Wednesday, December 16, 2009

ENDA Tuesday 15 December. Green with envy, red with anger, purple passionate blues all around.

Paloma has a little chat in church with her dapper daddy, as we discussed yesterday. Upon second viewing, I really think Cris recognized the necklace, which is why he was asking Paloma if she’s sure it was a gift from her father. If he’s still wondering whether she’s his daughter, though, he’s keeping that to himself.

Carlota is looking unfortunately healthy in her hospital bed, having only barely missed having a heart attack. The doctor wants to know about the poisoning. Carloca claims she just meant she felt like she was poisoned. Really it must have just been something bad she ate. The doc is all, “I am a doctor. I can tell you’ve been poisoned, duh” but Carlota won’t talk about it, so he gives up and tells her she has to stay in the hospital overnight, as she might yet have a delayed reaction. We should be so lucky.

Paloma tells Padre Cris she’ll probably never return to Real del Monte. He says he’s leaving too, to become a bishop. He takes the necklace and twiddles with it while assuring Paloma he’ll always take care of her as he promised Mac. Lots of flashbacks of Mac and Cris. Paloma tells Cris she’ll take care of him, too. They agree they are inseparable.

Germán has his arms around two trashy-looking dames who were, naturally, attracted by his new babe-magnet toolmobile. Romina comes along and tries to tell him the marriage is going swimmingly, but he doesn’t believe her because Emiliano always looks like he’s at a wake. Romi tries to get him to tell her how pretty and skinny she looks, so he feels her up and tells her she’s getting a bigger belly and has that maternal glow. She gets crabby at that, and he says that’s what happens when girls are pregnant; they lose their cachondería (vulgar way of saying sexy hotness). Romina calls him an imbecile, dumps dead leaves in his new auto, and departs.

Camila and Orlando loiter in some ugly place by the side of a highway in Mexico City killing time before their flight. Camila wants to call Romina, but Orlando thinks she should wait until they get to their hotel in Houston. Why, so it can be more expensive? Right now, he wants her to forget about everything and just pay attention to him, him, him. I think Cami has found herself a replacement Romina. She claims she never thought he was so possessive, because she hasn’t been paying attention.

Joel and Rafael are in the car en route to their conference and petulant Rafa is not a fun road trip buddy, on account of his anger and jealousy over Camila choosing Orlando. They pass a woman getting into her slinky convertible on the side of the road and Joel disrupts Rafa’s griping to admire her fine form. Rafa doesn’t approve since they are both interested in other ladies, and Joel says even if you’re on a diet, you can still look at the menu. Rafael takes a long moment to remember all the time he’s spent with Camila as their theme song plays.

Sandra, friend to Liliana and cousin of Eric, happens upon Gabriel and tells him she wants to take painting lessons from him, even though she is not very good. That goes well, so she invites him to be her date for graduation. He says no at first, but she looks sad so he immediately agrees, and kisses her on the cheek. Well, that was easy.

Emiliano lounges in the office, recounting to Angélica every tedious detail of his great luuuurve for Paloma. Ange is a little jealous.

Dario carries the envelope containing Angélica’s newly-finished pamphlet, “101 Stupid Mistakes and How to Make Them,” and says to himself out loud that he’s going to go straight to the D.F. and read it and not stop until he’s finished.

Germán parks his shiny new car, and Licenciado Rojas happens by, in town for a few days on personal business. Rojas comments on how expensive the new car looks, and Germy claims it was a gift from his proud dad. Rojas asks about Carlota’s papers. Germy says he had to pick them up himself and just delivered them yesterday, and of course he didn’t read them. They agree it’s always tempting to call Carlota a witch to her face.

Rabid mongrel Diana spews nastiness all over Inés, who tries unsuccessfully to convince Diana that she should try to move on from Rafael (who is NOT with Camila, she reminds her) and that she put the cord around her own neck. Diana responds by telling Inés that her new gentleman caller is no good and is trying to separate her from her friends. Behind his angelic face there is a demon.

Obispo Calixto has returned (!) and is wondering why Carlota hasn’t shown up for her appointment. Padre Otherguy gives him the background on the situation (i.e. Carlota says Paloma is Cris’s daughter, but the priests think she’s lying) and says she must have realized she wouldn’t get far with her lies.

Orlando and Camila try to check in at the airport. Holy crow, the airline agent is Gabriela’s hottie escort from Gancho! He has recovered from his fancy-food allergic reaction, but still has the same cheekbone-enhancing facial hair. Camila is denied because her visa has expired. Orlando doesn’t want to go without her, even though it’s supposed to be a business trip for him. She convinces him to go and says she’ll go to the American Embassy for her new visa right away and join him in a few days.

Rafael and Joel have arrived in the lovely Valle de Bravo, Estado de México. Joel thinks he spots the roadside babe in the hotel lobby as they check in.

Paloma and Felipa wonder why Carlota hasn’t returned home. Right at that moment Carlota calls. She claims she had to return to Mexico City to repeat some routine medical tests that got screwed up, and she has to stay overnight to have blood drawn tomorrow. Come on, Paloma, throw a party this time! Carlota remembers her latest grisly snuff. I am amazed that a truck can knock off a laced oxford shoe.

Natalia frets to Ivonne because Alonso hasn’t come home and hasn’t called. They head out to look for him.

The artifact couple stroll down the street carrying random handicrafts and gossip guy tells his wife about the priest going to visit the pretty lady. Don’t priests spend a lot of time visiting with parishioners? What is suspicious about this? Gossip guy fills us in—Nat kissed Cris on the cheek. Artifact lady says people from the city are like that, more forward and cheek-kissy. Gossip guy does not approve of these modern ways.

Camila is driving home. She stops at an intersection, makes a decision, and calls Mónica and tells her to pack a suitcase and meet her in Valle de Bravo.

Ivonne and Natalia ask Paloma if she knows anything about Alonso’s whereabouts. Paloma says no, but it’s weird because Carlota was also missing, but just called to say she’d be gone overnight. Nat and Ivonne say they’ve left lots of messages for Alonso, but he hasn’t called. The only thing left to do is ask the police about accident reports, but Nat doesn’t want to do that until tomorrow because she thinks Alonso will show up and get mad at her for going to the police as if he were a lost little boy.

Some medical types stand next to a covered corpse and say that the guy didn’t have any identification on him, so they’ll need to send photos and prints to all the nearby police delegations.

Samuel is for some reason flirting with a woman who works at the hospital and he reads the form and sees that Carlota is a patient there.

Gabriel goes to Misery Manor, Now With Less Misery (for a limited time only!). He gives Paloma the money from the sale of her paintings. Naturally, Emiliano sees Gabriel there and is muy celoso. Paloma sees Emo and gets all agitated and invites Gabriel in. Gabriel immediately figures out what’s going on, which is how you can tell he hasn’t been in town long.

Natalia and Ivonne go to the church and tell Cris that Alonso is missing and they can’t find him anywhere. Nat is getting very worked up and Cris tries to calm her down, saying that this is a very peaceful town (yeah, all those mysteriously dead people don’t make much noise) and Alonso will probably show up just fine at any moment.

Paloma doesn’t like that Gabriel can read her totally obvious thoughts, and gets all huffy and snippy with him as usual. He tells her she’s not at all sweet and nice like Padre Juan says, and she’s lying when she says there’s nothing between her and Emo anymore. Paloma reneges her parlor invitation and stomps inside. Emo and Gabe do a little competing peacocks routine in the street.

Samuel creeps into Carlota’s room. He tells her their date for Saturday is still on. He steals a flower from another patient’s room and gives it to her, wondering why she’s in the hospital in Pachuca. Carlota thinks to herself that no one can find out she’s in Pachuca. Buh-bye, Samuel? Out in the hallway, Sammy tries to get a nurse to tell him what Carlota’s in for. Unlike every other medical professional in Novelaland, she’s into confidentiality, so Sam slimily tries to flirt it out of her.

Paloma paces the gloomy house, turning off the lights and remembering good times with Mac and Rufi. She does not even try to have any fun with Cruel away. The best she can do is cry and almost make a phone call.

Romina sets up a fancy dinner for two. Emo says he isn’t hungry. He heads off to bed (or, more likely, the balcony).

Gabriel drinks wine and putters around his messy studio with a candle, looking at the sketch he’s been drawing which is apparently supposed to be Paloma.

Rafael has finally decided to buck up and be more pleasant company, owing to the magical charms of Valle de Bravo. He and Joel have drinks in the hotel bar. Camila arrives at the hotel.

Tomorrow: Rufi returns. Carlota wants to leave the hospital. Emiliano is all jealous and possessive, i.e. definitely Orlando’s son.


Sortilegio, Tuesday, December 15--Ep #49: A Three Hour Tour.

Alex and MaryJo exchange verbal declarations of love and adoration before they hang up the phone. Fernando asks why he didn't tell her about Bruno being there. Alex thinks Bruno is going to try to bribe the judge, but Fernando doesn't agree.

The next morning, Sra. Maya takes them to the town that the ferry leaves from, but the tour has already left. Never fear, though, Sra. Maya tries to find a "yola" (a small fishing boat) and finds a man and his grandson who will take them over for $100 cause it's pretty far and dangerous in such a small boat. The guy thinks it will take them three hours to get there. Alex thanks Sra. Maya for all her help. She wishes them a good trip and off they go in the little fishing boat that could.

"Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful trip
That started out from this tropic port
Aboard this tiny ship.

The mate was a might sailing man,
The skipper brave and sure
[Two] passengers set sail that day
For a three hour tour, a three hour tour…"

Katia calls Bruno and berates him for not answering the phone before. You know, I think I'm going to start using "bad cell phone reception" as an excuse for ignoring people from now on…even if they're in the same room. Seems to work for Bruno. She tells him that Alex and Fernando's whereabouts are a big mystery around the office. Bruno thinks he'll be back in about another five days and complains about how slow the bus is going and how many stops it's making on the way back to Santo Domingo.

The boat thinks it can, it thinks it can, it thinks it can…. Alex eats a banana. Shirts are removed, though not Alex's. The boat guy starts clutching his chest and then keels over, dropping the cigarette from his mouth into a bucket of…wool? The guys try to help him, but he's dead and the boat is on fire. Alex grabs the grandson and everybody jumps in the water as the boat explodes. Wow. And Bruno didn't even have to engineer this near-death experience. Add one more to the list of Alex's acquired dependents. You just know that kid's got no other family and no way is Alex going to leave him behind.

