Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Eva Luna #110 Mon 4/11/11 Perhaps Some Solutions Just Lead to More Problems; P.2 It Pays to Be a Boy Scout--Just Ask Dan!

Eva Luna Finale 
P.1 –

Perhaps Some Solutions Just Lead to More Problems          

As we j.i.p. (join in progress) tonight’s fantasy fin, Daniel tries to convince Eva not to marry Leo because deep down she still really loves him as much as he loves her.  He swears he doesn’t know how he came to have Liliana in bed with him and there is absolutely nothing going on between them; the only real thing preventing them from getting back together is who really killed her daddy.  He needs time to prove to her that Leo is the culprit and not him.  Eva, whose head hurts from trying to use her brain to reason through things logically, doesn’t want to listen to anything more Dano has to say, especially cuz she’s still ticked about seeing him with leggy Lil in bed.  She gets frustrated and races out the door. 

At the same time, outside the front of the ad agency, El Gallo sets a trap for Leonardo by saying that Tony didn’t get any merchandise the night before because he was killed during the meet.  Leo pretends to be surprised.  El Gallo asks if he has any idea who would have ordered a hit on Tony.  Leo says Tony was pretty aggressive and probably made a lot of enemies that way.  He was even confrontational with him a number of times and El Gallo knows that.  Leo goes back inside the building.  El Gallo thinks to himself that now he knows it was Le, and he’ll pay for double-crossing him!

At the jail, the lady lawyer comes to see Marcela and tells her that her boss sees no hope for an appeal.  Marci screams and throws a fit.  Suddenly she can’t breathe and falls onto the table.  A guard races over to help her.

In her hospital room, meanwhile, Victoria wonders why Justa is there.  Justa says she’s family and as her mother she of course wanted to be there.  Icky insists to Justa that she isn’t anything to her and tells her to leave.  Justa tries to explain to Icky how she was stolen from her arms as soon as she was born, how everyone there lied to her that Icky was stillborn, how she really believed it at first, then looked everywhere for a trace of her, dreaming some day of finding her alive.  Justa breaks downs into tears.  The rejection is breaking her heart, she says.  Ick-toria won’t have anything to do with her so, finally, Justa gives up and leaves.  As she goes out the door, though, Julio is coming in.  She won’t speak to him because she’s so mortified and frustrated over Icky’s rejection.  He wants to go after her, but Icky begs him to stay and to let Justa go on her way. 

Leo sits down at his desk and tells himself that now he’s gotten rid of Tony, the only thing missing is to finish with Alicia. 

Ali is  back at work.  Deb comes to speak to her there.  Ali says she wants to finish their chat from the other day.  She and the baby-daddy are going to tell Eva in a couple of days about the baby.  Deb wants to know why all the mystery over who the baby-daddy is.  Ali says she’s didn’t tell Eva when she had the chance before and now it’s even more difficult to tell her than before.   From the sigh Deb gives, it must be still about as clear as mud.  (Viewerville didn’t get much satisfaction from her answers either.)

Meanwhile, in the clinic infirmary, the doctor (all I know is he’s got a white coat on) tells the director that Marci suffered a heart attack and needs to be transferred to a regular hospital.  The director says fine and leaves.  The “doctor” then bends over Marci and whispers that things have gone well so far, but the next step is going to be more difficult.  She takes off her mask and says in a very healthy voice that she’d rather die in the escape attempt than live the rest of her life in prison.   El Gallo’s plan has been set in motion.

Back at the ad agency, Dano barges into Leo’s office and demands to talk to him immediately.  Leo refuses, but Dano insists.  Leo says since when did I start taking orders from you?   Dan says it’s no order, but he can take it any way he likes.  He’s just there to put him on notice [sobre aviso].   Leo is like, “--Hey, if you’re here to warn me not to marry Eva, I’ve heard it a thousand times.”  Dan just smiles a bit.  “--No, you’re not going to marry her.”  Leo says he imagine that this entire scene is because Lili told him the wedding was in a week.   Dano says yeah, she told him, but the wedding is still in doubt.  Leo says there’s no way Dan can stop him.  Dan says he won’t stop it.  It will be Leo himself who stops it.  Leo sneers a bit and says Dan’s gone nuts.  Dan ignores the insult.  He accuses Leo again of killing Eva’s father and says that now he has proof of it.  This gets Leo’s attention.

At the Villanueva manse, Laurita and Francisco are plotting again to help him win back Jackie.  Laurita tells Jackie that Franc’s packing his suitcase and quiting his job for good today.  She tells Jackie that she’s the only one who can convince him to stay.  Jackie falls for the act and races up to talk Franc into staying--until she realizes that his suitcase is empty.  She raises Cain with him and Laurita,   She’s had it with the lies and tricks.  Laurita is forced to admit she planned the whole thing with him.  Jackie is so upset that she decides to quit her job and leave.  Franc has heard the whole discussion from behind the pillar.  He throws a worried glance at Laurita.  She mouths at him to do something already!  FF>>

Back in the city, Marci is put into the ambulance.  Everyone’s been paid off and the aids take Marci out of the ambulance in a doctor’s coat and put her into a waiting SUV. 

Leo tells Dan he’s got no proof it’s him at all.  Dano lies about having an eye witness who just came forward and identified him from a photo as the driver.  Leo says nobody would believe it since it happened so long ago.  He’s going to tell Eva that Dano paid the guy to fake it and testify against him.  Dan says no, Leo knows it’s the truth and he should be a man and admit it!   This gets Leo’s goat.  Leo’s swelled head gets the best of him and he finally yells back at Dan that yeah, he did kill the guy, and so what!   Eva is never going to find out and Dan will never be able to prove it! 

Dan, incredulous, asks Leo how he could run over that man and just leave him lying there!  Leo, the sociopath, says because the imbecile was stupid enough to be crossing the street and to get in his way.   He wasn’t going to pay for it.  Dan asks why Leo framed him for it?  Leo says with a hint of pride that it was because he’d heard Dan and Eva were getting married in secret and that was the only way to split them up.   Dan calls him despicable.  Leo says yeah, and you are the owner of the car and for me it was very easy getting you to take the bait [caer en la trampa].   (That’s the understatement of the decade, Leo.)   Dan tells him to go and tell Eva the truth.  Leo is a proud self-preservationist so he refuses.  Dan insists he’s going to pay for the crime.  Leo doesn’t think so.  Dan warns him he’s not going to get his own way.  Leo reminds him of the bet he made with Dan over Eva and that he is still determined to win.   She’s going to be his and she’s going to marry him.  Dan is grins and says no she won’t cuz he’s going to stop that wedding and he can go to the bank on it!  [tenlo por seguro]

A minute later Dan goes back into his office and tells Giorgio what just happened.  It worked because he  realized that Leo’s ego is his worst enemy.   “--What a beast!  He’s the same as  his mother!   You should have seen the pride when he told me he’d run Eva’s father over and left him dying and then later framed me for it in order to split me and Eva up!”  Dan then takes out a pocket recorder he used to record Leo’s confession. (Dun-duhn-duhnnnn!)  Gg suggests he go straight to the police with it, but Dan says not before he’s exposed [desenmascar] him to Eva.  He races into her office but realizes a second later that the office is empty.  Olga tells him she left to clear her head.  She’ll be back later.  Ok, he says, let him know the instant she gets back.

Down the hall in his office, Leo paces and considers what to do next now that he’s admitted this guilt to Dan.  Stay calm, he tells himself.  “--Dan’s an idiot.  Don’t lose your bearings.  Take care of  the problem with Alicia.”

Back at the hospital, in Icky’s room, Julio tells V-icky that he and Justa are there to help her with her problem.  V-icky thinks there are too many problems to overcome.  Julio tells her that both Dan and Eva agreed to drop the charges if and when she agrees to get some therapy. 

Speaking of Eva, it seems she needs a little mental counseling herself.  Eva’s emotionally confused.  She’s at the ocean remembering making love that night with Dano and the horrible realization (with that push from Leo) that Daniel was the one who ran down her daddy and did him in.  She weighs Dan’s denial of the dastardly deed against Leo’s denial of Dan’s denial....  Ok.  She’s made her decision. She’ll marry Leo!  (Say what?  Vieweville does a major double-take--no make that a quadruple take!)  Eva, as the saying goes, just decided to cut off her nose to spite her face.  (Do they treat for masochistic tendencies?)

Later that  day, Leo offers to bring Ali her glass of warm milk as a favor to Tia Mathilde.  Tilde says fine.   Leo first secretly pours some of the same drops his mother used on Claudia into Alicia’s glass of milk.  He sweet talks Ali, while she drinks her milk, about resting more because the health of their baby is so important to him.  He has a surprise for her, he says, with a sparkling crocodile smile. Tomorrow morning he will go with her to speak to Eva; and they will tell her that he’s the baby-daddy.  Ali tries to kiss him for it but he jerks away and refuses.  (No way that slimy, scheming dude’s getting near her poison-mouth!)  

Ick-toria is alone in her hospital room now.  She considers what her father told her about having a second chance at life and getting some therapy when she gets an unexpected visitor --Renata!

Lili comes by to try getting her hooks into Dan again.  This time the excuse is that she wanted to talk to him about having a celebration dinner for Laurita’s return from that boarding school.   She says Laurita has been really ignored with all that’s happened recently.  Dan thinks she’s terrific for being so thoughtful.   Lil gets the hint the guy’s got work to do and so she leaves.  He checks again to see if Eva’s back but she isn’t. 

At the same time, Ali starts cramping up and screaming.  Tilde comes in to see what’s happened.  Leo hears the screams, smiles to himself and waits a few more seconds before racing in and offering to take Ali to the hospital. 

Lili hangs around the reception desk waiting for Eva to show.  As soon as Eva walks in, Lil makes a big to do about how happy she is that Daniel asked her to join him/live with him?  Eva glances over at her and frowns. 

Eva sits down at her desk and Olga tells her that Dan’s been anxious to see her about something and has asked numerous times if she’d gotten back or not.   Eva is miffed again, thanks to Lil, and says no she can’t see him.  Olga says it seemed extremely urgent.  So, Eva goes to his office and barges in.   She wants to know what was so urgent.  He excitedly tells her that he can prove his innocence.  She rolls her eyes.

Icky tells Ren that she knows now what Ren did all those years ago, stealing her from her real mother and giving her away to Marcela.   Ren asks her to forgive her.  She explains how she acted out of jealousy and selfishness.  Icky says she’d be a hypocrite if she said she was mad about it cuz after all, she did grow up with her father and was surrounded by luxury.    But that woman (Marci) was envious and evil, and ready to use her to get what she wanted.  She never would have expected that of Ren.  Ren says she’d always loved her as she was her niece, but she never knew how to get her to understand.  Icky says well, it’s her turn to ask forgiveness and grabs Ren’s hand.

