Saturday, October 02, 2010

El Clon Friday October 1: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 162: In which Marisa keeps Alejandro and Natalia apart, intensifying the suffering of both; Lucas spends the day in a jealous snit; the Naz enjoys her taste of power; and Latifa fails to understand that to pull a Rania, you don’t ask permission.

Lucas is so upset when he hears Natalia tell Daniel that she likes her young father better than her old one that he goes to Marisa (Marisa!) for comfort. I can’t take it anymore, he tells her. (Ya no aguanto más!) If he moves in, let me know. I won’t be coming back!

At the front door he tells Rosa: ¡Esta casa es demasiado pequeña para los dos! (This house is too small for the two of us!)

Alej phones from the gym. He wants to stop by to see Natalia. Do you think Marisa will mind? Not at all, says Rosa, and it will do Nati so much good to see you. Ay, pobre muchacho, remarks Rosa to Marina as she hangs up the phone, ¡Marisa no lo puede ver ni en pintura! (Marisa can’t stand him, lit: can’t even see him in a painting.)

Daniel and Natalia come down the stairs saying their teasing, affectionate good-byes. Hija, he says, eat your fruits and vegetables!

Zein goes to Cris’s apartment asking for some help. He knows Jade is back in Miami and she and Said aren’t married. He wants a chance to talk to her. Cris has an idea…

The Naz is spinning another of her Just Naz stories for Jadiya and her friends: La princesa Nazira y sus cuñadas educatitas. Erase una vez … Once upon a time a beautiful princess lived with her sisters-in-law, a bunch of useless, exhibitionist odaliques…. The kids have a glazed expression on their faces.

Albieri is on his way out the door – Luisa has just called from the office with some news about Silvia – when Daniel arrives unexpectedly. He wants to know if Albieri gave Jade her necklace. He did, Albieri assures him. What did she say? Daniel wants to know. Nothing, says Albieri. Then, looking carefully at him, he asks: Daniel, are you in love with this girl? No, says Daniel. She likes the other one. The original.

Albieri invites him to come along to the clinic, but Daniel doesn’t want the people there looking at him. He’s going home. Albieri tells him he has no reason to hide, he’s no different from anyone else.

Jade smiles as she looks down at the necklace in her hands.

Albieri’s words must have softened his feelings, because Daniel tells Dora that, as far as testifying goes, he won’t be part of a conspiracy (complot) to put Albieri in jail. Dora tells him that if Leo proceeds with his plan to sue for paternity, Daniel will have to testify. And he’ll have to say very firmly that he isn’t a clone. [Neither Dora nor Daniel seem to understand that their legal counteraction would protect Albieri; it’s Leo’s suit – and Lucas’s too – which would expose Albieri to legal jeopardy.]

Would they write about the trial in the papers? Daniel asks. Because if they do, he won’t go out where people might recognize him and call him a clone.

Silvia is at Albieri’s clinic. No hard feelings, she says. I did what I felt ethically bound to do. Villegas just didn’t believe the clone story. Qué buenas noticias! (what good news!) exclaims Padre Andres, who has been hanging around the clinic a lot lately [And why not? There are certainly souls there needing saving – and has he met Escobar yet?].

Samira tries to comfort her mother but Latifa is inconsolable. She is convinced she has lost Mohamed forever. Then she has a brainstorm: She’ll pull a Rania! She’ll go to Fez and bring her man back home!

But in Fez, Latifa’s man is more determined than ever to take a second wife. He is unimpressed when Alí points out how much turmoil a second wife brought to Said’s home. That won’t happen to him because he, Mohamed, isn’t marrying an odalisca! [Yeah, like Said found Jade and Rania in the “odaliscas” section of Craig’s list, Fez.]

Abdul says Yaser and his daughter Zuleica are good to go. They need Mohamed’s answer. Me caso, affirms Mohamed. I’m getting married.

Alí tries to dissuade him from rushing into marriage out of anger or in reaction to a rebellious child. He is exaggerating the importance of Samira's refusal to wear a veil. He reminds him that: No es obligatorio usar el velo en nuestra religión (It isn’t obligatory to wear a veil in our religion.)

Back in Miami, Ramón tells Gloria about Nati’s miscarriage. ¡Ay, qué tristeza, qué tristeza que Natalia haya perdido a mi nieto! (Oh, how sad, how sad that Natalia has lost my grandchild!)

The sKanks are still out there walking. Hilda has heard that Lucia asked Consuelo to come back to work for her. Consuelo didn’t want to but Rosario made her do it.

And indeed, Consuelo and Rosario are standing in Lucia’s house while that lady tells Consuelo how much she missed her; she had to put up with a parade (desfile) of inept maids after she left. Andrea walks in and is obviously disgusted to see Consuelo. She says: You used to clean my parents’ bedroom every day and every day, you would leave carrying an envelope. What was in the envelope?
Consuelo looks a bit flustered, feigns confusion. She says: ¡Yo sería incapaz de llevar algo de esta casa! (I would be incapable of taking anything from this house!)

Alej is walking up the stairs to Natalia’s room when his path is blocked by Marisa. My daughter needs to rest, Marisa tells him. If you really care about her, you’ll leave her alone. I think you believe I’m responsible for everything that happened to Natalia, he says. I don’t care what you think, she answers, my only interest is my daughter’s well-being. And the overly educado hijo de Gloria, instead of calling out ‘Nataliaaaaa’ at the top of his lungs, turns around and leaves. [And then it hits me: He looks like a young Brando! Stellaaaaaa!] We see him drive away in Pablo’s red pick-up.

Cris calls Jade and tells her Zein is dying to see her. She will swing by later and pick her up. Jade smiles and reflects: Mi suerte volvió! (My luck is back!)

Enrique convinces Lucas that the two of them need a night out. And of all the gin joints in all of Miami – they’ll go to Salamandra!

Said’s servant tries to stop Jade from leaving. Lala Nazira wouldn’t like it! I’m not Nazira’s slave, answers Jade tartly and continues out the door.

When Cris and Jade arrive at Salamandra, Cris goes off to find Zein. Enrique and Lucas are already there. In the crowd, Jade and Lucas see one another. Lucas is filled with joy and hope and visions of Jade dancing: first in Alí’s house while he watched secretly and later in the ruins, when she danced just for him. Jade, he pensado mucho en ti! (Jade, I thought about you so much!) he says happily. Her answer stings:
Yo también he pensado mucho en ti. Cada vez que me acuerdo que no tengo casa, de lo mal que me ha ido en la vida, me acuerdo de ti, Lucas!
(I’ve also thought a lot about you. Every time I remember I have no home, of how badly my life has turned out, I remember you, Lucas!)
She goes on: Do you know how it feels to live like a servant in the house where you were once the owner just for the sake of being close to your child?
He tries to explain things to her but she refuses to listen. Then he tells her he knows she met his ‘copy’ in the ruins. How did that feel? he asks bitterly. She runs out and he follows her, just a beat too late. She has vanished in a cab.

Cris and Zein come onto the dance floor. While they are looking for Jade, they spot Enrique. Did you come with Carolina? they ask. No, he says, with Lucas… And all three realize that Lucas and Jade are gone.

Daniel is looking through a box of memorabilia for a photo of him and little Natalia. He tells Dora and Estela that he went to visit Rosa and met Leonardo’s granddaughter, Natalia, and that got him thinking of his childhood friend. ¡Mira! ¡La encontré! (Look! I found it!)

Lucas returns to Casa Ferrer as grouchy as he left it that morning. It has truly been a terrible, horrible, no good very bad day for our hero. Is he still here? he asks Rosa. If you all like him so much, why don’t you keep him and I’ll leave!

Jade’s homecoming is no more pleasant. She runs upstairs to escape the interrogation of the imperious Naz. She finds Jadiya, Rania and Amina huddled together. The Naz turned out the lights and Rania is afraid of the dark. The Naz sent Jadiya’s friends away. They all seem to be looking to Jade for guidance.

Downstairs the Naz is gloating about how the odaliscas are finally getting along with each other -- even if it’s only for the sake of conspiring against her.

At Gloria’s place, Alej tells Pablo that Marisa wouldn’t let him see Nati. But what he doesn’t get is why she hasn’t called him… unless someone is manipulating her.

That’s not exactly right. Natalia tells Rosa what is really going on:
Es que Alej quería tanto tener este bebé, y yo también.. Eso fue por mi culpa y nunca me va a perdonar.
It’s just that Alej wanted to have this baby so much -- and I did too. This was my fault and he’ll never forgive me.

Gloria is consoling her son but when he says:
Tenía tanta esperanza de que este niño cambiara a Natalia, de que le hiciera bien...
(I had so much hope that this child would change Natalia, that it would do her good...)
…she reminds him that a child doesn’t solve problems.
Sea como sea, yo quería tanto a ese niño, says Alej sadly.
(Be that as it may, I wanted this baby so much.)

