Saturday, June 16, 2007

Duelo De Pasiones June 15, 2007 - In which Alina’s for real, Gaby is still missing, but sighted, and Emilio might end up a hero after all

This is Jeanne, subbing for my mentor, Ferro, who taught me everything he knows. About recapping.

Emilio, ever the solitary hero, is in a dark alley with three thugs. He’s still looking for Gaby and the child trafficking ring simultaneously. The thugs tell him he’s not welcome there. He wants to know what they’re hiding, and swings deftly around to slug the one behind him. [Ed. Note: the bald guy better get a toupee. He’s like a beacon in the dark alley, with the only light around bouncing off his shiny head. Not exactly effective camouflage.] The thugs work Emilio over, and one points a gun in his nose. They tell him he doesn’t belong in this world. In another deft move, he swings, grabs the hand with the gun so they’re both holding on, and tries to get a grip [kind of the common thread of this entire novela, Emilio trying to get a grip]. The guys (one looking suspiciously like the dead Canibal, DL’s former cellmate, maybe they’re on a really tight budget) knock him to the ground. They kick him around. He isn’t moving.

At the morgue, Vargas, Alina and Rodrigo wait for the identification of the body, which is wheeled in. Who noticed it was a full-grown person on the gurney? Right! It is! Alina looks first and is impactada. But, it’s not Gaby. Rodrigo thanks God for that. Vargas says they’ll start the search in earnest for Gaby tomorrow, because now she can be considered a missing person. [Ed. Note: Sheesh.} Rodrigo is anguished about where his daughter could be.

At the Mansión Valtierra, Orlando is chatting with the maid and making himself at home to wait for Emilio. He’s ready to spill the beans about the cachorrito. For such a creep, he sure is a knockout in a pink shirt. It grieves my schoolmarmish soul to have to say so, though, gentle readers. I’m just sayin’. Thelma struts in, with a fetching dark lilac top with sparkly trim and a sort of a sparkly peplum thing at the bottom hem. Thelma’s surprised to see him and he looks like he was kind of hoping he’d catch Emilio first. [You kidding? When’s Emilio home?] Thelma didn’t think she’d ever see him again since he escaped from the Sierra. He tells her, well, you’re wrong and it’s your bad luck we’ve run into each other again.

Thelma asks why he’s there and he tells her it’s not her business. She tells him it seems like he might be stupid on his part. He rushes her, grabs her by the shoulders, and accuses her of betraying him. He knows “everything.” Yes, he knows she abused Alina, but he’s really here to tell Emilio that the child is Gaspar’s. [Very slick, Orlando, show your hand before the final play. I wonder how you do a poker with the boys?]

Elias is kissing Soledad passionately on the neck as they stand just outside of Don Loco’s cell. She calls “Álvaro” several times. He wakes up and sees them making out. He tells her for the millionth time to stop that! He’s never going to pardon her. Soledad and Elias are horizontal, still making out. DL, back to the bars, slides down and pants. Another nightmare.

At the Mansión Valtierra Thelma just can’t understand where Orlando comes up with this stuff. What on earth makes you think I would ever go to bed with an imbecile like Gaspar? He wonders why she gets so odd when she’s cornered. He’s personally confirmed that she was at the Cueva del Diablo, drunk, and with Gaspar. ALL the employees confirmed that they saw you on the night in question [Ed. Note: this piece of evidence is just about as convincing as the bracelet in José’s bed, but never mind that, Thelma’s officially on NOTICE, gentle readers.] She astutely points out that even if that happened, he has no proof. Folks know what kind of person he is, too. He points out that Emilio knows what kind of person she is. Orlando and Thelma are in this together. She tells him that Emilio loves that boy and nothing will convince him of this. She’s going to call the police. Orlando throws back some parting shots that he’ll find Emilio eventually, and leaves.

Alina and Rodrigo arrive at his apartment and reassure an anxious Tina that the child was not Gaby, though no one should have to go through a moment like that. Alina sends Tina to get something to calm Rodrigo. She tells him they will just have to wait for the police search in the morning.

At the Mansión Valtierra, Thelma steams and storms into her room, yelling about stupid Orlando threatening her. She flashes back to handing Gaby over to the tall mute guy (who reminds me of Vicente from Alborada.) She is recalling that she told him surely the people at this kid’s house would give him money for her return home. Brilliant thinking, Thelma. Find a dark alley, find a really big mute guy, and hand the kid over to him with a few instructions and no money. He’s going to be your very best bet for an escort for a little kid. [What I want to know, gentle readers, is how this woman has made it to adulthood?] Some common sense kicks in and she realizes she’d better not think too long about this. Could it be that she knows this was not a satisfactory strategy and has the potential to end in disaster for Gaby? Is it possible that the neurons fire off now and then?

All she wanted with this plan was that Rodrigo would marry Alina and get her the heck out of Puebla. [Another brilliant plan, given that he has family here, and a great career.] Then Emilio will have to realize that he’s going to have to stay with her, Thelma. [Magical thinking.]

Emilio, still on the ground and now unconscious, is being frisked for valuables by the thugs. The find his wallet and make him as a military officer. They want no part of that. They leave him and his wallet intact and run like h***. Gaby is dragged right past him by the huge, mute guy and is yelling and trying to get loose. She looks down at Emilio, probably thinking he is dead. Emilio comes to when she’s past him, too late, but her voice may have sunk through his haze. Another guy meets Gaby and her escort. He ushers them in commenting about how he sees the big, mute guy has brought the merchandise; Rosendo is coming soon, he’ll call Rosendo. Take her into the office. Gaby is still screaming, so why can’t Emilio hear that? They aren’t that far away! Emilio picks up his wallet and struggles to sit against the wall while we cut to commercial, exhausted from the emotion……

Emilio has finally gotten up on his feet and is making a call to Vargas about asking for Rosendo Luna and getting attacked by thugs. He’s continuing the search because he’s sure he’s on the right track.

At Rodrigo’s, he’s out cold on the coach and Tina and Alina talk above his head. How the poor man is suffering! Alina tells Tina she knows Tina’s exhausted and tells her to rest. But Tina wants to be available for the phone. Alina says she’ll cover. Tina thanks her for being with them at this time.

Back in an alley near Claudia’s home, Angel stops her. She looks impactada and a bit afraid. How did he find her? It’s not important, he just needs to see her. She tells him no, look for me at work tomorrow? He wants to know who she’s scared of? Her stepfather? She reallllly looks impactada and scared now.

At the Mansión Valtierra, Singing Auntie (who doesn’t seem to sing much these days), is baby-rocking. She greets Emilio who is coming in. He asks where Thelma is. She’s been gone most of the day. Angel’s been gone, too. He tells her he’s been involved in a search all day. She says that sounds interesting and he tells her it’s really bad, it’s about the daughter of Rodrigo Ochoa, Alina’s fiancé. Rebeca is a bit impactada. Someone has kidnapped Gaby. Rebeca picks up the flyer with Gaby’s picture and notices the ribbons in the child’s hair. She remembers the ribbons she took from Thelma’s purse—they’re the SAME!! Two and two do make four, Rebeca. Emilio wonders why she is so impressed with the photo---oh, it’s only because her father must be so anguished. She asks about what they know. He tells her he doesn’t want to burden her with the problems. She says, well, it’s like a television program, right, this work? He says it’s not really, unfortunately, this is real life.

Rebeca rocks the baby and contemplates the photo. She just knows it is the same ribbon and Thelma kidnapped this child. She must find out the truth.

Claudia moves Angel away from the door and the children playing in the alley. She tells him they shouldn’t be seen talking there. He tells her he’s run into her stepfather and they definitely didn’t become fast friends. Claudia is worried he treated Angel badly. No, that’s not it. He wants to know how to help her, but Claudia doesn’t want to make him sad. She prefers he doesn’t come looking for her. Doesn’t he realize they are from two very different worlds? He tells her this is nonsense and doesn’t matter to him [hooray, Angel!!] He just wants to be with her. Well, it may not matter to him, but it does to her. Good night! Angel gets the last word in, though, after she’s left. He’s not going to leave her alone, he tells himself.

Alina, still at Rodrigo’s, is telling her mother that she’s grateful it wasn’t Gaby. On the other hand, what’s happening to Gaby could be worse. [Worse than death?] They talk about the search, which has yielded no information. Rodrigo is doing badly, though he is sleeping now. Soledad remembers when she thought Alina was dead, and saw her buried. It was awful. She understands what he must be feeling. Alina reminds her that at least Luba knew she wasn’t dead. Alina tells Soledad that Tina is feeling terrible, because she feels so guilty that it is her fault Gaby disappeared. Soledad tells Alina to let her know anything new.

Orlando is home, musing that Thelma is right, Emilio might not believe him (ya think?). He must find some real proof of his accusations. He throws back several belts of the hard stuff while he thinks out loud. He has to find Gaspar, who is the one who can really prove it. [Like anyone is going to believe Gaspar? Alina didn’t!]

We return from commercial to Rodrigo’s, where Alina covers him with a blanket and answers the phone. It’s Emilio, who is impactado that she is there. Why? She’s his fiancée. She asks about the search. He tells her there’s nothing new, but they are looking for a gang that traffics in kids. She is impactada. He reassures her that they shouldn’t be looking for trouble, though, they are just pursuing this investigation anyway. He asks if Rodrigo is there. Yes, but he’s sleeping, do you want to speak with him. Emilio decides that he doesn’t. He actually has some body language---and it’s not happy language. He doesn’t like Alina being there. He tells her to let Rod know they’ll see each other later. Emilio hangs up, and mutters that she’s with him, at his side. Angel comes into the living room and greets his brother. He wants to know who hit Emilio.

In the office off the dark alley, the big, mute guy is sitting on a sofa watching over Gaby, who’s lying on the sofa. This office reminds me of a detective office from a B-list 1950s movie, with the dim lighting and dark walls. There’s even a hanging light bulb type of lamp in the center. The guy who met them at the door comes in and the “escort” stands up. Rosendo is coming, get this kid up! Gaby resists as Rosendo’s feet appear, then his face. ¡Sorpresa! It’s Claudia’s stepfather (padrastro)! He must be the jefe, because he goes to sit behind the desk. He looks Gaby over. Really good goods. Gaby whines and struggles.

At the Mansión Valtierra, Angel and Emilio are having a little chat. Angel is concerned that what Emilio has told him is very dangerous. He thinks the bruises are a warning to drop the investigation. Emilio realizes that. But, it’s vital to find Gaby. Angel wonders about him doing this specific investigation, does Alina figure in it? Well, yes, because she is involved with Rodrigo, she’s suffering on account of the child. Emilio wants to lessen her suffering. Angel says it’s a noble objective, but it puts him back in close contact with Alina and that’s not good. Emilio realizes this, too. It hurts to watch her loving another guy.