Back in Dan’s office, he is trying to explain that he managed to get the most convincing evidence ever that he’s innocent.  Eva says Leo warned her he’d make something else up.  No, he says and he shows her the pocket recorder.  She’s got to hear it because he has gotten someone’s statement as proof!  Suddenly Olga rushes in with word about Ali being taken to the hospital for some emergency.  (The recording will have to wait!)  Dan wants to go to the hospital with Eva, but Eva tells him no way!  She doesn’t need any more problems with him!   

At Deb’s, the detective in charge of Marci’s capture comes to give her a heads-up that Mad Marci’s escaped and  is probably on the prowl.

While at the hospital, Leo gets a call from El Gallo that some problem concerning Tony’s death has come up.  He needs to speak to Leo that night, no ifs, ands, or buts!  After El Gallo hangs up, Tony gets upset needing to know that Gallo believes him about Leo.  Gallo says he does, but he had to prove it for himself. El Gallo tells Tony that he wants him to be there at the meet tonight so Leo will see that he’s really alive and that he found out how Leo betrayed his trust and will die because of it!  Just then Marci barges into El Gallo’s office (OMG! and looking like a Cher wanna-be circa 1990-95).   She needs to speak to him alone!  Tony exits.

Eva races into the hospital lounge and finds Leo there.  He gives her the run down. 

Marci wants her new identity papers.  El Gallo tells Marci he wants to know how she plans to pay him first.   He wants his money.  She tells him Leo is supposed to pay him.  Gallo guffaws.  That’s not going to work.  She asks for time.  He gives in.  She starts to leave but he wants a little sugar from her first.  She leaves afterwards.

Eva goes out to the front desk to sign papers for the hospital.  Leo says he’ll watch over Ali for her.  Once Eva’s gone, he starts to crow to the unconscious Ali that he got her there just in time to save her, but not the baby.  He couldn’t allow her to die, he says, because that would have set the wedding date back--and that he wouldn’t have liked one bit!  (a cold S.O.B. if there ever was one!) 

Gallo makes a call to one of his henchmen and tells him the meet with Leo is on and to make sure  everybody’s there because this rat’s not getting out of there alive!  Marci comes back in for something and may have heard what El Gallo was saying.

Ali is awake and crying over the loss of the baby.  Leo persuades her that now the baby’s lost, there’s no reason to let Eva know that he was the father or that they were ever involved.  Eva walks in at that point, but it isn’t clear if she heard him.  Leo turns around and looks a little sheepishly at her. 

Marci tells El Gallo that she came back for a gun.  He gives her one and says he figures she’ll use it to do in all her enemies.  Marci says all but Eva.  She has something much more “sparkling” for her end. 

Ren goes to Justa’s parish priest, introduces herself and asks to make confession.

Eva tries to cheer Ali up.  Deb comes in to lend emotional support also.

Meanwhile, Jackie has her bag packed and is leaving.  Franc begs her to stay.  FF>>

In the hospital lounge, Leo lies to Eva and tells her that Dan’s paid a witness to make a statement to the police stating he wasn’t the driver of the car.  Eva says there was a reason then that he was so insistent in having her hear the witness’s statement.  Leo warns her off him.  “--Don’t pay attention to him.  Isn’t it convenient that two years later he suddenly has a witness?  Don’t  let him trick you.”  Deb comes into the waiting area just then with the news of Marci’s escape.  

Back at the Villanueva manse, Franco finally is honest about his feelings for Jackie.  She is his friend and gives him advice, he pleads.  She’s the love of his life and is the only woman who’s known how to love him for what he is: poor and a liar.   She’s taught him to love and respect her.  He’d wait his whole life for her if she leaves because without her there is no Francisco.  “--Just tell me what I have to do to make you stay.”  Jackie melts.   She’ll stay.  They kiss.  FF>>

That night Leo and his goons come armed and ready to rumble.  “--You have to be prepared when it’s a matter life and death.”  El Gallo agrees and then he and his men pull their guns on  Leo.  Leo’s guys have to drop their weapons.   El Gallo brings up the hit on Tony and says he warned Leo not to touch Tony.  Leo asks how he found out.  El Gallo says he was wounded before being sent to the afterlife and he told me so.  Tony walks up and shows himself. Leo is ruh-roh! impactado and tries some negotiating, but El Gallo isn't interested.  El Gallo hands the gun to Tony to do the hit. Tony takes the gun and snarls over at Leo. 

 It Pays to Be a Boy Scout--Just Ask Dan!


El Gallo eggs Tony on about all the ways Leo abused and used him.  Unfortunately, Tony (as Viewerville and Leonardo both know by now) can’t pull the trigger and he hesitates a second too long.  Leo whips out a gun and shoots him and El Gallo.  The gunfight’s on!  Everybody’s henchmen shoot each other dead. 

Back at Eva’s, she and Dan are in the living room playing with Pablito.  Tilde leaves to put him to bed.  Eva says she’s tired and wants to take a bath.  Dan begs her to stay a bit longer because she needs to hear what’s on that recording and says sorry, but he’s not leaving till she does.  Eva says no and that the whole thing’s just ridiculous!  Leo already told her it’s the witness he told her about.  Dan pleads with her.  “--No, it isn’t a witness’s testimony!  You’ve got to listen to it!”

Finally it’s El Gallo and Leo in the end.  El Gallo gets the upper hand and has Leo trapped.  He gets ready to pull the trigger.  “--I told you not to betray me.  I’m going to kill you, you damned wretch! [condenado]” Kaboom!  El Gallo gets a shot through the heart.  Leo’s eyes go wide.  Mad, murderous Marci has hit her mark.  (Yep,  Mama Bear has protected her cub once again.--Rats!) “--Mama!  How did you know where I was?”  Marci explains she’d overheard him telling his goons about the meet.  Leo is worried about what’s going to happen to her now.  She tells him not to worry about her.  He must get back to Eva and marry her.  Yes, they’ll meet up again.  Just get going already and leave her alone!  Leo scurries off.  “--Yeah, hurry up and get married, although you are going to be widowed.”

Marci turns her attention to El Gallo and starts weeping over his body.   “--Leonardo is your son, my love!  I couldn’t let you kill him!  You are the only man I loved, Gallo!” 

A day or two later, Justa, Ricardo and Adrian are discussing the small wedding Leo and Eva have invited them to attend.  Adrian is a little confused cuz he’s not going and Justa explains why not.  She and Ric change the subject to where Tony’s been the last few days and whether to report him as missing or not.  Don Ric says he already had because he’d been worried that they hadn’t heard from him for so long.  FF>> 

Back at Eva’s, Mathilde and Alicia are upset that Eva is dead set on marrying Leo when they both believe she really loves Daniel.  Ali says Leo doesn’t deserve her.  Tilde says, speaking of Dano, that it’s high time he proves his innocence.  Ali agrees.

Across the way, Dan is getting dressed to go to Eva and Leo’s wedding.  Liliana asks him if he’s sure he wants to do this.  Dan says absolutely, cuz he won’t give up until he hears Eva actually say “I do” to Leo.  (Viewerville notes the funereal attire Dan’s chosen to wear.)  She asks if he still thinks the wedding has a chance of being scotched.  He tells her he does.  Lil seems doubtful.

Meanwhile, Eva is getting ready as Ali comes in to try to talk her out of it.  “--How about I wear the earrings Leo gave me?”  Ali grabs the other earring from Eva’s hand and begs her not to marry Leo.  He’s just not right for her!   Eva is sympathetic but says she knows what she’s doing.  Ali finally blurts out that he was the baby-daddy!  Eva is saucer-eyed-and-suck-it-in impactada!

In the huge living room, the wedding guests are gathering.    Giorgio, Olga, the receptionist and Dan’s secretary are gossiping about how Victoria finally agreed to give Dano his divorce.   The receptionist says Eva still believes he killed her father.  Gg says he knows she doesn’t believe it but he knows Dan didn’t.  Just then Renata introduces Leo to the judge who’s doing the civil ceremony.  Leo promises him to keep things punctual and then grabs Tilde to tell Eva any time now, since all the guests are there.    Tilde notes Deb and Detective  Varela.  Neither of them knew that Deb and he were a couple now.  Once Tilde leaves, he smiles to himself and thinks, yeah!  in just a few minutes more Eva will be his forever. (Viewerville let out a communal groan and eye-roll.  The telenovela gods are really pushin’ it here!)  Det. Varela and he shoot the breeze a moment.  He kids Leo about planning anything else than his wedding then laughs that he’ s a guy who’s always on the job.  Leo tells himself it always pays to keep one’s guard up and leaves the room briefly. 

Back in her room, Eva gives Ali holy Hell for not telling her until now about her affair with Leo.  Ali tearfully tells her that she wanted to tell her that she’d fallen in love with him, but he frightened her off it by convincing her not to because Eva would think the worst of her.  Eva angrily agrees.  “--And he was right about that!”  Ali says anyway, he promised her they’d go tell her together that he was the father.  “--And he knew?”  Yep.  She’d told him the same day she’d found out, says Ali, but she’d already put an end to their relationship a while before.  So, if she’s begging Eva now not to go through with it, it’s for her own good.  Eva asks if she’s sure he doesn’t mean anything to her now.  Ali swears he doesn’t.  Just then Tilde comes in and says Leo and the guests are all waiting.  Ali and Eva share painful stares.  (Viewerville is on pins and needles wondering if Eva will call the whole thing off now.  Some of us are even taking bets on how painful it’s gonna be for our resident slime-bucket, Mr. He Who Comes Up From The Deep.)  

Gg offers Leo a bit of assistance just as Dano and Leggy Lil arrive.    Leo warns Dan that if he’s come to stop the wedding, it isn’t gonna work!  Dan says no, he’s only there as a guest like any other.  (Leo, the guy’s her employee.  What would it look like if he hadn’t?  All of the employees are there!)  A bit of males-in-heat locking horns, snorting and sniffing ensues here.  He tells Dan he won’t let him ruin it for him.  Dan says it won’t be him that does that.  It’ll be Leo himself who does that.  Lil tells them to cool their jets cuz the wedding’s about to start.  Eva shows up just then and the crowd of employees begin to clap.  (Makes you wonder if they’re all doing it just to keep their paychecks coming in.  I mean I’m jes sayin’..... Anyway, sure is huge for an “intimate gathering.”)  Leo and she exchange smiles. 

Back at Dan’s, Jackie gets a surprise bouquet from a mysterious admirer.  The note says that  Adriancito, Laurita and she must go on a scavenger hunt for clues to who it’s from.  (If you haven’t guessed by now, Jackie’s just a kid at heart.)  They go from room to room.  FF>>

Back at the wedding,   Eva and Leo have the judge start the proceedings.   Dan looks about ready to lose it.  The judge asks if there’s anyone there who can show why these two shouldn’t be joined in matrimony to speak up.  Dan can’t stand it any longer and starts to say something, but Eva beats him to it and the guests all gasp.  (Viewerville suddenly glues their eyes to the screen.) 

