Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Llena de Amor #31 Mon 9/20/10 Shortage of ammo in Mexico! Who knew?

Friday: Lorena has announced to the family, in a nutshell, that any man who doesn’t want to sleep with her hot mama self is gay. Emiliano must agree, because he slaps Axel and calls him a perv. Mauricio is in campus rapist mode, even though Marianela tells him she has a novio. He pulls a knife on her.


Her school chum Carolina and three gratifyingly fit guys spot what’s going on and rescue her, and the guys knock Mauricio down and kick the hell out of him.

One of the family reminds Emiliano that Axel is his son, to which Emiliano replies that he doesn’t have weirdos for sons. Fedra asks how Axel could do that to them – what are they going to tell their friends? Never mind that their only friends are Lorenzo and Muñeca who heaven knows have their own problems, like a daughter in jail. Kristel is sure they’re going to be social outcasts. Emanuel reproaches them all that they’re supposed to be family, united.

Gretel tries to say that they should support Axel, but Emiliano says that he had two sons, and now Axel’s wrecked everything. He orders Axel out of the house. All right, says Axel. If you are disgusted by me, I feel sorry for you. He leaves. Whoa – I had to rewind and yes! That’s an actual tear coursing down Fedra’s cheek.

Carolina and two of the guys are having cokes in the cafeteria with Marianela, who tells them Mauricio is trying to force her to be in a beauty contest. Caro lights up at the idea. You should do it! You’re beautiful! Who says a person has to be skinny to win?

Me, I’m just relieved to finally have a scene where nobody gets hit.

Back to Homophobia House… Emanuel tells his father that he just made the worst mistake of his life. Fedra says it was the right thing to do. Emanuel pleads that Axel needs their support. Forget it, says Gretel, this home is all about appearances. Emiliano proclaims that nobody gets to question his decisions. Axel is an outcast, doomed to wander the desert of familylessness for the rest of his life and that’s that. Fedra can’t believe this is happening to her. She goes off, calling for Bernardo.

Kristel, also tearful, tells Emanuel and Gretel that Axel just wrecked everyone’s lives. Emanuel wonders what’s happening to the family. They’re the same, Emanuel, they’re just in full bloom.

Apparently Ilitia’s been released from jail, because here she comes out of the police station with her mother when the press descends. Is it true you spent the night in jail? Oh, no no no, she laughs, I was just here about my car. Lorenzo shows up and hugs her, then takes her to his car, Muñeca trailing them, dragging Ilitia’s little rolling suitcase behind her.

Brandon and Oliver come out of the station too, and we note the press going in. Anyway, Brandon says he’s glad he’s done with Ilitia. He assures Oliver that even though she’s a model, she can’t hold a candle to his Marianela.

Mauricio comes into the house bruised and bleeding and doubled over. Kristel runs to his side and calls for Emanuel. Mauricio tells them all that it’s Marianela’s fault – she sicced like ten huge guys on him at the university. Emanuel and Gretel don’t believe it.

Fedra is lamenting to Bernardo that Axel has none of her character, her backbone. She tried to make a man of him, Bernardo saw her try! Bernardo tells her there’s nothing she can do. He knows how she hates to have things slip out of her hands. Is there a cure? No, says Bernardo.

Fedra sighs and says she won’t let this polish her off. That’s the spirit, says Bernardo, and besides you have much more pressing things to worry about. That lady? She has a one-way ticket to the great beyond.

Some back and forth with Mauricio and the unbelieving Emanuel and Gretel. Gretel asks him what he was doing at the university anyway. Emanuel says okay, well yeah, he did go to the university, but not to bother Marianela; he wanted to talk to her about the beauty contest. Guess what? She told me she has a novio!

Doris is admiring Brandon, who has dressed up a bit because he’s steppin’ out with his novia. Marianela says she’s not a fashion person, but Doris says she’ll love the fashion show. Netty, in a bathrobe, comes in and tells Marianela that she and Doris are going to get her looking like a princess.

Emanuel and Ilitia have arrived at what I guess is the fashion show. Ilitia tries to charm him out of his glum mood. She spots Kristel and Mauricio with Andre and waves. Whew, what happened to Mauricio? she wonders. She takes Emanuel over to them and asks them to keep an eye on him – so many gorgeous models will be there. Off she goes. Emanuel tells them he’s worried because Axel has disappeared.

There he is with his pal Aldo at a party, telling him what happened at home. But it’s all for the best – he’s tired of pretending. Aldo tells Axel he’s cool with him the way he is, then leaves and sits with a girl, putting his arm around her (okay, Aldo’s straight, we get it) and another fellow, a stranger, comes up to Axel and says he knows what he’s going through; he’s been through it himself.

The press is questioning Emanuel about his maybe upcoming marriage to Ilitia, it’s supposed to be the event of the year! He says she’s terrific, but they haven’t set a date yet. He spots Marianela, who is being told by Brandon that she’s the prettiest one there. Distracted, he tells the press that they’ll be the first to know the date.

Marianela has spotted Emanuel too. Kiss me! she orders Brandon. He complies and Emanuel’s eyes bug out.

Poor deluded Muñeca is making a giant heart out of red rose pedals on her bed, sprinkling a few extras around for effect. Flora the maid comes in with a champagne bucket and exclaims over the preparations, but asks if Muñeca’s sure Lorenzo will be coming home. Muñeca’s sure! With Ilitia off at the fashion show, she and Lorenzo are going to have a fabulous, romantic reconciliation! Flora doesn’t want her hurt again. Muñeca enthuses that she’s going to work hard to make her husband happy, and she’s not going to make any more mistakes.

Cut to Begoña opening her door to Lorenzo, who guess what! has champagne too. He comes in, leaving a trail of slime behind him. He pops the cork and says they’re going to celebrate, then opens a big jewelry box to show a necklace he’s bought her to thank her for helping him get Muñeca eating out of this hand again.

Marianela and Brandon are still kissing. Emanuel thinks it’s too much, and so do I. Who necks at a fashion show? Kristel is amazed that a good-looking guy like that would go for that whale. Doris notices that Emanuel is staring. Marianela has to give Brandon a tiny shove to get him to stop kissing her. He looks like he’s surprised to be back in the real world. She tells him he doesn’t have to kiss her like that. He says he likes to do things right, and she asked. Would she like another kiss? She looks over to Emanuel, and says sure. They kiss again and Emanuel sputters.

Benigno and Paula are in the kitchen, discussing how the general brandishes his pistol. Paula tells him next time to come get her and let her handle it when he gets gun happy. It just scares her to death when she hears that thing go off. Fedra is eavesdropping. Paula asks him if she’s sure he emptied the gun. He assures her he did while the general was sleeping. Fedra skips off, happy.

Emanuel is nervous and keeps shooting glances over Marianela’s way. Andre tells him to knock it off, it’s Ilitia’s event.

Meantime, over at a little table, Brandon and Marianela look cozy but what they’re actually doing is talking about running into the primos and friends. Just my luck! Says Marianela. Brandon tells her this is the sort of thing rich folks like, so it’s not surprising they’re there.

Doris and Oliver show up at the table with the program where they’ve found out that Ilitia’s going to be in the show. Brandon is bummed.

Emanuel is taking gulps of wine and can’t stop looking over Marianela’s way.

The general is in a suit and tie (why?) and Fedra comes in, startling him. He calls her a poisonous vipor and demands to know what she’s doing there.

We see a shadowy figure in the dark. Something falls over with a thud. Netty bolts awake. She runs to her bedroom door and there’s Gladiola. Netty is relieved, until Gladiola tells her she thinks she heard someone on the patio. Gladiola thinks they should get Javier to take care of it, but Netty reminds him that he’s just a child. Netty says she’ll take care of it and she grabs Gladiola’s hand while Gladiola tries to hang onto the bedroom door knob.

Maximo has pulled his gun on Fedra and tells her to get out. She says she’s had it with his theatrics and he should be kissing her feet for letting him stay. He says that it’s not her house and he’s not going to fall for her tricks. She says Throw me out if you can. The only reason I’ve let you live is because you stay down here like a rat in a cage. Maximo yells that the reason he stays there is to not have to shrivel up his eyeballs seeing her. Out! She approaches him and leans towards him so his gun is touching her throat. What’re you going to do? Shoot me?

Maximo pulls the trigger. Boom! says Fedra. He tries again. Boom! she says again. She smiles broadly. He looks at the gun, disbelieving, then growls that she was lucky.

There is someone in the patio! He’s all hooded in black. The two ladies come into the living room, look around and nervously assure themselves that it must’ve been a cat. Outside, the stealthy figure (who we of course know is Bernardo) opens the electric panel and cuts the wire. The house goes dark and the ladies shriek. They decide to go look for candles. Gladiola heads off in one direction, and Netty in the direction of the patio where she thinks she has some candles. (Of course, that’s exactly where Gladiola thought she heard someone. Don’t ask.)

Brandon has noticed that Emanuel doesn’t seem happy to see Marianela and him together. Tough, he says, pecking Marianela on the cheek. Oliver wonders to Doris why Gretel isn’t there with her siblings. Doris tells him to forget about her and keep an eye on Brandon because Emanuel might start something with him.

Kristel notices that it’s bugging Emanuel seeing Marianela and Brandon together. Emanuel says not at all, and heads over to them, despite Kristel’s protests. Kristel grabs Mauricio to follow.

Hi, says Emanuel to Marianela and Brandon.

The figure in black grabs Netty from behind. She tells him to take whatever he wants. He says what he came for is her. He shoves her away and raises his gun to shoot her. Mama Dolores runs out of nowhere in front of Netty and is shot, falling into Netty’s arms. Bernardo, instead of shooting Netty, the one witness, and of course his principal target, runs off. (Again, don’t ask. Aw, I gotta ask anyway. Did he have only one bullet?)

Emanuel tells Marianela that he’d never have thought he’d see her at a fashion show, particularly with that police guy. He smiles, trying to look light-hearted. Brandon says that “that police guy” happens to have a name, Brandon Moreno. Doris angrily says that she’s his sister, Doris. Kristel laughs and says Brandon and Doroty! Your mama sure named you to grow up to be nacos.

