Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Eva Luna #15 Mon 11/22/10 Eva Gets The Third Degree

First the rerun: Leonardo tells his sister, Victoria that she screwed up by sending Eva over to take care of Daniel. Dan's a man and Eva is a woman… and the two could eventually get together. Vicky says not really. What’s been obvious for a while now is that Leo is jealous because he's falling for Eva. Claudia and she both know it, but as far as "another woman" getting in the way, Vicky knows how to take care of it herself and woe to the woman who gets in her way!

At the boarding house, Marisol tells Alicia she wouldn't want to be in her shoes when big sis Eva finds out she cheated on her entrance exams and got caught. Alicia frets over what she’ll say and how.

At Daniel's, Vicky is waiting up for him again and sends Laurita to bed. Laurita isn't too happy she's taking all his time up and leaving nothing for her. Vicky says it’s adults’ time and since she’ll be her mother soon she needs to obey her. Laurita makes a face and goes upstairs to bed.

Outside in the dark parking lot at the college, Tony sweet talks the teacher in charge of the exams--and who caught Alicia cheating-- into letting him help her carry her load of books to her car.

Dano gets home and is surprised to see Vicky waiting for him again. He was looking forward to spending a little time with Laurita. Vicky lies and says Laurita was too tired to stay up. Our persistent bimbutt wheedles him into going out with her for a little one-on-one beso fest in bed.

Back in the uber-dark and deserted college parking lot, Tony suddenly jumps into the back seat of the teacher's car and pulls a knife on her. He threatens her with the knife at her throat. He wants her to overlook the cheating on Alicia’s test and and threatens her not to let his "sister" (Alicia) or anyone know about this little encounter of theirs or something nasty might happen to her kids. The frightened teacher gives in.

When Eva gets home that evening, Alicia can't bear to tell her the truth about the test. All she says is that it was extremely difficult and she's worried she won't get into college. Eva tells her she's worried over nothing because she's too intelligent not to have passed the entrance exam.

Poor Victoria! Dano can't perform--at least not with Vicky--tonight. (What gives with the loud smooches? Dano’s distracted enough as it is.) He says he's just got too much going on with work and all. She changes the subject to (what else) their wedding. She tells him that her mother keeps asking her about the date, the church, the place they'll go on a honeymoon, etc. Dan says well at this point he doesn't know when or even if there'll be a wedding. He tries to make all sorts of excuses and then just loses it. Dano stops being Mr. Nice Guy and tells her he's fed up with being pressured about getting married and the way she seems so obsessed about it. (Guess he’s getting tired of batching it and spending bedtime with empty-headed bimbo’s.) Vicky gets pissed and says if he's dumping her because of another woman, then he'd better get a clue because she's capable of anything to keep that woman from getting him! Dan is wide-eyed impactado to hear this kind of threat out of sweet Vicky.

Later that night in bed, Alicia hears Eva crying in her pillow and asks her what's wrong. Eva's problem is of course Daniel and she says she doesn't understand how she fell in love with him, but now she can't get either his kiss or his look out of her head. The problem is that Sr. Leo told her Dan likes to play with women and that's what he's been doing with her, but in the meantime she went and fell in love with Daniel anyway. Alicia reminds her that the mouth can tell lies but not the eyes. Eva says well since he's got a girlfriend the only thing she can do is find a way to forget him and it won’t be easy!

The next morning Carlos drops by the boarding house to speak with Alicia about the exam. She tries to lie about it but he says he knows the truth from one of his friends.

Eva does the morning shopping at the market near the shore and takes a walk along the beach. She remembers again all her chance meetings with Daniel.

Carlos guesses right that Tony gave Alica the idea to cheat. He doesn't understand why she lets him influence her like that. She says she doesn't know either, but anyway, nobody else around there knows the truth about what happened except Marisol. Alicia is afraid of disappointing Eva, she says, and doesn’t want to tell her anything about it.

At the office, Leo taunts Daniel about Leo's "date" with Eva the other afternoon and puts a little bug in his BFF’s ear saying that Eva isn't little Miss Snow White after all. Dan is left jealous and angry and definitely wondering about what exactly happened.

At Marcella's manse, Vicky asks Mama if she arranged for her to get the t.v. commercial she's doing. Motherly Marcy tells her no, she got it all on her own. Vicky smiles, pleased with herself.

Mr. Swish, aka, Gorgio--Marcy's personal office assistant-- arrives at the mansion to talk over the day’s business with Marcy. Eva answers and he chats with Eva politely for a couple of minutes about her being the one who came up with the apple account’s slogan till Renata rolls in and shoos her away with a nasty remark about never speaking with the guests. As Gorgio comes in, Vicky has had to fire her personal assistant so Marcy offers Gorgio as her assistant for the day. Problem solved.

Back at the boarding house, Tony comes in with a surprise for Alicia. She tries to get angry at him but the surprise wins out again. It's the notice from the school that has the exam results saying that she passed and is accepted into the college after all. Alicia is so excited she gives Tony a kiss on those sticky lips of his. His-’n-her-mones take over the two and the mouth-meld continues indefinitely. (Dunno. Maybe Alicia’s lips just got stuck from all the lollipop goo.)

Vicky is having problems finding jewelry to match her outfit for the commercial shoot. Eva finds the perfect item so Vicky takes Eva to the set of the commercial to be her dresser for the day.

A little later in the day in Vicky's dressing room, Eva's putting away clothes while Vicky is on the set. Daniel walks in unexpectedly looking for Vicky. They start slinging meaningless insults out of nowhere at each other. Dan tells Eva if he'd known she was there he wouldn't have come; she says ditto for her. He tells her he doesn't believe her cuz for sure she would have found some excuse to see him again for a chance to play little Miss Virtuous. Eva doesn't know what he means. He tells her for once he thought he'd finally found a different type of woman, somebody really decent, but he realizes now that he was mistaken. She grabs his arm and asks him why he's speaking to her like that.

Back at Marcy's Manse: Leo's there to discuss Bruno with her and his doubts about the guy. He tells her that he's essentially a gigolo. Marcy tells Leo that's no problem because she sees him strictly as a business associate. (Guess she's got all her toes crossed inside those pumps.) She can take care of herself. Once Leo’s gone Marcy takes a sip of her soda and smiles to herself over the fact that poor ol' Bruno doesn't know who he's dealing with.

Once again at the dressing room: Dan eventually says it's no use to waste his time explaining anything because Eva just wouldn't understand; it's like she told him that time that they belong in two different worlds. She yells at him to stop insulting her. He says he's not trying to insult her, only to put his mind straight. He starts telling her that for once he got to thinking that she was somebody who—but then he stops and says he really doesn't know what he thought. (I suppose we’re supposed to feel sexual tension building here, but it’s not coming through.) Eva spits right back at him saying she was thinking there were plenty of things he told her that she believes weren't true either!

Meanwhile, Vicky is told to go back and change into a less provocative dress for the commercial to please one of the advertiser’s personnel. Vicky starts towards the dressing room but she's stopped for an autograph and a snapshot by one of the crew. (The clock is ticking for Dan and Eva. Viewerville wants them to get this pathetic patch-up over before somebody walks in on them!)

Back in the dressing room, Dan snidely tells Eva what frustrates and disappoints him most is when somebody pretends to be something or someone they are and takes the trouble to win over others, but then the mask comes off and she turns out to be a whore! (Ouch!) Eva slaps him across the face. (Double ouch!!) He grabs her and kisses her. (That was a come-on? And, what gives with all the smooch sounds? We already know it’s lip-smackin’ good.) Vicky tries to open the dressing room door but the lock jams. She tries the door knob and suddenly Eva and Dan realize they're about to get caught. He wipes off the lipstick and looks like a kid caught smoking in the boy's bathroom at school. (Ol’ Dano was smoking all right, but it wasn’t tobacco!) Eva breathes heavy herself and starts putting clothes on hangers again. No reason to because the door won't open anyway. Outside the door Gorgio finds Vicky by the dressing room door and tells her to forget the dress change. They need her back on the set immediately.

Inside the dressing room again, Eva hisses at Dan for acting crazy like that. He says sure, he should have known it was a waste believing in her innocence again. She tries to slap him again but he grabs her arm. This time she accuses him of liking to beat up on women. Dano looks like he might be wondering if he really is so jealous that he's getting violent. "--Oh, so it turns out that I've been treating you disrespectfully and I'm an opportunist!" Eva accuses him of only being nice to her because he’s wanted "something else" that small town girls are well aware of despite not growing up in the big city. She knows about men and their pretty words and what they want! They all want the same thing from her! He says that's exactly what he supposed, that she got around and certainly does know LOTS of men.... He taunts Eva by asking her what sort of “things”. She refuses to describe the lurid. (I think her modesty just scored points with Dan again, but neither of them knows it.) He finally asks, “Who's deceiving whom here, Eva?

Vicky finds out from the director that Dan came by the set and that he sent him to her dressing room.

Vicky heads back that direction while Dan and Eva keep the verbal fur flying. Eva hisses that he has no right to complain to her since he's already got a girlfriend! “The relationship here is between you and Srita. Victoria!” He yells back he knows that because Eva's made it very clear that there is nothing between the two of them! “--Good! You understand!” He gets frustrated with the argument and says it's absurd and they're better off with each of them going their own way. Eva’s all for that too! “--We'll both forget each other exists and that we ever met each other!” Just then Gorgio walks in and sees them nose to nose and suspiciously a little too close for comfort. "--Am I interrupting?" Ruh-roh..... Eva and Dano are suddenly very self-conscious. The two pull apart and try to look normal, but it isn't working with Gorgio, who knows something's been happening in here. The sexual tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Dano excuses himself and walks out. Gorgio nicely reminds Eva that Victoria is Daniel's fiancee and that she's the daughter of the woman who signs Eva’s paycheck every week! “--Better not forget that.” Eva swallows hard and nods.