Eventually Jackie and the kids get to a room where there are two roses waiting for her.  Franc pops out, opens up a ring box and proposes.  Jackie only takes a second to think it over  before she accepts.  He slips the engagement ring on her finger.  Everybody’s happy!  Smoochies.  FF>>

Back to the halted wedding across the way,  Eva screams at Leo that she’s going to show why the two of them can’t marry.  Mr. Slick is finally at a loss for words.  He asks what she’s talking about. He doesn’t understand!   “--You killed my father!  You ran him over!”  “--No, no!  I told you that Daniel’s witness is a fake, that he’s paying that person to blame me!  It was Daniel who killed him.  You have to believe me!  Listen to me, my love!”  The guests are all eyes and ears, especially Det. Varela.   Just then a fresh-faced Victoria in a sweet pony-tail and loosely fitting print sun-dress steps out of the crowd to gets her chance at pay-back.  “--Daniel’s telling the truth!  You asked to borrow his car that day and came back saying you’d run into a tree, but really you ran a man over.  Claudia told me that when you used to dream and  would relive the accident!   You yourself admitted it!” 

Eva asks Leo just how stupid he thinks she is.  (I wouldn’t go there, Eva.  Really I wouldn’t!)  He denies having ever confessed to anything.  Eva has Gg play the tape recorder so there’s no doubt.  The guests hear Leo confessing to Dan that day.  Dano grins from ear to ear.  Leo looks like he’s just been depants-ed on the playground.  Ali and Tilde are listening in horror--not that it should surprise Ali, the way Leo always abused her, but still, this is Ali we’re talking about.  Her Happy Meal has always been missing a French fry or two.  The camera pans to Don Julio whose original negative feelings towards his step-son have finally been justified.  Lily is mortified and wonders probably if the arrogant fool mentioned anything about her during that truth-a-thon. 

Varela looks around at some of the men in the crowd.   They nod back.  It seems that Varela must have gotten the heads up from Eva or Dano already or they wouldn’t have all been there.    Leo is frozen with embarrassment.  Eva screams at him.  “--I will never marry you.  I will never forgive you for killing my father and I will never forgive you for what you did to my sister!”  She hauls off and slaps him across his face so hard it sounds like a gunshot.  “--I’m going to get even with you --Today!”  Suddenly Leo whips out his pistol, grabs Eva, and aims the gun at her neck.  Varela and his men also draw theirs.  Leo swears he’ll kill her and he means it.  (Well, he does come by it honestly, considering his gene pool.)   The crowd cowers.  Uni puts us on pause while it attempts to pay for this four hour novela-fest.

It’s all chaos as Uni presses the play button once more.  Leo threatens to shoot mouthy Dan.  If she not going to be Leo’s then.... Suddenly Icky races in front of Dan, but he shoves her behind him.  She’s not going anywhere, she screams.  Suddenly the Bimbutt (whose dress really does a great job of finally disguising that disgustingly over-defined derriere)  decides it’s time to tell the world about Lileach and Leo’s unholy alliance now, too!   Dan is once again  shell-shocked to learn that his BFF and hers were both scheming against him.  “--What??  What are you saying???”  “--Yes, Daniel.  Leo hired her to seduce you since he found out you were going to leave me, so that then he could avoid you getting back with Eva!”   The way the two met (out on the ocean) was all planned by Lil and Leo together, she yells over the din. 

Back at Dan’s place, Franco explains the meaning of the three roses: one is to apologize for disrespectful behavior towards her;  one is to thank her for accepting to marry him;  the third is to  signify his promise never to lie again and to make her the happiest woman in the world.  Kissies and hugs.  FF>>

Back to the Boda de Bedlam:  Lil denies it all.  Leo threatens to kill Ick-toria if she doesn’t shut her mouth and fast.  Bimbutt babbles on, tho’.  She’s on a roll and Claw’s pregnancy comes out next.   “--He got Claudia pregnant and afterwards had my mother put poison in her tea so she’d lose the baby!  That's what he must have done to you, Alicia, to make you lose your baby!” [Thanks to martai for clearing all of Icky's poorly audible speech up!]  Leo starts to pull the trigger and Ren jumps in front of V-icky, taking the bullet Leo meant for her.  Leo takes advantage of the further chaos to race off with Eva as hostage.  The cops race after him.   Gg calls 911 for Ren right away.  (Now that is a switch!)

Outside, Leo forces Eva behind Dan’s blue Vette to keep from getting shot.  Eva tells him to let her go because he’ll never get away with this.  He tells her his only crime was loving her.  Eva screams back that he doesn’t love anybody but himself!    Let me go!  You killed my father and caused my sister to lose her baby.  He admits he had to because Ali threatened to tell her all about it.  Suddenly Dan’s out there trying to be the voice of reason.  (You’ve got to be kidding!  He’s a walking bulls-eye in black and blond!)  “--Let her go!”   Leo threatens to send him to the next life.

Back inside the manse,  the ambulance is on the way, but not soon enough for the remorseful Renata.    Icky cries and holds Ren’s head.  “--Why?”  Ren says she couldn’t allow her to be lost again.  Now, she says, it’s time she and her mother have a chance together.   It was all her fault the two were apart all those years.    Julio tries to keep her hanging on.  Ren tells him she loved him in silence and is taking that love with her as a comfort.  Don’t let her death be in vain, she pleads with Icky.  The three hold hands.  V-icky promises.   Renata dies in her arms.  Julio bends down and closes her eyes. 

Dan’s still outside trying to make a crazy man see reason.  “Let her go.  You’ve already caused enough harm!”  Leo’s answer is a bullet in Dano’s shoulder.  Dan falls to the ground.    Eva screams.  One of the cops kneecaps Leo. (oofda!)  Eva manages to escape and races over to Dan as a second bullet hits  Leo in the gut.  (Now that would be a fitting way for Leo to leave us all, considering both shots are some of the most painful to endure.  A gut wound is supposed to be one of the most painful ways to die, but maybe the adrenaline keeps him from feeling anything.  Viewerville would hope not, considering.)  The cops keep shooting and wounding him.  Leo keeps shooting back.  Eventually he’s hit from the back by a cop in an SUV and falls dead to the ground. 

Eva finds Dan hiding behind a car and begs forgiveness. Dan wants her to forgive him also.  They profess their love for each other and agree they’re going to be happy together from here on out. 

Time passes and Renata’s buried.  All the remaining good guys attend her funeral.  She will be missed.

In another part of the city, Mad Marci is wandering the streets aimlessly and crying as she reads the big article in the newspaper about Leo’s dying in the big shootout.  “‘’Nooo!  It has to be a mistake!”    It’s all Eva’s fault, damn her!  She’ll pay!

After the funeral Icky comes back to the boarding house with the others and apologizes to him, Eva, and Laurita.    Eva and Dan agree that there’s nothing to be gained by keeping grudges.  Icky says well, she knows what she did and realizes  her daddy was right.  She invented a love that really wasn’t there.  She and Dan really were never in love. and it was only a deep friendship and affection.  Eva never robbed her of anything since it never existed in the first place.  Most of all she want to apologize to Laurita for being the meanest of all to her and for never learning how to love her.  She couldn’t since she didn’t know how to love herself first.  She was a witch and Laurita was right that evil witches have no reason to be loved.  Laurita says she forgives her also.  Icky then tells them that the next day her mother and father are taking her somewhere that she can stay for a while and get the help she needs.  But she’s also ready to go to jail if need be since she’s the one, she says, who caused Sabrina's misfortune.

That night Pablito’s crying.  Eva comes in to see what the problem is.  Marci slams the door shut behind Eva and locks her in.  She’s brought a jug of gasoline and lit candles for her return visit. “--Now you’re going to see what I’m capable of!  I have a surprise for you!” She enjoys Eva’s panic and starts to cackle.  She pour gas everywhere.   “--The guards aren’t going to be able to do anything for you,  no more than any of the others, like Gustavo, Bruno and Rosaura!”  “--You killed them?” “--Sure, anybody who got to be a nuisance for me or who tricked me.”  “--You’re a monster, Marcela!”  No, she says, Eva is because she ruined all her plans once she came into her home!   Eva forced her to poison Julio and she managed to turn her son against her!!    “--You’re to blame for all my problems and I hate you, damn you!!  My son died because of you!  He suffered because of you!! You took everything away from me--my home, my family...EVERYTHING!”  Marci takes a candle and sets te room on fire.  Eva keeps screaming for Tilde or somebody to help her. 

The smoke alarm goes off and Tilde runs into the hall and hears the commotion inside the room.  The door is locked!  Eva’s trapped and there’s smoke seeping out from the fire.    Tilde runs off to get help.  Inside Marci blocks Eva from getting to the door and holds a burning candle out as a weapon.  She screams that she’s going to burn her and her son alive along with herself.  Not Daniel, not anybody will be able to help her now!  Eva’s her guest of honor to Hell! 

Back at the boarding house, the other detective comes by to tell them he thinks he’s found Tony.    It turns out Tony was shot and left unconscious a number of days back.    They transferred him to critical care unit at he hospital and he’s been hospitalized ever since.  They were able to identify him from the picture they left with him when they made out the MP report. 

The fire is getting worse.  Suddenly Tilde has the key and unlocks the door.  (Hmm.  That was simple enough.   You didn't think of that, did you Marci?  We’ll give you a pass since you’ve been a bit out of it recently.)  Tilde grabs the baby from Eva’s arms as she runs to the open door.  Marci manages to grab Eva and drag her back into the burning room, though.    They wrestle and Eva manages to push Marci off her.  Marci slips and falls just as a burning beam drops down from the ceiling.  Marci doesn’t care.  She screams again how much she hates Eva.  She’s got no reason to live now.  Dan races in and grabs Eva away from the flames.  There’s nothing he can do to save Marcela.

Suddenly Marci see’s Leo beckoning her through the flames.  She says it’s Eva’s fault that her he turned against her.  He is the thing she loves most in her life.  Leo keeps beckoning to her (no doubt he’s asking her to join him in Hell where I’m sure they’re both to be honored and permanent residents).  Suddenly a glass and wood shelf falls on her and she’s swallowed up by the flames.  (Yep, one toasted, creamy marshmallow.  Snacks, anyone?)  

Across town, Ric and Justa visit Tony in the hospital and explain why they hadn’t been there for him earlier.  They’d found him unconscious, wounded and without any I.D.  Tony asks Ric to bring him back a certain envelope from his room.  He asks Justa to have Eva, Dan, and Alicia to come together and listen to what he has to tell  them.  

The next day the papers don’t have anything on Marcela Arismendi, but Giorgio gives the girls at the ad agency the scoop about all the others that Eva confirmed Marci had murdered,  like Bruno in Miami, etc.  “--Who’d a thunk it?!”   Across the way, Dan and Eva are chatting and walking arm in arm.  Once the house is repaired,  Julio’s selling it.  Dan says great, and then he and she will go house-hunting for themselves.   He tells her that Jackie and Franc are getting married the month after their wedding.  Just then Ali rushes in with news about Tony and his needing to speak to the three of them.  He was finally found, and was in the hospital  after Leo shot him.  They race over to see him.  

