Wednesday, May 19, 2010

El Clon 66, May 19- Nati & Alej reconcile; Leo learns from the past & Albieri confesses all to Ali

This episode was rather entertaining.

Abdul is less observant than we thought. He does not recognize Jade in her burqa and she hastily retreats. When he leaves, Jade comes into the room and she and Lucas kiss, tell each other how much they love each other and promise to be together someday. We do learn that Lucas is going to be laid up for some months and this doubtless will be a factor when the clone finally shows up.

Osvaldo tries to explain to Dora and Estela what the Naz said.

The Naz has her own delusional interpretation of Dora's reaction to her proposal. She tells Zamira that Dora was so moved by her humility that she couldn't speak. She tells Zamira that if she marries, it will be because of her determination and independence. If she had left it up to her brothers, she would die a spinster. Zamira asks if Nariza ever went to school and confesses to her aunt that she would like to be a doctor. Naturally, the Naz can't see the point of that. From her perspective, all a woman needs is a good husband - handsome and rich. She will find such a person for Zamira.

Latifa tells Zamira that they can't deceive Mohamed anymore about her getting her period. Zamira begs her not to do so. She doesn't want to have to wear a veil. She wants to wear a bikini and be like her friends.

Karla goes to a modeling call for some TV show. Hilda advises her to sleep with the presenter to gets the job. Unfortunately, during the audition, Karla sees a rival. They get in a fight and are both thrown out of the studio.

Dora tells Osvaldo that she has been thinking and has decided that she doesn't want an Arab or anyone else to rip him away from her side so he can move in with her right away. She warns him not to fool around or
te quiebro los pies para que nunca más puedas volver a bailar
I'll break your legs so that you can never dance again.

Andrea and Nati find Gloria's restaurant. Andrea gets Ramon to fetch Alej. Nati is ready to bail but Andrea won't let her. Andrea tell Alej that he has to talk to Nati. He hesitates and Andrea says,
De lo único puedes culparla es de amarte demasiado
The only thing she is guilty of is loving you too much.

Nati goes to him and they kiss and they are together again.

They go off to talk together just as Ramoncito drags Gloria out to see her 'nuera,' daughter in law. Gloria thinks Ramon was lying to her and scolds him.

When Nati says to Alej that he was never going to come looking for her, he replies,
Tu familia nunca aceptará nuestra relación y es mejor que no siga intentando porque ... ¿La verdad? Te estoy queriendo demasiado y cada día que pasa me enamoro más y sufro más.
Your family will never accept our relationship and it's better if I don't keep on trying because.. You want the truth? I love you too much and every day that passes I love you more and suffer more. Nati swears to him that she won't let her family or anyone separate them. He puts her hand on his heart.
Siente me corazón, siéntelo. ¿Lo sientes?

Late por ti, Nati. Late por ti.

Feel my heart. Feel it. Do you feel it? asks Alej.
It beats for you, Nati. It beats for you.

Jade demonstrates her stupidity: She returns to Ali's house giggling with happiness and Zoraida has to warn her to hide her feelings. Jade hears Said on the phone with Marisa. He tells her that Marisa has found him a house in Miami. She exhibits jealousy,

No sabía que eran tan íntimos.
I didn't know that you were that intimate, she says. Said replies that they are and says that Marisa is a beautiful and intelligent woman, who would make any man happy.
Te está haciendo muy feliz.
¿Tanto se me nota?

She is making you very happy, says Jade.
Can't you tell? replies Said and Jade walks off in a huff. [You can't have it both ways, Jade. Either you don't care about Said and who he is with or you do.]

As if we needed more proof, Marisa demonstrates what a nasty piece of work she is. Lucia is surprised that Marisa wasn't on her way to Morocco when she found out that Lucas had been injured. She replies she might have done that in the past but not now. Rosa comes in to report that Natalia hasn't come home for lunch or called. Marisa tells that Nati is just looking for attention and if they ignore her, everything will go back to normal.
Pero, Marisa, ¿no te interesa lo que pase con tu hija?
Rosa, por favor, estoy hablando con Lucía, ¿Sí?
But Marisa, aren't you interested in what is happening with your daughter? says Rosa.
Rosa, please, I'm talking to Lucia, Ok?
Marisa goes on to tell Lucia that she isn't going to give an inch and if Nati continues to be involved with that lowlife Alej (ese infeliz), she will have no option but to get rid of him.

Zamira wants Latifa to ask Mohamed if she can go over to a friend's house to do homework. Mohamed comes in and tells Latifa that he is concerned that Zamira hasn't gotten her period. He suggests that they take her to a doctor. Latifa talks him out of it saying that girls mature differently. Zamira asks him for permission to go to the friend's house. Mohamed refuses saying that he doesn't want her to go to the house of any Westerner. She has all she needs to do her homework in his house. The cry of youth:
¿Por qué mi mala suerte? ¿Por qué tengo que ser diferente a todo el mundo?
Why am I so unlucky? Why do I have to be different from everyone else?
She says that she won't let her parents separate her from her friends because of their outdated customs. Latifa asks Allah why she was given a rebellious daughter.

Alicia slithers up and asks Luisa about the relationship between Raul (Escobar) and Clara. She says that they seem to fight a lot and asks if Luisa believes they are happy. Luisa replies that she supposes that they have disputes like any couple. She says that Raul is very forgetful man (un hombre muy olvidadizo). [He seems to forget that his wife isn't his servant and that he has some responsibilities in the marriage.] Luisa says that Raul even forgets his own birthday.
Clara tiene que estar un paso delante de él en todo.
Pobre Clarita, ¿No?
Clara has to be a step ahead of him in everything, says Luisa.
Poor little Clara, don't you think? replies Alicia.

Another party at Ali's. Jade tells Zoriada that Said is trying to make Lucas jealous so that he will go back to Marisa. Zoraida thinks it might work. She says that men care more about their women when other men look at them. Jade rolls her eyes.

Albieri reassures Enrique that it will take a long time but Lucas will recover completely from the accident (no le dejó secuelas, literally the accident won't leave consequences for him). Then Albeiri tells Enrique that Leo is sure that he drank too much the night of the accident. Enrique denies it angrily.

Ali asks Albieiri,
¿Ya hiciste tu clon?
Have you already made your clone?

Albieri is initially surprised by the question but then says, 'suppose I told you that I had done it and he is almost 20 years old?' Ali replies that for a second he thought Albieri was being serious. Then Albieri says that he was being serious. He made a clone of Lucas. Ali doesn't believe him. Ali says that if he met a clone, he would be afraid because it would be a being not created by Allah and would not have a soul.

Jadiyah thinks Enrique might be a marriage prospect for the Naz. She asks if he is single and he says that he is but he has a girlfriend in Miami. 'No problem,' says Jadiyah, 'her aunt doesn't care if she is the second, third or even fourth wife.'

Leo comes home and asks to speak with Nati. She takes the offensive and says that if he doesn't accept her relationship with Alej, she will leave the house immediately. We wait for the unfeeling Leo of old and it doesn't appear. He says that he is neither approving nor disapproving her relationship but he asks her to go slowly and get to know Alej better. He says that he wants to talk to Alej. Nati asks if he will give Alej a job in the business. Leo replies that he isn't ready to do that. He will see if Alej is capable and wants to get ahead. If so, he will give him a job. Nati is ecstatic and reports this to Andrea, Fernando and Rosa. Rosa says that she wants to interview Alej about his intentions as well. Fernando curries favor with Rosa by saying that he will break the legs of anyone who harms Natalia. When Rosa expresses approval of this sentiment, Fernando asks if he doesn't deserve a beer. Rosa refuses saying,
No has terminado con la leche materna y ya estás pensando en cervezas.
You're still breast feeding and you are already thinking about beers.
Andrea says that Fernando is drinking like an alcoholic. 'So?' says Fernando.

The newly wise and tolerant Leo goes to see Marisa and finds no sympathy from her.
He tells her that,
No queiro tropezar dos veces con la misma piedra.
I don't want to make the same mistake twice (literally, I don't want to trip over the same stone twice).
He has lived this before with Lucas and Jade. He says that adolescents are passionate and intense and they have a vocation for the tragic,
un amório cualquiera lo convierten en romeo y julieta si uno se los prohibe.
any little romance can turn into Romeo and Juliet if you forbid them.
Truer words were never spoken and better late than never but Marisa isn't buying. She says that she won't permit her daughter to ruin her life with a nobody (don nadie).
Leo says that she can do what she wants but it has taken him 20 years to realize that Lucas' irrational behavior was his fault. He is sure that if he had let Lucas marry Jade, convert to Islam and live in Morocco, he would be here now and nothing would more be said about it.

Estela asks Dora if she is sure that she wants to marry Osvaldo when he might be setting up a harem behind her back. Dora replies that she knows that Osvaldo is a flirt but she she is sure that she is the only woman in his heart and that is why she wants him close her to her so she can control him. Osvaldo arrives with flowers for Estela and Dora and lots of compliments. He expresses an eagerness to meet Daniel. Dora says that he won't be back until after the new year, [which has already passed but maybe she means the Jewish new year]. He bobbles a bit by referring to Dora's betrayal of him in how she got pregnant but recovers and asks Estela's permission to give Dora un piquito (the diminutive of pico, which means, among other things, a peak, a pick and a beak, and here presumably means 'a peck,' a little kiss) in front of her.

Back at the party at Ali's, Said tells Jade that he wants her to make all the arrangements for his wedding while he is in Miami. He doesn't want any surprises, either, or it will be bad for her. Sullenly, Jade agrees. [What is the matter with her? Why is she incapable of doing anything rational? She should be happy or at least appear to be happy to do this. This is what she wanted.]

