Monday, December 14, 2009

un Gancho al Corazón Mon.12/13/9 The Scent of a Beto

We begin with the last scene from Friday's presentation which Hombre described so well:

"Moni’s disgusted with Beto, lying there with Xime like an animal. An animal, maybe, but not an ugly animal, corrects Beto. Moni can’t believe it, first La Momia, now Xime, and she’s married. Xime finally speaks up – that doesn’t really count, she says. Moni says well, that’s your life, but Beto’s like my brother. Estre thinks Moni and Beto should talk alone, beckons Xime, your husband is waiting outside, remember? Oh, him, right, yeah, let’s go, as she pops up, and let’s not deny what I was doing, porfis. Estre is flabbergasted. You want to TELL Rolu? Xime has three answers, as that little pinky goes up to start the list. 1) Robi is divine, 2) You can’t imagine how happy I am, I’m eternally grateful and 3) thanks to Robi, my life is changing! She exits theatrically, with air kisses and an “Au revoir”, as Beto waves with a “Ciao, Xi!” Estre goes to check out the Rolu fireworks, and Moni crosses her arms for the Beto interrogation to come. Beto smiles weakly, coughs guiltily..."

Well, turns out that a group of little girls have abducted Rolu and are using his wheelchair, with him aboard to play race car with. He, however, actually seems to be enjoying himself. This is not the same old grumpy Rolu that I had come to know and love. Ximena interrupts his fun. Rolu insists on knowing what she has been up to. In her charming, indescribable fashion, she beats around the bush, at first maddeningly insinuating, using Estrella as a sounding board, dangling hints, and finally letting it slip out that Moni and Estre caught her and Robi in bed embracing, making like spoons... oops she catches herself allowing this juicy detail to intentionally slip from her lips.
Rolu is appalled by this disclosure. Ximy, not so secretly, gloats. Mission accomplished.

Meintras tanto Moni has latched onto Beto but Beto turns the tables and asks if she is jealous. She wonders how, if he was trying to fight for her affection, he falters at the first opportunity. He replies that it is because he is so much of a man, as he lifts his arm offering her a whiff of his manly aura.
I'm guessing that some of you were mildly put off by this scene, but it is vintage Beto. "Pure testosterone!" he boasts. But then he offers up that he has told her a thousand times that she is the one he wants and that if she will make the effort to love him again, he will be hers, "Body and soul." She tells him it ain't gonna happen. "Then, stop meddling in my life..." She replies,"You truly believe in God, right?" He looks perplexed.

Coni is is cogitating over the cloyingly sweet, hilarious public display of affection played out by Ximy and Beto in the restaurant, in which, by the way, Mao seems to be struggling to maintain a stern countenance. Her ruminations are interrupted by Jaqui. She is going out with Katia and invites Coni along. Coni, at this moment, is in no mood for much of anything but pouting. Jaqui commiserates. Pregnancy is difficult, especially at first, but things get better. Coni warns her not to let her secret out and Jaqui renews her vow of secrecy. "This is a very delicate matter," Coni reminds her. Jaqui agrees, "Having a child is always a delicate matter... especially when the father is not the husband." Good to see that Coni's mom is so supportive, much like a proud mother spider.

Back in the courtyard, Rolu is devastated by Ximena's unfaithfulness with Beto. She explains how when she is with Robi, something happens to her that is inexplicable. It's like the effect of a thousand strawberry daquiris. He insists that she ditch Beto and she counters that it's Rolu's fault that she strayed in the first place. He recognizes this and pledges his loyalty from now on. They reunite embracing and kissing sweetly and then she happily wheels him away. Awww! Estrella asks herself,"What bug could have bitten her?"

The mother/daughter arachnids continue their serious discussion. Jaqui wants to know when Coni plans to announce the news of her pregnancy to Mao. Coni will do it when she thinks the time is right. Jaqui reminds her there is not a lot of time remaining. She wants to know what is really troubling Coni. Why was she crying? She the answers her own question. It's that jackal that you're pining for, isn't it?" Coni denies this by protesting too much. She hates him and never wants to see him, or speak of him again...ever. "Now go!" We, every bit as well as Jaqui know this is a lie. "OK, I'm going but I hope you don't regret what you are doing. Coni looks so sad and forlorn.

Ivan has returned home and is warmly greeted by Teri. She is delighted to see him and regrets that she only gets to see him on Sundays. Well his job at the university has kept him very busy. He's here now and wants to take her out. She resist not wanting him to spend his money on her, however, surprise, now he has a new job, starting as a messenger... at Groupa Sermeño. He wants to prove to Mauricio that he is worthy of Luisa. What a nice surprise for Teri. He suggests that they go out to eat to celebrate and she agrees, but someplace cheap and first she must pretty herself up. "Tú me dices rana y yo brinco. (You say frog and I hop.)" He says. Huggies.

Mao and the kiddos are about to go out. Aldo suggests a football game. Dani doesn't want to go to a ball game, she prefers the circus. When Mao suggests an amusement park they all agree wholeheartedly. Just then Ivan walks up and Luisa's stunning brown eyes switch to high beam. She is suddenly glowing. Ivan requests permission from Mao to take Luisa with him, it should be OK since his grandma will be going along. Luisa switches those persuasive eyes to pleading-mode and aims them in Mao's direction. "¡Porfis!" she entreats.

He melts and yields. Mao turns to leave, Aldo gives him a friendly but firm brotherly caution, "¡La cuidas! (Take care of her!)." Luisa is radiantly ready.

Now we're at the park, Mao and Aldo confer with Dani over the map. She points and off they go. Well looky here who is also in the park. It's Pau and Cris flanked by...Moni and Estre. They too consult the map, then off they go as well. Hmmm, I wonder if the paths will cross.

Back at the castle Ivan is telling Luisa about the new job. She is happy for him (and I suspect herself as well). Teri is ready and looks marvelous. "¡Que guapatona!" Luisa correctly observes. Aldo tells Teri that Luisa will be joining them for dinner. "How nice, just be sure to stay where I can see you." Looks like the adults in this show have about the same amount of confidence in these two hormone-driven little bunny rabbits that I do. Well, here's a splash of cold water for our sweetly-lusting pair. It's the Conster, herself, and she proceeds to rain all over this happy parade. Nope, Luisa is going nowhere. "Mauricio said we could!" "Yes, well I'm your adopted mom and I say no." Teri tries to intercede, but Coni retorts,"No is no!" "I hate you you witch!" erupts Louisa. This spontaneous outburst is rewarded with an equally spontaneous slap from Coni. Teri looks on aghast. Ivan clinches his fist and glowers as Teri restrains him. Coni seems pleased that she has been able to bring a little misery into someone else's day.

We abandon the unpleasantness at the manse for the happier confines of the park. Dani wants to ride in the little spinning cars and escoted over to them by big brother. Mao ambles over to a food vendor he asks if he has esquites con túetano. "No señor." "I thought so, anyway give me one." I have no clue what he's buying. "All the way?" "Yes." He takes his over to a bench and takes a seat. Who wants to guess who has taken a seat on the bench directly behind facing in the opposite direction? How cute and ironic is this? Moni and Mao are sitting back to back, almost touching, enjoying the same treat.
Back at the manor the unpleasantness continues unabated. Luisa, her eyes now glowing with a smoldering hate (Did I just say that? Gack!), holding her cheek,
lashes out at Coni, Coni lashes back, Teri speaks up and is repelled. Ivan lashes out at Coni, Coni smacks him down, having mustered up more spunk, Teri sternly whimpers a complaint brushed quickly away by a defiant Coni who then banishes Luisa to her room. Coni then advises Terri that she is prohibited from having visitors in the parlor and to use the service entrance rather than the front door. Uuuh!

Coni, predictably, bursts in on Luisa who is, predictably, dialing the phone. She snatches the phone, jerking the cord from the wall. Hey watch the lamp! She shouts. Luisa offers up pleading mixed with shouting. Coni shouts some more, reminding her that she is the mom. The judge says so. I'm hating this. Mercifully Coni leaves. Those beautiful adolescent brown eyes melt into grief, she tosses a!

Ah jeez, a downer conversation between Teri and Ivan. He rants and complains, "She hit her. We should report her for abusing minors." Teri points out that once Coni gives Mao the divorce, all will be well. He mutters a threat for Coni but Teri counsels against such thinking. Patience.

Fun in the park. Pau and Cris, Esre and Moni, are on an anemic looking roller coaster, but hey! They're having fun. Mau and Dani are sharing a bumper car, Aldo has his own. More fun.

Well this is just great. More maudlin musings between Terri and Ivan. He whines... She consoles. "Tell Luisa I love her."!

In the park, Aldo reunites with Mao and Dani after a breathtaking ride. He offers to get Dani a soda and off they run. Then... BAM! Estrella runs headlong into him. Why, at this point, Am I worried that Dani may be forgotten for the moment?

Now Teri is consoling Luisa. Luisa's eyes are mostly sad now. Now she's been banished to her room for like what, fifteen, maybe twenty minutes? She whines that she feels like a prisoner. Gee, I would have thought that the Hell-school would have toughened her up a little more than this. Teri counsels patience here as well. Luisa wishes Coni... dead. Teri discourages this kind of talk. Patience.

Now who could have predicted this? Cristian and Paula are settling into a dangerous looking ride as Pau spots Groupo Sermeño settling into a seat on the same ride. Then, compounding coincidences, the seat he has taken is squarely adjacent to one occupied by... Moni! Well, you could knock me over with a feather. Them too, from their astonished looks. "¡Mauricio!" "¡Valentina!"

More consolation for Luisa from Teri. An excerpt, "Coni's gonna reap what she sows." Uuuh. They are joined by Coni, who has realized that she has not spread her quota of misery for the day. She yells at Teri, spewing familiar venom, then kicks her out. She then turns on her daughter ,"What? do you have something to say about it?" As beautiful as she is, Coni is becoming a bit of a downer.

Mao and Moni exchange pleasantries waiting for the ride to begin. Cris expresses a bit of trepidation but is reassured by Pau, "Breathe, breathe, you'll enjoy it." Uh... thanks. The ride commences. It is robust. Actually, downright scary. Good luck Cris!

Thank goodness, Dani is not being neglected. Estrella greets and hugs her. She then wonders aloud if Aldo doesn't have his concerns about her and the Fury. He is amazingly non-chaulant giving her a chaste kiss on the cheek. She seems a little perplexed by his newly found swagger.

