Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Llena de Amor #12 Tue 8/24/10 The line to strangle Fedra forms behind me.

Overlap from Monday: Marianela decides she needs to go back to the viper pit, since she didn’t tell Emiliano she was leaving, and also it is her house. Brandon drives her, but is too busy telling her she shouldn’t return to that infierno and nosing into her love life to watch the road. Even when Mari shrieks, he still doesn’t look or step on the brakes, and thus he plows right into Emanuel and his moto.

New: Tia Carlota calls again from Madrid, demanding to speak to Marianela. Emiliano tells her that Mari no está, as she spent the night at her Tia Netty’s house. Carlota and her helmet hair are horrified. That actriz is not good company for Marianela! She is despistada (clueless) and estrafalaria (eccentric)! Emiliano thinks she’s being a tad melodramatic, but Carlota insists that he get Mari out of that house of sin immediately if not sooner. He will be held responsible if anything happens to Marianela!

Mari and Brandon jump out of the jeep and see that it is Emanuel they have hit. He’s lying on the pavement, unconscious and with a bloody gash on his face. Mari shrieks that they have killed him!

Lorenzo and Ilitia go to an office to pursue Ilitia’s case against Brandon. While they’re waiting, Ilitia fusses that she hasn’t heard from Emanuel. Lorenzo says guys need a little space, so she shouldn’t be so clingy. Does she want to turn out like her mother? Over my dead body, says Ilitia. He convinces her to put the phone away so they can focus on bribing a judge to make Brandon pay.

Muñeca breakfasts in bed and tells her maid what Ilitia and Lorenzo are up to. The maid says she thought the young policeman was just doing his job. Muñeca, who was actually at the airport, agrees. He almost certainly saved Ilitia from being killed, and his bravery probably prevented a huge massacre, as well. Unfortunately, Ilitia and Lorenzo don’t see things the same way.

Lorenzo describes to the licenciado the damages Ilitia has suffered as a result of her little jaunt in the mens’ room: trauma, ruined reputation, loss of employment. The guy asks them what they hope to get. Lorenzo wants a public desagravio (amends, indemnification) to clear Ilitia’s name. {I’m still not sure what people think she did wrong, but whatevs.} Ilitia wants Brandon imprisoned, starved to death, fired from the police, and run over by a train. Lorenzo nods.

A crowd has gathered around, and Emanuel hasn’t woken up. A guy tells Mari and Brandon that the ambulance is on its way. Mari begs Emanuel to open his eyes.

Netty tells Gladiola that she thinks Emanuel will help her with the inheritance case, because he also wants the best for Mari. Gladiola wonders if he might find it difficult to fight against his mother. Well, Netty isn’t going into this fight without backup. The lawyer will know what to do. Gladiola, ever the little raincloud, doesn’t think their lawyer will be effective against rich people and their lawyers. Netty says you can’t buy intelligence. Her lawyer is smart and studied the same laws. Glad says maybe you can’t buy intelligence, but sometimes you can buy “justice.” Netty says not to worry; she is an indefatigable fighter and she will do what it takes.

The General chews out Emiliano for letting Marianela spend the night in Netty’s pension. Emiliano says by the time he found out, they had guests and it was late, and what’s the big deal, anyway? “If it matters so much to you, why didn’t you go get her yourself?” “You know very well why I never leave this room!” “Yeah, because you’re a crazy old coot.” “No, because I refuse to leave until that usurper serpent hypocrite Fedra is out of this house!” “You are speaking of my wife!” “Careful, you’ll be eaten by jealousy and your soul will be poisoned! Get out of my room!”

Doris and Netty are outside the lawyer’s office, in the humbler part of town. Doris says to be careful and pay attention so the lawyer doesn’t take advantage. Netty says not to worry; everyone says this lawyer is a really good upstanding guy who takes good care of the parish people’s legal needs, and he’ll help her get Mari’s assets away from the evil Fedra.

Fedra reads a document stating that Marianela will receive her father’s estate when she turns 21. Bernardo says that will give them plenty of time to make use of the documents he has forged regarding debts Eva had to Fedra. Fedra says Mari will surely just go along with it quietly in order to avoid dragging her mother’s memory into a scandal. Bwahahahaha, she will wish the earth had swallowed her up. Bernardo says Fedra will be tranquil and satisfied once she is the owner of this happy home. “Tranquil and satisfied?! Bernardo, it’s like you don’t know me at all!” She tells him she also wants the money Marianela will be collecting from her tia Carlota. Emiliano has just come down the stairs. “What money are you talking about?”

Netty introduces herself to Licenciado Pacheco, who is most accommodating and chivalrous, almost excessively. He objects to her description of herself as lowly and humble and compliments her physical assets. Well, anyway, she tells him, she needs a lawyer who is honest, decent, a fighter, and cheap. He thinks he is just the guy, and is then delighted to find out that Netty is unmarried. He kneels at her feet and kisses her hand and asks her to call him Eugenio. Um, okay. She starts to tell him about her case.

Fedra claims she was talking about the fortune she is going to earn from some real estate business deal. She is super good at business, doncha know? No doubt, says Emiliano. He gets rid of Bernardo and fortifies himself with booze while he builds up steam. “We need to talk about Marianela’s position in this house,” he tells Fedra.

Axel and Gretel are at the university. Gretel says Mom has threatened her, as usual. Axel asks about the toast. It seems she knows something about their mother. Gretel doesn’t want to say anything. She just tells him either a. to just worry about keeping Fedra happy, or b. to worry BECAUSE Fedra is happy, I can’t tell. Anyway, he says he’s doing what he can, studying the field Fedra wanted him to study, when he’d rather study music. Fabiola and Alfredo greet them. Alfredo tells Axel not to act jealous (that he’s with Fabiola), because he had his chance when Fab was slimily throwing herself at him and he didn’t fight for her, and no one would believe his jealousy anyway. “Huh?” says Axel’s face. But Alfredo supposes women aren’t his type. Say, he knows someone who shares Axel’s strange tastes. Maybe he should introduce them? He says this in a snotty sarcastic way, of course, not like he actually wants to introduce Axel to someone, so Axel gets offended. Fabiola and Gretel try to intervene but Axel grabs Alfredo and says he’s going to break his face.

Fedra claims she has nothing against Marianela, she just didn’t want her to come live in this house with her mother. That boozehound would have been such a bad influence on the children! “Eva had recovered, and you know it!” says Emiliano. “Marianela is a family member, and the owner of this house, and my responsibility, and if I get the slightest whiff that you are doing anything to abuse her... Don’t even THINK about it, you hear me?”

Fabiola and Gretel are still trying feebly to avert the storm that’s a-brewin’. Alfredo continues the taunts and tells Gretel she’d better take her brother away before he teaches him with trancazos (blows) how to be a man. So Axel knocks him over with a swift right hook. “Bring it on! I am not afraid of you!” Afraido pops back up, clutching his face. They face off and fume.

The ambulance has arrived at the hospital. Brandon tells them he ran over the patient with his car. The patient was wearing a helmet, but it fell off in the crash (crappy helmet!). Marianela shrieks at the doctor to save him, because the doc would never have thought of that on his own. Doc calmly shines a light in Emanuel’s eyes and sends him off for scans, telling Marianela to relax. She grabs him and demands to know the prognosis, even though the doctor has examined Emanuel for approximately two seconds. The doc blithely tells her that these injuries are severe and could be fatal. He can’t guarantee anything; they have to wait for the scans. Marianela looks about as impressed with this doctor as I am.

Axel and Alfredo are really going at it now. Oliver is on campus for some reason and sees the fight. He runs over to save the day. His badge flashed around does the trick. Then his phone rings, and for some reason we get a lingering look at the phone clipped to his hip.

Brandon calls the Comisario to explain why he’s late for work and asks him to inform the Ruiz y de Teresa family of what’s happened.

Meanwhile, Ilitia and Kristel lounge by the pool with fancy drinks, whining about their own troubles. Ilitia tells Kristel that she was fired by her agency and is SO EMBARRASSED by the photos in the tabloids, with her hair ruined and her makeup running. {Maybe that’s why she was fired. The agency only wants models who look stunning in hostage situations.} But her career isn’t what’s really bothering Ilitia. As crazy as it sounds, she thinks maybe Emanuel is interested in la gorda. Kristel spits her drink all over herself. Mauricio spends the whole scene lurking in the pool nearby.

Marianela is in a chapel, begging the Virgencita to save Emanuel’s life and take hers instead, if necessary. She has his blood on her face. Why doesn’t she ever wash stuff off her face? What a slob. Brandon comes in and assures her that Emanuel is in good hands (that’s debatable) and everything will be fine. The doctor comes and tells them that Emanuel doesn’t have any skull fractures or edemas, just a concussion. Do they know whether he’s had any previous head injuries? Marianela remembers knocking him out with the box of chocolates, and tells the doctor. The doctor says Emanuel needs to stay for 24 hours for observation, and they need a blood donor. Brandon offers, but Marianela insists that she will do it.

Kristel laughs and laughs at Ilitia’s absurd suspicion. The episode must have been a bit short because then Mauricio wants to know what she’s laughing about and Kristel repeats the whole story to him. Ilitia is not amused.

Fedra and Bernardo search Marianela’s bedroom but don’t seem to find anything useful to them. Bernardo says at least they have experience; they did the same thing to Mari’s mother years ago! They laugh uproariously, remembering how Eva thought the house was haunted by Luis Felipe. They think Mari will be as easy to manipulate as her mother. Fedra tells Eva’s photo that she has a gift for her: she’s going to buy her daughter a ticket to join her over there.

