Friday, February 04, 2011

Eva Luna #64 Thu 2/3/11 From the cradle to the grave

This was definitely a busy episode. So I will get right to it. We start with Eva asking Don Julio to forgive her about not telling her about Daniel. She tells him she tried to talk to him about it the last time she saw him at the house. Julio tells her he already knew. Eva is curious as to how he found out. Julio tells her Victoria had a detective follow them and he saw the pictures.

Eva is quite surprised to learn that Victoria knew about them. Then she puts it together that Victoria must have known when she took her out to that isolated area for the commercial shoot and just left her there. She tells him Daniel found her and they were together that night. Julio asks if Daniel is the baby‘s father. Eva tells him yes. Julio with a fatherly hand to her shoulder tells her not to worry, everything will be fine.

Marisol and Alicia are talking. Marisol asks if she has forgotten all about Tony. Alicia tells her if only. She cares about him. Marisol doesn’t like the sound of that. Alicia tells her he is quite fine and today he brought her a little gift and she felt butterflies in her stomach. (It was probably just her addled brain rattling around.) She tells her she felt for an instant that he really did love her. Marisol says if you ask me I think you are in love with him. Alicia tells her that she can’t get him out of her head. On the other hand she is treated to fine wines, elegant clothes fine dining from Leo. Marisol tells her she is young and intelligent (What?) and not to change for money and fine clothes. Alicia tells her she knows but with everything Leo is offering her how can she not be interested. Than she takes her little black bag and shows her the money Leo gave her. Marisol has an all to wise look on her face as she sees the money in Alicia’s hand.

Alicia tells her he gave it to her just because he likes to see her all pretty. She tells her it is more money than she can make in a month at work. Marisol tells her to believe her when she tells her that “Easy money can make one very unhappy.” Than she looks a bit disappointed in Marisol’s response and asks her what she should do with it. Should she return it? She answers her own questions and says of course not.

Eva is worried that Don Julio will think the worse of her, thinking she came to his house to rob his daughter’s fiancé. Julio tells her he knows this isn’t what happened. He tells her the love that was born between Daniel and her happened because Daniel wasn’t in love with Victoria. Love never existed between them. He tells them the attraction started because of their connection to the business and later was imposed on them because of Marcella. Eva tells Don Julio that Daniel told her the same thing and he was in love with Eva. Eva tells Julio that it was all a lie and she was stupid to fall for his game. He never wanted to marry her. He asks her how she can say such a thing with such certainty. She tells him she talked to Alicia and she told her Daniel and Victoria got married. Julio gives a deep throated “What? They got married?” That’s an affirmative says Eva and continues “ Now that I am pregnant this child is not only from a man that doesn’t love me but also the man that killed my father.”

Bruno is having a flashback of when Marcella almost fainted in her office and screams at him to get her a drink. He remembers seeing her put the letter in a drawer. He gives this some pensive thought. (I think he is deep in thought or remembering his “passionate night” with Marcella.)

Eva is all bummed out because she is expecting a child with that jerk. Tia scolds her for talking like that. She tells her this will be the last time she talks like that because this is her child she is talking about. Julio agrees with Tia. Tia tells her this child deserves nothing but pure love and good things. Eva starts to argue with her and Tia sets her straight and tells her to be happy and thank God for this child.

Eva is now crying and tells Tia of course she thanks god, but she doesn’t know how she will take care of it. Julio again offering a soft place to land rubs her shoulder and tells her that is the last thing she should be worried about. He tells her as long as he is around, as he points to Tia “You and your child will never want for anything.” Tia walks over in tears and tells her how can you not be a happy mother and all three have a emotionally bonding good cry.

Marcella is lying down in all her misery as she hears a knock on the door. She shouts at Renata and tells her she isn’t there for anyone. It happens to be Vicky. She tells her she has to talk with her. Marcella asks if it can wait till the morning, she has a wicked migraine. Vicky sits on her bed and tells her she ran into Claudia at the gym today and she told her she lost her baby. Marcella looks at her as if that were old news and says “ Well at least we won’t have to have anything more to do with her.” Vicky continues to tell her that she told her something else that left quite an impression on her. Marcella is non phased as she takes a couple of pills. Vicky asks her if it is true, did she put something in her coffee to cause her to loose her baby. Marcella downs the pills with disinterest.

Tia hands the phone to Eva. It is Dr Garcia. He confirms that Eva is pregnant and suggests she make an appointment to see him.

Victoria is telling Marcella that she told Claudia if she continues talking like that she would sick their lawyers on her and charge her with defamation of character. Marcella tells her good job. Marcella is surprised however, if Claudia thinks this why didn’t she come and face her about it. Victoria says she asked her the same thing and Claudia told her when she lost the baby she suffered a mental crisis and was hospitalized. Marcella chortles “This crisis was because she was frustrated because she realized her efforts to trap Leo failed.”

Bruno sneaks into Marcella’s office and breaks into her desk drawer saying “Let’s see what you are hiding in here.” He pulls out the letter and looks startled to see what it says.

Victoria is also looking a little startled as she continues her chat with Marcella and asks her to tell her the truth “Did you put something in the coffee that would cause her to loose her baby?” Marcella looks at her disarmingly and says “What do you think?” Victoria ponders this and replies “I don’t know but you once gave me something that would make everyone thing I tried to commit suicide.” Marcella says with her snake like charm “So are you saying you think I did it?” Victoria again is giving this some thought as we hear a knock at the door. Ah the creepy Adam’s family is now complete as brother Leo enters the fold.

He apologizes for interrupting but Renata told him she wasn’t feeling well. He asks her how she’s feeling. She tells him she was feeling poorly but Victoria brought her some news that helped her feel a bit better. He wants to know what kind of news. She tells him to sit down as she pats the bed for his spot to sit.

More Eva and Tia. She is telling her that she will soon have a child that she will love and take care of and soon discover it will be the light of her life. Eva sadly agrees. Tia seems frustrated and says don’t tell me you are still thinking about it’s father. Eva tells her no she was thinking about her mother. It’s is hard for her to understand how a mother could abandon her children. “How could my mother abandon me and Alicia?”

Guess who appears in the next scene? Old dead beat mama herself, Deborah. Her assistant or maid Vanessa is asking her how things went. She tells her very good. The detective has finally found some clues as to where her children are. She says “Alicia and Eva are here in Los Angeles. Their father brought them here a couple of months ago. Something tells me that very soon I will find them.”

Wednesday, Pugsly and Morticia are sitting on the bed. As Marcella turns to Leo and tells him that Vicky tells her that his Ex-Claudia lost her baby.

Leo looks a bit taken back at this news as Marcella continues to say “And now you can rest easy because you are liberated from this package.” He tells her that’s not so bad because this child could have really complicated his life. Marcella smiles at him as she touches his face and tells him she would never have permitted that his life become complicated in that way. That is why she took care of the matter. Victoria looks on in disquiet belief. Leo asks her exactly what did she do? She tells him not much she just gave her a little substance that would cause a natural abortion. She goes on to nonchalantly say she could not permit anyone to cause him harm, and understand one thing, whoever would try and harm either of them will end up paying very dearly because for them she is capable of anything. Marcella then tells them and she says ‘please’ not to tell any one about this. Leo thinks for a nanosecond then kisses her on the cheek. Victoria really seems spooked to be hearing this.

Vanessa is telling Deb that she hopes she finds her daughters. Deb tells her she has spent many years looking for them and feels that now she is very close to them. She tells her now more than ever what ever the time, if the detective calls to let her know right away. Vanessa assures her she will be right on that and that she sincerely hopes she finds them. Deborah tells her she believes that very soon she will encounter them.