Salvador is in the cosmetics department of a department store learning about various anti-aging products. He finally decides to buy everything he has been shown, when who should appear but Jaqui and Katia. Jaqui asks if he is buying these things for Gabi. "Uh...yeah...that's it." He is mildly embarrassed, but to his credit, he completes the purchase following the clerk as she finishes the transaction and bags up his potions. Katia reproaches her mom for being so forward and flirtatious. Jaque responds that he is merely a friend. Besides, he's in love with another woman. Of course he would be perfect for her. "You never know. He could be your next dad." Salvador has invited them to dine with him and Katia is mildly put off as Jaqui links arms with him and leads him off.

Gabi, looking downright gorgeous with her hair pulled back in a severe bun is talking on the phone with a desperate sounding Jero.
He is trying to enlist Gaby's help in regaining Jaqui back from Sal.She is not interested in joining him inany kind of venture. He confides that he is so distraught that he is considering suicide. She suggests that he take advantage of that urge and leap off his balcony. It would do the rest of the world a great favor. Whoa! That is really cold. She has been busy making preparations for a guest. The doorbell rings, "Gotta go now, bye," she abruptly terminates her conversation with Jero to answer the door. It's Marlon Brando. Well, this guy looks like him, anyway. So this is the escort she ordered? looks like he will do nicely.

Aldo asks Estrella about her relationship with the Masked Fury. She should be able to confide in him since they are friends and all. She wonders what sort of game he is playing. They are joined by M&M who are strolling arm in arm. Dani is thrilled to see her Monita. Monita also is genuinely moved and drops to her knees to hug and nuzzle with little Dani. "I've missed you so much, Monita!" Moni has missed her as well. Awww!

Cris is hurrying to check in with his commander and Pau, who, let me say right here, looks absolutely fabulous in tight blue jeans (she would've been a hit in Gilley's in the old days), manages to wrestle him back. Sheis wanting another go at that frightening ride that takes it's passengers to dizzying heights turning them upside down in the process. Good luck Cris!

We once again join with the cougarette and her puppy. She thinks he has lusty motives but he observes the shear coincidence of the family trip to the park. Estrella is dubious. Dani wants to ride the carrousel again, this time with Moni and Mao. Monita recalls that she and Mao aren't supposed to be together. ¡Por favor, Sweetheart! Estrella points out that Coni isn't here and Dani won't tell, "Will you?" "¡No!" Even Aldo gives his permission. Thanks sport. Off the three of them scurry. Don't want to miss the carrousel. Aldo turns to Estrella and offers to accompany her back to Cris and Pau. "Then I'll go for a walk... alone."

Gabi is entertaining as well as sizing up her Rent-a-Hunk. She asks his name. Hey! Neato! She gets to name him. She names him David. He really needs to button his shirt. She is very much in control. What a confident woman. She asks him to stand and let her get a good look. She doesn't seem bothered that he hasn't buttoned his shirt. He tells her that if she's seeking perversions, he will give her another number. She is amused that he is the one who seems nervous. She offers him botañas and pours him a glass of wine (red) and sits down to go over his job description. This has distinct possibilities. Pobre de Salvador.

On the carousel, M&M share deep thoughts and a!



Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sortilegio, 12/11/09 - The Amazing Race: Dominican Republic, First Leg

Capítulo 52

As Viewerville loads up with NoDoz for a rather uneventful evening we return to Merida at Casa de Locos y Lobos, the manor at which lodge our beloved licentious, lazy, and lunatic Lombardo’s. Bruno has returned, unauthorized, to take his mother to the hearing. He’s asked her to publically declare her illicit liaison so that she can legally claim he and Raquel were Antonio’s offspring, and so he and Raquel can thus be (Oh happy day!) officially recognized as legitimate Lombardo’s. While Victoria changes into appropriate attire, Bruno calls his hound of a reporter, Saldivar, to give him the heads up.

Alex, meanwhile, is waiting in the leased truck outside the hospital to see if Meche and Gabriel show up since it’s Gabe’s regular day for therapy. Success! He spies them getting out of the cab with Chucho and runs over to greet them. Surprise! The three are caught in the act arriving in a cab. Alex says hey! Chucho tries to act like he just ran into them by accident. Alex says he doesn’t believe him so not to bother pretending. Yes, Gabe can and should continue his therapy. The four walk inside together.

El Bruto de Bruno finds his sister in her chalet. He tells Raquel to get her heels on and hurry with him to the hearing. She refuses at first because she is embarrassed and says she doesn’t want to be publically humiliated like this. El Bruto warns her if she doesn’t go with him that he will keep whatever she was going to gain financially from the new will for himself. Roberto advises his hysterical other half that they’ll send a summons otherwise. He suggests she might as well give in and go. The threat of Raqui’s being financially cut off is stronger than her sense of shame and she agrees to leave with Bruno. Hubby Bobo, pondering the possible parcel of pesos he’s been counting on, lets out a silent sigh of relief as Raqui races off to catch up with her brother.

Mary Jo comes into the kitchen to ask Felipa if that wasn’t Bruno’s voice she heard a minute ago and why he was there. Felipa explains that Bruno came to fetch his mother for the hearing, and adds his name change is not as important to him as the money he’ll be fighting over once he is officially recognized as a Lombardo.

Vicki, Bruto, and Raqui arrive at the courthouse and are immediately accosted by Saldivar and numerous other ravenous reporters as they enter. Raquel has a fit over being served up as their lead story in the evening news. Bruno’s lawyer greets them and apologizes for the mass of reporters outside, saying he’d tried to arrange for a more discrete arrival. Vicki sniffs and says not to bother himself over it. She throws an accusing glance at #1 Son and says she has a good idea how the reporters found out. Bruno hurriedly herds them into the judge’s chambers.

Back inside the hospital on the way to Gabe’s physical therapy session, Meche explains to Alex why she lied to him and pleads for mercy. Alex asks Meche and Gabe if it was Bruno who gave them the money. Gabe shuffles along while giving him the man’s description. Meche says she is certain it was him. Chucho agrees it had to be Bruno and adds that it wasn’t a coincidence that Erick was the one who suggested the whole deal to them, either. Meche pleads for Alex not to send them to jail and worries about Erick killing them before they ever could make it behind bars. Gabe admits they knew they were doing wrong and says they will go to jail if they have to. Alex tells them he understands their situation and says that he had no intention of hurting them. He tells Gabe to continue with his therapy and once he returns from his trip they will discuss it further. He then wants Chucho to go to Erick’s house with a warning that if he ever tries anything again with these two he’ll have to deal with Alex. Alex gets ready to go, but first sternly warns Chucho that the next time he asks him something he’d better tell him the truth.

Once the hearing is over, Raquel and Vicki sneak out the back way. Bruno’s lawyer tells him that once the judge’s ruling is issued and the name change is granted, they’ll begin to challenge the will.

In the hotel room, Alex packs for his trip to Nueva York. Fernando is raging over Bruno’s messing with his kid sister. “How could the miserable swine get involved with a minor like that?” (This must be a rhetorical question, Fer. You just said it: he’s a miserable swine.) “Even though she denies it, I am sure they slept together! I’ve got a good notion to beat the crap out of him!” Alex says not to bother. He’s wanted to kill him himself for a while, thinking that it would end all their problems, but no, it wouldn’t. He hands Nando the papers giving him power of attorney while he’s gone and asks him to take care of his wife and his mother. Fer tells him he will and not to worry about anything.

That night at home Fernando receives an e-mail from the judge telling him he’s about to leave on his next safari. If Fer wants to join it, he’d better hurry.

Across town Bruno and his buttlick, Erick, drink a toast to his successfully getting his name changed to Lombardo and his chance to challenge the will so that he can finally enjoy what his father refused to give him. Maura and Lisset show up at the bar and Bruno orders a bottle of champagne. He tells them his good news and that he’s celebrating. Erick is still standing there with his drink, listening to the chitchat. Bruno rudely snaps his fingers at Erick and yells at him to scram and find another table somewhere away from them.

Alex is now going through security at the airport. He gets a last-minute call on his cell from Fernando. Of course Katia is lurking on the landing and listening as Nando tells Alex about the judge’s e-mail. He suggests that if they hurry they can catch up with the judge and get him to testify that Bruno bribed him to falsify the marriage certificate; that then nothing will keep Bruno from going to jail. In the corner of the landing, Crotchya is ya-don’t-say! impactada.

Back at the bar, Lis listens while Bruno surprisingly suggests a selfish marriage of convenience with Mau. He says that by combining their two fortunes they could expand the construction company throughout Latin America. Mau is coolly unresponsive and says she’s waiting for Alex’s divorce. Bruno starts slobbering slimy little kisses down her shoulder and arm. (I’m having a cringe attack.) “He’s isn’t a man of his word. He is a coward. He’ll never get a divorce.” Mau frowns and pulls away from Bruno, though Mr. Self-Absorbed doesn’t seem to notice the slight. There’s an inopportune ring on his cell. It’s Crotchya calling. “Excuse me. It’s an admirer.” Mau rolls her eyes as Bruno gets up to take the call.

Bruno finds out from Katia what her brother and Alex are up to with the judge and the photo safari. “He says they’re going to put you in jail!” Bruno tells her to meet him at his hotel in a half an hour and rushes out, absent-mindedly leaving Mau with the bill. Mau tells Lis it had to be something serious for him to rush out like that. She has an idea. She walks over to Erick and tells him she’ll pay him triple (his salary, presumably) if he tells her everything Bruno does. (Something tells me this is the buttlick’s big chance to get even.) Mau gives Erick her phone number and repeats the offer for triple what he’s getting now.

Across town at Lombardo, Inc., Alex and Nando meet secretly with Licenciado Quiñones to tell them what they’re planning to do. They figure they’ll be gone a couple of weeks or so. LQ says fine, just give him authorization to act for Alex once the divorce action is granted. Unfortunately, they will have to meet with a legal notary to do that. Nando is worried about the legality of the marriage if the judge admits he falsified the certificate. LQ says since it wasn’t nullified officially and Mary Jo was tricked, the marriage is still legitimate so there won’t be a problem with the divorce. Alex brings up the woman who witnessed the attempted murder with the 18-wheeler and Erick’s cousin possibly being involved since he drives one. LQ advises them not to spend too much time out of the country getting the judge to agree to testify because they’ll need to be back for the challenge to the will. Fer suddenly decides he’s going to go with Alex because it will be dangerous and they don’t know how the judge will react once he realizes he’s been found out. The only loose end is what to do with Katia while they’re gone.