In Rosendo’s office, he’s manhandling Gaby to get a close look. (shiver) He’s going to give the big, mute guy 5 thousand pesos for her ($458.22 at yesterday’s exchange rate). It doesn’t look like the big, mute guy is happy with that. He tries to negotiate. Rosendo says it’d be easier to understand an animal than him, and sneers. [Bad move, Rosi, if you want this one]. Gaby tries to tell Rosendo how Thelma tricked her to get into the car, kidnapped her, etc. and that her father is a captain in the army. Rosendo is impactado and tells the big, mute guy to get this kid the heck out of Puebla and try to sell her in Mexico City. They don’t need to get mixed up with an army captain. Gaby still isn’t quite understanding what serious danger she’s in, but she’s getting a glimmer. She’s impactada.

At the Mansión Valtierra, Rebeca wakes Thelma up. Thelma snipes at her, and Rebeca wants to know how she can sleep with all the atrocities she has committed. Rebeca makes it clear she’s figured out about Gaby’s disappearance and that Thelma’s involved. Thelma plays dumb, but realizes her Auntie is smarter than she seems.

Vargas is meeting in his office with Alina, and her two captains. They talk about the potential connection between Gaby’s disappearance and the gang trafficking in children around the same location where she was last seen; the two efforts will be joining forces. This is news to Rodrigo. He didn’t know about the child-trafficking ring. He’s upset, big time. He asks Emilio what makes him think the child has gotten involved in this? Emilio acknowledges he doesn’t have a real reason to think this. He points out that the thugs tried to scare him off by beating him. Rodrigo is grateful for this work, and hopes that Gaby isn’t somehow involved. Rodrigo and Alina leave, and Emilio stays to exchange a few last thoughts with Vargas. They’ll be in touch.

Vargas gets back to papers on his desk. He opens one and looks mildly impactado. He puts the paper back into the envelope. He makes a call asking to see Dra. Loca immediately.

Mauro stands outside DL’s cell. He needs to explains some strategies he has underway to get DL out of this cell. DL nods, resigned, and gets up from his cot. He walks to the bars and grabs Mauro from behind the head, pulling him forward to choke him on the bars. He warns him about all his stupidity and not to mess with Dra. Loca.

At the Mansión Valtierra, Thelma is still in bed, attempting to deny that she’s involved with Gaby’s disappearance. Singing Auntie Rebeca reminds Thelma that she’s the one person Thelma can’t fool. [Ed. Note: come to think of it, Rebeca eventually has found out all of Thelma’s perfidies. I guess she’s right. But it’s not in her best interest to let Thelma know that so blatantly. Thelma’s repeatedly told her that she’s capable of anything, even up to and including murder if necessary, to get her way. This apparently isn’t registering with Rebeca as a potential threat to her own person. Tsk.] She pulls out the ribbons. Thelma is commercial impactada.

Thelma wonders how the h*** Rebeca got those? Thelma tries to grab them and Rebeca tap dances around her. (Great strategy, Rebeca. You and Orlando better not play poker together). Rebeca tells Thelma she’s giving Emilio the ribbons, because he told her he’s looking for this child. If they don’t find this child, Rebeca doesn’t want to think what might happen. Thelma actually looks worried. She should.

Mauro is still choking on the bars. For a guy behind them, DL hasn’t lost much style. He still controls his world, even if it’s way smaller. Mauro will go beg Dra. Loca’s pardon. He thinks DL is thinking too much about this. DL gives him another warning about getting him out of jail and lets him go. Mauro rubs his neck. Mauro’s plan is to get him out to a hospital where he can get medical help. Predictably, gentle readers, DL doesn’t like this plan any better. It’ll still be four walls and he’ll still be trapped inside them. A guard comes to take him and Mauro to see Vargas and Dra. Loca in the visitor area.

Alina is ready to get into a military car with Rodrigo. She sees Emilio and asks to have a moment to talk to him. Rodrigo turns his back while they go a few steps away to talk. She wants Emilio to know how much she cares about him, and gives him the heart to keep him safe. He kisses it and tells her she doesn’t know what it means to him. She goes back to the car, and he goes to his, stopping briefly to breathe a sigh of….relief? Satisfaction? Rodrigo looks like he’s steaming, with his jaw very squared before he gets into the car.

At the Mansión Valtierra, Thelma and Rebeca continue their heated discussion of the ribbons and Thelma’s complicity in what’s happened to Gaby. Thelma warns R she better not give those ribbons to Emilio, but R is going to find a way to tell him. Thelma says she paid a guy to take the kid home, and she’s surely home by now. (I didn’t notice any money changing hands, but maybe I missed it. It wasn’t 5 mil pesos, though, so the goods always go to the higher bidder). Rebeca looks relieved and tries to make sure Thelma’s not trying to fool with her. [Sheesh, Rebeca, what a stupid question. This girl is ALWAYS trying to fool with you. But, eventually the truth will out as you already noticed.] Thelma demands the ribbons. She thought Auntie was on her side! They struggle and fall on the bed. Angel comes in, wondering what the heck this is about. They get quiet and Rebeca looks a little smug. Ribbons, ribbons, who has the ribbons?

Vargas and Dra. Loca wait in the visitors’ room at the jail. DL comes in with Mauro and the guard. DL looks at Vargas and asks what miracle brings him here, since he thought they were done dealing with each other. He moves threateningly toward Vargas, but Mauro restrains him. Vargas reminds him there’s unfinished business. They have the DNA results. DL sits to look it over. This will surely prove Soledad’s betrayal. Vargas tells him, “not so fast.” Dra. Loca explains that the proof is positive, and reliable: Alina IS HIS child. DL is impactado.

Thelma is facing off with Angel now, who wants to know why they were fighting. Rebeca sits on the bed, adjusting her caftan and poncho-thingy. Thelma tells Angel it’s nothing. (Okay, two grown women struggling over something on the bed and screaming at each other, it’s nothing.) Rebeca says they were discussing about caring for the baby. Angel lectures Thelma that if she wants to be trusted with caring for her own baby, she better adjust her attitude. Thelma is incensed at his audacity. But, he’s just sayin’. She snidely thanks him as he leaves, and he snidely says, “Whenever you want [good advice], Thelma.”

Thelma slams the door and goes back to Rebeca (who should have been in Panama with the baby by now, but she moved too slowly). Thelma wonders why Rebeca didn’t accuse her just now while she had a chance? Rebeca’s giving her the benefit of the doubt. It the child is really at home, they’ll know it soon. If not, she’ll tell Emilio, and qué the heck was Thelma thinking, snatching this kid? She has the proof, though.

Back in the jail visitors’ room, the results of the DNA test just have to be wrong, it’s just not possible that Alina is his. DL is sure the results were manipulated in the lab. Vargas assures him that they are professionals (okay, it sounds a little more convincing coming from Vargas, but not that much. Still, if the results were manipulated in the lab, someone else who was tested that day belongs to DL….). Mauro wants a second test. Dra. Loca, righteously indignant and smug as always, asserts the proof is indisputable. Alina IS his child. DL is now getting it. He messed up big time. He abused his own daughter. Demeaned her. Maltreated her. Dra. Loca points out that also, his wife never cheated on him.

Alina, back in her room at Casa de Coral, is talking with Soledad. Have the found Gaby? No, and a military group is searching as well as the police. Emilio is involved. He has a lead on it. What? You saw Emilio? Yes. She tells her mother it’s okay. But, they are worried about the possible connection with a child-trafficking ring. Soledad asks her, “You care about him a lot, right?” Alina acknowledges it. [Ed. Note: Aside from her fetching top, which would meet ALL of Ferro’s criteria, and pink wedge heels, she is wearing an outfit that reminds us of her cave-dweller days. You’d think by now, gentle readers, that Alina would never wear denim again.] Yeah, but what’s it worth. Alina is going back to Rodrigo’s—she’s packing a few clothes to stay. Her mother asks Alina to call if there’s any news.

DL is thinking through this bomb he just had dropped on him. Soledad didn’t cheat; Mariana told the truth. The letter was for her. But what about the bracelet? Why did Jose call Alina “hija” before he died? Vargas explains that he probably was bad off. DL wonders how he could have been so blind. (eye roll from your Ed. here)…..he asks Dra. Loca if he could have a mental illness of jealousy? She has no response. [Ed. Note.: This would have been a tender, sad moment if we hadn’t suffered through fifteen weeks of DL’s mental illness with Soledad, Alina and all, gentle readers. Instead, I want to shake my head and shake DL.]

As we return from commercial, Emilio is pulling up in his snappy silver auto. He pulls the heart out of his pocket and looks at it. He flashes orange back when she gave it to him and walks ahead, showing the flyer to an officer type guy on a corner.

In the visitors’ room, Dra. Loca is gently talking to DL, her jacket and camisole meeting all of Ferro’s criteria and then some. (She’s a professional, though, let’s remember). She tells him that he surely had some traumatic experiences during childhood that left him this way. His perception of reality is affected. [I must say, this gal is a really brilliant diagnostician.] Jealousy is just one side of the coin. (Oh dear heaven, we don’t want to know what the other side is!!) He cries rather convincingly. Why could he only see what he wanted to? Because this was his only security that he was not mistaken. He wants to know it there is a cure.

Vargas tells him he’s a day late and a dollar short, but he’s got 25 years in the slammer to work on a cure. What’s done is done. Vargas leaves.

At the Mansión Valtierra, Thelma is still asserting she didn’t do anything to this kid, just took her out a while. Rebeca isn’t having any of this drivel. Well, whether you believe it or not, I took her to an amusement park! [Gaby was NOT amused, if we recall correctly, gentle readers.] Okay, okay, I took her to ask her a favor. I asked her to convince her Daddy to marry Alina [and get her far away, but we won’t disclose that right now, will we, Thelma?]. Rebeca scoffs, but Thelma, clever in finding ways to change the topic, “hears crying. Why aren’t you caring properly for that baby?”

Alina’s in her room, all changed into cave-dweller jeans and a jacket. She thought bubbles that God willing, Rodrigo will find Gaby. She prays to the Virgen, who is a miracle worker, to help find Gaby.

At Coral’s boutique, she’s talking with Soledad, who is worried that Alina is suffering, and still loves Emilio. Coral points out this isn’t new and if not for Thelma, they would long since be happy. Soledad notes that Alina is engaged to Rodrigo, but Coral doesn’t’ think it’ll last. They get back to the happy business of running the boutique.

At the Mansión Valtierra, the baby wasn’t crying, he’s calm. Singing Auntie is a good caretaker. She picks up the baby, cooing to him and Thelma seizes the moment and takes the ribbons out of Rebeca’s pocket. Slick, Thelma. Good hiding place, Rebeca. “Now you don’t have any way to lay the blame on me with Emilio.” Rebeca retorts, but Thelma counters that now she realizes she cannot trust Rebeca. Thelma storms out and Rebeca tells the baby that his mommy is one bad person. “You are not going to be like that, my love.”

We couldn’t get through an evening without Alfi and Hugo, could we? Here they are, still in José’s old cabin, with Alfi in her campesina outfit that meets NOT ONE of Ferro’s criteria. She asks Hugo, who is striding toward the door, where he thinks he’s going. He’s going to look for the cofre, of course. What do you take me for, a fool? This cofre could have much more money in it than what’s in your briefcase…..if you get it, I probably won’t ever see you again. Hugo retorts that she shouldn’t be an idiot, after he denounced Don Loco in court, he instantly became his worst enemy (this argument seems to work for Alfi, but it’s convoluted to me and doesn’t answer her original question). She says, okay, but I swear if you try to mess with me you’ll never see a single cent of the money in the briefcase. He storms out and she watches out the window.