Once the taping is done on the set, Dan walks over and greets Vicky. Vicky’s ready to go out to eat like they'd planned but he's too tired and has no appetite. (Query: Does she keep making these plans and steamrollering over him, or does he lie and say fine just to get her off his back so he can get back to work without being badgered? Can't tell but I vote for option #2.)
Gorgio brings Vicky home from the set and tells Marcy that Vicky was depressed because Dano would take her out to dinner this evening. He asks Marcy if it is a wise thing to have a girl as pretty as Eva working there at the house. Marcy laughs to think she'd ever be jealous of Julio. Gorgio says it’s not Julio he’s thinking about. No, the reason he's worried is because of her future son -n-law! Marcy is suddenly all ears and her expression turns to stone. Gorgio mentions how he interrupted Eva and Dan right after hearing them having a very heated discussion. Eva was standing a little too close to Mr. Dan. Marcy tells him she'll take care of it.

Back at Dan's, Francisco is arguing with Jackie again over his love life and the way he's been lying to Marisol about his supposedly being wealthy. He arranges another dinner date the next night with Marisol.

Dan comes home that evening and finds Laurita's gifts on his bed as he gets ready to take a shower.

At the boarding house, Eva prays for a way to forget Daniel. Daniel is thinking the same thing about Eva. He says to himself in the mirror that he's got to get Eva out of his head. Unfortunately he can’t and he thinks back to the various times they met. Suddenly he thinks he sees her standing there and smiling at him. (Dopey plot element!) The mirage disappears and he's still stuck in the same rut.

Alicia shows Eva her notice of entrance into college. The two share a hug and a smile.

Leo has gone gambling again at El Gallo’s. He is definitely feeling lucky after winning a pile of pesos that evening. Leo spins the wheel once more after carelessly betting every centavo of it--and he loses! El Gallo digs at him and says let’s see where you get the money to pay what you owe this time. Leo struts out the door. The words "good mood" no longer exist side by side in his vocabulary.

The next morning, Alicia and Eva leave early so that they can stop by their father's grave. Eva swears that someday she'll get justice. She's got that red car engraved in her memory and one day it and the driver car will reappear and she’ll get even with the coward who killed their daddy.

Before Dan leaves for work he calls Franc into speak to him about a large supper charge Franc made on Dan's credit card.

Marcy tells Eva she want's a private chat with her about Daniel Villanueva.

It turns out the credit card Franc used was only to be used for emergencies for Laurita. Franc explains what happened with the hot date he had and swears he will pay it all back the day he gets married to this gal. He kind of hints about a double wedding with Dan and Victoria. There’s that boda thing again. (Obviously “Boda” and” Vicky” don’t sound good in the same sentence any more.) Dan says he's going to tell Franc something because he feels he can confide in him. Francisco’s flattered. That is that he feels that wedding will be long way off. Franc says that it doesn't surprise him because it's quite obvious he's interested in another girl and that girl is obviously Eva! Dan looks sheepishly surprised by that astute observation. (I think Dan is long overdue for a Vicky-dump, but guess he hasn’t figured out how to manage it yet.)

In the library, Marcy at first tries to coax Eva into telling her what's been going on with Daniel by asking i if she had “noticed things” when she took care of him the other day at his home. “--What kind of ‘things’?” Marcy asks if he got phone calls from other women for example. Eva says not that she noticed and clams up. The Mellow Marcy isn't getting Eva to give up anything juicy so she changes her tactics and persona. Malicious Marcella becomes stern and threatening now with Eva. "Ok. “--Let's take off the masks here. I'm going to be direct with you and I want the truth, or it's going to be very bad for you otherwise! What is going on between you and Daniel??!!" Eva's lower jaw drops a foot and her eyes get three times their size.


La Verdad Oculta #49: The Márta Mystery Magnifies

Juan José exits the office nearly breathless at "Mario's" generosity and solidarity with his plight, pleasing Alejandra so much she invites Juan José to the movies later -- forcing him to linger at the doorway kissing until she pushes him out with a laugh.

On the front drive, Juan José encounters Gabriela whom he wants to fill in on the rest of the details of his life, and they agree that she phone him meeting plans later. At the city holding tank, Leonardo dismays Marcos with the true value of the lot of diamonds; but Leonardo fails to believe his claim he threw them away after the jeweler's suspicion.

Leonardo's interest is piqued to learn about the shoes where they were hidden; and he also fails to believe Marcos trashed the shoes in L.A. At Mario's, Gabriela confuses Alejandra asking about David's mother's identity, suggesting the name Márta; but learns Mario's wife's name was Alicia Ordóñez instead.

Abelardo happily offers Mario's library to Santiago, and they enjoy contemplating helping Juan José whom Santiago likes. Abelardo astonishes Santiago showing Mario's letter to him about Dora's revelation; and Santiago fervently desires to catch the true perpetrators, upon reading it.

At the jail, Leonardo denies Marcos's claim he could have carried the diamonds to the D.F. in his pants -- and that his supposedly erstwhile suspiciously-named girlfriend ("Margarita Goodday") is out of the picture and in the dark about them. When Marcos describes the black platform shoes, aside to Ramón, Leonardo connects the Ávila shoes story to this story.

At Mario's, Bertha proclaims to incredulous Alejandra that she's interested in Adolfo, because he can help her stay out of poverty and retain their inheritance rights as true relations over David. Adolfo seems to have some power over the Genovés; and all the better, he hates David -- whom Bertha also despises now. She takes a call from Leonardo to Gabriela, but doesn't pass it on for her own reasons.

Santiago and Dora weep together in Mario's office over their respective secret children; he completely sympathizes with her over David and surprises Dora by admitting Gabriela is Mario's biological daughter -- and that they are both cowards afraid of losing the childrens' love; but they will have to tell them one day.

Juan José and Asunción agree at the hotel suite that "Mario" isn't such a bad guy at all. When Asunción asks if Elsa knows about this, it reminds Juan José he's supposed to meet with Marcos that night at the renovation house. Asunción is worried the cops will connect Juan José to Marcos and the jail break.

At Elsa's she catches Lúlu up on her failed romance with Juan José -- failed despite looking out for him the whole time he was in prison; and Lúlu embarrassingly has no compunction about calling a spade a spade: that women can be such boneheads when they are in love.

Meanwhile at the hotel suite, Asunción makes no substitute for Elsa, and Caramelo is missing her a lot; she thinks of her like a mother. At Elsa's, that angel Mauricio collects a stunning Elsa in evening dress to take her for sushi at a favorite restaurant of his.

David returns home just as Alejandra warns Bertha about agitating against Gabriela; and everyone is surprised to hear from Abelardo that "Mario" already departed for San Miguel de Allende -- without even saying goodbye! Gabriela attempts to assuage David's worry, but he's still dwelling on Mario's cowardice against the Ávilas and their contract.

If it's not one thing Carlos is annoying him with -- it's another, David claims pointedly; and when Gabriela guesses he means her, David harasses her once again about the beach-house trip and the ring gift. She re-explains and reassures him she loves only him -- adding importantly, that it's the reason she lets him continue to rebuke her. David begs her to remind him every day how much she loves him, and she will.

Their make-up kiss is short lived, when Bertha butts in to relight the flame under David with news of Leonardo phoning Gabriela. Gabriela demurs at first, but at David's choleric reaction must reveal she wants Leonardo to investigate the claims stirred up by Bertha about Santiago and the woman in the grave.

Bertha exits with a big smile after inciting a full-blown fight between Gabriela and David over his fury about her little boyfriends from the past -- and hers regarding two girl cousins, including one meddlesome flirtatious one.

But Bertha isn't around when Gabriela completely disarms David's anger by offering to consult with Leonardo in front of him. David deflates in refusal; and they make up again, with David begging her forgiveness and finally showing that he trusts Gabriela.

Marcos uses his one phone call to connect with his "aunt" (Susana), and she finally figures out he's in jail and that he wants her to lay low at the tunnel house with the wigs and photos and wait until they can figure a way to help him. Meanwhile, a kimono-clad attendant greets Mauricio and Elsa at the Japanese restaurant, impressing Elsa with new sights and ways she's never experienced.

Leonardo visits Julieta at home to reach absent Gabriela, but instead brings up the strange shoe case and doesn't learn much; when he wants to see pictures from the trip, canny Julieta won't retrieve them from Gabriela unless he fills her in. Cheery Santiago arrives, but has some of the wind taken out of his sails when Leonardo insists the case of the stolen cuff link is important -- despite Santiago's denial.

Juan José arrives to meet Marcos at the renovation house, but the night watchman (Chucho) says no one has been there yet; so Juan José decides to wait. Back at the Japanese restaurant, beautiful Elsa is gushing over how well things are going for her and how much she has, when Mauricio looks into her eyes and earnestly vows he's ready to give her everything she wants and deserves.

Next morning at breakfast at the luxury condo, Yolanda is just wondering why Adolfo is saddling her with the archeological pieces job when he explains he needs someone trustworthy -- but that Félix was not available and won't tell her why. After a phone call from Bertha where Adolfo makes a date with her, Yolanda scolds him, insisting a girl his son's age would only be after his money; and Adolfo is not pleased.

Then both their attentions are riveted on the morning paper, showing Marcos being arrested for the diamond theft. No shoes or accomplice were mentioned; and Adolfo's sure they're his diamonds, but not so sure Marcos is connected to the shoes. Damning Leonardo, Adolfo's sure the cop would not forget about Gabriela's shoes, though; and Yolanda is frantic they might wind up in prison. Adolfo calls (lawyer?) José Luis to visit the prison and check it out.