Mari comes in and tells Alex the notary can’t meet with them till the next day. That means they can’t leave until the paperwork is finished. That means Alex and Fer can’t leave the country till the day after. Their trip to find the judge will have to be postponed for two days. They agree to have Katia stay with Vicki at Casa de Locos. Alex calls MJ to let her know.

Meanwhile, Crotchya and Bruno have Fer’s laptop and are reading through his e-mails from the judge. Bruno wonders how Nando figured out the judge’s user name. Katia mentions the blog as a possibility. Bruno says he’s going to send an e-mail using his own name and telling him he urgently needs to get in touch with him. She warns him that it could be risky because everyone will be able to read his e-mail, including Fernando. (Katia is right. This is not smart on Bruno’s part. He couldn’t take five minutes to walk to the front desk and ask to use the computer in the hotel’s business office?)

Later that night Bruno calls Erick to tell him what’s up and decides to fly out that night to avoid running into Alex or Fernando on the plane. They agree that Erick will stay in Merida and keep in contact in case something comes up. Afterwards, Bruno calls his lawyer to let him know he’s flying out of the country that night and why.

The next morning Bruno arrives in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. (Wow! Neat cap! Hope Santa brings me one of those--not!) The Amazing Race-Dominican Republic is on. A driver, Horacio, from “the agency” picks him up at the airport. Bruno tells him he wants to go straight to the “agency” rather than to the hotel.

Back in Merida, Alex and Fernando discuss last minute details with Mari. He mentions Lic. Quiñones will be getting in touch with her about the arrangements for his divorce. This takes her by surprise and he tells her not to say a word about it to anyone. They decide to give power of attorney to Victoria. Nando asks where Katia is. Knowing they were coming, Mari sent her to the third floor to make copies so they’ll be able to get out without her seeing them. Fernando emphasizes that mum’s the word with Katia. (Hey, we’re talking Rose-Mari Woods here. She’d go to the grave keeping their secret.) Alex and Fer head out.

At the same time, Bobo runs into MJ outside on the grounds of the estate. He mentions he found out that Raquel and Bruno got their names legally changed to Lombardo. She asks Bobo who side he’s on. He says neither. She’s curious that he never seems to make decisions in his life. He says he sees their problem as a fight between brothers and feels that Alex is about to lose. MJ asks why. He says Alex is too weak. She disagrees. He says, well, let’s just say he’s conscientious and Bruno, on the other hand, is an animal with neither scruples nor mercy. “He’s willing to even kill to get what he wants. Didn’t he try killing Alex a few months ago?” Mary Jo is surprised he knows about that and asks who told him. “--Dear, one listens, hears, and makes assumptions.” She gets up and changes the subject to Paula.

Mary Jo asks Bobo what he’s up to with her sister because they’re always hanging out together. He laughs at that and explains that she simply reminds him of his younger sister who died from leukemia twelve years earlier. MJ says she’s worried that, even so, Paula might fall in love with him. He laughs and sidesteps the issue by saying he’s not a good candidate for any woman. (Ain’t that the truth!) Just then a black pick-up drives by and Alex and Fer get out. Bobo says he thought Alex had left on a trip. Alex says his trip was postponed and then goes off to speak to Vicki. Bobo and his irritatingly ugly furry zit are left to surmise a bit more.

In Santo Domingo, Horacio is dutifully trying to suggest to Bruno all the great tourist sites they can see. Bruno gets agitated and says he’ll have to wait to see what his “friend” decides.

Back inside at the manse, Vicki tells Alex the whole thing seems awfully risky. Mary Jo wonders what he’ll do if the judge refuses. Alex says he’ll get the judge to give his statement whether he wants to or not. Vicki wonders how he’ll force him. Alex says he’ll figure it out there. Fernando asks Vicki to keep Katia there while they’re gone. Alex has him tell her about Crotchya’s involvement with Bruno. Fernando tells Vicki it seems Crotchya has a crush on Bruno, but more than that, he also thinks they’ve been fooling around. She winces as if to say that was all they needed now on top of everything else that’s going on. Alex asks if Vicki thinks she can control her. Vicki says she’ll try, but adds she really can’t stop the girl from coming and going. She doesn’t have the authority to.

Alex and MJ go upstairs for him to pack and to share a little time alone together. He tells her he loves her and that he’ll be thinking of her while he’s gone. (How many times have they done this now?) MJ says she’s worried because the trip will be dangerous. Alex says he’ll call her daily. They smooch and …..whatever.

Downstairs on the back terrace Fernando and Vicki say their woe-filled good-byes. She’s worried for the two of them. He reminds her they’re grown men. (Now, that is a red flag if ever there was one! Picture it. Every time something major comes up and Vicki worries, he gets to remind her that she still sees him as a kid. Won’t that do wonders for their relationship? Somehow, I think, somebody rearranged the furniture on this guy’s top floor and put it all back in the wrong rooms.) Fer hugs Vicki and then caresses her face. He begs her not to ask him to act as if there’s nothing between them. “We can’t avoid what we feel for each other. It makes me grateful to know I matter to you.” (Grateful??? Geez! Didn’t this pathetic puppy ever date once he hit puberty? As The Hubster said a while back, somebody needs to take Nando to a decent singles bar and get him good and drunk so he could find out what a woman his own age has to offer! “Let him spend a couple of hot nights with a couple of young hard-bodies and then see if he still tries hitting on some nursing home prom queen!”) Vicki tells Nando that of course he matters to her. They kiss. (I’m getting more of the creepy-crawlies again. My hand starts searching for that paper bag. Deep breaths. De-e-e-p breaths.) He gets upset at the thought of her going out with Dr. Hernan. She tries to get him to understand that Hernan is simply an old friend. (Yeah, let’s emphasize that word, O-L-D!) Fer doggedly hounds her to promise him she won’t accept Hernan’s proposal while he’s gone. She does. He looks at her dolefully with those big, round, pitiful, puppy-dog eyes of his. (Sorry, Cuko. I know. I know. Even you have your limits.) Fer whines. “I’ll die if I lose you.” They kiss again. (What a prissy little smooch, too!) They hug. (Blech! I could handle a bit of charmingly crass cougardom, but Nando looks like a sniveling little kid hugging his mommy after getting an ow-w-wie. My reflex to retch for the wretchedly ridiculous here is beyond my control. I am fighting the urge to hit the remote button and change the channel. Even Hubby wants to put his hands over his eyes. He settles for a morose moan. I sacrifice for the night’s recapping duties.) FF>>FF>>>>>>>>>

We beam back to the Dominican Republic. (Good. I needed a change of scene.) Finally Bruno makes it to the agency that arranges tours. He is irritated and complains to the agent who apologizes and patiently looks up the safari that Juventino Romero has set up. He finds out that the tour left early the day before. She can arrange for a guide to help him catch up with the tour, but it will be expensive. He anxiously says he’ll pay whatever it costs. (Viewerville notes the guy hasn’t even stopped to shave.)

Back in Merida, Pedro shows Gabe and Meche the new shop and says they’re only waiting for the merchandise in order to open for business. He explains that Sr. Alex is backing them financially. Gabe and Meche agree that the guy is a saint, if for no other reason than he understood their problem and will not be sending them to jail after all. Pedro agrees his SIL has a heart of gold and talks about all the unique stuff they’ll carry that nobody else will have. Chucho will even make original dinnerware on his own potter’s wheel for the shop. Meche is thrilled. FF>>

Meanwhile, Chucho is back at Erick’s little stone cottage sneaking peeks in the windows. Erick’s gone. Erick suddenly races up in his car. He gets out and screams at the old man. They exchange a few rude “Indio ladino” insults with each other before Chucho gets to the point. [Indio ladino = a slur meaning Indians who adopt Spanish language and customs] Chucho tells Buttlick that Meche and Gabe are back and now Sr. Alex knows what happened to them. If he dares try anything with either Meche or Gabe again Chucho threatens to slit him open [abrir en canal] himself. He walks off and leaves Erick to stew over it. El Buttlick is not a happy camper.

That night at dinner the lady agent tries to entice Bruno with a touristy dinner of D.R. specialties and a description of the private tour she’s arranged for him. He’s more interested in getting himself a sleeping bag, binoculars and a good knife. She explains the safari is going to be a couple days trip through some nearly inaccessible terrain. She adds if he really needs a knife, the guide will have one. He fudges and says he’d like to be personally well-equipped for the trip. She gives in graciously and says she knows where he can find what he’s looking for. Bruno buys a knife that’s got at least a 12 inch blade on it.

The next morning Alex and Fer take the copter to the airport to catch the flight. Alex says he’s worried about the mischief Bruno can cause while they’re gone. Fernando thinks Bruno will be too occupied with his lawyers to cause MJ any grief. Alex says yeah, but Bruno is so evil that God only knows what might occur to him to do while they’re off stuck in the wild. Fer tells him now that they’re committed to finding the judge it doesn’t do any good to drive himself crazy [romper la cabeza] over it. They’ve got to finish what they’ve started.

In Santo Domingo, Horacio meets up with the lady agent and Bruno. He reminds them both that he is in a hurry to join up with the photo safari. She says they’ll go as quickly as they can, but it won’t be as quick and easy as he thinks because the terrain is rugged and a pretty rough trek. Bruno only half listens, then jumps in the truck with Horacio and the two men drive off.

Back at the Lombardo’s, Paula spies Bobo drying off after a swim with Crotchya. He notices her watching them. Pau gives him a nasty look and walks off. Crotchya looks over at Pau and frowns. “--What’s she looking at?” He smiles at the bratty wench, but it’s obvious that he’s a bit disturbed by what just happened.

Inside the main house Vicki, MJ, and Felipa discuss the news that Katia and Bruno are supposedly now an item. MJ stutters as she politely tries to suggest that Bruno is not exactly a suitable match for the girl. Felipa says something like Katia isn’t exactly all sweetness and light herself. She thinks they are two of a kind [son tal para cual]. Vicki is sure Bruno doesn’t take her seriously and that Katia is being naïve [ilusionada]. “He’s going to disappoint her I fear.” Felipa says let him. MJ tries to find the most tactful way of putting her thoughts into words. Vicki tells her not to worry about it and to say exactly what’s on her mind. Mary Jo says she thinks he has to be looking to get something out of her; and that he only gets involved romantically with someone when he can benefit from it. Vicki can’t imagine what he would want from a girl like her, though. Felipa says perhaps she’s trying to learn what her brother is doing because then she could find out about Alex. Vicki exclaims that that would be a horrible thing!