Latifa is desperate. She decides to ask cousin Farid – he’s the one minding the store so Mohamed can be in Fez destroying his family’s happiness -- for money so she can go to Fez and surprise Mohamed. He turns her down flat. No es bueno darles sorpresas a los maridos (It’s not good to surprise husbands). When she breaks down and appeals to his pity, he remains a stone. A humorless stone who refers to himself in the third person. Next to this guy, even Mohamed looks like a party animal. [Seriously, Latifa. Go sell some gold and buy yourself a ticket.]

In the final scene, Alí does his best to keep Mohamed from taking a second wife. He is making much too much of the veil issue, he tells him. He reminds him that when a woman is forced to wear a veil, it has no spiritual value.

Abdul bustles in smiling. You’re a lucky man! he tells Mohamed. Yaser is willing to accept you and his daughter Zuleica is happy about the arrangement. Let’s go buy gold for the bride and then we can go to her family’s home and you can ask for her hand!

Credits roll


Friday, October 01, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #29-30 10/1/10 Hubris Meets Ego.

Read Kim's original recap. That recap covers Caps 28 through 30-A. Start at the section heading, "Missing Recap 2: Oh, it was just a massage." Finish Cap 29 at the section heading that reads, “Missing Recap 4: At Conceptos, all news is bad news."

Capitulo 29

1. Carolina gives Fernando a massage to help him relax, but Lety thinks it’s something more personal, so she prevents his parents from entering his office.

2. Luigi cancels the event because of the video camera. Fernando orders Luigi to do the show. Lui tells the dancers to go home. Fern orders Luigi to obey him, and he tells Marcia Lui isn’t indispensible. He’ll just use another director. Luigi quits and says the world will know.

3. Marcia says this will ruin them. She’s furious because Luigi IS the prestige of Conceptos, and Fernando just caused him to quit. Marcia begs and begs until Luigi agrees to stay.

4. Lety has a fantasy that Fernando holds her close because he needs her total support when everything is falling appart. Marcia comes in and rebukes him for cutting costs at the expense of everything else.

5. The lights fail because Fernando didn’t rent a generator. The recording failed because the cheap CineRent tape was defective. The AdAge journalist says the best he can do is not write anything about Conceptos.

6. The cuartel gets a picture with Benny. Omar gets some personal attention with Paula.

7. Lui wants Fernando to admit that his mistakes made them lose everything, and to apologize. Fernando arrogantly refuses to apologize, and won’t even admit that the night was a disaster. Luigi quits again. Even Marcia quits, since he overrules her on everything.

Capitulo 30

Kim's original recap for Cap 30 starts at this link , at the section heading that reads, “Missing Recap 4: At Conceptos, all news is bad news." The Cap 30 recap finishes at this link, at the section heading, "Missing Recap 6: What's more embarrassing."

1. The cuartel drools over a galán (Jorge Salinas) who comes into Reception, until they discover he’s there for Luigi. Later they whine because they were so disillusioned.

2. The Benny video customers are taking their business elsewhere. Fernando has to face his parents when they question him about his decisions which contributed to the night’s disaster.

3. Ariel harasses Omar and Alicia, noting that Omar’s fidelity is matched by Alicia’s intelligence.

4. Carolina advises Fernando to do whatever necessary to get Luigi back. He could do a lot of damage to Conceptos’ image, and agencies won’t hire Conceptos without him. Fernando refuses to beg Luigi; he wants Luigi to know who’s the boss.

5. Omar tries to convince Fernando too. He doesn't want to kneel/beg (arrodillarse). Fern vows, he has never [reconciled? Marta, help!] in his life, and certainly not when he’s right. He says, “I don’t know how.” Omar tells him it’s time to learn something new.

6. The cuartel goes out to celebrate that Lety will be in charge, and they get very drunk. Lety is depressed because of Fernando awful night. Tomás goes out with Roman, but Roman just uses him to pay the bill. Tom doesn’t even sit with the girl.

7. In the gay bar, Fernando assures Luigi he’ll come back from LA with lots of work. Luigi says that the biggest problem is that he was humiliated. He offers a wager:
A. If Conceptos does not lose business, Luigi will use the video camera.
B. If Conceptos DOES lose business, Fernando will get him a 35mm camera AND compete in a festival for the "Queen of the Night" (e.g. Fernando will go in drag).


Dinero #207 9/30/10: How to go from Fiestas to Fiascos in sixty minutes

Last night we ended with Jaimie about to hunt the Amazon (ir de caceria a la amazona). On the other end of town we had our birthday boy about to blow out his candles and make a wish. My wish was for Rafa to sing. Didn’t get that wish but got one just as good. We will get to that later.

First lets go back and see what Jaime is up to. Our “Gran Pajarón” or scam man is feather dusting Jaime with a bunch of branches.

This has obviously wore him down as he suddenly quits and tells Jaimie he can pay his assistant on the way out then he slowly walks backwards and leaves a very puzzled looking Jaimie behind.

Now back to fiesta where Rafa is attempting to round up his charges and say adios to all his new friends. They are encouraged to stay, after all they have to sing one last song, “El Reloj” (The Clock) which just happens to be Jorge’s favorite song. And we get the pleasure of Ale singing about stopping the hands of time.

“Reloj no marques las horas
porque voy a enloquecer
ella se ira para siempre
cuando amanezca otra vez
Nomas nos queda esta noche
para vivir nuestro amor
y tu tic-tac me recuerda
mi irremediable dolor
Reloj deten tu camino
porque mi vida se apaga
ella es la estrella
que alumbra mi ser
yo sin su amor no soy nada
Deten el tiempo enn tus manos
haz esta noche perpetua
para que nunca se vaya de mi
para que nunca amanezca”

As the song ends Ale looks around to see if the coast is clear and plants a kiss on Rafa. Well the coast was not clear as Jorge is left with mouth a gap “What I am seeing can’t be possible”

Marco has just left his apartment to take a phone call from Chavez. We get a shot of Chavez hiding behind a tree in front of Rafa’s house. He wants to know if Marco is going to show up. Marco tells him he can’t make it tonight, Jorge has left the house and is missing (extravagate/ lost or missing). Chavez wants to know if he is going to go look for him like all the other times. Marco informs him that Rafa has beat him to the punch this time. Chavez asks if Ale is with him. Marco tells him yes “But you’ll see, he is going to pay for this.” Marco wants to know if he got the “order to apprehend” (aprehensión/ to apprehend or capture or seize). Chavez is offended by this question and tells him “They are going to give it to me in the morning. I always do what you ask me to do.” Marco tells him to stop giving him a hard time and he will see him in the morning. He tells Chavez he is done with the threats to Rafa. Now he is going to follow through with them.

Once back inside the apartment Marco is blaming Urdiales for the interruption and he is getting tired of his lack of respect and calling at all hours. He then tells Rosario that hopefully in time he won‘t have to deal with him any longer.

Finally the prodigal papa has returned safe and sound escorted by Ale. Rosario chews him out for leaving without telling anyone where he was going. Jorge tells her he just went out for a little walk and then all of a sudden realized he didn’t know where he was. Rosario suggests they might get him a badge (placa). Jorge tells her he isn’t a car. Rosario explains it would be a badge that would say where he lived in case he got lost again. Jorge protests he isn’t a dog. Ale smiles and agree that this would be a good idea.

Marco asks Jorge how he is and Jorge tells him he is fine and goes on to detail the great but spicy food he had. He also asks Ale how she is doing. She tells him “Much better now that we have found Papa.” Marco tells her that Rosario informed him Rafa was with her. There is a tense moment as she tells Marco that’s right and he behaved very well and was helpful in finding Jorge. Jorge adds that Medina is a fine person. Very kind. This does not sit well with Marco. As he thinks to himself “Enjoy your house tonight with your mother because tomorrow she will be sleeping in jail.”

Rafa has returned home and is filling Lenora in about the nights events. How he helped Ale find Jorge. He also tells her that Ale will be moving tomorrow and Jaimie is working on her divorce and soon she will be free and they will be able to be together. Lenora gives him a big hug at this news. All is right in the Rafa house as Lenora and Rafa have a warm fuzzy hug.

The rooster crows and it is moving day.

Jorge wants to make sure that the picture of Ale’s mother is going along. She assures him it will be the first thing they move. Rosario wants to know if she is going to say goodbye to Marco. Ale tells her she will even though it is going to be hard. On cue Marco shows up puppy dog sad and says “ Your leaving , I guess it was inevitable.” Rosario spews her pious apologies and sad goodbyes and hugs and kisses are shared by the loathsome two. Rosario tells him to not disappear, he is very important in their lives and lays even more guilt unto Ale.

