Friday, April 20, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #82 Thursday 4/19/12 The Woman Who Couldn't Tell Her Husband the Truth About Her Baby Daddy

I have this horrible feeling that since so much happened last night nothing's going to happen tonight. We shall see…

Gus refuses to have a serious conversation with Rogelio while he's drink. Maria eavesdrops from the hallway and is able to give Gus a pleading look. She interrupts Rogelio's drunken ranting and tries to get him to go have a bath and a coffee. He starts smooching on Maria and says she's the only one who really knows him. He cries on her bosoms about how Paula had given him hope and he wanted to run through the fields with her. Maria tries to soothe him and get him to go to his room, and though she fails, he drinks enough to pass out. Maria grabs Gus and pulls him out of the room. So, lemme just make sure I'm understanding this…Ana Paula had the ovaries to tell Rogelio she's pregnant, but Gus, for all his insistence, didn't have the balls to tell Rogelio he's the baby daddy? I just want to make sure I'm getting all the details correct.

Out in the hallway, Maria thanks Gus for not saying he's the baby daddy. Gus says he'll do it when Rog is sober. He doesn't want Rogelio arguing with AP and putting her and the baby in danger. He then says he'll tell Rog not to fight with AP, but he won't say that he's the father unless Rogelio doesn't stop upsetting her.

Macaria got Consuelo out of the house early to talk to her about Efrain. She tries the whole "It's not what you think!" She blames Ulises for leaving them alone on vacation, then talks about needing to feel more important than the business. Consuelo says she won't say anything, but only because Ulises doesn't deserve to suffer. She tells Macaria not to thank her for it. She also won't tell her who the "other" woman is who Efrain's in love with. And then she says she won't work for her after today.

Rosaura goes into Rogelio's office to wake him up. Rude awakening, that. He wields a bottle at her…aw, damn, she moves away too fast! She tells him she wants to help him. "What can I do so you'll be calm? Over my niece's stupidity. I imagine you'd rather she didn't have the baby." Rog is shocked at her lack of limits and says she has no soul. He tells Rosaura the merchandise she sold him (AP) is defective, so she can just get the hell out. Maria chews her out for making things worse. Rogelio hears Maria say that AP and the baby are both at risk of dying. That sobers him up pretty quick. All hail the master manipulatrix!

Efrain goes to the fonda and tries to flirt with Consuelo. She lets him know that she saw him kissing Macaria last night.

Dany is watching over AP as she sleeps. Rogelio comes in and she tells him AP is very delicate. Rogelio says he knows and he swears he won't do anything bad, but he wants to be alone with her. Dany leaves. Rogelio tells her he needs her to get better. He apologizes and says he didn't know she was in danger of…he says she'll get better because he'll take care of her.

Efrain tells Consuelo to sit down. He tells her not to tell Ulises. She won't say she won't, but she does say that the only reason she didn't rat him out for sleeping with Cinthia is so that his death at Rogelio's hands wouldn't be on her conscience. She tells him she won't tell Ulises, but only because he's suffering enough right now. Consuelo is finally over Efrain and his BS. He asks if she's going to go running to Miguel now that she knows he didn't kill Maripaz. Macaria comes over and hisses that the three of them have to talk.

Gus is moping outside when Cinthia finds him. She praises Gus for not saying he's the baby daddy. He tells her the only reason he did it was because Rog was drunk as a skunk!

Ernesto comes in to see AP. Rogelio reads him the riot act for not telling him AP was sick. Ern tries to claim doctor-patient confidentiality, but Rog pulls rank. "You don't work for 'the patient,' you work for me!" He releases his grip on Ernesto's wrist after a shocked look from Ernesto.

Macaria begs them to meet later, where Ulises can't see them. Efrain tries to convince Consuelo that what they're doing isn't so bad. I mean, it's not like he wants her to leave Ulises or anything. Ulises is his friend. This is just a passing thing. Macaria makes a face like this is the first she's heard that this is just a passing thing! But she agrees with him. Consuelo says more power to them, but they'd better think about how much they can hurt Ulises. Macaria doesn't like the way things are getting so complicated. Efrain tells her to chill and they'll talk later…alone.

Ernesto explains that between the anemia and the stress AP's not only having a high-risk pregnancy, but she's at risk of death herself. Rogelio wants to throw money at the problem and insists on hearing about treatments and not problems, but Ernesto says the only thing to do is keep her from getting upset. Otherwise it's not just the baby that could die.

Over at Team Evil HQ, Bruno says it's time to amp up the pressure on Rogelio. Vanessa whines that even with the water shortage, AP is just spending a fortune to have it piped in. She says she'd better not find out that Estupido and Estupider had anything to do with the clenbuterol fiasco. She completely lost the business with the Americans and now she had to pay a much higher price for Abel's cattle since she was buying them last minute. The boys keep insisting they had nothing to do with the clenbuterol. Bruno tells her that now that Cinthia is in charge of the hacienda, she should take advantage of her complete lack of experience and negotiate with her. David is surprised to hear Cinthia is in charge. Bruno reminds Vanessa that she was so upset after Rogelio left her at the altar that she swore revenge…although she seems to be softening lately, especially now that AP is pregnant. "Awww, did you think you might still have a chance with him? I wouldn't count on it!" David fakes surprise about AP's pregnancy and says "Hmmm, I wonder who the baby daddy could be." Vanessa is so gonna kick those asses' asses when she finds out what they did. And with her pointy shoes that's no laughing matter!

Gustavo wants Cinthia to at least consider telling Rogelio about the problems with the clenbuterol contamination and the water. He reminds her that digging a well could be the solution to their water problems and says that maybe if Rogelio knew what was happening he might have an idea about who could be behind the clenbuterol. He takes off to go see AP, but Ernesto stops him. Gustavo tries to insist on his parental rights, but Ernesto reminds him that Rogelio is the husband, this is his house, and for cripes sake, someone needs to keep a calm head around here! Cinthia tells him to think about the baby.

Miguel and Dany are watching over AP. They talk about how it's going to be tough to keep Gustavo away from AP so that Rogelio doesn't find out he's the baby daddy. AP wakes up, sort of, and says she feels tired and sleepy and she's worried about what's going to happen now that Rogelio knows about the baby, even though he doesn't know about Gustavo. She doesn't want to stay there, but Dany tells her she can't go anywhere. Plus she's still worried about Miguel's conditional liberty. Miguel says he's not afraid to go back to prison, but AP can't go anywhere until she's out of danger. Dany says no matter how upset Rogelio is, he's not going to kick her out if her life is at risk.

Ernesto tells Gus that for now Rogelio wants to take care of AP, but he might change his mind if he finds out about Gustavo. Gus doesn't know how everything got so screwed up. He's all fixated on how AP's "confused" about her feelings. Ernesto's like, "dude, hormones! Who the hell wouldn't be confused?" Gus is all pissed off that Rogelio has feelings for AP. Ernesto says he thinks Gus should fight till the end, the way he did with Mercedes…as long as he can keep his dignity. Whatever that means.

AP needs to talk to Bruno to find out what the contract has to say about all this. She knows he's Rogelio's employee, but she needs to figure out whose side he'll be on. Rosaura comes in just as she's saying that they can't accept any more help from Rogelio. Rosaura begs AP to reconcile with him so they don't lose everything they have. AP is pissed that Rosaura's only thinking about money. And that everyone was right about her all along. Miguel tells her they'll find a way to survive, but they're going to do it without pimping out his sister!

Mercedes knew that Gustavo would behave like this. Cinthia isn't sure if Rogelio would hurt AP or the baby. "With Paula he always behaves the opposite of how I thought he would." Cinthia blames it all on AP. She begs Mercedes to agree they won't fight, no matter what happens with their brothers. She thinks Rogelio won't forgive Paula this time and she'll be out on her ass as soon as she's back on her feet.

Rogelio has gotten himself cleaned up and comes into AP's room. He asks everyone to let him talk to his wife. Miguel is reluctant to leave, but he gets up and leaves them alone. AP starts in saying she knows he never wants to see her again and she'd leave right away if only…Rogelio interrupts her and says he knows she's not doing well and there's no way she's leaving. "I'm not a monster like everyone thinks. You're still my wife, and you have a contract to fulfill. It doesn't matter what I said. Now that you're doing so badly, you're staying, but obviously under my conditions. A child is the only thing I couldn't give you, but you got one anyway, so you'll stay and finish out the contract and your child will be mine." Oh, no, that didn't sound creepy at all.

Vanessa muscles her way into the hacienda. Cinthia tells Efrain that Vanessa can come in, as long as she doesn't give orders to the contrary. Vanessa says they'll talk about the cattle later…what she wants to know is if Rogelio kicked out AP yet. Vanessa gloats that they can watch her leave from the hallway. Cinthia says she can't go anywhere, at least not according to Ernesto. Cin would rather that AP lost the baby and then got the hell out of all their lives. She suggests she and Vanessa move their gloating to a more secure location.

