Thursday, June 16, 2011

Teresa Wed 6/15/11 #79 Art Blows It and Knows It; Fernando Becomes Shark Bait

Cap #79

[Here are the bare-bones highlights from last night from me --and Blusamurai in blue. -ed.]

Arturo pulls Rank as new director of Paloma’s foundation and fires Mariano. They both know why and Mariano says so—purely personal reasons, namely jealousy.  Art says send Aurora instead.  Mariano makes it clear that even though he might give up his position as liason with the foundation, that doesn’t mean he’ll stop seeing Tere, and there’s a scuffle. 

Ruben confronted Espe about having his baby. Espe was getting weak and starting to fall for Ruben's B.S. she got saved by a phone call from Geno wanting to tell him about finding out Fito she needed to see him in person. So Espe came to her senses and decided that Ruben would never make her his main priority and told him to shove off for good and leave her alone.  Arturo threatens to kill Mariano if he comes near Teresa. 

Aurora shows up and refuses out of loyalty to Mariano, and then quits herself afterwards.  Martin sides with Mariano and Aurora, who tells Martin that she blames Teresa for all the new problems since she’s supposedly to be Art’s assistant at the foundation.  She meets up with Tere to tell her what’s gone on and that she blames her for it all.

Juana overhears Hector talking to Art about getting his divorce papers final and saying he didn’t want her to find out.  She breaks up with him for not being honest with her at the very start of their relationship. 

Mariano gives Fito's license plate number to Genoveva who gives it to Ruben.  He gets the guy's full name and address..  Teresa finds out that Espe got Fito's plate number and calls Fito to warn him.  He says he's dumping that phone and will call her back with a new number afterwards.

Aeeeeeeeeeeeeeda goes to Mariano and thanks him for turning the information over to Geno about Fito's license number on his motorcycle. Mariano tells her it's not him she should be thanking; someone else gave him the info. Aeeeeeeda is very happy and asks Mariano to tell her who it is. She wants to really thank that person personally for doing her that favor. Mariano asks Aeeeeeeeeda if she is sure she wants to do that. Absolutely says Aeeeeeeeeeda! I would like nothing more than to thank him or her! Who did this? Mariano then tells her it was Espe, leaving our shrewish harpy with a stunned disbelieving expression on her face.

Rufugio finds out that Cutberto really isn’t getting married after all and suggests he look for Juana and have a heart-to-heart with her.  He comes to the manse, but Tere blows him off and says Juana’s out.

That night when Teresa gets back home, she lights into Art about humiliating her and making her look ridiculous because of his jealous fit in deciding to get rid of Mariano.  She’s sick and tired of his continued jealous rages.  Truth be told, she says, she should be the one who’s jealous and has plenty of reason to be.  She, though, has supported him throughout in everything despite knowing that the day he left her at Cuernevaca he spent the night with his PatPal.  He’s scared spitless to know that she knows and is waiting for the next shoe (D.I.V.O.R.C.E.?) to drop. 

Fernando and Luisa both hear the commotion.  Nando is angry that Art cheated on Tere.  Luisa is angry to find out that what Paloma told Tere was actually the detestable truth.  Art is reeling from mortification and his fear of what Teresa will do now.   

Tere makes her move later that night and follows Nando to his apartment.  He no sooner gets inside than there’s a knock at the door.   It’s Teresa looking for Art’s BFF’s shoulder to cry on after the way Art cheated on her with Paloma of all people!  He invites her in and willingly obliges.


Teresa #79 Discussion

I assume Samantha is still settling in? I don't have time to do a summary right now but here's a page for discussion.


Alborada, 6/16/2011. Cap. 13. Do not exceed the recommended dosage.

Today's episode is still covered in Melinama's Recap #2 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 12 start at this link.

Plot Developments
Diego drinks the drugged wine and rapes Espy. Mirtha says it’s a sign from God. Diego is poisoned and retches graphically.
Gasca’s thug attacks Luis in a bar, and Felipe stabs him. They recognize him – he attacked Vicente, threatened Cristobal, and ambushed Felipe.
Juana accuses Luis of poisoning Diego, but she took Diego’s side when the roles were reversed.Luis asks Isabel, “Why does my mother hate me? She treats Diego like he’s her real son.” Isabel realizes Rafael could be Luis’s son.
Juana orders Gasca to make sure the thug dies from his wounds.
Catalina confesses to Cris that Francisco forced her into the convent, but where else can she go? Cris asks Hipo to get Catalina to cinch up her chones.
Adalgisa tells Sunny that Hipo didn’t acostarse with Diego nor Luis.
Hipo finds Cata’s drawing of Cristobal, and she refuses to be subordinate to Cata.


Cuando Me Enamoro #40 Wednesday 6/15/11 OneWedding Night and One Funeral ... But One Couple Arises From the Storm

[posted for martai by jardinera654]

Gina tells AntiHero she is there just to support him. She says goodbye to Nata saying God bless you, you are very important for me, we haven't interacted much but there are things that dont have explanation... (hug)... she hugs AntiHero...

Ines and her family come to congratulate the newlyweds too..

Gonzo goes to Gina, tells her this is a very key day for him, it is an honor to have her there... She breaks the magic saying this is the last time we see each other, i can't be near you... (and leaves him there deflated).

Nata tells AntiHero that Adri and Matt convinced her to keep going with the wedding... tells him that Matt told her about his old relationship with Lorea and that he had never seen AntiHero so in love with anyone... Nata asks Matt and AntiHero to hug and leave the past differences behind. AntiHero appologizes to Matt for having fallen in love with the woman he chose and thanks him for his generosity in his relationship with Nata. (Hug... although Matt is not so convinced)
Rob gets home and tells Fina that Nata is married. Fina is smoking, if you had stopped it as I ordered you... Rob says I tried, thought Matt would help me to convince her but it was the opposite. Fina says if it wasnt for Gina Soberon, she would have stopped that wedding even if she had to pull Nata out of there by the hair.