Emilio is showing Gaby’s picture around the airport (it looks like the airport, could be a big bus station or train station). Two official looking guys, one in a uniform, tell him they’ll be on the lookout. She was taken only a day ago, so we have to hurry and find her. Oh!! There’s a scowling, struggling Gaby, inside the building – we can see her through the full-length windows! The big, mute guy is dragging her by the wrist. He doesn’t exactly look like he could be her dad, so this should be suspicious, but this is telenovelaland. The escort lets go of her wrist to sit down. She sees the uniform and runs to the window, pounding. One of the men notices her behind Emilio’s shoulder. “!La niña!” They all look, cut and run to get around inside. The door’s not far, but the big, mute guy is quick, grabs her by the waist and runs. Soon we see Gaby walking again, being propelled by his hand behind her neck (no doubt with plenty of pressure on the neck). She’s scared, scowling, and looking for help as he pushes her along. Emilio and the officials keep running in the direction they think is right, but Gaby and her escort have disappeared. No! Emilio stops and reconnoiters. There she is! Gaby is gazing mournfully at him. They turn and run again. Emilio jumps a railing. They’ve lost her again. He tells them they have to find her before she and the big, mute guy get on a road someplace. He goes into a vehicle door (bus station, it looks like) to look.

Back in the visitors’ room, DL is shaking his head sadly. “I’ve been thinking: how could I have doubted Soledad?” [Yes, we’ve been wondering the same thing for fifteen weeks.] How could I have treated my own daughter so badly? Mauro is of the same opinion as Vargas. What’s done is done. It’s time to move on. But, there is a good side to this. Do you understand me, Doc? “No, licenciado.” She’s not playing this game with Mauro. He wants her to diagnose that DL is incapacitated by his mental illness, and therefore not responsible for his bad judgment. He should be transferred from jail to a hospital to get help. [Ed. note: why would I be having such a hard time believing that DL is really sad about his behavior and is sneakily looking for a get-out-of-jail-free card so he can more easily escape from a mental hospital? We certainly don’t have anything in the past fifteen weeks that would lead me to that sort of suspicion…..] A chorus sings, the same ones who sang at Alina’s funeral. How nice they were available for this gig, too!

Coming: Thelma finds out that they are still looking for Gaby and she hasn’t returned home. She realizes she’s in deep kim-chee.


Padrastro – stepfather (lagniappe: padrastro feo – ugly stepfather, just in case you need it)



La Fea EXTRA! EXTRA! Gran finale news!

Recapper Nina K. has heard (on good authority) that the LFMB gran finale is scheduled for Monday, June 25, from 7-10 ET. Thank you SO much for this news, Nina. It's just nice to finally have a date. :) Thank you Nina!!!


Yo Amo A Juan--In which the Barefoot Carmelites will be delighted with their good fortune but Nidia’s NOT……

We open to Juan and Enrique in the study with Nidia, Enrique insisting that Samuel was like a father to him (and crosses himself with a may-he-rest-in-peace appeal to the ceiling). Nidia asks Juan if he knows how many years she was married, and he, astute judge of women, asks, “really young, right?” She tells him, “a kid, a youngster when I had those girls!” (chiquilla) She checks with Enrique about what he’s thinking to do with her daughter. He assures her he adores Yadira. Nidia tells him he better figure out how to convince her to marry him. She lists all of Yadira’s great qualities, including rolling in dough soon (va a quedar bañada en oro—gonna be bathing/swimming in gold) my best guess, help me here anyone) and if he doesn’t get on the stick he’s going to be left with nothing! Enrique swallows and asks for her hand. Nidia says “she’s all yours!” She urges him to get Yadira convinced and off to his house, but there better be a wedding first.

Juan attempts to interrupt, but Nidia cuts him off and informs him that she and he have things to talk about very soon; she has great plans for him. (Yeah. Right. One can only imagine, gentle readers, what Nidia plans to discuss. On the other hand, perhaps it’s best not to imagine. She’s a little out of her weight class, IMO. Still, if presented with Juan, who’s to say I wouldn’t want to fight out of my weight class….or age class….Okay, I retract my initial take on this). Nidia has a terrible headache, so she swishes off to rest.

The boys break out beers, which Sylvia noted last night were so conveniently available all over the study, it seems. Juan is impactado when Enrique wishes him good health, “father-in-law.”

In Ana’s home, she is showing Paula a cherished photo album. She caresses the cover and sadly (but fondly) tells Paula that in this book are the lovely memories of her life. There is a young Samuel and Ana on the day of Paula’s birth, in the hospital with Ana holding the little bundle. “I have never seen him so content. That day, he told me that he wanted to marry me.” But, that was also when Nidia told him she was expecting. So, he stayed with Nidia. She showed Paula the photo of her 8th birthday, “precious.” They turn to a lovely sunset. It’s a photo of a trip to Paris. Paula is surprised. She didn’t know. “Why haven’t you told me?” Her mother replies that her whole life has been a secret, a sad secret. According to Paula’s father, they were on a “honeymoon.” It was lovely and romantic; they had left Paula with an aunt. That was during the best time of her life. The next photo was “when the problems began.” It’s a photo of Paula as a teen with her mother. Paula remembers. There is graduation; Paula didn’t know but her father was there in the crowd to see her get a diploma.

Paula wonders how her mother could have done this. Ana responds that no one knows what a woman can do for love. She had given up her youth, her life, so she would not lose the man she loved. She accepted humiliation, made sacrifices, but is not sorry because it was an honest love and a great love. It was greater than the judgment and gossip people spread. No one knows what it’s like to spend the nights alone, to always be “the other woman.” Paula tells her mother that she really doesn’t understand this form of love. Her mother says it is because she’s never been in love. Paula retorts that she will never, ever in the name of love let a man treat her badly. Her mother understands, but when love comes, it comes and it’s something over which we have no control. Paula can only shake her head disbelievingly.

[Ed. Note from the commercial break: I love that ground fountain Juan dances around during the breaks. Our town just re-opened a fountain that had been closed for several years and renovated so it’s not really even the one that was originally there a hundred years. It’s just in the same place with the same pipes feeding it, and this new one has that water coming up randomly from the ground in one area like Juan’s does. The kids in town ADORE it. Juan is just a big kid at heart. Back to our irregularly scheduled program.]

The next morning, back at Cachón Industries, Ana is packing her things to leave. She’s resigned. Her colleague is trying to talk her out of it. For Ana, it’s just not worth it to stay now. Her colleague tells her this is really all hers; she deserves it. She helped Samuel get this business up and running. The sleazy lawyer (Perafán) lets himself in (no one knocks at Cachón Industries, it seems….). He wants to know where Ana is going, but Ah! He understands how difficult it is now. “With this sudden death, you and Paula are unprotected.” (Did anyone else hear the old boy salivate?) The colleague leaves, and Ana (sharp cookie!) asks if he could be a little clearer? Well, legally speaking, Paula should have the same rights as her half-sisters. Ana is no fool and knows that Nidia is capable of doing anything to get what she wants. Perafán assures her that Samuel wrote his will set in stone and nothing can change it. He can’t tell her right now what the exact terms are, but the time will come. (If I were her, my radar would be up and running when he called me by the familiar “Anita” instead of something a little more appropriate. Looks like she actually has that radar engaged, however. Good girl!) She’s going to fight for her daughter’s well-being (bienestar). “Oh, sure, that’s her right! Excuse me….” With a little touch that I, as a school administrator, would be investigating under our new harassment policy….

Back at la Casa Cachón, they’re waiting for Nidia, as usual. Marely is making excuses. Perafán is disgusted with women (who are always late, implied? This man is itching for a harassment suit. That’s two potential harassment incidents in less than two minutes; I’m counting). Nidia makes her grand entrance of the morning, excusing herself on the pretext du jour (she was WHAT? Stretching (desperezada)? Someone who knows, please help here. She’s ALWAYS stretching as long as it pushes out her chest. Qué the heck kind of excuse is this for an important family meeting?).

Perafán assures her that under the circumstances the last thing you want is visitors…..anyway, it’s urgent. Nidia takes her place in front of the fireplace and breathes deeply, so her tight top flexes properly with plenty of forward thrust. So, it’s about my late husband? (DUH. Ya think?) Perafán thinks they’d best do it with only family and Nidia assures him the family is HERE. Juan winks at Enrique. They’re in like Flynn.

Perafán “doesn’t know how to start.” Marely, always the pragmatist, tells him the beginning would be good. He stutters and stumbles. Basically, he tells them, it’s not good news. Juan thought bubbles that this doesn’t look like it’s going to have a happy ending. He’s not enthralled with this lawyer. Good thinking, Juan. Another point for an astute assessment of character. Now if you can only use your powers on Nidia. Nidia tells Perafán to quit beating around the bush and get to the point (pun not intended, but if you like it, we’ll say it was a pun). She says nothing could be worse than her husband’s death.

Perafán tells her that Samuel apparently was planning his death for some time. As terrible as it sounds, he spent the last six months getting rid of everything, absolutely everything….it’s a long list, starting with the company. Nidia is excited at how considerate he was to liquidate it all for her. So much easier! (Good thing she wasn’t running the company). They won’t have to worry about running the company and all. So, how much did he leave each of us? NADA! Qué the heck???? NADA???? So, whom did he leave it to? The BAREFOOT CARMELITES! Lucky nuns!

Nidia is impactada. She falls against the fireplace behind her. Juan has a reallllly goofy grin. What’s up with that? Has he got gas from all the beer laying around the house? Cut to commercial, with a shot of Perafán sitting down next to Nidia at the mall and putting her hand around her shoulder lasciviously while she sneers at him.

Back to Juan, we get a transition shot of Nidia hoisting up her chest. Seems to me she just needs to go for a bra fitting and get a good one. She seems to spend a lot of time doing that.

In the living room, she’s hoisting again, and breathing deeply. Maybe hoisting her chest helps her think better. “Are you making fun of me, Licenciado?” (WhatEVER would make you think that, Nidia?) Perafán assures her he is not (he’d better work fast, if he wants to spend quality time with her.) Yadira is panicky. Perafán acknowledges that Samuel did leave them something. It’s the house, and what they need for the girls to finish their studies. Enrique butts in, “nothing more?” Nidia is furious, but Marely says it makes her happy. Yadira wonders if this makes them poor. Perafán says, practically speaking, yeah. Yadira whines about their father killing himself AND leaving them without anything. Nidia can’t believe her dear departed did this to her and she’s working up to a mimisqui. Ooops, same time slot, wrong novela. She swoons into Juan’s arms. How convenient he was right there, Johnny on the spot, to help. Mild chaos ensues and Perafán wants all to remain calm so they can think. Marely thinks Papa would be happy with this. She accuses her sister and mama of always abusing Papi. Money is all that’s important. She’s thinking Pops did the right thing. Nidia accuses her of being as crazy as her papa. Marely would rather compare to Daddy than to her mother and sister.

