Thursday, September 30, 2010

Llena de Amor #38 Wed 9/29/10 Fedra officially gets HER house, but Carlota shows up to set things straight.

At dinner, Fedra threatens to put Gretel in a manicomio. Gretel says go ahead; then she will find out what she is capable of. Later, Gretel visits the General and he asks what she saw when she followed Fedra. Gretel is afraid to say anything because she thinks her mother will do the same to her that she did to Luis Felipe. That makes the General think. Back up in her room with the cat, Gretel cries that she’s too much of a coward, but she doesn’t want to be murdered.
Ilitia has presumptuously decided to name her new modeling agency with the Ruiz y de Teresa name. She agrees to make Kristel a top model. Emanuel tries to feign some vague interest. When they’re alone, Ilitia tells Emanuel she wants to get married ASAP so they can get busy every night. He panics. She tries to appeal to his lower brain. He says he is not going to marry her.
Lowrenzo and his real estate guy hold a business meeting in a “strip club” that’s every bit as lame as La Mala Noche. They sign contracts. Lowrenzo insists on anonymity.
The next day: Ilitia is busy crying to her mom and wondering if Emanuel has been cheating on her. Muñeca gets a call about the orphans being evicted and immediately heads out to see about it, so Ilitia throws a tantrum because Mom cares about something besides Ilitia Ilitia Ilitia. Meanwhile, Low is at the gym gloating about ruining the orphanage and thus keeping Muñeca and Begoña apart. Muñeca goes straight to Begoña to ask for help with the orphans.
Court’s in session, Netty and Marianela on one side of the room, Fedra, Emiliano, and Emanuel on the other. Eman is really on Mari’s side, though. Brief moment of hope when it’s a different judge than the one Fedra paid off with her dubious charms, but ultimately the ruling is in Fedra’s favor and she gets all the money and the house. Emanuel wants to help Marianela. She tells him to help by leaving her alone and never speaking to her again.
Some thugs Brandon and Oliver previously arrested have been released from prison. They go to the club, where Mauricio and Lowrenzo are talking about their black market booze, and demand to know where the merchandise is. Lorenzo takes them to the warehouse. He wants out of the crime ring, but the thugs say no way. Also, they’ve now been assigned to operation Begoña-B-Gone/Babygrab. Lorenzo says forget it; she lives in a house full of police.
Nereida goes to the station and pretends to be all ashamed and embarrassed before finally “confessing” that she was in the garden smooching on Spiderus at the specified time. Well, she certainly should be embarrassed. Kissing that ghoul. Gag. Brandon is sure she is lying but Tejeda says they have no proof. FIND PROOF. Bernardo is freed and gloats to Brandon, but Brandon says not for long.
Mauricio grossly and aggressively hits on Ilitia in an empty room at the gym. Lorena sees and somehow thinks they’re having an affair and this will be fun news to share. Ilitia gets away from rapey Agent O.
Ricardo, Eva’s manager, visits Netty and Marianela and tells them that Eva was completely sober, but had been threatened in the days before her death. Someone sent her a bottle of booze the day she died. He’s sure someone caused the helicopter explosion deliberately.
Tia Carlota is in town! Her brother Máximo tells her what a witch Fedra is, but she thinks he’s being melodramatic. Fedra is always lovely to her. She says she’ll look into it, though. When the family arrives home, she demands to know what’s going on with Marianela’s inheritance. Emanuel tells her Fedra took everything. Carlota is incensed. She says Fedra is going to have to answer to her, and she wants Mari at the house for dinner to talk about it. Emiliano sits by being a waffly wimp.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Dinero #206- 9/29/10: Of Love & Meat…& Hotdogs & Hamburgers & Chorizos

We see once again the sealing of the deal of two of the MANY plots to separate Rafa and Ale. Beltran and Marian have agreed to get Rafa in her clutches through the pretext of selling the remaining used trucks, after bidding Urdiales farewell. Marco and Chavez have just agreed to throw Leonor in jail, so that Rafa won’t dare approach Marco’s woman again.

At Casa Alvarez del Castillo (aka Marco’s Pad), Ale has resisted the urge to slap Tia Rosario after she played the blame game with Ale and voiced her opposition at her plan to divorce Marco. Instead she reasons with her. “Me obligas estar con alguien que no quiero?” (You’re going to obligate me to be with someone I don’t love?) Rosario quickly sees the light, or at least recognizes her niece’s anguish and the truth of her words. She apologizes, admits Ale is right, and attributes her harsh words to being upset by Jorge’s disappearance. She then gets back down to the business of wringing her hands and doing nothing to help the situation.

Ale tries to assure her that everything will be ok, and doesn’t accept Rosario’s suggestion to call Marco for help. When Ale’s cell phone rings, Rosario’s heart goes pitter patter, thinking it’s her hero Marco. Ale breaks the sad news that it is not, but looks shifty eyed guilty when Rosario asks who it is. The phone continues to ring. Ale finally decides to put her big girl panties on and tell tia the truth—“Es Rafael Medina.” Rosario and Asucena look like Ale just said Beelzebub was on the phone.

Two very real devils have just brought our Papa Perdido, Jorge, into a lively, colorful barrio apartment complex. Apparently it’s a child’s party and the kiddies are having fun breaking open the piñata. The Good (Jorge) wants to know why they’ve brought him here. Bad and Ugly remind him that he said he was hungry, and they’re serving up some taquitos and frijoles at this barrio party. Never has the offer of delicious food seemed so menacing. Jorge’s looking mighty confused, and more than a little nervous and suspicious. He tells them the taquitos and beans will give him indigestion (me va a dar molestias), he’s not hungry anymore and that he has to go. Bad and Ugly insist and move in a little too close for comfort. Jorge may be senile, but he has a few marbles left. He stealthily removes his nice watch and puts it in his pocket. They drag him kicking into the vecinidad courtyard.

I’m now starting to wring my hands and worry as much as Rosario. She, meanwhile, has ordered Ale to answer her phone in a huff. Rafa asks Ale for an update on her papa. When she tells him they have not found him and have no clues, he insists on coming to help with the search. Ale, knowing Rosario won’t exactly roll out the welcome wagon, tells him she’ll meet him downstairs and the two of them will search. She can’t suppress a big goofy grin as she hangs up, but turns serious to tell Rosario the plan. She reacts predictably. The crying and wringing of hands begins in earnest.

We are transported to an equally disturbing scene at Julieta’s work cubicle. A newly leggy and professional looking Julieta is once again telling Cesar that she needs time to think about his proposal that they be novios. Cesar believes that this isn’t something you think about, it’s something you FEEL. (No es cosa de pensarlo, es de sentirlo.) He moves even further into her personal space and begins to lay a kiss on her. Luckily, Chepis walks in just then to put a stop to this impropriety. Another Medina caught kissing at work today! Chepis gives them a clear understanding of the repercussions for fraternizing with a co-worker- firing for Julieta and being reported to Marian for Cesar (doesn’t seem very fair and balanced to me, but ok). Cesar mocks Chepis behind her back, but Julieta assures her it won’t happen again and looks pensive.

At the bar, Pascual, our opera singing, Italian waiter, is starting to worry about Marco’s intensified drinking habits. (But he’s not worried about skinny drunk guy??) He doesn’t want Marco to become another statistic. Marco promises to take a cab home if Pascual calls him one. He continues to contemplate his whiskey when Carmela sneaks up from behind for a (final) squeeze and kiss for her biscocho. She drains his whiskey and orders up a few more. The proximity to her biscocho and the news of the sale of the hacienda have made her so happy, she’s nearly wriggling out of her seat with excitement. He hands over the check with her cut of the supposed sale. She gives him a lamprey kiss in exchange and they toast the end of their partnership. Carmela thinks it’s a shame that they could never seal that other part of their deal due to his little problem, and Marco does not inform her of his miraculous cure. He gets ready to leave, but she thinks they should take their leave the way God (or Carmela) intended. Marco is feeling generous, or he is giddy from finally being done with Carmela. He takes Carmela’s face in his hands, leans her head back, and lays a very Carmela-worthy kiss on her. She is left breathless and begging for more as he runs out of the bar. “Licensiadoooo!!!” (The actress is having the hardest time not cracking up.)