"[The captain had a heart attack
The tiny ship blew up,
If not for the courage of Al and Fer
The grandson would be lost, the grandson would be lost...]"

MaryJo and Paula go to the Mercado. MJ gives Paula yet another lecture about how they're poor, so they shouldn't put on airs. Chucho and Pedro are working in the shop, as are Meche and Gabriel. Paula is not enthusiastic about meeting them. I've noticed that Chucho keeps calling him "Grabiel" instead of "Gabriel." Paula is also less than impressed with Gabriel, though he's got a bit of a spark in his eye for her, I think. Oh, well, the course of true love never did run smooth.

"The ship set ground on the shore of this uncharted desert isle
[With Alex L
Fernando too,
The little kid and his skills,
There's coconuts
And a bunch of flammable stuff]
Here on [Sortilegio] Isle..."

Our men and boy overboard manage to swim all the way back to the shore of somewhere, with Alex having to help Fer as he keeps trying to swim even though their feet have reached sand. Fer has a bleeding leg wound and Alex and the kid run off, presumably to get help. But then, there's the kid, right by Fernando as he tries to console him with "your grandpa went quick, so don't cry, it's the best way to say goodbye, just let him go." Alex comes back from having gone back into the ocean to try and retrieve the body. He says he couldn't do it cause it was too deep. He tells the kid that he and Fernando will take care of him as the kid sobs that he wants to die in the sea. Fernando's leg wound is burning horribly. The kid, with his expert medical knowledge, declares the wound "feo" (ugly). Alex, with his expert medical knowledge, rips up Fernando's pant leg and says they need to get bandages so Fernando doesn't bleed out. The kid, identified in the closed captions as Cogüi, runs off toward the trees. Alex starts to follow him, but then comes back to Fer. The guys don't know where they are. Fer, ever the optimist, doesn't think anyone will come looking for them there. Alex says it's all his fault, but Fer's not having it. Alex proposes looking for shelter. Fer is thirsty, so Alex dips a piece his shirt in sea water, slaps it on Fer's wounded leg, and binds it there with strips from Fer's pant leg and his shirt. Then Alex puts what's left of his shirt back on. We go now to our expert fashion consultant Tim Gunn--Tim? "Yes, we're seeing a sort of roguish castaway look that I think the model is very well suited to pulling off. I have to give him points for creativity in using the shirt as both bandaging and island attire. But I'm concerned about this asymmetrical look--you've got to be very careful and intentional with that, and right now my assessment is that it looks exactly like he ripped up his shirt for bandaging. I don’t expect the judges to respond favorably to that, but perhaps if he thinks very carefully about the styling and makes judicious use of the Macy's accessory wall, he might be able to pull it of. OK, Alex, time to make it work!" Thanks, Tim. Alex pulls Fernando up and they hobble over towards some trees. He superfluously tells Fer to stay put while he looks for water and someplace to spend the night. Alex goes deeper into the trees.

"So this is the tale of the castways,
They're here for a long, long time,
They'll have to make the best of things,
It's an uphill climb..."

Alex runs back to the beach and walks up a tree. Cogüi takes over the care and feeding of Fernando. He shows Fernando a scar and says his grandpa healed it with the same leaves that Cogüi just found. Fer is less than enthusiastic about being patched up by a 10-year-old, but Cogüi is confident in his medical assessment. He uses a vine to bind the leaf to Fer's thigh. Alex tosses down some coconuts from the tree he climbed. Cogüi takes Alex's bandages off of Fer because they're making him look "muy güero" (I'm guessing he means pale, as in the bandages are cutting off circulation, rather than the bandages making Fer look very blonde). Fer admits the leaves are taking away some of the burning. Alex comes back with bad news. He's checked out as much of the island as he can and they're all alone with no water. He did find a coconut, though. They make jokes about how they're going to open it. Alex notices that Fer is starting to run a fever. Cogüi knows what to do, though, and goes off looking for more herbs. Alex starts laughing about what they'd do without the little C man. Alex tries opening the coconut by throwing it against the tree as Fer pants and mutters Vicky's name and Cogüi gathers more vines. Alex gets something stuck in his foot. Alex comes back to Fer with the outer shell of the coconut broken off, but he has to keep beating it against the tree to get to the coconut water, which he lets Fer have most of. Then they break it down further and eat the coconut meat. It's a good source of fiber and it's got some good fats, so that'll hold them for a little while.

"[Well Alex and Cogüi too,]
Will do their very best,
To make [Fernando] comfortable,
In the tropic island nest..."

Back in civilization, Maura comes a'calling. Never mind, forget what I said about civilization. Ezequiel and Maura chat briefly about not having been able to get hold of Alex.

Inside the house, the lawyer advises Vicky and MJ that they really need to get Alex back there. The lawyer actually knows where Alex went and what he's doing there and he tells the ladies--I think he just didn't know that that they weren't supposed to know. He doesn't know where Bruno is, though. He tells MJ that the divorce will be final at the end of next week, but it would be better if Alex were there. MJ starts to get worried that something has happened to Alex. Vicky supposes that if something had happened, Fer would have called to let them know, and it's not likely that something happened to the both of them. Riiiiiiight.

In the little house, Raquel and Roberto have a very loud and overheard-by-Maura argument. Raquel has been throwing up in the mornings and Roberto is convinced she's pregnant and wants to know whose baby it is. Maura comes close to being vomited on as Raquel leans over the patio rail. Gosh, that would have been fitting.

The ladies ask the lawyer to please put the judge off and tell him that Alex will be back as soon as he can. The lawyer takes his leave and Vicky and MJ agree they need to get hold of Alex. Of course, his cell is out of area. Vicky tries the office, and asks Mari for the number of the travel agency. She convinces Mari to give her the number of the agency and the hotel.

Back on the island, Cogüi is mopping down Fernando's brow while Alex builds a crude hut out of dried leaves. Alex makes a nice little speech about having found a brother in Fernando. He then tells Cogüi that brotherhood comes before everything else. Alex asks Cogüi where to get food that's not fruit and the kid says "duh, in the sea." They drag Fer into the hut. Cogüi keeps applying things to Fer's head as Alex tells him not to die. Cogüi starts a fire with sticks. He's confident that Fernando's fever will come down.

"No phone, no lights no motor cars,
Not a single luxury,
Like Robinson Crusoe,
As primitive as can be... "

The travel agency doesn't know what to tell Vicky, except that Sra. Maya called to report that they'd been taken over to the island by boat. The travel agent says that the two guys were trying to catch up to Alex's "brother" on the tour. MJ and Vicky are alarmed. The travel agent remembers that the brother's name is Bruno. She offers to have Sra. Maya call them when she's back in the office. Now MaryJo panics in earnest. Vicky says it's going to be fine, they obviously knew that Bruno was there, so they didn't need warning. She wants MJ to calm down before she harms the baby. Fat chance. Ezequiel comes in to report that Maura is in the house. Vicky tells MJ to stay put, tells Ezequiel to tell Felipa to make a tea for MJ, and goes off to attend to Maura.

Maura tells Vicky that she's worried about not being able to get hold of Alex. Maura tells Vicky that she knows where the boys, all three of them, are. Vicky is confused that Alex knew that Bruno was there. Maura says she knows that Alex is lost to her, but she does care about him and that's why she's worried. Maura assures Vicky that she hasn't told anyone about this. Vicky tells her that the travel agent is looking into the matter.

Roberto and Ulises discuss the baby. Ulises thinks they ought to just raise it together. Roberto is pissed that Ulises slept with his wife without using a condom (and now the people three tables over know that too). Roberto lets Ulises know that Raquel intends to divorce him and marry Ulises, but no way is he going to let Ulises raise a child of his. He wants Ulises to go to Spain, get Sandra, marry her, and get the hell out of their lives. Ulises says that's going to be difficult because her family hates him, but maybe if Bruno and/or Alex were to get him a job at the company, he could look like a decent guy. Oh, it's going to take a lot more than that, starting with getting rid of that ridiculous shirt with the giant lip mark on it. Roberto says they're out of town. Ulises wants to wait until they get back, but Roberto says he's going to get Ulises the ticket tomorrow and then he wants him gone. Awww, I don't think they're friends anymore. Ulises cell phone rings and he ignores yet another call from Raquel.

Paula finds MJ crying on the sofa in her room. She's upset because Alex isn't answering his phone. Paula tells her she's sure everything is fine and MJ is just being overly emotional because of the baby. She thinks that MJ needs to call the doc and get some pills for her "nervios" (nerves, both literally and figuratively). She asks, a little too casually, what MJ knows about that Gabriel guy and then claims that she's just asking cause, you know, he and his sister are big fat liars and so Paula just thinks it's best to know about them and be on alert. Methinks I spoke too soon about fair Paula's heart not being stirred. The kids will just love the story of how mom and dad met. MJ really doesn't seem to give a crap, even after Paula tells her, "tranquis" (Ximena-speak for "tranquilate", i.e., chillax already), and keeps right on weeping.

Felipa is reading a book titled "Adiestre a su Perro en 21 Días" (Train Your Dog in 21 Days). Vicky complains that "la luz" (literally, "the light," but in this context, it means the electric bill, which a lot of people do refer to even in English as the light bill) has gone up again and that no one's turning off the a/c even for a second. Vicky says she's got a really bad feeling about where Alex might be or what might have happened to him, especially with Bruno around. Felipa agrees, since they know that Bruno is "de armas tomar" (a person you don't mess around with, literally "one who will take up arms" but without a positive connotation). But at the same time, she's sure that Alex and Fer can handle him. Raquel walks in, and without any preamble, declares that she's pregnant. Vicky is thrilled, but she immediately tells Raquel that she's going to have to quit drinking. Raquel brushes her off and says there's nothing good about this and she doesn't know if it's Roberto's or Ulises' baby. She announces that Roberto "me tomó a la fuerza" (took me by force, i.e., raped me) two months ago. Vicky puts her head to the wall and sighs. Poor woman. I know she didn't intend to have such a screwed up family, but it happens.