Juan, holding tightly to Nidia, thought bubbles how much he admires Marely when she’s righteously indignant and her eyes are flashing (poetic license here). My little rose garden (interesting name for Marely) has given these others a lesson in dignity….and I’d follow her to the ends of the earth. Meanwhile, Nidia is rubbing against Juan and looks like Meg Ryan in the scene in the restaurant in “When Harry Met Sally” where Sally shows Harry how easy it is to fake it. You know what I mean. ;-)

Nidia swoons across the room to grab a bottle of her favorite nectar. She brandishes the bottle; she’s going to kill herself (honey, given how much we saw you drink last night, it’s going to take a lot more than what’s in that little old thing to do it).

Ana comes staggering into her house with the awkward box of belongings from the office and Paula runs to help. “What, did they fire you?” “No, I resigned.” “Why?” Ana needs to rest and look for other work. She just doesn’t want to stay there. Paula will go back to the United States and keep studying. Paula replies that no way is she leaving her mother alone! But, her mother points out, she has a life there. No, it’s not a life she loves and she’ll always be an outsider. She assures her mother that her future is by her mother’s side, with as much love and pleasure in her face and voice as any mother could ever want to see (contrast this with the Casa Cachón!).

Speaking of the contrast of Casa Cachón, Nidia is still brandishing her bottle, threatening to kill herself. The rest are trying to calm her and talk her out of it. Life is SO unfair! Juan begins to move across the room in slow mo, and Nidia breaks the bottle on a ledge behind her. Given her proclivity for booze, she’s obviously serious, because that bottle was full. Juan begs her to put the bottle down.

She won’t because she’s planning to pursue this maldito de Samuel to h*** and make sure he gets what’s coming to him for leaving her nothing (geez, I just noticed what talons this chick has! Good thing she didn’t have to type for a living or anything). Yadira begs her not to cut her wrists. Enrique, always on the ball, breaks in and advises her that it’s better to go for the jugular. The others look at him and hiss. “Well, I’m just saying….” He shrugs.

Juan continues his slow mo across the room, thought bubbling that he has to calm her. He reminds her of her children, her grandchildren. WRONG, Juan. She’s too young to ever have grandchildren (hoisting). He backpedals. Okay, you’re a successful woman, beautiful, a monument of humanity. RIGHT, Juan! Nidia is smiling now and hoisting. She calls him a little treasure, Johnny, tan divino (hold on, there, Nidia. That phrase is exclusive to Don Fernando, and Juan’s not so little, either). He just talks so pretty she’s going to have to set down the bottle. But only for that reason. Big grins and some more humbug talk. But, it gets the job down. We see Juan smiling broadly, proud of himself, and fade downward to a belt buckle shot of him (okay it was a bit lower but I AM a schoolmarm, after all).

In the dark yard, the muchachos are talking. Enrique is worried about the muchachas. They are used to really fine things, lots of wealth, living like queens (that’s more like princesses, if you ask me). What can he do now? He hasn’t said a word to Yadira yet. Meanwhile inside, Nidia is assuring Yadira that Enrique has already asked for her hand and her future is secure. This is not exactly welcome news for Yadira, who still thinks like a princess. In fact, she’d rather die of hunger. Yadira thinks that instead of organizing her life, Nidia should be thinking about their situation. Nidia has. She’s going to break the will. It’s a lot of money for barefoot nuns.

Perafán is back the next morning, and Nidia is yelling that he messed with her mind. Samuel didn’t leave the money to the nuns at all. He’s trying to tap dance around it. Nope, Samuel didn’t leave the money to the nuns. He invented that story because the real one is too complicated. He finally tells her, after considerable beating around the bush, that Samuel left it all to Paula. This time, the swoon is for real.

Paula is in the office of a greasy old man. She’s applying for a job, but he gives her a look-over that makes her grab her résumé back and run.

And I apologize, all, but my darn DVR didn’t get the ending tonight when the program went a few minutes over! If anyone else had the foresight to add a few minutes to the recording, help!!


Chiquilla – a kid, a youngster (girl)

Suegro- father-in-law

bienestar- well-being, contentment



Friday, June 15, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #296A 6/15/07 Pure plot

That's #296 by Univision's count; 295.5 hours of semi-unrequited love.

Inspired by his mother's miraculous recovery and his reconciliation with his father, Luigi suddenly sees Lety's inner beauty and decides to integrate the Lety and Aurora sides of her personality through the use of Apple technology and a brand of haircolor that is also sold in the US. The result does not, in my opinion, do justice to Lety, Aurora, or Angelica Vale; plus, I see a wide belt, and I think we agreed that we don't like those. But we know Lety's New-New-New Look is going to knock everybody's socks off, so let's just go with it. Luigi is quite pleased with himself. Waxing philosophical, he challenges Lety to live up to her new look. Lety looks unsure.

Meanwhile, in Acapulco, the restaurant guy wonders aloud why Aldo isn't happier about recuperating his restaurant. Aldo says that in order to be truly happy, he needs his woman. Just then, Aldo's favorite person, Fernando, shows up. Ah, so that's where he was last night... traveling to Acapulco. I, for one, would have felt much better if I could have seen him sitting in his airplane seat, or car, or whatever, making the trip. What, don't tell me I'm the only person who would enjoy watching him sit and read for half an hour? Just to make sure he gets there safely. Doesn't get bitten by a snake or anything.

Apparently, unlike us, Aldo wasn't worried about Fern at all and is not delighted to see him. No matter. Fern says he's here to talk about Lety. Aldo says that Fernando is the last person who should be intervening in his relationship with Lety. Fern interrupts and says Aldo can bore him with his moral superiority later. He wants to explain the story of Aurora that annoyed Aldo so much. It was motivated entirely by the love that Lety feels for Aldo.

Aldo disagrees and thinks that Lety disguised herself for the sole intention of being with Fern. She's in love with Fern. Fern admits that he loves her, but he and Lety were working together strictly as friends to solve the company's problems. He explains that Lety did the Aurora thing to teach Omar a lesson, and then to do the TV show to make the money needed to set herself and Aldo free. Therefore, Fern concludes, Aldo's gotten upset with Lety for no good reason.

Aldo wants to know why Fern is telling him this. Fern says he wanted to keep Aldo away from her and try to win her back for himself.

"Don't choke or strangle me," Fern says, eliciting a reluctant smile from Aldo as he proceeds with the saddest part of his tale. He had found out that Carmina lied when she told Lety that she was going to move in with Aldo. (Aldo scowls when he hears of Carmina's treachery.) Fern admits that he kept this information from Lety so she'd continue being mad at Aldo; and then he proposed marriage to her, but she refused. (Aldo smiles to himself triumphantly.) Fern says that the only thing he wants is for Lety to be happy.

Aldo says he can see that Fern's very much in love with Lety. Fern says yes, but the only way Lety can be happy is to be at Aldo's side. Aldo thanks him and says the Flavor of Life restaurant is reopening tonight... and it'd be a great honor if Fern would be the godfather (I guess he means "guest of honor"). Fern smiles and happily agrees. Thus is the strange phenomenon of male bonding.

In the Vortex of Stupidity

Luigi fans out his jacket to hide Lety standing behind him. He greets the cuartel as lovely arampaguilas (not in my dictionary) and makes a little announcement about the new Leticia Padilla Solis. He stands aside to let them see. The cuartel exclaims happily at what, I believe, is the fourth incarnation of Lety. (Regular Lety, the scary green New Lety, Aurora, and now this one makes four.) Ah, her hair color looks better in this light. She answers them in her regular Lety voice.

Luigi beams with pride. Caro rushes over with admiration and hugs. Omar awkwardly indicates his approval as well.

In the Delta of Doom

Alibubis is on the phone with Papi in Tomas's office. She says she's got a conflict: she can get rich in the open-and-close of an eye (funny, there's a Spanish word for "blink," but she doesn't use it), but... she's not sure. (She doesn't mention that grand larceny is involved.) She pauses, then happily agrees that these opportunities aren't frequent and she should take advantage. She makes kissy noises at the phone and tells her father that she loves him and misses him. She hangs up and sits at Tomas's computer. She wonders which account she should transfer the money to. She thinks maybe the Swiss bank account her ex set up for her years ago. He left her without a penny, but he never canceled the account. She says to herself, Ay Mauricio Birmann, for the first time in your life you did something good. She's going to buy herself an airplane... that is, a ticket... before she can do the transfer, so how's she going to pay for the ticket? (I guess she's saying she needs to be in Switzerland in order to do the transfer, because she only just now decided which account to put it in, and she doesn't do any typing in this scene.)

She needs a credit card, so she looks through Tomas's wallet (praising his generosity all the while, of course), where she finds and admires more photos of herself. She finds the card she wants, but Tomas comes back before she has a chance to carry out her plan. She hurriedly stuffs the card into her dress and claims that she's thinking, as she sometimes does, from time to time. She asks if he ever feels like thinking. She asks him for the phone and says she's going to the doctor, and that she'll see Tomas at home tonight.

Tomas gets up and excitedly offers to go to the doctor with her. She hurries out, saying, nope, sorry, no can do, bye! He calls after her to take care of their little baby.

Who invited all these people to my house??

Julieta answers the door and a big parade comes in: Marcia, Luigi, Caro, Omar, the cuartel... RoboPop wants to know what they're all doing there. Luigi says they've brought a big surprise. RoboPop, the big grouch, says he doesn't know what Luigi's talking about; better yet, why don't they leave and take their surprise with them.

Jeez! What is up with RoboPop! This is way grouchy even for him. They tell him he's going to regret it, and that it's a very pretty surprise. Lety steps forward and says she's the surprise. RoboPop approves! Julieta approves! Then RoboPop says she'd better not be playing with this look, the way she did as Aurora. She says nope, this is how she's going to be forever. She feels good about herself, inside and outside. She understands now that everyone can attain their beauty.

Everyone (including Lety and her parents) claps. Luigi leads them in a cheer. Wheeee, there's Celso! Now my evening is complete. :-) Lety puts her hand to her lips and giggles.

Lety and Julieta go to Lety's room to chat. Before they can say anything of importance, RoboPop joins in, wanting an explanation. (Moty comes in too, but doesn't cause any trouble.) Lety says that she's going to tell her mom some of the things she's learned about herself. "Woman things," she elaborates, showing him to the door. Julieta giggles.

Now that Erasmo's gone and the door's closed, Lety admits that that's not really what she had in mind. She whips out her makeup kit and waves some tweezers at her mother. She says her mom's going to stop being a "cejijunta" (unibrow) and bigotona (whiskered lady). "Me?" Julieta asks, perplexed.

After a long wait, RoboPop gets impatient and asks what they're up to. Lety tells him to close his eyes. He resists; Lety tells him that if he doesn't, Mom won't come downstairs. He complies, and Mom comes down. Lety tells him to look. He doesn't seem thrilled.