Sele asks Chema what is his interest in Connie... Chema says just like a friend or someone you work with... he insists they leave.

The new executive Blanca is chatting with Honorio. Adri comes by to say goodbye, Matt will take her home. Adri and Matt leave, Blanca tells Honorio that if she did not know them she would say he and Adri are interacting like father and daughter. Honor stays there thinking.
Nata, AntiHero and Carlos... she wants to go say goodbye to mom and change. AntiHero says he will go to apt to get some things and change and go pick her up to go to the hotel... She giggles nervously and says he is making her nervous. Nata leaves,
Car: She is lovely... IT shows she loves you... What did you feel when you saw Lorea at the church?
AH: Panic! Panic at the thought of losing Nata.
Car: Know I was glad she showed up? Just to confirm that the love you feel for Nata is true and sincere.
AH smiles satisfied.
Connie and Gonzo say goodbye to Cata, Ines, Isidro, Regina and Antonio... They in exchange remind Gonzo and Connie about the gala coming up soon.
Connie: IT hurts you to see her with Antonio, right?
Gon: More than you can imagine, sis.

Rob and Fina are in Fina's bedroom. Nata comes in ... it gets very quiet and creepy instantly.
Nata: I came to say goodbye. I know you went to the church but since Gina was there you did not stay. (she is nervous and sad already)
Fina: (rudely) You promised me she would not be there. You never have given me my place in your life.
Rob: Neither me. I begged her not to marry and not to waste her life with the jerk of AH but she did not listen to me.
Nata: I truly am sorry that my decision to marry affects you both so much. And also that Gina was there. I was not expecting her, mother, I swear.
Rob: You could have kicked her out. You could have demanded of AH that if she was there you would not marry him!
Fina: You have become a marionette of Hero's and his friends.
Nata: I am not a marionette, mother. I am a woman in love and there are things out of my control! But I am here to ask you that despite everything else, I can get your blessing, mother. And I came to tell you both that I love you.

Fina: Please, Nata! Don't get in the role of victim! IF you loved us so much you would have listened to us! But what's done is done and we have no choice but to respect what you have decided. (she heads out)..

Nata: Mamita, are you going to give me your blessing??
Fina: (just stares at her and leaves..., leaving Nata there totally broken up)
At Adri's house, she thanks Matt for bringing her and everything... she can't believe he and AH reconciled and hugged and Matt forgave him.
Mat: I felt like it. But I doubt things will be as they were between us.
Adri: At least there won't be any more bad vibe between you. And I am glad for you and him and for Nata.
Matt: That made her happy.

Adri: Nata is so blessed/priviledged with you . I wish someone would love me as you love her.
Matt: You can be loved very easily, Adri. It is a blessing you have your mom who adores you. As I had mine. Nata on the other hand has never had her mother's love. That must hurt real bad for any human being. Don't you think? Not all of us are that lucky.
Adri: Know what, Matt? you are one of a kind (unico)! (she kisses him grabbing his face, he kisses her back... and they really get into it... boy that was unexpected!)
Matt: I will call you tomorrow... See you.
(he leaves, she stays there totally shocked at what just happened)
Nata is at the stables saying good bye to her mare... boy that relationship is strange... she promises she will never leave her alone... tells her about when her dad brought her home... with the mare she started to smile, to have happy moments... will miss her much... but its time she makes her own family, no?... will leave behind all her sadness and will be alright... Jero is a wonderful man but she will miss her ...

Gonzo comes by... Nata thanks Gonzo for everything he has given her, for making her happy, for everything he gave her, for her horse/mare... Gonzo tells her he loves her... she loves him back and blesses the moment her mom met him and married him. Thank you very much, papito! You are teh most wonderful man in the world...
Connie and Honorio join the tender moment at the stables... Connie and Honorio hug Nata too... they will always be by her side... she loves them all... group hug.
Gonzo makes it to the bedroom..
Fina: I know you dont love me anymore, I don't matter to you. But I expected another attitude from you, at least in gratefulness for all the years I gave you...
Gon: It was our daughter's wedding. I couldn't leave her alone, I had to support her.
Fina: You knew I did not feel good. The Dr had to come medicate me. the old meds dont do anything for me anymore, and you show up now.
Gon: I am sorry, Fina. I had to be with my daughter.
Fina: If that woman did not come to the wedding, none of this would have happened.
Gon: Fina, lets not talk about what happened anymore.
Fina: IT has been such a hard day for me. I always imagined that when one of my daughters married, it would be a happy day for me. But it was the other way around. I am so sad to see how things turned out.
Gon: Try to calm down. Don't get like that.
Fina: I hope everything was worth it . I hope Nata will be happy with that man, even if you dont believe me, I will miss her lots.
Gon: With time things will settle into place and you will be at peace.
Fina: You really believe that? that we will be at peace again?
Gon: Get some rest, Fina. Good night.
(he leaves, she clutches her teeth... STUPID!!)

Cata, Gina and Tony get home... Cata is tired, leaves or the night... But first Cata gives Gina an envelope that arrived and says 'Hi Mom!' outside. IT has the picture of 8/9 yr old Nata... she gets really upset and says it is her daughter!!! waterworks opens up!!
Nata and AntiHero arrive to hotel room... He is carrying her in his arms... she is so happy... Very lovely scene and the room has petals everywhere... love you... love you... Love you and I want tonight to be unforgettable... she laughs...
Cata is trying to calm Gina down... she is now in bed. Gina wants to see the picture, begs them to see the picture again... Tony asks her to calm down..
Gin: Do you think my daughter knows who I am? That she sent it to me?...
Tony: Don't know what to tell you. Could be her or the same person who sent the clothes.
Gin: But why doesn't she show up? Why are they doing it in such a cruel way?
Cata and Tony remind her that the investigator told them that the inheritance the girl is supposed to get at 25 yo could be the motive.
Gina would give her entire fortune and her life for learning where her daughter is. Tony promises he will give the picture to the invest. Gina asks why not today.. Tony says it is too late today. But will try.