Outside, Lil is arrested for planning Laurita and Eva’s kidnapping.

A bit later, Tony tells Eva, Alicia and Dan that he has more reasons to ask for their forgiveness.  He admits to Ali that he tried blackmailing Eva when she was wanted for stealing the twenty-five grand.  Eva was right to call him a thief since he threatened to harm Ali and turn her into the police if she didn’t give him 10 thou of it.  He tells Dan that he was the one Leo had paid to call him about the car part as a way to split Eva and him up before the wedding. Then Tony takes out the envelope with all the secret photos of Leo and Eva in bed, and then tells them that Leo had drugged and undressed her without her knowing it in order to take them.  Ali is mad at first, but then forgives him.  She promises to help him turn over a new leaf, because he’s the only guy who’ll ever make her happy.

At the same time, Justa, Julio and V-icky, now in innocent white, arrive at the mental hospital.  The doctor says she’ll be able to rejoin society in no time at all.   They’re all going to try to do their best to learn from their mistakes and become a happy familial entity of …some sort.

Later, they visit Lili in jail.  She begs Eva to convince Dan to drop the charges against her.  It was all V-icky’s fault anyway.  She confused her.    Eva remind her that there was someone who called to give Vic advice, and that somebody was Lil.  She agrees to tell them the whole truth (no doubt the Lileach version) if they’d just drop the charges.  I think from the way they look at the scuffs on their shoes it’s going to be all broken nails and split ends for Lil from now on.

Time passes as the wedding approaches.  Lots of celebs will be attending.  Ali tells her that Tony went to the college and told them the truth about what he’d done to force her entrance.  They have allowed her to re-register and so she’s going back to school. Dan comes in with another surprise.  It’s outside.  They go out and it’s the same type of car he gave her the first time he proposed and he has the same engagement ring, also.  He kept it after Ali returned it to him.

Marisol’s songs hit the top of the charts. 

Adriancito gets accepted into the same private prep school as Laurita on a scholarship.

The wedding day is finally here.  Dan and Laurita have a quick father-daughter chat before they head for the church and Laurita learns that  Pablito is her little brother.

Franc locks his keys in the car and we get a shameless plug for On-Star.

Outside the church, Eva says a prayer to the virgencita for teaching her how to overcome her troubles, bringing her mother back to her, and for giving her Daniel, the most wonderful man on Earth.

Dan also prays to the vircencita to thank her for returning his children to him and for giving him Eva who he promises to make the happiest woman in the world.

Franc’s the best man.  Jackie’s the maid of honor.  Julio walks Eva down the aisle.  Deb and Ali put the bands around them   Laurita surprises everyone by singing the Ave Maria.  Dan and Eva promise eternal love to each other and kiss.  Once the ceremony’s over we get no reception, only aerial views of the amusement park they visit on their honeymoon. 

Well, never were two people more made for each other, or deserving of each other, than these two--and you can take that anyway you like.



Monday, April 11, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #291-292 4/11/11 Weddings, Flowers, Hugs, Photos, Te amo’s. Just not from the same people.

Capitulo 291.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Irma, Juana and Marta alert Fernando that Lety’s free. Irma knows Lety can only be happy by Fern’s side. Sara and Lola warn Aldo that Lety canceled the wedding. He should hurry so Fern doesn’t swoop in.

2. Aldo says Lety loves him and she’s just throwing a tantrum right now, so he’ll wait until she calms down. “I know she loves me. If she decides to be with Fern, that means she doesn’t really love me. And there is nothing one can do against that.” (How’s that for double-speak?) Then I think he says, “Everything that one loves, he loves, and I love Lety.” (Geesh! Even little candy hearts are more profound than that!)

3. Fernando almost seizes the opportunity but decides that declaring his intentions ten minutes after Lety broke her engagement might be rushing things a tad. Aldo painfully ponders, “My love for you is immense, as big as the ocean.”

4. MamaJ asks Fern if an engaged man can have a another woman as a friend? That’s what Aldo said about the picture. Fern says it would normally indicate infidelity, but Aldo isn’t normal. It pains him to admit Lety loves Aldo, and they should help them reconcile. Mama is very moved by his sacrifice.

5. MamaJ and Fern find Aldo and Carmina embracing. Before they can say anything, Aldo says, “Nothing I say can convince you.” Carmina tries to explain, but Aldo tells her it’s pointless. Carmina says she told Aldo to explain PV to Lety, but he didn’t want to. Aldo tells MamaJ that if he had any doubts about his love for Lety, he’d scram. He’s ready to dedicate his whole life to making her happy.

6. Lola tells the cuartel Efren hasn’t made any court-ordered payments, and the court will take action.

7. Fern brings Lety the flowers someone sent. Lety runs to thank Aldo, but he says he didn’t send them. The card reads, “The love that distrusts is not love, and I need yours to continue living. –Aldo.” Aldo isn’t happy. But he says Fern did it so they’d be happy.

8. Jaimito says he doesn’t want to live with his birth father. He wants to stay with Saimon.

9. Fern tells Lety what Carmina said. He has resigned himself to his loss. He sent the flowers because all he wants is for Lety to be happy. And she loves Aldo, right?

10. Lety hears Aldo tell Girardo he can’t recover his restaurant. He doesn’t have the cash because they can’t complete the TV show. Lety says Fern convinced her that Aldo isn’t involved with Carmina. Aldo does not look happy at this turn of events.

Capitulo 292.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Rather than being happy that the love of his life has come back, Aldo scolds Lety for not believing him. He says his priority is her happiness. But he’s pensive when she hugs him.

2. Jax calls Fern to demand that Aurora return. Just then, Aurora calls him to say she’s ready to return. Fern wonders why, just as Aldo walks in and demands the remaining $1.5M of the debt. Fern puts it together. He says they can restart filming today.

3. Several days later, Saimon and Paula get married. Fern tells Omar he’s an idiot for moping about Caro, when she’s never mentioned another man. He needs to confront her rather than spend his life not knowing.

4. Lety tells Caro the TV show is finished, no one discovered Aurora, and she’ll never again appear (8 times).

5. Ali says loudly that their wedding wasn’t low class like this one. Paula screeches that it’s better to have a basic wedding than to be driven to bankruptcy by trying to show off (presumir). Efren and Jaz arrive, and Lola screeches at him for letting his children starve.

6. Fern hands Lety his jacket while he carries sodas. The smell reminds her of when she fell in love. His wallet falls out. She finds the Auroralety picture and knows that he knows. As she tells Tom, Fern walks in and asks what’s up. See the transcript. I LOVE this scene! What a man! He tells her that he protected her secret.

7. She’s almost crying, so he tries seven ways to Sunday to cheer her up. They laugh about Lety and Aurora signing the contract, and when they almost caught her when they lost the keys. She gets sad again because she was so mean to Omar, so Fern changes the subject again. He speculates what would happen if Omar knew Aurora was Lety, and he makes her laugh again. Aldo arrives and jealously drags her away.

8. Fern and Lety lock Caro and Omar in the room. Caro charges that he’s a mujeriego incapable of a serious relationship.

9. Tom gives the newlyweds a honeymoon in Acapulco. They drive away. The police arrive to arrest Efren.

Spanish Lesson. Lety Discovers What Fernando Discovered.

L: You’re right. It’s very strange that DonF hasn’t said anything. Why didn’t he tell everyone?
Tom: Well, you should ask him.
L: But how can I ask him? Am I going to say, “DonF, you need to explain to me..”
F: (Fernando walks in.) What? What do you want me to explain to you? (She hides the wallet behind her back.) What do you have in your hand? Why are you hiding it? What’s up? The right hand? (empty) The left hand? (empty) It’s magic!
Tom: C’mon, Lety. (Moves DonF in front of Lety) Show him. (Fern looks apprehensive. Lety holds up Fern’s wallet. Smiles nervously.)
L: There’s 500 pesos.
F: What? Do you need money? (Fern is broke but he opens his wallet to give her money.)
L: No, no, no. (In his wallet, Fern realizes the Aurora/Lety photo is missing. He panics. Lety holds out the picture. Fern snickers nervously.)
F: What’s so strange about drawing glasses on a photo?
L: Not to mention XG and braces. (Tom excuses himself.) Tell me the truth, DonF. Do you already know that.. the photo, with braces and glasses drawn in..
F: Oh! You think that I know that .. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t know.
L: Enough, DonF. Do you know or don’t you? You know, don’t you?
F: Yes, Aurora Doña Lety.
L: Don Fernando… I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know how to apologize.

F: (in his compassionate voice) Look, Doña Lety. Forget about it. You have nothing to explain, because I understand very well why you did it.
L: You do??
F: Yes. It wasn’t long ago that I realized it, but I kept the secret so it wouldn’t provoke a serious problem with Domensolin (and Lety doesn’t flinch).
L: Ay, DonF. Muchas grácias. Grácias de verdad. (She hugs him. His face expresses not euphoria like times past, but responsible concern. He kisses her hair with intensity, then gently separates them.)
F: That’s not all. You’re my boss. I should protect you because that’s what you did when you were my assistant, right? Ya. Tranquila. (He knows she’s sad; he does everything he can think of to cheer her up, and panics when she almost starts crying. The Prime Directive kicks in.) Enough of that. Tell me something. How did you do it, the day of the contract signing with Jacques? You appeared as Aurora, then Lety, then Aurora. Think about that instead. How did you do it? (He’s laughing, try to get her to laugh).
L: I don’t want to remember. It was the worst day of my life.


Eva Luna #109 Fri 4/8/11

Eva and Leo join Justa and Julio at the hospital. Julio tells them that Victoria is in a coma. She was running from the police and lost control of the vehicle. He then tells Leo that Justa is Victoria’s real mother. What asks Leo? Julio tells him that Renata didn’t tell anyone this secret for years. But he’ll explain more about it later. Eva confesses to Leo that Renata told her everything, but felt that it was best that he heard it from Julio instead. Leo says he can’t believe that Victoria’s not his sister. Julio says he finds that comment odd. Victoria told him and Justa that Leo is the one that told her she was adopted.

Renata admits to Tia that she stole Victoria from her sister and gave her to Marcella.

Leo admits that he told her, but thought that Marcella only told him that when Victoria was going crazy. I completely forgot about it. Well Victoria didn’t says Julio. She went to visit Marcella in jail to find out. And Marcella confirmed it. But there’s another thing. Your mother did not adopt Victoria, she and Renata stole her. They did it because Victoria is my daughter and Justa’s.

Tony is waiting for a delivery.

Jackie tells herself not to believe in Francisco. She remembers his kiss and then his apology for kissing her.

Francisco tells Laurita that he told Jackie how much he loves her and needs her, but she didn’t believe him. Laurita says she’s just scared. Of what asks Francisco? Laurita says Jackie told her once that he made her believe that he cared for her then went back to Marisol. You’re an idiot. Francisco says he was confused but knows he’s sure that he wants to be with Jackie. Laurita tells him he has to prove to her that he really loves her. How he asks. I don’t know replies Laurita.

