Saturday, October 25, 2008

Querida Enemiga #88 – October 24, 2008 – Alonslow’s …..Career.….Is on the Line and Team Ernesto Respectfully Holds Back Cheers

My most sincere thanks to Maricruz for filling in for me the last two weeks. I deeply appreciate her enthusiasm and her awesome skill for the recapping, as well as her support!

From yesterday, Lorena sadly hovers at Zulema’s hospital bed, talking to her Mami softly, telling Zulema how much she and all of them love Zulema.

Julián’s honeymoon has ended abruptly with the news that Zulema is in a coma, and tonight he’s home and devastated. Omar tells him it’s not clear how long her coma will be and she’ll be here the whole time where they can take care of her. Julián mourns that she’s not really living a life, it’s a hell. She doesn’t deserve it. Rossy tries to comfort him. He’s inconsolable and demands to see her. Alonslow makes the mistake of showing up and Julián’s determined that Alonso’s going to pay. Julián’s definitely having a bad hair day, and makes a scene in the clinic waiting room. He demands to know what Alonslow has done to his Mami and calls Alonso all kinds of ugly things, including murderer even though she’s not dead yet. Rossy and Omar form a conga line to hold him back. Rossy and Diana try to calm him by yelling at the top of their lungs. Julián yells that his Mami is like that and Alonslow’s to blame, so Alonslow dutifully apologizes. Again.

Lorena, meanwhile, is hanging out with the aforementioned Mami, recalling old times. Earlier this week, actually, since she’s only known her Mami about two weeks—as a Mami. She’s recalling Rossy’s/Julián’s/Maruja’s/Jaime’s wedding when her Mami told her they could spend the rest of their lives making up for lost time. Zulema’s in lala-land, O2 tube firmly in her mouth, clearly a captive audience for Lorena. Lorena reminds a comatose Zulema they made a lot of promises about spending time together and they have to follow through. She needs to see her Mami play with her children and they’ll call her Granny. Lorena begs Zulema not to leave her alone.

Toribio’s book study gets interrupted by Paula, who wants to know what’s up. He’s poring over the books to try and find something that will help Alonslow. They lament the situation Alonslow has found himself in. Toribio notes the situation has affected him both personally and professionally—but that’s not fair, Paula thinks, because he’s an excellent doc. They’re just waiting on the investigation results. They moan in harmony and wish they could help. They can, though—they can comfort him.

Rossy isn’t having much success in a) calming Julián or b) comforting Julián. All he wants to do is blame Alonslow and assert no one hurts more than him since she’s his mother. Rossy keeps trying, though—lots of folks come out of comas. Julián insists there’s no hope. She points out that Zulema’s still alive! Julián is just not going with this program, after all, she’s unconscious! She’s only breathing because she’s hooked up to a machine!

Alonslow has the happy duty of assuring Omar and Diana that there won’t be any charges for Zulema’s extended stay in the Ritz-Clinic #23. Diana wants to know how long he’s talking about here. He can’t say, though—doesn’t have any good answers for anything.

Julián, looking worse than when he thought he was a total failure, cries out to Rossy that his mother is everything for him. Rossy tells him that’s why he has to keep hoping. Julián hits a homer when he points out she’s trying to make it easy but it wouldn’t be if Maruja was the one laid up in there. He continues to yell about this crime that’s been committed. Rossy continues to try to calm him, and he accuses her of trying to defend Alonslow—and by the way, Julián wants to be left ALONE. He wants to see his Mami, hug her….Rossy tells him enough already. She yells at him—she’s not letting him see his mother when he’s like this—it’s not fair to her or him. She reminds him about how Zulema raised him to be strong, and what he’s doing now doesn’t reflect any of it. Julián quiets, thinking about the wisdom of her words.

Zulema keeps breathing through the tube. Your recapper hopes she’ll come out of her coma as quickly as Vasco and Hortensia did. Julián comes in and cries “it’s not fair” when he sees her. Lorena gives him a concerned look from her chair next to Zulema. Julián cries about an 8 on the UCS because it is so UGLY to see him cry (he really needs to work on that—Ernesto could give him good manly crying lessons) and Lorena gives him a hug as he collapses to his knees next to her as they face Zulema.

Rossy sits in the waiting room while Omar paces in front of her. Rossy remarks that Julián appears to have calmed and Omar points out that she’s the one who must him and make sure he doesn’t do anything foolish. But, it’s a nightmare. They muse over how this could have come about. Omar says he’s not sure, but at least she didn’t suffer as they are. Rossy wants to know about any hope for her to awaken. Omar just shakes his head, bemused and sad.

Vasco is there for Diana as she hangs out in the waiting room. She tells him about the scene Julián made and how he tried to hit Alonslow. Vasco understands why he’s upset, but there’s no reason to become like that. They all love Mamá is Diana’s response, but Julián was the most attached to her. Vasco reiterates the need to keep the faith. Diana worries that Zulema might be suffering and Vasco comforts her with a hug. He knows these things—being in a coma is like being asleep. There’s no suffering. Diana feels alone, and Vasco understands while he reminds her she still has him for always. She notes he’s always been there when she’s needed him and he says he always will be, if she allows it.

Ivan and Bettina handle the waiting teen-style, with videos. She’s sad for Tío Alonslow. He feels super-guilty about what happened. Ivan tries to cheer Bettina, that Lorena still has reasons to be hopeful. It’s not like it was with his parents. Bettina wonders if it doesn’t still hurt him a lot and he admits he’s never going to stop hurting over it. Ivan describes dreaming about being with his parents, on a trip, they hug him….and Bettina tells him that’s lovely. Yeah, but it’s hard when the fantasy bubble bursts when he wakes up. He agrees, though, it’s lovely to see them even like that.

Matilde opens the door to find Bárbara, who wants to know if there is any news. According to all the family, they can only wait and hope for miracles. Bárbara cannot imagine this family without Zulema—but fortunately, there’s a little person who can help give them some joy. Matilde says Saulito is awake—would Bárbara like to see him? Of course! They go in to see him and Bárbara begins chanting to him in motherese [Ed. Note: it’s a real concept in language acquisition, and our Bárbara is a master at it! Whoda guessed??] Saulito is the king of the house! Matilde remarks that he seems to reallllly love Bárbara’s voice. Bárbara is totally cool with that. He knows that his grandmother loves him lots (think singsong). She picks him up to cuddle, commenting on how much he weighs. It’s the best cuddling she’s ever had, outside of Chalo. They exchange baby chitchat and smiles. ¡Qué bárbara! (That’s your Recapper’s feeble attempt at a play on words—whoda thunk Bárbara would be redeemed so beautifully?)

Alonslow mopes and worries in his office, recalling the operation and the moment he knew something was going wrong. Then Lorena’s horrified face looms in his mind as he gave her the bad news and she refused to accept it at first, wanting him to give her hope. He jumps up from his desk and sweeps all the stuff on it to the floor and against the wall with a couple of swift moves, making a racket. Conveniently, Bruto is right there at the door, ready to respond instantly to a friend in need. Indeed. Alonslow tells Bruto to leave him alone. Equally conveniently, Dra. Serrano is close enough to pop in, wanting him to cover an emergency, and notice the mess while she’s there. “You okay?” [Ed. Note: Duh.] Bruto answers for him, clearly he’s lost it (he’s going through a crisis). Alonslow excuses himself and dashes out, leaving Bruto in charge of putting his own spin on it and setting Alonslow up for a bigger fall later. Nope, don’t need to put him in charge of any emergencies at the moment, Chief. He’ll screw them up just like he did that surgery (okay, I extrapolated a little bit here). It’s too difficult for him to be here. Could be risky, too. She sighs and leaves Bruto savoring sweet success.

Dra. Serrano follows Slow down the hall and stops him. Dr. Palma is right, in his current state, Slow can’t help anyone. Slow doesn’t give a rip what Dr. Palma says. (He should). She gently scolds him and Slow asks her pardon. She urges him to take the day off and Bruto shows up just in time to second the motion. “Gee, you look like H***.” (Okay, I extrapolated that one, too). Bruto recommends a tranquilizer. (Like the one Sara gave Chalo?) Slow tries to refuse but the Dra. insists. Slow is commercial angustiado.

Dra. insists again, because they need the docs at 100% and if they aren’t, they have to get some rest. Bruto REASSURES Slow he doesn’t need to worry for the patients. He’s got Slow’s back. Slow tries to protest but the Dra. won’t risk the patients for his mood. She second guesses herself as Slow strides away, totally dejected, and Bruto seizes the moment to tell her she did it right. She strides off and he smirks again.

Sara grabs her phone and fusses at Bruto. She’s sick and tired of being cooped up. He’s got good news. What news? Alonslow’s been sent home. An attack of nerves. Sara’s hostile but pleased enough and Bruto says they’ll see each other later. Sara tells herself without Slow she has no reason to hang out there. She looks for any loose change or valuables Bruto might have left laying around in his dresser, nightstand, whatever. Nothing.

Lorena mourns this turn of events to Rossy, who listens well for a change. Why?? It’s a bad game of fate. Twice her Mami has been taken from her. Lorena worries for Slow, who feels so much guilt—it’s an accident! He didn’t take her from me! Lorena gives herself a pep talk—Zulema will recover, God is fair. He won’t let her go. They hug as Lorena’s tears come—a 3 or 4 on the UCS. Nicely done, Lore.

Hortensia has Joaquina get Bárbara on the phone for her as she works the office at the big house. Bárbara updates her—Hortensia had no idea about Zulema and is shocked.

It’s Omar’s turn to sit next to Zulema and tell her how much he loves her, how sorry he is, etc. He cries ugly. Julián must have learned from Omar. Omar didn’t dare to tell her how much he loved her before she went into the OR and now he’s plenty sorry. The guilt wouldn’t let him look her in the face and tell her. He’s sorry he’s been unfaithful, hasn’t treasured her enough, hablablablabla. She’s been the one love in his life. He misses her. If God gives her back, he swears he’ll dedicate his life to her and make her happy.

Diana, Vasco and Bárbara make a lovely little domestic picture in the living room of the lesser house. She’s thinking of feeding the baby and Bárbara volunteers her opinion that Diana really ought to let her fix a bottle because it’s not good to breastfeed when she’s nervous. [Ed. Note: Your recapper is astonished that Bárbara is so rehabbed that she’s actually offering helpful tips here.] Diana thanks Barb for helping take care of the baby so well. Barb tells her what a joy it is—he’s such a little charmer. She launches into an apology—she recognizes she’s behaved very badly with Diana. And lots of others. She asks pardon. Diana says it’s forgotten. Bárbara says Diana has to be strong, because it could be a long haul. Bárbara assures Diana she can count on her through this, especially at the most difficult times, and Diana appreciates it with a bemused look. “And you’re going to be with her, too, son—right?” Bárbara asks Vasco. He looks uneasy but agrees he will be right there. Bárbara declares that nothing will make her happier than seeing them together and Vasco’s unease increases. Diana looks at him with tears rolling down her face.

Toribio and Paula have come to join the waiting party at the People’s Clinic #23 and are met by a scowling Julián. Julián immediately accosts them with claims that Alonslow is a murderer. Paula defends her brother. Toribio tries to acknowledge Julián’s distress, good shrink that he is, but his son is not at fault! Lorena and Rossy look on, worried. Julián stubbornly continues to issue invectives about Alonslow’s culpability and Toribio tries futilely to convince him Slow’s not at fault, it was an accident. Toribio points out he’s as much a father as Julián is a son, and everyone’s losing something. Julián storms off. Lorena welcomes the help Toribio offers, though. She and Rossy thank Toribio and Paula for coming. Lorena turns to scold her brother. He wants to know whose side she’s on. Rossy scolds him – he’s her brother! Julián scolds back—she’s engaged to HIM. He stalks off with Rossy trailing, frustrated.