Our dashing Shrimp man shows up out of nowhere to remind them about his invitation to the hacienda. He offers to help them move much to Marco’s surprise. As he leaves Jorge wants to know who invited him. He doesn’t like him after all he took his Hacienda away from him. Marco reminds him he didn’t take it he bought it. Jorge tells Marco it’s the same thing. He asks Marco if he will be going with them. Marco tells him “No I couldn‘t stand the pain.” More sad hugs and guilt heaped on Ale‘s shoulders as Jorge leaves.

Ale says her goodbyes as well as she tells Marco he has been their guardian angel. Marco gives it one last shot and asks Ale if this is what she really wants. To end everything? Ale crying, now tells Marco that he will always be welcome at their house. Marco becomes snotty and says “So that’s it. It’s over? A simple goodbye and we’ll see ya?” He tells her she is making a mistake and the only thing he wishes is that she won’t regret this. Ale assures him she will not regret doing this. Before she leaves she takes the picture off the wall and heads for the door. She returns only briefly to get her purse.

Marco is left alone talking to himself “look Ale if you think I am going to let you leave with that imbecile Medina you are very wrong!! You will return here begging me (suplicandome) to forgive you!! You’ll see! I will never permit you to leave me for that Jerk!” And the throw pillows get a good thrashing by a very angry Marco.

And in a blink we are at the new apartment. Jorge has found refuge in a stuffed chair as everyone else is busy unpacking. The shrimp man is flirting with Rosario and offers to bring her breakfast. Ale is cheerfully off to work and poor Jorge is playing with his fingers in a world of pain and loss. Before she leaves she tells Jorge that with the money she makes and the money form the hacienda they will be able to pay off the back taxes and recover the house. Jorge is brought to life for a moment with memories of the garden and his wife. He asks why he doesn’t have his house. Ale gently rubs his head, and sweetly kisses him and tells him not to worry. She tells Rosario to watch after him and not let him leave.

Ale has entered the court house to see the person in charge of the back taxes on their house. That would be none other than Carmela. She has now stepped out of her office to scream at the help. Poor Ale is startled by the noise.

Small world, that she happens to be the same person who was in charge of the hacienda. Carmela gives her condolences about such a loss and what a useless person Chavez turned out to be. She wants to know what she can do for Ale now. Ale explains the situation about the taxes and wants to know how much she needs to pay to get their house back. It turns out the amount is almost equal to the value of the house. Carmela tells her the house is a lost cause.

Rafa is left in charge of the daily meeting. He informs Rosaura it is her turn to go out side the dealership to sell cars. She gives him a story about not having the right shoes on. Pepito offers to switch days with her. More talk and as Barbara would say FF>>>>>>>

Marco is on the phone with his “buddy” Chavez and they continue to discuss their evil plot. His hour has arrived to take vengeance on that wretched Medina. More psychotic talk as Marco has now taken to talk to his whiskey glass as he toasts to himself.

Marino gets a visit from Sandra.

The “Ramirioezes” (AKA Ramiro and Ramirez) are discussing the reason that she might be visiting. Could Marino become a papa again? Sure enough. Marino is much more pleased with the idea than she is. She wants to get married. Marino tells her that is impossible he is still married to his last wife. Sandra for some reason seems shocked at this news.

Dandy has succumbed to peer pressure and is inviting Susana to a barbeque (parrillada). To Dandy‘s surprise she happily accepts. After all it won‘t be a problem. She will just bring her own salad.

Rafa is talking with Beltran who informs him he has found a client who is interested in the rest of his trucks. Rafa is all excited and wants to know who he should call. Beltran tells him he doesn’t have to call anyone. He already has an appointment all set up for the afternoon at a restaurant and gives him the directions. Rafa asks for the person’s name and Beltran tells him the reservation is under the name of Urdiales.

We have Jorge moping around and picking at his fingers as Rosario and Azucena are wondering what to do to snap him out of his depression. (Let the poor man be. He really has a lot to be depressed about.) Shrimp man invites him to the hacienda. Jorge is not interested. It isn‘t his anymore. Rosario tells Shrimp man that they will except his invitation. He tells her he will take care of everything and takes his leave as he kisses her on the hand and bows a bit.

More sadness as Ale is telling Susana that they lost the house as well. And how’s this for a change of scenes. We land at our local bar with none other than Chavez, Quintana and the Shrimp man. There is a clever line where Chavez calls Cameron a yellow breasted shrimp ( Camaroncillo pecho amarillo). The rest of the conversation is all about the scam they are about to pull on Marco by selling the hacienda to Quintana’s nephew Daniel and leave Marco out to dry. Shrimp man is in if he is about to make a buck.

Ale is crying on Rafa’s shoulders and telling him about all her problems. Rafa assures her that the two of them can work together and resolve anything. That’s their calling in life to wake up every morning and resolve each others problems. He tells her to let him help her restore her faith and we have some tender but cautious moments. After all you never know who might be spying.

Our trio of thugs are wrapping up the final touches of the resale of the hacienda. And Marco will be left out in the cold. Shrimp man asks for a favor. He would like to take the Castillo family out to the hacienda one final time. It turns out they are pretty depressed over the whole sale of the hacienda (Ya think?) Quintana wants to know since when has he been so interested in them. Shrimp man tells them he has taken a liking to the fair Rosario. We get raised eyebrows from Quintana and a curiosity from Chvez who questions “The buzzard?” (zopilote) . Both Quintana and Shrimp man give him nasty looks at this comment and he quickly changes it to the buenota (pretty).

Chavez on the phone, has just informed another zopilote (Marco) that everything is ready. Marco is ready for his vengeance as he says to himself “Get ready Medina this punch is going to hurt to your soul.”

More Ale lamenting. Rafa asks her how the move went. She tells him “without any problems.” “Although Marco tried one last time to keep me from leaving. I told him no. It would never work out.” We see a worried Rafa as he tells her he doesn’t think Marco will settle for defeat (se da por el vencido). Ale tells Rafa that Jorge is so depressed and it will only get worse once he finds out they lost the house as well. Rafa tells her not to tell him anything yet. She also tells him that the man who bought the hacienda showed up at the apartment and helped them move and invited them to the hacienda so Jorge could say his goodbyes. Rafa tells her that isn’t such a bad idea. This cheers Ale up a bit.

Now she cheerfully asks him what he has been up to. He tells her the sales meeting went well. Then he tells her about the client who is interested in buying the trucks. Ale wants to know when “they” will meet him. He tells her Beltran set up the appointment for that afternoon for him. Ale questions this “You and not me?’ Rafa tells her he thinks it was just for him. Ale sweetly says that’s fine and for him to go alone. They will have the rest of the day for them to be all alone. More tender moments, but Rafa gets a little jumping about getting caught. Ale tells him “Who cares” and goes in for a few kisses.

Chavez is hiding out by Rafa’s house when he is suddenly surprised by Marco who wants to know how things are going.

Chavez checking his watch, tells him that any moment the law (judicial) will show up to arrest Lenora . We hear sirens approach and a white squad car pull up in front of Rafa’s house.

Our last scene is where it finally all falls apart for an unsuspecting Lenora as she goes to answer the knock on the door. She naively walks away half expecting Rafa or Julieta to be behind her and is quite surprised to see two men with badges telling her she has to go with them to the police station.

She asks them what for? What did she do? They pull out a piece of paper and tell her they have an arrest order for her for fraud.

She is escorted out to the car as Marco and Chavez are lurking and snicker in sinister delight as Lenora is put in the car.


El Clon Thursday September 30: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 161: In which Paula is The Wolf at the Door; The Naz wrangles the Odaliscas; and Natalia and Daniel discover they are soulmates.

When the doctor leaves, Marisa goes to her daughter’s bedside. Natalia turns on her: ¿Qué haces aquí? Vete. (What are you doing here? Go away!) I don’t want anyone here. ¡Que se mueren todos! (Drop dead, all of you!)
A stricken Marisa flashes back to an image of a woman in a hospital bed. The woman thrashes violently as two attendants hold her down, and give her an injection. She is screaming: ¡Suéltenme! Lárguense! Marisa, ven! (Let go of me! Get out of here! Marisa, come!) We see a little girl crouching on the floor outside the room, her face buried in her hands. And we see the adult Marisa sink down and cover her ears with her hands.

At Gloria’s, they are frustrated that the police haven’t caught Paula. And when they do find her, she’ll have ‘inhaled’ all the money she stole. Ramón is still a wreck. When Pedro touches him on the shoulder, he jumps and tells him not to come up behind him.