Tia is telling Eva to stop thinking about her mother and not to torment herself any more about that subject. Eva tells her okay. Tia continues that her emotional state right now can effect her baby. She says when Julio finds out that she is pregnant he will have to give her permission to go see the Dr. Eva tells Tia as she brings her hands to her face that she still can’t believe this is happening. Tia tells her the only thing she should be thinking about is the well being of her unborn child. Eva tells her that Julio told her Marcella wants to harm her. She says now more than ever she has to be careful and protect herself from that evil women.

Bruno is standing and grinning to himself looking at the letter Marcella received saying “The poor widow is receiving anonymous letter’s. It is very interesting that al of this is making you very nervous. Is it possible that she could have murdered her husband?” as he lay’s the anonymous letter on the desk top. Then he wonders who could know and who could be sending her little notes. Then he says whether is true or not he is going to take advantage of her vulnerability and he puts the letter back in the drawer.

The note says “Assassin. You murdered Julio.”

Marcella is now all freaked out at the possibility that someone has found out that she murdered Julio. She is wiping makeup off her face like an insane person as she tells herself she has to find out who it is and put an end to them. “I have to kill them. I have to kill them the same way I killed that Bastard child of Claudia’s, and Julio and Eva when she shows up.” She is really scrubbing at her face hard now and saying chanting over and over that she has to kill Eva.

Laurita has brought her plate into the kitchen and tells Jacky that the supper was really good as she sits it down on the counter to finish her desert. She tells her she is glad she liked it and is relieved that Victoria liked it as well otherwise she would be far away looking for work. Laurita frowns at this and tells her “My dad would never allow that.” Jacky cautiously tells her it was one thing when they were dating, but now that they are just married who knows what she could convince Daniel to do. Laurita tells her that will never happen. Jacky sweetly tells her not to worry about such things. They are very sweet together.

Tia is asking Eva if she is going to tell Daniel she is expecting his child. She looks her straight in the face and says “No. Like you said, this child is mine and no one else’s.” Tia agrees but tells her the child has a right to have a father and know his father and the father has a right to know his child. Eva tells her that neither her nor the child need anything from Daniel. She tells her that man is an assassin and killed her father. She says it is best the child never learns anything about this. Tia tells her she is partly right but the child has the right to know the truth about his life no matter how hard the truth is. Eva shaking her head tells Tia she can’t think about these things right now with everything rattling around in her brain. She tells her what she would like however is for Laurita to know. She says she would be very happy knowing she had a little brother or sister.

Jacky is asking Laurita why she doesn’t want to eat with ‘her.’ Laurita tells her she couldn’t stand seeing the old witches face any more. At this moment old witch walks in and wants to know why she is eating in the kitchen. She looks at Jacky and tells her this will be the last time the child eats in the kitchen like this.

Laurita is making cute sour little faces as Victoria continues to rag on.

Victoria tells Jacky that decent people don’t eat in the kitchen. Jacky defends Laurita and says her and Daniel do it all the time. Victoria crosses her arms and snarls, “I am not interested in what use to happen in this house.” Laurita continues making her little faces and then puts a morsel into her mouth totally ignoring Victoria and hands her plate to Jacky telling her it was delicious and asks for another piece. Victoria is now literally cackling as she scoffs calling her a little hen telling her she is behaving poorly eating in the kitchen and to come back to the table. Our true little brave heart turns to Victoria and tells her she is eating where she is. Victoria is not about to loose this battle as she tells her to do what she is told because as of today her bad manners aren’t going to be allowed. As of now she will start obeying her because if she doesn’t and is quickly cut off by our defiant Laurita as she turns and says with great attitude “If I don’t then what!!?” Jacky is trying very hard to not butt in as our little battle of wills and stare downs continue between Laurita and Victoria. (I would hide that puppy Laurita .)

Julio and Eva are walking arm in arm and he is telling her now that she is pregnant they will just have to change their plans a bit. They will have to lighten her load. Eva smiles and thanks him for all his help. He tells her when Dr. Garcia shows up tomorrow he will make an appointment for her for a general checkup. Eva tells him he is like a second father to her and when her child is born he will be like a grandfather. Julio smiles and says “Hopefully God will allow me to live long enough to enjoy this child.” She tells him both her and her child care very much about him and both need him.

Back at our battle of wills, Victoria is telling Laurita “Your days as princess of this house are over. You will do what I say, when I say and how I say.” Laurita is not going down without a fight as she says “Look If I tell my dad I want to eat in the kitchen. I will eat in the kitchen.” Victoria snatches the plate from her and pushes it away and shouts at her “You ate in the kitchen!!! And you will understand this one way or another.” Laurita looks at her and says “Oh yea? And what are you going to do? Are you going to hit me?” Victoria bends done and sweetly with menace says “No my dear. I have other plans for you. And soon I will convince your father and I will give you a big surprise.” Victoria walks away smugly as Laurita and Jacky share dreaded looks of upcoming doom.

Justa is sitting at Julio’s fake grave site lamenting on and on and on about her unrequited love. How she should have told him about the child. This goes on forever and we all know the story.

Moving on we see Marcella sitting on the sofa all tense as she hears the door bell. She looks around all nervous and thought bubbles “Could it be another letter? Or Julio’s lawyer again. Or Eva who has finally returned? Calm down Marcella, You have to control yourself.” Renata walks in and disrupts her saying she has a visitor in the living room. Marcella still looking nervous tells her she will be right there.

More Justa lamenting, she has always loved him, and she knows he loved her. But she knows it is too late as she arranges her white roses. She tells him now it is time to end the story between them. A story full of pain and memories.

Marcella enters the living room and finds Deborah waiting for her. Hugs and kisses are shared. Marcella escorts her to the sofa and tells her she has a lot to tell her. Deborah tells her she would have been there sooner but she had a little problem to take care of. Marcella tells her she arrived just at the right time and she can’t imagine what she has been through. She tells Deb that she really needs a good friend to unload on. Deb takes her hand and sympathetically tells her Renata filled her in on what has happened to Julio and gives her heartfelt sympathy. Marcella tells her not to be so sad, because she can’t imagine what that man has done to her. Because of him she is going through the worse time of her life. (Buck up you old cow, it’s not like you don’t deserve this!!) Deborah is curious and Marcella says when she tells her what is going on she will know why she is bad mouthing Julio.

Black Escalade approaching cemetery. Who could it be. None other than Julio and the good Dr. Julio is curious to see who might be attending his fake grave site. They pull over and he says to the good Dr. “All be it crazy or morbid, how many people get to drive by their own tomb and see their own name written in stone, or see if anyone brings flowers?” Dr. Garcia warns him that he is risking being discovered. Julio tells him to humor him. Dr G. tells him he is just giving him good advice. Julio laughs and says he just wants to see if any one is still crying over him. He looks over to the grave site and quickly removes his shades in total shock as he sees Justa on bended knee in front of his grave site. He says it can‘t be.

Don Julio is telling Dr. Garcia that this is impossible. “I thought she was dead. I have to go to her.” He starts to get out of the car with urgency as Dr. Garcia pulls him back and says “Are you crazy? Have your forgotten that the dead person is you? Nobody can see you.” Julio is desperately trying to get out of the car telling him he has to go talk to her. Dr. Garcia is trying to hold him back telling him he can’t get out of the car. Nobody is suppose to know he is still alive. Julio tells him that she needs to know. He tries to get out and Dr. Garcia is struggling with him to keep him inside.