Roberto kinda sorta admits the truth to Vicky and says maybe he was a little rough with Raquel that one time. He feels really embarassed to be talking about this with her. He kinda sorta defends himself by saying Raquel made him so angry that he lost control (yeah, not really a defense, there). He complains that she'd been with Ulises and was putting him up in an apartment and everything. He doesn't even know whose kid it is. He says that besides, Ulises has no intention of marrying Raquel and has another prospect, some rich girl from Madrid who looks identical to MJ. Vicky asks Roberto what they're going to do. He says that if it's his kid, "yo lo quiero" (which in this context could just as easily mean "I love it" as "I want it").

Back on the island, Alex has rounded up more coconuts. He steps on something, yet again, that has to be pulled out of his foot. He sees an aircraft and runs for the beach, wildly waving his arms, and then waving a big stick. No, not that big stick. The helicopter or whatever it was, keeps going. Fernando is trying to teach Cogüi how to spell his name, but now the captions say its Kugui. They discuss which words start with C and which ones start with K. And actually, there are no words in Spanish that start with K except for ones that have been imported from English (kilo- and so forth). Fernando praises Cogüi, Kugiu, whateverthehell the kid's name is (and I wish they'd decide--whatever, I'm renaming him Charlie) and says they'll work on the 2 times tables next so as to make good use of their time. Way to kill the vacation mood there, Fer. Alex comes back to report his adventure with the helicopter. He hopes that Charlie's family has reported him missing, but Fer thinks the family might assume that he and his grandpa just stayed on the island with Fer and Alex. Alex has assembled some "leña" (firewood) so that he can send up a signal the next time someone comes looking for them. He assures the boys that whether it's days or months, they will get out of there.

Vicky fills MJ in about Raquel. They agree it's best to wait for the baby to be born before they do a paternity test. Felipa wonders aloud when all the problems will end. Um, five minutes before the end of the Gran Final? Just guessing. Sra. Maya calls Vicky. She doesn't have good news. The guys didn't get to the tour, so they rented a boat, but there has been a report that the boat neither made it to the island nor back to the port. Sra. Maya says there are a lot of rocks in the ocean and it's most likely that the ship "naufragó" (was wrecked). MJ goes into hysterics. Vicky asks about searching for them and Sra. Maya says they're on it. I miss the next few seconds while the DVR cuts off and then starts recording the next hour. Sra. Maya is saying it's very complicated. Vicky asks about Bruno. Sra. Maya says he caught up to the tour, but then decided to come back to Santo Domingo, though he hasn't come by the agency. Convenient that she didn't mention that (a) Bruno was trying to catch up to his "friend" the judge and that (b) the judge went over the waterfall and is presumed dead. Vicky asks her to please pass on any news and they hang up. Vicky practically screams at the panicky MJ not to lose hope and get a frickin' grip! Felipa tells them both to calm down and start praying. She ramps up her usual exclamation "Santo del día de hoy!" (Today's saint!) to "Santo del día de hoy, de mañana, de pasado mañana y todo la semana!" (Today's saint, tomorrow's, the day after tomorrow's, and the whole week's!) just to let us know how truly desperate the situation is. MJ keeps crying.

And tomorrow: looks like Raquel is in a hospital bed with a neck brace as Vicky tells Roberto that Alex and Fernando had an accident and have disappeared; the boys keep waiting for a rescue and start a big 'ol fire; and Paula assures MJ that they have to be found.

"So join us here [again] my friends,
You're sure to get a smile,
From [those three] stranded castways,
Here on "[Sortilegio] Isle." (With my sincere apologies to George Wyle and Sherwood Schwartz!)


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Gancho Tuesday Dec. 15, '09 It's A Rollercoaster Of A Romance Tonight

Well, it was a torrid night, filled with romance, drama, life-threatening allergies, life-threatening accidents, betrayals, emotional and physical abuse, and oh yeah....a little humor. But not much, campers! Not much. In short, quite a rollercoaster.

Here's what the writers served up for us tonight: Monita and Mauricio are smooching big-time at the amusement park and Dany notes with amazement( and a touch of horror) that they're kissing on the MOUTH. And how! And elsewhere in the park, Estrella and Aldo are strolling around while he reassures her that he's absolutely not jealous, ready to just be her buddy and perfectly capable of hearing about her tryst with Furia without a problem. As she gets in gear, sharing how she'll never have eyes for another man, not after those torrid, life-changing kisses with Furia, Aldo just smiles. Hey man, he's happy for her. Estrella looks more and more upset. And Aldo looks more and more smug. As well he might. What a confidence builder!

Tryst-wise, things aren't going as well at Gabriela's. Our Marlon Brando hunkalicious lookalike has been transformed into a swollen blotchy mess (face-wise anyway). Seems the appetizer snacks had crab (or crayfish) in them and he's wildly allergic. Finito romance. Finito escort service. For David anyway. Gabriela advises him to head for the hospital while she telephones the agency and asks for a replacement. Cold. Very cold. But she concludes the call in her usual polished way "Te agradezco infinito".

Let's get back to Estrella who's still raving about her fabulous interlude with Furia. Those kisses...ah, those kisses. Fervent with the yearning of an adolescent, yet meaningful as only the kisses of a mature man ,ready to fall in love, could ever be. More smug smiles from Aldo. But how about the rest? Did he take care of you? Did he use a condom (capuchón)? No, really, he reassures her....I'm not jealous, just want to make sure you were protected.

Estrella is really conflicted now. On the one hand she's knows that she's waited all her life for a loverman like Furia. On the other hand, she's crestfallen because her "cachorro" (cub) doesn't care for her anymore. And Aldo? He just keeps smiling.

Well, speaking of love...Dany has seen enough, thank you. Stop kissing! she yelps to M&M, and get me a dolly. Mauricio, try as he might, can't connect. So Monita steps up and yes, you guessed it, hits three in a row and wins Dany the little bear she wanted.

And our last glimpse of Estrella and Aldo? She concludes her ode to Superlover by saying "It was worth the wait. I will NEVER be interested in any other man." Our delighted Aldo muses to himself, "Not bad for my first time". Indeed.

Now let's take a big dive down into awfulness. Yes, Connie is on a real tear. It's as if she waited for Carlos to return before she really hit the dark side. She rips into Teresa who's preparing a tray for the incarcerated Luisa. And after insulting her as an "igualada sirvienta" (uppity servant) she makes off with the tray herself, muttering that she'll just eat it herself. (Carlos, I know she hasn't killed anybody yet, but I'm ready to take out a contract on her myself! Really!)

Back at the amusement park, night has fallen and it's time for our ill-fated lovers to part. Christian, Paula and Estrella are heading back to the barrio with Monita. Mauricio, Dany and a very self-satisfied Aldo must return to the house. But nobody can get Mau and Moni unglued from each other. More kisses, more hugs, more I can't say good-byes, more....whoops...Mau mentions that he made an "arreglo" (arrangement) with Connie that guarentees that she'll divorce him. And what "arreglo" is that? He looks uncomfortable and fails to answer. But even Monita knows enough to be worried. What is Connie if just playing with you? she muses. We break for ads while this loaded question hangs in the air.

When we come back, Monita is still worried. You don't want to answer me? The "arreglo" is THAT serious? Why ruin our farewell thinking about Connie, Mau reassures her. And just then the romantic music swells, there's more smooching, more plaintive good-bying, longing looks and finally, the two lovers slowly back away from each other, eyes still locked as their bodies draw further apart. Ay yi yi...what anguish. We viewers know some bad stuff is coming fer sure.

Back at the barrio, we have some lighthearted banter. Besos are being compared to criminal offenses and Christian and Paula have "committed" almost as many as M&M, but only to get Christian over his fear of roller coaster rides!. Beto emerges in a foul mood, snarls at Paula and Christian to "get a room" and then wades into Monita. He wants to explain what was really going on with him and Ximena that morning. Monita could care less. This enrages Beto even more, and after insulting Christian by telling him he lets Paula push him around (eres muy mandilón) he wants to know why everyone is so goshdarned happy. Christian's the one who inadvertantly drops the dime on our lovers and lets Beto know that Mauricio and Monita were together at the park. Sure, they shouldn't have been together...but who can fault them?...they're so in love, concludes Christian.

Well, we know who can fault them. And Mauricio's trying to avoid just that. Remember, mum's the word, he cautions Dany and Aldo. And in passing, he notes that he's really happy Aldo's over his infatuation (deslumbramiento) with Estrella. I mean, she's a nice lady...but way too old for you. And Aldo? He just smiles, the little dickens.

Alright. Smiles over. Teresa arrives with the story of Connie's mistreatment of Luisa, including preventing Teresa from taking her any food. Mauricio is furious. "Esto es el colmo" (this is the last straw!) We briefly hope for a real confrontation with the witch goddess but it is not to be.

Here's how it goes down. Vicious Connie is idly thumbing though a magazine when Beto calls. He gives her the 411 on Mauricio and Monita being together at the park, billing and cooing in front of everybody. Fully armed and dangerous now, Connie is ready to turn Mauricio every which way but loose. And she does. And calmly threatens Aldo with military school after our angry adolescent storms into her room. Clearly she still holds all the cards, even without Beto's betrayal of the lovers' secrets. But it's not over yet. For one thing, Nieves has overhead her criatura's cruel phone betrayal. What will come of that?

After the ads, the scenario unfolds. Nieves is pacing like the angry lioness she is. And Don Cesar is dying of hunger. When's he going to get some of those "enfrijoladas"? (a great concoction of beans, tortillas, Manchego cheese, chiles de arból and crema). Enter Beto who wants some too. And with lots of cheese, lots of cream, lots of.....Holy Moley, Nieves slams that big ol' plate of enfrijoladas right in his chest! Beto is stunned. Cesar is amused. And Nieves is just gettin' started!

I hate to leave this delicious scene but we find ourselves back with the despicable Constanza. She's mounting a glacial defense of her actions, complaining that the children don't respect her, don't treat her well and she's teaching them some manners. Mauricio huffily reminds her that good manners don't include striking a child. And let's face it. They don't like you and neither do I. Connie simply smiles and says "How's Valentina? And don't bother lying. I know very well that you two were together all day." This is Cold War. And a nasty one. Let's get back to the Hot War going on in the barrio.

Nieves is going after Beto hammer and tongs. But every time Cesar tries to join in, she swats him a good one. This is MY son! I'll handle it! In between swats, hair pulls and pummels, she berates Beto for betraying Monita. She's FAMILY. You grew up together. If you can't be loyal to family, you're beneath contempt. Hear hear!

