Saturday, August 14, 2010

El Clon Friday August 13: Summary for Discussion

The Men of La Mancha: A Tragedy in 160 Acts -- or: ¿Qué hiciste, Albieri?

In Leo’s office at Empresas Ferrer, Dora stares at Lucas in disbelief:
¡Dios! ¡eres Daniel sólo que más viejo!
My God, you’re Daniel, only older!

Dora has lost her innocence. Of the four people in the room -- Leo, Cristina, Dora and Lucas – only Lucas still thinks they are talking about a “resemblance”.

Dora thinks that Leo or Lucas must have been the sperm donor for her insemination, but both insist that’s impossible. Albieri must know who the donor was, they all agree.

Leo shows Dora a photo of Diego and Lucas taken shortly before Diego’s death. She stares at the faces of two young men who look exactly like her Daniel; she is startled to hear the name ‘Diego’ and remembers that was the name Albieri wanted for her son. All agree: Albieri has some explaining to do.

Lucas wants them to stop talking about reincarnation. If that were the case, he says, as I understand it, the person reborn would have something of the person who died – a mark (una mancha), a mole, something distinctive. Now if this boy is simply my father’s son, he won’t have my mole since it came from my mother, not from my father. And Lucas pulls his shirt back to show them the mole on his shoulder.

In Cristina’s apartment, Daniel shows Vicki his mole (lunar). Ahí está desde que nací. (It’s been there since I was born.)

Back to Leo’s office: Dora’s eyes widen when she sees the mancha on Lucas’s shoulder: Daniel has the same mole! It’s identical! Hmm. Lucas is going to have to revise his hypothesis.

Escobarde walks into the clinic, chatting happily on his cell to Ratoncita, reminding her to bring him the title to the property today. He is all smiles as he tells Julio and Anita about moving into the apartment with his true love.

Unbeknownst to Escobarde, Ratoncita has turned her little rodent snout in another direction. She opens the apartment door to welcome Pablo. She was lucky enough to get a good deal on the apartment, she tells him, and she bought it with the small inheritance she had from her family. And your boyfriend? asks Pablo.
Eso se acabó; él no valoraba el amor que le daba.
That’s over; he didn’t appreciate the love I gave him, the rodent confesses, with a momentary maidenly air of melancholy.
Pedro, who is so clear-eyed when it comes to pointing out Alej’s folly, seems to have checked his IQ at the door. He is snowed by her shy admission of her feelings for him. He looks thoughtful as she goes off to get him a cold beer. (The beer is for guests, she stresses. She doesn’t drink.)

We see Jade’s tear-stained -- and rather orange, at least on my television -- face as she languishes in her bed and obsesses over Lucas’s words:
Cree en mi, Jade, no vas a perder a tu hija, te lo prometo.
Believe in me, Jade, you’re not going to lose your daughter, I promise you.
Zein comes into the room, takes her hand, and puts a delicate gold chain in it. He says:
Es muy difícil el camino a tu corazón, pero siempre hay un camino – y lo voy a encontrar.
The way to your heart is very difficult, but there’s always a way – and I’m going to find it.
Jade is thinking about writing a letter to Jadiya. Do it, says Zein. I’ll get it to her.

Abdul and Zumaya are out walking in Fez. Said has told him how unhappy Jadiya is without her mother and he has asked Abdul to come to Miami. (Why? When has Abdul ever done anything but make a bad situation worse? Is the Mosque giving a prize this month to the family with the greatest number of insufferable relatives staying with them?) Anyhow, little Zumaya is pleased because for her it means a free trip to the Land of Haraam.

In the street outside their house in Miami, Mohamed watches Amin watching Karla. He reminds his son that he is engaged and he needs to follow the same faith standards as he expects in his bride-to-be.

In a Centro Comercial, Samira and Carlos are – gasp! – holding hands. Amin sees them and, in keeping with his higher standards, threatens to tell Baba. Balance of Terror time:
Holding hands with occidental in public place vs Nudie pictures under mattress
Menstruating and not wearing the veil vs Spying on naked Karla with telescope.
Threat neatly averted.

Ali is drinking tea with Latifa at her home. Samira and Amin come in the door, still bickering, but quietly. Alí says he’s going to visit Jade before Jadiya’s party. Both he and Latifa are worried about Jade, but he maintains that she made her own fate. After all, Ala se olvida de quien se olvida de él. (Allah forgets those who forget Him).

It’s a party at Said’s! (And it doesn’t look as if Marisa has been invited this time.)

A freckle-faced tween named Jamir seems to be checking out Jadiya. The Naz grabs the kid and pulls him to the dance floor. Then Jadiya takes the Naz’s place as Jamir’s partner.

As usual Rania is kvetching to Amina about Said’s neglect.

Zoraida fills Latifa in about Jade’s letter to Jadiya. As usual Latifa is afraid Mohamed will blame her and give her back. (Apparently, that warrantee has NO expiration date.)

Mohamed tells Said how lucky he is to have Rania; and Said says yes, but as usual he is still mooning over Jade.

Jadiya and Jamir introduce themselves. What a funny name, says Jamir on hearing her say 'Jadiya'. Fue nombre de la primera esposa del profeta. (It was the name of the prophet’s first wife) explains Jadiya primly. (Hell, even we knew that. And we begin to wonder if the kid is really novio material.)

At Gloria’s, Skank1 and Skank2 squeal and dance and lick their porcine chops. The pregancy is confirmadísimo – two months! Everyone will just die when they find out she is having a multi-millionaire’s baby!

Andrea and her mother are at home watching tv when Lucia grabs the remote and switches off the program. She says:
No soporto ver la infidelidad, ni siquiera en telvisión.
I can stand seeing infidelity, not even on tv. (Well that rules out telenovelas, I guess.)
And I’ll tell you something else: If your father were unfaithful, I’d kill myself.

Dora and Cris leave Leo’s office and agree that they will need to talk to Albieri. But first Dora wants to check in on her mother. Miguel has told her that Estela is very nervous.

Lucia phones Roberto at work and asks him one little question (preguntita): ¿Tú me serías infiel? (Would you be unfaithful to me?). His answer:
¡Prefiero morirme en los brazos de Claudia Schiffer antes de ser infiel!
I’d rather die in Claudia Schiffer’s arms than be unfaithful to you!
Lucia is not amused.

Lucas comes out of Leo’s office and Roberto asks him how it went. Even though Lucas has not yet seen Daniel, he is now convinced that he is identical to him. He isn’t surprised that his father is willing to accept reincarnation as an explanation. After all:
El siempre quiso traer a Diego de vuelta.
He always wanted to bring Diego back.
Roberto correctly guesses that Lucas is looking for another explanation, perhaps one less spiritual. And indeed Lucas asks him:
¿Tú te crees que hay un interés económico de por medio?
Do you think there’s some economic interest involved?

Dora gets home to her apartment. Estela is relieved to see her and welcomes her with a warm embrace.

Luisa has also been waiting at home. When the bell rings, she hurries to answer it. She opens the door and it is – Daniel! He is smiling. She is aghast. At first, he doesn’t seem to notice her reaction:

You’re Luisa, right? Do you remember me? It’s me, Daniel!
Her response: ¡Dios mio!

