Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tontas Tuesday April 14, '09 There's A Hot New Babe in Town....And It's Lulu!
I figure you know everything that happened last night, either from viewing or from reading Paula's fine recap so let's get to the hot, juicy new stuff. First Santiago's belt buckle, and the rest of him, arrives at Paulina's hotel room to retrieve errant Rocio. Paulina is strangely compliant, astonishing Santiago by purring "your daddy is right. So be good, trot on home with him, darling" (or words to that effect). Santiago is astonished and actually pops back in the door to thank Paulina. He leaves and she gets her crafty and cunning look on. We know for sure she's plotting something.
And now the Mariachis...singing on-key "Solamente una vez, ame en la vida"...One only truly loves once in life and ay yi yi...enter Lulu in a form-fitting plum colored clingy dress, showing off her bounteous curves, looking luscious, sexy, seductive and ready to give Toño a sizzling "beso". Alas, our lovers end up, eyes closed, about 6 inches away from each other. Dang! It was just a dream, but hey, we know this is a dream that CAN come true. So stay tuned. I love these two as a couple.
But THIS couple, not so much. Yep, I'm talking about Gregoria and Pato's sleazy dad. He's wanting to know why she's acting so strange and whether or not she liked the "chicken" last night (I kept wondering if there was a double entendre there or if they really did eat "pollito" at the restaurant). Anyway, she stammers out that dinner was delicious and er, so was the rest. But she just can't handle the guilt. Whoops. This intimate encounter is interrrupted by Sleazebag's current, though separated, wife, who apologizes for the intrusion but is looking for backup in her fight with hubby over money. Naturally Gregoria has to side with her.
But back to our dear Lulu. She's asking Candy for advice (God knows why) and confessing that she kissed Toño but isn't sure of his reaction. His eyes were wide open and then he skedaddled. Or as she says "patatin patatan" and off he went. Not quite the reaction a lovelorn gal would want.
Zamora, back at the restaurant, is trying like mad to find out what "novia" his buddy Toño was dreaming of. They play at hot hot hot, cold cold cold until he figures out it's someone who works at the restaurant. Ye gods! Doña Gogo is corrupting minors, he thinks.
And our favorite little minor, Rocio, is way deep in the blues. She can't even eat, she's so blue, although Granny finally wins her over with a tray of food brought by Donato. And also explains that Daddy is punishing her not because she was "bad" but because she scared him to death by running off from home. He just wants you to think about your actions, she adds gently. Will you help me think about it, Grandmother, sniffles Rocio. Ahhhh....what's not to love about this kid?
The advice session continues with Candy and she whips out her favorite saying "Love has no dress size". Easy for our svelte heroine to say. Lulu knows different. You should see how men look at me, she insists. All they see is "fat".
Now a scene with Marissa and Alicia. And I have some kind of mental block with these two. I NEVER clearly get what they saying to each other and it's something to do with the repulsion I feel for their schemes, I think. So if I'm off...credit my mental illness. Marissa seemed to be saying something about wanting pictures (or videos?) of Santiago desperately looking for her when she has disappeared to have the baby. And Alicia's worried that Marissa is going to double-cross her and wants reassurance that she'll really hand over the infant. And Marissa says sure...I want nothing to do with bottoms, diapers or all the rest. That's what I got. Aaaargggh. If I'm wrong, let me know...I'll fix it. I really do have a block with these two. I'm only human. Mercifully, we break for an ad.
Now another odd couple...but with potential. Donato and Tina. She wants to know if he's still carrying around a photo of Doña Isabella and he is. But it's an impossible love. Nevertheless he's happy that she's happy with her new husband. And guess what...He has a little corner of his heart and who is nestled there? a cute, flirtateous cook (Tina!) Hmmm...this could go places.
Okay, meddling time. Isabella has called Candy to come over so she can let her know Santiago's not marrying Marissa. And it's Candy's fault...'cause he's in love with her. This prompts our heroine to trot up to Santiago's room to talk to him. She's creeping in the door when he informs her he's naked. Our eternal virgin covers her eyes. He reassures her that he has a towel (actually it's a robe) but she better get used to naked men if she's going to spend the next 50 years with him. Whoops, the towel has dropped he adds. And Candy skedaddles. I just can't deal with your son, she huffs to Isabella.
So Mom marches up and when she comes to the door, Santiago laughs and says, Ha, couldn't resist, came back to see me in the buff. Whoops. It's his "santa, pura y casta" (holy, pure and chaste) madonna of a mother. And a "metiche" (meddler) as well. She admits to meddling, and Tina, who happens to be passing by, ogles Santiago in his robe (showing off a bit of chest hair) and reminds him that "her door is always open". Whew...lots of heat in this episode but none of it actually goes anywhere.
Speaking of heat, we have a sexy little scene in the fertility doctor's office. He's a poker-faced (no pun intended) humorless guy but there seems to be a misunderstanding on Chayo's part with performance and sterility. Once they establish that Eduardo just has to produce a "muestra" (sample) for the doctor to analyze, they're both hot to trot with Chayo promising all sorts of help...like dancing, a little whipping etc, chortles Eduardo in anticipation. And they're off to the races. Doc never cracks a smile. Well, he's not having any fun but we surmise our young couple will.
Now we're back at Santiago's house with malevolent Marissa stalking the grounds. Rocio is mad at her because she's told her there's no "hermanito" for her. So she doesn't like the baby OR Marissa. Our witch is outraged. After all I've done for you, she shrieks. When witch no. 2, Paulina, arrives and chases her off. Rocio goes off with Pau, leaving her playmate Chava all alone.
The squabble continues inside. Marissa's complaining about her treatment to Santi. She's also mad that Candy was there. Rocio and Paulina arrive and are perched together and Rocio wants to be just like mom and dress just like her. See how pretty mom is? she adds. Santiago wisely says nothing. And another ad break.
When we come back, more malice aforethought. Isabella's defending her right to let Candy in...after all, it's her house, and Marissa threatens her saying "Too bad for your grandson." Ick. Another mental block for me. Aaaagh. A little humor break here with Donato and Santiago seeming to hear Isabella's thoughts, and the scene ends with Santiago deciding to put an end to it, once and for all. He's sick of Marissa's behavior and her threats. (and so are we)
Back at the restaurant, Lulu is now having that 7th grade chat with Zamora. You know the one....did he ask about me? Do you think he likes me? Does he ever talk about me? Zamora makes some remark about her "abundance" of charms and she's afraid she's not ready for a real life romance.
And Santiago's not ready to marry Marissa. Not now. Not ever. She reverts to threats again. That's it for you kid, she says to her poor unborn child. Don't mess with me Marissa, snaps Santiago. I'm not playing she assures him. We're a package deal, you don't take me, you don't get the kid. Santi protests that this is not a self-service cafeteria but she doesn't budge. I'll just be a single mother.....like so many single mothers all over the world, she sighs.
Alright, another minor humor break in this dreck. Rocio and Chava are having a little domestic dispute in the play house (the one the Abandonados built for Santiago's boy-to-be). She "cooked" so she wants him to do the dishes. But men don't do dishes, that's women's work according to his grandmother Gogo. Men watch soccer on tv while their wives do the dishes. Isabella tactfully concludes that there are differences of opinion on this.
Cece is moving into Soledad's apartment at the same moment Patricio comes to pick up Beto. Soledad follows him out and wants to know if she can "call him sometime". Patricio tells her he's not in a good place right now. She knows....she understands. He's angry...and she's angry too, because she gave him up with without a fight, and she's angry also because someone (Candy!) has hurt him. Pato seems to soften at this. Hmmm...could be potential here. Who knows? And we've got another ad.
Yikes...when we get back, the subject is premature ejaculation. Lordy, we're covering every topic possible in this blasted telenovela. Glum wife, 20 years without an orgasm, is wondering if she'll have the courage to tell her husband things need to change. And Barbara assures her it's a problem that's very easy to fix. (Really?) I could do without returning to this topic....but I'm sure we will. And it'll all be hunky-dory no doubt.
Now some mirror scenes, with the Abandonados teasing Eduardo about his sterility issues and jokes about performance failures on their parts, (quickly denied of course) and the girls are on a similar topic, recalling how romantic encounters fizzled and they had to change from being a girlfriend to a "mother", reassuring the poor lad that "it happens to everybody sometime". And some lame jokes, in my opinion. Cece tells one about Tarzan talking to a mouse or rat (raton) and saying, So little and yet with a mustache! And the raton says to Tarzan, And you soooo big and yet still with a diaper!. Didn't do much for me but if it floats your boat, enjoy.
More girl talk, this time with Rocio, Lucia and Paulina. Rocio's complaining that she can't sleep with the light on. Lucia has to have it on; she's studying for a test tomorrow. Isabella enters just when Rocio says to Paulina, And you're going to give me a little brother, right mom? Impactada look from Isabella. And Paulina laughs and says....Oh my, the things that children say!
