Thursday, April 29, 2010

Corazon Salvaje 4/29/10 It's Raining Men--About Time!

Episode 50

We start with the swimming of Gabe and Mena. He tells her not to forget that she is beautiful and gives her a kiss on the cheek. He gazes into her eyes and touches her face. Very beautiful. So get over it already and do something about it. Wuss.

Clemencia is still visiting with Marlene. She is upset in general plus she didn’t like the news that Clemencia brought about Rosenda doing Don Rod. She tells Clemencia it is all about her past. Your past? I did the nasty with Rod and took some money. After that I left.

Rosenda and her boobs are pacing and thinking. I have to go with Don Rod. He will help me with my miserable life.

Leo is prancing down the staircase of death with Rod on her arm. (Yes that bow on your butt does make you look huge.) She is spouting her usual nonsense about bad luck and Renato and Aimee‘s marriage being doomed, doomed. Rod is sick of it and tells her to knock it off already. They will be happy and don’t you fret. We will have many grandchildren. She hopes that is true and continues her whining. She thinks it is very strange what happened in Aimee’s bedroom. Some kind of vengence she thinks. Vengence? Vengence? My precious little angel (snort)--I mean daughter, has no enemies. Ah, Don R, if you only knew. Maybe Renato--oh no, not my Renato. He has no enemies either. You get that out of your head right now. Ok, it will just be a mystery for now. We will be on guard every night. He goes over to the cabinet and pulls out a pistol. Wow! I feel so safe now. He’s going to sleep with it under his pillow. Be careful with that thing. I don’t want anything to happen to you. I know what I’m doing. Well, actually, that is debatable. She simpers and pouts. Do you need anything? Something refreshing to drink? I repeat. I don’t need anything. Really, I don’t. Nothing, nada, zip.

Clemencia is comforting Marlene. Now I understand why you disappeared. Marlene says she was only thinking of herself. I abandoned my daughter when she was very little. What can I do? I can’t give up this life. Felipe and the girls depend on me. They are like my daughters. But she is your real daughter. She needs you more than you know. I give her gifts but she doesn’t want them. Clemencia assures her that it is the thought that counts. I have to go. Things at the Finca are crazy. Marlene begs Clemencia not to abandon her daughter. (Yeah, like someone else we know.) and to watch over her. She promises. Marlene is so thankful.

Hot Rod and Leo are walking on the town when who should they run into but one of the Hos. Brigette, I think. Brigette says hello to Don Rod and tells him that she would just love to visit with him but she’s in a hurry because one of her friends is sick. I hope we will get to speak soon. Leo’s in the background giving her the stink eye. Her cleavage says oh yes I’m sure we will. I hope to see you tonight at the casino. We missed you the other night. Please don’t abandon us, grin, grin, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more. Leo is making the prune face my first ex-husband used to make when I said a bad word. (Sometimes I would secretly time him to see how long it would take him to make the face.) Hey didn’t your mom ever tell you your face would freeze like that? She wants to know what the heck he is doing with a woman LIKE THAT. She was way too familiar if you ask me says Leo. Well, uh, nobody did. Rod tells her that she works at the casino. I can only imagine what kind of job she does at the casino. The casino is a place for gentlemen to go and have some fun and get away from shrews like you, you hateful cow. Well I think you should come back to the Finca. He advises her not to raise her voice or there will be a scandal. I have my private life so just get over it. As you wish your majesty. He helps her into the coach because her nose is so high in the air she might trip. In the coach she thought bubbles--you dirty woman. If you think you will get your grubby little paws on Rodrigo you are sadly mistaken.

Orca is having a drunken tantrum in the dungeon. Hey, he looks like my second husband except he hasn’t smacked into a fish tank almost knocking it over. (Good old Stand Around Steve. Ah the memories.) He’s pretty pissed off about something. He rants drunkenly and crumples the letter in his hand. Hello, that is evidence. Good thing we don’t have smell-o-vision. Gag!

Remi and Juan are having a conversation by the river. Remi is worried what will happen when Juan comes face-to-face with Orca himself. Juan doesn’t look real worried about it. He used to be the administrator of the Finca. Oh yeah, I know. But now you are the administrator of the Finca. Ah, yes, I remember him. He follows the orders of Leonarda Montes de Oca. Remi kind of feels sorry for him. He wife went crazy and he lost his only child. She had a sweet voice. She wears a veil over her face. Juan looks shocked. The woman with the veil was the wife of Orca? Yes. Have you seen her? Juan tells how he saw her one time. Somebody must be confused. Nobody said her name but I am confused. Well, that’s ok big guy, with a bod like yours we won’t hold it against you. (Well, I’d like to.)

MdR remembers when she saw Juan. She touched his face and he said to her that she was dead. She remembers the painting that doesn’t look like JDD and how she thought he came for her. She asks Mirta if she remembers. She nods yes. She is upset because Rodrigo won’t help her. She repeats Juan de Dios to herself.

Juan is recounting his meeting with MdR to Remi. He needs to see her again. He asks Remi if he thinks Orca will let him see her. Remi looks doubtful.

Back at a little market Heckle (scar head) and Jeckle (Tia) are cackling about something. The towns people recognize them and begin yelling something. Heckle threatens town guy #1 with his knife. People start throwing fruit at them and run them off.

Gabe is taking a bath. Oh what a glorious day! Can I get an Amen Sista! He picks up a bracelet and thinks that he is sure it is the bracelet he gave to his Estrella. He remembers dancing with her on the boat. He looks confused as he stands up in the bath with soapsuds cascading down his hard muscled body. He still looks confused as he wraps a towel around himself. He remembers swimming with Mena and says again how beautiful she is. What a dumbass.

Back to town (damn) Ful is talking to the guy who got the job of spying on his wife. He wants to know what is up with Juan. The little roach scuttles off to do his master’s bidding.

Brigitte is back from picking up the tonic for Lulu. She doesn’t notice Marlene has been crying. But Felipe notices and rushes to her side to see what is the matter. She’s got bad news about her daughter. Clemencia came to tell me something serious about Rosenda. She doesn’t want her to repeat her mother’s mistake. Maybe I should look for another line of work. Felipe is aghast at the thought. He tells her that if she gives this all up she will have nothing to give Rosenda and she would have the same life that you ran from.

Rod is finally alone and he’s having a brandy and thinking to himself. He is happy that Aimee is married and he hopes that soon Regina will follow by marrying Fed. He thinks fondly of Brigette. Ah Brigette, soon I will see you. He stares thoughtfully into space. Rosenda appears. Uh oh. She looks very fetching in her blue gown. Rod is pleased to see her. Horny old goat.

Leo wants to have a talk with Aimee. Leo says she saw her dad. Aimee wants to know how he is doing. Fine but he is worried. Someone entered the house but nothing was stolen. They destroyed your bedroom. Aimee looks shocked. Leo says she is worried about her marriage. Aimee thinks to herself that it must have been Juan. He’s jealous. She smiles very pleased with herself.

Juan and Remi are still down by the river. Remi doesn’t think that Orca will let Juan see his wife. First, you will have to be his friend. Juan laughs like that’s not going to happen. What bothers me is that I can’t see the woman. Remi thinks that perhaps Juan is drawn to this woman because the loss of her son is similar to Juan losing his mother. Juan thinks it is possible. Your mother gave me all the love I needed at the time. The same as you. You took care of me. They take a trip down memory lane remembering when they used to fish and swim in this stream. Juan wants to go fishing. Remi doesn’t think it is a good idea. Juan keeps trying to convince him. ( Me, me, pick me!). They both take off their shirts. Oh yeah, now that’s what I’m talking about.

Leo is surprised by Aimee’s reaction. She thought she’d be more upset about trashing her room. She’s upset but there’s nothing she can do about it. Now Leo wants to talk to her about her inheritance. She wants Aimee to invest in the wood because Rodrigo thinks it will go through the roof. Aimee says well, ok I’ll do it. Put all my money in it. Leo is overjoyed. You are disciplined and intelligent. Not like your sister Regina. We have too many problems with her.

Regina is taking pictures of Mena. Mena finally tells her that she and Gabe played like children. Regina is excited about the news. He said I was beautiful. I have to tell you something. Last night I was going to tell him everything but then the old hag came in and I couldn’t finish telling him. Regina doesn’t like the way her aunt treats her. Mena is used to it. She feels like sometimes she is really not that important. Regina assures that is not true and that Mena is important to her.

Over in Puebla, Mena’s grandparents (?) are reading a letter they received from someone who is looking for their granddaughter “Angela.” It could be that she is in Vera Cruz. Abuelo is frustrated because they can’t find her anywhere. Abuela says don’t worry we will find her. He says it’s been many years and he is losing faith that they will find her. They look for Vera Cruz on the map.

Jimena thinks that her Tia doesn’t love her. Duh. Regina says lets forget all this sad stuff. She pours a drink for Mena. Regina tells her that Juan is now the administrator of the Finca. Mena is sure that Juan is a good man and thinks Regina should give him a chance. He’s helped me many times because he was worried about me. Regina is surprised. Juan is a good man. He is alone and I believe that he has suffered a lot. Regina is thinking this over.

Aimee goes out to the stable(?). She is looking for Juan. Speak of the devil, Juan walks in and wants to know what she’s doing there. She says she’s waiting for him. He looks surprised. What do you want? She shuts the door. He thinks she should be with her husband. He wants to know why she married Renato. For money? He is convinced it is for the money. She’s toying with him. She says money is not important to her. She rubs against him like a dog in heat. He pushes her away. She wants to know if he is there because of Regina. He laughs, Regina? Poor thing. Aimee whines about how Regina is driving her crazy. But she doesn’t want to talk about Regina. Only Juan. She’s all over him again like white on rice. He pushes her away. Well, ok then. She kisses him. He says get lost. You are so yesterday. He stomps out. She thinks to herself that Juan will return to her arms. Juan rides off on his horse. He is not going to fall for it again. Finally!

Regina and Mena have gone to the dungeon to develop her photos. Orca catches them and says you know you aren’t supposed to be down here. Regina argues with him. She needs the dark. He says it’s dirty and he will take care of it. She says no, let me in. He wants her to wait a minute. He has to go be Suzy Homemaker and tidy up. He walks off.

Clemencia is getting her a$$ chewed by Leo. She’s been looking for Rosenda and can’t find her anywhere. Well? Clemencia looks uneasy.

Servando and Tia are at a tavern. They are hatching another crazy plot. Servando thinks it is too risky. Ful’s minion shows up at the bar. He eyes them suspiciously.

Rod tells Rosenda they have the whole day together. (I want to know how Rosenda got to the townhouse so quickly.) No one will bother them. He kisses her neck. Gag! More kissing. He starts to undress FF>>x2.

Back at the a$$ chewing, Leo wants to know where Rosenda is. Clemencia tells her she doesn’t know. (How did Clemencia get back to the Finca so fast?) Rosenda didn’t tell her anything. Leo grabs her arm.

Rod and Rosenda are doing the nasty. Ewww! I can’t watch. FF>>x3.

Orca is tying up Mirta and MdR. He says he will kill them both if he hears one peep out of them. He hides the trunk.

Aimee is still fuming about Regina.