Deborah can’t believe the story Marcella just told her. If her husband would have left her penniless not to mention the fact that he left it all to the servant girl, she swears she would be worse off than Marcella. She would be literally in pieces. Marcella sniffling now tells her she can’t imagine how awful all this has been for her. Deborah tells her she can understand for certain what she is going through. On top of all that Marcella tells her “Everyone expects to see me as the grieving (acongojada) widow. How surprised would they be to see me not suffering or crying for the poor dear Julio.” She continues with great self pity and says pointing to herself “Poor me!!!” Deborah asks her if she has “encountered her little problem.” (namely Eva) Marcella now shaking, tells her every time the phone rings or the door bells chime she gets a panic attack thinking “that women might return and throw me out of my house and take away all my things.” as she continues her boo hoo (and who cares!!) Deborah tells her to forget that. She tells her she doesn’t have to give up anything that is rightfully hers. Marcella graciously thanks her for being so helpful. Deb tells her she can count on her for anything she needs. Marcella is grateful and then asks her how long she will be in Los Angeles. Deb tells her for as long as she needs her and for what ever help she needs. Deb tells her when this women returns they will be well armed to destroy her. (Well this is an interesting turn of events.)

Don Julio is still fighting to get out of the car as he tells Dr. Garcia he needs to talk with Justa. We see her still kneeling at the grave site. He needs to find out if it is really Justa. The struggle has proven to much for Don Julio as he suddenly starts struggling for air and Dr. Garcia is truly concerned. He starts gasping as he says “this women has been missing all these years. This is the women.” or something like that as he really starts looking rough and passes out as Dr. Garcia shouts his name and starts shaking him. We see Justa stand up and walk away.

Renata brings Deborah her favorite flower tea. Deborah compliments her and tells her she is incredible and doesn’t forget a thing. Renata takes this in with stoic pride. Marcella rudely tells her she can leave now. And Renata throws her an icy look. Deb congratulates Marcella on her good fortunate in finding such an accomplished and loyal servant. Marcella tells her she has proved to be useful. Deborah says there is a reason for not accepting just anyone off the street. Marcella says “You got that right. I should have never let Leo drag that women into this house.” Deb says “And she tried to steal Victoria’s fiancé as well?” Marcella tells her if she hadn’t found out in time she would have done it. Deb remarks at what little shame that woman has. Marcella chimes in “Those people don’t know shame.” Deb tells her she is glad that she was able to do something just in time. Then Deb starts talking about how great and beautiful and sophisticated Victoria is and how she would love to congratulate her on her marriage. Marcella tells her Victoria would love to see her as well as she really cares about her.

Dan and Secretary are in the office talking shop, and setting up meetings. She hands him some papers to review for an upcoming meeting. He also has the employee reviews to go over and review their salaries. Daniel now seems overwhelmed and says he was away longer than he should have been. She chides him and says he is the first man she has ever heard complaining that the honeymoon was to long. He sighs and then asks if she has confirmed his appointment for today. She senses something is wrong and asks him what is going on. He asks her why she would ask that. She tells him since he has returned from his trip he isn’t the same. He is more tense and curt. And he doesn’t smile like he used to. Another heavy sigh as he looks at her and says “I guess it is true what they say that marriage changes a person.” and leaves.

Tia and Eva are chatting about which would be better. A boy or a girl. This playful banter is interrupted by a phone call. It is Dr. Garcia telling them that Don Julio is very ill.

Deb is asking Marcella about Leo. She asks if he has been snatched yet by someone. Marcella laughs and says not yet. (Not as long as she is holding her little bag of a sundry poisons.) Marcella tells her that woman hasn’t been born yet. Deb tells her not to worry, one will appear sooner or later. Marcella laughing tells her it isn’t something that keeps her awake at night. They both have a laugh now and Deb tells her there are men born to be free and perhaps her son is meant to be one of those. More laughs. Then Marcella says “speaking about children, I have something I wanted to ask you for a long time. Why haven’t you ever had children?” Deb looks thoughtful and sad and gives a long sigh as she tells her things are not exactly as they seem. Marcella says “what do you mean things are not as they seem? Tell me.”

Eva and Tia are rushing to a taxi. As they get in the cab, we see Dan coming around the corner and he sees Eva getting in the car. He runs after the taxi yelling her name as it drives off. We see another taxi appear right in front of Daniel.

Tia and Eva are telling the driver to go to the only hospital in LA and to hurry please. It is an emergency.
We see Daniel sitting in the back seat of a cab with his hand anxiously to his chin then we see both cabs round a corner. Suddenly we see a red car approach and smash into one of the cabs. We are left to wonder which cab got hit.

Marcella is asking Deb what’s up. “You got very serious.” She tells Marcella there are things in her past that no one knows about. Marcella tells her that all women have secrets in their lives. The important thing is to know who you can tell them too. Deb tells her she’s got that right. It would be awful if the press got wind of her story. Marcella tells her she knows she can trust her. Deb tells her she knows. After all they have been friends for years. Marcella urges her to tell her the secret that she has guarded for so long. Then she offers her a whiskey. Deb looking like a women with a past (Problems with alcohol perhaps?) declines and tells her she’ll stick to her tea.

Back at the crash site we hear sirens and see police cars as a dazed taxi driver gets out of the cab. People are running around but no one is doing any thing. Then we see Daniel’s blood stained forehead lying unconscious in the back of the cab.

Deborah is telling Marcella her history which is a long story about a big mistake she made many years ago when she was quite young. She tells Marcella that she is probably the only person that could ever understand her. Marcella tells her she is quite surprised. In all the years she has known her she never thought she was the type of person that would have something to hide. She tells her it was something that happened before they knew each other. Before the Arismendi company made her cosmetics line one of the most successful cosmetic companies ever. Marcella asks if her story might have something to do with having a child that she has hidden away somewhere. Deborah tells Marcella her story is not about a son. It is about two daughters she lost when they were very small. Marcella listen on intently.

Tia and Eva have arrived at the hospital and are asking Dr. Garcia what happened. He tells Eva he isn’t going to lie to her. Julio is really bad off. Eva is distraught as she brings her hand to her face. Tia wants to know what happened to have him in such bad shape. Dr. Garcia tells them Julio asked him to take him to the cemetery. Dr Garcia tells them “He saw a woman there. He became quite upset. He tried to get out of the car and I stopped him. He was going to go and talk to her.” Eva looks puzzled and asks “what woman?” Dr. Garcia tells her Don Julio said the name but he can’t remember. He tells them that he suddenly became very pale and his heart couldn’t take it. Now Eva is all worried and asks if he will get better. Dr. Garcia tells her that Don Julio’s health is very fragile. He tells her he can’t promise anything.
He escorts them off to see Julio.

Ricardo is asking Justa if she went to the church. She tells him she went to the cemetery. He asks if she went to visit the grave of that man. He looks quite sad. She tells him she went to tell him everything she wanted to tell him but sadly it was to late. He asks her how she feels. She tells him she feels much calmer. Like a huge weight had been lifted from her. She doesn’t know if he heard her or not, but she feels for some reason he might have. Ricardo stands and approaches her and tells her, of course he heard you. He goes over to sit by her and she thanks him for all his help. He asks her if she is still in love with him. Is this the reason why she could never fall in love with him? Justa tells Ricardo that she loved this man with all her heart and knew that he loved her. But now it is time to go on with her life. Ricardo wants to be a part of her life. She tells him it isn’t the right time but she leads him on to believe there is hope for them. (I think)

Eva is at Julio’s bedside and things don’t look good.