Toribio and Paula find Slow in his office and try to comfort him—but it’ll never go away, never. Toribio isn’t going to let it conquer his son. Slow just comments woodenly (there’s a surprise) that Julián blames him. He’s afraid to leave his office because he might bump into Lorena. Paula urges him to go home, then (what, through that window?) [Ed. Note: Soto’s totally wooden personality and acting style are PERFECT here.]

Lorena continues to cry softly in the clinic waiting room as Hortensia is wheeled up and reaches out to her. Lorena jumps up—don’t touch me! She pours out her anguish for all the years that she was deprived of her mother because of Hortensia taking her from her family. Lorena wasn’t with her Mamá when Zulema was fine, when she could hold Lorena, and it’s Hortensia’s fault. Hortensia has no answer for that and is commercial angustiada.

Hortensia would give all the years back if she could. Lorena’s not ready for forgive and forget yet. The harm Hortensia did was huge. She couldn’t be at her mother’s side all those years and now it may be too late. Hortensia tries again to apologize—her heart is torn over this, a woman so full of life! Lorena continues—she was taken from me TWICE! You can’t understand what that means! Yes, Hortensia assures her, I can from just seeing you. Hortensia stands and asks permission to be by Lorena’s side to comfort her, to offer the affection she should have since Lorena was born. She begs Lore to understand that she will have to beg Lore’s pardon the rest of her life for what she’s done. But if Lore lets her be nearby in those moments that are saddest, it will be a great blessing for Hortensia. Lorena shoots back that she doesn’t understand why God is putting her to such a great test. But she thanks Hortensia for coming. Hortensia tells Lore she knows that her hugs won’t replace those of Lore’s mother, but they are offered with much apology and a profound love. Again, Hortensia reaches out and this time Lorena comes to hug her back, a little unsure. Apparently, Santa Lorena IS ready to forgive and forget after all.

Rossy and Julián continue their fight. He wants to sue Slow, because he’s a murderer. Rossy is incredulous. Qué the heck? He’s a good man and isn’t at fault for ANY thing. Julián retorts his mother is like she is at the moment because of Slow and if they sue him he’ll never harm anyone again. He has to pay for what he’s done to my Mamá. Rossy tries her best to dissuade him, but it’s futile. She asks him to put himself in Lore’s shoes. He doesn’t CARE about Slow or Lorena. His mother is like she’s dead. Rossy can only shake her head in frustration.

Lorena tells Hortensia that her Papi is bad off, and maybe Granny better talk with him—he’s in the chapel. Hortensia goes off to see him.

Julián decides it’s time to call Joel and Rossy tries to stop him, but too late. He declares to Joel that a doc caused a misfortune to happen to his Mama and Julián wants to sue the doc. Lorena is horrified as she overhears. She wants to know what’s up. Rossy summarizes and Julián tells Lore not to try to defend Slow. Lore is impactada.

Hortensia has abandoned her wheelchair, so Nurse Augie walks her to Omar. He seems touched that his Mamá has come to give him support and thanks her. In this sacred place, she tells him, she’s asking his forgiveness for opposing his relationship with Zulema. Ave Maria plays in the background, lovely Muzak for a hospital chapel. Omar was very happy with Zulema. In spite of everything. Hortensia assures him they must pray for her to come back. What’s the prognosis? Not much hope. Hortensia tells him how sorry she is to hear it, and squeezes his hand.

Julián insists that Lorena should not be protecting someone who caused such misfortune for a life. She tells him she understands and he accuses her of being “part of Alonso.” It was an ACCIDENT! Julián can’t demand that Slow go to jail for it. Julián is NOT changing his mind. Rossy pipes in that she’s tried a thousand ways to tell him this. Lorena tries in vain to reason—think about what you’re saying! Alonslow wasn’t trying to harm us! What would he gain by destroying his career? Julián wants to be sure Slow can’t operate on anyone ever again. He’s a danger to people! The fuss continues and ends in a stalemate. He finally tells her he’s not surprised she’s with Alonslow because she barely knows them and hasn’t really had time with their mother like they have. Lorena looks like she got slapped. Rossy is appalled that he would throw in such a low blow. Julián stalks off and Lorena is frozen in place with the insult. Rossy assures Lore that he’ll have to beg her pardon forever on his knees. Lore sinks down into a seat, speechless with hurt.

At Paula’s apartment, no one can coax Alonslow to eat. He’s just not hungry. He closes his eyes and sees Zulema—and there’s nothing he can do to save her. Toribio tries to give him a pep talk—he did what he could, he’s a great doctor. Bettina wonders if there is anything he could do to revive her. Slow tells her there’s no way. Bettina wisely reminds him she’s not suffering and is in God’s hands. Paula doesn’t want him to keep beating himself. Slow is worried about how Lorena is reacting and Paula tries to reassure him—she’s mature, not like her crazy brother. She’s not going to lay the blame at your feet. They continue to try to comfort him, and Bettina goes around to put her arms around him from behind. She assures him they are going to help him. We’ve got a great new look for Slow tonight—it’s totally wooden, the commercial angustiado look. He’s getting good mileage tonight, because here it is again. Maybe the casting folks were on to something.

Bruto gets a visit from one of the good old boys in the clinic and feeds him a line of bull about what Alonslow is feeling at the moment. More points for Bruto. He tells the guy how Dra. Serrano couldn’t let Slow attend at an emergency, he’s lost it. The other doc trusts Slow’s character. Bruto says he thinks Slow’s a strong doc, but…..and proceeds to plant doubts. The other guy agrees that Slow over-identifies with patients. Bruto tells him about the patient with leukemia—now that he’s remembering it. (Nice touch). She died, too, by the way. Slow thought of her as a friend, Bruto earnestly confesses to the colleague, who winces at the thought.

Back at the lesser house, Rossy still looks distressed, Julián is still vowing to sue the heck out of Slow, and Diana is new to the topic. She thinks the hospital will sanction him if he is truly at fault. Julián can’t understand how they can all defend Alonslow!!!! Diana and Julián fuss a while, and forgive your recapper for not giving it verbatim as it is getting Very Tiresome. It might even be Downright Annoying. The doorbell rings and Rossy runs for it. Attorney Joel joins the happy family group. Joel tells them how sorry he is to hear about Zulema. You say you want to sue the doc who operated? Yep. That wretch, Alonso Ugarte, Lorena’s fiancé. Joel is impactado.

Ernesto comes up behind Lorena, who sees him and melts into his arms. [Ed. Note: You got me at the first look, Ern. Engagement’s off.] How did he know? Ivan told him. Lorena tells him about her poor Mami—and Alonso was operating. Ernesto wisely says nothing, just gives her a lovely empathetic look.

Joel tries to explain to Julián that the clinic will investigate, and then they’ll have enough information to pursue. He points out it is important for Julián’s sister, and perhaps the investigation might show that Slow actually didn’t make any mistakes. . Julián erupts again, and there’s no dissuading him. Julián is convinced the clinic folks will try to cover up for Slow. Joel disagrees. Rossy and Diana support Joel’s position—Joel wants to wait a little. Julián sets his jaw and shakes his head.

Ernesto comforts Lorena in the waiting room—what a difficult situation for Alonso. They lock gazes, both very somber, while they talk. Lorena is sure Alonso’s not at fault, it was just a medical accident. Ernesto affirms he’s sure that’s the case. It’s such a misfortune. Lorena thanks him for coming. Ernesto hesitated to come, but came anyway—he didn’t want to be inappropriate, though. Lorena assures him it was the right thing to do. Ern continues that at a time like this there is little—maybe nothing—that would comfort her, he wanted to see her, be with her, offer his help. She thanks him and remarks that she’s barely gotten the opportunity to enjoy her mother. God HAS to return Zulema to her! He can’t take her now when Lore’s just found her. Ernesto wisely says nothing and gently takes her into his arms. [Ed. Note: Any guesses which team your Recapper has her money on?] A tear slips down her cheek over his shoulder.

Bruto’s back in the cave he shares with Sara. He makes a smirky remark about Poor Ol’ Alonslow. The investigation is in full swing. The results should be in any second. Bruto’s in a hurry to dance on Alonslow’s grave (his ashes). Sara swallows but Bruto doesn’t notice her dismay. If Slow is washed up with Dra. Serrano over this, Bruto can get himself back into the directorship. Sara jeers that would be good since they pay him so miserably. Bruto is going out to get something to eat—is she coming with or should he bring her something. Sara’s not hungry. [What’s more, she’s been wearing the same jammies for days now, and they must stink.] He goes, and Sara wonders why she hasn’t realized her vengeance yet. It still hurts, dang it! If he begged her on bended knee, she might forgive him. But she knows it ain’t happening. He earned this for choosing Lorena over her, so suffer, fool. (Okay, I added that last part.)

Omar finds the perennial Greta messing around in his office. ;-) Victor’s gone already, so Greta approaches Omar as he sits down at his desk and tells him she doesn’t like to see him this way and he is going to have to be strong. He can’t collapse now that Zulema’s not here. “Zulema’s NOT dead, Greta,” Omar asserts and gives her a wary and thoroughly annoyed look. Greta responds that in a way, she is. She adds her rationale and Omar muses that you might say it would actually be better if she did fade out in a few days. Then he feels guilty for saying those things. Greta was almost empathetic there for a matter of seconds and then her real self reemerges—she wants him to look at his options—cry at the foot of Zulema’s bed waiting for a miracle that isn’t going to happen, or find his own happiness. My happiness? Although it seems like a lie at the moment, this sadness will pass. You’re alive and have every right to begin all over. Omar stands slowly and tells Greta she’s a monster. How could she think like that? Does she think he’s as self-centered as she is? Greta looks like he slapped her, but it’s a look of commercial disbelief and mild outrage.

“You want to take advantage of the tragedy of my wife to get back with me?” Now Omar is outraged as he paces toward the door of the office behind her. Greta tells him not to talk to her like that; she’s never wanted bad things for Zulema. Not her, not anybody. [Ed. Note: Right. Keep telling yourself that, zorra. How about all that thought bubbling you did at the bachelorette party—if Zulema only knew? We have it on tape.] He spits back that nevertheless, Greta already has plans for him. Greta goes on the über defensive. She’s not to blame for the misfortune—he shouldn’t treat her like she is. She NEVER has made anything bad happen to Zulema. [Ed. Note: Having been in Zulema’s position—well, not the coma part—I’d say that the person who seduces another’s spouse by constantly chipping away until he caves in probably has done a bad turn to the unsuspecting cuckold. But I suppose that depends on what the definition of “is” is in Greta’s mind.] Omar asks her to forgive him. Greta’s a pit bull with a bone, though, and she’s got the upper hand. Greta complains that all she’s ever wanted of him was love. Don’t treat her like she’s self-centered. He protestingly asks her pardon again. She only wanted to remind him that he’s still alive, unlike his wife who is among the living dead, poor thing, and he shouldn’t be like that. He protests with more feeling that he can’t think about a new relationship. She asserts she’s just talking to him as a friend, but if he doesn’t want that, he can plant himself at the foot of her bed, crying, if it’ll make him feel better. She starts to storm out the door and he reaches for her, calling her name. She puts her hand on his chest and stares straight into his eyes. Talk to me when you persuade yourself that I am not trying to take advantage of your misfortune. [Ed. Note. What a performance.] THEN she storms out, leaving Omar pensive.