Regina says get a move on already and unlock the door. Orca is feeding her a lot of bull. He opens the gate. Orca runs off to tattle on the girls to Leo. Regina notices there used to be a table for her but they can’t find it. Mena finds the trunk. Dun dun dun! They open it. Look at all the pretty things. Regina recognizes the doll and says this is the trunk that they’ve been looking for for so long. It belonged to her mother. She is so happy. She finds a box. Oh no! Remember what happened the last time someone found a box? It took forever for them to open it.

Renato tells his mom that he wants to talk to her about something regarding Juan as the administrator of the Finca. She doesn’t look too thrilled about it. He says something about women and children and a school. I don’t want to hear more. I’m sorry. That’s how it is going to be. He opens the door and Orca is standing there. Do you want to talk to me or my mother. Your mother. Orca checks to be sure no one is outside the door. He fills her in on the problem with Regina being downstairs doing her photography. She starts to freak out. She’s worried that Regina will start to figure it out. He comes up behind her and grabs her. Which of course makes the situation sooo much better. He wants her tonight. She threatens him with withholding “favors.” He brings out his one ace in the hole and mentions the letter. Leo looks worried. What letter are you talking about? He shows it to her but won’t let her touch it. He explains that it is from Constanza accusing her of murdering her. What do you think of that? Leo looks worried.


Gancho Thursday 4/29 - Where dolls have balls and the boys are coy

Ahoy all, I'd like to thank all you commenters for hanging in there with us when Uni rescheduled our wonderful telenovela. It's been great fun and I have thoroughly enjoyed recapping with such an esteemed group of recappers and commenters. Gracias a todos!!!

We left Moni in the bar last night challenging the big dude to a boxing match and she's got 3000 pesos worth of serious to prove it. El Trucho (bogus, imposter?) says she's crazy, meanwhile his pals egg him on saying he's finally met his match (a shoe-form to fit the shoe, we learned that last week).

Poor old Mau sits in the empty space that was Monita's house while Marcos and Beto try to cheer him up, saying it's not his fault and Moni has just GOT to turn up. Beto's got an idea, Isa's sick so they should notify the hospitals to keep an eye out for her. Marcos stops them from rushing out because he's got an admission to make. Isa's not really sick, the doc was his friend and the diagnosis is a lie. Isa's in perfect health. Mau and Beto are impactado, however this is the last we hear of Marcos's lie tonight.

Holy cow, Trucho the Bogus, is a huge guy. Would a little squirt like our Monkey really be able to take this beast? Trucho tells her that God gave her those delicate hands for weaving, cooking, darning socks and underwear and for stroking her man, not for fighting. OK, I'm guessing she's going to kick his butt soon. He claims his prize will be to kiss her luscious lips, so she throws her money down, winds up and knocks him onto the floor.

Back in the hood Coni's doing her best to persuade Papa Marcos to take Nieves out to dinner followed by a night of love in his hotel room. This effectively kills two birds with one stone, she won't have to make dinner and she and Beto will have the house to themselves. Now all Coni and her bizcocho have to work out is will they eat their to-go sushi with chopsticks or with Milanesas and papas?

Our colorful and sparkly-shirted Snowball prepares to leave for her big date and Coni deliberately spills the beans that Marcos plans to propose again. But Nieves' gasp of delight is interrupted by a masked luchador messenger. She snips that she has no desire to see Don Cesar, but the masked one mumbles that Don Cesar is seriously ill and has been in the hospital for the past couple of days. Her next gasp, not so delighted.

Trucho rubs his jaws and knows the little lady means business. He agrees to the fight, 3K for him if he wins and 5K for her if she wins. She scampers off to get her gloves while the rest move the tables aside to form a ring. Isa is concerned, no not about Moni's health but for her 3K that might be lost. However Moni is confident that she'll win, heck she's the Mexican National Champ, so Isa, always looking to make a quick peso, lays a bet on the monkey.

Trucho gets the first hit and flattens Monita.

Mau arrives home to find his favorite cousin hanging with the kiddies. Xime tells him she's just given her husband the boot, they are getting a divorce, and she's starting chapter four which is the family chapter. Apparently Ximena's been getting good advice from the psychologist in residence, Dany.

Mau's got a check for Xime, remember when she sold her stock and loaned him the money? This is the payback with interest and Xime tries to decide how to spend it. How about giving it to Dany for her therapy sessions? Uh, no, Mau won't hear of it. OK then, she'll simply have to tear up the check. She starts to rip and..."just kidding" she giggles with her pixie grin.

Isa helps Monita to her feet only so she can yell at her for losing her 3K pesos. Let me guess, her mother's milk was acetone. Our little monkey's not about to be bested by the hulk so she challenges Trucho once again. She even gets in a few good jabs to his stomach and face, unfortunately he acts like a mosquito was bothering him.

Meanwhile Isa paces her room calling her daughter an estupida. Think Isa, think, where's the nearest bank? She calls the bank of Marcos and tells him if he wants to to see his daughter he'll deposit three million pesos into her account, if not he'll never see Moni again.

Trucho taunts Moni by telling her to give it up and give him a kiss so he can check out her moves in bed. She gives him one in the kisser all right, also in the nuts, the chin, the stomach, and a couple to the face. He drops like big gigantic sack of potatoes and the fickle crowd cheers their new champion, Mo-ni-ta, Mo-ni-ta, Mo-ni-ta!

Moni happily bursts into their hotel room shows mommy dearest her fistful of pesos. She won! See mom, you don't have to worry about money because your little monkey's going to win a lot more.

Back home Marcos skids into Mau's house ecstatically waving his cell phone. He heard from Isa and she promises not to hurt Moni if he will deposit 3 million pesos into her account. So why is he so happy? Because she made a grave error, the number she called from was stored in his phone and he traced it back to a hotel in Pachuca, they must be there!

The sun rises and it's another day. Mau's a bit miffed at Beto because they got a flat tire on the way and Beto wouldn't let Mau drive, thus losing valuable time. Mau suggests they go into the cantina first, no not for a chelada (poor Beto, so denied) but to see if anyone has seen Moni. And which cantina are they in? Why it's the very one where Moni won her match, que sorpresa! The owner tells them all about the little lady who beat up their doleful champ the day before. They snap their fingers...Monita!!

However the trail gets cold at their hotel. The soul brothers are discouraged to hear that their beloved monkey and her asp of a mama left town early that morning.

Over at the hood Coni is not at all pleased to see Nieves escorting their newest houseguest to the table. It's Don Cesar who is under the weather as evidenced by his flattened hair. He buries his head in Nieves' ample bosom and sighs that with her care he'll get better. Ay!! He sees Coni and shrieks...but not as loudly as Coni does. Her protests fall on deaf ears. Nieves demands that Coni quit lazing about and get back to her chores.

Now we've got Luisa taking advantage of her daddy's absence. She visits Andres to tell him that nobody understand her like he does. (Oh lordy, did that tired phrase ever sound fresh to me? I suppose so...a million years ago.) She announces that she intends to be his girlfriend no matter what her father says. I kind of feel sorry for the poor little schmuck. The sucker seals it with a pucker.

Marcos is bummed to hear the news about Moni but he urges the soul brothers to ask around town while he attends to urgent business at home. Since he's standing in the vecindad I guess we know what his business is. Coni trots up, a survivor of the worst experience of her life, a visit to the fish market. Ugh, the pushing, the nacos, the smell! And for what? So Don Cesar can have his Pescado de Ajillo ! Marcos blows a fuse when he finds out about Nieves' latest project. Nieves comes out, calls Coni a layabout (fodonga), which causes Coni to dump the fish on the ground, which causes Marcos to slip on the fish and fall flat on his back on the tiles. Oh my, Nieves is going to have her hands full!

Let's join a gab session between Xime and Estrella. Xime brags that she's on her own and happy about it. Estre's solo too because her little cub is leaving the country to continue his studies, but she's a bit more pensive. However at least she's getting some work. Xime wants to work too, maybe she'll invent something, or open a club called Maraviguau! Or wait, she has an idea but can't catch it, she grabs the air a couple of times but oops, it's gone. Oh wait it's back! They can partner up and open a fashionable restaurant bar of VIP megafashion where Estre can do standup comedy. Estre says they can call that place Maraviguau. "Hey what a great idea!" exclaims Xime. They shake on it.

Back at Nieves' Nursing Facility the two invalids begrudgingly share a bed. Marcos wants to go rehab in his presidential suite. Don Cesar seconds the motion but Nieves stands firm, arms akimbo, Marcos is staying right where he is so she can attend them both. Um, she's sporting two frogs on her head and one hanging from each ear. Sana sana colito de frog for each invalid.

The soul brothers find out from the bar owner that Isa and Moni are on their way to the town of Guasca for another fight. Now we have a montage of them looking for, and just missing, Monita in various bars having beaten various hunks. Meanwhile Xime and Rolu sign their divorce papers, Xime and Estre design and build their new business, more fights, more Moni victories, more victims, more money for Isa. In fact Isa seems truly interested in her daughter (the cash cow) for the first time in her life. I guess she never got the money from Marcos.

The montage ends with Luisa stomping and Aldo chomping. In summary, "I'm sick of you and dad not allowing me to see who I want!" "I'm your big brother and I can tell you what to do." "Is it OK if I go out with my girlfriends then?" "Duh, OK go." Dude, are you on drugs again?

Moni and Isa end up at some bar where the smarmily gracious owner welcomes her and kindly tells her she's going to be beaten for the first time. A huge Lurch-looking guy stands up, "Monita, meet The Monster." Caras impactadas de Isa and Moni.

The Monster snarls at her and our spunky monkey snaps her fingers and tells him she's beaten bigger men than him. The bigger they are the harder they fall. Another monster snarl and even Isa looks a little worried. As they leave for a bit of a rest before tonight's sold-out fight she leans over and challenges, "See you tonight...Monster." Dang, who says dolls don't have balls.

Xime, Estre and Lalu are in their decorating element. Lalu can't believe that these two single women aren't already lined up at the buffet of muscular workmen who are so eagerly trying to please the new owners. Ximena, in another acting tour-de-force, describes how the similarities of the workers to the two hermanos Klunder is making her positively schizophrenic. First one looks like Arnie with his little lamb curls. Then another one has a cute behind that's exactly like Rolu's. But wait, now it's Lalu's turn for a surprise. He run over and grabs lamby curls and buttkin and it's none other that Arni and Rolu who have agreed to work for free to help Xime out! They all grin and Xime admits this makes her very happy. She draws a little heart in the air and makes it beat with her hand.

Let's leave this exquisite silliness for a moment and join Gabi and Sal for some grown-up time. They are discussing the new restaurant bar with the goofy name and Sal tells Gabi he's reserved it this weekend for...their wedding. By the end of the weekend she'll be Senora Ulloa. Finally! (I hope. Where's Loriloca?)

Our galan and his soul brother seem to have finally caught up with Monita. The bar owner and his pal Monster tell Mau and Beto (whom they believe to be fight promoters) that Moni is staying at Pension Cuca Ruices just on the corner.

Tonight is the inaugural opening of Marviguau! Estre and Xime greet their first guests, Luisa and her beau Andres. The kids immediately start making out and of course Aldo arrives, sees his lying sis and wants to rumble. Esterella holds him back.