Yolanda phones Santiago at home and makes urgent plans to meet with him. Juan José runs by Elsa's, missing her; but the neighbor Lúlu gives him an address where she can be found. Across town, Gabriela encounters Leonardo in front of their apartment building; and when she surprisingly asks about the case of Márta Saldívar de Guzman, he astounds her in turn by reporting the woman was a dancer -- who was murdered!


Llena de Amor #72 Mon 11/22/10 Bang bang, you’re…..

Friday: Oopsies! While Ilitia is kissing Eman, he calls her Marianela. Muñeca comes to the big house and accuses Fedra of having an affair with Lorenzo. Maximo emerges from his basement, locked and loaded. He points his gun at Fedra.


You gotta hand it to Fedra, who stares at him defiantly and tells him to go ahead and shoot. Why Muñeca doesn’t have the presence of mind to step away from big bull’s eye Fedra I have no idea, but anyway Benigno and Paula arrive, so they get to hear Fedra say to Max that he must’ve known what she was getting at when she was talking about Gretel, right? Gretel? says Paula.

Maximo tells Fedra he’s not going to let her manipulate him. Kristel runs in and stands in front of her mother protectively while Benigno struggles with Maximo for the gun, which goes off. Benigno looks stunned. Our little Benigno! Are you okay? says Max. I’m fine, you? says Beningo. Max is fine too. Gosh, this show is just chock full of chuckles. Anyway, now Axel has come to his mother’s side too, and glares at Max.

Meanwhile, upstairs Ilitia guesses Eman must be in love with Marianela. He tries to fudge that it’s all fake, for her money, and maybe some pity. Ilitia says he said her name so lovingly, and realizes he’s in love with Mari.

Netty is curious about the papers Mari was hiding, but Mari says it’s just letters from school friends. Netty notices the doll has a rip and says Gladiola will fix it, then says she was thinking about what Mari said about Eman not being Emil’s son. She remembers Luis Felipe’s letter from Veracruz to Eva she found which said he had some hot information about Fedra’s past. Maybe the two things tie together! We’re way ahead of you, Netty.

Max tells Muñeca not to try to stop him, Fedra’s stolen her husband. Fedra gets cocky, shoves her two kids away and taunts him that he’s a coward, too scared to leave his basement and face life. Gwan, shoot! So he does.

Fedra looks surprised, looks down (nope, not the treasured ta ta’s, lower under the left rib cage. Quick, Dr Carlos, what’s there? Liver? I forget.) Anway she stares at her bloody hand, sits and looks surprised for a while, then falls to one side in a faint. Everybody goes into a flap except Maximo who smiles slightly. Alex, never having read the Telenovela Cliché Handbook, quick calls an ambulance, then Eman arrives, sees what happened, and yells at Max. Max says he’s just doing what he had to to save the honor of the family.

Now we’re at the prison where all the inmates look about the same to me and all growl through tight lips while looking beady-eyed and menacing. Mauricio seems to be making escape plans with the two fellows who originally beat him up. At least I think that’s who they are. One figures he’s been in 30 years, so what’s to lose? Mauricio says in a couple of hours, he’ll have a way to distract all the guards, then he struts off down the prison hallway. Where does he get his hair gel, anyway? Does he trade cigarettes for it? Anyway, he then chats separately with Caiman, figuring he’d like to be in on it too.

Caiman asks the two baddies if they forgot they’re supposed to be making Mauricio’s life hell. They say it’s an opportunity to escape.

Lorenzo arrives dancing in Emil’s office, saying look! I’m free! Emil sternly tells him not to imagine he can use their business to cover up illicit stuff. Lorenzo insists it was all Mauricio. Emil is unsure, then says sorry, his world seems to be coming unraveled right now. He tells Low that he’s asked Fedra for a divorce. Low is shocked (fake or real?).

Emil: I found out what kind of woman she really is, that she’s been deceiving me all these years.
Lorenzo: Gulp.

Caiman is calling Brandon on a phone in the prison hallway, which a.) is in plain hearing of any prisoner who might be nearby and b.) is most probably tapped by the prison guards. But we know these shows don’t bear close scrutiny so we shrug and move on, hoping for juicy stuff which is what we watch these things for anyway. I think Caiman tells Brandon about the proposed break out. He hangs up and the baddies and Mauricio ask him who he was talking to. He fudges, and they say they’re keeping their eyes on him.

Caiman thinks to himself that Mauricio can go on and escape if he wants to because Fedra has plans for him.

Back to Mari’s bedroom. Netty tells Mari that Eman probably knows that he’s not Fedra’s son and that he’s in cahoots with her. If anybody finds out he’s not a Ruiz y de Teresa, he won’t inherit, but if he tells Mari he loves her and gets her to marry him, then jackpot! Mari defends Eman, saying he’s not like Fedra and is truly trying to protect her. He looks at her so lovingly, she can just tell! He gives her goosebumps! Netty doesn’t buy it.

Emil tells Low that his love for Fedra is dead. Low ventures to ask if there’s another man, and Emil says he doesn’t even want to go there because he knows he’d be capable of murder. If on top of everything else, he finds out… Low cuts him off, saying he’s sure Fedra’s been faithful. Why, they were a model couple! Emil says well, that’s over now, and he’s going to find out Fedra’s past.

His phone rings. It’s Eman telling him Fedra’s been shot by Max.

Everyone is hovering over Fedra. Max asks Benigno if she’s dead. Nope, says B. Max figures he better shoot her again, but Eman takes the gun away. Fedra comes to and is able to stand up. He tells her to get out, and she snarls that the Ruiz y de Teresa will get out before she does. It’s HER house.

Baldie and Moustache, the two baddies who have been sent to get Eman are still watching the house when the ambulance shows up. They figure the police might show up, and they can get Eman later.

Fedra tells the paramedics to wait outside, she’s going out under her own steam and she’ll be coming back through that door the same way. It’ll take more than a bullet to stop Fedra Curiel, she pronounces.

Mauricio and the other guys start a prison fight. The guards come in and break it up.

Eman is chatting with his mother in the hospital. She wants Maximo thrown out of the house, but Eman says it’s Max’s house too. Fedra says she’s going to bring charges and have him committed. Eman says well, he’s a little nuts, but still, the nuthouse? Fedra curses the Ruiz y de Teresa, and Eman wonders why she does that all the time. Why do you hate us so much?

The tables have turned! More prisoners have flooded into the prison hallway and they’ve overcome the guards. With the guards’ guns they try to shoot out the locks which for some reason doesn’t work. They rattle the bars and shout. Behind them, around a corner, we see Brandon and Oliver in riot gear. They decide they need backup. (Duh! TWO guys in riot gear to handle a prison riot – this was their plan?) Oliver then thinks he’ll go take them on. Brandon pulls him back and tells him he’s suspended as of this second.

Mari talks to herself, convincing herself Eman really loves her, then picks up the letter and reads. It says Juana Felipe Perez was the woman of Captain Jose Maria Sevilla on the boat Liria de Plata up until it sank at sea one night. It caught fire near the yacht Olympia which belonged to a Greek magnate whose wife’s name was Fedra Curiel, which is the name Juana used to get into our family.

Dios mio! says Mari.

The police in riot gear have arrived in force and get the prisoners under control. A few run for it, Caiman and Mauricio among them. Oliver sprints after them. He manages to disarm Mauricio with some cool martial arts moves, but one of the guys (is that Garduno?) grabs him and holds him for Caiman to shoot. Caiman aims the gun, but his hand is shaking. Shoot me! says Oliver. I’m a dead man anyway. Caiman can’t. He throws himself on the ground and assumes the position, hands behind his head. Oliver overcomes the fellow holding him, then here comes Brandon. Everything’s under control, says Oliver, not looking very triumphant.

(Caption for the melodrama-impaired: Oliver’s heart is broken, see, so he’s throwing himself into possibly fatal situations in the hope he’ll get killed, another victim of the evil Fedra. Oh, the agony of it all!)

Out in the hospital waiting room, Muñeca tsks over Fedra getting shot. Kristel tells her not to be such a hypocrite, she heard her with her very own ears accusing Fedra of having an affair with Low. What??? says Ilitia, who is there too.

Gretel is rocking back and forth, probably because she has to go so bad, but also because she’s swearing to get Fedra and expose her. Flashback to her seeing Luis Felipe minutes before Fedra chucks him over the railing. He’s telling Fedra the papers she’s looking at are copies. She falls to her knees and begs LF not to tell, for the children’s sake, for the sake of Emil, who is the person she loves most in the world. She begs some more in the same vein, asking him not to wreck the family. He coldly says she’s a fake. She tells him that it’s logical that she covered up her past, since she loved Emil so much.

LF retorts that a woman who loves her husband so much doesn’t have a lover, and he knows she’s been messing with Lorenzo for years. Little Gretel weeps.

Grown up Gretel keens Noooooo!

Paula and Benigno are down in Maximo’s room trying to get out of him what made him suddenly leave his cellar and go up and take a pot shot at Fedra. Paula remembers she mentioned Gretel and starts getting hysterical that Fedra has killed her or something. Max says no.

Marianela reads on: According to a sailor who survived the sinking, Juana F. Perez was pregnant by Captain JL Sevilla. Mari lights up – Eman must be his son!

Eman asks his mother why she thinks he and she are different from the Ruiz y de Teresas. She says because they’ve always been united, they think the same way, they’re stronger, braver. Not like those cowards. (I’m glad she made this little speech because I was starting to get a little inferiority complex about not being a Ruiz y de Teresa, particularly when Carlota and Max make it sound so bitchin and holy. Nice to know they’re wimps.)

Eman says look. I’ll always be with you, taking care of you, defending you, and I’ll never question you because I know that everything that you do, you do for your family. Fedra is pleased and thanks him. He asks her to be honest with him and tell him who he is. I don’t care about being Emiliano’s son, sez he. The only thing I care about in this family is their bank account. Fedra is overcome with emotion. That’s my boy!