Rafa has arrived to pick up Ale at her (Marco’s) place. He suggests they ask people on the street nearby if they have seen Jorge and follow the leads. They start with the newspaper seller on the corner. “Have you seen an old guy, half bald (medio caldo)?” Turns out he did, but it was a while ago. “He went that way.” The hunt is on, but Ale isn’t wearing her hunting shoes. She can barely make it across the cobble stones of Marco’s driveway in her black stilettos. But between his trusty steed (Pantera) and their inappropriately shod feet, Rafa is sure they'll find Jorge.

Rafa and Ale are on the right track, but Dandy is about to derail his relationship with Susana. He announces to the Sales Team that he’s cutting out a bit early to take his Nonicita on a hot date. Ever the effective school yard bullies, the sales crew start to make fun of the bland meatless meal they imagine the two will have. They all (except Bebe) think that he has adjusted to Susana’s lifestyle, it’s now time for her to adjust to his. It’s time for her to eat meat! (There are all sorts of things wrong with this argument. The first being that Susana never demanded that Dandy become a vegetarian. Another being that she doesn’t eat meat for ethical reasons that she can’t just change those on a whim. The next being that once you have stopped eating meat for a long time, it is harder to create the enzymes needed to break it down in your digestive system.)

Bebe doesn’t think he should risk such a wonderful relationship. Marino, providing the best advertisement for vegetarianism with a bloody piece of meat covering his black eye, insists that the flacita needs to show her love for Dandy by making this sacrifice. They all decide that they’ll throw a barbeque with lots of meat during which Susana’s love for Dandy will be tested. Dandy, like a fool (or perhaps like a carnivore looking for any excuse to sink his teeth into some animal flesh), agrees to this plan.

Rafa is also salivating over the thought of some carne. The hotdog/hamburger vendor provides another clue to Jorge’s dondeabouts, but unfortunately there’s no time for Rafa to sample his wares. They continue on the search for Jorge, who surprisingly has not been mugged by Bad and Ugly. They’re actually feeding him and taking in the fiesta. The mother of little birthday boy Juanito, comes over. She scolds Bad and Ugly and wonders where their elegant friend came from. She asks Jorge how he got there. He lets her know he’s lost and can’t remember his address, but he’s sure his hija ROSARIO, and his hermana ALEJANDRA must be very worried. Bad and Ugly say their farewells to “Don George” and leave him in the nice lady’s care. And I feel much better now.

At the Salon, Jaime has tripped in. They’d know the sound of his fall anywhere. Ovi and the boys wonder if he needs help with another Vicky problem, like their wedding caper. Nope. What Jaime wants is, “una cambia de look y de aparencia.” (A change in look and appearance.) “Qué?!!!!!!” The Salon trio are impactados. After getting over the shock, they tell him he needs a radical change of mannerisms and clothing (cambia radical de conducta y ropa). They poke, prod and turn him, examining the raw material they have to work with. They’re going to pull him out of that corner (rincón) he’s been hiding in. Extreme Makeover- Jaime Edition has begun!

When Marco returns home, he is shocked to find Rosario still there. She has continued her worrying and hand wringing (why stop doing something you’re good at?). She spills all to Marco about Jorge being missing and Ale going off alone with Rafa to find him. Marco predictably flips out.

Jorge, meanwhile, has settled in comfortably in the barrio. He’s chatting up a young lady named Hortencia when Juanito’s mom returns to continue their talk. She wonders how he can remember that he has a hija and hermana, but can’t remember his address. He tells her he’s got that thing that gives you problems with your memory. Yeah! She’s heard of it. Alz, alz… “Demencia senil” (senile dementia) Jorge interjects. She thinks she’s getting it too! Hortencia comes back with a tasty dish for Jorge. Unfortunately she’s put too much salsa and chiles in it. Jorge’s mouth is on fire, and he requires water immediately, but he can’t seem to stop eating.

Just outside on the streets, Ale is getting desperate and worried. Three punks appear and start taunting and harassing them. Rafa shields his licensiada and takes all three of them on. One breaks loose and goes for Ale, who starts whipping him with her purse. Sensing the danger to his love, Rafa gains the strength of three men, shakes off the two hoods, and takes care of the one attacking Ale. Suddenly Bad and Ugly roll up, and it looks like things will go from bad to worse for Ale and Rafa. But Bad and Ugly are more interested in playing mediators. They don’t think it’s fair that their three barrio buddies are picking on two people. Rafa and Ale agree. Well, the barrio boys don’t think the pair of them should be in their neighborhood. We learn that Bad’s name is Don Chorizo (Mr. Sausage). He wants to know what they are doing slumming in their hood. Ale explains she’s looking for her papa and starts to describe him. “Hey! That’s Don George!” It’s all good, fist bumps and smiles all around. Chorizo takes them to Don George.

Rosario is still fretting and Marco is still fuming. He decides to tell her that Rafa and Ale are lovers and Rafa is seducing and swindling Ale. Rosario is sufficiently scandalized. Marco claims that he’s just an innocent victim in all this, and he wonders, as she does, what sin he committed to deserve this. (Where shall we start Marco?!) Rosario feels his pain, but wants them to concentrate on the most pressing problem at hand- Jorge’s disappearance. Marco says she’s right. Jorge is what’s most important. But internally he plots to put Leonor in jail, tomorrow!

Marian and Muskrat celebrate Marian’s small victory in her quest to steal Rafa. She’s sure she’ll be successful, since her competition, Ale, is married. Muskrat doesn’t think that’s an impediment, which leads Marian to wonder whose side she’s on. (I’m wondering that too.) Muskrat claims she’s just playing devil’s advocate. Marian claims that Rafa is her #1 priority. “Then you wouldn’t mind if my brother looked elsewhere?” “Of course not!...Why? Do you know something?” Muskrat keeps mum about her brother’s plans, but admits he also has a challenge on his hands.

Speaking of challenging. Vicky is continuing to lose it, saying to herself that she’s afraid (tengo miedo). The brothers want to know who she’s afraid of and who’s been threatening her. They’ll take care of them for her. The sit her down and beg her to confide in them. The brothers draw close, she makes them promise not to tell Don Gaston, then shares the whole tale of the Gran Mololongo, the love potion drunk by Marco, and the curse of dark forces and consequences to come. “Tengo que esperar lo peor!” (I have to wait for the worst to happen.) Felipe immediately sees the easy solution—stop her quest for Rafa. Vicky doesn’t like this answer. They both hug her and Pancho assures her nothing will happen to her as long as she has them. Awww! Now let’s go downstairs and you head to the kitchen, since papa is really hungry. Vicky pushes her brutish brothers away, accusing them of just trying to butter her up to get some food. They assure her that they love her and always will. Now they want her to forget about this witchcraft nonsense. (Will this talk snap Vicky out of it?) Big hugs from the Bros and continued poutiness from Vicky.

In the barrio, Ale and Rafa enter the courtyard, and… cable goes out for a few minutes (storms rolling through). I sit and stare at my blue screen for a few minutes and then a MIRACLE! I see the last minute of the show.

Juanito is blowing out the candles on his cake, surrounded by all the neighbors and Jorge, Ale and Rafa. Smiles and cheers all around. Jorge then turns to Ale and asks, “Éste joven es tu novio?” (Is this young man your boyfriend?) “Sí papa, y nos queremos mucho.” (Yes dad, and we love each other very much.)

Tomorrow: Rafa and Ale aren’t hiding their relationship anymore. Marco retaliates by having Leonor thrown in jail.


La Fea Más Bella #25-26 9/29/10 The bribe hits the fan.

Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Caps 22 - 26. Cap 25 starts at the paragraph that begins, “In the morning, Paula rides to work with Omar.” If you don’t want to read ahead, stop at the paragraph that begins, “Lety tells her father what Miguel.” That begins Cap 26.

Capitulo 25

1. Fernando disapproves that Omar took Paula out. Omar thinks she’s the best kind: poor, hot, and easy to use (and discard). Then he rudely jokes about Lety, and Fern defends that she has a good heart.

2. Fernando signs the contract at CineRent. He doesn’t want Luigi to know about the switch to video until the day of the Benny shoot.

3. Fernando worries about all the debt. He considers forming a shadow company to protect Conceptos from creditors. Neither of them can control it. To effectively protect Conceptos, the head of the shadow co would be the legal owner of Conceptos, so it must be someone they can trust absolutely.

4. Miguel calls Lety, trying to arrange payment of the bribe. Ariel records a conversation which implicates Lety in the bribe.

5. Fernando happens to go to the same restaurant where Marcia and Luigi are pitching the Benny video to Magalay, and Shrew Marcia is sure Fernando came to see Magalay.

6. Lety imagines herself rich, taking her friends to lunch.

7. Miguel calls again about the loan payment. She calls the house and Tomás is not there, so she tells her dad that a vendor offered her a “commission.”

Capitulo 26

Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Caps 22 - 26. Cap 26 starts at the paragraph that begins, “Lety tells her father what Miguel.”

I LOVE this episode! It’s one of my top 10. There are SO MANY great scenes!!!

1. Erasmo convinces Lety to not take the bribe. See the transcript.

2. Ariel thinks he has the evidence to fire Lety. Alicia asks whether they’ll make her assistant today. Lety wants to tell Fernando something delicate. He wants to wait until after he talks to Ariel. Then he has second thoughts and asks what it’s about.

3. Lety confesses the bribe. Fernando is deeply disappointed; “I thought I could trust you.” Lety says she was tempted because her family is in financial crisis, but her father “reminded me who I am. I could never betray you.” Fernando tells Marcia.

4. Ariel plays his recording. Fernando looks crushed. He has Marcia inform Ariel that Lety already told him everything, and Fern is bursting with glee. He mocks Ariel for sinking to such tricks to beat a lowly assistant.

5. Lety resigns because she cannot be trusted. See transcript. She almost betrayed all she holds dear. Fernando rejects her resignation. She was tempted because she’s human, but she passed the test of fire.

6. We see the source of Ariel’s bitterness. Their family is being squeezed out of Conceptos, and Lety has the place that should be Marcia’s. Next she’ll be president and they’ll be thrown into the street.

7. Omar says that to turn down a bribe like that demonstrates incredible loyalty or adoration. Fernando is boggled. He decides to make owner of the shadow company; he trusts her more than anyone.

8. Lety asks Fernando for help with CineRent. He calls Diana, puts her on the spot, and tells her to pay the bribe amount (500K pesos, $40K USD) to Conceptos instead.

9. Omar rebukes Fernando for paying Lety only minimum wage after all she does. He realizes he never gave her the raise he promised when he promoted her, and the bribe tempted her because her family is in financial crisis. Omar says she’s obviously in love. Fernando gives her a raise of $639 USD, retroactive.

Spanish Lesson

You get two transcripts today! The two scenes have such fantastic dialog, I couldn't bear to skip either of them.

Watch the scene and try to figure out how the words they say match the English translation. Make a list of new vocabulary and phrases you want to learn.Note, this is the gist, not a precise translation. All future Spanish lessons will be gists.

Pop Counsels Lety
L: It’s a commission, because I helped in the transaction.
E: Who pays your salary?
L: But it’s a lot of money!
E: Don’t you dare receive a single penny from them!
L: I’m doing it for you. So you don’t have to sell the house. And so you can start a business with Tomás.
E: Oh, so this is because I lost my job? Well then, I’ll go out and rob people on the street.
J: You know how we live in this house. Poverty is no excuse to do what you shouldn’t. It’s just an excuse that immoral people use (to enslave you?).
L: I’m not robbing anybody.
E: Do you know why I could leave my employer of 18 years, with my head high?
J: He was above reproach. With his noble name, and his honest work.
E: I NEVER let anyone bribe me. And people trusted me.
J: His coworkers and bosses believed in him. And Don Fernando believes in you.
E: What do you think would happen if your boss found out what you were doing?
F: (Lety imagines) How could you do this to me, after how I fought for you? This is how you repay me? Betraying me? I never want to see you again! GET OUT!!
E: And who would hire you after that? That bribe had better be enough to live on for the rest of your life. We Padillas are not that kind of people. I raised you so that you would be worthy of trust.
L: Do you know what, Papa? (Lety rises.) Thank you. It’s what I needed to hear. It takes a great weight off of me. I would’ve done it for you, but you’re right. I have no reason to receive that money.

The Lety I Know

L: I’m very sorry for what happened. Listening to your discussion with Ariel made me feel terrible. Very guilty.
F: Fortunately you told me in time. Otherwise this would’ve been horrible. But it’s over with.
L: No, sir. I resign.
F: WHAT??? What do you mean, resign? No, you can’t do that. Things have already been straightened out. Everything’s fine.
L: That’s not good enough for me. I should’ve told you as soon as they offered me the commission.
F: Yeah, but you told me. You didn’t accept the money. That’s what’s important. What’s the problem?
L: I don’t trust myself. I went crazy. I let go of my standards. I imagined my life with that money. I’m not that Lety. I swear it. I don’t know what happened. I was on the verge of betraying what is most sacred to me. My father, my family, all my parents have taught me. I was about to betray you. I can’t forgive myself. I want to resign.
F: Do you know what? I won’t let you. The Leticia Padilla that I know is the one who is talking to me right now with so much sincerity. It’s the human Lety. Not the human computer that everyone laughs at, hidden in her cave. It’s the Lety that also has moments of weakness. I don’t want a perfect woman. No. I need a human being who is able to fall into temptation, but who is also willing and able to recover, and in the end return to her principles. No, Lety. You didn’t betray me. To the contrary. You passed the test of fire. And not many here in Conceptos do that, eh? I makes me happy that you have counted on me to achieve it. Now I know who you really are. And do you know what? Just so you know, I need you now more than ever. Now get rid of those tears and call Omar.


Dinero Tues. 9/28/2010 Money Money Money!

Dear Judy, Here is the recap at this address as well. Sorry this is a little later. I hope it didn't inconvenience you. Barb
Sorry, no theme available. I feel like the dog that got into the food cupboard, tried to devour a 40# bag of Beneful, and barfed all over the kitchen floor. So I gorged myself on tonight's tale and regurgitated it back to you. Please share in my repast.

We start by ending (again) meetings that started yesterday. Auto Siglo's meeting ends in their inspiring anthem. Daniel ends his meeting with Quintana and Chavez by liking the idea of buying the Hacienda Alejandra. He compliments his tio on his tie, "Hang onto it, it will come back in style".

Marino is leaving Auto Siglo to meet an important client. He tells Ramirez to take care of his phone calls and other such secretarial duties. Marino asks if he can handle it. Ramirez supposes he might be able to manage and waves Marino off with a "Ve con Dios". Ramirez chides himself for sounding like Milagros. And then speak not of the devil but the king of Rome-- who should appear at the Auto Siglo doorway but the aforementioned maiden herself.

Rafa is on the telephone working to make a deal. It turns out his contact was just fired. He was caught with the wife of the boss man. Rafa can share his pain....No, no, he wasn't caught with Beltran's wife.....uh, no sale here Rafa.

Dona Arcadia has found out that Beltran has fired Rafa and Ale for having inappropriate employee relations a.k.a. KISSING". Arcadia looks at Beltran deprecatingly and reminds him they have overlooked this behavior with Susana and Dandy. And, really it's about the money, money, money. Rules be damned, "THEY'RE REHIRED"

The Auto Siglo team gather around Ramirez and Milagros commenting on the "perfect couple" and Milagros' nun-like style of dress. This scene appeared reminiscent of schoolyard bullies around their victims and definitely warrants a >>FF>>.