Xime summons the hermanos Klunder and they trip all over themselves running to their mistress. Rolu pleads his case, he signed the divorce papers but he'll scream a thousand times in front of the priest I DO! Arnie pleads his case. Xime probably wonders why should she decide and end this delicious attention? Well she can't decide because right now she has to give all her attention to Marviguau. It's either the club or them and she chooses the club, but she's certain that she really loves one of them and soon, very soon she'll decide which ONE of them is her true love. OOps, she forgot to say three things but she's just too busy.

Mau and Beto arrive at the pension and ask if they can come in. No way says the stern Duena, this is a pension for women only! They try to tell her it's important but she shuts the door in their faces. Beto has an idea...

Inside the grounds Isa tells Moni she doesn't feel well but no more doctors or hospitals. Moni tells her mommy dearest that this time they have spent together has been the best ever. Isa leaves to rest awhile and Moni thought bubbles about hapier times with Mau.

One of the lady guests runs over to Dona Cukita to excitedly tell her two classy ladies want to rent a room. Cukita agrees to meet them and the lovely young ladies enter. OMG, I guessed it was coming but it's still hilarious. Mau and Beto in drag (and looking extremely good I might add), sashay into the grounds. Beto hides behind a feminine fan and Mau casually glances around, looking for his Monita.

Manana: Mau wants to kill andres, Mau wants to fight Monita, Mau wants to kiss Monita, bar fight!!

Sana, Sana
This rhyme is said to have magical healing power. Parents gently rub or tap their fingers over a cut, bruise, or other injury in a circular motion, repeating the rhyme, and the injured child quickly feels better. "Sana" means heal. This song is in De Colores and Other Latin-American Folk Songs for Children by Jose-Luis Orozco.

Sana, sana,
colita de rana,
Si no sanas hoy,
sanaras mañana.

Heal, heal,
little tail of the frog,
If you don't heal today,
you'll heal tomorrow.


Dinero # 75 & 76 4/28/2010 Marco has a bad day and Lenora has a bad hair day

While Ale is explaining things to Tia we see Jorge standing on the stairs listening in. He is clutching his chest. Ale tells Tia Marco cancelled the wedding. Even after she tried to explain to him there was nothing between her and Rafa.

We see a very distraught Marco at his apartment, when Chavez shows up. He looks around the apartment and wants to know what gives. Was there a hurricane. (Yes and let’s call it hurricane jealousy.) Marco offers Chavez a drink. Chavez wants to make sure Marco did not do anything stupid. He says Ale must be waiting for him. Marco cries his life is destroyed. Chavez tells him not to get so upset about things. Marco tells him that his fiancé slept with someone else. He knows everything.

We see Rafa with Lenora and Juliette . They are discussing their financial woes. Rafa is trying to figure out how he is going to make all his financial obligations. He tells them it is all changed now because of last night.

Jaimie shows up. He asks Rafa if he has talked to Ale yet. Rafa wonders if Ale is going to go through with the wedding. Jaimie encourages Rafa to call her. We see Rafa hesitating.

Tia can’t believe Ale would settle for Rafa. At this moment Ales’ phone rings and it is Rafa. She does not answer it and says she doesn’t want to talk to anyone. Rafa is disappointed that she would not answer.

Tia wants to know what Ale is going to tell Jorge about the wedding. Ale is quite upset and says she has to get to work. Jorge ducks down so Ale can‘t see him as she leaves. After she leaves Jorge storms in and asks Tia what they are going to tell all the guests. He tells Tia he heard everything.

Chavez is scolding Marco asking him if he is aware of what he has done. Marco replies back very indignantly “ Are you aware of what she has done to me?“ Chavez reminds him they are talking about negotiations here and not love. Marco is going on about how Ale betrayed him. (He really looks hurt, it is hard not to feel sorry for him)

Chavez warns Marco that they can’t loose two years of work. He advises him to call her and tell her he forgives her. Marry her, get the papers signed, then separate. Marco is still going on about the fact that she slept with someone else. Chavez reminds Marco that if he doesn’t marry Ale they will loose everything. Marco is getting more upset. He says he has to respect his honor and he finally kicks Chavez out. We see him looking crushed to the bone staring at Ales’ picture.

We see Susana on the phone. She is calling to cancel the wedding reception. Around the corner we have an uninvited guest. It is Rosario eavesdropping. Susana continues talking on the phone and Rosario is off to spill the beans to the rest of the group. She is all flustered and twitting. Someone gets her a drink of water and she finally blurts out Ale canceled the wedding. We get a sinister Marino smile at this announcement.

Dandy wants to know what’s up. He tells everyone that Ale almost caught him at Susanas’ apartment. He says he had to leave out the window and he shows off his ace wrapped ankle. Bebe tells him he deserves it. They continue with there gossiping and speculations. Bebe chides them all telling them they need to be more respectful.

Dandy pulls Claudia aside. He wants to know what she is up too. Claudia says she does not know anything. Dandy doesn’t believe her. He wants to know why she wanted the information from him about the hotel. Claudia lies. Dandy is not buying any of it. He continues to pressure her to tell him what she is up to. She warns him that she knows stuff about him too that would not be good if found out and kicks him in the ankle. We see Dandy hobbling around on his already injured ankle.
Susana is still on the phone when Dandy hobbles over to her and wants to know what‘s up. Susana tells Dandy she will make everything up to him. She knows some great techniques. Dandy wants to know what is going on with Ale.

Ale has finally arrived at Siglo. We see a very happy Beltran approaching her and he calls her the light of his eyes. (That light is going to go out soon). He wants to talk to her and Rafa. He makes a comment about the new car that Rafa earned. He heads off singing his little money mantra. Bebe wants to know if Beltran is aware that Rafa has quit.

Ale runs into Dandy and wants to know what happened to his foot. He tells her not to worry he is going to get a message tonight . Susana not pleased with his comment knocks him over on her way to Ales’ office. Ale asks Susana what she should do. Susana says are you going to tell him there was no sale and that Rafa quit. Ale still doesn’t know what to do. She asks Susana for Rafas’ resignation.

Marco is still going on about being betrayed by Ale. The one he would never suspect to sleep with someone else. His phone rings. It is Claudia. She tells him she knows the wedding is off. She asks him how he is doing. He tells her he is a wreck. Claudia continues with her feigned sweetness. She says she can come over. Marco tells her he is not up to it. She reminds him he can count on her for anything.

Beltran is still on cloud nine ( and about to drop without a parachute) as Ale enters his office. He kisses her and sings . He tells her to sit down. He is all excited. He wants to know all about the sale. Ale tells him there is no contract. (Did you hear that thud?) Then there a scream that is heard all through Siglo.

Rafa goes to see Pepito. He asks a couple of the salesmen there if Pepito is around and to tell him Rafa is looking for him. As they leave they realize he is the guy that got stole the Refri deal from the Montana folks. Pepito invites him inside and Rafa tells him he shouldn’t because they are the completion. Rafa tells him he needs the money from the sale of his car.

Ale tries to explain the story to Beltran. She says every thing was going fine and Marco showed up and ruined everything. There was a big misunderstanding and the Refri guys got ticked and ripped up the contract. Beltran tells Ale that he knew the marriage idea was stupid. Ale reminds him that yesterday he was fine with the idea. Well he changed his mind. Now he is screaming for Rafa. Ale tells him Rafa quit. Beltran says that’s just as well and calls him a few names.

We now see Beltran sucking his oxygen and Ale taking full responsibility for the entire disaster. She says she has nothing left to do but resign. Beltran is not going to let her off that easy. He tells her she has to answer for her mistakes and that she can‘t quit. He says Rafas’ resignation is sufficient. He tells her to fix the disaster that Rafa caused. He wants sales to improve. Ale assures him she will do her best to get them out of this mess.

Beltran goes out to the sales floor and tells them to put the car back up for sale. Claudia reminds Beltran that it is Rafas’ car. Beltran screams “don’t mention Medina!!!” Bow-tie guy feels the car should go to the person that sold the most. Beltran isn’t buying this. He says the car was the prize for the best negotiation, not for the most sales and it is no longer up for grabs. It is going to be sold.

Ale tells Susana that Beltran would not accept her resignation. Ale is distraught, all she wants to do is go home and explain things to Jorge. We see a very sad Jorge looking out his window wondering where he failed. He wants to know why Ale did what she did.

We see Ale walking out of Siglo. Behind her we have the entire Siglo crew creeping up on her. Ale finally turns and tells them she knows they are following her. Then she confesses there is no wedding. We get the usual crew response. Claudia pretends to be her best bud and runs up all syrupy. Then She tells Ale she has to leave and go see a client. Ale tells her sarcastically to do what she wants and leaves.

Dandy and Ramirez are going to get to the bottom of things. He calls Rafa and asks him what happened. Rafa tells him there was a misunderstanding. He lies about what happened. Ramirez tells him Beltran is so mad he doesn’t even want to see a picture of him. Dandy wants to know if there was something going on between him and Ale. Then Dandy tells Rafa that Ale canceled the wedding. Rafa can’t believe this and he inquires how Ale is doing.

Rafa has to hang up, Vicky is walking his way. She is all wedding talk. Rafa is finally able to interject and tells her the sale fell apart. Vicky is worried that now he has to go back to Siglo. Rafa tells her he can’t go back there. Vicky is relieved. She has it all planned out. He can get the money from Papa . Rafa tells her that they can not get married. (Okay some one else needs a parachute after following off cloud nine) . Rafa tells her he needs to face her father and talk to him directly. Vicky aghast, tells Rafa her Daddy will kill him. Rafa is insistent and drags a protesting Vicky off to confront Daddy.

Ale has arrived at home and wants to talk to Jorge. Tia warns her that he knows everything.
Jorge doesn’t want to talk to anyone. He won’t eat. He is in his room. Ale knocks on his door. He won’t answer. She is begging. He tells her to leave. She says she won’t leave until he opens the door. He tells her to go away, that he doesn’t want to talk to her.

Rafa is dragging Vicky to talk to Daddy. This was a bit of a scary scene. The BGS are waving knives and shouting for machetes. Daddy wants to know if Rafa wants to borrow money. Rafa confesses that he lost the big sale. The BGS start teasing him. Daddy tells them to knock it off. He tells Rafa to continue. We see more knife wielding and they are getting bigger by the minute.

Vicky is distraught. Rafa says it isn’t right to marry her when he has nothing to offer. He says it is best to postpone the wedding until things get better. Vicky is freaking and wants her brothers to help her and we see even more knife wielding . Daddy tells Rafa he is doing the right thing and he is thinking with his head. Vicky continues to be all frantic. Rafa thanks Daddy for his compassion. But he is warned that he will eventually marry his daughter. Rafa is relieved. At least he has a little break. Vicky wants to know why Daddy has to mess up her life and stomps off.

We see Lenora mopping the floor when Rafa calls her. He apologizes for not remembering her birthday. He tells her he is going to take her out to celebrate to a special place. She tells him that his not necessary. She says she has a great son. He has all these problems and still thinks about her.

Ale is still outside Jorges’ door and has been sitting there for hours. Tia tells her he is so stubborn he will not open the door. Ale says she will stay there for weeks if necessary. Jorge tells her she can sit there a life time and he wont open the door. He refuses food. Tia threatens to call the Dr. Ale begs. She tells him she adores him. She continues begging ( and my heart is breaking) as we see both of them crying. .

