurs 9/18 - Pathetic, indignant, repugnant, consternated and constipated

From yesterday: Lorena breaks up with Ernesto and he accuses her of using this as a pretext to dump him. (It would kind of serve him right since he's done the same to so many women, but we like him now so it's OK to root for him.) He says under the circumstance maybe it's best if she leaves. He says it hurts him that the kids want to go with Gladys. His sis was his only family. Lor says no, so are her children. Lor insists vehemently that Ern should fight for his niece and nephews.

Maru and Rossy run into Zulema at the fabulous market. Maru tells them she's back on track with Omar, what they had was a failure to communicate.

Omar tells his limp boss that he was revising a report and found a serious error, something about applying a tax rate that the Secretary of Finance just changed which alters the final results. Limp boss asks was it to their benefit or to their detriment? Omar says they are reporting profits that don't exist. Limp boss says Omar just saved his ass as he was just about to report the profits to the director. He doesn't have time to correct so could Omar go with him and elaborate the details for the board? Limp Boss is either going to throw Omar under the bus or make a hero of him.

Greta lies in wait for Jaime at Conchitas. She sucks up to him and stuffs food in his mouth and pours him a big glass of wine. Big mistake, he doesn't drink anymore and pushes the wine away. He escapes her clutches and says he has a lot of stuff to do. He firmly tells her he needs to be alone and think. "I'm such an idiot," she sighs.

In his room Jaime also sighs, it's been another black day and no work for him. What if he listens to Maruja and partners with her?

Dumb Dario takes Paula to his fabulous big apartment and tries to talk her into moving into it, it has great furniture and everything. No way Jose, she says, it's where he lived with The Other. She says he's "practical like all men" but she'd rather die than stay in the same place as The Other. He attempts to lure her into bed to persuade her. Idiot. This sets Paula off , it's the same bed where he betrayed her! She leaves in a fury.

Heh, Jaqui strolls into Mother In-Law from hell's kitchen and does her Armendariz Kitchens tasting thing. She wrinkles her nose at the big pot of soup, it needs something, a pinch of dill? (pizca de eneldo) This shows how little she really knows about food, it's doubtful a pinch of dill would have much taste in a big pot of soup, but I digress. MIL asks does Jaqui know food? But of course! MIL suggests Jaqui help out. No no no no no, says Jaqui, she is an expert in tasting not chopping onions, that's MIL's job, and by the way she likes to eat at 3:00 she says as she flounces out. One of these days, mutters MIL as she stabs the cutting board.

The head chef at Armendariz kitchens shows Sara how to make a special pork loin that he marinates with a little garlic, pepper, orange juice and the secret ingredient Tequila which lends a special something to the dish. Sara tells him if she wins the contest (fat chance) she'll dedicate it to him. (Fat chance on that too.)

Lor tells Rossy she feels awful, it was her first fight with Ern. Rossy, best pal that she is, agrees that the way Ern treated the kids could be a sign that he doesn't like to compromise.

They are setting the table for a dinner to celebrate Rossy's engagement with Julian. Maruja wonders will two bottles of wine be enough? Lor says absolutely, when Al bought her ring....Oops...why did she bring him up? Rossy and Maru stare at her. Silence and weird looks all around.

Jaime makes a surprise visit and tells Maruja he wants to talk about her proposition. Rossy walks in, sees him and is going-to-commercial indignant.

Jaime sees it's a bad time and excuses himself. Rossy gives Maru a hard time for flirting with the enemy. He's married! No longer. He's a criminal! He was exonerated. Rossy says being with him is politically incorrect considering their in-laws. Maru insists they are not novios, the topic is closed and mother and daughter reach a glaring stalemate.

Omar happily tells Zuly he got promoted! He also got a raise (hee hee "got a raise") so now he can pay off their debts and get a car. Zulema tells him something that I think equals "don't count your chickens before they are hatched". She says "no te vayas a pasar como a la lechera que se le cayo la leche a la mitad del camino"; which I think is "don't act like the milkmaid that drops the milk in the middle of the street". I think I remember that fairy tail from when I was a kid.

Julian interrupts them and Ma says dad has super news. Julian comments that his engagement brought them all luck. All that is except for Diana who can't come because she can't leave work. A likely story.

Ern's housekeeper Fanny drives him crazy by babbling incessantly about how she misses the kids, misses their laughter, doesn't he miss them too? Oh how they must be suffering at Aunt Gladys's. Ern tells her to shut it. Doesn't she have something to do? Si si si si si, she says a hundred times.

Julian, in his best suit, officially asks for Rossy's hand in marriage. He starts to read a script, remember when they met and he ran from the house half naked? Nervous looks around the room. Julian ad libs and brings up other embarrasing moments, but the parents understand he means well. Rossy finally jabs him and he asks for her hand, promises to protect her and make her very happy. Maruja gives her consent and after some bungling Julian puts a ring on Rossy's finger and they kiss.

Bruno goes over his accounts which are a disaster. Diana walks in and tells him she's craving black olives. He bites her head off, where will he find black olives at this hour? He's sick of her and her pregnancy. Diana weeps that it was his idea to get married, not hers! He tells her to go get her damn black olives herself and to get out of his sight.

Diana doesn't back down, good for her, she screams at him that he's a loser, a loser! He hauls off and slaps her! Holy crap. Then he does that abuse thing and hugs her and apologizes. Will he tell her it was her fault, if only she hadn't pushed him? No, she yells that he's a coward and stomps out. She locks him out of the bedroom and he begs at the door while she cries.

In the restaurant kitchen Ernesto tells Maruja to tell Lorena that her dish (some sort of duck I think) is delicious. Maru thought bubbles that these two need to talk.

Chalo and Barb are back at the club dancing to naco music. I say naco but actually it sounds pretty good, it has some awesome accordion going on. She tries to teach him to dance and he comes on to her. She calls him Chalito and they kiss to the lyrics of "a grand passion".

They kissed through the commercial, and afterward Chalo begs her pardon, was he out of line? She grabs him and kisses him back as we knew she would.

In the Armendariz kitchen Sara tries to cut her pork loin; it's harder than wood. The chef tries and he can't slice it either. She says she cooked it just like he said, twenty minutes at 200 degrees (celsius, which is about 400 degrees fahrenheit). Chef says no wonder it's like shoe leather. Sara asks does he have any simpler recipes? He suggests scrambled eggs then thought bubbles that she's useless (nulidad) in the kitchen.

MIL Mamita complains to Icky about Jaqui and he says give her a chance. Ma says she does nothing around the house, no cleaning, no making her bed, nothing! Icky excuses her by saying some women don't do domestic. MIL ratfinks and tells Icky that Jaqui called her mami in the U.S. Oh, didn't Icky know? Well there's a lot he doesn't know about Jaqui. MIL says that compared to Jaqui Valeria was a marvel.

