Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, March 23: Ep 23--Can't none of y'all handle the truth.

Arcadio leaves Remigio to clean up Dungeon room 1B. In room 1A, Arcadio gags Maria del Rosario and threatens them both to keep quiet. Then he goes back to 1B and leaves Remigio with a trunk and a plank of wood to build a table out of. He goes off, mumbling to himself that Sra. Leonarda will have to be informed.

Clemencia is excited as Regina swishes around some film and she can see a face. Reggie works her chemical magic and finally Juan del Diablo's face is revealed. Clemencia runs off and Regina grinds her teeth together.

Clemencia goes down to the fishermen and tells them she knows something's up. First the gardenias, and now the face of that man who reminds her of Juan de Dios San Roman. Pedro denies knowing anything and Santos parrots him. Clemencia gives them both a dirty look and leaves. Santos wonders if she believed them, but Pedro says they had to lie, for everyone's good. He hopes God will forgive them.

Regina gets so upset over the picture of Juan that she rips it up. She feels he's done them too much harm. Remigio comes in to see if she needs anything else and asks her if she remembers him. He reminds her about the day she got scolded for buying a cookie from him. She does remember and is happy to actually know his name now. He's surprised when she offers her hand for him to shake and wipes it off on his vest first. He tells her he's got to go do some more work. "Ve con Dios," she says (go with God). Remigio replies that he could really use some divine illumination.

Remigio leaves flowers at his mom's grave, as does Juan. Juan is ready to talk now. Remi warns him that he won't let him become a killer. Juan says he made a promise to his dad and came back to get revenge. Remi is ok with that, but it had better be a murderless revenge. He won't watch Juan throw his life away. Juan tells Remigio that he's like a father to him and he saved his life. "If you value that life at all, then I order you…I'll order you if it's necessary…not to go against the fifth commandment of God's law." For those of us who skipped Sunday school, he reminds Juan that he's referring to the one about not killing. Just in case Juan didn't get the picture. Got that, Juan? No killing.

Juan goes to talk to Maria del Rosario's tomb. He asks her for a sign to lead him to how to carry out revenge without killing. Clemencia walks in right then. She sees Juan from behind and thinks "Is it possible?" She notices the birthmark on his neck and knows it's him. She places his mother's rosary over his shoulder, startling him, and tells him that it's his. "Your mother's rosary." She cries and calls him her boy while hugging him around the middle--since that's as high as she can reach. Juan just looks kind of freaked out, like someone forgot to tell big Ed they were filming this scene today. Clemencia goes on to say "You're Maria del Rosario's son! You are Juan de Dios San Roman Montes de Oca!" That's a mouthful to call out on the playground. Better watch it, boy, she knows ALL your names and she's not afraid to use them! Juan blinks in slow motion as we go to commercials.

Clemencia can't get over having Juan in front of her. She's stroking his face and kissing his hand. Juan wants to know what she knows about him and who she is. Clemencia says what's important is what she needs to tell him about his mother.

Mirta struggles to move Maria del Rosario's chair around so that she can see the window. A dove flies in and MdR, still bound and gagged, thought bubbles, "I found him in the sea, I lost him in the sea, and only the sea can return him."

Clemencia tells Juan that his mother died a few minutes after giving birth to him. She thanks God and the Virgen for granting her the miracle of having him in her arms again. She calls him Juan de Dios and he wonders how she knows that's his name. Clemencia tells him that she wrote the letter to ask that he be baptized with that name. Juan says that means he owes her his life. Clemencia denies it and says it's his mom that he owes, and God. She reminds him that God gives life and only God can decide when it's over. Juan remembers asking his mother for a sign. Hey, man, you asked for a sign, you got a sign, and you can't complain if it's not the sign you wanted!

Down on the beach, Pedro, Santos, and Remigio are having a little chat about their buddy Juan. Remigio feels bad about laying down the law, but he's determined to keep Juan from turning into a murderer (drink!). Pedro and Santos are in agreement. Santos is ok with the revenge bit, just not the killing.

Arcadio rides out to meet Leonarda's carriage. He calls out to warn her and she points to the other carriage window, where Rosenda is sitting, so he changes what he was going to say to "The merchandise you left with me, um, it's about to be discovered." Leo tells him to get back to the finca and watch over "the merchandise" until she gets there. She calls to the coachman to hurry it up. Rosenda tries to wheedle more information out of Leo, saying that Arcadio seemed mighty upset, but golly gee, it's so hard for her to understand what he was upset about. "You know you can trust me, right? Maybe you want to tell me something, hm?" Leo says she'll consider it.

Regina finds yet another picture of Juan del Diablo. She remembers Aimee telling her that until she's been with a big strapping man like Juan Double D, she won't really know what lust is. There's a new nickname for him, I-Juan-A-Know-What-Lust-Is. Regina rips up yet another picture and assures the room that she'll NEVER end up in the arms of that savage. Which, of course, means she's guaranteed to. Nice going, Santa Regina.

Juan sits by a hut on the beach with Curly, who notices Juan is sad. Curly says he's never (in all his day and a half of having known Juan) seen Juan like this. Curly reminds Juan that Juan can count on him for whatever, cause he owes his freedom to Juan. And also because he and Juan are exactly alike. Juan agrees that they both suffered because they didn't start out life with fathers who loved and cared for them. Curly says that now he has Juan and the other fishermen. Juan tells Curly that he's his family now. Curly agrees and says there's nothing more important than family. Juan thought bubbles that he's a Montes de Oca, like it or not, and he's got their blood in his veins.

Pedro comes to Juan with a painting of his dad that Mabel painted. That so does not look like Juan Sr. Pedro tells Juan that everybody loved and respected his dad and that despite all his pain, Juan Sr. never turned into a killer. The horse. It is dead. Stop beating it! Curly asks Juan what Pedro meant by that. Juan doesn't answer and we cut to the Puerto de Alvarado.

Fed and Roddy are out walking and Fed throws a hissy fit because he thinks he's being snubbed by the other boys on the playground, and all because of that ho! Rod tells him that if any of the boys give him trouble, Roddy will set them straight. Fed mentions that he went to see Reggie and she agreed that they can be friends. Rod thinks that's a good start. He's sure Fed will end up earning her love, as long as he's patient and persistent. "Trust me, I know women." Ja. Ja. Jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja. Ja. Ok, I'm fine now. Rod gets a message that Noel needs to talk to him ASAP and leaves.

Regina is still hanging up pictures as Leonarda comes in screaming at the top of her lungs that Reggie doesn't have permission to be down here and that only Arcadio is allowed.

Noel has just broken the bad news to Rodrigo and Raul (if I'm remembering his name correctly) that the long-haired guy who they keep being rude to is the authorized representative of their business partner Juan Aldama. He even sent some cablegrams for verification and he shows them the responses he got. Noel widens his eyes significantly when he tells Rodrigo that Santiago's heir, their current business partner, is named JUAN Aldama de la Cruz. Why isn't anyone asking what the "authorized representative"'s name is? Or do they not care? Or is it not significant if his name is also Juan?

Juan del Diablo touches the painting of his dad and remembers his dad making him swear to remember that all their misfortunes are due to the Montes de Ocas. Hm, he didn't explicitly say "revenge" did he? Juan tells Juan Sr. that he was the only one to see him die. "That's why I can't forgive!" Gabriel comes in. Juan shows him the painting and cries. Gabriel notices the family resemblance, that they're both strong men. Juan says he never saw him that way, he saw him turned into a "despojo humano" (a wreck of a man) and all thanks to those horrible, nasty, no-good, rotten Montes de Ocas! So, yeah, he'll have his revenge, thanks, especially now that he's seen Rod. He's realized what a snot Rod is and he thinks he deserves all the suffering Juan has in store for him. Gabriel is concerned that ruining Rod will also ruin Juan. Juan says he's diversified enough that it won't really bother him. Hm, wasn't Renato talking about diversifying the family's investments just yesterday? Those two boys need to get together and get good and drunk and talk about all the things they have in common. And one day, I hope they do. Juan lets Gabriel know that he's already told Noel that he (Juan) is the legal rep for "Juan Aldama de la Cruz." Also, they are expecting Raul to visit. Juan has already confronted him with his embezzlement and he wants Gabe to have all the documents ready to shove in Raul's face at the moment of his triumphant entrance. Gabe is all too happy to get right on that. Juan looks at the painting again. "The hour of my revenge has arrived!"

Clemencia goes to chew out Pedro and Santos for not telling her that Juan de Dios' son had returned. She asks why he doesn't want to get close to his family, "Is he planning something bad?" Santos asks her not to push, they aren't supposed to tell her anything. "Greeeat. One more secret in the Montes de Oca family! Don't you all think it's been enough?" She had always thought that Juan's return would bring peace and calm to the family. Why? What's she been smoking? She tells Pedro and Santos that by their silence she can tell that the Montes de Oca are condemned to a life of "rencor" (resentment) and suffering. She leaves and Santos and Pedro look at each other guiltily.

Regina asks Leo what the big flippin' deal is. "I've only seen you get this upset once before, on the day you found the bouquet of gardenias in the room." Reggie wonders why it's so bad for her to be in there. Leo says that Reggie is in danger because the place is in ruins and what would happen if it all crumbled with her in there? Reggie says it can't be that bad if Arcadio lives down there. "Oh, well, his room is reinforced, just not the rest." Leo begs her, for her own safety, to get out as soon as possible. She offers that if Regina needs a darkroom to develop her, uh, "images,"…"They're photographs"…whatever, she'll get a room in the house fixed up for her. Reggie says she didn't want to upset her and she'll gladly take a room in the house. "See how easy it is for us to get along!" Leo tells Arcadio to relocate all of Reggie's stuff to…"The attic?" Leo agrees with the suggestion and tells Arcadio to move all of it. Reggie is worried he won't do it carefully enough, but Leo pushes her out of the room. Arcadio dismantles the makeshift table and shoves the trunk…Maria del Rosario's trunk…into a corner of the room, covering it with rags. He grabs Regina's camera and leaves and we see that all the bits of pictures of Juan are on the floor. Uh, oh, are those going to make it back to mommy?