Salon scene, (and shame on all of you who skipped over this because you will see that it was quite key to our ending tonight). Lenora enters. They all are excited to see her. She tells them it is her birthday and she wants to get all fixed up as Rafa is taking her out. They are thrilled to do anything for the mother of sandwitchita. They will make her beautiful. She pulls out a picture that she wants her hair to look like. We don’t get to see the picture but from every ones reactions it probably isn‘t a good choice. Ovi tries to talk her into something more youthful. They finally agree to what Lenora wants and we see Lenora is all smiles.

Jaimie is out walking and is suddenly attacked by Vicky. She is whining about Rafa. He is out of work and has postponed the wedding. Jaimie tells her Rafa is just trying to do put things right. She tells Jaimie he can fix this. Then she starts (to steal a Melenama phrase) macking out on him. This time it looks like Jaimie is really enjoying it. She tells him not to leave her alone. She tells him He is the only one that can help her. Jaimie says this can’t happen and leaves a sobbing Vicky behind.

We still have our little battle of wills going on between Ale and Jorge. He is still in his room and she is still outside the door. Jorge is all upset because she never told him any of this. She tells him she didn’t say anything because she knew he would react like this. He continues on his rant and wants to know if Beltran knew who Rafa was. He continues on that none of this is the proper way to behave. Then we see Jorge clutching his chest and slumps over. Ale is frantic outside the door knocking to let her in.

Jorge sits up and his telling Ale she did a bad thing hiring that man. He says for his disgrace his heart is still beating. Ale continues to try and explain. She did it because she did not want him to have to sell his house. Rafa needed to pay them back and he needed a job.

She starts defending Rafa. She tells Jorge it was an accident. She goes on to say Rafa is a good man an honorable man and the best salesman We see food sitting beside the door. Ale tells him if you won‘t eat for me then I will leave. She pretends to leave and Jorge falls for it. He sneaks out and grabs the food with a hidden but smiling Ale looking on. (This was the sweetest scene).

Now we have Rafa and Jaimie at the neighborhood bar. Jaimie tells Rafa it couldn’t have been easy to break up with Vicky. Rafa wants to know how he knew that. Besides he didn’t break up, they just postponed the wedding. Jaimie confesses that Vicky told him. Jaimie is a twittering mess and talking a mile a minute. and Rafa wants to know what is up. Jaimie still twitting out screams for the drinks and downs it. Rafa tells him to calm down and wonders if he might not be drinking a bit much.

He finally calms down a bit and tells Rafa they need to have an adult conversation. He wants to know when the wedding will be back on with Vicky Rafa confesses that he still has feelings for Ale. Jaimie tells him that is a lost cause. Rafa wonders who decided to call the wedding off. Was it Marco or Ale. He hopes it was Ales decision. Jaimie encourages Rafa to call her.

We see Ale on her bed looking at her ring. The phone is ringing and she picks it up to see who it is. Tia walks in and want to know is it is Marco on the phone. Ale tells her no. She says she won’t answer it. Poor Ale, she just wants to make Jorge happy. Tia encourages her to call Marco. Ale refuses.

Marco continues on his drinking binge. We hear the door bell and Marco is thinking it is Chavez. (Okay who didn’t see this coming?) It is Claudia. Marco wants to know what she is doing there. She tells him she feels bad for what is going on. She feels responsible. She brought him a little cheering up gift. A new bottle of Vodka. Marco wants the scoop about what went on at Siglo. He wants to know about Rafa. Claudia tells him he quit.

Claudia wants to know what went on between Rafa and Ale. Marco tells her he saw them dancing cheek to cheek. Marco is distraught and Claudia is putting the moves on him. Poor Marco, she can’t imagine why anyone would do that to him.

We have a cute little Dandy and Susana scene. She is messaging his sore ankle. Dandy inquires about what happened to the deal., why Rafa quit and why the wedding is off. Susana says she can’t say anything about it. Dandy is offended that she does not trust him. She tells him it is not a question of confidence. Then Dandy admits that he cares for her. And each day he finds himself more in love with her. (Dandy is smitten for sure). Susana admits to the same feelings. Even though he eats meat. Now they are off and practicing some of those great yoga techniques of hers.

Back to Claudia and Marco. She is rubbing his temples. She wants to know if he is feeling any better. He tells her no and that he feels worse. She tells him Rafa has nothing compared to him. Marco swears he is going to destroy them both. The phone rings and it is Tia. Marco kicks Claudia out. (I sure didn’t see that one coming. He really is in bad straights.)

Tia tells Marco Jorge is destroyed. Marco tells her he can’t believe Ale betrayed him with such a guy as Rafa. Tia says nothing happened. It was just to close the deal. Marco says people don’t do things like that. She pleads for Marco to forgive Ale. Marco tells her he can’t. She continues to plead. Marco asks her if she thinks they can get through this. He confesses without Ale he is nothing. He seems very sincere about this. Tia tells him they are there for him. His pain is their pain. He thanks her for her help and hangs up. He continues drinking and looks like some forlorn lost puppy.

Vicky is talking with her friend Janet. She is whining about Rafa. Janet tells her to quit acting like the victim. She starts yelling at Vicky. It isn’t because he doesn’t care. He lost his job. She tells her to stop screaming at him all the time. She really lays into her. She tells her to leave him in peace. Then she calls her crazy crazy crazy. If you really love him treat him right. She tells Vicky to grow up. Rafa needs a woman not a child. (Way to go Janet!!!!)

Remember that little salon scene? Well now we see Rafa and Julieta and Lenora all out celebrating at a fancy restaurant. Now I get why the salon crew were hesitant about the photo Lenora brought in. She should have gone with the youthful look. Lenora is outraged with the prices. She would have been happy to just have tacos somewhere.

Now we spy the Refri guys with wives intact at the next table. They spy Rafa at the next table and want to know who the piñata is sitting next to him. They continue on mocking him. Rafa is oblivious to there presence. Juliette is suddenly aware that they are all looking there way and laughing . One of the guys at the Refri table says don’t worry vulgarity is not contagious.

Julieta tells Rafa she should go confront them for being so rude. He gets up and goes over to the table suddenly realizing it is the Refri group. He wants to know what is so funny.

And that is the end of our third marathon night. I might have messed a few things up, so feel free to correct and add.



El Clon 51, Wednesday, April 28: In which Said smolders, Cristina sizzles and Osvaldo gets nothin’ but ashes.

The boys at Empresas Ferrer wax nostalgic when Albi tells Lucas and Enrique he’s run into Jade and her husband here in Miami. And Lucas, when your name came up, says Albi, her husband looked like a very jealous man (me parece un hombre muy celoso). Lucas allows himself a small smile.

“Tengo mucho miedo” (I’m very scared) Jade tells Latifa; Said is “muy vengativo”. On our wedding night, he vowed to kill Lucas if he ever crossed his path again, says Jade. And now every time he looks at me, it’s like he’s searching for Lucas in my gaze. Do you still feel something for him? Latifa wants to know.
Jade: “Hay amores que no se puede vivir, hay que guardarlos en el corazón” (There are loves that can’t be lived, you have to keep them in your heart)

And as for the ladies who lunch. And shop…a lot:
“Oh. my. god. You really told Natalia that Lucas has a lover?” Lucia may be the queen of obsessive marital jealousy, but even she is aghast when Marisa tells her she involved poor fragile Naty in her marital mishigas. Oh he’s gonna pay for humiliating me, vows Marisa…

Alejandro’s not doing any shopping. He is broke (quebrado), realizes that his career as a fighter is in the toilet: “Necesito trabajar en lo que sea” (I need a job, doesn’t matter what it is) he tells his friend/manager, Pablo. All he needs is a little money and he’ll be able to win the lovely Karla back. Pablo promises to set him up with a security company that provides drivers for rich folks.

Oddly enough, in a slightly more elegant part of town, Natalia is saying to her abuelo Leo: ¿Un chofer para mi??? Well yeah, says Leo, this is a dangerous city, there are all these crazy drunken tourists, you are an inexperienced driver…

Enter Alej looking miserable in his short-sleeved white shirt with narrow tie. He is presented to Natalia as her new driver and security guard.

Natalia tells Andrea afterwards that she couldn’t stand Alej (“Me cayó como una patada ese chofer”). Alej describes Naty to his buddy Pablo as “una mocosa malcriada” (a spoiled snot). [Anyone want to bet on how long it takes for these two to fall for each other?]

And back at la casa Mohamed: Prince Amin hasn’t quite achieved the coordination to ogle girls and ride a bike at the same time. He bumps into something, and falls down, giving his sister and cousin a good laugh. Then suddenly Zamira looks alarmed. She runs into the house without saying anything, and locks herself in the bathroom. Oh man, it’s her first period. “No quería que mi sangre bajara nunca” (I didn’t want to get a period, ever!) thinks Zamira. She knows her parents will make her wear a veil in public when they find out, so she decides to try to hide it from them.

Jadiya meanwhile is thinking “No veo la hora que mi sangre baje” (I can’t wait to get my first period!) Tía Nazira has shown her many nifty ways to wear the veil.

Jade and Said are alone and Jade is remembering how Said chased after Lucas with that scary curved knife of his years ago. She decides that the only way to keep Lucas safe is to warn him of Said’s murderous jealousy.

Cristina and her friends are at the apartment. Dora’s ma is coming for Christmas and she wants to find a little place to live before then. Will there be room for Osvaldo? asks Vicki. Dora’s not so sure she still loves him or wants him. “Que rehaga su vida con otra mujer.” (Let him remake his life with another woman)

Alas it is not to be. Or at least not tonight. When Osvaldo offers Karla with a K her big chance – “¡Te conseguí un trabajo como promotora en un supermarket aquí en la playa..” (I got you a job promoting stuff in a supermarket here on the beach) – instead of covering her ‘chocolatito’ with grateful kisses, she gives him a big fat cachetada (slap) and starts screaming ‘¡auxilio! The cops come and haul him away for “acoso sexual”. His friend Miguel, much amused, bails him out.

Now let’s catch up on Alicia Who Claims to be Luisa’s Niece but we all Know she is up to No Good:
Luisa wants to buy a new dress for her niece to wear to Leo’s wedding. Alicia refuses so sweetly, tells Luisa how lovely she is, suggests a little change in hair style might get Albieri’s motor humming. What a gal, that Alicia.

You almost feel sorry for creepy old Albi in the next room when he mutters that as nice as she seems, “hay algo en ella que no me gusta, que me asusta.” (there’s something about her that I don’t like, that scares me)

At Casa Escobar, Clara notices Escobar’s papers are neat, no food crumbs (no food crumbs???). Yeah, he says, Luisa’s niece Alicia was there to “echarnos una mano” (give/throw us a hand).
Clara: “A ti te echó dos manos, verdad?” (she gave you two hands, right?) Before this fight can go further, Fernando comes in asking for money so he can go out. Escobar takes his opportunity to escape.

Alicia sweet as pie brings coffee to Albi and Julio – “Esa niña es un encanto, es un sol!” (That girl is charming, she’s a lovely person) gushes Julio. “Eso parece” mutters Albi (so it seems).

Alicia goes to Luisa, now in bed, and tenderly kisses her good-night, then hidden to Luisa, executes a perfect Telenovela Eye Roll.

Lucas asks Marisa why she had to poison Naty against him and she says she was just telling the truth. The customary vitriolic banter ensues.