Lore, Diana, and Saulito are all ready for bed—the latter staring at the ceiling where there is no doubt some huge clown face to keep him amused during the taping. Diana sits on Lore’s bed and tells her about Joel’s visit. Don’t tell me that Julián still wants to sue Alonslow? Is that going to bring the miracle cure for our mother? Lorena gets up to pace in frustration. She wonders what Diana thinks. Diana’s unsure—on the one hand, she sees his point, why wouldn’t anyone make a profit out of someone else’s misfortune (why wouldn’t one make more firewood out of a fallen tree-my best guess on the dicho, but Maricruz will have to enlighten us), but on the other hand, my mother….Lorena breaks in. Only God can bring our mother back. Even if Alonso rots in jail, nothing’s going to make this happen. Diana just doesn’t know. Lorena points out Alonso’s her fiancé! Her fiancé was the one left her mother that way!

Rossy tries once more to persuade Julián not to sue Alonslow. He tells her once again (for the last time) he’s not changing his mind. He wants that bas***d to go straight to jail. She doesn’t want him to be vengeful and he points out he’s not the bad guy here. Rossy tries to talk reason and he yells that sooner or later Lorena is going to realize that Alonslow is at fault. He’s the one who has killed my mother! Rossy is frustrated and angry as she points out that his mother IS ALIVE. He tells her to stop it and she spits back he’s the one who needs to stop. Rossy shakes her finger at Julián and tells him he needs to put himself in Lorena’s shoes and not make her suffer more. Julián changes the subject; they better just go. He storms out and leaves Rossy clasping her hands, a deep frown on her face.

Alonslow takes his turn at Zulema’s bedside, begging her pardon for leaving her in this condition. What happened? Everything was going well. Zulema just keeps breathing into the tube. He’s sorry, he never meant to harm her. He’s so afraid of hurting someone else and keeps asking himself what did he do wrong? Again, he begs her forgiveness.

It’s lovely outside and Bettina and Toribio are taking advantage of the good weather for an ice cream treat. But, Toribio isn’t eating—he has no appetite for it. Bettina teases him gently—she’s never known him to turn down ice cream—that’s pretty strange. She urges him not to feel badly, he’s supporting Alonso like the good Dad he is. Put aside that psychoanalyst persona. Tori agrees. He’s blinded and can’t be objective about it anyway. But he sincerely believes that Alonso is not at fault. Bettina agrees with that—but what can they do to convince Alonso to see it the same way they do? Just keep telling him over and over, and remind him of what you said last night. Bettina wonders what she said. It’s all in God’s hands. Bettina tells Toribio that’s not just in this case, but always. He tweaks her nose lovingly.

The jury is in at People’s Clinic #23, with more docs than we’ve ever seen in the halls, and a nurse. Dra. Serrano calls the meeting to order with lapdog Bruto at her right hand. Nice symbolism for us all here. Bruto wonders why Slow is missing. Dra. Serrano thought it better that they hear the results without him for the moment, based on Slow’s crisis the day before. Another doc asks if it’s true he refused to see a patient in emergency the day before. Dra. S explains that he was in crisis mode himself and in no condition to treat patients, so Dr. Palma took over. Bruto helpfully adds that the case was complicated and Slow wouldn’t have been able to handle it. In that state of mind, of course, he means. (Smirky smile). They go through the results of the investigation, step by step. Dra. Castillo from the office of the Secretary of Health gives them the report. She notes the trace substances that were found in Zulema’s system, and the docs are taken aback by the combinations, which clearly would result in an allergic reaction and toxic shock with body system failures. They figure that Slow didn’t adequately test and check either Zulema or the supplies in the OR prior to the surgery. If he had been more careful, he wouldn’t have ordered karmabencina when the first negative reaction occurred. The conclusion is medical negligence. Dra. S is dismayed—that cannot be! Some of the docs are supportive of Alonslow, some not. Bruto smirks a little at the heated discussion.

Slow goes to see a little patient. The child doesn’t want Slow to check him—in fact, the child gets downright vehement and wants his Mami. A little girl patient comes over from her bed in the children’s ward and tells the boy to let the doctor check him, and it’s not true what they told him about the doctor. Right, doc? Slow wants to know what they told him. Well, that you killed a patient. Slow is impactidíssimo—well, as much as he ever shows it.

Lorena is hard at work cooking. She tells Matilde they have to keep up with the orders for Zulema’s sake. Matilde is surprised and Lorena tells her she got up very early to take care of this. The business can’t collapse; Mamá would never forgive us! Matilde goes off to make the deliveries. Lorena looks at the stove and thinks back to the early days when she cooked with Zulema and they were clearly on the same wavelength. Sad but apparently determined about something, she pulls a cookbook out of a drawer. Is it that cookbook that Zulema gave Sara thinking that Sara was her daughter and Sara threw it under the bed?

Dra. Castillo is concluding her report. The Secretary of Health has recommended that Alonslow’s contract be revoked, and possible criminal action be taken as decided by those affected. [Ed. Note: Won’t Julián be excited to hear this news?] One of the docs is incensed that they would throw out a good doc. Another disagrees, if he was a good doc, he wouldn’t have been negligent. Dra. Serrano brings them back to order with a curt word or two. More fussing among them and Dra. Serrano asks Bruto’s opinion, which he’s only too happy to give but acts like he’d rather not for good effect.

Ximena must love to visit Ernesto’s apartment. Here she is again, finding out what’s up with his life as he hands her a glass of wine. Isn’t she one of the pair who got you drunk, Ern? If she didn’t invite herself, he’d forget her, she tells him. Ern tries to deny it. We know better. Ernesto tells her he’s been pretty busy. What, got a new girlfriend? No way. He saw Lorena yesterday, though. And? Ernesto tells Ximena about the terrible tragedy of the surgery that went bad. What a horror! And the poor girl just found her mother! The worst part is that Lorena’s current boyfriend, Alonso, was the surgeon. Ximena laments the turn of events—seems those two are star-crossed (they’re never going to get together). Ernesto gives her a thoughtful look. They both sigh.

Lorena cries at Zulema’s kitchen table, apron still on from the good deed she did for Mamá. Julián has cleaned up and comes to the kitchen. Lorena gives him a sad, reproachful look and Julián just looks back at her from the entry, casually resting his arm on a counter. His countenance changes a little, as if maybe, just maybe, a tiny bit of her pain is registering in his cloudy brain.

Alonslow has come to the chopping block. You called for me, Dra.? Dra. Serrano asks him to sit. She has the specialist’s report (peritaje). We’ll have a board meeting, I suppose, he asks her with some hesitation. She tells him that the medical review group met. He should have realized, he muses to her, but anyway, what was the conclusion? Tell me what it might be, Dra., he requests as she simply looks at him sadly. Medical negligence. Alonslow looks like if they gave him a good strong onion, he might cry. [Ed. Note: Even if I am on Team Ernesto, I hope they clear Slow fast, because he might be a doofus but he’s a great doc and cares about his patients tremendously. Plus, Bruto shouldn’t get away with it. So there.]

Monday: Alonslow loses everything. Bruto celebrates his triumph. Alonslow mourns his fate. There’s a wedge between Alonslow and Lorena, and Ernesto might have a second shot.



Friday, October 24, 2008

When you hardly have one IQ point to spare, better not lose the one you've got, or, "Wha?"

I haven't watched this show for weeks, but I get it. The Situation: It's been exactly a year since Juan disappeared on the night of his daughter's birth and the daughter is gone too. Everybody thinks Juan did it.

Actually, Gab has her granddaughter stashed in a convent with two other one-year-old girls (do we know who they are? Did Gab steal them too?) and has informed the nuns that, if they don't find a good enough home for the tots, she, Gabriela (who throws around a lot of money here so is very popular with the good sisters) will adopt the threepack herself. "You are too good," they say.

Gab reminds them, no doubt for the 100th time, that JUAN REYES caused all this trouble and has damaged Sofia irremediably. "Sofia will never recover! But as much as she suffers, I suffer more than she does because I'm her mother! That's why I'm so good to these three babies. They're like MY three daughters!" The nuns smile approvingly.

Wow, life in the rainforest has been good for Juan, I see: he shaves now, and his clothes are very clean. Nice work, Babe Doctor! Babe Doctor's daddy tells Juan: "Your name is Juan Reyes."

Juan's side of this and all following conversations: "Wha? Who? My name is Juan? I have a daughter? I have a wife? I don't know anything." so I'll just call this speech "Juan's Lines."

Babe Doctor's daddy explains The Situation and Juan decides to leave immediately and set things right. Babe Doctor's daddy warns, things won't be so simple.

Now, did y'all notice Juan didn't even ask the doctor WHERE his hometown was? No, after some goodbyes, to his indigenous buddies and a nice donkey and to collagen-lips Babe Doctor (she makes a feeble attempt to get him to run off someplace with her but he holds fast) he just jumped on Capricho and said, "take me back to the woman I love." Soon after, though, he gets off the horse and soliloquizes redundantly and at length (Juan's lines), while gazing up at the moon.

Oscar, Franco and Quintina are glad Pablito is back and show it by cuffing him quite a bit and telling him not to leave again. He misses Juan. This script is so, so lame.

Sofia has become a lunatic. She fondles baby clothes which conceal music boxes and spends a lot of time at church. She wears octagenarian black and cries and says the same thing over and over and over and over and over.

Capricho brings Juan to the church courtyard. "You want me to go into the church?" Capricho paws, "Yes." Good horsie! Juan goes in, he hasn't forgotten how to pray, Sofia comes in, she doesn't see him for a while, then she is all impactada and her eyes go misty and her hands tremble as she reaches out for him and touches his face and yadda yadda, but see Juan's Lines, above.

Sofia's Lines: "I don't believe you, where's my daughter, you're lying, why did you steal her." Juan's lines, Sofia's lines, Juan's lines, Sofia's lines, the padre comes in and he starts up with the same thing. Finally Sofia faints and the Padre tells Juan to leave. Juan leaves. Padre recaps the whole story to Jesus, as if Jesus hasn't heard it enough times already.

[By the way, you might wonder: "If Juan remembers nothing, how come he's so sure he didn't steal his daughter?" Continue wondering.]

Demian and some dudes want to start a mutual aid society. They say forlornly, "In the old days Sofia would have been a lot of help with this, but now she's just a wandering sniveling useless lunatic." Nonetheless, they will proceed. They would like to start by bailing out the Reyes brothers, Franco and Oscar, who after decades of doing nothing whatever besides watching Juan work, are now very busy, they bake bread and pull weeds, but that doesn't help pay the mortgage - the evil Uribes hocked the place up to the eyeballs and the boys are in arrears and it's gonna get foreclosed. The other mutual aid guys don't have dough and therefore can't do much but Demian does have dough and so, secretly and nobly, decides to pay off the mortgage himself. He tells the financial guy, "nobody must know I'm doing this."

Leaving the mortgage office Demian runs into Juan who, booted out of the church, is now wandering about aimlessly, repeating Juan's Lines to himself and to Capricho. He is also waiting for noble Capricho to move them along to the next important destination.

Demian, guessing, calls: "Juan?" Juan: "Do I know you?" and Juan's Lines (see above).

Sofia repeats Sofia's Lines to her sisters and then has a new thought: Juan LOST their daughter somewhere. So now she adds "Where did you LOSE her?" to "Why did you STEAL her?"

Oscar and Franco are weeding, it's a hot day. They look up. Through the shimmering heat, they see, it's a bird, it's a plane, no, it's - No, it's Capricho! And who's that on Capricho? It's Juan! They jump and run, all happy, and embrace Juan. He looks confused. They haven't yet noticed that he is acting funny when the ending credits roll.

Monday: Crabby tells Furd that Juan is not dead! She cries!


Doña Bárbara - Thurs., Oct. 23- DB hatches a new plan to get Santos; Pernalete hatches a new plan to get Antonio to marry Federica

I'm having real trouble keeping up with DB posts and I think Novelera and I are the only ones reading them. But some stuff happened in last night's episode so I do that one and fill in from previous episodes as necessary.