Emanuel asks what they’re doing there. Marianela says they have as much right as anyone. Brandon waves him away, telling him to go back to his group and leave them alone. Emanuel tells him he wasn’t talking to him, he was talking to his cousin. Your cousin? says Brandon. Well, your cousin just happens to be my novia.

That’s ridiculous, says Emanuel. No it isn’t says Marianela. Last night Brandon took me to this great place, we were talking and dancing, and he asked me to be his novia. She kisses Brandon’s cheek and they laugh and he kisses her and says te amo.

Gladiola, Consuelo and little Javier appear in the patio. Netty tearfully tells them what happened and tells Consuelo to run for help.

Maximo is going through his desk drawers, frantically looking for ammo. Fedra tells him there isn’t any – does he think she’d be stupid enough to come in with him armed to the teeth? Stupid, crazy old man.

I’m the only one here who isn’t crazy, he fires back at her, because I’m the only person in this house who knows what you really are. Benigno! he calls. Fedra tells him nobody’s going to come because nobody can stand old men like him. Maximo has a framed velvet piece on his desk with his medals displayed on them. Fedra starts picking them out one by one and throwing them over her shoulder. He begs her to stop.

In the living room, Emiliano is wondering out loud why Axel did that to him. He hears shouts – Fedra shouting Leave me alone! Don’t touch me! and Maximo shouting Old witch! Emiliano runs to see.

Netty is weeping over Dolores, who, startingly, answers, saying she’s lived long enough and who are they to mess with God’s plan? Anyway, she’s left Netty surrounded by good people. Her chest hurts, and it’s not the bullet, she says. It’s the pain she feels at Netty being alone (what about the “good people”?). Netty tells her not to talk, it’s too much work. Dolores says she doesn’t think the doctor’ll make it, but he likes Netty, but that lawyer, he’s nice, and he’s been checking Netty out. Promise me that you’re going to have a man, one who loves you and takes care of you. Don’t stay alone. God bless you all.

And with that, this show’s payroll dropped. Weeping and wailing.

Fedra is going around, picking up Maximo’s tchotchkies and throwing them. He says he’ll kill her and grabs her by the throat. He must be weak from living in a cellar like a mushroom, because she doesn’t even try to grab his hands away and yells “help!” Emiliano bursts in and then she acts like she’s really being strangled. He pulls the general away and demands to know if he’s gone nuts. Get out, both of you! yells Maximo.

Well, there’s poor Muñeca, alone with her candles and rose-decorated bed, having champagne alone. She dials the phone. We see Lorenzo making love to Begoña, while his cell phone goes off. Muñeca leaves a message, saying please come home. This is where you belong. I want to show you that I’m your Muñeca, who loves you and misses you so much.

More weeping over Mama Dolores. The doctor is there now, but it’s too late. Netty mourns that Dolores did it for her, to save her life.

The fashion show has finally started – the models are vamping down the runway. Emanuel tells Andre he can’t believe Marianela’s with that cop. Andre guesses that he likes full-figured gals. Kristel wonders how Marianela got such a handsome guy, which ticks off Mauricio a little. Kristel assures him he’s a different kind of handsome.

Doris crosses the room to say hi to Andre, who barely acknowledges her. She returns to her side, while Brandon tells her that guy’s a giant fake. Brandon tells Marianela that probably Emanuel will back off after tonight. Marianela remembers her friend telling her to make Emanuel jealous.

But here comes Ilitia down the runway and Emanuel glows at her. Marianela deflates.

Emiliano is on the phone with somebody, alarmed about Maximo. He hangs up and asks Fedra why on earth she went into the basement. All fake hysterical, she lies that Maximo sent for her, and then insulted her, shot at her, and tried to kill her. She can’t live with the fear! Emiliano assures her that it’s all taken care of, an ambulance is on the way and he’s going to have Maximo committed this very night.

Where is Benigno, faithful caretaker of the grounds and the general too?

All the models parade out for the finale, Ilitia leading them. She is given the microphone and she thanks everyone, then says she has a big announcement. She and Emanuel are engaged! He looks stunned, but steps up to take her hand. The press crowds around and one asks if she’s pregnant. Oh heavens no, she says. I keep my figure perfect. Heaven forbid that I would deform my body like that. Nobody looks good with a big body, she adds, cutting her eyes at Marianela.

Emanuel notes that being a mother is a privilege. Marianela suddenly decides she wants out of there, and off she hastens, Brandon following. Although the photographers are still snapping shots of him and Ilitia, Emanuel tries to go after Marianela, he says to see what’s wrong. Ilitia grabs him by the arm and tells him through gritted teeth that he’s not going anywhere. He’s hers.

Kristel makes snotty remarks about Marianela and Mauricio tells her that Marianela’s jealous because she’s in love with Emanuel. Kristel is stoked by this hot gossip.

The police chief is at Netty’s along with some cops. She explains that Brandon and Oliver are out for the evening. He wants to hear exactly what happened.

Emiliano comes into Maximo’s room, the guys in the white suits following. He tells Maximo he’s going where he can’t hurt anybody. Maximo pulls a big knife from his desk drawer and says he’s going down fighting, and Fedra, who wants to get rid of him, is the one he wants to kill. Emiliano, standing quite close, tells him to hand over the knife. Or kill him – go ahead! Maximo is sorrowful and says Emiliano shares his blood, he just can’t. Emiliano sadly tells the guys to do their job. Don’t touch me! says Maximo, putting his hands up in weak defense.

Delicia is putting things away in the fridge, and when she closes the door, she spots Bernardo and jumps. He asks her what she’s doing up so early, and she asks him what he’s up to himself, her eyes scanning him. He has his black skulking outfit on and after he scoffs and walks off, he drops his black ski mask by mistake. She picks it up and realizes what it is and guesses something’s going on.

Emanuel seems to be in the cocktail lounge of the fashion show. He looks dejected and tells Andre that Marianela can’t be in love with that cop. Andre wonders why not, and wonders if he’s jealous. He says it’s not that, it’s that he doesn’t want anybody in his family taking up with that guy. Andre tells him a person doesn’t need glasses to see that he’s in love with la gorda.

Avances: Ilitia prepares for the boda of the century. Emanuel goes to see Marianela, smiles at her, puts his hands on her shoulders and looks into her eyes.


La Verdad Oculta EP12 09/20/2010 - Bertha is smarter than a 5th grader

* prison
From previous episode: Goyo pulls a Gollum and tells poor frightened Abe that he won't sell his house and he's capable of doing anything to protect his property. The guards lead the angry old man out.

* Guilléns' flat
The sisters are ready to leave. Both are very pretty though Gaby hates her uncomfortable (but zillion dollars worth pornstar shoes). Fausto excitedly tells them that the taxi arrived and tries to give them money which they don't accept. Daddy cries, the girls cry, they'll miss each other much.

* Genovés villa
Abe reports Mario what a crazy, unreasonable geezer Goyo is and that he'll never sell his house. They'll have to find another solution. Mario has a new idea: there's another house in their neighbourhood, is that empty? In the hall Bertha continues her investigation over Mario and his mysterious visitor. Abelardo lies to her that Fausto was only a poor man who was looking for job. Bertha doesn't seem to be convinced. In the study Alejandra and Mario talk about their secret uncle-niece reconstruction project. Mario innocently asks her if she's able to construct a... for example, an underterrain tunnel? A what? No, she hasn't done anything like that but she studied about it in the university. She could finish it in two weeks. Ale is still very enthusiastic about the project, in spite of that Mario doesn't want to tell her why he needs that tunnel and he asks for complete discretion.

* prison
Marcos and Puff Piggy, the leader of the low-life population of the Reculsorio Oriente argue about money, que sorpresa! Has your sister given you the money? Not yet. Since Piggy no es una hermanita de caridad (he's not a Charity Nun) Marcos had better give him the dinero quickly. Marcos is upset and when Juan José asks him what they were talking about he basically tells the big guy to go fly a kite.

* Genovés villa
Bertha may be a useless and spoiled child, but she ain't stupid. She reports to Ale the strange happenings she noticed: first a badly dressed pauper visited Mario and he spent hours in his study, second, Mario said that he was talking with a businessman about a contract, but Abelardo said that he was a poor guy looking for job. Third, she met this man in the cemetery next to a tomb... Aaand when they buried their mom she saw Mario drawing near to that tomb. Interesting, isn't it? Ewww, be careful with this gal.

* Alejandra's office
Elsa shows to Mina the new dresses. Hermina notices that Elsa is nervous and asks her about her problem. Elsa's lines: Marcos, prison, money, blahblahblah. She politely refuses Mina's offer of lending her money. Mina says that she likes Elsa, so she'll buy a dress and please consider her as her friend.

* Los Angeles, airport
The Guillén sister arrived at LA. While Julieta is in the toilet, Déborah, the telenovela impersonator of Cruella De Vil shows up and identifes Gabriela from her shoes. She's very displeased at hearing that she has to take care of two waitresses instead of one and her attitude make the girls very uncomfortable.

* prison
While Goyo is worrying about his preciouuuuusssss at the other end of the cantina Marcos, Piggy and the low-life brothers are talking their filthy plan that they want to achieve that night.

* Genovés villa
Mario tells Fausto that he'll buy one of the neighbouring houses for him and also tells him about the tunnel. Fausto gets cold feet again, this is madness, he'll get caught and will be imprisoned... Mario pushes the "this is your chance to discover the killer of your wife" button again.

* prison workshop
Juan José works alone. He looks around then shyly draws near to the picture of the Madonna. He starts to pray tearfully: it's been a long time since he stopped believing in her, but please forgive him and take care of his mother whom he misses so much and take care of Gregorio as well. A friendly guard shows up and asks why he prays for a murderer but JJ insists that Goyo's a good man and he repented what he did (I wouldn't be so sure about it...). He also declares firmly that he, JJ didn't kill anyone, he swears it in front of the Virgin!

Los Angeles, hotel
Sour Déborah lead the girls into their room, they love it.

* Genovés villa
The men continue their conversation. Why do you think that Adolfo is the culpable for the death of Marta? Because he gained the most from the situation. Maybe he's innocent but he may know who the murderer was. And P.S. don't trust Yolanda, she's Adolfo's friend. They start to talk about Gabriela. Mario learns that she and her sister are in Los Angeles. Mario is surprised.