Yes, Paula is very much on the loose, on the prowl like a wounded wolf. And right now the wolf is at the door of the Casa Ferrer screaming Natalia’s name, struggling violently with the guards, while Marisa and Rosa look on. Close the windows, and the curtains says Marisa so Natalia can’t hear her. I don’t understand why this is happening!

Andrea goes to Gloria’s and tells Alejandro that Nati has lost the baby.

Rosa tells Marisa that Alej called and he knows about the miscarriage. Rosa told the truth: that Nati is sleeping because of a sedative the doctor gave her. And what about Leo and Lucas? asks Marisa. They’re sleeping too. Marisa will keep vigil in case Natalia needs something in the night.

At the clinic, Albieri shows Luisa Jade’s necklace and tells her he’s going to return it to its owner.

Julio comes in with some news: The Medical Board has refused to hear Silvia’s complaint. Villegas doesn’t believe the clone story and thinks he’ll look like a fool if it’s made public. Instead of being relieved, Albieri is outraged. He wants his great deed acknowledged. And he suspects that Villegas really does believe him and is denying him his glory. Luisa and Julio try to convince him that Silvia’s complaint would send him straight to jail and would make Daniel’s life miserable.

Or should I say more miserable. Daniel is reading all about Dolly. He tells Estela that the normal life span of a sheep is eleven or twelve years but Dolly died at six. They think it’s because she was cloned from a six-year-old animal. Since Lucas was twenty when Daniel was cloned, he will probably die young too: Es como si me hubieran robado veinte años de mi vida. (It’s as if they had stolen twenty years of my life.) But Estela continues to dismiss the clone story: A ti te cuentan un cuento chino! (They’re telling you a lie/a tall tale).

Dora comes in all dressed up and ready to go see the lawyer with Daniel.

Albieri shows up at Said’s house looking for Jade. As Said looks on suspiciously, Albi says: Yo vine para hacerte entrega… (I came to deliver to you…) Jade is delighted: Mi collar!
You lost it in Fez, right? says Albieri. But how did you happen to get hold of it? presses Said. Albieri has the good sense to fib and say that Luisa found it and realized it was Jade’s.

The kids have been squabbling again. Jadiya was in Rania’s room trying on her veils in front of her mirror and now Rania is like all mad and stuff, helloooo. When Said walks in, Jade has also joined the quarrel. Enter The Naz Triumphant. Said says to his sister: La casa queda bajo tus ordenes! (The house is under your orders/you’re in charge). He is going to Chicago for a day. Jade and Rania glare at one another.

Dora and Daniel are meeting their attorney, Cecilia, at Cris’s apartment. Cecilia starts to explain Leo’s intentions in his demand…

Leo, for his part, is telling Lucas that he isn’t ready to proceed right now. He doesn’t want to hurt Daniel or Albieri and he’s still too heartsick about Natalia to think about the suit. But he’s not too heartsick to blame Lucas and Marisa for Natalia’s problems. Lucas tells him that if Leo does proceed with a demand against Dora, he will lodge a counterdemand against Leo. Do it, says Leo.

Lucas asks Enrique to prepare that counterdemand.

Cecilia, back at Cris’s apartment, explains that if Leo goes forward with his suit, Daniel would have to talk to the judge and Albieri would go to jail.

Lucas tells Enrique that Daniel is not Leo's son: Ese muchacho nació de mí, de una célula mía; eso quiere decir que es una copia. (That boy was born from me, from a cell of mine; that means he’s a copy.). That’s arguable, says Enrique. And, he says, I’m in a difficult ethical position here. Well if you can’t be my attorney, says Lucas, find me someone really good. Enrique promises to call him.

As soon as Lucas leaves, Enrique calls Roberto. TWLIM (the worst lawyer in Miami) has to interrupt his golf game to take the call. Enrique explains his dilemma. Even though Roberto’s name is on the document Leo is filing, he, Enrique, actually wrote it. If Enrique takes on Lucas’s case, he can’t continue advising Roberto. That would be like arguing against himself. Roberto is alarmed. He may be a lightweight, but he does know his own limitations. You can’t abandon me! he says.

Pablo may not be completely brain dead. He tells his gym buddies, Alejandro and Pedro, that if what Diana told him about Malicia’s trip is true, she’s history.

At the Clinic, Escobar explains to Anita and Luisa that Fernando is at home and Clara is keeping watch over him. They researched rehab facilities and the good ones are too expensive for them. They don't even have anything left to sell to raise the money...

Caro is home with Clara. Clara goes to see if the paper has come and finds, instead, the wolf is at her door: Paula.

Natalia wakes from her sedated sleep and asks her mother to repeat what the doctor said. With some reluctance, Marisa says:
El médico me dijo que habías perdido tu bebé por las drogas que habiás consumido antes y durante el embarazo.
(The doctor told me that you had lost your baby because of the drugs you had used before and during the pregnancy.)
You mean I can’t have children? asks Natalia. No, Marisa corrects her, but if you continue using drugs, the same thing is likely to happen again.

Rosa greets Daniel happily when he arrives at Casa Ferrer. He’s glad to see her too. As he says: Es mejor ser visto como un espíritu que como un fenómeno. (It’s better to be seen as a spirit than a freak.) She invites him up to Natalia’s room so he can visit his “sobrina” (niece).

Rosa introduces Daniel to Natalia: Es tu tío Diego reincarnado…igualito como era él.
(It’s your uncle Diego reincarnated... he looks exactly like him.) And he knew you when you were a little girl.

Daniel acknowledges that he told Rosa he used to have a friend named Natalia. Marisa insists it must have been some other Natalia. But he’s identical to my father, says Natalia, wonderingly. Marisa leaves in disgust.

Natalia finally seems to be perking up. She says that when she heard about what Albieri had done, she thought it was a joke. Are you afraid of me? asks Daniel. No, says Nati, sit down.
Daniel tells her: Es que la gente dice que yo soy un clon… (It’s that people say I’m a clone.)
And I don’t like it, he says, it scares me. I’m afraid of dying.
Me too, says Natalia. Daniel says everyone looks at him as if he were a freak. I don’t belong to this world, he tells her. (No pertenezco a este mundo.) Me too, she says. I don’t belong to this world either.

The wolf, AKA Paula, forces her way into Clara’s house, plops on the sofa and falls into a dead sleep. Clara is afraid to call the police because they’ll probably arrest Fernando too. And she can’t go to work and leave the house unguarded – there will be nothing left when she comes back. Call Escobar, says Caro.

Enrique to therapist: I started with marijuana, went on to cocaine. And with cocaine, I felt like God…I felt like I was holding God in my hands. And in a very short time, my life had become a nightmare.

Escobar brushes off Clara’s concerns: He can’t leave work. Take care of it yourself. It’s your problem for letting a stranger in the house. I’ll come by after work and talk to Fernando.

Then Escobar turns to Anita and grouses about Clara’s expecting him to interrupt his workday. She must have a real problem, says Anita. Well Fernando didn’t have these kinds of issues when he was living there, he says. Esto demuestra que Clara es un fracaso como mamá! (This shows that Clara is a failure as a mother!)

At Empresas Ferrer, Leo asks Caro where Clara is. Caro tries to cover for her friend saying she was in earlier but felt ill and had to go to the doctor.

Roberto and Enrique continue their conversation in person. Enrique insists he can’t advocate for two opposing sides. Roberto again begs him not to abandon him. The phone rings. It’s Leo asking Enrique to come to his office.

I suppose Lucas asked you to recommend a lawyer, says Leo. No, answers Enrique, he wanted to hire me. Enrique catches Leo smiling at the thought and he is furious. He tells Leo: You’re so smart! You think you hired the most persistent, daring, brilliant attorney – and now he'll be going up against old, alcoholic Enrique!
Oh please, says Leo, don’t make a telenovela out of this. And don’t underestimate yourself. Enrique retorts: You’re the one who shouldn’t underestimate me! [Bitter irony is lost on Leo. He is the Man in the Gray Teflon Suit.]

The Reign of the Naz begins. She sends the odaliscas – Jade, Rania and Amina – to cooking school. Lesson one: How to prepare carnero for your man. No la confrontes, (Don’t confront her) Amina warns Rania. And the three march meekly toward the kitchen, like three lambs preparing to dress the mutton.

When Lucas gets home, Mama Rosa tells him to go to Natalia’s room – he’ll find a nice surprise there. Lucas stops at the doorway when he sees Daniel and Natalia together. This is what he hears:
N: ¡Qué divertido! Eres mi papá pero de mi misma edad! Lo máximo!
(What fun! You’re my father but you’re my age. The greatest!)
D: ¿Te gusta?
(You like that?)
N: Sí, sí, me gusta – Papá!
(Yes, yes I like it, Dad!)
They hug.
D: Sabes, es divertido tener una hija de mi edad. ¿Qué papá te gusta más, el viejo o el joven?
(You know it’s fun to have a daughter my age. Which father do you like more, the old one or the young one?)
N: Me gustas más tú! (I like you better!)
D: Hija! (Daughter!)