DB and Santos both end up in San Fernando - she to buy a wedding dress as part of her plan to make Santos jealous by marrying Quita-Dolores (QD). Santos is in Fernando to complain to the Governor about Pernalete's treatment of Antonio. Pernalete had him arrested and savagely beaten. Pernalete sends DB a telegram asking her to help him against Santos' accusations. While Santos is talking to a judge (played by the guy who was Calixto on PdG), DB has gone to the Governor and given him a bribe. Santos sees DB leaving when he goes to see the Governor. He gets no satisfaction out of the Governor who is holding DB's bag of money.

DB and Santos are both sleepless that night in adjacent rooms in the hotel. Finally, Santos goes to DB and once again he can't resist his desire for her and they have a night of pasion. The next morning DB finds the telegram that Pernalete sent and he is furious. DB blames the way she turned out on having had to live in the rough world of the Arauca while Santos had it easy in the big city. Santos says that the city has bad people too. He says that he realizes that DB will never change and that there is a great chasm between them that sexual desire alone cannot bridge.

Meanwhile Federica is at Altamira taking care of Antonio who Santos managed to get out of prison and who is recovering at Altamira. Federica does nothing but talk about her pregnancy and suggest that Cecilia is menopausal. Furious, Marisela brings the experienced Casilda to look at Federica while she is taking a bath. Casilda can see right away by the condition of Federica's breasts and nipples that she isn't pregnant.

Marisela throws her out of Altamira.

Mujiquita discovers Pernalete in bed with Josefa and now he knows that the whispers were true.

Santos has met Nestor, a journalist in San Fernando, and he is bringing him to Altamira to expose the evildoings of Pernalete and DB. Does the actor look familiar? It took me a while but that is the actor who played Leandro in PdG! Here is a picture of the actor as Nestor in DB
and as Leandro in PdG.
Josefa tells Federica that she will take care of discrediting Casilsa's opinion on Federica's pregnancy. Federica must have sex with every guy she can to actually get pregnant.

Cecilia says that she believes that Antonio didn't get Federica pregnant.

Mujiquita is now secretly working against Pernalete. He starts to tell Santos and Nestor things that Pernalete has done.

Balbino Paiba tells QD that DB has money hidden in the walls. QD goes into the witchcraft room and sees the picture of the rapists and recognizes Chepo, now a fake religious healer. He gets caught searching in DB's room. When DB gets back, she expresses her displeasure until she finds out that he knows Chepo. Then she gives him a second chance.

Marisela's mare has a colt and that prompts Marisela to contrast the way the horse takes care of the foal with the way her mother abandoned her. Santos tells Marisela that it was DB who was the loser since she didn't get to know her beautiful, intelligent daughter. Marisela is moved that Santos thinks of her that way.

Pajarito tells the terneras that the well of sighs is a magical place where DB swims to keep herself looking young. The terneras go there to swim and the Altamira vaqueros get an eyeful.
DB comes to the school to see Marisela and convinces her that she is sorry for the way she has treated her since she was born. She asks Marisela to forgive her. Marisela is overcome that her mother finally shows her some affection and is ready to forgive her. DB is just putting on act to get Santos, though.
Meanwhile, Pernalete has a plan to get Antonio back in jail.


Cuidado Thursday, October 23, 2008: Isa releases a couple more of her flying monkeys

Tag end of Wednesday: Isa has greased up a valuable decorative bowl and asks Mari to pick it up. Oopsies, it’s in shards and Pat says do you know how much that cost? Mari says she’ll pay and he says with the money you stole?

Thursday: Outside her parents’ house, Nelson is asking Elsa if she’s going to marry somebody who isn’t him. Elsa says all the invitations have gone out, the ceremony arranged. Nelson waxes poetic about how they’d planned to go hand-in-hand under a starry sky into the future. In some heavy-handed symbolism, they try to kiss between the bars of the fence and then free-spirit Nelson climbs up and they kiss over the fence. Uh oh, here comes Dad striding across the lawn, looking like a thundercloud, and mom watches from the window.

Mari says I’m being accused of theft! Ceci tries to calm her, but Mari says I stole the milk for the orphans and I stole the flowers to put in front of the Virgin! Pat says milk, flowers, money, it’s all theft. Mari says according to you. She flees the room. Pat says she’s mouthy. Isa rolls her eyes.

Elsa says it just can’t be – what are you looking at, Nelson? She turns to see her papa. She nervously introduces Nelson. Papa glares and Elsa says bye now, say hi to everyone, and Nelson acknowledges her papa, then leaves. Elsa tells her papa he’s just a friend and papa says I saw you kissing him.

Pat and Ceci enter their bedroom. Pat says see how rebellious Mari is? And Ceci says you called her a thief. He mentions the broken plate and Ceci says it was an accident and she was just trying to defend herself. And the money? says Pat and they both stare in the direction of the table.

Mari is in her room, tearful and angry, ranting about the accusation. She tells Cuate she’s accused here, and at the other house Onelia hates her. She pounds the bed and cries.

Back to Elsa and her dad. She’s telling him that the kiss was just to congratulate her and that friends do that. Oh no you don’t, says her papa, I know my kisses, and that wasn’t a friendship kiss. Elsa says let’s just forget it, okay? But he keeps at it, and she says he’s one of my artist friends. Papa says even more shameful. Elsa says he’s nothing to be ashamed of and she points out that she’s past the age of consent. She runs off.

The money is still on the table in the Velarde’s bedroom. See? says Ceci. Pat says I’ll leave it here and she’ll steal it tomorrow. Ceci says she’s probably up crying in her room and Pat says that’s just dramatics.

Ceci goes into Mari’s room, the only cheerfully decorated room in the house, though its inhabitant is not cheery. She tells Mari to forget about the broken bowl, they’ll get another. Mari says no, I’ll work it off. Ceci says I knew you’d say that, but you don’t need to, nor to use the money we give you. Mari says did you see how upset Pat was, and then he called me a thief too! Mari swears on the Virgin she’s never stolen money, then says Ceci is a saint and hugs her. Their DNA high five.

Cande is coming to visit Mari, she is waddling up the long driveway. Meantime, Isa runs into the judge who is just leaving for the bank. She wants to know if Mari fell for their trap and the judge says no, apparently she didn’t have an opportunity. He leaves, and Isa looks like goody! She sneaks off through the house.

The judge’s car passes Cande and she mutters horrible old man. She continues on, munching on a treat. We see she has a plastic bag filled with snacks for Mari.

Isa is sneaking towards the Velarde’s bedroom when Ceci is just coming out. Ceci is unsuspecting, and says she’s going to down to get something to eat, as the household is in disarray today. Isa says because of Mari. It’s sad that you were so mistaken about that girl. Ceci looks distressed and heads off. Isa goes into their room and takes the money and tucks it into her bosom.

Cande and Mari are visiting in the garden, eating Cande’s treats. Mari tells about the problems with the judge and says now he’s called her a thief. She says Ceci said it’s because she stole that milk. Cande says he’s declared war. Mari tells about the broken bowl and how upset he was. Cande says she tells Padre Anselmo that Ceci is a saint.

Mari gets something from the treat bag and Cande says I got that for me. Mari pulls out what looks like a churro and Cande says that’s my favorite! Mari smiles wryly and says we’ll split it. Cande says the padre said that Isa told him the judge didn’t want anybody visiting Mari. Mari says I can believe it. I’m asking JM to let me live with him again.

Ceci goes in the bedroom and sees the money is gone. No puede ser, she says, rubbing her brow.

Cande heads out down the long driveway.

Mari comes romping over to where Stefi is lounging by the pool despite the cloudy day. Mari wants to know if she liked the present and Stef says mm hmm, and flips through her magazine. Mari says she put it on Rocio’s credit card. She wants to know if Stef is looking at pictures of bridal gowns. She comes close and says she likes that one. Stef squirms bit, but Mari doesn’t notice and strokes her hair. Stef says she should be the one to choose. Mari is all puppy friendly as says guess what! When you get married, I’m going to come live with you. Stef freezes. What did you say?

Ceci is sitting in the bedroom and Pat comes in. Ceci is staring at the now-empty table and he follows her gaze. Ah ha! He says Mari took the money and Ceci says don’t be so sure it’s her. Pat lists the help and doesn’t think it’s any of them. Ceci says you have no proof.

Mari is babbling on about moving in with Stef and JM and Stef gets ugly and says no way, and get the hell lost. She advances on Mari. Mari says I thought we were like sisters. Stef says have you looked in the mirror? You’re common, you don’t know how to act among fine people. Go back to your kind! Nobody…nobody!…likes you here. Mari gives her a chin-up steady look.

JM is on the sit-up machine at the gym, talking to Eduardo. He says he’s got a Mari problem, namely that she wants to come live with him and he can’t have her around. He’d run to the ends of the earth to avoid that. Eduardo’s doing leg lifts and he says just tell her no. JM says it’s not so easy, she looks at me with those pleading eyes that go right to her soul. Ed says don’t make yourself crazy. JM says I can’t have her under my roof, see her every day. Her innocent way of hugging me! I have to keep her away.

Back to Stef and Mari. Mari is giving some attitude and says Ceci likes me. Stef says she does because she feels sorry for you, you’re such a low-class naca. And besides your wedding present is horrible. Stef calls her a few more names and Mari shoves her into the pool. Stef floats on her back, arms out. Ceci has come out and seen and she says what have you done, Mari?

Stef coughs like she’s taken on water and dramatically makes the side of the pool where she droops and gasps. Mari says she started it – she’s a giant hypocrite! Stef says she’s lying as usual. Mari says you’re the liar! Ceci says enough! I saw you push her! Go to your room. Mari runs off and Stef leans against Ceci saying she pushed me, mama!

Mari, frustrated and crying, gets to her room. Caute wags and listens as Mari tells him that Stef put on a giant act and Ceci believes her. What can I do? She drops her head on her knees and sobs. She remembers running hand-in-hand with JM on the lawn.

Pat is typing hunt-and-peck on his laptop and here come Isa and Stef (little bows in her now-dry hair) who ask to talk to him. Stef looks long-suffering and Pat says what’s up? Isa starts to talk, and Stef fakes not wanting to talk about it. Isa insists and says Mari is trying to steal JM from Stef.

Meantime, Mari is in her big round bathtub giving Cuate another bath. Since his feet rarely touch ground, it’s hardly likely he is dirty. Ceci comes in and Mari tries a small smile.

The judge is saying that he’s seen JM and Mari hug, but do they really think Mari could steal him away? Stef says I don’t know, but he IS a man. The judge says she’s a disgrace. Isa says dear God, how long is she going to stay in this house?

Mari tries to make a bit of bright chat with Ceci, holding out the nice shampoo for her to sniff. It doesn’t work. Mari says you’re mad at me, huh? Ceci says that was really bad. Mari says I don’t want you mad at me, can we forget it? Ceci says it’s not that easy. She tells Mari to finish it up with the dog and don’t make noise, so Pat doesn’t hear her. She tells Mari not to cause her any more problems, and she leaves.

Martirio stops Ceci in the hall and says the judge wants to talk to her, looks like more problems with Mari. Ceci slumps, then straightens up and heads off.

The judge tells Ceci to come in and shut the door. He remembers his promise not to say bad things about Mari, but he says Mari has been flirting with JM. Ceci can’t believe it.

Elsa has shown up at Nelson’s digs and says she’s just come to say goodbye. He says let’s not talk about goodbyes. She’s crying and says she has to say goodbye to everything, this is her last time there. When she marries tomorrow, she’ll be a different person. He says don’t betray yourself, your feelings. Elsa says there is no other way. Nelson says I’ll be waiting for you tomorrow, at the exact time of your wedding. Elsa says please, Nelson!

It’s still light, but Stef is getting ready to go out to dinner with JM and Eduardo. Ceci comes in and says she’s heard about Mari flirting with JM. Stef says she’s suffered in silence, but she’s seen things that hurt her. Ceci says she saw that Mari had torn up his photo, and that she hugged him. Stef says I’m worried that she’s seducing him, that she’s constantly coming on to him. He’s a man, after all.