Dr. Garcia tells her that he is worse every minute. Eva is begging an unconscious Julio not to leave her alone. Tia ushers her out of the room.

Daniel is on a stretcher with a neck brace and is wheeled into an ambulance. Things don’t look so good.

Marcella is asking Deborah how she could have lost her daughters. Deborah says it is like I told you. I have spent years looking for them. Just then we hear Victoria screeching for her Mommy. Deborah tells Marcella that it is a long story and she will tell her about it at another time. Marcella is anxious to hear it now and asks why. Deb tells her it is because her kids are here. Happy hugs and greetings are shared as Leo and Victoria come onto the den of insanity.

Tia and Eva are in the hospital lobby. She is asking Tia to give her some hope to hang onto. Tia tells her she isn’t able to tell her anything. From what the Dr. told them Julio has been circling death for a long time now. Eva tells her she has to know what will happen. She is able to see things that are about to happen. She accuses her of knowing but doesn’t want to tell her. Tia assures her that is not the case. She swears to her she doesn’t know any thing. After all the Dr. told them that his recuperation depends solely on Don Julio himself. She goes onto say it is certain that he is very weak but he also has much to live for. Whether he wins or looses this battle with death depends entirely on him. At this very moment a gurney is wheeled right in front of Eva and she suddenly gets up and goes after it. She runs back to Tia and grabs her hand and tells her it is Daniel. That is where we end. At the only hospital in LA.


Llena de Amor #122 (Mex. 127) Thu 2/3/11 Some Like it Hot

Emanuel has a very good day today. Is it because Ilitia is out of town? Is it because he gets to spend the day with Vicky? Is it because he got to annoy mommy? all of the above? Valentino Lanus does a good job portraying angst, but when he gets to play a scamp he is hotter than ever. Don't believe me? Well check it out.

After a smooch-filled preview for tonight’s show we open with…

…a smooch-filled moment on Netty’s couch courtesy of Gman and Oliver. Netty pitches a fit when she finds out Oli was fired for kissing Gman on the job so she dials her resident lawyer, manager, and lunch guest, Licenciado Pacheco.

Eman and MarVicky are clothes shopping for their country shoot. Eman is struck dumb by a vision of MV in an exceedingly attractive swim suit. Fedra shows up and is struck snarling by the same vision. She demands that MV cover her shame. MV laughs and says there are worse outfits such as a cabaret floozy…“mi reina,” she adds.

MV twists the knife by explaining that due to the superb chemistry between them she and Eman are doing a commercial together. Fedra is sure MV plotted this simply to destroy Eman’s marriage, snarl snap snarl. What with Bernardo missing and now finding them like this what could be worse? “We’re sleeping together” MVgleefully suggests. Hee hee.

Oh ick. Lowrenzo’s got his blechelor pad all duded up for a night of cradle robbing. Kristel arrives on way-too-high heels which don’t do much for her knock-knees but Low doesn’t seem to notice. He’s too busy ogling her ruffly floweriness and trying to explain away his affair with mommy dearest. With promises of modeling jobs and other delights they clink glasses.

Netty storms into El Comisario’s office with the wronged couple and their lawyer. Poor Comis doesn’t stand against Nety and Gman. Oli jumps in with his demand for gay rights and Nety wraps it up with a quick scolding about equal rights for everyone that leaves El Comis slack-jawed.

Over at the agency an absurd scene is unfolding. Malicio, asserting his partnership in the company, is angered to hear that Vicky plans to leave town to make a commercial; he forbids it. Eman is amused beyond words, adorably so I might add. His delighted facial contortions are the highlight of this scene.

He lets Vicky give Orangey the verbal smackdown he so richly deserves. She is the major shareholder, remember? And as such she’ll do as she pleases. Furthermore he doesn’t have enough power to participate in any of the company’s decisions. She sure crushed his cheeto.

Apparently Netty and El Comis are on a first name basis. Agustin swears his decision wasn’t based on discrimination but on Oli’s recent past history of tardiness, drunkenness and suicidal behavior. He respects Oli’s personal life but his kissing that kid in his office is problematic. Netty bats her eyes and urges “Agus” to give Oli a second chance…for her.

Back at the blechelor pad Kristel gushes over her “super delicious” meal. Low is ready for dessert and he doesn’t mean the fattening kind. In fact it can help her lose weight, can she guess what it is? (Oh gag me with a spoon!) OK she’ll play; is it water flan? Sugarless cactus jello? Cucumber with nuts and yogurt??? Ahhh, now she's getting the picture. After his leering description of what he has in mind she throws her napkin down, jumps up and heads for the door.

While Lowman is dealing with Mission Improbable Netty is over at the Polis Station choreographing her slam-dunk. Reminding Agus that love can move mountains she blows him a kiss and leaves Oli to his fate. After a short and perfunctory scolding El Comis reinstates Oli with his badge and gun and only squirms a little bit when he is rewarded by a big gay hug. Agustin is going to be one confused hombre by the time our little passion play comes to an end.

Kristel tells Lowman he’s like an uncle to her not to mention her novio will be super jealous. As she heads out the door Low drags her back (open door alert!) and gushes that she is so very beautiful. Really, she asks, prettier than my mom? Oh much younger and prettier he purrs, laying a big one on her. That lasts about a half a second as Fedra’s medusa-like curls loom up in the background. Lowrenzo! Kristel!

MV’s got her bags packed and she’s heading out the door of the pension as Doris explains to the group that MV and Emanuel have got a hot kissy-face commercial shoot scheduled. Brandon’s not happy to hear the news but MV insists it’s just work. Eman pops his happy head in the door and gloatingly concurs, it’s just work, no fun at all, workity work (chamba chamba).

Ya see? Sez Doris. They’re working together because of all that chemistry. Brandon glumly struggles with the concept while Eman elbows him out of the way, grabs MV and her bag and splits. Road trip!! This is the part where Gladiola asks Brandon if he wants Cuernitos for dinner. (See vocab below)

Over at the blechelor pad Fedra is about to explode. She weeps and cries to her daughter about cutting her heart into quarters. Kristel promises nothing happened and after getting her requisite slap on the rear runs out the door. Fedra turns her wrath toward Lowman and the scene ends with him in a headlock.

Cut to the cantina where Netty, Oli and Gman are celebrating Netty’s success and Oli’s reinstatement. Netty says since she can’t spend the rest of her life with the one she loves she at least wants them to have a sporting chance. They respond with a lip lock which turns a few heads at the neighboring tables. Netty hisses a warning about two guys making out at the cantina so a pinkie lock will have to do satisfy them for now.

Speaking of headlocks (and we were, weren’t we?) Fedra still has a red-faced Lowrenzo in a death clasp that’s got him gasping and wheezing for mercy. She grabs a fork and wields it in his general direction while wailing that Bernardo warned her about Lowman’s lowness. Low’s insistence that Bernardo loves Fedra distracts her momentarily, but then she lunges with a steely grip around his neck. In a surprising turn Low yells at her to leave, Largate! Not so easy, she threatens, and as is usual for these two, attempted homicide turns into foreplay and they stumble into the next room.

Kristel has returned to Manic Manor and nervously chats up her novio. He’s slightly suspicious of her weird behavior but since he rarely thinks of anyone but himself he soon loses interest. He tells her he doesn’t have time to play because he has to travel to a location for work. Kristel might be dumb but she ain’t stupid; she knows this has something to do with that wannabe flamenco. Mal is all “I’m an important shareholder and I’ve got to go hablahblah.” Unfortunately for him Fedra comes in (wow, talk about a quickie) and tells him he’s not going anywhere because he’s going to marry Kristel immediately.