Regina and Leo walk back into the house. Regina passes on going up to see if the attic will work for her, she trusts Leo's judgment. She asks to stay outside in the garden. Rosenda walks up after Leo goes inside. "I heard you got kicked out of the 'pasadizos'" (passages). "OUR godmother doesn't like anyone going in there." Regina tells Rosenda that Leo told her they were in a bad state and there could be a cave in. Rosenda agrees that might be true, but points out that Leo gets really upset when she finds out someone goes in there. "Sometimes I ask myself, Why does she get so upset?" Rosenda claims that she's just concerned because in some way she's obligated to watch over what's going on at the finca. And to watch out for Leonarda and Renato. "Just like you. Because I'm sure you're also worried about Don Renato's well-being." Rosenda says she can tell just by looking at Reggie when Renato's around. "I don't mean to offend you with my words. I'm just an employee here, but you can trust me. I know how to keep secrets, and I can be your friend, too, and tell you what I see. Above all, when your sister goes out to walk around." Rosenda takes her leave and Reggie makes a face.

Clemencia has a very concerned chat with a very concerned-looking Virgencita. She doesn't know why no one's telling her anything, but she's afraid that hate is stronger than love and revenge will destroy them all. There's a knock on the door and Clemencia dries her tears and answers the door to Regina. Clemencia tells Reggie not to worry about her running off earlier, it was just "cosas de viejas" (old lady stuff). Regina comments that Cemencia is always praying to the Virgen del Carmen (aka, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the patroness of the Carmelite order and patron saint of Chile…so I don't know why Clemencia is praying to her and not the Virgen de Guadalupe, but there you have it) and asks why she's doing so just now. Clemencia sits her down to talk. "Regina, I've been thinking about the things happening between you and your sister and I want to beg you to keep this in mind: when something comes between two sisters, the hate takes over their hearts and it destroys their peace. I'd know. Regina, there's something that's been tormenting me, and I need you to tell me, is your love for Renato strong enough to turn you against your sister, and even do her serious harm?" Regina says it's not. She loves her sister and doesn't wish for anything bad to happen to her. She wonders what makes Clemencia doubt. "Years ago, when neither you nor Aimee was born, I found out the story of two sisters. The hate of one destroyed the other." She doesn't want that to happen to Regina and Aimee. "Resign yourself to not having Renato's love and instead of judging your sister, be closer to her. Because if she really is in danger, then you need to save her instead of condemning her."

Leo blames Arcadio for not following her orders and Arcadio blames Regina for being stubborn and insisting. Leo tells him he'd better tighten up security and quit drinking. "What if someone gets in here and finds out that my sister is alive? That day, both our luck runs out." Arcadio reminds her that he wanted to kill MdR in the first place. "Muerto el perro, se acaba la rabia" (If the dog is dead, the rabies is finished). He heads out with a knife and Leo just ineffectually gasps and sputters and says nothing. Arcadio goes in and laughs at Mirta for trying to protect MdR. He calls her stupid and pushes her down. He points the knife at MdR, but she looks at him and he just unties her gag and cuts the ropes tying her to the chair. He warns them both that at the first scream, he'll cut their throats. He leaves and Mirta finishes untying MdR and hugs her.

Leonarda gets a visit from Eloisa. She seems thrilled. Not. Eloisa says she decided to come get Aimee and they could go shopping. "Fulgencio leaves me alone so often, the only entertainment I have is to spend his money." Aimee comes downstairs and asks for permission to go, "Maybe we'll find pretty things to decorate mine and Renato's bedroom." Dun, dun, dun, says the music. Eloisa reminds Leo that she's a respectable married woman and people need to get a look at Renato Montes de Oca's bride-to-be. She'll be the envy of all the marriage-age women. Leo gives in and tells her not to be too long. "Don't forget for a moment that you're engaged to my son, jajaja, and that you should be respectful." "Oh, I'd never forget because Renato's so, so honorable, and I always try to live up to him." Gag. Aimee promises not to be long and to bring back a little surprise for Leo. Blah-blah-blah, like a mother to me. The two tramps head out. Leo thought bubbles that she'd like nothing more than to be Aimee's mother, as long as she also got to be Rod's wife.

Rod and Feddy walk along as Rod complains that life appears to be mocking him by having that scruffy looking nerfherder as the legal representative of their business partner. Fed asks if he doesn't have to get along with him, for the sake of the business. Rod refuses to lower himself to the level of an "aventurero" (adventurer…but he probably means good-for-nothing peasant). Fed asks what happens when Sr. Juan Aldama de la Cruz shows up. Wait a second here, is Foppy Feddy acting as the voice of reason? Rod claims that he'll demand that Juan fire that "fantoche" (presumptuous puppet, poser) for all the terrible things he's done in Juan's name. He's sure that Juan will listen to his advice. "Being a gentleman isn't a pose or an attitude, and remember this: he lives nobly who is of nobility." Okay, Polonius, whatever. Fed is confused. He goes chasing after Rod.

At the finca, they're cutting cane and Renato is putting in some good hard work. Remigio is instructing the others on how to do it right.

Regina walks near the house, pondering what Clemencia told her. She kneels down and starts praying. Renato walks in and she tries to run from him, but he grabs her and asks why she's running. "Oh, um, I was just going inside the house, that's all." "Don't lie. You never lied to me before." He asks her to forgive him for being brusque, but they've always been close, like siblings, and she's been his best friend, soon to be his sister. He feels like she isn't even interested in having him for a brother-in-law, so he really wanted to talk to her. Regina says there's no point talking about it. "Soon, I won't cause any problems because soon I'll go back to the house at the port." "You feel so bad here at the finca? My presence is so disagreeable to you?" He strokes her face and asks her what's up. "I can see you're suffering. I'd have to be blind not to notice that your eyes are fighting back tears." The narrator narrates, "With what terrible effort did Regina reign in her heart, which 'desbocado' [runaway] is about to leave her chest? With what enormous strength of will does she contain her tears, which have formed a knot in her throat, like a rope threatening to suffocate her? Meanwhile her only free hand closes firmly, digging her nails into her skin with the intention of calming herself." Regina thanks Renato for his concern, but says he shouldn't give so much importance to her tears. "It's just my nerves, and missing the convent." She tells him she had no intention of offending anyone last night, she just asked her sister if she was sure about her feelings. "I think with respect to marriage that it's better to change your mind an hour before than a minute after." Renato wonders why Aimee would change her mind. "Or don't you think I'm worthy of her? Sometimes it's not necessary to say things with words what can be clearly understood with deeds." Renato now thinks that Regina is avoiding him because she doesn't like him as a husband for her sister. He begs her to just talk about it openly. "You stopped being my friend once you realized I was in love with Aimee. Since then you've treated me with indifference, coldness, antipathy." He asks her why and asks what he' done to her, what she has against him. "Are you afraid I won't make your sister happy? That's it, isn't it? What are my failings? What are the defects you find in me? Please speak honestly to me! I need the truth!" Oh, Renato, you can't handle the truth. And neither can Regina, apparently, since she says nothing.

Aimee and Eloisa have a drink at the café. Eloisa points out some men who are looking at the two of them. Aimee gets her into the game of rating them from 1-10. She declares Bachelor #1 a 6 and Bachelor #2 a 7. Eloisa giggles and says they're all very attractive. "Isn't at least one of them an 8?" Aimee thinks the guy in the yellow suit might merit a 9, but Eloisa disagrees and says that in "la intimidad" (intimacy; i.e., in the bedroom) he doesn't deserve more than a 5. Aimee toasts to that. I looked for information on the history of rating things on a scale of 1-10, but Google did not come through for me. Still, I feel fairly comfortable declaring this to be anachronistic.

Renato is still begging for an answer. Regina says there's no point. She admits that Renato is flawless and any woman would want him. "Are you praising me or making fun of me?" Regina says she would never make fun of him. "If I seem incomprehensible to you and the rest of the family it's because now we live in different worlds. That's why I'm asking you to forget about me, for all of you to forget, and for you to be happy. Your happiness will be mine." He goes after her, but she escapes, calling back to him to just forget about her, already! Renato is handsomely confused and dismayed.

Regina goes back to her bedroom and asks God why he keeps pushing her limits and making her face temptation and wake her memories, why, why, why does the test have to be so hard? "I need your mercy and your understanding. Mercy! Mercy! Mercy!" God: "Hey, quit blaming me for this. You're the one who lacks the cojones to be honest about your feelings. Pues, allá tu!" (that's your problem)

Tomorrow: Juan and Gabriel practice fencing; Aimee takes a bubble bath; Aimee tells Regina that tonight she's going to tell Juan that she's marrying Renato; Juan gets upset; Raul is confused and Juan tells him to just follow orders; Juan brings a blindfolded Aimee to the beach.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dinero #47, 3/23/10: A Mutiny at the Siglo

Hey, all! I'm covering for Melinama tonight so I set up the space earlier today. Anyway, on with the show...

The employees scatter and do anything they can to hide when they see Ale walk in. Ale catches Ismael/El Bebé and questions him about where everyone else went. Ale calls Ramirez’s cell phone, which gives away his hiding place when it rings.

Nelson, Claudia, Ramiro, and Rosaura are hiding in restroom stalls when Ale calls Rosa’s cell phone. Rosaura lies about being with a client and Ale plays along until she barges into the bathroom. They all file out like children caught with their hands in the cookie jar.

Vicky is waiting at Rafa’s when he gets home from work. She’s angry about his wearing a new suit. Leonor admires Rafa’s new watch and congratulates him on being employee of the month a second time. Too bad he won’t see any of his check, since he had to give it all to Ale. Rafa’s sure nothing is good enough for Ale. She’s gotten worse since the operation.

Ale searches for Ramiro and he crawls out from under a table to keep her from calling his wife. She has a whole list of disparaging adjectives for everyone (abusive, inept, irresponsible). Ale questions where Rafa is and Rosaura tells him he left to plan his wedding with Vicky. *anvil*

Ale is so surprised she starts to get woozy. The gang guides her to a chair but it breaks the moment she sits down. Ale dusts herself off and warns them they better be at work on time the next morning. She grimaces as she walks away and, once she’s out of earshot, everyone cracks up.

Vicky flutters around with excitement because the wedding is going to be in two weeks. News for Leonor and Rafa who thought it wouldn’t be for three more months. Rafa uses the same reasons as usual: no time, not enough dinero, etc. Vicky says Rafa can live in her house until they get their own place; her padre can take care of anything they need. Both Rafa and Leonor think it’s a bad idea.

Ale gets home and Marco is wild for Ale when he sees her new look. She’s still irritated at him for standing her up at the airport and dodges most of his advances.