Rogelio explains that he wants AP to stay married to him and that the baby, like Margaro, will be part of the family they'll create together. Since the boyfriend is out of the picture, like she said, and the baby's really the only thing keeping them apart, and since she told him she maybe-kinda-sorta had feelings for him, well, it all makes perfect sense in Rogeliolandia given all of AP's misinformation. She's shocked that he would suggest this. She thought he was hella-pissed! Rog says he's not giving up without a fight. He wants her lock, stock and baby! AP hesitates, but Margarito, who's been listening at the door, comes running in and tells her to take the deal. "We can stay here with him and your baby will be ok!" Rogelio's like, "Wait, what? Leaving was an option?" He tells AP that he hopes she wouldn't take Margaro away without telling him.

Cinthia tells Vanessa she doesn't want Rogelio to know what's going on or he'll be even less willing to give her her part of the hacienda. Vanessa's like, "Woman, it's not enough to have the title of 'boss'…you actually have to know what the hell you're doing! Which you don't. So let me and the rest of your alleged friends who have only the best interests of our own selves advise you." Speaking of which, here comes Bruno, praising the girls for getting over their spat. Vanessa says she came to console Rogelio and smarms off to do it. Cinthia tells Bruno she needs to talk to him about what's going on, cause as far as she can tell, he's not fixing anything. Bruno says he's working on all of it. "Um, no...Gustavo's working on the water problem. You said I have to prove to the authorities who bought the clenbuterol, but I have no idea who did it, so I'm still the one responsible. That's not helping me! You're failing me in everything! Weren't you also going to get rid of Margarito?" Bruno reminds her he called the authorities. "I don't know what it's going to cost or how you're going to do it, but I'm going to snap my fingers, and you're going to solve all my problems, cause that's the way things get done around here, see?" Oh, poor Cinthia. Nobody told her the finger snap only works when you're wearing Eau de Protagonista.

Consuelo and Macaria angrily set a table in the fonda. Ulises notes the mood and he won't take "nothing" for an answer. Consuelo says they had a fight over Efrain. He's still flirting with the ladies and Macaria told her to forget him, but she just can't. Ulises agrees that Efrain is a womanizer, even though he is a good friend. Pobre de Ulises. Another one with bad taste in friends.

Vanessa goes to visit Ana Paula. What happened to all the watchdogs? Vanessa gloats that Rogelio has finally figured out what kind of woman she is. She hopes Rogelio won't have any compassion for her. She won't be happy until AP is out of Rogelio's life. "If I were you, I'd start packing up your rags!" She does the finger snap. Doesn't work for her either.

Vanessa continues the gloating in predictable fashion. AP defends herself, as usual. Vanessa leaves after promising to get Rogelio back as soon as AP leaves.

Miguel is working on some furniture. Dany is happy to see it. Miguel's in his zen zone when he's working with wood. He plans to make a crib for his nephew.

Rosaura is thrilled to hear that Rogelio intends to keep AP and the baby. She congratulates her and tries to feed her soup, but AP doesn't want any. She goes back to being thrilled about the money and AP chews her out for it. Rosaura takes the tray since AP won't eat. "Well, fine, but we don't want anything to happen to the heir of the hacienda, do we? You have to eat." Rosaura leaves.

She runs into Gus in the hallway and tells him AP is resting, so he needs to leave her alone. She tells him Rogelio and AP made up and Rogelio is going to accept AP and her child because he loves her. "So be a good loser and let them be happy." Gus swears Rogelio won't have AP or his baby! Dun, dun, dun!

Bruno tells Rogelio he heard about what happened, but all is not lost. The baby she's carrying could legally be his. Dun, dun, dun!

Rosaura giggles at Gustavo for thinking he and AP would raise that child. "Don't you realize Rogelio's power?" Gus says he'll do all the necessary tests to prove it's his kid. He won't listen to any more from Rosaura. She says he won't ruin her plans. Dun, dun, dun!

Bruno's explanation is that Mexican law protects families. If a married woman gets pregnant it doesn't matter whose baby it is. Her husband can claim it as his and he gets all the same rights and responsibilities as he would if he were the biological father. Rog says that sounds interesting. Bruno offers to review the contract, but Rogelio says not now. He'd rather Bruno go talk to Gustavo about what's going on with the water. He thinks he remembers Gustavo being in his office last night, but he's not sure. He turns down Bruno's offer to ask Maria about it and just tells him to go. Rogelio muses that AP's baby could carry on the family name.

Vanessa brags to Cinthia that she told AP to get the hell out. Cin is glad that Vanessa put her in her place. She hopes that Vanessa upset her enough to make her lose the baby. Vanessa looks horrified at that idea, like she hadn't considered the possibility. Dumbasses, the both of them!

AP's rest is interrupted by Gus. Dude! If she's sleeping, let her sleep! What is wrong with him! He kisses her hand and tells her everything has to turn out ok. He leaves just in time for AP to wake up and see him and wonder if it was really him.

Consuelo is distracted and forgetting to bring people their orders. She can't stop thinking about Ulises and how he thinks Efrain is his friend. Macaria doesn't want to talk about it. She tells Consuelo she's just being jealous. "I may still be in love with him, but I know what I'm worth. You know he's not being serious about you! Have some self-respect instead of being ok that he's with someone else too!" Consuelo leaves and tells Macaria she'd better go take the guest his coffee.

Rog tells AP he doesn't want to upset her, but he would like to know if she's thought about his offer. AP stalls, saying she has to talk to the baby daddy first, cause he's got rights. Rogelio is fine with that. In fact, he'd like her to get the baby daddy there so he can negotiate with him. AP is appalled that he's talking about "negotiating" but Rogelio says she's the one forcing him to treat this like a business arrangement and keep all the feelings out of it. He somewhat reasonably gives her the phone and tells her to call and get the baby daddy there right away. Eek!

Tomorrow: seems like a done deal that Rogelio will adopt the baby and Gus isn't happy about it.


Una Familia Con Suerte #215-216 Thu 4/19/12 Freddie does some deep thinking, and Pina nearly joins him.