Uh oh, Eman and MV are driving in the pouring rain which never bodes well for anyone in these shows. To make matters worse she thinks he’s driving too fast. Oh, and we also find out that they are driving up separately with the rest of the staff and gear to follow along a safer route. I think he says they’ll be staying the old RydeT hacienda where Eman and Mari spent many happy times. As they both ponder the good old days a car comes screeching around the corner and is heading right for them, aieeee!

The suspense is killing me, yawn. But before we find out the fate of our star-crossed lovers we’ll pay a visit to Bernardo in his cellar cell. He thought bubbles angrily that if he ever gets out of there he’ll get that damn polis and Gretel too. More angry thoughts toward Gretel’s real father Tio Max and Paula who is likely her mother. They’ll all pay!!

So close and yet so far, Fedra is giving Beni and Paula the third degree as to Bernardo’s whereabouts. They reveal nothing. Nereida is summoned and then summarily dismissed for wearing mourning dress, dressing like a vulture to be specific. Poor Fedra, it’s just one annoyance after another.

Fedra’s pity party is interrupted by Emiliano. “You have your nerve!” she accuses. “Yep, living with you for more than twenty years does take nerve,” he retorts. Apparently his crime du jour is allowing Vicky de la Gartha to travel alone with their son.

Although at the moment said couple is at a dead stop having survived the near-crash intact. Eman checks with the other driver and it turns out some bridge got washed out and they’ll be spending the night together alone at the house. Eman’s day just keeps getting better and better. “This weather suits you,” he grins, a non sequitur that elicits an eye roll and a sigh from MV.

Fedra’s whines reach a fevered pitch until Emiliano pulls out the stops and announces that the big client in charge of the ad is Marianela’s own husband Jorge Llauma. Emiliano won’t forgive Fedra for all the horrid things she did to his niece and the day that he holds the proof in his hand is the day she’ll pay dearly. Not sure why he needs proof if he’s so sure about her, but OK.

Eman and MV arrive at the old family homestead (very deluxe if you ask me) and she recalls happy days of their youth playing hide and seek. They were happy then. Eman blathers giddily while MV sadly recalls being with her parents in the house.

Back at Netty’s the family proudly looks at Mari’s wedding album and gushes over her hunky husband. Brandon thought bubbles that he wants to take the picture of Mari, Jorge and Vicky to the lab to authenticate it. The talk turns to the commercial and Consuelo pipes up that knowing Vicky the fictional romance will soon become reality. Netty denies it, saying Eman is true blue, a real hero. “Like El Lirio de Plata?” asks Brandon. Oops.

While MV dries off in another room Eman gets a call from Fidel. There is a 24/7 watch on Muñeca’s house by the polis and both of them are under suspicion. MV walks in overhears Eman telling Fidel they’ve got to move the merchandise soon. He convinces her that he was just talking about photographic gear at the studio. Whew, disaster averted yet again. Then his cell battery dies.

Lowrenzo arrives home and hollers for his flower only to discover that she is still working at the orphanage. With his wife at work, the kids asleep and the servant going to bed he decides this is the perfect time to find the money that Muñeca and Flora hid.

Brandon pays Muñeca a visit at the orphanage. He’s there to review all her accounting records and he’s not leaving until he does. Is it just me or does it seem a bit late in the evening for such a call?

Eman comments that Vicky seems very comfortable in the kitchen. She frets as he dreams aloud about Mari’s amazing chicken soup. But good news, Mari taught Vicky the secret recipe. I guess this makes him amorous; he gloms onto her like an octopus to help her chop onions then kiss her little boo boo. Could Eman’s night get any better? Hell yeah. The lights flicker off and since our chairwoman of the board is afraid of the dark she leaps into his arms. And this is where we leave our cozy couple until tomorrow.

Mañana: Eman and MV are white hot.

Acostarnos = We’re sleeping together. (acostarse = to go to bed)
Chamba = slang for work
El amor puede movar montanas = Love can move mountains
Largate! = Take off, beat it!
Poner los cuernos = to cheat on someone (Lit. put the horns on someone)
Que valor tienes = you have your nerve
Química = chemistry
Te sientes bien esta clima.
Vestida de buitre = dressed like a vulture


La Verdad Oculta EP98 02/03/2011 – “Either he cheats on me, or he has become a metrosexual”

or: The Comedy of Errors meets Fight Club

* Leo tells Juan José that Adolfo wants to get him killed. JJ isn’t surprised at him but when he hears the words “special protection” he intensely disagrees: he doesn’t want to hide like a coward! Daddy Leo, Mommy Ale and Bro Limón are trying to convince him when David, Abelardo and FaustiMario show up and tell them that Fausto has an idea how to solve the situation. *Viewerville: The members of the Stupendous Six are in the same room at the same time? Beware, the universe may collapse.*

*In the evening Dora tries to call David but when Gaby answers the phone she freezes and stays silent… Which drives already jealous Gaby crazy. You’re David’s girlfriend, aren’t you! I tell you one thing: David is married and I’m his wife! In the Ávila condo Adolfo, Édgar and Hernández (whose constant sniffing and throat clearing grosses both Viewerville and Adolfo out) discuss the details of the assassination. Although David is wired and the supercops are listening to the conversation, when anxious Adolfo grabs him they lose the signal and Blondie has to cope with the devil by himself. The plan is simple, David and Édgar go to JJ’s house, Ugly David shoots Victoria, Eddie helps him flee. But there’s a problem: Adolfo wants him to use Eddie’s gun, however, fortunately he manages to get his gun back. He’s about to leave when Adolfo asks him an important question: he haven’t told him yet what he wants in return for the job. Don’t worry, smiles David, it’ll cost Adolfo MUCH.

* At JJ’s the two overaged teenagers watch Fausto, the Renaissance Actor in awe, who turns a glass of goo into fake blood. JJ is head over heels for the opportunity to play an action hero again.

A few minutes later Ugly David and Eddie on a red bike arrive at the house; Hernández, El Macho pulls his gun and Die Hard 5: The Experimental Theatre Edition begins. Ugly David confidently breaks into the house. Gunshot. Eddie looks content. Three more gunshots. Eddie looks very content. Ugly David sacredly runs out of the house. Eddie looks worried. Bloody yet bloodthirsty Juan José follows El Feo with a gun and shoots at him! Eddie launches the bike. JJ should be already dead yet he keeps shooting at his attacker! Oh, sweet tragic heroes. One last shot. Far away police sirens sound up, Eddie gets nervous, but finally the second worst amateur actor collapses! That was enough, Eddie flees without looking back. David takes a deep breath and tells JJ he can get up… But the big guy doesn’t move. Uh-oh. Commercial! We’re back. David almost gets a heart attack, Dios mío, Juan José, are you alive? Of course, he is. JJ stands up laughing and the joyous boys hug.

* In the meantime Chicles, as usual, is complaining about being hungry and Caramelo is worried about being forgotten and being locked up forever. Yolanda calms the frightened little girl down. Back at the Ávila condo Édgar reports to Dolphie what happened, who’s very content for having a capable employee for a change. And now it’s time to take care of the others… Since Victoria and his damned letter aren’t a threat anymore they don’t need the children. Get rid of them. Congratulations, genius, you’ve just lost your best henchman.

*At JJ’s the boys have a victory party with mucho champagne, enthusiasm and bromance hugs. Unfortunately Gabriela calls David, who can’t convince her he’s still at work. The other men laugh at him, then JJ gives him love advices. By the way, JJ can’t leave the house for a while and David isn’t allowed to meet Adolfo again either. Does that mean el comandante Sniffnández will disappear? Yes, for a while. *Viewerville: at last we can get rid of our earplugs* Leo is sure that Édgar knows where the children are so the police will follow him. Yes, that’s what Ramón and a bunch of police cars are trying to but they are so awfully lame that Eddie easily tricks them.