Ale asks what the doctor said about her padre’s health. Marco tells her Jorge only has two months left to live. (What a worm.) Ale is crushed. Marco wants to get married as soon as possible so Jorge can see them happy together. Ale thinks it’s best if they don’t get married. (Backfired!)

Marco says Jorge told him he wanted to see them together. Marco turns up the waterworks and says Jorge is like the father he never had. But he’s going to leave the decision up to Ale. She looks torn over what to do.

Rafa is talking to Vicky about not being able to afford a honeymoon. Vicky says it’s already being handled. They’re going to stay with her uncle in Cancun for 20 days. Rafa doesn’t want to go because of all the work he would miss; Vicky wants him to forget it since he can always work in the butcher shop with her padre.

Rafa doesn’t want to be dependant on Vicky’s family but Vicky doesn’t want her Pajarito to be dependent on his Jefa like he has been

Marco and Ale are having dinner with Jorge and Rosario. Marco wants to get hitched in two to three weeks but Ale doesn’t think it’s enough time to organize everything for 200 people.

Rosario suggests they have the ceremony in the hacienda. It’s the perfect place! Marco gulps and says he’ll have to clear it with Chavez first. Rosario says Chavez doesn’t own the place and, if she has to, she’ll take it up with him herself. Marco swears he can handle it himself.

Rafa lounges in his room with one of the pictures from the fiesta. He tells himself to snap out of it. It was just a dream and now he has to continue living the nightmare. (Aww. Just makes you want to give him a hug.)

Ramiro is criticized by his wife for not making enough money. Señorita Reyes, the sexual therapist, saunters out of the kitchen and chats him up. She wants to help him learn to have self-esteem. Unfortunately for Ramiro, his father-in-law interrupts. It was just daydream. His father-in-law guesses Ramiro was fantasizing about a woman.

Marco is all lips and hands but Ale pushes him away. She’s had a terrible day because none of the employees met their quotas. Marco asks about “the criminal”. Ale grins when she says Rafa is the only one who came through for the month. Marco tries yet again to get closer to Ale but she says they have time to be together once they get married. “You taught me that.” (Ouch! A dig because of how he treated her earlier. I don’t think he picked up on it, though.)

Rosario asks Ale to look over the bills for the month. Ale is outraged how expensive the electric and phone bills are. Rosario sticks up for Marco’s excesses by praising how he volunteered to take care of Jorge while Ale was away, getting the operation he paid for.

Rafa gets his wake-up call from Ale. He’s happy to hear from her but Ale spouts acid as usual. Rafa tells himself to get his head out of the clouds. Ale’s call is nothing but a nightmare.

Pepeto stops by Rafa’s house, looking sharp in a suit. He gives Rafa his business card, which displays his full name (Jose Tomas Moreno) and declares he is a sales executive at a car company.

Pepeto has decided to help Rafa sharpen his skills since Pepe is a self-declared master in sales. They take off for the Siglo in Pepeto’s car, but not before Julieta and Pepeto get some flirting in.

Ale lets out all her frustrations on Susana. She’s still steamed about finding all the employees at the Trancazo. Ale is more subdued when she tells Susana that Rafa wasn’t there because he was off planning his wedding.

Pepeto calls a buddy on the phone and lies about the attributes of Rafa’s car in order to sell it. Rafa doesn’t approve of lying to make a sale but Pepeto doesn’t bat an eyelash about it.

Ale sees Rafa chatting with Pepeto and automatically assumes Rafa’s up to no good. Pepe waits outside while Rafa tires to explain that Pepeto is a friend who works at Pro Autos (the name according to the captions). Ale goes through the roof; Pro Autos is their competition! She berates Rafa for bringing the competition to work with him.

The other employees flock to Rafa and sympathize. Ale is still fuming and is short with Rosaura when she comes in late again. Rosa pleads that her hijo had bronchitis and she had to take him to a doctor. Ale doesn’t believe it and storms off into the meeting room.

Lic. Beltran wanders onto the scene. Everyone starts complaining about what they have to endure at work each day: yelling, insults, etc. They don’t feel up to selling anything when they’re being berated constantly.

Beltran asks Rafa and Ismael if they’re unhappy working there. Ramirez steps on their feet when they try to honestly reply. Beltran takes their yelps as confirmation and says they are going to settle the problem immediately.

Uh oh! Susana scurried behind a plant earlier and heard the whole thing. (I see storm clouds on the horizon…)

Chavez hangs out at the hacienda and gives the help, a guy named Chucho, a warning not to say anything about all the goings on in the past month. Chucho is worried because thinks he saw someone on the property the night before. The neighbors said a ghost has been roaming around. (?) Chavez isn’t worried and tells Chucho to shoot anyone suspicious.

Para Miércoles: Susana tells Ale about what the employees said to Beltran. Rafa gets angry when Ale mentions his wedding and they end up in a scuffle of some sort that Beltran walks in on.


Gancho Tuesday March 23, 2010 Shirleylock and Pooh Bear Have Another Most Excellent Adventure....Not!

Today's episode had me thinking of one of those old Winnie the Pooh stories where our bumbling bear goes floating up in a balloon, disturbs a beehive and comes to grief, stung all over like our pathetic little Arnie. And once again, the previews sucked us into the hope that Salvador would be rescued...but it was not to be. Monita and Mau did end their romantic day by making slow, sensuous love, but sssssserpent Isabel (thanks EJ) disrupts the mood by coming to look for darling daughter. Aldo continues his downward trajectory, but Lalu has been liberated to go bar-hopping in search of a new romance. So, the usual mix of good news and bad news. Lots and lots of Ximena for her fan club but Arny gets tedious, doesn't he? Not sure those two should end up together.

Now on to the details. Estrella confronts Isabel and lets her know that Monita is with Maurico and they're reconciling and there's not a damn thing the viper can do about. (How do you say "famous last words" in Spanish?) Isabel disses Estrella's acting skills and when she admits that Aldo did see her and Mauricio when they were drugged and nude , Hissy smiles evilly and says' well at least some damage has been achieved. Estrella manhandles her a little bit, (go for the shoulder, Estrella!) and pushes her out the door.

Brief scene of Aldo, leaning against a wall, remembering the horrible sight of his girl and his dad in bed together.

Back to the lovers, sitting now on a grassy bank. (Is Carlos nodding off here?) Yes, it's the same old discussion. "Luchar por nuestro amor" comes up. And the conclusion that one of them is wrong. Either Isabel is evil or Marcos is. But it doesn't matter. What matters is the Great Love between them. We have some goofy smiles, a nice shot of Mau's empty but lovely green eyes, soothing, romantic piano music with a somewhat minor harmony. All very nice. And somewhat soporific.

So back to Ximena's and Arny's not so excellent adventure. Arny, having been bitten all over by some kind of "bichos", is now scratching his back like an old bear rubbing up against a tree. A tree holding a huge bee hive (Or is it a hornet's nest? Experts, weigh in) Down it comes. Ximena's wows turn to ooopsies and Arny takes off screaming like a banshee. Ximena is laughing. Nopis. Can't see these two together long-term.

Our lovers have now returned to the boat and Monita's holding the Camera of Doom, taking some playful shots of her and Mau and no doubt using up the roll so it can be developed. Can't wait! Evening falls. The night sky lights up with fabulous fireworks which then spell out Te Amo Monita. She responds in kind. We have another shot of Mau's glazed eyes and pearly-white teeth. And some ads.

When we come back, they're still smooching, murmuring sweet nothings and the capper, "fuegos artificiales....asi se pone mi corazón cuando te veo" (fireworks...just like my heart when I see you) Well, pretty sure this encounter is going to end up in the bedroom. Let's hope so since Mau had to lay out some serious cash for that bonanza.

Time for the dark side. Salvador, still in the creepy cabaña, is asking plaintively for Gabriela. Nurse is trying to calm him down so Oscar doesn't realize he's no longer drugged. Lorenza is out and about. Oscar is furious and sends the nurse to look for her. And makes veiled references to Sal's imminent demise.

We're at the bodega now and I sure hope no firemen are watching this. A gazillion candles are lit (how long have these dang things been burning?) a rather professional scarlet nightie is on the bed and romance is in the air. No need for nightie. Mau is going to dedicate himself completely to Monita until dawn. Off slides the jacket. Off slides the shirt. Damnation!...more ads.

Double damnation. Now we're back to the very unsexy Arny screaming about his various bites. Ximena lays a little philosophy on him. These little animalitos are just a part of nature. Another precious link in the "cadena alimenticia" (food chain) and he can either see "el vaso medio lleno o medio vacio" (the glass half full or half empty). Forget philosophy. Arny is hungry. This reminds Ximena of a film she saw where a plane crashed in the mountains and the survivors ate one another. Mutual look of horror. Fortunately our little woodswoman decides now is the time to build a campfire (prender una fogata).

While she's doing this, we see Aldo heading back to the strangely congenial drug dealer. He agrees to give Aldo some more pills on credit and even slips him some cash for food. But bring dinero the next time, kid!

Harsh words for the nurse as well. Oscar's reaming her out for letting Lorenza go on the grounds. She protests that she couldn't leave Sal. He protests that Sal's a piece of furniture and she certainly could. He and Jeronimo head out to look for her and Nurse suggests to Sal that now is the time to make their escape.

Sensuous love scene. Mauricio is of the slow hand variety of lover. Candles burning. The camera focuses on the flame and next we see the flames of Ximena's campfire. Another nifty transition. However, this is no cosy campfire. Ximena's idea of camping involves visions of evil witches with "pelos raros" (strange hair) ready to seize hapless peasants and rip their hearts out. Suddenly a moaning distraught (and strange haired) Lorenza appears out of the shadows. Now both Ximena and Arny are screaming.

Back to our lovers. They're in that dreamy post-amour lull but our Mauricio is sad. Without telling Monita the real reason for Aldo's disappearance (he implies it was because he stopped the wedding) he vows to spend the next day searching high and low for him. He has all her support. More smooching ensues.

Back to the woods. Arny is exhausted from all the running and screaming. He's on the verge of a heart attack. Nopis. We can't stay here, sez Ximena. But pretend I'm a tree. Now hug the tree. I'll protect you. And hug you back. We'll walk together. that was sweet. Not sure where it rates on EJ's meter, but pretty high up in my opinion.

Rolu and Lalu. Not so sweet. In fact, pretty darned distraught. Edgy. Cranky and worried. So much so that Lalu's French manicure is ruined. Tragedy. The truth comes out. Arny is NOT gay. Cara impactada Lalu. More ads.