Patricio is having dinner with Alicia and she's had the mysterious, never-to-be seen Eva fix his favorite meal. He reminds her this is just a dinner to talk business. She reminds him that she needs to know how much money she can count on per month.....why?...so she'll know how much she can buy for HIS baby. Not my baby, he snaps. I'll support you in the adoption but it's your baby, not mine. She makes a crack about dessert and sugar overload, given how bitter he is. Way to go, Alicia.
The evening's winding down. Soledad and Cece are talking while Beto sleeps with her head on her lap. They're talking about loneliness, and Cece's almost marriage (until she told her fiance about her sexual preferences and he vanished) and how her mother kicked her out when she learned about it. Cece shares about the fear that people who are different sexually experience. The fear of being rejected, pointed at, talked about, discriminated against.....Soledad is wide-eyed and just beginning to understand that there are many kinds of loneliness. Not just her particular loneliness of wanting a man all her own.
And the evening is winding down at Santiago's as well (or at least he thinks it is...he's in for a surprise). He bids Donato good-night and tells him to "keep on with your rounds, Lieutenant", then tiptoes into the girls' room to kiss Rocio and Lucia good-night, then into his own room where, yikes! a barely covered Paulina lounges in his bed. Evidently she plans to start working on that "hermanito" that very night. In words that echo his to Candy earlier that day, she admits that she has absolutely nothing on under her robe. And doesn't get any more action than Santi did earlier.
Alicia's not getting anywhere with Patricio either. She can't hang around for the meeting with the Japanese that he's planning because she's got her own trip planned. Well then, he thought he'd stay at the house while she's gone. I know you're not living with Candy anymore and that it didn't work out, and I'm sorry, Alicia says. But this is YOUR home and you're always welcome.
Nope, Alicia hasn't given up. Just changed tactics.
And Paulina hasn't given up either. She's delighted Santi's not going to marry Marissa (well, we're all delighted, honey) but she'd sure like to provide some warm comfort to her former husband in the meantime. Santiago reminds her that he was crazy in love with her when they married, and she gave him the most wonderful daughter in the world....Rocio...but as a couple, they're OVER. This doesn't make much of a dent until he adds....and I'm in love with another woman. Impactada look from Paulina. And that's it for this evening. Goodnight all.
Previews: Paulina's still arguing her case...she'll be Santi's lover, his secret romance. Will he fall for that? Tune in tomorrow and find out.
Proverb of the Day: En boca cerrada no entran moscas. (lit. flies don't enter a closed mouth.) If you keep your mouth shut, you won't put your foot in it. Or...Silence is golden. Eduardo said this when Chayo was telling the doctor that sometimes he had "performance failures".
A similar proverb: Por la boca muere el pez. (the fish dies by it's mouth) Talking too much is dangerous.... or again, Silence is golden.
hacer una montaña de un granito de arena = making a mountain out of a little grain of sand. we'd say "making a mountain out of a molehill". Chayo, speaking to Eduardo about his fears of having to give a "sample".
eso es otro cantar = that's another story (lit. another singing)
discolo(a) = unruly, disobedient. Santiago speaking about Rocio
no me copie = I didn't "track" follow...Zamora, getting befuddled during the Abandonado's rapid fire discussion.
muestra = sample, specimen
Labels: Tontas
MEPS Monday April 13 - this episode left me wanting more......... asskicking.
Margarita is making some tamales, mmmm. I’ve lost 6 of the 20 pounds I’m working on (trying to get back to how thin I was in the picture over to the left) and tamales aren’t on the list of approved foods at the moment. Just the thought of it, mmm. Anyway, there’s a knock at the door, she thinks it’s Gardenia and yells why she doesn’t use her keys. Finally she answers and it’s Jairo and Lucio, looking for Martina and Lil. There is a lot of yelling and at one point Jairo throws Marg on the couch roughly. Then he breaks some stuff, he even flips the table.
Liliana tells Fernanda that Ed comes every day to see her and is upset she married ‘that guy’. Then she starts talking like she’s a kid again, Ed comes and does his homework, something like that, on and on. She mentions La Hiena, Fern tells Damian that’s what they called Barb when they were kids. He laughs hard for a second then recovers. It was pretty funny. Fern asks Lil what Ed is like, Lil says “you know what he’s like – you still love him!” Of course Damian is thrilled at that. Not.
Jairo trashes the house some more. Jacinto busts in and is carrying a riding crop. He knows from Camilo how much those hurt, so he uses it as a weapon to keep Jairo and Lucio away from his wife. He is pretty impressive, coming to the rescue. I would have liked to see him just open a can of whoopass right from the start but he doesn’t. Lucio finds some way to brag about getting Soledad’s house, Jacinto smacks him right in the face. It was AWESOME. More ass-kicking on this show, please. It was so satisfying. Jairo and Lucio leave, uttering many threats along the way.
Barb tells Artemio over the phone – “Eduardo’s days are numbered.” Thanks for the update Barb, too bad you don’t even know where he is.
Fern tries to explain to Lil that they are all grown up now. There is much crying. Lil says that Ed still loves her, he told Lil himself! Damian gets increasingly annoyed.
Apparently Fr/Ed has just told Martina his whole story. Instead of being shocked, she just says “ok cool I’m with you.” At least she’s smart and knows who to ally herself with. So she’s smart, and dresses like that and is able to pull it off. Nice. The nurse walks in (they are in some back room at the loony bin) and Fr/Ed thanks her for her help.
Fernanda gets the details of Eduardo’s visit to the clinic from the doc. He eventually says he has a paper that Ed signed, Fern asks to see it. Damian can’t conceal his annoyance now and doesn’t really try. When they go to the office to get the paper, Ed spies on them through a cracked door. When they are gone, he goes outside to make a phone call.
Martina runs to Lil’s room to check on her. Somehow Ciro’s name comes up and Lil freaks out and wants to go see him.
The nurse tells Ciro that Liliana came back, just for him.
Doctor Obregon finds the ‘signature’ of Eduardo (it’s written in big capital block letters) and gives it to Fern. She asks if she can keep it, Damian asks why? Fern doesn’t have an answer.
Outside, Fr/Ed was talking to someone about plans for his mother’s crypt. He hides behind a tree and spies on Fern and Damian as they come out. She wants to find Ed, he has simply had enough of hearing about Ed and they argue about it. They get in the car and leave.
Gardenia hangs around Las Animas, waiting for Fr/Ed. And OH that dress she has been wearing. I remember asking for an improvement on her hacienda uniform and yes my request has been granted. She is waiting to ask him for help in saving Soledad’s house.
Jacinto and Margarita clean up and talk about Gardenia and her plan to ask Fr/Ed for help. Jacinto is going to go to Fr/Ed’s house to tell him about Jairo and Lucio, thinking the girls are still at Las Animas. On his way out Jacinto tells Margarita to lock the house up tight.
Ed talks to Esteve on the phone, Martina comes outside. I love watching her walk around in that outfit. She tells Fr/Ed that Lil won’t come out, she wants to stay.
Doc Obregon comes into Lil’s room and shoots her up with a big needle, she’s out cold.
Martina says that Lil must be more comfortable here, she understands because now she doesn’t think she can go home again either. We get a shot of Gepetto crying and ranting about his daughter UGLY CRYING ALERT and looking horrible doing it. Fr/Ed says Martina is a good person for helping Lil, even though it cost her so much. He tells her a bunch of the story we’ve already seen in the show so far. He tells Martina that he swears it will work out with her and Gepetto. Then he says he has an idea about what to do about Lil staying in the loony bin.
Doc Obregon is telling Frick and Frack that every day Lil gets a triple dose of the tranquilizer (or medicine or whatever they call it), Frick (or is it Frack?) says that Doc himself said so much might turn her into a vegetable. Doc says how do you know that’s not what I want? Just then Ed busts into the office, reminding me of Clint Eastwook in his old westerns. He lays it out for the doc – Martina is now going to be Lil’s ‘nurse’, she’ll be with her 24/7. If Doc doesn’t go along, Fr/Ed will tell Los Elizalde and the families of all the other patients what has been going on here lately. Doc says Martina won’t look like a nurse (presumably due to her hotness and huge rack) but Fr/Ed just says to make it happen. I would think he’d welcome Martina in a tight nurse’s outfit being around, but then again he does seem sort of gay so who knows.
Arriving back at the Elizalde compound, Damian and Fern are a bit cold to each other, Damian runs off to the office. I know this family owns/runs the company, but I can’t believe how often they AREN’T at work. And when they are there, they aren’t doing anything but arguing with each other. Santiago and Aurora greet Fern, who starts crying. They take her inside.
Fr/Ed and Martina can’t get Lil to wake up, Doc comes in. Fr/Ed pounces and I’m hoping so much for a beatdown but Fr/Ed just swings him around a lot by the front of his shirt. I see him shaking him, threatening him, pushing him back, come on just one good punch! Nope, not today. I’m also really looking forward to (hopefully) Jacinto taking a riding crop to Camilo. Anyway the doctor admits to tranquilizing Lil, claiming she was agitated, etc. That’s when Fr/Ed starts shaking him, yelling that from now on there will be no more drugs of any kind for Lil, none at all. He tells Martina that she can do whatever she has to do to protect Lil. Martina looks like she can’t wait for Doc to step out of line so she can beat him up.