The lovebirds in hotel room get going undressing and doing the deed...
Adri and Aggie are talking, Adri is very excited and happy to tell her what happened with Matt... Aggie is glad Adri is so happy but tries to bring her back to earth saying a kiss does not AUTOMATICALLY mean all that. Adri says she knows, but he is someone with whom she can try to have a chance for the future... Aggie say my times were different but I dreamed and you can have your own dreams... just find out exactly what Matt feels for you... Adri tells her what Matt did for Nata and her wedding... he is a complete gentleman.
Then Aggie gets really ill.. Adri panics and calls the nurse... The nurse tells her Aggie is dying... Adri calls Matt in panic, her mom is dying. Mat summons Honorio... Honorio asks Connie if she wants to come, she says no i will stay, you are the one that needs to be there.
The lovebirds talk in bed.. it was wonderful to make love with you... YOU are wonderful... Don't you feel like stopping time? or feel like time has stopped... want to smell you, breathe you... to be with you... can you imagine when we have a baby?... just one?... i was thinking about 20... what do you say?... I would love to have a girl who looks like you... I would love a boy who looks like me. (they laugh) your eyes, your nose..your mouth.. your lips... But boy... Jeronimito!! Nooo! .. or Gonzalo as my dad... or as your dad.. or as your brother.. what was your brother's name?.. (just as if someone had stabbed his brains, he turns the switch... ) lets rest, we have an early flight tomorrow... turns his back to her .. she is there frozen at his change in attitude...
Aggie is still alive, but is very anxiously waiting for Hono/Matt to get there... Hono comes in...
Aggie: Hono... I give you my biggest treasure... I give you... YOUR daughter.
Adri: Did you say YOUR daughter?
Aggie: Yes, dear. The man I loved all my life, the one who gave you life... is him!... Honorio is your dad. (long looks of Adri, Hon and Matt)
Nata is sleeping, AH is looking at her thinking... why did I let myself go? I am an idiot.. I am a slave when you kiss me, when you love me... and I can't... I cannot allow that.
Adri and Aggie are saying goodbye...
Aggie: I want to tell you you are the result of the great love that I had for your dad. And now that the end is coming, I will leave in peace knowing that he will be with you...
Adri turns the waterworks harder... Don't want you to go...
Aggie: We have to accept it... Hono, take care of her. Love her lots. She is an angel. I love her dear.. (to Hon) I love you... with all my heart. (she dies)
Adri: NOOOO!!! MOMMY!!!!! Mom, don't gooooo!!
Gina is finally asleep... Cata tells Tony she put some tranquilizer drops in her tea... saw her so upset that I knew she had to sleep.
Tony asks Cata to let him stay the night with her... she is reluctant... dont worry, just want to hug her and be here for her when she wakes up tomorrow.
Tony: I dont know what I have to do, but I will move earth and sea until you have your daughter with you... I swear.
Matt is hugging Adri... Hono is on phone dealing with the funeral arrangements.
Adri: Why do good people have to die?
Matt: Death comes to the good and bad folks. Your mom was suffering quite a bit, it was not life what she was living.
Adri: And what will I do without her? My mom was everything for me, everything!!
Matt: I understand you more than you think. My mom died over a year ago and I felt something inside me died with her, it was like someone cut off my roots.
Adri: I feel very alone.
Matt: IT doesn't matter how old you are when your mom leaves... you feel like an orphan.
Adri: I will never be able to fill the emptiness she left in my heart, ever.
Matt: Its not about whether someone fills back the emptiness ... it will always be there but it won't hurt so bad with time. Believe me that with all this pain and sadness, with time you will smile again. Live takes away from you, but also gives you... Now you have a new family ... with us.
Hono comes by and tells her everything is set with the funeral home. He asks Adri if she wants to talk. She says not now. and goes to her mom's side.
Matt: take it easy, uncle. It has been many emotions. SHe has to digest that her mom died... and then she will accept you are her dad.

Nata wakes up... SHe is alone in bed... She calls for him, he comes out of bathroom... HE is fully dressed, rushes her to get dressed. She wants them to delay the flight, he won't please her... they have to go to the hacienda, they are all waiting for them... Nata asks if he is serious. AntiHero checks his phone, there is a message from Matt... AntiHero gives the phone to Nata before reading the msg... Matt tells in msg about Aggie's death... 'I did not want to tell Nata directly because I knew it would affect her very much'... Nata breaks down crying...
AH: (very dryly) what do you want to do? (Nata looks at him in shock not believing he can act so dryly on her at this moment)

At Gina's its morning, at breakfast. Gina thanks Tony for his support yesterday. He slept very well with Gina in his arms... INvestigator is on his way to see them. Gina is certain the girl in the picture is her daughter. At least today she knows her daughter lived as a normal kid, at least until she was 8 or 10 yo. She recognizes she is afraid they are trying to make her crazy, but she has to admit she feels thankful to God for the hope.

The invest gets there...
At funeral, Connie arrives, someone is hugging Adri... Connie tells Hono she won't stay long, came to show face. Hono begs her to stay, she is part of his life... Connie says yeah but not part of This part of your life... Hono tells Connie that Aggie told Adri before dying.
Con says now that Adri knows, things will change... Hono says I suppose so. Hono goes to hug Adri and Connie quietly leaves.
Daniel and Matt comment on Adri and Hono getting along so well. Matt says they will get along even better from now on. They also comment on Nata not coming. Matt says left her a message... Daniel says it seems she won't come.
At MiseryManor, Rob and Fina are also having breakfast... Rob tells Fina that Matt did not come to sleep home last night, and that it seems Adri and Matt are getting closer together. Fina says you can't let that insignificant girl get your man... Rob say she is no competition for me. Fina say there is no small enemy.