* While David is removing his make-up, enthusiastic Fausto and JJ are talking about their dreams: Fausto would love to be an actor again and JJ wants to get married, raise Caramelo and a bunch of children and sell his own furniture. David promises Fausto that everything will be fine and his dreams will come true. In the meantime Eddie and his gun arrive back at the hideout and freak the hell out of the captives. After the Head & Shoulders commercial Zaida shows up and learns from Eddie that Adolfo gave him a very special order. She has to stay while he takes a trip with Yolanda and the kids.

* At home Fausto tells Julieta he spent the night with his friends, then the Guilléns talk about her perfect fiancé whom they both love. Gaby shows up and tells her sister about the make-up fiasco. Either he cheats on me, or he has become a metrosexual! Her anxiousness makes Julieta suspicious at Leonardo, what if he, Dave and Fausto had a party together? Five seconds later both sisters become pugnacious shrews, who are very pissed at their galanes... and their dad. Speaking of dads, when Adolfo visits his little son at Sagitario, disgusted Carlos tells him he’s very ashamed of him and he’s fed up with him! He will send him to prison! Adolfo, as usual, is amused at his anger since he knows Carlos doesn’t have any proof against him.

*When David arrives at home and tries to hug his little wife in the kitchen, Gaby lets her frustration loose: she forgave him for the wedding and his stupid errors, but this time… Oh, Gaby, he and Leonardo were working on a plan against Adolfo! Call Leo and ask him! Is he really telling the truth? And what about the make-up? Is he doing something, hmm, strange? It’s time for David to prove her he’s a straight man… On the kitchen table. Sexy sax time, one happy couple.

* Adolfo shows up at the hideout where he learns from Zaida that Édgar and the captives left. When he tells the woman he ordered Eddie to kill the children she freaks out. Poor, naïve, innocent Leonardo arrives at home and decides to visit his sweet girlfriend, who gives him a huge slap when she discovers David’s make-up on his coat. One unhappy couple.

* In their bedroom Alejandra is worried about Juan José’s well being. He’s too crazy and reckless, he could’ve been killed by Édgar! However, JJ manages to take her mind off the problem, and tells her he really wants to marry her. Two happy couples.

* Sevilla visits Adolfo to tell him he has serious problems and he needs his help. Thanks to Zaida and the girl she introduced him the police are after him! When Adolfo tells Dante he isn’t interested in his pathetic problems his old friend reminds him of the letter and their promising seaside project. Oh no, the two devils team up again.

* Eddie takes the poor kidnapped captives to a dark, deserted alley where he tells Yolanda Adolfo ordered him to kill the kids. However, he’ll let them go if Yolanda hits him with a brick. This is the only way he could convince Adolfo they escaped! But poor Yolanda can’t do it and she thinks Adolfo wouldn’t believe them either! Eddie notices a gang of goons showing up at the end of the alley and shouts at grateful Yolanda and the kids to get into the car and flee! Thank you and God bless you! Eddie lets the goons beat him up brutally and ruin his face but pulls out his gun and scares them off before they could kill him.

*In the car Yolanda tries convince the children Édgar knows how to take care of himself and now he’ll bring them home. However, the tank is almost empty, oh no, they’ll never get home. But don’t forget, Chicles still has the money Zaida gave him, therefore they can buy fuel. In the meantime a policeman finds our Psycho and sends him into hospital.

* The doorbell wakes Asunción up who rushes to answer it, and Juan José rushes after him trying to stop him. Asunción, Asunción, stop, it may be a trap! When the old man opens the door and he sees the smiling faces of the children, he immediately faints. JJ can’t believe his eyes either. Ay, Virgencita! Los niños!



Thursday, February 03, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #197-198 2/3/11 Confrontations.

Capitulo 197.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Luigi and Lopez join the meeting, and Humberto tells them that Lety is the president. Luigi threatens to quit, etc. To Ariel’s question, Humberto answers that Lety can hire whom she wants for the executive board.

2. Fernando stayed after his resignation to fix what he could, but for the sake of Lety’s comfort, it’s time for him to leave and he won’t be coming back. What a man! Be careful what you ask for, Lety! Teresita says he’s still a shareholder and so is on the board. Ariel sarcastically applauds her motherly nurturing. Lety acknowledges that she will treat Señor (not “Don”) Fernando M. and Sr. Omar as shareholders.

3. Humberto states that Lety will receive the same salary as past presidents. Marcia objects that the company is in crisis. Lety says FI set money aside for salaries, etc. Fern puts all his assets at Lety’s disposal if it will help the company, and he refuses his monthly draw.

4. Erasmo arrives and Fern jumps up to greet him. Humberto further honors Erasmo by seating him at Humb’s right hand. He announces that Erasmo will be the accountant for both companies, and he will work not for Lety but for him, Humberto, to make sure the finances are managed ethically.

5. The meeting scenes are interspersed with scenes of Aldo working at his rental. I figured out what the patch on his sleeve is. See the comments.




6. Lety isn’t happy that Pop will work at the office. He’s eager to get started. Luigi tells the remaining board that he won’t work for Lety; he quits. Marcia tells him to zip it! He’ll report directly to her. Lopez asks if he should assign Lety the presidencia. Marcia says of course, since she’s the president. Teresita throws a tantrum.

7. Ali insults Lety in the vortex. Erasmo demands her respect. Alicia gets worse. Lopez enters and tells Ali not to talk to her boss that way. She’s the new president. Alicia runs from the room in horror. She whines to Marcia, “No puede ser!” Fern gets a good laugh at Alicia’s distress.

Capitulo 198.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Omar thinks Fernando should win Lety back. Fern says she detests him and she fired them (no, he quit quite honorably).

2. Lety tries to establish a professional relationship with Marcia. Lety gives a lot of ground – she doesn’t hate Marcia, she doesn’t want revenge, and she was wrong to take up with Fern, but she lost too. Marcia sneers because she knows where Fern’s heart is. Then Marcia drops the bomb: She’s back with Fern. Marcia tells Lety to not brag to the cuartel about her relationship with Fern. Lety says it’s nothing to brag about (presumir).

3. MamaT asks Marcia what’s wrong. Alicia loudly speculates that Marcia is in a panic that Fern will go see Lety tonight. Saimon is likewise worried what will happen when Paula goes out tonight to celebrate Lety’s presidency.

4. Aldo says he doesn’t want to upset Lety. He has to wait for just the right time to tell her he loves her.

5. La Reina de Chismes (Marta) asks why Marcia and Fern canceled the wedding at the same time as Lety left. “Was it your fault?”

6. Jaz tells Luigi Lety will solve her problem (her severance pay). Luigi, looking to provoke a power struggle with President Lety, tells Jaz he is rehiring her. Lola says he needs Prez Lety’s authorization, and Lui says he does what he wants or he quits. Lety tells Lola she has bigger problems right now, and the Jaz question will have to wait.

7. Marcia chases Fern and asks what he’s doing tonight. He says, “I don’t know.” Lety and the cuartel walk past. Fern stares at Lety, so Marcia grabs him and kisses him. Lety needs a moment to recompose herself.

8. Fernando steps off the elevator in Reception and they’re face to face. They pour themselves into an electrified duet of I Only Have Eyes for You - “You are here, so am I. Maybe millions of people walk by. But they all disappear from view.” Now Fernando DOES know where he’s going tonight. Saimon mopes because Paula’s out with the girls, and Saimon knows where. Fernando invites him out for drinks.