Barb looks at her stolen money on a computer monitor that is from about 1990. Well maybe not the monitor but what she’s looking at on it is some old old software, by the look of it. Damian comes in to her office and retells the visit to Liliana. Basically he says it was a waste of time and Lil’s crazy. Barb wants to know when the processing plant is going to fall apart, Damian says it’s a done deal, she insults him anyway. Just then the phone rings and she is told that there is a big problem with some machinery. Damian has a big grin on his face.
Fernando is convinced that Eduardo is ‘here’, meaning in the area. Santiago figures out that Ed must still love her, he didn’t want her to get married to Damian. Santiago asks what she feels for Ed, she says fear, anxiety, etc. Santiago looks like he wants to say “see you love him too.”
Fr/Ed is finally home, Gardenia asks him for help saving Soledad’s house, he says he can’t help. She is going to press, but Jacinto shows up. Fr/Ed tells him that the Elizaldes volunteered Jacinto to work at Las Animas taking care of the horses. The men leave to go to the stable. Gardenia is crushed. But still looking great in that dress.
Outside, Jacinto tells Fr/Ed about the visit from Jairo, Fr/Ed says not to worry the girls are far away and safe now. Fr/Ed says to leave Lucio be for now, when Barbara goes down Lucio is going down with her.
Doc Obregon brings Martina a nurse’s uniform, unfortunately we don’t get to see her try it on. After he leaves, she tells herself that she is destined to be a nurse. A fake nurse, but still a nurse.
Fr/Ed and Jacinto discuss the identity of the ‘big’ enemy, Jacinto asks if it’s Lucio. Fr/Ed says no, Barbara is the troublemaker around here and there is someone behind her that they need to find. Jacinto then tells Fr/Ed that Fernanda is desperately trying to find him (as Eduardo), Fr/Ed says that she’ll know where he is soon, “she will have news from me tomorrow.”
Tomorrow’s show – Eduardo gets a note to Fernanda with a phone number on it, it appears that it’s the number of a church/monastery/something.
Labels: manana
Las tontas no van #90, Mon 4/13, It’s a runaway extravaganza!
Chava decides that if his dad isn’t going to live there anymore, he wants to live with his dad rather than his mom. Candy looks like a piano just fell on her head. The only person she has ever cared about more than herself is threatening to leave her. Chava has just given Pat tremendous control over Candy, right on the heels of Candy telling Pat to move out, but Pat declines. Since the beginning, Pat has struggled to be a better person, and today he shows himself noble. Gathering all his strength, he tells Chava that the boy’s number one job is to take care of his mama, so he must never tell her that he doesn’t want to live with her because it would make her sad. Pat only lets himself cry when Chava isn’t looking. What a hero! With one stroke, he willingly gives up the company of the two people he loves most.
Ed proves to Chayo that the woman who appeared at her door was a fraud. He doesn’t have a second house, a second wife, or any children. Chayo feels like a fool for giving the woman all Ed’s money. He kisses her to make her feel better, as we look at their portrait and think of once and future happier times.
Santi has a suggestion for Marissa. He can arrange for the baby to be born at his clinic (where he will have more control). Mar sends him back to the kitchen for salt and chili and lemon (because she wants more control over him).
Santiago goes home and is surprised to find Pat in his den, the same room where Candy broke the bad news to him. Santi must be wondering if Pat is there to deck him for taking his wife. Quite the contrary. Pat tries to explain that he left Candy’s house and didn’t know where he’d end up. Santiago is still the closest thing he has to a friend. Santi suggests he’ll find someone else, but Pat is sure he’ll never love anyone else (I’m sure Santiago can relate to that). Continuing his hero streak, Pat tells Santi that he doesn’t blame Santi for what happened, and what he wants most is for Candy to be happy.
Candy reassures Chava that even though Pat is moving out, Chava will still see him, and his daddy still loves him. She falls asleep next to Chava and dreams a montage of our favorite moments between Candy and Santiago: tonight’s serenade, orange-sweater support during the leukemia crisis, the buried heart box, dueling serenades, “estoy dispuesta,” an attempted medallion return, phone dancing, one-winged angels, and a surprise tango. She awakens with a startle and a smile that says, “What a man!” Yeah, Candy, it’s about time that you wake up!
Santiago meets with Luc and Charly to check where their relationship stands, and to suggest that they go together to talk to a doctor who was Santi’s much-respected mentor.
At a restaurant, Gregoria repeatedly asks Arturo to stop holding her hand. He repeatedly ignores her request. (I adore you. Now shut up.) What’s next, handcuffs? Even though she doesn’t want him to touch her hand, he feels it is appropriate to ask her, “Do you have to return to your house to sleep?”
In the morning, Charly is running out the front door and meets Gregoria coming in. Charly thinks she must have gotten up and gone out early. He says, “Al que madruga, Dios lo ayuda” (God helps those who wake up early). Meño notices that when she ‘woke up early,’ she put on last night’s clothing. Candy comes down for breakfast, Meño covers for Greg, Candy gives him a look, and Meño tells her, “Don’t ask me questions that will make me lie.” He suggests that Greg is changing from a pillar of salt into a woman. With a man who respects his neckties more than he respects her. But who am I to judge?
Charly, Lucía, and their fathers meet with Santi’s old mentor, a respected immunologist who has good things to say about Santi professionally. They discuss the course of Charly’s treatment and the progress of the disease. The doctor wants to talk to Charly and Luc alone, and Charly looks like he’s been sent to the asst. principal’s office. The doctor gives them a PSA that’s more direct and harsh than the ones to date.
Ceci shows up at Soledad’s door in the morning to take her out to breakfast. She would like to rent a room from Sol to save money and also help out Sol. Soledad gives her usual wide-eyed stumped look. Sol goes to Candy for advice, and in her usual sensitive, considerate manner, Candy bashes Soledad for being anti-gay.
On the subject of unwanted visitors, Paulina shows up at the big house with suitcases. Rocío is ecstatic to see her. Isabel, not so much. Pau asks Roc, “How would you like if I move to Guadalajara?” She must have heard that Santiago is getting married.
In the waiting room, Meño notices that Santiago seems so content lately. He admits that his life is going better. On one side, he is relieved that Luc is safe. On the other side, he feels hopeful about Candy now that she sent Pat packing. Meño asks, isn’t he comprometido (engaged) to corn-hair? No, Santi corrects, he is comprometido (committed) to his son whom corn-hair carries. And all he can think about is Candy. It’s only fair that now he deserves his turn. Meño compares him to Vicente Fernandez (whereas Santiago compares himself to the sexier Alejandro Fernandez); I don’t know why. Meño agrees that Santi deserves Candy, but he observes that Santi’s palm says an obstacle is on the road to his love life. His palm must know that there are still fifty episodes left in the series.
Ole sneaks into the institute. He’s tired of no women liking him, and he’s tired of the “pain in the neck” from tilting back his head to look at anyone. Lulu assures him that he’s just fine as he is, and to prove it she gives him a big kiss.
Donato is upset that Paulina is back. Tina is upset that she might have another lump.
Cleaning up breakfast, Candy asks her mom what’s going on. Gogo says, “Last night I slept with Art.” But that was her imagination. What she actually says is, “Last night I dreamed about your father.”
Santi is in his office telling Mar she’s supposed to be on bed rest. Paulina barges in and says, “I’m here to tell you, you can’t marry this woman.” Santi tries to stop the catfight; I say he should sell tickets. Mar rebukes Pau for abandoning her own child. Pau comes right back, saying that Mar is trying to take her baby from his own father for revenge. Mar and Santi ask in unison, “How did you know?” Mar and Pau continue trading insults, talking simultaneously, and I can’t understand a word. But Santi can. He is laughing at each jab because he likes seeing both brujas get what-for. Mar and Pau ask in unison, “What are you laughing at?”
Soledad puts it to Candy. “You dumped Pat? You don’t like him now? I gave up without a fight because you convinced me that you loved him (querer). He and I were fine until you showed up.” Candy’s usual answer? “Now is not the time to talk about this.”
Rocío calls her papa. “When my mama moves in with us, can she stay in my room?” Papa explains that Pau will stay in a hotel. And “we’ll talk about this when I get home” (I love how Santi acts like a father instead of a buddy). Roc turns on the tears and hangs up. Santi tries to set Pau straight. “Stop making Roc promises you can’t fulfill.” He also tells her to stop popping in and out of her daughter’s life. Pau’s request? “Don’t marry that woman. When are you ever going to learn how to choose a partner?” Preach it, Sister! Santi tries to talk to Mar about the upcoming wedding (or lack thereof), but she waddles off before he can say anything.
Candy, who flees every serious conversation, insists Soledad talk to Ceci right now about her opinion of Ceci moving in, whether Soledad wants to or not. (And Candy is involved in this decision because.. ???)
Art comes to see Gregoria, but she’s taking Chava to the park to play soccer, so he invites himself along. Later Margarita shows up at the door, and Charly tells her that Art and Gogo went to the park. Marg gives a knowing look.