Tony’s delivery guy finally arrives. They give each other the stink eye. Tony wants to know what took so long for him to get out. The bad guy just asks if he’s Tony. Yes replies Tony. The bad guy says I’m not here to do a delivery. Then what are you here for asks Tony. The bad guy pulls out a gun.

Leo and Eva can’t believe what Renata has done. Julio tells Eva he realizes everything that Victoria has done to her. He is not excusing her behavior but he and Justa want to ask her a favor. If the good lord sees fit to save Victoria would she consider dropping all charges against her? Please? I will make sure that my daughter seeks the help that she needs. Of course replies Eva. I can’t deny you anything. You have always been good to me. The doctor arrives to tell them that they moved Victoria to a private room. Justa asks if Victoria is out of the coma. Has she woken up?

Tony says if you are going to kill me then tell me who paid you. Of course I’m going to tell you. Its part of my job replies the bad guy. It was El Gallo right asks Tony. The bad guy laughs and says El Gallo has nothing to do with this. Then who asks Tony.

The doctor informs Justa that her daughter is still in a coma. Justa gets upset. Leo pretends to care. Julio wants to see her.

Tony asks if it was Leo. Of course it was says Tony. The bad guy says he has a message from Leo. That nobody makes a fool of him and lives to tell says the bad guy. Tony grabs the gun and they struggle.

Alicia has a bad dream and wakes up yelling Tony’s name. She feels bad for being ugly with him.

Eva asks if Victoria will recuperate soon. The doctor doesn’t know. Julio begs him to do whatever. Justa cries at her bedside.

Alicia holds the bear that Tony gave her and recalls the time Tony gave it to her. She remembers him telling her that he loves her and her child. And that he wants to marry her. Alicia acknowledges that Tony has been good to her but perhaps it’s too late.

Tony and the bad guy are still struggling for the gun. Tony kicks him and grabs him by the throat. They keep struggling and Tony kicks him again. More struggling and the gun goes off. The bad guy is hit.

Tia asks Renata that she and Justa are sisters. Yes replies Renata. And you still did what you did asks Tia. I know what I did was wrong replies Renata. And everything that Victoria has done is mostly my fault. I should never have denied her the right to grow up next to her real mother. Marcella used Victoria for her own purposes says Tia. Yes agrees Renata. And none of that would have happened had not allowed it. But I swear I have repented.

The bad guy gets shot in the stomach. Tony freaks out and looks like he wants to help him. The bad guy reaches for the gun and as Tony runs off shoots at him.

Tia tells Renata she is no one to judge her. For years she was the one who caused her nieces not to know their mother. I know what it is to repent and ask for forgiveness. I appreciate your words replies Renata, but at least you know that Eva and Alicia are happy. But I think my repentance arrived too late. Don’t say that says Tia. My sister is suffering in the hospital while her daughter lies in a coma. Tia suggests that they pray together for Victoria to be saved.

Tony is still running with the bad guy chasing him and firing his gun.

Leo is still playing the good guy card and telling Julio that even though he and Victoria are not blood related he will always love her like a sister. Julio tells him how happy that makes him and that love should never change. Julio tells Leo that he always made sure that he loved them both the same so that they would be raised like real siblings. Leo assures Julio that while growing up he always felt that Julio loved him like he was his real son. Just like Victoria. Eva tells Julio that she’s taking Justa to get some fresh air. As they leave, Daniel and Liliana arrive.

Tony is running for his life and hides in some trees. The bad guy finds him though and points the gun to his head. Tony knows his numbers up but makes a run for it anyway. The bad guy hits him in the back of the head with the gun and tells him he’s now going to die.

Daniel and Liliana come to find out how Victoria is doing. Leo gets his angry face on and wants to find out what Daniel is doing there. Julio tells him to calm down. Daniel is still Victoria’s husband and he has the right to know what’s going on with her. Leo says he the reason that Victoria has lost her mind. Daniel says that’s not true. Leo gets in Daniel’s face and says she wouldn’t be in that bed if you hadn’t asked her for a divorce. And you also pressed charges against her. You don’t care what happens to her.

Deborah tells her assistant that she worries about her daughters. Eva is marrying a man she doesn’t love. Then Alicia is pregnant and is scared for anyone to know who the father of her baby is.

Liliana the fake tells Leo how awful she feels about what’s going on with Victoria. Leo the fake tells her to pray. I have been since I found out replies Liliana. Daniel asks Julio if he could speak with Victoria’s doctor. Of course replies Julio. That way I can explain to you what Justa is doing here. I figured she was here with Eva says Daniel. No, replies Julio. Justa is Victoria’s real mother. Daniel is muy impactado.

Liliana asks Leo if what his dad said was true. Yes says Leo. Victoria is really my father and Justa’s daughter. You won’t even imagine the rest of the story.

More struggling with the gun. Tony gets away again.

After Tia and Renata finish praying they are going to retire when Tia asks if Renata knows if Alicia’s awake. Renata says she was still asleep when she checked on her awhile back. Tia is worried that she hasn’t eaten especially in her delicate states. What do you mean asks Renata? Tia tells her that Alicia is pregnant. Renata promises to watch over her. Tia asks her if she knows who could be the father of Alicia’s baby. Renata says she doesn’t have a clue.

Liliana can’t believe the story that Leo just told her about Victoria’s being stolen from her real mother after birth. Leo also tells her that Eva agreed to marry him in a week. Liliana tells him that Daniel has extended his offer for her to live at his house. Now all that needs to happen is for Victoria to die so that Daniel becomes a widow, Eva stays married to you and Daniel proposes marriage to me. Leo is happy that she agreed to take this job. They give each other a celebratory kiss. Victoria wakes up and sees this. She is horrified just like we are.

Renata wonders who the father of Alicia baby is.

Liliana and Leo keep planning on how to keep Eva and Daniel apart. Unfortunately for them Victoria hears all this.

Tony appears at El Gallo’s office.

Julio tells Justa he just finished telling Daniel everything. He has also agreed to drop all charges. Justa thanks him. Daniel says if it wasn’t for Eva who knows what would have happened. Liliana tells Daniel that seeing Victoria has dropped her sugar levels. Would he accompany her to the cafeteria? Of course replies Daniel. Eva is jealous.

Renata recalls the scene she came across of Leo and Alicia making out. Renata says Leo is the father.

Tony tells El Gallo that Leo sent out a hit man to kill him.

Victoria realizes that both Leo and Liliana betrayed her. But when I get out, I will seek revenge against them both.

El Gallo asks Tony if he’s sure. Yes, especially now that I know Leo is the one that asked for this favor. El Gallo can’t believe it. And he’s really upset.

Daniel asks Liliana if she’s feeling better. Once I drink the juice I will says Liliana. But I have to tell you something. When you left the room with Julio, Leo told me that he and Eva are going to get married in a week. Don’t you see, Eva doesn’t love you.

Daniel tells Liliana that Eva can’t marry Leo. But she is says Liliana. Within a week she will be his wife. Well if she does it’s for pure commitment. She doesn’t love Leo replies Daniel. I hate to tell you this, but I think you are not facing reality replies Liliana. That marriage is wrong says Daniel. What’s wrong is thinking that Eva loves you replies Liliana. Renounce her love. Move on.

Alicia tells Tia that she had a dream that Tony was in danger and died. Tia asks again if Tony is the father of her baby. Alicia assures her he’s not.

Daniel tells Liliana that he will not renounce Eva. Once he proves to Eva that it was Leo and not him who killed her father she’ll cancel the wedding. And how are you going to prove it asks Liliana. I prefer to keep it quiet says Daniel. I understand replies Liliana. But once thing is obvious. Eva is not waiting for your proof. Whether you are innocent or not.

Tony tells El Gallo that he wants to find Leo and finish him himself. El Gallo says don’t you dare. Tony points out that when Leo finds out he’s still alive he’ll send someone else to do the job. That will not happen. I guarantee it replies El Gallo. Right now just stay hidden. Leo betrayed me and now it’s my turn to take the next step.

Laurita is talking on the phone with Adrian over the Jackie/Francisco situation. There’s a shadow in the hallway listening to Laurita talk.

Marcella says tomorrow she will leave this prison.

Renata brings Alicia her supper and tells her she wants to talk about her pregnancy.

Laurita gets off the phone quickly because Francisco overheard her conversation with Adrian. He tells her that anyone can hear her conversation. He closes the door. He has a plan and needs her help. Laurita is all ears.

Alicia wants to know how Renata found out. Your aunt told me replies Renata. She asked me to help take care of you. Who would have thought Renata taking care of me replies Alicia. Life takes many unexpected turns says Renata. Yes agrees Alicia. I know that you and Justa are sisters and what happened with Victoria. Believe me I am very remorseful of all that says Renata. And of the way I treated Eva when she worked here. And the way I treated you all when you came to live here. For all that I ask you to forgive me. Well I also behaved pretty badly says Alicia. So don’t worry. Anyway what did you want to talk to me about my pregnancy? Renata drops the bomb that she knows Leo is the father of her baby.

Alicia asks Renata where she got that. Renata says one day Tony came looking for her and when I came to tell you Leo was here. So? What’s wrong with that? We were talking says Alicia. You weren’t talking, you were making love says Renata. Finally Alicia says that Leo is the father of her baby. She begs Renata not to say anything. She is the only one that knows.

Jackie asks Laurita if she knew that Francisco was in that restaurant and was going to declare himself. No replies Laurita.

Renata tells Alicia that she should have told them the same day that the engagement was announced. I was going to do that says Alicia. So what happened asks Renata. Leo threatened to kill me replies Alicia. That can’t be says Renata. I will talk to him. He has to clarify this says Renata. Alicia begs her not to say anything. She says Leo asked her for a couple of days to tell Eva. They are going to tell her together.

Jackie gets onto Laurita for tricking her. She doesn’t want to believe in Francisco. Laurita says he really loves her. FFà

Marcella meets her new attorney.

Justa is sleeping in a chair. Victoria wakes up and remembers hearing the news for the first time. Justa sees her awake.

Daniel recalls Liliana words that Leo and Eva are marrying in a week. Eva comes in to bring him a contract. Daniel asks Eva why she accepted to marry Leo within a week. Whatever the reason, I want you to tell me. Look me in the eyes and say it.

Leo arrives at work and is greeted by El Gallo and friends. El Gallo tells him that the job didn’t go well last night and something bad happened to Tony. Leo says that sucks. El Gallo says that they need to talk about that.

Eva says she doesn’t have to give him explanations. Daniel says you can’t marry him. Eva tells Daniel he is no one to prohibit her. Daniel tells her he’s not prohibiting her, he’s begging her with his soul , with his heart. I love you. No, don’t tell me this says Eva. Don’t do it says Daniel. I’m begging you for our son, our love. Don’t get married.

