Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Corazon Salvaje Wed. 3/17 - What Didn’t They Know and When Didn’t They Know It, Or Did They...

Review/Preview: Juan and Aimee tryst with passion, Regina and Aimee fight with even more passion. Regina tells Renato she loves him???

What they didn’t know: Juan still doesn’t know who he is seducing and Gabriel doesn’t know who he is trying to seduce,

Regina wants Aimee to reflect, ha, proof that she is halucinating. We have a pact that you swore to make Renato happy. Aimee counters with, I realize (doy cuenta) you are jealous because Renato prefers me. I will never realize my dreams, cries Regina while Aim smirks. Outside the twins’ bedroom, Renato wants to know where his saintly mother is, Rosenda goes to find her while actually knowing where she is. Clemencia comes down muttering, dios mio dios mio Renato cannot believe that his mother is asleep and not up wringing her hands in anguish for the missing Aimee, where ever has she gone. Rosenda finds Leonarda’s bedroom is empty just as Leo slips in down below saying she was in the office (despacho) while fixing her love-tangled hair. Feigning hot passion can be hard work, guys!

The sisters aren’t finished, What bothers you most, that the men are fixated with me? Even though we are identica, the men prefer ME Renato prefers me and you can’t stand it. Regina slaps Aimee pulls hair and a great girlee melee as only twins can manage breaks out.

Santos is found hanging upside down from a tree.

Aimee declares in front of Leonarda that she cannot stand Regina and blames her for everything. Her fit is working very nicely establishing her way when Leonarda spots the camellias She stomps them into the floor and blames Clemencia for these hateful flowers. No one seems to notice that her fury over flowers is out of hand.

Rosario in her squalid cave room cries over the flowers, oh hell she cries over everything anyway..

Santo comes to says he is hungry and Juan screams, he’s alive! he kisses his friends bloody face, so glad he survived.

Leo says the girls argue over such unimportant things as she sips her liquor in crystal with her son. Renato tells her about the fight his papa and Rodrigo had over forgiveness and piety.

Rod and Noel fight over the bastardo (aka Juan) and Noel declares his intention to follow through with his promise to make things right.

Santo tells Juan who beat him and Juan swears revenge, sheesh, he always swears revenge.

Aimee says she is worried that Regina is a nervous mess and Renato says she is admirable and strong. Aimee, offended that the attention is wandering from her, Why didn't you pick her then ? Well event thought she is enchanting and perfect, my heart rests with you. You are tender, sensible, exuberant as only a girl of this earth can be.

Regina and the heavenly voice she writes of her paint and destiny and her pain in her diary . He heart will cry out that I love him. She loves him with all her soul.

Aimee draws words of love out of Renato. He will lover until one day if she betrays him and his anger breaks out that he would kill whoever caused her to betray him. She tells him to be tranquil and hugs looking pensive of what is to come.

Juan accosts “Price Gouger Guy” (Thanks 5 ft Latina, I can’t figure out his name either) in his office

Renato sees Juan’s adopted brother that Arcadio is always menacing, telling him that he is grateful that he came to Aimee’s rescue. and from now on he will have more responsibility. Arcadio with his best Johnny Cash disheveled pout looks sullen from behind the corn husks.

Aimee confides to Leonarda that Renato is so good and so noble She tells Leo she needs more time and doesn’t want to hurt Renato but she wants to get away from the finca by the sea and the mostly the unrelenting pressure. Feigning closeness, Aimee says she wishes Leo had been her mother. Just as Leonarda is breaking into a smile at this flattery, Rodrigo come up to tell Leo that Aimee will return to the port with him, to give her time to get prepared for wedding And to slow down her nightly maurauding, no doubt. Leo gripes, you always find reasons to get far form me, errr I mean, US. Don’t say that, don’t exaggerate . They decide that Regina is the real problem and he give Leo permission to discipline and punish her however she sees fit. Leo looks placated with the thought of inflicting punishment... HE is sure Regina will come to her senses and agree to marry Federico that fine and proper young man. He goes off and Leo cries that he is abandoning her again.

Aimee packs. and says she has no resentment (rencor) for Regina and you know why? because I feel sad (pena) for you. Pain sweeps across Regina face.
Regina only wants her to keep her promise and make him happy. She tells her of leaving with their father to return to the port and Regina wants to know if she will actually take herself away from Juan de Diablo. [Ed. note, my spell checker just inserted Juan Doable here, isn’t it fun when spellchecker shows such irony.] Rodrigo enters the room asking to speak to Regina alone, When the smirking Aimee retires, He avers that of course he loves her, a father always loves his kids. End of sweet nothings that took him days to come up with, he goes on: He is not going to put up with her stubborn refusal. She will have to stay at the finca to recuperate and reflect on being obedient He is doing his fatherly duty.

Madelena and Felipe plan or Felipe presents his plans of entertainments, Madelena hesitates, ..And my daughter. and Felipe encourages her to stay and put on a show, When she capitulates, Felipe is all ballet toes across the room and out the door. She wonders what her daughter will really think when she realizes Madelena is her mother.

Rosenda plays a dangerous game with Arcadio she knows of his trysts with Leo and other secrets he keeps He tells her she is playing with fire. and throw her on the hay but doesn't jump on her. She says knowingly that she has the upper hand.

Regina tells Clemencia that she is suffering to obey her father and still doesn’t want to marry when Federico doesn’t love her and she certainly does not love him. It is so hard to be close to Renato. Clemencia unwisely tells her to arm herself with valor and tell him how she really feels. Regina, who actually has good sense, says, No, he is engaged to her sister so she wants to leave the finca in order to not fall into temptation. Clem says she knows that Renato is not going to be happy at the side of Aimee. Rosenda ushers in the handsome young doctor. To his query about how she is coming along, she sighs that, she is mortified and her heart suffers. She says too much mortifies her. He listens to her suffering heart with tender use of his stethoscope. He doesn’t like her so, and says she should go out in the sun to enjoy life. Happiness is the best medicine for the soul. Angels sing (well really the church choir) and Clem and Doc smile.

Renato comes to tell Regina that they will follow doctor’s orders and he will take her out in the sun on a photo shoot.

Juan strings up the Price Gouger with a rope. Juan and fisher friend fight over whether to kick out the chair or not. His fisher friend doesn’t want to kill gouger guy, no way.

Renato drives out to the field chirping cheerfully about spring planting and her getting better, impulsively Regina confesses her love to Renato’s surprised look. Oh Clemencia what false hopes you gave the girl.

Renato I love you... like a friend, like the sister you never had. I love that you worry for my happiness like I worry for yours. Great save when she saw the shocked reaction of Renato to her confession.

Juan’s fisher friend cuts through the rope and gouger guy barely breaths as he lies on the floor. Juan tells GG, he has his fisher friend to thank for his life and he better be clear that he himself could change his mind.

Renato looks a little relieved and says always Regina has been his best, best friend and such an enchanted but elevated lady that he was a bit intimidated by her. Do you actually want a worldly love? She says more than you can imagine. You have always been more spiritual than I, he points out, but I cannot pretend this, can you accept it. When the one who loves you is not the right one to love. I will look out for and help you. He promises to always be her best friend, no her brother She repeats my brother my best friend. Sheesh, pitiful consolation prize, says her face...

Noel gets the best lineof the night. Leonarda and Noel argue about the struggles of the young people. He supports their right to find love and happiness, She sneeringly, says what do you know of love?. He counters with, Thanks to you I know nothing. He tells her that she has a love for Renato that is more about her and expects that his love choice will keep her near who she really wants to be near while he will fight to help his son find real love, no matter what she says. She reflects that she doesn't much care if Renato ends up staying at her side and much less Aimee.

Back at Puerto de Alvarado again, Aimee dances in front of the mirror holding her new aqua velvet gown. She feels free, free and especially free of Regina. Now she can see Juan without the observation and most important the interference of anyone.

Juan and his fisher friend argue over whether they are murderers like price gouger guy. Fisher friend recalls that Juan’s father wouldn't like these tactics. Juan takes issue, saying his father died from being a good man. But, he is full of revenge!

Rodrigo talks at young handsome Doc that Regina is only pretending to be sick for the drama and attention. YH Doc couldn't agree less that her melancholy comes from something very real. Rodrigo, ever the mean man, recalls that her mother, Constanza was weak and always imagined dreadful things in her lethargy as she slipped away from them. Unfortunately, YH Doc thinks she is just like her Mama. Cruel faced Rod really doesn’t like this Are we seeing a glimpse of why Rod is so mean to Regina, she does so resemble her lovely mother. YH Doc continues, She need protection and care and if she doesn’t get it, she won’t get well and he will lose his daughter. Are wee seeing a medical crush develop here? Rod is not moved to compassion as far as we can see.

Clemencia and Regina discuss the “confession that wasn’t” to Renato and Regina says she needs to get away. When the camera pans, we see that Regina is back in the huge nun habit packing her tiny bag, muttering that she needs to be as far form Renato as possible.

On the beach, Santo cries out as the villager fisher friends dab his wounds with rags as he yells. The kid goes off to search for a promised super herb. The fisher friend can’t believe how bitter Juan is.

Rodrigo replays the doctor’s warning about needing love, care and compassion for his daughter.

The scampy Aimee comes to the parlor assuring her father she is going off to meet old school friends from her infancy. She needs to reestablish contact with them.

Juan talks to his father’s grave and tells him he has to stay bitter and strong (like great coffee?) when he finally meet up with the Montes de Ocas.

Aimee saunters on the beach with her friends. While Juan sails on his ship, steering then swimming as he replays his father's dying words that he must revenge his mother’s death and ill-treatment against the Montes de Ocas. There will be now exceptions, he will hate all of them. Thus foreshadowing a great discovery soon.

Regina fights off the deprecating interference of Leonarda as Regina insists that she is owner of her own acts as of today. Don’t try to interfere with my path. Nasty aunty Leonarda snaps back, NO wonder your father prefers Aimee, she is so much more agreeable. Regina retorts, He always pardons her excesses for sure. What does that mean says Leo?