* Ávila residence
Dolphie is talking with Déborah on phone, Deb nervously tells him that Gaby came with her sister. Dolphie calms her down and quickly asks his precious little son about how much employees he sent to LA. Well, two. Adolfo scolds him but Carlos gets angry too: he paid Julieta's accomodations, okay? Adolfo calls Déborah and tells her that the plan hasn't changed.

* Guilléns' flat
Leonardo visits Fausto who's very happy to see him. They talk about their family: Leonardo is a widower and he has a daughter who lives with his family in Durango. Fausto says that he couldn't separate from his children, they're the only reason why he lives.

* Genovés villa
Mario and Abe discuss their plan again. The owner of the neighbouring villa will sell them the house. Mario tells his loyal friend that Ale will construct the secret passage.

* Los Angeles, hotel
The girls have dinner. Déborah leaves them but promises to return next day. The girls don't mind it since they don't like her much. Suddenly a familiar face shows up: it's David holding two roses, and he's absolutely lovely. The girls' jaws drop and the boy joins them. How small the world has become, he came to LA for a few days and he ended up in the same hotel. Ay, a otro perro con ese hueso.

* Genovés villa
In the study Mario starts to act strangely, his head becomes dizzy and doesn't understand what Abelardo tells him. Poor man. Abe tells him again that he's going to LA next day. Mario wonders why his daughter, Julieta and David went to LA at the same time. This can't be a coincidence.

* Los Angeles, hotel
David is suspicious about Adolfo's generosity towards his employees because he never cared about them. Gabriela tells him that she won the prize but Carlos let Julieta accompany her. Blondie asks them when Carlos will arrive. Baaad question. The sisters get peeved at his suspicions they would've never accepted this trip if they had had to well, entertain Carlos. He asks for theis forgiveness and changes the topic: lets's have fun together in Los Angeles! The girls gladly agree.

* prison

Marcos and the gangsters grab Goyo in the bathroom and bind his mouth. It's Marcos's turn to take revenge but he hesitates (thanks for heaven). Piggy snatches the weapon out of his hand stabs Goyo by himself. Damned rascal! Suddenly Juan José comes in and he's shocked at what he sees. Piggy threatens him but Marcos doesn't let him to hurt his friend. The men leave and JJ shouts for help while he holds Goyo. When the guard arrives he says that he doesn't know what happened. He gently holds poor Gandalf. Don Goyo, it's me, Juan José, listen to me, please!



Monday, September 20, 2010

Dinero Mon. 9/20/2010 We're All Over The Place Tonight, But Mostly WE'RE IN LOVE!!!!!

Whew. There were a ton of different scenes tonight but one constant: Rafa and Alejandra are indubitably in love and are gonna stay that way... no matter what. Marian's crying, Marcos is drinking; Vicky is screeching and Rosario and Jorge are wringing their hands, but no matter...the lovebirds are reunited and it feels so good. Will this last? Who knows? In the meantime, other little intrigues swirl and fester, so let's look at what happened.

Evidently everyone was in a swivet this weekend, worrying that Susana, seeing Marian caress Rafa's cheek, will throw a wrench in the romance. Wrong wrong wrong. Rafa dashes out, explains that Marian came to beg his pardon for what happened at the party and Susana says "si te creo"(I believe you). And, she adds, Ale's happy and that's how I want to see her. Rafa gushes that without Ale he can't live. Susana gifts him with her beautiful smile and says fine, go back to Marian, but "nada de manitas calientes" (no hot hands).

A perfect segue for hot nasty-handed Daniel, who slinks in while Ale's conferring with Doña Arcadia. Before Ale can expose his low-down behavior, Daniel chirps that he loves the car Ale showed him. He's buying it. She's a masterful saleswoman...the best...and he'll recommend the car so highly to his friends that they'll sell dozens of them. Happy as a clam, Doña Arcadia trots over to her dogs while Ale quietly hisses "Fine, but if you ever get fresh with me again, I'll expose you for the cockroach you are." Well, that ended nicely. Let's move on to our next scene.

Agent Z gulps down his sandwich and, belly jutting forth, lurches out of the restaurant, sure that he's got lots of fabulous photos of Marco and Carmela playing tongue-hockey to show to Rafa.

Back now to Marian and Rafa. She's looking spectacular by the way, hair in a cascade of Titian curls, snazzy blue ensemble with enticing decolletage. But Rafa is unmoved. He's in love. With Ale. Now how to get the point across? Marian thinks they should talk in a restaurant. He pleads work. Well somewhere close by then. El Trancaso it is.

Another scene change. Anyone else getting whiplash? Claudia, bosoms on full display as usual, is certain something's up with Rafa and Ale. They're just too dang happy. The others chime in including Marino who gets dissed as a "Casanova de quinta" (third-rate Cassanova) But when Bebe gets all righteous and chides them for gossiping, they start in on him. Ramirez' sacred mama was flirting with him at the party, doncha know? And "al viejo, viruelas" (no fool like an old fool) they quip. More nonsense and Marino gets in a quick nuzzle to Claudia's neck before she flounces off.

And we're back to Ale and Susana, who's trying to calm down the licenciada by giving her a "cuarzo"(quartz) to ward off jealousy. More therapy, reminding Ale to trust Rafa and to stay calm and breathe deeply. She coaches a bit more and the crisis passes. Ale goes in to see Rafa and everyone minds their p's and q's. Marian and Ale kiss. Marian kisses Rafa. Marian and Ale kiss again. After Marian exits Rafa explains he's going to tell her about "lo nuestro" (what we feel about each other) and you can come along if you wish. Ale hesitates. Will there be a scandal? After all, I'm still a married woman...a recently married woman. No, no. Marian is discreet. They move in closer. He whispers what he's dreaming of doing. We don't
get to hear but I'm sure having a good time imagining. This is followed by lots of little kisses, the kind an old married couple would give each other but what the heck. We can hardly have a passionate lip-lock at work could we? But on that sweet note, we break for ads.

When we get back, it's another couple entirely. Ramirez and Marino, sniping at each other as usual. Marino is off to conquer the industrial auto transport world in his futile quest to best Rafa. Ramirez is dubious. "Hasta no ver, no creer" Santo Thomas. Marino is too much of an atheist to get the quote but as he launches forth, Ramirez offers an "estampita San Martin" to help him out.

Well, Jaime could use a little divine intervention as well. He's pacing madly in his room, disturbing his hyper-muscular cousin who's ready to punch him out for his folly. Why worry about this Julietta? Cuz can introduce him to some hot chicks. Move on man! As for the competition, "romperle su mandarino en gajos" (bust his face in pieces). Alas, Jaime is not a violent man. Only his brother Rafa can help him. Well, then call him, snaps his lets-get-things-done primo. Rafa's ecstatic, can't wait to tell Jaime all about it. Jaime not so much so Rafa promises to talk to him tomorrow at breakfast. Meantime, Jaime's getting pummeled by the cousin who evidently works out all his problems with a punch or two.

And who'd we all like to punch? Slimey little creep from work who's moving in fast on Julieta. He doesn't want to waste time, he's "clavando muy grueso contigo" (he's really hot for her) so what's her answer? "¿yo te gusto?"(are you attracted to me?) She's thinks he's going way too fast (I'm sure Dr. Carlos agrees) but the creep drops to his knees, begs her to go to a nightclub (antro) with him that night, and she finally agrees. And another scene change.

We're at the bar, Marcos is well on his way to oblivion and not interested at all in discussing business when Camarón arrives. Chavez tries to smooth things over but it's not going well.

But it is with Ale and Rafa. She's coos "Is there no way I can keep you here?" He reminds her that they love eah other and he's going to make that clear to Marian. Okay, she smiles, you can see her....but this is the last time. More tender kisses. Sweet sweet sweet. After he leaves, she strikes the classic Rafita pose, dances around, pops in her seat, reassures Susana about Rafa's intention to makes things clear, and smiles her radiant smile, lighting up the room and then some. The smile flickers out momentarily as she thinks that Rafa will be alone with Marian and that she's very pretty, but then she lights up again.

Head for cover now. Vicky's about to appear on the scene. She's fuming about her missed chance at dropping a love potion into Rafa's breakfast. The bull's head is positioned behind hers (we even hear a bovine bellow) and as she shrieks and screeches the horns give her a truly satanic look that's hard to forget. More trouble on the way for our sweet lovers, I fear. Plans to inveigle the hapless Jaime into the plot are announced. And further screeching ensues.

A little bit of that goes a long way. So does crying. Which Marian is doing a lot of. She pretty much weeps through the whole scene as Rafa explains how he and Ale are in love. There's some dreary palaver about the knife in her heart, her hopes dashed and...well, isn't Alejandra a married woman now? Yes, but she's asked for a divorce and.....More weeping, more sniveling but punto. Marian has the picture now, even if she doesn't like it.

Another unhappy lover is our Marcos. Well and truly in his cups now. And insulting Camarón calling him a "pedazo de sardina" and risking murder and mayhem from this humnorless fellow. Chavez frantically tries to keep the peace and finally sends Camarón off, promising him that they'll be able to talk business tomorrow. Marcos sneers about the delicate crustacean getting his feelings hurt and Chavez wrings his hands. You don't even love your wife, he adds, so why are you getting so bent out of shape about this Rafita character? I can't stand the thought that she's in his arms, bleats Marco. I've got to get rid of him....permanently.

As we break for ads, an ominous voice adds "And what will happen when Vicky and her family find out Rafa has another woman?". Jeez. Another reason to worry. Hang tight.

When we come back, Cuz is snickering over lawyer jokes in some sophomoric magazine.

A thunderous knock at the door. It's our Vicky!

Jaime scuttles for cover, pleading with his primo to send her away. She blasts in, wiping the cousin off like a pesky gnat, screams at him to tell Jaime she needs to see him and departs in a blast of negative energy. Cousin is impressed. Could Vicky be the woman for him?