Gonzo comes down... Fina immediately tells him she is concerned Matt did not come to sleep... Gonzo tells her what happened to Aggie, Matt is there and he is heading there...
Fina tells Rob it is time to uncover your pregnancy... Rob is reluctant, gets ansi... stands up and immediately faints... Fina calls for help.

aT HACIENDA, Mati has decorated everything... Carlos congratulates Mati on the decorating... Lazaro asks mati to please not call the patron hermoso just for respect to the new patrona. mati says maybe not in front of her, but he will always be the hermoso to me.
investigator tells gina and tony that there is a 90% chance that the girl in the picture and her daughter are one and the same... gina says that is good news, right? invest says he does not want to give them false hopes, his job is to be honest. this could be happening to make her crazy... the note on the envelope leads him to think so. there are many possibilities, the sender could be her daughter herself. daughter might know gina is her mom but dont know her intentions. who knows what she thinks, whether her mind could be brainwashed against gina. we dont know the intentions of the sender, haven't asked for money in exchange for information... just want to prepare you because all this search and discovery about your child might not have a happy ending...

Antihero drops Nata at funeral home, as they walk to the door he tells her he is going on to hacienda, will arrange the moving of the date of her flight at the airport ... nata is in disbelief that he wont stay with her.
AH: Could we do things as I say? ... you stay with adri, take the time you need and when you are ready to go to the hacienda you let me know. I will wait for you there. Goodbye (touch kiss).
Nata stays there in disbelief. he drives away. she does not understand.
N: what could be more important than staying with me?
previews:: rob tells them Hero is the dad . Matt is making a mess of room cursing AH

sorry have an urgent thing to do with daughter...


Triunfo del Amor #148 6/15/11 A Triumph of heavy-handed morality

Last night's refrito

  • PJP cries
  • Maria can't believe Mee-maw is a murderer
  • Burnie stomps out the opposition to become the queen of cell block 666.
Tonight's morsel

Jailhouse Rock
Day-um...Burnie is craaaa-zeeee. (Romo is playing this to the hilt.) Burnie is getting solitary for the little jig she did on her cell-mate's throat. Jail guards and prisoners alike are intimidated. Burnie tells them they are all sinners. They are all going to burn in the flames of hell. She is escorted to her cell. Wow, well-filmed shot. Dark and creepy. I think Burnie is scarier in prison gray. Before entering her cell she proclaims that they can't treat her this way because...wait for it...she's the mother of a priest (which in her demented mind is the "get out of hell free" card in the Monopoly game which is life.) She deserves respect, by God. Jail guard reminds her that she's a murderer and if she doesn't get her little keester in the cell, things will be worse. Burnie enters. Cue Gregorian chant. Burnie prays and flashes back to the fire and her conversation with Eva at the ambulance. Burnie decides she needs to find out who Eva really is.

Meanwhile Eva curses Burnie for surviving, but swears that next time she won't escape!

96 Tears
Heri is convinced that sooner or later, Vic's daughter will forgive her. Vic is not so sure. Heri says Vic is a strong and brave woman. Victoria wants to know what that's gotten her (Viewerville thinks that perhaps if she has received a smaller dose of soberbia....) Yada yada about all the tests in life and Vic being able to rise above it all. Vic says but know she doesn't know how. A lot of missed dialogue. I believe platitudes about pain and growth. Despite losing her daughter she built a fashion empire...which Vic reminds him "de nada me ha servido" (Lit: it has served me nothing; Loosely: it was for naught.) Anyway, he continues to enumerate all the stuff Vic has endured and overcome: cancer, her daughter's accident. You're the foundation of your family, your marriage. Vic falls all over herself to clarify: I'm divorced. Heri is impactado (Guess he'll have to make a choice--Go with Leonela!) Vic fills him in on the little business with Os and Linda. Heri can't believe a person could to that to a woman like Vic. And she (surprisingly) admits to maybe, just a little, not much really being partly to blame.

Xi and Gui talk murder (but they don't say who...I guess Maria), play with a knife and get turned on. Sick.

I guess I'll cry myself to sleep
Vic returns home and tells Os about her visit with Dr. Voice. She was just talking about the surgery. She tells Os what a swell guy Heri is and how lucky a woman would be to have him.

We interrupt this scene to show you crazy Xi still playing with a knife and then leaving Gui's house. After she leaves Gui calls Nicolás and tells him "Tomorrow is the big day" (It doesn't sound like anything good.)

Back to Vic and Os.Vic excuses herself to go to bed. Os tries to stop her. Vic tells him that her children are all that matters; that he had accused her of ignoring the family for the sake of work. She's not going to make the same mistake twice. Os wants to know where he fits in. Is her part of the family. Vic tells him no. For him to be part of her family again would take a miracle. She leaves Os at the bottom of the stairs. Perhaps he's thinking: "She's as cold as ice; Willing to sacrifice our love.

Cryyyying over you!!!
PJP thinks it was Fausto that turned in Mamacita Dearest. Maria hates to see daddy so upset. PJP is worried about his mothers salvation. Granny has to pay according to the laws of man. But PJP isn't just hurting over mom's soul. He's worried about Maria's too. María says Vic has done her too much harm. PJP is like Hello??? Have you met my mother?

More platitudes.

He's in the Jailhouse Now 
Eva is visiting her nephew in prison. They are having an ethical (or is it moral) debate. Burnie is in jail thanks to Fausto's testimony. She prefers her own brand of justice. Fausto insists jail is what the lady needs. I admit to missing the details, but they are both at odds. Eva wants revenge, Fausto is worried about her immortal soul. Let the authorities take care of it. Save your soul, Eva. Burnie needs to face man's justice. Eva really hates Burnie with a passion. She should have killed her with her own hands. Fausto aches for his Aunt. Her hatred is going to be her undoing (seriously guessing the dialog...the hazards of watching online.) Fausto is really beginning to sound like a Mini-PJP. Let Burnie be punished by the law. He says Eva should live in peace, be calm. NO! Eva says. She is charge of making sure that Burnie pay for what she did to her sister "ojo por ojo y diente por diente" (eye for an eye. lit: eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth... and I wish she had flossed.) Dear Urban Anthropologist, I do hope we can get some psychological insights from you about the victim becoming just like the perpetrator. Eva leaves in a snit. Cue angelic choir as Fausto prays for help.