So I’m the son of Jose Maria Sevilla, right? Come on, we’re accomplices! She strokes his face and tells him he’s earned it. She’ll tell him her whole history. They both look tearful. She begins: You are…

Emil bursts into the hospital room. He just heard! Eman and Fedra give each other a signal that they’ll talk later. Eman leaves, and Fedra goes into wronged spouse mode, sulking that she wishes Max had killed her since her husband is leaving her. She says she’s going to get Max sent to jail. Emil says she can’t do that – he’s ill and jail would kill him. That’d be good, she says. Or… she won’t bring charges if Emil forgets the divorce, dumps Netty and stays with her forever and ever. No way, says Emil.

Okay, so far: There’s been a shooting. The paramedics and hospital obviously didn’t tell the police, Eman chuckles that his uncle is a character who’s maybe a tad off, and Emil thinks jail would kill him. Welcome to Telenovelaland where the ordinary laws don’t apply, maybe not even gravity.

Mari realizes she has the goods on Fedra, but she’s afraid Eman will be crushed when he finds out Emil isn’t his father. She wonders how she can unmask Fedra without him finding out the truth. Doris runs in and tells her that Max shot Fedra.

Paula and Benigno can’t get out of Max whatever it was Fedra said that set him off. They leave and he sits and thinks about Fedra telling him to ask his sister. No, she must be lying. Gretel can’t be his daughter.

Gretel gets up and paces – who is this woman? The one who killed her uncle, the one from La Mala Noche, the one who was having an affair with Lorenzo… she just can’t be her mother. She sobs for Oliver to forgive her.

Eman comes in and tells the three in the waiting room that everything’s okay and they can go on home. Ilitia wants to have a serious talk, but Eman says too much going on right now, so later.

Now that we have a look at the waiting room people, Kristel seems to be gone and Lorenzo is there with Ilitia and Muñeca. Ilitia makes a catty comment about leaving her parents alone so Muñeca can gossip - she’s saying he’s having an affair with Fedra. He says to be understanding, her mother is just insecure, so she gets jealous. Muñeca says I’m not jealous, I’m fed up with you and with your daughter’s attitude. She leaves and Lorenzo tells Ilitia to try please, for him, to be nicer to her mother.

Emil comes storming into the waiting room, yelling that he’s packing his bags and leaving. He’s followed by Fedra, dressed in her regular clothes, limping and yelling curses after him. Low and Ilitia are wide-eyed, and then he tells her that Emil is a difficult guy.

At the station, Oliver and Brandon tell Mauricio he has a chance if he tells them what he knows about Baldomero and Basurta (that would be Baldie and Moustache), and their boss Garduno whose lawyer just got him out. Brandon remembers seeing B &B talking to Mauricio at the beauty contest.

Some guy in prison theatens Caiman, wanting to know why he didn’t shoot Oliver. Caiman says he didn’t want to be in prison the rest of his life for murder.

Eman is visiting Max and tells him that what he did was not good. Max laments that he’s not the shot he used to be, and maybe it’s too late to fix anything anyway. Eman says he’s going to clear the name of Ruiz y de Teresa, even if he has to take on his own mother. He leaves and Max reflects that Eman is his greatest pride. Even if he doesn’t have the blood of the Ruiz y de Teresa coursing through his veins, he may turn out to be the very best of them.

Emil is packing and Fedra, who’s home now, is begging him not to run off on her. He tosses some shirts in the suitcase and marches out with it saying his mind is made up. Bernardo, who apparently can wander into their bedroom, brushes by Emil heading off and warns Fedra she doesn’t seem to be able to handle him like she used to. She swears she’s going to get everything back under control. Step one: Mauricio. She wants Caiman to kill him. Bernardo is stoked. Gawd, he loves his job.

Lorenzo apparently can just wander into the bedroom too. May I visit the patient? Bernardo rolls his eyes and leaves. Fedra coquettes and they nuzzle. He kisses all the spots that hurt, and goes on to kiss others, then lays her carefully on the bed and they kiss.

Another visitor to the bedroom! It’s Kristel who comes in to ask something and then stops, horrified.

Avances: Axel grabs Delicia and kisses her. Somebody comes in and sees them – is that Lorena? Eman proposes, ring and all.


Monday, November 22, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #99-10 11/22/10 Ain't that a kick in the teeth?

Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 97 to 99. Then come back here to discuss it.

Capitulo 99.

1. Fernando stomps on Omar for calling Lety names, and the very next thing Omar says is that he will prepare the cards for while he’s away.

2. Fern is very scared that Lety won’t like the card because he wrote it himself. They both look for excuses to touch, and they’re both reluctant to part. Fern says to himself, “I don’t know what’s happening to me today, but it must be something good because.. I’m happy.” Marcia tells Alicia, “He’s in love and it’s not me. I have the feeling he doesn’t even know how much he loves her.”

3. Today’s card says, “Knowing your past doesn’t push me away from you (tú), far from it. It brings me closer. I want you to forever forget that past and go back to having faith in yourself, your body, your skin, your way of loving. Because me consta (?) your sensuality.” She tells him it’s the most beautiful card he’s ever written.

4. Marcia comes to say goodbye, and rather than a goodbye kiss, he just gives her a light touch on the shoulder from behind. Whereas he gives Omar a hug and says “Auf wiedersehen,” but Omar thinks he says “Olvidense,” and he doesn’t know what he’s supposed to forget.

5. Fernando calls his parents to inform them about Cannes. He tells them he doesn’t know if he’s in love, he only knows that he’s going to marry Marcia. Two babes flirt with him and he doesn’t like it.

6. Omar can’t stop laughing as he gleefully types the letter of instructions to Fernando. See the translation. He puts everything in the red bag, puts it on his own desk, and leaves for Germany. Ominous music plays. Later Sara finds the red bag.

7. At lunch, Marcia asks Lety if it’s worthwhile for her to fight for Fernando, or if she’s already lost him. Afterwards, Lety wrestles with her conscience. She knows she should break up with Fernando but she can’t. See the transcript for “My Dinner With Marcia” and “Hamlety’s Soliloquy.”

Capitulo 100.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando feels bad that he didn’t attend to Cristina RP and made a scene in front of her. He asks Lety to arrange for Cristina to meet him in his office, but he tells Lety not to be jealous. Quite the contrary, Lety knows that he dropped everything for Paty M but he virtually ignored Cristina, and she’s warmed by his call.

2. Sara gives Lety the red bag for Fernando. Lety’s dying of curiosity so she opens the bag and finds an engagement ring and a proposal. But it was a fantasy; she leaves the bag closed. Mama Julieta counsels her, “Some secrets should never be told. What if what you find out is worse than the pain of curiosity?”

3. Fernando sees Roman’s gang outside Conceptos, and he remembers Lety’s story. Amid punches, Fern tells Roman, “Don’t mess with Lety, you got it? People like us shouldn’t exist, Roman, neither you nor me.” Roman asks what Fern has against him, and Fernando answers, “Remember your bet over Lety? Well, now Lety has someone to defend her. Don’t mess with her again or you’ll have me to answer to. If you even get near to her again, I’ll make you pay.” He warns Celso not to tell anyone what he did.

4. The kids find the bag, eat the candy, take the toys, and leave the envelope with the cards and The Letter in Fernando’s briefcase.

Spanish Lesson
My Dinner With Marcia.
M: Leticia, we’ve never gotten along.
L: Perdón. You’ve never behaved well with me. I have nothing against you.
M: Whatever. Let’s set aside our positions. I want to talk woman to woman. Since you came, you’ve become Fern’s right hand. Not just in work. His agenda and appointments. Everything. You have managed to win things with Fernando that I haven’t been able to accomplish. I suspect that one of your strategies is to pit yourself against me (jugar en mi contra).
L: No, no. I’m at Fern’s side but I’m not against you. If I was your secretary I’d be at your side.
M: (Sarcastically) Of course you would. You and I are rivals for Fernando. Simply because you’re his assistant and I’m his novia. So there is naturally conflict between us. But we’re both women. Have you ever been in love? Are you in love now?
L: Yes. M: with Tomas? L: No. I mean yes.
M: Women love differently. With the heart, men with the head. We live for them, 24 hours a day. Nothing matters more than our men. We women are together in this. We need solidarity. I know your relationship is more stable than mine. Right?
L: Um, um, probably.
M: What is your opinion of my relationship with Fernando?
L: That’s none of my business. Too personal, too private.
M: Not for you. You manage a big part of Fernando’s intimacy. You’re the only one who can tell me about my relationship with him. I don’t intend to criticize or judge you. I neeeed to listen to you.
L: Why me?
M: Omar is his best friend, but they have solidarity. He’d never help me. On the contrary, he’d be happy if I didn’t marry his friend. Pleeease tell me.
L: I respect your relationship with Fern. It’s something fundamental in his life. You’ve fought hard for him. You deserve him.
M: I know. But I’m losing him. I know he’s having relations with another woman. I’m not going to ask the name of his amante. I just need to know, is it worthwhile for me to insist that he marry me? If you say no, I won’t ask for explanations, I probably already know.
L: Of course it’s worth the trouble, to marry Don Fernando.
M: What am I saying? Any woman would want to marry him. But I’m afraid he’s marrying me just to avoid problems. I’m losing him, right? Please tell me. I’m dying because I don’t know what’s going on. I can’t imagine life without him. Put yourself in my shoes. Imagine that you’re losing el hombre de su vida.
L: Doña Marcia, you ask as if I’m able to understand men. I’m no expert about love, much less men.
M: You know I’ll be leaving Fernando in her hands. I can’t do anything to stop it. I guess I wasted my time here.
L: No, wait. I understand you. I don’t know whether he has stopped loving you. Maybe he’s just confused. You two have had a lot of problems. If you’re novios, it’s because you found things that made you love each other. Rescue those things and win him back, so things go back to how they were. I can see that you’re profoundly in love with Don Fernando.
M: That was my plan for this trip because I knew it would be my last chance. But I’m leaving and he’s staying. I don’t even know what I’ll find when I return. I don’t know what will happen between him and me. Thank you.