Credits roll.


Llena de Amor #39 Thu 9/30/10 I love you but you're my cousin, I'm engaged to someone else, her dad is doing my mom, your aunt loves my dad, I'm confused.

I'm using my laptop and it's kind of a pain to put in accents and all that other stuff. It makes me crazy not to use correct punctuation but I'm lazier than crazy so there you have it.

Ricardo reminds us that he believes Eva’s helicopter accident was premeditated murder.

Tia Carlota yells at Emiliano and I have a sudden craving for waffles. She says she’ll clear everything up tonight with Marianela at dinner and raises her eyebrow in a threatening manner. Ruh roh.

Netty weeps that ever since Eva’s death it’s been one blow after another. Ricardo tells Mari and Netty he hasn’t given up and intends to continue the investigation. Call him for any reason. Mari cries to Netty that she has to know the truth.

Fedra gathers the staff and orders perfection for Tia Carlota. The meal must be superb, the room perfectly comfortable, and Benigno is to carry the suitcases up to porky’s old room. (Her words, not mine.)

Nereida hangs back for a short confab with her mistress, things went well at the police station. Thank goodness, gushes Fedra, if Bernardo hadn’t been released she would die! Bernardo/Spiderus enters and is rewarded by a big double-dip hug from Fedra. Nereida scowls and Spiderus gloats.

Gladiola’s kid Javier is playing ball in the street and the ball gets jammed on a ledge that is extremely suspicious according to the background music and the gawks of the kids.

The doll and the begonia visit the director of the orphanage. She tells them they barely have enough money to cover their expenses and she doesn’t know what will become of the kids if they have to close down. The doll says she doesn’t know how but she promises the kids are going to stay put.

Ilitia tells Flora about Agent O’s attempt to wipe sunless tanning lotion all over her body with his own, well not in those exact words. She had to fight the imbecile off! Flora tells her good job, in fact the same thing happened to her one time in a microbus. Ilitia is perturbed at Flora changing the subject to herself and she kicks the maid out, then begs her to come back becuase she needs her advice. Should she tell Kristel? The phone rings and guess who? Ilitia was just thinking of her sis-in-law. Kristel wants Ilitia to come over right away, she has huge news.

The boys climb a ladder to retrieve their ball and investigate the mysterious fabric. It’s a bag! What’s inside it? They’re millionnaires! It’s filled with money!

Mari cries to Doris about her fear that her mother was murdered. Christian the magnificent infant sympathy cries. They both wonder if Fedra Curiel is behind Eva’s death and the attempts on Netty’s life. Doris advises Mari to be very strong if she wants to win the battle against Fedra. You go girls...and baby.

Muneca and Begona watch the orphans play and decide they are BFFs.

The perpetually full moon rises over Mexico City.

Oliver gazes out the window and wonders how his little sour lemon candy is doing tonight. He knows he should get back to work but he can’t stop thinking of her. What to do what to do? He leaps up with an idea. He pulls out Axel’s arrest record and gleefully dials the phone. His little candy answers and makes a face like a sour lemon who just needs to be squeezed a bit.

Over at Hell House Kristel tells Ilitia that her news is an atomic bomb! It’s a pink bomb in the form of a diary. Ilitia is not amused to read that the love of Mari’s life is Emanuel. WHAT!? she yells in English.

Tia Carlota sits Fedra down and tells her that Mari must have her house. Fedra tells Tia she’s powerless (ha!), the law is the law and Eva owed her a lot of money. She has to think of her own children, she whines. Tia says she and Fedra are going to fix things right now. She’ll pay Eva’s debts but Fedra is to touch nothing of Marianela’s.

Predictably, Gretel snaps at Oliver and instructs him to never call her again. Then she promptly faints into a chair. Normally this would mean she’s pregnant, but since Gretel hasn’t boinked anyone that we know of it must have some other dire meaning.

It turns out that Tia is a bit of a blabbermouth. She tells Fedra she’ll loan the money to Mari because when she turns 21 and gets Luis-Felipe’s inheritence she’ll be able to buy 100 houses. It clearly takes all of Fedra’s will to not drool all over the table. Tia keeps it up, Mari’s fortune has been multiplying all these years blah blah blah. Just hand her head over on a platter why dontcha?

Fedra recovers from her greedgasm, sniffles pathetically, and says Tia doesn’t have to loan her the money. The only one who will sacrifice will be herself, she’s willing to wait until Mari collects LF’s money. Dang she’s good. She almost had me convinced...NOT. Tia smiles like a sap.

Eman sits on his bed and like everyone else in the house expresses his feelings out loud. In summary, “Poor Marianela.” But he’s got an ace up his sleeve, the Lirio de Plata, which he waves around instead of keeping locked up. I’ll be he does something stupid like leave it on the table.

Ilitia reads the diary out loud in the bitchiest manner possible. Kristel laughs it will be the perfect blackmail. Luckily Delicia overhears and demands they turn it over to her. Unluckily Fedra arrives and tosses Delicious out when Kristel pouts that this brown trash is bothering them.

Oliver explains to Brandon that Gretel’s rejection is just a wall she’s put up. Brandon makes some joke that I didn’t completely understand, that the girl is a VIP, viene i pide, comes and asks. Whatever, if Oliver plays with fire he’s going to get burned.

Gretel comes out of her faint, drops a glass on the floor, and announces to the three concerned maids that the only one who can make her feel better is Axel and he’s no longer in the house.

Speaking of which, Axel and his pal with moussed hair go nightclubbing. His friend tells him he’s taking him to a place where there are a lot of people like them and where he can feel free.

Brandon tells Netty, Mari et al that Spiderus is out of jail. They are about to erupt when Emiliano interrupts, he’s come to get Mari and he won’t take no for an answer. The next scene consists entirely of all of them saying no, but when Mari hears Tia C is in town she acquiesces.

Kristel and Agent O are sitting in the busiest spot in the house laughing over Mari’s diary. Of course Eman strolls by and asks what fun are the poking at Mari now? They hide the diary but he keeps pressing and tells them if they do anything to Mari they’ll pay dearly.

Javier tells Gladiola that Mama Dolores answered his prayers for money to help her out. He whips out the money bag and Gladi gasps gladly.

Team Netty pisses and moans about Fedra, Emi taking Mari and everything else that’s bugging them. Then they all stomp off in different directions except Doris who accuses Brandon of loving Mari.

Emanuel is suspicious of his mother’s motives. Tia enters the room and wants Fedra’s agreement on paper. Fedra feigns affront but Tia stands firm, make it legit.

Mari arrives and everyone is thrilled except Fedra who sniffles over her snifter. Oh wait, here comes Kristel clapping at the close clinch of her brother and cousin, “hooray the lovers” she chirps. “If they weren’t cousins they would be the perfect couple” she slyly lets slip.

Tia is annoyed and they all comment on Kristel’s bad taste. Kristel gloats and let’s just an inch of the diary peek out of her magazine for Mari’s eyes only.

Javier tells Gladi where he found the bag and she figures it’s the mafioso renter’s money. It’s dishonest and they cannot keep it.

Eman and Mari test the water by talking about each others’ novios. They try to find out how serious the other is without giving too much away.

Fedra proposes a toast but Tia points out the group is not complete. Where is Axel? (I was wondering when she would notice!)

He’s playing pool with his bud and thinking the place isn’t so bad afer all. Another guy with very moussed hair shows up and hands over a baggie of herbal substance so that Axel can let loose. Axel, not so happy about this.

Back at the house everyone beats around the bush except Mari and Gretel. Axel was kicked out onto the street. For some reason the family separates into small discussion groups.

Ilitia (with family) shows up and Eman looks annoyed and then licks his lips. Talk about a mixed message.

Over at the pool bar the police in full SWAT gear arrive for the inevitable bust. Oliver leads the barrage while the stupid mousse head shoves drugs in Axel’s pocket. Ay mierda and it’s up against the wall.

Tia, who clearly cannot see through manipulative women, is thrilled to meet Eman’s enchanting fiancee. Blech.

Gretel gripes to Mari that she doesn’t understand what her bro sees in that air-head. Kristel interrupts that they are super happy because Eman loves ‘em skinny. Mari mocks her fresa-speak and rolls her magnified eyes.

Mari interrupts a conversation between Emiliano and Lowrenzo to ask Emi for a job. Weird timing if you ask me. He hugs her and hires her on the spot.

Axel waits for the cops to get near and then he pulls the drugs from his pocket and throws them on the ground. Oliver is shocked, “You again Ruiz y Teresa?”.