It appears that the Moroccan businessmen have not signed or cancelled the contract with Leo's firm. Leo is concerned about this silence from them. Enrique brings the same concern to Lucas in the hospital but he only wants to know about Jade. Enrique entreats him to be careful - Said is watching. He says there are no limits on what he is imagining. Lucas does not think there will be any problems with Said. If there we he would have come to confront Lucas. Speak of angels, Said walks into Lucas' hospital room and says that they have to talk.

The credits roll.


Corazón Salvaje 2010/05/19: "Caution: Ill-gotten Gains at Work"

Episode 64

Aimee cheerily enters the finca office, where's she's startled to find Leonarda weeping piteously. Aimee can't imagine what news Leonarda has for her, but is soon astounded to hear that Rodrigo is penniless! Aimee's in denial, dropping into a chair; her father's fortune is huge!

Leonarda must be mistaken. But she's telling the truth. When Aimee learns Rodrigo lost it all in lumber investments, she's completely incredulous. In lumber? That means I've lost everything, too!? No! No! Aimee's eyes run wild around the room, searching every corner of her brain to make sense of this.

Continuing the former scene on the patio, Juan graciously thanks Renato for his words of friendship; but he simply cannot remain at the finca. Renato is mystified, but Juan insists it's impossible, because of a hatred that separates them. A hatred that he cannot explain now. Please don't try to make Juan stay, or he won't be responsible for the consequences.

Back in the office, Aimee has divined the culprit: it's you! she shouts at Leonarda. You insisted I let my father invest my inheritance in lumber! Leonarda is slack-jawed and wide-eyed. Aimee continues, smacking her fan into her thigh and rolling her eyes wildly heavenward, that she did it despite Noel warning her against it!

Leonarda pleads she only thought to do the best for Aimee. Well, you've ruined me! Ruined me! Aimee shouts in Leonarda's face. You and my father have ruined me! Not only have you lost me my inheritance, she wails, but my hope of ever being happy!

Aimee is truly beside herself at this. Leonarda doesn't understand, but Aimee doesn't waste her time explaining. Leonarda wouldn't understand, because she has never -- ever -- known passion! Aimee storms out of the office; and Leonarda remains, nervously perplexed.

Next stop, Aimee bursts through Regina's bedroom door to drop the explosive news on her sister. Regina, alarmed, tries to calm Aimee and have her explain. When she does -- ending with shouting, We're POOR! POOR! without a penny! -- Regina reminds Aimee she has a rich husband, so no problem there.

Unmollified, Aimee exclaims she's doomed to live under Renato's thumb, staring at those four walls the rest of her life! Her red fan is taking a hell of a beating, flailing around the room. At this Regina realizes with a sour look towards Aimee just what is going on. What she sees is Aimee as usual concerned for herself.

What about their father? Every waking moment you think about yourself! Perhaps this is a little lesson in humility! Aimee, coldly furious, chuckles ruefully; Regina will never understand, she bites out as she exits. Remaining behind, Regina stares into the distance, worrying what a blow this will be to Rodrigo; while at that moment across town, he and Federico enter the casino.

At Juan's house, Gabriel admits to him that little by little he's falling in love with Jimena. Juan throws up his arms in astonished relief; about darn time! When asked about Estrella, Gabriel stammers with confusion. He thinks about Estrella, and then suddenly he's thinking about Jimena; it's like they were the same person! (!)

Juan laughs, and when asked about the gypsy situation, Gabriel concludes it doesn't matter at all. Except he's not sure how they will be happy with different expectations. People say whites and gypsies can't get along, Gabriel claims; but Juan sweeps that aside, declaring with true love nothing's impossible.

We hear the door bell clang as Juan rakes Gabriel over the coals about declaring his love to Jimena before Branko steps in and does it first. Just then a smiling Raúl de Marin is shown into the parlor, bowing deeply and greeting them as gentlemen. Juan gasps facetiously how Raúl used to lose no chance to insult them. Raúl sincerely apologizes for his treatment of them hitherto.

Raúl's come to pay grateful respects for the great service Juan Aldama did him, returning the incriminating documents and repaying his debt for him. Raúl would love to thank him personally when he arrives. But Raúl also came to earnestly thank Juan for saving him from the terrible financial crisis that Rodrigo is now in.

Raúl understands Juan may never view him as a friend, but he so hopes Juan will at least not view him as an enemy any more. His fond wish is to be Juan's loyal friend; and after a little teasing run-around, Juan finally shakes Raúl's hand, and they are made up. Before Raúl exits, he notes Gabriel's excellent administrative work and requests Gabriel do some for himself.

At the finca, Leonarda paces the office fretting over that bastard, Juan, when Renato enters to talk about Rodrigo. Leonarda tries to blame Rodrigo's disaster on Noel, but Renato will not have it. Renato heard personally several times when Noel warned Rodrigo about his bad investment. And puffing up and lampooning his father in law, Renato booms in a deep voice, but no! Nobody knows more about business than he does!

Leonarda objects to Renato kicking poor Rodrigo while he's down; rather they should help him. Renato admits he plans to go the next day to offer him help; but get this straight: this is nobody's fault but Rodrigo's own! He asked for it.

At the casino, Federico observes that no one is speaking to them and everyone is ignoring them, just when Fulgencio and Raúl appear and seat themselves at the table. Fulgencio feigns sympathy at Rodrigo's embarassing situation, but Rodrigo shamelessly lies that there's nothing amiss and everything's A-OK. He has other investments, plus those of his buddy here and future son-in-law, Federico.

Rodrigo gestures -- Right, Federico? Federico murmurs unenthusiastic agreement. Fulgencio feigns he's pleased, and they get to playing cards, just as Juan enters looking resplendent in evening clothes. Marlene greets him warmly at once, and Juan requests that if Rodrigo or Federico want to borrow any money from the house, to let them have whatever they want. Trust him; it will be fun!

On the landing at the finca, Rosenda overhears a conversation where Leonarda turns the screws of motherly guilt to Renato and unintentionally fills Rosenda in on details about Juan. Leonarda the martyr declares facetiously that a mother's advice is no good in light of her son's own; and if Renato wants to bring Juan to the house and invite him to dinner, just don't expect her to put up with him. Leonarda says pitifully she just hopes she's wrong and that Juan won't turn out to be as bad for the family as another guy did. Both Renato and Rosenda are mystified at this comment.

Meanwhile, upstairs Aimee gives her bedroom suite the rock-star hotel room tantrum treatment, and she's trashing the place a moment later when Rosenda enters. No, she's not spying on her, Rosenda says when asked. Renato requested Rosenda stay close in case Aimee needs her. And Aimee does need her, it turns out.

When Aimee asks her what Rosenda's heard about Juan, she repeats the story about Noel bringing Juan to the house as a boy; about Juan's fortune possibly including ill-gotten gains -- which Aimee suddenly finds very intriguing; and the part where Leonarda hopes Juan doesn't hurt the family like some other fellow did.

After that, Aimee promises Rosenda a silk dress, a pair of shoes and a necklace to do a secret errand for her, at which Rosenda looks greedily amenable. She can keep a secret, Rosenda says. If she told all she knew, the walls would fall in and bury them all.

Downstairs in the parlor, Regina who intends to go visit her father, encounters Renato alone; and he bids her sit with him. He's lonely, because Aimee always wants to be by herself lately. Regina reminds him she was capricious and volatile as a child, and Renato admits Aimee warned him before their marriage.

When Renato mentions Regina's the only one not mad at him for bringing Juan to the finca, Regina concedes she'd rather Juan not be there -- to which Renato wonders if that's the truth. He wonders if the two of them are an item, and Regina launches herself off the chair in indignation. If she and Juan were an item, then everybody would know it! How dare he. Juan means nothing to her! Renato begs her forgiveness, but Regina exits in a huff.

At the river, Jimena agonizes over being cast in a hunk sandwich when suddenly Gabriel emerges from the woods, startling her. It's late at night, but he had to tell her something important. She's just reminding him they shouldn't even be friends, as gypsy and white guy, when Branko breaks in.

Back at the finca, in her bedroom Regina exclaims to Clemencia that her reputation is in the balance! She has to tell the whole truth about Juan and Aimee. Renato never would ask about her and Juan unless Aimee put the notion into his head. But Clemencia is horrified at this idea and tearfully pleads. Aimee is the weak twin and married, as well. It will be hugely tragic! Clemencia promises to persuade Juan to avoid the finca, and Regina agrees to do whatever it takes to save Aimee's marriage.

At the casino, Marlene is just having Rodrigo sign a voucher for a house loan; he boasts he'll pay it back in no time. When Marlene whispers to Juan that Rodrigo is losing a lot of money, Juan asks that she continue to loan Rodrigo as much as he needs.

About then Noel enters and greets Juan, and Juan warns Noel that Mr. Montes de Oca won't like seeing them together. When Noel advises Juan to get used to the idea that Rodrigo won't accept him, Juan insists he doesn't give a whit about that. Noel can tell Rodrigo it's safe to come back to the farm, since Juan gave up his post there.

Noel notes things have changed; that Juan has money, and he wonders where it comes from. If some of it is perhaps not legitimate. Noel begs Juan, if so, to please accept his help in getting a new start in life. Juan recalls the new start he made so long ago as a boy on that long voyage.

A boy so abused, he was barely human. The boy was afraid, not knowing what would befall him. Nevertheless, someone gave this boy a hand -- and that someone was Noel. Choking up, Juan declares he will never forget that. Never. The two men embrace warmly. And across the room, Rodrigo stares daggers at the two of them.

Later, Juan stands alone when suddenly a figure in white appears beside him; a woman with a veiled face, handing Juan an envelope. When she speaks, we recognize Rosenda. Read it and ask no questions, she instructs cryptically, before turning away. Just before disappearing she places a finger to her covered lips and whispers: Sshh -- no questions. Juan opens the letter and cracks a little smile.