Mauricio and Kristel assure Ilitia that they were just teasing. Of course Emanuel is not interested in Marianela! She is just a charity project for him! “Since when do charity projects make men not want to have relations?” asks Ilitia. “Qué?!” They cannot imagine such a horror. Ilitia assures them it is true. Mauricio agrees that this is a serious situation, but he has an idea. After he’s through, Marianela will never want to see another man in her life!

Emanuel is lying unconscious in bed. Marianela comes in with the doctor, saying she’ll give her cousin as much blood as he needs. The doc says it’s actually not for him, it’s just to restock the supply. Take a pint, leave a pint, is the hospital’s policy, I guess. Marianela beams at Emanuel, and still no one has suggested that she wash her face.

Nereida tells Fedra she has a call. Fedra flirts outrageously with her “designer,” “Jean François,” who wants her to come “try on his new designs.” She agrees to meet him tomorrow. Bernardo is not such a fan of his fashions, it seems.

The police have come to the big house, and Delicia reports to Benigno, who reports to Nereida, that Emanuel has been run over and is in the hospital.

Marianela hovers at Emanuel’s side, asking him not to die, because she can’t stand to live in that house without him. He is like a light in the darkness. She remembers him telling her that he will never fail her and she can count on him for anything. She kisses him on the forehead and says “te quiero,” and then, “te amo,” and she goes for the lips.

Nereida tells an abusive Fedra about Emanuel’s accident. Fedra yells at her that she’s crazy.

Marianela rebukes herself for kissing Emanuel, then giggles madly, then begs his forgiveness (he’s still zonked out), then chastises herself some more, then says he’ll never know, then decides she had to say and do that, because “te quiero, te quiero mucho.” He wakes up, scaring her.

Fedra assaults the police officer, demanding that he tell her that her son is okay. He shakes her off. She rants that the rat that ran over her darling probably ran off like a coward, right?! No, says the officer, he took Emanuel to the hospital, along with the victim’s cousin. “La GORDA?” Of course, to Fedra this is even worse than the running over.

Emanuel tries to get up, and Marianela tries to stop him. He says hospitals don’t have good Feng Shui for him and he’s allergic to them. She makes him lie down again. Once he’s accepted that he has to stay for observation, she tries to find out how much he heard before he woke up. He remembers the crash, but after that, just a headache. She’s relieved. Mari explains how she happened to be there when he was hit, hesitating and making very clear that it was all just an accident before admitting that it was Brandon who was driving. “That snotty poli?”

Netty arrives at home, gushing to Gladiola how well the meeting with the lawyer went. She does not notice that Emiliano is behind her. “This lawyer is going to help me get Marianela what is hers from the Ruiz y de Teresa family!” she exclaims. “I don’t think that will be necessary,” says Emiliano. Netty fans herself furiously.

Marianela begs Emanuel not to get all riled up. The accident was not Brandon’s fault! {Except that it was.} He settles down. Then he notices she has blood on her face, and worries that she’s hurt. No, it’s just his, from when she was holding him in the ambulance. He thanks her for saving his life and wipes off the blood, which has not dried in all this time. They hug. Now that everything’s all settled, Emanuel decides once again that he’s ready to go home. Marianela tries to get him to rest, but he stands up, then gets dizzy and collapses on the floor. Marianela shrieks for help.

Oliver hauls Axel and Alfredo into the police station in handcuffs, with Gretel and Fabiola trailing along and protesting. Oliver tries some patronizing sweet talk on Gretel and gets an earful for his trouble. The comisario walks in and wants to know what’s going on. Oliver explains. Sounds like he takes his police duty a little too seriously and too far. Gretel stares at him, then seems to nod in approval.

Marianela imagines that she is an olde-tymey nurse and Emanuel is a soldier dying in a smoke-filled war zone with machine gun fire in the background. “Caldito…de pollo…” says soldier Emanuel, but it was actually real Emanuel. “What?” says Mari. He says all he needs to recover is a little chicken broth…and maybe a blood transfusion, so he can get out of here quicker. She says she’ll give him plenty of blood. He calls her beautiful and she hugs him again.

Brandon calls the pension and tells his mother about the accident.

A nurse has gotten Emanuel back into bed. He’s sleeping again, and Marianela tells him she’ll stay there and take care of him. She calls him “mi amor” and confesses that she is in love with him. Fedra walks in and immediately blames Marianela for the accident and threatens that she will pay.

Emiliano tells Netty that Tia Carlota is the albacea (executor) of Luis Felipe’s estate, and Marianela will get the money when she is 21. Gladiola runs in and tells them that Brandon ran over Emanuel. Impactados.

Fedra is still blaming Marianela for everything ad infinitum and says if Emanuel dies, she will kill Mari with her own hands. Mari insists that it was an accident. Fedra is not interested in facts. She digs her claws into Mari’s arms and growls at her menacingly. Emanuel wakes up and asks what’s going on, and Fedra rushes over, all sweetness and concern for her baby.

Oliver finally calls Brandon back. He says he was busy before. Brandon asks if he was busy with the same old thing, trying to get into the university. Oliver says he is going to do it because he wants to improve himself. He just needs to get a scholarship. Brandon thinks maybe he’s really just interested in the high concentration of pretty young ladies at the university. “Speaking of which, guess who I have here in the delegation!” says Oliver.

The dumb police have foolishly left our fighting foursome in an office by themselves. Alfredo continues taunting Axel about not being a man, and when the ladies try to make him stop, he laughs that Axel needs girls to do his fighting for him. Gretel gets offended and attacks Alfredo and starts to strangle him. This gives her flashbacks. We see her as a little girl, watching from a hiding place as freckled lady hands strangle her uncle.

Fedra makes a big show of fussing over Emanuel. It would be more heartwarming if she didn’t interrupt herself every three seconds to spew the haterade all over Marianela. “I know very well that you planned all this to kill my son!” crazy Fedra garbles. Mari and Emanuel are both stunned.

Tomorrow: Ilitia finds out about Emanuel’s accident. She swears revenge. Fedra goes to the police station to make a murder accusation (even though Emanuel is not dead).


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

El Clon Tuesday August 24: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 134/160: Leo, Dora and Daniel set off to see the Wizard; Daniel does, it seems, have a soul; but Leonard has no heart; Fernando passes his first test; Natalia, alas, does not.

At Dora’s place, Leo embraces a wide-eyed, confused Daniel. He begs him to come live with him at Casa Ferrer. Daniel wants Albieri to explain what is happening. So Leonardo, Dora and Daniel set off to see the Wizard. Good-bye Grandmother, says Daniel sweetly. (And poignantly since we wonder if he will still think of her as his grandmother the next time he sees her.)

At their apartment, Natalia flatly denies knowing anything about the sound system Alejandro bought, even though the neighbor saw her carrying it out. She also denies buying drugs in the street, deflecting blame to Diana and Pablo, who have never approved of her. Alej gradually softens his stance, then tells her about his upcoming training bouts. She promises she’ll be at all of them.

Fernando shows up at Empresas Ferrer ready for business. He announces he is a new person. He realized that drugs were ruining his life. He is back in the band and ready to reclaim his life. His support group – Clara, Carolina and Andrea -- want to believe him; they are hopeful that he is serious.

Just outside, he passes his first test: Paula is lurking with an offer of drugs: ¡Mira lo que conseguí! (look what I got!) He turns down the offer. Tú te lo pierdes (Your loss), she says.

Natalia is doing the washing up at the apartment, when Paula calls with the same offer. Unfortunately, Nati flunks the test. Voy para allá. (I’m on my way.) she says.

Said is sitting in the garden of his home when Rania (who is clearly the type who just can’t allow a scab to heal – she has to pick and pick until it bleeds and hurts) asks him if he turned Jade away just so she can realize how much she is giving up.

Inside the house, the Naz spins another tale of Princesa Nazira and her malvados hermanos (evil brothers) who are determined to keep the Princess from romance and happiness. Said joins them and gets to hear how el Príncipe Pablo gets captured, but eventually he and Princesa Nazira flee on his moto making use of the skills of Ali Baba and the forty thieves along the way (all of whom, of course, are left pining for the beautiful Princesa). And what happened to the evil brothers? asks Jadiya. Los quemó como carneros.

Luisa and Albiera are still at home, anxiously awaiting the hour of their rendezvous with Dora and Leo. They are startled by Dra Silvia’s unannounced visit. She is furious that Albieri has made her complicit in what he has done since she was the one who actually implanted the embryo in Dora. She says:
Nadie tiene el derecho de experimentar con la vida de los demás.
No one has the right to experiment with the lives of others.
Then she adds what Albieri has been dreading:
Yo te voy a denunciar ante la FDA.
I’m going to denounce you to the FDA.
He begs for a little time, just long enough to explain things to those he has hurt.

Outside Gloria’s, Amin is ogling, as always. Ramón tells him that Karla is pregnant and the baby’s father is a millionaire. We catch a glimpse of Alej inside with his mother.

Alej comes home from Gloria’s with a care package for their lunch. Natalia is gone!

Lucia and Marisa are strolling through The Only Mall in Miami, talking about the care and feeding of husbands. They catch sight of Natalia and Paula, swaying on the railing and obviously, embarrassingly high. “Necesito dinero” (I need money) says Natalia in way of greeting. When Marisa turns her down, she practically spits at her: “Me las vas a pagar, arpía”. (You’ll pay for that, you hag!) Marisa leads Lucia away, mumbling something about adolescent rebellion. Despite Marisa’s attempt to minimize what just happened, Lucia looks disturbed.