Alas, back to the Cold War. Mau's trying to explain that their meeting was just a coincidence. They didn't plan it. If Connie doesn't believe him, well that's her problem. Oh no, you've got the problem, replies Constanza silkily. You broke the rules. So we're not separating and we're not divorcing. Ugh. She's got him by the short hairs for sure.

Back to the barrio again. Estrella wants Moni to tell Paula about finding Beto in bed with Ximena that morning. Paula can't believe those two are lovers. Oh yeah, mumbles Monita, he's got it goin' on with three women. And those are only the ones we know about, quips Paula.

More mayhem chez Nieves. She's belting Beto with shoes. Cesar joins in with some pillows. Cesar suggests running Beto off permanently. Nieves tells him to shaddup, this is between her and her son. Cesar, undeterred, suggested she use "el jab" when punching her offspring.

More insidious cold war at the mansion. Connie is coyly suggesting that since Mauricio is such a communicator, perhaps he told Monita about their making love the other night. No? He didn't?! Well, he left out "the most interesting part of the film". She'd better get right down to the neighborhood and let that chimpanzee know all about it. Mauricio begs her not to. She grabs her car keys and heads down to the garage, triumphant.

Things are still hot at Casa Nieves. She's not covering up for her son anymore. He's gotta tell Monita what he did. Beto's whining about being picked on, it's always the "perro mas flaco del rancho" that gets beaten. But sure, he's "macho", he can face up to it, he'll go tell her and zip! he's out the door, heading in the opposite direction from Moni's room, with Nieves and Cesar in hot pursuit.

Mauricio's in hot pursuit as well. First, he plants himself in front of Constanza's car, hoping to stop her. She starts up and accelerates as he jumps out of the way. Plan B. He gets in his own car and follows her. Night driving. Worried looks. A police siren wailing. More worried looks. More driving. Angst-type music. Bad stuff comin' doncha know.

In the meantime, Beto is dodging wildly through the park, our portly lovers chugging along behind. Momentary lull while Beto hides behind a tree. Then he's off again And starts to dart across the street just as Connie speeds up.....and hits him.

Well, it couldn't happen to a more deserving guy.

Mauricio appears to be confessing to Monita about his "arreglo" with Constanza.
Constanza is draped over Beto in the hospital, begging him to be strong and recover, for the sake of "our baby". Nieves, muy impactada, overhears.

cangrejo = crayfish or crabmeat
repuesto = replacement, spare part
panchote = not in dictionary, but from context, I'd say it was a "big scene" like what happened with Monita when she saw Beto in bed with Ximena
retentiva = memory (Connie mentioned this when she was chastising and insulting Teresa)
deslumbramiento = something dazzling, in this context it meant "infatuation"
afligida = very upset (Teresa)
esto es el colmo! ( a stock telenovela phrase. This is the last straw!)
el mundo es un pañuelo = lit. the world is a handkerchief. In other words, it's a small world.
andar de tapadura = act as a coverup....something Nieves is not going to do anymore
el perro más flaco del rancho = the poor picked on underdog. Beto's self-characterization
cachorro = cub, puppy
igualada sirvienta =uppity servant
capuchón = condom
arreglo = agreement, solution
mandilón= word to characterize man who's very accomodating with his woman

Dicho of the Day

Genio y figura hasta la sepultura You can't get a leopard to change his spots.

Question: Carlos thinks Connie is redeemable. If she is, this dicho is wrong, verdad? We shall see. Perhaps true love and a little Betito on the way will change her very ugly spots.


Amor Monday December 14, 2009: ENDA shoots to the top of the best cellar list

Friday: Carlota is all tied up in a cellar with Alonso, looking a bit nutsy himself, pouring some drink down her throat and generally gloating that he has found her out. She begs him to let her go, offering money (no thanks, he has plenty) and telling him to think of his wife and daughter (no fears, they’ll never find out) and offering maybe herself (no thanks, you make me want to puke).

How does it feel to be controlled by someone else, to have no power? He asks, smiling.

I don’t know how Carlota feels, but I’m feeling pretty great right now. On with tonight’s show:

Diana, who has unexpectedly dropped in on Orlando, says I just wanted to talk, is that so bad? Orlando says everything connected with you turns out bad. She comes on strong to him, caressing him, and he backs up. She says things between us have changed, our secret is out in the open, and there’s our son we have together. She smooches his hands and says she remembers all those hot times. She drops her jacket, revealing some shoulder. Poor Orlando is trying to fight her off, but suddenly it seems like she has thousand arms.

Orlando says You go shouting from the rooftops that Camila is a golfa, and look at you, you’re way worse. That does the job. Diana turns her back, arms folded, wounded. He says that the disrespect that Em has for you is even less than you deserve. He tells her to get out and she gits, spitting rancor as she goes.

Split screen of Camila at home, leaning on her suitcase, undecided, and Rafa packing his and sighing.

Inez is shyly walking with her secret admirer. It seems like he wants to have lunch together. She titters okay, but next time her place. Into this sweet little scene comes Diana running. She wants Inez to come eat with her, so she can talk, but Inez says she just promised Juancho. Diana says cancel. Juancho graciously says we can do it another time. Inez stands her ground and says I’m going to have lunch with Juancho and you can come talk afterwards.

Camila is ready to go and Orlando has come to pick her up. Romina tells them bye, and don’t forget to buy me all the stuff on my list. Orlando tells her the agent has the keys to her new place. Whoopie claps Romina. They say they don’t know how long they’ll be gone and off they go. Alone, Romina is ecstatic that she can play house alone with Em now.

Angelica is picking up papers from Orlando’s desk and finds the slim manila envelope that holds her book. In all these months in Real del Monte, it looks like she’s only managed to turn out a 50-pager. He didn’t even care enough to read it, she sighs. And wouldn’t you know, just then the phone rings and it’s that skunk Dario. Hey, he’s in Pachuca and can drive over for lunch. No need, says Angelica. He says oh, but you’re so important to me.

She tries to wave him off by saying she’s the only one in the office and she can’t leave. He says he’ll bring food and he’s dying to talk about her book. She caves and says okay, but make it short.

Oh boy, we’re back where we want to be, namely in a dark dank cellar where somebody has turned on a fog machine. Carlota says I’m not scared of you or anybody else. Alonso says shut up and listen, and the he begins to read her Arcadia’s letter about how Carlota did in Inaki.

We are treated to all kinds of effects, the late Arcadia in sort of a light blue fuzzy light doing an echoey voiceover of what she’s writing, the image hovering over Carlota, who says would you believe that low-life woman? Shut up! says Alonso again, and now he takes up reading. Soon it’s Arcadia’s voice again and we see a ghostly-colored reenactment of her trip to the market and how she saw Carlota buying something, and how she asked the seller what that herb was, and how she found out it could stop a person’s heart.

Chris rings Natalia's doorbell and she, in high strappy heels, a form-fitting dress and of course her tumbling curls, answers and hugs him in greeting. They go in, and a complete stranger, a man, stops on the sidewalk and asks himself out loud Who is that woman that Padre Chris is greeting so tenderly?

Another thing about Real del Monte: The people there talk to themselves. Out loud.

Romina is on the phone with Diana. She says she understands, but she feels split loyalties; it’s her mother and her mother-in-law after all. Plus she didn’t like that Diana used her wedding to air her grievances. Diana said she just couldn’t help it, it was making her blood boil. Romina says but didn’t you think it would create a problem between you and me? Diana says you mean you and Em don’t want to talk to me?

Romina says I can’t receive you in my mother’s house, and if Em doesn’t want to talk to you, that’s his decision. I really miss you, but if that’s what my husband says, that’s what I have to do. Diana says but I really need you. We can meet secretly. Romina says you know my situation with Em is delicate. But maybe with my mama gone, things’ll get better.

Gone? Where? Diana wants to know. With who? Romina says I don’t know how long she’ll be gone, but when she gets back, Em and I will be in the house Orlando got for us. A house??? Diana says. It’s wonderful says Romina, well, gotta go now, buh bye. She clicks off the phone while we hear Diana still ranting on the other end and saying If she went somewhere with Rafa, I’ll kill her.

Chris asks Natalia how things are going with the investigation into The Will. Natalia’s girlfriend Ivonne is there too, hanging out. Natalia says Alonso hasn’t had any luck so far. Chris says he hopes all this gets found out before he leaves. For where? asks Natalia. Chris doesn’t know yet. Natalia says it looks like they’ll be in Real del Monte a while, Alonso really likes it. Chris asks where he is, and Natalia says she hasn’t seen him since morning.

Paloma is visiting Licha, the girl who sniffed the paint thinner, in the hospital. Licha begs her not to drop her from the art class. Paloma says of course not, but you have to promise not to sniff any more art supplies. Licha says but I like to. Paloma says we have to work on that together. Well, says Paloma, I have to go because my aunt gets really cranky if I’m late for lunch.

Carlota says just because I bought some herb in the market doesn’t mean I poisoned anybody. Arcadia’s voice starts up and we have flashbacks of her going to Carlota’s house to blackmail her about Inaki’s death. Arcadia says she should have gone to the police, but she needed money.

Closeup of present-day Carlota grimacing like she’s going to bite someone.

Long-gone Arcadia continues: I didn’t realize what evil that woman is capable of. I am writing this letter in case anything happens to me. If it does, you’ll know she was responsible.

Alonso folds up the letter. He says to Carlota Is there anything you want to say before…
Before what? says Carlota.

Musica de suspenso! The violins scrape furiously. Greenish light darkly illuminates the basement. Alonso turns his back, then turns to approach Carlota, a small earthenware pitcher in his hand. He sneers.

Em is at the hospital desk, paying Licha’s bill. Paloma comes by and sees him. They chat a little about Licha being better, then Paloma says I understand you’re moving to your new home with Romina in a week. Em says yes, and I won’t be able to look across the street and see you every day.

Paloma says it’s painful to see you. Anyway, I don’t think the young girl you knew exists anymore. I don’t believe in happy endings anymore. The day you married Romina, I lost all my illusions. The girl who believed love conquers all has died.

I still love you, Em says. Paloma says but what use is that? Em says maybe one day we can be together again. Both are tearful by now, natch. Paloma says I don’t believe it. It’s happened to me twice now - first with Inaki who died the day of our wedding, and now this with you.

Em says our love will last forever. Paloma says you are beginning your new life, and I have to go make mine. Our love isn’t eternal.