Monday: Finale. Will Leo get what's coming to him? Will Marcella actually leave the prison, and if she does how will she end up? Will Eva find out that Leo is the father of Alicia's baby? Will Daniel find out everything about Liliana? Will Victoria get revenge against both Leo and Liliana? Will Tony and Alicia get together? Will the true killer (Leo) be brought to justice? Will Daniel and Eva get together? Find out the answers to all this and more. Tune in tomorrow night.


Saturday, April 09, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #88 4/8/11 Jimena Goes Slip-Slidin’ Away; Maria’s Outed To Max; More Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes Ahead at Casa de Modas

As we return to life in the passing lane, Max learns from Private Eye Lady that the picture of little Maria was taken at an orphanage school, and that she was never adopted.  Max takes the big mental leap and assumes that since the orphanage moved to the D.F. years ago, his “sister” (Ugh! I don’t like the sound of that) may still live there in the city.

Maria Desamparada (said “sister” and lover) is currently on the rooftop of the vecindad, taking her dry laundry off the clotheslines.  The two Jarocha’s approach her to hawk some new maternity clothing.  Maria politely declines as she’s saving her spare centavos for the baby.  (These two old hags are like Vampires with no fear of sunlight!)  They continue to stalk her.  They badger and wheedle Maria, hoping to persuade her, but she hangs tough. 

Downstairs on street level, Alonso has come by to take her to dinner.  He walks on in and seeing she isn’t there, he gets creative.    A few minutes later he’s got some sort of surprise up on her wall.

At the same time at the Scandal-val manse, Victoria enters Fernanda’s room to see how Brat-Baby is doing.  Who knows? Maybe BB will deign to allow her a civil mother-daughter chat.  Fer is snide, but Vicki has all the answers this time.  Yes, Vicki has come bearing gifts and says it’s time she tells Fer what it is that has been causing her so much emotional pain. She then confesses her hidden past to her daughter: how she worked long ago as a housekeeper, how she had an affair with the wrong guy, how she had a daughter afterwards, and then how that other daughter went missing during a car accident that nearly killed Vic.  Vicki gives Fer her sister’s rag doll as a reminder that she’s still (like the Truth) out there, somewhere.  Fer reconciles with Vicki now and encourages her mother to continue looking for her long lost sister.  They share a big hug and lots of tears.  (Perhaps  Brat-Baby’s learned a bit of humility since her Humpty-Dumpty do over?)

Back on the roof-top, Maria is backing away from the Jarochas who are trailing after her like something from Day of the Living Dead.  She suddenly falls backwards down a couple of stairs.  Oh noes!  (Excuse me for being so critical when our heroine has nearly bought the farm on those darned stairs, but you’d think Maria would know enough by now to trade in those 5” platforms for a good pair of flats!)  Luckily, Lonnie-boy’s there to catch her--like an ever- faithful knight in rusting armor.  They stare meaningfully into each other’s eyes as the gossips upstairs worry about what might have happened.  (Unfortunately for Lon, his definition of meaningful does not match Maria’s.  More’s the pity, because Max and Co. are such undeserving LOSERS!)

Later, at the restaurant, Maria thanks Lonnie-Boy for the (still unseen and most mysterious) gift.  She tells him how much she appreciates the way he’s always so cheerful and optimistic about life.  Just then Max and Jimena arrive.  (Nix the cheer and optimism.)   An angry thunder cloud forms around Jimena’s head as both couples notice each other from across the room. Max is heartbroken when he sees Maria sitting there with the competition.   Lonnie and Maria anticipate the worst and Jimena does not disappoint.   

In the barrio once more, X-Padre Juan Pablo, Milagros, Nat, Cruz, Napo and Juanjo have just finished dinner.  They discuss coaching ball for the orphans to keep them off the streets and from getting into mischief.  Nat mentions she thinks JJ is a hero for all he does with kids, and she gives him a quick peck on the cheek before running off.  JP leaves right after.  Up walks Don Joel with a bouquet of flowers for Millie.  Napo is very jealous.  Cruz and JJ rib him about it later.  (Yawn.) FF>>

Back at the restaurant, Jimeana immediately starts whining to Max about Maria’s being there and their having to be in the same restaurant as “that imbecile female”.  Yes and she’s been lying about Jimmie and insulting her in the dressing room at work!  Max can’t find a crack in the floor large enough or near enough to crawl into.  He lowers his voice (a hint as broad as a barn) and begs her to nix the (disturbingly high-pitched, high-volume kvetching and) the insults.  That, of course, just sets her off even more.  She raises her voice to an even more irritatingly high and very audible level. “--Oh, so now you’re going to defend her?  YOUR LOVER! YOUR GOING TO DEFEND YOUR LOVER INSTEAD OF YOUR WIFE?  YOU’RE GOING TO HUMILIATE ME, NOW, EH?  I. AM. THE. MOTHER. OF. YOUR. CHILD.”   (Honest to gawd, I think even fingernails on a blackboard would sound better to me than her voice about now!)  Max futilely whispers to her not to raise her voice and to avoid making the kinds of scenes she usually does.  (Of course, he might as well have spit in the wind.)  Anyway, he points out, she chose the restaurant, not him! So, if she doesn’t like it they can leave.  Ji says she isn’t about to give Maria that pleasure!  She’s staying right where she is, thank you very much! 

Across the room, Lonnie asks Maria if she’s uncomfortable enough to want to leave.  Maria admits she feels awkward, but he’s given her the courage to stick it out there.  Lonnie sighs a love-sick sigh and flirtatiously tells hers that when she tells him something like that he just melts.  She pauses and stares away.  He asks what’s up.  She says being there with him reminds her of the times she was with Max.  Lon asks if she’s still in love with Max.  Maria admits she is, like she’s never loved anybody else in her life!  (Ok.  Viewerville will overlook the fact that the girl was brought up by nuns, was a virgin who had never dated till she and Max got together, and that Max was her first and only experience with Love.)   

Max leaves to take a call. Jimmie takes advantage of the time alone to pop a few more pills and down them with her martini.  Maria and Lonnie watch this.  He’s totally disgusted with the scene.  “-The woman is so selfish that her own child doesn’t even matter to her!”   

Max returns and stops Jimmie from going over to Maria’s table and making another scene.   Max and Maria spend the evening making goo goo eyes at each other.

After dinner, up in their bedroom, Ji is still harassing Max about Maria being at the restaurant.  Max reminds her that he didn’t pick the restaurant.  She insists he must have told Maria where they were going.  He denies it and asks her to stop and think how he feels seeing the woman he loves out with another man.   Ji pounds the bed.  “--Do you have to say that all the time?”  “--Well, it’s true.” “--The woman doesn’t love you!  Look how quickly she exchanged you for another young and handsome rich guy!” Suddenly the alarm bells go off in Max’s noggin.  He wants to know how long ago Ji met Alonso and where.  She says it was a very long time ago and wants to change the subject.  He asks why and mentions they seem to have known each other for years.  Why every time they look at each other do their eyes look full of hatred?  Where were they together and when?  She evades answering. “--I don’t know!  The only thing I know is that I want this thing between you and Maria Desamparada over with already!!”  Max walks out of the room.  Schemeana thinks to herself that she simply has got to get rid of that damned Maria and that kid of hers!  

JP drops by for a late night chat with Maria and Lon after their return from the restaurant.  Maria tells JP how frightened she was that Max might have noticed she was pregnant while they were at the restaurant. She doesn’t want him to find out for anything in the world!  JP tells her the truth always floats up to the top, so she might as well tell him and be free of the added anxiety. Maria refuses and says that’s why she wants to live somewhere else.  Lonnie again offers his house in the boonies.  This time she accepts.    

The next day, Schemena sneaks into the vecindad disguised poorly in huge dark sunglasses, an haut-couture maternity dress, and a poorly matching loud print head scarf (typical telenovela rich woman camouflage gear).   She takes out a reel of thin twine and begins to tie it to the stair rails, till El Alacrán catches her and wants to know what’s up.  She nervously offers him a wad of cash to do it for her instead.  He gladly takes the money and the twine and then merrily finishes the task.

Upstairs on the rooftop, there’s another fight between Millie and the Jarochas a few minutes later.  Maria leaves the fight and starts down the stairs.  She doesn’t see the twine across them and falls head first.  Luckily, Lonnie is there to catch her again.  We get another long meaningful stare between the two of them.  He looks hopeful.  She looks just plum scared.  

In the city at Bleak-Chic Fashions, aka Casa de Victoria BURNIE, Schemeana gripes to Mama Rox about how she has to get rid of Maria so Max won’t find out that Maria is expecting his child. Max is standing at the doorway, listening to Bitchy Big-mouth the whole time, though.  He asks if Maria is really pregnant with his kid.  Jimena lies and says he misunderstood what she said.  Max remembers feeling Maria’s belly in the dressing room, and how he thought he felt something move in there. He tells Jimmie he thinks she’s lying to him. He races out the door and jumps into his little green machine, racing off to Maria’s for confirmation.    Ji and Rox follow him in the car to head him off in traffic, but Max outsmarts them and leaves them in the dust. 

When Max finally makes it to Maria’s place she’s not there.  He notices the huge poster of her modeling a maternity frock and melts into tears at the sight.  He peeks into one of the bedrooms and sees the crib and baby clothes.  More tears.  “--Why didn’t she ever say anything to me?”

At the same time, Bernarda has summoned Vic to her office.  Burnie begins needling Vicki,  with a basic "the more things change the more they stay the same." Here they are again: Burnie large and in charge and Vic taking orders.  Vic says the insults aren’t working.  She’s proud of what she was able to do with her life and she’s never denied her humble beginnings.  “--Not many could have done what I did: to start with nothing and end up the queen of fashion.”  (Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Burnie!) Burnarda says nice thought, but it was a waste.  “--I’m personally seeing to it that not a trace of your heroic deeds remain.  Today I took the second big step: as of today Casa Victoria ceased to exist.  Today your empire crumbled away completely.  This morning the company name changed. It will be called Casa Bernarda.”  Vicki is frown-to-the-ground impactada: “--You can’t do this!”  “--Now nothing remains of what you had to be proud of.  You came out of nothing and to nothing you will return.”

At the same time across town, Lon and Maria get back with groceries.   They give us more PSA pronouncements about proper diets for expectant mothers.  Lonnie helps her with a bouquet of flowers and asks if she really wants to leave.  Maria says it’s for the best, so yes.  Max walks out of the baby’s bedroom then and sees the two of them together.  He surprises them with a question. “—The best for who?”  Maria and Max’s eyes lock.  “--Answer me.  The best for who?”  She fibs and says for their impossible love.  He says no, it’s more possible than ever now that she’s expecting his child.  Lonnie steps in and lies for Maria.    It’s really his child, not Max’s.  Max looks at Maria.  “--Is this true?  Is the baby his?”  She’s at a loss for words as Uni breaks for a few shameless ad spots from their sponsors.