*Fancy hotel, Mérida.*
Pina: Amors hermosho, I got us adjoining rooms so we can have slumber parties and braid each other’s hair and play Truth or Dare!
Freddie: Actually, I’d rather go diving.
Pina: Whatever you want! And after this, SURPRISE! We’re going skiing in Tahoe!
*Casa ChelaEnzo*
Enzo: Monterrey! Yay, right?
Right? Well, it’s just a test drive of the new job.
Moni: Daddy, I’ll miss you!
Pepe: Moni will be totally fine without you, though, because we’re super duper lovedoves.
Baby: WAH!
Chela: I am not happy about this.
*Ana’s bedchamber*
Ana: Aren’t you supposed to be in bed?
Lupita: I’m bored. Tomás is busy because he’s graduating soon. Why are you so happy?
Ana: Can’t you see the beard burn I got after my SPF 50 stalkerblocker wore off? Woooo-eeeee, hahaha!
Lupita and Ana: OWWW.
Ana: I miss Freddie.
*Restaurant, Mérida*
Pina: I know I’ve been a clingy overprotective mom and I need to detach! SOB! But that’s because you’re the only thing I have! You and I both need to be independent, and I totally support that! You have to help me! I need you! I can’t let go and learn to be alone without you!
Freddie: Thanks, Moms.
Kari: ¡Hola!
Freddie: QTH?! Seriously, Moms. Q.T.H?! You say you aren’t going to interfere in my life, and now THIS?!
Pina: I just want to force you to be happy. Besides, aren’t you novios?
Kari: Pouty pout tantrum.
Freddie: Fine. Do you know how to dive?
Kari: Uh, um, sure! Yes! (no.)
*El Paraíso, Take 2 aka Lust Nest de Candy y Vice*
Candy: You’re under arrest, for fickleness in the first degree! (click) We’ll just see if you can find the key for those cuffs! Time for your strip search! Bad boy!
*Sidewalk outside*
Solomé: I am the long-lost twin of Lucrazy from El Tal, but I’m just enabling someone else’s craziness instead of pursuing my own. Vice and Candy are up there, Nappy.
Napo: They’re going to have a very short marriage.
*Reposery de Ana*
Ana: Guess what, Pops? Adrián brought his daughters and kissed me!!!
Pancho: Grrr.
*Hotel, Mérida*
Daisy Duke Kari: Knock knock! Booty call!
Freddie, who wears his pink pajamas in Mérida when it’s hot: Huh? Why did you wake me up?
Kari: I couldn’t sleep! So how about it? Let’s just get nekkid with no preamble whatsoever.
Freddie: I may barf, but okay.
Recapper: Wear sunscreen, Freddie. You have a lot of sun damage.
*Hot Cop Barbie’s dreamhouse*
Napo: Smooch. Candy, snookums.
Candy: GASP!
Vice: Zzzzzzzzz.
Candy: Are you a ghost?
Napo: Sure, a ghost, a specter, a spirit from hell. Whatevs.
Candy: Vicente! VICENTE! WAKE UP!
Vice: Huh?
Candy: Napoleón!!!
Vice: There’s no one there! Are you nuts?
*Pancho’s dreamscape*
Auditrix: Pancho, I love you!
Pancho: I love you, too! Smooch smooch smooch smooch smooch!
Giant haggard fishwife Rebe: How dare you? Nwuahaha, snort!
Auditrix: Have you seen yourself in a mirror, you hag! You’re so fat!
Nasty Rebe: Shut up! I’ll kill you! Nahuahua, smack, snort!
Pancho: Rebe, why? No!
Seawitch Rebe: Shut up, worm!
*Back to awakeland*
Rebe: Pancho, what the heck? Are you okay?
Pancho: Just a nightmare. You were murdering Tax Barbie, no biggie. Say, speaking of biggies, could you give me a little more room?
*Sidewalk outside Vice and Candy’s, under the gaslights*
Napo: Bwahahaha! She thinks I’m a ghost! Everyone will think she’s crazy!
Salomé: Hahaha! Hilarious! I did not get enough of these pranks in middle school!
Napo and Sal: Crazy!
*Mérida, the back roads…way back*
Pina: See how much I’ve changed? I’m wearing hippy duds and riding around in a horse-drawn tram, waving and smiling at charming non-rich locals!
Freddie: Trippy, man! What a ride! Pum!
Local man, speaking local language: The Mayans used to carefully guard the cenotes, because they considered the water in them holy and used it for their rites. But now you can go diving in it; why not? I just have this incense and holy stuff for kicks.
Kari: This is amazing!
Freddie: Let’s dive!
Pina: Um, after you. Be careful! Wear your water wings and your ducky floatie! And a sweater!
Random guapo merman (who was Jorge in LldA), just up from the deep: (stunned silence, agape in the glow of Pina’s stunnery).
Pina, silently: These waters really DO have magical powers! What a vision!
Guapo diver: Hola. I’m Sergio. Want this quartz I found?
Pina: Excuse me?! I am a married woman!
Sergio: Well, let me just give you a sampling of my fairytale prince charms.
Pina: Le sigh, le heave.
*Big house*
Pancho and Rebe: We are still totally absolutely in love. Forget that stupid Auditrix fakeout.Nothing to see here!
Auditrix: I feel terrible! I told Rebe her husband wasn’t having a fling with me, but I neglected to mention that I’m falling for him!
Jimena: Why on EARTH would you ever tell her that?
Auditricks: I’m so in love! But of course I can never pursue this!
Jimena: Well, there you go then. Moving on.
*La Válvula*
Frida: Decorating this tree just reminds me how sad and alone I will be on Christmas, as usual.
Matías: Come over to my house! We’d be happy to have you.
Frida: I can’t believe things didn’t work out with Dartañan. I did everything: batted my eyelashes, brawled with Moni, begged and whined.
Matías: Amazing that didn’t work. Bummer, dude.
*Big house, or possibly North Pole*
Rebe: Pepe! You look so handsome without the face fuzz! Help me decorate this massive tree with all this stuff I have already acquired. Then, since I have nothing else to do, I am going to decorate every tree in the yard!
Pepe: You and Dad are so lucky to have found each other!
*Ana’s room*
Doc Oc: Well, ladies. You’re healing well. You can get up, but no rough-housing.
Alex, the expert caveman who is nothing like OUR Alex: These caves are amazing, and also underground, and have water in them.
Pina: …
Kari: Hee hee hee, Pina! Thumbs up!
Ketita: Wow, what gossip yesterday! I myself am above gossip, of course.
Pancho: Does Isabela seem a little strange and nervous to you?
Ketita: Yep. I think it’s about you.
Sandra: I’m too nerve-wracked for all this ball handling.
Is a bella (according to, like, EVERYONE): What’s wrong with you?
Pancho: Maybe I’m just putting cream in my tacos, but I think Isa’s really into me.
Enzo: Gasp!
Isabela: I need your paperwork, but keep your distance, Vice.
Vice: Okay, I’ll bring it to you personally.
Isa: No. Send it by messenger.
Vice: QTH?
Isa: I’ve heard a lot about you. Don’t touch me. No, I don’t want whiskey or coffee.
Pina: Let’s have a dramatic goodbye like you’re going to drown.
Diver Alex: Don’t worry. It’s perfectly safe.
Freddie, Kari, and Alex: Down we go!
Sergio: Hmmm. Here’s my chance.
*Casa Lopez*
Lupita and Ana: Wow, Santa’s workshop exploded all over this place.
Adrián’s girls: We’re baaa-aaack! With Daddy and big presents to buy Ana with! Where’s Temo?
Lupita: In school. Shouldn’t you two be in school?
Girls: Nah, stalking is a full-time job for the whole family.
Pepe: Rebe, can you even imagine Ana as a stepmother?
Rebe: Nah, but stepmommyhood worked out pretty well for me in the end.
Lots of diving footage, accompanied by creepy music. Freddie gets separated from the group.
Alex, up top: My regulator is broken.
Pina: Oh noes! My baby is down there with no one to hold his hand:
Freddie: Where is everyone? I’m lost! This is a maze! Stay calm. I can’t get out! I’m going to die!
*La Válvula*
Moni: Frida, let me help you. I can go to therapy with you and help you, ya know, money-wise.
Frida: I don’t want your money!
Moni: What can I do, then?
Frida: What’s your game? There must be a catch.
Moni: Stay away from Pepe. I trust him, but why tempt fate?
*Gangster lair*
Salomé: What is your plan for after you make Candy crazy?
Napo: Move to Italy and eat spaghetti. Hey, blood pact. If you swear you’d die for me, you can join me and run my affairs and my money.
Salomé: Fabulous. I’ll take care of everything.
*Casa Chela*
Candy: Chela, I’ve been seeing a ghost! Hey, I’ve seen Concepción doing brujería stuff. Maybe she can help me. Concepción! Help with the ghosties!
Concepción: Heeby jeeby hokey pokey dance.
Freddy: Focus, Fredster! Don’t die!
Kari: Hey, Pina and Alex. Where’s Freddie?
Pina: WHAT DO YOU MEAN, where’s Freddie?! Go find him! Boo-hoo!
Auditrix: Thanks for the info. Now back off.
Vice: Your loss, babe.
Auditrix and Jimena: snicker.
Enzo: Why don’t you pass a note to Isabela and have her check “yes” if she likes you?
Recapper: Why are people even discussing this? He’s married. Stifle that spark.
*Casa Chela/portal to the dead*
Mamación, eyes rolling back in head: Napoleón, if you’re out there, creeping back from the other side, make your presence known!
Recapper: Really, ladies? A fire pit in the living room? Is that safe?
Ado: Mommy! I don’t like this!
Fire: Boom!
Candy: AAAAHHHH!!! Not afraid of you, Nappy!
Chela: Enough! Stop! This is ridiculous! Candy needs a doctor, not ghosts!
Baby, over monitor: WAH! Do you people not have a smoke detector? Why are you ruining my delicate little lungs?
*Gangster lair*
Napo: Salomé, have you ever been in love?
Sal: Sure, but V.I.L.E. Henchwomaning and love don’t mix. I am absolutely dedicated to you and your nuthouse needs.
Auditrix: No way. Vice’s taxes can’t be correct. This is absurd. And that’s just from a preliminary glance. Who knows what we’ll find when we dig?
Jimena: What will we do?
Chela: Pancho! Emergency! Candy is seeing ghosts! And also smelling him!
Pancho: Well, that’s even worse than I thought. Napo smells gross.
Chela: She needs to go back to the shrink.
Arnold: Barb! You’re hot.
Barb: Uh, okay. Why the low voice and the pawing.
Arnold: I’m not gay. And I’m totally into you.
Vice, around corner: Gasp!
Pina: Help! Call search and rescue!
Kari: My phone doesn’t work here!
Pina: Wah!
Alex: I couldn’t find him, and I’m out of air!
Pina goes for a frantic swim, looking for Freddie. Then she goes suicidal and just drops under the water.
Sergio: Here I come to save the day!
*Casa Lopez*
Adrián’s little stalkers-in-training: Sigh, we will be ALL ALONE in Guadalajara at Christmas because the abuelos are going to Europe.
Temo: Stay here for Christmas!
Adrián, Rebe and Ana: Okay.
Isa: Vice’s financial statements are crap. He owes a boatload of taxes. I’ll have to alert the authorities.
Pancho: Hmm. Will he have to go to jail? Yikes, Candy won’t like this. Should I warn them?
Isa: If you do, I’ll get fired. I shouldn’t have told you, but we’re such buddies.
Vice: Stop pretending, Arnoldo. I heard what you said to Barb!
Arnoldo: No, no, no, it’s just a turn of phrase! Um, you heard it out of context!
Kari, via phone: Sob! Vice, we’re in the hospital, because, sob!, Pina…Freddie got lost in the cenote!
Vice: On my way!
Isa: Where is he going?
Arnoldo: His son disappeared.
Pancho: Hey, Rebe, hot off the press! Candy’s nuts, and Vice is going to jail!
*Gangster lair*
Napo and Salomé: Let’s be creepy and spy on everyone. No one will notice our creepy dude on the street wearing a creepy camera hat and staring menacingly at everyone. Look, Pancho, Chela, and Rebe have all shown up to visit Candy.
*Mérida hospital*
Doc: Try to relax.
Pina: I can’t live without my son! You have to find him!
*Casa Lopez*
A drain: I am so in lurve with you!
Kari, via phone: Ana, sob! Freddie got lost diving! He’s probably dead!
Ana: Boo hoo! Nooooo!
Chela and Pancho: Candy, you’re nuts. Let’s go see the nice doctor.
Candy: I really did see Napo! I’m going to end up like Violenta!
*Casa Lopez*
Moni: Pepe! You look so young and handsome without the geezer ‘stache! BTW, I went to La Válvula and offered Frida help.
Pepe: Well, this is an interesting twist. I don’t suppose she wanted to accept anything from you.
Moni: No, but I offered a car and driver at least, if she doesn’t want to see me. I realize I handled everything badly. Perdóname.
Pepe: No, perdóname. Muchas smooches.
Word spreads that Freddie is missing. Vice demands the first flight to Mérida.
Chucho: Sandra, want to have a baby with me?
Sandra: Yes! Yay, our very own sweet little baby…Qué?!
*Shrink’s waiting room*
Candy: The doc says I’m nuts. I got a prescription. If it doesn’t work and I keep seeing ghosts, I’ll have to go to the manicomio!
Pina, nightmarish and delusional: Freddie, no, come back.
Freddie: Moms?
Pina: Amors hermosho? Is that really you?
Sergio: Hail the conquering hero.
Pina: Oh, thank God!
Sergio: You’re welcome.
Mañana: Jorge Aravena shows up to charm Pina. She’s got suitors every which way all of a sudden. Hooray. Candy’s torment continues.


