Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Wed., Jan. 7 - Meléndez implements his plan to use Marisela as bait to catch Santos and DB

DB tells Melquíades that Meléndez is taking too long to come back to the room. She feels that something is wrong.

Gonzalo tells Santos to go ahead and hit him again out of jealousy. He says that Santos' jealousy is not that of someone for his distant cousin but the jealousy of a man defending his woman. Santos accuses Gonzalo of being irresponsible in asking Marisela to meet him away from Altamira with all the soldiers around. Gonzalo says that it's water under the bridge now. He asks what they are going to do and Santos tells him they are going to wait for Marisela.

Meléndez tells Marisela that in his life he has made master plays ('jugadas maestras'). These plays have enabled him to become the chief of the political police in the state. He has eliminated those who stood in his way. He says that Marisela is the best play that he has made in his life.
Marisela says that he has to let her go; she hasn't done anything. Meléndez says that she has provoked him with her face, eyes and beautiful body. He tells her that she is his bait (carnada) to catch DB and Santos.

DB comes down to the bar looking for Meléndez but Pernalete says that he hasn't seen him. He compares the consequence of Meléndez' arrival in the Arauca to the seven plagues of Egypt descending on him. Pernalete tells DB about Meléndez' having his lieutenant arrested.

Antonio tells the soldiers patrolling the river that he is out to meet a married woman with whom he is having an affair. They let him go but tell him to stay away from the river or he'll be detained.

Guerrero is trying to convince one of the other soldiers to let him out of jail when all the Altamira and El Miedo vaqueros are locked up in jail for the night. DB asks to see Guerrero.

Waiting for Marisela by the well, Santos decides that it is too late to start his and the rebel's escape that evening. He orders Gonzalo to go back to the cellar but he refuses saying that he is responsible for what happened.

Cecilia and Lorenzo are waiting for news when Antonio comes in looking for Santos. They tell him that Marisela has disappeared. He tells them that escape by the river is impossible. It's too well guarded.

Marisela tries to kick Meléndez and spits on him. He says that she is just like her mother and says that he is going to tell her a story that she will like.

DB asks Guerrero where Meléndez is. He says that he doesn't know but he warns her that Meléndez is a danger to DB and her daughter.

Meléndez tells Marisela about how he and the others raped DB long ago. "Once I have finished Luzardo off and killed your mother," he says, "I will make you experience the same as her and I will take you ('te voy a gozar') and take you and take you."

Guerrero tells DB that the Colonel is crazy. He says that DB's daughter is in great danger. Meléndez is going to use Marisela to lure DB into a trap.

DB gives Melquíades a free hand to kill Meléndez if he can find him. She orders BP to go with Melquíades.

Marisela tries to get her hands untied. She says to herself that she won't let what happened to her poor mother happen to her but she can't loosen the ropes.

There is wringing of hands and angst at Altamira. DB comes in looking for Marisela. Lorenzo accuses her of knowing where Marisela is and mocking them. Santos asks to speak to DB alone. He asks what she is hiding from him. She denies hiding anything. Santos says that he knows that Meléndez is using Marisela to get back at DB and he wants to know everything.

BP warns Melquíades that killing a Colonel in the army isn't the same as killing lowlives like they have done before. If Melquíades kills Meléndez, he will be pursued just the like the rebels. Melquíades tells him to be quiet. They overhear a soldier says that Meléndez is on a secret mission and won't be back until morning. They leave the bar.

Meléndez finishes the bottle of rum. He asks Marisela is he likes the way he smells. He says that once DB and Santos are gone, she will have to get used to it. Then he goes to sleep.

DB says that nothing happened between Meléndez and her. She says that he never believes what she says. DB says that she has nothing more to say to him. She says that she will go to see if Marisela is at El Miedo. She leaves. Santos tells the rest of the Altamira folks that DB doesn't know where Marisela is but she is still hiding something.

Antonio and Cecilia run into each other in the kitchen. Antonio asks if all this fear affects the baby. Cecilia says no. Antonio asks to touch her her belly. They are interrupted by Santos who wants to organize a search for Marisela. Casilda tells them that the vaqueros went to town earlier in the evening and haven't returned.

Guerrero asks Acosta, the goofy guy under Pernalete, to let him out of prison so he can send a telegram denouncing Meléndez. Acosta just laughs. He only does what Pernalete orders him to.

Melquíades and BP return to El Miedo tell DB what they overheard in the bar. DB concludes that Meléndez has Marisela. She asks why Melquíades didn't follow the soldier who was bringing food and rum to Meléndez.

Meléndez gives a note to his Sergeant to give to DB and to bring her back with him unarmed.

Santos sends Antonio to get the vaqueros out of jail and bring them to the llanos. He tells Gonzalo to go and get all the lanterns and flashlights that there are at Altamira. He and Santos will get headstart searching. Santos has a flashback to the times that Meléndez was with Marisela. Santos tells Cecilia that he has concluded that Meléndez has Marisela.

Marisela tells Meléndez that he is wasting his time; her mother will never come for her. Meléndez says that DB may not come right away but her cousin will and intimates that Santos' relationship with Marisela is more than cousinly. Marisela yells at him to leave Santos alone. Meléndez says that Santos is lucky - he has the mother and the daughter. "Que se unta?" says Meléndez. I'm not sure what he means. My dictionaries say that untarse means to 'smear, rub, or bribe'. Meléndez says that he will get rid of all three of them, but not her, not right away because he likes her, like her mother. Meléndez says that in a few hours she will be on her knees begging him.

DB tells BP to get the men to start a search but he reminds her that they are all in jail after the fight in the bar. DB insults BP and he leaves. DB sends Melquíades to get the weapons and ammunition out of the cellar and tell the rebels what is going on. She tells Eustaquia to stop praying. The God of the white men isn't going to do anything for them. Eustaquia isn't so sure. She's hoping for a miracle.

The soldier brings the note from Meléndez to DB. She swears to Eustaquia that she will bring Marisela back. She tells Eustaquia not to let anyone, referring to Santos, follow her.

She puts Juan Primito in charge of the hacienda, tells him to stop crying and take care of Eustaquia, takes off her gun and and goes with the Sergeant.

Melquíades comes out of the cellar and finds DB gone. He loads a shotgun, tells Eustaquia that she is not to tell Santos about DB's past with Meléndez and leaves to find Santos.

DB arrives at where Meléndez is holding Marisela. DB asks if Meléndez has hurt Marisela and she says no and that DB shouldn't have come.


El Cuerpo del Deseo, Tues, Dec. 30 - Andrés tries to kill Isabel twice, PJ/S once and he tries to rape Valeria

Andrés aims his rifle at Isabel from the former love nest in the attic.

Walter stops him from firing at Isabel.

Isabel thinks she heard a shot but nobody else did.

Andres calls in a hit on PJ/S.

Isabel asks the Board to give Andrés another chance but the Board would like to hear from Andrés himself.

Andres isn't in any shape to talk to the Board of Directors.

He attacks Valeria.

Simón asks PJ/S to go with him, Antonio and Ángela to a show and dinner. PJ/S says that he's had a hard day. He just wants to go home and rest. Fate, as we will see, has a different plan in store for him.

For some reason, Camilo is still driving PJ/S. Why can't he get his own car or one from the company? Anywhy, they are followed when they leave the factory and they end up in a dead end.

The killers shoot up the car and PJ/S and Camilo duck under the seats. The killers are about to finish them off when the police sirens are heard. The killers leave.

Andrés trashes Isabel's bedroom and finds the poison that she used to try and kill him earlier. He puts some of the poison into Isabel's glass but she gives it to Rebeca and Andrés smashes it before Rebeca can drink it.

Camilo is injured by the killers.

PJ/S is not injured. He tells the police that he doesn't have any idea who could have done this.


Cuidado #72, Tues. January 6. Juan Miguel is Guilty of Stupidity In the First Degree

Patricio and Cecilia enter the funeral home, where suitably funereal music plays and random extras sit around in black clothes and dark glasses looking mournful. They offer their condolences to Onelia, who either planned ahead and wore 5 pounds of waterproof eye makeup, has no tear ducts, or is not really very sad. Would have been better to let the mascara run, I think…it would have really added to the tragique display she’s trying to put on. Ceci kindly pats her shoulder while she moans about her pobre hija and insists that that canalla (scoundrel) who murdered her must pay. Stef pulls Pat aside and insists that he must help Juan Miguel, because JM is innocent.

Piraña and his borracho sidekick lounge around by their shack in the woods. Señor Sidekick can’t button his shirt properly, but he’s still got enough of a clue to decide it would be better to not kidnap the baby, since they already have part of the money. They should just disappear for awhile and hide from Amador. Piraña agrees, but it’s too late: Amador stalks over and demands to know why the kidlet hasn’t disappeared. Isabela trails behind in footwear unsuited to the rough terrain.