Now Nurse and Salvador are fleeing through the murky woods. Well, not fleeing exactly. Sal is dragging and then he turns his ankle (torció el tobillo). Nurse checks it and pronounces it an "esguince" (sprain). Heads back for something to brace it with.

And speaking of injuries, how about Lalu's broken heart!? He's playing that violin for all it's worth, lamenting his self-esteem dragged down to the floor by Arny's constant rejections. Nosiree, that doesn't just get canceled by a little apology Mr. Rolu! Well, maybe it does. He didn't fall in love with Arny after all. No? What about those love letters? Ximena wrote them. Yikes, Arny wrote MY love letters, admits Rolu. Two caras impactadas. What if Xime and Arny have fallen in love? And run away together? Zounds.

Double zounds. Salvador staggers out of the dark and scares the bejesus out of Xime and Arny. "Sigue la luz" (follow the light) yelps our favorite New Age Valley Girl. Help me, Sal croaks. To no avail. Our two detectives run off in a fright and Lorenza finds him instead. And then our hapless couple is found by Oscar and dragged back to the cabaña.

Meanwhile Shirleylock and Pooh Bear have wandered out on the highway and encountered Jeronimo, trolling along in his sports car. He reluctantly rescues them (Why, of all the millions of people on the planet does this happen to me? he moans). There's some pantomime pointing to Arny's puffy face and Arny's hapless shrugs and we learn how to offer your lap to someone. Since there's only one seat available Xime says "Me cargas o te cargo?" Arny ends up on HER lap. Go figure.

Lots of sturm und drang back at the apartment. Rolu is in full paranoia, sure that Xime and Arny are having an affair. Grabs her picture and throws it (and his apple) to the floor. Lalu tenderly retrieves the picture, dusts it off and tells Rolu to get a grip. That kind of thing only happens in the movies. Sure 'nough, at that moment, the phone rings. A happy, innocent Ximena burbles that she and Arny have just been rescued and are on their way home. Worries over, Lalu heads off to the bar to find a new love (Un clavo siempre saca a un otro clavo. Y a mi encantan los clavos!) Never thought about the phallic overtones of that dicho until now. Thanks Lalu.

Mientras tanto Aldo has arrived by taxi to the house (guess that's where the food money went) and is lolling on the sofa, still tortured by the visions of Dad and Estrella in bed together. More ads.

Now Oscar arrives back, furious that Salvador also escaped. Nurse quickly makes up a story about heading to the kitchen for tea. Maybe Salvador's building up a resistance to the medication? Fine, from now on give him a double dose. He won't be a disturbance much longer, threatens Oscar. And what is that kid doing here!? Gets very rough with our little guy. Shoves him and tries to throw him out. Aldo pleads his case. Oscar decides it's safer to keep him around. In his drugged state he might slip and let out the secret of Salvador's existence....and location.

Now a brief respite with our three game girls, Estrella, Gabriela and Paula (who's looking quite nifty lately. Snazzy makeup, no glasses, whassup with that?) They're musing about the mad passionate love Mauricio and Monita must be making right this very moment. Particularly given that hot nightie, red roses and flaming candles. Some sighs and yearning looks. I'm with you gals. Let's spread this around a little bit.

Just as our cozy lovers are wishing time would stand still, the doorbell rings. It's the wicked witch, pretending to be worried about Monita's whereabouts (dang Estrella for telling her where she is). Monita apologizes for not letting her know. Mauricio adds that they've reconciled. Both tell her they're very happy. Hissy's face sours and she makes a visible effort to fake a happy smile herself. But barely manages. And there we end.

Constanza is chiding Isabel for failing to have Monita see the entangled bodies of Mau and Estrella. But Isabel informs her she took pictures.
And at breakfast the next day, we see Monita holding the Camera of Doom.
Aldo sees Salvador and learns he's not dead.

anclada = anchored, stuck (Ximena telling Arny that they just can't stay there)
el vaso medio lleno or medio vacio = glass half full or half empty
férula = ruler, but can also mean "splint". What nurse when looking for
esguince = sprain (Salvador)
torcerse el tobillo = to turn or sprain one's ankle
no te arrimes!= don't come closer! Jeronimo fending off a grateful (but smelly) Ximena
sigue la luz = follow the light
el más allá = the great beyond, the hereafter
en nuestros narices = right underneath our noses (Rolu talking about Xime and Arny supposedly falling in love)
qué crees? = guess what?
no es bronca suya = none of your business (Aldo to Oscar)
me cargas o te cargo = do I sit on your lap or do you sit on mine?
un clavo saca a otro clavo = one nail drives out another, a new loves replaces an old one

prender una fogata = light a campfire
cadena alimenticia = food chain
jerga = slang, but also floor rag (Lalu's self esteem after countless rejections by Arny)

Dicho of the Day

Dos es compañia, tres es multitud. = Two's company, three's a crowd.
Never more true than when Hissabel rings the doorbell and interrupts our two lovers.


Corazon Salvaje - Monday, March 22 - angels, devils, a cave and a well-lit darkroom

Episode #22:

* Aimee and Juan are at the cave. He doesn’t want her to leave. She says she must - she has to get back home to the party - he laughs at all the invited guests. She laughs at his jealousy - he is angry and obsessed with her - she flirts with him and tells him of her commitment to attending the party. She makes him promise to wait for her - he asks her to never abandon him.

* Regina and Leona at the party. Leona wonders why she won’t drink anything but water. Regina looks around and wonders where her sister is. Renato looks around, notices Aimee isn’t there and wonders the same thing.

* Aimee kisses Juan and leaves the cave. Juan is hugging himself in dreamland.

* In the bedroom, Eloisa wanders around and then walks out to the hallway to tell Leona a cover story about Aimee. Leona believes it.

* In the grand ballroom/living room, Leona announces to the guests and Renato an excuse as to why Aimee hasn’t arrived yet to the party. Regina stands at the side of the room, brooding and grumbling her thoughts about the real reason behind Aimee’s disappearance.

* Remiglio, Pedro and Santos are at the beach hut discussing Juan’s revenge plant and what kind of future he could have. Remiglio decides to talk with Juan and convince him not to go through with the revenge (innocents could be hurt).

* Arcadio meets with soldier in the office. They discuss who ruined their plans and how to find him.

* Juan is in his favorite cave. He has a flashback to meeting his dad for the first time and learning the truth about his mom and dad, and then visiting his mom’s grave with his dad. He is upset and walks around the cave door. He kneels down at the campfire and grumbles his anger and disgust towards Rodrigo Montes de Oca and his ultimate desire to royally punish him.

* Regina talks with Clemencia in the kitchen about her indignation and resignation over Renato and Aimee’s engagement. Clemencia gives her advice on how to handle it - Regina finds the advice really hard to take - Clemencia sees that Renato is more and more in love with Aimee everyday. Regina knows the secret nature of her twin sister. Clemencia tells Regina to let it go and think of the positives instead of the hurt feelings. Regina is upset as she listens to Clemencia, when she has heard enough, she blasts Clemencia that Aimee is a flirt and just using Renato; that Aimee loves to flirt with all the boys and doesn’t know how to love. Clemencia tells her to stop saying that about her sister, or she could end up hating her sister forever.

* Aimee makes it back to the garden - Rosie confronts her - Aimee asks her to keep this a secret - Rosie says, sure, I can do that, I have been keeping lots of secrets about what happens in this house. Aimee is curious. Rosie doesn’t say anything more specific just that she can keep a secret.

* Aimee and Eloisa meet up in the bedroom. Eloisa informs her friend that everyone was looking for her. She came up with a cover story for Leona. Aimee is stunned and asks Eloisa to help her continue the cover up.

* Eloisa and Aimee walk downstairs to the party. Aimee fakes a fainting spell and acts out of breath. Renato is worried about her. Dr. Pablo speaks up. Aimee makes her apologies for being late to the party. Renato and Aimee sit together on the sofa. Rod asks Rosie to serve them some champagne. Noel stands up and makes a very short toast to Renato and Aimee. Fulgencio takes Eloisa aside and scolds her for not telling him when she visits Aimee alone in the bedroom. Fed and Eloisa have a private talk in another location in the room. Fulgencio and Rod interrupt to talk business - Fed makes up an excuse about his investments in Europe; he will notify them when he has some money free to invest in the business venture with them. Rod accepts it. Fulgencio doesn’t and makes it well known to Fed not to deceive him. Fed has to assure Fulgencio that he understands.

* Renato and Aimee talk in private about her illness. Dr. Pablo gives his opinion and offers help. Renato wonders about the date for the wedding. Aimee wants to wait 6 months - Renato is impactado. Noel and Rod add their two cents about having the wedding in a couple of weeks and then Rod will pay for the honeymoon trip. Now, Aimee is speechless and impactado. That is until Regina strolls into the midst of the crowd and announces that she thinks Aimee and Renato should wait, so they can see if they are really in love. Aimee, always wanting to be the center of attention, contradicts her sister and says, no, she won’t wait, she and Renato are in love and she will marry him whenever he wants -- Renato is happily surprised.

* At the cave, Arcadio ambushes Juan and holds a gun to his head. Arcadio blasts him with several accusations. Juan holds his own and defends himself. They argue - Soldier sneaks up behind Juan and holds rifle to his back.

* The next day, Juan stops by the little beach hut and talk with his buddies Santos and Pedro. Pedro thanks Juan for standing up and defending and protecting the fishing village. Juan is happy to do it. Santos looks really beaten up. Lo-and-behold, a lady enters the hut to care for Santos. She talks with Juan. Juan leaves.

* Aimee finds Regina in prayer in her room and asks about the book - a diary perhaps, Aimee laughs as Regina closes it and holds it away from Aimee. Aimee doesn’t really care; she just is there to thank Regina for her arguments and declarations tonight. They argue over if Aimee really wants to make Renato happy. Regina wants her sister to just be honest.
Juan prepares for a meeting.

* Aimee and Regina continue their argument over Renato’s character - Regina thinks he is honest and noble; Aimee thinks he is an innocent fool. She also thinks Regina is jealous. Aimee tells her sister that she isn’t really all that sure that she will marry Renato. Regina can’t believe what Aimee is saying or doing to Renato. Regina is visibly hurt, upset and disgusted. Regina asks Aimee what her plans are. Aimee finally reveals that she is thinking about leaving him and sending him back to Regina.