Abismo de pasión #29 4/19/12: You dropped a bomb on me, baby.

Title in honor of Marta’s theme and today’s general bombery. Heck, even El Talisman joined the fun with a car bomb.

Let’s take up where Marta left us last night...

Damian drops the bomb on Flo, he’s staying in La Ermita. Flo’s got fire in her eyes. He says all this time he refused to come back to the family biz to bug Alfamom and to please Flo, but the truth is that his heart is with the family biz. He needs to stay for him, and Flo needs to do what’s right for her. (Hint to Flo, this is a kiss-off.)

Elisa locks up for the night and we hear the rumble of Paolo’s motorcycle. Unkahunk gets in Elisa’s face to plead his case. Doesn’t matter to him about her family fued with Los Hatfield, (cue sleazy music) what matters to him is her. Paloma arrives to save the day. Elisa grabs her, they have to walk each other home, “Adios Paolo!”  (Hint to Paolo, this is a kiss-off.)

Padre and Gael are enjoying their dinner when there is a knock on the door. Surprise! It’s Irritating Ingrid with a floppy cake of thanks. Padre shoots dagger eyes at her. Ingrid smiles triumphantly. Gael is blissfully clueless, and comments on the nice, friendly lady. Padre’s not in the mood for cake.

Useless Vicente gets home from his first day at work and gripes to mom. Dad is just a peon like the others, not like the studly bossman Gabino. Gabino gives orders (true), they are obeyed (true), and he is respected (uh, nope). UV wants to grow up to be just like Gabino. Antonia está freaqueando and tells UV to stay away from Gabino.

Elisa and Paloma discuss the possible Elisa/Damian pairing. Elisa resists, fear of falling in love is not the same as loving, she says. Paloma calls bulls**t on this and advises Elisa to go for it. Face him and fight for him. Elisa says she’s afraid, not to mention he’s engaged to his Florencia. Paloma scoffs, snip snip snip and cut her right out! Dang, I’m liking Paloma more every day.

The girls are talking about visiting Gael just as Ramona and mule clop up. Ramona advises Elisa not to fight her destiny, and for the record, she’s not the only one trying to resist the inevitable. Hmmmm...  

Paloma decides to hang with Elisa a little longer, and they visit Gael so Elisa can give him the good news about her tierras. He’s happy-Padre-level excited and is sure this will improve Assgusto’s economic situation. They talk about when Elisa will break the news to her papa. Gael takes Elisa’s hands and says he’d give his life for her. Poor Paloma is stricken and rushes from the room.

Elisa tries to comfort Paloma, who says she feels like a third wheel (mal tercio). Elisa then tells Gael she can’t believe he’s such a dumba$$,

Blanca is still on her Kamikaze mission, now at Casa Castañon to talk to Assgusto without Orangina listening in. Lolita manages to get Assgusto out of the bedroom and Orangina’s prying ears by lying that Gael is at the door. Blanca tells him he must come to her house so she and Lucio can talk to him. Pop goes the Sleazel! Orangina demands to know why Blanca is there instead of Gael, and she would love to know why Blanca wants to see Assgusto without shades of orange around him. “Hipocrite! Phony!” accuses Blanca.

Orangina acts miffed, how dare Blanca insult her? Blanca says it’s merely the truth, Orangina has no morals or decency. Blanca wastes all sort of time waxing about the wonderful Estefania, the great love of Assgusto’s life, and how the A$$ has never cracked a smiled since she died. Carmeany is the exact opposite, blah blah blah. Assgusto wants Blanca to explain herself. (So do we!! Spill it now! Save yourself!) Alas, Blanca says all will be revealed tomorrow when Assgusto shows up at her casa solo because his woman is not invited. Aaargh, that was a helluva speech Blanca, but I fear it will be your last.

Over at the procesadora Gabino and another scumbag drool over Irritating Ingrid, who is, for some reason, posing seductively against a tree on this dark night. Gabino gives her a funny look. Does he recognize her?

Orangina tries to do damage control but Assgusto tells her to shut it, he doesn’t want to discuss the subject. She gets bug-eyed crazy and insane-looking, and gushes she’s got great news, she got her test results, she’s fine and all is well with the world. (Only Carmeany can look like an ax-murderer while at the same time spewing “good news”.) Assgusto wants to see the results. Oopsie, she got rid of them, sorry. He just gazes at her with his usual ugly gape-jawed look of disinterest.

Blanca gets home and gives sleeping Lucio a kiss. When she leaves his eyes pop open and he scowls, the cranky old faker.

It’s a beautiful new morning in La Ermita and there is a knock on Irritating I’s door. The Padre has hunted her down and wants to talk to her. She says she has every right to visit HER son. Padre asks if she is there for any reason other than HIS Gael? Sorry, but God forgive him, he doesn’t believe she has either repentance or love for a son she doesn’t even know. She doesn’t care what he thinks, she’s sticking around La Ermita to earn the affection of her son. She’ll do honest work, whatever, but she’s not leaving. “Good luck with that,” he warns, “because you’re going to need it.” Great scene! But what’s with her hair and why is she sporting the orthodox peyos look? It’s very distracting.

Over at Hacienda Harangue-o Flor tells Fina that Dam has decided to take the reins at La Pro Ce Sa Do Ra and frankly she’s not happy about it. Fina says she understands but this is one of those times when a woman should show her full love and support to the man she loves. Flor sweetly smirks. Curses, foiled again!

Damian wakes Lucio with a morning visit. He’s come to ask Lucio’s advice. He’s going to put himself in charge of the procesadora (happy happy joy joy!!) and he needs Lucio to come back. Dam’s been gone so long he doesn’t even know how it all works. Lucio gets glum and says he appreciates the offer but he doesn’t think it’s a good idea, that pesky Gabino thing and all. Dam urges and Lucio agrees to at least think about it.

Dam asks Lucio about his injury. He didn’t really bump into furniture did he? It was Gabino who hurt him because Lucio was defending Elisa, right? Was Elisa flirting with Gabino? “¿QUE? POR SUPUESTO QUE NO!“ rages Lucio,“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve heard in my entire life!” OK, says Dam, gotta dash, think about the job.

Blanca’s glad Elisa came to work early because she (Blanca) has a mid-day appointment. Elisa tells Blanca she can no longer work for her, not for a bad reason but because very soon she’s going to grow habaneros on her mama’s tierras. Oh joy, the happy music plays and Blanca is thrilled. It’s the best news she’s heard in forever. But why did Elisa decide to do this? Elisa says Stef loved those tierras and had high hopes for the habaneros. Gael convinced her that dad is driving the family biz into the ground and she, Elisa, is going to realize her mama’s dreams. They have sweet hugs and Elisa says Blanca has been like a mother to her and always there for her. Blanca says Elisa has been like her daughter, she and Lucio have been her whole life. Blanca cryptically says that starting today Elisa’s life will be very different, and for the better. More kisses, hugs and way too many anvils.