Omar/Leopardo goes to Marichuy’s room and asks how she and the baby are doing. (Did Marichuy give the baby a name?) Things are going great; she’s recovering fine; she’s totally happy. The only thing is, she says, she had promised to tell Amador when the baby was born and she hasn’t done it. Why does he need to know?, Leo asks. Mari says he’s very important for her future, and the baby’s. So he’s the baby’s father?, Leo concludes. Mari’s all, Never! Where do you get these crazy ideas? Well, he always wants to visit and you say he’s important… Marichuy tells him to sit down and she’ll tell him about Don Amador. I hope she doesn’t leave out the attempted rapes and the fake blindness and the baby he’s having nothing to do with, who should be born any day now so it’s too bad its mama’s doctor is in Acapulco. Leo sits on the very corner of the bed, as far as he can get from Marichuy.

Pat thinks that Stef is just delusional because she’s in love with Juan Miguel and wants to take advantage of his wife’s death. Stef the crack detective (it’s too bad Amador wasn’t the private investigator on the case; that way I could call him a dick) says she has proof that it was that French dame he had on the side, the one they saw in the bar. Balbina saw her sneaking in from the garden. Patricio takes a moment to consider arguments and evidence, for once in his judgy life.

Amador and Isabela try to threaten the two losers, who insist they haven’t had a chance to take the child. I’d like to see Isa try that if she didn’t have Amador’s guns backing her up. They warn the henchmen not to play dirty tricks (jugarettas), just get the job done, or else.

The supercute baby sleeps and his mama admires him. She remembers Leo asking if the memory of the father will keep her from love. She thinks back to their wedding and honeymoon and laments the things that have torn them apart.

Leo stands in the garden and talks to himself. He can’t deny that he loves Marichuy, and he’s always fought for what he wants, so he’s going to go to her with his heart in his hands and tell her how he feels, even though he thinks she’s still stuck on her husband.

Juan Miguel tries to get Blanca to understand why he’s protecting her. She may be crazy, but she’s not crazy enough to believe that makes any sense. He insists that he’s at fault, he is the crux (eje, also means axle) of this tragedy. Blanca tells him not to fear for her, but just take her to the authorities, because she is the one who killed Viviana, and she must be accountable for her crime. JM has very realistic bags under his eyes.

The police have returned with the arrest warrant. Rocio assures them that JM is still at home as he promised he would be, because he is a stand-up guy. She runs to fetch him.

Stef convinces Pat that they should stop Ivette from fleeing. The problem with that plan is that they don’t know where she lives. Stef thinks they can find out from the bartender at the restaurant, because Ivette seemed to know him well. She doesn’t want to go alone, because it’s a dangerous matter for the police. Wow, she really is smarter than Nancy Drew, not that that’s saying much. Nancy would have gone alone, gotten tied up and locked in a closet, and then after her friends had figured out where she was, apprehended the criminal, and freed her, taken all the credit for solving the case. To be completely fair, I must add here that Stef isn’t bugging me as much as she usually does, and her hair looks nice with no stupid bows or barrettes in it.

JM tells Blanca that he is a known and respected man, and he knows how to handle things. Um, no you DON’T, Juan Miguel. You screw up EVERYTHING. Also, you are very cute and wouldn’t stand a chance in prison, massive gym-muscles notwithstanding. What part of “community soap” are you looking forward to? Rocio enters and tells him the police have come for him. If I were her, and my “famous” brother was getting arrested and there was a good chance my picture would appear on the news, I would not have worn a vest that looks like I put on a weird bra over my shirt. Not that I would have anyway.

Mari remembers JM telling her Viv has returned. She cries.

Blanca is upset that JM is going to go with the police and plead guilty, and begs him not to do it. He thinks he’s being all noble, going off to jail and leaving a homicidal lunatic IN HIS HOME endangering his family and society at large, and walks off with the police like the martyr he aspires to be.

Cande remarks that the baby is wearing her out (she’s not complaining, though…she says it cheerfully) and eating well. Marichuy asks her to watch him while she takes a bath. As soon as Mari leaves, Cande remembers that she left the bottles in the water on the stove or some such and goes off, leaving the baby alone. Piraña lurks on the balcony like a vulture. Honestly, Cande. You had one job to do.

Padre Anselmo is at Castle San Roman, trying to comfort Rocio. She insists that her brother is a good person and is not guilty, and begs PA not to abandon him. PA says he’s ready and willing to help Juan Miguel, and heads off to the jail to see him. (vocab: preso means imprisoned).

Pat and Stef sit in the bar that looks like a kindergarten and wait for the barman to arrive. Pat thinks this plan is nuts, but Stef is determined. Pat points out that they can’t arrest Ivette, but Stef says they just need to find her; the police can deal with the particulars. They bartender arrives. Stef asks about the French dame. He looks intense and mildly impactado.

Rocio looks for Blanca and finds that she has disappeared.

Piraña starts to climb through the window, but Marichuy comes back looking for shampoo and sees that LalaCande has left the baby alone and the window is open.

The bar guy doesn’t know Ivette’s exact address, but he tells them her last name. Stef decides to go to the police.

Juan Miguel tells a police guy that he murdered his wife. PG interrogates him and confirms that he and Viv did not get along and fought often, that the murder happened during a fight, and that it was not premeditated. Then the PG pulls out the dagger and asks JM where he got it.

Cande returns and she and Mari discuss the case of the open window. Marichuy thinks it’s strange, first the broken glass and now the window opening. She begs Cande not to leave the baby alone while she has her bath. She leaves again, and the cute baby laughs at Cande.

JM says he used the dagger as a letter opener, and he was reading his mail when the fight started. So why was it in the governess’s room?, asks the inspector. Ummm…that’s where Viv was, and where we fought, says JM. Where is the governess?, queries the inspector. JM is not used to dealing with people who question his BS, and now he’s getting tangled in his lies. Ha. I wonder what he thought would happen.

Rocio wonders whether Blanca has gone to try to help JM, or has turned into Ivette. She thinks she needs to let JM know that she has escaped. So he can come up with another brilliant plan, I imagine.

Ivette is in her apartment, drinking wine and thinking that she must flee again, and not go to jail.

Some bureaucrat is having no luck finding any record of Ivette Dorbleac. Stef thinks they can find her if the guy tells them where JM is being interrogated.

JM tells the investigator that Blanca had quit. Investigator asks what the fight with Viv was about. Stef’s guy comes in to take away JM’s personal effects, including his phone. In the other office, Stef scrolls through the listings and finds Ivette’s number. She winks at Pat.

JM gets more and more tripped up with his lies. He looks anxious. This isn’t as easy as he expected.

Stef’s investigator asks why they think JM is innocent when he says he’s guilty. Stef says he’s just covering for Frenchy, and they can ask him questions later, but right now it’s important to make sure the real criminal doesn’t get away. Investigator looks like he has a headache. This is going to be a lot of paperwork. He dials the phone and tells Stef to talk. The phone rings in Ivette’s apartment and she reacts to it before we hear it (falling asleep on the job, sound guy?). Stef panics and throws the phone back without talking, but she has a 75-watt lightbulb Idea. She wants to call JM’s inspector.

JM’s inspector is getting angry. He wants the straight facts. JM stalls, and the phone rings. Inspector talks to the other one, and says aha, he suspected that also. He hangs up and tells JM they’ll have to leave their chat for another time. Am I going to a cell?, JM asks. No, says the inspector, you’re getting your stuff back, and you’ll be free shortly. JM looks confused and frustrated.

Ivette finally notices the broken wine glass, still on the floor from when JM dumped her and she lost it. She freaks out and seems to be shifting back to Blanca.

JM gets his stuff back and is told he’s free to go. He’s confused; he said he was guilty. Well, someone told us you were lying, the inspector tells him. The inspector tells him not to leave the city but to just hang out at home, because they’ll probably want to talk to him later. They neglect to arrest him for tampering with a crime scene and failing to report a murder in a timely manner and obstruction of justice (or their Mexican equivalents) and whatever else should be added to his rap sheet, but that is part of their clever plan. JM leaves. Inspector plays with his stress ball and reports the departure.

Rocio is delighted to see Juan Miguel home, but he just wants to know who ratted him out. Rocio tells him Blanca is gone. He heads out to find her, JUST AS STEF PLANNED.

Blanca has changed into the most conservative thing Ivette owns, a dress which is short and low-cut but simple and un-bedazzled. Juan Miguel asks her why she left his house (and appears to be multi-tasking by looking down her top at the same time). She doesn’t know, but she figures her other self did it. Then she freaks out about the daggers on the walls, and then she realizes JM and Ivette had something going on, and asks him what their relationship was. Probably she’s wondering whether she needs penicillin. She is embarrassed and ashamed, but JM just tells her it wasn’t what she thinks.