Albieri continues his conversation with Padre Andres in the church. What did you do, Albieri? You created an Adam in the laboratory?

Albieri defends himself:
From the beginning of history, man has struggled to master nature and decipher all her secrets. It’s in our hands to improve our species. We can make humanity better.

For whom, Albieri? asks Andres.

Si podemos dominar el enigma de la naturaleza, podremos rescatar las mejores características genéticas del ser humano.
If we can master the enigma of nature, we’ll be able to rescue the best genetic traits of mankind.

Andres finds it frightening to think of how unwisely governments might use such power to manipulate genetic make-up. You want a formula for creating a human, says Andres. You don’t accept the marvelous diversity of nature.

If God exists, counters Albieri, why did he give us this thirst to discover the secrets of nature?

Andres is convinced that what Albieri did is so profoundly wrong, that it amounts to a recapitulation of original sin: You ate of the forbidden fruit, he says, and all humanity will pay. (This was Alí’s conclusion too. I wonder if Albieri is going to try his luck with a Rabbi next.)

The living proof of Albieri’s genius ( or sin - your choice) Daniel, continues his conversation with Luisa:

He: Why are you looking at me like that?
She: It’s just that I can’t understand it.
He: Are you afraid of me?

Luisa denies it. He says that he came to her because she liked him – or at least that’s what he thought. Oh yes, says Luisa, she felt a lot of affection for Daniel (as if she is talking about another person).

He: I thought you’d be happier to see me. I thought you’d hug me like my father did. Luisa, will you give me a hug?

She touches his shoulder tentatively, then pulls her hand away and seems to shrink into herself.

He: You’re afraid of me??
She: No…

She hugs herself, then covers her mouth with her hand.

And then we are back at the party!

Said tells Zoraida that Jamir’s father is a businessman he knows.

Jamir and Amin are getting acquainted. Amin announces he’s going to be very rich and buy lots of gold for his wife. Jamir's not feeling it.

Jadiya gets annoyed when Samira says that Jamir is cute. After all, Samira already has a novio back in Fez. That makes Samira annoyed. She doesn’t accept her arranged noviazgo:
O me caso con quien quiera o no me caso.
Either I marry whomever I wish, or I don’t get married, she declares.

Overhearing this, Zoraida tells Latifa how much Samira reminds her of Jade. No digas eso, pleads Latifa.

Mohamed boasts that he took precautions by arranging marriages for his children. Yes, agrees Said, Abdul’s advice was very wise. But who thinks of my needs, begins the Naz. Mohamed complains that the Naz is starting to sound like one of those feminists from Cairo. She talks as if she were a man.

The ever-observant Zoraida espies the servant Mariam handing Jade’s letter to Rania.

Alí is visiting Jade at Zein’s house. When Jadiya reads my letter, Jade says, everything is going to change. You’ll see.

Alí asks how things are with Zein. Jade tells him about their six-month agreement. He surprises her by saying it might be better if she did fall in love with Zein. Maybe Allah put him in her path so she could refashion her life.

Alí goes on to say that he had a very strange feeling after seeing that boy who looked so much like Lucas. It was frightening, as if time itself had gone mad.

She admits that she was also frightened – frightened that her eyes were deceiving her (miedo de que me estuvieran engañando mis ojos), frightened to remember what she once felt and to feel it again. She threw her life away for him – she needs to know that this great love really existed, that it wasn’t imaginary.

Images of Daniel (or Lucas?) in Fez…

Back at the party, Zoraida finesses Jade’s letter away from Rania. Then she takes Jadiya aside and tries to give her the letter. Jadiya refuses it. My mother doesn’t love me, she says, and I don’t love her either.

Daniel is shown walking along the street, head down, hands in his jeans pockets, alone.

Cris and Vicki are talking things over in Cris’s apartment. Vicki can’t believe that Dora would betray Cris. Both women are impressed by the mancha: if it came from Diego and Lucas’s mother and Daniel also has it… Well, there could be a supernatural explanation! Or it could be that Lucas invented the story to shield his father. They agree that Albieri has some explaining to do:
El único que puede desenredar este nudo es Albieri.
The only one who can untangle this knot is Albieri.

Dora and Estela are at home worrying that Albieri and Leonardo might try to take Daniel away from them. They are prepared to fight to keep him.

And by the conversation Leonardo and Roberto are having in Leo’s office, the ladies will have a fight on their hands. Says Leo:
Ese muchacho es mi hijo – no sé cómo, pero lo es.
That boy is my son – I don’t know how, but he is.
Leonard wants Roberto to help him make it legal: he wants to assume his paternity. Roberto tells him not to be too hasty and suggests letting him look into it first. No, says Leo. Do it immediately.

Final scene: Albieri comes home. El estuvo aquí (he was here), Luisa says to him flatly. Albieri gasps, looks around as if for an escape, then says: Bueno, lo sabes. (okay, you know.)
Luisa: Explícame que pasa porque no lo entiendo. (Explain to me what is going on because I don’t understand it.)
Albieri: Yo hice un clon de Lucas. Daniel es un clon. (I made a clone of Lucas. Daniel is a clone.)

Credits roll.


Corazón Salvaje 8/13/10 Lots and lots of crying, Rod is a coward, It seems Fully meets his maker

Capitulo #124

Leo is telling Ren she knew everything about Aimee and Juan and that Aimee married Ren just for his money. Ren asks Leo why she never said anything while Aimee was alive. Leo doesn't know how to answer. Rod chimes in and syas it was because Aimee was going to give you a child, and we had to endure and keep our mouths shut. Leo says that was just another one of her lies. Rod asks, what are you talking about? Leo, I always had my suspicions that she wasn't pregnant I spoke with Celia and Selia told me Aimee was never pregnant. Rod, Is not true. Leo if don't believe me asks Dr Pablo, he knows and he'll confirm that Aimee was lying (if memory serves me right Celia was the one with the brilliant idea, wasn't she? and when did Leo talk to Celia?). Ren is devastated, Noel comes in to be with his son and give him moral support. Noel tells his son that he loves him just the ways he is. Ren is mumbling about how Aimee betrayed and lied to him. All Ren can mutter is "me engano, me engano" She decieved me, she deceived me...

Reggie is crying by Aime's body. Clem walks in and calls her mi nina. She is dead, she is dead. more crying...

Juan is talking to Remi telling him the news. Juan tells Remi that he doesn't know how Aimee died and he didn't deemed tactful to ask. Remi asks him how is he felling. juan answers that he doesn't know, but he says it hurts a lot. But that is the way Aimee was, she love danger. She live at the edge of dead looking to do dangerous stuff, that's why her life had to end this way. Remi, I don't know what to say. Juan, me neither, with Aimee I knew unbridled passion but everything in life has its limits. You understand? limits, like the ones I put on myself to conquer Reggie. I a wallis built to stop the ocean. Reggie would be mine. Of course it hurts me that Aimee dies but no for my cause it is because of Reggie because she is the suffering the most.