And in faraway Fez, Tío Ali is saying farewell to Zoraida, telling her to look after everything while he’s away. When he leaves, Nazira lets loose with a howl. Poor Zoraida.

Said is taking Jadiya to Mohamed’s house and will come back to pick up Jade. Jade seizes the moment to phone Lucas. He has just picked up – Hola. ¿Eres tú? – when Said comes back unexpectedly and she has to hang up. When she leaves the room, Said checks redial: “Empresa Ferrer” chirps the secretary. Oh no no no….

Ramón knocks on Latifa’s door asking for Prince Amin. Latifa of course won’t open the door to a man, she gets all ‘es un haram’ on him. He goes across the street and tells Gloria who marches up to Mohamed and tells him they are a bunch of “groseros”. At first he is polite, but soon he is telling her to go back to her “negocio de haram” (sinful business) and promising that she will burn in “el mármol del infierno” (marble, here, oven of hell). All told, not a good moment for intercultural understanding.

Cris is Ravishing in Red. She and Vicki go to the piano bar where she and Leo used to hang out. Leo and the Antichris, ie Sofia, are there, of course. She is Boring in Blue. When Sofia steps away, Cris seizes the moment. She reclaims her man with a big fat smooch. Press cameras flash and Sofia fumes. “Se canceló la boda!” (The wedding’s cancelled) she declares and throws his ring back at him.
Leo: “¿A dónde quieres llegar con todo esto?” (Where are you going with all this?)
Cris: “Por lo pronto a la cama en un hotel de 5 estrellas...contigo.” (For now to bed in a 5 star hotel...with you.)

Natalia is chatting on line. No one feels worse than I do, she writes. And her unidentified interlocutor replies: I felt like that and then I used a drug (alucinante, literally hallucinogen) that helped me with my feelings… [Whoa. This is very bad.]. Mama Rosa comes in and Nat asks her about her parents’ marriage. Is it true my father never loved my mother? He loved her, says Rosa, but not as much as he loved that foreigner… [All these years and the damn woman, cane and all, still can’t keep her mouth shut!]

Luisa tells Albieri that Ali’s nephew called to say that Ali is in Miami and they want us to come to a party. Albi looks pleased, well, you know, relatively.

Carolina is giving Enrique the cold shoulder. He shows her a newspaper with the CrisLeo smooch. See, she’s Leo’s old flame, not mine!

They’re looking at the photo at the Ferrer home too. Everyone seems pretty happy about the idea of Cris and Leo getting back together except Marisa: “A los hombres de esta casa les encanta lo barato.”
(The men in this house love what is cheap.)

Then Alejandro shows up for his first day of work. If this guy is taking care of Naty during the day, who’s going to drive her around and watch over her in the evening? I can do it, says Alej. Great, agrees, Leo. You can be Naty’s ‘angel de la guardia’. Naty looks pained but overpowered. And Alej is thinking about what a nightmare it’s going to be to be saddled with this spoiled brat day and night.

Of course Fernando mocks Naty and her chauffeur when they show up at school, but Andrea just thinks he’s hot. (una cosota rica)

Ali arrives at Latifa’s house and is greeted joyfully by all. Zoraida phones, the conversation turns to Nazira’s suitor (pretendiente) and Nazira hears Zoraida say: “El pretendiente de Nazira vive circa de la casa.” (The suitor lives near the house.) Then the line cuts off. That’s enough for big-eared Nazira, who has been hanging on Zoraida’s every word. She’s set to pack her bags and head off to Miami in search of her one true love, Osvaldo.

Cris complains to Vicki that Leo won’t take her calls now. She calls Lucas instead. He agrees to meet her after work.

Said tells Jade that they will be dining at the Ferrer’s tomorrow. Maybe you want to buy something new for the occasion? Why should I ? asks Jade. Women always seem to do things you don’t expect, answers Said omenously.

Lucas sees Cris waiting for him, as arranged, in a lounge somewhere. She is wearing…The Necklace!!!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Corazon Salvaje, 4/28/10 The Treasure of the Fiera Madre

Corazón Salvaje, 4/28/10 -- "The Treasure of the Fiera Madre"

In the finca office, Leonarda broods over some possible connection
between the old Juan San Roman and the new one; surely what Clemencia
denied must be the truth. But in fact, she thinks, only María del
Rosario can rid her of her suspicions. Meanwhile, Clemencia visits
the beach shack, and she and the boyz fret and stew again about what
kind of trouble Juan is going to instigate and who will get hurt.

Out on the plantation road, a carriage halts, and Noel alights --
turning to warmly greet Juan, bringing up the rear on horseback.
Renato has been showing Juan the estate, but the thing that most
impressed Juan was the fair treatment of his workers. When Juan
thanks Noel for backing him on his new job, Noel claps Juan on the
shoulder and declares he always tries to be fair with people, although
sometimes he has failed.

Noel continues to explain about the boy he let down some time ago, a
boy who was the victim of a foul injustice. Juan evinces unease,
turns and puts a few steps between them. Noel sounds as though it
preys on his conscience, Juan says.

Noel admits it's tormented him his entire life, and he's never lost
hope he could restore all that belonged to the boy. And one day he'll
do it, Noel vows, looking Juan in the eye. Juan is truly
uncomfortable now and begs off to get back to work.

Rodrigo returns to the townhouse to live, and close on his heels
enters Federico. They commiserate on the infuriating state of Juan
installed as estate manager, and Rodrigo won't return until he's
gone. Suddenly, Ruffina the maid bursts into the room, horrified.

Someone broke into the house last night; nothing is stolen but the men
rush upstairs to the scene of the crime and are incensed and baffled
at the carnage. Thus, Federico for some reason viewed the damage Juan
wrought, as well as did Rodrigo. Aimee's room is turned inside out
and upside down, the mirror smashed; but Rodrigo's main quandary is
who in the world would do this.

At the beach cave, Juan has departed; but Aimee remains -- torturing
herself with memories of Juan berating and insulting her. Of all
things, Regina then appears, shouting and startling Aimee, who goes on
attack. It's her business if she's there -- and Regina is sounding
like a jealous rival! Well, if Regina thinks Juan's presence will
bring Aimee down, she's dead wrong!

She'll fight for what she has left, and she's not going to lose
Renato! He's hers! Hers! Regina is completely confused as Aimee
exits, having enough. Regina wonders what could have possibly
happened. Glancing around at the mats and signs of habitation, Regina
realizes this was their meeting place. And then it dawns on her with
amazement that Juan did come here and talk to Aimee -- and rebuffed her!

Back at the finca, Arcadio drums up another argument with Leonarda in
a hallway including the usual suspects of his loss of status and
threats; she's not afraid of him at all and doesn't help with her
woeful tale of missing Rodrigo so terribly. This enrages Arcadio who
grabs her, whereupon Renato discovers them in flagrante and shouts
out. Arcadio and Leonarda agree to the lame explanation that she
fell, which Renato doesn't believe, but lets pass after raking Arcadio
over the coals again. The purpose of this scene becomes more apparent
at a later moment.

In the girls' bedroom at the casino, the "sisters" solicitously tend
to Lulu, who lies on the bed. They await the doctor, and presently
Dr. Pablo enters. After a couple of questions and a look or two, Pablo
determines Lulu hasn't been eating properly and is anemic. The doctor
writes out a prescription, and as he's leaving, Fifi invites him to
come visit them sometime.

Dr. Pablo demures but reminds them any time he's needed, he'll be at
their service. Great guy. If Lulu is not pregnant, then the reason I
can see for this scene is introducing the doctor to the girls. The
third girl does need a fellow. Pablo'd never visit there otherwise;
Lulu laments after he exits that his type of gentlemen unfortunately
never sets his sights on girls like them.

At the gypsy camp, Griselda and Servando complain they're short of
cash and wonder if the gypsy kidnapping scare has subsided in town.
Jimena enters and relates how, oddly enough, no one wanted her to read
their palm; so she came home broke. Well, that's their answer; and
Griselda and Servando head off to raise some dough after Griselda
first ordering Jimena to the river to slave over the laundry.

Several long scenes ensue during the rest of the episode in the
environs of the river, involving Jimena, water, dancing, bare skin,
eventually Gabriel and a horse, lots of fun, music, splashing,
horseback riding and swimming clothed. Jimena and Gabriel have a fine
time doing the laundry. At the end of the last such scene, Gabriel is
overcome with Jimena's beauty and tells her so. But no kiss on the

In a scene that probably has more to do with tomorrow (according to
the previews), in her cell, María del Rosario entertains and delights
her companion, friend and caretaker, Mirta, with stories of wonderful
moments she and Juan de Dios stole from under the noses of Leonarda
and Rodrigo. María del Rosario appreciates Mirta very much and
promises to tell Juan de Dios how good Mirta has been to her when he
comes for her. Then he does so once again, in the guise of a dove.

A pleasant scene, in contrast to the hellish one developing down the
hall, brought on by the intolerable events of Arcadio's previous
scene. He is now full of fury; and in an alcohol-fueled rage, begins
tearing up the place and turning over furniture -- where he finds the
keepsake chest belonging to the twins' mother.

On the excuse of a shopping trip, Leonarda visits Rodrigo at the town
house and begins to relate to him her suspicions about the various
Juans San Roman. It makes her feel a little uneasy she says, and
doesn't Rodrigo think the two men resemble each other? Rodrigo thinks
back to the night he had a gun to Juan de Dios's forehead in the
bedroom -- and decides not. No, no. They don't resemble each other,
he decides.

But Rodrigo generously grants it's ok that Leonarda asked; she's only
worried about him, he understands. Then onto business. Won't
Leonarda please convince Aimee to put all her inheritance she received
upon her wedding into the lumber investment, Rodrigo asks. Of course,
Leonarda will do anything Rodrigo asks. Not to worry. Later the
scene continues; and as the two take tea, Leonarda calmly assures
Rodrigo she'll make Juan's life miserable; and failing that, she'll
offer him money to leave -- all so that Rodrigo can return home to her.

Back in the catacombs, drunken Arcadio rifles through the keepsake
chest of the twins' mother and pulls out the precious note the mother
left for her girls. Huh, what's this... Arcadio drops down onto an
old bedstead and reads it. We can hear in the woman's own voice how
she indicts Leonarda for her death, that Leonarda slowly poisoned
her. Even drunk, Arcadio is gleeful that he has ammunition to really
make Leonarda do what he wants now. Either she does his bidding or she
goes to prison.

When Clemencia finally makes a visit to Magda at the casino, it's not
a happy occasion. Magda is already in tears, as usual; but she is
truly startled by the urgency in Clemencia's demeanor. What in heaven
could be wrong with Rosenda! Tell her! Clemencia is loathe to say
it, but Rosenda has become mixed up with Don Rodrigo.

Finally, after a long day hand feeding and watering the troops, Juan
and Remigio pause at a refreshing stream, where Juan lays out his
plans for the workers, including no women or children working -- and
if the elders want to work, only light duty. Juan doesn't think he'll
have any trouble pushing his agenda, since he's the boss now. Remigio
reminds him he's also technically an owner, as well. All this is
Juan's fortune, too, as a Montes de Oca. But Juan is unmoved; when
he's finished, this fortune will all be turned to dust.