Granny Abuela, over in Acapulco Twinkleville, tells Mayita the fable of the tortoise (tortuga) and the hare (liebre).

Martirio calls Isabela to delightedly report the chisme. Viviana was killed, by her own husband! Martirio is thrilled by this excitement; Isa is impactada.

JM reassures Blanca that he and Ivette were just friends. Sure, she totally wanted him, but then, so does Blanca, right? She did say that she was in love with him. Blanca looks embarrassed and says he must despise her. He kindly assures her that he understands (because he’s never met a woman who didn’t drool all over him). The police pound on the door. JM wants to flee, but there’s no other exit besides the front door (I guess the D.F. doesn’t care about fire safety. Although, I’m not so big on it myself. The fire alarms in my office building go off so often that I am now well-trained to ignore them. The smoke alarm in my apartment building went off this morning because one of my neighbors actually did start a fire in the kitchen and filled half the building with smoke, and even though the thing is loud enough to wake the dead in Australia it never occurred to me to go outside.) Anyway, he shoves a bunch of stuff behind the sofa and gets Blanca to hide in the bedroom. He lets the detectives in, and they immediately take note of all the weapons on the walls. JM is like, “what?”

Leo plays another harmonica lullaby outside the window. Cande decides that it’s a serenade because Leo is in love with Marichuy. Mari wants to just ignore it, because she doesn’t want to either encourage him or disappoint him. She loves him like a brother. Cande convinces her to at least go to the window and thank him for the song.

Back in Daggerville, Juan Miguel insists that Ivette isn’t there and he doesn’t understand what the detectives want with her. The detectives are not fools and insist on looking for themselves. JM and young cute detective size each other up.

Marichuy goes out on the balcony to listen to Leo’s playing. He looks slyly pleased.

Avances: Leo tells Marichuy he thinks they have a future together. Cande sees in the newspaper that JM murdered his wife. JM sits in a jail cell.


Fuego #169 - Tues. 01/06/2009 - Help Murder Police, My Mother Fell In The Grease, I Laughed So Hard I Fell In The Lard, HMP

Good Evening and Happy New Year 2009. This will be my first recap of the new year but my last recap until Feb. 10. but I hope to check in to read recaps at various Internet connections since I won't get these episodes in Mexico. See you all next month, the road is calling... Which leads me to my favorite saying this year: "Not all those who wander are lost." - JRR Tolkien
But not to worry - BlogMom is coming to the rescue, she will do the four recaps to feed our greedy little habits....

Old News:
Sofia tells Tio Vicente who killed his brother and sister-in-law
Feonando plans with Ruth or tells her his plans to cause an accident for dear Gabriela
Juan shoots into the dark and ? hits Ricardo in flight?

But back to Ricardo in his cool black outfit scaring the daylights out of little Pablito as he sees his chest taken. Ricardo can't resist a moment of egoism while he stomps on the Reyes family crest taken down from the mantel. Pablito the brave has the nerve to approach this bad man in the dark and and cling to his leg while he screams his young lungs out for Juan. Jimena runs out of the room and leaves Oscar to fend for himself on the floor trying to regain his wheelchair. Finally people show up and Juan shoots in the dark as Ricardo rides off. He empties his pistol while telling Rosendo or someone that Pablito was attacked but he couldn't see who was there.

Oscar feels sorry that he couldn't do anything to defend his family and starts the whining, I'm useless stuff again. (I's sorry, I am not heartless at all about real injuries but some of these theatrics get to me now and then.)

And aha, the mystery from last night's discussion is solved: Ricardo curses from his horse and admits out loud for the horse's benefit no doubt, he was hit in the leg and has to get help before he looses too much blood.

Juan rushes into the other hacienda how did he get there so fast? and wakes up Sofia. She chirps that her mother asked her pardon. She doesn't seem to register that her mother's lover killed Juan's family and her mother is involved. But that's our Sofia. She can't move the girls out of danger in the dark because she is so excited about her mother apologizing to her. They kiss some loud smacking, non-sexy kisses and Juan leaves while Sofia decides she needs the advice of Padre Tadeo about what ever to do with her heavy as lead knowledge of Ricardo Uribe's murderous past.

Raquel gets a great consolation prize for her pains. Coyote offers her that they can join together to fight their common enemy, If she accepts.

Ruth sees her father come in grab a drink and say he had an accident on the horse, but she kneels at his feet in a disgusting move to find blood. They yell, he admits that Juan fired at him. Ruth looks full of doubt and worry but doesn't say much. Smart girl who obviously know Daddy Dearest pretty well.

Back dressed to the nines in Ranchero/Mariachi wear, Juan questions Pablito for his memory of exact details of the burglar in the bedroom assault. Pablito remembers mostly the taking of his chest (árcon) of secrets and in an ahhhaaa moment, Juan says, Ricardo Uribe! Vicente speaks up that Uribe was looking for something evidently .

Gabriela shows up at the casita and discusses and diagnoses with Ruth and Ricardo the obviously injured leg. Ricardo doesn't want to alert anyone by seeking medical help so Gabriela offers they will have to take the bullet out themselves right here. Can't you just see her ripping it out with her teeth and spitting it across the room?
Paddy Tad advises Sofia to be very careful with her big news but he thinks she must talk with Tio Vicente immediately since he will know what to do for the Reyes. He obviously doesn't trust Juan's hothead button either. Sofia agrees that Vicente is the pillar of the family and is the wisest to help with the burden of this dangerous news.

Meanwhile, just to punctuate Juan's temper, he demands of Rosendo, who was it that wore the serpent buckled belt? I know you know, tell me, tell me.

Gabriela cleans the knife with a candle flame and gouges Ricardo with some relish, while he bites on something. A gruesome digging with the big knife in his leg is filmed with careful close camera work and eventually reveals the sought after bullet while Coyote listens just outside and then knocks on the door and tells Gabriela, he wants to come in.

Juan presses Rosendo that he remembers the snake buckle on the murderer of his parents and he knows Rosendo knows whose it was.

Back at the casita, in embarrassed pauses, Coyote comes in and evidently Ricardo doesn't know who he is. He says he came to see how Gabi was and Feo told him she was out in the casita (lying through his shiny teeth) so he apologizes for coming at an inopportune time, as they stutter and finally Ruth says Papa had an accident with this horse so they are obviously a little worried and hence flustered. Coyote smiles then gallantly leaves and Ricardo wants to know what Gabi is doing with this guy. He's is so fine, she offers. What friends you have for your cause Gabi, snorts Ricardo with evident jealousy.

In the Coyote den, Mama and Raquel begin to talk of what they have in common but are interrupted by the silly old maid sisters (whose names I can never recall). Mama Coyote wants to go to confession, she tells the sisters, Raquel looks on in horror where she is hiding in the next room

Sofia and Vicente get to the point finally. He demands to know who killed his brother and sister-in-law and Sofia dramatically speaks out the name: RICARDO URIBE killed them.

Ricardo refuses Ruth's suggestion that he should lie back and rest, he has stuff to do. Gabriela finally realizes Raquel isn't hanging around as usual. Where is she? She ran off and we don't know where, but someone is obviously sheltering her. Don't make me laugh. Who would help out that fool? sneers Gab, Ric and Rut don't look too pleased with Gabi's snooty but probably true description.

Sofia and Vicente agree that Juan will go into orbit and continue the vengeance quest and end up with lots of bodies. So Vicente suggests that they not tell Juan the hothead just yet. Sofia says she is sure that as impulsive as Juan is he will certainly get into horrible trouble by killing RU an then rotting in jail.

Sofia says he has to pay he has to be punished for his murders. Vicente swears that RU will pay for killing Juan Jose and his SIL:

Coyote remembers the meeting with Gabi, Ruth and Ricardo when Ricardo tells him who he is, then Coyote twirls his ring and says, Ruth Uribe will be my first victim.

Ruth comes into the hacienda and gets a crushing sexy hug from Feo who wants to plan dastardly deeds with Gabriela's truck.

Over at the Reyes, Gabriela walks into the wide open living room calling for Jimena then wanders into Oscar's bedroom and teases him about his medicine. Is this the only thing that will stop your pain? He is desperate with pain and she follows his directions to find the medicine but then dangles it in front of him asking what would happen if a lamentable accident happened to his medicine, and says the real pain is what he and the miserable Reyes have caused by meddling with her daughters and he actually deserves to suffer this pain. Then she makes the generous offer that if he promises to stay away form Jimena and get out of her life, she will give him the vial of medicine he so badly needs. But, if he does not agree right now, she will drop the precious medicine on the floor, it will break and he will suffer unbelievable pain while she applauds. (well the applause is added but the rest is pretty much straight from Gabriela's sour mouth).

Juan and Sofia discuss the Rosendo conversation in the kitchen unaware of the venomous Gabi in the Oscar's room. Juan is totally in hothead state about Rosendo knowing who wore the snake belt and still not telling him. He figures out that Sofia knows and they accuse each other of holding back information and not trusting each other. Egad this is boring couples arguing.