Icky and Jaqui argue about her phone call while she eats popcorn in bed. Jaqui tells Icky to chill, his mamita is only making a storm in a glass of water. By the way, did he open that account in Grand Cayman? Icky says yes because he wants to buy a house in New York. Jaqui wants a place in Vegas so they can gamble.

Barb and Chalo have finally made it to bed and both are happy and satisfied. He keeps saying her name, Baaarbaaaraaa. But Chalo, she wants to know, aren't you worried about the difference in our ages? He says if she's not worried about him being younger why should he worry about her being older? (Darn good logic if you ask me.) Barb decides to stop thinking about their differences and start thinking about what they have in common. The sexy music starts and oops, they do it again.

Oh no, now there is a scene with Al and his sick patient Florencia. She looks terrible. I swear if she dies on my recap night I'm going to drink. I think I got stuck with the Duelo leukemia child death scene too and it made me cry.

Omar brings Zuly breakfast in bed with a red rose. He doesn't know why he couldn't tell her about his problem before. She says she was so silly dying of jealousy, the pill worked quickly, like magic. She makes him promise to consult his doctor, the pill helps for now but she wants him to get fixed up for good. He loves her, she wants to lose weight, all is well in the lesser house.

A nurse brings Al the lab reports on Florencia, sorry she's late but there was a problem in the lab. Al sees the results and rushes out. OK, I'm going to start looking for the vodka.

Over at Evil Acres Vasco tells Barb he is happy because his old boss asked him to help with protecting the jungle, providing alternative incomes for the locals, and preventing the extinction of endangered species all rolled into one. And it shouldn't get in the way of Armendariz biz because he'll work on the weekend. Vasco comments that Barb looks unusually beautiful and happy.

A stroller gets delivered to Di and Bru and when he complains she snaps "I'll pay for it!" He asks her does she not get that they don't have money? He insults her and they fight again. He stalks out and she talks to the baby, she's not sure being with Bruno for the baby is worth the sacrifice. This is a definite about-face in her attitude. I think she's ready to take a lesson from Maricruz's stroller mommy, except that Bruno will be in the stroller.

Chalo washes the car in his surf shorts and Barb sneaks up behind him and caresses him. Sara watches while Barb whispers that she adores him but they need to be discreet.

Sara tells Chalo she has his money. She mocks him for wanting a credit card. It's a waste because Barb doesn't care if her lovers are rich or poor. Chalo defends Barb which amuses Sara, she reminds him he took the fotos of Barb and her lover. Sara says Chalo knows nada of women. Chalo says he's beginning to regret being her accomplice, what happens if he opens his mouth and reveals her lies? He has nothing to lose. She asks what will Barb think when she hears Chalo nearly killed her son? (Oooh, good one Sara.) She says if he ruins her plans he'll go down before her. He flares his nostrils at her.

Lor tells Maruja to hurry up they'll be late for work. Jaime shows up and Lor agrees to go ahead. He says he's been thinking about her business idea. She thinks they should create and market gourmet Mexican products such as squash blossoms, huitlacoche (mmmmm, our favorite), chilacayote, etc. He doesn't know why she'd put her savings in his hands. She says he has administrative talent and knowledge. His past means nothing, it's all about his future.

Ern watches Lor from his car and calls himself an idiot. He's about to get out when he gets a phone call from Gladys. Lor grabs a taxi and he misses his chance. Gladys calls to ask why didn't he tell her Gina wets the bed? She ruined the mattress so Gladys had to punish her by making her wash clothes. Ern is aghast and says Gina's not responsible for what happened. Wicked Witch Gladys didn't call him for advice, she called him to say Gina is crying for him. Ern tells her he can't come now because he's on his way to work. He'll see the kids on the weekend. At first I thought this was harsh of him but I'm thinking it's a pretty effective way to get Gladys to tire of the kids sooner rather than later. Intentional or not, it should work to Ern's favor.

Jaime tells Maru she's a great friend. A friend, she scoffs, too bad he only sees her that way. What way would you like, he asks? As a woman, you idiot! (OK, I added the last bit.) Jaime doesn't waste any time. He kisses her, tells her he loves her, and he's dreamed of this moment a thousand times. I'll bet it was when he was in jail and had a lot of time on his hands.

At the restaurant the gossipy hostess tells Monica that Ern and Lor have been fighting for two days. Lorena won't forgive him for getting rid of the kids. Monica snickers that Ern needs moral support and she's the one to give it.

In the kitchen Lorena tells Maruja that if happiness had a name it would be Maruja. Why the big smile? Maru asks Lor not to tell Rossy, but she and Jaime are novios!

Rossy sees them hugging and asks did Lor make up with Ern? Lor answers that there are some who won't drop the pan even if they burn the mango. (Hay gente que no suelta la sarten ni aunque le queme el mango.) Huh, asks Rossy? Lor tells her to ask Ern. He walks past and attempts a quick smile at Lorena. I love him.

The Armendariz Chef is trying to teach Sara how to make risotto, a dish that will impress anyone. She tries her hand at stirring but she acts like the risotto is going to bite her.

Alonslow tells another doctor that Florencia didn't react positively to the test. Other doc says all they can do is wait. Al has to go because Florencia is calling for him. Oh shoot she's in pain and looks on the verge of death. Sorry folks, I had to fast forward. Al pats her head and says everything will be fine. Vodka in glass, add ice, a splash of cranberry juice, one vodka cranberry (aka Cape Cod) standing by.

The restaurant is closed and Monica is "surprised" to see Ern is still there, doesn't he have to get home to take care of the kiddies? She tries to suck up to him but puts her foot in her mouth every time. It must be hard to care for the children of others. "They're not others, they're my family." She says they were a lot of work. "Thanks for calling me incompetent," he replies. She says she doesn't see him as a dad and now he can think of himself first and last. He thanks her for opening his eyes, for showing him how immature and egotistical he was, that he was only putting on the pretext that their leaving was best for them. Monica has been soundly put in her place and she knows it.

Only one minute left and we are at Florencia's bed. It's never good when a sickbed is the last scene. Florencia tells Al there isn't time for her to say goodbye to her godmother (who was never there), tell her not to be sad. She weakly grasps Al's hand and thanks him for being her friend during her last days and for giving her hope. She's so tired...her head droops and her eyes stare. Of course she dies ON MY NIGHT! (And to make it worse she'll die again on Monday). Al looks consternated and constipated. I believe I'll have that vodka cranberry now.