Brandon tries to give Netty money, it’s for Mari's sake. Wow, what a coincidence, Gladi runs downstairs with her bag of dough (or wool as they say in Mexico) demanding that Brandon take it away. Javier’s not on board with this program but the big people pull rank.

Axel tries to tell Oliver the truth, that the drugs aren’t his. Oliver handcuffs Axel and advises him to call his lawyer. At least Oliver will have an excuse to see Gretel again. For the two seconds prior to her ripping his head off.

Mari helps Delicia in the kitchen by sampling the hors d’oeuvres. Delicia thinks Mari is loca for working for her uncle, Eman works there too and she’ll see him every day. Hurricane Ilitia storms in and blows Delicia out of the room. “How dare you be in love with my boyfriend?!”

I was waiting for this...tucked away in another room Lowrenzo’s got Fedra pressed up against a desk in a most compromising position. They swap venom and he gazes down her cleavage. He tells her she’s jealous but not to worry, he’s sleeping in the spare room. Blah blah blah how I hate them both. Suddenly he loudly states “You know perfectly well who the woman is that I want.”

Naturally Muneca bursts in and demands to know who that might be. Fedra is highly amused.

Manana: Mari gets to see a work hottie hit on Eman.

un golpe tras golpe = one blow after another
gordinflona = porky
el pesero = microbus taxi (lit. one that takes pesos)
mi caramelito de limon agria = my little sour lemon drop
chirusa igualada = brown trash (chirusa = mestiza or someone from the poor side of town; igualada = someone who tries to treat people of a higher social class as equals)
mal habido = dishonest, ill-gotten
lana = money, dough (lit.wool)
espositas = handcuffs (lit. little wives)
bocazas = blabbermouth
fresa = valley girl Mexico City style


La Verdad Oculta #018 2010-09-30: Be Careful What You Ask For

Adolfo sets as a first task that new employee Roberto worm his way into the Genovés household to spy on them and is pleased to learn Roberto has been the cousin's boyfriend and in attendance there already.

At Mario's, David surprises Bertha with a firm goodnight kiss on the lips. After earlier learning David and Gabriela met in L.A., Mario questions David about their relationship. David denies any such; and despite that and hearing others also have an interest, Mario is determined to invite Gabriela to dinner.

Juan José visits a woodworking shop to apply for an apprenticeship, but the owner turns him down flat on hearing Juan José acquired his trade in prison. At the garment factory, Elsa's luck with Salomón runs out; he's about to grant her favor to hire Juan José when she demurs the last time for funny business off the job. Salomón refuses her favor and rudely dismisses her from his office.

At Gabriela's, she can't dissuade Julieta from meeting Roberto and covers to Santiago about her sister's whereabouts after Julieta exits. Alone when Gabriela goes to the rooftop clothesline, Santiago phones Mario to agree to send Gabriela to see him. Mario's joyful at Santiago's change of mind.

On the roof, Gabriela runs into Leonardo also carrying his laundry, and he offers her family use of his washing machine. Asking about her work, he learns Adolfo's associates include Mario, David and Carlos. Before she exits, Leonardo invites Gabriela and Julieta to the movies.

At Juan José's, Asuncio attempts with difficulty to read a magazine passage to Caramelo. Juan José enters, and a short exchange ensues where all three agree to treat each other informally and friendly. Learning Juan José needs a job, Asuncio offers to introduce him around doing some local loading and unloading work.

Gabriela returns from the roof, and when she mentions to Santiago she discovered Leonardo doing his own laundry, he reminds her he himself always laundered the girls' diapers, which earns him a warm sentiment and kiss. Santiago gives a suddenly mystified and uneasy Gabriela an envelope to deliver to Mario.

At Mario's, when Alejandra notes Bertha's Cheshire-cat grin, Bertha claims she and David are now a couple, to Alejandra's surprise. The doorbell rings, and Bertha is rudely ready to get rid of Gabriela there -- when Abelardo catches her first and virtually drags a resisting Gabriela into Mario's office.

With Gabriela apprehensively seated across from a strangely friendly Mario, he must explain to Gabriela that Abelardo supposedly formerly sold books but is his secretary now. Gabriela is surprised to hear that David is very fond of her and that Mario would like to invite her to the house.

She agrees and is eager to escape, when Mario longingly holds her hands and gazes into her eyes, drinking her in. Gabriela permits it with a kindly response. After her exit, sour Bertha pesters Abelardo about the waitress's mission there; but he flatly claims no knowledge.

Inside Mario's office, he and Abelardo share a chuckle to see the blank sheet of paper Santiago sent via Gabriela -- and agree Mario's daughter is adorable. Mario has decided he would like David to marry Gabriela, he says.

Elsa returns to Juan José's and meets his house guests, noting with sorrow how pretty -- but dirty -- the little girl is. And also how sorry she is to see Juan José living that way, which touches a nerve and sends Juan José spiraling down into a sad, dejected mood about his job prospects.

Roberto tries to make time with Julieta at a cafe, and she's having fun; but she won't move as fast as he wants, refusing to get alone with him somewhere. Instead he quizzes her about David and learns he and Gabriela are a couple since L.A. He surprises Julieta, feigning this is bad news for Carlos, claiming Carlos is in love with Gabriela and wants to marry her.

At the architecture studio, Elsa poses her real estate proposition to Mina, who thinks it's a good investment; but it's Alejandra who has the money. They exit right away to visit her at home, Elsa noting on arrival the house is just nearby. Inside, upon hearing the investment offer, Alejandra looks thoughtful to hear the house is nearby and asks Elsa to let her consider and to revisit the office next day.

Leonardo arrives to pick up the girls for the movie and is pleased to hear Julieta begged off and that he'll have Gabriela to himself. Later Julieta is just hanging up with Roberto to answer the door, and it's David, who suffers a stab in his jealous heart to learn from her that Gabriela's on a date with a gentleman friend.

At the prison, Marcos's low-life pal visits him in solitary to hatch a jailbreak plan. Marcos is going to owe this guy when they escape. At Juan José's, he fills Asuncio in about crazy Gregorio's treasure tale, which intrigues Asuncio. Heading for the kitchen, they note a big cement patch in the floor.

They're both excited thinking about eight mules' worth of gold and almost spill the beans to Caramelo. Juan José warns to keep quiet; first, there may be no treasure; second, people will pester them -- and two guys already died for it. In a dicey spiritual move, Juan José begs Guadalupe to abet him in finding the treasure.


Thursday, September 30, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #27-28 9/30/10 This could be the start of something big.

Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Caps 27 and 28. If you don’t want to read ahead, stop at the paragraph that begins, “It’s the morning of the big Benny Ibarra veeedeo.” That marks the beginning of Cap 28.

Capitulo 27

1. Carolina will help manage the Benny event. She reproaches Fernando for putting Lety in the cave. Omar mocks Lety and Caro is not amused.

2. Luigi has a melt-down because the kids “decorated” the set design and the crew followed it.

3. Fernando tells Lety to register a company under her name. She’s shocked and scared. He says, “Do you think I’ll put you into problems?” It will start with 1M pesos ($80K USD). Lety asks, “Why me?”

4. Marcia reports to the parents what Ariel said – that Lety is displacing her.

5. Caro disapproves of them switching to video without telling Luigi. She tells Fernando to give Lety a proper office or her press release will reveal how he treats his assistant.

6. Lopez is shocked that Lety gets a 200% raise. See transcript: Fernando tries to move Lety into Olarte’s office, but she prefers to stay close to him.

7. The triumvirate reduces Benny event costs by getting cheaper substitutes for wardrobe, lights, etc.

8. Paula sashays up to Omar, but he takes Alicia home instead. Saimon tries to distract Paula out of compassion.

9. Omar is all over Alicia until she asks him to move in. Nope. He’s willing to pay her bills, but she’s not willing to be a kept woman. She needs someone at her side (to protect her from Ariel), or nothing. He says maybe in a month, and she lets him get back on task.

10. Tomás asks if Lety can invest the her company’s capital. Yes, she has free rein. Tom has a plan for investing in the market. Lety hires him to manage the capital. He warns her to be careful; they will use her company to protect Conceptos.

Spanish Lesson.
Fernando just told Lopez to move Lety into Olarte’s old office.