Clem crying over Aimee's body, you never stopped a anything, you insisted to live your life agains the whole world and looke what happened, the world defeated you. I blame all of us for not understanding your rebellions and to save you. Please forgive us, please. More crying... Reggie please Nana lets clean her up and leave her the way she always wanted to be. Lets live as beautiful as she was. Aimee was one of the beauty of the port. I want everyone to remember her the way she was. more crying... They got up pour and pour some water to clean Aimee up.

Noel to Ren, My son please take it easy. Ren, screaming, how do you want to take it easy when all I find on my way is lies and more lies and betrayal. This house is full of lies. Leo, we only did it protect you. Ren, the only thing it did was lead to Aimee's dead. You know what was her lie and betrayal? Aimee wasn't expecting a child, everything was false. Noel, what are you talking about? Ren, just that. Noel, it can't be, such infamy and betrayal. My God this was what they wanted to tell me, Clem and Reggie, they knew about it. Ren, and as always I am the last to find out. Noel tells him, not my son I didn't know either. Leo tries to get close to Ren, crying telling him how much he has suffered and all because of that bad woman. Ren steps back and yells at her to not get closer. Leo tries to hug him and he tells her in disgust not to touch him, you betrayed me also. Ren walks away while Leo can't believe her son is treating her this way. Well Leo I guess that finally you are starting to pay up your debts to humanity.

Reggie is praying in Latin does the sign of the cross with a white rose and then lays it on Aimee. I don't know you, but I don't like to see dead people that way. It is just too creepy for me. Reggie continues crying and is blaming herself for not being a good sister to Aimee. Clem says no you were the best sister, if someone is to blame is me. I fail Dona Constanza. Yep, blaming yourselves is going to bring her back, that always works. Reggie and Clem lean on each other. Clem continues with her guilty charade, I didn't fulfill my promise of caring for you two, specially Aimee. What is Clem talking about? Didn't Rod took the two girls to Europe when they were little and brought them back when they were all grown up? Please Clem get a grip! Clem continues to talk to Aimee's body. you could have had everything and be so happy. You had everything, but you always wanted what was forbidden, the impossible and that was your downfall. It is Reggie's turn to talk to the body, you had a rebellious soul, Aimee I ask for your forgiveness, for not being able to understand you. Clem, says I too ask for your forgiveness for not knowing how to guide you, know I only hope you can rest in peace. more crying...

Rod, Ren is now acting as the victim, but my daughter is the one who died. Noel, tells Rod to shut his pie hole, do not mess with my son. Unfortunately, Aimee is the only one to blame for her own dead. Rod tells Noel that he is tired of Noel's insolence. Noel replies you won't have to put up with them for much longer. You and I are going to settle our accounts, our duel is still on. Rod responds, I'll be there at first light before my daughter is buried. Noel answers, then just one of us would be a the burial, the other one would be dead. Rod echoes Noel, would be dead. Noel to Rod, to death Rod, to death. Rod repeats, to death. Leo, tells Rod that everything is going down hill and that soon all their crimes are going to be uncovered.

It is finally morning at finca del mar. Clem is still talking to Aime's corpse, She is as beautiful as she always was. Reggie grabs Aimee's left hand and places it on Aimee's stomach, then grabs the right hand and kisses it. I'm not dr, but how long does it take for rigor to set. Aimee has been dead for some hours now and Reggie is holding and moving her hands as if Aimee was sleeping. Just saying. Anyway, Reggie places a rosary in Aimee's hands, then we get a close up of Aime's face and Reggie saying how beautiful Aimee looks. Reggie tells Clem that she is going to go out and tell Ren that he can come in. Reggie leaves the room as Clem kneels by the bed side. Ren is sitting outside the room holding his face in his hands. Reggie tells him that he can go in to see Aimee. What is there to see? She is dead and he knows it. He brought her in for crying out loud. Ren is still sporting the blood stained shirt, he takes his time deciding to go in or not. Finally he makes up his mind and slowly gets up. He walks into the room, him and Clem hug, then he just stands there looking at Aimee's corpse.

Aerial view of the port of Veracruz, I think. It is duel time. Noel and Gabe are already there, Rod is no where to be seen. Gabe is holding the box with the two guns. Gabe says Rod is not going to show up. it's just as we thought, that man is a coward. For some reason unknown to me Gabe opens the box in front of Noel and says Don Noel, we get a to see of the what is inside the box. Noel picks up one of the guns, raises his arm and then aims at the distance. Maybe they had to take a shot even if the other person didn't show up. I don't know, I am not a duel expert.

Aerial view of finca del mar Ren is still standing in front of Aimee's body talking to her about how much he loved her and how little she loved him. No one talked to Aimee this much in her lifetime. they have chosen this moment when she can't hear them to talk to her. Ren is telling her how happy they would've been if she had love him the same way he loved her. He goes on about how Aimee was a liar and I'm tired of this already. He is telling her that he loved her with all his soul and how unhappy she made him. But he forgives her and wishes her with all his hart that she finds peace at last and God forgives her. What a kind soul Ren is, he forgives her now that she is dead. and after he tried to kill her.

Fully's house. Elo comes in his office carrying a try and asks him if he is going out today. Fully says not I'm waiting for my good body Fed to do some business. Fed will be here shortly. Fully asks why do you need anything, she says no I just came to bring you this infusion it was brought directly from the city, they say is miraculous and has healing properties. I'm sure it does, if Fully drinks that he won't suffer from anything else ever. Fully pretends he is going to sip from the cup, then he start thinking about Elo and Fed at the dressmaker's house. Fully doesn't drink the tea and asks his lovely wife to leave him alone to work and he'll drink it while working. Elo, agrees but no before insisting he drinks the tea. Fully gets a gun out of one of the drawers and tells the gun, " this is going to be a day with a lot of surprises." Fully stands and walks towards a window? Elo is impatient, she walks in the office again and start nagging Fully about not drinking the tea while is hot. She said that if it gets cold it'll lose all its healing and relaxing qualities. I bet it would. probably it'll take longer for him to die. Fully gun in hand turns around straighten his back and repeats "it's healing and relaxing qualities." Elo is pretty scared because she had never seen Fully with his back straight. Fully aims his gun at her. Elo is saying Fully, no, no Fully, noooo! She drops the cup and not a drop was spilled. huh.

Rod is still in bed. Elo walks in and said she thought he was at the duel. Rod says he is not feeling well, he is too sad and tired that he couldn't assist to the duel. Yeah, Rod we hear you. Rod says he won't be able to go to Aimee's burial. Leo tells him he better put his act togehter because he is going to Aimee's burial if he doesn't people are going to talk.

Reggie is at home crying, still. Clem is lighting a candle to the virgencita and thinking about Aimee. Noel is also thinking about Aimee. Rod is all dressed up and ready to leave, De Marin, el Dr, Gabe, well everyone is going to the cemetery or they are just praying for Aimee. Celia leaves the letter on top a table. Reggie is telling Juan that Aimee died the same way she lived. Reggie is in a lot pain for the loss of her sister. She and Juan hug.

Branco and Salma are by the harbor. Branco is asking her to go with him somewhere. Salma is not too convinced she wants to do it. Branco tells Salma she has stained enough his race already. Branco gives the choice of either go with him or continue to be a liar her whole life. Me thinks Branco wants her to tell Mari the truth about Jime.