Back to our drunk scene....of which there have been a lot. Chavez and Marco are both well into their cups now and have been joined by the chronic drunk to lament the perfidy and infidelity of womankind. Chavez notes though that life without them is not worth living. There's a spirited dispute over which poet said that and no real answer. But what the heck. Let's go to the hacienda and have an orgy.

Alright, folks, you can linger over that lubricious fantasy or come along with me to cuddle with Rafa and Ale and their G-rated romance. They're giving each other some more tender pecks, discussing the good-bye girl Marian and musing about how they'll break the news of their love to Ale's family. She wants to hold off for a while, given her father's delicate health, but assures him her family will (eventually) love him like she does. Are you buying that?

Now we're at the apartment. Rosario and Jorge are sitting down to dinner when Marcos staggers in three sheets to the wind. He's laughing, he's crying, he's wiping his nose on Rosario's jacket!!!! and bemoaning his marital woes. There are some boozey hugs all around. But no answers to the woes.

And none from Rosaura either. She's fluttering out, Pepeto on her heels, wanting to "talk about us". She doesn't and General gives him the 411. Rosaura's married and she's rich. In other words, not for you, Pepeto. Dandy concurs. Pepeto doesn't. We shall see.

Marcos, in a brief break from mauling Rosario, lurches to the bar to get some whishkey. They're out. Then he must go get some. He's out the door and we hear a crash. I was hoping for a broken neck but he evidently survives because we next see him at Auto Siglo.

Yep. Auto Siglo. Where Ale and Rafa are still nuzzling, still chastely kissing, still making googly eyes and whispering sweet nothings. I want to hold you in my arms always, protests Rafa. And have you with me every minute. Just you and me. I'd go with you to the end of the world.

But here's the fly in the ointment. Marco. He's face to face with Susana and asking if Ale's in her office. And there the episode ends.


Ale and Rafa appear to have run away to the circus. Or else they're enjoying a classic romantic telenovela love scene at a carnival. If you've watched any shows, you've seen this scene before.
And we have two flies in the ointment: Marco and Vicky, who appear to be rummaging through Auto Siglo looking for our loving couple.

Al viejo viruelas = To the old person, smallpox. In other words, no fool like an old fool.
cuarzo = quartz
clavando muy grueso contigo = I'm really stuck on you, I really have the hots for you, I'm really taken with you
hasta no ver, no creer = no believing without seeing, Doubting Thomas
empinando bien = really getting into one's cups, really getting drunk

No Dicho tonight. My son needs to use the computer pronto.


El Clon, Mon., Sept 20 - Summary for Discussion

Lots of people find out that Nati is preggers..
Mohamed finds out that Zamira is a Cairo feminist..
Daniel finds Jade..

When the Chump gets his stuff returned by Malicia, he goes crazy. He wants to run back to the apartment and confront Malicia. Julio urges him to think calmly but we know thinking isn't the Chump's strong point. '¿Cuál pensar? Ella se está burlando de mí,' Think about what? She is making me look like a fool. He insists on going. Anita urges Julio to go with him to keep him from doing something stupid - again.

Pablo and Malicia are enjoying the comforts of 'her' apartment.

The Chump arrives back at the building with his luggage but the security guy won't let him in on Malicia's instructions. The Chump tells him to go ahead and call the cops.

The Chump gets no help from the police.

Dr. Silvia comes to see Dora to tell her that she is initiating legal proceedings against Albieri. If Silvia expects Dora to be happy about this, she is wrong. All Dora wants is for Albieri to stop telling Daniel that he is a clone. Dora has been watching Caso Cerrado and what she wants is a restraining order to keep Albieri and Leo away from her son.

Silvia tells her that the damage has already been done. Daniel exists and he is a clone. Dora doesn't ever want to hear that word in her house. She says that all she ever wanted was to be a mother. She can't understand why this is happening to her. Silvia tells her that she will always be on Dora's side.

Cristina is making up for the 20 year gap in Leo's gift giving. Roberto runs into them at jewelry store in the mall. Leo asks for a progress report on finding Daniel. Roberto says that Clara has called every hotel in Fez but no Daniel. That does not satisfy Leo. He wants Roberto to find Daniel and how he does it is his problem. Cristina appears wearing diamonds and Leo announces that they will be married in a month.

Lucas asks Rosa if he was ever as adventurous as Daniel. She says that he always had some crazy ideas and were it not for his dreamkilling father, who knows where he would be now. Rosa gives her grudging blessing to Leo's marriage because Diego was reincarnated thanks to Cristina.

Marisa tells Lucas that no one has seen Nati. Andrea comes in and tells them that Nati is preggers. They are impactados. Andrea says that the worst thing is that Nati wouldn't come back with her. She stayed with Paula. Marisa wonders why Nati called Andrea and not her.

Silvia offers Dora her help. When she is gone, Dora tells Estela that she doesn't trust Silvia or anyone. Silvia still claims that Daniel is a clone. No matter how many times, cloning is explained to her, she just can't understand it. Estela has decided that Diego's spirit has taken over Daniel's body and even made it resemble him. She is going to have a mass said for Diego. Dora suggests that Estela pray for Daniel to come back.

Lucas calls in sick to work. He looks at old pictures and remarks on how quickly his life passed and he didn't even enjoy it.

Jade doesn't want to go outside the house. She has a feeling something bad is going to happen. Zoraida thinks that Jade's uneasiness comes from her fight with Rania. Zoraida leaves and all of sudden Jade wants to go with her.

Andrea goes to Gloria's. She is told that Alej is taking a shower. She says that she will wait.

Lucas goes to see Dora and says that he needs to see Daniel's room again.

Jadiya tells Mohamed and his family that she is sure that Said will marry Jade again. The Naz calls Jade an exhibicionista and predicts that the marriage won't work out. Jadiya defends her mother and Latifa and Mohamed try to shut the Naz up. When Zamira offers to take Jadiya out for a bike ride, Amin tells everyone that her clothes are stained with blood. Everyone except Zamira is happy that she has finally gotten her period.

In spite of telling Zoraida earlier that she didn't want to go out of the house, Jade has gone out and is alone in the ruins. Daniel is there, too.

Lucas quizzes Dora about Daniel's fixation with veiled women. Lucas reminds Dora that he fell in love with a Moroccan woman who wears a veil and it is strange that Daniel is determined to marry a woman in Morocco. Dora tells him how Daniel met his dream woman in the house of Albieri's friend and her name was Jade. Lucas is impactado again!

Meanwhile Daniel finds Jade in the ruins. She sees Lucas walking toward her and then he turns into Daniel. He pulls out her jade pendant and says that he came to give it back to her. He asks if she is afraid of him and she says that she is very afraid. He asks why. She speaks to him as if he were Lucas, saying that she threw her fate to the wind for him and that he hurt her so many times. Daniel replies that he would never do that. He tells her how he dreamed of her every night but he couldn't see her face and when he saw her dancing at Ali's house, he knew that she was the woman of his dreams.

Jade hears Zoraida's voice reading the coffee grounds about how when the past and present collide, they are capable of creating a storm that will destroy the world and that she must run from this storm. Daniel, meanwhile, asks Jade if she thinks that he is a spirit. He says that he may be clone but he is nothing like Lucas. They don't even like each other. He says that people say that they are identical and that as the years pass, he will turn out the same as Lucas but he knows that won't happen. Jade replies that she saw Lucas change and she is sure that the same thing will happen to him.

Daniel asks Jade to marry him and says that he will never stop loving her. He asks to put the pendant on her saying that she is the love of his life. Jade runs from him. She hears Lucas' voice, 'El Lucas que tuviste ninguna mujer lo tendra, el sólo para ti, No other woman will have the Lucas that you had [he uses the preterite tense here]. He is only for you.

Dora tells Lucas that Jade must be a pretty common name in Morocco because Daniel went there to marry a girl named Jade and that was the name of Lucas' girlfriend. Lucas starts to hyperventilate and runs out the door.

Lucas gives the shout of frustration and lost dreams.

Jade comes running back to Ali's hosue and says that she saw the shadow. She begs Zoraida not to let it take her. Zoraida thinks Jade has a fever. Jade says that the shadow used the same words as Lucas. She asks Zoraida to tell her all the bad things that Lucas has done to her otherwise she will start believing the shadow.

No one, except Latifa, can understand why Zamira is so unhappy about getting her period. Amin comes into her room and makes excuses about why he outed her as being on the rag. Zamira accuses him of doing it on purpose. Mohamed comes back with an armful of veils. When Zamira announces that she won't wear a veil, Mohamed is impactado. Mohamed asserts that no woman in his family goes into the street without a veil like the feminists of Cairo. As usual, he is only thinking of himself. He asks how he can face the other men at the mosque when his daughter spits on their customs. Zamira says that she just doesn't want to be different. Mohamed accuses Latifa of not teaching Zamira anything and tells Zamira that if she doesn't wear a veil, she can't go outside ever again.

To distract Jadiya and Amin from the domestic disturbance, the Naz tells them the story of Cenicienta Nazira (Cinder Nazira). Yippee! Since everyone knows the story of Cinderella, I don't need to recap this amusing part of the novela. Be sure to notice how Prince Pablo reacts when he gets a whiff of Cinder-Naz's foot. It's also a hoot to see Zoraida all tarted up.

After the story is over, Zamira comes out of her room and announces that she refuses to wear a veil in the house or anywhere else. She gets no sympathy.

The sKanks walk by Gloria's babbling about having baby showers and sending press releases about the birth of Roberto del Valle's child.

Alej finally appears and Andrea tells him that Nati is pregnant. He is, what else, impactado.

The credits roll.


La Fea Más Bella #11-12 9/20/10 Fernando Falls in Love With the Business Plan.

Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Episodes 10 through 13. For Cap 11, start at the paragraph that begins, “Fernando has no recollection of firing Lety.” If you don’t want to read ahead, stop at the paragraph that begins, “The next day Tomás is at the Padillas’ house.” That begins Cap 12.

Capitulo 11
ZOWIE!!! Two spectacular episodes, back to back. Aren't you glad you watched today? I know the Cap 11 scene list is longer than most; this episode was packed!