The previews look interesting. Harkening back to the scene with María
del Rosario, Remigio relates to Juan that a woman with a veil is
Arcadio's wife. Juan is fascinated. In another preview, Aimee is
shown agreeing to follow her dad's investment advice; so they'll both
go down in flames. And in another, the fisher folks are calling the
cops on Servando and Griselda. In the last one, Jimena effuses to
Regina what a good man Juan is. Try him, you'll like him!



Gancho Wed 4/28 - Love, love me do

Alternate title #1: Where in the world is Valentina? (Thanks JeffMN!)

Alternate title #2: All the air comes out of the balloon. Can we put it back in? (Thanks Hombre!)

Kris is traveling today and the rest of the week so cannot do tonight's recap. You are all invited to drop by with your opinions and feelings on tonight's episode. If you wish to share your rendition of your favorite scene or scenes by all means feel free. I may combine recaplets into one recap, or just do a quickie if the spirit moves me. If several of us are moved then so much the better. The more the merrier I always say.

Tonight's title courtesy of JudyB. She's right, our characters just want to be loved. Don't we all?

From Carlos:
Tano's call, informing him that Lobo is wanted in Chicago for spousal abuse and attempted murder was very well-timed, snapping Mao out of his grumpy pity party just as our new and improved Coni along with Beto deliver Wolfboy all bagged up in a net ready for delivery. Love Coni's little extra kicks to a helpless wolf. Nice hasn't completely dampened her enthusiasm for a little taste here and there of well-directed aggression. Her revelation of Isabel's thwarted attempt to poison Moni during the fight gives an urgency to find Moni and Isabel before Snakelady succeeds in fulfilling her malicious mission.

Meanwhile, a conflicted and very dramatic Ximy expels the Klunders, choosing to dress in the black raiment of a grieving widow, instead of the inflammatory scarlet she had originally planned to wear. Interestingly she invited her true soul mate Lalo over for consultation. Too bad that he nixes the strawberry daiquiris.

Taking the rejuvenated Sal's motorcycle to the vecindad to apologize to Moni, Mao finds the apartment abandoned. Oh no!

Thus begins tonight's rather fun episode. Next!

Sylvia pipes up: Sal and Gabi had their first "argument", she didn't want to ride on the new motorcycle that Sal just purchased that morning. However Mauricio, who had just exited the building, did. He needed it to ride over to Valentina's. If you know anything at all about how boys feels about their motorcycles then you'll know that Sal is a VERY good friend for loaning Mau his wheels.

JudyB's turn: Oh, and our alternate universe pixie DID tell Lalu that the reason she couldn't choose between the two bros was because she'd like to keep 'em both. So we're ready for our next telenovela!

Back to Carlos: As Mao is leaving on the moto Cristian and his retinue of cops arrive to take charge of Lobo. Hearing of Issy's plan to off Moni, Cristian has the others pile into his patrol car to accompany him to the 'hood to arrest the murderous reptile. Sal wants to drive. "Negativo."

The Puppy meets with his Cougar over soft drinks to tell her of his plan to study abroad as soon as he finishes high school. She has mixed emotions about this.

Iván makes it clear to the predatory Alejandra that he only has eyes for the screechy Luisa.

Sylvia again: Carlos is too modest to tell you himself that his beloved Coni, possibly basking in the good will generated by her role in protecting her new sister from El Lobo, reveals to Beto, Nieves and Marcos that Isa had planned to murder her own daughter during the fight. What was in the bottle that Beto swapped out wasn't water but...POISON! Caras impactadas all around.

And our dashing Man of Mystery completes it for us: As he walks outside, all the other characters arrive, and are impactados to hear that Moni and her Mom have left, taking everything. There’s no note, no clue, as to where they went. Estre’s not home, so they decide to ask the neighbors if anyone knows anything. Coni, holding her father’s hand, sadly tells Mau that Isabel is very dangerous, and she won’t stop until she’s achieved her goal. And her goal, says Marcos, is to kill Valentina. Mau is really shocked now.

Cut to a white Mercedes, tooling along the highway, Hissy at the wheel, Moni looking at cows. They stop at some town for a bite to eat, entering a rough looking cantina. We see a bald bruiser in a wife beater undershirt. Moni wants Hissy to take her vitamins, but Hissy says the topic of her illness is off limits, they’re just to enjoy themselves and forget about Hissy’s health until the final time comes. We’ll travel and leave behind all those people who hurt us. Moni’s sad, but she’ll try to be happy if Isabel stops talking about those people. Deal. Moni’s also worried about money, they got very little from the sale of the furniture. Hissy says she has money in the bank, and saw a branch (sucursal) in the town square. Moni should order some food, she'll go to the bank branch and make a withdrawal. She goes, Moni calls the waiter over.

Xime’s in mourning, black dress, black shades, as she solemnly descends the spiral staircase. She tells the boys her final three things. Una, we’re not talking about this again, the decision has been made. Dos, really Rolu, Arnie, I don’t want you guys living here anymore, and Tres, I really like this black dress, and I’m not changing it! Arnie is the first to say adiós. He’s sorry he fell in love with his brother’s wife, but he couldn’t help it. There was no way to stop what he felt. He leaves. Rolu won’t go so easily. He begs her (te lo ruego), give me another chance, give us another chance. Xime walks to the base of the staircase, dramatically turns, and tells him no. Their matri didn’t work, doesn’t function, he has to accept it, it’s over. Rolu’s getting tearful, and when his pleading doesn’t work, he decides to tell her HIS three things. Una, I’m not giving up, Dos, I’m going to stay very close to you, and Tres, I swear I won’t rest until I reconquer you, OK? Xime firmly pushes him out the door. She walks back to the stairs, turns, and says to herself “How difficult it is to be a woman loved too much by two men.”

Mau, having heard the truth, thanks Coni for saving Moni’s life the day of the fight. Coni remarks that Moni’s not her favorite person, but she’d never want to KILL her. They wonder how they could track down Moni. Beto suggests Alicia’s house in Moroleón, but Mau thinks that’s too obvious. Coni agrees, Isabel had this well planned, she never makes false steps, calculates everything coldly. Beto says Marcos and Nieves went to see if Cesar knows anything, and Paula and Cris are filing the police report. Coni promises she will help Mauricio find Valentina. Mau still isn’t sure he trusts Coni, though. Coni insists she will show she’s not the same as she used to be, that she’s very repentant for all she’s done. Only time will tell, says Mau. Aldo and Estrella walk in to hear the news.

Back in the cantina the bald bruiser is having an arm wrestling match with another big punk. Moni asks the waiter about them. He tells her those guys always bet, and the bald guy’s the town champ. And sure enough, he slams his opponent’s arm to the table. His name might be El Trucho (the trout). Hissabel returns, not looking too happy. She reports she didn’t have much money in the bank, and has to wait 6 months to withdraw what she has (glad I don’t use THAT bank). What are they to do? No money. The wheels start turning in Moni’s head, as she eyes El Trucho.

Back in the vecindad, everyone’s gathered to discuss the situation, which doesn’t look good. Cris tells everyone that tomorrow an alert will go out to police departments all over the area, that could work. He and Paula did call to Moroleón, and the apartment there is empty. Beto says no one knows Moni’s new cell number, and Hissy’s phone is off. Coni urges calm.

Lalu can’t believe Xime threw out both guys. He’d die just to have one. But what will you do now? Well, Xime’s been reading a book called “How to overcome a breakup.” Lalu wants two copies. Xime’s been stuck all day in Chapter One, but apparently it advises taking advantage of your new freedom to get to know yourself better. So she looked in the mirror, said Hello, and was amazed, the girl in the mirror was just like her. Her favorite color was pink just like mine, it was maraviguau!

Arnie’s cleaning, Rolu arrives, what are you doing in my place? I always lived here when I was single. Turns out they both own this house, in fact they grew up here. They both cross their arms, they’ll both live here, and they can each watch each others’ movements, because neither one is giving up.

Chapter One wasn’t getting Xime too far, so she tried Chapter Two, which said to reconnect with friends, and that’s why she’s talking to Lalu, her best “amiga”. Lalu thinks she shouldn’t have left Chapter One. She does have to understand herself. He thinks she actually loves one of the those Klunder boys, but has to figure out which. She disagrees, she has feelings for both, and can’t stand them fighting. She just wants to escape, have a daiquiri.

Arnie says if you’re gonna live here, you have to help clean, I’m not your maid. Rolu’s response? He starts slamming the broom into the sofa, knocking things over, causing Arnie to quickly don his blue surgical mask, horrified. They fight over a photo of Xime until it goes flying, crashing to the floor, the glass shattering.

Mau is moping in Moni’s barren abode. He remembers his last word, stay with your mother, you deserve each other. What have I done? he laments.

Moni and Ma have found a cheap motel room for the night. At least it’s clean. Hissy’s sad about the money, what are they going to do? But for her, returning is not an option. Moni promises she’ll get money, she has an idea. How much do you have left, Mamá? Three thousand meager pesos ($240.00). Moni takes the money, tells Hissy to rest, she’s going out. Isabel’s worried, Moni tells her Trust me, and walks out. Hissy has a bit of a headache, and when she looks in the mirror she looks very sick, very haggard. The sick Isa taunts her with Marcos’s words “Soon you’ll die, Isabel, your life has been useless.” Shut up! she tells her reflection. I think she’s actually losing it.

In the cantina, Trucho is winning it (another arm wrestling match), when Moni walks in, flashing her bills. I challenge you, she says. Trucho thinks a little girl like her shouldn't be out alone. But if she’s serious who’s her fighter, where is he? It’s me, says Moni, causing the whole place to break out laughing. Trucho thinks she couldn’t dream of beating him. Moni says in a boxing match, I believe I could. Tune in tomorrow for Trucho Talks Trash, but Can Moni Match his Muscles? ¡Ojalá!

Thanks y'all, these group efforts are fun. Guess what? I learned a dicho today that is perfect for us and also for Ximena, heh heh.

Dicho of the day:
Donde come uno, come dos (o tres) = the more the merrier (Lit. where there’s food for one, there’s food for two [or three])


El Clon 51, 4/27/10. Marry in haste, repent at leisure.

Albi walks into his office and sees nosy Alicia reading his cloning diary, the one she pulled out of his desk drawer. He throws a rod, and she uses tears to soften his heart. Which is like using a buggy whip to get your car’s horses to start running. She runs out of the room and uses her tears on a more receptive audience, Escobar and Luisa. Luisa marches into Albi’s office and chews him out for being so harsh to poor little Alicia. Albi is surprised that Luisa is standing up to him like this, but Luisa explains that hurting her niece is like hurting Luisa herself. If that’s the case, Luisa should be sitting quietly, afraid to say anything. In Luisa’s office, Alicia says that she was just straightening magazines on Albi’s desk, and Luisa is angry that he made such a scene over something so inconsequential. She must not have watched the scene where Albi told Luisa that Alicia was looking at client records.

At breakfast, Lucas gets a call that he wants to take privately. He tells the caller that they will talk at the “office.” He tells Marisa that it was Roberto. So after he leaves for “work,” she calls her “therapist” to make an appointment for today. She tells Rosa that her therapist, David, is the only one who knows how to make her feel better.

At the gym, somebody introduces Alejandro to Victor the Hawk Nose. Alex challenges, Victor accepts. Today.