Vicki gets up and tells the others that she’s got to get ready for a dinner date with Hernan. She looks less than excited by the idea. Felipa wonders about Fer’s reaction. Vicki says Fernando and her are not going to happen. “Fernando isn’t for me.” Felipa offers up that the doctor is even less her cup o’ tea. (Man! I agree. Slim pickin’s! Where’s a good Matchdotcom de México when you really need one?) The oboes in the background play their woe-is-me-Victoria theme as she leaves to change. MJ tells Felipa she thought the two loved each other. Felipa says Vicki still can’t get her head around the age thing. Felipa leaves with Cuko. MJ tries calling Alex but his phone is off. Just then Pau comes into the room all in a huff over Bobo and the blonde bimbette she just saw yucking it up together. “Gr-rrr! I just can’t stand that clown, Katia! She’s such a smart-ass! A man-eater! ¡Ay!!” MJ says she realizes Pau likes Roberto a lot, but she’s got to cool-it where he’s concerned. Pau slouches in a chair and gripes about Alex being gone (since obviously that’s why Katia is there). MJ lies that he had to go to N.Y. on business. “It will only be for a couple of weeks and you have to get back to school!” Pau is not in the mood, but Mary Jo tells her they’re going together the next morning to see about her getting re-enrolled.

Alex, wearing a funky straw Fedora (what’s with all the horriculous, horribuglious hats in this episodio?) and Fernando, wearing his funkulous …er…way-cool RayBan sun-gees, have finally made it to their all-inclusive tourist-tastic, happenin’ hotel in Santo Domingo. (Hey, I thought this was supposed to be a drama-filled drudge through the boonies they were dealing with here. Hearing those dramatic refrains in the background as they jump onto their trolley and look at sight-seeing fliers seems pretty lame editing.)

Meanwhile, Bobo pumps Crotchya for info on Alex and Fernando’s whereabouts. She teases him and says she’s not telling. “Sounds like you know but aren’t saying.” (Maybe if he’d slipped some booze in that Coke she’s drinking he’d have had better luck.) She asks him where Raquel is and he says he knows, but he’s not telling, either. They munch on potato chips. (Sly dog.) FF>>

Alex calls MJ and lets her know he’s in Santo Domingo. They tell each other how much they miss each other. (Come on! It’s only been a few hours.) Nothing’s happening. All quiet on the home front so far. They beso good-bye via Bell-tone. Fernando tells Alex they’re only a few blocks from the touring agency offices, so they head over there to see what they can find out.

We beam back to Ulises’ new pad where he and Raqui have just finished a tumble in the sheets. He asks if Alex being gone won’t set the legal proceedings back a bit. Raqui doesn’t think so, but says Bruno will handle it. He asks whether Bruno won’t be a pain about her share of the inheritance. She doubts he will. Brotherly love will win out in the end she thinks. However, just talking about it makes her nervous and so she tries to call Bruno but can’t reach him. She calls his hotel and the clerk tells her Bruno checked out a couple of days ago without leaving a forwarding address. Uli rolls his eyes and smirks.

Crotchya has better luck. Bruno tells her he’s on the road trying to find the judge and persuade him not to let Alex convince him to talk. “I’m sure Alex will try offering him money to talk, so I have to offer him a lot more.” He reminds her not to tell anyone where he’s gone or about their relationship. She promises she won’t. He asks her not to try calling him again, then says he’ll call her when he can. Click. She gets pissed.

Horacio tells Bruno the safari tour group has a couple of days lead and will eventually be taking a ferry over to an island to take pictures. Bruno is emphatic about reaching them before they head over to the island. Horacio mentions a number of spots they can see along the way. Poor Horacio is still under the impression that Bruno wants a tour guide, not just a driver. He doesn’t understand why Bruno doesn’t want to stop and take advantage of all the marvelous sights along the way.

Alex has already changed into another hat by the time he and Fer make it over to the tour agency. (He must have bought a sh!t-load of them before he left.) The tour agent mistakes them for Americans [norteamericanos] because they’re blonde, yada, yada. Once that’s cleared up Alex tells her they’re looking to catch up with a photo safari that a guy named Juventino Romero is leading. She says that’s a coinkydink since there was another man from Mexico there the day before asking to do the same thing. She says she set him up with a private tour and guide. Alex asks what his name was. The woman says she thinks his name was Bruno. Duhn-duhn-duhn-duhnnn! Fer and Alex exchange worried frowns. “Bruno? Bruno Albeniz? Or, Lombardo?” She smiles politely. “--Yes. Bruno Lombardo.” Alex and Nando are I-think-we-are-screwed impactado.


Gancho Friday December 11th. Her Secret Love

Episode 122

Someone pointed out yesterday that the actress playing Connie is doing an excellent job of portraying the character’s shifting moods, with subtle changes of expression. This is true, and we seem to have a somewhat unique situation in our novela – a lead villainess who might actually be redeemed (maybe not, but it’s possible). Constanza has been very mean, she’s been devious, dishonest – but she hasn’t killed anyone. And she has a weakness. Her secret love for Beto. She denies it, ignores it, but it’s there, simmering, flowering, growing along with Beto’s baby in her belly. She keeps trying to deny it, to cling to her desire for money and status. But her face shows us the inner turmoil. Will that chilling visage oneday transform into one of warmth and love? We have 100 epis left in which to find out.

We begin with mariachis. The three girls (Katia, Luisa and Dani) are gleefully listening at the upstairs window. The music stops, and Katia thinks her Mom Jackie must have run them off. But it starts again, and Katia now thinks her Mom must be really mad at Jerry for hiring these guys. Nothing could be further from the truth, though, as Jackie finds them enchanting, takes a huge swig of tequila, and proceeds to sing along as the group sings “I tell you, crying with rage, I’m not coming back” (Te lo digo llorando de rabia, no volveré) No Volveré).

Connie doesn’t like the singing, but she tries to ignore it, and keeps insisting that Mau send Aldo to military school. Mau’s in agreement, until Aldo says that Mau lies, too. Why not tell Connie about La Furia Enmascarada? Connie remembers meeting him at the gym, but what’s that got to do with Mau? Mau knows something’s up, tells Aldo to go to his room, and they’ll talk. Connie warns Mau not to wimp out, saying Aldo needs a strong hand, and tells Mau he always gives in (tú te ablandas a cada rato). Mau gets right in her face, tells her to butt out.

Connie goes outside to shut up the singers, but to no avail. Jackie had to get away from all that tension inside, now she’s waaay relaxed. Jerry offers Connie the bottle. Connie’s a killjoy as usual, but fortunately for us, the joy is too big for her to kill.

Aldo comes clean with Mau, explaining that he was super jealous when Estrella went after La Furia, that’s why he hit him. But when he found that letter from Moni in Mau’s trenchcoat (gabardino), he read it, and understood all. So why’d you stay quiet? asks Mau. Aldo explains that he knew Mau didn’t have a thing for Estre, so he was no longer jealous. But why didn’t you realize I was going through a tough time? - You didn’t seem to care about me, adds Aldo. Mau denies this, he’s always cared, but Aldo’s conduct wasn’t too good. Well, what about yours? retorts Aldo.

Outside, Connie warns her Mom that the noise will wake up the neighbors, who might call the police. Jackie agrees, bring the party inside! Connie tries vainly to stop the parade. Jackie goes in, too, but tells Jerry, who’s holding the bottle, that this is an alcohol-free house, so…Bye! She slams the door in Jerry’s face. A despondent (and drunk) Jerry bangs on the door for his Jacqueline, crying that they haven’t yet sung the chorus!

Mau reminds Aldo that different rules apply to adults and teenagers, and although Aldo had permission to go out in the afternoon, he wasn’t allowed to go out at night. Where did he go? Aldo admits he went to the storeroom (bodega) where Mau changes. He wanted to know everything. He took the keys from the trenchcoat Mau had given Terry. Aldo starts to smile as he relates how he saw the costume, the cape, the mask, it was so cool, he put it on, because Mau has no idea how proud he is of his Dad. When he saw Mau in the wrestling ring, throwing himself (aventandose) through the ropes, doing those moves, you know what? He thanked God for giving him a father like Mau. He wanted to shout to all the people, that’s my Dad! Mau melts, draws Aldo to him, and gives him a warm, fatherly hug.

Moni’s dream. Our cute little heroine is sleeping. Everything starts out fine as she relives her kiss with Mau when they promised to be faithful para siempre. Mau tells her Connie no longer exists. But Connie suddenly appears, saying “are you sure?” The lights go out. Don’t let her take you, screams Moni. All of a sudden, La Furia appears. She tells him she lost Mau, and he calms her down. Nothing’s going to happen. But then Estrella shows up. Sorry, Monita, she says, but he’s my guy. Find your own. They leave. Monita laments, why does everyone leave? But then Isabel appears. Valentina, are you suffering? Well, poor you, she says, and laughs at Moni’s misery. Moni wakes up upset, as the music sings Cansada, estresada (tired, stressed out).

Happier music is filling the Mau house, though, as Jackie sings along fairly well with the mariachis. Connie applauds weakly, okay, that’s enough, guys, you can leave now. But wait. Jackie wants to sing another, and this one’s dedicated to Connie. It’s called Secret of Love (or maybe My Secret Love, or My Love Secret). Here are the lyrics: Secreto de Amor. Connie looks guilty, she can’t face what her mother is gently telling her.

Back upstairs, Mau has now explained to Aldo why he invented the character La Furia Enmascarada, so he could see Moni without Connie’s knowledge. Aldo thinks it’s great. Mau cautions him, though, not a word to Constanza. Aldo apologizes for having opened his big mouth (mi bocote) out in the hall before, but promises to keep the secret from now on. But please don’t make me leave the house. Don’t worry, replies Mau, I care for all of you kids, and I think you and I both deserve another chance, okay? I love you a ton (un montón) is the answer, and they hug again.

Connie bursts in, my Mom invited those darn mariachis into the house, and I can’t get them out! We see the mariachis swaying back and forth to the Secret Love song. The three girls, in their pj’s, are also swayin’,

as is Jackie. Jackie grabs a violin, pretends to play, and invites the kids to dance, which they gladly do. Connie’s appalled, but Mau is enthralled, the kids are happy, they’re dancing! He and Aldo start dancing, too, and Terry brings in some snacks. Forget that, it’s time to conga, as Mau drags her, smiling, into the conga line. Connie thinks it’s late, but Mau chides her, tomorrow’s Sunday, a little fun won’t hurt the kids. They dance the night away.