Hamletys Soliloquy.
I know it’s wrong to be in a hidden relationship with an engaged man, but for the first time I feel loved. And loved by the man of my dreams. When I’m with him I don’t know who I am. Or maybe I’m the real me. I forget my values. Even my family. But how can I reject love when I feel it so close? When I thought it would never come to me? That for me it would just be a cruel joke. That’s it! I’m going to break it off with Don Fernando. There! I’ve decided.

But when I’m with him, I lose my resolve because I love him so much. He is all that there is. Why did I have to meet him when Marcia was in his life? God help me. Even though she treats me badly, I don’t want to cause Marcia pain. I’m in this world to love. I don’t want anyone to suffer.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Eva Luna #14 Fri 11/19/10

Daniel comes home to a questioning Victoria. Where have you inquires Victoria? What are you doing here at this hour asks Daniel? Waiting for you replies Victoria, but I asked you a question first. Where were you? I was visiting someone says Daniel. He leans in to kiss Victoria on the check on she smells him. This makes him mad and he starts asking her why. Did you think I was with another? Well if you don't tell me who you were with then what do you expect replies Victoria. Whatever you want responds Daniel. I am not in the mood to argue.

Kids are running around the pension yelling out "Eva tiene novio." Marisol joins in and Eva gets upset. They all get together to sing Ricardo "Happy Birthday."

Victoria and Daniel keep arguing. He tells her go home because he doesn't want to fight. She tells him that if he is cheating on her he better watch out. She's not an idiot and to tell the "other" one to watch out to because she doesn't know who she's messing with.

Marisol and Alicia are teasing Eva about Daniel.

Ricardo goes to his room where he finds a gift on his bed.

Daniel thinks about Eva and says how she is driving him crazy. "For once I was not honest with Victoria. What have you done to me,woman? I am losing my head over you."

Alicia tells Eva how gorgeous Daniel is just in case she didn't notice. Eva begs Alicia to stop talking about him. It's been going on for more then an hour. Alicia wants to know everything that he told her. Eva tries to change the subject and wishes her well on her test tomorrow, but Alicia only wants to talk about Daniel. Eva gets her purse out and looks through it where she finds Daniel's letter. It says:

Again I am hiding this letter. Speaking in a soft voice because I am sure at this time you have forced me away from your side. Probably calling me a liar or something else. That is why I have decided to write you this letter. To let you know clearly of how I feel. Tell your lips that I don't know why, but ever since I kissed them there is nothing else I miss more. Have a good night and have wonderful dreams that make you smile.

Alicia is over the moon, but wonders why Eva isn't. Because I care for him replies Eva.

Ricardo thanks Justa for the book. She goes to leave, but he stops her. He tells her how he feels.

Daniel goes to pick up Leonardo since his car is having problems and finds out that Victoria is out. Eva walks by.

Victoria and Clauda are working out. She tells Claudia she's curious as to where Daniel was last night. Do you think with another woman asks Claudia? No, he didn't come home smelling like perfume. I need to get married to him ASAP. If there is another woman, she better watch out. For the love I have for Daniel, I am capable of killing.

Leonardo walks into the living room ready to go to work, but Daniel is no where to be found.

Daniel is waiting for Eva in her room. Eva walks in and he grabs her. He wants to know if Eva read the letter or ripped it up. She wants to know why he wrote her those things. Daniel says that every time he leaves her side he remembers things that he wanted to tell her. He always gets interrupted with a slap in the face, an insult or she just runs away. Or simply I didn't have enough courage to tell you. Eva tells Daniel he doesn't know what he's doing. Yes, I do replies Daniel. I am being completely sincere with you. You are crazy replies Eva. And your girlfriend lives here. Daniel struggles to hold onto Eva and tells her "Listen if you tell me you love me...", but gets interrupted by Leonardo. He asks Daniel what are you doing in Eva's room. Daniel says I came to tell her something. Ready to go to the office?

Victoria and Claudia are talking about Daniel. She wants to marry him so that she can be at all the grand parties with him at his side and everyone to see her with him. Claudia says don't you just want to be with him? Not to have woman envious of you? Sure replies Victoria. I want both things. Daniel has everything a woman wants and that's why I want him only for me. I will not tolerate another woman to get near him. Claudia comments that sometimes she sounds obsessive. I am obsessive replies Victoria.

Tony teaches Alicia to cheat.

Eva and Julio bond.

Marcela and that young idiot that I forgot his name flirt.

Alicia talks to Carlos and finds out that he got "mugged". Alicia feels bad for him and Tony says you need to be more careful. Especially who you hang out with.

Renata tells Eva that her new job will be to also take out Max on his daily evening walks.

Alicia is in class to take a test. She's nervous.

Leonardo is coming up the drive and sees Eva walking Max. Now that Eva is in charge of Julio, Leonardo wants her to go with him to the store to buy him a gift. He promises to return her before dinner. Eva agrees.

Leonardo calls Daniel to tell him that his car is finally fixed. And that he finally got accepted by Eva to go out. Remember I told you that all woman are the same. And to prove it he can see them together at the cafe at around 6. Daniel says he doesn't have time to see if Leonardo is telling the truth or not. Have fun. Bye. Daniel hangs up and is pissed.

Leonardo and Eva finish their gift shopping and he convinces her to get a cup of coffee.

Idiot guy is on the phone telling whomever on the other end that they have to be discreet. Otherwise they will find out why he is really there. Marcela comes for a visit and idiot guy locks the door.

Alicia gets caught cheating on the test.

Leonardo and Eva are walking and talking. He tells her that he can read hands. Daniel drives by seeing Leonardo holding hands with Eva. Then Leonardo spots Daniel and pretends to Eva that he is blowing a eyelash off her face, but to Daniel it looks like a kiss on the cheek. Daniel speeds off.

Idiot guy gets played by Marcela.

Tony flirting with a girl. Alicia upset about failing test. He runs to her. She tells Tony she got caught cheating.

Daniel at home saying that Leonardo was right all along. Eva is playing with both of them. Victoria pops over for a visit. What's wrong asks Victoria. Nothing replies Daniel. I'm just in a bad mood. Victoria wonder if she has done anything. Because if so, she can fix it. No, you haven't done anything replies Daniel. Forgive me. I'll forgive anything says Victoria. How about we go to our favorite hotel and I can show you just how much I love you? I'll come for you in a little while.

Leonardo is driving back home with Eva. They are chit chatting and he asks what is going on between her and Daniel. Nothing, why do you ask replies Eva. Just remember that Daniel and I are friends and he tells me everything says Leonardo. What has he said asks Eva. Leonardo says he can't tell her but after she asks a couple of times he says okay as long as you don't tell him I told you anything. He likes you and you would be another notch on his bedpost. You don't deserve that. I like you and don't want you to suffer.

Leonardo gives Julio is gift and thanks Eva for helping him. Eva leaves to get Julio's dinner and medicine. Leonardo asks Julio why he likes the game so much. Because you know who your enemies are. Leonardo leaves and Max barks at him. Julio laughs and says so you recognize that he didn't really care to get me a gift. There's another game being played here.

Leonardo tells Victoria that she shouldn't have sent Eva to Daniel's house. Victoria asks Leonardo do I need to watch out for Eva?

Monday: Daniel tells Victoria there will be no wedding; Daniel gets bitch slapped by Eva


La Verdad Oculta 048: Bertha Spills the Beans and the Soup at Lunch

David has just declared to his missing in action faux daddy, FaustiMario, that if he doesn’t dissolve his partnership with Adolfo, David will stop working for the company and he and Gabi will move out! He drags Gabi upstairs as the cousins come down to see what all the ruckus is about. FaustiMario tries to convince them that nothing is wrong, but Bertha the Instigator won’t let it be. She tattle tales that David got into a fight with Carlos Avila, “por culpa de esa” (because that one- referring to Gabi in a very disrespectful way). She alludes to Gabi’s supposed involvement with Carlos. But once again, she doesn’t realize she is talking to Gabi’s beloved papa, and gets an earful in payment for her opinion. If she speaks about Gabi like that again, FaustiMario will throw her out! Princess Bertha can’t believe her ears.

Once FaustiMario leaves, Ale tells Bertha she deserved that tongue lashing. She’s been bashing Gabi and giving her a hard time since she came into the house, and Bertha needs to change her ways. Bitter Bertha is in no mood to listen. She calls FaustiMario an old fool (viejo imbécil), and Ale shakes her head in disbelief at her little sister’s stubbornness.

The next morning, Elsa is getting ready to leave her apartment for work when Susana suddenly comes busting through her door. Marcos desperately needs to see JJ right away. Elsa decides the old house under renovation would be the most secure place for the meeting. She gives Susana the address and they decide the meeting will be later that night.

At Casa Genoves, David is sulking in bed and Gabi is trying to get him to be reasonable. He has to get up and go to work. He can’t abandon his father, especially not now. Plus, his father is an elder (un hombre mayor). David is fed up. All his life he’s seen his dad being taken advantage of by Adolfo, either through weakness (debilidad) or some other reason. But now things have to change, because he won’t allow it. Gabi wants David to try talking to his father calmly and reasonably. He’s his father after all. David is adamant. Either his father breaks their association with the Avilas, or David won’t work for him anymore. Gabi leaves to see who has been ringing the doorbell below.