Em is holding her face, caressing it lightly with his thumb when who should walk into the hospital but Gabriel because people in Real del Monte hang out at the hospital a lot. Maybe the cafeteria food is really cheap. He studies them thoughtfully. He’s not talking aloud to himself, or even thoughtbubbling, but I can read his mind. Say, he’s thinking, this might make a great subject for another swell drawing! I could even do it on velvet, maybe put some glitterglue for the teardrops.

Diana has materialized at Rafa’s office and is yelling at him for going out of town with Camila. Rafa retorts that he’s going to the ceramics convention in Valle de Bravo and no, Camila isn’t coming. Diana says I know Camila is going out of town and I’m not stupid. Rafa says she’s going to the U.S. with Orlando.

Ha! says Diana. Now you’re the one who got left for someone else. Rafa says get out. I’m tired of you putting on scenes. You’re not allowed in my office from now on.

Diana scoffs and points to her wedding ring. She says I’m you’re wife. Rafa says but you’re not anything at this factory, or for me. Get out!

Orlando and Camila are eating at a casual outdoor café overlooking a scenic parking lot. He tells her that Diana tried to seduce him, and that it was the second time. He wants her to know so she won’t feel bad about Diana, who’s the bad one in town, not her. Orlando thinks that Diana’s sending Em to Monterrey was the best thing that could have happened to him, so he wasn’t under her influence. Camila says maybe people are just born the way they are. She brought up Romina, but Romina’s very much like Samuel.

Orlando says maybe she’ll grow out of it. Camila is doubtful, but she hopes being a mother will change Romina.

Romina is walking along a tree-shaded sidewalk and runs into Lili, who snarks at her about not being on bed rest. Romina brags that she’s going to see her new house, and unfortunately she’s going to be her neighbor. But when she and Em have their second child, she’ll need a bigger house in a better neighborhood.

You won’t be having one with him, I assure you, snipes Lili. They trade insults. Lili tells Romina how bad pregnancy makes her look, her skin, her weight gain. Romina brushes by her, but looks doubtful.

Joel stops by the shop and tells Monica he’s leaving town for a while, but when he comes back, he wants to have a long talk with her.

Gabriel has brought Licha a drawing pad and a set of chalks to draw with. She is thrilled and tries one out. He points out that these don’t require thinner or any kind of chemical.

Paloma has come home and is astonished that Carlota isn’t there for lunch. Felipa doesn’t know where she is.

Back to the green-glowing cellar. Alonso pours some of his potion down Carlota’s throat. She struggles and says I didn’t kill him! Alonso pours more and says I know you did, and you have to pay for it. You’re going to feel just what he felt.

Carlota gasps and laughs. You should have seen how happy he was, she says. He thought he’d won, investigating the inheritance. He thought he’d vanquished me when he married Paloma.

A: Shut up!
C: That night he drank everything – everything! – that I gave him. That belladonna is great stuff and it doesn’t leave a clue.
A: You’re an evil woman.
C: Not evil, just a woman who always gets what she wants.
A: Well this time you’ve failed. How long will it take you to die? You’re going to suffer hours of terrible pains, of gasping for air.
C: Same as Inaki felt.
A: Rot in hell!

He leaves. Carlota struggles against her bonds.

It’s bright and sunny out, and Alonso has a nice white Mercedes. But he’s anguished. He leans on the car’s hood and, looking heavenward, tells Inaki that’s he’s avenged him. He covers his eyes and sobs.

Carlota has escaped! Chin down, her eyes shooting fire, she slowly sneaks up on him and wham! whaps him a powerful one on the back of the head with a big chunk of wood. He staggers and looks back at her.

Captions: Gritos. Ruidos.

Both reeling, they stare at each other like castmembers of the Night of the Living Dead. A truck drives by, and Carlota shoves Alonso in front of it.

Alonso is left on the street, one shoe off, blood pooling under his face. The truck driver jumps out, looks at him, and runs back to his truck and screeches off. Closeup of Carlota looking evil but also relieved.

Chris is leaving Natalia’s house. She has to go on an errand near the church, so can she walk with him? They both wonder where Alonso got to. Maybe his cell phone batteries died. Natalia says if he’s not home when she gets back, she’ll start to worry. Across the street, the same fellow who wondered aloud why Chris was so friendly with her is knocking on a door. He watches them leave together and asks himself what’s going on with them. We see he has a Madonna statue in his hands. Is that the same man who along with his wife gifted Chris with a statue the other day?

Paloma is remembering Mac giving her her pearl necklace and putting it on her. She remembers sobbing over Inaki dead in bed. How happy my mother was to give me this necklace, thinking that I would be happy with Inaki. And I wasn’t even able to find happiness with Emiliano.

German shows his new red convertible to Em, who says they must be paying him very well. German wants to take him for a spin, but Em says Romina’s not doing well and he has to stay with her. German teases him that now he’s married, he has a good reason to want to be at home.

Em says quite the opposite. He leaves as early as he can.

Dario and Angelica have finished up the sushi he brought. He wants to know when they can do it again, and she is unenthusiastic. He says give me a copy of your book and I’ll look at it, and then we can do dinner. Okay, she says wearily, and gets it for him. When she’s not looking, he gloats over the manuscript.

We see Gabriel returning to his studio when Don Eugenio calls. He says he’s transferred the money for Paloma’s paintings into Gabriel’s account and wants Gabriel to go get it out in cash and give it to Paloma. Gabriel says sure. Don Eugenio says keep me posted on her progress.

Paloma has given up on waiting for Carlota and tells Felipa that she’s going to go out and tell Carlota that she’ll be back. Felipa says Why don’t you like me? Paloma is surprised, as she was being very polite. Felipa says she knows Paloma is upset Rufi is gone. Paloma explains that it’s nothing to do with Felipa, it’s just that Rufi is like a grandmother to her and it’s not fair that Carlota let her go just because she asked for a few days off.

Felipa says how did you know? Paloma says I talked to Rufi. She’ll be back in a week. Felipa says and I’ll be out in the street. Paloma says I don’t know what will happen when Rufi comes back to town, but I do know that in two months (is that when her birthday is?) she and I will be moving out of town, and my aunt will need help in the house. Felipa beams. Gracias, señorita!

Señorita! Paloma repeats the word, surprised. I’m a señorita now and not la niña Paloma.

Edmundo is discussing Mac’s medication and Carlota with Rufi. He thinks a sister wouldn’t kill another sister, but that maybe she was trying to control how fast she got better. Rufi says Mac never could rely on her health, and so Carlota was able to control her.

Carlota is staggering along, clinging to a rock wall and dry heaving. A tax driver comes by and stops to help her. She says take me to a hospital!

Edmundo tells Rufi you better forget what you know about Mac and about Carlota, because if what you suspect is true, your own life is in danger. Rufi gasps.

The taxi driver brings Carlota to the hospital. The emergency staff set her in a wheelchair and a bunch of them run down the hall with her.

Paloma is visiting Dr. B. She asks him if Rufi can stay in his house. He says of course, and you too. Paloma says she can’t until she’s 18, but she’s so grateful about Rufi.

Back to the hospital: Carlota is starting to rave vaguely. The doctor says they’re going to pump her stomach. Carlota begs him repeatedly not to tell her family that she’s there. Don’t tell anyone!

Natalia comes home and Ivonne tells her Alonso hasn’t come back yet. Natalia is worried.

Paloma is in church asking God why bad things happen to good people, like her for example. What doesn’t she understand that she’s supposed to? Why does everyone she loves go away? Please don’t let her fall in love again.

Padre Chris comes by her pew and she tells him why she’s so sad. She’s holding the pearl necklace. He asks her where she got it. She says from her mother, her father gave it to her. Padre Chris says are you sure it’s from him? Paloma says it’s from the man my mother said was her true love, and she also told me I was born from love. My father was the only man she loved. Although maybe he didn’t love her the same way, or so it seemed when I saw him.

When I found this necklace this morning, it really came over me. I miss her so much and wish she could give me a hug. Chris says I’m here – can I give you a hug? Please, says Paloma, hug me as if you were my father. He does.

The doctor tells an improved Carlota that they got her just in time to avoid a heart attack. Her heart was racing. They are going to run tests to find out what she was poisoned with. I was poisoned? Says Carlota. The doctor says you told us so yourself. Who poisoned you?

Carlota turns her head away. Nobody. The doctor says don’t be afraid. I can call the police right now. Who was it?

Avances: Paloma wonders where Carlota is. Natalia wonders where Alonso is. The doctor says the police should be called and Carlota’s eyes open wide.


Sortilegio Monday December 14

Lisette and Maura are in the White Palace discussing why Maura is willing to pay so much to Erik for dirt on Bruno. It seems to boil down to her thinking she might get some grain of information that will help her get Alex back. As they are talking Erik calls and says he has some important news for her related to Bruno and Alex. He refuses to spill the dirt before he sees the money, and they arrange to meet at her house later.

Alex and Fer are trying to find a way to catch up to Bruno and the judge, but the agency has no one available to accompany them. Alex and Fer spin a tale about the 3 of them (Alex, Fer and Bruno) traveling around the world together, and if they don’t meet up with Bruno they’ll have to go on to Haiti and leave him behind. (What the heck kind of a tale is that??!?!?But Alex is obviously having to make it up on the spur of the moment, so the feebleness is understandable I guess.) Can’t she please help them? The travel agent is going to try and figure something out, and will call them the following afternoon to tell them what she has arranged. Despite Alex’s sigh of frustration, good looks and Gatsby-like beanie, they can’t get Senora Maya at the travel agency to move things along any faster.

Erik comes to the pink heart of the Maura’s white palace and they settle on a price of 700,000 pesos for the information he has for her. That’s about $55,000 – a chunk o’ change for dirt. Erik then tells Maura how Bruno got MariaJose to fall in love with him and married her using Alejandro’s name, though she didn’t know of his deceit.

Hernán and Victoria are out on a boating date, he looking like a chef in his white guayabera and chubby tummy and she looking wistful and is no doubt thinking of the distinctly un-chubby Fer. Hernán wonders why Alex left when the important trial date was coming up, and Victoria asks if he will support them by testifying that her husband was indeed in his right mind when he made his will. He assures he will because 1) it is true and 2) there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for her. He kisses her hand and gazes significantly into her eyes but she merely looks ill at ease (and it’s not seasickness). They toast with champagne. I’ve been following the Fer/Vicki/hernan love triangle discussion from last week and I have to agree that I don’t feel any chemistry between Fer and Vicki, perhaps because she is so solidly MATRONLY in her behaviour and the way she dresses – it’s hard to get past that. But the thing with Hernán is just gross, frankly. There’s something gucky about the idea of making love with him, or the idea of seeing the two of them locked in a passionate embrace.