Chavez talks to Quintana.....the sale of the hacienda to Daniel will be our little secret. Marco need not know.

Ale talks to Susana. Ale relates that Beltran caught her and Rafa kissing. Beltran was scandalized and fired them on the spot. Beltran gave the pair three days to sell the remaining trucks and then get the heck out of Auto Siglo. Susana recalls how Beltran and Arcadia are well aware that Susana and Dandy are an item. Susana feels that it is unlikely that the Auto Siglo star team of Rafa and Ale will be fired. After all it's all about the money, money, money.

Rafa is still on the phone, trying to work up a sale. This time he gets an outright hang-up. But that's OK, because Ale appears at his office door looking pretty chipper. "Why so happy?" asks Rafa. Ale clues Rafa in about her conversation with Susana. Susana's opinion: Ale and Rafa will be a NO GO.

Milagros is telling Ramirez she won't tell his mommy about seeing him with that wicked, somewhat dressed woman if they can be novios. Oh and BTW, say "Adios" to Gloria. Ramirez is astounded that Milagros would blackmail him. Does she want a novio so badly? "Yes" replies Milagros without hesitation. She is a shy person, she has never had a novio and she never.....whispers end of sentence to Ramirez. We are to assume WHOA BABY! from the shocked expression on the Ramirez countenance. Ramirez's head is about to explode with all the ramifications of his situation. He urgently ushers Milagros out the door with a promise to talk later.

Ale and Rafa decide to carry on as usual and act as if nothing has happened. They must not be fired--Dona Arcadia hasn't commanded their presence yet. Having solved this trifling problem, Rafa gets all flirty and directs Ale to go look in her office, go look at your computer. On-screen we see "Mi Amor...Me muero por besarte y abrazarte". Ale gets all smiley and excited, we start to hear Amarte A La Antigua" in the background. I'm dying to kiss and hug you too!! Oh, we can't, we can't. Not here! Ooooooh, I want to! Me too! (OK, I know it's saccharine, aspartame and sugar overload, but Rafa and Ale can be ridiculously cute).

Marino arrives at a large office building. He's stopped at the lobby by security. "Do you have an appointment?"... No, but I'm here to see the head of purchasing and I've got what this guy needs.....Nope. Need an appointment. Another security guy comes over, insults are traded. Fisticuffs transpire, on ground, away from our camera eye's view.

Beltran is in his office lamenting his bad day. He brightens when a call comes in from Marian. Francisco, I would like to talk. Beltran wonders if Marian wouldn't be better served by talking with Rafa or Ale in whom he has complete confidence. Marian demurs, tells Beltran that it's a personal matter and she begs for his complete discretion. Let's meet nearby pronto!
Marian hangs up and resolves: "En la guerra y en el amor, todo se vale."
Beltran hangs up and congratulates himself on his mojo: "Todavia tienes tu pegue."

Rosario finds Jorge sitting dejectedly on the sofa. Jorge, why aren't you packing? We are leaving soon for the new apartment. Are you sick? --- Yes, sick with sadness. I worked hard for what I had. Now it is all lost. The hacienda, the house, Marco--it's all lost. All we have is a pair of suitcases and a rented apartment.

Marco is at the bar and receives a call from Carmela. Marco tells her the deal with the hacienda is almost over and denies trying to trick or deceive her. Marco hangs up and says to himself that at last he'll be rid of her. Chavez arrives. Marco needs to talk to him quickly before Carmela arrives. What can he do about that imbecil Medina?

Daniel and Muskrat are enjoying some sibling time together at an outdoor restaurant. Dan tells her that once he has the hacienda, he will approach Ale and make her an offer she can't refuse.

Rosario continues her packing. She wants to talk to Jorge further but Jorge is gone! Just to make sure, Azucena also spends the three seconds it takes to look for Jorge in Marco's apartment. Where is he?

We see Jorge wandering the street wondering where he is. Two rough looking guys menacingly flank Jorge.

We are back with Dan and Muskrat. It's peachy that such a great deal with the hacienda is going to bring Ale to Dan as well. Daniel gets Muskrat to agree that nothing is to be said to anyone about this deal. Muskrat tells Daniel that Marian continues to be in love with Medina. Daniel angrily replies that it is absurd that such a woman as Marian cares for that singing car salesman.

Marco is ranting to Chavez that Ale and her family are leaving the apartment. How will he get her back and get rid of Medina with so little opportunity to see her? He grabs Chavez and demands his help. Chavez looks pretty contented and directs Marco to let go of the suit. Though it looks bleak, he has an idea. Chavez reminds Marco about the swindle with Medina's house and the threat of jail time for Leonor. Marco likes it--he pats himself on the back for thinking of it. Chavez rolls his eyes.

The two guys are still hassling Jorge, asking if he is lost, grabbing at his clothes, his watch. Jorge is telling them he has lost all, including houses.

Rosario calls Ale to give her the news of Jorge's disappearance. Ale rushes to leave. Rafa wants to help but Ale knows that it would be too complicated. He needs to stay and sell the trucks. Ale rushes home with words of love and support from Rafa and Susana ringing in her ears.

Marian and Beltran are discussing business at the restaurant. She knows there are still many of her used trucks to be sold by Rafa. Beltran relays that over half have been sold with a good profit. Marian may have a buyer for the rest of the trucks. Beltran tells Marian she should talk to Medina. Marian is reluctant as there is a distance between them now.

Jaime and his Primo are eating. Jaime is missing Leonor's food but mainly he is missing Julieta. Primo tells Jaime he should do something bold and dramatic to grab Julieta's attention. What? asks Jaime. I dunno replies Primo. They ponder the possibilities.

Marino returns to Auto Siglo with a black eye. The Auto Siglo crew take great enjoyment in speculating on its origin. Dandy offers to give him a matched set. Marino asks if they really want to know what happened? Yes! reply all as they lean in eagerly to hear. "VAYANSE AL DIABLO!"

Ale arrives back at Marco's apartment. Jorge still has not returned and it's been two hours. Ale doubts the police will help because so little time has passed. Rosario is crying...What should we do? What should we do? If Marco was here, he would know what to do. Marco has found him many times before. Ale, because of YOU, we won't see Marco again.

Marian and Beltran continue their discussion. Beltran is not suprised by Marian's reticence with Rafa. He saw Rafa and Ale kissing today. Marian tells Beltran she knows she shouldn't mix business with personal issues and she hates to impose upon her friendship with Beltran, but she cares about Rafa. Can Beltran please tell Rafa that Marian has a possible buyer for the trucks and that he is to talk to her? If Marian tells Rafa herself, there is too much awkwardness involved and besides Ale will involve herself. If Beltran tells Rafa to contact Marian, things will go much better. Beltran is surprised Marian is asking for so little especially when the return on this favor could be so much money, money, money. Marian asks for one little favor more--never, never tell Rafa or Ale that Marian is the real buyer! Beltran says he knew it! He easily agrees and reiterates his trusted discretion.

As Marian and Beltran complete their business, a mutual acquaintance passes by the table and stops to say hello. Urdiales!! It's good to see you! exclaims Beltran. What have you been doing? ......Working, working Urdiales replies. Need any vehicles Beltran cunningly asks? I just might, comes the answer. Great! I will have my head of sales, Alejandra Alvarez del Castillo call you immediately!

Ale is asking Tia, so you believe all our problems are my fault? No, backtracks Tia, but I don't understand why you are leaving Marco, a wonderful man who has helped and cared for us. Now we are left without his help and guidance on what to do! Ale wonders if Tia is asking her not to divorce Marco? Tia shoots back....THAT is exactly what I am asking!

Marco and Chavez discuss their plan further. Chavez thinks just the threat of jail for Rafa's mom will do it. Marco wants to play a little more hardball and obtain an "orden de aprehension" against the progenitor of naquetes. Medina must never, never approach his wife again!!