Just as Oscar screams in pain and Gabi moves in with more threats Jimena shows up and grabs the vial of meds. Jimena wants to know what she is there for. Gabi spews a string of venom about what a useless crippled guy Oscar is . Jimena is fed up and wants her mother out, But, back in the kitchen Sofia coos at Juan and they talk about the good of their daughters and other pap while the voices get louder in the other room finally they hear her and Juan tells Gabi

Vicente tells her to leave and she says she is glad to leave this dump yeah you have bad memories of how you disrespected my brother and his loving wife he knows all about her memories. She denies it but Sofia chimes in that she confessed all this to her. Gabi wants to know why Sofia could possibly be against her. She gets out and Jimena comforts Oscar .

Feo and Ruth wrestle and plan dastardly deeds in his/now her bedroom. He expands on his plans to rush the inheritance proceedings by what he is planning to do to shut out Gabriela's lights as soon as he can. Ruth doesn't want to hurt Gabriela, she claims to love her. He argues that he will take care of everything but is just warning her. The paper gives him half of all she inherits from Gabriela. Finally Ruth signs the document with reluctance.
Ricardo limps in to see Ruth climbing He is continuing to look for Raquel and shut her loose lips then he will deal with her after he finds the papers he is still seeking .

Sofia meets with Rosendo and thanks him for not telling the hothead. They agree to keep their silence so Juan won't do something out dangerous to all. Come on, you know this is going to lead to trouble but at least it is delayed trouble.

Mrs. Coyote, Soledad, confesses to Paddy Tad. For the first time she is going to confess her entire story without leaving out any details.

Ricardo is on the horse looking for whatever and holding his hurt leg. He asks farm workers, walkers on the dirt path and whoever else I guess asking for signs of Raquel, we don't hear anything .

At the river edge Ric dips his sore leg while Coyote pops up from behind a tree in a kind of "everywhere you want to be" style and says that isnt' a boo boo sore like he said, it's a bullet wound. Someone shot you, do you have a lot of enemies?

Soledad Coyote continues her story to PadTad, Ricardo Uribe used me like a toy and then abandoned me as a useless thing a bother, and then I was destitute and pregnant. Gabriela knew about the affair and was insane with jealousy and rage. PadTad looks amazed, says dear God, Gabriela agian, and Santo Dios a lot but asks, does Ricardo know you have his son? No, he never knew or even suspected.

Feo is back to his line cutting tricks with Gabriela's SUV. He crawls under to snip and let liquids flow in perfect secrecy while unsuspecting farm hands move hay bales around very near the vehicle.

Next: Sofia and Ruth argue over who has Gabriela's heart, Gabriela gets into the altered SUV and begins to have braking or steering problems.


Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Tues., Jan. 6 - Marisela is being followed and DB intiates version 2.0 of her plan to kill Meléndez

When DB sees that it was BP who shot Danger, she says, "You, it had to be you." BP says that he is at her service as always. DB asks why he did it. BP says that DB is more generous than Danger was.

Cecilia tries to get Lorenzo to eat some oatmeal (aveda) that she made but he doesn't like it. Jeez, the poor guy is dying. They should let him eat whatever he wants. 'Heart healthy' stuff isn't going to make much difference now.

Marisela thinks she is being followed. You'd think after growing up like a wild animal in the forest, she might be more wood-crafty than to let soldiers stomping around in boots scare her like that.

BP tells DB that Danger had legal problems in 'gringoland' and needed the money from the La Chusmita deal to pay lawyers. BP asks DB if she is going to reward him by making him a partner in this business. DB says that he will receive a reward for saving her life. She tells BP that they will dump the body in the swamp.

Santos tells the rebels that they are going to leave for the border that night. He will go with them because he is responsible for them and because Meléndez is looking for him too.

Don Encarnación is annoyed that Antonio has to go away for a few days right then. Lucía tells her father to let Antonio go. If he says it's important, then it is. Antonio vows that he will come back. There are very important things here he has to return to.

Marisela bursts into the kitchen at Altamira in fear at being followed but she says nothing to her father about it.

BP and DB thow Danger's body into the swamp (pantano). (This place doesn't look much like a swamp.)
DB says that she will miss Danger and hopes that he understands that she didn't kill him. BP looks at her, "His death is yours," she says. Danger sinks into the swamp just in time. Soldiers are patrolling. DB says it's time to go. This job is done. ("Este arroz ya se coció," literally, "This rice is cooked.") Then she says something that is sort of equivalent to the English saying, "Life is for the living." ("El muerto al hoyo y el vivo al gozo," literally, "The dead to the hole and the living to pleasure.")

Marisela is very jumpy and Cecilia demands to know what is going on. Marisela tells her that she is being followed.

Guerrero reports to Meléndez that per his orders, Marisela is being followed day and night. Guerrero says that he doesn't understand why. Marisela is not a disident. Meléndez tells Guerrero to follow orders but having sex with Federica seems to have blunted his fascistic tendencies. He accuses Meléndez of abusing his authority by harassing the locals and persecuting DB for personal reasons. Meléndez orders him to be put in jail until he is court martialed.

DB returns to El Miedo and tells Eustaquia to hide the papers she got from Danger. She tells Eustaquia that the papers are about being rich, really rich. She can't deal with it until Meléndez is out of the way. She says that everything is ready for his execution. Eustaquia warns her about Santos finding out. DB says that Santos won't find out what she is doing.

DB tells Eustaquia that when things have calmed down, she will have the documents translated because they are in English. Eustaquia says that Santos could do that but DB doesn't want anyone, even Santos to know about the documents. She tells Eustquia that Danger found that there is something very valuable, she doesn't know what, undernealth the infertile soil and the bad smells of La Chusmita. DB tells Eustaquia that his ambition killed Danger.

The idiot Gonzalo is running around outside. He gives Juan Primito a note to take to Marisela.

Santos is packing up to leave for the frontier. DB says that she will go with him. Santos tells that she can't go with him.

JP gives Marisela a terrible fright by coming up behind her. He gives her the note, which asks her to meet Gonzalo at the well of the spirits when it gets dark that night.

Santos tells DB that she has to stay at El Miedo and wait for him like the other women. DB says that she isn't like other women. If her man is in danger, she want to protect him and take care of him. She asks Santos to wait one more night and she will solve all their problems. Santos says that their problems have a name: Nicolás Meléndez. How is she going to solve them? He accuses her of planning to kill Meléndez. DB says that she won't touch a hair on his head. But she says that he will pay. She says that sometimes one has to do hard things to survive and there's no choice with Meléndez - it's him or us. Santos trots out the old violence isn't the way and there are laws. DB is dismissive of the law. She says it is only paper that can be burnt. Then she tells Santos that she won't do anything, that he has won the argument.

Well, I guess DB was just fibbing with Santos because the first thing she asks Melquíades (who is getting weirder and weirder about DB)

is whether he has figured out a way to kill Meléndez without leaving a trace. Melquíades says that they have to get him alone. That's the problem says DB. Melquíades says that recently Meléndez has been sleeping with Josefa.

DB and Melquíades come to town to implement their plan.

Santos comes down to the cellar to get the rebels to find that Gonzalo is gone to see Marisela. Santos is furious.

Cecilia tells Lorenzo that with all the soldiers around, Marisela shouldn't leave the house. Cecilia ends up telling Lorenzo about Marisela's belief that she is being followed. Marisela appears and says that she is going out. Lorenzo forbids her to leave the house.

Josefa has an appointment with DB in the hotel bar. DB says that she has a job to propose to Josefa that will be very profitable to her and useful to DB. Josefa says that what they want her to do is dangerous. If she is found out, she could be shot. DB tells her that with the money DB will give her, she can be independant of men, start her own business and DB will never tell that she helped her.

Naturally, Marisela has disobeyed her father and left the house.

Santos finds Juan Primito and learns what Gonzalo's note said.

DB's plan is as simple as the El Miedo vaqueros starting a fight in the bar and Josefa telling the guards outside Meléndez' door to go and help stop the fight. DB and Melquíades get into Meléndez' room. Apparently, they still aren't just going to kill him outright but are going to incapacitate him and bring him somewhere.

Antonio is accosted by soldiers. They asks what is doing alone at this hour.

Marisela is grabbed by soldiers as she walks to the pozo. They put a bag over her head and drag her off.

Santos finds Gonzalo waiting for Marisela and punches him.

DB and Melquíades may be waiting for a while in Meléndez' room. He has got Marisela tied to a chair in some remote place.


Tontas Tuesday January 6, '08 Did Anything Really Happen?

Well yes...there were a few plot developments but for me the best part of the night was when the butler and the maid were singing Wooly Bully in the kitchen. What does that tell you? But you want more than that, right? Okay, here it comes.