Note: No QE tomorrow, it returns on Monday and Sara tries to throw herself at Al and Al gazes numbly at Lorena.


Thursday, September 18, 2008

El Cuerpo del Deseo, Thurs., Sept. 17 - Nina spreads sunshine wherever she goes

Simón sees Isabel kissing Andrés. Both Isabel and Andrés convince Simón that it is in his best interest not to say anything to anyone about it.

Nina puts some substance on a piece of meat and gives it to Azur. Nothing appears to happen to the dog, though. What was that all about?

Nina catches Simón and Nora, the maid, in the stable and tells PJ and Isabel. PJ has to have a talk with Simón and tell him to think with his brain not his other parts.

Andrés tells Isabel that they can't wait for PJ to die naturally. He gives her some poison to use in small doses. She doesn't want to do it at first but when she sees Andrés making moves on Ángela, she gets the stuff out. It seems like when she gives PJ some orange juice after one of his nightmares about Salvador that she used the poison but we don't see her put it in the glass.

Salvador and his wife miss a bus.

We are obviously setting up things that only PJ knows about so that when PJ is in Salvador's body, he can demonstrate that he really is PJ. Here, PJ shows Ángela a necklace that belonged to her mother. He will give it to her when she marries. He tells her not to tell anyone about it's nickname, which the titles don't translate very well into English as, 'Little Shiny Tear,' [pequeña lagrima brillante']. PJ also says that where he keeps the necklace is also a secret.

Nina says nasty things about Antonio's father in front of him but Antonio just leaves the room. Nina does the same thing to Simón and Simón tells her off necessitating another visit by PJ to the brothers to smooth things over.

Finally Valeria is ill with some kind of rash on her face. After the charming Nina touches her niece, she is only concerned about washing any possible contagion off her hands.


Doña Bárbara - Wed., Sept. 17 - Curses, portents and Looooove in the Llanos

My oh my! What a great episode. I really like this novela.

Melesio want to know why Las terneras are angry at Gervasia. Genoveva lies to him and says that Gervasia won't do her part to help around the house or go to school. Melesio doesn't believe her but since lies have short legs, he will discover what their secret is very soon. ["como las mentiras tienen patas cortas, muy pronto voy a descubrir cual es el secretito.." ] Since pregnancy can't be hidden for too long (except on FELS), he will find out very soon. Gervasia is not grateful to her sisters/cousins.

Gervasia leaves to get Melesio some coffee and the terneras hear a bird call. Genoveva identifies it as an 'alcaraván,' which is translated in the titles as Stone Curlew. She she says that her grandmother said that when a Stone Curlew calls, single girls are in danger ['la abuela decía que cuando cantaba un alcaraván, las solteras corren peligro']. She clarifies that the danger is unwed pregnancy.

A Stone Curlew is a kind of bird but it's not found in Venezuela. My Birds of Venezuela field guide says that an 'alcaraván' is a Southern Lapwing. A picture of a Southern Lapwing is below.

When Antonio tells Federica that he doesn't love her and that he won't marry her, she tries her bell tower suicide stunt again. This time Antonio calls her bluff and she doesn't jump, of course. Pernalete hauls Antonio off to jail but Santos gets him released. Federica still won't give up on getting Antonio, though.
DB comes to to the movie presentation in Progresso. While Santos is off getting Antonio out of jail, DB has her men bring Luisana to her. DB puts a curse on Luisana ['te maldigo..'], blows some dust on her and says that the closer she is to DB's man, the closer she will be to death ['mientras más cerca estés de mi hombre, más cerca estarás de la muerte']. Although she says that she doesn't believe in withcraft, Luisana starts shivering and can't get warm.
Marisela goes to confront Luisana about the missing items from Luisana's room. She overhears Luisana telling Mauricio about DB's curse.

Mauricio gives Cecilia the same "Slave of your love" book that he gave Antonio. Reading it, Cecilia has a fantasy of her and Antonio in an oldtime movie.

Then Antonio comes to Altamira in person and in a very hot scene, Cecilia tells him that she has read romance novels and seen movies and waited 30+ years and now she wants her man in her bed right now.
I hope Antonio and Cecilia get to go all the way before Luisana, who has collapsed, is found.

Meanwhile, there are more portents. There is a thunderstorm that Santos says is unusual in the dry season and where the ranch hands sleep, Pajarito hears a rooster crow. He says that when roosters crow in the night, it means someone is going to die ['cuando los gallos cantaban de noche, es porque alguien se va a morir'].

Tomorrow: Luisana is dying?


QE 9-17 Wed..- Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me

OK folks, sorry to do this but I just got home to find that the machine did not record AGAIN, none of the three shows. I'm super annoyed, but I think I figured out the problem. If I turn the machine on to put in a fresh disc, and it doesn't get turned off again, somehow it doesn't know to set the timer and record as programmed. WTF. Soooo not fair, because here I think I'm securing myself while gone by putting in a new disc, making sure there's enough space for everything, because I won't be around to check it, but I'm actually screwing myself if I do it in a hurry and don't wait and make sure the machine shuts off. Argh!!!!!!

Anyway, I'll check you tube and post something tomorrow. Sorry I just don't have the patience tonight, but feel free to comment away.

Duh, and even put the wrong day and date. Can you tell how beat I was? Guess it was the three hours of Italian Opera. Anyway, Sailor SYL saves me AGAIN!!!!!!!!! What a gal!!!So without further adieu, here is your recap courtesy of SHARKBAIT!!!!!

Ern tells the kids they would be better off with Tia Gladys. Little Gina cries and Ivan is all "See I told you he didn't want us!" Just then Tia shows up to get the kids.

Later Ern is super guilt-ridden and cranky at work.

Sara runs into Lorena at school and lets her know that Al was sniffing around begging her forgiveness. Sara tries to threaten Lor and Lor goes "Wooooo I'm scared. How does it feel being the second course?"

Later on at school the director tells the students that the famous TV Chef (that Zully and Maru always watch) is holding some sort of contest where the students apply and audition and one of them gets an internship or spot on the show with him. Sara snottily tells Lor and Paty it will be she.

Later on at work Sara asks the head chef for help and he looks stricken.

Paula tells Raimundo that she's getting back with Dario. He takes it like a man and she seems kind of sad.

Omar pops a Viagra and starts to put the moves on a shocked Zulema but she reminds him they are supposed to go have dinner at Diana and Bruno's house. Doh!! He ends up not going so maybe he suffers from a priapism (wheeee, I finally got to use this word that I learned 30 years ago in first-aid class). Later on he has a super-bad headache.