Don takes Pau’s suitcases out of Rocío’s room to move them to her hotel, per Santi’s instructions. He refuses to listen to Roc’s pleas. Luc is too busy studying, so she doesn’t listen to Roc either. So Roc stows away in the car, catches a ride to her mama’s hotel, and tricks the bellhop into taking her to Paulina’s room.
Remember how happy Pau was to see Roc when she was trying to invade Santi’s house? Notice how unhappy she is to see Roc when it doesn’t advance her goals? Roc wants to stay, but Pau insists on calling Santi to let him know where his daughter is. While Pau is getting her some ice cream, Roc answers the knock on the hotel room door. She opens the door and sees her papi’s belt buckle. Going up from there, he looks every inch the father, large and in charge. Ruh-roh!
Labels: Tontas
Monday, April 13, 2009
Doña Barbara, Mon. Apr. 13 - Marisela still thinks DB is crazy; Santos still thinks DB is pregnant but soon everyone will know that Geno is pregnant
Gonzalo repeats to Facundo that he and Sapo are only business associates, nothing more. He tells Facundo that he doesn't want either of them coming to his office any more. If they have to meet, it will be someone where no one knows them.
Don Encarnación screams at Antonio and Cecilia. He accuses them of having been lovers while Lucía was alive. When Antonio tries to appease him by saying that Cecilia is helping to take care of the baby, DE swears that he will take the baby away from Antonio on the grounds that he is an unfit father.
Pajarote tries to talk to Genoveva. He denies that anything happened when he was naked in the shower with Celeste. He tells Geno that since he has been with her, his "friend" hasn't performed at all. He obviously thinks this will please Geno but it doesn't. She says that all he seems to want to offer women is sex but she wants more. She wants a man who will talk to her about his feelings, about his love. "Juan Palacios," says Geno, "if you ever think of me, remember me as the only woman on your list who called you by your name, not Pajarote."
Marisela tells Santos that she can't believe he is throwing DB out.
Melquíades confirms to DB that El Miedo is ready for her return but DB says that she isn't going. Eustaquia says that is crazy. "Precisely," says DB, "I'm crazy and crazy people do crazy things."
Marisela asks Santos if he feels any pity for DB. Santos says no. He believes she is faking the whole crazy thing to get Marisela to feel sorry for her. Marisela replies that she doesn't care if DB is pretending. DB is her mother and she is suffering. "She will drag us down with her," says Santos, "Is that what you want?"
Antonio asks Cecilia if she thinks DE will carry out his threats to try and take his granddaughter from Antonio. Cecilia says that DE loved Lucía very much and he is in terrible pain. She says that such grief can turn to hate and hate can blind the best human beings.
Eustaquia tells DB that her charade of being pregnant can't continue indefintely. DB doesn't think that Marisela will tell Santos that she lost the baby because Marisela feels sorry for DB. Eustaquia says that it isn't pity that Marisela feels; it's love and DB is wasting it. Once again, DB tells Eustaquia that her feeling as a woman take precedence over her feelings as a mother.
Santos tells Marisela that having DB at Altamira is driving him crazy because she is always there between them. Marisela replies that she is engaged to another man and doesn't want anything to do with Santos so DB isn't coming between them. Santos says that is a lie. He knows that Marisela still loves him. When Santos says that he can't continue living with such torture, Marisela says that she will go and live with DB at El Miedo.
When Antonio tells Cecilia that she doesn't have to stay and take care of the baby, she says that made a promise to Lucía that she would care for the baby and furthermore, she doesn't want to be away from Antonio when he is suffering so much. She says that the most important things in her life are her child, Lucía's baby and Antonio.
Marisela tells Santos that in his house there is a sick old woman and a woman who is not right in the head and all he can think about are the kisses Marisela won't give him. Marisela says that Santos knows that she loves him but she is fed up with him because he won't recognize that DB needs them. Santos acknowledges his responsibility to DB's baby. He will do whatever is necesary to make DB and Eustaquia comfortable at El Miedo. Marisela replies that the worst thing Santos can do is throw DB out of Altamira. Santos capitulates.
Pajarote is drinking and feeling sorry for himself. María Nieves comes looking for him to help build the houses. Pajarote says that he doesn't feel like working today. He tells MN that he is done with Genoveva. She can leave if she wants to. He won't be tamed like the others. MN says that his woman tamed him with lots of love and he is very happy about it. He leaves Pajarote to his bottle and his rage.
Geno gives Melesio her speech about wanting to be more than a cook. He says that she is the smartest of the terneras and can do what she wants. He says that everything would be fine if it weren't for her sad eyes. Geno says that is because she was chopping onions. Melesio says that she must have been chopping onions every day because she is always sad. Melesio says that he will go to San Fernando with her so he can help Antonio with his grief, see his great granddaughter and see where and how Geno is going to live.
Carmelito tells the other ternera husbands that Genoveva is pregnant with Pajarote's baby. Mujica is listening (and taking notes).
In return for letting DB stay at Altamira, Santos asks Marisela to do him a favor and not bring Gonzalo to Altamira. DB overhears and says that she has to do something since the situation is getting dangerous between Santos and Marisela.
DB has Melquíades send for Gonzalo to come to El Miedo that night.
Mujica exchanges his gossip about Geno's pregnancy for sex with Federica.
Eustaquia says that Marisela looks sad. She drops some big hints that DB isn't really crazy.
Gonzalo tells Antonio that he will arrange for lawyers to defend him if DE tries to take custody of the baby. He also tells Antonio that he will be in charge while Gonzalo goes to a convention at the beach.
Melesio tells Genoveva that there is no need to talk when there is love as strong as theirs. He says that when she feels really lonely, she has this old man who loves her the most. Geno says that she knows this.
Pajarote flashes back to some of his encounters with Genoveva. Then he gets up and says that he will find someone who really cares about him.
Juan Primito tells Marisela that he is sad because she is not going to marry Santos and Santos is a good person who eats mangoes with him and talks to him. Marisela agrees that Santos is a good person but she isn't going to marry him.
Federica tells Mujica that she is going to tell everyone about Genoveva's pregnancy even though she promised him she wouldn't.
Eustaquia wants to talk to Santos. She says that she knows that she and DB are not welcome at Altamira. Santos replies that it isn't her, it's DB and if it weren't for her pregnancy... "Oh Don Santos," says Eustaquia, "if only you knew..." Santos presses her but Eustaquia won't say any more.
DB's cheery dinner conversation about Marisela and Gonzalo drives Marisela from the table. Santos follows her. When they are gone, DB says to herself that she will resolve this situation tonight.
DB returns to El Miedo for the first time since the attack. Her lazy employees are ready to take credit for putting El Miedo back to the way it was but DB says that she knows it was the Altamira folks who did that. Gonzalo arrives but he is annoyed that DB has summoned him so peremptorily but he is glad that she isn't crazy any more. DB makes nice until she pulls a gun on him. She tells him that she knows he is involved with her enemy, Sapo. He asks what she wants. She replies that she wants to be his partner. She advises him not to try and and betray her. She had other partners who thought they were smarter than she was and they ended up very badly.
Melesio comes to the hospital and sees Cecilia taking care of Antonio's baby.
Pajarote goes to see Federica. She is glad to see him again but calls him, 'Daddy' (Papacito). He asks why she calls him that and she says it is because he is going to be a daddy.
Santos walks in on Marisela in the bubble bath.
He says that he can't help himself. He kisses her.
DB tells Gonzalo that if he really wants Marisela, he has to get her out of Altamira and marry her right away.
Labels: barbara
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Doña Bárbara - Fri., Apr. 10- DB regains her sanity, which means that she is telling the same story but now she knows it's a lie.
Don Encarnación says over and over that Antonio will pay for Lucía's death and finally he says that Antonio will pay with his life because he chose the baby's life over Lucía's. In this picture, the doctor is standing there like a dummy. Couldn't he have said something about how in fact, they didn't let Lucía die to save the baby? Lucía's one kidney was failing because of the stress of being pregnant. The only way to save her was to do a C-section and deliver the baby thus relieving the strain on her kidney. They did that but Lucía didn't make it. I don't see what else the doctors could have done that would have saved Lucía?
Screaming, DB asks where God is. She says that goodness and mercy don't exist. Pain, betrayal and evil are all that exist. She says that when there was only one bastard left to take revenge on, there was light in her life - the possibility of being a mother again. She tried to be good and God betrayed her again. "I can't take any more!" she cries, "I lost my baby."
When DE starts to curse Antonio and all his family, Santos drags him out of the room. Antonio asks about the baby and the doctor says that they are trying to save her but even in the best case scenario, she will be in an incubator and require special care for a long time.
Gonzalo offers to make the funeral arrangement for Antonio.
DB returns to Altamira and tells Eusataquia that she lost her baby. Eustaquia says she is glad DB has returned to sanity. DB tells Eustaquia that it was when she saw Sapo face to face that the truth came back to her. She says that she wants to die because her life has no meaning. The loss of her baby has taken away any chance of her getting Santos back. Eustaquia suggests that they leave and start a new life somewhere else. DB says that it is too late, "Demons are loose in the Arauca." She says that she will do what she always does - fight.