F: What’s wrong, Lety?
L: Don’t you want me to stay here with you?
F: No, I just want to improve your working conditions. Today I was criticized for putting you in that “hovel.” And I believe it’s only right that you have the kind of office you should have. With a window and circulation. What’s wrong, Lety? Don’t you want that new office?
L: No, Don Fernando. I don’t. But if you’re uncomfortable that I’m here, if you want more privacy, I’ll leave.
F: No, Lety, it’s not that. How can you be happy working in that hole? Doesn’t it seem dark, cold, dreadful? Don’t you want to move up?
L: No, señor. I feel good in my office. Maybe you haven’t noticed, but I’ve arranged it the way I like it. I brought in my personal things. The truth, Don Fernando.. I don’t want to be separated from you. If I take that office, I won’t be able to answer your personal calls, or take care of your things. If you need something you’ll have to call me. I won’t be right here. I would prefer.. to stay here. If that doesn’t bother you.
F: That’s fine, Lety. Get rid of those tears. It doesn’t bother me that you’re with me. I like that I can suddenly call, “LETY!” and you appear. Know what? You’re right. I would’ve missed you a lot.
L: Thank you, Don Fernando.

Capitulo 28
Cap 28 is the last of Chris Ferro's recaps. Bien hecho! Thank you, Chris. There was a gap in recaps until Julie restarted them in Cap 61. But when the series ended, Kim P wrote recaps to fill in the gap. Today we start Kim's Missing Recaps. There is actually a little overlap. Ferro and Kim both wrote recaps for #28.

Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Caps 27 and 28. The paragraph that begins, “It’s the morning of the big Benny Ibarra veeedeo” marks the beginning of Cap 28.Kim's first recap.. That recap covers Caps 28 through 30-A. Stop at the section heading, "Missing Recap 2: Oh, it was just a massage."

1. Lety and Tomás register Filmo Imagen (FI). Her ex-boss is sure she’ll be successful. Tom asks if she fell in love with him TOO. Lety tries to deny, but Tomás lists all the evidence that she loves Fernando.

2. Fernando will wait until the last moment to show Luigi the inferior costumes and camera. Omar worries he’ll throw a big tantrum. Fern says, “He has to obey me. I’m the boss. I sign his check.”

3. Lety reports to Fernando that she established FI. He insists that she be the sole owner and that no one else know about it. Lety tries to explain that the law forbids sole ownership, but Caro and Magalay interrupt them.

4. Saimon pulls his “I’m the boss” gag with the dancers. Fernando stops him. Tomás brags to Roman that he’s managing investments.

5. Fern tells Lety that she can manage FI however she wants, as long as it’s stable. It’s there to protect Conceptos, not to make him rich.

6. Fernando tells Lopez that Lety will be in charge while the owners are in LA. The cuartel celebrates.

7. Luigi is upset about the inferior costumes. Marcia is mad because Fernando changed her order. Luigi sees that his new camera is not 35mm and he freaks out.

8. Lety tells Tom she lied to Fernando because he’d never agree to Tom being a shareholder of FI.

9. Fernando is beyond stressed. Caro gives him a back massage.


La Verdad Oculta EP17 09/29/2010 - 500 square meters of wealth


* Juan José's house
Asunción and Caramelo discuss Juan José. The little girl definitely hates the big guy and wants him to leave them in peace. The old man cheer her up by offering her a delicious breakfast.

* Genovés villa
Bertha sneaks into Mario's study and rummages his desk looking for clues about Gabriela. She finds Fausto Guillén's phone number, immediately calls him and asks for Gabriela. When Fausto unsuspectingly tells her his daughter isn't at home she cuts the call off and starts to wonder.

* Elsa's flat
While having breakfast Elsa tries to convince Juan José that the house he inherited sucks since there's no water, lights or windows. But like every other telenovela hero he's adamant and also wants to pay her back the costs of his mom's funeral as soon as possible. However, right now he's dead broke and Elsa insists on giving him some more money until he finds a job or when he sells his house.

* Ávila residence
Patchy and Dracula have coffee. Adolfo tells Félix that last night in Sagitario he had a chat with... wait for it... Leonardo Faidella! It turned out he's a friend of that idiot waitress. Adolfo feels the ailing lack of The Shoes again and decides it was all David's fault. He'll pay for it dearly!

* Guilléns' flat
Gabriela frets and fumes about what rude jerk and majadero David is. Juli thinks it's cool that he's jealous but Gabriela is so angry that when the phone rings and David asks for her she refuses to talk with him.

* Genovés villa
David is furious at Gaby's rejection. Bertha appears in the hall just the right time and just in the prettiest outfit, so David invites her to go out with him that night.

* Elsa's flat
JJ tells Elsa he met two homeless people in his house and he didn't have the heart to kick them out. And... since they've been living there for such a long time they have the right to stay, don't they? After swooning over everything JJ said Elsa has to leave for work. She gives cash to the little bit embarrassed JJ and they agree to meet in his house in the afternoon.

* Alejandra's office
Elsa gives back to Mina the money she lent her because she doesn't need it anymore. She asks Mina about the prices of houses, especially of the old, ruined villas in the southern part of the town. Wow, the houses and lots of that district are very expensive and each square meters value at least 10000 pesos. Elsa's jaw drops.

* Ávila residence
While Adolfo and Patchy are having their endless breakfast Roberto drops in. Dolphie asks him if he still wants to work for him. Of course, he needs that job! Adolfo smiles and admits he has certain businesses" that Carlos doesn't know anything about. He'll make Roberto filthy rich but in return for that he wants his complete discretion and loyalty. Rob, who seems to be grateful, greedy and frightened to hell at the same time, thanks to him for the opportunity. Adolfo leaves, Carlos arrives and tells to Roberto that David met the Guillén girls in Los Angeles. Carlos, as usual, looks like he would gladly suffocate David.

* Juan José's house
Elsa arrives, and asks JJ how many square meters is his lot? Hmm, 500, maybe. She excitedly jumps into JJ's arms and yells "You're rich!". Que? Each square meters values 10000 pesos, therefore he has 5 million pesos under his feet! Juan José's brain cells slowly process the information and when he finally realizes that he is a rich man he bursts into joyful, crazy, hysterical laughter. The hug.

* Genovés villa
Alejandra and Mario talk about their secret project. Ale'd like to know why he wants to create those stuff and Mario promises to explain to her everything in time. Right now all he can say is that this project is very important for him. Actually, it's a matter of life and death.

* Juan José's house
After the moments of happiness a horrible thought comes into JJ's mind: he won't be able to sell the house. Why? Because he may be the heir of Don Goyo but he can't dispose of his property until he registers his ownership at the Registro Publico de la Propriedad (aka and Registry). And the registry costs 17000 pesos. Dammit, it's hopeless. Elsa wants to ask for loan from Salomón (Viewerville: *headdesk*), but fortunately JJ vetos that stupid idea. He doesn't want her to make sacrifices for him, and neither wants to depend on her. He loves her as if she was his family member, for example, his sister (Elsa's face looks like she swallowed something sour), and it would be _his_ job to take care of _her_.

* batcave
Mario shows to poor Fausto the his high-tech make-up/camera room/plotting headquarters he created for him. It's kind of creepy. Fausto has cold feet again. First, one of his neighbours is a clever detective, second, it'll be hard to avoid Adolfo if his daughters continue to work in his club. Mario learns the girls didn't give up their job. Fausto tells him what happened and gives his money back to him.

* Scoundrel, Douchebag & Douchebag Law Office
Elsa and JJ visit the lawyer who tells them enthusiastically he's been working hard to free her imprisoned friend from Veracruz and he's shocked when he learns that the XXL size wrestler who accompanied his naive client is that guy from jail. Busted. JJ wants him to pay Elsa back the money he robbed for her. He sends them to hell and tells them that since JJ's been liberated conditionally if he hits him he'll be sent back to jail. JJ fumes and before leaving he "accidentally" damages some furniture. (Viewerville: *Yeah!*)

* Juan José's house
It's late night. Asunción and Caramelo arrive and notice JJ's bed. The girl becomes sad but Asunción promises her that one day they'll live in a huge house and they'll be rich.

* Genovés villa
Bertha (who looks awesome) and David leave. Mario feels week and ill and when he tries to go into his study he collapses next to the staircase. He cries over his disease and his desperate situation.

* Juan José's house
When JJ arrives the intruders are asleep. He picks up Caramelo and carries her to his bed, but both the girl and Limón misunderstand the situation. He convinces them that his intentions are decent and he only wants her to sleep comfortably.

* Club Sagitario
The golden boys sit in the bar, watch the waitresses and Carlos talks about how special Gaby is. David and Bertha arrive at the bar. While Bertha is enjoying the night David is anxiously looking for an opportunity to confront Gabriela. He wants her to serve them the beverages but Gaby, who is jealous and still pissed off, angrily says that she's very busy so please look for another waitress. David sardonically comments that the service in the bar is awful! Carlos quickly jumps and asks Gaby to follow him to his office. Blondie becomes jealous and Bertha starts to realize what's going on.