Rosa and Marina (the other maid) admit Leo, Dora and Daniel to the Casa Ferrer. Rosa’s eyes fill with tears, and Daniel asks: Why do you always cry when you see me?

Alí and Zoraida are talking about Jade. Alí feels her upbringing in the west is to blame for her sad fate. He remarks:
La gente se parece más a la tierra que a la madre y padre.
People resemble their environment more than they do their parents.
He also wants to talk more to Albieri even thought Zoraida considers him a genio malo for creating the sombra. Alí says that:
Esa sombra tiene alma.
That shadow has a soul.
It seems that Alí consulted another sheik and they concluded that Daniel’s soul entered his body through the breath of Allah.

Dora and Leo demand an explanation from Albieri. He tells them:
Daniel es un clon de Lucas.
Leo can’t believe his ears: ¿Qué estás diciendo? (What are you saying?)
For her part, Dora collapses onto the couch. ¿Un clon? she repeats weakly.
She is convinced that Albieri is insane, but Leo wants to know the details. Albieri begins his self-serving explanation of scientific progress. Leo cuts him off: No me interesa la humanidad! (I’m not interested in humanity!) he says.

Daniel has not been part of this conversation. Rosa, who is still convinced that he is a product of reincarnation, has taken him up to Diego’s room and talks to him about his death and rebirth. He tries to explain that he hasn’t died.

Downstairs, Albi again tries to justify what he did. He says that when Diego died, “Yo estaba destrozado” (I was devastated, destroyed). Leo again cuts him off saying he doesn’t care how Albieri felt. He just wants to know how he did it. So Albieri explains how he used Lucas’s cells taken from the biopsy specimen; how he removed all genetic material from Dora’s egg. And how Dora sólo prestó su vientre (Dora only lent her womb/belly) to the undertaking.

Albieri laments that he couldn’t create the environment that Diego required because Dora took Daniel/Diego away from him. But why didn’t you tell me what you had done? asks Leo. I could have had him with me all this time. I was afraid you wouldn’t understand, says Albieri. I was afraid I’d go to jail.

Back on the street outside Gloria’s, Karla tells her mother she’s afraid the pregnancy will ruin her figure. One word, says Hilda: Plastics. (Well, two actually: plastic surgery)
Amin and Samira are outside bickering.

We are in a park-like setting. Pedro is putting the Naz through her work-out but tells her the veil is getting in the way. Pablo is working with Diana. Natalia and Paula pass by, still flying. Pablo phones Alej (who has to interrupt his training session to take the call) to report the latest Natalia sighting.

And in Casa Ferrer, Leo is still asking why Albi didn’t tell him what he had done sooner. It would have changed my life, he says. It would have given me another chance to raise my son, to correct my mistakes. I was too afraid, Albi says again.

Leo has not given any thought to Dora. It’s up to Albieri to remind him:
Dora no va a verlo con buenos ojos.
Dora isn’t going to look favorably at this.
After all, says Albieri, Dora lo crió. (Dora raised him.)
Leo’s response:
Si esa mujer quiere guerra, guerra la va a tener.
If that woman wants war, war she will have.

And ‘esa mujer’ is trying to get her son out of that house while Rosa prevails upon her to let him stay for a while and look at some pictures. He belonged to this house before he was yours, she says, referring to a reincarnated Diego. And somehow Rosa convinces Dora and Daniel to stay a bit longer. Daniel wants to see the pictures.

In the final scene, Lucas arrives home where he is greeted by a stricken-looking Marina. What’s wrong? asks Lucas. You look like you’ve seen a ghost!

Credits roll.


Dinero 8-24: Successes and kisses!

  • Rafa's lecture on successful relationships continues from yesterday (turns out he was hauled in because he was confused with Lombardo Medina, the intended speaker). "Treat your wife as well as you treat your car; love is a big accident; we collide with our beloved; we have to pay a deductible; love with patience!" (Which last bit of wisdom goes well with the advice Ale's ghost mama gave her: "Learn to forgive.")

    He gets a standing ovation. Marian gets all mushy. Outside, a young couple gushes to him: you saved our marriage!

    Marian points out they have completely missed the meeting they were in a hurry to attend, but he'll get another chance to unload the trucks later.

    Meanwhile, she takes him on a tour of the city, adding kisses when possible. In Monterrey, the vaccine for vitiligo (bleaching of skin color) was invented. They eat goat. FF>>

    Some musicians who are ostentatiously idle, wandering around carrying instruments and wearing violently pink jackets, mosey up to our happy pareja. It just sort of happens that Rafa sings a song with them, it has great rhythm: "I'm the fizz." Closeup of his awful footwork. FF>>

  • Vicky defensively tells Marco, in the sexologist's waiting room, that little incidents such as her wedding foul-up "happen in the best families."

    Jimenez comes out floating on air, my goodness what's going on behind the sexologist's door, no don't tell me I don't want to know, then it's Marco's turn. It's not lost on him that Vicki's dad has a lotta lana.

  • Ale counts her share of the money, complaining that it's cash again. Beltran and Arcadia are happy she's back, that their "dynamic duo" will be reunited.

    Arcadia asks, why do you have this face for a funeral when you're just married? Arcadia will be throwing herself a big birthday bash in Cuernavaca this weekend and everybody's invited.

  • Marian has a buyer for the trucks and sics Rafael on him in the sauna. Rafa says he'd like the sauna fine if only it were less hot and humid, he prefers his shower at home.

    He endears himself to the guy next to him who just happens to be Engineer Morales, the live one, who is happy to be talked into the sale. He will visit D.F. to see the trucks and will pay - cash.

  • Marco comes home and tells Ale the sexologist can effect a cure, but in the mean time, they should sleep separately. Ale is pleased about that.

    (Marco thought-bubbles: "I won't tell her I saw Vicki there, that's the most vulgar family I've seen in my life!")

  • Rosaura and Generala are dining (and eating cheap cookies). Generala gets Rosaura to admit that, though Pepeto is vulgar, primitive, poor, and a Cro-Magnon, he's growing on her. "But I'm married!" "Yeah, but to a jerk."

  • Marian and Rafa are at dinner celebrating his sales and there is about to be a kiss planted on her ultra-puffy lips when - Daniel the sotted snob appears, sits down, drinks their champagne, makes fun of Rafa's occupation and his modest success ("if you were talking millions of dollars - or euros - that would be more in Marian's league!"), and apropos of nothing boasts about his time in Shanghai with educated people. FF>>

  • In the morning Rafa's mom and Julieta greet him happily. He asks about Jaime. "He asked forgivenness but I told him I hate him and socked him. He doesn't deserve pardon."

  • The Siglo salesforce eagerly awaits morning meeting - what kind of gossip will they reap?

  • Finally, Rafa enters Ale's office, there are big smiles, and - hugs! and kisses! and "I love you with all my soul," "Me too!" Mmmm! wasn't expecting that! What a nice ending to a nice episode.


8/24/10 Schools open and so does Club Gancho

Here in Texas the schools open this week . Each school year has two wonderful days from a students point of view. I think that each student looks forward with great anticipation to the first day of school. Renewing friendships that were put on hold for the summer, seeing who the teachers for that year will be, and for many it will be the only day that they are not behind in their school work. I t also is the beginning for many of the yearning for that other greatly anticipated day... the last day of school. Thus it has always been.

The weather here is HOT. Here are two pictures reflecting our summer ambience:Bonnie Belle and Jack enjoying a cool breeze

Bonnie Belle and BFF Cheyenne jockeying for position in front of fan

Sylvia is home from sailing the bounding main. We celebrate her return to us by featuring a drink that she introduced me to some time ago, The Dark and Stormy, a cool and cooling marriage of rum and ginger beer. Sylvia , we do expect you to regale us with stories of your adventures on the high seas. We were able to follow your progress using the satellite tracking map provided by the Pacific Cup website.

I'm sure other Ganchodores have stories to tell and topics to discuss.



Corazon Salvaje Ep. 130, 8/23/2010 It's a Question of Honor

Review of conversation between Regina and Renato, then Regina saying you are like your mother and my father, egotistical, will do anything to get what you want. The things I used to love about you are gone, there is nothing tying us together anymore, we are different now. Give it up already Renato!

Juan is talking to Remigio who says they were right, Lulu is gone, he tried to get her to stay but it's too late. He starts to tell Juan not to make the same mistake, but Juan is still on fire angry and won't listen. Then he tells Remi he saw Arcadio. He tried to catch him to confront him but he got away. He says Arca is going to pay for what he did to his mother.

Mariela asks Lulu if she is really sure about leaving. Lulu says she is, she has to go, but she wants permission to say goodbye to a friend. Mari says of course.

Don Alberto is at the notario office confronting Noel about his love poem to Mariela. He says Noel is a married man and he doesn't want Mariela to suffer anymore. He demands that Noel leave her alone. Noel says excuse my behavior, you have every right to be saying this, I would do the same as a father and I promise I will leave Mariela alone. After Don Alberto leaves, Noel says to himself that once again he won't be loved, he is destined to seek but not find love.