Useless Vicente lounges around the packing boxes enjoying a soda when dad walks up and rips on him for being lazy. Braulio says one of their grinding machines is busted and he doesn’t need any more problems. Gabino strides up and says he’s not paying Braulio to talk to his son, especially when one of the machines is broken. Production has stopped and it’s all Braulio’s fault! Brau runs after Gab and complains since Gab won’t stock spare parts (refacciones) then how is it Brau’s fault? Gab says fix it now or you’re out on the street with Maru. Speaking of whom, she surprises them by showing up, saying she’s there by orders of the boss. What boss? “The son who is sitting in Don Rosendo’s office, that’s who,” she smiles, “and he’s waiting for you.” Maru and Braulio share looks of delight at Gabino’s discomfort.

In the Principal’s office: Dam drops the bomb on Gabino that starting today he, Damian, is in charge of the procesadora. Plans have changed. Gabino shuffles his feet while assessing his role in all this. “Ummm...welcome back I guess, and I’m at your service because that seems to be my only choice right now.”  Dam announces that very likely Don Lucio will return and if so he’ll be Dam’s right hand man, not Gabino. No, he’s not firing Gabino, only telling him that he must show respect to Lucio. And if he can’t do that, or prefers not to work at La Anita, then he can look for work elsewhere.

The scary male chanting in the background tells us Gabino is not pleased. He says he is a professional and won’t let his conflicts with Lucio get in the way of his work. Fina stands in the doorway and hears Dam’s final warning. “The tiniest problem between you and Lucio and you’re out on the street.” Fina strides in. “You heard my son’s conditions,” barks the Alphabitch. Then she hugs Dam and makes him sit in dad’s chair so she can admire the look.

Back at Blanca’s Casa de Modas there is a knock on the door. It’s pretty Paloma and she’s come to apologize for last night. Elisa’s not in the mood, she’s busy. Blanca softly scolds, talk to your friend. OK, agrees Elisa, she’ll go with Paloma and come back later to help Blanca.

Agent Orange stands in her gloomy house bitterly recalling Blanca’s words of last night. She vows to find out what Blanca wants, she must know something. Assgusto comes home so hot and tired he doesn’t even notice those swollen orange bazonga’s that are taking up the room. He says they’ve got economic problems. She says, like always, they’ll figure something out. Go right ahead, he snarls, but no more hare-brained schemes with Gabino about them buying our habaneros! Oooh, Orange Crush.

Gabino is in a rage. He visits Horacio at the stable and says he needs a very special favor that requires Horacio’s particular skill and he’s ready to pay for it. Horacio says no thanks, he knows all about Gabino’s special requests. Gabino smashes him up against the stable bars and says Horacio will do what he asks! Horacio says he came to La Ermita to straighten out his life, to change. Gabino doesn’t care, Horacio is going to do what he says or the Campeche police will know where to find him.

Paloma and Elisa make up. Elisa says Paloma doesn’t have the right to treat her that way, it’s not her fault what Gael says to her. She is Paloma’s amiga, not enemiga. Hugs and promises to never let a man come between them. Sisters and friends forever? Great, lets celebrate with coconut ice cream! Sounds good to me, wish I had some.

Lucio walks down the street looking quite spiffy. He passes someone and says hello. The someone is Horacio, head down. He peers up through his mop of hair and discreetly sets off after Lucio. (Threatening music.)

The workers are gathered a La Anita. Damian walks into the factory and they break out into applause for the new boss. Gabino yawns.

Lucio goes to the Casa de Modas, changes his mind and turns away, changes his mind again and goes in. Yay! Horacio lurks outside. Boo! Blanca is surprised to see him after the way he has been treating her with such indifference. He says he needs to talk to her. She says she also has something very important to tell him. Lucio first, Dam wants him to come back to work at the procesadora. She’s not sure it’s a good idea, what with his age and difficulties with Gabino. But whatever he decides he has her full support. Big hugs and lots of te amos. He says now it’s her turn to talk. Does she tell him? NOOOO darn it! She tells him to go back to the house, Fina and Assgusto are coming for a visit, and all will be revealed. Now run along and let them in. He thanks her one last time for her love, support, and for being his woman.

Assgusto ties up his horse outside Blanca’s house. He sees Fina parked outside and asks ¿Qué hace esto aquí?

The Hulk is still lurking outside Blanca’s Casa de Incendiary Materials. People walk by and he hides his face, thus he does not see Lucio leave the building. When the coast is clear he lights a molotov cocktail, throws it into the Casa de BBQ  and locks the door from the outside. He leans against the building, sighs unhappily, and walks away. Dude, you are so dead to me. I don’t care if you are Armando Araiza.

Seconds later Elisa is returning to work, she hears Blanca yell Lucio’s name and sees a fireball explode out the window. Bye bye Blanca.

Snarking aside I am TOTALLY BUMMED OUT and PITHED OFF about this turn of events. looks like Cynderella gets the gnashing of teeth episode tomorrow. Tag, you’re it, amiga.

Avances: Damian comforts Elisa. Florencia pouts.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

El Talismán #57 Thu 4/19/12 The Best Laid Plans....

Today on El Talisman:

There were no refritos from yesterday. So let's delve into this really heavy episode today. So much revealed.

Fabi and Army are talking still and waiting for Flor to make an appearance, when Flor comes around the corner and bumps into Angel. Flor is worried when she sees a car come up the drive. Angel introduces himself to her and tells her he is Armando's cousin and Flor tells him to tell Army to hurry up cause they will get in all kinds of trouble. Angel hurries over to Army and tells them they have to go, Fabi agrees and they leave El Alcatrash.

Tia Patty tells Pedro that Lucrazy left. He is concerned because she never got the money from him for an apartment and he is worried she will be on the street. Tia Patty says that is Lucrazy's concern. Pedro is happy Lucrazy is gone cause now he will be very happy with Cameela.

Tonio and Lucrazy talk and he tells Lucrazy not to worry. They will fix this.

Pigorio has summoned Lucas to El Alcatrash because Valentin doesn't want to kill Mariana so Lucas is given the job. He balks a little but takes the job. Pigorio tells Lucas that he wants both Mariana and Pedro dead.

Cameela is sleeping and dreaming of Pedro and the hot night they spent together and about her in a wedding dress and dancing with Pedro.

El Viral and Maria talk and El Viral tells Maria she is going to consult an attorney to see about getting that apartment from Rennie and spousal support. Tia Maria says she is going to work.

Rita and Rennie are talking about the money from Tonio again. Rennie tells her it will be 1 million he is seeking from Tonio. Rita wants to collect the money and leave. Rennie says something about El Viral I didn't catch.

Doris and Pigorio are in the Pig's bedroom. Doris asks about Tonio getting anything from El Alcatrash and Pigorio says his favorite line es Mio bawwww.

Tonio goes to see Yenny and tells her they will activate that plan and Lucrazy comes too, and she warns Yenny she better stick with the plan of telling Pedro what they want her to. She is scared.

Valentin and Lucas are spying on El Tal and looking at the cars.

Claudio is about the leave when Margarito comes in. Margarito wants 5 minutes of Claudio's time. He wants another chance to prove he is a good Papa,and he asks Claudio to forgive him. I think Claudio forgives him and walks out.

Cameela and Pedro are having breakfast and are happy to be together. Tia Patty comes and tells Pedro she is going to pick up his papers at the airport.

Flor and Claudio meet. She asks about his Papa again and Claudio tells her he forgave him. He smooches her and tells her he loves her. She is into the kiss, but isn't sure she loves him. She thought bubbles this to herself.

Claudio and Tia Patty leave for the airport in Gabe's new car, and Valentin and Lucas are following.

Lucrazy marches into El Tal with Yenny in tow. Lucrazy introduces Yenny to Pedro and Cameela recognizes Yenny and asks what she is doing there? Well Lucrazy goes into her spiel about Cameela hiring Yenny to make those phone calls, Yenny told Lucrazy herself, isn't that right? Pedro tells Lucrazy she is lying and Cameela would never do that. Lucrazy tells Pedro to look in Cameela's phone for proof. He says no way. He asks Yenny is this true, did you use Cameela's phone to call and pretend you were Mariana? Yenny says yes, and Cameela is all kinds of mad. Lucrazy keeps on in this vein and Pedro asks Yenny again did Cameela hire you? Yenny runs over to Cameela's side and spills the beans about how Lucrazy and Tonio put her up to this and that Tonio swore he would kill her if she told. Pedro tells Cameela and Yenny to leave him alone with Lucrazy. They go and Pedro finally lights into Lucrazy. He tells her she is crazy and nothing and noone is breaking him and Cameela up. He tells her to largate and never to darken the door of El Tal again. She tries the crying game, but Pedro yells at her to shut up and to Largate!!! She finally leaves. Pedro convinces Yenny to go to the police so she can tell them about this plan.