Next back to the Estrella/ gypsy Jimena taunting Gabriel where she gives him more veiled kisses even though he thinks Estrella has betrayed him and broken his heart, oh yes. and Juan has found his way off the ship and into Aimee's bedroom where he clutches her and then threatens that he is ready to declare his love to her father. Oh no....


El Clon, Wed,. March 17- Nariza and Jade get bad new about marriages; the coffee grounds are cryptic again

We open with an awkward encounter at the Albieri house. Albieri's explanation of why Dora is staying at their house is that she rented her apartment and can't break the lease. Luisa concludes that Albieri has the hots for Dora. No one (except Albieri) understands what is so special about Dora's pregnancy.

Now we get an idea about what's going on with Marisa. She tells Rosa that she is going to get married in the Vizcaya Palace and all of Miami will remember her wedding. Rosa says that she couldn't find another man like Lucas. Marisa says that Lucas wouldn't find a classy, decent and smart girl like her that easily either. Then Rosa says to Marisa that if Diego hadn't died, she would be marrying him. "Who knows?" replies Marisa and then to herself, "Either way I'd be marrying a Ferrer." So if we had any doubt, now we know that Marisa is gold digger and doesn't care about Lucas.

Lucas runs into Cristina on the beach. She asks why he is pretending to be Lucas. Lucas says that Diego was stronger than he and when he puts on Diego's clothes and pretends to be him, he feels more secure and things work out better. He tells her that he is getting married. Cristina assumes that it is Jade and when Lucas tells her that he's marrying Diego's girlfriend, she tells him not to do it. She says that he is renouncing his own life to step into Diego's shoes and they don't fit. He loves Jade. So Cristina goes from bimbo to wise woman and Marisa goes from bereaved girlfriend to scheming mercenary.

Nariza tells Jade that her 'temporary fiance' is coming to ask Said to consent to the arrangement. She and Jade go out at 4 in the morning to cook suhoor at Ali's house. This is the meal eaten before dawn during the fast of Ramadan.

At Ali's house, Zoraida asks Jade why Nariza is smiling so much. Jade explains that Nariza is getting married.
A guy brings the future temporary husband to Said's house. It appears that he is a businessman from Teheran who is staying in Fez for a year. Things go swimmingly until the guy reveals that he wants a 1 year temporary marriage and that Nariza was ok with that. Said and Ali are impactado.

Luisa accuses Albieri of bringing his mistress, Dora, into their house. Naturally, Luisa does not believe or understand the 'professional reasons' that Albieri claims are his motive for having her stay at the house. Albieri then claims that Dora's pregnancy may have problems because he didn't feel well when he fertilized her egg. 'So you're worried about it now, halfway through the pregnancy and not before?' says Luisa sarcastically. Albieri can't think up any more pathetic excuses so he leaves his furious wife alone with Dora. [We're halfway through the pregnancy? Didn't Dora just find out she was pregnant?]

Dora comes out of her room and when she realizes that Luisa thinks that she and Albieri are an item, she says that she will leave and apologizes for causing trouble.

Said and Ali return to Ali's house and summon Nariza. She tells Zoraida and Jade that Allah had a different fate in store for her than to be a dried up old maid. She flounces out. Jade and Zoraida giggle.

Said tells Nazira that there has never been a temporary marriage in their family and he isn't going to allow one now. Nariza says that the religion permits it but Said responds that he won't permit it. Nariza loses it. She describes for the nth time the sacrifices that she made for her brothers and then says that if she going to be this unhappy, Allah can take her now.

Dora ends up where else? At Cristina's. She is on her way out on a date but she makes Dora welcome.

When he returns home, Albieri is upset that Luisa has let Dora leave. Albeiri is so vehement that he has to observe the progress of Dora's pregnancy every day that Luisa is afraid that he will leave her if she doesn't let Dora return. Albieri swears that he wouldn't risk his reputation by getting involved with another woman [note that he doesn't says that he wouldn't hurt Luisa by doing that]. Luisa agrees to have Dora return.

Of all the shops in Miami, Vicki and a friend are in Mohamed's place of business. They are talking about the Lucas' wedding and saying his last name just so Latifa, who is in the shop, will know who they are talking about. Latifa immediately calls Zoraida to pass the news along and she tells Jade. Jade is devastated. Ali says that she thought that Lucas was in love with her and he didn't even suffer. He tells her that Ramadan is about controlling emotions and passions and this is what Allah is teaching her. Jade tells Zoraida that she has to find out whether Lucas is marrying Marisa.

Leo tells Lucas that he has to go with a sheik (jeque) to a slaughterhouse to learn about that part of the business. He explains to Lucas that meat slaughtered for Muslims and Jews has to be done in accordance with religious rituals. He needs to learn about this part of Leo's business.

Ali and Said are watching the sun setting and say that they can eat now. (They refer to this meal as suhoor but the evening meal in Ramadan is called Iftar.)

At Ali's house, Nariza is sulking and says that she won't eat. She wants to die. When she is alone, she takes what looks like a cheese and cracker out of her veil and eats it. No real suffering for Nariza.
Cristina and her new boyfriend come to the same bar as Leo (of course). The important part of this exchange is that Leo tells Cristina that he doesn't have a new girlfriend and never will again. 'Does this mean you still love me?' asks Cristina. Leo doesn't answer and Cristina has to leave and calm her jealous boyfriend before she gets an answer. They argue in the car and Cristina leaves saying that Leo was nice to her.

Albieri is upset to find out that Dora is staying with Cristina. He says that Cristina almost married Leo and she knows Lucas. Naturally, Luisa has no idea why that fact would make Dora staying with Cristina such a problem. [If Albieri didn't want Dora around people who know Lucas, he should have let her go to New York. Does he think that someone who knows Lucas as an adult will recognize a newborn?] When Luisa tells Albieri that Dora went dancing, he goes ballistic and leaves the house.

Dora is dancing and Osvaldo is in the club. All of a sudden in comes Albieri and drags her out. She asks what is going on with him. He says that it is important that he be there when her baby is born. He says that she and her baby may be in grave danger if he isn't present when she gives birth. Now that Albieri has told her that there is might be a problem with her pregnancy, Dora doesn't want anything to do with him. He tries to drag her away but she calls for help and Vicki comes out of the club and Albieri runs away.

At Ali's house, Abdul and Ali are telling a bunch of children the story of Ramadan while the servants put food out. Said sits next to Jade and says that next Ramadan their child will be sitting there. [Said is a little optimistic there. If Jade got pregnant right away, the child would only be 3 mos. old next Ramadan.] Jade is even less encouraging. She says that she may not be able to have children and it would be ok with her if Said took another wife. Said says that he will never do that.

Ali offers Nariza a gazelle horn [I assume this is a pastry like an elephant's ear, not a real gazelle horn]. She hastily wipes crumbs off her face from her secret food stash and says that she is too unhappy to eat. Ali says that she lost a fiance but maybe Allah has something better in store for her. Hopeful, she takes the food. Watching this, Said tells Zoraida that only Ali could control Nariza. Jade slips out of the room.
Jade calls Lucas' house. [Doesn't he have a cell phone?] Rosa answers. She lies and says that Lucas is out with his girlfriend. Jade is impactada. Lucas is suspicious but Rosa says that the call was for Leo and suggests that it was Cristina. She gives Marisa a wink.

Cristina goes back to the bar looking for Leo but he has gone.

Jade daydreams about Lucas. Zoraida tells Jade that she saw her go out of the room and call Lucas. She warns Jade to be careful. Her fate is in the hands of Abdul and Nariza. They could have her whipped or stoned for a man who is marrying someone else. Jade says that women have more freedom now. Zoraida tells her that they are far from the capital and Abdul could do as he pleased and no one could interfere. Jade says that she is getting a divorce. If she can't marry the man she wants to, she won't marry anyone. Zoraida says that getting a divorce is not as easy as buying fruit in the market and expresses pity for Said. 'Poor Said!' snaps Jade, 'What about me?'

The sun sets over the desert and the moon rises and it appears months have passed since now Dora is two weeks from delivery. She says that she is all ready when the day comes but not so much when the day comes early. She is walking around in some deserted residential neighborhood and starts to go into labor. No cell phone. She screams and presumably far away Rosa wakes up suddenly. When she gets herself a glass of water, she runs into Lucas. It appears that this is his wedding day. She tells him that she dreamed about Diego. She wishes that Diego could be reincarnated and she could hold him again in her arms as a baby.

Back in Morocco, Ali is (still) teaching children and says that only God can create life. Jade asks Zoraida to read her fortune in the coffee grounds.

Dora finds a taxi.

Zoraida reads the coffee grounds. Since this is cryptic, I'll just translate the whole thing.

Z: I see a man. It must be Lucas because he's from the heart. You two will meet again but I don't know if it will be in this life or the next. You will meet when both the past and future exist at the same time. How can the past and the future exist at the same time? The Final Judgment. I think you will meet on the Day of Judgment.
J: Ah Zoraida. Why do you always get it right with everyone else but not with me? I want to know if I will succeed in living my life the way I want to. Will I be able to run away?
Z: The only thing I see clearly is that you will be confused [you aren't alone in that]. You will be divided between a man who is in the mirror (dentro lo espejo) and another who is outside the mirror (fuera lo espejo).
J: I don't understand anything, Zoraida. What are you saying?
Z: The only thing I know is that the mystery deals with a mirror. The storm that is shaking your life is related to an image reflected in a mirror.
As one would expect, Jade is less than satisfied with this.

In the taxi, Dora has flashbacks to Albieri telling her that she and her baby are in danger if he isn't present when she gives birth. She borrows the cabbie's cell phone and calls Albieri.

The credits roll.


El Clon #22, 3/16, I keep expecting Johnny Depp, because I’m sure this is Wonderland.

Telenovelas are supposed to carry us into another world. Tonight’s episode achieves that goal. It carries us into a world where logic and reason are as rare as flat-chested actresses. Fasten your beanies. It’s going to be a bumpy night.