Llena de Amor #37 Tue 9/28/10 More mama drama, but who cares? Oliver and Gretel finally make contact!

From yesterday: Netty’s doing laundry, but it’s not the clothes Gladiola wants to come clean. Netty says she’s going to look for acting work again because she needs the money, and the promise she made to San Antonio years ago to not act is null and void because she didn’t get the miracle she asked for. Gladiola needles her about the subject of the ungranted plea, but this is unnecessary because she knows what it’s all about: Netty is in love with Emiliano. Netty fans herself furiously. Baby Cristian looks on, taking in every bit of this gossip to reveal later at the most dramatic or strategically advantageous moment. Seriously, that kid looks like he doesn’t miss a thing. He should give Brandon some lessons.
Over at the police station, Brandon and Emanuel are tangling antlers once again. Emanuel demands to be let in to see his mother, Brandon says no. Brandon threatens to fight but Emanuel wins this round of King of the Mountain and pushes past him. All this bluster is most pointless, as Emiliano and Fedra the Felon walk out right then. Emanuel hugs his mom, and she is all pouty and rude.
Gladiola gleefully gloats. She has hit the mark! “Look how nervous and embarrassed you are, Netty!” Netty denies it and says that’s crazy. “Hee hee, you’re blushing, too!” Cristian agrees. Netty gets all worked up, raving that she could never be in love with a man who is already owned by a witch, especially one who has brought such pain and suffering into her life. Gladiola grins, unfooled.
Oliver and Marianela hustle across the lawn at the Viper Pit, worrying about Brandon finding out they were there. Mari notices that the menfolks’ cars are not there. Axel and Gretel come outside and Mari asks why he has a suitcase and Axel says his father threw him out.
Emanuel tells his mommy those big bad meanies will never take her away from the house again. “We will see about that,” says Brandon. The lawyer officiously announces that if she is arrested again they will demand that she be interrogated by another officer. I’m sure Brandon is really disappointed by that. Fedra wants to see Bernardo before they go, so she flounces off, still in her marabou robe and slippers. Emiliano then tries to demand that ol’ Spiderus be released ASAP, but Brandon says they’ll look into his alibi, and if it doesn’t check out he will be in the hoosegow a good long while.
Axel has briefed Marianela and she wonders why that Lorena would do such an obnoxious thing. Axel says he’ll talk to her about it later; he wants to scram before his parents come home. He leaves and Gretel says she’s going to miss him so much. He is her only support. Mari assures her that she will still have Axel, and she can count on Mari, too. Marianela asks Gretel how she is and tells her Oliver said she had a spell. Gretel glares at Oliver (who has been standing there gazing at Gretel and looking like he might cry), but doesn’t really mind too much. Mari wants to go talk to Tio Máximo, and Oliver agrees that he’d love to wait out here with the lovely Gretel, in fact for his whole life would be fine, so take your time.
Bernardo and Fedra lean together in a dramatically black-painted room, whispering like the guilty parties they are. Bernie says he’s using Nereida as his alibi and claiming they were in the garden together, so Fedra’s in charge of making sure she gets the lie straight.
Nereida is dusting Marianela’s old bedroom. She wonders if Mari might have left some good chocolates behind and starts looking through the drawers. No candy, but Marianela’s somehow left her diary in the nightstand. The one that’s not really a diary but a shrine to Emanuel. Nereida has struck gold. Hilarious, hilarious gold.
Oliver sits next to Gretel on the front steps, grinning hopefully. She tells him to wait somewhere else because she wants to be alone. He thinks she should give him a chance. It’s such a beautiful spring day! They should enjoy the scenery and chat a bit like friends! Gretel tells him to talk to the plants. She starts to walk away but he stops her and says she’s more bitter than lime without salt. What happened to make her so bitter? She says she just doesn’t feel well. Oliver offers to make her feel better; maybe he could even get her to smile a little. She’s starting to weaken but tells him he’s a pain and she doesn’t need help. Lárgate! He says he can’t. Leaning in very very close, he says nothing could drag him away. She needs resuscitating, and what better method than mouth-to-mouth? He goes for it.
Kristel is inside, so engrossed in scanning Marie Claire magazine for the perfect outfit for prison visits that she must not have noticed Marianela passing through. Nereida gets her attention, though, with some smug prancing. Kristel is the smug prancer around here and she won’t have her role usurped. Nereida says she has Marianela’s diary, which could become Kristel’s for a price. Kristel takes off a bracelet and says it could buy food for a year. They make the swap and each seem delighted with their loot. Kristel runs upstairs to avoid Marianela. Mari admires Nereida’s bracelet. Nereida says it was a bargain (ganga).
Gretel is into the kiss, but ReGretel takes over and slaps Oliver. “How dare you kiss me?!” “I am super in love with you, sweetums!” he pants, clutching her once more. “Don’t you dare kiss me again,” she tempts him, leaning in so their faces are millimeters apart and edging toward him a little more with her lips. He tries to connect, but she pulls away again. A master of mixed messages, Gretel clings to Oliver and holds him close as she orders him to let her go, or she’ll yell! “Yell as much as you want! Tell everyone, because I will tell them I love you even more than mole de olla!” {Now that’s love.} He kisses her again, but she pushes him away faster this time and says she never wants to see him again. He doesn’t believe her. “I know you like me, mi chamón en almíbar!” “I don’t like you at all, you uppity jerk! I hate you!” Gretel runs inside, and Oliver grins from ear to ear and says, “You are not going to escape from me, venenito (little poison)!”
Benigno visits Netty. My recording goes spazzy for a bit but I think he tells her that Fedra’s playing dirty (chueca, twisted).
Marianela asks Delicia about the household goings-on. How did Axel get thrown out? Delicia says what she suspected was true. Mari doesn’t seem to remember, so Delicia reminds her in an oblique fashion: que se le cae la mano, sube las escaleritas al lado, brinca los charcos de puntitas. Mari looks more and more clueless. In other words, Delicia finally says, he is homosexual. Marianela is irate and cannot believe that his own parents threw him out. He’s never hurt anyone, while they have mistreated him horribly, and he must be feeling so alone. Delicia agrees he’s a great kid and didn’t deserve this.
Netty wonders what she can do about keeping Don Máximo’s money away from Fedra. Surely Fedra has better lawyers than Netty’s. {I suspect I’d make a better lawyer than Netty’s.} Benigno thinks they’re buying legal favor with a tajada (slice) of the jackpot. Fedra already had a psychiatrist come and declare Máximo loco, and so Emiliano will be left in charge of his money. Netty is irate that he’s part of the plot to take the inheritance from Mari and surrender it to Fedra’s greedy gullet.
Emanuel, Emiliano, and feathery Fedra trudge back into the house and settle in for some quality family bickering. Fedra says she won’t move until Spiderus is once again in her web. Emanuel says he went to talk to Marianela, which provokes the same old screechy lines. Emanuel wonders about Axel, ditto. Fedra bellows for Nereida and asks for news. Nereida says Axel came by. Emanuel is happy about that; the others not so much.
Netty is still mad. Máximo is perfectly sane! How could Emiliano agree that he isn’t? Benigno says Emil believes anything Fedra says. Netty wails that this has always been his weakness. Benigno thinks she’s taking it a bit personally, and she claims it’s just so disappointing when you believe a person is decent and it turns out to be a lie. {Probably even more disappointing when you’ve given up your profession for years and channeled all those dramatics into pining over that person.}
“I can’t BELIEVE that Axel dared to set one foot in this house!” growls Emiliano. “Not just one. Both of them!” Nereida chimes in helpfully. Emanuel thinks Bad Dad is being harsh. Emiliano says Axel betrayed them and doesn’t deserve to carry the family name. Fedra tells Emanuel he has to understand; Daddy’s orders are law. “What the hell?!” says Emanuel. He doesn’t understand at all. Nereida tells them Axel just got his clothes and left. “How can you two sleep, knowing you’ve ruined the life of one of your children?” Emanuel asks his parents. {Easy. More Sleepytime Soufflé, anyone?}
Begoña and Gladiola meet up outside the pensión. The creepy thug sits in his car and watches them go inside with the baby.
Lowrenzo meets in his office with some stuffed suit who is surprised that he’s willing to pay twice the value for some land. Low says he is going to construct a shopping center and he’s in a hurry. Clearly, the people must have their Gap and Starbucks and they will not wait. The guy says he’s in luck; the contrato de arrendamiento (rental agreement, lease) expires this month for the civil association currently occupying the space, and he won’t renew it. He’ll take care of everything to sell to Lowrenzo.