Oh, this is cool, Chalo talks Barb into slumming with him. They go to a disco in a neighborhood where for sure none of her friends will see her. They have a great time. Really. Barb honestly cuts loose and enjoys herself. Not surprisingly Chalo is a wonderfully sleazy dancer and Barb tells him to stop calling her Patrooona and please call her Baaaarbara. Later they drunkenly stumble back into Evil Acres and whisper sweet goodbyes (no kissing yet). Later Barb rolls around in her bed ecstatically reminiscing about her night with the chauffeur. She says it was the most fun night she's ever had and she adores him!

The next day Barb is practicing dancing to Chalo's favorite band, Vasco sees her and starts dancing with her. It's kind of a nice mother-son moment.

The next cool thing. Jaqui actually moves in with Icky and his Ma. Ma is royally pissed off but Jaqui makes Icky say if she can't move in then he will move out forever. Later Ma tells Jaqui she's lazy and needs to help out and Jaqui is all "Hey I'm not the maid, you're the one who's rude, I don't like your tone and if you're mean to me I'll move out and take your son with me!" They have a smirk-off and Jaqui wins.Meanwhile Icky warns Sara about Vasco threatenining to go over the books with a fine tooth comb and they need to fix them, pronto.

Back up a little, Bruno told Diana that he couldn't be at the family dinner because he had to work, but when he gets home in the morning Diana busts him. She called work and he never was there. I think he said he slept in the car. They have ANOTHER fight. When they make up he makes a nasty look over her shoulder.

Rossy tells Lor that Julian plans to ask for her hand in marriage. Lor is happy until she goes back into the kitchen and Ogre Ern is on a rampage.

Zulema sees Omar's Viagra pill and he finally admits to her the embarrassing truth...he can't get it up. She's totally cool about it and insists they'll go see a doctor together. They see the doctor and we get a PSA on erectile dysfunction and all its possible causes. Omar is thrilled and announces his is most likely due to stress.

Crazy landlady Conchita tells Greta to make a move for Jaime. She actually says she wants one of her clients to strike a gold mine so they can help her out later if necessary.

Meanwhile Maruja proposes a business deal with Jaime. She will fund his ideas and they will start some sort of food-related business.

Augusta massages Snorty's hands and tells her to try to move her fingers, it will be another way for them to communicate. When Snorty discovers she can move her index finger her eyes get wide.

Sara sneaks a peak at Chalo and Barb flirting about the night before. Later Sara is nasty and insulting to him and he tells her all she is to him is an income. By the way where is the next installment?

Al gets bad news about his patient Florencia. He has to tell her she is too weak for a transplant. She cries that she's going to die and he begs her to keep the faith.

Last scene, Ern is obsessively cleaning the rug when Lor shows up. She wants him to fight for his sobrinos and bring them home. She tells him she feels he lied to his sobrinos and to her too. He threw them out like unwanted cats and he's such a crank she doesn't know what she's doing there either. I think she tells him maybe they should break up and he is muy impactado


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Guapos Wednesday 9/17/08 Cue up another replay of the anvil chorus . . .

I'm sorry this is late--once again, life intervenes. I salute the recappers who can do their recaps at night. Every time I start to do it, I fall asleep (like last night). Then today, I had a meeting all morning.

Cross-cultural excursion, right here in NYC. About an hour ago, I went down to the Korean deli to get a snack. It was time for the various Mexican counter clerks to have their lunch, and I asked one of them what they were eating (it looked like a very interesting meat and vegetable stew), and why they didn't offer it for the patrons. He said it was too spicy! (Mexicans and Koreans both eat very spicy food.) Anyway, he then began to ask his compadres (in Spanish) if they wanted some food, and they each replied yes or no or whatever (and I was so proud of my comprehension!). Then he started joking with his friends in that singsong accent just like Chamuco. It was so funny how he could turn it on and off at will.

Now, back to our story.

Well, last night's ending brought a big surprise. Floreeenda is stalking the baby . . . or is she? This plot twist is one big gaping black hole. When we last saw Florencia, she was going off to that big Disneyland in the sky with her newly restored love, Rigoberto. Now she's back, if they ever left, and there's no satisfactory explanation of why. Moreover, Thuggy-Bear has developed a really mean streak. Welcome to the Twilight Zone, better known as Guapos, ultimos capitulos, T minus 3 and counting, when all plots must be resolved.

So Florencia popped out of the bushes to cuddle the baby. Why in the world would they leave a baby untended for even a second? Then back at her apartment, Rigoberto punches her viciously.

Now the "real" family is assembled at the little house. Rocky and Val have no room, so they are going to a hotel. Nestor toasts Al and tells how happy is that Al finally called him papa. Luci looks on tearfully. Val tells Mili how much she loves her and how happy she is that Mili will be happy. Here's another bit of exposition that got lost, I think--all of a sudden Val and Mili are openly acknowledging their sisterhood, but I think we missed the scene where that would have been discussed between the two of them. Oh, well. (At one point the captions had Mili calling Val "Andrea," but the voice said "Valeria." I had to rewind to make sure.)
(Previous night: Wasn't it funny when Braulio went into the kitchen to tell everyone that Rosario was still alive--impactada looks from Socorro, Horacio and Gloria--but then he adds that Connie is Mili's father, and Gloria says, oh, yeah, I knew that . . .)

Dingdong. Who's calling? Why, it's Preppy Hugo. He sees Rosario for the first time and smiles in recognition when he realizes she looks like the painting that he psycho-slashed. All is explained, Hugo is happy for Mili, and his Norman Bates act is forgotten by all.

Back to the apartment, where Rigoberto continues to treat Flor like a punching bag. What were you doing with that infeliz Alejandro? She says he should get out and leave her in peace. No, and more punches. Rigoberto is completely delusional and wants to return to the wonderful relationship they had, but Flor says he can't possibly think things were ever good. (They've actually made me feel sorry for Florencia.) He reminds her that her father was an obstacle between them and now Alex is a new one. He has to stop it. It's not clear if he is saying he was involved in killing her father. Anyone? Rigoberto wants to get the baby back and run away so they can be a happy threesome.

Back to the little house. Hugo meets Rosario, and he says that Connie and Damian were always talking about her, because they thought Al was involved with her. He tells everyone that Connie and Damian had a fight--Damian ran away with Andrea and the money. No one knows where he is. Someone says good riddance to Andrea. Mili says Hugo should try to be happy, he deserves it. He will be, he tells her. Hugs all around.

Quickie setup scene in which Mili and Al lay in bed together (so cozy). But Mili is worried about Connie. She is going to go over there and make sure he's okay. Al doesn't want her to go alone, but she insists.

Preppy Hugo comes to talk to Karla at the club. Macaroni spots him and gives him the once-over. She never forgets a cute guy.