Lucas tells Leo that he’s ready to start working at the company, and Leo is stunned silent. Leo is always stunned silent. I think if he got laryngitis, no one would know it. Lucas says, “What’s the matter, Papa, don’t you want me to fill the space left by Diego? From now on I’ll be the son you always wanted.” The boy who couldn’t decide which socks to wear is suddenly ready to throw himself into a career he despises. Tighten your beanie.

Luisa and Sylvia are trying to figure out why Albieri is acting so strangely. Speaking of the King of Clon, he walks in and asks Sylvia into his office. He tells her that she will go to work for Betty Brown in London, starting ASAP. Even though Betty never talked to Sylvia about it. Even though Sylvia is apparently the only MD at the clinic. Makes perfect sense. Tighten your beanie.

Sylvia does find it strange. She tells Julio she can’t help thinking Albieri wants to get rid of her. Julio suggests that Albieri is acting strangely because he doesn’t want to interfere with this great opportunity, but he doesn’t want to lose Sylvia. Personally I think Albieri is acting strangely because when he works past midnight, a strange blue light shines on him from nowhere, and Toccata and Fugue in D Minor plays in the background. He’s obviously Dr. Frankenstein.

Cristina is walking with her coffee order, when an eligible bachelor named Jorge “accidentally” knocks into her and her coffee falls. Somehow he is neither surprised nor disturbed by the “accident,” and he already has his introduction, charm, and pick-up lines ready at hand. He wears a coffee-colored shirt so that he can pull the same stunt twice in one day without changing shirts. Enrique happens to be at that exact café at that exact time to witness it. Tighten your beanie.

Cristina goes home and tells Vicky she’s met the man of her dreams. Vicky’s own dreams are assisted by the magazine she’s flipping through, full of men with oiled pec’s and skimpy Speedos. But she only buys that magazine for the meatloaf recipes. Or was it beefcake? Vicky warns Cris, “You don’t know if he’s a murderer, or married, or has chokum chingus (that’s Korean for “little friends,” a slang term for crabs).” Enrique tells Leo what he saw. Leo is rude to him as usual. Alone, Leo remembers intimate moments with Cristina and looks pensive. Again.

Jade tells Zoraida she wants to be devuelta (returned to her family); how can she get Said to do that? She wants to be a single career woman. Zoraida says she’s nuts. With no education she’ll end up being somebody’s maid. But with a husband, soon she’ll have children to keep her busy and happy. Jade says she’s not going to have children by Said, since she’s taking something to keep from getting pregnant. Zoraida is scandalized. Z demonstrates once again that she and Ali are the only ones with common sense. She reminds Jade that Lucas, the one getting in the way of a happy marriage, is the one who made Jade a ton of promises and never kept any of them.

Marisa finds Lucas on the beach. They are in Miami, on the beach, in the middle of the day, and no one is anywhere in sight. Tighten your beanie. She says that she’s sooooo sorry for Lucas, that he couldn’t marry Jade. In a pig’s eye. She tells him she thought she’d never stop hurting after she lost Diego (like, a few weeks ago), but over time the pain goes away. She tells Lucas, “The point when it stopped hurting is when I fell in love with you.” Lucas, the shy one, decides that a public beach in the middle of the day is the perfect place for sex. Marisa decides that the perfect time for sex is any day with a “Y” in it.

Nariza is complaining to Zoraida that since her brothers got married, they buy gifts for their wives but nothing for her. She laments how terrible it is to have no family, “YOU know what I mean, Zoraida.” Z says she accepts the hand she’s been dealt. She’s not one of those women who goes out in the street with her veil askew, so men know she’s available for a temporary marriage. Z leaves. Nariza, by herself, says, “Why didn‘t I think of that before? I won‘t die without at least one marriage in my life.” And she puts on her veil askew and heads out to the street. Quickly a man spots her loose veil and starts chatting her up. (An unaccompanied woman talking in the street to a man she doesn’t know? Que haram!!!) miracle of miracles, Nariza the mouth shuts up! I THINK she says to herself, “I will be what I don’t understand (what I am not??) so he keeps asking.” He follows her home and peeps through the window as she brazenly removes her veil and shakes out her hair. Jade comes into the room and Nariza crows that she’s getting married. The man didn’t talk to Said but to her. The CC’s said “Sawasha amuta,” but I found it on the net as “Nikah mut‘ah.” Nariza says temporary marriage is for a specific duration, by contract. Depending on how it goes, it may or may not be renewed. Wiki says that the duration can be for as little as an hour, there do not need to be witnesses nor family permission, and payment may be involved. Gee, sounds like prostitution. In fact, the term can be a euphemism for prostitution. Here is one woman’s experience. (Note, I used a Google cached page because the original page has been hijacked.)

Speaking of temporary marriages, at the jewelry market, Said is trying to buy Jade more gold. She says she doesn‘t want jewelry. What she really wants is to study for a profession. Said sucks in his breath, and he says, “We‘ll talk about that later.”

Cut to another jewelry scene, Lucas giving Marisa an engagement ring. He says he‘ll dedicate himself to making her happy, but he doesn‘t say anything about love. Well, at least he‘s more willing to kiss his therapeutic wife than Albieri is. They tell Leo and Rosa the news. Leo thinks it’s awfully fast (well Marisa is a fast girl), but he won’t try to stop them. He only insists that they live here at his house. Yes, you heard that right. Newlyweds, from monied families, moving in with dear old dad. Tighten your beanie. Marisa’s not happy about the housing arrangement, but Lucas has no objection, and Marisa has more obsession than objection, so she accepts. Leo says he’ll take care of costs and Rosa will take care of arrangements. He pulls Lucas away and asks about Jade. Lucas explains that this marriage is to help him forget Jade. Lucas also believes in the Easter bunny.

At the other loony bin, Luisa is trying to get to the bottom of Sylvia’s sudden transfer. She asks whether Sylvia did something to make Albieri uncomfortable. Albi denies, too loudly and too quickly. He asks Luisa, by the way, how is Dora doing. Luisa says she’s moving to New York to have her baby close to her mother. The next morning, the office has a little wine reception to bid farewell to Sylvia. She toasts Albieri as “the father of ethics in our profession.” Albieri chokes on his chardonnay.

Latifa and Mohammed are at a restaurant, and Lucas and Marisa take the table next to theirs (of all the coffee joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine). Latifa tells her husband who Lucas is, and Mohammed tells her we’re leaving orita mismo. Back in Morocco, Said is talking to Ali about heaven. Zoraida goes to Jade’s room and ponders the inequalities - they get 72 virgins and we don’t get doodley. Latifa calls and tells them she saw Lucas today, and he was hugging a muchacha. Latifa has to hang up, and Jade tries to convince herself it didn’t mean anything. Those westerners hug women all the time.

Jade comes up with a new escape plan. If Said won’t let her study for a profession, she’ll get him to buy her lots of expensive jewelry, so she can sell it for lots of money when she abandons him. Okay, for me, Jade just crossed the boundary from foolish, irresponsible, impulsive, and selfish, into the realm of evil. And all this for a loser who left her to her fate. How long until Zoraida stops covering for her?

Albieri goes to Dora’s apartment and finds out she has left for the airport. He rushes to the airport and leaves his car parked at the Departures curb. Where are the Airport Traffic Gestapo telling him to move it or lose it? Tighten your beanie. He arrives immediately after Dora, of course. He tells her she can’t move to NY. She needs to have her baby here. In fact, she needs to move in with him and Luisa. She asks why but he won’t tell her. He says, “Just come to my house and we’ll discuss it there.” Does anyone have visions of gingerbread houses, small children, and big ovens? Naturally she goes along with him to his house, and no one else is home. I guess Dora’s mom told her not to talk to strangers, but never warned her not to go alone to a secluded place behind locked doors, with no good explanation, with a man who is acting like a lunatic. At least Dora should check the back yard for recent excavation! Luisa gets home and Albi informs her, “From now on Dora will live with us.” Dora is a bit unsettled by the “from now on“ part. Duh! Luisa is upset that her husband has brought another woman there to live. But if you ask me, a woman who marries a man who can’t stand to kiss her, and yet she expects they will have a fairy tale romance … a woman like that should be able to swallow just about anything.

Rosa brings Lucas lunch because he’s working non-stop on papers for dad’s business. He takes a little break to strum his guitar and remember Jade dancing for him.

Said walks in the door and Jade starts to badger him, asking if she can study to be a doctor. He tries to dodge and she says, “Don’t you trust me?” Let me count the ways. He snaps and tells her she hasn’t joined herself to him, she wasn’t honest with him, and if she goes to university she’ll move even farther from him. He’s done everything possible for their marriage, and it means nothing to her because she’s still fixated on that westerner. “Did he love you like I do?” Survey says, No. “Was he able to trample his pride like I did? I didn’t abandon you like he did. I didn’t hurt you like he did. I didn’t do all I could’ve done because of the wedding night. I didn’t because I love you. You don’t understand what it means for a Muslim to endure all I have endured for you. And I did it because I love you.“ Go, Said!!!

And Jade answers, “I only asked if I could study.” I wanna’ slap her silly.

Said answers, “On the day that I feel that you’ve accepted me, that your heart beats for me, on that day I’ll give you the sky and the stars.”


Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, March 16: Ep. 18--Lots of things going bump in the night.

Don't adjust your sets…the first half of this recap really is missing, due to a DVR snafu, so if someone will kindly fill all of us in on what happened and how this wet, steamy mess got started, I would be much obliged. Darn HOA meetings!

Out in the pouring rain, Renato tells the assembled workers to hunt down the witch Aimee…no, wait, sorry, I saw the torches and thought I was watching something else. Actually, he says she's missing and he can't find her, so he wants their help.

Juan carries Aimee in from the sea. She doesn't know what happened, but she does realize that it's late and she doesn't know how she's going to explain her absence. She starts freaking out, but Juan tells her to calm down.

Regina worries about Aimee and Rosenda comes in and tells her she shouldn't worry so much, since Aimee has been going out almost every night. Regina is only slightly surprised to hear this news and she puts Juan and Juan together and gets two.