As we return from the pause that refreshes, Viewerville is waiting on the edge of their sofas and easy chairs to see if Maria has the courage of her convictions. And...she does not.  Max asks again.  “--Tell me.  Is it mine?  Is the baby mine?”   She folds like a pile of fresh laundry.  “--Alonso has been great to me.  He and I share a dear friendship, but that’s all.”   Max hugs her.  “--I knew it!  It’s mine!”  Lonnie shakes the dirt off his boot in the corner and sucks in his disappointment.  Max asks Maria why she kept quiet about it. Maria explains that she was going to tell him, but that was the day he told her he was going to marry Jimena.  She still should have said something to him, he says.   “—Well, really I wanted to, but it was always your family or Jimena who was always doing something to force us to put a stop to our plans!”  She just wanted to get away from that and to avoid putting his child’s life at risk.  “--Yeah, Jimena runs the risk of losing the baby.”  Lonnie pipes up from the corner.   "That’s only because Jimena doesn’t want anybody’s child, not yours, not anybody’s.” 

Maria warns Max to take care of his child because Jimena is completely crazy [desquiciada].  True, he says, but he’s got her to worry about now also.  It makes sense to him now, he adds, that special shine in her eyes and the glow in her cheeks yadda, yadda.  She begs him to forget about her.  How can she ask him to do that?  It’s his child!  Maria stops beating around the bush.  “--Because there’s no room in your life for me!  It doesn’t matter how much we love each other!  I don’t want you to feel obligated to me,  like it’s some sort of added responsibility!  If it’s certain that we can’t be together, I don’t want to force it!”  Max reminds her that she knows how much he wanted her to have a child of his.  He wants to go away with her.  Nothing else matters now!

Maria refuses.  There are too many people involved now, too many will get hurt, she says.  Jimena could get rid of the baby if the two of them get back together and she couldn’t deal with that guilt.  She begs him to let her go.  He begs her to stick it out with him.  She won’t because he has too many other obligations.  “--They all need you.  Your mother needs you!  Your sister needs you!  The company needs you!  Please let me go to start my life over.”  He asks if she doesn’t love him any longer.  She assures him she loves him more than ever, with all her heart and till the day she dies.  Then why can’t she trust in their love to triumph, he asks again?   Max hugs her and asks to touch her belly.  She says fine. He gets down on his knees and kisses her stomach.  Of course, that’s precisely the moment that Schemeana flies in on her broom.  (She parks it and jumps off.)  “--You miserable wretch!!  How dare you!”  Max wipes his nose with his sleeve and looks guilty as charged. 

Meanwhile, back at the fashion studio, Vicki and the gang mourn over the name change and what it signifies for her.  In walks Bruja Bernarda and shoos them back to work.  Time is money.  Nobody wants to work, then out the door they go.  By the way, where is Max?  Nobody knows.  Better find out.  She won’t tolerate lazy or undisciplined employees.  Maybe he’ll just be the first she gets to sack.

Back at Maria’s modest abode, Jimeana plays the long-suffering wife to the hilt.  Maria just couldn’t keep quiet!  This makes Max curious and he asks just how long she knew Maria was expecting and why she pressured her to keep quiet.  Ji starts screeching again.  She says she’s not seen her let alone pressured her about anything!  She isn't important to her!  Max tells Ji that he marvels at how easily she fakes it all.  How shameless of her to hide this from him!  Well, it’s been all for naught, he adds, because as of today they’re finished!  Nothing and no one is going to stop him from going away with Maria!

“--You’re not leaving me!”  Jimeana yells at Max and then lunges towards Maria, but Max holds her back.  “--Enough!”  Ji circles the table to try again from a less protected angle.  She screams at Maria.  “--Damn you for getting in our way!”  Lonnie now blocks Jimena from attacking Maria.  Jimmie turns on Lon now.  “--You stop interfering!  This doesn’t concern you! What happened between you and me happened a long time ago!  It ended!  It ended and you won’t forgive me!  Because you’re a spurned lover [despechado]!”  Ok. This gets Max’s attention.  “--What are you talking about?”

Jimmie’s rather questionable explanation is that Alonso used to be madly in love with her and still is; but she kicked him to the curb for Max and he’s never gotten over it!  Lon yells back that she’s lying.  He turns to reason with her.  “--For once in your miserable life tell the truth!”   “--You see!  The truth is you hate me!  You hate me! Hate me hate me hate me!  And ever since that moment you’ve been pursuing me, harassing me…offending me!!” She looks over to Max.  “--And you know why?  Because I never loved him the way he loved me!  Yes I cheated on him!  I cheated on him because of you! Because I love you!   Now look at how you repay me! You get involved with this bitch!! [zorra=vixen, whore, bitch]  You can’t believe how I feel seeing you caressing that slut’s [golfa=tart, tramp, slut]  belly!!” 

Maria’s heard enough and makes a lunge at Jimeana.  “--Don’t you dare insult me!”  Max blocks her.  Again, Ji manages to make the other one look guilty of emotional blackmail.  “--Well, you promised and you did it!  You told him!  You wanted to take him away from me.”  Maria won’t let her get away with lying this time, though.  “--I was ready to sacrifice myself for your child, so I would never have told him!”  “--You think I’m going to believe it?  That I’m that stupid? Here you were, right here!  Like a vulture, lying in wait [al acecho] for the right moment!”

Alonso tells Jimena to nix the insults.  Jimena turns around and tells him to stuff it. She turns back to Max and whines that he prefers Maria’s child to hers.   Max insists he feels responsible for both children and that they both deserve his love and protection.   Jimmie starts to threaten him again if he leaves her for Maria.  Max doesn’t care at this point and tells her enough of the little scenes she’s so good at causing.  This sham is over! He won’t forgive her for not telling him about Maria’s pregnancy.  She begs him to reconsider.  They got married and planned to raise their child together.  If Maria wants to sacrifice herself, then let her!  He tells her she’s so wrong about that, and what’s more, he’s going to start the divorce proceedings that very day!  He turns to Maria and tells her to wait for him to return.  He’ll be back for her later, he says, and he walks out the door.  

Jimena tries running after Max, but Lon grabs her by the arm and stops her.  He drags her into the other room and bawls her out.  “--Stop ruining other people’s lives!  If I didn’t tell Max the truth just then it’s only because I really do have a heart!”  He leaves to go back and join Maria.  Jimmie comes out, points an accusatory finger at them, and warns them that the death of her child is on their conscience.  She storms out the front door and tries to catch up with Max. Maria breaks down into tears.  Lonnie lends his shoulder most willingly.

Max storms away to his car and starts the engine.  Jimena comes out, see’s Mama motion her in the right direction and races to his car.  She tries to get in or catches her belt or maybe she purposely wrapps her seatbelt around her hand  somehow.  (I couldn't really tell what she could have wrapped it around or whether she didn't crack the door open.)   Anyway, as he pulls out and drives off she is pulled to the ground.  Max doesn’t notice because she’s fallen out of his range of sight, and because the street noise and the rumble of the engine drown out her panicky screams.  Roxi watches in horror as her daughter is dragged on her back along the street behind Max’s car. (If it were anybody else, Viewerville would have been horrified, too.  As it’s Jimeana we’re dealing with, Viewerville just sits back and watches the fun.)  Suddenly a car races up from behind and screeches to a halt as the driver slams on the breaks to avoid running over Jimena.  Max hears the screech and stops the car.  He gets out and sees Jimena lying unconscious behind his car.   Roxi races over screaming “Mi hija-a-a!”.  Max checks to see if Jimmie’s   still breathing and yells at Rox to call for an ambulance.  It seems that Jimena may have nine lives also.  If we’re lucky she may be on #9 and down for the count. 


El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of April 11, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

REINA - viernes
Oh dear, Teresa's desire to avoid hurting innocent people turns out really badly. A super powerful episode.

Mohammed manages to call his mother from his cell phone but he can't say anything and she hangs up.

Dris meets with Don Epifanio. He says that he believes Teresa is running from her past and can't return to Mexico so that is where he wants to be. Don Epifanio plays innocent and claims that he knows nothing bad about Teresa. She was like a daughter to him. He sends Dris to Culiacán with Batman to find Teresa's enemies.

Flores can't get anything out of the boat guy (Mario). He lets him go saying that since there is a war between Teresa and the Turks she took the business from, he is a 'dead man walking' (cadáver con patas).

Oleg tells Patty and Teresa that he can't get involved because it could start a war. Then he gets a call confirming that Mohamed is in the hands of some crazy Turks. Mohamed's cell phone is found by his captors. Oleg promises to do what he can to help Teresa.

Teresa tells Fátima that Mohammed was taken by her enemies. Fátima wants to know what Teresa is involved in. She tells Fátima that she is involved in drug running. Fátima asks why, after both of her two men were killed in that business, she would get involved in it. Teresa replies that she didn't seek it. Circumstances keep getting her involved in it. She tells Fátima that she brought her and Mohamed to Spain because she loves them, wanted to protect them and wants to feel like she had a family. She swears to Fátima that Mohammed will be ok.

Then things get worse. Teresa is sent a couple of Mohamed's fingers.

Oleg come over. Teresa is crying. Oleg says that she made him respect her and that rarely happens. He tells her that she is leader and she has to behave like one. He tells her that he thinks that she can negotiate with the Turk the way she did with him.

The Turk tells her to come alone.

Flores figures out why Teresa was so nervous in the police station but he won't do anything to find the kid. He had to send his daughters out of the county to protect them. "Qué sufre en carne propria lo que me ha hecho a mí," Let her suffer in her own flesh the way she made me suffer.

Patty doesn't want Teresa to go meet with the Turks. Fátima overhears and sneaks down to hide in Teresa's car.

The Turk tells his guys that they must let Teresa believe that it is an exchange but that once they have her, they will kill them both.

Teresa arrives at where the Turks are holding Mohamed. She promises to give back the business to the Turks and leave Spain. The Turk says that he doesn't believe her and wants her in exchange for the kid. Teresa demands to see the kid.

Meanwhile Oleg has an armed guy at the Turk's place.

Juarez is surprised that Oleg trusts Teresa that much. Oleg replies that he doesn't trust anyone. He says that Russians fall in love a lot but have few friends. Teresa is a good friend.

Patty finds out that Fátima is gone from the house and tells Oleg. He tells Juarez that everything is going wrong. He calls his guy and says that there is a change of plan. As soon as he sees something go wrong, he should kill all the Turks.

Teresa plays her card. She is wearing a suicide vest and she threatens to blow them all up.

Dris visits Ratas in prison. He says that they have an enemy in common.

Then it does all go wrong. Fátima runs to Mohamed. The Turks kill her and Mohamed. Oleg's guy kills the Turks. Oleg's men drag Teresa from the scene.

HEREDEROS - Whatever. The same old same old. Paula, Juan, Julieta, Sofía. Nothing new.