"I told you he'd be upset," Julieta says. He doesn't say much, but he doesn't seem happy. She is wearing some makeup and her eyebrows are plucked and her hair is different; it's actually the absence of the glasses that surprises me the most. RoboPop takes her hands and says that he married the most beautiful woman in existence. He then invites her for a second honeymoon. Julieta seems tempted, but wonders about their daughter. Lety assures them that she's grown up now. Erasmo agrees that Lety is a woman "hecha y derecha" (made and right, i.e. grown up right). Lety says it's a good chance for them to go to Acapulco. He tells Julieta they can go whenever she wants. She wants to start planning right now.

Lety tells herself she just needs Aldo to be happy, truly happy.

At the Love Shack

Alicia is telling someone on the phone that she needs a plane to Switzerland tomorrow... yes, she agrees with the travel agent, she needs a ticket. She needs to deposit a lot of money into her account in a hurry. (Yeah, I'm sure that doesn't sound suspicious to the airline people at all.) She tells the travel agent that she just wants one ticket. In first class, of course.

She reaches for a pen and drops the phone. (Ad-libbing, she asks the person on the phone if he's okay.) She writes down the particulars of her flight and promises to be there tomorrow to get her airplane... yes, she agrees with the travel agent, her ticket. She says she'll pay with her husband's credit card.

Later, she is packing her things to go to Switzerland and be rich and free. She won't need anyone. She's just going to bring the important things (which evidently includes her lucky red nightgown); everything else, she'll buy new.

Tomas gets home, and why not; he lives there. He wants to know what the doctor said. "Nothing," she says, which doesn't exactly distract him. He notices the suitcase. Thinking fast, she says she's going on a trip, for her "treatment." Because her doctor moved to Culican.

Even Tomas doesn't fall for this one. He says that's absurd, and begins unpacking her bag. He says they'll find another doctor. She starts repacking and says this doctor is very good, and anyway, she'll definitely come back, so don't worry.

He asks when she's leaving. In a sudden fit of what appears to be cold feet, she sadly says it's tomorrow afternoon. He wants to go with her, but he's got too much work, has to prepare for the Big Meeting. (Yikes, I just realized it's been six months!) He sits at her feet and says he'll miss her. "Ay, Tomy, how tender you are," she says sadly as he snuggles against her legs.

"Poor thing," she thought-bubbles, "you're going to be left without a million dollars and will never see me again."

Struck by inspiration, she asks if he'd like to sleep together. He jumps to his feet and asks if she's serious. He eagerly begins kissing up her arm, but stops when he reaches her face. "Better not," he says. "We want to have a baby, remember? We can't disregard the treatment like we did last time. I love you, and I'm going to go on sacrificing myself for our family...

"Although...," he adds, looking at her thoughtfully.

He jumps on top of her. She looks up at him with an expression of... what.. Fear?


Dare I say... anticipation?

Tomas kisses her other arm and runs out of the room. "See you tomorrow, chiquita."

Staring at the closed door, Alicia seems strangely ambivalent.

Flavor of Life, Take Two

It's the grand reopening of The Flavor of Life. Ah, I see what the "godfather" does at a restaurant launch... Fern's holding a pair of scissors and is standing in front of a big ribbon at the restaurant entrance. Fern charms the crowd just by being himself, cuts the ribbon, makes a tiny speech about wanting the place to be a success, then opens a champagne bottle. Just as he is about to call out the chef by name, Aldo interrupts - probably worried about being called "Domensolin" or worse - and Fern asks him not to cut off his inspiration. Fern says "The Flavor of Life - that's not too pretentious of a name." (This didn't sound snotty when Fern said it.) He pours out the champagne and leads them in a toast.

Last words

Fernando is in bed with his diary and saying that he's only thinking about Lety's happiness; he doesn't matter. But he feels so lost. He's sad that he and Lety will never write their love story in the diary together. He says it was dumb of him that day to let Lety be free to sort out her feelings, to find out whether she was in love with him or with Aldo. He would have sworn that he and Lety would have ended up together, but it went the opposite way. She truly loves Aldo, and Fern believes that Aldo deserves her love.

He closes the diary. (If he had a pen, I didn't see it; maybe it's one of those magic diaries that write when you speak to them.) Tears roll neatly down his cheeks.

Meanwhile, Aldo is still at the restaurant, recalling Fern's wish that Lety be happy at Aldo's side. Aldo says the final word hasn't been said yet.

No, there's still no official word as to when the gran finale will be, nor whether it will be in a three-hour block or six half-hours or three full hours or what. I promise we'll post something as soon as we know.


Acorralada #107 – 6/14/07 – Thursday – The Jig is Up For Diablo!!!

Caramel tells Puncho that every thing Lala said about him is correct. Puncho needs to change his evil ways.

Fidiota confronts Diablo. She wants an explanation about his sudden ability to walk and strangle Sylvie. Synthesizer of Doom is getting a work out.

Princess Fiona is kissing Maxi-Moron. She can make him forget both Marfil and Dimwit. Cousin Eddie is boring. To her, sex is a sport; to Eddie it's only on Saturday unless he falls asleep. What's a trollop to do?

Camila starts asking Cousin Eddie about Princess Fiona. Isn't it strange she's out late at night? Cousin Eddie says she loves to shop late at night. Camila suggests Princess Fi has some other activity on her mind. Cousin Eddie says Princess Fi isn't capable of cheating.

Maxi-Moron blathers on and on about sex versus love, and how they differ. Princess Fi is as bored as me. She wants less talk and more action. She wants to feel alive again! Ugh!

Fidiota is still yelling at Diablo. She wants an explanation of his ongoing deceit. Dimwit and Little Doormat hear all the commotion and gather up Granny M. Together, they all run into the library. They are all impactadas to see Diablo on his feet. Fidiota is still yelling at Diablo for manipulating everyone at Psycho Mansion. She wants him to pack his things and leave immediately. Tomorrow she is going to get a lawyer and Dimwit is going to dump his butt! Diablo asks Dimwit if she's going to allow Fidiota to continue running Dimwit's life as always. "Don't just stand there, say something!!!" yells Diablo. Dimwit tells him to pack his things and take a long walk off a short pier.

Caramel tells Puncho he needs to find a REAL job and his own apartment. Out the door she prances in her perky little Daisy Duke short-shorts. Pobre de Puncho. Married to two thoughtless cows.

Camila is waiting up for Princess Fi. She tells PF Cousin Eddie gave up waiting, but she didn’t. She asks Princess Fi where she's been. "Shopping with my friend Susi," says Princess Fi, but our vixen Camila isn't buying it. "Since when does Susi wear men's cologne." Princess Fi clearly isn't comfortable with the direction of the conversation and exits stage left. Camila recognizes that cologne. Suddenly it dawns on her. "That's the same cologne Max wears!!!!! She's been with Maxi-Mundane!!!"

Lunkhead is lamenting his divorce. Max, Yolanda, and Rene are trying to cheer him up. Yolanda suggests he focus on his new-found acting career. "Easier said than done," whines our Luscious Lug. Rene suggests they change the subject with some good news. Yolanda tries to get him to stop but it's too late. Max wants to hear all about Rene's news.

Ominous music plays and Diablo walks down the stairs with his paltry little gym bag. He tells everyone they are making a grave mistake and they are going to be very sorry for kicking him out. Nancy runs out in tears as Caramel walks in. Diablo leaves and Caramel wants to know what the heck just happened. Caramel has on an ultra tight orange top that is discreetly held together in the front with only one over-taxed button. "Why is Diablo on his feet? Why is he leaving without his artwork?"

Rene gushes he and Yolanda are getting married. Max couldn't be happier for them! Larry couldn't be happier for them! Rene calls Max "Sobrino!" Max calls Rene "Tio!" and welcomes Rene into the family. Hugs all around! Marfil is the only wet blanket who points out the age difference, but no one can rain on Rene's or Yolanda's parade. They are too happy and too much in love! They plan to be married in a few days. Marfil grudgingly wishes them the best. As long as they're happy, that's what matters.

Lala is in the kitchen and hears a noise. She calls out to Puncho and walks into the room. She drops her jaw and about drops what she's carrying. It's Diablo and he can walk! He stands there like a hulk, glowering. The Orchestra of Doom plays an ominous chord and the bass drums sound like thunder. Commercial.

Gaby and Dimwit fill in an incredulous Caramel with the news. Meanwhile Sylvie, in a red and yellow wig, along with her black and red outfit (her shirt says "I heart Rockstars", is hiding under a desk calling a shirtless Max. Apparently Max is sitting in bed working on his laptop. Sylvie finally convinces him that Diablo can walk and has now been thrown out of Psycho Mansion. Maxi-Mediocre is impactado!

Lala is lecturing Diablo on what a tool he has turned out to be, but Diablo isn't in the mood for her sermon. Puncho walks in and Lala gets even more agitated when she realizes Puncho was in on Diablo's little deception. "I don't even know you!!!" exclaims Lala, as she walks out in disgust. Diablo then tells Puncho he wants to make Max disappear, and Puncho needs to help him.

Sylvie is telling Max everything that happened. Before she hangs up on him, she begs him not to let anyone know she called. Max hangs up and is all smiles. "She's free! Diana is free from that imbecile!"

Caramel and Little Doormat are having breakfast and discussing Gaby's recent divorce from Lunkhead. Gaby is going to marry Kike because he's been good to her. Caramel thinks that's a dumb reason for marrying someone. Gaby shouldn't marry Kike out of a sense of duty, especially when it's clear Gaby still loves Lunkhead. If Gaby marries Kike, Gaby will be making the same mistake as Dimwit did when she married Diablo. Gaby is convinced she will learn to love Kike eventually. Pobre naive Little Doormat.

Suspenseful music plays while Maxi-Mediocre pulls his little black Mercedes into the parking structure. The music continues as Max gets out in his too-tight lavender pastel shirt, tan pants, and white shoes. Someone needs to burn all the white shoes in this telenovela. They scare me. Meanwhile, Puncho is skulking behind the wheel of a white SUV. I am more concerned with trying to figure out the type of vehicle Puncho is driving than watching Maxi-Mediocre be stalked.

Puncho, looking like Cooter from Dukes of Hazard, is checking in with Diablo, who is dressed in his best Army Ranger baseball cap. Diablo has given up his artist gig, and is now coordinating a stake-out. The suspenseful music continues to play in the background. Puncho tells Diablo to calm down. "Trust your little bro," says Puncho. Meanwhile, Maxi-Clueless boards the elevator.

Pasta is whining to Jorge about seeing Fidiota with that "unknown." He clearly doesn't like the idea of Fidiota with another man. Especially one as nicely dressed as Rodrigo.

Fidiota is in Rodrigo's office discussing Little Doormat's case. Rodrigo is convinced Gaby will be found innocent. He then reiterates his offer for lunch. Finally Fidiota relents and says, "Why not?" Rodrigo all but licks his chops.

Caramel is still trying to talk Gaby out of marrying Kike. Gaby gave Kike her word that she'd marry him. She has to keep her promise. Lo and behold, who should happen to be running by without a shirt, but Luscious! The love theme starts playing and Lunkhead stops in his tracks staring at a bewildered Little Doormat.