The music fades, and it’s Sunday morning. It appears a little fun wasn’t too kind to our grown-up kids Rolu and Jero, who have a cruda-wakening. That is, they’re both nursing mean hangovers (crudas), seated with ice-packs at the table. Xime greets them with a "Bonjour",

bubbling as usual, she slept great! She had a “maraviguau” (combination of wonderful and wow) night with her husband. The guys want her to lower her voice a bit. Xime has her three things to tell Jero: 1) It’s not her fault that he got hammered last night (he was una araña fumigada, a sprayed spider, slang for being drunk or zonked out); 2) If you want quiet, go to your room, and 3) Can I have a drink of your tomato juice, porfis? She helps herself, realizes it’s a Bloody Mary, and that’s even better. Jerry insults her, she’s a descent on the evolutionary scale, which prompts Rolu to leap to the defense of his mujer, delighting Xime, who calls him her héroe maxissisimo.

So what’s up down in the vecindad this A.M.? It’s laundry day, and Nieves sees Moni’s not her chipper self. Moni says she had a nightmare, and Nieves comforts her, reminding her of how as a child, Moni used to jump in bed with Nieves when she had bad dreams. But what did you dream about? My Mamá. She was laughing at me. And now she died, and I have so many unanswered questions. Why did she leave me when I was little? Nieves continues to comfort as Moni wails about how she just has one picture of her Mom. Don’t cry, Monita, says Nieves as she hugs our moping Moni.

Rolu and Xime are now kissing away at the breakfast table, and Jerry tells ‘em to get a room for that. Sorry, bud, says Rolu, it’s not our fault Jackie gave you the shaft. Yeah, well have you forgotten about Beto? Oh, Rolu’s going to forgive Xime, and he asks her to break it off with Beto. Xime says she’ll ASK Beto if that’s okay. Huh, why do you have to ask? Xime assures him it's nothing personal, and she pulls him to her breast to smooth over any bad feelings. Jerry calls him a perro faldero (a lapdog). The phone rings, and Jerry springs up like a barking terrier, it could be Jacqueline! (Woof, woof! pants lapdog Jerry. Maybe he's a Springer Spaniel. A Jerry Springer Spaniel:) Nope, it’s Oscar (haven’t seen him in a while).

Back at laundry day, Cristian’s doing a little washing as Paula tells her invisible Papá to rest, remember what the Doctor said. We then have a little déjà vu, in that they proceed to have a PSA for the Seguro Popular. I recapped a very similar scene about two months ago, where the characters took turns telling anecdotes about how wonderful this Mexican health program is. This happens again, but then Paula tells how great it’ll be when the Seguro Popular pays for the birth of their kid, after Cris asks her to marry, and……wait a sec, says Cris. Marriage? A child? Umm, he just remembered, there’s a 2-7 in progress. Bye, honey. As he leaves, Paula folds her arms in resignation, saying Damn that Cristian, as soon as I mention marriage, he’s out the door, fleeing. Coward!

Nieves remembers her conversation with Isabel, warning her not to hurt Moni. Isabel had given a cryptic response, saying what’s wrong with giving Moni some happy memories, and Nieves’ doubt sensors start heating up, as she remembers Isabel saying “I’m not a monster”.

At that, a big, cute monster wakes up, namely Don Cesar in his flannel airplane jammies (and shades), stretching to greet the day. What’s on your mind, my little cotton pillow (mi almohadita de algodón), he asks Nieves. She tells him her thoughts about Isabel, but the conversation soon turns to breakfast. They hear Beto snoring away, and decide to eat at the market so as not to wake him. Nieves tempts her Cesarin with the idea of some nice memelas .

At the big house, it’s also breakfast time. (Note that nobody’s going to church. This show is very light in the religion department). I don’t recall seeing this room, but anyway, they’re all having scrambled eggs, rolls and juice (no authentic Mexican dishes for the rich folk). Luisa brings in the fruit, raving about those cute mariachis last night. Katia agrees, and little Dani says she loved singing the Secret Love song (she starts singing it). Terry chimes in that in her day, they had serenades all the time. Bitter Connie spits out that nobody cares what happened in “your day”, and I’m tired of all this laughing and smiling. By the way, tell Mauricio to come to breakfast. But, Senora, he left early. They wonder (for 2 seconds) where he went, when he shows up (Jackie even says “Good morning, Papá”, just like the kids). He wants to talk to Connie alone, though.

In the hall, he gives her a home pregnancy test kit, and urges her to do the test right now, to remove any doubts. At first she balks, let’s do it later, I’ve got a craving (un antojo) for hotcakes (said in English, pronounced “hawt-cakes”). A craving? asks Mau, worried that that means pregnancy. Fine, she’ll do the test now.

Xime’s wheeling her Rolu into the barrio, isn’t it picturesque? Nope, he says, go talk to that swine (gandalla), get rid of him, and we’re outta here. But first, here comes Estrella! She’s wearing a silver jacket, looking better than ever, and she’s on cloud 9 from her noche de amor with La Furia. La Furia was so passionate! Xime had a great night, too, although Rolu was half drunk, half asleep, but it was maraviguau (see above) just the same. Rolu interrupts the squealing gals to get Xime back to business. Of course Xime can’t remember why they came. Oh right, Beto! She asks Estrella to watch Rolu, then changes her mind, maybe that’s not a good idea, amiguita, I know how you always steal boyfriends, don’t want you to be tempted, you know? Estrella’s a little indignant as Xime asks some homely neighborhood ladies to watch her prize.

She pops into Robi’s house, but he’s asleep. She shakes him and he grabs her, yelling in his sleep “cucharita” (teaspoon), and (somewhat) against her will, they’re spooning in his bed, with him still half asleep. She says sueltame a few times, but his manly grip is too much.

Outside, Moni enters the scene, carrying a green blow-up plastic monkey toy (no, I didn’t make that up),

and wonders why Rolu’s sitting there. Estre says Xime brought him, and she’s talking to Beto. Rolu asks Moni if she’s interested in Beto again, now that she’s lost Mauricio. No, why? Because I want that bum to stop bothering my wife. What are you talking about? inquires Moni. Rolu lays it down – Ximena and Beto are lovers. Both Moni and Estre go “¡¿Qué?!” Moni slams the monkey into Rolu’s jewels, Estre kicks his cast, and as he doubles over in pain, the two rush over to Beto’s abode. They push back the bead curtains to find the “lovers” still spooning. Ooops, says Ximena (notice where Beto has his hand).

Mau’s sitting on the bed, waiting for the results of Connie’s little test. She comes out of the bathroom, stares at him. Tell me, Constanza, that you’re not pregnant. She looks at him. He looks at her. She looks at him. He looks at her. She looks at him. I look at my watch. I look at a commercial. Oh, those telenovela moments of truth. Don’t you just love ‘em?

Congratulations, handsome, says Connie. Mau’s aghast, you mean you’re pregnant? Connie pauses about 3 seconds, then says, no, in fact the results were negative, I’m congratulating you that I’m NOT pregnant, that’s the least thing we need now (oh, you sly Connie). Mau signs with relief, as Connie jerks his chain a little more, telling him these home tests aren’t infallible. And they only made love about a week ago, so maybe she should get checked out by a doctor. But she doubts she could be pregnant, she’s been taking her birth control pills (mentirosa!). So let’s have breakfast. Mau’s lost his appetite. But Connie hasn’t. She wants those hotcakes now!

Moni and Estre take turns reading the riot act to the still spooning Beto and Xime. How could you?! Beto’s still asleep, and Xime’s imprisoned in his manly grip, quiet as a mouse (for once). The plan? Moni will unlock Beto’s arms, and Estre will pick up Xime. It doesn’t quite work, they both tumble into bed, and Beto wakes up to his fondest dream come true – surrounded by babes! He’s so happy, Xime, Monita, Estrella in his bed, the only one missing is Constanzia! Moni and Estre struggle to extricate themselves from his manly mayhem.

Aldo’s staring straight ahead, eyes glowing with pride and power, silently musing, dreaming of his night of passion.

Jackie, sitting next to him, knows that smile, she knows men. She quietly tells him his smile gives him away (te delata). You’ve become a man, right? She subtly pats him on the shoulder. No one else notices, and Mau stares at Connie across the table with a chilly look.

Beto can’t remember, how did he end up in bed with all three gals, must have been great. Not in your dreams, shoots back Estre. Moni makes a fist, she’ll break his head if he doesn’t tell them right now what he’s doing with Ximena. Both Ximmy and Betito siguen calladito (remain silent).

Jackie gets up, says thanks for the breakfast, but she and Katia are going shopping! (on Sunday, no less). Mau’s going to spend the day with his kids. Dani says I love you, Daddy, and Jackie says he’s a good father. Connie tells Aldo to enjoy his last fun time before military school, but Mau says, No, I’ve changed my mind, he’s not going. Connie protests, but Mau ignores her, telling the kids to get their jackets (chamarras) and brush their teeth. Connie’s royally pissed off (again).

Moni’s disgusted with Beto, lying there with Xime like an animal. An animal, maybe, but not an ugly animal, corrects Beto. Moni can’t believe it, first La Momia, now Xime, and she’s married. Xime finally speaks up – that doesn’t really count, she says. Moni says well, that’s your life, but Beto’s like my brother. Estre thinks Moni and Beto should talk alone, beckons Xime, your husband is waiting outside, remember? Oh, him, right, yeah, let’s go, as she pops up, and let’s not deny what I was doing, porfis. Estre is flabbergasted. You want to TELL Rolu? Xime has three answers, as that little pinky goes up to start the list. 1) Robi is divine, 2) You can’t imagine how happy I am, I’m eternally grateful and 3) thanks to Robi, my life is changing! She exits theatrically, with air kisses and an “Au revoir”, as Beto waves with a “Ciao, Xi!” Estre goes to check out the Rolu fireworks, and Moni crosses her arms for the Beto interrogation to come. Beto smiles weakly, coughs guiltily, and we’ll have to wait ‘til Monday to find out what happens next.

And you know what? Monday looks "maraviguau" (Carlos, they always give you good days, don’t they?), with EVERYONE going to the amusement park. Not only that, Connie appears to lose control and SLAP Luisa. Big mistake!