At the river, Jimena attempts to referee her two combatants. Just as Branko declares his love -- Gabriel blurts out that he loves Jimena, too, stunning the poor girl. What did he say? The truth, Gabriel insists; he was afraid to say it before, but that's through now. He loves her like he's never loved anyone, not even Estrella. And he's prepared to face the whole world to show her, he says as he takes Jimena's face in his hands.

Branko breaks in and orders Jimena to pay Gabriel no heed; Gabriel's not fooling Branko! She's mine! Branko lunges at Gabriel with a knife, when Jimena screams and intervenes, not wanting them to kill each other. She needs time to think! Leave her alone! she says as she stalks off. The two males nose up and growl you know where to find me.

Rodrigo enters his darkened townhouse to find faithful Leonarda there. He relates his horrid, humiliating visit to the casino, where he wanted to bust that bastard one. And then! If that wasn't enough! And then your husband comes up to him like great old friends, and they embrace there in front of everybody! He had to pretend he didn't care.

Leonarda pours the old fellow a drink and gives him the good news that Renato's going to help him out. The bastard is leaving the farm; Renato will forget all about that; Aimee doesn't even like Juan. Rodrigo drops his weary bones onto the sofa, dwelling upon thoughts of his poor, destitute Aimee.

Leonarda relates tearfully how Aimee reacted hysterically and that she told her some painful things: that she blames the two of them for ruining her chance at happiness -- and that I'd never understand, since I'd never experienced passion.

Rodrigo gazes at Leonarda intensely, rises again from the sofa and approaches her. Is it true? he asks. Leonarda startles like a rabbit, asking, what? Rodrigo continues, that you've never known passion? Leonarda admits it's true; she's never known passion in her life. Rodrigo moves to cradle her head in his hands and whispers her name -- Leonarda. Poor Leonarda. He caresses her face tenderly and brings his lips to hers.

At the caves, Aimee calls to Juan as he emerges there, holding up the note. She doesn't believe he hates her and wants to know how long she's going to have to endure his insults. She's all his, even if he doesn't accept that. There is some special bond between them, she insists. Something clicks with Juan, because he catches her up to him, damning passion. Aimee renames it blessed passion. She knows deep down he wants her beside him, that he desires her and loves her. Please kiss her and tell her and show her. Juan cannot resist. He does.


El Clon #65, 5/18. I propose a scavenger hunt.

I’ve come to the conclusion that nearly every plot development in this show (except perhaps Alej and Nati getting together) happens because someone does something incredibly stupid. We had a real bumper crop of stupidity tonight. Rather than me kvetching about it through the recap, I figured I’d stand back and let you compañeras (os?) de Caray find them. Gold star for whoever finds the most acts of idiocy.

When Marisa realizes that Alej is Nati’s novio, she glares at them and stomps out of the room. Alej tries to excuse himself but Nati insists that he stay, and then she follows Marisa to her room. Mommy Dearest utters my favorite line of the night - “That man is an opportunist. He has no interest in you. He’s interested in this family’s money.” Hmm. El burro hablando de orejas - the donkey is talking about ears. It’s a popular dicho similar to, “the pot calling the kettle black.” With her usual charm, she tells Nati that she must be awfully naïve to not realize it. Nati rejects the idea, but Marisa says that if she offered him a big payoff, he’d take the money and run. She tells Nati to kick them out or she will. Nati says, “If he goes, I do too.” Nati says it’s her first boyfriend! Marisa says she’ll find Nati the right sort of boy (e.g. rich). Yeah, like Fernando, right? Nati comes downstairs. Fernando suggests that they go eat somewhere on the beach - finally the boy has a good idea! But Alej insists on leaving.

Nariza goes to the bar (Haram!) to speak to Dora. She explains that she wanted to get to know her, and if they get along well, she’s willing to let Dora be the first wife and she’ll be the second wife! She yammers on, we can be like sisters, cook together, shop together, and take care of Ozzie together! And besides, if Dora is the first, she also gets to choose the other wives! Nariza says Ozzie knows all about this. Dora dashes off, and the Naz speculates that Dora must have been overwhelmed by her generosity.

Alej is moping at Gloria’s. She tries to pry out of him, why he’s not at Nati’s dinner. He’s not talking, and he tells mama not to interfere in his personal life.

At the clinic, Alicia slinks up to Escobar, an easy mark, and gives him a gift “con mucho cariño,” with much affection. It’s a key ring. She says it’s because she appreciates him.

Jade asks Said again, if he’ll give her a divorce. He tells her that he’ll give his answer after his wedding, and he wants her to dance at the wedding. She’s offended by the suggestion, which was exactly his intention. Ali insists that Enrique stay at the house until Lucas is able to travel. Said comes to Jade’s room to show her a gold bangle and ask her opinion of it. Then he says he’s giving it to his new wife, and a lot more gold too.

Clara calls Albi to tell him that Lucas is in the hospital in Morocco. Albi announces to Luisa that they have to postpone their vacation. Both Luisa and Alicia are muy molestada by the news. Albi finds Leo and tells him that Lucas fell off a roof and is in the hospital, and that Enrique had passed out. Of course Leo assumes that Enrique was drunk. Albi says that he’ll go to Morocco to bring Lucas back. (As opposed to Enrique, who is already there, bringing Lucas back.)

Andrea and Fernie are consoling Nati. Andrea with a shoulder to lean on, and Fernie by insisting that she take a shot of whiskey. Rosa comes in to tell them that dinner is ready. Ever notice, in novelas, the food is never recognizable, it’s just a mass of a certain color on the plate, as if all of Telenovelaland eats indistinct, overcooked casseroles. Well, Rosa says that dinner is very special “food.” Have you ever announced to your family or guests, “I made food”? Nati finishes off her whiskey without even flinching, and says, “My mother destroyed the only happiness I ever had.” Well, TN’s are supposed to be melodramas, right? At Gloria’s, Pablo tells Alej he should call Nati. Alej says no way. There’s no going back. Nati’s family wouldn’t let her see him anymore.

Ozzie goes to TODCIM. Dora comes up, slaps him, and leaves. Ozzie wonders, “What did I say this time?”

At the house, Albi is packing and Alicia suggests that he take Luisa along on the trip. He refuses. As he starts to pack his cloning diary, Alicia innocently asks whether his two godsons, Daniel and Diego, are brothers. He’s impactado. She claims that Luisa showed her their pictures and they look alike. Albi denies it.

Ali and Enrique go to see Lucas at the hospital. Ali steps out, and Lucas tells Ric, “Ellos me iban a hacer algo,” they were doing something to me. (Is that right?) He’s worried that Said will hurt Jade. Meanwhile, Jade tells Zoraida that if Said loves his new wife, maybe she’ll get her divorce. And what about her daughter? Jade is sure that Said will let Jadiyah go with Jade if that’s what Jadiyah wants. Jade also believes that in the middle of his upcoming wedding, Said will break into a rousing chorus of, “I’m a Lumberjack and I’m Okay.” Ali gets home and Jade runs to him, asking how Lucas is. He tries to talk sense into her again. And I try to teach my cat to fetch my slippers. Which of us has better odds of success?

Alej is at the gym, taking out his frustration on the punching bag. (Isn’t that kind of bag supposed to be more stable, not hanging by a long rope?) Nati decides to skip class because she’s not in the mood. Andrea has a good idea. They’ll go find Alejandro. They go to the other gym, and Andrea bats her eyes, flashes her pearlies, and bounces up and down a few times, and what do you know? The gym employee is eager to offer any help he can, with whatever she wants to know. That girl should work for the CIA! The trainer calls Alej and gives Nati the phone. There is a pregnant pause while he decides whether to answer her. He tells her he thinks it’s better if they don’t see each other any more. They hang up, and Andrea finds out where Alej lives.

At the big house, the women tell Leo about Nati’s novio. Leo says he wants to talk to both Alej and Nati about this. Marisa is appalled that Leo would even talk to that dirtball, but Leo stands firm. Leo leaves and Rosa urges Marisa to at least give the boy a chance because he makes Nati so happy. Marisa says, “Sobre mi cadavar,” over my dead body. Que bueno fuera (if only).

Said tells Jadiyah that he’s getting married again, and she asks whether he is leaving Jade. Said says he will NEVER separate from Jade. Next she asks mama whether she is upset by him taking a second wife. Jade says that if it makes him happy, she’s happy for him. Jadiyah is satisfied with that.

For the umpteenth time, Jade begs Zoraida to help her see Lucas, Zee says no, no, Jade says yes, yes, Zee caves but warns Jade that it’s dangerous, Jade couldn’t care less. Jade is fully veiled when she goes to the hospital, so no one will see her. She rushes into Lucas’s room, only to be met by Tio Abdul who of course recognizes her. Roll credits.


Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, May 18: Ep 63--Did you hear about the problem with Rod's wood?

Fed offers Rod his economic support…as soon as he has any to offer. Rod can't wait long, but Fed figures the family will support him, including Renato. But Rod won't accept any help from anyone but Leo, except that she doesn't actually have any money. Rod lays the future-son-in-law guilt trip on him. Fed suggests they do some betting at the casino, on credit. Them being a pair of refined gentlemen, Madame Marlene's sure to front them some cash. Dumb. Asses.

Juan tells Remi he's not going to work at the finca anymore. He's going to go out to the rock and live there. And he'll forget Aimee. He doesn't want to screw over Renato, who doesn't deserve it. Now, Rodrigo, on the other hand, better get used to living on the other side of the tracks.

Rod isn't so sure of his luck, but Fed is optimistic enough (read: stupid enough) for the both of them.

Gabe stews over Jimena and Branco together. He remembers them dancing at the party, then in town, getting into a fight with Branco. He's on the verge of being willing to admit he's in love with her. Then he remembers Estrella and kind feels a little bad for forgetting her. "Why is my life so complicated?" Anyone? Bueller?