Leo admits to Enrique that Cristina is looking better than ever. Ric asks if he’s having second thoughts about the wedding. No way. He needs a wife who doesn’t look and act like a fifty-cent hooker. Though Leo might have said it more delicately than I did. Just then the AntiCris walks in (love that moniker, Jean!). She brings Ric the article about men who are attracted to low-class women.

Cris tries to waltz into Leo’s office, but Carolina secretary stops her and calls Leo to announce her first. Leo sticks with Sofia to avoid talking to Cris. Ric goes out to greet Cris and trade flattery. Carolina looks on, jealously. Ric explains, aw, shucks, Leo just left for New York this morning. Did you ever notice, in telenovelaworld, there are only three cities in the US? Miami, New York, and LA. Nobody ever goes on business trips to Dayton or Des Moines.

At Little Morocco, Latifa asks if Jade still wants to go find Lucas. Jade explains that she‘d like to, but the last time, Said tried to find Lucas to kill him. Jade made an oath that if Allah saved Lucas, she‘d never look for him again.

The primas are talking girl talk. Jadiya can‘t wait to get her period so she can wear a beautiful veil. Zamira says that she doesn‘t want to wear a veil. She wants to wear short skirts and expose her belly button. She doesn‘t want a husband. She wants a career and independence instead. Haley Mills and Haley Mills decide to trade places, trick their parents, and get the forbidden life they dream of. Not really, but while we wait for the clone to show up, I decided to insert some plot into the plot.

Natalia is on campus and hears Fernando‘s friends teasing him about kissing the nerd. She runs off. He follows and apologizes. She says it‘s true, she is the nerd. He pours on the flattery.

Lucas stops at home to get some papers. Rosa tells him that Marisa is at therapy, which comes as a surprise to Lucas. Natalia comes home early. Lucas asks why and she has your typical teen girl hissy fit. Nobody cares about meeeeeeee! Marisa arrives home and Lucas blames her for Natalia’s problems because she’s never home taking care of her family, and she’s always spending loads of money. He asks her, “What? Are you maintaining someone? What is it you’re busy with? Or who?” She just smiles. She says Lucas has betrayed her with a whole parade of amantes. Lucas tries to talk to Natalia. I love you, you’re important to me, etc. Y’know, they really do look a lot alike. They have a cry together.

Roberto gets home from work. When he goes upstairs for a shower, his wife checks the calls on his cell phone. She teaches her daughter to spy on her husband at least once a day. Andrea warns that he who seeks finds.

At Tobim, Ozzie and Miguel have their usual conversation about Ozzie’s new hottie, Karla, vs. his old hottie, Dora.

At Torim, Said and Jade see Albieri. Said invites him to the opening of his new Miami hotel, for the sake of his old friendship with Ali. Said discovers that Lucas is Albi’s godson. When Albi leaves, Said asks Jade how she felt when she heard Lucas’s name. Jade asks why he brought her to Miami when she didn’t want to come? Why does he remind her of things she doesn’t want to remember? He says she’s never forgotten him, and she says he has never let her forget. Up in the room, he tells her that he’s desperate to know that Lucas is really out of her heart. He says all this, right next to Jadiya sleeping on the bed. I sure hope the kid is a sound sleeper!

Leo comes home and finds Diego looking for answers in the bottom of a bottle. He says that he was never as good as Diego, and Leo consoles and encourages his son by telling him he’s drunk. Lucas charges that Leo would’ve preferred if he was the dead one, even though Leo has denied it thousands of times. Funny, I never remember any of those times. Lucas is on a roll. He says he doesn’t love his wife, his wife doesn’t love him, and his daughter thinks he’s a bad father. Now Marisa knows that he’s had amantes, plural. Leo tells him to stop destroying his family; Marisa is a wonderful girl. (Lucas bad. Marisa good.) Lucas says his problems all started when he lost Jade because he was too weak, and because he listened to everyone else instead of listening to himself. Because of his weakness, he lost his only chance at love. Leo runs out of bad advice and simply hugs his son.

Alejandro has his big fight with Hawk Nose. He gets hammered, brutally and quickly. Mama comes running into the cage to save her baby. Back at the bar that looks more like a café, Alex says that his mother has ruined his career, and no one will fight him after what she did. She says it’s better that, than to have his body broken in two. She tells him no more fighting, and no more talk of fighting in her house. Alex goes to find Karla. He wants to get a job and earn some money so he can propose to Karla. But Karla has a date. With Hawk Nose. Who looks about 30 years older than her.

Marisa goes to talk to Natalia. She explains that Papa has lovers. Not one, but many. Further, Marisa says that the only reason they have stayed together is for Natalia. In other words, she is the cause of all this friction. Natalia tells Mommy Dearest to separate if she wants to, and Natalia is on her side. The good news is, in novelas, the worser they are, the worser they die. And Florida’s got alligators!

Hilda congratulates her daughter for snagging a great catch like Hawk Nose, considering that he bought her an expensive dinner. As they approach Gloria’s establishment, Gloria comes out and starts screaming at them like Cuban trailer trash. Latifa is scandalized as usual.

Ali calls Zoraida down to be his chaperone, just before Nariza arrives. He informs Nariza that he is leaving for Miami as soon as possible, but Said wants her to stay in Morocco to take care of things at the house. He wishes he had a transporter beam so he could get out of there even faster. Nariza does not share his enthusiasm.

Natalia comes down to breakfast and informs Lucas that he doesn’t have the right to make her mother suffer for Natalia’s culpa. She says, “You’re both suffering. Nobody’s happy. And it’s all my fault.” Have a good day, Dad.

At the office, Enrique tries to talk to Carolina but she slips out. Enrique points out to Leo and Lucas that there is a news story about someone who claims to have cloned a human. Lucas doubts it’s true. They ask Albi when he arrives, and he says no scientist would announce such a thing. Then he tells Lucas that he saw Jade in Torim.


Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, April 27: Ep 48--We need a little less talk and a lot more action!

Especially from Mr. I-Juan-Revenge!

Reggie and Juan have words in the hallway. Reggie knows he just wants to be near Aimee. Juan realizes that Reggie has a thing for Renato--who always gets everything that should belong to Juan, including Aimee. Reggie wants to have a nice chat, but Juan says it's Aimee who has to explain to him why she married another man. Reggie suggests he talk to her and then get lost. She challenges him to tell her whether Renato has ever done anything bad to him. Juan has to admit that he hasn't. Reggie reminds him that none of this is Ren's fault. Juan twitches a cheek muscle in response.

Frenchy and Jimena agree to team up to write a letter to Gabe. Jimena sees the basket of goodies for grandma, I mean, Rosenda. She offers to hand over the basket without anyone else seeing. She and Frenchie get to work. Jime wants a particularly romantic letter…"Beloved Gabriel…."

Leo and Noel argue about Ren hiring Juan. Leo is agin' it. Noel tells her he saw her kissing Rod.

Rod and Reggie argue about Reggie staying. Reggie suggests she stay to keep an eye on Aimee and just visit Rod in town. Reggie begs him, saying Aimee really needs her.

Juan and Renato start talking about Juan's job. Renato's horse likes to kick its legs out to the side while it walks. It's very distracting. Oh, yes, the hot men are talking, let me rewind…Renato says they've got to get rid of Arcadio. He's been there for years and he's very cruel, but Leo keeps defending him. Reggie has been Renato's only friend. In fact, he thought of her as the ideal woman once. She's always been a very sweet woman, but now she's harder and more serious. But he ended up falling in love with Aimee. Renato says he's happy and wants his workers to be happy and to see Aimee as the reason for their good fortune--since it's thanks to her that he's feeling so generous.

Aimee is ticked off that Juan will be working at the finca. Although, if he's there, that means he couldn't forget her. The ego on that girl.

Renato has noticed that Juan's thoughts are elsewhere. He wonders if Juan has a love, too, but he also supposes…Juan interrupts him and says he'd rather not speak her name.

Rosenda sees Rod getting ready to leave.

Leo comes running downstairs, all in a dither, with Noel hot on her heels.

Rosenda asks Rod if he's leaving her to her fate. He says he was planning to send for her as soon as possible. He asks her to visit him at the house whenever she's in town. He gives her some coins and asks her to take care of herself. The carriage drives away.

Leo swears she just gave him a kiss on the cheek, that's all. Noel says he's not trying to make her look bad in front of Ren, he just wants her to tell the truth. He knows about her feelings for Rod, which Rod doesn't return. Leo just wants him to leave her alone. She wishes he were gone instead of Rod. She hints it's never too late to correct old mistakes, but Noel says there's no fixing her mistakes. He leaves and she says she'd really like to get rid of him.

Jimena and Rosenda run into each other in town. Jimena gives Rosie the basket of gifts, from someone who loves her a lot, but she won't say who. Rosenda snottily takes the basket and tells Jimena to get lost. Jimena kind of laughs at her snottiness and says she's going to visit friends and doesn't need Rosie's permission to do it. Rosie starts opening up her presents.

Fed has come to visit Regina. She had already agreed to let Fed come to visit, so she's not going to go back on it. Fed kisses Reggie on the hand just as Juan and Renato come in. Ren doesn't think Juan likes seeing Fed with Reggie. Ren introduces Juan as his new administrator. Fed leaves like they've got the plague, although Juan says they're not contagious. Ren goes to see Aimee, leaving Juan and Regina alone. Juan ribs Regina about always having "God" on her lips, although He has nothing to do with any of this. Juan tells her that Ren is happy as a clam to have married the most wonderful woman in the world. Reggie begs him to leave. She tells him they'll all suffer if he stays. She asks him to please understand and forgive. Juan says he won't forgive. He was prepared to do anything for her, but she betrayed him.

Leo has moved on to blaming Renato for bringing Juan to the finca. Clemencia comes in to see if Leo needs anything. Leo dismisses her, but then asks for the name of the new administrator. Clem says he's Juan Sanroman.

Aimee is in her room crying. She tells Renato she's ashamed because she thought bad about Regina. She knows Reggie is nuts, but she loves her. Ren tells her to calm down. Aimee is just soooo upset about Regina's relationship with that man. Renato says they have no proof, although, he did see Juan's reaction to Reggie's hand being kissed by Fed. Aimee ain't happy to hear that!

Reggie begs for pity, but who had any for Juan. Juan tells her to lay off the whining. He's not like Renato. He's the complete opposite and he hates everyone! Including Reggie. So he wants her to get it into her head that he hasn't given up on vengeance.

Leo is upset to hear the name, but Clem tells her he has nothing to do with the one she's thinking of. Leo thinks they're awfully alike, though. Clem says it's just the name, Leo only saw the previous Juan the one time and he was not in the best condition, they're nothing alike.

Juan rides along, thinking "Aimee!" (drink)

Aimee wants Renato to fire Juan, she's afraid for Reggie. Renato tells her Juan isn't going to live there, he's going to stay at the house of his former employer. Renato asks her what she has against Juan. Aimee says he doesn't know how to work on land, he's a seafaring man. Renato gets suspicious since he never told her that, so how would she know? Aimee says she heard it from Juan, when they were on the boat. Whatever. Renato's sure that Juan will do good work for them. Renato is still suspicious about her attitude. Clemencia comes in to summon Renato on behalf of mommy. Renato wants Clem to stay with Aimee, but she says she just wants a nap. Clemencia gives Aimee quite the curled lip before she leaves. Aimee has a heaving bosoms moment over Juan and decides to go find him.