Ablandarse – to soften, to give in. Connie said tú te ablandas a cada rato, or you give in each time
Gabardino – a trenchcoat, or raincoat
Mi bocote – my big mouth
Una cruda – a hangover
Maraviguau – not a real word, Xime speak, a combination of marvelous or wonderful and wow, we could say Wonderwow (if we were Xime)
Quedar como una araña fumigada – to be zonked out, hammered, literally to be like a sprayed spider, another similar expression is quedar hasta las chanclas
Un perro faldero – a lapdog, literally a skirt dog, falda is a skirt, Jerry and Rolu currently fit this category
Gandalla – another of the numerous words we’ve learned meaning “swine”, or a crook, a lowlife
Delatarse – to give oneself away
Chamarras – (sheepskin) jackets


Friday, December 11, 2009

En Nombre del Amor, December 11, 2009

For discussion of the Friday Dec. 11 ENDA episode.


En Nombre del Amor, December 10, 2009

Camila tells Paloma that Rufi called and that Romina will be moving soon. Romina catches Emiliano mooning over Paloma and scolds him.

Padre Juan Cristobal informs Padre Benito about how he passed out with Carlota in the room, but he’s sure that nothing happened between them. Cris is also sure that she went towards his water glass. But he doesn’t know why she did all this. PB says that Bishop Calixto is back and will give priority to Cris’s case, but he has to act impeccably.

Apparently Real del Monte does have a Kinko’s--Carlota is there gleefully printing out the photos of her macking on Cris, which she says (along with the photos of Cris and Natalia) are her proof that Cris that is immoral.

Alonso does the Macarena and walks by an important document (Arcadia’s letter) without looking at it.

Diana waits outside Emil’s office and pounces on him when he walks by, demanding that he not reject her; he repeats that he doesn’t want anything to do with her--she’s going from bad to worse, exhibit A being the scene she made at Camila’s. Emil says that Cami and Rafael aren’t lovers, but even if they were, Diana doesn’t have a right to judge them considering her lies to him, Rafa and Orlando. Emil tells her not to seek him out until she realizes the bad she’s doing and gives Rafa a divorce; she refuses (again) to do that.

Paloma and Liliana talk about Romi and Emil moving out and how Pal can’t stand Gabriel.

Monica tells Camila about the hotel reservation info/confirmation that Rafa dropped off for the convention (he paid for the room). Cami leaves the store and gets into her car; Diana just happens to be driving by and follows her.

Emiliano goes to play soccer with Chava et al.

Licha, a girl in the painting class Pal is teaching, collapses--the other girls say she’s on drugs again, they think it was “el tiner”. My dictionaries don’t have that word but I’m guessing it’s paint thinner or something. Pal freaks out and runs off to get help.

Romina looks at bedroom stuff on the computer with her interior designer and calls Emil to ask what color he wants. I guess the building where Pal teaches that class doesn’t have a phone, and Real del Monte doesn’t have 911, because she ran to the soccer field to get Emil. Just as Emil picks up Romi’s call, Pal runs up yelling for help, which Romi overhears.

Cami arrives at Rafa’s office and returns the hotel reservation info. She says she can’t go and asks him to cancel the room. Diana barges in and yells at them for being together; Cami takes off. Rafa shoves Diana out and locks the door.

At the hospital, Pal cries to Emil that it’s all her fault that the girl got high and passed out. Emil tries to comfort her, in a rather inappropriate manner I might add (holding her face in his hands and leaning in close), considering that he’s married. Romi, despite orders to be on bed rest, shows up and witnesses this. She pretends that she feels bad so she came to see the doctor. While Emil goes off to find Romi’s doc, Romi reminds Pal that she was going to stay away from Emil, but she’s not going to scold Pal, she’s glad to see her because she misses Pal. She puts Pal’s hand on her abdomen and asks if she feels the baby. Pal says she misses Romi too.

PJC asks Gabriel about how the restoration is going--the process is laborious so Gabriel will be there for a long time. PJC also asks about the mystery woman and Gabe says it’s Paloma. PJC says you don’t know how important she is to me. Gabriel comments that she has “mal carácter”, or bad character (I take that to mean "snotty attitude").

Emil comes back to the waiting room to take Romi to the doctor’s office--she hangs all over him while Pal blames herself again and Emil says they all should have foreseen the problem with the paint thinner. The writers/producers/director try to get us to feel sorry for Pal by having Emil and Romi walk off down the hall together to the tune of Emil’s and Pal’s love song, leaving Pal sad and alone in the waiting room.

PJC explains to Gabriel that Paloma’s life hasn’t been easy--her parents died, her fiancé died, and her aunt that was practically a mother to her died. Gabriel somehow doesn’t notice how contrived that all is and instead says that life has shown him that everyone has a cross to bear--you have the possibility of feeling sorry for yourself or closing yourself off, or you learn to live with it. Gabe thinks that the Pal he knows has nothing to do with the “mujer” (nevermind that she’s still a schoolgirl) PJC is talking about. PJC says he knows Pal better than Gabe does, and he thinks that Gabe was talking about himself re: having a cross to bear. Gabe admits that his cross hasn’t been easy to bear, but he has learned to live to the fullest at every moment. He wasn’t going to say anything about it, but he wants to share his secret with PJC.

German calls Crazylota to tell her that he picked up her papers in Mexico City and will deliver them to her right away.

The gynecologist says that Romina is fine. She asks about the baby, claiming that it’s the most important to her, and the doc says they are both fine. He tells her to go home and rest and for Emil to take care of her.

PJC says that to look at him, one would think Gabriel has an easy life. Gabe explains that once he accepted that this was his life, he decided to do things to the max. What for many people would be a punishment has become a challenge for him. PJC tells him not to lose faith, because miracles exist. He assures Gabe that his secret is safe with him. Just then the janitor (I think) comes up to tell PJC that Emil called to say he’s at the hospital with Paloma. Gabe offers to take PJC there.

Emil and Romi are back in the waiting room with Pal, and Romi rubs it in that the doctor told her to rest and for Emil to pamper her. Pal tells them to go home but Emil doesn’t want to leave until PJC arrives because he doesn’t want Pal to be alone.

German hands the papers to Carlota. He says you know you can trust me and offers to be at her service. Carlota asks if he’s seen the papers; he answers no, the envelope came sealed and he didn’t think it ethical to check them since he wasn’t in charge of the case from the beginning, but if she finds any errors to let him know.

PJC and Gabriel arrive at the hospital and ask what happened. Gabe gets on Pal’s case for allowing the paint thinner or whatever it was to be around kids with drug problems (Pal says she didn’t know it could be used that way) and Emil yells at him not to talk to Pal like that. PJC tells them to shut it and says this is a reminder that they have to be much more careful with the materials they give to kids that have drug addictions. Pal explains that Licha woke up but her mom doesn’t have money to pay the hospital bill--Gabe offers to pay, but Emil immediately says no, he will pay. Pal thinks she should pay, but Romi points out that she doesn’t have any money, so she and Emil will pay the bill. Emil thanks Romi but he wants it to be his responsibility.

Camila comes by Orlando’s office to accept his invitation to go the US. He asks what changed her mind and she says she got to thinking that it’s (I’m not sure what “it” is . . . their relationship?) the most important thing in her life. Kissy-kissy.

Rafa and Joel discuss Cami refusing Rafa’s invitation to the ceramics convention--she doesn’t want to be near him. Rafa doesn’t want to go now, but Joel tells him he has to go, because the convention has a lot to do with the future of their business.

Diana tries to get an appointment with her lawyer but nothing is available until the following week. After she hangs up, a travel agent calls to talk to Rafa about his trip. She immediately calls Rafa to demand an explanation and wants to know if he’s going with Camila. He tells her no and hangs up, but she continues ranting about Cami being a tramp, etc.

Back at the hospital, PJC asks Gabe to advise him and Pal on what materials should be controlled (I guess they mean supervised, or kept under lock and key) in the classroom; he agrees and takes his leave. Romi asks Pal what’s the deal with that guy--Pal says he’s a know-it-all who’s also her art teacher. Emil overhears this and is about to ask about it but PJC tells him and Romi to head home and he’ll wait there with Pal.

La Loca reads the part of the will about Pal not receiving her money or even knowing about it until she’s 21. She then talks to herself about how even after Pal is 21, she’ll continue living with her, because she’ll have done so many things that Pal’s love for life will be wiped out--you (Pal) are going to pay for your father rejecting me; maybe you yourself will get close to me, and the three of us can live on what my brother left.

Pal wonders if she should quit this volunteer social work gig, but PJC doesn’t want her to. Licha’s mom runs up and thanks PJC and Pal--she thinks that with their help, her daughter will stop getting caught up in these messes.

PJC escorts Pal home. She tells him that he’s going to think she’s crazy but she likes it when he calls her “hija”. They hug but are interrupted by Her Royal Purpleness, who proceeds to yell at Pal for being late. PJC tries to defend her but Carlota tells him not to interfere in her upbringing of Pal. Carlota says she’s mad at Pal, so Pal retorts oh yeah, well I’m mad at you for not telling me that Rufi called and that you fired her. And if Rufi doesn’t come back, I’m going to live with her, wherever that may be. PJC pipes up that Pal and Rufi have his support. He tries to leave but Carlota insists on talking with him alone.

Emil thinks back to seeing Pal that day and laughs; when Romi asks why, he claims it was about an email he got. She thoughtbubbles that she knows he’s thinking about that d@#n Paloma.

German sits in a café and thinks that although he promised Emil he wouldn’t go after Pal, it would kill two birds with one stone: Romi would die of jealousy, and he would be a millionaire. Liliana comes in and sits down, so Germs goes over to hassle her and brag about getting a new car.

Pal declares that she isn’t going to give up on the volunteer work, and PJC pointedly remarks that she has the same generous heart as her mother, that’s why everyone loved her. After she goes upstairs, Carlota claims that if Pal is the way she is, it’s because of her, not Macarena--she knew how to raise her to be decent, educated, and above all, virginal, but it would have been different if Mac had raised her; Pal would be a slut just like Mac. PJC removes his collar thingy and says that in this instance, Cris the man is going to speak to her: this is the last time that I’ll allow you talk that way about the only woman I’ve loved in my life. PJC says he knows that Carlota drugged him. She thinks God brought Cris to her door tonight for something, but he says it was only so Pal would know she’s not alone, that she can count on him and God. As he goes to leave, Carlota cryptically says “You’re still in time.” He asks in time for what? “To avoid regretting for the rest of your life that you rejected me.”