The nurse tells Cecilia that Lucía premie will need special care and they are short handed at the hospital. Cecilia offers to take care of the baby.
Mujica comes and tells Melesio and his family about Lucía.
Cecilia tells Santos that she is staying in San Fernando. Marisela tells Santos that she is going back to Progresso because DB is there. Antonio prays to God to let his baby live. DE overhears.
Sapo identifies the two largest haciendas other than Altamira, El Miedo and Chapparal. He instructs Facundo to start with one and force the owner to sell by threatening his life and that of his family.
Santos and Marisela return to Altamira. They are asking Melquiades where DB is when she comes downstairs all sweetness and light as if nothing happened and she is still crazy. When DB and Marisela go upstairs, Melquiades smiles and says, "That's my Doña."
DB tells Marisela that she just ran away because she didn't want to see the doctor. Marisela gives DB a sleeping pill but tells her that it is a vitamin. DB pretends to take the pill. DB asks if Marisela likes the stuffed bear she gave her. Marisela says that it is what she always wanted. DB says better late than never and they have to make up for lost time. [This should make Marisela suspicious because the the truly crazy DB didn't think she had neglected Marisela.]
Antonio tells Gonzalo about his feelings when he saw his baby and his hopes that she lives and Lucía's sacrifice wasn't in vain. Gonzalo tells Antonio that he has to be strong and then gets him to sign a document authorizing a withdrawal from a public works account. Poor grief-stricken Antonio signs without looking at the document.
Andrés volunteers to find out who put the article about Santos in the newspaper.
DB pretends to be drugged into sleep while Marisela tells her that she is sorry that she lied about the pill but DB needs to rest. She tells DB that when Genoveva said that she imagined that her mother would be like DB was, Marisela wanted to hug and kiss DB and that when DB gave her the stuffed bear, she nearly died. She says that she has waited so many years for a kind word or a caress from DB. Marisela says how strange it is that the only way DB can give her any affection is if she loses her mind because she would never treat Marisela this way if she were sane. Marisela says that the worst part is that DB needs to get well again and then Marisela will lose her again. Once again DB will see Marisela as her enemy and hate her. Marisela says that even if that happens, deep down, she loves her mother. She leaves and DB says that she loves her daughter.
Marisela meets Santos in the hall of Altamira. She offers him a cookie. He says that she knows what he wants. She says that is only offering cookies.
At Lucía's funeral, DE refuses to accept Melesio's sympathy.
When DB, Santos and Marisela arrive, DB hangs onto to Santos while Marisela goes to Gonzalo.
Cecilia tell Casilda that she feels an obligation to take care of Lucía's baby because she is Antonio's child.
DE refuses to speak to Antonio at the funeral.
Sapo's henchmen kidnap the owner of the hacienda that they want to buy.
Melesio tells Antonio that tears cleanse the soul. He says that Lucía gave him the greatest gift a man can receive from a woman. She left him her memory and part of her in her daughter.
DB pretends that she still can't remember anything and doesn't know that she lost her baby. When DB starts talking about what a happy family they will all be, Marisela flees. Eustaquia has overheard and she is horrified that DB is deceiving Marisela again.
Santos comes to inspect the repairs at El Miedo and says that it is like it was before.
Eustaquia tells DB that sooner or later everyone will discover that she isn't pregnant and she will lose everything. She says that DB has lost her son but got her daughter back and that Marisela is DB's child too. DB says that she feels an incredible emotion when Marisela says that she loves DB. "But I'm more woman than mother," she says to Eustaquia. She says that if she had to choose between Santos and her daughter, she'd choose Santos a 1000 times. Eustaquia is horrified when DB says that she would kill anyone who gets between her and her man.
The family of the man Sapo kidnapped agrees to sell the hacienda to pay the ransom. Sapo tells Facundo that as soon as the family has left, Sapo's men should start building a landing strip.
The nurse introduces Cecilia to Lucía's baby. Antonio sees her. Afterwards, he thanks her for helping with the baby. DE sees Antonio hugging Cecilia and says that Lucía isn't even cold in her grave and Antonio is with Cecilia. Doesn't he have any shame?
Pajarote tries to talk to Genoveva but she says that she would rather be eaten by pirhanas.
Gonzalo makes it clear to Facundo that he doesn't consider himself to be a fellow employee of Sapo and that Facundo had better treat him with respect.
Santos tells DB with Marisela watching that El Miedo is all fixed up and she can go back there right away.
Labels: barbara
Saturday, April 11, 2009
MEPS 04/10/09 - Salvation and Deliverance: The Old Lil’ Is Back!
Meanwhile, Estev and Ed are discussing the dicey situation with Lili’s bolt from Las Animas after her two older brothers showed up out of the blue. Ed’s worried that if she runs into the wrong person she might give away his real identity and everything he’s done up to now would have been all for nothing. Estev, in his best philosophical Gringlish, assures his BFF that he’s got to crack a few eggs to make an omelet (huh?), or rather (in an English translation of the more sensible Spanish “dicho”/saying that conveniently flashes on the screen) “…anything that’s worth the effort doesn’t come without a bit of conflict.”
At the same time Nanda’s big brother, Any Balls, is rather presumptuously purchasing tickets for Fer and Damian’s honeymoon for the following Saturday. He figures that that should be time enough to get her together with Franco Santoro and put ink to his Big Bidnez deal with Powhere Meelk.
Back at the hacienda, Santiago has a brainstorm and he decides to go into town looking for the Edster with his faithful shadow, Rory. He stops in at the Mud Wrassler’s Cantina and asks one of the waitresses if a guy named Eduardo Juarez has been hanging around there. Sherlock San admits he hasn’t seen the guy for fifteen years and can’t describe him. (All together now: “NO SH!T, SHERLOCK!) So, Santiago stumble-bums his way into the hotel connected with the bar to check whether Ed is registered there.
Barbie steps outside the main house to call Dr. DementOh! Matamentes Obregon at Loonyland with the news that Fernanda will be visiting Lili; so he’d better make darned sure that nothing out of the ordinary goes wrong. She says she wants Lili drugged but awake again like the last time. DementOh! is practically crawling out of his skin by now, wondering how he’s going to weasel his way out of this one. He tells her not to worry; that he has everything under control.
Damnian drives up just as Barbie finishes her call. After receiving a few choice insults about newlyweds and shriveled…er...brains, he reports to the Barbot that in a couple of days the plant’s entire production will be lost. No worries about derailing business meetings then because Franco Santoro will want nothing more to do with Grupo Lactos. To top it off, with the results of an unexpected visit from the international inspectors, neither will anybody else from Powhere Meelk. (Ok. Ok. So, if he knows they’re coming, it isn’t exactly unexpected, is it?) Bitch-Barbie is elated.
Just then, Nanda comes outside to greet Damian and invites him along to visit Lili with her. Babs sweetly tells her not to get her hopes up because the doctor says Lili’s still the same as before. Fer surprises Babs by telling her that she knows this isn’t the only time that Eduardo has gone to the asylum looking for Lili, and that with all that’s been happening she simply forgot to mention it. Babs wonders if she thinks Ed actually got a chance to speak with Lili. Fer says that’s precisely why she’s going back to see her.
AB and Cadmilo drive up just then. AB says they’ve got to have a quick family business meeting over something important. Cad tells Fer and Dam about the tickets AB so thoughtfully bought the two of them and says AB’s generously giving the two of them an extra month off for it. Fer is ticked and tells AB that it was none of his business. He tells her to do what she wants to with them, but they all need to go inside to discuss the business. Barbie wonders to herself what kind of nifty little surprise Anibal has cooked up for them all this time.
Finally, Martina and Lili have found their way to Hacienda Elizonde. Martina tries to make Lili understand that she can’t go the rest of the way with her because it would be too awkward. Lili panics at the last second and says she can’t go back there after all because nobody there wants her, except for Fernanda. She breaks down in tears again. Jacinto finds the two of them standing there.
At Jacinto’s house, Gardenia is telling Margarita how upset she is about what’s happened with Soledad’s house. She decides that she’s going back to Las Animas right away to ask for Don Santoro’s help to get the house back and she races out. Margo can’t stop her and worries Denia will find out that Eddie’s hiding Lili over there.
Back in the back forty at the hacienda, Martina tells Jacinto that, no, Fr/Ed doesn’t know they’ve left Las Animas. He tells them he’s taking them back there but since Lil now thinks her brothers are going to be regulars at Las Animas, she freaks and refuses to go back to Ed’s place. Jacinto is muy negatively impactado and scowls at them.
Inside the main house, meanwhile, Fer and AB argue about setting up a meeting to discuss the community center with Fr/Eduardo. She refuses to meet with him about the project because they refused to take her point of view into consideration earlier. She says it’ll be priority one, but not till after she and Dam get back from their honeymoon. Her timeline nearly gives Anibal a heart attack since it throws a monkey wrench into his carefully crafted plans. AB attacks her weak point. “Ok, Fernanda! Whatever you say! Just remember you have the future of Grupo Lactos in your hands and now you are turning your back on us!”