* Renato is busy informing his dad and Rod in the office about his success and plans for the ranch and the crops. Rod and Noel are pleased. Renato leaves. Rod and Noel discuss another business venture before Rod excuses himself to go to another appointment. Noel sits alone in his office when Juan shows up. As Juan enters, Noel is impactado. They sit. Juan explains that he is there on behalf of his boss, Juan Aldama, and presents Noel with his business documents.

* Aimee tells Regina her plan for Renato and his fortune. Regina expresses her disgust. Aimee laughs and tells her that Regina has no proof, plus with her mental illness, no one will believe her. Aimee then threatens Regina. Regina can’t stand Aimee and her wild unscrupulous flirtatious games.

* Noel looks at the papers and then hands them back to Juan. He wonders why Juan didn’t properly introduce himself to the group last night. Juan explains. Noel accepts. As Juan is about to leave, Noel asks him another question. Juan says yes, he can.

* In the hallway, Juan and Raul meet and argue. Juan tells him either Raul agrees to meet with him now or there will be consequences.

* At the cafe on the street, Juan tells Raul about his boss, and his business in town. Raul is indignant and tries to leave. Juan won’t let him escape. He apparently knows something about Raul’s illegal business deals in Germany and forces Raul to sit and listen. Juan invites Raul to his home later to continue the discussion.

* Regina comes downstairs. Fed is right there and sees her. He wants to talk. She tries to leave. He insists. She reluctantly agrees, but only as friends. She remembers her camera and asks to go to room to get it and then they can talk in the garden. Fed reluctantly agrees - then remembers he has to attend to a business appointment.

* Leona and Rosie are ready to leave.

* Regina takes photos in the garden and talks with Clemencia and Remiglio. They discuss where she will develop the photos. Remiglio wonders about the dungeon. Clemencia and Regina discuss the ghost stories. Regina is curious.

* Regina, Clemencia and Remiglio stand at the gate to the dungeon. Arcadio meets them from the opposite side and tells them to leave - orders of Leona. Regina stands firm and says that she will tell Renato if Arcadio doesn’t let them pass. Arcadio opens the gate and lets them through.

* Arcadio enters the solitary confinement cell. He gags and ties Maria to the chair. He threatens her and Mirta if they make any noise.

* At the dungeon gate, Arcadio thought bubbles what to tell Leona about the surprise visitors.
In one of the other dungeon rooms, Regina and Clemencia have set up a little well-lit darkroom. Regina has started to develop one of the photos she had taken. Clemencia is impactado with the image (uh-oh! she recognizes him! it’s Juan del Diablo!)

ADVANCE: What will happen to Juan’s revenge scheme, when Clemencia confronts him and says she knows who he is and who his parents are?


Monday, March 22, 2010

Dinero #46 March 22 2010: Everyone wants to dance, but no one wants to pay the band

I had typed up an entire recap for tonight. When I went to copy and paste I lost the whole thing. I have to work in the morning and don’t have time to do another one will so post this for comments. And hope someone fills in.

To be honest not much new happened tonight. We have seen it all before. Rafa is salesman of the month. Ale’s being mean to Rafa. Rafa getting paid and turning over his whole check to Ale. Ale not happy as it is not enough. Beltran lusting over Claudia. Marino being full of himself. Bow-tie guy sticking up for Marino.

Everyone wants Rafas’ money, poor Rafa does not have enough for himself. We had our odd scene with Julieta at the pool. Nobody wants to pay Dona Delores.

Marco lies as to where he was. nothing new their.

Everyone ends up partying. No one wants to pay. Vicky calls. Trapito gets treats . And they all get caught by the boss.

Here is my lost post from last night. It is still very brief but pretty much sums up the night.

Our magic electric moment with Rafa and Ale was fleeting as everyone heads to the conference room. Rafa is still so high at seeing Ale he has trouble finding his way and ends up bumbling into a couple of cars as Ale looks on smiling.

Once in the conference room Ale is ranting angrily at all for their poor sales of the month. She approaches Rafa and once she realizes that he has sold over 14 million pesos is less upset. Susana announces that Rafa gets to keep his picture up as salesman of the month. Marino is bugged by this.

Beltran enters and wants to know how the sales went. Ale begins to tell him not so well, but Beltran sees Rafas’ figures and has become the happiest man in the world. He takes credit himself for the hiring of Rafa.

Then Beltran approaches Claudia and is told she didn’t do so well. Claudia goes into seduction mode with Beltran and gives a poor me story. Beltran suggests everyone help out poor Claudia. No one is buying this.
Beltran then suggests they all sing the anthem Siglo.

We now have the whole crew in line at payroll. Waiting for their checks. Claudia tries to get a look at Rafas’ check but is stopped by Bebe. Rafa assures Dandy that all is not as it seems, when Dandy wonders why Rafa isn’t happier with his earnings.

Rafa goes into Ales office and Ale is standing with her hand out. (Poor Rafa when will he learn.) He goes to shake her hand and she asks for the check. Rafa hands it over. Ale yells at him as it is not enough. It won’t cover the loan she gave him to pay for the suits. Rafa is devastated.

Ale gets a phone call from Marco who is at her house with Papa Jorge. He has had a relapse and the doctors are their. Jorge is more confused then ever since Marco wasn’t their to give him his pills last night.
Marco lies to Jorge and tells him he was their and did give him his medicine. Bad Marco!! He opens a bottle of pills and tells Jorge he will give him another one just to calm him down.

Rafa overhears Ale talking to Marco who is pressuring her to marry him as soon as possible because of poor Jorges’ health. Ale tells Marco they will discus the wedding later. Rafa is devastated to hear this. He sarcastically tells Ale not to worry he will not let her down next time. He will see to it she gets her money for her wedding and will throw in a gift and walks out.

We have our Susana and Ale scene where Susana questions Ale about her relationship with Marco. She also wants to know if she is confused about her feelings about Rafa. She suggests Ale go home for the day

We have all the Siglo crew approaching Rafa asking for money. When Claudia asks him for money, he reminds her about the money she owes him from last time. Claudia turns ugly on Rafa

There is a little scene at Julieta friends house at the pool. Somehow she has retrieved her little bikini. Some guy wants to “freak” with her. I believe this is our random odd scene.

Dona Delores enters Siglo and is after everyone for money. They all hide but she finds them in the conference room all cowering under the desks.

Rafa is standing outside Siglo and Ale leaves. Dona Delores Finds Rafa and wants her money. Rafa is backing up and ends up falling and passes out. Everyone goes to help him up.

Beltran approaches Susana and tells her he needs her to come with him and do her therapies to his wife. She is all stressed out or something so they both leave.

Bow-tie guy believes this is a great time for everyone to go to Trancazo (I believe this is what they call Dona Delores place). He suggests since Ale Beltran and Susana are all gone why not leave early.

We see Ale in her car on her way home suddenly realizing she has forgot her cell phone and purse. She turns around to go back to Siglo to get it. (Oh oh).

Everyone is now at trancazo celebrating. (Or consoling themselves). They try and stick Rafa with the bill again. He manages to agree to only one bottle of tequila and to make sure it is a cheap one. He gets a call from Vicky. He tells everyone he has to leave. Claudia figures it is about the wedding. Marino says something about Rafa not only has to put with Vicky at home but also the dictator Ale at Siglo.

Marino goes to give sweet Ramiro advise on how to deal with Women. (Like he is such an expert). I did smile though when Ramiros’ phone started ringing and Marino took it from Ramiro and hung it up.

They all decide it is time for music and start dancing. We then see Ale has returned to Siglo and no one is there. She finds Trapito sitting in her chair listening to his music. He starts yelling at him. She demands to know where everyone is.

She threatens to fire Trapito if he does not tell her. He finally relents and tells her they are at Trancazo. She wants to know where that is. Trapito doesn’t want to tell her then Ale changes strategies and tempts Trapito with a plate of cookies. Trapito you are so easy.

Our last scene is of all the Siglo crew minus Rafa dancing away, with Dandy giving them dance moves. We see Ale walk into Trancazo and the only one who sees her is Dandy. He desperately tries to signal everyone. That is where we end.


El Clon, Mon., March 22 - Lucas' Morocco mission makes Jade happy and Marisa mad

Albieri tells Rosa that he is in a big hurry and runs off with the kid. 'How rude!' says Rosa.

Lucas and Marisa are arguing about her desire to redecorate the house. Lucas say that she has to learn to get along with his father. Marisa replies that that she doesn't want to spend the rest of her life trying to get on Leo's good side and she doesn't see how Lucas can be such a coward. Lucas angrily says that she should have thought about that before she married him. He isn't Diego and if she doesn't like it, she can go get a divorce. Rosa interrupts them and Marisa hands her purchases over, tells Rosa to take them to her room and walks away. Rosa wonders what's wrong with Marisa ('¿a esta niña qué animal le picó?' Literally, what animal bit that girl'). She used to be nice. [Well, Mama Rosa, she used to be single and poor. Now she doesn't need to be nice.] Rosa tells Lucas about her weird encounter with Albieri. She thinks he is hiding something and it's not good.

The little bundle of sunshine we call Nariza has arrived in Miami. She starts right off criticizing Jade. She tells Mohamed how well Said is doing and how he spends all his money on Jade like he is bewitched. Then she starts on Latifa asking why she isn't pregnant and suggesting that Mohamed take another wife. Latifa is angry and says that Nariza is just there to poison Mohamed's mind. 'Who, me?' ask Nariza, all innocent.

Latifa says that she will leave if Mohamed takes another wife. Mohamed tries to make peace and Nariza produces some crocodile tears.

Cristina appears to have a job selling cosmetics for 'horquillas,' split ends and 'pompis,' your butt. Business is bad. Vicki says it's no wonder business is bad with her chasing Leo all the time. Dora comes home after a hard day doing manicures and asks where her kid is. Cristina tells him Albieri has him like always. Dora has had enough and decides to go over to Albieri's and get him. She finds that Albieri has converted his guest room into a room for the baby complete with clothes and a crib. Albieri wants to get a nanny to watch Danielito while Dora is at work. Dora tries to protest but she gets nowhere.

Jade overhears Ali tell Zoraida that Lucas is coming to Morocco on business.

Leo tells Lucas that he has to go to Morocco. Seeing the danger, Marisa offers to go as well.

Ali, obviously suspecting that Jade has overheard, tells Jade about the penalty for a woman who commits adultery - 100 lashes.

Marisa asks Leo if Lucas' business in Morocco has anything to do with Jade's family. He says no and says that Lucas' had a summer fling with Jade and now he's married and mature and she has nothing to worry about.