There's a slumber party over at Lina and Bobby's. Soco, Horacio, Gloria and Chamuco have all been ousted from the mansion, so they have dragged their Mexican shopping bags to the apartment (Braulio has gone to stay with his sister). No worries: Lina and Bobby will find room for them. Socorro is sad about Karla, but Lina still can't tell her the whole story.

Back at the bar, Sylvester is singing. Karla spots Preppy Hugo. He wants to talk about the baby. He wants them to all be together.

Comic relief segment: Connie tries to cook, but he can't even light the stove.

Hugo is still wooing Karla with a surefire line that every girl wants to hear: "It doesn't matter whose baby it is--I want to be its father." (Remember, we still don't know if this baby is Hugo's or Damian's.) Karla is not buying it: why are you doing this? she asks. Finally, she turns him down. She says she used to want money and a big house and jewelry, etc., and now she realizes she doesn't. She says she found someone else. Preppy Hugo asks if he knows the suitor, and she says no. She says he's tender, kind, and more attractive than Preppy Hugo. He's a good soul. She and her child do not need the prepster.

After Karla walks away, Hugo exults: She rejected me! Hey, this is just like "The Shop Around the Corner" (or "You've Got Mail," for younger viewers). Hugo hugs Sylvester gleefully.

Back at the office of the Three Stooges, Flo shows up. Everyone freezes, and Al asks who punched her. She tells the whole story (except the part where she explains where they've been all these months). She says the baby is in danger. Cut to a scene with the two grandmas (Ros and Luci) and Val walking the baby in a stroller in the park. Rigoberto comes up and praises the cuteness of the baby. I guess none of them knows him, 'cause they are unfazed. Luci's cell phone rings, and Al warns Luci to get home right away. She pulls away, but none realizes how close they were to danger. Whew!

At the mansion, suddenly Mili arrives: Connie greets her enthusiastically. "Mili, I knew you would come back." He promises her the world if she would just move back in. Mili stops : I need to talk to you . . . "papa." (Whoa, what just happened? Yes, you heard correctly. Rewind and rewatch. Rewatch again. This is the climax of the entire telenovela. Everything was leading up to this moment. Pause while we take a deep breath and do it justice. Now we know that the writers left Mili to do the dirty work, 'cause this late in the story Connie still couldn't do it. Wow.)

Now we have the money scene, the one that's going to clinch these two the premios: Both turn on the Niagara Falls.

Yes, I called you Papa. Mili begins to tutear. Why did you never tell me anything? she asks. You never gave me a name, a birthday present, a Christmas present. I kept giving you opportunities to tell the truth and explain why you had abandoned me and my mother. But no. I never thought I'd say it to your face, but now, papa, I am here to ask you one thing--let me be happy with Alejandro.

Cut for commercial.

Now Mili says she'll go back to "usted" form and call him Don Constancio, since he's obviously more comfortable with that. Now it's an exchange: Why didn't you tell me? No, why didn't YOU? he asks. She calls him a coward. Only his political position and career were important. He cries that he has changed. Now he wants the chance to show it. Mili demurs. Just don't hurt Alejandro, she says, and let us live in peace.

Al is meanwhile trying to get the truth out of Flor. How did she find them? She says her sister told them where their new office was. Her life is a hell. Rigoberto hits her and insults her all the time. At first she thought she could handle it, but she couldn't (I suppose she didn't see the fourteen Lifetime Movie Network specials on abusive spouses). She didn't tell Marisela, because she "didn't want to bother her."

Back to our reunited father and daughter. Connie is blubbering helplessly, because he remembers how his mother suffered not knowing about Mili. He feels very guilty.
Mili reveals that Regina died happy. Mili had told her the truth and showed her the necklace with Connie's initials. Her only regret was that she couldn't see Rosario. She asked me and Alejandro to keep looking. She died happy. Connie breaks down, sounding like a little boy crying for his mommy. He caused Regina so much pain, and he can't ask for forgiveness. Mili says that Regina did forgive him, and her last words for that she loved Constancio and forgave him. Mili reaches toward him behind his back but draws away.

Connie begs Mili to come and live with him, he needs her. No, Mili says. She will live where she belongs, with Alex and her daughter. But Alex is cheating on her, Connie says, astonished. No, Mili says: Rosella Dillano is only a business associate. But she bought 60 percent of the company, Connie says. She wants to destroy me. No, she bought the shares for me, she says. She is a friend. Mili is going to give the shares back to Connie. She doesn't want to hurt him. All she wants is that he let her and Alex be. If you hurt him, she says, you'll hear from me. Mili leaves.

Karla looks for Homeless Hugo in the park. She finds out he went to the club.

Lina finally tells Socorro the truth about Karla. Socorro can't believe it. Lina says Karla is like a new person, she has a new face when she's with Homeless Hugo. Socorro hopes the "joven" will really love her daughter. Lina says he does. While the gang is sitting around, the maid is dusting feverishly. Finally, she sits down and says, about Hugo, "What a cute boy!" Lina says "Look, she speaks."

Florencia refuses to stay in a safe place with Al and company and goes home alone. How could they let her do it? Rigoberto asks where she was. To show how menacing he is, he flicks a cigarette lighter.

Karla meets Hugo in the park. She tells him she has arranged for him to sing at the club, but maybe he should clean up a little (just don't hide those arms!). He wants to be with her always. She invites him for tacos, and she says she will name her baby Mauricio, after him. (I thought Homeless Hugo's name was Pandroso?)

Bobby and Rocky come to the little house and make sure the baby is safe. Mili walks in and learns that Florencia has returned. She is panicked, thinking Flor wants to take her baby. No, she is assured--she is trying to protect the baby.

Back at the apartment, Flor is receiving yet another beating. Al comes in and punches Rigoberto (yay!) and tells Flor to get her suitcase. Then he tells Rigoberto to stay away if he knows what's good for him. But he doesn't call the police . . .

I'll just weigh in for my last recap that this show has been great. I like most of the way they have resolved things, but I think this story about Florencia was out of left field. Are we supposed to believe that Rigoberto was a psycho all along, and Florencia's father was right? I suppose so (he did have that weird smile when we first saw him). If that's all they're going to give us, we have to accept it.

As for Connie and Mili, the "papa" scene was just another in a whole series of very well-acted interactions. These have never failed to touch me. I accept Connie, warts and all. This was a magnificent scene.

It's really been fun recapping this story and seeing everyone's reactions.


Fuego, Wed., Sep. 17: This is just like that time when the nice urban welfare people moved into the neighborhoods across town...

Buenas noches a todos.