9. Luigi joins Caro and Aldo and flirts shamelessly with Aldo. He tells Caro his day was horrible – the platypus was named president. He explains to Aldo, “She’s really ugly.”


Eva Luna #63 Wed 2/2/11 the HAPPY return and baby on the way, but not the one Cruella wants... Bimbutt shows her Cruella gene... and the return of CLAW

[Posted for Martaivett by Jardinera654]
We get a repeat of Eva fainting in front of Tia Matilde.

Alicia wakes up, Leo is getting dressed, She comments that ‘so! The newlyweds arrive today’… Leo compliments her dress, she says you have great taste in clothes. He says no, have great taste in women… they get smoochy… he gives her money and she instantly is surprised, thinking he is ‘paying’ her for her services, but he explains he wants her to buy more pretty clothes… and the payback does not wait… he wants her to tell him if she’s heard of Eva. She says no, she is worried since Eva usually does not stay incommunicado this long. He tells her he expects her not to be lying to him. She swears by her dad’s memory. He says he knows she is truthful to him.

Tia Tilde wakes Eva up… She thinks it is too much work and schooling Eva is  going through. Eva insists she is ok and won’t let Tia Tilde tell Don Julio.

The newlyweds arrive home to a lot of kissy kissy… but Daniel does not smell the roses… Even Armando (driver) and Aurelia (cook) come to greet the newlyweds.

Veekee asks of they have heard any gossip from her friends about the flash wedding, surely they think I am preggers… Cruella says no, haven’t heard anything… VeeKee then says surely there are some jealous women out there. She is so happy about being Dano’s wife now… Again, the princess attitude GAG… 

Cruella pulls Dano aside and asks him to have a meeting tomorrow about the new adv campaign…
Meanwhile Veekee asks Leo if he’s heard of Eva at all. Nope. But he updates her on the fact that there is a man that is protecting and coaching her.

Cruella tells Veekee she does not expect to have to give her advise now that she is married. She should be in control of her household… ‘You are a queen and that is how he should treat you. Don’t let him get abusive…’…

Dano comes over with Leo to make a toast to the newlyweds, but he is in a hurry to ‘do something’… (go home to see his kid, as he should)

Georgio keeps insisting to Marisol that she should not feel bad that she does not have money, if he loves you he will love you whether you are rich or poor…

At NewVille, Laurita, Fran and Jackie are playing that two Indian women fight for their man (Fran)… Laurita is Indian… Dano arrives. Laurita jumps and runs to hug him. Immediately she asks about the w… I mean Victoria…did she stay in Miami? (in comes Veekee faking a happy greeting for Laurita and ‘the family’.

Georgio and Marisol are at the mall, he keeps insisting on it being strange Fran is taking care of the wedding arrangements… don’t say later I did not tell you. Marisol insists that everything is ok. She turns the cards on him, hows YOUR sentimental life? He is depressed, it is NULL, I have no significant other.

Back at NewVille, Veekee is already taking the role of the ‘boss’. Tells Fran she will give him a grocery list for the store, and tells Jackie they have to talk about what she will cook for dinner, must be something special to celebrate their return. Then she turns to Laurita to tell her about all the times they ‘thought about her’ and the things they bought for her. Laurita is less than interested with a deflated ‘thank you’. Veekee then insists she and Laurita will be the best of friends in no time.  Laurita jumps and cheers ‘of course! BFF!! and immediately excuses herself ‘to do homework’. Veekee does not let Fran and Jackie follow Laurita. Dan excuses himself to go to his studio to check the email. Veekee says she will talk to Fran and Jackie about how things will be from now on.

Eva is remembering her arguing with Dano at the hospital when she was telling him she hated him and he said ok then I will leave… and she turned around immediately… and then when Dano arrived to rescue her in the woods.

Veekee is reading the rulebook to Fran and Jackie, everything spotless, no arguing, no talking back… etc. Jackie needs to get up at 5am to make her breakfast and bring it to her with the paper. If she walks around in socks she does not expect them to get dirty.

Fran must vacuum and wash the cars daily. Lunch must be served at 1pm. Jackie immediately tries to tell her Laurita arrives from school at 12:30 but Veekee says she does not care about the ‘girl’’s schedule. It will be at 1pm period! If we cannot agree on it then I will find someone else.  Go ahead to work. (Laurita is listening to this behind the wall)

Marisol is still talking to Giorgio, she does not understand why he is alone. He is handsome, has a great job, money, etc. He says exactly, I have all that that you just listed. but I arrive home alone and there is no one there to greet me or ask how was my day.  You are always pleasing everyone else, making sure they are ok. What about me? I am alone… (he looks depressed, I was moved)

Dano and Fran are in the bedroom, Fran is about to open Veekee’s suitcase but Dano says just deal with mine, leave hers. Fran wants to talk about why DanoDano depressed follows the lead and says he left it in the wrong suitcase and he lost it. Dano wants to change the subject. Fran says by the way, I needed to tell you something. I am going to quit. Dano is surprised and asks if it was for Veekee. Fran says ‘for the hysterical of your wif… no. I am getting married, I had told you, remember?’ Dano smiles probably for the first time in days or weeks… Dano says he never thought Fran would quit his job. Fran says Marisol is pretty but on top of that has something great… she is a millionaire… then he begins to brag about later being busy with social events (probably will see him there). Yada yada… Dano says will miss you..  Fran says if you ever need anything you can count on me always (then stops himself)… Fran guesses that Dano is depressed because he expects Fran to give him any news about Eva… No, nothing at all… (Veekee comes in and Fran jumps and walks out) 

Veekee begins bragging ‘this is my bedroom, this is my bed, this is my house.. and this hunk is my husband… kissy kissy BLEH!!! Dear God Idiot GUY is getting the royal treatment!

Leo is with the PI, the PI keeps saying he interviewed everyone in town but no one knows the guy that took Eva. Leo does not like so much mystery around the guy.

Giorgio continues his blues speech to Marisol… IT is sad that everyone points their finger at you and judges you … for being gay.. As if we still lived in caveman times… I too have the right to be happy and in a relationship. That is why I am alone… Marisol says he is not alone. She cannot live with him but she will be near. It is not the same but it will help. He agrees.

Marce and Bruno are planning the opening event. Bruno is eager to present to her a new budget/proposal. Marce says now more than ever she needs for this event to be successful. She has to multiply the capital$$ she has left. Bruno gets charming and says to her don’t worry, I will take care of you and your money. Secretary comes in with a mystery letter for Marce, the carrier said she had to hand it directly to Cruella. Letter just says from a female voice… murdered, you killed Julio… Marce starts shaking instantly.
Bruno is surprised…

Morning… Tia Tilde has some rolled ham and cheese for Eva. She does not feel like eating, Tia says you have been too busy with the classes. Eva says she has to stop thinking of HIM… and think only of the day she gets justice for everything he did…

Cruella begins to yell at Bruno to serve her a drink.. she won’t tell Bruno what was in that letter that impacted her so hard. She gulps the first drink. Bruno says ‘careful, Marcela!’ Marcela gets suspicious and questions his attitude. He says nothing, he is worried about how she is drinking. That she has been in bad mood lately and treating him like crap. Cruella says no matter what happens between us, he has no right to mess with her life. Bruno says only wanted to help. Cruella says no one can help her. Then she yells at him to leave.  Once alone, she mumbles crying: Who is behind this? Who is sending me this trash?’  She is visibly nervous. And continues drinking.