Fed has arrive at Fully's. He enters without knocking. It seems Fully is waiting for him. He enters Fully's office and see's Elo sitting on a chair. Fed tells her at last you killed him, we have accomplished what we set out for., here I have the safe's combination on a piece of paper. Fed hasn't noticed the Elo is tied to the chair. Fed goes on asking Elo how she did, the he realizes Elo is gagged and tied to the chair. Fed walks towards her and Fully enters the room. Fully hits him with his walking cane and tells him they were waiting for him. Fed fells on the desk, Fully hits him again and Fed is on the ground. Fully tells Fed that him Fully is where he is now is not because he is an idiot. He reminds Fed what he once told him that betrayal is paid with more betrayal. Fed tells him, did you really think Elo married you for your looks, did you really believed she was the devoted wife she pretended to be? Elo is looking at him like shut the f up. Fed gives Fully the news that Elo married him for his money. Fully tells him you think you know everything, don't you. But you forget that I am older ans wiser than you. Fully tells fed that if he knows what is good for him to shut and don't say any more stupidities. Fed, tells Fully that he is not stupid and that he's sick and tired of Fully humiliating him. Fed call Fully a cursed old retch. Fully says to him I used to like you I helped you when you needed it. But you betrayed me, now you are going to pay with your life like your father. Fully gets the sword out of his walking cane and Fed is very surprised at this revelation. Fully killed his father. Fed is ready to defend himself. Fed and Fully are fighting and Fully gets the short end of the stick. Fed takes the sword out his hands and stabs Fully with it. Elo is screaming, Fed asks her what does she want. Fed tells her that he never loved her. He just used her to get to Fully's money and Fully himself gave him the combination. Fed walks to the safe. Fed tells Elo first I am going to get the money from this box and then you have to open the others or I'll kill you myself. Fed start to open the box. Elo can;t believe what she is hearing and seeing. Fed is having a thought time opening the safe. Serv is walking about town. He leans against a house wall and thinks about that night when Fully was about to kill him and he promised Fully he'll help him find out who was betraying him. Serv thinks that now more than ever he should convince Fully about his allegiance to him

Serv sees Branco and Salma walking on the streets together. he hides from them.

Celia is in her room thinking about the letter and that she should give it to Juan to fulfill Aimee's kind of last wish. Celia takes the letter and leaves.

Everyone is back from the cemetery. Noel asks Clem to go back with him to the notaria. Reggie wants to leave with them. Ren takes that opportunity to ask Reggie for a word with him. Reggie says there's nothing to talk about between them. He begs her ans she agrees to talk to him. They walk into his office. Noel and Clem are not too happy about it. Juan is playing with a coin I think is a wager with a woman about something she is carrying. whatever. Celia comes letter in hand. Juan doesn't want to accept it, but Celia begs him to. Celia says it was Aimee's last wish. Juan takes the letter and leaves.

Reggie asks Ren what's up? Ren says I know this is not the most appropriate moment (ya think Ren?) but I just want you to know that I'm still in love with you. Ren grabs Reggie by her shoulders, hopefully Coli is not around this time, Reggie has a WTF look on her face. I don't blame her I would too. Ren gives Reggie a kiss by force. Reggie pushes him away and slaps him,. Good for you Reggie, it was a very good one. Reggie asks him how could you? We just buried my sister.

And you are talking to me about love. I am ashamed of you. I am leaving because the only link we had is dead. I implore you not to seek me out anymore. Reggie leaves and Ren kicks something. the nerve of that guy.

Juan is walking on the beach with "the letter" on his hand he makes a ball and throws it away. He has a second thought and runs after it picks it up and opens it up. It is the annulment of his matrimony with Reggie. Juan talking to himself says Reggie asks for you matrimony to be annulled, I need to clarify this with her.



Friday, August 13, 2010

Corazon Salvaje8/12/10 Pie Cart--1. Only Two More to Go!

Jimena and Gabe are by the ocean. Jimena gets a bad feeling something is going to happen.

We get a replay of Renato picking up Aimee’s broken, lifeless body and bringing her back to the Finca. He lays her gently on the bed. He remembers the hateful things she said that led to all this. He pulls out his gun and says always it is Juan del Diablo. He heads out into the night.

Jimena and Gabe are still on the beach. Gabe says that whatever happens, happens. There’s nothing she can do. She says she knows but she feels it. He has more important things to tell her. Don Alberto would like to talk to her. Why does he want to talk to me? Just then he appears behind them. They want to apologize for being so rotten to you. Salma confessed that she was not really Angela. It was all a lie.

Speaking of the lying witch, she is back at the camp with Branko trying to weasel her way back. Branko is not inclined to let her. He says she lied to those people and it wasn’t cool.

Jimena is going on about how awful that must have been for Mariella. Gabe agrees. She wants to go to her and console her and make her feel better. Alberto says thank you and Jimena turns around. I guess she didn’t know he was there. He begs her to come back to the house to talk to Mariella. Let’s go right now.

Branko is ready to leave and leave Salma there by herself. She begs him not to go. Various gypsy folk talk Branko out of traveling at night because it is dangerous. Well, ok then. We’ll go in the morning.

Over at Fully’s he’s busy counting and sorting his money. He needs his doting wife’s help. He makes a big show of putting away the jewelry and the money and he tells her where everything is. He even gives her the combination to the big safe in the other room. Eloisa is practically giddy. In that safe everything is in her name in case something should happen to him. There is enough money to grant her her ever desire. She says all she cares about is him. He is the important thing in her life. I think he’s giving her enough rope to hang herself. She will be the richest woman in Veracruz.

Renato shows up at Juan’s. He asks Renato what he’s doing there in his house. Renato says he needs to speak privately with him. Regina, seeing the blood on Renato’s clothes wants to know what’s up. Juan suspects something is wrong and asks Regina to go into the other room. Juan gives him the hairy eyeball and asks what he wants. Renato says that Aimee confessed everything to him about Aimee and Juan. He pulls out his gun and points it at Juan. He should make him pay for being such a traitor.

Two men in the street are talking about Aimee’s graceful exit into the afterlife. Unfortunately Gabe, Jimena and Alberto walk up just in time to hear it. Alberto thinks it is such a shame that the family has to suffer another tragedy. Jimena is upset and is sure that is what she felt earlier. Gabe feels sorry for Juan and Regina.

Renato is still pointing his gun at Juan. He wanted to help him. Include him in the family. He sacrificed everything for him. And this is how you repay me by boinking my wife? Juan pushes his gun away and tells him that they were lovers on the boat to Veracruz. But then when he found out she was a MdeO they became enemies. He didn’t know she was even married until the day of their wedding. Juan says that if anyone was to blame it was Renato. He came between Juan and Aimee. They argue some more about who’s to blame and Renato points his gun at Juan’s head again. Many times I’ve wanted to come to you and ask for your forgiveness. We must go to her and confront her together. Renato puts the gun down and looks away. We see Celia standing outside the house. Renato says we can’t talk to Aimee. She can no longer speak. Juan asks what he is talking about and starts to look worried. What are you saying? Aimee is dead. Juan is shocked and repeats Aimee is dead. Regina walks out of the bedroom at that exact moment. She doesn’t believe it. She runs to Renato and begs him to tell her the truth. It can’t be true. Tell me the truth. Renato looks sick. Celia is shocked and runs off to who knows where.