Grizzy looks at a nice gold necklace and remembers the day she and Servando kidnapped Jimena. The medal on the necklace has "Angela" engraved in the back.

Jimena/Angela's grandpa is sure Raul will reply soon about hosting them in Veracruz. Mommy has a good feeling about Veracruz and is very excited. She asks Daddy, wherever he is, to take care of her little Angie.

Jimena digs Branco, but she's in love with Gabriel, oh, what's a girl to do. I say let's make a Jimena sandwich. Okay, it's late, I'm tired, sometimes these things just spill out.

Branco and Servando discuss the Gabe problem. Servando asks if he's thinking "kill" but Branco is just thinking "put in a reservation with Grizzy." He threatens to kidnap Jimena if Grizzy won't part with her in marriage to him. He leaves and Grizzy walks up just then. Servando gives her the news. Grizzy's displeased and without Jimena, she has no source of income. Servando's no longer interested in Jimena that way. Grizzy doesn't think Branco would be so hot for her if he knew Jimena wasn't really a full-blooded gypsy, but just a plain-ol run-of-the-mill white girl. Grizzy agrees to convince Jimena if Servando shares future profits. If he won't agree, she'll sell Jimena to Gabe.

Fed ponders Rod's folly in expecting him to shell out money to help him. He thought bubbles that if Rod loses tonight, he'll break off the engagement with Reggie. Luck, be a lady tonight!

Rod is quietly drowning his sorrows. Leo comes running in to console him in any way she can. But I'm sure, not in the way she wants. Rod thanks her for the offer of money, but it's going to take more than her hen money to get him out of the mess he's in. He'll have to sell the mansion and endure people pointing at him and laughing. Leo is sure some friend of his will give him a loan. Rod doesn't think so. The news about his wood has gotten around and people are already starting to talk about him. He says both he and Aimee are ruined (drink!). He can't forgive himself for losing Aimee's inheritance from her mother.

Fed breaks the news to Fully, who is pleased. How the mighty have fallen. He remembers Rod turning down his help before. He advises Fed not to lend him money. Let him tough it out. Eloisa, loaded down with shopping boxes, comes in just as Fully is asking Fed if he's still planning to marry Reggie. Fed says plans have a funny way of changing. Wink, wink. Fully says if he's learned anything in life, it's that nothing is forever. Aww, don't kill off Fully. He may be a rascal, but he's more likeable that some people (Rod, I'm looking at you).

At the Casa de Ho's, Marlene announces to the gals that Juan helped them out and she plans to pay him back ASAP. Phillipe thinks President Diaz would resign before they get that amount of money together. Given that I'm still not sure exactly what year this is taking place, I don't know yet in what way that statement is funny. But it is. Marlene says they'll all be happy and celebrating when they open that night, because they didn't have to leave and she didn't have to give up on her plan of getting her daughter back.

Arcadio wrecks the room looking for that darn letter. He even checks under a statue of the Virgen (hey, man, hands off!) and in a trunk that kicks up a frightful amount of dust.

MdR talks to her new baby doll. No one will separate her from her little Juanito. Especially now that she's read The Letter.

Clemencia runs into Juan at the Finca and gives him a big hug. Juan came to say goodbye. He needs some time to think, his feelings are confused, and he doesn't know what to do. He's going to Peñon del Diablo to live. He'll be back, especially to see Clem, who's like a mother to him. She gives him a blessing and tells him not to forget about her. More hugs. Clem leaves and Juan starts to leave, but is interrupted by Aimee's arrival. He formally addresses her. He says he no longer feels anything for her, but he won't look her in the eyes and say it. He takes off and Aimee starts shouting after him. Renato comes in and wonders what that's about. What are our chances of her not being able to weasel out of that question?

She complains that that Barbarian just walked off while she was trying to talk to him about the weather. Ren says he's a good guy. Aimee says he isn't called Juan del Diablo for nothing…and on top of that his ship is called "Luzbel"…and maybe he's the guy been doing the pirating… Ren is astounded at her for saying all this with no backup. He tells her that he will defend Juan because Juan is an old childhood friend and he promised to always look out for him. Aimee is shocked.

Juan runs into Reggie on the porch. She found out he was there when he was a kid from Clemencia. Juan wonders what else she said, but that was it. Reggie wants to hear the story, but from him. Juan says now's not the time for confessions, but one day he'll tell her his story, even if he doesn't think she'll like it. He says "we'll see" how she judges him when he tells her. Then he gets on his trusty steed and rides away. Reggie stares after him.

Ren asks how long since Aimee has been having private convos with Juan. He hasn't been spying, he's just noticed that she talks to Juan, but he doesn't talk back. Aimee tries to turn it around on him, but Ren won't hear it. "Why don't you trust me?" Aimee blames Renato for upsetting her and making her say things she doesn't mean. Renato says she's changed lately, despite his trying not to argue with her. He thought they'd share souls and know each other's thoughts just by looking in each other eyes. He really believed all those Hallmark commercials. Aimee mocks him. He reminds her she made promises when she married him. Aimee says if he's sick of her, she'll go live with her daddy! Ha, ha, ha. Sure, princess.

Maria del Rosario cries for her child. It drives Arcadio nuts. He's been hearing it for years. He rips off her veil and throws her around a bit. He says he's not going to punish her today, he's going to make her pretty and the more she yells, the prettier he'll make her. He starts cutting off locks of her hair. MdR keeps crying for Juan. Arcadio screams at her that JdD is just a figment of her imagination. MdR keeps crying and he just repeats everything she says and keeps cutting her hair.

Rod tells his troubles to Leo. Including that Juan Aldama is coming for a visit and he's going to look like a giant loser. Leo says this isn't the only bad thing that's going on…MdR's kid is back in their lives. "The Bastard has appeared!" Um, I thought the plan was to not kill Rod?

MdR's new crappy haircut is actually better than the old one. Arcadio tries to put the veil back on her, and she cries about it. He goes off laughing. MdR keeps crying to Juan de Dios to come back for her.

Rod asks who the bastard is and where. "At the finca. He's the administrator. And he calls himself Juan del Diablo." Leo calls him trash.

Juan lets Arcadio know that he's leaving. Arcadio figured he'd get sick of it and leave. Juan says it's not that he's sick of it, but he doesn't want to talk about it. He asks to see Arcadio's wife again, to say goodbye. Arcadio says she's a little sick right now and he can't afford treatment. Juan offers to give him money.

Rod asks how they know it's MdR's kid. Leo gives him another drink and tells him about the birthmark. Rod wonders if they can brush it off somehow, but Leo informs him that Noel and Clem both defend the guy. So far, all Renato knows is that this is the same Juan who showed up at the finca when he was a kid. Leo says Ren insists on having Juan as a friend, even if he's not the administrator. She's worried that Noel said he's not looking for money, but he's due half the finca. Rod says they'll never let that happen and they'll never recognize him as a member of the family. Rod is really concerned about Juan saying he doesn't want money. Leo doesn't think he's up to anything good, what with his name and his boat's name.

Juan talks to Arcadio about the weird special bond he has with his "wife." As if he's known her for a long time. He wants to help and protect her. Arcadio brings it back to money. He offers to go see if she's up to a visit.

Leo offers her help again, but Rod doesn't think she has much to offer him. Rod says she has his gratitude and admiration. Leo asks him to take care of himself. She leaves before she can throw herself at him for the umpteenth time. Rod thought bubbles that now he knows why he hated Juan from the moment he met him. He thinks the "del Diablo" is appropriate as he's sure Juan's parents are burning in hell.

MdR is all set up, cleaned up and in white. Juan says he'll just look for a little while and then leave. He asks Arcadio to take off the veil and Arcadio agrees. He leaves them alone together. Juan touches her face and wonders who she is and why he wants to help and protect her. He asks who she is. The drugs are keeping her under better than they did last time.

Grizzy catches Jimena daydreaming instead of earning some money. But instead of sending Jimena off to get some, she'd rather talk. Jimena's mom was so proud of being a gypsy, and she hopes Jimena is too. Gabe isn't the right guy for her. But Branco, on the other hand, is a gypsy like her. She hopes Branco and Jimena will get married soon.

Remi comes up to Juan with a little bundle. Juan tells him the casino won't close. Remi realizes he still has a shot with Malu. Juan asks him to give some of the money in the bundle to Arcadio. Juan says he's going to rip Aimee out of his chest, even if it hurts his heart. He goes into the house and runs into Leo. They stare at each other while the narrator blathers.

Reggie and Clem discuss Juan's departure. Aimee eavesdrops. Clem says one day Reggie will find out the story of Juan. In the meantime, Reggie is glad he's gone forever. Aimee narrowly avoids eating her fan.

Renato confronts Leo about her apparent hatred of Juan and asks what she's hiding. Leo says Juan has lied to them from the beginning, surely because he had bad intentions. And he probably uses that boat to go pirating. Renato suggests they give Juan a chance to prove himself by offering him a place to live at the finca, not as administrator, but as Renato's friend. Juan interrupts while Leo is trying to talk him out of it. Juan gives back the money he "owed" Renato from when they were kids. He starts to leave. Renato chases after him, saying it's not necessary. He asks if they can talk before Juan leaves and Juan grudgingly agrees. Juan begs Renato to let him leave, but Renato says he's the more stubborn of the two. He wants Juan around, he's not scared off by his attitude, and he feels like he understands him better than anyone else, almost as if they were family.

Aimee thought bubbles that she's about to lose Juan forever unless she does something. She figures she'll ask Daddy for her inheritance back and run away with Juan. Jajajajaja!

Renato says he doesn't know why he feels so close to Juan, but he didn't have friends as a kid. He didn't go to school, he just had tutors, and his mom wouldn't let him play with the peasant kids. Juan is surprised to hear it. He thought Renato was the happiest boy in the world, hardly having to lift a finger to get what he wanted. Renato asks him to be his collaborator, friend, and brother, the brother he never had. Awwwwwwwww. You guys!