Max is in Dimwit's office saying he's heard all about Diablo's charade. Now that Dimwit is soon to be a single woman, there's nothing to stand between their grand love. Maxi-Mediocre is draped all over Dimwit's chair. All of a sudden, in walks Marfil. "Have I interrupted something?" Cymbals of Doom crash!

Lala is pouring out her tale of woe to Granny M. How could she raise such losers as sons? Ah, the shame of it all!

Little Doormat tries to leave, but it's too late. Lunkhead jumps the railing and Caramel beats a hasty retreat. Larry looks sunburned. He wants to talk, but Gaby says they have nothing to talk about. She's in a hurry; she's going to be late for work. Luscious tells her he hopes she finds the happiness with Kike that he (Larry) never gave her. She looks at him with her big brown doe eyes and their love song plays. Are these two ever going to hook up? I can't stand this!

More nonsense with Max, Marfil, and Dimwit. Marfil is jealous. Dimwit and Maxi-Moron deny anything is going on. Marfil makes some comment about Dimwit deceiving her invalid husband. "Haven't you heard? Diablo was faking it. He can walk!" Marfil is impactada! Suddenly Beatriz comes running in. "Nick, Heath, Jared! There's a fire in the barn!!" Actually, I think a worker got an arm caught in a machine. At any rate, Max goes running out, but before he leaves, he warns Marfil, "Don't you dare. . ."

Sylvie is at the beach dressed from head to toe in blue. Need I say more? Any way, she spies Emili-Oh and calls him over. She starts filling him in on her life, being sure to tell him about her friends the transvestites. Emili-Oh is incredulous as the scene ends.

Lunkhead is still trying to apologize for being such a schmuck to Gaby. It serves him right that Kike went after Gaby. Gaby's all weepy eyed. Lunkhead's all weepy eyed. Gaby says she needs to get to work asap. Good grief! When will they ever kiss and make up! I'm sick of this!

Marfil and Dimwit are verbally squabbling over Max. "He's my husband!" versus "But he loves me and I have the baby to prove it!" What is it about this guy in too-tight pastel sweaters and white shoes?

More boring conversation between Emili-Oh and Sylvie. Emili-Oh can't understand what Caramel sees in Puncho. He's a bigamist and a pig!

Fidiota and Rodrigo are discussing Fidiota's plans for Dimwit. Fidiota refuses to let Dimwit hook up with the son of her worst enemy. Rodrigo tries to point out it could be true love, but Fidiota cuts him off. She'll pick the man for Dimwit.

Pobre de Emili-Oh. He professes his undying love for Caramel. Unfortunately, she's dying of love for Puncho. Ay!!!

Puncho pulls out a gun from the glove box of the mystery vehicle. Max is going to pay for crossing Diablo!

Dimwit finally comes out to ask Beatriz about the injured worker. Max is going to go to the hospital with him. Max appears from the elevator and tells Dimwit he's on his way to the hospital. He wants to know if Marfil is still there. "Nope," says our heroine. "We'll talk about it later."

Puncho is lurking behind a concrete pillar when Max walks out. He actually shoots Max in the shoulder. At this point, Caramel is pulling up in her little Honda SUV. She sees Max lying on the ground and being picked up by someone. In reality we can tell Max is actually standing up on his own. She is impactada. From her vantage point, she can't see Puncho. Puncho picks up Max (with Max's help, of course), and the mystery is solved. Puncho is driving a Toyota Highlander with a "Choose Life" yellow specialty Florida license plate. This is obviously not a rental car. Caramel looks like she's going to cry. Commercial.

Caramel has realized Puncho is the culprit. Maybe now Emili-Oh will look good to her. Puncho speeds past Caramel. Meanwhile, Diablo is throwing a temper tantrum at the Little House in the Hood. In the background are the same paint-by-numbers artwork we saw in the hospital waiting room.

Lala has come to see Dimwit at Perfumes 'R Us. She's begging Dimwit's forgiveness for giving life to the spawns of Satan. Dimwit says there's nothing to apologize. Lala can't be held responsible for the actions of her bone-headed sons. Lala thanks Dimwit for being so understanding. Hugs!

Puncho reports in to Diablo. He's hidden Max away where he'll never be found. I think Diablo wants Max alive so Diablo can get the honors of dispatching him.

Marfil is visiting Octopus. "What can I do about Max? I need your help!"

We get a close-up shot of white shoes with drops of blood on them. The camera pans up and Max has his arms tied to different beams of the old warehouse. As much of a drip as Max is, I really feel bad for him and find this scene very disturbing. We also see his bullet wound to the shoulder. Diablo is making all sorts of threats. At first Max tries to out talk him, but Diablo has clearly gone over the edge. In the end, Diablo has some sort of rope thing that looks like a pull toy for a very big dog. Actually, Max looks like he's hung on a cross. Like I said, the scene if very disturbing to me and I can't even watch it again to try and figure out what they're saying. One of our viewers, if any are left, can perhaps fill us in.

Credits roll.


Zorro - June 14, 2007 happy birthday Baby D and Baby M!

EPISODE - June 14, 2007:
* Soldiers march to drummers beat in formation around town square. Piza marches alongside the formation and up onto the platform where all the town dignitaries (de la Vega family, Monty, Fer, Toby and Catalina) stand waiting. Selenia and her assistant stand near the stage area.

* Esmy is starting to give birth in the cellar. Garcia is panicking and nervous. Esmy has to give him instructions on items to get and to calm him down. He climbs the stairs rapidly to get the items.

* MA sits on her bench in her room. She's disgusted - he's concerned. They start walking down the hallway. She's disgusted by everyone abandoning the house in order to see the Queen. She is hit by extreme birth pains. Olmos takes MA back to her bedroom.

* Entourage with carriage arrives at the town square. Duke Jacomo pops out first and makes the official announcement that "Maria Luisa, Queen of Spain" has arrived to Los Angeles. As ML and her maids climb down from the carriage and start walking down the red carpet, everyone bows to the ground. Selenia and her assistant are the only ones not to bow - instead she wonders where Olmos and MA are, why they haven't shown up, her assistant comments whether they are enjoying some "alone time" together, she says that would be impossible because MA is pregnant plus the drug she gave Olmos is extremely powerful.

* Jacomo tells ML (Queen B) it isn't safe for her in town and suggests they continue the visitations inside the Governor's residence. She agrees and orders Jacomo to tell the de la Vega family that she wants to see them personally inside. They are the main reason for her visit to town. Jacomo agrees and ML leaves with her maids following behind. As she leaves, everyone stands up.

* Olmos helps MA back into bed. She's in extreme pain and yells for him to get someone to help. He is about to leave when he remembers that they are the only two left in the house - everyone else left for town square. She screams in pain of childbirth and he stands and panics.

* Garcia returns to the cellar with water, wine, blankets and other items. Esmy then gives more instructions to him on what to do with blanket, knife and wine. Garcia tries talking to calm her, she pants and grunts, he starts to sing, she starts to give birth.

(cue opening credits and theme song)

* Fer apologizes to the Duke for the unrest in town - Monty adds his apologies - Duke accepts both and then moves passed them to greet Alej, MP and D. Duke passes along Queen ML's invitation. They accept with pleasure. They all leave - Toby, feeling left out, cries out to Duke and follows them off the platform. Monty and Fer go to their corner and commiserate together - Monty is upset and faults Fer's treatment of SK for them being slighted by Duke and the Queen. Fer doesn't worry about the treatment, he has other plans on his mind.

* MA is in pain in her bed and doesn't want her baby to die. Olmos is in panic mode - she screams for him to get someone to help - he offers to help - she yells at him again that she doesn't want her baby to die! Get someone! anyone! Get the surgeon! She screams in pain as she starts to give birth. Olmos stands in panic looking at her.

* Garcia plays coach, friend, grandpa and nursemaid to Esmy, as she grunts and puffs her way through her own childbirth. She makes Garcia promise to keep her baby safe no matter what.

* Alej escorts Queen ML to the formal sitting room. D, MP and Jacomo follow them into the room. ML sits down and then asks Alej to sit down also. Jacomo suggests some wine - ML thinks that is a fine idea, nothing goes better in a rainstorm than fine wine and good friends. (side note: for those who don't know, Osvaldo "Alej" and Ivelin "ML" are a couple in real life)

* Monty walks outside into the rain to meet with Leo, Leo tells him the good news that Esmy is giving birth.

* Garcia is coach, Esmy pushes. When Garcia says he sees the head, Esmy gives him instructions on what to do to get the baby to breath on its own. She gives one final push and lays down as he finishes with the baby (cue theme song) - "It's a varoncito!" says Garcia. "A varoncito," says Esmy smiling. Garcia hands the little one, wrapped carefully in a linen sheet to Esmy to cradle. She smiles and watches her son - she has a flashback memory of when she told D she was pregnant with his baby in Z-cave.

* MA is passed out on her bed. Olmos is crying in fear over the baby's death. He's scared of what to do - he grabs a sheet and decides to take the baby away and not let MA see or even know about it. He wraps the baby up and leaves with it.

* Olmos wanders outside along the wall, crying and blaming himself because the baby died. He wonders what to do, where to hide the baby.

* Monty finds Piza and others outside the shack in the rain. Monty orders Piza to follow him; Esmy is giving birth and they need to get the baby and make it disappear forever. Piza follows Monty without saying anything.

* Organized street fight between Camba and another. The organizer gives a rousing punch-by-punch. Cami and Renzo are horrified. They stop the fight; Cami approaches Camba and calms him down - Organizer and audience are disappointed and leave; two men help fighter to walk away; Cami and Renzo help Camba to leave. One of Renzo's friends tells him that there is a important meeting back at camp and he needs to attend.

* MP, Alej and D have a family meeting about their impressions over ML and Duke Jacomo. D got a strange feeling from Duke Jacomo, like he controls ML; he says it is the same feeling he gets from Monty. Alej says he has a good point but they don't have any proof yet. Alej then asks about MA. D says she is probably at her dad's house.

* In the cellar of the shack, Esmy holds her little son and confesses to Garcia that D is the father. Garcia is proud to help deliver his good friend D's son into the world. Esmy makes Garcia promise to tell D about his son's birth. As Garcia agrees, Monty appears and surprises them.

* Olmos wanders into the cemetery with the baby still in his arms. He is crying and blaming himself for the death. He grabs a shovel by the gate, puts the baby down, and grumbles to himself as he starts to dig.

* D returns to the hacienda, looks down on the floor and sees the blood spattered. He gets scared and runs to find MA.

* Monty orders Garcia to leave them alone. Garcia does so reluctantly. Monty congratulates Esmy on giving birth. Esmy pleads for Monty to let her keep her baby with her - Monty refuses the plea, he has other ideas, to give it to someone who can provide it with a good home. She hugs the baby tightly and doesn't want him to take the baby.

* In the rain, Monty holds the crying baby and Piza follows as they join the men and Garcia. Garcia sputters to try and get Monty to leave the baby with Esmy. Monty doesn't want to hear it and orders him and the men to leave.