Juan thinks this whole situation is hilarious, but Aimee tells Juan that her daddy is not going to find this so funny. No problem, as far as Juan's concerned--they'll just go back to her house and explain to daddy and maybe they'll get married this very night.

The peasants, with their torches, but no pitchforks, are still looking. Remigio thinks she might have gone back to the house, so Renato dispatches someone to check the house while the rest keep looking.

Arcadio sweats and paces. He says to himself that he'd do anything, just as Leonarda comes in. She grumpily says "Here I am."

Maria del Rosario's attendant escapes. She takes the opportunity to use her secret door to the outside, carrying her bouquet with her.

Arcadio and Leo get hot and heavy. She seems like a cross between bored and disgusted.

Maria del Rosario creeps along and finds the secret door into the house.

The guys looking for Santos see that something got dragged through the sand. Curly goes off to inform Juan that someone must have dragged Santos off.

Aimee keeps trying to use her womanly wiles to convince Juan that really, now's not the time to go talk to daddy. Lucky for her, Curly comes up just then and informs Juan that Santos disappeared. Juan is torn, but Aimee tells him to go with his friend. Juan hesitates, but Curly screams to get his attention and the two of them run off in search of Santos.

Maria del Rosario gets into the foyer of the house and then makes her way upstairs. She goes to her old room.

Regina is tossing and turning in bed when Clemencia brings her some tea. Clemencia reassures her that Aimee is probably fine. Regina is worried, though. Clemencia offers to stay with her.

Renato finds Aimee, soaking wet, and hugs her. He says he was so scared. Aimee says she's been through a lot and thought she was going to die, for realz! She says that she went out for a walk, blah, blah, blah, but she got lost this time and then the storm started and she ended up falling in a river and oh, she was so scared, but thankfully Providence sent Renato to save her. Renato says that in his manly arms nothing will happen to her. They kiss. Skank.

Maria del Rosario remembers her time with Juan de Dios and starts crying for her child.

The mute woman comes back to the cell and finds MdR missing. She sees the open doorway.

MdR takes off her veil in front of her mirror. Yeah, she could use a coat of fresh paint. Her scream wakes up Regina.

The mute woman makes her way up the stairs as Regina starts to leave her room. Clemencia didn't hear the scream, but is woken up by Regina opening the door. They both head out.

The mute woman gets into MdR's bedroom.

Regina assures Clemencia that she didn't just dream it and they head for MdR's room too.

The mute woman covers MdR's mouth so she doesn't scream again.

As Regina gets to the door, Clemencia tries to convince her no one could have been screaming from this room, since no one's lived in it for years. She hesitates as she sees the bouquet on the bed. MdR and her attendant are crouched on the other side of the bed. Clemencia approaches the gardenias and commences to freaking out. She remembers the gardenias at the tomb, too and wonders what it means. Regina asks whose room this was and proceeds deeper and deeper into the room. Clemencia says it was Maria del Rosario's room. The mute woman's eyes are bugging out as she struggles to keep her hand clamped over MdR's mouth. MdR, meanwhile is struggling to get free. Regina remembers that Maria del Rosario was the woman who died for love, but she wonders why all the mystery. Clemencia smells the gardenias and asks Regina not to make her talk about painful things. "Like your godmother says, we have to let the dead rest." She rushes Regina out of the room. MdR gets free and starts "no puede ser"-ing, very very quietly.

Back in her own bed, Regina wonders again what's the big flippin' deal about Maria del Rosario. Clemencia cries and says they should leave the past alone, things are fine there. She says that it seems like this family is condemned to "desamor" (lack of love) as if they carried a "maldición" (a curse, a malediction).

The guys tell Juan about the disappearance of Santos. Juan agrees with Curly that some guys must have banded with the sheriff to take Santos. Juan insists they'll go find him. So off they go.

Rosenda wanders the basement, thinking it's a disaster, she's lost. She can't find Arcadio's quarters. She does, however, find Maria del Rosario's. She assumes someone must live there, since there are lit candles. Several rounds of "no puede ser". Just as she leaves, the secret door slides open and the mute woman and Maria del Rosario come back in. MdR presses the big button on the floor to close the door.

Rosenda keeps wandering. She finally peeps through a crack in a door and sees Leo adjusting her stocking. Leo gives Arcadio more jewelry to keep his mouth shut. That's just wrong on so many levels. Rosenda accidentally lets the candle holder bump into the door and runs for it when Arcadio goes to see who's in the hallway. He doesn't check very far, then says that it's the mute woman "she's like a cat, she goes everywhere."

Out in the hallway, Rosenda thought bubbles that if Leo is paying Arcadio to keep his mouth shut, then he must know something that it would benefit Rosenda to know.

Juan and the gang follow the drag marks. They do some CSI and connect the drag marks to the cart wheel tracks.

Meanwhile, Santos is tied to a tree and being beaten. They want a confession that it was Juan's gang who attacked the boat. Santos says "we’re" not thieves. He says they only take what belongs to them. The price gouging guy says they're all going to pay. His men keep beating Santos.

Clemencia makes Aimee's bed. She finally admits to Regina that she is worried about Aimee's absence. Regina has a pretty good idea of where Aimee went. Just then, Aimee walks in, still sopping wet, taking ridiculously short steps in her dress that's two sleeves short of a straitjacket. The questioning begins. Clemencia wants her to dry off before she tells her story, though. Regina asks Clemencia to leave them alone because she needs to talk to Aimee. Clemencia agrees, but says she'll be out in the hallway. Regina tells Aimee that she knows what's what. She also knows her bed was empty a few nights ago. She demands to know who Aimee is meeting up with. Aimee gets belligerent and says it's none of her business and if Regina doesn't like it she can go back to the convent. Regina tries to convince her to behave herself. She reminds her about her "vow," that she swore to make Renato happy. Aimee laughs and says that Regina is just complaining because she's jealous that Renato liked her better. "You'd like to be in my place." Regina says that's true. She'd do anything to be in Aimee's place, but she knows it will never happen. Aimee just smirks and sucks in her cheeks. Bee-yotch!

Renato has a good stiff drink to soothe his good stiff…ummm, yeah, anyway. Rosenda comes in and asks if he needs anything. All he wants is to know where his mom is. He's upset that she would go to sleep knowing that he was so worried about Aimee. Rosenda covers by saying she'll go let Leo know that Aimee is back. Clemencia comes downstairs, fussing. She tells Renato that Aimee is upstairs changing and talking to Regina. Renato says he was just going to inform his mother that Aimee is home, completely safe. He heads up to Leo's room and Rosenda tries to head him off by saying that the exhaustion must have gotten to her, she's gone to sleep already and maybe he could just wait until morning to tell her the news. Renato pushes past her to open the door and sees that the bed is still made. Come on, people, every teenager knows all you've got to do is shove some pillows under the covers. At least make some effort. Renato accuses Rosenda of knowing where his mother is. He starts calling for her as she comes in from her assignation with Arcadio. So now Rosenda looks like an idiot, as Leo says of course she wasn't asleep, she was in the study, waiting for him to come home with news.

Aimee has changed into a slinky little number from the Secretos de Victoria Catalogo de 1875. What can I say, the mail system used to be a lot slower. She's even spritzing on some perfume. Regina gripes at her about being indecent and not keeping her vow. Aimee accuses her of being jealous that men look at her, but not Reggie. "I feel sorry for you, we look exactly the same, but you've never been able to get the attention of the man you're dying for. Renato wanted me and you can't stand it." And that was so blatantly gloating and mean that even Mr. 5ft didn't need a translation. Santa Regina gives her a good hearty smack. After a brief tussle, heard by Leo and Renato downstairs, Aimee smacks back.

Tomorrow: Regina is mad as hell and she's not going to take it anymore! She commences the seduction of Renato.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dinero March 16: In which Susana learns to shout: "Get up, you worm!"

I was sewing and thinking, "Hah, whoever is the recapper tonight is sure getting off easy," when I realized it was me. Oops. Well, luckily tape was running.

Marco comes to take Ale and Auntie to the airport, but Ale has called a taxi. She gives Marco a cool peck of a kiss and her dad gets a warm embrace. Marco whispers, "We'll make love 24 hours a day when you get back," she smiles snidely thinking he doesn't want her unless she is perfect. They get to Houston; the nurse in Houston speaks extraordinarily halting and accented English for an Amurrican; the operation goes fine; Ale mumbles, "Medina, Medina" as she is under the sedative. She starts her therapies, all is well.

Susana is not doing so well. Her low-key approach includes replacing the daily "Hymn" with hand-holding and spiritual mediation (not very spiritual, as you can imagine). People straggle in late and even on the first day she has to lean her head against the glass and say ommmm ommmm while ringing her little brass bell in order to calm herself down. The whole gang is impressed by Medina's new suit. He soon puts it away and goes back to the old one for his "lion hunting" expeditions, afraid Ale will kill him if anything happens to the new duds.

Next morning, early, Medina's phone rings. It is Susana, sort of giggling, reading to him the script Ale has left her: "Get up, you worm! Get in here! Start selling!" Rafa says she needs to work on her delivery, she is lacking the jefa's cadence and energy. He misses Ale dreadfully and vice versa.

Marco is not happy either. He is bored to death, especially by Don Jorge's inability to play poker competently, and he doesn't like the comida tipica Don Jorge prefers for breakfast.

Two weeks in, nobody has sold much of anything, although a sort of cute blond, separated from her husband, comes in authorised (supposedly) to buy a flotilla of vehicles for her business and Marino thinks he'll land the deal and also land her as a good wife (wait till she finds out how many women he has to appease on payday). Susana is so demoralized, when the sales team REQUESTS that they sing the Auto Siglo hymn, she says, "Sing it at your desks; I need to be alone for a while."

Rafa makes a rare visit to Vicki's and gets threatened by her brothers and their butcher knives. Vicky grabs him and presses him to her breast, saying all will be well as soon as he moves in with her and the butcher boys.