Lucas goes to his room, which has certainly been redecorated by someone. He thinks about Jade.

Ali gets a call from Latifa. She wants Zoraida to come for a visit to 'help' her with Nariza. Jade is in a happy daze.

Ali is concerned. He should be. He goes to the kitchen and asks Zoraida if Jade overheard the news about Lucas. She says that she doesn't know. He tells Zoraida to watch Jade 24/7. If something happens, it's her fault.

Albieri comes to see Rosa. At first, she is cold but he tells her that he was in hurry to get back to the lab. He is fond of the kid because he created him in the lab. Rosa says that if Albieri is making children in his lab, maybe God should have called him when He was creating the world. Albieri asks Rosa to tell him everything about Diego at 1 year old. Then she gives him some of Diego's childhood toys. She says that she would give her life to see Diego again.

People don't believe that Daniel is Dora's child.

Jade is over the moon that Lucas is coming and she is sure that he will take her away. She gets her gold stash out and sells it.

Lucas is packing. Marisa comes in and puts the moves on him.

Lucas asks Leo to send someone else to Morocco. He isn't sure this is the moment to go to Morocco. Leo is sure that Lucas is mature enough and will do fine.

Jade shows the money she got for her jewelry to Zoraida who is horrified.

At the club, Vicki shows the picture of Dora's baby to all and sundry. They all have the same reaction - he's so white? This includes Osvaldo who thinks that Dora got the wrong baby at the hospital. Dora tells her that she can't help it if she had a Dutch ancestor. Even President Obama has a white mother.

Cristina goes to Leo's favorite bar, sends his date packing, takes him home, has a quickie but gets no response to her protestations of love.

Rosa tells Lucas that she knows he still cares for Jade but now he is married, etc. Lucas says that he and Jade have each chosen their own paths, etc. We all know that this resolve is going to last about as long as the last ice cream at a children's party.

Said wants to take Jade with him to Tunis. She doesn't want to go but Zoraida agrees with Said that she should go. She warns Jade again about the penalty for adultery. Jade says that if Zoraida knew what true love was, she wouldn't fear death.

Nariza hides Mohamed's prayer beads or misbaha to get Latifa in trouble.

Jade is afraid that she will be in Tunis when Lucas arrives. She perusades Zoraida to give him a note.

Lucas is already in Morocco. He tells Marisa about his fall and time with the Bedouin on the day that Diego died.

Dora tells Luisa about her problems with people believing that Danielito is her child. Luisa replies that at least she has a child, something that Luisa will never have. Dora asks if she had tests done at Albieri's lab. Luisa says that she dropped the issue when she realized that she was the only person in the marriage who wanted a child. When Dora observes that Albieri isn't a real romantic guy, Luisa says that she had no illusions from the beginning.

Luisa goes to tells Albieri that Dora wants the baby. She also tells him about Dora's problems with people not believing the child is hers. She wonders if Daniel will have the same doubts when he grows up.

Lucas simply walks away from the cafe where he was with Marisa. Suddenly he sees Jade. She sees him. Tears roll down his cheeks.

The credits roll.


un Gancho al Corazón Mon. 3/22/10 In which, Xime and Arnie star in “The Case Of The Missing Sleuths”

OK Gancho Gang,

Presenting Elna June, that master basketball handicapper, in her debut as a Gancho recapper:

Our mystery opens with a review of much married Marcos telling his ex-wife, the lovely Jacqueline, and his (acknowledged and remembered) daughter, Coni, that his secret is— he has asked Nieves to marry him! Coni is shocked and Jaqueline is not pleased.

Beto and Nieves are at home when Don Cesar arrives in the vecindad with flowers and a plushy toy gift for Nieves. “No te hagas, Nieves,” he begs her; it is a torture for him to miss her kisses. Beto cannot help but comment, grunt and guffaw during this touching scene, but DC tells him to be quiet.

Cut to the Bickersons. Despite Marcos’ shocking news, Coni demands to know why it was so important for her Daddy to meet with Valentina. “Valentina is not a bad person, hija”, Carlos intones, thus avoiding the direct question, as always. And Nieves was his first love. Make that one Ahhh, on the Sweet-o-Meter (SOM). Three Ahhhs is max for the SOM.

In the Ochoa home, Nieves thanks Don Cesar for the gifts but says she has to discover if it is possible to be happy with Marcos; he was her first love. Nieves also scores one ahhh on the SOM… Cesar, in one of the most gracious goodbyes I have ever seen on screen, thanks Nieves for the memories, and wishes her well. But, if she discovers that Marcos is not her true love, he will be waiting. As DC walks away a teary eyed Beto pleads with Nieves, “No le dejes, Mama,”. Ahhhhhh. An SOM three pointer, for sure. Your recapper wipes a tear from her cynical eye.

At the Bickersons, Jaqui is fuming. Coni takes this opportunity to gently hug and mock her Mother. Jaqui, way pissed off, uses the tried-and-true line, “I am your Mother. Respect me”! I have got news for you Jacqui, if you need to resort to that old saw, you long ago lost your kid’s respect. Coni returns to her Father’s side and the two of them share a hearty laugh at Jaqui’s expense.

Coni and Marcos bond further, as she asks her Dad if he thinks her will really be happy with ese mujer (Nieves). What she and Beto have is different, she reminds her Dad. Marcos launches into an impassioned defense of true love; he made a mistake with Nieves, love is eternal, yada yada. Wow, the slippery Marcos has finally swayed your recapper. The SOM pushes past two points. Looks to me like Marcos could charm a hissing cobra out of her basket. Let’s hope he does that to Isabel, and soon.

Now, we are in a car, at night, making our way along on dark country roads with the delightful Ximena and her reluctant sidekick Arnie. Xime, now playing Shirlylock to Arnie’s Dr. Watson, has donned her spy gear and they have set out a mission to follow Jero to Oski’s lair. (Well, Xime has put on a trench coat and jeans and Arnie is wearing that same old boring Member’s Only jacket from the 70’s). Sadly, they neither one have a sense of direction, and, after losing sight of Jero they soon come to a proverbial fork in the road. “Go left,” says she, “Go right”, says he, and not surprisingly our bold detectives soon find themselves lost in the forest at night.

Coni is not about to let her conversation with her Dad end on a sweet note. In the space left after Marcos’ paean to true love, Coni moves in and reminds Daddy that he has not always been respectful about her relationship with Beto. She demands that Marcos honor her choice of Roberto as she accedes to his of Nieves. Marcos admits this is true and father and daughter agree to love and let live. I’ll give this scene .5 on the SOM, mostly because I don’t trust Constanza to keep her half of the bargain.

Meanwhile, looking a bit like a beautiful but wicked queen in a Disney movie, Jaqui swears that “that woman” will not get married to Marcos.

Back on the Case of the Missing Sleuths, Xime and Arnie stop their car in the middle of nowhere to consider their options. More “Go left, did we do right, should we have gone right?” wrangling ensues. Arnie is letting his phobias get the best of him and is scared of every little thing on their adventure. He leaves the lights on …and takes a cursory look under the hood, and now, you guessed it! The car won’t start. Arnie instructs Xime to get in the driver’s seat, put the car in neutral. He will give the car a push and when he yells, “Ahora!” she is to stop. (Would that really work? I used to have to clutch-start my old Fiat 124 in college—she had a temperamental starter—but that new Hertz-looking GM number that Arnie was driving looked like an automatic to me. Weigh in on this all ye auto mechanics)!

Pues, the car starts moving, Arnie yells “Ahora!” and Xime jumps out of the car while it rolls lamely away from them and down into a ravine. Oops. A definite “Oh, sh!#” moment for our clever spies. Abandoning the car, they wander down the road in the dark, looking for shelter, while Arnie slaps ineffectually at mosquitoes and offers a non-stop rundown of his fears, including cow dung. I wonder, is there anything Arnie is NOT afraid of? I think we have Pan-phobia here. Xime and Arnie wander until they find shelter for the night in some random farmer’s barn.

And the night passes…

It’s morning and Xime has just enjoyed a fine night’s rest asleep in the hay in the country barn. Arnie, however, is in an entirely different condition. Alas, out of his usual sterilized environment, he is overwhelmed, in fact he is standing up and frozen in his fear of the well-known terrors of a farmyard. Dirt and poop and sheep and cows and straw, Oh my!

Xime snaps him out of his paralysis by reminding him of the kisses of Lalu and by chasing him out of the barn threatening to touch him with two handfuls of hay. The missing sleuths now must make their way back to civilization.

Mauricio is back on track. Actually he is back on the track. He does a few laps with Tano timing him and then treats us to the full Danica Patrick hair-shake-out as he doffs his helmet and fireproof headgear. He talks to Tano about Aldo. Tano thinks Aldo will be fine.

In la vecindad Estrella has a plan. She lures Moni out of the house and away from Hissy for a little girlfriend bonding. Valentina gets the dreaded camera and they head out for Xochimilco. We can only hope she drops the Kodak in a canal.

Back in the city, Aldo is not having a good morning. In the last 24 hours he has found his lover in bed with his dad, and he has barely escaped being involved in an armed robbery attempt made by his new (NOT) friends. Now we find dear Aldo hungry and under a bridge. Hey wait, I though that was just an empty threat that Mothers used to scare their children back into school. Nope, Aldo is down and out and is only saved from hunger when a littering stranger throws a half eaten sandwich over the bridge. Aldo scoops up the eats and devours them ravenously. Unfortunately, he can’t get the picture of Estrella and Mau out of his head. (I don’t blame him! That is high-trauma drama, my friends). Poor Aldo, he has acted foolishly, but he is young and I am very sorry for his plight.

At Ximena’s place, Rolu is worried about his missing wife and brother. Lalu has no doubts about his dear Arnie’s bravery and rhapsodizes about how Arnie is protecting Xime from danger. Rolu is having none of it. He gets exasperated, turns his wheelchair on a dime and turns his back to Lalu’s musings. Please, writers, can we get sweet Lalu a real relationship?

Valentina and Estrella have made their wandering way down to the canals. Surprise! There is a pleasure boat docked right in front of them and she is named, “Valentina”. A SOM one pointer. Naturally, the gals hop aboard, and the watercraft (help me out here Sylvia, what is this thing called?) is poled out about 3 feet into the canal by a gondolier. Clue alert! The gondolier is wearing a cotton sport jacket instead of the traditional striped shirt. Just in time, Estrella hops off the boat onto the dock and Monita is stranded (in four inch heels on a boat anyone would be stranded, I think) with the gondolier who is quickly revealed to be—Du-ta-da-Duh! Our own Mauricio. Score a three point SOM.Ahhhhh.