1. Omar gets through to Fernando. He calls Lety back and flirts back into her good graces.

2. Lola and her ex fight about child support, his gold digger, etc. Lola tells Lety how Jazmín stole Efren.

3. At both restaurants, they talk about Alicia’s night with Omar and the business plan they didn’t create. Ali thinks he’ll be her official novio. Marcia thinks, “Fat chance!” Fernando thinks Omar is a fool for hooking up with an employee.

4. Fernando treats Lety like his hero to compensate for how he treated her earlier. He even switches between usted and tú.

5. Fernando gleefully tells Omar that Marcia agreed to a civil wedding (which allows divorce). He doubts he wants to spend the rest of his life with her.

6. Marcia goes to Fernando’s office to see him fire Lety. Instead he brags about her great work on the business plan.

7. Lety salvages Fernando’s projections, and he nominates her for sainthood. He asks whether Alicia created the committee report. Lety answers that Ali wasn’t able to create the business plan. Fernando has to explain it all to Omar. He’s sure Marcia helped steal the report.

8. Luigi threatens to quit if a commercial isn’t filmed at an expensive location.

9. Olarte reports Fernando’s proposal errors to Ariel. Ariel orders Olarte to help him confront Fernando.

10. Ariel finds Lety sleeping at her desk and he bullies her. Fernando lets her leave early, and she’ll finish the proposal adjustments in the morning.

11. Omar slips out of Alicia’s clutches to accept a better offer.

Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Episodes 10 through 13. For Cap 12, start at the paragraph that begins, “The next day Tomás is at the Padillas’ house.” If you don’t want to read ahead, stop at the paragraph that begins, “Alicia goes on a dinner date.” That begins Cap 13.

Capitulo 12

1. Lety warns Fernando that his business plan is extremely risky. Fernando tells Lety to attend the meeting against Ariel and Olarte. He needs her and he promises to protect her.

2. Alicia whines to Marcia that Lety is in the meeting and she’s not.

3. Ariel ridicules Fernando for bringing a lowly secretary to the meeting. But Lety steamrolls him and Olarte. After the meeting Fernando and Omar congratulate each other for Lety’s success.

4. Tom lets slip that Lety is paid as a secretary. RoboPop goes to set matters straight. When he hears Fernando bragging about her qualifications, he departs in peace.

5. The cuartel meets and Juana tells fortunes over lunch. She says Lety is in love with someone who will change her life, and she will change his. See the transcript. To throw them off the scent, Lety tells them it’s Tomás.

6. In the executive meeting, Fernando makes Olarte report all his financial activities to Lety. When Marcia objects, he tells her that it’s not healthy to have people who don’t believe in their president. He makes a thinly-veiled threat to fire Olarte.

7. Alicia enlists Olarte’s help to get rid of Lety.

Spanish Lesson: Juana tells Lety’s fortune.
Watch the scene and try to figure out how the words they say match the English translation. Make a list of new vocabulary and phrases you want to learn. I got stuck on a few spots. I'll correct them after I check the CC's. Or I'd welcome help from anyone, on the items marked "?".

Juana: Leticia, you have a novio you haven’t told us about.
L: Ay! No, that’s not true! I don’t have a novio.
J: I see a man who is very important in your life.
L: Well that would be my father.
J: Lety! You’re in love (romantically) with this man! Don’t tell me you fell in love with your father?
L: Noooo! Don’t even joke about that.
J: Well then, there is another man who is very important in your life. A mountain of things with him awaits you. I see a relationship that is very strong. That will be a shock to the very soul. A relationship that will change his life, and yours too.
The cuartel wants details about this man.
J: I only saw that he’s a man. But what a man! "He has his pants in the right place." (Well, he does have a mania for order!) He’s intelligent, rich, and sexy. VERY sexy. Everything is there in Lety’s life. She already likes him a lot. She’s completely stuck in love with him. ("Clavado" - a clavo is a nail, so if something is clavado it's nailed in place and won't move.)
Paula: If you’re so in love, how can you not remember it? Of course you know.
They pester Lety to tell.
Lola: If she doesn’t want to tell, it’s because she’s in love with her boss. "Ponte abusado." [?] Don’t let happen to you what happened to Mireya.
Juana: No, no. Remember that when I told poor Mireya’s future, she asked if she had any chance with Don Fernando. And I clearly told her, it wasn’t going anywhere. In contrast to Lety, the matter is going forward very well. It’s going to change “the” (yours or his) life when you are together.
Sara: Lety! In a little while you’re going to end up capturing Don Fernando!
Lola: When Lety finishes winning Don Fernando, I’m going to win Fernando Colunga!

Juana, after the others have left:
Be careful, Honey. When I say something will change your life, it’s not always for the better. But anyway, this is certain. The person is very important in your life.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Llena de Amor #30 Fri 9/17/10

Mari’s friend Caro interrupts Brandon kissing Mari, but she doesn’t mind, Eman is her true love anyway. Caro tries to get Mari to be all dreamy about him but Mari says no, he’s my cousin, he has a girlfriend who is so pretty and a model, etc. Caro says why not, because you’re fat? Never bothered you before! And on and on. Caro says they should do something to make Eman jealous, then he’ll be eating out of Mari’s hand.

Fedra recounts a happy childhood memory to Eman, who wants to regain that relationship with his mother. He thinks she is being unfair, she tries to pretend that she is a good mom, etc, she is doing it all for him, her firstborn. He says wait – you took it all from Mari for ME? She says yes. He says then he doesn’t want it. She tries to use his family name to say he deserves it all, he says no, he doesn’t want it. In the end he says no, and she shouldn’t do this to Mari.

Doris desperately tries to get Andre to remember her. He must really have a lot of girls to be ignoring her like this, because she’s totally hot.

Muneca calls Eman to tell him about Ilitia being arrested, Lorenzo rolls his eyes 1000 times in just 30 seconds.

Gretel brings the General his food. He says when did you start bringing me my food? She says today, and as long as he needs her to. He is really mean to her and says she can stop being nice to him, he disinherited her and her hermanos. She says good, that was a good decision. He says he won’t fall for her tricks so quickly. She hasn’t been to see him in many years. They remember her looking for her lost doll. She says now she is the one who is lost.

I have decided that Bernardo is NOT The Mask, after watching a show with my daughter this morning, he is Spiderus –

I saw that on the TV this morning and couldn’t believe how much that looks like him. He is the villain on a show called ‘Miss Spider’ on Nick Jr. Look at that picture, it’s him!

Anyway – Fedra grips to Spiderus that first the General is going to leave his money to Mari, and now this! (about the news that they are going to test the handwriting on Eva’s supposed letters). He says whatever, I can buy off the judge, but it won’t be cheap. Fedra says that doesn’t matter. Also, she isn’t worried about Mari anyway, she doesn’t care about the money, only about her mother’s memory. It’s Netty that is the problem – she is chasing after the money. She tells Spiderus that she wants Netty out of the game. OUT! She even says it in English.

The General complains about Fedra and says she probably even poisoned this food. Gretel is offended and says she hates Fedra too, she is ashamed to be her daughter. She storms out.

Ilitia blubbers in jail, complaining that she isn’t dressed well and worst of all she smells like a naco. She finds a snack cake in her purse and can’t believe how many calories she is going to eat. OMG! Eman shows up. He asks her what happened.

Lorenzo accuses Muneca of trying to destroy the family. She makes a huge mistake and apologizes to HIM, saying she was wrong to doubt him and wants him to come back home. He says he doesn’t understand. She goes on saying she was jealous without cause, on and on. Is she playing a game? She starts crying, which makes Lorenzo mad. He gets all offended, making her beg more. He really lays it on thick. He ends up saying it’s too late and puts money on the table, saying ‘now you can’t say you always pay the bills.’

Blondie cries and tells Cristian that Lo is making up with his wife right now and it’s her fault. Ah – looks like Lo got rid of both women with the same trick.

Ilitia insists that it was an accident. He says there were a lot of witnesses and based on what they say it didn’t look accidental. She is offended that he doesn’t automatically believe her. He says whatever, why is she so obsessed with this cop? What’s the deal?

Mari considers the ‘make Eman jealous’ plan. She has a vision of Eman begging her to tell her it isn’t true, she isn’t really going out with Brandon! In her vision Brandon is standing next to her looking like a huge dork, but they kiss and Eman begs and begs for it to not be true. Yeah right, it will happen just like that. Back in the present Brandon shows up with a drink for her. She asks him “do you want to be my boyfriend?” He is taken aback. That’s way too forward for her, I’m sure she is going to tell him that it’s part of a plan.

Ilitia says Brandon pshaw whatever, just sometimes she wishes he was dead! Eman says what are you saying, and think where you are saying it! She says it’s just a phrase, not literally. She says do you really think I could kill someone? She wants him to promise that he’ll get her out.

Brandon says that sounds ok, but you need to get to know someone, you know.. Mari says never mind then. Finally she tells him that she wants to be novios to make Eman jealous. Brandon says if it will bother that rich guy, then hell yeah he’s in. Novios.

Ilitia thinks Lorenzo can buy her out of this problem. Eman says no, it’s a serious accusation! There are witnesses! She says she’s going to get out of jail all old and 70 years old. Eman says or 75, whatever. She doesn’t like his joke. He says the easy way out is to apologize to Brandon, y ya. She can’t believe he would even suggest it.

Emil can’t believe that Fedra wouldn’t try and make a deal with Mari. She tries to change the subject by initiating sex. It works on him, but it seems like our male readers (and male recapper for sure) would not be swayed in this manner by fugly Fedra.

Netty talks to her statue of San Antonio. I didn’t understand most of it, just that her new mission is to take care of Mari, and that she still loves Emiliano but now she will lose him for sure. She says “goodbye Emiliano, forever” and blows out her candle. The candle shoots back to life, scaring her. Ok I guess she’ll get together with Emiliano eventually after all.

Ilitia can’t believe Eman suggested apologizing to Brandon. She says NEVER. The cop comes in and says visiting time is over, Eman has to go. He says he’ll be back tomorrow. She says he could go do a crime, then they would throw him in with her! He says sure, tomorrow he’ll come back and kill her with kisses. She tells herself afterwards that she’s going to have to drag herself (arrastrar) in front of Brandon, how she hates him!