Ceci tries to comfort her saying you’re going to get married in a month. Stef tells her that Mari wants to move in with them, that’s she’s thinking up every excuse to pursue him. Help me, mama.

Mari is still crying in her room. Ceci comes in looking for her, then sees her squatting against the wall. She asks why Mari is crying and Mari says no reason. You wouldn’t believe me. In this house, everybody says everything is Marichuy’s fault, and nobody will listen to me, nobody believes me, not even you.

Ceci says do you feel you’re innocent? Is your heart as pure and innocent as it seems? (Or maybe she said as pure an innocent as you pretend, I’m not sure.)

Mari pictures the frightening man chasing her through the woods. She turns her face away. Ceci says you have to look into your heart, repent what you’ve done and ask for forgiveness. She leaves and Mari cries some more.

Ceci goes to Isa’s room where Isa has pulled everything out of the drawers pretending to look for the missing emerald necklace. She says regretfully that it’s obvious that it’s been stolen and she’s sorry, but she’ll have to tell Patricio. Ceci says no no. Isa says I’m really sorry, but it has to be done.

Ceci puts her hand over her mouth. Isa is next seen telling Pat. Ceci comes in and Pat tells her to go get Mari. Ceci wrings her hands and Isa says it’s hard for Ceci, I’ll go.

Mari has stopped crying and is petting Cuate. Isa comes and tells her Pat wants to see her. Mari says what did I do now? Ceci says you ought to know. Mari rolls her eyes.

Pat jumps right on her – where is the necklace? Mari says what necklace? Pat says the one you stole. Mari says you’re lying and they both raise their voices. He slaps her.

Ceci reproaches him and he says she yelled at me. He tells her to leave, and he tells Ceci that he’s going to call the police. Ceci says no! Isa, who has been watching, pretending to be distressed, says don’t call them, we don’t know who took it. Cut to Mari in her room, distraught and dumbfounded. Cut back to Isa saying we need proof, we need to go through her things. The judge says she could have hidden it anywhere and she’s not stupid enough to have it in her room. Isa says we’ll find it and then you can send her to jail.

Mari is staring at her photo of JM. Why did you send me here, JM? Why don’t you pity me, God? She remembers Dora telling her that Isa is her enemy. Mari realizes Stef, too!

It’s Elsa’s wedding day and a car festooned with bows is pulling into her parents’ driveway. In the house, Elsa is in her wedding gown and her mother is fussing over her, saying how beautiful she looks, and how proud she will be in the church. Her mother, in a glittery-gold over-the-top outfit runs off to get her father to tell him the car is ready. We see that Elsa’s gown is very simple and her veil short and plain. I guess if you’re not marrying for love in novelaland, you don’t get a really great gown. Certainly not a train.

Elsa flashes back to Nelson telling her he was going to wait for her on her wedding day. She has tears in her eyes. Meantime, Eduardo is waiting at the church, and people are arriving. JM is there. Here comes the Velardes with their fake daughter, who glues herself to JM.

Back at the house, Elsa is really crying. She rips off the veil, scrawls a note on the wall and flees, throwing something (her lipstick?) on the floor. A flower from her bouquet tumbles from the bed. Her parents begin to wonder why she’s so late and go to look, but too late, she’s running, car keys in hand, past the cactus garden, jumps in a jeep, and away she drives.

Her parents come into her room, calling for her. Her mother sees the veil and bouquet and guesses. They see that she has written on her mirror “perdon.” Mama faints and papa says don’t faint now!

Eduardo is looking at his watch and saying she’s a half-hour late. The judge says don’t worry, some brides like to build up the suspense to make a grand entrance. Elsa’s dad shows up and tells Eduardo that his little bird has flown.

Mari sees Dora and says where is everybody? Dora says they’re all at a wedding. Mari says great and she eyes the house.

Nelson is in the lotus position, doing deep-breathing exercises. We see white high heels come in. Elsa and Nelson fall into each other’s arms.
Mari is starting to check the house, namely Isa’s room. Here comes everyone into the foyer, back early. They head for their rooms.

Mari finds the necklace hidden in a mask on the wall. She is triumphant.

Avances: looks like Stef has come in and Mari is holding up the necklace and saying ah ha! It also looks like JM is on Mari’s team and maybe is taking her out of the judge’s house.


Fuego 10-23 "Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes"

Shout out to David Bowie cause...Ch-ch-ch-ch-Changes
(Turn and face the strain)

Hash Rehash…Nic covered it so well last night, need I say more…
Thank you Televisa for the cheesy scene chewing of not one night…but two nights with scenes of Sofie and Juan rehash.

Now down to the native village, Juan is petting the mysterious beautiful black horse. Said Horse is only mysterious, because well face it fans, Juan is an overwhelming tool & has lost his memory, his dignity and the laws of physics say, soon to lose whatever remaining threads are still holding his one pair of too tight previous owned by Oscar undies. After caressing the horse, Juan turns to the long line of waiting natives and continues to inject grinning extras with vaccine. Of course he does not wash his hands, fear not viewers this is quite sanitary compared with later scenes.

Babe Doc is withering on her bed she moans, turning this way and that. No it isn’t a Juan dream, it’s the fever. Nestor Miranda (yes I like Nic have no idea what this tool’s name is) anyway he is the father of Babe Doc, enters the Babe Hut, Babe Doc is moaning and babbling she is incoherent. He rushes in and quickly assesses the situation, locates a syringe of genuine ju-ju juice and gives her an injection in the arm.
This is some awesome medicine, Babe’s vision clears, she sees Nestor, Pa! Seriously this is like in thirty seconds. He tells her how proud he is of her, how he was wrong. Yadda Yadda Yadda.
---During this Crapfest I am thinking, hmmm plague, straw walls, HELLO, didn’t the fleas live on the rats in the straw that was all over the floors of the house in filthy ole Europe?---

How come when I stumbled home at seventeen, moaning, babbling, incoherent and unable to stand my Dad smacked me around and grounded me for a month? Jeez, I guess it is fortunate that the amount of alcohol I consumed killed the plague cause I didn’t get no life saving vaccine.

Anyway back at the hacienda, Sofie is so freekin thrilled that Juan is back, no doubt he has brought the missing hija. Right in the middle of her little blue bird of happiness dream, Pablito walks in and says, Juan isn’t back, I made the pan cause I don’t want you to forget Juan & start humping that Damien guy. (Okay he didn’t say the humping part, but he was thinking it)

Sofie is all shades of put-out. She chastises Pablito, telling him that Juan is a hija stealer. Pablito sticks up for Juan. Sofie says she loved Juan so much and thinking he was back made her so happy, but alas her dreams are dashed.
--Okay I get that Sofie is DEPRESSED, but I guess she forgot that she promised to be a mother to this little waif. Pablito believes in Juan, Sofie believes in crushing any hope Pablito may have left. In a beautiful touching scene the camera cuts to Sofie, with a sad ginormus tear rolling down her wan, pale face. After dashing any hope Pablito may still have about goodness, the future and someday finding true love, the kid makes an exit out the balcony. Sofie says he is a true Reyes, using the balcony. Hopefully this knowledge of scaling walls into women’s bedrooms will come into more productive practice as soon as Pablito enters puberty.

Over in Jimena’s room Eva, Sarita & Jimena are hugging, crying & forgiving Eva. Eva of course is crying cause indeed it must somehow be her fault. By the by, Jimena is decked out in a mini-skirt, red shirt & big red hoop earrings. Sofie comes in and she is amazed that Jimena is up and about. Jimena has a fleeting look of guilt. I guess cause she has been faking it and boinking Oscar nightly. This quickly turns to an “All Sofie All the Time” moment and she tells them the Sofie Pan story and lil Pablito story. Sofie says she remember the happiest times of her life were in Juan’s arms. Sarita trashes Juan and flounces down on the bed.
--Seriously could Sarita be any less appealing? As if in any other existence other than Mexidoom a nag like Sarita could get a guy like Franco. Nope, Nada, Never.

Anyway this moves on to a totally bonding of the four Mujers. I fully thought Gabi would walk in and horsewhip the group, but no such luck.

Over at Damien the wanna be bullfighters hacienda, Damien is once again making people play bull fight with that lame ass fake bull. What am I not getting about this? I mean this looks like something you would do with a six year old, that you were grooming to grow up and be a matador. I mean by this age should Damien be practicing with a least calves?
Gabi arrives in the black coach of doom. She is there to thank Damien for saving her life from the scary black hole she fell in the other night. Really millions of people die yearly when they fall in a hole in their own back yard in a warm climate. Damien kisses her hand, I’m sure that forced Gabi to stifle a squirm of womanly pleasure. They go into the house to talk.

Back at the village, Juan is continuing to vaccinate ever increasing lines of natives. I believe this scene was actually filmed in Florida at an early voting location. They told them they could get free Flu shots during the five hour wait. Juan’s next victim, oops patient is a small baby girl. Hija, mi Hija. Silvester & other patients at the free clinic/polling station start staring at Juan. Of course I assume they are used to his non- sensical babbling, seizures and other socially awkward behaviors. Silvester asks if Juan has a daughter? Did I say I had a daughter? Yes Juan is indeed an idiot & he is indeed giving people injections.

Now Gabi & Damien are having some wine, it is muy rico. Yes it is special wine from Chile, it is “Boone’s Farm Chile”, Gabi is telling Damien thanks again for saving my worthless bitch life. She starts in how educated and so on so forth Damien is. Damien says he is interested in Sofie the flawless. Gabi seems to be surprised. She mentions Juan, and Damien says he knows all about Juan. Gabi starts trashing Juan and Damien says he has only heard good things about Juan from the people of Puelbo. Then Gabi starts trashing the other two Reyes RatBastard brothers. Demian says they have been quite decent with him and quite honorable. Damien goes on to say he loves Sofie and would like to marry her. Gabi has a smug on her face.
--My husband says she wants to ride the Damien train—as in “I love doin Sofie seconds.”

Witch Doctor guy is just standing around when Porn Jefe wanders up spewing puke he begs for help and Witch doctor tells him to go see the real Babe Doc, cause Witch dude can’t help him.
--PSA never cop a feel off a plague victim—porn jefe was all over fevered Doc last night.

Okay now Sofie is in town talking to a Nun at the convent, you know the convent these annoying sisters run off to every time Ma gets too pissed or the Reyes boyz are mean. Sofie tells the Nun that she has been to every orphanage in a fifty kilometer range or in easier to visualize words, she has been to every orphanage within the bubble dome that encloses Mexidoom from the rest of the world. “Well isn’t that special”, says the Nun. The Nun in a here is a ginormus clue moment states, we got in three girls and two boys just about then. Sofie’s eyes widen to a frightening state, “Three girls right here, right here in my own pueblo”?
The Nun realizes that she must speak slowly and perhaps actually draw a simple picture of stick children answers, “Yes and two boys”.

---Okay viewers you know by the way this is being set up—we now have our answer—

Pablo is making a pillowcase of goods to take on a journey in search of Juan, he will find Juan. He leaves a note on the counter for his two remaining Padres & Quintana. Our young “Hucko El Fino” is taking the burro, Mariachi (who appears in normal dress) and setting off on his big adventure.

The two Padres are working the fields, they are lamenting not having enough money to pay the mortgage and may lose their hacienda. Is the entire cast of Pueblo that the boys are allowing to live in the hacienda contributing nothing? Anyway Demian rides up and tells the boys that he loves Sofie and will marry her if he can. Basically he is a nice guy that likes and respects them and no hard feelings. They all shake hands.