The technique Rafa used on Cheeseman (pretending to be a big buyer and then a segue into selling) does not work on the next bunch of guys. He needs a new technique. In some small town, he sees a funeral - it's of the richest man in town - he creeps down and insinuates himself among the mourners, finding out little details about the deceased. Soon, he is one of the pallbearers, sobbing "Don Chema, Don Chema!" The sons are suspicious: "Who is this guy?" To be continued.

Tomorrow: everybody parties.


Gancho Tuesday March 16, 2010 Animal House À La Gancho

Wow. What an episode. Major food fight. Fine folks being kicked out of even finer restaurant. Elderly romance heating up. Rolu and Ximena doin' the wild thing all night long. A real cascade of insults, none of which we can ever use (can we?) Christian stuck to Beto's backside as they limp home from their ill-fated-impress-Paula caper, and alas, wicked serpent Hissabel setting up a damning après l'amour scene between Estrella and Mauricio.

Question: Which was your favorite scene? The food slinging or Estrella lifting Mauricio's sheet to see if he was truly nude? Hard to decide. Shall we make them both a No. 1 seed in the tourney?

Okay. On to the details. We start with a little suspense. Monita has knocked on Estrella's door and is about to discover her vile mama orchestrating the Estrella/Mau setup......when.....Paula calls her name. All in a lather because of the attempted robbery. And Tano was such a hero! So great to go out with a real man who makes me feel protected (hear that Carlos?). Of course he's all oh shucks twarn't nuthin' ma'am and in fact it WAS mostly Paula although he did land one good kick. Methinks it was Paula who did the most damage though and he concurs. She's his heroine. Is rebound love blooming here?

Well, it sure isn't at the restaurant. Jacqui's doing her darndest to seduce Marco and he's not havin' it. This is NOT a romantic dinner and we will NEVER get back together. Jacqui's offended that he seems to prefer that naca Nieves to her. Well, don't ask if you don't like the answers, he snaps and heads to the bathroom again. Off he goes, while Cesar, hair in full salute, glowers in the background. Back to Nieves who is tenderly concerned about being left alone. Fear not, he never wants to leave her ever ever again. Evah!

And back at the vecindad? Wow, Paula's on a tear. Praising Tano to the skies. He's "simpatico", he bought her popcorn, he's incredible, he' hell, let's just give him a big hug. Ay yi yi, let's lay a big fat kiss on the lips while we're at it. A loooong one. Tano is flustered, somewhat appalled, mumbles incoherently, shuffles his feet and decides it's time to get going. Paula worries she may have scared him off. Monita looks amused.

Things are going better with Marcos and Nieves. As the pink cow purse looks benevolently on, he presses his suit. He wants to smother her with love and make her the happiest woman in the world. Nieves simpers and glows, breathes heavily and wriggles around a bit in that horrendous electric rainbow blouse (with matching bow, by gum). She's touched....but wants some time to think about it. "Tus deseos son ordenes"(your wishes are orders) rumbles Marcos. They toast, arms encircled. Cesar has had all he can stand, watching this. "Esto se acabo!" You swine, you don't know what awaits you. (yep, food fight for sure, coming up)

Ick. The boys are roaring along in the stolen patrol car, Aldo at the wheel. Another police car seems to be following them, lights flashing, siren blaring. Not good.

Not good for Beto and Christian either. Our favorite policeman is lamenting that he'll lose his job, lose his license, lose his girl, all because of this ill-fated caper. Beto is ready to make up a good story to get out of it, but Christian, ever law-abiding, wants to face up and take his punishment like a man. It's what he deserves for breaking the law. Fine, yelps Beto, but don't stick so close behind me, man! we're not that good friends.

After declaring his love to Nieves and her pink cow, Marcos hastens back to Jacqui who's ready to end the evening in a hotel (holding firmly onto that lovely striped tie as she says this). He escapes back to Nieves. And his seat is taken by Cesar which startles the bejesus out of Jacqui. Even more startled when he tells her Marcos is here with two women. Uh oh.

Now Nieves has to visit the john. Marcos wants to accompany her. A little flirting about not leaving her side for a minute. But lo! she spots Jacqui sitting with Cesar and now the game is on.
A slew of insults is exchanged, some of which I'll list in the vocabulary section. By why bother with words when we can sling a plate of spaghetti all over Jacqui? Cesar throws a salad on Marcos, a passing waiter trips and dumps his tray all over Nieves. Food fight!

And food's the topic, sort of, with Lalu and Arny. Our favorite gay guy is asking to stay for a little, a glass of water....NO! Alright, a good-bye kiss. Gag. No. Push out the door. Lalu, ever hopeful, whispers outside "Someday, you'll open this door wide and let me in. You won't escape me.

Just when Arny probably think this is as bad as it gets, he hears Xime in full throes of passion in the bedroom. No Rolu...wait. No. Oh yes. Oooooh, how yummy. Oooooh. (giggles) Ay Rolu! Ay yes, That's good! Ay how great!

Well, you get the picture. So does Arny. He's not happy.

Neither are our feuding middle-aged lovers. They're being hustled out of the restaurant in disgrace. Marcos is calling frantically for his car. Nieves, cow now hanging around neck, is still berating Cesar for double-timing her with Jacqui. Jacqui clear it up by saying she came to the restaurant with Marcos. More outrage. Marcos can explain.

But first we're flipped back to the apartment. Ximena, attired in a lovely plum-colored peignoir and negligée, has staggered down the stairs to get a glass of water. Arny's concerned his nasty brother has laid a hand on her. Not one hand, but two, exults Xime. And no time for any more lessons with you, Arny, 'cause I'm getting my doctorate in love with Rolu. He's about to win the Guiness Book of World Records, she adds, counting up on her fingers the number of times....well, here we draw a veil. You don't want to know and neither does Arny.

But what about those restaurant kisses? Well, Jacqui's were forced. She gave Marcos no chance. But his for Nieves...ah that was love! And he's not losing his love again. With that he shoves Nieves, cum cow, into the car, is chased once 'round by Cesar before he hops in, and off they go. There's a tense moment when Cesar reaches in his suit jacket to draw out--a pistol?--nah...just a pen to note down the license plate in case Nieves is being kidnapped. Jacqui assures him she's going willingly. Otherwise she'd just get out of the car. We shall see.

Now we're at the bodega. Tere is chatting with a sleepy Luisa and mentioning that Mauricio might be late since he's ironing out his differences with Monita. Seems like nothing's been right with those two since her mother came back. Luisa is horrified, thinking they're talking about a phantom at first. She's happy though, since Monita missed her mom so much. Tere tactfully avoids saying anything more and sends Ivan off to tell Alicia that Tere will be staying overnight to watch over the girls. Ivan moves in for a good-bye kiss. Luis smilingly stops him, and they settle for a "good-bye novia" "good-bye novio" farewell. Hmmm.

Back at the barrio, Hissabel continues her ghoulish task of arranging the drugged bodies to look like they've just had a tumble in the sheets. A strategically placed black bra completes the tableau. Surveying the scene, she likens them to Romeo and Juliette, and with just the same dreadful destiny. Then turning off the light and chuckling to herself, she slithers out.

Monita is in her room with Paula, laughing about Paula's wild night with Tano, but also concerned. After all, Christian's in love with her. Fine, snaps Paula, he's in it for a good time but he won't commit. I want to have a home and a family. And what about you? Sermeño Group (Mauricio for you newcomers) is crazy about you and DOES want to marry and start a family and you send him off to "freir esparragos" (lit. fry asparagus, but means send him to the devil).
Isabel arrives. A shadow falls. Paula stops short, leaves in a hurry. Isabel, still deftly playing the victim card, sighs that there's another one who doesn't seem to like her. Ya think? And of course her shoulder is hurting after hauling the drugged bodies of Estrella and Mauricio around so Monita hustles to the cupboard for antiseptic and cotton. Her poor mommy is bleeding. Ojala!

A much better couple in the pad next door. Marcos and Nieves, dripping lettuce, salad dressing and God knows what (Nieves has one long hair hanging down in front of her nose and it waves gently back and forth while she talks) are having a long overdue discussion. Let's just compress this scene because it's so funny and so tender. They start picking food detritus off each other and gently swab each other's cheeks and chin, head and neck, like two elderly chimpanzees indulging in a little grooming. Sweet words are flowing from Marcos's lips. He was only at the restaurant with Jacqui because she blackmailed him. He did it to keep her from telling Connie that Monita is her sister. She'll probably rat him out now but that doesn't matter. All he cares about is that Nieves believe him...that she believe in the great love he feels for her. Please forgive me, he adds. And Nieves smiles....tenderly...through her one long goopey string of hair hanging down. What's not to love?

Well, Jacqui, for one thing. She's arrived home and daughter dearest is letting her know she stinks to high heaven, and not only Mom but her ratty fur as well! And Mom's in no mood to talk about it. The worst night of her life. Food thrown all over. Tossed out of an elegant restaurant. The shame, the everlasting shame! So what about Connie's night? Zip. Zilch. Nada. Moni refused to fight me. Said I wasn't ready. The worst part of it?...she's right, I'm not ready. Well, why don't you give up this idea, suggests Jacqui. Nope. No way. But something's going on. I have a strange feeling, adds Connie. You'll be sorry if you go against Valentina, cautions Jacqui. Please talk to your dad first. He has something important to tell you. Forget about waiting, tell me now, insists Connie. Nopis. I'm headed for the shower. I'm disgusting.

Gee. Disgusting. And then the writers send us back to Hissabel. Is there a message here? Darn tootin'. She's whining about having to go back to the doctor and thanking Moni for tending to her wound and caring about her. But what happened at the gym? Clearly Maniac Mom is horrified to hear that not only did Monita not want to hurt Connie, now that she knows she's her sister (HALF-sister, snorts Isabel); Monita actually wants to tell her the truth. Horror! Isabel quickly tells her that's a bad idea. Better to stay far far away from both Connie and her dad.

Back at the house, Jacqui, fresh from her shower, now discovers her precious jewels are missing. Horrors. It's like she's been widowed again. Who could have done this? wonders Connie. If I knew that, I'd be working for INTERPOL snaps Jacqui.