Lulu is saying goodbye to Felipe. He is heartbroken and sobbing, he will miss her so much. First Madame Marlene left, then Brigitte was killed, now Lulu is leaving, Mon Dieu, c'est trop! Lulu tells him he has a good job with Noel who is a good man. Then Felipe opens the folder he has with said notario's documents which start flying all over in comic relief. Lulu helps him recover them.

Mariela and Jim/Angela are strolling along by the water. They see Noel coming towards them and Mari asks Jim/Ange if she looks okay. Noel says good day, it's a beautiful afternoon. He is awkward and leaves quickly telling them it was good to see them. They look at each other puzzled as he hurries away.

Fulgencio is taking his constitution and a number of fellow dons come up and tell him how sorry they are for him. He says to himself they all have compassion for me and see me as the victim, there is no way they will suspect me. He ambivalently pats himself on the back for being so clever.

Regina is at the notario's office showing him the false annulment and telling Noel how Renato must have done this. Noel is shocked, no puede ser! He couldn't have done this without your permission, you would have had to sign with the priest and I think he said something about a lawyer. Regi says she never signed anything. Noel says he will find out if it is forged and compare it to some other documents.

Juan is still being enraged and jealous and telling Gabe what happened, that their marriage is no more. Gabe finds it hard to believe Regina would have had anything to do with that. He tries to talk some sense into Juan who won't listen. He says if Regi would be happier with Renato then he'll let her go. Gabe says maybe you can be happy with someone else, too, Juan says no way! I had fun with Aimee, but I love Regina with all my soul. Gabe tells him he is obsessed and that he shouldn't do something unjust because of jealousy.

Back to Noel and Regi. He shows her that the writing doesn't match, for sure it was Aimee. Regi is distressed and dismayed, of course, Aimee, she says, their writing is similar. Regi clutches her stomach and looks faint. Noel asks her if she is okay, if she is ill. She tells him no, not to worry, she is expecting Juan's child. Noel is very happy for her.

Regi is with Renato furious at him for what he did. She says she knows it was Aimee who forged her signature. Renato says I know she did because I made her do it. He tells her he did it only with the intent of love, of getting her back. Regi is at her wit's end with this man. We flash back to Juan and Gabe and Colibri is telling Juan he saw Regina go into the notario's and then to Renato. Juan turns to Gabe and says "See, what did I tell you!" Did Juan tell Colibri to spy on Regi? Juan comes bursting into Renato's study and he and Renato yell at each other, threatening, and agree to a duel to the death at pinon del diablo. Through this Regi is trying to get them to stop. Juan whisks Regina away. After they are gone Renato once again echoes the last samurai and ceremoniously opens his sword case and starts polishing his swords.

Juan and Regi are in the carriage with Juan still looking sullen and angry. Regi looks sick and like she is going to faint, clutching her stomach. Suddenly Juan realizes maybe he should be concerned and asks her what is wrong. She says she hadn't told him but she is expecting his child. Juan smiles that big smile and both look really happy. Regi begs him not to fight Renato but Juan says do you want me to look like a coward, this doesn't go far as Regi passes out. Juan shouts at the driver to take them to the doc's.

Capt. Breton aka the new Aguacil is talking to the soldiers about how the MdO's appear to be upright and honest but they are really evil lying monsters. He says Rod and Leo are starting to accuse each other and that they need to keep the pressure on both of them until one of them cracks.

Rod is in his bedroom thinking about how he knows Leo is going to betray him. The maid knocks and he asks her to put away his clean clothes. As she is putting them in a drawer a pink lady's glove falls onto the floor (I'm presuming Brigitte's). She puts it back with the clothes in the drawer.

Rod goes to the dungeon at the finca to see Arcadio. He says he knows they haven't been the best of buddies but it would behoove them to be allies now. Arcadio agrees. He says he trusts Rodrigo, that he is a man of his word. Rod asks him to keep up the pretense with Leo that he is going to do what she wants. Arcadio will follow Rod's orders. Rod says hey, why did you follow her orders all those years anyway? Arcadio pauses and then says it - because we were lovers. She couldn't find a man to please her, so I was there. Rod is disgusted, he says he never loved Leonarda, just used her, she is a vile woman who doesn't deserve anyone's love. Arca looks a little doubtful at this.

We see Leo sneaking up to the finca saying to herself she knows Rod is going to betray her and she needs to see Arcadio. Leo comes calling into the dungeon and Arca tells Rod to hide. He finally answers Leo who asks him why he took so long. Arcadio tells her they have to lay low, no one should see him because someone would try to kill him. She agrees and talks about that infeliz Rodrigo and the surprise she has for him. Rodrigo listening to this says she is the one who will be surprised, she will cry tears of blood.

Back at the Doc's office Juan brings in the unconscious Regina. Doc Miranda says, you didn't know she was pregnant? I know she was happy about it, I thought she would have told you. Juan is like, no I'm an idiot, I wouldn't listen. She tried to tell me, Clemencia tried to tell me and I wouldn't listen!

Back at the finca, Arcadio is hanging out in the big house and opening a bottle. Uh oh. He toasts to himself in the mirror for being such a genius. He always dreamed he would be master of the finca and master of Leonarda. His sarcasm is stunning. He play-acts being the master of the house, graciously ushering in guests, then says to himself if he can't have that, he will sure as sh**t cause trouble for those two idiots Rod and Leo. (As bad as he is, I love Arcadio's sense of humor).

We see Juan by Regina's bedside through the night, caring for her, not sleeping. I'm wondering how he's going to have the energy to fight. Dawn breaks. He tells Regi if she can hear him to wait for him, to be strong for him and their child. He kisses her hand, then kisses her lips, but unlike sleeping beauty she doesn't wake up. The Doc comes back and Juan tells him he has to go, he has an appointment with destiny. That if everything goes well he will be back, but if not, to please tell Regina he begs her forgiveness, he has been stupid, he loves her and she is the most important thing in his life. He wants her to remember him with happiness. Doc wants to know where he is going. Juan says you'll know soon, don't forget.

We have dramatic clouds, sun, waves, and Juan is at Pinon del Diablo. He is at his mother's grave asking for forgiveness that he is going to fight Renato. He tells her it is not a question of vengeance, but of honor, that Regina is carrying his child. He asks for her blessing wherever she may be.

Renato is riding up on a white horse yelling, Juan del Diablo, are you ready to die?! Juan makes the sign of the cross and approaches Renato on horseback as well. Juan says "At last we're alone, at last we are alone and no one can interfere. The hour has come." They draw swords, swipe at each other then ride off and turn around, sword jousting for awhile. Renato sways in the saddle almost falling and Juan pushes him the rest of the way.

Colibri is with the Doc and Doc wants him to find out where Juan has gone. Just then Regina is raving in her sleep saying Juan and Renato are fighting at Pinon del Diable. Doc tells Coli to run to the fishermen and get them to go stop Juan. As Colibri leaves, Capt. Breton appears wanting to talk about the case against the Montes de Locas. He tells Doc that he suspects Rod and Leo did arrange the accident that killed his uncle but he doesn't have any proof. He wants to know if there were any employees at the finca who might remember anything. Doc says Rosendas's Dad was there, but with him being dead I'm not sure if he's thinking Rosenda will remember something, or Madame?

The Pescadores and Remigio are going to go to Pinon and stop Juan and Renato. Then we're back to the sword fight. Renato says this is a fight to the death, if you have anything to repent you'd better do it now. Juan says no, Ren says me neither. They proceed whacking at each other with double swords now. Ren is down but Juan doesn't kill him - he says you had my marriage annulled didn't you?!! More fighting and Juan is down, he says he will go back alive because Regina is carrying his child. Ren is enraged by this and is about to skewer Juan but he rolls out of the way.

Colibri is at Noel's telling him and Clemencia what has happened. Clem is going to Regi and Noel is going to get another boat and help stop Juan and Ren.

The fight continues with fists now, knocking each other down, wrestling. We see both boats speeding towards the pinon (as much as they can), the fishermen are yelling at Juan, Noel is shouting at Renato. All see that it is a fight to the death and are horrified, continue yelling to try to stop them. In their wrestling Ren has ended up over the cliff holding onto Juan's arm. Juan tries to save him, to pull him up, but Ren doesn't want to be saved and lets go. Juan jumps off after him. The pescadores, Noel and Colibri see this and are aghast, shouting, crying, rapido, they have to save them! End.



Llena de Amor #11 Mon 8/23/10 Somebody hide the cutlery

Friday’s leftovers, cold from the fridge: Lorenza and Muñeca have come to dine at Emiliano and Fedra’s. Marianela’s not expected, so of course for Fedra and Kristel, it’s open season on Marianela, and they fire away with merry insults. Emanuel comes in and calls them hypocrites. They don’t seem at all hypocritical to me… they sure are candid with their insults. Anyway, Muñeca seems horrified by their comments.


Oh, this is what Emanuel means when he says they’re hypocrites: He accuses Kristel of having set up this so-called welcome dinner so that they could talk about Marianela like she was a circus freak. He tells them she’s where she belongs, at her Tia Netty’s.

Bernardo has hold of Delicia in his room, scaring her. Her cap is awry and somebody is knocking, telling her to get down and start serving dinner. She swears she’ll never come into Bernardo’s room again. He turns her loose and slaps her and menaces her some more. She runs out.

Emiliano tells Emanuel that Marianela shouldn’t have been taken from the house without his permission. Emanuel points out that Netty is her tia, and for sure nobody there is going to throw fake welcome parties just to humiliate her. Kristel fake cries that she just wanted to help her get over her traumas, to which Emanuel says like the trauma of getting her drunk in the club to make a fool of her? Kristel simpers.