When she reaches the end of the stairwell, she sees that Abelardo has already ushered the guest into a waiting FaustiMario’s office. She stealthily makes her way to just outside of the doorway and listens. Adolfo angrily prohibits David from coming near Carlos or any of Adolfo’s business dealings. FaustiMario says he will talk to David, but it will be difficult to convince him. Adolfo doesn’t care. If FaustiMario doesn’t get David to back off, he will tell the whole world about Marta! Gabi’s eyes go saucer wide upon hearing this often repeated name. Abelardo discreetly shuts the office door when he sees that things are starting to heat up, so Gabi hears no more. Adolfo grouses some more about the scandal David caused (I think Carlos was equally or more to blame for that), and his threat to break their partnership. “Control your son, or deal with the consequences!” He marches out.

And is greeted by Bertha with a kiss outside of the office. They make plans for a lunch date. She walks him out the door and Gabi passes them trying not to attract their attention. She greets a finally dressed David, who is coming down the stairs and ready to start a fight with a second Avila in less than two days, when he sees Adolfo’s retreating back. Gabi talks him down.

In the study, Abelardo and FaustiMario worry about what they will do. David enters and tells his dad he wants to speak to him calmly. He once again makes what he thinks is a reasonable request. Please break the association/contract with the Avilas. FaustiMario tells him he can’t do that. Plus there is little time left on the contract anyway. Just four months. David thinks even a week more would be too long. FaustiMario says he’s too old and tired for such a fight. He wants to retire soon. He doesn’t want to make a fuss. David thinks that everyone has a limit and he’s obviously reached his. FaustiMario asks for a bit more patience. It’s just four months after all. David thinks if he and the lawyers could look at the contract, they could find a way out of it. FaustiMario refuses and uses the old and tired card again. He’s even been thinking about going to the countryside very soon. David’s anger suddenly turns to concern. He asks his father if he is once again ill. FaustiMario denies it. He’s just fatigued. He’s worked a lot and now wants to leave everything in David’s hands. Fausto has learned to tap into his soft cuddly side and for the first time channels Mario’s gentle nature perfectly. He pleads with David for some patience. David can’t deny his beloved father, and agrees.

FaustiMario then asks Abelardo to make the preparations for him to leave for San Miguel that very afternoon. David is shocked by the suddenness, but relents. FaustiMario gets him to promise one more time that he will stay out of the way of the Avilas. David leaves and FaustiMario breathes a huge sigh of relief.

David joins Gabi at the breakfast table and she’s happy to hear that he and his dad have made up and he’ll continue to work for him. But he has bad news as well. They will not be able to go on their honeymoon trip that weekend as they had planned. He tells her about FaustiMario’s sudden trip and that it’s a very bad time to leave the business unattended. She understands, but they both look sad and disappointed (as are we in Viewerville if we won’t get to see any more hot love scenes).

Adolfo welcomes Felix 2.0 home. He has Felix take his sunglasses off so that he can admire his brand new (black) eye. Other than the fact that he looks like someone punched him in the face (maybe they can blame David), and that his new right eye NEVER blinks, he looks almost normal. The swelling and bruising will go away, but the damn thing will NEVER blink. Ok. I’m dwelling on this too much, but it’s creeping me out.

Adolfo has a new job assignment for Felix. Find that damn thief of his 5 million pesos, Roberto. He’s sure Roberto is hanging at some beach somewhere spending his money. He’s positive he did not leave the country. He authorizes Felix to take two of his goons with him. Felix is happy to be back in the game.

Mauricio is fawning all over Elsa again. The American clients were enchanted by her at the event. Elsa, however, thinks she still has much to learn. Mauricio is more than happy to help her whenever she needs it, but Elsa doesn’t want to bother him. Plus, she’s figuring stuff out on her own. Not letting an opportunity to see Elsa slip by, Mauricio asks her on a play date. Because Angela really wants to see Caramelo again (yeah, that’s the only reason). Elsa accepts his invitation.

Gabi sees David to the door at Casa Genoves. He’s still steamed about having to continue to work with the Avilas. She asks if it’s ok for her to go visit her sister that afternoon. David looks a bit peevish about it, but tells her ok before walking out the door. (I’m going to rant for a bit here. Gabi is not a child and she’s not a prisoner in that house. She should not have to ask David permission to go see her sister or to do anything else. If she’s not having an affair, or involved in something dangerous, illegal or immoral, then it’s not his business. Rant over.)

As soon as he leaves, Gabi goes into sleuth mode. She pulls out the phone book and begins to make a call. When she notices Bertha spying on her from the corner of her eye, she waits until she leaves. But Sneaky Bertha has remained just around the corner with her ear pressed to the wall. She hears as Gabi calls Leo at AFI. Leo is busy setting up an operation where he demands that there be 14 officers, at the minimum. He then gets news from Ramon that they’ve found the truck belonging to Marcos and know its location. He takes the call from Gabi before rushing out the door. She has something personal to talk to him about. Since he has to leave on an urgent matter, he promises to call her back later. Bertha narrows her beady eyes as she gathers more ammunition to use against Gabi and her family.

At a home furnishings store, Ale has brought JJ to choose items for his renovated house. She also lets him know her uncle has agreed to meet him that afternoon. He’s happy to hear it, but more giddy about being out with Ale. He makes fun of the modern furniture, which he doesn’t understand. He gets close and personal and asks her seductively to teach him…about these elegant things. She’d be happy to (encantada). They walk arm in arm around the store. When Ale walks ahead of him, he takes the opportunity to enjoy the view. When she suggests that he get double sinks for the principal bathroom, he wonders what for. She explains that if one day he has someone living with him, it will come in handy. While he’s shaving, she can put on her makeup or do whatever. JJ makes believe that he’s shaving while Ale is washing her hands. Ale looks a bit mortified, but highly amused. When he is done “shaving”, he takes her hand to his face and she caresses her Gillette man. He can’t resist kissing the palm of her hand, and neither of them can resist the passionate kiss that follows. (Woohoo!)

In Mario’s office, Abelardo is trying to talk FaustiMario out of leaving so suddenly for his “trip” without saying farewell to David, Gabi and the nieces. But FaustiMario has had it. He’s worried about being caught, and about someone coming close enough to see the makeup (maquillaje). If he’s really needed, Abelardo can call him. He then asks Abelardo for a favor. He needs 5 thousand pesos (he hasn’t been working after all, and neither has Juli). Abelardo is happy to be reminded, as he actually has FaustiMario’s first payment for his work right there in his pocket- 100 thousand pesos. Fausto is shocked and refuses to accept that kind of money. Abelardo assures him it’s what Mario wanted him to receive each month for taking his place. Fausto reluctantly accepts the money and thanks Abelardo. Then he asks for another favor. He’d like Abelardo to watch out for Gabi. David has shown that he has a violent temper, and that Bertha is just awful and after Gabi. If anything happens, please let him know.

JJ is looking over some business documents with little enthusiasm and much frustration when Elsa arrives at his door. He’s stuck on stupid and begins to give her a hard time (as if she has done something offensive by having other plans with someone else when he had a sudden whim to see her). She gets right to the point and tells him Marcos wants to see him. She tells him about the plan to meet at the house at midnight. Elsa tries some civil small talk by asking after Caramelo, but Limon has gone to pick her up from school that day. JJ’s only departing words to Elsa are to make sure her brother shows up.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like Marcos will make that date. Leo and Ramon catch site of him eating lunch in his truck, corner him and chase him down. They get their man. Marcos…you’ve got some ‘splainin to do.

At the school, Limon joins all the other proud parents outside to wait for his precious Caramelo. She greets him with an excited hug and he treats her to a snack from the street cart. Caramelo tells him about all the things she’s learned. Even numbers, 1 to 5. She can help him and JJ manage their treasure now! Lol! Caramelo doesn’t understand why the treasure is just JJ’s when they helped find it too. Limon tries to set her straight, but the kid IS making sense. When Limon drops some of his snack to the ground, he reverts back to their old homeless ways, and bends to pick it up to eat it. Newly bourgeois Caramelo scolds him. “No seas cochino!” (Don’t be a pig!) It’s full of bacteria, microbes and germs. She explains it all to Limon in a nice little PSA for the kiddies (who should not be watching this telenovela).

Bertha has gussied herself up for her lunch date with Adolfo at his house. She has on an off the shoulder black top, and one of her micro mini pleated naughty school girl skirts. The first Avila man to descend the stairs is a battered and bruised Carlos. After a bit of bluster about the shape he’ll leave David in next time (sure), he notices Bertha’s lower half, and then his lower half takes over. “Hey. You know, you sure are fine.” (Estas guapísima.) Bertha takes the compliment like a woman who’s used to them. He sits down next to her, with great difficulty, and asks what’s up with her and his dad. He knows his dad really likes her. She thinks his dad is a very “interesting” man. Well, Carlos wouldn’t like it if she became his stepmom (madrastra) because it would be too much temptation. Bertha laughs this off, calls him a cynic, and gives him a motherly chuck under the chin.

Adolfo comes down to mark his territory and humiliate his son. The usual. He gives Bertha a kiss and kicks Carlos out. While he makes them drinks, Bertha rolls out her “you’re so trustworthy and intelligent, and poor, lonely, little old me needs someone to talk to” story. Adolfo is more than happy to be her sugar daddy/shoulder to cry on. “My uncle brought us to live with him when our mother died. But ever since that horrible Gabi moved in he’s treated us badly. And it’s not fair! We’re his only real relatives. David is not my uncle Mario’s son!” Adolfo is completely caught off guard by this bit of info. “Que dices?” (What are you saying?) Bertha embellishes further. David is just some poor woman’s child abandoned on Mario and his wife’s doorstep. “Vaya, vaya. Qué interesante.” (Well, well. How interesting.) Adolfo gets an evil glint in his eye. (Well, a bigger one than usual.)