Burnie is still in her cell. She gets a visit from her guard. Burnie's got visitors.  The guard doesn't want problems with the authorities. No one knows about this cell and no one is going to find out, got it? Got it? Burnie humbly nods and slowly walks out. I don't believe this "she's been cowed" scenario AT ALL. The Devil is just biding her time, I bet. (Please note: Burnie is still perfectly coiffured.)

I heard the news today, Oh boy!
Fer has made chilaquiles with love for Cruz. A rose sits in a vase on the table. While they dine a news flash in on TV. Doña Bernarda Iturbide has been accused of killing her domestic employee: Tomasa Hernandez. Millie, Chente and Napo (El Pollón) are also watching. Chente has a sad, says the opligitory "¿por qué?" and "Dios mío" and leaves. Napo comments how sad it is that PJP has a murderin' mamacita.

Hail to the Chief
Xi and Eva have come to visit Burnie in the hoosegow (from the Spanish "juzgado"- judged/a panel of judges.) Burnie has some instructions for her trusted employees. They will need to take care of things while she's in the clink. Eva says she will gladly take charge of things. Burnie coldly informs her that Xi will be "la jefa" (boss.) Burnie dismisses Eva who is confused, dazed. Her usual aplomb is kaput and after a few "what the hell"? shakes of her head she leaves. I suggest you rewind and watch this scene slowly because at the same time Xi is gloating and it is difficult to catch the two reactions at the same time. So Xi immediately starts the brown-nosing: "you can't imagine how happy you've made me with this vote of confidence." Burnie looks at her with the face of "know mierda when I smell it" and I laugh. Burnie reminds Xi that Maria is the star model at Casa Victoria and that they have to win the bienal. If Xi doesn't put forth the best effort, she's not going to be the top b!tch dog anymore (or something like that.) Xi says they will win. Burnie and the whole world are gonna see who Ximena de Alba is.

Tell Him
Maria tells Alosno she is very confused about the engagement what with what's going on in PJP's world.  A little mumbling and María tells Alonso he's got to take care of himself. Bebé feliz, mamá feliz blather. More "you should rest blather." Some mention is made of the quick wedding (they were both talking "a la vez") Alonso promises to rest. The new theme song fires up (not Abrázame that was used during María's pregnancy.) He's really happy about what's happened between he and María. He's going to do something lovey for the next 5 or so episodes rest of his life. I think he says something about not being able to wait for that kiss that she will give him confirming her love. There is someone knock knock knocking on Heaven's María's door. It's PJP!

María excuses herself. PJP wants to talk to Alonso alone.

Get off your high horse, woman
Burnie needs to get out of this place ASAP, but while she's there Xi needs to keep Eva in check. Lately the woman has had an air of superiority and has forgotten she's just there to serve Burnie. Xi understands; she'll put her in her place. For good measure, Burnie reminds Xi that her worst enemy, Maria Desamparada, will be  on the catwalk during the bienal.

At the vecindad, Maria praises Millie's new tele. They chit chat about recent events concerning Burnie. María can't understand who someone who claims to be so religious is capable of killing someone (really, María? Do you know nothing of human history?)  and Maria says she's going to accompany PJP to the reclusorio (prison) to visit Granny. She asks Millie to watch bebé feliz ('cause that worked out so well last time.) Millie is shocked "You're really going to leave him with me?" She swears to watch him. She'll carry him around on her back like she did with JuanJo if need be. Before María can leave, Millie asks if she's thought any more about the troubles with her mother. María says no. Millie reminds her that moms need all our love and gratitude. They gave us the most valuable thing ever: Life. Cue the creepy xylophone music and more smarmy platitudes that have nothing to do with the plot. We've got weeks to go before María forgives Vic, so you can save your breath, Millie.

You ain't woman enough to take my man
Fer is talking to Vic on the phone. They are discussing the Tomasa Hernandez murder. There's a mini-(very mini) flashback. Vic plans to come get Fer for terapia. Fer hangs up and Cruz arrives. The Jarochas and other vecindad folks show up to gossip about Burnie. Fer reminds them that she is PJP's knock off the chismes.

Speaking of PJP, he's asking Alonso if he really love Maria. Alonso says he's crazy in love and will be 'til the day he dies (I don't know, maybe they'll give him 9 a cat has nine lives!)

While Fer continues to remind the denziens of the vecindad that they need to keep quiet around Maria, Diana the lady record producer arrives amid cat-calls and whistles. And get this...the hussy greets Cruz with a kiss. (Oh no she di'int!) Supposedly she and Cruz have some important meeting. Cruz introduces Fer and Diana the Brazen Hussy (DtBH) tells Fer she has such a handsome and talented husband. Cruz explains that he can't make the meeting but Fer says it's ok. His missing one day of her therapy won't hurt anyone. He leaves and the Jarochas plant the seeds of doubt. Fer says she trusts Cruz. They tell her not to trust DtBH.

Alone Again (Naturally)
PJP has turned his little meeting with Alonso into a (literal) come to Jesus meeting. Alonso wants to know what all the gloom and doom is for. Things are sooo awesome. He's not going to end up alone and scared like the good Padre seems to think. He's got the love of his (very short) life. PJP says ok, but remember God is always nearby. Alonso tells him Max is the one who needs God. Max is the one who lost María. (Is it just me or was there a little nyah nyah! in that statement?)