Emiliano tells him to go fetch her home. Emanuel refuses, saying he took her downtown today and doesn’t want to even talk about what happened to her there. He tells his father it’s the first time in his life that he’s refusing to obey, and he’s sorry, but that’s the way it is.

Marianela is telling Netty she feels out of place – she had wanted to return to her home, but with her mother. Netty wants to know if they’re mistreating her, and Marianela says that she just dropped into their household, and they’re not used to her. She feels bad about it. Netty tells her she’s the dueña of that house, and dueñas don’t go around feeling sorry, they insist on what’s theirs.

Marianela doesn’t think she has the nerve. Netty shows her a picture of her mother Eva and tells her to get brave and fulfill her last wishes. Marianela says she feels so alone, but Netty says she’ll go into battle at her side. Then she tells her she’ll show her what they do in her house to chase away loneliness, and gives her a big hug.

Emiliano has gone to give his son a talking to. He says that’s no way to resolve family problems.
Emanuel: Well, you’ve seen what’s going on, and you haven’t done anything.
Emiliano: You think I can actually change Fedra and Kristel’s personalities?
Emanuel: That’d be too much to expect, but I’m sure as hell not going to stand by and do nothing, and just watch them destroy my cousin.
Emiliano: Nobody’s going to destroy anybody here. What really hurts is that you, my greatest pride and joy, would deal me such a blow.
Emanuel: It hurts me too, but it hurts me to know that I come from this kind of family.

Meantime, Fedra is downstairs in the living room pouring her poison in Muñeca and Lorenzo’s ears. She tells them they haven’t had a moment’s peace since Marianela showed up, and look at that – her own son has turned against her. Muñeca says that he mentioned something about treating her badly….?

Muñeca is our little canary in the mine, and we know what usually happens to those canaries, so it’s worrisome. Back to our story..

Muñeca decides she’ll go see her padrino, and she leaves, inadvertently casting an unguarded look of worried disapproval. After she’s gone, Fedra skitches over closer to Lorenzo and seductively tells him she doesn’t know how he puts up with Muñeca. Me either, he says and they leer at each other.

Letty hauls Marianela into the living room where the music is blasting, the hanging plants are gushing, and some of our group of residents are dancing. See? she tells Marianela, in this house there’s no room for sadness and certainly not for loneliness. Oliver grabs Netty and starts dancing with her, and Brandon overcomes Marianela’s protests and gets her out and dancing.

Emiliano is giving it another try. He goes into Emanuel’s room to reason with him and says Marianela can’t stay at Netty’s – it’s not a good environment. Emanuel snorts And this zoo is? Emiliano points out that it’s her house, to which Emanuel counters that it shouldn’t be her prison. She should be the one to decide.

His father wants to know how Emanuel knows she likes it better at Netty’s – did she say so? Nope, but her eyes sparkled at the prospect of more time there, and Netty received her with open arms. Marianela needs to decide, and we need to respect her decision.

At Netty’s, the fast dance number is over and a slow one starts up. She feels shy, but Brandon talks her into dancing this one with him too. He rocks her back and forth, prom-dance style and she closes her eyes dreamily. Pretty soon it’s Emanuel she dreams she’s dancing with. Ay, Emanuel! she sighs and Brandon steps back, startled. She denies she said anything, but Brandon kindly asks her if she likes that guy. She fiddles with her glasses nervously.

Muñeca’s padrino is the old general, and he’s upset to hear that Marianela is at Netty’s. Why, she’s an actress! She must lead a scandalous life. He likes Netty actually, but the world of theater – whooheee. Who knows what kind of riff raff she must be living with! Muñeca defends her, but he tells her to go snatch Marianela right now from that den of iniquity.

Kristel and Mauricio are necking in a lounger out by the pool. Kristel has on skin-tight leather pants which for sure will protect her against the night mosquitoes and maybe against Mauricio. Emiliano hollers for her, and Mauricio dives for the bushes.

Emiliano is furious about the drunk pumpkin revelation. He tells her that if she bugs Marianela again, there will be consequences. Kirstel pokes her lower lip out.

Marianela protests that she didn’t say anything about Emanuel, but Brandon sees through her. He’s has a policeman’s nose for sniffing things out, he tells her, and he can tell she’s in love. She looks stunned.

Ilitia is draped on Emanuel’s bed when he comes in and is startled, but not unhappy. She sulks that he hasn’t spent much time with her, and that she needs lot of hugs and kisses. He says in a bit, he has to get dressed. She tells him here she’s going through the worst time of her life and he’s not there for her. He’s laughs about the worst time of her life. She says you don’t know what happened – you’re always taken up with the gordita.

Brandon is telling Marianela he can just tell – he sees it in her eyes. Marianela is having a little asthma attack and denying it all. He’s my cousin! My friend! He has a girlfriend! He’s in love with her! And look at me! I’m fat.

Brandon starts to be alarmed by her asthma attack.

Muñeca rejoins the dinner group, who are still having cocktails. She wants to go find Ilitia, but Emiliano tells her she’s gone up to readjust Emanuel’s mood. She says the general is a little agitated, and it’s her fault, since she told him Marianela is at Netty’s.

Fedra looks at the two of them talking and says to Lorenzo that they were made for each other. Lorenzo brings up that they were once engaged. Fedra takes a sip of her champagne and wonders if he’s going to get all jealous. He tells her he knows very well how to keep his emotions in hand. He asks how long since she’s seen her fashion designer (modisto). She gives a throaty chuckle and makes eyes at him. She says maybe he’ll make her a dress – form fitting?

Now everybody at Netty’s is scared by Marianela’s asthma. She says she needs to go home. Did she forget her inhaler? She faints.

Ilitia is giving Emanuel a disjointed account of what happened at the airport. She was taken hostage! Well, maybe not her, but this policeman trapped her in there and somebody took photos and now it’s in all the magazines and all over the internet. Emanuel can’t figure out why a policeman would do that or why it cost her her modeling contract. She tells him they’re saying she was raped in a men’s room.

Fedra is griping about the stupid dinner for Marianela. Emiliano is annoyed and asks her if Marianela even knew about it. Fedra says she didn’t need to ask her – she lives here, doesn’t she?

Muñeca asks Fedra if she’s having a problem with Emiliano – they look upset. Fedra waves it off as just being a little something about Marianela’s dinner. Muñeca observes that it’s hard to keep a man happy. Fedra happily pounces on that and asks if she’s having a problem with Lorenzo. Muñeca says she can tell her - she feels like he doesn’t love her any more. Fedra simpers in fake sympathy.

Emanuel suddenly gets it that the policeman at the club is the same one from the airport men’s room. Why didn’t you tell me? I would have pounded him flat! He shouldn’t be working as a policeman! Oooooo, says Ilitia, you’re hot when you get all wound up like that. She goes over and starts kissing on him, and he resists, but it’s futile. They end up on the bed.

But Emanuel bounces up and says not right now. Ilitia kisses him some more, but he’s not in the mood. Not right now, he says again. She’s crushed and says he doesn’t kiss her like before, doesn’t he love her any more? He says of course I do, I just don’t feel good right now.

She sulks that her career just evaporated and now her boyfriend doesn’t love her any more. He tells her to act more grown up. She says that ever since that cousin of his showed up, he just interested in her. Is he in love with la gorda?

Outside Netty’s, Brandon is trying to hold up unconscious Marianela while Oliver goes for the car. Everyone is anxiously fanning her. They tell the little boy to go help Brandon hold her up, and Oliver drives up and jumps out. He tries to help too, but over she goes on top of Brandon.

They’ve gotten Marianela vertical, but she tips forward and Oliver is crushed between her dead weight and the car. Oliver thinks she isn’t breathing. Netty panics and falls to her knees, calling on the saints.

Now, here are two guys who dress up like Darth Vader and eliminate whole gangs of baddies, but they are immobilized by one roly poly girl? Well anyway, here comes a doctor, black bag and nerdy glasses and all, to the rescue.

Emanuel thinks the idea of his being in love with Marianela is a hoot. Ilitia confesses she was a little jealous. He laughs some more and she relaxes and says it would be stupid of him to fall in love with somebody such a big ball of fat. She carries on in that vein a little and, with a look of distaste, he tells her to dial it down. Don’t you realize she’s one big ball of love? Ilitia frowns. She’s my cousin! he laughs.

He smilingly tells her to get herself to some other part of the house. Suddenly she’s furious and she stomps out, saying she’ll never forgive him for this.

Kristel and Marucio are getting it on hot and heavy on a lounger out in the garden. She makes him swear he’ll never run off with anybody else. He swears, and wants to go up to her room, but she’s afraid of him being caught there again, and says they’re better off where they are. Behind a tree, we see Benigno the groundsman. Marucio spots him and tries to pull her away. Oh, it’s you two, says Benigno, who’s holding a bucket. I thought it was a couple of dogs and I was going to throw this on them.

Emanuel has dressed and is coming down to join everyone, just as Ilitia is fleeing crying into her daddy’s arms. Her daddy wants to know what he did to her. She tells everyone – he threw me out of his room! I just wanted to be with him and tell him all the horrible things that have happened to me, and he threw me out.

Fedra reproaches him – first that scene a few minutes ago and now this. What’s up with him? What’s up with me? he says. Okay. Lorenzo, your daughter is spoiled. She’s used to getting her way on every little thing. If she doesn’t shape up and grow up, it’s over.