Netty is freaking out big time. Doris’s mom, whose name I can never remember, comes in and Netty tells her about the candle. She blows it out again, it relights again. They both cower.

Agent Orange and Kristel talk about Mari being in the beauty contest. Krisel says she has to win though, right? He says something like no, Mari has to win because she is going to win some tickets and then give them to him. I’m not entirely sure what’s up with that. He says he knows she’ll enter, he knows how to convince her. The lights suddenly come on and Eman enters. He was listening! He says so, it’s you, Orangy, that is pressuring Mari to enter the contest! They are busted. Eman tells Orangy to leave Mari alone, or he’ll break his face. Kristel says chill, take your woman to the beach, have a sexy weekend. Eman says sounds great, but she’s in jail for trying to kill a cop.

Mari and Brandon come home to announce that they are novios, Gladiola (that’s her name!) chokes on the news. She is Brandon’s mom too, right? Some other lady, with a kid, laughs at it and Gladiola says hey they are in love all right? You should do the same! The lady’s kid pipes up and says that his mommy doesn’t need a boyfriend, she loves his papa and soon they are going back to the U.S. to be a family again, right mama? Mama doesn’t look like that’s going to happen. Netty wants to know how this all came about. Brandon says it just happened all at once.

Muneca had given control of the finances to Lorenzo, what a dummy. She says she hopes this convinces him that she trusts him and will he come home now? She says at least do it for Ilitia, she needs him. He says ok, for the moment, for Ilitia.

Brandon teases Mari saying that maybe in the end they’ll be novios for real. She says bah no way, then thanks him for walking her back to the university. She goes to kiss him on the cheek and he kisses her on the lips. I think he has a little jealousy plan of his own that he isn’t sharing. Mari is scandalized by the accidental kiss and apologizes 100 times. Brandon says for her first kiss, not too bad!

The family Ruiz y de Teresa discuss Ilitia’s plight at breakfast. Naturally, they all snipe at each other. Gretel says maybe a couple days in jail will knock Ilitia’s ego down a bit. The doorbell rings, Delicia opens the door, Fabiola storms in. Kristel says what’s up with you? Fabiola says nothing with me, it’s your brother! And it’s time you all know about it! Axel looks a bit confused, but not especially worried.

All the ladies at the pension can’t get over Mari and Brandon. In general they all think it’s nice, though Gladiola still has a hard time believing it. Dolores tells Gladiola what wonderful kids she has, and that she taught them well, that Brandon can see Mari for what she is and not just about her being fat. The single mother, Consuelo, agrees. They turn on her like hyenas. Speaking of kids, Consuelo, how much longer are you going to lie to your son about his father? She doesn’t know how to tell him. Netty says they all know her husband ran off with some hoochie, she needs to move on and quit giving the boy false hopes. I think a new plotline is starting here. Netty and Gladiola, busybodies, insist that she has to tell the boy.

I guess this girl is name Lorena, not Fabiola. I guess Fabiola is the blonde girl. Anyway Lorena and Axel argue. Lorena says they need to know what kind of person Axel is. Axel tells her not to do it. Lorena says he can feel like she did last night (I don’t see how pulling him out of the closet is equal to being rejected by a man because he is gay, but whatever). Fedra says ok get on with it, what did my son do last night? Lorena says he deceived her. Axel tells her to be quiet again. She says no, she’s going to pull him out of the closet he is hiding in. Somehow the entire family doesn’t realize what this means, I thought that phrase was universal. Finally Lorena says “tell them you don’t like women! Tell them who you really are!” Well, now it’s out there. Fedra gives him a look.

Lorenzo an Muneca go to visit Ilitia, they are allowed to go into her cell. She wants out, Lorenzo tells her to be patient. Somehow they were able to bring in food and clothes. She isn’t happy, she wants to get OUT. Haha they even brought her favorite pillow, something appropriate for a three year old. She doesn’t want to be here another night, Lorenzo says yeah, but the cop is being a real hardass about this.

Orangy stalks Mari at the University. He totally assaults her, grabs her by the neck and then starts kissing her. He has done enough to get thrown in jail at least twice by this point.

Emiliano yells at Lorena for insulting his son here in their own house. Basically everyone thinks she is just mad because Axel doesn’t like her, but Fedra is wondering if there is more to it than that. Eventually Gretel grabs Lorena to throw her out of the house. Axel storms after them.

Brandon arrives at the station, a reporter asks him if Ilitia is there for trying to kill him. He is about to answer when Muneca shows up. He says no, Ilitia is there for something about having her car stolen, just some stuff to get through. Muneca tracks him down and says thanks. She asks if this means that he isn’t going to file charges against her?

Orangy tells Mari that she might have left the house, but she didn’t leave his life. He keeps kissing on her and it is very uncomfortable for me to watch this. I can’t wait until he gets hit by a car or something.

Ilitia is putting on makeup in jail, Brandon comes in. After trading barbs, he tells her he isn’t going to press charges on two conditions: one, she stay out of his life forever. Two, apologize. She says never. He says fine, I thought you wanted out, but whatever, enjoy yourself. He starts to leave, she calls him back, eventually mumbling ‘sorry’. What? I didn’t hear you. SORRY SORRY SORRY. Brandon enjoys this.

Gretel is holding back Lorena, finally running her off. Axel goes in the house, Emiliano calls him back. He’s pissed off and slaps Axel across the face. Axel says Dad you have no idea how hard it is for me to deal with this. Emiliano the ass says don’t use that word with me again, degenerate. Eman is very sad.

Orangy tells Mari to get along or he’ll tell Eman the truth. She FINALLY tells him ‘whatever, do what you want’. He says if he tells Eman he’ll make fun of her and she’ll never see him again. She says whatever, I have a boyfriend and I’m super in love with him! He grabs her and says what? Then he starts kissing on her again, finally she calls for help, then calls him an idiot, then kicks him in the nuts. He says she’ll pay for that, and pulls out a knife. This guy is off the deep end.

Monday – Somebody shows up in time to save Mari, the beauty contest finally happens, Ilitia tells the news that she and Eman are getting married, so


Saturday, September 18, 2010

La Verdad Oculta Cap. 011- 9/17/10: Lawyers and Prison Wardens Have No Ethics, But Engineers Do

Guilléns Residence
Julieta and Gabi tell their dad about the all expense paid (todo los gastos pagado) trip to L.A. that will be given to the best employees at Club Sagitario. Faustiago (Fausto/Santiago) half listens as he reads the newspaper. “That’s nice dears.” His ears perk up, however, when Juli excitedly tells him that they won! He puts his foot down. No way are they going. Then he gets suspicious about how they won, since they haven’t been working there that long. The girls beg and Gabi points out that they are poor and will probably never have another opportunity like this. Fausto gets frustrated and tells them to do what they want (hagan lo que quieran), but they won’t get his approval. Just then Abelardo arrives to take him out. Once he’s gone, the girls celebrate their win. But Gabi isn’t happy with the manner in which they convinced their dad.

Genovés Residence
David greets Alejandra warmly at breakfast. They seem to have put the awkward kiss incident behind them. They go together to see Mario in his den. Mario is arguing with the Engineer Hernandez, who refuses to construct the tunnel between the two houses without knowing the reasons and getting the proper permits. He leaves after David and Ale arrive and they ask Mario why he needs an engineer. He lies that he’s doing some modifications to the house to make himself more comfortable. He then tells Ale that he’ll need the bedroom on the first floor because it’s getting increasingly difficult for him to climb the stairs. Ale quickly agrees and goes to move her things back to the bedroom upstairs right away. Mario has another attack of pain, and a concerned David moves towards him. He wants his dad to see another doctor, because obviously he’s not ok.

Prison Visiting Room
Abelardo goes to see Don Gregorio (Goyo) and tells him Mario’s offer to buy the house. Goyo unsurprisingly freaks out and tells him he’s not interested in selling his house. He’s not even going to think about the offer. “No tengo nada que pensar.”

Genovés Residence
Mario is on the phone with the Engineer, trying unsuccessfully to convince him that he’s not going to run drugs through his desired tunnel. He hangs up angrily. Ale comes in and lets him know she’s moved out of the downstairs bedroom and it’s all ready for him. She also offers to help him with his intended modifications on the house; she is an architect after all. She’ll just delay her project renovating David’s office, as this is more urgent. She looks at the wall opposite his desk that connects to the downstairs bedroom and tells him she could design a secret door to be constructed. The secret door would connect his den/office (despacho) and his bedroom, and only the two of them would know about it. Doing this for him will be one way she can show him how much she loves him. They share a sweet hug and kiss. Mario will think about it.

Lawyer’s Office
Elsa has gone to see the slimy lawyer again. He informs her the cases have become more difficult than they originally thought, since Marco and JJ have been getting into so much trouble recently. It will require some money to convince the prison warden and the powers that be to be more lenient. Elsa says she’ll see where she can find more money.

Guilléns Residence
Gabi and Juli lament that they have no appropriate clothes to wear on their trip to L.A. (I’m originally from L.A. and those cute jeans and t-shirts they have on are perfect. I’m just saying.) Gabi thinks they can’t go to L.A. looking like this, and Juli wonders why Gabi is always so preoccupied with what other people think of them. She tells Gabi that she wants to live life (Tengo ganas de vivir!), and she wants to meet new people! Gabi agrees that she does too. The door bell rings and it’s Yolanda.

Yolanda wants to speak about all the guys that are sniffing around them at the Club- Carlos, Roberto and David. She wants to find them other jobs elsewhere—somewhere they won’t be hassled. (Good luck with that! Gabi’s a guy magnet.)

Prison Visiting Room
Marcos pressures Elsa to get him more money, so that he can pay off the prison thugs helping him make Goyo’s life difficult. She tells him she’s having enough trouble getting more money to pay the lawyer trying to get him out of prison. His recent acting up is not helping her. He leaves when JJ arrives, commanding her once more to find the money for him. Jerk!

JJ tells Elsa that Marcos is hanging out with a bad crowd and the two of them have become distant. She tries to cheer him and herself up by saying that when he gets out of prison, he can come live with her and Marcos in her apartment.