In the meantime Ulises and Raquel are walking in lockstep through the apartment she has provided him with, their adorable matching ponytails practically bouncing in unison. He is assuring her that of course he is going to marry he. I almost (almost) manage to feel sorry for the poor girl; she must be so desperate if she can’t see the connection between the money and his promises. He nudges her out the door with the excuse that he has to make a business call. She agrees to go so that he won’t accuse her of being a harpy (“un martirio que está atrás de ti todo el tiempo), but leaves him with the charming threat that he better not let her down again or he can forget todo esto (pointing to their love nest). He reasserts that she is the only one he loves, practically shoves her out the door, heaves a big sigh and makes a call to Elena, Sandra's mother. We see that his t-shirt says “Killer Look” in big bold letters. Is this a message t-shirt, or simply a wardrobe choice?

He asks Elena if she’s had any news of Sandra, and she replies that she calls her from time to time but that Sandra doesn’t always answer. She can’t go see Sandra anytime soon because Jorge, her husband, is busy developing some new drugs. Ulises offers to go with her if she pays for the trip but she prefers to wait until Jorge can go with her, as he’s the only one who could convince Sandra to come back with her. Ulises says with a cocky grin that he would be able to convince her but Elena still turns down his offer. He asks after Don Porfirio and sends his regards, but Elena refuses to pass them along seeing as the two of them (Ulises and Porfirio) have never gotten along (nunca fuiste santo de su devoción). When he hangs up he curses her for not letting him get anywhere near Sandra, and says he has to find some way of separating Raquel and her money (estafarme de Raquel I think he says).

Erik is explaining to Maura that the reason MariaJose didn’t say anything about the fraudulent wedding is because Bruno threatened to have her father sent to prison due to his crooked business dealings. Maura wonders if Alex is aware of Pedro’s goings on and Erik says yes but – expressive shrug – he fell in love. Maura looks both pained and disgusted. Maura says she suspected there was something wrong there, and Erik offers her another equally interesting tidbit for a mere 100, 000 pesos (about $7800) more. She bites and he tells her that Alex went to find the judge who agreed to perform the fake marriage, with Bruno going after him to stop him – she can imagine why, right? (Does anyone else wonder why Erik continues to work with Bruno given all the money he is making on the side? With the money he made off of Gabriel, and now this he could set up his own little market stand and get out from under Bruno’s thumb.)

In the Dominican Republic, Alex wonders about renting a jeep and going on their own but Fer is not so sure it’s a good idea. They don’t know the roads, and Bruno’s got a big jump on them. They decide to spend their time wisely while they are waiting and visit the “Alcazar de Colón” In another QTF moment, Fer informs Alex this the first Gothic Renaissance structure in America, and off they go. QTF!?!?!? Where did that scene come from?

Back in Merida, Katia runs (yes runs) up to the chalet to find Roberto, hoping he will take her clubbing, and comes across a semi-drunk Raquel instead. They get into a spat, with Raquel telling Katia stop annoying her husband and Katia calling Raquel a bitter hag. The spat ends in a tie, with Raquel tossing the remains of her drink in Katia’s face, and Katia wiping it off and splashing it back onto Raquel.

Maura is telling Roberto what Erik has told her, which she acknowledges is basically a confirmation of what Raquel already told them. She says that she is confiding in him because she needs to talk about it and that, although Ulises is a good guy (Maura, I thought you were smarter than that. Evil,yes, but smart.) she doesn’t trust him. Roberto sums up the situation nicely: they are all in the Dominican republic, Bruno to kill the judge and Alex to stop him. Roberto wants to know why Maura is working so hard to get this information and says he doesn’t think Alex will leave MariaJose for her, especially not now that MJ is pregnant. She says she loves Alex and doesn’t want anything to happen to him, and acknowledges that Roberto is right when he says that she wants Alex’s thanks and hopes that he will go back to her some day. Roberto gives her his cell phone and tells her to call Alex and let him know what is going on.

In a restaurant Alex and Fer are stewing over how Bruno could have gotten to the DR ahead of them and wondering who could have told him. Could MariaJose have told Paula? Alex doesn’t think so. Alex’s cell phone rings. It’s Roberto, wondering how things are in the DR. Is there anyone who doesn’t know about their trip?!?! Roberto passes the phone to Maura, who tells him that Bruno is in the DR, but her attempt to ingratiate herself with Alex falls flat and he tells her he already knows. She sends him a kiss and hangs up, and it’s clever Roberto who once again stumbles across the truth – he thinks it must be Katia, who may have overheard a conversation between her brother and Alex, who told Bruno that Alex and Fer were going to the DR. Maura can hardly believe what a snake she is, but of course it takes a snake to recognize a snake.

Alas, I was hoping we would be spared a tour of the Alcazar but we’re obliged to sit through it. Isn’t William with his shirt off socially redeeming in and of itself? Do they have to subject us to this cultural tour? At least they keep it short.

Señora Maya has found a solution to Alex and Fer’s problems. There are no more tours at the agency this week and so she herself can accompany them. They will leave in a few hours but, as Fer reminds Alex, Bruno is a whole day ahead of them.

MariaJose and Victoria are sharing a girly girl talk in the office and MJ asks why Victoria doesn’t go for it with Fer. She says it’s because her position and social prestige depend on what people say and that people judge very harshly when an older woman has an affair with a younger man. Given all that’s going on with the trial and the revelations about her affair with Antonio while she was married to Samuel, news about an affair would be the straw that broke the camels back (la gota que termina derramando el vaso ie, the drop of water that causes the glass to overflow). All their stockholders and acquaintances would be against her.

Katia interrupts their chat, complaining that there is no one to take her out. Victoria won’t let her go alone and says that she doesn’t want to have to tell her brother that something happened to her. Katria snottily accuses her of only worrying because she wants to get in good with Fer and asks her if she’s not embarrassed to be going out with a younger man (or is it, she asks her, in an alarming image, that you like “fresh meat”). Victoria angrily asks her to have a little decency and Katia tells her before stalking out that if only decent people lived in the house it would be empty.

MariaJose goes after Katia to try and talk some sense into her (as if that’s likely- Katia and Bruno are tal para cual – two of a kind - and there’s no reasoning with either one of those monstrous egos). Back in the office the phone rings and it’s Fernando. A gasp and worry from Victoria, who chats with Fer while Katia is accusing MJ of offering her charms to Alex to get at his money. Paula charges up and tells her to leave her sister alone. (Yeah Paula. Sometimes her energy is a little misplaced but here she is right on. I love seeing those sisters defend each other in spite of all their arguing and disagreements.) Katia insults Paula in her turn, accusing her of living off of her impostor of a sister, and they get into a hair pulling match. In the fray MariaJose gets knocked aside but neither Paula nor Katia notice. Poor Ezequiel tries to separate them and is completely outclassed in this flyweight category; they push him to the side and continue the battle. Finally Felipa separates them by giving them both a slap, which I think was unfair to Paula. (Katia needs much more than the slap that feeble Felipa was able to give. She needs someone to crazy glue her mouth shut.)

Upstairs in the bedroom Hernán is pompously informing MariaJose that she really has to avoid situations like this one and think of the baby she’s expecting. As if she could have avoided the crazed Katia. Really, if Victoria ends up with Hernán it will be so annoying. Later, Victoria is walking Hernán out and he asks what is going on. She says she agreed to keep an eye on Katia for Fernando, but Katia is pretty rebellious and it’s harder than she thought. Hernán asks jealously why Fer is dragging her into his problems, but she cuts him right off. Hernán gets the hint and changes the subject to Alex and the upcoming trial: he is glad it’s being pushed back due to Alex’s absence because the delay will allow Victoria time to prepare for the coming brouhaha that will result from the trial

In the DR Alex has, thank God, changed the beanie for a straw panama hat and Fer is going hatless. Pretty bold of that blondie under all that sun. The Bobsey Twins and Señora Maya get into a van, Fer driving. I’ve gotten confused about the timing of this because it looked like the afternoon when Alex said they were going to leave in a few hours. It was nighttime when Fer called, at which point they still hadn’t left, and now it looks like day again when they get into the van. Have I missed something?

Various filler scenes of Mari giving a complaining Katia some work, Tomás helping Paula into the car to bring her to school, and Chucho singing in their market stall as Gabriel weaves and MariaJose paints pottery. Life goes on even when the boys are gone.

Bruno is berating the driver yet again about how long it’s taking to catch up to the judge. The driver says he reckons they can catch up to him at a nearby waterfall. Cut to the van that the Dynamic Duo and their sidekick Señora Maya are traveling in, and we discover via a phone call by Señora Maya to her office that they are now only a few hours behind Bruno and his driver, who have had to stop and rest. Madame Maya thinks they may be able to catch the group before they all get on the boat to the island. Alex comments that he can’t get any cell phone coverage and hasn’t been able to talk to his wife in days. Again I’m confused by the timing – wasn’t Fer just able to get through to Victoria the evening before?

MJ and Victoria comment that they haven’t heard from Alex for several days, and Vic says it must be due to poor cell phone coverage.

Bruno and his driver are pulling up to the dock as Alex and company are breaking down. Fer says he knows about floor mechanics, not car mechanics, and when Fer asks Alex if he knows about cars Alex gives him a what-the-hell-are-you-talking-about-hombre look. Back at Bruno’s point of departure Bruno asks why the tour stops there and his driver tells him it’s because there is beautiful scenery and a spectacular waterfall. Significant music plays and Bruno gets a look in his eye as he repeats, “waterfall?" and asks "How do I get there?” He runs off in the direction of the waterfall. Back with the Bobseys, Maya proposes that they "all" push the van until they find a town where someone might be mechanically inclined or they might find a mechanics shop. How far? Not far – 3-4 kilometers only. She hops in and they “all” begin to push which means that Lady Maya steers and urges the boys to push harder.

Someone we can only assume to be the judge is taking pictures of the water just above the falls and commenting to Bruno how great it was that he could come to see the beautiful sight. He turns and recognizes Bruno and has only time to sputter “no, no” before Bruno pushes him into the water; we see a body going over the falls. Bruno runs back into the jungle and we see a shot of the judge floating face up in the water, spread eagle with his eyes are closed. He doesn’t look merely stunned by the unexpected trip over the falls - he looks dead.