Oye la confesió mi secreto...
Fausto receives Max in the visitors area. He just wants Max to know that Ximena de Alba killed Linda.

Everybody was Kung Fu Fighting (with cruel words and recriminations)
Chente confronts PJP. You knew what was going on. You knew I was looking for her and you said nothing. PJP insists he couldn't say anything. Of course not, says Chente. You had to protect your mother. María explains that PJP was bound by the seal of the confessional. Chente hopes God doesn't forgive PJP and walks off. Vic takes his place in line. She told him Burnie had done something horrible and he did nothing. With Maria standing right there Vic goes into full-on B!tch-toria mode until Maria says "enough!" B!tchtoria tells her not to dare defend Burnie. Their estrangement is all her fault. Maria says no...that Vic and her pride are to blame for that. Vic hopes Burnie rots. PJP asks how Vic can ask Maria to forgive if she won't even forgive. Maria says she won't forgive Vic. Fer wheels up and begs Maria to forgive Vic. Maria says she can't Vic says she won't beg. She will have to be content that Maria and Fer love each other. Maria says her sister is innocent of any wrong-doing.

Meanwhile, the police are CSI-ing the fireplace at the Iturbide abode.

Hit the Road, Jack. And dontcha come back no more.
PJP visits mama in jail. He tries to explain that he didn't turn her it; it was Fausto. But mama will have none of it. She says PJP will shed tears of blood for putting her through this. Her soul is saved. She was only following God's orders. She tells him to leave and never come back. She renounces him (Te reniego), which honestly sounds less goofy in Spanish...much more dramatic. And really that would have been a great ending, but the lily gets guilded rather uselessly with....

Stand by Your Dead Man Walking
PJP is talking to Maria and questioning Operation Alonso. Things could go sour real fast. Maria says she will marry Alonso and make him happy in his final days.

Cue the Vic of the Past montage.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Alborada, 6/15/2011. Cap. 12.

Today's episode is still covered in Melinama's Recap #2 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 12 start at this link.

Plot Developments
Thank you, Audrey, for putting these together.
Luis finds out the servant and child went to Las Tunas.
Cristobal gently scolds Catalina for her attitude towards Hipo.
Agustin suggests Diego is Juana's favorite, and Diego gets angry.
Francisco asks Diego to take his son, Andres, into service.
Francisco finds out Agustin is Hipo’s father.
Hipo denies to Luis that the child is hers.
Espy tries to slip Luis a BIG dose of "love potion." Luis drinks only a few sips.


Cuando Me Enamoro #39 Tuesday 6/14/11 The Wedding that almost wasn't!!!!

So summer has started and with it comes sleepovers, three 10 year old little girls made for a long night. So here is the re-cap you have been waiting for!!! I’m going to make this short and sweet.

WoooHoooo them’s some fireworks to open this episode, As soon as Jero notices the necklace Lorena comes screaming up the steps and starts kissing Jero, begging him to not get married. Everyone is all ohhh ahhh except Roberta who is laughing. Carlos grabs Lorena and Jero is left to explain to a very PO’d Renata.

At the Hacienda preparations are being made at the hacienda for the newlyweds, Lazaro and Karina have a moment and he asks her is she os happy with her marriage, he says she looks sad and he can’t stand to see her sad, They almost have a moment until Mati comes back!! Karina rushes out and poor Lazaro looks very sad!!

Carlos and Lorena are arguing he tells her to leave, she refuses she says she loves him. She refuses to leave.

Jero explains that she is in her past, that he loves her more than his life.

Roberta needs to me slapped!! She is stirring crap up with Gonzo and Matias and Gonzo tells her to shut-up!! Gonzo tries to comfort Renata and tells her to call off the wedding.

Jero tells Lorena to hit road and don’t come back no more. He tells her he loves Renata.

Everyone at the wedding is chatting about Jero and Renata, Matias wants to get her back, Constanza wants to help her Honorio tell her to wait. Regina tells Renata that she has known Jero and that she means nothing to him and that he loves only her. Renata leaves for a moment alone.

Fina is in her room mad about something (shocker I know) then she pulls out a picture of a little girl I got lost at this point I think it’s Renata and she is going to send it to Regina to torture her, but I could be wrong. Roberts calls to update her on the wedding being postponed and Fina gets very giddy.

Lorena refuses to listen to Jero and he tells her to take a hike. Carlos continues to try to explain that it’s over!! Duh he is standing on the steps of a church next to his bride, not tough to figure out that he’s not coming back!!

Renata is praying in the church and asking for guidance when Roberta walks in, strange that there were no lightning bolts or earthquakes when she entered the church!! She really just wants to comfort her sister and make her feel better, by telling her Jero is a jerk and she needs to cancel the wedding.

Adriana and Matias show up to help, he tells her that her happiness is the most important, She thanks them and Adriana asks if she is canceling the wedding and she says she does not know, Matias asks to speak to her alone, but not until Roberta can spew a little more venom before leaving.

Honorio and Constanza are talking to Gonzo about the wedding or the not a wedding, Jero shows up and asks Gonzo to talk he says that he should cancel the wedding now and leave their lives forever.

Augustin is on the phone about he wedding, and admiring the jewelry he had made for Renata, he hasn’t quite accepted defeat i guess, cause he thinks they will still be together, then his little girl toy comes in and sees the earrings, asks him if they are for her, he just walks away.

Alfonsina is chatting with the padre, about her sins. She is not a good girl she is in love with another man other than her husband, he asks who and she says it’s Dr, padre panics and she keeps that secret from him.

Mati is daydreaming about Jero

Matias is trying to talk to Renata, and he tells her that he has know Jero for many years and that Jero has never loved anyone the way he loves her. Jero walks up at that moment and tells her he loves her more than his own life and that here before God he swears he loves her. Enrique sing, and they kiss awwww so sweet everything is fine in the world for a minute.