The guy leaves and the sketchy stalker calls to report that he knows where the lady and baby are living.
Over at the pensión, Begoña takes her baby upstairs for a nap, and Gladiola eagerly snatches up that most exciting of all page-turners, the Historia de México book.
Down in the foxhole, Tio Máximo tells Marianela he doesn’t like her living elsewhere. She says she didn’t have any peace in this house. He says a woman was murdered in the other house, so obviously she isn’t safe there either! He’s going to solve things by giving her all his money. She protests, but he insists that he gives the orders. Delicia comes down and frantically tells Mari that the evil overlords and Emanuel have returned.
Nereida doesn’t care to get involved, but Fedra reminds her how absolutely gracious and tolerant she has been, forgiving the laundry room fire and everything. Nereida carefully asserts that Fedra is absolutely a very good person. But Nereida does all her chores very well; isn’t that enough? Not hardly, says Fedra. You have to go to the police and tell them exactly what I tell you to say.
Begoña gives Netty several months’ rent. Netty says it’s too much and she knows Begoña needs it more. Begoña says she has a modeling job again now, and she knows Netty needs the money even more. Netty agrees to take one month of rent for now.
Marianela gets Delicia to help her sneak out unseen. This plan utterly fails when they stop in the kitchen for a goodbye, and Emanuel comes in, still mad about Axel. His mood swings 180 degrees and then kicks up a notch from there when he sees Marianela.
Fedra tells Nereida over and over that she MUST follow orders. Nereida wonders what this is all about and is shocked to find that she’s providing an alibi for the time some old lady was murdered. She starts wondering what that must mean, and Fedra shuts her down and tells her not to fuss her little neurons about it, just get down to the station and tell the story or she’s fired!
Down at the station, Brandon is sure Fedra wasn’t telling the whole truth. The comisario says Fedra and Spiderus are tightly allied, so it will be hard to get information out of either of them. With their history, they have a strong loyalty. “Loyalty, or complicity?” asks Brandon. He thinks it’s awfully coincidental that the three times Netty narrowly escaped being killed were right after she had arguments with Fedra about Marianela’s inheritance. Tejeda thinks the three attempts must have been by the same asesino. Brandon says he’s a bloodhound, and his nose tells him that Bernardo is the sicario (hired assassin) of Fedra Curiel.
Marianela says she’s just on her way out. “Yep, she’s just ahuecándole el ala (spreading her wings) and flying off,” says Delicia. “Nope, Delicia, you’re the one flying off. Buh-bye,” says Emanuel, ushering her out and closing the door behind her. Marianela says she heard Gretel had a breakdown and Axel was thrown out. What is going on here? “It’s all a disaster,” says Emanuel. Marianela wonders if she can help and says she wants to know all about all of them. “No, no, you don’t want to know anything about me,” Emanuel reminds her, using his best swatted-puppy say-it-ain’t-so expression.
Kristel reads Marianela’s illustrated ode to Emiliano. Aha, the street whale is in love with my brother! But, then what is she doing dating the guapo gorilla? “Ah, Marianela. With this, I’m going to destroy your life, my precious!”
Marianela tells Emanuel that she doesn’t have to come over to inquire as to his well-being, because she knows that he’s fine. {Mighty fine, according to that diary.} He says she doesn’t know anything. His life is chaos. “Well, it’ll be okay. Nothing I can do,” Mari says breezily. “Yes, there is something you can do,” he says. He misses her terribly and wishes she wasn’t so far away, especially with everything going on now that’s turning them into enemies. “We are not enemies,” she says. He tells her they kind of are, since Brandon arrested his mother for murder.
Fedra, still in red satin and marabou, is plying Nereida with gifts of designer clothes. “Each of those dresses is worth a year of your salary,” says Fedra. Not if they’re the ugly crap Fedra wears, they’re not, regardless of what she paid for them. Nereida loves them, though, and thinks she looks like a movie star. Fedra tells her to pick one. Then she gets annoyed when Nereida rejects one as “kinda vulgar.” Fedra tells her to keep all of them, just wear something nice and go provide Bernardo’s alibi.
Begoña might never get her baby back. Gladiola is reveling in her role as stand-in grandmother. Begoña goes to answer the door and is yanked outside by Lowly. He accuses her of trying to hide from him.
Marianela doesn’t want to get involved in all this scandal. Emanuel begs her to understand, this is his mother and this is all painful to him! “I do understand! I had a mother once, too, remember? And YOUR mother accused her of being a drunk swindler!” Emanuel says he knows his mother is horrible and difficult, but accusing her of killing someone is just too much! “Well, I hope you will never discover anything about your mother that will make you suffer,” says Mari. “Like what?” “Nothing. Never mind.” Marianela says she isn’t the one accusing anyone of murder, but she’s taken as much abuse as she is going to take from Fedra. She will defend herself, but she would never seek vengeance, much less enlist Brandon to do it for her! Emanuel hugs her and calls her “mi amor” and says whatever happens, he’ll be here waiting for her until she decides to return. He edges closer, his lips homing in on hers as her eyes widen.
After the break, Marianela jumps back at the last moment and runs away. “Emanuel! What the heck were you doing? You were about to kiss your cousin!” Emanuel says to himself, shocked.
Marianela runs across the yard and sits on a bench and tells herself he wasn’t really about to kiss her; she was just imagining things again. Kristel comes along and pretends they are the best of friends.
Lowrenzo and Begoña fight on the sidewalk. He says the game she’s playing is very risky, making friends with his wife and working in the agency. Well, she might have tricked him into giving her the job, but he’ll make sure she can’t volunteer at the orphanage! {Oooh, Lowrenzo, you show her!} Brandon drives up and does a terrible job of parking, like three feet from the curb. I guess you can do that when you’re the police. “What are you doing at my house?” Brandon asks Lowrenzo. “Your house? Oh, of course.”
Kristel claims she’s been super lonely since Marianela left. She also thinks Mari shouldn’t be skipping the beauty contest practices, since she needs them more than anyone. “I am not doing that stupid contest!” Kristel says that’s fine. Then she will tell Emanuel that Mari is in love with him. “Tell him whatever you want! I’m not into him! I have a novio and we’re very happy!” “Well, I have a little notebook that says you’ve got the hots for my brother! Maybe that will convince him!” Mari tries to make her give it back but obviously that doesn’t work. Kristel tells her she’d better do the beauty contest. She turns to leave and walks right into Oliver. “Is she bothering you?” he asks Marianela, arms all folded like a stern bodyguard. “It’s the only thing she knows how to do,” says Mari. Marianela turns the sprinklers on and soaks Kristel, which Oliver finds hysterical, especially when Kristel falls and slides all over the grass.
Gretel is up in her room, wondering why she can’t stop thinking about Oliver. She tells herself she never thought any man would ever kiss her, but she shouldn’t get excited, because love is not for her. She will never be happy with anyone.
Emanuel comes in and wonders why Gretel is crying. He tells her she deserves to be happy. She refuses to speak to him.
Lorenzo claims he just came to thank Brandon for not pressing charges against Ilitia. “Great. Now leave, and don’t come back,” Brandon says. Lowrenzo leaves. Brandon asks Begoña how she knows that guy, and she only admits to working with him at the agency. Brandon says he seems to destroy people’s lives for sport.
Evening. The Ruiz y de Teresa family members who haven’t been banished whine and dine. Fedra is excited about the hearing that will grant her the moolah the next day. She insults Gretel some more.
Marianela frets to Doris about the album that could fall into Emanuel’s hands. What should she do? Doris thinks she should do the contest. Not because of the diary, but to prove to those brats that she isn’t afraid.
Recording cuts off there.
Ganga -- bargain
Mi chamón en almíbar – my blood pudding in syrup? Used by Oliver as a term of endearment.
Venenito – diminutive form of poison. That Oliver, he can make anything a term of affection.
Chueca – twisted, underhanded
se le cae la mano, sube las escaleritas al lado, brinca los charcos de puntitas – Delicia is saying Axel prefers the menfolk
tajada – slice, piece
contrato de arrendamiento – lease agreement
sicario – hired assassin
ahuecándole el ala -- spreading the wings, leaving


El Clon Tuesday September 28: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 159: A night of lies, damn lies and … more damn lies.
In which Malicia delivers the death blow to Clara’s romance; Rogelio’s been taking Dumb pills; Marisa’s been taking Mean pills; and Fer and Crazy Paula pull a knife at Gloria’s Bar.