Tonio and Doris are out in the trees and Tonio tells Doris he is so happy they are divorced and now he can marry Cameela. Doris asks him what are you smoking (ed just kidding) and tells Tonio, Cameela will never marry him she is marrying Pedro. Tonio tells her too bad so sad but Pedro is still married to Mariana and she is alive. Doris isn't buying that Mariana is still alive. She smooches Tonio . Tonio pushes her away and here comes Pigorio. He yells at Tonio to stay away from Doris. Tonio asks him if he likes Doris, Pigorio tells him he is responsible for Doris. Tonio leaves and Doris thanks Pigorio. Pigorio grabs her hair and starts yanking on her head. He tells her he told her to say away from Tonio. He tells her he is throwing her out of El Alcatrash.

Manuel and Mariana are talking and Manuel tells her they are going to look into her past and see what is what.

Cameela talks to Yenny and asks her about why she told her there was a job in LA. Yenny tells her it was a plot by Lucrazy because she is crazy in love with Pedro and wanted Cameela out of the way. Not only that but Tonio is obessed with Cameela.

Tia Patty and Claudio finally get to the airport. Tia Patty told Claudio that his Papa is a good guy and he should give him a chance. Tia Patty says let's get a coffe while we wait, and Claudio tells her sure as long as we don't talk about Margo. Valentin and Lucas are watching the car.

Lucrazy catches up with Tonio and tells him everything that happened with Pedro. They are both stark raving mad, (literally).

Pigorio is back at El Alcatrash and is throwing Doris' clothes all over the room and telling her she got to go. She is begging and pleading with him, but he tells her to Largate. She is very pithed.

Mariana and Manuel are at the Fresno airport and they see Tia Patty and Claudio with Beatriz. Mariana looks at Tia Patty but doesn't recognize her. Tia Patty and Claudio don't see Mariana. Manuel and Mariana leave.

Tia Patty and Claudio meet up with Beatriz who is an old friend of Tia Patty's. Beatriz gives the papers to Tia Patty and says she wants to know when the wedding is cause she wants to come. Tia Patty tells her she will let her know. While Tia Patty and Claudio are inside the airport, Lucas puts a device on the car and then they wait for Tia Patty, Claudio and Mariana to come out.

Pigorio goes into his office with Panchito trailing him. Panchito keeps asking what is wrong and gets Pigorio a drink. Pigorio tells Panchito he threw Doris out. Panchito wants to know where she will go, Pigorio says to Madame Brigette's of course. Panchito can't beleive she will live in the house of ill repute.

Doris is talking to Fabi and Flor and they ask her what is going on? She tells them she is leaving. They don't want her to go, but she says she has her reasons and will not be in the street, but staying with a friend of hers. The girls help her pack.

Tia Patty and Claudio come out of the airport and get in the car. Valentin and Lucas are still watching and Valentin is perturbed that Mariana isn't with them. He tells Lucas we can't just kill them, Mariana should have been there too. Lucas tries to stop the device from going off, but he can't it isn't working. Claudio starts the car, and nothing happens so Valentin thinks the device may have been a dud.

Yenny talks to El Capitan and tells him the whole plan of Lucrazy and Tonio. Cameela tells El Capitan that Yenny really is a victim of Lucrazy and Tonio. Pedro tells El Capitan details of what they tried to do and that Pedro really beleives Mariana is dead.

Pedro and Cameela go back to El Tal and talk about their upcoming wedding and that Cameela would like to have Tracy prepare the food. They talk about Tia Patty and Pedro says she has been like a Mother to him.

Tia Patty and Claudio have stopped somewhere, maybe to get that coffee. Valentin and Lucas are still behind them watching them. Claudio starts the car, starts to drive off and it explodes.

Valentin and Lucas are there when the police come and the rescue squad. Valentin doesn't want to be there because he is nervous of the police and all the questions they will ask, but Lucas says theyhave to stay and answer any question they have. If they don't and try to leave the police will be suspicious.

Back at El Tal Cameela and Pedro continue to talk about their upcoming wedding. Cameela say she wants lots of flowers. Margarito comes in and Pedro asks how it went with Claudio. Margo tells him and Pedro tells him Claudio is a good boy and will come around.

Tonio and Lucrazy are still talking about Pedro and Cameela and what are they going to do now. Doris comes out and tells Tonio he'll never marry Cameela and Tonio swears Mariana is alive and Pedro can't marry her. Doris is trying to goad him, but she tells him she is leaving.

Finally in the comedy of the afternoon, El Viral has called a lawyer to handle her divorce from Rennie. I think the lawyer's name is Lic Menendez. He asks how he can be of service. She tells him she wants half of Rennie's assets and the apartment. The lawyer asks her how many children do they have together? She says none. He asks how long she has been married? She says one day. The lawyer looks at her and says, Guess what you don't get anything. El Viral's shocked face is as priceless as her headband. There we end today.


Someone is led off on a stretcher.


La Que No Podía Amar #81 Wendesday 4/18/12 He’s BAA-AAACK! The Clenbuterol-contaminated Cowpie Hits the Fan!

by Audrey (posted by Elvira, a few screencaps added by Elvira)

Lo del pasado:

In Ana Paula’s bedroom, AP is confined to the bed. It’s time for Rogelio’s operation, and María, Margarito and Dani keep vigil with Ana Paula, praying for the safety of Rogelio’s operation.

Later, Cinthia makes a visit to AP’s bedside. They worry over Rogelio’s operation. Cinthia wants to know if AP really loves Rogelio. If so, she is willing to help Rogelio accept AP with her baby in exchange for AP helping her marry Gustavo. Cinthia tells her she doesn’t need to give her answer right away, but think about it. AP looks like she’s about to hurl.

Lo de nuevo:

Gustavo comes into the room, interrupting the tense moment. Cinthia makes a show of look how she is starting to “get along” much better with her cuñada. AP looks even more horrified. Gus asks Cinthia for news about Rogelio. Cinthia is going to call Ernesto again. AP begs to be advised of any news.

After Cinthia leaves, Gus is very pleased to tell Ana Paula that her brother Miguel now has a carpenter job with a friend of Mercedes — he introduced them. This makes AP feel much better. He’s really excited because he’s brought Ana Paula a gift - a book about the stages of pregnancy that they can read together. Ana Paula gifts him with a pleased smile.

María is polishing a silver bowl in the main salon and then drops the bowl in the fright of her life: “Rogelio!” Rogelio is sitting there in his wheelchair. He has a cold, hard look on his face. He left trusting that María would let him know of anything that happens at the hacienda. Why didn’t she tell him that AP was ill? María protests that they didn’t want to worry him since his operation was so delicate and important. Rogelio reminds her that AP is the most important thing to him!

Back in AP’s bedroom, Gus is still gushing all over Ana Paula in his excitement about her having his baby. Gus goes on and on - he’s so in love and excited. AP smiles at him indulgently.

Meanwhile, in the salon, María tries to stop Rogelio from rolling off to see the Mrs, she wants to “explain things”. Rogelio is having none of that. Margarito comes in wearing blue plaid pajamas. He is delighted to see “el patron” and runs to him to give him a hug. Rogelio is delighted to see Margarito up walking. “But what about you?” wonders Margarito. Rogelio tells him his operation will wait, he’s ready to see his wife now. Margarito now tries to stop Rogelio. “Let me pass, chamaco! You look good in blue hahahah.” and Rogelio rolls out of the room.

Ana Paula and Gus are enjoying the book together. She shows him a picture of what the baby should look like right now. Cinthia comes back in, she wasn’t able to reach Ernesto. Ana Paula is very anxious that they get news about Rogelio’s operation immediately. They go off to find Mercedes new number, leaving the doors open. Ana Paula hugs the pregnancy book and prays that Rogelio is OK.

María and Margarito are still in the salon, freaking out together. Margarito wonders if el patron already knows that Ana Paula is going to have Gus’s baby? “No - he just knows that she’s ill!” Margarito wants to warn Gus, but no, Maria doesn’t want Gus talking to Rogelio. María is in total helpless freak-out because there really is little opportunity for damage control at this point!

Chio and Mercedes at the Hernández (that’s Ulises & Macaria) Eatery talking about Mercedes' plans: the lovely house she and Ernesto are setting up in San Gabriel, blah, blah, blah. Chio offers to help decorate now that they are friends again. Mercedes gets a phone call from Ernesto - Rogelio has gone AWOL!

AP is sitting quietly in bed reading her book. Rogelio rolls up to the door smiling. He pauses, waiting for AP to sense his presence. She does. “What are you doing here? What about your operation?”. He rolls up to the bedside. “I found out you were ill and couldn’t even leave the bed. I’m here to be with you.” he answers, kissing her hand. AP starts to get upset. Rogelio asks AP: “What’s wrong? What (kind of illness) do you have?” Ominous music!!!