Back at Jacinto’s, Ed drives up looking for his friend, but Margo tells him that he’s over taking care of things at the Elizalde’s. She gives the details about Denia heading back to Las Animas and says she’s worried Denia will find out about Lili. He explains how Lili saw her brothers over there and ran away with Martina and now he’s got to find them both.
Meanwhile, Denia is on her way back to Las Animas and entertaining herself with thoughts about the various ways Don Santoro will kick Lucio’s sorry backside out of Soledad’s house.
Margo wonders if Martina and Lili are headed back to the hacienda, but Ed doesn’t think Lili would go there considering how afraid she is of them. He says he believes the reason she’s afraid of her family has something to do with the letter his mother wrote. Ed confirms to her that everything Sole wrote about is true and that Lili really is in danger. Margo hints that she might know who is behind it all and they go back inside the house to discuss it.
Inside the main house again at the hacienda, Anibal explains to Fernada that he needs her to meet with Santoro before she leaves for her honeymoon. When she balks, he emphasizes that he needs Santoro’s answer right away. She says not until she returns from visiting Lili. So AB tries laying a guilt trip on her for not immediately jumping on the family-business-at-all-cost bandwagon. Gonzo wakes up from his stupor and decides he has had enough of the family in-fighting. He blames it all on the Powhere Meelk deal with Santoro and orders Anibal to tell Santoro that they will decline the proposed association with Powhere Meelk because no contract is worth tearing the family apart like this. Babs is secretly delighted ‘cause it’s now two down and one to go.
Any Balls finds a little testicular fortitude here and tells his father “No!” He insists they cannot go back on Powhere Meelk for all the prior reasons they discussed back at the office. Gonzo smiles in a senile haze and says it still time enough for Grupo Lactos to have had a change of heart. AB looks like he’s ready to pull his hair out, but his dad’s scalp is going to come first.
Back at Jacinto’s, Margarita reminds Ed that “La Hiena” has had a hand in every rotten thing that’s happened to them over the years. Ed tells Margarita that he thinks the enemy they are fighting is probably somebody much more powerful than just Babara Greco. Margarita deflates and says then there’s no hope for any of them. Eddie starts to disagree when there’s a knock at the door. It’s Jacinto. (Guess he forgot his key?) He’s got Margarita and Lili in tow.
Eddie breathes one hell of a sigh of relief and tries to convince Lili that he would never hand her over to her two brothers. He tells her that he realizes she doesn’t mean a thing to them and that she wants nothing to do with them, either. He says he promised “her nana” that he’d take care of her and he intends to. “All I want to do is to help you regain something of the life you lost while being locked up in the asylum all these years.” Lili says she believes him and Martina now realizes that he really is Eduardo.
LIli begs Eduardo to help Ciro get out of the asylum too. He tells her he can’t and finally tells her about Ciro’s accident. She starts in with the cryptic chess references again and then through fits and starts explains that Dr. DementOh! was planning to “fry” her brain [freir el cerebro] with electroshock. She remembers then that Ciro must have created a distraction that allowed her to escape. Ed explains to her that Ciro produced an explosion and was seriously hurt because of it.
Ciro, meanwhile, is still mumbling Lili’s name off and on in his room while Adolfina tends to him. All of a sudden his wife and son burst into the room and are impactado when they see him hooked up to monitors. The first thing his wife asks Adolfina is if he’s said anything to her. Adofina shakes her head no. Greedy wife and gumpy son try talking to him, but when there’s no response, Momma tells Gumpy they’ve got to get to a lawyer quick for some document they need to get Ciro to sign “in case anything happens to him.” They race back out the door.
Back at Jacinto’s, Lili becomes very agitated over what’s happened to Ciro and she begs Eduardo to take her back to see him. Ciro helped save her, she says, and so she has to help him now. Ed promises to do whatever she wants, but he tries to explain that if she goes back to the clinic to see Ciro she will not be able to get out of there again. Lili says that doesn’t matter and begs him to take her back anyway.
On the way to the asylum, Fer and Damnian have stopped for gas. She remembers back a few days ago when Fr/Ed ran into her at the gas station and the way her heart (and the rest of ours) went pitty-pat when he smiled. “Ah, who would have thought that the mystery man, Franco Santoro, would become my best friend’s hero?” Just then Dam comes back with a bag of candy for Liliana. He gets in and gripes about having to put off their honeymoon again because of the business with Powhere Meelk. Fer reminds him that now it’s because the deal depends on her. Dam smirks. “Your brother boasts [ufanarse] about his being the manager because he knows dairy products and it turns out you’re the indispensible one in resolving company financial matters.”
Damnian now tries to persuade Fer to leave on their honeymoon the next day instead, but she says she doesn’t want to leave that soon. She needs to speak with Eduardo first. He blows up at her and says the guy already wrecked their wedding and now she’s going to let him do the same with their honeymoon plans. “Don’t you think you’re making too much of a Mr. Nobody?” Nanda says Dam just doesn’t understand. He says, “You’re right. I don’t! I don’t understand why you’re giving so much consideration to a guy like him. Or is it that Eduardo Juarez is more than just your nana’s son?” Fer gets just as angry with Damn and says, yes he is more than just that. “He’s been concealing himself and screwing around with the family, which now includes you, BTW, and so isn’t that reason enough to want to stand up to him?” “—NO!” says Dam.
Damnian is now totally pissed (and if he wasn’t such a two-timing pig I’d have said he had a right to be more than a little bit angry at this point, but he is and he doesn’t). Dam says okay, fine. When she gets this thing taken care of with this guy then they’ll go on their honeymoon. Fer stares back at him like where’d the Damian the Door-mat version of her new hubby suddenly just go?
On the other side of Villa Madero, Prissy is driving merrily along the road on her way home and hinting broadly on her cell phone to her brother, Rolando, that he’s probably about to be an uncle and Daddy will finally have his heir. All of a sudden, like a bad penny, Vlad appears in the middle of the road and makes her stop. Pris is very disturbed with this nutty interruption and in no mood. She asks him what he wants and he says isn’t it evident? He wants to talk. She reluctantly agrees to it and he promises it will be the last time. (Where have we heard that one before?) Vlad buckles up and asks where they’re headed. She says they’re not going anywhere. He wants to go for a drink at least or back to his apartment to talk, anything but sitting there in the car which is not exactly high on anybody’s list of romantic rendezvous options. “No! Don’t you understand?” “—I understand perfectly… because I love you.” He tries to kiss her but she turns her face away, totally exasperated with the whole situation. (Shades of Fatal Attraction here?)
Santiago finds out from Gonzo that Dam has taken Fer to the asylum to see Lili. He makes some tasteless funny at Babs that Gonzo doesn’t appreciate. Then he has a run in with his brother, Cad, who tries to flirt with Rory. Santiago manages to hold his own and Cad leaves. Suddenly Santiago tells her he thinks he’s figured out where to find Eduardo. They head out again.
Eddie drives Lili back to the clinic and tries to get her to tell him whether she read the letter Soledad left her for him. With more gibberish she essentially tells him no.
Pris and Vlad end up in a cornfield somewhere near the hacienda. She tells him that this isn’t being in love. He disagrees. He says he loves her more than anybody ever, even her husband, has ever loved her. He knows that it’s difficult for her to accept because she’s not used to having a man really love her. She gets flustered and tells him to stop acting like a stupid adolescent. What happened between them was just a matter of a momentary attraction and it’s over now. He says for her but not for him and he is upset that his feelings don’t matter. She tells him it was only a passing fancy [capricho], not love. He insists that his is not a “passing fancy” any more than hers is a “marriage.” “--You’re marriage has no future and you know it. What is it you’re waiting for in order to get the divorce?”
Pris gets angry and tells him he’s gone too far. He ignores her and says they both know she’s not happy and she can’t deny it. She wants him out of her car. He gets out and she tells him never to come looking for her again. He is totally clueless and wants her to tell him why. He keeps banging on the window and yelling for her to please tell him what he did wrong. (Why is watching her treat him this way so disturbing?) She drives off. He’s frantic to understand why he’s been rejected like this and keeps asking himself over and over, “What did I do? What did I do?”
Prissy’s loveless other half (AB), meanwhile, makes a phone call to Cad at the stables and tells him he’s not about to lose the deal with Powhere Meelk and so to make sure Jacinto gets over to Las Animas right away. Cad finds Jacinto and tells him to get over to Franco Santoro’s place to discuss the details about taking care of the guy’s horse. He warns Jacinto to make sure there are no mistakes or he’ll skin him alive.
Dr. Matamentes (ever feel this guy should be one of the inmates rather than one of the guards?) is sneaking another swig out of his flask when there’s a knock at the door. He pockets the flask and gets fidgety when he sees it’s Dam and Fer. (Ok. Anybody with half a nose should be able to smell liquor on that guy’s breath from across the room, especially the way he’s been at it lately. These two conveniently do not and Viewerville adjusts the controls on its collective beanie to compensate for this temporary lack of olfactory nerve response by the characters.) They tell Dr. D that they are there to see Lili. He stalls and says something about the hospital being short-staffed today. Finally he calls up Adolfina to see if he can buy more time somehow. Adolfina pops her head in the door a moment later. He asks if Lili’s awake, broadly hinting that she needs to answer in the negative, but Adolfina smiles and says that Lili is awake and is waiting for them. Obregon’s mouth drops to the floor.