In a modern day miracle of medicine; Babe Doc is totally recovered, so recovered in fact she is perky, pretty and sitting down to a big heaping helping of lunch with Pa Nestor. Pa is so proud of her, the work she is doing, blah blah blah. She confesses she has fallen in love. Reeeeaaaallllllyyyy? Pa queries, “Another doctor who works here too?” No a ranchero, who has amnesia and no idea who he is, but he is totally awesome & wears tiny black bikinis & guess what Pa, I’ve done everything, but slip him a ruffie and he respects me so much that we sleep next to each other each and every night and we still haven’t danced the horizontal mambo. Jeez, Pa looks thrilled, so glad he sent her to medical school.
Really she didn’t give that many details, but keeping with Full Disclosure I thought Pa should know.
Does he love you?
Babe bats her eyes and continues with Juan’s amnesia & general lack of normal cognitive thinking, no commitment has really been made.

Porn Jefe wanders in during lunch and continues to spew puke everywhere. He lurches and falls to the floor. Pa announce that Porn is dead. I beg to differ, no matter what you do, like racism, classism there will always be pornism. Oh well. Jeez are these “Medical Greats” not concerned that this guy just spewed either virus filled or bacteria filled liters of infection everywhere?

Okay now over to the orphanage Sofie spots the three girl orphans, you can tell by the sidewise looks from the Nuns, that one of these three is indeed lil Maria Guadalupe. For the love of Gawd, how much time has actually passed, these girls are huge, I mean I don’t have any kids but aren’t they like six to nine months old at least? I mean their heads aren’t flopping around or anything (unlike their father). Seriously Sofie imagine if you would have actually strolled on over to the orphanage on one of you nightly jaunts. Oh yeah I forgot the Virgincita didn’t literally climb down from the alter and take you by your pale wan hand and lead you over there. Sofie knows that one of the three is indeed her daughter. The Nun is giving her the “Ya think?” look.

Quintana arrives home from a day of motorcycling, she finds Pablito’s note. She reads it and runs out of the house. Now, we the audience don’t know what the note said. I myself, believe it said, “I am sick and tired of that lame ass sanctimonious bitch, you loser fathers stuck me with as a so called mother. I will prove her wrong about my mentally challenged father or die trying.”

To make a long story short..Quintana running finds Damien, she tells him that Pablito is run off to find Juan. Damien takes off to find him.

Back at the orphanage Sofie can’t decide which one is her kid. Oh Sofie just take which ever one seems the most inclined to actually allow you to dress her in Gawd awful little floor length prairie dresses that match yours exactly. Ought-Oh here comes the slimy Dr. Gomez. He looks Sofie in the eye and asks what she is doing there. Sofie asks where did these girls come from? Dr. Gomez looks guilty as hell, he tells her that they came from different ranches, they were unwanted. Sofie stares at him, she knows he is lying.

Pablo is trying to cross a very rickity bridge, he is trying to force the burro. A plank breaks an Pablito is dangling, screaming for help. Demian rides up and saves Pablito. Pablito hugs him. Oscar and Franco arrive as the cart part falls over the edge. Pablo tells the boys that Demian saved Burro, Marachi & Pablo. The Reyes boys hug their boy. They are grateful to Demian. Yes Juan, people are starting to realize Demian really is a lot better to have around than you are. OMG what if he bakes too?

Now Fer is talking to Dr Gomez. Gomez tells Fer that Sofie doesn’t know anything, but he wants to alert Fer that she is asking questions. Gomez says he wants to be left out of it, should the truth come out.

Gabi is now visiting the kids, she is paying for the three, she wants them to have anything they want.

---Okay now we know for sure, one of these kids is Sofies---Get the ruffles ready

Juan comes back in the hut, Dr. Nestor comes in behind him. Juan in his usual socially unacceptable manner asks “Who are you?” Dr. Nestor says he is Babe Doc’s Pa. Juan says that Juan doesn’t know who he is. (meaning Juan). Dr. Nestor says “I know who you are, you are Juan Reyes.”

The End

Okay this leads me to ask—did they not give Juan a name? Like Juan Doe? I mean did people just call him “Hey you?”

Blah blah blah
Sofie is in the church and apparently the Virgincita has totally had it with Sofie cause Juan appears at the back of the room and Sofie turns to see Juan in his still sparkling white pajamas.

At last At last…the rain has come and we are at the end of The Long Hot Summer.


QE Thursday 10/23 - In that place there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Prepare yourselves friends, this is a depressing episode with very little to make you smile. I forgot how Ferro's ugly crying scale works and if someone reminds me I might rate the criers accordingly.

And now, on with the show...
Repeat of Sara and Bruto's odious conversation, he sabotaged Zuly's operation with expired drugs, which, as Emily pointed out, is ridiculous. Bruto says he put something in the meds that will make her have a violent allergic shock. He explains that whatever Al uses to arrest Zuly's shock will aggravate the crisis and then she'll be done for.

We see Al work as Bruto explains it and sure enough, as soon as Al injects Zuly she flatlines.

Al approaches the unsuspecting family in the waiting room. He says there was a complication, it's very serious, Zuly went into shock and now she's in a coma.

Bruto and Sara try to out-sneer each other. Bruto says he'd love to see stupid Diana's face. Sara curls her lip. Bruto says it's perfect because this will also ruin Alonso's career, bwaahaaahaaaa!

Al explains to the family that Zuly had an allergic reaction. Lorena stops them from blaming Al and Vasco chimes in that all surgery carries a risk. Lor optimistically says people in comas get better after a few days, right? She tells Al to have faith, he is going to save her mama! He tells her that the Director has called a meeting to discuss what happened. Maybe they will figure out a way to help Zuly.

Bruto and Sara share a violent kiss. She says she loves it when men go crazy for her and do what she says. He pushes her face, says he's nobody's lackey (achichincle) and angrily kisses her. He is so totally kitty-whipped.

Diana tells Vasco she's afraid, she wishes she had his faith but she doesn't. She can't imagine life without her ma.

Omar thought bubbles that this is his punishment for being unfaithful, that it should be him and not Zulema.

Al assures his jefa the Director that the operation should have gone fine, he did all the necessary tests and prep and he was confident. Jefa is concerned when she finds out Al operated on his 'suegra' but she seems to be on his side. She hopes maybe the meeting will shed some light on the situation.

Lor comforts Diana who says it's like a bad dream, and oh s**t they have to tell Julian. Lor tells her not to lose faith. After Di and Vasco leave Lor says a little prayer to the virgin.

The tribunal begins. The senior doctors want a detailed description of what happened. Bruto arrives late and tells Al he's so sorry about what happened and surely they will find out what happened. Grrrrrr!

Lor sadly walks the halls, this is cut with scenes of the tribunal while violins play morosely.

Al does a lot of face rubbing while he explains what he did, he used standard procedure to try to reverse the shock, including an application of 'karmabencina', whatever that is.Bruto says at least that worked or they would be regretting something else, though he doesn't know which is worse. The Director gets kind of mad at Bruto, they don't need his value judgements! The senior doctors discuss various things that could have happened and Bruto, in an attempt to bring the blame back around to Al, lets slip to the tribunal that Zuly was too close to Al, practically his Mother in Law. The guys are impactados and say Al should have sent her somewhere else for the surgery. Bruto lifts his eyebrow in triumph.

Tori shows the Tai Chi Lady (TCL) pics of his family. She coos over Tori and tells him his close family is enviable. She asks how does he act when he shows pictures of his partner? Tori jokes and says if she looks like a witch he runs, ha ha ha. TCL acts insulted, is that how he thinks of her? Tori is confused at the direction this conversation is going. She comes right out and says she'd like to be his girlfriend, at their age they can't waste time. (What happened to the black widow? Did she just disappear like so many telenovela characters?)

Paula, looking very hot these days, tells Betina she's proud of her dancing victory and she's touched that Bettina (and Ivan as it turns out) want to give their money to her to go to Thailand, but no way will she accept their money. This scene is about the only ray of sunshine tonight and it's very touching. Paula says she will allow Betina to buy her some great videos of Thailand and they can watch them together...with Ivan. Mother and daughter hug, gosh they're cute!

TCL is very pushy and wants Tori to show her his room so she can decide whether they should live at his place or hers. Tori comments that she's really taking this women's lib thing to heart. TCL figures he's one of those guys who likes to take the initiative but he swears no, he just wants to be friends and have her cook sometimes. She asks what will it take to change things and he says he just needs to get to know her. She pouts. She's kind of weird if you ask me.

It looks like the tribunal is about to wrap things up. The Director advises them not to prejudge Al. Al says he'll face the consequences if he made a mistake but nobody can accuse him of being callous. One Dr. says sometimes coldness is necessary, it's a sign of professionalism. Other Dr. says it's not good to get close to a patient. The Director says she's always admired Al's humanity but one of the other guys says "but look at the result". All I can say is out of all the people in that room I know who I would want to be my doctor.

Lorena tells Omar to keep the faith, Al is in a meeting and maybe they will discover something to help her ma. He's back on the 'it's all my fault' thing, Zuly got the operation for him, "but also for her health" adds Lor. She tells him not to blame himself and to believe in love.

Over at his work Omar's boss tells Greta that Omar is out because his wife's condition is very serious, she's in a coma. Greta lets slip a tiny smile.

Paula and Betina go to Ivan and Ern's place where Paula thanks Ivan for wanting to send her to Thailand but his half of the money belongs to him. Ern suggests he'd like to see Africa, ha ha. Like all young teens Betina takes advantage of Paula's good mood to ask permission to go to a quinceañera with Ivan.

The Director says the possibility of Zuly recovering is remote, meeting over. Al rubs his face in despair.

Vasco fills Babs in on Zuly's condition. Diana kind of snaps at Babs but then Babs offers to babysit Saulito so Diana and Vasco can go to the hospital. Diana decides to be a little nicer.

While Omar paces the hospital halls he gets a call from Greta. She says she's truly concerned about his wife. (She's so concerned she's busting out of her blouse.) If he needs a friend he knows whom to call. Omar gives her the brushoff and she tells the air that he'll need her, that's for certain.

Al tells Lor that Zuly is in a deep coma and it could get worse, more complications could manifest themselves in a few days. "Like what, like what?" she cries. He tells her she needs to be strong and to prepare herself. "For what? For what?" she cries. He stands there like a doleful robot while she breaks down and cries, why did she find her mama only to have to lose her?

More crying post-commercial. "Born and raised an orphan and I only had my mother a few days, it's not fair!" Lor really is a master cryer, heart-rending but not ugly. Al finally wakes up and tells her to be strong. She says she can feel Zuly's first hug when she called her 'mama' in San Martin.

Speaking of ugly, Diana and Vasco run into Bruno, he smirkingly says too bad about yo mama, heh heh. Di and Vasco see Lor crying and wonder, did Zuly die? Diana comorts Lorena and says she believes in miracles because their mother is a fighter. Lor suddenly says she has to see Zulema.

She makes demands at the nurse's desk until Al shows up and whisks her away. He warns her that Zuly is in IC and to prepare herself.

Omar shows up and Diana gives him the bad news, that Al has little hope Zuly will recover. She'll be like the living dead until the end of her life.

Cut to Zuly all hooked up to hoses and electricity. Lor cries, "por favor I need you, be strong". Al watches robotically.

Back to the poor house and Babs coos to Saulito while Matilde looks on. Babs even calls herself 'abuela' while baby cries loudly, then sucks super loudly on his bottle. Someone spank the sound guy please.

Over at Redeemed Acres Snorty searches the ads for an apartment. She's worried about the sale of the house, the vultures have all flown in for the kill because they've heard she's desperate. One apartment in the paper jumps out at her and she shows it to Auggie. That's all the time these two get tonight.

Bruto gets home and Sara jumps his bones. She's excited because The Fatty is practically dead and Lor is crazy with sadness. Wheeeeeee! He assures her that Zuly is a vegetable, worse than dead, so why is Sara so glum? Is she thinking of Al?