Back at the eatery, Mercedes has quickly surmised that Rogelio found out something about AP’s illness or pregnancy and leaves the building in a panic. She explains to the pursuing Chio that Rogelio didn’t have the operation. When Ernesto arrived at the clinic, he was told that Rogelio had suddenly left to attend to an emergency. She had got to warn her baby brother ASAP!

Rogelio is still at Ana Paula’s bedside, trying to get her to answer what is wrong. “Did you have another nervous breakdown? I was so worried. And why wasn’t I informed?” Maria appears - trying figure out some way to prevent the inevitable disaster. “We didn’t want to worry you before your operation.” explains AP. “That’s right,” says Maria, “and before Ana Paula was in bed, she was taking care of hacienda matters.” Rogelio is gratified. Ana Paula explains she did it because she’s come to love his lands. “And me?” asks Rogelio, “have you learned to love me?” Ana Paula looks up at María helplessly. Rogelio insists that María leave them alone. Rogelio gazes lovingly at his wife, who is now looking away uncomfortably.

Cinthia is in the salon ranting to Gustavo. Cinthia is worried about Rogelio and she can’t believe he didn’t at least take Hugo with them so that they could maintain contact. Now that she’s “in charge” and there are so many problems at the hacienda, she need to be in contact with her brother! Cinthia is freaking out about all the things going wrong at the hacienda and how she will be blamed. Vanessa has chosen other cattle suppliers for her packing house, and Vanessa’s family’s company has always bought their cattle from the Monteros ever since Cinthia was an child! And now they lose their most important client on her watch! Gustavo thinks she should be able to work things out with Vanessa, but Cinthia tells him that Vanessa doesn’t want to help her out, and when Rogelio finds out, he’s going to be furious with her! Gustavo comforts her.

“You love these lands?” Rogelio is asking Ana Paula at her bedside, “and me? You gave me a hope!” Rogelio pauses and smiles at her. “My love, listen. Could it be there is something deeper between us than a contract?” AP can only look miserably silent and starts crying. “I can’t Rogelio” says AP. Rogelio doesn’t get it. “You have to understand,” says Paula between her tears, “that when I escaped from here, I was with my then boyfriend, and I’m pregnant!” Cara de impactado from Rogelio. “You’re what?” “I’m expecting a baby.” answers Paula. “A baby? From your boyfriend?!!!”

Miguel and Dany are walking up into the haciendas veranda, waxing poetic about all the possible futures of his new furniture business. Tia Rosaura comes along, poo-pooing things, not wanting to lend much of “her” money as it needs to be saved carefully in case they are kicked out of the hacienda. Miguel reminds her that that money belongs to Ana Paula, and anyway, he’s determined not to live off Rogelio anymore. He now has a business opportunity with a friend of Gustavo. Now Tía is all impressed that he really is changing. “Yeah, no thanks to YOU!” says Miguel ironically.

María comes out running in a panic. She doesn’t know what’s going to happen or what to do! Rogelio is already here, and he’s with AP now! Caras de impactado! María doesn’t know who told Rogelio that Ana Paula was sick - which is why he returned. Tía says “Oh no! We have to hide her pregnancy from Rogelio!” Miguel points out what a futile effort that will be (we can’t cover the sun with a finger), he’ll find out eventually. “Well, we’ve got to go and interrupt them before Ana Paula tells him anything! He’ll go crazy!” panics María, and the four hapless messcateers rush off towards Ana Paula’s bedroom to prevent a tragedy. Margarito, who has been miserably hiding behind the furniture through this whole conversation, covers his head with his arms in despair, feeling very guilty about the horrible situation that he unintentionally provoked.

Back in Ana Paula’s bedroom, the ominous music is coming to a crescendo: “Of course! Of course you’re going to have a nervous breakdown if you are married to one man and pregnant by another!” Rogelio realizes bitterly. Ana Paula reminds Rogelio how things really were back then. That she was only with him because of the contract, and that when she ran away, she thought he had ordered her boyfriend killed. “Well, I’m glad you realized I didn’t send someone to kill him, but I never imagined you would go sleep with him! Why?” begs Rogelio in anguish.

Rogelio reacting to Ana Paula's news.

“You have to understand that my circumstances with you were different back then.” begs Ana Paula, “That what I felt for you then is different than I feel now.” “And what do you feel now?” asks Rogelio sneering at her. “Pity? affection? or love?” “I’m very confused” AP tells him. “So I imagine.” Rogelio answers skeptically. “I came to care for you, I swear it!” cries AP. “And when did you realize that you cared for me,” asks Rogelio, “when you discovered you were pregnant?” “No, Rogelio, don’t think that about me!” implores Ana Paula

Ana Paula is in tears over Rogelio's reaction. . .

. . . and Rogelio has tears of his own.

Rogelio doesn’t believe her. He concludes that she now says she cares for him because her boyfriend didn’t accept responsibility for the “chamaco”. And now she needs him to take care of not only her brother, her aunt but this new baby too. Ana Paula is devastated that he sees things this way - “it’s not true! If you think that you don’t know me at all!” Rogelio is furious and yells at her for not even have complied with the darned contract! AP tearfully admits she hasn’t and that she did indeed marry him to help her brother. Rogelio says he doesn’t really give a damn about that contract. But it hurts him so much that she has been making a fool of him all this time. How she must have laughed every time he made a romantic effort. And in the meantime she was enjoying nights of passion with that imbecil! He thought the accident that caused his paralysis was bad, but now he met her, came to love her, and this is worse, because she is killing him! AP can only weep and repeat “Don’t tell me that.” over and over. “Why did you make we want to change, Paula? Why did you make me believe I could fall in love and be happy again?” asks Rogelio. “Forgive me! I didn’t want to hurt you. I do care for you Rogelio Ana Paula cries. I only wanted.....” Rogelio interrupts bitterly: “You have caused me the worst unhappiness of my life, Paula!” So that’s why everyone around him has been so secretive, and he like an imbecile not knowing a thing! Ana Paula tries to grab his hands as she keeps apologizing, pleading with him not to think this way. “Don’t touch me!” says Rogelio in disgust as he looks at Ana Paula collapsed on the bed crying. He then wheels himself out of the room as she calls after him weeping inconsolably “Rogelio!”. What an intense scene! ¡Qué grueso!

She leans into him, begging him to understand . . .

Efrain is slinking into the Hernandez business again! Consuelo gives him a pretty smile, but he doesn't notice and goes right over to the counter to check up on Macaria. She’s feeling much better now that she knows Miguel wasn’t responsible for Maripaz’s death. Efraín starts hitting on Macaria big time, trying to get Macaria to leave with him for a bit of fun. Consuelo looks through the bar window and notices Efraín in full flirt mode. She turns away in annoyance. The chat-up succeeds, and Macaria asks Consuelo to mind the business while she steps out for a short bit. After she agrees, Consuelo notices that Macaria is following Efraín out.

Miguel is marching down the hacienda hall going to protect AP while Tía tries to stop him - “We can’t all bust in there together! It’ll look suspicious!” Miguel and Dani should go first, and just ask casually about the trip. She shows them how it’s done: “We must stop and listen at the door first. Rogelio might be with her! We first need hear what they are talking about!” Miguel ignores her and bursts through the door first anyway. Ana is in the bed weeping loudly. “Did you tell Rogelio?” asks Tía in a panic. “Yes, he now knows I’m pregnant.” admits AP. “No, no, no! You didn’t tell him you were pregnant!” screams Tía, followed by much wailing and tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth, as Miguel comforts the devastated Ana Paula.

It’s dusk at the town plaza, and Macaria and Efraín are snuggling up and kissing - did they just finish a tryst? Efraín tries to send Macaria along now to “be a good little wife” to Ulises who has been feeling neglected. Macaria looks pretty guilty - she’s can’t be loving with her husband at the same time she’s cheating on him! LOL! Effer doesn’t see the problem - Ulises is her husband after all. Effer tells her that Ulises thinks her lack of affection is due to her grief over Maripaz, but if only he knew...! Still, Macaria willingly accepts more kisses before leaving. Consuelo comes along in the distance and sees them together kissing. Busted!!!! A crying Consuelo leaves without them noticing her.

Back in APs bedroom: “But how did he take it? What did he tell you?!!!!” yells Tía in a full Mentirosa screaming fit as she rushes the bed. She’s jumped on by María and Dani who remind her (yet again!!!) that Ana Paula needs her peace. Miguel continues comforting Ana Paula who is sobbing uncontrollably, and then she rolls over in bed and faints! Dani checks her pulse - she’s not good. Dani yells at María that AP urgently needs a doctor. Miguel and María leave to see if they can locate Dr. Ernesto. Despite Dani’s protests, Tía just won’t stop pestering and shaking Ana Paula to get her to wake up as Dani starts taking vital signs.

Nasty Bruno, walking down the street, receives a call from Rutilio who wants money and help hiding. Bruno tells him that he blew it - the San Gabriel police chief now knows that Rutilio was in jail for rape and murder. Bruno tells him he said he wouldn’t help him if Rutilio didn’t control himself, so now he’s on his own to hide himself as he can. Rutilio reminds a frustrated Bruno that Bruno has to help him, ‘cause if Rutilio goes down, he’ll takes Bruno down with him.