The scene switches to a dark street where Aldo, evidently having escaped the other police car, is suggesting they leave iChristian's stolen auto. The two druggie rateros protest a bit, ragging about the pistol still inside, but then they scuttle off into the dark. And up scuttles Beto, with Christian glued to his behind (under plaintive Beto protest). Our hapless police guy spots the car and runs to embrace it like a long-lost (and faithful!) girlfriend. Tender reunion. Ah chiquita! All is well. For about a minute.

All hell is breaking loose back at the house. Connie is accusing the maid of the jewel and money theft, shaking her shoulder, rendering her hysterical and ready to pitch her out of the house in the middle of the night. Mama Jacqui calms the waters a little bit. I think she's telling the truth. No matter. This happened on her watch. I'm still kicking her out. But I'll wait until morning (the first sign of redemption for our Connie?)

Aldo has drifted into the vecindad, on his way to see Estrella. He's intercepted by Ivan who tells him about the adoption reversal and urges him to go to the bodega. Aldo's in no hurry. What's up? Admits he had words with his pa and dad said some awful things to him. But yeah, eventually he'll get there, but first he has to see his girl.

And here we go. He pauses at the door. Enters. Sighs. Looks down. Turns and walks towards the bed. Looks. Turns on the light. Sees. And is stunned. Cara impactada. And there we end.

Estrella wakes up and sees the principe. Shrieks. Mau wakes up. Estrella, you're nude! She looks under sheet and by golly she is. Then she picks up Mau's sheet. Yowsa. He's nude too. Meanwhile Hissabel is urging Monita to go see her friend Estrella. And Monita does. Knocks. Waits at the door. And then starts to go in......Oh no!

apuntar las placas = jot down the license plate numbers
cabeza de piña = pineapple head (Cesar)
cabeza de jicama = jicama head (Marcos)
cara de estampilla = (Cesar) stamp head? blockhead?
cabeza de alambres = barbed-wire head (Cesar)
verdulera = fishwife
posolera = naca, someone who eats posole
vieja con olor de manteca = another naca insult...female reeking of lard, cooking oil
engatusar por palabras bonitas (Nieves being enthralled by Marcos' fine talk)
mandar para freir los esparragos = dump, send to the devil
echo y derecho = fine, upstanding (Mauricio)
viejo rabo verde = dirty old man (Cesar)
ni cara tienes que hablar = you're a fine one to talk!
andar de roba maridos = going around stealing husbands
michote mal amarrado de Nieves = just guessing...wild cat of a Nieves (this is Jacqui speaking)
marrano maicero = corn-grubbing dirty, filthy swine (Marcos)

Dicho of the Day:
La cosa ya no tiene remedio. The fat is in the fire. (for sure!)


Corazon Salvaje, March 15, 2010

We start off with Juan and the gang fighting the gunrunners.

Aimee is standing on the beach in the rain looking for Juan. Samuel who is ordered to shoot anyone that comes near the caves spots her, but luckily she struts away.

Fulgencio's wife goes to investigate a noise in the house and it's Dagger Man who rushes to her and covers her mouth so that she can't scream.

Fulgencio and Federico are looking at their surroundings and wondering about the mystery owner of the home. Gabe nods his head for Noel to come over. Gabe say he called him over because he knows Noel recognized who he was and didn't want anyone to know who his patron is. Noel asks if the casino belongs to his patron. No, no replies Gabe. My patron has other types of activities.

Juan tells his men that he plans to continue fighting the gunrunners. Although they collected money and fish, so are they fisherman?

Dagger Man threatens Fulgencio's wife then kisses her. He leaves with the loot he stole.

Head gunrunner runs to the police and tells him what happened. Head policeman tells his men to go to the beach and find the fishermen. He thinks they are responsible.

Juan shows up at the party and Gabe pretends not to know him. A man comes up inviting him to a poker game. Juan accepts and is lead to the table where Fulgencio and Noel are seated. Where's the 4th player asks Juan. Rodrigo comes up to the table and they start a staring contest.

Fishermen are having a party and the head policeman shows up. Pedro drunkenly goes up to him and says are you coming to celebrate my birthday? Head policeman asks when the fandango started and how come they didn't invite him? (Not really) Santos drunkenly answers they started pretty early. Everyone starts giggling drunkenly in the background. Head policeman asks if Juan is with them. No replies Santos. He disappeared. First officer says we're not going to get anything out of these guys and they leave.

Aimee comes home pissed and Rosenda asks if she went out for another stroll again. Aimee says mind your business. I only answer to my dad and my godmother. Rosenda says don't forget about Renato. Don't you think he deserves an explanation? She gets bitch slapped by Aimee who reminds her that she is nothing and no one. Aimee laughs going up the stairs.

Juan and the boys are gambling heavy. Rod is confident he has the upper hand. Until Juan shows that he does. Juan says he would like to stay longer, but has other things to do. Rod says you have to come back for a rematch. Juan angrily remarks that Rod has no idea how much he wants to win all of Rod's fortune tonight. He laughs and says of course we'll have a rematch. Only if you promise to lose again like a gentlemen. They both stand up suddenly and have a staring contest again. Noel and Fulgencio try to defuse the situation. Gabe comes and takes him away. Rod stares at Juan's retreating back.

Gabe follows Juan out who gets onto him for following him. He doesn't want anyone to connect them. Gabe wants to find out what happened, but Juan says later. Gabe asks to step away from the casino and see Jimena. Juan gives the okay. He tells himself that no doubt love transforms a person.

Rod is smoking his cigar and Fulgencio's says it's an exciting night, but I must retire. Federico says he'll accompany him. He tells Fulgencio that he talked to Gabe again and it sounds like his patron is away on business a lot so they shouldn't worry about anyone knowing about their illegal activities in the caves.

Griselda drags Jimena and tells her that Dagger Man paid her a lot of money for Jimena's company. Whether she likes it or not, she's going. They fight and Gabe shows up and shouts "Let her go!" Griselda says I'm her aunt and am only trying to educate her. How can I help you sir, asks Griselda. I came here looking for Jimena replies Gabe. So that she can tell me my fortune and hands Griselda a lot of money. Fine replies Griselda. Gabe puts out his hand and asks Jimena about Estrella. She tells him that Estrella has a secret. If she told you the truth would you still love her? Gabe jerks his hand away and asks if that is all she has read. That Estrella has lied to him? Then I do not want to know anything more about her! My heart is broken in a million pieces. He walks away and Jimena cries and wonders what she did. How can I tell you that I am your Estrella?

Griselda tells Dagger Man that Jimena is washing up and will come to see him. He says she better not be lying. Griselda says it's true what I am telling you. I prepared you a drink that will make you more into an animal. He drinks it.

Juan has lit a fire by the shore for Aimee.

Aimee tells Leonarda that she went for a walk in the garden. Then came back to Rosenda and her many questions. She cannot take her attitude anymore. That's why I'm going to ask my dad to take us to the house in town. Leonarda is muy impactada. Aimee struts out. Leo cannot have Rod move to town and be so close to Madame Marlene. Aimee is so strong-willed and will do what she says. What can I do?

Regina toss and turns in bed then gets up coughing. She remembers her conversation with Aimee when she came to visit. How she knows Regina is in love with Renato, but chose her instead. Regina asking if Aimee has seen the guy from the ship. Of course not ever since we docked. Regina coughing again says she's pretty sure that Aimee lied to her.

Juan waiting for Aimee. He is walking around in the cave and hears a noise. He goes to investigate. Samuel tells Fulgencio that he saw a woman on the beach. Who was she asks an alarmed Fulgencio. Not sure replies Samuel. She was covering her face. I was about to fire, but fortunately she left. Juan says something as he's walking back to where he came from, but can't understand what he is saying because the rain is too loud. All I can hear is that he says that he has to be careful so that no one discovers them.

Dagger Man was drugged and Griselda stages the room with ripped clothes belonging to Jimena. She goes to Jimena and tells her that she owes her one. She saved her from Dagger Man. Where is the guy that was here asks Griselda. He left replies Jimena.

Madame Marlene tells Gabe that she appreciates his help tonight. Gabe is shocked that she is the owner of the casino. Fifi runs up to the room and tells the girls to hurry down. Jimena's love is downstairs. They look thru a picture that has holes in it. I really don't get the point of this scene except it was perhaps for the men. One lady is bathing and the other is half dressed.

Fulgencio's wife tells him that she didn't see anyone in the house and that is probably what saved her. He tells her that he will speak to the policeman to keep watch on the house. He wants nothing to happen to her. She thinks it not necessary. She's not scared and doesn't want the intruder to return.

Again with the half naked girls. No point in this scene. Gabe tells Madame Marlene about Jimena. Half naked girls giddy over seeing handsome Gabe. Madame Marlene pouring a drink for Gabe and he's spilling his guts.

Regina coughing more. Padre comes in and tells Regina that no matter how much she wants to, right now is not the time to take her vows. Regina says but I'm ready. Padre says let's give it more time.

Dagger Man has a major hangover. He tells everyone making noise outside to shut up. Griselda walks by and he asks what happened. Don't you remember replies Griselda? You were Jimena's first.

Fey Man and friends bring a very drunk Gabe home. Juan is amused and Gabe passes out.

Again with the half naked girls. They talk about Gabe and Jimena with Madame Marlene. They complain about being locked up. They want to go outside. Madame has a surprise for them.

Padre tells a coughing Regina that he has plans for her to return home.

Aimee asks Rod at breakfast if they can get the house ready in town for them. She turns to Renato and says "Of course we will come visit." Leonarda looks anguished, Rosenda looks happy as Rod says it's not a bad idea. Doorbell rings. Renato gets angry and takes Aimee's hand and says you cannot leave me. He stands up and tells everyone that he and Aimee agreed to keep it a secret for awhile, but they are engaged. In comes Regina muy impactada. Renato and Aimee spot her.