Santi and Rory show up at Soledad’s house thinking they might find Eduardo staying there, but nobody is around and the house looks empty. Lucio drives up to the house in the SUV. Santiago is muy impactado and not a little upset to find out that Babs gave Sole’s house to their sleazy chauffeur.
Dr. D follows Adolfina and the others into Lili’s room. His eyes go wide just as a mysterious hand suddenly grabs him by his collar and pulls him back through the door. It’s Eduardo and he throws the doctor down onto a couch and tells him things are going to change radically around there starting NOW. DementOh! wants to know why he’s there. Ed growls back that he doesn’t have time to draw him a picture. “Suffice it to say that from now on there are going to be a number of changes at this clinic.” “--And why do I have to follow your orders?” Ed tells him he knows about Lili’s escape and about Ciro’s being hurt by an explosion he set off because the doctor was planning to leave Lili like a vegetable. “--Have you told the Palafox family yet about everything that’s happened?” Matamentes starts yelling at Eduardo that he doesn’t have any proof of anything and tries to run out the door, but Ed’s too fast for him and grabs him. “I’m going to show you what I am capable of. I can prove you’re inept and I will go public about your outrageous acts with the patients here!” Ed grabs Matamentes by the collar again and this time lifts him off the ground about 2 inches. (Damn, this is better than chocolate!) “Do you have any doubt who is giving orders around here from now on?” “—None!”
Back in Lili’s room, Fernanda starts questioning her sister just as Dr. DementOh! walks in. Lili clams up. Fer asks her sister if she was the one who called and left word about Eduardo the other day. Lili hesitates a second or so then says yes. The doctor says that’s impossible because the patients aren’t allowed access to the phones. Fer ignores him and asks her if she saw Ed the other day. “You saw him, right?” Lili tells Fer that she’s not saying anything unless the doctor leaves.
Fer says the doctor is only there in case she needs something. Lili insists he’s got to leave first. He refuses. Fer tells her it doesn’t matter if he’s there or not because whatever she says, nothing will happen to her. Lili avoids answering Fernanda at first by pretending she can only speak gibberish. Dr. D. insists that because of Lili’s illness, Fer won’t be able to have a coherent conversation. Suddenly Lili turns to look at Matamentes. “I am NOT sick! If I don’t answer it’s not because I am unable to but because I don’t want to!” The others are speechless. Yes, indeedy! The old Lil is back and in more ways than one!
[I am going to need a sub for the last 3 Fridays in June-- starting with June 12th. If anybody can sub please let Melinama and me know. Thanks! –ed.]
Labels: manana
Tontas no Van Friday 4/10 Tears of Joy, Tears of Sadness and Two Big Shocks
We start off happily enough, revisiting the scene where Charly tells the immunologist that the neighbor was HIV negative. This means when he had sex with Lucía, he wasn’t infected. He must have gotten HIV from the girl he slept with once while he was temporarily selling drugs. The good news is Lucía is definitely disease free – the bad, Lucía will find out that he betrayed her.
Charly tells Candy about this. He totally forgot about the girl, whose name was Daniela. Charly doesn’t want anything to do with her – that was from his brief drug phase that he’d rather put behind him. But Candy says the girl has to be told, or she could infect other guys. Also, Candy tells Charly there’s a party tonight at Santiago’s and Charly should tell Lucía, so she’ll know she’s disease-free, and doesn’t have to wait the 3 months for the confirmatory studies. Charly doesn’t want to tell, because Lucía will also realize he had sex with Daniela while he was Lucía’s boyfriend. Candy lays down the law – either you tell her, or I will.
We have a little humor at the restaurant, as two tough looking chicks come in with two tough looking guys. Zamora doesn’t see the guys, tries to hit on the gals (he says something like the first course is kisses, the second course is romance), but when the guys return to the table, they’re not too happy with his flirting, and one of the bruisers lifts him up and deposits him away from the girls. Patricio enters, looking for Candy, and is told about the party at Santiago’s, to which he wasn’t invited.
Meño is having a father-son chat with Charly. He advises Charly to tell Daniela, and by doing so, Charly can save lives. He wants Charly to grow up and do the right thing. Charly sadly states that tonight he’s going to lose Lucía. Meño hopes that Lucía’s joy at finding out she’s disease-free will outweigh her resentment that Charly was with the other girl.
Party time at Santi’s house! There are lots of silver balloons, and people are arriving. Lucía tells Isabel that Charly’s avoiding her. Candy takes Santi aside to tell him something important. Gregoria and Meño playfully battle over what hors d’oeuvres Meño should be eating, since he hasn’t gotten back the studies from when he recently fainted, but it sort of looks as if she just wants more for herself! (she takes the whole tray from Tina, leaving Tina with one half sandwich). Candy tells Santi the good news about Charly and Lucía, says he can tell Isabel, but let Charly tell Lucía. Santi gives a big hug to his amiga (repeated a few times for emphasis).
Isabel comes upstairs to tell Santi the guests are waiting for their host (anfitrión). Santi doesn’t tell Isabel the news yet, but praises Candy for how pretty she looks. After Isa leaves, Santi says the public is clamoring for Agua Mineral, his band. He brags that the public likes him as much as El Potrillo (“the little colt”, nickname for Alejandro Fernández). Santi thinks he’s pretty much a carbon copy (copia carbón) of Alejandro, even though Santi’s taller. Candy laughs, says no way.
The whole family has gathered around a makeshift stage set up in front of the fireplace. There’s pink lighting, all those silver balloons, silver foil curtains, and the band equipment is set up. Santi takes the stage, greets the crowd. He talks about family. It was hard for Santi when his Dad died, but his mother’s love brought him through it. He’s also grateful for the affection of his two lovely daughters. Viva la familia! He shouts, as silver confetti rains downs from the second floor balcony.
Santi then introduces the band. First up is “Ricky”, actually Raúl, who plays bass. “Johnny” is Carlo, on lead guitar, cap on backwards, sleeveless muscle shirt. “Charlie” is Miguel, on keyboards. Last up is “René”, actually Ed, on drums. The guys have composed a song for a special person (not the Taco song, he adds). It’s for Candy, and the crowd goes woo woo as Candy smiles. The song begins, and it’s a ballad (it’s actually pre-recorded with a real band, Jaime Camil singing, Santi lip-synching, so everything is just right). The song is called “Señora de nadie” and you can see the Spanish lyrics here
Jaime Camil - Señora De Nadie lyrics | LyricsMode.com
Here’s my attempt at a translation. This is the complete song, but they skipped the second verse, due to time constrictions.
I have a question
Stuck here in my heart
Why have you left
In the middle of those kisses?
I have a broken dream
And an eternal yesterday
I suffer too much
And you destroy what I feel
Now there’s no cure for my soul
How to forget what we were
I’m a boat at the bottom of the sea
Lady of no one
Why do you go away from me
Leaving me like this
Killing the love I gave you blindly?
Lady of everyone
You miss me and I die
I can’t live crying for you like this
Suffering to the end
Looking towards a heaven
That no longer shines
(Santi now skips down to *)
I have a smile
That turned into silence
I live in the lonely shadow of memory
I sleep with your shadow next to me
And your absence is a sin
Now there’s no faith that could save me
Lady of no one
Why do you go away from me
Leaving me like this
Killing the love I gave you blindly?
Lady of everyone
You miss me and I die
I can’t live crying for you like this
Suffering to the end
Looking towards a heaven
That no longer shines
*How was it that it ended?
My heart won’t accept this conclusion
If the road is to forget
I don’t want to take another step
Lady of no one
Why do you go away from me
Leaving me like this
Killing the love I gave you blindly?
Lady of everyone
You miss me and I die
I can’t live crying for you like this
Suffering to the end
Looking towards a heaven
That no longer shines
Maybe it should be called "Nobody's lady" rather than Lady of No One, I'm not sure. Please let me know if you have some better ideas for any of the translation. Anyway, it’s a beautiful song, and the crowd is swaying gently to the music. I sort of thought it would be happier, and it could actually be used by Patricio at this point, but let’s not quibble.
More confetti rains down from the production assistants upstairs, and the crowd chants “boda, boda!” Charly gets a determined look, inspired by the good feelings, he grabs Lucía’s hand and takes her upstairs to tell her the truth. Meanwhile, Santi takes Candy aside and asks if she liked the song. Yes. “So did I” says Patricio, who has crashed the party, and has a wounded look. Why wasn’t I invited to a family party, asks Pat? Candy struggles with her answer. “I just thought it would be better”. We go to commercial as Candy and Santi have embarrassed looks, Pat’s face shows hurt.