Tomorrow: who knows.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Breathe in, breathe out.

Folks, I am so tired I am falling asleep over my keyboard. I'm leaving tomorrow for twelve days. Be good while I'm gone. I'm afraid this recap is not even understandable. If I get a chance in the morning I'll fix it. sorry!

Vicki Vicki Vicki

Since Rafa won't answer his phone, she is ringing every extension at Auto Siglo, making enemies as she goes. She grabs her voodoo effigy of Ale. After several tries, she eventually gets through even to Ale. How menacing she is! She promises herself vengeance. "Nobody takes my pajarito!" What is a chimoltrufia?

Auto Siglo

Beltran announces the restructuring of sales department. "Considering Ale's many credentials and experience, we need her, but we also need a man well-known to all - RAFAEL MEDINA!"

General astonishment. Marino, who had been expecting the crown, snaps his toothpick in half. Rafa stands tall while praised by Beltran, who explains: "Medina is not replacing Ale. There is a new job created for him, a 'commercial sales presidency.' You all will continue to report to Ale; she will report to him. They will work as a marvellous team."

Marina yells: who would hire this disastrous clown? "I quit" "OK, go ahead" says Beltran. Marino runs out; Ramirez runs out after him (after congratulating Rafa, who then gets happy welcomes from the team.)

Ale to Beltran: "Why did you do this to me? I'd rather be fired than work with him." "What's your problem? He's a great salesman and it was your mistake with Refri, not his! You're here because we need you - Dona Arcadia, Medina and me. He only accepted the job with condition that you not be fired. It's his doing that you still have your job.!"

Marino hyperventilates at his desk, it's a fullblown panic attack. Ramirez fans him and then runs to the meeting hall seeking water for his convulsed comrade. He takes a moment to beam at Rafa and kvell: "You were my student, I'm very proud of you!"

Claudia wants the back story; Rafa says it's Beltran who must provide the details." Rafa tells his former co-workers: "I won't torture you, I want us to be friends, professionals, a team." Claudia: "Will you get her office? Her door was locked in preparation for you..."

Beltran tells Ale: "He refused to take your job, he said it was mistake to fire you and that he wants to work with you." She softens a bit but insists she can't accept: "Things are more complicated than they seem. I have personal issues..."

Rafa comes in; Beltran explains: "She thinks you will take vengeance on her." Rafa: "Even though you were offensive towards me, you are the best worker in the team. There's nobody like you." Ale softens more. Ale is mad at Beltran for concealing such a surprise. He barks: "I don't have to reveal my strategies to you! This is not a democracy." "But you can't make me stay." "Are you getting hysterical about your office? I'll get you another one." Rafa says he doesn't care at all about having an office.

Beltran reminds Ale her resignation promised a MONTH of help. She says the current odd situation was not covered. She wants her stuff, but if he won't unlock the office, "You can mail me my things - or just give them to Medina!"

Rafa to Ale, in her (his) office: "I don't know why you hate me, " "Because of your gossiping! You told the world we slept together!" "I NEVER." "Everyone said you did, and nobody else knew." Then he brings up the embargoes of his house. She denies this. "Now you have amnesia! Remember? The police? In front of my family and my busienss." "You are inventing."

Eventually, mostly because all of a sudden her family is more in debt that they were yesterday (back taxes unpaid on their house), she says she'll stay for one month. She gives Rafa the keys to the office but he doesn't want them; they are tossed back and forth angrily. Ale goes to tell Beltran she'll comply and stay for a month. He: "Then begin working immediately on new strategies. You will share your commissions with Medina. You will also share your secretary Susana." "She is not a secretary, she's my assistant." "OK, so she's your assistant and Medina's secretary."

Beltran continues: she'll share her commissions with Rafa. She tells Medina this in a fury, he points out: "You didn't have a job or a salary until I got here." they have a funny argument about who's losing - and who is working to pay whom.

They agree to intensify the search for institutional clients, but that takes time - meanwhile, they'll have to depend on the sales team. They agree they have to get Marino to stay, but neither wants to talk to him.

The salesfolk are in full mockery. "A moment of silence in memory of Marino, fallen in battle. Get a last look at him before he's buried, he'll be the first cadaver of the new administration." He says he quit, and he'll start his own business. It's suggested he could go to Cloautos - after all with Rafa coming over here, there's an opening there.

Susana tells him to go talk to Rafa and Ale, but he says he'll only talk directly to Beltran. He in fact doesn't talk to but yells at Beltran, two salient points being: "(1) the job should have been mine; (2) they had a beach blanket romance. Beltran is disturbed to hear he is the last to know about the affair and he starts to think the whole partnership is a mistake. He dangles the future management role in front of Merino and says: "You should stay, and sell as never before. You want to please them all by leaving like a rabbit?" Marino agrees to stay under conditions that include flex-time and that he will in future report directly to Beltran.

Rafa hears the sad end of his replacement Zetina and immeditely thinks of Pepeto as a replacement.

Next Rafa goes to clear up the gossip. He asks Nelson/Dandy and Jimenez (who warns Rafa that VVV called and was nuts that he hadn't answered the call) to meet him in the conference room and asks them who started the horrible gossip. Eventually I believe Dandy admits it came through his romance with Susana. Rafa asks them to help prove he didn't do it. Jimenez: tell Rosaura and she'll broadcast it. Susana to Ale: "Nelso said it wasn't Rafi who gossipped about Puerta Vallarta."

Rafa does ask Rosaura where the gossip came from. After hyperventilation and denials, she admits she passed the story on - but without embellishment! - and that she'd heard it from Claudia.

Marco venting (hyperventilating) with Chavez about the taxes and that worm Medina. Chavez says: (1) There aren't many cows left to sell to cover your expenses; (2) the embargo on the hacienda has been lifted so I don't have access any more. Marco: "I will tell her it's Rafa or me!" "An ultimatum is not a measured response. Remember, without the marriage, you'll have nothing. My contacts can't help you, you just have to pay. And we can't sell more cows, do you know how many it would take? We're done milking this golden goose. And cows, they can't reproduce from morning till night... I suppose you could tell the truth, and then they can pull the money out of the property themselves and pay the taxes." He then suggests (I think) that they find some down-and-out guy to buy the foreclosed house and then sell it back to Marco at a lower cost. I think.

Phone! It's Claudia, downstairs - remember, she wriggled and breathed all over Rafa to get the afternoon off to go see a "client." Chavez wants to see her. Marco throws him out. Pulls her in. She: "Don't commit suicide - I'm here for what you need."

Jorge on phone to Ale: I forbid you to stay there with that delinquent who destroyed your life and ours. Quit immediately. She says they'll talk that night. Jorge: "I can't let her do this to Marcario..."

... Who is that very moment making out with Claudia. They fall into bed, but he jumps right up at seeing again that hallucination of Rafa and Ale on his same bed, in a close embrace. He panics, Claudia ministers to him in the kitchen, though reproachfully: "I thought you were a gladiator of love. But now (peeking), there's nothing." "I'm distracted." "I have a trick to wake the dead." Ale calls and Marco throws Claudia out. He goes nuts hearing Rafa's voice in the background

Papeta will get Zetina's job. Some guy comes to build a wall down the middle of Ale's office so Rafa can have half.

Ale tells Rafa she's leaving for the day, but he says, "It's barely seven. We have to prepare for a meeting tomorrow." Ale calls Marco back to say she'll be later than she thought but she swears she won't see Medina. "He ordered me to stay! We have a report due tomorrow."

Finally VVV reaches the Generala who won't give Vicki his extension. "He is busy behind closed doors with Alejandra." The others think this may get Rafa killed, Isabel doesn't care: "It's his problem if he has a baby for a girlfriend."

At or about the hacienda - and the house, which is now also owing back taxes

Rubi: riding, walking, eating pink stuff with Georgie. She tells him not to worry about the taxes on the house, that's his daughter's problem. "Your health is what I care about." "You are a strange nurse. Young and beautiful." She kisses him each time he says it. "Are you going to take me to the hacienda?" He really wants to.

Now, it's time for exercises. She'll be teaching him to pole dance next! He needs an icecream because looking up her skirt he's worked up quite a sweat.

Marco tells Rosario the house is getting embargoed now, for the back taxes. "It's too late to do anything except pay. There are hefty fines, interest, ... it's lots and lots of money." Neither wants Jorge to know. Where to get the money?

Rosario calls Ale about the taxes. Marco offered to pay so she won't be upset. "You've done enough."

Claudia calls Marco with this unwelcome news: "Your girlfriend didn't tell you? Sit down. Rafael Medina is back - as her boss." Marco hyperventilates.

Marco yelling at the olds. "She'll stay with him! I can't take any more, I quit!" He clarifies: he would never quit being lawyer representing the hacienda (heh, if they only knew), but he will no longer represent Ale in her suit against Medina. He hands the papers to Jorge...

... who looks through them for Rafa's address. Rubi finds it for him (in the papers regarding the law suit). Jorge's going after Rafa!


Corazon Salvaje 5/17/10 Rod is Ruined and Eloisa has a Plan

Episode 62

From last week:Â Replay of Madame Marlene being able to pay Fed and keep the Casino. Then Gabe stewing over Jimena and Juan trying to talk sense in to him. Then the scene with Noel and Juan, replaying the past, how Noel introduced him to the family and Renato wants Juan to stay, they will hunt and fish.
Noel is hurrying Leonarda away from Renato and Juan. Leonarda says Noel is crazy and accuses him of lying about who Juan is. Noel assures her he is not lying and she should know he tells the truth. She says the dude just wants the Montes De Oca’s money. Noel says no, he doesn’t want any money from the MDOs. Leonarda scoffs - he said that and you believe him?

Somewhere on the streets of the puerto, Rod overhears two caballeros talking about the falling price of wood, what a disaster it is. He looks a little perturbed, not sure if he is worried yet.