* D finds MA in bed, passed out still. He sees she's really in bad shape and scared about the baby. He runs for help.

* Garcia returns to the cellar to console Esmy. She is extremely upset because Monty ripped her son away from her. Garcia tries to tell her Piza won't let anything happen to him - she doesn't believe it, she knows Monty hates her guts and thinks Piza will kill her son as sure as Monty wants.

* Outside in the rain, Monty is disgusted by holding the crying baby and passes it to Piza to dispose of. (DRAT! DirecTV satellite decided to make their own personal promo break right here!)

* Agapito is drunk at home. D bangs on the door. Agapito calls out to come back tomorrow. D busts the door in and tells Agapito that MA is really sick and needs help. Agapito tries to explain that he is in no shape to work right now, come back tomorrow. D won't accept it, he goes to the work area, starts gathers and tossing items in the bag - Agapito tries again to explain - D tosses water on Agapito and drags Agapito and his bag out the door.

* Olmos continues digging and grumbling in the cemetery. Olmos stops digging when he hears a crying baby, for an instance, he thinks MA's baby is alive but then realizes someone is coming with a baby - he picks up the baby and hides behind the nearby tree. Piza enters the cemetery with little Tisha crying in his arms.

* With rainstorm outside (what a real spotty shower, it rains everywhere but at the cemetery!), Monty meets with Duke Jacomo at his office. Jacomo scolds Monty for not completing the orders in getting rid of Mercedes/SK once and for all. Monty explains that SK is presumed dead. Jacomo won't believe that until he sees the remains for himself. Monty assures him that he and Fer are doing everything they can to locate the body. They have his back and ML is safe as "Queen". Jacomo still doesn't believe a word of it - he needs proof.

* Gypsy meeting - they discuss Esmy's death; Jonas wants to return to town; Laisha and Renzo think it too dangerous still; Jonas explains his reasons are for SK; Laisha says 'but she's dead.' At that moment, SK walks in, lowers her shawl from her head and assures them she is very much alive and well. Renzo is happy to see her.

* Outside in the rain, D searches for Olmos - he reasons that Olmos was the only one with MA tonight.

* Piza holds baby Tisha, he can't kill him, he's not a monster like Monty. He tells baby Tisha, "you are in control of your own destiny little one." He places the baby on the ground and walks away and out of the cemetery. Olmos, with dead baby in his arms, comes out of hiding. Standing over Tisha, he proclaiims D's baby's destiny will be sealed forever starting tonight.

(personal note - I'm sorry for the delay in posting the complete recap. I thank you for your patience.)


Acorralada #106 Wednesday 6/13/07 The mummy is revealed, so is Fiona's chest, and the jig is finally up for Diego . . . let's hope the end is near!

We open with a meeting at Mansion Manicomio between Fedora, Paco and Rodrigo. I will compress these scenes into one summary: Paco is jealous, and there is figurative male head-butting between the two men. Fedora stands in the middle, glassy-eyed head tilting back and forth at each. (Diana clearly inherited this trait.) Paco is finally forced to leave. Eventually Rodrigo leaves too. Fedora drinks.

Over at hospital Telemiami, the doctor and nurse take off Mummy's bandages. (Many scenes compressed here.) Debora asks for a mirror and the doctor refuses. She grabs a shiny tray from the nurse and looks in it. We see the reflection. Debora is horrified to see that one side of her face has a big fat fake scar on it. Later we see her talking to herself about how she is so disfigured, she will never be able to get back with Max if she can't compete with her sister and Diana in the looks department. Get in line, sister--that cow Fiona has moved ahead of you now! (I say cow because Fiona is displaying the boobage in the most ridiculous way. She is wearing a low-cut black corset that rivals any costume of Alicia Ferreira.)
At the end of the episode, Debora flees the hospital, and the doctor and nurse are mystified. They never had her real name or address--they just knew her as "Raisa."

At the office, Diana and Max have a talk about the baby's custody. She is angry because Marfil called her and told her that Max is going to ask for sole custody. He has no right! Sure he does--she did the same thing with Diego. That was different, she says. No, it wasn't, he says.

In the next room Gaby receives a call from the divorce lawyer--the divorce is final. She is impactada.
On the beach, Larry, in revealing swim trunks and no shirt, receives the same call on his cell.

Diana comforts Gaby. The violins of sadness play. They are strangers, they never consummated their marriage. Diana wants her to move on. Gaby announces she is going to marry Kiki. Diana does not think this is the right way to move on.

Larry and Rene rehash the Gaby situation. Larry says he's going on a trip when his novela is finished. Rene says he can't because Yolanda and Rene are planning their wedding! Lunkhead ends bymaking one of his most sage observations: "I am the biggest idiot in the world."

Kiki comes to see Gaby at work. She tells him about the divorce, and he is happy--they can get married right away. He tries to kiss her, but she isn't having any of it. They talk about how he is going to teach her to forget Larry.

Fedora is drinking when Lala comes in. She says she needs it because Paco makes her nervous. Lala asks about her date with Rodrigo. How did she know there was a dinner? She could just tell. She is encouraging Fedora to stop drinking and to start fresh with Rodrigo. Forget Paco and should go out with that good looking Rodrigo. Fedora says she didn't notice. Lala doesn't want her to miss the best years of her life.

Fiona and Eddy come back from dinner with Iggy and Camila. Camila has very little to do but stand there now. She is, what, fifth in line in the Max sweepstakes? Fiona's cell phone rings, and it's Max trying to make a date. She tells "Susy" that she can't talk right now, she'll call later. Max chuckles about why she's calling him Susy. I'm not sure he understood why she was doing it.

In the factory, Max tells Diana that they had Bruno's cremation. Marfil calls and wonders why Max isn't home. She is wearing a dignified black mourning costume. He says he's coming home.

Diego is mumbling to himself about things would be great if Marfil takes Max far away. Nancy walks in, and he is furious at the interruption and lays into her. Then he thinks better of it, given that she is his only ally. He stands up and apologizes. She tries to dissuade him from his silly revenge plot and fake paralytic act. She will love him. He kisses her. Just then , Silvia walks in through a conveniently unlocked back door! She spies them kissing and says nothing, beating a silent retreat.

She then runs in fast motion downstairs and out of the mansion to the office to tell Diana! Here she comes to save the day! (She should be wearing the Wonder Woman costume.) (I am so excited about this turn of events that I almost forget to say that Silvia is wearing her orange wig today.) Silvia gets to the office and tells Diana that she has a nuclear bomb: Diego can walk. They prepare to run back to the house, but Max interrupts. They leave without telling him what is going on.

Rene and Yolanda console Larry about Gaby. Yolanda looks so much better without that awful pulled-back hair. She must feel better, too, as that hairstyle looked painful.

Fiona goes to see Octavia. They have an elegant tea in front of Octavia's coffee table adorned with giant glass fish that complement the plastic fish elsewhere in the room. Fiona confesses her marriage is a bore, and her husband only makes love to her once a week on Saturdays--when he remembers. She confesses to having affairs. She wants to get Max back. Octavia would approve, but she likes Marfil too. But she realizes that Max doesn't love Marfil and so Fiona would be a better choice to get Max away from that blasted nurse Diana, the mother of his son. Fiona is filled in on the baby out of wedlock, etc. Is she pretty? Fiona asks--yes, but she is "mas de monton." ("More of the mountain?") (I am not sure what this idiom means--I cannot find it in my online dictionary, but it is not good. It seems to mean "just like so many others." Anyone out there know? Is there anyone out there even reading this? ) So she gives her approval for Fiona to try to steal Max away. Fiona is sure she can make him forget Diana.

Larry and Gaby have a quick meeting where they part and afterward she cries and says "I love you, Larry." Please, put these two out of their misery!

Back at Casa Naco, Caramelo is joining Lala and Puncho for breakfast. Lala says Caramelo is always welcome. They tell Lala that Caramelo is going to move back in--they will be like newlyweds again. Lala says no dice--she will not have Caramelo taken advantage of by her shameless son. He must shape up and get a job and move out to his own apartment. Caramelo for once gets some backbone: She tells Puncho that his mother is right, so when is he going to get a job.

Finally we get back to my favorite event of the day: Diego goes down! Diana and Silvia come home and confront Diego. He is in the wheelchair and denies what Silvia saw. She's just crazy, he says. Silvia leaves, and Diana has a momentary hesitation where she seems to believe Diego's claptrap. I was kinda hoping that Silvia would sneak around through the front door and come up behind Diego and dump him from the wheelchair, but no.

Diana goes to talk with Gaby. They weigh the possibilities: Maybe Silvia got it wrong. But she doesn't seem like a liar, Diana says. And wouldn't it be great if Diego can walk? Diana can finally divorce him and be with Max. Oops! Just then we cut to a scene of Max kissing Fiona. There is more boring stuff between them.

Back to the action:
Silvia is back to confronting Diego. He starts choking her and demanding that she keep her mouth shut. There is a great deal of shouting. Fedora walks in and sees all! Yay! Diego tries to justify his actions, but Fedora isn't having any of it. Diego glares and shakes his head from side to side in his patented self-righteous injured-party look. Credits roll!


Juan Querendon - Thursday 6/14 - Nidia looks forward to a big inheritance and Juan takes one day at a time.

We're at the world's weirdest funeral, where the widow and the Other Woman wrestle over a coffin and Mariachis serenade us with Cielito Lindo.

Juan moons over Paula (or maybe Marely?) but figures for the time being he's stuck with the drunk widow.

Cut to Nidia, sunglasses askew and doing the butt rub on late hubbie's casket while singing along with the band. She turns an alcoholic eye on Juan and slithers over to one of the four of him that she no doubt sees. She leans on him and announces the funeral is over.

At Casa de Nidia Juan has managed to get Nidia to her room. She staggers around while Juan tries to keep her from crashing into the furniture. She uses this as an excuse to engage in a game of grabass. Judging by Juan's expression she's got a grip of steel.

Juan finds a bottle of tequila in the undie drawer of gigantic brassieres and proceeds to try to get her drunk(er). He pours out shots and throws his over his shoulder when she's not looking. Nidia pounds the shots in scene after scene. She finally passes out and Juan, big guy that he is, lifts her heft pretty easily and deposits her on her bed via a back-roll-over-the-head dunk shot.

The next day at Farell industries Cesar tells Pastor he's late for Samuel's burial. Pastor tries to ingratiate himself into some sort of sales job but I didn't fully understand what this was all about. I was obsessing about his wretched toupee and didn't follow the conversation too well.

Marely and Yadira (with lapdog Enrique) are at the funeral home waiting for a very late Nidia. Yadira and Enrique are dozing on a couch and long-suffering Marely keeps checking her watch.

Finally, their very hung over mama arrives on Juan's arm. You know those 'lady' toilet paper roll covers, the ones shaped like a doll with a big dress that covers the roll? My granny had one of those in pink. Nidia has one too, black, and it's on her head. Juan is wearing Superfly shades. Even Yadira, she of the perpetually upside-down smile, is annoyed at mommy.