* Juan José's house
Asunción and JJ talk about Caramelo. The old beggar isn't his uncle, he found her in a trash bin when she was a newborn baby. Since he isn't his relative he didn't dare to send her to school. But he loves her so much. He asks JJ about his life. Where is he from? From Veracruz. Did he arrive Mexico City recently? Not exactly. And what about the previous owner - was he his relative? Err, no. Then how on earth did JJ meet Goyo if he was in jail? Well, because JJ was a jailbird, too. Asunción's shocked.

* Carlos's office
Carlos and Gaby talk about her career. She should be a receptionist or the captain of the waitresses, or anything else (to avoid David), but Gaby's worried about the opinion of the other employees. Carlos smiles and advises her not to think about others' opinion. His father thinks he's a useless scumbag but he doesn't care. He appreciates Gaby much and thinks she's a valuable person. Gaby melts. Carlos says he wants to be her friend. (Of course, friends with benefits.)

* Genovés villa
Mario calls Fausto. He tells him he feels sick and despairingly begs him to let him see his daughter. Fausto says it's impossible. Mario knows he's right so apologizes, finishes the conversation and continues to cry heartbreakingly.

* Ávila residence
Roberto and Adolfo talk about his future job and Dolphie repeats his words: he wants his fidelity. There were people who betrayed him but they are already dead, understood?



El Clon, Wed., Sept 29 - Summary for Discussion

Ramoncito gives up the dough in the cash register to Fer and Paula. When Gloria comes in to find out what is keeping him, he faints.

The haul is $475 and our strung out thieves are already calculating how much it will buy. (I guess Paula's decision to give up drugs was short lived.)

Gloria tries to get some information on the perpetrators from Ramoncito but he is too scared to speak. Finally, he identifies one of the robbers as Paula, a friend of Nati's.

Alej confirms that he knows Paula. Gloria wants to know where she lives but Alej says that he doesn't know. They sleep in the parks, on the streets wherever they are when the sun goes down ('donde le agarre la noche,' literally, 'where the night grabs her'). The police have come and Ramoncito is back in stride. He identifies the perp as a friend of Natalia Ferrer, the daughter of Leo Ferrer. Alej tries to warn Marisa about what has happened but she won't take his call. He calls Andrea who is at TOPIM (the only pool in Miami) and tells her what happened.

Also at TOPIM are Diana, Pablo and Pedro. Diana tells Pablo that not only did Malicia not go to Paris on business, she went as Rogelio's vacation companion after Rogelio broke up with his girlfriend. Pablo refuses to believe it. Diana replies that it is true, '¿Ya entiendes por qué no me la trago, Pablo?' Do you understand now why I can't stand (literally, swallow) her?

If Malicia's ears are burning in Paris, it's because Clara and Carolina are calling her names in Miami: 'Es que esa mujer no es mala, es perversa,' That woman is not just bad, she's evil, says Carolina. Clara is sure that she did it on purpose (a propósito) and says that she is 'diabólica'. In stumbles Fer saying that the police are after him.

The police have come to Casa Ferrer, too. Marisa says that it must be a mistake. Her daughter doesn't hang out with people like that (this is the same Marisa who went to the scary drug place to find Nati). When the officer says that the employee in the bar identified her, Marisa suggests that Nati is well known from the social section of the papers. Then she lies when the officer asks if her daughter is at home. When the officer asks if Nati was the girlfriend of Alej and says that the robbery took place in his mother's bar, Marisa punts to Leo. She has Rosa call Leo's office and tries to get the police to go there.

Fer has shut himself up in his room.

Leo calls, who else, Roberto, TWLIM (the worst lawyer in Miami) and tells him that the police are at his house. Leo can't believe that there is any justification for the police to interrogate someone just because a friend of theirs committed a crime. Leo asks for Clara but she isn't back from lunch. 'What, does she think this job is a hobby ('pasatiempo')?' asks Leo.

Clara tells Carolina that she can't take it anymore. She is afraid that Fer's problems will cost her her job. She can't concentrate at work, she can't sleep. Every time the phone rings, she thinks it might be the police saying that Fer is dead or in prison. Carolina tries to comfort her.

Marisa tells Rosa that it isn't fair that Nati's name should be on a police report about a robbery. Rosa advises her not to lie. She says that everyone will find out everything eventually. Marisa replies that she is doing it for Nati's sake, not hers.

Another party at Casa Alí. Abdul is promoting the second wife to Mohamed. Her father is a powerful merchant and if Mohamed marries the daughter, they will be partners. Alí comes over and advises Mohamed not to make rash decisions.

Meanwhile, Latifa is, what else, crying. Amin accuses Zamira of causing Mohamed to seek a second wife. The children start fighting and poor Latifa runs out of the room.

Back at the party, Abdul's chosen bride has arrived [I'm not going to bother learning her name until I'm sure she is sticking around]. Mohamed thinks that she is pretty.

Back at the house of feuding wives and ex-wives, Said has brought some veils for Rania. In comes Jadiya and demands to take first pick of the veils. Said lets her while Rania fumes and Munir wails. Jadiya tells Jade that Said gave her the best veils and gave the leftovers (sobras) to Rania.

Said tells the Naz that there is more peace on a battlefield than in his house. If he was expecting sympathy from the Naz, he is mistaken. She replies that he must like discord having married so many odalisques. She says that Said and Mohamed are like people who have a beautiful bowl of fruit in front of them and go right for the one rotten piece. Then they complain about the whole bowl instead of throwing out the rotten fruit and selecting another piece. Said admits that he chose badly but he says that it is too late. He is married and has children. He can't go back in time. The Naz offers to train (domar) the odalisques if he puts in her charge of the house for one day. Said replies that he will do it.

Dora and Miguel are at the club. She reports on the lawyer Cristina found for her. He reiterates his offer to pay the fees. She says that it will only be a loan. What Miguel did for Osvaldo comes up and Dora tells Miguel that she never realized in all the years that she has known him, what a great guy he is. He moves in for a kiss but Dora pulls away at the last moment and says that she has to leave.

Dora comes home and tells Estela that she and Daniel have to meet with the lawyer. Daniel doesn't want to fight with Leo. Dora begs him not to ask her to give up the fight for her rights as his mother.

Even the worst lawyer in Miami seems to have more on the ball than Leo the successful businessman. It apparently comes as a surprise to Leo that Dora could oppose his suit and file a counter suit. Roberto points out that Leo is trying to change Daniel's birth certificate and any mother would oppose that. 'But she's not his mother,' protests Leo in his incredibly tiresome refusal to see anyone's point of view but his own. 'A judge will decide that,' replies Roberto.

Marisa comes down [just once before the end of this novela, I want to see her dressed like a normal person. She's a 40 year old woman for God's sake!] and asks to speak to Leo. Leo tells her that the police will handle the investigation of the theft with discretion. Rosa comes in and says that Nati is not feeling well. They all go to Nati's room. She is having abdominal pain and is afraid that she is losing her baby. They call the doctor.

Paula calls Clara's house and asks to speak to Fer. Clara tells her to leave her son alone. Paula says that she is coming over to the house. Clara threatens to call the police. Paula replies that if she is arrested for the robbery, she won't go down alone. 'Do you want to see your son behind bars?' asks the unlovely Paula.

Poor Clara doesn't know what to do. Carolina says that she is there for her.

Back at Casa Ferrer, the phone rings. Rosa answers and says Paula is on the phone. Nati insists on speaking to her and tells her to come over.

Lucía and Andrea discuss the strange behavior of Consuelo, the maid who quit. They seem to want to investigate it further. [Hellooo! since when do rich people care about why the maid quit? There are always more maids out there.]

Roberto comes home and tells Lucía and Andrea that Nati is having a miscarriage. Lucía wants to go and support Marisa but Roberto tells her that is the last thing Marisa wants.

The sKanks blather on about how little they will miss the neighborhood when they move up in the world.

The doctor comes to see Nati. Lucas watches him go up the stairs. Why isn't he involved in this family drama?

Leo tells Lucas that he ran Enrique down for so long for being a drug addict and now his granddaughter is following in his footsteps. Marisa comes in and orders Rosa to tell the guards not to let Paula in.

Paula is outside.

Nati loses her baby.

More bickering of Mohamed's children while a party goes on at Gloria's. Zamira calls Fez [which is on telenovela time, since if it is evening in Miami, it's the middle of the night in Morocco] and gives the phone to Latifa. She tells Mohamed that if he takes a second wife, he won't see her or his children again. Meanwhile, Zoraida is filling the wife candidate's head with lies about how badly Mohamed treats his existing wife and children. Latifa is very pleased with her strategy and when Mohamed calls back, she orders her children not to answer the phone. Back in Fez, Mohamed has decided to take a second wife.

The credits roll.


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