Back to Kristel and Mauricio, who wants to know what Benigno is doing there. Benigno said he wanted to take some fresh air, and it looks like they did too because they look hot. They say it’s not what it looks like. He tells them just not to trample his plants. Oh, and look out for Fedra.

Fedra tries to calm Emanuel, who is already very calm. Ilitia claims that he has somebody else, which Emanuel of course denies. Muñeca tells her daughter to believe her novio. Ilitia stamps her foot and says Muñeca’s taking his side. Her daddy defends her though, and Emanuel tells everyone look, I’ve had a very bad day, that’s all.

Fedra hisses at him that he’s engaged to her and he’s going to keep his promise. Emiliano asks them all to calm down. Let’s just go have dinner. Suddenly Fedra realizes Kristel and Maricio aren’t there.

Outside, Kristel thinks Mauricio was silly to be worried about the gardener. Still, maybe he’d tell. They’re both worried somebody will catch them, but Mauricio wants to start necking again.

Marianela is out cold, probably sleeping, on a bed at Letty’s. Letty fidgets that she totally forgot about Marianela’s asthma. The doctor tells her that he’s given Marianela something to open up her airways, and something to sleep, so she’ll be fine. Poor thing! Says Letty. Nearsighted, orphaned, fat, and on top of all that, asthmatic. What’s next? A rabid dog biting her?

The doctor tells her when Mama Dolores came for him, he was scared something had happened to Netty but she says naw, she tougher than hate. He notices the sling and she raves about Marianela doing that. She takes her arm out and I’m surprised to see she has a cast. Did Marianela set her arm? Holy cow. Anyway, she tells the doctor she’d like to have the darned thing off, and without asking how long it’d been on there, he says it looks like it can come off. Looks like he’s going to do it on the spot. He tells her she’s fine, the only thing that needs healing is her heart.

Finally everyone is seated at the dinner table. Everyone, that is except Kristel. The maid says they’ve looked everywhere. Emiliano rises, about to go look for her, when here she comes, her hair in disarray, saying she had just gone up to her room to fix her hair. She pets it and realizes it’s sticking up. Everyone looks at her doubtfully.

And where is Maurcio? She fakes that she left him there with them, so where could he be? He comes sauntering in, apologizing. Muñeca tries to resuscitate the evening by proposing a toast to friendship. Lorenzo agrees, saying he’s sure Emanuel and Ilitia will sort out their problems very shortly. Ilitia smiles and leans on Emanuel, and everyone toasts. Gretel says she wants to toast to someone special too. Fedra is taken aback.

Doris is telling Brandon off for telling Marianela not to fall in love with her cousin. (Did that scene end up on the cutting room floor?) He says he doesn’t want to see her get her heart broken; a guy like that would never fall for her. Doris disagrees saying that Emanuel is a great guy. Oliver agrees and says anyway Marianela should find a fat guy. That makes Doris furious – why can’t Marianela take up with any guy, why does it have to be a fat guy? She calls them a couple of animals and stomps off.

Fedra doesn’t want Gretel to toast, but Emiliano says let her. Gretel toasts the lady of the house, Fedra, the most dignified and honest woman she knows. Fedra stares at her, and everyone looks a little uncomfortable.

Benigno is with the general, defending Marianela being with Senorita Letty. Senora, corrects the general. You can’t be an actress and be a senora. Beningo says he thought they’d joined forces. Yes, says the general, the enemy of his enemy is his friend.

Beningo tells him about Kristel and Maricio in the garden, trampling his gladiolas. The general thinks Kristel’s the same as her mother, and that her mother’s days are numbered. Beningo is doubtful –Fedra is gaining more power in the house, not losing it, and he thinks Marianela is too nice to take on Fedra. The general stands and declares that she’s a Ruiz ye de Teresa, and has the stuff it takes.

The dinner party is over, and Emiliano tells Emanuel he’s glad it’s over. He’s never been at such a downer of an evening. Emanuel is sorry to hear it. Emiliano says that Ilitia’s right – Emanuel seems to have changed. Axel walks in and says his brother the one who was doing the right thing. Nobody asked your opinion, says Emiliano. Emanuel puts his hand on his brother’s shoulder and says he should be listened to, he’s not a child anymore.

All I know, says Emiliano, is that I don’t want a repeat of this evening. Emiliano protests that all he did was defend Marianela. His father tells him to go get Marianela tomorrow, and no arguments, got it?

Netty is calling to lawyer to see if she can find out about Marianela’s inheritance and her rights. She makes an appointment. Meantime, Doris is making up Consuelo, who holds up a mirror, impressed. She’s been made up as an old lady. Doris dreams of doing makeup for TV. Her mother sure would prefer that to her making up dead folks.

Marianela is up, feeling good it looks like. She apologizes for the trouble and Netty waves that off.

Emanuel is about to set off on his motorcycle when Benigno runs up, and is glad to hear Marianel’s coming, the general will be happy. Emanuel says if it were left to him, he’d let Marianela stay with Letty.

Marianela says she needs to get on home, she’s worried Emiliano will be upset with her for leaving without permission. Brandon offers to drive her home. On the way, he asks her why she wants to go live there with such awful people. She says it’s her home. Brandon says he knows she feels something for her cousin, and she’s going to get hurt. He just can’t keep his mouth shut about it when that’s what he feels.

He also can’t keep his eyes on the road, and doesn’t see Emanuel on his motorcycle and CRASH.

Avances: Netty sees the lawyer. Fedra says something about a fortune to Bernardo and Emiliano overhears and wants to know what she’s talking about. Emanuel is out cold on the pavement.


Monday, August 23, 2010

Dinero Mon. Aug. 23, '10 "When The Moon Is In The Seventh House And Jupiter Aligns With Mars...

Then Peace Will Rule The Planets, And Luuuuuuve Will Steer The Stars...."

But until that day comes, while Alejandra's planets are still out of whack, we have our typical tumult and confusion tonight in Dinero. Vicky, Marco and Jimenez are all simmering in the sexologist's waiting room from Hell, while Rafa gets dragged into the wrong Monterrey conference room to give a stuttering speech on how taking care of your woman is like taking care of your car. Keep the wheels balanced and the spark plugs firing and Love will last. Meanwhile the gossip-mongers at Auto Siglo keep on scheming and muttering and selling nary a vehicle. Just another day down at the shop.

We start the evening though with a visit from the beyond. And not a headless horseman either. Ale's mom appears, complete with heavy green eyeshadow, to give the classic telenovela sermonette on Happiness. Ale is staring at the portrait, weeping and confessing how much she misses her mother. And lo, mother appears. Gently hugging her weeping child, Mamita chides her for failing to realize that she's already got everything she needs to be happy. She's a beautiful, intelligent, professional woman with a career, a loving aunt and father. But Life isn't a whim (capricho). There are problems. One must learn to be generous, humble, forgiving....and willing to find a solution to those inevitable problems. Still, Ale has people all around her who would give anything to make her happy.

Ale: Who? Marco?
Mom: I don't know. Search your heart.

Dang. Don't you hate it when those folks from the beyond make such cryptic statements!?

No matter. Mamita continues I'll always be by your side. Anytime you need me I'll be here. But remember, your life is marvelous. Don't be overwhelmed by problems which CAN be worked out, after all. Be happy, peaceful "no pasa nada" (it's okay).

Ale cries a little more, complains that it's awfully difficult but finally concedes that Mom is right and thanks her. Enter Tia Rosario who's spent an eternity brushing her teeth and promises to "be here" for Ale as well. With that soothing bromide and a glass of milk, Ale is ready for bed. With Tia, not Marco, thank God.

Now sometimes simple phrases and gestures are deep. Or not. The blather going on at Auto Siglo definitely isn't. They're gossiping about Jimenez' early appointment with the sex therapist, the dim future for Rosaura's marriage, the speculation that Pepeto is "ganando terreno" (gaining ground) with the latter and...well, you don't really want me to go on, do you?

Let's drop by the therapist's office and see what's cooking there. Jimenez is staring nervously at Vicky, disheveled in a bridal veil and jeans, flanked by Papa and eyeballed by an equally nervous Marco. What fluke (chiripa) of ill luck brought all of them to this one place at the same time, Jimenez wonders. He manages to make things worse by bringing up the wedding disaster with Rafa. And the therapist is running late. Yikes, this is like some French existentialist play. Our perpetually high-pitched Vicky asks everyone else to lower their tone of voice and we stare goggle-eyed as the first round of ads begin.

Vicky's been thinking while the ads were running and now she recognizes Marco as that arrogant imbecilic clown who tried to take Rafa's house. I'm hoping she'll bite him but her only aggression is to get him in a death-grip when they shake hands. C'mon, Vicky, you can do better than that!

Mientras tanto, good things are happening at the office. In Beltran's opinion anyway. He gets a sackful of money from Medina's truck sale and promises of more. Rafa's asking permission to go to Monterrey with Marian to a tractor trailer truck convention. A great opportunity to flog some more used trucks. All expenses paid by Ms. Celeste of course. Well permission granted! Go sell, sell, my boy, and let her pay the bills, chortles Beltran.

So off he goes. But first he gives Susana a portion of the rest of the money to pass on to Ale. With promises of more when he has it. Susanita raises an eyebrow when she learns he's off on a trip with Marian but says nothing. Rafa and Ale narrowly miss crossing paths when he leaves, but she's off to the side with Trapito, who's nattering on about spare parts. So let's just move on with our story....