First the old stuff: Mother and Alicia are squabbling about Patricio's attitude and what he said about his mother-in-law. Alicia pretty much ignores mom and gets on the phone to find Santiago's number so she can arrange for a "bubis" lift...and hey, while she's at it, Mom can get herself a face lift.

Then a brief scene with Cece bringing along a lot of food to Candy's house and setting up the idea that maybe they can have dinner sometime over the weekend. Candy seems to be missing all the signals Cece's sending out but we get to see her gleeful look as she imagines she's making progress.

Meanwhile, back at Santiago's digs, the word is out that Donato is the one who blabbed about Santi's old rock group and got the teenagers totally excited. And since Santiago can deny his daughters nothing, now he'll have to go through with it. Donato and the winsome maid do a little rockin' Wooly Bully number and it's looking good until Mama Santiago arrives in high dudgeon and sentences the butler to a month of washing dishes, including the greasy pots, for running off at the mouth and temporarily getting HER in trouble (Santi thought his mother was the culprit).

Evidently washing dishes is going to be one of our transition themes tonight because we switch to the lovelorn restaurant cook who's still grieving Patricio's rejection. (Don't you just want to rip out Candy's hair for adding to this woman's woes!?) Tio Meño gives her the usual pep talk about being a very interesting woman and "before-you-know-it-your-dream-guy-will-come-along" bit and chides her for looking like a "pollito mojado" (wet chick, or think drowned rat...whatever sad image comes to mind)

Meanwhile Santiago is looking a bit like a "pollito mojado" himself, glum and silent at the breakfast table, and under some brisk grilling by mom, confides that he's worried about Raul's plan for a couples' dinner....because he's sure Raul is going to try and seduce Candy! Mom informs him he's madly in love and jealous. He informs her she understands absolutely nothing!

Well, if Santiago's not making any progress, Patricio certainly is....with Beto his son. He's giving him some good soccer tips and assuring Beto he can score like Borgetti (Jared scorer for Mexico) if he just learns to stand back a little and not rush the goal. He also throws in the name of Guardado (Andres Guardado, one of the best paid Mexican soccer players) and Beto is so thrilled with the good advice he proposes that Patricio should be their soccer coach. (Watch out Candy!)

Back at the office, Marissa is trying to promote the Candy/Raul romance and it's having the opposite effect. Candy is backpedaling rapidly while we (but not Candy or Marissa) see Cece looking angrily jealous. Candy is off to Santiago's office to try and enlist his help in cooling Raul's ardor, and as she rushes in, she just narrowly misses running into sister Alicia... who's there to see about that "bubis" lift she wants.

Hortensia, his secretary, is not pleased. Everytime you're here "Troy arde" (Troy burns) she sighs to Candy....and besides, the doctor is with a patient. Candy flounces, pouts, sulks and bounces in her seat like a 2-year-old. ( Lord, this woman annoys me! Could we have another heroine please. Anyone???!!!)

So Candy's invaded the surgeon's office, while at home, mother Gregoria is invading her and Meño's space. She waltzes in without saying hello and after some jibes thrown back and forth, informs Meño that "she's coming to live with her daughter". She wheedles Chava into announcing that Candy is his mom and the truth is out for sure...Gregoria has a grandchild...and she knows for certain who the father is as well.

Meanwhile, Candy's pulling the tired old trick on Hortensia...bring me a cup of tea....with a little honey please (see anything wrong with this liberated woman treating a secretary like a maid? I do!) Candy then cracks open the door of Santiago's office, sees that Alicia is the patient and overhears that her husband is about to arrive any moment. Now Hortensia is about to be transformed from maid to co-conspirator. There's also a little horseplay about the keeps getting accidentally rung and people keep asking "What's up with the bell?" Ho ho ho.

But back to the matter at hand. Santiago's assuring Alicia that her breasts are firm and just fine (well, we can attest to that with all those revealing yoga outfits) but she still wants to enlarge them. Okay, fine, but we have to have your husband's approval. It's my body, she snaps, and I can do what I want with it.

So there!

Alright, let's compress the following madcap I love Lucy type scenes. Candy persuades Hortensia to disguise her as a nurse. However she's so covered up she's blind and stumbles around like a lost soul. Santiago fumbles his lines at first but finally plays along and introduces her as his new surgery nurse. Patricio, who has arrived, is strangely attracted by this curious figure and says "se me hace muy conocida" (she seems very familiar to me) and Santi launches into a lot of maxilofaciala B.S. to explain why she might indeed look familiar. Alicia on the other hand is horrified at this clumsy apparition and says, Well, I certainly hope she won't be your nurse when you operate on me! Good call Alicia.

Another great scene when Santiago then runs down the hall to where Candy is back changing clothes once again. It's a great run. Primo physical comedy. The man can do wonderful things with his body, but Lord have mercy, he needs a better script.

More tomfoolery as Santiago lurks outside the dressing room screen as Candy changes back into her regular clothes. He thinks he deserve a little kiss for all his help, and maybe a little peek as well. Nothin' doin'. He points out that he's seen 20 of whatever she's got on any given day, and on busy days, even more. Still no cooperation. She repeats her classic line (how many times have we heard this.. and has HE heard this?) that she doesn't want any men in her life. Well how about we spend just one night together, and then you can reevaluate? Stike three, he's out.

This whole shebang ends with a little tête-à-tête with Hortensia...a poignant moment when the secretary begs Candy not to torment Santiago.
H: He's a good man....alright, a bit of a womanizer...but someone broke his heart once...I don't want that to happen again.
C: You're in love with him aren't you?
H: shakes her head
C: Don't worry...I won't....
Candy leaves, and Hortensia stops shaking her head and sadly nods.....yes, indeed, she is in love with her boss.

While this medical and emotional mayhem was going on, Gregoria and Meño are continuing their own bickering. He's protesting he has no room for her; she proposes sleeping in his bed with him since she has nothing to fear there.

Things are not going smoothly at Pato and Alicia's either. She wants to know what's up. He's ignoring her and turning on the TV. She gets right in his ear and says she knows what's's about his anniversary with Candy. She stomps out to get a té de tila (lime blossom tea or linden tea for Americanos) which seems to be the Mexican version of a tranquilizer and he yells at her to bring him a burger and lots of nice greasy fries as well. As for her proposed surgery, he could care with her body whatever she wants. Hmmm.....not quite the response most wives would want.

Candy's back at home to join in the fray with mom and tio. Gregoria threatens that she's not going to "tapar la mentira" (cover up the lie). Candy wants to know what she has to do to get her silence. Aha! blackmail is it? Yes, indeed....but if Candy lets Gregoria live there, she'll keep her mouth shut.

Candy gets all huffy and righteous and says, Do you pray?
G: Every night
C: Well then pray that the Virgencita opens your heart because it's been closed so many years.
G: You closed my heart! You closed it by faking your death. And your sister Alicia closed it by kicking me out of her house.

Okay, I think Mom won that round.

We also have a series of interesting scenes with Marissa, trying to score points with Rocio and her two buds by taking them to the park. Beto and Rocio think she's grand but Chava's on to something. He leans his head into her chest (dumping his chocolate ice cream cone all over her shirt) and listens to her heart. Whoops. She's not as nice as she tries to appear. Busted!!!

Beto and Rocio disagree and start pummeling Chava. Meanwhile Marissa sensing an opportunity, grabs Rocio's dog and hides her in the car. Generalized terror and crying as the kids search frantically for the doggie, fearing the worst. After some prolonged kiddie suffering, Marissa miraculously finds the dog and emerges as the all-time Olympic hero of Rocio's life. As the child recounts this charming story to Santiago and her granny, Abuelita looks clearly sceptical. She evidently is as suspicious of Marissa as our little Chava. Darling, she advises Santiago, if you're not serious about Marissa, you'd better cut it off now...Rocio can't lose another "mother". We get the same old line about Marissa being a partner in the business and the legal implications and complications and oh my, that's why he'll just have to remain with her. We've heard it all before.

And speaking of stuff we've heard before...Candy's plowing old ground with Meño about her special connection to Patricio.
M: Your first love....
C: My ONLY love...
M: Candy, I don't want you to dry out like your mother. Love is a plant that must be watered every day. I was in love once.....and I enjoyed it fully (we presume this was with his business partner who left the restaurant and office building to him).

Well, Candy's off for a date with destiny. Although she's being mysterious about it with Tio, we have no trouble guessing that she's going to revisit Acapulco on her anniversary. And we have no problem guessing that Patricio will be there too....and that they will JUST miss each other. But whoa...I'm getting ahead of myself here.