Renato continues to be overjoyed that he has found (or finally recognized) Juan De Dios San Roman MDO. He tells Juan he was his first and only childhood friend, you don’t know how happy I am that I found you! I never forgot you. Renato gushes to Juan, look at me as a friend, a confidant, I will help you with anything you need. Juan forces a smile and looks troubled.

Leonarda continuing her vehement denial. Noel tells her about the birthmark, he has the same mark as Maria Del Rosario. She doesn’t believe it. He says there is no doubt, it’s true, Clemencia recognized it, too. You’re going to believe that servant? She insists they have to protect the MDO’s reputation. They have enough scandal already. Things should stay the way that they are. It’s too late for that hombre to be part of our family. Noel tells her she is wrong, it’s never too late for justice. She tries another angle - this Juan has just arranged it so he appears to be Juan De Dios, Jr. He has set it up to get our money. Noel again repeats he doesn’t want one centavo. Leonarda gets pissy and says even if he did she wouldn’t allow it. That bastard lost all of his rights.

The chink in Rod’s considerable armor is beginning to open just a little as he sits in a café and again hears the guys talking about the disastrous fall in the price of wood, that anyone invested in it will be bankrupt. He says to himself “it’s just rumors, those imbeciles know nothing about business, imbeciles!”
Meanwhile Renato and Juan are still in their happy reunion. Renato is asking Juan all about his life. Juan replies, oh, I’ve been here and there. Renato says like the journey we were going to take? He assures Juan his mama’s bad behavior has had no effect on his feelings for Juan. He continues declaring friendship, loyalty. Finally, Juan has to deflate his balloon a little by telling him he doesn’t think it will work for him to the administrator. Ren is taken aback, porque? Juan tells him he has a boat - Ren - you have a boat, cool! Why didn’t you tell me? Are you a fisherman, a sailor? Among other things. There is a lot you don’t know about me. My companeros need me, I can’t abandon them to their luck.

We then go to those very Pescadores. Santos, Pedro and Eusebio are recounting their adventures with the island, the raft, throwing fruit at the sharks and Eusebio jumping in with them. Eusebio says Santos saved him. I think we start to hear Pedro’s story and then Gabe shows up. He tells them Juan will help them with whatever they need, new boats, they are overjoyed.

Back to Rod’s slowly sinking ship as he is approached in another café by 2 gentlemen who are none too happy with him. What he told them was catastrophic. He says don’t take that tone with me! He tries to insist it is just rumors, not true. They say it is true and shove some kind of document in his face.

Renato comes running into Leonarda like a little kid - guess what I found? She pretends not to know what he is talking about. It’s Juan, he was right here all the time and we didn’t know. Juan who? “Juan del Diablo” says Juan as he saunters in looking defiant. Leonarda is appalled, disgusted, especially when he says he has a boat called Luzbel. Too bad, lady, I’m here. After he leaves, she continues to act repulsed, scandalized - I don’t want that salvaje anywhere near us, besides he’s lying. When Renato tries to defend him, Leonarda looks like she is going to collapse, then begs Renato not to let that man near them. Major guilt trip again.

Fulgencio and Federico are trying to figure out where the hell Madame got the money to save the casino. Eloisa comes in on this conversation and Fulgencio starts coughing to change the subject. He agrees that Federico can take her somewhere, as he is the only man he trusts. Dun dun dun

Rod, looking more pale and frazzled by the minute, comes into Noel’s office and shows him the document. What does this mean? Noel basically says, I tried to tell you and you wouldn’t listen. Rod says, in conclusion? In conclusion, you are ruined! Rod looking muy impactado, he has to lean on the desk and collapses into the chair.

Gabe comes to visit Raul, it is odd for you to come visit, what gives? I am here on behalf of Juan Aldama, says Gabe and hands him some documents. Raul looks dumbfounded, it’s the proof of the fraud I perpetrated on the sociedad. But, is this true, I am paid up? Gabe assures him Juan took care of it and that is how he treats those who help him. Raul is eternally grateful. Then I think Gabe says, he’s coming soon and you can thank him in person.

Meanwhile at the finca, Aimee is being all sickly sweet, saying to Regina that she wants to make peace with her. Regina says we aren’t at war, anything I did was all for your own good. Aimee says you don’t know how grateful I am, you are my sister, I care about you. I want to help make you happy the way you have made me happy. Regina says she is happy, after a fashion. Then Aimee tells her she needs to wear more makeup. She tells her she is beautiful, but she needs more color in her cheeks and on her lips. She looks like she is ill. Reggie says she likes herself the way she is, thank you very much. Enter Clemencia during this happy sisterly moment. She is overjoyed to see the girls acting like sisters. She tells them how sad it makes her to see them fighting. Aimee tells her it’s all over now, they will be sisters like they always were, they love each other, nothing and nobody will separate them now. Dun Dun Dun

Rod is nearly staggering on one of the streets in town, he looks pale and sick, his hair is slightly mussed. He can’t believe he is ruined, it is just a bad dream and he will wake up! Then jeweler guy comes up wanting him to pay for Regina‘s ring right now. He has his own bills to pay. Rod is offended, he’s never broken his word, how could jeweler guy think such a thing.

Gabe is thinking of Jimena, seeing her again in the magical pool, looking lustful and disturbed. Then remembering Branko telling him to leave Jimena alone. Gabe says to himself, why did I leave? What an idiot! How stupid could I be. He must go right this minute and clear this situation up.

Branco and Jimena are apparently still walking away from the magical pool but she has put her clothes on. Why did you separate Gabriel and I that way? You love him but he will never love you, you’re different classes, that’s just the way it is. A blanco will never love a gypsy. I loved a blanca once and when I told her I loved her, she made fun of me. This is my chance to show you I love you, he touches her face affectionately, but Jimena pulls away. Hard for me to understand, he is so cute.

Back to Pescadores, all happy, then Juan rushes in looking upset - they ask him what is wrong. Noel recognized me, he knows my secret, he struggles to say it, that I am the son of Maria Del Rosario!

Eloisa and Fed are strolling in town. She is jealous that Fed is going to marry Regina. She says if he is just marrying her for money, she has a lot more. And what about your husband? He doesn’t go out, is weak, can’t defend himself. Are you suggesting we kill him? No, que barbadad. But we could find someone else who would do it. Wait a while, and then we can get married. In any case, I promised Regina I would marry her, and I am not going to change that. Do you want to be happy with Regi, or immensely rich with me? Rod comes up and interrupts them, asking Federico for the money to pay for Regina’s ring. He says he will. Eloisa is suspicious that something is up with Rod.

Rod talking to himself, everyone already knows he is bankrupt, but he will show them, they will see how he recovers! Nothing and nobody ruins Rodrigo Montes de Oca!
Leonarda bursts in to Noel’s office. I came to tell you I will never accept this bastard into my family! (Again?) How absurd you are Leonarda, you keep coming up with pretexts for not accepting reality. You have to accept it he is your nephew, he is your family. I don’t have to and you can’t make me. Noel shows her the document dividing the estate between her and Maria del Rosario, pointing out that now it has to be divided between Juan and Renato. She wants to know if Rod knows who that bastard Juan is? Noel says, no, but this is not the best time to tell him. He has already had some devastating news. Leonarda wants to know, of course. Noel reveals that Rod is bankrupt, ruined. Leonarda is muy impactada.

Rod is telling Federico he is ruined, and Federico can’t believe it. Rod tries to sell him on the idea of helping him out now because when things get righted he will have a father-in-law who is always on his side. Federico looks unsure, What do you say, hijo, can I count on you?

Branco is playing the guitar ( the one chord he knows over and over) and singing slightly off- key to Jimena. She says what a beautiful poem, and he says not as beautiful as you! Gabriel is watching from a distance with murder in his eyes.
No previews on my Univision. This is the first time I’ve done this - please correct anything misinterpreted or left out!



Monday, May 17, 2010

Dinero Monday May 17, 2010 Drink Up And Party Down, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Quite an episode tonight. Party was a bit grim until the Hare Krishnas got there (never thought I'd be writing THAT in a sentence) but all is well with Susana and Dandy now. They're in a blissful alternate universe. Everybody else is still circling their respective drains, but the evening ends with Rafa arriving and Alejandra freezing. And Marino? He's gotta be choking but we don't get to see that until tomorrow.

So how did we get to this dramatic final confrontation? Marcos, put wise by relationship counselor Chavez, has changed his mind and has offered to go with Alejandra to the party. She still wants Susana to come along as well.

Random scene. Sketchy guy at the cantina putting the moves on the romantic but gullible owner. Moving on. Back to to Auto Siglos where a bereft Dandy has his head on the desk, disconsolately waving an incense stick.

Now on to the party which is not starting well. Bebe arrives with his wife. Then Rosaura, with her husband Gabriel who appears to have a giant pole up his nether regions, swans in. And it only gets worse. Now Claudia enters with a random galan who has his eye on her hindquarters the entire time. A lot of kvetching from Gabriel about the absence of whiskey. He can't be expected to drink cheap tequila or rum. That's for po' folks. Ramiro Ay Dios Mio! is bullied into paying for 12 year old whisky with the money for his kids' school tuition. When he's not being pushed around by the guests, his wife is yelling at him from the bedroom. Truly painful.

Almost as painful a scene at Rafa's house. His family, plus Jaime, just can't understand why he'd go back to Auto Siglo and that woman who treated him so badly. He explains how Doña Arcadio, with a presence like the Queen of England, persuaded him to come back...and not only with more money but a promotion! What's not to like? Fine. But screw up your courage to break the news to Vicky!