Club Sagitario- Carlos’ Office
Gabi and Juli talk to Carlos about the upcoming trip to L.A. Gabi begs Carlos not to mention the trip to the other waitresses/employees, so as not to cause problems. Carlos then mentions that they will be providing Gabi with a suitcase filled with new clothes and shoes for the trip. They just need her sizes. Size 7 for clothes, size 4 for shoes. Julieta is super excited by this. Gabi seems a bit weirded out by it. After the girls leave, Carlos calls his dad and tells him the sizes. He seems a bit suspicious that his dad has such an interest in all these details.

Outside in the club near the bar, David has just arrived and approaches Gabi with a huge dopey smile. He asks her out on a date for tomorrow. She says she’ll be busy. He then asks to see her the day after then. She says she and her sister are going on a trip and quickly scurries away looking guilty. David looks intrigued and suspicious and quickly seeks Juli out to ask her about it. She spills the beans about the prize trip to L.A. David looks impactado.

Prison Cell
Don Goyo paces his and JJ’s cell furiously, worried about his Precious- the treasure hidden in his old house. He is sure the guy who is trying to buy his house knows about it. JJ tries to get him to calm down, reminding him that he’ll be reunited with his house and treasure in two short months. Goyo is sure these guys trying to buy his house will have taken the treasure by then.

Ávila Residence
Adolfo excitedly brings his special friend Felix a gift of some sexy black patent leather platform heeled shoes. I think they will go quite well with the black eye patch and pjs. Oh, wait. I interpreted that wrong. Adolfo is just showing Felix the secret compartment in the heel of the shoes where Gabi will unwittingly smuggle the jewels.

Guilléns Residence
Gabi tries to make nice with dad. She wants his approval for them to go on the trip. He admits he’s mostly upset because he’s going to be so lonely without them. She admits how much she’ll miss him too, but she really wants to take advantage of this opportunity. He softens. She asks about his “new job” which he says is going well. He leaves for said new job and Gabi tells him she and Juli are headed to the embassy to get their visas.

Juli is ready to go with their birth certificates and other documents. She’s a little put out that only Gabi is getting new clothes. Gabi doesn’t like it either. Since Juli doesn’t have any money at the moment, Gabi is going to use part of her paycheck to buy her baby sis some new clothes for the trip. Juli is pleased.

They head to the Mall/Market and have a great time window shopping, eating sweets, and greeting their friends and neighbors. It’s good to see them so relaxed and happy for a change (especially Gabi). They stop at Doña Lupe’s stall and Juli sees a white sweater set and a little summer dress that she loves. Since they’re her neighbors, Lupe gives them a good discount, despite the fact that they are high quality, name brand and imported (yeah, right). Gabi buys them for her sis.

Ávila Residence
Deborah, an attractive blond older woman, is waiting for Adolfo. Adolfo greets her warmly and apologizes for making her wait. He tells her who the mule will be and shows her the grey suit with the large flower Gabi will be wearing to make her recognizable at the airport. He then shows her the shoes where the jewels will be hidden. He explains the change in plans because Felix is injured and can’t travel. He also tells her about the heat he’s been getting lately from the police, especially one cop in particular (Leo). He then gives her more details about Gabi and where she’ll be staying in L.A. Deborah then seductively asks if she’ll be seeing him in L.A. (I think we’ve finally found out who does float Adolfo’s boat.) He tells her soon, and asks her to make sure this mission goes well. She asks him when has she ever failed him.

Hotel Room
Faustiago waits and practices Mario’s mannerisms and voice in the mirror. Abelardo arrives with DVDs of Mario going about his daily business for Fausto to watch. He then takes Fausto to Ciber Prosthetix—a special effects makeup lab that will create the make-up and prosthetics that will make Fausto look like Mario. Mario is amazed and impressed, but asks Abelardo if there is another, simpler way they can solve this Adolfo problem. Abelardo says there’s no other way!

Guilléns Residence
Gabi and Juli return home with shopping bags, and Juli begins to rush out again to go see Roberto. Gabi is not pleased, but Juli throws her date with David in her face. Gabi gives in but wants to know what she should tell their dad if he gets back before Juli. They decide to tell him Juli is waiting to get back their passports with the visas at the embassy.

The door bell rings and it’s Leo, looking very nice in a suit with no tie. He’s brought some good coffee for Fausto, since he knows he likes it. He’s also come to apologize for running off so quickly last Sunday on a work matter. He’d like to make it up by taking Gabi out next Sunday. Gabi declines politely and tells him she and her sis are going on a prize trip. He congratulates them and bids her farewell taking her hand meaningfully.

Zárate Factory
Stupid Elsa has gone back to her would be rapist, Salomon. She’s crying and begging him to loan her more money. He tells her that at this rate it will take her all year to pay him back. She says she will do everything she can to pay him back and that this is the last time she’ll ask him. He says that it’s one thing for him to help her out a bit because he likes her, it’s another for him to maintain her like she’s his lover (amante). He says it in a way that lets Elsa know this is an option. Elsa jumps up from her chair, offended. She’s in need, but she’s honorable! As you wish, Salomon says. He tells her his door is always open to her. He smirks evilly as she leaves, knowing she’ll be back.

Prison Yard
JJ scolds Marcos for pressuring his sis and hanging with a bad crowd. Marcos warns JJ about hanging out with Don Goyo and heads over to his tough friends. (I can’t believe this loser has enlisted the help of a whole gang to get even with an old man.)

Club Sagitario- Carlos’ Office
Gabi and Juli look at the suit and shoes Gabi has to wear on the trip, and Roberto hangs out in the background. Gabi thanks Carlos and he tells her the thanks should go to his father. He tells them someone will be meeting them at the airport. When the girls leave Roberto expresses his shock at all Carlos is doing to impress Gabi. Carlos informs him that it’s actually his dad that’s arranged it all. But Carlos does plan on going to L.A. He’s leaving tomorrow as well. Roberto asks to be invited along (what a moocher), since he and Juli are getting along nicely. Carlos agrees.

At the bar, Gabi is about to take a service tray of tea that David has ordered her to bring to his office. Carlos sees, stops her, and has Juli take it up to David instead. He then tells Gabi that when she returns from L.A., she won’t be doing such tasks as she will be promoted to captain of the waitresses. Gabi is impactada.

Upstairs in David’s office, he eagerly awaits Gabi and is visibly disappointed to see Juli instead. She tells him about Carlos’ intervention and he’s clearly annoyed. He aks her to sit down and asks how this whole L.A. trip came to be. He then asks if Carlos is going with them. Although Juli says no and shows him the tickets for two, he is sure Carlos intends to go with them.

Ávila Residence
Adolfo and Carlos are at the dining table and Adolfo asks if Carlos delivered the goods and relayed the instructions to Gabi. Carlos affirms that he did, and then tells his dad that he’d like to take a few days of vacation, starting tomorrow. Adolfo says no. He has to take a trip to Monterey for a few days, and he needs Carlos to keep an eye on the restaurant business. Carlos gets angry and wonders if he doesn’t have the right to take a rest every now and then. Adolfo puts his foot down and refuses to let Carlos take a vacation again. “Go if you want to, but when you come back you’ll have to find a new job and a new place to live!”

Prison- Warden’s Office
Abelardo is speaking to the prison warden who is happy to help arrange this meeting with Don Goyo, for a few extra dollars. The guards bring Goyo in, who is none too pleased to see Abelardo again. The guards and warden leave them alone. Abelardo presents Mario’s new doubled offer to buy the house. He tells him about Marios plans to renovate his home and expand his property, hence the need to buy Goyo’s house. Goyo is not buying this story. He tells Aberlado that if they mess with his property (meaning the house and the treasure), they’ll regret it! Abelardo says he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but Goyo is sure that he does. He gets up in his face and tells him, “Don’t you dare attempt to take what’s mine, because if you do, I’m capable of anything!”

Next episode: Carlos and his dad continue to argue about him leaving; David shows up in L.A., surprising Gabi (yay!); and it looks like Marcos has made good on his threats to hurt Goyo and JJ finds him.


Hasta el Dinero nos Separe Fri. 9/17/10 un Brujo Brews Up a Magic Brew for our Favorite Bruja

After a miraculous and daring rescue of our damsel in distress, Rafa found himself stranded with said damsel in the middle of nowhere because our naco knight failed to keep up with the appetite of his beloved steed, Pantera. Just as horses falter without oats, automobiles become balky without gasoline. Making the best of this unfortunate situation, the two of them took refuge in Dannyboy's playboy pad, helped themselves to the lusty lad's wine stores, and warmed their tootsies in front of his glowing hearth as they caught up on old times and repaired their damaged amorous alliance. Thus we find them tonight near the threshold of this charmed and charming chateau on the brink of a beautiful bonding beso, when they look up to discover that they have been discovered by a mob of angry villagers bearing flaming torches and thirsting for blood.

Well, actually it is a few of their loyal comrades from work who set out to rescue them and were joined by Ale's mopey marido Marco whose worst fears are confirmed by what he beholds... his lovely wife eagerly participating in a lusty embrace and sharing a sensuous kiss with... well, you get the picture.

Turns out that Marco has quite a bit of pent up blood lust and malice as he shouts threats which Rafa eagerly answers and then, despite the efforts of his entourage to restrain him, makes good on those threats by pouncing on Rafa who seems to have a little bloodlust and malice of his own. Like adolescent boys on the schoolyard, they tussle and roll around on the soft turf until restrained by the others.

Back in town, a reinvigorated Vicki has managed to find the Great Molongo and is requesting un amarre de amor (love potion) that will bind her to her Pajarito... like forever. Trying to clarify more specifically the type of bird with which she wishes to be united, he asks if it's a dove, a canary, or a yellow-breasted sparrow. "Nope. Rafael Medina, the man that I love." He has her sit in a chair as he gesticulates impressively, clutching a bouquet of epazote in each hand, freeing her of evil spirits. Now either he is really good or an out and out fake, because we all know that Vicki is inhabited by enough evil spirits to carry out an apocalypse. I doubt that a few shakes of some weeds he picked up in the produce section of Kroger's is going to make much of a dent in her demon population, but as I said, maybe he's really good at this. "It won't be cheap," he informs her. Price is no object for our Vicki, "Just so it works... really works," she growls. Turns out he warrantees his product, "It never fails," he chants as he swats away a few more of her naughty soul-squatters.