As promised, Jade takes Samira aside for some girl talk. She repeats what Zoraida told her when she first came to Morocco to live:
Cuando uno es la parte débil, hay que evitar.
(When you are the weaker party, you have to avoid (direct confrontation).)
Samira listens respectfully but still rejects the veil. And Jade smiles and says ruefully:
¡Ay Samira, si fueras mi hija, no serías tan parecida a mí!
(Oh Samira, you couldn’t be more like me if you were my own daughter!)

Pablo and Malicia are saying their good-byes. She wants him to say he’ll be faithful to her while she’s cavorting in Paris – on business, of course -- with Rogelio. He says:
Mientras tú no estés, no voy a hacer reír a ninguna mujer.
(While you’re not here, I won’t make any woman laugh.)
[Pablo is at least as slippery as Malicia, but not nearly as slimy.]
Pablo goes to get his car to drive her to the airport. As soon as he is out the door, Malicia calls a taxi. [Apparently her broom is in the shop.]

Carolina was sure Rogelio would call before leaving for Paris. Why would he, says Clara, when he’s with that slut! (la zorra esa, literally ‘fox’)

Malicia has taken the cab to Salamandra. She wants to leave for the airport with Rogelio. Rogelio wonders aloud if he should call Clara. Malicia thinks not. She’s heard that Clara is getting back together with her ex- (and the father of her son), Escobar. In fact, Clara “se metió contigo para darle celos a Escobar.” (she got together with you to make Escobar jealous.)

Pablo gets back to Alicia’s ill-gotten apartment and finds a note saying she took a taxi – if she saw him again, she might not be able to leave! And the note concludes:
Te amo más que nadie en el mundo. (I love you more than anyone in the world!)

Hilda and Karla are at Gloria’s and dreaming of birth announcements and social pages and lawsuits. Miss K injects a tiny note of reality. Their lawyer has said that even if they manage to get what they are after, it will be a while before they see any money. Maybe they should be careful with their expenses. Yes, agrees Hilda, it might take a month…

When Andrea and Alejandro arrive, Karla gives him a jealous look. Andrea tells Alejandro to write to Nati and she’ll make sure the letter reaches her. Alej wants to visit Nati but no one will tell him the name of the clinic. He doesn’t understand – he’s the baby’s father!

And at Casa Ferrer, somehow Marisa has intercepted the letter. Rosa tries to convince her to give it to Natalia --
¡Llévasela! Se va a poner muy feliz! (Take it to her! She’ll be very happy!)
Marisa tears up the letter. Leo comes downstairs and is ready to go with Marisa to the Rehab Center to visit Nati. Lucia arrives unexpectedly. Marisa makes up a story about visiting a sick friend of Leo’s.

While Marisa is with Lucia, Leo takes Rosa aside and asks why she didn’t tell him Daniel had been there. When he hears that Daniel left abruptly after arguing with Lucas, Leo gets mad at Lucas: He should have more consideration with the boy!, he says. He’s an adult!

Albieri is at home when he gets a call from someone named Villegas. Villegas wants to see him and Albieri says he’ll be there within the hour. Then Albieri tells Luisa:
Lllamó Villegas. Lo sabe todo.
(Villagas called. He knows everything.)

Roberto finds Escobar at the clinic and informs him that his demand against Malicia was denied by the judge. The apartment is a lost cause. [Well, maybe if Escobar had a better lawyer…]

At the Rehab Center, Natalia tells Marisa and Leo that she has had time to think things over and she is ready to go home. But why didn’t Alejandro come with you? she asks. Her mother says:
Estará ocupado con sus cosas.
(He must be busy with his stuff.)
Then Leo repeats his job offer:
Mi propuesta sigue en pie. Quiero que vengas a trabajar conmigo.
(My offer still stands. I’d like you to come to work with me.)
Natalia could be his personal assistant. All three seem to like the idea.

Latifa no vino. Le ha dado muchos disgustos a Mohamed.
(Latifa didn’t come. She has caused Mohamed a lot of heartache.)
This is how Mohamed answers Zoraida when she sees he has come alone to Fez.
Alí is planning a welcome reception for Mohamed in the evening and Abdul has invited the businessman Yaser. Out of Alí’s earshot, Abdul explains that:
(Yaser) va a traer a su hija para que te conozca.
(He’s going to bring his daughter to meet you.)
Mohamed is less than enthusiastic.

Zoraida pleads with Alí to keep Mohamed from taking a second wife. Alí defends polygamy [although some of us may remember him saying on another occasion that, if he had to do it over again, he would have married only one wife.] But Zoraida insists:
A ninguna mujer le gusta compartir a su marido.
(No woman likes to share her husband.)
Furthermore, if Zoraida had a husband, she would make sure the marriage contract specified that he could take no other wives.

Albi and Luisa are talking about Villegas, apparently an old colleague and rival of Albieri’s and now an important figure on the Medical Board. They never got along and Villegas always thought Albieri was mediocre and dull (apagado). Albi needs to find out what Villegas actually knows. Luisa’s advice:
¡Niégalo todo, Albieri! (Deny everything!)

As soon as Albieri leaves, Luisa calls Julio. Is it a good sign that Villegas called? she asks. Julio doesn’t know, but he doesn’t think Silvia has made the formal complaint to the Medical Board yet or he would have heard about it.

Albieri is sitting before his old rival Villegas. Villegas expresses some reluctance to ask the question, but finally comes out with it:
Albieri, ¿es verdad que tú hiciste un clon?
(Albieri, is it true that you made a clone?)
And Albi, with a look of supreme satisfaction, says aloud:
Sí, yo lo hice, hice un clon humano y tiene veinte años de edad. Pero no me crees, tú no me crees capaz.
(Yes, I did it, I made a human clone and he is twenty years old. But you don’t believe me, you don’t think I’m capable of it.)
Villegas says he’ll need the weekend to think it over. They’ll meet again on Monday.

When Albieri leaves, another man enters the office. Villegas tells him that Albieri is a very eccentric man; he needs to verify his story so he doesn’t make a fool of himself in front of his colleagues.

Back at home with Luisa, Albieri laughs at Villegas’s dilemma. Albieri thinks he may get away with it because his nemesis is too arrogant to believe the truth. But he is torn because he does desperately want recognition for what he has done. And he can’t stand being underestimated.

Daniel tells Estela that Jade loves Lucas, not him.

And Lucas complains to Cristina that Jade seems prepared to love someone just because he looks like Lucas. How would you feel, he asks Cris, if you met a twenty-year old clone of my father? He’d be a stranger to me, she says. I didn’t know him then. Okay, what about this, asks Lucas:
¿Qué pasaría si ahora apareciera un clon de mi papá en la edad en que lo conociste? – ¿a cuál escogerías: al clon o a mi papá?
(What would happen if right now a clone of my father appeared, a clone the same age as my father was when you met him – which would you choose? The clone or my father?)
Cristina swallows hard. Al clon, she answers.