Our dismal party goes from bad to worse. Marion arrives and it's time for the group to make insinuations about his bromance with Ramirez. The "general," complete with camoflage cap, has brought an exotic looking Cuban poet, puts on some music, and even Bebe's wife starts to shake and bake a little. But all that does is get more yelling from Señora Ramirez whose only duty as hostess is to scream at her husband from the bedroom. Now even a downstairs neighbor is complaining.

If you think it gets better when Alejandra, Marcos and Susana arrive....think again. Only plus is now Gabriel has someone of "his altura" ( standing) to converse with. He and Marcos start comparing family trees, business acquaintances, and general BS about their investments etc. The General isn't fooled and knows those guys don't have a dime to their snooty names. The poet starts spouting verse. In other words, the party's a complete dud.

Back at Rafa's....equally dirge-like. Vicky has arrived, pounding on the door Gestapo style as usual. Now she's hellbent on taking a photo of Rafa with his sales trophy. And only in the bedroom, mind you. And only on the bed, with the trophy in between her and Rafa, and with a little besito thrown in for good measure. Take that Alejandra! Rafa drops his bomb. No need for a photo. He's going back to Auto Siglo. Just kill me now!

After the ad, Vicky is "decompensating". Talking about herself in the third person. Vicky didn't hear right. Vicky is upset. Vicky is confused. (VICKY VICKY VICKY IS CRAZY, VERDAD?)

Well, heck, let's mosey back to the party. Ramiro makes a gentle attempt to reconcile Susana to Dandy with no success. But then Bebe steps in. There's a guy she can trust. So she listens. Meanwhile, the party is dying on the vine. Ramiro is sent out for more whisky and effectively loses the rest of his kids' tuition money. Claudia has left with the first beau, done God knows what, and returned with a second beau, looking fresh as a daisy. The poet is in full throttle now, spouting Blood, Blood, Fluids, Blood, Modesty, Death Rattle, Blood, Blood, BLOOD!!!! Okay, great way to liven up the evening. More bitching from Señora Ramiro and who can blame her?

Miss Vicky's not happy either. Rafa is talking a mile a minute, reminding her of all the awful things Alejandra has done to him. So why is she worried? Well she is. And she'll just have to kill herself I guess. Prepare to see the Cadaver of Vicky. She makes a grand exit but alas, we know she'll be back.

Gabriel would like to exit also. He has a big day tomorrow taking the kids to work while his wife earns a pittance at Auto Siglo. Marcos is likewise ready to vamoose. He and Alejandra bicker a bit about Rafa. She says he's always been forthright about paying back the debt; Marcos claims he's tried to weasel out of it and that's why Marcos been tracking him down. And while we're on the subject, why not take some time off before looking for more work? And in a different area...forget this car business.

Similar arguments at Rafa's house. His group is nagging him about Alejandra's shabby treatment and encouraging him to treat her with contempt when he's back at Auto Siglo and on top of things. Dang! you mean we're not going to have love in bloom right away? Give us just a little sugar please. It's been a long dry spell since Puerto Vallarta.

Okay! The party's cooking now. Doorbell rings (shrieks from Señora Ramiro) and in wafts Dandy, holding a Hindu statuette and surrounded by exuberant Hare Krishnas. The chanting is contagious. Everybody's into it and Dandy has a great head bob going. Susana is smiling and weeping, and glowing and basking and it's just a delightful scene. Best of the evening. They hold hands while the rest of the folk dance under their arms and chant like crazy. Everybody's having a blast but Gabriel (what next!? a Buddha!) and Señora Ramiro. Douse that wretched music (which Nelson describes as Mariachis from for me.) Now Dandy's down on his knees asking forgiveness. Marino is shrieking at him to never kneel before a woman but our Auto Siglo bully is invisible and inaudible.

Only two people exist. Susana and Nelson. In their own blissful world. Naught else matters. Let's just abide here a moment and enjoy this. 'Cause not much else is fun in this party. They kiss. Little ones. Tender ones. And then to cries of Beso Beso Beso, they really kiss. Deep ones. Thorough ones. Passionate ones. Ay yi yi. The camera pans now to Alejandra's face, pained, nostalgic and lonely, remembering her own impassioned kisses on the beach.

In the midst of this, a very drunken Rosauro is dragged off by her husband. Lip curl by the General. So this is marriage...being dragged off by the ear by a spouse!? But Claudia counsels Susana to hang on to that veil once she gets it in her hands. Does Susana hear any of this? Heck no. She's still in her blissful alternate universe and Dandy is right there with her. Sweet scene.

Jealous scene at their elbows though. Marino is aghast at the time Ramirez is spending talking book publishing with the Cuban poet. It's another version of the business BS that Marcos and Gabriel were spouting. Silence falls as Alejandra Alvarez del Castillo is about to say farewell. Poet is entranced. Decides the best goodbye would be a poem from him. From his er..erotic period. And so we begin.... Anxious lips are running over her generous thighs and beautiful breasts. A volcano of desire erupting!, it's Marcos erupting! All over the poet and them some. Blows, pummeling, shrieks, cries of "Sexual Maniac." Hey, this party's picking up.

Not really. The guests all depart suddenly...leaving poor Ramiro to pick up the mess, ignore his wife's nagging, worry about all the tuition money he spent on the whisky and vow to never, never, ever, throw a party again.

Marcos and Alejandra arrive home. They discuss the scene at the party and she reminds him that if their relationship is going to work, they have to forget the ghosts of the past (think Medina) and certainly that drunken poet. She gives him the keys to the car and several affectionate kisses. But as soon as he's out the door, she admits to herself that the kisses were forced and without feeling. Forget 'im, Alejandra.

Next morning. A sunny Jorge, fetching Rubi and glum Rosario are all at the breakfast table. Marcos is enlisting their help is steering Ale away from future work in the car business. They promise to support him. Heck, Jorge will take care of that delinquent Medina if he ever bothers her again. Ale appears in a sharp looking low-cut gray dress (not a patch on Rubi's low-cut outfit...but still) . She's looking good for her last day at Auto Siglos. They seem to be heading off to work.

Where Rafa would like to be. If he could just fend off Vicky. Our bipolar babe is now armed with a baseball bat. She wants Rafa to club her to death and put her out of her misery. Julieta looks like she might be willing to help. Jaime too. Well, Rafa has a choice. He can take the photo of the trophy and wave it in Ale's face; or beat Vicky to death. Hmmm. Tough choice.

Whoops. Marcos and Ale haven't left yet. The mail arrives and there's a legal letter concerning the tax debt on the house. It hasn't been paid in years. Doesn't Marcos handle that? Nosireee. Just the hacienda. Jorge? Sure, I paid it. In 1947. Or was it '53? No, '58. Is there a problem? he adds, clutching his heart. Noooooo, wheezes Mrcos. I'll check on it. Fine. Jorge heads off for a stroll around the neighborhood park with Miss Rubi (cue a sour look from Rosario) and Marcos and Ale finally leave for work.

It's the usual chaos in the salesroom. Ramirez is working on Marino's acceptance speech. (He spent the night at Marino's since he left his keys at home and didn't dare wake up his mom). An anxious Ramiro is trying to get his whisky money back but all he gets is a face full of saliva from Marino. Rosaura is another letdown. With her terrible hangover, she completely forgot to bring poor Ramiro the money.

Suddenly the room brightens. Susana floats in. Dandy has brought her a basket full of sweet exotic fruit (like you, my love!) for her lunch. Blissful yearning looks, memories of sweet kisses, dreams of more to come. Hubba hubba.

Mood darkens when Alejandra arrives and finds her office locked. She's not going to put up with this third-rate humiliating treatment! And what will she do, where will she stand when she enters the room of the salespeople? No! this is unbearable!

Marino makes his way toward the assembly room, the way clearing for him like the parting of the Red Sea. Royal music in the background. Gloating toothpick chewing schlump! Can't wait to see him get his comeuppance.

Alejandra stands hesitantly in the back of the room. But Beltran motions to her to come forward to her usual spot at the front. And begins his ponderous speech about restructuring the department, taking into account the advice of the sales staff (GRACIAS crows Ramirez), bringing on board someone with experience, not necessarily a degree, a colleague (Marino is practically having an orgasm at this point), someone you all know, and now we have him with us again......el señor Rafael Medina.

Ale: stunned look
Rafa: grim look
Marino: dang! we don't get to see his face. But we'll look forward to it tomorrow night.

More tantrums by Vicky. Sigh.


1. zas! -smack! boom! just like that!
1. trapear el piso conmigo = wipe the floor with me (something Rafa's not going to let Ale do anymore
3. ligotes de oro = gold ingots (what Ramiro doesn't have)
4. una cuba bien sudada = (I'm guessing here.. cuba means flask but in this case, partygoer seemed to be talking about a frosty glass or frosty mug of something
5. hacer acto de presencia = put in an appearance (what Gabriel deigned to do at the party)
6. no tener en que caerse muertos = to not have a pot to piss in, to be broke
7. la persona indicada = the right person (usually said in the negative)
8. gremio =profession, trade, (Marcos wants Ale to change her field of work)
9. los pelones no chupan? (Ramiro asking if the Hare Krishnas (bald guys) don't drink)
10. tequila raposito = shabby, cheap tequila
11. echarse flores = pay compliments (Jorge with Rubi)
12. me cuesta trabajo darle besos (Ale musing that it's "work" to try and kiss Marcos)
13. garrotazos = blows with a club (what Vicky wants Rafa to give her. yeah...right)
14. matadero = slaughterhouse (Vicky warming to her violent subject)
15. estertor = death rattle (remember that wretched poem?)

Dicho of the Day (I stole this dicho from Kat's Mujeres recap this week)

Agua que no has de beber, déjala correr. Let it go. (What Vicky will never do!)