Pat and Candy sit down to discuss the situation. Pat feels that if Candy just told him there was a party but he wasn’t invited, that would have been okay, but she didn’t even tell him anything. Candy says it was a family party organized by Santiago. But Pat doesn’t understand, his son is here, his mother-in-law, his wife, isn’t he part of that family? Candy gives him the sad news. She no longer views herself as his wife. Pat is crying away, as Candy says forgive me, over and over. She’s been trying to tell him that she no longer views herself as his wife, and because of that, they shouldn’t be living together.
Upstairs, Charly summons up his courage, and tells Lucía that he betrayed her with Daniela. At first, Lucía doesn’t get it, but when she realizes what this means, that she had sex with Charly before he was with Daniela, and therefore she’s disease-free, she is ecstatic! But both of them are feeling a little guilty. Charly doesn’t want to appear too happy about the disease-free thing, because he knows Lucía will be mad about the Daniela thing. Lucía doesn’t want to appear too happy about her being disease-free, since Charly does have HIV. But overall, they’re happy, and they’ll deal with whether they’re still novios later.
Santi is hiding behind some silver streamers, listening to Pat and Candy’s weepfest. Candy was surprised when Pat moved in, but said okay because of Chava. However, it just didn’t work out. Pat is pleading for another chance, but it’s too late. Candy gently lets him know that although he can see Chava whenever he wants, he’s going to have to move out. Our weepers are interrupted by ever-smiling Chava, he’s sleepy, completely oblivious to his parents’ crying, and Pat will take him home and tell him a great bedtime story.
Lucía has rushed downstairs to tell everyone she’s definitely not sick, and there are hugs all around, with Isabel, Santi, Gregoria, etc. Meño takes Charly aside, he is super proud of his son, Charly was very brave. Charly says he’s lost Lucía, but he doesn’t feel guilty, because he told the truth. Gregoria comforts a still-crying Candy. Santi tells the crowd to party again, let’s rock and roll! The dancing starts. In the kitchen, Donato tells Tina the good news, and they start dancing. Santi tries to get Candy to dance, but he can’t cheer her up, and when Lucía grabs him for a happy rock and roll dance, he has to let Candy go. Charly is also still hurting. He tells his Dad that “fuera dolor” doesn’t always work, and Meño consoles him.
Back at Candy’s house, Pat is alone on the couch in the semi-darkness, clutching a photo of Chava, unable to sleep. Candy comes downstairs in her robe to talk a little more. Pat says he’ll leave tomorrow. Candy sits down, takes a deep breath, and says “Patricio. I tried.” She tells him she really does “love” him (te quiero), but not the amor kind of love. Pat says tomorrow they have to tell Chava. Candy softly agrees, and says good night. She walks upstairs, and the camera shows her fading in and out, sort of fading away from Pat’s life, and I have to admit, as much as I have criticized Pat for crying, I was crying with him at this point.
In the morning, Candy is asking Meño how to handle the discussion with Chava. Should she just live with Pat, and bear things? No, replies Meño, that would go against everything you’ve been preaching in your column. You need to be true to yourself. Life can hurt, but you have to be truthful. Inventing a life never works. Look at what happened when he tried to make Charly think he wasn’t gay! He chuckles at the memory of how he acted macho. Candy can’t stand the fact that Chava is going to cry. Meño says crying is not bad. Tears are worth more than hate and resentment. And it’s better to cry alone, than to hate in company (más vale llorar sola que odiar compañada).
We now jump to Chayo, at home in tee shirt and jeans, ironing one of Ed’s dress shirts, while watching a telenovela on the tv. The character on tv is crying, she keeps trying to get pregnant, but can’t, as Chayo nods. Chayo says to herself she also envies those with children, wants to be a mother, as the doorbell rings. She opens the door and is faced with a young woman, standing with a cute little boy, 5 or 6 years old, in front of her. The woman wants to see “Lalo” and Chayo is a little taken aback with the woman’s using Ed’s nickname. But that’s nothing compared to what comes next. The woman says to tell Lalo not to stop sending money, because she needs it to eat. What? She goes on to say that Ed has two houses, and she’s his other wife. The little boy, Lalito (he gives a cute wave) is Ed’s son! Chayo feels faint.
In the restaurant, Zamora is scolding Toño for calling the radio show and betraying the guys. Toño couldn’t resist when Candy asked, and Zamora forgives him, but tells him to act more like a man. Z puts on a big voice to show T how to tell a woman who’s boss (but he’s looking way up at the imaginary woman, since Toño’s so short!). Toño says maybe he’ll go to the Institute to work on his self esteem. Zamora thinks he should instead go to Santi’s clinic for plastic surgery, and draws a bunch of lines in crayon all over T’s face, to show where improvements could be made.
As Lalito sucks on a lollipop, Ed’s “second wife” relates how she needs money. But she’s afraid to ask Ed, or he might hit her again! What, he hits you? asks Chayo. Doesn’t he hit you? is the reply. No. The woman says there are lots of things you don’t know about Lalo. She then asks the boy if he’s hungry. He nods. She tells him you’ll have to hold it, because we don’t have any money. (This whole thing seems very suspicious to me). But if it’s an act, Chayo is buying it. She says, you know what? I’ll give you food, we’ll go to the store, I’ll buy him clothes. The woman says she has no money. Don’t worry, I do. Setting her jaw, she adds, what’s more, I know where Lalo hides his savings!
Chava is getting ready to go to a Chivas practice with Pat. Candy tells him that afterwards, she and Pat want to have a talk with him. Chava wonders if he did anything wrong, as Pat enters, telling him he’s the best behaved boy in the world. Then what do you two want to tell me? asks Chava.
At work, Santi is telling Ed that he’s going to tell Marissa about calling off the wedding. Ed says to be careful, she’s crazy. Santi corrects him, she’s not crazy, just has a “personality disorder” (desorden conductual). Okay, Ed thinks it’s wise to tell her. Santi adds that with all that happened with Lucía, he’s realized that life is short, he shouldn’t waste time in a phony marriage with Marissa. He doesn’t love her. In fact, can he be honest? He hates her! But what about your kid, reminds Ed. Well, of course I love him. Ed counsels waiting until the day of the wedding, because Marissa would want revenge. Ed reminds Santi of how Mari has been manipulating Santi, just as the phone rings. Santi sees it’s Mariloca, remarks that she’s a witch, calling just as they’re talking about her. Mari wants Santi to take her to the ob/gyn, she’s had a little spotting, or light bleeding (sangrado). Ed doesn’t believe it, but Santi has to go.
We’re at the local equivalent to Walmart. Chayo buys the woman and boy a mattress, food, the best bicycle they sell, and piles of clothes. At the car, she even gives the woman an envelope of cash. The woman tries to decline, but not too much. She gives Chayo a piece of paper with her phone number. Chayo says she’ll confront Ed, and call the woman later. The woman thanks her.
Lucía is brimming with joy, telling Isabel how happy she is, and she also wants to go to church, to give thanks for the miracle, but also to apologize to the Virgencita, since she had said some bad things to her. What about Charly, inquires Isa. At first Lucía is going to call Charly and let him have it for betraying her, but Isabel reminds her that Charly is still infected, and needs her help.
Chayo comes home, and when she enters the apartment, Ed tells her don’t make any noise, they’ve been robbed! His savings are gone. Of course they are, says Chayo, I took them. Ed is temporarily relieved, so you took them, why didn’t you just ask! Well why didn’t you tell me about your other wife, your other house, and your son Lalito! Ed says he doesn’t have any other house, wife or son. Don’t lie, spits out Chayo. The little boy looks just like you, even has the same ears as you! Ed grabs his ears. And how could you hit the woman! Ed says wait, I never hit you, did I? No, but let’s settle this right now. I have the woman’s telephone number. Either you call, or I will!
In Chava’s room, Candy tells him she does love his Dad, but they can’t live together. Neither parent can really explain why the parents have to live apart, and the tears are coming again. Pat says he’ll buy a big house where Chava and Beto can visit, with their own room, but Chava still doesn’t want him to leave. He begs his Mom to tell Pat to stay, but she says she can’t (no puedo).
Mariloca tells Santi about some phantom pain she’s having, she doesn’t want to be alone at all, who knows what can happen. Santi is ready to take her to the doctor, but she says she’s okay now, she just wants him to stay. He offers to get her something from the kitchen, some water, maybe? If it’s not too much trouble, she answers, could he get her some popcorn, some oranges and maybe some ice chips? As soon as he goes to the kitchen, she gets her evil smirk and tells her baby they’re going to live the life of luxury.
Chava is sick now with a little fever. Pat comes in, comforts his superhero, and Candy is going to call the doctor. Chava asks if his Dad has to leave. Yes, answers Pat, he does, but he can visit all the time. You can’t live here? No. Well, says Chava, I don’t want to live with my Mommy. I’d rather live with you! Dramatic music signals that we’re done for tonight!
Monday: She's baaack! (Paulina)
Anfitrión – host
Copia carbón – carbon copy
más vale llorar sola que odiar compañada – It’s better to cry alone than to hate in company
Desorden conductual – a personality disorder
Labels: Tontas
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