Eloisa and Fed are happily getting together at the dressmaker’s house. They have a new plan. They are ecstatic. This can’t end well I wouldn’t think. She tells him that Fully gave her the combination to the big safe. Fed says this means that he trusts us. In your dreams maybe. The dressmaker meets with Servando who gives her a large bag of money and a kiss (ewww!) and tells her she will be richly rewarded if everything goes as planned.

Remigio is in his hut trying to tidy up. What happened to his hair? He gets frustrated when he breaks some dishes and can’t sweep them up himself. He says he’s good for nothing. For nothing! He turns around to find Lulu standing there. What are you doing here? I’ve brought you some food and I’d like to prepare it for you. But if it bothers you, I’ll leave. He asks her if she’s eaten yet. She says no not yet. They look at each other. I guess that means he wants her to stay.

Regina is still freaking out over the death of her sister. Renato says unfortunately it’s true. He conveniently leaves out the part about how he was chasing her with the Hounds of Hell on her heels so he could kill her himself. She says he’s lying. Juan tries to calm her down. I wish it was a lie but it is the truth. What happened? Why do you have all this blood? She tries to shake the big guy like a rag doll but doesn’t get far because Juan grabs her--and uh, well, Renato’s really big. She wants to see Aimee. She and Renato head for the Finca. Finally left alone, Juan says it can’t be. Aimee can’t be dead. Didn’t we just have this conversation?

Meanwhile, Celia has made it to Rod’s townhouse and given him the bad news. He doesn’t believe it. He grabs Celia and makes her repeat the story again. Because he obviously didn’t hear it the first time she shouts it in his face. What happened? What happened? Tell me. She doesn’t know. He wants to know how she heard it. She heard it from Renato. Celia runs out of the house crying. Rod goes crazy and repeats Aimee, Aimee and knocks over a table. I wonder how many times he’s turned over that table during this show? He suddenly grabs his left arm and makes a terrible face. Maybe his pie cart is coming for him sooner than we thought. He falls on the couch still clutching his left arm.

Servando is reporting back to Fully. So they plan on killing me tomorrow. Hmmm… It is about time for Fed and Eloisa to pay. Servando wants to know what the plan is. Fully wants the witch to prepare a potion that will put them in a deep sleep. What do you say? Servando says you can count on me. Vengeance is sweet and something about a cold plate.

Alberto and crew arrive back at the house and interrupt Noel and Mariella in a sweet moment. Mariella is so happy to see Jimena. They hug. Happy happy, joy joy! Alberto tells Noel he needs to talk with him. Poor Noel because you know what is coming next. Raul, Gabe and Alberto are standing around acting like somebody died--oh, wait, somebody did. Alberto tells him that he needs to be strong. Raul tells him that more than ever Renato needs him. Now he’s catching on. Gabe gets to be the one to break the bad news to him. Aimee is dead. Noel has to sit. Gabe tells him it was a terrible accident. (Accident my ass.)

Over in the jail the old sheriff and his pal are discussing Rodrigo and the new sheriff. FF>>

Noel has just told Clemencia and she collapses on the floor. FF>>

Renato is still wearing his bloody clothes and pouring himself a drink. He remembers finding the potion that Aimee had hidden in her hand and he changes his mind. Leo hears the racket and comes down wanting to know what happened to Aimee. He says they had a fight and he discovered she was trying to poison him. She ran and got away. He went looking for her and something I didn’t catch. Leo says something about the dogs. Renato says the only thing she was ever interested in was his money and his position. That’s why she married me. Rod takes that moment to make an appearance. His pie cart must have swerved. Damn! You killed my daughter. He gives Renato a good smack. Then just to make his point, he smacks him again. Rod says he’s going to pay for his crime. Leo pulls him off and says don’t you dare touch my son. It’s his fault that Aimee is dead. I’d kind of have to agree with him there. Leo says it is Aimee’s fault. They continue to argue whose fault it was. Leo says that Aimee did whatever she wanted including Juan del Diablo. Renato wakes up and says what are you talking about Mother? You knew that she was fooling around with him? Rod and Leo look away. Guilty as charged. He shakes his finger at them and continues bellowing.

It looks like Lulu made some dinner for Remi. They are having a nice time together. She tries to talk to him but he says don’t worry about it. She just wants another chance to show him how much she loves him. They start to kiss but are startled when Juan shouts for Remi outside the hut. Juan barges in and sees the situation and says oh pardon me. Lulu gathers things and walks past Remi. Will they kiss or will they not? Looks like not. What’s up Juan? Aimee is dead.

Back at the Finca Renato is still yelling. He can’t believe they knew this all along but didn’t tell him. You were so afraid of a scandal. You destroyed what could have been the best thing in my life. Leo tries to comfort him but he tells her not to touch him. Rod said everything that happened was because of you. Renato wants him to tell him straight up what he’s talking about. Leo gets in between them.

Regina has managed to get past everyone and is now in Aimee’s room. She slowly walks to the bed. And I mean s - l - o - w - l - y. She looks at her briefly but turns away. I can’t blame her there. Aimee’s probably starting to look at little awful.

Back to Rod who is still slamming Renato. FF>> Leo says it is not Renato’s fault. You know perfectly what kind of woman Aimee was. Well, that certainly helped the situation. Leo and Rod argue and Leo turns to Renato and says it wasn’t your fault. Nothing was your fault. Renato wants his mom to tell him the truth. Just once. The whole truth. Rod and Leo argue some more. FF>> again.

Back to Regina. While I like a good death crying scene as much as the next person, I have a feeling this is going to get silly. She kneels next to the bed and starts in. Why? Why? Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me. So many times I tried to save you. I tried to tell you but you wouldn’t listen to me. Oh man, now she’s really crying. You have paid a high price for your whims. There are always consequences. Forgive me, forgive me, forgive me. Why God? Why, why, why? She kisses the white rose and places it on her chest? Did I just see Aimee breath? No. I guess not. While MdR’s death was as powerful as Frodo sailing off into the Gray Havens, Aimee’s death was not.

Leo is still babbling incoherently. Rod’s like, and then there was the baby. Leo laughs and says that was another one of her lies. Rod says what are you talking about. She says she suspected Aimee wasn’t pregnant when she wouldn’t let the doctor examine her. She invented the whole thing. Rod says you are lying. If you don’t believe me go talk to the doctor. Renato flops down on the couch. He looks totally broken. Maybe this will be his turnaround.


Llena de Amor #4 Thu 8/12/10 Life is like a box of chocolates.