I want to make a shout-out to my friend Beckster: I absolutely loved the “What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?” reference. I can see it now; Sarita runs-over Jimena with the Jeep, then, like her mother, locks Sofia away and enslaves her to make her clothes and hair ribbons. Of course, no one will notice, or care, and Sarita will convince Father Tadeo and Juan that Sofia hit the road with Fernie and the “baby.”

<--Tell me this isn't our precious, precious Sofía Elizondo. Melinama: I'm really sorry if this is a copyright infringement, but I think it adequately captures the essence of our soon-to-be mamma.

Here we go kiddies:

So, Ninel Conde (Rosario) might just be the most beautiful woman ever… That said, we start in Puebla where Gabi is talking to the nice lawyer about the ranch and Bernie’s supposed millions. “I just want to get this straight: let’s say, and God forbid, Sofia’s kid never sees the light of day; who gets the dough (no reference to Juan intended)?” “You do, and no one can legally take that away from you.” This phrase bounces off the interior walls of her seemingly large, but empty mind.

Ofelia is telling Margarita that she always took care of Margarita’s biological daughter who was sickly and weak—probably because she missed her biological mother—and eventually died. Everyone cries. Did we receive a double dose of this little heart-to-heart?

Gabi, yet again, is remembering the exact words of the lawyer; no one can legally take away her money. She has a wonderful idea; sure she can’t prevent the bastard kid’s birth, but she sure as hell can make him or her disappear. Then, Sofia couldn’t demand a dime, and Gabi would remain the heartless millionaire she always was.

Margarita can’t believe that her daughter died. Ofelia tells her that one day a strange woman gave her a little girl, who, of course, was the same age, weight, size, and skin tone as the one who died. She never saw the woman again, but she decided to roll the dice and keep the little critter (I somehow doubt that Children Services knew anything of the trade): her name is Rosario, just like the one who died from missing her mommy too much. The years kept on going by, until Margarita showed-up. Margarita wants Ofelia to take her to her daughter’s tomb. She wants to apologize to her baby girl. I just want to make a brief interjection here: you don’t let a little girl die from “missing her mommy too much,” not tell anyone, take in other minors, and then illegally switch their identities. You just don’t…

Baby Jane and Blanche are talking about Eva. Of course Sofia (Blanche) recognizes that Eva did a lot of crappy things to them, but she also practically raised them, so everyone in the family needs to thank her. Sarita (Baby Jane) refuses, as expected, and reminds her that Eva, nor the Reyes, deserve forgiveness. And this bitch was going to be a nun?! Sofia tells Sarita that Rosario is not Eva’s daughter. Well, this little surprise makes Sarita as good as new, and is happy to know that the town tartlette isn’t her sister. It’s not like they ever treated her like one anyway, so what’s it matter?

Ofelia is telling Rosario that showbiz isn’t in her blood, and Margarita isn’t her mamma. Margarita is looking to the over-stuffed pillow for comfort. Rosario apologizes, but that doesn’t bring back the dead baby—does it? Suddenly the three women feel an interconnection and embrace.

Juan apologizes to Eva for the Elizondo’s giving her the boot. Tonight’s theme, and probably the first and only device that unites the plots and gives the novela meaning, is forgiveness—everyone’s sorry, but no one really gives a shit, and everyone refuses to accept one another. Anyway, Eva tells Juan that life sucks, and all the good things remain a distant memory. Juan urges Eva to stay in town. We all know that he’s about to offer her yet another room in their modest, yet always-vacant boarding house. Rosario comes a-knockin’, embraces Eva, and tells her that Margarita isn’t her mother. Eva is her mother! Of course this statement has no bearing whatsoever on reality, and a blood test is absolutely out of the question, but it’s best to remember that it’s all relative in San Marin, or wherever we are…

While Sarita tries to stir up some hatred and anger in Sofia, Sofia reminds her that she is going to be a mother, and certainly does not want to give the baby such negative feelings. Gee, for someone in their eighteenth month of pregnancy, Sofia shure knows how to wear those godforsaken-ruffled blouses to her advantage. Last night Juan was in Sofia’s bedroom. He kissed her, she kissed him, then they started arguing. He mentioned that under no circumstance was he going to renounce his son or daughter. Sarita gets the notion that he is going to take the baby away. Right, Sarita, that’s exactly what he means to do. Well, that can’t happen or else all the feelings Sofia has for Juan will disappear. Alright, I am officially revoking the titles of “Dumb” and “Dumber” from Juan and Oscar and giving them to Sofia and Sarita.

And in case there was any doubt, Juan reassures an uninterested and confused Eva and Rosario that he went to Sofia last night to beg her to return to him, and if not, at least let him see the baby sometimes under certain conditions. Wow, these writers think of it all. If we ever are scared that Juan might do something rash, the next scene puts our hearts to rest. Eva assures Juan that Sofia would never keep the baby from him. He gets the school-boy grin on his face, the one I want to smack off with a metal bat.

Rosario tells Ofelia that Eva is her mother. Their soul bonds are much stronger than their blood bonds. Then in walks toupe guy (Fernie’s assistant). He’s really interested in the well-being of Rosario. Ofelia pipes up and wants to know since when he gives a crap about Rosario? Evidently he, too, is tired of Fernie’s old tricks, and wants to form an alliance. Ofelia isn’t buying it. But our little Rosario sure does; she is going to give him a chance. What does it matter that he had you bent-over and was beating you? Some people never learn…

Juan is saying goodbye to Eyebrows, and thanks him for being good to Pedro. Apparently Juan did something that made him regain his dignity as well as his son. They hug. I wish I had a patent-leather jacket with leopard print on the shoulders…

Gabi is cursing up a storm in her office. Do you realize that half of her scenes start with “maldita sea” (damn it)? Things aren’t going to stay like this, and as sure as I am that there’s a better blouse in her closet to match her polyester pants than the one she has on, she is not going to give-up those lands. Eva interrupts and tells her that Margarita is not Rosario’s mother. Eva wants to know if Rosario is her daughter. Gabi is very sorry, but she will never tell. Now get out. Eva is on her knees like the coward she is. Gabi needs a drink. She explains that she never wants to see her again. That would make this the 70th time this week that she told her that, and the 200th time this week Gabi had a drink before noon. That’s when you know you have a problem.

Margarita sings a song as Eva and Rosario embrace and smile. Don’t ask me what she was singing—I fast-forwarded through the whole thing; woohoo!

Why is it that every time I do this recap, Pedro is “leaving for good?” This is like a joke between the writers because I swear to God he has been in the process of leaving for the past 30 episodes. At least no one is crying. But, Juan kindly reminds Pedro of his last name, and where they live—in case he gets lost. All I can say is like Jesus, and Liza, and Judy, he’ll be back.