Daniel wants nothing of Jade’s, he tells Estela. He is going to return her necklace.

Jade ruminates over her vida sentimental with her cousin. (Maybe she is trying to get Latifa’s mind off Mohamed.) She shouldn’t have gone to the ruins… The shadows of Lucas did make her feel happy… she’s not afraid of Lucas but she is furious with him… when she accepted Zein, it turned out he had forgotten her…

Not exactly. Vicki and Zein meet by chance at the pool. Vicki knows that Zein was hurt when Jade didn't call him (Well, she did call, of course. But only we and the nameless hussy in his bed know the truth!) Zein is surprised to hear that Jade is now back in Miami and that she didn’t marry Said.

Daniel appears on Albieri’s doorstep, Jade’s necklace in hand. I need you to give this back to her, to Jade! he says.

At Casa Ferrer, Rosa speaks her mind to Marisa:
¡Fuiste muy cruel! No has debido romper la carta que Alejandro escribió a Natalia!
(You were very cruel! You shouldn’t have torn up the letter Alejandro wrote to Natalia!)
Marisa continues to scapegoat Alej as the source of her daughter’s problems. She is determined to keep him away from her.

At the Rehab Center, Natalia’s therapist tries to persuade her to stay longer, but she has decided to leave.

Enrique: I was afraid when I left the clinic. I had to learn how to protect myself from drugs and how to rebuild my life.

Marisa and Lucas pick up Natalia and bring her back to Casa Ferrer. Rosa and Marina greet her warmly. Marisa gets up to leave the room. Her purse is on the coffee table. Marisa glances at Natalia and then quickly picks up the purse. And Natalia notices.

Rosa offers to phone Andrea or Alejandro – he called so many times for you! – but Natalia asks her not to call anyone.

Enrique: The people around me had been hurt and now they were expecting me to relapse. I could see it, I could read it in the subtext of everything they said: How long before he relapses?

They’re partying at Gloria’s but Alej is feeling sad because Nati hasn’t called.

The three sKanks are there too. Consuelo is up there shaking it and Karla would be too but Hilda is afraid she’ll get elbowed and their investment will be damaged.

Two scuzzy black-clad figures appear abruptly. They push through the dancers to the cash register where Ramón is taking orders. Fernando’s hand is under his shirt and he points his finger, like a gun, at Ramón. Paula pulls out a very real knife and says: Dame todo el dinero. (Give me all the money.)

Credits roll


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

La Verdad Oculta #016 2010-09-28: Gabriela ditches the green-eyed monster

Elsa and Juan José fail to open the front door of his house and must climb through a gaping open window, where they encounter a veritable garbage dump inside. When Juan José admits he doesn't have the money to fix up the house, Elsa suggests he sell it and buy a smaller one.

At Gabriela's, she's anxious and upset to wonder how they will live when Santiago shoves a stack of borrowed bills at her to pay for the trip. He wants the girls to quit, plus he'll be stuck paying back the money, she notes.

Salomón gets a dyspeptic shock on the phone when a vendor denies him an order for a big, exciting job on account of them already being in arrears. Roberto claims he used the vendor payment for his wedding, but a furious Salomón isn't buying it and demands Roberto return the money right away.

Mario's joyful when Abelardo accomplishes the paperwork that they think will get them the house and modifications started. Meanwhile, at the house, Elsa and Juan José case the infamous kitchen where Gregorio's fantastic but doubted treasure is supposedly buried.

Gabriela visits David in his office to rake him over the coals about revealing they met in Los Angeles. She's anxious what people like Adolfo and Yolanda will think, but he kisses her tenderly and urges her to believe there's nothing wrong with their relationship. She explains about quitting and paying the money back.

Downstairs in the club office, Adolfo has just demanded Carlos fire the girls or quit himself when on exiting he's greeted by Leonardo, come on a personal mission to defend and ask about Adolfo's insults to the girls. So Adolfo must feign normality and trot out the public line on the shoes and promise to apologize.

At dinner in a cafe, Juan José explains his grudge; he was happy on the ranch with his mom and then some outfit ruined his life. But Elsa delights him, pointing out his good luck notwithstanding: he could start a business with the proceeds from the house sale, if he wanted.

Adolfo amazes Carlos by returning to the club office and admitting he was wrong and that he wants to apologize to the girls. Just then Gabriela enters, and Adolfo does so -- including not accepting their resignations and increasing their salary. After he exits, David earnestly warns Gabriela about David taking advantage of her.

With a blanket from Elsa's apartment, Juan José in his house is just about to slip off to dreamland for the night on a dirty cardboard pallet when suddenly a tiny fury escapes the gates of hell and scares the living spit out of him. She wants him out of her house!

Then a larger devil appears hollering the same thing, and they chase Juan José out into the front garden before he gets a chance to explain. Finally, he pulls Gregorio's will out of his backpack to prove that he willed him the house.

After what turns out to be an ordinary man reads the document, he and the little fury are disappointed to admit it sounds like they might have to leave the house they've been squatting in for a long time.

At an elegant restaurant, Adolfo meets Javier Garnica who relates some of their "business associates" are spooked by their recent setbacks. Then he introduces Adolfo to a businesswoman brought from Europe to work with them. She claims she left a good job in Germany, and an interested Adolfo loses the disgruntled colleague to be alone with with Zaida Castellanos and promise they'll make it up to her.

At Leonardo's, he continues with his suspicions about Adolfo to Ramón. Very odd that a man who was going to nonchalantly drop a bottle of champagne on them at the club would raise hell with Gabriela at one o'clock in the morning about some ugly shoes. When asked upon Ramón's exit, Leonardo good-naturedly admits his concern is not all professional.

The little fury shyly now asks if Juan José plans on throwing them out, and clearly he can't do it. But in truth he doesn't know at all what his plans are at the moment. He has no family and can't afford to fix up the house; but they can stay until he decides, he tells the little girl and the man.

At the club bar, Roberto and Carlos commiserate over mutual trouble with their dads. Roberto is going to see Adolfo about a job and some money for his dad. Carlos remembers to mention that he locked horns with some jerk at Elsa's -- who incidentally reminded him of the cowboy they sent up for the woman's death.

Roberto hisses they shouldn't discuss it, and Carlos says he can't forget it -- that he still loses sleep over it sometimes. Roberto insists the guy remains in jail. Carlos intends to have Félix see to Elsa's jerk.

At Gabriela's, Santiago is apoplectic to hear Adolfo apologized and the girls aren't quitting. But tossing the borrowed stack of bills on a table, Gabriela insists Santiago return the money tomorrow first thing.

Next morning, Juan José learns there's no water in the house and that the little girl's name is Caramelo and the man is called Asuncio Limón. Juan José bids them adieu until that evening and exits, while Caramelo watches his departing back from behind a broken window pane.

Adolfo visits Mario in his office to threaten him once again for David messing in his affairs; that he came and insulted him over a girl. (He didn't mention David lost him the diamonds.) Adolfo is just throttling Mario by the lapels when David enters and throws Adolfo out.

David can't understand why Mario doesn't cut ties with Adolfo, but Mario brushes it off again. David explains why he went to Adolfo's condo, but not that the girl is Gabriela.

Outside her building, Gabriela runs into Leonardo returning from teaching an early morning class at the police academy. He seemingly innocently questions her about the disputed ugly shoes, and she goes on her way.

David greets Gabriela in the park with a sweet embrace and tells her that he cares more about her every day and can't work for thinking about her. He wants them to spend some time away together; but she explains since she's not quitting, she can't.

David is incredulous to hear Adolfo apologized to her, which escalates to suspicion when he hears they got raises, too -- and then flaming jealousy to learn that Carlos is involved. David can't seem to help himself insulting Gabriela by offering to double whatever Carlos is paying her to be with him.

When Gabriela understandably bestows a nice smack on him, he catches it mid-swing before it lands. She's hopping mad and shouts doesn't want to see him anymore, as she stalks away.


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