Over on the other side of town Paula and Ana debate whether or not they should go to the burial. Ana says she doesn't want to cause a scandal. (A little late for that don't you think? It would be hard to beat the cat fight over the coffin.) Paula insists they have every right to go. It's clear Paula will get her way.

The commercial break gives everyone time to assemble at the graveside. Cesar arrives and goes to comfort Nidia. She hisses that she needs a beer.

Ana and Paula observe the funeral, unseen, from the far side of the cemetery.

While Nidia is distracted by Cesar, Juan finally gets his chance to comfort the sad Marely. He holds her close, so close he can feel her heart beating in her chest (he tells us). He thought bubbles that he will be the perfect gentleman and he hands her his hankie to cry into.

The jealous widow Nidia lifts the veil from her face and shoots daggers at Juan and her daughter Marely.

After the service sleazy lawyer Alirio tries to take Nidia's arm but she rebuffs him and grabs Juan, leading him away from the sobbing Marely. Marely doesn't even notice; she tosses a flower into papa's grave.

After all have left, Ana and Paula approach Samuel's grave where Paula turns on the waterworks. She begs Samuel's pardon for being a cold-hearted kid.

Back at Casa de Nidia Big Mama wants to talk to the girls. Juan, sensing something uncomfortable is afoot, tries to sneak out but Nidia orders him to stay. She tells the girls that they are embarking on a new stage of life. Yadira will be fine because she has Enrique, not the best guy but good enough, and papa approved of him. Yadira says she's not marrying anyone much less Enrique. Nadia tells her not to be so fussy. As for herself, she plans to use Samuel's money to enjoy life as she sees fit. So basically mom wants the girls out of the house ASAP. Nice mom.

To Juan's relief Enrique interrupts and Juan gets to escort his buddy to the den.

On the poor side of town Ana and Paula weep over the loss of Samuel. Paula wails "Why did papa abandon you?" Ana says he had to stay with Nidia for the sake of the girls. Paula berates herself for not getting to know him better. She just needed more time.

In the den, Juan reaches down to a conveniently placed cooler, grabs a beer, and pops it open. Nidia shows up and demands from Enrique if his intentions toward Yadira are serious. If so, he must convince Yadira to marry him. Enrique becomes ecstatic and starts bobbing up and down like a bobble-head. He immediately officially asks Nidia for Yadira's hand.

Nidia sidles up to Juan and says they need to taaaaalk, she has plans for him. She bats her gigantic eyelashes at him, says she has a little headache, and needs to rest, nudge nudge wink wink. She sashays out swinging her hips from 9:00 to 3:00 and leaves Juan and Enrique gawking at her tush.

The guys pull themselves together, grab their beers and toast. Enrique salutes "a little toast to you...father-in-law!" Juan's look is 'Que the hell???'


Destilando Amor 6/14

We open with Benevenuto informing Gavi and Clarita that he is heading back to Italia. They are saddened by the news. He says he is going back to take care of some impending business. Sofia telephones Gavi asking if she knows where Rodrigo is. She says she doesn't and looks puzzled. She wonders aloud if Rod has decided to stay on the island. Doorbell rings and its Rodrigo! He is indeed in a festive mood. Hugs all around. He asks if he can spend New Years with her and she tells him that she understood that he would be spending the holiday with the Montalvo's. She tells him not to commit a locura and to head on over there. He is in a playful mood and whisks her out the door.

The Montalvos are sitting around the living room. Fed asks if Dani is still seeing Elvis. Sofia says that Daniela has always been the famiy rebel. Bruno says that to him Elvis seems a fine fellow. Piliar says he is not their kind or class. Fed talks more smack about Elvis saying he resembles a circus chimpanzee giving everyone kisses. Dani and Elvis arrive. Elvis gives Pilar a picture that he has drawn of her. It is a stunning portrait. Bruno admires it. Granny Pilar is still not too pleased and looks disdainful as Elvis complements her on being an extraordinary muse.

Gavi and Rod are saying their goodbyes outside her apartment. She tells him to go to Granny's. They are both so jovial as they continue to exchange their declarations of love. Aww...

Back at Granny P's, Minerva is grilling Aaron about his whereabouts. She said she called him and he didn't answer his cell. He tells her he was with Mariana. She pouts. Isadora is pacing like a caged tiger waiting for Rodrigo. Sofia tells her to be patient and he will be there soon. Pilar tells her that she has nothing to worry about and that Sofia called Mariana's house and Rod is not there. Rod arrives. Hugs/kisses all around. Pilar and Rodrigo talk about the Daniela situation. Pilar complains to Rod about Dani's moving out of the house. Rod tells her not to worry. Pilar asks him to convince her to move back to the casa de Montalvo.

Dani and Elvis are talking about how she doesn't want to go to another family function. Elvis tells her that Pilar only wants the best for her. She says the best thing for her is him.

Aaron and Rodrigo are talking about the trip. Rod tells him of the findings, that all is well, and it was a good trip. The conversation turns to Patricio and Rodrigo says its a shame he is unable to join them for the festivities. Aaron makes a wry comment about Lluvia and how its Patricio's misfortune to hook up with someone like her. Rodrigo tells Aaron that a woman's reputation is tarnished when she follows the whims of a man or something like that. (i didnt quite get the literal translation) Aaron didn't take too kindly to the dig Rodrigo made so he pulls him aside and says something insulting about Gaviota. Fighting words indeed and our beloved Rod is not going to have anyone insult Gav. Bruno interjects and tells Aaron to apologize. Aaron has flashbacks to a previous altercation with Rod. He reluctantly apologizes. Yes, Aaron is the villain we all love to hate...

Pat and Lluvia are sitting in a bar having a blue drink that looks good. They chit chat about the irregular shipments, how much he loves her, etc, etc. She is worried that someone will find out and she will be implicated. Patricio assures his beloved that the irregular shipments will be over and done soon. He doesn't want her to continue to be at risk.

Aaron tells Rodrigo that he was missed while he was away and realized that he is irreplaceable. Bruno adds Mariana was missed as well. Everyone exits to the dining room except Rod who takes time out for another shot and wishes he could be with Gav.

Clarita is in her bedroom talking to a picture of Amador. She wonders if he would give his blessing to the union of their children. Gavi walks in and finds her crying. Clarita says she always crys at the end of the year. Gaviota tells her that they year was good, Clarita found her niche at the hospital, they didn't have financial worries, she reconciled with Rod, etc. They hug. Gaviota tells her how happy she is that she has reconciled with Rod and how happy he makes her. She asks Clarita if her father was the love of her life. Clarita looks like she is about to answer, but that darn Benevenuto interrupts...

At the hacienda, Roman and gang are sitting down to dinner. San Juana walks in dressed to the nines, ok, not really. But she thinks she is... She is wearing Isa's dress. Everyone is furious. She pouts that she wanted a new dress but Hilario would not buy her one. Hilario's mom reiterates that she does NOT want San Juana for her son.

Its the stroke of midnight and everyone is eating their 12 grapes. Gavi thinks about Rod. Rod thinks about Gavi. Gavi, Clarita, and Benevenuto all exchange best wishes for eachother for the coming year. They tell them they will miss him while he is away.

Minerva tells Aaron that the coming year will be their year. Aaron and Rod exchange well wishes. Isa wants to toast with Rod...

San Juana goes to the barn and lays in the hay, which I am sure is uncomfortable. Laying in hay whilst in a formal, not practical. But, what do I know? She gets over her hissy fit and wants Hilario, asking him who looks better in the dress. He imagines its Isa he is kissing and inadvertantly calls her Isadora. Oops. Not a good move Larry.

Rod has his sit down with Daniela. He asks her if Elvis treats her well. She says yes. They talk about his tan and how good he looks. She quizzes him about Isa and he says he will tell her later.

Benevenuto is saying his good byes to Clarita and Gavi. They thank him for everything and he assures them that he will stay in touch. He congratulates Gavi for her good fortune at reuniting with the love of her life, that she worked so hard for.

Dani and Rod talk about her living situation. She tells him that he is the last person who should judge her and asks her where this is coming from and what he has against Elvis. He says he doesn't have anything against Elvis. He asks her to move back into the house. She says she won't until Pilar accepts Elvis totalmente. He tells her that she is not in New York anymore and now that she is in Mexico, things are more traditional and it is understood that when a woman leaves the house it is to get married. He tells her that the family is likely to blame him for her rebelious decisions and they would more readily accept him if she moves back home. She agrees to move back. She tells him to fix his life too. This was a cute exchange between them. He tells her that he has an appt. with Vidagaray to begin the divorce stuff. She tells her of his plan to leave with Gavi and how it will be done with the utmost discretion. She asks him to imagine what everyone's reaction will be when they find out. She says Aaron and Minerva will go crazy, Fedra will end up in a psychiatric ward, Sofie will enter the convent and Pilar, well, lets not talk about that. She asks him when will he be informing everyone. He says five minute before he leaves. :)

Benevenuto tells Clarita and Gavi they will always have a place in his heart. He wishes them well and bona fortuna. He leaves.

Clarita looks sad and cries some more. She asks Gavi if she is sure Rod doesn't mind her living with them. She assures her mother that it is okay. Gaviota wants to talk about her father again and asks if she was as in love with him as she is with Rod. Clarita says that was such a long time ago and she doesn't remember. Clarita runs off. Gavi thought bubbles that she is sure that her father was the love of her mother's life. Um, yeah, Gavi.

Back at Montalvo house, everyone is toasting. Pili talks to Amadors pic. Back at Clarita's, she is talking to Amador's picture too. She cries some more.

Isa and Rod are back at the apt. She asks if he missed her. He said he was too busy to miss her. He thinks back to his beach time with Gaviota. Gosh, that Rod is one cutie. But, I digress...

Gaviota is also having thoughts of Rod and flashbacks to their island. Did I mention Rod is a cutie?

Next day, Isa is having breakfast with her parents. She tells them that she wants to know how much it behooves her to stay Mrs. Rodrigo Montalvo. She says she has no intention of getting divorced, however if he does want to end it, she will be playing hard ball. Her daddy looks pleased.

Rodrigo is paying a visit to Videgaray. He tells him he plans on divorcing Isa. He wants to know how it would affect his sisters economics. V tells him to try to settle with Isa to avoid any complicated legalities. V wants to know if his decision to end his marriage was prompted by another woman. Rod smiles that beautiful smile of his and says yes, they only woman he has ever loved in his entire life. *sigh*

Gaviota is looking over her bills and figuring out how much she owes on their stuff. Clarita wants to know how she intends to pay for their stuff once she is out of a job. Gavi tells her not to worry, she will not have any debts and she will not ask Rod for money. Clarita asks her if Rod has asked her to marry him. Gavi tells her that Rod told her that they would be married after he settles his divorce. Clarita asks how long that will take and Gavi says she does not know.

Vidagaray tells Rod that family law is not his thing, but it appears that his case will not be complicted. He tells him he could get an annulment on the grounds that the marriage was never consumated. V tells him he should talk to Isa first. As he is saying that, Isa walks in the door and wants to know what they are discussing.


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