Mau and Monita rehash the same old stuff and he chases her around the table in the middle of the little boat. A fracas ensues, Monita delivers a punch but Mauricio grabs her and holds her. Now he reminds her of their time in the Yucatan, their love in the cenote, and we see lots of happy flashbacks of these two. The SOM strains to keep up, it’s so darn sugary.

Back at Monita’s house, poor, poor Isabel is back from her trip to the doctor and her head hurts. (Sssssserves her right! Trying to keep all of her ssssschemes ssssstraight would give anyone a tension headache!) Alicia, or Aliblahblah, as Sylvia so aptly named her, continues to be a mattering nutjob. Isabel begs for silence, but Alicia seems to think that silence is overrated as she continues her endless chatter. Now, I am thinking that Hissy has clearly lost her touch. If there is anybody she should take out with a needle-fang it is Alicia.

On the boat in the canal M & M look equally beautiful as he tells her that she must believe and listen to him. He wants her to be his life, wife, and mother of his children. Alas, the SOM finally explodes as they kiss.

Back in the woods, Ximena is a true heroine as she sings “Somos exploradores” imagining they are in the Himalayas, and she continues to lure lame Arnie along a slapstick forest journey with thoughts of food and baths. She is sprightly and light as she dances across the rugged terrain. She uses the carrot and stick as she makes her way over canyons and ravines, leading the way home. Arnie whinges and cringes at every branch, leaf, ant, bee and mosquito. At one point poor Arnie even sits on an anthill and gets REAL ants in his pants. He plunges himself into a creek to remove the ant colony.

But, I have faith in our erstwhile detectives. They will make their way home. I think this little jaunt will either kill or enhance their mutual attraction and it is acting as behavioral therapy to help Arnie face his fears. The adventures encountered on the ‘Case of the Missing Sleuths’ might just cure Arnie’s OCD.

If not, ya basta, Arnie! I can recommend a good shrink. You take your meds like a good boy and give it a rest. You are not good enough for Xime unless you get our of your self-absorbed fear bubble.

Avances: Our delightful final scenes leave us with a tease… M&M are walking down a candlelit path in his house….. toward…? Will M&M be making steamy and romantic congress soon?
And Xime and Arnie are joined by a hive of bees in the next part of their forest adventure.

To my friends at Gancho I offer the following (oft quoted) quoted apology,

“I have made this letter longer than usual, because I lack the time to make it short (Je n'ai fait celle-ci plus longue parceque je n'ai pas eu le loisir de la faire plus courte)~Blaise Pascal, Lettres Provinciales (1656-1657), no. 16.

Elna June


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Salvaje, 3/19/10: Compromising Engagements

Capítulo 21

First the review of last night’s redo: At the Casino Veracruz Juan gets into an argument with Federico over Feddy’s insulting of Fifi, aka, Ho-sefina, and his refusal to apologize to her. Rodrigo comes to Feddy’s defense and calls Juan a ruffian. Juan now takes offense. Rod plays the class card, insinuating that Juan hasn’t any and is no more than a fortune hunter simply passing through. “We here are all gentlemen of esteemed families; whereas, we don’t even know your name.” Juan sneers. “—Ah! So that’s why you’re defending this conceited dandy [mequetrefe]?” Rod informs Juan that his opinions don’t carry any weight there and that he, Rodrigo Montes de Oca, isn’t afraid of riffraff the likes of him! Juan realizes he has just faced off with (duhn-duhn-duhn-duhnnn!) his mortal enemy.

At the Veracruz townhouse, Regina (still wearing her novice duds despite the fact the abbess and the priest stamped “REJECT” on her deluded backside) is writing in her diary that she’s returned to the house in which she was born, where her mother died, and where her love for Renato, her “impossible love”, was born. “When I left for Europe I knew I would return to marry you. Never did I believe from afar that my dream would be destroyed.”

Back at the casino, Noel asks if Rod’s ready to leave. Rod says he’s not being run off by some low class trash punk and will come and go as he pleases. Rod then sets his cards down and walks over to Feddy to ask what that row was all about. Feddy says he got ticked because the hookers had passed themselves off during the voyage as proper young ladies and now he’s got egg on his face for taking a walk with one of them along the pier. (Feddy conveniently leaves out the part about the freebie he got from Ho-sefina afterwards when he still thought she was Regi’s legit competition.) Feddy’s worried he’s now going to be the laughing stock [hazmereir] of the town. (Wait! You mean like he’s not already?) So he was just putting that ho in her place. Rod agrees Feddy did the right thing and says he can count on his support. Rod changes the subject to Regi having returned home; he gives Feddy the green light to spend time with her. Feddy says he’s going to treat her like a queen. (Spare me!)

At Finca del Mar, Renato visits his Mama before bedtime. Leonarda is suffering from Empty Nest Syndrome. Ren has come to make sure she’s happy that he’s marrying Aimee. Leona says of course she is, since she loves Aimee like a daughter. Although, she admits, that speaking as his mother, she feels no woman would ever be truly worthy of her son, not even dear Aimee. Ren says he’s the luckiest guy in the world hooking Aimee like that and feels at times he doesn’t deserve her. (Viewerville allows itself a momentary smirk.)

Speaking of Aimee, Regi now races into their bedroom and implores her sis to stop this little game of hers. Aimee won’t only be risking her own reputation, she pleads, but the family’s as well --and then there’s Renato’s happiness to consider. Aimee gives her a major eye roll. Regi scolds and says that she is annoyed because while she tries to avoid temptation Aimee actually pursues it. Regi just can’t understand the hold Juan has over her. Aimee says Regi doesn’t understand what it means to lose yourself with a man, especially a man like Juan del Diablo. Regi says then if Juan makes her feel that way, she really should tell Renato about it because Aimee is wrong to give Ren false hopes. “Don’t hurt Renato. He doesn’t deserve it. Be honest and tell him the truth!” Aimee won’t because it would wreck her good times with Juan, she says. Regi threatens to do it herself then.

Aimee laughs maliciously and asks if Regi would really tell Renato everything, “…like…how you’re hopelessly in love with him and for spite have entered a convent? If you tell on me I will deny it and yell at everyone that you’re sick with jealousy because Renato prefers me over you. Yes, me! I’m more woman than you.” Regi says she can’t believe how Aimee has changed since she’s taken up with “that savage.” Aimee says she’s already told her that she wouldn’t understand it unless she’d been in his arms and been kissed as only Juan can kiss.

Back in Mama’s bedroom, Leona can’t understand why Renato would say he doesn’t deserve Aimee. He’s a great catch and could have any girl. Ren is apparently on a guilt trip. He’s so happy with his life he wishes others were also-- like Juan, the boy Papa Noel asked him to take care of. Mama rolls her eyes.

We beam back to the casino, to Mme. Marlene’s office where Juan is sulkily knocking down a glass of brandy. Marlene says she doesn’t understand why Juan was so affected by hearing the name Rodrigo Montes de Oca, but she won’t presume to ask him, either. He can come around any time he cares to and enjoy himself. She points to a secret exit from her office that he can use also, if the need arises.

Mama angrily tells Ren she is sick of hearing about that bastard, Juan. “He’s probably wandering around some whorehouse or stuck in jail somewhere, suffering through life like he deserves!” Ren says all the more reason to feel sorry for him! Mama says a person pulls himself up by the bootstraps, tho’ more than likely not him. “That bastard was a product of immorality and it will be his undoing!” Ren says she’s being too harsh and if the boy were that bad, Papa wouldn’t have insisted on looking after him. This gets another major eye roll from Leona. “Don’t think your father is such a saint!” Ren defends Noel and Leona backs off. “I didn’t mean to diminish either your love or your respect for him as his son, but you don’t know your father like I do.” Ren is what-do-you-mean impactado. (Love that nose squinch, Christian.)

Noel strikes up another conversation with the brunette at Mme. Marlene’s who’s been casting her line and hoping to catch this fish all evening. He falls for the old “let’s talk about what you’d do to make the world a better place” hook, line and sinker. Noel is wide-eyed impactado to think she might actually be interested in the subject. She says she’s interested in whatever he has to say. (Call me a cynic, but I think being a pro, she knows which buttons of his to push. Hubby thinks it’s a real attraction between the two.)

Leona is whining to Renato about what an unhappy marriage she’s had to suffer through and how she’s only tried all these years to protect him from the trash [carroña = offal, rubbish] Noel persisted in bringing into her house. Unimaginable! She’s done all she could to fight for her son and to preserve his inheritance, his good name, his future, his home…yada, yada. All Ren wanted to do was to make good on his promise to his father, he says, and so he doesn’t understand why it presents such a problem. Couldn’t she just give him a little backgrounder? What he doesn’t understand is why Tío Rod doesn’t allow him now to even mention Juan’s name. All Mama will say is they should listen to Rodrigo and do as he says. “Let’s have no more discussions about that bastard.” (Another cute nose squinch from CdlF.)

Meanwhile, Aimee starts thinking about the difference between her two suitors. Renato’s a true gentleman but has no passion. Juan is definitely no gentleman, but he does have a wild nature just like hers. She thinks to herself that Regi was right and she could ruin her reputation because of Juan. So, she’ll have to be extremely careful with him now, especially since he knows where she lives.

Alone now, Leonarda remembers her chat with her son about how loveless her marriage is. She cries to herself over her lifelong unrequited love for Rodrigo. “Oh, Rodrigo! All this love I’ve piled up inside. I’ve even killed just to keep you here with me--and for what? You’re always running away from me!” Unbeknownst to Leona, Rosenda has been spying on her through the doorway and now has another valuable family secret to cash in on.

Later that night, Regi dreams about Juan. (Oh noes!) In the dream, a rather tame Juan tells Regi (still wearing that security blanket from the convent) that Renato never knew how to appreciate her because he didn’t even love her. Juan, though, says he does love her and that he will love her forever. He then tenderly, but passionately, kisses her. Regi wakes up with a start and clutches her bible. “What a nightmare!” The last thing she wants to consider is being romantically involved with that savage, Juan!