Roberta calls Fina with the bad news!!

The wedding is in progress and of course everyone is thinking out loud!! Gonzo hopes they are happy, Tony can’t wait to marry Regina. Renata thanks God, Jero thinks he loves her truly loves her. Regina thinks about her daughter, and prays for help to find her, Matias wishes them the best.

Roberta curses the marriage and says it will be hell.

Jero really seems to love her,he thinks she is a miracle!! They both say I DO Enrique sings and they finish the wedding. Roberta starts cuddling Matias asking about getting married.

The happy couple kiss as Lorena slinks off without being seen, Gonzo tells Renata he loves her and to be happy, she tells him she loves him very much. Regina asks Jero if he is really happy and he says yes.

Roberta and her BFF are talking about Matias, Jero.

Everyone is present at the signing of the marriage certificate, we get a cute moment when Regina and Gonzo sign together. They are officially husband and wife and they kiss and hug everybody.

Regina says goodbye, she would like to come visit them soon. Regina can’t explain why but Renata is a very important person in her life and that she loves her very much, Reanta gets a look like she knows there is something between them, and she hugs her.

Gonzo finds her alone and offers her his handkerchief, she says this will be the last time they see each other, cause she can’t stand to be around him.

Renata thanks Matais for his words that helped her realize that Jero loves her and only her, Jero thanks him and they seem to bury the hatchet!!

Roberta comes to tell Fina that they are now officially married, and Fina asks why she did not stop it, Roberta swears she tried and Fina gets mad and spits out something about Regina.

Avances: We get to the good stuff the wedding night!! Looks very romantic, but she does not look happy in the morning!! I’m guessing he’s not bad soooooooo we will see!!!


CME Discussion #39 Tuesday 6/14/11

Recap Coming soon!!! Feel free to discuss.


Triunfo del Amor #147 6/14/11Burnie Goes Behind Bars and Maria Learns That Dear Old Lovable Grandma Is a Killer

Viewerville’s emotional engine is running on all 4 cylinders as Victoria continues to eavesdrop on Fernanda and Maria, and Maria tearfully recognizes the rag doll her mother gave her as a birthday present all those years ago.  Grannie Bernarda, on the other hand, is still surrounded by flames (courtesy of Eva) and screaming in panic.

Padre Juan Pablo, who has been blocked from entering his mama’s burning abode by the seemingly forever bungling, bumbling bomberos [firemen -- as opposed to keystone cops], gets fed up and impatiently races into Mama’s manse to save her from the flames if he can.

Burnie eventually regains her sense of self-preservation--if not her senses in general--and wraps a blanket around herself in order to make her escape.  Unfortunately, she trips on the rug and knocks herself out when she hits her noggin on a chair.  She falls to the floor.

Meanwhile, it’s back to the barrio.  Fer and Maria continue their heart-to-heart while Vicki listens secretly behind the shuttered doorway.  Fer tearfully tells Maria how Mama gave her the doll when she finally told her about her missing daughter; and that Mama’d held back admitting she even existed because she was frightened of the family’s rejection.   She truly suffered over her missing daughter for years.  Maria says now that’s hard to believe considering the arrogant, selfish and high-handed way Vic treats everything and everyone.  Maybe Fer never had to go through that kind of abuse?

While Vic continues to listen and sob, Fer admits to feeling abandoned and emotionally abused while Mama hid behind her work all the years she was growing up.   Vicki turns away to leave once Maria pledges to protect her kid sis no matter how she feels about Victoria Sandovaaaal.  Max runs into Vic outside the building and asks who she was there to see.  “--Fer of course.”  Please don’t let Fer or Maria know that she over-heard their conversation, she begs.

PJP finds Mama out cold still on the floor and carries her back outside-- certainly much to Eva’s chagrin.
Max assures Vic that when she least expects it, Maria will forgive her.  The call of the blood is too strong.  One day she will hear Maria call her “Mama!”

Padre Juan Pablo prays for his mama’s life while the paramedics take care of her.

At dinner, Heriberto admits to Lushous Leonela that he saw her t.v. interview the night before and was very impressed with her courage in confronting her ghosts of the past and asking for forgiveness so publicly.  She says it is part of the AA’s 12-step program to ask forgiveness.  He tells her he is very familiar with the program.  The man who killed his children asked his forgiveness the same way.  He admits to having wanted  to kill the man at first, but then, being a doctor who is committed to saving lives, he realized he had to forgive him.  Leonela asks about his medical specialty.  Heri says he treats pain, emotional and physical, and it’s plain as day that she’s in emotional pain.  Her eyes give her away. Chalk it up to life experiences and personality quirks [vivencias] she says.  --Nope!  She’s a strong woman who’s reconstructing her life and lifestyle.  In short, he admires the way she’s turned her life around. (I say malarkey and enough with the shallow philosophizing!  Get on with the show!)   She tells Heri that no man has ever touched the depths of her soul before the way he did this evening.  (Hon, he does it for a living.  Don’t get too carried away.)

Vic tells Max that even if Maria continues to reject her, it’s enough to know the relationship between her two daughters is a loving one.

Guillermo has apparently followed Leo and Heri to the restaurant and has been jealously spying on them from a table at the other end of the room.  He watches as Heri tells Lushous that life rarely gives a person a second chance and to take full advantage of it.  He sees the look on her face as she puts her hand affectionately over Heri’s.  Gui’s eyes are flashing “Redrum!”  “Redrum!” … “Kill!”  “Kill!”

Burnie regains consciousness.  The paramedics release her to JP who wants to take her to a hotel for the night.  However, the authorities arrive with a warrant for her arrest as the principal suspect in the death of Tomasa Hernandez.  Chente perks his ears up at that!  “Mi madrina?” [godmother=…er…not the fairy kind]  Burnie immediately complains to her son, now believing that he’s the one who gave her up to the coppers. “--You made good on your threats to me!”  JP swears that it wasn’t him, but she won’t believe him.  She curses him as the police drag her off.