Oh this is funny. Gabi holds-up a closed, unmarked envelope and asks her daughters; “do you know what this is?” “No” they say. Unlike you, we can’t read minds or use X-ray vision. Those darn Reyes over yonder are suing me for those lands, which are mine. Sofia reminds her that those lands were not originally hers. “No, but Raquel Uribe gave them to me.” “At the cost of Eva’s baby?” asks a sassy Sofia. Ouch! So, basically, instead of selling Eva’s baby for drugs, or crack money, Gabi sold it for some swamp land and a tree with Juan’s dad’s initials on it? Nice.

Gabi assures her that she would never do that. Gabi tells the girls that Rosario is not Margarita’s daughter. They take the news kind’a hard. Sofia demands to know who Eva’s daughter is. Gabi tells them that Eva doesn’t deserve to know. She says that the Reyes and Eva were originally accomplices and that the Elizondo girls were their victims. And now the bastards are working together to get their hands on her lands. Sofia doesn’t believe it. Well, honey, if you do believe it, you’re setting yourself up for a lot of disappointment. Seems like somebody is going to be eating dinner in her bedroom tonight…

Juan goes to Gramps to thank him for being with the Reyes through thick and thin. Now that the Reyes have a place to pray for their parents, they are going to fight for the Uribe lands. Gramps asks Juan what his uncle’s name is, and when Juan tells him, the slowly-cranking wheels in his rusted, twisted mind start turning.

Gabi has summoned Sarita and Jimena to her office. They file-in one by one like good little girls. Gabi tells them that the Reyes are trying to sabotage them, and she expects them to divorce their husbands. Jimena isn’t sure she wants a divorce, of course, she isn’t sure which ribbon to put in her hair each morning either. “Make Sarita do it, she never consummated her marriage. I personally did it in the backyard, under a tree, and on a river bank” says Jimena. Gabi is happy to learn that at least Sarita has a little shame.

Gramps has to say his name a few times, but he finally remembers that Vicente Robles used to steal the fruit from his ranch. He also remembers a man who was young and hardworking. “Juan…Juan Jose…Juan Jose Robles!” Whattaya know! Isn’t this unbelievable? He and Juan were two of a kind. What a small neighborhood. If I didn’t know any better I’d say we were back in West Virginia.

Sofia happens across Juan in her own front yard. She tells him that he doesn’t have anything to do there. She starts walking off by herself, and he lets her go. She says goodbye as if it were the last time. Now, call me crazy, but should she be walking around by herself in the black of night? Not with her track record.

Eyebrows meets up with El Coyote. El Jefe tells Pedro that he would really like to get to know him more. Pedro tells him that he would like that very much, even more so if they could be together forever. This is just a little aside, but it’s obvious that the casting director was smoking something that could only be cooked-up in a Tijuana bathtub at the time of the Casting Call. For God’s sake, El Jefe is like five years older than his son Pedro. It’s a biological feat I tell you. Age aside, they spend a wonderfully-happy day in Puebla by a fountain, eating ice cream and a typical meal, then a trip to church. I have to say, they really look more like lovers than “padre e hijo.” Sort’a creepy… Just when El Jefe is about to go to the Big House, Pedro reminds him that he will visit everyday. Go in peace—it will be sort’a like an adventure. They hug and cry; the two fundamental signs of a good actor in this scary, twisted world. Also the only thing our novela friends know how to do. He gives him a bracelet, then says goodbye.

Gabi goes to court, which by the way, looks like the same one they used in Amor Real, and the lawyer tells them that the whole charade is over, and the Reyes can now take over their ranch. What about the other lands for which they are fighting? Well, that’s another day, another case. Juan makes a special point to say goodbye to Gabi. You will never have those lands she says. Now I know Juan and the gang were born in a barn, but isn’t it painfully obvious that you don’t show-up to court in a cut-off burlap sack with some chicken embroidery on it?

Well, the next thing we see is Juan and the gang checking out their new digs at the big ranch. Now, my initial thought when I saw this was; Ah, this is just like when the nice urban welfare people moved into the neighborhoods across town... We all know how this is going to go…

Tomorrow: All I can say is Beckster and Jardinera are freakin’ lucky they have days off. For you crazy folk who love this show, you’re going to have to wait till LUNES! Anyway, as you know, Juan and the Gang are movin’ on up in high society. But now there is a war, and Gabi is forcing them to divorce her daughters. I’d like to see her try, but then again, wave any reading material above the second-grade level and the Reyes will sign away.


Fuego en la Sangre, Tuesday 9/16 (#100) And you and you and you are NOT Rosario's mother!

Hi everyone Bridget again in for Cheryl. It's been really hard watching these past few days with the dragging, groveling, forgive me storyline. Look I think I just finished the recap for this evening. Ah if it was only that simple so let's get started.

As Sofia opens the doors to the balcony Juan is outside waiting for her. After a quick make out session Juan and Sophia which I thought was maybe the beginning of the "I forgive you" storyline started the same argument. You've deceived me, how could you do this. Sophia has decided that she would raise Juanny Jr. by herself. Juan stakes claims as his right as a father and she better not forget it. Libia was innocent, Bernardo was at fault. The twist here is that Sophia has mentioned that her father was going to leave them for Libia. Fernando said so. Juan doesn't buy especially since she heard it from Feo. How can Sofia believe anything that Fernando said. Her grandfather believes that Feo was the cause of Bernardo's death but Sophia doesn't believe it. Grandpappy is always talking crazy things. (Didn't she always have a high regard for her grandfather? She really is turning into her mother). Juan tells her that she should pay more attention to her Grandfather because he's wise and always light years ahead of all them. They continue bickering how one changed the other. (I decide to catch a quick nap in the process) I can't forget the times we had together but yet I just can't forgive you. I'll never stop loving youuuuuuuuuuuuu.... but you lied to me. I'm finally awaken by Juan's "malaya" and the hurling of insults...its your pride... you're... you're just like your mom! With that my husband is gone... I mean Juan is gone.

Rosario is muy impactada with the news that Margarita is her mom. What was the reason of Margarita's abandonment? Her career was more important then being tied down with Rosario (ouch I think that's worse then Gabriela's slaps). Rosario is devastated and while she "congratulates" Margarita and her successful career she doesn't accept/want her as her mom. She prefers Eva over her.

At the Reyes house Franco and Oscar are back and who know where they have been. Quintina asks but doesn't get a real answer. Tristando, I'm not sure of the translation but I'm assuming is lamenting? Tio Vicente explains that he out and about and decided to take a serenade to the Elizondo girls and as he was telling Juan he also knows who Gabriela is. That even their parents knew who she was and that they even spoke of her. Hmmm interesting.