Gabi is having lunch with Juli at the apartment and recounting FaustiMario’s strange behavior. Juli thinks it’s the same as their papa, who’s also been acting stranger than usual. She recounts his mysterious call from “work” in the middle of the night and his leaving. “It’s all strange (raro).” Gabi thinks there are many strange things about their father. She wants to figure it out and she thinks Leo is the only one who can help her. She tells Juli about the conversation she overheard between FaustiMario and Adolfo and that Mysterious Marta was once again mentioned. It seems to her that everyone has something to do with this Marta—their dad, Yolanda, and now Don Mario and Adolfo.

Bertha and Adolfo have continued their illuminating chat over their lunch. She continues her woe-is-me tale about her father’s bad investments, his death, Mario’s financial support of the family, her mother’s death, and their moving in with Mario. Everything was hunky dory until David married and moved in that Gabi. Then Mario changed. He became distant and less affectionate with them. They hardly ever see him. And when she told him that the fight between Carlos and David was Gabi’s fault, he reacted very violently and threatened to throw her out. “It’s not fair!” Adolfo agrees with her. “Of course it isn’t!”

Adolfo is more concerned with learning if David’s adoption was legal (likely looking for yet another way to steal the Genoves fortune). Bertha doesn’t know, but still doesn’t think it’s fair how Mario is treating his only blood relatives. Adolfo tells her not to worry. He’ll talk to Mario for her. Bertha is so grateful that her sugar daddy will take care of it all. Seeing as he is not only her uncle’s business partner, but also his friend (gag me, please), she is sure Mario will listen to Adolfo. She and her sister would have nowhere to go and no one to take care of them. Well, her sister would be ok, since she has her own career and company. But poor little old Bertha would be alone and vulnerable. Oh, whatever is she to do? Adolfo pledges his support, and promises not to tell anyone she’s the one who let the cat out of the bag about David’s parentage. (If I knew it was this easy to get a rich sugar daddy, I would have broken out the school girl skirt and off the shoulder top long ago!) She has things to do and has to run (nor sure what, since she herself admitted she doesn’t work), so he escorts her out with his arm around her waist. They make plans to see each other again.

Ale announces a very nervous JJ to FaustiMario. Abelardo briefs him on JJ’s history before he comes in. JJ thanks him for receiving him and FaustiMario encourages him to speak. He’s listening (lo escucho). JJ tells him that although Mario testified against him, and he spent all those years in prison, he’s recently come to find out what a good man Mario is. He swears he was not the one who killed the girl. FaustiMario wonders how he can be sure JJ is telling him the truth. JJ recounts the events of the fateful night at the hotel Mirador again (which we have now seen from about five different points of view). Ooh, nice. We see young JJ in his skivvies getting out of bed. After getting fingered (literally) by Adolfo, JJ headed back to his room for his shirt. He was apprehended by the police in the stairwell, as Adolfo tells him and the police that he SAW JJ do it. An angry and scared JJ is hustled away by the police.

JJ tells Mario that he was just some poor kid, unable to afford good defense. And when Mario also testified against him about seeing him with the girl, that just put another nail in his coffin. Fausto is very affected by this tale. He can imagine how JJ felt at this injustice (he really, really can). JJ, of course, does not believe that Mario could possibly understand. He gets more agitated and Abelardo steps in to try to bring him down. He tells JJ that Mario never testified that he saw or thought JJ killed the girl. He only testified about what he saw. Fausto has been moved to tears, likely thinking about his own false accusation and life on the run. He tells JJ that he knows he can’t give JJ back those years he lost. JJ is affected by FaustiMario’s obvious distress. He tells him that he only wanted Mario to know the truth and believe him. He wants Mario’s help in finding the real culprit and clearing his name. Fausto jumps up from his seat. Of course he’s going to help JJ! (Abelardo looks like he’s thinking, “Oh great! Yet another thing to add to my long To Do list.”) He tries to get “Don Mario” to calm down. JJ has completely lost all of his fire, and is wiping away tears. He doesn’t want to cause any harm to Mario’s health. They shake hands. JJ tells him that all he wants to do is clear his name. Choking back tears, FaustiMario swears that he’ll help JJ do just that. The two unjustly accused men continue to clutch each other’s hand and look at each other with teary eyes.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Llena de Amor #71 Fri 11/19/10 Love with the Proper Pillow

Well gang, tonight you're at the mercy of a disappointed Dr. Carlos and I'll tell you right up front, after a rather exciting week, nothing... and I mean nothing of any note or importance happens tonight. No dead cats, no jailhouse assaults, no cockfight in the parlor... nopis. Hints of things to come, but for tonight... nada. Tonight we get to see Marianela eat her fruits and veggies (the girl is anemic! She needs red meat, for goodness sake). So if your time will be better served by flossing the hamster or bathing the goldfish... then by all means...

So let's see if we can get through this as painlessly as possible. Oddly we pick up with a soused Emiliano conferring with a prickly Maximo. Sylvia covered this very nicely last night so being the lazy old fart that I am, I'm going to borrow her eloquence to get us started:

He has a very hard time spitting out what he wants to say but he finally manages to grunt out his question, was there something between Fedra and his brother Luis-Felipe? Brandon and Emanuel huff and puff at each other. Brandon is incensed when Mari asks him to leave the room. He tells Eman that for every tear he causes Mari, Brandon will collect it back in Eman’s blood. Max tells Emiliano how dare he soil his brother’s memory with such a question. Luis-Felipe was always deeply in love with Eva. Max says yes, LP was interested in Fedra, but only because he was investigating her to find out who she really is. Mari and Emanuel make up and he apologizes for causing her such sadness because he was a dumba** for not telling her his plan. She says she wanted to die. Eman tells her that if she dies he wants to die right behind her. They gaze at each other.

Thanks Sylvia.

An edgy Lorenzo is interrogating a put upon Flora about the whereabouts of the rest of his family. She has no idea where they might be and her expression suggests that it's not her highest priority. He tells her to shut up and get back to work. He fitfully pours himself a drink (Famous Grouse Scotch would be my guess) as he remembers a happier time frolicking with his son, the late (well, so he thinks) Cristian, in the park.

The kid is no judge of character because he seemed quite content in the hands of this psychopath.

Meintras tanto, his significant other is at the naco dorm looking for his other significant other, Begoña. She strolls in the always open front door and inquires of Netty and Gladiola if Brandon Moreno lives here. They look at her suspiciously. "Yes, he's my son," offers Gladiola. Muñeca introduces herself, "Camila Rivero," and tells them that Brandon had told her that Begoña lives there as well. They tell her that she did, but left suddenly for Italy and they haven't heard from her since. "Strange." At this moment Brandon pops in and happily greets Muñeca with a kiss to the consternation of the other women.

He walks her out, promising to let her know if they hear from Begoña. Well, good luck with that, I believe their resident clairvoyant has moved out. Brandon returns with a worried look...or maybe it's a touch of gas.

Now I've mentioned that I'm something of an Ilitia fan but I find her outfit a bit strange and confusing. She is in Manny's room getting a little seduction set up and is wearing a very sheer black nighty but, I guess out of some sense of modesty, she has on underneath purple bra and panties , detracting from the intended and desired effect. Of course these days our nightime fashion tends to be flannel or cotton knit, so what would I know about such things? Like a lusty lioness she paces the room and literally marks her territory. "Don't wanna wait for the Caribe beach. All's fair in love and war," she purrs as she fill the room with her spoor.

Turns out that Brandon is irked that Emanuel entered Mari's room, "by climbing the wall like a fly and crawling through the window like a rat." This sends an agitated Netty flying up the stairs just as Oliver shlumps in looking as though his best girl just dumped him... oh, that's right, she did. This is one dejected detective. "I saw Gretel. She's at her parents' house. She never cared for me."

Back in the wine cellar with Fedra and Bernardo, Gretel has learned that her mom is not completely reliable. She thinks that her compliance with Fedra's demands merits more consideration but... think again sweetie. For her trouble and pleading, she is treated to a sedating injection from a syringe

which her mommy has thoughtfully kept warmly nestled between those impressive bubis. As Gretel starts to melt to the floor Fedra gives her a couple of motherly kisses, picks up her bottle of wine and she and Bernardo leave Gretel alone to contemplate the impressive wine collection with which she shares the cellar.

In Mari's room, Netty metastasizes all over a stammering Manny, castigating him for treating Mari miserably, sneaking into her room uninvited, and mostly for having ever been born. Mari listens passively and finally the Eman gets in a word. If he can't get Mari to eat, he'll leave... forever. Since either result would suit her desires, she hesitantly agrees.

Our lusty lioness has settled onto Manny's bed to await her prey. Deciding to rehearse a bit, she picks up a pillow and asks it for a kiss. She must not have noticed that this is the Brandon pillow, but as soon as she kisses it she recognizes her well-tanned policeman, tosses him off the bed, and orders him out of her pretty little head.

She looks around to see if anyone noticed. Cute, very funny scene.

Under Netty's protective gaze Emanuel, like a mother titmouse, is coaxing bites of fresh produce into Mari's reluctant beak. This chubby little bird is anemic, Manny, some nice juicy worms or crispy grasshoppers would do more good. She needs some meat. He looks to Netty after a tiny morsel of broccoli is successfully delivered. She nods approval. He beams as he announces that he is spending the night, sleeping on the floor, of course. Netty wrestles with this, finally conceding to herself that this is Mari's only hope of survival. Oh, por favor. More food, and I swear I'm not making this up, it's WHITE RICE! Now all she needs is a sip of TEA and she will have consumed all of our Dr. Judy's essential food groups... Next!

Downstairs, Oliver is giving Brandon a play by play of his visit with Gretel. We were there to experience it with him...so...Next!

Netty shares good news and bad news with Brandon. The good: Marinela's eating. The bad: Emanuel is feeding. Our cocky cop focuses on the bad and wants to evict Manny. Netty thinks they should let him stay... at least until Mari improves...