Rafa and Marian hop a private plane (he's muttering Padre Nuestro's at warp speed) and arrive in Monterrey where she's greeted by a bevy of reporters asking her how she's going to help solve the dire economic situation the country is facing. Marian briefly discusses the situation with the industry in the north, and how she's just a small part of it, but with development and "la pujanza" (vigor, strength) of these industries, things will get better. (or words to that know how I am with businessspeak). Meanwhile, Rafa, who in many ways is still like a wayward toddler, wanders off without her and gets himself dragged into the wrong conference. Not only that--he's the featured speaker! And his topic? The Couple in Today's World. Fasten your seat belts folks, while we settle in for another round of ads.

Well, gosh, it wouldn't be Dinero without a politically incorrect gay sighting, would it? Marian frantically ask an Elton John lookalike if he'd seen a trim, nice-looking guy in a blue suit. If I had, I'd keep him, quips our beau. Okay. Done with that.

Rafa is now in front of a bemused crowd and starting to babble about couple hood. It's not easy, he begins. Applause . Meanwhile the camera zeroes in on a worried looking woman and a dyspeptic guy. Clearly these folks need Medina's magical advice. So he soldiers on. When you're living under the same roof, he continues, well, you really have to have patience. Lots of it. And you have to say what you feel. Even if it sticks in your throat, don't choke it back. And if things are really bad, well, clearly you need to see a specialist. Just like you'd go to a mechanic if you were having car troubles. Ah, Medina, now you're talkin'. We ponder these deep truths while another slew of ads comes on.

When we come back, we're in the Auto Siglo meeting room and our lovely Susana is getting insulted by Marino. He calls her an "escualida y horrible aguafiestas" (skinny horrible party pooper). She maintains her composure and dignity, informs them the sales meeting is canceled and sends them back to their posts.

Whilst back at the Monterrey conference room, Marian has slipped in and is listening, entranced, to Rafa's discourse on Try A Little Tenderness. Yes, indeed, if you care for your woman like you care for your car, she'll respond with "su ternura, su cariño, su todo". Whew. And just like that it worked. Not only is Marian smitten (well she was already) but our dyspeptic fella is smiling and holding his lady's hand, all lovey-dovey again. Man, that Rafa's good.

Applause applause. Lecture ended. Hopefully everybody's off to get their wheels balanced and their ashes hauled.

And presto! we find ourselves back in the sex therapist's waiting room where Vicky is eyeing Marco like her next meal. While he's explaining that he remembers her because of her "timbre de voz especial, inolvidable", and único". Couldn't have said it better myself.

Jimenez trots out, evidently having had a jiffy lube type consult. In and out pronto. Marco goes in while Vicky does some more heavy thinking. Yep, he's that arrogant, hateful (odioso) creep who tried to take Rafa's house, she muses....but I can use him. And on that dire note, we end.

A repeat of Vicky's thought bubble about using Marco.
Plans for a big whoopin' party (pachangón) at Auto Siglo.
And Rafa and Marian appear to get cosy during their stay in Monterrey

se nubla su recuerdo = my memory of you is getting hazy (Ale talking to her mom)
no pasa nada = it's okay, it's alright
chiripada, chiripa = fluke , sheer luck
mitote = trouble
accordéon= cheat sheet (Marino was waving this around while waiting for the sales meeting to start)
cabizbajo = downcast ( Ramirez describing how Ale will look...)
arrastrando la cobija = having the hots for someone, yearning for someone
un bola lambiscones = a bunch of toadies, brown-nosers (Marino insulting the rest of the sales force)
refacciones = spare parts
me llevan las hilachas = I'm losing it (Rafa when he thinks he hears Ale's voice but can't see her)
usted se me hace conocido = you look familiar, don't I know you?
campesino de tres pesos = two bit lout, peasant (Marco's thought bubble about Vicky's dad)
sangrona = annoying person (Vicky's thought bubble about Marco)
muy apurada = in a big hurry (Marian trying to fend off the reporters)
bien regio = really regal, great (Rafa looking at the posh hotel where the conference is held)
mañoso = difficult (Rafa describing the problems a couple can face)
la pujanza = vigor, strength

Phrase of the Day:

Para eso me pinto solo That's what I'm really good at. (Could be said about Rafa who seems capable of talking his way out of any mess)


Sunday, August 22, 2010

Llena de Amor #10 Fri 8/20/10

Thanks to everyone all week for the great recaps! I want to be more involved in the commenting, etc, but I got behind on episodes right off the bat and couldn’t keep up. Then, I have been super sick all weekend. Ugh. On a positive note – I just found out today that I passed the CPA exam, something I have been working towards for YEARS. I passed all four sections on the first try, without forking over $1000+ for a review class. I just used a set of review books and lots and lots and LOTS of studying. Woo hoo!

I guess the brown powder dumped all over Marianela was hot chocolate mix or something, Emanuel demands an explanation. Marianela again gets annoyed at Emanuel, that’s once today already. OOhhh does that get tiring.

Camila comes into Ilitia’s room and complains about the loud music, she has been knocking forever! I’ll just summarize Ilitia’s actions by saying that she is being bitchy. Anyway, Camila thinks she knows where Lorenzo was last night, and who with. She starts talking about a dream she had (I think), where some lady called her Muneca, not her given name Camila, and then… Ilitia has heard enough and is leaving. She reminds Camila that they are all having dinner at the house of horrors later and flounces out, leaving Camila to cry and talk to herself.

Emanuel is upset that whenever something bad happens, he’s right there, and Marianela blames him. We’re tired of it too dude, believe me. Andres tries to cheer him up but it doesn’t work. News comes back that Marianela is super upset and won’t stop crying.

Marianela is taking a shower and crying.

I guess Brandon is also on the SWAT team, a man of many talents. The entire team is ready to go on some job but they are waiting on him, he showed up late. His boss gives him a hard time about it. They are going to take down some gang, the boss tells Brandon to stay with the whole team concept and not try and be a glory hound hot shot. This means of course that we’ll be seeing super hero Brandon.

Netty has her friends going nuts cleaning up the house, Emanuel is bringing Marianela over for a visit! Yay. She goes on and on about how good looking Emanuel is.

The SWAT team moves in. Brandon gets ready to show off. They find a couple old guys, they shoot some other dude coming down the stairs who pulls a gun, then find another guy with a gun, and beyond that a really messy house. Another guy was hiding in the shower. When cuffed, the guys claim to be innocent of any wrongdoing. Bossman says “then why do you have so many guns?” Good question. Brandon shows up and says they searched and the house doesn’t have the stolen goods, or whatever they are looking for. He acts all tough in front of the bad guys, who are arrested and taken downtown for questioning.

Across the street, Lorenzo watches the SWAT team come out and says ‘very good, those guys keep their word’, apparently about the bad guys. He turns around to ogle the chicks in the room with him. So Lorenzo is up to more than just being a male slut.

Yawn another fight between Emanuel and Marianela. It’s not even worth going over the details. You know how it is by now. Some lady comes in and gives Mari (I’m going to shorten it, it’s too long to type it all out.) a box of the weight loss pills. Emanuel takes them and smashes it on the ground and says he has to complete a promise he made to her, they leave.

Brandon figures they moved the goods before they got there, he vows to get to the bottom of it.

Emanuel takes Mari to Netty’s house on a super cool three wheeler/motorcycle thing. Now she loves him again. It will change in minutes I’m sure.

Netty is having an acting class, Mari’s arrival interrupts it. Netty is happy. She drools on Emanuel some more. Brandon shows up, he and Emanuel bump chests. Mari says she saw him somewhere before but doesn’t remember where. Through the bottom of a glass! The students rush out. Netty demands an explanation. More chest bumping. It almost comes to blows. Netty lays into them pretty good.

Ilitia is talking to her agent, who has bad news apparently.

Netty demands an explanation, from Mari, about what happened at the party. The rest of them all continue to point fingers at each other. The pumpkin costume comes up. Netty is impactada.

The agent fires her, when asked why, she throws a magazine at her. TV y Novelas, the official Novela rag. The cover says ‘Que Escandalo!’ and shows a picture of Ilitia cowering in a toilet stall, after the airport hold up. She screams. Que horror!

Lorenzo is living the Hefner life with some chickies while telling his wife he’s hard at work. Camila wants to make some plans for that evening, he makes excuses, until the name Ruiz y de Teresa comes up, then oh yeah I’m free totally count me in! She is going to get all dolled up for him, he couldn’t care less.

Gretel and Emiliano have a discussion where they both make clear that they feel fine. Gretel tries to clue him in that something, using the famous Lorena and Alonso method of spending ten minutes explaining that they have something REALLY IMPORTANT to tell you but not ever actually telling you until…. someone walks in and interrupts before they can say it. A true novela classic method. Fedra shows up, interrupting Gretel before she can deliver her news. Fedra immediately starts talk of sending her to a new psychiatrist. Gretel storms off, Fedra thinks maybe they needs to lock Gretel up. Emiliano doesn’t like that idea.

Outside of Netty’s, Emanuel says he has another surprise, close your eyes! She does, he freaks out when he can’t find the silver flower, oh crap what is the surprise going to be? He gives her a kiss and says surprise! She likes this, of course. He gets on the bike and she just stands there looking dazed.

Emiliano says no way does Gretel go to a nuthouse. Fedra says she should, she’s nuts. They fight about it. Emilano says no way – then Kristel shows up and interrupts, to tell them to change for dinner.