--> -->
Emanuel and Marianela are out in the garden at Viper Villa, having a pleasant conversation until Kristel and Mauricio ooze on in and ruin everything like BP is managing them. Mauricio scoffs at the idea of Mari being related to all the pretty ladies of the household. No puede ser! He-manuel comes to her defense, bristling like a mama bear, but Mari pulls him back and says she doesn’t need anyone to defend her. “Ooooh, what an attitude on the fatty! A real fighter…well, a sumo wrestler!” mocks Mauricio. Kristel thinks this is hilarious. Marianela starts to leave, and Kristel runs over and turns on the sprinklers so that she gets drenched, then leads Mari to believe that this was Emanuel’s idea of a fun trick. Mari yells at him to go ahead and laugh; he’s just as cruel as the others! She walks away, and Emanuel goes over and chastises the gruesome twosome for their bratty behavior. “It was just a joke!” says Mauricio. POW! Emanuel punches him in the face. “Qué the heck?!” they say. “It was just a joke!” says He-manuel. He tells them to lay off Marianela or he won’t be Mr. Nice Guy anymore.
The doctor has given Gretel a sedative. Fedra hopes aloud that she will sleep for three months. Emiliano glares at her. After Fedra leaves to escort the doctor out, Emiliano holds Gretel’s hand and says she was such a happy child; what happened? Maybe Netty is right; what they lack in the house is love.
Marianela is in the kitchen, sobbing to Delicia that she doesn’t know why they are so mean to her. Delicia tells her not to take it personally; they are just bored bullies who don’t respect anyone. They are mean to everyone. For example, they found out that Delicia is terrified of toads, so for her birthday they gave her a box of toads. And Fedra is even worse. Delicia advises Mari not to let them see her cry. Mari remembers her mother telling her that she is beautiful and precious and not to let anyone ever make her feel bad about herself. She agrees that she will not give the bullies the pleasure of seeing her suffer.
Ilitia, Muñeca (her mother, aka Camila), and their chauffeur are heading out of the airport when Comisario Tejeda stops them. Ilitia naturally thinks he is a fan wanting a photo or autograph, but he says she needs to give her statement to the police. They are all ridiculously put out by this.
Oscar is driving Brandon, and they are reveling in Brandon’s heroism. Oscar can’t believe he didn’t even get that girl’s phone number. Brandon says he doesn’t like girls like that; they’re only good for hanging clothes on.
Benigno catches Emanuel on his way out of the house. Em says he’s worried about his sister and his cousin. He doesn’t want Mari to think no one cares about her, so he’s going to buy her a present to cheer her up. He drives away in his BMW convertible, which has the logo covered up so you totally cannot tell what sort of car it is.
Mari is in her bathrobe, yelling at Fedra for throwing out all her clothes. Fedra says they were horrible, so she’ll just have to keep wearing her school uniforms for now. Mari only has two, and one of them is soaked and the other in the laundry. After Fedra leaves, Delicia offers to try to rescue some of the clothes from the trash. Mari says no thanks; the uniforms will be fine. Mari wants the two of them to be friends. Delicia says okay, but Fedra can’t find out, and Mari has to stop crying and sharpen her claws.
Fedra lounges and Bernardo rubs her feet. Ugh. Fed whines about all the money they’ve spent on medical care for Gretel. Bernie says mental illnesses are tricky. Something must have happened to her; something they don’t know about. She changed right after Luis Felipe died; maybe that has something to do with it. Fedra thinks it’s unlikely; he wasn’t her father or anything. “Don’t forget what happened after we returned from the burial,” Bernardo says.
We see it in flashback: Crying little Gretel burned all her uncle’s clothes in the garden, and wouldn’t leave the fire until the clothes were all gone. Fedra thinks this is a coincidence. Bernardo says there’s no such thing.
At the office of Ruiz y de Teresa Publicidad, Lorenzo and another guy discuss that none of the models they looked at are right. They need a really special chubby girl. The other guy leaves and Emiliano comes in and gets the same report. Emiliano is in no mood for work meetings, though. Other guy tells him he needs a drink.
Fedra laments that her daughter is crazy, while the actual daughter of the deceased guy is perfectly sane. “For the moment,” creeps Bernardo. The phone rings. It’s Netty, wanting to talk to Marianela. Fedra uses a stupid fake voice that makes her sound even more than usual like she’s been drinking gin in a bubble bath all afternoon like her alter ego Miss Hannigan and pretends it’s the wrong number. Consuelo tells Netty to try again.
Emanuel goes to a fancy candy shop and picks out a big box of chocolates. The sales lady tells him his novia will love this gift. He freezes with a smile on his face and raises his eyebrows.
Fedra makes rude fat jokes about Mari, which fail to amuse Bernardo. Netty calls again. Fedra pretends to be an answering machine, so Netty leaves a message saying she wants to talk to her niece and she’s very worried. “HAhahaha, you stupid ridiculous wannabe actress, I laugh in your face!” cackles Fedra, but she must have already hung up because Netty doesn’t seem to have heard this.
Mauricio and Kristel are doing the only other thing they know how to do. Kristel worries that they’ll be killed if they are caught in her bed, but Mauricio finds the danger stimulating. They carry on.
Ilitia is at the police station, abusing Oscar and Brandon and accusing Brandon of kidnapping her in the airport. He says he had to shut her up because she was screeching like a bipolar hysteric. Oscar watches their exchange like it’s a ping pong match, then tries to intervene and convince Ilitia that this is routine procedure. Brandon tells her if she doesn’t cooperate, he’ll put her in jail. Ilitia says she’ll use all her influence to make sure he can never get a job.
Delicia goes into Kristel’s room with an armful of laundry and gets an eyeful of something else. The puerile pair do not see her. She quickly backs out and Fedra sees her standing there all saucer-eyed. Fedra is really perfecting her Miss Hannigan impersonation as she asks what’s going on. Del says she knows nothing so Fed threatens to yank her eyes out. Fedra knocks on the door and Kristel freaks out.
Emanuel finds Nereida in the foyer and tells her he needs her to do something for him. She smiles.
Marianela, still in her bathrobe waiting for dry clothes, tells a picture of her mother that she is not going to give up. She is going to stay in this house and make the best of it. There is a knock at the door. She opens it and sees the chocolate box sitting on the floor. The note from Emanuel says (addressed to “mi gordita hermosa,” which as we’ve discussed is not as rude in Spanish as the translation would be in English) this gift is to apologize for the bad times she’s had in this house, and he’s under her window hoping she’ll accept it. Mari remembers Delicia telling her about the gift box of toads and says she may or may not be a gordita hermosa, but she is definitely not a fool. She goes out to the balcony and yells at Emanuel and chucks the box at him, knocking him out cold. Oh no!
Fedra is still knocking on Kristel’s door. Nereida asks Delicia what’s going on. Inside, Kristel and Mauricio fight over the green sheets to cover themselves with. Kristel wins. It must be noted here that Mauricio is wearing leopard-print briefs, and only leopard-print briefs. Hey, if I have to have that visual in my head, so do you, even if you were lucky enough not to see it. Kristel makes Mauricio go out onto the balcony. He thinks that’s overexposure, but she thinks he’d be in worse shape caught nekkid in bed. Over the rail he goes.
Marianela thinks Emanuel is faking, but it becomes apparent he’s not. She remembers finding her father lying on the pavers bleeding to death in that same courtyard when she was a little girl. All he said was “the silver lily.” Mari thinks she’s killed Emanuel.
Mauricio runs around the pool in his skivvies. He goes around the corner of the house and sees Emanuel lying there with his head bleeding. He decides to save his life. No, not Emanuel’s, duh. His own.
Fedra is upstairs screeching for Bernardo when Mari comes through hollering for help. Fedra says, “I’m not interested in your problems! Get lost!” Mari leaves.
Mauricio has dragged Emanuel over to the pool, stolen his pants, and put them on. He’s busy unbuttoning the shirt when Mari comes out. Mauricio tells her she never saw him there, got it? He runs away. Mari tries to wake Emanuel.
Bernardo calmly and coolly finally responds to Fedra’s fit. He kicks in Kristel’s door with little effort. Fedra searches the room and yells come out, come out, wherever you are hiding in the altogether with Mauricio. No response. She hears the shower running.
Mauricio is still clutching his side where he hurt it jumping from the balcony. He gets to his car and realizes he doesn’t have his keys. Emiliano drives up in his Mercedes convertible that you cannot tell is a Mercedes because the logo is covered. He demands to know what Mauricio is doing in front of his house half nekkid.
Mari realizes Emanuel isn’t wearing pants, and wonders why he and Mauricio are each wearing only half an outfit. No time to think about that, though; he’s still unconscious. She thinks he’s dead and begs him for forgiveness, then decides he’s still alive, then thinks he needs mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (if he hasn’t been breathing all this time, it may be too late), then worries that it’s too intimate and forbidden, then decides it’s better than letting him die, then she goes for it. He instantly wakes up with her lips on his, and they both scream. “Were you kissing me?” he asks.
Kristel comes out of the bathroom in the same pear-print robe Romina used to wear on ENDA, I think. Fedra demands to know where Mauricio is.
Marianela tells Emanuel she was just trying to revive him, the same way he saved her after she fell in the pool. “Sure, sure,” he says. Now she accuses him of faking to mock her. She starts to get up and leave, but he grabs her and pins her down while straddling her, asking why she will never listen to him. Then he notices he is bleeding.
Mauricio claims he was assaulted by four big brutish guys, right there in the driveway, and they stole his shirt! “Que barbaridad!” says Emiliano. Where are the guys? Mauricio says they escaped. “Lucky they left your pants,” says Emiliano. Mauricio says they took his wallet, keys, and footwear. Emiliano thinks it’s strange they didn’t take the car. Mauricio pants that they were about to, then they fled. Emiliano invites him into the house to borrow some clothes, but Mauricio claims that would be too much trouble, and besides, the gorillas could still be in there! Emiliano needs to go protect his family! But first, a little favor: he needs some money for a taxi. Emiliano gives it to him.
Marianela yells at Emanuel that he promised not to make fun of her, and now he has given her a chocolate box, full of toads or bugs or some strange thing! “Qué?” he asks. “What are you talking about?” He says he only wanted to apologize and welcome her to the house. He opens the box and shows her the chocolates. She’s touched.
Fedra doesn’t believe that Kristel was just showering and looks for Mauricio in the bathroom. Kristel sobs that her own mother doesn’t trust her.
Marianela apologizes to Emanuel. He feeds her a chocolate and says not everyone in the world wants to hurt her. She asks for another one, with cherries. He tells her to eat like there is no tomorrow and is happy to see her smile.
Fedra is still yelling; Kristel is still crying. Delicia gets dragged in to testify that she thought she saw Mauricio. Kristel yells that she hates her, then sobs to her mother that Mauricio stopped by but nothing happened. Delicia agrees that this is true. Fedra yells at Kristel to worry more about appearances.
Marianela has chocolate on her face. Ick. Emanuel tells her he will never let her lack chocolates. She says he isn’t a bad person after all. “What am I, then?” he asks. She says he’s her cousin who gave her chocolates, and offers him one. He lets her feed it to him. They agree that someday they will be friends. He invites her to go for a walk. “Like that?” she asks, and he suddenly realizes he hasn’t been wearing pants all this time and is embarrassed. Then he recovers and thinks this is a joke she is playing on him.
Benigno reports to the General about Mauricio being in Kristel’s room. The General says Fedra is going to kiss the floor for the way she’s treating Marianela.
The secretary, Carmen, at the publicity business escorts a new model into Lorenzo’s office. She is slim. I thought they were looking for a large lady. Lorenzo’s wife Muñeca calls and Carmen tells her Lorenzo is not in. Muñeca tells her to find Lorenzo immediately and tell him she and Ilitia are at the police station.
The “model” is apparently an old “friend” of Lorenzo. He gives her a drink and says she’s more beautiful than ever. She says he hasn’t changed at all. The sexophone plays in an unbusinesslike fashion. Their lips are millimeters away when the phone rings. Carmen gives him the message.
Marianela denies having stolen Emanuel’s pants. He doesn’t believe her and insists that she wanted revenge for the supposed box of toads and wanted him to be embarrassed when he woke up without clothes, but joke’s on her! He is not at all ashamed to be seen naked, ha ha! He takes off his shirt, too. She is not quite sure what to make of this and hides her face behind the chocolate box.
Avances: Continued striptease, pie in face, Fedra plots, Netty is going to find out what’s going on with her niece.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