Crabby has demanded to know where Feo was this evening which he covers up by telling her that he found out that the Reyes have win the judgement for the Hacienda. Feo forewarns Gabriela and how she should be careful because they're coming after the lands. We now know that the lands are valuable because of the water that supplies it. Feo says not to worry he's wasn't going to abandon her, he'll help. But Gabriela has reminded Feo that she doesn't need his help. She has always struggled to get ahead she didn't need his help then and she doesn't need it now. Feo wants to know why is she so mad ... to which she replies "because the past has come back to surprise me" and she throws him out. Back in his room Feo is admiring the snake belt and places it in the his dresser. He getting sick of Crabby and when he gets everything he wants he's going to throw her out. He figures she's upset because of the Reyes.

Juan was finally given the good news to Oscar and Franco. The Hacienda Uribe is back in their possession. But the hardest part is regaining their lands back from Gabriela.

At breakfast the next day Sofia is wondering where her grandfather is and Gabriela explains that he was not welcomed to the house unless she invites him. Sophia decides she will invite him but is quickly shot down by Gabriela. When you have your own home then you can do whatever you want and invite whomever you want. Sophia sits down when Feo mentions that he is heading to Puebla for some business regarding the hacienda. So is Gabriela however when he suggests they go together she spits back no that he should handle his business and she'll handle hers.

Eva is visiting with Mr. August and he has invited her to breakfast. And while he still hasn't forgiven her, he wanted to talk to her. He doesn't understand why she wants to leave and how was she going to abandon Rosario. She explains that Rosario is not her daughter. Mr. August is muy impactado. (We get a small glimpse of Rosario at the Bad Love Bar trying to get over the shock of discovering who her real mom is). Eva explains the situation further to Don Agustin. Rosario is in the Hacienda (what the? How did that happen? Maybe there's some kind of underground tunneling). She has been explaining her sadness to Sophia. Eva is not her real mother.

Juan has just shared the good news to Pedro. They have regained possession of the hacienda. Juan has asked Pedro to stay but he kindly refuses and tells Juan that El Jefe (Pedro's father) is turning himself in. (I seriously don't get this storyline. In fact only last week I thought that El Jefe was going to be of some help to the Reyes and the quest of the holy grail [lands]. Its hard to see El Jefe such a wuss now...let's see if Feo finds out).

Rosario is retelling her sad story to Sophia while Gabriela looks on. (I dislike this in any can you not see the person standing to the side of you listening in on your conversation!). Sophia is trying to reason with Rosario about her decision and how she should not shut out Margarita. Sophia explains that while her own mother has treated her poorly she still tries to understand her. Gabriela is cackling in the foyer with a look of 'Gawd Sophia you are such a putz'. (Omg finally a LOL moment!). Rosario understands what Sophia is telling but she still doesn't know what to do.

Eva is asking Rosendo about the girls but Gabriela interrupts them. Gabriela has decided to add more salt to Eva's wound. She's never going to find out who her real daughter is. (This was a perfect opportunity to slap Gabriela and scream CANALLA!!). Instead Eva prays. Meanwhile Sophia is remembering all the good times and special moments she has shared with Eva and sets out to look for her.

Raquel is furious with her husband and the loss of the hacienda. Benito asks her what she's going to do. Raquel can't do anything and she only has a few days to get out. Benito plans to close El Tumbao and move far away hopefully with Eugenia.

Pedro is happy that his father is going to turn himself in. Just for him ... in order to gain Pedro's love and respect. Pedro thanks Juan for talking to his father. Reyes forever.

Eva is trying to reason with Rosario to accept Margarita. (Why!?) Rosario is dumbfounded how her mother would abandon her for her career. Rosario is also a singer but she would never do that to Luisito (You go girl). Eva tells Rosario that she's (Rosario) a good person and she shouldn't be that way with her real mom. Just then Margarita walks in wanting to speak to Rosario alone.

I guess Sofia is still looking for Eva when Juan and Capricho find her. Don't think I'm following you its only because this is a small town so we're bound to run into each other. Sophia mentions that they got a store front close by and so they should expect to run into each other. Now Juan has mentioned that the dang horse is missing Sophia (I'm slitting my wrists here!). The torment is great between the two. So it's time for some flashbacks.... (Is that Franco and Oscar singing in the background?) .

Back at the Bad Love Bar... I had to rewind this a bit...I could've sworn Rosario was a different shirt and hairstyle... yep I was right. Rosario doesn't understand why Margarita is looking for her and much less expecting her to accept her. Margarita tells her that she's being hard on her... Rosario is shocked. What was harder? Leaving me? What if Ofelia hadn't taken her in. She asks Margarita leave to have a properous career and forget she ever had a daughter. Goodbye forever. However before Margarita leaves the cameraman zooms in on Rosario foot. What the heck are we looking at? We're looking for a birthmark...Margarita muy impactada and in disbelief asks out loud for the birthmark.... YOU'RE NOT MY DAUGHTER! The he**? We need a professional to solve Rosario's baby mama drama. Get me Maury Povich!

Coyote wants to know if El Jefe knows what he's going. While Coyote has always obeyed and respected El Jefe he wants to make sure that El Jefe isn't making a mistake. This empire he built doesn't matter as long as he has the respect and love of Pedro.

Juan and Eva meet in the park and you guessed it.... Eva's crying.

Margarita "You're not my daughter!". Good timing says Rosario. And Margarita explains that her daughter was born with a birthmark on her foot ... a birthmark that Rosario doesn't have. Rosario is confused (heck so am I!) Ofelia walks in and Margarita tells her they needed to talk and they needed to talk now.

Eva is teling Juan that Rosario is not her daughter. Meanwhile the human butterfly Rosario has started her show. The Bar Boys have mentioned that Feo wanted to gain some extra money that was previous lost so he's obligated Rosario to do an extra show. However Bar Boys have noticed there's something wrong with Rosario ... she's crying.... blah. While Rosario is doing her show I can't help but noticed her crooked boobs!

Ofelia has explained that Margaritas real daughter was very weak and sickly child. As much as she loved and care for the little girl she was always sick. Perhaps because she missed her real mother. In the end the little girl died.


Gabriela is meeting with Bernardo lawyer about the will. The will states that if Sophia does not have a child then 80% hacienda and its lands are Gabriela's. 20% belongs to Don Agustin. So if Sophia doesn't have her baby then no one can claim the inheritance.

Next Time:

There's not much Gabriela can do to stop the birth of Sophia baby, it's too risky. However, she can make it disappear.
TIme is off the essence, the Reyes are coming after the lands.


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