Back upstairs, Mari has cleaned her plate and we are overdosed with cute. He hands her the ugly doll (a lame token of her daddy's affection) says he's jealous of the doll (I know, I know, it's making my teeth hurt), then sits on the bed and starts taking off his shoes...

Not so fast cowboy... she directs him to the couch where he snuggles a couple of purple pillows. Mari smiles that cloying smile of hers (you know the one) and thinks:

"I love yo Emanuel, with every minute that passes I love you more and I don't know if it's a mistake to believe you but I can't, I can't, I don't want to doubt you."

He wrinkles his nose...


At Castle Creep it must be morning because Nereida has brought Cristal breakfast and the sun is shining. Nereida listens as Cristal tells her of Ilitia's indictment of Mauricio. Now litia is no fan of Orangeboy but is even less fond of Ilitia. She suggests that maybe it was just the reverse... perhaps Ilitia attacked the Jaundiced One. She calls her a mátalas callando (?). She says that her abuela says, "Amigo el ratón del queso y sin embargo, se lo come (the mouse may be a friend of the cheese, nevertheless , he eats it )."

Said mouse wakes up in Manny's bed... no Manny... cause for concern?

Max is still outraged at Emiliano for even thinking that his brother might betray him with Fedra and shares his ire with Paula

who is now worried about Gretel since Oliver told her that she is no longer in the nut house. You mean she wasn't worried while she was there? Max observes that Paula is partial to Gretel. She explains that it's because she came along at the same time they lost their daughter. Hmmm.

Upstairs on the main floor, Fedra has good news for Emiliano. After pondering it all night long she has decided to forgive him for bumping the little cars with that needy spinster, Netty, and give him another chance. Surprisingly Emiliano is not yearning for forgiveness, much less another chance. In fact, he'd prefer a divorce. Hmmm, and Fedra was thinking more along the lines of a romantic trip to Paris.

Folks are up at Naco Central and someone has brought Mari breakfast... a bowl of fruit. I don't see a lot of iron in that bowl. Manny did spend the night which appears to have been good for Mari but rough on his back. A cheery Netty waltzes in, notes improvement in Mari and gently kicks Manny out, "I'll take over here, why don't you have breakfast downstairs?... before you... go home. He doesn't put up a struggle but seeing Mari's anemic breakfast, opts to catch a bite on the street. He gives Mari a sweet kiss under the watchful eye of an impatient Netty

who times the kiss, breaks it up, and kicks him out. "You look so much better." "All because of Emanuel. I love him, I love him, I love him!" Netty understands, but tells her that she can never be happy with him, "...as long as Fedra Curiel is alive."

Emiliano doesn't want Fedra to make one of her little scenes this morning. Fedra does... and does. She begins summoning the entire family at the top of her lungs. Axel arrives first then Delicia, Nereida, and Benigno. "Where is Cristal? Where is Gretel? Where is Emanuel?" "Well, Cristal is locked in her room,"Nereida reminds her. I guess she forgot that Gretel is locked in the wine cellar... ummm... in Switzerland. She is not thrilled to learn from Benigno that Manny didn't come home last night. Nereida escorts a drowsy Cristal down the staircase. She then dramatically announces to all those rounded up, "I have news for you. Your father asked me for a divorce!"

Lorenzo is visiting the crime lord, Garduño, in the big house. He wants to know why his baby ended up dead and he wants those responsible punished. Señor G calmly explains that it was an unfortunate accident and besides he is after all the crime lord and makes the important decisions, like who gets killed, himself. Lo should be grateful that he's out of jail. As consolation, he is sending a goddess to, "... distract your thoughts." Well, if you insist...

At home, as Muñica eats her breakfast, Flora fills her in, "El Señor was very annoyed when he arrived home last night and was up and gone early this morning." "Just as well..." Muñeca doesn't want to see him. Ilitia went to spend the night with her BFF, Cristal (well, sort of), and there's a precious new baby boy at la Casa Hogar. Muñeca plans to drop by and meet him this afternoon.

Frick and Frack, the bald and the bearded toadies responsible for the Cristian cockup have apparently tentatively located the little guy and are parked in the street outside la Casa Hogar.

The Ruiz y de Teresa family meeting is going rather well. Axel and Cristal prefer the status quo. They back Fedra. Emanuel wanders in and Emiliano fills him in, "I'm going to divorce your mother." "Oh my heaven."

Netty, aware now that Manny and Mari (hmmm Em&M) are not related, is pointing out the downside to Emanuel, in a word... "Fedra." She leaves Mari with that thought. Mari decides to punish the ugly doll and begins bashing its little head against her extra-firm mattress. Predictably it bursts open revealing what appear to be paper towels from a service station restroom. Someone has written on them so she sits down to read. It's the results of the investigation her father made of Fedra.

Meanwhile the family meeting continues. Emiliano has yet to find a sympathetic ear. The entire family turns on him. Cristal is shocked over the thing with Netty. Manny is especially harsh. Emiliano sees that everyone is against him but hopes that someday they will understand. Understandably, Axel, who has understood nothing since the show began, says that he will never understand. Understood? "You see? You're destroying this family." Emiliano thinks it'd be best if he talked with Fedra alone. The kids split. Fedra is crushed, but recovers quickly. "Forget the the divorce," she hisses, "I'm not going to make it that easy for you." They are interrupted by a knock on the door. A white flag, followed by a cowering Benigno, cautiously enters. The General requests a meeting with Fedra in the basement.

Mari furtively fingers her father's Fedra file and is once again recalling that fateful day that she discovered his crumpled broken body outside his office window and his final gasp, "the silver lily." It's all clear to her now, he meant for her to look inside the doll. Qué? Somebody help me out here. How do we get from silver lily to look inside the doll? Yet as brilliant as she is she still wonders why he put the papers in the doll. "Did he know that he was going to die? Did he want me to know the truth about Fedra?"

Let's see what Gretel thinks. Lying in an empty hot tub curiously cut into the floor of the wine cellar she remembers with greater clarity than ever that fateful day. Ill advisedly, Mari's dad showed Fedra the copy of the results of his investigation as he hit the high points:

"Juana Felipe Pérez was a prostitute from the port of Veracruz, concubine of a smuggler named José Maria Sevilla (known as Chema). She became pregnant before disappearing in a mysterious fire on the high seas. The ship's name was el Lirio de Plata."

"You are that woman."

Gretel, now fully alert, snaps to, " It's she, it's she! Fedra es Juana Felipa Pérez. Dios mio, no."

Brandon counsels Oliver that in time he will forget the pretty girl (la chava). Oliver doesn't think so but he's trying to concentrate on work.

Speaking of work, the latest intelligence from Caiman is that Mauricio has bonded with Garduño and an effort is being made to spring Mauricio.

Under white flag, Benigno ushers Ferdrainto General Maximo's headquarters. Both she and the general are unarmed. He offers her a seat. She tells him that Emiliano has asked for a divorce, but rather than be a divorcee, she'd prefer to be a widow. Maximo really doesn't want to be involved but warns her that Emiliano wants her out of his life. "Maybe the one widowed will be him and not you." She responds, "There's no room for doubt, you are completely insane." Well, what he really wants to know is, "...where is Gretel, and don't bother telling me she is in Switzerland because I won't believe that lie even for a second."

As if to remind us, join Gretel in the wine cellar,

"Dios mio, yes Fedra is Juana Felipa Pérez." She wants out. She wants to kill Fedra. (I think a line is starting to form for that.) She kicks the door, "¡Asesina, Asesina! You are a murderer, Juana Felipa Pérez!"

Fedra notes that Maianela was always Maximo's favorite. Why the sudden interest in Gretel? He tells her that it's none of her business but at least the Ruiz y de Teresa blood flows through her veins and the same can't be said for Emanuel. "You were pregnant before you met Emiliano." She denies this and says that Emanuel is Emiliano's child. Then she surprisingly ups the ante, "...but Gretel is not. Nor is she my daughter." "What are you talking about? Then whose daughter is she?" "Ask your sister, Carlota."

Actually General, just sit there for a moment and do the math. He does just that. "¡No puede ser!" Benigno returns. The general wants his pistol. The general loads his pistol. Benigno worries, "What are you going to do?"

Manny stumbles into his room, sits on his bed, and begins to undress. The bathroom door cracks open, "Baby." Surprise, it's Ilitia. "What are you doing here?" She gets right to the point, "My body needs yours, Baby." She kisses him. He wrinkles his nose, but not in that happy way.

Muñeca arrives at Crazy Casa looking for Fedra. Delicia shows her in. Fedra is glad to see her but Muñeca recoils as Fedra moves in to embrace her. As Cristal peers in from the hallway, Muñeca skips the small talk, "What's going on between you and my husband?"

Mari is puzzling over the pages her daddy left behind detailing the story of a 15 yr. old Veracruz hooker named Juana Felipa Pérez. "But what does this have to do with Fedra?" The anemia clearly has damaged her brain. Her critical thinking is interrupted by Netty bearing more food. Oh good, looks like a pork chop on her tray. She's curious and asks about the papers. Mari lies.

Ilitia clings to Manny like kudzu to an abandoned car. He caves and seems to be getting into it, "Marianela," he sighs.

Talk about a mood killer.

Fedra tells Muñeca that she is aware that Lo sleeps with any woman that crosses his path but hey... Muñeca insists but as Fedra complains that, "Yo soy una mujer digna (I'm a dignified woman)" they are joined by a loaded pistol wielded by an agitated Maximo,

"You don't know what dignity is!" Muñeca gapes, "¿Padrino?" Fedra is amused, "So the animal has decided to leave his cave?" He points the pistol, "I won't allow you to toy with something that is sacred to me." "¡Bernardo! ¡Emanuel! ¡Benigno! Someone come stop this lunatic!" "Arrabalera (riffraff) since you first arrived in this house you done nothing but sully the name Ruiz y de Teresa, but it's over. You are leaving here today! ¡Para siempre!"



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