The driver of the tour bus finds Bruno shopping in the market and asks him if he’s seen Señor Romero. Bruno tells him that he looked and looked but wasn’t able to find him. The driver instructs everyone to go back to the bus. Thy are all sitting waiting when men come back with the news that Señor Romero has tragically fallen over the falls and died– a big surprise since it’s never happened before in such a safe place.

**Sorry - I may have missed a scene here.**

Victoria and Felipa are commenting on still not being able to get in touch with Alex when Cuco quivers and cowers: it's Raquel, and he senses the presence of great evil. Raquel says she hasn’t been around because of the presence of the two cats at the table, and I’m confused again. Cuco has fur like a Siamese but is clearly not a cat. Is Raquel referring to her sister in law and Felipa as cats? Why would she do this? Is this a big insult in Mexico? Anyway, she, like everyone else, wants to know where Alex and Bruno are but her mother puts her off with the standard line ‘Alex is in NY, I don’t know where Bruno is.” Raquel informs her mother that Bruno is no longer staying at the hotel, but nobody knows where he is living. Vicki asks Felipa to leave so that she can talk to Raquel alone. She then asks Raquel how serious her relationship with Ulises is, and Raquel tells her that they love each other. Victoria wonders what her young man does and Raquel tells her he is a businessman, but says she doesn’t get into his business and ask him what kind. Victoria says she should ask and Raquel raises a very good point: she knew what Roberto did, and he had a lot of money, but he ran through it all and now lives off of her. If she’s maintaining Ulises, well, at least it’s he loves her (Raquel, you poor deluded thing) and makes her happy, whereas Roberto doesn’t. As soon as the whole mess with the company is done with she’s going to divorce Robert and marry Ulises.

Roberto is clearly trying to hook up with two sisters in a bar. He is indeed a liberal fellow. Ulises comes up and asks if they can talk, and they walk off to the side. Ulises doesn’t like that Roberto is still angry with him, but Roberto insists that he’s not angry; he understands that that’s just how Ulises is. But still, Roberto has his limits: he knows Ulises needs the money but he shouldn’t have chosen Roberto's wife to become parasitically attached to when there are so many others around – like that one in Madrid, who has a lot more money than Raquel. Ulises acknowledges that yes, she's a possibility, but she’s a mess (es un relajo de chava) even though she is madly in love with him (I guess she’d have to be a mess to be madly in love with him). Roberto seems to see Ulises and the girl as a potentially perfect couple: why doesn’t Ulises go get her, bring her back, marry her and live happily ever after on her money. Ulises says it’s not that easy – he doesn’t have the money for the plane ticket to go get her, her mother doesn’t like him, and her grandfather, who holds the purses strings, can’t stand him. Roberto asks if Ulises will share her money with him if he, Roberto, pays for the plane ticket, and U says why not – they can share both the money and the woman. Roberto looks pensive rather than revolted. There is something so repellant and attractive about his character – he’s level-headed, recognizes he’s a parasite and tries to stay out of trouble – but also is willing to accept anything and EVERYTHING – nothing seems to shock his sensibilities. Is he really any worse than Ulises? Is this the modern metrosexual - so modern he can understand anything?

Maura refuses to pay “Mario Aguirre” a red cent (un cuerno) for his silence when he calls, and suggests that he get in touch with Alex. Mario immediately calls the Lombardo compound and when Ezequiel picks up he asks to talk to Alex or MariaJose. Always alert to trouble Ezequiel says they’re both gone but refuses to give any more information, though he does offer to take a message for them. Mario says he’ll think about it and hangs up, but Ezequiel gets his callback number from the phone. He swears that he’ll get him!

MariaJose is failing yet again to get in touch with Alex when Paula knocks on her door. MJ lies and tells Paula that she has in fact just talked to Alex and that he’ll back in about a week or so. She changes the subject by getting Paula to hold some yarn while she re-winds it into a ball (isn’t there a name for that activity?). Paula recounts all her frustrations to MJ: she’s getting bored just going back and forth from school to the house and wants to go out. She’d even be willing to go out with that snot (sangrona) Katia but Victoria won’t let them, and she doesn’t want anything to do with Don Pedro or Chucho, who are old, or with Gabriela or Meche, who are not only poverty stricken but also almost landed her in prison. She gets so worked up that by the end of the scene the yarn is wrapped around her neck in a tangled mess. MariaJose points out that she and Paula are no different from Gabriel and Meche - they did what they had to in order to survive.

Pedro and Chucho are commenting on how well the business is going and Meche wonders why Paula never comes by. Chucho comments she’s kind of a spoiled brat (engreída - similar to sangrona but not so slangy) and Gabriel, who is also winding up a ball of yarn, says he would like to meet her so that he and Meche can apologize for the problems they caused her.

A shirtless Alex and Fer are pushing the van along when Lady Maya waggles her hand out the window and says there’s an emergency - she has to go pee (useful vocab: hacer chis). As she is getting back in the van a car rolls up and the driver stops to help them. While the guys are looking manfully at the engine a truck comes by and also stops to help them. One of the passengers gets out because she wants a picture taken with the Alex, the shirtless wonder, and the bus driver gets out a tool kit. A spontaneous party forms and there is an impromptu street dance which looks like a heck of a lot of fun; they also manage to get the van started.

In the meantime, back at the dock, the authorities have given the tour group the OK to leave. Bruno says he’ll take the bus back to Santo Domingo rather than go on with the group.

Victoria is asking Ezequiel if he is sure it was Mario Aguirre on the phone, and he says that Mario himself gave his name. Felipa thinks this is really odd given that Bruno is nowhere around and they are all confounded at what is going on. Victoria proposes calling Mario, telling him that Alex wants to see him, and then going in Alex’s place. Felipa points out that this is madness (“uuy santa del dia de hoy” accompanied by a heavy sigh and a glance raised to the heavens), but Ezequiel offers to go along and take care of her. Felipa smirks and gives Ezquiel a little poke, which causes him to lose his balance; it’s clear he’s not up to protecting his lady. Felipa proposes that Victoria ask Roberto to accompany her, and Victoria looks quite taken with the idea, but before they can discuss it more Paula and MJ come down to join them for dinner and the idea is dropped.

As they go to dinner Victoria says that Alex has been subpoenaed to appear in court that week at the trial contesting the will, and everything will be delayed until he shows up. MariaJose manages to get through to him on the phone and tells him that the subpoenas are piling up and he needs to get back. She asks about Bruno and he tells her they don’t know what’s going on with him – he’s probably hiding out someplace behind his lawyers – but that he and Fer think they’ll be able to see the judge tomorrow. (When Fer asks why he lied about Bruno Alex says he doesn’t want to worry her.) Alex tells MJ that he hopes to get back in time for the trial but that he probably won’t be able to be in touch from the island and so she shouldn’t worry if she doesn’t hear from him. This, of course, is almost as fatal as saying “nothing can ever separate us, and in fact in the scenes for tomorrow we see Alex and Fer leaping from a burning boat, and Ezquiel telling Maura that they haven’t been able to track down Alex.


Monday, December 14, 2009

un Gancho al Corazón Mon.12/13/9 The Scent of a Beto

We begin with the last scene from Friday's presentation which Hombre described so well:

"Moni’s disgusted with Beto, lying there with Xime like an animal. An animal, maybe, but not an ugly animal, corrects Beto. Moni can’t believe it, first La Momia, now Xime, and she’s married. Xime finally speaks up – that doesn’t really count, she says. Moni says well, that’s your life, but Beto’s like my brother. Estre thinks Moni and Beto should talk alone, beckons Xime, your husband is waiting outside, remember? Oh, him, right, yeah, let’s go, as she pops up, and let’s not deny what I was doing, porfis. Estre is flabbergasted. You want to TELL Rolu? Xime has three answers, as that little pinky goes up to start the list. 1) Robi is divine, 2) You can’t imagine how happy I am, I’m eternally grateful and 3) thanks to Robi, my life is changing! She exits theatrically, with air kisses and an “Au revoir”, as Beto waves with a “Ciao, Xi!” Estre goes to check out the Rolu fireworks, and Moni crosses her arms for the Beto interrogation to come. Beto smiles weakly, coughs guiltily..."

Well, turns out that a group of little girls have abducted Rolu and are using his wheelchair, with him aboard to play race car with. He, however, actually seems to be enjoying himself. This is not the same old grumpy Rolu that I had come to know and love. Ximena interrupts his fun. Rolu insists on knowing what she has been up to. In her charming, indescribable fashion, she beats around the bush, at first maddeningly insinuating, using Estrella as a sounding board, dangling hints, and finally letting it slip out that Moni and Estre caught her and Robi in bed embracing, making like spoons... oops she catches herself allowing this juicy detail to intentionally slip from her lips.
Rolu is appalled by this disclosure. Ximy, not so secretly, gloats. Mission accomplished.

Meintras tanto Moni has latched onto Beto but Beto turns the tables and asks if she is jealous. She wonders how, if he was trying to fight for her affection, he falters at the first opportunity. He replies that it is because he is so much of a man, as he lifts his arm offering her a whiff of his manly aura.
I'm guessing that some of you were mildly put off by this scene, but it is vintage Beto. "Pure testosterone!" he boasts. But then he offers up that he has told her a thousand times that she is the one he wants and that if she will make the effort to love him again, he will be hers, "Body and soul." She tells him it ain't gonna happen. "Then, stop meddling in my life..." She replies,"You truly believe in God, right?" He looks perplexed.

Coni is is cogitating over the cloyingly sweet, hilarious public display of affection played out by Ximy and Beto in the restaurant, in which, by the way, Mao seems to be struggling to maintain a stern countenance. Her ruminations are interrupted by Jaqui. She is going out with Katia and invites Coni along. Coni, at this moment, is in no mood for much of anything but pouting. Jaqui commiserates. Pregnancy is difficult, especially at first, but things get better. Coni warns her not to let her secret out and Jaqui renews her vow of secrecy. "This is a very delicate matter," Coni reminds her. Jaqui agrees, "Having a child is always a delicate matter... especially when the father is not the husband." Good to see that Coni's mom is so supportive, much like a proud mother spider.