El Clon 64, Mon., May 17- Lucas takes the high road; Enrique takes a nap; Said takes a second wife and Nati takes Alej to meet mommy

We open with the dramatic scene: Enrique is on the floor unconscious or dead; everyone is standing around in shock. Jade has Ali's servant, Achmed, who will play an important role later, go for a doctor. Said remarks to Abdul that Lucas told him that Enrique had not been well. Zoraida kneels down next to Lucas and says,
Huye, Lucas, huye de aquí. ('Huye' is the imperative of 'huir' meaning 'to flee.')
Get away, Lucas, get away from here. Lucas replies that he can't leave Enrique. Ali determines that Enrique is alive. They take him upstairs.

Dora suggests to Osvaldo that they get married before Daniel returns. That way Osvaldo will be established in the house when Daniel comes home. Osvaldo is fine with that until Dora wants him to pony up some money for a wedding reception/party. He tells her that he is in debt and they should postpone the party. Dora agrees but tells him not to keep her waiting too long.

The Naz comes into the bar and Osvaldo tells Dora that he needs to be alone with her ahora mismo (right now). The Naz says to herself that she won't let Osvaldo leave her así nomás (just like that). At the very least, she will be his second wife.

The doctor says that Enrique is going to be ok.
Le cayó mal algo que bebió.
Something he drank didn't agree with him (literally, didn't like him), says Ali. Lucas asks if he could have drunk some alcohol and Ali replies that his religion prohibits the taking of alcohol so it isn't served in his house. Enrique can sleep whatever it was off at Ali's house and Lucas can return to his hotel. It's too bad that Enrique's brain is not available because Lucas' brain is definitely not working. Zoraida warns him again to leave by the kitchen door without anyone seeing him and Lucas doesn't pay any attention. He goes right back down to the sala where Said says that his men will escort Lucas back to his hotel. The extremely ominous music plays.
Lucas, que llegues con bien a tu destino.
Lucas, may you arrive safely at your destination, says Said. This has to be a double entendre: 'destino' means both 'destination' and 'destiny or fate'. Lucas leaves followed by a gaggle of Said's men. At the last moment, Jade sends Achmed after them telling him not to let anything bad happen to Lucas.

Said drags Jade off and tells her to cry out in fear for her lover in front of her family making them the four witnesses. [I guess that was Said's plan. He was going to drug Lucas and hope that Jade would betray herself in front of everyone. It probably would have worked, too.]

The exciting adventure of Lucas in the medina (I have compressed the various scenes)-
Even the dimwitted Lucas finally realizes that his escort is out to get him. He climbs up to the roofs and proceeds to jump from roof to roof. Unfortunately, he misses once and falls to the ground injured. The evil guys are moving in for the kill when Achmed appears and shoos them off.

Clara tells Carolina about Alicia putting the moves on Escobar. Carolina suggests that Clara invite Alicia to dinner.
Al enemigo hay que sentarlo en la misma mesa, para saber cómo come.
You have to sit down at the same table with your enemy to know how he eats.
Carolina says that she'll come to the dinner also to help out. Clara agrees.
Así la podemos ahuyentar más facil.
That way, we can drive her away (this verb is from the same root as 'huir' above) more easily, she says. Carolina is concerned that she hasn't heard from Enrique.

Jade is concerned that neither Achmed nor Said's men have returned. She wants Zoraida to call the hotel. Ali comes in and says that he is glad that everything turned out ok. Jade and Zoraida don't agree. Zoraida tells him that she saw Said put something in Lucas' glass. But it turns out that she didn't really see it. She believed that was what he was doing. Ali thinks that because Jade and Zoraida believed that Said was going to harm Lucas, they were predisposed to see things that didn't really happen. When Jade expresses concern about Said's men escorting Lucas, Ali says that Said wouldn't harm Lucas in Ali's house and that protection extends to the streets that connect to his house.

Said tells Ali that he is taking a second wife. Ali says that he won't oppose it. Ali tells Abdul that his lack of enthusiasm about Said taking a second wife is because he believes no man should have more than one wife.

Zoraida reports that Lucas has not returned to the hotel. Ali finds Jade and Zoraida hanging around the front door and tells Jade that it isn't good for a woman to show affection for a man who isn't her husband.

Said tells Jade to go to bed. She reminds him that he was going to give her his decision about her fate after dinner. Said tells her again to go to bed. Then he calls Marisa. He tells her that he wants to meet her and get to know her better when he returns to Miami.
Cayó el arabe.
The Arab has fallen, says Marisa.
Lo voy a hacer sufrir como él me ha hecho sufrir a mí.
I'm going to make him suffer the way he made me suffer, says Said.
[Probably not since Lucas couldn't care less about who Marisa sleeps with.]

Marisa stops in to see Nati. Nati says that Marisa looks risueña, alegre, contenta (smiling, happy, content) [like a cat that has just killed something]. Nati asks if Marisa has heard from Lucas. She says that he is probably in Morocco. Nati asks if they will separate. Marisa replies that she doesn't think she will ever make Lucas a free man. She asks about Nati's boyfriend. She compliments Nati on her appearance. Nati replies that her boyfriend doesn't care about her makeup. Marisa tells her that it's never that way in the beginning but later he will compare her to other women and it's better if she makes an effort to be pretty. Nati suggests inviting him to dinner the next day. Marisa is agreeable.

Achmed returns to Ali's house and announces that Lucas is in the hospital.

It's the next morning. Ali tells Jade that he can't understand how Lucas ended up falling off a roof. Jade suggests that Said's men beat him up and made it look like he fell off a roof. Ali replies that the doctors can tell the difference between injuries caused by a beating and by a fall. Ali goes on to say that whatever happened it was Jade's fault for trying to change her destiny. Zoraida reports that Said went out with Jadiyah.

Said is out meeting the father of his proposed second wife.

Ali tells Jade that Said is going to marry again. Jade replies that she hopes that Said falls in love with the woman and that he will finally give her a divorce. Ali says that Said might give her a divorce but he won't give her Jadiyah. Jade doesn't seem to have even the Wikipedia level of knowledge about family law in Muslim countries. She says that Jadiyah isn't a baby. She can choose where she wants to live. Ali replies that Jadiyah is part of Said's family now and Jade has no rights over her. Jade announces defiantly that she won't let anyone take Jadiyah from her and stalks off. Ali says that he hopes Allah will help her because he won't be able to.

[This is what makes Jade such an unsympathetic character to me. Not only does she not think about the legal consequences of her actions, she doesn't appear to care about what Jadiyah is going to feel about this. It's always only about her great undying love for Lucas!!! Rant over.]

Enrique wakes up and has no idea what happened or where he is.

The news about Lucas' accident reaches Miami but Leo hasn't arrived at work. Carolina decides to call Roberto to give Leo the news.

Nati and Andrea are working out the guest list for the dinner party. The deluded duo who think that this is going to go well decide to have Andrea and Fernando in addition to Nati's family and Alej. Nati says that they should have Alej bring a friend
para que no se sienta contra el paredón
so that he doesn't feel like he is in front of a firing squad (literally, in front of a thick wall). Andrea asks Nati whether she should tell her mother Alej's identity beforehand. Nati says no. If she did that Marisa would cancel everything. This way it will be a surprise and neither Marisa and Leo can be bad mannered (maleducado) [really??], they will talk to Alej and find out what a nice guy he is. Rosa comes in to get the guest count and observes that she has never taken a phone call for Nati from the mysterious boyfriend. Nati replies that he texts and calls her on her cell. [Hellooo! I don't think teenagers know how to use land lines.]

Nati tells Alej that tonight is his official presentation in her house. He is dubious and suggests that they wait. Nati wants to get it over with so that they don't have to hide any more. She suggests that Alej bring a friend.

Alej tells Pablo that he can't let him down. He doesn't want to go to that house feeling like a fish out of water (una mosca en leche, literally, a fly in milk). Pablo agrees to go.

Gloria is concerned about the relationship. She is afraid that Alej will lose his job. Alej says that he appreciates her support but he is an adult and he loves Natalia and won't let his family interfere with his personal life.

Ali fills Enrique in on what happened with Lucas. Enrique tells Ali that he doesn't know what happened to him. Ali ask if Enrique brought alcohol into his house. Enrique denies it but Ali seems to have made up his mind about what happened to him. Said returns and tells Jade that he has contracted to take a second wife and they will marry at the end of the month. Ali asks if Jade approves and she gives her consent.

[I am not even going to waste my time describing yet another Cristina/Leo/other woman encounter. Suffice to say that the reason no one can reach Leo when his other son is in trouble is that he is with a woman.]

Likewise, when Mohamed gets the news about Said's second marriage, Latifa is upset and once again makes Mohamed swear that he will never take a second wife.

Nazira also has a predictable reaction- She tells Amin and Zamira that her brothers can marry as many times as they like but poor Nazira has to stay single. She vows that they will pay with interest (con creces, from crecer, to grow) for what they did to her. She goes outside, summons Ramoncito and gives him a note to bring to Dora.

May peace be with you, good woman. I want to talk about our Osvaldo. 'Our Osvaldo?' says Dora, confused.

Karla tries to make nice with Alej but he isn't interested and has to go to his dinner.

The big moment arrives. Nati comes in with Pablo and Alej. Marisa heads straight for Pablo and introduces herself. Nati says that her boyfriend is Alej, not Pablo. Marisa is impactada and not in a good way. I guess Leo is still calling AAA about his flat tires because he doesn't seem to be there.


Mon 5/17/ 10 Livin' la Vida Gancho

Good morning Ganchodores. Club Gancho is once again open for comments, reminiscences, and frivolity. Here's a playful picture of Ximena, just one of the many attractions of our happy little show.

Yesterday was Bonnie Belle's birthday.
She celebrated it quietly with a few close friends.

I hope all of you are now getting to enjoy the Spring at last. It is glorious here in Texas. Everything is blooming and the really hot days have yet to arrive, though there are already hints of Summer in the air.

Finally, a shot of downtown Isla Mujeres... nightlife.

Sit down, have a shot of Tequila, and relax a bit.



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