El Clon Thursday August 12: Summary for Discussion

Right now there are two kinds of people in this novela: Those who, knowing Lucas or Diego, have seen Daniel; and those who have not. And the first group shouldn’t even bother trying to make themselves understood by the second group.

And so it is with Leonardo and Rosa and their futile attempts to make Lucas and Marisa understand what they have just experienced:

Diego was here, insists Leo:
Era Diego... bueno, puede no haber sido Diego, Diego -- pero era Diego.
It was Diego... well, it may be that it wasn't Diego, Diego – but it was Diego.
You mean he resembled Diego? suggests Marisa helpfully. No, no, says Leo, it’s as if you boys were triplets, not twins only the third one was born twenty years later. Lucas finally loses patience. This crazy idea has gone too far. And he is upset by the absurd idea that this younger brother has the same mother as he and Diego. Leo throws up his hands:
No puedo encontrar una explicación lógica con el parecido que tiene este muchacho contigo.
I can’t find a logical explanation for why this boy is so like you.

Daniel and Karla are still in bed together and he’s trying to explain what just happened at Casa Ferrer. The strangest thing, he says, is they called me Diego…

We are at Alejandro’s fight. His number one fan, Gloria, looking very Frida Kahlo, and his friends Pablo and Diana are happily cheering him on. We see their expressions change to sadness as it becomes evident that Alej is getting pounded.

Tío Alí has arrived at Mohamed and Latifa’s apartment. He is relieved to hear that Jade is out of danger and now back home being cared for by Zoraida. But he is concerned when Latifa tells him that, because of Rania’s indiscretion, Jadiya wants nothing to do with her mother. Latifa asks Alí to intervene but he demurs, “aunque me parta el corazón.” (although it breaks my heart.). He is not inclined to do anything that might be considered sinful because something very ominous has happened; and it is surely a sign from Allah:
He visto a un hombre que ha sido hecho en un laboratorio.
I have seen a man who was created in a laboratory.

Diana, Pablo and Alej are sharing a gloomy postmortem at Gloria’s. Look, says Alej, anyone can lose a fight. (Una pelea la pierde cualquiera.) You don’t have the luxury of losing a fight, points out Pablo. Because of Natalia’s problems, you’re in danger of throwing away your chances.