We're back with Marissa and her protective brother Raul. They're deep in another romantic strategy session. She's been to the gynecologist's office because her period's late but it's not the hoped for" leverage pregnancy"....rather it's "miomas" (tumors) in her ovaries. Well alright, counters Raul, but if you really want a child, you could adopt. Yes, but Santiago already has two daughters....he'd want a child of his own but not an adopted one. I hoped to be pregnant to tie him to me.... but now.... Raul, you've got to change your strategy! You're driving Candy away and you've got to make her love you so she'll leave Santiago alone.

One final washing dishes scene. This time it's Gregoria with her hands in the dishwater, and Meño trying to shoo her out of his kitchen and out of his house. Evidently she slept in Charly's bed last night and the displaced teenager was clomping around the house all night disturbing Meño's sleep. Chava's watching all this, very confused, and wondering why this strange woman slept over.

At last....Acapulco. We hear in the background Patricio and Candy's love song "Bendita la luz" and there they both are....separated by only a few feet...both dressed in white as they were years ago, and both lost in their bittersweet memories of the past. But wait...he seems to catch a glimpse of her. No, it can't be. He's crazy. He runs after the fleeing vision but finally gives up, (as she cowers behind a stone wall) because he knows, he knows after all, that she must be dead.

We see Candy heading back to Guadalajara on the bus, crying again, but also marveling that Patricio kept his promise (cumplio su compromiso). He returned to the scene of their loving tryst, just as they had planned.

The writers throw in a little comedy scene here, just so we won't get too sentimental and want to see these long lost lovers reunite. Lucia is asking her granny if they had lipstick back in the 60's. Donato chortles while Abue snaps that it wasn't the dinosaur era and yes, they had lipstick, though not as bright as the lipstick today, more "nacarados" (pearlized). (I remember those days well; we piled on lots of mascara and made our lips very pale in order to bring out our eyes even more. Not sure anyone was even looking at our eyes....but we did our best!)

And it turns out the shopping bags Abuela lugged home earlier contained a Sergeant Pepper outfit for Donato. He's having no part of it however. First of all it's too small and he'd look like a stuffed sausage. And besides, he's a Rolling Stones....

Stop right there! He's going to wear it. We shall see, we shall see he mutters, all the while claiming he's "tarareando" (humming) a Beatles tune.

Candy's now back at home and doing that little junior high find-out-if-he-likes-me thingy with her mom. She wants Gregoria to verify if Patricio's still in love with her and thinks she can do it by quizzing Alicia on Patricio's reactions. I find this beyond tiresome but Gregoria finally relents and says she'll do it.

The final scene is Alicia with Gregoria at Meño's restaurant. Evidently Mom's brought her there to do the grilling but Zamora, after fending off Alicia's questions (and trying to interpret Gregoria's frantic hand signals) blurts out that Meño's not there....He went to the 60's party with CANDY.

Impactado look. Alicia.

Previews: Alicia knows there's a "gato encerrado" (there's something fishy here) No subtitles so I can't be completely sure but I think she asks Patricio if Candy walked in the door...would you abandon me?

¿comieron los ratones la lengua? (literally, did the rats eat your tongue....or we would say Cat got your tongue? Rocio to Santiago at the breakfast table)
se me hace muy conocida = looks very familiar to me
abolengo = ancestry (part of the complicated BS Santiago was slinging when Patricio asked about his mysterious nurse)
mioma = benign uterine tumor
tapar la mentira = cover up the lie
pollito mojado = wet chick (we might say drowned rat or sad sack)
tarareando = humming or going "la la la"
nacarados = pearlized
cumplio (preterite form) su compromiso = kept his promise


El Cuerpo del Deseo, - Tues., Jan. 6 - Andrés finds out who Isabel's lover is

Abigail and Vicky find the button to open the secret door in the study.

PJ/S get propositioned by some working girls who are scornful when Rebeca picks him up.

PJ/S imagines that Valeria is playing the piano in the restaurant while Rebeca blathers on. He tells her that they can only be friends.

Whatever her name is tells Andrés that PJ/S is Isabel's lover.

Andres reacts badly to the news.

Isabel in bed with her picture of PJ.

Rebeca asks for a kiss and PJ/S is going for the forehead when with all the strength of her thwarted desires, she goes for the lips. PJ/S wrestles her off and is disgusted.

Andres mental health which was never that great seems to be in free fall once he got the news of who Isabel's lover is. He is about to suffocate her with a pillow when Rebeca comes into the room.

Then he gets his sniper rifle out.


Las tontas no van, #22, 1/5, You made your bed and now you can’t sleep in it.

  • Santiago was too proud to let Marissa dump him, and now his heart is suffering because Candy is not willing to be his second woman.
  • Candy pushes all men away, and now she feels the dark night of being alone.
  • Alicia made Pat into a man who cheats on his wife, and now she has a husband who cheats on his wife.
  • Candy faked her death, and now Pat can use that against her to get custody of Chava.
  • Pat betrayed the only woman he ever loved, and now he has no one to love in his life.

As they reviewed Friday’s scenes, I realized something.
  1. At the “hot breakfast,” Marissa announced that she was willing to walk away from Santiago. She gave him a wide open door.
  2. Then Candy confessed that she does like Santiago, implying that if he walks out Marissa’s open door, he’ll find Candy on the other side.
  3. Candy left the restaurant immediately thereafter, to give Santi space to choose his course.
  4. The moment Marissa comes into Candy’s office, Candy asks, “How did it end at the breakfast?”

It didn’t end. That’s the problem. And Candy will keep on rejecting Santiago, unless her life’s goal is to be someone’s mistress.

Now, today’s recap.
Luc and her friends are planning the party. The want to raise the most money for the orphans (?). Donato, whose favorite hobby is gossiping, tells Lucía that her tio’s rock band will play at the party. The girls swoon as if Elvis were coming. Perhaps they have a point.

Candy shows Lulu Pat’s picture. Lu will meet Pat as his friend from chat. She’s all atwitter, and she can’t believe that Candy would leave such a bonbon just because he cheated on her. Lulu asks how far she can go with him. I don’t want to sound like a certain troll, but geesh! She hasn’t even met him and she wants to throw herself into his bed? Lulu, get a grip!

Santiago discovers the Abandonados practicing in the clubhouse. Their song is, “Too Many Guests And Not Enough Tacos.“ He tells them to forget it! He has too much work to waste his time on such foolishness. Does anyone think Ed is not the drummer type? Maybe Carlo (Celso), but not Ed. And as for Miguel, the other young guy? Bass. Definitely bass.

Tulipánes de quién?
Someone delivers tulips for Candy, but Chayo loses the card. Our Sour Candy marches them out the door. She finds Santiago on the elevator. Again, the running gag: all the other people in the elevator groan when they see that it’s her. The two crows (I certainly can’t call them lovebirds) block the door so the others can’t exit. Candy demands, “Do you know what you should do with them? Santi suggests that he should send them to his novia. Candy orders him, “Don’t send me flowers. Don’t call me. Don’t come see me. Don’t nothing.” Note this is the first Candy has talked to him since he didn’t walk through the ‘open door’ this morning at breakfast.

Santi corrects her grammatical construction and also her assertions, “I don’t come see you, I don’t send you flowers. But from now on, I don’t want anything to do with you.” The elevator crowd cheers, and so do I, because she finally gets a taste of her own medicine and it leaves Candy speechless. Let me savor this moment.

Lulu and Candy e-mail Pat to arrange a meeting. Lulu can’t contain her excitement. Pat, not so much. He takes another look at the photo and proclaims his signature line, “No está sexy.” When Pat uses that line, he doesn’t mean it in a sexual sense. It seems to mean, “That’s not cool, that’s not a good idea, I don’t like it.”

Lulu is distressed that her new prospect doesn’t want to meet her, so Candy compassionately consoles her by saying, “There’s nothing you can do about it. Now get going because I have a column to write.” Lulu is losing hope of ever finding someone, and Candy asks, “To get a date, do you think you have to be a skinny, anorexic model?” Let’s see, can we think of any skinny, anorexic models who have four suitors?

Noche de perros (an idiom for a sleepless night)
Nobody is getting any sleep tonight.

In parallel scenes, both Candy and Santiago recognize that life is not meant to be alone. Candy is feeling lonely, writing her diary on her laptop. Santiago is reading poetry. “You’re far, and the distance is hard to bear. I can’t kiss you. I love you, I dream of you. I desire you.”
Candy writes, “I think about you, and I shouldn’t. I suffered from betrayal and the pain remains. It aches.”
Santiago talks to himself, “I don’t want to go back to suffering. But my heart is calling out for you. You don’t let me get close, with what I have for you inside.”
Candy: Life was not made for us to be alone. To live is to share. We’re all angels of only one wing, and the only way to fly is arm in arm with another.
Santiago: I used to be alone and didn’t feel alone. Why did I have to meet you and remember what loneliness is? Loneliness is what life is for me. And for you too.
Candy: But I won’t fly with you. I won’t have anything to do with you. No woman should betray another woman. Women don’t betray.
Santiago: I love you.
Candy: Continue with your novia. It’s not important to me. (She starts crying.) I don’t feeling anything. I don’t want to feel anything. Away with the pain.