Mari hangs out with Netty and meets everyone. Brandon shows up with no shirt on, Mari is scandalized and covers her eyes. They all talk about how in this house, love rules, no fights! Brandon talks to Mari and Mari continues to avert her eyes. Netty gives Mari a gift.

Kristel tells Fedra about Mari getting drunk, they laugh and laugh about it. Witches. Fedra tells her how proud she is of her. What a role model. They agree that they need to get everyone else out of the house, one way or another.

Lorenzo is enjoying a bath, Camila sneaks in for some lovin and takes off her robe, Lorenzo shies away. She isn’t having it and starts to get in.

Ilitia comes home crying and crying and yells at the maid. Lorenzo is in the bath trying to slow down Camila and is saved by the bell, er, knock, as Ilitia arrives.

Bernardo The Mask digs a hole by the pool outside to bury the silver flower. He gives a boring speech about it and finally drops it in the hole and buries it. He talks to the ‘captain’ while burying it, who is the crazy one here again? He vows to always protect Fedra, even from the captain’s own ghost.

Brandon finally put his shirt on, the gift seems like it was a music box. Netty says they’ll be happy, Eva is with them in sprit. They all want Netty to sing a song. They put in a CD of music and Netty, who claimed to have nothing prepared, proceeds to put on a choreographed show. Even with a broken arm. The lipsyncing isn’t great. They all get up and dance.

Ilitia is furious, blaming everything on Brandon. Camila defends him, but hurricane Ilitia isn’t hearing it. Camila changes her tune, says that if he is to blame, then he has to pay for it. Lorenzo agrees, violently, even yelling at Camila to shut up at one point. He says he is taking charge of everything, he will make that guy pay! Camila doesn’t look like she likes this.

Now Fedra hears about Camila’s suicide attempt (she got home in pretty quick time, no?) One of the maids comes in with their drinks and spends a little too long listening, they shoo her back out to get to work on dinner. Kristel says Lorenzo is out of the house all the time, but they are putting the blame on Camila for being frigid.

The general is trying to get Emiliano to take care of Mari’s inheritance, then something about Netty. At one point the general says “I never forget anything! Now, what were we talking about?” HA. Emiliano swears that everyone wants Mari to get what’s hers, nobody would be trying to take anything from her! Yeah right.

Bernardo comes back in with a shovel, and still wearing a shirt and tie (wtf?) and Emanuel sees him. Em knows what’s up and right away says ‘where is the flower’? He SHOULD just go see where there is some fresh dirt, since dumbass here is walking around with a shovel.

Mauricio shows up with flowers for Fedra, she doesn’t care, she wants to hear about his assault outside the house. He tries to play it off, a couple guys. She says two? I thought it was four? Oh yeah, uh four. She isn’t buying it. She says next time he gets mugged, he better have an injury to prove it.

Emanuel tells The Mask, who is trying to blame other servants for the flower being missing, that the flower is Mari’s, the final gift from her mother. The Mask is relieved, he says he will take charge of finding it and returning it to Mari.

One of the maids is snooping in someone’s office. Sorry I don’t call them by name but I don’t know which is which or what their names are. While snooping, The Mask sneaks up on her and asks what she is doing in his room?

Netty tries to get Mari fired up to take her place as the rightful heir to the house and fortune of the Ruiz y de Teresa family. Netty explains that Fedra came from somewhere else, drove Emiliano crazy, and wants all of everyone’s money.

The Mask holds the maid down and talks bad guy talk. He digs around, she thinks he is going to violate her, he just finds the paper she took. The other maid calls for her.

Mari slips that she isn’t being treated well, Netty wants details.

Lorenzo and Camila show up, Axel and Gretel can’t stand all the hypocrisy in the room. Ilitia announces that Emanuel is missing, where is her baby? Fedra tells her guests that they are here to meet the black sheep of the family, ha ha, they’ll have to open both doors to get her food in, haha. Emanuel shows up and says no, because they are all hypocrites and Mari isn’t going to be here.

Monday – more of the same. Ilitia is mad at Emanuel for defending Mari, she says she won’t permit that he loves her! There is also another ‘Mari is fat and falls on someone’ moment, while Netty screams that Mari is dead. I bet that’s some act cooked up for some reason or another.


El Clon, Fri., August 20 - Summary for Discussion

Well, live and learn. Today's lesson is that eblogger does not automatically save your post when you are editing a post the way it does when you create a new post. It's too bad. I had a very detailed recap, full of Spanish and there is no way I'm doing it all again. Short and sweet is what we are going for now.

Lucas has Cristina call Jade to tell her that he still loves her and their plan is still on. He just can't abandon his daughter right now. Jade refuses to speak to Cristina.

Once again Jade goes through all the things she risked for Lucas while he is happy with his family. Zoraida helpfully points out that while Jade has lost her house and her daughter, she could have been cursed by her whole family, too so she should be grateful that she still has Zoraida and Latifa.

Said can't stop talking about Jade to Mohamed who urges his brother to forget about her. Mohamed tells Said that Jade is going back to Morocco with Ali. Said says that he treated Jade like a queen but she never loved him.

Lucas goes to see Zein. Bottom line: Zein is not going to walk away from Jade and of course Lucas isn't either.

Said tells Mohamed that knew about Lucas from the beginning. He can't help it. When he looks at a woman, he sees Jade including when he was unfaithful to her with Marisa.

Said tells Jadiya that she can't go to Mohamed's house.

Lucas seems to be a lot more preoccupied with Jade than his daughter. Marisa tells him that Rosa brought Nati home the previous evening and she was paranoid and hallucinating. Marisa tells Lucas that she doesn't know what to do about Nati.

Nati wakes up with Rosa at her bedside. She doesn't remember anything that happened the previous evening and is nasty to Rosa when she asks about the missing stereo.

Pablo tells Alej that he can't deny the fact that Nati is a drug addict any more. A neighbor saw Nati carrying the stereo out of the apartment and someone Pablo knows has seen Nati buying drugs in the worst part of town.

Enrique's PSA tells us that drug addicts know they are doing wrong but can't stop themselves.

Fernando shows up at work and lies to Clara about where he has been.

To help Clara out, Roberto goes to see Malicia with documents for her to sign to transfer ownership of the apartment to Fernando. Malicia says that she can't sign papers that she doesn't understand but rejects Roberto's offer to explain them to her or talk to her lawyer.

Fernando promises Carolina that he will be a model employee from now on. She gives him another chance for Clara's sake.

Roberto tells Clara that Malicia has no intention of transferring ownership of the apartment.

Nati tries to get money from Leo but he sticks with the plan. Nati tries Rosa but Marisa interferes. Nati steals Marisa's phone.

Lucas lurks outside Latifa's house. Skank Hilda and sKank Karla walk by. Hilda tells Karla that a shady lawyer is making a list of Roberto's assets. Amin watches from behind the gate.

Zamira and Zumaya are with Carlos. Carlos thinks Zumaya looks very strange in her veil. Zamira asks if Carlos could fall in love with someone who wore a veil. Carlos isn't sure but he doesn't think so. He just likes Zamira. Carlos makes himself scarce when Zamira tells him that the approaching Amin is Zumaya's big bad brother.

Luisa smothers Albieri with solicitousness. Albieri is going to Leo's to tell him the truth about Daniel.

Lucas accosts Jade and Latifa outside their house. He says that if she would listen to him, she would understand everything. Of course, she won't listen. When Lucas says that his daughter is ill, she starts to listen but Latifa drags her away. In the cab, Jade says that Lucas probably made up the story about his daughter just like he lied to her before.

Dora comes to see Leo to demand that he tell Cristina that he never had any relationship with her. Leo tells her that he just wants to see Daniel and Dora agrees to take him to her house. Then she can come with him to confront Albieri.

When Leo has no time to speak to Enrique on his way out of the office with Dora, Enrique does his extremely boring self pity shtick.

Jade isn't enjoying shopping with Latifa. She tells Latifa that she doesn't want to return to Morocco. She wants to start her life all over again alone in the US. Apparently, it is forbidden by Islam for a woman to live independently. Latifa tells her that she will be cursed. Latifa seems to think that Mohamed would be happy to have Jade move in with them.

Marisa can't find her phone.

Of course, Mohamed does not want Jade at his house. He says that Said is his brother and wouldn't like that. He tells Latifa in private that he doesn't want her going out alone with Jade.

Jade tells Zamira that she is sad. Even though the house is full of people, she feels alone. She is different from everyone else. Zamira replies that she feels the same way. Jade warns Zamira against falling in love with a Westerner and fighting against her own luck.

Cristina calls Zein a Judas for firing her while she was at his wedding. Zein replies that she took the job to amuse herself and forget her problems. Neither she nor he wants to have to stay at the club all day. Cristina acknowledges the truth of this but she can't understand how things got messed up when she was away. Malicia is listening. Cristina says that Zein hurt her by not having the decency to tell her in person. Zein apologizes and offers the excuse that he has been depressed. Jade divorced him and he doesn't know what to do when he is with her. Being in love has destroyed all his abilities with women.

Roberto tells the Chump about his meeting with Malicia. The Chump calls Malicia and she says that since he doesn't trust her, she isn't going to sign anything. The Chump tells Roberto that he doesn't understand why Malicia has changed so much. "Probably because now she has an apartment in her name in Coral Gables," replies Roberto.

Leo comes to Dora's house. Daniel comes in. "It's him, it's my son," says Leo and embraces a confused Daniel.

The credits roll. (No El Clon tonight)


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