Back from break and Regina faints. Clemencia runs to her with Renato close behind. He picks her up and carries her to her room. He yells for someone to get a doctor. Rod looks like he doesn't give a crap. Renato lays her in bed and Clemencia tells him to leave so that she can take off Regina's clothes. Renato mutters softly to Regina that she must recuperate. They all care about her and need her.

Rod with Leonarda close at his heels says that Regina came back because she couldn't take being a nun. I am sure that she fainted to make a scene and so that we will feel bad for her. Aimee says I hope your right because it scared me. Rod says I hope this serves as an example. God punishes those that disobey their fathers. Don't worry about me replies Aimee. I always listen to what you say. Let's change the subject. I am so happy about your engagement with Renato replies Leonarda. Renato comes in and says I knew you would be happy. Leonarda scolds him and says why didn't you tell me? We have never had secrets before. Because Aimee asked me replies Renato. Rod says it doesn't matter. You are engaged and we are happy. Everyone hugs. Aimee not happy with the announcement.

Regina is in bed coughing. She tells Clemencia that she had to leave the convent. Clemencia said you fainted because of the announcement Renato made. Yes replies Regina. I didn't expect it this quickly. My destiny is to suffer. But what hurts the most is that I am sure that Aimee is still seeing that salvaje.

Juan chastises Gabe. I thought you were a level headed kid. Gabe tells him what happened with Jimena and how Estrella is lying to him. I understand how you feel having your heart broken. But what are you going to do if this happens again? I want revenge against the Montes de Oca. I need someone strong by my side. Are you up to this? Answer me!

Aimee comes to see Regina. She wonders how Regina's doing. Fine replies Regina. I know that it hurts to see Renato and me together. I think that's why it's best you insist we go to town. And leave your fiancée replies Regina. No, we came back for visits say Aimee. I'm only thinking of you. In town we can be closer to the doctor and go out and have fun. I believe being shut up at the finca will only make you feel worse. Think about it. Also seeing Renato everyday will make you feel worse. Regina thinks Aimee has a good reason. The doctor comes to check Regina. Aimee reminds her to insist on moving to town.

Noel tells Rod that the doctor has arrived. Rod doesn't buy it and says it's just a ploy. I will insist she marry Federico or she can go back to the convent. Noel says how can you unite her with someone she does not love? Because I am looking out for her best interest replies Rod. Noel yells that you cannot fool me! I know that she brings up bad memories. How can you condemn her to a sad life? I don't know what you’re talking about says Rod. You understand perfectly. Regina refuses to marry Federico because she loves another. And it reminds you of Maria de Rosario. Rod grabs Noel and says I told you never to bring that up again. I don’t even want to hear her name. Noel says to bad! Because what you are going to Regina reminds me of the past. But think about it! It’s you that cannot forget the past! I am telling you this. If you cannot forgive her, then you can never have peace.

Mute girl brings Maria de Rosario flowers. It reminds her of the ones that Juan de Dios gave her. They have always been her favorite.

Madame Marlene and ladies are out for a drive in the carriage. They stop at the beach where Madame Marlene says they have the whole day to spend at the beach. Of course they frolic and are giddy. Oh and half naked.

Dagger Man doubts Griselda sent Jimena to him last night and puts a knife to her throat. Jimena backs up Griselda’s story. Still Dagger Man doubts and tells Jimena that she will spend another night with him and Griselda will return his money. He tries to kiss Jimena and in comes Juan pushing him away from her.

Regina recalls Renato’s words at breakfast about his engagement to Aimee. There’s a knock on the door and Rod (father of the year) comes in. He asks her how she is. Better replies Regina. You couldn’t take the convent asks Rod. So that is why you are pretending to be sick. No. I really wanted to stay replies Regina. And once I am better I will go back. You don’t understand yells Rod. You have no desire to be a nun. You do this to defy me. Of course not replies Regina. So you still refuse to marry Federico asks Rod. I told you already says Regina. I prefer to go to the convent then marry without love. Do what you want yells Rod? Do not count on me and your sister. We will be moving to town and you will stay here. Regina asks Rod if he cares about her?

Manana: Juan tells Jimena if she loves Gabe then tell him the truth; /Aimee and Rod get into a bad storm; Renato comes looking for Aimee.


un Gancho al Corazón Mon. 3/15/10 The Best Laid Plans...

Well, this I don't like one little bit. Coni has been enlisted as momma's (Valentina's mamá, that is) little helper. She has agreed to get Monita out of the house for a bit while Sneaky Snake carries out some vile plan she has up her sleeve (Emilia, why would a snake need sleeves, anyway?). Nosiree, Coni certainly needs no outside encouragement to pursue her dark side, but here she is, challenging Moni to a duel (well, of fisticuffs) at César's Gym... tonight. 10:00. "You and I... alone." Isabel lamely and vainly tries to discourage Moni, but our little monkey chooses this inopportune moment to standup to mommy; wouldn't you know it? She accepts the taunting challenge. The way will be clear for Issy to work her evil unmolested. Connie takes her leave, "Don't make me wait."

Our drug-addled little puppy is home (poor baby doesn't even know he has be liberated), overlooks Jaqui's note, and checks the place out. Looks like no one is home; the coast is clear (where the heck is Britni-Sofia?). He invites in his new BFFs, who scamper inside like rats fleeing the rays of the sun. Aldo begins laying out food for the ravenous rodents who greedily help themselves. One of his new buds keeps Aldo occupied with conversation while the other, excusing himself to go potty, scurries about the house collecting cash and concealable valuables from various rooms. Having lunched and looted, the vagrants exit with the malleable Aldo in tow, leaving behind an unsuspecting Britni-Sophia who is enjoying a well-deserved but ill-timed break from her chores, by luxuriating in a huge tub filled with bubbles as she leisurely sips soda and chatters on the phone with her mamacita.

Nieves has a date. Estrella pops in as she is finishing up her preparations for a dinner date with Marcos. Taxi's here.Her blouse is an interesting choice. It is a multicolored, iridescent, horizontally striped little number with the buttons slightly strained by he ample bosom struggling for breathing space. Estrella approves but thinks she should reveal a bit more bosom. Nieves is nervous and doesn't want Monita to learn of her assignation. She still has her ringlets, two for the forehead and two over each ear, rolled tightly waiting to spring forth as narrow corkscrews to adorn her face. I'd say marginally better than her former Shih Tzu coiffures.

Marcos seems excited about their date. He looks very presentable in a dark navy suit, starched white shirt, and a snappy tie with diagonal narrow red and silver stripes, very natty. Someone's at his apartment door, he opens it expectantly. Uh oh. It's Jaqui. She is wearing a jacket constructed of a zillon dead weasels with a contrasting shawl collar of red fox or possibly Persian cat. Well, heck, a bit of a mixup. "I've got a very important appointment (cita), can we do this tomorrow night?" Jaqueline, will habe none of it. She has made hrself beautiful for this special date, "So tonight it is, Buster." My heart goes out to Marcos. Who of us hasn't double-booked an evening with significant others?

Nieves is still getting ready with Estrela's help. She tells Estrella that Marcos named Beto as General Manager of Groupo Sermeño so he will be worthy of his Coni. She's not so sure that Coni's worthy of her baby boy, but is certain that there is no chance that he can stop loving her. Estrella hurries her up, "Taxi's waiting!"adding the finishing touches with blasts of naca perfume aimed at strategic body parts.

Marcos tries to explain that he has forgotten until now a very important business meeting. Nopis, Jaqui will not be denied. As Marcos notes, Jaqui's desires always prevail. "So how about Restaurante del Lagos?" Jaqui likes and on their way out, Jaqui observes prophetically, "I promise you, this will be an unforgettable night." We've high hopes as well.

Moni arrives at the gym as César is about to lock up. He asks why she is there so late, Monita tells him that she came to notify him of Nieves' dinner date with Marcos at Restaurante del Lagos and expects him to fight for her. She notes that he he seems a bit down. he sadly tells her that he hopes they have a good time. Oh no! César can't give up in defeat. The important thing right now is for him to win back Nieves. He's not convinced... yet.

We hear laughter on the playground as we see a patrol car drive by an we see other couples strolling. Here's our focus of interest, it's Tepid Tedious Tano once again out of his price range, escorting an unusually perky Paula. Their mirth seems a bit phony and strained, but... OK, I can see no real harm in this. They each pick a swing and settle in for more aimless banter. Both are nicely dressed, Tano in Dockers, A red shirt, brown leather jacket and loafers. Not bad. Pau looks wholesome in dungarees with matching jacket, tee shirt, and black boots. He can't believe she's so nice. He asks her what she thinks of him now. She relies that he is enchanting. Gack! Nearby the patrol car rolls to a stop. Inside are Cristian and... Beto? Beto points out our couple on the swings. Cristian has a plan. Beto wants to help, but Beto is hungry. Cristian wants to get on with his plan. If he helps he'll feed Beto anything he wants. Apparently it involves a costume for Beto. Oh my! This can't possibly go well.

Moni thought that César was prepared to do anything to regain Nieves. He wavers... Moni the highly qualified relationship counselor/boxing trainer springs into action, giving him a motivational lecture that Knute Rockne would be proud of as she massages his biceps and loosens his back with brisk toning karate chops, "Get out there and fight for the woman you love!" Inspired, Don César assumes a boxers stance, dances around, throws a few feigned jabs and is ready for battle. "¡Eso! ¡Eso!" Moni is delighted. She sends the now enthusiastic warrior on his way. Her brow furrows as her countenance darkens, "I'm waiting for you Momia..."

Much to Beto's horror, Cristian pulls out a knife (ya call that a knife?) and appears to stab himself in the neck. Not to worry, it's plastic with a collapsable blade, all part of the clever plan. Beto is to disguise himself and accost Tano and Pau, maybe rough Tano up a bit, and then Cristian will rush up and... Oh no! This can't possibly go well.