Candy goes down to the kitchen. Meño couldn’t sleep either. She asks if loneliness bothers him. He says, “I’m gay. There is very much loneliness. I’ve always been alone. It hurts, but I’ve gotten accustomed to it.” Candy decides she has to get used to it too, but Meño says that one day she’ll open her eyes and not be alone. Charly couldn’t sleep either. He takes this opportunity, while Chava is asleep, to ask what’s up with Pat’s photo.

Beto didn’t feel like eating supper because he misses Jorge. Late that night he’s sick with a high fever. Soledad calls Pat, who is on the couch watching TV, with Alicia clinging to him like a remora. (I didn’t say ramera, but if the tacone fits…) When Pat hears that Beto is sick, he throws off Alicia like she’s a dog who doesn’t belong on the bed (if the slipper fits…). Soledad is sorry to call but she has no insurance and she’s desperate. Alicia is upset and doesn’t want her husband going to his ex(?)-lover’s house in the middle of the night. Nobody can fault her that, but her whining is still annoying.

Los perros se van - The dogs leave.
After Charly hears the story of Candy’s “death,” he heads up to bed. Meño sits and ponders. “My poor son. My family gave me up for dead. Everyone thinks you’re dead. Poor Charly lives in a cemetery!”

Beto’s fever left and he’s feeling better, thanks to the medicine. Soledad lets Pat talk to Beto alone, but Beto doesn’t want to listen. Pat gently explains what a bad father he had, and Beto brags that he has a good. dad. Pat says he’s not asking Beto to stop loving Jorge as his father, but he wants to spend more time with him, get to know him, and make up for all the years that he missed. As he tucks Beto in, Pat lingers and savors the scene, wishing it was part of his daily life.

Lucía can’t sleep either. She’s crying over her mother’s picture. Santiago comes in to be with her. As they sit under the portrait of his father (Santiago’s father and Jaime Camil’s father), Santi understands but reminds her that it wasn’t her mama’s fault. Luc is still angry that they left her alone. Like a good papa, he suggests that maybe it’s time to let go of all the coraje (anger, bitterness, being upset; the word is hard to translate). He gives her his shoulder to cry on, and says that if he holds her and rubs her ear, little by little the coraje goes away. She asks, “Is that what my uncle, the doctor, says?” He says, “No, it’s your uncle who loves you with his whole heart and wants to be your father forever.”

Notice the contrast. Pat, who was raised by a terrible father and a lousy mother, is trying to figure out how to be the right kind of father to his son Beto. Santiago, who has a world of well-earned admiration for his mother, and who sits under the shadow of his father, already knows how to be a good father.

Rosas de celos. Mumbles de baño.
The next morning at the office, Candy refuses to ride the same elevator as Santiago. Tan caballero (such a gentleman), he surrenders his place. Watch him carefully after the elevator elevates. You’ll see four separate thoughts occur to him. Then he goes down the street to buy flowers.

On the Machograma, the second definition is Macho Perezoso (lazybones). So slow that they seem motionless. Their slogan is “Slowly but surely.” They father five children and later want you to provide for them. Es vigo (?). For them, everything can wait, even your pleasure. If you want to be dissatisfied, find a macho perezoso.

I’m just wondering how teaching women to be man-haters makes them more beautiful on the inside.

Soledad tells Candy that Santiago is in reception with a bouquet of flowers. Candy marches out, grabs them before he can say a word, and screams at him that she doesn’t want any flowers from him. She violently shakes them at him, causing a blizzard of petals. He asks her to please give them back because he bought them for his novia. Marissa dashes out, so delighted to get flowers from Santiago. As she zeros in for a big thank-you kiss, he shuffles over so they can kiss directly in front of Candy. Bull’s-eye! Santiago scores a direct hit. Candy got exactly what she demanded - that the doctor leave her alone - and she almost starts crying. Poor Marissa, she is so happy to finally have Santiago’s attention, and she has no idea she only has a bit part in this play.

At the restaurant, Lulu is depressed because of Pat. Meño comforts her that Pat has always been patán (an oafish lout). Thank you, Meño, for the new moniker. Lulu says that Patán rejected her after seeing her picture. Meño reminds her that he himself is no Alejandro Fernandez, El Patrillo. He’s just an old fogie. Lulu disputes this – she adores him. Meño say’s that’s just his point – she’s a sweetheart and people adore her too. Alejandro Fernandez is my favorite singer but I don’t consider him a heart-throb.

At school, Rocío tells Chava that she changed her dog’s name from Maripa (Marissa plus Paulina) to Santiaga because her mother doesn’t love her. Notice that she removed the reference to Marissa as well.

Marissa and Bárbara mumble about something in the bathroom. They don’t want the rest of the office to hear it. The sound man doesn’t want me to hear it either. Who am I to argue?

Patán asks Meño why his Suegrita brought Patán’s picture to Meño’s house. Meño kicks him out. At the counter, Sven tells Ole he doesn’t qualify as an Abandonado because he’s never had a girlfriend to abandon him.

Jaime tells Isabel that she’s lucky to be involved in her son’s life. Jaime spent last Christmas alone. “Yo coseché lo que sambré” – I reaped what I sowed. He says he put his work before his family, and now he is almost a stranger to them.

Rocío wants Marissa to take her and Chava to the park. When Santiago hears that Rocío is taking her novio. Santi stomps on the brakes. “The only novio Rocío has is me.” Tender-hearted Roc is worried that she made her daddy angry, but Mar says he’s just jealous. Santi yanks the reins on that wagon too! He “clarifies” to Marissa that he doesn’t want his daughter to contend with the pressures of life before her time. He doesn’t even want to think about the day that some barbarian will take his princess away. His princess tells him not to worry, she’ll marry Chava, not some barbarian.

Raúl brings Candy her fan mail and insists that she go to a couples’ dinner with him. Candy says, “You and I are not a couple.” “Not yet,” says Raúl.

Marissa takes the three kids to the park and asks Chava how many boyfriends his mother has.

Raúl is joking with Santiago about their band playing again. The talk shifts to Candy and the couples’ dinner. Then Santi realizes that Raúl is talking about Raúl and Candy as a couple, and joke time is over.

Jaime takes Isabel home and suggests a kiss. Isabel gives Jaime a peck because she knows he’s a little timid. Jaime gathers his gumption and gives her the tiniest peck. They discuss whether they are novios. With a little prompting, Jaime gives her a sweet kiss.

Santiago barges into Candy’s office. Before we listen to that conversation, let’s review, class. What happened between them earlier this morning? Santiago brought a big bunch of roses to Marissa, not Candy, and then he gave Marissa a big sloppy kiss, making sure Candy couldn’t miss it. But now that Raúl has used the word “couples,” everything has changed. Santi doesn’t want anyone doing any “Hey, Hey, HEY!” with his prospective mistress. Santiago shoves shows Cece out the door and gets straight to the point.

He tells Candy, “You can’t go out to dinner with Raúl. It’s a couples’ dinner. What’s dangerous is what can happen afterwards. Kisses, caresses, he’ll want to grab hold of you.”
Candy answers, “Then I’ll prepare for what comes after the kiss. I’ll buy lingerie. (Santiago looks like someone is pulling his necktie tighter and tighter.) Would Raúl like red or black? You decide.”
Poor Santiago, his head just about explodes. He gets steaming mad and then realizes that she is just playing games with him. At least he hopes so.

Bárbara tries to get Cece to talk about Candy, assuring Cece that she is very discreet. Cece keeps her mouth shut. Candy walks in and asks what the secret is. Bárbara, the discreet one, says, “Cece doesn’t like men!” Ha ha! Broma! Hmm. ‘Entre broma y broma, la verdad se asoma.’ Between one joke and another, the truth appears.

Santiago is beside himself, thinking about Candy with Raúl. He gives poor Hortensia fits – a full-blown obsessive-compulsive, bipolar, neurotic panic attack, with some post-traumatic stress thrown in for good measure. Hortensia points out that he doesn’t have any more appointments today; maybe he should go home early. PLEASE! To get ready for your party. Yeah, that’s it! Santi is surprised that Hortensia knows about the party, and today he has already had too many surprises.

Patán is at home with his shirt open, and Alicia reminds him that her mother might see him like that. (I think that in Mexico, men rarely go bare-chested.) Pat doesn’t care if she sees him; he’s been seeing her for three weeks now, and remember that fish and visitors stink after only three days. He would be delighted.. no, he’d be overjoyed! to pay for a hotel room for her.

Out on the street, a boy (is it Charly?) gives Santiago a flyer for the party. Yet another surprise - he’s the starring attraction! He clenches his teeth and seethes, “Sainted Mother, thank God I only have one!”