German asks Lili to tell him about Paloma; when she declines he accuses her of being jealous. She denies it and he grabs her and kisses her--she claims she hates it when he kisses her, and he replies “that’s not what your lips say.”

Back in Crazytown, Carlota says she’s ready to forgive PJC's rejection if he asks her for another chance. PJC shoots that down by saying if it wasn’t for Pal, he wouldn’t ever say one word to her. Carlota says fine, you asked for it to be that way--everyone makes his own destiny. PJC notes to Carlota that in the end, her destiny will be full of loneliness and misery. After he leaves she talks to herself again: “we’ll see if you don’t end up begging me to give you a little bit of my love, a little help.”

Then we hear Rufi’s voice say that in 24 hours, Carlota will be discovered--what will she do?

In the previews, Pal tells Carlota she’s going to live in Mexico City w/Rufi and Dr. Bermudez; Alonso reads Arcadia’s letter; someone grabs Carlota as she walks down the street.


Sortilegio December 10, 2009 "Of Courssssse we are Noviosss," hissed the snake

From yesterday:
Replay of love scene.

Alex is getting ready to leave. Arturo is pumping Ez for info. Ez says Alex is going on a trip. MJ is crying because he is leaving. He tries to reassure her They kiss. He worries about the baby and she says the baby is fine and has him feel the non-existent baby bump.

Victoria and Alex are coming down the stairs and Felipa wishes him well. EZ is crying. He can't believe it. Alex tells him it is just for a little while. Alex gives him a man-hug and tells him to take care of his family. EZ swears that he will. With everyone occupied, Cuko can put his plan into action. He darts out of the house making a break for freedom.

Raquel runs up screeching at Alex about going on a trip now. She says it is all over the papers that the DNA was positive and that she and Bruno are bastards. Well, if the shoe fits... Alex says sorry Raquel. Curses, foiled again! Cuko is discovered and runs back into the house or maybe he's just trying to get away from Raquel's screeching. Without taking a breath Raquel continues her tirade, It's true mama, none of this would have happened if Alex hadn't married MJ. It is all her fault. She starts to say it was her mothers fault because--SMACK --Viewerville gives Victoria a round of applause. Unfortunately for Raquel she doesn't know when to quit while she's ahead. This is the opportunity that Felipa has been waiting for—She tells her to watch her tongue. Her mother married the father of her children. She hits Raquel with both barrels and asks her about her lover Useless. You know, the one you visit in his apartment. Raquel calls her an f-ing liar. EZ walks in and tells her she better zip it or he's going to speak also. She calls him a desgraciado infeliz which I just learned is not a very nice name. She says she'll throw them on the street. Oh yeah, you and what army? Vicky asks Felipa and Ez to come here please. They go off in another room to have a chat.

Fer gets a call from Alex. It sounds urgent. He tells him he's on the way. He tells Bratia to get a move on. She comes down the stairs and says she is sick. He wants her to go to a doctor. She says, no she took some pills. He kisses her and leaves. Ewww, do you know where her face has been? Yuck. Amazingly she feels much better once Fer leaves and she pops up looking for trouble. She pulls out his laptop. She can't get the right password. Obviously she didn't read the recap from yesterday. Uh oh, It looks like she finally figured it out and is now looking for intel. She finds a file that looks promising and opens it up. It looks like some kind of memo with photographs. (Did anybody catch what it was?) She can't figure out why her brother is interested in photographs.

Vicky wants to know if they are sure about Raquel. Felipa says she is a married woman visiting a single man in his apartment. Ez says she goes alone without Arturo. She didn't want us to say a word about it to you. Vicky speculates that must be why Raquel asked for a divorce. She wants to know about Useless. Felipa says he doesn't work (not sure about that, help). MJ comes downstairs and fake kissess all around. MJ asks Vicky if it is ok for her sister to come stay with her for awhile. Vicky says of course. You don't have to ask permission it's your house. Sweet! MJ looks worried and asks if something happened. Vicky says the results are in on the DNA and it is in the paper. I still don't get why it is a big deal. The parents did marry after all.

Fer arrives at the hotel where Alex is staying. Fer says the obvious, you've already left the house. Yes. Alex's phone rings. It's the Abogado. Apparently the results are in on the DNA. Alex says that Bruno is trying to rush the will contest and it will be in a week in Cancun. Fer asks when the divorce would be final and Alex says the judge thought it will take a month. Fer says the problem will be what happens after (I couldn't get the rest.)

Paula is happy to see MJ. Pedro is with her. Paula is so happy she is turning in circles like I used to when I was a kid. But I would always smack into the wall and fall down. She sees Roberto and they give each other a great big brotherly/sisterly hug. Pedro is worried about Roberto and Paula. Roberto wants to know if Pedro is coming back too. Pedro says he and Chucho have a little place in town. Roberto always trying to get the 411, wants to know where Alex went. MJ says he went on a small trip. Why does everybody want to know where Alex is?

PDE slinks out of the shadows and accosts Tomas. He's fishing for information about Meche. Tomas doesn't know who she is. PDE finds out that Alex went on a trip and that Paula was back staying with MJ. I would sure hate everybody knowing my business like that.

Bruno is in pool talking with Erik. Bruno wants to know what is going on with MJ. Ole Buttlick says MJ is here but Alex went on a trip. Bruno wants to know what kind of trip. He calls his mom. (Yeah, like she's going to tell you.) He asks her where Alex went and she says he didn't say. He hangs up and gets a call from Bratia who tells him that she got into the computer and found some pictures. Bruno is not interested and hangs up. Bruno says he has to talk to the attorney right away.

Back at the office Chucho is making faces at Mari. She looks at him strangely. (Seriously, wouldn't you look at some old guy strangely who was sitting in the lobby making googly eyes at you) She is saved by Alex and says that Alex will see him now. Whew, what a relief. He gives her googly eyes again and Alex laughs as she shuts the door. What's up dude? I brought you the papers to look over. Alex looks at the papers and they make small talk about Chucho's new “business.” Alex asks him if he's heard any news of Meche and Gabe. Chucho lies and says no. Somehow I think that is going to come back and bite Chucho in the butt.

Fernando calls Victoria and they have some kind of boring conversation where Vicky says she doesn't want to lose him and that she and Herman are just friends. Fer says if you need me I'll be at your side. Sorry, FF>>

Back at the casa. MJ and Paula are talking. MJ wants the scoop on Roberto.. Paula says nothing is going on. Can't I have a friend? MJ is worried about what people will say. Paula tells her to relax. MJ says she trusts her. R i g h t!

Alex calls and MJ answers the phone. He's worried about her. He will see her tonight. Don't worry. Has something happened? Alex calls Mari and says he needs to rent a car. Everything is strictly confidential. He will rent one today and then a different one tomorrow. Mari is worried and asks if he needs help with anything. He says no. It's under control.

Bruno calls Raquel. Let's meet in ½ an hour. Well, ok. Raquel goes to Useless' apartment. He's not there. She worries.

Meanwhile useless is at Moora's and she is filling him in on the situation with Mario Aguirre. He can't believe that she actually told Alex. She didn't tell him anything about Useless. (Well that certainly is a relief.) She tells him that Bruno was behind it. Moora wants to know what is going on with Useless and he says he has his little secrets. Hmmm, do we really want to know what all of them are?

Raquel is waiting for Bruno He shows up in a nice blue shirt without a scarf—oh wait, there it is. You can barely see it peeking out. Background noise. He is cussing Alex for taking a trip now. He wants her to find out from Vicky where he went. Ha, like that is going to happen. Maybe when Hell freezes over. He leaves and she calls him stupid.

Chucho and Pedro are tidying up. Why do they have a hammock in their living room? Meche and Gabe show up and they show them where their new room will be. FF>>.

Alex calls EZ and tells him he will be there shortly. He arrives at the house and tells Arturo to tell no one that he is there. Alex goes up to see Victoria. Ez wants to know what is going on he is very worried. He prays and asks Don Antonio to help his son.

Fer arrives home. He sees Bratia's phone on the couch. Ah hah!. He looks at the numbers and finds she calls Bruno a lot. He is not very happy. What to do, what to do? He goes looking for Katia. She is sleeping. He wants to know why she calls Bruno so much. He tells her that she knows that Bruno and Alex are enemies. She is astounded and incensed that he would look at her phone. She whines about it being her life. Enough. It is my house and I don't want you calling him. He's my boyfriend. Oh, no, Fernando is going to have a stroke. He tells her that Bruno could go to jail. (I think he should go to Hell wearing gasoline underpants, personally.)

Katia calls and he wants to know what she wants. It is late. She tells him that Fer saw she's been calling him. I told him we were novios. He' s not happy. Aren't we novios? Yessssss, of course, he says with a forked tongue, but it could be a lot of trouble. Of coursssse I love you, he hisses. Whatever!

Alex and MJ are together. He wants her to do stuff with Paula and his mom. He assures her the time will pass quickly. He's got a lot going on. He thinks about her a lot. More kissing.

Next day. Alex is leaving for work. She doesn't want him to go. More crying.

Fer and Bratia. She wants to go to work with him. Bruno is a bad person he reminds her. Why? He does other very bad things. It is personal for Alex. Be very careful. Do not tell him anything. Are you coming with me? Yes.

MJ and Alex are talking about Meche. Nobody knows anything about her. Alex isn't sure they are telling the truth. EZ tells him his truck is ready. Please be careful. Take care of our baby. They hug. She is overcome with sadness. Crying on the stairs again. Ez has a bad feeling. He has to sit down on the bench.

Alex in a towel. Calling Mari. Talking about work. Be discrete. Who cares? Let's go back to Alex in a towel.

Gab and Chucho are talking about Gab's therapy. I don't really like that kid. I'm not sure why. he always has a kind of snotty look on his face. Chucho will go with him. Meche says he has stuff to do. He says it is ok. They head off to the hospital. She is crying—again.

Bruno goes to the house. He is not allowed in the house. Ez won't let him see his mother. Bruno orders him to get his mother. Felipa and Victoria are talking. They are missing Alex. (filler) It is so empty. EZ knocks on the door. Bruno is waiting downstairs asking for you. Tell him I 'll be there shortly. Bruno is snooping around. He wants to reclaim the family name. He needs her to come down and proove something? (not sure) He calls the reporter.


Un Gancho #121 Thurs 12/10-Oh what a night, seemed so wrong but now it seems so right.