Gustavo is in the kitchen calmly drinking coffee. María comes in asking for Ernesto or Mercedes, AP is in bad shape and she needs the doctor ASAP. Gus dial’s Ernesto’s number for María and tries to run off to see Ana Paula. “No! You can’t go see her! Rogelio is back!!!!!” yells María as she grabs him. “And if he sees you with her, there’s going to be a tragedy!”

Tía comes across Bruno in the hacienda and calls him over. She’s all freaked out because things are starting to turn the color of ants! That is, things are becoming very ugly - Rogelio is back and already knows that AP is carrying someone else’s child! Bruno is simply delighted to hear it! He can only imagine the fury that Rogelio must be feeling. “Well, AP is doing poorly.” “How poorly?” smiles Bruno hopefully. “Well, I don’t know if she is going to lose the baby - only the doctor can say.” Rosaura tells him. “Even if she loses the “escuincle” (brat), the damage is already done,” says Bruno smugly. “You don’t think there is any way to fix this?” asks Tía worriedly. Bruno is convinced that even if she loses the baby, Rogelio, just knowing that AP was in the arms of another, will come to hate her and banish her from his life. This is not at all what Tía wanted to hear!!!

Gus and María argue in the kitchen - he needs to be with AP. “Don’t be so stubborn (necio)!” scolds María, “Rogelio already knows she’s pregnant. Dani is taking care of her, but she needs a doctor. You need to locate Ernesto NOW!”

Consuelo runs back to the eatery, where Ulises is putting up the chairs, visibly upset. Ulises insists on knowing why she is so upset, so Consuelo finally makes up the story that when she went outside just now, she saw someone who reminded her of that nasty old man Rutilio. Ulises reminds her not to go outside at night by herself, but don’t worry he’ll always be looking out for her.

Dani is in AP’s bedroom tending to her as she sleeps fitfully, telling her to be calm. AP must be feverish. She calls “Rogelio, Rogelio” as she tosses and turns.

Mercedes comes into the hacienda with Ernesto - “What a relief that you came to the town first!” Ernesto can’t believe Rogelio returned to the Hacienda. Gus comes rushing in to tell Ernesto that AP is doing very poorly after she argued with Rogelio.

A lonely, sad man in black sits alone in his study, glaring at everything, remembering back to his romantic dinner with Ana Paula when she accepted the “real” ring from him signifying his love, and the time in his bedroom when she gave him a glimmer of hope that she might fall in love with him. The memories are very painful for him at the moment. María interrupts with something to tell him, but Rogelio kicks her out. He then takes their wedding photo out of his portfolio and tears it up. Ouch!

Ernesto comes in to examine AP who has been thrashing in her sleep. Dani tries to shoo Gus from the room as his presence can cause all sorts of problems. Gus begs not to be separated from the woman he loves and his baby. He insists that in fact he will stay the night to watch over AP.

Cinthia is in the kitchen to get the scoop from María about what Rogelio knows so far. María informs her that he only knows about the pregnancy. “No reason for him to know that Gustavo is the father then,” concludes Cinthia. “ Why do you say that?” asks María. “Because if she gets ill again and she loses the infant, what’s the point?” This attitude really ticks María off: “That’s what you would like, right?” Cinthia feels perfectly justified in her point of view. “That spawn is the impediment for all the good things that could happen to me!” rages Cinthia. “Don’t call it that!” yells María. “ Why not? Because of that 'escuincle' Gustavo doesn’t want to marry me anymore.” responds Cinthia. “I can understand that you care deeply for Gustavo, but not because of that should you wish that infant to die!” implores María “Well yes, yes!” yells Cinthia. “That is my greatest wish, and I hope it’s fulfilled!” as she flounces out of the kitchen. Poor María is horrified. She looks like she is experiencing her worst nightmare.

Consuelo is looking sad wiping down the bar when Macaria returns. Macaria apologizes for being late as she ran into an old girlfriend. Consuelos says “Right, a girlfriend whose name starts with ‘E’ and ends with ‘N’.” “Why do you say that?” asks Macaria. “Don’t lie, I saw you. You and Efraín kissing!” Consuelo tells her. Consuelo reads Macaria the riot act for “rolling around” with another man just after her daughter died, and the man Consuelo is in love with no less!!! Consuelo is so hurt. Macaria is a deer caught in the headlights.

Oh - here we go! Rogelio is in his study looking like he might be borracho. He’s holding some some jewelry and crying “Why, Paula, Why?” as he smashes the shell jewelry with a liquor bottle. Was this the necklace AP used to wear from Gustavo?

The peones are talking in the kitchen with María glad that el patron has returned. But María tells Hugo that Rogelio is NOT to be disturbed this evening. The peones wonder if something went bad with the operation.

It’s early the next morning, first light and the cocks are crowing. Lots of happenings at the Hacienda del Fuerte and surroundings.

Wow, Guscake DID spend the whole night in AP’s room watching over her from a chair next to the bed. AP is still out of it. “Ana, you’ve got to get well, and I’m not going to let anyone hurt you or our baby.” Gus tells her. Miguel comes in to see how she’s doing. Her fever has gone. Miguel convinces Gus to go take a break, shower, unwind and he’ll watch over AP.

Cocks are still crowing. Macaria is sitting up in bed, while Ulises sleeps beside her, remembering Consuelo’s angry lecture. Can we say remorse?

María is praying in the kitchen - while standing and holding her cup of tea no less, LOL! - asking God please not to allow another tragedy to occur in this place, to give serenity to my child Rogelio. Margarito bursts in, causing Maria to send her tea cup flying. Margarito’s crying upset because it’s his fault that all this is happening. Margarito confesses that he was the one that unthinkingly told el patron that Ana Paula was ill when he answered the phone yesterday morning. He wonders whether Ana Paula will forgive him. Maybe he won’t be adopted now. He needs lots of comforting.

There is loud banging on the study door. Rogelio is still in there. Gus comes in, ready to talk about Ana. But, obviously, Rogelio is three sheets to the wind. Rogelio seems confused about who this “Ana” person is that Gus wants to talk about and doesn’t link the name to “Paula”.

Efraín enters Cinthia’s bedroom in his usual manner, and kisses his sleeping beauty awake. But she’s grumpy as she just got to sleep and she kicks him back out. And how strange that everything’s quiet at the hacienda, she wonders, what could have been happening?

What’s happening, is that Rogelio is still drowning his sorrows, trago by trago (swallow by swallow) while Gustavo looks on, rather amazed. “And why do you want to talk about Paula - excuse me! ‘Ana Paula’? ” Rogelio slurs sarcastically. He wants Gus to join him in the tragos. “You’re too far gone says.” Gus disgustedly. “No, not far enough!” answers Rogelio, laughing sarcastically. “Are you now going to tell me why you came to see me in Mexico?” asks Rogelio. “What’s going on with Paula?” he asks, “What new pain is she going to cause me now?” Gustavo is not going to have the conversation he so desires with Rogelio so drunk. Rogelio doesn’t want Gus (he calls him goose) to leave. “They say drunks and children always say truthful things. You know what’s the worst thing? The woman that I love, because you know I would give my life for her, is expecting another man’s child!” says Rogelio as Gus looks down with angry frustration into Rogelio’s tear-stained drowsy face. Fin.

Gus comes to talk to Rogelio, while Rogelio has been imbibing in various alcoholic beverages.

Gus listens in frustration as an intoxicated, devastated Rogelio explains the cause of his distress. . .

. . . and drunken, weary Rogelio looks up at Gustavo, unaware of the reason why Gus wants to talk to him in the first place.

Cinthia warns Mercedes that it’s all over for AP and her ‘escuincle’ now, while Bruno schemes with Rogelio to name Ana Paula’s child as his heir.


Dicho: No podemos tapar el sol con un dedo - we can’t cover the sun with a finger. i.e. you can’t hide something big (like a pregnancy) - sooner or later it will become obvious!

a las costillas - at the expense of. Literally: at the ribs of.

echar a perder - to spoil, ruin, screw-up.

Dicho: Las cosas están poniéndose color de hormiga - things are starting turn ant-colored, that is, things are getting ugly (tricky, dangerous, very serious). This is apparently very Mexican slang.

(el) buzón - mailbox (used for phone messages - i.e voice mail)

¡Qué grueso! - How heavy/harsh/rough. (Kind of like in old hippie speak: “That’s heavy, man”). Mexico city slang.

revolcarse con alguien - roll around (in the hay) with someone.

despejarse - to unwind, become unraveled.

un trago - a gulp or swallow; but also means a shot or drink of an alcoholic beverage.

Dicho: Los niños y los borrachos siempre dicen la verdad - Children and drunks always tell the truth.

Recap written by Audrey (posted by Elvira)


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