Candy tells Cece she has to go home and make Chava dinner.

Lucía’s friends are working on party publicity, and one says the whole colonia will come when they find out the music will be by Lucía’s guapisimo uncle. Who is of course standing behind her. Santi finds Isabel to give her what-for, because she’s the one who told the girls that Agua Mineral would be playing.

At Patán’s, Suegrita está gritando (she’s yelling) because she heard what Pat said about her. Alicia completely ignores her and decides to get a boob lift. From Santiago of course. Suegrita is fuming.

Cece takes dinner to Candy’s house because she “likes to help her.” Cece suggests that they go to a restaurant some time. Candy agrees, and Cece gets a glint in her eye.

Tomorrow, Suegrita moves herself into Candy’s house while Meño tries to move her out. Chava & Charly come down the steps, and Chava proudly proclaims that his mama is Candy.


Cuidado con el Angel - Monday, Jan. 5 - new year, new nightmares for Chuy and JM

CUIDADO - EPISODE 72 - Jan. 5, 2009:
* Chuy and son are in the bedroom. She talks to her son about her love for him and hopes to make sure he doesn't suffer like she's had to do. She plays with him on the bed.

* JM meets with the police in the front entryway. They inform him about Nellie making a report with the police and that he's being accused in the murder of his wife, Viviana.

* Steffie is in the sitting room with Nellie - they discuss JM talking with the police downstairs. Nellie is distraught and crying.

* As JM talks with police, Steffie trots downstairs and interrupts. She leads the police detectives upstairs - Nellie is upstairs waiting. JM agrees to wait in the entryway for the detectives to return.

* Mayita is in fantasyland talking with Abuela and the trip she will be taking with Rocio and Ed. She'll miss visiting Abuela. Abuela assures Mayita that she will be right there waiting for her to return. Mayita is happy and excited again. Cuate barks.

* Police detectives enter the bedroom. Nellie talks with them as they pull back the cover and examine Viv's dead body on the bed. Nellie cries and grumbles about what happened and that JM killed her.

* Mayita runs into the living room and right up to her dad. They talk about her trip with Rocio and Ed. Mayita is excited and then mentions her mother. JM and Ed exchange worried glances.

* On the balcony at the hacienda, Chuy is holding her son and talking with Cande - about JM, the love of her life; her son; and her confusion about what to do next.

* Police detectives are gathering evidence around the room. Jimenez puts the letter opener in a plastic evidence bag. The lead detective asks Nellie to identify the opener, as well as about Blanca the governess. Steffie listens as Nellie babbles on about Blanca and then screeches her accusation about JM, and she wants to make it official.

* JM and Mayita hug and say good-bye. Ed takes her and Cuate from the room. Rocio and JM talk - Rocio tells her brother he's going crazy. Rocio leaves.

* Purita whistles as she cleans the little apartment. She stops to daydream about Adrian saying he loves her and their kiss. Clemencia enters. Purita offers her something to drink or eat. Clemencia isn't there socially - she wants to discuss Adrian's and Purita's relationship.

* Adrian and Olga sit on the stairs outside - they discuss his mom's problems with Olga's past. He wonders who to convince his mom to accept Purita because he wants to marry her.

* Steffie gives JM the news about Nellie's official accusation to the police. Steffie then presses JM to discuss what happened with Viv and Blanca. JM doesn't want to talk and tries to end the subject. Steffie continues to press and tells him that she knows he's innocent.

* Clemencia tells Purita that she won't support her dating, or even marrying, Adrian. Purita is impactado.

* Adrian assures Olga on the stairs of his true love for Purita. They hug.

* Steffie continues to talk with JM in the living room about why Steffie believes in his innocence. JM says thanks for your support but that's not enough. Steffie points out some of the strange occurrences surrounding what happened to Viv.

* NIGHTMARE - At night, Chuy runs along a darkened pedestrian bridge to where several men are fighting with JM.

* In the hallway, Rocio is talking on her cell phone to Vicente. She tells him about Viv's death. She hangs up as Blanca approaches. Blanca is a nervous, psycho wreck and needs to talk with JM.

* JM and Steffie continue their discussion. Steffie continues to badger JM with her suspicions. JM doesn't want to discuss it.

* NIGHTMARE - Gangmembers drop JM over the side as Chuy approaches the scene on the bridge. JM clings to Chuy's hands for dear life. She screams to hang on! He tries but can't. His grip slips and he falls down to the ground below.

With the splat, Chuy wakes herself up with a frightening scream - she's on the balcony and her son starts to scream and cry as well. Cande runs out to see what's the matter. Chuy explains her nightmare - a new one - and Cande has to assure her and calm her down.

* Amador and Isa are antsy about what's happening with Chuy, if she gave birth yet? also what's going on at the castle of the crazies. They need information so they can kick their kidnapping scheme into high gear - Isa agrees to call Steffie for an update; Amador will go check in at the hacienda.

* In the hallway at the castle, Rocio has to work to get Blanca to the office. Blanca is nervous about Viv's death and needs to see JM. Rocio calms her down and walks her to the room.

* Balbina is in the study with Steffie. Balbina is babbling and crying to Steffie about what she knows about Blanca and Viviana that night before the murder happened. Steffie is all 'mickey mouse' ears as Balbina says that JM wasn't even there at the castle and that Rocio was with her in the library, and that Balbina and Rocio heard loud screams from a female that night.

* JM calls Pat on his cell phone. JM asks Pat for help in finding the best lawyer in mexico; he's been accused of murdering his wife. Pat is impactado.

* Steffie is intrigued by Balbina's story, and assures her that she will do all she can to help.

* JM continues with his phone call with Pat.

* In the study, Nellie enters and Steffie stuns her with the news that JM didn't do it.

* Over the phone, JM tells Pat that he needs help with finding an excellent lawyer ASAP.

* Clemencia breaks Purita's heart and tries to convince Purita to break up with Adrian.

* Pat goes to see Ceci. Ceci thinks Pat's phone call from JM was about Chuy. Pat says no, JM called because he's been accused of murdering his wife.

* Steffie tries to convince Nellie that Ivette is the one who killed Viv, not JM.

* Ceci is impactado and asks for more details. Pat tells her what JM just told him over the phone. Ceci wonders about Viv and her pregnancy. Pat realizes that JM's going to need the best lawyer in Mexico because if he's convicted, he will be facing a lengthy jail sentence.

* Steffie argues with Nellie about JM's innocence; his marriage to Viv and the murder. Nellie won't budge - she still says that JM is guilty of the murder.

* JM and Rocio discuss Blanca's nervousness and worries.

* JM goes to the office and talks with Blanca. He tells her not to worry, he will handle it.

* Olga enters the apartment while Clemencia is still badgering Purita. Olga and Clemencia argue about Adrian and Purita. Clemencia leaves.

* Blanca cries to JM that she did it, she killed Viv. JM sits Blanca down and tries to convince her to go along with the story that she wasn't anywhere near the castle and didn't do it. Blanca asks then who is guilty?

* Cande talks as she chases the chickens in the coop. (Here, chicken, chicken, chicken!) Soon, Amador the wolf king appears to say hello, long time to see. Cande just glares back at him.

* At her mansion, Padre assures Ceci that Chuy is perfectly fine where she is. Ceci tells Padre the horrible news, JM could go to jail for killing his wife, Viviana.

* Amador stands at the fence and pumps Cande for information about Chuy and the baby. Cande inadvertently tells Amador about Chuy giving birth to a son. Amador turns to go and El Leopoldo appears at his side.

* In the office, JM tries to calm Blanca and convince her to go along with the story; Blanca is even more nervous and worried; JM says this is an order. He goes over the story and plan with Blanca.

* Amador leaves. Cande tells Omar who he is. Omar glares in the director Amador was walking.

* Blanca cries about her guilt and motives for killing Viv. JM is intrigued and listens as Blanca says she is also in love with him.

* In the kitchen, Cande plops down the chicken on the kitchen table. Cande explains to Chuy how she caught it.

* Nellie stares at Viv's phone on the side table. Everyone comes in for the visitation. Pat and Ceci enter and give Nellie their condolences. Nellie grumbles about her pain and accusations and that she will never forgive those responsible.

* Steffie and Pat meet in private at the visitation. They discuss JM and the crime. Steffie tells Papa Pat that he has to help JM because JM is innocent!

* Amador meets with Pirana and pal in the woods. He growls his disappointment over his orders not being carried out.

* JM listens as Blanca continues to babble her story about what happened with Viv and how guilty she feels over Viv's death. JM assures her.

* Chuy looks at her son in his crib. Omar enters the bedroom and talks with Chuy. Chuy mentions her relief that Amador hasn't come back around the house, like he promised. Omar wonders if he's the father?

ADVANCE: major turning point for JM, and in Amador and Isa's scheme to kidnap Chuy's son.


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