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Teresa Fri 4/8/11 #8 Trading BFFs and possibly BFs

Aida and Aurora are at the gym talking about how they've been friends since grade school. Aurora tells of a certain guy she likes (doesn’t mention his name) and how she spilled atole on her arm. When he offered to help her and touched her arm, she felt a something like an electrical charge or chemistry between them. Aida says, yup, you’re in love.

At Aurora’s house, she and Teresa are having a little visit. Teresa thanks her for advising Arturo about the funeral although she would have preferred he hadn't gone to the wake. She doesn’t have a problem with him but his sister doesn’t like her. She feels she needs to fix that because this could be an issue. She must think of her career and can’t run the risk that he won’t help her due to his sister’s influence.

Teresa says as friends they had always promised to be honest with each other. When she told Aurora she wasn’t interested in Mariano, she was being truthful. She didn’t think she was going to end up with him again. Aurora feels it’s obvious Mariano still cares about Teresa and points out they were novios before. Teresa says that’s way back when they were children and it was just a game to her. She knows Aurora likes him and volunteers to step aside because Aurora’s her best friend and doesn’t want to risk their friendship, not even for Mariano. Aurora admits she likes him but it was just a simple attraction, nothing more. Teresa says she could never forgive herself if Aurora were hurt. Aurora knows this and asks why Teresa decided to give Mariano another chance. Teresa thought he was a slacker, but he’s changed. He’s back at the university, he’s kind, generous and well, she realized that she loves him. The BFFs hug and Teresa has a Cheshire Cat smile on her face. Hmmmm.

Aurora and her father talk about Rosa and he asks her about Mariano. She asks him not to mention him again. Concerned, dad asks her if Mariano did anything to hurt her. Al contrario, he is the nicest person she’s ever met but he’s in love with her BFF. She now just wants to go away and leave everything behind so she doesn’t have to suffer through meeting them together. She just would like to disappear. He says it's not a good idea to run away. She doesn’t seem convinced.

Teresa reports to work and Luisa is surprised to see her there. She’s following Arturo’s instructions not to have any distractions. Luisa tells her this is different; this is a special circumstance. Teresa says oh no, there's no such thing as special circumstances for people who depend on others for money. That's how life is for the poor. (Asi es la vida de los pobres) Luisa says she now understands her brother. Teresa is a very responsible person but pain has nothing to do with responsibility – everyone understands that. Teresa emphasizes that she needs to keep moving forward. Yesterday, she buried her sister. Today her mother is taking in laundry, her father is back at the garage and she’s here ready to work.

Gym teacher comes by to visit Armando and Teresa to drop off Rosita's ribbon. They put it next to her medal and the Virgencita because this way they are together, just as they are in heaven. They thank God for the time they had with Rosita. They agree they should now focus on Teresa and support her as much as they can and enjoy her rather than constantly arguing with her. Refugio struggles with understanding Teresa's ambition. She remembers Teresa said she needed a new sweater and will go out to buy some yarn to start on it right away.

Luisa tells Teresa she misjudged her so severely before getting to know her and she now understands why her brother believes in her. They share an embrace (sounds like the theme from Jaws playing in the background). Teresa has tears in her eyes and thanks her for the embrace but she doesn't want her sympathy. Luisa shares her pain. Her parents died when she was 11. Their lives changed forever that night and it’s too painful to discuss. Teresa wishes Luisa would learn to trust her. They agree to start anew. Teresa reminds her that she told her on that day she was pretty and she meant it. Luisa gushes and disagrees. Teresa has a bright idea and recommends a makeover with a few changes here and there. Teresa turns around and she has a look on her face like, boy, this is gonna be tough. When she looks at Luisa again, she brings on the tears. At the estetica (beauty salon), Luisa and Teresa share some galpal time and we see Luisa with a new do and picking out clothes. Profe likes the change in his sis. Luisa says it's all thanks to Teresa.

Arturo tells Teresa he's sorry she wasn't able to make it to Rosita's meet. Teresa says no need for apologies; no one could have predicted this tragedy. If anything, Rosita understood the need to work hard to get ahead. Arturo wants to begin paying her for her work, as it is keeping her from seeking paid employment. Teresa says no way, she’s already indebted to him for the tuition. She refuses, saying it's humiliating enough to have her career thanks to his charity. Let's not mention it again.

Esperanza is talking to El Bigote on her cell phone. She's home alone with Pablito and Ruben appears to be at a restaurant. Espe: “How will I manage while you're gone? I'll miss you so much.” Ruben: “I'll miss you more. I don't know how I'll manage without being able to embrace you and kiss you.” Ugh -- he's checking out a chica walking by as he says this. Espe: “Stop or I'll chain you down so that you can't go anywhere. Promise me you'll take care of yourself and think of me.” Ruben: “All the time. And promise me you won't spin cobwebs in your head. Remember – no job hunting, and no jealousy. Keep yourself busy.” (really?) Espe: “I’ll keep busy with Pablito – I get his results tomorrow. I'm so worried.” Ruben: “Remember that he is in good hands. The sooner we know what wrong with him, the sooner he can be cured.

Refugio knitting (man she knits fast!). Teresa walks in “Never mind the knitting, look at the beautiful sweater Luisa gave me. Es muy fino (very nice/expensive).” I felt so bad for Refugio. Teresa goes on and on about how beautiful her sweater is and wants Juana to check it out so she can make her something similar to that style. Juana steers her into the bedroom while Refugio sadly pulls apart her knitting (sniff). In the bedroom, she tells Juana no way does she want to wear the sweater her mom is making with that cheap yarn. Juana reminds her how sensitive her mother is now and convinces her to wear the sweater she's knitting – she doesn't have to wear every day. Oh, ok…if I must.

As her parents are off to check on the mass for Rosita, Teresa stays behind, holding Rosita's competition ribbon and speaks of her continued efforts to get ahead. Now that her tuition is paid for, she will focus on how Aida will pay for all the humiliation she caused Teresa. Then the mantra begins: “Yo soy, yo soy, yo soy” (I got a little creeped out here)

Espe and Teresa are out walking. Espe hopes this is the last time Ruben does anything with his wife but since she has some free time, is there anything Teresa needs? Teresa doesn’t skip a beat and suggests she use that free time to find a job: “I already told you it's not a good idea to depend on men, especially if they're married! Look at me, I'm working toward being independent so I don't have to rely on anyone but at the same time considering all my options.” Espe: “Like what?” Teresa: “Meet the right people, open the right doors, to get a good job. You never know when things won't work out. For example, what happens if your boyfriend ends up reconciling with his wife during this trip. What would you do?” (bullseye!) Espe: “No, no don't even joke about that.” Teresa: “I'm not joking. Consider finding a way to earn money. Wouldn't that be best?” Espe: “Now you got me thinking. If my novio leaves me, I'll simply die.”

Refugio is trying to give Mariano some money. Mariano: “How can I take your money. You have so many expenses.” Refugio: “What expenses (que gastos?) I know you pawned (empenar) many of your belongings. Besides what better way to use the money we were saving for Rosita's quinceanera. I am so grateful for all your help for Rosita and for how much you love Teresa. You're the best thing that ever happened to her.”

Teresa is at Ruben's office (ooooo this is gonna be good! Jaws theme playing and everything!) ooops, Mariano shows up and tells her he's there cuz Ruben is his main squeeze for his taxi business and he has some papers to deliver. (Rats! I was looking forward to a confrontation.) They make a big show of introducing her to Ruben’s secretary.

Cutberto continues his pursuit of Juana. Time for the luto to be over. She says she stopped the luto awhile back. He tells her “No, that's not the kind of luto I'm talking about” and tries to steal a kiss. Cute scene. She chases him off.

Teresa is saying goodbye to Mariano with a hug and a kiss and Aida sees them. “Oh so now you're novios with the taxista!” Mariano: “Is there a problem?” Aida: “No... My dad says you're a good, um employee. I'm surprised to see Teresa here.” Teresa explains they were companeras in school and now will be going to the same university. Aida: “Well, so sorry I interrupted your apapachos (hugs). Ta-ta! I'll say hi to Paolo for you!” Teresa: “I hate her! See the humiliations I have to suffer? I hate how they ridicule (menosprecien) me.” Mariano: “Then do what I do. If you can't handle it then go the public university.” Teresa (incredulous): “How can you say that?” Mariano: “What, would that embarrass you? You understand my school is one of the most recognized schools in Latin America, right?” Teresa: “It's not that, but how can I give up this great opportunity. The best attorneys come from the universidad del sur.” Mariano: “I hope that's the reason because I'd hate to think you're embarrassed of where I study, much less embarrassed of me.” Teresa: “ How can you say that? You're so much better and worth much more than that idiot Aida is dating.” She hugs him then she gets this hateful look on her face.

Mariano runs into Aida as he's delivering a package to Ruben's secretary. Aida and the secretary both comment on how cute he is but don't understand what he's doing with that novia of his.

Aurora arrives at Teresa's home and tells Refugio that since she's leaving Mexico, she brought by a few things that she thinks Teresa can use. Her chauffer brings in a few shopping bags filled with clothes.

Aida arrives at Paolo's house. Paolo: “What'sup?” Aida: “Nothing, nothing. I just don't understand what I see in you when you're so attracted to chachas (tacky girls; literal translation-servant). Those girls who aspire to reach a higher station and end up with someone just like themselves.” Paolo: “What you talkin bout?” Aida: “ I ran into Teresa” This perks up Paolo’s interest: “Did you her?” Aida: “Yup, and with her new novio. I saw her kissing a lowly (vil) taxista!”

Teresa is telling Luisa that she's sad cuz her BFF has just told her that she's moving away from Mexico. “It's awful because now I have no one to talk to, to share with.” Luisa: “I know how you feel. I'm the same. Even though I have Arturo, there are many things I can’t talk to him about. I hope you will give me the chance to be your friend and confide in me.” Teresa: “It would be an honor for me if you'd consider me your friend.”

Aurora still at Teresa's talking with Armando and Refugio. She’s such a nice girl. Empathizing with them in their sorrow. Armando tells her Teresa is also very sad. Aurora admits it's hard for her to leave her at this time. She thanks God for this trip, for her father and for the opportunity to distance myself from someone who....In walks Mariano. I thought I saw a spark between them?

Eperanza at the doctor's. Doctor has bad news (oh no) Pablito has what is called Wilms tumor (tumor de Wilms) (?) a form of kidney cancer that can result in death. Espe is muy, muy impactada.

At the vecindad, Mariano is walking with Aurora and she's telling him she's going to France. Pablito is playing with some kid and they begin to rough house. As the other kid picks up Pablito, we can hear him asking to be put down. Then we see the bigger kid holding Pablito in a kind of chokehold (not really, but Pablito doesn't look too good). Pablito passes out and the kid thinks he's playing. When he doesn't respond, the kid calls to Mariano who begins checking for a pulse.


Martes: Teresa in a couple of provocative poses with Mariano, then Arturo
Arturo's mystery woman from the past turns up
Teresa tells Arturo – you're not alone, you have me.


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