Cut to Al, tormented and rubbing his face again. Hang onto your hats folks, a miracle is about to happen. No, Zuly doesn't wake up. It's Alonso, he actually shows emotion. He looks truly anguished, he says he brought Zuly and Lorena together only to snatch Zuly away again, he shouldn't be forgiven. He was so sure everything would be fine, it's his fault. No, says Lor, it's destiny, bad luck, but not you Alonso, not you. He doesn't buy it, this was his responsibility. No no, avers Lor. Hug me, she cries. There is new background music, I wonder what it means.

Sara seems a bit troubled that Al might lose his license, he wasn't quite as bad to her as the others. (She has a short memory.) Bruto yells that Sara may not hate him but he does and he wants to see Al ruined. He yells that Al hates Sara. They scream at each other some more. She wants a loan so that she can get out of there, it's too risky if he leaves now but she can. Bruto reminds her they don't have money and she'll have to wait until the end of the seems she's already forgotten what it means to live hand to mouth (vivir al día). They shout some more, she wants to leave this damn town, he does too and they'll leave together, but for now they'll have angry sex and he swears no human will separate them.

Greta visits Paula who doesn't want to talk to her. Greta needs to talk to a friend. She tells Paula that Zulema is in a coma and Alonso is responsible. Greta, with friends like you...

Omar, Vasco, Diana and Lor sadly return home. They're a little cranky to Babs. Diana tells her only God can help them and he seems to have forgotten them.

Omar sits on his bed and cries. Lor tries to comfort him, Zuly will live! A phone rings ominously in the background.

Diana enters and says that Julian's on the phone to check on Zuly's operation. What will she tell him?

Greta tells Pau about Zuly. Pau insists Zuly will be OK. Greta says The Fatty wasn't a saint but she doesn't deserve this, she wouldn't wish it on her worst enemy. Nice going Greta. Paula tells Betina that Al has a serious problem.

Al wails to Tori his career is in jeapordy. He gave Lor his word he'd take care of her ma and at any moment she could be pronounced brain dead. Al says the only justice would be if he were dead instead of Zulema.

This pisses off Tori who jumps up and gets on Al's case, he's one of the best doctors, snap out of it! Paula and Bet show up and rush to Al. Tio it's not your fault! Al says if they really want to help please say nothing.

Next morning Ern's little family is happily eating breakfast. Suddenly Ivan says Betina just called about something horrible, Lorena's mother is in a coma. Poor Lorena, sighs Ern. He feels her pain. He wants to do something but he's supposed to leave her alone.

Rosy and Julian rush into the waiting room. Julian weeps uncontrollably, but the big surprise is he's probably the ugliest crier in the history of telenovelas.

Lor is at Zuly's bedside talking to her, encouraging her, she knows Zuly can hear her, she loves her, they all love her!

Julian ugly-cries some more. He says Zuly's condition isn't living and his mama doesn't deserve this. Al walks in and Julian yells at him while Rosy holds him back, "What did you do to my mother you damn murderer? Murderer!" Al hears these words echo in his brain.

Mañana: Bruto and Sara booze it up, Omar cries, Julian threatens and Ernesto hugs Lorena.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Thurs., Oct. 23 - Things are revealed at the beach house

Andrés is so furious with PJ/S that he grabs something that he is going to smash onto PJ/S's head .

Fortunately, Azur barks and distracts Andrés. Good dog.

Ángela pooh poohs Antonio's suggestion that PJ could have come back in Salvador's body.

Much to Andrés' annoyance, Isabel ogles PJ/S on the plane trip. Vicky is not a good traveler.

Simón finds the new hot Valeria playing the piano and romance is born.

Okaaay! Now the good stuff. Isabel sends for PJ/S so they can go on a drive around the area. Andrés is sleeping.

Got to love the headband.

Isabel and PJ/S end up on a beach alone. PJ/S is shirtless and Isabel can barely keep from drooling.

She suggests PJ/S might like a swim.

PJ/S takes off his pants in the water and apparently wasn't wearing any underwear. He throws the pants back onto the beach and Mario jumped a little too far out of the water and there had to be a digital coverup. We can enjoy what we got.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

QE, Wednesday 10/22 (#86): The Divine Light's batteries run down

Lorena and Alonso sit down in the restaurant and smooch. Then they have a nauseating conversation about how a crummy little place can have the tastiest food. (Just in case anyone forgot that these two aren't fancy and materialistic.) Sara watches them kiss again and says to herself, out loud, that they'd better enjoy it while they can because it's not going to last.

Ivan asks Ern how it went last night. Ernesto tells Ivan his intel was bad - Lorena and Alonso are engaged. He admits that he lost her due to his own idiocy, and he can't top what Alonso did for her (the DNA thing). He's going to have to forget her, though he's not sure if he can. His womanizing days are over. It'll be awful hard to fill the hole that Lorena left.

Alonso catches Sara staring at them and asks Lore if she wants to leave. Lore's willing to ignore her. She doesn't want to hide, but she thinks it must really hurt Sara to see them together, because (Lorena says) the only sincere thing she ever did in her life was fall in love with Alonso. He says he'll always regret having anything to do with Sara. (She keeps looking at Sara, which is not the best way to ignore her!)

They kiss again and tuck into their breakfast. Sara comes over and says to them what she said to herself before, "enjoy your 15 minutes of glory because I don't think you'll last that long." She taunts them about all the nights she spent at his side and says that as long as she's alive, they won't be happy.

Lorena follows her out (over Alonso's protests). Their cute conversation, paraphrased:

Sara: You came here to throw your relationship in my face.
Lore: Alonso never stopped loving me, even when he was with you.
Sara: Well, let's see if you can improve on my performance between the sheets! I doubt you can make him quiver* the way I did!" (Actually the dictionary says estremecer="shudder" but that translation struck me as way too funny for this situation...)
Lore: You must be very sad, knowing that the whole time he was kissing you, the man you loved was thinking of me.
Sara: You won't be able to forget what he did to you.
Lore: That's because you don't know how to love. I'm going to marry him, and we'll make up for all the time we wasted thanks to your miserable intrigue. And I'm warning you, you're going to pay for what you did.
Sara: You got to your parents after I did; you're going to be with Alonso after me; you're just leftovers.
Lore: I feel sorry for you. I've got a family, boyfriend, job. You're just going to be bitter and lonely.

Then they trade threats, and Lorena warns that Sara's going to end up in jail.

Lore goes back into the restaurant, and Alonso expresses some more regrets and swears up and down that he loved her then and he still does. Lore says that's Sara's punishment.

Sara walks down the street, once again talking out loud (never heard of thought-bubbling?) that she's losing everything. She can't even pay for a taxi. She has to take the bus. Sweet!

Magda complains that the batteries on their Divine Light of Good Fortune are running low. She and Efrain squabble over which of them does more work. She thinks it's time to get rid of that Jacqueline; maybe have one of the spirits tell her to go on a mission to Patagonia!

Just then, Jacqui comes in beaming; she's still wearing that same pink dress. I would have spilled sooooo much food on that thing by now, but on her it still looks clean and crisp. Magda asks her if she's sure she wants to go on with them, living a life of hardship and sacrifice. J-girl is sure! She will do whatever the Divine Light of asks of her In that case, Magda tells her, she must go north on foot and find a woman named Eufrosina who just lost her husband and wants to communicate with him. She needs their help!

Magda has no advice as to how Jacqui will recognize this woman, but gives some crazy directions on how to get there. She tells Jacqui to bring the woman back when she finds her someday.

After Jacqui leaves, Magda and Efrain crack up laughing that she fell for that old trick. Efrain recalls that they tried that one on someone else three years ago, and she hasn't come back yet!

Meanwhile, Sara tries to get severance pay from the TV show. The manager reminds Sara that she doesn't deserve severance because she QUIT. Sara says they made her quit. The manager says Sara signed her resignation. Sara threatens to sue. The manager tells her she'll just waste her time and money.

Ernesto shows up to do his show, and Sara yells at him for not being man enough to keep Lorena from going back to Alonso. He tells her she's got no right to yell at him, and he knows what kind of person she is and he's not going to fall for her game. Lorena's where she wants to be. Furthermore, he doubts that Alonso would go back to Sara if she were the last woman on earth! Who would? She's a liar and a cheat. And then he walks away from her.

Lorena notes that Zulema seems nervous. She thinks it's because of the operation, but Zulema says she thinks Omar is fooling around with someone else because he's being cold and distant. Lore doesn't believe it, but Zulema says their life is boring and tedious after years of routine. Lorena suggests that Zule call him and ask him out on a date.

So Zulema calls the office, and Greta says oh! You just missed him! He's gone out with clients. Zulema cluelessly thanks her. Then Unregretful tells D'ohmar what just happened, and he loves it. He even says she was so hot at the wedding he couldn't take his eyes off of her. Blech. She's ready to start partying.

Jacqui returns to the Divine Light etc. and announces that the spirit guided her right to Eufrosina and she's going to come in tomorrow! Magda and Efrain are practically speechless. Magda says there are two more missions, but they're going to let her take a break first!

Diana puts the baby to bed, and Vasco says he's been waiting for a chance to tell her that he loves her and Saulito. She says she needs to recover from all she's been through with Bruno. He agrees to be patient.

Zulema's getting ready for bed. She's not happy about D'ohmar's "night job." Lorena wants her mother to cut him some slack and he's probably exhausted from working such long hours. Yeah, sure, THAT'S why he's so tired... Zulema agrees she's being unfair, assuming the worse. Lorena's got a date with Alonso. Zulema gets gloomy and says she hopes Lorena isn't left with nothing more than happy memories. Lorena says that when Zule gets her cute old figure back, Daddy will go nuts. (Again, focusing on the presumed cosmetic benefit of the surgery rather than the urgent need to lose weight quickly.)

Lorena and Alonso go someplace and jump up and down to music. Lorena looks for a bathroom and spots Daddy and the skank sucking face in a dark corner.

He tells Greta he feels strange - he hasn't been to a place like this in years. (Gee, if only there had been some woman in his life who would have liked to go places with him.) Greta tells him to relax and enjoy their night.

Alonso is still bouncing alone to the music when Lore comes back, crying, and wants to leave. He assumes that she saw Ernesto. As usual, instead of just explaining "I saw my dad kissing a some creepy girl" she acts all mysterious and insists that he take her home.

Betina unwraps her ankle. It looks pretty good, considering. She gets off the bed and very carefully practices her dance moves.

Finally, when Lore gets home, she tells Alonso what she saw. She cannot understand why her father would do this.

Ivan gets home and says Betina's not going to dance at the contest tomorrow, but she's still going to be there to support him. Ern supposes her family (meaning Alonso) will be there too. Ivan says he'll understand if Ern doesn't want to go. Ern says they're all going to be there for him.

Alonso says there's no excuse for what he did, but she should still listen and try to understand. She's angry. She's not sure how she's not going to yell at him, but she agrees to listen. He's sorry he can't help. She says his support helps more than he knows. She gets out of the car.

Beti calls Alonso and asks him to take her to the dance contest tomorrow. She wants to be there even if she can't compete. He's not sure it's a good idea, but he agrees to do it.

D'ohmar is surprised to find Lorena waiting up for him when he comes home. "I've been waiting for you," she says sadly. He says he was out with clients. She tells him to stop lying - she knows he has a lover, she saw them kissing at the disco. She insists that they go somewhere else to talk, because she doesn't even want to discuss this in the house.

Bruno comes home and flings something at Sara that doesn't look big enough to be food, but he says he got it from the cafeteria at the hospital. She says she's not a dog for him to throw food at. He begs to differ.

She complains about the crummy way they're living, and he tells her to get a job. That way they'll be able to rent something better. She wants to get her revenge first. He suggests that she get ready to look for a job soon, then, because the fat lady is having her operation the day after tomorrow.