Alternate title: It's Ladies Night!!

Tonight was a great night for most of the ladies, don't you think? Let's see what happened...

We recall from last night that Mau has set up the double date from hell (Coni's hell anyway) by insisting she join him, Beto and Xime for dinner. Beto and Xime can't seem to keep their hands off each other and the charade is making Coni steam. Mau excuses Beto so he can speak to Xime and Coni alone. Mau asks Coni why did Ximena tell him she (Coni) is pregnant? Coni's eyes throw daggers at her amiga.

Now we have some clever wordplay with Xime sidestepping and saying she didn't tell Mau she told Beto because she can't keep a secret from her lover of course. She throws in an y tu mama también and some other stuff while Coni nervously avers there is no way she can be pregnant because they are GETTING A DIVORCE, this is all a confession, er confusion that is Xime's mistake (more dagger eyes). On Monday she will see her gynecologist to prove it. Dagger eyes from Ximena. Dagger eyes from Coni.

Nieves Pau and Moni are having lunch and talking about what a great pair Fantasma and Furia make. Nieves thinks this is Beto's chance to make the big time and actually earn money. "To spend on chelas (beers) and women," guffaws Paula. Nieves notices that Moni is pensive and asks what fly is biting her (what's eating her)? Moni says it's because Estrella hasn't come back yet. Nieves makes a crack about Furia and Estrella being in full cuchiplancha by now. Moni jumps up to make a phone call. Ooh jealous.

Meanwhile, over at the Furia hideout, Estre is trying to unmask her silent Fury when her phone rings. "Estrella Falcon Actríz." Gotta love her professionalism. Furia eavesdrops from behind his cape while Estrella talks to Moni, gushes over him and blows him kisses. Moni cautions her about rushing into the romance too rapidly but Estre is done talking, tonight is her night for love. A forlorn Monita hangs up the phone while Nieves and Pau nod their heads knowingly.

Estrella gets back to buggy business with her green mantis. He's clearly interested but refuses to remove his mask. She reasons if you won't remove your mask how can we kiss? Her idea is she'll wear a blindfold. She slaps her shapely tush a couple of times with a black scarf and invites Furia to blindfold her. Furia covers her eyes, rolls back his mask and lays a big romantic kiss on her. Dang, I found this scene kind of hot. Excuse me while I get a glass of ice water. Whoo!

OK, that helped. We are back at the restaurant and Beto has rejoined the trio. He and Xime are having a grand time pretending to be lovers. Xime gets close to him while Coni steams. He calls Xime his queen while Coni steams. He rubs noses with Xime while Coni steams. He makes goo-goo talk and says she tastes like strawberries while Coni steams. He cops a feel while Coni steams. Mau scolds Xime for cheating on her husband, he doesn't understand how she can love Beto. Coni blurts out she doesn't understand either! Beto does a Coni or fresa imitation (not sure which), que paso, que paso? Brilliant!

Back at the love shack Estrella is dizzy from her romantic kissing with Furia. She waves her arms around and begs Furia to kiss her some more, he's such a MAN. And he does. "Make love to me" she begs. Aldo hesitates but she persists, throws her leg over him, and tells him to get a condom from her purse because she's prepared! (Good PSA, nice and short.) He rifles through her purse, pulls out a condom, hesitates and pulls out another one. Yowza, you go kid!

At the restaurant Xime tells made up stories about how she and Beto got together, he was her trainer yada yada love was inevitable. Coni has about melted with rage. Mau is not so happy either. I, however, am enjoying myself immensely. Beto says they are madly in love but the only problem is that she is married. Mau has an about face, he didn't realize they were so in love, and announces he will help Rolu see the light and give her a divorce. "De verdad?" they exclaim in unison. Uh oh, Xime and Beto are impactados.

Rolu is at home sulking. Jero joins him and they toast to unfaithful women, women who toss them over for someone else. Jero whines how could Jacqui dump him, young and handsome, for that old dude Sal? Rolu says how could Xime dump him for that naco...Beto! "Beto?!?" Jero is incredulous.

Beto publicly snuggles and asks Xime if she wants to get a hotel room with scratchy towels. Coni can't stand it and tells Mau it's making her sick, she wants to leave. As she departs Beto and Coni glare at each other. She gives him one last look backward so he gives Xime a kiss on the lips as a final kiss-off to Coni. "Wow," Xime says as she kisses him back, hard. "No wonder Coni goes nuts for you."

Jero is baffled by Beto and Xime, he thought Beto loved Coni. Rolu is baffled because he is used to women falling all over him. Xime on the other hand is having an affair in front of his eyes. He tells Jero that Xime is exceptional and he never thought he would suffer because of her. The boys pine over the exceptional women who are cheating on them and proceed to get drunk. They're pathetic, but decide to fight for their loves.

Gabi is looking up model agencies in the phone book. She wants to hire an Adonis model, young but not too young, happy, dark, blue or green eyes, full lips but no collagen, well-chiseled muscels, elegant, well dressed, most importantly a real gentleman. Money is no object and she'll begin interviews tomorrow. She may not be able to compete with Jacqueline but Sal will know that she can have an Adonis in her life.

It looks like Estrella, still blindfolded, has woken up from a very satisfying evening of love, the best ever. She sighs and says she will never forget this night. I know I should think this is wrong, but the writers did a good job of making it feel right.

Aldo is taking a taxi home and has what is called a "s**t eatin' grin" on his face, i.e. he is deeply satisfied and somewhat amazed.

Rolu is a bit tipsy by the time Ximena comes home. He tells her he's in love with her, he's suffering thinking of her with el Fantasma Vengador. She tries to tell him it's not really true but he interrupts. He begs her to give him another chance. He'll be the perfect romantic husband. OK, OOPS, she lets slip that she and Robi are lovers but maybe she won't dump Rolu for Beto after all. Rolu grabs her and smothers her with kisses. Hmmph, we'll see, but well played Ximena.

Enough of the fun stuff, let's dive down to the dismal domain of Mau and Coni. They bicker because she didn't want to stop at the pharmacy to get a pregnancy test. We find out he didn't use protection that night (dope) but surely she couldn't be pregnant and he wants to move forward with the divorce. Coni's all No way could I be pregnant but if I were boy howdy that sure would change things and I could never split up with you. Cara impactada de Mau.

Our dunderheaded hero blows his stack while Coni lies and says no no it can't be...but they should consider the possibility. Mau calls himself stupid and of course he's right. He insists she go to a pharmacy right away for a pregnancy test so they can move forward with the divorce. Tere interrupts to tell them she can't find Aldo anywhere.

Estrella writes a note to Furia, kisses it, and leaves it on a cushion for him.

Back at the barrio Monita is preoccupied but won't admit it to Nieves. Nieves says she knows Moni like the palm of her hand and Moni doesn't like Estre playing la tanga fácil (I think this means sleeping around) with Furia. Moni denies it and says she just wants Estre to be happy. Nieves snorts that Estre changes men about as often as she changes her chones (undies).

Coni badmouths Aldo but Tere sticks up for him. Coni says he's a bad seed and suggests they send him to military school. Jacqui reacts negatively to this and reminds Coni she was no angel as a kid. Remember when she was in school and kept getting expelled for kissing all the boys? She had to change schools three times until Jacqui was ready to send her to school with the nuns. Ay, she was precocious for her age! Mau and Tere are highly amused.

Moni complains to Pau that Estre isn't around, she's worried about her. Speaking of the queen of Rome, who should walk up in the best mood ever? Estrella, that's who. What a marvelous night, what a man! She loves him she loves him she loves him! She talks as fast as a gatling gun. He's so mysterious, she had to wear a blindfold. Pau wants all the details, how is he...down there? That's it for our silently suffering monkey, Moni has something else to do.

Moni seeks refuge in her cute little house and lights a candle to the virgin. Then she pouts and recalls Furia. Head in hands she asks why does he affect her so much?

Aldo arrives home and his bliss turns to bummer as Mau jumps down his throat. Aldo tries to explain but the grownups don't want too hear. Coni butts in like the shrewish harpy she is. Mau tells him no more mistakes, this week he's calling the military school and that's his last word. Coni smirks.

Estre goes on and on to Pau that the Furia is a fury indeed. She says he is that man she has always looked for. Estre couldn't be happier, Monita is acting a bit odd though. She must really be missing her prince. "Dang I'm tired," she says. Ya think?

Drunk Jero staggers up to Jacqi's pad with his mariachis in tow. They start their sad refrain as Jero, gripping his tequila bottle, wails drunkenly for his Jacqueline.

Inside, Aldo tries to plead his case while the mariachis and Jero obliterate the conversation. Jacqui looks pleased as punch as the others try to talk over them. Jacqui is finally persuaded to go out and try to quiet Jero and the Mariachis. Speaking of quiet, Aldo asks coni to please shut up. Has she forgotten the filthy things she did to Mau to get him to marry her? He tells Mau what Coni did to them is far worse than anything he's done. Point to Aldo.

Luisa, Katia and Dani stare out the window at the romantic scene outside. Katia is sure that her mama will kill these guys and send Jeronimo packing. Instead Jacqui grabs Jero's tequila bottle, takes a swig and joins in on the refrain.

Aldo claims he's not the only one lying, Mau has been lying too. Why doesn't he tell Coni who la Furia Enmascarada is? Mau is impactado. Coni looks confused.

Has Aldo played his cards too soon?

Mañana: Coni tries to ruin Jero and Jacqui's fun, but instead of making the mariachis go away Jacqui invites them inside. Mau gives Coni the pregnancy test. Later he begs her to tell him she's not pregnant. Oops.

Some of these are repeats but they are worth it.

Chelas = beers
Chones = undies
Cuchiplanchar = the horizontal bop
Que mosca te pico? = What's eating you? (Lit. what fly is biting you?)
Una tanga fácil = someone who sleeps around (Lit. easy underwear? not sure)


Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wed Dec 9 = Un Gancho al DVD player

My turn to be a spatnik. So I return from a late dr appt to find my DVD jammed up and no recording. No worries, I finally found the right download episode so I'll work on throwing something together for you folks today as time permits. Hang in there Capn, and anyone in early time zones I know you like your gancho with your morning coffee. I on the other hand would like to gancho my DvD player!!! :>)

Ok I think I found the episode again, but now I have to wait to recap it. Oh well.

So far we have a very uneven lucha match not going terribly well for our heroes, and a jealous Gabi spying on Sal in the restaurant. Interesting.


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