At the police station, the judge puts Burnie into protective imprisonment [condena preventiva] in some area prison, based on the evidence given, for the next 72 hours. (At least I think that’s it.  It seems condena preventiva is a kind of sentencing option I’m not familiar with up here.)  She tells him he can’t do that! She’s Bernarda de Iturbide, don’t you know!  He warns her not to put up a fight.  Ok…She strolls over to Her Good For Nothing Son The Priest, and then pointedly refuses the rosary JP has remembered to bring along for her.  She screams back over her shoulder that she never wants to see him again!!

Back at Maria’s, she show Max the flowers from Alonso and the engagement ring that Jimena “helped” Lonnie pick out.  Maria tells Max she takes it as a sign that they may not be doing right by him by hiding the truth from Lon.  Papa Padre JP has told her that instead of doing him a favor, they could really be doing him an injustice.

Vic visits with Fer a bit after and tells her that she heard the conversation between Fer and Maria and that she is sorry for all the hurt she’d caused her.  The subject changes to why Fer is so anxious to have this second operation.  Fer admits that it’s not to walk, but to be able to have kids.

Leo returns home and starts to enter when Guillermo rushes in behind her and throws her down on the couch. (Ok.  Now that’s what I call a stalker—IMNSHO.  Jes’ sayin’.)  He starts raving about the way she dumped him so publicly for somebody else. “--Just what kind of game are you playing with me, eh?”   She came back to be with him! And they had a relationship!  But now she’s pulling the same thing she did the last time!  

Leo tries to reason with Gui, telling him he’ll just have to get used to the fact that their relationship won’t work.  He refuses to, obviously, and says he’s giving her one day to change her mind.  One day! Otherwise he’ll call the police and accuse her of attempting to kill Osvaldo.  She counters with her own threat to accuse him of murdering Ophelia.  He starts in on her again.  “--Again with playing dangerous games!  Well, we’ll see who wins this time!  Either you come back to me or you’re going back to spend the rest of your life in jail! 

Burnie finds out what it’s like to be guest of the state penal system in Mexico.  She threatens the guards and finds out that there the guards threaten back!

Padre JP admits to Padre Jeronimo that he was afraid this day would come for his mother eventually.  Padre Jerry suggests that sooner or later she’d have had to pay her debt to man or to Dios.  Hopefully, if she pays her debt to society, she’ll repent and the one to Dios will also be paid and she’ll find salvation.  JP says he knows Mama too well, and there’s no way she’ll ever accept her mistakes.

Gui has been busy.  He’s also tracked down Jimeana to a bar and gets rid of the goofy guy she’s picked up.  He sits down instead.  “--How ya doin’ crazy girlie?”

Vic pays Heri a late evening visit to ask why he’s going to operate on Fer.  Has she pushed him into it or what? Isn’t Fer getting ahead of herself here?  No, he says.  She’s finished the necessary therapy sessions and she’s earned the right to have another operation.  Fer isn’t getting ahead of herself on this, not at all.  Vic wants to know what real chance she has of ever walking again.  Heri says all things considered, this time there is much greater chance of success!  And what about getting pregnant?  See a gynecologist, he wouldn’t want to talk out of turn, and, above all, be patient.  

Well, Jimeana was looking for a good time tonight.  It might as well be with Gui.  As for Gui, he needs a release valve and Ji is generally game.  She ends up at his place again, supposedly because he had something important to discuss with her. “--Uh, yeah…I’m still digging on you!”  He goes for the gusto, but Jimena rejects him.  It’s been over for a good long while, she says.  --No says Gui!  They’ll be each other’s forever!  --No!  He killed whatever she felt for him, says Ji.  Now he’s got Leonela to paw.  How wonderful the two of them helped her get over him!  Anyway, why should she believe him?  He promised her so much and never came through.

Gui admits he failed her and blames it on her crazy jealousies.  Ji says well she’s not jealous at all now.  This is encouraging, he feels. He wants to show her that Leo means nothing to him now! She says too bad that it’s only because Leo left him for Ozzie.     However, she charitably determines that she’ll give him his last chance to prove himself and the two go at it like a couple of mindless minks.

Back in Dr. Heri’s living room, Heri wants to know what else is bothering Vic.  Well, she found her long lost daughter, but the girl rejected her.  Bummer!  Who is it?  What’s her name?  Anybody he knows?  He of the lilting, lust-enducing voice is speechless-impactado to hear it’s Maria Desamparada.

Speaking of whom, Maria gets a late evening visit from Chente and Napo who tell her about the fire at Grandma’s house.  Yep, although her grannie made it out okay, the authorities came by and dragged her off to jail! 

Across town at the prison, Burnie objects to being mixed in with the low lives in the cell, but the guard tells her that’s where all murderers are put.  Burnie denies murdering anybody.  “--That’s what everybody says.”  Well, Burnie’s NOT everybody else, she bloviates.  --No, says the guard, you’re worse!  Now get in there!  Roll. Clank! 

Once Burnie enters the cell, her cellmates learn fast what it’s like trying to pull rank on Bernarda de Iturbide.  After a few well-placed thwaps upside the head, and a well-placed foot on the biggest trouble making big-mouth’s neck, the b!tches in their learn how to heel.  “--Even in this pocilga [pigsty] social class counts!”

We then get more Dr. Phil philosophizing from Handsome Dr. Heri.  It’s something about Vicki now convincing Maria to look to the future with her rather than continuing to look to the painful past and staying stuck there.  FF>>

Maria heads over to Papa Padre’s and finds out from him that her grannie has been accused of killing a woman named Tomasa who used to work in their home, and who was like a second mother to him.  Maria says she knows Grams is a bit eccentric (uh, yeah) and demanding, but a killer?  Naw!  When PPJP refuses to comment, it hits her that the old gal just very well may be! 


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