Omar admits that he's been having a thing with his coworker for a few weeks. He says he loves Zulema, but Lore says that's a strange way to show it! Zulema adores him, he's the love of her life, and she's noticed his distant attitude. "I suppose you went for this woman only because of her appearance, right? Or worse yet, you're in love?" He assures Lorena that it's just a fling and his family is more important. He didn't want to hurt them.

Lorena tells him to do the right thing and break it off. He promises to end it tomorrow morning and never cheat again. They agree they don't want Zulema to be hurt by knowing about this.

Bruno assures Sara that whatever's to go wrong with Zule's operation has already been set up. She tries to reward him with sex, but he rejects her and says she's like a horny tramp (or something like that). She likes the challenge, he protests again, she slaps him, it looks like he's going to hit her, she gets even more excited, and then he says "quit talking, you know how to turn me on!"

It's a big day at the Temple of the Divine Light of Good Fortune; the seance is about to begin. Efrain wants to know what Magda's found out about Eufrosina. Apparently she wasn't very talkative and Magda wasn't able to search her bag, but the woman's husband's name was Aquino. Efrain's not worried; he'll just play it by ear.

Efrain and Magda join Jacqui, Eufrosina, and a few other people at the table. Efrain puts on some theatrics and starts calling to Eufrosina in a growly voice. She's really happy to hear from her husband - so she can ask him where the hell he hid the deed to their house! The spirit of Quino says these worldly things are nothing compared to his love for her.

E: Huh? Our parents arranged the marriage and we hated each other!
Q: Oh, I loved you, you just didn't know it.
E: You hid it really well, with all your lovers. Cut the crap, tell me where those papers are!
Q: I'll tell you, but first you must show me that you don't care about material things.
E: We're going to have tests? Okay, What's your name?
Q: Q... Quino Joaquin.
E: And what was the name of your cat?
Q: ...Bolita?

Eufrosina gets up and smacks Efrain. Her husband's full name was Aquirino and he was allergic to cats. She calls them a bunch of charlatans and storms out. Jacqui is indignant. They made a fool of her! Magda tries to blame evil forces for the seance's failure, but I guess even Jacqui has her limits. She leaves and mutters aloud to herself in the street (again, not a thought-bubbler) that she's now without friends, money, or dignity. "Now what will become of me?

At the hospital, Lore tells Alonso how it went with her father. And now here's Zulema for her final pre-op checkup. (Bruno eavesdrops.) Alonso promises a quick recovery and then she'll feel great!

Omar tells Regreta that Lore saw them. She's relieved to hear that Lore won't tell Zulema, but she sort of misses the point and think it means that they need to be more careful. He's like um, no, we're done. Getting caught opened his eyes. She tries to talk him out of it, "but I loooooove you." He picks his family over her. She says he's selfish and instead of punishing himself, he should know that he's not happy with his wife. He pushes her away and tells her to back down. She gives up and says she was really happy with him.

That evening, Omar tells Lore it's all done. Then Zule comes in, happy that she just ate a big plate of enchiladas for the last time!

Pretend that I don't throw a fit over this because it's a perfect example of how Zulema never even TRIED to control her diet; and you're especially not supposed to eat anything before an operation! The anesthesia can make you barf... Man, they make this surgery sound like it's like getting your ears pierced!

Omar says he's sad that after this operation, he won't be able to call her his little fatty anymore. She says he can call her "momia" (mummy) because she'll be all bandaged up. Alonso shows up and says Zule should be resting up for the surgery. Omar agrees and says it's not as simple as going to the dentist.

Jacqui ends up at the convent, says she's a sinner and she's led an empty life and wants to change. She wants to turn her life around and help people. The nun has mercy on her and lets her in. The convent door closes and that is probably the end of J-girl's story.

Alonso examines Beti's ankle backstage at the dance contest. "I don't know what you did, but it looks much better." He's not sure if she can dance on it or not, but he'll bandage it up tightly and she can try.

Ern shows up with the little kids and has to sit in the same row as Betina's family and Lorena and Alonso. Lore is sad she can't say hi to the kids.

Beti and Ivan dance first. We see more of the audience than we see of the kids, especially Ernesto glowering at Lorena and Alonso. The kids do fine, Beti's foot doesn't fly off, and they get a standing ovation. (Sadly, there's no sign of the Mean Girl gnashing her teeth.) They make the semifinals, but the other couple gives an anemic performance. Beti and Ivan win the trophy and 25,000 pesos ($1,824 at today's exchange rate). Their families run up to congratulate and hug them. Ernesto gives Lore a pained look over Ivan's shoulder. Gina asks who "that man" is. Alonso introduces himself as Betina's uncle.

Paula takes a picture of the whole gang. Lorena is making a miserable face while her two suitors glare at one another behind her.

Next morning, Zulema gets a good-luck call from Julian on his honeymoon and tells him not to worry. Diana gives Zule a blessing. Omar hangs around awkwardly in the background and doesn't say anything.

Now Zulema's on the table. Everyone's in sexy blue Tyvek gowns. Alonso says she's going to breathe in the anesthetic, and by the time she wakes up they'll be all done. They put the mask on her face. "Don't worry! It's going to go great!"

Sara's upset that Bruno's at home instead of at the hospital. He says he did everything yesterday, and all they have to do is wait. He put expired drugs in a fresh package. The expired drugs will cause something like an allergic reaction that will affect multiple crucial functions. She'll go into shock almost immediately. It's the worst thing that can happen to a doctor. Sara is pleased.

Indeed, Zulema's heartbeat is already speeding up and she's having trouble breathing. Alonso cancels the procedure and orders 3 cc's of some other drug.

Mexico airdate: 8 de septiembre
Next time: I'm guessing the other drug doesn't work either, because Zulema flatlines.


Cuidado con el Angel, October 22, 2008

We start with a recap of JM, Stephi and Ceci talking about what happened the night before with MC and the man she claims was in her room.

JM congratulations Ed about the upcoming wedding to his cousin. Ed can't wait to establish a life with her and to start having kids. Stephi walks up to the receptionist asking for JM and comes face to face with Israel and dismisses him with a wave of her hand. Stephi walks in JM's office and sees the invitation for Ed's wedding. She then comments on how the bride must be very happy and so will she when they set the date for their wedding. JM tells her to pick a date.

Padre Anselmo is outside talking to Adrian about the incident last night at the Velares house. At that moment Isa pulls up and tells the Padre as promised she has come to talk to him.

Back in JM's office Stephi is estatic about picking a date and JM then decides to call Israel into his office to talk about the incident that happened the day before between Stephi and him.

Isa walks into Padre Anselmo's office and says that she has come to explain what happened last night. The Padre says that he is listening and will not run her off. (he's p'od about what happened and is sarcastic to her). Isa asks for his forgiveness about her behavior. She goes on to say that Patricio was in a foul mood about MC and her bad behavior which has created tension in the house. She says that MC friends are no longer permitted to visit her even the Padre. She advises the Padre to wait until MC comes to him and not to return to the house.

Mayita is upstairs in the attic with her other abuela. Abuela is telling her a story about a donkey.

JM is talking to Israel and Stephi about the incident and says it is not important? He offers Israel an apology which pisses Stephi. She apologizes to Israel and he apologizes to her. JM says that they must get along as she will be his wife. Stepi asks JM if he has a calender and as he goes to ring his secretary, she insists on retrieving it herself. She walks into reception and gets the calender then informs Israel that the only reason she apologized was for JM and that she does not like him. Israel says I don't like you either. She walks back into JM's office and is going thru the calender and asks if the 26th of next month is good for him. He says perfect and she kisses him. (Is it me or do you find her constantly calling him "mi amor" sickening and her constant affection nauseating)?

We come back from break with Isa coming into the house and Patricio looking for her to tell her that he has set a trap for MC. He then proceeds to tell her what he did and where he set the trap at. Patricio asks Isa to invent a reason for MC to go into his room. She sneaks into his bedroom and removes the money off the dresser and as an after thought takes Ceci's favorite perfume.

Stephi goes to visit Onelia and tells her that they have set the date for the wedding. Rocio and Mayita are taking a stroll in the garden. Stephi tells Mayita that she will be marrying her dad and that she will be her new mommy.

MC is in the kitchen feeding the dog and Isa asks MC to put roses in Ceci's room since she and Stephi have an arrangement and Ceci does not. MC gladly accepts the roses and rushes off. Isa goes to tell Patricio that she has sent MC into his bedroom. The trap has been set. MC walks in the bedroom singing to herself and arranging the roses in the vase when she accidentally knocks over the wallet. As she is picking it up along with some leaves, Patricio walks in and asks her what is she doing? She says you scared me and I was just arranging the roses and he asks why she had his wallet in her hands. MC response is that she knocked it off the dresser by accident and leaves. Patricio picks up his wallet and notices that money is missing.

Stephi tells Isa that the wedding date has been set. As they are walking down the hall they come across Patricio who says that MC stole money from him. Isa convinces him to set another trap just to make sure.

MC goes out to the garden to get more classes from Adrian. He asks MC if she has done what he has asked of her. He comes across JM's name written in the notebook 50 times.

Ceci is in her bedroom looking for her favorite perfume and thinks that she left it in the bathroom. Patricio tells her not to look that basically MC took it along with the money. He calls her a theif. Ceci defends MC saying you cannot accuse someone of theft without proof. He says he caught her. Stephi interupts them and tells them that she has set a wedding date.

Isa and Stephi are talking in the hallway and Isa has another trick to make MC look bad.

Padre and Cande are shucking corn and talking about what happened the night before when Padre went to visit MC.

MC says goodbye to Adrian and JM drives up. MC wants to talk to JM, but JM wants to move his car. MC insists that he leaves it and grabs his hand and they run down the lawn. MC wants to know when JM is going to teach her and he says he would like to, but does not have time. MC says that you will have less time when you marry. Have you picked a date yet? Next month answers JM. "Wow, that's quick. So are you taking me to live with you too?" asks MC.

At Elsa' house we see her sitting with her parents qho are asking her about what she wants to live. She does not care and tells her parents whatever they want. The maid comes in and informs Elsa that Nelson is here to see her.

Isa is in the dining room putting oil around the rim of the centerpiece.

JM says that you want to live with me? That cannot happen. Other things are said, but the important thing is that she is hugging him and he wraps his arms around her and as Stephi and Patricio are walking and talking in the garden they come across this scene. MC asks are you going to take me to your house? JM tells her that they will talk about it another day. Just then Patricio and Stephi walk up to them and JM stands up quickly looking very uncomfortable. MC does not notice and says that she will bring her wedding gift to them and runs to her room.

Ceci is confiding to Isa about what Patricio has said about MC and that he has set another trap. Isa asks where and Ceci tells her. MC runs in and informs them that she is getting the wedding gift for JM and Stephi and will be right back.

Nelson calls Elsa over and asks if she is really marrying Ed.

Rocio and Onelia are talking about Stephi. Rocio does not believe that Mayita is happy about Stephi being her new mommy. Onelia disagrees with her and is only happy that JM is not hooking up with MC. Rocio takes up for MC and Onelia says the only reason you like her is because of her friend (Vicente). Rocio then tells her off.

JM, Stephi and Patricio are talking about who's going to pay for the wedding. MC shows up with her gift. JM says that this is original and Stephi says that it looks expensive. JM leaves with Stephi accompanying him and Ceci says it's time for lunch and she will inform the kitchen staff. Isa says no, let MC do it. Then proceeds to accompany her. Isa tells MC to get the centerpiece off the dining table and as she picks it up, it slides out of her hands and falls to the floor. Ceci is upset and Paticio says if MC knows how expensive that centerpiece was. MC says that she will pay for it. Patricio asks with what money. The money that you stole?

Tomorrow: Another fight!!!


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