For the moment our goofy gladiators are separated and restrained though they continue hurling lethal insults. Marco is 4+ rabid and escapes the grasps of Nelson and Jiménez. He lunges blindly toward Rafa but strikes a tree... with his head. Marcos is down. Is he dead?

No such luck, but his momentary coma gives Ale a chance to convince Rafa to leave. Oops... no gas. Susana, however, like most of us, carries an extra canister of gasoline in her trunk. Reluctantly, Rafa allows Jiménez and Pepeto to escort him away and they head toward Pantera as a dazed Marco briefly roughs up Nelson. Finally, order is restored.

Meintras tanto, Molongo has produced a tiny bottle that looks like one of those cough medicine samples the drug reps distribute. Vicki thinks it looks like carrot juice, but no, he explains it's a mixture of sweet potato root and papaya juice (must have picked those up at Kroger's as well). "It will make a woman and man remain united for an eternity," he intones. Vicki is convinced and ecstatic.

She rejoices like a little girl who has just received her first bra.

Finding Pantera intact after spending a good portion of the night unprotected roadside, Rafa does a little rejoicing of his own. After giving it a few sips of gas Rafa and Jiménez (who is really needing to get home) saddle up. Giddyup Panterita!

Now this is a pleasant surprise. We catch Ramírez, shirtless, embracing the scantily clad voluptuous mom of Edgar Jr. There is a persistent knock at the door. Now for an unpleasant surprise... it's Edgar Sr., the odious Marino. Germán hides behind the love seat as mom tries to compose herself. She lets him in and he is immediately suspicious. Either someone is here or she is expecting someone. She pleads innocent. As he interrogates her he steps on Ramírez' hand... (ouch!)

Suzy's mini SUV is parked in front of Danny's Den of Iniquity. Marco's panties are still in a wad over what he has witnessed and he is busy throwing a righteous tantrum. He can't believe that Ale would betray him this way. Even as he declares his faithfulness, he and we are treated to a review of some of his past indiscretions. She takes advantage of the opening he has given her to admit that she is unworthy of someone as pure as him and to ask for a divorce. Check. Now Marco, realizing the implications of divorce on his financial statement, is forced to swallow his pride and offer up forgiveness. He still loves her in spite of all this and is willing to work things out. Check and checkmate.

As Ramírez cowers behind the love seat, Marino's suspicions flourish. He is certain someone is poaching on his territory and initiates a search of the premises. Germán prays quietly as Marino checks the kitchen. He is shushed by Curly-haired Mom. Having satisfied himself that no one else is their, Edgar relaxes a bit but notices a cheap fragrance.

"It's my perfume." "You're so common (corriente)," he observes. Not too common for him to try to stir up a little passion as he moves in with his unique clumsy style. She cringes. Been there, done that, he decides and lets her off with a stern warning about what happens if Marino's women are not faithful. He suggests that she wear the flannel pajamas he gave her for Christmas instead of the provocative outfit she has on... for the sake of their son, of course. He leaves, much to the relief of his traumatized toady, who pops up, embraces his partner in sin and betrayal, but, alas, the mood has fled. He's sadly lost his concentration.

Ale and Marco return to his apartment. Rosario and Jorge, relieved, rejoice and reprimand.

Rafa returns home. Leonor and Julieta, likewise relieved, rejoice.

Ramírez returns. Momma Ramírez reprimands.

Germán just wants to go to bed but she insists that he kneel and recite the Rosary.

More good news, they'll be joining Milagros tomorrow. No rejoicing here... next!

Ramírez isn't the only one praying. In her bed, Ale asks for forgiveness for hurting Marco and for help in her quest to be with Rafa. Nicely balanced.

Rafa utters a prayer of thanks and asks for help not to screw things up again. Ummm... OK.

A more secular Vicki looks at a photo of her and Rafa together and smiling sweetly as she ditches her veil announces, "Very soon Rafael Medina, you will be mine para siempre."

It's morning in Mexico.

Marco announces to a fresh looking Ale that she must quit her job at Autos Siglo. Overhearing, Rosario and Jorge want to know what's wrong.

Over at Rafa's, a rejuvenated Vicki has arrived for breakfast. Seating herself at the table she promises to behave as Rafa goes to let Leonor know there will be three for breakfast. Alone at the table, Vicki pulls out the vile vial of venom (OK, it sweet potato and papaya, but I couldn't let the alliteration go to waste) and is all set to doctor Rafa's orange juice with this fabulous philtre.

Rosario and Jorge want to know more. Marco wants to assume financial responsibility for the family, Ale thinks that they still need the money from her job. Struggling with his memory, Jorge wants Marco to get on with the sale of the hacienda. Ale kisses Jorge and Rosario and escapes to work, but not before Tia sees to it that Marco also is given a kiss. A quick peck on the cheek and she's outta there, leaving Jorge to ponder his Swiss bank account number and Marco to reassure Rosario that things are gonna be OK.

Vicki is about to put Rafa's supplement in the OJ when Julieta joins her.

"¿Qué haces aquí?" She answers that she has come for breakfast, "Just because we've broken our engagement doesn't mean we can't be friends, right Pajarito?" "Well I guess so," Rafa has returned from the kitchen. He notices that Vicki has ditched the veil. This must be a good sign. Leonor sets Vicki's plate of food on the table and Vicki needles Julieta a bit about Jaime. "Jaime's part of the past and no longer matters." Just as everyone is settling in for a quiet harmonious breakfast, Vicki has a bit of an internal meltdown as we overhear her silent shout, "I couldn't administer the love potion to my Pajarito, I AM SO ANGRY!" Foiled this time, Vicki decides it's time to go, and just like that... off she goes, humming. Leonor observes, "how nice that Vicki is getting better."

We join the sales meeting in progress. Jiménez' sales are lagging. Everyone remarks on Ale's glow. Dandy and Pepeto smugly remember the night before. Rafa quickly brings the meeting to a close and the anthem is sung enthusiastically by all... next!

In a nice restaurant, Marco updates Chavez. He caught the two in the act. Chavez insists that Marco tell him that he's joking, then noticing the bandage on his chum's forehead, inquires if this is a horn sprouting.

Alone in their shared quarters, Ale and Rafa hug and then have a brief and unsatisfying discussion. She tells him that she asked for a divorce but Marco forgave her and wants to reconcile. Rafa asks, "What now? Will we be lovers?" "Nope." "Will you dump me?"

Meanwhile Chavez can't believe that this woman, "could put horns on us and much less with that worthless Medina." Marco reminds him that he is the only one who was cheated on. As his friend, Chavez shares in the humiliation and thinks that Marco's only recourse is to kill Rafa and dump Ale. A slightly better grounded Marco notes that Ale and her family represent the chicken producing the golden eggs. As Marco vows to take his revenge on Medina, the Z-man, our favorite private dick arrives shielding his face with a newspaper and takes a seat across the room.

Marino, who was absent from the sales meeting asks Ramírez what he missed. Just that Medina and Ale were a bit happier and friendlier with each other. What Marino really wants is a favor. After a little visit last night with one of his women, the full figured one, he is suspicious that she is seeing someone else. Germán knows all too well whom he is referring to, la frondosa (voluptuous one), Gloria. (Gloria! That's it. I couldn't remember her name. Marino also had trouble remembering.) and expresses his doubts. Hoping that he is mistaken, Edgar wants Germán to keep a close watch on her and report to him. He shares his wisdom about women, "They are interested in three things, money, flirting, and cheating." "Are you biting your tongue?" "We weren't talking about me." Ramírez asks what he will do if there is someone else. "What do you think?" "Strangle him?" "Of course not." Marino puts a headlock on his friend and tell him that he will, "grab him like this and break his skull." Ramírez and we are reassured and relieved.

Chavez has gotten into the spirit of revenge, calling for a firing squad. This renewed unity is interrupted by Marco's cellular phone. "¡Carmela!" Oops, she's on her way. Chavez leaves but not before saluting our cuckold with the secret cuckold sign.

Ale and Rafa are in agreement about wanting to be together but both are bemoaning the impediments to their eternal bliss. Their mutual moping is interrupted by a summons for Ale from our Majestic Metiche, doño Arcadia, wanting a report of her encounter with Daniel. Though he's annoyed by Danny, Rafa gives him credit for putting him and Ale back together. They kiss sweetly and she is off to meet with royalty.

Let's hope that it is too early for sipping fine brandy. Maybe a Bloody Mary or a Mimosa.

Marco is alone, stirring his coffee, looking like a condemned man waiting to be escorted to the gallows. A vigilant Zetina spots that woman and springs into action. Now for some good snapshots, as he readies his camera. He is not disappointed. Carmela begins showering Marco with kisses.

Good photos. She wants an update on business and the mmmm. Has Marcos been repaired. "No and don't laugh." Well, she's getting impatient about both. Marco squirms.

Chato makes Ale comfortable in the throne room. Doña Arcadia wants an update.

How did things go with Daniel? He is like my son, you know," Uncomfortably Ale recalls her romantic adventure with that cockroach and it looks as though she has mustarded the courage to tell DA about her adored almost son, "Doña Arcadia, the truth is, Daniel Zepeda is..." when who should skitter in under the door but the aforementioned cockroach. Ale squirms. She jerks her hand away as Daniel attempts to kiss it. "Did something happen between you two?" Ale suddenly has a pain in her neck. Doña Arcadia has an oil for that.

Carmela has told Marco to show her the money and she is also tired of waiting for mmmm. He's got 3 days. Should she explain things to him after that rat, Chavez and he are behind bars? He understands. Se's glad he does.Smiling, she tells him to take care of his bump (chichón) and she will take care of hers (she uses the plural). She gives him one last kiss as Zetina takes one last photo. Mission accomplished... we hope.

Now, just so we don't get too comfortable and smug about things, Susana announces the arrival of Marian to Rafa. With a worried look he says ,"OK, send her in." She takes a seat. "We have a lot to talk about." Yikes! He agrees. She apologizes about Daniel, then moves in close, caresses his cheek and looks longingly into his eyes...

just in time for Susana to see...




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