Isabel is busy proceeding with her own well laid out plan. She is busy crushing a tablet into powder with a steaming cup of coffee nearby and as Alicia storms in, chattering like a Dexed-up magpie, with her ubiquitous fan fluttering in overdrive, she dumps the powdered granules into the cup. Now I doubt that any of us really quarrel very much with this part of Issy's plan. If you intends to sedate the babbling Alicia... carry on, snake lady. Isabel calmly listens until there is a brief opening as Alicia pauses to take a breath, Then begins telling Alicia about her plan to reunite M&M. Hurry up and offer her the cup. She tells Alicia a cock'n bull story of a plot that she and Estrella have come up with to get M&M together at Estre's place. Alicia wants to be a part. Hey, why not? She can tell Mau to meet Monita at Estre's. Now drink your coffee.

Alicia is concerned that the coffee will keep her awake, "Is it decaf?" Issy assures her that she will sleep like a doormouse (lirón). NOW DRINK THE DANG COFFEE!

"Buenas noches, Mona." Coni confidently strides into th gym, black gloves in hand (significant? Most boxing goves are reddish brown, Moni's are pink... Hombre?). Both are lovely tonght, Moni, pretty in pink, Coni, more earthy, yet lovely n a designer tee which announces, "You Drive Me Crazy!" and pants. They glare.

We've made our way to the restaurant and find Jaqui and Marcos seated at a table in front of a huge aquarium. She has molted. The superfluous outer fur has given way to reveal a soft silky pink white and black dress with deep neckline. Nice. Jaqui loves the place, it's been sooo long. It always makes her feel very romantic and frisky. She expresses her exuberance by grabbing that beautiful silver and red tie, pulling him close, moving in, besos... "Waiter!" The officious waiter promptly responds, "Buenas noches, bienvenidas. What will you folks have tonight?" Jaqui will have Lobster Thermidor. Marcos, who looks to have a rather busy evening ahead orders just a salad, "But not César, por favor," he ruefully adds. She is surprised that's all he's having and he counters that she should watch her cholesterol so as not to have an infarction, but quickly notes that that is unlikely since she has no heart. "More Champagne?" She eagerly accepts,Why not, the night is young and we don't yet know what surprises await us." They toast to the tricks that both may have up their sleeves. With Jaqui, Marcos notes, one never knows from where a rabbit (liebre) might jump (saltar) out. He excuses himself to go to the bathroom. Since he went only twenty minutes before she suggests he have his prostate checked. They really do make a cute if edgy couple.

At a distant table Nieves is absorbed in the menu. He asks what she'll have. She wants soperitos con pollo but can't find them on the menu. "¿Sopesitos?" No problem, he calls over the waiter. He asks for sopes con pollo for Nieves, the waiter scowls disapprovingly, "Did you hear me?" The waiter weakly smiles at Nieves and nods. "Marcos, do you remember?" She offers up her...nose? He remembers and they rub noses as a suffering César helplessly looks on biting his fists.

Aldo and his rodential friends have arrived in the alleyway of the home of the kindly dope peddler. Aldo assures Simón that he has anything they need. They knock, KDP, seeing that it's Aldo, who reassures him that they've brought money, invites them in.

Back at the Bat Cave, Teri is delighted to be reunited with the Femsibs, Luisa and Dani. Iván beams. Luisa grouses about life with the Mummy, but an optimistic Iván reassures her that is in the past and he has no doubt that Mao will permit him and Luisa to be novios. Teri thinks that's a great idea. Mauricio, not wanting to spoil the moment, agrees. Dani wants to know why Moni is not there with them. Mao too, is disappointed but at the moment his main concern is the missing hijo, Aldo.

Taking note that they are here all alone and Coni has no one to wrap her hands, Moni guesses they will have to fight bare knuckled (puños limpios). Not to worry, here's la Guerrera. Moni is suspicious but la G assures her that she is here to aid them and act as referee. She smiles a broad toothy smile as she proceeds in wrapping Coni's hands.

Still in the patrol car, Cristian is giving last minute instructions to Beto, now decked out in dark clothes with the requisite dark ski mask. Beto assures him that he will be the best mugger (ratero) ever. Oh yes! This can't possibly go well. Beto will hide, and as Cristian makes the block, lurk, and then attack, then... Beto hops out, heads for a clump of trees, pauses to puke... Oh crap! This can't... you know.

The happy couple stroll up on cue, Beto leaps out, knife in hand, "Hands up!" He orders them into the alley, tilting his head to ogle Pau's butt as they proceed.

Nieves enjoys her sopesitas as Marcos looks on lovingly. He goes to work. "Nieves, you know, all these years I haven't been able to stop thinking of your lips..." "Ay, Marcos." " I've missed your kisses so much. I've waited so long to feel the warmth of your skin, your lips on mine..." He moves in for a kiss and gets a bite of sopesito instead. He doesn't miss a beat. Across the room, César is fit to be tied. Nieves dabs at Marcos lips with her napkin. Oops time for another trip to el baño.

He hurries back to the other table, followed discreetly by César, where Jaqui was about to start on her lobster without him. She complains. He explains. Old friend in the john. She mentions that since he's aged, trips to the bathroom are taking him longer. He reminds her that in spite of her injections and unguents , she has gotten old as well. Jaqui really is feeling frisky. Once more she grabs his tie and pull him close, "Come here!" She wants a reminder of what it's like to kiss a man of this nature. "Come here papá, this is the first of what I expect of you tonight." César is scandalized. "Dinner with two women at the same time!"

Back in the 'hood, a yawning Alicia is delighted about her role as cupid. Isabel sends her to do her part as she, herself, knocks on Estre's door. "May I come in? We need to talk."

Alicia is calling Mao from the community phone. She urges him to hurry over, Monita wants to talk. She yawns, "She wants to meet you at Estrella's so you want be bothered by Isabel." Her spiked coffee is kicking in. She goes to look for a bed.

Coni is gloved now and she and Monita are faced off in the ring. Ana Maria (la G) gives them instructions, " A fair fight. No eye gouging or ear biting." Heck!

Coni's ready to go. Moni has a trobled face and remembers... She remember Mauricio informing her that Constanza is her sister. Coni launches some wild jabs, backs up, then lunges. Moni steps aside and Coni tumbles right through the ropes, out of the ring, and onto the floor as Moni and la G look on astonished. From across the continent, Carlos hears the satisfied laughter of the anti-Coni faction of Club Gancho. How humiliating for our Coni. Disgusted Moni holds out her fists and demands that la G remove the gloves. "Are you backing out (te estás rejando), Monita?" "Of course not. There's no way that the Mummy is prepared for a fight." Coni, boldly, but not wisely, crawls back into the ring insisting that the fight continue. The girl's game. Not good, but game. Moni critiques her form and style. She reminds Moni that the pigsty (pocilga) where she and her friends live is in play. Moni tells her to get Beto to train her better. "Meanwhile, don't come near me." Coni frowns. la G tells her that she is lucky. "Monita could have killed you."

As the others finish dinner, Teri tucks in Dani. Mao excuses himself to go meet Moni. Teri reassures him that they will let him know when they hear from Aldo. Don't worry, Aldo is a sensible (sensato) boy. Mao tells Luisa to behave. As he leaves, Iván queries his granny, "¿Aldo, sensato? I don'tbelieve that." "Nor I," Luisa adds. Nor we.

Speaking of, Aldo and the boys duck out of the way as Cristian's patrol car cruises by and pulls over. The lads think that it'd be good sport to assault Cristian. Aldo helplessly objects as they do just that. From behind the two grab him, bend him over the hood of he car and when he complains, whacks his head with his own pistol rendering him unconscious. This scene is very troubling on many levels.

Meintras tanto, Beto is marching his victims through the woods. He stops them demanding that they quickly comply with his demands. Timid Tano is ready to hand over his wallet, but Pau sees things differently. She complains and struggles a bit with Beto. Tano butches up and challenges Beto. Beto demonstrates some fancy moves with the knife, but alas, he drops it. Emboldened, Tough guy Tano directs a kick at Beto's nethers. ¡GOL!!! Our little ratero is rendered helpless. Paula, her sadistic bent surfacing, proceeds to kick the unfortunate Beto mercilessly. Tano drags her away as Beto writhes in pain.

Estrella is buying none of Isabel's horse hockey.

Aldo tries vainly to mitigate the assault on Cristian. His chum have reverted to form, taken control and are stripping an unconscious Cristian of clothes, pistol, and order Aldo into the patrol car. This is very bad.

Estrella tells la Serpiente that she is waiting for Moni to come to her senses and see Isabel as she is. She tells her to leave. Issy tells her that she is prepared to tell her the real truth, but it's a long story. She needs a glass of water. Estre fetches the water, Isabel readies her auxiliary surrogate fang, and as Estre is setting the glass down, the vicious viper coils and strikes, plunging the needle into Estre's arm. Ouch. Estre is stunned. "What did you do to me?"

A tearful Moni is walking alone. The harsh reality has settled in, "She's my sister. She's my sister. The Mummy is my sister.

Isabel is busy arranging her little tableau. She has placed Estre in her bed, undressed her, and situated her in a provocative pose. All the while speaking eerily in a soothing manner to the unconscious Estrella. She then calmly sets about readying another syringe. "I expect it won't be long before Mauricio arrives."

As Beto struggles to his feet complaining, Cristian, clad in shorts, shoes, and socks, staggers up. Beto shares his jacket. He curses Paula.

Mao knocks on Estre's door and walks in, looks around, and... Coiled behind the door the snake strikes again. This time Mao's thigh is impaled. "Buena noches, Mauricio," She watches impassively as he flounders about briefly as the venom rapidly enters his circulation. Thoughtfully, he collapses on the bed. Issy moves in to strip him and arrange him in the bed, entwined with Estrella. "After this night, Maurcio, Valentina never again believe in you, and even better, the friendship between my daughter and Estrella will be doomed forever." She grabs her wounded shoulder, "Damned shoulder. I want to see the look on Valentina's face when she discovers you together in the same bed."

Having returned to the vecinidad, In her mind Moni hears Mao lauding her dad for facilitating the return of the kids, her mom, saying that Marcos has done two beautiful things in his life, Beto talking about Coni and Mao , she turns around, heads for Estre's apartment, pauses, then starts to enter.

Dr. Judy, score this as an assist. Now for your slam dunk.



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