The next day Juan is paying Santos a visit. Santos is still recuperating and doing a little catnapping in the hammock. Pedro is there too and asks what’s eating at Juan. Juan tells him that the night before he finally came face to face with his worst enemy and nearly killed him. He can’t say why, but something stopped him. Pedro and Santos tell him murder is not the answer. Juan takes offense and tells them not to get on their high-horse about it –or in his way. He came back for vengeance and that’s what he intends on getting. With his own hands Juan will make sure that Rodrigo Montes de Oca suffers the same way his own father did!

Meanwhile, Ren has gone to the townhouse and tells Aimee and Rod that he wants to have a party that very night to announce their engagement. However, Aimee (who’d rather just be engaged to be engaged) thinks they should wait a while. Rod sides with Ren and says he’ll arrange it. Regi appears. Ren greets her and asks her to join them at the engagement party. Aimee’s knowing look taunts her twin. Regi stays home while the others go out for coffee. Clemencia walks in and chats with Regi about her being back from the convent. They decide to go visit Rosie’s tomb.

At the same time, Juan and Remigio are visiting Jd Sr’s grave. Remi asks who the flowers are for. Juan explains they’re for his mother’s grave. Remi is puzzled. Juan tells him he’ll explain. They arrive at Rosie’s supposed tomb. Juan surprises Remi with the fact that MdR de Oca was his mother. (Duhn-duhn-duhn-duhnnn!)

At Finca del Mar, Leona sends Arcadio and Rosenda off to get the preparations for her son’s engagement party. She tells them to spare no expense. Nothing’s too good for Renato.

Back at Rosie’s “tomb”, Juan explains that his mother was a Montes de Oca and when JD Sr. came for him he told him about their tragic love story. His father told him how she was the only kindhearted person from this family. However, even though he is a Montes de Oca, he renounced the entire family. “None of them will escape my vengeance! Not a single one of them!” “--No one? What has Renato Vidal done to you?” Juan is angrily impactado that Remi would ask about Renato. “—You’re defending him just because you work for him! Would you take his side against your own brother?” “—Never!” But, Remi refuses to argue with him about it there. They can discuss it at length later, he says. Juan tells him to leave and he does.

Alone, Juan asks Mama if he’s doing the right thing by taking vengeance against those that prevented her love. He tells her that he promised to and that’s what he’ll do. “I’m a man who has to keep his word, even though it might be the Montes de Oca’s. (Gotta say I much prefer a determined Juan to the whiny, weeping one.) Juan heads out, cutting a fine swath in black.

In town, Rosenda tries to get Orca to come over to her patch of the Dark Side. He says he’s not stupid and he’s not telling her his secret because his is worth more to him than all of hers. She says fine, but one day he’ll come looking for her just the same. Just then Orca stops behind a wall and overhears the Sheriff tell his men that they need to keep looking for the man who’s been hanging with the fishermen. Orca and Rosenda share a conspiratorial look.

Meanwhile, Clemencia and Regi arrive at Rosie’s tomb. They wonder who could have left a fresh bouquet of flowers there.

That night --yes, another dark and stormy one—the party’s begun. Everyone toasts to Renato and Aimee’s future happiness. The young doctorcito is there and he asks Rod where Regi is. Rod explains she refused to come, but since she’s still not well and he’s been following the doc’s advice, he didn’t attempt to fight with her about it.

Regi the wannabe nun is upstairs playing around with Aimee’s perfumes. She thinks back to her sister’s description of Juan’s macho kisses.

Juan, meanwhile, has lit the bonfire in hopes that Aimee will come for their nightly rendezvous. The narrator begins. “Juan’s powerful voice echoes through the depths of the caves, bathed in the name that is honey for his lips. ‘Aimeeeeee!’ But, there is no answer. Juan races from the caves. He takes a few anxious steps towards the sea, his feet sinking into the sand, and yells for the woman who has shaken him to the very center of his being. ‘Aimeeeeeeee!’ The sea is the only one who hears his call. Like a falcon surveying from a distance and not finding his beloved, he makes a decision and disappears from the deserted beach.”

We beam to the townhouse just as the rain soaked Juan suddenly throws open the windows to Aimee’s bedroom and yells for her. Regi is there instead. The narrator starts again. “Shaken, she looks at that rough, virile face that through the grid of the windows has frightened her. Then, the pupils of Regi’s eyes turn hard, more attentive, and more disdaining. Like two flashing swords that collide in the air, their stares meet. Regina Montes de Oca realizes that she is looking again at Juan del Diablo.” He curses and asks why she always looks like he’s frightened her. “--You didn’t frighten me. What do you want?” “—It seems to me I mentioned the name of the person I came to see.” “—My sister?” “—Of course. Where is she?” Regi refuses to tell him. “Get out of here and don’t come back!”

Juan makes a move towards Regi but she slips past. “—Come here! Why do you treat me like that? What have I done to you?” “—You’ve been rude and disrespectful ever since you came through the windows!” “—Oh, don’t be angry, Little Nun.” “—I’m NOT a nun! (Take off that getup then, girlfriend.) And I’m not in the mood to tolerate your foolishness!” “—Oooh! It turns out that Ste. Regina is a ferocious one. I thought nuns were friendlier and less pretty.” He flashes his pearly whites at her. “Enough of this!” “—Don’t be that way. I was paying you a compliment, and I wasn’t lying to you.” He moves towards her again and again she slips away. She threatens him with calling one of the servants to throw him out. This time he manages to grab her. He stares deeply into her eyes. (I guess, being an alpha male, the guy just can’t help himself.) “—You wouldn’t dare. Or, are you going to involve another man in our affair?” (A little double entendre there, Juan, or just a big tease?) This unnerves Regi and she starts to force him out the door to the hallway. He chuckles as she realizes her mistake and opens the balcony windows for him instead. “—Leave through here!” He goes out and then teases her through the window, begging her to have pity on him and let him back in.

Downstairs, at the party, Aimee makes fast friends with Eloisa who is gaga over Aimee’s engagement rock. Aimee asks what it’s like being married to a man who is so much older. Eloisa says she was married off by her parents at a very young age and wasn’t exactly consulted. She simply obeyed them. Anyway, he spoils her rotten and gives her whatever she wants. Aimee wonders about whether Eloisa gets “the passion every woman needs” in her marriage. Eloisa smiles and says she can get it if she wants. “Eloisa! You are very bold for a woman in this day and age!” Aimee and she agree that they are definitely two birds of a feckless feather.

Renato and the doc become fast friends also. Feddy observes the two of them from a little way off. His ears prick up when the doctor starts discussing Regi with Ren. “Tell me how the two sisters are different.” Ren says he can’t explain it. Regi wasn’t like she is now when he knew her as a kid. “She was always full of life and showed no signs of the depression she’s suffering through now. She and I were closer. She always had a fix for my problems. The change in her is inexplicable.” Ren asks Doctorcito for a little about himself. Is he married? The doctor tells Ren that he’s still single and has a lady in mind, but he’s not certain she’ll ever consider him.

Upstairs, Regi thinks to herself that she has got to find a way to separate Juan from Aimee and to stop her sister from two-timing Renato. “Nobody makes a fool of Renato! Nobody!”

Downstairs again, Rod, Noel, Fully and the other rich guy from the casino are discussing how gentlemen of their stature need a place like that to get a way to. Rod says he’s not one for moralizing (say what?) but he didn’t like the way those women fooled them. When Noel’s asked for his opinion, he defers, saying they are only there tonight to celebrate the happiness of his son and bride-to-be.

Aimee now asks Eloisa to help her sneak out of the house without anyone knowing. Eloisa wants to know where she’s off to so suddenly. Aimee smiles conspiratorially with her and says one day she might, but not now. “Thank you! I owe you one.” Eloisa tells her not to be long. Once Aimee’s through the balcony window, Eloisa says to herself, “You’re darn right you owe me one, and I will make sure to collect!” Rosenda walks out onto the lower balcony and sees Aimee leaving, figuring that it’s because Aimee must be meeting Juan.

Juan surprises Aimee in the cave. They quibble about why she made him wait. She said they didn’t agree to meet tonight. He’s sure she’s there because he wanted to bring her there. She says no, she wanted to come on her own. Aimee and Juan start passionate lip-locking. She tells him that she can’t stay this time, but avoids explaining why. He’s a bit confused since she always does what she wants. She says she just can’t tonight. He says that if she doesn’t come back he will go after her and drag her back there by the hair, if necessary, because he is her lord and master. They kiss some more and she tells him he is her obsession. Unfortunately, she says, he knows how much she needs him and he takes advantage.

Back at the party, Renato worries about his mother’s health. She’s fine she says. Just then Regi makes her entrance, wearing her novitiate’s robes. After the niceties are over, Doctorcito knocks Foppy Feddy out of the way to pay his respects to her, telling her how happy he is she changed her mind and decided to come down. “Laughter and being surrounded by those who love you is the best medicine.” (Zzzzz!) Rod notices and signals Feddy to come to her rescue. Feddy moves in and gives her some claptrap about being the happiest one there to see her. Doctorcito turns away, frowning.

We beam back to the cave for a few more voyeuristic visuals of Juan and Aimee kissing. He wants to know why she can’t come back. She lies that there’s a dinner at the house for her father and she escaped only because she was dying to be with him. What? A dinner with those little gentlemen whose necks he’d love to twist! She giggles at his sudden anger and jealousy. “Ay! What ferocity! You have no reason to be jealous of me. They are only brothers of my friends.” “—Yes, but they are not YOUR brothers. And with them spellbound by your beauty—“ She giggles again. “--You’re jealous!” “—Don’t laugh! When you laugh at me it makes me want to make you cry!” “—You're so barbaric!” She says she doesn’t know if she will be able to return later or not. He tells her she must. “I’ll be waiting right here for you.” She again says it may be impossible. She cannot risk compromising herself tonight. He finally gives in and tells her to go, but not to abandon him. She says she could never, ever abandon him.

Back at the party, Leona has Regi sit with her. She offers her something to drink, but Regi only wants water. “Water? Not even a bit of wine to toast to Renato and Aimee’s happiness?” Suddenly Regi realizes that Aimee isn’t there. She asks the crowd where her sister is. Renato realizes Aimee’s been gone for a bit also. “Yes, where is Aimee?” Rosenda smiles evilly to herself. It would seem that Aimee had a compromising engagement of her own.


Gancho Friday March 19th Club Gancho is open for Business

As we knew, there wasn't any Gancho on Friday. But that's not gonna stop us Gancholandians from getting together and discussing our usual topics (or any new ones). Let the fun begin!


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