Back in the courtyard, Rolu is devastated by Ximena's unfaithfulness with Beto. She explains how when she is with Robi, something happens to her that is inexplicable. It's like the effect of a thousand strawberry daquiris. He insists that she ditch Beto and she counters that it's Rolu's fault that she strayed in the first place. He recognizes this and pledges his loyalty from now on. They reunite embracing and kissing sweetly and then she happily wheels him away. Awww! Estrella asks herself,"What bug could have bitten her?"

The mother/daughter arachnids continue their serious discussion. Jaqui wants to know when Coni plans to announce the news of her pregnancy to Mao. Coni will do it when she thinks the time is right. Jaqui reminds her there is not a lot of time remaining. She wants to know what is really troubling Coni. Why was she crying? She the answers her own question. It's that jackal that you're pining for, isn't it?" Coni denies this by protesting too much. She hates him and never wants to see him, or speak of him again...ever. "Now go!" We, every bit as well as Jaqui know this is a lie. "OK, I'm going but I hope you don't regret what you are doing. Coni looks so sad and forlorn.

Ivan has returned home and is warmly greeted by Teri. She is delighted to see him and regrets that she only gets to see him on Sundays. Well his job at the university has kept him very busy. He's here now and wants to take her out. She resist not wanting him to spend his money on her, however, surprise, now he has a new job, starting as a messenger... at Groupa Sermeño. He wants to prove to Mauricio that he is worthy of Luisa. What a nice surprise for Teri. He suggests that they go out to eat to celebrate and she agrees, but someplace cheap and first she must pretty herself up. "Tú me dices rana y yo brinco. (You say frog and I hop.)" He says. Huggies.

Mao and the kiddos are about to go out. Aldo suggests a football game. Dani doesn't want to go to a ball game, she prefers the circus. When Mao suggests an amusement park they all agree wholeheartedly. Just then Ivan walks up and Luisa's stunning brown eyes switch to high beam. She is suddenly glowing. Ivan requests permission from Mao to take Luisa with him, it should be OK since his grandma will be going along. Luisa switches those persuasive eyes to pleading-mode and aims them in Mao's direction. "¡Porfis!" she entreats.

He melts and yields. Mao turns to leave, Aldo gives him a friendly but firm brotherly caution, "¡La cuidas! (Take care of her!)." Luisa is radiantly ready.

Now we're at the park, Mao and Aldo confer with Dani over the map. She points and off they go. Well looky here who is also in the park. It's Pau and Cris flanked by...Moni and Estre. They too consult the map, then off they go as well. Hmmm, I wonder if the paths will cross.

Back at the castle Ivan is telling Luisa about the new job. She is happy for him (and I suspect herself as well). Teri is ready and looks marvelous. "¡Que guapatona!" Luisa correctly observes. Aldo tells Teri that Luisa will be joining them for dinner. "How nice, just be sure to stay where I can see you." Looks like the adults in this show have about the same amount of confidence in these two hormone-driven little bunny rabbits that I do. Well, here's a splash of cold water for our sweetly-lusting pair. It's the Conster, herself, and she proceeds to rain all over this happy parade. Nope, Luisa is going nowhere. "Mauricio said we could!" "Yes, well I'm your adopted mom and I say no." Teri tries to intercede, but Coni retorts,"No is no!" "I hate you you witch!" erupts Louisa. This spontaneous outburst is rewarded with an equally spontaneous slap from Coni. Teri looks on aghast. Ivan clinches his fist and glowers as Teri restrains him. Coni seems pleased that she has been able to bring a little misery into someone else's day.

We abandon the unpleasantness at the manse for the happier confines of the park. Dani wants to ride in the little spinning cars and escoted over to them by big brother. Mao ambles over to a food vendor he asks if he has esquites con túetano. "No señor." "I thought so, anyway give me one." I have no clue what he's buying. "All the way?" "Yes." He takes his over to a bench and takes a seat. Who wants to guess who has taken a seat on the bench directly behind facing in the opposite direction? How cute and ironic is this? Moni and Mao are sitting back to back, almost touching, enjoying the same treat.
Back at the manor the unpleasantness continues unabated. Luisa, her eyes now glowing with a smoldering hate (Did I just say that? Gack!), holding her cheek,
lashes out at Coni, Coni lashes back, Teri speaks up and is repelled. Ivan lashes out at Coni, Coni smacks him down, having mustered up more spunk, Teri sternly whimpers a complaint brushed quickly away by a defiant Coni who then banishes Luisa to her room. Coni then advises Terri that she is prohibited from having visitors in the parlor and to use the service entrance rather than the front door. Uuuh!

Coni, predictably, bursts in on Luisa who is, predictably, dialing the phone. She snatches the phone, jerking the cord from the wall. Hey watch the lamp! She shouts. Luisa offers up pleading mixed with shouting. Coni shouts some more, reminding her that she is the mom. The judge says so. I'm hating this. Mercifully Coni leaves. Those beautiful adolescent brown eyes melt into grief, she tosses a!

Ah jeez, a downer conversation between Teri and Ivan. He rants and complains, "She hit her. We should report her for abusing minors." Teri points out that once Coni gives Mao the divorce, all will be well. He mutters a threat for Coni but Teri counsels against such thinking. Patience.

Fun in the park. Pau and Cris, Esre and Moni, are on an anemic looking roller coaster, but hey! They're having fun. Mau and Dani are sharing a bumper car, Aldo has his own. More fun.

Well this is just great. More maudlin musings between Terri and Ivan. He whines... She consoles. "Tell Luisa I love her."!

In the park, Aldo reunites with Mao and Dani after a breathtaking ride. He offers to get Dani a soda and off they run. Then... BAM! Estrella runs headlong into him. Why, at this point, Am I worried that Dani may be forgotten for the moment?

Now Teri is consoling Luisa. Luisa's eyes are mostly sad now. Now she's been banished to her room for like what, fifteen, maybe twenty minutes? She whines that she feels like a prisoner. Gee, I would have thought that the Hell-school would have toughened her up a little more than this. Teri counsels patience here as well. Luisa wishes Coni... dead. Teri discourages this kind of talk. Patience.

Now who could have predicted this? Cristian and Paula are settling into a dangerous looking ride as Pau spots Groupo Sermeño settling into a seat on the same ride. Then, compounding coincidences, the seat he has taken is squarely adjacent to one occupied by... Moni! Well, you could knock me over with a feather. Them too, from their astonished looks. "¡Mauricio!" "¡Valentina!"

More consolation for Luisa from Teri. An excerpt, "Coni's gonna reap what she sows." Uuuh. They are joined by Coni, who has realized that she has not spread her quota of misery for the day. She yells at Teri, spewing familiar venom, then kicks her out. She then turns on her daughter ,"What? do you have something to say about it?" As beautiful as she is, Coni is becoming a bit of a downer.

Mao and Moni exchange pleasantries waiting for the ride to begin. Cris expresses a bit of trepidation but is reassured by Pau, "Breathe, breathe, you'll enjoy it." Uh... thanks. The ride commences. It is robust. Actually, downright scary. Good luck Cris!

Thank goodness, Dani is not being neglected. Estrella greets and hugs her. She then wonders aloud if Aldo doesn't have his concerns about her and the Fury. He is amazingly non-chaulant giving her a chaste kiss on the cheek. She seems a little perplexed by his newly found swagger.

Salvador is in the cosmetics department of a department store learning about various anti-aging products. He finally decides to buy everything he has been shown, when who should appear but Jaqui and Katia. Jaqui asks if he is buying these things for Gabi. "Uh...yeah...that's it." He is mildly embarrassed, but to his credit, he completes the purchase following the clerk as she finishes the transaction and bags up his potions. Katia reproaches her mom for being so forward and flirtatious. Jaque responds that he is merely a friend. Besides, he's in love with another woman. Of course he would be perfect for her. "You never know. He could be your next dad." Salvador has invited them to dine with him and Katia is mildly put off as Jaqui links arms with him and leads him off.

Gabi, looking downright gorgeous with her hair pulled back in a severe bun is talking on the phone with a desperate sounding Jero.
He is trying to enlist Gaby's help in regaining Jaqui back from Sal.She is not interested in joining him inany kind of venture. He confides that he is so distraught that he is considering suicide. She suggests that he take advantage of that urge and leap off his balcony. It would do the rest of the world a great favor. Whoa! That is really cold. She has been busy making preparations for a guest. The doorbell rings, "Gotta go now, bye," she abruptly terminates her conversation with Jero to answer the door. It's Marlon Brando. Well, this guy looks like him, anyway. So this is the escort she ordered? looks like he will do nicely.

Aldo asks Estrella about her relationship with the Masked Fury. She should be able to confide in him since they are friends and all. She wonders what sort of game he is playing. They are joined by M&M who are strolling arm in arm. Dani is thrilled to see her Monita. Monita also is genuinely moved and drops to her knees to hug and nuzzle with little Dani. "I've missed you so much, Monita!" Moni has missed her as well. Awww!

Cris is hurrying to check in with his commander and Pau, who, let me say right here, looks absolutely fabulous in tight blue jeans (she would've been a hit in Gilley's in the old days), manages to wrestle him back. Sheis wanting another go at that frightening ride that takes it's passengers to dizzying heights turning them upside down in the process. Good luck Cris!

We once again join with the cougarette and her puppy. She thinks he has lusty motives but he observes the shear coincidence of the family trip to the park. Estrella is dubious. Dani wants to ride the carrousel again, this time with Moni and Mao. Monita recalls that she and Mao aren't supposed to be together. ¡Por favor, Sweetheart! Estrella points out that Coni isn't here and Dani won't tell, "Will you?" "¡No!" Even Aldo gives his permission. Thanks sport. Off the three of them scurry. Don't want to miss the carrousel. Aldo turns to Estrella and offers to accompany her back to Cris and Pau. "Then I'll go for a walk... alone."

Gabi is entertaining as well as sizing up her Rent-a-Hunk. She asks his name. Hey! Neato! She gets to name him. She names him David. He really needs to button his shirt. She is very much in control. What a confident woman. She asks him to stand and let her get a good look. She doesn't seem bothered that he hasn't buttoned his shirt. He tells her that if she's seeking perversions, he will give her another number. She is amused that he is the one who seems nervous. She offers him botañas and pours him a glass of wine (red) and sits down to go over his job description. This has distinct possibilities. Pobre de Salvador.

On the carousel, M&M share deep thoughts and a!



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