Juan rides along the coast.

Leo tells Arcadio that Juan has been hired as administrator. Renato and Arcadio get into a shouting match. Arcadio finally says he'll leave, but he has a few things to say first. Leo shuts him up, but Renato wants to know what he has to say. Leo tells him to leave while she talks to her son and she'll talk to him later. Arcadio agrees. Leo tells Renato that Arcadio has been excessive, but only because he's trying to do his job well. Leo tells Renato that he needs someone running the place who really knows it, and also that she really has a high opinion of Arcadio and doesn't want him to leave.

Juan hangs out in the love cave, heaving his man-bosoms over Aimee. She comes running in. She tells him to kill her. Yes, please! Yeah, that's so not going to happen. Too bad.

Leo tells Renato that Arcadio needs the job because of his crazy wife who lost her mind when she lost her child. She says Arcadio has been caring for her since then. Renato can't believe it. Leo begs him not to leave Arcadio without a job, but also to be discreet and not let on that Leo has told him Arcadio's secret. Ren doesn't know what to think.

Clemencia comes into the kitchen with towels. Jimena comes running in, wanting to see Regina. She helps herself to some cheese. Clem says she's glad Jimena is there, maybe she can distract Regina. The other maid thinks Jimena looks like a good girl. She's never known a gypsy before, but this girl has a good vibe. Clem goes to see how Aimee is doing.

Renato says he won't fire him, but he has to behave himself. One more bout of abusive behavior and he's outta there.

Reggie runs around looking for Aimee. Oh, bows on the butt. That's so 80's. She can't find Aimee and supposes she went off in search of sex. I mean, Juan. Reggie needs to find her before Renato finds out the truth…walk a little slower, Reggie!

Juan won't kill her, she belongs to another. He thinks it BS that she's not happy being married to Renato. She kisses him. Juan isn't going to betray a man who's been good to him. He wants Aimee to get away from him. He's crazy jealous, but not enough that he doesn't realize that Renato truly loves Aimee. She's lucky to have him, so what more does she want? Aimee wants him, but he says he's not up for grabs. She tells him he only took the job to get close to her. Juan says that's right--so he could kill her! But she owes her life to Regina now, because Regina convinced him not to kill her.

Jimena desperately needs to talk to Reggie, but she wants to go find Aimee. Jimena begs and begs, so they sit down and talk. Jimena explains that she lied to Gabe about Estrella being sick, because she's sooo in love with him and she's sure he would never love a gypsy like her.

Aimee is tired of being blamed. If Juan blames her, then he needs to kill her. Juan won't. Renato thinks he married an angel, but Aimee is just a ho. Juan doesn't care if Aimee tells everybody what happened between them. If Renato does come after him, then he'll fight him.

Gabe is waiting to see Estrella again, but Juan told her to tell the truth. She met Juan on the boat. Regina seems jealous that Jimena also gets love advice from Juan. Juan has told her that deception is the same as cheating. Reggie agrees that Jimena shouldn't keep deceiving him. Reggie says she really needs to go before some irreparable damage happens. Jimena says to herself that she shouldn't give Gabe the latest letter.

Aimee and Juan keep arguing. He chokes her, but then lets her go. She still think her hotness gives her power over him, but Juan keeps pushing her away. Aimee cries that she's having a hard time getting over him, so she knows he's having a hard time getting over her. Juan tells her to just shut up already and quit lying. "If you really loved me…." Aimee tells him she only married Renato because Juan said she was his enemy, so she did it out of spite. Juan doesn't want to hear it. He grew up in a world of lies, so he knows one when he sees one. She had him blinded for a while, but now he knows the truth. She tries to threaten him with committing suicide, but he doesn't believe she'd hurt herself. He says that if she stayed with him it would be so he can drive her crazy, hurting her night and day, until her life turned into a living hell and she'd paid him back for everything. He leaves and she cries on the floor of the love/hate cave. Aimee cries that she's dying, dying, oh, the horrors!

Rosenda comes home and flaunts her presents in front of the other maid. She also flaunts the coins, and the other maid says she's a thief just like her mother. Rosie says that Rod gave her the money before he left. She flounces out and Clem comes in. The other maid thinks Rosie will end up pregnant soon ("she'll give us a little surprise").

The hos are worried about Madame. They don't like the way Rosenda treated her. Madame says Rosenda has every right to look down on her. She tells them that she sees them as daughters and trusts them, but what's happening is that Rosenda is her daughter, the one she abandoned when she was a girl. The hos look concerned and the brunette feels faint and has to sit down. She just felt dizzy all of a sudden. Madame sends Brigitte running for the doctor and Fifi goes to get water.

Juan sees Reggie in the garden looking for Aimee. He's confused that Aimee isn't with her husband. He tries to joke with her about no "bad" being able to come from Santa Regina. In all their banter, she trips and he grabs her around the middle to keep her from falling. He finally lets her go and she ends up falling. Instead of taking his hand to help her up, she yanks him onto the ground with her. She tells him to quit his joking--she's not like the other women he knows! He agrees, she's very different and that's what he admires about her. He keeps laughing and it bugs her. She finally lets him help her up, bringing her lips within kissing distance. Don't get your hopes up though, it's so not gonna happen.

Tomorrow: Gabe and Jimena keep being stupid; Juan and Reggie make googly eyes at each other.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dinero 4-27: Whoah!

Ale defends Rafa's position as top salesman; she makes Marino clean the horns and moustache off the framed photo of Medina and put it back on the wall. She is crying a little.

Marco feels murderous as he uncovers Ale's hotel prevarications: he calls the fleabag love hotel and tricks the front desk man into admitting there was no single guy staying there ("Why would a single person stay at a hotel 'de pajaritos'?") Marco has the first of several splendid temper tantrums and, can it be, he throws his cellphone! Hurrah! He gets the last hotel to send him a fax saying that no pocketbook was found in the room of Rafael Medina and his wife Alejandra ... proof! He call Chavez and says he wants to kill Medina. Chavez recommends again that he hold his fire until after he's married and come into his fortune!

Ale accepts the resignation letter ghost-written by Susana for Rafa - without reading it - and says, you and I go to the beauty parlor tomorrow. Susana tries to get Ale to admit she doesn't love Marco and doesn't want to get married.

Rafa and his co-workers make very somber goodbyes. The general: you mustn't become an arrogant bourgeouis. Ramirez: you were an excellent student. Marino: It wasn't a pleasure to know you.

Ale picks up Rafa for their last meeting with Refri, and the salesforce plans to go celebrate her anticipated wedding-related absence.

Dandy goes to pick up Susana - she says, let's leave in a few minutes when nobody will see us.

Ale coaches Rafa: "This is just a normal business meeting, we will get out as soon as possible, 10-15 minutes tops, no hand-holding or embracing." He reminds her about their embraces and kisses. "Can I say 'my love'?" Rafa asks. "OK, but not gordita." They are so tender together. She would have let him drive her to the meeting, but he says because he had a couple drinks saying goodbye to the team, she should probably drive.

They arrive at the lovely restaurant where the Refri guys and wives are very happy to see them. The contract is quickly signed, there is a champagne toast, and the Refris have ordered dinner so Ale says they can stay till after the food.

Meanwhile, Marco has stomped off to the wrong restaurant, the one to which he was misdirected by Susana. He calls Ale and she claims she's at the very restaurant where he is currently standing. (At the same time but on a separate line, VVV is yelling at Rafa, who promises her he'll be home early.)

When these awkward calls end and they are heading back to the dining room, Ale reassures Rafa they're safe - Marco respects her work and would never interrupt business.

The romantic vibe our sweet pair gives off makes those Refris just melt. They get the restaurant to pipe "Amarte a la Antigua" through the sound system, and there is a slow dance for all. Ale and Rafa dance so close. But...

... Marco bursts in the restaurant, runs up the stairs, and makes a huge scene. How did he find them? He called Claudia, she called Dandy (who was doing OMM meditation with Susana at her apartment), Dandy told Claudia, and Claudia told Marco ...

Marco grabs Ali, shouts, spills the beans to everybody at full decibel level. Refri boss is incensed. Ale, pushed to her limit, shouts she had to make up this lie because one of the Refri guys was putting the moves on her. This causes all the wives to start hitting their husbands while Rafa and Marco try to hit each other. Very entertaining.

The boss tears up the recently signed contracts and all the Refris leave shouting. Ale sobs, Rafa picks up the shreds of contract off the floor. "How can I show my face?" Ale asks. "We can start over together, I love you like crazy." No no no, she begs, don't say it, I'm promised to Marco, he took care of my father. "You're wrong about him, I saw him with another woman." She barely hears and finally: "You have a girlfriend waiting for you at home, go to her."

Marco goes back to his apartment, drinks and throws things around. Auntie calls him, he yells he won't marry Ale because she betrayed him with the disgusting imbecile assassin. Auntie cries and conceals it from Dad, though he kind of thinks she's lying.

A bedraggled desperate Ale arrives at Marco's door and begs that he hear her out, but her case is weak and he doesn't listen, just yells and chucks her out. She cries in her car and then calls Susana...

... who's in bed with Nelson. Ale wants to come over and she's about a minute away. Susana wakes Dandy; he jumps up in terror at hearing the boss is coming. Susana throws him out on the balcony and I guess he falls over the edge (she's on the first floor).

... meanwhile Rafa shows up at the usual bar where Jaime has taken up smoking (to deal with the stress of getting macked by crazy VVV). Julieta had previously shown up, accusing Jaime of being strange and maybe having a new girl. He denied it but lit up two cigarettes at once. Julieta sneaks out. Rafa tells Jaime about the terrible night, and that he, Rafa, can't marry VVV because he's in love with Ale.

... Ale tells Susana the night's story.

Susana thinks Rafa should keep working at Siglo since he's back in the hole now that the deal has fallen through. Ale says, impossible - "The way he looks at me? He told me he loves me." "What did you say?" "I can't say that." "You were marrying Marco for gratitude, not love. It's Rafa who gets your hormones surging." "I could never present him to my family." "Give it time." "I can't go home." "You can't hide." "Please help me cancel everything, you've already done it once before, you know how."

Ale drags home where Rosario is lying in wait and is horrified that Marco called and spilled the whole story. She goes to her room and cries. Rafa drags himself home and cries. The two crooked cops harrass the taco guy.

Rafa dreams he gets a call from Ale saying she will go away with him, they can live somewhere near the ocean... but he wakes to a dreary day and has to tell his mom and sister the deal fell through and he doesn't have a job any more either, and not a penny.

Phone rings for real at Ale's place, it's Susana ready to cancel everything but checking one more time... she's happy to hear the wedding is still off. Beltran dances through, $$$ song, Ale says she'll come in and give him the bad news herself. On her way down the stairs she overhears her dad chatting happily about today's wedding with his buddy.

She and auntie review the current state of affairs while dad eavesdrops above. He clutched his heart, I thought he would have a heart attack and topple down the stairway of death, but no.

Finally, Chavez shows up at Marco's apartment. He hopes the hurricane/earthquake he sees there, and the empty bottles, are evidence of a bachelor party, but no. Marco tells him the wedding is off because Ale slept with Medina.


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