Don Julio is teaching Eva about ‘branding’ in advertising… Eva is having major nausea… He can tell she is sick so he sends her to rest. He is the one worried now.

Fran and Jackie comment to each other on the fact that Veekee exploits both men and women. She criticized her dinner, ‘you cook bad, the dishes look too ordinary, you need to learn to cook french cuisine and you need to present it to us just like in the pictures in the book’… Fran plans that when he marries Marisol, he can bring Jackie to work for them. Jackie is not buying. Just what I needed, for me to have to bring you breakfast in bed. Fran plays the offended ‘friend’ who just wanted to help. Jackie insists that woman will leave you when she learns the truth and your marriage will be over. Fran insists that that woman will forgive him. Jackie says no way. He is a fraud. When she leaves he says he was even planning to give her a raise. (yeah right)

Leo is treating Tony as an ordinary employee, Leo says he is trusting Tony with lots of money. Report to me when you finish the deliver. When Leo leaves Tony thinks ‘yeah, show off while you can’.. the moment of his payback will come to Leo for having taken his girl Alicia. I might end up in jail, but you, Leo, might not even live to tell…

Julio comments to Matilde about Eva not feeling well, Matilde is glad he brought it up. She mentions that Eva fainted yesterday. He is alarmed now. He will get Dr Garcia to come see her. Matilde is glad.

Dr Garcia arrives a while later. Asks Julio if he had another attack. Julio says no its not me, its Eva.  Julio walks him to Eva’s room. Julio leaves them alone and Eva tells Doc about her symptoms (fainting, tiredness, nausea, etc…)

Leo comes to fetch Alicia at her job spot… She goes to meet him at his office… they begin to get touchy-feely… Giorgio comes in on them. Leo is real mad at Giorgio.

Leo is mad at Giorgio, did you have something important or you just came to break my moment?

At gym, Veekee and Claw run into each other. Veekee does not even want to talk at all. If Leo did not want to keep in contact even if she was expecting his baby, neither does she. Claw tells Veekee she lost her baby. Veekee the B___ comments that it is nice, now she can tell there IS divine justice. Claw replies it was not GOD but your mother, your mother the murderer. Veekee wants to know why she lies about her mother. Claw says it is the truth, since I lost my baby I have been recovering at a clinic and I have had time to think things through about what happened. The day I felt bad I had been at your mother’s office and she gave me coffee. She did put something in it because that very night if I had not been able to dial 911 before I fainted, I would be dead now.

Veekee calls Claw crazy. Claw denies it. Veekee then asks Why have you not accused my mother yet if you are so sure? Claw says too much time has passed and she could not prove it now. But if she had realized what happened in time, she would have. Veekee says don’t you dare create false rumors because I will get you in jail myself for defamation. Claw says she has learned not to undermine her family. She is now aware of how far they can go to get what they want.  Like you, who knows how you managed to marry Daniel. Veekee brags that she WAS ABLE to get the man she wanted. Unlike her.

And she did not have to get pregnant to achieve it. She warned Claw that getting pregnant would not get her Leo… He is not like Daniel.  In the end she lost. And she is glad. Claw replies… Veekee, by any chance, does Dano know about everything you did against Eva, and all the hatred you feel for his daughter? What would happen if I told Daniel about that?

Tia Tilde comments with Julio that hopefully Eva is ok. Julio tells her what symptoms Eva had in the morning. Tilde says from what you say, I have a feeling I know what she has. Julio seems to guess the same thing, but he wants them to wait to see what Dr says. But he giggles a bit.

Dano gets to Cruella’s office. He and his folks had been waiting for her to meet. She says cancel it. Cruella does want to talk to him. (by then he notices she is wasted)..

Cruella: You are a fortunate man, Dano. /Pardon?/ You are so fortunate because you got to marry my daughter, despite all you did to her.

Dano tries to get her to stop drinking… but she pulls away. She denies she is wasted. He says honestly he is surprised to see her in that state. Cruella mocks herself that she has to be ‘Miss Perfect’… he can make mistakes, even mess with the house help girl (he gets instantly mad) But not me, I can’t even take a drink… (he wants to leave) … Don’t leave me talking alone. Tell me… did you order my first grandchild? Now I would like to see the new Arizmendi generation. / Look Dona Marcela, I did not come to witness your excesses or your indirect statements. / What is the subject you don’t’ like that much? The children or your lover the h___?? Eva… the one that made fun of you as she pleased… the one that mocked you…  (Again Daniel tries to take her drink away)… He who drinks and does not feel it (no se le sube) is throwing out their money… LOL She insists she wants to celebrate the child that he and Veekee are going to give her.

Doctor Garcia tells Eva that according to her symptoms he could bet she is pregnant. Eva is very uneasy about the idea… Could it be anemia or something else? Garcia says doubt it. Everything leads to pregnancy. Eva is ok with getting blood work done. He even dares to be the first one to congratulate her. Eva thinks I am going to have a baby… Daniel’s baby.. my God…

Veekee threats Claw not to tell Dano what she knows.. they begin shouting to each other like cocks fighting… Claw claims all she wanted was for Veekee to help her keep Leo. But Veekee turned her back on her instead of supporting her. Veekee claims what she was against was the baby. Claw replies that Veekee is a monster and don’t dream your marriage to Dano will last long, because he will soon find out you are nothing but a viper!! SLAPS exchanged… Others grab them and they keep shouting… (all of a sudden I feel like the tv changed channels and I am now watching women go at each other in the Jerry Springer show… where is the WWE?? Look, ma!! Its Miss Moolah and her sister in law!!) they shout that they hate each other… don’t want to see each other…

Dr Garcia tells Julio and Tilde that he would prefer Eva tell them herself what she has.

Tony brings Alicia a present to ask for her forgiveness.. he walked through all of LA looking for the perfect present for her, but she won’t accept it, nothing will make her forget what he did…(At this point I would prefer Tony to Leo, Alicia, but neither is really a good choice). There can be no gifts, relationship or hugs between them anymore.

At the office, Dano’s workers want a debriefing of the honeymoon, but they realize he is not in the mood, and he is not in mood to share any details either, lets get to work.

The secretaries comment on Cruella’s getting drunk after getting a confidential letter, they guess it was from the banks that her accounts were frozen again… whatever it is, must be really serious. Later Bruno and cousin comment on the letter. Bruno says he will find out about the letter.

Eva tells Julio and Tilde it seems she is pregnant. Julio is surprised, asks her who is it? Eva says it was for her that Dano left Veekee. And her baby is Dano’s. Eva swears to Julio that she tried not to fall for Dano. And that she tried to tell him back at the house. She had wanted Julio to learn about her and Dano. Julio confesses to her that he knew about the relationship. Veekee had commented it to him and even showed him some pictures of Eva and Dano. Seems Veekee hired a PI to follow Dano around when he broke up with her. Eva says then Veekee knew about them when she took her to the woods to make that commercial… Julio is clueless. Eva says then there was no commercial.  It was just an excuse to take her there and then abandon her there. Julio says he did not know anything. Eva tells him that night Dano came to get her and that is when they were intimate. Julio says and now you are expecting his baby… Don’t worry, everything will be alright. (sweet hug)..

Previews: Julio sees Justa at his ‘grave’, he gets really anxious, tells Doctor he thought she was dead, Doctor Garcia tells him ‘the one dead is you!’. Calm down!

Seems someone calls Tilde and she and Eva leave the house to go meet with him… Dano sees Eva and shouts her name. The taxi runs right into a statue at the cemetery.


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