Gloria comes up to Alej and adds her voice to the chorus: Natalia and her drug problem are dragging you down. It’s time to get out of this relationship.

At another table at Gloria’s there is a small commotion. The Skank is feeling unwell – dizzy and nauseated. (Now she knows how the rest of us feel when she’s in a scene.) Hilda blames Gloria’s cooking. It’s a good thing Ramón is there to tell them: Es un embarazo. (It’s a pregnancy). Hilda, Karla and Gloria are momentarily stunned. Then Karla displays her amazing white dentition, full upper and lower. She and Hilda do a happy dance. Ramón joins in until Gloria gives him a warning swat on the shoulder.

Said is at home while the Naz rubs his feet. He tells her that he doesn’t regret his past decisions because he now has Jadiya; without her, his life would have no meaning. Rania lurks shadow-like in the background. She offers to order tea for Said and the Naz but they ignore her. She runs upstairs and complains to Amina. Amina doesn’t even need to look in The Little Witch’s Guide to Manipulating Others because she knows the contents by heart. She screams: ¡Rania se siente mal! (Rania feels sick!). And on cue, Rania poses herself on the floor, the picture of a suffering mother-to-be. Said rushes to her and offers to call a doctor, but it isn’t necessary. Rania begins to feel better immediately. (Her amazing recovery is not lost on the Naz.) No importa. Rania gets what she wants: Said’s promise to take care of her.

And elsewhere in Said’s house, Zoraida tells Jadiya that she can arrange for her to see her mother, even if she herself must risk getting punished with 80 azotes to do so. Don’t do it, says Jadiya. I don’t want her near here and that’s that.

Zoraida reports back to Jade, still confined to bed, that Jadiya refuses to see her. It’s Rania's fault for telling her, says Jade. But in the end, it’s all Lucas’s fault! Well I've buried Lucas. Don't tell me anything else about him, not even if I ask.

At Casa Ferrer, however, it's quite clear that Lucas can't stop thinking about Jade. For her part, Mama Rosa is stuck on Channel Diego. Meanwhile Enrique is with Leo and Marisa telling them all about reincarnation. Mama Rosa urges him to join them, but Lucas isn’t all that interested. (Remember, he’s still in the second group).

Dora and Cristina are being let out of their jail cells. They are both still fuming. (Okay, I guess we have to add a third group to explain Dora: People who know Daniel but not Lucas or Diego.) They set off for Leonardo’s house to clarify matters once and for all.

Lucia comes home to find her maid Rosario all comfy on the living room sofa, chatting on the phone about someone who is pregnant. Who's pregnant? asks Lucia. A girl I know through my niece, answers Rosario. I never liked her. (Score one point for Rosario). Rosario leaves and Lucia phones Roberto. His cell is turned off. She makes a second call to inquire about tracking people through their cell phone usage.

Malicia and Escobar are thrilled with how the new apartment looks now that it is furnished. He asks if she brought the papers for transferring ownership. Gosh, no, she prepared them but they are sitting in her office! Darn it all! Escobarde starts talking about how important the papers are, but she deftly distracts him. He has to leave for the clinic. When he is gone, she wipes off his kiss with obvious disgust, picks up the phone and calls Pablo. He answers and then says: You sound depressed. (Anyone else see this as the moment when Malicia takes full possession of the apartment and furnishings, locking out the little mouse from her nest and her life?)

Natalia and Paula are at the club, I think, and they are stoned out of their minds. Nati, looking like death not even warmed over, asks Paula to call Alej and tell him she’s in bad shape. Then she collapses on a bench. Paula makes the call. She catches Alej in the middle of his workout but he drops everything to run to her despite his trainer's disapproval.

At Empresas Ferrer, Leo and Amalia are all business, finishing up her book project. Suddenly he puts the professional mask aside and asks her if they can stop quarreling. We’re not fighting, she says. We’re done. I’m not willing to be second to Cristina in your life. Leo starts to tell her that Cris hasn’t been a part of his life for a long while. And then with perfect timing – Hurricane Cristina comes blowing in.

Cristina is there with the proof that Leo betrayed her. Amalia wisely takes this opportunity to make her escape. Enter Dora.
Leo: ¡Yo nunca en mi vida he visto a esta mujer! (I’ve never seen this woman in my life.)
Dora: I got pregnant by artificial insemination. Even I don’t know who the father is.
These answers don’t satisfy Cris. She wants Dora to meet Lucas. That will make everything clear.

Alej has rushed to Nati’s side. He sees how bad she looks and wants to take her to the hospital. No, she says. They'd arrest me.

Cut to Enrique and his psychiatrist: He is talking about loss. Worse than material losses were the personal ones:
Los amigos se cansan, las familias se cansan, los amores se cansan.
Friends get tired/ fed up, families get tired, lovers get tired.

And Alej does look weary as he revives Natalia under the shower and then tucks her into bed.

Rosa, Lucas and Marisa continue their conversation at Casa Ferrer. Lucas (group 2) says if he turns out to have another brother, he would welcome him. Marisa (group 2) says the worst part of all this is that Leo is starting to believe in reincarnation. Rosa (group 1) is getting a little testy at their refusal to acknowledge a miracle.

Vicki decides to visit her friend Cris at her apartment. Vengo en son de paz (I come in peace. Literally, I come in sound of peace) she calls out as she walks in. Instead of Cris, she comes face to face with Daniel. Lucas??? she asks. He tells her Cristina brought him here from Morocco. Then it dawns on Vicki:
Entonces -- ¡eres Daniel, el hijo de Dora!
Then – you’re Daniel, Dora’s son!
And Vicki, bless her heart, impactada though she may be, does not faint.

The Naz and Said are chatting at his place. They are planning a party for Jadiya. She has a new look: a more grown-up hair style, an attractive, traditional dress. When she is out of earshot, the Naz remarks that Jadiya is suffering without her mother. Time will erase Jade from her memory, says Said.

We have just a brief image of Jade’s face, a tear-stained mask of tragedy.

Luisa is at home. She seems to have misplaced Albi again.

Albieri is, in fact, in Padre Andres’s church. He is ready to tell the truth. He didn’t destroy his creature (criatura). Andres is horrified. Everyone will be afraid of a human clone, predicts Andres. Everyone will be watching him for signs of his being less than human. Albieri dismisses those concerns. Every great scientific advance has been met with fear and skepticism, he says, but in time people come to understand that it is a good thing. So it will be with human cloning. No, says Andres. Remember what happened to Dr. Frankenstein: His creature rebelled against the master; he pursued him and he killed him. It’s too late to reverse what I’ve done, says Albieri. The clone I created – is Daniel!

And Vicki, back in Cris’s apartment with Daniel, says she now understands the reason for the way her friend has been acting.

The final scene tonight takes place in Leo’s office at Empresas Ferrer where he, Dora, and Cristina have a conversation that begins to get at the truth. Leo realizes that Daniel is actually Cristina and Albieri’s godson. And then, finally, Lucas joins them. Dora stares at him in disbelief. ¡Ahora niégalo! (Now try and deny it!) says Cris triumphantly (if wrongheadedly).

Credits roll.


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